#The Shady Lad Writes
Great-x Grandparents
@syntheticspades @vio-starzz
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He had married Link two days ago. Banners and streams were still all around Ordon, green and red. He asked what the green was for, Link shook his shoulders so much he thought his head would pop off.
The smile on Link’s was like a miasma. He didn’t hear the words spewing from his lips. The only thing he took away was, “green good” and he couldn’t agree more.
Then there was the actual wedding. Even if Shad had one hundred hands, he still wouldn’t be able to count how many kisses he received from Link and Uli alone. It seemed that kisses were regular in Ordon. Forehead, nose, the back of the hand, cheek.
It was a beautiful scene, especially with Colin’s master flower throwing. He remembered when Link said that the boy should be their flower girl. Shad laughed and asked if Colin would like that. They wrote a letter and sent it off. A letter came back a week later. No name, just an address.
The two didn’t expect to see the boy in a dress at the reception. It made Shad have to cover his face because of how red it got.
The only thing better than being told “you may kiss the groom” was the dance. Link had forgotten all about the dance. Shad hadn’t, though he knew Link had two left feet.
Their dance was sloppy, noticeably unpracticed, but it was perfect. Link laid his head on Shad’s shoulder, his cheeks an obvious rose red. Shad laughed with every misstep.
“When’ll this be over?” Link whined, picking his head up to give Shad his puppy eyes. He yelped as Shad dipped him.
Shad picked him back up and everyone cheered with a smile. “It’s over now,” Shad said, picking Link’s hand up to his lips.
“I’m gonna bite you,” Link laughed. Shad saw someone waving him over.
“Love, that’s what tonight is for.” Shad let go of Link’s hand and left him speechless.
That night…he felt as if he shouldn’t think about it this late at night. But then again, we were walking in a dark forest. But then again, he was walking in a dark forest because of…memories like that. One thing that he knew, Link sure did bite.
Shad took a deep breath, taking in the air of Faron woods. They had decided to stay in Ordon for a few days before they waddled back into Castle Town.
Shad swayed to the imaginary song that played in his head. Definitely the one Link played the second Shad gave him his wedding gift, a guitar. Then something caught his eye. Something bright. He turned his head and was met with a spectacle like nothing he’d seen before.
A wolf. A golden wolf. A golden wolf with a single red eye. Shad tensed. He never thought this day would come.
Asking for Rusl and Uli’s blessing was hard enough. Now, imagine getting judged by your fian-…husband’s great-x grandfather in the form of a wolf. Who, by the way, could tear you to shreds with how big he was.
Yes, Shad knew. Link had told him practically everything about his adventure. Then, of course, there were the parts that he’d seen with his own eyes.
Link had told him about this wolf. This wolf that turned into something akin to a stalfos. This wolf that taught like so much of what he knows now. This wolf, the Hero of Time.
So, that’s another thing. Imagine getting judged by your husband’s great-x grandfather in the form of a wolf who used to be a well known general in the Hyrulian army. If he didn’t approve, he couldn’t tell Shad, but he could kill him pretty easily.
“A pleasure to meet you, great-“ Shad had already forgotten how many greats there were, “-grandfather-in-law.” Shad waved slightly.
The wolf stalked forward and Shad gulped. The wolf circled Shad, sniffing at him, clawing at his pants on occasion.
The wolf stopped somewhere on his leg. Shad looked down to see what the beast had found and he felt his body go rigid. It was the only bite mark from their wedding night where Link had bit down too hard, causing blood.
The wolf’s head picked up, its one eye looking Shad dead on. Shad held his breath, praying for this spirit to be merciful. Then the wolf’s ears perked up, its head snapping in the opposite direction of Shad.
There, running toward them was a small red ferret. It made squeaky noises as it ran at them. The wolf stepped back, making a path for the ferret.
Shad, excepting his fate, knelt down and feld his hands out. The ruby ferret crashed into his arms.
Shad lifted the ferret, but kept it arms length. “Hi little guy!”
The wolf let out a low rumble.
Shad nodded. “Girl, noted.” The ferret’s head turned and squeaked at the wolf. The wolf’s head fell.
Shad laughed. “Link hasn’t told me about you Miss. Who may you be?” Both animals looked at him, the silence carrying for a few seconds. Every second, Shad felt dumber and dumber. “Right, animal spirits.”
The ruby ferret escaped from his hands and ran into his hair. The ferret made another sound, this definitely not squeaking. It was almost like it was trying to scream but stopped every half second.
The wolf huffed and shook its head. Then its ears went up again. The ferret stopped playing in Shad’s hair.
Shad’s breath caught in his throat. I mean, of course he wasn’t scared of Link. No matter how good he was with a sword, he was his husband.
“Link?” He called back, picking the ferret off of his head. She wriggled in his hands. Shad soon put her down.
“You coo coo son of a bitch, why are you out, at night, in the woods?!” He breached the trees into Shad’s sight. He engulfed Shad into his arms, and without a second of hesitation, Shad hugged him back.
“Something just told me to come out here. Seems there’s a name to that something…?” Link let Shad go and looked at him with an obvious question on his mind, what the hell are you talking about?
Link turned around after feeling a nudge at his heel. He dropped to his knees almost immediately, hugging the wolf and, by the looks of the wolf’s posture, strangling it.
The ferret hopped around, definitely excited, and Shad really started to wonder who this ferret was.
What tie did she have to the wolf? Then Shad saw it, something so glaringly obvious that he should've seen before.
Around the ferret's arm was a ring. The moonlight gave it a beautiful shine. While examining the wolf that Link had finally let go of, it was like an earring, but far shinier than he had ever seen.
“You’re…married?” Shad whispered.
Link’s ears twitched and he stood. “Yep! Shad,” Link motioned to the animal spirits, “great great great great great…great grandparents. Great great great great great grandparents, Shad.” He motioned to Shad.
“Five greats, I thought it was seven…?”
“It probably is.”
“Hello great great great great great grandparents-in-law.” Shad waved.
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birb-boyo · 11 months
Twenty rupees is twenty rupees…
I honestly don’t know where this idea came from. It just happened spontaneously so now it exists. Have fun :3
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The fire danced in the center as they all were in different conversations. Some just talking to themselves, others talking to other heroes. But Time, he was reading a letter sent from his lover.
It was shorter than most of them. Only three paragraphs long. Time sighed and shrugged in response to the last paragraph as if Malon could see it.
“Well, twenty rupees is twenty rupees.”
In less than ten seconds, all eight heads were facing the Old Man. He looked among them with furrowed brows.
“What?” Time asked, folding up the letter he just read.
Wind dashed to his side and tried to yank the letter out of his hand. Key word: Tried.
Time stood up and looked at Wind with his trademark disappointed face. “What are you doing?!”
“With all due respect Old Man, what did you mean by “twenty rupees is twenty rupees?” The Rancher asked with a slight smile on his face.
“I meant exactly what I said. Twenty rupees is twenty rupees.”
“But what’s the context? Maybe we’re all just wrong in the head…?” The Captain looked among his brothers then to Time.
“Why must I provide context?” Time asked, tucking his letter away.
“I have no idea why we’re all surprised. I mean, think about it. Look at Four, in love with his shadow. Literally.” Wild spoke, emerging from a tree above. Legend looked at Wild with a confused look, but shook it off a second later.
Four nodded with a shrug in response.
“To be honest, I have a feeling that only the Traveler and Sailor haven't done that for rupees.” The Veteran said, a large grin on his face.
“You’re not wrong, but it’s not like I haven’t thought of it…” Hyrule said.
“Are we making this a challenge now?” Wind asked.
“No.” Warriors nearly yelled. Everyone fell into a fit of giggles and laughter. Meanwhile, Time just stood there, confused out of his mind.
“How are you all taking this, because I am either buffering in the mind, or you all make no sense.” Time spoke, this time using his assertive voice.
“It’s adorable actually! I remember that you said that you and Malon didn’t really had a wedding! So you two finally decided to get a ceremony? That’s awesome for you!” Everyone’s head turned to Sky. Silence filled their camp. Sky had a bright smile and was shuffling his hands around in the grass, looking for flowers.
“…What?” The Rancher spoke.
“They’re going to have a wedding, Rancher!”
Warriors looked at Wind who shrugged, then to Time, then back to Sky. “Sky…what are you talking about? He said “twenty rupees is twenty rupees” what did you think he said?”
“I heard him! Twenty rupees is twenty rupees means that someone is getting married but since the Old Man is already married, it would mean that he’s getting a ceremony!”
“No…it means-“ Warriors put his hand on Wind's mouth.
“I have a feeling that the phrase changed meaning over time.” Warriors looked at Legend first. “What does it mean to you?”
Legend’s leg bounced as he spoke. “Well, there was a tale about a boy who was paid twenty rupees to kill a dragon and-“
“I’ve killed a dragon!” Hyrule announced. “I thought you meant something else…”
Warriors turned to Twilight. “What does that mean to you?”
Twilight tapped on his thigh nervously. “I’ve never done it. I swear.”
“Bullshit!” Wild shouted. “You’ve kissed a guy for twenty rupees!”
“I told you that out of confidence!”
“Wasn’t his name like…Shade or something?”
Time stood idle on the other side of everybody, a deadpan look on his face.
“Well…it means a little more than kissing, where I’m from,” Wind nodded with Warrior’s still covering his mouth as Warriors spoke.
“So…” Everyone’s eyes were back on Time. The faces that were once playful and full of laughter, now were brights reds. “You-“ he pointed to the Veteran, “thought that I was going to fight a dragon. And you-“ Time used two fingers to point at Twilight and Wild. “thought that was going to kiss a man, even though I am currently married. And you two,” he pointed to Warriors and Wind, who both looked away, “thought that I was going to- what?- make out with a man?”
“Worse.” Wind mumbled. Warriors punched his shoulder.
Time sighed and sat down. He couldn’t help the laughter that escaped his lips. “Goddesses, you all…” his cackling only got louder. “You are all impossible!”
Soon, everyone was laughing around the fire. Some pat someone else’s back, some slapped at their knees. Time leaned back far enough to fall off of the log he sat on. Everyone else only got louder. Some even cursed through their tears. Some even said that they couldn’t breathe.
None realized that Time himself had stopped laughing. He looked up at the sky from his laying position and smiled.
Idiots. All of them, He thought, but he couldn’t help the next thought that came. But they are my idiots…
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may-i-be-eternal · 11 months
Intro post
Hi! I’m Shade! I go by He/Him or They/Them. Either are fine.
I’m not really new to Tumblr, I’m just using another gmail🙃
My main account is @skyward-shade
I’ll post about a variety of fandoms on here. Those include:
The Magnus Archives
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Heroes of Olympus
Trials of Apollo
The Sun and the Star
There are some other things that I can’t think of right now.
Rants will be tagged #Screams from the Shade
Shorter posts will be tagged #Shade Speaks
Asks will be tagged #Shanswers
Writing will be tagged #the Shady Lad writes
Pretty simple
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tomb-of-heroes · 4 months
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Hello again! This week's featured writer is a talented individual named Shade (aka @birb-boy-official)(he/him), who has many proud works including an AU called The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Souls.
Shade does run a writing blog (@stories-from-the-shaded-moon) where many fandoms may appear, as well as an Ao3 account (ShadyScripter) where his works are also featured.
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𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖊'𝖘 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐𝖘:
"Bonds of the Knights" - Adventure fic/Slight angst w/ Wars and Sky
"Village Square" - Cute bonding moment between Wind and Time over silly dances
"Field Play" - Lighthearted (but concentrated) sparring session between Sky and Time
"Twenty Rupees is Twenty Rupees" - Silly chain moment during break
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Asks open on main Requests open via writing blog
#the shady lad writes #screams from the shade
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mejcinta · 8 months
Why do you think Aemond will be spared? With B&C being so early into the season his character will suffer as well as Aegon and Helaena's. We won't know his thoughts about his father or his trauma because there is no time for that anymore, everything will be about B&C aftermath. He'll probably just turn into a maniac after. He kills people in every leak about him. And I doubt B&C will be seen as an excuse because Aemond didn't have any positive interaction with his siblings or Helaena's children. So far the showrunners tried to portray him as a dragon thief, took away his immediate bond with Vhagar and didn't include her roar after he lost an eye, his trauma was never mentioned in later episodes and he is framed as a bitter bad guy who is beefing with kids. They gave Luke's role to someone who looks like a little child and made him act like it when the Strongs in the book were described as 'strapping lads' who were well trained. Olivia was giving hints that Alicent is terrified by Aemond, Alicent was already mad at him during the dinner where she called Rhaenyra a fine queen and forgot about the danger to her kids from Daemon lmao. Perhaps Helaena will blame Aemond as well because in this show the greens are at fault for everything and no one ever blames Viserys. I don't see how he is 'spared'.
When I said Aemond is the best covered in Team Green and spared more by Condal, I wasn't saying they've not been shady with his character.
I meant that he has 3 Dimensional coverage which makes people at least empathize with why he ends up making drastic decisions in the future. I mean, even Team Black absolutely go crazy for him and write fics featuring him.
Now contrast that with Aegon, whose character is smeared beyond redemption from the jump and Helaena who we know almost nothing about...and Alicent, who despite of her relatable struggles, is also dogpiled with SA, impressions of hypocrisy (but the GA was never going to like her over Rhaenyra anyways).
Aemond has it better, but that doesn't mean his character has not suffered some injustices. But just imagine, will you, if the other Green characters were covered with such grace, care, detail, objectivity like Aemond was?
Just imagine.
Mind you I wasn't hating on Aemond at all. He is the perfect example of how Team Green can shine when written more fairly.
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Bracket F Round 1
Poll 14
Nat Finch (@albatris) vs. Rain February-Pulster (@aincretop)
347. Nat Finch (@albatris)
he is a sweet darling boy. an earnest and excitable lad. a pathetic anxious wet cat of a vampire. he works in a petrol station and encourages shoplifting. he loves animals and cooking and his friends and he has a terrifying monster mode. he is getting beaten up by the plot but he stays silly :3
Short and fat with a round face and lots of freckles. Pale white and sickly-looking, not because he's a vampire but because he's just... like that... Red eyes and long black hair, often uneven and choppy in length because he cuts tangles out instead of untangling them <3
348. Rain February-Pulster (@aincretop)
xe/xem/xer/xers/xemself or it/its (primarily)
Rain is a barely-paid journalist who writes for xer local newspaper, and since it's gotten in some scalding hot water with a criminal organization xe wrote an article about (by this, I mean they blackmailed xem), it's really looking to get a better-paying job to stop mooching off of xer roommate. Rain is also at the ripe old age of 17, and its various legal documents are completely forged! Xe often takes up shady side hustles, such as probably-illegal studies in which randomly selected participants are... "placed in a room" to be interviewed about nothing in particular. As for why exactly Rain should win... it's literally neurodivergent and a minor.
Rain is a light blue furry, kind of based off of Espeon, who has a dual-tone split tail, very fluffy whiskers, and a mint green gem on its forehead. Xer casual wear includes a blue crop top, darker flared shorts, and a navy bag. It has striped shoes that are the same dark-ish color of xer shorts. Its formal wear is a dark blue scarf, a sliverish blue button up shirt, black arm warmers the same color as xer shorts, pastel blue and white socks, and black boots.
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riinoaheartilly · 9 months
Tell us more about Sebastian, would you?
@hurryupmerlin OH BOY. Where to start lol.
So I've had this lad for over 12 years now. He started out as some sniper I wanted to write with on a TF2 rp forum with a couple of friends during Comp. (Never played the game myself but had one friend who did and they had tons of OCs for it.)
Drew him with long hair and the glasgow/chelsea smile with the stitches still attached. Pretty sure those should've been taken out or dissolved on their own but, kid me didn't care. It looked cool lmao
Then Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood came out so I dragged him into that, made him an assassin and gave him a little boyfriend to smooch and "tousle" about with.
Now he's just your average joe working as a barista while the same boyfriend is off doing shady, illegal shit. :D
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On November 13th 1850 Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh.
Nowadays known as RLS day, and marked with special talks, workshops and live music planned at Museums & Galleries Edinburgh
IF Robert Burns has his special night, why shouldn’t Robert Louis Stevenson have a special day each year to celebrate his birthday? That was the thinking when the first RLS Day was took place in 2011 through the efforts of Professor Linda Dryden at Edinburgh Napier University and the UNESCO City of Literature Trust.
Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson was born to Thomas and Margaret Stevenson. Lighthouse design was his father's and his family's profession, Robert was an only child. He spent a difficult childhood suffering chronic health problems due to which he was mostly confined to bed. Entering into youth, Stevenson was highly influenced by Allison Cunningham, his nurse who would often read the Pilgrim’s Progress and The Old Testament to him.
At the age 17, Stevenson enrolled at Edinburgh University to study engineering, with the goal of following his father in the family business. Lighthouse design, but this didn’t appeal to young Robert and he was not really interested in studying science; instead he spent ample time studying French Literature, Scottish history, and the works of Darwin and Spencer. His love for literature forced him to tell his father about his growing interests in literature and that he wanted to pursue a career and studies in the field of writing. The news severely upset his father who finally advised Robert to prepare for the Bar exam so that he would have a respectable profession to fall back on if his literary ambitions failed.
Stevenson’s writings and life were both heavily influenced by his city, Edinburgh. He experienced two faces of the city. One was the religious, respectable and conventional town while the other face of Edinburgh was that of more bohemian town with brothels, shady characters and underhanded dealings. Through these observations Stevenson learned a great deal about the duality of human nature which later became the base for his novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
In 1873, Stevenson suffered from a severe chest condition and nervous exhaustion due to which he was advised by his doctor to go abroad and rest for an extended period of time. Stevenson spent 6 months in South France during which he worked on numerous essays. He continued with the flow of writing after his return to Edinburgh writing articles, book reviews and short stories. Slowly, Stevenson’s name started appearing in significant publications such as The Fortnightly Review. During this time, Stevenson met Fanny Vandergrift Osbourne, an American woman who was 10 years older than him. Osbourne was visiting Europe to escape from the estranged relationship with her husband. Despite this, Stevenson resumed his relationship with Osbourne and eventually went after her to San Francisco where the two married in 1880 after her divorce.
Stevenson achieved great literary success beginning in the late 1870s. In 1878 he published An Inland Voyage followed by Treasure Island in 1883. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Kidnapped were both published in 1886.
In 1889, Stevenson bought a 300-acre estate, Vailima, in the hills of Apia, Samoa where he lived for the rest of his life. Many of his most significant works have been written in Vailima. Some of these include The Beach of Falesa, The Ebb Tide, The Wrecker and Catriona, The Bottle Imp, The Isle of Voices and The Waif Woman. Robert Louis Stevenson died at the age of 44 a few hours after suffering a brain hemorrhage on December 3, 1894.
Don’t you just love the pic of a young Robert Louis Stevenson, aged 7! 
I think the Outlander fans will appreciate the verse, “ Sing me a Song of a Lad that is Gone”
Sing me a song of a lad that is gone, Say, could that lad be I? Merry of soul he sailed on a day Over the sea to Skye. Mull was astern, Rum on the port, Eigg on the starboard bow; Glory of youth glowed in his soul; Where is that glory now? Sing me a song of a lad that is gone, Say, could that lad be I? Merry of soul he sailed on a day Over the sea to Skye. Give me again all that was there, Give me the sun that shone! Give me the eyes, give me the soul, Give me the lad that's gone! Sing me a song of a lad that is gone, Say, could that lad be I? Merry of soul he sailed on a day Over the sea to Skye. Billow and breeze, islands and seas, Mountains of rain and sun, All that was good, all that was fair, All that was me is gone.
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leaffiii · 2 years
The Leaf Spider-Verse Character Fun-Fact Dump
Quentin Beck
The shortest Mysterio in the west. Absolutely hates it, to the point where he wears platform shoes when going about his shenanigans.
20, arts major in (a currently undecided) college. Volunteers in the theatre department but only ever works backstage with the technology and set-up.
Kind of a irritable little bastard, not even in a smug way but lord did he end up softening up when Max "refuses-to-acknowlege-social-cues" Dillon came around.
Transmasc.. he just like me fr fr
Max Dillon
Despite appearances, a smart bastard. Good with tech, not with people exactly.
Punk through and through, blasts all sorts of loud music in his room at every opportunity, much to the dismay of Quentin (who wont admit that he likes it too).
Yeah they're boyfriends :heartemoij:
He's so?????? Yeah
Despite hauling metal around a lot, is lanky as shit. An entire beanpole.
Wanted to try a mohawk but fucked it up. Continues to shave bald now because its iconic.
Mack/Mac Gargan (Ref in Progress)
Not much older than the other three. Dropped out of college because it just wasn't working well for him.
Works at the Daily Bugle, which is a combination of a News Channel and Website in this, as an errand runner. Met Peter there and immediately became his big brother (bro why is this 16 year old getting good pictures of a Spider-Guy? He's gonna get himself hurt good lird)
Generally a chill dude, but gets super protective over those he cares about, especially his friends (he could probably carry all three AND Peter at once lol).
Likes rock like Max, but prefers the much calmer classic stuff. ACDC and Def Leppard are his go-tos.
Has a complicated work relationship with JJJ, who he respects but also can and will argue with if given the right opportunity (mostly with Peter lol)
BEST hugger
Michael Morbius (Ref In Progress)
Biology Major, makes it work despite any complications.
Has albinism! Or at least partial albinism. Either way he sun-burns easily, and needs glasses. He usually dyes his hair black, as to not stand out among his family.
Fancy lad! Loves to dress in ornate suits and such, even just to go to class. He comes from a more wealthy family, which allows this.
For how I'm going about his health in this... I'd like to keep it unspecified to keep the mystery going, but I think the doctors would write him off as having hemophilia and a weakened immune system, you know how doctors are.
(As for the origin of it... it probably ties back to his parents doing shady shit a while ago, either way he can't do much about it, despite his best efforts)
Nice, but not always kind. A little cynical when caught in a bad mood, and prefers to keep to himself most of the time. Hangs out with his friends when he can actually handle prolonged social interaction.
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kiwiplur · 11 months
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I make more Nighthaze Characters than i will ever be able to play so now i'm going to start making it everyone else's problem.
The who's who of it all is under the break
Black Trenchcoat: Zony (Zebra/Unicorn) Hacker. one of 4 characters I made based on the different campaign tones as stated in the operator's manual. He's based off the "black trenchcoat" tone which is all about gritty realism of cyberpunk reality, your Blade Runners and such. so I made him a paranoid wreck who will stop at nothing to wipe any system from knowing he ever existed.
Cranberry: Reindeer (Deer/Kirin) Support Gunner. Originally Sprite Cranberry™, made as a joke for a one-shot. She suddenly spun off into her own full on character with depth and an arc like said one off spun off into a campaign about figuring out who's doing all the shady shit in town. I made a second sheet for her so I can use her in vanilla campaigns just in case other Operators don't wanna use someone else's homebrew. Personality-wise, both Sprite Cranberry™ and Cranberry are virtually identical, however Cranberry I write to be a lot more relaxed since she's a baretender who only sometimes has to use the shotgun when things get hairy on the club. Her homebrew counterpart is instead a federal agent who frequently has to confront the fact that she was unemployed until a month ago. More often than not, she has to do so violently and with a shotgun.
Jazz Magnum: Abyssian Gunner. The streetrat with a badge, and originally the character I was going to go with for the oneshot I now play Cranberry in. However, the dedication to the bit overpowered me. He's very mechanically similar to cranberry, but instead of having two guns and a handful of utility spells, he uses just a pistol and is augmented with implants that compliment a run and gun playstyle. I'm playing him soon in another campaign i recently got to join so here's hoping!
Lucky Break: Dwarf Lagulus Pilot (homebrew). She exists because of a comic I was drafting before ultimately going forward with Sundown Trotten' instead. She was going to be one of two protagonists who are both gold hearted idiots who both lift each other up to be their best while simultaneously enabling the other's worst most chaotic behaviors. she and her friend are now in debt to the mob and compete in the Thunderdrome to pay it off. Her heritage is a homebrew one I made specifically because I wanted a herengon adjacent heritage in the game. blame D&D i wanna play as a character with bunny ears in your TTRPG is that so much to ask ;0;
Pink Mowhawk: Diamond Dog Augmented Brawler. The Second of 4 characters I based/named after the Operator manual's campaign tones. Pink Mowhawk is defined as your action oriented rule-of-cool type cyberpunk world, like the Cyberpunk TTRPGs, Cyberpunk 2077 or like Hi-fi Rush if it was a little grittier. Pink Mowhawk's a loud abrasive lad who's got a punch first ask questions later mentality. he's also a huge suntech dork because imo that's the rule-of-coolest part of most Cyberpunk settings for me so I wanted to lean into suntech enthusiasm for his personality. He's also asexual because nobody fucks with Pink Mowhawk. Nobody. I'm very funny please laugh.
Quartz Tick: Zony (Zebra/Pegasus) Augmented Brawler. Like Cranberry, he started out as a joke, but now he's his own character with lore because I really like Kamen Rider and I wanted to see how well I could adapt your standard rider-tropes into the Sundown Equestria setting most campaigns/oneshots use. He's got a bike that I hope I one day get to jump off of and dive kick some poor sap in a game one day because that would be sick as fuck
Rainbow Lattice: Crystal Pony. Somebody in the Nighthaze server said Rainbow Lattice would be a good pony name, and then I drew them. Because of their sporadic in the moment conception, they don't have a sheet lol. but they are a sunstone miner so if they did have one they'd prolly also an aug'd brawler? they're like the one dude in the sunstone mines who's there willingly because while prison labor's cheaper they're just that big on rocks. info-dumping about the other minerals they finds to whoever will listen
Shroud Whisper: Breezie Healer/utility spellcaster. Once again, another Joke turned full ass character that my brain made in response to finding out about DJ smokey's iconic producer tags. The main inspiration being Shadow Wizard Money Gang and We Love Casting Spells. She's a medicart medic who's ultra dedicated to her shadow wizard larp when not on the clock, who studies all magic she can hoping to find cool spells to cast. That's it. That's the character. She loves casting spells. Shadow Nuclear Breezies pledge your souls to the Shadow Princess.
Turn Tables: Changeling Infiltrator/Negotiator. My Cringebug Failhorse daughter who was my very first Nighthaze character sheet, and protagonist of a sunjackers fancomic I make called Sundown Trotten'. She's based off Leno, a pokemon OC i first used in PK-Rocker's Poke-Survivor. First as a contestant in season 4, and then as an assistant host in season 6. She's pretty much Leno except she struggles more with self worth and addiction rather than social interaction and gender identity. However, she's still grappling with the original concept of being a shapeshifter who's mask has become closer to the real her than her base look ever was.
0u0 Thank you for coming to my mcfucking odyssean ted talk on my cyberpunk children's show OCs. See you next week for even fucking more of them
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Time Gets to be a Dork Today :D
Originally made to be a treat for @hero-dualies-pog but it’s here now :)
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What a nice day of the year. It was the only day Time could go around, scaring the shit out of kids, without it being seen as disgusting or even weird.
It was safe to say, he was going to overdo it.
It wasn’t his house decor that he overdid. No. It was his costume.
He made his finishing touches in his bedroom, Malon making something that smelled so inviting, but no. He must commit to the craft. He was going to give a kid nightmares tonight, even if it killed him.
The sun was close to being under the horizon when he finished the last touches. He smiled at his work. Now it was time for the makeup.
Aw yes, Time was a great makeup artist. I mean, he was a face painter for his first job. He was an artist at heart.
He tied his hair up before he began. Then he went for the deep black eye shadow around his eyes first, as it was the easiest part. He placed the single red contact lense in his left eye and a black sclera lense in his right eye.
Now was for the rest of his face. He was grateful that he was smart enough to practice this part a few times.
He painted pale white paint around his face. Then painted an upside down heart on his nose. Mimicking a skull isn’t too hard once you’ve done it a few times.
It took a few shading lines and lines above his lips for him to be finished. He stepped back and fully looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled. He. Looked. Perfect.
He let out a triumphant laugh. Soon after, the bathroom door opened and there stood his wife, Malon.
She stared for a few seconds before smiling. “You really are committed, aren’t you?”
Time nodded, a dorky smile still on his face.
“Well, you know what? I bet that I, Malon Lon, the one with a dress and a mask, can scare more kids than a fallen, decayed, knight.”
Time’s eyebrows raised. When his initial shock went down, he slowly leaned down to Malon’s height. “Like. Hell.”
They ate dinner and got dressed.
Most of Time’s armor was made of styrofoam, but some parts needed wire to hold together. But all and all, it was surprisingly light. And he could move around in it. The chainmail underneath, however, did compromise some things. He knew that he would have to Micheal Myers speed walk or actually growl to scare kids, but he’s not going to act like he hasn’t done that before.
Malon, like she had said, wore a colorful mask the shape of a horse’s head with a mane attached to it and a dress with long, flailing, tassels of several different colors. Her outfit clearly had enough space to chase kids. Time was at a disadvantage.
The night breeze hit Time’s exposed skin under the, already cool, chainmail.
“Rules are,” Time began, “kids are one point, teens are three, adults are five.” Malon nodded.
“Can we get charged for this?”
“Only the goddesses know. I’ve been doing this for years, darling.”
Malon nodded again. Time smirked and nudged his wife. “Feeling a little…anxious?”
Malon faced him and stared into his one, blood red, eye. “Like. Hell.”
Then they split up.
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birb-boyo · 11 months
River Episode
I got bored so I wrote something goofy. I really can’t say anything else
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Ok, so maybe he didn’t mean for it to end up like this. But, by the goddesses, was this entertaining.
The Captain ran slowly in the water with Sky sitting on his shoulders. He ran towards the Rancher, with a blushing Old Man on his shoulders.
Warriors and Sky yelled a battle cry as they advanced slowly in the river. The Rancher matched their volume with his own battle cry, but Time matched their volume with a laugh instead. After all, he felt so out of place, it was compelling to him.
Even if he did scream at the top of his lungs when his descendent did lift him off of the ground without a warning.
When Warriors got him close enough, Sky waved his arms and kicked his feet, aiming to hit the Hero of Time with the water of his flailing arms. He was half-successful. But he was also half-failing.
Time was consumed by giggles. He was sure the Skyloftian didn’t know what he was doing. But, watching him flail as if a bird learning how to fly was very…suiting for the Loftwing rider.
Time met Sky with equal energy. Maybe even a little more. His giggles turned into a battle cry of his own as his limbs flew aimlessly.
The other five heroes cheered as the oldest of the nine did what the Rancher and Captain called “chicken fighting”
Time had the advantage. Not only could he kick his feet without wobbling,(thanks to Twilight’s strength) but his limbs were longer than the Skyloftian’s. Time knew that, but so did Sky.
“I got 50 on the Old Man!” The Smithy shouted from a few feet away.
“Like hell! Sky’s winning this!” Legend shouted back.
I suddenly rush of cold befell the heroes before two more cries joined the others. Then came a splash like no other. It knocked Time off of Twilight and Sky off of Warriors.
“EAT SHIT!” The known voice of the Champion was heard as the river finally settled as the other seven heroes breached the surface once more. There was a giant block of ice sitting on top of the water.
The Sailor responded first. “WHAT THE FUCK!” No one was expecting the Captain to “language” him this time.
The Champion and the Traveler’s laughed in response. “Winning! That’s what the fuck!” Hyrule tried to contain his giggles. Wild, however, did not.
Time couldn’t help but laugh when he resurfaced. The element of surprise was always a great strategy in battle. Battle and water games. They did win though, he couldn’t fight that fact.
Warriors shook his hair and splattered water in everyone’s face. “That is cheating!”
“It’s only cheating if you lose!” Wild shot back. Hyrule nodded with the Champion still on his shoulders.
Twilight stayed underwater the longest. Though, no one but Time noticed until it was too late.
Hyrule yelped as he felt something wrap around his legs under the water. “Wha- AH!” Hyrule’s legs were both pushed back and he instantly lost his balance. He let go of Wild. Wild fell off of Hyrule’s shoulders and was now submerged into the water. Hyrule followed a second after.
Wild coughed as he breached the water. He looked around frantically, a frown on his face. “Who-“
“Me.” Wild slowly turned around. Only inches away, stood a very pissed Rancher. Twilight scowled when he was pissed. Why is he smirking…?
“WAIT-“ Wild was too late. Twilight took him by his waist and suplexed Wild while he screamed.
“Don’t kill the boy!” Time barely shouted. Twilight made eye contact with Time, then submerged himself once more. Time could see the dark shadow traveling under the water. It was safe to say, after that display and the fact that the Rancher could very well pick him up, Time was terrified.
Time started slowly running through the water. He couldn’t swim. Only by the grace of Farore, was he tall enough to stand in this river.
Time felt something prick at his ankle and promptly squeaked. But then Twilight reemerged. Time stopped stomping away.
“Listen, I’m a little tired. This break was delightful and all but-“ Twilight wrapped his arms around Time’s waist. He saw his life flash before his eyes. “Please…?”
It was safe to say, his descendant had no mercy. Wild, Time, Warriors, Wind. Then Sky joined in. He got Hyrule, a flailing Legend, Four, then Time. Then Twilight and Sky decided to suplex Time over and over again. That was…delightful. He was beginning to think that it would never end. But it did.
Wild exited the river after he got his revenge on Twilight in the form of baiting his sword away from his with Magnesis. He got to making dinner. He made rice balls with meat wrapped around them.
They were savory, just as all of the Champions' food. Time may have had a wife at home who could cook some fine food, but Wild might’ve been working his way up to his favorite cook. Malon would never know that.
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kursed-curtain · 2 years
1. Everything you made for fight club and war prize makes my heart soar. You breathed so much life into my silly OCs and turned flat cardboard cutouts into well-rounded three dimensional characters. How do you do it. Witchcraft I say.
3. I love the way you write the guards, they’re adorable. The interaction and the fambly feels. Also, your dialogue for odds is stellar and the inspiration behind my clumsy tackling of his character. Hes such a brat. I want to punt him
6. That dance scene between no1 and graham in war prize - i keep going back to it. Theyre both so happy to be together despite the circumstances. They missed each other so much. Let them smile for once! Ah! Lads!
7. That one picture of odds looming over graham and holding his mouth closed still makes my stomach clench. Odds you brat. 
8. Your design is fantastic, your interpretation of characters is lovely, i adore your skills with OCs, with developing and writing and building on them. So very jealous am i. Please let me have your skills, i need them /j
9. Amulent fic - no pressure, i know you’re figuring it out. But! The day you return to it is the day i will be a very happy bean. 
overall, just, ahh,, it's been wonderful workin with ya! Technically. Shady business deals in the desert.
All the stuff I do is mostly gifts in a technical sense. Built cuz I wanna help motivate all y'all to do what you love by showing that ^^ there's people out there who also love your works! :D and ofc it's more than just me who love y'all's stuff, I just like to show that in a physical way whenever I have the motivation to!
(plus it keeps me drawing on the daily cuz mmm brainrot)
I'm glad my guard stuff is gud! ^^ it's the kinda stuff that's easier to write because I'm,, not so secretly projecting onto them lmao. Also!! I love writing odds teehee but I could neverr write evens the way you do :0 I listen to more smug villains than quiet blunt villains. "It's easier than you would think, dear."
Also -gives you one (1) more braincell and a hug- thats all I can contribute in terms of skillz lol (that and... YouTube videos? I'm self-taught lol so I can -grabby- give stuff over if wanted) (cough cough Brooke Eggleston Character Design Forge and BaM Animation cough cough I watch too much of both constantly)
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stellariah · 3 months
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Hi! I'm Sio or Siofra! I'm 29. I use they/them pronouns. I am White, neurodivergent, nonbinary, and queer.
My writing style is a combination of eating Hozier albums and a blissfully chaotic 3rd grader.
I have been in and out of fandom spaces over the years. I was stalked online by someone from a fandom space. To protect myself, I have deleted and recreated blogs. I am hopeful that I'll be able to stick around this time as this person seems to have finally fucked off.
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My (Fictional) Loves
⊹ Obey Me: Mammon, Satan, and Solomon are my babies. Asmo is my first love and is so special to me. Simeon is my forever crush. And I pretend I don't love Lucifer, but I very much do. Really, all the OM characters are great.
⊹ Touchstarved: to stay on brand™, of course I am obsessed with magical walking red flag Leander and somehow wholesome demon Ais, but I think I will fall in love with all of the characters once we get the full story.
⊹ Love and Deepspace: Rafayel stole my heart the second he popped up on screen - sassy, artsy man with a propensity for dagger violence and shady dealings? SOLD. Also, (spoilers) he's a mermaid!!!!
⊹ Tears of Themis: for very much the same reasons as Rafayel from LADS, Marius is number 1. I don't play ToT anymore, but you may see some Marius nostalgia every once in a while.
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rainydawgradioblog · 3 months
A. Savage showed me I can write a decent song (I’m delusional)
My first major purchase after arriving in Copenhagen last summer was a ticket to see Andrew Savage’s European tour in February. The legendary Parquet Courts co-frontman played Ideal Bar in Vesterbro with his band Midnight Stew to a crowd of me and 99 tall mustachioed film bro-looking Danish lads in their 20s and 30s. I fit right in wearing my artsy new A. Savage “Riding Cobbles” t-shirt, as Andrew convinced me with his lovely little tunes to write a song of my own.
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Andrew’s visual aesthetic had me straight to Ticketmaster before his latest album Several Songs About Fire even dropped. Everything he rolled out in promo shoots, cover art, and concert merch was drenched in David Hockney meets “The Adventures of Tintin” meets the doodles on the back of my middle school binder. 
Paired perfectly with the cartoony visuals, the music of Sevel Songs About Fire boils down melodies to a uniquely simple formula. Nothing is overcomplicated, leaving plenty of room to feel every chord change and focus on his glorious rusty voice, which is down-to-earth but also smooth enough to make me think he could burn the house down singing Frank Sinatra hits if he wanted. Andrew’s style makes great songwriting feel like something that anyone with a shitty guitar can do, and that’s not meant to sound shady. 
Another major draw to Andrew’s music is his lighthearted pessimistic humor that he throws all over his lyrics. It’s the same humor that my dad’s college buddies who never had kids embody. You can tell he’s got a weird whimsical take on the world in the way he phrases his feelings. “My weekly dinner of popcorn and Coke / Every Friday, like communion that I took as a joke” in the intro “Hurtin’ or Healed” is objectively a bit bleak but you can’t help but smirk and hope you're as witty as him at age almost 40.
I can thank Andrew and his band Parquet Courts for my appreciation of art punk and a lot of the politically charged folk rock I obsess over today like early Courtney Barnett and Fontaines DC. The band’s pop art aesthetic and funky yet punky take on indie rock recontextualized a lot of harsh punk aesthetics into something that made a lot more sense to me when I was first getting into music. Album’s like Wide Awake and Human Performance were palatable but gritty enough to slap some taste into my teenage brain.
Where Andrew’s solo work deviates from Parquet Courts is his more laid back take on songwriting, packed full of energy without doing the most. He’s got a handful of chords and progressions that are standard but still sound so uniquely his own. Hearing a song like “Le Ballon” or his latest single “Black Holes, the Stars and You” put Andrew’s skill at building tension and emotion with just a few particular chords and subtle melodies on full display.
Most of the emotion conveyed on Sevel Songs About Fire is rooted in finding comfort in simple pleasures and observations in a life far from a sense of home. Living all the way in Denmark, I listen to “Riding Cobbles” bumping down the cobbled Copenhagen streets, “My New Green Coat” while wrapped in my new thrifted Bob Dylan jacket, and “Mountain Time” watching the geese fly in Vs like they do in the Cascades back home. 
To me, the album is music to ramble to– it’s the music you listen to with your thumb out on the side of the road with a knapsack tied to a stick over your shoulder. I listened to the new album for the first time while waiting for trains between Berlin and Copenhagen, anticipating a long bus ride to Stockholm the next day. Being on exchange often felt chaotic, trying to experience as many new things as I could without a lot of regard to my ability to settle down, and Sevel Songs About Fire is exactly that. Andrew mentioned during his set that he loves touring because he has the unique ability of finding a sense of home in a lot of places, something I wish I was better at.
After Andrew’s show, I picked up my very own $35 guitar from the charity shop down the street and started thinking about tiny observations or inanimate objects that made me feel any kind of something. However insignificant these things seemed, they were unique to me which is exactly why Andrew’s music is so important. Several Songs About Fire was never about reinventing the wheel but more about a unique perspective and personality using the bread and butter of what makes a great song. 
I beg of you please listen to Several Songs About Fire and after you’ve realized it’s your favorite album ever I’d give his debut album Thawing Dawn a listen. For more political indie rock stuff I’d listen to Parquet Court’s Wide Awake and if you like it even punkier, try Light Up Gold. 
You’re welcome!
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Mead Gill
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k-dokja · 3 years
fellas, is it platonic to kiss your best friend, jay jo? / windbreaker
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Prior to the establishment of the Humming Bird crew. I need to write this down because I had a bunch of ideas for him... Then I found out the majority of the characters will have a majority of canon couples, nothing turns me off more than a taken man. Absolutely goodbye.
Let be real, you’re his only friend, and that only happens because your familiar background is prestigious enough for his parents to overlook most of your downsides. If you had a pretty face and a good academic track, on top of a well-behaved reputation, knows that the wedding bells are ringing inside his mother’s head whether you both like it or not.
With any luck, you’d have been friends with him for long enough that you’ve seen shades of Jay without the jaded and cynical outlook at life. Because of that, he tolerates your presence far more than anyone else, to the point where you know he prefers having you around more than not. He won’t say it, but often when he’s stressed, you being there with him helps him feel immense relief. 
Goes without saying but you’re the only one he allows to spend time with him or talks without dismissal during the break periods at school. In fact, the two of you are seen together often enough to create rumors, while you are quick to deny them, Jay never really says anything about it... in contrast to his naturally blunt personality. 
Although, this only applies if you are fine with spending quiet time. He prefers studying together, more than anything, if you bothers him incessantly, yeah, exile for you. He’d be fine with helping you with your homework or any assignment you’re struggling with, as long you pulled your own weight before asking for his help. 
We all know our lad Jay does not express any emotion or vulnerability often, few times he does are when he shows disdain or hatred towards people who wronged him. You, however, the special case of being “his” person, has the privilege of seeing a creature thought to be extinct, but was in fact, only endangered—yes, his sense of humour.
His favourite is probably messing with you. Somehow, he always has the final say in anything and everything unimportant—if only because he lets you have your way with everything else. However, if it’s something like you nagging him to hang out after school because this one store has a new flavor when he only wants to go home, best of luck to whatever plan you have up your sleeves because you aren’t winning. 
Surprisingly is not averse to your touch? In fact, he doesn’t even mind holding your hand if you make that “a thing”? The first time it happened, the two of you hang out together and it gets crowded, you ask to take hold of his arm to avoid getting separated. He tenses at first but eventually grows used to the warmth of your hand. 
Later on, you’d develop a habit to hold on to his arm or his hand while walking around if you’re busy reading or watching something on your phone. He makes a disgruntled comment about it once in a blue moon, but never actually does something about it. 
His parents not being at home much actually work in the favor of you staying over. Now, normally, people would raise an eyebrow or two if a girl stays over at a guy’s house. However, the implication is completely lost on this case as everyone and their mothers know Jay has zero interest about those things. Bonus point is that somehow the laundry has your clothes in it, his mother saw and did not bat an eyelash. 
Sure, he also accidentally falls asleep in the same bed as you while the two of you did revisions for the upcoming test. That was a thing.
Yeah, the two of you are pretty much everywhere together. You were even there when he came to that bike race to settle the score with TJ... arguably, you were hidden behind him in the beginning, concealed by his frame and stuck close to him. There were a lot of shady guys around and... that in general does not bode well for a girl. Jay is more than a little protective over you and it shows. He was not happy to leave you in Minu’s care but there was really little choice, to be honest. 
Why are you two not together yet... oh, right, he’s emotionally stunted.
Talk about that, he actually has a minor phase in middle school where he distanced himself from you because he thought that would be “better for the both of you” and “you would do well without him.” That lasted for about three days then you noticed what was happening and set the record straight. He never tried to pull the stunt again, but that is a thing that happened.
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