#The Unicorn Theatre
kevinarsenault · 10 months
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NGL who needs posting screenshots of each character when I can just draw them instead
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3irons · 9 months
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Zhang Huoding the unicorn purse
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forgetimabluedreamer · 11 months
Barbie from Barbie (2023) and Amalthea from The Last Unicorn both being irrevocably changed after encountering humanity and never truly being able to go back to who they were before or rejoin their fellow Barbies/unicorns is a comparison that has left me emotionally devastated.
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camillasgirl · 1 year
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Queen Camilla’s Patronages
Unicorn Theatre for Children (Patron from 18.10.2005)
The Unicorn Theatre was founded by Caryl Jenner as a touring company in 1947 with a commitment to giving children a valuable and often first ever experience of quality theatre, and a philosophy that ‘the best of theatre for children should be judged on the same high standards of writing, directing, acting and design as the best of adult theatre’. Today, the Unicorn is the UK’s leading professional theatre for young audiences, dedicated to inspiring and invigorating young people of all ages, perspectives and abilities, and empowering them to explore the world – on their own terms – through theatre. We strive to push the boundaries of imagination in everything that we do; welcoming families, schools, and young people for unforgettable theatrical experiences that will expand horizons, change perspectives, and challenge how we all see and understand each other. Our purpose built home at London Bridge contains two theatres, four floors of public spaces and two rehearsal studios; allowing us to work with some of the world’s most exciting theatre-makers to produce, present and tour a surprising, innovative and broad range of work that is honest, refreshing and international in outlook.
“It is wonderful to have [H]er [Majesty’s] ongoing support for our theatre and for our work with schools and community groups – and it feels especially important at such a difficult time for our industry and for children.” - Justin Audibert, Artistic Director
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ozkar-krapo · 1 year
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"The Animals' Clubhouse"
(LP. Rhinestone rcds. 2003) [US]
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Oh hey I just beat the original Costume Quest. Neat.
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werewolfclaws · 5 months
being like two degrees away from either the coolest thing or the country's greatest tragedies is so. looks at the camera with my hair a mess and disheveled and sweaty and maybe a little bloody
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brandyschillace · 3 months
A bit of onstage news: Neil Gaiman’s Odd and the Frost Giants
This coming Christmas (it’s never too early, you know) @neil-gaiman ‘s Odd and the Frost Giants will be coming to Unicorn Theater stage!
(19 November to 31 December 2024)
From the article:
“Newly appointed artistic director of the Unicorn Theatre, Rachel Bagshaw, has announced two world premiere stage adaptations as part of her inaugural season.
She commented: “I am delighted to start my tenure at the Unicorn by announcing two major shows in our 2024/25 season as a sneak peek of the work to come. I’m hugely excited to be directing Odd and the Frost Giants this Christmas, a show that promises a wondrous mix of magic, bravery and humour, and captures both our imaginations and hearts in its storytelling.”
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Miss Americana Documentary Taylor speaking to Brendon Urie about the Me! Music Video: “ And like whatever makes you, you. You know just like “Emo kids, theatre, dance sequences, La La Land everything.”
Brendon: “Nailed it!”
Taylor: “And when it’s like me-e-e it’s like “Dancers, cats, gay pride, people in country western boots” I start riding on a unicorn. Just everything that makes, me me. If you were to split open my imagination.
Mourning: the expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died
When I hear the line “You can mark my words that I said it first In a mourning warning no one heard.” I think of the Miss Americana documentary and how she talks about how she has felt misunderstood her whole career and she has been silenced from saying things she wanted to. When she talks about the creation of the music video for her song Me! She openly says gay pride is apart of her. One of the big parts of the documentary are about her political activism and being so loudly for the LGBT community by making the You Need To Calm Down video that was for gay rights. She said it first and no one heard her when she said “gay pride makes me, me.” they all just seen it as a form of activism and kept saying she was straight. It really showed how homophobic people still are. How something as simple as that and as clear as that is for people to just ignore it and say “oh no she didn’t mean it for herself” when she literally said it. She knows when the day comes that her hetlor and homophobic fans finally realize what she’s been saying this whole time it will be like a death. I think her Lover “activism” era really showed her how homophobic her fan base is and how they wouldn’t stand by her if she was very loudly queer. And so her being so loud about LGBT rights as an “ally” was a warning for her homophobic fans.
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ghcstao3 · 6 months
hi again, hope school isn't being too hard on you :( I figured I'd send a few ideas in & you can answer whenever!
IT'S COLD! so how about the 141 during the summer, doing some of your favorite activities! Or maybe a teeny ramble about what each likes doing the most...?
if it's not triggering...SoapGhost in uni. The class they share is for 1 of their majors & the other's minor (or maybe just for extra credits). The extra credit assignment involves taking a day trip somewhere & they're the only 2 who go.
Soap's 2nd job happens to be helping out his local unicorn community, who have all but gone extinct. He comes across the fabled Simon Riley, the Ghost of Soap's hometown, as the poor guy wanders around after being held captive by fey for decades.
school’s just been busy more than anything thankfully!! it’s a lot of work but certainly not too difficult:)
and ahh it was hard to choose from one of these i might have to return to the others. but honestly writing about them in uni is like therapy
Simon and John meet in an upper level English literature course.
Well—Simon never really had much say in the matter, not when John had plopped himself down in the seat beside him on the first day even in spite of all the other empty desks in the small classroom. Apparently it’s what John’s heart had desired, and never having been one for unnecessary confrontation, Simon never says anything of it.
He could never really pinpoint when their friendship began, maybe forged through general interest in the topic and whispered comments and jokes about some of the contents during lectures, or maybe through necessity when they’re not familiar with many others in the class, but either way—John ends up becoming one of the better friends Simon’s made in all his years of university.
The thing is, though, with majors that don’t overlap in the slightest—be it Simon’s English major and John’s own in chemistry—they don’t really see much of each other outside of class, unless it means working on a group project. Simon thinks—believes—they’d both like to be friends outside of the course, but… for whatever reason, they each have difficulty initiating anything.
Simon, personally, would like something more. But he doesn’t need it. Just wants John’s company regardless.
But they have their difficulties throughout the semester, that is, until their professor—a sweet old woman, who endures far too much from the few immature students in her class—announces that she had received funding from the department to take interested students to a professional production of Macbeth in a town an hour over. It’s without hesitation that Simon and John both agree to go.
But since it’s so close to finals season, they end up being the only two to go through with attending.
Not that Simon’s complaining—it just means more time spent with John alone. Sort of.
And not to mention he gets to see how nicely John cleans up for the event.
“I’m so glad you boys still came,” their professor says in greeting. “I was afraid no one wanted to go anymore.”
John smiles that stupidly charming smile at her, and Simon’s really beginning to feel the extent of his growing crush on his friend.
“We wouldn’t miss it,” he says.
“Oh, thank you, John.” She glances between them both, some knowing expression appearing briefly on her face before she ushers them inside the theatre. She hands them their tickets, tells them to go ahead, she has some friends from the local university she wants to meet with before the performance starts.
As they settle into their seats, John leans into Simon’s space—closer than he could ever manage at a desk. Simon hopes the theatre’s dark enough that John can’t see the way his ears burn red.
“Warning you now,” John whispers. “I know fuck all about Shakespeare language, so you’re gonna have a lot of explainin’ to do.”
Simon huffs, trying to dispel some of the heat of his blush. “Maybe you should’ve paid more attention in class, then, Johnny.”
John laughs, knocking his shoulder against Simon’s. “Maybe you shouldn’t have been telling me so many jokes during lectures, Mr. English major.”
Simon rolls his eyes but doesn’t bother retaliating. Instead they fall into meaningless conversation until the play begins, quieting only slightly when their professor arrives and sits on the other side of Simon.
The lights dim in the audience, and the performance starts. Simon watches with rapt attention, but true to his word, John asks him far too many questions.
He doesn’t particularly mind, though, when he can feel John’s knee press against his all the while.
John rambles when it’s over, and despite the interrogation, he seemed to understand and enjoy it as much as Simon and their professor had. Simon’s more than content to listen as their professor bids them goodnight, and they both head to the train station while she heads to her car.
Simon isn’t sure what it is that causes it—but the entire ride back, John seems to encroach in his space more than usual, stuck to Simon like glue. Simon does notice his eyes drooping and his head nodding off every once in a while, so he has the excuse of writing it off as exhaustion.
Particularly when John is resting his head on Simon’s shoulder.
“Don’t wanna walk back to my flat,” John laments once they’re climbing off at their stop. “Too far.”
It’s a fit of impulse that has Simon offering, “You could stay at mine? It’s only five minutes.”
And there’s no hesitation when John accepts with a weary grin.
“You’re a lifesaver, Si,” John sighs. “Could kiss you right now.”
Simon freezes. John doesn’t notice as he ambles further away from the train platform.
“What’d you say?”
John pauses, and his brow furrows. He looks to Simon, simultaneously confused and entirely too casual. “Said I could kiss you,” he repeats. “Why? S’that a problem?”
Simon’s gaze falls to the ground as he quickly shakes his head. “No, no, it’s not—that’s not—“
“Would you like me to kiss you?” John pushes, peeking up at Simon through thick lashes. Simon knows he’d give in immediately, if he were looking into those sapphire-blue eyes.
“I mean—“ Simon shrugs a shoulder. His blush has returned in full force, from the nape of his neck, to his cheeks, to the tips of his ears. “—I wouldn’t say no.”
“Okay,” John hums, like it’s nothing, before grabbing Simon’s face and doing exactly as promised.
It isn’t anything life changing, but it’s still—it’s still everything Simon could hope for, even here as a chill runs through him from the night’s cool temperature, even if their only sources of light are the moon and a flickering streetlamp.
John eventually pulls away first, delivering a hearty pat to Simon’s chest. “Now get me back to your flat and we can do that again, aye? It’s fuckin’ freezing out here.”
Simon can’t help the smile that appears on his face. His face tingles a little less now, though he’s sure it’s still stained a deep pink. “Sure, Johnny.”
And if they hold hands the entire way back—Simon will just claim it was for warmth.
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amuseoffyre · 3 months
Since I put together a rather massive thread about the probable S3 final fuckeries on the dead-parrot site, I figure I'll bring it over here as well :) This is bearing in mind that the show loved using history when it was useful or funny.
Blackbeard's death was in a battle and afterwards, his head was cut off and hung from the bowsprit of the ship, then later as a warning by a harbour. Urban legend said that his headless body swam around the ship, trying to find the head. Stede, meanwhile, was executed by hanging after being captured and tried in Charles Town.
My theory is a giant faking-their-deaths fuckery and this is the collection of extensive foreshadowing in sequential order.
1x01 - He's holding his own head! That's terrifying!
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The Swede's flag with a skeleton holding his own head. Given Ed's flair for the dramatic and the urban legend that BB's body swam, headless, around the ship, this feels like a very him thing to do. (also ties in with Blackbeard's flag with just the skeleton in S1)
1x01 - Stede's first fuckery
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Stede using mannequins as a diversion so they can escape from the British Navy and the British Navy fall for it. Also, significantly, one of the fake heads falls off.
1x03 - Stede hanged
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I facepalmed so hard when I realised that we had already seen Stede get hanged and survive it. Also, the fact that the person who intended to kill him by hanging is the one who dies first? INCHRESTING.
1x04 - "People just see the flag - I don't even have to be on the boat. I'm a ghost"
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And he won't be on the boat in the end :D (@wastingyourgum reminded me of this one :D)
1x04 - "He's wearing Blackbeard's clothes. He's on Blackbeard's ship".
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Combining this with Stede's fake-heads-to-escape idea, Blackbeard's official 'death' is tied up with a bow :D They just need to find a suitable person to sub in *coughHornigoldcough*
1x06 - "Over here, child!"
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HOOBOY this entire episode is basically emphatically pointing at Ed's skill in the art of misdirection. Ed is an expert at fooling people into seeing what he wants them to see. The Master of the Theatre of Fear.
1x06 - The crew fuckery
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Stede, the Swede and Black Pete literally holding heads that aren't theirs And once again the allusion to swapping faces/places. "Are those supposed to be the same guy?" "But with very different hairstyles, ja?"
1x06 - "I'm supposed to burn your face off and take your identity"
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Stede getting another layer of "how to get away with dying/disappearing" added to his arsenal of knowledge.
1x08 - The Unicorn's head
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Oh look. A mythical creature's head is removed by the English, when Ed has been compared to a demon, devil, vampire and kraken. I wonder what that could be foreshadowing 🙃
1x09 - "You've kept the clippings so we can make fake heads and escape"
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When in doubt, Stede turns to arts and crafts.
1x10 - "Now that's a fuckery"
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Stede has already faked his own death not once, not twice, but three times in ten minutes. Now that's overkill 😂He's done it before, he'll do it again! In Stede's town, wearing Stede's clothes.
2x01 - "He can't possibly look like this"
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The S1 propaganda pics are all full/half body, but now, he's reduced down to a head with very snaky looking hair. "He can't possibly look like that" (and this ties into something from 2x04 as well)
In related things, there is one historic piece of art referring to Blackbeard like this, as a disembodied head and I feel like there's a bit of a resemblance going on.
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2x02 - "There's some beheadings on here"
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Okay, yes, this one is a stretch, but head removal, people. We have more head removal :D
2x03 - "I'm not me, I'm you"
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Yes, I know, in the context of the Gravy Basket, but there would be some poetrical vibes if Hornigold's body was the one left in Ed's place so Ed can live a long and happy life. (And yes, fully convinced he was an S3 villain)
2x03 - "I knew they killed him"
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Will fully admit I yelped a bit when I saw this scene in higher res than a stream because with the drape of cloth over his head matching the colour of the surroundings, it's gives the illusion of a headless body.
2x04 - "He can't hear you. He's got no head"
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Again, the symbolism of the mythical creature without a head. Especially when we see Izzy yelling at it as if its Blackbeard, his own personal figurehead.
2x04 - "Pulls his entire fucking face off. Turns out this one had stolen the face off some Brit and come to my rescue"
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Of all the specialist skills for someone in Ed's old crew to have, disguising themselves with someone else's face? :D (That's romance ;))
2x04 - The Head of Medusa
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Buttons' transmogrification bowl is under a painting of The head of Medusa (Caravaggio). In the story of Perseus, he used Medusa's severed head to defeat a terrible sea monster (hello, kraken :D) and a King.
And I mentioned earlier Ed's wanted poster had a connection to this episode and look at these images side by side:
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Coincidence??? I THINK NOT XD
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justjensenanddean · 10 months
Jensen Ackles | Charlotte (North Carolina) Convention, August 20, 2023 | Main Panel
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jared prefacing being careful about sag questions and jensen goes “oh i have a handful of stories lined up for you guys” so let’s go (x)
danneel got Jensen an experience driving cool cars and it was at 7 am (x)
“7 am? on a saturday? i’m already not happy” (x)
danneel got Jensen an even to get to drive a fast exotic car around a track but at 7am on a Saturday and he asked if she would come with him and she said “no i’m sleeping” (x)
his helmet also had a pink unicorn on it. (x)
the car broke on the track 😭😭😭 they only got up to 50mph and it stopped (x)
aw he didn't wait to get another driver he just got in his actual car and went home. Jensen; it was NOT a great experience and i wish i had just stayed in bed (x)
jensen: i hurt my hand the other day by pushing on a closet door and it pinched my palm and i pulled my hand back and a piece of my palm was still in the door (x)
jensen just told a story that one of his girls fell and he offered to hold them then he hurt his hand and he heard over his shoulder “… want me to hold you?” (x)
jensen had an emergency kit that phil gave him from season 8 and he opened it and he thought it would have bandages but all it had was salt and matches (x)
“make the bed first thing in the morning” - Jensen (x)
“would you rather have the others’ face for a butt or the other’s butt for a face” (x)
Jensen: yeah id rather have his face for a butt. jared: better wear see thru pants bc you’d have a damn fine ass Jensen: jokes on you i already have a damn fine ass (x)
jensen: I already have a fine ass jared: *chanting* prove it! prove it! (x)
Jensen prefers hard plastic spatulas (x)
jensen reccomends four roses whiskey (x)
fan: advice on senior year or life? jensen: do as much as you can. sign up for clubs. do as much as possible (x)
jensen is telling the baseball/theatre conflict story again he really is troy bolton (x)
in his senior year jensen left baseball early to do a play this man was living high school musical irl (x)
fan; if you were earths ambassador to talk to aliens, what would you ask or show them jared: FACE BUTT jensen: *in alien voice* excuse me can i ASS you a question (x)
jensen saying it’s a me mario with the accent (x)
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fiapartridge · 4 months
quinn x oona | how they met pt. 1! 🚙🌃✨
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author's note: this is like kinda how they met??? like when they first saw each other, but they haven't learned each other's names yet, you know???? anyways hope u enjoy their little universe! send in asks for this au!
Who has a party at 2:56 AM on a Tuesday in the middle of February? Stupid ass people, that’s who, and Oona was ready to blast a hole through the wall that connected her living room to the apartment beside it. Honest to God, the only thing that was stopping her from going full-on Hulk on that piece of thin fiber cement was, well, the landlord and her roommate, Grace Castellan (Gracie to everyone who knows her, and ‘that one talkative white girl’ to everyone who didn’t).
Oona met Gracie in her first year at NYU. They were in their Intro to Theatre Studies class when Gracie talked up the ear of anyone in a 10-mile radius of her, and the only person who didn’t mind and actually enjoyed Gracie’s endless tangent of how blackholes are somehow exactly like the Kardashians’ reality show, was Oona. They sat next to each other for the rest of the semester, and once they graduated college, they decided to move back to their home city of Vancouver, Canada where, coincidentally, they both were from, using this time to audition for roles and hopefully land themselves a part that will guarantee them a ticket to Hollywood, or at least a ticket back to New York (rent is hard to manage there when you’re living off of small commercial roles and hand modeling gigs).
As Oona sat on her living room couch, a snoring Gracie and her long pajama-covered (they have unicorns on them) legs were limp across Oona as she tried to push her tired limbs off and slip towards the door without making a peep. But, much to Oona’s sheer luck (she isn’t a very lucky girl), a peep was made and there Gracie was, sitting up in so much alarm you would think that an intruder just busted through the door and screamed at her to put her hands up.
“I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING! OONA HAS MONEY STORED IN HER UNDERWEAR DRAWER! PLEASE DON’T KILL US!” Gracie screamed, still half-asleep and disoriented.
Oona groaned, lightly slapping Gracie’s cheek. “No one’s here, you psycho. I’m just getting up to go somewhere.”
Gracie peeled her eyes open, brushing her messy hair with the tips of her pink-and-white-painted fingernails. “Where are you going at,” she took a moment to check the Apple watch on her wrist. “2:56 AM?”
Oona walked closer to the door, slipping on a pair of Uggs and tying her hair into a messy bun, pulling out strands to frame her face correctly. “Do you not hear that? They’re louder than your brother was at that time we went to the mall and he was screaming at you to buy him that ugly RC car.”
Gracie shivered. “I’ve gotten a lot of weird looks in my lifetime, but those 40 year old women in the toy aisle of Sears? I still get chills.”
“See? Now I’m going to go over there and make them wish they never even moved here.”
Gracie rolled her eyes. “No way. The last time you said something like that, you ended up being the one apologizing. You’re the biggest pushover I have ever met.”
Oona scoffed. “Am not! I just—”
“Want everyone to like you,” Gracie interrupted. She was right. Gracie was always right when it came to Oona, but Oona would never admit that. She was a people pleaser, but who was that hurting? If she said yes to everything and if she was nice to everyone, then no one was sad and no one got what they didn’t want. Well, except for Oona.
Sighing, she said, “I’m just gonna go talk to them. Maybe they’ll come to their senses.”
Gracie laughed, tilting her head back slightly. “Yeah, right. I saw them on the elevator last week; they’re hockey douchebags to the max.”
“They can’t be that bad.”
“They’re having a party at almost 3 AM, if you combined every player on that team, they would probably make up one brain cell, and I can smell the beer from here, but yeah, sure they’re great people.”
“Fine, fine,” Oona huffed. “But I’m still gonna talk to them. Maybe they’ll change,” she smiled, a too optimistic smile for a dire-looking situation. Because who ever heard of a hockey player changing his ways? No one, that’s who.
Opening the door, Oona walked the small five steps over to the neighboring apartment. She knocked once, twice, three times, even. Nothing. The blaring music must’ve drowned out her pounding knocks. Just as she was about to go in for a fourth, the door opened and her body quickly went with it. 
“Woah there,” a voice echoed through her ears, holding her body up as his hands softly gripped her arms. She stumbled back, landing on her two feet and managing to stay vertical despite the embarrassment rushing through her cheeks and the small little voice in her brain telling her to get the hell out of there immediately. 
The man standing in front of her was tall, taller than anyone she knew, and he had short blonde hair and the clearest green eyes she had ever seen. He had an accent that she wasn’t too familiar with. German maybe? Or possibly Swedish? 
“Um, do you live here?” she asked, tapping her nails against the metal frame of the door. And looking beyond the tall Swedish man, she could tell that it wasn’t much of a party, but a hangout. More tall men were lingering in the living room, beers in hand and potato chips spilled on every counter. On the center island in the kitchen lay an abandoned plate of celery and carrots, most likely a tribute to their strict hockey diets that apparently no one was following.
He shook his head.
“Okay,” she talked slowly. “Um, do you know who lives here?”
Breathing deeply, Oona tapped her fingers a bit harsher against the doorframe, still maintaining a gentle smile on her (now) slightly red face. “Can you bring them here? I need to talk to…whoever it is.”
Nodding, he turned around, cupping his mouth with his large hands and yelling, “Huggy!” before waving him over to where they stood at the entryway.
Huggy? Oona chuckled at the nickname. Who nicknames a ferocious hockey player Huggy?
But as the shorter boy moved through, somehow, still energetic bodies and met the two at the door, Oona felt something crawl around her stomach and make the fading red of her cheeks come back in harsher hues. His hair was a chestnut color and it looked soft and smooth, like you could run your hands through it a million times and it still wouldn’t be enough. He wore a gray hoodie and black jeans, his hands in his pockets as he smiled politely at the blushing girl.
“Can I help you?”
Her mouth ran dry as she licked her lips. She tucked the thin strands of black hair behind her ear and proceeded (or tried to proceed). “It’s 3 AM and I’m trying to sleep,” Oona said, hoping he would take the hint and quiet down a bit.
He scoffed, smirking with his cute lips and his cute hair and his cute gray hoodie that looks so soft you just want to wrap your cold body in it. And it probably smells good, too. It probably smells like his scent in the mornings, woodsy yet fresh like white linen sheets and candles that would make you think he has a woman living with him, but nope. That’s just him. But Oona’s just guessing. Not to make things weird or anything. She’s totally not dreaming about what her handsome neighbor’s hoodie smells like because that would be weird—haha. Totally weird.
He leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed over themselves, and while he wasn’t as tall as the man that initially opened the door, he made Oona feel just as small. His smile was infectious, but not in a big ‘bring it in, let’s hug way,’ but in a more sultry way. Like you can feel a rollercoaster rumbling in your stomach despite him not saying a single word. 
“Are you?” he asked.
She laughed at that because there was no way that he was serious. It didn’t even sound like a question, God it sounded like…like flirting? But that wasn’t even the bizarre thing, no the bizarre thing was that somehow made Oona 10 times angrier. Why was he flirting with her? Does he think that she’ll just fall into his trap and let it all slide? Does he think that she’s just a stupid girl that he can get to do anything he says? Because that’s not Oona Hashimoto. Not in the slightest. And if he wants to play that game, then fine. 
Let’s play that game.
She stepped closer, her hand landing on his bicep as he stuttered for a moment. Like he was on high alert all of a sudden. His eyes wandered down to her hand, and then he relaxed because she was falling right into the palm of his hand, so he thought. She raised her head, staring him right in his deep green eyes. She pouted a bit, changing her whole demeanor. Because they’re playing the same game here. It’s just a matter of who will crack first.
“Please?�� she asked, gazing up at him with brown doe eyes. “I won’t say a word after tonight. Just do this one thing? Please?”
He sighed, straightening up and causing her hand to fall off his bicep. “As much as I’d love to do that,” he grinned. “I don’t want to.”
Her brows furrowed, her doe eyes turning into burning rage, and lips turning from a pout to a pissed off frown. “What do you mean you ‘don’t want to?’”
He shrugged. “Exactly that. Goodnight,” he smiled before placing his hand on the door and slowly shutting it before Oona held it open, scoffing.
“No, you don’t get to be an asshole and then just shut the door on me. All I’m asking is for you to just turn down the music!” 
“Yeah, well it sounds like the person being loud is you,” he pointed. Bending down to Oona’s level, he whispered, “You’re shouting.”
“You are insufferable, you know that?”
“Yeah, you said it a couple of times. Can I go now or do you want to keep going?”
Oona crossed her arms, fury burning through her veins as she watched him smile as if he did nothing wrong. As if he was enjoying this. “Go to hell.”
“See ya there, neighbor.”
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Which of the parents would most likely have their babies wear those overly cuties baby clothes? You know like those animals based onesies and the like.
Wukong, Sandy, and Tang are the ones who splurge on silly baby clothes. Lots of monkey onesies and fruit patterns for MK, and unicorns/dragons for Mei. Themed clothing becomes a must when the twins arrive - less they forget who's who at a glance.
Macaque is barely any better. This monkey will find any opportunity to put his kid in stand-out clothing. He has a bunch of baby costumes lying around for when he has to take them to the theatre. Goes wild at halloween (a "new" holiday he very much adores) and makes costumes for all the kids, no matter their age. Is a sucker for sun and moon patterns.
Pigsy tries to put his foot down on the silly baby clothes, but the others catch him giving the kids little chef's outfits. The most likely to give his own t-shirts to the kiddos to wear (canon).
Big bro Nezha just throws one of those old fashioned baby aprons/dudous on the babies and lets them run around half-naked like he did as a kid. The parents got him his own ridiculous snake kigurumi in retaliation. Nezha huffed, called it insulting, and wore it almost every night to bed for years.
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alienssstufff · 9 months
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more drawings from the fangan (LOT of emotes for the discord server)
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my character character (Usagi) has a board in his dormroom dedicated to his relationships with the other Ultimates because he has amnesia.
[ more drawings and ramblings undercut ]
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I write the executions for each culprit per chapter! Some of the visuals I drew to accompany the doc (ft a NEW type of Monokuma)
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With the opening of Chapter 2 and the Second Island, headshots of the newly added Ultimates! It is said they were involved in a previous killing game and are here now. ft Ultimate Theatre Actress (Top Hat), Ultimate Puppeteer (The Puppet Girl), Ultimate Sailor (Fisheye > Anemone), and Ultimate Laborer (The Sad One > Unicorn Horn)
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additional shitpost doodles ft >1: Mikko (Ultimate Laborer) >2: Anemone (Ultimate Sailor) >3: Mikko again >4: Samael (Ultimate Figure Skater) & Usagi (ME, Ultimate Alien) >5: Cherry (Ultimate Barista) x Ica (Ultimate Pilot) >6: and Cthulu (smartest girl in the whole world, she's the main character to me)
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tuliprry · 2 years
asthore (h.s)
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summary: "yn and harry have been married for 3 years now, still a secret to the public. this is a comfort story, going back and forth of how they met and their married life and a lot of sweet drama in between. very full of love, fluffy, safe. "
asthore main post
word count: 3.3k
warnings: death, anxiety, depression, christimas time, sex mention, fluff
sunday, 17 of december 2022, 3:36pm 
the cold breeze from christmas approaching in the small italian village almost freeze y/n’s bones as she’s cruising through the christmas markets, the ligurian sea facing her as she hands a 5€ bill to the italian man that just finished filling a jar with taggiasca olives, “grazie! buone feste!” y/n says as she puts the jar back in the jean tote bag and covering her right hand with the black comfy glove once again. the humidity has driven y/n to have her hair constantly covered by a beanie or her curls would be so tangled she would spend an eternity in hair masks trying to salvage it. the phone pings. 
“just passed passport control, 30 minutes and i’m home. i love you x H”
y/n smiles, feeling her cheeks blush up from thinking about seeing her husband after nearly two months since halloween in los angeles, the butterflies from being apart fly more in her stomach as she rushes to their italian home, this was the first christmas both their families would spend in the home they have been building in the small coastal village of sanremo, y/n had done her masters in  the university of verona and absolutely fell in love with the country. and here she is, buying olives for christmas eve dinner, the first ever she’s hosting herself. 
the white gate opens up as y/n presses the button attached to her keys, she sighs at the car standing in the driveway as harry told her to try and get used to it and he would teach them how to drive but y/n has a unreasonable fear of cars, even when she had to drive the bumper cars, she would cry and her dads would end up picking her out of the car. she walks down the darkened stone (by the raindrops) path, the automatic light shines, lightening up the whole entrance area, y/n opens the green heavy front door and is greeted by patata and notte, their two cats, “ahh my two girls!! daddy is about to be home so mama is gonna heat up the soy lasagna and light some candles!” y/n is used to only talking to the two kittens she had rescued with harry, she takes her gloves and beanie and her long brown coat, hanging them by the door as she closes it behind her. 
“it’s raining really bad, i’m at the petrol station right by the theatre, 10 minutes i’m all yours, sweet bunny. god i miss you x”
“i already threw your jammies in the dryer so they’re warm when you get here, turned the ac on and i’m watching british news, just for you”
“you’re an angel!!!!! my angel wife”
y/n wrapped herself in a black silk robe that matches her pyjama set and sat on the sofa, heart heavy awaiting for harry to open the front door and them reuniting, her stomach was seriously going through it, she could barely work in the morning and had cereal for lunch as she felt too eager to even think about eating. the news were mentioning winter wonderland in london and how crowded they were after the pandemic, y/n missed london a little bit, being her home for most of the year and 2022 being the first time she’s not having a hot cocoa by the london eye just staring at the tourists. her stomach growls again, her anxiety is leading up to not knowing if she should even eat or stay pretty by the door so she can immediately kiss harry. 
she opted to fill up the kettle with water so they could have a tea and harry could warm up, as the water boiled the sound of a car motor makes its way into the house, meaning harry was home, in unicorn slippers y/n gets out of the house in a rush. harry is parking his car next to his other one and y/n is regretting being outside in slippers but she couldn’t wait one more second. 
and there he was…
he stood tall leaving the car, wearing light blue jeans and black vans, his upper body was covered by y/n’s favourite coat of harry’s, the multitude of greens and how long it looked y/n genuinely wanted the coat for herself, his hair clipped back with his regular black clip and his smile, y/n felt her entire body relaxing as she sloppily ran to his arms under the humidity of sunset. “fuck, fuck, you’re real” his arms wrap around the short figure in front of him, “fuck, my y/n” he sighs in relief and keeps the embrace just as tight. y/n places her chin on his upper chest and looks at him, his face structure coral-ish like the sun just about to set. “i missed you” their lips meet, a kiss they had been longing for almost two months, yet as their lips collide it’s like no time as passed, they went to sleep and woke up together, just like their meant to be. “harry i love you but i came outside in my jammies and i’m freezing” y/n shivers as she speaks up, he can’t help but keep a stupid smile on his face, this was his most normal, his wife saying she was cold begging them to go inside, his brain filled with deja-vu, “goooo inside, dummy” he says, opening the boot of the car, taking his suitcase out of it, y/n had already grabbed his backpack and made her way into the house, making harry stand a few meters from the door, feeling nothing but relief, to be home.
monday, 18 of december 2023, 4:13am
harry woke up almost jumping from the sofa, looked at his phone, 4:13am, y/n was passed out in the sofa as well, their cats asleep between them and the electric fireplace still on as well as the bbc 1 still playing out the news from throughout the day. 
a big yawn escaped his lips as he slowly got off under the covers to grab a chocolate brioche from the kitchen, he knew y/n like the back of his hand, keeping the chocolate brioches at hand for a lat night craving of something sweet. harry for the first time in a few months felt genuinely at peace, not that he doesn’t love tour, he does, he can’t stop touring and seeing the familiar and unknown faces he hold in his heart with so much love but just sometimes he misses home, home isn’t exactly a place for him, because harry has a lot more houses than he could explain, but he only has one y/n, a short irish and scottish teddy bear in a human form that writes her fingers off and spends too much time in front of her computer and totally belongs to the generation he longs to understand. he walked back into the living room, y/n’s now sleepy eyes open, petting the cats, “harry! we fell asleep on the sofa…can we go to bed?” his heart skipped a beat right there, her curls messy from the sofa pillow, eyes droopy, cheesy smile on her lips from having him home. home. she was home.
the sleepy couple headed off to bedroom with their two cats following them, y/n and harry have always allowed their kitties to sleep in bed, even though sometimes the cats do bite harry off the bed, “how are patata and notte doing at night?” harry asks as he slides under the covers with small roses that y/n picked and he loves so much, “well patata sleeps on top of my feet and notte well… she likes to stay under the covers” y/n admits not changing notte’s behaviours, “y/n! she’s gonna bite me off the bed! again!” y/n gets under the covers as well and kisses his lips softly, “god i missed having you home”, y/n places her self on top of him, “oh bunny.. you almost make me forget the jet lag” harry kisses y/n, this time more abruptly, almost raw. “fuck! i missed you”
the regular sunny beach town’s sky was covered in dark, heavy clouds, ready to burst at any given second, harry was aware of this, he was in the middle of his run and upset that the rain was going to interrupt his so beloved routine, he was running along the giardini municipali, his favourite place to run while they’re in their sanremo home, he checks his watch when a raindrop falls exactly on top of it, harry groans, he has left 20 minutes ago and his run was being cut short by an angry christmas weather rain that the old lady that lives next door has told him… or what he understood from his beginners italian. running back home in hopes to not get soaked was truly in vain. when he opened the green front door he was soaked through his entire clothes, he thought of y/n, likely still wrapped in the duvet, he almost envied her for a second but he knows y/n’s medication makes her crave her bed a little longer than he does. after a much needed shower harry walks quietly into the bedroom, curtains still closed, loud purring coming from the bed, a little night light on y/n’s side, still on, his hands gently rubbed through y/n’s cheek, a way he learned to wake her up without startling her, “mmmm too early” she moaned, still with her eyes shut close, “baby.. c’mon sweetheart, i made coffee and pancakes, i didn’t know if you wanted eggs” he says almost whispering, lowering his body, squatting down next to the bed, “oh the banana pancakes? with pecan nuts?” y/n opens her eyes, looking directly in his, “exactly those ones”, harry smiles doing the gentle rub on her cheek again, “okay i’m listening” y/n yawns, turning on her side to look directly at harry, “well..after breakfast we could start decorating the house maybe even finish our christmas shopping?” his hand now travelled to her hair, gently running his fingers through it. “mmmmm give me a kiss?” she asks, getting closer to the edge of the bed, “always, as many kisses as you want, bunny.”. 
the kitchen smelled exactly as y/n had hoped, of harry, banana, coffee and fresh bread, their kitchen was a little sanctuary for the both of them, the floor was almost like honeycomb, brown, yellow and dark red, usually very cold, the walls white, the cabinets a sage green y/n and harry fell in love with, a white oven that seemed too complicated at first and all of the kitchen adorned with gold details, the handles, the pots… the countertops were wood like, matching the kitchen table with mismatched chairs, the other side of the kitchen still with the sage cabinets, a window right on top of the big white sink and golden faucet, decorated with tulips, y/n’s favourite flower. the cat’s food bowls filled, the eggs sizzling in the frying pan, y/n begged her brain to take a screenshot of this moment and remember it forever. her happiest place, her and her husband. 
y/n sat on one of the mismatched chairs as harry placed the food in front of her, “vip treatment huh?” y/n mocks due to him being the one used to vip treatment, “for my wife? anything.. also i got super soaked in my run earlier” harry comments as he takes the eggs out of the pan to another plate, “you did? why didn’t u call me i would’ve.. well i would’ve cheered u up” y/n speaks with her mouthful with a pancake bite, harry thought it was cute, how her mind was always racing, y/n hates it, harry in the other hand thinks it makes her special, her brain never shuts off, more time he gets to spend with her in her little world. “well baby i knew you were asleep and this jet lag is so weird, woke up, fell asleep, woke up and then couldn’t sleep so i went and fed the cats and then i came back still couldn’t sleep so i went on my run without checking the weather app and well yeah but i’m okay” y/n felt hypnotised, yes she knows she’s married to him but just sometimes when he goes on his rambles, y/n likes to stare at him, his lips, his lips now covered with honey from the pancakes, she doesn’t know what power over her has given her the chance to be here, staring at her husband eating her favourite breakfast. “if you feel like you get a cough i have those cough drops from when i had covid, they were pretty good” her lips press together in worry, “baby i came home, took a shower and woke you up, i’m okay. i promise” 
promises were something big in their relationship, from harry’s perspective he needed someone he could trust blindly and from y/n’s perspective she has always been an open heart ready to trust anyone, so they met half way, keeping promises. promises that they wouldn’t hide stuff from each other, promises that they’d always be honest about their health, promises to stay in contact even if the signal is one bar in the middle of nowhere. right here, right now, their home is a promise from harry’s vows: 
“i promise, even when i’m far to always come back home to you, my love, i promise to make our home the most beautiful place that ever existed, just for you and me.”
the rain hit the kitchen windows pretty strongly, soothing the couple that was still eating breakfast,  “i don’t think going out is a very smart idea, soupy, look at the weather!” y/n says, calling harry by his nickname when they started dating, soupy, he had soup every day on facetime and y/n just came up with it, soupy and now even her family calls him soupy, “don’t call me soupy! and we are still doing stuff because decorating the house for christmas doesn’t require leaving” harry affirms, holding his plate and mug placing them on the sink, “the christmas decorations are in your studio harry and i’m not going to the other house” y/n pouts, “i love rain when i’m inside! not when i’m outside and need to do stuff!” she complains. a few meters away there’s a small house that harry converted into his studio while he was stuck in italy with y/n because of the pandemic, y/n stored the christmas things there and never touched them again, in all fairness it was a beautiful sunny january day and she was in a good mood. “fine, i’ll get them, you’re lucky i’d do anything for you”, “oh!!! can’t wait to tell my friends my husband would walk in the rain for me, what a man!” she mocks giggling against the mug, “mrs y/n styles you’re very sassy today!” he says in the same mocking tone, “it’s what happens when you fuck me to sleep, i wake up feeling like a spoiled princess” she keeps laughing, waiting to catch her breathe to finish her coffee. harry gets close and kisses her forehead and sighs in relief, “i love seeing you like this” y/n knew what harry meant, her depression and major anxiety really sprout up in the first few months of their marriage, making the first year even rockier than what they had anticipated, y/n is still medicated, for awhile harry felt like he had lost his y/n, until everything started piecing together like a puzzle, her smile, her jokes, her collection of books, her arguments in irish with one of her dads, it’s like his y/n had never left, she just needed a little boost that harry alone couldn’t give.
“wonders of antidepressants and a good loving night with my husband, you should know i’m always better with you around” she whispered against his lips, “i love you, bunny”, “and “i love you, soupy”.
to better understand this story, we have to go back to almost 40 years ago years ago, when y/n’s parents, cormac and callum first met, they were both 15, had the same classes, did everything together in their hometown of sterling, a true high school love story that lasted their entire lives, they considered themselves lucky, falling in love at a time it was no longer illegal to love each other in scotland, their love only grew with time, moving in together, dreaming of getting married, dreaming of having children.. which eventually happened when they were 25, elsie and ewan, their families thought they were insane, adopting twins at 25 and all the repercussions of only one of them actually being able to be “legally” their father, but they still did it, elsie and ewan were 1 year old when they were officially adopted by callum but they always taught them cormac was their father regardless of what any paper said. 
the year 1998 came along, cormac’s younger sister orla was pregnant, cormac was so excited that his children would have a cousin and nothing prepared him for the next months of his life, the day that should be of joy was clouded by sadness as his sister died while giving birth, making y/n immediately orphan with half a second of life in her body so cormac stepped up, christmas being the first holiday they all spent together, the 5 of them. just them.
when same-sex marriage became legal in scotland they did get married. even though, in their hearts they had been married since they were 15.
but before that, as the siblings grew, y/n had friends that didn’t have the best family environment, and cormac and callum had no luck trying to adopt them because their parents wouldn’t allow it, so as adults it did happen, simon and flora became the 6th and 7th member of the family. harry knew this story, y/n had told him this story a million times but he’s hearing it again as they get the christmas tree ready, he looks at her with an amount of love in his eyes that he’s not able to express if not by poetry in his hidden notebooks, “and well the rest you know, elsie is a teacher at the same school as my dad mac, ewan plays football in torino, simon is a tattoo artist in manchester and you know flora better than anyone” y/n explains once again as she places the handmade ornaments she got from and italian charity shop, “flora.. the baker that purposely calls me soups” harry goans as he makes sure the christmas lights are all working before placing them on the tree, “i didn’t know she was gonna give you hell for my nickname for you, harry, she’s the baby, i don’t like getting angry at her… are those lights ready?” 
“they’re ready”
“then help me put them on, soupy”
“kiss me first, under the mistletoe” 
“you’re so sappy!”
“thank god i found you then, to love all this sappiness”
“and i do. every single inch of you, tha gaol agam ort (i love you)”
“and i love you”
taglist: @grapejuice-rry @theekyliepage @madgracee @iamahallucinationnn (anyone else please tell me if u wanna be tagged in the next chapters!)
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