#The day after that I do a second pass at my resume
So anyways my plan for the next two months is to kickass at work while I get another job and then leave their asses.
#I'm so mad about this#I've been at this company for 6 years and for the most part everyone I've worked with has been great#Easy to get along with. Smart. Caring.#I've had some not so great bosses and every once in a while I've encountered problem people#But repeatedly one person (not in my vertical but a key person in my org)#Has repeatedly made me feel like shit. Even if she claims to mean well or whatever#I absolutely never feel like we're ok the same team. It always feels like it's her team or death#Which is not an environment I thrive in#And then her boss (who is also my bosses boss) either feeds into that or exacerbates it#I wish I had had the words during our engagement survey because I'm not the only one who feels this way#So many people go into a meeting with her expecting to talk about one thing and instead she asks for something else entirely#It consistently feels like she has no trust in her team and she does not want to foster a culture of 'we're in the same team'#She is fostering a culture of 'im the boss so I'll dictate exactly what I want and I am free to change it at any time'#So. Anyways. If you know of companies hiring in their product or portfolio space hit me up.#I spent 10 hours trying not to cry at work today and then had three separate little cries#Going to going with my boss a little about taking a week off soon#He's going to be alarmed and concerned but like. He should be.#(my boss is generally great my only complaint is that he hasn't figure out how to work with his boss yet so that's compounding my issues.#But that is not all on him. And he has never once made me feel like we're not on the same team)#Blah blah ok. Tomorrow I work and then do the life shit I didn't do today#The day after that I do a second pass at my resume#And use a working block at work to figure out what I want (and sketch out my teams pain points and potential solutions)
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milkteahood · 3 months
Thomas Hewitt x fem!reader
Warning: smut! minors dni!!!
Summary: more smut. But with a plot. This wasn't supposed to be a smut, but of course it is. Because that's just how I am as a person.
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Living with the Hewitt family wasn’t always easy, but it sure had its nice parts, and the nicest part was Thomas. Oh yes, the reason you were still alive today was simply being a decent person to Thomas. Which slowly progressed to more, finding yourself in this limbo of having a huge crush on him, while he was still keeping you at arm’s length.
It was very strange to fall in love with a man whose face you never saw. Yet here you were, catching yourself staring at him again. Even though he warmed up to you, Thomas was still caught off guard whenever he saw you staring, so you tried to do your best to avoid him seeing you. That of course didn’t always work and today was one of those days.
A couple of seconds passed before you realized he was looking back at you.
“O-oh! Sorry” you said, smiling at him.
He’s been around you long enough to know you weren’t being malicious, but he still didn’t know what to make of it, so he just nodded and turned back to what he was doing.
You mentally cursed yourself for making him feel awkward, not that you could’ve helped it. Your heart ached whenever he walked into the room, yet the fear of being rejected was enough to put you back in place.
I can’t just keep living like this you thought to yourself once you resumed to cleaning the potatoes Luda Mae told you to.
Be thankful you’re even alive.
At supper you tried your best to keep your eyes off of Thomas, only making small conversation here and there. He would listen, and nod, occasionally tilting his head to the side. Each time, making your heart skip a beat and your cheeks turn red. You blamed it on the weather and the soup.
After supper, you helped Luda Mae with cleaning the table.
“You know sweetheart, my Tommy might be naive, but I am not” she said.
“What do you mean?” you asked, trying to play dumb.
“Oh hush girl. I can see how red you get when you look at my Tommy. And I can tell he feels a certain way about you too”
You were so thankful she was old, because otherwise it would’ve been impossible not to hear your heart beat out of your chest.
“Just don’t break his heart”
“No. Never!” you protested before you realized what you just admitted to.
Luda Mae just smiled at you “you’re a very sweet girl. Go on now. I will finish here”.
And with that, you were rushing out to see what Thomas was up to.
You found him sitting on the staircase in front of the house.
“Hey Thomas!” you said, sitting down next to him.
He nodded to you, eyes softening at your sight.
“Did you have a good day?” you asked, earning yourself another nod. Thomas didn’t talk, but you did not mind. You’ve been around long enough to understand him.
“I can tell he feels a certain way about you too”. Luda Mae’s words echoed in your head, making you blush. Thomas tilted his head and pointed at your now very flushed cheek.
“I’m ok!” you tried to keep your cool “it’s just really hot still outside” you continued smiling. He seemed to take that.
“And since it’s so hot… say Thomas. Would you want to go hang out by the pond? I’m done with my chores”.
He just smiled at you from behind his mask and nodded his head.
“Oh come on Tommy! The water is amazing” you said, dress all wet because you didn’t care to take anything off.
Thomas tried to avoid your gaze, simply because his mama raised him better, and your dress became pretty see-through.
“Tommy? Are you alright?” you started to approach him.
Thomas lifted his hand, pointing at your dress. It took you a little to realize what he was trying to say, but once you looked down, a blush crept on your face. “Oh goodness”.
After he sighed, he took off his apron and handed it to you. You were swimming in it, and it was enough to cover yourself.
You knew Thomas wasn’t going to swim, he always preferred to hang out at the shore.
“It’s fine now Thomas” you chucked when he finally turned to face you. Both of you lay down on the grass, with you turning towards him. He was looking up at the sky, not seeming to notice you were looking at him.
“This is nice”
He glanced at you and grunted. This one meant yes.
“Isn’t it hard to always wear that mask Tommy? It’s so hot today”
He didn’t answer. But you could see him clenching his fists.
“I-I mean”
He turned his head to you, frowning.
“Sorry” you said and turned on your back. He turned away from you too.
“I just” just shut up. Don’t say it. Just don’t.
You looked at him. He was looking away.
With a sigh you decided that now was the moment.
“Whatever’s underneath that mask… it won’t change how I feel about you” you almost whispered the last part, but it was enough for him to hear.
Thomas turned his head towards you, eyes widen, looking confused and a little scared.
You just smiled and placed your hand over his. He tensed, but not for long.
“Even mama noticed” you said with a chuckle.
He looked at you for a while, and you were staring to get worried that you said something wrong, until he stood up, just enough to undo his leather mask. Yet he didn’t take it off, and he was no longer looking at you.
He didn’t respond, and while he was holding his mask up with one hand and his other was clenched in a fist, you were worried you might’ve upset him by pushing him into this.
“Thomas. It’s alright” you said, taking his hand in both yours “you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to”.
When his eyes finally met yours, you could clearly see the pain in them, and something else. You could see a little bit of hope.
He sighed and finally let go of his mask. He was looking down, completely avoiding your gaze. You could swear his eyes almost popped out of his head when you cupped his face, got on his lap, smiled and called him handsome. His whole body tensed up at your words, almost not wanting to believe you.
“You’re so beautiful Thomas Hewitt” you repeated yourself, this time with an even bigger smile.
Meanwhile, Thomas was completely frozen. Were you making fun of him? But you looked so genuine. How could you be? Did it really matter? No. Not when your touch was so soft and you were smiling at him like that.
He finally snapped out of his trance when you kissed him.
He didn’t know what to do, but it didn’t take long for him to start kissing you back. It was inexperienced and needy and full of buildup emotions on both sides. His hands shyly rested on your waist, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, hands tugging at his hair as the kiss got more and more intense.
He started feeling your back up and down, while you pressed against him harder, earning yourself a moan when you brushed yourself against the bulge in his pants.
Both of you pulled away and just looked at the other for a while. Then, with a confidence you didn’t think you’d see with him, he pulled you into another kiss, holding the back of your head.
He worked on your clothes while you worked on his, neither wanting to break the kiss more than you needed to.
He then flipped you over and once he was on top, he stopped again, just looking and admiring you. Your hands exploded his chest while you kissed his neck, turning him into a moaning mess. He was intoxicated by your every touch.
Feeling his erection against your inner thigh made you moan.
“You can do whatever you want to me Tommy” you said while wrapping your arms around his neck.
He just whimpered, nuzzling your neck.
“It’s alright Thomas, I want you” you said gently stroking his hair.
He nodded against your neck before kissing you again.
You helped him adjust himself and before you knew it, he was sliding inside, both of you moaning into the other’s mouth.
The pace started slow, Thomas was holding your waist with one hand and using the other to support himself.
“Oh fuck… just like that” you moaned, nails digging into his back now.
The more you moaned, the more he slammed harder and faster into you. His face was buried in your hair, taking in your scent which was slowly driving him off the edge.
He was hitting all the right places, slamming into you so hard you knew you would have trouble walking afterward.
You knew he was getting closer because his pace became more and more erratic.
“Oh fuck Tommy, cum with me, please please cum with me”.
That was enough to drive him over the edge and with a few more deep thrusts he came, making your eyes roll back while you chased your own high.
Both of you stayed like that for a while, neither wanting to move. Thomas made sure not to let his entire weight over you, while you ran your fingers through his hair and planted kisses on his forehead.
“I love you Tommy”.
His eyes widened, and he looked like he just saw a ghost. The sight was endearing and it caused you to chuckle.
“I really do” you continued.
His lower lip twitched, and he immediately squeezed you close to him, making you smile even more. You knew he felt the same. There was no need for him to say anything.
The sky was full of stars as you made your way back to the house. Slowly, making sure not to disturb anyone, you made your way towards Tommy’s room. You gave him another kiss in the doorway before waking in, and finally getting to sleep in the arms of your now lover.
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bookuce · 9 days
Up, Up, Down, Down (Jey Uso) -- One Shot
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SUMMARY: Josh promised Kiera that he wouldn't be on the game all day. Yet, here he is...on the game...still...
DISCLAIMER: Outside of the OC, I do not own any character mentioned. The real names of wrestlers are used in my writings. In this, Josh is Jey Uso. I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO REPOST OR TRANSLATE MY WRITINGS ANYWHERE. THAAAAANKS.
PAIRING: Jey Uso x Black OC
WARNINGS: Smut, Language, 18+, NSFW
“He’s right over there,” Josh says into his headset. He hadn’t looked away from the television in thirty minutes. He, Austin, and a few other guys were deeply invested in a round of Call of Duty. Loud shots sounded off throughout the room. “Yeet! Got that bitch.” He mutters to himself. Kiera sat next to him, curled up on their couch. She was scrolling through Tiktok, trying to pass the time while he finished this round. 
There were forty-five seconds left in this round, a minute the last time she checked. “Someone’s camping on the roof. Yeah, at the convenience shop.” He says. More shots rang out throughout the room before Josh shot to his feet. “Let’s go!” He exclaims, swinging the arm that gripped his blue controller. Kiera looks up from her phone, her eyes darting from him to the screen. His team had won their round. “Good game, Uce.” He says to someone. “Hell, yeah!” He says, sitting down. The game would go back to the lobby, and he was choosing yet another round. Keira gasps, moving her foot out to push his hip.
“No!” She whispers. “You told me you were done after that one.” She reminds him. He peers over at her, moving his headset off his ear. 
“One last game, baby. I got you after, I promise.” He assures her. 
“You said that the last time, Josh.” She argues. Instead of responding to her, he’d hold up his index finger. The headset goes back over his ear, and he starts the next game. Well, she wasn’t sticking around for this shit. She stands to her feet and walks to their bedroom. Josh would watch after her but only briefly. She’ll be fine after a while, he thought.
Keira closes the door behind her, locking it in the process. She stood in the silence of her bedroom, her arms folded over her chest. She hoped he would stop the game and check on her, but after three minutes of standing there, shots continued to go off in the living room. He wasn’t coming. She huffs slightly, tossing her phone onto the bed. Men and their stupid games, she thought. Nothing was important the moment that stupid console came on. She drops onto the bed, a sigh leaving her lips as she focuses on the high ceilings above her. She was bored. So unbelievably bored. She grabs her phone, reluctantly resuming her doomscrolling. 
While on TikTok, a video caught her attention. It was a challenge created by wives to get attention from their distracted husbands. What were they doing, you ask? They were standing in front of their men naked. The success rate was relatively high, judging by the number of men tossing their games to the side to give their women attention. “I should try that.” She says to herself, hearting the video. She tosses her phone to the side and stands to her feet once more. Her fingers wrapped around the elastic band of her shorts and underwear, pushing them down past her hips. They fall with ease past her legs, pooling at her ankles. She steps out of her bottoms, lifting her shirt from her body. She tosses it onto the bed. Her arms swing in behind her, unhooking the bra she had on. The straps immediately drop from her shoulders, allowing her to shimmy out of the undergarment. She tosses her bra to the side, walking over to the full-body mirror they had leaning in the corner of their bedroom. 
Keira lifts her hand, taking her hair out of the claw she had in. Raven locks would brush her shoulders, framing her face messily. She’d fluff her hair out before turning to the locked door separating her from her man. With a grin, she’d prance to the door, adding extra sway to her walk. 
The sound of explosions could be heard when she exited the room. “Go over there, over there!” He exclaims. She stops in the hallway to take a deep breath. She sighs softly, shaking any nervous jitters from her hands. You can do this, Kiera. You can do this. She nods once to herself before stepping out of the hall. When she enters the living room, Josh’s eyes flicker in her direction only briefly. I know you’re fucking lying, he thought. He takes another glance, this one longer than the last. “Girl, what the hell?” He says beneath his breath. His eyes go back to the TV screen. “Y-Yeah, Uce.” He stammers. She grins to herself. It was working.
She sits on the couch next to him, curling up like she previously did. He’d glance at her, switching his controller into his left hand. His large hand reached for her ankle, and she’d swat it away. He sucks his teeth at her, shaking his head. “Play your game.” She says, wiggling her index finger at the screen. 
“I don’t want to.” He whines at her. His attention wasn’t even on the game anymore. His lady was laid up on their couch with the goods out. He wanted that. 
“That’s too bad.” She argues. He tilts his head up at her, frustration visible on his face. She shrugs at him, earning herself a huff and a dramatic turn away. Kiera giggles at his dramatics, turning her attention towards the television. The twin was now quiet; no more shouting and directing came from him. She tucks her bottom lip between her teeth.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He lies, shaking his head. 
She shifts onto her back, opening her legs. Josh looks over at her, his eyes immediately going to what is between her legs. “Oh my god.” He whispers to himself. He’d close his eyes, turning away from her again. This woman is punishing me. She has to be, he thought. She, indeed, was punishing him. 
Her hand trailed her abdomen, making landfall between her glistening folds. Her middle and index finger finds her clit. Slowly, she begins to rub it counterclockwise. A soft, almost inaudible moan leaves her lips, causing Josh to look over again. “Are you deadass right now!?” He exclaims angrily. 
“Would you prefer I use a toy?” She asks with a lusty smile. He reaches over, causing her to slap his hand again. “Focus on your game!” She exclaims.
“Girl, fuck this game! Austin, shoot me.” He says, argues into the headset. Her eyes go to the screen, watching as Austin’s avatar turns to face Josh’s. Austin’s gun goes off, taking Josh out of the game completely. The screen would display a game over screen, informing Josh that he died in friendly fire. He rips the headset from his head, tossing it and the controller across the room. “Done lost your fucking mind,” He says, reaching for her ankle. 
“Oh, now, I’m important.” She says, slapping his hand away again. She smirks at him. “I just wanted to see what you’d do.” She says, closing her legs and standing from the couch.
“I’ll show you what I’d do.” He says, catching her hand. He yanks her back down to the couch. Kiera hits the couch with an oof, a grin on her lips. Josh slides off the sofa and onto his knees. “Spread them legs.” He commands, opening her back up for himself. His eyes hungrily took in the sight of her wetness. His thumb finds her clit, his finger moving quickly against it. She gasps softly, her hips bucking slightly against his finger. 
“Ah, fuck.” She moans.
“You really thought you could dangle what’s mine before me and not let me have it?” He asks, “That ain’t how that works, and you know it.” He says, removing his finger from her throbbing clit. He leans in, replacing his thumb with his bearded mouth. His tongue lapped at her folds before flicking angrily against that sensitive cluster of nerves. Her back arches up, her left hand grabbing the wild locks on top of his head. Her right hand grabbed the back of the couch, gripping it tight.
“Josh—!” She screams out, lifting her head to watch him. “Mmh—!” She moans, dropping her head back onto the cushion she laid against. Her hips began to move against his lips, making circular motions against his tongue. At the speed he was going, she’d come in no time. She could feel her orgasm building, her breathing quickening with it. “You’re going to make me cum. You’re going to make me cum!” She whimpers. Her fingers tighten around his brown locks, forcing him to lift his head. Her hips bucked slightly at the pause of pleasure. She lifts her head, attempting to catch her breath. Not yet…not yet.
Josh’s greying beard dripped with her fluids, his lips freshly swollen and shining. Oh, she loved how crazed he looked when he was ruining her. “What’chu want?” He asks, huffing slightly. 
“Get on the couch.” She says, releasing her tight hold on his hair. Without question, he would get off his knees and move to the couch. She’d slide onto her knees now,  in front of him. Her clit pulsed, begging for more attention from her pleaser. She would have to wait. Kiera wanted to get her man there first. Her right hand grabs his face, pulling him in for a kiss. His lips enveloped her own, their mouths moving aggressively against each other. His hand reaches around, grabbing a handful of ass in both hands. He grips hard, causing her to gasp and break the kiss. “Easy,” She purrs, earning a chuckle out of him.
Her hand finds the center of Josh’s chest, pushing him back into the couch. “My bad,” He grins, wiping his mouth with his thumb. She hums slightly at the ache between her legs, clenching them at the sight of him. Her hands grab at the elastic of his red basketball shorts. She begins to yank at them, forcing him to lift his hips so she can get them down. Without request, he gathers her hair into one hand. He’s polite when he wants to be. Her hand wraps around his cock, her mouth watering at the sight of it. She leans in, pressing kisses along his shaft. There was a dribble of precum leaking from his erection. She’d lap it up slowly, a hum coming from her mouth at the taste. 
Josh shivers at the sensation on his tip. Kiera leans in, taking him into her mouth. Her man’s lips parted, a shaky breath leaving his lips. She begins to bob her head, and sounds of slurping and gurgling fill the room. “Fuck.” He breathes. She’d remove her hand from his length, her hands resting on his thick thighs. She slows down, allowing her mouth to take in every bit of his length. She shakes her head, moaning softly against him. She’d come up for air, her mouth popping around his tip. 
Keira tilts her head down, allowing her saliva to drip out of her mouth and onto his cock. “Freaky ass.” He breathes, watching her in amazement. She looks up at him, a big smile on her face. 
“Only for you, Daddy.” She whispers, her voice now raspy. She began to stroke the length, allowing her hand to move at a moderate pace along it. Josh’s head would fall back onto the sofa, his chest rising and falling with an audible shudder. “You like that?” She asks.
“Love it.” He moans. She leans down, wrapping her mouth around the head. Her tongue swirls the sensitive zone, causing his hips to involuntarily buck at her. The hand still resting on his thigh moved to massage his balls. “Fuck, Kiki.” He grunts, tightening his grip on her hair. His hips jerk again, causing her to pause her mouth and hands. She releases him from her mouth with yet another pop. 
“Ready for me?” She asks, letting her tongue drag across her bottom lip. He lets go of her hair, allowing it to frame her face again. 
“Get up here.” He breathes. She squeals excitedly, crawling up to him. He quickly removes the black t-shirt he wore, tossing it to the side. With both legs on either side of his body, she straddles his waist. She reaches down between them, grabbing ahold of his cock. She positions it at her entrance before lowering onto him. Her lips parted with a whimper as he filled her. She’d sit there momentarily, allowing her body to adjust to his size. 
He always watched the way her face would react to him entering her. Her eyes would close, the fronts of her eyebrows furrowing slightly. Her bottom lip trembles before invariably being tucked between her teeth. It was one of his favorite love faces of hers. Her hips begin to roll against his, but not at a slow pace. Kiera’s right hand grips his jaw—her left gripping his shoulder. She leans down, her lips brushing gently over his own. Josh chomps his teeth at her, causing the woman to laugh. 
“B-Behave.” She says, playfully pushing his face away. Her rolling became a bounce, a hiss slipping her lips at the motion. “Fuck.” She’d place her other hand on his right shoulder to steady herself, her fingers dipping into his flesh. Josh’s hands grip her hips, aiding her in her ride. Her entire body was a live wire, it seems. Her veins are working double-time to send blood throughout her body but, most importantly, her center. She could hear her pulse in her ears and feel it beneath her skin.
Her moans got louder, her hips burning from the leg workout she was receiving. Her bounces became less rhythmic, a sign of the end coming sooner than she wanted. Josh noticed this, allowing his left arm to wrap around her waist. Suddenly, he flips them over, changing their position. Kiera let out a squeal as she’s pinned to the couch. “Josh!” She exclaims, her legs wrapping around Josh’s waist. 
His hips began to pound into her, causing her body to jolt with each thrust. He had a hand pressed into the couch and a foot on the floor to keep himself upright. The sound of skin slapping skin could be heard throughout the house, reverberating off the walls thanks to the high ceilings in their home. Kiera’s breath hitches, soft gasps leaving her frame each time he slammed into her. Her walls began fluttering against his cock, causing her to push against him. She was about to come, and the orgasm she was about to receive was going to rattle her system. “Nah, keep your ass right here.” He says, pulling her hips back into his. “Cum for me.” He says through gritted teeth.
He reaches down between them, his hand finding her clit. His hand began to move against it, causing her to arch her back violently. “JOSH! Josh, Josh, Josh! Wait! Fuck—!” Her orgasm hit her like a freight train, causing her body to convulse. She screams out, her hand shooting to her mouth to cover her orgasmic moan. Josh pumped twice more before releasing in her. He’d collapse on her, their sweaty bodies now tangled in each other. 
That was new.
Kiera drops her hand from her mouth, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. “Wow,” She breathes. If she smoked, she’d get a cigarette. That was…wow. Nothing else, just wow. 
Josh lifts his head to look at her. “What the hell possessed you to do all that?” He asks, trying to catch his breath. His phone goes off on the end table, prompting him to reach up to grab it. “Fuck,” He says, moving off of her. 
“What?” She asks, sitting up. He’s scrambling for his headset and controller. 
“I forgot to turn my mic off—they heard all that.” He explains, exiting the game lobby he was in. That causes Kiera to start laughing. 
“That’s what you get. I bet you’ll get off that game when you say you would next time.” She says between laughs.
“Shut up.”
A/N: Previously on Bookuce Takes On Smut!! I'm not sure what inspired this one really. It just came to me. This is my third time writing smut btw, so please, let me know what you think! Give me pointers, tell me you loved it, idk. Just leave a comment so I won't think this was ass LMAO
thanks for reading yall! Fools Rush In coming soon!
🏷️list: @thesamoanqueen @whatdoeseverybodywant @headoftheetable @mzv11 @southerngirl41 @yana3sworld @wanderingreigns @wrestlingprincess80 @siriuslycee @vebner37 @capswife @astridxxxxxx @alichesmi @tshepisho @scarlettnoir01 @brokenglassslippers @reignsboy19 @sayyestoheav3nn @cyberdejos2 @empressdede @sisinever @truefant4sy @paigereeder @tbmotw @fearlesschimera @venusesworld @usoholic @sageispunk @bebesobrielo @jstarr86 @vibessonvibes @issahyland
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yanderecrazysie · 10 months
Can I please request for yandere todoroki who at first was very cold and distant to you because he was unhappy with you and his quirk marriage courtesy of Endeavor. The reader tries to get along with him even making him cold soba and bringing it to him during his patrols. But todoroki remains stubbornly coldly ignoring the reader. One day the reader finally has enough and decides to just destroy the quirk marriage contract and leave for the countryside leaving everyone including Todoroki behind. Todoroki then starts to slowly fall for the reader now missing how the reader took care of him and cooked his favorite meals, he also starts to view The reader in as their own person without being clouded by his judgment. Todoroki then turns yandere out of shear yearning for you, he has recognized his mistakes and wants to make things right no matter the consequences, he will have you back and continue on with the marriage.
-Thank you for reading my request. I really love your writing especially the yandere cheater ones, they’re my favorite.
Thank you! And I’ll be glad to write this! ^-^
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Title: Is It a Crime
Pairings: Todoroki Shoto x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes
Summary: Shoto isn’t fond of the quirk marriage his dad has arranged. At least, he didn’t think so at first.
Part 2: here
“Is it a crime
That I still want you?
And I want you to want me too
My love is wider, wider than Victoria Lake
My love is taller, taller than the Empire State
It dives, it jumps, and it ripples like the deepest ocean
I can't give you more than that, surely, you want me back”
-from “Is It a Crime” by Sade
“Cold soba, just how you like it,” you try your best to smile warmly, but the glare he sends you is as cold as the dish you try handing to him.
“I’m not hungry.” 
Your smile falters a little, you had hoped that your cooking would get through to him. Wasn’t the fastest way to a man’s heart through his stomach?
Shoto resumes scrolling on his phone, indifferent to the sad look you give him. Your heart gives a painful tug in your chest- what were you supposed to do to get him to like you?
It wasn’t like you particularly wanted in this marriage either.
Your parents had left the final choice up to you, claiming that they’d be fine without the money, when you knew it was the opposite. They were too elderly to work and you couldn’t get a second job while in college to support them.
Endeavor had swooped in, offering to support your parents as long as you were married to Shoto. Evidently, he was drawn in by your powerful healing quirk, and could picture strong grandchildren that could use ice, fire, and heal themselves.
In order to give you and your parents security, you entered into the agreement, assuming Endeavor’s son was okay with the contract.
You were wrong.
Shoto seemed to hate you more and more with each passing day. He’d made it clear from day one what he thought of your marriage.
“I want nothing to do with the marriage, nor you. I will never love nor care for you like a husband should. Give up and go home.”
You were determined to continue the forced relationship, not willing to easily give up the life your parents would be supported by. Yet, no progress was made towards wedding plans nor any discussion of life after marriage.
Endeavor wasn’t pushy about when a wedding should be set, telling you that Shoto was “needlessly stubborn about things”. But you’d begun to worry that maybe he would never come around to the idea of loving you.
And, really, how could you expect that of him? It wasn’t fair to suddenly come into someone’s life and wait for them to love you like a husband loves his wife.
You retreated to the kitchen to deal with your thoughts, putting the soba in the refrigerator in case Shoto got hungry. You thought over what you should do, a little bored with the housewife position you’d been put in. Shoto was a pro hero, Endeavor one as well- you had no reason to even continue college. The two of them each had enough money right now to live off of three times over.
You were ready to hang on as long as it took.
Until you overheard Shoto on the phone.
“She’s annoying. Not my type at all. I could never love anyone like her, even without this quirk marriage nonsense my father is forcing on me.”
You felt tears pricking your eyes. He’d never, ever like you, would he? This was just a waste of time, until Endeavor either forced you into a wedding that made Shoto despise you even more, or canceled your contract for you.
You went straight to the number one hero himself, heart pounding in your chest as you approached his office and knocked quietly on the door. A moment later, you stood before him, those tears from earlier finally falling.
“Shoto will never love me. I think it’d be best for both of us if we… just… went our separate ways.” Your voice quavered, and your eyes closed tightly for the finish.
Endeavor sat back in his chair, obviously surprised, “But your parents-”
“I can quit college and get a second job.”
Endeavor blinked and, after an eternity, pressed on, “My son is stubborn, he has rebelled against me before. You should not take it personally.”
You considered his words. Perhaps Shoto didn’t hate you, just the arranged marriage. But then you remembered his words over the phone and started to cry all over again.
“No… no. I’m sure. I want to cancel the marriage. I’m sorry.”
Endeavor nodded, “I understand.”
Shoto woke up in a bad mood and it only worsened when he didn’t see you in the kitchen, making him breakfast. You always made him breakfast, so why not today? Were you sick?
He checked the fridge and found the cold soba from yesterday. Not exactly a proper breakfast, but it would do.
Sour expression on his face, he wondered why you weren’t awake, bustling around like a happy tornado, cleaning every surface like you had a grudge against it. Maybe you really were sick. He spooned soba into his mouth, debating whether or not to check on you.
Against his better judgment, he walked over to your room and knocked sharply on it. He gave an exasperated sigh when there was no response and opened the door, only to find… nothing. No clothes, no knick knacks, nothing that made the room uniquely you, like it had once been.
His heart sank in his chest and he leaned against the door, head hanging down as his thoughts raced. Wasn’t he supposed to be happy? Thrilled, even? This meant that the quirk marriage was over, right?
So why did he feel crushed?
Shoto stormed into his father’s office without knocking. “Where is she?”
Endeavor looked up from his paperwork, surprised. “Gone. The marriage is off.”
The younger man left, a hole deep in his heart where you had once been. He hadn’t realized it, so focused on hating you, but he couldn’t live without you. He felt like he was panicking, his breath was coming fast and heavy, his mind clouded with thoughts of you.
He knew where you lived, he’d been there once before to meet you. It wasn’t a far walk, and he’d be running.
He could be there in ten minutes. He was positive he could convince you to sign the contract again.
It was time to bring his bride back home.
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buckyhad · 7 months
Guys my age
Pairing: Sebastian Vettel x reader x Charles Leclerc
Tw: cheating, allegation to smut
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Charles Leclerc, an amazing driver, after just one year in formula 1, he got to drive for the red team, his dream, Ferrari. Showing his talent and driving was everything ge wanted to do, at least thats what it looked like to you, his girlfriend.
Always running behind him, cheering for him and doong everything to help when he had his bad moments.
But now that he was in this new spotlight, living his dream, you felt forgotten, like an outsider on your boyfriend's life.
You tried to ignore it, as hard as you could. But it came to an end that day you didn't pass that exam that was so important on your career.
2019, after the qualyfication for the Monza GP, you knew you couldn't say anything, Charles was on pole position, in fucking Italy, Ferrari's home.
While he was out celebrating with the team, you stayed behind on the garage, sulking on some random corner, wiping your tears after checking your e-mail.
"Fuck" you mumled as you saw the german driver watching you with raised eyebrows while making his way towards you.
"Why is it with all the tears?" He asked.
"Just failed an exam, nothing big" you tried to shrugg it off.
"It is big, its making you upset" Sebastian said while reaching to put a comfortable hand on your shoulder.
"I know, I just dont want to ruin Charlie's day, he's so happy"
"He can be happy while being herr for you, that's not an excuse"
That was the first interaction of the weekend, the second one, the night after the race, after Charles won the race.
Hiding away in some table while your boyfriend was drunk and happy, while you were drunk and sad.
"Sad and alone again?" The older guy said.
"Yeah" you sighed.
"That's a shame, Charles should be taking better care of you" he choose to put his hand on your tight this time, giving a squeeze.
"Yes, he should be doing that" you said parting your legs a little more, revealing your panties to him.
"Come with me, I can take really good care of you".
Swimming through the crowd reaching for your boyfriend, feeling kinda off for what you were going to do, but you got your needs too.
"Charlie? Im going to the hotel" you said.
"Okay, see you there" he said trying to kiss you but failing in his drunken state.
The ride back to the hotel was quiet, weird and quiet.
Till you reached the german's room.
His kisses were hot and wet, making your braing fuzzy and warm.
"Fuck Seb" you whimpered between kisses.
"I'm going to take such good care of you, you would never want to come back to his side, going to ruin you for him" Vettel said.
"Do it, please, please Seb"
"Charles" Sebastian called his teammate.
"Seb" he said giving him a greeting hug "I didn't see you last night".
"I was taking care of something" he chuckled, making the monegaaque raised his eyebrows "talking of that, you should take better care of your girl, mate. I always see her alone" he patted Charles' shoulder before resuming his path, leaving a confused Leclerc, thinking again about that hickey on your neck.
CS55/OP81 LH44/GR63
A/N: this is short, rushed and not proof-readed so probably bad af but I just NEEDED to get this out of my head. Would yall like a second part?
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01zfan · 20 days
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#45 | o. sh
volleyball player!shotaro x student manager!reader | 5.4k words
anons who requested this. i am SO SORRY it took me so long to get to this. i had to channel my past in volleyball for this and find the motivation for it so i hope the quality and the length makes up for the wait!
contains: semi-public, hand stuff only, mentions of clothing being tight (???)
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shotaro would’ve never thought he’d end up playing volleyball. as a child he liked watching basketball the most, and when he he was in middle school he played soccer. but one summer at a sleep-away camp he picked up a volleyball for the very first time. shotaro received so many compliments about how he was a natural that he decided to tryout for the team on a whim. he knew it was insane to go into tryouts for a sport he never played, that it was less than likely he would be selected for the team. but it turned out everyone was right, he did have a natural talent. it wasn’t long before shotaro was accepted, becoming the libero on the junior varsity team.
shotaro also didn’t think he’d stay with it. just like soccer he found himself hitting ruts that caused him to lose momentum. he had to learn a completely new sport, he had to learn how to go for passes with his hands and dig for balls by diving his body to the floor instead of using his legs. the frustration of moving his body differently manifested into him not caring for the sport. it wasn’t long before he was not giving his all at practice, only nodding his head or shrugging his shoulders when the coach would ask him what was happening.
he even considered quitting when the coach wouldn’t bench him at the games. he knew he couldn’t stop himself from doing his best during games, especially with his team counting on him. he reluctantly ended up doing the best he could, and as a result his team did the best they could too. by his sophomore year shotaro was on the varsity team, and by the time he graduated he was captain.
when shotaro came to college it was a completely different atmosphere. he was against people stronger and taller than him, and he was up against people who didn’t have anything but love and passion for the sport. after the first day of tryouts shotaro stayed behind long after everyone left, practicing the drills he messed up. he was in his own little world, sweat dripping from his brow as he wondered if volleyball was worth it anymore.
“the gym is closed.”
shotaro turned away from the net to follow the voice. he remembers your face, but the amount of names he heard that day made him forget. all shotaro knew was that you were the assistant student manager. he saw your duffle slung over your shoulder as you wiped sweat from your brow with the bottom of your shirt. 
“you’ll only hurt yourself at this point. try sleeping on it, the drills will come to you naturally.” you turned around to walk out of the gym, and shotaro was getting ready to resume his drills. you turned around again, hand on the strap of your bag as you got his attention again. “you’re shotaro right?” you asked.
shotaro was shocked that you remembered his name. he was one face out of the crowd of athletes. he doesn’t even remember if he had the chance to formally introduce himself to anyone before they started explaining the process of tryouts.
“yeah.” shotaro said.
”cool.” shotaro saw you look down at your feet, his eyes caught on the brace that was bound to your ankle and the small scar down your knee. “you’re really good. i hope you make the team.” you said.
shotaro could only nod, giving you a simple wave as you left the gym. he thought nothing about his performance was noteworthy, much less worthy of praise. but you seemed to mean it, and as you walked away shotaro took your words of advice seriously. he packed up shortly after you left, and he had a long nights rest to recuperate from all the exercise. 
he found out you were right when the drills came to him like second nature the next day. he saw you watching him a few times, giving him nods of approval and a thumbs up each time he caught your eye. shotaro found himself looking to you each time he did a perfect serve, or was able to get a ball that seemed unsalvageable. he found himself overhearing the pointers you’d give to everyone else, even if they didn’t apply to him. each time you gave him advice shotaro listened intently, blaming the heat he felt across his face on the strenuous workouts. 
at the end of the week when he made the team, you were the first person he looked for. in such a short time shotaro decided that you were his good luck charm and that he needed to let you know. he was quick asking for your number, hiding it under the guise of needing to have the student manager’s contact information. you gave it to him with a smile on your face, putting your name and number in his phone.
“i’m going to the dining hall after this.” you handed shotaro back his phone and he texted you so you could have his number too. “if you wanna come with.” you offered.
shotaro took you up on the offer a little too quickly. he sat with you and the rest of the team, sharing stories about volleyball before coming to college. shotaro saw you nod and smile, understanding all the nuances of what it was to be a volleyball player, but never sharing stories of your own. he knew not to ask about it, he had come to that conclusion after finding about your vast knowledge of the sport and seeing the scar on your knee.
you and shotaro had made fallen into your own post-practice routine. he would wait for you in the main gym while you finished your clerical duties at the end of the night, and you two would walk together to the dining hall. sometimes you would end up catching the rest of the team, but more often than not it would be just the two of you sitting in the booth of an emptying dining hall. you two talked about life back home, what you were planning to study, and everything in between. 
the friendship blossomed quickly, but the dynamic changed the more you two spent time together. shotaro went from sitting across from you in the booth to sliding in next to you, so close that your shoulders touched. you two went from saying goodbye outside of the dining hall to shotaro walking you to your dormitory. eventually he was holding your duffle bag for you on the walk over, and one day he finally got the courage to reach for your hand. 
by the middle of the season, you two were in a relationship. everyone on the team seemed to know before you guys did, some even bet on how long it would take before you two got together. you two kept your relationship out of practice. you didn’t hesitate to advise shotaro and you refused to hold back critiques relayed to you by the coach. 
he respected you for your professionalism and passion for the sport, he truly did. he loved how you cared for the team and managed the responsibilities of the job while also easing everyone else’s stress. shotaro and his team never had to worry about the logistics of practice, they never had to worry about the little things if you were there. shotaro always found himself puffing out his chest proudly when his teammates would praise your hard work or mention that they never had a student manager like you. so shotaro didn’t know why he would feel a pang of jealousy seeing the girlfriends of his teammates in the stands wearing their jerseys. 
he knew it was unfair to impose anything on you. shotaro was able to get your support constantly outside the context of games, so he didn’t know why he felt that way. sometimes all shotaro could think about during games or practice was seeing his player numbers across your chest. he thinks he would be unstoppable on the court if he saw it only once—he’d keep a picture of you in his mind like soldiers did of their wives back home before going to war. but he would never ask you to do anything that would show such blatant favoritism, even if he was your boyfriend and everyone knew it. he could also never bring himself to admit the primitive aspect of it all, that he would feel some sense of satisfaction seeing his number on your body. so because of that, shotaro simply kept it to himself. 
he had planned to never tell you about it, but it was hard to avoid the conversation when it was staring at him right in the face. 
it was another long practice, ending with you walking around the main gym looking for shotaro. you called out his name and texted his phone to see where he was. you knew that no one else was in the gym at this time, you had even seen the custodians leave for the night after cleaning the floors. you followed the sounds of the showers, standing outside as you called out your boyfriends name again.
“i’m in here.” he called back.
“i’ll wait outside!” you yelled, hoping your voice would carry over the sound of running water.
as soon as you were done speaking, you heard the water shut off.
“come in. it’s just me.” shotaro said.
instantly you shook your head, looking up to the camera that was pointing right at the entrance of the showers.
“i can’t. not allowed.” you said simply.
shotaro came from around the corner of the tile wall, only wearing a towel around his waist. he had another towel in his hands, running through the wet strands of his hair.
“if anyone asks, say you heard me slip and fall.” shotaro beckons to you, and your feet started moving on their own accord. “come in.” he smiled. 
shotaro lead you through the winding tile walls of the showers until you made it to the main dressing room. you set your duffle down beside the bench, sitting on the polished wood as shotaro finished getting ready. you looked up in the large mirror embedded into the wall in front of you to stare at him. the pale blue tiles went all the way up to the white ceiling. you counted them up and down, each time leading you back to the reflection of shotaro’s body in the fogging glass.
he pretended to not notice your stare as he took his towel off to dry the rest of his body. when he looked in the mirrors reflection and saw you look away quickly, his laugh filled the room.
“it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” shotaro said.
you nodded your head sheepishly, still looking down at your feet. he wasn’t wrong, you had seen shotaro naked more times than you could count on your hands and feet. but it was different seeing him outside the privacy of your dorm rooms. you have never seen shotaro naked in a place that could easily be invaded. all it took was a straggler from practice or a custodian to catch you staring at your naked boyfriend. you only slightly settled down when you heard him pull up the pants to his tracksuit. when you looked back up to the mirror shotaro was putting on his shirt. 
he came behind you, looking at you in the mirror with a smile on his face. shotaro bent down and kissed the crown of your head. you tilted you head to look at him directly.
“how was practice for you?” you asked.
shotaro shrugged his shoulders, moving his hand to massage your neck. he continued looking in the mirror to stare at you, and when he got to a stubborn knot you let your head lull forward.
“it was good. i’m a little nervous for the game tomorrow.” shotaro answered.
you hummed sympathetically, pulling shotaro’s hands away. you guided him around the bench to stand in front of you. you were sincere as you spoke, holding his hands tightly.
“you’ll do great, i know you will.” you encouraged.
shotaro nodded his head, feeling the anxiety of the important match melt off of his shoulders. he already felt like he was on top of the world just by looking down at you. shotaro watched the serious look on your face change to a bright smile as you squeezed his hands again.
“i do have a surprise for you.” you excitedly waved his hands around. “it just came in today and i can’t wait.” you said.
shotaro couldn’t control his own smile. he thought about what you could possibly give him as he cocked his head to the side.
“and what is that?” he asked.
you guided his hands again until he was standing next to the bench opposite of you. you both moved to straddle the bench, and shotaro watched you look to your duffle bag before looking to him.
“close your eyes.” when shotaro’s eyes stayed on your duffle bag you stopped messing with the zipper. “taro i’m serious!” you laughed.
shotaro hesitated for a moment, but let his eyes close. he let his imagination run wild, trying to think what surprise was waiting for him in your duffle. he thought maybe it was his favorite snack, maybe it was a lucky pair of socks or a handwritten note. when shotaro thought he heard the sound of your clothes jostling he had to compose himself. he tried to beat the dirty thoughts away with a stick as he held onto the edges of the bench. he heard you curse under your breath a moment later. 
when everything was still in the room again, he stuck out a tongue to wet his lips.
“okay. open them.” you said hesitantly. 
shotaro wasn’t expecting to actually be surprised when he opened his eyes. his wildest imagination would’ve never been able to pluck the view he was blessed with down from his mind to place it right in front of him. he let out a sigh from the other side of the bench as he took all of you in. he got the perfect view from where he was. he was able to see the 45 of his jersey stretch across your chest and how the tight fabric rode up to reveal your stomach. shotaro couldn’t take his eyes off of you as you pulled at the end of the sleeves in efforts to make it fit right. 
“it’s a little snug.” your attempt to pull down the bottom of the shirt was futile. it rode back up immediately once you were done pinching the fabric. “i thought mens sizes were supposed to be bigger.” you said
shotaro still couldn’t take his eyes off of your chest as he shook his head. the primitive thoughts shotaro tried to keep at bay became barbaric as he watched the tight jersey material stick to you. when you crossed your arms to cover your chest shotaro’s hands went to your bicep, pushing them back to your sides.
“perfect fit.” shotaro spread his legs on either side of the bench further as he took his hands off your arms. “it’s a perfect fit. no reason to hide.” he said.
he watched you mesmerized as you continued to move in his jersey. your end of the bench felt like it was miles away the longer he looked at you on the other side. he reached out a hand to you, letting his palm drag across the polished wood as he pulled his hand back. shotaro was grateful you understood what he needed as you came forward, your hands gripping the edges of the bench. you brought your arms in to make your chest poke out more, trying to give him a show. his eyes ran over his numbers before he went to the shy smile on your face. shotaro mirrored your grin as he scooted forward closer to you. shotaro’s smile only got bigger as you two came closer and closer, by the time your face casted a shadow on his you could see his gleaming teeth. he only stopped smiling a moment before your lips touched his, biting them as he looked down to yours.
your kisses were light and soft, both of you tilting your heads to accommodate the other. one of shotaro’s hands came from behind him to go to your waist, and one of your hands let go of the bench to hold onto his face. you could feel the soft skin of shotaro’s cheek underneath your fingertips as you deepened the kiss. you held his head in place as you pushed your tongue past his lips. shotaro’s other hand went to your waist and he pulled you in closer, until you had to put your legs over his.
shotaro only brought you closer, and he moved towards you to cover the rest of the space. you could feel all of him press against you as one of his hands moved to your ass and the other moved to the small of your back. shotaro applied pressure, making your chest come closer to his as your hand that wasn’t on his face went to his shoulder. he was grabbing handfuls of you, kneading whatever part of your body he could get his hands on while your grip on his shoulder tightened. neither of you refused to pull away, only catching quick breaths in the seconds one of you would pull away to readjust. 
when you moaned into shotaro’s mouth he remembered where he was. he was supposed to be like you, taking his role on the team very seriously. he remembered that he shouldn’t be making out with you in a place where you two could so easily get caught. so he pulled away from you reluctantly, and moved a gentle hand to your shoulder to keep you from leaning forward again. your plump lips called to him, but he remained steady as he caught his breath.
“we could get caught.” shotaro said.
you only nodded your head, eyes wide as you tried catching your breath. shotaro nodded too, trying hard to not let his eyes wander back to his numbers across your chest. he still had a handful of your ass, and he could feel you arch your back in efforts to give him more. your hands that were still on shotaro’s face pulled him in, and he only resisted for a second before going back in. 
now it was you smiling against his lips, taking a deep breath in as you pulled on his bicep. shotaro’s hand went to your thigh as he lifted to get you completely on his lap. your hand on his face went to the nape of his neck before traveling up his scalp, reveling in the soft strands running through your fingers. when you pulled shotaro sighed, slipping his tongue further into your mouth.
you two were so caught up in the act of kissing that you forgot what always followed it. you were lost in how shotaro’s soft lips pressed into yours that you nearly gasped in his mouth feeling his dick pulse against you. he responded by only pulling you closer, and when your lips broke apart shotaro went to whatever part of your body he could reach. when you tilted your chin back he went to your jaw, traveling all the way down your neck until he got to what his jersey covered. shotaro pulled your hips down to his lap and he pushed into you when you pulled the hair at his scalp.
“you’re really hard right now.” you sighed.
“sorry.” shotaro said in between kisses. “you just look so perfect.”
“yeah?” you laughed, bringing your hands to shotaro’s face so he could look up at you. “i thought we could get caught?” you asked.
“i don’t remember saying that.” shotaro said.
you both let out quick chuckles and shotaro couldn’t stop thinking about how all of his restraint melted away feeling in your presence. it was a problem he was developing, even worse than his habit of not saying mine when going for a ball or cursing under his breath when a play wasn’t set up perfectly. he looked at the glint in your eyes and down to his number that was covered up by your two bodies pressing together. 
there are worse problems to have.
shotaro travels his hand up your thigh, watching the anticipation build behind your eyes as you preen into him. he messes with the fabric at the end of the shorts before pressing into you. you break eye contact to tilt your head back but shotaro’s eyes stay on you, how your neck bobs as you get the little relief. he feels himself becoming impatient at the sight, and he pulls your waist down with his other hand so you can feel all of him.
he repeats the action, just pressing into you and bringing your hips down to meet his each time you raise them. he can feel his dick pulsing in his pants, and shotaro almost sticks his own hand underneath his waistband to relieve the aching. but he doesn’t want to miss a single second of you getting teased as your eyebrows furrow from the almost pleasure.
“shotaro.” you sigh, looking up to the ceiling.
your own hand starts drifting down, taking the time to press into shotaro’s chest and stomach before you reach the pants of his tracksuit. you look down to shotaro when the thick band of fabric stays in your way, and he looks up at you with his eyes gleaming. his hand stops pressing into your heat to go up to your waistband. 
“mhm?” he hums.
neither of you say anything else as both of your hands move at the same time. you grab his dick and shotaro goes to your clit—not wasting any more time to tease. you both silently come to the conclusion you will have time for all the other stuff later, right now it was all about sated the desperation both of you felt until you were somewhere more private. 
shotaro knew he’d have to take his time with you in his dorm when he rubbed the first circle around your clit. instantly you were curling into him, muffling your tiny whimper into his shirt. shotaro knew he would be better composed later in the day, that he would be able to tease you or coo at the sounds you made into the fabric of his shirt instead of biting his lip to keep his own sounds at bay. he couldn’t help himself when you squeezed your hand around his dick just right, and when you had his name and number written all over you. 
the both of you were too reckless to start at a slow speed. when your hands went to eachother you both started fast, rushing through the motions as the last bit of your brains that were working told you that you had to be quick. so you quickly pumped shotaro’s dick until he was thrusting into your hand and he wasted no time teasing your clit until you were begging for his fingers. you both were messes for eachother in seconds, hands wedged between smushed bodies and shoved underneath clothes in shotaro’s team locker room. the novelty of it all would’ve made you both laugh if you weren’t so caught up in trying to feel everything.
shotaro felt the joking mood shift as you looked up to him. he could see the lights of the locker room reflect your glassy eyes, making it look like you had stars swimming in your irises. you were serious as you looked up to him, lips pouting as you spoke.
“you’re so good at volleyball.” you said, looking straight into shotaro.
his fingers on your clit faltered at the sudden praise, only finding their tempo again when you bucked your hips and let out a small desperate sound.
“what?” shotaro asked, trying to keep up with your hand that tightened around his dick.
“you’re so good at volleyball.” you repeated.
you repeated the words without faltering, tilting your head. you could see the confusion written on his face, flickering between that and how his lips parted when you squeezed a little tighter. you leaned back to rest on your hand that wasn’t on shotaro, giving both of you enough room to move your hands faster. the new angle let you pull down shotaro’s sweats enough to see the tip of his dick peaking out past your hand.
“i know i said you could do whatever you want.” you pumped his dick faster, feeling him pulse in your hand each time you went back down from his tip. “but i wanted to die when you told me you were thinking of quitting.”
shotaro quickly changed the angling of his hand in your pants, making his palm face the ceiling so he could finger you and stimulate your clit at the same time. you closed your eyes from the change and let a tiny fuck slip past your lips before opening them again. you clenched around his fingers when shotaro licked his lips.
“why?” he asked weakly.
“because you’re such a good leader, even if you aren’t captain yet” you started swiveling your hips into his hand, chasing that feeling building in the pit of your stomach. “they couldn’t do it without you.” you whined.
shotaro found himself chasing after something else, and a different feeling erupted across his body hearing your praise. he didn’t know what to do with himself hearing the rushed compliments fall from your lips as he watched you try and fuck yourself on his fingers. shotaro came to the embarrassing realization that he didn’t need you to touch him anymore, he could fall apart just from watching you and hearing you talk to him.
“they’re more than capable.” shotaro bent his fingers inside of you, eyes already focused on your chest to watch it jolt in the confines of his jersey as your whole body twitched. “feels good?” he asked.
shotaro watched you lull forward, eyes lazily focused on him as you nodded your head. he could see you actively trying to remember what you were saying, swallowing as you prepped your shaky voice.
“eunseok would’ve never been able to fix his jump serve if you didn’t help him.” shotaro tried putting in a third finger, but when he saw you wince he pulled back. “and sungchan kept touching that fucking net until you scolded him.” you said.
shotaro could tell you were getting close by the way your words were turning into babbles and your hand on his dick was becoming more and more rushed. he watched you screw your eyes shut and when you opened them he could see the tears in the corner of your eyes as you tried to focus on his. shotaro kept his eyes open wide, trying to remember the sight when he tries out for captain. 
your walls closed around shotaro’s digits repeatedly, and he continued pumping his fingers in and out even if it felt like you were trying to suck him in. 
“you think i’m a good volleyball player?” shotaro asked the question just to see you pitifully nod your head.
“you’re the best.” you arched your back, and the new angle helped shotaro go deeper inside of you. “you’re my favorite.” you whimpered.
shotaro’s eyes were wide as he took in every word. your voice dripped with sincerity as you rushed through sentences. shotaro used one of his hands to trace the curve of your body, ending at the bottom of his jersey. he pulled on the material, bringing the pinched fabric down your torso until it was completely straight. shotaro felt a newfound pride in himself that materialized in his chest, trickling down like molten lava to his stomach. immediately when he let go the tight fabric clung to you like a second skin, riding up the same way it did before. shotaro ran a quick hand through his hair as he felt the excitement prickling across his body.
“i’m gonna cum.” shotaro said.
his voice was beginning to waiver, floating between grunts and prolonged sighs. you nodded your head again, pushing up from your other hand to focus. you squeezed shotaro’s tip, using his precum as lubricant for your ministrations. he jerked his hips up quickly, bunching his pants at his mid thigh to free the rest of his dick. you moaned at the sight, using your legs that were still on shotaro’s to bring your body closer to his.
shotaro wrapped his hand around your back, giving you stability and enough space to work your hands the same way. when he saw you bring the end of his jersey down shotaro couldn’t hold out any longer. he pressed his fingers into your side and he closed his eyes as relief washed over his body. you kept working your hand when shotaro stilled underneath you, and he heard more mumbled praises fell from your lips as his his dick twitched in your hand. he left out one final curse, leaning forward until his head rested on your shoulder.
when shotaro opened his eyes he saw his cum glide down your hand and his abs. he saw some of it on your stomach, dribbling down your body to seep into the fabric of your sweatpants. you looked down too, looking back up to shotaro with a hunger that made him almost ready to go again. 
before you could close the distance between your lips shotaro leaned forward, working still feeling the buzzing across his body as his lips ghosted over yours.
“i couldn’t have done it without you.” shotaro said it quietly, afraid that if he got any louder he would only moan. he took his fingers from your clenching heat to focus on your clit. “you’re my motivation to be in this stupid sport and the only reason i stayed.”
shotaro felt your legs shake over his and your hand moved from his dick to dig your nails into his stomach. shotaro flexed for you, hardening the muscle underneath his skin. he could feel the cum on your hand smear onto his stomach, warm and sticky as your grip on him changed.
“you close?” shotaro asked, readjusting his hand around your back.
“so close.” you whimpered. “just keep going.”
“okay baby.” shotaro’s hand across the small of your back pulled at you, making you lean forward into his chest. “moan into my shirt if you need to.” he whispered.
you nodded while pushing your hips forward trying to work with shotaro’s fingers. your entire body went tense, gripping shotaro’s shirt so hard the fabric wrinkled. your moans became whiny and you could feel shotaro nodding his head.
“i got you.” he whispered into your ear.
your full body shook around shotaro, and he continued to nod and keep the same speed. he could feel the same relief coming off you in waves, and shotaro let a finger run down your folds to gather your cum. he used that as extra lubrication on your clit, speeding up until you let out a shuddering breath. he didn’t stop until you started shaking your head against his chest and your hand on his abs clasped around his wrist. he still tried circling his hand, smiling as how you had to push yourself off his lap before you got overstimulated.
“baby.” shotaro breathed.
“mhm?” you hummed. 
you still leaned into his chest, and shotaro watched your back raise and lower as you tried catching your breath. he saw the small trace of tear tracks underneath your hooded eyes.
“did you mean all the stuff you said?” he asked.
you put your hands to his face as you nodded your head. shotaro leaned into your palms, and the need to be touched by you took over his mind again. 
“of course i did.” you bring shotaro forward to kiss his forehead. when you pulled back he saw the facetious smile on your face. “i would love to tell you more about it, actually.” you teased.
you and shotaro were tripping over eachother as you gathered your belongings. you readjusted your sweatpants and threw shotaro’s hoodie over his jersey. shotaro slung both of your duffles over his shoulder quickly. you moved in a haste, not looking back at the bench to see if you left a mess. shotaro didn’t turn around till he made it to the exit, peaking at you one last time with a joking smile on his face.
“just make sure the jersey stays on.” he laughed.
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hotheadedhero · 1 month
Now hear me out-
Bayverse turtles giving reader a spiderman kiss. Like maybe the turtles haven't seen their beloved significant other for a while and decide to sneak away from patrol for a split second to give them an upside down smooch.
AN: Hearing you loud and clear my lovely, this is frickin adorable, thank you! Big spiderman fan over here <3 Hope you weren't waiting too long, even being on holiday wasn't going to stop me finishing this 👀
Kiss me
Bay Turtles x Reader
You are in the middle of reading on your couch when there’s knocking at your window. A set of rhythmic taps that play out in a particular pattern. A secret code indicative of who is waiting outside your living room. With a joyous grin, you spring up onto your feet and pull the curtains open. You expected to see your boyfriend outside but you did not expect him to be hanging upside down from your upstairs neighbour's part of the fire escape. Given the fact that yours is currently classed as unsafe to use, this makes a lot more sense.
The set of circumstances that led to such a problem is not your fault. Whoever had lived here prior, assumed it would be a great idea to place a blow-up paddling pool on it for those dreadfully hot summers. The funny thing about chlorine water, however, is that chlorine water accelerates the corrosion of metals. Much to your derisive luck, it didn’t start taking effect until a few months after you had moved in. Without any substantial evidence, the blame is being passed over to you and that is not a bill you have the funds to meet. Hence, you are awaiting a hearing and, hopefully, following approval to get it fixed without burning a said hole in your pocket. Landlords, am I right?
You open the window for Leonardo. “I see you came to hang out,” you quip before smiling awkwardly. “Sorry about the broken fire escape.”
He shakes his head, knowing that you should be the last person apologising for it, but decides to make light of the situation with his own humour. "You may want to look into that."
"If you got a spare grand or two lying around," you joke in return, "I'd be happy to."
Leo breathes a quiet laugh and puckers his lips. Figures that he would only have time for a quick greeting, so you may as well make it worthwhile when you have the chance. Happily, you comply and lean forward for a kiss. You smile into it and, in doing so, you feel him do the same. It can be hard to find the time for small moments such as is but they are always cherished.
"Now go keep us safe,” you mumble against his lips. “I’ll come by the lair when you’re done.”
One last kiss is exchanged, trying to savour it as best you can, before he inevitably has to disappear into the night again.
Sometimes dating can be a whirlwind of mystery and uncertainties: days where one wonders if such a thing is tenable. Raphael knew your relationship would come with certain hurdles - albeit this isn't the worst it could be - but he didn't think you'd go this long without seeing each other. With you working during the day and him the night, planning time together is a challenge. For the quieter nights, you’re usually too tired from your job. There’s the occasional drop-in on your days off but it’s a similar problem what with him needing sleep, too. Not now, though. The frustration is settled thickly into his skin. Perhaps that’s why he’s working so hard on his crunches. Replace the mental burn with a physical one.
Deciding to turn up the burn, he lifts himself onto his pull-up bar, hooks his knees over it, and resumes working on his core. Raph gets close to a hundred reps before he hears the rapid pitter of feet coming straight for the lair. He prepares to descend to the ground and greet you but you rush into his gym and grab his face before he gets the chance.
"Just wanted to drop by quick," you sputter feverishly before smacking your mouth into his. "Can't stay long."
Then you kiss him again; a long, deep, and tender press of your lips upon his. He falls into it enough that the raw emotion is clear but not so much that he slips from the pull-up bar. The fact that you’ve hurried in before your shift just to give him some quick love means the world to this big lug. He should think about missing you more often if it means the universe will summon you to him. One hand outstretches to pull your head closer but you move away just as he's about to. Damn.
Sprinting off, you shout out a last, "Love you," before disappearing off into one of the many sewer tunnels.
He just hangs there gaunt, blinking for the after-image of you that is now completely gone. Had he not been taken so sharply off guard, he probably would have made a grab for you, insisting that you call in sick and stay. In a perfect world, maybe. A short huff of amusement blows out of his nostrils and he returns to his workout, now fueled with a new, more desirable burn.
With a smirk and underlays of that soft smile you coax out of him, he whispers under his breath, “Love you, too.”
As far as work days go, this one has been a doozy and getting back home couldn’t possibly be a more sweet reward. There aren’t many floors to climb but you’re so tired that you opt to use the lift instead of the stairs; a little self-treat and a decision that you quickly regret when it comes to a halt. Your poor, weary body jostles with the force of it stopping abruptly and you whine. Please, don’t do this. After the day you’ve had, this is the last thing you need.
Just when you think it can’t possibly get any worse, there’s a thud from right above your head. Bandits? Burglary? A raid? All stupid ideas in the grand scheme of things but panic is leading you to such irrational thoughts. With your rucksack as your only defence, you hold it up ready to bring a smackdown if needs be. Clanging. Creaking. Weight shifting. Then, the ceiling’s latch falls and down comes a head.
“Mind if I drop by?” your turtle boyfriend asks as he hangs all topsy-turvy in front of you.
“Oh, thank Mercury, it’s you,” you heave, letting your bag drop to place a hand on your chest. The prior anxiety wears off just enough for a new one to beckon and you straighten up. “Wait, the security cams-”
“Already taken care of,” he reassures with a weirdly cheeky grin. “How’s this for some spontaneous romance?”
Slowly, your face pinches and points up at Donnie, not overly impressed with what’s insinuated here. So, this was all curated by him, was it? Possibly a cute plan from his perspective but you’re much too drained to see it that way.
You rub your eyes with your thumb and finger and sigh. “I wouldn’t consider giving me a near damn heart attack romantic, Don.”
“Would it be considered somewhat romantic if I were to say that I also reset and upgraded your lift system? It shouldn’t malfunction for another 5 years now.”
Knowing he’d find a way to have a sweet reason for this, you can hardly hold back your smile. It’s a bit out there but you also have to remind yourself of who you’re dating. You sigh again, this time in fake disdain, and lean off the wall to kiss him. Judging by the little hum in his throat, he must be feeling pretty proud of himself. When you pull away, you adjust his slightly crooked glasses.
“The best thing you could do right now is let me get to my apartment,” you note with a pat on his cheek. “Please?”
His eyes light up and he disappears back up from whence he came to get things running. Getting back home may have been trickier than you anticipated but it isn’t without its perks for being able to see Donnie. A conversation may need to be had about his choices of flirtatious spontaneity, however.
In the late hours of the evening, you had decided to start settling down for the night. The typical, run-of-the-mill routine: brush your teeth, wash your face, and get into some cosy pyjamas. A nice movie sounds like a good idea before you hit the hay. You leave the bathroom to get a start on choosing one when you remark something in the air. It isn’t clear but there is an unspecified something different with your apartment since you’ve been in the bathroom. A smell? Or perhaps a few objects that now appear to be out of place. There wasn’t any noise to indicate a new presence. Ah. You know exactly what’s going on. Keeping back a laugh, you place your hand on your hips.
“I know you’re up there, Mikey,” you say, not even bothering to look up at your intruder.
“Aw, babe,” he whines from the ceiling as he lets the upper half of his body fall and hang limply in front of you. “Ruining the moment here.”
These types of hijinks may have pulled a fast one over you back in the day but you’ve grown more than accustomed to them by now, much to your boyfriend’s dismay. He isn’t inherently set on scaring your socks off - as much as that is a bonus - but he likes surprising you, seeing the sparkle in your eyes when you realise it’s him. He looks like a bit of a wounded puppy for the fact, so it only seems fair that you perk him back up again. Playfully rolling your eyes, you take a few steps forward and kiss him sweetly. It’s safe to say that this is much better than getting you all frightened. Regardless of that, you have to quietly question how he’s managed to find the time to come and attempt a prank at your expense in the first place.
“Mikey,” you hear one of his brothers yell from outside, “Don’s picked up on a burglary from the police scanners. We gotta go. Now!”
That answers that, then.
“Duty calls, angel,” he breathes out, clearly bummed out but feigning it against his lax grin. “You know how it is.”
Sensing his disappointment, you peck his lips again and grin encouragingly. “Go get ‘em, hero.”
He shoots you a wink and lets himself drop to the floor before jumping out of your window. You watch him bound off over rooftops, hollering and likely getting an ear chewed off by his brothers. Mikey hates to leave his sweetness behind but you know just what to say to get him fired up. Those thugs shall endure a swift beat down, so he can return for his “hero’s reward” quickly.
If you liked this, there's a real neat one by @theyhavetakenovermylife with the 2012 boyos with the same concept! (and also you just have to check out all of their works, they're amazing 🙏😭💕)
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ataraxiaspainting · 5 months
Banquet of Massacre.
Yan Geto x F Reader.
Synopsis: The days are blending into each other, and you just want some sort of change. But soon, you realize you have to be far more careful about what you wish for.
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, not SFW implications, takes place five or so years before JJK 0, and violence.
Continuation of Presentiment of Massacre.
Word Count: 800.
The green obi gently tightening with each passing second stops at your words, but after a chuckle resumes, the slight anger in Geto’s voice is smaller than the width of a hair.
He continues with the loose, wide red sodes. You focus so much on your anxiety, about what the rest of your life will be, that you don’t notice the small golden details of koi on the red sleeves. You don’t even pay attention to the silk that ties your wrists together, a consequence of you attempting to squirm your way out of dinner again. Not that dinner was anything special this evening.
“You know,” His voice rises and falls like the wind. “Perhaps there are some things you shouldn’t say to the only reason you are still alive.”
With that, he pulls, much harder than before, on the ends of the sash, causing you to gasp for air for a moment or two. 
“I could still feed you to one of my curses you know, or all of them at the same time, they would love to get a taste of you.”
At your desperate whines, as you attempt to claw at the ceiling with restrained hands, he lets go, and with his action, your vision blurs no longer.
He spins you around and he licks his lips.
“I-I’m sorry, Master Geto.” You might be uncertain if you mean your apology, but perhaps Geto has the answer.
Just as you are not sure if Geto forgives you, but he knows the answer for sure.
The woman sitting next to both of you on the floor holds a golden hairpin in her ragged, scarred hands. She holds the hairpin just like she held the underlayer, obi string, socks, obi, and sash. She held and currently holds them all so delicately because she did not want to lose her hands. She was your handmaiden, according to Geto, and although the two of you had never exchanged words, you knew her first name was Sookee, but her last name was of no relevance if it even existed. 
Even though she was around your age, Sookee looked much older than she was because of her premature wrinkles and little white hairs sticking out of her bangs, clear signs of all the stress Geto and the rest of the people here put her through. She was an indentured servant of sorts, from what you were told, and she, like you, is often tormented by the people who live here.
You feel bad for her, whenever you hear her screams and cries, whenever she trips and breaks a porcelain teapot and gets beaten for it, or when she is too late to dress you for supper, which always causes Geto to summon a curse that is so ugly and follows her for the rest of the day and makes crude comments toward her.
There was one time that it actually bit her, and after an hour’s worth of begging, Sookee earned the right to bandage herself up.
“Monkey,” The word is bitter on his tongue and lingers in the air for far longer than either Sookee or you would have liked. “Pin.”
Although you sympathize with Sookee, your instinct urges you to prioritize your well-being before her.
“Since you are so ungrateful for the life I have given you, maybe it would be better to make you like Sookee. Would you like that, princess? To be lesser than a pauper?”
You deeply repent for uttering a single word, which emerges from your lips with complete despair. Meanwhile, Geto wears a smile as he delicately places the luxurious golden hairpin, worth more than your two kidneys combined, into your hair. With a dismissive gesture and a piercing look, he sends Sookee away, and she quietly shuts the door behind her.
You don’t stop him from pushing you onto the bed, large enough for at least five people to rest on, because really is there anything you can do? “You’re so pretty. The loveliest one, the only one worthy of what I am about to do.”
You are trapped here, forever bound by him. The door is guarded by a terrifying curse that ensures your confinement, although Geto's power makes it unnecessary. You find yourself in this place, adorned in the kimono he compelled you to wear, lying in his bed, with the makeup Sookee was forced to apply on you. And here you are, hearing his whispered words of affection as he lies upon you.
“Since you are so ungrateful for what you already have, I will give you more and more, my love, until you regret ever wishing for a life outside of this one.”
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dudeandduchess · 4 months
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Kiss It Better (SFW Scenario, Fluff)
Sub-genre: Hurt/Comfort Note: I was a bit inspired, and also a bit in my feels. This is a bit of a different take on Kyōjurō; a look behind the veil, per se...
There were days in Kyōjurō’s life when it all just felt… off. His usual demeanour was not enough to stave off the imminent feelings of sadness within him, no matter how hard he tried. And no amount of psychoanalysing himself— and repeating over and over in his head that he was not supposed to be down, or in any way upset, was simply not cutting it.
Those days were the most difficult, in his opinion. But he could never say it out loud; all because he always thought that admitting it aloud was unnecessary. There were other, more important, things to be done— so he had to push through.
With that same mantra in mind, the blond wiped the sweat that beaded at his forehead; closing his eyes, and exhaling a soft sigh that didn’t help to ease the tightness that he felt in his chest.
He could also feel the tears pricking at the backs of his eyes, but he put all his effort into suppressing them. After all, the afternoon sun still hung high up in the sky; it wouldn’t have boded well for anyone to see him deep in the trenches of his own melancholy.
No matter how hard he tried to keep telling himself to resume with his daily training routine though, his body simply would not cooperate. So, he found himself throwing the proverbial towel in— making his way towards the engawa, and taking a seat.
It was a desperate effort to keep his inner turmoil in control, but taking that break only served to make it roil inside him even more.
He could feel everything within him just clawing to get out— to make itself known to the world and introduce them to his inner misery— yet he held tight to keep his composure.
After all, he’s done it before. So, he can do it again… and again; no matter how many times it was necessary.
“Kyō, I saw that you were taking your break, so I brought some tea…” (Y/n) announced softly, as she stepped out onto the engawa.
Her eyes traced over the contours of her husband’s bare back, appreciating every line of muscle that undulated with his minuscule movements. Yet, her appreciation was cut short when she felt the heaviness coming off of him in droves.
She knew that he was trying to put up a tough façade, and it made her heart ache; just knowing that he was suffering and was trying to bury it deep within himself.
Gingerly, (Y/n) set the tray of tea down on the spot next to her husband, before kneeling right behind him. Then slowly, as gently as she could— as if he was going to break if she moved gruffly— she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“I love you, Kyō, and I’m so, so incredibly proud of you,” The young woman whispered next to Kyōjurō’s right ear, before leaning down to press a kiss to the side of his face— down to his jaw, the side of his neck, and eventually down to his bare shoulder. “You never have to go through this alone.”
Kyōjurō wasn’t exactly sure if it was his wife’s words, or the mere feel of her comforting arms around him, but he felt the first vestiges of tears begin to roll down his cheeks. And eventually, he leaned back against her and closed his eyes, as he let his tears fall freely.
The tightness in his chest didn’t fully subside, but it was getting more and more bearable with every passing second.
He then lifted his left hand up, and gently curled his fingers around (Y/n)’s left wrist; finding more comfort in touching her.
No words had to be said to (Y/n), as everything that she needed to know was conveyed through that one action alone. It was a small gesture that spoke volumes: Thank you. I love you. I need you.
“I’ll always be here for you, Kyō. Forever… and ever…. and ever. I promise,” The young woman reassured in the softest tone that she could muster, despite her impending tears making her throat feel all thick and mucky.
She then pressed another kiss to Kyōjurō’s shoulder, before pressing her cheek against the spot that she had just graced with her lips; remaining quiet as she allowed her husband to have his moment of private solace in her arms.
“I love you, Kyōjurō.”
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heartilywrites · 2 months
could you write a fluff korra x fem reader fic? i loved give in to me!!
omg hi !! im so glad you loved it 🥺 this is my first request, hope you enjoyed it and love it as much as i loved writing it!!!
،، 𝓡eady? Take 3! ; Korra
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resume: Korra had been wanting to tell you how she felt for quite some time now.
content warning: fluff and comfort ; fem and earthbender!reader ; for plotting reasons, Mako and Korra never had a relationship ; a long os 'cause I kinda got excited ; no use of y/n ; the only thing I described from physical looks are the eyes, but because the ppl from the Earth Kingdom have green eyes ;
word count: 2.5k
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“ 𝓘 made my mind long ago, but I still needed more time.
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Love can be such a magical thing, can't it? Falling in love with someone you appreciate, feeling like you're floating when you are near to that person, butterflies in your stomach when you have them near, an electric touch when their hands are on you, your heart beating a hundred per second. . . Okay, sometimes it may be confused with anxiety, but Korra felt that way with you. In a good way! Korra thought love would be easy to handle for her. I mean, she's the avatar! she should be able to do everything, right?
But it was hard for her to understand how it worked. She knew you since her probending days with the team, between Bolin and you were helping her with her earthbending. She realize she was in love with you on one of the practices where Bolin was absent because he felt asleep.
That time alone with you made her realized how much she loved spending time with you, how she felt complete with you near, how her heart raced when she made you laugh and how she adored having your whole attention.
So she thought about talking about it to you.
Three tries. It took her three tries to say what she wanted. The first one was at the Glacier Spirits Festival.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Who are we staring at?” Asami said over her shoulder, scaring the brunette one, making her jump in her place.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “No one!” she was quick to exclaim, but the pale girl looked the way she was and smiled excited when she saw you scolding Bolin for shoving a whole bird in his mouth. “You know, staring at her won't do anything.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Do what? I don’t know what you're talking about, I don’t want to do anything.” the avatar mumbled, looking away. Asami laugh softly.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Sure you don't.” she smiled, one of her arms passed the brunette's shoulders. “Let's go, I'll take Bolin from her and you can stay and do nothing.” Asami tried to copy her friend's tone while she forced the avatar to walk your way.
When the pair arrived with you, your eyes lit up at the sight of Korra. She was too nervous to notice. “Hey, I need Bolin for a couple of minutes; I brought you another companion in exchange!” the inventor spoke.
Asami shoved Korra to you and was quick to take Bolin by the wrist to take him away with a 'but, my food!' complaint from him. The avatar was quick to straighten after bumping into you, her cheeks were light pink and her smile was nervous. “Hi. . . Uhm, do you want to play the booths?” she asked timidly pointing at one with mini Aangs in it.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I would love to!” you exclaimed and that gave Korra the courage to take you hand and walk to the booth.
The night was great, both of you were having the best time of your lives. Laughing, cheating in the most subtle way possible, eating a bunch of things until your stomach was full. She won a flying bison and a koalaotter plushies while you won a badgermole. At the end of the night, both of you were walking back to the tents where the whole group were staying at.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You should've seen your face when the ferris wheel stopped at the top!” she had been laughing at you for about five minutes now and you couldn't resist to join her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I hate heights! Stop making fun of me!” you tried to defend yourself while holding your stomach. It didn't took long to get to the tents. “It was fun, Korra. I had a great night, thank you.”
The southerner smiled fondly at you before nodding. “I had a great night too. . .” both of you stayed quiet while arriving to the doorstep of the tents, but it was a comfortable silence. “Listen, I...”
The sight of your green eyes stopped her words. It was right there, that was the moment, she needed to do it.
Korra took a big breath in.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I want you to have the koalaotter.” she said, cowering at the last second. You smiled big and took the plushie when she extended it.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Thank you!” you exclaimed admiring the plushie while Korra admired you. A moment later you extended the badgermole back at her. “Let's exchange, I want you to have it. I have something from you and you have something from me.” you said blushing hard. She accepted more than grateful and smiled at you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'll take good care of it.” she said, getting a small 'I know you will' from you before waving goodbye for the night.
Maybe she had a chance?
The second time was in Zaofu.
After helping prevent the kidnapping of Korra by the Red Lotus, you were the first one to come in once the girl got her mobility back.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “My spirits, Korra!” you exclaimed running to give her a hug which was pretty much reciprocated with a bit of strength from the Avatar. “I'm glad you're okay. I got so scared.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Me too.” she murmured close to your ear. Seconds that felt like hours, Korra spent in your arms, breathing in your scent while she could feel how fast your own breathing was. “I'm here, don't worry.”
You separated a little bit from the hug to look at her face and smiled fondly at her, she smiled back at you. A clear of throat busted the bubble you both were in. “Go get some rest, kids, we'll be making the questioning at first thing in the morning.” Lin said, both of you looked at her and then at each other.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'll take her to her bed.” you told them before helping the southern stand up, you made her rest one of her arms on your shoulders and one of yours wrapped around her waist so she could lean on you completely.
The walk to Korra's room was slow, you didn't pressure her to walk faster and she thanked that in silence.
Once at her room you helped her to get in and tuck her in, giving Naga a pet when she got closer to make sure her friend was fine.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm going to stay here a little bit if you need anything.” you said, sitting by her side in the bed, she smiled.
She looked for your hand which you took without a problem into yours, leaving caresses on the back of her hand with your thumb. Both of you stayed quiet, your eyes looking at the union of hands and her eyes tracing your silhouette, making sure she got your image printed in her head.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I shouldn't ask you to come here with me. It's dangerous.” she broke the silence surrounding you both, you frowned looking up at her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Don't be ridiculous, Korra. I know when to agree or decline to things.” you said, a bit annoyed at what you heard.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Yeah, but I put you in danger and–” you interrupted her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm here because I like being with you.” she blinked surprised. “If I can help you, I will. I appreciate you a lot, Korra, you're my friend.”
And at the noun used on her, her whole confession faded away. You looked at her as a friend, she thought. She sighed and nodded. “You need to rest, we have people to question in a couple of hours.” the avatar responded, smiling a little bit. You nodded, standing up and making the attempt to walk out. The hand she had intertwined with yours pulled you back, you looked at her surprise. “Let's do a sleepover, yeah?” she made space on the bed.
You thought about it for a second before smiling and accepting the offer, it took both of you a great amount of three minutes to fall asleep, facing each other, feeling at ease with the presence of the other.
The third time was three years after saying goodbye to her, she was going back to the Southern Water Tribe. She said she needed time to herself, you send her letters everyday, getting letter back every couple of weeks and one day it suddenly stopped.
You didn't thought much of it, maybe she was just preparing everything to come back to the city and you didn't had time either to think about it.
Once you were told Kuvira's plan to attack Zaofu, you went back to the city in a try to help Suyin. After all, she helped you learn how to metalbend and you felt like that was the least you could do.
You arrived a couple of hours before Korra, but didn't cross her way since after talking to Suyin you got to an emergency training taught by the twins to make sure your metalbend was sharp.
After that, you got to sleep since the twins got the best out of you in just hours, missing the reunion with the avatar and got woken up by Wing saying they needed help to take Kuvira from the camp outside Zaofu, and so you did. Then got captured.
On your suit you narrowed your eyes at the silhouettes facing Kuvira. They shot back open in surprise. “Korra!?”
The avatar's heart raced, the feelings she ignored all that time resurfaced when she saw you. Trapped. You were moving desperate to get out of the trap. “Dear spirits, no...” she murmured to herself, the girl stayed in line, she tried not to freak out and attack Kuvira at that moment, she needed to come to an agreement.
The southerner could feel your gaze on her, she was desolate trying to win the fight to get you out of there. To have you in her arms and hold you tight. To tell you how much she missed you.
But the luck wasn't on her side that day and she lost. You watched how the flying bison got away with tears in your eyes, wishing, hoping to get a chance with her.
The next days captured with the Beifongs were... An experience. You were so grateful when you saw Lin, Bolin and Toph appear, you were the second one to get out and helped as much as you could to get out of the factory safe.
You were behind Suyin, Bolin and Zhu Li when they interrupted the president's meeting. When Korra laid eyes on you she was quick to hug you, a strong grip between the both of you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm so glad to see you.” you said in a sigh, it almost felt like a weight fell off your shoulders.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I am too... You have no idea how much I missed you.” she said back, after a while you two took a step back. “I need to tell you something.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It will have to wait, we have big problems.” even though you stopped her from talking and made her pay attention to Zhu Li, you took her hand. You needed to feel her touch to make sure it was her and not another dream.
Since the matter was life or death, both of you were able to put on hold the confessions to have your head in the game and survive whatever Kuvira threw at you. Plans were made, groups designated and goodbyes said from one group to another. It felt like the end of something, but everyone was so hopeful for a good ending.
And you were too, but you needed to do something before.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Hey, Korra, I need to talk to you.” you called the southerner, pulling the girl by the hand a little bit farther from the group. “Okay, listen, I've been trying to tell you this for years now, but I just couldn't–”
Your words got caught up in your mouth when you felt the lips of the girl infront of you press into yours. It was a sweet kiss, full of emotions coming from both sides and a bit desperate in the act.
Her lips knew their way around yours, it was almost like you two already knew how to exchange that gesture. Her hands found their way in your waist just as yours rest confidently in her shoulders, she pulled you as close to her as the anatomy would allow.
Once both yours and her lungs where burning in need of air, you pulled away. She rest her forehead in yours, her eyes were still closed for a bit before opening them and stumbling into your gaze. The one she had been loving since you arrived to her life, she smiled.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I love you.” she confessed finally, your cheeks were just as red as hers and you let a light giggle left your mouth. “I love you so much, since you first stomped in my feet at the probending gym.” your face got even more red at the memory. “I'm sorry for disappearing and for not writing you back enough, I just... I needed time to heal.”
You shook your head a bit, reassuring her with a little smile. “It doesn't matter, you are here, you are okay and I couldn't ask for more... I love you too, Korra, I always had.” the avatar could swear her heatbeats were loud enough for everyone on the place to hear them.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Once this is done I want to take you out. You and me alone.” she said before finally taking a step back from you, taking your hand into hers.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Sounds like a date.” you agreed before leaving a small peck in her lips.
And then, the final battle took place.
People were flying here and there. You learned to use the metal wires and took Bolin or Mako up and down when needed, so it was safe to say once the Colossus was defeated and Kuvira arrested you were tired to your bones. There you stood, with the whole group, taking a break.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Alright, excuse me.” Korra said walking to you and hugging you by the waist while giving you a kiss. You could hear gasps, both of surprise and excitement.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “WHAT!?” Bolin screamed with his jaw dropped, Mako had almost a same expression meanwhile Asami, Jinora and Ikki where smiling excited, Ikki was jumping in her place.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I heard we will be going to a wedding.” you said once you both ended the gesture, referring to Zhu Li and Varrick's wedding when Varrick showed off his fiancee's ring while looking for Korra after the portal opened. “Wanna be my plus one?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Ooh, I would love to.” she giggled before turning to everyone else. “. . .I think we should get out of here.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “AREN'T YOU GOING TO TELL US HOW DID THIS HAPPENED!?” Bolin continued to scream.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, they will. They have to or I'm going to make them.” Asami said, Mako laughed.
Maybe it was worth it to wait all those years for one of you to take the step, all the yearning and adoration for one to another made the result of that waiting so sweet, just as both of you had been dreaming of.
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biahouse · 3 months
Important, Gregory House x Reader
(This is my first story on Tumblr, and also my first Gregory House story. English is not my language, technically all of this is Google translate, so I apologize for any mistakes. But I hope you like it, I have a lot of ideas about our crazy doctor)
You love House. He doesn't care about anyone, but he cares about you. That's something, right?
The first time you met Gregory House was at your job interview.
You knew House's fame in the medical field, so your dream was to work with him and learn about his somewhat orthodox methods.
What you didn't expect was to be completely enchanted by the man 15 years older than you. House was moody, irritating, stupid, arrogant. A card-carrying asshole.
But there was something that made you suspicious every time he entered the diagnostic room. However, you weren't the only one.
You were good at hiding your crush on House, but Cameron always let it be known how much he liked his boss and what deeply upset you.
You were nothing compared to Alisson Cameron. Cameron was beautiful, kind, hardworking, confident. Everything you could never be, even if you tried hard.
That's why you shelved your feelings, buried them at the bottom of your chest and tried to hide as much as you could.
3 years have passed since you joined the team, and now with the departure of Chase, Cameron and Foreman, you were the only original member and House became more and more dependent on you. You have now done the work of four people.
And like a good doctor, you did your best to treat every patient who arrived at the department in the best way possible. But it was exhausting you.
The dark circles became increasingly prominent. You were sure you had lost 2kg in that week alone, since you didn't have time to eat and your hair fell out more and more every time you combed your hair.
But it was three weeks after you were working almost alone in the diagnostics department that your body reached its limit.
House and you were discussing what could be ailing an elderly man when he came up with a really interesting theory.
As always, you were sent to do tons of tests, but the moment you got up from the chair, your entire body lost consciousness.
“House” you mumbled the man’s name as you felt your entire vision blur.
"Yes?" The man responded, distractedly analyzing the symptoms chart.
"I think I'm going to pass out" was the last thing that came out of his mouth before the world went black.
You heard the machine beep before your eyes could discover the place around you. It was hard to open your eyes, the bright lights of the hospital room shining brightly into your eyes.
You could feel your throat dry, and the various threads clinging to your body. It was uncomfortable and you tried to adjust yourself on the hard bed.
"I wouldn't move if I were you" House's unmistakable voice sounded in the room and his gaze shifted to the man lying on the bedroom sofa. "Welcome to the world of the living"
“Hi,” your voice sounded hoarse and you coughed, feeling your throat raw.
"Here" House stood up at an impressive speed and handed him a glass of water with a straw. You sipped the liquid with relief, your throat feeling better within seconds.
"How long was I gone?"
"2 days" House limped so he could check his devices. "You were exhausted, dehydrated and malnourished. New diet?" The man joked.
"The patient..." You started to get worried about the man they were treating.
"You're impressive" House looked at you curiously. "I tell you she's a living dead woman and you care about the patient."
“I’m fine” You waved your hand at him.
"It's not what your scans say" He shook the folder in his possession. "Why didn't you tell me that you couldn't do everything alone?"
“Because I can do it” You insisted.
"You're going to have a week off, until you can recover. In that time, I'm going to review some resumes, you need help" House said once again looking deeply at you.
"Why? You don't want new people on the team, you hate change" you tried to argue, knowing what the man was like.
"But I care about you. I think that's more important than my distaste for people" His admission scared both of you, but neither would admit it."Rest, I'll be back in a bit, with something called food"
And with that he left the room. Leaving behind your flushed face and your racing heart.
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atlasmoonglade · 5 days
Joost Klein x single mom!reader
Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2
Warnings: suggestive content
Summary: aquarium date, an after party after Joost's concert
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Chapter 3
You and Joost have been texting every free moment you have, getting to know each other more. You are so invested in his updates from the studio and learning more about the creative process. Every time your phone buzzes, you hope it's him. It feels nice to have a new friend, who cares to reach out.
You agreed that Joost will bring the wristband pass a day before the concert. Elliot will be staying at his dad's for the weekend again, so you are trying to catch up on the upcoming time apart. You are preparing snacks for the trip to the aquarium.
You get a text from Joost:
I am 5 minutes away.
You were not planning for Joost and Elliot to meet so soon, but as you are becoming closer friends, it was just a matter of time. Your previous relationships haven't progressed further than the first date and a few days of talking so it never got to you even considering to invite them home. You've been super protective of your family, but you have never hid friends from Elliot, so Joost shouldn't be any different, and that's what you are - friends.
The door bell rings.
You open the door. Joost is holding a cardboard holder with three cups. He is wearing light blue jeans, white t-shirt, a hoodie over it and thick-framed glasses.
"Hi." you smile at him.
"Hi." he smiles back which warms your heart. "This is for you." He hands you a coldbrew.
"Thank you. You really shouldn't have." you take the coffee. "Come in." you move to let him in.
He comes in and looks around. It does feel strange to see him after days of just texting and also to see him in your apartment. But you catch myself thinking that he fits just right, you smile at the thought.
You motion for him to follow you. "Elliot this is Joost, we met when I was with Brianne last week."
"Are you my new daddy?" Elliot asks pausing his game.
"I- uh" he looks as shocked as you feel.
"I'm just joking, relax." Elliot laughs. "Hi, Joost." he resumes the game, loud noises filling the room.
Your soul returns to your body and you burst out laughing.
"Definitely your son." Joost lets out the breath he was holding.
"No doubts here." you ruffle Elliot's hair.
"I brought you hot chocolate, Elliot." Joost points to the second cup he is holding. "Hope that's ok?" he looks at you.
"Absolutely." a smile spreads across your face.
"Thanks!" Elliot beams and takes the cup. "Mom, he can come over more often."
"Bribery always works in this family" you joke and notice Joost become less tense.
"You are welcome and yep, writing that down." Joost's bright blue eyes meet yours.
"Presents don't end here." he hands you an envelope. "The pass wristband. There are two, the second one will get you access to backstage."
"Wow." you look up at him feeling extremely grateful. "You didn't have to do all that." you pull him into a hug. His body went rock solid for all of a second before his upper body relaxed and one of his arms wrapped around the middle of your back.
"You're sure you want to go alone?" He pulls back, his hand on your back still. "I brought a second one just in case."
"No, that's okay. I will just hang back and enjoy your concert." you pull apart.
"You will. It's a fun time" you notice how it makes him happy to talk about his music and performance.
"I'm really looking forward to see you in your element" you put your hand over his tattooed one.
"When are we leaving?" Elliot asks and you remove your hand.
"I am ready. We can go in a minute."
"Where are you heading?"
"We are off to the aquarium." you pause. "Do you want to join us?" you look at Elliot. "Would that be ok?"
Elliot turns around "Yes! Please come with us! There are sharks there!" Elliots current fixation are big fish, he has been talking about this aquarium since the day you saw it in an ad.
"Please come. Ticket is on me." you say.
"I don't have any plans. How could I say no" he smiles at both of you.
Elliot and Joost have been talking about sharks, orkas and whales the whole ride there. Joost matching and fuelling ElIiots excitement by showing him photos from the Sea Life in the Netherlands. It warms your heart seeing them get along.
You walk through the exhibit stopping by signs for Elliot to read about the wild life. You picked a good time, there are not many people around. The big glass wall with a view of the divers and the biggest animals they have is definitely your favourite, you stop to appreciate it. You take out my phone to take a photo of Elliot being totally mesmerised. You will send it to Nicholas later. You also take a photo of Joost who looks deep in thought looking into the water.
"What's on your mind?" you come to stand next to him.
"Just enjoying myself. It's so beautiful here, reminds me of the time I went to a similar exhibition back home." he says.
"Do you miss it? Home?"
"Yes. But I am also having a lot of fun here." you are not facing each other, but you feel close to him. "Thank you for inviting me to tag along."
"I'm glad you came." you say. "Elliot seems to be having a great time."
"He is. You are raising a great kid." he turns to face you.
"Thinking of making another milf joke?" you say and he laughs.
"I'm gonna find a toilet. Will you look after him for a minute?"
"Sure." he goes to stand closer to Elliot.
-Joost's POV-
"So, is it everything you imagined?" I ask squatting down next to Elliot.
"I could live here."
"Have you always been interested in the ocean?"
"Last summer me and mom went on a trip to the ocean side. It was the best summer ever." he looks straight ahead but I can tell he is hiding a smile.
"You are very lucky to have her."
"Do you like her?" he suddenly asks.
His question catches me by surprise.
"I do. She is a good friend" I tell him honestly.
"I can tell she likes you too." he pauses. "As a friend" and looks at me. "We hadn't had anyone join us besides dad in a long time."
It is refreshing to talk to a kid, their pure honesty makes you trust their every word.
"Look!" he exclaims. The biggest shark yet swims right over our heads. We both look at it.
I turn around to see Ria smiling at her phone.
-your POV-
As you come back, you see Joost and Elliot talking about something. You pull out your phone and take a quick photo of them.
You haven't let anyone new into your lives in so long, you forgot how good it feels to see your kid build a relationship with someone you like.
"Ready to go?" you ask them.
It is the day of the concert. You decide on the all black outfit, a mini skirt, fitted t-shirt, knee high boots and a leather bomber jacket. As you are finishing your makeup, there is knock on the door. Must be Nicholas coming up to pick up Elliot. You open the door.
He comes in and you hug.
"Someone looks nice." he compliments you. "Where are you off to?"
"Thank you. Going to a concert tonight." You turn around to show off your outfit.
"A concert?" he nods appreciating it. "Who is performing?"
"A dutch artist." Are you gatekeeping Joost?
"Cool! Have fun tonight!" he says with a warmth in his voice.
You kiss Elliot on the top of his head as he gets ready to leave.
The venue is not big, but it is sold out. People are buzzing with excitement, you hear a few people speaking dutch in the crowd.
Standing further back, closer to a bar with a drink in my hand, you still have a great view of the stage. You send a quick photo of your beer to Joost "Ready for the big star!"
A few minutes pass and he sends a heart emoji, which makes you smile.
The show starts. Joost comes out and the crowd comes alive screaming his name. He is wearing a white shirt with a tie, baggy jeans and yellow tinted glasses. He is so energetic on stage, everyone in the crowd is following his every move and singing the lyrics. You are completely mesmerised seeing Joost perform, his stage persona is him but more. You find youself dancing and jumping to the music.
You notice a lady taking polaroid photos of the crowd and Joost. She waves to grab your attention and points at her polaroid. You pose and she snaps a photo, focusing her attention back to the main crowd.
The concert ends, you feel sweat dripping down your back from dancing for the duration of the concert. Not once did you regret going alone. It was so much fun. The same lady comes up to you and asks you to follow her to backstage.
You walk into a room, a few people from the crew already there. You introduce myself, some people already knew your name, which took you by surprise. You wonder what Joost told them. Everyone is extremely nice, buzzing with energy after a successful show.
A door opens and everyone cheers loudly. You turn to see Joost with no shirt, he took it off halfway through the show. He shakes hands and hugs the crew speaking dutch to them. Everyone seems to gravitate towards him. The room is filled with excitement. You notice his eyes are searching the room until he sees you, his face lights up, which makes your heart beat faster. He goes straight to you and stops hesitating.
You open up your arms "Come here"
"I am super sweaty"
"It's okay" you say and he gives you a tight hug.
"It was fucking incredible." you say into his ear.
"Told you." he is still shaking with energy and excitement after the show. You pull apart, his hands sliding down your arms. "We are going to the afterparty, you have to come."
You haven't stayed up this late in a long time, but you don't feel tired at all. You are not a spontaneous, person, but this feels right. "Okay" you say.
He pulls you into him again. You feel his muscles, not minding the sweat, you run your hands up and down his back, going up to the back of his head to run your hands through his hair at the nape of his neck. He groans into your ear, his hips living the life of the own, pushing closer. He pulls back to look into your eyes, going down to your mouth. Your heart starts beating faster.
"Joost, you ready?" someone from the room shouts.
The bubble of the moment between you ends. You come back to reality and quickly pull apart.
"Yes I will take a quick shower and I'm coming" he glances back at you with a smile and disappears into his dressing room.
During the uber ride you sit next to Joost. Your knees touching, you are still not over the excitement of the concert and the moment you had earlier. All of your senses are elevated.
The club is loud. When you get to your booth you manage to get to know some people from his crew, who share their emotions and remarks about how the concert went. They teach you the terminology they use on stage. Everyone is inviting and it feels like you've known each other for a long time, there is no awkwardness, they all accept you into their group. You order drinks, joke around and head to the dance floor, Joost will DJ a short set.
Joost picks out fast paced songs, which everyone loves and dances to. You stay with the few people you made friends with, dancing and cheering together. After his set is done, he comes down to the floor. The usual DJ taking his place to continue the set. His eyes find yours again, "Everything ok?" he asks leaning into your ear, you can feel the alcohol on his breath.
"More than ok." you tell into his ear. Music is so loud you barely hear each other.
He gives you a thumbs up and you move together to the music. You can feel the alcohol in your bloodstream making you relax and think more freely. Joost is standing behind you, his arms on your shoulders, making you feel protected from the world. After a few more songs you feel him lean in again "Do you want to leave?"
You turn in his arms to face him. "If you want" you look up at him.
"Come stay with me." he leans in close.
You don't say anything yet.
"We can't" you say quietly but he hears you.
"We won't." he says into your ear. "Just stay with me."
You look into his eyes, you are still swaying to the beat. The alcohol must be doing its job because you agree.
The uber to Joost's Airbnb is quiet. It's a complete opposite of the one you had on the way to afterparty. You are not touching, a slight anxiety between you. You can't remember the last time you stayed not in your own bed.
He turns the key in the door and lets you in first. Silence still heavy. You come in, the light still not turned on, but the street light from outside lighting up just enough to see surroundings. Kitchen and a living room in a loft type apartment, bedroom separated in its own room.
Joost sits down on a bench in the hallway.
"If you are not comfortable, I can walk you home." he breaks the silence.
You turn to face him. The adrenaline has ran out, you are both back to our senses. "No, I am comfortable." you say quietly, the darkness like a blanket around us. "I just haven't done this...Staying at someone's place in a long time." you confess.
"I hate being alone after the show and I wanted to be with you tonight." he takes off his shoes.
You take yours off too and walk further into the apartment.
He still hasn't turned on the lights, which you are thankful for.
"I will take the sofa, you can sleep in my bed."
"No, I can't make you do that. We are adults, we can share a bed. As friends."
"As friends." he repeats and a smile spreads across his face. You can't help but match his smile.
"I'm going to take a shower. Bedroom is there, take anything from my wardrobe you need." he says and heads to the bathroom.
You stand in the darkness for a moment, taking in everything that is happening, and walk into the kitchen, filling up two glasses of water.
You find the bedroom, the bed is neatly made. You put the glasses of water on each bedside table. Feels weird to be opening his wardrobe cabinet, you open the top drawer and find a t-shirt to wear. You sit at the edge of the bed, check your phone if there are any messages from Nicholas. A message wishing a fun night and a photo of Elliot asleep with a bowl of popcorn in his lap. You smile and put your phone next to the glass of water.
Joost comes out from the shower only in his boxers, his hair wet. You hope the dark room at least a little bit hides the fact that you can't stop looking at him.
"See something you like?" he jokes.
"It's so dark in here, I couldn't make out if it's even you or not. Don't flatter yourself." you joke back.
"I like it dark."
"Me too" you agree with him. "I will go shower now." you stand up.
"The towels are in the bottom cabinet drawer" he says. It suddenly feels so domestic.
"Thank you."
You wash off the day from you, the soap a familiar smell of him. You brush your teeth and put on his oversized t-shirt. You walk back into the room to find Joost under the blanket the light of his phone lighting up his face. You hear the loud noises of the concert. He is watching back his performance.
"Hey you." you say
"Hey" he puts down the phone. "So, did you really have a good time?"
You notice he put a separate blanket on your side of the bed. A small gesture, but are thankful. You get under the blanket.
"I did. I had so much fun. You really know how to put on a show." you turn to face him.
"I am so glad." we are now face to face from our sides of the bed. Only a streetlight barely lighting up his face.
"You looked very happy on stage."
"It feels natural to me. I have always loved performing." he says. "It's strange how I love being the centre of attention, but only on stage. As soon as I'm off it, I need my space back."
"I get it." you say thinking you are happy that he wants you in his space. "Obviously, not the performing part" you joke, "but I think you can tell I am quite a private person."
You fall into a comfortable silence, still facing each other. You want to touch his hand.
"Thank you for staying with me tonight." he breaks the silence. "Hope I didn't overstep it. I felt brave and decided to act on it."
"It's ok. I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't want it too." you feel him smile, the blanket shuffles and you feel him touch your hand just barely.
"Good night."
"Good night."
You fall asleep feeling safe knowing he is next to you.
Chapter 4 coming soon! If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to send me an ask.
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midnightlizard · 4 months
Why can't everyone just go away, only you can stay
Wanda Maximoff x gn!reader
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Summary: After a bad mission, your girlfirend is there to help you
Warnings: canonical violence, hurt/comfort at it's peak
A/N: I wrote this years ago so I don't really like it, but here it is. Also, I had emo Wanda in mind but it can be any era
Word count: 1518
"How is that cut? Need any help?"
you raised your head form were you were sitting on the quinjet while mending your forearm, to look at the blonde.
"don't worry I got this, I've had worse, anyway."
you signed, smiling reassuringly.
"okay." Clint sighed.
"I'll do your report, we've held the same position so I'll just have to change some words."
He stopped you before you could interject
"you need some sleep"
and without another word, he went to sit in the pilot's seat, leaving you there.
As soon as the team got off the plane, you went straight to your room and locked the door.
Meanwhile, Wanda was with Natasha in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the two of them. They stopped once Steve came into the room.
"hey Steve, already back?"
"the mission ended before the time, so here we are." he answered the assassin's question, while picking up some leftovers from the fridge.
At this, the witch tilted her head "something wrong?"
The captain sighed "I wasn't there, you should ask them yourself"
The two redheads looked at each other, exchanging confused stares.
Wanda decided to give you some space, she knew that once you were okay you would be the one coming to her.
Only this time, it didn't happen. Two days have passed and you were still in your room, which meant you hadn't eaten anything.
The other avengers have tried to get you out, like Tony asking for help in the laboratory, or Thor stating he wanted to play some 'Midgard games'.
But they only got silence in return.
The witch took matters into her own hands.
She went in the kitchen, fixing you a quick meal and grabbing two water bottles, before knocking on your door.
No one answered, so she tried again, this time with her voice.
"(Y/N)? It's me, it's Wanda. Please open the door."
she waited a few seconds, before she resumed talking.
"at least take the food, you can't-"
Her voice died in her throat when she heard the door open.
Having her hands full, she used her powers to open it completely and closing it once she was in.
Your room was always messy...but this, Wanda has never seen all this chaos. Clothes were all over the place and everything that was normally on the shelves was now on the floor.
The rays picking through the blinds being the only thing illuminating the room.
You still wore your dirty and bloody suit, whose blood it was she couldn't tell.
You were sitting on the bed, looking at the hands on you lap. The redhead left the food on the nightstand before sitting beside you. She didn't dare touch you, not knowing what reaction it would have led to.
“I didn’t want you to see this.”
You suddenly said, breaking the agonizing silence in the room.
"honey it's okay, I don't care about the mess, I only care that you are fine."
She put her hand on yours, only for you to swiftly getting away.
"well I am, if you didn't know I can heal my body, so even if I get hurt it doesn't matter."
You replied a little harshly. You noticed your tone and looked at Wanda for a brief second but couldn't bring yourself to say sorry, you just didn't want to talk and make everything worse.
Your girlfriend, thankfully, understood the venom in your voice wasn't aimed at her. She couldn't read your mind, no, but she could distinguish volumes and velocity of your thoughts, and with time she was able to associate them with your feelings and emotions.
Loud and messy cries was all the scarlet witch could hear, which only meant one thing, you were scared.
So she tried with the sweetest voice she could master.
"angel, do you want to talk about it?"
You jumped off the bed and started pacing around the room, fidgeting with your fingers.
"I-I had to hold position, but-but there was a bomb. They put a bomb where we were supposed to stay and then, I-I tried to reject- Clint was busy-"
Your poorly formed speech stopped once you felt warm hands on your cold cheeks. You were starting to have a panic attack, sign the sokovian knew all too well.
"please look at me, shh it's okay. You don't have to explain. (Y/N)-"
She took one of your hand and put it on her chest, to let you feel it rising and her heartbeat.
"you're okay love, just follow my breathing, the mission went well, Clint is fine, you are fine, you are here with me you hear me?"
She kept looking into your eyes, searching for any reaction.
At this point you didn't know if she was using her powers or it was her aura, all that mattered was that in minutes you calmed down. As slowly as one could, you loosely wrapped your hands around Wanda's waist.
Once she sure it was okay to move, she made the final step and wrapped you up in a hug, her chin on your head, resting on her chest, while the sokovian run her hands through you hair.
As she tried to move the two of you to bed, the witch heard your arms tighten around her middle, and your flebile voice whispering- "Can we just stay here for a moment?"
"I’m not going anywhere."
After probably half an hour you raised your head and without a word, connected your forehead to hers.
Once you opened your eyes, you found her already looking at you with a smile.
"hi" Wanda nudged you nose with her own, before connecting your lips in a long but simple kiss, neither of you moving, only slightly smiling.
The woman took your face in her hands
"can I mend your cuts?"
At your nod, the readhead took your hands and brought you to the bathroom and sat you on the sink.
While she was looking for the first aid kit you started fidgeting with your hands.
"something wrong baby?"
She tilted her head, preparing the alcohol on the wadding.
"it's just-" you hesitated for a moment, softly laughing
“I’ve never had someone taking care of me before.
I'm sorry for reacting that way...and for locking myself here"
"it's okay, you won't have to worry about doing it all by yourself anymore, even when you feel like no one is there, I'll always be here, ready to help you, got it?"
"good" she added after you nodded, booping your nose, causing you both to giggle.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked, once silence settled in.
"when have you ever asked?"
So she did.
As you were enjoying the kiss, you suddenly felt the cut on your forehead burning, causing you to pull away.
"ow, what the hell?"
"sorry baby, I have to disinfect it or it's going to get worse" she looked at you sympathetically, which was enough to convince you.
After a short while, you raised your hands, bringing them on the edge of her jeans and opened your legs, to bring her closer. Once she was done she kissed the top of your head.
She grabbed the end of your shirt and slowly started to undress you, only leaving the pants on.
"take a bath love, I'll be right outside, okay?"
After you got out of shower, you found some pants with your comfort hoodie on the sink, while your suit was nowhere to be found.
When you came back to the bedroom, you found your girlfriend wearing one of your sweatshirt. A smile made its way to your face.
"I kind of wanted to ask you to stay here because I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight, but it looks like you have already decided" you finished with a shrug.
She blurted out a laugh, coming in front of you.
"I didn't want you to sleep alone, and I also missed you, so it's a win win."
The readhead mormored with a blush on her cheeks.
With the grip she had on your hands, Wanda dragged you to bed and made you sit on the edge. "come on, eat something" she encouraged you, putting the plate on your lap. It was nothing too sophisticated but you still ate it within minutes. And once a water bottle was offered to you, you quickly drank it all.
When she was sure you took full care of yourself, well you both did, she laid in bed, getting behind you.
You instinctively turned around and closed your arms around her waist, laying your head on her chest, while she ran her hand through your hair.
“I love you.”
“I know.”
The remark caused you to scoff and her to laugh, before continuing with her speech.
"and I love you, always and forever."
She laughed again when you nuzzled your head in her neck, not knowing how to take direct words of affection.
"goodnight, my love"
This time as a response she heard your breathing even out, meaning you were already asleep, her not being too far from you.
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obsessedvibee · 4 months
Humble Beginnings
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Warnings: smut, one curse, dry humping, p in v, unprotected sex, cream pie, impregnation kink, awkward boner if you squint
Pairing: Billy the Kid & reader
Words: 3.1k
Summary: Billy and readers wedding is approaching and hormones are rising as the day approaches. Oh, and her dad is over protective & an annoying cock block. This also accidentally turned into to a whole flashback memory sorta ordeal?
We’ve only been moved into the new house for a week now. It was small, but it was enough; a table and chairs for meal times, a bed in the second room, running water into the kitchen, and even windows on each side of the house. 
Billy insisted on building a home for us himself. Jesse and the gang helped him every chance they could leading up to our wedding. Chopping down trees, cutting the pieces down to size. It became a ritual every evening, helping Billy pick the splinters out of his hands.
Everyday I made lunches for all the boys, and did my best to keep them all hydrated. I felt it was the least I could do to thank them. 
I only managed to deliver the food alone the first time, until my father insisted on coming with me everyday, when I rode up. “I don’t trust any of those men as far as I can shoot a shotgun.” Was his reasoning.
I’d given up trying to argue him on the subject. He wasn’t exactly fond of Billy and I, but since we announced our engagement, he was trying to come around some. 
I couldn’t blame him being his only daughter; my mother passing shortly after I was born.
Billy would never admit his unease when my father was around, but I could see the way he would square his shoulders. He wouldn’t touch me any more than to hold my hand to steady me as I got down from the wagon when I made it to the property. It was endearing, but frustrating. I wanted him alone. The closer our wedding date became, the less time we had each other to ourselves. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss him. I wanted to feel his hands pressing me closer to him because he just couldn’t get enough. I wanted to throw all my inhibitions to the wind and jump his bones. I don't know how he managed to keep himself so put together. I started to wonder if he even wanted me in that way.
My mind kept wandering deeper into my imagination, wondering and yearning. Imagining him  stripping away the last barrier between us, his strong arms holding himself above me. 
The older women at tea time were getting looser with their tongues. I’m sure they meant well, trying to give marriage advice and how a wife should be, trying to prepare me; but sharing tips about the marriage bed was not something I wanted to discuss with anyone, let alone them.
One afternoon, I finally gathered the courage to question Billy when we found ourselves alone while we ate our lunch on top of a hill that overlooked the skeleton of our home. The other boys and my father were a couple hundred feet away out of ear shot, but he could still easily see us.
“Do you want me?” I blurted.
His eyes darted to me, stopping mid chew, “‘course, darling.” He resumed eating. “I wouldn’t have asked for your fathers blessing if I didn’t.”
My heart warmed at his answer, but I wasn’t sure he picked up on what I meant. I toyed with a loose thread on my dress as I sat faced with the task of asking him more directly to get my point across. I quietly watched as he licked the last few crumbs off his fingers before leaning back on the tree behind him, tipping his hat over his eyes to block the sweltering sun. “Care to humor me with your thoughts, dear?”
“I meant sexually.”
His shaking chest gave away his small chuckle, the corner of his mouth pulling into a small grin.
My fingers moved from the thread of my dress to busy themselves with a loose strand of hair. Chewing the inside of my cheek, my anxiety continued to gnaw at me as he remained quiet.
A whistle from down below signaled break time was over. I packed the few items back into the basket I brought over, my anxiety was quickly turning to embarrassment
I stood quickly, about to make a beeline for the wagon to hightail it out of there when Billy gently grabbed my arm stopping me. Stepping in front of me, his body shielded me from the blinding sun and any eyes that could be watching. His face was suddenly so close to mine I could smell the sweet fragrance of the lemonade he’d been drinking on his breath, and then his tongue was in my mouth. I stumbled back a step in surprise but was quickly steadied as his large hands grasped me. His tongue prodded gently, almost as an apology for the sudden intrusion, and before I could think further, he broke our lips apart. He held my head between his strong hands, his thumb gently brushing my cheek. His face was so close to mine I had nowhere to look but into his shining blues. “More than you will ever know.” He licked his lips, slowly placing his hat back onto his head. He gently began guiding me back down the hill, bringing me out of my sudden haze. His next words were so low I almost missed them. “I just don’t know if I could stop myself if we were really alone.”
A few weeks later our house was finally completed, and my father invited everyone over for a celebratory dinner. I was in charge of making all the food, while father attended to the field outside. Sweat ran down my face while the fire burned in the stove as the Kansas sun tried to bake the house itself. I kept busy making pies, bread, and cleaning the fresh vegetables from the garden. Seeing Billy’s shining face tonight kept my heart thudding just a little faster. Moving day would be here before we knew it. My father even slaughtered a pig for the occasion.
Soon enough the setting sun began to shine in the west window, and I gave the last touches to the food. I just managed to clean myself up, ridding my body of the sweat and changing into a dry clean dress, when I heard the thundering hooves of horses getting closer. Putting one last pin in my hair I hurried to the front room to greet them all. 
Billy was the first to walk in. “There's my pretty girl,” he grinned, scooping me up and spinning me around, earning a laugh from me. He set me back down, placing a heavy kiss to my lips. His smile was contagious as he pulled away, an immediate blush rising to my cheeks upon hearing a whistle from somewhere beside us as everyone filed in. My fingers gently brushed my lips still feeling his on mine. Knowing he felt the same way that I have been the last few weeks made my stomach flutter.
I startled as my fathers voice bellowed, “let’s eat!”
The celebration wore on well after dinner was over, and the dishes were put away. Slowly, one by one the men left, and the house became a little bit quieter, when I felt Billy’s leg begin bouncing under the table. No doubt because the crowd was dwindling down and soon it would only be the three of us. Without thinking I reached over to place my hand on his thigh to comfort him. I knew my father could be intimidating, but I thought they were a bit more comfortable by now.
He froze feeling the heat from my hand through his worn pants, his hand gripping mine keeping it in place. I glanced over at him, searching his nervous eyes in question. He swallowed hard, his face remaining impassive. I worried for him wondering if he was suddenly feeling unwell, but he didn’t look ill to me. Just some sort of sudden nerves.  
Soon my father was walking the last guest to the door, and Billy tugged my hand, pulling it up to his mouth, pressing kisses along each knuckle. “I need you to do something for me tonight,” he murmured.
“What is it?”
He let go of my hand reaching to play with a lock of my hair that rested against my chest, his eyes watching intently. Goosebumps spread when his skin brushed my collar bone. “Meet me behind the barn after your father goes to bed.”
Before I could question him any, father re-appeared, and Billy stood, his chair scraping against the wooden floor. I rose with him, “I’ll walk Billy out.”
My father nodded, leaving us. I reached out for Billy’s hand, but instead, bumped into his hat. I looked over in question when I noticed it was pressed to his crotch when it dawned on me, my eyes widening.
The nervousness. The grip his hand had on mine.
What had I done to cause such a rise in him? I bit my lip as a smile threatened to emerge, looking up into his bashful face. I so badly wanted to say something but remained quiet so as to not alert my father, who I’m sure was eavesdropping in the next room over. 
I walked him to the door with a whole new confidence, his hand holding mine. I turned to kiss him goodbye, but before he parted ways and headed out the door he whispered, “I’ll be waiting for you, darling.”
For the next half hour I waited in my bedroom in anticipated agony. I don’t think I’ve ever looked in the mirror so many times. Letting my hair down, putting it back up. Placing a dab of perfume on my wrists and neck. I’d lost complete control of my thoughts since he left, my heart pounding and thighs clenching, wondering how far he would lead me tonight. I decided to put another dab between my breasts. I let my hair down again, letting the brown waves cascade down my shoulders.
I heard the faint squeaks of the old bed frame coming from the other room, signaling my father had gone to bed for the night. My heart jumped in excitement. I stood, glancing over myself one more time, giving the neckline of my dress a good tug, trying to show a bit more cleavage.
I crept down the hall, quickly making my way to the front door, shutting it carefully behind me. I padded down the front steps, scampering across the property, not feeling completely safe until I reached the barn, blocking the view from the house. I walked around back, Billy’s horse Sugar snorting in surprise at my sudden appearance. 
Billy was sitting on an old tree stump, whittling away at a piece of wood with his pocket knife, but that was quickly forgotten about and placed to the side when his eyes darted to me. He stalked towards me with a ravenous look in his eyes. He grabbed me pulling my body deep into him, capturing my lips in his. A soft moan of relief escaped me as he continued his attack, his tongue easily finding its way back into my mouth. His fingers carded into my hair gently guiding me back until I was pressed into the wall of the barn. 
“Billy,” I panted into his mouth.
The full moon from the night sky illuminated his features once he pulled away. His jaw flexed, and his eyes were wild yet soft, holding a look I’ve never seen before, making my insides tingle.
“I want you every minute of every waking moment,” he rasped, “and every moment I’m not awake I’m dreaming of you.” His thumb pulled my bottom lip free from my teeth, before leaning in and connecting us once again. He gently rolled his hips into me, teasing what was to come, his mouth working its way to my neck. I began to fumble blindly with his suspenders, attempting to push them off his shoulders, all while lifting my head to allow him better access. 
I could feel him growing against me, when he paused to look into my eyes. We both were panting lightly, his hat lopsided on his head. I reached up to fix it for him. “Darlin’, I won't be able to stop myself if we go any further.”
I nodded, a grin pulling at my mouth, the burning coals simmering beneath my belly. I toyed with the collar of his shirt before speaking. “Does she have to watch?” I casually nodded towards Sugar.
He let out a short laugh, pulling away to lead me into the barn. 
Grabbing the lantern at the entrance, he led me inside, making our way up the ladder to the loft. He wasted no time picking up where we left off. I worked his shirt over his wide shoulders and he began fingering the buttons at the back of my dress. 
He groaned in frustration as it slowed everything down once again, giving the material an impatient tug. “Don’t you dare ruin this dress, Billy,” I warned.
Finally it was open enough and he gently tugged the dress off my shoulders. Pressing his warm lips to my shoulder, I turned to face him again. 
His eyes danced over my bra covered chest, before meeting my gaze, nervously clearing his throat. 
He sat himself on a stack of hay bales, beckoning for me to sit on his lap. 
I hesitated, the reality of what we were about to do, where we were about to do it struck me. “Billy,” I started, “maybe we shouldn’t-” I gestured around me, “right here?”
“It’s fine, baby, the animals can’t see nothin’,” he beckoned to me, “just come sit on my lap.”
If my hormones wouldn’t have been raging, I probably would have been able to resist him. But I was just a girl who was a bit more than just eager to roll around in the hay (quite literally) with a man as handsome as Billy.
I let him guide me to straddle him, my dampened center placed directly over his waiting member.
The moment he groaned, all the rest of my logical thoughts left. 
In a desperate attempt of getting some much needed friction for himself, he began flexing his hips to further things along. His smoldering eyes were almost too much as he watched my face intently while he guided my hips in a rhythm over himself. He grunted when I moved a little faster, trying to press myself harder into him, aiding the both of us. 
“Sorry it isn’t more romantic,” he murmured between kisses.
I snorted, “you think this isn’t romantic for me? Half naked up in a loft in a barn with a bunch of farm animals below us?”
He nipped at my bottom lip at my snarky remark.
I reached down and pulled my panties to the side letting my clit drag deliciously against the fabric of his trousers, with a sigh.
“Yeah baby,” he encouraged, “make yourself feel good.”
His words stirred the burning coals within me, my hips now moving at a frantic pace, and I was unable to stop, as I felt myself barreling towards the finish.
As the wave crashed over me my mouth opened in a silent scream as I held my breath through the thick of it, finally heaving as I came back down.
“For the record,” I breathed, “I’d let you take me anywhere if I get to feel like that.”
He let me regain myself for a moment before he tapped my thigh telling me to lift myself up. I did as I was told and he made quick work, pushing his clothing down to his thighs exposing his stiff cock. He stroked himself a few times, before holding himself at the base. I guided him to me, gently lowering my heat, slipping his tip inside, feeling myself stretch around the intrusion. I easily accommodated him, my body more than ready. I glanced up as I sank down, enveloping the last inch of him. His eyes were trained down between us as I held my skirts to my chest letting him watch. I remained still, letting my body relax completely. He tore his gaze away from where we were connected to look me in the eyes, “I fucking love you,” he whispered.
I answered with a desperate kiss, dropping my skirts, and I began to ride him, my hips rising and falling. A soft clapping sound filled the air as my thighs met his with every stroke. 
Neither of us were going to last long, his thumb reaching under my dress quickly working my clit as he started to get close. “Baby-” he panted, “I’m gonna-, you gotta get off-, I’m gonna bust soon.”
His words just turned the heat up in my belly, suddenly overwhelmed with desire for him to fill me up. I wanted him to let himself go inside of me. Doing what our bodies were designed for.
God, it was so hot seeing him so close to losing all control, all because of me.
“Put a baby in me, Billy.”
His brow furrowed and his hips stuttered. “Fuck, baby-” he strained out before he stiffened further. A growl rumbled deep within his chest, every muscle in his body flexing as his high hit him. I finally felt the first warm spurt of his seed draining into me. He shuddered with every wave, a small whimper escaping his throat as the last of his release left his body. He slumped against me, his face pressed to my breasts. 
I pulled his damp curls off of his forehead, scratching his scalp lightly, earning a groan of appreciation.
“You gonna make it?”
He hummed, pulling himself off of me to sit back against the straw. His eyelids drooped a little, his hair a mess. A little smile graced his lips as he watched me. It was the most boyish look I’ve ever seen of him. 
I gently stood, letting his now softened cock slip out of me, a generous amount of his fluid following, “oh god, it’s everywhere.”
“And yet she was begging for it moments ago,” he muttered. I rolled my eyes playfully as he reached in his trousers for a handkerchief, handing it to me. I cleaned myself as best I could, straightening my dress out, while he pulled his trousers back up, slinging his gun belt back over his hips.
“You should just ride around like that all day,” I purred, sliding my hands over his bare shoulders and down his chest.
“Miss,” he grasped my wrists with feigned offence, “I’m about to be a married man.”
“Mmm,” I grinned slyly, “you tell her she’s a lucky lucky gal.” 
He chuckled, pressing his lips to mine, “and I’m a lucky lucky man.”
We shuffled back down the ladder, walking back outside, as Billy shrugged his shirt back on. 
“What if we actually made a baby tonight?” I threw the words out into the air as he mounted Sugar and settled into the saddle.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way, darlin’.” He leaned down gently caressing my cheek. 
“Only one more week.”
He tipped his hat, clicking to Sugar coaxing her into a canter, riding off down the worn path.
As I walked back to the house, I couldn’t help but rest my hand on my lower stomach wondering what the future held.
This was kind of fun diving into the late 1800's. I've never written for this time period before. Hopefully it wasn't too shabby. Hope you enjoyed!
Feedback is appreciated!
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mysaintkitten · 5 months
Would chew bricks for more forbidden/pervy Neil x
i love writing pervy neil so you’re in luck!
(this is kind of a continuation of cabin fever, hope that’s alright!)
Visit | Neil Lewis x fem!reader
WARNINGS: 18+ ! MINORS DNI, neil is once again pervy lol, panty stealing/sniffing, implications of home invasion/stalking, unprotected sex (p in v), slight dumbification
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ever since the incident at the cabin, you’ve had a hard time looking your best friend in the eyes. when she and her parents returned, bags in hand, it didn’t take her long for her to notice that something had happened to you. quietly, she asked you if you were alright. you assured her that you were fine and that you just have a hard time adjusting to unfamiliar locations. that answer seemed to have sufficed because she left the situation at that and carried on with her day.
as you and her family ate dinner, you couldn’t help but feel neil’s eyes burning into you. every now and then you’d accidentally lock eyes with him, but he’d only smirk smugly at you.
for the rest of the trip, you tried to just ignore what had happened. but due to the weight of it all, it was difficult for you to drop. you were attracted to neil after all, and he did make you feel really nice, but he was so pushy, and creepy. you scolded yourself for still being attracted to him despite all that had happened.
but as the trip ended and you returned back home, the smoke finally seemed to clear. you were back in a safe and familiar environment, your mind slowly released it’s grasp on the situation. finally, you thought, i’m moving on.
as you sit in bed on a friday afternoon, painting your nails as you listen to music, you hear a gentle knock at your door before it’s carefully pried open. you raise your head and see your mother, smiling kindly at you.
“your father and i will be leaving now. we’ve left you $50 on the dining room table for food.”
you nod and resume painting your nails, “okay, sounds good, thank you guys.”
“we’ll see you sunday, don’t cause any trouble.” your mother teases before shutting your bedroom door, leaving you alone once again.
it had been so long since you’d had the house to yourself, you were eager to take advantage of it. you didn’t exactly have any wild plans, but it’s still nice to be completely and utterly alone sometimes. no one to disrupt you or annoy you, it’s a nice treat once in a while.
before you know it, three hours had passed. you stood from your bed and peaked outside from your blinds, the sun was going down but it was still undoubtedly bright out. you release the blinds and exit your room, heading towards the bathroom with your phone in hand.
as you place the phone down on the sink before pulling your pants down and sitting onto the toilet, you hear a knock at the door. initially, you don’t pay it much mind. it’s a friday evening, maybe your parents had a package coming and they had just forgotten to mention it.
and then you hear another knock, this time more harsher and repetitive, as if you could tell they were growing impatient.
“oh my god just wait a second.” you groan to yourself as you do your business as quickly as possible before hastily washing your hands. as you scurry down the steps to answer the door, the knocks thumping louder and louder as you inch closer.
for a moment, your gut tells you not to. pretend you’re not home. they’ll give up eventually. but it doesn’t take long for you to quickly brush those thoughts off as paranoia, if it is a package and you don’t grab it your parents will be pissed.
you swing the door open and you stop dead in your tracks.
it’s neil, standing outside of your door.
your mouth hangs and you attempt to question him, or scream at him him to leave, you aren’t sure which you want to come out more but ultimately you’re left standing there silent.
“could i come in? i want to talk to you.” neil asks, nervously fiddling with his fingers as he shifts his weight on his feet. “please, i’m serious.”
his demeanour seems genuine, like he’s actually nervous and or apologetic. so, going against your better judgement, you let him in.
once neil’s inside his head scopes around your house, quickly snapping his gaze back down to you as he looks you in the eyes.
“is there somewhere we could sit?”
you ball up your fists, which have now become clammy from the sudden shift in plans.
“uh, yeah, just in here …” you swallow as you lead him to the couch in the living room. while he trails behind you, all the memories from the cabin begin to flood back. neil’s body flush against yours, the cold marble underneath your ass while he ravished you, the tingling pleasure of your channel involuntarily orgasming around him. it was like you where there all over again.
you sit on the couch and neil follows suit, sitting so close to you that your knees are touching. nervously, your eyes meet with his.
neil inhaled deeply before sighing, “i want to apologize.”
you nod slowly at his apology, waiting for more, but more doesn’t seem to come. really? that’s it?
“neil if this is about what happened at the cabin i-“ you begin to explain before neil cuts you off.
“oh, no.” he chuckles, grinning at you in an almost condescending way. “not about that.”
your mouth clasps shut as your brows stitch together in blatant confusion. prior to that, you and neil had no interactions that would’ve required an apology. you don’t get to think about it for too long before neil resumes his explanation.
he begins to dig into his pocket, proceeding to slowly reveal a pair of pink underwear. your confusion only grows stronger until your realization hits you like a truck. those were your underwear, a pair you had sworn you’d lost. “i wanted to apologize for this.” neil smirks, causing your stomach to turn.
despite already knowing they were yours, you question him.
“a-are those mine?”
neil nods slowly, teasingly dangling the garment in front of your face. as your cheeks burn with humiliation and fear, you attempt to snatch the underwear back. neil’s too quick though, and he just laughs at your attempt. as you wrack your brain for things to say, neil balls up the material and brings them to his nose, deeply inhaling it’s aroma.
at this point, you’ve become speechless. pathetically, and predictably speechless.
“you know, at first i thought i should take a clean pair. seems more … respectable, i guess …” neil murmurs as he reaches into the same pocket again, this time revealing another pair of underwear.
“and it’s nice, you know, not complaining. but it got old quick. i needed something that had your … essence.” he hums, bringing the other garment up to his nose and inhaling just the same.
“i can’t even tell you how many times i’ve jerked off with your dirty panties under my nose, just the smell of you gets me so worked up.”
you want to move, scream, kick, but you’re frozen. neil’s presence is so thick and unnerving that you physically cannot move.
”so, i’m sorry for stealing your panties”
neil hands you the second pair, and with shaky hands you inspect the material. noticing a foreign pale-ish translucent stain splattered across it.
“i ruined those ones by coming on them so i thought i might as well give them back.”
through a wince, you drop the underwear onto the ground. you feel so cornered and objectified all over again.
you shake your head, attempting to put an end to this confusing and worrying interaction.
“how the fuck did you get into my house?” you question nervously, hoping to god that this is some sick elaboration dream or maybe even a stupid fucking joke.
neil smirks and shrugs.
“you guys should really hide your spare key in a better place.”
despite not saying much, neil’s words almost make you vomit. your mind races frantically, how long has he known where the spare key is? how many times as he been in your house?
you need to figure out a way to get him out of here fast, and the only thing you can think of is to lie.
“my parents will be back any minute now. save yourself the embarrassment and leave now, please.” you plead, hoping you sound convincing enough.
neil pouts, sticking out his bottom lip as he releases a tiny whine.
“oh, if only that were true, sweetheart. they said they’d be back when? sunday? and if i remember correctly, todays friday.”
you can almost feel your blood running cold, not only did he call you out on your lie but he knew how long your parents would be gone for. how did he know? was he listening? was he fucking stalking you?
“neil …” you beg, finding yourself unable to conjure up any other lies or explanations. as sneakily as you can, you attempt to feel around your pockets for your phone, only to be reminded that you had left it upstairs in the bathroom sink.
you were hopeless. absolutely hopeless.
neil notices your antsy hands and he coos in sympathy.
“aw, want me to help you look, darling?”
suddenly, his hands are all over your hips and thighs, gripping and rubbing the flesh hungrily. you try to push him away, but to no avail. his big, calloused hands explore the lower half of your body and you have no way to stop him.
“quit it, please!” you whine as your voice begins to break, before neils hands find their way between your legs. he cups your mound, teasingly running his middle and ring finger along the seem of your pussy through the thin material of your shorts.
“hm … maybe we need to look a bit closer …” neil hums as he roughly tugs down your shorts, nearly pulling your panties off in the process. you cry quietly, quickly giving up on attempting to fight back. due to your prior experience with neil, you know it’s just easier to give him what he wants.
once your shorts are off and your panties are barely hanging around your lower hips, neil decides to screw it and just rips your panties off as well. you shift around on the couch, crossing your legs shut as you sniffle defeatedly.
while licking his lips, neil turns the garment inside out. he murmurs some profanities to himself when he realizes your panties are the slightest bit wet. he doesn’t know if it’s from arousal, or discharge, but he doesn’t care. through teary eyes, you watch him sniff the newest pair of underwear.
“jesus, fuck.” he moans as his head dips back, with his free hand he begins to palm his cock through his jeans.
“smells even better when it’s fresh.”
“please, leave.” you beg, clenching your thighs together while pulling your shirt down as a feeble attempt to cover your most intimate area.
neil chuckles as he shoves the new panties into his pocket before unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, quickly revealing his straining bulge from within his boxers.
“i can’t go now, baby. you know that.” he brings a hand to your face and cups your cheek, “ever since our little encounter at the cabin i’ve been craving you, my hand just isn’t enough anymore.”
neil raises his hips off the couch and gently pulls his boxers down, you watch in fear as you see his erection slowly become more exposed. neil’s cock springs against his stomach and he smirks at you, all smug again, just like he would at the fucking dinner table.
on instinct, your legs uncross themselves and you leap up from the couch, but neil’s reaction time is quicker than yours and he grips your wrist tightly before you can get too far away. he snags your arm, forcing you back onto the couch as you cry weakly.
“cooperate and i’ll be gentle.” neil leans in to whisper, kissing your cheek sweetly as if he hadn’t just admitted to breaking into your house and stealing your belongings.
“o-okay …” you comply shakily, through deep breaths you attempt to block out whatever’s about to happen before it’s even begun.
“good.” neil praises sweetly as he loosens his grip on your wrist, he turns your hips so you’re facing him and gently nudges you back. you allow yourself to tip backward, your back slumping against the armrest of the couch.
your knees bend in front of you and with careful movements neil slowly pries your thighs apart, letting his mouth hang slightly agape as he’s met with your pussy all over again. neil curses, inching forward as he runs his hands along the insides of your thigh. his left hand stays on your thigh, petting and gripping the flesh calmly, while his right makes its way to your pussy. his middle finger teases your folds, dipping down to your opening before dragging his finger back up to your clit, rubbing the sensitive nub lazily.
he repeats this process as your body starts to respond to him. you didn’t want this, you didn’t want to be wet and worked up, but neil just knows how to touch you too well. too disgustingly well.
you gasp as a digit intrudes inside you, neil smirks at you with his bottom lip stuck between his teeth as he fucks you with his finger.
“see how easily i get you wet? i think i know your body better than you do, baby.”
you loll your head to the side and screw your eyes shut, not wanting to give neil the satisfaction of a reply. slowly, you feel neil begin to pull his finger out. you try not to get too excited, you know better than to assume this is over.
and you were right. mere seconds later you feel the tip of his cock against your slick opening, your eyes crack back open and you stare at neil. one hand on your knee to keep your thighs apart, one hand on the base of his cock, his head dipped down as he watches himself tease your cunt with his cock head.
then, with a more generous push, he slides the entirety his cock inside if you, moaning sickeningly loud at the sensation of your warm and wet walls enveloping him. you wince at the stretch and grip the couch cushion beneath you.
“shit- you feel even better than before.” neil hisses through gritted teeth, bringing his thumb up to your clit as he gently pulls the hood back.
he slowly rolls his hips back, grinning cheekily at how his cock glistens in the light, your slick already coating him down to the base. neil sticks to his promise for a little, his cock may be splitting you open but at least his pace is manageable.
though, unsurprisingly, the gentle treatment ends much too soon for your liking. gradually, but still quickly, neil is harshly pounding into you.
“a-ah!” you yelp loudly, your thighs twitching at the stark increase of both pain and pleasure. “neil y-you said you’d be g-gentle!”
“sh, sh …” he shushes as he brings his hands up to your torso, pushing the fabric of your shirt up to reveal your stomach. he drags his nails back down to your hips, gripping them so tightly you’re certain it’ll bruise.
“n-neil!” you plead, hoping he’ll slow down even just a little. although your tone, and demeanour, and pussy don’t do you any favours. you end up only feeding into neil more.
“shit sweetheart- you’re leaking onto the couch. how’re you gonna explain that to your parents, huh? they leave you alone for a few hours ‘n you’re already getting your cunt stretched open in the living room. i can’t believe such nice people raised such a filthy whore.” neil degrades breathlessly, the sound of wet skin against skin fills the room. your cheeks burn and your eyes water as your back arches in front of him.
you can tell he isn’t lying. you can feel his cock slide in and out with ease despite still splitting you in half, you can hear your pussy squelching around him, you have no doubt in your mind that your arousal has seeped onto the couch. hopefully you’re able to either get the stain out or think of a reasonable excuse before your parents return home.
you hear neil chuckle before groaning, “your pussy’s fuckin’ creaming on me, do you always drench the guys who fuck you?”
you shyly shake your head no. well, you really couldn’t give a straight answer. you weren’t very sexually active, and neil had sadly just become your most consistent sexual partner as of late. maybe you were always this slick and creamy, you didn’t know, but you hated how much neil enjoyed seeing you like this. knowing that he forced you into this position.
“so i’m special, is that right?”
it’s all becoming sickly familiar again, he’s saying the same shit he said before. you don’t shake your head, you just whimper and bite down on your fist.
“lemme hear you.” he encourages as he pushes your fist away, “am i special, baby? do you keep this pussy all nice and pristine just for me? knowing i might stop by for another taste?”
“n-no-“ you huff, almost immediately getting cut off by your own moan. neil flexes within you at the sound of your authentic pleasure.
“it’s okay, baby. you don’t have to lie anymore. your dumb little brain can’t conjure up any convincing lies, anyway.”
god that drove you insane, how he was so consistently adamant that you were lying. but at this point, you started to believe maybe he was right. maybe you were lying to yourself. after all, your slickness doesn’t lie.
so instead of retaliating, you just whimper, allowing yourself to give in to the pleasure while simultaneously trying to ignore the origin of said pleasure.
you feel neil’s thrusts begin to slow, hope begins to spring within you. maybe, it’s finally over. despite wanting this all to end, you’ve become too worked up to ignore. you couldn’t deny that a small part of you felt disappointed.
“on your knees, put your forearms on the armrest.” neil instructs lowly. you take a good long look at him before obeying, his face is shining with a faint sheen of sweat and his cheeks are a light shade of pink. your eyes drift down to his cock, which is coated entirely in your arousal. you can’t even describe the amount of shame you feel.
shakily, you get into your knees for him and place your forearms onto the armrest. neil wastes no time and he eagerly slides his length back inside of you, forcing a whimper out of your lips. his hands are back on your hips, and he’s thrusting into you so much deeper this time. with each quick snap of his hips, his balls graze your clit, teasing your bud with the potential of stimulation. the teasing combined with his shockingly skilled thrusts had you teetering at the edge of an orgasm.
“you look so good from behind.” neil purrs as he strips one hand away from your hip before striking your ass, making you cry out loudly. you involuntarily clench around him too, which causes neil whimper from behind you. if he’d known you’d react like that to a smack on the ass he would’ve done it so much sooner, but now he’s too close to coming and he doesn’t want to ruin the moment for himself.
“fuck.” he groans, teasingly dragging his thumb along your tight ring of nerves, “next time, ‘m gonna fuck your ass. how’s that sound, sweet girl?”
your eyes shoot open, next time? when would the next time be? your mind spins at the thought of neil forcing his cock inside of your behind. the pain you’d feel-
“n-no, pl-please!” you breath out, and you can hear neil tut.
“oh, don’t worry, baby. it won’t be so bad, i’ll give your pussy some attention too. make it feel real nice for you.”
thankfully, neil seems to drop the anal idea, at least for now. he’s become more distracted with your pussy as it grips and drools around him.
“gettin’ wetter, darling, you close? gonna make a mess all over my cock again?”
no response. he knows you’re close, you can’t hide it, and if anything your silence feeds into his delusions more. he knows he’s making you feel so good you don’t even trust your own words or voice anymore.
“‘m close too, shit-“ he pants, his thrusts becoming sloppier and harder. “come for me, sweetheart.”
moments later, you feel yourself tip over the edge. your legs shaking intensely while you gasp and choke out a cry.
“dirty fuckin’ slut, cryin’ and beggin’ for me to stop ‘n then comin’ all over my cock. shit, baby, fuck!” neil slurs loudly, pulling out at the last second as he shoots hot ropes onto your ass and back.
he rides out his orgasm behind you, groaning and sighing loudly at the sight in front of him. you bent over, your used and messy pussy all exposed, his come dripping down your ass cheek. it’s all gorgeous.
neil stands up with a sigh, he tucks his sensitive and softening cock back into his boxers before pulling up his jeans and zipping them back up.
“oh, and my sister wanted to know if you’d be able to hang out with her next weekend. our parents will be on a business trip, her and i have the house to ourselves.”
you shakily glance over your shoulder, you can’t. you can’t keep doing this. you can’t look her in the eye while knowing you’ve come on her brothers cock not only once but twice. but neil just shrugs, he takes your silence as a ‘yes’.
“i’ll let her know you said yes.” neil hums happily before giving you one last strike on your ass, making you flinch away from his touch. as you rise to your feet, you hear neil walk towards the front door and excuse himself, leaving you alone with the mess he’s made.
you stand there, half naked and covered in come, wondering what the hell you’re going to do next.
it’s 2:30 am, i woke up really early today with intentions of fixing my sleep schedule and i unsurprisingly fucked it up already lmao. oh well!
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ruwriteshours · 11 months
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↳ pairing: lee donghyuck (haechan) + fem! reader
↳ genre: slight angst, fluff, smut
↳ summary: Being used to second choice, what difference does it make when Haechan were to confess. You would be second choice to him too anyways... right?
↳ warning: sexual content (minors dni)
The moon beamed across your features, the light illuminating your face as your eyes sparkled underneath the night sky. Humming contently at the cold breeze as you basked yourself in your padded jacket, your legs bouncing slightly from the coolness.
In Haechan's eyes, you were more beautiful than ever, his heart kept fluttering too much that he had to compose himself.
This was it.
This will finally be the moment that he gets to build the courage to confess his undying love for you. Months after months of late night hang-outs, the not-so-subtle glances and the longing looks. This couldn't have been more right.
Unbeknownst to the lovesick boy, Cupid was no where near his sight that day.
"I love you." He breathed out, your name escaped his lips shortly after.
You paused.
Haechan bit his lip in anticipation, the fear crept through his face at the thought of rejection.
His heart shattered when he saw you stood up from the wooden bench beside him, the fear was slowly becoming a reality when you uttered,
"I'm sorry, Haechan but I don't feel the same way." And with that, you walked off.
After the humiliating rejection, you would have assumed that Haechan would do anything to avoid your presence from now on.
However, the persistent boy was full of suprises.
In fact, he was more determined than ever. He was becoming more bold with his actions every passing day. Day after day, he would wait for you outside the practice room, send you small bouquet of flowers and refuses to leave your sight, clinging onto you. Not to mention, that his touches and teases would increasing grow more suggestive, leaving you with crimson-coloured cheeks as you shoved him away to shield your nervous state.
Overtime, it became hard for you to convince your friends that you and Haechan are merely friends. They all saw right through you. You were in denial. The thought of someone ever being willing to devote to you was... frightening. You didn't want to believe it and you needed Haechan to stop what he was doing before you get your hopes up too soon... again.
"This needs to stop, Haechan." You faced him, your legs were seated across as you watched him falter at your words.
"Stop what." He asked stubbornly.
You sigh exaggeratedly, "You know what I'm talking about." You gestured your hands between the both of you, "This, whatever you're doing. You have to stop!"
"Nah, I'm good." He shrugged off before resuming his attention back on the TV.
"This isn't a joke, Haechan. I'm serious." You stated firmly.
"So am I." He retorted.
You could see his fist tightened as his eyes refused to meet yours. Deep down, he was just in denial as much as you. You needed him to understand he was better off. Mustering up the courage, you finally decide to tell him the truth.
"I've never been honest with the guys I've dated." You spoke up.
You didn't miss the way his ears perked up at the topic. You were always very private with your love life and you were never one to share it openly, even when someone were to ask. So the fact you were even willing to share this part of your life with him, only fed to his delusional thoughts that he could have this chance with you.
Just this once.
He hummed in acknowledgement, urging you to continue as he picked up the remote control to turn the screen off. Facing his direction towards you as he eyed you intently.
You gulped at his intense gaze, "The guys I have dated," You paused, nervousness laced in your voice.
Haechan seemed to notice as he gently held you hand and drew circles on your palm, humming once again for you to carry on. Despite being eager with your response, he was attentive and patient with you. He knew that it must be hard so he decided not to push it. You tried to ignore the way your heart fluttered at the action.
He was making it hard for you.
"All of them, fall out of love. One day, we were perfect for each other and there was even a time I genuinely thought we would last, but then," You sigh shakily, "The next, they told me that they found their true love and left."
Haechan tried to process that information. His heart clenched in sorrow and anger. He was deeply upset that you had to go through so much pain in your past relationships but he was also frustated that the guys you have dated had no idea how wonderful and beautiful you were. He would give away everything to take their place and it sickened him at the thought that they had thrown away the most precious girl in his eyes.
They don't deserve you as much as him and he was going to do whatever it takes to prove to you. To prove his love to you. He needs to show you how much you deserve it.
He was about to utter your name when you beat him to it.
"Haechan, I'm not saying that you'll be like this but I'm not gonna risk to find out." You let out, finally having those months of dreadfulness being lift off.
You loved Haechan just as dearly, if not more. But you couldn't risk damaging your already-broken heart once more. It was too much. You didn't want to have the same occurence happening over and over again. Afterall, you couldn't be Haechan's true love... right?
"I hope you don't take this rejection to heart, you'll find someone better." You comforted, patting his shoulders.
His head hung low and he was dead silent. A million thought ran through his mind and you could sense it. You feared that one of them was agreeing to your words. That you're unworthful of his love and that he shouldn't have wasted his time on you.
Those agonising thoughts haunted you and you sincerely hoped that you had made the right decision to tell him. It was better than to let him think you were his. He was bound to be with anyone else but you.
His prolonged silence only confirmed your theory and you try to not let it get to you.
Little did you know, in Haechan's case, you were dead wrong.
Now, you think it's time to depart. You have already said what was needed to and there wasn't anything left for you to give. With a heavy heart, you picked up your steps and began making your way towards the door to his apartment.
However, just a couple steps further, you were pulled towards his figure and engulfed in a tight embrace. Your heart yearned for this feeling, your heartbeat accelerating as you tried to ignore the surging feeling of reciprocating the hug.
His arms were wrapped around your waist as his head was nuzzled at the crook of your neck. This warm feeling made your head fuzzy. Never had you felt such emotions from a simple hug.
Much to your dismay, he pulled away but still kept a grip on your waist as if he was afraid that you would disappear from his life if he didn't do so.
"I am so in love with you." He stated, staring into my eyes with such fondness, "And I would rather die than to have anyone else that is not you. I don't want someone better. I don't care if someon better ends up coming into my life. I want you and only you." He wholeheartedly confessed.
"Haechan..." You trailed off,
He picked up the uncertainty laced in your tone, "I know it may be a lot to take in but I've been in love with you for the longest time. I'm crazy about you. Even if you don't want to be with me, please don't push me away." He pleaded.
Your heart couldn't handle such an emotional turmoil that your only instict was to grab his face and smash your lips against his. He steered back slightly from shock but quickly recovered as he began wrapping his arms around you tightly. Tip-toeing your feet to reduce the strain on his neck, the both of you deepened the kiss further. The kiss was full of affection and tender, feeling no need to rush into this act of intimacy. You could feel the genuinity from the way he took his time exploring your mouth.
He was hesitant, experimenting his tongue as it glided against yours softly. His hands moved lower and began circling softly around your hip-bone. Your hands began to wonder from his neck to his hair, tugging it slightly. He groaned at the pressure and began harshly biting your lips to part them, only to shove his tongue further down. You moaned at immense pleasure. Bending down slightly to pick you up by your legs as it immediately wrapped around his waist, both of you refusing to leave each other's lips as he led his way to his bedroom.
The kiss got progressively rough as he pushed you up against the door to his room, successfully slamming the door shut. You whimpered at the slight agression, a little turned on by his dominant side that you have never seen before.
His hands gripped onto your thighs to support your weight as he pushed his pelvis near your area. Both of you moaning at the insatiable feeling. A look of hunger took over Haechan as he began eyeing your clothes, ripping off every one of your clothes until your left bare. The feeling felt foreign and you couldn't help but felt a wave of insecurity flashed through you, ducking your head from his eyes as you gulped nervously.
Haechan wouldn't have none of it, though.
Gripping your jaw, he smashed his lips against yours. "Look at me." He demanded as he began trailing his kisses down your neck.
You couldn't help but obey his command, those piercing eyes made it difficult for you to not listen. He began throwing you onto his bed, the impact made you bounce slightly. He quickly hovered over your body, his lips attached to yours once again as his hand played with your breast, You moaned loudly against his mouth. Gripping onto his shoulder tightly as you began arching your back against him, wanting to feel more of him. Your hands found its way to his shirt and you began yanking it, hoping he would get the message. Thankfully, he got the hint and began removing his clothes one by one.
It has now dawned on you of what was happening and you couldn't help but feel the nervousness creep back in. Haechan seem to notice it as he paused, grabbing both sides of your face to make look at him.
"Do you want this?" He asked gently, his actions coming onto a halt.
His other hand is caressing your thighs while he awaits for your answer, being patient with the way you took your time. You couldn't detect any annoyance or anger laced in his voice. This time, you could feel your nerves dissipating at his question and you nodded, turning your head to the the side to kiss his warm hands.
"Yes." You answered honestly.
That was more than enough for him as he continued with his ministrations.
His hand made its way to your private area, sliding the panties down to make contact with your clit. You let out a pornographic moan when he collected all your juices and rubbed it together. You covered your mouth, embarassed that you had let out an erotic sound but Haechan held your wrist, stopping you.
"Let me hear you, babe." If it was even possible, your insides grew more wetter by the sudden nickname and you couldn't help but moan even louder.
"H-Haechan, a-ah!"
He continued to make motions with his fingers on your clit, slowly adding in another finger in hopes to find your sweet spot. When you whined and began grinding against his hand, he knew he had successfully found it and began removing his hands completely, preventing you from reaching your orgasm.
Before you could complain, he slowly laid you back down onto the bed, moving to the side of his desk to open up the drawer. He took out a condom and began ripping the wrapper with his teeth. He looked up to meet your eyes, silently giving you the chance to back out but you could only moan out his name, encouraging him further.
As he began lining up the condom, he stared into your eyes as he slowly inserted his dick inside your tight hole. Both of you moaned loudly at the feeling. He gave you a few seconds to gather yourself before you began arching your back, silently begging him to move. His thrust began slow and steady, not wanting to hurt you but as you began to tug on his hair and suck on his neck, he couldn't help but pick up the pace.
"A-Ah! Haechan. Feels so good!" You mewled.
"God! You're so- fucking tight!" He groaned.
You started to move your lips against him, your legs wrapped around his waist to push him even further inside. The pace got rougher and the both of you could feel an orgasm coming soon.
"H-Haechan, i'm about to c-cum!" You yelled out in pleasure.
"M-Me too, babe!"
His thrust began more sloppy as he pulled you into another kiss, both of your saliva mixing with one another. A drool dripped down your chin as you began sucking on his tongue, the kiss was more messier and needier now that both of your orgasm are nearing.
Both of you let out a moan when you had reached your climax.
Laying down on your side, both you and Haechan laid there in silence. Letting those event lingered in your minds, the more you think of it, the more you began to feel more giddy.
"That was..." Haechan broke the silence, trailing off.
"Amazing." You finished off, turning your head to the side to face him.
His eyes had already been staring into yours and he slowly inched his way closer to give you a long, passionate kiss. You returned it with just as much intensity.
He broke the kiss, "Look, I don't want to force you or anything but I really want to be with you." He caressed your cheek lovingly, "Fuck those guys you've dated, they don't know how beautiful and precious you are."
You blushed at his words, looking away.
He gripped your chin, "I'm serious. I'll do anything to prove my love to you."
You began cupping his neck, kissing the side of his face lightly as you snuggled your face up to his neck. Haechan wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead, both of you drifting to sleep under each other's presence.
Little did he know, he had proven his love for you already and it was about damn time you open your heart up to someone.
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