#This is the watchers fault
cheeseschess · 2 months
Scar being surrounded by love after SL is over. They’re stuck indefinitely in Limbo, unsure why. Normally, the winner shows up, and everyone wakes up home. Not this time. A snow storm comes in, and Grian makes a joke of ‘formally inviting’ everyone to a fortified community house to wait it out together. It’s big with accommodations for everyone. Everyone shows up bringing blankets and food. Scar gets extra love in all of this. Everyone’s safe, there, and happy. Except for one person. A pink-haired woman who’s still sitting in her house. Who’s been keeping to herself so much she didn’t hear talk of the storm. Whose house is in the middle of the woods. Who didn’t get an invite. Who’s curled up in thin, tattered blankets, shivering by a dying fire. A pink-haired lady who’s blocked in by snow and fallen trees. Lizzie, who just wants to see her friends again. Lizzie, who wants to joke around with Grian. Lizzie, who wants to gossip with BigB and Pearl. Lizzie, who wants to talk shit with Cleo. Lizzie, who wants to talk redstone with Mumbo. Lizzie, who wants to talk builds with Joel. Who wants to eat Jimmy and Tango’s cooking that warms your bones. Who wants to curl up around Gem, and the Scott’s as they talk music. Who wants to wrap up in one of Bdubs many fluffy blankets as Etho denies anything Joel related. Who wants to hear Skizz giving praises. Who wants to hear Martyn and Ren’s theatrics. Lizzie, who wants everything Scar has right now. But she’s stuck in her house, alone, curled up by a dying fire.
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scp-4999 · 1 month
When this crashes and burns I don't wanna hear the defenders blaming the critics 💀 they could've improved the patron, sold better merch, sold dvd copies of their shows, downsized, literally anything besides alienate a majority of their fanbase
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trentreznorgf · 1 year
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shaniacsboogara · 1 year
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of course you're all trying to see his ass
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jeena-says-hi · 10 months
I love how most of the fandom draws (character) Grian as this watcher cult member with wings and a ton of creepy eyes, while real life Grian is literally just:
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alenightshade · 1 month
As a casual fan of Watcher content, I have to say that your fandom is nuts.
An apology and everyone’s like “oh! I do have $6 to give you. Poor babies 🥺”
They are grown ass men who made a stupid decision for their business. This is basic PR and the response from the fans after the ‘apology’ is why they wanted to exploit you.
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mayonesavegana · 1 month
This whole debacle makes me think of ao3. It’s a free website (of course it’s by fans for fans and not a business) that is so good that when they ask for donations the exceed their goal every single time, they even have merch and people still just give them money because they love the site. Quality free content and profit are not exclusive from each other. If your consumers are happy you will make money no matter the price of your product.
I understand production costs and all that, but I feel like they have been making bad business decisions for a while. The distribution of viewers per video is very uneven and not all of their content popular. I can’t justify paying for a streaming service if I’m not sure of the quality and amount of content I’m going to have access to. Sure, I love puppet history and I guess I enjoy mystery files, but would I pay only for those two? No way. I don’t subscribe to HBO just to watch Rick and Morty, sure it helps that it’s in there, but I also like the DC animated series, and I could watch game of thrones I guess, and the nanny, and the Barbie movie, and Harry Potter. And a lot of shows and movies with different actors and directors and production companies.
And the people comparing this to Dropout don’t get that they have a lot of content that makes the subscription not feel like a waste of money.
Artist should get paid and be allowed to art in peace, but you can’t ask casual viewers to pay for your airplane tickets, your Tesla, your cameras, your new background and your A grade wagyu gold covered stake in china when not even your more loyal fans watch all of your content. It feels greedy and out of touch with American economy right now, but also with your international fans who can’t pay because of region restrictions or because 6 dollars in other countries is not a reasonable price for anything.
I hope they grow and that their creative dreams come true, but I feel like it will be incredibly difficult to accomplish that after the way they went about it (abruptly and with no kind of preparation) and the response they got.
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sun-marie · 3 months
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"I'm sorry, my love..."
Everyone had a rough time getting through the Survivor Trial on Kazuwari, but Aloth's hands getting crushed by a boulder hit Sabina particularly hard, seeing as he's a wizard and he kinda needs those :(
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froginamoodboard · 8 days
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Bill Woodward Blinky devotee moodboard
Requested by: me
x x x x🧿x x x x
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life-winners-liveblog · 5 months
Hey Scar, try seeing if a /gift works for anyone. I’d ask Scott to try and give a heart, but with the whole being dead thing he might not have any to give. Since the heart you give isn’t from your own health, I’m curious to see how it’ll work.
Scar: Oh! Let's gift Grian! I feel like he really needs it!
*Grian has left the g̸̣̦̺̞̳̖͔̫͓͙̙̎̑̍́̏̐̄́́̆̆̕â̴̲̱̆̓́́̑̅̑̓͘m̸̛̛̗̻͍͍̯͐̅̾̌́̔́̐̎̑̕͘͝ȩ̴̟̳̞͎͉̑̑̇̃͑͂̋͗̃̕͘̕͝͝*
Scar: huhhhhh what happened? Why did-
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Scar:... Did... Did I just...
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I had a dream where the Watcher made another announcement saying that Steven was leaving the company bc he's too expensive to keep and they had to cut some expenses 😭 the fans were speculating that it was actually bc he couldn't bear the hate and harassment he'd been receiving which is kind of sad
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chronic-solitarian · 1 month
i hope that the people who cosplayed as mothman and the professer know that they’re sick as hell
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pinkrabit · 1 month
Any ship w jiang cheng that ends happily I will immediately enjoy bc I identify so.closely with him
My special guy
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leafatlaw · 6 months
i dont really know im still thinking about it, but the way jimmy broke the curse, at like the expense of everyone else. Sure he didnt die first, but thats because he killed lizzie last session. He escaped the curse by pushing someone else into the sword. He didnt die first but he brought two others down with him, and its decidedly his fault.
Its just, he finally broke out of his cage, he flew out of the mine, but in doing so he left everyone else down there to die. He had a job to do, a role to play, but no. I just hope the minute of fresh air was worth it.
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thirdtimed · 1 month
he was only ever meant to watch
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The theme for this episode: we live in a beautiful place full of eccentricities. Explore the world, cherish your relationships, and celebrate the small things that make us smile. Even when it ends, there's still something good to remember.
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