#Tommy Conlon x Reader
angel-inked · 8 months
Bet I make you smile
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This is part of a one-shot that I have in my notes app lol, basically Tommy and !reader are preparing for a formal event. What kind of formal event, you ask? Well, you'll have to wait for that 😉
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @thedevilshardy @mollybegger-blog @wandawiccan60 @cameleonhardyfan63 @inkwolvesandcoffee @liliac-dreamer @potter-solomons
You stepped back to assess your work, Tommy's stoicism still relayed the miserable feeling in his eyes. "Bet you ten bucks I make you smile before the end of the night." You smirked playfully. Tommy grunted quietly, "you've got a better chance in hell.." he grumbled bitterly, his soft voice trailed off as he fidgeted with the gold cufflink that bore the US marine core emblem on his right wrist. He turned to face the bed, glancing at Brendan and nodding toward the door. Brendan narrowed his eyes, you recognized his confusion. "He wants you to leave so I can change." You explained, unzipping Tommy's duffel bag that you had stuffed both yours and his clothes in and gestured to the faded ripped blue jeans and the sage green tee-shirt you currently wore. "Of course," Brendan nodded awkwardly, "you do look very nice Tommy." He added on his way out in a vague attempt at pleasantries with his younger brother. Tommy nodded but offered no other reply. The room fell quiet after the door shut, the only sound being the ruffling of fabric as you dug around in the duffel bag, Tommy loyally and silently stood guard as you changed.
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mlmxreader · 9 months
Never Finished, Never Started | Tommy Conlon x gn!reader (🍋)
Anonymous asked: Tommy Conlon: Hello, hello! I hope you're doing good 🖤. May I please ask for a little something using the following prompts for my sweet baby Tommy Conlon X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "It's not much, but it's… I'm sorry." Thank you so very much 🖤! 🐍anon
summary: Tommy comes home at the worst possible time, but it isn't all that bad.
tws: masturbation, talk of sex toys, sexual fantasies, swearing
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Tommy was worried when he walked through the front door, the sounds of grunts and the bed squeaking hitting his ear, he assumed something terrible was happening as he dumped his workout bag by the door and rushed towards the shared bedroom; his eyes wide and his chest heaving, he nearly tripped over his own feet as he barged into the room.
Panting heavily as he took in the sight before him. You, sprawled out on the bed with your shorts at your ankles and your shirt pulled up to expose your chest, a thin sheet of sweat across your skin, he could see your hand hard at work pleasing yourself, and as he stood there frozen, he was only pulled back to reality by the name leaving your lips. 
“Tommy… fuck, fuck, Tommy!”
He clenched his jaw, the worry leaving him and becoming replaced by something else as he watched you closely; he cleared his throat eventually, grabbing your attention. Guilt immediately washed over him when you yelped and pulled your hand away from yourself, fumbling to cover your body with the blanket.
He hung his head and turned around, cursing himself as he chewed at his bottom lip until it bled. He only turned around once you told him you were decent, and although he was blushing furiously, he attempted to put on a brave face. It wasn’t like Tommy had expected you to never do such a thing, it wasn’t like he didn’t know that people had certain needs - it was more the fact that you had been calling his name.
He was… he was flattered, he was shocked, he was pleased, he was surprised all at once. He wasn’t really sure what to do about it. Tommy was, in the best way possible, completely, utterly stunned.
“It’s not much, but it’s… I’m sorry,” he said quietly, trying to avoid your gaze. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
You just about managed to catch your breath, all sweaty palms and heart pounding like you had been caught doing the worst thing imaginable. “Tommy, I- shit.”
“I, uh,” he rubbed the back of his neck as he shrugged. “I’m gonna get coffee… you want one?”
You nodded. “Please.”
He turned on his heel, practically running out of the room. He hoped the kitchen counter would disguise how hard he was, he hoped that it would go down by the time he finished making coffee; but he was aching, his tip pressing against the thick fabric of his jeans through his thin boxers. Every step was torture.
His hands shook as he prepared the coffee, wondering if he was really about to ruin everything by telling you the truth; that he had done the same thing countless times, imagining you riding him. Your hands on  his chest, calling his name as he pounded up into your ass. Fuck, he couldn’t stop thinking about it, only making his ache worse and worse.
His mind kept drifting, and he was hating it more with every passing second until you caught his attention. It was common for you to wear his hoodies, but paired with his boxers as well?
He bit back the urge to whimper.
“I, uhm…” you shook your head. “I’m… y’know… I, uh, I thought I was alone.”
“I’m sorry,” Tommy murmured. “I should’ve knocked…”
“At least now I don’t have to admit I’m attracted to you,” you joked weakly, immediately regretting it when he glared at you. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s…” he swallowed thickly as he shrugged. “I’ve done the same.”
You seemed to brighten up. “You have?”
He nodded. “A lot…”
“Well…” you moved around the counter, your eyes falling on his tented jeans as you smiled. “I take it you enjoyed the show, Tommy?”
His breath hitched in his throat as he nodded slowly. “Yeah…”
You got closer, pressing yourself against the nearest counter as your eyes snapped up to meet his. “I think we should take care of it.”
Tommy let out a soft sigh, placing his hands either side of you as he trapped you between his body and the counter. “What do you mean?”
“I never got the chance to finish,” you whispered, hands resting on his belt as you bit at your lip for a second. “You never got the chance to start. Seems a little unfair.”
He hummed, slipping his hand beneath the boxers so he could grab your ass. “You really wanna do this?”
Your hips bucked, a soft breath falling from your open mouth as you nodded. “I’m tired of fantasising, aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” he agreed, slipping his finger between your cheeks and humming when he felt something wet against his skin. “You’re already lubed up?”
“I keep a little helper in the shoebox under the bed,” you admitted. “I was gonna use him once I was done playing.”
“I don’t think you’ll need him anymore,” Tommy growled, pressing his hips against yours just so you could feel how hard he was. “How many times did you think of me when you used him?”
You shrugged, slowly becoming breathless as you clung onto him. “Every time.”
“Shit…” he breathed out, withdrawing his hand from you for a second so he could unclasp his belt. “Every time?”
“Every time,” you agreed. “I’ve always wanted you, Tommy. Always… but now I fucking need you, I need you so fucking badly right now, don’t make me beg.”
Tommy nodded, swallowing thickly as he completely took his hands from you, clearing his throat. “Just one thing.”
“Is it just friends?” He asked quietly. “Or something more?”
“I’d want something more,” you confessed, starting to ache from the need biting into you. “But it’s your decision.”
“So it’s something more,” he breathed out, nodding. “Fuck… I can’t, uh, I can’t… can’t talk about serious shit now.”
“Neither can I,” you laughed softly. “You wanna fuck and then talk?”
“Fuck then talk,” Tommy agreed, grabbing your hand and leading you back to the bedroom. “Like you said - you never got the chance to finish, I never got the chance to start.”
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cinebration · 2 years
Don’t Overthink It (Tommy Conlon x Reader) [Request]
😀😀😀I can't even say how happy I am you opened requests. So female with tommy conlon. He moves in across the street from her she can't believe her luck to have such eye candy on her doorstep but would never think of anything happening with him she's happy to admire from afar. She lives alone and is one of those people (like myself) who has anxiety and is shy and social awkward. Any way even though she trys to avoid having to talk to him and such it seems like fate keeps making it happen like maybe he does things like giving her lift home when he sees her out and stuff. And she doesn't know what to be saying to him but he thinks it's cute and is quite flirty with her. And maybe she mentioned something about hating how her garden looks and wakes up one morning to a shirtless Tommy fixing up her garden.😀 Basically him bringing her out of her shell and maybe throw a little kiss in there somewhere if you can. I'm literally screaming inside with excitement I so love when you open request your the best in the business.😘—Requested by anon
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: itzybitzysstuff
You woke one morning, shuffled into the kitchen for tea, and glanced out the window as you passed through the living room to see the backend of a moving truck slide out of view, revealing a man with a fighter’s build and a blank expression. You froze, then took a few steps back to better see him.
He reached down and hefted a large box into his arms with an easiness that made your throat constrict. His broad back now facing you, he ascended the porch stairs and disappeared through the open door of the house across the street.
You stared for several heartbeats, hoping to glimpse him again.
The door shut.
Disappointment mingling with a strange elation in your chest, you clutched your mug of tea tighter and wandered away from the temptation beyond the window. It felt like ages since you had seen a man who had engendered such a strong physical reaction from you. You kicked yourself mentally, admonishing yourself to get it together.
It wasn’t like you’d ever get to meet him, let alone have a chance with him. The mere thought of trying to string together more than two words in his presence made your stomach clench, anxiety prickling across your skin. Sweat already itched at your armpits.
No, you wouldn’t meet him or entertain meeting him. It would just cause you pain.
You glimpsed back over your shoulder at the closed door across the street.
Your remote work—working in an office building with coworkers milling about made you want to scream—allowed you the opportunity to notice your new neighbor’s comings and goings. He would leave early in the morning and return late in the evening. You watched him lumber down the sidewalk and ascend his stairs most nights, pretending to watch television when instead you were waiting to see him. You had been convinced his first appearance had been a figment of your imagination.
You still didn’t quite believe he was real. No one had lived in that house for almost a year. Why now?
Because you were lonely and maybe a little stir-crazy. You liked the solitude, like being safely ensconced in your home, interacting face-to-face with as few people as possible unless absolutely necessary. You had never really minded it.
But seeing the neighbor stirred something like…longing deep within you. It constricted your chest and pained you more than you would ever admit to your therapist.
A week after the neighbor moved in, you cried yourself to sleep, one thought circling your mind: It’ll never happen.
You covered the window with curtains after that.
Once a week, you had to leave your house to attend therapy. Though you would have preferred speaking over the phone—regardless of the fact that stirred up panic, too—your therapist, a kind but firm woman, insisted that you leave the confines of your house to see her as part of your treatment.
Every third week of the month, you had to leave for a grocery run. The days varied based on how well you worked up the nerve to step out into the world.
Five days out of the month you ventured past your front door.
The first day you braved the outside after your neighbor had arrived, you dragged along a wire-frame push cart two blocks over to the grocer on the corner of an intersection, diagonal from the pharmacy. Keeping your elbows tucked against your torso and your head down, you kept track of people by their feet as you navigated the aisles as quickly as possible without running. At this hour, there weren’t many customers, so you were able to breathe easier.
Your nightmare was that someone would ask you a question or strike up a conversation for no reason. It hadn’t yet happened, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t.
You plucked several canned goods off the shelf, picking food with long shelf lives. For the things that expired quicker, you selected only that which could be frozen and thawed for later. Practice had made the experience fifteen minutes long, with up to an additional ten minutes for lines at the checkout counter. You had it down to a science.
You rounded an aisle, heading toward the cashier.
Your cart collided with something solid.
Heart leaping into your throat, you jerked your gaze up out of reflex, praying you hadn’t hit a person.
You hadn’t. His hand had stopped the cart in its tracks.
You all but swallowed your tongue as you met blue-green eyes in a face too handsome to look at directly. Tearing your gaze away, you babbled, “I’m sorry!”
“S’okay,” a deep voice answered.
A thrill shot through your guts, chased by mounting dread. You pulled gently on the cart, trying to dislodge his grip, afraid he wouldn’t let go.
He relinquished the cart immediately.
“Sorry,” you mumbled again, trying to steer it around him.
“You live across the street from me, don’t you?”
You jerked your head up again, the breath knocked from your lungs as you swiped your gaze over his large frame.
Your new neighbor.
Throat closing immediately, you glanced down at your hands. Your vice-like grip on the bar turned your knuckles white.
“I’ve just, uh, seen you a couple times through the window.”
Your insides twisted further. He had seen you? That meant he had seen you staring. Cheeks hot with embarrassment, you only managed a distressed noise in your throat.
“I’m Tommy.” A hand slid into your vision.
You wanted to scream. You weren’t prepared for any interactions today beyond exchanging money with the cashier, let alone talk with the man you had fantasized about.
You stuck out your hand quickly, shook his briefly as you blurted your name. Rough callouses slid across your palm, sparking strange electricity up your arm and into your chest. Even as you snatched your hand back, you wanted to experience the feeling again.
“Nice to meet you,” he said.
“Yeah,” you managed, and scurried away from him, your whole neck burning in addition to your face. You were sure he could hear your thundering heartbeat.
Lining up behind a woman whose cart was overflowing, you loaded up the conveyor belt with your items and tried to focus on your breathing. You couldn’t abandon the store or your food, no matter how strong the urge was.
You glanced up at the convex mirror above the checkout line. Tommy approached from the aisle directly opposite.
Guts twisting, you glanced away. Your anxiety told you to pray he wouldn’t come near you, but something else in the back of your mind hoped he would.
He lined up behind you.
Heart thundering loud enough to make your arms and hands shake, you swallowed thickly and focused on the cracks in the plastic wrapped around the cart’s metal hand bar. The woman ahead of you took an eternity to finish. The cashier and bagger took even more time to ring up your items and put them in plastic.
All the while, Tommy stood behind you, calm and quiet, a presence you felt drawn to and simultaneously freaked out by. You hurried out of the store, forced yourself not to sprint even when you hit the sidewalk outside and started back home.
A few minutes later, someone fell into step beside you. Glancing aside, you jumped, nearly overturned your cart.
“I thought maybe you never left your house,” Tommy said. “Today’s the first I’ve seen you leave.”
He hadn’t just seen you—he’d been watching you. You didn’t know how to feel about that. You didn’t have a chance to find out, anxiety rendering your ability to think obsolete. All you could do was keep pushing the cart down the sidewalk. Tears threatened behind your eyes as the silence stretched. Why couldn’t you just be normal? Why couldn’t you talk to him?
Tommy didn’t seem to mind the quiet. He crossed the street with you and walked you to the steps leading up to your house. “I can get that for you.”
Without waiting for a reply, he took the cart from you and lugged it up the stairs. You trudged up after him, your whole body vibrating with anxiety. Some distant part of yourself watched everything from a remove, hoarding up insults to hurl at you later about your behavior.
“Thank you,” you eked out.
“No problem.”
Without another word, Tommy descended the stairs and headed back down the street. To your surprise, he didn’t return home but continued in the direction he normally took most mornings.
He had gone out of his way to walk you home.
Your heart flipped.
I think I need to throw up, you thought, fumbling with your keys.
Two days later, you returned from an unproductive therapy session—your anxiety levels were still too high after your encounter with Tommy—to see the neighbor in question sitting on his porch steps. His hands were wrapped like a fighter, and in one meaty paw was a soda can. He sipped from it as he stared at nothing on the ground.
You hesitated by your steps, watching him. He seemed so distant you almost wanted to reach across space to draw him back.
What? Don’t be stupid.
As if hearing her, Tommy glanced up. The faraway look in his eyes disappeared. He lifted a hand and waved at you.
Swallowing thickly, you jerked a wave back, then scurried inside.
Next week, Tommy was sitting on the steps again. You hesitated, wondering if he would notice you again.
As if on cue, he lifted his head and waved again. His lips didn’t pull into a smile, but his eyes were clear and kind.
You waved again, this time less jerkily, and entered your house with a strange, floating feeling buoying your steps.
Stop that!
The week after, you returned home to find Tommy on your steps. Two cans of soda stood next to his hip.
You hesitated.
“Hey,” he said. “Soda?” He plucked up a can and offered you one.
Nerves twisted your stomach, but you accepted the soda wordlessly. It was your least-favorite brand, but you didn’t care. Tommy popped the lid on his and took a deep gulp, the liquid fizzing.
You didn’t know what to do, so you just stood there, the can clutched between your hands.
“How long’ve you lived around here?” he asked, squinting up at you.
Swallowing thickly, you forced yourself to answer as levelly as possible, “Two-and-a-half years.”
“Do you like it here?”
“Sometimes,” you blurted.
Amusement danced in his eyes. “Only sometimes?”
Embarrassment crept hot up the back of your neck. “Yeah, I guess. You know.” Your shrug felt like a robotic jerk of your limbs.
“Neighbors, huh?”
You caught yourself mid-nod. “Not, uh, not that you’re one of them. Annoying, I mean. Obviously you’re my neighbor.” Horror replaced embarrassment as you realized you were babbling, words spewing out of you and making you all the more a fool.
Tommy nodded. “You wanna go to the movies with me on Friday?”
You froze, your entire body locking down. “W-what?”
“The movies.” He glanced at your horrified expression, frowned. “Or something else, whatever.”
Open your stupid mouth and say something.
Gasping for air, you said, “Me?”
Amusement returned to his blue-green eyes. “Yeah.”
“I, uh…” Hysterical laughter pushed at your lips. “I don’t know.”
He paused. “Well, that’s okay. When you do know, you’ll let me know, huh?”
He stood, taking his can with him.
He paused, turned back around.
“I, uh…nobody’s ever asked, so, uh, I don’t know how to do this,” you admitted, avoiding his gaze. “I’m not…I’m not good with people.”
“Me neither.”
You snorted. “Sure.”
“Most people I talk to I beat up.”
You jerked your head up, brow furrowing. “What?”
“I’m a fighter. Don’t really meet people outside of that.”
“That a problem?”
You shook your head. “I’m not sure I can…places make me nervous. I’m not good with people.”
You repeated yourself, dumbass.
Fingers tightening on the can, you stared down at the pull tab, grinding your teeth, waiting for him to say “Forget it” and leave.
“You ever been to the beach?”
Frowning, you glanced back at him. “Um…no?”
“There’s not a lot of people this time of year, but the boardwalk’s still open. We could grab some takeout and then sit out there.”
You blinked in surprise. Anxiety reared its head, but desperate hope shoved it back.
“Yeah, okay.”
The corners of his lips lifted into a faint smile. “Okay.”
Nodding, you forced yourself up the stairs and through the front door, glancing back to see Tommy waiting for you to enter before walking back to his place. Heart pounding with a new feeling you were too afraid to identify, you held onto the soda can and wondered how in the hell you had managed to say yes.
Don’t overthink it, the voice in your head screamed.
Staring at the can, you held it against your chest and tried not to scream from excitement.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,024
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2022
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
Fair fight
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Tommy Conlon x Reader
Summary: You make sure your sister's abusive ex gets the point this time...
Warnings: mentions of abuse and serious injuries, reader has no mercy for the ex, violence, fluff at the end
∼ 1K words
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You had his attention the moment you loudly entered the gym. Tommy still had good instincts, every source of threat getting on his radar, which left him always hyper-aware of his surroundings.
Wild, searching gaze settled on one of the guys near him and you started to march there. Your body language clearly screaming rage, there was no hesitation to punch the guy in the face the moment he turned to you.
He tried to hit you back but you managed to dodge, not expertly but clearly knowing some form of self-defence. You hit him again, aiming for his nose and the sickening crack could be heard a few feet away too. You definitely weren't going for a fair fight, aiming your strikes to do real damage.
Someone tried to grab you and that's when the subject of your anger caught you off guard. Your head whipped back at the force of the hit but you only blinked a few times in a quick session to shake it off.
After that, your temper only gets worse and you kick high, hitting your target in the face, and sending him down to the floor. The man trying to hold you down also gets a kick but to his knees, making him lose balance as well.
You are on the first guy before anyone else can intervene, hitting where you can while you start to shout at him.
"Not so tough when a girl hits back, huh?"
The comment makes the guys closest to you pause and exchange a look. People started to yell since this whole mess began but there was a moment of stunned silence after that.
Tommy doesn't know what made him move, it's not like he cares about much these days but his feet got him to you before he realised what he was doing.
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Someone grabbed your hands from behind, pulling you off that asshole like you weighed nothing. Your back is met with a sweaty chest, your arms locked to your front and your legs trapped between his.
You slowly register that he murmurs soft, calming words but your anger is still burning in you.
"Let me go," you demand.
Squirming and trying to get away only results in a stronger hold. When you try to headbutt him, Tommy takes your wrists in one of his hands and catches you by your chin before your head could reach him.
Trapped in his grasp, you have no way to move. He is basically holding you upright at this point. But when your breathing starts to calm, matching his like he tells you and you go soft in his arms he makes the mistake of slowly letting you go after you assure him that that was it.
"Alright, I'm calm."
You move before he could grab you again and kick the son of a bitch in the stomach as he was heaving on his knees, sending him backwards, lying on the floor again and groaning pathetically.
"Stay the fuck away from my sister!"
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Tommy is cursing himself as he pulls you back despite your protests.
"No, no, no. I'm done, I swear."
He throws you over his shoulder without a word and after a nod from Colt, he takes you to the secluded office at back.
"Seriously. Put me down!" You hit and kick him, although lightly, not meaning to hurt him. But taking in the guy, you are pretty sure it wouldn't have much effect anyway.
He lets you down, almost dropping you on the chair, eyeing you for a few seconds like one would a wild animal that could attack them. Whatever he sees is good enough to convince him you won't do anything stupid. Again.
He gets down on one knee before you, slowly reaching for your hands, gingerly hooking his fingers with yours, turning your hand to examine your knuckles.
You flinch when he is reaching up to take a look at your bleeding nose and that makes him pause. Finally, your eyes meet and both of you are shocked by the reflection of hidden emotions.
Looking away first, suddenly feeling shy and embarrassed that he, and everyone else in the gym, had seen you so out of it.
He guides your gaze back to him but your eyes are fixed on his full lips instead of his bright eyes while he carefully takes a look at your nose.
He asks you to follow his finger with your eyes and then asks if you feel dizzy or nauseous before gently touching your nose.
"Not broken but it will bruise pretty bad." His voice is soft and you find that the amusement you thought to hear is reflected in his expression. You make the mistake of letting your gaze wander back to his.
He smiles at your gasp, knowing that look and chuckles at your quiet answer.
"Worth it, " you reply to his assessment while he gets a kit and starts to clean up your wounds.
"I'm sure he deserved it but this wasn't a good idea." The tone of the statement and his expectant look told you he wanted to know the reason.
"The cops wouldn't listen to me. He hurt her before, I saw the marks but she always denied it." You sigh deeply, holding back the angry tears that threaten to spill again for the hundredth time today. "They said they'll need her testimony but she is kept in sedation for now..."
You scoff and look away again. Tommy cups your cheek and turns you back, seemingly only to treat take another look at your nose but the soothing brush along your skin tells you otherwise.
He silently encourages you to continue.
"He visited her." You let out a disbelieving laugh. "I saw the flowers and I just lost it. The same flowers he gave her every time after he lost his temper. She took him back every time. I couldn't..."
He stands up, stepping back to walk to the door when he sees the quick panic and the almost pleading look on your face that you surely didn't mean to display. So he graces you with another smile while bends down again and gives you a reassuring squeeze on your shoulder.
"I'll quickly clean up then I'll take you back to the hospital...?" At his unsaid question, you give him your name. Earning another hint of a smile as he repeats your name with what could only be called reverence then he turns to leave again.
"Wait," you call after him, making him face you again. "What's your name?'
It's your turn to smile, hoping your gratitude shows in your expression.
"Thank you, Tommy."
He nods awkwardly then he steps out of the office, leaving you alone with your thoughts for a few minutes and you wonder how this terrible day could bring something good in your life after all.
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thedevilshardy · 1 year
Knock you out
Tommy Conlon x fem! Reader (short smut)
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You always tried to avoid him. Tried to put the same ignorance in your gaze that he put at yours. When you were at the gym, a silent nod was all he had for you. A cool look, the slight twitch of his chin, and that was it. 
Tommy Conlon didn't like you. At least, that's what he radiated whenever you watched him box and train. And that's why you're even more surprised that you ended up in this position. 
Your breath is stagnant, your legs are shaking, and you want nothing more than that cock, already with the tip pressed firmly against your pussy. He doesn't penetrate you though, just presses his tip heavily against the folds of your pussy, but he doesn't push it in, not yet, even though you're already dripping. That's how much you want this man, who hasn't said a word since he had wordlessly pressed you against the ropes of the boxing ring and had kissed you. 
Tommy Conlon kisses like a god. His lips are soft and full, and what he doesn't say in words he packs all the more into the passionate movements of his mouth. Your breath caught when he kissed you so roughly, your knees went weak, but his strong forearm held you. You don't even know how much time has passed since he had pressed you to the floor, his hands on your body like a command. How deftly those fingers have pushed through the light layers of your gym clothes, as if they've done nothing else all their lives. Biting kisses, gasps for air, sweat, heat, everywhere. There was nothing like pressing your body up against his, feeling his heat, his hardness between your quivering legs. 
He'd almost managed to finger you to climax. But only almost. He'd stopped before you'd gotten the chance, and there it had been, a small, barely visible grin at the corners of his mouth. 
And now you're lying here, his hard cock between your legs, and he's still teasing you, holding you roughly while his tip just rubs very gently against your wet folds. Your body cries out for him, for release. You try to push yourself down further, up onto his dick, but he won't let you. Goosebumps run over your skin as you finally hear his voice against your ear. It's rough and deep. 
"You're so damn wet baby, how bad do you want me? Do you want me to fuck you?"
You nod, swallowing hard against the burning heat in your throat, clawing at his strong shoulders. 
"Tell me how bad you want me to fuck you."
"Fuck me, please. Now, Tommy I-"
A jerk, and you moan. A tiny bit more his hot dick has slid into your center, just barely grazing his tip at your entrance. God, it's driving you crazy, this here, he-!
"You want me to fuck you - right, huh, until you can't walk anymore? God baby, you're so fuckin' wet, you're so..."
"Tommy," your hands reach into his sweaty hair, pulling him down against your face. He growls quietly. "Fuck me, now."
"Impatient nasty girl, you are" he grunts, and it's amused, you can see it in the corners of his mouth.
You get a warm, breathless kiss, and before you know it, he's suddenly forcing inside you with one hard thrust. 
It's a revelation, that feeling - as his stiff cock finally penetrates deep inside your dripping pussy, as he finally conquers you with a sharp thrust of his hips. His lips slowly open as he sinks completely into you - for a moment he looks down at you, brushing a wet strand from your face. 
"Have you ever seen a real buck fight, honey?"
Your vagina tightens, you can feel exactly how your walls vibrate with every word - how they're already contracting tightly now, how they suck his cock in deep. 
"Of course."
"Then I'm going to show you how I fucking knock you out."
And he does. He supports himself with his strong arms to the left and right of your body, bites his lips hard, and then begins to thrust hard and relentlessly. His hips move as if boxing, penetrating deep and only pushing your trembling legs further apart, hard, sharp, tight thrusts, deep into your pussy. You can't even brace yourself against it, pick up his rhythm, it's too strong. And it really drives you to the edge of madness. 
Tommy Conlon fucks like a god, too. His hands claw into your sides, holding you, making your breasts bob along to the beat with each thrust. You see he loves it, the way he licks his lips afterward, the way his hips sputter. 
Your pussy almost explodes. Tommy's thrusts and cock are way too good for you, catching you ice cold and fucking you to a level you never thought you'd reach. He keeps up this pace, even as your dripping walls slowly tighten around him as the warm feeling in your belly grows stronger. You try to hold onto his shoulders, but he shakes your hands off, gets on his knees, pulls your ass up onto his trained thighs. And then he just keeps fucking you, the in and out of his hard dick like a prayer that all you can do now is whimper. 
"Come baby, come, I want to feel it, come on."
His right rough hand slides between your folds, and he teases your clit to no end, his thumb sliding over it, teasing the little wet bud. 
You come. You come so suddenly, as if Tommy had personally punched you in the face, as if he had thrown you out of the ring. You come so suddenly and so fucking hard that for a moment you can't even move your body, can't even breathe. 
He fucks you through your orgasm, wordlessly, breathlessly. His hand stays on your clit, keeps rubbing, his cock keeps fucking until you can't take it anymore, until your pussy contracts tight and hot, squirting slightly. And Tommy loves it. 
You don't know how long you feel the violent waves of your orgasm - but eventually you feel more wetness, more heat between your legs, feel his hips fucking harder than before and he lets out a deep grunt. He comes, pushing you over the edge again. 
When you're done, the floor of the boxing ring is wet as hell, showing all the traces of your violent encounter. You feel exactly how his cum runs between your legs, warm, always down your thigh. Tommy's eyes move between your legs, and he grins slightly. 
"We're going to take a shower, and then I'm going to fuck you again."
"Wow, you've talked more than you did all last year," you say shortly, and Tommy helps you stand up. 
His eyes don't even leave you as you walk to the shower, and he even catches you as your shaking legs give way. 
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alikaheroes · 2 years
Fluffy Protective Tommy Conlon
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Anon Request: Hello I would love a fluffy protective Tommy Conlon x reader (female)
Word Count: 530 
Warnings: 18+, some mature content 
It was always fun to go out dancing on a Friday night. You and Tommy loved it. He wasn't the best dancer but he always looked so sexy doing it.
As the lights flashed and the music pounded in your ears, he stood behind you his arms wrapped around the front of you as you grinded on his crotch, matching your movements with the bass line of the song.
You turned around and planted a deep kiss on his lips, your tongues even dancing with the rhythm of the music.
You pulled apart and he planted a soft kiss on your lips, then one on your cheek.
"I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick, I'll be right back, babe!"
You nodded and couldn't help but stare at his beautiful ass as he walked away.
Suddenly, you felt a hand on your hip. It wasn't Tommy. He had just walked away. ..
The grip tightened around you and you looked around. It was Jonathan, someone who Tommy had fought in the cage years ago. He always flirted with you but you always blew him off. This was the first time he ever got physical. Or tried to.
"Hey sweet girl, want to dance?"
You pushed off of him.
"Jonathan, please leave me alone!!"
He grabbed you again.
"Aww, just one dan--"
He was interrupted by a loud smack. Jonathan dropped to the floor. As you stepped back you turned behind you and saw Tommy!
He pulled his arm back as if to pound the life out of this man's face, but stopped himself. He'd already been in trouble before but stopped. He reached down and pulled Jonathan up by his shirt.
"If you ever, EVER even look at her, you won't see the sun rise in the morning. Understand?!"
  Jonathan sheepishly nodded. Tommy dropped Jonathan, pushing him back on the floor.
He grabbed your hand.
"Come on babe, let's get out of here," he whispered. The two of you hurried out of the club.
You wrapped around the corner when Tommy pulled you around and planted a kiss on you. He pulled away and stroked your face, pushing the hair out of your eyes. He grabbed your face with both of his hands.
"Oh my God, are you OK, baby?" he asked, his voice quivering a bit with worry.
"I am...I am, it's OK. babe, I'm OK." You grabbed his wrists and pulled them down, looking in his beautiful eyes.
"I don't know how you do it? It's not fair how some of these men treat the ladies..." Tommy's voice trailed off.
"But..Tommy. You're not like the other gents. You're a real gentleman. And I love you so much," you whispered.
You grabbed his face and gave him a deep, passionate kiss, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him closer to you. You could feel him softly groaning back in your mouth.
You pulled away before it got too hot in public.
"Come on." Tommy smiled, pulling you in for a tight hug. He moved his head to the side of your neck and whispered in your ear. "Let's go home so I can show you how *real* of a gentleman I can be"
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wandawiccan60 · 1 year
You Deserve More
A Tommy Conlon X Dahlia(OC) One-Shot
A/N: Hey everyone and yes I am back with a quick Tommy Conlon One-Shot for your guys entertainment. I really went all on with the flow with this short story. I wanted to say that that is based on a true story of my sadly recent break up… The text messages you will read is based on the actual messages my now ex-bf and I exchanged and also did talk in person. But it is something I wanted to share with you all and something that I have been dealing with for a while. However I hope you find this shot very cute and i hope you all stay safe and enjoying your day. Thank you everyone for coming by and it’s good to be back!!! 😆👌🏻👍🏻❤️
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Honestly we need to talk when can you meet up with me?
These were the exact words that Dahlia had to read through that one single message. Only for it to be something that’ll only bring nothing but disappointment and hurt.
Yea sure maybe tomorrow after I’m off from work of if it’s possible maybe tonight babe if your not tired that is 💖✨💗
She remembered those couple of emojis that she sometimes would send every once in a while to Blake. Hoping that he knew that she was very much in love with him… or did he not see that???
That same night m, both Dahlia and Blake did meet up only it wasn’t just a talk about going on another date or trip of whatnot. It was more of a confession of wether or not Blake wanted to continue on with this relationship with her.
“Look I… I have been feeling like I need a break from both of us. Just need some space, I got work to do, and I just need to be my individual self again. And if you like we can do a break or we can just forget about everything. What do you want to do?”
Dahlia didn’t want to believe what she just heard from him. 
What is he talking about us wanting to take a break???
Even after everything they had done together it lead to this. It only made her feel like she was being lied to all this time about him and the relationship. So Dahlia did what any other smart girl would do, just walk away. Even if it did feel like a knife was stabbed straight into her heart.
And now it has been over a couple of months later, Dahlia became another person day in day out. She became interested in pursuing a career in being a nurse and a certified therapist. She never would have thought of being able to achieve Teo goals in such a fast pace. 
Even after the biggest heartbreak of her life, she knew that there was so much more out there to see. Though there were times when she would be alone, she wished there would be someone there to be encouraging, happy, and feeling grateful to have a girl like Dahlia. Only she tried her best to ignore such wishful thoughts but those dreams would become tears some nights.
Even though she never gave up on hope and in true love for finding someone to share her thoughts, feelings, success and most of all being important to him.
It’s nothing but foolish and untrue thoughts… there is no one out there for me… ever
“Dahlia, you know that patient in room 30 that came in last night?” Said Dahlia’s co-worker Nike, putting down other patient files on top of the front desk receptionist. 
“Yes, I know who you’re talking about. Why, does he need to be checked up again, or take his next meal of the day?”
“Yes to his next meal and no to another thing,” said Nike while he gave her a smirk and a quick wink.
“Oh stop it Nike, are you being serious right now. I’m being professional here right now and what you think this guy seems cute? I don’t think so, he just looks like any other guy that you see in the streets. Besides I told you many times, I am not looking for nobody. I’ve been perfectly busy with finishing getting my Masters in therapy. Why would the hell I be wanting more than what I have right now?”
But all of what Dahlia said wasn’t really all entirely true, knowing deep down she did found the patient  very attractive. He did had a bad injury on the side of his head, with some blood coming out from the wound and going in and out of consciousness. He seemed lost to where he was at that moment, while Dahlia attended to his wound with as much care as possible. While trying to clean away the blood as much as she could, the man suddenly grabbed her wrist with such strength that it made her yelp in fright.
“That fucking hurts, get away from me,” he said with that Philly accent, looking straight at Dahlia’s frighten and yet wonderful hazel-honey eyes.
“Hold him down,” said one of the male doctors, while two other male nurses tried to calm him down.
Out of his grasp, Dahlia didn’t notice she wasn’t breathing for air. She was to busy focused on him while the doctors finally gave him a dose to make him relax. Once he fell into a deep sleep, Dahlia slowly walked up next to the now relaxed and peaceful looking man. He looked no more than in his 30’s, blue eyes, very muscular from what she could see through his gray long sleeve shirt, short smooth brown hair, and his face. That face looked like a little boys, soft, innocent, and yet very handsome. 
“Sure, sure, dear. I saw how you looked at him last night after Mark gave him a dose to make him fall asleep. You got lucky that he didn’t give you a punch in the face or something much worst. Anyways but tell me, do you think he’s cute?”
Dahlia only gave a look of bothersome to his friend, while she gave a small chuckle. 
“Fine. Yes he seemed very cute, are you happy now?” Dahlia said hoping that it’ll satisfy his friends silliness.
”That answer sounded so fake, but whatever. Anyways, miss Dahlia, the patient needs to take his meal and must drink his medication afterwards. Would you be so kind in taking it for me please?” Said Nike he placed a tray of food with the medication on the side.
Dahlia walked her way down the hall on the second floor of the hospital, holding the tray of food with both of her hands. Once she reached room 30, she felt nervous to see him again. Not only of what happened last night but she felt this feeling that she couldn’t really explain. But she ignored it and she quietly knocked the door hoping it wont wake him up. But after three knocks and no answer she let herself in seeing that the patient was taking a nap. Closing the door behind her quietly, she slowly made her way towards him. She sat the tray on the right side of the nightstand, setting the fork and knife on each side. Dahlia felt goosebumps with no explanation while hearing the beeping of the heart monitor. Until suddenly she heard a soft grunt coming from he left side.
“Hmm… hmm.”
“Sir? Hey, it’s ok, try not to move too much. You had a bad wound on the side of your head but we fixed you up in no time. On a scale of one to ten how are you feeling from pain?” Said Dahlia while she raised the top part of the bed while he continued to grunt a-little less.
“Pain? Hehe… I have been through more worst than this lady. This, it’s like if I just twisted an ankle or soemthin’. So I don’t care much if I feel like shit or not,” he said trying to sound tough and just trying to shrug it off. 
Dahlia only smiled seeing that he tried to be funny, though his wound would leave him a good scar in his head. 
“Well you should be thankful that it didn’t open much more than it looked last night. But right now you must eat something first so you can take your next pills. Here now,” Said Dahlia picking up a few piece of food with the fork.
“Hey I can feed myself I ain’t some 3 year old damn kid that needs someone else to feed me. That’s just weird and childish,” he said leaving a bit away from the fork filled with food.
“Oh please don’t sound so difficult, look I’m trying to help you and doing my best here to get your strength back. Or otherwise you’ll be here for quite some time if you want to take things more slower. It’s your choice sweetie. Either take it slow or take it quick?” 
He only rolled his eyes in annoyance looking the other way while Dahlia patiently waited for a response. 
He’s like a child, only in the body of a grown man… I think that’s cute…
After awhile he gave in, one bit of food after another he cleaned his tray off. 
“See that wasn’t so hard now was it?” Dahlia said in a cheeky voice, while he didn’t say a word. “Alright you have to take your painkiller now, here.”
As she gave both the pill and the cup of water to him, he took it like nothing. It surprised Dahlia that he easily took them without sounding foolish. He swallowed the pill in one go as well as the cup of water, giving the now empty plastic cup back to her. 
“Right then, you must rest now I’ll see you later to give your last meal for today. The doctor will come and see you,” Dahlia said as she placed the cup on top of the empty tray.
Before she made her way towards the door, he heard him call out to her to wait.
“Hey, I… I want to say I’m sorry for the way I acted last night’. And for graspin’ to hard on your wrist, I just… last night I got into this stupid fight. Lettin’ some steam off like it would be such a helpful thing but it just went south.”
Dahlia was left confused as to why he started to say these things to her. Even though she was taking a masters degree as a therapist this seemed like a nice opportunity to interact with. Dahlia then sat on the chair at the end of the bed hoping to see where this might go. Hoping to try out her first intercession with a lot of high expectations in trying out her skills. 
“May I ask why did you decided to fight with someone random? Did you think it would ease whatever it was building inside of you? Or maybe you want to forget about something going on with your family or somebody else in particular?” Dahlia asked on hopefully she was doing this right and not sounding too pressuring.
“Hehe, I always have something building inside of me. Just already got use to havin’ it around all the time. I have family, a brother and I have my dad too but I sometimes try to be with them but I always shut them out. I sometimes like to be left alone and well… there was this someone I use to be with but… she wasn’t it.” He said while biting his lips together his eyes looking down.
Dahlia saw the way his body languages changed, seeing she hit a nerve on him. 
“And is that person still in contact with you or you both went separate ways?” She then asked knowing where this talk might be going too.
“I did for a while but she didn’t want nothing else to do with me because well let’s just say she was the reason for why we aren’t together anymore. I loved her so much, gave her my time, energy, gave the whole world to her. Though when she said she wanted to have space and be alone, I didn’t know understand at that moment. Until now looking back at it, she didn’t have that same love back for me. And I asked myself, was that all a lie?” He then said letting out a heavy sigh while he fiddled his fingers. 
“I see. You’re going through a lot with this relationship you thought was real. Believe me I was once there, I also thought afterwards if I was taken advantage of. And even thought the whole relationship we had was all a lie,” dahlia said surprised to hear herself be this quickly open to someone she just seen last night. 
“I guess we both in the same page. What a small world that we both ended up having bad relationships,” he then said which it made them both smile and chuckle a bit.
“You’re right, you know you feel like you found the right one but they end up being a disappointment? Yes that’s what happens when you be too nice and humble to someone,” said Dahlia thinking about her time with Blake, which she new she did give everything to him.
The patient looked at her way, seeing a sad expression on her face knowing that he too did hit a nerve. He didn’t expect to stumble upon someone else who would feel the same place as him. And being so open to a nurse out of everyone in this world. He then still looked her way and without realizing he had his hand gently placed on top of her right arm.
“Hey let me tell you something. Whatever that asshole did to you or said. You deserve someone better, even if you have to wait for years or whatever the time gives you. It’ll pay off in the end, because you’re a pretty girl, you seem smart, and most of all should be treated like a queen. So you’ll be ok we all will.” He said giving a small smile at her, which Dahlia gave a smile back.
“You know I never got your name, what’s your name? I’m Dahlia and you’re sweet and thank you,” she said feeling her cheeks turn warm from the compliment he gave her.
“Tommy. Tommy Conlon and that’s a cool name I’ve never heard of it before. But hey I’m just honest with others you have been the most pretty nurse so far. I hope that doesn’t sound weird or something,” he said feeling a bit of a dumbass for saying that.
“Hehe no you’re fine it was just unexpected to say the least. I have to get back to work but get some more rest and I’ll be back later tonight. It was a good talk but see you then,” Dahlia said getting up on her feet as she grabbed the gray one more time.
“Yes it was nice talking to you, and believe me I’ve had too much rest already. But yes see you soon Dahlia,” said Tommy giving her one last smile to her which she just nodded her head.
Once outside of the room, she gently rested her back against the wooden door. Mind boggled as to what just happened right now. Not believing that someone like Tommy would open to her that fast. But at the same time she felt comfortable in sharing her story too. 
What the hell was all that about??? Have you lost yourself Dahlia…
However deep down, she did feel something warm when they both talked. Like she felt some sort of trust with Tommy, it’s like they were meant to stumble with each other. Thought was it for a good reason or a bad one? Only time would tell and Dahlia hoped that he might be someone that she could call a friend and to be able to talk without feeling judged. 
It’s only for me to decide if I want him to come in… we’ll just have to wait and see…
Dahlia woke up early to get herself ready for graduation. It has been over 2 fast years since she started. She wished it didn’t end very suddenly but there was something more special that happened in between those years. 
“Baby, hmmm… come back to bed just for a few more minutes?,” groaned Tommy as he laid on his left side of the bed seeing a peak of his big pecks of his chest.
“Awww my baby boy, didn’t you already had enough of making out from me last night?” She cheekily said until Tommy wrapped his arms around her catching her off guard.
Landing on the bed again, they both laugh and hugged each other close together, exchanging another long, sweet kiss. The longer the kiss became, the more Tommy wanted to go another round again. Dahlia felt his right hand going under her white long blouse. Making her lowly moan between her mouth and Tommy’s. She went on top of him, not letting go of those plump, thick lips of his that Dahlia had grown to taste and love every second. 
“My babygirl is finally graduating today. You did my Dahlia, you got to where you want to be,” Tommy said gently cupping her face with both of his hands, making her smile in glee.
“We both did, not only is about me here love. You also should be proud of yourself to have your own gym along side with your brother. And not only that but I have confession to make and I’ve been nervous to tell you,” Dahlia said while she gently bit her bottom lip hoping that whatever Tommy says about this big news she only hoped that best for both and a change in their lives.
“What is it you’ve been wantin’ to tell me babe? You already know you can tell me anything, we already talked about this. Just relax and tell me when you’re ready, ok?” Tommy said reassuringly, as they both clasps their hands to together, which Dahlia felt at ease.
“I… well we… we are expecting a little us and I don’t know if you are ok with taking this step further. It sounds crazy believe me but that is why I was scared to te-.”
“Are you kiddin’ me Dahlia?” Tommy cut her off but in a joyous way, making himself sit up a bit more comfortable not believing in such wonderful news he was hearing, “Of course I am good with this, why did you keep this within yourself until now? How long has it been since you knew you were having a baby?”
“Remember when went to that party with your brother Brandon and Tess? Well when I told you that I was going to walked out for some bit of air? I lied to you about it and I instead went to the restroom, and I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. I didn’t want to believe it was real but it was. That’s why when you told me when I came back if I was fine, I knew it was wrong for me to keep it this long. But now you know, and I really was nervous if you were going to yell at me or something.”
“No, no, baby. This is the best thing that I am really looking forward too, especially now that you and the baby our my priority to take care of you both. No matter what, I want to be here for you and showing our baby girl or boy that his or her dad will promise to always take care of them. I love you so much my Dahlia,” Tommy said looking down at her flat stomach that will sometime later begin to grow a lovely bump.
“You will be there for our baby boy or our little girl. I know deep down that you will be the best dad that the baby will be lucky to have. We got this and we will work hard to give our child the best that we can. And I love you more my Tommy Conlon,” she said as she gave him another tender kiss knowing a bright future is awaiting for them. 
Something that was well worth the wait and deserving. 
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2. & 106. with Tommy Conlon would be amazing 🥺
"I mean he's charming but he's an ass sometimes! He also insists on paying on our dates but magically 'forgets' his wallet! I don't mind paying but don't lie! It's crazy!" You ranted, punching the punching bag with anger. Tommy held the bag on the other side, resisting the urge to truly speak his mind.
"Mhm." He muttered. You continued hitting the bag and ranting.
"Don't even get me started on the sex! It's fine, but he can only go like, two rounds! And he says he thinks eating pussy is disgusting! Disgusting! Could you believe that?" You huffed.
"No, no I couldn't." Tommy gritted, wishing he was on the receiving end of your hits so he could be put out of his misery. The gym was empty, Tommy took out a loan and opened his own boxing gym which was a huge success and you had been by his side through it all. You also loved the perks of training after hours, the moonlight was coming through the wide paned windows, illuminating your features perfectly.
Hence why Tommy wanted to be eaten alive. He had been listening to you complain about this guy you'd been seeing for a few weeks. Being best friends came with that, talking about dating, but when one half of the relationship had feelings for the other half, it felt like torture.
"I mean! I'm totally waxed, I'm basically dripping wet looking for a face to sit on, and he thinks pussy is disgusting? What the fuck!" You exclaimed, pushing your hair out of your face and breathing heavily, drawing Tommy's eyes to your sweat covered breasts that glistened in the sports bra you wore. The description of your pussy had him salivating, and he was doing everything in his power to starve off the incoming erection.
"I've even introduced sex toys to the relationship! And even proposed the idea of bringing another woman into the mix! But he's a fucking prude! Just wants missionary and then passes out! The toys weren't a total waste though, I swear the batteries in my wand are running on fumes- Tommy, you listening?" You questioned, halting your punches and raising an eyebrow at your best friend, who now had majority of the punching bag in front of his body.
"Yeah, just keep going." Tommy grunted. You pulled your gloves off and sat at the bench, grabbing your water bottle.
"Nah, let's take a break." You spoke, patting the spot next you. Tommy huffed and released the bag, walking up to you and grabbing your arms, pulling you off the bench, inches away from his face.
"Tommy? What's-" He cut you off.
"If I have to listen you you complain about that scumbag one more time I am going to fucking lose it." Tommy growled. You sighed.
"I'm sorry Tommy, I didn't know it was bothering you that much. I feel awful, I'm so selfish, only talking about myself." You spoke, feeling guilty.
"No, that's not it. I'm done listening about this fucking guy because you're settling! You're settling for someone who won't treat you the way you deserve. To prove it, I'm going to fuck you until you forget that assholes name." Tommy grunted, looking you deep in your eyes, pushing his prominent erection into your stomach a bit. You gasped and took a sharp breath.
"Whose name? I have no idea who you're talking about." You muttered, swallowing your nerves. Tommy smirked.
"Perfect, now put that pretty pussy on my face."
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rose-like-the-phoenix · 8 months
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Tommy snippet in the works. This'll be a little longer than my muti character snippet posts over on my writing blog @angel-inked , which the next round over there will have a new character 😉
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @thequeenofthewinter @mollybegger-blog @wandawiccan60 @cameleonhardyfan63 @inkwolvesandcoffee @liliac-dreamer @potter-solomons
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hecatemoon87 · 2 years
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🎄Forrest Bondurant: Candycane Kisses
🎁 Eddie Brock: Hot Chocolate
🌟 Tommy Conlon: Christmas Gift
❤️‍🔥 James Delaney: Scrooge
❄️ Bob Saginowski: Christmas Crush
🍬 Ian Eames: Ski Lodge
✨️ Reggie Kray: Snowball Fight
🕯Alfie Solomons: Hanukkah
🎁 Leo Demidov: Happy New Year's
🔥 Freddie Jackson: Cranberry Cocktail
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mlmxreader · 10 months
Ruin Our Friendship | Tommy Conlon x gn!reader (🍋)
anonymous asked: Tommy Conlon: Hello, hello! I hope you're doing good 🖤. May I please ask for a little something using the following prompts for my sweet baby Tommy Conlon X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "Stay with me"+"Never wanted anybody more than I wanted you" Thank you so very much 🖤! 🐍anon
summary: you and Tommy think it's finally time to change the nature of your relationship.
tws: swearing, dry humping
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Soaked in sweat, Tommy slowly peeled off his shirt, his skin glistening as he exposed his muscles and his tattoos, all too aware of the eyes watching him; he bit down on the inside of his lip, wondering if he should ask even though he already knew the answer.
Thoughts already swarming his head as his breath hitched in his throat; all too aware that your gaze was following the droplets of sweat as they slowly trickled down his back. It was always like that when he got back from the gym, knowing that you were waiting for him at his flat for tea and a film, knowing that you couldn't fucking stop staring at his body.
He wished you would ask already, but he knew you too well and knew you wouldn't. He wished he could just turn around and crash his lips against yours, pin you to the bed and claim you for himself; he cleared his throat, sighing heavily.
"Stay with me tonight," he muttered. "Please?"
You quirked a brow, tilting your head slightly to the side. "You sure? Don't you have to be up early?"
Turning around, Tommy shook his head as he slowly approached the bed, standing between your spread legs and wishing that it was all different.
Wishing that he was about to watch you strip so eagerly for him and expose your body, beg him to claim every inch of it for himself.
"Yeah. No, I don't… I, uhm, I kinda… I don't… you never stay over."
You thought about it for a second. You used to stay the night almost daily, before… before things got awkward.
Before you realised that his biceps were so big and his chest was so heavy; before you realised how thick his thighs were and how large his hands were. Fuck. His chest looked so good, and his thighs even better. All glistening with sweat.
Why did he have to wear shorts?
You swallowed thickly, nodding slowly. "I can stay."
Tommy nodded, the closest thing you would ever get to him actually thanking you, but you didn't mind; you knew Tommy well enough to know that he meant it. He always did enjoy company, even if he worried that you would leave, even if he worried that your love would come with certain terms and conditions like it had done with everyone else's.
But it never did. He looked at you for a moment, examining the way you gazed at him before he gently took your wrist in his hand and brought it to his chest; he grumbled softly at how gentle you were as you groped his chest, clenching his jaw.
You retracted your hand, looking up at him. "Tommy… we shouldn't…"
Tommy furrowed his brows. "Why?"
"We're friends," you breathed out. "And alright, yeah, I've never wanted anybody more than I wanted you, but… we're friends, Tom. It ain't right."
"Did I do something wrong?"
"No, baby," you murmured, waiting for him to drop to his knees before you stroked a hand through his hair gently. "You didn't do anything wrong, just… I'd feel bad."
"Because I love you," you chuckled. "And I'd only fuck it up."
His breath hitched in his throat as he looked up at you. "You think I wouldn't be the fuck up?"
You shook your head. "You? No. You've always been great, Tommy. Always… it's me."
"I don't get it," he huffed.
"I just…" you shook your head. You weren't sure if it was the smell of his sweat or the way he looked at you, but you couldn't hold it in any more.
You grabbed him, pulling him onto the bed as you fell onto your back. His hips against yours as he groaned softly, his arms either side of your head and buried against the mattress. Your arms went around him by instinct, legs spread so it was a little more comfortable for you both, your eyes on his lips.
"Can I?"
"I thought you'd never ask," you admitted with a soft laugh.
Tommy smiled, nodding as he dared to lean down a little more, capturing your lips softly; something in him snapped, and he felt like suddenly everything made sense.
But fuck, the way you ground your hips against his was hard to ignore, and he couldn't help but to do it back; you copied, and he ground as hard as he could, making you break the kiss as you tilted your head back and moaned.
"Should I stop?"
"No," you pleaded softly. "Fuck, do it again."
Tommy smiled to himself, angling his hips as he thrust against you, the fabric of his shorts becoming tighter as he felt the fabric rub against his cock. Shit, he couldn't believe he was doing it. He grunted softly, rutting against you as you copied every movement; his breath was harsh and heavy as he pressed his forehead against the mattress, his lips right by your ear as you moaned his name softly. Bucking and rolling your hips as you chased every bit of friction that you could.
Tommy rolled onto his back, bringing you with him and tugging you to straddle his waist; bucking his hips up into you. Strong arms holding you close as your hands settled on his chest; you could feel his cock pressing against your ass as you opened your mouth, purposefully wiggling your ass just to tease him.
"Tommy, are we really gonna do this?" You asked.
"If you want to," Tommy breathed out.
"Are we gonna ruin our friendship?"
He shrugged. "If you want it to."
You paused, thinking about it for a second before you nodded, daring to laugh. "I've had enough of the awkward shit, ain't you?"
Tommy grinned, letting his hands roam up and down your body as he nodded, swallowing thickly as he felt up every inch of you before tugging at your shirt; his eyes widened, excitement in his irises, as he watched you expose inches of skin before finally slowly taking your shirt off. He nodded in approval.
"I'm ruining our friendship."
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 2 years
The Boxer Outside the Ring (Tommy Conlon x Reader)
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Genre: Romance, Fluff
Pairing: Tommy Conlon x Florist!Reader
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: N/A, unless we count tooth-rotting domestic fluff as a warning 
Summary: The first time Tommy asked me why I took care of him, mostly by patching him up after each match, I gave him a yellow rose. A few days later I found him immersed in one of Gramps books about the language of flowers. The meaning behind the yellow rose is one of the first he learned and remembered, so he could have given me one today. However, instead he gave me something far more precious.
His company.
His time.
TH Masterlist / Monster Masterlist
Tag list: @buttercup32sstuff @liliac-dreamer @vir-tual @potter-solomons @ilovemanypeople @zablife​​ @hecatemoon87​​​ @alikaheroes
Want to be tagged in the future? Send me a message or leave a comment and I’ll make sure to add ye!
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Never judge a book by its cover. It’s a common saying which even applies to a man as distant and closed up as Tommy Conlon.
To be honest, I hadn’t expected much from him aside from a cold attitude and a short fuse. The stories making the rounds at the boxing school have found their way into town, even whispered among the customers when they drop by for a new bouquet of flowers. Various nicknames have been mentioned. ‘Cerberus personified’ is mentioned most. ‘Cú Chulainn incarnate’ is a common reference to the boxer among the Irish community. ‘That chap who helps out on Mondays’, however, is how Gramps used to refer to him before he learned his name.
It was a quite strange Monday about five months ago when Tommy and I first crossed paths. The weekly delivery of flowers had come in alongside an additional order for a couple of new pots. Overestimating my ability, I tried to move a cart laden with the new supplies and package material from the street onto the pavement. I pushed and pulled, but to no avail and the driver wasn’t much use either, continuing to unload the rest of the cargo.
I stiffened when a pair of rough hands appeared at the back of the cart and a gravelly voice told me: “Push it. I’ll pull.”
Without harbouring any expectations, I did what I was told.
And on to the pavement it went. 
Clad entirely in black, an imposing muscular man with eyes as blue as the ocean appeared from behind the cart. I swallowed hard and tried to make myself as small as possible because, while I was grateful for the help, an air of violence hung around him. 
“Need help?” he asked with a gentle smile on his plush lips.
Perhaps that was the moment I started to trust him.
All because of that one smile. 
“Well, if you don’t mind.” After all, it was only me since Gramps had to think about his health.
“Sure.” His expression darkened when he noticed the driver. A flicker of hardly contained anger illuminated his eyes, grown cold and full of an animalistic menace. A chill ran down my spine while I mentally made the vow to never provoke my curious helper.
He walked over to the truck, voice raised so the other man could hear him. “Shouldn’t you have done something? She has to do this by herself and you let her struggle.”
The driver remained silent, chest rising and falling quicker with each step Tommy took towards him. Fortunately, he was the target of his wrath, but I’d be just as mortified had it been me.
“There better be a colleague of yours next week who’s a little more helpful because if I see you one more time, it’ll be the last. Understood?” Tommy leaned in, making use of his imposing stature, to drive his point home twice over . 
Perhaps I should’ve said something, but all I remember feeling was relief. Maybe things would change for the better, at least in the way of being given a little more help in running the shop on my own.
Tommy nodded at the last of the supplies and plants, sitting on the street and waiting to be taken inside. “That’s the last of it?”
“Y-Yes,” the driver stammered, his complexion gone as pale as snow. He looked ready to pass out or, rather, succumb to a heart attack.
“Good. We’ll handle it from here.”
The driver rushed into the truck, started the engine, and drove off as fast as he could.
 Tommy spat on the ground and turned to me. “Ma’am, would it be alright if I help out each week here with the delivery?”
“You’ve only known me for a couple minutes.” I crossed my arms and tried to get a read on him, unsure whether he was serious or pulling my leg. “Why?”
“Because you look like you could use the help. Don’t you have colleagues, ma’am?”
“I only have my grandpa. Tell you what, I’ll let you, but under one condition.”
He narrowed his eyes, chin lifted. “Which is?”
I extended my hand as I walked over to him. “That you call me by my name from now on. I’m Y/N.”
His handshake was firm yet gentle, like he was afraid he’d break my fingers. “Tommy Conlon.”
Since then he’s been helping out every Monday morning. Combine that with a couple of dates, more than once to our favourite bakery for breakfast, and we are where we are.
Five months later, living together in the apartment above the shop.
I cringe as another surge of pain flares up in my abdomen. It truly is great being a woman. Especially the fact that each month you have to experience what Mother Nature won’t give you a receipt for so you can return it. Fortunately, Tommy took over from me earlier today so I could put on my pyjamas and curl up in bed with a cup of tea. 
After a month of unloading the weekly delivery together and gaining each other’s trust, he insisted I’d at least teach him how to use the register. However, Gramps will, as always has been the case in my absence, take care of the actual closing of the shop. It is a shame, though, I won’t get to see the customers being caught off-guard by a hulking figure clad in an apron trying his damn best to remember everything we’ve taught him about flowers and plants.
The bedroom door opens and Tommy walks in, a plastic bag from the local drugstore in his hands. He sent a text earlier saying he'd first do some groceries before heading home. “I got you pads, both for day and night.” 
I pause my series and turn onto my side to face him. Not once has he shown any sign of the discomfort most men display when dealing with tampons and the like. At first, he remained completely silent and let me browse at leisure. Yet, he now pops in the occasional question and throws around inspecting glances as if he is trying to compose a database of information essential to him. 
The mattress dips when he sits down on the edge of the bed. Brow furrowed, he pulls out one of each package. “These are the ones you use, right?”
I nod and rub his forearm. “Yeah, you bought the right ones. Good job, Tommy.”
A relieved smile spreads on his lips. “I’m more observant than you think.” He runs his hand through my hair, features soft. “Need anything? Medicine? Tea?”
“Nah, I’ll be fine. These cramps won’t kill me.”
He grabs Bun Bun, the light brown stuffed rabbit he gave me for my birthday recently, and removes the heatable component in its belly. “I’ll be right back.”
Tommy gets up and leaves for the kitchen. Albeit muted by the distance, I can hear him toss the small bag of cherry pits into the oven and the door slamming shut harder than intended. At first it used to annoy me, but I’ve come to accept he simply can’t help it because he’s stronger than he thinks. 
A giggle erupts from my throat as I envision how he tends to look whenever it happens. He’ll hang his head, handsome features contorted into an expression like a kicked puppy. The first time I saw it, it left me baffled for how could a man like him display such fragility? However, now, the only thing I’ll do is smile to let him know it’s okay. After all, he isn’t what the nicknames make him out to be.
He isn’t a cold-blooded monster.
Only a little clumsy outside the boxing ring. Moreover, he carries with him a story he hasn’t even given me a sliver of in the time I’ve known him. But that’s okay.
Sometimes things are better left untold.
I giggle and flip back over to continue watching my series. Tommy comes back a bit later, hastening to the bed while cradling the heat pack. Judging by the sound of velcro bands, Bun Bun gets once again opened up, this time for an implant. 
Blocking out the light with his broad shoulders, he looms over me to tuck the stuffie into my arms. Satisfied that I’m properly tucked in, he hums and runs his fingers through my hair. I briefly close my eyes, snuggle with Bun Bun, and lean into his touch. 
Unfortunately, it doesn’t last long since he climbs off the bed the moment after. 
Unwilling to show my sulkiness, I continue to lie with my back to him. Nonetheless, the sullenness turns into unbridled restlessness at the sound of rustling fabric. I bite my lip to suppress the urge to flip around and watch him change into his pyjamas, to enjoy the sight of his muscles outlined by the light and decorated with tattoos. My fingers begin to itch with the need to trace his back, a pleasure I get to indulge in all year round since Tommy refuses to sleep with a shirt on. To cure the itch, I entwine them beneath the sheets so they can’t go wandering off on the sensual adventure my mind is begging for yet my body refuses with all her might.
The mattress dips again, the duvet ruffling with Tommy’s struggle to get comfortable. Once he is, however, he slips a big warm hand on my abdomen. 
“What’re we watching?” he murmurs, lazily placing a kiss on the back of my head. 
“Supernatural.” I glance over my shoulder. “Have you ever seen it?”
He shakes his head.
“If you want, we can start from the first episode.”
“Nah, don’t have to. This evening is all about you, not me.”
“You sure?”
He snuggles up to me, voice low and gruff with sleepiness. “Just press ‘play’.”
Legs entwined and his sturdy chest pressed against my back, we watch a few episodes. There’s a certain magic in two introverts sharing the same bubble. They are in a world of their own yet able to connect in a way others can’t. Silence is our language and his words tonight wrap me in a familiar cosy and secure cocoon.
It has already gone completely black outside, the moon bright in the sky, when a soft snoring cuts through the sarcasm and old rock songs. Puzzled, I pause the episode to make sure the noise isn’t my laptop breathing its last or in the series. Neither of which seems to be the case since the noise cuts through the silence regardless. 
A displeased grunt falls from Tommy’s lips when I try to look over my shoulder. I let out a breathless laugh, shut down the laptop, and carefully manoeuvre myself to face him and tuck him in. Instinctively, he props himself beneath my chin, nose pressed against my neck and his arms wrapped around my waist to keep us close together. 
I caress his short brown locks and press a tender kiss on the scar on his forehead, an injury he sustained recently in a boxing match. Slowly, my mind grows foggy while my limbs grow heavy with sleep. 
The last thing I feel is the warm breath of a content sigh on my skin.
And the sensation of something soft though firm digging into my chest.
Poor Bun Bun, firmly wedged between us, has lost tonight’s honour of being my favourite cuddle buddy.
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
I'm here (drabble)
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Tommy Conlon x attorney!Reader
Summary: Tommy is about to be put on trial and you are here to represent him win his case...
Warnings: idk, it's all heartbreaking and I'm just going with the flow
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When you approached Tommy Conlon he was determined to ignore you but you were just as stubborn as him. 
Pacing, refusing to look at you since the first glance. He only agreed to answer two of your questions because you promised to leave after.
“Why did you save them when you were on the run?”
“I was there.” Came the short reply, followed by a question at your expectant look. “Should I have left them to drown?” 
“Well, I’m here. Should I let you drown?” 
He finally looked at you and you were holding your breath, waiting for his answer.
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cinebration · 2 years
Opening Requests!
Hi, everyone! I am opening requests again! Please read the rules carefully before submitting your request(s).
Send to my ask box! Please keep in mind that these requests are meant to be one-shot drabbles.
No smut. No pregnancy fics or A/B/O fics. No crossover fics. No actor x reader. All reader characters must be 18 or older. Other AUs acceptable.
I’m asking this time that requests do not ask me to continue fics I have written, regardless of whether they are multi-chapter or one-shots.
Identify the gender of the reader if you want something other than female.
Because I try to remain as true to character as possible, I reserve the right to reject or tweak requests to keep the characters in character.
Below are character lists divided by actors.
Oscar Isaac
The Moon Knight Boys, Poe Dameron
Pedro Pascal
Javi Gutierrez, Din Djarin, Ezra, Maxwell Lord
Diego Luna
Cassian Andor
Christian Bale
Gorr the God Butcher, Alfred Borden, John Preston, Patrick Bateman, Russell Baze
Henry Cavill
Napoleon Solo, August Walker, Captain Syverson, Geralt of Rivia, Sherlock Holmes, Walter Marshall
Tom Hardy
Eames, Eddie Brock, Alfie Solomons, James Keziah Delaney, Bob (The Drop), Forrest Bondurant, Tuck, Tommy Conlon
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes, Charles Blackwood
Chris Evans
Ransom Drysdale, Jake Jensen, Colin Shea
Ewan McGregor
Roman Sionis, Dan Torrance, Obi-Wan Kenobi
I’m also open to other characters and fandoms if you want me to try my hand at something!
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wandawiccan60 · 1 year
Part 6: Feral Love
Tommy Conlon X Belinda(FemOC)
A/N: How’s it going everyone and I am back on track with writing more for Feral Love. I have been trying my best to know where Tommy and Belinda should start falling for each other but this is just a bit of the ice peak. But I want them to develop their relationship before it gets more adorable. But I hope you guys enjoy this new part of this story I am so happy to have created. As always guys leave a comment, reblog, and drop a follow it’ll mean a lot for the page. As always guys thank you for reading and see you on the next part.
Word Count: 4,426
WARNING 18+ ONLY!!!: Some Cussing, & Lots of Fluff!!!
TAGS: @i-love-th-characters1, @hecatemoon87, @kittycatcait219, @omgeternal, @potter-solomons, @rikkaboshi, @zablife, @jollysoulfestivalfreak, @ao3feed-symbrock, @jarvisrocks, @annisse, @theshelbyclan, @theshelbyslimited, @star017, @97freaknik, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @edwardthomashardy1, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @alfiesolomons-treacle, @evita-shelby, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @symbean, @veddieiscanon, @professor-alfie-solomons, @grungebabyblu, @maladeusa, @mollybegger-blog, @iheartdilfs01, @weirdgirl16355, @tea-atfive, @twvstedsouls, @queenofthefaceless, @bubblyani, @buttercup32sstuff, @queencoraline3, @thefics-that-drip, @quarterpastmidnight, @vee-eddie, @spicyshelf, @shahandy
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After Belinda finished dressing in clean clothes, while feeling embarrassed and dirty for what she did earlier. Trying her best to act her normal self when she sees Tommy again. It was going to be something to feel uneasy since Belinda tried her best to behave. And act as if she didn’t do such nonsense thoughts of imagining Tommy in all of his physique. Seeing that he hadn’t come out of the showers yet, she then made her way towards the small hallway leading to the front. Where she saw Brendon training with a male customer, showing them how to do proper pushups. It was nice to see Tommy’s big brother help and train people who want to try something new and better themselves physically and mentally. Which made Belinda wonder and hoped that with the gym, including Tommy’s company. It’ll help her mental state and mostly it’ll be of some use when it is necessary. Wishing it would have been useful to her when she was in high school. Standing up against bullies that pushed her and her friends around all because they were different. But that was all in the past. There really isn’t anything to do but to remember and try the best to ignore it. Being deep in her thoughts, she didn’t notice Tommy already next to her side.
“Hey, I’m back. Did I miss anything?” Tommy said, but Belinda jumped back until she noticed who it was. “oh didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re ok Tommy, I was just remembering something, but it’s nothing important,” she said, giving off a small smile at him.
Tommy smiled and nodded his head while gripping on the strap of his gym bag. Belinda, however, tried her best to act normal next to him, knowing that what she did earlier in the shower still felt wrong. They both stood quiet for a moment until Tommy broke the quietness between them.
“Hey ummm… do you still want to get that drink if you’re up for it? I mean, if you don’t want to, it’s fine. We can do it another time since we did a lot today. And I’m sure you feel tired right now and I don’t want to take your time away from other things you need to do,” he asked, feeling his sweaty palms hoping he wasn’t sounding like he was pressuring on her.
“Tommy, how many times I got to tell you, you’re not wasting my time. In fact, I don’t feel tired at all. Which is strange, but it is a good weird feeling. I’ve never felt this much strength before and it feels right. And yes, of course, why would I say no. Come on, Werewolf Boy, let’s get going, yeah?” she said, giving a smile in his direction.
Tommy felt his body at ease when she said yes, not noticing he was holding back a breath. The two made their way towards the door and before leaving, Tommy called out to Tess from the front counter. 
“Hey, I’ll see you and Brendon later. I’m headin’ out with Belinda now,” he said while his brother’s wife put some paperwork down on top of the black counter.
“Alright, sounds good. You two have fun wherever you both might go too. It was nice to meet you, Belinda. I can’t wait to see you again soon. The gym is always open for you and I hope you continue coming with Tommy. It looked like you enjoyed it very much,” Tess said while walking out from behind the counter.
“I enjoyed it very much actually and yes, I will come back again. It’ll probably become a habit for me to do, especially that Tommy encouraged me,” Belinda said looking back at him, which he just gave a shy smile, “but it was also nice to meet you and your husband, you two are awfully nice I have to say.”
“Oh honey, you’re so sweet for saying that. I have to say that you’re also nice yourself and pretty by the way,” said Tess, making the young woman giggle at her comment, “but you two go on now. I’ll see you all soon stay safe out there alright?”
“Yes, we will don’t. worry, have a good day now,” said Belinda as both women exchanged a small hug. Tommy then saw his brother coming from the back, waving a hand at each other. 
“Bye Belinda, see you again soon,” called out Brendon as he saw the young woman and his little brother walking out of the gym together, feeling happy to see Tommy socializing with someone. 
Hours later, both Tommy and Belinda were walking through the park, having their cups of coffee in between their hands. Enjoying the last few rays of sunlight before nightfall fell over Philly while a few people walked one way to the other. They made their way to sit on one of the brown benches, overseeing the rest of the park. Once they both sat down, it became quiet, while Belinda took another sip from her coffee. Feeling the cool breeze against her cheeks, Tommy spoke up a moment later.
“Hey ummm… did you enjoy the workout we did today? And how do you feel so far right now?” He asked, placing his cup of coffee down on the floor underneath the bench. 
“I enjoyed it very much. I’m looking forward to going more and more. And I feel tired but fine. The coffee is helping me mostly, but it’s still cold,” she said, smiling in his direction returning the gesture.
“I’m glad you liked it and excited to bring you to the gym with me more and we can plan meals to make, our cheat days and such. If that is something you want to do, that is. Here, let me put my sweater for you,” Tommy said, removing his thick sweater from his body and placing it over Belinda’s body, thanking him.
“That actually sounds like a great idea. I’ve never done that before, but I’m looking forward to it for sure. And hehe does the coffee count as a cheat since we workout today or it doesn’t?” She jokingly asked, looking down at her cup of coffee in hand. They both chuckled.
“Yea, why not just for today but starting tomorrow is when the real seriousness takes place? But I won’t be so nice and easy when I’m teaching you more extreme workouts. Even if you try to make puppy eyes to make me not be so nice,” Tommy cheekily said, giving her a side grin while Belinda only softly slapped his left shoulder.
“Wow, how rude of you, Tommy. Hehe not even a polite kiss will change your mind?” She said out of nowhere, making her cover her own mouth quickly with her right hand, feeling her cheeks become red. 
Tommy didn’t know how to react with what she said, his eyes wide open in surprise at the unexpected comment. And yet he found it quite cute, thinking that didn’t sound like an obscene suggestion. Though he had reminded himself about what he did the previous night, knowing that was wrong to begin with. He saw Belinda like a friend and nothing else beyond that, but he knows that is a big lie to himself and Tommy knows it. They both again went mute while a person and her dog walked by them, giving a friendly nod to them which Belinda returned the nod. Still feeling embarrassed for what she said a moment ago, hoping that Tommy won’t see her differently. She drank the last few sips of her coffee and spoke this time.
“I’m sorry that came out the wrong way, really. I just thought it would be just for fun to say, but I’m guessing you see it differently than I do. I think we should get goin-.” 
“What if I said yes to your kiss? How would you react or say?” Tommy unexpectedly said, feeling surprised at what he just heard himself say to her.
Belinda looked at Tommy through his blue eyes, hoping he was joking around. But he wasn’t, and that made her feel even more insecure. Goosebumps grew throughout her body. Before she could answer his question, the most unexpected thing she never would have thought would happen. Tommy leaned forward, giving her a sweet and long kiss on her right cheek. This made her heart beat ever so quickly, not believing in what just happened. She caressed her cheek with her fingers, looking back at Tommy, giving off another small smile holding back a chuckle. 
“Ummm… sorry just thought… giving you a kiss on the cheek would have seemed more appropriate… is that ok with you?” He shyly said, looking down at his hands while feeling his immense body become warm as well as his cheeks.
Belinda took another moment to get her sense back until feeling a small smile forming against her lips. Without Tommy noticing, Belinda returned the gesture. This time, her kiss was sweeter and tender against his left cheek. 
“Just so we can be even and hey Tommy, what did I tell you already? Don’t be sorry and to answer your question, yes it is alright with me Werewolf Boy. Knowing that it is you who said it and nobody else,” she said with a smile, hoping it’ll make him feel more comfortable.
He only nodded and smiled, relieved that things didn’t become awkward. Belinda scooted closer to him without asking and gently rested her head on top of his left shoulder. Tommy said nothing at her unexpected action, feeling her hands wrapped around his arm. Without another word, he placed his chin on top of her dark hair, wrapping her closer with his right arm, not wanting to let go. They both stayed close to each other for a good while, seeing the sky become dark while small shining stars and a big full bluish moon appeared above them. However, from far behind them, they were being watched closely by someone who wasn’t pleased to see what they were witnessing. Gloria felt enraged seeing Tommy being with another woman and how he was very close to her. She tried her best to steady herself, but it was very hard to do so. Instead, she just turned the other way around and walked the other way to her home. Not believing in what she saw in front of her eyes.
So that’s why you’re not into me anymore then, Tommy? Well then, enjoy it as much as you like honey, because I’m going to ruin everything for you. Just wait and see…
The small studio-like apartment smelled of both lavender and cinnamon, giving it a very homey and relaxing atmosphere. Belinda, Lethia, Morticia and some members of The Silent Souls have been recording for what felt like hours since 10 in the morning. Which was a record for everyone since they mostly didn’t get up very early. Tommy, in the meantime, was relaxing throughout the entire session, enjoying the sound of every instrument being played and seeing how Belinda tried her best to write the lyrics. While playing the guitar, to give a hook for the words. He thought it was nice to see and was amazed at how dedicated and passionate Belinda was putting the work in. Comparing her to the night he met her at the bar, where she looked miserable and soulless to a sudden creative, bright, and talented girl with many dreams. It was as if Tommy could see Belinda’s wings spread open free and being herself and not pretend to be someone that isn’t her. While he was laying flat on one of the black couches while hearing everyone play one instrument after another, he didn’t realize Belinda was approaching his way. She playfully patted his long legs, which made him come back to his senses.
“Oh crap, you scared the shit out of me. I thought you were sleeping,” she said between a chuckle, placing a hand against her chest frightfully.
“No, I wasn’t and hehe my bad for scaring the pants out of you. I was really hearing you guys playing. I thought that was pretty sick and can’t wait to hear the rest of the song,” Tommy said, sitting up straight, making room for Belinda to sit next to him.
“Me too. I just have a hard time fixing the right tune to fit in with the lyrics. But I know we will get there, but I’m also thinking of my other song that I’ve been working on for a while. Which nobody knows about actually,” she whispered her last words so the others didn’t hear her.
“Oh no way, are you serious?” Tommy whispered back, getting closer to Belinda, wanting to hear more than he went on, “what have you’ve come up with? Or you’re still having trouble with writing the words down?”
“No, it’s actually done, mostly. However, I’m just not sure if it’ll come out as I have it pictured in my head. And well… it’s a song that is very personal for me, you know what I mean?” She said, hoping that he understood what she meant.
“No, I totally get what you’re saying, but you shouldn’t be nervous about how you play and sing the song. But I’ll tell you what I know. It’s going to be a song that I would like to hear when you feel ready, of course,” Tommy said reassuringly, giving that cute smile that Belinda has grown to like very much.
She simply nodded her head, ruminating on what he just said, which he was right mostly. Before she continued on, Lethia interrupted them, holding a black guitar in her hands.
“Hey you guys, what’s up? We are actually heading out to get some dinner and we’re thinking of getting some chicken wings. Are you guys up for it or can we get something else if you like?” Morticia suggested placing the instrument against the side of one of the black armchairs.
“Oh, chicken wings sounds like a good choice to eat. Don’t you think Werewolf Boy?” Belinda said, looking back at Tommy, which he agreed with both friends.
“I’m good with anything really, but yea, why not funny thing is that I’ve been craving that food for a while. So you all read my mind to be fair,” he said with a smile, looking between both girls nodding in reply.
“Alright great, I’ll let the others know then,” said Lethia while from behind everyone was making their way out of the studio. 
“You know you guys go on ahead. I actually want to show Tommy a small project that we have been working on. And I think he should be the first to witness it,” Belinda said with a quick wink at her friend, which she just gave her a thumbs up.
But in reality, Belinda was actually going to play the song that she told Tommy about. And mostly, she wanted him to be the first to hear it before anyone else did. 
“Oh yea that thing alright sounds good,” replied Lethia covering her mouth with her right hand knowing what her friend meant, “Well then I’ll see you guys later and I’ll send you the address of the restaurant too, hon. Be careful on your way over too, ok?” 
“We will Lethia don’t worry but yea, please if you can but see you later,” said Belinda as both girls exchange a side hug from each other.
As they saw Lethia and Morticia be the last people to leave the apartment, Tommy then got up from the couch. Once the sound of the door was closed, they were now both left alone. Belinda tighten her hands nervously together for what she was about to do next. 
“So what was it you wanted to show me about your project you’re doing, Dracula Girl?” He asked while he picked up the black guitar, trying his best to rest it against his body. 
He then tried his best to play some tunes, but they all came out awful and noisy. Belinda smiled at seeing him fooling around, but it was adorable to see. While he was busy experimenting with the guitar a bit more, she then felt confident about what she wanted to show him. Feeling her breathing more relaxed this time, she went on ahead to say her next words.
“Tommy… how would you feel to be the first person to hear and witness the song that I told you about earlier?” She said, biting her lips together, hoping that she was doing the right thing.
When Tommy heard this, he stopped playing the guitar all together as he looked up to see her face. He had to take a minute into what she just told him. But knowing what Belinda said made his heart flutter with excitement.
“You mean like right now at this very moment?” He said, sounding so unsure, Belinda slowly nodded her head feeling her cheeks become red.
“I just… thought it would be nice if you were my first audience before anyone else, you know? But it’s ok if you don’t want to. It was more of a suggestion than something el-.”
“No Belinda please, I mean… really, I want to hear it. I believe me. Here,” he said, handing out the guitar towards her, which she wasn’t so sure of at first, but she then gave in.
Taking the guitar from his hands, she smiled at him, feeling the nerves but excitement building inside of her. Tommy sat next to her right side, making himself feel comfortable, also feeling expected of what Belinda was about to play for him. She adjusted herself underneath the couch while stringing a few notes, making sure the instrument was not out of tune. Once satisfied with the sound, Belinda felt her right hand begin to slowly shake. She took a few slow breaths, trying her best to feel relaxed, though it wasn’t helping that much. Then a gentle hand was on her left shoulder, looking to her side where Tommy sat. 
“Hey don’t be afraid. It’s ok, just don’t overthink. It, let yourself go,” he soothingly said to Belinda, giving her an encouraging smile and, with his words, she felt more at ease.
She stood straighter than before and, stringing the guitar one more time, she let the music take control of her.
 “I took the mother road
Down to goddess flesh
I swallowed the key
I want to learn to swallow my pain
Hallowed the fruit, hallowed thy name
Guess I needed something to break me
Guess I needed something to shake me up
Guess I needed someone to break me
Guess I needed someone to shake me out
While her loving voice fascinated Tommy, he slowly bobbed his head to the rhythm of the notes. Paying close attention to the lyrics that he found different and yet things that he could relate to from a personal perspective. But it was something hauntingly beautiful he found about it.
Afraid to live, afraid to die
Building a broken but precious web
Like a spider in Chernobyl
And when the cattle low, something is on the horizon
I do not have a child
But I’m old enough to know some pain
And I’m hell bent on loving you
Women know what it is to endure
Guess I needed something to break me
Guess I needed something to shake me up
Guess I needed someone to break me
Guess I needed someone to shake me out
It was you
It was you
Belinda looked up and gave a smile to Tommy, which she just blushed as she continued singing the song.
Bloom and eclipse them, wake up and transform
Bloom and eclipse them, wake up and transform
Bloom and eclipse them, wake up and transform
Bloom and eclipse them, wake up and transform
Bloom and eclipse them, wake up and transform
Bloom and eclipse them, wake up and transform
Bloom and eclipse them, wake up and transform
Bloom and eclipse them, wake up and transform
Guess I needed something to break me”
Once the last notes of the guitar were played, the song came to a slow stop. There was a slight moment of silence between the two until Tommy was the first to speak.
“Wow… that was beautiful, see what did I tell you?” He said, giving her another warm smile. Belinda only just shrugged her shoulders.
“It’s just a Tommy song. There’s really nothing special about it,” she then said, placing the guitar on her right side of the couch.
“Just a song?” He exclaimed out making her look back his way, “Are you kidding me Belinda? That was amazing. You should really tell the others what you have created. Believe me, the public will love it since I’m the first to hear it. And let me tell you that as your first critic, it will be a big hit.”
Belinda thought he was joking around, but she knew he was being truthful. She replied with a nod of her head and a smile, believing in what he just said. 
“Alright fine then. You win, Werewolf Boy, and thank you for being. Honest, that means a lot,” Belinda said, letting out a small chuckle while fiddling her hands together, feeling warm all over her body.
It was quiet once again however Belinda was thinking of something that she wants to do Tommy. However, she thought it was a risky action to take a step forward. Not wanting to ruin anything that she and Tommy have been growing together in their friendship. But the best of her intimate side got the best out of her.
“So hehe yea, do you want to get going before it gets lat-.”
Suddenly, his words were cut out, feeling something soft against his thick lips. The kiss was pleasantly warm as both Belinda and Tommy continued to exchange a longer kiss. They held hands between each other while Tommy’s right hand gently caressing the back of her head. Belinda let out a small, inaudible gasp, hugging him closer to her body. She felt her back resting on top of the couch as Tommy hovered above her body. Not letting go of a single inch of her small lips that he couldn’t seem to get enough of. He gently grasped her right thigh while he felt her hands hugging around his neck. Belinda’s mind was going all over the place until she felt one of his hands going under her long sleeve shirt. She quickly sat up away from the couch, breathing out for air and feeling her heart palpitating. 
“I’m sorry Tommy. I… I don’t know what came over me. Please forgive me,” she said between stutters, freaking out uncontrollably, not wanting to make eye contact with him.
She covered her face with both of her hands, knowing she made a huge mistake. Tommy, however, didn’t seem to be bothered by it.
He placed a hand on top of her knee, wanting to reassure Belinda that she did nothing wrong.
“Hey, hey, it’s ok. I also should be sorry too. Honestly, I let myself get carried away, too. I hope you know I am not mad. Just didn’t expect you were going to give a kiss and can I be honest with you,” he said seeing in her face she felt uncomfortable and out of place but Tommy then gently grabbed her chin between his right fingers wanting her to look him in the eyes, “I… I’ve been wanting to do something like this to you for a while but I was just afraid to tell you because I still want to take things slow. You know what I mean. I like you Belinda very much. But it is you who has the last word and wants to go forward with our relationship. So please don’t feel bad and just know I’m more happy than upset.”
And with that, she let her body relaxed and so did her heartbeats, glad to know that they were both on the same page. She placed her hand against the side of his right cheek and he felt at ease.
“I’m glad that we both see eye to eye. Tommy, I also like you a lot, but you are right. It’s best we both take things little by little. I also don’t want to ruin our bond, but just know that you’re not as bad a kisser then I thought you would be,” she said jokingly while Tommy arched an eyebrow at her.
“Wow, that really hurt my feelings, you know. Well then, I also thought that your lips would feel dry and nasty,” he clashed back, which Belinda jokingly made an offended face at him.
“Tommy, what the hell you're so rude,” she said as she playfully gave him a light slap on his right arm as both laughed together in unison. 
“I’m just fucking with you, Dracula Girl, but I got to say you have one of the smoothest lips I have ever felt in my life. And I’m being real with you,” he said with a cheeky smile, making her feel warm once more.
“Awww well thank you Werewolf Boy, your lips also felt nice to feel too. I enjoyed it very much. And I think I tasted a bit of mint while we kissed,” she then said, making Tommy laugh at this.
“Well, I’m flattered hehe, but thank you. And by the way, should we get going and meet with Lethia and everyone, or do you want to stay longer?” He asked, not wanting to really leave, but he felt his stomach rumble.
“No, you’re right. We should get going in actually getting hungry and they might be waiting for us. And hey Tommy… is it ok if I can give you one more kiss? If that’s ok with you,” she said shyly, hoping it wasn’t much to ask.
Without saying another word, Tommy smiled as he leaned in to place another small kiss. She chuckled and smiled between their lips, gently placing her hands on his cheeks, not wanting to let go. But it lasted for a short amount of time as they then made their way out of the apartment, as they both now shared a secret relationship with each other.
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