#Travis x reader
ks-dreams-fantasies · 7 months
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a/n : The third part of Teach Me is finally here. Sorry for the wait, I was done but decided to rewrite it because I wasn't satisfied with the result. Hope you like it 🙏🏼 Enjoy!
Warnings: None, some fluff aand flirt, first date with Travis
Words: 2,560
Pairing: Travis Kelce x Reader
Part 2
The next morning, you woke up feeling content and excited. You had spent the rest of the night with Camille, in your pyjamas, doing skincare, watching movies and daydreaming about Ryan Gosling in the Notebook. 
The smell of freshly brewed coffee welcomed you the moment you stepped into the kitchen. You best friend was pouring herself a cup when she saw you come in. 
‘’Coffee?’’ she asked you, raising the coffee pot in the air.
‘’Is that even a question?’’  you said, looking at her like she grew three heads. She giggled as you sat down at the kitchen island. She poured you a mug as you looked through your phone, noticing an unread text message from an unknown number. You smiled and blushed as you opened it. 
I had a lot of fun yesterday ☺️
A picture was attached to the message. Wyatt was in her uncle’s arms, as you laughed loudly at something she said, Travis looking at you with a big grin. 
‘’What are you smiling about?’’ Camille interrupted you, leaning over your shoulder and looking at your screen as she dropped a mug in front of you. ‘’Ouh … would you look at that’’ she said taking your cellphone from your hands as she examined every detail shown in the picture.
After a few seconds, you snatched it back, giggling at the way she looked at you with big eyes. ‘’What?’’, ‘’ Girl, have you seen the way he looks at you? He’s obsessed.’’ Your faced became even more red than it already was. 
‘’Are you going to stand here and look at your phone all day or are you going to answer back?’’ she continued nudging you, smirking as you rolled your eyes at her. Your phone buzzed again.
It’s Travis by the way.
You giggled before replying.
Thank you for clarifying, I couldn’t really tell by the picture 😜
Your phone started ringing indicating a call.
Incoming Call – Travis Kelce
You panicked for a second, showing your screen to Camille before she hurried you to pick up and talk to him. ‘’Hi’’ ‘’Hey… that wasn’t very clever of me, was it?’’ he asked scratching his head, slightly embarrassed. You giggled at his question before he talked again. ‘’So, how did you sleep?’’ 
‘’Pretty good actually, thanks for asking, what about you?’’ ‘’I slept okay… you know, I really had fun yesterday and I meant what I said Y/N, I would really like to take you out soon.’’ You smiled and walked towards the living room to get a little bit more privacy. 
‘’Perhaps tomorrow night, if you’re free.’’ You blushed. ‘’Tomorrow works for me.’’ 
‘’Great’’ he exclaimed loudly, fist pumping in the air. You couldn’t see him but just by the tone of his voice you just knew he was excited. “Uhm, I’ll pick you up at 7’’ you discussed a little more before you gave him your address and said your goodbyes. 
As you came back into the kitchen, Camille put her phone down quickly, focusing entirely on you with eager eyes. ‘’And, what did he say?’’ she asked as you sat down facing her, sipping on your coffee. ‘’We are going out tomorrow night’’ you said shrugging your shoulders like it was nothing.
‘’Ahhhhhhh’’ she screamed with excitement ‘’My best friend is going out on a date with a hot professional football player’’ she said dancing around you, making you laugh. ‘’I’m trying to stay calm and collected but I’m nervous as hell.’’ You stated.
You, going out with Travis would be the first date you’d be going on since breaking up with Christopher a few months ago. You were excited because you could feel the connection you had with Travis, but you couldn’t help but to freak out. He was famous, girls were throwing themselves at him, tabloids would be making rumors and publicizing everything he did. Going on dates with him and maybe developing a relationship of some sort would mean you’d have to accept his lifestyle and accept to be a part of it.
In contrast, your life remained quite uneventful. After graduating, you pursued a career as a preschool teacher. Although you occasionally socialized with friends, your life was predominantly marked by its tranquility. 
During your younger years, spontaneity defined your character, but being in a relationship with Christopher necessitated a shift. Christopher's finance job revolved around meticulous planning, and he was a dedicated organizer. It became unusual for the two of you to engage in spontaneous outings or unplanned trips; everything adhered to a pre-established agenda. 
You adapted to this routine, although it never truly brought you much satisfaction. Becoming his girlfriend changed you. You had become quieter, and organisation and planning were now a part of your daily life.  
‘’Should we go shopping to find you a new outfit?’’ Camille asked, wiggling her eyebrows making you laugh. ‘’I wouldn’t even know what to shop for, I have no idea what he has planned or where we are going.’’ You responded not knowing what to except from your date.
Later that day you ended up going to the mall, browsing to find an appropriate outfit for your evening with Travis. Camille wanted to stop by Victoria Secret on your way out because they had a sale going on.
Your eyes danced around the store, looking around at all the different color garment. You picked up a cute 2-piece red set and showed it to your friend.
‘’What do you think of this one?’’ You asked placing it in front of you. Camille smirked at you ‘’I’m sure Travis will love it’’ you chuckled, shoving her as she giggled back at you. 
‘’As if I was sleeping with him tomorrow.’’ ‘’I mean, have you seen him? I wouldn’t blame you.’’ She exclaimed before moving towards other gondolas as she continued shopping for herself.  You waited for her by the cash as she paid for her items. 
After she was done, she came towards you, and she handed you a small black and pink bag. ‘’What is this?’’ ‘’A gift’’ you looked inside the bag seeing the red two-piece lace set that you had your eyes on earlier. 
‘’Just don’t forget to mention my contribution to your relationship in you guys’ wedding speech.’’ She winked before running slowly towards the exit, laughing as you rolled your eyes blushing.
The next day passed by pretty fast and soon enough you were getting ready for your date with Travis. You looked at the clock and realised he would be there any minute. You applied the last touch of lip gloss on your lips before you heard a knock on the door. You stared at yourself in the mirror and took one last look before walking towards the entry way. You took a deep breath and opened the door. 
There stood Travis, looking handsome as ever, a single red rose in his hand as he looked up at you, smiling.  
‘’Hi’’ you gave him a small smile in return. ‘’This is for you’’ he said handing you the flower before you smelled it, blushing at the nice gesture. You thanked him and invited him inside while you fetched a small vase for your rose. You grabbed your coat and your purse before meeting him back and front.
As you stepped inside, the soft hum of conversation surrounded you. The hostess greeted you with a warm smile and led you to your table in a quiet and more private corner. Travis pulled out your chair with a grace that belied his powerful frame. You talked casually before Travis ordered some wine and you both ordered some food. 
As the evening wore on, your conversation shifted to more personal matters. You talked about your families, your childhoods, and the moments that had shaped you into the people you had become.
"So, what's one thing about you that not many people know?" Travis asked, genuine curiosity in his eyes.
You took a moment to think, then smiled. "Well, I have a secret passion for old black-and-white movies. There's something about the nostalgia and the storytelling that just draws me in."
His eyes lit up with intrigue. "Really? That's unexpected, but incredibly charming. Any favorites?"
You leaned forward, eager to share. "Casablanca, definitely. The way they captured the complexities of love and sacrifice... it's just timeless."
He nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I'll have to give it a watch. It sounds like a movie that could teach a guy a thing or two about love." He said looking at you with a small smirk while you blushed lightly. 
As the night deepened, you touched on dreams and aspirations. Travis spoke of his desire to give back to his community, to make a difference beyond the football field. It was inspiring to see this side of him, the man behind the athlete.
"And what about you?" he asked, his gaze steady. "What's something you've always wanted to achieve?"
You took a moment to gather your thoughts. "I've always had this dream of opening a community center for underprivileged kids. A place where they can learn, grow, and discover their potential."
He looked at you, a mixture of admiration and respect in his eyes. "That's amazing. I have no doubt you'd make a huge impact on those kids' lives. I mean you already do, I can see it with Wyatt" he continued as you smiled and blushed. 
After excusing yourself to visit the restroom, you made your way back to your table, the soft glow of the restaurant enveloping your figure. As you approached, a heartwarming sight unfolded before your eyes.
There stood Travis, a towering figure of kindness and humility, crouched down to meet the eye level of a young fan who couldn't have been more than seven or eight. The child's eyes sparkled with pure delight as he clutched what looked like to be a jersey, beaming from ear to ear.
Without missing a beat, Travis leaned in for a picture, their faces alight with shared enthusiasm. The child's guardian, a beaming parent, snapped the photo, capturing a moment that would undoubtedly become a cherished memory.
Your heart swelled with admiration as you watched him interact with the young fan. He treated the boy with a kindness and genuine affection that spoke volumes about his character. It was clear that he understood the impact he could have on young lives, and he embraced that responsibility with grace.
As they finished up, the child's beaming smile remained, and he gave Travis a heartfelt hug, which was reciprocated with equal warmth. They exchanged a few words, and the child left, practically floating on air, clutching the signed football jersey as if it were a priceless treasure.
As Travis turned to head back to your table, his eyes met yours, and his face lit up with a mixture of joy and pride. You couldn't help but be moved by the scene before you. Here was a man whose heart was as big as his presence on the field, someone who understood the impact he could have on those who looked up to him.
He joined you at the table, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Sorry about that. I couldn't resist when I saw that little guy's face light up."
You smiled back, your heart still full from the touching moment. "No need to apologize. It was beautiful to see."
He nodded, a glint of gratitude in his eyes. "It's moments like these that remind me why I do what I do."
And in that instant, you knew you were witnessing something special. Not just the heartwarming encounter with the young fan, but the genuine, kind-hearted man sitting across from you. It was a reminder that behind the glitz and glamour of his profession, Travis was a person who cared deeply about making a positive impact in the world. It was a quality that made you even more grateful to be getting to know him on this special evening.
As you sipped your wine, a mischievous glint danced in Travis's eyes. "You know," he said, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone, "I've been told that sharing dessert is a great way to test compatibility."
You leaned in, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "Is that so? Well, I wouldn't want to jeopardize our compatibility, now would I?"
He chuckled, his gaze lingering on yours. "Then I guess we'll have to order something sinfully decadent."
"Agreed," You said, your heart doing a little somersault. "After all, we wouldn't want to leave anything to chance."
As the waiter approached, Travis turned his attention to the menu, a twinkle of mischief still in his eyes. "I think we'll take the chocolate lava cake. And two spoons, please."
The waiter nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Excellent choice."
As soon as the dessert arrived, Travis looked at you with feigned innocence. "Shall we put this compatibility theory to the test?"
You picked up your spoon, meeting his gaze with a playful glint of your own. "Let's find out, shall we?"
You each took a bite, savoring the rich, velvety sweetness. Your eyes locked, and a shared laughter bubbled up between you. It was a delicious game of playful flirtation, and you were thoroughly enjoying every moment. 
Your conversation shifted to lighter topics, and you shared stories about your favorite travel destinations and memorable experiences. With every word, it became clearer that you both were kindred spirits, sharing a sense of adventure and a zest for life.
You were both becoming more comfortable, and your conversation took a flirty turn. You playfully teased Travis about some of the extravagant vacations he'd been on, and he responded with charming anecdotes and witty comebacks.
"You certainly know how to live the good life, Travis. I'm impressed," You said, feigning astonishment.
He leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, I might know my way around the football field, but I'm still figuring this whole 'impressing someone on a date' thing out."
You laughed, feeling your cheeks flush. "You're doing just fine, trust me."
The waiter returned to clear your plates and placed the bill on the table. You reached out to grab it, but Travis had faster hands. ‘’I got it, if I remember correctly, I invited you tonight, didn’t I? ‘’ ‘’You did, I really appreciate it, thank you.’’ You said with a smile.
As you guys stepped out of the restaurant, the cool night air felt invigorating against your skin. The cityscape stretched before you, a tapestry of lights and life. Travis slipped his hand into yours, your eyes meeting, his touch warm and reassuring, as you strolled along the bustling streets.
As you walked, your fingers intertwined, a subtle electricity passed between the both of you, a silent acknowledgment of the connection you were forging. It was a sweet and tender moment, a sign of the intimacy that was blossoming between you.
As you passed a lively bar, the sounds of laughter and music spilled out onto the sidewalk. A small group of intoxicated man were chatting outside when a voice caught your attention.
‘’Y/N?’’ Your heart skipped a beat as you locked eyes with him. Standing there, slightly swaying, was Christopher, your ex-fiancé, a figure from a chapter of your life you thought was firmly closed.
To Be Continued
Taglist : @kkrenae @spencerreidisbootiful @nabiiturner @ilove-tswizzle @legit9thlunaticwarrior @evernova @kelcemenow @bellstwd @my-regrets @green-lxght @thecubanator2
Part 4
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therapycat21 · 7 months
Oh Baby
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Requested: Yes/No
Hi, can you please do one about the Travis and Taylor rumors going around. Maybe like your Taylor’s sister dating Travis secretly for awhile now and your pregnant. And like the Taylor concert he went to he was like there with you and the football that Taylor went to she was like there with you. And it all comes out that he’s with you and not Taylor and they find out your pregnant and all and are so shocked and didn’t see it coming. Like if that makes sense 🙂
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Me and Travis have been together for a five years now and have been in a private relationship due to the past of both of our relationships. Since we decided to be private it has been nothing but amazing .We had met from mutual friends of my younger sister Taylor.
   One of her backup dancers had known Travis from meeting him at the Super Bowl where he danced for Rihanna. 
  Travis and I officially met at the Superbowl party after they won and we’ve been together. Since then we had gotten a house together, married, and had a few fur babies but now as we stare at the screen in the dim room and the nurse moving the doppler around, we finally see our baby, we’ve been coming here for six months now and looking at our baby never gets old. We still have our gender reveal to do in the next few weeks but for now, we have to wait. 
After wiping the gel off my stomach, I see Travis’s phone lighting up on the counter “Hey babe? Your phone’s going off” I tell him, the tight grasp he has on my hand is gone as he opens the phone screen, I continue to wipe the gel off and get myself together so we can leave when Travis lets a giant frustrated sigh resonate throughout the room. I look at him to see frustration masking his face “Baby what’s wrong?” I ask. He looks up from his screen before turning the phone towards me, I take the phone and start reading the news article. There have been many news articles about Travis potentially dating someone new every week at this point I'm used to it.
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I look back up at him seeing the serious look on his face. “What do you wanna do about it?” I ask him, not knowing how to go about this, he rubs his forehead “I wanna be done hiding you and the baby. I know It’s a lot to ask of you but I just want the world to know I’m with you and I’m happy” he tells me. 
I give him a once over before nodding “How about this, we don’t say anything yet, but we go out together and just do what we usually do at home, outside, and once it starts being noticed, then we’ll find a way to confirm it, is that okay?” I ask him, making up a plan so it’s easier. He smiles nodding his head at the plan “Alright, let’s do that” he gives me a chaste kiss before we leave the private room and start to head home, since this is a private doctor's office, no one knows we’re here, we get in the car and start driving home  “how about tonight? We can start by going to Taylor's concert” I suggest as we pull up to the house. I look over and see him nod his head in response “Yeah let's do that, Let's get in cause we don’t have that much time before the concert.” He tells me.
We both got ready, and we both decided to wear white. We arrive at the stadium and are escorted to where Taylor is in the back, As I see her she quickly walks over to me, pulling me into a hug being cautious of my stomach, she lets go before softly rubbing my belly “Oh my god, I feel like you were 2 months like last week and now you're almost done” she tells me before pulling me into another hug before turning to acknowledge Travis “oh my god, how are you? How’s everything?” she asks him. He hugged her back briefly before talking a bit about what was going on. 
We were interrupted as one of the managers came over to tell us it was time to head to our seats and for Taylor to get in position for the concert. We all hug one last time before Travis and I head to our family balcony seats.
     3 Hours Later
 After a few hours of enjoying Taylor’s set, I noticed some fans pointing their phones to wear Travis and I were sitting, I nudged him a bit to let him know, and I saw him look down, acknowledging them and giving some a few waves as they capture pictures of him, if only we knew what everyone would be thinking by noon tomorrow. 
After hanging with Taylor for a bit at her after party we decided to head home so I could rest after being on my feet for a long time. Me and Travis are freshly showered and lounging on the couch watching Marvel before we head to bed for the night.
     The Next Morning
The pressure on my bladder is what wakes me up from my comfortable sleep, I try to roll out of bed not even bothering to check my phone, and head to the bathroom to get ready for the morning, I can still hear Travis snoring as I hear my phone chime with a notification, I walk over to my nightstand grabbing my phone, opening it to see a crap ton of messages from Taylor and a few of mine and Travis friends. Opening the first message I see from Taylor
        “Did you see this? I don’t wanna say anything unless you want me to cause I don’t want to add any more stress on you, no one knows me and Henry are together yet but I  still need to talk to him about that, I love you please let me know, ”
   I clicked on the link she sent, seeing it's an article from ENews.
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 I kind of expected this to happen considering I don’t really like to be in the spotlight, even as Taylor’s older sister I never really strived for that, Now don’t get me wrong, almost all of Taylor’s fans know of me from over the years. 
  I went to Travis's side of the bed and gently shook him awake  “What? What's going on?” He asks groggily, I turn the phone screen and watch him as he reads the article title, he shakes his head before turning to sit up “What the hell?” is all he responds with while reading the article. He hands the phone back to me before picking up and checking his phone. I continue going through the messages from friends when I get sent another article, It is dated back to when when me, Taylor and our mom went to one of Travis’s games last week, and of course it is titled almost the same, with the public thinking they’re dating. Broken out of my thoughts, Travis slams his phone down on the nightstand, I put my phone down while walking over to him, I cradle his head into my chest, rubbing his head “I wanna be done with this” Is all he says to me.
   I continue rubbing his head before he kisses me, getting up to use the bathroom. While he is in the bathroom, I contemplate, I already know what he wants to do but I know he isn't doing it because of my hesitation with it becoming more public. I decide I’m done being scared and hiding myself. 
I pick up my phone before opening Instagram and uploading a picture we had taken recently at our maternity shoot and without a second thought I posted it. I quickly shut my phone, a little nervous to even look at it. I waddle into the bathroom where Travis is standing at the sink brushing his teeth. He looks at me in question, seeing the nervous look on my face. He quickly finishes his teeth “Are you alright?” he asks I open my phone screen and quickly turn it towards him. As he checks the post, I am filled with nerves but they quickly diminish as a giant smile breaks out on his face.
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Putting the phone down he pulls me into a tight hug as best as he can, he lets go running out of the room, I peek out, waddling over to see him opening his phone and making his own post.
After he posted the picture, he pulled me towards him with his head leveled with mine as he was sitting on the bed, He pulled me into a soft kiss “Thank you, I know how hard it was to do that” he tells me smiling softly. I chuckle rubbing the side of his beard “It was nerve-wracking no doubt but other than that, it wasn’t that hard” I reassure him. We’re both broken out of our silent bubble, simultaneously getting a notification chime, we both open our phone screens to see we were tagged in a Twitter post by Taylor Letting everyone know that she is indeed dating someone named Henry and how Travis is only and will only ever be her brother-in-law.
Travis still holding me by my waist pulls my face to him, kissing me softly, nudging his nose against mine, and softly rubbing the bump "I love you so much" he tells me softly, I smile "I love you too baby" I tell him pulling him in for another kiss.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
For some reason, I feel like this sucks but It's whatever, I may rewrite it but for now, here it is,,,enjoy!!
Much Love
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orphicdreamers-wp · 4 months
No Caller ID — Travis Kelce
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Summary: In which you find your phone ringing at 3 in the morning
Content Warning; drunken phone calls, mentions of Christmas 2023 Chiefs Vs Raiders game, mentions of the Jan 21st Bills Vs Chiefs game, mentions of Travis and Taylor, moving on fast, breakup, Travis being a shitty boyfriend, angst, emotional cheating if you squint, physical cheating(Travis and reader kiss while in diff relationships) , reader moves on with Dylan O’Brien
Pairing: Travis Kelce & Model! Reader
December 26th 2023.
A small yawn emitted from your lips as you sat up in your bed. You reached your freshly manicured red nails on your beside table for your ringing cell phone. You finally grasped the phone as a new call began to filter through. It was an blocked number which caused you to frown slightly as you pressed the phone to your ear, “Hello?” Travis’ familiar voice filled your ears, “Hi pretty.” You frowned at the football players drunken slur, “Why are you calling me Trav?” Travis hummed softly as he glanced down at the blonde woman sleeping in bed next to him, “I miss you angel.” You sat up as a frown tugged at your lips, “You have a girlfriend Trav. A beautiful girlfriend who adores you.”
Travis slowly moved from the bed to avoid startling Taylor awake as he moved from Taylor’s bedroom to her living room, “She’s not you angel, she’s great but she’ll never be you.” You shook your head as you pulled your sweater closer to your body, “Dude, every news outlet is reporting you two are looking at houses together, talking about kids and marriage. I cannot be the girl who takes any Taylor Swift’s happy ending. I won’t be that person.” Travis sighed as he leaned into the couch further, “I had a really shitty game tonight. I wish you could have been there for me.”
You awkwardly smiled at his change of topic, “I watched the game. You played fine Trav. You aren’t the backbone of the team. No matter how well you play on your own, you can’t impact the entire team’s ability. It’s not on you.” Travis hummed, “Are you excited for Fashion Week?” You hummed as you took a sip of your water, “I have a Vogue event the first week of the new year. I’m also hosting the Golden Globes so I’m pretty excited about where my career is now.” Travis hummed as he stroked Meredith’s fur, “So no one special?” You frowned slightly at the hint of amusement in his tone, “I’ve gone on a few dates. I’ve been seeing a guy for about a month.”
Travis hummed, “I saw. What was his name, Dylan something? I saw some paparazzi photos.” You hummed, “O’Brien. I’m surprised your girlfriend hasn’t said anything she and Dylan are pretty close.” Travis let out a harsh sigh, “Whatever, there’s no way he’ll be good enough for you.” You scoffed under your breath, “Well, this was a refreshing conversation. Goodnight Travis.” Travis stammered as you were about to hang up, “I’m sorry I called. I shouldn’t have.” You hummed slightly as you heard Taylor’s muffled voice on the other side of the call, “You’re right Travis you shouldn’t have called.”
Taylor yawned softly as she emerged from the bedroom to find her boyfriend engrossed in a phone call, “Trav what’s going on?” The football player smiled kindly at her, “Don’t worry. It was my dad, I forgot how late it was. Go back to sleep.” Taylor smiled down at Travis, “Come back to bed with me.” Travis pressed a kiss to her lips, “I’ll be in soon.” Taylor retreated to her room as Travis opened his instagram to your page.
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yourusername; a good ending to this year💕
dylanobrien; the prettiest model ever
— yourbrother: dyl has top tier rizz 😆
user3929; dylan and y/n is almost as iconic as travis and taylor
— user493: i love this bc travis and y/n broke up like 2 months before trav and tay were spotted out together and dyl was in the atwtmv mv
taylorswift; iconic couple!!
kendalljenner: mom and dad?? is that you?
— yourusername: i miss you kenny💕
haileybieber: noo!! my wife has a boyfriend?
— yourusername: my girlfriend has a husband??
zendaya: my girl🥹🥹
— yourusername: my z💕💕💕
sydneysweeney; your so beautiful y/n
— yourusername: i love you syd!! so grateful to know you💕💕
January 22nd 2024
A small groan elicited from Dylan’s lips as he rested his arms across your waist while the two of you tried to sleep. Dylan had grown up in New York and you had grown up in Buffalo so he practically begged you to go to the Chiefs vs Bills game the night before. You reluctantly agreed, as it would be the first Chiefs game you went to since you and Travis broke up. You’d been with Travis since his rookie year in the NFL so it was hard for you to go from being at almost every game to none.
Something had gotten leaked to a media outlet about you and Dylan attending the game. So Brittany, who’d become one of your best friends during your relationship with Travis, invited you guys to sit in the box with her and some other friends and family of the Chiefs players. Which was how you ended up in the suite with your boyfriend, your ex boyfriend’s girlfriend, his parents, brother and sister in law. You found yourself easily conversing with Taylor which you hated because you felt guilty about the call you had gotten from Travis a month earlier.
Your phone blared through the serene air in your hotel room. You reached for the culprit of the blaring noise and pressed it to your ear without checking who was calling, “Yeah?” Travis’ voice sounded a lot more clear compared to the last 3 am call, “Hey, can we talk?” You frowned as you pressed a kiss to Dylan’s arm and excused yourself, “Sure what’s up?” Travis awkwardly rubbed a hand across his face, “I meant more so in person? I’m staying at the Marriott Hotel in Buffalo I can meet you for a late dinner there?”
You frowned slightly as you looked at your boyfriend who was half asleep in the bed, “I’ll give you an hour. I’m staying at the Marriott too. I have to get dressed but I’ll be down in a few.” Travis looked at the blonde woman sleeping in the hotel bed, the woman he’d grown to truthfully believe could be the one. He just needed to make sure the chapter with you was closed for good. He nodded, “I appreciate it.” You pulled on a pair of jeans and one of Dylan’s hoodies. Dylan stirred in the bed, “Where are you going?” You smiled softly, “I’m gonna go talk to a friend for a bit. I’ll be back soon Dyl.” Dylan hummed as he kissed you, “Okay. Love you.” You smiled to yourself as you left the hotel room.
You slid into the booth seat across from Travis, “Hey T.” Travis looked up from his phone at your voice, “Hey, I ordered you a Dr Pepper, mozzarella sticks and the grilled chicken strips I hope that’s okay.” You nodded, “That’s fine. I’ll pay you back.” Travis waved you off, “Don’t worry about it. How’d you like the game?” You laughed softly, “You played pretty well. Jason was off the walls. I swear I thought your mom was going to pull out a leash for him.” Travis laughed as heat rose up your cheeks, “He’s something else sometimes. Did the boyfriend have a good time?”
You smiled fondly at the mention of your boyfriend, “Dylan’s not super into football but he seemed into it today.” Travis smiled as the waiter brought over the food and set it in front of you guys, “He seemed to be getting on with Kylie and Britt.” You nodded as you took a sip of the soda, “Yeah. I’m sorry I haven’t been to many games this season. Kinda doesn’t feel like my place anymore.” Travis smiled widely, his natural charm taking over for a split second, “I always want beautiful models cheering for me.”
You buried your head in your palms, “You’re awful Kelce.” You and Travis fell into casual conversation about your work and his hopes for the Super Bowl this year. Eventually you found yourselves walking to the elevator to go back upstairs to your rooms. As soon as the elevator door shut Travis’ lips were on yours. Before it could register to you, you were reciprocating the kiss. You pulled away almost immediately and stared at Travis in silence as the elevator continued it’s crawl to your floor. Travis opened his mouth, “You can’t tell me that meant nothing.” You cut him off as the elevator dinged and opened, “Don’t.” You walked away before he could get another word in.
You opened the door to your shared hotel room with Dylan and tears filled your lash line. You pulled off the jeans and slipped into your pajama pants and laid on the couch in the room. You couldn’t find it in your heart to wake Dylan up to tell him, so you laid on the couch and waited for him to wake up. He eventually stirred awake and sat up, his vision noticing you on the couch watching him, “What is it beautiful?” You shook your head, “I’m so sorry. It was a mistake, I love you.”
Dylan furrowed an eyebrow as he raced to your side to console you, “What is it Y/N?” You burst into a sob, “I don’t know why I agreed to meet with him. We can never be friends. I’m a horrible person and an even worse girlfriend.” Dylan placed either of his hands on your cheeks, “You shouldn’t have met who baby?” You sniffled, “Travis, that’s who called me. He wanted to talk and I figured it would be as friends but when we were in the elevator we kissed. I’m awful how could I let myself do that to you? Your perfect for and I just screw it up like I always do. I don’t think we should be together anymore. I’m no good for you.”
Dylan wiped your tears, “Did it mean anything to you? The kiss?” You shook your head as you turned away from Dylan, unable to look at him anymore, “No but that doesn’t matter I still did it.” Dylan shook his head as he pulled you into his arms, “I love you and I know that whenever I kiss you here.” He pressed a soft kiss to the side of your neck which earned an unexpected laugh from you. Dylan smiled, “You giggle. I know that whenever I kiss you I feel like I can’t breathe. I know this and every kiss we have ever shared means something. I don’t care about a stupid mistake you made.” You sniffled as you melted into his arms, “I’m so so sorry Dylan. I shouldn’t have met him tonight.” Dylan shrugged as he pulled you off the couch and carried you to the bed, “Maybe so. We can fight about that tomorrow. Let’s sleep.”
February 14th 2024
Travis hadn’t heard from you since the awkward kiss in the elevator. He had told Taylor about the kiss and they’d fought over it and eventually made up. So when Travis was sat beside Taylor on Valentine’s Day as she scrolled through her instagram page. A certain post made Travis open his phone himself and find your instagram account. Your most recent post earned a heart warming smile from him.
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yourusername; mrs dylan o’brien sounds ok i guess🤷‍♀️
user392: elopement?!?!
dylanobrien; official vogue first man
— yourusername: someone get my husband off of tiktok😒
taylorswift; i love love💚
— yourusername: we love you tay💚💚
killatrav: y/n o’brien has a ring to it!
— yourusername: thank you mr kelce🙂
— killatrav: of course mrs o’brien🙃🙃
user8713: tayvis & dylan and y/n is my roman empire, like imagine if travis and y/n never broke up. would this be dylan and tay?
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ameagrice · 5 months
chapter thirty | fine line
percy jackson x fem reader
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There are silver streaks shared by Annabeth and Percy, scattered through their hair.
It’s something that will connect them forever, you know for certain. It’s a symbol of a shared strength.
It’s just one more thing to make your heart melt.
Realistically, you should feel nothing but proud of them both, and in your own way, you do. But there has been too much loss to feel any sort of good from the ending, and you can’t get Zoe Nightshade’s death from your mind.
“I can see the stars, my lady,” she whispered, so gently you’d barely heard her at all. The wound on her side gaped, and bled, the golden ichor of an immortal on her way out. An inch of a smile appeared on her face, struggling, before it dropped, and the light faded from Zoe Nightshade’s eyes. A wisp of silvery light lifted from her lips, drifting up into the air, before it, too, faded.
In the sky, the stars showed an image of a girl, running across the sky. Zoe Nightshade had, finally, found her peace.
Atlas was in his rightful place. His daughter had been stolen from the world. Luke Castellan was kicked to his death by Thalia’s action.
Except, they couldn’t find a body.
Body, upon body, upon body. They just kept piling up.
Bianca; Zoe; Luke. Lost lives; people who could have had so much more than they were given.
But Gods who couldn’t care any less.
And if you had to, you’d bet they didn’t even know their names.
You could see now, just why Luke was so angry. Because you felt it too. And it was terrifying.
“You don’t believe me about Luke,” Annabeth said, sounding faded amongst your thoughts. “We’ll see him again. He’s just under Kronos’s spell.”
Thalia jolted away, somehow seemingly unbothered by the height at which you travelled in the sky, Artemis in the lead. “There it is,” she pointed, sitting up. “It’s started.”
“What’s started?” Percy leaned forward, catching your hair between his hand on the seat he held onto. You didn’t say anything.
High above the Empire State Building, Olympus was its own island of light. A mountain ablaze with torches and braziers.
“The Winter Solstice,” she breathed. “The Council of the Gods.”
In the early-morning darkness, torches and fires made the mountainside palaces glow twenty different colors, from bloodred to indigo. Apparently no one ever slept on Olympus. The twisting streets were full of demigods and nature spirits and minor godlings bustling about, riding chariots or sedan chairs carried by Cyclopes. Winter didn’t seem to exist here. The scent of the gardens in full bloom, jasmine and roses and even sweeter filled your senses. Music drifted up from many windows, the soft sounds of lyres and reed pipes.
Towering at the peak of the mountain was the greatest palace of all, the glowing white hall of the gods.
You touched ground outside towering, silver gates, just inside the courtyard. Pegasi travel was rather terrifying, and you were much more than glad to be alive and on the ground. Olympus glowed with warm, the kind that settled in your bones. The warm wind, blowing from nowhere, shifted your hair when you clambered down to the ground.
“Yeah,” Percy muttered.
Percy froze. “Uh—the horse. Sorry! Pegasi.”
A laugh escaped you, startling in the night. Thalia turned, eyebrow raised. “Why are you talking to a horse? It didn’t say anything.”
“Didn’t I tell you? Haven’t I told you?” He averted his gaze.
“What,” you landed your hand on your hip, waving the other to the pegasi. “You talk to animals now, too, like Grover?”
“Just sea creatures. And horses. Pegasi, sorry!”
“Yeah, you’ll really have to explain that later,” you trailed off. “We’ve got more important matters at hand.”
The Pegasi flew off, leaving yourself, Percy, Thalia and your sister together. You liked to think, years later, laying on the glass floor of a ship, that you were all trying to gather the courage after everything to step inside the giant building, and face gods you had once only ever heard about in stories.
Side-by-side, you walked into the throne room.
Twelve enormous thrones made a U around a central hearth, just like the placement of the cabins at camp. The ceiling above glittered with constellations—even the newest one, Zoë the Huntress, making her way across the heavens with her bow drawn.
All of the seats were occupied. Each god and goddess was about fifteen feet tall. Under their judging eyes, despite your own mother being one of them, you were uncomfortable.
“Welcome, heroes,” Artemis said.
That was when you noticed Bessie and Grover, the latter standing at the side of a pool of water which Bessie swam in.
“Grover! You made it.”
He started to run towards your friends, then stopped, and looked back at Zeus, who up close, felt a lot scarier than he looked. You only realized then, that there was a major difference in terror of humans, and the intimidation of gods. You could deal with this kind.
“Go on,” Zeus nodded once. But he wasn’t looking at Grover—he was looking at Thalia.
None of the gods spoke. Grover’s hooves echoed on the marble floor, Bessie the Ophiotaurus mooing warmly at your arrival.
You took the time to observe the gods up close, because you might never get the chance to again. Artemis, looking as if she hadn’t ever even been hold hostage, watched the exchange between Percy and Grover. Percy’s father, Poseidon, dressed so casually you might have laughed in other circumstances, had this sort of barely-there smile on his face, bright eyes shining just the way Percy’s own did, too. Apollo, sunglasses covering his eyes, had his earbuds in, golden head of hair tilted back to the ceiling. And…
Ares. It was impossible to not feel him looking at you. Why the special interest, you wanted to ask. Do you see yourself in me? You wondered. Do I see myself in you?
Your eyes met his dark ones, a stark difference, between the extreme fatigue, and the colors. Your eyes burned with exhaustion and the tears you had shed since yesterday. He wore his signature black leather jacket, dark, dark hair being tousled by Aphrodite’s touch. When it was obvious her husband wasn’t looking at her, perched at his side, her love-ridden smile slowly fell away, and those sparkling eyes fell on you as well.
Or maybe it’s you, I see myself in. Too romantic. Too caught up in feelings. After all, you only had so much love to spare between friends, and the dead ones.
What do you see in me? You were desperate to ask, curiosity clawing at your chest. Why am I the way I am?
Gods sometimes took a special interest in heroes. All the tales told you so. You just had to wonder, what would come of this.
Ragged and bruised, you felt as though you were being picked apart under the watchful eyes of so many olympians.
You hadn’t realized Grover was doing the rounds until he yanked you into a hug. You found it in yourself to hug him back—at least he was still alive.
“Glad you made it,” you whispered.
“You too.” He nodded. Neither of you smelled amazing after this quest, but it went uncared for. A trouble shared is a trouble deeply understood.
“You have to convince them,” he said to the remaining four of you. “They can’t do it!”
“Do what?” You blinked.
“Heroes,” Artemis called. The goddess slid down from her throne and turned to human size, a young auburn-haired girl, perfectly at ease in the midst of the giant Olympians. She walked toward your little group, her silver robes shimmering. There was no emotion in her face. She seemed to walk in a column of moonlight.
“The Council has been informed of your deeds,” Artemis spoke loudly, addressing everyone in a steady, clear tone. “They know that Mount Othrys is rising in the West. They know of Atlas’s attempt for freedom, and the gathering armies of Kronos. We have voted to act.”
There was some mumbling and shuffling among the olympians, as if they weren’t all happy with this plan, but nobody protested.
“At my Lord Zeus’s command,” Artemis said, “my brother Apollo and I shall hunt the most powerful monsters, seeking to strike them down before they can join the Titans’ cause. Lady Athena shall personally check on the other Titans to make sure they do not escape their various prisons. Lord Poseidon has been given permission to unleash his full fury on the cruise ship Princess Andromeda and send it to the bottom of the sea. And as for you, my heroes…”
She turned to face the other immortals.
And that, was the moment you saw your mother for the first time.
Dressed in a beautiful white dress, draped over one shoulder, her eyes, as gray as your own, as gray as Annabeth’s appeared lost in thought. You took the chance to just look at the woman you never thought you would meet.
“I gotta say—” Apollo cleared his throat. “These heroes did okay.” He began to recite. “Heroes win laurels—”
“Um, yes, first class,” Hermes interrupted with a side-eye in his brother’s direction. You were unable to help the smirk. “All in favor of not disintegrating them?”
A few tentative hands went up: Aphrodite, Demeter, Apollo—waving his iPod.
“Hang on a minute,” Ares growled, sitting up on his throne. He pointed at Thalia and Percy, on the other side of Annabeth. “These two are dangerous. It’d be much safer, while we’ve got them here—”
Don’t say anything, you begged yourself. Even Annabeth elbowed you.
“Ares,” Poseidon interrupted. “They are worthy heroes. We will not blast my son to bits.”
“Nor my daughter,” grumbled Zeus. “She has done well.”
You leaned forward around your sister, who visibly shook, pale, in need of a lie down from the looks of things. Thalia blushed—you grinned wickedly. All the things you could do with this moment in the future.
Athena cleared her throat. Annabeth sighed. The goddess leaned forward. “I am proud of my daughters, as well. But I agree—there is a security issue with the other two.”
Annabeth elbowed you a little too late, this time.
“Mother!” You exclaimed.
Your heart dropped and splattered on the ground. Never had you addressed her as such. And never had she looked you in the face the way she did now.
Too late to back out, now.
“How can you just—”
Athena cut you off with a girl, but calm look. “It is unfortunate that my father, Zeus, and my uncle, Poseidon, chose to break their oath not to have more children. Only Hades kept his word, a fact that I find ironic. As we know from the Great Prophecy, children of the three elder gods…such as Thalia and Percy…are dangerous. As thickheaded as he is, Ares has a point.”
“Right!” Ares said. “Hey, wait a minute. Who you callin’—”
He started to get up, but a grape vine grew around his waist like a seat belt and pulled him back down.
“Oh, please, Ares,” Dionysus sighed. “Save the fighting for later.”
Ares cursed and ripped away the vine. “You’re one to talk, you old drunk. You seriously want to protect these brats?”
Dionysus gazed wearily. “I have no love for them. Athena, do you really think it wise to destroy them?”
“I do not pass judgement,” she said. “I only point out the risk. What we do, the Council must decide.”
“I will not have them punished,” Artemis cut in hotly. “I will have them rewarded. If we punish heroes who do us such a great favour, then we are no better than the titans, are we not? If this is Olympian justice, I will have none of it.”
“Calm down, sis,” Apollo scoffed. “Chill. Jeez, you need to lighten up.”
“Don’t call me sis! I will reward them!”
“Well, perhaps. But the monster must be destroyed. We have agreement on that?”
“Bessie?” Percy burst out. “You want to destroy Bessie?”
Your heart swelled. Gosh, he cared. It was lovely.
And then you wanted to slap yourself.
What was up with the emotions lately?
Poseidon frowned. “You have named the Ophiotaurus Bessie?”
“Dad,” Percy said. “He’s just a sea creature. A really nice sea creature. You can’t destroy him.”
Poseidon shifted uncomfortably, a trait Percy shared with him, you noted. “Percy, it’s power is considerable. If the titans were to steal it, or—”
“You can’t,” Percy insisted.
Zeus opened his mouth, looking as though he was getting antsier by the second. But you had experience with this sort of thing that needed a good negotiation, so you cut in.
“Controlling the prophecies never works. Isn’t that true?” You tried, stepping forward. All eyes landed on you, and you swallowed. “Have we not just experienced it? Are we not experiencing it now? The Ophiotaurus is innocent. Killing something like that is wrong. It’s as wrong as Kronos eating his children just because of something they might do.”
Zeus looked to be considering it. You breathed heavily, in a mild panic after consulting the king of the gods head on. If he wanted to, you could be zapped out of existence in less than a second.
“And what of the risk? Kronos knows full well, if one of you were to sacrifice the beast’s entrails you would have the power to destroy all of us. Do you think we can let this possibility remain? You, my daughter, will turn sixteen on the morrow, just as the prophecy says.”
“You have to trust them,” you tried, pleading with your eyes. “Please, you have to trust them.”
Zeus scowled. “Trust a hero?”
“She is right,” Artemis nodded slowly. “Which is why I must first make a reward. My faithful companion, Zoe Nightshade, has passed into the stars. I must have a new lieutenant. And I intend to choose one, but first, father Zeus, I must speak with you privately.”
Zeus beckoned Artemis forward, leaning to listen as she whispered to him.
“Annabeth,” Percy whispered from behind you. “Don’t.”
“Look, I need to tell you something. I couldn’t stand it if—I don’t want you to—”
Artemis turned. “I will have a new lieutenant, if she will accept it. Thalia, daughter of Zeus, will you join the Hunt?”
Your jaw almost dropped. Stunned silence filled the room.
“I will,” Thalia said firmly. She moved to your side, and then a little bit further ahead. Confident.
Zeus rose, his eyes full of concern. “My daughter, consider well—”
Don’t let him change your mind, you prayed. Hold your ground.
“Father, I will not turn sixteen tomorrow,” she shook her head. “I will never turn sixteen. I won’t let this prophecy be mine. I stand with my sister Artemis. Kronos will not tempt me again.”
She knelt down before Artemis, and repeated the same words Bianca had uttered what felt like years ago at the cliff side in the snow and weary sunlight.
When she had finished, she hugged each of you and said a few words. You felt awkward, putting your hands into your coat pockets, when Thalia stood in front of you. For once, there was no spiteful comments from either one of you. She smiled small, looking rejuvenated the same way Bianca had, as if the quest had never happened.
“You’re a good friend,” she nodded. “You’re brave. You’ve got what it takes to help them with this prophecy.” And then she leaned in, and hugged you just as she had with Annabeth and Grover and Percy. “Trust yourself.”
Thalia went and stood with Artemis, and the atmosphere changed instantly.
“Now, for the Ophiotaurus.”
“The boy is still dangerous,” Mr. D. opposed. The beast is a temptation to great power. Even if we spare the boy—”
“No.” Percy said firmly. “Please. Keep the Ophiotaurus safe. My dad can hide him under the sea somewhere, or keep him in an aquarium here. But you have to protect him.”
“And why should we trust you?”
“I’m only fourteen. If this prophecy is about me, that’s only two more years.”
“Two years for Kronos to deceive you,” Athena uttered. “Much can change in two years, young hero. It is only the truth. It is bad strategy to keep the boy alive. And the animal.”
Poseidon stood. “I will not have the creature destroyed if I can help it. And I can, help it.”
He held out his hand, and a spear shimmering with blue light appeared. “I will vouch for the boy and the safety of the Ophiotaurus.”
“You won’t take it under the sea!” Zeus stood suddenly. “I won’t have that kind of bargaining chip in your possession.”
“Brother, please,” Poseidon sighed.
Zeus’s lightening bolt appeared in his hand, and the whole room filled with the smell of ozone.
“Fine,” Poseidon nodded. “I will build an aquarium for the sea creature here, with the help of Hephaestus. The creature will be safe. The boy will not betray us. I vouch for this on my honor.”
Zeus thought about it. “All in favor?”
A dozen hands went up, besides Mr. D, your mother’s, and Ares just sat looking bored.
“We have a majority. And so, since we are not destroying these heroes, I imagine we should reward them.”
There are parties, and then there are Olympian parties. And Olympian parties are filled with gold and beautiful colours, exotic flowers and the Muses music, braziers of fire, and delicious food and drinks. It became busy very quickly, and before you knew it, you found yourself stumbling into a corner to get yourself together. All you wished to do was go to your cabin and cry. To let it all out.
“This doesn’t look like you’re partying.”
“What the hell are you? A spy? Just leave me alone.” You shoved yourself further into the corner just away from all the partying, a quiet corridor devoid of anything but cold marble and tall, golden ceilings.
Ares hummed lowly. You didn’t have to see him, shoved into the corner like a child, but you knew he was just on the other side of it.
“I’ll let you off just this once, demigod.”
You rolled your eyes. The marble edges dug into your back uncomfortably from how hard you were trying to disappear for a few minutes. “What do you want? Spit it out.”
“If you weren’t her’s, I would say you’re one of mine. You’ve got the fire, I’ll give you that. And my wife has taken a special interest in you and that boy. Her business is my business, you’ll understand. Since you’re her business, now, you’re my business, too.”
You wanted to scream at him to leave, to go away so you could breathe for five minutes. But…you really wanted to know what he had to say. Curiosity always got the better of you.
“I don’t want to be anybody’s business,” you settled on, weakly. “I’m my own person.”
“Whatever, kid. I’m just here to pass along a message.”
“Which is?”
“She says, you’re doing exactly what you should be doing.”
“Oh, really?”
You shoved away from the corner, and paused.
He’d already gone.
Making your way back into the crowd was the last thing you wanted to do, but it would be best to show your face for a little while. Eventually you made your way back to Percy. He smiled as you popped up next to him, and then slowly frowned. His green eyes glistened under all the lights.
“You’ve been crying,” he reached up, and then lowered his hand, unsure of what to do.
You laughed pitifully. “Yeah.”
Because, really, what more could you say? It was rather obvious. And you sounded as if you’d just developed the world’s worst cold and stuffy nose.
Percy still stared at you, concerned. It was touching, really.
“I’m just tired.” You nodded. “I promise. When we get back to camp you might not see me for a couple weeks. I’m about to fall off the face of the earth in sleep mode.”
He smiled, tight-lipped, those eyes dancing across your face. For the first time ever under Percy’s eyes, you felt self-conscious.
“I’ll clean up later. My dad always says I look like I’ve just done thirty rounds of coke after crying. It’s funny because it’s true,” you tried lightly.
Percy’s dark curls shook. “No,” he denied. “I think you look…I think you look pretty—uh—I mean—”
Your heart jumped into your throat, and suddenly it was difficult to breathe. Because AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
“Uhm—” you frantically tried for something to do; hair behind your ears, leaning back and forth on your heels. “Thank you. Thanks.” Heat flooded your cheeks. Percy was already scarlet in the face, nodding frantically, avoiding your eyes.
When you looked up, Athena watched from a distance, and then looked away, as if she hadn’t been interested at all. But you weren’t about to let her ruin what just happened—Percy called you pretty.
“I was thinking,” he shoved out. You turned your head, blinking expectantly. “I owe you a dance, don’t I? We got interrupted at Westover Hall, right?”
This time, you allowed yourself to smile, your heart and lungs expanding.
“Right.” You took his hand, shaking.
The music played on, a gentle tune of the future, the past, and the present.
Chiron greeted you all at the Big House with hot chocolate and toasted cheese sandwiches. Grover went off to his satyr friends, telling them all about his brief experience with Pan.
Annabeth, Percy and yourself sat with Chiron by the fire. A couple of others joined you, too—Clarisse, back from a quest of her own it seemed. Her hair was cut short, like somebody had hacked it with scissors without a care, and there was a jagged scar on her chin. For once, she kept quiet.
“I got news,” she said glumly. “Bad news.”
“I’ll fill you in later,” Chiron said with forced cheerfulness. “The important thing is you’ve prevailed. And you’ve saved Annabeth!”
The Stoll brothers were there, too. You hadn’t even looked Travis in the eye. The high of the short dance with Percy had worn off, that tiny spark of normality had gone, and left you with the sadness you’d been feeling before it. You struggled with getting Bianca and Zoe’s deaths from the front of your mind, and Thalia’s moving on. Everybody was leaving, it felt like. And everybody was too happy for what had happened along the way.
Percy, sitting next to you in front of the fire, felt the same. You could tell by the sheer look of something bordering on a deep sadness he had.
You didn’t speak.
Annabeth talked about Atlas, and where she had been kept. She yawned the whole way through, still shaking with weakness even after some ambrosia.
Chiron’s positivity spread a little bit to you tired campers, but in the end, the unwavering need to go somewhere and cry won. You set down your mug of hot chocolate, and walked away. Another chair scratched the floor behind you, as you walked away toward the fields.
“Let her be,” you heard Chiron utter. “She needs time.”
You heard happy babbling just as you wandered away, boyish, childish talking. You looked to the left, and there was Nico di Angelo, two figurines in hands, talking to himself the way children tend to do. Every organ in your body twisted painfully, and you got away before he could see you. You couldn’t be the one to tell him Bianca was long gone. You still didn’t want to believe it yourself.
The air was bitter cold, your fingertips numb already. Snow fell lightly as you wandered into where you probably shouldn’t have been. You didn’t get far until his voice caught you up.
You stopped, the snow crunching quietly. Behind you, Travis grew closer until he was right in front of you. You hadn’t even realized how tall he’d gotten until you saw him again, like seeing him in a different light.
Bundled in a red sweater and jeans, a coat and scarf atop of that, he still shivered.
“I just need to go for a walk. I’ll be alright later.” You shrugged.
Silence captured the air. Until he said, “Chiron…mentioned what happened to Nico’s sister. And the Hunter girl. Zoe. I’m—I’m so sorry.”
The first tear fell without any effort. And then you grew too cold too quickly. And crumbled.
He enveloped you instantly, as if without thought—like the action would be unknown, to hesitate in your arms. Against his warm, soft chest, Travis’s heart beat gently against your ear, his hands coming up carefully to your back, to your shoulder.
And at the end of it—Travis.
You allowed yourself the tears. Your hands scrunched at his shirt. He smelled of the outside weather, of wind
of life.
PAIN. So, we’ve reached the end of Titans Curse! How are we feeling so far about relationships and eve thing? Feedback is always appreciated!
taglist: @bl6o6dy @embersparklz @lilyevanswhore @rottenstyx @rory-cakes @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @marshmallow12435 @lantsovheiress @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @twsssmlmaa @gayandfairycore @padsfirewhisky @emu281 @charlesswife @jessiegerl @crackerphobic20 @mata0-0mata @jccc1000 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @nothankyou138 @i-love-books-and-the-bible @obxstiles
if they’re not highlighted, it wouldn’t let me tag you!
this chapter’s quite short. I didn’t want to drag it out too much.
aaaaand I’ve added a few more songs to the playlist (on my profile if you don’t have it saved!) if you want to give them a listen. thanks for reading!
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starhvney · 2 months
pspspsps...... one day you should do.... travis fluff alphabet...
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet travis x fem!reader
𝐂𝐖: none
𝐀/𝐍: pspsps...okay..pspsp
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𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, how does he show his affection?
if you ever get a video of him when you two are alone, he’s getting absolutely cooked alive in the group chat. he wants to act so suave and smooth, but he’s actually a huge baby. he wants to melt right into your arms and cuddle with you at all times. even if the two of you are out together he’s thinking about cuddling with you. 
𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘, what does he find the most beautiful about you?
…does it need to be said? he finds everything about you beautiful, but he can’t not appreciate your curves. he loves them, whether you’re extra curvy or pretty skinny, he’s obsessed. he’s the type to whistle when you wear something that compliments your figure, hyping you up and having you do a lil spin for him to show off the whole outfit.
𝐂𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐒, how cuddly is he? how does he cuddle with you?
when is this handsy mf not trying to cuddle with you is the real question that we need to be addressing. when the two of you get home he immediately scoops you up and throws you on the couch or bed to be cuddled for at least one hour(mandatory). he usually has you lay on top of him and rubs your back or holds onto your waist. 
𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂, what is domestic life like with him?
he is a man who whips right into shape when living with you, upholding his side of the chores, keeping everything generally pretty neat, and not dumping all the housework on you. but, he’s still a man, and something about living with you and seeing you so domestic and casual with him makes him… feral. i’ll let you assume what you want from that information.
𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, how vulnerable with his emotions is he with you?
he’s not really afraid of talking about how he feels, even with friends. he doesn’t air out all of his issues and deepest insecurities with just anyone, but he’s generally an open book, especially with you. if he trusts you he has no problem expressing himself with you.
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘, does he want a family with you in the future?
yes, he loves kids! his dream in life was always to get married, start a family, and be a dad. it took him a lot of maturing, for sure. he isn’t ready for it just yet, but it’s still a dream of his for the future. he doesn’t want many kids, but his ideal number is two. he was an only child, and always wished he had a sibling, so two sounds like the perfect number in his mind.
𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐒, is he a gift giver? what kind of gifts does he give to you?
he’s super big on gift-giving! if he sees something he thinks you’ll like or just finds a fun little trinket then he brings it back to you. you had to start scolding him to stop spending so much money on you—not that it’s going to stop him.
𝐇𝐔𝐆𝐒, what is hugging him like?
he really likes to wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on top of you. he does this all the time, whether he’s hugging you normally it from behind. something about the way he tugs you to him almost feels possessive in a way, but you can’t place what about his hold makes you feel that way, so you haven’t brought it up yet.
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒, what is he insecure about in your relationship?
he’s more insecure about himself rather than your relationship. he overcompensates self-doubt with humor and faux confidence, but sometimes he really doesn’t understand why you chose him. the good thing is he doesn’t hide this aspect of himself from you, and he’ll bring it up when it’s a good time and he’s feeling particularly down. he also expects you to feel comfortable and trust him enough to do the same.
𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘, how jealous does he get?
he can get pretty jealous, but he doesn’t handle it like you’d expect him to. he goes almost scarily quiet, jaw and fists clenching. if looks could kill whoever is flirting with you??? in front of him??? would be six feet under within seconds. if you bring it up this is one thing he doesn’t talk about with you, because he knows getting so angry about it isn’t a good thing, and he hates that he does. he usually just grips your waist super tight and keeps you close to him until he cools down.
𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆, what is kissing him like?
he gives you a lot of kisses on the cheek and forehead, because if he’s kissing you on the lips it’s either all or nothing. he really just can’t control himself when he’s kissing you–he’s tried being casual about it but it always evolves into a makeout session right then and there.
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, who said “i love you” first?
he was internally hella nervous about it, but he somehow managed to smoothly insert it into a conversation without flinching or acting like he said anything out of the ordinary. but he was paying close attention to how you react. if you ignored it or didn’t hear it at first he’d be sad and pout about it, but if you noticed it and reacted positively he’d try to play it cool, but he’d be all smiley and giggly after.
𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐓, who gets shy or weak in the knees more?
while he is known for an annoyingly confident and flirtatious attitude, he’s still that shy and genuine boy deep down. he only really started acting the way he did because he was influenced by people he looked up to at a young age, including his dad and the friends he chose. all it takes from you is genuine care and love and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. he’s practically putty in your hands.
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄, does he use any pet names for you?
babe, baby, hun, honey, sweetie, sweetheart, love, the list goes on. if it’s a cute pet name that exists he’s using it on you. you started questioning if he even remembers your real name anymore because he hasn’t called you by it since you started dating.
𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐒, what are some issues you have in your relationship? how does he handle it?
old habits die hard, as they say, and for someone who made his whole personality to be flirtatious it’s a hard one to break. he most definitely never intentionally flirts with other girls, and he isn’t interested in them either. sometimes he just acts that way because he’s used to it. when he started dating you, and even before that when he realized he had serious feelings for you, you noticed he cut down on any kind of flirtyness with anyone.
𝐏𝐃𝐀, how does he express his love in public?
he’s really into handholding more than anything. let’s not lie to ourselves though, he’s handsy. you think you’re safe and all of a sudden he’s sneakily sliding his hand down to grab a whole handful of ass like you’re not in the middle of a crowd. he’s gotten used to getting a quick slap to the arm or chest and respects the warning if you’re serious about it.
𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, how do you spend your time together?
he’s a classic date lover. at least two times a week he likes to do something with you. restaurant dates, theatres, cafes, thrift shops, bookstores, picnics. he has a bucket list of date ideas in his phone notes that he wants to do with you.
𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, what are his plans for the future?
you’re his end game, so he is dating you with the intention to eventually get married. sometimes he gets impatient thinking about it and has most definitely planned out the whole wedding in his head already, but he is also completely fine with taking things slow. 
𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒, how open is he? does he keep anything from you?
he really doesn’t keep many secrets from you, if any at all. like his emotions, he’s pretty open with you about everything, so if there’s any secrets kept from you it’s probably because he didn’t even know it either. 
𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, how long did it take for you two to get together?
it took however long you needed to like him back. he’s playing the long game. bro definitely had a crush on you for years. you two had a flirty and joking dynamic for the longest time and you thought it was a joke… until it wasn’t a joke anymore. 
𝐔𝐏𝐒𝐄𝐓, what makes him upset?
it’s expected, as someone who generally presents themselves as unserious, to not be taken seriously. he’s usually pretty okay with this most of the time, but he gets upset if you don’t take him seriously. it’s different for you. if the two of you are in a relationship, then he expects you to take him just as seriously as you expect him to. 
𝐕𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐓𝐘, does he do anything to spice up your relationship?
he’s really into music and videogames and loves finding new things with you. he gets so excited if he finds a new multiplayer game that the both of you can play, or if an artist you both discovered together drops a new album. if it’s a new singleplayer game that you both really like, he’s fine with one of you watching the other play, too.
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒, how good is he at communicating?
he’s really good at communicating and surprisingly really good at having mature adult discussions, too. he’s pretty serious about you, so while he can be a bit of a jokester he can get serious when the situation calls for it. 
𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀, something random 
this freaking goofball. somehow he always manages to have some sort of new corny pickup line or joke up his sleeve. he loves making you laugh, even if it’s at him, so anytime you’re upset or feeling down, he’s pulling out all the silliness from his pockets.
𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, what are they like when you’re gone?
travis, at his core, is a drama queen. you bet he’s trapped your legs in a hug as he fake sobs before you even get a chance to leave him in the first place. once you are apart from him, he can manage on his own fine, but he likes to keep in touch with you either by text or a quick call throughout the day no matter how far away you are or for how long.
𝐙𝐙𝐙..., how do you two sleep? when you’re apart?
unless you’re a chronic cuddler, he is SO annoying. wraps each limb around yours and traps you in bed with him like you’re a fly in his spider web. you bet the sheets are getting all tangled and messed up by the morning, too. if you shove him off you get maybe five seconds max before he’s glued to you again. he gets genuinely mad if you push him away even though he’s dead asleep, too. he’ll be pouting and huffing and sometimes he’ll even say “no” in his sleep if you test him enough. he likes to make a big fuss and complain when you’re gone but the truth is he also sleeps like a baby even if you’re not there. he still likes to claim that the quality of sleep just isn’t the same without you.
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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xccentriktigress · 2 years
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Listen, this man tried very hard and he just needs a hug.
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introverted-lion · 2 years
This man is so thankful and surprised for the recognition he is getting thanks to The Quarry, that we don't realize how great actors are getting old and some of them never get the love they deserved.
In december there is a great thing called The Game Awards streamed live on youtube as every year and I hope Ted Raimi and the game itself will get some nominations.
Last year won 'the best performance' Maggie Robertson for Lady D from Resident Evil 8
..soo I'm manifesting it for Ted now✨🤞🤞
The nominations will be up probably in November so keep your fan pages active I will update 😁
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freuleinanna · 2 years
tracked down
Characters: Travis Hackett, reader Chosen ending: The were!Hacketts are dead, the counselors gang might as well have lived Short summary: You were the extra counselor that summer, so you participated in the fun campy werewolf activities, and not without consequences. Silly something that jumped to my mind bc who wouldn't want Travis to track them down Words count: 1081
Tags: @sadclowncat (I'm SO sorry for mistag earlier!!), @sera-wonderland, @b33barlowsstuff, @imperfectjam (also, tagging those who wanted something w/ our man Travis or Travis x reader, all future stuff will be at (# anna writes the quarry))
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(the gif is just to show the character, it's not this exact scene, but the message seems right tho)
You took one look at the badge – and bolted. Within a split of a second some regret managed to sink through. You should’ve made a goddamn poker face, but now it was too late for that. Now you just had to run.
The cop reacted like any good cop should, by starting the chase. Unlike any good cop, he didn’t shout any warnings, he just straight-up sprinted behind you. Like a Terminator. Unsurprisingly, being the 1st film Sarah Connor sucked ass. Only she lived to see a second film, and then some. You might not have this luxury.
The cop tackled you near the window while you were trying to jerk it open.
‘Going somewhere, haunts&curses2573?’
Your whole body froze for a moment. He knew. His voice wasn’t smug, though, just edgy. Tired, even. The cop held you face down on the floor but seemed to try not to hurt you. You held your head up as best you could.
‘Who the fuck are you?’ ‘Are you gonna run if I let you go?’ ‘What the fuck do you want?’ ‘Are you?!’ ‘I know my rights, okay?!’ now you were really panicking. ‘I know my fucking rights!’ ‘DO YOU WANNA TALK LIKE ADULTS OR DO I CUFF YOU TO A RADIATOR?!’ ‘GET THE FUCK OFF ME!’
You heard a grunt, then some cursing under the breath.
‘Cuffs it is, then.’
You felt the metal on your skin, and next thing you knew, you were facing the room, with the cuff link gleefully clanking against the radiator pipe and the cop carefully moved to a safe, unkickable distance. That’s the first time you saw him properly. Not exactly young, with a shade of stubble on the cheeks and chin. Slightly tilting his head to the side. He squatted, keeping his eyes on your level. Something about his whole figure was just… unnerving.
‘Please,’ your throat was suddenly parched and the voice came out harsh, ‘please … I don’t know what you want from me, okay?’
A slight annoyed eye-roll followed.
‘Yeah, that’s why you ran. Uh-huh.’ ‘I… I…’ ‘Quit the damn tune, Y/L/N’ he cut you off, slightly pinching the bridge of his nose. ‘I’ve had an awful coupl’a months chasing you down, but unlike you, I can do my job right.’
You yanked the cuff slightly, not actually hoping for anything. And nothing happened. What a surprise. You yanked some more just out of spite.
‘Happy now?’ cold, calm voice didn’t match the appearance one bit, but perfectly matched the prying eyes. ‘Wanna do some more running?’
You shook your head, drawing your legs closer to yourself.
‘Good, ‘cause you’re gonna SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND LISTEN!’ you jerked and the sudden rise of the voice. The cop… really, he looked irritated. And irritated cops are never a good story. Terminator 2 covered that as well. ‘Am I clear?’
You nodded. He sighed sympathetically.
‘Look, kid. My name is Travis Hackett,’ a meaningful pause. ‘Like the Hackett’s Quarry.’
And then it came together. Of course. Of-fucking-course. He was studying you, as if making sure you won’t suddenly decide to chew your arm off and run. You had half a heart to do just that.
‘…shit,’ that was all you could say. Not very eloquent, but very true. ‘Exactly,’ the cop nodded generously. ‘You’ve fucked up big time.’ ‘I didn’t do any-’ ‘Ah,’ he stopped you with a motion of his hand. ‘I suggest you shut up and really don’t piss me off now, because I really don’t wanna take out my gun. Especially, since it’s loaded with silver.’
Bastard knew it right away, from your eyes. Read your face like a note on the fridge. The uneasy tug pulled in your stomach. You were fucked. Absolutely fucked in a totally non-unfuckable goddamn way, but the stupid kid inside you still tried to wiggle their way out.
‘W-what does silver hav--’ ‘Did I not just say to NOT PISS ME OFF?!’
That’s what, a third strike? Thoughts ran around your brain in a sort of dancing fever. There was no way out for you. The only way was through, and it could just be that on the other side of the tunnel you’d be met by a silver bullet. Not on the full moon, but still… The Hackett cop seemed to have calmed down a notch. His brother, you remembered. His brother and the kids. They died that night. It’s a wonder the silver bullet didn’t come first. You suddenly felt really cold.
‘What do you want?’ you asked flatly. Trevor Hackett, or whatever his name was, was kind of staring you down. Full-on drama. ‘You figured it out, didn’t you, Y/N? When the moon came and you turned, you figured it out,’ he gave you a moment to chime in, and when you didn’t, finished darkly with a disapproving shake of the head. ‘The White Wolf is still alive. So you went and sent all those trinkets you found out there to that goddamn podcast, didn’t you? What were you hoping for? A crowd of werewolf-hunters who’d put him down for you?’
He was surprisingly accurate, that Trampy-whatever. Travis, it struck you, the name was Travis. Probably should remember that for later, if that later ever comes. It didn’t really seem like it, though.
‘That… was the plan, yeah,’ you mumbled awkwardly. ‘Well, congrats, mastermind. You created a fucking pilgrim path for every dumbass who ever wanted to snoop around and smell werewolf shit.’
His voice was dripping with sarcasm. A bit more, and the floor beneath would be a goner, burnt right down to the basement. That would’ve been fucking hilarious, only it wasn’t anywhere near funny.
‘Do you want to see the body count? Maybe the local town reports on rabid dogs? Hmm?’ ‘Alright, I get it, I fucked up,’ you snarked, not being able to take the blame-pushing anymore. ‘So what, you dragged your ass out here to shoot me? Cover for your fucked-up family once again? What the fuck do you want?’
The cop’s face changed. You didn’t understand how, exactly. It took you a few moments to catch up, but you got it just as he finished saying that next words. Then it beamed on you. He didn’t look angry anymore. He seemed regretful. As if he was sorry for something he was about to do.
‘Full moon’s in 10 days. I’m sorry, kid. I’m really sorry, but I’m gonna need your help to end this.’
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cinnamon-mey · 3 months
You are my safe place
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Ao3 Link
Fandom: The Quarry Relationships: Travis Hackett/F!Reader Reader Insert Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
Travis was tired.
He was sitting on the wooden chair, bent over, his forearms resting on his spread legs. His dark eyes were staring at his hands, intertwined fingers around his badge.
North Kill Police Station was empty, except for him of course. The small town never needed more than one police officer and he always handled the problematic situations in an exemplary way.
That night, though, put a strain on his role, and for the first time since he became Sheriff, he wished to have some co-workers who helped him.
The fire was brutal, there were no survivors. There was nothing left but a heap of ruins at the Harum Scarum camp, somewhere in the wood around Hackett's Quarry.
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anna1306 · 1 year
@hrefna-the-raven @rosedreamer44
Long time ago you both asked me for some fic with Travis, and after a long time here it is. Hope you will like it and if anything, request more, I can and will write it c:
Travis Hackett x Reader
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You never considered yourself a brave person. You never fought with anyone, let alone gather courage and get yourself into dangerous situation. But everything changed in an instant, it seemed.
When you found yourself befriending Travis, you couldn't imagine what could happen next. You knew he was a brooding, standalone policeman, probably the only one in the whole area (which was strange, but you didn't question it at the time). You were a delivery person, who always made sure he wasn't entirely alone in his station. And with time you broke his facade enough for him to smile and laugh at your jokes.
Another thing was to break his walls enough to get to his heart. It wasn't your ultimate goal, but with time you noticed how different it felt, when he was looking at you. How his every smile charmed you more. How your heart flattered, when he was telling you about something, whispering in the quietness of his office.
But you two were scaredy-cats. And after spontaneous, but passionate kiss on his working table in the police station, you both hid from each other.
It took some time for both of you. For you - to gather courage and show up on his porch to talk and admit your feelings. For him - to get over some of his problems he had and agree to try something with you.
"I... My life is complicated as it is." He admitted, sitting at his desk, with hot coffee in his hands. You fiddled with the spoon in your tea, too nervous to actually drink it. "And I want you to understand that it isn't... Easy for me to let you in on everything that is going on."
"You sound like a character from a movie." You tried to lighten the mood, but Travis was too serious at the moment. He looked at you as if he was almost in pain.
"Y/N, I am serious. It could be dangerous for you. Just trust me. It is up to you, but... I'd rather have you as far away from it as possible."
"Do you understand what you are doing?" You scoffed, making him look at you. "Travis, I confessed to you that I love you. That I care for you..."
"I feel the same, that's why we are having this talk." Travis interrupted you, emotional as always.
"You are telling me that your life is dangerous for me and you want to keep me away from you. But it's not dangerous to you?" You pressed the matter. Hackett leaned back on his chair and shook his head.
"It is extremely dangerous for anyone, but..."
"Then you don't have the right to tell me that I need to stay away." You stated straight in his face. He looked at you in surprise, not expecting this from you, so soft and kind usually and not assertive in any way. "You, the person I love, is in danger. I can't stay away or just not care about it."
"Y/N, I can't..."
"It is my decision, Travis. It is my life. And if I am to stay away from you, I would be sick worried to my stomach about your life. This would be dangerous as well." You reached to his hand, covering his fingers with yours. He didn't look at his face, even if you stared in his eyes.. "You don't have to tell me the truth. Just... Promise that you won't leave me alone after telling me all about this danger."
He watched you silently for a moment, taking in your face, slowly tracing it with his gaze. Heavy sigh fell from his lips, as he stood up and went around the desk to be close to you. When he sat before your chair on the floor, crouching, you looked at him questioningly, expecting him to say anything.
"You are the most bravest, shyest and pretty idiot with no sense of self-preservation, you know?" Finally said Hackett. And while it wasn't the most romantic line, you still giggled, cupping his face with a hand. He wasn't good with romantic stuff obviously, but this lack of beautiful words felt just right. It was a sign of affection from him.
"If you have me this way, I am okay with that." You smiled, watching him close his eyes and snuggle to your fingers.
"I promise you that I won't let any harm come your way." He whispered. You shook your head. You knew he was strong enough, but you didn't want to think about bad things. You didn't want to think that he could risk his life for you, even if you were sure that he would protect you.
"I know. If so... Can we repeat that evening?.. With kiss..." You shyly asked, feeling how your cheeks burnt red. Travis smirked, reaching for your lips readily. Who he was to deny you?
It was sweet after this. He made soft gestures to you, giving you flowers or making you go on some picnic. He was soft towards you, accurate in his actions and words, but at the same time passionate in kisses and physical affection. Travis was the best in your book, whether it was about dating or listening. His advices were the best.
You didn't raise the theme of danger level in your relations for a long time. You knew there was something, as Travis didn't answer the phone on some nights and even told you to stay away from the station and the forest. But he always came back to you.
And then... The Night happened. It was one of those days, when he told you to stay away from him and from the station. You didn't question anything. Not then, not when your phone ringed in the middle of the night. You just jumped into your car and went for the police station. You thought Travis needed help (ignoring the fact of silence in the phone). But you definitely didn't expect big monster jumping in front of your car. Before you could scream or before this creature could do anything, there were two shots, scaring the monster away. Travis ushered you inside the building, trembling, as he looked at you with mix of anguish, anger and fear in his eyes.
After one long explanation, dozens of angry curses and three cups of coffee you found out the truth. Of why it was so dangerous for you to stay near Travis. Of who exactly was this creature. And why you should have never went out in night on the full moon.
It took some more time. For Travis to talk it over with his family and make a decision of what to do next. For you to process the thought that your boyfriend was connected to... Werewolves. To disappearances of tourists. To some horror stories of the past.
But eventually you moved in to Hackett's house. You wanted to help him, he wanted you to be safe and under his protection. It was for the best for both of you.
While friendly from the start, Hacketts became more strict with time. You helped with housework - cooking, cleaning. Your own job let you sometimes get out and go for a ride, but still you felt isolated from the world for the most part. You understood the reasoning behind it, but couldn't help it...
If it wasn't for Travis, who was attentive, kept his more or less romantic tone with you, helped you sometimes, you would get bored pretty quickly. You could now fall asleep with him, you could snuggle up to him, kiss him whenever you could. You got to see more relaxed, home Travis. But...
At the same time you got to see how he always gave all of his time and consideration to family. Every free minute, every free second, free cent went into helping the family. You became all too wary of his mother, when you understood how strict she really was.
Nothing could be good in her book, unless it was perfect. Got some meat for the meal? You should have gotten more. Shun tourists away? They shouldn't be here in the first place. Were gone for three days and nights in search of the White Wolf? Well, why didn't he trapped yet?
There was always nagging, always comments, grumbling and reproaches. You kept your mouth shut for a while. After all you were just a newcomer in this house, not part of the family, even if Travis' niece, Kaylee, and Bobby were very warm to you.
But your heart still clenched every time Travis managed to got on her bad side. He looked guilty every time. Like he really did something bad. Even if there wasn't anything. He was always the guilty one in his family.
This evening you were reading the book, resting after long day of job deliveries. The full moon was in two weeks, there were still people in the camp, and you had nothing to worry about, everything was good and safe.
You were too deep in your thoughts about quiet evening with Travis, since he promised he would come back earlier that day. You were already imagining his soft scent, warm hands and kisses, full of love. You almost didn't notice the screams. Almost.
When you heard his mother's voice, you furrowed your brows. Maybe there was going on something important, and you were missing out on the information. You stood up from the armchair in your and Travis' bedroom, hastily going out and heading towards the living room, where the commotion was.
"You lost him again!" Constance was fuming, according to the voice. You carefully entered the room and sighed. Travis was standing before his mother, looking anywhere, but at her. His face was unreadable, you knew that expression all too well. Usually emotional, he never let anything express on his face in front of his mother. He always closed off and went inside himself mentally.
"The boy is fast. Even in normal days, you know that." Chris started, trying to defend his brother, but was cut shortly by mother's stare.
"Your brother always fails." She sharply turned to Travis. "Everything you do is failure." She spitted almost hatefully. Travis didn't move from his spot. You sighed, slowly coming into family's view and walking to his side. Man shivered, when you took his hand, raising his pained eyes on your face.
"Are you okay?" You quietly asked him. He nodded and glanced at his mother.
"There was no way for me to catch him today. I wasn't in a car, I was on foot. And only had couple of silver bullets."
"You could, if you tried! But you preferred to stay safe and not protect your family!" You looked at Constance angrily. "You always choose yourself. Became a policeman, because you wanted to. Brought this... Person into our house. Spilled our secret! Now you can't even protect our family! You should have went straight to this beast instead of thinking about hiding."
"Would you prefer Bobby to find his dead body in the morning?" You suddenly asked before you could stop yourself. Constance shot you an angry look. Travis gripped your fingers, trying to stop you. But you were done at this point.
"Care to repeat?" She dared you. You pursed your lips not caring for her sharp look.
"Would you rather have Travis dead?" You repeated your question louder. "You are going on and on about what he should have done. About how he is the failure. How he is nothing and should do better for his family. But he is doing everything."
"You stay out of this. This is family business, and you are noone here." She warned you.
"I know that I'm noone. And you are still kinder to me than to your own son!" You exclaimed. "Travis knows the situation, he was there, and if he chose to hide and stay safe, then he didn't do it selfishly, he did it because he knew that it was the best choice."
"He is coward!"
"He isn't coward in the slightest! Travis wants nothing more than to save this family!" You screamed back at her. "He would die to protect you all! But there would be no point in risking his life if in the end he wouldn't get the wolf!"
"He could have!"
"How do you know?! You weren't there!"
"As weren't you. Yet here you are, raising your voice at me, ungrateful slut!" The woman almost got red in face, screaming at you.
"You can degrade me and call me names, whatever you want, I don't care." You laughed loudly. "But don't you dare scream at your own son and make him the scape goat. He is doing everything for you, yet you are blaming him for every little misstep."
"He deserves it."
"He deserves a good family and loving parents, that trying to fix the situation with him together, not guilttriping him after he tries to defend himself. He deserves a good night sleep, and not jumping in the middle of the night and going out in the forest. He deserves a good, calm job, and not the one, where he should hide the bodies of tourists and lie to others about the situation around here!" You blurted out all of this in one breath, looking furiously at his shocked mother. Travis took you by shoulders and turned to him so you would look at him.
"Y/N, calm down. Don't..."
"No, I'm tired!" You shook your head, getting out of his hands. You looked at him almost offended, you tried to prove a point about his well-being, yet here he was, trying to calm you down, as his mother wanted. "I'm tired to see you stressed out! I'm tired that the man I love the most in this world is being degraded by his own freaking family! That you are never here! I try to help you as much as I can, but I can't anymore hear everyone blaming you again and again, when you are the one who protects them from everything! And you know what sucks the most? That I can't help you! Even my today words won't reach your mother, nothing would change, she would only hate me more and would tell you how I am the bad person!"
You didn't notice you started crying. Travis froze in his place for a second and then stepped to you, hugging you tightly and pressing your face into his chest. He knew how much you hated showing your feelings to others, plus he didn't want your emotions to go overboard completely. You pressed yourself into him, whimpering, crying not because you were tired or pained, but because of him. You were crying for him, like it was you who was constantly degraded and put down. It sure as hell felt like it.
You didn't know how long you stood there. Consumed by your emotions and thoughts, you lost the sense of time or other world or people around you. When you felt your fingers getting numb by your grip on his shirt, you slowly pulled away. Travis looked at you wary.
"Sugar? You alright?" You nodded, feeling a bit lightheaded. You noticed there was noone around you.
"I need to apologize to her, right?" You asked quietly and hiccuped from all the tears. Travis sighed, pursing his lips.
"I don't know. I have never seen her so conflicted. Ever." He admitted, cupping your face and wiping your tears with his fingers. Travis looked at you attentively, making you sigh.
"I'm sorry. I know you love her to death, but she just... Her constant anger at you... And your look, I just..."
"Thank you." Travis suddenly said quietly. "Noone stood up for me, really. And I didn't need anyone to. She didn't listen to anyone. I'm surprised she didn't throw something at you." He scoffed, making you smile weakly.
"You know that I love you, right? I want the best for you. And it is so unfair, that you try and try, but in the end..." You stopped yourself before you could go on another rant, shaking your head. Travis kissed you on the forehead, closing his eyes.
"I know. You are the best thing that happens to me in this cursed place." He whispered to you, as if it was a secret. "I promise. Once all of it ends, I am going to marry you and get out of here as soon as possible."
"Now I want to go out to this forest and kill the bastard myself." You joked, making him laugh and hug you again.
You knew it would be hard. Knew that you should go and apologize later. Knew that you would have a long talk with his mother. Maybe she even understood something. But you weren't worried about it at the moment. All you cared about - Travis' warm and soft arms. All you wanted to do - let him know that he was loved and cherished.
Thankfully to you, he knew that now.
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 8 months
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a/n: Two stories in the same day ? Why not. Here's a little fluff about meeting Donna for the first time. Hope you like it 🥰
Warning: None
Words: 822
Pairing: Travis Kelce x Reader
Anon: I have a Travis request where reader meet his parents/family.
As the autumn leaves painted the town in shades of gold and crimson, you prepared for a significant moment in your relationship with Travis.
Tonight, you would meet his mother, Donna, a woman he held in the highest regard. The anticipation tingled in the air, mixing with the aroma of roasted vegetables and simmering sauce. You were at Travis’s place, preparing dinner for his mom.
With each slice of the knife and stir of the pot, your thoughts wandered to Travis's stories of his mother. She was his everything - the rock that steadied him through life's turbulent moments, and the guiding light that inspired him to reach for the stars. You wanted to make a good impression, not just for the sake of a dinner, but to show her that you understood and valued the woman who had shaped the incredible man you loved.
You felt hands snaked around your waist and a fresh but musky scent filled your nose, leaning in, Travis’s warmth enveloped you. 
‘’Smells amazing baby’’ he said resting his head on top of yours.
You got interrupted as the doorbell chimed, your heart skipping a beat. Travis released his grip and got to the door, inviting his mom inside. There she stood, a warm smile on her face, exuding a kindness that seemed to radiate from her very being.
"Hello, dear. You must be the lovely Y/N" she said, extending her hand.
"Yes, it's so wonderful to finally meet you," You replied, feeling instantly at ease.
The evening unfolded seamlessly. You guys chatted about family, hobbies, and life in general. Her eyes sparkled with laughter as she shared stories of Travis and Jason's childhood antics.
"Oh, you should've seen him trying to ride that old bicycle!" she chuckled. "He was determined, but it took him a few tumbles to get the hang of it. And don’t even get me started about him wanting to play football and follow in his brother’s footsteps.’’
You couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the glimpse into his past, a past that had paved the way for your future together.
As you gathered around the table, the spread before you was a feast fit for a queen. The clinking of cutlery and glasses was accompanied by an easy camaraderie.
"Oh, the time he tried to make pancakes by himself! I came home to find flour all over the kitchen." Laughter filled the room as Travis sheepishly admitted to the pancake disaster.
"This meal is exquisite, dear. You're quite the chef."
"Thank you. I wanted to make a special dinner for our first meeting."
"That is very sweet of you. This lasagna is absolutely delicious," Donna exclaimed. "You must share the recipe with me!"
With a smile, you replied, "Of course! I'd be happy to." You looked over to your boyfriend seeing the genuine smile placed on his lips. 
As dessert arrived, Travis's eyes met yours with a silent thank you. He had been nervous about this meeting, anxious for his mother's approval. Seeing her laugh and converse with you, he knew that she was just as pleased with you as he was.
After dessert, you retired to the living room, where the crackling fire cast a cozy glow. 
"Would you like some coffee or tea?" You asked Donna "A cup of tea sounds lovely, thank you."
Wrapped in the warmth of conversation, you felt a sense of belonging that went beyond mere introductions.
"So Y/N, tell me more about your work," she inquired, her eyes filled with genuine interest. She reminded you of your own mother.
You eagerly shared your passions, and she listened with an attentiveness that made you feel truly valued.
As the evening drew to a close, Travis walked his mother to the door, leaving you a moment of quiet reflection.
"Thank you for tonight," she said, her voice warm and genuine. "You make my son so happy, and that's all a mother could ever ask for."
Touched by her words, you smiled. "Thank you for raising such an incredible man. He means the world to me."
With a final hug, she left, leaving behind a newfound sense of connection and acceptance. You watched Travis as he returned, his smile radiant.
"Thank you for being amazing," he murmured, pulling you close. You wrapped your arms around his rib cage, hugging him tight. "Your mom is awesome, Trav. I can see where you get your warmth and kindness."
"She really liked you, and that means the world to me. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." He said kissing the top of your head before leading you to the backyard. 
That night, under a canopy of stars, you sat on the porch swing, wrapped in blankets, hands entwined. As the cool breeze danced around you, you couldn't help but feel immense gratitude for the evening that had brought you and Travis a little closer. 
Taglist : @kkrenae @spencerreidisbootiful @nabiiturner @ilove-tswizzle @legit9thlunaticwarrior @evernova @kelcemenow @bellstwd @my-regrets @green-lxght
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therapycat21 · 8 months
All Right Now Part 2
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Travis Kelce x Famous!Reader Description:The reader catches the eye of famous footballer Travis.
Warnings: None Social Media AU
It’s been a week since the incident at Arrowhead and Travis is still actively liking my posts but has not reached out yet. I'm taken from my thoughts by an incoming call from my manager Stacy.
“Hey y/n” she smiles brightly into the screen at me “hey, whats going on?” I ask her “they just had a major cancellation for the arrowhead stadium and need someone who can quickly put something together, they reached out so I thought I would check with you to see if you are comfortable doing this last minute?” I haven't done a concert in a while so why not I thought “yeah I can figure something out, when is it?” I ask her smiling.
“It’s gonna be this Saturday” she let’s me know before we talked a bit more before hanging up. I then open Instagram to start making a post to announce it to the fans.
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Not even a second after posting it went viral and started to trend on twitter. I then get a notification
Killatrav added your post to their story!
I clicked on the notification to see he did indeed add my post to his story with the caption. "Tickets have been bought ;)" I blush before liking the story and decided to look through his account, it only consists of ads, and funny clips from a podcast he has with Jason, and pictures of him dressed really nice. I decided to like his recent posts and click my phone off before I do anymore damage. I guess I'm performing at the stadium now. I smile before I rush off into contacting everyone for the concert.
Saturday Morning
The day is finally here, I've been up since 5 am getting myself together to head over to the stadium for the show tonight, trying to remember the setlist and dance moves. Stacy knocks on the room door in the stadium "everything is all set, you ready?" she questions knowing I can get really bad nerves before a show. I smile, it reaching my eyes for the first time in a long time "surprisingly I am"
I laugh “okay good, I’m gonna go and head to my seat, you’re gonna do amazing” she tells me before reaching to open the door. Before she leaves she quickly lets me know “oh by the way, kylie, Jason, and Travis are here in the V.I.P box.” she smirks at me before finally closing the door. My face formed into shock knowing they actually came, especially Travis, I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves
“You’re gonna do amazing”
“You always kill it”
“You've worked hard to get here”
I keep telling myself the three before I’m interrupted by the door opening and them letting me know it is time for me to start heading to the stage.
I quickly start to head over to the stage and see all of the dancers starting to get into position, I can hear the crowd starting to scream from the lights starting to move, I’m then handed my microphone and decide to talk to them before they can see me
“let’s talk some nonsense yall”
I hear the crowd scream even louder before I’m finally revealed. I smile brightly “hello my loves” I laugh before the intro to my son nonsense comes on. Every time I sing this song I always make up a new outro depending on the state I’m in. We’re now near the end of the song, and they turn the music down slightly so we can hear the fans better
“How quickly can you take your clothes off pop quiz” I smirk slightly before turning to where I see Travis staring at me smirking “raise your hand if you’re a little tipsy, sex with me is like joining the swim team, Travis is my favorite Kansas City” I blush profusely from him breaking out into laughter and seeing the blush rise on his face. The crowd screams even louder now knowing he’s there.
I see the crowd now facing up where the Kelce family is and taking pictures and videos. I laugh loudly into the mic before transitioning into the next song.
I can feel his eyes on me the entire show and for some reason my confidence was skyrocketing tonight and I didn’t hide that I was looking back at him with the best sultry look I could muster up. The show is now ending and the stage goes black before soft pink hues go through the stadium and the back screen lighting up with my new album announcement.
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I hear the crowd scream even louder before saying my goodbyes and running off stage.
I reach the back where Stacy and Brittany are and take a few deep breaths, trying to calm my adrenaline "you were absolutely amazing, oh my god you killed it" Brittany says running up and pulling me into a hug. I hug her back before I'm pulled into another hug by Stacy "You did so good girl!" I thank them both before we're interrupted by security.
"Miss y/n? there is a Kylie Kelce here wanting to see you, she says she's your friend?" I smile brightly at the security guard Jared "oh yes please bring her and the family back please." Jared gives me a brief nod before walking away to allow them in.
"you know that means Travis is gonna come back too right?" I can hear the smirk on Brit's face, I give her a look "yes I know, but for some reason tonight I am feeling good and confident, that has not happened in a long time especially towards a man." I reply with a teasing smile.
We’re interrupted by the door opening and Kylie slightly jogging to me with both girls with her.
When she gets close by we pull each other into a hug with the two girls trying to hug my waist. I let her go then bending down to pull both girls into a hug “hello my pretty mama’s ” I kiss both of their heads before letting go and standing straight to also greet Jason “you were absolutely amazing mama” Jason tells me pulling me into a deep hug, he is literally a bear. He lets me go, walking around to sit with kylie and the kids. 
I’m then faced with a smirking Travis “I liked the shout-out” he tells me, I smile bright but with a giant blush rushing through my face “I thought you would” I smirk back at him.
He looks over at the others before moving slightly into more of my space, me having to look up pretty far to see his face “if you want I can show you how much of your favorite I can be” he almost whispers to me with him leaning slightly down with a giant smirk. If I thought I was blushing a lot before it is even worse now. I try to calm myself before replying “I bet you could” I try to whisper back, looking up at him smirking.
“So tomorrow night at 6:30?” he asks smiling “pick you up?”
I look back slightly at Brittany, her giving me a giant teasing smile and a thumbs up, I turn back 
“Definitely” I smile bright.
Like my writing? buy me a coffee! I would be so grateful!
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Every Little Movement (Travis x F!reader)
Author Message: Hey guys! Like you, I have been infected with the Ted Raimi virus thanks to The Quarry. So here is a little something something to help stimulate our fanbase. For mature audiences.
*It is Travisxreader, unnamed reader, reader is female, reader is a librarian, reader has a heart condition, strangers to lovers, older man/younger woman, smut, grumpy travis, soft travis, semi sick-fic, crying after sex, praise kink if you squint.
Here is the link for the Birthday Chapter:
Moving to North Kill was certainly never on her roster.  A city girl moving to a rural town way upstate was almost her personal hell.  Yet with the trauma and sadness her family constantly caused back home along with the vicious job setting at the bank she had worked at, she needed to escape.  Getting the one and only call back for a job as a librarian for said small town in her home state, was what she thought she needed; subconsciously of course.  That was the only way she said yes, something inside her told her to accept.  Her library degree was finally going to pay off!  
After being accepted, she did her fair share of research on the town.  Research detailing if it was safe, how populated it was, crime rate, etc.  She was excited to see that it was near Hackett’s Quarry.  A very popular summer camp when she was growing up.  However, last year, tragedy struck the Hackett family causing it to permanently close.  Rumor has it the entire family got wiped out from some unknown illness or attack.   
Driving the long hours through the state with all her belongs was not the most glamours way in moving.  However, it was the cheapest and the most practical.  As there was an hour left to the journey, her anxiety and excitement began to spike.  She was able to rent a duplex in the middle of town.  A sweet sounding elderly family lived in the right side of the house while they needed a nice, quiet tenant to help them cover their bills.  After the shut down in tourism from the quarry’s closure, it caused inflation to hit the poor residence and farmers of the town.  She was terribly nervous if she was making a horrible choice; moving into a house she never toured before along with people she never met in the backwoods of New York.  She also had no idea what to expect from her job.  It sounded as if she’d be the only one working there, as the hiring manager mentioned that the library was shut down due to lack of staff.  Would she be safe working into the night?  All alone?  She hoped they had law enforcement.  She remembered hearing there was a Hackett family member that was a cop, but she was unsure if he perished as well and or if they ever refilled that position.
Her heart started to beat hard in her chest and it tightened.  She gasped feeling the pain strike.  She slowed her driving to a crawl and began to take deep breaths.  Pulling over to the side of the road she closed her eyes and tried to calm her shaking body.  It’s all going to be fine.  Everything is going to be fine.  She tried to lie to herself and calm the frantic thoughts.  Her chest palpitations were a potentially non lethal condition passed down in her family.  She’ll be ok as long as she doesn’t stress so much.  However, her family caused her to be a constantly stressed and worrisome individual.  There was hardly a day she lived without stress.  
As she was breaking on the side of the road, she tried to calm her stressed nervous system.  Then a tap on her window caused her to scream.  Looking to her right and clutching her chest she saw that it was an officer.  His face was serious but it was startled at her reaction.  He made the motion to roll down the glass.
“I’m sorry to have scared you ma’am.  You’ve been pulled over for some time.  Is everything alright?”
Gazing at his face she noticed how the sun colored his dark eyes and shone through his black hair.  He had an intense, intimidating air about him with the stare to match.  Yet his tone wasn’t gruff just stern.
She nodded, “Yes I was just trying to get my bearings.  Can you tell me how far away I am from North Kill?”
His face bore a brief moment of shock, “North Kill?  Why would you…oh are you the new librarian?”
She nodded her head.
He shifted his weight and hung off the roof of the car, “Your only a half hour out from the town.  I’ll escort you the rest of the way.”
“Oh you don’t have to officer, I can manage-”
He continued, “Make sure to follow me closely.”  Ignoring her as he walked off.
She huffed.  Ok, now she had a cop snooping around and overbearingly taking her to town.  But one question was answered, they had a police force.  Rolling up her window she saw him pull out in front and drive slowly ahead.  Shifting into drive she followed closely behind.  Getting a good look at the back of the car she noticed it said ‘Sheriff’ on the trunk.  Her eyes widened, great she was being escorted by the sheriff.  This was either really good or really bad, depending on the impression she made on him.  She remarked how clean and pristine his uniform was.  If their uniforms were so well made, then North Kill couldn’t be that uncivilized and disheveled right?  
Thinking back to their encounter, he had quite the presence.  It shook her and captivated her mind.  He was very intimidating and she hoped she didn’t have to be on the end of that again.  Then a thought struck her causing her to groan.  Just how small was this town?  What if he was the only cop in town?   Would she constantly be bumping into him?  And what if she needed him to protect her at some point?  Oh boy she was in for it.
She wasn’t paying attention and had to break hard.  He was stopped at a stop sign and nearly rear-ended him.  She saw him look into his rearview mirror.  She raised her hands in a sorry gesture.  She noticed he shook his head before taking off again.  She gripped the wheel tight; yep, definitely a negative impression.  Following him around twists and turns she was actually thankful for the escort.  This many tiny side roads and sharp rights and lefts over cavernous drops was not what she was used to.  And to top it off, the thunderstorm brewing was not making it any easier.  She adored the fall and storms but not driving in them.
Pulling around a curve her eyes brightened.  North Kill.  The outskirts were greeting her as she drove in.  A small gas station with a few tiny houses and stores were lining the side.  Following in, she saw colorful small family homes mixed with stretches of farmland.  Forests lined the entire area on each side with rolling, treed hills in the distance.  As they drove she gawked at the small brick police department on her right.  That was where he worked no doubt.  Taking a right turn at a three way fork right past the station, they pulled around to a small rounded building.  It was close to the heart of town and within walking distance to the police.  He parked and so did she.  Hopping out she noticed that this was her library!  So close to town and so close to his work.  This was both a comfort and a curse.  
Walking past her car she met him as he stood near the entrance.
“This good for you?”  He asked.
She looked at the library then him, “Oh yes, this is great!  Thank you very much officer.  Er, let me correct myself, Sheriff!”
He gave a nod before turning and going back to the drivers side.  She felt she needed to show more gratitude.  His abrupt departure threw her off.
“Um, seriously I really am grateful!  I’ll have to find a way to make it up to you.  Since, I am the new girl in town and all.”  She gave a nervous smile and finished the sentence with the introduction of her name.
His face was still stern as he gave a curt nod and said, “Don’t mention it.  And it’s Hackett.”
Hackett!  Her face lit up in surprise.  He left her standing that way as he climbed into his car and sped off towards the station.  That was the surviving Hackett!  Another question answered.  Watching his car disappear down the bend she turned back at the building.  The rain had stopped momentarily but was about to pour down again any moment.  Getting a quick look she climbed back in her car.  It was a quaint building with grey stone and no edges.  Large windows surrounded the front and green beautiful trees and bushes decorated the perimeter.  Smiling she was satisfied.  This town looked more developed than what her nightmares projected.  Hearing another clap of thunder, she thought it was time to go check out her rental.  After all, her landlords were expecting her tonight.  Kicking the car back to life she headed off down the road to the left side of the library.
Passing beautiful neighborhoods she turned off and down to the right.  Riding down she saw this street held a series of one story duplexes.  It was a gorgeous street with clean cut grass and tidy homes.  Heading a bit further she found her house number on her right.  Glancing at the cookie-cutter duplex she saw brick looming behind her home.  She gasped.  The damn police station was looking over her back yard!  Was she just doomed to always be in Sheriff Hackett’s vicinity?  Also, how safe was it for being so close to imprisoned inmates?  Were there any in such a small town?  If there were then everyone would know she supposed, so it couldn’t be that bad.  Parking in the small lot, she hopped out and knocked on the right side’s door.  The lights were on so they had to be home.
“Hello?”  A short, adorable old woman with a cute pink apron appeared.
“Yes hi!  I am the tenant and new librarian.”  She said while introducing her name.
“Oh yes!  You’re early.  Did you have an ok time traveling?”
She nodded with a yawn, “It was long but, at the end there, Sheriff Hackett helped escort me to town.”
Her face bore surprise, “My that’s quite a bold offer of him.”
She titled her head, “How so?”
“He is very reclusive, even as our sheriff.  So hearing him offer such a generous thing as escorting a lady to town isn’t heard of.  Then again we don’t get many visitors now days and a cute young thing like you might be on his soft side.”
She blushed, “O-Oh well that’s good then…I think.”  This lady was adorable but a bit much right now.
“But where are my manners.  It’s raining out!  Come in dear, let us make you some tea!”
She smiled as she moved over the threshold.  Their home was just as cute as they were.  She came to find that her name was Margerie and her husband’s was Phil.  Phil looked like a mirror image of Margerie except he wore a grey sweater and black pants curled up in a rocking chair.  Their walls were full of pictures of grandkids and family along with paintings of flowers and farmland.  It was very warm to the point she was sweating.  But she didn’t mind it was cozy.  She felt very at ease and her anxiousness melted away as she watched Margerie make her tea and commence small town gossip.  
“And oh you should’ve seen Ms. Ruth’s slippers!  Poor things were chewed to bits by the Jones’ dog.”
She laughed politely as she took the tea that was handed to her.
As Margerie was sitting down she waved her hand, “But please ignore me.  I’m rambling on again.  Tell us about you dear!  You must have fascinating stories from that big city life you lived.”
She looked down with a thoughtful smile, “Yes, quite.  Very loud.  Very cold.  Very…lonely.”
Margerie’s face looked so sad, “Oh I didn’t mean to pry dear.”
She waved politely, “No please, it’s ok!  I came here for a change of pace.  For the better hopefully.  By getting this job I hope to settle down in a relaxed adorable town such as North Kill.  It might be the very thing my soul needs.”
“And settling down with a nice man maybe?  There’s plenty I can introduce you to.”  Margerie winked.
She blushed, “O-oh maybe later…but I do appreciate your offer.”
“So you work hard over there in the city?”  The gruff voice of Phil finally spoke up.
“Yes sir, I was a bank teller in one of the most chaotic parts.  I worked long and hard hours to really get nowhere.  Family was very unsupportive, so I chose the simple life.  Hopefully this library job isn’t as crazy as a major bank job in the middle of a work hub.”
He simply nodded with an approving grunt. 
She gave one more yawn and Margerie seemingly just noticed now just how tired she looked, “Oh dear we are keeping you up.  Look at us here, being old chatter boxes while you’re probably dead tired from your long trip.”  She got up and went to a kitchen drawer.  She produced something in her hand and walked over to her, “Here is your key.  We will pay your utilities as long as you keep up on your rent.  Sounds like a deal?”
She nodded with a big smile, “Yes!  Thank you so much!  I will do everything I can to repay your generosity and trust in me.  I’ll be the perfect tenant.”
Margerie smiled tenderly, “I don’t doubt that dear.”
As she stood up Margerie held out her arms.  With an approving nod they hugged.
Rubbing her back briefly she said, “Welcome to North Kill!”
“If the people here are just as sweet and kind as you two, then I’ll have no worries left.”  She said smiling down at them.
Breaking the hug Margerie held onto her arms with a smile, “Well most of us are, besides that grumpy Sheriff.  But, he means well.”  She gave a wink.
She blushed for some reason.  She turned to leave, flashing one last smile and gave a goodnight before making her way to the door.  Margerie walked her there and let her out.  With a final goodnight she turned to her right and unlocked her own door.  It was dark.  Fumbling for the light, she switched it on.  It mirrored Margerie and Phil’s side but without the massive amount of pictures and knitted blankets.  They had it furnished with a couch and a lounge chair.  She smiled, forgetting about the furnished part in the deal.  The kitchen looked clean and empty in the dark.  As she made her way to look at the bedroom she was delighted to see a nice queen sized bed sat in a near empty room.  Walking in and switching on the ceiling fan light, she saw that the bed was made and that there was a note on her pillow.
“Welcome!”  Was printed on the cover.  Opening it she gave a small chuckle as it was a brief heartwarming message left from Margerie greeting her and telling her that they were glad she was moving in.  Holding the card to her chest she sighed contentedly.  Her worries were melting away minute by minute.  The only thing left was the job itself.  And, she’ll soon find out tomorrow how good or bad that was going to be.
Undressing and falling asleep surprisingly quick, she slept a dreamless sleep.  
Waking early, she didn’t feel unrested but she did feel a bit out of place since it was her first night in a new home.  Shuffling to the bathroom she got a wonderful hot shower; washing off all the grime and stress from the drive over.  The warmth helped her sore legs and butt as she marinated under the steaming stream.  Hopping out she heard her phone ringing.  Running to it she saw it was a local number and answered.
“Yes hello?”
The woman on the other line asked her name and she confirmed it was her.
“Hello!  I’m just calling to make sure you made it to town safe.  I am Dorene your boss.”
She smiled, “Oh yes I have!  Nice to hear from you.”
“Wonderful.  When you come in I’ll be there to help show you the ropes and give you the keys.  After that, you should be all set to carry on the job.”
“Alright, sounds great.”
“Good, see you in a few.”
“See you then.”
They hung up and she sighed.  Alright, the boss didn’t sound so bad.  Getting dressed she hopped in her car and drove over.  It wasn’t a far drive at all, in fact once she felt comfortable, she probably could walk.  If she felt comfortable that was.  Pulling up and parking in the back, she ran around to the front doors and knocked.  She saw the glimpse of the inside as a woman, Dorene, saw her wave and came over to let her in.
“Hello!  Glad you are here.”  She sounded relieved, “Since I was the only one working we couldn’t open very often.  But since you are here it will make it much easier.”
She smiled politely at Dorene as she crossed into the library.  There was a large expanse between the doors and the wrap around front desk.  Behind it to the left were wooden shelves running around the circular building sectioned off with signs labeled with themes and categorizations.  She could see tables dotted throughout the shelves with low hanging lights dimly illuminating the rows.
“Well!  It shouldn’t be hard to get you to run this place by yourself.  I’ve made cheatsheets and notes in case you forget or need an answer.  And of course you can call me if you are stuck with something.”
She nodded, “Ok.”
Dorene turned to her and extended her hand, “Welcome to North Kill, it’s so nice to meet you.”
She shook it with a nod before Dorene brought her over to the circulation desk.  It was a few hours of learning the computer system and getting answers to typical procedures.  She was told of the extensions for the police as well as finding out where the panic button and escape routes were.  Eyeing the panic button she couldn’t help but imagine Sheriff Hackett running in all serious-like at the instance of an emergency.  She shuddered at the thought if she ever hit that thing by accident.  After a few more tiresome rundowns, Dorene was eager to hand her the keys and get out of there.
“Hours are 8am-5pm and this library does close on Fridays and weekends since we are such a small town.  If you ever need time off just let me know far in advance ok.  Ok have fun!”
Waving at Dorene’s immediate retreating form, she sighed.  So much for company.  Sitting in the comfy chair, she turned to look at the shelves, or stacks as Dorene called them.  Getting back up she thought it good to start and memorize where things were in case a patron needed to know where a certain book or section was.  Walking through the low light, she did find that it was a bit dark.  But, as she smiled at it, she found that the warm yellow light mixed nicely with the gunstock wood shelving.  It was terribly cozy; romantic even.  Glancing at her phone she saw that she was a few hours away from closing.  All that and not one patron today.  She shrugged.  She was fine with that. 
Heading back to the desk she saw the sky begin to darken.  It was a gorgeous view seeing the trees and hills in-between the convenience store that sat right across from her.  Being on the corner of the street helped give a bigger perspective of where she sat in town.
After another half hour or so she glanced back at that panic button.  It sat right under the desk and if she ever needed to scoot closer to the computer, she knew her thigh would hit it.  She closed her eyes and shook her head at the cringy thought of having to explain that she caused a false alarm to the intimidating Sheriff.   Suddenly, movement caught her eye out the doors.  It was the devil himself.  His cop car sat directly in front and she saw the door open and close as he got out.  Her breath hitched.  She didn’t hit the button somehow, right?  Her mind didn’t just do that?  He swiftly moved through the double doors and she stood to greet him.
“Evening Sheriff!”
He gave a small smirk, “I see they left you with the reigns to this place already.”
She nodded shyly.
“This is my last stop on my evening patrol.  Mind if I..?”  He gave a head tilt towards the shelves and she picked up on it a beat too late.
“Oh!  Yes of course!  Do what you need to Sheriff.”
He gave a nod as he began to walk around the library.  She watched his form as he disappeared in the stacks.  He was tall and the uniform really did wonders on him.  Hell it does wonders on any man.  But, something about him tickled the back of her mind.  She couldn’t quite shake what she was feeling.  She knew she was feeling intimated and nervous since he was a cop after all.  A very stern cop at that.  But there was something else causing her heart to flutter.  Fluttering dangerously fast.  Before she caused another episode with her heart she turned away and sat back down.  She refrained from staring at him until he crossed her line of sight again.
“All secure, have a good night ma’am.”
“Likewise Sheriff Hackett!”
He paused at his name before giving a nod and leaving.  She let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding as she watched him get into his car.  The sky was nearly fully dark as she saw his headlights switch on.  As quickly as he came he drove off.  Her gaze watched the doors for the rest of the evening.  She remembered his greeting and that he even smirked.  It was nice to see that.  A change in his face that was.  
The rest of the time went by.  She didn’t realize she just spent hours thinking about Sheriff Hackett.  Hours studying the images in her head of his face and his walk.  Hours of remembering the timber of his voice.  Shaking her head and scolding herself, she began to turn off the lights; lock up the money; shut off the computer; and lock the doors.
The drive home was just as brisk as it was to work.  She was surprised she wasn’t accosted by Margerie in wondering how her first day went.  They were probably waiting for her to sleep and to bother her tomorrow evening.  They did have some restraint then.  She was grateful as she was indeed tired.  Stripping down she was glad to be free and comfortable in her own space.  She felt a little uncomfortable being nude in such a new place but there was absolutely no one around.  
Heading to the bathroom her mind thought of Sheriff Hackett again.  She had the instinct to cover her breasts and pussy.  His eyes bored into her mind.  Why was she thinking about him this much?  Why did she feel the need to cover up if he wasn’t here?   And why did her heart flutter again at the thought if he did catch her like this.  What the actual fuck was she thinking?  Shaking her head she just went to the bedroom and forced herself to turn off.  She needed sleep.  Too much happened and he was the last human interaction she had.  That was it.  That was all.
Meanwhile her dreams were nothing but flashes of the Sheriff.  She would dream a rut of dreams of him patrolling her work or about his smirk or about his eyes.  She got up to use the bathroom and desperately tried to change the course of her dreams.  She thought about the town, her landlords, her trauma, anything!  Heading back to bed she sighed and quickly fell back to sleep.  But to her dismay, the same dreams stuck with her all night.
Waking up with a groan, she felt horrible.  It felt as if she was fighting all night.  And in a way she was.  Rolling out of bed she went to get a shower.  A shower will solve many problems.  Hopping into the hot stream she felt at ease and relaxed.  With the water to her back she closed her eyes and rested her head against the cool tiles.  She smiled feeling the heat sear her flesh deliciously.  She felt it warm her shoulders, down her back, and legs.  It felt so warm, like a hug.  It engulfed her and and she felt comforted.  
As her mind drifted in and out of snoozing and wakefulness, the water soon morphed into hands.  She felt hands at her back and sides where the water caressed.  The hands were attached to strong arms with a lean build.  She smiled.  She didn’t mind where this was going.  A hunk sharing her shower?  She’d never turn that thought away.  As the feeling kept on she saw the person’s face buried in her neck.  She smiled more.  That was, until the face moved away revealing that it was Sheriff Hackett.  She opened her eyes and yelped.  Absolutely fucking not!  What the shit brain?  She felt nothing towards that man besides intimidation and a light wave of fear.  Why the hell was he on her mind so much?  Especially in the shower like this?  Turning the water to cold she blasted herself as punishment.  Soon after, she stepped out shivering in the frigid fall morning.  Definitely a mistake but, she felt momentarily better for it.
Getting dressed she made sure to go shopping after work.  But as for breakfast, she was going to try the local diner and grab a small thing before heading to work.  A donut and a coffee sounded heavenly right now.  Running a comb through her hair, she gathered her things and headed out to the nearby diner.  She looked out and across the street.  She could practically see it from where she stood, so she decided to walk over and get a feel for the town’s atmosphere.  Walking along she shook her head unable to believe she just thought what she just thought.  Of all things and of all places and of all people, why was it him that her mind lasered in on?  Looking up she decided to distract herself with the trees and pretty fall sky full of clouds.  She sighed happily as a breeze ruffled her damp hair.  The dead leaves rustled pleasantly underfoot.  Autumn was the best.
Arriving much too soon, she took a deep breath before entering.  People were here.  She was surprised to see so many people here.  And said people all looked up at her.  She gulped harshly.  She didn’t expect that.  Then a wonderful voice saved the situation
“Oh!  You’re the new librarian!  Come and have some coffee, on us!”  
After that, everyone gave her a smile and went back to whatever it was they were doing.  The woman at the counter was thin and in her middle age.  She had a great smile and beautiful grey brown hair tied into a messy bun.
“Name’s Gail dear!  Pleasure to meet you!”  She extended her hand.
She returned in and gave her own name.  She took the iron grip of Gail’s handshake like a champ.
“Well what would you like?  It’s all on the house today.”
“Oh I could never Gail-”
Gail waved her hands, “Nonsense!  Consider it a hearty welcome!”
“Well I’d like a latte with a donut please.”
“Sure what kind?”
“Um you got vanilla cream?”
“Of course we do darling!”  She leaned back and shouted, “Dale!  Get me a #3 with milk and a #7 with cream!”
The boom of her voice startled her but she chuckled as Gail gave her a smile.  Breaking the moment was the sound of the door opening and closing behind her.
“Ah Sheriff!  The usual I assume?”  Gail asked.
She didn’t turn around but froze.  Come on… He stepped up right beside her.  He was terribly close and she could practically smell his cologne and the aftershave on him.
“If you will Gail, it be appreciated.”
“Of course. Dale!  Get Sheriff Hackett’s usual!”
There was a faint, “Got it” from behind the doors before Gail smiled at the two and moved to clear off the bar.
She looked tentatively at his profile.  She couldn’t help but stare, what with her steamy shower thought still fresh in her mind.  He picked up on it as he slowly looked over at her.  She blushed.
“Ah, uh, we keep running into each other.”  She stammered.
“It’s a small town.  Tends to happen.” 
She nodded, “Right, yes of course.”
Gail had turned around and vanished to the back leaving her completely alone with the Sheriff.  She felt so awkward and the blush worsened against her will.  She felt the urge to say something but didn’t know how to.  As she opened her mouth to mention the weather, Gail came back with two cups and a bag.  Her mind screamed thank-yous at her.
“Your latte and donut, darling.  And your usual coffee, Sheriff.”  She handed them out at the same time.
As she reached for her cup, for a split second, her fingers brushed the side of his hand.  He definitely noticed but didn’t acknowledge.  He just paused slightly before grabbing his.  She on the other hand felt it all.  She felt time itself stop.
“Thanks Gail.”  He said before raising the cup and taking a sip.  He turned around to leave.
“Have a good day now Sheriff.”  Gail said.
He gave a nod and a glance back, “You too and you as well.”  He said looking her over before leaving.
She gave a squeak as she watched him leave before turning back to Gail.
“You ok darling?  Your face is all red.”
“O-Oh is it now?  I guess it’s from the cold.”
Gail gave a suspicious nod.
“Well thank you again Gail!  It was so nice to meet you!  I’ll be sure to come here often!”
She gave a smile and a wave, “Please do!  We love company.”
With a nod she turned out the door and began to walk to work automatically.  What just happened there?  She replayed the entire scene over again in her mind.  The brief warmth of his hand, his cologne, his aftershave, the farewell.  Why was her mind ablaze?  Why did she care so much?  There was no way she was crushing on this man already.  Give her one brooding man in a uniform and she was smitten apparently.  Was that it?  She sighed exasperatedly as she made her way to unlock the library doors.  
As she unlocked the front and turned on the first lights she stopped.  Did she just walk to work?  She sighed and scolded herself again.  Now she’ll have to walk home in the dark.  A fleeting thought crossed her mind in asking Sheriff Hackett for another escort but she shook her head.  That was silly, it was only a few minutes away.  Surely it wouldn’t be a hassle to walk back.  Switching on the table lights and getting the money out while booting up the computer, she was ready to go. 
It seemed like another slow day until some hours later when a group of teens walked in.  They were laughing and loud as they approached the desk.
“Hello what can I help you with?”  She asked.
They stopped and some of the boys noticed her.  She guessed they weren’t expecting anyone else besides old Dorene.
“Yeah we got research papers to do.”  One said.
She smiled, “Alright have at it.  Let me know if you need any help.”
They shuffled passed with their volume slowly rising again.  Some boys were still staring.  She chuckled and shook her head as she sat back down.  They were a very rowdy bunch.  After what was nearly an hour, she leaned over to see what mess they made.  It was quite the pile of books and she noticed little reading.  Sighing she shrugged, it was her job after all.  She didn’t mind the change from the quiet day that was yesterday anyway.  
A girl came over to the desk, “Hey miss, I can’t find a certain subject.”
She perked up and slid her chair next to the computer, “Alright what were you looking for!”
As she was typing through the catalogue to help find the subject, one of their friends called out that they found it.  They gave a shy look at her before thanking her and running back over.  She chuckled as she sat and continued to type on the computer.  She was going to get a little more familiar with the section numbers and how to look up certain books and items.  
Soon after, the bunch began to leave the library.  Some thanked her on the way out while some stared and others ignored her.  Smiling at them as they left, she glanced over at their table.  Wow that sure was a lot of books.  Turning back she noticed it was getting dark outside again.  Only an hour to go now.  Bringing her attention back to her computer she didn’t notice the red and blue lights coming up and flashing outside the doors.  Hearing the door open and some one run in she looked up.
“Sheriff Hackett!  Pleasant as always.  I assume you’re here for your patrol?”
He was slightly out of breath with a panicked expression, “What?  No you pressed your panic button.”
“I did…”  She looked down at her thigh which was pressed up hard against that button.  Her face turned a bright shade of red.  Looking back up at him she noticed that his lights were on in his parked patrol car.
“Well.  What’s the problem?”  He asked with a hint of impatience.
“I…I accidentally pressed it.  I…didn’t mean to.  I’m terribly sorry.”
He gave her a look then rolled his jaw.  Glancing down and then back up she could clearly tell he his patience was gone.
“So you wasted my time is what happened.”
“N-No I didn’t mean to.”  She stood.
“Look, I know you come from the big city with lots of action.  You might assume there is nothing for me to do here in such a small town but run in at false alarms.  Well, you’re dead wrong.”
Tears began to sting her eyes and her heart began to speed up painfully.
“Next time be careful.  I will let you off with a warning, but know I won’t be so fair if you do it again!  Understood?”
She had trouble breathing and the words didn’t come.  All she did was nod before turning away to clutch her chest.  She just needed to get away from this moment.  She needed to calm down.
“Are you alright?”  He asked.
She nodded as she bent over trying to shield herself from his eyes and to stop the pain.  But she heard his footsteps coming closer.  Her eyes were screwed shut.  She just wished he went away.
“Hey.”  His voice was at her back.
And she felt that she was going to pass out.  She felt herself move forward but hands caught her.  Her eyes flew open feeling one on the center of her back and one on the center of her chest.
“Easy now.”
He slowly brought her back up and she allowed it.  Her hand was still clutching her chest as her arms shook.  She felt his hand on hers as he held her chest.
“Tell me what’s going on.”
“I have a heart thing.  It can get triggered with stress.  I’ll be fine.”  She gasped.
She didn’t see, but his face softened and had a guilty expression wash over his features.   He was so close.  So terribly close.  She could feel his chest brush against her back.  Her heart sped up faster smelling his cologne.  His warm hands feeling intoxicating to her.
“Ok listen to me.  Completely clear your mind and breathe deep and slow.”  He said. His voice was a soft rumble.
Her anxiety wanted to spike further.  Her embarrassment wanted to kill her.  But she had a choice to make: continue to freak out and risk passing out or listen to him and cause her body to go into a failsafe state and shut down.  She chose the latter.  Closing her eyes she stood straight and took a huge gulp of air in.  Exhaling, she could feel her body relax.
“That’s it.” He muttered.
She repeated the inhale and just listened to his voice and his own breathing.  Her mind barred off any thoughts.  Her emotions were numbed and she felt her heart begin to slow down.  She felt her chest loosen.
“Good girl.”  He whispered.
A blush slapped her in the face and her mind began to spike again, but she forced everything to shut down.  She’ll just have to remember it at a later, more calmer time.  A few more breaths later and she felt calm.  She then was remade aware of his hands that remained on her chest and back and touching her hand.  A slight blush tinged her face.
“Are you good?”
She nodded, “Yes…thank you.” She wasn’t looking at him.
She felt exhausted.  She barely had any energy left to stand.  Turning to him his face bore shock.
“You look awful!  I mean awful as in sick not as in you.  You don’t look awful…” He cleared his throat, “Anyway, how are you feeling?”
“I’m out of the woods I’d say, just really tired now.”
He gave a nod.
“I’m sorry to have wasted more of your time Sheriff.  And I should be getting things closed up anyway.”
She glanced at him as he shifted his weight and looked down for a moment.  Looking back up at her, his face was still stern but his eyes looked sad.
“I’ll help.  Consider it an apology for my attitude.”
He walked past her without hearing any reply or retort.  She watched him begin to pick up and look at the books on the desk.  A small smile crept on her face and she went to aid him.  She huffed looking at not one nor two but three piles of books those kids left.  Shaking her head, she gathered a few that went together and turned to slide them back in on their respective shelves.  A sound from him caused her to turn around.
“You ok?”
“Yeah just…how the hell do you know which goes where?”
A smile grew and her lips quivered in the effort to hide her laugh.  Biting her lip she approached his side.  He had a book in his left hand and a small pile in his right.  He looked at her and lowered the book to her eye level.  She tilted it in his hand to look at the spine label.
“So it goes alphabetically, then numerically, then by date.”
He nodded.  He moved to put the book on the shelf below, but in the process, their hands briefly touched.  She closed her eyes to take the sudden shock and he seemingly ignored it.  Composing herself she turned and put back her pile.  It took them a few minutes to get them all put away.  Once that was done she walked around to turn off the desk lamps.  He sauntered out towards the doors.  She followed him to the desk and put the cash away and shut down the computer.  Looking up she saw he was waiting for her.
“Oh you don’t have to wait up for me Sheriff.”
He just stood and looked at her.  Getting the hint, she grabbed her purse and sped walked on her way out.  Turning off the final light before locking up she joined him on the sidewalk.
“Thanks for helping out and sorry again.  See you tomorrow I suppose.”
He gave a curt nod before turning back to his car.  He turned back once he noticed her walking down the path instead of towards the parking lot.
“Don’t you have a vehicle?”
She turned quickly, both hands clutching her purse strap, “Oh, yes!  I kind of forgot to bring it.”
He turned fully to her with a look, “You forgot your car?”
She nodded, the blush hidden in the dark, “Y-Yeah.  I walked over to the cafe and didn’t think about it as I just autopiloted to work.”
He looked down and sighed, “Come on.”
“I beg your pardon?”
He looked at her, “I’ll take you home.  Come on.”
“Oh I live just around the corner you don’t have to-”
“Consider it part of my-”
“Apology.”  She finished with a grin.
He looked down with a smile as well, “Yeah.”
She walked over biting her bottom lip, smiling like crazy.  She jogged up to the passenger side and hopped in.  She told him to turn down the street to the left and to drive for a minute before her place was on the right.  
As he pulled up she turned and said, “Thank you again for helping me.  How did you know how to calm me down?  I-If you don’t mind me asking.”
He looked at her then bowed his head, “In her old age my mother developed a heart complication.  Being her eldest son I had to make sure I took care of her, along with everyone else.”
“Oh…I’m so sorry.”
He shifted in his seat and sniffed, “Don’t worry about it.  This your home?”
Glancing back and then to him she nodded, “Yes!  I live on the other side of Margerie and Phil.  And funny enough, you can see the police station just behind.”
He leaned over and squinted.  Sitting back he had a smile, “That you can.”
Unbuckling her seatbelt she said, “Thank you again Sheriff.  I’ll be seeing you tomorrow evening!”
He nodded, “It’s Travis.”
“I’m sorry?”
“My name, it’s Travis.”
She blushed, “Oh…Travis.  It suits you very well.  Um, I’d offer to let you in for a coffee or something but I forgot to go shopping.”
“That’s appreciated but I need to get back to the precinct.” He gave a nod.
She gave a nod back and opened the door.  Margerie was coming out of her side of the house.  Her face was full of concern.  As she stood and closed the car door, Margerie reached her hands out to her.
 “Are you alright dear?”
She nodded with a smile, “Yes!  Sheriff Hackett was making sure I got home safe.  I forgot to drive this morning as I just walked to the diner before work.”
“Oh how sweet.”  She leaned over and gave a wave at Travis.  He gave a small wave back before pulling out and driving off.
She turned back to Margerie, “I hate to ask but I forgot to go shopping, do you mind if I have dinner with you and Phil tonight?”
Margerie’s face lit up, “Oh of course!  We were just about to sit down to my meatloaf.  I’ve been meaning to chat with you on how your first few days were going.”
She gave a chuckle, “I’ll be glad to, thank you so much!”
She was pulled into the beautiful warmth of Margerie’s home yet again.  She was set with a hearty helping of meat and potatoes with a side of cornbread.  Meatloaf wasn’t her meal of choice but it was heavenly!  Margerie knew how to cook.  She let them know how uneventful her day was yesterday.  Today though, she had one group of teens looking for research for their paper and made a huge mess.  
“And I accidentally pressed the panic button.”
“Oh no, Sheriff Hackett wasn’t too hard on you was he?”
She dipped her head, “At first yes but upon seeing me have an…episode, his whole demeanor changed.”
“Episode dear?”
She nodded, “Yea I have a light heart condition caused by stress.  When he made clear how upset he was it triggered some palpitations.”
“I swear that man has no sense about him!  Scaring a poor young girl like yourself-”
She stopped her, “Well he helped calm me down and gave me some breathing exercises.  He made sure I was ok.  And afterwards he helped clean up and then drove me home.”  She ended it with a blush.
Margerie was floored, “Well bless my stars, that isn’t very common of him.”
She nodded, “He conducts himself as a gentleman but he is all edges.  To hear how careful he was with you tonight right after being upset is a nice change of pace.”
She blushed, “Oh.  Say Margerie can you tell me more about him?”
“Have an interest in him dear?”  She gave her a wink.
“I uh, well, uh I-”
“Don’t fluster the poor girl Marg.”
“Oh it’s all in fun Phil.  Well, from what we know his family was wiped out a year ago.  What caused that, we have no clue.  Some say a terrible virus took them.  Others say it was the Hag of Hackett’s Quarry.”
“The Hag of Hackett’s Quarry?”
Margerie nodded, “Yes the Hag of Hackett’s Quarry.  It’s a ghost story where 7 years ago a traveling circus came and burnt up nearby.  Rumor has it the woman had a wolf boy child who escaped while she died in the fire.  Stories say she haunts the woods looking for her lost son.”
“Now to me that’s a load of bull!  I say they either drank themselves to death with their whiskey mine or they shot each other in a frenzied hunting state.”
“So Travis is the only surviving Hackett?”
Margery gave a devilish smirk, “Travis?  He gave you his name?”
She squeaked, “Um…yes?”
Margerie chuckled then continued, “He was the only one to survive and does not talk about his family.  Of course there are rumors that he was the one to take them out.  But, we had an official investigation performed by outside agents and they cleared his name.”
“How terribly tragic.”
“It is dear.  And from what you’ve told me it sounds as if he does indeed have a soft spot for you.”  She got up, taking the plate in her hands and added, “Maybe you can replenish the Hackett family tree.”
“Margerie!”  She yelped.
Phil started laughing.
Margery shrugged, “What?  I’m a sucker for happy endings, can you blame me?”
She laughed along with them; blush burning her face, hand hiding her mouth.  Was it obvious?  Was it that obvious?  Day two and she was smitten for the Sheriff.  And…what if this news gets around!
“Um well…if this was true what you said about me and Travis it would be appreciated for no rumors to be spread…I feel he’d be a bit skittish when it comes to personal gossip.”
“Oh you’re right dear.  Well, I will do everything in my power to keep these old lips sealed.  I am not guaranteeing anything but I will make an effort.”
“Thank you.  I highly doubt though, if I was interested, that he’d be interested back.  I think I’ve made myself look quite the fool in front of him.”
“Never say never dear.”  She said as she was cleaning the dishes.
Getting up from the table she came by Margerie and asked if she could help, to which, she happily accepted.  After cleaning up and being loaded with leftovers, she was sent on her way happy and full.
“See you later dear.  And if any new ‘development’ between you and Sheriff Hackett blooms, let me be the first to know!”
She blushed, “Ah, I shall.”
Unlocking her door she turned on the light and sighed.  Home and alone.  Storing the food in the fridge she went to the couch and sat down.  Holy shit there was so much to unpack from today.  First off, she remembered how angry Travis got with her over the alarm thing.  Her fears had come true about his reaction.  Then his strong hands came around her in a a complete 360 of events.   They held her steady and felt just amazing.  She grew hot remembering the sensation on her chest.  Her head spun remembering the smell of his cologne.  She felt wet at the memory.  But what sent her over was his voice.  His rumbling calm and directing voice in her ear.  She remembered how their hands touched and how he smiled when taking her home.  And of course him giving his name.  Looking down she felt terribly horny.  She knew she was under his spell.  She needed a to go to bed and sleep it off.  Maybe she’ll feel different in the morning.
Lying in bed she tossed and turned.  Her mind was ablaze for Travis.  His image and words kept flashing in her head depriving her of real sleep.  Once she shifted and settled down though, a long and spicy dream overtook her subconscious.  She was in her bed and the lamp was on.  Looking down at the foot of her bed she saw Travis standing there, shirtless.  She gasped as his cold stare swept over her.  He began to move and climb on top of her.  As he got closer she saw that his cold stare was ladened with emotion.  It brimmed with unspoken words.  It looked tender.  
“Travis?”  She whispered.
He looked at her face then her lips and before she knew it he kissed her.   She closed her eyes feeling the world spin.  His hands were brought to the sides of her head.  They gripped the bed underneath and she felt the totality of his body on hers.  He leaned in and she could feel his hard dick pressing at her entrance.  She moved her legs aside and he slid in without effort.  He broke the kiss to look down at her.  He moved very slow and he gave breathy, near silent moans as he did.  She moaned long and low feeling him fill her.  It was soft and slow and tender and even sweet.  The thought ‘was she dreaming’ crossed her mind and in a blink she woke back up.  Sitting up, she hung her head.  What a sexy nightmare.
She felt like a zombie walking into the shower.  With that dream, she had caused for an even harder time sleeping.  Turning the water on cold, she blasted her nerves to force herself awake.  Drying her hair she deemed it good enough and got dressed.  Grabbing her car keys she was sure to not forget it this time.  The morning was dark and cold as she swung into the diner’s parking lot.  Running in for warmth she was greeted with much of the same scene as yesterday.
“Hey there, darling!  Is everything ok?”
She was confused as she approached the counter, “I’m fine why?”
“Sheriff Hackett was running into the library last night with the lights flashing.”
She hung her head, “Oh that, well I accidentally pressed the panic button.”
“Ooo not a good move.  How grumpy was he?”
“Let’s see, on a level of one to Hackett, I’d say Hackett.”
Gail laughed, “What can I get you this time?”
“An espresso and a nice warm bagel please.”
“Sounds good.  Dale!!  A #4 and a #13 hot!”
“Ok!”  Was faintly heard from the back.
The door chimed behind her again and she feared to turn around.
“Morning Sheriff!”
Yup it was him.
“Morning.”  He grumbled.
He stood by her again and her body flushed.  Her spicy dream ran in her mind and she thought her legs were going to give out.  He looked over at her and his face showed concern for a second.
“You ok today?”
She nodded and tried to act cool by throwing in a smile, “Yeah just tired.  Didn’t sleep well, ya know.”
He nodded and looked back, “The usual Gail.”
Gail nodded, noting an odd air between them before shouting out the order back at Dale.
“Everything alright between the two of you?”  She asked.
They glanced at each other with surprise before looking back at Gail.
“Yes?”  She responded.
Gail squinted before going back into the kitchen and grabbing the orders.  She looked at his profile again and fidgeted with her hands.  He was side eyeing her, noticing her nerves.  He put a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t get so nervous ok?  We can’t have what happened yesterday happen again.”
“Oh yes…I will try.”
Gail entered back in and came to a halt seeing this.  A smile crept on her face, “My this surely is interesting.  You don’t make many friends there Sheriff Hackett!   Way to go girl.”
“I don’t know what you mean Gail.”  He said as he took his coffee.  Turning away to leave, he touched her shoulder again, “I’ll see you when I’m on patrol.”
She turned bright red.  If Margerie wasn’t going to spill the beans Gail surely was going to after that.  
“Here you are darling.  Now tell me, is anything happening between you and the Sheriff?”
She shook her head, “No not really.  I…I don’t know why he is being so sweet with me.  Maybe I’ve made a fool of myself one too many times and he pities me.”
Gail had a mischievous glint in her eye but didn’t say anything.  She paid for her breakfast and waved goodbye before heading back out into the cold.  Bringing the car to life she swung it over to work.  
The days from then on were as average as possible.  One or two people would come in, make small talk, greet her, and leave.  Travis would make his evening patrol as per usual.  Margerie would try and pry into any new info but she sadly had none to give.  Though, she was getting looks at the diner whenever Travis entered.  Gail was positively spreading rumors at this point.  But, she honestly didn’t mind.  Would it be so bad if she was seen together with Travis?  Would it be bad for them to be a couple?  The words Margerie mentioned that night at dinner about regrowing the Hackett family tree flittered through her mind.  She blushed with a smile.  She wouldn’t be opposed to it.
Her first week went by.  She had three days to herself on the weekend.  They were terribly quiet and lonesome.  Though, she did enjoy it after such a busy week.  Yet she figured it would get too lonesome come time she got used to everything.  She wondered what Travis did on the weekends.  She felt sad, figuring he was at home alone too.  He was terribly reclusive and she wished he was a bit more social.  That way he could be looked after by friends in town.  Though, having such a family trauma would definitely isolate you.  Her heart ached for him.  
When would she make a move?  It didn’t need to be soon, she was only there a week after all.  Things like these take months to develop right?  Sometimes yes and sometimes no.  Her parents mentioned they had love at first sight while her sister took months for her to come around to a guy who had a crush on her.  There is no formula for this.  If she liked him she liked him end of story.  Sighing, she became nervous.  She didn’t think she had it in her to confess.  Not if she wanted to survive that was.
Another week went by and she noticed a change with Travis.  He’d show up sometime in the afternoon and then again during his patrol.  He claimed he wanted to make sure she was healthy and well, being as she was the only one in the building.  She wanted to see something more in it but dared not to vocalize it.  
During that Friday a nasty storm rolled in.  It was rainy and windy going into work that morning.  Come noon, it picked up considerably.  The wind howled and whistled and the trees slapped the outer walls and doors of the library.  She loved storms but was feeling unnerved with this one.  Mainly because she was at work and not safely tucked away at home.  The thunder made her jump and the lightening sounded terribly close.  Getting up to look out the window, a loud clap sounded right above her head causing her to yelp.  With another rolling in right after, it knocked the power out.  Her breathing increased and her fear shot up.  She was now alone in a dark building in the middle of the storm.
Travis was running around the town like mad making sure the locals were safe and inside during the storm.  Once the power went out, he sped around to the local businesses to make sure they were alright as well.   After popping in the grocery store then making sure Gail and Dale were secure, he looked towards the library.  A panic rose in his chest.  He wondered if she was safe and calm.  Booking it to his car he turned on the lights and sped off.
She was a bit frantic in the dark.  Should she lock the doors?  Should she hide?  If she felt more secure here it probably wouldn’t be a problem but, being it was only her second week, her imagination ran rampant.  She just wanted to go home and curl up in bed listening to the rain pound outside her window; feeling the safe strong arms of Travis around her.  Pacing the library, she didn’t hear the doors swing open.  Travis rushed in drenched and frantically looking around for her.  He called her name but got no response.  A pit rose in his stomach and he began to search the library.  She didn’t hear him as he approached, her heart and her fear pounded too loud in her head.  Walking between the stacks and out in to the space between, she bumped into something.  It grabbed onto her and she screamed.  She screamed and cried as the grip tightened.
“Sh, sh, hey it’s me!”
“I can’t breathe.”  A slight hint of panic rose in her tone.
“Just inhale deeply.  Remember what I told you, clear your mind.”
She felt him at her front.  She was face to face with his chest but couldn’t see him.  She felt his arms around her back and smelt his cologne again.  Closing her eyes she drank him in.  He was here and holding her, whispering soothing words into her ear.  She leaned into him and felt herself begin to calm.  
“That’s it, relax.  I’m here.  You’re safe now.”
She breathed in again and again, feeling her body slow down.  She thought for a moment that she could fall asleep this way.
“That’s it, good girl.”
She snuggled into his chest and as she did the lights flickered back on.  Opening her eyes she peered around but dared not move.  She could now see the dark of his fabric at her face.  She saw his arms wrap around and disappear behind her back.
“Yes.”  He said softly.
She raised her head to look at him.  His dark eyes were looking tenderly down at her and her heart skipped a beat.
“You came for me?”
He swallowed harshly, “I needed to make sure you were ok.”
“Oh…how sweet.”
A paused settled between them as they looked at each other.  His breathing was still a little ragged from all the excitement.  His eyes looked glazed over but still held their sternness.  He was so close to her.  Her body was practically melting into his fame.
“Travis?”  She asked again, breaking the silence.
He didn’t say anything but leaned in closer.  Their eyes locked and danced between them and their lips.  And in the next moment they kissed.  It was soft and chaste.  They both felt that, if they weren’t careful, this illusion would break.  His lips were soft against hers.  His cologne crashed down hard into her senses as she felt him kiss her.   His hands shifted up her back and into her hair.  She brought hers up his chest and around his neck.  He felt strong and what he was doing caused her head to spin.  He was the one to deepen the kiss.  Her mouth opened without resistance and his tongue slid in to meet hers.  He tasted like the outside rain mixed with tinges of coffee.  She slid her hands up from his neck into his hair.  She felt his grip tighten around her as they devoured one another.  He pulled away breathless as he looked at her.  
“We should take this somewhere else.”  He said.
“I agree.  Let me go check the computer and text Dorene about leaving.”
She went to move but his grip pulled her back in for one more brief kiss before he let her go.  She smiled dumbstruck as she walked away.  He followed closely after.  Switching on the computer she found that there wasn’t any internet service.
“Yeah no service.  Good, more of an excuse to go home early.”
“I’ll help you close up.”  His usual tone was now a mix between stern and desperation.  
She couldn’t believe what just happened.  He was here and just kissed her silly.  She chuckled as she watched him run to turn off all the desk lights.  The new fire lit under him was so endearing to see.  She put the money away and threw Dorene a text about no wifi and wanting to get home for safety.  Coming back to the desk her phone buzzed with a confirmation to go home.  Dorene figured no one was going to come out anyway in this storm.
“Alright, let’s get out of here.”  She said.
Travis rushed to her side and kissed her again.  She smiled as his lips met hers.  Breaking away he held onto her arm as he walked them out the doors.  She turned to switch off the last lights and he let her go to allow her to lock up.  When she turned to face him again he kissed her once more.
Breaking away she said, “I’ll meet you at my place?”
He gave a nod as he ran to his car and she did the same.  The sky was terribly dark and the rain pelted down hard.  She bolted to her car, missing the cover of the library awning.  Unlocking her door and sliding in she turned the vehicle on.  Turning on her brights she pulled out and down towards the street.  He waited for her to be in front as she began to turn down the road.  Fortunately it was just a straight shot home in just a few minutes.  She pulled into the parking lot and he did right behind her.  Turning off the car she ran out to unlock the door.  As she was doing so he ran to meet her.  Throwing open the door Travis grabbed hold of her and turned her to him.  He kicked the door closed as his lips met hers again.
“Let’s get out of these wet clothes hm?”  She said with a mischievous smile.
He nodded.  His face held something between awe and pure adoration.  It nearly broke her seeing such a powerful look come through those dark eyes.  She quickly tossed off her shirt and he was in the process of taking off his utility belt.  He carefully laid it on her kitchen’s bar before unbuttoning and peeling off his wet uniform.  She watched him become undressed and her mouth watered.  His bare chest was muscular and lean.  His thighs were just as strong and shapely.  Once he was down to his boxers he moved over to her.  Her bra and panties covering the last bit of her as well.  His hand slid down her sides and he pulled her into his chest.  She kissed him as her hands slid up to his pecs.
Breaking away he asked, “Bedroom?”
She jerked her head to the left indicating where it was.  In an instant he hoisted her up and carried her to the room.  Once there, he threw her down and climbed on top.  It almost mimicked her dream.  She reached a hand over to turn on her lamp.  She wanted to make sure she saw everything.  Every emotion that flittered on his face.  Every physical movement as he made love to her.   His body was cold and clammy from the drenched clothes, but in the process of being so close to her it began to warm up.  Hers did the same.   Lifting himself off he looked down at her.
“Are you sure you want this?”
She gazed at him, “I really do.”
“With me?”
“Travis what do you mean?”
He glanced down then into her eyes, “I’m an old, grumpy cop.  I’m not a pleasant man.  Not to mention I have serious baggage that you might never know the full extent of.”
She was silent for a moment and he looked away.  She brought a hand to his face to turn him back to look at her. 
“Travis Hackett I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you ever since we met on the road.  I’ve dreamt about you just like this to the point I couldn’t sleep.  I know you’re all edges and aren’t the nicest man, but I’m still here!  I want you.  All of you Travis.”
His eyes looked like they flooded with tears.  Turning to kiss her hand he said, “I thought it was too late for me to find happiness.  It always eluded me.  But you’re here and you’re real.”
She smiled, “I am.”
He kissed her.  He kissed her and shifted to take off his boxers.  Her eyes flew wide and she hurried to take off her bra and shimmy out of her panties.  She looked down to catch a glimpse of his cock.  It was long and thick.  Her legs quivered, aching to be filled.  His lips moved down her neck to her breasts.  They latched onto her left nipple.  She gasped and arched as he sucked and rolled it between his teeth gently.  
He hummed as he continued to suck at her breast. Her legs kicked and trembled.  She opened them wide, ready and waiting for him.  He let go and raised up.  He lined himself at her wet pussy and slowly entered in.  She moaned as he gave one as well.  He was slow as he slid his dick all the way inside.  
Once hilted he asked, “Are you ok?”
She arched her back, “Y-Yes, please, fuck me!”
He smirked and rested his face at the crook of her neck.  He continued to move slow, dragging in and out lazily.  His breathing became heavy.  He closed his eyes and began to make soft, cute moans in her ear.  Her mouth gaped open.  She couldn’t believe this was still happening.  He felt so perfect inside her.  He stretched her a tiny bit but just enough to not hurt.  He raised himself back up and began to quicken the pace.  
He was over her.  His hands still firmly planted at the sides of her head.  She wrapped her hands around his forearms.  They locked eyes.  His were no longer dark and stern.  They were full of love, care, and sadness.  Hers were glazing over with how good she was feeling.  
“You’re so lovely.  So sweet.  You’re such a good girl.”  He groaned.
Her breath hitched and she felt herself cum then and there.  She screamed and gasped as he quickened his pace.  Feeling her contract around him and grow even wetter was sending him over the edge.
“Oh Travis!  You’re a good man, my good man.”
His voice caught in his throat.  His breath came out ragged as he gazed down at her.  The words crashed over him in a heightened sense of love and pain.  In the next moment he felt himself about to cum.
“I should pull out.”  He panted.
“Don’t!”  And she wrapped her legs around his waist, “I don’t mind.”
Looking in her eyes for one moment, he screwed them shut as he came.  He moaned and cried out from the intensity.  He thrusted deep and slow until his movements stopped.  As his body stilled he remained over her, panting.  She was breathing hard and glistening with sweat.  Her hair was splayed out under her and she looked at him.  She was absolutely gorgeous.  Feeling over come, he kissed her.  As he kissed her, he couldn’t help the tears from falling.
“Oh Travis, are you ok?”
He nodded but couldn’t look her in the eye.  
“Come here.”
She enfolded him in her arms.  His face rested on her neck and hair.  His body began to shudder.
“I’m sorry.”  He choked out.
“Sh, don’t be, let it out.”  She hummed.
He cried.  The emotions he held back for so long: sadness, anger, resentment, fear, loneliness, and now love; all came crashing down.  She held him as he laid on her, still inside of her.  She stroked his strong, lean back as he wept at her neck.  It was such a tender and heartbreaking moment.  One she never foresaw coming.  After a few moments more he raised himself and climbed off of her.  He moved to sit at the edge of the bed.  He hung his head.  She sat up to hold him.
“Are you alright?”  She asked.
He shook his head not meeting her gaze, “I’m sorry.  Crying after sex is quite the turn off.  I just…”
She turned his face to look at her, “Don’t be sorry or embarrassed.  I couldn’t imagine what you’ve been through.”
His gaze swept over her for moment before he asked, “How much do you know?”
“All I know is that your family died tragically around you.  I can’t even begin to express my sorrow.”
“Well, one day I’ll probably share the story with you.  But now’s not the time.”  He turned to look into her eyes.  He saw nothing but love and concern.  He almost couldn’t bear it, “After this display, you aren’t repulsed?”
She shook her head and looked confused, “Why would I be?  All I see is a broken man.  One who is overdue for happiness.  One that I think I’ll come to love very quickly.”
His breathing shuddered as he studied her face.  There wasn’t a hint of deception or humor in her tone or features.  Tears brimmed in his eyes again as he kissed her.  He kissed her soft and sweet.  He never wanted to let her go.
Breaking the kiss she smiled, “Now let’s go shower.”
He took her hand and she touched his face before she brought him to the bathroom.  She turned the water on and waited for it to heat up.  As they did he held her to him.  Their warm, sweaty bodies pressed together.  She snuggled her head in his chest.  Feeling the steam rise from behind her, she turned and moved to hop in; holding his hand to pull him along. 
The heat surrounded the two as they embraced in the shower.  It was just like what she daydreamed about.  His hands held her as her back was flush with his front.  His hands ran up and down her body.  She closed her eyes and he brought his lips to her neck.  
She smiled and hummed, “I’ve imagined this exact scenario.”
He smirked against her skin, “Wow, you really wanted me from the start.”
She blushed, “I-I mean what can I say?  You're very handsome.  Ah!”  She felt him lightly bite her neck.
She leaned into him as he kissed and sucked, marking her as is.  He wanted to show the town she was his and only his.  Let them talk.  They remained that way for awhile.  Soon they turned to clean one another.  They slowly slid the soap up and down each other, savoring the other’s body.  Near the end the, water was turning cold so they jumped out.  While drying off, a knock on the door sounded.
“I’ll go get that.”  She said.
Exiting the bathroom she wrapped her robe around her tightly.  Opening the door, it revealed Margerie.
“Is everything alright dear?  I was worried about the storm and when I looked I saw your car and Sheriff Hackett’s in the lot.”
She glanced back and turned sideways in the doorframe.  Margerie followed the line of sight to see Travis standing in the hall with a towel wrapped around his waist and another slung around his shoulders.
Margerie gasped, “Good heavens, hello Sheriff!”
He gave a nod.
She turned back to Margerie with a smile, “Well I guess what you said about the Hackett family tree will be true.”
Margerie floundered for words.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow!”  She said with a wink as she closed the door.  Turning back she saw Travis huff and look down with a smile.
“Guess it’ll be all over town now.”  
She smiled, “I guess so.”
She crossed the room to get to him.  The smile that played on his face made her feel giddy.  She kissed him, yanking on the towel to pull him in.  He gave a surprised moan as her lips crashed onto his.  
The following days in town held a different buzz.  Margerie told Ms. Ruth who told the Jones’s next door which in turn made its way to Gail which confirmed her rumors.  Soon everyone knew about their relationship.  Travis never mentioned it but he was worried if the town would disapprove; what with his mysterious family history and his age.  But the dirty looks never came.  He would get smiles on the street and pats on the back expressing how happy they were for him.  Getting all this positive attention affected his attitude and soon he was smiling just a bit more.
Meanwhile she was getting all the girl talk from Margerie and Gail.  They wanted all the juicy details about Travis and how he treated her.  She would never reveal too much, but made it clear he was terribly sweet and gentle with her.  He was incredibly patient and kind.  This set an even more positive outlook for Travis as women gave him stares and winks.  He wasn’t sure how to take this new attention so he’d just nod back and be on his way.
Months and months passed and the love grew between the two.  They were virtually inseparable.  They continued to have unprotected sex since she wouldn’t mind if she got pregnant.  He desperately wanted to be a father so he never argued.  Children were just around the corner for them.
In time their wedding would be small yet full of meaning.  The entire town would be there.  Her family was invited but seeing as they were a few hours away it was ‘too much of a hassle’ to come.  Phil gave her away as Margerie acted as the mother of the bride.  The entire town celebrated late into the night.  Travis never felt so loved, even when his family was alive.  And she felt the same.  She never felt so at peace.  Their relationship was the thing to inspire and rejuvenate the lonely depressed town.
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burrowingkelce · 3 months
Meet Your Mama Pt 3
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I'M SORRRRRRY I KEPT YOU GUYS WAITING WAYYYYYY TOO LONG BUT IT'S HERE NOW 😖 No warnings. Let me know if you want a part 4 to this and what to include.
You woke before Travis the next morning still dazed from the night before. As you carefully lifted his huge arm off your torso, you quietly slid out of bed and to the bathroom.
Your parents house was small, and the bathrooms reflected that, but this was home nonetheless.
You finished brushing your hair before grabbing a T-shirt, flannel, and jeans from your suitcase. You knew being home for a bit was going to mean working hard on the cattle and horses.
As you walked downstairs to see your mom, you heard the bed creak upstairs. Travis was awake.
Once he realized you were no longer in bed, he jolted up, putting his clothes on, and ran downstairs just as you hugged your mom good morning.
You heard his heavy steps and rolled your eyes at your mom. She laughed as Travis came up behind you and gave you a kiss behind your ear before slumping his head into your shoulder.
"Good Morning sleepy head." You said as you reached back to scratch at his beard.
He just grunted before standing up to find a seat at the table.
You made him a cup of coffee and placed it in front of him as he grabbed it and gulped down a few mouthfuls.
"Best coffee ever." He said, wiping his moustache as he stood up and kissed you. He went over to your mom and gave her a hug, then to your dad to shake his hand.
"We got work for you Travis." Your dad said a little too enthusiastically for your taste.
"Whatcha got for me pops?" Travis asked which made your dad shutter.
"Your on cattle duty today."
Great. That means Travis has to get on a horse and cut cattle with no knowledge on how a horse works.
"Dad, Travis never rode a horse." You said, trying to get the point across that he wasn't cut out for the job.
"Then he'll learn. C'mon Trav." Your dad yelled before motioning to Travis.
You looked at your mom, "He's gonna get hurt if he puts him on Captain America."
"Then you better go make sure he doesn't." Said your mom, chuckling.
You ran upstairs to put on your chaps before running outside to the old tattered barn.
You thought for sure this old heap of metal would have collapsed by now, but it's standing just as strong as the day it was built.
You walked inside to see your dad cinching up Captain's saddle.
"Dad, no. He can't ride him." You yelled.
"Sure he can! I've had a private trainer over since you ran off to Kansas City."
You were livid. No one was to touch Captain till you got back.
"You did what?!" You screamed at your dad. Not caring the tone of your voice.
"Don't you yell at me!" Your dad shouted before throwing Captains bridle at you.
"Take care of it yourself then. I'll go get Bristol ready."
You clutched the bridle like it was the last thing on Earth. Captain was too green for Travis and you knew it.
"It's okay Y/N, really." Travis tried to sound reassuring.
"No it's not. You'll get killed if you ride him. Go get Comanche."
Travis grabbed the lead rope and led Comanche out of his stall. Then he grabbed the cross-ties and clipped him in place.
You took the cross-ties off Captain and put the reins over him before putting the bit in his mouth. To your surprise, he didn't throw his head around and took it willingly.
Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on dad. You thought.
You put Captain back in his stall and went over to see how Travis was doing. Surprisingly, he was doing good for someone who knew nothing about horses.
"Damn, good job babe." You said patting Travis on his back.
"Thanks honey." He leaned down to kiss you as your mare, Beyoncé huffed behind you.
"Oh you jealous little lady." You laughed as you helped Travis lengthen his stirrups.
"Okay, you lead him to that round-pen over there and I'll bring the little demon." You laughed as Travis led Comanche.
You walked over to Captain and lead him out of his stall.
"Alright you little shit." You said patting his neck gently.
You put your foot in the stirrup and swung your leg over. To your surprise, he stood completely still.
Just as you were gathering your reins, your dad walked in.
"See? He's bomb-proof." Your dad assured you.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you Dad, you were only trying to help.
"I understand kid. I shouldn't have hired a trainer without asking you first."
You leaned down to hug your dad the best you could before he walked out of the barn.
You gave Captain a little tap with your heel and he walked on.
Travis was walking Comanche around the pen before stopping by the gate.
"You could have got on Travis. He's not going to kill you." You laughed as he used the gate to help get leverage to pull himself on the horse.
"I thought it was better to wait till you came out." He said, blushing.
"Good idea."
You instructed Travis to walk around the pen, then trot. Comanche was pretty good in the lope, but still squirly.
"See if he'll lope. He might be a little squirly." You warned Travis. "Just squeeze with your heels and tell him to lope."
Travis listened and Comanche's ears pinned to his head. Within seconds, he started trying to buck Travis off.
"Lean back and release your heels!" You yelled to him. "Talk to him."
Travis looked worried as your dad came walking over.
"YEEEEHAW RIDE 'EM COWBOY!!!" your dad yelled as you slapped his arm.
"Just shush him Travis and drag out a woah."
"Looks like Comanche could use a private trainer." Your dad joked to you.
"Sign him up."
Travis managed to calm Comanche down and started scratching his neck.
"You trying to kill me Y/N?!" Travis jokingly yelled to you.
"He's never bucked like that. I knew he might have a bit of squirly in him but nothing that severe."
You hopped off Captain and Travis off Comanche.
"Take Captain. I'll ride this brat."
"Are you sure? He might be worse."
"Trust me, he won't be." You looked over at your dad and smiled.
Some days you doubted your old man, but at the end of the day, father knows best.
You and Travis swapped horses and you led Comanche back into the pen.
"He won't do that to me." You told Travis. "He knows your new, so he's testing you."
Travis watched as you made Comanche lope, despite the same ear pinning. Just as he raised his butt to buck, you gave him a light tap with your heel and hand.
"AT" you yelled to Comanche. "Don't you think about it"
Comanche listened to you, but you didn't feel comfortable letting Travis back on him.
"Your not riding him Travis. He's too squirly for you." You looked at him explaining why your prized steed is acting like a toddler.
"That's fair. Guess Captain is the good one today." He scratched him and Captain settled his head on Travis' forearm.
I'm sorry I have to cut this early but I have to get homework done and I don't want y'all to be reading for an hour lol. Like at the beginning, let me know what you want to see in Part 4 and possibly 5. We're definitely getting to Travis cutting cattle in Part 4, but I need a few more ideas. Anywho, I'm going to take a break for an hour to catch up on some overdue assignments. See y'all later!!!
Mentions: @kelcemenow @skywalker0809
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godsfavoritebabe · 1 year
Hey! I'm a new follower and have a Travis Kelce x FEM!reader request.
I was thinking something along the lines of reader is at every KC game and Trav starts to take notice to her and they start hanging out as friends. But reader decides to stand on the sidelines and wear distracting outfits to, well, distract Trav. And it works and boy do things get hot...you can make it as smutty as you'd like, that is totally up to u ❤️ maybe aftercare cuddles too...?
Oh my gosh!!!! I’m excited to write this!!! Please look out for this in the next few days!!!! Thanks for sending in this request!
1/23/23-  Here you go!!! Gameday Lay
Thank you so much for your patience.  I hope you love this!!!
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vikkirosko · 2 years
Angel pranks Alastor, Lucifer, Travis, Vaggie, Niffty and Husk. How do they react if their SO is there to see the prank?
Headcanons Prank
❌️ Vaggie x Reader 🎀
You knew that Vaggie and Angel didn't get along very well, but you tried not to let Vaggie get too angry. You didn't understand why Angel was constantly trying to annoy her. When you saw that Angel made a prank on Vaggie, you didn't know how you should react. Only Vaggie's growing anger made you hurry to intervene
Vaggie annoyed Angel a lot and she would have been very happy to give him a thrashing, but you didn't let her do it. You didn't want them to quarrel, so you hurried Vaggie away, intending to calm her down. You understood that if you didn't intervene, something could happen, because Vaggie was quite short-tempered
You understood that maybe Angel didn't mean anything bad, but you understood that Vaggie was still angry. That's why you tried to calm her down, wanting to avoid unnecessary quarrels. You didn't want their relationship to deteriorate even more
You knew perfectly well that sometimes Angel's jokes could not be funny, as well as the fact that sometimes Vaggie could react quite sharply to phrases that did not hurt other people, which is why you tried to settle conflicts between them, even if the cause of the conflict was the most common prank
📻 Alastor x Reader🎙
Almost everyone in Hell knew that Alastor was dangerous. Many were afraid of him. However, Angel didn't care how terrible Alastor was. You were well aware of this, but you tried not to allow Angel to do something out of the ordinary that could anger Alastor. However, you didn't expect Angel to decide to make a prank on Alastor
You weren't sure how Alastor would react. You knew that sometimes he could get angry, but you sincerely hoped that Angel's joke would not go sideways for him. You've been watching Alastor's reaction, expecting anything. To your relief, Alastor didn't get angry, and even laughed a little. His reaction calmed you down
Alastor saw your concern perfectly well. He was really annoyed by Angel's jokes, but despite this, he did not plan to kill him. He thought it was cute that you were so worried about your friend and Alastor's reaction to the most common joke. He didn't mean to upset you
You were glad that Alastor had a sense of humor. He often joked himself, although his jokes were sometimes strange, but you still loved him. You hoped that in the future he would be so loyal to the innocent jokes of others
🧹 Niffty x Reader ❤
Niffty has always treated most jokes with understanding and humor, so when Angel made a prank on her, she did not get angry, but on the contrary, laughed merrily. Seeing her cheerful smile, you couldn't restrain your own. You were curious to find out what amused her so much, so you hurried to ask her about it. When she told you about the prank that Angel arranged, you couldn't hold back a quiet laugh
You knew perfectly well that sometimes Niffty was scary and that some were afraid of her, but you knew that she wasn't nearly as bad as the others thought. You liked her smile, especially if it was caused by sincere happiness or fun
When Niffty caught fire with the idea to arrange a prank on her own, you were ready to support her. She really wanted not only her to have fun and you were ready to become her accomplice in this. You were sure that her jokes would not cause anyone discomfort, so you were ready to help her in her adventures
You knew that she didn't always have a reason to smile sincerely, so the fact that Angel gave her this reason pleased you. You hoped that in the future she would have reasons to rejoice even though you were in Hell
🃏 Husk x Reader 🥃
From the very moment you met, you knew that Husk could easily get annoyed. You noticed how annoyed he was with Angel's behavior on the day they met, but you hoped that they would not quarrel often. You couldn't even imagine that Angel decided to make a prank on Husk
Husk got angry as soon as he realized that what happened to him was an ordinary prank. He hated being pranked, that's why he got so angry. He wanted to say a lot to Angel, but he noticed your soft smile and his anger began to disappear. It was hard for him to be angry around you
When you were alone, he told you for a long time about his indignation because of the prank. He knew that he could trust you with any of his thoughts, so he told you about what annoyed him. You always listened to him, regardless of the reason for his irritation. You knew he needed to talk and you were always ready to listen to him
Husk knew that you would always be there for him, so he was mentally prepared for the fact that Angel or someone else could make a prank on him or anger him in another way. Next to you, he felt calm regardless of what happened to him during the day
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar x Reader 🐍
When you found out that Lucifer was coming to the hotel, you were worried. Charlie wasn't at the hotel, so you were especially worried. You haven't seen him for a very long time, so you hoped that everything would go well. However, the last thing you expected was that Angel would decide to make a prank on him. He didn't even know who exactly came to the hotel until you told him that Lucifer was in front of him
You knew that sometimes Lucifer could get angry, but you also knew that he had a good sense of humor. You understood that the situation could take an extremely dangerous turn, but Lucifer's relaxed smile and soft laugh calmed you down. It gave you hope that his visit to the hotel would be successful
Lucifer saw how sincere panic appeared in your eyes when you saw how Angel played a joke on him. He wasn't going to be mad at him, but he was genuinely amused by your reaction. You were very nice, worried about your friend and his reaction. Only when he was alone with you, he was able to laugh sincerely, hugging you, banishing all your fears
Lucifer knew that for you, as well as for his daughter, this hotel was important, so he was not going to make a scene, especially because of such little things as pranks. He's been waiting a long time to see you and Charlie, so he wasn't going to let such little things spoil your long-awaited meeting
🚕 Travis x Reader 🍸
When you and Travis were spending time together and his phone started ringing, you didn't think anything bad. He couldn't answer the call, so you took the call and turned on the speakerphone. You didn't expect to hear an unfamiliar voice and Travis will turn pale as if he saw a ghost
You listened carefully to what the voice from the phone was saying. This voice seemed familiar to you, but you weren't sure where you had heard this voice before. However, the more the stranger talked, the more you were interested in finding out how Travis knew this person. Even when it turned out that this call was a prank, you still have a lot of questions for Travis
Travis knew that you weren't supposed to find out that he was familiar with Angel. He tried his best to hide it from you, then the prank he arranged completely destroyed all his attempts. You looked at him disappointed and a little frowning. Travis knew you wouldn't rest until you knew the whole truth
Because of what happened, there was a misunderstanding between you and Travis, but you intended to find out where Angel had his phone number. You were hoping that your assumption was wrong, but the panic in Travis' eyes made you very doubtful
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