#UX Design Companies
quicksandpartners1 · 2 months
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Uncover the untapped potential of your user experience with our UX audit services. Our thorough evaluation uncovers and transforms usability challenges, supercharges user satisfaction, and skyrockets engagement for your digital products.
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dahooks · 2 months
Dahooks places great emphasis on collaborative communication with their clients throughout the development process. They understand that UI / UX development is a constantly evolving field, and thus, they encourage feedback and make necessary adjustments as the project progresses. This iterative approach ensures that the final UI / UX meets and exceeds client expectations.
INDIA contact : Visit: https://dahooks.com/ui-ux A-83 Sector 63 Noida (UP) 201301 +91-7827150289 [email protected]
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appswise1 · 2 years
Best UI UX Design Agency
The core of any technology company in 2022 is UX and UI design. Whether a website, mobile app or B2B/enterprise software, forward-thinking tech startups are starting to understand that the user interface, not the technology, shapes and differentiates their digital product. For this, the company owners hire UI UX design companies to shape their products. 
Large corporations already have user researchers, UX consultants, UI/UX designers, and interaction designers in their digital product design departments. Smaller businesses and startups typically do not have in-house UI or UX designers, so they hire UI and UX design services to market their products. 
Undoubtedly, excellent design and thoughtful user experience increase sales and user retention in the company. 
What is a UI UX Design Agency? 
A UI UX design agency specializing in creating a top-notch user experience for a specific digital product.  A marketing web site's design and architecture, mobile user interfaces, and occasionally B2B software can all be produced by them.  
Any digital product must have an intuitive and user-friendly design. Product adoption is much smoother for new users when a mobile or web UI is simple to understand. It makes sense to hire an outside user experience UI UX design agency. 
Before hiring any design agency, look at their portfolio, social media profiles, and customer reviews.
Appswise : Best UI UX Design Company 
Appswise UI and UX design services go beyond the extensive technical design. The company interacts with the technology team to design great user interfaces for various companies.  
The majority of startups believe they are too small to use online platforms. Appswise design services provide small businesses with the best UI and UX services for their products. The company offers services in marketing, social interaction, and communication.
The team of UI UX design company team members collaborates with established tech giants in Silicon Valley and well-funded startups at all stages. UI and UX designers in the team are renowned for fusing behavioral science and user-focused design to produce digital products with delightful user interfaces that perfectly capture the company's brand, increasing its value. 
The designers can design and create anything, from user interfaces and products to entire businesses, but their main priority is always keeping the needs of company owners in mind. Further, the UI UX design company helps create digital products, UX strategy, and other mobile app development services. 
UI and UX Design:  Top Skills Needed 
Wireframing and Prototyping Skills 
A website's wireframe is a layout that depicts the interface elements that will be present on its most important pages. To create the simplest, most effective user experience, UI/UX designers choose which features to show, which to omit, where to position the elements, and how to present them visually. This is called as wireframing and prototyping process, which the UI UX design agency implements. 
Visual Communication Skills 
Users who see icons immediately recognize what they stand for and can click on them. Lessening the need for written instructions and utilizing visual cues to direct users and assist them in understanding where to go next, how to find the information they require, and what other actions they can take are all components of a practical visual communication skillset. This is used by UX design companies that create sophisticated visual communication. 
UX Writing Abilities 
UX writing is a specialized field that Appswise implements in its UI and UX design services. Microcopy, the words we read or listen to when using a digital product, is a key component of website navigability and the overall experience. UX writing skills can elevate designers' ability to design and craft a good user experience. Concise, practical, and reflective of the brand's values and tone, effective UX writing is concise. With interaction and visual design, UX writing helps create a space where users can succeed.
Website: https://appswise.com/
Address: 222, Mayur paradise, Sompur Circle, Sarjapura Road, Bangalore - 562125.
Call: +91 80735 81080
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codingquill · 9 months
JavaScript Fundamentals
I have recently completed a course that extensively covered the foundational principles of JavaScript, and I'm here to provide you with a concise overview. This post will enable you to grasp the fundamental concepts without the need to enroll in the course.
Prerequisites: Fundamental HTML Comprehension
Before delving into JavaScript, it is imperative to possess a basic understanding of HTML. Knowledge of CSS, while beneficial, is not mandatory, as it primarily pertains to the visual aspects of web pages.
Manipulating HTML Text with JavaScript
When it comes to modifying text using JavaScript, the innerHTML function is the go-to tool. Let's break down the process step by step:
Initiate the process by selecting the HTML element whose text you intend to modify. This selection can be accomplished by employing various DOM (Document Object Model) element selection methods offered by JavaScript ( I'll talk about them in a second )
Optionally, you can store the selected element in a variable (we'll get into variables shortly).
Employ the innerHTML function to substitute the existing text with your desired content.
Element Selection: IDs or Classes
You have the opportunity to enhance your element selection by assigning either an ID or a class:
Assigning an ID:
To uniquely identify an element, the .getElementById() function is your go-to choice. Here's an example in HTML and JavaScript:
<button id="btnSearch">Search</button>
document.getElementById("btnSearch").innerHTML = "Not working";
This code snippet will alter the text within the button from "Search" to "Not working."
Assigning a Class:
For broader selections of elements, you can assign a class and use the .querySelector() function. Keep in mind that this method can select multiple elements, in contrast to .getElementById(), which typically focuses on a single element and is more commonly used.
Let's keep it simple: What's a variable? Well, think of it as a container where you can put different things—these things could be numbers, words, characters, or even true/false values. These various types of stuff that you can store in a variable are called DATA TYPES.
Now, some programming languages are pretty strict about mentioning these data types. Take C and C++, for instance; they're what we call "Typed" languages, and they really care about knowing the data type.
But here's where JavaScript stands out: When you create a variable in JavaScript, you don't have to specify its data type or anything like that. JavaScript is pretty laid-back when it comes to data types.
So, how do you make a variable in JavaScript?
There are three main keywords you need to know: var, let, and const.
But if you're just starting out, here's what you need to know :
const: Use this when you want your variable to stay the same, not change. It's like a constant, as the name suggests.
var and let: These are the ones you use when you're planning to change the value stored in the variable as your program runs.
Note that var is rarely used nowadays
Check this out:
let Variable1 = 3; var Variable2 = "This is a string"; const Variable3 = true;
Notice how we can store all sorts of stuff without worrying about declaring their types in JavaScript. It's one of the reasons JavaScript is a popular choice for beginners.
Arrays are a basically just a group of variables stored in one container ( A container is what ? a variable , So an array is also just a variable ) , now again since JavaScript is easy with datatypes it is not considered an error to store variables of different datatypeslet
for example :
myArray = [1 , 2, 4 , "Name"];
Objects in JavaScript
Objects play a significant role, especially in the world of OOP : object-oriented programming (which we'll talk about in another post). For now, let's focus on understanding what objects are and how they mirror real-world objects.
In our everyday world, objects possess characteristics or properties. Take a car, for instance; it boasts attributes like its color, speed rate, and make.
So, how do we represent a car in JavaScript? A regular variable won't quite cut it, and neither will an array. The answer lies in using an object.
const Car = { color: "red", speedRate: "200km", make: "Range Rover" };
In this example, we've encapsulated the car's properties within an object called Car. This structure is not only intuitive but also aligns with how real-world objects are conceptualized and represented in JavaScript.
Variable Scope
There are three variable scopes : global scope, local scope, and function scope. Let's break it down in plain terms.
Global Scope: Think of global scope as the wild west of variables. When you declare a variable here, it's like planting a flag that says, "I'm available everywhere in the code!" No need for any special enclosures or curly braces.
Local Scope: Picture local scope as a cozy room with its own rules. When you create a variable inside a pair of curly braces, like this:
//Not here { const Variable1 = true; //Variable1 can only be used here } //Neither here
Variable1 becomes a room-bound secret. You can't use it anywhere else in the code
Function Scope: When you declare a variable inside a function (don't worry, we'll cover functions soon), it's a member of an exclusive group. This means you can only name-drop it within that function. .
So, variable scope is all about where you place your variables and where they're allowed to be used.
Adding in user input
To capture user input in JavaScript, you can use various methods and techniques depending on the context, such as web forms, text fields, or command-line interfaces.We’ll only talk for now about HTML forms
HTML Forms:
You can create HTML forms using the &lt;;form> element and capture user input using various input elements like text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, and more.
JavaScript can then be used to access and process the user's input.
Functions in JavaScript
Think of a function as a helpful individual with a specific task. Whenever you need that task performed in your code, you simply call upon this capable "person" to get the job done.
Declaring a Function: Declaring a function is straightforward. You define it like this:
function functionName() { // The code that defines what the function does goes here }
Then, when you need the function to carry out its task, you call it by name:
Using Functions in HTML: Functions are often used in HTML to handle events. But what exactly is an event? It's when a user interacts with something on a web page, like clicking a button, following a link, or interacting with an image.
Event Handling: JavaScript helps us determine what should happen when a user interacts with elements on a webpage. Here's how you might use it:
<button onclick="FunctionName()" id="btnEvent">Click me</button>
function FunctionName() { var toHandle = document.getElementById("btnEvent"); // Once I've identified my button, I can specify how to handle the click event here }
In this example, when the user clicks the "Click me" button, the JavaScript function FunctionName() is called, and you can specify how to handle that event within the function.
Arrow functions : is a type of functions that was introduced in ES6, you can read more about it in the link below
If Statements
These simple constructs come into play in your code, no matter how advanced your projects become.
If Statements Demystified: Let's break it down. "If" is precisely what it sounds like: if something holds true, then do something. You define a condition within parentheses, and if that condition evaluates to true, the code enclosed in curly braces executes.
If statements are your go-to tool for handling various scenarios, including error management, addressing specific cases, and more.
Writing an If Statement:
if (Variable === "help") { console.log("Send help"); // The console.log() function outputs information to the console }
In this example, if the condition inside the parentheses (in this case, checking if the Variable is equal to "help") is true, the code within the curly braces gets executed.
Else and Else If Statements
Else: When the "if" condition is not met, the "else" part kicks in. It serves as a safety net, ensuring your program doesn't break and allowing you to specify what should happen in such cases.
Else If: Now, what if you need to check for a particular condition within a series of possibilities? That's where "else if" steps in. It allows you to examine and handle specific cases that require unique treatment.
Styling Elements with JavaScript
This is the beginner-friendly approach to changing the style of elements in JavaScript. It involves selecting an element using its ID or class, then making use of the .style.property method to set the desired styling property.
Let's say you have an HTML button with the ID "myButton," and you want to change its background color to red using JavaScript. Here's how you can do it:
HTML: <button id="myButton">Click me</button>
// Select the button element by its ID const buttonElement = document.getElementById("myButton"); // Change the background color property buttonElement.style.backgroundColor = "red";
In this example, we first select the button element by its ID using document.getElementById("myButton"). Then, we use .style.backgroundColor to set the background color property of the button to "red." This straightforward approach allows you to dynamically change the style of HTML elements using JavaScript.
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GOOD or BAD day? 😇 Typography design
Get your unique & creative logo now!
PM for details & reservations! 💌
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puppyeared · 3 months
i have to say its a strange experience taking classes on branding and marketing while being vehemently anticapitalist and scorning the economic system
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antisepticz · 2 days
meu primeiro redesign!
[ br / eng ]
[meu primeiro redesign e como isso é mto confuso/my first redesign and how this is so confusing] lição mágica aprendida hoje: paciência.
˚✧ antiseptic ݁ ੭
BR :
’ㅤㅤㅤok é estranho postar depois de algum tempo MAS EU JURO QUE TENHO FEITO COISAS!
primeiramente, percebi que eu não ia conseguir aplicar meus estudos se eu não colocasse em prática (obviamente?), então do q adiantaria estudar se eu não faria nada com isso?
eu estava navegando na minha maravilhosa shein com esse pensamento, quando eu parei pra analisar: POR QUE EU NÃO FAÇO UM REDESIGN DA SHEIN?
sim. eu fiz.
Este site é propriedade da Shein e é destinado exclusivamente para fins de estudo. Todos os direitos sobre os materiais, informações e elementos gráficos apresentados neste site pertencem à Shein e estão protegidos pelas leis de direitos autorais.
ok pra começar: eu não fazia ideia do que fazer. não pensei em nenhuma teoria ou nada, eu só simplesmente fiz???
acredito que esse post vai ser o mais curto do perfil, mas irei tentar explicar meus processos pra não ficar tão sem conteudo. ao final do post, terá o link do resultado caso queira pular!
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a escolha da fonte foi uma abordagem que precisava ser elegante e moderna, sabia que essa fonte foi criada sob encomenda do 6616 studio para um projeto do governo provincial de jacarta chamado ‘+Jakarta City of Collaboration’, lançado em 2020. ela se inspira em fontes como Neuzeit Grotesk, Futura e outras sans-serifs grotescas dos anos 1930, apresentando um contraste quase monolinear e curvas agudas.
a plus jakarta sans é caracterizada por suas formas modernas e limpas. ela tem uma altura-x ligeiramente maior, o que proporciona um espaço claro entre as letras maiúsculas e a altura-x. além disso, a fonte é equipada com contadores abertos e espaços equilibrados, garantindo uma boa legibilidade em uma ampla gama de tamanhos.
agora que te dei um contexto histórico dessa fonte, vou te explicar algumas razões que me fez escolher ela (não, não foi aleatorio ok). a fonte reflete uma estetica moderna e contemporânea, proporcionando espaços claros e legibilidade em vários tamanhos, tornando uma escolha versátil para diferentes elementos, desde títulos até textos menores.
confesso que nessa parte não tenho muito a dizer, o preto é uma cor elegante e básica, tornando a comum. em termos técnicos, o preto é a ausência de luz ou cor. no espectro de luz visível, a cor preta absorve todas as cores e não reflete nenhuma delas para os olhos. legal, ne?
sobre o vermelho, é obvio que eu precisava de algo chamativo; o verde normalmente simboliza elementos da natureza, mas em alguns contextos ele também representa renovação, então, imaginei que essa era a melhor cor pra representar sobre avisos de roupas ou quaisquer coisas novas.
agora o roxo, não sei dizer o que me levou a escolher essa cor, confesso que entrei no site da SHEIN e dei uma boa olhada no motivo de ela estar ali e tudo o que me faz pensar, sinceramente, é porque ela é chamativa, o que faz o usuario ficar ansioso e pensar nossa meu deus TENDENCIA eu preciso comprar!!
esse foi meu primeiro trabalho concluído, de fato. tanto como webdesign como redesign, eu realmente gostei muito de ter feito e me diverti ao longo do processo, mas eu ficava ansiosa pra terminar e percebi que eu tentava atropelar algumas etapas, isso deve ser mais comum do que eu imagino e eu preciso treinar isso, mas tirando isso.... consegui trabalhar bem olhando as referencias do proprio site da SHEIN e acredito que fiz um retrabalho bom!
dúvidas, sugestões ou críticas? me mande um ask, ele está aberto para qualquer tipo de coisa que tenha surgido durante o post. ♥︎
ah, e sobre o resultado final, claro....... eu postei no dribbble! provavelmente vai ser a plataforma que utilizarei em todos os meus posts para mostrar o design final, ent caso vc n queira ver meu monologo, basta pular direto pro final!
[meu primeiro redesign e como isso é mto confuso/my first redesign and how this is so confusing] magic lesson learned today: patience.
˚✧ antiseptic ݁ ੭
’ㅤㅤㅤok it’s weird to post after some time BUT I SWEAR I HAVE BEEN DOING THINGS!
firstly, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to apply my studies if I didn’t put them into practice (obviously?), so what would be the point of studying if I wasn’t going to do anything with it?
I was browsing my wonderful shein with this thought, when I stopped to analyze: WHY DON’T I DO A REDESIGN OF SHEIN?
yes. I did.
This site is owned by Shein and is intended exclusively for study purposes. All rights to the materials, information and graphic elements presented on this site belong to Shein and are protected by copyright laws.
ok to start: I had no idea what to do. I didn’t think of any theory or anything, I just simply did???
I believe this post will be the shortest on the profile, but I will try to explain my processes so as not to be so without content. at the end of the post, there will be the link to the result in case you want to skip!
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the choice of font was an approach that needed to be elegant and modern, I knew that this font was custom made by 6616 studio for a project of the provincial government of Jakarta called ‘+Jakarta City of Collaboration’, launched in 2020. it is inspired by fonts like Neuzeit Grotesk, Futura and other grotesque sans-serifs from the 1930s, featuring an almost monolinear contrast and sharp curves.
the plus jakarta sans is characterized by its modern and clean shapes. it has a slightly larger x-height, which provides a clear space between the uppercase letters and the x-height. in addition, the font is equipped with open counters and balanced spaces, ensuring good readability in a wide range of sizes.
now that I’ve given you a historical context of this font, I’ll explain some reasons that made me choose it (no, it wasn’t random ok). the font reflects a modern and contemporary aesthetic, providing clear spaces and readability in various sizes, making it a versatile choice for different elements, from titles to smaller texts.
I confess that in this part I don’t have much to say, black is an elegant and basic color, making it common. in technical terms, black is the absence of light or color. in the visible light spectrum, the color black absorbs all colors and does not reflect any of them to the eyes. cool, right?
about red, it’s obvious that I needed something eye-catching; green usually symbolizes elements of nature, but in some contexts it also represents renewal, so, I imagined that this was the best color to represent about clothes warnings or any new things.
now the purple, I can’t say what led me to choose this color, I confess that I entered the SHEIN website and took a good look at why it was there and all it makes me think, honestly, is because it is eye-catching, which makes the user get anxious and think oh my god TREND I need to buy!!
this was my first completed work, in fact. both as webdesign and redesign, I really enjoyed doing it and had fun throughout the process, but I was anxious to finish and I realized that I tried to rush some stages, this must be more common than I imagine and I need to train this, but apart from that… I managed to work well looking at the references from the SHEIN website itself and I believe I did a good rework!
questions, suggestions or criticisms? send me an ask, it is open for any kind of thing that may have arisen during the post. ♥︎
ah, and about the final result, of course… I posted it on dribbble! it will probably be the platform that I will use in all my posts to show the final design, so if you don’t want to see my monologue, just skip straight to the end!
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dillyt · 6 months
I really wish more websites/companies took people's potential light sensitivity issues into consideration. Just recently, both my favorite game, Splatoon 3, and the only chat app I use, Discord, have both clearly not considered that when making changes. My light sensitivity has been so bad lately that I consider it a real disability for me as any overly bright thing or sudden change in brightness will give me a bad headache. Upsetting to see that companies don't give a damn even if im not very surprised :(
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quicksandpartners1 · 2 months
The basic goal of UX design is twofold: to deliver a product or service that not only meets but also anticipates customer needs, while ensuring that consumers have a pleasant and rewarding journey. The user experience designer dives under the surface, examining the psychology of user behavior to create an intuitive and user-friendly environment based on human requirements and preferences.
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danyakoritsa · 8 months
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opediastudio · 1 day
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Zebra logo design 🦓🧡
Need a logo? PM us for details! 🧡👌
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axperiance · 8 days
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" Level up your skills with our Software Testing Training and Services, paired with stunning UI UX Designs! "
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roseband · 14 days
ppl complaining about the new legally blonde prequel coming out didn't seem to get the movie cause elle WAS interesting and smart from the get go????
"i have a 4.0...." "but in fashion merchandising"
girlie's got a business related degree from the beginning, even if it's a "frivolous" thing
i think u rlly missed the main idea?
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robotpussy · 9 months
"work in tech the pay is good" I DONT WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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saturnsexual · 1 month
ipads are legitimately a great option at this point for drawing tablets and it infuriates me to no end that apple isn't completely pivoting to this market. Imagining an 18" ipad that can actually connect to a computer or that can run macOS apps while still having an enjoyable UX using the apple pencil for navigating (which is VERY POSSIBLE) has me losing my mind.
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