kikimi34454 · 11 months
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-Vinnie y Sunil-
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cateat · 3 months
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I HATEHATEHATEEEE making backgrounds..
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dhmisfour · 6 months
Vinnil plz
sillies :33
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leffee · 12 days
Day 19: Instrument
"Is this seat taken?"
"...That's my lap, Vinnie."
"I'm aware."
Sunil rolled his eyes playfully and instead of replying reached his arms out to put Vinnie sideways on his lap himself before his eyes returned to the screen.
"So, why'd you want to sit here with me? You don't like history documentaries." Sunil wrapped his arms around the other who made himself comfortable by wiggling in place.
"No reason, was just bored." Vinnie shrugged, wrapping his arms around the dark neck.
"Mmmhhhm," Sunil hummed in fake thoughtfulness. "Alright, if you say so."
For a few minutes there was silence between them aside from the noise coming from the TV. Sunil’s eyes were on the screen while Vinnie snuggled up close to him. However, the peacefulness ended when Sunil felt his boyfriend nuzzling his neck slowly. He wasn't sure quite why, but... something prompted him to act.
He quickly tightened his hold on Vinnie and lowered him, practically dipping him in this unusual position. 
"Sunil? What's up?"
What happened next? Sunil started rapidly planting kisses all over Vinnie's head, face, neck, sometimes even going lower for the collarbone.
"Hehey what's the bihig idea?" Vinnie insisted and squirmed a bit, but he couldn't stop the absolutely delighted giggles that were continuously escaping him, his legs kicking lightly.
"Nothing." Kiss. "It's your own fault." Kiss. "I know well," kiss, "this is what you were looking for when you came here." Kiss. "So don't even try to protest." Kiss. 
"Whaaaat, no it’s not," Vinnie tried to object nonetheless, his right eye closing as another kiss was planted right under it.
"I said don't." 
Gradually over the minutes the kisses slowed down although never ended, Sunil still wanted to watch that documentary after all. Fortunately, the kisses didn't stop fully and Vinnie? Despite his verbal oppositions he kept leaning into each and every one of them, sometimes even brushing his hair aside to provide access to different spots.
They kept it up for a while until Sunil decided to readjust his grip on the one on his lap. His hands moved from Vinnie’s back to his sides, digging into them firmly.
“Eep!” Vinnie practically jumped in Sunil's grip and when that didn't free him, his body tensed up a bunch. He bit his quivering bottom lip that was, but it didn't prevent the corners of his mouth from turning upwards.
“Vinnie, what happened?” Sunil’s expression shifted to one of concern. “Did I hurt you? Do you have a bruise here? I'm sorry,” He let out quickly.
“N-no, I'm not… hurt,” Vinnie stammered out, his voice rising in pitch with each word, “b-but actually I-I want to g-go now.”
Sunil did almost release him until he caught sight of where his hands were. Oh… oh!
“Hmm, no, I don't think so. You seem cozy here. You especially appear to find this,” He dug his fingers more, “quite amusing!”
“Eiee!” Vinnie jumped again, this time not trying to hide his laughter. “Suhuhuhunil! Nohohoho!”
“I think yes.” Sunil grinned. “I wasn't even planning to tickle you, it's not my fault that you're so ticklish you jump at every touch! You’re reacting to each of those touches like a cute little instrument, making beautiful noises for me to enjoy, so deal with the consequences.” And so, he continued. 
“Nohohoho, Sunil, plehehease!” Vinnie tried to wriggle out even more, but just as he thought he felt his opportunity to escape, Sunil skillfully pinned him underneath himself. As he sat on Vinnie's thighs and pushed his hands against the couch with his own, he took in his victim's now panicked expression.
“W-wait, Sunil, seriously, stop.” Vinnie was already giggling nervously.
“And why should I?” Sunil challenged.
“Cause…” Vinnie's eyes darted all around the room, “you will miss the thing you were watching.” He gave his biggest and undoubtedly nervous smile.
However, Sunil simply changed his grip to now hold both of Vinnie's wrists down with only one of his hands, sat up straighter, and pressed the pause button on the remote.
“No, I won't.” He smirked at the frantically trashing Vinnie and without further ado pushed his free hand under his shirt, now wiggling his fingers on Vinnie's ribs. 
And as the “unfortunate” tickle victim continued letting out out snorts after snickers and wheezes they both knew Sunil wouldn't stop all that soon.
It kindaaa fits the prompt word? Eh, Vinnil fluff for the soul.
Doooon't go wasting your emoooooooooootions
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thatonecherrypie · 3 months
So, I finally got to writing out some probably shitty HCs for that hero AU. I hope these are enjoyable!
- Vinnie has gecko-based powers; sticky fingers and feet, nocturnal vision, lower body temperature, etc. He got these abilities when he was a child and got a parasite by drinking out of a puddle. Even after years of tests, there's no sure answer as to why his body reacted this way, or as to why none of the symptoms went away after said parasite was removed. 
- Sunil's powers are mostly just his magic tricks like disappearing and reappearing, short distance teleportation, cool shit like that. He originally wanted to use his skills for entertainment but used them for heroics when he finally realized that he had the potential. He also has small premonitions that appear at random and leave him drained, paranoid and confused, because they rarely give him any solid warnings. These cause him to have major migraines and nausea. 
- They first met while both chasing the same villain(Pepper lmao), who ended up escaping due to Vinnie's impulsiveness. Sunil originally rejected the idea of partnering with Vinnie until Russell convinced him that their strengths and weaknesses would likely balance out and be beneficial
- Related to the last HC, Russell and Sunil work together. Russell is kind of like a manager for him who keeps tabs on stuff. 
- Vinnie is more of an impulsive, physical fighter, where Sunil is more careful and uses more mental tactics. Depending on the situation, this combination is either amazing or horrible 
- Vinnie wanted a super cool alias, but no matter how hard he tried to introduce new names, people just kept calling him “that one lizard dude.” That was until some kid online referred to him as Repto-Guy, and it stuck. Not as cool as Vinnie hoped for, but better than “oh, that guy”. 
- Sunil's hero name is Blue Phantom, even though it sounds a bit… evil to him. Russell was the one to actually come up with it, because “it works with your powers and it's cool and easy to remember! Trust me on this!” and like always, Russell was right
- It doesn't take very long for Sunil, Vinnie and Russell to all become a mini hero squad with Russell forming plans and Vinnie and Sunil actually acting them out. It works for them, but it's absolute chaos. 
- Because of his abilities, Vinnie's eyes are very reptile like, and seeing the way that they dilate and constrict for night vision can be very unsettling if you aren't ready for it. Sunil was, of course, not prepared for it and thought that he had confronted a demon 
- Sunil eventually starts having a ton of visions of Vinnie being injured or killed, so he starts being on high alert at all times and even starts snapping at Vinnie for being reckless at times. He feels incredibly guilty about being so harsh on him, but he's not about to let his partner die because of a thoughtless move
- Vinnie definitely tries to hit on Sunil but it's always at the worst times. Like they'll be fighting off guys that 100% intend to kill them, and in the middle of nowhere Vinnie's just like “y'know, you're kinda hot when you're fighting-” and Sunil never registers it because he's, you know, trying not to die 😭
- Bonus from the previous HC: they definitely all have communication devices, so Russell can hear all of what Vinnie says. And he'll just sit there, dropping his head into his hands and sighing as he hears these awful attempts at completely unsubtle flirting. 
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yaoialien · 5 months
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lukmarc10 · 2 years
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if i had a nickle for every time i shipped two male cartoon animals who have a green/blue color palette i'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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the-littlest-hedgehog · 8 months
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Vinnie teaches Sunil the basics of dancing!
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mintysdump · 2 years
What if i dumped my vinnil art here and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it
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kikimi34454 · 1 year
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sunil y vinnie
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
Sorry guys gotta do this again
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dhmisfour · 1 year
hiii :DD some vinnil stuff that i found in my wips and decided to finish! i swear i dont only draw them AHAHAH i have a penny ling x pepper and the guy trio thing im workin on >:)
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leffee · 11 months
Vinnil headcannons?👀
OTP OTP OTP STUPID ASS OTP UGGGGH I LOVE THEM and this ask has been here for way too long why didn't I answer it before I'm so sorry, your emoji eyes are so appealing. But tbh I am finally free because I decided that I won't study anymore for now even though I should but I so don't feel like it. Anyway:
it's been made clear that Sunil doesn't want to be a doctor (and you know, canonically he's also a mangoose so), and I don't want to force him, but in a universe where he does on his own decide to be a doctor, Vinnie would do everything to become a nurse. Nobody believed at first that he would be able to even study enough to do that because he's Vinnie, but holy shit he's determined as hell. If studying hard for few years gets him to be close to Sunil for the rest of his live he will clench his ass and do it,
as soon as Vinnie meets someone knew and the basic introductions happens he's like "Okay, but lemme me tell you about my amazing boyfriend Sunil, so..." and he won't stop,
to nobody's surprise their favourite activity together is cuddling, shocker, I know,
also a looot of the time Vinnie can be found in one way or another clinging to Sunil, in the not touching ground way. It's one thing if he sits on his shoulders or back, but sometimes he will just wrap all his limbs around Sunil's torso and that's that, he's not coming off,
fuccc top Sunil and bottom Vinnie but not in a sexual sense, you know what I mean? Oh I'm so not okay, but I guess it's best to make it clear now than later,
look, there's nothing more delightful than their height difference and I usually try to keep those around as they are in the show, but not gonna lie, I'm a sucker for keeping Vinnie the same, but just, making Sunil above 2 meters (or 6'5 for you American folk. I have no idea what I'm talking about actually, is that how you write that?), basically I need at least a foot of height difference between those two.
Vinnie is such a lifeline for Sunil whenever he's worrying or feeling anxious. I personally don't headcanon him with anxiety as in mental illness, just excessive worrying but still within norm really. So when he does feel like it, Vinnie will take care of all he can, especially when it comes to social interactions (even if he's feeling not too good himself, but he won't say it). It's just that Sunil is SO important to him, it doesn't matter how he's feeling or what's going on, if it helps Sunil, he will do it
what I'm really saying is that Vinnie would die for him, he's 100% certain of it
I just want them to live in one dorm room is that so wrong
I'm heavily biased :] and scared
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thatonecherrypie · 3 months
More drawings for that hero au I've been slowly working on. Not 100% sure how happy I am with how the shading and lil backgrounds came out. The struggle is real 😭
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I have some headcanons in the making, slowly but surely. I'll try to get those done soon if anyone's interested in seeing those 😭
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tatostatoes · 2 years
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lps but they get worse plus other doodles B)
(spoiler i didn’t go to sleep i went to look at vinnil)
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filmytune-blog · 2 years
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The song is sung by Raj Barman, with music composed and produced by Sachin Gupta. Ijazzat Hai Song lyrics are drafted down by Kumaar.
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