mybiggmouth · 10 months
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this is actually terrorism what…
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jockbroski34 · 3 months
How Things Used To Be
I wonder how long it took me to notice that there was something wrong with Nathan.  We had been best friends for years, ever since the 5th grade, and we always hung out together both in and out of school.  I was hoping things could’ve stayed like that this summer, but it seemed like fate had other plans.  Between family vacations and college prep, it seemed like he didn’t have time for me anymore.  And to make it worse, whenever he wasn’t doing that, he was hanging out with some other guys who I had never met, and he never even bothered to ask me if I wanted to come with.  I know people grow and change, but I didn’t want to see it happen to my own best friend.  On the bright side, we’re going to the same college, so I hope I can see him around.
And I did see him.  It was the third week of courses, once I was starting to get acquainted with campus life.  For once, I was actually being more social, trying to fill the gap that Nathan left.  I used this opportunity to start talking to people in my classes and I found that we had some similar interests.  I wish I could say the same for my roommate, but he mostly keeps to himself and we don’t have much in common.
Okay, back to Nathan.  I was walking back to the dorms after my last class, texting one of my classmates about the homework.  I was interrupted when I walked headfirst into another student.  I should’ve been paying more attention to my surroundings.  I looked up at the giant in front of me, probably 6’3”, before apologizing.
“James, is that you?”  the giant asked.  The voice sounded very familiar, yet at the same time, different.  I took a closer look at him.  “Long time no see, huh?”  I was surprised when I realized who it was.
“Nate?  Woah, what happened to you?”  I couldn’t believe that this person in front of me was my best friend.  This was not the same Nathan from three months ago during graduation.  He was always a bit taller than me, but he had to have grown at least 3 inches.  He used to wear glasses, but it seemed like he switched over to contacts.
In the warm August heat, he was wearing a tank top which revealed his newfound biceps for the whole world to see.  The tank top clung closely to his chest and I could see his newly-formed six-pack through the fabric.  He was wearing basketball shorts that were short enough that I could catch a glimpse of his thighs, which were just as big as his arms.  I never knew Nathan went to the gym, and if he did, he never told me.  But still, I couldn’t comprehend how he became so huge in just three months, which made me more curious about what he had been up to.  A backwards hat fit tightly atop his head with Greek letters on them.  Sigma Lambda Chi…  Had Nathan really joined a frat?  To be completely honest, he looked like he was cosplaying as a frat bro, a far cry from how I knew him.
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“Like what you see, bro?”  James chuckled, as he flexed one of his arms.  He definitely never came across as a cocky showoff, but I was too distracted by his flexed bicep to notice.  I caught myself staring for a second too long, before feeling my face turn red hot.  Me and Nathan knew everything about each other, but there was one thing I never told him.  I was gay.  To tell you the truth, I had a crush on him, but I knew I could never tell him to preserve our friendship.  But now he looks even better, and he hasn’t made time for me at all.  Now he really felt out of my league.
“I’ve been working out a lot lately.  I’m glad you noticed.”  He still had his signature smile, but it looked out of place on his new body.  His face especially looked a lot more angular and masculine.  A visible tan glazed over his body like a fresh coat of paint.
“Daaamn!  You look great, dude!”  To be honest, I wasn’t sure how to feel talking to him again.  On one hand, I was happy to see him again, and, admittedly, a little surprised to see him like this.  On the other hand, he ditched me this whole summer to hang out with some other guys.  It felt so bittersweet.
“If there weren’t other people around, I’d let you…I mean uh, how have you been bro?  I know I’ve been busy a lot lately.  Sorry about that, dude.”  We told each other what we did over the summer, and wow, was his summer more interesting.
As we caught up, I learned more about what he has been up to.  Apparently, he joined a frat and he was hanging out with the guys there more and more.  He promised that he’d bring me to a party sometime, but I was hesitant because I’m not much of a party animal.  That lifestyle just isn’t for me.  He also said he was thinking about joining our school’s football team at the request of his roommate, which I found even more surprising because Nathan never played sports in high school.  I did track, but I was never that big into sports myself.  Our conversation was interrupted as another guy entered the scene.
“Yo, Nate!  Finally found you.  You seriously need to get better at texting me back, dude.  And who’s this dude?”  The guy was wearing the same hat as Nate, so I figured he was one of his frat bros.
“My bad, bro.  Brett, this is James.  We go way back.  James, this is Brett.  He’s my roommate.  We met over the summer and we’ve been hanging out since.”
“Alright, cool, bro,”  Brett responded, clearly impatient and indifferent towards me.  He dismissed me entirely, almost like I wasn’t worth his time.  “You still going to the gym with me or what?”
“Sorry, bro.  I just ran into him and we were catching up.”  Nathan responded.  “Hey, I gotta get going.  We should get food sometime.  Peace!”  I watched as Nathan and Brett walked away in the opposite direction of me towards the gym.  As they moved further away, I could hear Brett chastise him about something.  This is the guy that Nathan ditched me for?  I hope I’m wrong, but he seemed like kind of a dick.  I know I was jealous of him for taking up my best friend’s time, but I didn’t trust him.  As for me, I returned to the dorm to work on the assignment with my roommate.
The next time I saw Nate was that weekend, when I held up his promise to get something to eat.  I tried to ask him about it earlier in the week, but he was doing stuff at the frat all that time.  I was at least grateful that he took time out of his schedule for me for once.  He mentioned that he normally doesn’t hang out with anyone who wasn’t in the frat, almost like they were some exclusive bro clique that I was excluded from.  For once, it was good to hang out with him one-on-one without any of his frat bros getting in the way.  I expected things to be like how they were before, but I couldn’t be any more wrong.
It’s not that I disliked the new Nathan, but I felt like we didn’t have much common ground anymore.  It was like he was a completely different person.  He didn’t seem to care that much about our old interests anymore.  He didn’t have time for video games and he just wasn’t that interested in watching movies or photography anymore.  All he seemed to care about was working out all day and partying all night.  All he would talk about was some stupid stuff he or one of his bros did.
Plus, he told me he switched his major from mechanical engineering to be a personal trainer.  It seemed like he just became a total gym bro overnight.  The studious and witty Nathan that I loved kinda just seemed to be a stereotypical meathead now.  The worst part was that I knew that this was the same Nathan deep down, and he still treated me the same even if he was a lot busier.  I felt like maybe I was the problem since he was clearly still having a good time, and I wasn’t.  Why do I feel this way?
I felt my mood change as we talked.  Eventually, I figured it was time to cut off the conversation and return to the dorm, but Nathan definitely knew something was off.  He texted me later that evening, asking me if everything was alright.  To be honest, I wanted to make some lame excuse that I was feeling sick, but we’ve always been honest with each other, so I told him how I really felt.
Me: Nate, to be honest, I think I need some time away from you.  I don’t hate you or anything, but it feels like we’ve been growing apart and I feel like you’ve become a different person.  I feel like when I look at you, I don’t see the Nathan I’ve known for years, but someone else entirely.
I wanted to say more about how I felt about his new changes, but I didn’t want to escalate things.
Nathan: James, I’m sorry you feel that way about me.  I felt like we had a good time today.  I’ve grown and changed a lot recently, and I’ve realized a lot about myself, but I’m happy with who I am right now.  I know I’m spending a lot of time at the gym or with Brett or my other bros, but I still care about you deeply, bro.  You might be right though.  Hanging out with you isn’t the same as hanging with the guys at the frat.
Me: Do you honestly see yourself as just a frat boy?  You’re more than that.  You’re my best friend.  But now, you have more in common with the jocks from high school than the Nathan I knew.  It’s hard talking to you now since all you care about anymore are your gains and partying.  You’re nothing more than a meathead now.
Nathan: So that’s how you see me, bro?  The reason I had been avoiding you is because I knew that you wouldn’t like seeing me like this.  I guess I was right, bro.  But trust me, I’m happy like this.  I’m a lot more social than when I was when I was with you, and I’ve even become more in shape too.  I care about our friendship more than you can possibly imagine, but I guess this is for the best.  To be honest, I think it would be a lot of fun if you were here in the frat with me, but I know you wouldn’t say yes.
I didn’t bother responding.  I could never picture myself joining a frat.  I would never get along with his frat bro friends, especially Brett, who seemed to be the one he was closest with.  I still couldn’t believe Nate would choose him over me.  I wasn’t sure whether to feel angry, or sad, or disappointed towards him.  I felt like he was wasting his life partying when he should be studying.  To think this was the person I cared about more than anyone.  It was at this point that I figured I probably wouldn’t have my old friend back.  Or so I thought.
A couple weeks passed and I tried to move on from Nathan.  I always saw him on his story drinking and partying late into the night at the frat house or posting selfies at the gym.  He looked like he was fully embracing his new frat boy persona now.  If he didn’t still care about me, it would’ve felt like he was doing it out of spite.  As for me, I started to hang out with my classmates more and more, and there was even a guy I went on a date with.  It was a nice date and I did like the guy, but for some reason, the thought of Nathan lingered in my mind.  Even though I hated what he had become, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about him.  I couldn’t deny how much he turned me on.  Why was I still thirsting after a stupid fucking frat bro?  One afternoon, after I returned to my dorm, I received a text on my phone.  To my surprise, it was Nathan.
“Hey bro, can we talk?  There are some things I need to get off my chest.”
I didn’t know what he could possibly want with me now.  I suppose I can hear him out just so I can see what he wants.  I went over to his room further down the hall, and thankfully Brett was not here to ruin the moment.  Nate said that he was doing some preparations for some stuff at the frat.  When I asked, he didn’t specify what though.  It always feels like stuff at the frat is kept under wraps.
“Did you want a drink?”
“Even if it’s beer?”  A mischievous grin appeared on his face.  Was he seriously offering me beer?  I knew that alcohol wasn’t allowed in the dorms, but clearly that rule didn’t faze him.  Obviously he knew how to get his hands on some drinks.  To be honest, I had never drank alcohol before, but I figured this would be the easiest way to try it before I turned 21.  Plus, it might alleviate the tension between us.  Either that or make us fight like two drunkards in a bar.
“Sure, why not.”  Nate went to get two bottles for us.  I took my first sip and was disgusted by the bitter taste of the beer.
“You don’t like it?  Neither did I at first,” Nate chuckled.  “After a while, you get used to it.”  Nate turned the TV on as we chatted.  I apologized about what I said about him last time we talked, but he said it was no big deal.  I felt like I was a little too harsh on him.  It could just be the alcohol, but I found that I got along with him better than I did weeks ago.  As we chatted, my body started to tingle.  Was this how it felt like to be drunk?
“Hey, Nate.  I feel kinda weird, but not like drunk weird.  Is this normal, bro?”  I asked.  By this point, we both had two drinks each.  I didn’t mind the taste of the beer the second time.
“Nah, you’re fine bro.”  Nate responded, with a smile on his face.  Compared to me, he appeared to be much more sober.  “It happens sometimes, especially when you’re not used to it.”  I figured he knew best, since he was the one drinking and partying all the time, so I ignored this foreign feeling rushing through my body.  I felt as if my body was overheating as I felt my arms and legs throb and pulsate.  Sweat was leaking off my armpits and down my forehead.  There was part of me that knew that something was off, but it was drowned out by the alcohol.  As I took another sip, I felt my arm spasm as I accidentally spilled some beer onto my shirt.  Shit, I wasn’t expecting to do laundry later.
“Damn bro, you made a mess.  You alright?  Do you wanna change your shirt?”  Nate asked.  I nodded and he quickly went to his room to pick out something for me.  It wasn’t the first time I had to wear his clothes.  “Sorry about that, bro.  First thing I found.  Hope it fits you.”  It was a stringer tank with Sigma Lambda Chi on it.  I bet Nate looked like a walking symbol of the frat wearing that stuff.  For some reason, the idea was kinda amusing to me because it seemed so over the top.  I wondered how I would look dressed up like that.  I’d probably look really stupid.
I stripped out of my wet shirt and changed right in front of him.  I caught a whiff from my armpits, and I thought I smelled like a sweaty gym bro.  The tank appeared to be a size up and it hung loosely on me.  Still, it was better than nothing I guess.  Despite that, it had a nice familiar smell to it though.  It smelled like Nathan, but at the same time, it had a different flavor to it.  He smelled a lot more manly than I remembered.  I bet he wore it to the gym often.
Eventually, after my third drink, I went to go to the bathroom.  My body was starting to ache, like I had just done a workout with Nate earlier.  Workout…Was that what happened earlier?  …I think so?  Did we work out after class and come back to his place for some brewskis?  For some reason, the events of today felt incredibly fuzzy to me.  I was starting to forget the reason I was here in the first place.
I clumsily stumbled over my feet which looked bigger than usual.  After I took a piss, I looked at myself in the mirror.  Something was off, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.  I didn’t always look that big, right?  From a first glance, it looked like I was looking through one of those distorted mirrors they have at amusement parks.  I had to have been really drunk at this point.  I chuckled at the figure in front of me.  At this point, I almost looked like one of those frat bros!  I decided to flex my arms like they would, oblivious to the fact that they already grew just a little bit, before joining Nate on the couch.
“There you are, big man!”  he said as he squeezed my muscles.  I have been working out recently, I think.  “I thought you passed out in there.  Most guys don’t last that long for their first time, but you look good enough for another brewski.”
After downing our fourth drinks, the conversation took a different turn.
“Yo, James.  I knew you said you weren’t too big on the idea of joining our frat last time we chatted, but how do you feel now, having thought things over?”
I remembered our last conversation.  Honestly, I was so drunk that I didn’t remember why I turned him down in the first place.  The idea that seemed unappealing to me at the time seemed like it was perfect for me at this moment.  I didn’t even understand why I would be so reluctant to join.  I needed to join more than anything else.  I would do anything to join, even if I had to completely humiliate myself in front of my fellow bros.  At this point, nothing was too extreme for me.  The fact that Nate was in it was enough reason to join, so we could hang out more like we used to.  Plus, I could get to hang out with all my other bros and drink and party whenever we want.
“I’ve given it some thought, and yeah bro, I’ll join,”  my voice slurred as my mouth moved before my mind could.  I had committed at this point.  No backing out now.  I’m a member of Sigma Lambda Chi for life.
“Sweet, bro!”  He grabbed me on my far shoulder and pulled me close.  “I’m glad you said yes, because I have a surprise for you.  Close your eyes, bro.”
I closed my eyes as Nate went into his room to grab something.  Did I actually agree to join his frat?  I’m not sure what’s going on with me today.  When he came back, I felt Nate press on my head as his “surprise” fit tight around it.  “You can open them now.”
I realized I was wearing the same hat that Nate always wore, with his frat’s letters printed on it.  “We’re gonna be matching now, bro.  Isn’t that awesome?  I know you’re gonna want to wear it whenever and wherever.  But you’re wearing it wrong.  Let me fix it for you, dude.”  He turned the brim around so it faced my back.  As my hat turned backwards, I felt my mind fog up and any tension or brain activity screech to a halt.  I was unable to realize what I signed myself up for, unable to protest.  My conscious mind was drowned out by the alcohol and this hat was like a lock, sealing it away.  Not that I was against this, as a wave of pleasure surged through me.  I felt my mind slow down, almost as if it was stuck in molasses, as my thoughts began to simplify. It felt good though...
I would follow the example of my fellow brothers.  Look like them, think like them, act like them.  Almost like a hivemind of bros, you know, bro?  By this point, the changes were irreversible.  Nate had turned me into another frat bro just like him.
“Everything worked out as planned, bro.  You see, when you, my own best bro, told me you didn’t want to join the frat with me, I was actually really hurt.  So I talked to Brett, and had him “work his magic”, to help me do to you what he did to me.  I don’t like to lie to you, but it’s a frat secret, so now you get to know bro.  Like I said, it’s a secret, so don’t talk about this with anyone.”
“Don’t worry about it bro.  It’s all…uh…
Fuck dude, what’s the word…water under the bridge?  Huhuhu…”  I really had to think about that one.  I found it harder to articulate and use complex words, as I mainly just spoke in bro-speak.  To be honest, I wasn’t really that upset that he lied to me.  He did what he had to as a member of the frat.  I never stayed mad at one of my bros for very long.
“Now we get to be brothers for life,” he said as he gave me a big bro hug.  We clung to each other like two giant masses of muscle.  My huge biceps wrapped around his firm back as his did for me.  Afterwards, he handed me my fifth drink and we cheered to me joining Sigma Lambda Chi.  He laid down all of the rules, what everything was like, telling me about the coolest guys there, and so on.  He said he’d bring me to the frat house and introduce me to everyone tomorrow.  “They’re gonna love you for sure, bro.  I’ve got an eye for cool bros like you.”
As it got later, and we moved on to drink numero 6, I felt myself get very tired as we both passed out on his couch.  I woke up a couple hours later, and I looked out the window to see a pitch black sky.  Shit, it was almost 10 PM and I had to turn in my assignment at midnight.  But for some reason, I didn’t really care right now.  I didn’t mind turning in assignments late as long as the teacher still gave me credit.  I felt no different from the way I was a couple hours ago, just another Sigma Lambda Chi frat bro, but I liked it.  It felt right to me.  It was where I, no, where we belonged.
I looked down.  Nate’s tank hung tightly to me now.  It took me a second to notice my arms…Holy shit, they were fucking huge!  I looked awesome, bro.  As I admired my new body, Nate was still asleep, his hand on my meaty thigh.  Just above that, my dick throbbed through my pants.  Fuck, I was so horny for some reason.  Eventually, Nate slowly regained consciousness.
“I usually don’t drink this much on a school day,” Nate said, still a little hungover as he rubbed his eyes.  We sat in silence for about a minute before he spoke again.  “By the way, there was another reason I invited you over.  There’s something that’s been on my chest for a while.”
“Go ahead, bro.  I can take it,”  I responded confidently.  My voice sounded deeper and more bro-like than usual, just like him.
“Here goes, dude.  I think I like you, bro.  Not like you, but I think I like like you.  I know it’s hella gay, but I couldn’t stand to see you be so cold to me.  That’s why I had to make you a bro like me.  I’m sure you’ll love it here, bro.  And hey, if you’re not gay, that’s cool.  We can forget this shit ever happened and go back to being bros for life.”
At first, I honestly thought I was still dreaming.  First, he turned me into a frat boy, and now, he was confessing his feelings to me?  How crazier could this night get?  For all my life, I thought he was straight.  I remembered being glad when he broke up with his girlfriend two years back.  I couldn’t stand her.  When he joined Sigma Lambda Chi, I assumed he was 100% straight and that he was banging some sorority chicks every night.  To think he felt the same way I did all this time.
“Bro, I like you too.  When you stopped talking to me, I started to get kinda jealous.  I didn’t want to accept you for who you are.  But being your bro just isn’t enough for me, bro.”  I leaned in for a kiss, my inhibitions still nowhere to be found.  It was my first kiss and it was with the person I cherished most.  I felt like I was in heaven.  I didn’t really care that I was a dumb frat bro like him anymore.  I never did.  That shit was stupid anyways.  But now, Nate fixed our friendship and made us closer than ever.  I loved the taste of his lips against mine and I didn’t want it to end but eventually Nate parted our lips.
“Wanna fuck me, bro?”  he whispered in my ear.  A flirtatious smirk was plastered on his face, and one of his hands was still wrapped around my neck.  This was real.  I nodded as he took me to his bed.  I had never done this before, but I’ve seen plenty of porn, so I knew what to expect.  He laid down on his back and stripped naked.  I never felt this aroused before.  My dick even looked bigger than it used to be.  I was so pent up that I felt like I was holding this load in for months.  I guess frat bros really are as horny as they say.  I lubed up my larger cock before sticking it into Nate’s hole.
My serpent stretched out his tight hole as he had clearly not seen much action down there until now.  I pounded his ass as my dick went in and out of him.  In and out, in and out, in and out…It was a steady rhythm, my dick was like a metronome.  My hands clung to him as I held him in place, pinning him to his bed.  My hands ran all over his shoulders, broad and muscular, built like a football player’s.  We both felt absolutely euphoric as our deep, masculine moans filled the room.  The moans were loud enough that the students on the other side of the wall could easily hear them, but I didn’t care about any noise complaints as I fucked him harder and harder.  After half an hour of fucking, he both hit our orgasm at almost exactly the same time.  I ejaculated inside his tight hole, my hot, sticky seed flooding his insides as Nate came all over his abs.  At this point I was exhausted and still hungover and I basically fell on top of him on his bed.  We were both panting and out of breath.
“I knew you were a good fucker, bro.”  he whispered seductively as he kissed me.  We stayed in that position for several minutes until we heard the door open.
“Yo, Nate!  Did you do it?  How did it go?”  a voice asked, shouting loudly from the other room.  I recognized the voice as Brett’s.  He peeked into the room, witnessing the two of us cuddling together naked.  To be honest, I thought he would’ve been grossed out.  Guess I had the wrong idea about him.
“Better than expected, dude,” Nate responded.  He didn’t seem to care that we were both naked in front of his roommate and that we just got back from our trip to Pound Town.
“He looks way better this way, don’t you agree, bro?  But man, dude, now I know why you wanted him to be a pledge so bad.  I was wondering why you wouldn’t fuck any of those sexy sorority babes.  More for me, I guess.”
A week passed and by then, I joined the frat officially.  Me and Nate started dating shortly after, but none of our bros minded.  It didn’t matter if we were gay, we were still brothers.  I also learned how Nate met Brett.  He was taking a tour of the campus over the summer and he ran into Brett who was recruiting people for the frat.  Brett took a liking to him and kinda took him under his wing like some sort of mentor and they started hanging out since he only lived a town away from us.  Brett was our age, but he had more seniority and authority because his older brother Brad was very popular within the frat.  Turns out Brett and some of the upperclassmen knew how to turn guys into the ideal bros for their frat.  They wanted to bolster their numbers to make Sigma Lambda Chi the biggest and coolest frat in the state, with the biggest bros and the biggest parties, and naturally both me and Nate were chosen.  Not that either of us minded.  Nate joined the football team with Brett and some other guys in the frat, and the rest of us would go watch them play every game.  Our section of the stadium was always the loudest and rowdiest, especially when one of our bros scored a touchdown.
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Apparently I grew a ton during the night that I was with Nate, but I was too drunk to notice just how massive I had become.  It must’ve been something in the beer, huhu.  I started working out with Nate and Brett, and sometimes some other bros too.  I even ended up changing my major.  I chose business because my bros said that it was the easiest shit ever and I wasn’t feeling psychology anymore.  I didn’t really feel like thinking much anymore and I found that focusing on education so much was a chore and that I was wasting my college experience.  I’d rather be partying and drinking or hanging out with the bros at the frat house, watching sports, playing video games, or playing ball outside.  I got to see why Nate grew to enjoy this lifestyle so much, and I was mad at myself for not seeing his point of view sooner.
Three years later, me and Nate are still dating and we’re set to graduate this semester.  We’re thinking about getting a place in the city not too far from campus, probably with Brett and another friend of ours to save money on rent.  We’ll probably still throw parties every weekend like we used to.  College was such a memorable experience and I wish I could live it again.  I only have Nate, Brett, and all my other bros to thank for making college awesome for me.
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obey-me-disaster · 11 months
Hey there! How’s it going? If I may, can I request some headcaons on the obey me brothers trying to seduce MC? Please and thank you!
These guys have to literally take a 'seductive speechcraft' class at RAD, in theory they should be good at seducing, in practice not so much
Warning: slightly NSFW
Obey me brothers trying to seduce MC
He keeps it simple. He doesn't see the point of doing complicated mind games when he knows that MC will choose him. That's not to say he won't try to win MC over or make them feel special.
Between Lucifer encouraging MC to be bolder when it comes to their advances and his confidence there isn't anything that could go wrong, in his mind at least.
He is often assertive in a way that would make MC feel like being swooped off their feet while still leaving room for them to refuse. He will make sure they know he will take care of all of their desires.
He often invites them over, either to his study room or the music room to spend some time alone together where he can be more forward.
Mammon is really smooth when it comes to flirting and seducing, just not when it comes to MC.
He is too caught up between being a tsundure and just being genuinely worried about making them uncomfortable by being too forward. Still, after a while he will get over some of his worries, he is MC's first man after all!
He is one of the most sought after models in the entire Devildom, he knows how to use his looks in his favour and how to get people's attention, especially MC's.
With how much time he spends with them, Mammon knows how to make MC feel like they are the only person that matters to him and to make them think about only him.
That also includes what words to say and in what way too touch them. Still, he always leaves it up to MC to decide if they want to take it further. He will let them take control so they could go at their own pace.
Tries to think of it like MC is a love interest in a video game, otherwise he would never be able to do it.
Tries to kabedon MC and it works at first, until he realizes how close the two of them are and panics.
Depending on the MC, his cringefail personality and being borderline pathetic and endearing at the same time would probably do the trick and seduce them imeanitworkedonme
Still, he has his moments where he can be more dominant! Especially if it would be in a virtual world, where he is more in his element. Sure, he would still be nervous but he would actually manage to flirt with MC.
To add to the previous point, he actually did that in a devilgram, where he lowered one of the sits in the car and told MC he could be in charge too.
Also I am sure he has at least 3 slutty cosplays. All he needs is a little bit of courage and he could use them.
A really by the book approach, the type of thing you would see in books. He has a lot of connections but most of them were not made by seducing other demons.
His attempts would be a bit awkward at first, feeling a little bit too stiff, but after observing to what MC responds the best he will start to get better at it.
Does MC respond better to words? Well he doesn't have high grades in seductive speechcraft for nothing. He knows how to get MC wrapped around his finger. Starting from innocent remarks to comments that would leave MC's imagination run wild.
Do they like physical touches more? He may be a little bit more awkward but nothing that MC would notice.
He is probably experimenting with new feelings too, cause seducing MC, someone he actually fell for, is way more different than his normal seductive speechcraft.
Literally the best, that's his whole thing. Sure he has his eyes to help him, but he has been a lust demon for a long time, he knows how to seduce someone without magic. And like Mammon, he knows how to use his body to get other people's attention towards him and his body.
Has the best combination of lingering touches that just leave you wanting for more and of words the can be left up for interpretation, really making MC think that they want Asmo even without all the seduction.
He knows just from looking at MC's slightest change of reactions when to stop or when to push forward. He knows how far he can go with exploring their body without ruining the sexual tension. He would get them so riled up that MC would be the one initiating anything. In his mind he is just giving them a little push.
He also loves to tease them throughout the day only to disappear, leaving them wanting for more. He doesn't need to even see to know that he is all they can think about.
I will be sincere, I don't think he really knows how to seduce people in the traditional sense. He would probably seduce MC by accident.
He would just call them in order to record his workout routine and when MC would get there he would be shirtless and sweaty, and they would have to sit behind a camera filming a shirtless Beel literally flexing his muscle
He would also lick food right off MC if they happened to drop some on themself. He literally licked wiped cream off MC's fingers in season 2.
He does all of these things by accident, and while he may be oblivious and not the best at seducing he isn't dumb. He will see how MC reacts and will start doing these things more often.
He would probably make them help him with his workout so MC could really get close to him to see and touch his muscles. post work out sex I am just saying
He really takes advantage off all the time cuddling with MC to see how far he can go when it comes to touching them, while still making sure they are comfortable.
It starts either with a hug from behind when MC is doing something else or with simple cuddles. His hands will start to wonder just slightly under their shirt or just barely over their thighs all while trying too see their reaction.
Everything he would say would be done so either with his face in the crook of their neck or as a whisper near MC's ear. It probably just be normal stuff at first, but the more he sees MC get into it the more he will start going about what he would actually want to do with them.
It's a really slow process but the little shit knows how to use his words and from what started as innocent cuddles it leads to MC doing nearly whatever he wants.
I also feel like he would go into their dreams and try to seduce them there too. This would led to MC having to seek Belphie out once they wake up from that dream.
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thatbitchery · 5 months
& remember the first sign of a loser loser loser loser is hating school. Yall should've unfollowed me 2023 this year I'm laying it on you as is.
If you're not in some sort of murder level clas enroll right now. & it has to be so hard it feels like a death sentence
Ladies any form of "escape the matrix" and "you don't need school" & whatever school hating content out there is level down programming meant to keep you stuck and weak. School is the closest imitation to real life you get so dropping a class because it's too hard is your sign to tie yourself to your moms basement and never leave because you sure as heaven not making it in corporate, business, friendships, relationships, and, God Forbid, parenting. You Manifest a future as a stone because that's the most you can do with that mentality. Dropping out because you have anxiety is another great sign to move to the Amazon and cosplay a sloth because if you think there are human interactions in the adult world that won't make you feel anxious ahhh baby my baby. You got it so wrong, baby. If you can't focus in a 30 minute lesson just take your dream board & burn it up burn it upp and try your hand at being a house fly you'll have better luck. If you drop a class because you don't like the teacher stay as far away from romantic relationships and friendships and , especially, corporate & entrepreneurship because girly don't we have news for ya. Can't manage your time? And you want to be a CEO? Are you kidding?
School is the closest imitation to real life you get & the better you are at it the better you are at life, the harder your school life is the better your real life will be. & I mean take biochem engineering & aeronautical engineering first year college, get your ass run over by it BUT learn to sit still, to power through, teamwork, study techniques, etc so no one cares about your A [fun fact most A students don't make it] but did you power through it? K then junior year do the thing you actually like.
Not liking school for whatever reason is loser mentality if you couldn't make it past test drive what makes you think you'll make it on the highway. Back in high-school when I told my grandma I'm giving up on my scholarship because I'm getting bullied and tortured and ostracized her response wasn't a hug it was a slipper grandma of color style because do you think that won't happen in your adulthood? You think you run from a problem and it goes away? Go back in and make it tf. Notice how I'm not focused on what grade you get? My friend works at firm (one of the top of the country) that don't employ people with a history of As , it's not about academic excellence, can you get to cheer practise at 6 am and be in class by 7? What makes you think you can be a mom then? "Independent" can you schedule yourself? Manage classes, sports, hobbies, a part-time job, home chores , friendships, and free time? WHAT DO YOU THINK ADULTHOOD IS ABOUT? what makes you think running from that in school (where you have guidance & forced community) will keep you safe? Out here you're all alone sis. And now the government protects you like a treasure that ID days 18 and its up to you to protect yourself. If you can not sit still in a 30 minutes class you don't like what makes you think you're cut out for corporate? Yall ain't never left your moms house and it shows, no one that has been in the real world has that level of delulu.
Pick the damn calculus class & power from an E to a C- so when you're running your business & you meet hard things you dislike you have muscle memory to power through it & bc your business is something you like it's easier. Go to school with the girls that dislike you & find a way out of that so when your mom in law or officemates are being flaky you know what to do, you don't run. Sit through that class with that one homphobic sexist bigoted teacher so when you land a job at your dream firm you don't resign in six days and sabotage shit because you're delulu enough to think your little tantrum matters.
School , especially boarding school, is the closest imitation to real life you get. Power through it, take advantage of the resources & always chase the hardships now that you have people charged with guiding you so you're not 25 unmotivated with no accomplishment despite your A's , barely functional adult feeling like a loser because you let tiktok & escape the matrix bojo creators lie to you. Do you want to be one of those 35 year olds heavy on magical thinking because you didn't learn what your parents literally paid for you to learn under the guise of 'self care'. Don't be dumb dumb.
Success spills over
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seawardboundsammy · 25 days
after many months of work, I reveal my magnum opus. The Sidestep Battlejacket.
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pov: ortega seeing sidestep whole for the last time
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Holy shit! It's finished!!!
This was my final for my costume design class and it took. so long. Weighing in around 800 pounds in faux leather and spikes, this is by far the most polished and focused battle jacket I've ever made. also noting that typically i wear big glasses! i just had to show off sidestep's eyebags (my hair is always teal though! ult fave color). The prop gun is a nerf gun covered in so much paint.
This design is based off my sidestep Arbor's suit combined with the dog themes sidestep has (eg: bite the hand). More thoughts and wips under the cut!
So this jacket has actually existed in some form since 2020. I bought this leather jacket with the intention of covering it in studs and spikes and then i petered out half way through. Then, after sitting in my closet for 4 years, i finally started back up on it.
These images were my gospel through the project. The design on the left was made a while before and then you can see in real time how i developed my ideas. I had the idea of the front side being "sidestep" and then the back side with the teeth being "retribution/vsona". like a mullet of trauma. the gun was made to match the organic flowing designs of the jacket, to fit the arboreal theme.
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the painting of the teeth was a painstaking process filled with much masking tape and clean up. the arm stripes were free handed in a mad dash to the finish. I used Angelus Leather Paints (which i bought WAY too much of, a little goes miles also its so good not sponsored its just good paint) and every section got two coats of white and two coats of teal. The only exception was the orange which is much more transparent which took more coats and hand cramping with those letters. (which btw! no stencil! just moving my brush around all silly style).
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i really wanted a prop to make the jacket into something that actually feel like a cosplay, so i hunted down the most sci-blaster nerf gun i could find on amazon and threw gallons of paint at it. the experienced among you may note that nothing wants to stick to that smooth of plastic, but with a solid sanding and angelus acrylic hardener i made it work. originally there were more stripes but it looked busy. there were also going to be two charms for charge and anathema but i um. forgor.
unsanded vs sanded (and some acetone to remove paint) vs final
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the hood! good god that hood. that was ripped off an old hoodie and then i found a shirt at a thrift store that just happened to match the color perfectly. its. attached. if you know anything about sewing, please look away from this evil seam. the purple is just to keep it from fraying btw, the actual connection to the jacket it with a much thinner thread in big stitches as to not weaken the faux leather too much. also you can see where i was testing the paint lol.
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if you read to here, thank you!! im so proud of this thing and i cant wait to wear it everywhere (when the weather allows.) have a sleepy steppy as a treat for sticking around
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The RFA w/ MC who loves sewing
What? A post? From me? You're crazy, there's no way that's happening.
I'm trying to get back into writing for this blog and recently started replaying Mystic Messenger because I want poor sleep 💕 Basically I'm letting my fixation fuel my writing because... the sentence ends there.
Enjoy these headcanons! I thought they turned out really cute~
(FYI: I used fem!MC for these headcanons; girlfriend/wife/etc.)
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He found out in the RFA chatroom when the two of you were talking about games and hobbies.
Yoosung had been excitedly telling you about the armor set he had gotten in his latest LOLOL binge, sending a picture and saying how he wishes he could wear cool armor in real life.
“I can make it for you”
“MC… what???”
And this is where he discovered your passion for sewing and your side-hobby of cosplay
He had a little experience with sewing, he could sew on a button and fix small tears thanks to his high school “home ec” classes, but you’re talking about making entire outfits and costumes from scratch.
He is amazed and thoroughly impressed by your talents, even moreso after you send some pictures of your completed works.
It’s amazing that you can make your own clothes, but he’s definitely super impressed with your cosplays. They’re insanely detailed, matching perfectly with the source material. He often says that your cosplays look better than the source material. They’re true works of art in his eyes.
Praises your talents nonstop.
Talks about it all the time to everyone. Every one of his friends knows how skilled his girlfriend is. And the other RFA members know tenfold.
After hearing you talk about your projects, Yoosung decided to join the sewing club at school in the hopes that he could help you with your amazing work! (Not that you need help, he really just wants to participate in something you love)
What ends up happening though is him sitting beside you at the sewing machine and getting lost in your working rhythm. (“Yoosung, are you paying attention? I thought you wanted me to give you tips?” “S-sorry, MC!! You’re just… really good at this… Like magic!”)
There’s no way he’ll be able to catch up with your skill anytime soon, so you compromise with him. You’ll make the costumes, but he has to cosplay with you~
(I have a short fic continuation of this! You can read it here)
He found out just before one of his performances.
The costume he was wearing was a bit snug but worked fine in all the dress rehearsals, so he didn’t think much of it at the time.
You were backstage with him before opening night, ready to tell him to break a leg and give the audience a show to remember, when you saw the rip in his jacket.
It was a seam rip behind his left shoulder. Not the worst, but clearly noticeable.
Curtain was in ten minutes.
“Hyun, take off your costume.”
“Jagyia, I know I’m irresistible, but can you wait until after the show?”
“Not like that!!!” >////<
You pulled a flat black case from your purse and opened it, revealing a small sewing kit. You had everything you needed for a sewing emergency. Pins, buttons, snaps, scissors, an assortment of colored thread. And needles, of course.
You fixed the rip and strengthened the seam with four minutes to spare.
Zen asks you about it after the show (which went perfectly, thanks to you) and you explain your sewing hobby to him. Mentioning that you always have your little sewing kit with you for emergencies like tonight.
You show him pictures of the projects you’ve made and entire outfits you’ve designed and created from scratch. A good chunk of your wardrobe are pieces you’ve made yourself.
Of course he supports you! He’s so impressed and is constantly gushing about how talented you are in the chatroom.
Though nothing could prepare him for the moment you said you wanted to make something for him. Looking up at him with big hopeful eyes as you asked if he’d let you design him an outfit. His heart nearly burst.
You poured hours of time and effort into these pieces for him, determined to make this your best project yet. Your magnum opus. (You also sent concept sketches and fabric swatches to Jaehee for her “professional fan opinion”)
When he put it on for the first time, he was speechless. Everything fit perfectly, there wasn’t a part of the outfit that was uncomfortable in the slightest.
And he may be a bit of a narcissist, but he swore that the clothes you crafted made him more handsome than he thought possible. He looked good but never this good.
Your heart was filled with sunshine and warmth when he decided to wear it to an interview.
“My outfit? It’s custom-made. My girlfriend is a very talented seamstress and this was a gift from her~”
She found out when she called you to complain about the c-fur she was still cleaning up around her apartment.
“Ugh, I’m sorry, Jaehee. I know how bad that can get. I took care of my friend’s cat for a weekend once and I spent an entire month cleaning fur off all my fabric.”
Your fabric?? “What fabric, MC?”
The fabric for your projects of course! Once she got you started, you happily explained your passion to her and how you’ve been making your own clothes for a while now too.
She is also very impressed with your skill and also impressed with how handy it is. You very generously offered to mend her favorite blazer when one of the seams split. You also fixed the two loose buttons you found.
When you two open up the cafe together, you made Jaehee a custom apron to wear. Even going so far as to embroider her name on it along with some decorative coffee beans.
It’s her favorite apron and the one she wears the most while working. (until it has to be cleaned, but then it’s right back in the cafe for her to use)
It gets a lot of compliments too and you’ve actually had a few customers commission you from Jaehee’s (unintentional) promoting.
You since made more clothes for her, even an entire sundress similar to one she had been looking at while you both were out shopping. (You didn’t think the one sold was her color, so you made one yourself that would highlight her best~)
The only issue is the thread and fabric scraps that tend to scatter just as bad as the c-fur… but hey, at lease the end result is more useful! And she can always count on you to tidy your mess when you’re finished~
You mentioned it offhand. Simply mentioning the stitching quality on one of his ties and how you hadn’t made a tie before.
He followed up asking why you would want to make a tie, to which you explained that you often made your own clothes but would love to give yourself a little challenge with something you hadn’t done before.
Initially, he didn’t quite understand. He could easily have any outfit you desired tailored specifically for you, there wasn’t the need to go through all the hassle of making it.
You had to explain that it was your hobby. That, while time consuming and occasionally tedious, you truly enjoyed making your own clothes, and showed him some examples from your closet.
“I’m quite impressed, MC. I’ve only seen this kind of quality come out of trained professionals.”
“I’ll take that compliment. Thank you, love~”
He gives you an entire studio for your projects. While you insist that he doesn’t need to give you so many elaborate gifts, you have to admit that the space is very nice. Much better than working in cramped conditions or on the floor.
While Jumin doesn’t have an interest in joining your craftiness, your husband is more than willing to encourage your hobby monetarily with machine repairs and high quality materials.
Whatever you want, you can have. You’re his darling wife after all.
He even gifted you an antique sewing machine, a vintage 1902 Singer Treadle. You don’t “use” it, but you learned how to just for fun. It’s a lovely decoration of your hobby at the least.
And, yes, you did make a tie for him. Two actually, but you only gave him the second one, insisting that the first was practice only.
It quickly becomes his favorite and he always wears it to important meetings. It’s like having you right there with him for support.
It also becomes quite the talking piece at one of the RFA parties when a member of the Cultured Citizens asks about the brand and price.
“This tie was handmade by my wife and is certainly priceless.”
He already knew because of course he did.
He would often send you (jokingly) ridiculous “orders” with impossible time frames, including:
An iridescent “Statue of Liberty” costume - 3 days
Twenty-seven onesies for ducks - 4 days
A prom dress made of pasta - 3 days
An overnight yeti costume
The two of you would banter about it in the chatroom until someone told you guys to knock it off, it was never not fun.
Whenever you finished a new piece or outfit for yourself, you would try it on and call him while standing in front of the camera in the apartment, asking for his opinion.
The cat-themed overall skirt was the one that broke him. You were just so cute with all the decorated pockets~! And the buttons looked like little cats too! You’re just too precious~
After the dust of the first party settled and Saeyoung had his brother back, you took it upon yourself to make Saeran some new clothes. He was going to be your brother-in-law, after all, you wanted to make him feel welcome.
Of course, it then turned into making both boys some new clothes as you kept thinking of new ideas. Not that you minded, this was your passion after all.
I think Saeyoung would also give you your own room/studio in the bunker. A place where you could spread out without worry. (Vanderwood was just grateful he didn’t have to keep cleaning up thread)
Saeyoung was also happy to help with any repairs your sewing machine needed, or he’d just make you a new one… or three… with some—interesting—added features.
“Saeyoung, dear, I don’t think my machine needs a Ph.D Pepper dispenser.”
“But what if my honey gets thirsty while she works?!”
“...But won’t the sewing shake up all the carbonation? It would explode on my pretty clothes T^T”
“OMG! I’m so sorry!! I’ll take it out right away!!”
This kind of conversation happens regularly.
Eventually, there was one top-secret project that you were working on… one that you made Saeyoung swear not to snoop through. Even going so far as to have Saeran keep an eye out to make sure his brother stayed true to his word. (He did but he whined about it)
The project took a long time and you had to have Saeran help you order the materials in secret.
Saeyoung didn’t like being kept in the dark, it made him uneasy. You assured him it was okay and that you just didn’t want the surprise to be ruined.
He was still uneasy, but he trusted you.
And it was all worth it in the end…
When you walked down the aisle in your handmade wedding dress, glittering and shining like stars in the night sky you both loved so much.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
random (stupid) things the brothers have done
a/n: my brain is fried from neuroscience, glad it's almost exam time and it will be over
not proof read
content warnings: mentions of drinking, getting arrested, this is lowkey a crack post
signed paperwork in some weird situations, like while he was using the bathroom, during dinner, while mammon was driving him around in his car
mixed black coffee with demonus (google says to not do this so please don't)
called the store he got a pair of pants at to complain about the fact that one button came a little loose in the wash
he actually studied hard for an exam and decided to treat himself at the mall, but accidentally spent way too much
he had a job at the devildom equivalent of ikea and broke a chair in the showroom because he thought it could go back
mammon didn't get fired he blamed it on a random customer, he got fired a week later because he fought with satan when he came to get a shelf
at rad, he was wondering why his wireless headphones weren't working, meanwhile a fellow student got jumpscared because their headphones suddenly started blasting hana ruri music
he needed a really specific fabric for a cosplay, it was really hard to find it anywhere until there was some of it in the back of a closet, little did he know it was some expensive table cloth lucifer got as a gift
he was trying to feed a cat in an alley, but the cat didn't like him and refused to take the food, satan got really frustrated when it left, so he started swearing but a passerby called the police on him because they thought he was robbing somebody in the alley
fought with mammon in the ikea he was working at, satan broke a lamp or two and blamed it on his brother, he sure hopes that wasn't the thing that made the boss fire mammon
he got arrested with solomon one time, they had a little too much to drink at the bar and accidentally drove off with somebody else's car, lucifer and barbatos had to bail them out
arrived a little early at a concert once, so he decided to get on the stage to take some pictures, but the lighting guy decided it was a good time to test the lights, they flashed on, surprised asmo and he fell off
beel also got arrested, he got a little hungry at the supermarket and ate all the bread then and there, this wasn't the first time sonething like this had happened
belphie really wanted to go stargazing with the rad telescope one night, so beel dragged him into the school but he forgot to turn the alarms off, belphie had a good scare (let's assume student council members have keys??)
forgot to change into his uniform multiple times, he was just sitting in the classes wearing his sleepwear
one time at the family dinner, he fell asleep on his chair and ended up falling sideways on some random guy at the table next to him
slept in or on ikea showroom furniture multiple times, one time another customer opened a closet to find belphie inside
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canaidliafail · 1 year
stay grounded pt.3
streamer abby x streamer reader 🌿
[ part 1 ] [ part 2 ] [part 4]
MDI. Things get spicy here <3
not proof read // will check for mistakes later tonight <33
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Your favorite class aside from sewing, was without a doubt art classes. First two hours you did still nature with charcoals or pencils and the other two you would draw modeling figures and practice on how you could translate the fabric type you intended on using in your sketch.
You were good at drawing. It came naturally to you and your teachers questioned how did you end up in fashion design and not art college. You were his favorite.
But it had been a week since you saw a sign from Abby and everything was going to hell. Last post she made was a photo of her with Nora in cosplay which only accelerated your spiral. To be fair you hadn’t initiated contact either but that was neither here nor there
“Did you not have time to draw these days ? Your strokes are very messy…” Your teacher said hovering behind you and studying your piece. You would have screamed actually and then cried and then you decided then you would bomb the city
You gave him a curt smile “I had a rough week at work” He sighed in understanding and patted your shoulder “Ah so young and already having to balance all this. I understand its hard. You can take it easy today then” he said and half an hour later came back to give your sketch an empathetic look that looked like constipation.
At the end of the day you rolled up the papers with your pitiful sketches and shoved them in your bag crinkling the edges. You felt stupid for letting someone on the other end of the world affect your life that much. Hell it's been barely a month that she noticed you ( you refused to account for all the other times you tried to get her attention by sending bits or commenting on her chat a year ago and the occasional like left on a post that made it her -for you page- )
You were at the cafe across from your college building sitting on the bar counter in front of the large glass doors sipping on the overpriced cappuccino and biting the rim of your reusable cup.
She got me a ridiculously overpriced statue. That has to amount to something, no?
Then again she did mention to her it wasn’t that different from getting me a cup of coffee…
Your mind went in circles. Did Onlyfans pay her so well that she could mindlessly toss her money left and right? It wouldn’t be such a bizarre concept to be fair. She was after all at the peak of her career with girls begging to see so much as a collar bone. You nibbled on your lower lip fighting the temptation to see her page.
Did she post gym pics ? Did she post more than that?
You went to her page and tapped under her point at the link leading you to another site with all her links. At the very top, sat a square with the short description of
You looked around you and tapped the button and waited for the page to load. Your cheeks flushed. Her banner cropped nicely above her collar bones and below her chest where she showed her arms that were the sole focus of the image.
Her profile photo was a dreadfully common gym pic taken on the dirty mirror near the treadmill section. So effortless yet straight to the point of who she was. She knew what her followers wanted, you included. The illusion that she was just your next door neighbour and this your private chat that turned raunchy at night. You hesitated around the subscribe button.
Crossing that line came at the average cost of 20.99 per month. You pulled out your credit card and went to make an undercover account and subscribe to her profile. Hell there was probably no chance of this ever going anywhere so there was no harm in you indulging in a little more and having something to look forward to after class, right? Right.
You took another sip of your coffee deluding yourself that this didn't cause your heartbeat to spike an unhealthy amount and blamed the shakiness of your hands to your drink
Subscribed for 1 month
Came the message and there was an automated response from her account in the mailbox.
I knew I’d find you here ;)
This cocky motherfucker. You clenched your cup and started scrolling your eyes widening in surprise. There were some posts behind a fat paywall starting at 50 euros going up to 100. You occasionally shrugged one shoulder at the more casual posts and then stopped at one particular image of her with a towel low on her hips, topless with the foggy mirror perfectly censoring your chest. You took a screenshot and decided to go light a candle at the local church next Sunday.
The next photo that stopped you and made you forget that breathing was a necessity was one where she was at the beach with grey cargo pants and a tight white top,sleeveless with a wide cut on her front. The white top ,most importantly, hugged her figure not because of an elastic fabric but because it was wet.
You had never seen more beautiful and well shaped tits. You hated how well it all came together and you hated that the wet top did nothing to hide her pierced perky nipples. Of course there were 389 comments below that pic all thirsty and all equally delighted at this new found discovery that Abby had piercings.
You shook your head and exited her page crestfallen and horny. What a powerful combination. Why did you ever even consider having a chance? You were no different from all the other fans flocking to her page and your reaction to those pics were no different than a mans. You crossed your arms and buried your head in the small dip between your body and hands, fighting back tears and thoughts. Reasonably you knew that Abby did not mind how her followers viewed her as you found her often responding to those comments with her very own bold and flirtatious way. You knew that and yet it was hard to undo years of shame for your nature and Abbys sudden radio silence didn't help
It was ready. You had never worked with so many materials for something so big before but you were proud to say that the knight armor you crafted was stunning and it was a perfect fit on you. With the release of a new game you Wanted to for once be on time with a costume to wear and take some photos. Besides, it was the least you could’ve done with the company giving you early access to the beta of the game a year ago and now sending you the collector's edition free of charge. You snapped a few pics in your bedroom which in itself was fitting of the whole romantic knight fairytale theme. You tried to film a few videos and tried to post on every platform you had and once you were done with that you tossed your phone aside and went to prepare the house for the weekly sleepover that you and your friend group had
Cassie: Hey babe sorry I’m late,Just go in the bus <333
Rick: Do we have the stuff ? Should I bring mine?
You checked a box near your makeup station and opened to see how much you had left. Definitely enough for 2 cigarettes
No need. I got it
June: Open the door shitface I've been buzzing for 10 minutes
Stay there and freeze to death
Came your response and lowered the volume of your music to realize that Indeed June was here. You leaped to your door and buzzed her in leaving the door open to go take off the armor. You tried not to get impatient and ruin it in the process of taking off every garment. The door slid open wider and then shut closed. June was huffing in pain and rested her hand in front of your bedroom watching you change in spite and anger.
“You hate us all and that's why you live in a place without an elevator”
“Nice to see you too” you said with a smile and she hopped over to your side to give you a quick and tight hug
“How are you doing?”
“Shitty but what's new. Someone has to entertain the group chat with their misery” June laughed and walked out of your room to the living room and plopped down on the couch tossing her bag on the floor and grabbing your controller to change the music and connect to her account. She let phone music fill the halls and got up again waiting for you to finish changing.
You quickly threw on a baggy pair of sweatpants and a crop top and walked out with her “So should we order coffee or a drink?”
“Way ahead of you, Cassie got us our usual already and she told me she is almost here”
Few minutes later the buzzer went off and in came Rick “That’s it. I’m giving up on love. She hates me. She absolutely hates me” Behind her Cassie followed with a cardboard containing all of your coffees yelling at her from the staircase all the way to your apartment
“Will you stop it?! She literally told you to meet tomorrow! TOMORROW!”
“Yes but her tone-“
“Her tone was neutral” Rick huffed out upset and went to sit in the living room
“I take it you have updates for us with your infinite crush?” Rick sulked and grabbed her phone to start reading out loud her latest conversation while occasionally laughing at her own jokes.These get-togethers started by happening once every two months to now happening almost every day as your friend group grew close and it always helped you feel lighter and more chipper. Your phone went off with a notification and you nearly screamed.
Staygrounded69: hey
“SHE texted me. Wow I really thought I was about to get ghosted for good”
Everyone snapped their head at you
“What are you waiting for then ? Answer!!” Cassie urged you on with an excited smile. You shot up and went to your kitchen needing to be away from the others as not to embarrass yourself any further
Whats up
You free to hang out for a game?
You hit your head on the table and groaned out loud. Your friends expressed a mess of concerned sentences all asking you in their own way what happened.
“SHe wants to call and play a game”
“GO FOR ITTTTT GO GET SUM GIRL” June screamed and you shook your head
“No I won't cave in that easy”
In the distance you heard Cassie tease “Sure that you won’t do, but having her Onlyfans pic as your lock screen is not above you” and you would have given her a jab on the ribs but decided against it and went type a response
I’m not alone.
I have company tonight but we can still chat or something?
Unless you only wanted to play a game then we can hangout tomorrow…
It was embarrassing how desperate for her attention you were. She used at best 3 syllables and here you were meeting the word limit in a school essay. You saw the three dots appear and disappear as Abby considered her response. You leaned back on the stool and checked your nails,pressing at the skin around them mindlessly.
Works for me, how was your week?
She asked and you felt your heart beat loud in your chest and cold sweat run over you. You could not entirely grasp why her giving you the attention that you craved so badly made you so nauseous and so anxious but you brushed it off to you simply having a crush that intense
It was something. Classes were ridiculously slow
Right. You’re still in college ?
Last year but yeah..I study fashion design.You aren’t?
Oh no I still am. Which is why I still vanish. Classes are A true pain in the ass
You smiled,warmth spreading all over your body. You were pacing in the kitchen while exchanging back and forth meaningless info about your day and your general life. You were surprised to know she was the same age as you but that was about as many similarities as the two of you had but that did nothing to falter either interest in the conversation.
Oh Alice just came.
Give her a pat from me <3
And in came a photo. You opened it without hesitation and were quick to keep your finger pressed on the image processing what was in front of you. Alice was comfortably seated between Abbys thighs and her head was snuggly pressed on her leg looking up at the camera. Now whether Alice was in the image or not it didn't matter cause your eyes were stuck on the fact that Abby was only in a black pair of boxer briefs and she did nothing to divert the camera lens away from that fact.
Her arm was starched out patting Alice’s head, her veiny hand on display. You fixated on those long calloused fingers and you almost moaned just at the thought of what they could do.You hated that you couldn’t take a screenshot and cursed igs safety feature of showing the other party when someone did that. You exited the image and tried to think of an answer.
Damn. She is almost in frame
Don't blame me for your wandering eyes babe
You smacked your head on the table with a loud thud and it rumbled in protest,
“You alive cotton?!” Rick called out and the rest chuckled. You checked the time and noticed you had been talking with her for a good two hours at this point and despite wanting to continue the conversation you had to join your friends at some point
“Yeah gimme a few”
Shit You almost made me blush
Almost? Damn. Better luck next time
She said and you let out an awkward half laugh half sigh not believing what you were reading and how well this had gone. You bounced your leg in distress. You were beyond aroused by this attitude. Be it the photos, or her attempting to make a pass at you, you could feel the inevitable burn and ache in your core. You let out a scream and heard a glass fall and rick cough
“The hell?!”
“What happened?!”
“I’m gonna kick you for that what the fuck”
Came their voices in startled unison
Well Ill have to leave you high and dry. My friends are calling me
Go have fun. Talk to you tomorrow ?
Sure :)
They ran into the kitchen expectant and you let out a mumbled
“She said talk to you tomorrow”
You were sure you had lost 89% of your hearing capabilities from their cheerful screams.
At precisely 4 am you decided to give up on sleep and left the living room trying to step around the bodies sleeping on the floor amongst the pillows and blankets going to your bedroom for some privacy. The ache was persistent and you had to do something about it. You locked the door and unlocked your phone going straight to Abbys Onlyfans. There was a message there
A video behind a paywall. A paywall of 250 euros with the caption “was thinking of you” and right below the video was a separate message
You closed your eyes the minute your fingers slipped and purchased the video. A video unlike anything else on her profile where she wore a sleeveless baggy t-shirt and the same boxer briefs you saw on that photo she sent you earlier that evening. She was sitting on her gaming chair with her legs spread and the camera was placed on the bottom cropping her face out. You watched as her fingers teased the waistband and in came her voice
Were you thinking of me?
It was lower, suggestive unlike how she usually talked. You pressed your thighs and pushed your back against the bedframe falling deeper between the pillows. Your hand laid comfortably on top of your tummy an inch away from the elastic band of your sweatpants. You circled the area hesitating to delve deeper but when you saw Abby initiate the notion by slipping her hand beneath her underwear you did the same, your body having a mind of its own.
Are you touching yourself for me baby?
She asked and you almost let out a breathless quiet “yes” but all that came out was a pathetic whimper. You mirrored her circular slow movements and hated how painfully slow she went about it and as if she knew exactly what you thought she added
Are you getting impatient ?
You bit your lip trying to hold back a moan. Her voice reeked of sex and the eroticism of her moves drove you insane. Your head was spinning and when you dared to outpace her you heard a very low breathless sigh come from the video and echo in your head. The video ended there and your eyes shot wide open in disbelief. You checked the time. It was a 3 minute video.
You thought and closed the tab leading back to the chat on onlyfans. A new message was there
-Enjoyed it cotton?-
Fucking fuck
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iamafanofcartoons · 9 months
RWBY Fans talk about what makes RWBY enjoyable for the FNDM.
I want to take a moment to thank the RWBY Fandom for coming together on post
and discussing why RWBY was an enjoyable show for each of them.
Everyone here had a fantastic reason, and I am grateful to each of you!
@hmvw2015 : For me, RWBY filled the void left behind by Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.
It’s one of the few shows I’ve seen (aside from Adventure Time) that grows up with its audience.
The fight scenes are so incredible! They’re lightening fast I would have to rewatch the same episode at least twice or thrice! Easily rivaling those done by Studios Gainax or TRIGGER, or Titmouse.
Since every character, place, and object have connections to fairy tales, mythologies, folklore, and classic novels, it did a great job portraying them to their root inspirations. Plus, I’m always digging deep into their designs and backstories.
The music is almost top tier to the music from the Disney Renaissance Era. Maybe even better than that. The songs add another layer of foreshadowing for the characters, and they’re fun to listen to~!
It tackles issues like self-worth, abuse, and death.
The series basically screams “Women’s Rights” and “Gay Rights” and proud of it. :D
@ammy246 :
I've always enjoyed the characters, and I like how there are 4 badass female protagonists who are each enjoyable to watch. I also like how the villains are actually threatening, so the heroes have to put effort into earning victories unlike many works of fiction. The animation always excites me, because you never know what you're going to get. And, don't even get me started on the amazing soundtrack.
@cinnamonrollfuckhead :
it tickles all the right things about me. i got in trouble for reading in classes when i finished my work early at school, it was nearly always history or mythology. i was an ancient Egypt kid. i read outside my age group. if Snapple wanted to employ me to write factoids for their caps i would take it. i was hooked on RWBY immediately despite being older than any of the main characters. i found an unlikely character to relate to in Jaune. i loved how it balanced serious and goofy themes.
@satoshi-mochida :
Some stuff I like about the show is that it's pretty fun and entertaining to watch, has constantly improving writing and animation(the CRWBY recognizing ACTUAL criticism, and working on those), with smarter and deeper than some may think moments, well-done characters, great music and songs, and probably more. I even cosplayed as Jaune(and the 'HuntsMan' with a Wonder-Zwei plush)with my then-girlfriend before COVID hit and other stuff happened, and enjoyed doing that.
@haunted-meatsack :
I'm waaaaay behind but I started watching for the fight choreography, music, and battle skirts. Plus I'm a sucker for small girls who kick ass with GIANT weapons. Then the story and characters kept me coming. I need to catch up.
@bumblebyfan :
I like RWBY due to a lot of reasons, for starters, the relationships between the main characters, and how they constantly help each other, I also really like the whole fantasy setting and how funny it is at times, I also really liked how they handled Ruby’s arc during season 9, as someone who has had... intrusive thoughts
@xlbingo10 :
one thing that i particularly like about rwby is that the characters aren't dumbasses. i feel like so often in shows i watch there's an episode conflict where the characters make an obviously terrible plan that will clearly backfire horribly just for the sake of the episode plot and it's always painful to watch, so it's really nice to watch a show where that doesn't happen.
@sir-somewhat :
I love the cast.
I honestly can't say there is a character I am not fond of in some way and that includes the villians.
I love the idea of semblances and the faunus.
Also I want more faunus lore. Given the existence of the Ever After I have to wonder if the Faunus came from another world created by the Brothers.
@ghost-of-sparda :
Rwby was a show I found in college that I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy, but as I watched it- I found myself completely enthralled in the world created by Monty Oum and his friends. It’s story has me on the edge of my seat every episode, and it’s anime vibes make it a treat to watch. It’s not perfect, I will admit that- and there have been times where I didn’t agree with a direction of story telling at first. However there hasn’t been a show that gets me as excited as RWBY does since I was a kid.
If you grew up watching anime, or grew up watching anime- I’d give RWBY a go. If you are still not over the Owl House/ She-Ra/ ATLA/ LOK/ Naruto/ or any other amazing series with crazy fights and an amazing story: I recommend Rwby as your next obsession.
And if you want to give anime a try, but are still dipping your toes into the medium- Rwby is a good half way point for newcomers.
@aspiringwarriorlibrarian :
I really like the characters and their arcs, tragic villains, the triumph of hope and healing, and the fantasy elements.
@miki-13 : I love how they use fairy tales and myths as inspiration but execute them in really interesting ways, as well as how human and grounded everyone feels while inside such a fantastic setting.
@thatringboy :
For the same reasons above, I’m also in love with the complex motivations behind the antagonists. Mercury hated the world and needed an enabler, Emerald needed security, Cinder snapped after a lifetime of abuse (just like Mercury), Hazel wanted revenge, Lionhart wanted to save himself, Raven wanted to save herself, Tyrian is just insane (based), Watts wanted petty revenge, Neo wanted revenge but doesn’t know what to do afterwards, CC wants to fulfill their cruel purpose, and Salem just wants to finally die. Torchwick was a comical villain who posed a dangerous threat, the Malachite sisters were doing their jobs, Ironwood was a victim of his own paranoia, Cardin was just racist, Cordovin worships her superiors, the Fennec brothers too, Adam wanted total control over everything and everyone in his life and would stop at nothing to get it, Ilia believed in a cause, Tock was following orders, it’s all so varied and exciting!!
@pyrokinetic-murder-hobo :
I honestly fell in love with this project immediately back when the red trailer was first introduced to me.
Though the animation for RWBY was simple and understandably a lot of people regard it as not the best. Even V1 and the original 4 trailers had a living soul to me and there was a certain charm to the characters and the animation.
What kept me coming back is I find myself being unable to predict where the show will go and it honestly keeps me drawn in that my thoughts and predictions are completely circumvented. The show doesn’t follow the trajectory of really any other media and Monty navigated it masterfully.
There’s so many relatable characters and the situations they are put in are approached not perfectly but in a human way as to be a human (even if you have copious amounts of power) means you’ll definitely trip up.
But simply put I’ve loved this project since the beginning with the 4 trailers and could write a dissertation on why I love this show and include a long list of different things I love ranging from OST to characters to design animation. But maybe a talk for another day
And it made me some awesome friends on tumblr of course too which is a major plus (you better know who you are lol)
For me, RWBY is a change of pace.
It allows for women to be shown as independent characters, just as smart and strong as male ones.
It doesn’t use fanservice , you don’t have internal monologuing during fight scenes, you don’t have people screaming random attack names, and the music and designs are great.
I appreciate the humor, its not toilet humor or degrading humor like a lot of anime.
It also tackles difficult themes like abuse, leadership, morality, and debate.
It also takes the white male savior trope so common in the fanfics that people use to promote their OCs, and takes a giant dump on that garbage. If anything, when people say “the fanfics are better than the show” you’ll see them promoting a white male savior trope above all else.
Finally? Its a pro-LGBT show on many aspects, which amusingly infuriates a lot of straight shippers who defend their straight white male character who they put on a pedestal.
@grimmgrinningghouls :
for me RWBY is a comfort
It has been for 10 years
I literally would not be who I am today without this show
I'd probably still be a closeted lesbian living in a conservative household with an abusive father
and a mother who hated me
hell I may not even be here
But instead I'm living across the world from them and I'm okay
As okay as I can be
Its helped me through so much and its introduced me to people I have become life long friends with
These funky little lesbians are part of my life and they will be till the day I die
@snowqueenofmyheart :
Agreed to the above, as well as being able to enjoy a story that centers women in a way that doesn’t reduce them to simplistic tropes or fanservice. I’ve been looking for more female-centered material over the last several years, and stumbling upon RWBY turned out to be a real joy in that regard. Across the board, you have so many compelling female characters, heroes and villains alike. Not to mention two main characters being explicitly in a queer romance is a delight and a relief.
@youraveragecatastrophe :
well first i love fantasy so we're off to a good start between the monsters heroes and magic
the characters are a very strong point of this show. they're well fleshed out
(even many secondary characters including villains and despite the big cast!)
and they get the opportunity to develop and evolve
i love the themes! love and hope and caring about each other and all that
the fights are really fun to watch especially with the unique weapons and everyone's different fighting style
the story is really compelling and well written too!
also gayness. can't forget the queerness
really this show has everything
@foulfirerebel :
The music was what first made me get interested in RWBY. The hard hitting rock that also carried quite a bit of meaning into it if you truly took a moment to listen to the lyrics.
So, from there I watched V1 at a friend's house and felt it was good. It did a good job with the action scenes, and setting things up for the characters.
Volume 2, however, is where I truly fell in love with the show. The appearance of Cinder, of Ironwood, the food fight, the investigation into Torchwick and the White Fang, the dance and hacking sequence! Everything pointed to something more going on. Something hidden waiting to spring forth!
V1 was a great entry point, V2 convinced me to stay and hooked me, and when I finally marathoned V3 I was EAGER to watch V4 and onward. Any and all quibbles I may have had melted away when the Fall of Beacon happened.
So, long story short, I love the story. I love how things are built up and come back further down the line (Jaune's issues, Ruby's issues, etc.). I love how the characters do go through a lot and need help getting back up. I love how sincere and earnest everything is without a hint of irony.
I love the slow burn relationships, and that the show doesn't end with those relationships just being established. I love that, despite everything, this one little indie show has continued going past everything that's happened in a decade since it started. I love that the story is engaging, the characters are deep, the writing is great, and that I'm even feeling bad for the villains which I don't normally do.
RWBY may not be the most perfect thing ever, but frankly I love that the writers do see and incorporate feedback into their work. I love that, unlike how Halo or Star Wars do things, you don't necessarily need to have read all the side content to understand things too.
Most of all is I love how this show has improved on every level: animation, writing, voice acting, etc. It's just so refreshing. It's the Little Engine that Could continuing onward and getting better as it goes.
And hey, being a Bumbleby shipper since V3 and being vindicated in V9? Cherry on the sundae. It's been a wild ride, and I'd love it to continue.
@maor-koren :
RWBY is one of my favorite shows, it take a unique concept and make it very enjoyable to watch.
The main and side characters are all unique in their own way and very enjoyable.
The story is really good.
The animation, fight scenes and the design of the characters and places are all very pleasing to the eye.
And the music is phenomenal.
Don’t let other people make your opinion! look at the show and see for yourself if you like it or not!
@but-a-humble-goon :
Rwby is, in a word, earnest. Its characters are unashamedly sincere, affectionate and vulnerable and the show understands not only that these things are not a weakness but that there can be no greater measure of strength. It’s a story overflowing with heart that categorically rejects stoicism and nihilism and never once apologises for itself. Nothing has ever hit me harder and I do mean that.
@mikey-polo420 :
I watched RWBY Because i was drawn in by the trailers when Monty was alive and i liked the idea of cute girls fighting monsters with giant weapons, then i wanted to see their journey through beacon and now i've become invested with the Messages of hope the show presents, i love each of my precious children and want to see them achieve their happiness , i want to support RWBY to it's conclusion because that's what Monty wanted, it's what his friends wanted and they deserve to complete his Brain child.
@mooninoir :
i started watching when vol. 1 was still going, with a fansub (!) working hell and back to translate each episode as they came out. i remember waiting every week to see a new episode, and when the last episodes came, i was entirely invested in this sci-fi fantasy series with fairytale elements and wanted to know what would happen next.
and, for me, it's an endearing series that i enjoy watching, even with its flaws. it's fun, but it also has a heart. i like how it didn't shy away from telling a broader story. vol. 3's gut-wrenching finale was for me what made me realize i was not there just for the amazing fights and cool soundtrack, but for the characters and how they live in this crazy world. it was amazing to watch its worldbuilding evolve to such great lengths and see the characters i like to grow and learn and evolve along with it. they are done well and don't feel misplaced in the narrative. it just flows nicely and i guess the latest volume proved that to me (the themes, the motifs, the characters' choices, and the visuals) everything comes together, y'know?
and i just... like it. i like rwby. i really do.
Why do you watch this show?
I watch RWBY for the cool characters, interesting setting and engaging overarching story and arcs, plus some gorgeous animation, sets and awesome music.
What makes it appeal to you?
Women, including queer women, are center stage and given tons of dynamic personality, agency and exploration in ways I rarely see done in other series.
@feifiefofum :
look, the ad on the tin was cute girls doing violent things and looking great while doing it. that was the impetus for me to follow the show, i was there when it started with the famous red trailer to yellow trailer.
the writing then wasn't bad, a bit condensed because, y'know, shoestring budget so everything was very tight time wise. but y'know, you didn't watch the four trailers and get sold on the story- which was good by the by, but it wasn't exceptional. it was by the numbers, hitting what they need to hit, but good. you didn't think it was spectacular.
but then volume 3 hits you out of nowhere, and you realize, oh, the writing is phenomenal actually.
rwby has deceptively good writing that on the surface is good par for the course that lulls you into complacency, and then manages to sideswipe you with incredible twists that you don't see, but on looking back, the seeds for the twist were planted from book 1 on. the world is slowly and meticulously rolled out to the viewer, the characters shine, and the action, while still spectacular, become secondary to the characters and the world.
i started watching rwby, expecting cute girls doing violent things. and they deliver on that, and if you come watch rwby just for that, it delivers that. i didn't come in for hearty world building, intrigue, and lore so deep you can get lost in it. the writers write on a razor's edge, giving enough lore for a backdrop and setting the stage, but if you decide to dig at any trail, you can get lost in it. the concept of dust, the name of the world itself- frankly i think it's a masterclass in giving enough to keep the story going but having enough in the back that every new twist that they lay out can be found to have grown from a seed that was planted in an earlier volume.
i dunno who traded their soul away to keep track of all that world building and lore, but that excel sheet must be something to behold. rwby throws u-turns that you don't expect at you, lulls you with a sense of 'okay, i see your tricks now' and somehow manages to turn you around again, and have it make sense.
frankly, it's a little frustrating, i've been bamboozled and led by the nose.
and i love it for that. i'm delighted by the ride i'm on, and i hope the show keeps going.
@aspennntree :
I watch rwby for several reasons- mostly for the characters, i find some of them really relatable
also i just genuinely enjoy the story and the visuals and find the show very comforting
i also like the people i’ve met in this community that are kind and i like having people to share my interests with
i’ve made many new friends being in this community and it’s something i’m very passionate about, i just really enjoy it genuinely
@tokufan400 :
Even with everything, I can't bring myself to stop watching RWBY. I got back into it after talking with some friends in highschool, and I've been doing my best to keep up with it since. I have love for the characters (Weiss is the best), and I do feel a sence of amazement that a western project like this ha s grown so much. Not to mention the amount of art, comics, manga, and fanfics that have spawned from the show.
Do I have problems with RWBY? Yes. I will probably never stop ranting about something the show does to tick me off. But I do the same for Star Vs and Kamen Rider Zero One, both shows I still hold a love for. Hell, I might do the same for Amphibia and Owl House down the line if I do a re watch.
So yeah, still love RWBY and I want to be around to see how this story ends.
@howlingday :
So, I was in high school and I was watching Red VS Blue. Then I started watching Rage Quit. Then Achievement Hunter. Play Pals.
Then my sister and my high school crush were like, hey, try out RWBY. I mocked them by saying "It should be Ar-Dubyoo-Bee-Why". Then I got into it and, well, I liked it the more I got into it until I was caught up to Volume 2. Then Death Battle had the Yang VS Tifa fight (PLEASE, NO REMATCH), and I was rooting for Yang. Then I saw Volume 3, and I was shocked, dismayed, and devastated at the sudden heel turn. I've been hooked ever since.
So, to answer your questions.
I watch RWBY because it's fun, and I want to know where the story goes. I loved the fun had at Beacon, and I want to know what happens next.
The appeal comes from the desire to see these group of friends fight to save the world from the Grimm. I want to see them thrive against a world where everything is stacked against them! And I want to see them flying kick someone in the face to the sound of the most amazing butt-rock since Crush 40 Sonic (No offense MGR)!
So, yeah, I love watching RWBY because it's a story to be told. And I'm going to openly sob when the story finally comes to an end.
@gorillageek27 :
i watch because, okay i was kinda turned off by it at first, just "what is this anime shit?", but i watched it and it's the most out there animated thing i can think like. Rwby is a show that somehow got me appreicating animated projects and you can tell the writers and animators have fun with it.
@lithominium :
Its endearing, the lack of amazing animation in vol 1-3 is made up for in how much love was put into it. The characters are fun and loveable and the writing is goofy but unlike some other media ive watched its very good at knowing when to keep the tone consistent. Its very gay and i love gay and its got one of the greatest slow burns ive ever seen with great payoffs which always happen when they should. I like the setting and the lore and the weapons and the semblances. Its such a good show
@everafterfrisk :
I love RWBY for a ton of reasons but to keep it short:
• The Facial Expressions of the characters match really well with the tones of each scene
• Amazing character designs that can just tell you so much about them before you get to know them
•The animation: RWBY imo is best 3D animated series, most of the time 3D animes tend to be stiff and lifeless
But RWBY gives its fights alot of finesse and creativity to go along with
Like here's a few examples:
Weiss and Blake using gambol shroud's blade to propel Yang while simultaneously having Yang use Arma Gigas's Sword
Yang closing Flynt's Trumpet making his quartet backfire on him
(V4 Short)
Ruby using the recoil of her weapon to bounce out of the way from a Grimm and trip him up using her Scythe catching him into a Hurricane formed by her semblance (13:54)
There's even a full in depth analysis on the fight choreography from the earlier volumes to check out
• Themes of Unity,Self identity,Acceptance,Loving oneself, Finding hope in the most dreadful scenarios and the list goes on
• The Protagonist Ruby Rose is a breath of fresh air similar to say Deku from BNHA where both know the world isn't exactly kind but still try to help the best they can; even if it results in them destroying themselves to get there as their series's goes on
•The Villains are all pretty realistic in their motivations being not afraid to fall victim to arrogance while simultaneously being victims of either the world's actions or their own
°The show doesn't swindle you into thinking that just cuz they have sympathetic backgrounds that they're immediately good
They have to work for it and atone for misdeeds such as Ilia,Emerald and Hazel or doesn't believe their actions are unwarranted like Salem and Cinder or has a lack of empathy for the world around them like Mercury or Tyrian or Wants to do the right thing but lets the ends justify their means(Ironwood) or Living only on the fear of your actions(Lionheart) or The world has dealt so much injustice to you that you felt giving it by ten thousand fold would remedy it ( Ilia and Adam)
▪︎ The Music is just PEAK for me
The Sound design,everything just speaks volumes of the scene
@blakistan :
I think RWBY was first suggested to be me on the grounds of “lots of really cool fights” which, while not ultimately the point of the show is still a big plus! Monty was an absolute wizard when it came to fight choreography and CRWBY has done a fantastic job keeping up that legacy. Ofc that was only the thing that got me to look at the show in the first place - what made me stay was the incredibly well done character-driven story. Following along and exploring the arcs of all the different characters in the show helped me through tough times and shaped a lot of who I am as a person today - Blake and Weiss’ stories in particular did so much in helping me find hope that I could grow as a person because that what the show is: hope. So uh yeah, if you like deep, interwoven character narratives that don’t shy away from growth, change, or the ugliness that sometimes crops up along the way with those things, definitely give RWBY a watch
@proximio-5 :
Tbh, I don't know, there's something about it that I can't explain, I started watching it in 2018, but somehow it's one of my top 3 Favorite animated shows, it can be because of the story or maybe the background, like the people behind it and everything they've done and how far they've come
For example, Monty; first he made the Haloid animation, then he became director of animation in Red vs Blue, and then he created this masterpiece that will be a big part of me
The animation itself is one of the best things about the show, I mean looking back at the style of background in V1 and more recent volumes, saying it has improved would be an understatement, I mean just look at it, you can see how much effort the've done for it
Another reason is the development or the characters, they've changed and matured in many ways. (Speaking of, I really hope Ruby comes back different but keeping at least some of her previous self)
So yeah, this show is far of being perfect, but then again...
What isn't?
@kereeachan :
I’m generally a fan of animation, and it’s been neat seeing how it’s improved since volume 3 (when I got into it). The story intrigues me, and I love the wide cast of characters and their development. The alternate universe is a neat one, Grimm are fascinating as a take on Evil Creatures to me, and the designs have always been cool, bar a few that never flew with me (Blake’s 1-3 outfit just kind of always looked a lil too sexy for my tastes on a “huntress” and I initially thought Nora’s 4-6 look was a downgrade before it grew on me)
I really enjoyed Ironwood’s slide from well-intentioned, if incorrect, hero to villain. Honestly his foreshadowing in volumes 2, 3, and 4 was some of the best I’ve ever seen. Maswartz above has commented on how they fool you by having him take facistic actions against people we hate more to hide how far he’s falling fast until we actually GET to Atlas and Mantle and realize it’s gone full Police State (if it wasn’t before). Genius.
I also adored Penny, she was my baby, she was amazing as a character and I’m so happy we got her back for a few more volumes before losing her for good (as much as anyone is ever truly gone, of course, she still looms large over vol 9). As one of the “weird girls” of the world who took a long time to come into my comfort with being a girl due to teasing and bullying (autism, baby. they always know) Penny just always SPOKE to me. I’m glad she not only proved her Real Girl bonafides as a Maiden but even got to live outside a metal body for a few episodes before her death, finally feeling the warmth of a hug.
@sevenofreds :
It's a genuinely fun and enjoyable show that can mix multiple genres together without it being jarring. There's action and comedy, there's horror, there's mystery and drama, and it all makes sense for what's happening. It has a layered and complex plot where things almost always turn out to be more nuanced than they first seem, and almost every twist/big event is subtly foreshadowed in some way. The shorter length of episodes compared to other shows also makes it really fun to binge watch.
@crowwrites2140 :
Of course it has its flaws like every other piece of media, but I genuinely find RWBY both entertaining and just a good show in general. I love the "AHA!" moments when you something is revealed that has been hinted at for volumes. I love the music and could listen to it for hours. I love the characters; their designs, their motivations, their relationships with each other and their character arcs that span the show. In regards to the protagonists, I also enjoy how they all seem so human. The writers allow them to make mistakes and fail. They aren't always the perfect heroes. And in regards to the villains, they are believable too. Nearly every one of them has some kind of motivation that drives them to want revenge in destruction. I love the plot, despite its flaws. It's complex and ties in with countless allusions. And lastly, I love the fanbase. Not the toxic side, honestly it makes me sad that a show like RWBY needs positivity posts because its hate fanbase is just so large. But there are so many in the community who are incredibly creative and create hilarious memes, beautiful art, and amazing stories, and I'm grateful to be a part of that.
@the-god-of-nihon :
RWBY is a special show to me. I’ve been with the series since it premiered at the end of RvB Season 10, and ten years is not an inconsiderable amount of time to be a fan of something. And unlike the “critics” or RWDE, I don’t stick around to hate-watch because of the sunken cost fallacy, or “to learn what not to do.” Or just for a reason to complain, more accurately. I simply enjoy the series. I have since it began, and I still do, and I’ll continue to do so.
While I don’t like everything about the show, or agree with all the creative choices; I don’t automatically assume that something I don’t like is wrong or bad. I happily take RWBY for what it is, and not what I think it should be. I, by no means am blind to the flaws and missteps, but none of them hinder my enjoyment to the degree that I feel like the show overall is a negative experience, even at its lowest points.
I watch the show because I like it. It has been a consistent source of enjoyment for me, and even now. I’ve enjoyed growing alongside it from an indie web-series into what it is today and seeing how it’s changed and improved with every volume.
I enjoy and am invested in many of the characters. I like the world and the bits of world-build and lore we get throughout the main show and supplementary material. And of course I can’t not touch on the fights and character designs. Its vibrant and narrative-relevant use of color, and how that’s effected the shows aesthetic development. And Monty Oum’s classic high-speed, frenetic and intricate choreo, that’s yet to be replicated. And how while different the post-Monty fights are still interesting and engaging for the most part.
I love the depictions of friendship and platonic/familial connection in the show, most prominently for me personally, Ruby & Jaune’s bond. As it’s so rare for a male-female friendship to be purely platonic and still be so genuinely well-written and integral to both characters. Although, I think RWBY is largely hit or miss with the way it handles romance, I think its friendships & familial bonds are where it excels.
Ruby, Yang, and Jaune are my top three favorites characters in RWBY, and how their characters and arcs have been so endearing and intriguing to watch. Especially as since V7, and what is being done with them current.
@lostdemifiend :
The biggest thing for why I love RWBY so much it is "oh that makes sense!" when something unexpected happens BECAUSE everything was set up previously that would result in this eventually, and none of it feels forced.
At the same time, its gleeful deconstruction of common shonen anime tropes adds to that sense of surprise. Subconsciously, one goes in expecting certain things to happen, but it defies that expectation in a way that feels like a natural consequence.
There's so much more, but I can't even start to unpack just exactly why I love this series so much.
Thank you all of you for showing everyone what makes RWBY fantastic to all!
If you want some youtube channels that discuss RWBY in analytical or philosophic detail? Or if you want comic dubs?
Xel Writer on Youtube aka @tumblingxelian for analysis videos
@marylizabetha on Youtube for philosophy videos
and @markzschiegnerii or Mark Zschiegner on youtube for comic dubs!
I love you, RWBY Fandom, you've made my life rich with joy.
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Hey bro, I'm back. Cosplay with the bulk and mask is doing great! People are eating that uniqueness! Problem though, I'm a bit too nerdy for their tastes. They didn't like my gaming posts. Think you can add in my history that I'm a big jock too? I need the experience. I don't mind my brain shrinking.
Continuation of:
A rewriting of your history huh... Let's see where you last left you off.
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Yea... unfortunately someone as big and bulky as you just doesn't fit gaming NERD. Sure you got the bod of a lifetime but not a single change in your personality let alone your past. Subby furries been asking you for fun in DM's but you're still as shy before so you have to turn them and they think you're homophobic! You've been going to the gym to maintain your new body and got yourself some gymbro friends but unlike them you've never participated in sports in your life so you have to nod and smile when they start talking football. Your social media presence is all sorts of wack too with your fans demanding to post thirst traps and flexing pics but you just keep posting gaming clips since you don't want to make your only thing on the online world being a beefy meathead that only cares about their bod. It was all piling up and wish you could just change your past to fit the body you wished for...
Well that's where I come in and help you once more! You hear a knock on your home door and you went to check who was there. No one was there but you saw something on the ground so you opened the door to find a strange device and a note on the ground.
Hey Dude!
Heard the beef life was getting hard with no change of memories or life so I thought I'd help out. What you see is a Reality Augmentation Device! Just say what you want and reality will change to suit your desires.
It's one use only so no going back!
Choose wisely,
Reality Augmentation Device? You'd think I was crazy if I didn't give you the bod you currently possess so you trusted my judgement.
The device was a sphere shape and had a screen for soundwaves and a singular button. Looks like you press the button, say what you want and reality will change. So much power in such a small device. Well with a bit of hesitancy you press the button and say your wish.
"I wish my life would fit my body" And then you let go of the button. Immediately after you let go the device warped itself out of reality and you suddenly passed out. Your past would now change.
The changes begin in middle school. Instead of staying reserved and quiet you LOVED to act out much to the dismay of your teachers. You adored sports, especially football which ended up with you on your middle school football team as the star player. You eventually got a ton of friends that were just like you. You were known as the school troublemakers and sports buffs. You didn't learn a damn thing the whole time you were there.
Come High School you continued this attitude fully becoming a typical jock with the friends to match. This is when you began to work out almost every single day leading to that hot bod of yours. Your bros were your everything... your... everything. You realized you were gay. Any who you of course joined your High School Football team and once again was the star player. The whole school loved you for constantly bringing home trophies. Your grades took an even bigger decline than what was even possible. You were already a major meathead with the only thoughts being sports workout and hanging out with bros. It's a miracle you didn't get expelled but the fame and trophies was what allowed you to stay. You graduated with multiple sports related schools BEGGING to have you and despite that meathead brain of yours you eventually picked a college to attend.
College was more about working out than actually attending classes. When you did attend classes it was an excuse to be the meathead jock to ever meathead jock. Luckily this was a sports college so all that mattered was your ability on the field. You still had your craft in football and landed your college football team multiple trophies and eventually graduating with a "Degree in Jock" the person who handed you the degree at graduation joked. Which might I add you were completely shirtless during graduation? Yeah.
Brimming with jock confidence you got tattoos on your arms and started posting your workout journey onto social media and to say people were interested would be an understatement. Thirst trap comments would pour in on every single post just look at the ones with this selfie!
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"You're so lovely~"
"I want you"
These were a common occurrence and you loved all of it. You were able to stay in contact with your gymbros even after school and hung out almost every single day pumping iron with the bros. Talking about sports was a nonissue as you knew every single football term under the sun. You will willing to help your bros if they had a hard time lifting something.
"Just like that bro..." You whisper to him.
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And there's still more! Hanging out with gymbros means bouncing those meat mounds with your gymbros.
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And maybe a flex or two...
And that leads back to the new present. Despite all the changes to your past there was still one thing that stayed. Your love of masks. You would sometimes wear your wolf bone mask and black balaclava to workouts and your bros found it very amusing.
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Those same subby furries that wanted a strong werewolf to dominate them you were too shy to reply to in your old past was now in your bed being fucked silly by you in a wolfmask. Safe to say your entire social media presence WAS being a meathead jock and you owned it.
"Video games? Never heard of it. I got GAINMES right here" You said to one your gymbros once at the gym with a flex.
With all that in mind and your past altered you woke up from your impromptu nap wondering why you were on the ground in front of your house. The meathead jock in you just brushed it off before you remembered something.
"Oh right, gotta go work out with my bros!" Immediately running back inside to get ready to workout like you have been for multiple years.
You loved working out with your bros they were your everything to you and you couldn't be happier. The shy nerdy you was long gone and your life finally fit your body. And to make sure of that you posted another post-workout selfie to your social medias.
" Gains 💪💪💪💪"
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kuuverse · 7 months
success story + picture proof(improved art skills in a day, cancelled exams, + more).
Okay, so I'm working on a webtoon project and so I started drawing a thumbnail image for it. I was really unhappy with how it turned out, and I felt that my art looked tacky and unpolished. So basically, I just decided; no, I can draw very well and in my desired way(which is inspired by a twitter artist I admire), and I felt it as fact and left it. Then I picked up my pen and started drawing again.
The change was instant, but the dates below are within the time difference of a day because of course, art takes time, and I had to sleep in between. What I did was very simple, and I did not robotically affirm or listen to any subliminals or anything, I only simply assumed it as fact and it reflected back instantly.
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You can see how the lines and colouring is more unpolished.
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The lines are cleaner and more detailed, and the composition of the piece itself improved.
DATE PROOF(via Discord)
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I had a math test coming up when I first heard of the novel Undine, and I discovered a Piano & Flute sonata that accompanied it. I am both a Pianist and a Flautist, and I had grown so fascinated with the novel itself that when I heard the piece(sneakily during a Mandarin class), I was like, I need to play this right now. But I remembered my Math test scheduled for that week's Thursday, and I was like, I don't have the time. But then as I bitched about it to my friends, I instantly remembered about the law and was like, you know what? I have time. I didn't care how I had time, I just assumed I had the time to learn the piece I wanted to. Then instantly, my math teacher posted a google classroom announcement, the test had been pushed back to next week's Monday!
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Teleported my Mother out of the house?
This one... I can't provide picture proof other than my shock when it happened because huh? Anyways, in my apartment the shower is connected to my parent's bedroom, where my mom's always in on her computer doing who knows what. I love to sing, and I love to sing in the shower because it always clears up my throat and even though my Mother praises me for it, it gets really awkward and embarrassing when I'm practicing or attempting a hard song and my voice falters? Well so I got home, okay. I knew my mom was inside her room because the bedroom door was closed and I heard her loudly talk on the phone to a coworker. I sat down to have a quick snack in the living room which is where the only exit of this apartment is and I saw her come out of her room to say hello to me and went back in. This is only in the span of 10 minutes from when I came home from school and when I went to take a shower. I came across a song I liked and I was like, wouldn't it be nice if I had privacy in the bathroom so I could sing? Okay, then I went to take a shower. My mom... was not in her room and the door was wide open. I ran to my dad and was like, where's mom? He was like, didn't you know she left?
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Okay, I've been BEGGING my dad to buy me cosplay for this one enstars character for a year. He always said no, and then this year it was sometime September and my friends were talking about dressing up for Halloween. I was like, I want to dress up as Ritsu. I didn't think anything of, "My dad always said no to my cosplay though," I just went, well, "I want to dress up as Ritsu so I shall."
That was it! I asked him in a text, can I have this? He didn't respond btw he ghosted me... then a few days later he asked for my measurements. I'm wearing the cosplay right now at school!
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Photo of when I first got it!
This one is unintentional. I don't even know how it manifested but you know, I went to the music store to check out some guitars because I wanted to start learning, and then I got sidetracked by the Pianos. Previously a while ago, I wanted to learn some of her songs on the Piano, and most of the sheet music got copyrighted. I guess somewhere there I was like, you know what? Fuck it. I have it. I forgot about it, that's for sure. But then as I was messing around on some of the cheaper Pianos, my dad spotted they were selling her sheet music, and without really asking he just bought it for me.
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sc from my instagram archive
This one happened today!!! I was just feeling a bit tired and I wanted a lesson off where I didn't have to worry about a teacher and when I went to the next period, I realised the teacher wasn't in school and the lesson was self study time!
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I'm 17 now, and I had been barely 150cm for a while. I've tried growing taller for years with subliminals, nothing happened, the doctors said I couldn't but... I grew! A few centimeters, my ideal height is 156cm and I'm around 154 right now? I also lost a lot of weight starting from May of this year, and I started growing taller around the start of October! Also the other day, I was in a sort of 'tutoring' session(it wasn't really tuition? but I don't know what else to call it) and I was so tired and I wanted to draw, and instead of waiting for a break I was like fuck it, I'm going to draw anyways and reached for my iPad. Then suddenly as I touched it, the teacher announced a break! Also, in my 4D I'm well respected and lowkey worshipped and I noticed when I went out last week, strangers were so oddly nice to me and people turned their heads to look at me? They'd do nice gestures for me when before everyone would just ignore me the way I used to want.
Anyways, that's it for my post! I sat down a lot and pondered and listened to Edward Art's lectures every night. Manifesting is really easy, and so long as you realise the 3D doesn't matter... it doesn't exist and to just focus on your 4D, then you already have your dream life. There's no point throwing rocks at the 3D hoping it'll change, like with how you can't kill the snake because it doesn't exist, you just have to become indifferent to it and persistent in your 4D.
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agrosehamada · 9 months
I'm taking a moment to appreciate how healing AG-blr has been for me :) Growing up I was absolutely obsessed with AG, but I didn't really have any friends who were into AG, and my siblings didn't want to play with dolls, so I was kind of left in my own little hyperfixation bubble all alone. I mean my mom liked AG but that wasn't the same as having someone to play with. Yes I hosted multiple AG themed birthday parties and even put on a backyard productions of both the Molly and Felicity plays but no one... Really got it?
I remember the last AG birthday I had, having my brother tell me that my friends were all talking about how they were "too old" for AG when I was out of the room, and I think that was the beginning of the end for me because not too long after that I put my AG dolls in a cedar chest with all their things and closed it up.
I was still kind of interested in AG in highschool. I remember visiting the AG Store when the one in my state opened. And I remember desperately wanting a special doll I could make a wardrobe for and take everywhere with me. I had a little success with a few handmade dolls but nothing that really stuck, and my sewing skills were not up to par with what I wanted to make so I kind of gave up on that too.
Then the end of highschool happened, and I kind of went into survival mode. My mom's health got really bad. I had to start working and taking evening college classes on top of regular highschool and helping out more at home. Which kind of put my mental health in a crisis mode which kind of broke in my first year of college. Which finallygot me the help that I needed. But then I got kicked out for being queer and I was REALLY in survival mode, although I was lucky enough to have first a friend's family and then one of my siblings take me in through the end of college.
I remember getting mildly interested in AG again once I was working my first full time job and living with my first non-family roommates. I was (and still am) really into Big Hero 6 at the time, and when Luciana came out with her little robotics lab I ended up ordering her. Then I bought a secondhand Nellie, one of my grail dolls from childhood I never got to have. So that opened the door.
But then I remember being on Tumblr and finding some AG blogs and being like, "Hey! There's other adults who like AG and create their own characters?" And I really wanted to be a part of that. But I wasn't sure what kind of character I'd want to make. And then I remembered an old BH6 fanbaby I'd made in college and was like, "There's no way AG has a pink hair option." (I didn't really know about doll customizing back then so I didn't know wig swaps were a thing.) And then I checked the CYO generator and guess what was an option? XD
I was not in the best financial state, so it took a few months for me to be able to afford Rose, and then another anxious month of waiting for Rose to get here, in the meantime trying to plan out her wardrobe in the style of the og historical girls. And I made a placeholder blog for once she finally got here.
I finally came home to her delivery sometime in the early am after an event--if you go waaay back to the very beginning of this blog you can find a video of me very emotionally opening Rose's box for the first time XD Love at first sight for sure, I was happy to have my little girl home, and I had no clue how she'd change my life.
From there snowballed my deep dive into doll clothes making--I planned to buy Rose's clothes originally, but I couldn't find a school uniform I liked, and there was a very specific anime winter coat I wanted to make. I'd been making cosplays for a few years but then, so my sewing skills were finally up to the task. And then I just kept getting more cute outfit ideas and so... I just kept making them XD
And then I started posting pictures of the outfits on this blog. And adding new dolls to the family and posting about them too. And I am so honored you guys were so excited about my posts and brought me into the community! I saw your posts and got the inspiration to start taking Rose out places to get pictures, and she quickly became my emotional support doll, going everywhere with me and helping me through some of my worst mental health times. And I've been fortunate enough to actually get to meet some of you in person, and talk with so many of you online! And I even managed to rope my best friend into AG with your support XD It's really been such an amazing community, and I finally have friends who get my love of AG, and I finally have that special doll I take everywhere with me :)
So--thank you, AG-blr ^^ You're all amazing, and I look forward to many more adventures with you :)
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
141 Prompts (and a reference list of other prompt lists)
A mix of normal/standard AUs and a few Funky Ones. Send one or more characters and a prompt, and maybe you'll get a drabble!
I needed to break them up due to post limitations, but any one of these can theoretically be used for (almost) any other dynamic. The numbers do reset, though, so if you send one to a person, be sure to include either the section or the prompt!
Reminder: You send prompts to people in the ask box, not through replies.
Met at the Gym
Niche Academic Field AU
Food-based Small Business Owner and their New Regular
Author and Editor
Mystery Author and Serial Killer
Cosplayer and Creator of the series they're cosplaying from (author, actor, whatever)
Made out while in costume at a Halloween Party
Renaissance Playwright/Artist/Artisan/Creator and their Wealthy Patron
One Night Stand but the next morning you learn it's your CEO's kid
Bodyguard AU
Whoops I accidentally became a Sugar Baby
Whoops I accidentally fell in love with the sex worker I've been involved with (OnlyFans, exotic dancer, full-service, whatever)
Rich person pretends to be poor, secures a date with actual working-class person
Celebrity Romance
Con Artist and the person who saw through their grift
We each don't speak the other's language, but we both speak Klingon or Ancient Greek or Latin or something so we're making do
Sexy Repairman
Hot Single Parent and babysitter/nanny
Pilot and Flight Attendant
Model and Designer
Accidental Pregnancy
Fake Dating
Fake Married
Marriage of Convenience
Green Card Marriage
Arranged Marriage
Age Difference Marriage
Mistaken for Cheating
Casanova in Love
Only One Bed
The Perfect Student/Citizen and the one with a motorcycle and tattoos and piercings (and a heart of gold)
"My parents are out of town, you up?"
Just saw an ex at an event, started making out with the hottest person in arm's reach and now we're dating?
There's a ghost here and I'm going to date it
Assassins after the same target
Regency Romance
Late Victorian Dueling Detectives
Silent film stars
Alien and astronaut
Reincarnation AU
Soulmate AU: Matching Marks
Soulmate AU: First Words
Soulmate AU: Timers
Vampire and Hunter
Demon and Angel
Eldritch Being and the person they are being SO normal about
Omegaverse, but it's not Alpha Male/Omega Male
Hallmark Film AU
Disney Princess Film AU
Accidental Baby Acquisition
Take your kid to work day
Promoted to Parent
Child coming out to the parents
Parent coming out to the kids
Overprotective older sibling
Overprotective parent
Overprotective kid/younger sibling
My ex had a kid without telling me, now they're dead and the kid I didn't know about came to me (AKA The Game Plan AU)
Just received custody of my nibling(s), because their parent/my sibling is dead/in jail/just got drafted/is otherwise busy
Adopted the Antichrist
Changeling Custody Battle
Death of a distant/estranged relative resulted in a Big Inheritance
Secret/Lost/Delayed Heir (Princess Diaries AU)
Military Brat
Bonding with the stepparent
Evil stepparent
Family Small Business (restaurant, dry cleaners, bookstore, library, etc)
Mom died and now dad's lost his mind and turned into a supervillain
Mom died and now we need to bring her back to life hashtag necromancy
A parent died and now the kids are following an Inherited Map From Generations Past to find some old treasure hidden behind a stupid number of riddles
That one kid at the reunion that greets everyone with flying tackles
Backyard gardening
Building flat pack furniture with The Kids
Taking a grandparent out from the nursing home to hang out for the day
Heirlooms for the wedding
Accidentally texted the wrong number
Roommates accidentally adopt a cat
A friend needs to sleep on the couch
Trying to be polite about the terrible meal a loved one cooked
Planning a Baby Shower
Planning a Bachelor/ette Party
Wedding planner and client
(Consoling someone who was) Left at the Altar
(Consoling someone who was) Cheated on
Just won the lottery
Ascended to godhood
Emergency Room Meeting
Maid/Janitor/Cleaner who witnessed something illegal
Private Investigator
Vigilante and rescued victim
Need some help hiding the body
"I would kill for you. Please ask me to kill for you."
One bets the other to do some parkour
One begs the other to not do some parkour
Lab Partners
Heist Team
Snowed in together/Hurricane Party/Other Weather Isolation
Custom Couturier
My best friend just got turned into a baby
My best friend just got turned into a pet
Just hit a stranger with my car oh my god please be okay why the FUCK do people have their brights on
Seeing your best friend's ex at an event and making a Scene about it
Just saw an ex at an event and started having a panic attack, and you pulled me aside to calm me down, are we best friends now?
Genderswap AU
Trans AU
Role Swap AU
Can't wear my glasses (lost, damaged, at a bath house where they'd fog up, whatever) and you need to lead me around
Karaoke Party
Someone on a horrible date needs an extraction
One just walked in on the other with an arm stuck in the vending machine that ate their money
Social Media AU
Frat/Sorority Party
Met Gala
Library AU
Museum AU
Teachers AU
Reality Competition Show AU
Dance AU
Newspaper/Journalism AU
Winter Holiday
Summer Holiday
Road Trip AU
1950s Diner
Film Noir AU
Dropped Into the Real World
Historical War AU [Asker can specify]
Wingfic AU
Daemon AU
Robot/Android AU
Pirate AU
Everyone is some kind of monster
Zombie Apocalypse
Mermaid AU
Vampires and werewolves AU
Fairy Tale AU
Magical School AU
Time Travel
Time Loop
And here they are as individual sections if you'd rather have a shorter post to reblog:
50 Romance Prompts
26 Family Prompts
37 Platonic/Gen Prompts
28 Setting Prompts
If this list doesn't work for you... try one of these! I've got a lot of AUs in my tags, and a lot of the above was cherry-picked from existing lists.
(That said, a lot of the lists do riff off of each other; I'm not exactly going to cite every instance of a soulmate AU.)
It's broken up vaguely thematically, but mostly due to post limits wrt character count, link quantity, etc.
Big List of AUs
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP
Fanfic Trope Meme - not actually a prompt meme, but could be used as one
GUESS WHO LOVES AUS - biggest list of AUs holy shit guys
Nearly 200 writing prompts
390 Prompts!!!!
50 A Softer World Prompts
One Hundred Ways to Say ‘I Love You’
A (horribly cliched) au + a pairing
Arranged Marriage Prompts
Arranged Marriage Starters
Soulmate au prompts
Soulmate AU Masterlist (yes, a different one)
Just two besties who like to fool around with each other
Imagine your OTP- Things I’ve said to my SO
Fluff Meme: Cuddles Edition
Meet ugly
Have some AUs as if there aren’t enough on your dash already
Romance Tropes
Dialogue Prompts
A ship and one of these
A pairing and a number
A pairing and a line of dialogue
"I love you" Dialogue Prompt List
A number and a pairing - Kisses
A pairing and a line of dialogue - Fluffy
A pairing and a line of dialogue - Angsty
Valentine's Day Starters
I Hate Valentine’s Day Starters
Dangerous Loyalty RP Starters
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Angst/Fluff Prompt List
Angsty otp AUs
Smut Sentence Starters (18+)
Nonsexual acts of Intimacy
Sharing A Bed Starters
Character(s) and a letter
Characters and a prompt
Two characters or more and a prompt
Mini prompt list
Writing Prompts
Writing Prompts (longer)
Weird Words Prompt List
Friendship starter sentences!
Platonic/Friendship Sentence Starters
Protective Big Brother / Friend Starters
Ridiculous Sentence Prompts
sentence starters inspired by bdylanhollis on tiktok
bad idea starters
Dialogue Prompts
WRITING PROMPTS - Dialogue prompts
Drabble Challenge! - Dialogue prompts
Prompt List - Dialogue prompts
Four Word Prompts
Five word prompts
Deep-Ass Starters
Offensive Sentence Starters
Angst/Fluff Prompt List MVPs
Angst/Fluff Prompt List Part 4
Angst/Fluff Prompt List #7
Angst/Fluff Prompt List #9
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
“Secretly we all love angst” Sentence Starters
Angsty Sentence Starters
Super Angsty Starters
Potential angst starters
Angst lines prompt
Unrequited love starters
Bittersweet reunion rp starters
Illness-Based rp Starters
Whump Dialogue Prompts Pt. 1
Whump Dialogue Prompts Pt. 2
‘Mulan’ quote starters
'Buffy’ quote starters
'Inuyasha' quote starters
Deadpool (2016) Sentence Starters
Death of a Bachelor Starters
Halloween prompts
Mermaid au sentence starters
Weird Humans Writing Prompts
Assassin AUs
Ninja/Assassin Sentence Starters
Villain or Hero Edition
Interaction Meme (more for art than writing)
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1eos · 8 days
i hate rich ppl as much as the next person but if you're over the age of 27 and you earnestly complain that a celebrity 'isn't relatable' i need you to get a life seriously 😭 im watching a video abt the fall of the d'amelios and after one girl was like i don't wanna work anymore someone left this long ass comment abt how they wake up at 5am to go to college in a different college and work their way thru. okayyyyyyy so why in the hell are you EVER looking at a FAMOUS PERSON for RELATABILITY? you need to get your ass on tumblr, find some bright souls struggling to survive like you are and get to rooting for them. we absolutely should be shaming the wealthy into being normal but some ppl just be mad that rich ppl won't cosplay poverty to make them feel seen 😭😭😭😭 YOU ARE NOT MIDDLE CLASS GO TO COMMUNITY STAGE PLAYS IF YOU WANNA STAN A TALENTED PERSON ON YOUR TAX BRACKET I
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304blur · 1 year
i love you. (even if i lose you.)
channel 2: a hot flame put out by its' own melted wax.
wc: 1.4k+
warning(s): swearing, mentions of being burnt out, crazy ass dude jumps from a balcony, and you wanting to jump off a bridge
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it seems like they were busy, you were hearing what soobin usually talk about with you. anime, manga and others. you only have interest in those things because of him, so you look pretty dumb compared to alice, so before class ends, you try and join the conversation, with a funny video.
"i heard you were talking about jujutsu kaisen! i like it too, i've see this video and i want you to watch it since it's really funny."
'great introduction. that was awkward, ugh, i wanna jump off a bridge right about now.' your own voice in your head reacts to your actions, you feel really stupid, but you show them a video about gojo satoru being trapped in the cube, and someone cosplaying him, on vacation with the caption, 'pov: gojo in that cube'
"haha! that's so funny, but no spoilers! maybe someone that hadn't read as far would hear."
alice giggles, you could feel a stare burning a hole into your back, so you ignored it. maybe it was one of the girls who were obsessed with soobin, or something. your conversation ends with you and soobin exchanging numbers with alice. you had made a friend today, like you always did. you returned to your seat, next to a sleeping beomgyu, his eyes shut, his breathing slow, and his messed up hair shines in the sunlight. in this angle, anyone could fall for him. if you hadn't met soobin first, you would've liked beomgyu.
'what kind of thoughts am i thinking? snap out of it.'
you shook your head side to side, as if it would get the thought out of your head. the class ends with all four of you walking home, it turns out, alice lived near soobin, so they had to walk together, you were sad that you four couldn't even walk home together, since alice was so nice.
"you done ignoring me for a day?"
beomgyu ruffles your hair so hard, it hurt your hair's roots.
"your hair is so funny-looking, if i look at you, i might get a brain aneurysm because i'm laughing so hard."
you turn away to chuckle a little, then beomgyu stops, and puts his hand on your shoulder and turns you around.
"look at me."
you look at him, his hair, his face, his matured figure. he's grown so much. you hated how handsome he grew up to be, how you can't even laugh at some of his jokes because his smile is so blinding. it felt as if you were cheating on soobin, but your crush on him isn't gonna stop you from hanging out with beomgyu.
".. i'm looking..?"
you look confused, tilting your head, but beomgyu just grabs your hand, and drags you to your house.
"just.. forget it."
he heads to his own home, completely forgetting that you two are neighbors, so he hurriedly enters his house once you make eye contact from his front yard.
'.. weirdo.' he was being a little weird today..
you closed your front door, and turned on all the lights. it was quiet, only the buzzing of the lightbulbs and the air conditioning can be heard, your mom left you a note on the dining table's vase that reads,
'your dad and i are staying overtime at work. we're not coming home until tomorrow, and there's rice in the rice cooker, and instant noodles in the cupboards.
love, mom.'
well, you're home alone now. you head upstairs, the dark hallways of the upstairs used to scare you, you always thought someone watched you, so you ran quickly to your room. your life is not what it used to be, actually. you imagine it to be a fun shoujo-slice of life manga, just so you could escape the reality. your house, that used to be a home, is almost always empty, with only you inhabiting it. your 'popularity'? gone like the winter. nothing lasts forever, and those happy times ended for you.
it's as if heaven has abandoned you.
you went to your room, skipping dinner to read more online novels and manga. your only paradise, you've been so immersed in this colorful, but black and white world, with tacky fonts and careful strokes of an ink pen. it's wonderful. and you wished you could live in it.
you hear a tap at your balcony's sliding glass doors.
you opened the curtains, to see beomgyu, on his own room's balcony, right in front of your own, throwing tiny pebbles at the glass.
"dude, stop, you're gonna break it."
you sigh, as you crossed your arms and looked at him with a blank look, while he has a smug smile on his face, his sliding door was open, and the night's wind flows into his room, making the curtains float, and the bright light from his computer monitor shows that he just got off a game.
"i just stopped."
he leans his elbow on the railing, and leans his cheek on his palm, as he looks directly at you. the moonlight shines on his shittily dyed hair, and on his smooth skin.
"i know. and what's going on? what possessed you to throw rocks at my glass doors?"
you put your hands on your hips, raising one eyebrow, intentionally looking goofy, so it doesn't get awkward. he responds, sort of muffled due to him leaning his cheek on his hand.
"you looked sad. and lonely. can i come over?"
he looked at you with a sarcastic cute pout and puppy eyes.
"of course you can, you can just jump from your balcony to mine. i'm kidding, of course you can'—"
you were absolutely fucking wrong. he jumped.
and landed. on your balcony.
quite a success, you would admit.
"god fucking damn it, choi beomgyu!"
you punch his shoulder, when he got up. your heart almost jumped out of its' position and to your throat. he really is a crazy idiot.
your night ends with you being lulled to sleep by beomgyu's crappy lullaby.
six months pass. half a year in third year, alice was your good ol' buddy for makeup and skincare tips, you've grown close, like siblings. beomgyu's grades improved from line of 8 to line of 9. soobin was happy that his friend group had one more member, and he looked more handsome when he smiled, so you barely felt jealous of him and alice's nerdy conversations. you? nothing changed. you may have gotten a little more good-looking and brighter thanks to alice, but nothing else has changed. but you four have been walking to school very often!
but as we know, not everything lasts forever.
"i think like soobin, (yn)."
alice was sitting next to you for lunch, the boys were absent, soobin was taking care of a sick beomgyu, and got sick too, so it's just you and alice. you opened your carton of chocolate milk, and placed your tray on the canteen table. students, walking to and from the canteen's food stall, the students enjoying their meals, and some gossiping.. it was an ordinary day for everyone. but for you...?
"oh.. congrats! i'll cheer for you."
you smiled. you knew this would happen, but you completely forgot that alice can like whoever she wanted. your heart broke into tiny pieces, but you picked the shattered pieces and put it back together again, and you managed to smile for alice. you're a bad friend if you bring your friend down, right?
... even if you get hurt, you still want her to be happy.. right?
the school day ends, you sloppily walk home, alone. even though alice offered you a walk home, you saved her the trouble of walking you home, since her house is already far enough.
you slammed your front door shut, the house still empty and dark and you're still skipping dinner, as usual. you go to your room, drop your bag on the floor, and just sob. sob like your neighbors and beomgyu didn't hear you. you didn't care if someone sent a noise complaint, you just wanted to cry. you slept with your school uniform on that night.
you woke up. eyelids puffy, and you were late to school. it was 11:30 am, almost lunch time. you made yourself some egg and toast. you managed to brush your hair to be not as messy and stuffed the disgustingly plain breakfast down your throat, and ran to school, your hair messed up again.
you pat down your hair, as you walked into your classroom, your uniform a mess, there were whispers in the classroom, people asked what was wrong, and the teacher just lets you sit down and continues the lesson. you sigh.
you're not actually the you in your daydreams. your life isn't perfect, no one cared about you, you weren't actually the sun to their earth, you were just a speck of dust on an unidentified planet.
your life isn't as well played out as it used to be.
a burnt out candle, its' hot flame put out by its' own melted wax.
- channel 2 unavailable. -
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channel 3 (end) - masterlist
that's crazy bro. writing this feels like my entire phone is on fire
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cookies-over-yonder · 3 months
gothweebcleats calamity trio cosplay (im bored and finished all my work with a half hour left in my class so im bothering you in your inbox)
yes. who would be who tho
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