#Wilford Warfstache x you
strawberryamanita · 2 years
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I'm sure there are plenty of couples I'm missing, as it is a couple archetype that deserves to be done to death, but in my head this is The trifecta
Also this was the most legible default font on my phone's photo editor so. Sorry about that gkfhekdbfksndbd
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lyssak09 · 1 year
Masterlist & Things I write for
AN: I automatically write the reader as female so when you re quest please please tell me what pronouns you want the reader to have. Also if requested I will and can write the reader as part of the LGBTQ+ community
Key: Italics means to be posted/its a draft
Fandoms I can write for:
Corpse Bride (my favorite movie ever)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Night Court (1986)
Certain Stephen King movies: Just request one and I’ll tell you if I have seen it or not
Doctor Sleep
Charmed (the original one)
The Labyrinth (David Bowie movie)
Krull (1983)
Secret Obsession (netflix movie)
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
The Walking Dead (seasons 1-7) I get pissed with the show when I get to parts of season 7 so I stop watching and restart from the beginning of the show
Umbrellas Academy
Z Nation
Warehouse 13
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Dead by Daylight
Adventure Time
The Big Bang Theory
Suicide Squad (both movies)
Slashers: Ghostface (preferably Stu), Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jason, Brahms Hillshire
Star Trek: TNG, Voyager, Lower Decks
My Bloody Valentine: Both 1981 and 2009 movies so please be specific with which one you want
Markiplier & Jacksepticeye egos
Yandere Dean hcs
Yandere Shapeshifter hcs
Yandere Sam hcs
Yandere Archangels request
Yandere Castiel hcs
Yandere Lucifer hcs
Yandere Casifer hcs
Yandere Casifer with Trans!reader request
Yandere Archangels soulmates request
Dead by daylight
Platonic Yandere killers reaction to child reader
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader request
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader pt.2 request
Platonic Yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress with tween!reader request
Platonic Yandere Huntress & Trapper request 
Yandere Nemesis hcs request
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.1
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.2
Yandere Doctor hcs request
Plantonic yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress pt.2
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Yandere Jake Peralta hcs
Yandere Jake with Lawyer!reader request
Yandere Jake
Yandere Rosa
Yandere Amy
Yandere Charles request
Star Trek
Yandere Q request
Yandere William Riker
Yandere Data
Yandere Tom Paris
Umbrella Academy
Yandere Five with Soft!reader request
Yandere Five hcs
Yandere Luther hcs
Yandere Diego hcs
The Walking Dead
Yandere Daryl with motherly!reader hcs request
Yandere Daryl motherly!reader hcs pt.2 request
Yandere Daryl
Yandere Daryl VS Rick hcs/sorta request
Yandere Rick VS Governor request
Yandere Rick hcs
Yandere Grown Carl hcs
Yandere Michonne hcs
Yandere Governor request
Miscellaneous (Aka writing that doesn’t have their own category yet)
Yandere Brahms Heelshire (The boy)
Yandere Elliot Stabler (L&O SVU)
Yandere Mack Thompson (Z Nation) hcs
Yandere Emily (Corpse Bride) hcs
Yandere Black Mask/Roman Sionis (DC/BOP)
Yandere Pete Latimer (Warehouse 13) hcs
Yandere Homelander (The Boys) hcs
Yandere Joker (Suicide Squad)  hcs (Fight me on this)
Yandere Piper Hallowell (Charmed) hcs
Yandere Leo (Charmed)  hcs
Yandere Colwyn (Krull) hcs
Yandere Danny Torrance (Doctor Sleep) hcs I love Ewan McGregor 
Yandere Max (Day of the dead: Bloodline) hcs
Yandere Victor (Corpse Bride) hcs
Yandere Wilford Warfstache hcs
Yandere Antisepticeye hcs
Tyler from my yandere song fic
Evan ( Yandere Landlord)
Daniel (Yandere Slasher)
Hudson (Yandere Cop/Sheriff)
Luke (Yandere Childhood friend/Bully)
Damien (Yandere Teacher)
Zachary (Yandere zombie apocalypse survivor)
Derek (Yandere Hypnotist/ Therapist)
Ashton (Yandere Neighbor)
Zeke (Yandere robot boss)
William (Yandere Prisoner)
Adrian (Yandere Asylum patient)
Devon (Yandere Priest)
Jason (Yandere Step father)
Max (Yandere step brother)
Anthony (Yandere slasher/homicide survivor)
Ryan (Yandere childhood friend)
Ewan (Yandere military man) 
Unnamed (Yandere boss)
Unnamed (Yandere AI robot house)
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A Modern Mayor, A New Romance
After the discovery of a Mayor Damien that shouldn’t exist, it was decided that Wilford would bring a small team to go say hello.
Of course, you weren’t part of the original story. None of that matters to you. All you know is that you’re being dragged into City Hall to meet someone very important.
This is Part 2 of introducing the Modern Anomaly (AKA A Damien that shouldn’t exist). Click here for Part 1! 
Word Count: 2,186
With Wilford at a meeting, it was a quiet morning in the Jim Studio. Your job kept you behind the scenes, and you eagerly avoided the camera wherever possible. You were grateful you were neighbours with one of the Jims and his family, who helped you get a job in the first place, and in return you did your best to help as much as possible.
Bim had taken you on as his assistant, declaring that you needed an expert to guide you through the unpredictable world of showbiz. Your Neighbour Jim had warned you to "not dress deliciously" when he found out of your opportunity. The advice seemed cryptic, but you decided to follow it as best you could. 
Unknown to you, taking a smart-casual approach to your outfit had saved your ass (literally) and Bim quickly warmed to you. On one hand, he was your boss, but he was also quickly becoming your friend and big supporter in your quest to find happiness. If there was a chance for you to get a good opportunity, he'd help you out.
Which was why when Wilford skidded in and announced that he was getting a team together to visit the Mayor, Bim immediately refused to go and volunteered you in his stead.
"Wait, what? Why?" Your boss' boss slumped, complete with his moustache drooping. Bim lifted the pages he was holding and quickly rustled them.
"I have a test run of 'Can We Can It?' at four. I want to be ready. Besides, I know that if anything important happens, I'll be told by my helpful right-hand companion." He went to efforts to use his right hand to gesture to you in a flourish. Your nervous wave caught Wilford's attention, who was quick to take your hand into a handshake that was higher than normal.
"This is that new intern person y've been tellin' me 'bout, yeah?" Wilford hummed when Bim confirmed as much. "So I guess they gotta be worth somethin' if they're still in one piece… Okie dokie! Yer comin' with me, sport!"
Bim returned his attention to his script. "Don't riddle them in bullet holes, please. I want to show them the importance of staging tomorrow."
The head of the studio was the infamous Wilford Warfstache. You had watched reruns of his safer interviews and concluded he was an unhinged, trigger-happy, dangerous man to be stuck with.
Instead, you discovered that this was merely an act. The Wilford you were hurrying after was genuinely upbeat and eccentric, like a man who enjoyed living in the moment. He grabbed Your Neighbour Jim when you mentioned in passing that you lived next door to a Jim - he knew precisely who you meant too! - along with a Jim who looked a little younger than you. Then, the merry crew were on their merry way!
Wilford took the time to quiz his companions on what they knew about the Mayor of the city. Young Jim helpfully piped up that his name was Damien. Your Neighbour Jim recalled his cousin being part of the election interview team. You tapped your chin with a finger and admitted that you didn't pay attention to local news, but you remembered hearing the rumours that he puts on an act, since no politician can be so honest and kind these days.
"All good answers! An' this'll be th' chance ta get ta know him better. Anyone know when th' Pride events happen?"
You swapped a look with the Jims, before you guessed two days from now.
"Correct! So we need ta get our skates on an' get goin'! From what I heard there was some sorta complication with th' news team that was gonna cover, an' Damien had 'em dismissed. Our studio is gonna step in so we gotta prove we're th' better choice. Right?"
"Yes, sir!"
Just before the group entered City Hall, Wilford dashed into a nearby florist and returned with a small, colourful bouquet. Yellow roses, orange daisies, white lilies, among other flowers brought summer into the world of the flora. It was given to you as he ushered everyone in like a mama duck guiding the ducklings to the pond.
"Now remember ta be polite. This is a friend of mine an' I don't want any of ya causin' a ruckus. An' make sure ta close th' door once we're in! None of ya were born in a barn!" Then, at last, you had reached the area with the Mayor's office and Wilford pushed the double doors open once he got permission from the secretary.
The office reminded you of several TV shows at once. It was spacious and bright with large windows at the back and a pale, neutral colour on the walls; yet had a distinct old-fashioned air to it thanks to the dark wood furnishings and equally dark seating. The desk was ornate, with only mild clutter that seemed to have a precise place on the surface. And there, sitting behind it, was the Mayor.
"Oh! Wilford! I wasn't expecting to see you!" The picture-perfect pose was gone in a flash as he raised to his feet and paced around the table to properly greet the group. Then, he stopped and chuckled. "I should have expected it. You told me you worked with this studio, after all."
"It's good ta see ya, Damien." Wilford took one of Damien's hands and shook it firmly with both his own. "I'm so glad Mark was able ta catch ya fer a good chance like this. We even brought a little 'thank you' gift!"
A pause. Nothing happened.
Wilford turned his head to you and called your name. 
You blinked, suddenly painfully aware of the flowers in your hands. The heat burned your cheeks as you hurried over and nearly threw them at the Mayor with a rushed, mumbled apology.
A faint chill snapped you back to reality and dispersed the panic. Damien’s hands were on yours, nothing like the warmth the gossip articles had claimed they would hold. No… the warmth was in his smile that was reflected in his eyes, but there was still a comfort in that touch. Was this the first time you felt a sense of reassurance in the cold?
"Thank you. I was hoping to get some flowers for the office this evening. Now I will have something much nicer than what I would have chosen." You pulled your hands away so he could accept the bouquet and place it beside an empty glass vase. "Well then, why don't we discuss the plan for the Pride event?"
The meeting was brief, but it went well. Really well, actually, but you could barely recall what happened. You didn't know why, but your mind was unable to focus on the matter at hand. All it wanted to do was pay attention to the Mayor (he insisted you all call him 'Damien’, something that Young Jim was proud to remind you all that he knew that name). You noticed how his hair was combed back and held in place with a little gel. You saw how, even when sitting on the couch surrounded by the team, he was still holding his posture, albeit more relaxed. His mannerisms were casual, his voice was soft but lively. You wonder what topics could spur him to talk with such enthusiasm and passion. 
And you realised he is exactly how he presents himself in the public eye, that it was no joke.
And you felt your heart grow curious to know him more.
Then, a knock on the door from the secretary reminding Damien of another meeting. He was so jovial and at ease that even he was disappointed to remember that he was still at work.
You and the merry crew were quickly shooed out of your seats by Wilford and shoved out the door before you could say a proper goodbye. Wilford remained in the office for a moment longer before he too stepped out, and Damien welcomed the baffled businessman inside.
But as you returned to the taxi, Wilford wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"Yer a bit of a lucky charm, y'know that?" You shook your head and asked for clarification. He never gave it.
The next day, you were back working with Bim. Your Neighbour Jim was able to help Young Jim give a good rundown of what happened, but the gameshow host had noticed your lack of input. In fact, you seemed to withdraw slightly as the conversation went on.
"Hey. Got a sec?" Bim put a hand on your shoulder to stall you as the others went on ahead. "Did something happen yesterday? I can't say I'm allowed to do anything, but if the Mayor said anything to hurt you -"
You cut him off, insisting it was nothing of the sort. In fact, you reluctantly admitted, it was nothing to worry about, and it was better to focus on something else.
"You like him, don't you?"
Your head whipped up in alarm, the surprise on your face the only proof Bim needed. He simply shrugged. "What? It's an area of expertise. I know love and crushes all too well. So what's the plan to ask him out?"
You give him a deadpan look.
"You are going to ask him out, right?" When you gave no answer, he let out a huff and put a hand on his hips. "Then how do you expect to make any progress? You're only stacking the odds against yourself!"
You mimicked Bim's pose and countered that there wasn't any point. Damien was the MAYOR. That was a pretty big deal! He needed someone better, or someone in his social circle!
Bim was utterly unconvinced. "You sound ridiculous right now. He's just a guy, like anyone else here. He's probably got some dorky habits that no one knows about like the rest of us. He's not just a mayor. He's a normal person, who probably has a nice simple life when not managing a city. And besides," Bim flashed you a fanged grin, "you didn't see the way his face lit up just now."
The way his face what -
You whipped around.
There, chatting to Wilford as he walked out of an office, was Damien. He was dressed in a more casual outfit: a pale grey sweater with a white shirt underneath, paired with jeans and leather shoes; and had his hair brushed to the side to reveal a slight curl to it. You barely had a moment to process how handsome he looked before he approached.
"I do apologise for the rather unexpected entrance but… I was hoping to catch you here today. How are you?" Your brain briefly blanked, but you were able to give a coherent answer before asking what he wanted. Damien rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle.
"Truthfully, I have no idea. Between your boss and my sister, I've had some very persistent voices nagging me since yesterday. And, well… You look nice today. A-and I was wondering - when you are finished your shift, of course! - if you would, mayhaps, care to go get a coffee?"
You repeated part of the question as you scrambled to get your head around it. Movement caught your gaze and you looked over Damien's shoulder to see Wilford giving a childish double thumbs up at you.
"I'm sorry that I sprung this on you." Your lack of an answer was taken as an unofficial refusal. "I always considered myself to be someone who would take things slow, but when I saw you yesterday, something in my mind told me that I - that I would miss something important. Someone important."
Quietly, you told him that you were sure he wouldn't be interested in someone like you. Not when Damien would meet so many people as part of his job.
"It is true I meet a lot of people, yes, but it's rare I'd want to meet any of them outside a work setting, let alone get to know them on a personal level and… see where things go?"
At last, something clicked in your mind to help you realise that not only was this happening, but that Damien was deadly serious. He was also on the verge of backtracking, so you blurted that you would be delighted to join him. You weren't due to finish for another few hours, though.
"They worked overtime yesterday. I think a half day is well rewarded." Bim casually sauntered by and winked at you both before stepping into Wilford's office. Once more, your face began to heat up as you asked if it was okay to fetch your things in your locker before you left.
"Oh! Of course! I'll, uh, wait in the lobby. I…" Before he could stop himself, he leaned forward and kissed you on the cheek; only to make a swift departure.
For a moment, the world screeched to a halt. It was a cliché act one might consider teenagers to do, but something about it felt… Right. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
Part 3!
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bonesandquills · 2 years
So I've read pink ice about 17 times now and i love you're writing and like desperately need like heart shattering soul crushing wilford angst like maybe wilford having an episode and accidentally shoots and kills reader?
Let’s celebrate my first official ask with some trauma ;)
Trigger Warning: Major Character Death, Suicidal Themes
Was It My Fault?
Wilford Warfstache x Reader
He held the gun, the well worn metal pieces clinking softly as his hand shook.
It clicked as he spun the chamber, and he stared, transfixed, at the rotating metal. When it came to a stop, he held it up to his head and pulled the trigger.
The hammer struck with a hollow click. Another empty.
So far, this game of roulette was proving rather boring.
If anyone had been in the room in that moment, the maddened look in his eyes would have sent shivers down their spine.
His grin seemed stretched too wide, his hair was messy and falling over his cold, empty brown eyes.
He spun the chamber again, and pressed the cool metal barrel to his temple. He felt his heart race, a feeling that was lost to him most times. The coolness was comforting. Like an old friend.
And old friend….
Suddenly, there came a soft knock on the door. The sound was enough to snap Wilford out of his stupor. The life returned to his eyes, and he sat up a little straighter. You must have come home.
He shoved the gun under the pillow of his bed and ran a hand through his untidy pink hair to straighten it.
He went over to the heavy manor door and pulled it open, barely giving you time to say hello before he drew you into a backbreaking hug.
“Mmf-! Hello, Wil.”
You smiled and hugged the broad-chested man back the best you could from your place in his arms. Wilford, when it came to your relationship, was clingy and very, very sweet. Almost like cotton candy.
Though you knew how dangerous he could really be. You were confident, however, that he would never hurt you.
Finally, the bubbly man let you go, his smile turning up the corners of his pink mustache. Though your feet were back on the ground, his arms never left your waist.
“Hello, gumdrop!” He chattered excitedly. “You’re finally home!”
You laughed slightly. “Yes, Wil, I’m home.”
He leaned down and gave you a long kiss, which you accepted gladly. He tasted sweet, like bubblegum.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you back into the room, closing the door behind him, never breaking the kiss.
He loved you, there was no doubt about that to him. More, he thought, than he had loved Celine. Though his heart suddenly ached at the thought of her, it was quickly dispelled by the feeling of you against him. You were the only other thing since the… accident that could make his heart race. That and his trusty pistol.
You gently pulled back from the kiss to catch your breath, laughing quietly. Wilford often forgot that you were mortal, and needed to breathe.
He responded with a low chuckle, and buried his face into your shoulder. His mustache tickled your skin, and you laughed, trying to push him off you.
Sensing your efforts, he simply went limp. The sudden weight on you made you collapse backwards onto the bed, with him on top of you. You laughed more, and he shot you a wide grin.
“Falling for me already?”
“Shut up,” you huffed, then shifted to sit up. As you did, however, the pillow moved from its place. You stiffened as you caught sight of the gun’s handle, and the mood quickly darkened.
You looked back and Wil, stern with narrowed eyes. “…You’ve been playing roulette again.”
Before he could answer, you grabbed the gun and rolled out from under him, dashing to the other side of the room.
He looked at you with worried eyes, his brain beginning to fog. With the gun out of his hands, and old memory began to surface.
“Worthless,” Celine said, holding his gun and staring at him with angry eyes. “Absolutely worthless. You were supposed to be with Mark, and instead you’re out hunting…”
She tossed the weapon to one side, and he winced at the clattering sound it made against the solid oak floor. “I could have been found out! My marriage, my position, my status… I thought you cared about me! You almost ruined me!”
It was always ‘me’. Never ‘us’. Never ‘we’.
Always about her.
He felt the anger start to build. Celine had ruined him, taken his brothers’ trust from him, made him out to be the bad guy…
And as he looked back at you, he didn’t see you at all.
He saw Celine.
Celine stood in front of him, her veil over her eyes and his gun in her hand. Rage flared up inside of him.
“Bitch,” he sneered. “You took everything from me.”
You tensed slightly at the tone, the word stinging a bit. You decided to ignore it and try to calm him down.
“Wilford… take a deep breath…”
“Don’t tell me what to do!” He snapped, striding closer to you, his fists balled in anger. “Everything would have been fine if I’d never gotten involved with you and your freeloading!”
You felt tears start to prick your eyes. You didn’t understand, everything a second ago had seemed just fine.
As he got closer, you tried to stand up straighter, to look stern.
He leaned closer to you and tried hard not to flinch. His tone was dripping with malice as he spoke again.
“I fucking hate you.”
You had tears running down your face now. You didn’t even flinch as Wilford grabbed the gun from your hand and pointed it at you.
There was the sound of gunfire, and everything went dark.
Wilford watched you fall, blood pooling from the hole in your chest. But something was off…
It wasn’t Celine who fell, it was you.
His eyes widened, and he caught you before you fell, getting soaking his shirt in blood, the crimson standing out against the pink.
“No…. No, gumdrop, please…. Please.”
You didn’t respond.
He snapped then.
Everything faded together. He clung to you, soaked in your blood. He stared at your glassy eyes for a moment before he started to laugh, tears streaming down his own face.
“Ah, cupcake… you always knew how to play a good joke. Heh… Cmon, sweetheart… wake up, you got me.”
He held you until you turned cold, his sobbing laughs echoing through the manor.
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craftartz67 · 2 years
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goosedoes-fics · 1 year
Wilford Warfstache x nonverbal!Reader
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Content warnings: Gender neutral reader, use of y/n, boss and employee relationship, what the fuck is a slow burn
Notes: this is another re-upload. errrmmmm wilford the silly
A loud voice jolted you out of your imagination. It was a very slow day, the kind that you'd spend curled up in a blanket by the fireplace, but of course you had to spend it at work. Typical.
You turned expectantly to your jovial sounding co-worker. What you had assumed was correct, as usual. The boss himself, Mr. Warfstache.
To call Wilford a "friend" would be an odd choice of words. You preferred to think of your relationship as strictly professional, but Mr. Warfstache seemed to consider you as a close pal.
Wilford plopped himself unceremoniously next to your seat at the sound booth. A wide grin was present on his face, as usual.
"So! The day's almost over, yeah? You ready to head home?"
You shrugged slightly, hoping he would leave you alone. It's not that you disliked him exactly, but more that he didn't really understand your aversion to conversating. As usual, he paid no mind to your wordless response.
"Me and a few a' the guys are headed over to a fancy li'l resteraunt in the area. And y'know of course I had t' see if you wanted to come along!" The eccentric man grinned wider, maintaining eery eye contact with you.
Naturally, you didn't respond verbally. Honestly, you didn't respond at all. You gave Wilford a strange look, turning your head towards the soundboard and flicking off the power switch for the night.
Wilford leaned forward, trying to catch your eye again. "But, hey, if you don't want a crowd, we can just go by ourselves! The two of us!" he piped up hopefully, his odd voice taking on an even odder tone.
That... actually didn't sound too bad to you. You turned to face him once more, hesitating for a moment before giving him a small nod. His face immediately lit up.
Wilford jumped out of his chair, running a hand through his hair to adjust it. "Well! Let's go now, then!"
With a small sigh, you lifted yourself from the chair, stretching a bit before gathering your belongings and heading for the studio door. Wilford trailed close behind you, locking the door as you exited the building.
The walk was about how you expected it. Wilford chattered away, nearly talking your ear off, but thankfully stayed away from anything that required you to speak. The sun was starting to go down now, painting the sky with a lovely gradient from blue to pink. You took a moment to admire the beauty of the scenery.
It was a little while before you began to realize the two of you had been walking for quite some time. Wilford had piped down a bit, and was glancing around in confusion as he scanned the streets.
"...coulda sworn the damn thing was this way," he muttered, seemingly embarrassed. "Yeah there was... that big ol' sign? And further down was the restaurant, right?"
The odd man seemed quite nervous now. Bits of sunlight filtered through the buildings on the horizon, but the streets were dimly lit as the lamps littering the sidewalks had yet to turn on.
After a moment, Wilford sighed heavily, turning swiftly on his heels. "I don't want us to get lost. Let's just head back." He hung his head sadly. Something told you he had been looking forward to this for a while.
You reassuringly pat his shoulder, making Wilford jump slightly, as if he had forgotten you were there. He looked back at you, giving you a small smile. "Don't you worry, I know where the studio is from here."
The walk back was much quieter than before. Your boss was so uncharacteristically quiet that it startled you half to death when he protectively wrapped an arm around your waist. You didn't protest. The closeness was quite comforting.
Eventually, the two of you managed to return to the studio. It was dark out now, and Wilford dejectedly retracted his arm as he turned to look at you.
"I'm sorry this turned out so boring, [Y/n]," he commented sadly.
You patted his arm again, this time letting the touch linger a bit more than you realized. You swiftly brought your arm back to your side, gazing at the sidewalk with embarrassment.
When you looked back up, Wilford was a bit closer. You felt your face heat up immediately as he drew you into a strong hug. After a moment of shock, you put your arms around him and hugged back.
Wilford pulled away with a deep breath. "Ta be honest, I was really looking forward to spendin' time with you. I didn't mean to get all lost like that."
You blinked in confusion. Wilford was talkative, sure, but he never tried to "spend time" with you outside of work.
"Actually, I'm really sorry for a lot a' things. I know I talk a lot an', I mean, you don't." His words began speeding up as he started to ramble. "You always seem so... uncomfy when I talk to ya. Did it feel like I was pushin' the whole outin' on ya? Gosh, I'm sorry, I didn't think about that, of course it must've felt like that. I'm your boss and you're always so quiet. I wish you had told me, not that this is your fault, but I mean-"
You put a finger over Wilford's lips to stop his rambling, and he cut off quickly. He stared at you for a moment, and as you realized what you had done, you quickly pulled away. You gazed at him and shook your head to indicate his worries were incorrect.
You both stared at each other for a moment. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment once again.
Wilford gently placed a hand on your waist. "Is it okay if I kiss you?" he asked cautiously.
Your face was now evidently reddened. After a moment of processing his words, you nodded slowly.
Wilford brought his face closer to yours, eyes narrowing slightly as he slowly planted his lips on yours. For how rough his hands were, his lips were comfortably soft. The way he kissed you made it seem as if he'd been waiting to for quite some time.
Slowly, he pulled away, pressing his forehead to yours in a caring gesture.
The warmth of the embrace lasted some time before you stepped back, earning a sad whine from Wilford. You smiled slightly.
"It's dark out now. Can I walk you home?" he asked hopefully.
You nodded, grasping his hand firmly as you began leading the way.
The quiet of the night gave you some time to reflect. You realized how easy it was to communicate with Wilford, as you didn't have to say a single word. That was very comforting to you.
Maybe one day you'd even be confident enough to speak in front of him. You smiled at the thought.
Maybe the talkative man wasn't so bad after all.
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intolerable-sushi · 4 months
Loving madness
Wilford x reader
Hello folks!!! I am currently sick with the flu, so I have had time to go through my drafts and work on things!!! This is an wilford x gn reader story that I may or may not continue depending on how I feel. Let me know if yall like it, enjoy!!!
Your friends had dragged you to a new club on your birthday to celebrate despite you begging for a small party. Instead of a couple of drinks with your friends inside your perfectly temperate house, you were now sweating like a pig in the corner of the club. Your friends were having a good time at least, with each finding a random guy to grind on. You could barely hold the panic that threatened to spill out of your throat as the club became more crowded. You hated this. You needed to get some air. You could barely make your way through the crowd as you searched for some sort of sanctuary. As your panic began to overflow and tears started to cloud your eyes, you bumped into a man as he turned around, spilling your drink all over him. You began to apologize profusely afraid that he would be angry with you, as he had every right to be. 
Loving Wilford had been a mistake. A mistake that you could have easily avoided if you hadn’t been so short-sighted and naive. It had all been going so well when you had first met. 
“Now, now, it's alright darling. A little spill never hurt anyone. These things happen all the time! Now, are you alright?” The man was tall , wearing a yellow shirt and khakis. His smile was warm under his mustache and his eyes had this spark in them. You froze, he was beautiful. “Miss I understand that I am quite a catch if I do say so myself, but I do believe that you need to breathe.” You need to breathe? Oh shit you had stopped breathing. You took in a quick gasp before apologizing again. His eyes appeared to soften as he looked at you. 
“You look like you are having a rough night. Why don’t we get you outside for some air?” He placed his hand on the small of your back as he guided you towards the door. Once the two of you were outside he sat you down on a chair that you were sure wasn’t there when you had walked out. “Now, why don’t you tell me what’s gotten someone as stunning as you all frazzled.” You explained that today was your birthday, and that your friends had dragged you to this new club despite you wanting a small get together. Everyone else was having fun, but the atmosphere was overwhelming to you. You didn’t want to ruin everyone’s fun so you just stayed quiet. The tears that had been collecting in your eyes began to fall. You just wanted to go home now.  
The man had listened silently to your explanation before letting out a huff. “ Those don’t sound like very good friends. Today is YOUR birthday not theirs. You should be doing what you want to do today!” You stated you would rather not cause any problems. The man huffed again, “Wanting to be celebrated in a way you enjoy is not causing problems.” The man appeared to be almost steaming as he began to pace in front of you muttering to himself. 
You stood up from your chair and said you would rather just head back to your apartment now. The man stopped his pacing and turned to you, “Alright, but may I walk you home to ensure your safety.” You thought about it for a second. This definitely was not the safest part of town, so walking by yourself was risky but at the same time, you didn’t know this man. You couldn’t help but eye him suspiciously. Was he really safe or did he have another motive?
The man seemed to realize what you were thinking and he cleared his throat. “ My apologies, where are my manners? My name is Willia- I mean, Wilford Warfstache at your service.” He said while taking a deep bow with his hand to his chest. You couldn’t help but to giggle at the name. Warfstache, what an interesting name. You decided that he seemed kind enough and told him he could walk you home. 
The two of you talked the entire way there. Wilford was kind, passionate, and funny. He had so many stories to tell and you felt like you could listen to him for hours. He made you smile and you couldn’t help the feelings of butterflies forming in your stomach. Before you parted ways that night you gifted Wilford with your number and a kiss on the check. 
The two of you began to see each other regularly and talked almost nonstop. Being with Wilford felt like a dream. He was a gentleman in all things, but he helped push you out of your comfort zone. The two of you had gone on skating dates, picnic dates, and you even went to a dance club at some point. Wilford had kept you close to make sure you were safe and comfortable. 
You were so happy and naive that you had ignored the problems and red flags. Wilford rarely talked about his past, with the only people he ever brought up being his childhood friends Mark and Damien. Sometimes he would mention a past love, but he didn’t seem to remember her name. Which brought up another concern; his memory. He struggled with simple things like the date, or even where he was. Which explained why he didn’t talk about his past. You suggested he go see a doctor multiple times, but he would refuse with a kind smile every time. 
 Other issues were harder to ignore, like when he started to just appear in places. In the apartment he could be in the bedroom one minute, and then in the kitchen the next. You explained it away with you just not paying attention, but that excuse didn’t work when he did it outside the house. Walking away to go to the bathroom only to appear in front of you when you turn back around. You should have started asking questions then. You should have payed attention as the light slowly left his eyes, when his face began to have random twitches, or when his mustache started to turn fucking pink. You ignored it all, explaining it all away in your head like a naive fool. Maybe you could have saved him. It’s too late to know now. 
Eventually his descent went from a trickle of odd occurrence to a waterfall of concerns. You would come home to him sitting at the table with a drink in hand staring at the wall muttering to himself. You could only catch the words “I did” from him. He would snap out of it when you would call him, and go back to being regular old Wilford, but over time even that stopped working. He would avoid the topic every time you brought it up, saying, “I’m fine love, I promise.” As this went on you could no longer ignore the fact that he started to randomly appear in your house when you knew he wasn’t there. You had screamed at him the first time he walked into the kitchen from your room. The two of you started to argue. He refused to talk to you about anything, and you were begging him to get help. You could see him slipping further and further from you, but he was just being so stubborn. 
Everything came to a head when you had been watching the news one night. There had been a massacre, two men and three women had been shot and killed. “The killer is still at large.” The news reporter stated, “ It is suggested that everyone stay in their homes until further notice. Talks of city wide curfew are currently in the works” 
Your front door suddenly slammed open! You turned to see Wilford staggering inside before slamming the door closed behind him.“Darling are you home?” He called, “You would not believe the night I’ve had!” You felt relief wash over you seeing your love, but that feeling stopped when something shun in his hand. A gun. Your blood froze for a second as you stared at the weapon. You were no longer listening to Wilford as questions flooded your head. Did he kill those people? Wilford would never hurt anyone!! He’s been so kind!! But why is he holding it right now? Why is it not holstered? Is that smoke?
“Darling?” Wilford had noticed you staring at his gun. He looked behind you to see the news broadcast. “Oh that? That was just a little accident, my love, no need to worry! It’ll work itself out!” An accident? It had been an accident? So why did he run? You looked into his eyes and your body couldn’t help but stiffen. There was no regret or sadness for the lives he had taken. The madness that you had been ignoring had taken over his eyes. Even the love he had for you was hard to find. You couldn’t help but be afraid for a moment. 
His smile began to falter as he stared at you. “My love? What’s wrong? You know I would never hurt you right? It was just an accident I swear.” He slowly began to approach you with his hands up, but the gun was still in hand. You scrambled off the couch to get away from him. His face fell at that moment. He backed towards the kitchen before slumping onto the table, “I’ve lost it haven’t I,” He whispered almost to himself, “ I thought I had more time, but it’s really slipped away, hasn’t it.” He finally looked back up at you, and for a moment you saw the Wilford you had met that night. 
You begged him to let you help him. The two of you could fix this! You can’t lose him! You were sobbing now. You began to  slowly make your way around the couch towards him.
You froze as he snapped at you. He looked back down at the floor. “I’m too far gone love. I’m gonna forget everything eventually. Even you…” He began to grip the edge of the table, “ You don’t deserve this. You are so sweet, and caring. I wish I could give you the world,” the table began to crack under his grip, “ I don’t deserve you. I can’t keep you safe. Not when I’m the thing putting you in danger.” 
Wilford rose up from the table and looked at you with a sad smile. “ I can’t be with you love. It was selfish of me to think otherwise. I can’t destroy your life like I destroyed theirs. I have to go, but if you ever need me just call for me, and I’ll come. Even if I don’t remember you, I promise I’ll protect you.” You didn’t understand, you begged him to explain. He only shook his head. “Goodbye my love,” With that he disappeared in front of your eyes. 
You haven’t seen Wilford since, and you’ve been a wreck. You loved that man. You shouldn’t but you did anyway.  You just couldn’t understand any of this. What was he? Why did he kill those people? You’ve been crying yourself to sleep trying to think of the answers, but none ever came.
One night things took another turn. 
You were crying in your room as you had done for many nights when suddenly, “Poor, sweet thing. All teary eyed over a lost love. Confused with no answers,” A voice called out to you from the darkness of your room. You reached to turn on the lamp on your night stand, but the light barely even reached the edge of your bed. What’s happening? “ Relax little one, I am here to help you. I have some information that could be of use to you. I don’t ask for much in return. Just a simple favor,” From the shadows stepped a man in a suit. He stood tall and proud, with gray skin like a thunder cloud. His form seemed to break and strain, with the man appearing to scream in pain for one second then be back to his standing posture the next. “Why don’t we talk about this over ice cream?”
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erexart · 4 months
I agree with ur engie talk! I think like a lot of the egos he's somewhat of a base of a character that has hints and scenes of deeper character to them that we as fans get to go crazy with. I think marks work has a way of like..... beginning as a parody or pastiche of something else (date as a romantic movie, heist as a heist movie, iswm as a Sci fi) that slowly morphs into something deeper and emotionally destructive, ala darks appearance in date as well as heist, heists deeper routes that turn into almost entirely different genres, and spaces secret behind the wormhole. I think engie being both a bit of a blank doll that serves as the caps yes man and then splintering apart to show a deeper character is very much purposeful and a part of the impact of iswm. engies descent as old mark and "dont" and emotional beats of "thanks for not giving up on me" and such are so devastating BECAUSE he begins as such a blank yes man to us I think
Thanks for sharing your thoughts anon! I also saw another person’s tags about this that talks about how engie is singular yet a multitude and I’m glad people are thinking the same thing! I personally think EVERY character is sort of a blank doll too
Like my own interpretation of warfstache is he is a tortured mind with a fragile side, and i focus on the more gentle more tender side to him, dark is the same and i focus on the more heartbreaking more softer side of him. But that doesn’t make the fun-disco-murder loving wilford headcanon wrong! Or dark the cold-harsh-manipulative-red flag entity you wouldn’t date wrong either! Every interpretation is right and inconclusive, none of them are incorrect unless mark himself specifies.
Mark basically made x reader fanfics but in video form😂 and he told all of us “just go crazy with it idfc” and I just think it’s so neat of him
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littleoddwriter · 8 months
Rules, Guidelines, etc.:
[Used to be: ronaldrx]
I'm a hobby writer and mostly write (x Reader) FanFictions and Headcanons. But I am also working on my original story whenever I can, so that I’ll hopefully publish it as an actual book someday. My Ao3.
Here’s a link to my Ko-Fi, in case you want to support me financially. It would mean a lot to me! (Obviously no obligation whatsoever! You never have to pay for anything on my blog, it’s merely an option for donations.)
Also, here are my sideblogs if you’re interested:
Dead Poets Society
Raúl Esparza
The Simpsons
Only ask for the characters I’ve got listed, please. I’ve written down all of the ones I actually write for, and the list is being updated regularly, as I often find new (actors, whose) characters I write for! (And yes, I always write for every character, so don’t ever worry if you wanna ask for one I haven’t written for in a long time, or ever, it’s fine!) Please always be patient with me. If I haven’t outright declined your request, it’s definitely in the works; even if it has been weeks or months since you’ve sent it in! And only send your requests via ASKs. No DMs or comments, please.
If you have a request, send an Ask to my inbox.
NO sexual NSFW requests, please (more details further down).
Requests = CLOSED (Max. Limit: 10)
Current number of requests: 10
Last updated: October 29, 2023
Masterlists are linked with fandoms/actors/characters below. I WRITE FOR:
ALFRED MOLINA characters:
Doctor Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man
Bob Taylor
James Lewis
Kurt Goreshter
Lonny Crane
Philippe/Abra Kadabra
Simon Lynch
Thomas Schiff
ETHAN HAWKE characters:
Arthur Harrow
Ellison Oswalt
Goodnight Robicheaux
James Sandin
EWAN MCGREGOR characters:
Alex Law
Catcher Block
Christopher Robin
Curt Wild
Dan Torrance
John Bishop
Mark Renton
Obi-Wan Kenobi 
Roman Sionis/Black Mask* (Birds of Prey - Masc!Reader only) [Any other version of Roman Sionis/Black Mask can be with a Gender Neutral/Female!Reader.]
HUGH DANCY characters:
Adam Raki
Cal Roberts
Luke Brandon
Executive ADA Nolan Price
Will Graham
KARL URBAN characters:
Billy Butcher
Black Hat
John Kennex
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Markiplier EGOS:
Wilford Warfstache
PAUL DANO characters:
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Edward Nashton/The Riddler
Eli Sunday
Jay (Okja)
Joby Taylor
PEDRO PASCAL characters:
Agent Whiskey
Dave York
Dio Morrissey
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Marcus Moreno
Marcus Pike
Max Phillips
Maxwell Lord
Oberyn Martell
Ricky Hauk
RAÚL ESPARZA characters:
Dr. Frederick Chilton*
Jackson Neill
Jonas Nightingale
Rafael Barba
Characters from 9-1-1 (Lone Star):
Carlos Reyes*
Eddie Diaz
Evan “Buck” Buckley
Howard “Chimney” Han
Josh Russo*
Mateo Chavez
Paul Strickland
Bobby Nash
Tim Rosewater
TK Strand*
Characters from Law and Order(: Special Victims Unit):
Detective/ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.
Sergeant Mike Dodds
Detective Nick Amaro
Executive ADA Nolan Price
ADA Peter Stone
ADA Rafael Barba
Deputy Chief William Dodds
Little Miss Sunshine:
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Our Flag Means Death:
Edward Teach/Blackbeard*
Izzy Hands
Stede Bonnet*
Prisoners (2013):
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Bob Taylor
Detective David Loki
Renfield (2023):
Count Dracula
Robert Montague Renfield
Tedward “Teddy” Lobo
SLASHERS/Horror Film Characters:
Asa Emory/The Collector
Ash J. Williams [I will usually default to Ash from the TV show, unless requested otherwise!]
Billy Lenz (1974)
Billy Loomis
Bo Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface (TCM 1974 and TCM 2)
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
Chop Top Sawyer
Corey Cunningham
Dewey Riley
Drayton Sawyer
Herbert West*
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
Lawrence Gordon
Lester Sinclair
Luigi Largo
Mark Hoffman  
Nubbins Sawyer
Pavi Largo
Stu Macher  
Vincent Sinclair
William Easton
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn
The Girl Next Door:
Characters from The Simpsons:
Cecil Terwilliger*
Fat Tony
Frankie the Squealer
Jack Lassen
Johnny Tightlips
Moe Szyslak
Ned Flanders
Otto Mann
Seymour Skinner
Sideshow Bob
Sideshow Mel
Snake Jailbird
Timothy Lovejoy
Waylon Smithers*
What We Do in the Shadows:
Anton (Movie)
Guillermo de la Cruz*
Laszlo Cravensworth
Nandor the Relentless
* Please note that an asterisk (*) means that these characters are Male/Masc/GenderNeutral!Reader only (including non-binary, of course). Platonic relationships with Female!Reader are possible, but no romantic ones.
If it’s a character that is open to all Readers, and you do not specify in your request what you want, I’ll usually opt for a Gender Neutral Reader by default.
SHIPS, such as:
BlackBonnet (OFMD)
SteddyHands (OFMD)
Black Pete x Lucius Spriggs (OFMD)
Buck x Josh Russo (9-1-1)
Dracfield (Renfield 2023)
Buddie (9-1-1)
Eli x Klitz (The Girl Next Door)
Nandermo (WWDITS)
Herbert West x Dan Cain (Re-Animator)
McKirk (Star Trek: AOS)
Oluwande x Jim Jimenez (OFMD)
Barisi (Law & Order SVU) 
Renfield x Teddy Lobo (Renfield 2023)
Sickrent (Trainspotting/T2)
Stobotnik (Sonic Movie)
Tarlos (9-1-1: Lone Star)
AnderPerry (Dead Poets Society)
ZsaszMask (Birds of Prey)
Lastly, I would like to add things I will NOT write (about):
Sexual NSFW fics/headcanons (I used to write those as you can see in my Masterlists, but I have my reasons for not writing them anymore. Any hints at sexual topics are fine).
Anything related to death as the main subject (this includes deadly diseases, anything fatal, really, etc.).
Anything that romanticizes Mental Illness (my Vent Fics about my own disorders obviously do not romanticize any of it and I do not stand for that).
(Recreational) Drug Use
Extreme Possessive Behaviour and/or Jealousy
If you have something you would like me to write for, but you do not see it listed anywhere, please ask me before requesting it, so we can talk about it. I hope you enjoy yourself on my blog and have a good time!
My Asks and DMs are always open for any questions or simply to talk!
- Jesse
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leighsartworks216 · 8 months
Markiplier Egos Masterlist
I have too many links on my main masterlist lol
Main Masterlist
Request Rules
Tag List Form
The Host
Please Stay - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, lots of blood, wound descriptions, implied self-h*rm, awkwardness, just sorta the beginning stages of a crush so it's really cute
Help - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, depression, intrusive thoughts
Friendship - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Cuddles - The Host x gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: swearing, anxiety, awkwardness
“Did you sleep well?” Headcanons - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Wilford Warfstache
Blanket Thief - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Scary Movie Night - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: broken glass, panic attack, swearing, hurt/comfort but mostly fluff
Wilf Welcoming You Back Home Headcanons - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: mentions of food and drink
Pet - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, reader is angy, bad accents
Parole - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: cat
My Handsome Guy - trans!Yancy x transmasc!reader
Warnings: dysphoria (not explicit), Yancy calls you “doll” in a gender neutral way, period stuff
Breakfast - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, slight paranoia (?), slight abandonment issues
Star-gazing - Yancy x gn!reader x Illinois
Warnings: none
Solitary - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: panic attack, claustrophobia, swearing, hurt/comfort
Hyperfixations - Yancy x autistic!gn!reader x Illinois
Warnings: slight swearing???, fluff
Just a Little Dark Drabble - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
A Thousand Awful Days - Dark x transmasc!reader
Warnings: dysphoria, swearing, fluff
Overwhelmed - Part 2 - Dark x (implied) autistic!gn!reader
Warnings: overstimulation/sensory overload, being nonverbal, zoning out, swearing, can be read as platonic
Damien and Dark ramble - Damien x gn!reader, Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Grief - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: grieving, depression, loss of a pet
Period Pains - Dark x AFAB!reader
Warnings: talk of period stuff that may cause dysphoria
Trauma (Songfic) - Dark x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: angst
Birthday Wishes - Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: mentions of purgatory, fire/matches and a knife
Dark Drabble - Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: none
Just A Child - Dark & teenage!gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: Actor is a creep (implied), hurt/comfort themes
Panic Attack Comfort Headcanons - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: panic attack (obvi), mostly fluff
Pretty Boy - King!Dark x masc!reader
Warnings: things get a little spicy 😳
Gone, I’m Gone (Songfic) - Dark/Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: explicit descriptions of blood, broken bones, starvation and dehydration, swearing, manipulation, extreme angst
Papers (Songfic) - Dark/Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: Actor is an asshole, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of some events from WKM
Of Cowboys, Cave Ins, and Crushes - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: being trapped in a small area, death, minor injuries that are not explicitly described
Partner - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Free of Charge - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: illness, swearing, hurt/comfort
Reckless - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: death, blood, injury, swearing, ANGST
Family Reunion - Illinois, no reader
Warnings: none
Stay Safe - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing
Star-gazing - Illinois x gn!reader x Yancy
Warnings: none
Careful Not To Fall In Love - Illinois & Indiana Jones
Warnings: none
Hyperfixations - Illinois x autistic!gn!reader x Yancy
Warnings, slight swearing??, fluff
Midnight, The Stars and You (Songfic Kinda) - Damien x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Damien and Dark ramble - Damien x gn!reader, Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Trauma (Songfic) - Dark x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: angst
Gone, I’m Gone (Songfic) - Damien/Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: explicit descriptions of blood, broken bones, starvation and dehydration, swearing, manipulation, extreme angst
Sodomy - Damien x male!DA!reader
Warnings: internalized homophobia, religious trauma, hinted emotionally abusive parents, sodomy laws
Papers (Songfic) - Damien/Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: Actor is an asshole, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of some events from WKM
Hug - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Reader Who Can’t Spell Headcanons - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
First Kiss Headcanons - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
You’re Not The Captain AU
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Ficlet
You’re Another Engineer AU
Captain’s Log - Ficlet - Addition
Dogs in Space Headcanons - ISWM Crew + Captain!reader (Slight Captaineer)
Engineer Mark
Kiss It Better - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: minor injury, but mostly just fluff
Captain, My Captain - Engineer Mark x AFAB!reader
Warnings: period fic, cramps, swearing
In My Solitude (Songfic) - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: loneliness, depression, possible su*c*dal thought (written in red text just in case), death, heavy angst, maybe a little fluffy at the end but like a sad fluffy
I Missed You - Engineer Mark x transmasc!reader
Warnings: being (unintentionally) misgendered
#1 Captain - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
Your Captain - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, loss of identity, overworking
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ashtonisvibing · 3 months
"You're not gonna eat all that ice cream by yourself, give me a spoon"
Fandom: Markiplier Egos
Alternate Universe: None
Ship(s): Wilford Warfstache x Darkiplier
Character(s): Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache
Warning(s): None
Originally Published: January 11, 2024
Word Count: 1,096
Author's Notes:
seasons skirmish gift for thestarsarebrighttonight on AO3
did someone say darkstache with a hint of fluff and angst? :}
pronouns check:
dark - they/them
wilford - he/him
if you liked what you read, consider giving this a reblog, please! it'll let more people see my work!
[plain text: if you liked what you read, consider giving this a reblog, please! it'll let more people see my work!]
Full Story:
There were most nights where Dark was able to just lay in bed when they weren’t able to sleep, just letting whatever memory that disturbed them play out in their mind while they stared up at the ceiling above themself. But this time they simply couldn't. They weren't able to fall asleep, letting their mind wander wasn't working, either. And trying to focus on the breathing and heartbeat of the pink haired man beside them was doing nothing as well. And they had always found that to be a nice go-to when nothing else seemed to work.
So now they were walking down the softly lit winding staircase, not sure where their tired feet would take them. Seemingly ancient furniture and photos that had been covered for years had their colors turned gray as the entity walked by, highlighted by the slight glow of their red and blue aura - as Wilford had decided to call it. Dark tried to keep their attention away from the photos hung on the walls lest they get tempted to pull the fabrics off and uncover them.
The photos were covered for a reason.
Dark soon found themself in the kitchen of the manor. The moonlight coming from outside just barely illuminated the black counter tops, showing the various glasses and plates and silverware that neither occupant had remembered to clean and put away; Dark was far too busy keeping the other look alikes in check wherever they all ended up, and Wilford was far too scatterbrained as it was to remember most simple tasks, leaving the entity to clean up after him most of the time. But no matter how much Wil might protest, they wouldn’t be doing as such if they didn’t mind it. But despite cleaning the kitchen providing the perfect distraction they just didn’t have the energy to do so much work. And considering they were in the kitchen…
The entity looked around the various cabinets, as well as the fridge, for anything that they could have as a midnight snack. Cookies, chocolate, a pie that Wilford had impulsively bought… Nothing was scratching their snacking itch. Well, nothing until they looked into the freezer, noticing a carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream that they hadn’t seen before. Wilford must have picked some up the last time he went to the store. And honestly, it was exactly what they needed right now. Not bothering with grabbing a bowl, they simply took the carton and a clean spoon and stood themself at the central counter. And despite how ridiculous they felt eating straight out of the carton, they didn’t see any point in grabbing a bowl. It would just be added to the assortment of dishes they’d need to clean tomorrow.
Dark stood there for a while, leaned against the counter as they watched the pine trees outside sway with the breeze. Just taking in the heavy silence of the manor around them. So quiet that when they suddenly heard a floor plank creak outside of the kitchen they nearly jumped out of their skin, the spoon in their hand clanking to the counter when they accidentally let go.
“Never knew that you were one to get spooked.” A voice chuckled from the doorway. Wilford, of course, no one else resided in the manor. No one else would even have the balls to sneak up on the entity like he did. Dark’s cheeks were flushed a darker gray from pure embarrassment as they picked the spoon back up.
“I was just too caught up in my thoughts, that’s all..” They ate another spoonful of their snack. Wil just gave a hum, leaned against the wooden door frame as he watched his partner. For once it felt more unnerving than any other time he did so. “Is there something you want?”
“Are your thoughts why you’re up so early… Eating ice cream, from the looks of it?” He chuckled a little as he took his place next to the other, arms now resting against the counter once he was bent over. “I’m learning a lot about you this night, darkling~”
Dark’s face was now instead a dark gray from the flirting. They rolled their eyes a little, looking down at the other. “It’s not that important, Wilford. You’ve caught me, you don’t need to be down here with me anymore.” Wil was never deterred by their rudeness, they knew that very well. And deep down inside they wanted their boyfriend to stay here with them, chatting away about a million topics at once, like he loved to do while they were working. But it was so early in the morning. And it’s not like Wilford had the best track record when it came to sleeping, either.
“Mmm… No.” He smirked as he reached into the silverware drawer to grab his own spoon. Of course he wasn’t going to leave. “I’m not letting you eat all that by yourself. You’ll get a stomach ache doing that.” He chuckled as he scooped his own spoonful of ice cream from the carton. “Besides, I had bought this for the both of us, you thief.” Another chuckle, this one earning the faintest touch of a smile from Dark.
“Alright, fine. I suppose there’s no arguing with a madman.”
“Now you’re starting to get it!” Wilford laughed as he stood up straight to leave a kiss on Dark’s cheek. “And if you want to talk abo-”
“No.” The entity’s tone was firm. The flickers of red surrounding them became brighter before they sighed. They only used such a tone with Wil, when they were especially sure they didn’t want to speak about something. Well, that seemed to be that then. Wil wasn’t going to push the topic further.
“Alright, alright… Oh! But I’m sure you’ll love to hear about…” And the two devolved into their usual place. Wilford rambling about who even knows what half of the time, and Dark just standing there, listening to every word. Wilford could already guess why his partner was awake, anyways. The day that the three of them died, in their own little ways, wasn’t something that would ever go away. The sounds of gunshots kept Wil awake as well. But in some strange sort of way, neither wanted to go back and change any of it. Because neither would be here as they are now - awake at midnight in a manor full of old and painful memories, sharing a moment of peace over mint chocolate chip ice cream.
How could they ever want to take this away?
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sketch-moose · 2 years
Just something that popped into my head
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Credits to @scribbled-death
Wilford Warfstache x Reader
Prompt: the Queen song ‘Good Ol’ Fashion Loverboy’
Let me be your good ol’ fashion lover boy
You hummed as you swayed slightly to the music. Your attention on the cookies you had baked for your lover and the music playing on the background. You had yet to realize that Wilford was watching you amused. When you turned around you nearly dropped the tray
“Wilford, honey!”
He chuckled as you put the cookies down. He hugged you and kissed your forehead. He swayed with you and you let out a sigh
“feel lucky i love you”
Wilford nodded and instantly you knew he wasn’t in a talkative mood
He blinked and looked down and kissed you.
“Let me be your Good Ol’ Fashion Lover Boy?”
you giggled and nod. He didn’t have to ask
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F/o List
Main F/o’s(uncomfortable sharing)
•Pierre Bezukhov(The Great Comet)
~🧸My Cuddly Bear🧸~
~🧸The Bear and The Squirrel 🐿️ ~
•William Shakespeare(Something Rotten(Christian Borle)
~🪶It’s Hard to Be The Bard🪶~
•(Young)Charles Xavier(X-men)
(They’re almost always on my mind:3)
F/o’s I’m currently hyper fixated on:
•The 4th Doctor(Doctor Who)
~🍬Have a Jelly Baby🍬~
~🌌Me and The Doctor🌌~
•Sweeney Todd(2023 Revival)
~🩸Sick at Heart🩸~
~🪒Pretty Men🪒~
•The 7th Doctor
•Oleg Salt(CaTCF)(Broadway version only)
~🧂When Veruca Says🧂~
~ 💗💜💙~
•Patrick Bateman(American psycho)
~🔪Hip to be Square🩸~
•Kurt Wagner(Nightcrawler)(X-men)
~💙Fwuffy boy💙~
•King John(Robin Hood 2010)
None yet
•Terzo(Ghost Band)
~✨Can't you see that you're lost without me?✨~
F/o Limbo
•Oz,The Great and Powerful(Oscar Diggs)
The Wizard of Oz
~💚Me and The Wizard💚~
Secondary F/o’s
•Karl Heisenberg(Re8)
~⚙️Hobo Magneto⚙️~
~🤴Beauty and The Beast 🐺~
•Remy LeBeau(X-Men Comics)
•Erik Destler(Poto)
~🪽My Angel🪽~
•Wilford Warfstache(MEU)
~💕Life needs a little Madness💕~
•Mephisto Pheles(Blue Exorcist)
•Gale Dekarios(Bg3)
~🪄I’m Going to Fistfight Mystra🪄~
~😈Me and The Devil😈~
•The Easter Bunny(Rotg)
•Montgomery Gator(FNAF)
~🐊Hey!Little Guy!🐊~
•Jack the Clown(Jack Schmidt)(Halloween Horror Nights)
•Krusty the Clown(The Simpsons)
Joint Tags:
~🤡Hear me out guys🤡~
•Emmett ‘Doc’ Brown(Bttf)
~⏱️Time Travel Buddies⏱️~
•Jack Rose(Just Dance)
~🌹Lover Boy🌹~
~🐈A Cat That Cannot be ignored🐈~
•Darkwing Duck(Darkwing Duck)
~🦆Daring Duck 🦆~
Stede Bonnet + Edward Teach(Ofmd)
~🐙The Gentleman,The Kracken and Me🐙~
~🥀My Hearts Desire🥀~
~🎢My First Adventure🎢~
•Raoul De Chagny(Poto)
~❤️The Vicomte❤️~
•Scrooge(Muppets+Netflix Version)
~🦪Solitary as an Oyster 🦪~
•Dracule Mihawk(Opla)
•Aziraphale and Crowley(GO)
~👼I can be yuor angle👼~
~😈Or yuor devil😈~
•Anatoly Sergievsky(Chess)
Maybe F/o’s
•Marvin Gardens(Falsettos)
None yet 
Special Case F/os
(these are special because it they were my first f/o or they have some sort of meaning)(Won’t post about these much)
•Johann Faust the VIII(Shaman King)
~♥️First Love♥️~
•William Afton
•Grell Sutcliffe(Black Butler)
~💋My Fabulous Wife💋~
•Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact)
•Carlisle Cullen(Twilight)
~🧛‍♂️Hey Edward!Im f*cking your dad!🧛‍♂️~
~🚫I don’t wanna be free🚫~
•Royal Margarine Cookie(Crk) 
~🐉The Handsome Dragon Rider🧈~
•Remy LeBeau (Gambit)(X-men)
Tertiary F/os
(Don’t talk about these ones much so none of them have tags)
Overall Tag:
The Doctor’s Loves
•Bowser •King Dice  •Doc Ock  •Puss in Boots  •Finn Mcmissle  •Godbrand •Emperor Belos •Ken(Barbie Movie 2023)
•Calico Jack(Ofmd)
•The Narrator
•Divus Crewel
•Vinsmoke Sanji
•Cole Cassidy
Familial F/os
(None of these have tags except for a few)
Allan+Midge(Barbie Movie)
Anatole+Hélène Kuragin(The Great Comet)
Tags:~😈The Troublesome Trio😈~
Eda Clawthorne(Toh)
Glamrock Freddy(FNAF)
Tags:~✨You’re my Superstar✨~
Twin Brother
Tags:~⁉️Wait!Two Stanley’s?!?!?⁉️~
Adam+Barbara Maitland(Beetlejuice)
Tags:~🧟Fright of their lives🧟~
Nellie Lovett(2023 Revival+Movie)
Tags:~🥧Me Mum🥧~
Ethan+Mia Winters(Resident Evil)
Tags:~❄️The Winters❄️~
The 12th+14th Doctor(Doctor Who)
Tags:~🙄Do you even know what thinking is?🙄
~🌌Wibbly Wobbily Timey Wimey🌌~
~🌌You’re like my dad!🌌~
The 11th Doctor(Doctor Who)
~🎀Bow ties are cool🎀~
Platonic F/os
Willy Wonka(CaTCF)
~🌈Pure Imagination🌈~
Retired F/os
(Still kinda love them but not enough for them to be f/os)
•Shota Aizawa •Hizashi Yamada •Keigo Takami •Zhongli •Keaya •Diluc •Baizhu
•Undertaker •Sebastian Michaelis •Phone guy(Scott) •Asmodeus(Obey me)  •Gold Rodger •Almond cookie 
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craftartz67 · 2 years
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Abestache comic
I am obsessed with drawing these two now XD. Feel free to ask requests for more Abestache content.
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mothgodofchaos · 1 year
What if Wilford got mad one day? I've never seen a fic about a mad Wilford. Maybe Y/N and wilford got into a fight or maybe the egos did something. Idk I just feel like it would be really hot lol.
Oh yeah, totally would be hot, totally not reflective of the anger that he showed as the Colonel. Totally not. /s
Wilford Warfstache x GN!Reader, TW: none Words: 405
It was indeed rare to see Wilford get angry. Most of the time he was just the bubbly pink man he was. But there were a few rare occasions that would make him exceptionally pissed off. Never was it your fault, and he certainly didn’t enjoy you seeing him angry. So he’d hide away, and you never really understood why, until you actually saw it in front of you. The Jims had once again messed with his filming schedule after months of careful planning, organizing schedules, and working on transportation for the guests for his talk show. He looked like he was about to blow his top. But something about him changed. Like an old resurgence of anger had been coaxed to the surface. It was almost like he became someone else. He stood taller, shoulders broad as he now nearly loomed over the Jims, yet there was now a military-like stiffness to his posture. His hand kept going to his hip as if there was something there that he was reaching for, almost out of instinct. His demeanor and words were very pointed, and the Jims seemed to back off in fear. It took Dark coming out to calm him down, and even then, Wilford was taken into a different room. You didn’t want to eavesdrop, possibly interfering, or even making it worse. A few minutes go by, and Dark comes out alone. He wipes a tear from his eye, nodding to you that you can go in as he walks past you. You hesitate, peering around the door frame to see what happened to Wilford. When you lay eyes on him, it’s a shell of the man you know. Desaturated, shoulders sagging as he fiddles with something in his hands. It’s as if someone put a filter over him, the pinks and yellows of his outfit and hair no longer seeming as vibrant. “Wilford…?” He perks up at the sound of your voice, and you see the tears still in his eyes. Confused, you move to comfort him. “Wilford, you didn’t hurt anyone. Certainly didn’t hurt me, it wasn’t your fault.” “Oh dearheart, you’ll never understand, it will forever be my fault. But you won’t understand. Not for a while, it’s better this way…” He looks back down at his hands, fiddling with a pair of glasses, bifocals on one side. “I don’t need these anymore to see the monster I’ve turned into…”
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willywarfy · 10 months
Welcome! Please read before interacting!
This is just a silly little rp blog, I've fallen back into WKM and WMW obsession and crave the characters SO MUCH so why not make yet another social media account centered around them
Admin intro!
Wilford's is further down
But hey, call me Night! Ooc i am 22, I don't rp nsfw with anybody under 18. My time zone is EST and am most active from 4 pm to 2 am. My rp style is literate, sometimes more or less depending on who I'm roleplaying with. My favorite tropes are angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, and action. In addition to rp I will be posting fics, headcanons, and art here as well.
Wilford intro!
Certainly crazy, but not as much as you might think.
After literally taking the lives of others and seeing them get back up, with the help of how weird reality seemed to be afterwards, Wilford forgot. He forgot EVERYTHING. A subconscious decision his mind made for him for him to cope. Now he's a crazy, happy, party animal. He loves martinis and disco. He insists he doesn't have some weird magical abilities, and claims he's just "learned to adapt to the world around him." He can appear anywhere he wants to in reality, and can read people's thoughts if he wants to. He can bend some images of reality to his liking, nothing major but just little details. Like if he needs a small object.
If interacting pre WMW:
He still doesn't remember anything. Abe hasn't found him, and he's spent his days happy. If someone were to make him remember, it would be a really hard blow to his mental state. He'd try very hard to hold on to the peace he had found, trying to block out everything as he did before. But it wouldn't work, as he now is hanging around (your character) who reminded him of everything. It would be very hard to break down his walls and get him to talk about anything he was feeling, but it would be clear that he is struggling from his demeanor. But, if he doesn't remember what happened, he would be a crazy, happy party animal still.
If interacting post WMW:
He's not as happy as he once was. With his memories of his trauma and the causation of others traumas, he's changed. Not completely. He's still kinda crazy, definitely eccentric, but he's a bit more understanding of his fellow human beings now. He's more caring, and wants to be there for others- those he likes, anyway. He spent so long feeling nothing but happiness that now he feels every emotion very intensely. He loves deeply, rages occasionally, and gets depressed at times.
My ships and muses!
Wilford Warfstache (obviously)
The colonel
Actor Mark
The Host
Irl Mark occasionally
ABESTACHE!!!! I prefer abestache over anything else!
Wilford x Actor Mark
Wilford x Yancy
Wilford x Engineer Mark
Other ships:
Damien x Actor Mark
Damien x Abe
Actor Mark x Abe
Darkiplier x Actor Mark
And you can suggest a ship not listed and I will let you know what I think! Very rarely I'm open to OC pairings, and I only do mxm ships.
Wilford lives in a small one bedroom apartment, everything decorated with pink and rainbows.
Wilford is pansexual and is open about his sexuality
He is genderfluid, specifically between male-aligned and some non binary genders. His pronouns are he/him.
He likes dabbling in femininity, though cautious about who knows that if not a modern setting.
He loves the idea of settling down with someone, despite how much it seems to be the opposite
He either owns or will buy an axolotl, because "it is a strange but beautiful creature, like me!"
Loves alchohol and sometimes worse things
Not much, just be respectful. I will let you know if I won't be able to answer for longer than a day, and if I haven't explained that and haven't answered in 48 hours you can remind me. Just send a reminder, don't resend your rp reply. That's kind of rude in my opinion. I am open to nsfw, only if you're 18+. We'll discuss triggers together, I have a few headcanons that may be triggering to others so I won't post those publicly. I find anything less than a couple sentences to be boring and am never really motivated to answer those. Respect my rules, I will respect yours!
Rp tags!
Louise- #themadmansregrets
Abe- #dancingwithmadmen
Dark- #themadmansforgiver
Other Wilfords- #matchingwiththemadness
Celine- #madlovelongforgotten
And yeah that's it! I may add a few things here and there. My dms and asks are always open, so feel free to start a convo or dm to rp!
For asks, just clarify if you're speaking to pre or post WMW Wilford, as that will determine how he answers.
Thanks for stopping by!
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