#World Food Day 2015
afeelgoodblog · 6 months
The Best News of Last Week - November 28, 2023
🐑 - Why did Fiona the sheep become a mountaineer? She was tired of the "baa-d" jokes at sea level!
1. Pope Francis dines with transgender women for Vatican luncheon
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Pope Francis hosted a group of transgender women — many of whom are sex workers or migrants from Latin America — to a Vatican luncheon for the Catholic Church's "World Day of the Poor" last week.
The pontiff and the transgender women have formed a close relationship since the pope came to their aid during the COVID-19 pandemic, when they were unable to work. Now, they meet monthly for VIP visits with the pope and receive medicine, money and shampoo any day, according to The Associated Press.
2. New York just installed its first offshore wind turbine
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The first wind turbine installation at South Fork Wind, New York State’s first offshore wind farm, is complete.
The 130-megawatt (MW) South Fork Wind will be the US’s first completed utility-scale wind farm in federal waters.
3. Anonymous businessman donates $800k to struggling food bank
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But this Thanksgiving, a longtime prayer of food bank leaders was finally answered: an anonymous benefactor donated the full $800,000 they needed to move out of a facility they've long outgrown. That benefactor, however, preferred to stay anonymous.
"Very private company, really don't want attention," said Debbie Christian, executive director of the Auburn Food Bank. "It's a goodhearted person that just wants to see the work here continue, wants to see it expand."
4. Empowering woman saving hopes and mental health of suffering Ukrainian kids
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Kenza Hadij-Brahim is at the forefront of promoting Circle of Toys
Hadj-Brahim is helping to launch the Circle of Toys initiative. A project that provides Ukrainian children in need of some normality with preloved toys. This new initiative connects people with old toys they might otherwise throw away, with Ukrainian families in need who want to provide some comfort to their children in this distressing time.
Find Refuge said : “The endeavour is driven by a sincere purpose: spark joy, foster play, and bring a hint of normalcy back to the young lives in Ukraine.”
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Researchers have found these areas not only housed structures and pyramids but it has been uncovered that there were advanced irrigation systems, earthworks, large towns, causeways, and canals that cover miles.
Dr. Heiko Prümers from the German Archaeological Institute, who was also involved in the study comments that “this indicated a relatively dense settlement in pre-Hispanic times. Our goal was to conduct basic research and trace the settlements and life there. The research sheds light on the sheer magnitude and magnificence of the civic-ceremonial centers found buried in the forest”.
6. Sheep dubbed Fiona rescued from cliff in Scotland where she was stuck for more than 2 years
And at last, some positive climate news:
7. Three positive climate developments
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When the Paris Agreement was adopted, the global reliance on fossil fuels placed the world on a path towards a 3.5C rise in temperature by 2100. Eight years on, country commitments to reduce their carbon footprints have pulled that down slightly, putting the world on a path for a 2.5C to 2.9C by the end of the century.
Peak emissions
Annual greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change have risen roughly nine percent since COP21, according to UN data. But the rate of the increase has slowed significantly. Recent estimates by the Climate Analytics institute find global emissions could peak by 2024
Rising renewables
Three technologies—solar, wind and electric vehicles—are largely behind the improved global warming estimates since 2015.
That's it for this week :)
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lyak12 · 3 months
Food Poisoning
A/N: I've read a few days ago that our one and only Lucy Bronze played with food poisoning in the 2015 world cup quarter finals... I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, and @helen-with-an-a and I have been talking this through for a good while, haha. I mean, Lucy is basically super human at this point, but I still had to rewrite it. It takes place at the semi-finals of the last World Cup and I'm really putting Sarina on the spot here and making her a bit of the bad guy... I just want to clarify that I don't have anything against her. I just needed a bad guy and she happened to be there. Also you're in for a long one, we're talking almost 7k... my longest one yet. I hope you like it though and thanks again for the help @helen-with-an-a 💕
w/c: almost 7k
Warnings: Throwing up, pain, a bit of Angst and arguments
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It is the world cup and you won the quarter finals. Tomorrow is the big day. The semi finals. It's not your first world cup but you're still a bit anxious. You want to win this. You want this not only for the team but especially for Lucy. She finally deserves the world cup title.
Tomorrow however were the semifinals and they were at least just as important if not more than the final itself.
Lucy and you have been dating for a while and it's openly known in the team but that also means during tournaments you usually get diffrent roommates. Which neither of you mind since you're there to play football not to share a room. You're currently sharing a room with Leah and you love it. You two get along so well.
As you wake up that morning the nerves in your belly are already building. You're an early bird so you're getting up before Leah and take your time in the bathroom. You're also always the first to text your girlfriend good morning.
Today however instead if receiving a good morning back LJ, Lucy's roomie, texted you if you're awake already. You immediately text back, wondering why she's texting you this early but with the next message you understood why.
'I don't know what's wrong but Lucy is not feeling great. She didn't want me to text you but I think you'd want to know and come check on her' - LJ texts
'I'll be right there' - you immediately text back and grab your stuff before jogging over to their room. LJ lets you in and you ask "What's wrong?" However Lauren doesn't even have to answer as you hear Lucy throwing up in the bathroom. You quickly throw your things on the bed before making your way into the bathroom.
"Shh, it's okay. I got you, love", you say as you gather her hair that fell out of the bun and start to rub her back. She just retches again before she coughs and says "I told LJ not to text you." "Yeah well, I'm glad she did. Are you done?", you ask softly and she just nods. You help her up and guide her to the sink as you flush the toilet.
Looking at your girlfriend, you can tell she is still feeling like utter shit. "Shh deep breath, what's wrong Baby?", you say as you slip your hand under her shirt and rub her back slightly. She feels a bit sweaty but you put that off on the throwing up.
"I don't know, I'll be okay. I just need a second", Lucy says trying to convince herself she's fine. You hand her some water and she drinks a few sips before the both of you make your way back into her room.
"You okay, Bronzey?", Lauren asks softly and Lucy just nods but Lauren can see in your eyes that you're worried. Lucy quickly gets dressed before all three of you make your way to breakfast. You can see that your girlfriend is still nauseous and you honestly don't know what she wants at breakfast but if there's one thing, it's that Lucy has her own mind.
In the elevator you rub over her back slightly and she gives you a weak smile, trying to act like she's fine. Before you get in to the dining hall you pull her aside a bit and ask again "Baby, I can see you're not okay. Are you sure you want to get breakfast? We can go lay down again for a bit if you like." Your eyes betray how worried you are but Lucy just shakes her head and smiles softly before saying "I'm okay, we need the fuel for the game this afternoon."
You just sigh but know better than to fight with her right now. Maybe she'll feel better after breakfast. You have until lunch to rest and do some more recovery. Maybe Lucy will feel fine again in a few hours.
You can hope right? You sit with her at breakfast and your eyes are constantly on her as she slowly eats her food. You can tell it's getting harder for her to swallow with every bite. "Don't force it, Babe", you say softly as you rub her thigh but she just answers "I need the energy for later."
You just watch her worriedly and Leah and Keira, who are sitting at the table with you share a concerned look too. Lucy's free hand rests on her lap, holding her stomach as she forces herself to take another bite.
You can see Lucy starting to get really nauseous again as her chewing slows down. She's just desperately trying to swallow but you're scared she's about to blow again. Her breaths are deep but a bit to fast for your liking. However you're not saying anything as she tries her hardest to battle her stomach silently.
Before you know it she gets up and quickly makes her way to the bathroom with you right behind her. She barely makes it to the toilet before she throws up her breakfast and even a bit more. "Shh it's okay, Luce. I'm here", you say soothingly as she gathers her bearings, seeming to be done for now.
You grab some toilet paper and rub her mouth gently as she takes a few deep breaths. Getting up she walks to the sink before holding on to the the counter and grabbing her stomach slightly. You flush the toilet and walk up to her, resting a hand on her back gently before you carefully lay your hand on her belly. Stroking it gently with your thumb you feel her abs clench as her stomach cramps.
"Oh Babe, you're really not looking too hot", you say softly and press a kiss to her temple. "I'm okay", she just says and gets herself back together. "Luce, that was the second time you threw up. You're not okay", you say gently but she just looks at you seriously and says again with a bit more force "I'm okay."
You just sigh as she freshens up for a second and you both make your way back to breakfast. She sits back down and continues to eat as you just watch her concerned. "You okay, Bronzey?", Leah asks and Lucy just nods, the look in her eyes telling Leah to let it go. After breakfast you quickly talk to Leah and LJ that you'll spend time until lunch with Lucy, just to be there if something is wrong and they just nod. LJ telling you that she'll stay out of the room to give you two some privacy, eventhough that's not what you asked for.
As you knock on their door LJ opens it before grabbing her stuff and saying quietly to you "Make sure she's okay." You just nod and thank her before walking fully into the room. Lucy sitting on the bed with her iPad rewatching the last Australia game to prepare some more for the game this afternoon.
"Didn't you want to roll out your muscles?", Lucy asks confused as she sees you standing in the room. "I can do that while I keep an eye on you", you say, lifting up your blackroll. "Y/n/n, I'm fine", she tries but you immediately say "Lucy, save that for someone else. I can tell you're not. You're pale as a sheet of paper and I can tell you're in pain."
She just looks up at you as you pause the game and put her iPad aside, sitting down next to her. "Be honest with me", you say softly as you rest a hand on her back and one on her hand on her stomach, which she was still holding tightly.
She's silent for a few moments as she sorts her thoughts. She grimaces slightly as her stomach cramps and closes her eyes for a second, the fact that you saw that let's you know that's he's willing to let you in, at least a bit for now. You gently rub her hand with your thumb and ask "Why don't you lie down and rest a bit?"
She immediately shakes her head and says "I'll get sick again if I lay down." Your heart breaks at that. Its been a while since you've seen her physically so unwell. You slide a bit closer and say "Lean against me then." She does without much hesitation as you start rubbing her back. You can tell that she has been getting increasingly more nauseous since you first stepped into the room. "Shh deep breaths, you'll be okay", you say softly as you kiss her head.
She lasts about five minutes before she peels out of your arms and jogs to the bathroom once again. Finding yourself holding her hair back and rubbing her back again, you sigh softly. Why today?
"Oh love, what's wrong with your stomach? You think it's a bug?", you ask softly once she calms down a bit. She just shrugs as she rests her head on her arm, still unbelievably nauseous. Coughing a bit she gags again harshly. You get up and drench a cloth in cold water before coming back and resting it on her neck.
She slowly calms down a bit more and takes a few deep breaths. "Shh, good job, love, you're doing so good", you say softly as she leans back into you a bit. "This doesn't seem like a bug", she mumbles and you know what she means. You've seen her with a stomach bug, but she has never thrown up so much.
You grab the cloth and gently wipe her face as you say "Maybe it was something you ate?" She just shrugs as she tries to relax into you a bit. "Why today? How am I supposed to play my best like this?", she asks and you frown before you say "Babe, you're not playing like this." She turns around and looks at you as she says serious "I am playing, this is not up for debate."
You decide to not argue with her right now so you just sigh and ask "Are you done for now love?" She just nods and you help her up and to the sink where she freshens up.
She sits down on the bed and you hand her some water and electrolytes. That's one thing you never have to worry about, thankfully, she'll always drink, even if it comes right back up. She sips on the drinks as she grabs her iPad again and continues watching the game.
You can't help but sigh at that. You know how stubborn your girlfriend can be. You walk over to her and press a kiss to her head before deciding to roll out your muscles. There is no way for you to stop Lucy in watching that game. Might as well do your own recovery so you're ready for this afternoon.
"Will you please at least lean against the headboard, honey?", you ask as you move to the floor with your roll. She looks at you before complying hestiantly. "Thank you", you say and take off your hoodie, leaving you in a sports crop top because doing this in a normal shirt gave you the ick.
You focus on your own recovery and roll out your tense muscles while every once in a while looking at Lucy. And more than not you find her looking back at you. "I thought you wanted to watch the game?", you tease gently trying to not worry so much and keep the tone light. "Looking at the screen makes me dizzy", Lucy admits and you just frown.
"I really don't think you should play", you say as you keep rolling out your muscles and Lucy just warns "Y/N." "I'm just saying", you say again and focus on your recovery. Lucy turns off her iPad and keeps watching you as you do your recovery.
Every once in a while she sips on her drinks but you can tell she's feeling pretty crappy. Once you're done you, you get up and sit back down next to her. She just looks at you and you sigh softly before taking her in her your arms.
"I'm sorry you're not feeling well", you mumble and kiss her head. You can feel that she's slightly warm. She doesn't say anything but you can tell she's about to throw up again. "You want me to get you a bucket or bathroom?", you ask softly but she just gets up and runs back to the bathroom.
Sighing again you get up and follow her once more. Lucy is coughing and gagging harshly again as she throws up the water and whatever is left from her breakfast. "Oh Baby", you say softly as she rests her head on her arm and catches her breath. It's this moment where the cramps are really settling in. She grabs her stomach and retches again before spitting into the toilet once more and flushing.
You rub her back and ask softly "Done?" She just nods and you help her freshen up and back in bed. "Are you sure you don't want to try to nap, love?", you ask gently but she just shakes her head as she curls up because of the cramps. You gently pull her into your arms and rest your hand on her belly. "May I?", you question and she nods hesitantly.
You had about half an hour before lunch, so you spend the time rubbing your girlfriend's belly, trying to make her feel a bit better somehow. Eventhough she relaxes a bit Lucy's cramps don't really get any better.
As it's lunch time Lucy is adamant to join you, and you just let her even if you want nothing more than have her lay down. LJ and Leah look at Lucy worried, she looks like crap but she still sits down and eats with them.
"Lucy, you really should lay down and try to get some rest. Playing is not a good idea", Leah says and Lucy just answers "Thats not for you to decide." Leah wants to argue but you just shake her head. Lucy is not in her right mind.
You don't have much time after lunch before you're meeting at the bus to drive to the arena, so you quickly escorting Lucy back to her room, followed by LJ. She barely makes it there before she throws up her lunch again. She's shaking slightly.
"Alright that's it. You're staying here", you say but Lucy answers with her head still over the toilet "I'm not. I'll not sit this one out."
"Are you serious?! Lucy, you can't keep anything down!",
"And?! That's fucking insane to even think about playing? You're obviously in no condition to play!",
"I'm FINE", Lucy says but only throws up again.
"You're not fine, stop lying to yourself!", you yell and she just looks at you, before saying "I will play today, deal with it."
You just stare at her. "You know what? Fine. But I'm not gonna be there to scratch you off the floor when you collapse", you say and get up before you step out of the bathroom. You walk past Lauren and out of the room before making your way to your own room.
Everyone knows that's a lie. You'll take care of her but you'll still be mad.
"Is she coming? Did she get sick again?", Leah asks as you storm into the room. "Yes she is and of course she did", you say as you throw your hoodie on the bed and angrily pack the rest of your bag. "Hey. This is not your fault. That's just how Bronzey is", she says softly as she puts a hand on your shoulder. You look up with tears in your eyes and say "But that's just reckless. She couldn't keep anything down today, Leah. Nothing. She's in no state to play. Why can't she understand that?"
Leah sighs softly and says "I don't know but I know you did everything you could. Maybe Sarina doesn't let her play." You just sigh and sit down on your bed. Tears are still running down your cheeks as you mumble "I'm just scared something will happen to her." "I know, but she'll be okay. And if we're lucky she'll learn out of it?", Leah says and you just look at her with a raised eyebrow. You both laugh softly before Leah wraps her arms around you and pulls you in a hug. "She'll be okay Y/n/n", "I hope you're right", you mumble and calm down a bit.
You get dressed and ready before you head to the bus. Asking one of the medics for some of these emisis bags you sit down next to Lucy. Eventhough you freshend up and washed your face Lucy can still tell that you've cried and eventhough she's feverish she knows that it's her fault.
Talking to you isn't an option now though because you had your headphones on. Lucy knows you needed the drive to the stadium to sort your head so she just keeps quiet and looks out the window instead. Her stomach still cramping quiet badly but she tries not to show it. However, you can tell. Turning to her slightly you open your arms and let her lean on you before rubbing her belly softly. You still won't talk to her but you don't have the heart to let your girlfriend suffer.
You're about halfway there as you can tell Lucy is about to throw up again. You hand her the bag without a word and she throws up as quietly as she can to not disturb your teammates. As you finally reach the stadium you get up and move to the locker room. You all sit together in the locker room, changed, Lucy clearly miserable but she seems to be focused as your manager and the rest of the coaching staff comes in.
After looking around Sarina asks "Are up okay to play, Lucy?" Lucy just nods and you can't help but snort at that, shaking your head that Sarina would actually let Lucy play. "Something wrong Y/N?", she asks and you just shake your head again. You're part of the starting XI as well, you don't want to risk that spot because you argue with Sarina.
You all head out for warm up before you sit down on the bench to have some water. It's about time to line up. However before you can focus on that you hear Lucy starting to throw up again two spots down. You quickly walk over and rest a hand on her back, rubbing it softly as she throws up some water, clutching her stomach.
You look at her worried but once she's done you're more pissed than worried again so you just get up and head for the tunnel. Everyone can tell your pissed but lucky for them, you're an even better player when you're pissed.
The first half moves along greatly with you scoring at 36 minutes, getting your team in the lead. You're hot and playing well.
During half time break Lucy gets violently sick again on the bench. She's starting to become really feverish and you're really starting to be worried out of your mind. You can tell how bad the cramps are and that she can barely breathe deep without another cramp rocking through the brunettes stomach. "Lucy, this is getting ridiculous! You need to rest!", you say loudly. "I'm fine", she says weakly and you just huff angrily. "Can you continue Lucy?", Sarina asks and your girlfriend just nods. "You can't be serious?!", you ask Sarina angrily.
"Y/N, when Lucy says she can play. She can play", she says and you just look at her surprised before looking at the medics who just shrug. "You're seriously gonna let her play after she once again threw up everything in her? She's shaking and feverish! Do you know how reckless that is?", you ask in disbelief before you hear Lucy from behind you "Babe, calm down." "Oh don't you dare to tell me what to do. We will talk about that later", you snarls at your girlfriend, God you were angry. "You're some reckless people and I honestly don't know how you can even think about letting such a sick player play. Risking her health for what? Since when is winning more important than your players health", you spit at Sarina and the coaching staff.
You know you crossed a line probably but right now you don't give a shit. Leah having heard snippets of it, she walks over to you and pulls you away. "Come on, let's take a breather", she says and you look at her, wanting to yell at her too but her look makes you stop. You let her pull you away and she says "I know you're angry, but yelling at Sarina will only end in her pulling you of the field." You try to calm down but you can't stop the tears in your eyes once again. "I know, but have you seen Lucy? How can they let her play like that?", you ask as you try to swallow your worry. Leah stops moving and takes you in her arms again, holding you close to let you calm down. "I don't know, she'll be okay. You can't do anything for now. Get your head back in the game okay?", Leah says softly and you nod as you take a deep breath.
You get your head back in the game and try your best to not focus on Lucy as the second half starts. In the 59th minute you play another cross which almost ends in a perfect goal from LJ. Almost.
However in the 63th minute Sam Kerr breaks through and you break out in a sprint to catch her. Which you do, however, as she fakes to the right you slip on the artificial turf and fall to the ground. You still manage to kick the ball away slightly but not hard enough. Sam saves the ball and scores, making you even. You just sit on the ground with your head in your hands as you catch your breath. A few of your teammates come over, including Lucy, and help you up, telling you it's not your fault and especially Lucy asking "Are you okay?" You just nod, it had been a bit painful but nothing you can't push through.
Not even two minutes later you get subbed off. You look confused, you've been playing really well. You look at the sideline and see Sarina shaking her head. You walk off, let Alessia come in for you, walking to the bench without looking at Sarina. Did she really pull you off because of one mistake that you couldn't even stop?
You throw yourself in the seat and sip at your water, angry tears burning in your eyes. "Hey, its not your fault", Georgia tells you but you can't really trust that right now. Sarina obviously thinks it is.
You watch the game continue, pissed off. However as Lucy goes down after a tackle you jump up, looking at her worried. She sits up again so you know she didn't pass out but the game continues, also with another goal for you. Everyone on the bench is cheering except you. As Lucy slowly slides of the pitch and the medic makes her way to her you break out in a full run and run to your girlfriend. You can hear Sarina yell your name and tell you to stay but you don't give a shit.
You're there after the medic who is already looking at her knee. "Are you okay, Luce?", you ask worried as you squat down behind her with your hands on her shoulders. She pulls her legs up slightly as another round of cramps wreck havoc in her body. She just shakes her head. "Everything hurts, I can't even breath without my whole body cramping up", she mumbles as the medic gives her some electrolytes. Once she drank something it almost comes right back up. "Yeah you're done, love", you say and the medic nods. Lucy is pissed but knows you're right. That's when the ref stops the game and walks over to the three of you.
"You can't be here", she says to you and you just look at her confused. "I'm off the pitch, what's the problem?", you ask pissed. "Players can't be next to the goal, it doesn't matter if you're playing or not", "I'm checking on my teammate!", you yell at her. She picked the wrong moment to mess with you. Lucy is just staring at the ground trying to keep ber bearings.
"Don't talk to me like that!", the ref says strictly and you just snort before saying "You make a big deal out of nothing. You stop the game with no reason. Go do your job and let me take care of my teammate!"
You crossed a line and you know that.
She blows the whistle and pulls out a yellow card, giving it to you. "Are you serious? What's your fucking problem?", you start to argue again but the ref isn't having it. Before she could do anything else Leah runs between you two and tells you "Y/N get it together! You'll get carded again and miss the final! I know you're upset but shut your mouth!" By the time she finishes talking, Lucy is on her feet again, stumbling but on her feet. You turn away from the ref and rest a hand on Lucy's back as you guide her to the bench. Lucy gets subbed and you sit down on the bench as she almost immediately starts puking again. "Shh you're okay love", you say soothingly as you rub her back. The medic hands you a cold towel and you rest it on her neck, calming her down. "Y/N what the heck was that?!", Sarina says stomping towards you. You just roll your eyes and keep your attention on Lucy. "Don't ignore me!", she yells and you just look up and say clearly, "I'm not gonna apologize."
You can tell she's about to send you in the locker room but then your teammates score another goal. Your focus still stays on Lucy, it's great your in the lead with two but right now you're worried about your girlfriend. She's trembling and tensing every few moments because of the cramps, the heat here not helping. "Shh you'll be alright, my love", you say gently and press a kiss to her warm temple. As she rests her head in her hands you squat in front of her and hold the cold towel to each side of her face, hoping to lower her fever a bit. The final whistle is blown and you press a kiss to her forehead. "We won, Luce. We're in the final", you whisper and the brunette smiles softly.
"I really don't feel good", she mumbles and your heart breaks at that. "I know, let's get you in the locker room", you say gently before looking at the medic and he just nods for you to take her.
You help her up and steady her as she sways. "We gotta get your fever down", you say and she just nods but you can tell she's pretty out of it. You help her undress and guide her in the shower, only taking off your shoes, shorts and shirt. Getting in with her to make sure she doesn't fall. You stay in for almost 20 minutes but by then her fever dropped at least a little. You are pretty cold but you can care less right now.
Your teammates are mostly in the locker room already as you guide Lucy back to her bench and help her get dressed. "Baby, you're cold", she says but you just ignore her. "She's right, we don't want you getting sick before the final", Leah says, laying your towel around your shoulders. You smile softly at her, thanking her.
Once Lucy is dressed, you quickly change yourself. You will shower at the hotel again. You just pull your shirt down as Sarina knocks at the door. Leah tells her that she can come in and by the look on her face you know she's not done with you.
"What the hell were you thinking, Y/N?!", she yells at you. Leah wants to intervene but you're too quick to answer "What was I thinking?" "You got a yellow because you couldn't keep your mouth shut eventhough you weren't even playing!", she yells at you. "Well I wouldn't have if you wouldn't have been so reckless! What on earth made you think it's okay to let Lucy play?", you ask back loudly. You'd not back down and even Leah knows that intervening now will not end well.
"Lucy said she's fine to play!", she yell and you just laugh angrily. "Everyone knows that she doesn't know when to stop. For fucks sake she couldn't keep anything down all day. Any person that can think logically knew that this was a disaster waiting to happen!", you yell and she just looks angrily at you. "Y/N", Lucy tries, not completely out if it anymore but you just turn to her and say "You better be quiet, Bronze. I'm not done with you either." The fact that you last namened her lets her know she's in trouble so she just shuts her mouth.
"I'm not letting you chew me out because I got a yellow. The ref has been waiting to do that all game and we all know that. You subbed me off because I opened my mouth at halftime. I couldn't have prevented that goal and even if I still feel guilty for it, you of all people should know that it was not my fault!", you yell angrily, you're fuming. "You got a yellow, you're lucky you're not suspended for the final!", she yells back.
"Yeah well if you would've acted with the health of your players as top priority, non of this would've happened!", you spit. "Careful or you'll find yourself on the bench for the final!", she threatens and that when Leah knows she has to step in as captain. "Okay that's enough. Let's go all back to the hotel and calm down before we make any hasty decisions", Leah tells and Sarina just glares at you once more before she leaves the locker room.
"Y/N", Lucy tries again but you just warn, "Don't." "I think it's better if you're quiet, Bronzey", Leah says quietly but you can see her trying to hide a smirk. It's rare to see Lucy Bronze not having a cheeky remark. Leaving the seriousness aside, it is kinda funny so you get Leah.
You head to the bus and sit down next to Lucy again. Now that you're calming down, you're starting to feel your knee a bit from that slip but you'll be fine. You're still pretty pissed so you grab your headphones and put them on, closing your eyes as you lean your head back. You can feel Lucy shifting next to you and not settling in the slightest, so you open your eyes and look at the brunette. You can tell she's feeling sick but the cramps seem to be worse than ever. You sigh softly and turn slightly, before you say "Come here." She looks at you unsure and you say again "I may be really mad at you but I still love you. You have 5 seconds to decide if you want my comfort or not."
It doesn't even take one for her to cuddle into you. Most people wouldn't think that but Lucy is a snuggler. Especially when she's not feeling well. You pull her close and hand her one of the bags you have left, just in case before you gently rub over her belly, trying to soothe those angry muscles.
You end up stuck in traffic and thanks to your soft touch Lucy dozes off a bit. Your eyes are closed again and the music kept the other voices from disturbing your peace. "I thought Y/N is mad at Lucy?", a fairly new teammate asks. She's not been on the team for long enough to fully get Lucy's and your relationship. "Oh she is, she's pissed out of her mind", Keira chuckles softly. "But they're cuddling?!", she asked even more confused. "You must know, Y/n/n is that kind of person where she can be unbelievably mad at you, but she'll still make sure you're okay. No matter what. Lucy can mess up badly like right now but Y/N will take care of her until she feels better because she loves her. She would never in a million years let Lucy suffer on her own or not be there for her just because she's mad. They have a special kind of love", Leah explained as a few of your teammates smile at you guys softly.
You feel that you're being stared at, so you open your eyes to find several teammates quickly look away, but not Leah, Keira and LJ. You see their smile and look down to see Lucy asleep on you. You can't help the smile you crack. Your girlfriend is pretty adorable but you'd never let her see that smile right now. You press a soft kiss to her head and lean back again. Eventually, you make it to the hotel and make your way inside. LJ and you switching rooms for the night, so you can make sure Lucy is okay.
You let Leah know that neither of you will attend dinner tonight before you bring Lucy in the room. "Come on, change and then bed", you say and Lucy wants to argue but your look makes her close her mouth again before following your orders. Lucy is about to lie down as Lauren bring you your bag, before grabbing hers and making her way back to Leah. You start boiling some water in the kettle in the room before fishing the hot water bottle out of your bag. Heat often helps your muscles and Lucy too even if she doesn't want to admit it, so you usually bring it. Once you are done prepping it, you sit down at the edge of the bed, lift the blanket and place it on Lucy's stomach. She sighs softly in relief before she looks up at you with teary eyes.
You know that she hates it when you're mad at her. You sigh softly and caress her cheek, before you say "Don't cry, Luce. Everything will be okay." "Do you still love me? I'm sorry", she asks insecure and it breaks your heart. That's definitely mostly the exhaustion talking. "I will always love you. Even when I'm mad, love. Now do me a favor and get some sleep okay? I'll join you after a quick shower", you say as you kiss her forehead lovingly. She doesn't have to be told twice. Not even a minute later she's already dozing off.
You smile and shower quickly, before joining her in bed. You cuddle your sleeping girlfriend for about an hour until there is a soft knock at the door. It opens a second later and you see Leah waking in with a tray. There is some dinner on it for you and some crackers and fresh ginger for tea for Lucy. "I figured you'd be hungry. How's our Bronzey?", she asks softly to not wake Lucy.
"Thank you. She's okay, I think. I'm glad she's sleeping. She's exhausted", you say as you look concerned at your girlfriend. Leah walks up to you and squeezes your shoulder before she says "She looks a bit better already. She'll be okay. Now eat something yourself please okay?" You sigh and nod before you thank her. Leah leaves again and you eat your dinner. You're just done eating as Lucy stirs. You gently push a piece of hair out of her face and ask "How are you feeling, love?" "A bit better", she mumbles and leans into your touch.
You press a kiss to her forehead and ask "Do you think you could keep down some tea?" "I can try", she says with a small smile, so you get up and finish some tea with the fresh ginger.
Once it's done, she sits up and you hand her the mug before sitting down across from her. You can tell the fever is gone and she seems a lot clearer than earlier.
"How mad at me are you?", she asks softly as she looks up at you. "Pretty mad", you say before you sigh. "Lucy, you cannot be so irresponsible. This could've ended badly and you know that", "I know, I'm sorry", she says quietly. You know own she means it but that just isn't enough. "I know you are but you're sorry because I'm mad now. Lucy I need you to understand that I'm not mad because you acted against my wish. I was fucking worried about you. You could've gotten seriously hurt. I need you to be okay and I don't know how often I can go through such a day like today", you say seriously, close to tears. She knows your biggest fear is losing her.
She quickly puts aside the mug and opens takes your hands in hers. "Hey y/n/n, look at me and listen please. I know I messed up. I know I worried you and scared you. And I'm sorry for that. I can only imagine how anxious you must've been all day and I never wanted to be the reason you're feeling like that. We both know I have a problem to know my limits and I know I should've listened to you. I'm truly sorry and I need you to believe me. I try to listen to you next time", she says as she looks into your eyes and you just nod before she takes you in her arms, letting you calm down and let those tears and anxiety out.
"I'm still mad at you", you mumble in her shoulder. "I know, I deserve that", she chuckles softly and kisses your forehead. After a few minutes in her arms, you sut up and say "Now drink that tea." "Yes ma'am", Lucy just say causing you to roll your eyes smiling.
Grabbing the hot water bottle from her stomach she pouts dramatically and you just laugh before you tell her "Relax, I'm gonna make a fresh one for you."
Getting up you limp a step before putting the water back in the kettle and turn it on, shaking your leg out slightly. You're definitely feeling your knee and Lucy can tell immediately. "Let me look at your knee", she says but you answer "Lucy I want you to rest and drink your tea." "Yeah, well I don't want my girlfriend to be in pain either when she takes care of me", Lucy tells you seriously. She'll not back down, you know that.
You sigh, finish up the hot water bottle and make your way back to bed. Laying the hot water bottle next to her she gets up and tell you to sit down so she can check on your knee. If there is one person to know everything about knees it's Lucy. She can tell how tense the muscles are, probably overstretched a bit. She massages them a bit, which is pretty uncomfortable but ultimately helps.
"Make sure one of the physios takes a look at that tomorrow and gets you taped up", she says softly and you nod, before you thank her. "Not for that", she says and presses a kiss to your knee before getting back in bed. You cuddle up next to her and place the hot water bottle back on her stomach.
Both of you head to sleep pretty early but she does finish her tea and even eats a few crackers without throwing up again. The next morning, you wake up in her arms. You turn off the alarm and she opens her eyes to look sleepily at you. "Morning, I missed this", she mumbles before kissing your head. "Me too", you say smiling before gently rubbing over her stomach. "How's your tummy?", you ask and she answers "Sore but definitely not as queasy anymore."
You just smile satisfied and cuddle for a few more minutes before you get ready for breakfast.
Once down in the dining area you kiss her cheek and say "Sit down already, I'm gonna get us something to eat." She nods and sits down next to Leah. You come back a few minutes later with two plates only to find Lucy and Leah looking at Leah's phone watching the game from yesterday. More precisely the scene where you got a yellow.
"Why are you watching that?", you whine slightly as you place a plate of toast, some cucumber and some watermelon. "I don't remember much of the game yesterday, I wanna know why you got carded", Lucy says grinning and you just roll your eyes. "The ref has been waiting all game for that", you grumble and Leah just chuckles before she says "And thanks to her you're also on bad terms with Sarina." You just sigh and rub over your face, all of that making your head hurt slightly.
Lucy rests a hand on your thigh and makes you look at her. "Thank you for standing up for me", she says softly. "You're welcome, but you better don't do it again, Bronze", you say with a raised eyebrow. She winced slightly at being last named again. "Understood", she says before pressing a kiss to your temple
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In Istanbul, a flotilla of ships is preparing to depart with 5,500 tonnes of aid and around 1,000 medics, lawyers, senior politicians and human rights observers. Its destination: the Gaza Strip. On Sunday, the Gaza Freedom Flotilla will begin making its way to the besieged strip, its fifth voyage in 14 years. While the journey would normally take three to four days, it is expected that the flotilla – initially comprising three vessels, one cargo and two passenger ships, with further vessels expected to join later – could be waylaid by Israeli forces. 
The flotilla is organised by the Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC), which brings together 12 national groups from Canada, Malaysia, Italy, Norway, the US, Sweden, Spain, Turkey, South Africa, New Zealand, the UK and France. Altogether, delegates from over 30 countries will be represented on board. The flotilla’s crew and passengers – among them Che Guevara’s daughter Aleida and Nelson Mandela’s grandson Zwelivelile – will be unarmed. Their peacefulness will not guarantee their safety, however, as the Israeli state has a long and bloody history of targeting humanitarian groups. The flotilla’s first voyage to Gaza in May 2010 was a bloodbath: Israel sent a naval ship to meet it, killing 10 crew members (all of them Turkish, including one Turkish American dual national) and injuring 30. A UN report later found that Israel appeared to have executed at least six people in an “extra-legal, arbitrary and summary” manner; a Turkish state autopsy found that five had been shot in the head at close range.  Israel subsequently apologised to Turkey for the raid and agreed to compensate the bereaved families $20m. Further voyages in 2015, 2016 and 2018 saw Israel seize the FFC’s ships and detain and deport those on board. Israel has also targeted humanitarian workers on land. Earlier this month, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) killed seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) food aid workers, among them three British citizens, in a drone attack on a marked convoy whose movements had been coordinated with the IDF. An Israeli investigation blamed “grave errors”, a finding WCK rejected.
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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"97% of all water in Gaza is not safe for human consumption." with caption below- "Systemic change for collective liberation" -percentage/figure is from the United Nations [@/ theslowfactory on X. 01/08/24.]
"On 28 July 2010, through Resolution 64/292, the United Nations General Assembly explicitly recognized the human right to water and sanitation and acknowledged that clean drinking water and sanitation are essential to the realisation of all human rights. The Resolution calls upon States and international organisations to provide financial resources, help capacity-building and technology transfer to help countries, in particular developing countries, to provide safe, clean, accessible and affordable drinking water and sanitation for all." "In November 2002, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights adopted General Comment No. 15 on the right to water. Article I.1 states that "The human right to water is indispensable for leading a life in human dignity. It is a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights". Comment No. 15 also defined the right to water as the right of everyone to sufficient, safe, acceptable and physically accessible and affordable water for personal and domestic uses." "Sufficient. The water supply for each person must be sufficient and continuous for personal and domestic uses. These uses ordinarily include drinking, personal sanitation, washing of clothes, food preparation, personal and household hygiene. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 50 and 100 litres of water per person per day are needed to ensure that most basic needs are met and few health concerns arise." "Safe. The water required for each personal or domestic use must be safe, therefore free from micro-organisms, chemical substances and radiological hazards that constitute a threat to a person's health. Measures of drinking-water safety are usually defined by national and/or local standards for drinking-water quality. The World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for drinking-water quality provide a basis for the development of national standards that, if properly implemented, will ensure the safety of drinking-water." "Acceptable. Water should be of an acceptable colour, odour and taste for each personal or domestic use. [...] All water facilities and services must be culturally appropriate and sensitive to gender, lifecycle and privacy requirements." "Physically accessible. Everyone has the right to a water and sanitation service that is physically accessible within, or in the immediate vicinity of the household, educational institution, workplace or health institution. According to WHO, the water source has to be within 1,000 metres of the home and collection time should not exceed 30 minutes." "Affordable. Water, and water facilities and services, must be affordable for all. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) suggests that water costs should not exceed 3 per cent of household income."
Outlined by the United Nations very CLEARLY -yet Gaza, like Tigray and Sudan, and nearly a billion people concentrated in specific spaces in the world are SUFFERING because of rampant inaction of western imperialistic governments and figurehead organizations. This IS a massive human rights violation -the IOF is DEPRIVING Palestinian people of basic necessities and is starving them... it's absolutely stunning to me that something like this isn't front page on ALL major news sources. If this was somewhere in Europe or Australia or Canada then there would be international outcry -97%!!! Despicable.
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fox-bright · 2 months
In Response to the H5N1 Ask:
I'm not answering the ask with your name on it, because I think you came off poorly, and I'm not in the habit of pointing my followers at people when I feel this angry at them. But having had some fresh chocolate chip cookies, some cat snuggles, some sifu-husband hugs, some delightful kindly asks from people who are prepared to behave like equals today and no shortage of groupchat “Would you look at the fucking cojones on THIS one?!” mockery, I now feel settled enough to take this line by line.
So let’s do it.
Hello. I am someone who works alongside people in ornithology. Hi! I work alongside a master of IT and frequently work arm-in-arm with medical doctors. What does that make me? I’m not a sysadmin and you’d better not trust me to install an arterial stent.
Your bird flu post was linked to me and I would like to privately share some reassurance about H1N1 as well as some problems I have with your post.
My post was about H5N1. H1N1 is the swine flu.
Bird flu has been studied for years and indeed is very lethal to humans, but it does not have the same viral characteristics as a mammal-originating virus like COVID does. This is not a useful statement. Bird flu has been studied for decades—over a century, in fact, as the 1918 flu was an avian influenza. You know, the one that killed tens of millions of people, to the point that it derailed a world war? Personally, I have been paying attention to and reading research papers about H5N1 since 2015, and giving my very close attention to it for the last five years.
Since the SARS outbreak, vaccines and treatments for these rare case of direct bird-to-human flu transmission have been developed and have been poised to be deployed immediately should direct bird-to-human transmission ever occur. Let’s be clear: bird-to-human transmission is occurring too frequently. More than eight hundred times in the last twenty years, and more and more rapidly in recent years, and again, more than half of those were lethal. That tends to be from exposure to wild animals hunted for food, or exposure to home-raised animals who get sick from wild animals. Bird-to-human transmission is not yet occurring frequently in the States, where our food is generally factory-produced and hunting is less common, but it is occurring with increasing regularity outside of the US. No vaccine will be useful to a person who is already infected (useless!); currently the treatment for infected people is antivirals and supportive care, alongside strict quarantine. Current H5N1 vaccines may or may not be very effective against any human-to-human variant, as it may have mutated to evade them. We do not have enough H5N1 vaccine doses to go around, and the ones we do will be concentrated first on the military and medical personnel.
The reason monitoring agencies and professionals are on “high alert” for these bird-to-cow-to-human incidents is because they are taking it seriously on a more theoretical level essential to their profession. Why are you so smugly, confidently incorrect? “We have never seen this scale of infections in mammals, and in such diversity of mammals. We have now seen more than 40 species of mammals infected during the last outbreaks, which is unprecedented.”
In this case, the people and cows who contracted H1N1 did not die. It’s literally been days since the human contracted it from the cows, and we do not yet know that he’s the only one. We are NOT in a position to say “okay, so things are peachy!” We also do not know how many cows have it (we’re up to what, fifteen farms now?) and we do not know how rapidly it’s evolving in those massive groups of mammals.
My first concern about your post is its lack of linked to sources and the framing of it as an advice post. The New York Times has an article available on this issue as well as the Audubon Society and various wildlife agencies. Some of these articles are a year or two old, This is the point where I started getting really pissed at you. You demand I provide citations, but you provide none. You suggest I go to the fucking New York Times to read outdated articles? So you haven’t read anything more recent, or from anywhere more reliable, and thus you don’t imagine that I have, either? Arrogance.
but that is because this strain is a very slow-moving development ABSOLUTELY not the case. It is mutating rapidly, over and over and over again. You demanded sources, so I expect you to read those, but if you’ve only got time for one, pick the last of them.
with no immediate signs of consequences for humans outside of people working directly with cattle getting sick— and these humans have neither transmitted the virus to others or suffered anything worse than pink eye from it. So since it hasn’t happened, we don’t need to worry about it happening, hmm? Are you familiar with the term “gain-of-function research?” It’s when an organism is changed, in a lab, to make it more powerful, more infectious, more virulent, something along those lines. When you put a disease into tens of thousands of animals, you’re performing a natural gain of function experiment, as it has tens of thousands of chances to mutate. The “Spanish flu” pandemic, which actually was first noted in a Kansas army base, was almost certainly the result of an avian flu infecting pigs. Pigs are really similar to us, in terms of receptors; what makes them sick is much more likely to make us sick; when this hits pigs-to-pig transmission, it’s time to batten down the hatches. Cows aren’t nearly as similar, but they’re still mammals, so they bring it a lot closer to us; and when you can get unaltered H5N1 from bodily fluids, guess what? Meat and milk are disease vectors. And we don’t actually know that pasteurization of milk inactivates the virus. As I said in my previous post, now is the time to prepare, and to be wary.
This strain is lethal and highly viral between birds and will likely remain this way for a very long time.
This strain has been rapidly, monstrously lethal to MANY animals. Sometimes in huge numbers. You may remember the mink farm where it mutated to spread mink-to-mink (those are mammals), or the sea lions (which I will point out to you are also mammals), where it spread sea lion-to-sea lion and rapidly killed them by the thousands. It’s killing polar bears. It’s killing other predators. It’s killing all manner of US mammals singly and in multiples. However, the mammal-killing mutations don’t stop it from still killing birds.
My final concern— Spring is coming and that means horny birds are about to start hitting windows. Wildlife rehabbers are currently updating the public’s general info on what to do with stunned birds— they often do not recover if left on their own to fly away after a window strike and concerned citizens need to take these birds to a rehabber immediately if found. If people read your post, they will likely conclude that bird-to-human crossover is likely and be afraid to touch a downed bird that needs emergency medical care. I want to be absolutely, painfully clear to any non-doofus reading this right now: I have loved birds since infancy. I grew up with a smalltime conservationist; I have spent no small amount of my photographic hours on birds. I have saved wild birds—poisoned by farmers, wingshot by rednecks, window-struck, sick, attacked by feral cats, orphaned by agricultural machinery--long enough to get them to rehabbers on many occasions, and I have on three occasions assisted with that rehab, including keeping very odd hours to feed nestlings with a dropper. I have assisted with ecological rehabilitation and rewilding programs to provide them with territory; I have written my politicians and donated to wildlife efforts. So know that this is not coming from a place of not respecting or loving the wildlife. This is not “framed as” or “presented as” advice, this is absolutely the advice I would give you face to face, in absolute conviction. This year? If you see a fallen bird? You WALK THE FUCK AWAY. H5N1 gives birds seizures, disorientation, clumsiness and gasping. Or, sometimes, it is completely asymptomatic, and a perfectly healthy-seeming bird could still give you the disease. You can not tell if that bird hit the window because it’s horny and stupid and you forgot to put the stickers up, or because it’s in the grip of a disease that could kill you if the creature breathes too closely to you.
Given all of this, I ask that you please delete your original bird flu post before it has the chance to scare a lot of people and potentially hinder them from helping birds. Yeah, that's not going to be happening.
If you’d like to repost it, please add linked sources and resources for those concerned about avian flu. As previously mentioned, the New York Times has an article with the latest developments on monitoring this virus. Fuck you and your ignorant superciliousness sideways. You do not walk into my fucking Asks with this bullshit like you know ANYTHING when you plainly haven’t read jack shit about the situation as it’s evolving on the ground.
Bird flu is indeed very scary but not nearly in the same league as Covid or even the seasonal flu for most people. You’re absolutely right, in absolutely the wrong direction. If-when this goes human-to-human, it will rapidly outstrip covid’s dangerousness to a shocking degree. Today, it is not dangerous to anyone who leaves birds the fuck alone, but that’s today, and we need to prepare for the potential of tomorrow.
I hope this information helps and please excuse my stiff language. I suspect I sound really angry and condescending when I haven’t had much sleep. Yeah, you came off as a total jackwagon. “This information,” you say, as if you brought ANYTHING with you but attitude.
Sorry if that’s the case, but I didn’t want anything picking up steam before sharing this with you! Please educate yourself more adequately before you attempt again to correct someone. I have myself in the past been raring to go with a correction, checked to make sure that I had my phrasing right, and been caught flatfooted by new information. It’s better to feel that embarrassing moment of “oh, shit,” and realign your understanding silently, than to go in without doing any of the work and waste someone else’s time having to educate you.
If you reply to this in any way that is even slightly confrontational, I'm just going to block you. You aren't worth my time--you weren't worth this time! I have things I am supposed to be doing!--and I genuinely hope you do better in the future.
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demifiendrsa · 11 months
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Weekly Shonen Jump 55th anniversary appendix in Weekly Shonen Jump 2023 issue #33
1968 Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #1 Otoko Ippiki Gaki-Daisho by Hiroshi Motomiya 1969 Dr. Toilet by Kazuyoshi Torii 1970 The Gutsy Frog by Yasumi Yoshizawa 1971 Tezuka Manga Award 1st Edition Samurai Giants by Ikki Kajiwara & Ko Inoue Boy of the Wilderness Isamu by Soji Yamakawa & Noboru Kawasaki 1972 Astro Kyudan by Shiro Tōzaki & Norihiro Nakajima 1973 Play Ball by Akio Chiba Hochonin Ajihei by Jiro Gyu & Jo Big 1974 Akatsuka Manga Award 1st Edition 1975 The Circuit Wolf by Satoshi Ikezawa Doberman Deka by Buronson & Shinji Hiramatsu 1976 Toudai Icchokusen by Yoshinori Kobayashi Kochikame by Osamu Akimoto 1977 Ring ni Kakero by Masami Kurumada Susume!! Pirates by Hisashi Eguchi 1978 Cobra by Buichi Terasawa 1979 Kinnikuman by Yudetamago 1980 Dr. Slump by Akira Toriyama 1981 Captain Tsubasa by Yoichi Takahashi Cat's Eye by Tsukasa Hojo Stop!! Hibari-kun! by Hisashi Eguchi 1982 High School! Kimengumi by Motoei Shinzawa 1983 Fist of the North Star by Buronson & Tetsuo Hara Ginga -Nagareboshi Gin- by Yoshihiro Takahashi 1984 DRAGON BALL by Akira Toriyama 1985 City Hunter by Tsukasa Hojo Miraculous Tonchinkan by Koichi Endo Sakigake!! Otokojuku by Akira Miyashita 1986 Saint Seiya by Masami Kurumada 1987 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki The Burning Wild Man by Tadashi Sato 1988 Bastard!! by Kazushi Hagiwara Jungle King Tar-chan by Masaya Tokuhiro Rokudenashi BLUES by Masanori Morita Magical Taluluto by Tatsuya Egawa 1989 Weekly Shonen Jump reaches 5.000.000 copies in circulation Dragon Quest: The Great Adventure of Dai by Riku Sanjo & Koji Inada Video Girl Ai by Masakazu Katsura 1990 SLAM DUNK by Takehiko Inoue Chinyuki by Man Gataro Yu Yu Hakusho by Yoshihiro Togashi 1992 Hareluya II Boy by Haruto Umezawa 1993 Tottemo! Luckyman by Hiroshi Gamo Hell Teacher Nube by Makura Sho & Takeshi Okano 1994 Midori no Makibao by Tsunomaru Rurouni Kenshin by Nobuhiro Watsuki 1995 Weekly Shonen Jump reaches 6.530.000 copies in circulation Sexy Commando Gaiden: Sugoi yo!! Masaru-san by Kyosuke Usuta 1996 Hoshin Engi by Ryu Fujisaki Yu-Gi-Oh! by Kazuki Takahashi Kochikame 20th Anniversary & Chapter 1000 1997 I's by Masakazu Katsura Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi! by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro ONE PIECE by Eiichiro Oda 1998 Rookies by Masanori Morita Whistle! by Daisuke Higuchi HUNTERXHUNTER by Yoshihiro Togashi 1999 Hikaru no Go by Yumi Hotta & Takeshi Obata The Prince of Tennis by Takeshi Konomi NARUTO by Masashi Kishimoto 2000 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean by Hirohiko Araki BLACK CAT by Kentaro Yabuki 2001 Bobobobo Bobobo by Yoshio Sawai BLEACH by Tite Kubo 2002 Strawberry 100% by Mizuki Kawashita Eyeshield 21 by Riichiro Inagaki & Yusuke Murata 2004 Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata Gintama by Hideaki Sorachi Katekyo Hitman Reborn! by Akira Amano D.Gray-man by Katsura Hoshino Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation by Yoshiyuki Nishi 2005 Neuro: Supernatural Detective by Yusei Matsui 2006 To Love Ru by Saki Hasemi & Kentaro Yabuki 2007 Sket Dance by Kenta Shinohara 2008 Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan by Hiroshi Shiibashi Toriko by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro Bakuman. by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata 2009 Kuroko's Basketball by Tadatoshi Fujimaki Beelzebub by Ryuhei Tamura Medaka Box by Nisio Isin & Akira Akatsuki 2010 ONE PIECE New World Begins 2011 Nisekoi by Naoshi Komi 2012 Haikyu!! by Haruichi Furudate The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. by Shuichi Aso Assassination Classroom by Yusei Matsui Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma by Yuto Tsukuda & Shun Saeki 2013 World Trigger by Daisuke Ashihara Isobe Isobee Monogatari by Ryo Nakama 2014 Hinomaru Zumo by Kawada My Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi 2015 Black Clover by Yuki Tabata 2016 Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs by Tadahiro Miura Kimetsu no Yaiba by Koyoharu Gotouge BORUTO by Mikio Ikemoto & Ukyo Kodachi The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai & Posuka Demizu Kochikame 40th Anniversary and Serialization End 2017 We Never Learn by Taishi Tsutsui Dr. STONE by Riichiro Inagaki & Boichi 2018 Jujutsu Kaisen by Akutami Gege
2019 Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto Mission: Yozakura Family by Hitsuji Gondaira 2020 Undead Unluck by Yoshifumi Tozuka MASHLE by Hajime Komoto Ayakashi Triangle by Kentaro Yabuki Me & Roboco by Shuhei Miyazaki BURN THE WITCH by Tite Kubo SAKAMOTO DAYS by Yuto Suzuki 2021 The Elusive Samurai by Yusei Matsui WITCH WATCH by Kenta Shinohara Blue Box by Kouji Miura 2022 Akane Banashi by Yuki Suenaga & Takamasa Moue
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sunnybunnyy2 · 11 months
Micheal/ Mikey Berzatto x fem!reader (feel free to ignore any gender mentions if you are uncomfortable<3)
Carmy Berzatto x platonic!reader
Richie Jerimovich x platonic!reader
WARNINGS: fluff, poor writing, mentions of Richie(yes some of y'all need a warning), and mentions of readers' parents
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February 22nd, 2015
It had been two days since the handsome stranger had come to my parent's home. 
He had come over to fix the broken porch step my father had been too busy to fix. 
Normally my mother would have found the best person she could for the job to guarantee that the step would never step out of line again. But that was normally, she had stopped at an acquaintance's house to drop by a dish of food -that she definitely didn't cook- because she was worried because the lady had recently fallen ill with a cold. She had sworn up and down that she cared but I had a feeling it was just to keep up with appearances, but when she got there she was met with her eldest son. Micheal Berzatto. 
He had listened to her loudly complain about how her ‘perfect’ home is falling apart and she has to wait an extra week before they get a repairman to come to fix her front step, even though she had tipped the company double than what was required for their services. 
When he and Richie were walking into the kitchen to grab a beer, his mother offered his services. Not that he minded much, it was a few extra bucks in his pocket. 
When he showed up at the overly large home, he was met with you. I mean sure he had seen you around, but he had never been alone with you. 
Your mother had forgotten the Berzatto boy was supposed to come that afternoon so she and your father had made plans to go on vacation, leaving you at the house to drown yourself in tv and snacks. 
You were a few seasons deep on ‘The Walking Dead’ before you heard the loud knock on the door, it was just then that you realized the light tapping you had heard was actually knocking. 
When you had pulled the large door open you were not expecting to see him. 
The hot son of Donna Berzatto. Even when you were younger and would see him around town you would always think that he was the most beautiful man. Even in your teens. 
There was something about his dark hair and brown eyes.
There wasn't a large age gap between you. His 35 to your 24 wasn't a big deal, but when you expressed it with your close friend she had seen it as immature on your part to have a ‘child-like’ crush on someone with a significant gap in age. 
Safe to say you ignored her advice even when it made you feel a bit guilty, but you knew it would never go anywhere, it was harmless and it's not like it didn't boost guys’ egos when girls had crushes on them. 
He was never really on the market for long after yet another break up with one of his short term girlfriends, before another woman would snatch him up. 
He had his head down when you had opened the door before it shot up as soon as he heard the click. His eyes slowly ranked up your body from toe to head, before slowly zeroing in on my face, his eyes twinkling as a smile pulled at his face.
And that was history. You stood outside when he fixed the front step, -definitely ogling his biceps as he worked- and when he finally finished you invited him inside for something to drink. 
You guys had talked for what felt like forever. He had this vibrant circle of care around him and when he looked at you it made you feel like you were the most important thing in the world. Like he was actually interested in what you were saying.
It was rare for you to actually feel seen and understood but when you and Mikey started your relationship there was never really a time when you didn’t, even when you guys were fighting and at each other's throats he still treated you like the world's most prized possession. 
It was then he asked you out on a date in the most dude way, but as a gentleman nonetheless. 
“So hunny, what do you say? You wanna go out sometime?” And because this was the most out-of-character thing he could say; you and Richie would always make fun of him, which resulted in Mikey jokingly telling Carmy to stay single which of course you made him pay for. 
After the dinner at the diner and the kiss on the cheek at the doorstep, you and Mikey had been thick as thieves, definitely giving Richie and Mikey a run for their money. 
Sure Richie was a little jealous that his best friends focus had shifted from their hangouts to hanging out with the girlfriend, but over time, he had even planned nights where you would all hang out. It was then he realized what Mikey saw in you. 
Your calmness and beautiful aura was surrounding you. And it was like you didn’t even notice it. Your humour related to his and you both would often have a battle of who was funnier. 
Mikey always swore that it was you but you had a feeling there were some biases there but it’s not like you would ever point that out. A win is a win. 
You had a certain bond with everyone in his family.
With Sugar, you knew what it was like to be the mother of everyone around her. Making it her job to check on everyone around her and look after them. Often taking their load of sadness and pain and adding it to her pile to make it just a bit easier for everyone else. Or that she wasn’t everyone’s first thought, even if she deserved to be. 
Then there’s Richie, always seen as the bad guy and troublemaker even if he has good intentions at heart, he always seems to have the worst execution no matter how many times he tries to be better. It was a feeling you related to too much, as you constantly felt that way in your parent's eyes. Like you were a burden. Anything you did screwed up their perfect family image even if it was just existing. 
And Carm, sweet Carm. He had a stutter and was totally awkward but in a cute way. He had a heart of gold but was a little too shy to show it. He had gone through a lot at a young age, with such a dysfunctional family, sure he didn’t deal with it in the best way but the most common. Most of his family had held it against him for how he handled what they all went through, but everyone deals with their trauma differently. 
Mikey ignores the pain and pushes it down, Sugar uses it to fuel her will to be good, Donna dealt with it by taking control and Richie even though he isn't technically related to them; he became irresponsible and started to act out. 
I had seen their relationship with the family bloom throughout the years, I had been with Mikey. I had seen the fights, the laughs, Carms graduation, The beef get traction, the hard times and the promising. 
And you had never felt prouder to be included in their crazy but lovable family. 
When you and Mikey first started your relationship, he mostly decided to keep you away from his family, and at first you just assumed that he didn't think that the relationship would last. But after staying together you realized that it was a way to protect you from his family. As if he didn't want to scare you away. 
“As if” you remembered telling him, “Nothing like that could scare me away from you.” and he held on to that as tight as he could. Knowing that you loved him no matter what his baggage was, and that you were in it for the long hall.
[Y'all I'm probably going to be making the Christmas in the next day or two cause I am one episode away, and I plan on making it a long one. So would you guys rather have one long chapter or two?] 
TAG LIST: @gloryekaterina @secretjeon @frogjumps-world
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vsyrworld · 6 months
get to know my favorite driver's ship
this was made by me and for me and i wrote fanfic about them!!!
(fyi; i started watching f1 in 2015 so ofc you guys KNOW what my FIRST and ULTIMATE ship)
(older f1 ships: )
Brocedes :D (childhood friends, teammates, rivals, anything but a lover - crofty 2021)
OH COME ON. I will write an essay about their history. BUT ANYWAY, despite their toxic year in 2015/2016, I still adore how young nico and lewis friendship or whatever they had in Greece back then and I still keep this ship alive until the 2021 season. Their battle on the track was BEYOND TOXIC, yet their battle off the track (media drama) is HILLAARIOUS. How come Lewis accidentally spills out, the name that shouldn't be spoken for Half of DECADE. God both of them are dramas king. NICO PODCAST omg the talk with Alain prost and they compared his vs Senna battle with HIS AND Lewis's battle PLUS when Nico's storytelling his "friendship" history in ITALY at the SPONSOR EVENTS *CRIED* and lewis always mentioned how he loves ice cream and do cheating day in imola and monza BECAUSE IT WAS NICO WHO INTRODUCE THE FOOD THERE. ugh I hate and love them at the same time. (I do include some Seb/NICO too because I like see Lewis getting rilled up)
2. Kimi and Seb (I ADORE THIS A LOT)
my calm and serenity wise iconic ferrari couple. I feel like Kimi was the rock ice and water for Seb to prevent him from burnout because of ferrari. during 2017-2018, Seb pushed hard (same like Charles) and yet the car reliability fuck his championship standing. and kimi (--kimi was the last ferrari champion hiks) kimi just so attentive to seb and I genuinely like both of them being rebels to whole ferrari tradition (like they don't do rollercoaster thingy, they DON'T master Italian, they just become their self and being so comfortable in their own bubble, fuck world). I had noticed also Seb (and Gio) is the only teammate that can make Kimi laugh. I just super super adore them!
ugh should I explain them? THE CHAOTIC GAYEST ENERGY IN WHOLEEE 2016 GRIDS COME ON. I love how Daniel basically took young rookie Max under his arm and just had fun on and off the track with It? The biggest flop was when Max was just so hotheaded and they crashed in Baku. I thought their relationship gonna be stranded but GUESS WHAT? MAXIEL IS STILL ALIVE UNTIL NOW HELLO? and their relationship is so real not only for the camera but also out the camera. The other highlight moment is when Max is already 'too big' daniel really steps down from RBR because he knows, Max will outshine him, and he knows (what he learned from brocedes too) that it's better to go the other way.
4. Dando (COMFORT SHIIP Not romantically also)
I thought daniel was max soulmate but LANDO excuse me? They can share daniel If they want. i just love how lando becomes so silly and blushes like school teenager around Daniel. i love how they INFLUENCE each other. I think because I feel nostalgic with them because they really similar with Maxiel in 2017 era, just one season before Daniel goes to renault, Maxiel was strained on thin paper. Dando other hands, well Daniel mostly, struggled in McLaren (with the papaya fans also still adore Carlos that time and refuse to let go him) plus Lando was shining bright just like Max 2016. Again, daniel he stepped OUT (this time). I guess, that similarity made me miss maxiel too.
5. last one C2 (Charlos) gosh, please!! ultimate!!!
loving and adoring them was expected though. It wasn't because they're both handsome (I already know Carlos was goofy ever since his Renault era so I never consider him as a handsome man) BUT DANG BOY, RED ON CARLOS WAS SOMETHING ELSE? RED ON CARLOS, BLACK ON CARLOS WAS SAKDAJSKDFHLKJSAFHKJAF.
-- okay back to the c2. It was a slow build okay? I realized that they are special during Carlos's first podium, Monaco 2021. Charles WAS LIKE ME. Blushing giggling, shy gazes toward Carlos. they are so endearing. Both of them are the victims of the Ferrari team. But I think they both understand each burden (Charles being the predestinated one, and Carlos had to prove his talent bcs he is a two times world champion son) plus, the way Ferrari screwed Charles in 2019. The team was cracked but with Carlos, I didn't expect this cursed team is heal :"D (Crying) and Charles become more relaxed, more enjoyed, even his coping mechanism is with laughter and Carlos just matches his energy. Idk , they gave me... a relationship through ups and downs.
and I realized there are so many people trying to pit them against each other, their fans are constantly arguing about who is the best and better driver, always dragging one of them down, but guess what is Carlos and Charles's response? it's completely differs from real life. They knew and fucking see it their fans tension. Carlos's anger to the Spanish media has already proven enough he had enough of these things. Charles also said in an interview that "what he saw about him and Carlos is nowhere true". they are the best PR relationship couple out there, but I also can see a genuine, how they know each other so weell. How Charles kept the football game updated just because of Carlos, how Carlos knows his favorite food, how they had their own internal jokes,
they are both soo lowkey on the camera during and outside the race. and I think that Is why people never hype them like carlando or everyone's favorite childhood rival to lovers lesttapen. And I thought they didn't really hang out with each other that much but WHAT WAS THAT SUMMER BREAK? HUH? YOU IN MALORCA AND WENT TO SOUTHERN FRENCH? What were the matching Instagram feeds color and aesthetic at New York? WHAT WAS THE THING ABOUT PASTA CARBONARA UN LUNGA NON PENNE? WHAT WAS THAT THING CHARLES SLEPT ON THE FLOOR just to accompany Carlos watching World Cup? The dolomites? The Sardinia?
there are soo many thing that they keep it so low-profile and under camera, and yet their conversation is so domestic.
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lucawrites11 · 27 days
more unsolicited evie bronze-walsh headcanons but this time with a video so you can understand exactly where i am coming from
the start of her unwavering adoration for ice cream
it's summer 2015, after the world cup, evie's eight months old and she started to eat solid foods and everything and it's warm. the british heatwave is heatwave-ing and it's the middle of the season (the season's were different in 2015)
man city are in a run of good form having just beaten arsenal away with lucy scoring so it's ice cream time for some of the girls (toni duggan, demi stokes, jen beattie, jill scott, keets, steph houghton, karen bardsley) to celebrate and some of the england arsenal girls (alex scott, jordan nobbs, casey stoney) end up joining them in the park near borehamwood after the game to eat ice cream (it's so hot they can't even be pissed about losing and playing in the paddling pool with evie sounded too fun)
there's an ice cream van and everyone eating some and jill is like "has evie had ice cream yet?". lucy says "no" and jill lets her try some of her ice cream. it's chocolate flavour. and evie reacts a little like this:
it's downhill from there. it's one of the first foods that evie learns to ask for. she always wants it, on multiple occasions she has managed to lie to people and get multiple in a day. at the euros in 2017 they had a groupchat dedicated solely to saying if evie had had ice cream that day or not because of how good she was at lying and manipulating them into getting it for her
jill forever takes credit for giving evie her first taste of ice cream, never shuts up about it and claims that makes her the favourite because she introduced evie to her favourite thing
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royalsunshinehotel · 2 months
caramelizing onions (Dev Patel, preference)
Five Days Until Monkey Man!!!!!
a/n: inspired by an ask from @binickandros from forever ago <3 backbone of the fanbase with their gifs 🫡thank you for your service.
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Anwar Kharral (Skins 2009) I've got a headcanon that Anwar is a big soup enjoyer, specifically French Onion Soup, so I think Anwar could do alright caramelizing onions. As an adult, I think he can hold his own in the kitchen, but that's because he knows that the payoff is going to be worth it.
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Sonny Kapoor (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, 2011) Sonny is blessed to be in the position where he can export the onion caramelizing to the hotel kitchens, where a professional can handle it. He has not been allowed in a kitchen since 2005, per his mother's orders. No, he will not tell you why.
Neal Sampat (Newsroom, 2011-2014) In my head, Neal comes from a family of restauranteurs. He's inherited the family skill, he's out of practice. His stove has been broken since he moved into this apartment. The odds are stacked against him, but still, he busts out a hot plate and gets to work, you're getting your onions.
Deon Wilson (Chappie, 2015) Deon has been eating hot pockets and adult portions of lunchables since he moved out of the house in 2015. He's barely familiar with vegetables, you're gonna have to teach him how to work the stove. Sorry girl, he's really cute tho.
Sheru "Saroo" Bierley (LION, 2016) Sue Brierly made sure both of her sons knew how to hold their own in a kitchen, and Saroo is not gonna forget that knowledge. If you've got a hankering for French onion soup, you better believe that he's gonna do everything he can to get ready for you.
Jay Menha (The Wedding Guest, 2018) Sanjay is tricky. The two of you travel so often for 'work', and it's kind of hard to not get takeout. However, once in a blue moon, Jay will make a nice meal for the two of you. He's romantic, he's sweet, and the two of you have a cozy night together. Yes, he did call his mother to make it happen. Yes, he's gonna do everything in his power to make sure you don't find that out.
David Copperfield (2019) I feel like David will need help the first few times he's in a kitchen. He's a man of means now, so he's able to pay his cook to give him lessons in the kitchen. This being said, I feel like David will want to cook for you, but tell you that the cook prepared it. You like it better when David cooks for you, even if you don't know it.
Joshua Madika (Modern Love, 2019) Joshua can and will buy you every single onion in the world. He doesn't mean to be so 'much', but you love him for it! This being said, he will give Carmelizing Onions one solid attempt, and depending how it goes, then he'll get you takeout from all your favorite spots in the city. It's a win-win to be honest.
Sir Gawain (The Green Knight, 2021) Oh, I'm sorry babe, he'd absolutely not be able to caramelize onions for you. I do, however, think, that he would be great at making smores. He is totally capable of putting a marshmallow on a stick and holding it over heat until it's golden brown. That is the extent of his food-gathering capabilities. God bless him for still being alive at age twenty-one.
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flutterflora · 4 months
so.....i have a very deep and tragic history with dragon city.....in 2015 (at about age 12/13) when dan and phil did their first dragon city sponsored video i ended up being influenced so i downloaded it and i got extremely EXTREMELY invested. every morning before school i would wake up and do all the daily tasks first thing. i battled everyday, i bred the dragons every day and i spent so much of my time watching ads every day just to have enough in game currency to look after my dragons. i was obviously only a kid back then so i couldn't spend any money on that micro-transaction hellscape but i had still gotten some good and rare-ish dragons just from the sheer amount that i played. i was so invested i even had a whole separate app on my phone that showed me all the dragon city breeding guides and how common they were. my whole life revolved around this silly little game for probably like a good 9-10 months, it was a DEEP hyperfixation. i played EVERY DAY for HOURS. then one day i realised that i could get extra food for my dragons if i sign in with a facebook account and bc i didn't have my own one i asked my mum if i could use hers, she said yes so i connected it and.....a pop up came up asking me if i wanna restart my game using the facebook account. i didn't read it and just clicked "YES" fast. because i hadn't been signed in with anything else i lost EVERYTHING, close to almost a full years worth of work and dedication, completely gone......i cried. hard. i'm fairly certain i had a full blown meltdown over it in fact. i still remember being in complete disbelief, staring at my once full and densely populated world, now being almost completely empty with nothing more than one single baby fire dragon and a lvl 1 flame habitat sitting in front of me. once i had calmed down i just decided to uninstall the app and try to forget about it. but i never did. 9 years later and i still think about it. my OP as hell viking dragon i miss you so dearly every day and i hope you're doing okay in the digital void.
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half-life-citizen · 3 months
A rundown of the flumblr Crimson peak watch party.
As you may or may not know, we recently had a watch party of the Guillmero Del Toro film Crimson Peak, I won't talk spoilers, but will mention some plot details.
It was organised by @thedeafprophet and @the-dye-stained-socialite, who streamed it in a discord.
The discord was made specially for the watch party, being set up a few days before the actual event, and invites opened at around the same time.
The setup:
As I previously mentioned, the server was open for a few days prior to the event, with a few members of the flumblr community joining, myself included.
A few emotes were made, mainly joking in matter. They included some amazing art by @the-insouciant-scientist of the endgame professions.
Some channels were made about the movie, spoilers permitted in one and not the other.
As well as some lovely conversation, the testing for the jackbox games was set up, and a few games were played.
The Pre-Show
As the date; March 9th came, more people flooded into the server, and said people began to talk.
The conversation really began to pick up 2 hours before the show, with many people preparing food for the event, such as pasta, or popcorn.
But there was a casualty.
In their unending hubris; one of the event organisers, prophet, created a quiche too powerful and deadly for any human to handle, and launched a quiche blast across the Atlantic, hitting the bowl of pasta I had made, knocking it to the floor, destroying it.
I am warning you, the image of the quiche pictured below may be too horrible to imagine, to even think about without the edges of your mind falling apart like wet paper.
You have been warned.
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And the unleasher of the quiche admitting to their crimes
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After this horrible event, I was left scarred, but more importantly, in lack of food. I thought nothing of it and ordered food for later that night.
I thought I'd also mention the loaf of bread made by @zeebreezin
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Just a good solid loaf.
After the quiche incident, the conversation just moved along from topics of food and ended up continuing until the time of the event beginning.
The Beginning:
An executive decision was made to wait 10 minutes or so for people to arrive, just to make sure nobody would miss anything.
At 8:12 IST, the watch party had begun in full swing. People sat on chairs, beds, and couches, and were all tuned into a 720p possibly illegal stream of a movie from 2015.
As previously mentioned, I won't go into spoilers in this writeup, but I will mention characters and plot points, but nothing particular.
For this write up, I will go over some of the main characters featured in this film with a simple bio.
Edith: an aspiring author who's wealthy businessman father who disapproves of her relationship with Thomas Sharpe
Thomas Sharpe: an owner of a crumbling estate slowly sinking into the clay mines below the house, he seeks funding for a digging machine to help revitalise the mines.
Lucille Sharp: Thomas's older sister, seemingly distant from the world.
Dr Alan McMicheal: Blonde doctor guy
Ferguson: appears on screen for a total of two seconds, I expected him to come back later.
The slop: liquid clay, looks tasty and probably cures anemia.
As the movie began, everybody who hadn't seen the movie before immediately distrusted Thomas Sharpe, myself included.
As the movie continued, I began keeping two counters and a constant rating.
These were
1: the gun counter
2: the violence counter
And 3: the beard rating
The gun counter was simple, every gun on screen would add 1 point to the total.
The violence counter was every scene of violence in the movie; not act of violence. So a scene of someone getting punched twice would still only count as one.
And the beard rating, where I rated all the beards visible to me during the watch.
Anyways, as the movie progressed, a common theme appeared in the chat.
Manic slop posting.
The slop (pictured below) is the liquid form of the red clay the Sharpe household is slowly sinking into, a deep and rich colour that makes your mouth water slightly.
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In my personal opinion, the slop is the single best character in the movie.
I will not explain myself.
As well as slopposting™, during scenes of intense violence people would start talking about the blood; and honestly? Good for them.
I wish I could go into more detail about the events of the movie, but I really urge you to watch it yourself, it's violent and very heartfelt.
Also slop.
now, about half way through the movie, I told the chat I needed to check for the pizza I had ordered over an hour and a half prior to the movie starting, and The Powers That Be graciously granted us an intermission, we're I called my pizza place 4 times and they never picked up, so I was forced to wait another 30 minutes for my pizza.
I did get it eventually.
The rest of the watch party was not uneventful, with a lot of jokes and gasps as the movie continued telling its story.
But all good things must come to an end, and as the final scene cut to black; the end began.
The aftermath:
Most people left after the movie ended, leaving around 8 people left to play some jackbox as the night continued.
Nothing major really happened, (except for prophet finding out the truth behind Easter eggs), so here are a few funny screenshots from the games I was in, I even won one of them
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As a bit of a final note, I really have to thank everybody involved. It was a really fun little event, and any more in the future, I'd be glad to participate in.
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❦― 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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❦― hello there beautiful human!
🥀 and welcome to my little comforting hollow that i call home here in this weird world of ours... i hope you enjoy your stay here.
⇾ ˚ ༘♡ latest pieces:
tank tops & wet towels (wysob final part)
turn for me (mnlx fluff & smut)
the other half of it (hjs angst & smut)
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my rules & guidelines ⇾ ˏˋ read here ´ˎ
masterlist ⇾ ˚ ༘♡ skz ⋆。˚
wip list ⇾ ✧ ˚ · . check out here ☄. *. ⋆
fic recs ⇾ ...[nsfw]◌ೄ skz recs m.list *ೃ༄ ...[sfw]◌ೄ skz recs m.list
my carrd :: ao3
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❦― about me
《 blossom
《 proud girlie (afab)
《 monkey ♥ enfj ♥ taurus, sagittarius rising
《 bi, taken by my kitty 💐
《 may '04
《 sex-positive christian
《 i've lived all over the world (including south korea)
《 swedish + irish/scottish
《 full-time junior in uni w/a major in creative writing
《 saw superm live: 2019 ♥ saw sf9 live: 2022 ♥ saw woodz live: 2023
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♫― ults
《 exo (since 2015) ♥ jongin, baekhyun
《 shinee (since 2015) ♥ kibum, taemin
《 vixx (since 2015) ♥ taekwoon, jaehwan
《 stray kids (since 2019) ♥ ot8
《 sf9 (since 2020) ♥ taeyang, zuho
《 the boyz (since 2020) ♥ sunwoo, kevin, eric
✬― casual listener ⇾ enhypen, nct (127, u, dream, wayv) day6, superm, txt, p1harmony, ateez, onlyoneof, cix, twice, snsd, red velvet, newjeans, le serrafim, viction, infinite, golden child, sunmi, woodz
ツ― other interests ⇾ baking/cooking delicious food, reading and writing filthy smut, youtube gamers (markiplier, daz, etc.), korean r&b/indie music (namely: colde, rad museum, jooyoung, hyukoh, thornapple, jukjae, oceanfromtheblue), taking pics of sunsets, the folk of the air, working out, cats & horses, atla/lok, niche perfumes, horror games/tv shows, kdramas/kmovies
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❦― goodbye!
thank you for taking some time out of your day to look over my blog's navigation. i appreciate your support very much! have a wonderful day/night ahead of you~
© ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
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i-never-forgot · 18 days
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"In the Morning Light" Canon Timeline
In light of posting my fic(s), I wanted to clarify my AU for the sake of comprehension since there are some timeloop shenanigans that occur that may make it confusing, especially since I have somehow ended up writing it all backwards lol.
This is going to be a mess of bare minimum (but we know it's going to be long-winded—c'mon, guys, it's my writing we're talking about) plot points to explain the premise of my perpetual WIP fanfic, my OC(s), and the potential AUs that may be involved. Buckle in for a whole lot of nonsense, my dudes—this is really just me trying to get everything in my head on paper, so to speak, so I don't really know who will be interested in reading all this lol, but I appreciate all of those that do. This has been stewing in the back of my mind since 2015 so…yeah.
This outline is broken down into acts, so it follows the basic canon storyline of the game until the post-game's ending, from which it deviates. (As always, questions about any of this are more than welcome in my askbox! I relish any excuse to yap about my babies!)
[Divider credit]
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"Past" Arc:
[The events of "A Stagnant Life" occur.]
Eliana wakes up in the paralyzed future and thinks she's dreaming. She rescues a terrified, treed Treecko from getting trampled by a rampaging Nidoqueen by distracting her, tumbling into a ravine and hurting herself in the process, then falling unconscious. When she wakes up, the Treecko is there and...talking to her, asking if she's all right, and trying to give her a berry. That's a lot to process with a concussion, but, at this point, after taking in the decaying scenery and strangeness of it all, that seems the least fantastical element involved in her current predicament.
He convinces her to go back to his cramped cave at the top of the other side of the ravine, afraid of being out in the open for too long, and asks her what kind of Pokemon she is. She explains that she's a human, he's confused. She tries to explain that she's obviously not from the area, but isn't entirely sure how she got there—the memories are...fuzzy, for reasons that she can't seem to fathom.
Treecko says, after some questions of her own about sleeping off their injuries for the night and figuring things out in the morning, that he doesn't even know what "the sun" is. It's always dark, always silent, and the vast majority of other Pokemon are feral and violent. The poor thing has no concept of time and is extremely timid and soft-spoken, and he's obviously intimidated by Eliana in general (but especially by her size and comparatively incredible strength), yet he seems to trust her despite himself for that one act of kindness she gave him...of course, that may also have to do with the fact that he looks like he's never gotten a full hour of sleep and seems cripplingly lonely and starved for touch and company, too.
Despite the grief and trauma surrounding the loss of her original childhood partner Pokemon, Eliana's initial insistence on only keeping an eye on the little creature that had inadvertently saved her life with oddly potent naturally medicinal fruit long enough to figure out what in the hell she was going to do quickly fragments when she starts teaching him how to battle to defend himself, rescues him from a couple more dangerous situations, and answers his endless questions to the best of her ability. (She's only known this Treecko for what should've been a couple of days and if anything happened to him, she would kill everyone in that fucked up frozen world and then herself.) She decides very early on that she would lay her life on the line for him, even if she doesn't openly admit to having an attachment to him to herself until much later on.
She learns about mystery dungeons when he runs out of supplies and she figures out that the only way to get fresh food and water is to enter these odd, labyrinthian structures and to emerge successfully on the other side because, oddly enough, things seem to have been “sealed” in a way that regenerates the feral Pokémon and the items. Treecko is terrified of having to go into them because of the other Pokémon since they attack anything that moves, but Eliana starts coaxing him to try. She figures out how to use throwing items, seeds, and orbs as means of defense since she obviously has no moves, and very slowly Treecko starts to get stronger and more confident.
One “day” Eliana finds a Dig TM before they emerge on the other side, and they pass a local pond on the way home. Eliana stops by the water while Treecko stays near the treeline with their finds, but she’s attacked by a Mightyena and gets pinned under the water to drown her. Treecko accidentally activates the Dig TM, learns it, and defeats the Mightyena by using it—it’s the first time he’s knocked out a Pokémon on his own. He’s frantic about whether Eliana’s okay and clings to her well after they fall asleep.
Eliana receives her first Dimensional Scream soon after this, although she doesn’t understand what it is and thinks she might be hallucinating. (*I haven’t decided what it will be yet, but for this “future” portion of the fic, I would utilize the “past” dialogues—just like the hero captures glimpses of Grovyle’s dialogue in the past, e.g. Foggy Forest.) They're staying near Treeshroud Forest, so this is what triggers it, but they don't realize there's a Time Gear there until later.
She grows too curious about the state of this world to stay put any longer, and she tells Treecko that she wants to explore it to see what happened—she’s explained to him how it should be, but he’s never witnessed anything different. He’s understandably wary about the idea of traveling long distances, and Eliana tells him that he doesn’t have to go with her—since he has a home here and feels safe, she could leave him with what they had gathered the last several trips to the local mystery dungeons and gather her own stuff as she goes along.
(However, she doesn’t realize that the reason Treecko feels safe now is because he’s met her—she’s boosted his confidence, has taught him how to battle, and has been his sole companion in almost all of his life. He owes her everything, he feels, so he decides to go with her in order not to lose her.)
[The events of the top half of "Cuddles" occur.]
They travel along an old path that leads, unbeknownst to them, southwest. Eventually they reach the coast and discover the ruins of a town. Eliana is fascinated and tries to uncover what's left, but anything valuable has already been looted. They find an underground base mostly hidden under brush pulled over its entrance. They creep inside and are attacked! But the scuffle doesn't last very long because their assailant is a) old and b) the only other sane Pokemon they've encountered.
It’s a blind, older, chronically wounded Lucario that refers to himself as the Old Master. Eliana and Treecko are uncertain what that means, exactly, and he doesn’t deign to explain it. After some convincing that they aren’t raiders, he offers for them to stay in the little underground haven he’s built. It used to be an exploration guild, he explains, and he was its master. Since the world fell apart most Pokemon either fled across the continent or were driven mad. He doesn’t admit it but Eliana can tell he’s been lonely and he’s relieved to have some company, even if he has to readjust to it some.
He starts explaining what he knows—which is quite a lot, actually, since he’s studied all of the old tomes in the Guild’s library for lack of better things to do while hiding out between ventures into local dungeons for food. He’s able to answer some of Eliana’s questions—including that the planet is paralyzed through time stopping. Eliana exhausts his knowledge and he diverts her to the library and proceeds to teach her how to read the written language(s) of their world.
Eliana is a quick study. She even uncovers and is able to read the ancient tomes composed in Unown runes since it’s similar to the alphabet with which she’s familiar. Lucario is amazed by this and by her and Treecko’s partnership. He mentions eventually that she reminds him of someone he used to know, but he can’t place it.
Eliana uncovers texts about Time Gears and their function. She proposes a crazy—but plausible— idea. It is no negligible task, but…Lucario agrees to help, tired of the world he’s been trapped in and that Treecko has been born into. They will need help if they have any hope of finding them. But even if they did manage it, since no locations were recorded in the records, how could they possibly reverse what had already happened?
They travel to what once was Capim Town on the opposite side of the coast—a long, arduous journey filled with peril. Treecko gets stronger and quicker all the while. They arrive and Eliana is met with suspicion and outright aggression—those who remembered humans before the cleansing did not approve of her presence, so she was forbidden from remaining in town. Treecko goes with Lucario when he speaks with the leaders of the town, but he’s rejected because they suspect that any tampering with the timeline would cause their erasure. Lucario declares that the world in which they live is nothing for them, nor their children, to suffer—what would it mean for them to lose their lives if countless others could be saved in the process? (Treecko adopts a lot of Lucario’s opinions on things after this, admiring him a lot for his steadfast rationale and ability to handle tense situations.)
When they leave the council chamber and return to Eliana, Lucario is discouraged. However, a moderate-sized group of townspeople follow them before they can depart and say that they're willing to help them in any way that they can to rectify the past. They end up forming the Planetary Investigation Team and start researching the cause of the planet's paralysis by uncovering other texts and such.
Lucario, Eliana, and Treecko return to the Guild and begin their plans. They determine that while their new team attempts to narrow down the possible locations of the Time Gears in the past, Lucario says that they need to find out a way to travel through time to start with. He has to work on that, but he has enough information by then to send Eliana and Treecko out into the continent to start the process of elimination on where the Time Gears might have been.
Unfortunately, all this hubbub and action has caught the attention of the spies scattered throughout the land for Primal Dialga. They report back what's going on, and Primal Dialga sends out his best henchman to determine the intentions of these insurgents and to stop them by whatever means necessary if he determines that they pose a veritable threat to the timeline. (They do, he finds.)
Eliana and Treecko start traveling around the continent counter-clockwise, first discovering the Time Gear below the Northern Desert and in Quicksand Cave thanks to another vision she receives from almost falling into the frozen quicksand. She trusts her gut, they go down, and find the first Time Gear suspended, frozen, and inert. [Since Temporal Tower had collapsed, the "feedback loop" powers they possessed went dormant. That's when they truly figure out that they have no choice but to travel back in time in order to utilize them effectively.]
They find the other Time Gears based on the possible locations Lucario marked on their map: Crystal Cave/Crossing's, Treeshroud Forest's, then Foggy Forest/Steam Cave/Fogbound Lake's. Eliana keeps having these visions, and she realizes that they're linked to the Time Gears, although she can't figure out who is in them (spoilers: it's Lu).
They have their first run-in with the Sableye when they discover the Time Gear in Limestone Cave, and Eliana and Treecko have gotten so accustomed to combat that they don't pose that much of a threat. Treecko has become confident, sure in his abilities, and he is proud that he's able to protect Eliana just like she has him.
They book it back to the Guild to report their findings to Lucario hoping he's found a solution. He has: Celebi, the Time Travel Pokemon. He hopes that they can find her if they find a Passage of Time, and one is located near the Mystifying Forest because it's a place of primordial, mystical power. There's no guarantee that Celebi will be there, but Lucario hopes to at least leave a note there in hopes that she might assist them.
However, just as they're getting ready to travel there, the Guild comes under attack. Several of Primal Dialga's servants have discovered the place and are trying to stop them...and Dusknoir is leading them. He demands their immediate surrender with a cease and desist order, stating that if they stop their plans to tamper with time that their punishment won't be as severe.
Obviously they don't agree to his terms. A tense and rapidly losing battle happens so they can fight their way back out, but Lucario sends Eliana and Treecko away while he takes on the rest of them and holds them off to buy them more time. Tearfully, they flee. Dusknoir pursues them, but they're faster since they're more familiar with the area.
They fly through the mystery dungeon and come across an old spring. Dusknoir and his Sableye ambush them there. It's a tough fight, and Dusknoir is merciless since he's decided to use force. Eliana gets hurt, Treecko gets pissed. Something about the energy that resides there reacts and Treecko evolves! Grovyle's able to beat them off and to knock Dusknoir down long enough for them to slip deeper into the forest.
He's struggling to adjust to his new form and they're both frantic at this point, on the verge of an inevitable and certain demise but he's just so proud of his new strength and Eliana's overjoyed that their bond is strong enough to afford him that, and they almost miss it when they're called into a barely-visible cave entrance. Celebi is waiting there, having known they would come because she's been watching them, wondering why Pokemon were suddenly looking for the locations of the Time Gears. She fully supports their cause and apologizes that she couldn't have been introduced to them sooner, but she was trying to avoid detection by Primal Dialga for defecting.
She leads them to the Passage of Time, explaining that she relies on its power for longer leaps like they require in order to reach the past. They're down to the wire: Dusknoir and the Sableye catch up to them just as they're getting ready to pass through. Dusknoir almost snatches Grovyle but Eliana dives in and tackles him through the Passage. Celebi flees once it's shut behind them, and Dusknoir is left cursing in their wake. (He's in deep shit with Dialga now.)
Due to the instability of the portal, Eliana and Grovyle struggle to cling to each other. It's violent, almost, throwing them about like they're in a storm. They're attacked in the midst of it, Eliana thinks it's Dusknor following them, and shields Grovyle. It sends her careening out of the Passage, freefalling over the ocean below.
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"Present" Arc:
Eliana wakes up on a beach with only the memory of her name, the certainty that she should not have fur and paws, and little else save vague sensational impressions and gut feelings about certain things (and Pokemon).
A young, blind Riolu finds her and offers to patch up her wounds (after she was battered around by the storm, hit her head on a rock which resulted in a concussion and her amnesia, and nearly drowned as a result) despite his initial wariness of her rather unbelievable story, but his personal treasure is stolen by a couple of bullies and she is Not Having That Shit since he's so sweet and shy. It takes her a little bit to get used to her new body, but using items helps. Riolu is extremely grateful for her help, doesn't know how to repay her other than offering to help her in return, and offers for her to join him in going to Wigglytuff's Guild. Eliana doesn't know what else to do, so she accepts so she can at least have time to get her bearings.
She quickly trusts Riolu because of his sincerity and opts to give him a nickname. They make fast friends with the other Guild members, but Eliana is soft-spoken and reclusive, never really coming out of her shell since she's so shaken by her lack of identity and the mysterious visions she keeps having. She grows accustomed to Lu's innate and, at times, unnerving ability to tell her mood sine he sees using his aura reading ability.
[Regular plot happens, y'all know the drill. I'm trying not to make this too terribly long so I'll add anything else here if I think of anything.]
Eliana discovers that she has a passion for the historical aspects of exploration and, in order to understand the world around her, she starts reading as many books as she can get her paws on. (She's surprised that she can read all of their written languages, as well as Unown script, although she struggles with Footprint Runes). Lu tries to keep up, but a lot of times he falls asleep while she's pulling her secret all-nighters even after the Guild's curfew has passed.
They initially focus on small jobs that don't offer big rewards since those often get neglected, but as they get stronger they start focusing on ones that are more dangerous so they can help those that need it most. They ascend through the ranks rather rapidly this way compared to their peers.
Everything proceeds as normal until they return from the expedition to Fogbound Lake and Dusknoir arrives at Treasure Town. Everyone is immediately enamored with him upon their first meeting, including Lu, but Eliana senses nothing but Bad Vibes. Her hackles rise and her fur stands on end and she can't get out of the room fast enough. Lu wanted afterwards to meet him but he goes with her to conduct their business outside the Guild. They do their missions for the day and go to Spinda's to unwind.
[The events of "Inexplicable Dread" occur.] | [Here is some meta. And here is some more.]
Dusknoir shows up and Eliana panics and gives him a false name. Lu is trying to be accommodating while keeping up decorum for their visitor, so she tries to push down her anxiety for her partner's sake. Dusknoir notices her apprehension and tries to smooths things over, which makes her second-guess herself and her initial reading of him: he is kind, considerate, and interested in what she has to say. He succeeds in being the second Pokemon to get her to open up by asking her about her studies. By the end of the night she feels comfortable in his presence, but that ill feeling lingers in the back of her mind. They accidentally touch, and triggers another vision: of Dusknoir reaching out to them, stating "You two are coming with me." She runs out in fear, leaving Dusknoir concerned about her being hurt in the past (but little does he realize he's the one that did it).
Lu finds her already in bed, curled up tight with her fur on end. He manages to get her to calm down, but she refuses to share what she saw bc he just got through telling her about how nice and kind and concerned Dusknoir was about her and that he's never met anyone so sincere with such a clear, bright aura. She decides to give him a chance since Lu was able to tell Team Skull were bad eggs right away.
They start interacting with Dusknoir more, having conversations here and there, and Eliana and the ghost-type are able to have intense debates or discussions about hypotheses that surpass anyone else's realm knowledge. Dusknoir loves listening to her talk since she's so articulated and wise beyond her years (until she reveals she's older than she looks, being a first-form Pokemon) and he'll actually go full-throttle explaining things since he doesn't have to stop, slow down, and give extensive context for his subject matter bc she already knows what he's talking about. Eliana develops a fondness for the bass rumble of his voice, like thunder, and she falls asleep a couple of times listening to his veritable lectures. She adores his patience, gentleness, and willingness to share his vast knowledge.
[The events of "Trust" occur.] | [Here is its meta.]
When Dusknoir rescues them from Amp Plains, offering to carry them back to town because of their wounds and fondly murmuring, "You two are coming with me," Eliana decides that she trusts him completely. He has brought no harm upon them, he has helped the both to be more confident in their abilities, and he so obviously cares bc he threatened to rip Team Skull a new one for the dirty trick they played that might have cost Team Relic their lives! She diverts him to the beach and confesses her true name, her ability, and her amnesia being the reasons she was hesitant to trust him at first. She is relieved to no longer hide these things from him, but he is...decidedly not. He conceals his reaction well enough, but Lu notices an inexplicable shift in his aura that darkens him. He starts acting...different. He draws closer to them, claiming to try to help Eliana with her ability to they can find Grovyle, and yet he's more reserved. It's an odd mixture.
When they begin their manhunt for Grovyle, she teams up with Dusknoir to research where the rest of the Time Gears may be located. They spend many late nights like this, usually with Lu asleep nearby, and grow very close as a result. They end up on a "first name basis", so to speak, and no one else talks to him with such casualness and informality, as though he's an equal rather than a superior. He is surprised to find that he...almost appreciates the normalcy of it, despite the circumstances. Eliana respects him entirely by the time the events at Quicksand Cave occur, and she fully commits herself to helping Dusknoir capture Grovyle.
[The events of the former half of "The Hero and the Wraith" occur.] | [Here is some meta. And some more.]
They stop Grovyle at Crystal Crossing, almost at the cost of their own lives. Eliana thinks him cold, cruel, and is almost smug about his desperation once Azelf locks down the lake. Serves him right, she thinks, after everything he's done. She doesn't realize he's on the verge of breaking down, panic and terror and grief that he's been doggedly avoiding since getting separated from her all rolling into one and verging on the edge of a mental meltdown. He's had to relearn himself while separated from his most trusted partner and best friend, not knowing what became of her, whether she was dead (or worse). He's seen no sign of her thus far, getting the Time Gears, and he fears the worst. This is the last straw, and he's barely holding it together. That's why he lashes out with violence instead of deflection or defensiveness; he's hemmed up into a corner with nowhere left to go and he's just so very frustrated and afraid.
Dusknoir didn't have to step in. He could have let Grovyle do his dirty work for him. But...he couldn't stand the sight of Eliana and Lu getting wounded so mortally. He steps in before Grovyle can land the killing blow (on Eliana, because she managed to get up to shield Lu despite being on the verge of unconsciousness). He chases after Grovyle when he escapes, but it doesn't take him long to decide the thief is gone and he rushes back to scoop up the team and Azelf to bring them back to Treasure Town.
He's frantic, the Guild members would say, worrying himself to death about their condition. He looms outside their room while Chimecho and the other healers on-hand patch them back up, and he stays with them through the night in order to monitor their condition. He has to leave the next day to keep up appearances, to hunt Grovyle down, but his inner turmoil distracts him more than anything. He shouldn't care. He would be forced to bring Eliana to her death anyway. Why would he be worried for her health now? (Why had it scared and wounded him so badly? Why did he allow himself to get involved with them in the first place?)
Eliana wants to go with him to trap Grovyle once he, Magnezone, and the Lake Trio decide on the plan. He refuses. He doesn't want to risk her recollecting anything about Grovyle, certainly, but he doesn't want to stay around her any more than what is strictly necessary anymore. He has to distance himself. He can't allow his personal feelings interfere with his mission anymore.
Eliana is anxious waiting for the update. She doesn't fully realize that Dusknoir will have to leave once he captures Grovyle. It hits her like a truck when they're in the town square and Dusknoir's imparting his goodbyes.
She doesn't expect him to reach out and snatch her (and Lu). Waking up in the frozen future is disorienting, to say the least. She and Lu are still a bit beat up from the fight in Crystal Crossing, and the last thing they want is to rely on Grovyle for anything, but...why is Dusknoir trying to have them executed? Eliana's in survival mode, realizing that her Dimensional Scream had tried to warn her and she hadn't listened. Dusknoir had betrayed them, he had lied to them, why couldn't Lu just accept that?
They argue before they decide to find Grovyle. Lu is already upset, and to see Eliana so angry scares him. When he cries, she softens back up enough for them to remind each other that they're on the same team and that they have each other, if nothing else. They don't trust Grovyle, but what he says makes sense, and Eliana admits that the "enemy of my enemy" mentality will work for the time being. (So why does she feel so safe in his presence?)
They fall into an instant rhythm. Something about him seems so oddly familiar, comfortable, and she almost knew what he was going to say before he said it or what he was going to do before he did it. They fight back-to-back effortlessly. Lu notices that his aura is pure, and murmurs such to Eliana at one point; he's sincere, and he has no malice for anyone. Something about that seems...right.
Celebi recognizes Eliana, but says nothing. She thinks Grovyle knows, and since she can see through the timeline a bit she doesn't quibble with it. She's just trying to focus on getting them back without bringing up the odd transformation.
Dusknoir reveals the truth and Eliana would've had a harder time believing it if it hadn't...felt right. It's difficult to reconcile in her mind, and she doesn't truly have time to process it, but...she realizes the voice in her past Dimensional Screams must have been Grovyle's. There was no possible other option. It's a much harsher truth to Grovyle, though, given he's been suppressing his emotions about the entire ordeal for so long. That's really what guts him in that moment, steals the wind from his sails: for a moment he truly thinks they're at the end of their rope, that there's no hope...and then Lu steps in and saves them all with his steady resolve and quick-thinking.
[The events of "A Dawning, Horrific Realization" happen.]
It's an emotional night, crowded around their low fire in Sharpedo Bluff and eating in near silence until they brave broaching the subject. Grovyle can scarcely contain himself, his relief overwhelming him to the point that he is reaching out to Eliana out of habit; but he'd hurt her and Lu, and while she felt some sort of vague bond with him, she was still readjusting and absorbing everything that she'd learned about herself and him. Despite him trying to hide it, she sees the hurt written plainly in his eyes when she rejects him politely yet apologetically.
He wakes her with a nightmare that night. She tries to wake him, but he reaches out to her again with a desperate mumble of her name. Heart hurting for him, and for the version of herself that he had lost, she caves and cuddles with him. They both sleep better than either of them had in a long, long time, finally reunited.
She builds a fast rapport with him despite their rocky start. They butt heads a little, since Grovyle had to learn the hard way how to make decisions for himself while Eliana is used to taking point with Lu, but they get everything done. When he departs to speak with the Lake Guardians, it's a tense, but temporary, goodbye.
They keep the note he leaves behind for them in Sharpedo Bluff.
The battle with Dusknoir is violent, brutal, and enraged. Eliana doesn't hold back against him, although she's limited in what she can do. She bites him on the arm hard enough that it scars. Lu and Grovyle have to volley so he won't target her specifically. He grabs her throat at one point in the fight using an Ice Punch, freezing and scarring the flesh to the point that hair no longer will grow there.
It nearly shatters Eliana to lose Grovyle at the temple in the Hidden Land, but she has to stay strong for him and for Lu. She can't let herself crack under the pressure now, not when they're so close.
She doesn't let it slip when she starts to disappear, trying to stay strong for Lu's sake so it's not as hard on him. He wishes she would have told him sooner, but it's the one time they agree to disagree.
Lu develops gray hairs on his muzzle in his grief, but Eliana's temporary absence matures him a lot. He doesn't let her out of his sight for months after they're reunited, and hardly out of reach.
The entire Darkrai ordeal breaks Eliana. Finally learning what happened brings all her grief of being betrayed but who she thought was her friend, then losing her best friend, all back again to the forefront. This is the weak spot that Darkrai tries to exploit, and it works. It's only Lu that's able to pull Eliana back out of it. She feels a sort of grim satisfaction that Palkia inflicted upon Darkrai what the Nightmare Pokemon had done to her so long ago.
Her and Lu work through their traumas as best as they're able, working through the ranks and becoming one of the most succesful exploration teams in the continent. They find a tentative state of peace in their routine, and they feel like they get a fresh start when they finally evolve. Eliana chooses to become a Leafeon in honor of Grovyle. It's an emotional moment for her, the closest she's felt to her long lost partner in months. She misses him terribly, and while Lu is able to settle, she finds herself restless still.
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"Future" Arc: [WIP] {No spoilers!}
[The events of "That Poison, Reconciliation" occur.] | [Here is some meta.]
[The events of the latter half of "The Hero and the Wraith" occur.]
[The events of "Rest" occur.]
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"AU" Arc(s):
Returning to IRL AU:
[WIP] Through some space-time shenanigans (whether divinely ordained or not, that's yet to be determined), Eliana is returned to the human world about years* after she disappeared from Eterna Forest. A missing-persons investigation had been conducted and ruled as a closed case when no signs of her were found. Her roommate put her belongings in storage, thankfully, never really believing that Eliana was truly gone. She struggles to get her feet back under herself, having to find another job and place to live and basically start from scratch...
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Extra Information:
Team Relic:
Team Sunrise:
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
Adding further to the manifesting PR list -
- In late 2019, Harry to become governer general of Canada
- in 2019 Meghan to become president of BAFTA
- Harry and Meghan to become heads of the Commonwealth. This continued through 2020. In reality they were president and vice president of Commonwealth youth association.
- in 2020 Meghan to become ambassador for givenchy
- in 2020 Meghan to become ambassador for Tatcha (the Japanese makeup brand). This was a very strong rumour.
- in 2017, Meghan to get engaged with an emerald ring of Diana's, or an emerald from Diana's choker. This was the strongest and most sustained rumour there has ever been.
- in 2018, Spencer tiara and/lovers knot is now Meghan's and she will wear that for her wedding.
- in 2018, Charles buying HnM a mansion in LA because she is an LA. This turned into HnM looking for a mansion in LA as a summer/winter house.
- in 2018 Meghan will be gifted Frogmore house.
- Meghan to get garter/Kcvo because she the favorite (grand)daughter in law.
- Meghan and Harry to move into KP apt 1A (this was a very strong rumour)
- In 2016 Meghan to become UN women world ambassador (she tried so hard for this and even called herself that. In truth she wanted what Emma Watson had.)
- in 2015 Meghan to become some sort of ambassador for ireland (lol this was so weird but this started right around the time she got with Fitzpatrick. Her agent really milked this one. It's around this time she did the interview with Craig Ferguson)
- in 2019/2020 Meghan to enter politics, run for president. This one was strong in 2020/21 but I think she has now lost interest.
- in 2014/2015 Meghan to host a travel and food show. She really tried hard for this one back in her TiG days and gave the impression that she had this. In reality she may have been coopting Cory's life.
- in 2019/2020 meghan to become ambassador/patron of US open. PR also suggested Meghan now might get Wimbledon from Catherine because Serena was her best friend.
PS: the things I've mentioned have all, at some point, been mentioned in articles, not just online rumours.
There was also the PR that they were going to get York Cottage AND Adelaide Cottage as wedding presents.
Meghan will be presenting at the Oscars (2019 - 2022).
Meghan will be awarded the Family Order (2018)
Meghan will be given the Victoria Cross (2019)
Meghan and Harry to move into Windsor Castle (2018-2019)
Meghan and Harry to move into apartment 1 in KP (2017-2018)
Meghan and Harry to be given US tour (2018-2019)
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voylitscope · 1 year
Stucky Recs: Cabins & Small Towns
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Sometimes, you just want to settle in with a really cozy fic. Cabin and small town-set stories can be great for that, so for this rec post, I'm sharing nine favorites of mine.
It also feels like the right way to follow my Brooklyn Stories rec post. At home and then away.
Note: As part of my personal campaign to combat the persistent idea that every great fic in this fandom was written in 2015, I'm now marking recs of fics written post-2016 and recs of fics written post-Endgame.
🌳We Were Here All Along | giselleslash | 15,046 words | Explicit | Canon, Canon Divergent Post-TWS | *Post-2016 Rec*
A Post-TWS recovery fic in a cabin. A story that gives them the healing time and softness they both deserve. A fic that can be heartbreaking and painful, because it's Post-TWS, and neither of them is really okay, while also being hopeful in all the ways you want a Post-TWS fic to be. This is a Steve who is absolutely refusing to do anything less than give all he's got to helping Bucky, and a Bucky who is finding himself with Steve. This is a fic that quickly becomes Bucky taking care of Steve right back. It's a fic that emphasizes that they'll always be okay if they have each other, but also that they'll only, really, be okay if they have each other. And I love, so much, that this fic lets them have that, and lets them need each other like that, and gives them this time for just the two of them.
They’ve gone through their food and Steve makes another grocery run. He tries not to let on to Bucky that he’s terrified he’ll be gone when he comes back, but he keep his worries to himself and Bucky is exactly where he left when he returns with the groceries.
Steve finds Bucky looks at him more now, too. He’s forever looking up and finding Bucky staring at him, watchful and quiet. Sometimes there’s nothing beyond curiosity, as if he’s looking at a strange animal at the zoo, but sometimes, god, sometimes there’s a softness in Bucky’s eyes that’s so familiar it makes Steve’s stomach drop. The soft, fond look that used to always make it impossible for Steve not to walk over to him and kiss him, or run his fingers through his hair, or over his cheek. The look that meant, ‘goddammit, I’m so in love with you right now even if you’re the most impossible, ridiculous person in the whole fucking world.’
When he finds that look in Bucky’s eyes he makes sure he holds his gaze, looks back with the same softness, hoping beyond hope Bucky realizes one day that it’s Steve’s way of saying, yes, I’m here, I’m right here with you through all of this.
🌳Waking Up Slow |  odetteandodile | 44,638 words | Mature | Shrunkyclunks | *Post-2016 Rec *
A gorgeous story that's also a Shrunkyclunks and a kid fic, and that blends all of these elements so, so well. This is a fic that gets you invested from the very start, and that pulls you along, captivated, with every word. I love that there are also a lot of really unique elements to this fic -- it is a Shrunkyclunks, but not in the traditional sense, in a lot of ways, because Steve spends a huge chunk of this one unaware of who he is. So while the reader knows, there is a lot of time in this fic where, to Steve and Bucky both, Steve honestly is just a stranger Bucky saved from the cold one night. The ways Steve is written working through that, and the ways the two of them interact with each other as a result, are fascinating, and so wonderfully done.
“Hey,” he tightens his arms around Bucky and then flips them, quicker than Bucky can realize it’s happening, so that their positions are reversed—Steve’s arms around Bucky’s waist, chin resting on his chest to look up into his face, pinning him still. “I don’t know what’s got that look on your face right now but if it’s…if it’s because I still don’t remember everything I want you to understand: I remember enough. I remember enough to know that you’re something I’ve been looking for a long time and never ever thought I’d have. When I tell you I feel lucky to have this…you gotta believe it’s because I know for sure it’s true. Okay?”
Bucky nods, feeling his chin pull a little bit at the suppressed mix of happiness and loss he feels looking at Steve’s blue eyes, intent and earnest on his own. He pushes the thought away. He hasn’t lost anything, not yet. Steve’s here. He’s right here.
🌳Calico Skies | musette22 @musette22 | 52,618 words | Explicit | Shrunkyclunks | **Post-Endgame Rec**
This is such a comfort fic for me. I always sort of want to wrap myself in this one and how wonderfully romantic and warm I find it. I think a huge part of what has always stuck with me is how much healing there is for both of them as this story progresses. This is a Shrunkyclunks, so Steve's got the obvious and expected trauma, but Bucky's also got some really hard and traumatic stuff in his backstory in this fic. The two of them finding each other and coming together is so good for both of them, not just romantically -- although, as I said, it is very romantic -- but also in this way where they truly help each other so much by being in each other's lives. Just knowing each other, just having that first conversation, ends up being the healthiest thing either of them has done in a long time -- and the way things build from there into this really, really beautiful relationship just gets me every time I reread or even think about this fic.
“God, you’re a punk,” Bucky grins back, shoving Steve’s shoulder with his own. “I mean, I knew Steve was a punk, but who knew Captain America was too, huh?”
Steve smiles at his hands, with a touch of melancholy this time. “Not too many people, actually. My mom knew.” He laughs, remembering her fondly exasperated expression. “Lord, did she know. The Howlies, back in the war. Some of the guys on the team back in New York, maybe.” He shrugs again, running a hand through his hair. “I guess I don’t usually let people get close enough to find out.”
Bucky looks at him for a long time then. Steve can feel his gaze on the side of his face, making him feel like he can see right through him. He tries not to fidget, but it’s hard when he thinks about everything Bucky might be seeing. All the messy feelings he’s harboring inside of him, tucked just beneath the surface, struggling to be contained.
🌳Miles to Go Before I Sleep | obsessivereader | 34,079 words | Explicit | AU: Historic | **Post-Endgame Rec**
I was considering saving this one for a different rec post -- historic AUs, if I ever do that, maybe. But, I feel like, although this fic is set in the '80s, it's still more a cabin fic than it is anything else. A really gorgeous one, too. This fic features a Vietnam vet Bucky and an artist pre-serum Steve. It's got some heavy trauma and significant hurt/comfort done beautifully. This is a Steve who is equally bossy, stubborn, and unfailingly kind and a Bucky who no one has been kind to in a very, very long time. A fic I devoured and then could not stop thinking about.
First the hope of freedom. Now this. He had a place to stay for at least a few more months. A place with Steve in it. He’d known the guy for a week, and already he’d trust Steve at his back. After that, when Steve went back home… Well. That was a problem for later. He was a survivor, he would continue surviving.
“Thank you,” he managed. Two small words that couldn't begin to express everything he was feeling.
The way Steve brightened at his answer warmed Bucky up all the way through, leaving him almost light-headed. Steve was the best thing that’d happened to him in a very long time, and the longer he could put off saying goodbye to him, the better. He couldn’t look away from the welcome he saw in Steve’s blue eyes. He looked until a hint of color stained Steve’s cheeks and he ducked his head and took another sip of his coffee, a ghost of a smile tipping up his lips.
Small Towns
📌North Fork | BeaArthurPendragon @beaarthurpendragon | 62, 834 words | Explicit | Shrunkyclunks | **Post-Endgame Rec**
There is something so achingly lovely about this fic, both in the writing itself and in the story. This is a fic filled with all these little details, all these photo moments, that played in my head while I was reading and that have really stuck with me. This is Shrunkyclunks with a very, very recently unfrozen Steve. The relationship Steve and Bucky develop isn't a slow burn, but it has this beautifully languid pace even as it's happening, one that suits this fic perfectly. There is conflict and there is some angst, and it's so, so well done- - but when I think about this fic, I think about the two of them enjoying these unhurried and lovely relationship moments together, and about all those little, but incredibly memorable, images and details.
Tonight he is simply kissing a beautiful man beneath a beautiful sky, and though he’s not particularly inclined to think about anything right now, it does occur to him how sweet it is to be able to forget your troubles for a little while with another who has troubles of his own to forget, too.
They kiss and then they kiss a little more, and Steve can feel himself getting pleasantly half-hard, and notices that James is too, but neither one of them do anything about it, because this is sweet, too, this soft little arousal, this little promise of possibility.
Finally Steve comes down off his elbow and slides his arm beneath James’s neck to cradle him against his shoulder. This is sweet, too, to snuggle like this and watch the stars on their slow march across the sky.
The Space Station is gone now, but he spots another wanderer—a satellite, James tells him, because there are probably hundreds up there now—and they trace it with their eyes until it disappears behind the trees. Steve isn’t sure he’ll ever feel at home in this world, in this future, but he’s more grateful than he knows words to express to discover this man living here.
📌Some Say it Makes the World Go Round | mambo | 22,916 words | Teen | AU: Modern | *Post-2016 Rec*
This one is such a feel-good delight. Steve and Bucky are college professors, and neighbors, in a small college town. Steve's new in town and Bucky might be leaving soon. There's a ridiculous amount of flirtation and really fun sexual tension. There are also literal, non-sexual, sleepovers. There's pining in the cutest of ways, and some very sweet embarrassed-in-front-of-a-crush moments. It's all incredibly charming. Just a total gem.
He’s looking particularly professor-ly in a tweed jacket with elbow patches and he’s wearing his thick-framed glasses. But he’s also just smiling as he steps in closer to Steve, and it makes Steve feel a little weak in the knees. He wonders what it would be like if Bucky were stepping in close to kiss him.
There is a very good chance that Steve’s crush on Bucky isn’t small at all. It’s probably not a big deal, but he’s finding that it’s shifting his center of gravity a little; he feels magnetized to Bucky, like he doesn’t want to be out of his orbit. This feeling isn’t something Steve is used to at all. Honestly, it makes Steve feel a little sick, but not in a bad way. The feeling is hard to describe; Steve isn’t sure he’s felt quite like this before, so attracted and so off-kilter.
It’s probably a big deal, actually. With the way he’s been thinking and feeling, it’s only a matter of time before Steve makes an utter fool of himself and does something that breaks school rules.
📌Where You Are | lemonoclefox | 45,916 words | Mature | AU: Modern | **Post-Endgame Rec**
A fic for all your rom-com needs, hopes, and dreams. Trope-y in the best and most charming of ways. Like, listen: Bucky wins an abandoned inn at a raffle and arrives in a small town to fix it up! Steve is the local carpenter! A central running theme in this fic is that Bucky is totally going to just get this inn fixed up and then return back to his life in the city! He is definitely leaving. He is going to hire people so that he can manage his inn from a distance. Because, you know, there is, of course, no reason for Bucky to stay in this small town. No reason at all. Nope! And, hey, Steve is just making conversation about how Bucky could leave -- or maybe, just a thought Steve had, Bucky could stay? It's just a casual suggestion. Steve's just a little curious about Bucky's long-term plans, okay? Casually! Professionally, even! And! And there is antique shopping (for the inn!), and long walks, and sweet small-town traditions! And also Steve has a puppy! (And maybe, maybe, there is some breaking in of newly remodeled rooms at this inn by Steve and Bucky.) It's all just so delightful. You should read it at once. Trust me.
"You would've corrupted me, for sure," he mutters, taking a sip. Steve looks up at him from under his eyelashes. It's an unfairly endearing, yet incredibly hot move.
"In what ways?" he asks. Bucky gulps, taken aback by that suddenly low, soft tone of voice. He clears his throat.
"Don't know," he says. He shrugs. "Every way?"
Why did he say that? That's not what he meant to say. He's not even sure what it means. Steve catches it, though, and looks up properly, holding Bucky's gaze steadily with his own. There's that determination again, the one that's oddly jarring and exciting to be on the receiving end of.
"I would've liked that, I think," Steve says, his voice having dropped to that low timbre Bucky has heard before.
📌Backhoe | Zenaidamacrouras1 @zenaidamacrouras1 | 123,456 words | Mature | AU: Modern | **Post-Endgame Rec**
So, I feel like this fic breaks outside the bounds of what's typically classed a "small-town" fic a bit, but I also feel like it belongs on this list. This one is a treat, a joy, honestly, from start to finish, and l just love the way Steve and Bucky's relationship builds over the course of it. They've both got their own issues and insecurities happening, and the ways they hit against each other's but then are worked through is just so, so well done. I also really love that this is a fic where it takes all of about one conversation for them both to be helplessly gone for each other, just like, beyond smitten, and that neither can quite believe the other is reciprocating the instant attraction. It feels so right for them, and set against the incredible world-building of this fic, it has this gorgeous giddy headiness to it -- one that never really fades as this fic goes on and as their relationship solidifies. It's beautiful and really, really romantic stuff.
“I’m so tired, Steve, and I still got presents to wrap. I should get about an hour of it in tonight, because I’m going to be even more tired tomorrow after the Christmas Eve party. I ever tell you I hate wrapping presents?”
“Only about once a day since Thanksgiving,” Steve says, and stands up, clapping his hands eagerly. “Come on, I’m artsy, I bet I’m great at wrapping presents. We can play strip wrapping, for every present we wrap, we’ll take off one article of clothing.”
Bucky rubs his hands over his face. “That sounds more productive than nothing at all,” he admits.
Steve’s wearing a dozen skinny leather bracelets on each wrist, and he stubbornly claims each counts as an article of clothing, and soldiers on stoically through wrapping every last gift. The last few are pretty sloppy, given that he’s wearing only bracelets and a pair of boxer briefs and Bucky’s nibbling along his neck as he’s trying to wrap them, and then Bucky starts trying to tape bows onto Steve, which is really the opposite of productive.
📌A Hard Case of You | Chiyume | 21,759 words | Explicit | AU: Modern
I'm a huge fan of a meet-ugly that resolves itself fairly quickly. It's a trope I'm just always into. There's something I really love about the general premise of, like, "We were both being assholes before, but now that we're having a real conversation you're sort of great." This fic is a stellar example of why, and it's got a nice bonus dose of, "I have literally known you for less than 24 hours, how am I possibly feeling such a connection to you?" Something that's another, fun, and 10/10 trope, really. Plus! Bucky's a lawyer and Steve's a mechanic and there's a whole lot of banter. (And a puppy!) You really can't go wrong here.
Bucky manages to hold the gaze, but oh, it’s hard. It’s so hard, he has to distract himself by reaching for and emptying the last of his own beer. He knows that Steve’s watching him, and that knowledge is more than enough to send his pulse racing. It’s not the first time Bucky’s gone out and ended up following another person home, and he’d like to think that he’s got enough experience to read the signs Steve’s sending him with that look. That doesn’t mean the look doesn’t make him nervous as all hell, though.
He doesn’t put the can down when it’s empty like Steve does with his, fearing that he might end up fidgeting without something to keep his hands distracted. The strategic part of his brain keeps telling him that now would be a really good opportunity to make a move if he wants this to lead to anything, but sadly, the part in charge of speech seems to have gone on vacation once again. He can’t come up with anything to say, and suddenly he wishes there had been some kind of music playing, or a show running on the T.V. for him to default to.
I have a few more fics marked small town or cabin on my rec spreadsheet, (I feel like that makes me sound much more organized about this than I actually am.) but the ones I'd have included, are by authors who are already in this post. As a rule, I don't really want to double-rec authors in these posts, even if they have multiple works I love that fit the theme. I've got what would be a double-rec happening three times for this post, though, which feels like a lot of fics to leave out. So, have three more fics from authors with fics rec'd earlier in this post:
Coming Up Easy | musette22 @musette22 | 45,515 words | Explicit
Then a Small Thing Happened | BeaArthurPendragon @beaarthurpendragon | 41,164 words | Explicit
Someone to Watch Over Me | obsessivereader | 24,221 words | Explicit
Fic Rec Series
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