dreamlandforever · 10 months
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@writersmonth Prompt: Day 22 - Sunscreen
Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek WC: 800
XXII. Sunscreen | 
“Derek, why does our son look like he has the same skin condition as Lord Voldemort?” Stiles asks carefully, holding Eli by the shoulders so Derek can see him.
“I have no clue what you are talking about.” Derek says simply, getting a few cold drinks out of the cooler to hand to Boyd and Jackson, sitting next to him on the beach chairs. The two take the drinks gratefully, but completely ignore whatever is going on.
“Derek.” Stiles says again, too calmly to be anything good. “Look at our son.” 
Derek turned to the two of them, first at his son, and then at Stiles, as if to prove there was nothing wrong. 
Stiles sighed, but turned around. “Lydia! Can you come here for a moment, please?”
Derek raised an eyebrow at him, but Stiles stared back at him. “I would’ve called Isaac, but he’s afraid of you now, congratulations.” Derek smiled at that. It was about damn time his betas were more afraid of him than they were of his husband. He knew it was momentarily, because Isaac had accidentally thrown the volleyball too hard at Stiles and he now had a black eye, and Derek hadn’t exactly reacted in the calmest of ways. No physical violence, because Derek had actually worked on becoming a good Alpha and he wasn’t about to throw everything away, but he might have actually yelled at Isaac. He caught himself before it became a tirade, but still. Maybe he shouldn’t be proud after all. 
“Your kid looks ridiculous.” Lydia said as soon as she was within hearing distance, without Stiles actually having to prod. 
“He’s protected.” Derek countered. 
“Derek. My love. My sun. There’s so much sunscreen on Eli that I can’t even grab him without him slipping out of my hold.” Stiles explained. As if to demonstrate, he tried to grab Eli’s wrist, but the boy’s hand simply slipped off. 
“We don’t know if he’s a werewolf yet, Stiles, we need to protect him from the sun.” Derek countered.
Stiles opened his mouth to argue, but then closed it again without saying a thing.
“Okay, I’ll be in sunscreen duty.” Lydia said, using her towel to hold onto Eli’s hand, who so far had only stayed where his Dad had told him to. He wasn’t sure how to move when he had so much cream all around him. “Come on, buddy, we’re going to get all the excess off and then you can get in the water. Uncle Isaac and Aunt Erica are playing shark, and I’m sure you can beat them both.”
Eli nodded at his aunt, but still didn’t move. Lydia sighed loudly, shooting a glare at Derek, before kneeling by Eli to wipe the excess off right there, before applying a normal, thin layer all over the kid. It seemed to break the spell, and Eli was walking towards the water again, Lydia following close behind and pointing him towards the rest of the Pack. 
“Babe. He’s a child. You broke him. You literally broke him. He came to find me standing like a starfish and just looked at me. Malia laughed so hard I’m pretty sure she peed, and Eli just stared at me.” 
“Fine, maybe I overdid it.” Derek relented. 
“He was white. Not pale like me. White. Actually white.” Derek just nodded. 
“I’ll hold back.”
“Thank you, babe. I will make sure he gets a retouch at least every three hours, okay? He’ll be fine.” Stiles assured him, and Derek nodded, grabbing Stiles’ hand to pull him against his chest.
“Are you wearing sunscreen?” Derek asked kindly, pressing a kiss against his husband’s forehead.
“A perfectly normal amount, Der. I will retouch every time Eli does.” He promised, placing a kiss of his own on Derek’s nose. “Now, if you excuse me, I have to go make sure our two year-old doesn’t drown anyone of this Pack.” Stiles said, walking towards the water as well, before stopping mid-step. “Actually, anyone in general. He’s not allowed to drown anyone at all.” He said, seemingly to himself, before he resumed walking.
“Thank you, love.” Derek called after him, and Stiles waved at him in acknowledgement. 
“Pay up.” Boyd said, extending his hand at Jackson. 
“I don’t have my wallet in my swimsuit, man. But, yeah, whatever, I’ll Venmo you.” Jackson said, grabbing his phone to do just that.
Before Derek could even ask, Boyd explained, “Jackson here thought Stiles would be overprotective of Eli. I have seen Stiles when Isaac or Scott get injured. So I bet on you.” 
Derek rolled his eyes and sat down on his chair. “Stiles’ very protective of the kid.” 
“He’s reasonably protective. You made us drink out of paper cups for months just in case Eli found a real glass or cup.” Jackson countered. “Actually, I don’t know why I bet on Stiles.” 
“I told you” Boyd said happily, drinking the cold beer Derek had handed him. 
“I hate you all.” Derek said simply, laying down under their big umbrella. His son was safe, and so was his husband. He could enjoy a few hours of rest. 
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frozenwolftemplar · 10 months
Writer's Month Day 18: Free
Fandom: Carmen Sandiego (Netflix)
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,730 (just dawned on me to include this, lol)
Summary: Carmen and Player have some time to themselves before meeting up with the others, and Player has a fit of inspiration for a fun way to spend it. After all, a park lawn presently being watered by sprinklers is basically an open invitation.
Author's Note: Someone in this fandom (not sure who) formed the headcanon that Player takes a gap year when he turns 18 and travels the world with Carmen; this fic makes use of that. Happy readng!
“So:” Player didn’t look up from his phone as he walked, tapping and swiping through windows with practiced speed. “Shadowsan should get here later this evening, and Ivy and Zach tomorrow. Their ACME job just wrapped up in Seoul, so they’re good to hit an early flight first thing. Provided the plane leaves as scheduled, they should touch down sometime around ten-thirty, we all swing by the hotel to drop their stuff off, and then we should be good to get started on some sightseeing. Sound good?”
Merry lines crinkled around Carmen’s eyes as she looked over at Player, walking alongside her. He used the same clipped efficiency she remembered from the briefings that flowed through her comms before countless capers back when they were taking down VILE, and hearing it again caused something warm and comfortable to stir in her chest.
Was this what nostalgia felt like?
At the verbal nudge, Carmen blinked back to the mostly-empty park they were walking through and met his questioning look with a grin. “Perfect. It’s almost like you’ve done this before.”
“Who, me?” Player blinked up at her- he’d grown taller since she first saw him in-person, but she still had a good two or three inches on him- with obviously feigned innocence. “An expert in booking flights and scheduling rendezvous? What do I look like, some kind of tech genius to an incurable globetrotter who still can’t figure out how to book her own airline tickets?”
Carmen chuckled. “Something like that. And hey,” his footsteps broke out of their steady rhythm as she nudged him playfully with her shoulder. “I’m getting there. I booked our tickets to Osaka myself, didn’t I? And the train tickets to Matsumoto?”
He answered with an impressively flat look.
“Okay,” she amended. “Mostly by myself.” Because no matter that she was the one operating the touchpad and clicking the appropriate buttons, the feat would have been impossible without Player perched next to her in the hotel, coaching her through each screen and patiently pointing out where to click.
“That’s more like it. But hey, a few more cities, and you’ll be a pro. Maybe not as good as me, of course...”
Carmen huffed a laugh.“I can live with that. You said we’ve got time before meeting up with Shadowsan?”
Back down to the phone Player dove, pulling up and scrolling through windows with a speed Carmen’s eyes never could keep up with. “Just checking for any delays or traffic slow-downs...” he muttered as Carmen, at the rapid pattering of a jogger coming up behind them, took ahold of his elbow and steered him onto the grass (they’d already nearly been bowled over by her twice and what kind of master thief nearly had the same accident three times?).
“About half an hour.” Player slid the phone back into his pocket, matching his stride to hers as they stepped back onto the pavement.
Carmen hummed thoughtfully. Not much time, relatively speaking, but after a couple of months traveling together, they’d gotten remarkably good at making the most of even the briefest length of time. “We can work with that. Anything you want to-”
A sharp hissing sound cut her off. They both stopped and looked towards sprawling emerald-green lawn the path bordered, where an army of sprinkler heads had just popped out of the ground and were busily filling the air with misty plumes of droplets, sprayed out in wide, sweeping arcs over the grass. Player whipped towards Carmen, grinning wide, eyes alight with a sudden idea.
Carmen tilted her head in confusion, brow arched in incomprehension. They were just sprinklers, nothing to get excited about.
“It’s a hot day,” he said in a leading tone, nodding towards the lawn. “Want to cool off a bit?”
Carmen blinked.
....He couldn’t be serious.
Her confusion must have showed (not that it would have made a difference if it didn’t; she’d never cease to be amazed by just how well he could read her), because now he was looking at her with disbelief. “Don’t tell me you’ve never ran through sprinklers?”
“Uh...no?” Carmen looked over his shoulder at the grass being subjected to a localized rain shower, brows furrowed. Run *through* them? Was this a Canadian thing?
“Seriously?” Player looked at her quizzically. “No one, like, ever set up sprinklers to water the Academy lawns?”
She shrugged flippantly. “Never needed to. It rained a lot.”
“And your mom?”
“Artificial turf. She said she gave up on grass a long time ago.” Because apparently, grass did not mix with dozens of kids stampeding over it day in and day out for a decade plus.
”Uh-huh...” Player nodded slowly, letting her answer sink in. The second it did a grin burst across his face, impossibly wide and bright enough to cause Carmen to fight a squint. “Then this is perfect! I can finally show you something cool!”
The uncomprehending brow was arched higher. “Niagra Falls doesn’t count?” Because from where she stood, thousands of gallons of water rushing over a cataract was definitely a more impressive sight than urban lawn care.
“That’s different.” Player waved a hand, brushing aside one of the natural wonders of the world like it was as pedestrian as a rain puddle. “This is a summertime tradition. Every kid does it at least once. You *have* to. It’s the rule.”
A smirk answered him. “Even if I got hung up on rules-“ (they both knew she still didn’t), “I’m pretty sure they don’t apply here. I’m twenty-two.”
Player shrugged, unbothered by the technicality that was age. “So? Better late than never.” He crossed his arms and looked at her archly. “Don’t tell me the great Carmen Sandiego is afraid of getting a little wet?”
Carmen huffed through her nose. “Of course not.”
“It’s just...” she chewed her lip, rolling her eyes upwards, away from his quietly expectant face to search the cloudless sky for words, then shrugged lamely. ”I’m just not used to doing ‘kid stuff?’” A pathetic answer, she knew, especially since she knew Player knew what an average day at the orphanage looked like for her, but playing tag with the kids in her mom’s yard or even Marco Polo with Zach and Ivy at a hotel pool (an old mainstay during their travels, one she’d never tired of and was frankly looking forward to once they finished sightseeing tomorrow and returned to the hotel; now that Player was here, they were going to try teams) just felt...different from what Player was proposing.
She supposed VILE was to blame for her hesitation, at least partway. She *was not* a part of them, but their old lessons were still a part of her, from protecting the face to perfecting the featherlight touch that was a master of stealth’s perennial pride to more delicate lessons in criminal comportment, memories tinted with the posh, perfumed scent of Cleo’s classroom. A professional thief, per the haughty echo that still rang in the back of her thoughts, always carried themselves with dignity while out in the field, a mantle of aloofness that precluded any unsavory questions from passers-by being an indispensable part of any outfit. Accordingly, when she’d taken up her own mission of bringing VILE to its knees, her modus operandi had, by habit, included the attitude of abstaining from any public displays of spectacle.
So, yes, VILE had a hand in her hesitation, but...not fully. Part of her sensed that even if she had grown up as her father intended, ignorant of them and away from their clutches, she’d still be wearing the mantle, albeit out of nature. She just...wasn’t that sort of person, she supposed, to spontaneously run through sprinklers in a public park, saving those indulgences in ‘kid stuff’ for more private venues; a mirror of sorts to how Zach and Ivy never did share her enjoyment of high-class galas (both far preferring the street fair fundraisers they frequented back in San Diego which, she could admit, held their own charms).
Player’s expression softened as he listened between the lines. “I get it, Red, but look around.” She obediently did, scanning the park in all of a second. The day, even as it slid towards evening, was too hot for most people to brave the outdoors, and the only person in sight that same laser-focused jogger who had eyes only for the pavement speeding under her Reeboks.
Player followed Carmen’s gaze as she tracked the woman and, in answer to her knotting brows: “I doubt she’d notice.”
Carmen didn't. True, the woman had proven to have commendable tunnel vision, but two definitely-not-kids running through sprinklers making a spectacle would likely be the exact sort of occurrence that would *force* her to take notice of her surroundings.
Hence her opinion remained unchanged: no way
But when she looked back at Player with a disagreement on her lips he was holding out a hand, hopeful, eager. “Please, Red? It’s fun...”
She supposed she should be embarrassed at how little it took for her to capitulate to puppy-dog-eyes and an enticing sing-song, but, well, what else could she do when such a request came from her best friend? And, well, when she looked at the sprinklers, still chkk chkk chkk-ing away, the sound oddly enticing, she couldn’t ignore the fact that a part of her really did want to.
She offered one final rebuttal, but the smirk curving the words robbed it of any purpose beyond their old, familiar banter. “I doubt getting soaking wet in your clothes is fun.”
"Oh, just wait."
The second she set her hand in his, he tightened his grip and bolted onto the lawn, darting through the jets of water and dragging her after him. Droplets laughed against her skin, splashing and tickling her with a cool so sudden she gasped. Then the laughter was seeping into her, causing a light, tripping feeling to bubble up in her chest. Ahead of her, Player tugged left, taking Carmen in a zig zag path, not missing a jet of water, laughing loud as she shrieked at each spray they crashed through, the giddy, wheeling sensation in her chest at last spilling over into a rush, wild and without reserve, of girlish giggles.
The sound spurring him on, Player banked sharp to a right, heading for a sprinkler head whose fan shaped plume was arcing high, unfurling straight into the air. A wild light blazed in Carmen's eyes as she saw his intention, and she summoned a burst of speed so she was no longer being dragged behind him, but running alongside, then ahead, strides long and pounding as she gathered herself and leaped through the spray, elegant and unfettered to cause the roe envy. She kept her speed as she landed, heading for the next jet to the soundtrack of Player racing not terribly far behind, whooping in a way she hadn’t heard before and cheering with abandon as she flew, arms spread out wide behind her, through spray after joyous spray, a wilding set free.
Crud, she would always be amazed at how good it felt to just play, no constraining rules or machinations for victory; no confining chessboard or suits of diamonds or spades to pen you in; just her and Player running through sprinklers, getting absolutely soaked for the fun of it. It was exhilarating in a way the capers never had been.
“There!” Player, bangs dripping into his eyes, laughed when they at last came to a stop on the far side of the lawn. “Told you it was fun!”
Carmen pushed a tendril behind her ear. “Yeah,” she panted, grinning wide, a lightness somersaulting joyously in her chest. Really, it was more than fun; she couldn’t explain how, but the sensation of racing through the jets coupled with the feel of her decidedly damp shirt clinging to her skin was oddly freeing, unlatching a door inside her she hadn’t realized had been shut and loosing all manner of coltish, frolicsome impulses she never knew were hidden inside her. She grinned slyly over at Player. “But you know what would be more fun?” Not giving him time to answer, she tapped him on the head. ”Tag!”
“Wha-“ he blinked after her as she bolted through the sprinklers again, fleet as the wind and completely heedless of the jets, shouting, over her shoulder, “You’re it!”
For a moment he stared, wondering how in the world Carmen, who’d needed an explanation for ‘Simon says’ when her mom asked her to lead the littler kids in a game, knew what ‘tag’ was (the possibility of Shadowsan teaching her back on the Island both did and did not make sense), then threw off contemplation in favor of, with a cry of “La Femme Rogue!” that would have had Zach and Ivy in stitches and Julia trying very hard not to be, taking off after Carmen.
“You will not escape this time!”
Such a bold statement very nearly came true as his quarry nearly doubled over laughing as she stumbled to a stop, hands wrapped around her middle (crud, that was a terrible impression).
“Ah ha! She has a weakness!”
“Not fair!” Carmen panted as she straightened and resumed running, albeit with a smaller gap between pursuant and pursuer than before.
“All’s fair in- WHOA!”
Proving that even in imitation she held the advantage over her old adversary, Carmen pivoted on a dime so Player’s reaching hand armed with ‘Tag!’ completely missed its mark and, being propelled by its owner’s momentum, proceeded to cause said owner to topple towards the ground. Player hastily tried to correct his balance, slow his fall, and regain footing in the slick grass, but ultimately his efforts proved futile, seeing him faceplant heavily- Thud! -on the ground.
A candle attacked by a bucket of water was doused slower than the sprightly mood that had glistened over the lawn.
“Player!” Carmen darted to kneel by her friend, breathing heavily but otherwise motionless. She moved to grasp his shoulder to shake, then thought better of it, leaving her hand hovering uncertainly in midair. “Player, I am so sorry, are- can you-“ Crud, she much, *much* preferred being the unconscious one. “Can you even hear me?!?”
Carmen breathed out a sigh of relief (small relief, he could still be concussed or paralyzed or a dozen other grim possibilities). “Player, thank goodness, are you hurt or-“
“M’fine, Red. Just...”
She bent closer as he trailed off to hear better, completely missing how one of his hands was scuttling towards a sprinkler jet.
Grasping the head, Player shoved his thumb over the jet so it sprayed directly at Carmen.
“AUGH!!!” She fell back, spluttering and trying (uselessly) to shield her face from the spray with her hands as Player leapt to his feet, front smeared with mud and grass but eyes wild with fun. “That doesn’t count!” she managed once the water was back on its normal trajectory. “You didn’t tag me!”
“Eh,” Player shrugged, unrepentant. “A technicality. Besides, I thought you didn’t get hung up on rules?”
“Fair point,” Carmen, after some deliberation, conceded with a slow, thoughtful nod. She stood, idly brushing some blades of grass from her thighs. “And since we’re playing that way...”
She glanced up at Player, and he gulped, catching the way the sun snagged on the mischievous glint in Carmen’s eyes. “Uh oh.”
“I’ll give you a head start.”
On her next circuit, the impossible happened and the jogger paused, running in place as she watched the pair frolicking in the sprinklers, the earlier game of Tag having devolved into a tickle fight. A smile blossomed across her face and she turned to a man who had just materialized beside her, also watching the pair. “Nice to see young people enjoying themselves.”
“Yes.” The man nodded his concurrence, the years melting from his weathered face at an especially wild peal from the girl as the boy attacked an unusually ticklish spot on her ribs (no regrets on divulging that secret to him, that was certain). “It most certainly is.”
And none, Shadowsan thought with a grin as the jogger moved on and he turned back the way he came, letting Carmen and Player have this moment to themselves, the laughter frolicking at his heels lifting the corners of his mouth, deserve it more.
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theelderhazelnut · 10 months
Rise of the Villains: Darker than Black
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Pairing: Ombra x Quan Chi
Warnings: None
Words Count: 356
Summary: Just the cute moment of these two tired war criminals hugging each other from Quan Chi’s pov.
Author’s Note: Day 7 of @writersmonth ! Word: warmth
Taglist: @neonneurons @roofgeese @vivilovespink @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @confidentandgood @spacestephh @takiisieju-moved @sstewyhosseini @maddenedroses @inafieldofdaisies @jillvalentinesday @shegetsburned @bloody-arty-myths @zoetheneko @inc0rrectmyths @hi-thisiszira @admin-pipes @saito-mitsuko @malewifefirestar @krysta-cross @huepazu
Ombra stepped closer, her hands slipped gracefully around Quan Chi’s torso, and her head fell gently on his chest. All the thoughts which were racing in his brain a minute ago froze in their spots simultaneously. His mind ceased to function.
She held him against her body, the warmth emitting from beneath her black overcoat slowly reached to kiss his cold skin. Her strong arms were wrapped around his torso so tightly that he had to pause the life itself to make sure it was real. The last time he was hugged by someone was so far away that his memory could barely manage to reach it. People never dared to come so close to him, even when they had just met him and his savage face. Mutually, this gesture would saturate his senses with disgust. But this time he mentally protested to the fabrics blocking the pleasure of feeling her skin pressed against his.
Would he resist if it didn’t happen so briefly? Quan Chi didn’t know, but this sense of trust in Ombra alerted his nervous system to push her away. Of course, hundreds of diverse creatures had trusted him and his silver tongue before, but his spells had blinded them. Ombra saw and chose him.
He put his one arm on her upper back while the other found its place on her head. Ombra didn’t even flinch at his touch. His lips ached for her forehead. He took a deep breath and began caressing her dark hair with the tip of his fingers, lightly.
Ombra looked up at him, still not letting go of his waist. Her gray eyes dived deep into his. It still brought a little smile to his lips to see the tip of her eyelashes touching her thick eyebrows.
His hand reached for her curly bangs, and pushed them aside to reveal those eyes thoroughly which had managed to bewitch him. Quan Chi could stand there forever, hoping that their bodies would melt into each other, forming an immortal alloy.
The rare words pleasantly slipped out of his mouth, and this time Quan Chi was honest.
“You are beautiful.”
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captastra · 9 months
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The collection of 19 fics I've written for Writer's Month 2023!
AO3 Series or full break down under the cut! Biggest shoutouts to @kourumi @poetikat and @kyber-infinitygems for all your support and assistance throughout this whole experience <3!
Day 1; Day 11
Suicide Squad: Recovery and Redemption (The Suicide Squad, Words: 5,492, Chapters: 2/?, Rating: T) (Chapter 2)
Living in a world with meta-humans hasn't stopped Renée Watts from doing what she does best, helping others as a nurse. But when she befriends one particular patient, she finds herself learning what it truly means help others. Rick Flag wasn't meant to live. Peacemaker had made sure of that back in Corto Maltese. But when he wakes up in a hospital months later, he finds himself left wondering: what will he do now? His sense of emptiness gets challenged when he befriends a nurse that shows him that there can still be purpose and recovery for him.
Day 2; Day 9; Day 15
Statesman: Four Roses (The Outer Worlds, Words: 10,214, Chapters: 3/?, Rating: T) (Chapter 2; Chapter 3)
Felix Millstone, aka Agent Whiskey of the Statesman agency, has devoted his life to taking down the underground criminal mastermind, Charles Rockwell. So when he is assigned a simple protection duty of a UDL scientist, Rhea Hawthorne, he feels all his hard work has been for naught. But as he comes to know Rhea, his secret plans to bring down Rockwell may come to harm his new companion.
Day 3; Day 10; Day 12; Day 27
A Beach Vacation (Bullet Train, Words: 3,776, Chapters: 4/4, Rating: T) (Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4)
Lily, Tangerine, and Lemon enjoy a beach vacation together.
Day 4; Day 19
I Don't Need Your Love (The Suicide Squad, Words: 2,707, Chapters 2/2, Rating: G) (Chapter 2)
Renée and Rick are faced with the reality of their world when Rick is called to lead another suicide mission by Amanda Waller.
Day 5
To New Beginnings (Mass Effect: Andromeda, Words: 2,543 Chapters: 1/1; Rating: G)
Kiara Ryder struggles to process what happened at the Eos Vault, despite the restart being a great success. A chance to chat with Kandros helps her realize she doesn't have to face her problems alone.
Day 6; Day 26; Day 29
Along the Right Path (Resident Evil; Words: 6,576; Chapters: 3/3; Rating: G) (Chapter 2; Chapter 3)
A recreational hike through Arklay Mountains takes a turn when Jill and her friends get lost, but a certain handsome park ranger comes to their rescue.
Day 7; Day 21
A Promise for Another Day (Haven; Words: 2,133, Chapters 2/2, Rating: G) (Chapter 2)
Duke attempts to surprise Paige with a promise to get away, but fate has other plans.
Day 8
Watermelon Candy (Z Nation; Words: 753; Chapters: 1/1; Rating: G)
Enjoying a rare moment together, Annie shares a sweet treat with 10k.
Day 13
Fanning Their Feelings (The Outer Worlds, Words: 2,164, Chapters 1/1, Rating G)
Mayor Odie supports Deputy Felix with his crush on the new schoolmarm, Miss Rhea. Only problem is he won't court her, so Odie decides a little meddling in their affairs will help matters along.
Day 14
By the Fireside (Baldur's Gate 3, Words: 716, Chapters 1/1, Rating: G)
Everlith and Gale's friendship starts to blossom on their first night at camp.
Day 16; Day 20
In You I Can Trust (Baldur's Gate 3, Words: 2,600, Chapters 2/2, Rating: G) (Chapter 2)
After revealing the truth of his magic absorption, Gale still worries about whether Everlith truly wants him to stay by her side. But a nighttime conversation shows just how much he is truly wanted.
Day 17
When Dreams Become Nightmares (The Suicide Squad, Words: 1,006, Chapters: 1/1, Rating: T)
What started out as a peaceful getaway for Rick with Renée turns into a nightmare when reality comes crashing down.
Day 18
A Nurturing Hand (Elden Ring, Words: 1,307, Chapters: 1/1, Rating: T)
The animal shelter Aisling works for rescues an extremely angry feral cat. With Malenia's help, and a lot of patience, their family gains a new member.
Day 22
An Enchanting Encounter (The Outer Worlds, Words: 2,008, Chapters: 1/1, Rating: G)
Becoming a wallflower at her own celebration, Rhea's evening takes a turn for the better when she encounters a mysterious winged figure.
Day 23; Day 30
Waiting Out the Storm (The Outer Worlds, Words: 3,352, Chapters 2/2, Rating: G) (Chapter 2)
A surprise thunderstorm offers Rhea and Felix a chance to learn more about each other.
Day 24
Stolen Kiss (Baldur's Gate 3, Words: 1,001, Chapters 1/1, Rating T)
Gale and Everlith steal a moment alone on their journey to Baldur's Gate.
Day 25
Just You and Me, Alone (The Suicide Squad, Words: 536, Chapters 1/1, Rating: T)
Rick and Renée get to go on the vacation they deserve.
Day 28
What Promise Awaits (Baldur's Gate 3, Words: 1,248, Chapters 1/1, Rating: G)
Gale Devrakis had accepted that his life was one of solitude and reflection. Being summoned to Elminister's tower promised a possible solution to his magical condition, and companionship from his new assistant, Everlith S'aer.
Day 31
The Light In The Darkness (Baldur's Gate 3, Words: 1,793, Chapters: 1/1, Rating: G)
Gale and the others attempt to enjoy an evening around the campfire while traversing towards Moonrise Towers. But even as darkness and evil surrounds them, Everlith reveals her feelings to Gale as Wyll supports their budding romance.
Taglist: @olliesaurus-rex @roofgeese @kyber-infinitygems @poetikat @confidentandgood @spaceratprodigy @darkfire1177 @jillvalentinesday @theelderhazelnut @shegetsburned @awhellstothejoe @oh-nostalgiaa @seliviawanders @thisisrigged4 @poisonedtruth @bitchesofostwick @transcaster @incognito-insomniac @kirjanikv6ilill @madparadoxum @gayafsatan @euryalex @mxanigel @eclecticwildflowers
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Writers' Month 2023 Masterlist
Thank you as always to the mods of @writersmonth, one of my favourite events, to everyone who prompted me this year, and to everyone who kudos'd, commented, liked and reblogged!
1 blossom and on an island - An Outcrop of Rocks and Grass for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn and Arondir spot a potential settling place.
2. camping - and we will carry on - Hobbit, modern reincarnation AU, Bard takes the kids camping, in the hope that the place he found last time will help them recover from their loss.
3. festival - She's So Fine - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Sigrid isn't quite sure what she's doing when she invites the rest of Thranduil's band back to their campsite, after Thranduil's dragged her da off into the darkness, especially because Thranduil's bass player is the most beautiful woman she's ever laid eyes on.
4. memories - Everything We Have Learned for @verecunda and @glorf1ndel - LotR/Hobbit, part of My Heart Is An Empty Vessel, Legolas and his father begin to talk about his mother at long last.
5. sun and poolside - Summer Sun - King Arthur (2004), one uncomfortably hot day, the people of the fortress take a trip north of the Wall.
6. surf - Ride the Waves for @antares0606 and @bae-owyn - LotR, part of A Little Piece of the Sea, Imrahil tells Legolas of a popular pastime among the young (and not-so-young) of Dol Amroth.
7. in the mountains - A Silver Ribbon and the Sea for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn on the journey to Pelargir.
8. fishing - One of Us - Fishermen's Friends, Morgan joins Jim on the boat one morning, and they figure out his place in the band.
9. warmth and home for the summer - Fresh Water for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn, Arondir and Theo investigate the island across the bay from Pelargir.
10. sandcastle and lifeguard AU - Unpredictable for @eowyn7023 - Hobbit, Sigrid meets a very nice lifeguard when Tilda gets into trouble swimming in the Long Lake.
11. sweat - Like A World Ending - Peaky Blinders, Arthur Shelby never came home from France, not in any of the ways that matter.
12. lemonade and band AU - Walk of Shame for @scary-grace - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Bard hadn’t been looking forward to doing the walk of shame back to the campsite from Thranduil’s tour bus, but having company does take some of the edge off it - although given that the company is his eldest daughter, he isn’t entirely certain how to feel about it.
13. fan and cruise ship - A Fan for the Stage for @myeaglesong - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Thranduil's band is booked on a metal cruise, and Bard and co are invited along.
14. bonfire - A Talisman for @redeemer46 - Hobbit, part of My Heart Is An Empty Vessel, Thranduil has never quite been able to understand why the people of Dale kept the Midsummer bonfire as part of their celebrations, after what happened to their old home.
15. blue and neighbourhood barbecue - Better Late Than Never for @antares0606 - Hobbit, part of the modern AU A Kiss In The Cold And Dark, at a street party for the coronation, Thranduil gets to know some of Bard's friends, and makes a decision.
16. energy - Ash and Dust for @piyo-13 - LotR, the twins are so tired of their endless quest for revenge, but they can't admit it to each other, and they can't stop.
17. at a wedding - Court Etiquette for @inthecrevicesofmycrispytoes - Hobbit, Thranduil is very bored at the wedding of Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins, but then he meets the new King of Dale, who has never been to one of these events before.
18. restaurant AU - Mr Underhill's Finest Seafood Specialities for CyanSoul on AO3 - LotR/Hobbit, Frodo is flustered to realise that famous food critic Thorin Oakenshield has booked a table at his Uncle Bilbo's seafood restaurant. Not nearly as flustered as his Uncle Bilbo, though, it turns out.
19. cloud, Passing Shadow - LotR, the twins take a moment to rest, after the end of the War of the Ring.
20. fireworks - A Rain of Coloured Stars for @myeaglesong - LotR, on the slopes of Mount Doom, Frodo has a brief, bright memory of home, before the Ring came into his life and changed it beyond repair.
21. hammock - Outwitted - LotR, the twins have a habit of hogging Glorfindel's hammock, but Glorfindel doesn't really mind all that much.
22. human/non-human AU - Rewilding for CyanSoul on AO3 - LotR, modern merpeople AU, Faramir, recovering from the loss of his brother and his father in the wake of Eye-Corp's failed attempt to ruin their seaside home with a giant golf course and marina, meets a strange woman swimming in the sea near his uncle's island home... (CyanSoul tells me this is the first mermaid!Éowyn fic on AO3! :D )
23. storm and in the woods - always played a part for @scary-grace and @spiced-wine-fic - Hobbit, modern reincarnation AU, Thranduil watches Bard's children exploring the ruins of his home, and marvels at how alike they are to their predecessors, how much he has missed them.
24. summer - Climbing Upwards for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn and Arondir, in their first full summer on the island, contemplate the future, and Arondir gives their new settlement a name.
25. relax and at a concert - floating high above for @eowyn7023 - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Sigrid, at a really sensational rock show, takes a moment to drift off, thinking of how great her life is just now.
26. found - the tale as it is told for Anon (if you have an AO3 please let me know, I'd love to make this a gift to you!) - LotR, Imrahil tells Legolas how Dol Amroth was founded and named.
27. on the beach - a treaty of friendship and love for @verecunda - LotR, part of A Little Piece of the Sea, Legolas has a conversation with Imrahil's grandson Alphros, and another with Lothíriel, about Imrahil's sons' disdain for him.
28. bright and mythological AU - Restoration for CyanSoul on AO3 and Anon on here (if you have an AO3 please let me know, I'd love to make this a gift to you!) - LotR, modern merpeople AU, Faramir adjusts to having a mermaid for a - well, 'girlfriend' isn't the right word, and he's still not quite sure what is.
29. fireflies and at a cabin - Honey-Cakes and Mead for @sallysavestheday - LotR/Silmarillion, Glorfindel and Ecthelion, reunited, pass a quiet evening in Valinor.
30. happy and children - little sunshine for Anon (if you have an AO3 please let me know, I'd love to make this a gift to you!) - LotR/Hobbit, Thranduil and little Legolas encounter a deer and her fawn, and Thranduil learns that there is still happiness in his world, although his wife is gone.
31. fall and at a hotel - Another Night in Room 305 - Hobbit, modern AU, Bard has to go home at the end of his conference, but hopefully he and Thranduil will be able to stay in touch…
31 fics for 31 days, 38,483 words (phew!) - back next year!
Next from me: Innumerable Stars 2023, and a fic whose premise came to me in a dream. :D
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zombie-honeymoon · 9 months
Writers Month 2023 Masterpost
Here's everything I wrote this year for @writersmonth
Day 9 - Prompt: Warmth Warmth Ship: Hashirama/Kakuzu Word Count: 390
Day 11 - Prompt: Sweat The One Where Hidan is Sweaty, and Itachi Takes Notice Ship: Itachi/Hidan Word Count: 552
Day 15 - Prompt: Blue Blue Ship: Childe/Thoma Word Count: 1,162
Day 23 - Prompt: Storm Storm Ship: Kakuzu/Hidan Word Count: 433
Day 25 - Prompt: Relax Day Off Ship: Alhaitham/Kaveh Word Count: 423
Day 31 - Prompt: Fall & At a Hotel Wrong Number Ship: Zhongli/Childe Word Count: 1,313
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joemerl · 10 months
Writer's Month 2023, Day 22: "Human/Non-Human AU" and Bruce Wayne Week 2023, Day 3: "Bruce in Smallville"
Fandom: DC Comics (Batman and Superman) Status/Word count: Something to add to my "Could Be a 100,000+ Word Fic If I Had the Time and Motivation" List. 502 words. Author's notes: I honestly didn't intend to do more than one entry for BWW, but these prompts go together surprisingly well.
Clark froze in the doorway to the barn.
The other boy was tall, roughly his age, with gelled black hair combed neatly back on his head. He was wearing a suit, which seemed very out of place. Clark owned an old hand-me-down suit that he wore to weddings and funerals. This suit was pristine and, he guessed, probably worth more than his father made in a month.
More important than the suit was the fact that the mysterious burglar had one hand hovering over Clark's spaceship.
And it was glowing.
The boy turned. His expression was impossible to read, and his blue eyes were piercing.
"Is this yours?"
Clark sucked in a breath, muscles going tense and his hands balling into fists. "What are you doing in my house?"
"Technically, I'm in your barn."
Clark glared. He could feel his eyes heating up, and struggled to keep the energy from spilling out. His fingers twitched as he imagined this turning into a fight—all the practice he and his dad had done to help him control his strength. He had managed to stop breaking doorknobs, but had yet to test himself against another person.
His eyes wandered to the spaceship. How had this kid found it? Why was it glowing? It had never done that, except that first time when Clark had touched it. Ma and Pa had had it for ten years and never figured out how to turn it on.
The boy followed Clark's gaze to the ship. "I've heard some strange things about this town. Like that school bus that almost sank into the river. Do you know anything about that?"
"Who are you?"
Clark tried to keep his voice even, but the growl underneath seemed to startle the intruder.
"This probably looks bad, doesn't it?" he asked, as if that had just occurred to him. "I didn't come here to fight. I just needed to find—"
"Who are you?"
"Bruce Wayne." He paused, and asked, with a tone of genuine curiosity, "Have you heard of me?"
"Should I have?"
He shrugged. "No, but everyone in Gotham City has. My parents were pretty famous."
"For what?"
"Most recently, being the victims of a high-profile murder case."
Clark blinked, while Bruce's face remained like stone.
"After they died...I started wondering about what other family I might have. I was adopted," he added. "Like you."
Against his will, Clark's gaze was drawn back to the glowing spaceship.
"Probably not exactly like me," he murmured, so quietly that Bruce shouldn't have been able to hear.
"Exactly like you."
Bruce stood up on tiptoes. Or...that's what Clark thought, until he glanced down at his feet. The heels of Bruce's polished dress shoes had lifted up, followed by the toes, until both feet were floating three inches off the ground.
Clark stumbled back. His face was pale when he met Bruce's impassive gaze again.
"I've decoded most of the data on my ship, and...I think you and I are brothers, Clark."
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starlightswitch · 9 months
A Place to Be Alone
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@flashfictionfridayofficial This may look like it was written in ten minutes. That's because it was. It took me hours to resign myself to not getting an idea that would fit the other Writer's Month prompt...
(also for Writer's Month day 24 prompt summer)
Nobody else still went to the mall. The mall where everyone used to hang out was dying, almost half the stores closed. Most people in their class were probably going to parties.
Well, not really their class anymore. They had graduated. And who knew what most people were doing now that they had graduated. Were they still hanging out in groups or were they pulling away, getting started on whatever their life was going to be when the summer was over, or maybe what it already was?
Ryan and Ellie hadn’t really been part of a group, together or before they’d found each other. They’d been lucky to find each other.
And a bench in a quiet mall seemed like the perfect place for two loners who were now alone together. And who wouldn’t have been alone together if they’d been at either of their houses, since at Ellie’s house full of siblings there were always people going in and out of every room, and at Ryan’s house his parents were always lurking as if Ryan and Ellie would get up to anything nefarious.
So Ryan would drive them to the mall– because of course Ellie couldn’t use a car, there was always someone who needed to drive or be driven somewhere at any hour of the day or night– and they would get a bucket of pretzel bites and sit on a bench by one of the fountains and talk for hours until places started closing the gates, and then they’d kiss in the car for not so long that people would start wondering, and then Ryan would take Ellie home.
And they would keep doing that until the end of the summer, and then… they weren’t worrying yet about what would happen after they went to two different colleges and didn’t see each other for months. For now they had the summer and the mall.
Writer's Month 2020 day 24: Kiss the Frog (true love’s kiss)
Writer's Month 2021 day 24:  A Love Letter (letter + fake relationship)
Writer's Month 2022 day 24: When Everything Was Possible (bow + fantasy AU)
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rhythm-catsandwine · 10 months
Different First Meet
Notes: Obviously an au. But they still meet at the same time. Just in a different way.
“Rember the day we met?” Lars kicked cold sand into the air. “It was somewhere around here?”
Kirk chuckled and swung their joined hands back and forth. “You hit me with a tennis ball.”
“No! I served and the idiot I was playing against missed and it hit you.” Wind combed through their hair. “Rember it right.”
“I had a black eye!”
“I’m sorry.” Lars returned his gaze to the sand beneath. “Maybe we should just go back home.”
“Why? I made you come out here.”
“Because you finally got tired of me and want to kill me and marry someone that’s actually hot. It would be the perfect place. Judging by your recent reading obsession you could get away with it.”
“I think you’re hot.” Kirk pulled him in, knowing physical touch always helped when Lars got like this. 
“I don’t.” Lars looked away toward emerald waters.
“Wanna know the real reason I brought you here?” Kirk stopped and made Lars stand in Infront of him. 
“It’s not to kill me?”
“No, the law changed so I wanted to-” laughter interrupted him. “I thought you would?”
Lars wiped tears from his eyes. “No. I mean yes. I mean. “ The shorter man pulled a little box out of his pocket. “Ummm. I was going to ask you tonight at dinner. I had everything planned out. Now you ruined it! No, it’s worse. This idea is better than any idea I could come up with.”
“You know I don't care. I would have said yes.”
“I uhh umm also kept this. “ He held out his hand with the shard of sea shells. 
“So you kept the piece of shell you dug out of my foot. Then put it in a box somewhere and kept it all these years. For over 20 years?”
“I’m more sentimental than you think.” He opened the tiny black box to show off an old ring. “It was my Mom’s. She gave it to me when I told them I was going to ask you.” He pulled a teary-eyed Kirk into his arms. Words whispered in his ear made his eyes match the others. They had said it thousands of times. Either verbally or with action or physically. But this time it was different. Those three little words were in Danish. Which meant Kirk had gone on his own to learn a different language.
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dreamlandforever · 9 months
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@writersmonth Prompt: Day 29 - Fireflies
Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek WC: 1.2 K
XXIX. Fireflies
“Daddy, what’s she saying?” Eli asked, insistently pushing his mason jar against Stiles’ face. Stiles batted him away gently, doing his best not to throw the pan with their dinner to the floor.
“I don’t know, Eli.” Stiles answered, turning the stove off and turning to put his son back on the floor and making a mental note to re-arrange the kitchen so the kid cannot get on the counter this easily. He took the mason jar from Eli’s hand and looked at it, curiously. “Who took you firefly hunting?” Stiles asked, slightly unscrewing the lid so the firefly could breathe.
“Uncle Peter!” Eli answered excitedly, making grabby hands at Stiles for the jar. Stiles gave it back to his son, and turned to the big glass screen doors that lead to the backdoor, and, hence, the preserve.
“Derek Samuel Hale! Get…” He turned to his son and sighed dejectedly, forcing himself not to curse in front of him. “Get in here, Big Guy. You’re in big trouble.”  He finished lamely, counting until 10 before his boyfriend was entering the window.
“What’s wrong?” Derek asked, looking around the house curiously, probably looking for a mess that would definitely get Stiles screaming at him. 
“You were supposed to be watching Eli. Why was he on the counter asking about fireflies?” Stiles asked, arms crossed, and pointing at the jar Eli was proudly holding for both of them.
“Daddy has the gift of gab, Papa! Auntie Lydia said so. And light is a language. And so is gab, I asked!” He explained happily, forcing the jar into Stiles’ hands. 
Derek turned around to face the door to the kitchen, but Stiles could still very clearly hear the snort. He was so going to ask Lydia about that conversation later. “He was with Peter, Boyd, Jackson, Erica, Lydia, Isaac and me. He was very intrigued about the light, so Erica helped him trap them in one of the mason jars you use for jam. I’ll buy you a new one tomorrow.” Derek said unapologetically. 
“Honey,” Stiles said, getting eye level with his son, “the fireflies use the light to communicate among themselves, just like we use words. I can’t understand the firefly any better than they can understand us.” Stiles explained, handing the jar back to his kid. “It’s like when Papa decides that grunting is a language. No one understands him.” Derek side eyed Stiles at that, but let it go when Eli simply nodded like it made sense. He was done trying to win against his boyfriend and son. 
“Go away and send Scott in.” Stiles said simply, going back to the stove where his very not cooked chicken was still in the pan. 
“Peter said you were a blabbermouth. Lydia you said a gift. Erica said the gift of gab. They were defending you in their own way. I told them all to shut up, and then growled. I promise.” Derek said, hugging Stiles from behind. Stiles let his weight fall on his boyfriend, leaning against his chest.
“How loud?” He asked.
Derek chucked against his neck, making a shiver run down Stiles’ back. 
“Very loud. Eli gave me a 10.” Derek answered. And just before he was able to kiss Stiles’ neck. Or cheek. Or anywhere, really, he was reminded exactly where he was by Eli trying to get in between his legs. 
“I want to hug Daddy, too, move, Papa.” He instructed, pushing at Derek’s legs. Stiles barked out a laugh, but stood straight, going back to the kitchen, while Derek picked Eli up and got him closer to Stiles so Eli could hold on to his neck. Derek moved slightly so it was more of a hug than a chokehold, but Eli was very adamant in his strength. Stiles hugged him back, holding onto one hand to make sure he wasn’t actually choked. 
“Go help him catch more fireflies. When you come back I’ll teach you a bit more about them. Did you know that even their eggs glow?” Stiles asked, attention back on the food. A hungry Eli was an angry Eli, even if right now he was being very nice and happy. He took after Stiles in that regard.
“Really?” Eli asked excitedly, staring intently back at his two fireflies.
“It takes longer for them to lay eggs, Champ. But, yes, really. I’ll tell you more after you’re done and Papa gets you cleaned up for dinner.” 
Eli nodded violently, pointing at the back door so Derek could take him outside, like a very strict werewolf pilot. 
“I’ll send Scott your way, I guess.” His boyfriend said, planting a kiss on Stiles’ cheek and following Eli’s finger all the way back to the others.
It wasn’t even ten minutes before Scott was in the kitchen with him.
“What’s up, bro? Derek said you called?” Scott asked, looking at the now mostly ready chicken and going to get he rest of the ingredients for enchiladas.
“Yes, I need you to read me fireflies facts while I prepare the enchiladas, because I promised Eli.” Stiles said happily, handing Scott a spoonful of salsa so he could try it.
“Perfect, as always. And sure thing, man. You do know Derek got you an Alexa, right?”
“Yes, but you have a cuter voice, bro.” Stiles said with a wink.
Scott groaned loudly. “Isaac told you.”
“Of course Isaac told me! Why didn’t you?” Stiles half yelled at him, pointing a dripping spoon at him. 
“I didn’t want to get in trouble!” Scott defended himself, grabbing at the spoon with a napkin, trying to minimize the mess Stiles was making. “Isaac is such a tattletale. He does know you’re not his father and you aren’t allowed to ground him, right?” 
“I so can ground him. He’s Pack. And I can ground you, too, Mr. True Alpha. Now, you are going to look up facts for fireflies. And before each one, you’re going to tell me why in the world you thought it was a good idea to teach my son how to get on counters.” 
“I didn’t think about it! I did it, and then he tried it. He’s more stubborn than you, took him like five minutes to figure it out.” Scott groaned again. He was about to go on defending himself when Isaac walked in.
“Hey! I just need water. Eli is thirsty but he’s learning to count his fireflies. He was three, but he gets confused after one.” Isaac laughed, grabbing two water bottles from the pantry.
“Tattletale.” Scott mumbled at him. And it wasn’t until Stiles laughed out loud and Isaac looked at him like he had grown a third head that he realized his mistake. “Isaac didn’t tell you!” 
“Of course not, Scotty, he was outside. Eli quite literally decided to show me his fireflies by getting on the counter. Only other people to do that here are you and Jackson. And Jackson’s very…” Stiles interrupted himself, trying to find the right word.
“Psychotic?” Isaac provided, rather unhelpfully.
“Don’t be an ass, Isaac.” Stiles chastised. “He’s very protective of Eli. He wouldn’t do it in front of him.” 
“I gave myself away.” Scott said, shocked.
“You did. Now, facts and explanations.” Stiles said, busy slightly frying the tortillas in the sauce before making the enchiladas, the way Eli liked them. Kid was very against soggy food.
Isaac took the moment to silently leave the kitchen while Scott found very creative ways to convince Stiles he was making sure Eli could get out of trouble, and not trying to get him into trouble, and Stiles just couldn’t see it. For his own safety, Isaac knew being far, far away was the best choice.
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frozenwolftemplar · 10 months
Writer's Month Day 6: Surf
Fandom: Carmen Sandiego
Rating: G
Summary: In my Day 5 entry I mentioned Gray teaching Carmen/Black Sheep how to body surf. Basically, this is that.
“Okay, here comes a good one!”
Gray grinned down at Black Sheep as he looked over his shoulder. “You ready?”
“Oh yeah!” Black Sheep returned his grin with her own do-or-die one, digging her toes into the sand so she didn’t start bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet (conducive to absolutely nothing except looking like a kid, which she officially wasn’t since enrolling a couple months ago).
“Alright,” Gray turned back around to face the beach, leaning forward like a runner about to start a race. Black Sheep copied his stance. “Remember what we’ve practiced?”
“Yup!” She faced the beach, steel in her eyes as she mentally ran down the list of steps Gray and her had been practicing for the last couple hours. Arms out in front, body rigid, feet pointed, head down. “Ready.”
“Good, cause here it comes…”
The current around Black Sheep's waist started to pick up, the water rushing faster as the building roar of a wave prowled up behind her like a wild thing readying to pounce.
At Gray’s starting whistle of a shout, Black Sheep pushed off the sandy floor. She snapped her body stiff, putting all Cleo’s lessons on posture and poise to use as her spine went ramrod and her feet followed suit, toes in those ever-perfect points a lady was supposed to have mastered. Carefully, she maneuvered one arm behind like some Superman characters she was apparently supposed to know about (like heck she was going to ask and look ignorant), using it to steer, just like Gray had shown her back on the sand and in the shallower, calmer, tamer waves closer to shore.
The beast of a wave surged around her, foam ruffling through her hair, and a thrill coursed through her veins as she felt its power swell beneath her, rising, arcing, cresting-
If it weren’t for the foam rushing around Black Sheep's face, she’d be laughing her triumph out for all the Island to hear.
Because the wave was no longer a wild beast rushing behind, seeking to subdue the meek sheep that was its prey; the tide had turned and now she was its master, riding it like it was a docile thing whose sole existence was to heed her command. A precursor of sort of things to come, for this, she just knew, was what the world would become once she graduated and stepped with head high into the glorious, adventurous, unmatched life of a professional thief, herself the undisputed exemplar of that elite breed.
“Right on, Black Sheep!” Gray’s voice came from somewhere next to her, and she could just make out, under the roaring wave, the cheers of Antonio and Jean-Paul from the shore, evidentially having taken pause in the former burying the latter to celebrate her victory over nature. She grinned into the foam, on top of the world.
But the wave was still The Wave, and even the most docile, tractable mount may buck its rider. Gaining speed as it rushed towards the beach, the water tugged, heedless of her Superman arms on its reins, jerking her sharply to the right.
“Pull back, Black Sheep!" Gray shouted, a note of panic in his voice. "Pull back!”
She thrust her shoulder back, trying to break out behind the wave and free herself from its headlong charge towards land, but, well, she hadn’t quite gotten the hang of that part yet. She was a prisoner of The Wave, helpless to break away to save herself, so when it, in the throes of a vicious rampage, plunged towards the sand-
-it left behind a scene that set the grains of sand laughing riotously as it, with feigned innocence, retreated: one dripping and disheveled Black Sheep, lying dazedly atop one newly-soaked Sheena, face rapidly turning red from something other than the sun.
“You okay, Black Sheep?” Gray asked, jogging out of the water, eyes concerned but with the beginnings of a grin waiting at the corners of his lips.
“HER?!?” Sheena fumed, extricating herself from the thumbs-upping tangle of immature. “She nearly cracked my ribs!!!” (ooh, that little punk was probably conspiring to get her benched until after exams, that’s probably what).
“Well, I mean,” Gray shrugged helplessly, the grin wending itself across its face, having been given license by way of Black Sheep’s own laughing one. “I *did* warn you that sunbathing was dangerous.” (never mind he was thinking of sunburns rather than flying sheep, but, well, danger was danger, right?)
“OOH!”  With that, the picture of indignance that was Sheena, proving that excess sun was not necessary in the slightest to turn her red as Hell, snatched up her useless towel and stomped back up the beach towards the tree line, kicking an irate sand spray towards the helplessly guffawing Antonio and Jean-Paul, both of whom were unaffected by the cutting remark that joined it.
“Crikey!” Gray gasped out presently, straightening up from where he’d been doubled over at Sheena’s exit. “That was some wipe out! Got Sheena awfully steamed.”
“Eh,” Black Sheep waved a dismissive hand in Sheena’s direction, sultry air simmering hotter in her wake, and cocked a grin. “That close to the water? She was asking for it.” (and she was, so she was blameless here).
“Not bad surfing either.” Gray winked, holding up a hand for a hive-five Black Sheep eagerly granted. “Want to go again?”
Black Sheep tossed him a smirk over her shoulder, a shove in his ribs for the stupidly obvious question, and sprinted towards the breakers, laughing as he raced to catch up to her. As if he had to ask. Because body surfing that wave, she’d felt on top of the world, and she couldn’t wait to feel that again!
Light burned through Carmen’s eyelids, causing her to stir and wake with a groan. The worn springs of the motel bed creaked their objections to early risers, and she looked dully around the room, the sun-drenched beach melting into the faded wallpaper and a tired-looking wardrobe and the drone of the air conditioner swallowing the echos of the pounding surf, her laughter as she rode the wave, and Gray’s beside her.
Only the salt spray on her cheeks remained.
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theelderhazelnut · 9 months
Rise of the Villains: Darker than Black
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Pairing: none
Warning: none.
Characters: Raiden and Falkus (oc)
Word Count: 681
Summary: Raiden has a bad dream about an old friend.
Author’s Note: Day 23 of @writersmonth !(word: storm) I was running out of time for this prompt, so this is not proof read.
Taglist: @neonneurons @roofgeese @vivilovespink @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @confidentandgood @spacestephh @takiisieju-moved @sstewyhosseini @maddenedroses @inafieldofdaisies @jillvalentinesday @shegetsburned @bloody-arty-myths @zoetheneko @inc0rrectmyths @hi-thisiszira @admin-pipes @mitsuko-saito @malewifefirestar @krysta-cross @huepazu
Raiden put down his hat on the wooden desk. His tired fingers found their ways to his white robe, and a second later, it was neatly placed in his wardrobe. He carefully undone the buttons of the leather garment covering his skull, and allowed the waterfall of his long, white hair to freely pour down his waist.
He looked out the window into the pitch black of the night sky. Unlike him, it was peaceful. The silent noises racing in his head would be lost in it in the blink of an eye. Oh, how much he desired to be the lost one.
Raiden shook his head the instance his thoughts went a little too far. He blew off the white candles before he lied down on his bed. His scalp ached with relief as it touched the sheet. The pain went all the way down his spine and to his feet, leaving him in a relaxed position for the first time in the past two weeks.
Gradually, his eyelids became heavy, begging to be shut down, but instead, he stared at the dark ceiling with his eyes wide open. Was that the feeling of sleepiness his mortals talked about? He had never experienced it before, and he wasn’t supposed to. Had he failed in accomplishing his duties somewhere? Was that some kind of a punishment?
Raiden reviewed everything he had done in the past year in an insane speed, but everything had been done flawlessly, or at least he thought so.
His mind drowned in utter silence as he drifted to sleep. Veins of darkness embraced his blurry sight.
A few moments later, he came out of the void. Humongous skyscrapers grew before his eyes and reached to the farthest zenith in the dark sky. The shiny river of the lights emitting from the street formed a noisy current beneath his feet. The raging storm ran through his hair, shooting it to the air.
It was Metalrealm. Raiden was grateful for having his consciousness retrieved to him.
“Gods don’t abandon gods to the history.” A familiar hoarse voice spoke.
Raiden saw precisely what he expected. Gray sking which blended to the background, white, short hair, and milky glowing orbs like his. The friction running in his veins rushed to his heart.
Lord Falkus leaned on the iron fence, a sly smile rising his chalk white mustache.
“We did not leave you behind, Falkus. You failed at persuading your paramount goal.” Raiden’s weak voice shocked him. He focused his gaze on his eyes, begging him to tell the sweet truth that this was all a bitter misunderstanding.
“Coming all this way back was exhausting actually. I do not intend to waste this golden minutes by talking about your old ways.” Falkus spent an unnecessary amount of time to pronounce every other word. “The apacolypse is inevitble. You are only running to it, thinking that you are, in fact, avoiding it.”
Falkus continued. “You were already successful at losing one of your precious defenders,” With a slight movement of his fingers, a small amount of mercury appeared out of thin air on which a female portrait was carved roughly.
“Who happens to be quiet a weapon both for me and herself.”
Raiden had ignored the claws of suspense around his neck all this time, but now he saw it, clearly. Falkus had actually done something behind the curtains.
Raiden tried to reach for the fence, but he was paralyzed. His body was faded into nothingness. And the metal god’s sly grin was the last image that was shattered to ashes.
The heaviness was no longer weighing on his chest as he gasped for air. Meanwhile, a deafening thunder striked the clouds. Raiden sat up. His hair curtained his sweaty, doomed face as he buried his face in his palms. He wished that he could wash this misery away by just saying “it was just a dream” like mortals did. Raiden wished that Falkus was all a bitter dream. And the sentence “Even gods could betray gods.” was nothing but a lie.
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captastra · 9 months
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In You I Can Trust
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Baldur's Gate (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gale/Tav (Baldur's Gate), Gale (Baldur's Gate)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Tav (Baldur's Gate), Original Female Character(s), Gale (Baldur's Gate) Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Mutual Pining, Developing Relationship, Minor Act 1 Plot Spoilers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 11 of Writer's Month 2023 Summary:
As Everlith struggles to believe in her abilities to help find a cure, it is Gale's turn to remind her how truly wanted she is.
A surprise 2nd chapter! Day 20 is up for @writersmonth​ :D
Taglist: @olliesaurus-rex @roofgeese @kyber-infinitygems @poetikat @confidentandgood @spaceratprodigy @darkfire1177 @jillvalentinesday @theelderhazelnut @shegetsburned @awhellstothejoe @oh-nostalgiaa @seliviawanders @thisisrigged4 @poisonedtruth @bitchesofostwick @transcaster @incognito-insomniac @kirjanikv6ilill (please let me know if you wish to be added or removed!)
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stripedscribe · 10 months
@writersmonth day 4: memories
"Wakey wakey."
It didn't recognise the room it was in. Didn't recognise the figure in front of it, the bench it was sat on.
"I--. I----." It's voice cracked and it was a sound it didn't recognise. It missed its -family? Friends? There were ghosts in its mind. Memories connected to voices it knew it should love, it knew it should know. But there were no names. No significance.
It's chest rose with breath, and it looked down at the stranger (friend?) in front of it.
"You've been sleeping a while. I'm glad you're awake again."
"Who?" It didn't recognise its own voice. It didn't belong to it. "Who?"
Who was it. Who was the person in front of it.
"Who am I? Oh, my love. I'm s̸̢̜͖͖͔͈̫͖̤͖̼̩͐̃̒̓̌̊̆͒́͜ơ̶͉̙̭̜͙̮̠͆̅̀͑̑̀̚̚͝͝ͅm̴̨̛̲̼̲̮͚̲͙͇͉̳̬͋̽͗̽͑̾͊̿̒̇̎̀͑͌͜ȩ̸̛̛̩͇͖̺̤͚̙͋͌̓̑̋͒ǫ̵̫̠̪̻͚̻͕͍̳̝̿͗̓̃͌͐̆͊̈̈́̕̚͝͝n̶̨̛͕͈̩̯̗͆͊̔̒͊́̔͝ë̷̥̜̘́͒̿͗̈́̒̕͘͝."
The name was meaningless. Lost immediately. "Love." It felt like a name.
"Yes my love. It's okay. We'll get there."
"Did you forget what happened again?"
Again? What happened. How many times had they done this? It could only nod in response.
"We had no choice my love. After the accident, you were-." The stranger sniffed, rubbing at their eyes. "-you wanted us to do this. I thought it safer to let you go, but this seemed the only choice. The best choice."
"Help." There were paragraphs of words stuck inside its skull, but only one word was being released. It was too slow. Something wasn't right.
"It'll get better. You've got more words than last time, I don't-." The stranger was crying now, but Love couldn't, didn't know what to do. Would comfort be appreciated? Or hated? It didn't know the person in front of it. "They say it'll take us, take you time to learn everything again. We've got all the time in the world now though."
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shrinkthisviolet · 10 months
For Day 3 of @writersmonth, for the prompt Seashell, I present some Wells family sweetness!
(Mind you, this is in the Morgan AU, and Eowells hasn’t entered the picture yet. So Morgan is still going by Jesse, and she’s about 18 months old. This is maybe a day or two before everything goes wrong):
“What did you find, sweetheart?”
Jesse held up the shiny red seashell she’d found.
“That’s a lovely find, sweet girl.” Tess smiled, ruffling Jesse’s hair. “If you want, you can put it on Mommy’s towel over here, and we can take it home with us.”
Jesse grinned, doing just that, and then racing back out towards the waves.
Tess winced at how close she was getting…it was dangerous for a baby out there. “Harry, could you—?”
“I’ve got her.” Harrison kissed the top of Tess’s head as he got up, running after their daughter.
Their daughter. If she’d told her college self that she’d one day have kids with the awkward dork in her biology class, she would’ve thought herself to be crazy.
And yet…here she was, watching Harrison scoop up baby Jesse while she shrieked with delight, while her other best friend was going to call them later that night to insist that they visit Central City soon, and she couldn’t imagine any other life.
(Too bad it wouldn’t last.)
@vexic929 @ocs-supporting-ocs @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon
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joemerl · 10 months
Writer's Month 2023, Day 20: "Different First Meeting" and Bruce Wayne Week, Day 1: "Saving the Savior"
Fandom: Batman Status/Word count: I think this is just a little vignette. 426 words. Summary: Bruce gets some help during a brawl.
An iron pipe was swinging at Bruce's head.
He ducked and elbowed his attacker in one fluid move. Still, he was a second too slow, and the blow collided with his helmet, sending a muffled explosion into his skull. He was pretty sure a previous blow had broken one of his fingers.
He just wasn't having great luck tonight. Three random gangsters should have been easy.
He spun around, just in time for another attacker to come at him with a knife. Unfortunately he was smart enough to aim for the exposed part of Bruce's face, and Bruce, still shaken from the last blow, wound up with a gash right next to his mouth.
He raised a fist, but before he could punch, a beer bottle shattered against his attacker's head.
There was an "AGH!" followed by the tinkling of glass, and the gangster fell.
"The hell?!" one of the other screamed, spinning around. It was the one with an actual gun, though he had yet to fire into the cramped scuffle.
Something moved on the fire escape, ducking out of sight.
Three bullets pinged off the brickwork before the man collapsed onto the ground. Bruce had recovered the first gangster's pipe.
The remaining combatant didn't have time to decide on a course of action before another beer bottle sailed over the side of the fire escape and hit him on the head. He didn't faint, but he staggered, dropped his weapon and stumbled out of the alley, cursing as he held his bleeding head.
Bruce let him go. Partly because he was small-time, partly because of his own injury, but mostly because his rescuer presented a more pressing matter to attend to.
"Hey, kid."
The boy jumped up with a high-pitched squeak. Bruce thought he might run up the rickety stairs, but instead his spine straightened, and he turned to Bruce with a fierce, almost haughty look.
Bruce took a step forward and was surprised to find that he was limping. Apparently tonight's battle had aggravated yesterday's leg injury.
"You could have gotten hurt back there."
"I saved your life," the boy said defiantly.
"You almost lost your own. I can handle myself."
The boy's scowl deepened. Bruce hesitated before his next comment.
"Good aim, though. Two for two."
The boy continued to glower, though Bruce caught a subtle shifting of his shoulders, which made his stiff posture seem less defensive and more confident.
"What's your name, kid?"
Bruce gave a grim smile as he wondered what to say next.
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