autistook · 3 months
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March 20th - Faramir meets Éowyn in the Houses of Healing
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theladyeowyn · 10 months
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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) dir. Peter Jackson
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gramnel · 9 months
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xolaanii · 1 year
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ÉOWYN and FARAMIR in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
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velvet4510 · 2 months
The thing about Éowyn giving up being a shieldmaiden is that those who complain about it are entirely missing the point.
What she truly wants is not to specifically fight and kill and kick ass in battle. All those things are representations of her actual desire: to be recognized.
She is constantly being cast aside and forced into the corner and left behind, and she wants to actually leave an impactful mark, a legacy, which the society of Rohan will not permit her to create. She directly tells Aragorn that she wants to do great deeds, and she is most afraid of losing her chance to do anything meaningful with massive ripple effects. She has the very human and very relatable need to be seen and noticed and remembered.
She sees all these warriors achieving glory and becoming the subjects of songs on the battlefield, so she thinks that’s her only way. And she fears that once the war is over, there will be no other way, that it will all go back to the way it was for her.
Then by the end, she learns that’s not true. She can do great deeds and achieve recognition post-war, and she does.
She becomes the Princess of Ithilien, a land decimated by war which means she and Faramir essentially get to start from scratch in rebuilding the land and the society. As Faramir’s equal partner, it is up to her, as much as it is up to him, to make the land beautiful again, to decide how it should be run, to shape it into a thriving place, to eventually mentor the next generation to take proper care of it all. She can introduce horses to the land and teach people to ride. She can teach self-defense because everyone needs to know that kind of stuff. She can do so many things and make so many major decisions for the benefit of so many people who look up to her and need her.
And above all, Éowyn can shape Ithilien to be what Rohan never was to her: a place where all women are seen and heard and respected.
And the best part is, she gets all the freedom and makes all the impact that she has always dreamed of, and yet she doesn’t have to deal with any of her responsibilities alone. While before she had no support in being Théoden’s nurse, and dealt with it all by herself, now she is surrounded by love and encouragement. She’s got Faramir there to always hold her hand. She’s got supportive friends in Aragorn, Arwen, and Merry.
Éowyn giving up being a shieldmaiden and warrior is not the equivalent of abandoning her dream; it is the equivalent of achieving her dream.
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anghraine · 4 months
I feel like the lighting of the beacons scene is kind of a microcosm of my issues with the LOTR films as a whole, in that:
Cinematically, it's absolutely gorgeous and stirring
The visuals are lifted even further by the score
It's a reference to a thing that is actually in the book, just highly re-contextualized (the beacons exist in the book and have already been lit, but serve a different function; it is the Red Arrow that is used to ask for Théoden's aid, with the specific remark that Denethor is asking for aid and not demanding it; the messenger who brought the arrow is caught and decapitated on his way back to Minas Tirith and so Denethor can't know if the message got out without using the palantír)
The lighting of the beacons in the films is tied into the story they're telling, in which basically all the NPCs other characters are much more self-doubting and self-sabotaging and it's up to Our Heroes to get them to do the right thing or the heroes just do it themselves (see Treebeard, see Théoden, see Faramir...)
Specifically, the necessity of lighting the beacons in the films is a direct byproduct of making film Denethor malicious and incredibly incompetent
The quiet, almost incidental tragedy of the messenger's death in war—not in a big battle, not in any glorious way at all, just this random guy being casually chased down and killed—is lost in favor of something dramatic and show-stopping and cool.
It is dramatic and show-stopping and cool! But sacrifices were definitely made in order to work it into the story at all and I think those sacrifices were very representative of the films' adaptational approach.
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camille-lachenille · 10 months
Aragorn’s elvish name is Estel, high or enduring hope. He’s the personification of hope against all odds in a world slowly falling apart.
Éowyn doesn’t have any estel left in her. She sees hope in the person of Aragorn and tries to catch it, this fleeting glimpse of hope. And when he rejects her, she rides to her death, heart full of despair. Because of this, the Black Breath has a strong hold on her, and Aragorn, estel, brings her from the brink of death.
Faramir too, is under the Black Breath, and he has little reasons to hope. Yet he stil has estel, and he accepts readily Aragorn as his king. He continues to hope when he and Éowyn are almost alone in left behind in Minas Tirith and the world is on the verge of destruction.
And it’s this enduring hope, Faramir’s estel, that Éowyn sees. She accepts his words of comfort because he has estel enough for the two of them and she is beginning to understand for herself, what hope really is. Aragorn was a projection, a personification of everything she didn’t have, but Faramir is her hope.
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kai-janik-art · 7 months
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Éowyn and Faramir - 2023
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Today in “I Wish I Had Any Artistic Talent”:
So we all love Tolkien’s visual of Faramir and Éowyn holding hands at the walls of Minas Tirith with her in the starry blue mantel and him in his uniform and their blonde and raven hair mingling together, right?
But I just recently looked again at The War of the Ring and, in an early draft, Tolkien had Éowyn cut off her hair before heading to war—he describes it as shorn upon her neck. And I think I might really need a visual in my life of that Farawyn moment exactly as Tolkien described it, except that Faramir’s hair is long and flowing and Éowyn’s is a bob or a pixie cut. I saw a lot of Farawyn art this week because of the date, but I don’t think I’ve ever come across this version?
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thranduilofsmirkwood · 3 months
More oldies from Pinterest
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These father/son memes are killing me.
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meteors-lotr · 8 months
Characters who really need therapy
The fellowship: All the shit they went through
The Company: All the shit they went through
Faramir: Childhood abuse and neglect
Éowyn: Childhood abuse and anger issues
Éomer: Childhood abuse, and working through his internalized misogyny and homophobia
Gandalf: He died for a minute or three
Galadriel: Anger and control issues
Every other person in middle earth: We almost got invaded and killed by orca
Characters who are actually fine
Elrond and his kids
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autistook · 8 months
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theladyeowyn · 19 days
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“… it would ease my heart, if while the Sun yet shines, I could see you still.”
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oldshrewsburyian · 2 months
My LOTR reread has brought me to the chapter where Éowyn and Faramir meet/become friends/fall in love. I love them; also JRRT goes so hard; how does he convince me to be super-invested in this relationship in the space of 5 pages? magic.
Anyway! my main point here was going to be: everyone rightly praises how this relationship development reveals Faramir's tenderness, his gentleness, his clear-sighted compassion. All of this is true and worthy of praise. But I believe that perhaps we are overlooking the extremely endearing fact that for all these good qualities, Faramir, Captain of Gondor also has exactly zero chill where Éowyn is concerned.
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borom1r · 3 months
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⚔️ 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ⚔️
Behold, an Ongoing Project! 📯
I've been wanting to compile this for a while, instead of frantically scrambling for references every time I sit down to write — I thought it would be fun to share! I'm mostly tackling this from the perspective of a fanfic author, and also as someone who's very into viking era-through-renaissance men's fashion and armor.
I think it's really fun to look at the decisions that were made strategically (to maintain actor mobility, for example), because they looked cool (Faramir's pointless hinged piece on his helmet), or because they were actually period-accurate (gambesons under chainmail, or worn as armor by themselves!). I'm also taking it as a chance to point out what these garments say about their owners!
I say this in the document itself, but there's no need to credit me if you reference/use the doc for your own writing ^_^ this is some of my favorite stuff to discuss, so just getting to share it is cool enough to me.
I'm purely focusing on human characters to start, because of the more solid real-world parallels, but I'm happy to add on to this if there are other characters you'd like to see!!
(@potatoflower7 + @rivers-for-me, tagging you both bc you interacted w/ the posts I made when I was just starting this!)
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 6 months
Summary: The battle was over, and Thorin Oakenshield awoke, naked and shivering, in the Halls of his Ancestors. The novelty of being dead fades quickly, and watching over his companions soon fills him with grief and guilt. Oddly, a faint flicker of hope arises in the form of his youngest kinsman, a Dwarf of Durin's line with bright red hair.
Author: @determamfidd
Note from submitters:
It's just such a great story. It took me over a month to read because I needed time to ingest the amazing writing and frankly fantastic world build. It did an amazing job to work with and build on the existing cannon and lore while being it's own absolute masterpiece. After I finished it, I sobbed for nearly an hour and had a near 3 week reading slump and I don't regret it for a second. 
This fic is so good, it took me a month to finish and it put me in a two and a half week reading slump and I regret nothing except that I hadn't read it sooner
Submitter: @whats-she-gonna-post-next
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