#a father cries after finding his son's body: I can't find his arm i can't find his arm
devoutekuna · 1 day
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He hates having to bath his daughter, she was a little menace, it was great that she was a menace to other people, just not to him. He hated having a hassle, normally if someone did that to him, he'd just kill them, but since it was his daughter he couldn't. "Get in the bath you brat" she was practically gripping onto the man as she didn't want to take a bath, she just wanted to run around the estate, much to his nerves. "No!" Trying to bite him, despite her teeth not even being fully developed yet. Faint blows being landed on his stomach, not doing much damage as he didn't even realise it was happening. After somehow finding a way to get her in the bath, she wasn't going to stop fighting. Throwing a rubber duck at him, only promoting him to remove all the toys, he was being nice by even adding them in. "Go away! I don't want a bath" trying to climb out, his hands keeping her at bay. "I don't care"
He's not a fan of bathtime due to his daughter always trying to splash him. Only volunteering when he noticed you were too tired or weren't in the mood to do it, which was most days since she was such a hassle, trying to negation bringing in her toys, clearly getting it from you since Nanami didn't act like that. "Let me bring my bear" holding the teddy bear in her arms, she brought it everywhere with her. "You can't, it'll get wet" stroking her cheek. "He won't get wet!" Practically begging for the bear to come in with her.
Somehow he agreed, just because it was his daughter. Sat in the bathtub with her bear sat on the side, trying to dry it since it fell in so many times it was soaked. "Oh no, mr snuggles is wet" leaning over to grab the toy. "I told you he'll get wet" handing her the bear as she hugged it, he didn't even know why she was so obsessed with it.
His daughter loves bathtime with him, he makes sure that she enjoys it by adding her favourite toys along with bubbles and making it themed. Taking the purple headband off her head, along with her dummy, putting it to the side as he dipped her in the water first, already kicking about as she reached back up for him. "I promise I'll make it quick" sitting her in the bath as he poured some water along her body, making sure he was wet before putting some soap on. She was reality calm when it came to baths, other than the occasional cries to be held close. Taking he rout for the bath with a towel wrapped around her body, hands all along his shoulder as she was carried out of the room, taking in all her surroundings.
His son hates bathtime especially with him, always trying to put up a fight as he cried for you. He just wants much of a fan of his father. "Shush, I'm not gonna hurt you" pouring a cup of water along his head, just like you instructed him to, watching as it dropped down back into the bath. "See, it wasn't so bad" the second he said those words he started to tear up again, it had taken him so long for him to stop crying only for it to start all over again. "Your overreacting" hands splashing all around the bath as he got his father wet too, he wasn't thinking right because why didn't he just turn on his infinity? Non stop crying as he held him up, atleast he stopped the water from touching him, body dangling up in the air, dripping all the water off of him. "You want your mum?" Grabbing a nearby towel as he wrapped the poor kid in it. Nodding his head in response.
It was so much easier to give her a bath when she was a baby, no objections or unnecessary fights. "You want your ma' to bathe you?" Dipping the kid in the water, he was tasked with giving his daughter a bath before bed, it was some of the worst Tim's to give her a bath since she was always so restless, especially since she had so much energy due to the cake. "Papa, I want the duck" she was obsessed with the stupid ducks, owning atleast 8, it was her favourite bath toy. "This one?" Showing the duck which had a purple shirt on. "No the other one" grabbing the pink one. "No!" Trying to climb out of the bath, he was easily distracted so it would be easy. "This one?" Just repeating the same words. "No" wet footsteps trailing towards the door. "Get your ass back here" dragging her back into the bathtub.
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 7 months
These are the victims that everybody is telling us to pray for? "God is with us" Are you serious? How can anybody believe them playing the victim everywhere on social media when they're in festivals celebrating Palestinians' death and making tiktoks putting on makeup and mocking them and the dead children?
I cannot take anyone seriously who's like "pray for israel, we're at war 🕊" like use your brain.
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kissme-suguru · 4 months
Baby Daddy! Toji Headcannons
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖Toji Fushiguro x Fem! Reader
Warnings: SFW & NSFW, MDNI, slight smut, strangers to lovers, non curse au, modern au, fluff, Toji is still broke (lil struggle dates), unprotected sex, slight baby trapping, pregnancy, body appreciation, lactation kink, reader is Megumi's mom
A/N: First piece to introduce my blog!! Honestly this was lowkey inspired by Baby By Me by 50 Cent cause tiktok keeps it in my head with the edits. Let's pretend Toji is a present father...
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BD!Toji who you bumped into outside a convivence store late one night while he was on the phone with Shiu, seconds away from cursing you out but couldn't help and notice how pretty you were.
BD!Toji who tries to act nonchalant and hide his smirk when you give him your number after talking for a bit.
BD!Toji who texts you a few days later inviting you to his small apartment for your first date and orders pizza. He feels his feelings start to grow when you show no judgement of non-luxurious lifestyle.
BD!Toji who still tries to impress you with little things despite not having stacks of cash to spoil you with. Whenever he did have extra spending cash he would get you something nice to remind you he cares, brushing off your concerns about the price. "Don't worry about it, doll. You like it right? Then that's all that matters."
BD!Toji who practically lives at your apartment since he's there all the time, keeping clothes, shoes and other essentials he was too lazy to go back to his place and get.
BD!Toji who's so charismatic he manages to hit raw on the first time you have sex, claiming you inside and out as the his name rolls off your tongue while he fucks you from behind.
BD!Toji who isn't used to commitment but only fucks you. He had grown so used to the feeling of you wrapped around him and he sure as hell wasn't planning on letting you go. The two of you ending up moving in together after you questioned what you were. "You're mine. Simple as that, doll."
BD!Toji who can't help but smirk slightly when you announce your pregnancy in a panicked state, finding your nervous emotions about his reaction endearing. His arms wrap around your small frame and pull you into his chest to show you how he felt without saying much. "Calm that pretty head of yours, babe. Don't wanna work up our baby."
BD!Toji who becomes even more protective over you in your vulnerable state. He makes you walk in front of him in public, an arms length away at all times. And if you thought he was possessive before it's more now that you're carrying his son.
BD!Toji who gets in the habit of calling you mama.
BD!Toji who takes pride in seeing your body change and grow as you get further into your pregnancy. The sight of your full breasts never failing to draw his attention, often coming up behind you to just squeeze your plump tits through your shirt. When you finally manage to give into his begging he wastes no time attaching his lips to your swollen nipples and tasting the sweet essence coming from your breasts, watching you try to keep your composure. "You like that, mama? I feel you grinding against my thigh like a needy little thing."
BD!Toji who starts taking any job he can get in order to provide for his soon to be family, making sure you two have all the necessary things for the arrival of your son.
BD!Toji who doesn't really know how to help you during the birth but tries his best to make you feel comfortable and give you encouraging praises. Once the soft cries of Megumi echo through the room all the nerves leave his body and he can't take his eyes off him, noticing how much he takes after him already.
BD!Toji who's enjoys watching you preform your motherly duties no matter how small. Looking at you nurturing and loving his son was enough to make his tough shell crack every time.
BD!Toji who you wouldn't expect to go all out when it came to being a dad but did. He would carry Megumi in his strong arms often and always checking on him.
BD!Toji who has to fight off the ladies whenever he's out alone with Megumi. Of course he was a natural flirt but never letting women get ahead of themselves telling them immediately that he has you.
BD!Toji who after dealing with him for a couple years and seeing you care for his son saves up enough money to buy you a nice ring to propose with, wanting you to be his officially for life.
BD!Toji who hates to admit it but he loves being a dad. He takes pride in his son and enjoys watching him grow, raising him better than how he was. Megumi having his father's attitude and smart whit as a child which manages to get him in tiny (jokey) arguments with his dad. that you can't help but laugh at.
"Watch your mouth, brat before I punt you across the room."
"Oh yeah? Try it old man, see if you can even lift your leg up with your stiff joints."
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
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Splinter remembers the day like it was yesterday. Despite his best efforts to drown out the memories with cheap booze, unhealthy snacks and mindless TV-shows 24/7, he remembers every single detail of the moment Lou Jitsu ceased to exist and became… this. 
The noise of a machine powering up. The light of electricity coursing through his body. The feeling of an otherworldly substance on his skin and the pain of every molecule rearranging itself in his body. 
The memories are fresh, like a wound that refuses to heal. He has learned over the years to accept his new existence and he has even realized that, in a twisted way, he can even be grateful for everything that's happened. Without the noise and the light and the pain he also wouldn't have his pride and joy, his beloved sons. 
Splinter knows all that and he does his best to remind himself of it all, but sometimes the memories will still be too much. Too overpowering. Sometimes he will sit in his chair and stare at the TV without really seeing it and just drift in an endless sea of regret and bitterness so strong he can taste it on his tongue. 
But the fact that he does remember that day so well has actually also been his salvation more than once. Because when the noise and the light and the pain get to be too much, he also remembers what came after. 
Four little turtles, now strangely humanoid, rolling around on the floor. And some weird instinct (Survival? Parental?) urging him forward to scoop them up into his hands. 
And he remembers them tumbling around in his palms. And he remembers the red-eared slider looking at him and immediately holding his tiny arms out with the biggest smile. 
Leonardo reaching out to him. Already trusting, already more happy to see Yoshi than any of his prior acquaintances had ever been. 
Leonardo had reached for him first and it's that image that pulls Splinter back from the edge most nights. If Splinter had any recollection of Leo claiming that he was his "least favorite", he might have laughed. Or cried. 
Nothing could be further from the truth. 
And now he is kneeling here, on this cold concrete, and stares at a sky awash in unnatural colors. A portal has just closed and his son is on the wrong side of it. Has sacrificed himself to save them all. 
And Splinter reaches up. Ignores the noise and the light and the pain, and reaches his arms into the sky, hoping against hope that his son will reach back. That those arms will reach for him once more. That he can pull him out, just like his son has pulled him out of the deepest pits of despair over the years. 
But the portal is closed.
He can't reach him.
An hour later, April, Casey and him finally find his sons, and for a moment Splinter is convinced that his mind is finally broken beyond repair. Because right there, in the middle of a group hug, is Leonardo. Bruised and bloody and tired. 
But alive. And here. 
He stops in his tracks while April and Casey run forward, questions falling from their lips almost as rapid as the tears are falling from their eyes. 
Splinter doesn't hear a word of mystic powers and portals and last minute rescues. He can only stare at the child he had thought to have lost forever. 
Said child looks up and for a second something vulnerable flashes through his eyes as they find his frozen father. But then it's gone and he grins. "Hey Pops!" 
And he holds out one arm, the other still trapped by a silently weeping Casey. His hand shakes a little and the grabby motions of his fingers look more desperate than they are probably meant to be. 
But they are familiar and they are something Splinter was convinced he would never see again. 
He finally moves, rushes forward on shaking legs to the hand that is once again reaching out to him. He grabs it and bends down, his forehead pressed against their joined hands. 
"I got you.", he whispers, over and over. "I got you. I got you." 
His son has once again reached out first. 
And Splinter is never letting go again. 
It always struck me as significant how the others are just tumbling around but Leo immediately makes eye contact and holds out his hands as if to say "Ohhh new Papa, hello there!"
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semisolidmind · 1 year
What if after Peaches has her 8 kids she gets killed by the celestial realm or something, and there's nothing the Sun family can do but wait for their mother/wife to be reincarnated, which leads to the whole 'Monkey King meeting his Peaches again after hundreds of years due to MK' situation? How would that situation change with the babies being around, desperate to see their mama?
Sorry for the multiple asks! Feel free to ignore them if it's too much or uninteresting.
oh man. that'd be an awkward family reunion, considering she won't remember any of them.
also the destruction wukong would cause to the celestial realm after they murk his wife? astronomical. and his first three kids are old enough by then to join in, and they do so eagerly.
so to start, the sun kids are all basically grown by the time wukong finds mk, with seventh and eighth being around ten years old in demon age. the siblings more or less welcome the new addition with open arms, though some more than others.
mk grows up surrounded by siblings, and oddly enough, is better adjusted socially because of it? while the influence of some of them may be questionable (cough second third fifth cough), for the most part his family is his safe place. he'd probably be a smidgen less dependent on his friends because of it. he's also less defensive and scared than the version of him without siblings.
however, the subject of their mama is one that mk is woefully left out of. he never got to meet the original reader, and his siblings (except hua and chāo, who were a bit too small to remember her clearly) don't talk about her much. mk has gotten jūn and zíhào to talk about her a little bit, but da xia just gets defensive and refuses to entertain the subject. xīnyi also deflects whenever reader comes up. the only ones willing to give mk any sort of backstory are jiāo hui and xuě fēng. those two, along with hua and chāo, are his closest friends.
in the case of mk going to the human world, i imagine wukong being slightly less reluctant to let mk go, if only because he knows that jūn, jiao hui, and xuě fēng hang around the city as well, so mk would have support. wukong would still make mandatory home visits though, since he knows his kids might not be telling him the whole truth when they report on their baby brother.
as for the event of meeting reader; wukong almost cries, seeing her again. his first interaction with her new incarnation is...softer, more subdued. reader feels a little bad for him. he seems so withdrawn, he must miss his son. she's less suspicious of him because of his attitude.
wukong doesn't know what to tell his children. their mother is reborn, but she isn't their mother anymore. she won't know any of them. he doesn't want to put them through the pain of seeing her if she can't greet each of them knowing who they are.
there might be a way to reawaken his wife and mother of his children. she still exists in the soul inhabiting this new body, he just needs to bring her back to the forefront of their consciousness. he'll tear apart heaven and earth looking for a way.
cue angst and fear, and a fun time for mk trying to keep reader a secret from his more volatile siblings. zíhào, da xia, and xīnyi would likely just kidnap reader for their father if they knew, thinking, similarly to him, that they can bring back the spirit of their mother.
also, macaque has been freed by now (it may or may not have been jūn and xuě fēng who removed the seal on his mountain), and is close friends with reader. in this case, jūn warns macaque of his father's plan to try and bring back the previous reader, so he has more time to plan on how he's gonna save her.
macaque has missed the smile on reader's face, her jokes, her sass...she's much like she was when they were on the journey together. he doesn't want her new, free incarnation to have to live as a prisoner to the monkey king's sick idea of love.
he failed her all those centuries ago. he won't fail her again.
(also, the reason none of the other kids can weild a magic staff, but mk can; half humanity. at least that's what wukong figures it is. his kids are all almost as strong as him, so that can't be why they can't lift it. must be magical bullshit, he thinks.)
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morgansunflower · 5 months
Can I request a story where y/n is Bruce's sister and trained with him with the league of assassins where a male version of Talia fell in love with her and they had Damian and then in the future he comes and tells y/n that Damian is her son just like Talia did with Bruce thank you in advance
Broken Heart
Male! Talia X Wayne! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, angst
Arthur's notes! This version of male! Talia is set before Morrison wrote her. Everything is completely consensual. No drugging whatsoever. Good male! Talia. Bad Ra's al Ghul.
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Talin carried Y/N as she was unconscious from the nontoxic substance....
Talin knew if he left Damian with her.. Ra's would hurt them or worse. Only a few hours after Damian was born. Ra's had found them, after they had been in hiding. Which truly terrified Talin as not even Bruce knew where they were and that he had a nephew.
So as she laid sleeping recovering from childbirth. He let her breath in a substance that would make her unconscious and that would not hurt her.
He can't let the life he desperately wanted to let go, free. If he did Ra's would certainly target his family.
He stands holding her, in her old room after sneaking into the Manor. He kisses her lips softly with a bitter smile. He gently placed her on the bed and laid the blanket on her. He placed a letter containing only lies on her nightstand.
"Master Talin?" Alfred gasps seeing Y/N laying in a unconscious state "what happened to her? Is she alright?"
"she will be.. Keep her safe Alfred" he requested and before Alfred could utter a, word.. He was gone...
Y/N gently stirs in her sleep only remembering holding her newborn and her lover. "Talin?.. Talin?" she muttered.
Her baby! She opens her eyes and gasps realizing she is in her old room. She searches for both her lover and son. She sees a letter from Talin. She impatiently reaches for the first letter.
~Dear Y/N
I know writing to you about this, is highly inappropriate. I should have told you myself with my own words but I don't know how I can. Our son is gone. He died shortly after~
She gasps covering her face to muffle her impending sobs and forced herself to continue reading.
~he was in my arms. The Dr said there was nothing they could have done. They knew not of the cause of his sudden passing. I know you will blame yourself and I beg of you not to.
Do not try to find me. I do not wish to be loved again nor do I deserve to be loved by you. We don't belong together and I must not leave the life I belong to. Find someone who is worthy of you. Please find peace and joy where you can.
Sincerely, Talin~
Y/N's hands shake. She lost her breath. She let out a helpless cry. The letter falling from her hand. She feels her body was aching all throughout. Her sweet baby she could never hold was gone. Her truest love didn't want her.. In the simplest way, her heart was broken.
Bruce hurries to his sister hearing her heart wrenching sobs. He finds her in her bed shaking vigorously. She began to hyperventilate as her emotions worsen. She felt she was going to pass out.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N listen to me!" Bruce touched her arms still unable to gain her attention. She looks at her brother with such brokenness, it brought a grieving memory to the dark knight "listen to my breathes. Okay?"
She nodded listening to her brother's breathes helping her calm down. Bruce did not hesitate to comfort her as her arm's hold onto him. He kisses her head as she cried in his arms.
Y/N grew bitter as her heart was brittle. Bruce tried to comfort her in the best way he could. She still was not herself even years later. Nights were spent with dreams of Talin's arm's holding her and her baby cuddling against her chest. She often cried during night's that felt so real.
With his father killed by Slade. Talin stood there bitter that so much had changed in his father. Though now Y/N and Damian were safe from him however Slade was a, new threat. Dusan offered his brother passage to leave the league of assassin's in exchange that he become the new leader.
Talin and Damian made there way to Gotham. The two sat on the couch on his yacht. Talin sees Damian reading not having turned a, single page in over a hour. He knew his son must be in despair.
Talin reaches to take the book.
"tt" he scoffed annoyed his father saw his turmoil.
"you have asked me continuously, prying for information about your mother ever since you could speak. Why do you seem unhappy now?"
"will she be.. Happy.. To see me?" Damian asked his father
"happy? She will be thrilled to see you again. I know she loves you very dearly"
"why did you take me away from her? Tell me what happened?" Damian asked
Talin sighed finally able to tell him the truth as it did not jeopardize his safety "well years ago.. Your uncle and your mother came to us. I trained with your mother frequently for many months.. We let our hearts overflow.. Shortly thereafter they left. She returned to me telling me that she was pregnant with you... I would not allow you to have your childhood ripped away from you. However.. Once you were born--" Talin sighed guilted by the memory "we were discovered by my fath.. By Ra's. He knew he could still use me to do his bidding and use you as his successor... He demanded I be rid of her or he would end you.. I could never hurt her so I took her to her family"
"you did it save mother and my own life.. Does she know I'm alive?"
"no she.. She does not know"
Y/N's heart leaps seeing the message from him. Part of her was genuinely happy but a part of her was angered. How could he leave her after losing their son? Why was he reaching out to her?
Y/N enters the yacht seeing Talin. He wore his dark green trousers, lace up boots, a dark green cloak and a black long-sleeve shirt. Her eyes touch his heart. So much time and she still made his body crave her and his heart feel so much love.
"I cannot imagine this is to be a social visit" she bluntly said her hands nearly shaking
"I wish it were.." he wanted to say he loves her and still wants her but he can't. She hates him he's certain "Ra's al Ghul, is dead. Slade is hunting us and wishes to kill us"
"not you and I beloved--" the word brought shame as she looked angered at him. "me and.. Our son"
"Talin..." she gaps her heart beating rapidly against her chest "our S-Son.."
Talin moves the curtains Damian steps from the shadows.
She looks at his eyes remembering the moment he was born. He's alive! "my baby" she cried his knees buckling beneath her. "my sweet baby boy"
Damian slowly approached her. She slowly reached to him with her arms shaking... He hugs her. So long had he wanted to meet her, to know she truly loves him... He was finally able to be held by her.
She looks to Talin to overcome with her emotions to fully understand. He knew the look in her beautiful pleading eyes. He explained everything to her unable to look in the face but only a few times...
As the two part able to calm down from the overwhelming reunion. Y/N stands on her feet kissing Damian's head. Talin kneels down to his son. He touches his face..
"you listen to your uncle. I know you will feel strange in such a different place but soon it will feel as home"
"you're not coming?" Damian asked appalled
He glanced to his past lover seeing her soft smile but looked back to his son before he became too emotional... He can't make her bare to be around him especially after he broke her heart.
"I know you always wanted to have a family that was complete. I'm so sorry I could never give you that. I am not abandoning you son. I will be there for you whenever you need me.. I will visit you" Talin promised..
He raised to his feet kissing Damian's head. The little boy hugged his father goodbye tightly. Talin's heart was breaking to leave them.
"Talin.. I don't.. I don't know if I can.. If we--" Y/N's lips begin trembling, missing him so dearly but she needed time "I don't want Damian to be without his father. Stay in Gotham, please"
He touched her chin kissing her forehead. He was devastated she did not want him but he couldn't blame nor stop loving her.
"you have spared me worry. I desire to be close, only for his safety and your own.. I am here for you should you ever need me or you wish to be at my side again"
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josiesullysblog · 1 year
~Lo’ak x Navi! reader
~Summary-REQUEST: Nova was different from other Navi’s. She was lighter than others around her, which caused Bullies but thank goodness Lo’ak is there to save her.
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Nova liked being alone. She enjoyed humming a song while watching wildlife, or going to places she isn't allowed. That's actually how she met Lo’ak. There's a place deep in the forest where only adults are allowed to go, but Nova had gone too far and lost her way.
She sat on the floor with big tears falling while she just accepted her fate. Thank goodness, Lo’ak was close enough to hear the girl's cry.
“Are you lost?” he assumed the girl to be no older than his younger sister, Tuk, but was greatly surprised to see an older looking girl.
Her skin was brighter than anything he saw, but he thought it matched her. The girl's eyes looked red and puffy from crying, “I was only trying to find a nice spot to watch the sky.”
She knew the boy in front of her was the tribe’s leader's son. She cried harder in fear of what would happen next, “please don't tell your father I didn't mean to come this far.” Lo’ak smiled at the pretty girl, “don't worry you're not in trouble,” they had spent the rest of the afternoon together, and Nova’s personality came out around Lo’ak, she enjoyed his company.
She also enjoyed the way her heart would race when he smiled at her, or how his laugh sounded when something funny happened. He always paid close attention to her, constantly making sure she was okay and always listening to her.
Now for Lo’ak, it was like love at first sight. Your skin color was much lighter than anyone in the tribes, easily spotted out in a group. But he loved you still, you never forced him to be like his brother. He never needed to be his best for you and you still hung out with him.
You were shy, anyone could say this, so many times he's felt the need to protect you. In the beginning, he blamed it on your shyness but his family could tell it was much more.
He always made sure you were full and happy after every meal, and you always had a smile on your face no matter what. You two have such a great dynamic.
Things changed after some bullies started getting to you though.
You wandered off like you normally do but this time alone since Lo’ak had something to do. Seba, a boy around your age, made it his mission in life to attack you. Never around Lo’ak, because Lo’ak was scary when angry.
You walked deeper before stopping in front of a creek. You were about to turn around and head back, but someone pulled at your tail. This move caused you to fall into the water, “hey, Nova!” Seba said while laughing watching you attempt to get back up.
“What's the matter can't get up?” he shoved you back and instead of just falling you hit your arm on something. You let out a small shriek and attempted to cover the area. One of Seba’s friends grabbed you and swung you around, “you know maybe if you were normal we wouldn't do this.”
You got out of the boy's grip before tumbling back a bit, “I am normal!” tears threatened to fall, but before you could run away fast footsteps could be heard.
“What's going on?” Lo’ak emerged from behind the bushes. Seba grabbed you quickly to make it look like friendly talking. “Nothing much just catching up with Nova here, right?”
His grip tightened around her hurt arm causing a whimper to fall, she quickly got out of Seba’s hold and got behind Lo’ak.
Lo’ak would do anything for the ones he loves, don't underestimate him. He looked at Seba while dragging you in the middle. His eyes flashed at you and he gave a brief smile, “one, two, three.” his eyes scanned your body, “what are you doing?” Seba questioned, Lo’ak eyes went up to meet Seba’s, “to see how many times I'm going to beat the shit out of you for touching my girl.”
He pushed you gently out of the way, before heading straight for Seba. He punched Seba right in the jaw before beating him down till he could barely stand up. Seba’s friends stood in fear, not attempting to help.
“Speak in Nova’s direction, and I swear I'll be doing more than beating the shit out of you.” Seba’s cried begging Lo’ak to show him mercy. Lo’ak punched him one more time before getting up, kicking the shaking boy’s leg, and grabbing you and walking home.
Lo’ak sat you down and cleaned your wounds. You just watched as tears kept falling down your cheeks. You never thought being a lighter blue would be a problem. Lo’ak wiped your tears, “what's wrong, my Nova?”
You sighed loudly, “am I still pretty?” the question left Lo’ak wordless. To him, you are the most gorgeous thing to ever walk the earth, “Nova, you are, without a doubt, the most gorgeous thing I ever laid my eyes on. Being in your presence makes my heart beat faster. You are the reason I feel so content being myself. Who cares about Seba and his friends? They wouldn't know beauty, not the way I do. A day well spent to me is a day spent with you.”
Lo’ak picked your hand up, putting it against his, you noticed he had an extra finger, “I'm different, and do you think I'm pretty?” you giggled at his question before nodding, “you're very pretty Lo’ak,” he smiled while kissing your new bruises. “No matter what color you are, how tall you get, I will always love you, Nova. My Nova.”
Thank you for the request! I like this concept! I'm tired from school but I wanted this to get out to all. Sorry if there are any mistakes wrote this half asleep 😭 but hope you enjoyed byee!!.
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kai-anderson-whore · 11 months
One moment of happiness (Kit Walker x fem reader)
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A/n: this is a request by @the-goblin1 this made me cry since I'm going through something similar with my siblings but I really enjoyed writing it and adding things I felt when this happened to me.
Summary: you gave birth to your baby boy kit finally met him. But that moment of happiness suddenly ripped away.
Warnings: fluff at the start, crying, proposal, new born baby, angst, more crying, child being taking off parents, shouting, braircliff, grieving, heartbreak, let me know if I missed anything else.
Word count: 1,4k
Taglist: @spill-the-t @iluwmycats @lili-tate @evanpeterswifeyy868 @jademunson @evanpetersfansblog @howtobesasha @lustforeverrrr @fand0mh03
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
You sat on the sofa of the common room your little bundle of joy cradled in your arm. You couldn't take your eyes off your precious baby boy you shared with kit walker. Your baby boy looked so much like his father. From his little eyes, his nose just his father all over the back.
You hadn't seen kit since you gave birth but as soon as you saw those doors opening revealing kit alongside a guard and his psychiatrist Dr thredson.
A smile plastered on his lips seeing you and your son asleep in your arms for the first time. Kit took a seat next to you as you gave your son to him carefully making sure his little head was supported at all times. hot tear of joy left your eyes a smile invading your face snuggling yourself into your two boys.
"He's so perfect" kit whispered sniffling his tears of joy. He never thought he'd find happiness from being here yet here you are with his son you birthed days ago. "He looks just like his daddy" you said kit glanced at you. "You think so" he joked making you roll your eyes at him. "You couldn't deny him if you tried to kit" you giggled. He chuckled at your reply before placing a kiss on your lips. Filled with love and appreciation for the life you both brought into the world.
"I love you so much" he softly spoke his eyes couldn't tell you differently infact they held more than 'I love you' it was more than love in both your eyes. Kit's eyes looked away from yours to your son's as he wriggled in his father's arm's.
"I can't believe we're parents y/n. Your going to be such an amazing mom to your son" kit insisted placing a kiss on your lips the tears of joy continues to fall from your eyes. "Your going to be such an amazing father to Thomas" you cried as your newborn grasped your finger tightly.
"Thomas?" He questioned with that smile still on his you nodded your head smile grew even brighter if that was even possible. "Yeah after my grandfather what do you think" you asked kit nodded his head looking down to his newborn son. "It's perfect little thomas" he said.
Just as kit pressed his lips to your own once again. Kit pulled away slightly his son secure in his arms his eyes locked with yours. "Marry me" he said you could sense the nervousess in his voice
"What?" You asked shocked. "Marry me" he asked again a smile spreading on your lips kit mirroring your actions. You nodded your head eagerly more tears of joy filling your eyes. "Yes I will marry you kit" you beamed pressing your lips back on your now fiancé.
You were cut off by the clearing of sister judes throat with two more guards. The look on her face frightened you knowing she was up to something. Kit held Thomas tighter in his arms protectively. The feeling of dread took over you both.
"I must say he really is a beautiful baby" sister jude complemented. You didn't reply neither did kit shielding your baby. "It's a shame you won't be raising him" she said nonchalantly you felt like the air was pulled from your lungs your head spun as the guard took your child from kit's arms with a struggle. "WHAT NO YOUR NOT TAKING THOMAS OVER MY DEAD BODY" you yelled jumping out of the chair to the guard with your son attempting to get your son back from the guard. Hearing your sons cried when he got ripped out your arms.
The tears if happiness turn into happiness within seconds. You knew anything was too good to be true. "YOU ARE A DANGER TO THIS CHILD Y/N YOUR NOT STABLE DON'T FORGET WHY YOU BOTH ENDED UP HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE" sister jude yelled back the tears flooding your face as kit tried to fight with one of the guards.
"NO YOUR WRONG I WOULD NEVER HURT MY BABY YOUR WRONG, YOUR WRONG YOUR WRONG" you pleaded dropping on your knees as they gave out. Sister jude just stared at you with a sadistic smirk on her face not even saying a word. Your pleas and cried didn't bother her.
You couldn't believe what was happening. They couldn't do this could they?. Your baby where would he go? Who would look after him?. Will you ever see him again?. All the questions running around in your head worrying about your baby boy as they left the room with him.
Kit ran straight to you cradling you in his arm as the tears cascaded down your face. Kit tried not to cry to stay strong for you and Thomas. His hand on your head bringing you to his chest telling you things like "it's okay we'll fix this" and "we need to be strong for Thomas" but it was all a blur all you remembered was them walking away with your baby.
You were shaking with the overwhelming feeling. Your body trembling as the other patients watched in shock some of them triggered by your outburst but you didn't care at all.
"Oh my baby, oh my baby, oh my baby" you kept repeating over and over again rocking yourself in kit's arms your head shaking you thought you would never see him again. You gripped on to kit fearful that he would be ripped away from you like your baby boy.
"Y/n look at me" kit said lifting your chin to face him his heart broke as the tears flooded your face. You could see the tears threatening to spill like a waterfall from his own brown eyes.
"Everything will be fine you need to stay strong for the baby they can't see you like this" he said you knew he was right but you couldn't not right now. "How can I kit they took our baby" you cried out gripping on to him for dear life like he would potentially slip out of your hands.
"I know it's hard I'm struggling to keep calm trust me. But we can't let them win we'll get him back I promise you" kit told you he knew it would probably never happen as long as they were stuck in here but he didn't lose hope.
"Come on y/n let get you some rest" kit whispered looking into your eyes of disarray. His heart breaking every second again but only worse than before. You nodded your head slowly getting up making your way into your room.
Your legs almost giving out as they were practically being dragged down each hallway to your room. Kit's arm around you helping you to the room well more like your cell. You eyes felt heavy from all the crying. Your head felt heavy from the stress you just felt weak. You little boy constantly on your mind. You felt all those emotions anger, hatred, sadness, loss.
Your body gave out the second you stood by the bed. The sobs more uncontrollable now it was just you and kit. You felt the bed dip behind you, kit's arm snaking around your waist bringing you closer to him. His grip tight like if he's protecting you. Kit was scared of losing you next and you were scared to lose him your body violently sobs your back flushed against his chest.
"I can't believe it kit where is our baby" you whispered your voice weak from all the screaming and crying. "Me neither but I promise you y/n we'll get Thomas back" he assured his eyes stung from behind you. Letting his guard down. "Oh my baby, my baby, my baby" you kept mumbling your eyes growing heavy as kit held you tighter stroking your hand his was ontop of. Whispering  that everything will be okay as the tears glided from his brown eyes.
You just stared at the wall infront of you blankly. Sobs left your lips mumbling things you felt the way you did when you were first in this place but 10x worse. "I never thought I'd feel like this". You finally spoke after about ten minutes of silence. "I know sweetie" kit sniffled you turned around now facing him seeing the tears in his eyes.
You wiped the salty drops from his cheeks with your thumb. "It's like a death without a body nothing to mourn but a huge loss" kit finally gave in letting his tears fall freely both of you crying your hearts out. Cradling each other in your cell.
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About this…omg I HAVE to write something, this concept it’s so sad but so probably to be true…
Dude I just felt sad for his dads, imagine them being so happy that they're son it's finally going to rest and take a good sleep.
Holy! He slept his 8 hours as supposed to ! Finally after beggin all the time they're son it's finally taking care of his health and body, it just make them so proud...
Hey, it's lunch time already, come on little inkling, there's strawberrie mousse cake for dessert! It's one of your favorites isn't?, they even burn your piece a little whit a blowtorch so it's as you most like it.
Come on…
Blue and Dream arrived in the morning, after the concern voices of parents, realizing they'r son was slowly turning colorless in an attempt to wake him up for breakfast. When they arrived ink's face had already lost all they're raimbow blush along whit the colors of he's clothing, right hand, all left leg and neck.
Dream knew that the only way to find the paint ink needed was in the doodle sphere, he opened a portal as soon as he looked how ink's right arm was slowly getting drain of color too. Ink already trust him enough to give him free access to it, maybe knowing that a situation like this might happen. Dream also thought of that at that moment, feeling so grateful and relief that he really could help one of he's favorite persons in the Multiverse…but there was nothing, no paint any were, no the one ink needed. "Dream ...it's my son there right ?" A blast of pain hit Dream as he listened to the "simple" question, the deepest pain that some one can feel, the despair of a father. The guardian of positivity keep he's stance just because he knew that he had to, it's my friend the one who needs me the most, I can't pass out right now.
"The magical paints your son needs aren't here any more, not in he's vials or doodle sphere, but they don't disappear out of nothing, t-they just go away for a time and then go back. That's why the use of the vials, they keept the paint while the source of the doodle sphere it's gone...l-I guess that this time they run out for to much time, the vials just wasn't enough any more."
It needed to be said and it was said, even if while the guardian spoke tears run and run from he's sad and tired orbits.
There was silence, and then just silent cries, and then cries, and then denial.
Blue was surprisingly calm, just crying whit out making any gesture, just tears running out as he hold he's friend left hand. It was already colorless.
"Everything it's going to be alright, I will make sure it never happens again. Never...ever." Blue stand up whit out letting go of he's hand completely and kiss ink's forehead, not the way a parent does whit a child, warm, like a way of saying I'm whit you little one, no, it was the way a knight kisses the hand of the one it swears to protect, determined, like a way of saying you got me, completely and fully by your side, no matter what, or how many I need to fight.
Blue went by Dream side, while trying to ignore the desperate cries of the parents who's son's life depended on something no one could control or predict, they just have to wait, whit out answer or a promise.
Blue hold dream knowing he's delicate condition in an environment so full of negative emotions. "I got you" it also kiss the guardians forehead. "I got you to" he holded the royal guard's hand.
"We got him".
"We have to tell Error".
Ink was Error’s favorite person in the Multiverse.
bringing ink to top and aster............oh my god.................. their devastation in seeing ink fall and slowly die in their eyes, KNOWING that ink had to see the same happen to aster and to each other. OH MY GODDDDD. TEAR ME APART.
and blue.....oh my god blue. the way he vows to never let this happen again and shielding dream from the misery because he knows they're vulnerable to the negative emotions???????? OH MYGDFDOOODDDDDDDDD.
"I got you." "I got you too." "We got him."
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hello again ~~ 👋🏼
if ur requests are open, can i request some fluff of Ominis bonding with his new born son (who is also blind in ur headcanons) but like... just to two of them. maybe Isabel is sleeping or away for some errands. just Ominis trying to bottle feed his baby or change their diaper or bathing them in a small baby tub. 😭 i've been watching a lot of youtube shorts about daddies having good quality time with their infant babies and i immediately rushed to your page cause i can't take Ominis being a dutiful father to his child.
also, i don't like it when people try to ship Ominis with Anne 😩 sorry but i just don't see it
I had just woken up when I saw tamayula’s new art, so yeah I’ve been thinking about stuff like this all day lol
I don’t ship Ominis/Anne either, but it doesn’t bother me. As long as that ship makes someone happy, I am happy. I’ve been on the receiving end of judgment for ships I like in the past and it’s not fun. Fandom should be about having fun. :)
Just Before the Dawn
AO3 Link
Omnis bonds with his firstborn child
Ominis x MC (married and new parents)
Discussion about Ominis' childhood with the Gaunts. A bit sad, but the ending is happy
Word count: 1,162
A/N: WOW, ok this got a little heavier than I anticipated lol oops. Nothing serious happens, Ominis just has first-time-parent jitters in his own, Ominis-y way and works through some of that. :)
The peaceful ticking of a clock was the only sound in the room when Ominis awoke.
It was still dark, judging by his wife’s unintelligible mumbling in her sleep and the absence of warm morning sunlight on Ominis’ skin. Sitting up in bed, he picked up his wand from his nightstand and pointed it in the direction of the ticking. 5:03 a.m., the wand’s little voice announced in his mind. Ominis groaned. MC would be asleep for another few hours, and Ominis considered curling up around her to drift off again, but he felt too restless.
Ominis was unsure why he had awoken. It had been a long while since his last nightmare. After so many years waking up next to MC and hearing increasingly less from the Gaunts, the violent and frightening birth family he had long abandoned, he slept quite peacefully most nights. Perhaps it was instinctual drive that motivated him to push the covers aside, find his slippers on the floor and kiss MC’s head as he stood to cross the room.
There, on the opposite side of the room in the cradle with whimsical little carvings of mooncalves and hippogriffs lovingly etched into the wood by his family in-law, lay their baby son nestled in tiny blankets. Ominis could hear soft rustling as his son stirred and began to fuss. He probed with his hands until they found the impossibly tiny head and body, scooping up his son with gentle hushes.
Had Ominis really been this small once too? He could scarcely imagine treating his own child the way his family had treated him as a boy. He would do anything for the baby he now rocked in his arms, whispering soothingly.
The baby began to cry, and Ominis felt some hesitation. He was quite used to taking care of the baby while MC was awake to help him, but he had not yet attempted it alone. He did not want to wake MC after hearing her tell him how exhausted she was and how desperately she needed sleep as she had drifted off the night before.
More than MC's exhaustion, however, Ominis felt guilt claw at his chest as he considered passing the baby off to MC. How many times had his own parents ignored his desperate cries? How often had they simply handed him off to someone else to deal with? He physically recoiled at how easily he could fall into the same habits his parents had. With shaking arms he held his son closer and pressed his cheek to the little head resting on his shoulder, as if to shield his tiny son from the horrific thoughts.
"I'm here," he whispered. "And I won't let you go."
Ominis knew not if he was soothing his son, or himself.
The kitchen was even quieter than their bedroom, with only an occasional drop from the sink faucet to fill the silence. During the day, a pair of staff would work and happily chat away—but for a few more hours, the room would stand still.
Ominis had pulled a chair up to the counter and attempted to give his son a warmed bottle. The baby fussed, unable to find the bottle any better than Ominis could guide it, and both father and son were growing frustrated.
"I'm sorry," Ominis murmured, frowning at himself. He felt distressed little hands as they knocked against his own, grabbing at nothing while the fussing turned to wails that squeezed his throat painfully. Tears sprung to his eyes.
"I'm so sorry... This is my fault."
Ominis once again held his son closer, cradling him protectively against his chest with one arm as he continued to try to unite little hands with the bottle. He was to blame for more than just the bottle, he mused somewhere in the back of his exhausted mind.
When the healers had broken the news to Ominis and MC, MC was almost completely unbothered. She had never been the kind of woman to respond with fear, of course; she merely held their son closer and, with a smile on her lips, gently murmured that their son had his father's eyes.
Ominis, on the other hand, could only stand in shock as the healer's words echoed in a suddenly empty world around him. The Gaunts’ dark magic that had irreparably injured him before he was born was still coursing through his veins—and it was now his son's grim birthright.
The weeks after MC had given birth had been confusing for Ominis. He loved his son unconditionally. He would do anything for those giggles, for the chubby fingers that grasped at his own as the little family would rest together on the bed, talking and laughing without a care in the world. But Ominis also mourned. He mourned for the sight his son would never have—for the fact that it was the final curse the Gaunt family would place upon Ominis. They had touched his baby despite his every precaution, and it was a knife through Ominis' heart he could never remove.
Ominis was pulled back to the surface by contented noises as his son had finally grasped the bottle and was drinking hungrily. A shaky sigh left Ominis' lips, and shoulders he had not even realized were tensed began to loosen.
Ominis allowed a faint smile come over him. His son was at peace despite his father's anxiety. Ominis allowed the little glimmer of hope to peek though in his mind.
"Well, aren't you the hungry little one," Ominis mumbled, amused. "It seems you aren't particularly cross with me anymore, either."
Ominis' baby made no acknowledgement of him and continued to drink. Ominis chuckled and began to hum a soothing tune.
By the time the little boy had finished his breakfast, Ominis could faintly hear the first songs of birds from the kitchen windows.
"Do you hear that?" Ominis gently asked as he propped the very satisfied infant up on his shoulder and patted his back. "That's a robin. When you're older, I'll teach you all the birdsongs I know so you may appreciate them just as much as your mother when she sees them flitting across the garden… In fact, I'll get to teach you many different things. I'll give you your first wand, teach you to read as I do, and I'll be there to catch you when you fall as you navigate with your new wand. But for now, we ought to rest, don't you think?"
The baby cooed in reply, merely happy to be in his father's arms.
When MC awoke, sunlight was streaming in through the windows of the bedroom. It was quiet, save for the ticking of the clock—and the slow, deep breaths of both her husband and baby. She turned to kiss Ominis good morning and saw him sound asleep on his back with their baby perched carefully atop his chest, wrapped in his father's protective arms and some blankets pulled from the cradle.
There was a little smile on each of their faces, and MC wondered what the two had gotten up to to still be asleep at this hour. There would be time enough to ask later. For the moment, MC kissed them both.
"You have such a good father," MC whispered with a smile.
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wifeofmarch · 5 months
Yearning || Jason T.
Summary; Jason Todd and his longing for someone to hold him, Bruce who is trying to be a good dad comes to the rescue.
Warning/tags: angst; under the redhood arc spoiler; OOC Jason Todd; Jason and his father issues. THIS IS NOT BRUCE X JASON. hurt/comfort; Bruce being a father to Jason.
Word count: 200-400 words.
a/n: not proofread, first fic in tumblr... i apologize for some grammars error, enjoy reading!
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Gotham is a cold and lonely place that Jason had grown accustomed to, he has to. The cold of the rain covers his body as trails of blood from the gunshot wound on his stomach drops to the ground, seeping to his suit as it is drenched with sweat and blood. His breath shallow as he drag his feet to the source of light in the end of the alleyway that is becoming blurry.
He had been beaten, wounded, trying to crawl out from this hell hole that he'd been throwing fist to several goons that had littered the place.
Ever since his death, ever since he was abandoned, comes the birth of a cold-blooded criminal. He was reborn as the Redhood.
The laughter that crawls under his skin, struck by the pain of the cold steel of a crowbar, left alone to endure. If only he had listened to Bruce, would things be much different? all he wanted was to see the person who gave birth to him.
He had dug out of the dirt with his bare hands, gasping out for air in the darkness of the coffin, the fear that he was alone overtook his sense of pain. His helpless scream for help, remained deaf to anyone.
In the back of his head, perhaps he should've never look after him to get his revenge. He should've never forced a gun to Joker in front of his arch-nemesis. Batman, his mentor, the only person he ever had when he was a robin.
In the end he was person that was not worth to avenge for, not worthy enough to be remembered, perhaps he meant nothing for the person who meant so much to him. At least it's what had been feeling, perhaps for his flaws, he had to remain as a man full of bitterness and anger, punished due to his own self. He was convinced that he would never be able to be loved.
And he learned the world is bitter, had always been bitter and cold. Convincing his heart and mind, to be ruthless, he is free from his past.
He is full of anger and sadness, the hatred of the man that left him, he wondered why he would've even bothered to take him? give him hope that would only crush him?
He'd find himself awake on nights he'd find trembling on his bed, hugging himself as he cried, he felt weak but there was no one to see him fall apart to the boy he used to be.
No longer feeling the rain that fell on his skin, his eye flutters open to the ceiling he had never thought to see again. His eyes squint instictively due to the moonlight that shines on his face, the room was dark and the moon is the source of light. Moving his head, he looked around to see he was lying on a bed, wrapped in bandages. The room he's in were too familliar, he recognizes the place.
And there was Bruce, arms crossed as he sits on a wooden chair right beside the bed. Jason eyes picks up the worried look on him, seemingly relieved that he had woken up from his sleep. Jason gave him the bitter look and Bruce's face remained cold, not that he could help.
Soon, even with the awkward silences or the glares they shared, in the end Jason was in his arms once again, held as if he would break just like those other nights he had spent alone.
Bruce remained silent, holding his son who he had never meant to let go, who he had convinced that he was not worth to fight for and his heart ache at the feeling of Jason's warm body. After the last time he had held him, his body was cold and lifeless.
And that night, Jason eyes swelled with tears that soon he can't seem to hold, his arm holding dearly to his father who had abandoned him.
Hoping that he would be seen again.
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Luffy used to be human. A tiny one, born of a woman who didn't want him and a man who couldn't keep him. He remembers his father's hesitance to touch him, even though he kept reaching out with tiny hands that wouldn't cooperate.
Then he remembers the pain. The kind that was brought on by people in masks with knives, people he couldn't defend himself from because he didn't know it was trouble until the metal cut through his skin, new and sensitive. The kind that left him unable to move, unable to feel, only tasting blood in his toothless mouth.
He couldn't really feel after that, but he could see. He saw himself, eyes unblinking and blank, body limp, stuck in his crib over a blood-stained blue blanket.
He saw a person burst into his room, with fluffy purple hair and wide frantic eyes that lock into him, well, what he supposed used to be him. They yell for someone and his father comes in faster than he ever has.
He remembers the first time his dad cries. On his knees, holding his body but not him. He's right there, but his dad only sees a corpse.
He gets buried at the bottom of the sea, fire sending him off because the ocean is vast but also dark, and dad thinks the fire lights his way.
But he hasn't left, he follows his dad because that's all he has, and his dad doesn't sleep, doesn't eat.
He builds a ship.
He doesn't know why his father builds a ship, only that he loves what his father is building, loves every detail, clings to a father that can't see him as the man finally decides on the perfect shade of red for the railings and sits on the head of a wooden monkey as his father paints its big black eyes.
It's been a week since he's slept, though, and he gets worried because his dad is tired.
He tries to say it's okay, tries to get him to rest, but he can't touch the world he sees.
That is, until he grabs his father's arm to try to bring him back to his family, the one with the fluffy purple person and the dragon flag, and his father sees.
Wide brown eyes look directly at his own pair (were they brown? He thinks his eyes were brown.) his dad doesn't even notice he's pressed the small paint brush so hard into the figurehead that he's made a deep scratch under the eye. Only renders that that's his son.
"Luffy." Is the first thing that comes out of the man's mouth, and Luffy was pretty sure he didn't have a name, but his father probably knew better.
He disappears a second later, back to how it was before, where Luffy could see his dad but his dad couldn't see him. And Dragon flounders, everything dropped in favor of waving his hands around where Luffy is, where he can't see him. His father calls his name until a big bear-person takes him to sleep, with concern on their face as his father says what he saw over and over.
Luffy loves the ship, he plays on its deck and climbs up the mast and lies on his stomach on the monkey figurehead and looks at the endless blue from the sky and the ocean.
He finds he wants to go there, where the sky meets the sea. He tries to, but he's stuck.
Stuck on his ship, in the wood grain and the red paint and the monkey figurehead.
Stuck staring at the endless line he wants to touch so badly.
And his dad doesn't come back, not for days and weeks and months. When he comes back, he's got a tattoo on his face and nothing but steel in his eyes until he sees Luffy, sees the ship, sees his son.
"You've gotten dirty, brat." He says, but there's something hollow in his voice, even when he rolls up his sleeves, grabs a mop and scrubs every inch of him while humming a tune he hadn't heard before. A peaceful one, a lullaby, one he never sang to him when he was alive.
He's happier as a ship, his dad loves him more now.
It became a tradition, once a month, his dad would stop by with a mop and talk to him while he cleaned him. Luffy wanted to talk back, but he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried.
"You'd be a year old now, you know that? I bet the cooks would make you a cake the size of a house. Knowing our shared genetics with Garp, I bet there wouldn't be leftovers." He said with a smile, but there was something broken in his eyes when he looked up and only saw an empty ship.
He sighed, and stopped talking to Luffy.
Once a month turned to once every three months turned to twice a year, but Luffy didn't complain because there was no one to complain to. He sat and watched the ocean as years went by.
Something was different, however, on his eighth birthday.
"Happy birthday, Luffy." He said in lieu of a greeting, much less put off by no one answering than the first few times. "You're eight years old now, in case you haven't kept track." He said, and gave a pause before continuing. "You have brothers."
If Luffy had eyes, they would have widened. "Brothers?" He asked, but his dad didn't hear him.
"Sabo, he's your older brother now. Ace too, but Ace is stubborn, so hit him if he's mean…" He sighed. "They're both eleven. They want to go to sea."
He looked up at the mast, the one which has never been stressed by harsh wind or rain or even someone bumping into it. "I bet you'd want to go to sea too, every Monkey wants to sail eventually."
He let out a bone deep sigh. "If you're the one that takes them out there, take care of them, alright? You're brothers, and brothers do that."
He went about cleaning, and repainting the figurehead and railings that were far too sun bleached for him to put it off any longer, and Luffy told him about the last six months while he couldn't be heard.
"As a parting gift to you, I give you my son."
Sabo looked up at Dragon, shocked and confused.
"It was many years ago when my son, barely older than a newborn, was taken from me by celestial dragon hired assassins. Grief driven, I built a ship, it took weeks and every waking hour, but I gave it the name I couldn't give my son." Sabo's eyes were foggy, and his clutch on his small bag of belongings tightened.
Dragon let his stone cold persona slide off, faced with the boy he half-raised going off to become a pirate with his brother. "If I may make one request." He gave a gentle smile. "Let Luffy see the world with you." The live to see the world was left unsaid.
Sabo's expression tightened and his eyes watered before he hid it with a deep bow. "Thank you, for everything. I promise to let the ship see the world and come back in one piece."
With that, Dragon led his apprentice to the dock of the island they were staying on.
They stopped in front of a large caravel, with red trimmed railings and a smiling monkey figurehead. A ship one person could man, but could house a dozen comfortably. He hopped onto the deck, studying the meticulous detail and bright atmosphere. He was almost surprised Dragon had made this, it was so…cheerful. The only flaw seemed to be a defined scuff of paint under the figurehead's left eye, but that only really added to its charm.
Sabo felt a warm feeling grow in his chest as he explored the place, the big circular window in the kitchen, the neatly organized bunks in two different rooms, everything made him feel welcome. "Luffy, huh? I guess it's time to introduce you to Ace. I hope he likes you like I do."
He set off, his farewells already spoken and his ship a breeze to man.
It took him about three hours to get to Dawn Island, and even less to find his brother. He was sitting right on the docks waiting for him, although it was clear he assumed the blond would come in a fishing boat.
"What the hell, Sabo?! Who did you steal this from?" Ace yelled once Sabo was close enough to hear him.
The blond huffed. "I didn't steal it, this is Luffy, I got it from Dragon as a parting gift."
"What? We're starting our journey with charity?" Ace seemed none-too-fond of the free ship.
Sabo ran his hand over the red wood rails. "More of a rental, this ship is very important to him. We're gonna see the world with it, ne?" A smile grew on his face, which was infectious.
Ace jumped onto the ship, trying to look cool despite how excited he was - a habit he never really grew out of.
They set sail without a destination, just a direction and a dream. They would be free, and it wouldn't come with ifs ands or buts.
Luffy could feel his dad was near, which was strange because it wasn't his birthday yet. He'd gotten very good at counting in his nearly fourteen years docked at this tiny island with nothing but trees and a cabin with a dragon flag.
Then, he saw his dad walk toward him with a proud smile, and another person next to him. A blonde teenager with a funny top hat and a bag slung over his shoulder. Luffy watched curiously as, for the first time, someone that wasn't his father climbed his ladder, and even more, pulled it up! He forgot his ladder could do that! Luffy got excited as the teen started walking around.
The blonde poked his head in every room, ran his hand along Luffy's pristine railings, leaned over and rubbed his thumb over the scratch on Luffy's figurehead. Luffy opened windows and let the warm breeze in, and shifted the curtains in his infirmary so the new person wouldn't get the sun in his eyes. Luffy didn't remember what it was like to have eyes but his dad squinted his eyes in lights usually, so he assumed all eyes were like that.
The kid leaned his back against the front railing and looked up at Luffy's walls. "Luffy, huh? I guess it's time to introduce you to Ace. I hope he likes you like I do." He muttered, and a spark flew through the ship at the mention of Ace, one of Luffy's brothers.
Luffy was going to see him? He was going? Would his brother take him to where the ocean met the sky?
The blonde opened Luffy's sails, and Luffy flew. Glided through the water, leaving ripples behind him, pushed forward by the wind and directed by the strange teen's hand on his wheel.
Luffy couldn't remember ever being this happy before. He almost didn't notice when he was docked somewhere else, another island. This one was filled with giant four-handled steering wheels that the wind spun, and Luffy saw a boy the same age as the blonde at his helm with freckles and a very orange hat.
"What the hell, Sabo?! Who did you steal this from?" The man squawked, and Luffy lit up once more. The blonde was his brother? He got to see both his brothers? Would they take him to sea?
The blond huffed. "I didn't steal it, this is Luffy, I got it from Dragon as a parting gift." His dad wanted him to go? Luffy felt so warm, he wanted to see the world and tell his dad about it if his dad could ever see him. He saw him once, it might happen again.
"What? We're starting our journey with charity?"
"More of a rental, this ship is very important to him. We're gonna see the world with it, ne?" Luffy would cry if he could, he would sing if he could, but all he could do was watch Ace jump and then pull himself up onto Luffy's deck with the corners of his mouth tight to keep from smiling too wide. Luffy sailed once more, ran for that line.
Sabo was not as clever as he'd like to think. This is apparent when he realized that, having decided to take a break from steering, he left his narcoleptic friend at the wheel.
He doesn't even realize something's gone wrong until he hears a resounding crash that sounded suspiciously like shattering wood. Startled, he drops his book and runs outside.
Ace is asleep, right at the helm, and their ship has somehow tunneled its way half through another ship.
The blond made the most awkward eye contact in his life with a man in the cellar of the bigger ship, before the guy runs, and Ace finally wakes up.
"---gUh!" He says astutely, confused by the new surroundings. "What the hell?"
Sabo took a breath, internally begging for patience. "How did you manage to--"
"Thank you!" Both men snapped to look at a small kid with pink hair and a red face, splayed across the monkey figurehead, thanking…it? "Those guys woulda killed me if you didn't come, thank you!"
Ace frowned. "Oi! It ain't the wood you should be thanking."
But the kid looked at him and blinked. "But you were asleep and the other one wasn't here."
Ace scowled and the kid squeaked, now realizing the potential danger he was in, scrambling away from the ship. The brunet grabbed a handle of the steering wheel to help himself off the ground, but the wheel fell from under him, making him smack face-first into the ground before another handle thunked him in the head.
Sabo snorted involuntarily, before realizing if the wheel was that loose, a coil must be broken connecting it to the front rudder, which was currently jammed in another ship.
He sighed, before looking at the kid again. "You're obviously not safe here, might as well climb aboard." The kid started tearing up, thanking the two profusely.
The kid sank to his knees once he hit the deck. "My name is Coby! Please take me to the next island!" He begged, his forehead pressed to the deck and Sabo didn't know if he was desperate or if he was talking to the boat again. He walked down the steps to the deck hesitantly, waiting for Coby to make a wrong move.
"Yeah, yeah, don't go cryin', you look dumb." Ace said, rubbing his head where the wheel hit him. The wheel spun and thunked him on the head again, and he followed Sabo down the steps while glaring at it.
He moved to see if he could dislodge the ship, Sabo moving to the other side and they both pushed on the side of the wrecked boat.
To their surprise, the boat freed itself rather easily, and upon further inspection, there were no visible issues with the rudder. Sabo was a little confused as to how easily the wheel moved but didn't have time to when he saw a large woman with a mace and a face turned almost purple in rage.
"WHAT IN THE EVERLOVING FUCK HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SHIP?!?!" She cursed, very alarmed by the now sinking ship that was attacked unprompted.
"Oi!" Ace yelled back. "Don't say shit like that! There's a kid here." Gesturing to Coby.
"G-G-Guys, we gotta-a go." He stuttered, looking fearfully at the woman. Ace just picked his ear. "That is the fattest person I've ever seen."
"What?!" The woman screeched and Sabo smacked him on the back of the head. "Don't say such things, it's rude."
"Taking a chunk out of someone's ship is also rude!!!" She yelled, because they were both idiots. She cleared her throat. "Coby, who's the most beautiful woman on these seas?" She asked, venom on her tongue and a death grip on her mace.
Coby's mouth instantly began to form around the answer he'd given a thousand times over, and Sabo's eyes narrowed at the obvious abuser.
A hand landed in Coby's shoulder and Sabo ignored the flinch. "N-Not you!" He yelled, teary-eyed but convicted. "You're…You're the ugliest cow in the sea!" He shouted, his legs shaking but his voice absolute.
She seemed to turn 7 shades redder, and started storming toward the boat when suddenly the steering wheel started turning left like a pinwheel, and the entire boat lurched as the figurehead knocked her through one of the pretty much useless walls and into the sea.
"Seriously, we need to get that wheel checked out." Sabo muttered to himself while Coby cheered and thanked the inanimate boat again.
"What were you doing there anyway, kid?" Ace drawled, nursing the many bumps on the back of his head.
This seemed to suck the joy out of Coby, and somehow from where Ace was standing a door left partially open swung out and hit him hard in the elbow. Sabo reassures the kid he doesn't have to say while Ace closes the door completely so it won't smack him again, wondering if the boat was cursed.
"It was two years ago…" Coby started, while a gust of wind caught the sails and somehow the boat maneuvered around the other without help - this went unacknowledged. "-- and after that I had to work for Alvida, or she would kill me."
Ace and Sabo both nodded, before they looked at each other and both burst out laughing.
"Mistook that--?!"
"A fishing boat?!"
Though no one moved much from where they stood, the deck creaked an ambient 'Shi-hi-hi' that blended in with the laughter. Coby stared at his shoes.
"Well!" Coby cut in, just as the laughter ceased. "I… I want to be a marine… Then I'll arrest people like Alvida and no one will have that happen to them like me."
Sabo's smile faltered, his brows furrowing as he looked down at the tiny, scrawny, unobtrusive kid.
Ace looked Coby up and down with a scowl. "You wanna be one of those jerks?" Coby nodded, and Ace crossed his arms. "Well, I don't see why the army would need a wimp like you, but--" The same door swung open again and smacked him in his whole left arm.
Coby smiled. "Your ship believes in me!" He said, regretting it a second later for the odd looks both gave him before Ace shrugged.
"I guess." He glared at the door again. "Who knew a boat could be such a prick, though."
Sabo pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, because if anyone is a prick here it's the boat - sure." He looked back over at Coby. "We'll take you to the nearest marine base, Coby. Your life is your own, better to live how you want than die full of regrets."
Coby's eyes got glassy, and he nodded vehemently.
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thealiencat3 · 1 year
My lavender~Yandere Damian Wayne (master/teacher) x student OC
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OC: Rebecca Thomas. Age:19
It's been three years since the incident. The night is giving her same vibes of the night they met. At this time, three years ago,after spending three extra hours at school library, she didn't go home straight. Instead she roamed in the streets to avoid her French lesson. Just to get harrassed by some thugs in a dark alley. Then out of nowhere, a gentleman appeared. He covered his face with mask. He saved her from getting raped. Only then, she realised how weak she was unable to defend herself . She begged the stranger to teach her self defence and how to fight. At first, he didn't want to. But she begged again and again on her knees. like a five year old demanding a toy from his parents. " Please. Teach me how to fight. Please teach me everything you know. I'll work hard I promise" . He agreed only if she's not lazy.
Now she's 19. He still trains her. Though he's strict and rude, he helps her. She secretly developed some feelings for her strict teacher. She knows everything about him. His real name, he's being Batman's son. Just everything. Today is a very special day for her. Her master is taking her in a mission with him for the first time. She'll prove herself to her master. She's very excited. "Be careful. They'll be here in few minutes" he said. She nodded. They're here to deal with some weapon smugglers his father has been unable to catch. "They're very dangerous so don't go too far away from me" he told her. "yes master". Damian is somehow overprotective towards his student. That's true. She was too weak when he started training her. After few minutes, the smugglers arrived. Everytime, they're able to fool batman and run away. But not today. Damian stabbed the truck driver as he got out. While, Rebecca shot the others with arrows. "Check where the weapons are. I'll handle them" Damian commanded. She nodded and checked each and every truck . Few trucks were empty. While some were filled with food supplies. She couldn't find anything. When she was about to shut the door of the container of the 5th truck, she saw something suspicious among the food supplies. She was right. There were weapons hidden very carefully. Only then, someone threw a lighter inside and locked the door behind her. She panicked . She cried for her master. "MASTER!!! MASTER!!" she felt suffocating. She tried to breath "MAS..*cough* TER" . The smoke entered eyes made her unable to see anything. The container may blast anytime. She thought this is her end. Fortunately, Damian broke in. He can't bear her seeing this way. He took her out of the container and put her on his back. They ran away just few seconds before the blast. She was unconscious in his arms. He then remembered the incident about Jason. He can't imagine what would have happened to her if he couldn't save her in time . Jason hated his father because he didn't take revenge on Joker. Will she hate him too?? His heart hurts everytime he thinks like this. On the road , full of dead bodies and fire, he was holding his student. He never wants her to get hurt again. Never. Then something came to his mind. He looked at his student. With his darkest sight ever. So dark that if she was awake, she'd be afraid too. But he can't stand loosing her.
she opened her eyes. She felt herself laying on something very soft and silky. She missed sleeping on soft beds ever since she became Damian's student. She looked around only to find herself in a bedroom. No, her dream bedroom. the room was painted with het favourite colour lavender, favorite curtains and everything she liked. 'am I alive?' she thought. Her master is nowhere to be seen. She got off the bed and walked towards the window as she needs some fresh air. She tried to open but it was locked. She felt weird. Then she tried to open the door. It was locked too. She hit the door multiple times but nothing happened. Then she saw the doorknob turning. She took a few steps back. Ready to face anyone going to appear in front of her. But it was her master. Her handsome master. The man she has liked for three years. She was relieved. "Oh. You're awake" he smiled. "Master I.." he cut her off. "Just call me Damian". She frowned. "Pardon?" He let out a dark chuckle and locked the door behind him. "master. What are you doing?" She asked. He sighed. Then he smiled at her. But it wasn't a smile you can call normal or healthy. That smile was sick. No. Lovesick. She took a step back. " I'm no longer your master honey. You can now call me Damian" . " What do you mean?? What happened to you???" It wasn't him. Not the Damian she knew. He never smiled at her. At least not a lovesick smile. "Oh. Honey. You know what? I realised how precious you are to me when I was about to loose you. I can't imagine what would have happened if I wasn't there in time. You could have... Died...my baby. I can't stand loosing my lovely dear student. You're too special to be my student honey. Someone like you only deserves to be my wife". She can't belive it!!! She can't stay here any longer. She tried to break the window just like he taught her. He couldn't help but laughed. "It's worthless baby. These windows are specially designed" he said. She attacked him. At this moment, her freedom was most important to her. But he was her master. She can't defeat him. At last he got annoyed and pushed her to the bed and got on top of her. "Why are you struggling so much?? Honey. I know you love me too. I can see you looking at me with these pretty eyes and blush everytime I look at you". That's true. She loves him. But not this version. This is too much. She stated sobbing. He kissed her tears away. "Don't cry my love. It'll be over once you become mine. This is why I took you so far from the cruel world. You're so cute Rebecca. Only I can have you and no one else" . He then crashed his lips on hers. She kissed back as if this is the moment she was waiting for. Her body was betraying her. " I love you my lavender"~
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lemonmaidenswamps · 1 year
Tags: death and angst
Where phil lost 4 year old tommy in the woods and like
He comes back every anniversary after not finding him. Now he's hitting his thousands. Its been decades upon decades not seeing his very MORTAL son
Once a town settles hes alerted
That they found a missing boy. He has no hope. They havent found tommy let alone a body. But once he goes and checks there he is
The small 4 year old scrapes on his knees. Skinny and dirty but just the same as he had lost him eons ago.
There was his missing son. By some miracle kept young and ALIVE.
He goes and talks to Tommy, but Tommy cant see him. He can touch him feel him hug him but Tommy's eyes are far and distant. Faded and Phil cant see himself in those eyes.
And then everything goes cold. The town goes quiet and wildlife stops.
The Spirit of the Forest and the Wilderness appear before him. Two twin teens. Thats when Tommy begins to move again "Wilbur! Techno!"
And then he turns to phil. "Dad?"
Phil cries, hes never wept so hard before as he hugs Tommy so hard.
"Oh Toms. Im so so sorry, i left you behind"
Tommy only hugs him. But looks past him to the twins and cries.
"Dad. I have to go"
"Go? No no no you cant go. Where are you going?"
"Away. I dont want to go. But i have to dad"
Phil turns to look at the twins. They havent said anything but extended their hands to Tommy. Completely ignoring Phil.
One covered in animal hide. Blood painted over his chest in some symbols he doesn't know the meaning of, a boar skull over his head.
The other same build same hair however in green robes. A orange veil the same color of Autumn. His feet covered in mud. Both with striking white eyes. Both ignoring Phil.
Phil doesnt understand. In his core he understands that they have taken care of Tommy. That they kept him alive. But he begs "please don't take tommy from me, please"
But they say nothing. They continue to look past him arms stretch for tommy
"Dad i must go. Our forest can't last without us"
"But tommy your my son" Phil begs "im suppose to watch you grow. To go to school to cry, to move out to get married. You dont belong to the forest your Tommy and im your father"
Tommy cries he doesnt want to leave. He doesnt remember much at all about before. But he remembers Phil
The warms hugs he would get. The reassurance that nothing would hurt him. Pancakes in the morning and a kiss goodnight. The warmth of a father.
But he knew now that as much as he wanted to. He couldnt have that. He was happy still. Sad maybe somber. But this was no longer his home. "Im sorry"
Phil doesn't understand he wants to be furious. He doesnt know to what. Turning to the twins he walks over.
Making contact as he sees a vision.
A woman young but frightened her hair dark, she looks like night itself as shes crying and calling out to the forest.
And as she fades he sees them. Holding hands as they rest on a stump. The earth recalling them to the soil.
They are gone
And it all makes sense. As he crumbles onto the floor sobbing as that woman did too. THEY cant come back. They are dead. Tommy CAN'T come back.
For Tommy's been gone for a long time.
What ever happened what ever they did they been taking care of him. Keeping him alive by some force that he cannot explain. And he hugs them thanks them because he understands.
"See my face wet with tears" Phil holds Tommy's small hands as he looks at the shaken boy"
"They're running down my cheeks" Phil feels his son wipe them away. He's so real. He can feel him but hes cold. Frozen in time.
"Dont cry!"
"Promise me that you'll be safe. I am immortal and ill be here for when ever i can find you again, dearest son"
Tommy sobs. Taking in handfuls of Phil's coat into his tiny hands, sobbing into his chest.
"Promise me a sign your okay and that your alive "
Tommy nods. Still crying as he looks at his father
"When the first fawn of spring comes to you i will be saying hi. When the forest speaks it is i who is the happiest, And i will sing like april showers, till my final hour"
Phil smiles kissing his face as this will probably be the last time he sees Tommy.
Watches him go as he holds the twins hands. Finally bringing back the life of the earth.
Youth and rebirth are parts of the wilderness and now they cannot live without the other.
Tommy looks one last time. A small flash of where tommy lays is seen by phil as he watches.
Tommy is happy. Tommy is safe.
The upcoming anniversary phil finally finds the remains. A boar skull. A mushroom are surrounded by tiny little golden flowers as in the middle there lays a spring flower in the dead of winter.
He lays flowers on them all the time.
This time however accompanied by lady of the night. Death itself. As both parents grieve. For they can no longer hold their children. But smile as they hear the distant laughter and giggles of kids. Of the forest spirits. Phil tips his hat a bit to cover his tears
"Little shit"
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
For all my hate for OBD Riddler I do think it brings an interesting concept for an AU: what if Edward's mother had kept him? I don't know why I kept thinking about it and not sleeping even though I have a test tomorrow morning and I ended up writing some random things about it:
" She should never have kept him. She knows that, has always known that.
Edward looks at her with big inocent brown eyes and questions too complex for a boy his age and she knows she should have gave him away. Is not that she doesn't love him.
She didn't at the start. When he would take her sleep and her employers with loud cries and empty bellies. But while she knows that she can't truly remember how it is not loving him.
No, she thinks again, looking at his too big second rate clothes and messy red hair, is because she loves him that she should have let him go. Because a boy like him is wasted here. What matters if her son can read at two when they are barely scraping above the poverty line? She should have let his father take him away."
"Edward Tierney never grows to be a troubled young man in a boarding school terrifield of his father fury and tamed down by riddles.
Instead Edward Nasthon grows to be a troubled young man in a poor part of the city terrifield the violence of Gotham will take his mother away. For him riddles and puzzle books aren't a sign of failure, they are his one strengh.
The Riddler is born either way.
But Edward Nygma is a very different man depending on the story we tell here."
"She still remember that day.
The biggest decision of her life. Her biggest failure, the one she does never truly regret.
The baby in her arms turns and tussles as if knowing that this is the moment that will change his life forever. And in another life she would have done the right thing, Edward would be raised in fancy clothes and warm meals and have access to all the knowledge his heart so desperadly desires. But on this life she didn't.
She couldn't.
Not when the man, the fateful client, the father, looked at their son like that. She knew that look, the contempt and disgust, she had accepted that judmental rich white man would always look at her like this, as if she was lesser. But to see him look at their son that way. To know on her gut he would love the boy less just because it was hers.
Hot anger fueled to her veins. All she remembers after is the man leaving and saying that she better not expect child support because he won't pay for his own blood to be raised by a whore. She never sees him again and life goes on."
"She sees him again. She knows it's him the moment her eyes met his and she almost feels ashamed somehow, almost hides, but she refuses to lose. This city already broke her too much as it is. "
"Edward is four years old when he sees his first body. Mom took him for a fun day in the park close to the appartment and even bought a cheap ice cream cone for them to share.
He is running around trying to discover the secrets of the park. Maybe catalog it's bugs, he read a book about bugs recently in one of his visits to the library. He would like to study them closer. Instead he finds the remains of a woman.
He is four and he read a book on the human body once but even if not he knows it should not be open like that. He knows it's weird and wrong. He pokes it with a stick and tries to see if the insides match the book.
His mother finds him ten minutes later. She looks horrifield at the scene before grabbing him and hugging him way to tight. They don't go to the park again."
"She can't say no to the schoolarship.
It would be unfair.
Her boy is smart too smart for his own good but more importantly too smart for what she can give him. And this is a chance to give him a future. It's a good sign. First the boarding school and then a good college all paid.
And if she could take more clients knowing Edward would be far away all the best. So you see, irrecusable ofter. Even when he is also there.
"And remember-"
"Behave, try to make friends instead of just studying all the time and do not engage with the principal unless absolutly necessary." He says with the habitual pre teen annoyance. Although not even it is enoght to hide his excitement. She is doing the right thing. "There's a thing I don't unserstand." Edward continues curious as always. "Why is not talking to the principal so important? I do understand you don't want me to cause trouble but why ask this in a separate order from behave?"
She brushes some strands of orange hair from his face. He is big now. Soon he will be bigger than her.
"Eddie" she pleads "For once in your life, don't ask question."
He pouted. And she had to supress the smile. They might grow fast but he will ways be her little boy.
"No buts, let this one go, son. I'll ground you if need for."
He pouted harder but noded.
"Okay, mom. I won't ask about it."
He lied.
She pretends to believe him."
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azlrse · 2 years
Hi! It's me again, could i request dark cacao having a another child (reader) while dark choco was still a teenager and still in his father's kingdom??
(what i mean is how much would change for dark cacao to have another child and how would dark choco would be as an older brother to the reader?)
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Daughter of Ours (Dark Cacao Cookie x GN Cookie!Reader + Platonic Dark Choco Cookie)
CW: human au, afab reader, labor, ooc Dark Choco Cookie/Dark Cacao Cookie, and lots and lots of fluff!!
A/N: imagine Dark Cacao being so soft at freshly baked cookies, so cutee!! 🥺💕
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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
When your son, Dark Choco Cookie, was born after 2 years of your marriage with Dark Cacao Cookie, there's no doubt that he's over the moon as soon as he cradles the newly born baby in his arms. Wrapped around in a white wrapping clothe, he cried in happiness while holds his son for the first few hours of his life. As you rest after hours of pure agony and pain from your contractions, you saw the most amazing sight you've seen in your life.
There he was, rocking the sleeping Dark Choco Cookie back and forth. You never saw your husband being so soft towards the others but when it comes to his newborn son, the source of your endless happiness and joy, his tough and fearful exterior just fades away, leaving only a sweet and caring father.
You whispered both of their names, making your husband looks at you a bit surprised that you were awake despite feeling tired from bringing your son to this world. "Oh, Reader Cookie love. I didn't expect for you to be awake." He brings the small prince into his crib and placed him down gently. The baby squirmed a bit from the lack of warmth he felt from his father but quickly fell asleep from the comfort of the mattress of his crib.
Dark Cacao makes his way towards you and sat down on the shared bed, which was fully occupied by you. After the birth, you tried insisting your husband to sleep beside you but quickly declines the offer. Instead, he fell asleep on the sofa bed, not only to make you comfortable but also to keep an eye for his son. Upon feeling your husband's body, you quickly cuddled his body despite the pain you felt below your legs. "I missed cuddling you, sweetie and I can't believe we're parents. Can you believe that?"
The king only nodded and placed a soft kiss on your knuckles. "I believe so, my love and we'll do our best to raise our son with so much love and guidance." You chuckled at the thought of your son as soon as he grew up; he looks like just like his father, well except for the eyes of course. "And he'll grow up just to have most of your features, just like my handsome husband."
He just rolled his eyes and holds you tighter towards his body. "Well, I don't see as handsome but thank you, my dear."
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
15 years later..
Just like what you predicted, Dark Choco Cookie grew up to have most of his features from his father. From a young age, your husband trained your son to be a strong warrior, a strong and protective warrior who had a huge responsibility he had on his shoulders.
However, you just found out that you just got pregnant. After the countless vomiting, strange food cravings and frequent mood swings, you consulted to a doctor and found out that you were carrying your second child for 3 months. You were overjoyed from the news you heard! But what about your husband? The thought of your husband getting angry towards you for being pregnant makes you a bit worried and scared.
Crossing your fingers, you wished that your second child would be a girl, a princess of be specific. You already imagine what your son's reaction upon finding out that he's going to be a big brother.
But first, you need to tell your husband about this sudden news....
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
"Everyone, leave this room. I need to talk to my husband something private." Everyone in the room bowed down and complied with your orders, leaving the room in silence as your husband watched. You quickly made your way towards the throne your husband sat on and nervously handed him over a small box, wrapped in a dark violet ribbon. This made Dark Cacao Cookie confused. "What seems to be the problem, my dear? You seem a bit scared when you first saw me here."
You only sighed deeply and sat right back down on the smaller throne. "Please don't me mad at me, honey. Open the box to see the news." Dark Cacao Cookie unwrapped the box and sees a small purple kimono and a pregnancy test with two red lines on it. He proceeded the words on his head and began to stand up in shock, not from anger nor being upset. He was-
"Are we having a child again?! You're not joking, right love?!" You smiled nervously as you held both of your hands on your stomach. "I am not joking, I'm indeed pregnant love-" Your words were quickly cut off when your husband hoists you up and spun you around. The sudden movement made you surprised for a bit but your nervousness and worry quickly subsided and began to laugh softly at your husband's reaction.
Just like 15 years ago, your husband became the softest cookie you've ever seen. He makes sure to provide you with lots of love and provides you with your cravings to prevent your mood from erupting into something else. Your son, on the other hand, was very happy and excited to see his baby sibling.
Some of your cravings made your husband worry for you like pickles dipped in milk or ice cream mixed with sour berries. Dark Cacao would repeatedly asks you if this was okay for you and your unborn child but you assured him that you and the baby were both fine. The king and your son would stare in horror when you consumed your most favorite food craving; pickles and a glass of sweet milk from the milk tribe.
Weeks before your due date, your husband will always be there on your side, even when he has more responsibilities as a king and as a father and husband to your small family. He would always be the one helping you when you wanted to sit on the throne or just to bring in some warm milk to appease your cravings.
At long last, when your due date arrives and the labor pains came once again, the king himself was right by your side as a mid wife encouraging you to push. You breathe and heavily panted as you grasp your husband's hand in pain. "It's okay, love. You can do it, you are strong cookie and I'm so proud of you. You can do this, Reader Cookie."
After your loud screams erupt throughout the castle, the cries of the newly born princess were heard, making both the castle staff and your citizens cheered in happiness for the princess was born safely and in good condition.
When your son heard the news that you were in labor, he wasted no time as he rides his horses towards his home. Upon arriving, he ran and quickly as he could to see if you and his sister were okay. "How's Mother/Dad? Are they okay?!" Dark Choco spoke after he ran towards the master bedroom. The midwife closed the door and nodded towards him, indicating that his little sister was born safety. "You can see their majesty and the princess, my prince. Your father was also there to keep an eye for the both of them. Send my congratulations to your family, Prince Dark Choco Cookie."
Your son muttered a small 'thank you' as he enters the bedroom and there you are, holding his sister on your arms while Dark Cacao was sitting right beside you. Your son was in awe by his sister's appearance; pale dough and her hair color was similar to both his and your husband. There's no doubt that this baby was the combination of the both of you.
"C-can I hold her, Mother/Dad?" You softly nodded as you handed him over your daughter. He rocked the baby back and forth while his sister makes a small yawn from the warmth she felt from her big brother. "Her name was Choco Milk Cookie, that's the name of your sister." The words you spoke makes Dark Choco and Dark Cacao shed a tear at the sight of the princess.
"Hey there, Choco Milk. I'm your brother, Dark Choco Cookie. It's nice meeting you, sister."
What a nice way to celebrate the birth of your daughter and the new royal of the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
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