#Male! Talia
morgansunflower · 5 months
Can I request a story where y/n is Bruce's sister and trained with him with the league of assassins where a male version of Talia fell in love with her and they had Damian and then in the future he comes and tells y/n that Damian is her son just like Talia did with Bruce thank you in advance
Broken Heart
Male! Talia X Wayne! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, angst
Arthur's notes! This version of male! Talia is set before Morrison wrote her. Everything is completely consensual. No drugging whatsoever. Good male! Talia. Bad Ra's al Ghul.
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Talin carried Y/N as she was unconscious from the nontoxic substance....
Talin knew if he left Damian with her.. Ra's would hurt them or worse. Only a few hours after Damian was born. Ra's had found them, after they had been in hiding. Which truly terrified Talin as not even Bruce knew where they were and that he had a nephew.
So as she laid sleeping recovering from childbirth. He let her breath in a substance that would make her unconscious and that would not hurt her.
He can't let the life he desperately wanted to let go, free. If he did Ra's would certainly target his family.
He stands holding her, in her old room after sneaking into the Manor. He kisses her lips softly with a bitter smile. He gently placed her on the bed and laid the blanket on her. He placed a letter containing only lies on her nightstand.
"Master Talin?" Alfred gasps seeing Y/N laying in a unconscious state "what happened to her? Is she alright?"
"she will be.. Keep her safe Alfred" he requested and before Alfred could utter a, word.. He was gone...
Y/N gently stirs in her sleep only remembering holding her newborn and her lover. "Talin?.. Talin?" she muttered.
Her baby! She opens her eyes and gasps realizing she is in her old room. She searches for both her lover and son. She sees a letter from Talin. She impatiently reaches for the first letter.
~Dear Y/N
I know writing to you about this, is highly inappropriate. I should have told you myself with my own words but I don't know how I can. Our son is gone. He died shortly after~
She gasps covering her face to muffle her impending sobs and forced herself to continue reading.
~he was in my arms. The Dr said there was nothing they could have done. They knew not of the cause of his sudden passing. I know you will blame yourself and I beg of you not to.
Do not try to find me. I do not wish to be loved again nor do I deserve to be loved by you. We don't belong together and I must not leave the life I belong to. Find someone who is worthy of you. Please find peace and joy where you can.
Sincerely, Talin~
Y/N's hands shake. She lost her breath. She let out a helpless cry. The letter falling from her hand. She feels her body was aching all throughout. Her sweet baby she could never hold was gone. Her truest love didn't want her.. In the simplest way, her heart was broken.
Bruce hurries to his sister hearing her heart wrenching sobs. He finds her in her bed shaking vigorously. She began to hyperventilate as her emotions worsen. She felt she was going to pass out.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N listen to me!" Bruce touched her arms still unable to gain her attention. She looks at her brother with such brokenness, it brought a grieving memory to the dark knight "listen to my breathes. Okay?"
She nodded listening to her brother's breathes helping her calm down. Bruce did not hesitate to comfort her as her arm's hold onto him. He kisses her head as she cried in his arms.
Y/N grew bitter as her heart was brittle. Bruce tried to comfort her in the best way he could. She still was not herself even years later. Nights were spent with dreams of Talin's arm's holding her and her baby cuddling against her chest. She often cried during night's that felt so real.
With his father killed by Slade. Talin stood there bitter that so much had changed in his father. Though now Y/N and Damian were safe from him however Slade was a, new threat. Dusan offered his brother passage to leave the league of assassin's in exchange that he become the new leader.
Talin and Damian made there way to Gotham. The two sat on the couch on his yacht. Talin sees Damian reading not having turned a, single page in over a hour. He knew his son must be in despair.
Talin reaches to take the book.
"tt" he scoffed annoyed his father saw his turmoil.
"you have asked me continuously, prying for information about your mother ever since you could speak. Why do you seem unhappy now?"
"will she be.. Happy.. To see me?" Damian asked his father
"happy? She will be thrilled to see you again. I know she loves you very dearly"
"why did you take me away from her? Tell me what happened?" Damian asked
Talin sighed finally able to tell him the truth as it did not jeopardize his safety "well years ago.. Your uncle and your mother came to us. I trained with your mother frequently for many months.. We let our hearts overflow.. Shortly thereafter they left. She returned to me telling me that she was pregnant with you... I would not allow you to have your childhood ripped away from you. However.. Once you were born--" Talin sighed guilted by the memory "we were discovered by my fath.. By Ra's. He knew he could still use me to do his bidding and use you as his successor... He demanded I be rid of her or he would end you.. I could never hurt her so I took her to her family"
"you did it save mother and my own life.. Does she know I'm alive?"
"no she.. She does not know"
Y/N's heart leaps seeing the message from him. Part of her was genuinely happy but a part of her was angered. How could he leave her after losing their son? Why was he reaching out to her?
Y/N enters the yacht seeing Talin. He wore his dark green trousers, lace up boots, a dark green cloak and a black long-sleeve shirt. Her eyes touch his heart. So much time and she still made his body crave her and his heart feel so much love.
"I cannot imagine this is to be a social visit" she bluntly said her hands nearly shaking
"I wish it were.." he wanted to say he loves her and still wants her but he can't. She hates him he's certain "Ra's al Ghul, is dead. Slade is hunting us and wishes to kill us"
"not you and I beloved--" the word brought shame as she looked angered at him. "me and.. Our son"
"Talin..." she gaps her heart beating rapidly against her chest "our S-Son.."
Talin moves the curtains Damian steps from the shadows.
She looks at his eyes remembering the moment he was born. He's alive! "my baby" she cried his knees buckling beneath her. "my sweet baby boy"
Damian slowly approached her. She slowly reached to him with her arms shaking... He hugs her. So long had he wanted to meet her, to know she truly loves him... He was finally able to be held by her.
She looks to Talin to overcome with her emotions to fully understand. He knew the look in her beautiful pleading eyes. He explained everything to her unable to look in the face but only a few times...
As the two part able to calm down from the overwhelming reunion. Y/N stands on her feet kissing Damian's head. Talin kneels down to his son. He touches his face..
"you listen to your uncle. I know you will feel strange in such a different place but soon it will feel as home"
"you're not coming?" Damian asked appalled
He glanced to his past lover seeing her soft smile but looked back to his son before he became too emotional... He can't make her bare to be around him especially after he broke her heart.
"I know you always wanted to have a family that was complete. I'm so sorry I could never give you that. I am not abandoning you son. I will be there for you whenever you need me.. I will visit you" Talin promised..
He raised to his feet kissing Damian's head. The little boy hugged his father goodbye tightly. Talin's heart was breaking to leave them.
"Talin.. I don't.. I don't know if I can.. If we--" Y/N's lips begin trembling, missing him so dearly but she needed time "I don't want Damian to be without his father. Stay in Gotham, please"
He touched her chin kissing her forehead. He was devastated she did not want him but he couldn't blame nor stop loving her.
"you have spared me worry. I desire to be close, only for his safety and your own.. I am here for you should you ever need me or you wish to be at my side again"
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
You know what would be hilarious.
Trans Batman accidentally convincing Gotham that the batclan are like clownfish.
This is helped along when Red Hood comes onto the scene and is later also revealed to be a batclan member.
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bruciemilf · 8 months
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Bi-Han wifed up the baddest bitch in Outworld (she can't fight her way out of a lunch bag and she's God's favourite idiot)
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wesavegotham · 8 months
Canon is often terrible but fanon is often even more racist and misogynistic.
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maj-3k · 1 year
Bruce: Y.N do you have any contact to Talia?
Y.N: Why should I give you contact to my sister?
Bruce: I'm going to annoying her for a while.
Y.N: Take paper and pen
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girluimfailing · 2 months
I feel like some of yall forget that Damian was spoilt to death and treated like a prince, which is where his snarky bratty personality comes from. Remove that and you remove a core of Damian's character. It makes no sense.
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eggmacguffin · 1 year
Talia fans are the smartest most critically-minded dc fans I think.
like, god grant me the wisdom to understand when a woc is being needlessly demonized by white fans and therefore certain avenues of criticism need not be engaged with;
the patience to stop and identify when a questionable character choice needs to be analyzed under a Doylist lens rather than a Watsonian one;
and the basic comprehension to actually identify an interesting character with potential to root for rather than hyping up a character with no substance in the name of girlpower-superhero-feminism-gifset-87.png
a fuckin men
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kara-zor-els · 3 months
"We want more complex female comic book characters!" You guys can't even handle pre Flashpoint Barbara Gordon
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: DC, MCU
Title: Did She Run Away?
Series: Wheres My Love (2/??)
Character(s): Peter Parker, The avengers, Talia Al Ghul, Connor Kent, Jon Kent
Request: No
Genre: Fluff, Angst
TW: None
A/N: Reader used to be superman’s sidekick . When I through New York in here, if y’all didn’t expect this to be a DC, Marvel cross over idk what to say
(Y/S/N) = Your superhero name
(N/N) = Nickname
(S/W) = signature weapon
December 1st, 2019
Almost two years that’s how long you had been here, in New York city. You were living with your friend Peter Parker and his aunt May. It had hit the news quickly that (Y/S/N) had moved from crime fighting in Gotham, Bludhaven, and Metropolis. To fighting crime in New York city, you hadn’t had a run in with the avengers, the rip off justice league as you called them, or heroes that were affiliated with them yet.
That would change tonight though. Since you decided to suit up about two months into your stay into New York, you had only gone after minor thugs. Which you found patrolling, which you were doing at the moment. When a familiar spider-boy who wore bright red decided you need company.
He swung down landing in front of you, before he could say anything you spoke. “What you want?” You asked.
“I thought you would like some company,” he replied, he stuck out his hand. “Spiderman,” he told you.
You rolled your eyes before taking his hand, “(Y/S/N),” You replied. You two began talking for awhile, getting to each other without revealing anything about your secret identities. You too had moved so you were sitting on the side of building with your legs dangling off the edge.
“So what’s it like working for superman?” He asked.
You shook your head, “I didn’t work for him, sure I was his sidekick but there no power dynamic. I would boss him around sometimes, he would do the same to me. He’s my mentor but he was also so much more then that,” You replied.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, “It must have been hard leaving. I don’t what I would do if I had to leave behind black widow or Iron man,” You gave him a sad smile, and nodded.
“Why’d you leave?” He asked. You froze, you hadn’t told anyone not Peter not May. The only people who knew were the ones back in Gotham and Metropolis. He must have noticed your reaction to the question because he quickly told you, that you didn’t have to tell him.
“No, I’ll tell you. It’s fine,” you replied.
“You sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,”
“It’s fine,” you assured him, you took a deep breathe. “My robin died,” you told him.
He tilted his head much like a confused puppy would, “Huh? Your bird died?” He asked.
You laughed and shook your head, “No, Batman’s sidekicks are called Robins. Mine died, he was killed by the Joker. It was couple of years ago but I never got over it, I spent months reviewing the footage from Batman’s suit from that night,” your voice cracked, “Trying to figure out if someway, somehow he wasn’t dead. But I just found myself watching my baby die, over and over again.
I did it until realized he was gone, that he wasn’t coming back. So I started visiting his grave, telling him everything that he was missing. I thought I was okay, I really did. Then one night I found myself fighting the joker. And were there, at the warehouse or what remained of it.
And he started things and I just remembered how mad, I was,” tears rolled down your face, “Mad that this sick son of a bitch was alive, but my baby bird was dead. Then I just snapped and I almost killed him and I just remember thinking that was I wanted to do it. I want him dead, I was gonna kill. If Nightwing and Orphan hadn’t shown up, I would have killed him,” You looked over at spiderman, “I’m not a murder,” you told him.
He shook his head, “Your not a murder (M/N).”
He removed his masking, revealing that he was Peter. “I figured it out, while you were talking,” the brunette explained.
“Can we go back your apartment?” You asked.
Peter nodded, “let’s go,”
March 2nd, 2020 (There is no COVID)
As the elevator went up heading to the top floor, where currently the Avengers resided, so did your nervous. Peter must have sense this because he placed a hand your shoulder, “Relax, everything is gonna be okay,” he told you.
You scoffed, “Telling people to relax doesn’t really make them relax,” You replied, “Besides this like meeting the Justice League all over again,”
“But it’s the avengers this time,”
You shook your head, “Still. Do you know how bad I embarrassed myself the first time, I met the Justice League?”
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Peter replied.
“It was that bad!” You exclaimed, “I fell into the fucking pool of Justice!” You looked over at Peter and noticed he was trying not to laugh, which earned him a small shove. “Asshole, don’t laugh!”
“I wasn’t laughing at you,” He replied, “Pool of Justice?”
You bit your lip trying to stop yourself from laughing as well because you knew if you laughed, Morpheus would strike you down then and there. “Yeah…the justice league isn’t the best at name things,”
“Then I feel really bad for there children,” Peter laughed.
You shook your head, “Surprisingly there kids have good names, well the ones who didn’t name themselves or had names before they got there,”
“Named themselves? Names before they got there?” Peter asked.
“Well sure the justice league treats there sidekicks and refers to them as there kids but most of them aren’t. Like my buddy Dick, he might be Bruce’s son but Bruce didn’t name him.
Dick’s parents did and so did my parents. And as for naming themselves, sometimes there sidekicks are manmade. Like my brother, Conner. He was made to be a clone of Clark and Lex Luther, he escaped the lab though and he needed clothes. So he stole them from one of the guards and the name on the outfit was Connor,” You explained.
Before Peter could respond the elevator door opened signaling you were on the avengers floor. “You ready?” Peter asked, you nodded. The two of you exited the elevator and walked down a small hallway that took you to living room.
Where a butch of people sat you recognized them all right off the bat. There was Black Widow or Natasha Romanoff, Iron Man or Tony Stark, The god of thunder or Thor, Hawkeye or Clit Barton, Bruce Banner or the Hulk, and Steve Rogers aka Captain America.
They all smiled at you, “You must be (M/N) Kent,” Tony smiled at you.
“I am indeed,” You smiled back.
Natasha patted the space next to her, “come sit down,” she told the two of you. You both did as you were told.
“We’ve heard a lot about you from Peter,” Clit told you.
“Good things, I hope you,” you replied.
“Really good things,” Steve assured you. You spent the next hour or so getting to know them all. It was nice, you laughed a lot this much since Jason died.
“How’d you end up with, Superman and superwomen?” Thor asked.
“My parents dropped me off outside, Superman’s house. Apparently they were work buddies with his Superwomen and they couldn’t take care of me. I was two, they left a note with my name and I haven’t seen them since. But it’s okay because Superman and Superwomen raised me as there kid. There my family,” You explained.
“So why’d you leave, Metropolis and Gotham? If all the family you’ve ever known was there?” Tony asked, “Get tired of the Justice League up your ass?”
You shook your head, “The love of my life died,” you told them. You felt the whole rooms atmosphere change.
“I’m so sorry, what happened? If you don’t mind me asking,” Natasha asked.
“It’s okay,” you replied, “He was murder by the Joker and years later I thought,” You shook your head, “I didn’t think, I knew I was okay. Then I’m back at what remained of the warehouse, he was killed, fighting the Joker and I almost killed him. I was lucky two of my friends were in the area because they pulled me off of him and at that moment I knew I couldn’t stay,” you explained.
“I’m so sorry,” Tony replied, “I wouldn’t know what to do if Pepper died, especially if I found myself fighting the person who did years later,”
“It was hard,” You replied.
“Well, on a happier note,” Bruce spoke up, “we don’t usually summon people to the Avengers tower, you’re aware of that correct?” Bruce asked, you nodded.
“Well were thinking about giving you an opportunity, to work with us. You know this business way better then a lot of us do, and we could use that,” He explained.
You lit up, “Really?”
Bruce nodded, “You could teach a lot of us some things and some of us have been in this game for years.”
“I’ll try my best,” You replied.
“So you in?” Peter asked.
“Of course,” you smiled.
August 23rd, 2021
You sighed as you unlocked the door to your apartment, yes your apartment. You moved out of May’s and Peter’s a couple moths ago. Finally having enough money to buy your own, which you were very happy about. You loved Peter but after a night a patrol all you wanted to do was go to sleep, which was with him that was not so easy.
As you entered the apartment you were quick to realize that the Tv and the light in the living room were on. This set you on alert, you pulled your (S/W) out and slowly made your way to living room. As you got closer you heard a laugh, one you had heard so much that you almost immediately knew who had broken into your apartment.
You rolled your eyes, as your entered the living room. “Con-” you cut yourself off. Curled up, asleep next to Connor on the couch looked like a mini-boy version of Louis Lane who couldn’t have been more then four years old. “Whose that?” You whispered.
“(M/N), meet our younger brother, Jon,” He smiled at you.
You were very skeptical, “Is this another clone?” You asked.
Connor shook his head. “So Clark and Louis…,” you didn’t finish the sentence.
Connor nodded once more, “Yep, they had sex. I wonder how that would work, I always-,” you grimaced and cut your brother off.
“Connor!” You exclaimed, “I don’t wanna think about my mother and father figure having sex!” Your shouting cause Jon to stir next to Connor, immediately opening his eyes.
He blinked a couple times before looking around eyes landing on you. “(M/N)?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, getting down on your knees in front of your baby brother.
“Hello, Honey,” you smiled.
Before Jon could respond Connor spoke up, “You know, Bruce had another kid,” Connor told you.
“Really?” You asked not taking your eyes off of Jon.
“Mhm, he’s an Al Ghul,” This caught you off guard, you turned Connor wide eyed.
“Yep, I know,” Connor replied.
“Holy shit!” You exclaimed.
“Hey! Watch your mouth in front of Jon!” Connor scolded you.
You put your hands up in surrender, “I’m sorry,” you replied.
“You better, do you know how much of a bad mouth Dick, Stephanie, and Tim have?” You watched as Jon visible lit up at those names and quickly looked around.
“Dick?” Jon asked, you shook your head.
“He’s not here buddy,” you turned Connor, “he can’t be more then four, when did Louis have him?” You asked.
“She was three months at the time you left.”
You couldn’t believe it, Clark and Louis probably knew but they didn’t tell you. Hell they didn’t even tell you he was born. You were anger but also hurt, Connor could tell. He could always, he placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m really sorry (N/N),” he told you.
“How could they not tell me?” You asked.
“I don’t know, maybe they thought you’d come straight home,” Connor suggested, but you both knew it wasn’t true.
“I can’t believe it!” You exclaimed. “I’m just much as there kid your two are,” you gestured to Connor and Jon, “I didn’t know my parents, Clark and Louis were the only I had. How could they not tell me?” You felt tears burn your eyes and at this moment you didn’t care, you let them fall freely.
Connor weakly smiled at you, he moved off the couch and sat down on your right. He took your hand into his, you could tell he was fighting back tears. You two had always been close, doing everything together. So when one broke down, the other was very close to following because you didn’t like seeing each other like that.
You didn’t like seeing each other in pain, or sad, or sick. “(M/N), Clark and Louis aren’t good people. You always looked up to them, so I never wanted to tell you but there not. Heck once Jon’s old enough, and Clark doesn’t need me around to take care of his son. I’m gonna grandma and grandpa, I’m not gonna be welcome at home anymore.
I’m gonna be superboy, he is. Because he was kid Louis and Clark wanted,” You watched as the tears fell down your brother’s face, “Not some clone made of him and his arch enemy, not some random kid left on his door step. He’s gonna be the golden boy, the golden child and were gonna be left behind like we never exist,” Connor told you.
You didn’t wanna believe it but deep down, you knew it was true. There was no avoiding it. “Do you ever wish you lived with Lex, instead of Clark?” You asked.
Connor nodded, “Because he even the small times I see him because I have too. Because as much as Clark and Louis want to deny it i’m his kid too. He treats me better then either of them did, he might be asshole sometimes and supervillain but he’s good dad. You ever wonder, what it would be like if you parents kept you?”
You nodded, “Everyday. I wonder what it would like. If they take me back now, even with how fucked I am,” Connor squeezed your hand.
“You not fucked up,” He told you.
You shook your head, “I am! Connor, I am! I couldn’t take care of myself before Jason died, I can hardly do it now. Hell i tried to kill the Joker. I’m having nightmares about the Lazarus Pit and Jason crawling out of his grave. Even though I know it’s gone, and so is he. I’m fucked Connor,”
He shook his head, as he pulled you into a hug. “I love you so much,” he told you, “Your brother, and trust me your not fucked. Clark, Louis, the
joker, and everyone else is,” you felt an extra pair of arms wrap around you and looked to see Jon.
He smiled at you, “I love you too,” he told you.
You couldn’t help but smile as well, “I love you too, Jon. I love the both of you,” you told them.
“Now I have two awesome brothers!” Jon exclaimed. Your smile grew even wider at that.
February 1st, 2022
You, Peter, and Nat were building away from were the other avengers. There was group of people who had landed on Avengers and tower and Friday classified them as threat. The group of people, they brown robes and on the back of them was a symbol one you had seen before.
You knew it but you couldn’t remember where it was from. You remembered it being from a league of some sort, you watched as leader of the group, a women, looked around and as your eyes laid on her you realized who she was, Talia Al Ghul.
“Shit!” you exclaimed. You moved from the building you were on to the Avengers tower. Nat and Peter’s called your name but you didn’t care, as you cared about was making sure Tony, who blasted was currently pointed at Talia, didn’t do something that would cause a war behind the league and the avengers.
You landed in front of Talia seconds before Tony was about to shoot, “Stop!” You exclaimed.
“Good of you finally show up,” Talia told you, you just rolled your eyes
“(Y/S/N), what are you doing?” Tony asked.
“You can’t hurt her, you’ll start a war behind the league and the avengers and believe me that is the last thing y’all need,” You explained.
“A war?” Steve asked.
“The league is a very power power group,” you turned from your friend toward Talia, “What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Can’t I visit my son’s boyfriend?” She asked.
You cocked your eyebrow at her, “Huh?”
Talia just rolled her eyes, “Jason, my son?”
You couldn’t help but be more confused, “Since when is Jason your son?” You asked.
“Since a couple months ago,” she replied.
“Talia, Jason died. He’s been died for years,” you replied.
Talia just smiled at you, “Oh (M/N), he’s alive,” you froze, “And you know it. You’ve been having dreams of him and the Lazarus Pit,”
You shook your head, “No.” You simply said, “Jason died years ago, The Lazarus pit was destroyed years before that by the Justice League,” You exclaimed.
“Yes, but I rebuilt it. I need someone to take of Damien,” She replied.
“So you brought my boyfriend back to life?!” You screamed.
Talia frowned at you, “I thought you would be happy,”
“Oh i’m thrilled!” You stomped your foot, “So fucking thrilled, do you know how dangerous that is? Talia, sure he can protect Damian but he is gonna have urges cause by Lazarus. He’s gonna be so unbelievably anger at Bruce, the Joker, Dick! Everyone!” You exclaimed. Then you remembered, Damian was in Gotham, “Is he..,” You didn’t finish the sentence, you didn’t have too.
“He is,”
“Talia,“ you whispered.
“I didn’t know,” she replied, “You need to stop before he does,” she told you.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“Your connected to him. You can stop him, you can help him,” Talia replied. One of the assassins whispered something to her and she frowned, “I have to go but you need to stop him.”
Before you could speak they were gone you just stared at where they once were. “(M/N)?” Tony asked.
You turned around and noticed Nat and Peter had now joined the other avengers, “I have to go home, I have to go back to Gotham,” you replied.
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wallyslinda · 4 months
i actually didn't expect there's so many jayroses on tumblr omfg? finally my people.
anyway, still though let's be real. if rose was a white person (white man) this ship would've been more popular lmao ppl just don't like if their favorite male characters have canon female (character of color) love interests who are equally if not more powerful.
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morgansunflower · 5 months
Hi I read your male Talia fics and I was wondering if you could write a part three in the story with more interactions between Talin , Damian and y/n. Also I have to say that I love your writing keep up with the amazing work you do
Love To Be With You
Male! Talia al Ghul X Wayne! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, and angst
Arthur's notes! This version of male! Talia is set before Morrison wrote her. Everything is completely consensual. No drugging whatsoever. Good male! Talia. Also I LOVE writing male! Talia if anyone is interested in more! Maybe a au were male! Talia and Y/N adopt Jason lol.
Also side-note to the anonymous request I'm so glad you love my writing thank you for the encouragement!
Talin returned to his empty house with a, emptier heart. He plans to make a romantic dinner for his future wife, however things get in the way.
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Talin steps in his house in Gotham. He had just returned from his covert mission to ensure Slade was no where near them, luckily he never found him. Unluckily the former assassin, was beyond the point of exhaustion.
He let's a dreadful sigh of the emptiness of the room and the empty bed that awaits him. He craves Y/N's hands to come to his cheeks and her face leaning up to his lips to kiss him. He wants to hear about her day and listen to her beautiful voice.
Talin impatiently calls Y/N.
"Talin. I was just thinking about you.. I've missed you. How are you? How was your outing? Any threats??"
"it was dull, which I suppose is good. I have missed you Beloved. How is our son? How are you?" he asked
He always asked her about his son knowing he could trust her to tell him the truth. He also knows Damian well enough to know he would say he's fine when he's truly not..
"our son misses you and.. So do I... He has been working a lot with school and with the Titans. He's actually with the Titans now. He should be here later tonight. I'm doing better now that I hear your voice. Are you in Gotham already? How are you?"
"I just arrived to my empty house" Talin said slightly bitter
"I could tell Damian you're back and he could come see you when he is done with the team?" she offered, in a playful banter denying to offer for herself to come
"I hope I'm not being too forward.." Talin said in a playfully dramatic tone
"go ahead I won't be able to stop you anyway" she laughs causing Talin to chuckle
"would you like to come? Only if you want to! I wish not ruin your evening nor be a burden"
"no! No!! I mean no you're not burdening me or ruining anything. We're going to be married soon, remember?"
"I can hardly wait" he smiles
"me too. I love you Talin"
"and I love you habibi" he kindly said
Y/N hangs up feeling her cheeks redden with her whole body feeling arousal. Talin smiled to himself. She's coming.
He then panicked realizing it was near dinner and she would definitely like to eat. He ran and instantly looked in the fridge. He prepared her favorite dinner. After which he walks to his bedroom to dress himself....
Talin looks in the bathroom and cursed at how exhausted he looks. Y/N would definitely know he wasn't at his full self and she would likely want him to sleep. Though he wanted to be with her..
He sighed dressing himself in his comfortable black sweatpants. He didn't bother putting on his shirt. He was planning to take a very short nap and hopefully look less like he hasn't slept in 2 days.
Y/N looks in the store for Talin's favorite spiced chocolate. She knew her love was probably making them dinner right now.
Talin's eyes were closed for longer than he intended. Perhaps it was for the reason, he didn't want to wake up because he was dreaming of her.
She was kissing him as he loved her with all of his heart poured out. With his heart full of passion which poured into her. It changes to dread.. As then they were no longer in bliss but fighting as she wore her H/N uniform and he wore his uniform. Both were in sync as they were fighting off Slade's soldiers. Then.. He began to cry out as he heard gunfire.
Y/N knocked on the door to his safe-house. He didn't answer. She assumed he was busy doing something with dinner he couldn't step away from. So she let herself in shutting the door behind her.
Her heart warms smelling the delicious food awaiting for her. She steps to the kitchen putting his chocolate on the counter. She gasps seeing the table set. The candles were not yet to be lit, there was a bottle of wine and two plates made with lids on top. She lifts one lid seeing her favorite meal. She was completely flattered putting the lid back on.
"Talin?" she called out.. "Talin?!" she said louder
She made her way throughout the house unable to find him. She then goes to the one place she hasn't checked. His bedroom.
She finds Talin shivering in his throat muttering.. Her name. She realized then as tears seep through his eyelids.. He's having a nightmare.
Y/N quickly moved closer to him "Talin!.. Talin! I'm right here wake up Honey.. Wake up!"
Hearing her voice quickly awakens him. He opened his shaking eyes blinking repeatedly, as he tried to return to reality. She is here, she's alive, she's safe... She's OK. He takes a deep breath. She gently touched his arm. He sighed heavily drying his tears.
"forgive me I did not mean to cause you worry.. It only happens when I am lacking in sleep" he tried to shrug off his anxiety
She gently rubbed his arm "it's OK" she ensures him and then sweetly kisses him "how long?"
"at least over 48 hours, I suppose.. I must have lost track a few hours ago" he scoffed
"Talin! You are truly no better than my brother.. Try to fall back asleep my love" she pleads kissing his face
"no! I can't" he sits up taking her hands into his, own "not after you've come all this way. I want you to enjoy your dinner. Don't worry about me I've slept all I need.. I'm fine"
"you are lying to me Talin but I would like to enjoy the food you've prepared for me and I know you are too stubborn to let me do anything out of the sort.. But after that promise me you will sleep"
"I promise" he smiled softly
"and put on a, damn shirt it's freezing in here!" she demanded flustered as she shoves him
Talin smirked watching her cheeks reddening. He slowly puts on his shirt. She rolled her eyes as he softly laughs. The two held hands as they walked to the table to enjoy dinner with each other.
As they sat together enjoying their food. They enjoyed talking until they both finished. He holds her hand looking at her with a saddening smile. His nightmare still haunting his heart.
"are you ok?" she softly said
He smiled genuinely "better with you here with me.. I would very much love for you to stay"
"I would very much love to be with you"
Talin kisses her temple with his hands on her cheeks. He stands from his seat and takes her hands. She stands with him and kisses him. It gave him much comfort to know this moment was, real.
Talin woke with his anxiety melted and his heart warm. She was sleeping so peacefully, he couldn't bring himself to wake her up. He kisses her sweet lips and moved more of the blanket onto her. She stirs softly and grabbed his arm groaning.
"hold me.."
"ok" he chuckles
He moved closer to her holding her in his arms. After enjoying each other's comfort she departs to take a shower. Talin joined her, but did not stay the entire time as he planned to start breakfast
Talin gives her a kind hug before leaving. He dresses himself in his dark green sweatpants and departs for the kitchen. He began to cook mloukhieh a favorite of hers when she was pregnant with Damian.
He hears a security notification on his phone and looks
"Baba I'm here!" Damian said letting himself in and shuts the door behind him
"dammit" he mumbled.. "hey Dami I'm in the kitchen!" he announced hoping Y/N was out of the shower and had heard them
As his son came into the kitchen he smells his father cooking mloukhieh.
"my favorite" he softly smiled
As father and son greet Y/N enters the room unaware of her son's presence. Talin quickly covered Damian's eyes before he could see his mom. She screamed out in embarrassment as she unfortunately was only wearing her robe and her brawl that was, definitely showing. She runs back into the bedroom
"sorry son!!" she shouted from the bedroom
"it's fine Mom" Damian scoffed lowering his Baba's hand
"want some mloukhieh?" he offered his son
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stolen-wolfbread · 5 months
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So Talia is just a prop for male characters...?
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sochawrites · 2 years
Can I request a Bane x male reader? Just some nice hurt/comfort, please?
Hi there! Yes, you can!
Well, this took longer than expected, sorry for that! I never wrote hurt/comfort before, so I had to do some more research, I would also like to warn you of the ooc Bane possibility.
Anyways, enjoy! ^^
A joytoy?
Bane x Male! reader
Oh, and contains some minor Talia slander, don't mind me...
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Your breath hitched in your throat as you hastily abseiled the steep wall of wet rock. Never in your life have you ever thought you would be grateful for the searing pain of bullet holes and bruises on your skin, as the pain over-shined the burns and blisters forming on your palms from the rough rope.
You couldn't tell if you had your eyes open anymore, as your body moved on autopilot. Each outside sound was dulled by blood pumping mercilessly in your ears. You heard shouts from both above and below, indicating your squad has already made it down, as well as that your enemies were hot on your trail, but could not register any specific words.
Your body pushed itself off the wall one more time, stomach dropping as the rope slacked in your hold, your brain only now recognizing the meaning of some of the shouted words.
And cut.
The fall was a short one, but the impact still knocked the breath out of your lungs. If you were a bit more conscious, you'd heard a nasty crack.
The world seemed still and quiet, but it certainly wasn't that. You were slipping into unconscious already, hardly making out the familiar, enveloping scent of your lover, his body heat as he cradled you in his strong arms, and the voices of your comrades calling out to you. "Stay with us, brother."
Were you awake, or were you asleep? You couldn't tell. But you knew you were hot, feverish even, and every part of your body felt heavy and numb. You could swear your felt something heavy moving delicately over your hand. It was pleasantly cool. You tried to embrace the cool object, but your muscles didn't listen, making you only twitch your fingers. The thing however seemed to take the hint, as it tightened its hold. Was it a hand? It wasn't long before you heard some muffled voices. They didn't sound pleasant.
And just like that, the coldness was gone, your mind fading again soon after.
You didn't know how long has it been since that occurrence, could have been hours, days, or even weeks. You still felt feverish and numb, but your mind was getting clearer by the minute, so a question arose in your head, where were you?
You tried to open your eyes, which was quite a struggle, but you managed after a while. The area was dimly lit, making it easier for your vision to adjust. You didn't recognize the room, it was too nice, too clean, it didn't belong in a mercenary's life, so why were you here? As you looked over your body, the events of the botched heist came forth. There was an IV piercing your arm, pumping in painkillers. That explained the numbness you felt. Examining your arms further, you noticed your hands were freshly bandaged, smelling of some healing ointment.
You heard voices, so you tried to tune in, yet some words were spoken too quietly to be heard. The first was a feminine one, filled with spite, but it sounded familiar. "How long…" "…going to keep that joytoy of yours…" "The plan…" "…motion.". A joytoy? Who was she talking about?
"Be wary…" "…Talia, he's…" Bane! that was Bane's voice, and Talia… wasn't she Ra's Al Ghul's daughter? Could they be talking about you? You tried to hear more of the conversation, but the argument went too faint for your ears.
New questions swirled into your mind, your eyes focusing on the ceiling. What if they were really talking about you? Why did Talia call you a joytoy? Was Bane talking about you that way behind your back? That couldn't be right, he was keen on keeping the relationship secret, even Barsad, Bane's right hand, had to figure it out himself. But this was Talia… maybe things were different for her?
You were deep in thought, not realizing the chatter has ceased. The door opened, and a cold hand trapped yours, startling you.
"Keep calm dearest, it is me." Bane spoke softly, a tone you believed was reserved for you and you only, "It is good to see you finally awake. How are you feeling?". He expressed such care, it was hard to imagine he could talk about you so lowly.
"Hot." you managed to wheeze out, the straining of your cords painfully obvious. Bane simply nodded and stood up, walking to a table that was out of your view. "A fewer was expected, take this.", he returned to your side with a pill in one hand, and a glass of water in the other.
You tried to sit up, but were stopped by both your protesting body and Bane gently pressing down on your shoulder. "Do not strain yourself, your injuries were quite severe." he put the tablets in your palm and sat next to you, putting his hand carefully under your head.
"Drink first…" Bane slowly lifted your head towards the glass, letting you sip the liquid until you felt like it was enough. "Good, good. Will you be able to take the medications yourself?" you could, "Good boy. Now drink it down.". He was rarely this gentle, it almost felt out of place.
After you finished the glass, Bane extended the back of his hand to your forehead, it was cold, so lovely cold, you could not help but to lean into the touch. Bane smiled behind the mask, his chest vibrating with a low chuckle, "You are aware, that you are not able to hide your emotions very well right now, right?". You hummed, "What do you mean?". The drink has certainly helped ease your dry throat.
"There is something on your mind Y/N, speak it." he didn't skip a beat, you, on the other hand, lingered for a second.
"What am I to you?"
Bane visibly halted and looked at you with confusion, a rare sight to come by, "This question would not come unprompted, care to tell me where the idea came from?"
You couldn't look him in the eyes, fearing your voice would betray you, and focused on your hands instead, "I… I just… It's stupid, forget I said-" "Dearest, speak.", Bane's stern voice cut you off, it was an order. You huffed, and shook your head, or at least believed you did, "I heard you talking with Talia a few minutes ago. I believe the phrase 'joytoy of yours' was used, so I suspect it was meant towards me. Is that how you view me?"
Bane raised an eyebrow at you and caressed your cheek, "I would never think of you so lowly dearest. Those are her misjudged words, blinded by envy. You are the light in my life, my weakness." he set aside the water glass and took your hand in his, "The heist has almost cost the life of the only good thing that ever happened to me, I could not leave you at the base, so far from me, with fate uncertain."
Face turning red "Bane, I…", you were at a loss, how were you supposed to answer this? Soft moments like this were rare and far between, you didn't want to ruin it, "As I said, it was stupid… I love you."
You could tell he was smirking at you, "My, it looks like your fever is getting worse… Do you want me to help you cool down?". You blinked up at him, oh the tease he was, you knew where this was going, or, well, thought you did, "I doubt that's possible around you, but it's worth a try…"
Bane patted your hand before letting go and walking around the bed where there was a lot more space for him. He removed his boots before slipping under the blankets and pulling you carefully towards him, resting your head under his chin, arms wrapping around your middle. His whole body was colder than usual as if he was outside not too long ago, but it also could be that your body temperature was even greater than his. You didn't mind though, he was actually quite cooling.
You closed your eyes, feeling content, a wave of sleepiness slowly washing over you, "I also heard something about some plan…". "Do not bother yourself with it now, dearest, you will learn about it together with the others. Now, are you comfortable?"
You hummed tiredly and whispered, "You're much comfier than that pillow…". Bane squeezed you a little bit, mindful of your wounds, "Then I will stay as long as you need."
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maj-3k · 1 year
***Y.N (beeing Ras's child so also Talia's sibling and Damian's uncle/aunt/...)***
Y.N (to Damian): Damian, you can't attack Tim. You have to get used to the fact that he is your brother now.
*also Y.N when Damian is not around*
Y.N (with a katana near Talia's neck and murder in the eyes): I told you I'm going to win bitch!
Ras (sipping tea):Y.N I remind you that it was supposed to be sparring, not a fight to the death
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jesncin · 3 months
In your take, what is the relationship between Bruce and Thalia? In the comics, it runs the gammut from Fraught to "Thalia drugged Bruce and that's how Damian happened"
I need to be more informed on Talia before confidently answering that. I know Talia as a character in general, but I'm not familiar with the nuances of her character. I want her to be both an ambitious League of Assassins leader but also someone capable of mothering Damian (a strict mom and imperfect but not outright abusive). I feel comics and adaptations of Talia go for extreme takes on either direction (where she's characterized as heartless or an overly soft mother or antihero)- and I want something in the middle.
Talia and Bruce have the hots for each other, I can say that. No drugs needed.
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year
"Shipping the two female characters in a (woman-man-woman) love triangle isn't the progressive/feminist move ya'll think it is."
"Yeah exactly I'm looking at you Talia & Selina shippers and Korybabs shippers"
Have you considered
It's not that deep
Mostly people are just having fun with these kinds of ships and in theory, it's a funny way to solve the love triangle for those characters. What it isn't is an agenda and a way to feel good about yourself for "leaving that man behind". It's fun and there's no reason to yuck people's yum when it's not bad in any way. When I see a ship battle going on and I go "what if the girls just kiss each other" it's not me trying to be progressive it's just me not having to pick a side and having fun on the internet. It's really really not deep I hope you get it
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