#abby sucks imo
abbyandercel · 7 months
ok but i don't think we've really dissected just how messy the salt lake crew, minus nora, is.
ok so boom, abby and mel are, like besties/homegirls, right? and what is an unspoken rule within girl friendships? girl fuckin code. GIRL CODE! DON'T DATE YOUR BEST FRIEND'S EX! that should just be friend code imo but whatever. anyways, abby and owen break up or whatever and mel goes right behind and GETS WITH OWEN. not only has a romantic relationship BUT GETS PREGNANT BY HIM. THATS SO FUCKIN MESSY!
now, we don't know how abby felt about that forreal forreal but I doubt she was 100% ok with it. like, i used to have a best friend who went for my ex-boyfriend months after we ended things, but at the time we were talking and were this close to getting back together. i was gonna full-on clobber her. shes lucky covid saved her ass. like it was hot gossip at our school and his school for two good years. but i digress.
AND THEN ABBY SPINS THE BLOCK AND HOOKS BACK UP WITH OWEN KNOWIN FULL WELL HE GOT A BABY ON THE WAY AND IS STILL WITH MEL I think! if I was mel.. well, I wouldn't have fought abby cuz one punch from her would have me seeing god... but shes not bullet proof. but whatever. but mel kinda did her big one telling abby she was a p.o.s, so imma give her her flowers for that. but I don't even think mel laid into Owen. like bro, I'm carrying your whole ass kid AND IM ABOUT TO POP AT ANY MOMENT AND THIS IS THE THANKS I GET? buutttt mel in the wrong too! why are you boomp-a-doomp-a-doompin' with your best friend's ex???
whatever. correct me if im wrong, but yall really let a man come between the sisterhood? tragic.
edit: i just revisited the boat scene. abby really let the girls out and he didn't so much as suck on them... there was no foreplay, mans just slipped it in and gave 5 pumps in 30 seconds. like... and that was worth ending an entire friendship?
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callisteios · 6 months
I have a new uquiz for you, go on a pilgrimage with me. discover who you are.
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phoneuserhana333 · 9 months
.°˖✧ NSFW+SFW neighbor!doctor!abby / neighbor!producer!reader headcanons .°˖✧
tags: NSFW!!!, dom!abby, strap on, size kink, semi-public car sex, recording the deed, undefined relationship, fluff? perhaps?, hickey giving, come to brazil
:: notes; basically miscellaneous headcanons and thoughts!! hope u enjoy<3 also, part two of the story-based headcanons is in the works, but i fear that it’ll be tooooo long:(
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• during your situationship era, just when you started to get close, abby and you would pick each other’s packages up. you both had expensive equipment shipped over often, so it was a welcome gesture.
• imagine your shocked face when you see a “nsfw, do not open in public!” stamp on one of these packages
• when you rip it open, and find a sleek black strap on (that’s way too big), you nearly cum on the spot. you could barely wrap your hand around it!
• of course, abby would make it fit, albeit with a bit of a struggle she secretly enjoyed, which is exactly why she ordered a bigger size. dr. anderson has a raging size kink!
• abby acts all cool and unbothered when you show her the love songs that you wrote about her. what you don’t see is her giggling and blushing red when she hears the same song in the hospital during her shift a few weeks later, blasting on the radio in the voice of some singer who you work with often
• on the other hand, hearing a more suggestive song she knows is about her will have the woman pulling the car over during a road trip and kissing you until you’re breathless; “backseat, on your knees”
• and suddenly you’re being fucked silly with her hand over your mouth and the other gripping your hips, as abby tries to angle the strap juuust right so that it pleases you both
• it took abby months to find out you were famous. honestly, nora probably told her.
• and she didn’t realize how famous you are until you started dating. kinda dawns upon her when you explain why people are commenting “come to brazil” on a photo of you holding hands, but she’s still pretty clueless
• she is the FIRST person to tell you that a sample or song or lyric sucks (“you know i love you but sweetheart… what is this?”), followed by a pat on the butt and a kiss on the cheek for trying
• she likes to help with lyrics but stays away from instruments and melodies, rightfully so
• accidentally pressed some random buttons when she was fucking you in your home studio once and recorded the whole thing. will send the audio to you randomly, followed by a formal “When will you be home, darling? :)”
• technologically illiterate. poor abs
• when you were still in that undefined phase of your relationship, abby would hate fuck you alll the time.
• singing loudly late into the night? she’s stuffing your red panties into your mouth to shut you up. back talking when she’s telling you off? suddenly you’re bent over her knee, spanked and edged into oblivion. having another party? abby already snuck in, trapping you in the bathroom until she’s had enough of your pussy
• abby herself has no idea why she’s hatefucking you 80% of the time. spoiler alert: it’s because of her repressed emotions towards you. abby doesn’t really date around imo and you showing up and flipping her life upside down was unexpected
• and tbh ellie doesn’t help with this; she’s a huge fan of your work, knows all the singers you work with and is always super nice to you whenever dina drags her along to your parties
• abby hates her. she becomes so much more affectionate towards you after she meets ellie: touching your shoulders and legs, wiping a crumb of food from the corner of your lips with her thumb, anything she can get away with basically
• makes you cum extra hard the night after she met ellie, making sure your neck and collarbones are bruised from her rough kisses and bites (and you’re not even dating yet, how scandalous!)
• she confessed first. horribly anxious and overdressed, abby showed up at your door with a bouquet of assorted flowers, that she chose based on their meaning, your favorite champagne and some sweets you liked. thoughtful, thoughtful gal
• if it was up to her, you would’ve u-hauled a loooog time ago, but she wants to give you space. still, you find yourself sleeping over 6 nights a week and daydreaming about matching rings. how odd!
• basically, you felt first, abby fell harder.
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I have a bit of a hot take regarding tlou/tlou2 which is that sometimes a parent will make a decision that goes against a child's wishes for their own wellbeing. I've heard it said "What parent wouldn't make the choice Joel did" and I think it relates to that, taking in everything with the fireflies and that Ellie is A Child, I think Joel was in the right to make that choice for her. I hope this doesn't come across as dismissive of Ellie, because I'm more trying to think of it from the point of view of a parent. Sorry this was so long.
i honestly think this is a very normal take and any to the contrary i find so baffling lol. like look we can debate all day about whether joel did the morally right or wrong thing in terms of the wider world and in regards to his lying too. i personally think he lied to alleviate ellie of this burden she was carrying that she personally had to save the world to make it up to her loved ones that they died and she didn’t. in the context of him telling her that he’d struggled with surviving but you had to find something to live for i can see his wish for her to not carry that burden cus ofc as a parent you wouldn’t want that and for me i think it’s a bit of a superficial take to say he saved her and then lied out of selfishness cus he couldn’t bear to lose her bcus whilst yes it benefits him too, i don’t see that as his primary reasoning - I think this is backed up too when he tells ellie that he’d do the whole thing again. that’s so striking to me cus the (stupid) consequence of his actions was losing a kid for a second time but despite that pain, knowing that consequence, he’d do it again. doesn’t smack of selfishness for me, i think that’s incredibly selfless of him actually considering he’d lost a kid before and took so long to get over it. but that’s MY interpretation and everyone’s will be different and i can at least acknowledge that.
but this continued nonsense about joel doing the wrong thing for ellie when he saved her bcus he was taking away her agency makes me want to die actually. it’s so fucking weird. ellie is ready to die bcus of TRAUMA. and that’s not actually a good reason to let a 14yr old kid die. if we wanna talk about agency/autonomy let’s talk about how the fireflies were attempting to manipulate/exploit ellie’s trauma and survivor’s guilt in order to justify what they were going to with her, cus that’s far more fucked up and is what ACTUALLY takes away ellie’s agency. it so fucking exploitative. ‘you know she’d want this’ well first of all then at least have the decency to actually ask her and second of all yeah i think she’d have agreed to it but wanting to out of guilt and trauma isn’t actually a free choice lol? and there should be no fucking debate on that. joel absolutely did the right thing to stop them.
i think a big part of this agency/autonomy thing is a result of part 2 lol. i think it’s easy to use it as some war cry to justify why joel had absolution coming to him and deserved to be beaten to death the disgusting way he was. almost as though it’s some sort of justification for abby and liking her. joel had it coming blah blah he stole the cure from the world and he took away ellie’s agency go abby!! which is just bullshit imo but what can you do.
what i think is the biggest shame of all is that part 2, in its attempt to justify a complete estrangement between joel and ellie so that her suffering would be Worse when he died (cus they didn’t give her enough trauma in that horrible game), went with this idea of ellie being mad that joel took away her chance to have a life that mattered. that fucking sucks for me cus she’s my favourite character and i wanted more for her. i wanted to see her overcome that trauma and let go of her guilt by realising it wasn’t her fault her friends died and i most of all wanted her to realise her life ALWAYS mattered and that’s why joel saved her. instead ofc the narrative wouldn’t work unless we had 25 hours of it being shoved down our throats that joel was so Wrong for saving ellie that they didn’t examine his actions and the reasons with any nuance or care, it was just so superficial and boring and heavy handed. how sad that at 14 ellie was ready to die bcus of trauma and thought her life didn’t matter/have value unless she was a cure and at 19 she still thought her life didn’t matter cus she wasn’t a cure. she deserved better. from the narrative AND this fandom that, if they actually cared about her as a character, wouldn’t keep banging on about joel taking away her agency/autonomy and would have wanted to see the same growth in her i wanted to see instead of thinking it’s some great masterpiece that she’s completely stagnant, even after she’s been tortured relentlessly for 25 straight hours lmao. i find it all so bizarre to see ppl claim to care about ellie but don’t see anything wrong with how the devs treated her in order to tell their misery porn story. these are the same ppl who so patronisingly write on this app about how they’re ‘the real fans’ (ive had this directed to me personally) cus they were sooooo clever to understand part 2 lmfaoooo.
anyway this got away from me and was far bitchier in parts than id intended it to be ajsjjs it just Grinds My Gears when this agency crap comes up cus it’s ridiculous BUT yes i agree with you completely.
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maygrcnt · 2 months
Let’s see the Olivia 911 song list
thank youuuuu for asking i love you!! i know i said five but i didn’t want to stop at five so i did ten. also im gonna try and refrain myself from just saying every song is a buck song but it’s hard
1. Brutal- seasons 1-3 May. I feel like we as a collective don’t talk about the early seasons of may grant enough. she was just a kid! and she was being bullied so bad she thought she didn’t have any way out of it, it’s so heartbreaking. and then she just kept going through stuff in her family life and… i just care for her so much and this is HER song fr.
2. Deja Vu- Buddie. there’s no like actual moment of buddie for deja vu but i just feel like this is what’s going through both of their heads every single time the other person has a date with someone else. like this is the one and only buddie jealousy song to me!
3. Vampire- Buck/abby. like i’m sorry you can’t convince me buck abby was an ethical relationship and im NOT talking about the age gap even though that’s the main point of this song. like she got his info in a sketchy way and then basically used him to help her heal until she was ready to move on but then didn’t even have the guts to do an actual breakup and left the kid hanging for months. call me a bitch but i feel very comfortable saying she sucked so much of his energy and life. it took two full seasons for him to fully find closure from that while she had started a whole new life! :/
4. Stranger- Buck/abby again lol. this is like the other side of that argument where it’s like, buck was totally crushed but now in season seven who the fuck cares about her! she’s just a stranger now! and the lyric “you are the best thing i keep so far out of my life” is very them. because she did change his outlook on life in MANY ways but his healing from her was the best thing he could have ever done.
5. logical & enough for you- maddie. my heart breaks listening to these songs from a maddie perspective. thinking about how long she suffered and dealt with so much she didn’t deserve,,, these are the best songs for her imo especially the lyric “one day i’ll be everything for somebody else” because she is she really is! and she’s getting married to the person who looks at her like she hung the moon and i love her!!!
6. Making the bed- eddie, specifically pre canon eddie. idk how to explain this one but it’s very much just the idea of him getting back to his son realizing how shit things are and being like … i had a part in making this problem and now i need to fix my shit. and then he did!
7. 1sf3sb- henren in the early seasons/precanon. the cheating storyline is one of my least favs but i love how they showed them rebuilding from it and coming back even stronger. but in the midst of it all this song is truly very them from karen’s perspective. she was valid for everything during that time btw karen is a literal saint for her patience.
8. boahsg- ravi, our little clumsy socially awkward darling
9. Love is embarrassing- Bisexual buck!!!!!! this is my fav liv song and it’s so buck it’s not even funny. the anthem for the give more than they get hopeless romantics oh god i love him and it became way way more buck when he kissed a man who’s kind of a loser. i bet he’s planning out his wedding with a guy he’s never marrying right now!
10. finally, the newest addition to my list and the most important in my mind: Scared of my guitar the most buddie song to ever buddie (other than good luck babe). I love this song so much coming from the perspective of them literally not being able to lie to each other but they can lie to significant others like it’s nothing. oh there’s so much good stuff in there it’s amazing.
thank you for letting me do this anon ily
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moth--knight · 5 months
HELLO KELS!! For the recent ask game reblog, #5 and #7? >:)
HELLO ABBY!! Thank you for the ask >:)
5. Favorite platonic pairing?
Oh god, such a good question. Maybe Palamedes and Harrowhark? They break my heart (EXTREMELY POSITIVE). I also love the FemShep and Garrus friendship, and Viola and Cheshire :)
7. Least favorite headcanon?
I feel like this is you stoking the flames......and yet, I will add more wood to the fire with my answer. Alas.
Probably my biggest ick is the way people write Jeanne and Bayonetta when it comes to their sexuality; coding Jeanne as a vindictive femcel lesbian who can't let go of Bayo rejecting her, and coding Bayo as a stupid bisexual who just doesn't get that men suck. Both are really gross headcanons imo because they are rarely written or talked about in a self aware way, and end up being projections of the prejudice certain people have toward queer women. There are ways to write, for example, a Jeanne dealing with rejection and a Bayonetta dealing with comphet, that do no fallback on tired stereotypes about scary predatory lesbians and idiot bisexual women. It is often just textbook lesbiphobia and biphobia and I cannot fucking stand it!!!!!!! RAUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But besides that, I really cannot think of any other hc that bothers me. Headcanons are fun I am glad people are having fun with them, even if I don't share the same ideas, you know?
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oodlyenough · 1 year
What did you think of TLOU ep5 and the changes to the game? I honestly thought they did things better in the show.
Honestly same, I really liked it. This segment of the game is fun to play but much of the story would be lacking on screen without that gameplay, and the action would've felt/looked too unrealistic on tv I think... like, Joel and co escaping a gazillion-strong army and infinite infected lol.
This got really long so it's under a cut. At the end I talk a bit about tlou2 spoilers although it's marked:
I thought Sam and Henry were great and I liked the changes that were made there, although I have to admit I'd actually forgotten the finer details of their story, eg I had forgotten there was more tension between Henry and Sam in the game. I don't mind them replacing it. I also thought Sam being Deaf and the use of ASL brought an interesting element to their story that wasn't in the game. I thought Sam and Ellie's bonding was adorable. Also... henry... 👀
In my ep 4 post I was worried maybe they'd make Henry somehow "deserving" of his fate, vs game Henry being an innocent. And I suppose they kind of did make him guilty... but it was an extremely sympathetic reason VS Kathleen being utterly unreasonable (more on that below) so I was fine with it in the end.
I gotta say even though I knew it was likely Sam and Henry would have the same fate as their game counterparts, Ellie's "my blood is medicine" got me fhklghldfkg I was like well that makes no sense but I'll allow it" bc I wanted poor Sam to be ok :( Ellie sis I feel u.
My #unpopular opinion, I think, is that I don't really like the angle the show is taking of "the infected are still themselves inside". I guess it's meant to be part of the body horror and stuff. Maybe I'm just being a game purist. It just seems a bit goofy to me and I can't really embrace it lol. Reminds me of the James portions of TWDG s4 which I fucking hated.
The action sequence at the end was incredible imo, felt simultaneously very game-like (Leo pointing meme @ the sniper) while improving adapting the source material well. The infected surging out of the ground, the Bloater, etc, were all really well done I thought. Also the child clicker omg hats off to the baby gymnast bc her movements were creepy as shit.
Joel nailing every shot made me laugh a bit because I fucking suck as the sniper LOL I always get everyone killed sooo many times.
Probably the most contentious bit of the episode is Kathleen. I think she served her purpose well enough -- I've seen plenty of complaints that she wasn't compelling, or that she was too cartoonishly evil, and then I think about how in the game, Philly is just run by an-entirely-men-only military armed force who hunts down Joel+Ellie and every other "tourist" with completely unjustified determination because... uh.... because ? (I get they kill tourists for resources. Surely Joel, Ellie, Henry and Sam are not worth the resources expended to track them down across the fuckin' city lmao. It only works because video game.) So obviously the show had to do SOMETHING else
Anyway, I think Kathleen mostly worked. I don't think she was sympathetic at all but I don't think she needed to be -- whatever sympathy you might briefly feel about her brother is pretty quickly extinguished by her saying she knows he'd want forgiveness but she doesn't give a shit, and then again later by her being like "lmao fuck them kids". I also thought casting Melanie Lynskey to use her softest soccer mom voice while saying heinous shit was great... I feel like the "well she's not threatening" stuff is totally off base lmao I don't know how anyone could draw that conclusion tbh. Are entitled """""nice"""" white women leading a lynch mob not terrifying...??
TLOU2 discussion/spoilers:
Obviously the natural comparison here is Kathleen and Ellie and/or Abby. I think her story hits a lot of those similar notes -- she's blinded by her revenge to her own destruction and the destruction of those around her, etc. So I understand where people are drawing those connections. I don't think it's really, like, fair/accurate to Ellie or Abby to say that Kathleen is exactly the same. I don't even think it's a case of "well if we spent time in Kathleen's shoes we'd understand", a la what TLOU2 did/wanted to do with Abby. Neither Abby nor Ellie mobilize and jeopardize their entire community to exact their revenge -- the former Fireflies come by choice, and so do Dina/Tommy/Jesse. Clearly the collateral damage of their revenge is a huge part of the game, but Ellie and Abby also don't have any "Fuck them kids" scenes where they expressly want to murder children as a punishment for their guardian's sins, lmao. The closest you get is Ellie threatening Lev, which is the bottom of the barrel low point for her character and then she turns it around in the end.
So... I don't know. I mean yes obviously Kathleen serves as a bit of foreshadowing or a "parallel" or whatever, but I do think it's inaccurate to pretend it's hypocritical to judge Kathleen but like Abby or Ellie lol.
My final general thought/slight criticism is that the show isn't especially subtle. I've become a bit more sympathetic to television's lack of subtlety over the years as it has uhhh become clearer to me how much an audience will just straight up miss stuff, lmao, and I think part of the stuff that feels un-subtle feels that way to me as someone who already knows the story intimately and perhaps doesn't read that way to a first time viewer.
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autismnation · 1 year
just finished santa clarita diet (i’m very late i know) and a lot of people said it ends on a HUGE cliffhanger but imo its not huge when people said huge cliffhanger i expected it to be something crazy like a massive betrayal that we never get to see play out or something and im so glad it isnt something like that bc netflix SUCKS and even tho its not a huge cliffhanger it was cancelled even though its really good !!! and like ive been rooting for eric/abby this whole time and i dont even get to see them as an official couple? criminal! and i wanna see joel as undead like the end was so interesting!! netflix always cancels shows that end when things get really good, another example is i am not okay with this
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mothinked · 1 year
I just wanna put it out there to any Mel writers: I’m not strictly an Owen x Abby shipper and I do enjoy Mel as a character and would love to expand on Owen’s dynamic/relationship with her at some point. He should have treated Mel better in the game and not cheated (personally I have no sympathy for cheaters but this is rp not irl so I’m not that mad lol). Yes, I know this and I agree 100%. That being said, I’m open to writing them! I actually don’t hate any of the characters from Ellie’s side or Abby’s and the whole story states loud and clear: everyone sucks and has done shitty things. I think that in order to write any of the characters from Part II in a way that’s true to Naughty Dog’s storytelling, you should have a good understanding of all perspectives. I love that we got to play not just as Ellie but Abby as well. You don’t have to agree with one side over the other imo.
It’s all about the layers.
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loserdiaz · 2 years
If you had to rank all of his girlfriends how would you rank them? I would say Ali was my favorite because she didn’t have the same qualities that I think Taylor and Abby had, which is a complete disregard for Buck but in different ways. Taylor seemed to lack empathy as a person and a girlfriend and she never seemed to be on the same page as him. She saw him when he was vulnerable at the end of season 4 and kissed him and it later snowballed into a dumpster fire of a relationship. The way Abby found Buck and started dating him was just creepy and also showed a complete disregard for him in how she pursued him and left and then came back still not getting that it was all messed up with how she handled all of it. The attitude Taylor had when she realized things were over and still didn’t see anything wrong with her behavior to that point… from wanting to exploit Bobby to running the story about Jonah. I’m not saying Ali was a saint because no one is perfect by any means but I feel as if she was different from the other two and she didn’t lack empathy and she didn’t string him along in the way Abby and Taylor did. Yes she dumped him and it sucked but it was different imo
i completely agree with the ali thing! i mean honestly? like yeah she dumped him and it sucks but i also understand it and i probably would've done the same. like, i wouldn't be able to live worrying about the person i love and whether they're alive or safe everyday, y'know??
so i guess my ranking is:
1. ali
2. taylor
3. abby (bc you can say whatever you want about taylor but abby was the creepiest and i just ugh, can't stand her as a character in general)
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platinum-iridium · 1 month
I know you—and the entire fandom lol—are t fans of Nolan but idk if it’s latent Will Graham love or that I like just how bland he is—he gives major wimp and as a lesbian those are the only kind of men I can stand 😂 but I really enjoy his lawyering. He’s no McCoy and Sam is definitely no Jamie Ross or Abbie or even Serena and Clair (put those 2 together bc they were the most mild and accommodating imo) but I like his brand of approaching the crime. Honestly I think he needs a better co counsel and they need to switch Sam out with someone who has a little more fire and is less of a pushover. I like the original Lo&O the most rn tho for the most part the formulaic and straight forward storytelling is comforting. No shock value like SVU and bumpy weekly plots like OC.
it’s not him that i have a problem with, it’s the writing. i can see what they’re going for, i’m just never convinced that the wins are earned. like i used to have to sit at the end of a law and order episode and just be like damn. no episode leaves me feeling that way anymore. and it’s mostly the lawyering part that falls flat to me. no amazing insights into the defendants psyche, no clever cross examinations, no picking up on subtleties in the testimonies. that’s the shit i love about the second half and maybe the writers just need to hit their stride bc it sucks in all the spinoffs rn
i do feel like this eada/ada pair are trying to capture the cutter/rubirosa dynamic and that’s probably also throwing me because its not hitting the same. like at all
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kosmikowboj · 1 year
ima be greedy: 🌿 💎 and 💌
🌿 how does creating make you feel?
so. many. things. name an emotion and creating has probably made me feel it--it's made me euphoric it's made me devastated it's made me anxious it's made me calm like it truly is such an Experience for me and that's part of why I love it!!!
💎 why is writing important to you?
prepare yourself for a long-winded answer HAH
writing is one of those things that I’ve just done ever since I was little, and I think part of why it’s so important to me is because it has been such a steady constant in my life. sometimes I find old journals from when I was a real small kid full of all these little stories and I’m like wow…we 🤝
there’s also the “shit sucks? put some blorbos Through It” element. writing can be extremely cathartic for me (or, at the very least, a nice distraction), and I always find myself writing more whenever my mental health takes a dip. makes life a bit more bearable!
even beyond my personal experiences, I feel like there’s something so deeply beautiful about the written word—like putting humanity under a microscope, almost. everyone’s unique life experiences shape their stories and their writing styles in such interesting ways, and I love seeing what little moments capture people’s attention.
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
ohhh my god so many answers to this question AGAIN but I gotta be careful bc anything I say will commit me to actually finishing a WIP LMAO
speaking in general terms, I've been writing a lot of BBC Merlin stuff recently (wow shocker!) and I’m really trying to explore Merlin and Arthur’s fundamentally fucked up relationship in some of the stuff I’m working on. they are so messed up and I love pushing buttons and seeing what happens heehee (and giving them time to heal after ofc I’m not a monster) (well. most of the time).
in the same vein, one of the long fics I’m working on dives a lot into Merlin and Morgana’s relationship, and how they’re honestly not so different imo? like if you really get down to the roots of their character motivations they’re both driven by selfishness, it just manifests in different (but sometimes equally unhinged) ways. I think forcing them to confront that is 👀 plus then they can have magic tea parties after <3
(all of these qs are from this post)
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Since Noah's posts got me thinking let's ask-
Could Abby leaving Buck be considered a form of fridging? While she wasnt physically harmed, the action was narratively played as most important in the way it affected Buck, and in the end, she was removed from the show with some level of emotional pain following her mother's death, and we didnt hear from her again until two seasons later.... when her whole purpose was to fulfill Bucks unfinished narrative.
Personally I'm a bit torn on if this could be considered a form of fridging because she didn't actually die, but experienced emotional injury and was removed from the show, or if it's just the usual misogyny, but I wanna hear some opinions on it.
(Clowns DNI)
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shy-peacock · 4 years
My favorite thing about the movie Happiest Season is that it shows you can be in a lesbian relationship and when a new lesbian comes into the picture, you can be friends with them and have good chemistry but not flipping cheat!!!
Neither of the main characters even came close to something considerably “wrong” or “cheating IMO. The ex boyfriend was respectful, and on his side of things Harper wasn’t dating anyone so he still maintained a distance that was kind but was curious about getting back together with her.
Riley never once indicated flirting or even jealousy while with Abby. She spoke the truth about her history with Riley but it was always respectful and never once did I see her cross that line of trying to get with Abby, regardless of how Harper treated her.
We witnessed Abby and Harper at their worst because they were in a stressful (although comical) point in their relationship that was due to the holidays, the family and the exes being present. We only got to see them at their best at the start and end of the movie. Couples fight, holidays suck, that doesn’t mean that they are bad for each other.
I think the movie did a great job showing us a normal lesbian relationship and especially did an AMAZING job showing that other people can be in your lives and you can have history or good chemistry with them and it doesn’t mean you break off your solid relationship with your GF/BF and go for them just cause you hit a rough patch.
-(And they did a great job at showing someone who was in the closet and struggling to come out)
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himbodiaz · 3 years
yes! And listen, I don't hate Abby. I understand to an extent where she was coming from and I understand that she suddenly had so much she had to figure out after her mom passed, but she did leave buck out of the loop on his own relationship and I know it's partially because she didn't even know where they stood herself but it still was absolutely unfair to him (The fiance thing is a whole other story but I'm glad Buck got his closure). When Ali broke up with him she was straightforward about it. The second she realized that as much as she really liked buck, dating someone with a job like his wasn't something she could, do she told him.
i do hate abby (and trust me i really wanted to like her), but yes to all of this!! like as soon as abby knew she wasn’t coming back, or even when she wasn’t sure whether or not she was, she should’ve told buck. i honestly would not have had an issue with the age gap in their relationship if she had been honest about not knowing if she’d be back. but buck was so young when he was with abby, and (imo) he always took their relationship more seriously than her, and as someone who significantly older than him, the way she treated him always icks me out.
and then with taylor, their whole relationship (and really any interaction between them) is not one based in respect, at least when it comes to taylor giving buck any. like i know she was worried about him, but after telling him she wanted to be friends, she then kisses him after his best friend was shot in front of him and he’s taking care of said best friend’s kid? he’s so obviously not in a place to start a relationship, and yet???
and yeah, like listen, ali breaking up with buck while he’s still recovering really sucks. but she respected him by not leading him on, by not trying to continue a relationship that she wasnt prepared to have. and when they were together she was always supportive of him, made time for him whenever she could, and treated him with respect. ali respected buck from the start of their relationship until the end, and i can’t say the same for his other two girlfriends
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lakefama · 4 years
How old are you? And how long have you been a profesional artist and how long have you been drawing in general? Do you have any tips for an artist who is still developing their skills? I really want to be a storyboard artist but dunno where to start, I have many ideas for animatics, like I can visualize a scene very clearly but every time I start drawing and laying the scene out, I always get afraid I will fail or not be able to represent my vision properly, how can one overcome this?
I’m 24! I’ve been working in storyboards for TV animation for 2 years now and drawing/animating for about 10 years. 
Honestly, storyboarding for the most part is just a LOT of drawing, so I feel like the first fundamental step to training toward storyboarding is to just get drawing fundamentals down: anatomy and perspective particularly, and economy of line imo (i.e. - making your sketches legible and not too scratchy.) TBH, these are skills you will constantly be developing! I still feel like I’m learning these skills every day. 
The process of storyboarding itself does require a specific skillset beyond just drawing fundamentals too of course. There’s a lot of resources online nowadays for storyboarding! Abby Lee @/ebbigal on twitter compiled this great “learning storyboarding on a budget” document here. 
As for feeling stuck or being afraid of failure, the things that helped me most overcoming those fears are: 
1) seeking feedback from others! it really helps get you out of your own head and see how other people are viewing your work. it’s scary at first because it does require some vulnerability, but it’s an essential skill to have as an artist, and honestly I think it’s rewarding to receive feedback and implement it and see how your work improves as a result! 
2) embracing the mindset of “if this shot/scene isn’t working for me, i’ll just redraw it.” Storyboarding often requires you to be kind of emotionally unattached to your drawings/staging etc, as they’ll get changed a lot. Storyboards are the rough guidelines for animation, so they don’t have to be perfect and polished, it’s more important that the information is coming across clearly and effectively. storyboarding is a lot of problem solving so you’ll likely do a lot of working and reworking on your storyboards, and that’s a good thing, not a sign of failure! 
3) embracing the mindset also that we’re all constantly learning and growing as artists and it’s definitely ok to not be perfect, especially on your first few projects. Honestly whenever I look at my work that’s like 5+ months old I’m like, yeesh, cringe, that sucks hahaha, but even then it’s a testament to my growth, and surely someone will still see something valuable in it even if you’re not super proud of it. 
Go for it and make the projects you wanna make! 
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