#acotar ask game
bloomingdarkgarden · 1 month
30) Who are your favourite friendships to write about?
Nesta and Elain 📖🌹
I just think those girls really went through something together that no one else in prythian will ever really understand and it is so interesting to explore.
Otherwise Viviane and my original character Hemish.
He's the bestie who yanks her out of the winter court tavern by her ponytail when she's being a mopey little shit about Kallias and I love him.
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tilseptemberends · 2 days
Acotar Ask Game
Tagged by @shadowqueenjude
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
Depends on the day. It swings a bit between Lucien, Elain, and Tarquin
Who's your least favourite character?
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
No <3
Fine, if I had to say something nice I'd probably just compliment his eyes. I've always liked purple eyes aesthetically.
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
Tarquin. Let me hold his hand just once please please please-
Favorite minor character?
I'm not sure what qualifies a minor character in this case. Maybe Helion? He hasn't had much influence on the plot but he's fun to read about.
I would say Gwyn but I feel that she's important enough to the plot of ACOSF that she and Emerie qualify as more secondary protagonists.
Favorite ship?
Favorite court?
Summer. Even if the temperature would kill me.
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
The Court of Lost Things - A court of outcasts with no home, where small objects that people lose in other court appear in random cupboards or drawers. Where lost people find each other.
The high lord's power would be called 'guiding light' they just extend their palm and a silver thread of light could either guide them home or guide a lost person to the court.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
Lucien and Eris or Helion. Or all three. I love messy family drama.
What’s your unpopular opinion?
WELL... I'm generally anti inner circle so like half of my page is unpopular opinions.
What is your favorite headcanon?
Elain will be a healer!
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
Find a small house in the middle of one of the capital cities and just exist with a view of all the different people and magic.
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
Water manipulation. I've always wanted water magic <3
Tagging: @starsreminisce @kateprincessofbluewhales @zenkindoflove
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velidewrites · 2 years
22 Gwynriel 👀
22 - “I’m sorry, but that was not my fault.”
"You're late. Again," Gwyn's voice sounded from the training pit.
Catching a glimpse of shining copper, his shadows peered up, swirling around his body in an attempt to get him closer to the sight. "I'm sorry, but last time was not my fault," he said, meeting her gaze at last as he reached the pit's centre. "You know I got stuck chaperoning our lovely friends."
She angled her head, teal eyes narrowing in a way he knew could only mean trouble. "And tonight?"
He couldn't help but smirk, his eyes mimicking the movement of her own. "Spymaster duty," he only offered, earning a hum of disapproval from the priestess.
Taking a step closer, Gwyn pointed a finger to his chest, the tip of her digit lightly grazing against the black leathers. "Not good enough, shadowsinger. Need I remind you that your duty is also to train me? You committed to this, you know," she drew back, crossing her arms—a clear signal of her indignation that did nothing to hide the amusement glittering in her stare. "I expect you to show up at the agreed upon time."
Azriel chuckled. "Yes, my lady."
He tried to ignore the soft blush rising through her cheeks at the endearment. "I'm no lady," she murmured, and before he could help it, one of his shadows shot down to her chin, lifting it gently so that her teal eyes could meet his own.
Making sure his tone was as unyielding as the words forged within his heart, Azriel said, "You are. In more ways than you think. But more importantly, you are a warrior, Gwyn. And a great one at that," he added, tilting his head to the side at her stunned silence. Reaching to where his shadow had rested, his strong fingers cupped her chin, feeling something glow in his chest as her features brightened up at the touch.
With a smile blooming over his lips, Azriel asked, "So let's get to our training, shall we?"
Gwyn's lips curled up in a wicked grin. "We shall."
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6, 11 & 12 violence ask game 🔥
6. "which ships fans are most annoying"
See I don't wanna come off as a hater because I have friends and moots who ship these ships and I don't want them to think it applies to them :'( But just like anyone who engaged with the gwynriel, oriel, elucien ship war super aggressively I find annoying. Not everyone though!!
11. "Number of fandom related words you've filtered"
Only ten!
12. "The unpopular character you actually like and why more people should like them"
I'm ngl I don't think any of the characters I like (at least in acotar) are unpopular? Like I like everyone in the ic, I like Elain mostly, I like Helion, I like Vivianne and Kallias, I like Emerie and Gwyn, I like Lucien on occasion. Hmm I guess Jurian? I like him and he's not exactly popular? I think more people should like him cause he's just neat.
Thanks for asking!
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Ask Game
I'm bored and its my last day of vacation, please ask away!
A: Your current OTP.
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?
G: What was your first fandom?
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
S: What's a headcanon you have?
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
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milswrites · 2 months
SJM ask game
1) What’s your favourite SJM book?
2) Which is your favourite series (tog, acotar or cc)
3) Who is your favourite character? (And why?)
4) Do you have a favourite quote from one of the books?
5) Favourite ship?
6) Elriel or Gwynriel? Or neither?
7) Who’s the most underrated SJM character?
8) Which character do you wish to learn more about?
9) Are there any characters you don’t like?
10) Favourite bat boy?
11) Favourite court?/ Which one would you most like to live in?
12) Favourite SJM villain?
13) If you could change one thing in any of the books what would it be?
14) Favourite SJM theory?
15) Favourite Archeron sister?
16) A character you feel is over-hated/ underrated
17) Aelin, Bryce, or Feyre?
18) What’s your favourite character from each series?
19) If you wrote an acotar book what would you call it?
20) Who is your favourite acotar blogger?
21)What fics would you recommend to people who love the series?
Questions for writers
22) Easiest character to write for?
23) Hardest character to write for?
24) What’s a character you’d like to write for but haven’t yet?
25) What’s a court you’d like to write about more?
26) What’s a character you won’t write for and why?
27) If you could only write for one character ever again, who would you pick?
28) Whats your favourite trope to write about when it comes to Azriel?
29) What do you think is the best/favourite acotar fic you’ve written?
30) Who are your favourite friendships to write about?
31) For first time readers to your blog, which three fics would you recommend they read?
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rowaelinsdaughter · 3 months
15 and 44 fenrys or rowalein or feysand
i love fenrys, i love rowaelin, i love feysand. so i made one for all of them :)
15- passionately.
44-out of lust.
warning;; sex allusion, suggestive
Tumblr media
her head was dizzy and her body was on fire. she didn't know how they ended up leaving the party just to look at the full moon on one of the garden's of orynth castle. she was looking at the moon when she felt fenrys arms wrap around her waist, hidding his face on her neck. "you look beautiful today, sweetheart" she smiled at the compliment "thank you fen. i could say the same thing about you." his hands moved to her hip up to her shoulders. he turned her so she was looking at him. the moon light creating an enchanting halo around her. she's ethereal.
one hand traced the form of her lips, her cheek, her eyebrow, her face, until it found a place on the curve of her neck. the other returned to her waist, grabbing it so they were close enough they could each other entirely. all the imperfections and perfections. she was the one who started it. slow and sweet. savoring the moment under the moonlight. but what started sweet turned passion. hands moving and looking for each other. teeth crashing and tongue touching. the broke the kiss to catch a breath. "let's go to our room" he smirked "i was looking for it"
𐙚˙⋆.˚ 44
if someone told her that they had tasted heaven, she would have answered that they didn't know what true heaven was, but she did. heaven was anywhere feyre and rhys where, and she loved being stuck between them.
their family had finally go, not that she didn't hate them, she loved her family because they were the only real one she had ever had, but she craved being with her mates, and it didn't help the fact that they had being teasing her all night.
but now that she was between them in their king seize bed, rhys kissing her with all the passion he had, and feyre kissing her neck behind her, while her hands wandered through her body, she felt her desire start a fire in her. her hand touched rhys cock through his loose pants and groaned. behind her, feyre moved a hand to her cunt. she let a moan, one rhys swallowed. feyre started to move her hand, her arousal more and more with each movement of her hand.
you better be ready sweetheart, because this is just the beggining.
when she had looked at aelin with her black dress, her long and toned legs showing up through the splits, her makeup accenting her ethereal features and her amazing eyes... it took all the strenght not to fell at her feets. and rowan... he looked like a god, sculpted by them. his suit hugged his body perfectly, his muscles attempting to rip apart the clothes. if she didn't knew they were queen and king, she would have thought they were gods.
15 minutes later, she was still looking at them, clenching her tights to ease the burning heat of her body. she went to the drink table, grabbing a glass of what looked like wine, and drank all. a pair of hands grabbed her waist, and the scent of jasmine, lemon verbena, and crackling embers filled her.
"hello little flame" she murmured, her lips bitting her ear.
"aelin, please, everybody could see us"
"so?? i dont care if they see the way your tights clench when you see me," she leaned again, and murmured "lest get out of here."
she dragged her back to their room. the door closed and aelin kissed her. she could have died right there from her attention, how she was devouring her, how her hands roamed thorugh her body. she lost track of time, and a moment later she felt rowan's body on her back, but they were still kissing, as if they didn't care rowan was there. his hands found the top of her dress and ripped it, leaving her with the lengerie.
aelin moved apart, both of them breathing fast. rowan kissed her neck, founding her sensitive spot that made her crazy and messy.
"let's have some fun little flame"
all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Ohhh interesting! On the flip side, how about any really dark or serious?
Many 😌
But the ones that are preaching most in my mind are these at the moment:
Yandere Zeus/Hera Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) [Greek Mythology]
Yandere Light Yagami/Kira Headcanons (General) [Death Note]
Yandere Hades/Persephone Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) [Greek Mythology]
Yandere Akatsuki Headcanons (Platonic) [Naruto]
Yandere Roronoa Zoro Headcanons (General) [One Piece]
Yandere Wednesday Addams Headcanons (General) [Wednesday]
Yandere Aegon the Conqueror/Visenya Targaryen/Rhaenys Targaryen Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) [ASOIAF]
Yandere Khal Drogo/Daenerys Targaryen Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) [Game of Thrones]
Yandere Ramsay Bolton Headcanons (General) [Game of Thrones]
Yandere Volturi Headcanons (Platonic) [Twilight]
Yan!Husband Maegor the Cruel Headcanons (Romantic) [ASOIAF]
Yandere Azriel Headcanons (General) [ACOTAR]
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 5 months
Conquests for wip game
So I can’t remember when the hell I wrote this or what the hell it was supposed to be, but as I haven’t written much, I’ll just put what there is under the cut 😏🫶🏻
Warning: smut 🔥🔥
Brutal hands grasped your hips. The touch was bruising, the scratch of calluses and scars alike a heady scrape that bit into your skin and seemed to only urge your pleasure on. It was the third climax to have ripped through your body that night.
“Fuck!” Azriel, the shadowsinger, the High Lord’s spymaster and perhaps the most mysterious, elusive male in all of Prythian — in your opinion, anyway — threw his head back and groaned his release in panting, breathless noises. His hips stuttered, his cock twitching inside you.
He was a generous lover — or, at least, that was certainly the impression you’d got after your four heady, brilliant fucks over the last three weeks. The fact that he kept coming back may have been a little stroke to your ego.
You’d first glimpsed him through drunken, hazy eyes across a very packed bar. You’d known who he was, of course — everybody did, and the Shadowsinger and the rest of the High Lord’s Inner Circle frequented Rita’s so much that it wasn’t unusual to spy the imposing presence of Illyrian wings. Azriel had never noticed you before that night, nor had you tried to get his attention.
A seasoned performer in the Rainbow of Velaris, there had never been any reason for you to rub shoulders with the spymaster. You’d been at Rita’s on the same nights as him multiple times, and your existence had gone utterly unknown to him.
Until that night. That night, when your loud laughter had seemed to reach him across the bar, and he’d glanced over in mere curiosity, his eyes meeting yours. That night, when you’d repeatedly shared looks around the club, but never inched any closer to one another, he with his friends and you with yours. That night, when you’d known he was watching you dance with a lick of hunger in his hazel eyes, and you’d maybe given him a bit of a show.
That night, when he’d finally approached you in the concrete backyard of the club, where you'd been stealing a few solitary moments of fresh air. He’d glimpsed you wandering out, and he’d followed moments later. He’d stared at you and you’d stared at him. Neither of you spoke a word before he’d been licking and kissing the salty sweat from your lips, your skin, and then he’d fucked you against the wall.
He’d had the decency to walk you home afterwards, given that your friends were long gone. And though he’d smiled at you on your doorstep and given you his name — “my name is Azriel, he’d said. “I know,” you’d said — you hadn’t been foolish enough to expect anything more than the heated one night stand.
Everyone knew Azriel the Shadowsinger had a fair few lovers. It was an unspoken thing — that he was highly sought after and yet never settled down. There was no mate he paraded around the city like his two closest friends did. He was solitary, private—
But by no means celibate. He got his pleasure from somewhere frequently enough.
Which was why it had surprised you when he’d turned up at your door three nights after you’d fucked against a cold concrete wall. He was in his glorious Illyrian leathers you in a silk two-piece loungewear set. He’d just come back from a mission, and you’d just opened a bottle of wine.
“I realised you never gave me your name.” He’d said. A pathetic, polite way of dressing up what he’d really meant: my work is stressful and I need to let off some steam.
You’d given him your name and then fucked him on your sofa. He’d left soon after, considerably more relaxed than when he’d arrived.
The third fuck was, again, at your house. You’d been sitting on your balcony in the late hours, watching the stars winking over Velaris. You’d heard the booming clap of wings and glimpsed a dark mass passing overhead. Azriel had spotted you and swooped down, landing on your balcony with barely a thud.
“Have you been waiting for me?” He’d said, his lips twitching — the first glimmer that there was an element of dry, quiet wit to his personality.
“No.” You’d retorted just as drily. “Never.”
He’d smiled a strange, vague smile at that, and then fucked you against the balcony rail, the stars bearing witness to every gasp and moan.
Which brought you to now — the fourth time.
Azriel pulled out of you and stood from the bed. It was unusual for you to see him in the late morning; the light shafting through your large, open windows only exacerbated his beauty. There was something strangely uncomfortable about it. Like it was sacrilege for him to debase his ethereal allure by standing there, in your cramped little townhouse, having just bedded you — a nobody, one of many faces in a crowd.
One of many lovers, too, you were sure. It would be foolish to allow yourself to be bothered by that.
The broad expanse of his tan, muscled back rippled as he leant down, retrieving his clothes he’d discarded on your floor. You watched with mild indifference, wondering — as you had the previous three times — if this would be the last time. If Azriel had had his fill of you, and you wouldn’t be seeing him again.
Any moment now, he would throw you his polite, winning smile and bid you goodbye—
He turned to you, fastening his breeches. His eyes flashed quick with hunger as they landed on your naked body, and then climbed back up to your eyes.
“What is it you do?” He asked.
The question sounded strange — as though he felt required to make polite conversation. As though he expected you to expect something from him.
“I’m a dancer.” You replied. “In the Rainbow.”
It seemed he considered that for a moment. And he paused, as though searching for an appropriate reply.
“Don’t feel obligated to stick around.” You told him, surely putting him out of his misery. “I know you’re a very busy male, Shadowsinger.”
“…I don’t want to be rude…”
“You’re not.” You fished his shirt from your side of the bed, chucking it his way. “I’m rather busy myself.”
And you were — you had a performance that evening. One that you would spend the afternoon rehearsing for. You needed him gone as much as he needed to be gone.
Still, he appeared to hesitate a moment, before he mumbled a quiet “alright” and shucked the rest of his clothes on.
Neither of you spoke any more beyond your pleasant goodbyes, and you were already running your bath when you heard your front door shut.
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elliemarchetti · 8 months
the alphabet of flowers prompt list
Maybe one day I'll write down all the great ideas behind this list, but for now I'll leave it here, at the mercy of Tumblr users. Feel free to request any flower, combo or bouquet for all the characters, ships and fandoms you find in the tags and of course let me know if something sparks your imagination!
Edit: adding a link to every prompt I complete as we speak
a.      Agapanthus – Love Letter
b.      Basil – Hate
c.      Cactus – Passionate Love [blackinnon]
d.      Daphne - I Wouldn't Want You Any Other Way
e.      Echinacea – Strength and Health
f.       Fern – Sincerity
g.      Gardenia – Sophistication
h.      Hibiscus – Delicate Beauty
i.       Iberid – Indifference
j.      Jasmine – Amiability [elucien]
k.     Kalanchoe – Persistence and Eternal Love
l.      Lantana – Strictness
m.    Magnolia – Dignity [elriel]
n.     Narcissus – New Beginnings
o.     Orchid – Refined Beauty
p.     Peony – Anger
q.     Quince – Perseverance During Adversity
r.      Rose – Love
s.     Sage – Good Health and Long Life
t.     Trillium – Modest Beauty
u.     Ursinia – Trickery
v.      Vervain – Pray For Me
w.     Waterlily – Birth and Resurrection
x.      Xeranthemum – Eternity and Immortality
y.      Yellow Bell – Rebirth
z.      Zinnia – Lasting Affection
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zenkindoflove · 2 months
Tumblr media
Kiss prompt asks
🌷Elain x Lucien🦊
20...on a scar
23...in relief
7...to shut them up
10...desperately (NSFW)
26...as an apology
19...for luck
45/47...out of anger/spite
4... where it hurts
💍Sathia x Tharion🦦
46...out of envy or jealousy
17...to distract
49...out of necessity
🍁Eris x Alexius (OC)🔆
34...to pretend
9...in public
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shadowqueenjude · 2 days
Tagged by @sonics-atelier and @crazy-ache and @hieragalbatorixdottir
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
Lucien Vanserra basically since the moment he stepped on page
Who's your least favourite character?
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
Uhhhhh, he makes a good power bottom for Tamlin?
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
Damn, this is tough. Tamlin and Tarquin are super close for me, and I like Beron for his villain potential and Kallias because he’s a simp for his wife…I’ll go with Tamlin though.
Favorite minor character?
Not sure what qualifies as a minor character! Does Eris count? If so, definitely him. What about Gwyn and Emerie? Or are they also too important? If we’re talking truly “minor” character in terms of screen time, then Jurian for sure.
Favorite ship?
Elucien obviously
Favorite court?
AUTUMN COURT. There’s so much potential for an in-depth plot there, and the intrigue, the Vanserras, the aesthetic, that FIREEEEE…
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
A Court of the dead! A court where witches and seers and all kinds thrive and interact with the living dead. The High Lord/Lady of that court also rules over the Underworld, which you can reach by descending a super long staircase behind the throne. Weather? Think San Francisco. Hella foggy and misty. High Lord/Lady’s power? Raising the dead. Silver fire. Like Nesta.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
The relationship between the Archeron sisters. Everyone and their mothers interfered in their relationship instead of letting them be girls and figure it out on their own which I believe contributes to how weird their relationship is rn.
What’s your unpopular opinion?
Basically all my takes on the bat boys…
What is your favorite headcanon?
I have two: One that Elain has healing and earth magic, and two that Eris is a pianist.
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
Jump into the Cauldron.
Immerse myself in the culture! I’m trying aaallll the food, and the wine, and convincing one of the High Fae to give me faerie sight for a sec so that I can see everything as it truly is, maybe jumping into the starlight pool…😍
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
Shapeshifting is SUCH a broken ability, like??? Imagine being able to turn into whatever you want??? Don’t wanna be seen? Shapeshift into a mouse. Wanna go places? Fly by bird, baby. Wanna check if your spouse is cheating on you? Shapeshift into their suspected lover, or hey, become a fly on their wall. Your natural form feels ugly to you? Just make yourself hotter! You can experiment with genders and sexualities, scare people by shapeshifting into a dragon or some shit, like??? Where’s the drawback? It’s sooo cool and it’s not explored enough. As much of a Vanserra girlie I am, I NEED those shapeshifting abilities.
Tagging: @valkyriepegusus @ennawrite @positivelyruined @rin-u-pos @sunbrightheart @tilseptemberends @decadentpostnacho @yoddhasblog
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crazy-ache · 2 days
ACOTAR tag game 💕
Thanks for tagging me @the-darkestminds @zenkindoflove @ataraxiasflame @starsreminisce and @teddyhoneybear!!!
Answer the questions below & tag whoever you want, or make it an open tag!!
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
Lucien Vanserra. Since Book 1.
Who's your least favourite character?
Ianthe. I am currently re-reading ACOWAR and god she is the worst. Especially for all she did to Feyre and my baby Lucien. I also hate that she was a missed opportunity for a complex, female villain, perhaps with undertones of religious motivations....instead of another female sexual predator villain in Sarah's books. Sigh.
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
She got what she deserved!!! :-)
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
Helion Spell-Cleaver. I am very into his tragic love story with the Lady of Autumn. It gives me Greek mythology vibes. My head canon is that Helion told her to reject the bond, to protect her from the wrath of Beron, and to protect her sons. He begged and begged her to do it, because it was better for him to suffer than for her to lose her life.
Favourite MINOR character?
Jurian, hands down. He's got that tortured asshole soul vibe going on. A human who is not remotely phased by magic or Fae after all the shit he's been through. People underestimate how brilliant and wise he probably is....because he's an ass lmao. And I love that about him.
Favourite ship? (Crackships included!)
Favourite court and why?
Autumn Court. The political intrigue. The fall vibes. The amazing forests. It feels very faerie and I want to see more of that lore in the coming books.
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
Court of Mountains --> Picture this. Influences from the Incan Empire. Think of buildings and temples built into the mountains, like Machu Picchu. I picked this because I've visited it before/share roots with it and it felt magical - the lore, the beauty, the mountains .... it would make for an incredible kind of court we haven't seen before. I am envisioning the people have magic that controls the Earth (like Earthbenders!) and it helps them live and survive in the difficult landscapes, away from the other courts. IDK I made this all up now.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
I need an Elain and Eris friendship arc and I need it now.
What's your unpopular opinion?
That the Elucien book is next, then a novella, and then a Gwynriel book. Ha.
What's your favourite headcanon/fan canon?
That although Lucien never told Papa Archeron directly, the man figured it out by himself that Lucien was the one for Elain. Maybe he didn't know the word mate but he said - wait a second. They're going to be together. This fae is a little too interested in her, but I like him. And he gives him his blessing before he dies. I think he's the one who told Lucien that Elain is worth waiting for...and to take her to the tulip fields one day. YES I WROTE A WHOLE ASS FIC FOR THIS
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
I want to experience all the magic. Just frolic through a field and really feel this fae magical world, see the creatures, witness the magic and spells, just be absolutely bewitched by it all.
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
Y'all I want fire magic. Because I've always wanted to be a fire bender. IYKYK
No pressure tags!! @works-of-heart @yaralulu @animezinglife @shadowqueenjude
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velidewrites · 2 years
I got a few asks for 20 Gwynriel so hopefully the Anons that submitted them will see this <3
20 - “I’m sorry I made you worry.”
Azriel surveyed her face, the coppery brows pulled in a frown, the muscles tightened in her jaw, the plush lips that had now formed a thin line. The faint glimmer of worry in her teal eyes as her delicate hands scanned his arm for more injuries. His shadows welcomed her touch, swirling around her wrists in a happy dance. He would have stopped them, had it not been for the amusement that glittered in her stare, slowly fading out her concern.
"I told you I was okay, Berdara," he chuckled, the sound quickly breaking into a hiss as her fingers stroked a particularly nasty cut.
She hummed knowingly, the sound enough of an answer as she pressed a gauze to the small wound, making him wince at the contact. "Stay still, shadowsinger," she ordered.
He couldn't stop his lips from curling up at her tone. "Bossy," he teased.
Her mouth tightened in response. "Someone has to be, if you keep running off Cauldron knows where every night without a care for your safety."
Azriel winced again, and this time, it was not at the gauze grazing his arm. Tension rippled through the space between them, and before he could stop himself, his hand reached out to lightly grip her wrist, replacing the smooth darkness of his shadows. "Gwyn," he said, but her gaze remained fixed on his wound, refusing to meet his own in her usual, stubborn manner. Azriel sighed.
"Gwyn," he pressed, pulling her hand towards him, feeling his shadows hum in content as her palm rested upon his neck. "I'm sorry I made you worry."
Teal eyes met his own, and Azriel's breath caught in his throat as her delicate fingers gently brushed the soft skin of his neck. "I just...don't like it when you're hurt," she admitted.
Rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand, Azriel smiled. He would gratefully take any injury if it meant getting to feel her skin on his.
Send me a fic prompt
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witch-and-her-witcher · 4 months
I wish you would write a fic about body worshiping someone who is ashamed to recieve it. The ashamed party both loves and hates the worship at the same time and their partner makes them cum about it until they're cross-eyed.
Oh, anon, I know you didn't want Lussian ... but that's what's happening. 🤭
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Lucien x Cassian (Lussian) | E | Touch Starved, Body Worship | 2k
Rhysand asks Lucien to help piece the General of his armies back together after the ill-fated Winter Solstice. Lucien is nothing if not diligent in his task.
Had Rhysand known through his daemati abilities what would happen?
Had he somehow seen a mutual need within his brother and this outsider amongst his court?
Or maybe both of their abject loneliness, the unbidden pin of rejection from a mate, was plain enough for everyone to see. No special mind reading skills needed.
Winter Solstice hadn't gone well for either of them.
That seems likely enough to Lucien, because it had been an obvious weight bearing down on Cassian's broad shoulders and drooping wings as he shouldered into the seedy tavern the High Lord had pointed him towards — because it was a familiar one.
He's also not sure if anyone outside of himself, Rhysand and Cassian himself realize he and the eldest Archeron are mates.
That's originally what Lucien had assumed, why Rhysand had sent him to find the Night Court General, bidding Lucien the best fit for cheering up the male because, "You'll find even his sour moods are pleasant in comparison to Tamlin's most mild moods."
If no one else knew about the bond, if no one else had nothing better to do on Winter Solstice beside pretend to sleep in a too large bed in a too large home full of too large of personalities, or if no one else had Lucien's particular expertise with hot tempered military types ...
Well, he didn't know the exact reasoning behind Rhysand's task, but now ... now this inevitability seems like the true reason.
Because if there's anything these two miserable males need, it's to get laid.
To drown out their loneliness and rejection in the passions of another's shared body.
And why not kill two birds with one stone?
It has the High Lord of Night Court’s scheming efficiency written all over it.
What Lucien can't wrap his mind around now is why he can't find it in himself to say no. 
To tell the hulking mass of muscles and tattoos and sad hazel eyes that he's had one too many, that they both have while commiserating, and he doesn't really want to invite this outcast among them to his bed.
Instead, as Cassian rubs circles into Lucien's hip bones where he's rucked up his shirt, skewed his trousers to get skin on skin contact, Lucien can only think about how good those sword calloused thumbs will feel elsewhere. How intoxicating Cassian's hot, whiskey flavored breath is in this shared space between their mouths.
“What do you say, fireling?”
Lucien’s metal eye whirs with indecision.
His mind knows this is a potentially terrible idea.
But his cock?
Broad, broad hands wind their way, brushing under the waistband of his trousers and eliciting goosebumps in their wake along Lucien’s hips.
Anxiety simmers under the surface as Cassian waits intently for any indication of Lucien’s desires. His gaze trails the planes of his face, but doesn’t snag anywhere in particular.
He doesn’t get hung up on the scars, on the metal eye.
He never has and Lucien appreciates that about Cassian.
So he presses his hips forward, so Cassian’s thumbs bite into his hip bones on just this side of painful, and his hard cock rubs against the seam of his trouser as he grinds against the leather trapped, iron-hard length in front of him.
“How will you make me feel good, Illyrian?” he asks, and he lets the low-stoked embers of the heat growing in his belly show in his good eye. “What are you willing to do?”
Cassian’s mouth falls slightly agape, lost in the friction between their erections for a moment, before cupping a hand at the back of Lucien’s skull, fingers threading through the unbound hair at the nape of his neck.
It’s a controlling hold. Two points of contact, the one of his neck and the one on his hip now, and Lucien knows with the added weight of his wings, it gives Cassian the upper hand if things were to turn physical.
What he doesn’t know is how far this male needs that control to go.
If he’s too insecure with his own proclivities, with his body’s desires, to fully give himself over …
Lucien knows what he likes, he’s had the gift of a youth spent traveling courts and getting to know many fae. And he also knows what he doesn’t like, and that’s being sought after for his pretty, long hair, so a male can chase the need to bury his prick in another male while telling himself that the hair he’s gripping in the dark is a females, isn’t forbidden or wrong in his mind —
No, Lucien doesn’t want that.
But he does want to see Cassian come undone beneath him.
He wants to see this male, with his wide open expressions and brutal honesty, come apart on his cock when Lucien shows him the real meaning of feeling good.
“Anything,” Cassian says breathily, desperately, “Gods, whatever you want. Please, come home with me.”
That’s when it comes crashing down on Lucien, that Cassian is holding onto him like this out of fear and desperation that Lucien will reject him too.
Emotion catches in his throat.
Cauldron boil him, if he doesn’t fall everytime for large, hopeful eyes turned on him when they belong to a male who is more familiar with bloodshed and rolling heads than tender touches under a lover’s careful ministrations.
Lucien closes the distance between their mouths while gently taking both sides of Cassian’s face in his hands. He caresses the stubble on his cheeks. 
There’s still an obvious tension running through him.
“Yes, Cassian, I’ll go home with you,” Lucien says into his mouth, smiling when the Illyrian instantly relaxes against him. His relief is palatable.
Gods save him, Cassian is going to be a responsive lover.
“Lucien, you don’t have to —”
One long finger presses to Cassian’s lips, silencing him, as Lucien uses his tongue to trace a patchwork of scars along the warrior’s heaving chest, thickly corded abdomen.
Even the deep v cut of muscles down to his jutting erection is littered with near misses.
Lucien licks and kisses each one of them. The breath from his nose fans along the dips and swells of Cassian’s well defined muscles packaged neatly beneath layers of coarse hairs, soft brown skin, and padding of well-fed Illyrian flesh.
Propped up on pillows to allow his wings to fan out behind him on the bed, Cassian watches Lucien’s every movement like a nervous rabbit, wings twitching and pupils blown wide. The hand that had silenced his lips now trails along his pectoral before grabbing a handful of his left tit.
Cassian’s mouth opens in a soundless gasp.
Gone is the fearsome apex predator.
Replaced by a male that needs to be shown what a gift he is. 
“Please, you don’t need to …” Cassian grumbles futilely. 
Lucien flicks his gaze upwards, metal eye clicking. “Don’t need to what? Appreciate all you’ve sacrificed? All the pieces of your body you’ve given away to serve and protect your people?” 
He nuzzles into one of the folds of his skin at his side that isn’t all muscle and scars, but soft and plush.
“Or I don’t need to remind you that you’re built like a fucking demi-god?”
Cassian averts his gaze to the far wall, jaw twitching. But his swordsman’s hands find Lucien’s, big enough to encompass his. No small feat, to make even a son of Autumn look average. Cassian squeezes Lucien’s hands.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet, handsome. I’ve only just begun.”
“You —”
“— don’t have to?” Lucien grins wickedly, flashing his pointy High Fae teeth. “I’m aware.”
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
Cassian only grunts in response, eyes rolled back in his skull as pleasure rolls over his body.
Pleasure Lucien has been giving him through two orgasms — and he’s getting ready to build to a third. Sweat drips from Lucien’s brow, drips onto Cassian’s chest.
“Hey. Look at me.”
Thick lashes part and those intelligent hazel eyes with their depths of emotions gaze right into Lucien.
Lucien doesn’t halt his languid thrusts into the velvet clutch of Cassian’s molten insides when he reaches up to grip his chin in his hand. He knows he’s hitting him just right, in just the right spot, to send blissed out kisses up and down the male’s spine, drawing him closer and closer to the edge without overstimulating.
“I see you, Cassian,” Lucien says, the full heat of his fire now unleashed in his gaze. “You’re confident in many things, but here you think you’re unworthy. You aren’t. You’re fucking glorious. And good.”
Something stubborn flares up in the Illyrian. Uncomfortable with the truth in Lucien’s words. 
Lucien shakes his head though, adjusts his angle with the thrust of his hips so he’s perfectly nailign that bundle of nerves that turns Cassian to putty beneath him.
“You’re worthy of her, Cassian. You are.”
When he opens his eyes again, they’re silver lined. Oh, darling boy. Lucien dips down to place butterfly kisses along Cassian’s brow.
“I’m not,” Cassian croaks, even as his stomach tenses and his breath hitches in the tell of his impending climax.
“Shh, shh, you are,” Lucien croons. He places one more tender kiss on Cassian’s forehead. “You are so damn worthy, the Mother doesn’t lie. You just have to believe it.”
He pushes back, licking the salt of his sweat from his lips, and pistons into Cassian with a fervor to bring them both to completion. To chase away any other lingering doubts the Illyrian might hold.
A shame Cassian has been allowed to carry this in him.
When they’re both wrung out, Lucien doesn’t have a chance to collapse against him before Cassian is wrapping his burly arms around him and crushing him to his chest.
“Thank you, thank you.”
His voice is wrecked with emotion, his cheeks wet with silent tears.
Lucien breathes easier.
When’s the last time he’s felt truly needed?
But here, tonight, he was of use.
“It’s my pleasure, Cassian,” he says into the bulging bicep around his face.
There’s little chance he’s moving from this spot for a while, so he flicks a wrist and cleans up the mess they’ve made of each other, of Cassian’s sheets. He settles into the warm, hairy pillow of Cassian’s chest and deeply breaths in his woodsy musk.
“She’s a fool for dismissing you,” Cassian whispers into the sleepy, blissed out space around them.
“Oh. Well. Archerons tend to be foolish, we can’t hold their nature against them.”
Cassian tries to laugh but it comes out hollow, pained.
Lucien tilts his chin upwards, places a few more kisses along the column of Cassian’s neck. Some of his dark hair is pinned in sweaty curls there.
“I meant what I said.”
“It’s okay if you didn’t.”
Lucien pins Cassian with his russet eye, the metal one whirring with the wave of emotion the words set off with him. “What will it take to convince you?”
Cassian huffs, the air cooling along Lucien’s sweaty hairline, and this time it sounds closer to a real laugh. His eyes are red-rimmed, but there’s more light in them than when Lucien had found him at that bar.
“You’ve done enough, fox. Don’t worry. I’m just being a big Illyrian baby.”
“Feyre might be onto something with that, I’ll admit. But, if you need me to show you further proof —”
“Mother above, I’m not two hundred anymore.”
Lucien snorts and relaxes back against Cassian’s chest.
He’s nearly drifted off when that whisper floats to him once more.
“You’re okay to stay? At least until the morning?”
Lucien nods into his chest, feels the way Cassian’s muscles go slack around him, not holding him quite so tight. “Nowhere to be until tomorrow afternoon, even.”
“Alright. Nice. Good.” Cassian yawns loudly, shuffles his wings a little before he seems to settle. “Are you alright … sleeping like this?”
Ten-thousand degrees too hot? Skin sticky between the two of them?
Obviously exactly what Cassian needs?
“Yes, I’m alright.”
The Illyrian drifts off only moments later. Lucien wishes for Winter Court magic briefly, and then manages to cast his magic towards the window to at least allow a breeze in.
“Cassian has been in better spirits.”
Lucien looks up from the report he’s diligently prepared on the state of the human lands for the High Lord of the Night Court.
Sitting back in his chair, hands steepled before his jaw, Rhysand’s lips quirk in amusement. “You’re shockingly good at what you do, Lucien.”
He nods absently, unsure if he’s alluding to all of what Lucien did that night … Or simply the task of piecing his General back together.
Either way, he’s not wrong.
Lucien has never met an unsatisfied lover.
“Cassian seems to need more opportunities to assure himself of his worth in this Court beyond simply leading his troops.” Stars twinkle in those violet eyes and now Lucien knows for certain the High Lord knows all of the lurid details. “Would you be open to taking him under your wing, if I have him as the main point of contact for your emissary work in the human lands?”
“Of course.”
“I’ll see to the arrangements then.”
Lucien will never understand how this Court manages to function with a High Lord who is such a busybody and determined to be in everyone’s affairs.
But at this particular juncture, he won’t complain.
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acourtofladydeath · 8 hours
❤️👻 (I think that’s the right heart lol)
Hello love! Thank you so much for this ask!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
I have so many fics I've written and lines I love, so I'm gonna give you two:
A small excerpt from "Take These Broken Wings", chapter 4: "All Your Life"
He rested his cheek atop Cassian’s blood-soaked curls and began to sing. A song to center himself, to comfort Nesta, and to keep Cassian tethered to this world just a bit longer… they only had to make it a bit longer. Time passed slowly, as molasses moved in the frigid cold, and Azriel matched the cadence of his lullaby to the ever-slowing pumping of Cassian’s weary heart. 
And a single line spoken by the Lady of Autumn in "Welcome to the Family":
“You might even enjoy it. I know I did, but Beron didn’t have quite so many brothers.”
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
This was a very popular request, so I'm going to give a different headcanon for each post. I'm not sure any of them are wild, but I don't think they're common.
I headcanon that Beron's parents were even worse than he is, and compared to them his actions are tame. He truly believes he's doing the right thing to save himself and his family, which makes him all the more dangerous. I think he also may have been gotten worse after discovering the Lady of Autumn's betrayal, but he doesn't acknowledge that fact publicly to save his family's public image.
I hope these selections live up to your expectations! If anyone else would like to join in on the game, you can find the initial question lis here.
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