#actually even I'M not certain.
i am like one encouraging reply away from writing a crackfic where all the avatars go to a karaoke bar and each eyevatar gives a shockingly different yet cunt-serving performance.
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dittobooty · 1 year
Thinking a lot about how in One Piece there's a continuing theme of self sacrifice that often doesn't meet its end (I won't say always because there are some characters who have eaten shit for a cause). But I just think about how easy it would be to just accept their sacrifice but the narrative won't allow that. Robin, Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe, they've all tried to give their life for the sake of others but they can't because they really don't have to. I think about Robin's "I want to live" regularly. It's so easy to die for someone but it's so much harder to live for them. And living for them gives back so much more than dying for them does. Dying is just a moment but living lets you have more moments and more time to show how much you care and lets you do so much for others. I feel like a lot of other shonen show dying as one of the bravest things you can do but One Piece is so different because it shows you that living is actually the bravest thing.
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tathrin · 6 months
The Extremely Serious and Scientific Legolas Fandom Hair Colour Poll:
What colour hair do you picture in your head for your personal mental image of Legolas of the Woodland Realm? (Not necessarily which one you think is more or less "canonical"; rather just what you see in your head when you're reading something.)
Ideally, you can also share when and how you were first exposed to Lord of the Rings in the tags or reblogs, and what you think most influenced your mental image.
No I'm not procrastinating from writing stuff, go away.
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captain-astors · 9 months
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Creature. (The rendered ones are referenced from manga panels)
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chauffeurkashmir · 3 months
I cannot express how much I love this picture
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Just. Wow.
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Everyone: Pokemon is a family-friendly game for all ages!
Children, reading the Bulbapedia page on Pokemon IVs trying to figure out how they work:
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attleboy · 4 months
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the usual red sketches i do are not an option, i'm talking finished art here... i've realized i got no clue what you guys see as my usual art style. whoops
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markantonys · 6 months
also, wotseries canNOT just drop "btw we suspect luke fetherston might be gawyn" as a footnote in their article about morgase's casting!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't spring these things on me with no warning!!!!!
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i remember when they first reported that luke fetherston was in s3 and i looked him up and was like "wow that is one absurdly handsome man 😳 i wonder who he'll play" and YALL IF HE ENDS UP BEING GAWYN-
but on the other hand: no fear "what if the 'galad trakand' on callum kerr's cv was actually meant to say 'gawyn trakand' rather than just meaning galad has the trakand name in showverse" one fear!!!! he has Jock Bro vibes that i don't think would suit my babygirl gawyn at all, but luke fetherston has galad vibes (at least for how i personally picture galad, though everyone surely has very different ideas of what the best-looking man in randland looks like!) and he does look a bit like josha, so what if the casting is actually flipped?
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but then, i have an easier time picturing callum kerr (right) as a whitecloak and luke fetherston (left) as egwene's malewife than the reverse. and neither looks to me noticeably older than the other, so that offers us no clues. (they both kinda seem older than i would picture gawyn, though, but you never know how they might look in costume or with different hairstyles, etc.)
slight tangent but season 2's complete lack of reference to moiraine and anvaere having a brother, when they easily could have tossed in a mention to set up galad's arrival in s3, does make me wonder if maybe they'll cut out the trakand-damodred connection altogether and just make galad a full trakand sibling and morgase's biological son (and not related to rand). i do love galad and morgase having such a sweet and positive stepchild/parent relationship, but i wouldn't object to the show simplifying the family tree since galad being rand's half-brother never ends up mattering for shit; that connection is notoriously unsatisfyingly-handled in the books, so the show may have opted to cut it if they felt they couldn't do it justice. so, whether or not galad's actor resembles josha in any way might be irrelevant.
it is also very possible that luke fetherston is playing an entirely unrelated character (janduin or luc have been popular speculations for him given the josha resemblance) and that gawyn's actor is still unknown! wotseries has been wrong before. still, from what i can recall, they don't usually bother with such specific "we think X character might be played by Y actor" speculation in an official published article that isn't even ABOUT that character or actor unless they feel pretty confident about it...........especially since i have not once seen anyone posit luke as gawyn until now, so it's hardly like it's a popular fan theory they're just parroting...........
(and in even more important news, from a quick google search it appears that luke fetherston is queer, and i NEED to see a randwyn dynamic where gawyn is played by a queer man djkjfg the vibes would be IMPECCABLE)
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dire-kumori · 1 year
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pigeonclaw · 2 days
Idk man. Not a fan of the theory / headcanon about Moonpaw hearing the voice of the sibling she absorbed in utero. That gets a little too close to "fetuses have souls" for me to feel comfortable around and I seriously hope that's not what's gonna happen. Chimerism doesn't make you into two people. It's not conjoined twins. She's just one cat made with two sets of genes. We don't have to get too weird about how bodies just naturally turn out sometimes. Idk.
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meirimerens · 8 months
straight up not respecting some of the alleged p2 characters' ages as they were given on the VA's papers bc you're telling me this is a 27yo man on the left & a 35(!)yo woman on the right? you jest. this woman is in her 20s at most. she doesn't have a wrinkle of age on her face. just worry. i know men age like milk this is taking the piss. i know patho 2 is the "hot blemishless 20something white(-passing) women" game but at this point own it. don't try lying to me. she doesn't look a day past 29. got friends below 25 with more winkles. in the first half of the 20th century too. where would she be getting her anti-aging serums.
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you're telling me this woman who's a chronic worrier, dealing with chronic pain, who smokes like a locomotive to cope is allegedly 5 years Older than this guy who's been drinking himself to sleep for like 5 years.
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(mike's mic voice) don't piss me off
#alledged(?) VA papers? would love to have a peep. might go wander VK if i can make the trek#sorry for getting heated over p2 yulia again. it's no secret i vastly prefer her design in p1#but this is aggravating. chrewly.#i know why that is. i knooooowwww why that is. it's because people in the team (coughs) (coughs) & in Media in general cannaeeeeee stand to#create women who actually look over 25. even women who are supposed to be older.#which while a media Trope/problem across media and genre it's not helped with a certain writer's. hmmm. alleged proclivities.#i would respect her being 35 if you have her to me looking 35. her skin is as smooth as 10 yrs younger Lara with one (1) slit#between the brows that just seems to come from her being a thinker & a worrier. nuh-uh!#ah hell naw!!!#i'm profoundly a p1 ages truther except for most of the kids + rubin. i know men age like milk but that guy is Not 23.#also p2 27yo daniil vs 30yo twins They Have Naht met at first year uni with that timeline. & it is important for me that they do.#most of the kids being averaged to ~15 real to me though. we all been here.#neigh (blabbers)#some of the ages on it make no sense [not just yulia but also like. aspity. who looks like a 20something & is actually ageless/5yo]#& while i can guess it's for like The Vibes / voice acting direction i assume it would make more sense to give the actual age & then add#like context to why they would sound older because that's something you might(?) need to know... would really want to see that with my eyes
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Ok I think I’ve figured it out (probably not but I'm connecting dots !!)
Buck misunderstood the assignment right - but we never really knew what that assignment was, we had lots of theories about it being his heart - him thinking that it was his heart that needed fixing or working on etc. But he’s allergic to naproxen - he’s allergic to the drug they give to those who have heart problems (because its safer - thanks @rogerzsteven for that info in this post )
Bucks heart has never been the problem - that’s why he drew one that was full of sunshine and rainbows - his heart is there full of love and joy - but he thought that that wasn’t right or enough and so he’s spent all this time trying to understand where there is nothing to understand. No what Bucks assignment is is to trust in the love he receives from others, trust that he is valued and wanted and needed - his brain is what gets in his way, not his heart - the voices in his head that tell him he’s too much or not enough or whatever other negatives they are telling him.
Bucks assignment was never about his heart, it was always about him trusting his own voice, his own mind and actually what his heart has been and is still telling him
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vargaslovinghours · 2 months
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And never let you go ♥
Bonus without the overspill lighting:
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#💟#Digital art#Full Art#Art#Edgar#Scriabin#It's that time of year again where I get real sappy about Vargas ♥ Because yes! Once again it is my own personal Vargasversary! 🎊 Yaaaay#Seven years now - I don't know what to do with seven years it feels like a hard to define number haha#Right in the middle between five years and ten years! A while to be certain but hard to define as a Long Time either hmm#Well whatever it doesn't matter <3 The important part is that I still love Vargas and them very much ♥♪#I actually didn't really have any specific plans for this Vargasversary :0 I haven't been drawing them much again#Other things have drawn my focus and attention hehe ♪#So I just kinda set my hand loose - no sketches on paper no defined idea - this is just what my hand/brain came up with in the moment#I'm pleased :) I think it accurately expresses how I feel about them hehe <3#I wrote down what ended up being the text/caption a couple months ago while I was in Big Love in their direction#I don't remember what inspired it anymore other than just - They ♥ Themst ♥ Do love them <3#I've planned my next reread now ♪ Barring anything drastic (like an update lol) I know when I'll be rereading next#I'm looking forward to it! :D As always hehe <3#It's still a bit a ways off which works well for recharging :)#And of course I'll be doing my usual in the meanwhile - this and the main anniversary and my sketchdumps and Requestober haha#The caption is as much me as it is Edgar after all <3#Even quiet and sleeping I still find them as a comfort - a place I find rest and joy in ♥#Inspiring and lovely and wonderful - pretty and tender and dear!#Oh and#Always finding a way to flip up the bottom of the shirt#Hehe <3
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fromtheseventhhell · 9 months
Personally I think it's time for Arya stans to unionize and collectively start being meaner. I'm tired of being "nice" and "fair" to other characters when she gets routinely misinterpreted and turned into a background character. We already get called bullies for pointing out what's written in the books so we might as well embrace it.
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alexis-royce · 10 months
Please indicate when you're done with the Starved Event because Pages thoughts are being thought and I wanna know what your thoughts are about one particular scene later in the event.
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My vote's for poison. How quickly we forget that it's been implied that Pages taxidermies authors that it really likes
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bedlamsbard · 6 months
MCU confirmation on Howard and T'Chanda (T'Challa's grandfather) being pals and T'Chanda giving him the vibranium, and Howard still managing to be exceptionally weird about Steve and being the one to break through to Bucky while being exceptionally weird about Steve, this is the happiest What If has ever made me and probably will ever make me. (that was def AoU Thor though, sorry about...your entire planet being wiped out?)
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*Captain America theme plays*
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