#additionally; at this point of the show the skin would have been likely yellowing or greying due to post-mortem development? so even more
averlym · 8 months
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"now, doesn't that look nice?" [insp]
#*chanting* skask skask skask skask-#vincent aurelius lin#adamandi#hello. let's talk about what's going on here! i've been tossing the idea about here wrt skin translucency ever since that post came out#(it's linked above fyi. but to quote it.) 'attempting to pursue this unachievable white ideal of the young academic; maybe leading to gory#representations of mimicry; replacement; taking on someone else's skin; altering the self'#this is primarily key in vincent and the skask; in the actual show iirc they used a jockey mask or smth? but i was thinking about the#delightful way skin is semi-transparent. and so a literal layer of skin alone would be unlikely to provide the whiteness pursued-#the under layer of the original tone would be there. so smth about the failure and unattainable.#additionally; at this point of the show the skin would have been likely yellowing or greying due to post-mortem development? so even more#Not white. from observations (as a kid;comparing skin tones?) white people have a pinker undertone (this might be. a generalisation but.)#here the lighting is yellowish to further push the difference + give the super harsh lighting that if you suspend disbelief has some hair#appear as blonde to further the ambrose-ness.#also the hair- messier on the non-ambrose side; a reference to the whole monologue about the haircuts they got#we bring to you also another episode of <i like drawing fabric folds> in the jacket symbolism! from bottom right to top left; it tracks#vincent throughout act two: the initial long jacket for standing out (nonchalance?) at ardess is removed; the yellow coat is put on- aided#here by ambrose's ghost which is represented by the hand! (it is very very slightly transparent- you can see the jacket pattern through it)#(if you look close) and then the satchel goes over it; this mimics the clothes in <oh ms reporter>#and then the Actual Ambrose jacket goes above along with the skask; following the outfit from the pyre scene at the end.#the spark/star thing is partially foreshadowing for the upcoming stabby eye trauma thing (@quincy) and partially just so i could highlight#the eye of the mask/ the place where vincent's eye probably is Behind the mask. because i liked the idea of merging faces; intersection.#back to the translucency of skin - you can kind of make out where the rest of his face is from the darker bit? aka it's not the same colour#as the skask. smth smth limited effectiveness...#tldr? face skin. jacket skin. altering appearance over time; unfeasibleness#when i was doing this i suddenly remembered covering my skin in talcum powder as a kid... hm. i'd forgotten about that.#anyways! when i posted my first ever adamandi thing i had the thought of 'this musical makes me want to paint' and surreally enough#that has proved to be so so true. and ngl i am really enjoying it? love it when the motivation to create is there haha#i will add as a disclaimer that i'm literally chinese and if the colours look off.. i did not mean to make a caricature. please be nice#that said because stage lighting tends to shift colours about a Lot i essentially used my own skin as a reference under yellow light?#so hopefully that checks out. <disappears>
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
wrath if subaru’s scarf is RED, not yellow
ok so like this is a very highly specific and Too Detailed and maybe just a Tad bit of a stretch of an analysis but like wrathbaru's scarf is canonically red in the if. but ALMOST EVERYONE makes it yellow in like fanart or other fan content a lot. which isnt a bad thing, i just think its funny because wrathbaru's scarf is like how disney's aurora has a dress that keeps switching between blue and red aljdslfj
but 1. i am a sucker for attention to detail AND im a nerd im so sorry 😭😭 and 2. i love character design a LOT and 3. this is the what if where color is HIGHLY important. and i think the scarf being red is more poignant than it being yellow.
ok to start off. heres what the text says:
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OK COOL so we’ve established the scarf is 100% red. but why? whats the significance? i think this is due to several reasons.
we all know subaru’s signature colors, at least pre-arc 6, in that subaru’s main color palette has been black and yellow. yellow specifically is the main color we associate with him. so its like yes, of course a lot of people in fan content continue that color scheme even with wrath if subaru because his scarf is the one thing in his character design with color in it. BUT thats the whole point of the if—that wrathbaru cant see colors except for if he trusts (or “trusts”, depending on how you see it) a person. yellow is subaru’s main color. but the absence of yellow in wrathbaru’s design emphasizes that hes lost his sense of self (if yellow = current subaru as we know him). the absence of yellow implies that wrathbaru has lost trust in himself (since wrathbaru would DEFINITELY mention it if he saw himself in color). subaru doesnt even wear his normal color palette anymore. it’s been replaced with a color that he hasnt worn at all until this point—red.
(additionally, subaru shared that specific black and yellow color palette with one other person—satella, the person whos given him rbd. wrathbarus paranoia stops him from overusing rbd to the same extent as other versions of subaru. so you could say he kind of. Rejects. having that color palette anymore, in a sense. would wrathbaru even trust / "trust" satella? it's debatable.)
and we DO see main route subaru with a yellow scarf and also later in arc 6 onwards with more yellow outfits and most notably a yellow bandanna. but wrathbaru wears a scarf to hide the scars on his neck and continue minimizing the amount of skin he shows. mainbaru wears a scarf to keep warm during memory snow, and he later wears his bandanna mainly as an accessory and also to help in the desert. so his scarf and bandanna are yellow because That is the color that he favors in all his outfits, and its the color that best showcase who he is. he wears a very warm, almost orange-y yellow; it’s very bold but it's specifically a Welcoming color. red and pitch black, on the other hand, is a very harsh contrast—it’s also bold, but in a Violent way. especially with the obvious red = blood imagery that immediately comes to mind given wrathbaru's kill count.
^^ and for further consideration, tappei (and the official artist(s) for rezero, if its illustrated) Does change subarus outfit in ifs to further showcase how hes changed. theres greed if subaru’s black and white suit (and the similar monochrome and lack of color Emphasizes the drastic changes subaru has been through and loss of self) and, for the purposes of More comparison, sloth if subaru.
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sloth if subaru's design here of course is. yes traditional japanese clothing. but like Clearly his outfit is meant to match 1. his son and 2. rem of course. like it's this purplish color to match all the purple rem wears, but also to contrast his black hair (cant have the outfit be black or his long hair is just gonna fade into it lajsdlf). it's softer than the bold black he wore before - it kind of shows he's mellowed out and matured from settling down and having a family. it's a comfortable and relaxed. it's a sort of casual outfit that fits him well and shows he has a healthy physique. he's pretty content for the most part and it shows in his design. unlike wrathbaru, who's drowning (hah... see what i did there...) in all the Stark Black of his clothing and the fact that of course he's drowning in it. his clothes don't fit right because he's so sickly. that, and he's hiding himself behind all the fabric (the significance of him using the scarf around his neck...).
so sloth if subarus outfit is meant to match rem. on the other hand, i think the biggest reason for the red scarf is that when it comes to wrath if subaru, he IS matching someone. by the end of the if, theres only one person left that he sees in color.
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“bright red”… “scarlet red”… “blood red”…. wrathbaru’s neck is a mess of scars from when ram strangled him, and he covers it with his red scarf.
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25mn · 1 year
Does Ham Last In The Freezer & Fridge?
What Is Ham? Ham, otherwise called new ham, is the rear leg of a hoard. It very well may be essentially simmered, bone in or out, as most different cuts of meat. However, it can likewise be pre-relieved and cooked in various ways to make it a pre-arranged ham. What sort of hoard is utilized, what kind of restoring or cooking process it goes through, and how you treat it from that point forward, will figure out what ends up on the plate before you.
Instructions to Cook Ham A new ham can be cooked (typically sluggish broiled) very much like some other cut of meat, expecting you have a sufficiently huge skillet and broiler to hold it. Yet, ham can — and generally does — go through an underlying precooking or relieving process, which fundamentally influences how it tastes. The essential approaches to setting up a ham are restoring, maturing, and smoking.
Instructions to Let know if Serrano Ham is Terrible Appearance Serrano ham that has been effectively restored and in prime condition is not difficult to recognize; a profound and rich dim shade of pinky-red. It has a similar trademark dull shade of red as salami or an excessively ready tomato.
The fat is overall quite white, clean without any spots or streaks, the relieved muscle can show dashes of this restored fat marbling through the meat, and that is fine.
Nonetheless, Serrano that has turned sour will have a marginally unique tone. Rather than ruddy red and white fat, the shade of the muscle, which ought to be radiant red, will rather be a dim practically purple-red, and the fat that ought to be white will rather be a rich, light yellow.
Clearly, as a component of the air relieving and handling, the beyond Serrano ham becomes stained because of openness. It's silly to consume this meat, rather just eat the relieved ham from under the skin.
Smell Serrano that is in prime condition will have a new ham smell, completely tantalizing and mouth-watering.
In any case, Serrano ham that is terrible, indeed, it will smell, as bad meat. Since that will have happened to it. The restoring system can come up short, and in bombing the meat to some degree decays, and this is the very thing that you'll smell.
Surface Smooth and tenacious, similar to a piece of stick film. Serrano ham that is newly cut from the joint will be somewhat dry yet additionally feel marginally tenacious to your fingers as it flops onto them, however there ought to be no tenacity!
Serrano ham that has ruined, turned sour, notwithstanding, is probably going to be disgusting and tacky, with a kind of seepage that can wait on your finger.
Taste Ham, in its ideal and most ham-iest of states, that is the most effective way to portray Serrano.
It has a profundity of porky-ham flavor that is certain, not such a lot of that it causes you to feel sick, yet as in a small amount makes a huge difference. You needn't bother with a great deal of Serrano to realize you've partaken in a portion of the world's best customary restored ham!
Unfortunately, when Serrano turns sour, it tastes unpleasant and foul, and the main mouth it ought to be going close is the canister! Try not to eat Serrano that is turned sour, actually take a look at different signs before pondering eating your ham, as it can cause difficult disease, including food contamination.
Form During the restoring system, explicitly the air relieving part, almost certainly, form spores will develop on the outside of the ham joint. This is completely normal and not out of the ordinary.
In any case, once cut, you shouldn't see any dim, green, blue, or dark discolouration on the ham. Would it be a good idea for you see anything in this variety scale, the ham ought to be disposed of.
How Long Does Serrano Ham Last Similar as the span of the restoring, your Serrano ham can keep going for quite a long time! In any event, when you cut into it, the maturing system proceeds, and the profundity of flavor will keep on creating.
Be that as it may, not at all like practically any remaining food varieties, Serrano ham has its own life expectancy and capacity prerequisites (talked about in the following segment), and neglecting to follow these can prompt your ham ruining!
How Long Does Serrano Ham Rearward in the Ice chest You shouldn't store your entire Serrano ham in the cooler. Serrano ham, joint-in, ought not be refrigerated, ever. Keeping a Serrano ham in this state will prompt deterioration, and you can anticipate that the ham should turn sour in practically no time.
Cut ham, in a fixed bundle from a grocery store, ought to be saved in a cooler for 3-4 days, or as coordinated on the 'Utilization By'/'Best Before' stamp. Try not to surpass this suggestion, as food contamination might happen.
How Long Does Ham Last In The Freezer & Fridge? While many individuals freeze their pre-cut Serrano ham for 1-2 months, it's prescribed to avoid this by Serrano ham (or Iberico as it's additionally known) makers.
The producers of these hams will shiver with dismay assuming freezing is referenced, inferable from the freezing temperatures harming the fragile design of the meat, and the temperatures annihilating the meat's flavor. Nonetheless, in the event that you decide to do this, it is completely protected, however the flavor might be impacted.
Instructions to Store Serrano Ham As you might have assembled from the above segment, keeping your Serrano ham is a piece unique in relation to standard sandwich ham. For one's purposes, overall ham, it doesn't go in the ice chest or the cooler. So how would you store your Serrano ham?
The most effective method to Store Serrano Ham in the Cooler It ought to just be put away in the refrigerator in pre-cut vacuum-fixed parcels, and ideally directly from the store.
Try not to store home-cut Serrano ham in the refrigerator, as it's both superfluous, and imprudent - the flavor will be impacted and the ham will ruin on the off chance that you don't eat it quickly.
The most effective method to Store Serrano Ham in the Cooler As referenced, Serrano/Iberico ham makers don't suggest freezing as a conservation strategy. Notwithstanding, it is entirely protected to do as such, however the flavor will be compromised.
Keep in impermeable compartments, ideally with thick layers of plastic or different hindrances between the ham and the cruel temperature.
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annekesthoughts · 2 years
My Final AP Lit Essay
Anneke DeJong
Mrs. Spevak
AP Literature and Composition
20 April 2022
Trevor and Little Dog: a River Embodied
A river is an experience that leads us to the destination we are meant to reach. But in love, what is the river, and what is the destination? In the novel On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, Ocean Vuong’s speaker, Little Dog, writes to his mother explaining this path. In this letter, Little Dog describes the challenges he faced growing up and the experiences that marked his childhood and adolescence, one of these things being Trevor, a boy he met while working. Trevor was a turning point for him, showing him what pure and intimate love was, and proving that love was more than the hostility he received from his mother. 
To understand the profound nature of Trevor, Little Dog’s backstory must be known. He was born in the Philippines to a woman enduring the harsh reality of the Vietnam war. In an act of fleeing, they migrate to the United States, specifically to Hartford, a rural community in Connecticut. Being born to a Vietnamese immigrant mother meant he inherited her trauma in seeing her Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and violent tendencies. Surrounded by violence growing up, it was all she knew of love, which resulted in Little Dog being raised a beaten child, affirming that with love came violence. “The first time you hit me, I must have been four,.” Little Dog writes on only the third page of his letter, establishing that this abuse was the foundation of the challenges he faced with his mother (Vuong 5). He was not only abused by his mother but by peers as well. “‘Speak English,’ said the boy with a yellow bowl cut, his jowls flushed and rippling… They waited to see what would happen. When I did nothing but close my eyes, the boy slapped me.” (24). Being different in America means being singled out; he was bullied and went unnoticed for anything other than his skin color and lack of English. He went unnoticed like this until one day, while working on a tobacco farm, Trevor came up to him (94). For the first time, he felt seen. Glowing from this approach for reasons other than malicious intent or humiliation, Little Dog writes “I was seen — I who had seldom been seen by anyone. I who was taught, by you, to be invisible in order to be safe…” (96). 
A shot of Trevor is often chased with descriptive symbolism highlighting the deep and poetic nature of this romance. One piece of symbolism, in particular, is that of a river, which is referred to consistently within Little Dog’s description of Trevor and the moments they share. This river is a theme describing the love that Trevor leads him to see, to redefine. It first appears in a scene that Little Dog describes to his mother, one wherein Trevor’s name isn’t actually mentioned at all: it was when Trevor was high on Oxycontin and crashed his Chevy truck into a tree. “Although it covers both of their faces, the blood belongs to the tall boy, the ones with eyes the dark grey of a river beneath somebody’s shadow.” (75). Although this moment occurred after their meeting, it is where Little Dog first mentions Trevor, perhaps in reminiscence. From the perspective of Little Dog reminiscing, it can be assumed that in this metaphor, he is the one standing over the river that is Trevor, looking upon the affection that he has shown him. Additionally, this symbolism is very intentionally introduced within this scene, as it too is repeatedly brought up throughout the novel, indicating that this was a defining moment for Little Dog. Vuong has a way of planting metaphors perfectly throughout the book, always very carefully and intentionally. The fact that he linked these two things together is indicative of their meaning to Little Dog, further proving that the symbolism of a river is important in describing Trevor and his relationship.
The next time it is brought up, it is a mere few days after they meet, where Little Dog uses it to provide imagery of Trevor’s body. “And maybe it was there in the barn that I first saw what I would always see when flesh is pressed against the dark. How the sharp edges of his body — shoulders, elbows, chin, and nose — poked through the blackness, a body halfway in, or out of, a river’s surface,.” narrates Little Dog as they increasingly grow physically close to each other (104). This mention of a river not only portrays the descending into the metaphorical river that is their love, but being paired with the color black, it also signifies that Trevor is a “light in the dark” spotlighting that there is more to love than brutality and belligerence. 
Then, in a chapter written encapsulating all that Trevor was to him, Little Dog writes “Because he tasted like the river and maybe [I was] one wing away from sinking.” (158). This line in the poem that is this chapter embodies the love that Little Dog was sinking into. This chapter deviated from the writing style of the rest of the book to a prose poetry to write about what, quoted by Little Dog, “Trevor was.” (178). Its mention of the river only further proves the connection between a river to Trevor and Little Dog’s love for each other. 
The defining scene of this theme begins on page 203, when they had anal intercourse for the first time after engaging in sexual activities in other ways up until this point. This was a moment where all curtains were dropped: they were no longer afraid of being gay and succumbed to each other’s love without allowing the judgement of society to seep in. Little Dog gave himself to Trevor without fear of his vulnerability being taken advantage of, and it wasn’t. When this act of intimacy went wrong, and Little Dog accidentally defecated on Trevor, he was accepting, and instead of responding with anger, simply led them to the river to wash off. Even when Little Dog expected hostility, hearing “Lick it up” instead of “Get up”, thinking “How did I already know he would react like this?” in response to the mishearing, Trevor only acted with kindness and acceptance (204). This scene is the river theme in itself, explaining why Little Dog used a river and proving the deeper meaning. When Trevor accepted what had happened, it proved that he was deviating from the hostility that Little Dog knew to be love. When they entered the river, it was a metaphor for entering love, being engulfed by it. “The river up to my chest now, I waved my arms to keep steady.” (205). Little dog is floating in this now overtaking, all accepting love that he has never experienced before.
Rivers are notoriously known for being symbols of paths that lead a character to a certain destination, be it a journey or realization. In this case, the river is the realization of what love can be, and how it can escape the confines of what Little Dog learned it to be. He was raised abused, understanding that love is violence and submission. Trevor changes this for him, showing him kindness and intimacy without judgment. Throughout this novel, it is made clearer with every allusion to a river that it symbolizes the love between Little Dog and Trevor, and how this river guides Little Dog to see what pure love is. Love is a journey we all take, and for Little Dog, this journey leads to a profound realization of what love is capable of.
thank you and even after almost half a year having past since i read this book, i'm still enraptured by it's depth and beauty. i highly recommend reading the puzzle that is this novel.
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browningandreasen7 · 2 years
Dior Belt Buckle
Wide belts like this one from suede and gilt steel are nice for cinching the waist dramatically to point out off your curves. phoenet.tw replica dior belt The iconic Loewe anagram is prominently featured as a buckle on this easy calfskin belt. As we stated within the earlier publish, a great belt can work wonders in looking from boring to attention-grabbing and from uninspired to unforgettable. You can wear a belt to pair along with your trousers, clothes, fits, coats, and so forth. We can not add this merchandise to your bag because it’s already at max capacity. The 35 mm Dior Montaigne belt strap is crafted in blue Dior Oblique jacquard and reverses to navy blue grained calfskin. To decide yourDior belt dimension, Check your jeanssizeor Dior Pants size as a reference. Alternatively, measure around your waistline or hips to discover out yourDior belt dimension.Dior beltsare measured from the end of the buckle to the center hole. Braided belts or belts made out of artificial or Vegan leathers even more so. Also since 2015, Fendi has been headquartered at the Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana. wikipedia belt Fendi will reportedly pay 2.eight million euros every year to occupy the area. On the location of its historic, 17th-century Palazzo Fendi in Rome, Fendi instead opened a lodge and its largest store in 2016. However, those skin-tight bike shorts gathered mud in my closet for years. Except it didn't take payment (tried bank card, PayPal the lot.) Then when the Dior SA tried to do it it additionally failed on them. This meant the one option was to financial institution transfer it. But its a French bank so I needed to IBAN it and it price me an extra £4. On the lipstick entrance, collectors are practically swooning over the Rouge Dior line, now out there in 6 shades that take you from subtle finishes to fiery reds. You’ve obtained the enduring pink 999, and the Nude Look Velvet 100, and the rosier 720 Icône. We’re notably taken by the 312 Incandescent, which was particularly designed for the gathering by Peter Philips, and comes in a milky shade with simply the slightest hint of yellow. True to the theme of the gathering, the lipstick bullets have also been carefully engraved with the houndstooth pattern, paying homage to the motif. Unfortunately it isn't attainable for us to replace the prices on our web site in real-time. Should a shop not offer prices in your native forex, we could calculate the displayed worth on day by day updated exchange charges. HypeIndex is a market capitalization-weighted market index that tracks HYPEBEAST-headlined style corporations which are publicly traded in the global market. In the subsequent decade, Paris dominated because the undisputed fashion capital of the world, and Christian Dior reigned as its king. With the luxuriously full skirts of his New Look, fits and his drop-dead attractive evening clothes and ball gowns worthy of any princess, Dior gave women the reward of glamour they’d lost within the miserable years of war. Sparkle your means into the evening with this wide silver lurex belt and large rhinestone buckle from Christian Dior. In 2021, Fendi ended its partnership with Safilo and entered into an agreement with LVMH-owned Thelios to create, produce and distribute its eyewear collection. By 2018, Fendi crossed the 1 billion euro ($1.2 billion) threshold in annual gross sales. At that time, the label had 3,000 employees worldwide together with round 400 who work in specialist leather and fur ateliers in Italy. I love shorts, and I’m all the time down for a piece of clothes that shows our confidence while maintaining consolation. Since we'll all be rejoining society quickly, we're in all probability a bit nervous about our trend and appearance. Despite what the soft-hearted and emotionally supportive types would possibly counsel, we completely ought to be. It's going to be the fashion Hunger Games on the market. All it takes is a single stylistic slip-up and you go from being one of many Katnisses to one of many Rues. Bonus to all this was it was simply in time for the Christmas packaging and I got two packing containers, with the one the buckle came in being the Christmas design. The Dior Dway slide presents all of the House's iconic emblems in a single timeless style. The LV Initiales 40MM Reversible belt is a new iteration of an iconic accessory design. Hearst Newspapers participates in various online marketing packages, which means we could receives a commission commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. In November 2021, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall visited King Abdullah and Queen Rania in Jordan. Her Majesty was pictured outside the Jabal Nasr Children’s Centre with the Duchess of Cornwall and Queen Rania wore a white button-down Dior midi coat which featured an a-line skirt and v-neck. Her Majesty paired the coat with a white patterned blouse, gold Dior belt and a Louis Vuitton purse. The go to showcased a number of the applications that target the wellbeing of kids and families to the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall. Before you enter corset territory, there’s the realm of wide belts, where French brand ba&sh lives and thrives.
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btsslowburnfic · 3 years
The Arrangement Ch 17
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Story summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi
Chapter Summary: Part one of the photoshoot
Previous Chapter here
The work week proceeded as normal. Well, what had become normal. Delivering coffee and reminding Yoongi to eat, answering emails, trying to figure out which meetings Yoongi actually needed to go to and which ones were a waste of time. Of course you always went to the meetings, and holy shit you couldn’t believe the topics couldn’t have been discussed via email. You were looking forward to this particular day because you got to go visit Hoseok in the style department and Jimin had decided he was tagging along “for funsies.”
Yoongi was supposed to go and get measured and try on clothes for his photoshoot. When you reminded him that morning he laughed at you, “Uh no. Hoseok knows what size I wear. He can figure it out. Go look at the clothes and I might try some of them on tonight.”
You and Jimin met up for lunch and then headed up to the styling department.
“I’m excited. I’ve never been to a photoshoot before.” You said bouncing up and down in the elevator. 
“Yeah, they’re pretty boring actually. Like if it’s with some of the hotter models it’s a little fun for the eye candy, but then you feel bad for them because they have to sit for so long  making awkward faces. They are constantly getting their make-up and hair touched up. Touch base with craft services to make sure there’s plenty of water. The lights are bright.”
You took out your phone, “Oh thanks. I wouldn’t have even thought about that. Any other tips?”
“It’s Yoongi. It won’t take as long as it does with the other people. He’ll show up, do it, and leave. JK and Tae, especially Tae, want to chat with everyone on set and if they are together it takes foreeeeevvvveeeeeerrrrr.” 
“Huh, ok. Thanks.” The two of you arrived at JHOPE Fashion and walked through the rainbow vomit doors. 
Hoseok was wearing glasses with yellow lenses today, which made his dramatic facial expressions stand out even more. He immediately rolled his eyes. He pointed to you. “You are not Yoongi.” He pointed to Jimin. “And you are not Yoongi.” He put his hands on his hips. “So why are the two of you here?” 
“I’m sure you can guess why.” You responded dryly.
“Ugh. That ungrateful man. I had lovingly hand stitched these pieces. For him. These patches...” Hoseok pressed his fingers together as though he was praying. “Fine. Fine. You. Y/N. Come. You. Jimin. Wait right there.”
Jimin’s eyes went wide. “Me? Why do I have to wait here?” 
Hoseok turned from where he had started to walk towards the back. “You will thank me in a minute. A certain someone is coming to get his fitting in a few minutes.” He raised an eyebrow and then turned around, his heels clacking against the red tile floor.
Jimin started to blush profusely and before you could ask, Hobi interrupted, “Come new girl. We have work to do especially if that boss of yours refuses to come here and experience these magnificent beauties for himself.”
You followed him through the large door, which led to lime green hallways and then to a quiet, more muted workspace. The walls were lined with fabric bolsters, the middle tables with ribbon, thread, patches, paint. Paint? 
Hoseok sat down. “From what I understand, this album will have an acoustic feel to it versus his previous albums. For that reason I have chosen these natural materials such as cotton, linen, and denim.” He spread out several pieces onto the large table. “I have also opted for a more neutral pallet, as much as it hurts my soul. I have chosen colors found in nature. I have chosen brightly colored accessories such as these silks to stand in contrast with the stiff fabric and more neutral colors he will be wearing. Additionally, I avoided black. We’ll see if he notices.” 
You watched as he draped the red and purple silks over the top of the clothes. For whatever reason, you found it mesmerizing watching the fabric juxtapositioned in such a way.  “It’s so cool to hear you tell a story just using clothes.” You said, somewhat enchanted.
Hoseok flicked his eyes up to you, “Thank you. That is what I try to do with my collections. Everyone’s outfit tells a story, even if they don’t mean for it to. May I?” He asked, stepping back and gesturing at you.
“Oh man. You know I don’t dresses fancy--”
“Shhhh you don’t tell me.” He looked at your outfit. You had opted for an Aline skirt and blouse with a casual blazer.  “You had meetings this morning, that’s obvious by the jacket. You usually dress cuter. Which means you are either sick or not feeling great. You look fine. So I’m guessing...you are on your period. Sorry, this just comes out, I can’t stop it,” he paused for a moment as your jaw dropped open slightly. He stepped closer, inspecting the shoulders of your jacket. “The blazer is at least ten years old but you shouldn’t have had a blazer ten years ago unless it was for your school uniform and that isn’t a school jacket. Which means it probably belonged to an older sister or aunt. You are very responsible and well organized otherwise you wouldn't be Yoongi’s assistant. Therefore you are most likely the oldest or only child so that is your aunt’s jacket. Your blouse is nice. You actually like it, you’ve worn it twice in the week you’ve been working here. You bought it at a thrift store. You don’t spend a lot of money on yourself, but you are very confident. Therefore, it’s not that you don’t think you deserve nice things, it’s just that you can’t afford them so you likely grew up poor and it has continued into your adulthood.”
“Holy shit. You should be a detective.” You said to him.
“The shoes, I gave you last week. They don’t have a story yet, other than a very good -looking man in a suit helped you out because Jimin said you were a nice girl. You wear zero accessories which shows a lack of both funds and sentimentality. Most people have at least one piece of jewelry that means something to them, but if you have one, you don’t wear it.” He smiled at you, his white teeth gleaming. “ Now, how much am I right about?” He crossed his hands in front of his chest.
You clapped your hands as though you were in an audience. “All of it. Although I am still weirded out that you know I’m on my period. Next time I’m going to wear something skin tight to throw you off.” You joked.
“Well,” he started, “At least now that you work here you don’t have to worry as much right?”
Given the shitshow you went through this weekend you weren’t sure about that, but you shrugged, “It definitely pays better. And money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure helps make some things less hard.” You gestured to the pile of fabric on the table, “So...what do I do? Take these clothes with me for Yoongi to try on or will they be at the photoshoot tomorrow? Do I need to bring them to the photoshoot?”
Hoseok sighed dramatically, “I could dress Yoongi drunk, in my sleep. He can just show up tomorrow and I will dress him then. My staff will make sure the clothes and accessories are at the photoshoot. Here,” He walked over to one of the garment racks. “More clothes for you. I know you have a big closet. And if you run out of space, just take Yoongi’s, he only wears like three things despite my best efforts.”
You laughed, “Yeah, you’re not kidding. Ok thanks,” You took the clothing. “I appreciate it.”
“It’s no trouble. Feel free to see yourself out, I’ll see you tomorrow. Oh and please make sure the catering has strawberries.”
“Strawberries? Got it.” You were learning so much today. 
You exited the backroom and saw Jimin over near one of the pedestals. He was chatting with JK who was getting fitted with a corset. What an itty bitty waist, you admired. The two of them seemed to be having a good time and you had a new list of things to do so you waved at Jimin and headed to 1802 to drop off your new clothes. You had forgotten Hoseok knew you lived with Yoongi. The week had flown by.  
You sent a text message to Jiwoo asking if you could stop by her desk and ask her a few questions to make sure everything was set up for tomorrow and then stopped by the apartment.
You conferred with her and learned how to navigate catering requests via the company website; apparently it wasn’t available on the app, good to know. you felt much better about the shoot tomorrow but still nervous and excited.
You knocked on the door to Genius Lab. No answer. Never any answer. You typed the code in and saw Yoongi wearing his headphones, lost in his own world. He had told you to just wait on the sofa when this was the case and that he would eventually notice you. Normally the smell of coffee was what alerted him to your presence, but you had come empty handed today. You sat down on the couch and took out your phone.
YN: I don’t mean to alarm you. But there’s something behind you.
You saw his phone light up. He ignored it for a minute, presumably to finish listening to a song, and then picked it up. You heard him laugh and take off his headphones.  “You are the worst.” He spun around.
“So mean. Hey. Tomorrow is my first photoshoot. I checked on the outfits for you. By the way, Hoseok is like Sherlock Holmes with clothing. I learned I’m supposed to contact catering, I have hair and make-up requests in. Do I need to do anything else?”
Yoongi thought for a minute. He never really participated in that side of the photoshoot, now that he reflected on it. He walked his way through a day on set.  “No. The changing rooms and photography are handled by other departments. Check with Jiwoo or Jimin, they’ve both set up a shoot before.”
“I did. I’m getting ready to send in the last food request. Any requests?”
“Mandarins. I don’t like to eat a lot on set because I don’t want stuff getting stuck in my teeth.”
“That makes sense. Ok. I’ll let you get back to it then.” You got up and stretched.
“Tomorrow will go fine. If you forgot anything, it will be somewhere in this building.” He reassured you.
“That makes me feel a lot better.” You said honestly. “Alright, I’ll see you around.”
The next day arrived with Yoongi heading off to the hair and make-up department and you heading to the 11th floor to see what the photo set up looked like. You exited the elevator. Man your hands were sweaty, you followed the sounds of voices and made your way to the shooting location. The lighting crew was checking their overheads, a stand-in was posing on the various props they had set out. It looked as though there were three separate “areas” for shooting photos. One area had a large white couch, complete with coffee table, rubber plant, magazines. The whole set up designed to look like a living room. A second space was a blue sheet with a white background. The third space was a kitchen, complete with an island, stovetop, and refrigerator. Holy moly this space was huge. You marveled at it.
“Hello, can I help you?” An older man walked over.
“Oh hi, I’m YLN. Yoongi’s assistant. I was stopping by to check the set up. It looks incredible.”
“Thank you. Yes. Here, let me walk you through it.”
You received a tour of the set and also an overview of the order of shooting. You also found out that next week, weather permitting, there would be a second shooting at the park across the street. You got catering checked in, or at least pointed to the table and felt like you did a thing. The same happened when the clothing team showed up. You pointed to dressing rooms and the vanity where the accessories trunk should go. You were thankful no one had asked you any questions so far. This was a steep learning curve. You had hoped someone you knew might be here today to help ease your nerves, but so far, it was all new faces.
Finally, you saw one familiar face. Alice walked in, carrying a small case with her. You waved.
“Hey! It’s nice to see you again.” She said. “I had no idea you were Yoongi’s assistant until today.”
“Oh, yeah. I guess I didn’t mention that. I was so overwhelmed that first day,” you smiled.
“No worries. He was just telling me and Bongcha that he had an assistant now. He’s almost done. His make-up is setting. I’m on hair today which isn’t my strong suit, but it’s not like he’s needing a fancy up-do or anything and it’s good for me to practice.”
“Ok great. This is my first time at a photoshoot, so if there’s something I’m supposed to be doing but I’m not, can you let me know?” You confided in her. 
“Absolutely. It looks like most of the stuff is set up how it usually is. Just remember,” she got closer to you and spoke quieter, “You are Yoongi’s assistant. Some of these people, especially these older guys will try to get you to do stuff like get their coffee, grab them snacks. That is not your job. It’s not by job. If they have an assistant, it’s their job.” 
“I knew I liked you when we first met,” you smiled at her. “Thanks for the heads up.”
“Anytime Unnie.”
She walked over and took out her hair tools and placed them on the table reserved for hair and make-up. A few minutes later you saw Yoongi walk in wearing a black shirt and grey sweats. His face looked even more beautiful than normal. Next to him was a petite girl with long black hair pulled up into a ponytail, dragging a make-up train behind her.  Yoongi looked around for a second, and then locked eyes with you. You saw the tiniest smile threaten to come out as he walked over.
“Hey. Everything here looks good.” He gestured to the room.
“Thanks. I didn’t do most of it, I just pointed and people seemed to know what to do already. Your face looks good.” 
Yoongi chuckled, “You can thank Bongcha for that. Bongcha, this is YN.”
Bongcha stuck out her hand, “Hi. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Nice to meet you as well. You do good work. I give his face a 10/10. Highly recommend.” 
“Well, it’s easy when you have such a great model to start with,” She smiled while looking up at Yoongi.
Yoongi had started to blush between the pair of compliments. “Is Hoseok here yet?”
“No not yet.” You took out your phone to see if you had any messages from Hoseok. Nope. You looked back up, “Bongcha, I’m sure you already know, but the make-up table is over there.  Alice is setting up right now.”
“Great, thanks!” She headed over, her shiny hair swishing behind her. 
Speak of the devil in blue himself, Hoseok strutted in at that exact moment wearing an electric blue suit. His crisp white shirt underneath popped beneath the jacket, and his pocket square had little sunshines on it.
“Wow. You look like the sky.” You said before you could help it.
“Thank you. Indeed. It was my inspiration today. It’s a crime to be indoors beneath these artificial lights on such a beautiful day. Oh well. It can’t be helped.” He laid eyes on Yoongi, like a predator gazing on its prey, “Yoongi. Baby. Come.”
Yoongi scrunched his face. “Don’t call me baby. If you miss the sunlight so much, leave. I know how to dress myself.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you don't know which pieces go together.” Hoseok grabbed Yoongi by the shoulders and started leading him over to the clothing section, leaving you to laugh at the pair of them. You went over to the table you had set up for yourself between make-up and the food. You had printed off several lists that morning to help you stay focused. You checked off several action items. Satisfied, you sat your clipboard down and looked around. It was a well-oiled machine for sure. You walked over to the hair and make-up table. “Hey ladies.”
“Hey! Have you two met yet?” Alice asked, referring to Bongcha.
“Yep, we just did.” Bongcha confirmed, putting on her make-up apron and filling it with various powders and brushes.
“Ooooo we should do a make-up party sometime.” Alice squealed. “We try to do it with all the new girls. And since Yoongi is” she hushed her voice again “One of our favorites. We have to take care of his assistant.”
You smiled, “Sure. That sounds nice. Excuse me.” You decided to go see how the clothes were going.
“Yes. Yoongi’s assistant. So glad you’re here.” Hoseok turned to you.
“She has a name, it’s YN.” You heard Yoongi say from behind the curtain.
“Yes yes. I know. We talked yesterday, remember? At that meeting I scheduled for me and you that you did not come to. Anyways, here. The outfits are now coordinated. They have tags on them corresponding to their accessory in the accessory trunk. Some pieces have more than one option that the Director of Photography and Yoongi will decide on. Got it?”
You looked over the set up. It seemed simple enough since Hoseok had organized it so well .”Yep. You going out to enjoy the sunshine?” 
“Honey, I am the sunshine. I’m off to get laid after having to deal with this cloudy baby.” He gestured to the changing room.
“Don’t call me baby.” Yoongi shouted from behind the curtain. You just laughed as Hoseok turned around and left. You waited for a few minutes. 
“You ok in there? Need me to come help you put your pants on?” You teased.
“Not necessary.” Yoongi slid open the curtain. Why was everyone teasing him today? He pouted without thinking about it.
You walked over, straightening the collar of his shirt “Hey now, you can’t go around pouting like a baby and not expect people to call you one. Here,” you handed him a mandarin. He scowled at you as he took it. “Such a pretty face” You laughed. 
“Yeah whatever. I can eat this while they set up the white meter. You should be fine to just hang around at this point.”
“Alright. Sounds good.” The two of you walked over to the main part of the set where the Director gave Yoongi instructions about where to sit as they practiced the blocking and softbox placement.
“Oh my god he looks so good eating that tangerine.” You overheard. Your eyes bugged out slightly and you turned around. A group of women from the photography team were looking at the images to check the saturation and focus, as well as apparently the model. Damn. NEXT CHAPTER
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lsobelevans · 3 years
Horror tropes? In my Roswell, New mexico? It’s more likely than you think!
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In this essay I will...
...be mentioning a few horror/thriller movies and while nothing explicitly gory or scary will be shown in this post, those movies definitely contain scenes and themes that can be disturbing/scary/triggering, do your researches if you’ve got doubts!
...be focusing on the Maria and Alex road-trip, from the moment the car breaks down to the last scene with Travis’ twin. I’m probably going to be led to briefly mention the other scenes that are intertwined with this arc (the echo date and the Planet 7 Kyle and Isobel scene, as well as the marlex car drive when I feel like it is relevant). 
...be approaching specific themes that are used in the scenes that compose this little arc and also more general ones like sound, editing, cinematography and color. 
... be reaching a lot. I do not think everything I will be mentioning is 100% thought-out and voluntary (although you never know). But I’m a firm believer that in filmmaking, yes even inside a CW show, the symbolism comes through subconsciously. So like, maybe they didn’t mean to use corn field as a mark for transition, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that this symbolism works with the story they’re telling and for the journey the characters are in that moment. Additionally, lighting, decor and costumes are always a choice, just like the camera doesn’t position itself randomly, someone’s behind and thinking of the composition of shots that, even if it’s in a basic way, has meaning.
... be starting chronologically but I’ll also make jumps backward and forward, grasping on themes when they come up. Ok, then, let’s dive in! 
This episode references and uses a lot of the iconic mechanisms of the horror movie genre. Alex and Maria’s comfortable road trip atmosphere, open hearted conversation in the car, breaks at the same time as the car itself breaks. The camera, steady so far, the shots following a well known pattern of shot/counter-shot, becomes more unpredictable and shakier and suddenly we’re out of the car, and bam, large shot. 
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From the moment they’re out of the car, you won’t be able to see the horizon. Maria and Alex are stuck in a corn field, and they’re stuck in the frame. 
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Then poof, Travis appears out of nowhere, accompanied with a pang of music, frightening us and them. Well, more exactly, it cuts on a shot that we’ve seen before without Travis, now with Travis, which gives us the appearing out of nowhere effect. 
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Alex says it best.
Well now they’re stuck with a strange guy with an axe, and in a corn field 😬
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Hey, have you seen he’s got an axe??? or do you need a close-up???
Okay, this scene ends there. So, let’s take a break and talk about cornfields. There’s many examples of horror movies making use of a field of corn as a location, famously Children of the Corn (1984), Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1995) Signs (2002), that last one also involving, you guessed it, aliens. 
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Screenshots from the Signs trailer.
Corn fields are strongly associated with rurality, especially rural America. More largely, they can represent renewal, fertility or abundance. In the contrary, they can be seen as a very ominous location due to their immensity, a labyrinth in which you can’t see very far away and from which you’ll have trouble coming out. 
Although I’m pretty sure Maria’s chase in the cornfield is more of a reference to The Shining (1980) it reminded me of one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies Tom à la ferme (2013), in which Tom is basically held hostage in rural Canada. The corn field chase is a turning point, the last of Tom's attempts to escape. 
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Cornfields apparently also often imply scarecrows, which are inherently scary in my opinion but we’ll talk about it more later. 
The next scene takes place inside of Travis' cabin. 
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The lighting here is pretty low, the light coming from a few small sources, creating a lot of shadows. The main color is a greenish/yellow which can be associated with nature and earth, rurality, dirty, suffocating. If we look at it, the color scheme of the entire road trip is very much following this pattern of browns/yellows/greens because of the cornfield and the color of the characters costumes (the exception being Maria’s truck which is a bright red). In opposition, the scenes that are intertwined are either blue and orange for Max and Liz or a lot of pink/blues/purples for Isobel and Kyle in planet 7 (bi bi bi).
The cabin is messy, supposedly reflecting the state of the owner’s mind. We get a nice close-up on meat + a knife and all of the creepy skins on the walls. Also, it’s noticeable that from this moment on, the camera is shakier, we experience different angles too. 
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We are given many visual clues that something is wrong. 
I’m gonna pass on the sound of the sound of the cow parodying a werewolf + the vampire diaries inside joke. 
Btw, if the fact that Travis names his cows -- that he skins for a living -- like human women isn’t enough for you to think mmmm. we are in danger. Well, don’t worry. The cw spells it out for you!!
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We know Alex! We got contextual clues!
Right after this, Alex and Maria make another direct reference to being in a horror movie situation. 
ALEX: This is why I don’t like horror films. The gay guy always dies first.
MARIA: ???? 
ALEX: Or... second. Okay, that’s fair. That look, that’s fair. 
I think this bit is interesting, because not only does it denounce an horror movie cliché (the black person of the cast dies first, the queer person is second) but also in this situation I believe it can be see as kind of a callout on the fandom’s behavior that i’m not gonna spell out for you but yeah. Fellow queer people, don’t forget you’re not the only one who is sometimes badly/unfairly represented. 
Moving on. In the next scene, Alex is searching the cabin for clues, and we are also given some about Travis. 
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Either he has a twin brother or he’s got a framed picture of himself on his wall. Oh, and he’s military.
Then Travis startles Alex and plays a little bit of banjo, which is a good excuse to stop and talk about music. The show uses a lot of diegetic music aka music that is present in the universe of the story, that the characters can also hear. It justify the use of said music and it ties the audio with the picture.
The banjo already is heard at the very beginning of the arc during a cut from the planet 7 scene to the road trip scene. We get a few notes that indicate a change of scenery and that helps smooth up the transition, and I’m pretty sure it was also supposed to be diegetic music coming from Maria’s radio. The banjo, like the corn field, is super linked with rurality and rural America (again!)
Another reference of the banjo in horror/thriller would be Deliverance (1972).
I can’t not think of this movie when I hear banjo unfortunately. 
The way Travis plays, aggressively bad, and while singing I Think We’re Alone Now, is supposed to make you think about that scene in The Umbrella Academy be quite unsettling, another point for isolation horror. 
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So sweet of Travis to attack Alex with a guitar, and then a smol knife, and not with the axe <3. 
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Then we’ve got a traveling zoom-in (or equivalent I’m not sure it isn’t a steady-cam here but the effect is the same) on Maria. This kind of effect can feel a little bit over-the-top and dramatic, in a old genre movie kind of way. It is usually used to bring the audience in, make it feel like you’re evolving in the same universe as the characters (here you’re walking toward Maria). In a scene where you should feel scared, it can be a mean to make you feel more engaged, as well as underlining Maria’s expression, her fear. In my opinion, this is also a way to tell you that from now on, Maria is the main character of this arc, the one that you will be following after the commercial break (that occurs right after) and making it more suspenseful. 
The scene after the break is the start of the corn-field chase. Travis steps out of the cabin, the cuts are faster, many close-shots, some even out of focus, that accelerate the rhythm, and a long fade-in of a new song: a modern, electronic song (Kim Petra’s Close You Eyes) completely in opposition with the acoustic banjo and with the atmosphere of the scene, which makes it strange and makes you think oh, what a weird choice! (at least it did for me lol). The lyrics, however, go very well with the scene. 
I feel it coming on You've got nowhere to run There's no way you'll make it out alive
We find out right after that the music is in fact diegetic but for Isobel and Kyle, it’s another use of music to ease a transition between 2 scenes that are different in every possible way. 
Now, the corn-field chase. As I mentioned before, I believe it’s a direct reference to The Shining’s ending chase scene where Jack Torrance chases his son Danny through a vegetal labyrinth with an axe. 
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From the shots to the lighting (from behind or on the side, making the characters look like silhouettes) both scenes are very similar. Also, Travis is styled like Jack Nicholson ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh look, Michael’s here to save the day!
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Oh well, guess not. 
Yeah, in this scene, and like we’ve been shown before, Maria is going to be the one that saves everyone. The racist cliché of the black character dying first in a horror movie is reversed, Maria is the last one standing. The scarecrow (that looked conveniently a lot like Maria) is supposed to play in favor of the bad guy, it’s a scary element, creating confusion and unease, but here the character decides to basically take it into her own hands and bend the rules. This character says i’m not that archetype, and she’s going to be using the horror movie tools against itself. 
Lastly, the final horror movie recurring theme that I’m going to talk about is the twin/the double. 
Yes, twins is a spooky tool used in horror movie because their similarities make them unsettling, uncanny. 
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There’s also the idea that if one were to replace the other, you wouldn’t be able to tell. The impostor is a very scary concept that Roswell has also dealt with before. 
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I can’t be the only one that has been traumatized by that halloween special of the Simpsons where Bart has an evil twin... 
It’s the last twist of the arc, there is a bad!Travis and a good!Travis. The bad one kept the other locked-up somewhere and had taken his place. 
It’s particularly interesting for Roswell that has a history with twins/doppelgänger, and that since the original show. It is a clear instance of in-world foreshadowing here! (howdy)
My conclusion about all this is that the people who worked on 2x06 had a great time building the episode and it shows, while also making it enjoyable to watch and yeah, we love to see it! 
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uomo-accattivante · 4 years
The Dune trailer (1:37) releasing online on Wed., September 9!
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Sources have confirmed to Inside The Film Room that the first official “Dune” trailer will be released online on Wednesday, September 9. The will come in the wake of a special, theater-exclusive teaser that is attached to screenings of “Tenet.”
A Canadian cinema employee shared the following details to ITFR. The teaser will run for one minute and 37 seconds and will give audiences around the world a glimpse of Frank Herbert’s classic sci-fi world through the eyes of Academy Award-nominee Denis Villeneuve (“Arrival,” “Blade Runner 2049”).
But wait… There’s more! Not only did our source confirm the teaser’s existence and Warner Bros.’ plan for marketing the full official trailer’s release, but they have actually seen the footage – and so have I. It’s nothing short of spectacular and a true tease.
*Teaser Spoilers Below, Scroll Down For Non-Spoiler Section*
It opens with gorgeous, custom WB and Legendary logos that fit the gold and black aesthetic the marketing material has shown so far. Then, it hops right into an iconic scene fans of the novel will immediately recognize: the Gom Jabbar test. This scene takes place early in the novel and is the focal point of this teaser.
Before traveling to Arrakis, Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) is introduced to the Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam (Charlotte Rampling). She asks Paul to place his hand inside a box that causes Paul to feel excruciating pain without physically harming him. The catch? He’ll die if he removes his hand. The Gom Jabbar is a lethal poisonous needle that Mohiam wears on her finger and presses against Paul’s neck during this test of his humanity, awarenesses and animal instincts. You’ll discover the reason for this test during his journey.
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This is nothing short of stunning from a visual perspective. The set that Chalamet and Rampling sit in is enormous and circular, with beautifully ornate carvings in the walls and floor. Sunlight beams through a skylight, and the two characters are centered in the room. The Reverend Mother is wearing a complex gown. It’s almost terrifying how the black, netted material drapes over her entire body, from head to toe. She speaks with a taunting, almost mechanical voice, explaining the test to Paul – the poor boy is clearly in over his head.
As the test plays out and his fear and pain increases, the footage is intercut with a sweeping shot of Arrakis’ deep desert, with dunes as far as the eye can see. It’s exactly how you would imagine it. They’re bright yellow, and you can feel the sun through the screen. We also get quick, big shots of almost every cast member, making their faces obvious to viewers.
We see the door open on an aircraft and the Atreides men stand in their armor as the Arrakis sun shines onto them. Oscar Isaac looks absolutely regal and badass as Duke Leto Atreides. Rebecca Ferguson is hooded and smiling as Lady Jessica, and Duncan Idaho (Jason Momoa) makes a quick appearance wearing a stillsuit. We also see Javier Bardem’s Stilgar remove his face mask to speak to someone and Zendaya’s Chani climbing over rocks with a group of Fremen.
Some quick shots also include an ornithopter touching down in the desert and Paul stepping off. We also see Chang Chen as Dr. Wellington Yueh, Sharon Duncan-Brewster as Liet-Kynes and our first look as “Beast” Glossu Rabban Harkonnen, played by Dave Bautista. He looks almost painted white or covered in dust. There is also the quickest glimpse of a large character’s head emerging from a huge tub full of a liquid that had a similar color to Rabban’s skin. This character seemed to be Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (Stellan Skarsgård), and it was a perfectly grotesque moment.
Throughout the teaser, the intensity of Paul’s test build and builds with each new cast member that is introduced, finally culminating with an epic closeup of Paul in the desert in a stillsuit, walking among Fremen. The score really comes in as the title reveals itself, and I am almost certain this is a piece from Hans Zimmer himself. It sounded like a cross between “Blade Runner” and “The Lion King,” with a good amount of drums mixed in with some ethereal, synth vibes. It perfectly fits “Dune.”
The teaser finishes with the title reveal, followed by a stacked list of every cast member that fills the screen from top to bottom, and a stamp that says “FILMED IN IMAX.” This film wasn’t captured with IMAX cameras, so this could mean they’re going the “Top Gun” Maverick” route of having their digital cameras certified by IMAX themselves. I’d expect expanded aspect ratios for at least part of the film, if not the entire film, when you eventually see it in IMAX. The images themselves look unbelievably crisp and almost surreal in a way that’s hard to put my finger on. I don’t know what exactly Villeneuve and cinematographer Greig Fraser did here (anamorphic lenses might’ve done the trick), but if these simple character shots look this good, I can’t wait to see the big and complex stuff.
*No Teaser Spoilers Beyond This Point*
It must be noted the teaser closes with the phrase “ONLY IN THEATERS,” but this is nothing new. Despite their upcoming films having official release dates picked out, all of WB’s recent trailers have forgone these dates in favor of highlighting the theatrical experience and keeping their trailers evergreen in the event of a delay — they won’t have to release a new trailer just because the date is wrong. I actually recognized this pattern last week with “Judas and the Black Messiah” and “Tenet” and predicted that the new trailers for “Wonder Woman 1984” and “Dune” would also go this route. The absence of a date is not any indication that “Dune” will be delayed; this is simply the new normal in a pandemic.
So, we know it exists, but when and where will this theater-exclusive teaser be available? That is a little less clear. In social media messages posted yesterday, both the Facebook and Twitter accounts for Canadian theater chain Cinemark stated “the teaser trailer for ‘Dune’ will be debuted in select Tenet screenings starting August 31.” Additionally, the Twitter account stated “Warner Bros. has pushed back the date for the ‘Dune’ trailer.”
But despite being rated and ready for theaters when Canada and countries around the world show “Tenet” today, WB has asked for Cinemark to withhold the teaser until next week. The explanation for this is likely two-fold.
Firstly, the trailer for “The Batman” made an earth-shattering splash when it arrived on Saturday and is still dominating social media conversation. I suspect WB didn’t want one of their babies stealing limelight from the other. Despite this teaser being exclusive to theaters, news of it (and bootleg footage, no doubt) would have been all over social media the remainder of the week. Secondly, the first screenings of “Tenet” in the United States begin on Monday. It is entirely possible that WB wanted to wait until domestic public screenings began before allowing the teaser to show overseas, as well.
The final impression that I will leave you with is that this teaser did not disappoint me in the slightest. Although the 1:37 runtime whisked by in a flash, I could not have been more impressed with the look of this film and the way Villeneuve and company are capturing the world of Dune. This will blow every previous adaptation out of the water.
With all the cast members getting shown off, the music, the designs and tease of the official trailer coming soon, this is truly Warner Bros. and Legendary flexing their muscles. They know they have something special on their hands, and they want the trailer debut for this event film to be an event all on its own. With the marketing to this point having been basically nonexistent, I have to admit some concern was growing in me. That’s all gone now. I have no doubt in my mind that the official trailer that drops online on September 9 is going to melt faces and blow minds.
The wait is almost over, everyone. The sleeper has awakened.
“Dune” is set to hit theaters December 18, 2020.
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new-sandrafilter · 4 years
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Sources have confirmed to Inside The Film Room that the first official “Dune” trailer will be released online on Wednesday, September 9. The will come in the wake of a special, theater-exclusive teaser that is attached to screenings of “Tenet.”
A Canadian cinema employee shared the following details to ITFR. The teaser will run for one minute and 37 seconds and will give audiences around the world a glimpse of Frank Herbert’s classic sci-fi world through the eyes of Academy Award-nominee Denis Villeneuve (“Arrival,” “Blade Runner 2049”).
But wait… There’s more! Not only did our source confirm the teaser’s existence and Warner Bros.’ plan for marketing the full official trailer’s release, but they have actually seen the footage – and so have I. It’s nothing short of spectacular and a true tease.
It opens with gorgeous, custom WB and Legendary logos that fit the gold and black aesthetic the marketing material has shown so far. Then, it hops right into an iconic scene fans of the novel will immediately recognize: the Gom Jabbar test. This scene takes place early in the novel and is the focal point of this teaser.
Before traveling to Arrakis, Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) is introduced to the Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam (Charlotte Rampling). She asks Paul to place his hand inside a box that causes Paul to feel excruciating pain without physically harming him. The catch? He’ll die if he removes his hand. The Gom Jabbar is a lethal poisonous needle that Mohiam wears on her finger and presses against Paul’s neck during this test of his humanity, awarenesses and animal instincts. You’ll discover the reason for this test during his journey.
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Confirmation of the upcoming theater-exclusive “Dune” teaser accompanying “Tenet” via the theater video system..
This is nothing short of stunning from a visual perspective. The set that Chalamet and Rampling sit in is enormous and circular, with beautifully ornate carvings in the walls and floor. Sunlight beams through a skylight, and the two characters are centered in the room. The Reverend Mother is wearing a complex gown. It’s almost terrifying how the black, netted material drapes over her entire body, from head to toe. She speaks with a taunting, almost mechanical voice, explaining the test to Paul – the poor boy is clearly in over his head.
As the test plays out and his fear and pain increases, the footage is intercut with a sweeping shot of Arrakis’ deep desert, with dunes as far as the eye can see. It’s exactly how you would imagine it. They’re bright yellow, and you can feel the sun through the screen. We also get quick, big shots of almost every cast member, making their faces obvious to viewers.
We see the door open on an aircraft and the Atreides men stand in their armor as the Arrakis sun shines onto them. Oscar Isaac looks absolutely regal and badass as Duke Leto Atreides. Rebecca Ferguson is hooded and smiling as Lady Jessica, and Duncan Idaho (Jason Momoa) makes a quick appearance wearing a stillsuit. We also see Javier Bardem’s Stilgar remove his face mask to speak to someone and Zendaya’s Chani climbing over rocks with a group of Fremen.
Some quick shots also include an ornithopter touching down in the desert and Paul stepping off. We also see Chang Chen as Dr. Wellington Yueh, Sharon Duncan-Brewster as Liet-Kynes and our first look as “Beast” Glossu Rabban Harkonnen, played by Dave Bautista. He looks almost painted white or covered in dust. There is also the quickest glimpse of a large character’s head emerging from a huge tub full of a liquid that had a similar color to Rabban’s skin. This character seemed to be Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (Stellan Skarsgård), and it was a perfectly grotesque moment.
Throughout the teaser, the intensity of Paul’s test build and builds with each new cast member that is introduced, finally culminating with an epic closeup of Paul in the desert in a stillsuit, walking among Fremen. The score really comes in as the title reveals itself, and I am almost certain this is a piece from Hans Zimmer himself. It sounded like a cross between “Blade Runner” and “The Lion King,” with a good amount of drums mixed in with some ethereal, synth vibes. It perfectly fits “Dune.”
The teaser finishes with the title reveal, followed by a stacked list of every cast member that fills the screen from top to bottom, and a stamp that says “FILMED IN IMAX.” This film wasn’t captured with IMAX cameras, so this could mean they’re going the “Top Gun” Maverick” route of having their digital cameras certified by IMAX themselves. I’d expect expanded aspect ratios for at least part of the film, if not the entire film, when you eventually see it in IMAX. The images themselves look unbelievably crisp and almost surreal in a way that’s hard to put my finger on. I don’t know what exactly Villeneuve and cinematographer Greig Fraser did here (anamorphic lenses might’ve done the trick), but if these simple character shots look this good, I can’t wait to see the big and complex stuff.
It must be noted the teaser closes with the phrase “ONLY IN THEATERS,” but this is nothing new. Despite their upcoming films having official release dates picked out, all of WB’s recent trailers have forgone these dates in favor of highlighting the theatrical experience and keeping their trailers evergreen in the event of a delay — they won’t have to release a new trailer just because the date is wrong. I actually recognized this pattern last week with “Judas and the Black Messiah” and “Tenet” and predicted that the new trailers for “Wonder Woman 1984” and “Dune” would also go this route. The absence of a date is not any indication that “Dune” will be delayed; this is simply the new normal in a pandemic.
So, we know it exists, but when and where will this theater-exclusive teaser be available? That is a little less clear. In social media messages posted yesterday, both the Facebook and Twitter accounts for Canadian theater chain Cinemark stated “the teaser trailer for ‘Dune’ will be debuted in select Tenet screenings starting August 31.” Additionally, the Twitter account stated “Warner Bros. has pushed back the date for the ‘Dune’ trailer.”
But despite being rated and ready for theaters when Canada and countries around the world show “Tenet” today, WB has asked for Cinemark to withhold the teaser until next week. The explanation for this is likely two-fold.
Firstly, the trailer for “The Batman” made an earth-shattering splash when it arrived on Saturday and is still dominating social media conversation. I suspect WB didn’t want one of their babies stealing limelight from the other. Despite this teaser being exclusive to theaters, news of it (and bootleg footage, no doubt) would have been all over social media the remainder of the week. Secondly, the first screenings of “Tenet” in the United States begin on Monday. It is entirely possible that WB wanted to wait until domestic public screenings began before allowing the teaser to show overseas, as well.
The final impression that I will leave you with is that this teaser did not disappoint me in the slightest. Although the 1:37 runtime whisked by in a flash, I could not have been more impressed with the look of this film and the way Villeneuve and company are capturing the world of Dune. This will blow every previous adaptation out of the water.
With all the cast members getting shown off, the music, the designs and tease of the official trailer coming soon, this is truly Warner Bros. and Legendary flexing their muscles. They know they have something special on their hands, and they want the trailer debut for this event film to be an event all on its own. With the marketing to this point having been basically nonexistent, I have to admit some concern was growing in me. That’s all gone now. I have no doubt in my mind that the official trailer that drops online on September 9 is going to melt faces and blow minds.
The wait is almost over, everyone. The sleeper has awakened.
“Dune” is set to hit theaters December 18, 2020.
insidefilmroom - EXCLUSIVE: ‘Dune’ trailer to release online Sept. 9
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BoomLords weird adventure
Chapter 5 reluctant companions
Rairty spoke up."excuse me darling what is the crazy stallion saying?"Twilight was spaced out for a moment trying to process what she had just done. Apon realizing Rairty was speaking she snapped back to reality."what oh Rairty. Sorry uh he was talking about me helping him to uh shit"She blinked, wincing as she couldn't get the thought of what she had just done out of her head. She didn't intend to create Rose fire in fact in that moment she had wanted to kill him to render the flesh from his bone, it was as if another creature had entered her head for a moment and fueled her rage."I think I have to go with him."before she could explain why."WHAT ARE YOU TAKING ABOUT HE JUST MESSED WITH YOU AND THE PRINCESSES HEADS!"rainbow yelled."I merely showed them what they wanted to know however to be honest I didn't expect this to happen. I had been looking for the rose fire in every world every terrifying, every cruel, and every unforgiving place in the Omniverse. But it turns out all I had to do was accidentally induced fear and rage into a horse."the pony stared at him for a moment."He's telling the truth and now that we know what's at stake we have no choice but to help."Celestia stated her tone was dark however as if she was doing something she wasn't so sure she wanted to."h-how long until it happens?"Boom and Celestia stared at each other for a moment. It was clear Boom really didn't want to answer this."could be days could be another year time works differently for me but if I had to give a rough estimate maybe a year or two or less."Celestia took a gulp of air as she looked to her fellow ponies. She looked as if she was holding back tears."my little ponies I ask no I beg you all to go with him this is no longer a matter in my control and I cannot force you to partake in this. What he is asking is dangerous beyond anything any of you have ever faced and while he may only require Twilight I would never send my student alone into what I was shown."this time no one spoke not even dash because when princess Celestia tells you shits about to go down it's going to go fuckin down. And in unison without hesitation without regret without fear all the ponies and Spike responded"were in!"boom looked at the group of ponies a look of discontent on his face."fuckin great I'm babysitting a whole party."most of the ponies ignored what he said with the exception of rainbow dash and Applejack."hey no one asked you"dash got in his face while AJ got close next to her."yeah that's right and don't think we're going to take our eyes off you for a minute partner. Not after what you just pulled.
2 spike walked over to the stallion cautiously"so how are we leaving? I mean you said we had to leave."well you see that's why I'm going to need my notepad and Pen also my satchel if you don't mind."a look of confusion re-entered the faces of everyone."oooo are you gonna draw us amagical portal to another dimension?"pinky blurted out as a few of the others started to chuckle."actually that's a pretty accurate assessment of what I'm about to do, in fact spot on."Twilights jaw nearly dropped as BoomLord began scribbling on the paper. Boomlord had drawn a nearly perfect circle on a piece of the notepads paper and in the center of it wrote the words, °home space°as he took the pen off the paper another electric golden ring started to form, the area within beginning to blacken about 10 ft away."okay everybody we're about to leave but don't worry I can send us back to this exact point in time give or take a few minutes so while we may be gone for who knows how long to the princesses it will only be a couple minutes."Boom that hope this comment would calm them however they're confusion only broaden. 'God how are they going to react when they all change'
3 boom was the first to enter the portal then Twilight followed by Pinky, rainbow,Applejack, rarity Fluttershy, and lastly young Spike. Boomlord looked down at himself. He was human again his blue jeans and thick yellow hoodie once again with him. Pulling back the sleeve he saw that the green fur that once covered his body was gone replaced with his light taned skin. Okay I hope everybody's ready for some exposition and descriptions. Boomlord looked back at the ponies first up was Twilight she had grown into a human form unsurprisingly. Her mane or I guess her hair had stayed the same she had fairly pale white skin and a few smalls freckles adorning her face she was also fairly short compared to Boom. Boom knew his height was about 5'7 give or take so Twilight had to be about 5'4 or 5'3 she wore a purple t-shirt and a darker purple skirt with pants to go with it all put together with very nice sneakers which all the girls have with the exception of rarity and Applejack. Pinky on the overhand was definitely much taller than Twilight in fact she was about the same height as boom. She wore a striped blue and pink shirt with a polka dot skirt and light pink leggings she had average white skin no major tan or anything although she did have pink nail polish on. Dash was next she still had her rainbow hair but she was on the shorter end with Twilight only being a inch or so taller along with fairly tanned skin as if she's been spending her days at the beach. She wore a plain blue sleeveless top and jean shorts her wings were also noticeably missing the same with Fluttershy. Speaking of Fluttershy her outfit was rather green she wore a green t-shirt with a yellow peace symbol on it and long jeans. Additionally in her hair she had is a flower crown witch she probably took off, besides that her skin was also fairly tanned. Applejack definitely took the show with her outfit she was wearing thick brown leather gloves and a brown leather vest with tassels on it. Underneath the vest was a plain white shirt covered in bits of brown dirt, and long stylish cowboy print jeans and good old-fashioned cowgirl boots. Applejack skin was also the most tanned being she was definitely the one who spent the most time outdoors. Also she and rainbow dash were the only ones with noticeable er muscle growth as even through their outfits they still kept their physical physique. Applejack and Fluttershy we're definitely the tallest of the group with Fluttershy being 5'8 and Applejack being at least 6'2.Lastly of the girls we have rarity wearing a clean white shirt with stylish blue diamond print in it, and a rather long dress to accompany it. Along her neck was a rather lovely diamond necklace and alot Lower down beautiful high heels. She also had the darkness pigment of her skin when compared to everyone else. Also sorry if that's not politically correct I'm not entirely sure what the correct term is now. Do feel free to let me know. As soon as the girls walk through the portal though most of them with the exception of Twilight who seemed almost familiar with the sensation of walking on two legs fell to the ground."oh no whats happing?"Pinky yelled and she started crawling on all fours along with Fluttershy. Dash and Applejack were occupied with balancing themselves on a desk next to them and rarity had somehow crawled her way to a sofa and dramatically pose."oh darling what has happened to us?"boomlord rolled his eyes as he knew he was going to have to teach them how to be human it also occurred to him where the hell was spike.
4 Then he saw it or well him. Unlike his fellow ponies Spike didn't turn into a human and no he did not turn into a dog. This isn't Equestria girls guys turning into a dog is really dumb and I already have one in the story. Spike's body had remained reptilian however he's noticeably taller now at least about Twilights size inner current form his body seemed to get longer and his claws along with it. His face has narrowed Abit becoming far more similar to his dragon freinds with the exception that he had a much longer neck which allowed him to survey his own body. Put it simply he looks more like what a small dragon would look like in our world if they existed."woah I look really cool!"spike yelled in excitement."ponies don't talk where I'm from so the portal has adjusted your body's to something a bit more familiar to me that I have set and in Spike's case I already had something in mind for dragons." Ponies now began to look around their surroundings. They notice they seemed to be in a rather decent sized living room a few desks a television ,yellow rug, a few lamps. The room seemed mostly normal only the walls and floor and ceiling all looked the same. It looks like the inside of a treehouse and where there was a window there was no... Well anything just an empty void."welcome to my home away from home a little place I made outside of the Omniverse and what I like to call free space, basically this entire place is an extension of a thought everything here with the exception of a few items were made from nothing. No magic and no magical effects can be taken here with the exception of the notepad so sorry girls but your wings and horns are temporarily unavailable don't worry when we go to other worlds you should be able to use them."Twilight rapidly blinked as she didn't expect well boom to look rather nice. He still had rather unkempt hair and the rings under the eyes but here the black in his eyes were gone however his irises remained red and gold. He had a warm smile or a warm fake smile and while definitely wasn't the biggest guy around he still had a rather fit physique. And the rarity was the first to comment on that"oh boom darling you look um..... Better than I would have thought."boom roll his eyes."well im far more comfortable like this."the girls who were having trouble standing took a few minutes to themselves to start copying the motions of Twilight who began pacing."uh hey are we safe here."like asked while moving around the girls who were rather surprised to see him as they did not expect such a change."spike looking badass today."rainbow dash teased.spike blushed slight as Boomlord spoke."well girls work going to have to set some ground rules since it looks like you'll be staying with me for a while."
(Oh one more thing because I know you're all wondering or at least some of you are wondering.
Breasts size from largest to smallest :Applejack dd followed by pinkie and Fluttershy then Rairty.twlight has the average size and rainbow dash is flat but that doesn't make her any less of a woman)
(not sure why I felt the need to put that there but I feel like some people just had to know)
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mettaminerals · 3 years
Life Healing Energy With Crystals
For quite a long time, many individuals Healing Crystals in adornments for the shear excellence of them. Gem Healing is considered by numerous a pseudo logical elective medication strategy that utilizes stones and crystals for healing yet is an antiquated practice that traces all the way back to something like 6,000 years. The Romans utilized crystals as charms to advance great wellbeing and accommodate insurance in fight. Roman and Greek specialists blended crystals in with plant removes, warmed them, and utilized restoratively. Antiquated Egyptians accepted these stones had the ability to reestablish wellbeing, and would likewise cover their dead with a quartz gem, which they accepted would direct their adored one securely to existence in the wake of death. Chinese utilized them to advance healing, edification, and fascination of wants.
Today, healers, Shamans, and clerics use crystals for their particular healing properties. I generally had an interest with stones and crystals yet that was the extent that it at any point went, until I was acquainted with crystals and their healing capacity at a Mind, Body, and Spirit Festival. Since crystals vibrate with the energy of the earth, they can assist you with adjusting your body to the Earth's energy. With these crystals, presently you as well, may vibrate at the most noteworthy energy - Earth Energy! This is the place where the healing starts. Utilizing crystals, and tuning yourself into their energy, you are then clearing blockages inside you which will upgrade your own normal healing forces. Most don't understand, yet our bodies were intended to act naturally adjusting and normally mend themselves. In any case, as life occurs, we here and there neglect to pause and deal with ourselves so frequently, that our bodies escape sync with that healing interaction, eventually making blockages in our physical and mental bodies.
Any blockages inside your life power is the thing that causes throbs, torments, and even illness to show in the actual body. It's therefore, I presently use crystals consistently for strength in a specific region in my life, for healing that is required that day, for individual reflection and clearness, or for use in my Reiki practice to incite love and light while cleaning and clearing Chakras. Reiki, as only one elective healing methodology, in it's most straightforward interpretation is Universal Life Force. It is the act of diverting the general life energy in a specific example to mend and fit the psychological and actual body and every one of our Chakras, which gets, absorbs, and communicates physical, passionate, and profound energy coursing through our bodies. There is a clearing method I use, just as an alternate explicit precious stone for each Chakra to clear any blockages around there. This makes room for life power energy to stream to you and through you to keep the psyche, body, and soul in it's heavenly condition of amazing wellbeing. In the event that we keep our brain, body, and soul vibrating on a high recurrence of affection and healing energy, we don't permit throbs, agonies, and infection to show and get comfortable the actual body.
 This is only a short outline on Chakra healing with crystals. Every precious stone has its own novel healing property and a particular Chakra it reverberates with because of its tone. Our first Chakra, being the Root Chakra, manages establishing, and basically vibrates with and can be mended utilizing Red, Brown, or Black Crystals like Red Garnet, Hematite and Black Tourmaline. Our second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, managing the mid-region and joy focuses, can mostly be fit with Orange Crystals, such Carnelian, Amber, and Orange Calcite. The Third Chakra, being the Solar Plexus Chakra, managing the Digestive System and individual force, reverberate with and can be mended with Yellow Crystals like Yellow Citrine, and Sunstone. The Fourth Chakra, the Heart Chakra, manages the Heart, Lungs, and Love. The Heart Chakra vibrates in a healing way with all Green or Pink crystals like Rose Quartz, Jade, or Green Aventurine. The fifth Chakra, the Throat Chakra, manages conveying, and reverberates with Blue Crystals like Blue Agate, Sodalite, or Sapphire. The 6th Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, managing instinct and knowing, vibrates on a healing level with Violet Crystals like Amethyst, Lolite, and Flourite. The seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra, managing the Central Nervous System and the Divine, resounds best with White or Purple Crystals like Selenite, Clear Quartz, or Amethyst.
I've actually been utilizing Crystals for my own healing for a lot, yet since starting the utilization of crystals for healing, I've had a couple of remarkable examples of overcoming adversity, some of which are important to me. The primary example of overcoming adversity is my better half who had rotator sleeve medical procedure. This, based on what I'm told by many individuals, is the most over the top agonizing a medical procedure you can have. This is most certainly an issue with a long healing time as he's just acquired around 3/4 of his movement back around there without torment so far over the most recent 5 months. At first, I would Reiki him while we were sitting and unwinding and the finish of every day. Then, at that point I brought a Carnelian ball into the image and what he disclosed to me while utilizing the healing ball was quite astonishing. The Carnelian ball brought him stunning warmth, practically like a hot stone wherever it contacted him assisting with unwinding and recuperate the muscles that had been cut off and controlled during a medical procedure, alleviating the aggravation actually like a hot stone back rub.
 The second example of overcoming adversity is likewise precious to me as it has to do with my sister. My sister Deneen has Lupus, which is basically a provocative sickness where your body's resistant framework assaults its own tissue and organs. From what I hear and own her going, it is an extremely excruciating sickness and specialists simply toss various meds at it as an experimentation thing until they discover a medication that works. All things considered, she's as yet in a phase of her infection of not knowing what medicine works in aiding the aggravation which she bears each day. I've done Reiki healing on her various occasions in the past which has facilitated the aggravation barely enough to bring some relief, yet it wasn't until I begun Crystal Healing Therapy, that she's had supported help from the aggravation. I utilized different various Crystals to Cleanse and Clear her Chakra's, yet I additionally requested that she wear a Reiki Charged Hematite wristband for a couple of hours daily. It's been half a month and she's accounted for not having had a truly downright terrible day since.
My third example of overcoming adversity in only a couple of brief weeks has to do with somebody that has degenerative plate sickness which is torment in the lower back or neck because of a compromised circle in the spine. While there is a marginally hereditary reason to this infection, it's fundamentally brought about by normal mileage or some kind of injury to the body. With this kind of illness, there is ordinarily a steady, generally a slight benchmark torment. It likewise includes gentle to serious scenes of back or neck torment that by and large could endure anyplace from a couple of days to a couple of months and can be weakening during that time, prior to getting the individual once again to what they think about their standard in the aggravation division. Rachael had been languishing over numerous years with degenerative circle sickness when she came to me. I assisted her with the healing energy of Reiki and a Carnelian ball, which I used to treat lower back issues. After those two things, I utilized Hematite on her which, for her purposes, resembled the Belle of the Ball. When the Hematite stones connected with the skin on her lower back, she announced a dissolving of the aggravation very quickly and remained however long the Hematite remained on her back. I then, at that point educated her to proceed with this training all alone while she was not with me and to purge the Hematite with a Selenite stone so the entirety of the cynicism and poisons the Hematite assimilated from her, would be cleared prior to returning them to her lower back once more.
So regardless of the reported healing gem utilization of a considerable lot of our progenitors, some actually ruin the utilization of these stones alongside different types of elective medication. There are very few examinations to demonstrate or even refute the force of elective types of medications, for example, gem healing, needle therapy, Reiki, or even yoga as healing for the psyche, body and soul. This doesn't imply that these healing practices aren't viable. It simply implies that cash isn't being spent on what some consider to be "New Age" healing; that equivalent healing therapy that is really healing ancient. Likewise, regardless of the absence of exploration for these kinds of healing techniques, still around 33% of Americans utilize these or different types of elective medication. It is not necessarily the case that Crystal Healing Therapy is a fix all. You should in any case look for the assistance and clinical consideration from your PCPs, yet as you can see from these three totally different issues and infections from the above cases, Crystal Healing Stones really serve to enhance all endeavors of healing; regardless of whether you have enthusiastic injuries, explicit actual ailment, or basically need to build your energy levels, you can utilize crystals to vibrate with similar frequencies of earths energy and once again initiate your body's own personal healing capacities!
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applemitten23 · 3 years
Where You Can Find Amazing Selling Machine 12
Amazing Selling Machine - The Conspriracy While billions of eCommerce sales are produced worldwide, it is offering a solid push to the startups and also retailers to sell their things on the internet with an impressive shop. WeDoWebApps is introducing the challenges of internet site and also applications growth maintaining its placement amongst its around the world clients for its IT growth as well as study writing services. Especially, Shopify is prominent among big names of company owner, as they hire Shopify programmers operating in collaboration with WeDoWebApps experts looking for perfection from an experienced group of expanding leaders. The only things you need to end up being a successful dropshipper are a great organisation and also an entrepreneurial spirit sense. You can create more than one drop delivery internet site as well as consequently a lot more. than one service, as well as deal with more than one dropshipper to enhance your results. The best part about being a decrease shipper is that you can offer products that you are passionate concerning, and make money. You will certainly be better with your organisations if you are offering something that you truly care about which interest will likely show via to your customers. Amazing Amazon Reviews is among the most extensively made use of eCommerce platforms in the world. Endeavor - Boxing is a complimentary Shopify style that is suitable for offering the greater volume item. The trial web site reveal the shop of marketing boxing equipment, nevertheless its similarly good for various other online shop. This motif include the function like, homepage slider, marketing bar, fully resonsive, easy to read typography and more.|Dropshipping on eBay is fairly simple yet you need to comprehend a few basics prior to starting. Among this development, the competition in between the top market gamers and arising rivals is coming to be more extreme. Amazon.com is planning to launch in your area in 2019, having formerly acquired the area's significant Shopping market A fast-growing player is, which cooperates with ebay.com to make use of the cross-border on the internet purchasing opportunity. Supplies have actually been shaky in recent weeks after the UNITED STATE and China traded their most recent rounds of trade battle tariff hikes. Chinese stocks have actually been hit specifically hard by the profession war - for example, the iShares China Large-Cap ETF (ticker: FXI) is up 8%, but is far underperforming the S&P 500, which is up an astonishing 20% considering that Jan. 1. Despite concerns concerning the trade battle's influence on China's economic growth, China's ecommerce organisation is booming. Chinese online retail is a massive long-term investment opportunity, yet purchasers may still need to be discerning provided trade war pressures. Below are 7 Chinese e-commerce supplies KeyBanc analyst Hans Chung is watching. The fad of on the internet purchasing has acquired this much momentum primarily due to the fact that individuals can purchase from any kind of place on the planet, from the comfort of their house or workplace. Also when there is none local outlet in their equivalent city, customers do the required scrolling and also clicking to discover their required products. It is truly a far much better alternative when contrasted to painstaking experiencing all your means to the brick and mortar shops only to encounter the indifferent perspective of salespersons or to know that the item you require is not there. 3. Not all decrease carriers have the ability to track supply as well as automate the buying and also shipment process. Below are a few fundamental things you require to remember while choosing the ecommerce platform for your service. 2. When the item sells, you collect the market price (retail) and the delivery price from you customer. Successful drop shipping entails mindful research of the market situation, in order to learn which items are in demand and also to use up shipments on such preferred items for distributions that gain excellent profit margins. This is where sound organisation acumen is required. Selecting the best item mix is one component that must be meticulously decided. An additional component is the cost that you set for each and every item you select to provide. If you set your cost competitively, you can get a good edge over the competition, though you might feel that setting specific costs may bring your earnings margin down. While making use of chatbots is a significantly preferred solution to help smooth the on the internet customer experience, it's preferable for common concerns such as where is my order?" or is this product offered?" instead of personal concerns such as will this lipstick look great on a yellow-undertone skin?". Continue reading, as, through this post, we will certainly see the top eCommerce platforms today along with tips on how you can grab the ideal one from them to open your online apparel shop. As bots become more useful for entrepreneurs, developers are thinking of more ways to implement them. They can create crawlers for your business to aid consumers browse and also choose products, settle customer care worries, and follow up on orders. WooCommerce Bonus Item Options - Currently your customers can conveniently customize products to their liking as a result of this WooCommerce expansion which would certainly allow you to construct forms with conditional reasoning. There are various certifications the distributors will certainly such as a retail merchant that is serious about business of decrease shipping to meet. As a company owner, there are particular points that need to your utmost interest, business planning, advertising and marketing methods, managing product lines, etc. Having an outstanding mobile-friendly store that runs like a well-oiled device is likewise vital. This is where BigCommerce certified professionals can aid lighten your workload. Beginning dropshipping company is ideal step into entrepreneurship as well as you might be able to offer items to clients, market your very own brand and also establish your own item price. 3 principals in dropshipping company design such as client, producer and retailer. When it pertains to manufacturer duty in the dropshipping service design then it consists of lugging stock, creating items as well as replacing defective items. According to the researches claim that dropshipping business is thought about as low danger company design. Knowband supplies Walmart PrestaShop Integrator Expansion which connects the space between your PrestaShop shop and Walmart Industry. With the assistance of an API port, it incorporates your eCommerce site with Walmart Industry in simply a few actions. Vendors can conveniently note their products on the Walmart Market from the backend of the PrestaShop Walmart API Integrator without also visiting the Industry site. Finally, Magento does not include any kind of challenging coding, as it may be easily integrated with any third party coding. In addition, this is not disrupted with expansions or attachments of prospective upgrades. Thus, Magento, a system based on MySQL as well as PHP, is handy to the developers as well as eCommerce site owners. 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yofavcocoa · 3 years
Amber Heard Plastic Surgery Before as well as After
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At least that's what Dr. Julian De Silva, a London-based cosmetic surgeon, concluded when he examined the 33-year-old's features using computer mapping modern technology.
" The Phi ratio of 1.618 has actually long been believed to hold the trick for elegance," he states. After determining Amber and other superstars across 12 essential pens for the nose, lips, eyes, temple, chin, and facial symmetry and form, he discovered that Amber came closest to the old Greek principles for physical perfection thanks to cosmetic surgery! Visit Website and see pictures before and after plastic surgery!
" [She] has one of the most lovely faces in the world, racking up a high 91.85 percent."
Certainly, a cosmetic surgeon greater than any person would recognize that the supposed "best" face proportions can be accomplished by going under the knife. Interestingly sufficient, Dr. De Silva's formula scored Kim Kardashian 91.39 percent, as well as most of us, recognize there's nothing all-natural regarding her!
So did Amber additionally have a little aid? Allow's learn!
Amber in 2005
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Our first shot was from back in 2005 when Brownish-yellow was 19 years old. She's got the same dirty blonde hair color, the same eyes, and also the very same lovely skin. What's various compared to now? I think it's generally to do with her mouth. We can see that her top lip was naturally a lot thinner than the reduced one, for starters.
Amber in 2006
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In this more front-facing shot from 2006, we get a far better consider her initial nose. It appears a little broader and extra noticeable compared to more recent photos. Additionally, her smile doesn't have that "Hollywood" look yet; I think since she has a little bit of an overbite. Keep in mind the thinner brows, which got on the pattern back then.
Amber in 2007
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In 2007, Brownish-yellow was still undressed (I think!). I'm rather sure I would not have acknowledged her in this shot. Again, the distinction is all in the mouth-- her overbite is triggering her teeth to protrude over her reduced lip slightly, and also, her top lip isn't almost as full. The makeup is additionally rinsing her complexion. I assume the structure is too matte and grainy and can make use of some measurement from bronzer or flush.
Amber in 2008
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In 2008, she cycled via several hair colors. First, it was back to her natural dirty blonde-- however, styled in these stiff, retro curls. (There was a genuine old Hollywood moment around this moment, do you keep in mind? Scarlett Johansson made use of to use this type of appearance too!) Brownish-yellow's teeth are additionally brighter, although there are many more changes to find. When it comes to the "bunny lines" close to her nose, sometimes those can occur from Botox. However, she was only 22 at this time ... hmmm!
Amber in 2009
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The black hair had actually faded right into this deep brownish by the list below year, which Amber paired with a spray tan and spiky false lashes. From this angle, I see two points. She still has that minor overbite appearance (which she does not have currently). Plus, her nose still has the same little bump on the bridge, similar to 2007.
Amber in 2010
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After that came one more significant change in 2010. To accompany her initial film functions as the women lead (in Drive Angry and The Rum Diary), she upgrades both her hair color and makeup. This warm blonde is a lot kinder to her complexion, and the great smoky eyes and flushed cheeks are tranquil. I don't think she altered anything additional regarding her features at this time ... yet stay tuned!
Amber in 2011
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The list below year, Amber was a blonde once more, but this time around, it looks a lot extra brightened. Although I'm still not fascinated by the color, the smooth styling makes her appearance equally the star. One more monitoring: spray tans were a whole lot extra obvious in this age! The same chooses the makeup, which is heavy-handed. When it comes to her teeth, they're whiter and brighter than ever before. She had veneers because the shapes and sizes are different from 2008.
Amber in 2012
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At age 26, Amber had yet an additional hair color change, and also, this one's my favorite of all, a warm medium brown. I can bear in mind caring about this at the time, and I really feel the same way already! Orange lipstick was a huge trend that year, as well as Brownish-yellow is using it with attractive fresh skin. Her eyebrows have actually also completed rather, compared to 2006. But there could be something else adding to this look ... a little tweak to her nose. Bear in mind; celebrities typically change their hair at the same time to toss us off!
Amber in 2013
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Amber's redhead hair was just as gorgeous in 2013. I really did a double-take with this photo-- initially, look, I thought it was Miranda Kerr! You have to admit that she looks extremely modelesque with the marginal makeup and side-swept, brushed-out waves.
Amber in 2014
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I think 2014 was the year that Brownish-yellow truly "made it" as a star, ending up being a regular on the red carpet. The first thing that leaps out in this image is her top lip. Does it look fuller because the edge has been overdrawn with lip lining? Or did she have a little something infused? I'm not sure!
Amber in 2015
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Okay, by 2015, I definitely assume Brownish-yellow was messing around with hyaluronic acid lip shots. See just how the bottom side of her top lip is quite lumpy? She also had this very same expression in 2007, and also, her top lip did not have this much fullness. I believe she finally arrived at her "Life Colour" with this blonde in other news. She has remained near to this color since!
Amber in 2016
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Does Brownish-yellow get prettier and also prettier or what? She was 30 in this image, and I'm enjoying the off-the-face updo as well as glowy makeup. Red lipstick has actually started to become her point currently (it additionally makes lip injections less obvious!). You'll see that her mouth setting appears a lot more loosened up, perhaps since her teeth are no more protruding as much.
Amber in 2017
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Hair and makeup always boost considerably as individuals climb the celeb ladder, and this appearance is no exemption. The tousled beachy hair, great brown smoky eyes, shaded brows, contoured cheeks, and matte tarnished lips are all extremely innovative (and were no question implemented by specialists). Notice how her top lip now matches the dimension of her lower one.
Amber in 2018
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With a streamlined ponytail as well as red lipstick, this ensemble was perhaps Amber's most developed look today. See what I indicate about the red lipstick camouflaging the plumped-up lip( s)? Although she is putting on a heavier layer of the structure, the makeup is excellent. Her face also appears a lot more angular currently, possibly from age, weight-loss, or tension. Honestly, I think she looks a little tired. (Stars! They're just like us!).
Amber in 2019
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That brings us to Amber's latest pic-- and even with red lipstick, these lips stick out. They're absolutely the plumpest she's needed today, as well as are what obtained me thinking of this Before & After, to begin with! Fortunately, they're balanced by extremely, very little makeup, an off-the-face hairstyle, and her max eyebrows yet.
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Before I started this Before & After, I thought Brownish-yellow underwent a few cosmetic tweaks to rack up so high with Dr. De Silva's algorithm.
Specifically, I believed a nose job-- similar to the majority of celebs we have actually looked at in this column. Now that I've analyzed her red carpet images, I still think that procedure. But this is just one of the more difficult instances to inform without a doubt!
With her face angled sideways, there's not a considerable distinction in her account over the years, except perhaps a much less forecasted suggestion. When she's facing the electronic camera, she could have had some traditional sculpting to tighten her nostrils and develop a more button-like idea.
Something I bank on, nonetheless-- Amber made huge modifications to her lips as well as teeth!
There's no denying that she explores lip injections these last few years to boost her upper lip's dimension.
What made the largest difference was addressing her protruding teeth, probably with something like Invisalign's undetectable dental braces. Currently, when she smiles, her teeth no more overlap her bottom lip. She additionally has a much whiter, more even smile, likely because of a combination of teeth lightening and porcelain veneers.
When we consider plastic surgery, we do not generally think about aesthetic dentistry, yet Brownish-yellow's Before & After goes to show you exactly how transformative it can be!
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Humans are Weird “The Watering Hole.”
Forgive the grammar mistakes if they are more numerous than usual. I am trying to multitask right now. Hope you all like it, and have a great day :) 
You see that…. Beautiful isn’t it. The watering hole, the place where all the humans go to feed, drink and meet up with other humans. Humans are very social creatures, but all of them still prefer to have their own territory. They work out this problem by having their territory in a different area of the ship, and then return here where the territory is communal. Technically it is owned by the alpha who allows all the others to go about his space.” The camera slowly zooms in on another large, intimidating figure, much larger than its human counterparts, with bright red carapace and a beak-like face. “Humans are notorious for their pack-bonding ability. This creature right here is a Drev, named Cannon, and he is just as much a part of their human pack as any of the humans are. With a lot of species, to become a member of the social structure, there may be some sort of challenge or requirements one might meet, but integration into a human pack requires only time, and the stipulation that the humans actually enjoy your company. As far as science can tell, the Drev and the Humans are the most psychologically similar species in the universe. Not many tests have been done on the subject, but they seem to have a similar cortical and limbic structure, which suggests that humans and Drev feel and think in the same way.”
Dr. Krill moves around the corner and scoots just a little closer the camera jostling in his hands. The humans are the first ones to notice his presence lifting their heads from the odd multicolored mush on their plates. Those strange, unnerving eyes lock onto him, an entire pack of the creatures. A few of them began to chirp at each other and at the camera as Krill moved forward. The Drev raised their heads relying on the human reaction as they turned to look at Krill grunting huffing a hooting at each other with their own strange dialect.
“As a doctor, I often come here to observe the health of my humans. You see when a human isn’t feeling well, they will often avoid socializing or even eating. Now you well know that humans need food to survive, so to see a human not eating is a very alarming sign. Additionally, from here I can observe their social patterns to determine how healthy the social structure is. Today everyone seems happy and calm. Now, because this is such a large place where many humans come to eat, you may also see pack conflicts between subordinate humans.”
Krill moves up the gauntlet of humans even despite multiple pairs of predatory eyes locked onto him as he goes. The camera doesn’t even tremble as the humans lean over him occasional paw swiping at the camera as they hoot back and forth to each other. He turns to the camera towards a row of humans. One of them swipes at the camera showing his teeth as he does his dark eyes and brown skin blending pleasantly with the strange green/grey outfit he wears. “Down Chavez, sit.” The human pulls back head tilting sharply to the left mouth open slightly.
“See, a firm hand works well with the subordinate humans specifically the low level pack members. Chavez is a very young juvenile member of the pack and so does not have a very high ranking, and the more subordinate you are the more dangerous work you do. You see he is what is called a Marine, and the humans use members of his class as protection and to fight. On the other hand, the Alpha could choose to stay aboard the ship and avoid all confrontation but isn’t likely to do so because he must show his competence to the rest of the pack by supporting his subordinate members.” The camera trembles slightly as the Dr.’s voice changes imperceptibly, “Besides, the marines are the dumb ones.”
The pack of humans erupt into a burst of sound. It is a horrifying sight, teeth flash as the humans snarl before exhibiting a strange noise like the revving of an engine. One of the humans rises to his full height and hoots something loudly to the room.  All close-by human groups are making the same revving noise now. It seemed as if the Dr. was about to get jumped and ripped apart for some breach of protocol, but the humans themselves remained seated though their eyes never left the Dr. as he moved around the room with his camera pointed their direction. Slowly the lens zooms in on one of the humans hunched over his plate and using some strange silver tool to shovel the strange much into his mouth. The camera continues in until the human’s face filled the entire picture, “See that, the human jaw muscle is one of the strongest in their body, making the human capable of biting off fingers, and, for certain nonhuman species….. Limbs. I don’t know if you can see, but inside the mouth they have two rows of teeth, now teeth are actually bones that grow from the gums and protrude into the mouth. The front two teeth are generally used for biting and holding, the sharp pointed teeth next to it are for ripping, and the teeth behind those, the ones that are sort of flat and round are using for grinding. Though humans are classified as a predatory species, they are primarily omnivores eating both meat AND pants. Hard and fast rule is that a human can eat almost anything as long as it contains nutritional value. Correction, humans can pretty much eat anything they can digest, it may not provide them with the minerals they need to survive, but they will at least digest it.”
The human in frame looks up cheeks puffed out as it attempts to hold food inside its mouth. Seeing the camera, it freezes in that posture eyes darting around towards the other humans who begin making that revving sound. The human swallows hard and grimaces wincing as it rubs its chest with one hand. The Dr. hurries over and smacks the human on the arm. The human sits back reproachful brown eyes looking at Krill, “Don’t take such big bites.” The human yips in response. The camera shakes slightly, “The younger humans are always a little enthusiastic about their food. Now the issue with this is that the human trachea was moved further down in the throat to give them such a high range of vocalization that you see here. However this ability to vocalize also makes it easier for them to choke on their food. Choking being the obstruction of the windpipe as food becomes stuck in the esophagus. Sometimes, I have to discipline the humans participating in this risky behavior, and I can do that because they see themselves as subordinate to me. The alpha will tolerate it because it keeps the peace, and I am a useful member of the pack.”
At that moment, the entire room raises their head to something behind Krill. A few of the humans stand up making a strange signal with their arms. “That will be the alpha coming into the room. What you see right here is a greeting ritual that the subordinate humans will use to fall in line under the alpha human.” He turns the camera around to find a familiar human. The alpha stands in the doorway single green eye sweeping over the crowd to fall on Krill.
“Let’s see if he will tolerate my behavior today.”
The green eye rolls, but he ignores Krill for the moment and barks something to the room. In response, the other humans go back to their food. A figure steps from the hallway behind the captain. It is another one of the Drev creature, this one is only a little taller than the human with bright blue carapace and glittering golden-yellow eyes. She grumbles something at the alpha, and he clicks back his answer reaching up to place a hand on her shoulder, “Ah, you see that, I have been waiting a while to show you a demonstration of human affection. Now this is only a small one, but humans often use touch to both greet, dominate and show affection to each other. Now the Drev you see here is a young female Drev who falls as the 1 Beta aboard this ship. In any other situation, she would be the Alpha to her clan, but has given up that responsibility to the more dominant human.” The Drev and the human turn to look at each other somehow managing to highlight the same expression across their dissimilar faces.
Suddenly, the female Drev reaches out and shoves the alpha human. Eyes wide he stumbles backwards, trips over a chair and goes crashing to the ground. The entire room makes that revving noise as the alpha scrambles to his feet with a reproachful look on his face. He hisses something at the Drev, and she grumbles something in return. Surely this is a behavior that the alpha would deal with. But he only shows his teeth and bats softly at her with one of his large paws, the two of them return to walk side by side over to where the food is being served, “Now that was an interesting little interaction you got to see there. Seeing that technically the female Drev is also an alpha, she chose that moment to assert her dominance and remind the human alpha of that fact. If it was anyone else, he might have chosen to continue the competition, but instead chose to allow the interaction.”
From the other side of the room, the human lifts his paw and makes a gesture with a set of fingers. The nonverbal is unknown.
The humans don’t stop staring at Krill as he moves around the watering hole. Their eyes follow him with their predatory grace, slowly sweeping back and forth as he moves. Sometimes they call to him in their strange rumbling voices, and sometimes they just watch. Eventually many of them turn back to their food ignoring him for the most part.
He stalks through the tables barely coming up the human mid-back even when they sit. He narrates as he goes and sometimes they turn to look at him before going back to their food. A few of them watch continually from where they sit. The corners of their mouths are turned up eyes wide with amusement heads cocked comfortably to the side.
“Ah, now this is interesting.” Krill moves forward bringing the edge of the camera up beside one of the tables. A male and female human sit across from each other, “This is a good demonstration of human courting rituals. Look at how close the male is sitting to the female, how he leans towards her.” The human glances over at Krill shifting in his seat as he turns back to the female. The little line of fur above her eyes is raised as she looks from Krill to the man. Krill moves closer until he is right up against the table, He zooms in on the humans face.
The human turns his head away from the camera lens doing his best to ignore Krill as he continues mumbling towards the female who sits back showing her teeth, “He will be trying to woo her. Perhaps he will try to look intelligent and sophisticated…. He is not doing a very good job.” The human turns to glower at krill hissing something as his eyes narrow before clearing his throat with a huff and turning his attention back to the original conversation.  The female sits back in her chair she is showing more teeth than before as she looks back and forth between Krill and the other human.
“I don’t know if you can tell, but humans tend to court based on their genetic health. Those with high genetic health tend to mate with those with the same genetic health as them. As you can see this female human is much healthier than the male human. In colloquial terms one might say that he is out of his leave.”
The female human snorts and makes that odd revving noise.
“Ah, look see that is an interesting reaction. That color change in his face is actually do to an influx of blood into the neck and head. I am not really sure what it is for, some say that it is actually evolutionary trait chosen by its use in social situations. It’s a way we can tell he is embarrassed.” The human whirls on Krill and snarls. His lips are pulled back from his teeth and his eyes are narrowed. He stops upon realizing that the other humans are watching intently. They wait in expectant silence as the human male shifts in his seat, eventually the alpha waves a paw at the young human and barks something at him from across the room. The red in his face grows deeper as more blood rushes into his neck and head. He turns back towards the female human who is showing even more teeth than before.
He makes a coughing noise and then continues to mumble quietly.
“Often humans try to use their voices to attract each other, this humans voice is not very impressive. He keeps tripping, and if he keeps speaking so quietly, than she will not be able to hear him.” The human plows onward as quiet revving stars up from the humans around the room. All of them are watching him.
“See how the coloring has changed, I am surprised he has any more blood in the rest of his body as it is all in his face.”
There was some barking from the other humans and the young male stumbled even more forcibly.
Krill turned the camera towards the female human, “Hm…. It is hard to tell what she will think about his advances. The teeth are a good sign, but the human female does not always keep her emotions at the surface. With all of his stuttering and mumbling she may decide to reject him for a better mate.” Still showing her teeth, the human female swipes at the camera and chirps something before turning to look at the male human nodding. The human male is still horribly red, and slumps down in his seat only to show his teeth
“Hm, wow, it worked. I did not expect that.”
Across the room the humans begin hooting and screeching slamming their hands against any close hard surface.
“Apparently all the other humans are impressed as well, bet they didn’t expect this to happen. They are congratulating him with loud noises. Humans love when other humans make loud noises for them.” The alpha barks out another loud string of noises, and Krill turns the camera on him.
“The alpha would do well to remember that despite this human’s incompetence when dealing with female humans, he himself has never managed to court another human.” He stalks a little closer with the camera still on the alpha who has gone rather quiet, “You know I have wondered about that for a while, as a medical doctor it worries me. I would have assumed that he is very genetically healthy for a male human, and if so why is no one interested. I played around with the idea that, perhaps, he has some kind of deformity that only humans are aware of and I am not.”
The alpha shifts on his feet and sits back down. He grumbles something at the camera.
“I have wounded the alpha’s pride. As a human he will likely find a way to retaliate at a later date” 
Hey Krill, What’s up, what’s with the camera.
Are you like, narrating or something?
Is this for some kind of documentary? Or are you just being weird.
What is that supposed to mean!
What are you talking about, I am the smartest person I know.
You signed up for this job, how smart can you be?
You know what, he’s not wrong. I’ve never met a dumber group of people, and that includes myself.
What are you my mother?
Now what is this all about?
Oh, this is Krill’s new thing. I think he’s making some kind of documentary or something like that. Get ready to be annoyed excessively.
The hell! What was that for?
Because I felt like it, do I need a reason?
So… uh, I was wondering if you….. maybe might be interested…. I mean you don’t have to say yes, if you don’t want; I just thought that since…. Since we are friends or….
Are you serious right now Krill?
So anyway….. I was thinking that you and I….
Come on
Get on with it.
At this rate she will be married and dead by the time you finish
Oh Krill, knock it off and give him a break. Of course I will go out with you
Nice job man!
It’s about damn time!
Alright, alright Krill….. I get it.
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drmichaelvohrer · 3 years
Vitamin D
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Vitamin D – Not only important for the bones…..
Vitamin D – one of the most important Vitamins for the human body – that important that the body produces it itself – if he has the chance for it. This means, if the body gets exposed to sun, vitamin D is produced, if the body is covered, protected with sun-screen or dressed with layers of clothing this cutaneous transformation and production of Vitamin D is inhibited.
Vitamin D is not only important for strong Bones and Muscle performance. A Deficiency is related to a couple of other Diseases like Dementia and Cancer.
No other Vitamin has a likewise high importance and function to the body. Well known is that Vitamin D protects our body from infections and increases our immune competence. Therefore it is important to get enough sun exposure, as this increases the endogenous production of Vitamin D in the body. Therefore Vitamin D is often known as “Sun Vitamin”.
Many people are not aware that Vitamin D is a variety of different Vitamins, D1 to D5, whereas the most important is Vit D3, Cholecalciferol. Several steps of synthesis are needed to transform it into the biologic active form.
As other Vitamins like B, C and E have to be taken by food, Vitamin D can be produced alone by the own body, provided that UV radiation from sunlight is exposed to the skin surface. Here on the surface of the skin Vit D precursor lipoproteins which contain Cholesterol are transformed in the biological active Vitamin D3. 80-90% of the Vitamin D demand is usually covered this way. This is at about 20 microgram per day. Accumulated excess of Vit D3 will be stored in the body for example in the liver and fat tissue. In low-sunlight season the body can consume these reserves out of its storage. The remaining 20% of Vitamin D demand will usually be supplemented with food rich in Vitamin D. Fat fish like herring and salmon, liver, mushrooms and egg yellow are rich on Vitamin D. Nevertheless a quite enormous amount of these nutrients would have to be consumed to get considerable amount of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is a precursor for various hormons, constantly new functions are scientifically proven. Not only in the hormonal system and in the immune system Vit D has a key role. Meanwhile we know that almost any cell of the body carries a Vitamin D receptor. The action spectrum of this Vitamin could be even bigger than now already know.
Immune system:
Without Vitamin D some immune cells are not able to work. These T cells belong to the group of Lymphocytes. Vitamin D has an important double function. On the one hand it stimulates the production of defense cells, on the other hand it modulates the excessive immune defense to a standard. This is why Vitamin D is so important in autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or even multiple sclerosis.
Bone metabolism:
Vitamin D is important to mineralize the bone. It regulates the mechanism of the bone building cells, the osteoclasts. Hence Vitamin D is that important for the bone as calcium. Most popular example for a deficiency in Vitamin D is rickets. Vitamin D Deficiency is still related with axial deformities and overuse problems in children and adults, like bow legs, knock knees, flatfeet and overuse pathologies like Osgood-Schlatter disease and Severs disease.
Muscle System:
Vitamin D supports muscle development and growth and protects to a certain extent against age related muscle loss.
Brain and nervous system:
Multiple studies have shown that Vitamin D has a preventive effect in relation to certain diseases of brain and nerves like Alzheimers disease, dementia, Parkinsons disease and even strokes. Additionally it is able to reduce the risk of falling in elderly people, a high risk factor for care dependency due to femoral neck fracture, confinement to bed and immobility.
New studies are showing a relationship in between Depression and significant Vit D Deficiency. Also the so called winter depression caused by lack of sunlight can be treated with Vit D supplementation.
Fact is that in low-sunlight areas the cancer rate is higher than in regions closer to the equator. Reason for that can be that lack of sunlight causes Vit D Deficiency. Studies have shown that Vitamin D can reduce the proliferation rate of cancer cells. This seems to effective in bowel cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer. However, further studies in this field are ongoing.
There are references that Vitamin D can effect the blood sugar positively. The Diabetes metabolism benefits significantly with Vitamin D.
Cardiovascular diseases:
Vitamin D could have protective effect on reducing vascular plaque development, therefore it would help prophylactically to reduce the risk for myocardial infarction and strokes.
During a pregnancy Vit D takes responsibility that the child is developing properly and that the mother is protected against gestational diabetes.
Sexual system:
The hormonal regulation is dependent in many ways from Vitamin, which is a hormonal precursor. Here Vitamin D supports the Production of sexual hormones. Good Vitamin D supply is linked to adequate Testosteron production in men and can improve fertility in men and women.
Vit D against overweight:
In a study with overweight children it has been shown that the body mass index BMI is reduced, that body fat reduces and that blood fat parameters improve as soon as children are supplemented with Vitamin D.
A majority of people, not only in Europe but also in sunny countries like the UAE are Vitamin D Deficient. As a reasons for a persistent Vitamin D deficiency in the population can be seen the use of Sunscreen products, which are for logical reasons used to prevent skin cancer and sunburns. The used UV block unfortunately also blocks the Vit D production in the skin.
Fine dust and smog are reducing the amount of sunbeams significantly which reflect on the skin.
Some people rarely go outside. Years ago these have been the elderly people and chronic sick patients. Nowadays the youth belongs to this risk-group as they rarely spend time outside in the fresh air and gardens.
Cultural clothing with covered appearance avoids direct UV exposure.
Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency:
The signs of Vitamin D Deficiency are unfortunately not always clear. Susceptibility for infection, bone pain, skeletal deformities, Tiredness and Depression are just a few examples pointing out to this problem.
Who wants to be sure can make a simple blood test which can diagnose the blood level objectively. Then a treatment program can be adjusted.
General recommendations are daily dosages of 400 units Vit D3 for children up to one year and about 1000 Units for older children.
An overdosage is hardly possible, as liver and kidneys need to transform the Vit D into its active form. This will only be done if there is really need and demand, otherwise it stays inactive.
With Vitamin D supplements a deficiency situation can easily be treated. A variety of Vit D3 products are on the market to make supplementation easy for each group of age.
The hormonal regulation is dependent in many ways from Vitamin, which is a hormonal precursor. Here Vitamin D supports the Production of sexual hormones. Good Vitamin D supply is linked to adequate Testosteron production in men and can improve fertility in men and women.
Vit D against overweight:
In a study with overweight children it has been shown that the body mass index BMI is reduced, that body fat reduces and that blood fat parameters improve as soon as children are supplemented with Vitamin D.
A majority of people, not only in Europe but also in sunny countries like the UAE are Vitamin D Deficient. As a reasons for a persistent Vitamin D deficiency in the population can be seen the use of Sunscreen products, which are for logical reasons used to prevent skin cancer and sunburns. The used UV block unfortunately also blocks the Vit D production in the skin.
Fine dust and smog are reducing the amount of sunbeams significantly which reflect on the skin.
Some people rarely go outside. Years ago these have been the elderly people and chronic sick patients. Nowadays the youth belongs to this risk-group as they rarely spend time outside in the fresh air and gardens.
Cultural clothing with covered appearance avoids direct UV exposure.
Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency:
The signs of Vitamin D Deficiency are unfortunately not always clear. Susceptibility for infection, bone pain, skeletal deformities, Tiredness and Depression are just a few examples pointing out to this problem.
Who wants to be sure can make a simple blood test which can diagnose the blood level objectively. Then a treatment program can be adjusted.
General recommendations are daily dosages of 400 units Vit D3 for children up to one year and about 1000 Units for older children.
An overdosage is hardly possible, as liver and kidneys need to transform the Vit D into its active form. This will only be done if there is really need and demand, otherwise it stays inactive.
With Vitamin D supplements a deficiency situation can easily be treated. A variety of Vit D3 products are on the market to make supplementation easy for each group of age
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So, if Maddie could become a titan, what would she looks like and what would her powers be? To be honest, since she hás a defiant and determined nature, and a titan’s roar, I had to send you this question.
Okay, so I’ve spent a long time thinking about this, and I really wish I could draw what I’m imagining, but here’s hoping I describe it well enough. also, i had a lot of fun with this, please just go with it because i can’t do things by half most of the time and it’s also really long oops So, if I could design what Maddie as a Titan would be like, I would keep the basic shape of a human. Mostly.
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Titanus Madison stands upright on two legs, with a slightly hunched posture. She is about half Godzilla’s size at around 200 feet tall, and her base color is a dark brown with lighter green and yellow accents. Her skin lacks scales but is rough and thick, akin to flexible tree bark. Bullets, as with most Titans, do little more than irritate her.
Her arms are proportioned differently from a human’s, longer and bearing a curved spike emerging from the elbow with the point facing upward. It’s connected in such a way that the spikes remain aligned with her forearms when she flexes the joint. A bone in its own right, a good jab from one has been catalogued to do serious damage when ripped through a fellow Titan’s stomach.
She leaves circular footprints behind, cracking pavement and compressing dirt from the pressure. She lacks a separate appendage at the end of her legs, as instead, they merely widen at the base for stability. This causes her no discernible difficulty with maneuvering.
Titanus Madison’s hands are human-like in dexterity and design. She bears opposable thumbs, and the fingers themselves are pointed. Past incidents prove them to be as dangerous as if they were tipped with claws. Similarly to her elbows, the base knuckles all exhibit short spikes, and Titanus Madison has been known to punch in a manner identical to humans.
Her head and facial structure mimics a human’s as well, with a few exceptions, particularly of her nose. It is both less pronounced and significantly flatter. Her eyes are longer than a typical humans, and are more of a rounded diamond shape. They appeared to be a solid green, like that of leaves in summer, but closer inspection in recent years shows a dozen different hues of green and gold making up the surface. The patterns of the different shades seem to reflect the direction she’s looking and other tells usually seen in an iris and pupil.
Just as early depictions of some Titans make them out to be gods, early depictions of Titanus Madison seem to relate her to Mother Nature, perhaps because her periods of stillness have resulted in moss and flowers consistently growing out of her skin. Whether she has any influence on where they grow, our studies have not been able to determine an answer. Regardless, she is almost always covered in great amounts of foliage and wildlife. Birds have been seen perched on her even when she’s moving.
Vocalizations are varied. Most are sounds our own vocal cords are capable of producing, though on a louder and usually deeper level. In some instances, she has managed to mimic the cries of a human to a nearly disturbing degree. Her screams are either long and piercing, or short and bellowing. More recently, Titanus Madison has proved capable of humming a tune, after one was played for her several times over a loudspeaker. Despite how different her bioacoustics are from most other Titans, there has been no indication of difficulty with communicating.
Curiously, Titanus Madison has not been known to display any unique abilities. It could be possible she simply has not had a need to, however, as a number of other Titans have displayed protective tendencies toward her. See incident report [Titanus Gojira Attacks Black Market Harvesters] as an example of such.  Additionally, after witnessing the effective damage she is capable of causing merely by punching—and subsequently dragging the spikes on her knuckles across her victim’s face, particularly the eyes—we believe this is deterrent enough for most Titans. Whether she lacks radiation-fueled “powers” entirely or we have simply yet to observe them, we do not know.
Final notes: Titanus Madison is friendly above all else. She attacks only when provoked and displays logical processing when she does. She wanders the world and shows no irritation when humans approach her, provided they display no ill intentions. Nature flourishes, quite literally, in her footsteps. Given the chance, she appears to take delight in watching humans, and there are records of her intervening in a variety of incidents, such as natural disasters and particularly violent car crashes. Her relationship with most Titans appears friendly at the least, and familial in a few particular cases.
End of file.
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