soupscold · 1 year
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Red Vox - Afterthoughts
Jumped the Gun // Keep it Together
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grimvisionary · 1 year
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it's here, chat. rejoice once more
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plasmagrrl · 6 months
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hanhalbs · 1 year
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i don't need a reason to find / i'm beginning to feel myself again / i'm leaving the memory behind
almost a stranger - red vox
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satashiiwrites · 9 months
Afterthoughts 2.04 Stuck (Eddie)
Title: Afterthoughts 2.04 Stuck (Eddie)
Fandom: 911
Pairing: Buddie. Assume all canon pairings may make an appearance in series.
Chapter summary: Eddie’s resistance to Evan Buckley’s charms are completely obliterated by the way Buck cares for Christopher.
Tags/warnings: buddie goggles firmly on. Dialing all the angst knobs up to max. Codas written during 2023 summer rewatch.
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Read 2.04 here on AO3.
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oceanwithinsblog · 5 months
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modernepimetheus · 3 months
MY FRIEND FOUND MY FUCKING AO3. I told him like three things and he texted me a picture of my account like "this you?"
I, naturally asked him how the fuck he did that with the very limited information he had and the lack of knowledge of the website. He CALLED me because apparently it was too much to explain over text. He was cracking up the whole time and after he promised not to read anything without my permission, so was I.
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stefanflorence · 5 months
I am exploring the negative spaces in the areas of his mouth - there is not the slightest hint of the future that you are all talking about! Where is it? I don't feel any hope anymore. Do I look good enough? how desirable is the presentation that I have purchased? Oh, those fucking hips! How they turn on! I will put this body and its extraordinary organ in a blender and mix it with all the instincts. my cumbersome tongue and endless creative impulse, and my astral body, compared to your petty desire to take over this church, are the treasures that I will save. how low empires have fallen and temples have collapsed in my heart - a moment of crushing orgasm. Just look at that bastard! endless movement in his pants, prolific callousness and emptiness in his eyes. another used model, I'm getting weaker with every burst of energy from all this pain inside the cage, which he was taking apart piece by piece in his friend's house. an imperfect biological species, apparently, I should have stayed at home...
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protector-ofthe-wilds · 7 months
Elune's will was not to be questioned.
Koda knew this. She was raised on this. The entire culture of her people was steeped within the knowledge that their deity - their Mother Moon - was an infallible bastion of righteousness. Whatever pleased Her should spark delight amongst the Kaldorei; whatever served as an affront against Her should be met with swift and divine retribution. There was no wiggle room on this, no grey area, no debate to be had.
When Elune spoke, Her word was to be obeyed. Her judgement was to be fulfilled. Her will was not to be questioned.
And yet, as Koda sat on the edge of her bed in the earliest hours of the morning, watching Cervontis sleep, she couldn't help but wonder, 'Why?'
There was the easy answer: Cervontis had gone against the tenants of their faith and committed crimes against their people that needed to be answered for. And in the eyes of many of their kin, penance was a far greater kindness than he deserved. But Elune had granted him with mercy, and so the Kaldorei obliged their Goddess' word.
But, there was no such thing as an easy answer, and certainly not in this case. With what Cervontis had told her, despite having likely done terrible things while under the influence of the Flame, the initial choice to travel the dark path had not been his own.
And so, the wondering.
Why would Elune punish a victim? She knew everything, and so She certainly knew the true circumstances of his conversion. So why would She elect to banish him back to the Firelands at the completion of his atonement? Wouldn't She rather see him free of those chains? Wouldn't She champion the wounded, not inflict them with further suffering?
And, Cervontis was doing so well. In the short time Koda had known him, she'd watched his personality transform. He was still rough around the edges, sure, but nowhere near how he'd been when they first met. He was listening, and learning, and trying to be a little better each day than he'd been the day before. He was not the sort of person that needed to be exiled, and certainly not to the hellscape that was the Firelands.
It was a simple question, but it rocked the foundation of everything Koda had ever known to its core. Because, if she was questioning the Goddess' judgement on Cervontis, then she also had to question Her judgement on her an'da.
And, even further beyond that, Koda had to question her own feelings about her an'da and his exile. While recent events had begun to elicit hope that her father could be redeemed, it didn't change the fact that she had hated him so much for so long for what he'd done to their family. Even now, her anger burned hot, disgusted by his selfish choice to walk the path of a heretic, but...
But what if it hadn't been him who was wrong? What if the one who was wrong was...
She couldn't complete the thought. Couldn't bring herself to that conclusion, regardless of how wildly these thoughts were spinning around in her mind.
And so, instead, Koda focused on the man before her. Followed the steady rise and fall of his chest with her gaze. He seemed so...peaceful. So at ease, despite it all.
She wouldn't let them steal that from him. She wouldn't sit idly by while they tossed him back into containment, back into the fires of his torment, undoing all the work they had put into making him the man he wanted to be. Koda would find a way to quench him of the sin that burned within him; whether through the latent power of the seed the Keeper had planted in him, or through converting the flames of destruction into the healing flames of the Red Dragonflight, or a mixture of both. Regardless of the method, she would not see the Druid imprisoned again - not by the Wardens, not by the Sentinels...not even by Elune Herself.
Koda had promised Cervontis his freedom, and she was not a woman who broke her promises.
No matter what the cost.
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[ MORE THOUGHTS ] The Taichihaya Kiss 
An addition to this post read it first!
These are not actually my thoughts but aimeeeface on twitter! She tweeted these and tbh she made some great points that I hadn’t even considered so I got her permission to share what she wrote here!
love this analysis so much. actually have been analyzing + re-analyzing this one scene to a friend for days bc yes, it's wrong and problematic but i also think it accomplishes - visually- what he's trying to convey to her. that at this point he no longer has the energy to convey. aside from the fact that the alternative - an honest conversation - requires a vulnerability taichi does not have the mental or emotional capacity to handle at this point so soon after the last time he was vulnerable with her, i think the other details you pointed out (the way she grabs him, her forceful words regarding him not quitting specifically for her, her tears) play a huge role in how he chooses to react to her. what i focus on is the specific details of the kiss itself, how he fast and desperately he goes for it, how it looks like he pauses the second their one lip touches, how fast he backs away - like he gets driven to this point where he absolutely crosses a line, somewhat recognizes that this is Wrong, turns away and delivers that line to her. taichi losing it, the way that entire interaction is v unlike the taichi she knows, and his words affect her and she realizes he's actually hurting that much. i also like that chyfr doesn't romanticize that scene, it's not the big criminal act taichi haters turn it into but it's also absolutely wrong and you're supposed to be horrified he does it and somewhat relieved it doesn't go far. i hadn't considered it as build up from the taichi cup (where i you're right, she not only gives off mixed signals but also carelessly offers his kiss without his consent, in a way like maybe he gets the impression she doesnt think it matters to him who he kisses) but that makes a lot of sense. at the same time, much like the rejection, he expects her response before she even gives it, he definitely wasn't trying to kiss her long enough to get a reaction out of her but it represents the split second he, essentially, loses his mind. i think taichi is a flawed character and he makes mistakes, but turning this problematic moment into some violent crime isn't the way to go, and i feel people don't discuss him with nuance or allow him to make mistakes more than other characters, so i appreciate your analysis. some people do stupid things at peak emotion, and it's not a justification but i think it does drive the story from here bc that whole scene, not just his words but how uncomposed he is in that moment, is when she starts to see him as a fallible human.
I really like this addition b/c again it’s completely fine to be uncomfortable with the kiss - I think that was the point. However, the kiss was a mistake made in a moment of desperation and should Taichi never be allowed to ever come back from this? TBH we are all imperfect human beings and we will all make mistakes.
AND TAICHI FEELS BAD ABOUT HOW HE LEFT THINGS WITH CHIHAYA!! He really does. The guilt is apparent when you look at this:
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Like not only did he leave things badly BUT THEN HE EVEN HAD THE AUDACITY TO FEEL GOOD THAT CHIHAYA WAS HURTING TOO!! Like be honest when someone hurts you do you not feel a bit of satisfaction when you can hurt them back? It’s such a believable and human flaw but Taichi truly thinks the worst of himself because of it. “There’s no coming back”.
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Him quitting the club hurt him too you know… He missed out on the last year being able to play WITH HIS FRIENDS AS WELL! :( But people only think that Taichi was being manipulative because she rejected him? Bro he was on the edge of quitting before that if you hadn’t noticed. If Chihaya had accepted him honestly it would have ended up disastrous for both of them. It was not Chihaya’s job to fix Taichi (even though she wanted to help him by making him smile). This was a journey he had to go on himself. Him tethering himself to Karuta for Chihaya’s sake WAS VERY BAD. The rejection while heartbreaking was necessary b/c he needed to stop doing things for Chihaya’s pleasure only and do things for himself too. I will also be honest I hadn’t even considered the fact that Chihaya had offered up Taichi’s kiss without his consent. Even I am fallible to the double standards of sexism. Because let’s be honest if Taichi had offered up Chihaya’s kiss as a prize without her consent most people would have been up in arms about it. But because she only sees him as a “friend” it’s somehow ok? Ehhhhh. Or maybe it just slipped under people’s radars like it did mine.
Anyways I kinda just said what Aimee said in my own words cjkhackacn. All that is to say is that Aimee made SOME REALLY GOOD ADDITIONS SO THANK YOU FOR SHARING!
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specific90saesthetics · 11 months
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catboyfever · 1 year
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begging u guys go check out red vox's new album it's SO GOOD
Playing by the rules is THE song for me of the album tbh but it's an incredibly solid album
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grimvisionary · 1 year
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I would like to imagine Patroclus and Achilles in the underworld, together... but if Pat could not pass as he wasn't properly buried, then what about my girl, Briseis? If only...
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satashiiwrites · 7 months
Hmm... for the WIP ask game either your current NaNo project, Stay, or Afterthoughts (or all 3 of them if you want lol). Your choice! <3
Sure, we can do all three.
Choices and Regrets is a 911/Buddie version/fusion of the novel Dark Matter by Blake Crouch (which is one of my all time favorite books and Apple is making into a TV series). I’m doing this fic for November’s Rough Trade using the second chances part of the prompt as well as a NaNoWriMo because I have the feeling the ending word count is going to be north of 70k. I weirdly have a bunch of November off because I’m switching jobs so I HOPE to have most of the fic written/out by the end of the month. We’ll see how i’m doing. It’s the 8th and I’m at 14K written out of a goal of 50k.
The basic premise is do you like the choices you made in your life or do you have regrets? I’m setting this in 9-1-1 post lightning strike in season 6 and ignoring almost anything canon after that point (no Natalia or Marisol). We start the fic with Buck being invited to go out for celebratory drinks with Connor as he managed to get his wife pregnant without Buck’s donation. Buck is maudlin about how he hasn’t found someone to settle down with and have kids with. He’s pining over Eddie but doesn’t want to upset the apple cart. Eddie talks him into going to have a drink and to close that chapter of his life then come back for a late dinner at Casa Diaz.
Buck is then kidnapped by a stranger who doesn’t tell him want they want from him. When he wakes, he’s in a different, parallel universe where the him in that universe made much different choices. Nobody he considers found family knows him. Meanwhile, the parallel universe’s Buck is taking his place and makes a move on Eddie who has also been silently pining over Buck (they’re two halves of the same idiot).
What will Buck do to get back home and to his Eddie? Will Eddie be happy with the alternate Buck or does he figure out that something’s not right?
The novel this is based on is a thriller but I’d also say it has a romance side to it. What would you do to get back to the one you love?
I am planning on putting Buck and Eddie through the wringer. All the angst and then some smex.
To read what I’ve currently got yeeted, read chapter one and two here on rough trade
And for a little spoiler, this is a line i’m wanting to use in this fic that i came up with a few months ago and has been sitting abandoned in my tidbits folder:
“You told me once to not go chasing waterfalls and I didn’t know what you meant at all. And i did. I chased the damn waterfalls big time and I’m in trouble and I think I need your help. That you’re the only one who can help.”
Stay is another one of those tidbit folders. It’s got… not much in it. Just a bit that i thought of randomly. It doesn’t belong to any fic at the moment. Could become a full fledged one-shot character study, could end up co-opted into something bigger. This is all in the head/POV of Eddie Diaz from 9-1-1. First draft.
Stay. Please stay with me.
Eddie’s used to being left behind by people who are supposed to stick with him. The army? He’d managed to pull his entire team out of a burning helicopter, taken three bullets and they’d forced him out, telling him thanks for his service but he can’t stay with them.
Nowhere to go but home, right?
Texas wasn’t home anymore. Home shouldn’t itch under your skin like a three day old bruise. Adjusting to civilian life after being dumped by the army… he hadn’t handled it well. Eddie could say that not that he had distance and time to reflect on that period of time.
No wonder Shannon hadn’t stayed—he’d been a mess.
Still was, actually. He’s just better at hiding it.
Afterthoughts is a series of codas I’ve been doing while re-watching 9-1-1 during hiatus. I’ve been doing a bad job of keeping up with it and most of this is angsty as hell.
Testifying in court is actually pretty rare for firefighters and if anything, Bobby usually is the one who gets put on the witness stand as captain.
Not this time though.
This time, Buck was the one who got the gun pointed at him and he’s being called to testify because even Chim didn’t hear quite everything Lola said to him.
He told the DA that he wasn’t going to be very helpful. The news camera footage should be enough to plead her out but evidently Lola’s traffic disturbance had upset some important people and they didn’t want it to become a regular occurrence so they wanted jail time.
Jail time for rescuing your marriage? The romantic in Buck actually thought it was kinda sweet—even if he hadn’t enjoyed having a gun pointed at his chest.
So Buck was being called.
As a hostile witness.
Why were they actually going to trial about this again?
Lola had been charged with a PC 647c, aka Obstructing Movement to a Public Place—also known as the freeway. It was a misdemeanor but carried up to 180 days. The DA wanted those 180 days. Was practically salivating over them for some reason. So they were calling Buck and Athena to testify.
If anyone wants to read the posted codas, I’ve broken them into fics by season. Read the completed season one here on AO3 or the partially posted season 2 here.
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nana-verse · 2 years
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watching ex-aid was like “dan kuroto surely…. something.”
even though he might be “dead” he still has the tiniest, miniature, pocket sized, itsy-bitsy, knee high to a GRASSHOPPER, heart.
you can see that he actually cares about poppy. for example that one scene where poppy thanked him for giving her life. really put a frown on my face. or when poppy sacrificed herself to save people from the pandemic and the “last” moment she had was with kuroto, ugh the moment !!!! last but not least he even bothered reviving poppy!!!
but the whole mother/daughter/father shenanigan is too complicated for my brain to comprehend so
dan kuroto everyone.
here is another thought:
i mean what would happen if He Who Walks The Path Of Heaven and the self-appointed God ever crossed paths ?!?! truly something you can’t miss out on.
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