#ah thinking about what it might take to get him to retire
misc-obeyme · 4 months
So I was thinking Barbatos is a busy demon and probably has a tight schedule as a butler, plus his duties in RAD. So dating him means the two of you don't see each other often. So what if you started working at the castle as a maid? (Or as a butler, but i was thinking Maid as in gender neutral since everyone regardless of gender can wear a Maid dress) So that you could be closer to him and you'll get to work with him! 
This thought occurred to me while i was thinking how barbatos might react seeing his beloved in a Maid dress since he's a butler and all. He would probably silently stare at you, taking in every detail of you dressed up and teasing you for it.
But if you actually started working at the castle, you would probably be tasked with doing small things that won't be draining for a human such as typical stuff like Making beds, Mopping, Cleaning interior windows, Run personal errands, Dust surfaces, Ironing and so on. Bonus, you get to work with the cute little D's by your side! On the other hand, Barbatos would still be strict with you even if you're his significant other, and he would take it seriously to teach you how to behave as the perfect Maid, and if you do mistakes you might get punished. Remember, this dude is a perfectionist.
Now, this is more NSFW, but imagine with his constant staring that you decide to make a game out of it by teasing him by doing little things such as pulling your skirt just a little higher, ‘accidentally’ keep dropping things to bend over and pick it up while His eyes are all on you, observing from afar or when he's near.
Now, after a long day of teasing and making a game out of it, Barbatos pulls you inside his room for some privacy. Lingering touches, his hot breath on your skin, and before you know it, you find yourself underneath him on his bed while he's on top of you staring down at you with his green eyes glowing in the dark. He would whisper in your ear what a naupthy maid you are or how you didn’t do a good job. He would go down on you and edge you for hours to come. Only when he thinks you've had enough, with your cute moans bouncing off the walls and your begging for release, he might give in and give you the sweet release you've been begging for, with your thighs clenching around his head and your cheeks flushed.
Oh my, anon. This is exactly my favorite thing - Barbatos losing control because you're making him crazy lol.
I certainly have thought about all of the characters in a maid dress, so I think it could be considered gender neutral. Though when it comes to actually working I think a maid dress would be somewhat impractical. Like how am I supposed to move around in something like that huh??
But I realize that is not the point lol.
Do you suppose the punishments would always be of that nature? Because I think if being a naughty maid and getting punished results in having Barb's head between your thighs you might just deliberately be terrible at your job.
I think Barbatos would play along. Ah yes, MC, you're so naughty~
Ah I can't decide exactly how I think it'd go. Because on the one hand, Barbatos cares about doing a good job, but on the other hand I think he'd be unable to resist you. Maybe in the end he has to cut back on the hours you're working because every time you're around in that dress, he loses focus.
I've thought a lot about what it'd be like to date someone so dedicated to a job that is essentially their entire life. Being a butler isn't just a 9-5, he's working continually. I like to headcanon that a lot of the things he does can be delegated to the little Ds or other such castle staff. He just prefers to do things himself because he knows he'll do the best job. But if he realizes that he has to choose between having everything in the castle perfect and spending time with you, I think he'd let the others do a little more. I also think Diavolo is a good wing man and would demand he take more time off to be with you lol.
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helaelaemond · 9 months
Honey on my Tongue - Aemond x reader
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x betrothed reader
Summary: You’ve been betrothed to Aemond, and he has shown little interest in you during your engagement. It hurts so much, for your heart yearns for him. You can't hold it back any longer
Slightly possessive Aemond. Suggestive situations.
Rating: T
Word count: 1.9k
"Would my lady care to dance?"
You look at the hand held out to you, and glance up at Prince Aegon. He grins down at you, and you take his offer graciously. "Thank you, my prince."
Next to him, the princess watches you curiously, and opposite her, your betrothed, Prince Aemond, keeps his one eye fixed on his brother.
"I think we have an audience," you say quietly, smiling.
"Just as I like," Aegon jokes. His hands are sure against you as you begin the simple dance, stepping in time to the music. At every opportunity, he presses himself closer than is proper. It should bother you - but at least you're getting attention from one prince.
"I do wonder about you sometimes," you tell him when steps bring you closer.
Walking in the correct steps around you, Aegon flashes you another grin. "I am on your mind often, then?"
You can't help but roll your eyes. "When you say things like that, a certain curiosity is sparked."
"And is that a curiosity you wish to be satisfied?"
The wine they serve in the Red Keep is stronger than you're used to, and with it brings a boldness that is also foreign. "Is curiosity the only thing you can satisfy?"
He laughs loudly. "Gods, I am sure you think about that often! Should your curiosity ever grow too great to bear, you come and find me."
"And what of your wife?"
Taking your hand, he glances over your shoulder at sweet Helaena, and shrugs. "What of her?"
"How often do you dishonour her?"
"Where there is no love, there is no dishonour. Perhaps you would do well to remember that."
You raise your eyebrow at his implication. There is mirth in his pretty eyes. "Do you think I am destined for an arrangement where love will not flourish?"
Again, Aegon holds you closer than is proper, and his lips are closer to your ear. "My brother is a warrior and a scholar, not a lover. How warm can steel be in a marriage bed?"
There is a tightness in your chest at his words. Perhaps he means only to be charming, to be suggestive, or perhaps he is deliberately cruel. But it is not the elder brother who gives you butterflies. You glance over at your betrothed, and the ice of his glare makes you shiver.
"My lady?" Aegon asks. You've stopped dancing.
"Ah. My apologies, my prince. I think the wine is stronger than I am used to."
"All the better," he answers quietly, and he winks at you. "Should you desire oblivion this night, come to my chambers."
Your face is close to his, and you smile up at him. "I think not, my prince. Perhaps your hand is more curious than I."
Why did you say that? What in the world made you say that? His jaw hangs open in shock at your boldness, and a blush spreads across your cheeks and down your neck. You return to the table where Aemond and Helaena are sat, and where their mother and grandfather talk together quietly.
"Please excuse me, my queen, my Lord Hand. I think I might retire for the night."
Queen Alicent looks at you, and then at Aegon behind you, her eyes wide and searching. "Are you well, my dear?"
"Just a slightly sore head, Your Grace. Nothing a good sleep will not remedy."
Her smile is tight. "Do not hesitate to send for the maester should you need him. Sleep well, my dear."
You curtsey, and turn to do the same in Helaena and Aemond's direction. "My princess, my prince."
Helaena smiles at you, and Aemond's face is as cold as before. You sweep past Aegon on your way to the door, and ignore how he tries to reach for your hand as you pass him.
Out in the corridor, you lean against the cool stone wall, and try to hold back your tears. The soldiers either side of the hall doors keep their gazes forward. You clamp your hand over your mouth in an attempt to stay silent. How much distaste looked at you with pierces you.
Since you met him, you have felt a draw to him. Sometimes, you have even managed to make him smile enough to laugh. Each time, the queen had looked so pleased. He doesn't seem to laugh often, but you bring that out in him. What a prize. And then, other times, he barely pays you any mind. He doesn't strike up conversations with you unless you speak first. He doesn't invite you to dance.
Those moments with him are precious to you. To him, they don't seem to matter in the slightest.
Meanwhile, Aegon throws himself at you like a whore. Perhaps, one day, you'll take him up on the offer - if for no other reason than to feel something. To close your eyes under his touch and imagine Aemond. Anything is better than this loneliness, surely.
You have to get out of here. As weak as your legs feel, you overcome the desire to crumple, and quickly, you begin walking down the corridor towards your rooms. Until you are married, your rooms are far from the royal quarters - quite a trek through the maze of the Red Keep. The doors to the hall where you have just had dinner with the royal family swing open and then closed, and footsteps join yours.
"Wait!" a command is barked. "My lady."
You ignore the order. Your betrothed is not yet your lord husband - he does not command you. Well, as a prince, he does. But the tears have begun to stream, hot and thick, from your eyes, and surely that will disgust him.
"My lady!"
Even Prince Aemond's harsh voice brings butterflies to your stomach. His gait is far longer than yours. You won't disgrace yourself by running like a child from him, and so he quickly catches up with you. As you walk quickly, he matches his steps to yours.
"You have no respect, do you, my lady?"
Furiously, you wipe your cheeks. "I have respect."
"Then stop when you are commanded."
"The command itself is not respectful. I wish to retire."
"And I wish to speak with you."
The wine. Blame the wine. "That is quite unusual."
He grabs your arm and pulls you into a shadowy alcove. "Do you deliberately wish to displease me?"
You try to wrench your arm from his hold but he's too strong. "There is nothing deliberate about it, but it seems it is the only feeling I can inspire in you."
He stares at you through the shadows, his purple eye searching, cold, and his jaw set. "And here I had thought you were intelligent."
"Do you often think of me?" Your voice is laced with accusation.
"More than you know."
"I know nothing."
"On that much, we agree."
You try to pull out of his hold again, but his slender hand is impossibly strong, a vice around your bicep. "What do you want from me, my prince?"
"What, pray tell, have I done that you deem undignified?"
His lip curls slightly. He pulls you closer to him. "You danced with him."
"He is your brother - it would be shameful to decline his invitation."
"And what of his other invitations? Do you accept those?"
Your stomach drops, and your eyes widen. "I know not of what you speak," you lie.
"He is a lecherous beast, not worthy of my sister, not worthy of-"
"Of whom?" you challenge.
His lips pull back over his teeth for a moment. The dim light makes shadows sharp across his angular face. Gods, he is beautiful. Even in rage, he is beautiful. And you do not fear him. You only fear his indifference. "You are my betrothed. I expect you to act as such."
"And how ought you act as my betrothed?"
"As I see fit," Aemond says, each word slow and deliberate.
"What of my expectations?"
He glares down at you. Gods, he's tall. It makes you weak. "What expectations do you have?"
"That my betrothed at least pretends to like my company."
That makes his spine straighten. The hand on your arm loosens slightly, and to your surprise, it trails up your shoulder and lightly touches your throat. It's impossible to breathe under such sudden tenderness. You can feel the callouses on his palm. "Pretend?" he echoes.
You nod stiffly. "I do not need to pretend. You know I enjoy your company. Too much, I think."
"Too much?"
"Don't. Do not do that."
Aemond's eye watches as his finger touches the base of your throat in the soft spot between your collarbones. It's where he gently feels your pulse. It's so quick. "Do what?"
"Do not pretend that you are unaware of my feelings."
"There is no pretence. I know not."
You push his hand away, although the touch has made your skin rise in goosebumps from your thighs to your scalp. "Then you are as blind with one eye than with none."
He snorts humourlessly. "Elucidate for me."
The wine, the wine, the wine. You shove his chest and he stumbles back, caught unawares. "I like you a great deal. And it agonises me that you do not feel the same. It is a humiliation!"
Swallowing thickly, Aemond's expression softens. "Aegon makes you laugh. I do not."
"Aegon is a fool, and makes me laugh as such. But I do not... I do not care... like I do... for..."
"You care?"
You could hit him, you really could. "If you could not tell by now, then we shall never make one another happy."
When you turn away to walk off, he catches you again, and suddenly he pulls you tight against his tall frame, and his arms are around your back, and his face is close to yours. "You make me laugh, my lady."
"I make many people laugh. You could make me a royal fool."
"Do not say such things," he hisses, anger flashing again. "You're my betrothed. Mine."
"I do not want to belong to you like a book or sword."
"Yes, you do." He leans down and whispers against your ear. "You are mine, and mine alone. I am sorry that you did not know that until now."
"Do you say this out of pride or love?" you ask, more bravery in your voice than you truly feel.
"My love is proud. And so too is my betrothed."
"Pride does not drive me, my prince. Only love."
"Do you love me?" he murmurs. It is good he is too close to look at. If he faced you, you would not have the strength to answer.
"I do."
"Not Aegon?"
He kisses under your ear. You whimper. His voice is so silky. "You will not dance with him again."
"Will I dance with you?"
"Every night until we are wed."
As he winds his arms tighter around you, you press a hand into his hair. "And once we are married?"
"We shall have no time for dancing. I shall have no mind for anything but possessing you."
"You want to possess me?"
He kisses your skin. "Entirely. For already, I am yours."
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heich0e · 11 months
[warning: while f!reader is not described with any specific physical characteristics, the child in this fic is described as having inherited all of Megumi’s attributes and none from reader! please read with that in mind, or pass over this fic if not <3]
Fushiguro Megumi is responsible.
He always has been, from a younger age than he ought to have needed to be. It's engrained in him now, as much a part of him as his own flesh and bone—if something falls within his scope of responsibility, he's always diligent about seeing it through.
Here's the thing about Megumi, though, the thing he doesn't even really know about himself: he's a perfectionist. Because of this, he doesn't like to be responsible for things—at least not things that he can't guarantee will be a success. Things that he knows he can execute perfectly.
But the road to hell is always paved with good intentions. Convictions, no matter how strongly-held, can accidentally falter.
Megumi has never wanted to be a father.
And maybe this all ties back to his unconscious need to do things perfectly. The pathological insistence he feels to do things all by himself, and do them right. He relies on his experience to achieve these things, and looking back on what little experience he has with fathers, he knows it's not enough—not sufficient—to properly prepare him for a similar undertaking.
And he's fine with that.
He's got enough on his hands anyway, first as a student putting himself through veterinary school, and then with the clinic he works at. The elderly vet he studied under, and who owned the clinic, retired just before Megumi turned 30, and having worked together for almost a decade—first as a part timer, then a tech, then an assistant, and finally a partner—the old man gave Megumi the option of buying the business and taking it on.
Always thought of ya like a son, the old man had said to him one evening after closing, having dragged Megumi to the izakaya down the road to get a drink. Megumi doesn't even really like drinking very much, especially when he was due back at the clinic at dawn, but he indulged the old man who ended up ruddy cheeked and tipsy about as quickly as Megumi expected, given past experience. The conversation had taken him by surprise when his mentor had announced his retirement. 'S only right I pass it on to you, if ya want it.
The offer made something uncomfortable squirm in Megumi's gut. His fear of change rearing its ugly head. His doubt that he was ready to take on such a huge responsibility. The uncomfortably foreignness of being called someone's son.
Just think about it, the old man slurred, immediately picking up on Megumi's hesitation. Yer still a young fella, Megumi, but ya won't be ferever. Gotta start thinkin' about yer future 'ventually. Settlin' down, findin' yourself a pretty girl, babies.
Ah, the future. Yet another thing Megumi hates, in all its unknowable infamy.
Megumi eventually helped the elderly vet into a taxi to get home, and then went back inside the izakaya to drown his sorrows—early shift be damned. His head was a mess, full of a terrible spiral of thoughts about his future that now looked so uncertain, and while the beer he was drinking certainly didn't help him make sense of them, he hoped, however briefly, it might help him to forget.
When Megumi woke the next morning to the alarm blaring from his cellphone, he had a splitting headache thanks to the beer and he was sleeping in the narrow entryway to his apartment with all his clothes (and his shoes) still on. But even in spite of all of that, and the smell of soap clinging to him that he didn't recognize, he felt lighter, somehow—surer about things.
The old man signed the business over to him a month later.
It's been four years since then, and while it hasn't been easy, Megumi's been taking responsibility just like he always has. He does what needs to be done to keep the lights on. He treats his staff well. He takes care of any animals that come through the clinic's door—no matter how dire, no matter how far gone, no matter how they get there.
Yuuji in particular takes advantage of this good nature—showing up frequently, sometimes even after all the other staff has gone home, with some woeful little creature he'd encountered. Sometimes it's a stray cat he'd been called at the fire station to help out of a tree, sometimes it's a dog that he'd found in the road on his drive home from work, or a little bird on the sidewalk. And he gives Megumi the same desperate look every time, the same beseeching eyes, and Megumi curses the fact that the two of them are the same when it comes to this particular responsibility—before letting him inside to examine the new patient.
It's pouring down rain one night, and Megumi has just sent everyone home for the day with a word of thanks for their hard work, when he thinks this very situation is about to repeat itself when he hears a frantic thump! thump! thump! against the glass of the clinic door. Megumi, in his office, pinches the bridge of his nose. He'd even turned the lights out in the lobby so that he could pretend he wasn't there. He knew Yuuji was on his way home from work based on the animated sticker he'd just sent him via text, before offering to pick up some beer and come over, but he hadn't replied—and certainly hadn't expected him to make it to the clinic so quickly.
Megumi sighs, pushing himself up from his desk and padding out in his slippers to the front of the clinic. It's dark out, and hard to see with no lights on in the lobby, but there's a little figure standing outside the rain-covered glass of the door. They appear to be trembling. Megumi pauses, confused, before fiddling with the lock and reaching over to flip on the light beside the door.
What he sees when the door slides open makes him freeze.
Before him is a little boy, no more than four or five, soaked through with rain and shivering in the cold. He has teary green eyes, black hair that's weighed down by the rain, and round, rosy cheeks. Megumi feels sick when he looks at him.
A mirror image of himself.
The man is so frightened that he doesn't even say anything, just stares in horror at the little boy trembling outside the door. Megumi's never heard of a ghost story like this, those were always Yuuji's thing, but that must be what this is. Some kind of spectral being who's shown up to—
A little hand reaches out and tugs on his pant leg.
"Please help me," the little boy says, his voice weak and thick with tears. "Mr. Vet, I need your help."
Megumi watches with wide eyes as the little boy opens his raincoat, revealing a small mass of fur tucked against his chest. A rabbit, Megumi surmises quickly, once he sees the ear; a bunny in fact, when taking into consideration its size. Megumi can't even tell if it's alive because the animal is so terribly still where it's cradled to the boys heart.
He feels another insistent tug at his pant leg, the boy's hand still firmly clutching it. He looks at the child, who seems more determined now, his tears still present but his gaze a little more resolute.
"So, can you help me?"
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taffycandyqt · 3 months
hey so We know leo is a mother hen sometimes so what he do when he is shivering because he is freezing and his so just scoots inbetween his legs with two cups of spicy ginger tea and gives him it and takes away whatever he was previously holding with a grin. They are not going to move for hours. S/o is incredibly hot so it’s tempting. S/o isn’t mother henning him, but he kind of getting a taste of his own medicine while s/o thinks they are funny? “Ah. Is this seat for me? Appears so”.
Can I just say, I feel a sort of kinship with you. We may not favor the same turtle but I feel like we understand each other's infatuation with our respective turtle.
That being said! I hope you enjoy😌
Cold Cuddles
2003 Leo x reader
Leo's a bit chilly since the heating system broke in the dead of winter.
Warnings: none
Fluff, established relationship
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We all know this stubborn sucker has a hard time accepting help. Especially before his little journey to the Ancient One.
And well, this is something so small to him.
Is he cold? Yeah. But like, he'll survive. He's been cold before.
At least that's how he's trying to play it off.
When the thermostat broke in the middle of winter at the lair, it wasn't as much of a little problem as Leo told you it was.
You get to the lair and it feels like one of those Costco fridge rooms, but as a freezer.
Mikey had been quarantined to his room because he couldn't stop complaining and Raph was going to hurt him.
Raph went to his room to be alone in his misery.
Donny had been tasked with fixing the heater so he and April were currently topside getting the proper tools.
Which leaves Splinter who was drinking warm tea in his room.
Leo had also retired to his room to meditate.
He had lit a couple of candles and was trying (like a dumb dumb) to meditate the cold away.
Or in his terms, have complete oneness in mind and body.
He doesn't even have any blankets. No one's forcing him to do this either. Bro is just suffering for the sake of it.
He'll insist that he's fine but come on. We both know that's a lie.
Because he won't actually admit that he's cold you'll just have to step in and help him out.
Walking into the lair that day, you had been daydreaming of having bundled up cuddles with your boyfriend to combat the biting winter day. Upon actually entering the lair however, that dream was quickly crushed. The place was absolutely FRIGID. Not to mention entirely empty. Unsettlingly empty.
"Hello?" You barely managed to speak out. You watched as your breath puffed out in front of you. It almost felt like anything above a whisper would shatter the dense silence of the place.
"Oh, y/n." Master Splinter said, finally breaking the illusion of foreboding stillness.
"I wasn't aware you were stopping by today." He said while adjusting the blanket around his shoulders with one hand while keeping his tea kettle stable in the other.
"Uh yeah, sorry bout that, I kinda just dropped in."
"No apologies needed, you are always welcome here. Though now might not be the best time. The heater is broken so this place isn't exactly the most comfortable right now." He told you as you walked with him in the direction of his room.
"Thats why it's so cold in here!" You rubbed your arms while you spoke.
"Yes. Would you like some tea? It'll warm you up."
"Nah that's okay. Do you know where Leo is? I actually came by to hang with him."
"Ah yes of course," Splinter smiled to himself. He was truly happy that at least one of his sons got to experience romantic love.
"He is just in his room, probably battling the cold like the rest of us."
"Gotcha! Thanks!" And with that you were off.
You knocked on Leo's door then opened it. He had expressed the importance of waiting for and answer before coming into the room. You didn't particularly care though. It's not like he ever wore pants, so you not gonna walk in on him changing or anything. Besides, as much as he tells you about it he doesn't really mind. It just seems pointless, to him, to knock if you come in right after.
That being said as you walked in you noticed Leo meditating. He had candles all around him and was visibly shivering, yet he didn't move.
"Dang. If I had known you'd try and romance me with candle light I would have taken out the heater way sooner," you joked. This got Leo's attention.
"That was you!?" he looked at you in slight surprise and slight disappointment.
"No," you snickered. He rolled his eyes.
"What are you doing anyways? Aren't you cold?"
"No not really," he responded and immediately after a strong chill racked his body.
"I'm fine," he looked at you pointedly as a way to convince you of such. You weren't buying it. However you also knew that trying to get him to do things for the sake of his own well being didn't really work. So you were gonna try a different method.
"Well I'm not, so I'm gonna go make us some tea," you decided.
"You don't need to make me any," he told you.
"Then I guess I'm making two mugs of tea for myself," and with that you closed the door to his room and made your way to the kitchen.
On you way there you had run into a shivering Mikey who begged you to make him some coco after he knew what you were doing. You honestly felt bad for the guy. He looked like a wet cat and a kicked puppy had a turtle baby. Though your not sure how much of that was actually him being cold and how much was just typical Mikey theatrics.
When you gave him the coco he took a large swig and called you an angle. You just rolled your eyes and patted his head before grabbing yours and Leo's mug and heading off.
You had picked spicy ginger tea and it was working wonders for you, you were still cold but if felt more manageable as you drank it. You can only imagine what it would do for the guys. Them being reptiles and all. When you finally made it back to Leo's room you had finished about half your mug.
Since you couldn't knock with your hands you just said, 'knock knock' before entering.
"Why do you insist on doing that?" he said with a mixture of confusion and amusement.
"Why do you insist on me not doing that?"
He chuckled at this. Leo had always enjoyed your company. Your silly attitude never failed to make him smile.
He returned to suffering meditating while you set your mug next to his futon mattress. Walking over to him you set his mug down off to the side of him. Then, you reached your arms around his neck and rested your head on his shoulder while you cuddled slightly into his back.
"You need something dear?"
"Not really," you said, mimicking what he told you earlier.
"I am trying to meditate. You know that?" He told you while slightly leaning into your touch.
"Really?," you teased, "is this position not ideal for your spiritual focus?" you purred into his ear jokingly.
He blushed at this, but refused to yield.
"Not really no."
You let him go and pouted. Why's he gotta make it so hard. You had started to get colder so you chugged the rest of your tea before grabbing his mug and making you way in front of him. His eyes were closed as you did such, still shivering.
"Awww, did you save this seat for me?," you put your hand on you chest pretending to be touched, "You shouldn't have."
Before Leo could open his eyes and question you however, you had already made yourself comfortable in his lap.
"y/n?" he looked at you curiously.
"Leonardo." You responded, satisfied with yourself.
"I'm meditating?" he told in a gentle tone.
"I know. That's why I moved, to make it easier!" you told him sweetly while giving him your best innocent eyes you could.
Leo sighed. He really wanted to keep meditating. But at the same time he was way to friggin cold to focus. He thought it would be good endurance training but the only thing he's having to endure now is the desire to cuddle you. You were liked a hearing pad and the tea was radiating warm steam right into his face.
He looked down at you and his resolve completely crumbled. Your big eyes staring at him, mouth in a slight pout, and you hands cradling a cup close to your body. He had been meditating long enough right? Maybe a break was in order....
And with that he scooped you up and set you down on the futon with your mug. When he saw the empty mug next to it he looked at you.
"you actually made yourself two?" he said smiling to himself.
"Maybe. Maybe not," you shrugged, "I haven't drunken from this one yet though, so if someone were to take it from me...."
With that Leo sat down in front of you. He wrapped his hands around your hand that held the cup and the mug itself. As he lifted the mug to his lips your arm moved with it.
"Thank you," he said softly as he finished his sip.
"Don't thank me yet," you responded just as quietly. With that you handed him the mug and left the room. Not without telling him you'd be back though.
You gathered the biggest blankets you could and rushed back to Leo's room. When you got back Leo was sitting on the mattress sipping on his tea, still shivering but his condition had improved.
You took one blanket and wrapped it around both of your guys' shoulders and then grabbed the other and pulled it over your laps. Leo held the mug in one hand while he wrapped the other around you. You placed your legs horizontally over his and cuddled into his side while you rested you head on his collar bone. You pulled the blanket up to you chin and Leo wrapped the other blanket around you both almost entirely.
You closed your eyes and a satisfied sigh left your lips.
Leo finished his tea and leaned over slightly to place it next to your empty mug. Now that he could properly wrap both arms around you he locked you in a firm embrace of blankets. The blankets were soft, and now, warm to the touch. The orange glow of the candles gave the room a sleepy atmosphere. It was so comfortable Leo wondered why he ever wanted to meditate in the cold. He looked down at you and kissed the top of you head. You giggled and he smiled at you.
"I'm so lucky to have you." He sighed and leaned back into the wall.
"Hmmmmm. Yes you are," you lifted you head to look at him, "and I'm so lucky to have you."
With that you kissed him. It was a soft kiss on the lips and it was perfect.
So I guess 'crushed' was the wrong word to describe your cuddling daydream of the day.
While I was writing this 'Supermassive Black Hole' by Muse came on and it was quite the combination of vibes.😵‍💫
Also, I looked up pictures of the guys' rooms and I kid you not Leo legit sleeps on a futon mattress. No pillows, no sheets (as far as I could tell), no blankets, NOTHING. Like all the other guy have got beds of some sort and Leo's just like, "I guess I'll sleep on the floor🤷‍♀️" and everyone was like, "get a bed" and he went "this is bed enough right?". Having a floor bed isn't even a problem it's just the fact that the mattress is literally all he's got. Like dude😩.
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johnwickb1tsch · 5 months
john wick x model!reader imagine pt 4
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-You've semi-retired from the modeling game, but Sebastiano is in trouble. He says he needs help securing an investment. His company is in danger of bankruptcy, and you wonder if a great deal of that has gone up his nose in an unfortunate coke habit. But he gave you your start in your career, so when he asks you to accompany him to a party, you feel like you can't say no.
You put on a short dress from Seb's latest line, blood red lipstick by YSL, and some steel in your spine. You have this feeling like this might be your last act of business in this superficial world of glitz and glamor. You have been carrying this cloud-like hope in your heart, a faith in John to do what needs to be done so finally you can be together. When he returns to you, which you hope will be soon, you know you will have to drop off the radar. 
You are looking forward to it.
This prospective investor, a Mr. Oleg Baranov, is having a banger of a party. You and Seb enjoy yourselves a bit, mingling with drinks in your hands. You turn down the proffered tray of Columbian Marching Powder, but Seb indulges in two lines before you can even blink, his eyes dilating wide as saucers. You're not sure how that will affect his usually keen business sense, but it's not your company on the line. Maybe it's crazy, but you know some million-dollar deals have been sealed on less than proving you can party. 
Finally, it's time to meet Mr. Baranov. His office is appointed a la Trump Tower c 1983, lavished with so much gold it makes your eyes ache. When he clasps your hand with an oily smile, your heart sinks to your feet. You are so tired of this side of the fashion world, pandering to the Uber rich who mistake you for a call girl. 
You will not miss it. 
Baranov insists that you sit on the red velvet couch with him, while Seb gets his own chair nearby. They make pleasantries, then talk business. You listen, thinking the terms sound risky, but no bank is willing to touch Seb at this point. He's defaulted too many times.
Baranov says that Seb's proposition is interesting, but he will have to think on it. You both thank him and rise to go. But Baranov catches your hand. “Stay a while,” he invites. “A beautiful woman always helps me think about a business deal.” He gives Seb a look, and to compound his point, Baranov's heavies, two huge and scary looking dudes, close in.
You're not leaving, even though you badly want to. 
Well, fuck. 
Your heart drops to your feet, and you hope you can stall with coy conversation until something comes along to distract Baranov. It wouldn't be the first time you've had to with a pushy admirer. Seb gives you an uneasy look of apology, but then he leaves you.
You can’t believe he fucking leaves you. 
Baranov sits again, and you follow suit, taking the seat at the opposite end of the long couch. He scoots closer, placing a hand on your thigh. 
“I have admired you for years, Ms. Y/n. You are very... talented.” 
He looks you up and down, leaving little question as to what he really means. 
“Ah... thank you.”
He tries to move his hand up, and you push it back down. 
He smirks, and leans in to kiss you. 
That's when the shooting starts. 
You've never really been around guns. It sounds like world War 3 is going on outside, and you freeze with fear, your heartbeat a deafening drumroll in your ears. The toughs at the door draw guns and make to see what the fuss is about. One is shot down immediately. The other tackles the smartly-suited shooter, and they fight. It is brutal, and somehow beautiful, the attacker moving so precisely in this deadly dance. A beat later you realize...it’s John.
Baranov takes your distraction as opportunity to grab you, using you as a human shield. John does some complicated ninja throw, grabbing the guard by the neck and using his momentum to throw him to the ground. 
Then, he shoots him in the head. 
A small scream escapes you.
You are shocked, to say the least. 
“Don't come any closer,” Baranov snarls, shoving a gun under your chin. 
You meet John's laser-like gaze, and resign yourself to whatever he will do. You close your eyes, trusting him, and there's a shot. 
Baranov falls to the ground behind you. Stunned by the violence, you are vaguely aware of the wet splash of blood on the side of your face, a ringing in your ears.
Suddenly, you are in John's arms. 
“What the fucking hell are you doing here?” he demands hotly between kissing you. 
Some of the numb you feel subsides in his arms. He’s got you. Everything will be fine.
“I was here with Seb...but he left me.” 
John frowns murderously at that. 
Then it occurs to you to ask, because maybe he didn’t appear just to save your virtue, “Wait, what are you doing here?” 
“My Impossible Task.”
“Getting my freedom, sweetheart. You really shouldn't be here.” 
You hold up your hands in a silent, Well guess what? It actually makes the corner of his mouth turn up. You think he wants to kiss you again, but then more of Baranov's guards run in, and John has to spring into action. 
It is a thing of beauty and horror, watching him work. He has all the grace of a trained dancer, and the mercy of an enraged tiger.
That is too say, absolutely none. 
The men are dead in under a minute. 
He stands bent over for a moment to catch his breath, before holding his hand out to you. “Come on.” 
There is blood on his fingers. 
Although you are astonished by the carnage you’ve just witnessed, you slide your hand into his without a second thought. 
-You make your escape on a different motorcycle. You are not exactly dressed for safety, but it is exhilarating to ride off into the summer night with John after surviving such an ordeal. 
You feel so free. 
John takes you to a building you don't know, in a part of town you don't frequent. “You'll be safe here,” he says, helping you off the bike and walking you in with an arm about your waist, as though he is afraid to let go of you. You would think he'd be overjoyed after pulling off such a coup, but he is solemn, almost sullen. 
The building is not much, but the space he brings you to is comfortable. You reach up to touch his face, studying his expression. He looks haunted. But then, he just killed a shitload of people...
He killed a shitload of people, for you.
Thinking that maybe he is in pain, you usher him to a careworn chair. There are cuts on his face, but they seem fairly superficial. “Are you hurt?” you ask, pushing his suit jacket from his shoulders so you can more easily inspect him. He winces as you run your hands over his ribs. “Bruised,” he admits, catching your hands. “But I'll be fine, believe me.”
“Then what's wrong?” You know your voice sounds small. 
He reaches up to cup your cheeks in his hands, and it is his turn to study you. “I never wanted you to see what I do,” he admits. “You surely must think me a monster now.” 
You understand his mood then. He is afraid you won't want him now. The thought, to you, is fucking absurd. Careful of his ribs, you climb into his lap in the chair.
“I could never think you're a monster, John.” 
“I'm a killer, y/n.”
“Who were those men you killed? And don't think I didn't notice you let all the women go.” He'd deliberately stopped himself from taking risky shots, in your mad dash at the end, to let the female bystanders escape. 
“They were a rival Bratva to the organization I work for.” 
So now it seems you're finally getting some straight answers. 
“And how did they make their money?” 
You’re not so naïve anymore. You have learned that most anyone who has millions, legit or no, fucked over someone somewhere along the line to get them.
“Heroin and trafficking women, mostly.” 
“Good fucking riddance then.”
A small huff of laughter escapes him for the dead certainty in your pronouncement. You have had the luxury of seeing things in black and white. His world has always been painted in shades of grey.
“Well then.”
You caress the bones of his cheeks with the blades of your thumbs, careful of a cut there. You realize you almost match, with Baranov’s dried blood still painting the side of your face. However, he looks at you with nothing less than adoration, as though you are Helen of Troy.
“If you think I'm giving you up now, after all this, John Wick, you have another thing coming.”
You feel the weight lift from him, like a ton of bricks hefted from his shoulders. He grabs you up with hands on your ass, pulling you in closer and kissing you like there is no tomorrow. When you separate you are breathless, and so filled with joy, the intoxicating thrill of promise for the future in the air. 
John actually breaks out into a toothy smile, his eyes glittering like polished onyx. “Y/n, will you run away with me?” 
You throw your head back with laughter, unable to contain your joy. “Yes, yes I will, John Wick.” You run your fingers through his hair, your heart so full it should rightfully explode. “Jardani.”
After all these years you never forgot.
Hearing his true name from your lips does something to him, dark heat flashing in his eyes like fire in a pan. He stands swiftly with you in his arms, and you never fail to marvel at how strong he is. “I think we need a shower,” he practically purrs, his voice gone low and lustful. You know that sound…and you know you are in for it. Agreeing, you nod with a smile.  
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Later, with the length of his long bare body spooning yours, he caresses your curves with featherlight fingers. “Where would you like to go?” he asks softly into the shell of your ear. You're not sure it’s possible, but your mind goes back to that magical city where it all began. 
“What about Paris?”
You feel him nod against your hair. 
-He leaves you one last time, stealing away into what is left of the night, to get something in writing. When he returns you go to your apartment to pack your bags, and then you are off, racing towards your next great adventure, together.
You rent an apartment in the 5th arrondissement with a view of the Tour Eifel, and you revel in the beauty of simple domestic things that you will never take for granted. Sharing a homecooked meal, going to the flea market hand in hand, watching a film with his arm slung around your shoulders. When you are apart, it is never more than for a few hours. Sometimes he goes on long walks alone in the city. You know he is conferring with his past demons, but he returns to you with fresh flowers from the marché and a gentle smile, and you know you are the richest of women.
You love to sleep in, because you have nothing else to do but be together, and you bring him coffee in the morning. His smile of contentment is the air you breathe. You catch him looking at you with such tender warmth sometimes, it brings tears to your eyes. You do not miss the fame and fast pace of your old life. In John, you have all you need, and your collection of photos of him grows by the day. You do not post them with some coy little teaser to prove to the world at large how blessed you are. You keep them just for you, and you are so happy.
Time marches on, and you do not tire of each other. 
You both have aged, but when you look in the mirror you like to think the fine lines appearing at the corners of your eyes are now from smiling. You go for motorcycle rides into the countryside, bringing along decadent picnics. You eat grapes and foie gras on crusty bread in his arms, feeding him bites between kisses. You gain some weight, living la bonne vie in France. John does not mind, or care, worshiping you with the same insatiable appetite he's always had for you.
Watching the sun rise from Sacré-Couer, he produces a ring that glints white fire in the growing light. You do not answer him with words for several minutes, your lips pressed to his, but he knows the answer. 
The answer to this man, from the moment you met, has always been yes. 
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guardkeywolf · 1 year
I needs some Russian male reader that owns a ranch and da cod boys (and konig and that Spanish dude forgot his name because of how long his name is 👁👄👁) that came to visit since soap praticly begged male reader to visit his ranch along with the boys and male reader agrees and just fanning over the fact of how big and the ranch is and how many animals he has and that fact he makes Russian food and have allot of dogs, cats, snakes, and other pets that you can think of and is able to ride a horse and has a Buffalo
Like I can't find any Russian male reader on any platform i have 💀💀🥲🥲
Russian Male Reader X 141! Boys + Alejandro and König
Stella (Ball Python)
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Vera (Stallion)
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Alek (Mustang)
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Hello @gamersansblog !!!
I was pretty shocked when I got this request to write a Russian Male Reader (considering I'm American lol) and especially about a ranch!
But I really did enjoy this one a lot so I hope you enjoy it as well!
And some slight Soap X Male Reader at the end too...
When Soap, had asked Y/n to come down to the base for the tenth time, the man couldn't help but sigh and smile as he made his way down to the base.
As a retired soldier, the 141 didn't mind letting the Russian come down and enter their base, seeing him as another friend.
During the 141's lunch break, they were all making small talk with each other about some random topics Y/n didn't particularly pick up on and instead scrolled through his phone. While conversating, Y/n could help but perk up at the word "ranch" leaving someone's lips before responding himself.
"What about a ranch?" He asked looking up from his phone with a curious look in his eye.
Soap looked up towards him with soft eyes.
"Oh nothing in particular, just saw some horses recently on my way here. Couldn't help but wonder what it be like to ride them," his eyes glowing at the thought as he smiled.
"We bet it 'ould buck him off in 3 seconds," Ghost said from behind him, others chuckling as well.
"Oh 'ush! I bet cha' 'ouldn't last any longer than me!" Soap cried making the other laugh more.
"I don't know, Soap, I think Ghost would at least manage to hang on longer. You'd get throw off instantly," Gaz spoke from the other side of the table while sitting next to Price.
"I don't know Hermano... You just might get bucked off," the Colonel voiced while trying to hold in a laugh that he failed at immensely.
"Come on...don't you believe in me König?" The Scottish man turned to the Austrian with glossy eyes nearly shedding a tear.
"I'm sure you zan do zit," König responded softly.
"See! König thinks I can do it!" The Scottish man cheered as smirked at the others.
"Alright then... if you can do it, where are to gonna test it, Sergeant?" Price spoke.
"Ah...well..." he scratched the back of his head.
"I have a ranch... and last time I checked, you've been begging me to go there," Y/n said.
They all turned to him instantly, eyes wide as if he grew a second head. Soap jumped on him immediately with a small grin painting his lips.
"You own a ranch?!" Gaz yelled in surprise.
"Da, I got cow, dog, cat, and horse too Soap," Y/n reassured him as he watched the grown man bounce in his toes in excitement.
"Y/N YOU GOTTA TAKE ME PLEASE!" The Scottish man said, back to being giddy. The man was on his knees as begged the Russian.
"Now hold on, Y/n just said he owned a ranch, Soap, didn't say you could use it," Price intervened.
"It fine, Kapitan, plus it not too far from base. If you'd like to come, feel free," Y/n said, shrugging in the process.
"REALLY?!" Soap squealed.
"да!" ("Yes!") Y/n replied. "Are you all free tomorrow?"
"Last time I check, ye'" Price responded.
"Good, I will meet with you tomorrow, then we can go to ranch," Y/n grinned.
The next day, the 141 waited at the front of their base for Y/n to arrive. When they caught sight of the Russian's truck, Y/n drove over near them and rolled down his window.
"Follow me, comrades," he replied as he watched the others nod and walk to their cars. Meanwhile, Soap and Ghost rode with him. Gaz and König with Price and Alejandro.
They followed him outside the town, a vast array of green plains taking over the landscape. As if time passed instantly, Y/n would end up turning into his ranch.
It was beautiful honest. They were met with the sight of horses, cows, chickens, sheep, some lambs, and even some dogs and cats wandering around. Hell, even a Buffalo too.
The men stared in awe at the mere beauty of the scene. As Y/n turned to park he got out with Soap and Ghost following in tow before waiting for the others to park. When they got out, they couldn't help but stare.
"Ahem," Y/n coughed, "You like, yes?"
Soap was the first to respond.
"Are ya kidding?! It's amazing here, Y/n," the man exclaimed as his eyes sparkled at the sight.
Y/n let a laugh escape him as he motioned for the others to follow him inside to his home.
There, they saw the kitchen but also other foods stored around the house, each labeled for each product with specific animal feed.
Y/n walked them over to his exhibit that house a very, very, long white snake.
"Comrades, met Stella," he waved a hand to the female ball python before opening the top of the enclosure.
Price and Alejandro stepped back instantly as Y/n took out the 10 foot ball python.
Y/n laughed at their reactions.
"Don't worry, she don't bite. She likes meeting people," Y/n reassured them quickly.
"If you'd like to touch her, stroke her scales slowly please," Y/n advised watching the ball python himself as well.
Soap, Ghost, König and Gaz all moved to touch the snake, running their fingers around the smooth scales softly.
"She's beautiful Y/n," Ghost commented.
"Thank you, Ghost. I take good care of her."
Y/n offered to let the Colonel and Captain touch the reptile but both men refused to leave from their spots and Y/n simply nodded before putting Stella back into her glass enclosure.
"Alright, let us go to the horse now."
Y/n led them to the horse stables outside the house.
There, the were greeted by the equines that resided within.
While Y/n introduced each horse, Soap couldn't take his eyes off one in particular.
Brown with white spots and lovely blue eyes and a beautiful mane that Soap could only imagine running his fingers through.
"Y/n...what's this one's name?" He asked.
"That is Vera, a strong stallion I found a couple week ago. Would you like to ride him?"
Soap turned back to him in awe.
"Can I?"
Y/n nodded before telling the others to wait outside by the gates so he could bring out the horse.
As he walked out Vera into the pin, the men couldn't help but enjoy the sight of Y/n and the horse, how calm they looked together.
Y/n beckoned Soap to come over once he finished putting on the saddle.
"Alright MacTavish, you ready?"
"As I'll ever be..."
Y/n first told him to get up onto the saddle first, laughing a few times as he tried to get up along with Alejandro saying something in Spanish making the others laugh, before making sure the man sat properly and the saddle was strapped to Vera correctly.
While Y/n used one hand to keep Vera in place to not move so much, he grabbed the reins and handed them to Soap.
"Be gentle with the reins, and slowly feel in tune with Vera. Animals feed off our emotions, so do not get nervous, da?"
Soap nodded slowly and looked back down at Vera.
"Go ahead and stroke his neck a little bit to get comfortable," Y/n instructed.
Soap followed and let his hand run along Vera's neck, letting soothing words fall from his lips as he greeted the horse.
Vera leaned in slightly to his touch and MacTavish beamed internally.
Y/n smiled as he noticed the action before turning back to Soap.
"Alright, we will go around the pin, ok?"
Soap nodded slowly.
He let Y/n lead him and Vera around the pin before coming back to a stop.
"Well done Zergeant," König said from the other side of the gate.
"Thanks, König."
"Alright how about this time you guide him?" Y/n suggested and the other let out sounds of approval as well.
"Yeah, MacTavish let's see if you can truly ride a horse!" Ghost said from the gate.
"I'll show ya!" Soap replied back before noticing Vera move at bit when he yelled and immediately apologizing.
"How about I ride alongside you, Soap?"
"Please..." Soap looked him dead in the eye as he pleaded for Y/n to ride with him.
Y/n let a chuckle leave and instructed Soap to get off Vera and stay with him while he went to get his own horse.
Soon enough, Y/n walked out with an all black Mustang he named Alek.
"Meet Alek, my mustang," Y/n said as he rode on top of the horse like it was nothing.
He galloped over to where Soap was before getting off and helping Soap back onto Vera, watching the man struggle a bit to get back up and laughing.
"It funny," Y/n grinned at him as he checked the straps again on Vera.
Once Soap was ready, he got onto Alek and showed Soap how to use the reins this time.
"Alright, you ready, comrade?" Yn asked.
Soap sighed and nodded.
Soap laughed as he gripped onto Vera's reins and looking at Y/n one last time before moving the stallion around the pin slowly.
Thankfully, Vera was easy to work with as she went around slowly and came back around to Y/n and Alek before letting both join on the second loop.
Soap gleamed as he rode Vera and Y/n smiled at him.
"They look good together, eh?" Gaz whispered to the others.
"Yeah, if only MacTavish would ask him out," Ghost commented as he watched the Sergeant enjoy himself on top of the Stallion.
"Now he really looks like a Los Vaquero," Alejandro spoke from beside with a slight chuckle as well.
König smiled under his hood as he watched the pair enjoy themselves on the horses.
"I knew you zould do zit, Sergeant..." he whispered softly.
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 749: The last Straight Road*
(NdT.: same pun Kinaka always makes with his name and the word for straight road)
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Pag 1
1: I....
3: Imaizumi-san!!
4: Go- good work!!
Good work!!
You were taking a long time for this lap
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Pag 2
1: Yes, teh, I got a fl-fl-flat- my bike!!
2: It's the tire!!
4: Only tires can get a flat
Ah- damn, yes, that's right
6: I thought something like this might have happened, so I brought these
Replacement tubes, tire levers, and a pump. Use them
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Pag 3
2: This is unusual!! I never thought Imaizumi-san was the attentive type – is it just for us!?
Yeah!! I thought first and second years were just not important to him....
3: You don't want to use the,?
We'll use them, thank you so much!!
4: You saved us, teh....!!
That's true
6: Ah, uhm... but..... Imaizumi-san
Earlier you said that
7: Sugimoto-san won't come”, what did you mean?
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Pag 4
1: He retired
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Pag 5
1: He's still displayed on the board, but
3: There's still time until midnight
If Sugimoto-kun....
4: Please leave the possibility open in case Sugimoto-kun wants to come back!!
5: Onoda insisted
6: Re... tired.....
Sugi..... moto-san....
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Pag 6
1: He used up all his stamina and mental strength in his fight against Danchiku, and he was defeated
2: You didn't notice because you've been on the course the whole time
4: Ah... actually, when it got dark, Sugimoto-san and Danchiku-san passed us various times... teh
Huh!? That? So at that time-!?
5: You have no time to talk about unimportant things
As soon as you're done with the repairs, run, first years
6: Soon
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Pag 7
1: Waa, ye-yes, teh, thank you for the tools
Yeah, there's still 40km
2: If we join our strengths....
Don't cooperate
5: Teh!?
7: From now on, you can't allow yourselves to run like friends
8: Huh....
Our “buddies” stickers.....!?
You have to fight
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Pag 8
1: And win the last spot to be an Inter High member!!
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Pag 9
1: Fa.... ight....
2: Against.... Kinaka-kun
3: Against.... Rokudai
4: 35km left!!
Gooo!! Kinakaa, Rokudaii!!
Do your best...!!
5: I feel like they'll be able to run the 1000km!!
Ah, but there was no distance between them just now?
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Pag 10
1: Fight....
2: The spot as a regular in the two-times national champion, Sohoku....
3: I can't take it by just being friendly....!!
4: And also
5: There's Sugimoto-san's wish!!
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Pag 11
1: Wa- wait, please, Imaizumi-san
But.... if in this training camp the condition to become the sixth regular was to finish the 1000km first....
2: Then why did Sugimoto-san and Danchiku-san race!?
4: I came here to give you a message from Sugimoto
5: I think, I think it's necessary, you know
Sohoku is a team that connect and support each other
6: Just like during our first year, you, Naruko, and Onoda, connected your wishes and aimed for the goal
7: And last year Kaburagi ran with Aoyagi-san and carried the team until the mountains on the third day
8: So I think we need it
9: Our third year Inter High members
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Pag 12
1: Definitely need a “first year”!!
3: Even if he knew he was making his own situation worse, he thought about the best shape for the team would be
4: He accepted it, and fought
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Pag 13
1: For the fifth place
3: Among the first years, those two are left, I look forward to see what they do!!
That's too much food
4: Danchiku probably understood it, too
That's why he fought with all his strength
6: Now you two have to run with the weight of those expectations on your back!!
7: Fight, against your opponent and against yourself!! Use all your strength
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Pag 14
1: And pull to yourself that last jersey!!
2: Straaa-
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Pag 15
1: Straight roaaad!!
2: - traight!!
3: …. ngh
4: Kinaka-kun.....
5: Don't cry, Rokudai!!
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Pag 16
1: What are you doing, oi!! I'll leave you behind like this!! I'll tear you off!!
If you give up, then it's lucky for me!!
2: My goal has always been the Inter High jersey!!
To get back at those senpai who made fun of me!!
3: To show it to the Onii-san who taught me how to ride bikes!!
So, for that....
6: So I'm telling you not to cry!!
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Pag 17
1: But, Kinaka-kun....
It's that your “Straitgh road”, wasn't fast at all....!!
4: You knee? It's your knee, right?
Since when? Since a while ago?
5: Since when we were at about 800km
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Pag 18
1: It's a race, Rokudai
2: You should have told me, teh
I didn't notice, teh!!
3: I'm such an incapable former manager, teh....
4: Since when I lost to you in the first years' race
6: I've been thinking that I would definitely not lose the next time we race
7: Even though the truth is that I don't really care about that anymore
So, once again...
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Pag 19
1: It's a race, Rokudai!!
3: Let's do it, Rokudai!!
I can't, teh
4: Race me, pedal!!
I don't want to, teh....
5: Fight me!!
I won't pedal, teh
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Pag 20
1: Because, if I fight you now, Kinaka-kun, I'll end up winning, teh
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Pag 22
1: With that kindness of yours, support our senpai during the Inter High
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eggtartz · 8 months
✧ 5th October ✧
Shigaraki // Mama's Boy (f! girlfriend reader)
kinktober masterlist
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warnings : mommy issues, dominant reader, praise kink, usage of 'mommy'
"M-A-M-A B-O-Y mama's boy,
mama's boy" the song by Dominik Fike is echoing in the background as you glanced behind your shoulder, kurogiri is distressed with the capture of one for all but luckily the other villains managed to escape by his gate warping. "shigaraki tomura, what do we do now?" he asked to him while scratching his neck to the point it bleed. you clicked your tongue and crouched down to the bottom shelf to fetch out an itch ointment as you stride to him, calming him down and putting ointment on the place he scratched.
"get out.." he said, disintegrating a glass in his hands as the villains went outside their hideout but you stayed. "tenko." you softened your tone "it's best if you and the league stay low, you're still being hunted despitie all might's retirement" you said again as he wore his gloves again, to hold your hand "I know that" he said, almost a hiss that you have grown used to.
"but you don't have to think about it now" you caressed his hand with your thumb "i understand that it's a rushed process but you can't afford to be clumsy, not anymore. i don't want to lose you, tenko" you said his childhood name so endearingly, it reminds him of his mother. he can't help but melt into your arms as he hugged you, burying his face on your chest as you stroked his blue hair.
"there, there." you gently held him, forgetting at times that he's a person who didn't get to felt how it was to be a child. you hugged him, whispering sweet words in his ear as you comforted him. shigaraki thought of how his mother used to hug him after getting beaten up by his father, your warmth felt the same. he felt safe and a sense of tranquility came over him.
"y/n?" you heard a crack in his voice, a vulnerability he doesn't show too often. "yes, tenko?" you caressed his cheek, encouraging him "can i? can i kiss you?" he asked, a being so fragile you'd forgot he has bring chaos to the heroes world. you nodded as you bring your lips to his chapped ones (but no worries, your lips are always glossed!)
you hold him tight and secure as he whined into the kiss and you hold his jaw to just so slightly add intensity into the kiss.
one thing led to another as you were on top of him in the shabby looking bedroom as you kissed him, bringing your tongue in his mouth gently and taking your time. shigaraki's hand were resting comfortably on both of your boobs as he squished them, making them a stress ball for some sorts. when your lips separated, he quickly and hastily lifted your shirt and bra to reveal your hard nipples and latched on them, making you yelp as you grabbed his hair. he swirled his tongue againts the pink bud, teasingly using his teeth as the other hand teased your other nipple as well. the action made him feel at home, comfortable and safe again.
he switched his mouth to the other one, going much faster to your liking. your hands went to pull his trousers as you threw it on the floor. shigaraki whimpered and hissed, his cock bouncing free as you took it in hand. "y/n.. mmh.. it's.. a-ah.." he threw his head on the bed as you spit on the tip and licked it with your tongue. he had such a pretty dick, the head oh so prettily as it turned red from stimulation "such a pretty cock, tenko.." you cooed and his duck visibly twitched at the praise. you kissed his tip again as you sucked on it, bringing his cock in your throat slowly. shigaraki's breathing hitched as his hand flew to your hair "m-mommy.. not so fast.." he whined, closing his eyes tight as he felt endless pleasure. he jolted when he felt a vibration of your humming and you smiled, taking his cock out "but I like your dick so much, tenko. let me take care of it, okay?" you winked at him.
before he could say anything, his hoarse voice almost squealed when he felt your mouth on his balls, massaging them with no mercy at all. "nngah!" he sweated, breathing fast as you kissed the two balls resting on his inner thigh. you smiled to him and pulled off your shirt completely, showing your tits that was swollen. "so, tenko? where do you want to cum, on mommy's tits? in mommy's pussy?" your sultry voice came out as you called out to him, hands still loyal to rubbing his cock.
"mommy's... tits.." he sniffled with no tears that made you smiled "okay then" you sandwiched his cock between the plush flesh of your breasts and bought it up and down slowly, spitting on the tip to make it extra wet and sloppy. shigaraki moaned as he called out your name in cracked tones as he raised his hips to fasten the pace. you helped him with your tongue, circling his piss slit and when his breathing hitched, his thick, gooey cum on your boobs as you giggled.
"such a good boy, tenko" you bring his cum in your mouth, tasting it. "such a good boy"
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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Welcome back, beloved readers! Things have finally calmed down for me so it’s time to inflict this update on the world. When we last left off, BATSHIT FELINA SMASHED VICTORIA’S URN
Because it turned out there’s a cheat to repair urns, HA. In your face!
Felina seriously, GO TO HELL. I freaked out thinking I’d have to either quit without saving (hadn’t saved since before SUGAR DIED) or I’d have to deal with Victoria’s missing character file. You’re not allowed anywhere near the mausoleum again! 
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Bruh. I’ve had enough of this house, between the walls of death..
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..the eternal yard fire..
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..and the fact everyone is afflicted with a gross cold they keep passing around despite the fact I gave them medicine-
-I, a retired Mayor, was clearly the right choice to make medicine.
Well I thought you might do something useful for once, Shajar, but joke’s on me. Point is, it’s time to gtfo..
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..to our new gigantic house! Look at all our crap on the lawn, and yes, I’m referring to the sims. 
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I unpaused for 1 second to check something and Barf and Failina (Barflina?) have re-become enemies?? Did you stop being enemies at some point because I completely missed it. 
-We did but new house, new us!
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It’s done! I went all out on this house for no discernible reason, let me give you the grand tour:
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First floor! Man this house is a nightmare. 
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Luxurious pet room!
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Dining room!
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Gambling room Library!
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And living room!
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Moving on to the second floor, Cyn and Sophie/Shajar’s bedrooms I kept the basically same as in the last house. The unfinished bedroom is Sugar and Sandy’s for reasons that will be explained shortly. 
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I really feel I made this house too nice for the Unions but what can you do. 
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Felina and Barth’s rooms in their ~signature colors~
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And Liz and Sophito’s bedroom which is clearly all Liz.
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Finally, on the little rooms on the third floor are the music room that @microscotch​ decorated❤️, and a lame room where we keep all our career rewards!
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The mausoleum, which is unchanged other than I moved the pet graves in it and put them under each generation..
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..and this is the yard! I kept it pretty much the same except larger-
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-and I added a lake! We’re all done, time to unpause and enjoy long, safe lives in our new house..
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BRO. When I tell you guys the entire family almost perished in a FOUNTAIN FIRE. Incredibly fitting cause of death. Thankfully the firefighter heroically saved us and all is well! Now I can’t wait to play a billion sims and pets on this gigantic cc-filled lot with no further problems whatsoever!
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Alright then! I had a feeling it might come to this, Sugar take Sandy and gtfo.
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-I will but be warned, our absence won’t solve anything! 
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Ya, it sure DIDN’T. GROSS. Finally I turned off shaders and it went away, ok Sug, you and Sandy can move back in..
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..and we can begin the ENDLESS task of getting all the skill points you lost to zombiehood back. And once you’re back at the top of your career and Sandy tops hers you are OUTTA HERE, you hear me???
-Ya ya, how many times are you gonna kick me out and move me back in? Admit it already, you LOVE ME. 
Ok ‘love’ is a strong word-
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It’s our first night in the new house and this is how Sophie and Shajar sleep. 
-Close enough for me. -I’d like another wall between us, actually.
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-Ah, nothing like that first sip of whiskey before school!
Ya Barth, I’m a little concerned about your aspiration bar.
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-Ah, nothing like the first four glasses of whiskey after shcool!
Ya ok, we’re calling the matchmaker this weekend.
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Jimbo (the puppy we adopted to mate with Veronica, I don’t remember if I introduced him) grows up and he looks ICONIC
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The difference between their necks LOL
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It’s Sophito’s birthday and Liz’s is in a few days, so it’s time to get started on their death portraits. What a cheerful gift, Cyn! 
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Family reunion! Look at everyone all together, getting along..
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..even Gunther came but completely ignored the party and went straight for the ballet bar, which legit made me emo, idk if you guys remember during generation 1 how obsessed he and Daniel were with the ballet bar, awww❤️ Alright, back to the party, go on Soph, blow your candles-
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Ok are you done?? Is this over?? Let’s try the cake again, Soph-
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-Sorry, it’s time for me to finally reconnect with iVan, huhu!💗 -Awww, I’m so happy for you, grandma Cyn!
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Ya idk, Victoria, you tell me, it’s your amazing DNA at work. 
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-YOU’RE AN EMBARASSMENT, BARTHOLOMEW  -Well that hurts, grandma! 
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-Thankfully nothing a drink won’t fix!
Oh my- I’d like to clarify at this point that this goddamn party is still going on-
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-when this simultaneous pet and human fight occurs:
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It’s Jimbo vs Shinok..
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..and Barflina vs human dignity.
-Oh no, babe, I can’t look! -How could this happen, we were such involved parents!!
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And at the moment where Barth throws his sister through a window, the matchmaker rewards us with a genie lamp for treading the arduous path of excellence. I don’t know about you, but what I take from this is we are perfect and should never attempt to improve ourselves in any way! 
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pocketramblr · 6 months
for the five ask game, how about an alternative universe where Tenya is All Might's secret love child?
1- so Iidamom used to be an active hero at Idaten with her brother and father and their shared engine quirks, but retired after getting pregnant with Tensei. Then, fifteen years later, she has an affair with All Might. Now, All Might was her celebrity free pass so her husband isn't mad, but is a bit uncomfortable because he'd largely been joking, but its not like he communicated that, so.... so begins Tenya's life, and the accelerated decline of the iidas marriage. (you ever think about how the iidad is in the background of like, Tenya's five year old flashbacks but never in the present? and how much he singularly looks up to his older brother? hm)
2- Tenya has blond streaks in his hair, but he dyes them out because he likes the neater, all blue look that matches his family. (Though, one year when he was three, his brother dressed up as All Might for a Halloween costume party, and brought him dressed up as Sir Nighteye). Tenya also has No Idea he's All Might's secret child. (Tensei suspects at least that they're half siblings, but has never asked for confirmation, staying out of the drama between his parents and simply adoring his little brother.)
3- Tenya is also going to grow taller than his brother, though they still look alike mostly due to resembling their mother and the fact that both their fathers are tall and broad, if one more than the other. His eyes are a shade lighter blue then their mother's and Tensei's. Still, no one is going to suspect anything- even All Might has no idea, their mother never told him and never wanted to.
4- After Stain attacks Ingenium, Toshinori feels horrible at hearing the news and cautiously reaches out- he has no intention of repeating the fling, but he is worried for an old acquaintance, and he is Tenya's teacher now. She has a generic response sent to him, more concerned with Tensei's care at the moment. She doesn't think anything if it until a couple weeks later when she's visiting a different son in a different hospital, and as she's walking in, Gran Torino is walking out, talking on the phone, "it took three days and he found trouble, your boy takes a bit too much after you, Toshinori." (Note: Tenya's mother knows Toshinori's given name, due to the whole "sleeping with him" incident) and she's like "He knows??" To which Gran is like "what" and she's like "are you talking about my son?" And, Gran looks over her, says "unless you're Midoriya Inko, no...?" And leaves. So when she walks in and sees Tenya talking to a boy he calls Midoriya she thinks "oh, of course I'm not the only woman to have had All Might's bastard child. They're a bit close in age but I can't judge a fling. Oh no, Tenya has a half brother and doesn't even know it! But... At least they're friends. I'm glad." And she's not going to out the relationships if All Might won't.
5- this just means less trouble now, and now trouble later. Tenya calls from the dorms and talks about Midoriya, and she nervously jokes that it sounds like he has a crush on him- ah, but how are Todoroki and Uraraka doing? Tenya isn't sure how to feel about that, and tells his brother ("hey, is Mom... Homophobic?" / "Uh I hope for both our sakes not, why?") so Tensei just asks "do you have a problem with any of his friends?" And his mom's like "oh, no- I'm just worried he has a crush on his... Probably... Half brother" and Tensei almost breaks his chair's wheel turning sharply. After getting the whole story out and recovering from the psychic damage of the fact that the former number one hero knew his mom like that, Tensei is like "look, you just need to be upfront with All Might, and tell him that Tenya's his, he can take care of the rest. But tell me when you're going to do it so I can text Shouta and tell him to be there, I want him to have both the joy of seeing All Might suffer the reaction, the pain of realizing himself, and to be there in case All Might's heart stops or he coughs on too much blood when he hears."
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jiuwi · 2 years
🎬 >﹏< !? unexpected kisses ♡l
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꒰ featuring ! ꒱ diluc, ayato, kazuha, dottore, zhongli ?!
꒰ warning/s ! ꒱ established relationship, gn! reader
— tyvm for 300 !! >< aaaand i kept my promise 😤💪 the promised fluff drabble is now here !! first time writing for dottore as well so it might be ooc TT
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DILUC : 「 after hours at the tavern ! 」
after a long day’s work, the people by the tavern had slowly begun to exit and retire to their respective homes. the noise that came along with them died down and soon you were left with the bar’s owner and your lover. it has not been long since you two started going out and he was still shy on initiating anything with you so he often stays silent and gives you subtle, gentle glances instead. though diluc isn’t a big fan of pda, the people in mondstadt can see how he loves you so much just by a single look at him. he was far more... happy and free with you around.
more utc.
so here he was wiping the glasses whilst you were leaning against the counter, elbows placed on the wooden surface and your palms cupping your cheeks. it was quiet and peaceful, neither one of you uttering a word until his eyes land on yours. noticing that, your lips contort into a sweet smile and he gulps, hard, as if you did something out of the ordinary. naturally, his hands have stopped moving and he places the glass down to rub his temples. “diluc? what's the matter?” worried, you try to reach out to him before he sways his hand from left to right, indicating that he’s fine. but obviously you didn’t fall for it.
you stand up abrubtly and grab his face in your hands. “alright, you’ve got to— ah.” between your hands, there is  a man who’s red as a tomato. he doesn’t look at you nor makes an effort to do so. he’s embarrassed for having these ridiculous thoughts about you, thoughts of kissing you. it's not as if he didn’t share a kiss with you before, it’s just that doing it again might actually make him go crazy. and what would you feel knowing that he has such thoughts of you? you’d probably... “diluc!” you snap him out of his thoughts and squeeze his cheeks to get his full attention. “you’re sweating, is it hot?” you glance by the nearby shelves and take a clean glass from the side to fill it up with water. once you did, you handed it to him and he carefully drinks the warm liquid. “now, are you okay?” he nods as you sit back down. he finally meets your eyes and takes your hands in his, caressing your skin and mindlessly drawing invisible circles on them.
finally, you start. “you know, i’m not naive, diluc.” the audible ‘oh’ that came out of his mouth was enough evidence that he was indeed thinking about you. “tell me, would you like to kiss me?” it was a light taunt to make him answer you and he does exactly that. “i do, very much.” the last part sounded like a whisper, not too loud but not too quiet either, enough for only you to hear.
with your eyes closing shut and your lips ready for him to dive into, he leans in and kisses you. softly, gently, like you’re a delicate flower that needed to be preserved. after a long time of not being able to do this with you, he thanks the archons for giving him the courage and status as your partner to press his lips against yours. you pull away breathless while he lets out a slight huff, yet neither of you have any plans to part ways. 
“may i kiss you again?”
“you don’t need to ask, silly.”
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AYATO : 「 early mornings ! 」
the day had dawned upon you but that wasn’t solely the reason why you awoke. you find yourself to be cuddled by a man who’s peppering your neck with sweet kisses <33 he’s still in his sleepwear and his voice is still groggy when he greets you. “good morning, love.” he keeps his hand lazily wrapped around your stomach and nuzzles his head on the base of your neck. “ayato, you have work to do.” you playfully remind him while slightly stretching your arms forward. he doesn’t say a word and continues to stay in the same position for the last five minutes.
however when someone knocks on the door to your shared bedroom, he knew that he had to get up or else the butler might barge into the room and drag him out. “ah it seems that i have slept for too long.” he says while getting up and tidying his messy hair. you on the other hand, looked like you’ve been offended but at the same time entertained. “uh-huh, you were sure sleeping soundly earlier.” pertaining to his small pecks of fondness from just a minute ago.
he chuckles. “it is a shame that i must leave you at this moment.” he watches as you turn your body to face him and you point at the door. “well maybe if you do your work then we can spend more time together.”
within a minute he bolts out the door and leaves you there, stunned.
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KAZUHA : 「 at the crux ! 」
the refreshing sea breeze hits your skin as you watch the waves ripple against one another. you wish that everyday could be like this, calm and tranquil. you enjoy this, every moment of it. the wind hits your skin and you tap your feet against the floor to add entertainment. just then a figure creeps up from behind and when the figure blows against your ear, you turn around and see kazuha.
“oh you surprised me!” you place a hand on the ear he blew on to rub the ticklish spot. he laughs at the sight and stands beside you, ruby eyes landing on the water down below. then his gaze flickers from the sea and then up to your face. “yes? is there something wrong with my face?” you ask as you gently pat the sides of your face, his gaze never leaving yours. “no, no. it’s nothing,” you didn’t miss the way he smiled and his eyes scrunching up into tiny, crescent moons.
he takes your hand in his and presses his lips firmly onto it, it’s warm and light to the touch. “you’re just too lovely. i should thank the archons for blessing me with such a person.” he makes sure to emphasize that last part and with that, he leaves you alone satisfied.
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DOTTORE : 「 at his research facility ! 」
throughout the weeks he had been busy with his research, again. though for some reasons, he decided to let you tag along with him for research purposes, or whatever he means by that. when you entered the empty building, he simply asks you to sit on the chair he prepared and so you did. minutes after minutes passed and a new problem arises from your situation, you’ve been sitting like this for fifteen minutes and he’s not mentioning what exactly your job here is.
he stands from across your seat, eyes assessing your form and turning back to his table once he’s finished. “how long do i have to sit here?” you ask him with your arms crossed. he faces you and walks towards your chair, leaning down and showing you a sly grin. “not long, you can get up now.” he watches you stand up as you rub your sore back and bottom.
you glare at him. “what was that for?” he shrugs his shoulders in response. “oh well, let’s say i’m making a ‘little’ something.” he directs you to the papers scattered across the board and your eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. it seems like he was making an exact replica of you, a living one that is.
he reaches out for you but a harsh slap to his hand is what greeted him instead. he looks at his hand deliriously and peers back to your agitated state. “you’re crazy.” you hiss, watching as he towers over you and grabs you by the hips, preventing you from escaping. you struggle to get out of his grip and he whispers against the shell of your ear, lips brushing against the smooth flesh and leaving a peck there. “and i know full well how much you like that.”
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ZHONGLI : 「 a birthday surprise ! 」
the two of you haven’t seen each other a lot recently. your schedules haven’t exactly been... great, to say the least. your schedules have been colliding with each other for the past month and neither of you got the time to see each other. if there’s a miracle, you’d be blessed to only see a glimpse of his figure before he disappears into the bustling crowd of liyue.
his days aren’t that nice either. he comes home late and wakes up very early to go to the funeral parlor, leaving you in your deep slumber most of the time.
tonight however, it was different. zhongli had gotten permission from hu tao to leave early as it was your birthday. obviously she agreed and he raced back home with a bouquet of flowers in hand. he knocks on the door and you open it with astonishment labeled on your face. he was sweating, hair disheveled, and most of all, his tiny, apologetic smile. without wasting a second you lead him into the living room and scramble to get him out of his coat, into which he kindly offers to take it off himself to let you relax. you place the flowers on a nearby table and turn to him with a warm cloth in your hand.
“happy birthday, my dear.” he keeps his eyes lowered and bows his head in apology. “i apologize, i’m late for your birthday and—” before he could finish his sentence, you interrupt him and handed him the cloth to wipe his sweat. “hush now, you’re never too late for anything. i’m glad you’re here, zhongli, thank you.” your hand lies atop of his and he looks at you with pure adoration laid out in his amber glazed eyes.
with one swift move he leans in and gives you a sweet kiss on the cheek, his fingers intertwine with yours and yours do the same. before one of you can say anything else, he engulfs you in a tight hug, one that indicates that he misses you. you inhale his scent and at last, you finally feel at home.
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vimara00 · 6 months
Hi everyone, it's Vi! ✨ Today I decided to write something with the trope "she fell first but he fell harder" because I can. Also, I wanna wish u a Merry Christmas!!! 🎅 🎄
Hope you enjoy! ❤️ (Again, sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language 🙈)
Pd: It's gonna be a part 2
All characters reservations to Horikoshi
Warnings: jealousy
Too blind to see (Kirishima x F!reader)
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(Image created with AI)
Kirishima and y/n have known each other since birth as both of their mothers were friends. They dreamed of the two of them getting along and, in an ideal future, getting married and giving them grandchildren, but it was too early for the last part. They became inseparable and did everything together; They went to the same kindergarten, same high school, and even managed to enter the UA. However, because of y/n "sanation" quirk, she was at another class. But that wasn't an impediment for seeing each other every day. And when she wasn't with Kirishima and his friends, she would be helping on the nursery as part of her training. Her mentor, Recovery girl, always said that she'll take her place when she retired, so y/n needed to work extra hard if she wanted to be able to save heroes' lives during battle.
Kirishima was y/n's number one fan; she was his muse, his rock, and his 'best friend' while for her...he was way more than that. She was in love with her best friend and came with the realisation, at a very young age, that he didn't see her as a potential partner so she kept her mouth shut for all this years, scared of rejection.
However, lately, Kirishima's been more protective than normal; At first, she thought it probably had something to do with the LOV's recent attack, but certain actions made her think otherwise...
The other day, Deku came in with new injuries, and because he was a regular patient, he talked a lot with y/n while she treated his wounds. They became very good friends as she was one of the few who knew of OFA. Kirishima hadn't noticed how close they were till he came in later that day to check on Midoriya and found them siting next to eachother (shoulders touching and being VERY VERY close for his liking) reading and talking about his notes. He was standing at the door annoyed by the scene happening in front of him, and suddenly, a new sensation came with it, one he couldn't put into words, but it felt similar to fear. Of what? He was yet to find out...
He decided enough was enough and entered the room, making his presence known. Izuku might have noticed the intense look Kirishima was giving him cause he tensed and moved a little so his body wasn't touching hers at all; He knew that, even though the redhead was such a great guy, when it came to her, he sure as hell would beat someone up just because that person looked the wrong way (Midoriya has seen it many times). Y/n didn't think much of it as she greeted him with a kiss on the cheek and kept doing some reports that Recovery girl has left for her. After she was done, they left so Izuku could rest, but not before she gave him a quick hug and said their goodbyes. Kirishima was rather quiet all the way to her doorm, and once they arrived, he said 'You are really close with Midoriya, ah?' 'Yes, he's a really nice guy! He comes almost every day so he's my favorite patient by now' His face turned into a frown to that and respond 'Is that so?' He hadn't stopped looking intensibly at her, and it was making the e/c girl nervous. <Why does he sound like he's jealous?> The girl was wondering when suddenly, he grabbed her forearm gently so her body was now facing him. His eyes were no longer on her but the floor, and he whispered 'I don't like you being that friendly with him. I'm supposed to be the one who receives your hugs and the one you tend their wounds of!' He paused for a few seconds and finally looked at her as he continued 'I don't like sharing your attention or you affection. I know it's selfish but lately, when I see you with others, it hurts and it annoys me...I feel kind of left out and I don't like it one bit' Someone would of assumed this 'sensations' Kirishima was having were of pure jealousy or envy because of the threaten of her finding someone else and that this might have been his confession but no. He's convinced himself, and her, that it was his mission as a 'big bro' that he needed to be sure the guy she settled for was a nice one. That night, both of them went to sleep with a huge weight of their hearts. Y/n because she realized that nothing has changed and that she'd always be his friend no matter how cute she dressed or how mature she acted, she'd never be his first option. As for him... He felt his chest tighten at the thought of her being with some other dude.
The next few days, he did everything in his power to not let Midoriya or any other of his friends near y/n, but he couldn't control everyone for too long, could he? It wasn't long enough until UA most handsome guy, had to pay a visit to the nursery and even took the chance to invite her to endeavors agency to work with them. She was very excited to tell him about what happened and that she accepted their offer, but Kirishima had to pretend that he was happy when he actually was feeling sad)?
Since then, mister cute face has spent too much time with her and did everything together; from eating lunch to going on missions alone and then having dinner at his house (Midoriya and Bakugou were there too but still) The redhead was going crazy to say the least. However, he began to wonder if these emotions were similar to the ones a brother would have for his little sister or more like a boyfriend would have for his girl. The word 'jealousy' came along with those thoughts and so he understood why he got so annoyed and anxious whenever she was with someone else or how worried he got by just the idea of her having a boyfriend or even marrying someone; marrying someone who wasn't him. He was in love with her! All this time, he actually thought he was doing the right thing by being protecting her from praying eyes but he was just keeping her to himself instead. He realized how mistaken he had been and needed to make his intentions clear for her even if she rejected him. He just needed to find the right time
Part 2 in a few days 😉
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Summary: When Izzy gets sick, Stede insists he takes some time off. He also insists that you are put in charge of the first mate's care.
Word Count: 3477
Izzy knew that the best thing to do when a member of the crew got sick was to quarantine them, at least to some extent. Ships were prime spaces for viruses to spread and if the whole crew got sick that would be good for nobody. 
That rule hasn’t applied much to Izzy since he became First Mate, though. He was always needed for one thing or another, he couldn’t just take time off because he had the sniffles or a sore throat. He had to just work through it unless it got bad enough to have him unable to move from his cot, that wasn’t very common though.
Why Bonnet had insisted on following this one rule of ship and crew maintenance was beyond him, probably just to irritate Izzy even more than he already does. Izzy had let a few coughs and sneezes slip while he was up on deck, no big deal, but Bonnet had taken notice. Roach had agreed that Izzy was coming down with something, and Bonnet had insisted that Izzy retire to his cabin to sleep it off, to take as much time as he needed until he was feeling better. Of course, Izzy had thought it, but Edward had only backed up his co-captain on the matter.
So, Izzy had stomped down to his cabin while hurling verbal abuse at anyone who he passed just to make himself feel a little bit better. He supposed that if he was going to be trapped in his cabin until he could pass as being perfectly well, he might as well actually try to sleep some of this sickness off.
His short nap was cut even shorter by the sound of somebody knocking at his door. Surely Bonnet had told the whole crew that Izzy was in bed with some terrible illness by now, so maybe if he just stayed quiet the person outside would just go away.
Instead, the door opened. Izzy groaned as he sat up, finding that his head was actually aching a little more now rather than feeling any better. He glared at you, only snarling a little, as you entered his cabin.
“I guess I woke you…” you observed, at least looking a little guilty about it. “Didn’t think you’d actually go to sleep. Thought you’d just pace around until you passed out or something,” you didn’t look at him as you moved further into the room, placing a tray down on his desk.
“Anyway, got some…bad news,” you turned to him, a not so sorry smile on your face.
“If I’m dying, that would actually be a relief,” Izzy huffed. Even when he was sent to his cabin to wallow in his sickness, he couldn’t get a break from this damned crew.
“Ah, nobody’s that lucky, I’m afraid,” you joked, but it actually came out more light than malicious. “Stede has assigned me to nurse you back to health,” you finally informed him.
Izzy blinked at you like you had just spoken some other language he wasn’t familiar with. “What?”
“Best to only have one person coming to see you, reduce the risk of contamination and all that. Since I help Roach with the medical stuff around here, Stede thought it would be for the best,” you explained.
“Fucking hell,” Izzy sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose. His head was aching more now.
“Took the words right out of my mouth,” you laughed to yourself before stepping to the side, gesturing to the tray on his desk. “Got you a pitcher of water, you really need to keep hydrated, and some broth. Won’t be too heavy on your stomach.”
At least you didn’t bring up the whole ‘Izzy the Spewer’ thing, even if Izzy could tell what you were getting at with the stomach comment. To his surprise, you actually sounded sincere and concerned rather than mocking.
“When did you start feeling sick?” you asked, almost clinically. A little like Roach would ask ‘does that hurt’ when he was poking at a bleeding wound.
“I can take care of myself. Done it plenty of times before.” Izzy wasn’t even sure why he was fighting it, stupid shit seemed to be inevitable on this ship.
“Oh, I’m sure. I bet you worked through it all like the stubborn little creature you are, right?” you rolled your eyes, your tone flat.
“Didn’t have much of a choice,” Izzy muttered.
“Well, you still don’t, now you have to let yourself accept help and be taken care of,” you tutted before repeating your question. “So, when did you start feeling sick?”
“...felt it coming on yesterday.”
“You’re at the beginning of it then. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. Probably just the common cold, nothing to worry about, sure you’ve dealt with worse,” you shrugged slightly. “Drink. Eat. Drink some more. Then get some sleep. Let your body rest and heal,” you advised, “I’ll be back later to check on you, get you some more food and water.”
“Don’t feel obligated,” Izzy grumbled as you headed to the door, unsure if he even wanted you to hear him.
“I’ll see you later. Or not…if you’re asleep, I won’t wake you,” you told him, leaving no room for debate.
And just like that, you were gone.
Despite being frustrated with Bonnet's stupid orders and even more frustrated that you would be popping in and out, Izzy dropped down in the seat at his desk. He ate the broth and drank some water before dragging himself back into bed, suddenly feeling incredibly tired.
Just as you said you would, you dropped by his cabin later on to check on him. To your surprise, he was actually sleeping. Even more surprisingly, he actually looked somewhat peaceful, not as grumpy as he usually is. 
Maybe it was silly, but you couldn’t help but smile a little at the sight.
You placed the fresh pitcher of water and some leftover biscuits, in case he got hungry, down on his desk.
Silently, you stepped over to Izzy’s cot and carefully fixed the blanket over his frame. He must have kicked it off of himself a little in his sleep. Izzy hummed and nuzzled into his pillow, you bit back a small laugh. Wasn’t that just adorable? You dug a cloth out of your pocket and wiped away the slight sheen of sweat over his brow before returning to his desk.
With your job done, you gathered up the dirty dishes and left the cabin. You walked into the galley, dropping the dishes down by the sink.
“How’s the patient?” Roach asked. He had been very vocal about how pleased he was that Stede had assigned you to watch over Izzy and not him.
“Sleeping,” you told him, “think he’s getting a fever.” 
“Better you than me, I’d probably just tie him down to the bed and force feed him until he’s better,” Roach mused. He was a surprisingly talented medic but not always the most patient one. If his patient didn’t want help, they wouldn’t be getting it.
“Kinky,” you wiggled your brows at him before turning back to the dishes. “Let’s just hope the fever makes him easier to handle.”
You checked in on Izzy again before you headed to bed. He was sleeping again but there was less water and fewer biscuits than what you had left earlier, so you took that as a win. You would stop by before breakfast, make sure he wasn’t going without anything.
The next morning you checked in on Izzy, expecting to find him still in bed, but instead he was sitting on the edge of his cot. His clothes sat beside him, pants in hand. It looked like he had started to get dressed but had to sit down before really even starting.
He looked frustrated with himself but he clearly wasn’t well, his face pale and his shoulders slumped.
“Are you seriously trying to get up?” you asked with a huff, like you just couldn’t believe what you were seeing. You absolutely could believe that Izzy Hands was trying to get back to work when he was hitting the worst of his illness. 
“I’m fine,” Izzy insisted, cringing at how rough his own voice sounded.
“That’s a blatant fucking lie,” you rolled your eyes. “C’mon, back in bed,” you were in front of him in an instant, pulling the leather pants out of his hands. You folded his clothes neatly and placed them on top of the chest at the bottom of his bed.
Izzy just watched as you moved around his cabin, vaguely pleased that you had neatly handled his clothes, as ridiculous as that may be. Then you were returning to him, a hand on his shoulder as you got him to lay down and pulled his blanket over him. He protested and weakly thought but before he knew it, he was back in his bed.
“Too warm,” Izzy complained, trying to push the blanket off of him again.
“It’s your fever. Don’t kick it off, okay?” your voice was surprisingly soothing as you spoke, like you really wanted him to understand and not just do as you said because you said it. “I’ll get some stuff for you in a minute,” you assured, tucking the blanket back into place.
“Are you up for eating?” you asked, stepping back. Izzy just shrugged, feeling completely out of his element. “I’ll get you something small,” you decided with a small nod. “Want some medication?”
“No,” Izzy answered. You just nodded, not pushing him on the matter.
“I’ll be back in a minute,” you promised before gathering up the dirty dishes and dipping out of the cabin.
When you returned again a few minutes later, it was with another tray of items.
Izzy grumpily sat up and let you give him what you brought for him. You got him to drink a full cup of water and then helped him eat a few spoonfuls of soup. He blushed the whole time at the fussing and protesting that he could manage himself, but you just shushed him and did your job.
Izzy drank some more and lay down properly again. You placed a cool damp cloth over his forehead, making him comfortable before telling him to get some sleep. He surprised himself by actually falling asleep, unable to fight his heavy eyelids.
This time, as he slept, you stayed. Sitting by his bedside so you could keep replacing the cloth and keep his temperature down.
You had to pop out of the cabin every now and again throughout the day to tend to other things but you would always return to care for Izzy, even if he fought you every step of the way.
On the third day, Izzy’s fever seemed to reach its peak. Which you hoped meant it would start getting better soon.
He ate very little that day but you managed to force him to drink whenever he woke up. When you had been asked to nurse Izzy a little, you had completely planned on giving him plenty of space and time alone since he seemed to enjoy it so much, but that day you barely left his side.
While he slept, you were sitting beside him, rinsing and replacing the cloth on his forehead to help keep him cool.
Your silent routine was interrupted by a quiet whine. You paused, frowning down at the sleeping first mate. He whined again, his brow pinching slightly.
“Shush, just gotta get through the worst of it,” you attempted to soothe him, even if he couldn’t hear you.
Izzy’s face scrunched up as he began to writhe on his cot, like he was having a nightmare of some sort. It was probably a symptom of his fever, or at least worsened by it.
“You’re alright, Iz. Just a bad dream, I’ve got you,” you continued to talk sweet nonsense until he calmed. He hummed slightly when you ran your fingers through his dirty hair, so you continued, happy that it was soothing him.
You smiled as he settled. “There we go, just sleep it off,” you whispered. Izzy let out a small sigh, slipping back into a dreamless sleep.
With a sigh, you stood and began tidying up again. You couldn’t sit around watching Izzy sleep all day, especially when he would most likely be perfectly fine, but you found yourself not really wanting to leave him.
The fourth day came around after you managed to pull yourself away from his side to get some sleep. Of course, the first thing you did was grab some food from the galley and went to see Izzy. He was laying on his cot, awake but not looking happy in the slightest. At least he wasn’t trying to get back to work this time.
“Still feeling shitty, huh?” you asked.
“You tell me,” Izzy muttered.
For some reason you felt fond about his grouchiness. “Alright, I brought some brekkie. Hungry?”
Izzy eyed the bowl in your hands. “...could eat…”
You insisted on spoon feeding him even when he fought it. He eventually allowed it, grumbling with each bite he took. The broth was good though, soothing his throat, clearing his sinuses, and warming his belly.
“Ate more than yesterday, that’s good,” you acknowledged.
As you placed the bowl down, Izzy actually asked for something. “Water?”
“Look at that, asking for things, accepting help. You’re growing, doing so well.” You were teasing, of course you were teasing, just joking around. Still, he couldn’t help the way he flushed at the praise. What the fuck? He only asked for some water.
You poured him a cup of water and handed it over without another comment. “If you finish the full cup and I’ll leave you alone until lunch,” you promised.
“If that’s all it takes,” Izzy huffed, bringing the cup up to his mouth.
“Ah, you like me. You haven’t even threatened to stab me once,” you teased.
Izzy distracted himself by finishing the drink, letting you take the cup back once it was empty. He really didn’t need all this doting, and surely he could fight it a little more…
“And we say…” you prompted.
“Fuck off.”
“Come on, Izzy. Say it and I’ll bring an extra treat with lunch.”
“Fucking-” Izzy sighed, knowing you wouldn’t drop this. You had probably earnt it at this point anyway. “Thank you.”
“See, not so difficult,” you smiled, seemingly pleased with him, before pressing a kiss to his temple.
Izzy froze but you didn’t pay it any mind, you just went about tidying up like you always do and headed for the door. “Get some rest. Feel better soon, Iz,” you left him with another sincere smile.
You returned to Izzy’s cabin later on that day. “How are you feeling?”
“Better. Can I fucking move now?” Izzy glared at you. He was probably going a little crazy locked up in his cabin for the last few days, and you couldn’t really blame him.
“Nope, not until you’re back in perfect health. Captain’s rules,” you at least looked a little apologetic, “maybe tomorrow, though.”
“Got you some broth,” of course, you had your tray with you, “Roach is making stew for dinner today, think you’re up for that?” 
Izzy huffed and rolled his eyes. “Just some fucking stew.” 
“Izzy, work with me here. Don’t want to give you anything that upsets your stomach,” you sighed, something about it a little pleading.
You were right, he supposed. You only wanted to help, even if Bonnet had fucking ordered you to. “...yeah…stew will be fine,” he gave in.
“Good,” you smiled, bright and genuine again.
You let him feed himself this time, since this time you sat and ate with him. Letting him have half of your orange.
“Since you’re feeling better and not sleeping through the whole day, do you want me to bring you anything for entertainment?” you asked but Izzy just raised an eyebrow at you. “I dunno, like a book or something?” you weren’t even sure if he could read, you had seen him working on the logs but that was a little different.
“I could get Frenchie to sit outside your door and play some songs,” you suggested.
“A book is fine,” Izzy answered quickly before begrudgingly adding, “nothing boring.”
“It will be the most exhilarating book you’ve ever read,” you winked playfully.
Since lunch had gone so well, at least in your opinion, you had decided to eat your dinner with Izzy as well. Plus, he was more cognizant than he was yesterday and you thought the company would be good for him even if he didn’t much care for it.
“Aren’t you worried about getting sick? I mean, you don’t have to eat with me,” Izzy eventually questioned after eating in silence.
“Don’t want you to be all isolated and lonely in here. I’ll take the risk,” you shrugged, sounding honest enough. “You’ll just have to nurse me back to health like I have so kindly done for you,” you teased.
“In your fucking dreams,” Izzy scoffed. He was a first mate, not a nurse.
“I bet you’d be the most effective nurse ever, very practical. Terrible bedside manner, though,” you thought out loud, hearing Izzy’s quiet snort of amusement. “Bet you’d just tell the illness to fuck off and it would.”
“Huh, haven’t tried that yet,” he muttered.
“Wouldn’t work on yourself. Bet your illnesses are just stubborn as you are,” you hummed thoughtfully.
At that, Izzy smiled a little to himself. He had to admit that this is kinda…nice.
“Think you’ll be back up on deck soon?” you asked.
“Could have been up there today but you’d snitch to Bonnet,” Izzy shot a halfhearted glare your way. 
“Damn right I would. You need to get fully better or you’re just going to make it worse again,” you chastised. “But maybe the next couple of days, maybe even tomorrow.”
“Thank fuck,” Izzy seemed genuinely relieved. You’ve never met somebody so reluctant to take a break, especially when they obviously needed one.
“That means you need to be caught up on what’s going on up there,” your eyes brightened at the realisation.
“Bet it’s not piracy,” Izzy scoffed.
“I’d say you won that bet, but I have no coin to give you,” you rolled your eyes fondly. “Anyway, here’s everything that has happened since you got sentenced to your cabin…”
You went on to tell him about all of the inane things the crew had gotten up too over the last few days, even going into depth about the most mundane things.
Izzy truly didn’t care about the stupid conversations the crew was having over dinner in the galley, but he found himself listening anyway. Admittedly, he lost the actual words every now and again when he really lost interest in the story, but he still found your voice soothing. Even if he couldn’t recall everything you said, a part of him didn’t want you to stop. He could just finish his stew to the soothing sound of your company.
On the fifth day, you might have even said that Izzy seemed excited to see you. As soon as you stepped into the cabin, Izzy perked up. “Thank fuck you’re here.”
“Wow, you’re happy to see me…did you fall out of bed and hit your head?” you squinted in suspicion. 
“No,” Izzy huffed. “No, I’m feeling better. I can be…discharged or whatever the fuck,” he insisted.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you tutted.
“Which is why I’m glad you’ve shown up already,” he rolled his eyes.
“I’m right on time!” 
“Just get on with it!”
“Careful or I’m going to tell Stede you need a few more days bedrest,” you warned sternly, earning a small grumble from Izzy.
You gave him a quick check over, making sure his temperature was back to normal, that the colour had returned to his face. Asked how his throat felt, how tired he was, even though you knew he would most likely lie about anything he could. You had to admit, he did seem a lot better.
“Alright, first mate Hands, I think you’re good to get back to work,” you announced/ “But take it easy. First sniffle or clearing of your throat, as I’m dragging you back down here,” you warned.
“Fine. Now fuck off,” Izzy huffed, waving his hand to dismiss you.
“...I still brought breakfast…might as well eat before heading up,” you reasoned, gesturing towards the tray on his desk. Two servings of porridge that Roach had prepared for the crew this morning. 
“Yeah. Fine, alright,” Izzy accepted the breakfast, not complaining when you sat with him to eat together. “...thanks,” he whispered, his gratitude unprompted and sincere this time, making you smile as you ate another spoonful.
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smallblip · 5 months
I do love nothing in the world so well as you
this is an excerpt- full version on Ao3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/53129953
“I want to talk about something else.” Satoru says.
"Okay..." And Suguru hums thoughtfully, tapping his cigarette against a mug of abandoned tea. “Have you been seeing anyone?”
“Yeah,” Satoru lies. He’d never be able to pull this off before, but now lying to Suguru comes easily, and he knows this means something.
“That’s nice…” smoke slips past his lips as he speaks. Satoru thinks maybe at this age he can admit to himself that he has a thing for bad boys. That’s probably why this is so attractive to him he could die. “Are they… nice?”
“Yeah… Drop dead gorgeous… Wants to settle down in a melon farm in Tomita… You’d like him…”
“Yeah?” Suguru chuckles, “you love melon…” And Satoru no longer cares to know if Suguru can tell he’s lying. Surely, surely the only man who has ever known his heart would be able to tell in a heartbeat.
“Yeah… Not sure if that’s what I want now… I don’t think I’m ready to retire my life to melons…”
Suguru laughs, genuine, unguarded. He looks young again, like he’s listening to Satoru go on and on at the vending machines and he’s thinking that, theoretically, now might be a good time to shut him up with a kiss. (Then again, when isn't it a good time to kiss Satoru). But Suguru has always preferred listening. In fact, he’s been told he’s the only person in the world to pay attention to anything Satoru has to say- to laugh at anything Satoru has to say. 
“Why not?” Suguru leans into him and knocks the side of their heads together. “I think you’d make a fine melon prince…”
Satoru grumbles a weak protest something about shutting him up, about showing him what melon prince can do, but he knows his face is red.
There’s virtually no space between them now, and even so the next part is so quiet Satoru almost misses it, “maybe Tomita’s not such a good idea…”
“Why? Don’t have any chapters in Tomita?” Satoru retorts rather sourly, and he has the absolute pleasure of watching Suguru’s eyes widen momentarily before his face explodes into sheer amusement and laughter. Satoru can’t help but grin at him, like the lovesick idiot he had been in high school, who had lived to make his best friend laugh. Lucky for him laughter comes easily to Suguru when he’s with him.
“And you? Any suitors?”
“Been busy…” Suguru shrugs, “besides I don’t think the girls would take well to me seeing someone…”
“Ah…” Satoru replies, eyes drawn into the way Suguru lifts the cigarette to his lips and draws a deep breath in, out.
“Nanako especially… She’s a stubborn one…”
“Like you…” Satoru smiles.
Suguru smiles back, and Satoru will stay up thinking about that smile and why it’s such a sad one. “And Mimiko always gives in…” then a much quieter “like you…”
Satoru’s heart races faster than he can contain, faster than he can manage a reply. So he doesn’t. Doesn't want to get into a debate with Suguru. Doesn’t want to go into the details of their relationship. Of how Gojo Satoru is endlessly stubborn and insistent and relentless, and how Geto Suguru has always, always given in. How Shoko had spent years telling him that he’ll pay a heavy price for indulging Satoru the way he did, for spoiling Satoru the way he did.
Instead he says “I would’ve loved to meet them… They would like me…” he’s confident because it’s true. He thinks. He’s the expert on children now. Teenager him would never believe this is what the future holds. And Suguru can’t bear to tell him that well, they know of you. They always ask Suguru where he’s been after the nights he spends with Satoru. The girls notice the shift in the air around him after they meet. They don’t quite know the reason behind the sadness in his eyes, but that doesn’t stop them from noticing. And that “yeah whatever, of course they would like you. Who wouldn’t…” 
“Megumi got into the school team by the way… We shopped for new sneakers yesterday to celebrate… He’s really good when he puts his mind to it…”
“Can he bat?”
“The best!” Satoru beams with pride. “He has a game coming up this weekend… He told me not to embarrass him…”
“So you made a sign?”
Satoru winks for good measure, “the most obnoxious one yet…”
Suguru throws his head back and laughs, and Satoru thinks nothing has changed. There’s a look on his face, conspiratorial almost, the one he’d given Satoru so many times before- that’s my Satoru for you…The smell of the salt breeze is sweet against his skin.
“Poor boy…” Suguru chuckles, like he’s imagining the scene- Satoru and his large sign painted in bright fucking neon, and the boy’s mortified expression. Oh he would’ve given money to see it.
“Megumi is lucky…” the way Megumi’s name sounds so familiar when Suguru says it makes Satoru dream of forever. They have not met but he knows Megumi would have taken to Suguru easily, a little too easily, perhaps. In a way that would make him jealous, maybe. “Would’ve loved to be there…”
And Satoru hums a reply. He doesn’t get angry. Not anymore. Not when Suguru talks about the way he wishes things were. He remembers a distant past where he would get mad, where he would yell and blame and yell again. How could it not be evidently clear that they’re drowning in the choices that Suguru has made. That he had been the only one who had any choice in the matter. But that time has passed. Now he holds onto these moments. Speaks of them as if none of them had a choice. As if Suguru had been doomed from the start. As if everything had been written by the fates and all they can do is live by the roles they’ve been assigned. And this part of the play is a happy one. There’s no room for sadness, for that is past.
The only way is forward.
So Satoru will play his part.
He closes his eyes and he sees Megumi’s frame stage centre. The spotlights are harsh on him, he’s shrouded in their hot glow. From his grip on the bat Satoru can tell that every fibre of his being is trained on the ball in the pitcher’s hand. It’s moments like these that he thinks- that he knows Megumi can accomplish everything he sets his mind to. The pitcher launches the ball, Megumi bats, and the ball flies.
Since when has his boy gotten so strong?
Satoru waits in bated breath as he watches Megumi go.
Since when has his boy gotten so fast?
He doesn’t realise his fists are clenched until he feels a warmth snaking around his hand, urging him to open his palm to gentle fingers. He looks to their hands, clasped together hard in sure prayer, then at the man beside him.
“That’s a homerun for sure, Satoru… It has to be!”
Suguru’s eyes are on Megumi. He’s on the edge of his seat, lips parting in awe. Suguru had played baseball in middle school too. And he’d been good. What can Suguru not do. So Satoru believes him.
Sure enough the crowd cheers when Megumi hits a homerun. Satoru jumps out of his seat and he whoops and whistles and he watches as Megumi grimaces when he sees him. But there’s a hint of smile on the boy’s face. And he hears Suguru cheering and laughing beside him. “Go Megumi!”
The curtain falls.
Satoru opens his eyes and Suguru is beside him, cigarette extinguished, gaze gentle, a look that is only ever meant for Satoru. Hands reach for his face, and his cheek is enveloped in the warmth of Suguru’s palms. His thumb brushes across Satoru’s brows, across the corners of his eyes.
“Let me know if you change your mind about the melons and I might consider a chapter in Tomita…”
“Why? You’ll miss me that much?” Satoru blurts, already drifting off to sleep. His mind struggles to paint an accurate picture of reality. There are fragments of memories interlaced with the present, and Satoru feels like he’s dreaming in Suguru’s room again, underneath band posters, beside the ivies he keeps by his window. He’s safe here, and nothing bad has happened to them yet.
Suguru presses a kiss to his forehead, gentle, sure as the sun. “Always, Satoru” he whispers, “all the time…”
And Satoru hides away in the crook of Suguru’s neck. Because if he sees his face now he might die.
Since when has his boy needed him so?
Perhaps this is the way it’s always been with Suguru. The boy who had been so sure of himself rendered vulnerable because Satoru managed to wriggle his way into his soul, leaving a hole so will spend the rest of his days longing. Loving Satoru comes so easily to him, like skin over bones, imprinted in muscle. So he will love his boy even in death.
Satoru wants to return the favour, tell Suguru the ins and outs of his desires. Call his name like the seas crashing against safe shores. But surely, surely the only man who has ever known his heart would be able to tell in a heartbeat.
“Yeah, yeah it’s a deal then,” Satoru murmurs, delirious. And in that moment, he’s Satoru at seventeen, coming back from an exhausting mission and laying in Suguru’s lap, in Suguru’s room, having Suguru thread gentle fingers through his hair like a pet cat. Later he will jerk awake from his slumber momentarily to re-announce their plans the coming weekend just in case Suguru has the audacity to forget. Oh my god! Saturday! The digimon pop-up, remember? The digimon pop-up. Fucking need it- need to go. Now, home in the sheets of a soggy love hotel, he says in similar fashion, “we’ll grow old together on a melon farm or whatever…”
And with that, Satoru is lulled to sleep by the thunder in Suguru’s chest, and the rumble of his fading laughter. I want to go to sleep and never wake up again, he thinks. Sleep past the third act, the fourth, the curtain call, the encore, the applause.
But Satoru has to play his part.
And the only way is forward.
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kristeristerin · 1 year
Hi! Sending you Taylor Swift’s “Begin Again” with Helion from ACOTAR x reader :) thank you!
AN: Thank you for the ask! This is one of my favorite songs, and the challenge of writing for Helion was a lot of fun. I think I restarted this 10 times and in 9 different ways.
I hope you like it!
As always asks are open for prompts!
Song: Begin Again
Pairing: Reader X Helion
Content Warning: None
Words: 614
When you enter the meeting room you are surprised to see Helion is already inside. He quickly stands to greet you and doesn’t sit back down until he has helped you into your own chair. You smile softly at him.
“I must say, my dear, Day Court attire looks ravishing on you.” His gaze travels down your body before slowly coming up again. “I might just have to try and steal you away from under Rhysand’s nose.”
“That wouldn’t be hard to do these days. There are very few things keeping me in Velaris I must confess.”
He frowns, “Ah yes, I was sorry to hear about that business between you and Azriel. But you know what they say, one male’s mistake is another male’s gain, and I do love gaining beautiful things.”
A blush paints your cheeks and you look down to the folder in your hands. “Always the charmer, Helion. Perhaps we should get down to business then?”
“Of course, Love.” he looks at you through his lashes, “but I’d like to continue this conversation later. Over dinner, perhaps?”
Your hands are shaking as you make your way toward Helion’s private dining room. Just as you raise your hand to knock, the door is pulled open and the High Lord is grinning at you on the other side.
“Come, Come” He ushers you in, “I was just about to pour us each a glass of wine.”
He once again comes behind you and pulls out your chair. The kind gesture brings a smile to your lips. Dinner is mostly quiet, and you can’t help but worry you’d misread the flirty tone earlier that day.
“Well, my dear,” Helion pushes himself back from the table and offers you his hand. “Shall we retire to my sitting room? We can continue to indulge in wine and get a little more comfortable without this dreadful table between us.”
His wink causes your heartbeat to quicken. The sitting room he takes you to is breathtaking. A set of plush cream-colored couches face an open balcony. Through the doorway, you can see the lights of the city below. To your left was a large fireplace, though the warm spring weather meant a fire was not necessary, and instead the room was lit with soft fae lights.
Helion took his place beside you on the couch and draped his arm across the back of it. His hand came to rest on your far shoulder and he began to play with the ends of your hair. “So, tell me dear,” he asks after a moment, “What would it take for me to convince you to spend some more time in my court.”
You smirk at him, “Are you asking me to spend more time in your court, or are you wanting me to spend more time with you?”
He threw his head back in laughter. The action caused you to pause for a moment. It was so different from the quiet smile Azriel used to offer you, but you couldn’t help but think that you preferred Helion’s reaction.
“Can’t it be both? I think having a Night Court emissary here full time could be beneficial for both of our courts,” he leaned a little closer to you, “and I can’t deny that the presence of such an intelligent and beautiful female would be beneficial to me personally.”
“Personally?” you raise a brow.
“Why of course,” he murmurs, “if you’re not in my court how else will I convince you to fall in love with me?”
You turned away, blushing, but quickly returned your gaze to Helion. “If you want me to stick around, I’d be more than happy to.”
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Love your Teacher Toshinori headcanons. What I actually meant to ask is if you have any other plot ideas where he teaches as Yagi from the get-go and not as All Might. Or headcanons for aus where he does. (I realise that my wording was pretty vague in my last ask). I like to think that everyone speculates about his hero identity, ranging from the sensible (long retired lesser known hero/ uderground hero) to the WILD (actually a commission plant with death powers Nedzu was forced to hire)
Ah okay, i get it now.
Chose to go in as Yagi as not to draw unnecessary attention to the students. The times where he has to step away to go do hero stuff are explained as medical issues.
Insecure not only about his sickly appearance, but also his apparent weakness. He’s teaching heroics to a bunch of kids with powerful quirks as a supposed quirkless person, while every other faculty member is an active pro hero. He doesn’t like being a hard-ass, but he fears the students won’t respect him otherwise.
None of the kids can put it into words, but they all feel the intense energy Mr. Yagi carries. An overwhelming aura of intimidation that puts them on their guard even when he’s being nice. The fear him, yet can’t help but crave his approval.
It goes from a few jokes to a serious rumor amongst the student body: clearly this guy must be someone important, but who? UA wouldn’t hire just anyone. History grades improve as students spend their free time researching heroes of the past, retired and deceased. Of course it’s possible some of them faked their own death before taking up a teaching job. One or two suggest he moonlights as All Might, but that one stays firmly in the joke camp. Then they start wondering if he might be some kind of reformed villain.
The only student who doesn’t join in on the fun is one Midoriya Izuku. Despite his hero fanboy nature, he’s got nothing on Yagi and isn’t interested in speculating. “If it was important for us to know, he would have told us.” But he listens to everyone else’s theories, and dutifully reports back to his beloved mentor during their lunch meetings.
Every once in a while, Yagi leaves fake clues around pointing to different identities. He tells himself it’s another covert lesson: as heroes, the kids also need to be decent investigators, thus need to learn to distinguish real evidence from red herrings from wishful thinking. But it’s also a good laugh.
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