chailattehotte · 1 year
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lightfromandromeda · 2 years
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was making a big big post that got deleted so im trying again hhhhhhh. me thoughts on what ive watched/read/listened to about classic who, eu, some nuhwo
Second Doctor
I finished the second doctor awhile ago and i fucking adored him. he was just a  silly old man and he cared about his friends so much ;w; i thought it was rly sweet that he took in victoria but also like my man this fuckin babey child lost everything and ur putting her into terrifying and dangerous situations like SIR. i lov LOVED the rly sweet moments she and the doctor had tho, specifically the one in the tomb of the cybermen where theyre taking turns sleeping. and when she left, jamie was so devastated he cares he much. hes a huge women protector and if theres no women around to protect he only has a half hour til his brain explodes. LOVE THIS MAN. HES A FUCKING GOOFBALL. hes brave, headstrong, and denser than a brick and with a heart of pure gold. and zoe. zoe my fucking bb grill. first of all i absolutely love it when she tears ppl into shreds with her huge brain. and like,,, i know it rly wasnt addressed again but i rly felt with her struggle of being so logical and computer like that ppl would give her a hard time about not being emotional (OH THE IRONY) and i wished that was addressed more? i like how her and the doctor are on the same like intellectual wavelength and he and jamie will tease her about it a lil like ‘oh did u calculate that too’ and she’ll be like yeah i fucking did what did u do huh huh. she was the best and these three were my fav team in a long time. all of their departures made me so sad but im also surprised it wasnt sadder? jamie and zoe being forced back where they were when the doctor picked them up and they dont wanna go!!!!! but when theyre told they have to theyre like aw :( alright like NO MAKE A STINK ABOUT IT!!!! especially zoe!!!! shes just going back to ppl who wouldnt rly listen to her or take her seriously as a person and i think she shouldve been more upset honestly!!!!! i loved it tho when the doctor and the other time lords were watching jamie when he got back to his time and he immediately sees a redcoat and is like ‘oh ill get this bastard’ and chases after him with a knife while the doctor just smiles and laughs cUZ THATS HIS BEST FUCKING FRIEND. GUHHUGHG. i love how throughout the doctors life he still loves jamie and thinks of him as one of his best friends ever. the second doctor is definitely somewhere in the top for me out of all the doctors ive seen. ill prob listen and read a bunch of his short trips and other stories thru big finish with him
Third Doctor  
uh oh grumpy!!!! grumpy guy!!!! grumpy guy thats pissed off at his ppl for stranding him on earth!! but ofc hes still got some silliness in him, i dont think he could survive without it. i thought this was a fun setup for the doctor cuz it rly challenges him. he cant go where he pleases, hes stuck using very limited or primitive technology, hes sent along or dragged places when things get fucky and has to sort them out, has to deal with soldiers, other military ppl, ppl of authority that 90% of the time doesnt listen to him, and he fucking hates it. and he hates it even more when the timelords start using him and make him deal with their problems. hes trying so hard to get his life back to normal. he loves earth but more as a playground then as a place to live. i think liz kept him sane in the beginning which is why he was so disappointed when she left, which like me too king there wasnt enough of her she was awesome. and jo :3. i lov her. shes not the brightest but her heart is in the right place. i fucking loved when the doctor was complaining to the brig how he couldnt just hav anyone as an assistant and needed a scientist and the brig just goes,,,, yeah i can get you a different assistant,,,, if you tell jo that youre letting her go. and of course he wouldnt. im not sure if he could in any of his regenerations. hes a grump but still a softie!!!! DR: “Jo i just wanted to tell you-”    JO: OwO    DR: “....that i look forward to working with you” YEA THATS RIGHT.  i lov that shes sneaky and honestly resourceful AND I WISH THE DOCTOR WOULDNT BE SO MEAN TO HER!!! BE NICE TO HER OLD MAN!!! anyway the master is also here and hes so saturday morning cartoon villain and its so fun. i love how the master and the doctor interact with each other like,,, i can smell it,,, homosexual in nature but theyre being veeeeerryy professional about it. almost done with season 9
Eighth Doctor
i cannot accurately describe my love and joy for the eighth in words. besides words like hes my blorbo,,, the scrungkly if you will. i LOVE HIM!!!!!! s o much!!!! hes kind, real goofy, genuine, full of compassion, sarcastic, theatrical, and soooooo fucked up :). ive listened to all of charleys and lucies era including their further adventures (my girls my fucking beloveds), the stories with mary shelley, just started dark eyes last night, and im on the 17th book in the edas. i adore charley and want to listen/read everything there is with her in it, which ive done a lot of already, just not her stories with 6 yet. i wanted to watch 6 in classic who first but since im not even done with the third doctor yet ITLL BE AWHILE. and lucie BABEY. i think the best dr/companion relationship is when theyre just best friends. just two fuckin goofballs that enjoy being around each other. lucie loved the doctor so much cuz they had so much fun together and she was rly good at getting shit done. cuz its lucie miller ofc. ANDANDNAND WHEN FUCKING SUSAN CAME BACK i loved hers and the doctors reunion u could hear how happy both of them were just to see each other again U COULD HEAR THE SMILES and it KILLED ME. my favs of the eda books so far are vampire science, genocide, alien bodies, kursaal, seeing i, and the scarlet empress. and i lov sam so much. starts off as a tough butch teenager that wants to do good for the world. i think its very cute that she tries to be all cool and nonchalant when with the doctor cuz thats soooo teenager behavior. at first i refused to acknowledge her crush on the doctor (i wanted it to be familial cuz thats what it felt like!!!) but i like how she explored her thoughts with that. i mean she was way in over her head by starting from the ground up on a different planet in her far future just so she woudlnt have to face the doctor cuz she was so embarrassed. #girl i must say. now shes over it i think? in the scarlet empress she said that she loved him to whatever that thing was in that river but it wasnt clear to me if it was romantic or if she was just saying that they were close (im also stupid so). hope its not romantic, ive never rly been a fan of romance (ex ive never rly cared much for tenrose). ive been saying this from the start give this old man a child to care for (not like a beby child like a teenager/young adult). ANYWAY im very excited to continue dark eyes, i lov molly very much so far, and the rest of the books. and a bunch of other audios with the 8th dr like short trips and specials.
Tenth Doctor
i listened to the first audio from dalek universe 1 and uh wow. its good!!! ill be honest i dont remember some of it cuz i was rly high and tired listening to it but it was still alot of fun. i was worried i had to know who anya was before starting but luckily that wasnt the case. its funny going back to the tenth doctor cuz he was my top favorite for the longest time so im just like,, ‘whos my fav little pinstriped hellion :3 U ARE U FREAK!!!!’ i dont hav much of an opinion yet since ive only listened to one story but so far its fun !! and will def listen to more.
13 + other eu
i havent touched nuwho since i finished the 12fth drs run cuz i def needed a lil fictional grieving time. im a bit hesitant on watching the 13th dr cuz ive heard soooo many differing opinions about her stories and how shes written. i also know various spoilers which doesnt rly matter cuz i dont hav most of the context that goes with it. im also worried im not gonna like yaz much. i think overall im gonna like it cuz its doctor who and its fun and i enjoy things easily. i just dont know when im going to start it. cuz man theres so much. so much to consume. i also rly wanna get into the gaillfrey series but i havent seen any of romana or leela in the show cuz im not there yet. i prob dont have to to start it but whatev.
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theficblog · 1 year
lil sis!! i hope you're all well!!!! just wanna pop in and tell you that woodz's i hate you played twice on the radio when i was at work today and i felt so happy hehehe 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
OHMYGOD YESSS?!? that one person's urge to blast it at a higher volume when they weren't enjoying work at that moment must be real 😭😭 ( i am that one person, one person is me)
also im good sis, i had my exam today and now there's just one more left i can't wait for friday already!!
how have you been doing?!? 💛💛💛💛💛
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sar3nka · 1 year
The desire to be pretty vs the knowledge that it's all patriarchal brainwashing and I should be better than this. I am better than this.
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bakorrra2 · 2 years
Ryou:*Summons Zork and ends his turn*
Bakura:I activate my monsters effect! *activatee Zork's effect. It shows 6 on the dice.* What!? This isn't what supposed to happen! *all monster from their side of the field are destroyed*
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thursdayredacted · 9 months
puppy regressor geoff growing out his hair so that he can feel like he has floppy puppy ears. loving how it feels when he shakes his hair out of his face when it gets messy from the wind. he’s just a baby golden retriever puppy. -⭐️
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owlapin · 12 days
Yog Sothoth from That’s not my neighbor looks SO MUCH like One, I was watching gameplays last night and it turned into me revisiting his and others’ blogs, so many memories <3
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astrocalypse · 3 months
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Introducing: Confetti!!!!!!!!! >_<
She stemmed from Aztrophyr's happy mood and thoughts about celebrations
They appear during celebrations/parties 🎉🎉 duhh
They get hurt when the party gets ruined because it goes against their purpose/title (that's how it works for other concept deities too)
They don't have a specific human race but they do look a bit Hispanic bc I am one and I base my OCs off me
They have a gray skin with purple undertones
Their ankles? Canonically like that. THICC ANKLES and their clothes? They can't take it off bc its a part of them!! But not a skin either
They can stretch as far as a mile or more AHHAHHAH
They're like a cartoon
They can shapeshift or modify their body
They can also teleport like any other deities!!
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plumbogs · 5 months
dustindirk yuri???
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AHHAHHAH i still need to find clothes i like for them. specifically some more baggy butch tops for dustin... im pretty sure conversions exist of those baggy shirts that they wear in their original form but for now she's in a tank top because that bar doesn't have AC
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dustin (names subject to change) is the other half of the "turning streets into a racetrack crew". she acts like a tough bitch but she's actually sensitive and a little dorky. her gf is a lot more shy than she pretends to be. they're like the world's biggest bags of hot air. but they don't have to put up any fronts when they're alone which is so cute...
i'm also still finding a particular niche for dirk. sorta grungy punky gothy femme-ish and i need more cc jewelry to really get that through. and nails for everyone in general. and more tattoo overlays. they are a trashy couple but they're genuinely in love so much. ride or die. whatever i'm normal
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if that bar wasn't an empty shell for photo purposes they'd get kicked out. handsiest couple at any event they're at ever get OFF of that nasty dive bar you're getting grease on it
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fungal-boy-witch-yay · 4 months
AhHahhah hello there
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normalolmayanbikiz · 13 days
ailemizin kaşarı geldi hoşgeldin ahahahah
Ahhahhah teşekkür ederim hoşbuldumm
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please for the love of god if you're not a bot change your profile and header image to SOMETHING anything it doesn't matter, the fucking green m&m and some petunias like whatever i can't DEAL ahhahhah help me out here
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oceanic-recollection · 9 months
thats right me and 3000 friends will eat all of this whalebone before you even get here ahhahhah
<GRP> i wan...detreees...
<GRP> WELL theres enough marine snow and i dont eat bones anyway. BYE losers
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borathae · 7 months
chapter 13
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oh yeah hearts can turn into ballsacks very quickly tried that on eggs for myself once cuz why not and it looked sad as fuck 😔✊
SHE CAGHT HIM OFF GUARD YESS WE LOVE THAT, its like calling your bestie with praise kink good girl randomly and that gets all confused is soo funny
You moan, closing your eyes. Such a sensation must be enjoyed in its entirety. Pun intended. i giggled dont worry
HOLY FUCK SHE IS A STRONG MOMMY i mean i didnt forget the time he got waxed and he asks her to pick him up and she does it LIKE AAAAHHHH
That happened once when he wanted to fuck your ass but got so excited about the aspect that he came all over your pussy after grinding into her blindly. He was very pouty for the rest of that day. IM DEAD AGAIN HELP ME
"I need you to sit”, he sounds a little demanding, blushing at the realisation, “please?” he adds shyly. THE PLEASE GOT ME LEVITATING i maybe sitting and reading with a straight face cuz we read smut like its newspaper DOESNT MEAN THAT IM NOT HAVING GOOSEBUMPS, BUTTERFLIES, HEAT EVERYWHERE
lmaooao that crying me fjdsjfja I gotta save it ahahhaha
You call your besties good girl? lmaoao bro fjdasjfaj this just took me out because my besties are all queer (mostly taken) wlw as well so we ain't treading over that line HAHAHHA but I stan fjdsjf
I AM CLAWING AT THE WALLS LIKE THEY ARE SO NGNNGNG their smut always hits so hard fnadnf
HOLY FUCK SHE IS A STRONG MOMMY i mean i didnt forget the time he got waxed and he asks her to pick him up and she does it LIKE AAAAHHHH
the reminder of the waxing smut just did it to me 🥴🥴🥴
BRU HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH the "twerks" took me out ahhahhah
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chailattehotte · 11 months
i saw your post about pizza, and i just need to tell you, sorry my demoni urged me to write this, "pica" is croatian slang for vagina (i don't know if it's same in slovenian language) (btw i'm croatian)
Ahhahhah, thank you for telling me. Look at me learning Slovenian AND Croatian! Up until now I could only say "mom bought a tractor" in Croatian :P
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dad-for-one · 2 years
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