terra-tortoise · 1 year
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áine || cadere || ailuros
the newest of my progen's hatchlings, each with art and lore in their bios (as well as the outfits here). theyre each listed for 500g but please feel free to haggle, i am very willing to let them go for far lower.
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Model references for Bastet: Disguise - Aether Gazer
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zukos-tiny-burnt-ear · 4 months
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Made a lil owl house oc for fun, I think I'm gonna call him Ailuros
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amorphous-materia · 2 years
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tehmhachi · 21 days
On Monsterfucking and Homosexuality
Oftentimes I find myself under the impresssion that hets will find some celebrity or family member coming out as gay as "depriving" them of something. Depriving them of relatability, fantasy, children, etc. The list goes on, really. In some cases, the sense of loss and disappointment is so big, the heterosexual party feels as though something has been "taken" from them. It's why they fight so hard to oh, I don't know, claim that Freddie Mercury was bi or het for starters. I also believe that in some cases, the heterosexual party believes that their beloved, heterosexual child/partner/celebrity was "corrupted" by an "outside influence" and would not be gay otherwise. How foul, they find this demon. This monster. They believe in the heterosexual "purity" of someone they claim as their own, and instead harass and abuse and frown upon the "outside party." For the purposes of this essay, the "outside party/demon/monster" will be a person.
To that end, I find the monsterfucking genre to be inherently homosexually coded in nature, the same way vampire stories very literally represent women's repressed sexuality (If anyone has any posts about this please let me know so I can reblog them) and I also find forbidden love to be apparent in both genres and a genre inextricably linked to homosexuality in and of itself. I digress. In the monsterfucking genre, the human represents the budding homosexual. The repressed. The one with everything to lose. In return, the monster represents those of us who have been damned, cursed, and driven out. The societal other, and the one who has already "lost". The taboo nature of romance with a monster is tantamount to the panicked realization of a homosexual's affections for a member of the same sex. Especially when you add sexuality into the mix, both the increasingly erotic memory of an encounter mixes with the excitement, fear, and shame of committing a taboo act, elevating the eroticism of the story and highlighting the importance of that connection. I find these themes to be incredibly effective and apparent when used to highlight the shaming of oneself by his/her closest people, the shaming of oneself by ones society, the fear of being found out, the thrill of participating in something true, and more. Finally culminating in the relief of being able to come into the light with your other, without shame or regret- with embracing arms of those you hold dear; acceptance.
Truthfully, I relate to these stories in some regard. The fear, the mental rejection of the apparent truth- the denial- the urge to fit in, to be kempt and dignified as deigned by something with no physical body. Something impossible to break down and tackle on ones own, and an oft lifelong battle with the help of others like yourself. To this end, I find the monsterfucking genre to be an effective tool to relate the homosexual experience (both good and bad) in a concise manner, as well as completely cathartic.
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trans-jon-rights · 12 days
Time Travel Cat Jon AU trivia :
The Archives team names Cat!Jon 'Ailuros', the Greek name of the Egyptian goddess Bastet, the cat-headed deity of home and family.
Do you see my vision.
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furiarossa · 1 year
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Custom design, new rumiu just dropped! This girl is the second to be inspired by rhodochrosite, because Primrose happens to be the twin sister of another rumiu you might have met before, who's of course based on the same stone! This baby belongs to Annabelle-Ailuros ^v^
Rumius are an original species invented and managed by us; small pets inspired by crystals! She's of the Ruby morph ❤️ (despite the morph's name, not all rumius of this variety need to be linked to actual rubies).
To know everything there is to know, you can satisfy your curiosity by checking out the Rumiu Genalogical Registry (where you can see all the rumius existing and their info) and the Species Sheet (to learn about their biology, diet, and much more).
★ FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices |RedBubble shop|Tapastic★
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boydykedevo · 5 months
i think im gonna tag this story as "cyclailuros" for now.. subject to change but it works well enough
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callmesteve · 2 years
ohh ok tyy!! That makes it so much clearer :D
no prob!! i'm super interested into reading yj98, actually, so this was a good reminder!
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Bast Deity Guide
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Who is Bast?
The Egyptian goddess is known by many as Bastet, her name is transliterated as b-ꜣ-s-t-t and is pronounced as “Bast”. The Hieroglyphs for her name look something like this: 𓎯𓏏𓏏𓁐 or 𓎯𓏏𓏏
She is most notably a goddess of domesticity, the home, cats, and women. Bast was among the most popular Egyptian deities and her cult ran as far as Rome.
Originally she was depicted as a goddess with a lioness’ head instead of a cat, and she was closely related to Sekhmet, the warrior goddess. Bast’s role was that of protector and avenger of Ra Over time Bast’s depiction softened and she became a goddess related to domesticity and the home. However, she kept the ferocious side of her, only ever using it when needed. She was known to be loving and nurturing but also she was a force to be reckoned with. Bastet used this fury to avenge those who have been wronged, carried on through her son, Maahes, the protector of the innocent.
Due to her association as the Eye of Ra, Bast was more of a solar deity before she became conflated with the Greek Artemis.
Parents and Siblings
Ra (father)
Isis (mother, later in antiquity)
Horus (brother, twin brother later in antiquity)
Anhur (brother
Lovers or Partners
Maahes (son)
Nefertum (son, sometimes)
Beautiful sistrum (rattle) player
The Golden One/The Beautiful One
The Lady of Dread
The Lady of Slaughter
The Eye of Ra - a title held by a group of deities.
Lady of the Ointments
Lady of the East
Goddess of the Rising Sun
Sacred and All Seeing Eye
Her name also is rendered as B'sst, Baast, Ubaste, and Baset
Though sometimes synchronized with Mut, the goddess Bast was never depicted as fully human. She was always depicted as either a cat or a woman with the head of a cat, lion, or desert cat.
In Ancient Greece, she was known as Ailuros (”cat”) and she was likened to Artemis. Because of this association, she was given a twin brother just like Artemis has: Horus became her twin brother and since Horus is Isis’ son, Bast became Isis’ daughter.
Bast was also synchronized with Sekhmet, Hathor, and Isis and picked up some of their associations throughout time.
The meaning of her name is uncertain though it’s possible that her name meant She of the Ointment Jar (Ubaste). This would also point to her relation to perfume.
The central city of her cult was Bubastis. People would travel to this city to have the bodies of their pet cats who have passed buried.
It’s common for people to view Bast as a sexual deity or a goddess of lust, but she tends to lean more toward domesticity and protection. This misunderstanding likely came from her later conflation with Hathor as well as one account from Herodotus who had observed the festival in Bubastis in honor of Bast.
An annual festival was held at Bubastis where supposedly all constraints on women were released and they would celebrate “by drinking, dancing, making music, and displaying their genitals" (Gerald Pincher, quoting Herodotus). This display depicted the fertility aspect of the goddess as well as being a sign of freedom from societal constraints.
Bast has been depicted holding a sistrum, a musical instrument similar to a rattle.
Bast is one of many gods who are referred to as the “Eye of Ra”, a title that belongs to deities that are protectors or avengers.
She has been known as the protector of the dead as well.
As cats were sacred to this goddess, to harm one was seen as a slight to Bast.
Mummified cats were often delivered to Bast’s temple as an offering.
Modern Deity Work
These are modern correspondences, anything with historical or traditional backing will be marked with a (T).
Gold (T) - Cats of royalty were sometimes known to don gold jewelry
Tiger’s eye
Cat’s eye
Bronze (T) - Bronze statues were used as votive offerings for Bast
Mint (catnip is in the mint family also)
Cat, namely housecats but all cats could qualify
Sistrum (rattle) (T)
Cat (T)
Eye of Ra (T)
Cat imagery
Whiskers, claws, and teeth of cats (only if sourced ethically!)
Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Emerald, Carnelian, Quartz, Malachite, and Galena were used in Ancient Egypt for jewelry or various cosmetics and could be offered. (The Structure of Crystals. Early historical notes)
Perfume or scented oils
Alcohol (such as wine or beer)
Incenses or resins (T)
Acts of Devotion
Donate to, volunteer at, or otherwise support cats at shelters.
Pray to her or write poems in her honor
Research her
Honor your mother or the mother figure(s) in your life
Protect and fight for the innocent
Play music or curate a playlist in honor of her
Learn about perfume and scented oils and how they were used and made in Ancient Egypt
Take care of your home
Of course, these are only suggestions based on my research but when making offerings to deities it's always best to do what feels right to you. You can also reach out to the deity and ask them yourself if you feel comfortable doing so.
References and Further Reading
Bast - eqyptianmuseum.org
Bastet - Britannica
Bastet - World History
Bastet - ARCE
Per-bast.org (The whole website is informational but this link will send you to their sources page!)
Offerings for Bast - The Gourmet Witch (blog)
Kemetic Offering Guide - The Twisted Rope (blog)
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terra-tortoise · 1 year
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áine -- searching for a cure to the plants growing inside her lungs (500g)
ailuros -- bound to a spectral familiar who urges her to enact vigilante justice (500g)
retiarius -- a skilled fisherman turned deadly gladiator (350g)
oleander -- a shade-touched oracle living deep underground (350g)
all of them found in gem's rest where there are a few options for discounts. haggling heavily encouraged, i worked hard on them and priced them accordingly but mostly i just want them to sell at all
@fr-dragon-sales @fr-boosts
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Model references for Bastet: Ailuros - Aether Gazer
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Other names:Bast
Major cult center:Bubastis
Symbol:cat, lioness, ointment jar, sistrum, solar disk
Parents:Ra and Isis
Siblings:Horus and Anhur (half-brothers)
Connection to other gods:Sekhmet, Hathor, Rāt, Tem, Artemis
Bubastis celebrations of Bastet 'Feast of drunkenness'
Bubasteia was celebrated by intoxication,music, debauchery, children would be born without fathers on this day.
Bastet was a goddess of ancient Egyptian religion, worshipped as early as the Second Dynasty (2890 BCE). Her name also is rendered as B'sst, Baast, Ubaste, and Baset. In ancient Greek religion, she was known as Ailuros (Koinē Greek: αἴλουρος "cat").
Bastet was worshipped in Bubastis in Lower Egypt, originally as a lioness goddess, a role shared by other deities such as Sekhmet. Eventually Bastet and Sekhmet were characterized as two aspects of the same goddess, with Sekhmet representing the powerful warrior and protector aspect and Bastet, who increasingly was depicted as a cat, representing a gentler aspect
Role In Ancient Egypt
Bastet was originally a fierce lioness warrior goddess of the sun worshipped throughout most of ancient Egyptian history, but later she became the cat goddess that is familiar today. She then was depicted as the daughter of Ra and Isis, and the consort of Ptah, with whom she had a son Maahes.
As protector of Lower Egypt, she was seen as defender of the king, and consequently of the sun god, Ra. Along with other deities such as Hathor, Sekhmet, and Isis, Bastet was associated with the Eye of Ra.She has been depicted as fighting the serpent named Apep, an enemy of Ra. In addition to her solar connections, sometimes she was called "eye of the moon".
Bastet was also a goddess of pregnancy and childbirth, possibly because of the fertility of the domestic cat.
Images of Bastet were often created from alabaster. The goddess was sometimes depicted holding a ceremonial sistrum in one hand and an aegis in the other—the aegis usually resembling a collar or gorget, embellished with a lioness head.
Bastet was also depicted as the goddess of protection against contagious diseases and malicious spirits.
Bastet first appears in the third millennium BCE, where she is depicted as either a fierce lioness or a woman with the head of a lioness.Two thousand years later, during the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt (c. 1070–712 BC), Bastet began to be depicted as a domestic cat or a cat-headed woman.
Scribes of the New Kingdom and later eras began referring to her with an additional feminine suffix, as Bastet. The name change is thought to have been added to emphasize pronunciation of the ending t sound, often left silent.
Cats in ancient Egypt were highly revered, partly due to their ability to combat vermin such as mice, rats (which threatened key food supplies), and snakes—especially cobras. Cats of royalty were, in some instances, known to be dressed in golden jewelry and were allowed to eat from the plates of their owners. Dennis C. Turner and Patrick Bateson estimate that during the Twenty-second Dynasty (c. 945–715 BC), Bastet worship changed from being a lioness deity into being predominantly a major cat deity.Because domestic cats tend to be tender and protective of their offspring, Bastet was also regarded as a good mother and sometimes was depicted with numerous kittens.
The native Egyptian rulers were replaced by Greeks during an occupation of Ancient Egypt in the Ptolemaic Dynasty that lasted almost 300 years. The Greeks sometimes equated Bastet with one of their goddesses, Artemis
Herodotus also relates that of the many solemn festivals held in Egypt, the most important and most popular one was that celebrated in Bubastis in honor of this goddess.Each year on the day of her festival, the town was said to have attracted some 700,000 visitors, both men and women (but not children), who arrived in numerous crowded ships. The women engaged in music, song, and dance on their way to the place. Great sacrifices were made and prodigious amounts of wine were drunk—more than was the case throughout the year.This accords well with Egyptian sources that prescribe that lioness goddesses are to be appeased with the "feasts of drunkenness".A festival of Bastet was known to be celebrated during the New Kingdom at Bubastis. The block statue from the eighteenth dynasty (c. 1380 BC) of Nefer-ka, the wab-priest of Sekhmet,provides written evidence for this. The inscription suggests that the king, Amenhotep III, was present at the event and had great offerings made to the deity.
──────⊰In Workings⊱──────
*Please know basic protections and energy work before attempting any deity work.*
*It is important to note that everyone's experiences are different and will work with spirits for different reasons. Some people may like a spirit while others will not and that's okay. Ask these spirits what they will work with you on as well as ask them if they can help you with whatever it is you need.*
Ideas for honoring or working with/worshipping Bastet
Create an altar/sacred space for your rituals and giving offerings for Bastet. Items may include
⬩An altar cloth
⬩Black or yellow candles (you can use any color)
⬩Cup or chalice
⬩Incense and an incense burner
⬩Offering bowl
⬩Statue of Bastet, cat or lion
For more information on basic deity work and altar setups check out the deity work post.
Offering items:Bread, Catnip, Fish, Frankincense, Meats, Myrrh, Perfume bottle, Sistrum, Water
⬩Fertility rites and rituals
⬩You can ask her what she can help you with⬩
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For more content relating to other practices/religions or pantheons follow my main blog for updates or ask me anything
If you have any more questions or wish to join a community feel free to join my 18+ discord server
Ask me anything on my blog
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nakuuro1994 · 3 months
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The Legion of Justice (DC Comics AU)
(List of Main Team Members):
~ (Alexander “Lex” Luther): When the future genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist Alexander “Lex” Luther discovers a mysterious green rock from outer space one day while tending to his family’s small farm in Smallville, Kansas, as a young boy, he soon uses it to power up his most greatest invention, an heavily armored suit that granted him superhuman powers and abilities that were far superior of that of anyone else on Earth, as he soon utilizes this mysterious power to ultimately create one of the most wealthy, powerful and influential corporations on the planet to ultimately prepare humanity for a better tomorrow as well as to stop alien invasions by intergalactic conquerors like General Zod, Brainiac and Darkseid.
~ Panthera (Dr. Barbara Minerva): When the young, wealthy & spoiled Black British billionaire heiress socialite Barbara Minerva soon discovers the forgotten mythical island of Themyscira after miraculously surviving a traumatic plane crash during her world-renowned historian/archaeologist parent’s latest archaeological expedition within the Aegean Sea, she soon finds herself being captured and slowly integrated into the lost Amazonian society as she’s soon trained/raised by them to ultimately become one of their most elite warriors after passing all of their long and grueling tests as she then later drinks the potion of the Greco-Egyptian cat goddess Ailuros that granted her vast superhuman powers and abilities that combined with her amazonian armor and wepons to make her the ultimate warrior.
~ Black Caesar (David Hyde): When the former war veteran turned pirate David Hyde’s ship sank during a massive storm at sea, he was saved and taken to lost underwater Kingdom of Atlantis where he soon falls in love with the Atlantian Queen Atlanna as they even have a daughter together who eventually becomes the Silver Siren, but under Atlantian law they weren’t allowed to marry since David Hyde is human outsider as well as a pirate, but he then decides to stay and protect Atlantis regardless with the help of a specialized diving suit that allows him to both survive deep underwater and to control all forms of sea life like manta rays, but the Queen’s first child The Sea King doesn’t approve it and wants to get rid of him.
~ The Jester (Jack Napier): When Thomas Wayne Sr.’s illegitimate 10 year-old son Jack Napier witnesses the tragic deaths of the entire Wayne family by the hands of the lone gunman Joe Chill within Gotham City’s notorious “Crime Ally”, he soon went insane while also developing a particularly severe case of Dissociative Identity Disorder (a.k.a. “Split-Personality Disorder”) as he’s soon sent to Arkham Asylum for treatment where he is soon treated by the loving, caring and supportive & somewhat motherly child psychiatrist Dr. Harleen Quinzel, as he soon convinces her to become vigilantes together with a rather strange sence of justice, as he won’t rest until he gets his revenge and to save the dark and bloodied streets of Gotham City from itself.
So essentially these four superhuman individuals would eventually form a league of their own alongside the likes of: Emerald Knight (a.k.a. “Thaal Sinestro of Space Sector 1417”), General Grodd (a.k.a. “The Super Genius of Gorilla City”) & The Black Marvel (a.k.a. “The Pharaoh Teth-Adam”.)
~ (List of Main Young Legion Members):
* Lena Luther (The Genetically Cloned Daughter of Lex Luther & The Rebel Leader of The Young Legion) ♀️
* Panthera II/Priscilla Rich (The British Indian Multi-Millionaire Heiress Socialite & The Personal Protégé of Dr. Barbara Anne Minerva/Panthera)♀️
* Silver Siren/Jacquline Hyde (The Half-Atlantian Daughter of Black Caesar & The Rightful Ruler of Atlantis)♀️
* Gorilla Grimm/Gregg Simeon (The Metalhead Son of General Grodd & Champion of Gorilla City)♂️
* Thunderbolt/Malik Adam White (The African American Medical Student & The Modern Day Descendant of Teth-Adam/The Black Marvel)♂️
* Punchline/Charolette “Charlie” Quinn (The Orphaned & Psychic Daughter of Dr. Harley Quinn & The Ever-Loyal Sidekick to The Jester)♀️
* Emerald Knight II/Korg Sinestro (The Half-Human Preteen Son of Thaal Sinestro & The “Official” Emerald Knight of Space Sector 2814)♂️
~ (List of Main Villains/Antagonists):
(The Crime Syndicate of America):
* Ultraman (Kal-El/Clark Kent)
* Owlman (Thomas Wayne Jr.)
* Superwoman (Donna Troy)
* Johnny Quick (Jonathan Chambers)
* Power Ring (Harold Jordan)
* Death-Storm (Dr. Martin Stein)
* Atomica (Dr. Rhonda Pineda)
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tehmhachi · 17 days
Can anyone tell me why I crave salt all the time. Like especially while eating meat. I always have to add extra salt to every meal or food type it applies to until I can taste the salt itself.
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schizophrenology · 5 months
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Priesthood of Ailuros
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