#aka virgil speaks wow!
rushingexpress · 2 months
TTTEblr (artists or not) I need you all to listen for one second,,
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greenninjagal-blog · 4 years
I really like your fic recs and I don’t really keep very up to date with the latest sanders sides stuff on ao3 so, favorite fics from the past week?
Oh uh... lets see today is 8/5/2020... and I’ll do my fav fics that have just been posted or updated this week: 
Swept Away - Part Three of my favorite Sirens au, where Logan gets swept up in a storm and wonders if anyone will miss him (they will).
The Variables -  Logan bought a house in the middle of nowhere so he could avoid having to ever talk to anyone else ever again. The ghosts have other plans.
You Can Picani Family You Want - Emile fosters two kids and quickly learns he’ll do anything to see them smile.
Atypical Destiny - LAMP soulmates are determined to make their polyamory work, even if no one else thinks it will.
‘Cause Every Time We Touch, I Get This Feeling - Touch starved Janus falls for touchy-feely Patton.
Rays on My Skin - Virgil is six when he discovers that he has multiple soulmates and absolutely none of them speak his language. Oh and also three of them don’t know he exists.
If You Give a Side a Lion - Remus and Roman have some things to work out, but first it looks like theyre gonna have to save the universe, along with three other guys, an alien prince, and his assistant. A Voltron AU that I didn’t know I needed.
The Story of Emile the Seer - Emile is unfortunately born with the ability to see the future. Theres a lot of awful things people would do about that.
Alleyway - Logan finds a baby in a dumpster in an alley and decides to keep it.
Slower Than Words - Virgil can’t see. Patton can’t hear. But theyre stuck in a cell together while people conduct unethical experimentation on them, so maybe they can learn to communicate?
Old Scars, Future Hearts - Virgil has a problem asking for help when he’s overwhelmed, but this time? This time the others are already angry at him. And they wont want to help him if they’re angry at him, right?
the shapes in the silence - Virgil turns into a cat-sized Dragon when he gets overwhelmed which only becomes a problem when Patton finds him hiding in the pantry and thinks he’s a figment from imagination and not another side. And if the Light sides like him so much as a dragon....well maybe he should stay that way.
breathing and other rhythms that used to be easy - A Nightmare brings Virgil back to the dark side of the mindscape, just to check, just to make sure, just to see that Deceit and Remus are still breathing and thats it. In and out. They won’t even know he was there.
Road Trips and Missing Persons - Patton goes out for groceries and doesn’t come back home because he gets kidnapped by a child with a knife. Virgil is on the run from his crazy mother after she killed his father. Janus will do anything to get to his brother before his mother does. Remy isn’t actually dead. And Logan will strangle his entire family for not answering their phones.
Bounty - A sequel to Abduction in the Space Family series: Space, aliens and Virgil is a human in the middle of it all. Excellent series, 20/10 and I will cry about it. thanks.
The Curse of Hanahaki - In which Remus plays himself by cursing Imagination so that anyone who falls in love will cough up flowers. Aka Hanahaki but with a tangible plot.
fall out of in love with me - Deceit asks Remus to make him a potion to dilute his intense feelings for Virgil before they crush him at the absolute worst possible time for Virgil.
A Wager. - Virgil meets professional gambler and they mage a wager they both come out winning in.
i’ll sink for you - Deceit can hypnotize anyone, but Virgil is all to willing to be his plaything. 
Save the Moment - Patton takes pictures of everything. Janus notices more than he should.
Lavender - Patton can’t handle the sound of Logan and Roman’s argument, but thankfully Janus steps up to the plate. 
Mind Over Matter - Being a human in Space is just asking for trouble. Being forced to fight in fighting ring just makes Virgil another sad statistic. However, choosing not to fight his clearly harmless opponent....that makes him different.
The Apartment - Virgil moves into his first apartment and becomes best friends with the elderly man who lives next door and tells fond stories of his numerous grandkids that can never seem to make time for him. Virgil is unaware this is how to get himself adopted into a new family.
sweet tea in the summer - Roman and Patton are the sweetest of lovers through the years.
How two exasperated doctors adopted three robots - Rival Scientists Janus and Logan both have the great idea to see what their company is hiding on the same night. They were not prepared for the answer, but they can definitely get used to it. (Bickering Loceit? uh hell yeah.)
Breathe Out - Virgil will become minion for one chance to get out of the closet, thanks. aka: The other darksides are terrible, and Janus thinks that he and Virgil might be able to work well together, and somehow that puts Virgil on track becoming a Light side whether he wants to or not. (And I gush because everything this author writes is amazing)
The Debate - Part of The Other Side of the Mirror au, where Janus, Remus, and Virgil are Thomas’s core sides and big bad scary Logan shows up to ruin everything. Except that he’s actually helping and Janus might have to reconsider if the other sides are actually as bad as he’s made them out to be. 
And It Fell Away - Patton and Virgil are part of the Earth Kingdom army. Janus is part of the Fire Kingdom infantry. It seems that the only thing they all have in common are their need to escape the current battle and then the war itself, if just to save their own lives.
Come Alive - Patton tries to end it all but not-so-friendly vampire Janus stops him. Now there’s just an agreement: Patton spends one year as a vampire in the underworld city for the supernatural, and if they decide living still isn’t worth it they can take a stake to themselves, but...Janus is willing to bet they can find at least one person whos worth it. Ft: everyone falls in love with Patton at first sight, as it should be.
by the book - Librarian Virgil runs the adult section of the library, but his most interesting visitor is the tiny child who talks too fast and has really super attractive dads.
Pen Pal - Logan’s roommates all get together and Logan doesn’t think he has a place there with them, so he withdraws and turns to his pen pal for company.
Wedding Crashers -  While standing at the alter for his arranged marriage to a princess he will never love, Logan doesn’t think his really lovers are coming for him. He’s pleasantly surprised.
You Haunt Me And I Like It - Ghost Virgil has had a lot of roommates before without ever needing to show himself, but this one is just too skeptical for him to leave alone.
Wow that is a lot more than I thought I had! 
Looking for more fics? I’m got more lists here on my Fic Rec Masterlist!
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im-a-space-gay · 4 years
Some Notes for the Mix-Matched AU (aka the slow burn Analogical AU where Logan’s the school punk and Virgil’s the school nerd)
Logan Croft-
Resident punk
Tol boi, and I mean real tol with the muscles
He wears contacts because he’s found some people don’t take him serious when he wears glasses
When he was younger, he was very smart and wanted to learn everything, but he found out it wasn’t smarts that would help him survive, but being intimidating, and most people didn’t find it intimidating when he kept correcting them. Therefore, he stopped trying to learn and just went with the flow
Somehow hasn’t been kicked out of a single school despite allegedly “starting” fights and always being disruptive
Anger issues for daaaaaayyyyss
He has ear piercings, nose piercings tongue piercings, you name it, he’s got it.
Also has a couple tattoos which are awesome
He has somehow got in a group with people from different teenage cultures and will gladly die for them. He even brings lil babey nerd into the group and yay they’re all happier!!
Can and will debate about anything and everything, which is really fun
Virgil Storm-
The embodiment of not only all knowledge in the world, but the panicked thoughts of swear words repeating
He didn’t really care if he wore glasses or contacts, but found glasses more manageable and has a giant pair he pushes up constantly
See tol boi Logan? Well I present smol boi Virgil. He was just barely the average height, and literally had noodle arms
As a kid, he once almost failed a class because he thought learning would be boring, and therefore didn’t try. When he realized he was about to flunk, he studied hard and found the stuff he was learning... interesting?? And he remembered it?? Then he started doing the same for all his classes and wow learning was incredible!! There was so much to learn and see and do and mark his words he was going to learn it all!
After he started getting bullied for being smart and weak, he wore makeup so nobody saw the bruises. If nobody knew, nobody would bother him, so he could read for longer!
Not really used to people caring about him, so it was a big shock when this big punk came out of nowhere to help him out, and then let him hang out with his ragtag group, filled with more caring people.
He also didn’t really talk a lot at first, because he has a really bad habit of info-dumping or ranting, and nobody wanted to hear what he knew. Then one day at lunch, Patton asked him why the periodic table of elements was arranged the way it was, and what was supposed to be a small answer became an info-dumping session, and when he snapped out of it, he realized how everyone at the table was staring at him in shock. Apparently they didn’t know he could talk so much, so they’ve made it their mission to try and trigger sessions like that because Virgil seemed really happy when he did it
Also when he reads, he has a habit of either not hearing what’s happening around him at all, or having a conversation without realizing. (Not only have the others found this as a good way to trigger a rant, but also Roman quotes musicals and plays and sees if Virgil finishes it so he knows how many Virgil knows of)
Janus Smith-
Snek emo boyo
Wears an unholy amount of makeup and black clothes
Suicide jokes baaaaaabyyyy
He sometimes wears a symbol of a two headed snake, and when asked about it, gives an answer completely unrelated to it
Sometimes, he wears colorful clothes to trigger other emos or to throw everybody off
Beneath all the emo-ness, sarcasm, suicidal tendencies and black, he was a gentle, kind soul
And even further beneath that was a giant asshole
Patton Hart-
Skirts and dresses? Yes. Pastel colors? Yes. Floral print? THOSE WERE TO DIE FOR!!
A fashionista inside and out
Tried to wear boy clothing once. That is a day that shall not be named nor referenced, as it was traumatizing for all involved
Big round glasses, because those go with everything! (He even has versions of his glasses with colored lenses because those were so pretty!!)
Freckles on his nose, and as cute as they were, he will not hesitate to cover them in makeup if they didn’t fit with the outfit for the day
No, he is not a girl, and would appreciate if guys stopped mistaking him for one
Sweet and lovable, but he can and will kill a bitch with his heels if you insult or hurt anyone in his crew, including himself because he mattered
Speaking of his crew, he tries real hard not to help them with their horrible fashion tastes. Logan? Did everything need to be ripped and have bold statements on them? Janus? Beautiful face even with heterochromia and virtilago, but he keeps covering it up with tacky, horribly applied makeup that was ONLY BLACK. And don’t even get him started on when he wore colors!! What is this, a Disney Channel movie? Roman sometimes wore old costumes from school productions he did, which no. Remus was relatively fine, EXCEPT HE WORE THE SAME THING EVERYDAY AND DIDN’T TAKE IT OFF UNTIL THE WEEKEND, WHICH SMELLED HORRIBLE, MIND YOU. Virgil only wore jackets and jeans, and by far drove Patton the least insane with fashion, but the jacket he wore was black, torn up, oversized, and the worst thing, PLAID (he was planning on replacing it, secretly)
Does he cry?? No one knows
Roman Royal-
Quotes from many different things, and bursts out into song randomly
“Not to be gay, but...”
Does many things in theater from playing a part to running around on backstage. He is theater god.
Sometimes he wears costumes from old productions (the ones in a more modern setting though. He’s not gay enough to walk around the halls in a prince outfit. He only does that at home)
Can’t fight for the life of him, but he can sure gossip
Way too loud, but can you blame him?
Remus Royal-
“I am but a mere jock, making fun of my fellow jocks and basically beating them up, being a delinquent but seen as a hero.” “I only asked what your favorite color was.” “Oh. Green.”
Acts as childish as you’d expect
Signs up for any and all sports no matter what
As much as he loves being an idiot with his fellow sports players, he much rather prefers hanging out with the group of misfits purely because they can all be themselves without judgement (he stands corrected. Apparently it was weird when he triggered Virgil into explaining the sex of unicorns and penguins)
Weird ass nicknames for his friendos on his phone. Roman was Ronbow, Janus was Kill or be Killed, Patton was Stabby-Feet, Logan was Propagayda, and Virgil was Answerkey
THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE, WHY DID WE LEAVE REMUS TO COOK OH GOD OH NO HE TRIED COOKING ONE OF ROMAN’S PROPS WITH PATTON’S MINI PINK SKIRT AND OH SHIT OH FUCK VIRGIL’S ON FIRE SOMEONE CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT (this was an actual event, and Remus got the fury of Roman for charring his favorite sword, Patton for ruining his skirt, Logan for somehow setting the nerd on fire, had to deal with Virgil being nonverbal for three weeks thanks to the trauma, and a Janus who recorded the entire event without showing a single emotion)
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emmarzhere · 4 years
So, new Sanders Sides came out today... (oops this became a mini essay)
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I love animatics at the best of times so having a 20 minute fully canon one buttered my croissant!
And just- the levels of pure cuteness had me squealing at Patton levels of excitements, ESPECIALLY after Roman’s line to Virgil about bravery!!!!!
Then I was hit by a short spell of depression got brought up as it looks like the coolest patreon ever (like it’s JANUS themed??? My heart cannot take this abuse!) and it’s the first one I’ve ever been super desperate to sign up to but hey I have a total of 30p in the bank so my dreams flew out the window :((((((((
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Now some less happy points about this Sanders Sides (though not gonna look too far into it because I’ve just watched it and these are my first thoughts) - I’m getting EXTREMELY worried about Logan - after the last Sanders Sides where he made it clear that he felt unwanted, and now not even making an appearance here to try and keep the storm of emotions this episode was...it’s rather concerning. If it wasn’t for the absolute mess that was Roman’s emotional state I’d think that the next main episode would focus on validating Logan.
(Gack just hit me that I see this series as proper “episodes” now. How far Sanders Sides has come from the first video is astounding and makes me feel so much pride for Thomas and the team behind him!!!)
Anyways that leads on to another worry - Roman. GOd it’s clear the poor prince is suffering!!! It’s been obvious for a while that the prideful side has been having some confidence issues after several bashings to his ego (starting at around the time of Crofters: The Musical I believe) and it was obvious the last episode ended...badly for him to say the least, but some of the lines in this episode tugged my heartstrings right out! The bit that I think stuck with me and others if the comments were anything to go by was the bit about adding to the list of mistakes - it’s one thing for an average person to admit they make mistakes, but it’s a whole different thing for ROMAN to do so! He’s normally extremely reluctant to admit he’s wrong, and while it could be seen as character development for him to say it as he did, it feels more like he’s just lost faith in himself, in a bad way. He was rather self deprecating throughout the video when compared to normal, admitting sadly that he was “desperate”, and the line “it’s probably for the best.” just hurt my soul SO BAD. He’s clearly vulnerable, but the others tend to ignore it a lot due to him being the prideful side who CaNt PoSsIbLy HaVe SeLf EsTeEm PrObLemS!!!
But here’s the thing - Roman represents Thomas’ pride, but what if there’s not much pride there to begin with? It’s possible instead that Roman’s feeling Thomas’ doubt as well as his own if there isn’t much self confidence to run off.
Speaking of Thomas, there’s definitely some issues growing there that add to my belief that Thomas, and therefore Roman aren’t feeling very glittery at the moment. I mean I know the whole episode was about his social anxiety - a major problem in a lot of people’s lives, but it was the ending that worried me.
It was how Thomas was the one to question if they were ready for this step of having a relationship. Even Virgil had not thought of questioning this yet. Thomas got anxious and worried about something before THE SOURCE OF HIS ANXIETY had even thought about questioning it!
It could be possible that this worry originated from another side, either Patton feeling mixed about their last relationship, Janus maybe getting a seed of doubt planted or even one of Roman’s internal worries coming out through Thomas as he refuses to talk about his own problems (Roman holds up a façade a lot of the time, and I feel like the next ep might address some of his issues that he keeps putting off dealing with), though I still feel like the problem resonates with just Thomas. It feels like the series has been hinting at Thomas having a big mental breakdown at some point in the future as everything gets more convoluted, and this is just another step closer to that breaking point.
Finally: Janus. I mean, it doesn’t take an expert to see just how badly crafted the lies Thomas came up with in this episode were, I mean, I saw comments joking about how that Janus and Patton were just having fun in the mindscape and Janus was just getting more annoyed every time he was subconsciously summoned to throw together a lie for Thomas, just throwing together whatever he could be bothered to on the spot before leaving to continue his conversation. However I think there may be something behind it. I believe that Deceit really is trying to change and fit in more with the other sides (at least I really damn hope that the snake boi wasn’t just deceiving us all once again). He seems to truly believe Thomas is a good person, and either wants what’s best for Thomas, aka. not starting this possible good relationship with a bunch of lies so make the lies bad enough to not hold up, or he’s trying to continue to earn the other side’s trust, but trying to prove he’s not just a cunning reptilian rapscallion who leads Thomas down the wrong path. Who knows, he might even be trying to stop Thomas from lying??
Though it’s almost 546.89% confirmed that I’m just really, REALLY overanalysing this as a person who is literally writing down the first thoughts after watching the video once and thinking through the thoughts for a total of 30 seconds as Tumblr opened up before writing this down.
Plus I love angst a tad too much. So half these issues probably aren’t present in the first place.
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Anyways wow congrats for reading this far if you’re still actually looking through my “short first thoughts” that quickly became an essay and went a bit deeper than I meant it to go, and thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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coolcoolkerberos · 4 years
Rating Side’s Playlists: Janus
Aka I say Vibes 30 times, these aren’t in order
- Come Little Children by Erutan
Disney villain vibes
Evil motherly song, guiding through the dark
“It must be this way” MY FUCKING FEELINGS
Haunting, I love it
7/10, get’s kinda repetitive
- You’re a Cad by the bird and a bee
Oh boy I’ve been hearing this one is about Virgil
First lyric screams “betrayal”
A sort of ‘they’ll see through your lies’
“I should be better, but I’m worse” JANUS MISSES VIRGIL MY HEART
“You’re reckless with my heart, still I wait by the fire, I won’t ever get smart”
10/10 I added it to my playlist
- Denial by the Vaccines
Oooo dark vibes
“I know the world is in your hands” Janus calling out someone’s power?
“Please do my turn the light out, oh I don’t think the conversations over” Major SvS Redux vibes
Chill beats
The song is like someone speaking from your head and saying you’re denying your head from information
“I know where you want to go, oh I do, but do you?”
9/10, meaningful
- Mandy Goes To Med School by the Dresden Dolls
I love the piano in this song
I don’t even know what this song is about, I just think it’s neat
Her voice gets a bit annoying but then it gets good
“I’ve been dying to find out the hard way” idk but this lyric SLAPS
“I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it” (KILLER PIANO ENTERS)
8/10 to my playlist thing song goes
- Razzle Dazzle from Chicago
I’ve never listened to Chicago so here we go
Janus loves Jazz TM
“How can they see with sequence in their eyes?” ooooo
“Razzle Dazzle them and they’ll beg ya for more”
why does this seem like Janus telling Virgil he’s tricking everyone else with a friendly disguise?
I’m pretty sure this song is about prostitution
I know this song is supposed to be about disguising bland things with stupid amounts of show, but it gives off the vibe Janus is horny
6/10 just because I thought the song was SUPER repetitive
- Into the Unknown by the Blasting Company
I see over the garden wall (but I never watched it)
Same vibes as Come Little Children
“All that is lost is revealed” OOOO
Singer has rich voice I love it
7/10 I wanted more
- Don’t Tell Mama from Cabaret
Why do I get poor unfortunate souls vibes?
Song about lying about where you are (What Janus thinks Virgil is thinking?)
“I'm breaking every promise that I gave her, so won't you kindly do a girl a great big favor?” Major betrayal vibes
Lying to eachother is a big theme in this song
- It Seemed The Better Way by Leonard Cohen
Again: evil vibes
“Sounded like the truth, seemed the better way. Sounded like tha truth, but it’s not the truth today.” DAMN
This is more on the lying side of Janus
Violins are GOD TIER
7/10 I love the OoooOOOoooo-ing
- Talking at the Same Time by Tom Waits
Jazz Boys Assemble
Subtle trumpets, good beat
Kind of silent drunk ranting vibes
“You got to build your nest high enough to ride out the flood”
8/10 voice is annoying at points but it works well
- Anywhere by the Scarring Party
MORE JAZZ!!!! (Kind of Hadestown vibes)
I can’t understand the singer but it’s fun
Lots of dramas and flair
5/10 I couldn’t understand, but the music slapped
- Change by Lana Del Rey
I’ve never listened to a single Lana Del Rey song so this will be fun
“I’ve been thinking it’s just someone else’s job to care, but who am I? To try?” JANUS STOP BREAKING MY HEART
“Change is a powerful thing, I feel a coming in me.”
Janus would most likely try learning this song on piano
9/10 Haunting, and I love it
- As Far as I Can See by Phantogram
Jazz/Techo? Hell yeah.
I really can’t tell if my phone is glitching of if it’s this song
“As far as I can see, nobody loves me. As far as I can tell, nobody loves you either.” OOP
“As far as I can see, nobody’s listening. As far as I can tell, nobody’s listening to me” SvS VIBES
7/10 confusing but catchy
- I Put a Spell On You by Nina Simone
Jazz Vibes, I love her voice
“You know I can’t stand it, you’re running around” VIRGIL ANGST
- All the Good Girls Go to Hell by Billie Ellish
Fun Fact: I thought Billie was a male white 33 year old country singer until I heard this song a couple of months ago
“Once you get inside em, got friends but can’t invite em.” JANUS AND REMUS BEING CAST AWAY BY EVERY OTHER SIDE
“When the water starts to rise, and heaven’s out of sight, she’ll want the devil on her team” SvS REDUX VIBESSSSSS
“You’re cover up, is caving in, man is such a fool why are we saving him? Poisioning themselves now. Begging for our help? Wow.” I JUST ASDFGHJKL
10/10 I love this song for Janus, and I just love this song in general
- Evil Night Together by Jill Tracy
Man Janus just loves those jazz songs
Evil voices? We love it
“Let sway away the hours, let’s spend an evil night together” Janus, I just- I- why is he horny
“Who’s gonna make you a hero? Who’s gonna blow you away?” BETRAYAL VIBES
7/10 gets repetitive at the end, but I love this song
- Bladk Hole Sun from Scott Brandlee’s Post Modern Jukebox
Oooo is this jazz or classical
It’s jazz
Her voice is so beautiful
“Black Hole Sun, won’t you come, and wash away the rain?”
More major keys then other songs
10/10 I have no criticisms
- When the Chips are Down from Hadestown
Very different from the broadway version in voices, but I think it works for Janus
“Aim for the heart, shoot to kill, if you don’t do it then the other one will” VIRGIL
“The first shall be first, and the last shall be last. Cast your eyes to heaven: you get a knife in the BACK”
8/10 I love this song but the voices don’t do it for me
- Devil in the Details by Bright Eyes
The voice? SLAPS
“Now you have your cake, don’t hesitate. Come on just do it.”
“There’s no backing out. This is gonna be reality, you can never dream it down.” DAMN
The strings? SLAPS
Angst TM
The guitar? SLAPS
“If there’s still time to turn around, I’m going too” SvS REDUX!!! VIBES!!!
Another 10/10
- Criminal by Fiona Apple
Evil jazzzzzzzz
“When a girl will break a boy just because she can”
Her voice is amazing, and it works well with the tone
“I got a lot to loose, and I’m betting high, so I’m begging you.” SvS vibes!!! (Not redux tho)
I really think Thomas, Joan, and Tayln knew what the fuck they were doing with this song and causing chaos with the Janus and Virgil shippers (yes they exist)
7/10 the ending wanted to be a fade out but it didn’t really work
- Trust in Me from the Jungle Book
Oh Jesus
Ooo opening just BURSTS through the door
Scarlett Johansson didn’t have to go this smooth but she did and I love her for it
I like this take on the song, gives it more evil mom energy
10/10 I just- amazing
And that’s the end, Janus’ playlist overall is a 8/10
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tracybirds · 4 years
Fluffember Day 4 - Touch
Day 4!!! Shout out as always to @gumnut-logic for the prompt list - I’m honestly so happy that I decided to take part in this challenge because I’ve gotten to try a bunch of new things and I’m WRITING SO MUCH!!!!
So Scott and John as kids, living their best life in Kansas. Haven’t hung out with small children in an age so John in particular might read a little young :P I intended Scott to be about 9 and John to be about 5. Also disclaimer: what is Kansas (aka I know nothing :P)
“Wake up Johnny,” whispered Scott’s voice. “It’s time.”
John opened his eyes into darkness and peered around.
A small light flickered and John saw his older brother sitting excitedly on the bed, a red glow emanating from the torchlight covered by his hand.
“Don’t wake Virgil,” he cautioned and held out his hand.
“Where’re we goin’, Scott?” whispered John, allowing himself to be hauled to his feet.
“Midnight feast,” said Scott, although it was closer to three in the morning. “And then a surprise.”
“I don’t like surprises,” whispered John.
“Trust me?” asked Scott.
They crept together around Virgil’s bed where the toddler was fast asleep.
Once the door to their room was closed, the two boys stole away to the kitchen.
“Keep the light off, Johnny,” warned Scott speaking normally. “Mom and Dad can’t hear us, but the light shines right into their room.”
“You’ve done this before,” accused John.
Scott grinned and handed him a sandwich. “Sure have.”
“And it worked?”
“You never knew about it, did you? Go get some blankets.”
“Are we running away from home?” asked John, doubtfully.
“No way,” said Scott.
John stood still and considered that.
“Are we going outside?”
“Yes,” said Scott impatiently. “Now hurry up, we’re missing it.”
John dutifully trotted off to find some blankets for them.
“I need my shoes,” announced John, when he returned and dumped an armful of blankets on the floor.
“Oh, for crying out loud,” muttered Scott. “I’m never doing anything for you again.”
At that threat, John scrambled to get a pair of shoes over his feet. Scott put down the thermos and snacks he was carrying and knelt down to help his brother tie his shoelaces.
“I can do it,” said John crossly.
“Not fast enough,” retorted Scott. “Let’s go.”
Together, they gathered their gear and went outside.
The night air was still and John gasped at the sight of the stars above, hung in the heavens above.
“Scott, do you see that?” he breathed, eyes wide.
Scott laughed. “Come on, Johnny. It’s about to start.”
Together they trundled off across the plain to find a place to lay their blankets.
As they watched, a light streaked across the sky.
“Did you see that?” shouted John, leaping to his little feet.
“Sh-sh-shh,” said Scott with a laugh. “The sound carries Johnny”
Another light fell against the twinkling backdrop above.
“Did you see that again?” whispered John.
“It’s called a meteor,” said Scott as he unwrapped his sandwich.
“A meteor,” said John reverently.
“Or a shooting star,” said Scott.
“The stars are falling?” said John in wonder.
“Well, no,” said Scott. He sat up taller, enjoying the feeling of knowing more than his little brother. “Did you know, my teacher says they’re bits of rock and space junk falling to Earth.”
“Why don’t we do that when we fall down then?” asked John curiously.
“Uh,” said Scott deflating a little. “Look there’s another one.”
“WOW!” exclaimed John.
The two brothers sat next to each other staring up at the meteor shower together. They shared their food and slowly, lay down to stare sleepily up at the stars.
Scott was certain that John had fallen asleep against him when his voice piped up.
“How did you know this would happen tonight?”
“Dad told me,” said Scott. He yawned and pulled his brother closer. The night was warm, but contact with John helped keep the chill off his skin.
“Dad knows everything,” said John. He wriggled in Scott’s grip and then reached his arm up towards the sky.
“What’re you doing Johnny?” asked Scott blearily.
“Catching the stars,” he said. “We gotta put them back for tomorrow night.”
Scott laughed a little and snuggled down. “We can go pick ‘em up tomorrow.”
He felt John nod next to him and then curl up beside him.
“Love you, Scott.”
“Sleep well, Johnny”
They would be woken in the morning by the bright light of dawn and the bellowing of a father who had woken to discover his eldest sons had stolen away together. They slept, heedless of the hugs of relief and the anxious shouting that awaited them. Scott knew nothing of the grounding he would receive for taking his brother out without so much as a note. He dreamt instead, cheering for his younger brother jumping higher and higher, reaching out until he could touch the stars.
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sidesandsanders · 5 years
Makeout hcs for the dudes? Love you!
Added Deceit and Remus because Liar Liar Snakes for Hire and Trash Rat Waluigi own my heart.
- Tries to be smooth. Fails. He’s used to romance, wooing, courting, dramatic declarations of love, eloquently written letters, grandiose confessions possibly involving more glitter than necessary, all before actually kissing the object of his affections.
- So when you tug him down by the collar and crash your lips onto his, he’s standing still with his eyes open, frozen in shock for a good moment or two before he realizes what’s happening, and pulls back with an adorable blush on his face.
- Maybe work your way up to this with him, give it some time and he’ll come around.
- Here’s what you gotta do: Sit on his lap, wrap your arms around his neck, gently loosen his tie, gently kiss the spot where his jaw meets his neck, sit back up, look him directly in the eyes, do your best to seem shy/embarrassed while you smile, and tell him you couldn’t help yourself. He will pounce on you, 100% of the time.
- He likes to control these kinds of situations, so he tends to keep his hands on your waist, and pulls you down, flush against his chest, while he attacks your mouth and neck with his lips.
- He’ll probably keep going until something stops him. Be it you, or a project deadline, someone else disturbing you, or if you insist he go further. But unless something happens to specifically change the course of action, he’s satisfied to remain like that for a while.
- Someone help this blushing dork. He’s trying, I swear to you he is trying his best, but he has no clue what the hell he’s doing. For a while he thought kissing sessions were just...more aggressive cuddling. Like faces pressed up against each other, lips-only kisses without actually opening your mouth.
- Imagine his surprise when he feels your tongue pressing against his and it feels good.
- Inexperienced but he catches on and learns fast. Once he feels like he’s got a hold on the concept he tries to, for lack of a better term, overpower you and take the lead.
- It’ll end with him pulling away from you, glasses askew, hair messy and ruffled, red flushed face, heat rolling off his body in waves, his voice breaking ever so slightly with a soft chuckle before he speaks.
- “Wow...can we do that again sometime?”
- Will only happen if he is absolutely sure you’re alone. Windows and door locked, blinds closed, curtains down, lights dimmed, closet checked and clear of Remus monsters.
- He tests the waters with a few sweet n gentle kisses on your cheek, nothing out of the ordinary. Eventually he’ll work up the courage to keep going, and he’ll move on to your jaw, then your neck, then up to your mouth.
- He’s probably got you lying on the floor or a bed, him lying over you, leaning on one hand with the other holding your face or your hand.
- It’s slow, soft, and tentative, but he does it in a way that you can tell he’s passionate about it, and that he’s holding back.
- You know that one scene in the Fifty Shades trailer where Christian pushes Anna up against the wall in an elevator, pulls her arms above her head, and smashes his lips to hers only to pull back and leave her wanting more once the elevator stops? Yeah. You’re getting pressed up against a something or other as often as you’ll let him.
- Split tongue. Sharp canines. It’s impossible to understand what’s happening in the moment but damn if it doesn’t feel fantastic.
- I think I’ve mentioned this before, but after he’s done with his rather aggressive display of affection, he uses that snake tongue to give you sweet reptile kisses, aka little flicking licks on your face. It’s really sweet, coming from him.
- If you’re like me, and you’re brave enough to reciprocate a kiss from Remus, you’re probably going to enjoy what you’re in for. What you’re in for is literal hours of aggressive, sloppy makeouts that will either end with you leaving, or him initiating something a LOT more rated R.
- Even if you don’t end up having sex, he’s gonna be desperately grinding on you the whole time, and he’s gonna be grabbing at your thighs and hair and honestly, wherever he CAN grab with some of those manifested tentacles of his.
- He has a habit of latching onto one point, be it your mouth, neck, collarbone, etc, with his mouth and attacking that one spot until he gets bored and finds another. You’re not getting out of this one without hickeys, and he’ll be a little bit upset if you cover them up afterwards.
- He also moans super loud during this kind of thing too, so everyone in the house (or the mindscape or palace or whatever you want to call it) definitely knows what you were up to, so there’s no point in hiding those marks anyway.
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zuwritesstuff · 5 years
Bees Are Filled With Love
Week two for @fander-pride-meetup!! This one was about representation so of course I’m gonna make Patton non-binary, panromantic, demisexual, a high schooler and Indian I mean how could I not-
Word count: 904, its a short one folks v self indulgent
Warnings: Cursing, an accidental self-misgendering thing, a few mentions of God but just like, in passing, no big discussions this is just Fluff yall.
Enjoy <3 and remember, reblogs>likes
Patton Aziz sat cross-legged on the ground, writing and scribbling out viciously in his- their journal. They, them, theirs, they thought, frowning. I am them.
“They are writing in this journal right here,” the high schooler said aloud, looking down at the journal, filled with different rejected one-liners and puns and doodles of little bees Patton made as their mind wandered... “Trying to figure out a way to tell their friends that they are-”
“Pat!!” Roman Kingsley boomed, dropping down, also cross-legged, next to Patton who was very, very startled. “Where have you been? Logan’s been worried sick…” he said, wiggling his eyebrows as his boyfriend, Virgil O’Mara, and Logan Berry, (aka Patton’s not so requited crush, although they didn’t know that) sat as well. Virgil and Roman grinned as Logan began to splutter, turning red.
“Falsehood.” He said, avoiding Patton’s eyes. “I am perfectly healthy, thank you.” “Anyway,” Virgil said, covering for Logan, “what were you saying, Pat? Something aloud while we were walking here.” Patton’s eyes widened as they shut their notebook discreetly.
“Nothing!! Don’t worry about it!!” They said cheerfully, facing their friends with a wide smile.
“Alright, now I’m kinda worried.” Virgil said, frowning. Roman slipped his arm around him, concerned, as Patton backtracked.
“No, really, it's fine! I just-” Patton stared behind them all as a bee buzzed by. Patton really, really loved bees. Not just ‘cause they were fuzzy and cute (like Patton), but because they were small, (like Patton), and were really important, (like Patton). Roman snapped his fingers to get the enby’s attention.
“Hello, hi, Earth to Pat?”
“I LOVE BEES!” Patton declared, standing up. Startled, the three friends looked up at Patton, who continued on. “And I know why now!”
“Uh, do tell, Patton.” Logan said, confused but supportive.
“I love bees so much because,” Patton sat back down, pausing for dramatic effect, looking at each of their friends in the eyes, “I am nonbeenary. An enbee, if you will.”
The friends all groaned and shook their heads while Patton grinned and spread their arms.
“What? Was the transition not natural? Too fast? A somewhat unbeelivable way to come out?” Logan reached over and covered Patton's mouth with his hand, sighing loudly. Patton smirked, moved away quickly and said, “Aw come on Lo, you know you love my puns; don’t you, honey?” Logan sat back and blushed as Roman and Virgil screeched with laughter.
“Now that was...amazing.” Roman said after they all finally calmed down. “Truly, the most Patton-y way to celebrate your true identity.”
Patton mock-bowed and grinned. They sat back and stayed quiet as their friends continued on with their conversation, thinking about how they had the best friends ever. Now, they thought, it's time to come up with a way to come out as pan…
The next day, Patton walked into the school, weaving their way through the crowd of teens and harried teachers, trying to get to their locker. Today, feeling good about themself and their identity, they wore a long baby blue skirt that twirled magnificently, and a cute puffy shirt and cardigan that matched perfectly. The bit of makeup that they had done made Patton feel...seen. Perfectly them.
When they had arrived at their locker, they saw a sticky-note stuck to the front. Patton picked the sticky-note off the locker and read aloud, “Although my puns are only bee-list worthy, I want you to know that you are definitely a keeper.” All this, written in Logan’s handwriting, combined with the little doodle of a bee, flying in a heart formation made Patton’s heart, well, soar. They giggled and stuck the sticky-note inside their locker, for safekeeping. When Patton turned around, however, books in hand and ready to head to class, they were greeted with the sight of Logan, looking sheepish, holding a flower and a bee plushy.
“I, uh, I wanted to give you these…” Logan said, not meeting Patton’s eyes completely, handing them the flower and tiny bee. “I hope you enjoy them…”
“I’m gay.” Patton blurted, panicking, blushing as soon as they realized they had said that aloud. Logan turned completely red, rubbing the back of his neck. One could almost see the steam bursting out of his ears as Patton rushed to explain.
“Well, I mean, technically pan. Panromantic demisexual. Emotional connection and all that and I am so gay for you and wow I’m rambling I-” Patton was stopped as Logan leaned in and kissed their cheek. It was Patton’s turn to blush, hard, although their Indian complexion covered some of it, thank God.
“Would you like to get coffee after school? Just me and you?” Logan asked quietly, still blushing hard. Patton couldn’t even speak. They just nodded and held out their hand subtly, so if Logan wanted to take it, he could. And he did.
“God damn it-” Virgil cursed as the couple walked towards them, hand in hand, blushing and smiling. He handed Roman 5 dollars. Smirking, he pocketed it and turned to Patton, explaining.
“He bet me 5 dollars to see who would confess first.” Roman grinned over at Logan, who smiled back and high fived him. Virgil looked, well, betrayed.
“Logan were you in on this?? I can’t believe this, my best friend, a traitor.” As the four walked down the halls, bickering and laughing, Patton marveled at how lucky they were.
A truly beeautiful family.
Taglist: @detroit-become-pan
If you’d like to be added to the taglist shoot me an ask :D
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summary: (n)an impulse control disorder characterized by the repeated urge to pick at one's own skin, often to the extent that damage is caused. 
aka: Logan has Dermatillomania and is really insecure about it.
pairing: romantic Logicality
warnings: negative self talk, negative self image, manipulation (logan briefly remembers some stuff people have said to him to try to get him to stop picking), Please let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: credit to @onlytrueinparadise for the awesome fic idea! I have dermatillomania, so this came from a pretty personal space, like I cried writing this. It’s hurt comfort because that is my favorite. This gets super sappy guys, it’s not all sad I promise. I hope you guys, gals, and nonbinary pals enjoy it!
Logan sighs as he looks down at the scars on his legs and his face. He knows that he shouldn't be picking at every little bump he feels on his skin, but he can't help it. The thing he hates the most is how self conscious it makes him, not just picking in the first place, which attracts lots of unwanted social attention, but the scabs and the scars. He dreads the day that someone will see them all. He does his best to avoid it, but it appears that day may have come.
He is sitting at his desk working while Patton sits in his spare desk chair a few feet away coloring. He has been subconsciously picking at a scab on his ankle. It has been itching all day and he just can't help it
“Hey Logan, what’cha picking at? Your pants fraying? Do ya’ need a pair of scissors, kiddo?” Patton asks.
Logan blushes and quickly pulls his hand away from his ankle, “No thank you Patton. It was just an itch.”
“Oh, okay.”
A few minutes later Logan is picking at his ankle again.
“Itch still bugging you kiddo? I got some anti itch cream that will make it feel better.”
Logan shifts in his chair, putting his leg down, “Oh uh, no thank you Patton. I'm fine.”
“Are you sure? You know not to scratch an itch. If it’s bugging you that bad I figure the cream is probably a good idea.”
Oh no, Patt is gonna figure it out. He begins to worry but does his best to hide it. Being as calm as possible, he says, “I, uh, no... it;s fine. I appreciate it but, really. I'm good.”
“Logan.” Patton says in his stern dad voice.
Logan shrinks in on himself a bit as Patton stands and walks over to where Logan is seated at his desk. He sets the cream down on the desk and stands over Logan, waiting.
Logan groans, “Pat, really, I'm fine.”
“Then you won't feel bad about showing me your ankle.”
Realising that he can not get out of this Logan starts to truly panic a bit, though he maintains his calm facade well. “Fine.” He sighs lifting his ankle to it’s place aop his knee as he turns to face Patton. 
Patton frowns as he takes in the sight of the cut on Logan’s ankle.
Logan and braces himself for the worst, the memories of things people have said echoing in his ears.
“If you keep doing that you’re gonna make yourself bleed.”
“Can't you just leave your face alone?”
“Maybe it would be best if you could wait to do that in private, or use a tissue or something.”
“It’s going to get infected at some point”
“Stop, you’ll give yourself scars.”
“Don't you even want to stop picking?”
“Why don't you just try to stop?”
“Why don't you care?”
“We’re just trying to help you.”
Patton talks softly, “I thought you said it was an itch. Why did you lie to me?”
“I... I was embarrassed.” Logan admits.
“I don't understand.”
Logan sighs, “I have dermatillomania, a disorder where I compulsively feel the need to pick my skin. I have similar scars and scabs all over my legs and my face. I wear makeup to hide them, even though all the makeup does is give me pimples and make the need to pick even worse.”
“Is it always this bad?”
“This isn't even that bad.”Logan admits, “This one started out as a scrape from catching my foot on a screw on my chair, which I have since fixed. This is just me picking the scab.”
Patton nods, “Why don't I get you a bandaid? I'd much rather you pick at the bandaid than at that cut.”
Logan blinks, “You’re not going to scold me?”
“What?’ “You aren't going to scold me or tell me to just stop or to just do something else?”
Patton frowns, “Well I'm not super happy that you did it but you said it’s a disorder, and i'm sure it’s something your working on. Even if you aren't focused on trying not to pick i'm not going to yell at you for picking, that certainly isn't going to help anyone.”
Logan feels himself tearing up and hates that he’s doing this but is so overwhelmed that he doesn't know how else to respond so he just lets the tears fall.
“Oh kiddo, have people really been rude to you about this?”
Logan nods and Patton pulls him out of the chair and into his arms, hugging him tight. “I'm so sorry they said what they said to you Logan. You deserve so much better.”
Logan manages to get out a small “Thank you,” and Patton just holds him tighter, not sure what to say.
When Logan stops crying Patton has him sit on the edge of the bed and lovingly cleans his ankle and puts a bandaid over the cut. He even kisses the bandaid, “To make it feel better,” He insists.
Logan sighs and starts to pick at his face, both embarrassed and unable to fight the compulsion any longer.
Patton reaches up and gently grabs Logan’s hand and brings it down, away from his face.
“Would you show me your face love?”
“What do you mean? You are wearing your glasses and my face is right here.”
“Like without makeup.”
Logan freezes, “Uh... well.”
“I don't want to force you if you don't want to, but I want to help you understand that you are beautiful, scars and all.”
Logan is scared and doesn't want to but feels he should so he nods. 
Patton gets the makeup wipes from the bathroom. When he gets back he hands them to Logan. “Take your time love. You can do this at your own pace.”
Logan nods and starts wiping the makeup off, keeping his eyes closed and his head ducked down, hiding. As he finishes he sets down the wipe with a sigh.
Patton waits for Logan to lift his head, but he doesn't, “Lo?”
“Are you sure you want to see me like this? I'm ugly.” Logan mutters, hoping that maybe Patton will change his mind.
“Lo, you aren't ugly-”
“You can't say that, you don't know. You haven’t seen my face.”
‘Why would you be so upset if I saw your face right now? I know you are panicked about it, so run me through it, worst case scenario.”
Logan sighs, “What’s the point?”
“What would happen in a worst case scenario if you show me your face?’
Logan huffs, if Patton really wants to hear it then he will tell him. “Well, you are going to be disgusted and revolted by looking at me. Then you will grow angry at me for being unable to stop picking because they make you uncomfortable and you will grow to hate my scars.And no one wants to be uncomfortable around a significant other. So, logically you will want to break up with me because you don't want to be disgusted every time you look at me.  You will tease me about them and tell Virgil and Roman and Thomas about this and they will hate me too. Because how can I expect you all to listen to me when I don't even listen to myself? How hypocritical must I be... how arrogant, to think I should hold you to a higher standard than what I myself follow?” Logan has his head in his hands, crying.
Patton frowns and places a hand on Logan’s back, rubbing calming circles, “Thank you for telling me. I am proud of you for telling me about your fears, but love, is any of that actually realistic? Would I ever, logically, break up with someone because I didn't think they were aesthetically attractive? Do you think that my love for you is so shallow? That I would break up with you when we are both old and gray and wrinkled all over because we aren't conventionally attractive anymore? That i'm not in love with who you are?
Do you think that I don't love the way you stick out your tongue when focusing really hard on a project? That I don't love your intelligence and how smart you are and how you are so easily able to calm me down? That I don't love how kind you are and how gentle you are to all of us when you realise we are hurting and you are trying to help? You think I don't love your humor and your passion for your work and your love of psychology and space and how you just devour all the knowledge you can find? You think I don't love it when you share facts you found while researching that you either think I might like or that relate to something I love? You think I don't notice? 
Because let me reassure you, I love all those things about you and more. I fell in love with a man, not a body. No scars are going to darken the way your face lights up when you talk about something you are passionate about. Your scars do not make you hypocritical, they make you human. And I would argue that being human is a beautiful thing.”
Logan is still crying but he has calmed a little now.
Patton continues to rub Logan’s back as he calms down.
When the tears finally slow to a crawl and Logan feels he can speak properly again he smiles, “Thank you Pat. I... I needed to hear that.”
“Of course dear, I love you,”
“I love you too.” Logan mumbles.
Patton gives Logan a bit more time to collect himself and when Logan’s breathing has returned completely to normal he gently asks, “Would you let me see your beautiful face, Lo?”
Logan takes a deep breath and nods. When he sits up his eyes are closed.
Patton takes in Logan’s face, yes he has scars and scabs peppering it, but Patton finds he truly doesn't mind. He thinks Logan is beautiful. He resists the urge to scold Logan’s negative self-talk and instead he smiles and gently grabs Logan’s hand and whispers, “Wow, Lo. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”
Logan opens his eyes. He doesn't smile, but the side of his lip twitches upward a bit, just for a moment. Patton knows he doesn't believe him. 
He realises that he can't convince Logan that he is beautiful with words and verbal affection Logan-style. So he decides he will have to try to do it his way. He gently runs a hand over the scars and scabs on Logan’s face. 
He runs a hand through Logan’s hair leaving his hand holding the back of Logan’s head. He leans in slowly, giving Logan the chance to pull away and lovingly kisses one of Logan’s scars.
Logan squeaks and Patton kisses another and then another. Logan’s face turns bright red as he smiles and tries to hold back the squeaks each one brings.
Flustered, he pulls back a little, “While I by no means want you to stop, I still want to know what you’re doing,” he insists.
Patton smiles mischievously “I'm going to kiss every scar, scab, and spot you have until you know how beautiful I think you are.”
Logan will forever deny the sound he made when he heard that but he couldn't deny how loved he felt. As Patton leaned in to kiss him again, he realised, in that moment, he was unashamed of his face. And he thought to himself that, at least, if he wasn't beautiful, he was loved, and that was all that mattered. 
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rushingexpress · 20 days
I had a visitor today!!
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very rood of him to use my yard as a sleeping station.. but 🙄🙄
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supercasey · 5 years
🙊 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 🚫 for the Sanders sides ask!
🙊 - Speculations on Deceit’s name?
Oh man, oh gosh, I have a LOT of names I really like for Deceit. For awhile I really liked Dimitri, and while I like that as a cover name (a name he says is his name just to get everyone off his back about it) I feel like it’d be too easy of a guess to be his actual name.
My sister recently suggested Janus to me, a Roman god that’s commonly portrayed to have two faces, so I really love that one, but I still think I prefer the new two way more.
I think my absolutely favorite names for Deceit are Beowulf or Warren. I like Beowulf because it’s unexpected, and it also sounds very powerful, something Deceit might find comfort in considering his current situation. As for Warren... well, I think it speaks for itself; a name meaning warden, which would fit Deceit very nicely, as so far he seems to be the leader of the Dark Sides/their keeper.
((Sorry for the long answer, I’m just super in love with a lot of these name ideas.))
💏 - Favorite romantic ship?
Wow, that’s hard for me, uh... I’ve got three I really like, one of which is with an “OC” (I put it in quotations because the OC in question is just my take on Original Creativity), so I’ll list them in order of favoritism: Romuceit (Original Creativity AKA Romulus/Deceit), Prinxiety (Roman/Virgil), and Logicality (Logan/Patton). I dunno, I just really like these ships lol.
🚫 - Least favorite ship?
Uuuuuuuh, I dunno? Can’t say I’m a huge fan of Anceit, but that’s mostly because I prefer to see Deceit and Virgil as father and son respectively, and I dunno, I’m just not into too much romantic shipping (Except for fucking Romuceit... because I’m fucking garbage; also Prinxiety and Logicality are very tasteful ships for me).
Thank you so much for the ask, I’m happy to take more (I’m so into Sanders Sides rn guys, please send me more asks... but only if you want to of course; sorry if that sounded desperate. Worse comes to worse, I’ll answer all the asks without prompting because I like to type too much)!
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A Logince bullet fic thing based off dodie’s “Arms Unfolding” song
I wrote this like a month ago and said I’d post it and then never did, but here it finally is!
Hope I’m not tired of rebuilding ‘Cause this might take a little more •night before The Meeting •a few months after they broke up •Roman is crying because something reminded him of Logan, his ex boyfriend, and it’s just one of those days •Ro calls Patton over and Patton is lovely and helps Roman feel better with supportive back rubs and Disney movies I think I’d like to try look at you And feel the way I did before •*fast forward to the next morning* •To say Roman was having a bad morning was a major understatement •he woke up late, missed an audition, his manager called to tell him he didn’t get the part in one of the plays he auditioned for, he was completely out of his favorite jam, and he had forgotten to do laundry the day before so his outfit plans were ruined •could his day possibly get any worse?! •he goes to his favorite coffee shop for some coffee •if Roman had been less frazzled, he would have seen Remy’s subtle panicked glance to the corner of the the shop by the window where a certain bespectacled nerd was sitting and reading a book •but Remy recovers quickly and Ro remains oblivious •Remy the barista is a snarky but lovable sass queen •”wow, Ro, bad morning?” snickering •”shut it, Rem. I’m not in the mood” •Roman turns around to leave, coffee cup in hand, and instantly locks eyes with Logan across the coffee shop •*sharp intake of breath* •yes. apparently his day could get worse.
(the rest is under the cut because this is pretty long)
Oh, our fire died last winter All of the shouting blew it out •flashback to fights and arguments towards the end of when they were still together •they both kept getting mad over stupid, unimportant things •Logan was staying up all night to work •Roman was coming home late from rehearsals •Roman was leaving a mess on the kitchen table from a craft (“there is glitter all over the table, Roman!”) •Logan wouldn’t stop studying to eat or sleep or focus on Ro •Logan forgot their two year anniversary •neither of them could remember how the last argument had started, but it was the worst one by far, and it ended with untruthful things (“maybe it’d just be easier if we weren’t together!”) being said and they were both crying and Logan stormed out of Roman’s apartment •needless to say, they had broken up •(all because of about a month of like two or three trivial arguments a week) •Ro collapsed to the floor as soon as the door slammed shut, chest heaving as he sobbed You know I could live without or with you But I might like having you about •Roman took the breakup… really hard, to say the least •he refused to answer calls or texts from anyone for nearly a week •and in that week he barely slept or ate food •finally, Patton had Enough™️ and got extremely worried •with the help of Virgil, they figured out a way to get into Ro’s apartment (aka calling Roman’s moms cuz they have a spare key to his apartment for emergencies) •the place was a mess, to put it kindly •and Roman was even worse •Virgil wasn’t sure how to help, so Patton took control and went full Dad Mode with Ro. Feeding him, making sure he took a shower and changed clothes, tidying up his apartment, and letting Roman cry his heart out •Patton is literally the sweetest person and the bestest friend ever •after about two weeks, Roman is finally feeling better •(he’s not actually better (his heart is still shattered and sometimes he still cries himself to sleep) but at least now he’s able to get back to work and talk to his friends and family) •Roman seems mostly fine to the outside world (except Patton and occasionally Virgil) and life returns to “normal” •Roman will still cry to Pat about missing Logan occasionally tho, usually during their weekly sleepover Yes, these new walls are pretty hard to crack And it might take a while until I trust you won’t attack •*back to the present in the coffee shop* •Logan is Shook for a moment and his eyes go wide •then Logan takes a deep breath and relaxes somewhat, putting on a neutral facade •Roman knows he can’t just leave now, so he walks over to Logan’s table •both of them are definitely feeling a bit awkward •”uh, hey, Logan” •”salutations, Roman” •a few beats of awkward silence •Lo: “so… how’ve you been?” •”uh, I’ve been… fine” (lie) “how about you?” •”I… I’ve been busy with work and my studies, but things have been going… great” (now they’re both lying) “I suppose you’ve been busy, too, with your successful attempts at professional make-believe?” •”oh, uh, y-yeah of course. I’ve been super busy with lots of auditions and rehearsals and… and performances” •that’s only half true •Roman has been busy with lots of auditions •but he’s been a little… lackluster since the breakup, and hasn’t gotten any big roles •Logan lifts an eyebrow slightly, obviously picking up on Roman’s hesitance and lie •”are you quite sure?” •Roman’s eyes narrow “of course I’m sure!” •Logan is closely inspecting Roman, and can clearly see the walls the boisterous man has put up against him •”well, it has been enjoyable to catch up with you. but you probably have places to be, and I have must leave for work soon” •Roman is grateful for the obvious attempt at providing an escape •”yes, of course. Great, uh—great talking to you, Lo” •Roman misses the slip-up in his haste, but Logan’s breath hitches at the use of his nickname •Roman is already halfway out the door by the time Lo recovers enough to lift a shaky hand in goodbye •a few hours later, Ro calls Patton in a lowkey panicked state •the two go out for dinner and Ro tells Patton everything Oh, I apologize, but it was only self-defense Running away just made sense •*flash forward about a week maybe* •Roman is in a rush because his manager is going to kill him he can’t be late for another audition •and Roman quite literally runs into Logan •Roman spills his coffee and drops the sandwich he was trying to stuff in his mouth between whispered curses as he was walking •Logan drops a few papers he had been reading through, only narrowly keeping hold on the laptop bag slung on his shoulder •”oh my goodness I’m so sor—Logan! I— uh, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention!” •”no, Roman, it’s alright. I apologize about your drink and food. Perhaps… you’d let me repay you?” •Roman does a double take •”um… sure” •his manager was so going to kill him •Logan leads the way to a nearby park and buys them each a pretzel ((don’t ask me why, I couldn’t thing of anything else)) •they walk in a mostly awkward silence •Logan stops at a park bench right underneath a big tree •and of course it just has to be one of their favorite spots from when they were dating •they sit down and now it’s really awkward •after a few minutes, Roman speaks up •”I… I’m sorry for… running away last week, y’know, at the coffee shop” •”you don’t need to apologize, I understand” •more awkward silence •”actually… I’d like to apologize as well” •Roman finally turns towards Lo with a questioning look •”the way things… ended between us… was not… was not, um…” •Roman is shocked to hear Logan at a loss for words •”I just— I am very sorry, Roman. That was not a good way to end our relationship. And… honestly… I— I wish our relationship hadn’t ended at all” •Roman’s breath hitches and he goes to say something •”no! Sorry, but, please, just listen to me” •Roman, reluctantly, stays quiet •”Roman, I miss being with you. Right before we broke up, I was extremely stressed and my temper was unbelievably short. I should not have taken out my… emotions… on you. Looking back, most of our arguments were… pointless and petty.” •Roman goes to interrupt, but Logan keeps going •”of course, I do not take full responsibility for our disagreements. We both know that the fault lies with both of us. But we should have communicated better to solve our issues, rather than yelling over silly problems and allowing the other to stay angry.” •Logan has been staring forward the whole time, but now, he glances at Roman •”while we were dating, Roman, I was the happiest I’ve ever been. And since we’ve broken up, I’ve felt… incomplete. Almost… hollow. You helped me learn how to accept my emotions, but without you around, I’ve locked away my feelings, once again, into a metaphorical box and completely ignored them” •tears form in Logan’s eyes •”all this to say… I hope that, one day, we can… try again. Not dating! Not necessarily, of course. I would never, ever force you to do something you don’t want to do. But, at the very least, I’d like to try being friends again, Ro” But here I am with arms unfolding I guess it isn’t quite the end •Roman has tears running down his cheeks now •”Lo“—his voice cracks with emotion—“Logan, I’m sorry, too. I’m sorry we fought like that, and I’m sorry we broke up. You’re absolutely right, we should have handled our emotions better and not let them take over. I’m just— I’m so so sorry, Lo” •Roman is fully crying now •Logan grabs Ro’s hand, and Roman holds on almost painfully tight, but Logan doesn’t mind at all •”it’s been so hard the past few months without you. There hasn’t been a moment where I haven’t missed you. God, I’ve missed you so much, Lo” •The tears fall silently from Logan’s eyes now too •”you are absolutely right. We should have communicated better instead of getting into arguments. We shouldn’t have let a few petty disagreements ruin our whole relationship. I deeply regret not fixing that problem and just letting it get out of hand. I’m sorry” •Logan holds out his arms and Roman doesn’t even hesitate to collapse against the other man’s chest •Logan wraps his arms around Roman and the two sit there, Roman holding back sobs and Logan silently letting his tears fall Old partner in crime, I’m going to try To fall in love with you again •After a few minutes, both of them have calmed down a bit •Roman leans back, but makes sure Logan’s arms stay wrapped around him •”about your offer—” •Logan’s eyes widen ever so slightly and he tightens his arms around the other •”I’d love to be friends again, Logan.” •Logan lets out a relieved breath •”in fact, I’d love to try dating you again. Only if you want to though! And we’d take things slow, of course! But I just feel like we’ve both learned from our mistakes and grown in the last few months. We know now that communication is extremely important, especially when our emotions are at extremes.” •Logan smiles •”I would also love to rekindle our relationship, Roman.” •Roman smiles back •”would you like to accompany me on a date to… say, dinner at your favorite restaurant?” •Roman’s smile gets impossibly wider •”that sounds wonderful, Lo. Meet tomorrow at seven?” •”that’s perfect, Ro” •these two nerds in love just stare at each other, smiling and happier than they’ve been in months •until Roman’s phone rings, his manager’s name showing up on the screen •”oh, shit”
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timeoutforthee · 5 years
Like it or Not-Chapter 21
Taglist: @itsausernamenotafobsong, @sea-blue-child, @iaminmultiplefandoms, @princeanxious, @uwillbeefoundtonight, @zaidiashipper, @arandompasserby, @levyredfox3, @falsett0, @error-i-dunno-what-went-wrong, @scrapbookofsketches, @podcastsandcoffee, @helloisthisusernametaken, @amuthefunperson, @michealawithana, @yamihatarou, @heck-im-lost, @unlikelynightmareconnoisseur, @idkaurl, @bubblycricket, @fnp-alizay, @neonbluetiefling, @comicsimpson, @a-little-bit-of-ace
Summary: Logan, Patton, Roman, and Virgil are all struggling in their recovery. Their doctors, Thomas Sanders and Emile Picani think they can help each other out.
Aka Group Therapy AU
Trigger Warnings:  Remus, disturbing imagery, reference to suicide
Read it on AO3!
“Today, we start a new chapter,” Mr. Hurley announces at the front of the room.
Roman lifts his head up from where it was resting on his desk. He was definitely not thinking about yesterday, about what it could mean, where it meant he was going, nope, he was not thinking about any of that. Especially not now. Now, it was time to focus on theater.
“Playwriting,” his teacher continues, “is one of the most necessary parts of a theater production.”
Roman perks up even more at that. A form of storytelling? Meaning he could be a part of the theater and not be seen at the same time?
“I know you guys have been brainstorming for a few weeks,” Mr. Hurley says, “Today I want you to get with a partner and discuss your ideas. You will be working with this partner to write a play, which then will be performed in December. To really push your creativity, I’m going to be assigning the partners.”
Mr. Hurley starts calling out some names, and the desks around him start shifting.
“Roman and Remus,” Mr. Hurley says.
Roman must have heard him wrong, from all the chairs squeaking. There was no way his partner was-
But then he heard a laugh from next to him, and he turned to see Remus Duke sitting next to him.
“Oh, isn’t this exciting?” Remus asks.
“So what were you brainstorming?” Roman says, immediately cutting to the point.
“I was thinking we could do an offbeat story. Something that will really leave an impression on the audience.”
“A good impression, right?”
“Sure,” Remus says, in a voice that says he couldn’t care less what kind of impression it was, as long as it was an impression. “So I was thinking we could play with more mature themes.”
“Like what?” Roman is dreading the answer.
“I want to start off with an affair. A man catches his wife cheating with his best friend. So he goes to his other friends searching for support, but they all side with his friend-”
“Why...why would they do that?”
“I don’t know, you could figure that part out,” Remus says, “So he’s alone and unwanted so he pours gasoline over his head-”
“Whoa, whoa, what?”
“Yeah, and then he takes a match-”
“Does he survive?”
“Survive? Of course not, he set himself on fire!”
“Why?” Roman brings his hand to his forehead, “Why would you-what made you-you know what? Forget it. No.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve been brainstorming for a while. I’ve got plenty of ideas.”
“Do you have any ideas that are less-”
“...well, you said it, not me.”
“No,” Remus huffs, “People need to be challenged, Roman.”
“Challenging people and telling people’s stories honestly is one thing,” Roman counters, “Telling a story because you think it’ll get a reaction is another.”
“Oh, what’s the difference?” Remus says, “It’s the same story in the end.”
“No, it’s not,” Roman thinks back to all the times he’s read a story that claims to represent him and finds out it’s just mocking him, “Just-trust me.”
“Wow, a very compelling argument,” Remus deadpans, “You can’t write off any idea that isn’t your own, Roman.”
“That’s not what I’m trying to do!”
“Really? Because it sure seems like it to me.”
“Okay, fine, what are some other ideas you have?”
“I want to write a Thanksgiving story-”
“Okay, that sounds nice-”
“About a girl with bulimia who has to suffer through the holiday.”
Suddenly, Roman can’t breathe. He’s hit with flashes of what happened, what he did to himself yesterday. How much Thanksgiving affects him. The idea of having to immerse himself in the holiday for four months while they write this story seems unbearable.
Remus scoffs, “I knew you would shoot down every idea I had. You’re not the only creative one in this class.”
“Mr. Hurley would never let us do it,” Roman knows it may be a stretch, but it’s worth a shot.
“I am the one who stepped up and took over the role of the beast. Mr. Hurley will let me do whatever I want. Besides, it’s a small play. We don’t have to worry about pleasing suburban moms.”
“Look, we can do any idea you have, just as long as it’s not that one,” Roman says. He immediately knows he’s made a mistake by the way Remus’s face lights up.
“Any idea?” Remus twirls the ends of his fake mustache.
“Well, we can discuss-”
“I don’t think so,” Remus says, “You said any, and if you want to take it back now, I bet we could see just what Mr. Hurley thinks about the eating disorder idea. But if I had to guess, since I am his new star, he’d probably love it.”
Roman opens his mouth to respond, to figure something out, to get himself out of this somehow. But just as he does, the bell rings. Remus smirks.
“Great. I’ll pick an idea for us and bring it in tomorrow.”
“I hate Remus,” Roman says, sitting down at their makeshift table in Mrs. Spencer’s room.
“Hate is a strong word,” Patton says.
“Don’t care. Hate him.”
“I would support you in this but I have no idea who you’re talking about,” Virgil says.
“You might have seen him around,” Roman says, “He wears a fake mustache.”
There’s a pause before Virgil says, “What?”
Roman shrugs, “He’s worn it since freshman year. Trust me, that is the least weird thing about him.”
“He’s worn a fake…?” Virgil shakes his head, “Okay, whatever. What’s the weirdest thing about him then?”
“His obsession with sickness, his obsession with buttholes-”
“Buttholes?” Patton asks.
“His obsession with death, his obsession with everything dark and evil in the world.”
“Sometimes a story needs a little darkness,” Virgil says, shrugging.
“Not like this!” Roman says, frustrated.
“Okay, yeesh, sorry, Princey.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just…,” Roman sighs, “I have all these ideas and people don’t take them seriously because they’re...butterflies and rainbows...meanwhile they’ll take him seriously even though he’s writing everything for the shock factor. Like sorry I think stories should be a fair representation or that they shouldn’t bother at all.”
“I think that’s fair,” Logan says, “Especially dealing with sensitive subjects like death and illness. Surely you can reason with him.”
Roman barks a laugh. “Reason? With Remus? Hysterical. Hilarious. Can’t be done.”
“Sounds like you guys have had a history,” Virgil says.
“You could say that,” Roman says, “If by that you mean we’ve hated each other for years and constantly have to battle it out for the lead.”
“Plus, you guys kinda look alike-”
“No, we don’t!” Roman interrupts Patton. “Sorry, I’ve gotten that a lot.”
“So, it’s true?” Virgil asks.
Roman groans, finally grabbing his lunch and setting it on his desk. “There is a slight, small possibility that we have a tiny similarity, sort of, kind of.”
“There’s a yearbook over there, Virgil,” Mrs. Spencer speaks up, pointing to the back book shelf.
“That’s not necessary,” Roman says.
Virgil gets up and walks to the back of the room.
“What’s this guy’s last name?”
Roman sighs “Duke.”
“Duke...and Prince…?”
“Oh, shut up,” Roman says, half-heartedly.
“So, I have unfortunate news,” Virgil says, finally finding the page, “This guy looks very much like you.”
“I know!” Roman says, throwing his hands in the air. “We look alike, we talk alike, but when it comes to ideas and creativity, we couldn’t be any farther apart! He is everything I don’t want to be.”
“That’s an interesting insult,” Virgil says, shutting the book and heading back to the table.
“Less insult, more truth,” Roman says, “I just...don’t want to be so careless in my art. I want to make something people enjoy, that they want to come back to, time after time. Something classic. And he just wants...I don’t know.”
“Aw, that’s beautiful, Roman,” Patton says, “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to write happy things.”
“Yeah, it doesn’t make your art any lesser,” Logan says.
“And your ideas aren’t set in stone yet, you could use one of your’s.”
“Yeah, about that,” Roman says, taking a bite of his food. “Remus wanted to write a story about a girl who-and I quote-had to suffer through Thanksgiving.” He sees Patton’s face fall out of his peripheral vision, but he continues anyway, “I told him we could do anything as long as we didn’t do that one, and, of course, he took me seriously.”
“Is there any chance your teacher would stop it?” Logan asks.
“My teacher currently hates me and handed the role of the beast to Remus on a silver platter, I doubt it,” Roman says.
“Teachers don’t hate their students,” Mrs. Spencer speaks up again.
Roman and Virgil look skeptical but keep their mouths shut.
“Maybe you could bring something up to him if Remus’s idea is too bad,” Patton offers.
“I guess,” Roman says, “I mean, it’s not like I have anything to lose.”
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sonatanotwo · 6 years
Home on the Range Thoughts... A LOT of them. XD
Oh my word. We learned a lot this episode... and yet still learned so little or had so many more questions thrown into the table. XD Oy vey. Also MOM REFERENCES OH WOW. Was even more than kinda had hoped for even, since was a double reference no less.
SO. Let's break this down. XD
- Where is the ranch? NO IDEA. Nothing to give a hint was given, except for mention of coyotes ...so... mid-west. ...Aka what we already figured. lol
- The ranch came from their Mother's side of the family. \o\ (And as bro pointed out... past tense. ;A; BelongED. No shock though... really as expected there. XD)
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- They visit every year.
- I couldn’t pick up any indication if they actually had actually fully lived there at any point.
- Side note... WHERE IS THE REST OF THE GROUND FLOOR? No really, unless there's a door hiding behind the double front doors.... there's only that room, then stairs. There was no other doorway in that room. looooooooool Someone kinda missed that detail. XD
- Clearly have memories of it though going back... as they speak about their Mom (!!!!) having taken them horseback riding. (Also SQUEE that it was Virgil who brought it up. ;A;)
- However, Alan has nothing to add, presumably because he can't remember/was too young? That's what feels implied.
Which leads into something that confused me a titch with it's wording...
- Kayo understands and Alan says... the confusing thing. "Oh yeah, right, you were away at school most of that time too, weren'tcha?"
(This... sorta implies "you were at school like I was" ...but why...would they all be having memories of that place but Alan was left out? Whu? But that REALLY doesn't make sense to me... they wouldn't all go on a trip with their family without him. lol So I'm guessing it's more meant to read "oh, right, you weren't around then too" and the school bit is in there for our information and they kinda missed how it made it come across. lol)
Other things!
- VIRGIL AND SCOTT THERE AT THE START. Oh gosh. HE LET GO, so Scott could grab on. a;soijdasda Oh gosh Virg a;soidjas
- a;sjdsaoidads VIRGIL IS DRAWING. Pretty darn sure he was drawing from the movements you can see in the end scene in particular... it's very circular and goes from lower page to upper, in pretty smooth motions, using his whole arm, which is very a artist thing. It's not writing movement at all.
- ...Virgil is drawing with his left hand?! TOS Virgil painted with his left hand in Atlantic Inferno, but was right in Move and You're Dead... prolly was just a error but. lol Even Wikis notes this, saying it suggests he's ambidextrous... at least somewhat. XD
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SEEMS LEGIT. Cause that's a lot of right hand use there. Nosing a bit more... Breakdown you see like... he takes the bagel with his left, but goes to shake hands with his right. And Volcano he rings the bell with left... Recharge takes the grapple gun and fires it with his right... Yeah... looking ambi alright. XD ANYHOO.
Also a;soijda Alan seemed to be watching him for a moment at the end there? Hee ^__^
- MEANWHILE... I noticed Scott used his left to steer his hover bike and hold the Kat's hand. XDa Man, gonna have to go back through eps now and watch more for this hahaha.
- Speaking of, him holding Kat's hand was really sweet, gosh. ;A;
- Also speaking of Kat Cavanaugh ...I was sorta, man why did they use THAT model again... then I realized. Go watch the start of Falling Skies again. The reporter in that? KAT CAVANOUGH. SHE RETURNED. Another clever return of a old semi-background character like in Man from TB5 with what Bernard Bottomsley. XD
- Lol Parker is really good at accidentally stumbling onto things, isn't he? XD
- I'm kinda sad didn't get to see the boys all sitting in TB2... What's the copilot pecking order??? John? Gordo? or Alan? WHO? Well, prolly would be Gordon, but... It shall remain a mystery for now.
- What is certain is... the height pecking order we thought things appeared to be is correct... John is a bit taller than Virg, but a bit shorter than Scott. XD
- No one. NO ONE, facepalms like Scott does. XD (I really want a Virg one without a helmet gosh XD)
- MAX <3 <3 <3 <3 I love him. SO MUCH. Gosh, him going for that mecha. HAhahaa XD 
- Only problem with checking the radio times info is seeing who's VAing who, so oops, Mechanic was no surprise. XD
- GO EOS!!1!!! Gosh, she was awesome in this. =D I believe she disconnected the Mechanic's connection there to his mechanical beast. You see him throw his arm out like did earlier to make the scorpian do something and.. it didn't. And you see Max look down, as if watching to see if it'll move.. then nothing. (So he rips it's head off. :D GOOD STUFF, MAX. :Db)
- And OH GOSH. How about that for character development... Kayo asks if should follow and then LISTENS to common sense. :D
- OH MY GOSH, Alan and Gordon actually squabbling a bit. XD Troublesome Two indeed. XD lol YEAAAAAAAAH... I think that just definitively just confirmed they're the youngest alright. And I sense adlibbing at the end there. XD
- OR MAYBE NOT quite so adlibbed. Oh gosh! CAUSE LIKE. Kayo and Alan's convo earlier triggered John talking about where a photo was of Gordon on a horse backwards? Then Virgil was sitting there while Kayo and Alan had their convo so prolly overheard it to some extent. And Kayo was saying we'll make our own memories here.
SO then we have Kayo asking someone to take a photo (of Gordo and Alan I assume XD) and Virgil obliging all "Camera's rolling... We're making memories, Alan! Hold still." Hahahaa What dorks. XD
TRACY LOUNGE PIANO MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! a;soidjsaoa  asjdaso a;osjda If you don’t know this, go youtube that title. Right there. It was in Trapped in the Sky! At the end. Virgil played it. :D I was SO hoping to hear this sometime in the series... I'm just sad it wasn't Virgil playing it. XDDD If it was actually meant to be playing in the house and not just background soundtrack, I bet he was one who chose it though. hahahaa X3a Although it's not got the middle bit, but prolly couldn't have fit the whole piece in that scene so.
Until I think of something and edit this post. lol This is also why I use cuts a lot. lol
Heights confirmed for sure now... and about what I thought... John might not be older than Virg, but he’s definitely taller.
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GOSH a;osijda ALL STANDING WITH EACH OTHER (....Brains... were... you always taller than Gordo? Something seems... ... weird?? o.Oa ANYHOO.)
ALSO did I mention John teasing Gordon over the horse thing was adorbs and awesome? IT WAS. I liked that exchange so much.
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stormyrecords-blog · 7 years
new arrivals 9-22-17
stormy records
13306 michigan ave
dearborn, mi 48126 313-581-9322
so many great new releases this week!!! wow!! call or email us if there is something you would like to place on hold or do mailorder for. we use realy great mailers!! new items for friday SEPTEMBER 22nd 2017 VATrax Test (Excerpts From The Modular Network 1981-1987)2LP  $31.99
Trax Test is the first ever survey of Italy's pioneering, visionary, and influential label and mail art collective Trax, which ran from 1981-1987 as a network for the creation of collaborative projects. The collective included a pre-NWW Colin Potter and some of the earliest work from Masami Akita, aka Merzbow, but also had deep connections with the art world; a few Trax members went on to become famous designers and artists -- Ettore Sottsass of hugely influential Memphis Group even guests on vocals on the last track of the compilation. The whole selection here is rare as heck and sorely in-demand by collectors, much of it now making its vinyl premiere some 30-odd years after the fact. With credit due to compilers Vittore Baroni of Trax and Ecstatic's avowed wave fiend, Alessio Natalizia (Not Waving) -- who was also behind the Mutazione (Italian Electronic & New Wave Underground 1980-1988) compilation (2013) -- Trax Test is a portal to the international scene which laid the grassroots for a proliferation of electronic music over the proceeding decades -- a pioneering part of the infrastructure for independent music distribution which could be said to pre-echo the myriad social networks and platforms today. As Frans De Waard astutely points out in the 16-page booklet, there were no "templates" for this thing back then, meaning artists did everything DIY: from cutting, pasting, and Xeroxing their artwork to experimenting with recording techniques and disseminating their work; all resulting in a wonderfully daring and freeform mosaic of ideas which valued the virtues of ostensibly "unfinished" or open-ended work. Traces of disco, cosmic krautrock, jazz, electro-pop, and industrial noise are all tessellated across the compilation's 25 tracks, with a number of artists and the same equipment -- cheap drum machines, synths, FX and tape -- cropping up in various, mutant formations. This set is right up there with the best compilations from Vinyl On Demand, Light Sounds Dark, or Minimal Wave. Features: Cancer, M.A.Phillips, Nausea, Amok, Mecanique Vegetale, Daniele Ciullini, E-Coli, The Cop Killers, Peter Mayer, Rod Summers, Robin Crozier, Capitalist Pig, Biagio D'egidio, Piermario Ciani, Vittore Baroni, Nocturnal Emissions, De Rezke, Ado Scaini, Enrico Piva, Giancarlo Martina, B Sides, Colin Potter, Naif Orchestra, Merzbow (Vacation Of Merzbow Lowest Music & Arts), Monty Cantsin, Die Form, Utopia Production, Spirocheta Pergoli, Nostalgia, Ptose, Ddaa, Zone Verte, and I Nipoti Del Faraone. Mastered by Matt Colton at Alchemy. NINOS DU BRASILVida Eterna  LP  $29.99
Nico Vascellari and Nicolò Fortuni come out to play in the dark on their third and deadliest LP as Ninos Du Brasil, taking their fascinations with ritual musics -- from Brazilian Afro-Latin tribal rhythms to library music and freezing Scandinavian BM -- deep into the festering undergrowth of their shared, exotic aesthetic. Where the cover of their first album for Hospital Productions, Novos Mistérios (HOS 411CD, 2014), depicted a naked man covered by a leopard pelt, Marvin Gaye Chetwynd's oil painting of a screeching Chiroptera in flight on the Vida Eterna jacket makes a strong visual allegory for NDB's finer tuned spatial sensitivities inside, with their churning rhythms now embedded in fathoms of dread space and father shaded in layers of processed vocal chants, both punk, metal, and tribalistic. The big highlight is no doubt the closing cut, "Vagalumes Piralampos", where Arto Lindsay, the legendary founder of DNA, chimes in on a stygian, moonlit jag between the eyes of bossa nova, batacuda, and the sort of esoteric electronics also charted by Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement or Cienfuegos. But it only really makes sense after you've expended your energies along with the band thru monstrous techno shakedowns such as "O Veto Chama Seu Nome", the soca-like rush of "Condenado Por Un Idioma Desconhecido", or found yourself lost, without coordinates, in the pitch black breakdown of "No Meio Da Noite" and have been hypnotized by the stalking rhythms and atmospheres of "Em Que O Rio Do Mar Se Toma". The creation of this album, inspired by vampirism, was born from a collaboration between Vascellari and Fortuni with producer Rocco Rampino, whose love of dense textures and low-end bombast masterfully and cleverly couples with the bands explosive percussive charge, resulting in eight tracks that mimic sharp blades scything through a nocturnal jungle. RIYL: Psychedelic Warriors Of Gaia, Female, Vatican Shadow. Cut at Dubplates & Mastering, Berlin. Comes in a gatefold jacket. OZKENT, MUSTAFAGenclik Ile Elele   LP  $25.99
2017 repress, black vinyl. "Originally released in Turkey 1973, Özkent's masterpiece (creation) of an all instrumental Turkish Psychedelic Funk album, filled with classic beats and breaks still inspires long time fans and first time listeners. The funky rhythms, hypnotic percussions, and heavy break beats makes this a holy grail amongst DJ's and music fans alike. Only a handful of copies from the original pressing are known to still exist making this reissue a welcome addition to any record collection. The concept is very complicated, futuristic and free from categorization. Traditional folk songs mixed with rock, jazz, blues, funk and psych. Özkent took traditional turkish folk songs and reconstructed them for the new 'hip' generation. It was recorded live in just one day with some of the best studio musicians in Turkey. The band was made up of 2 drummers, 2 guitarists, 2 percussionists, a bassist and a Hammond B3 organist. Özkent created his own unique guitar sound by adding extra frets and a clutch of effect pedals in order to create quarter notes and emulate turkish traditional scales. Mustafa Özkent has since made arrangements for hundreds of other artists in Turkey. But this unique album documents his most revered work. In the more than 40 years since the Mustafa Özkent Ve Orkestrası recorded Gençlik İle Elele, it seems that the world is still just discovering this gem." SILVER APPLESSilver Apples  LP  $26.99
2017 repress. Formed in 1967 as a psychedelic electronic duo featuring Dan Taylor on drums and Simeon on a homemade synthesizer consisting of 12 oscillators (and an assortment of sound filters, telegraph keys, radio parts, lab gear and a variety of second hand electronic junk), Silver Apples quickly gained a reputation as New York's leading underground musical expression. Their pulsating rhythmic beats with the use of electronics laid the groundwork for what would become 'Krautrock' Silver Apples was released in 1968 and still remains an innovative and revolutionary album. Their highly influential sound has influenced countless bands from Stereolab, Beastie Boys, Blur and more." VINCENTFast Forward  12"  $21.99
Music From Memory return with four tracks drawn from the St. Louis musician Virgil "Vincent" Work Jr.'s cassette debut from 1987, Fast Forward. Following a compilation taken from one of Virgil's collaborative projects, Workdub (MFM 012EP, 2016), this album reflects a more stripped back and raw musical approach. Experimenting with rhythm programming, midi, layering, sequencing, digital effects, and sound synthesis, the Fast Forward sessions grew from a series of late night jams with Vincent's brother Scott. The songs that would form Fast Forward evolved out of improvisation, lending a unique often spatial and searching quality to the tracks. O'DWYER, AINEGallarais   LP  $24.99
David Toop, on hearing Áine O'Dwyer's Gallarais and the subsequent conversations between November 2016 and January 2017. "Sleep music, the underworld. Twenty-six letters were sent, not far to travel, from Proust, hypersensitive writer to his upstairs neighbour, Marie Williams -- 'I was rather troubled by noise . . . I was trying to sleep off an attack. But at 8am the tapping on the parquet was so distinct that the Veronal didn't work and I woke with the attack still raging.' Marie Williams played harp, though it was not the harp that dragged Proust from the fumes of a bedroom armed against asthma attacks, cork-lined to smother noise.. . . Proust spoke of an imperceptible breath, 'like the wind breathing into the stem of a reed', mingling with the subdued song of his dying grandmother's breathing, 'swift and light . . . gliding like a skater towards the delicious fluid', the human sighs released at the approach of death . . . 'Who's there?' cries out the old man, stark terror pulled awake at the faintest of noises from pitch black vicinity of an unseen doorway. . . . There is one voice or two, whispers of shaping breath thrown into far obscure and occult recesses of the space as if spirits on the wing whose feathers shriek and keen. They are swans with near-human heads, carrying the lightness of souls, moving between dry land of the living, subterranean rivers of the dead. Sleep music they make, its murmurs written by the method of 'passive writing', a transcribing of tongues unknown to all but the most open of listeners. . . . The space was a cave, a tunnel, a room without windows. A skull without eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, though as Beckett had noticed, the soul turns in this cage as in a lantern, silence 'beating against the walls and being beaten back by them'; the space was a chapel, upturned boat, perhaps the curragh that carried Maildun and his crew to the Isle of Weeping, the Isle of Speaking Birds, the Palace of Solitude. . . . 'Within a house described by Mary Butts, in Ashe of Rings (1998), the bronze note of a clock rings, 'like a body falling bound into deep water'. . . . The body descended into the tunnel, never to return as itself." Sky Music: A Tribute To Terje RypdalCD  $16.99
Guitarist and composer Terje Rypdal (1947) is probably as close as one gets to a living legend in Norwegian music. He has received a number of awards, including three Norwegian Grammies (Spellemannpris), the last being the honorary award in 2005. Sky Music is a heartfelt celebration of an inspirational artist and truly unique guitarist who hasn't fully received the due credit and recognition he deserves for over 50 years of music making. Initiated by the experimental US guitarist and lifelong Rypdal fan Henry Kaiser, Rune Grammofon put together an all-star band including keyboardist and long-time Rypdal side-kick Ståle Storløkken (Elephant9, Supersilent), bassist Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (Scorch Trio, The Thing), drummer Gard Nilssen (Bushman's Revenge), guitarists Even H. Hermansen (Bushman´s Revenge) and Hedvig Mollestad, Finnish guitarist Raoul Björkenheim (Scorch Trio), and Swedish guitarist Reine Fiske (Dungen). Kaiser also played and produced while Hans Magnus Ryan (Motorpsycho) added bits and pieces and Jim O'Rourke beamed in his exquisite contributions to "Sunrise" from Tokyo. Bill Frisell, Nels Cline, and David Torn delivered their solo interpretations, Cline with the aid of cellist Erik Friedlander. AUBURN LULL Hypha   CD  $16.99
vinyl coming soon
The reclusive midwesterners return from dormancy with nine stunning, elegantly sparse tracks that showcase the band at its most focused, melodic, and mysterious. While distinctly sounding like Auburn Lull, Hypha veers into uncharted territory, delivering surprises at every turn. The hallmark cavernous guitars and vast, slow-motion expanses, though still present, are reigned in, restrained, and paired with a newfound sense of minimalism and a broader palette of sounds, textures, and shapes. While the band have existed for more than 20 years, they've always remained a well-kept secret to the wider indie community. Hypha is a brilliant example of why the band's rich textures and precise compositions are adored by so many. "... discerning ears will find that Auburn Lull's rich tapestry is as dangerously hypnotic and transporting as it is soothing." --Tiny Mix Tapes WIRE, THE#404 October 2017   $10.50
"Jlin, Frances Morgan profiles the Chicago footwork outlier. Meanwhile, inside the issue... Tomokazu Hayashi essays a user's guide to the pioneering electronica of Yellow Magic Orchestra, Ryuichi Sakamoto and Haruomi Hosono. Geeta Dayal meets veteran Swiss visual artist and kosmische music producer Walter Wegmüller. Invisible Jukebox: Penny Rimbaud; Epiphanies: Noel Meek; Inner Sleeve: Paul Steinbeck; Global Ear: Portland; Unofficial Channels: Pop Not Slop. And in the Bites section, we feature: Hanba!, PSF reissues on Black Editions, Marianna Simnett and Dominique Lawarlee." GODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR Luciferian Towers lp $22.99
cd $14.99
The sound of Godspeed’s radical fury takes a sideline on their impeccably composed sixth album. It contains their most melodic and powerfully positive-sounding music to date. RITUAL HOWLS 12" Their Body $14.99
Ritual Howls are a unique brand of industrial rock with death jangle-like guitars. Collaboratively, Ritual Howls create a surreal, introspective gloom that could fuel a disco in hell, a soundtrack to your favorite nightmares and most grisly fantasies MOGWAI Every Country's Sun clear vinyl lp $26.99
Every Country's Sun takes two decades of Mogwai's signature, contrasting sounds - towering intensity, pastoral introspection, synth-rock minimalism, DNA-detonating volume - and distills it, beautifully, into 56 concise minutes of gracious elegance, hymnal trance-rock, and transcendental euphoria. Produced by psych-rock luminary Dave Fridmann, it's a structural soundscape built from stark foundations up; from a gentle, twinkling, synth-rock spectre to a solid, blown-out, skyward-thrusting obelisk. There's percussive, dream-state electronics ("Coolverine"), church organs as chariots of existential fire ("Brain Sweeties"), tremulous, foreboding bleeping -Â possibly from a dying android ("aka 47"). Their most transportive album yet, it also hosts their most fully realized art-pop sing-along of their storied history, "Party In The Dark," a head-spinning disco-dream double-helix echoing New Order and The Flaming Lips, featuring Braithwaite's seldom-heard melodic vocals declaring he's "directionless and innocent, searching for another piece of mind". This is music as a keep-out chrysalis, protective audio armor through exalting organs and portentous, dissonant guitar fuzz warping at the edges, bending the world inside-out into a reality in which you'd much rather live. The last three songs ascend into explosive exorcism, closing with the colossal "Every Country's Sun," its searching intensity whooshing towards infinity in a dazzling cosmic crescendo. LINA TULLGREN lp Won $19.99
Lina Tullgren is from Southern Maine just over the border of the northernmost seacoast of New Hampshire. It's an unexpected location for artistic incubation, but osmosis is bound to occur when you grow up surrounded by family, friends, and weirdos interacting at all times with their own interpretations of creative output. Shifting in trainings and traditions, the 23 year old eventually found herself a voice with the electric guitar, uniquely flavored and shaped from the many years of fiddle lessons and classical technique. The shifts in genre and instrumentation are stark, but important for her growth as a songwriter. Lina's morphing interaction with music has mirrored a growing determination to harness her ability to melodically and lyrically express complex emotions - a rare gift at such a young age.With 2016's Wishlist EP - recorded to tape at the home of band mate Ty Ueda - Lina proved an ability to craft simple, introspective and succinct songs, each one a pulsing glow leaving you both hollow and whole, alone but never lonely. It is on Lina's debut album Won that we reap the full rewards of this newfound confidence in expression and rejection of internal hesitation. "The writing doesn't necessarily get easier, but I feel more comfortable tapping into emotions and going to those places that need to be written about. Won, as it turned out, is the product that I have been hearing and picturing in my head as I write and listen to music." It is the product of what happens when you push past the fear of what it means to think out loud - to become accountable for your internal struggles by way of manifesting your ideas into songs that are then free to grow apart from you, to exist on their own while always remaining specifically implicative of you. Now backed by a full band, each track manages to remain piercingly intimate, sometimes brief, and always honest, while gaining a wholly new sense of gestation both sonically and lyrically. BEHIND THE SHADOW DROPS lp Harmonic $20.99
cd also $13.99
Behind the Shadow Drops is the new solo endeavor from Takaakira 'Taka' Goto, founding guitarist and composer of iconic Japanese experimental rock group, MONO. Established in 2016, Behind the Shadow Drops combines Goto's disparate but commensurate interests in many different forms of music, most notably ambient, trip-hop, industrial minimalism, and modern classical. Recorded at Goto's home studio and mixed with esteemed producer and percussionist, John McEntire (Tortoise, The Sea and Cake, Yo La Tengo), H a r m o n i c merges Goto's dynamic, moody compositions with McEntire's renowned drum programming and percussive sensibilities. What begins as a passing resemblance to the more melancholy work of Goto's ensemble, MONO, slowly mutates into something otherworldly, submerging in a symphony of synths, drum machines, noise loops, and mournful strings (courtesy of Los Angeles experimental cellist, Helen Money). Resembling something like waves rippling in the ocean under a cloudy moonlit sky, H a r m o n i c is as eerie as it is beautiful - a vast abyss punctuated by seemingly endless glimmers of light. OMNI lp Multi-Task $15.99
red vinyl
Atlanta, GA trio Omni charges out of the gate in 2016, stunning everyone within earshot with their debut longplayer, "Deluxe"; a dizzyingly refreshing amalgam of wiry post-punk jitters & a dash of zen cool. "Multi-task" is their latest offering & all signs point to the coveted goal of "next level".Guitarist Frankie Broyles (ex-Balkans/Deerhunter) & bassist/vocalist Philip Frobos (Carnivores) crafted "Deluxe"s eleven tracks in their practice space with friend & engineer Nathaniel Higgins. They returned to Higgins for "Multi-task", recording basic drum tracks at Higgins' home studio & overdubbing bass, guitar, vocals & more during two separate trips to a remote cabin in the woods near Vienna, Georgia."Multi-task" is a more musically adventurous step forward for the band, keeping the frantic, fleet-fingered fingerpicking of Broyles' guitar work & Frobos' dead-cool delivery while expanding their musical palette & to include whispers of post-Roxy glam & Postcard Records pop. "Multi-task" balances the band’s trademark off-kilter & unconventional jams with an elegance not found in many of their contemporaries, Omni pulls it off with grace & style, still whirring on their minimalist funk-fused agit-pop while creating an album that is awash in the excitement of new love, or fleeting attraction - a journey from that dizzying buzz of first date pheromones found twirling on the dance floor to the cab ride cool-down to home (or wherever.) WAYFARING STRANGERS Acid Nightmaresdouble lp $26.99
cd $16.99
first few copies will come with a cool numero record tote bag and deluxe label catalogAs the hippie movement hurdled towards its emanate demise, bad vibes infiltrated the rock world. Tainted LSD, loud motorcycles, and a series of brutal deaths spawned inspiration for guitar-wielding teenagers across the globe. Implementing deafening fuzz and satanic screams to create their proto-metal monstrosities, short-lived stoner bands pressed their lysergic experiments in microscopic quantities before blacking out entirely. Lifted from the ashes of the acid rock hell fire are 18 distorted tales of dope fiends, pill poppers, and the baddest of trips. Deluxe 2LP comes housed in a blacklight poster-style jacket, replete with flocking and lysergic neon. 24 pages documenting the creeping existential dread of the hard rock underground are tucked into the gatefold pocket alongside two dead dinosaur-heavy LPs. Compact disc is packaged in standard Numero slipcase, with digipak and 40-page book, limited to 2000 copies. METZ lp Strange Peace $18.99
cd also available $14.99
loser edition vinyl
“We tracked fourteen songs in four days. It was the first time we felt confident enough to just play live and roll tape,” METZ guitarist/vocalist Alex Edkins explained of the recording process in a press statement. “Strange Peace is much more diverse and varied than anything we’ve done before, which was exhilarating, but terrifying, too. We took the tapes home to Toronto feeling like we’d made the record we wanted to make.” In terms of theme, the tracks on the LP are said to be about “uncertainty.” “They’re about recognizing that we’re not always in control of our own fate, and about admitting our mistakes and fears,” Edkins continued. “They’re about finding some semblance of peace within the chaos.” Waxahatchee - American Weekend  $20.99
LIMITED EDITION PRESSING ON WHITE VINYL Flat Duo Jets - Pink Gardenia / Man With The Golden Arm  lp $22.99
The two a-sides here - Pink Gardenia and Man With The Golden Arm - were both originally released on the self-titled debut album by the Flat Duo Jets (1990), and have never been released on vinyl. These two b-sides are both outtakes from the original sessions for the album, but have never before been released. All four songs have been remastered, and are being released on special colored vinyl, in a deluxe gatefold package. Disc One - on pink vinyl 1a. Pink Gardenia 1b. Penetration Disc Two - on gold vinyl 2a. Man With The Golden Arm 2b. Bumblebee Boogie Grubbs, David - Creep Mission lp   $24.99
Creep Mission is an album of instrumental compositions with Grubbs's effortlessly recombinant electric guitar at its core, and its m.o. is to go both deep and wide. The album goes deep in the sense that the guitar becomes the relentless, meditative focus of these songs without words, and it goes wide in that these pieces utilize a discontinuous set of arrangements that make the most out of an extraordinary group of musicians convened for the mission at hand. Wand - Plum lp $20.99
Wand are back, with music colored weird orange and rouged to Plum. Teeming, dense, at times wildly multichromatic sounds; an idiom, an inside joke, a talisman, a bookmark, a mood ring, a long evening's shadow of loss and longing. And meanwhile all the shifting weather, the wireless signals, the helicopters overhead.... Tricky - ununiform lp $25.99
Tricky returns with his 13th album, ununiform, out in September on his own label False Idols via !K7 Music. It's a delicate, storming, intricate album that sees Tricky take perhaps his most radical step yet a journey into happiness and contentment.It's a record that shows the legendary British producer confront his legacy, history, family & even death itself. And in all of this, he finds the strangest, least familiar thing & peace. Laraaji - Bring On The Sun + Sun Gong (CD) $16.99
Laraaji's Bring On The Sun is a collection of brand new studio recordings, recorded by Davey Jewell (Peaking Lights/Flaming Lips) and mixed by Carlos Niño (Leaving Records). A magical mixtape of tracks that run the full gamut of ‘Laraaji music’, from blissed-out percussive jams to reflective vocal hymnals to trance-inducing drones. Available as a 10-track double CD with Bring On The Sun on the first disc, and a bonus disc of Sun Gong, the previously limited run vinyl-only pre-cursor to the main album. Laraaji - Bring On The Sun (Vinyl) $25.99
Laraaji's Bring On The Sun is a collection of brand new studio recordings, recorded by Davey Jewell (Peaking Lights/Flaming Lips) and mixed by Carlos Niño (Leaving Records). A magical mixtape of tracks that run the full gamut of ‘Laraaji music’, from blissed-out percussive jams to reflective vocal hymnals to trance-inducing drones. Available as an 8-track double vinyl LP which includes download card. Luna - A Sentimental Education lp $26.99
Thirteen years after they released their last new music, beloved indie rock band LUNA return with two releases: an LP of covers: A Sentimental Education, and a 10” EP containing six new Luna instrumentals: A Place of Greater Safety. Both releases will also be available in one double-CD wallet package. The covers album finds Luna covering the Cure, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Rolling Stones, YES, Fleetwood Mac, Mercury Rev and others. Luna are touring North America in November 2017. Upcoming events at Trinosophes 9/22: New Music Detroit's Strange and Beautiful Music opening night with m usic by  Khemia Ensemble,  Juxtatonal: Jocelyn Zelasko and Bryan Hayslett,  YAK,  Joel Peterson (with Lisa Raschiatore clarinet, James Greer viola, Abby Alwin cello),  New Music Detroit (featuring  cellist Una O’Riordan) and  Rebecca Goldberg 10/10: Circuits Des Yeux 10/14: Grails Related 9/23: Trinosophes present Ryan Jewell Duo at night two of Strange and Beautiful Music at The Max M Fisher Music Center . 10/26: Joel Peterson original score to silent classic   Der Golem  at Toledo Museum of Art   EL CLUB UPCOMING SHOWS  (most shows all ages - ticket will say all ages or not)remember - tickets are cash only. this saves us all the service charges!! the spits, screaming females  sat sept 30th $15
cold cave sun oct 1st $18
joyner lucas mon oct 2nd $12
touche amore fri oct 6th $25
tokimonsta sat oct 7th $15
the bronx tues oct 10th $17
algiers fri oct 20th $13
giraffage sun nov 5th $17
kelela tues nov 7th $20
parquet courts thurs nov 16th $17
daniel ceasar sun nov 19th $15 MARBLE BAR (all shows 18 and over) tops fri sept 22nd $10
nude party tues oct 10th $5
pickwick thurs oct 12th $12
grails sat oct 14th $13
cults sat oct 21st $19
hoop sun oct 22nd $5
bully wed nov 8th $15
shy girls thur nov 9th $13
cold specks wed nov 29th $10 ASSEMBLE SOUND (18 and over) the blow, ema fri nov 17th $13
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