#akira l.
jhami-lu · 2 months
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Algo que era pa Halloween pero que no pude terminarlo en su momento x""d
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sadkois · 1 year
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here u go @koissad (I LOVE U NISHIKI IM SORRY)
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dyminesblog · 2 months
Here are my favorite characters
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Forever and ever
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mysterycitrus · 5 months
i think damian wayne has a substack with a very long dissection on the portrayal of the judicial system in death note
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silverwoodwork · 6 months
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The odd genius with an insatiable sweet tooth has gotta be a trope at this point, right?
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yume-fanfare · 7 months
it's great that enstars is taking such a clear anti-ai position and educating their players about it, but at the same time it sucks that makoto had to be the plot device to introduce the topic again
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cokeaddict3000 · 11 months
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I think about this all the time
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cookkoo · 1 year
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"You always did know what to say." Here go one of my fave scenes from Might Be It by @bhujerban​ If you haven't, then please read it. Fill your shumako energy with this beautiful fic. 
Thanks C for the kind offering to trade the art with me! Hotdamn, you did drag me out of my sad cave and now I have this beautiful art on my wall
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kassgender · 7 months
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✰ L (DEATH NOTE) ID PACK ; requested by @abandonedknowledge !
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NAMES ; — Adam , Ari , Atlas , Blanc , Cypher , Detective , Elias , Elle , Evander , Law , Lawrence , Lena , Lyric , Melchior , Noir , Poe , Rival , Sherlock , Vex , Vie , Zeta , Zero
PRONOUNS ; — ae/aem , ciph/cipher , ey/em , ly/lyric , mask/masks , myst/mystery , puzzle/puzzles , rain/rains , sie/hir , sol/solve , sweet/sweets , sxe/hxr , thou/thorn , xy/xyr , ?/?s
LABELS ; — Caffean , Detectivegender , Detective Aroace , Dymalic , Inklexic , Limindream , Noxvir , Obscurumystic , Ouroborn , Paradox Gender , Uncannything
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jhami-lu · 2 months
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Se supone que era una dinamica pero no encuentro el post original xd
Está es mi wawa Aki
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sadkois · 1 year
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10 mins later after majima convinced nishiki to go out on a guys night :)
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chromantlks · 8 months
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A friend said this was them, idk p5 yet sorry lol
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 years
tigerfish ramblings
I really enjoy thinking about them healing and coping with each other so I hope yall enjoy! this will prolly have some repeats from my last hc post but this is a lil more in depth
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they could meet up in prison, Saejima noticing the new guy who’s just entered the regular population, apparently housed in a medical prison due to severe injuries. it was recommended Nishiki stay where he was but he insisted he didn’t want to be pitied for the current state of his body. anything that happens to him now is more than deserved—he’s convinced he should suffer for everything he’s done.
so Saejima sees this sad sack, struggling with something, and decides to help him. Nishiki doesn’t want it but something about the way Saejima insists is different. Saejima’s not here to feel sorry for him. he can tell Nishiki’s an independent sort of guy. Saejima’s just pragmatic: thinks if this guy’s got a mind to keep living despite his trauma then he might as well put in the effort to make living worth the time—get help when you need it; it’s a waste to spend it struggling. so he offers that help and Nishiki’s never really considered that—that he doesn’t have make every living moment hell for the sake of some self imposed punishment. he begrudgingly accepts. he’s still unsure if he should be allowed kindness but this gets them to talking.
they find out the two of them are Tojo fools, Nishiki being wildly impressed Saejima’s the 18 Count guy but the big guy’s not so proud of it. it hits Nishiki coldly, that someone so legendary is here with him now, rotting away in jail, nothing to his name other than murder. he relates that he was a patriarch himself and now he’s nobody, fundamentally dead to everyone who’s left alive to care. they both have a sad little laugh over the things they’ve done only to end up in the same place, perhaps already forgotten.
Saejima’s had all the time in the world to think though, to understand that what he did will always follow him so he looks to the future. what’s there to do than move on and face the hauntings that plague him? however, Nishiki’s still fresh in the realization that everything was for naught. that his life’s work afforded him nothing but irreversible damage and a legacy to be ashamed of. Nishiki wants to move on but can’t. it’s too soon and too real. Saejima’s hopeful, though.
he wants to see his sister, Majima, his boss, he wants to know what’s happened since he was put away. Nishiki doesn’t want to see anyone. doesn’t believe he’s deserving of seeing anyone. Nishiki wants to undo everything and wonders, would Saejima do the same? Saejima doesn’t see the point in asking. what would it change? would it make him feel better? to pretend he didn’t do such terrible things as if wishful thinking could minimize his actions? no, now is just acceptance and punishment. taking responsibility. Nishiki... he has trouble with that. he can’t wrap his mind around moving on—to a degree he doesn’t want to. he wants to stew in loathing and blame. it’s all he’s ever really known of course, being in Kiryu’s shadow. Nishiki regrets decisions while Saejima regrets things he hasn’t yet done. Saejima knows he can’t change the past so there’s no point trying to live in a time that no longer belongs to him. Nishiki wishes he could. that it was that easy.
Nishiki thinks Saejima would have been a great patriarch because he cares. he cares like Kiryu does. he’s kind to people that don’t deserve it like himself. Nishiki thinks it’s great that Saejima has people waiting for him since he can only wish that for himself. Saejima asks about this Kiryu guy and Nishiki’s quiet. doesn’t even know how Kiryu’s doing after the bomb. he hopes he’s okay, alive at least; it’s Kiryu, he has to be. Nishiki laughs, saying he should have been more like Kiryu, more caring and brave and steadfast. maybe things could have turned out different. maybe he could have been better. Saejima tells him that anyone can be better, but they don’t have to be like someone they’re not.
Nishiki’s shocked. his entire life was a comparison to Kiryu and this guy, this legendary guy who’s too good to him, doesn’t compare him to Kiryu. it’s not normal for Nishiki to feel valued. it’s not normal for him to think someone’s not lying to him. but Saejima must mean it right? to see value in someone like him who’s done nothing but self loathe and self punish. maybe he’s just being nice but Saejima’s so blunt and sure of himself that Nishiki can’t help but believe him. he was right about this guy, Saejima cares a lot. too much. Saejima has to get it through Nishiki’s thick skull that he cares just the right amount. 
so maybe Nishiki can feel vulnerable around Saejima. feel like himself again. someone that doesn’t have to put up fronts. someone that doesn’t have to worry about how he looks when he cries about better times when life was easy and simple. when he remembers his sister and how he feels like he failed her. Saejima gets that. he mentions Yasuko and hopes she’s okay. hopes that everything he’s done hasn’t destroyed her life but he knows it’s not the case. how cruel it was for him to leave her without a word, without a plan. Nishiki would say Saejima is someone Yasuko would be proud of, not for his actions but the person he’s become. remorseful and mournful. human. Nishiki forgot how to be that and for the first time in a long time, he’s been able to feel real again. 
but the guilt comes back. Nishiki fails to see how Saejima can think he deserves more than even basic human kindness, how he should have died in the explosion, how he’s a waste of space. Saejima grabs him and tells him to sack the fuck up and realize that living is their penance. to survive is to do better, be better. that’s how they’ll make up for the things they’ve done and if it takes the rest of their lives then that’s how it is. punishment is living through the consequences. judgement is the guilt and burdens they’ll have to bear. he says they deserve to live because they deserve to face their responsibilities. it’s about doing good with the time they have left and that means being more than just worm food. it’s why Saejima’s so compassionate, why he’s so helpful. he’s not going to take more from the world than he can give. he’s already taken so much just to end up with nothing. what a real waste it would be for them to rot away when they could do so much more to atone. 
it’s curious, how Saejima wants to be strong for others than himself. Nishiki wants to try but thinks he can’t. Kiryu was always the stronger one, in every sense. Nishiki is nothing without Kiryu. Saejima sits him down, tells him he doesn’t know who the fuck this Kiryu guy is at all so he doesn’t matter. Nishiki has to stand on his own here and it’s terrifying. he can feel himself being judged but it’s not Saejima doing it, it’s himself. he’s afraid. he’s seen what he can do, what he became. yet he’s equally ashamed of the weakling he was. Saejima commends him for still being here, despite the damage to his body, despite the hurt he caused, despite the fear he has. there’s no weakness in that. 
Nishiki takes a long time to feel comfortable as himself again. he wants to be his own person, to really try to be better. but what can they do really, while in jail? Saejima says it doesn’t have to be some grand gesture. it can be small things. simple things. even if it’s just offering a friendly hand to someone who didn’t think they deserved it at all.
forgiveness isn’t easy, nor should it be, but the act of trying to get it, to be better to deserve it, to wallow in the pains of coping and healing is both punishment and freedom. Saejima laughs, “shit’s gonna be difficult but it wouldn’t be fair to us or anyone else if it weren’t.”
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aestriiyazar · 2 months
Idk what to expect from this book btw but faeries have got to be one of the hardest few myth creatures to fuck up cause theyre just out here wanting to fuck and be fucked up
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ilovejojo · 8 months
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