#alan rowe
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...If there is one rule in British TV series of the late 1960s to early 1980s, it is that if your series contains a character by the illustrious appellation of "Prince George", that character must
be of noble stock, and foreign(-ish) parentage.
be distinguishable from the rest of the cast by his fashionable attire of pastel colours garnished with the star of the Garter.
wear a blond wig of essentially period-appropriate, yet somehow irritating proportions and (suspected) powers; it is left for the viewer to decide whether the wig long ago devoured the Prince's brains, being a sentient creature in its own right, or whether it insulates the Prince's brain so well against matters beyond the tip of his own nose that he speaks ineloquently to the point of being perceived as being not quite the brightest candle on the royal wedding cake by all around him.
for the above reason be somewhat annoying at all times when he opens his mouth.
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...And for every Prince George, there is a somewhat less tall, soberly-attired dark-haired man in a black coat who, though inferior by birth, manages to obtain a certain standing in the world by way of a ruthless personality and razor-sharp wit, whom Prince George can turn to and accept as the actual brains of the operation.
The First Churchills aired in 1969, the third season of Blackadder in 1983. If this is a coincidence, I will tell you for the affordable price of one of Baldrick's turnips. ;-)
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mariocki · 8 months
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The Saint: The Ex-King of Diamonds (6.17, ITC, 1969)
"That's on account, honey, I'm gonna give you the balance later."
"Listen, you go in and lay one on Boris, you're going to get yourself arrested for assault."
"I ain't gonna lay one on him. I'm gonna kill him."
"I thought you Texans are supposed to be smart?"
"We are! And too trusting."
"And thick-skulled!"
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picspammer · 4 months
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Happy Desolation Row anniversary, released on this day in 2009 ⚡
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wsrf-arts · 2 years
Even Old Guys become Badass.
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This is actually Garif from Doctor Who
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yuriinadress · 1 year
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DC Pride 2023 #1 pin-up by Brandt & Stein - "Youth Center"
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bonesrbleaching · 11 months
hot take of the day. if barbie is Woman and ken is Man then alan is a Secret Third Thing. this claim is supported by the entire movie existing and also because i said so
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ahbasta09 · 7 days
Spoiler new Alan Becker short
(Someone is going crazy under the cut)
I love how the episode was quite 'cartoony' lol. And Green fighting the silverfishs omg
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Poor Green 😔 he always suffers😔😔 he just wanted to do his opera😔😔😔 But..
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ANYWAYS IT WAS SOO GOOD AS ALWAYS MY FAVORITE EPISODE SO FAR (I know I'm going crazy but that's understandable, I almost lost my voice ;-;)
So much work has been put in this one like THE MUSIC, the animation, everything! Good job Alan Becker team!!
Just wanted to share my thoughts and feelings on this one cuz OOOMAGAAD SO GOOD
Bye lol
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I posted one earlier but it was bad so here an update ;-;
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scowlsnwhiskey · 1 month
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commissions open!! 💛🌻
updated and offering two new options
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tai-janai · 1 month
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these are ezekiel and alan ! a couple of guys in the midst of a series of murders. i wonder who our suspect could be?
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thats zeke, he's a sociopath. he kills as a way to express himself. he is very well-liked by his peers, and has worked quite hard to be favored by everyone.
and alan. he's depressed, and he kills people he deems are bad. he was inspired by the murders in his area to enact his own crimes. little did he know, he sees the serial killer in his everyday life.
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story goes: ezekiel kills. inspires alan. alan kills. ezekiel finds alan killing. ezekiel blackmails him into being an alibi. alan has never gotten attention from other people and wants to befriend ezekiel. alan likes the cool, honest, uncaring version of zeke he sees when they're alone. after a while, ezekiel realizes he's kind of happy to have someone he doesn't have to put on a mask for.
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ezekiel doesn't realize alan likes him. he just thinks alan is a pushover who is easily manipulated and blackmailed. they kill people.
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edutainer2022 · 10 months
As per usual, @janetm74 incredible insight into Jeff and Scott gave me a push to wrap up a little piece that has been in my drafts for a while. It's mind-numbing fluff. A morning talk-show with Jeff Tracy upon return to Earth provides grounds for some much needed revelations.
As interviews were going these months, this was a smaller one. Done privately from the desk in the lounge via a holo-com. Ever since the dramatic return from Oort Cloud, already christened the "Rescue of the Century", every media outlet worldwide wanted a piece of him. Jeff didn't feel much like putting up with most of it - eight years in outer space on meager rations and slim hope was a brutal awakening once they were safely back on Earth. Besides, he'd rather not waste any more time than necessary on media coverage, away from his family. He'd done his fair share of that in his active duty days, and Lord knew he had A LOT to catch up with in his sons' lives. A lot! Some things he gleaned and pieced together in observations and a backlog of reports were more... thought provoking than others. But some visibility was needed and even expected. He understood that.
The interview for a morning show in a different timezone was to be short, capped up with a ten-questions blitz to lighten the mood. The outline of questions, as per usual, was screened by John and Tracy Legal, and pre-approved by Jeff himself. His only recommendation this time around was the order of points in a blitz.
If the boys were surprised he asked them to sit in through the interview, obscured by the sunken lounge, they didn't show it. Jeff made sure everyone was on the island, Scott back from NYC and the Tracy Industries Board full of questions and incessant worries as to the perspective changes in status quo, Alan back from campus orientation, even John planetside for the weekend (something that had become a frequent and welcome habit). They knew Dad sometimes struggled with social situations these days and needed some cheering along and support - which was provided with unreserved abandon.
The interview was running its course smoothly, as they neared the 10 questions section. The show anchor was all smiles - the mock-blitz questions were submitted by the viewers and the most frequent or special ones were selected.
- So, Mr. Tracy, you were the First Man on Mars, the Founder of International Rescue, you set multiple supersonic speed records. How would you describe yourself in one word?
Oh, that was an easy one. He would have used so many words years ago as applied to himself or others applied to him - some more on point, some vain. A pilot. An astronaut. An entrepreneur. A husband. A son. A hero. A Thunderbird. A man of the world. A friend. A savior. A failure. A legend. An idealist. A leader. A survivor. Jeff Tracy still was all those things, in different measures. But eight years of the endless night, with nothing but his thoughts, memories and dreams for company, have distilled his self-awareness to one point of absolute clarity:
- A father.
He could hear the collective breath escape his sons' lips and a soft glow washed over their features.
He smiled in response and the blitz went on.
- What are you most proud of?
That too was a no-brainer, but he might need more than one word to answer exhaustively. Never hurts to elaborate on global television:
- My sons. There are no words to express how proud I am of their accomplishments and of the incredible people they grew up to be: my youngest son Alan is a prodigy, the youngest rocket pilot in history, Gordon is an Olympic champion, an environmental activist AND an Aquanot for International Rescue, Dr. John Tracy, the Voice that Answers, holds multiple PhD degrees in Astrophysics and Computer Science, my son Virgil is an accomplished pianist, like his mother, and a recognized artist on top of being busy full time with International Rescue engineering.
Smiles were blooming on his boys' faces up to a point it became apparent he stopped his answer at four. Jeff could swear there was a sheen of tears in Alan’s eyes, whereas light brown and turquoise turned momentarily hard. Virgil's whole face was a shimmer of disbelief and betrayal. Scott's eyes, soft and understanding, and infinitely sad, would be enough to stop the interview right there and backtrack. But he needed to see this through just right. The news anchor was beaming, as they were down to the last question:
- That is certainly a LOT to be proud of, Mr. Tracy. I'm sure the whole world, anyone who has ever needed help from International Rescue, would agree. But our viewers want to know one last thing from the Hero of the Century. Do you know you're called that? That's a tough mark to measure up to! Well, who is YOUR Hero, Mr. Tracy?
The anchor probably would have never guessed how simple and ready that answer was in his mind. He didn't need a moment to think:
- My eldest son. Scott Tracy. Everything International Rescue is today, everything our family is today - we owe to him. I owe him my life. I know nobody stronger in the face of so much pain and pressure. I could survive in outer space, but I am not sure I could ever do what he did in my absence. I have never admired or respected anyone more. I am a better man for being his father. So it's simple as that, Scott Tracy is my hero.
The holo projector barely flickered out when he was barreled into midriff by a flurry of warm and blond, and fierce. Alan hugged him tight and mumbled "Thank you!", no doubt aimed at his words not only on all other brothers, but on Scott. He meant every one of those. Soon he was in a circle of strong arms and within reach of the most beloved young faces, incandescent with emotions and hope. All but one. Scott lingered behind, as he was disturbingly wont to since their first hug in the Oort Cloud - hence Jeff's little staged performance today, as a desperate measure. He held his eldest son's gaze unwaveringly across the lounge, aware of the tears streaming from still astonished blue eyes. It was an instant loss to step out of his boys' embrace even for a brief moment, but there was something he needed to do. He crossed to the couches in three big strides and held Scott as tightly to himself as the still recuperating muscles would allow. It hurt to know the boy would be this surprised to be acknowledged and appreciated. But Jeff was gifted a second chance to let all his sons know how cherished they were. How precious. He'd waste no minute of that. A tight hold of arms was soon around him and Scott again, more confirmations of affection all around washing over. There was nothing he'd rather do for the rest of his life.
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heldenherzchen · 10 months
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my perfect evening/night: watching jurassic park 3 and drawing my fav paleontologists. 😌💖 (instead of going to sleep at a reasonable time / getting rest before work in the morning lmao)
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holmesoldfellow · 6 months
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Black and White promotional photos for "Young Sherlock Holmes" (1985)
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petzel · 28 days
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oldshowbiz · 10 months
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Xavier Cugat's restaurant was directly beside Alan Hale Jr.'s restaurant.
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yuriinadress · 1 year
So, just for fun, let's say that this pin-up from the pride anthology is a canon event
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Alan Scott was born here
There are at least 4 Metropolis-based heroes featured in the pin-up (Miguel Montez, Dreamer, Gossamer, and The Aerie (i say at least because Miguel isn't currently based in Metropolis but was at one point))
Gotham City:
3 Gotham-based characters featured in the pin-up (Bluebird, Cullen Row, and Bernard Dowd)
Green Lantern's base of operations pre-New 52
Where the 2nd JSA HQ was located
Capitol City:
Green Lantern's original base of operations from when he was introduced in 1940
Civic City
Current base of operations for Green Lantern
The first JSA HQ
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ringingbell1978 · 3 months
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The Island of Dr.Moreau (1996)
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