#alex everymanhybrid
veespee · 3 months
Alex Koval HCs
bc i love him with all my heart
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-He will often, especially when he tries to sleep, massage or pet himself. Like petting his hair, or massaging the back of his shoulders, and he will close his eyes, imagining it's his mother's hands instead of his. He also has a habit of acting like his parents were still alive to cope. (i'm pretty sure that's canon, since when Jeff asked him if he wanted to go somewhere with him, Alex said: “let me go ask mom real quick”, which,,, got me sobbing)
-He was an EARLY Alex G fan. Race was released in January 1st 2010, so that's the first album Alex got to know. Probably from friends or something, but that would be his inspiration to create his own music. I just feel like he'd love indie and midwest emo. (also HC that his favorite Alex G song is Kicker and/or Animals)
-He doesn't like throwing away objects he has from his childhood. Plushies, pillows, notebooks, anything that has memories attached to it, he'll never throw away. I feel like he'd have lots of plushies of dogs especially, and one that looked like sparky. That's the plushie he’s most attached to, and he keeps it next to his pillow. He's too attached, and even feels sympathy for the objects. (also i feel like he'd be the type of person to bump into a table or something and apologize)
-He's a nail biter. Jeff tells him to stop, although Jeff is also guilty of biting his nails sometimes. I think that Alex's hands would be super warm, even in the cold, as he's too awkward and doesn't know where to put his hands, so they're always in his pockets. He'd also probably bite the flesh around his nails, maybe making it bleed sometimes.
-I have this specific scenario in mind for him, like a memory he has stuck in his mind from his childhood (i just wanted to have my writer moment tbh so here you go): When he was young, maybe around 7-8, he was out in his backyard. It had snowed, and he was just walking around and stomping on the powdery snow that covered the grass. That's when he stumbles upon a small brown bird, a laying in the snow, unmoving. He picks it up, holding it gently in his palms. The bird was unfortunately dead, but young Alex didn't understand. He pet it's head, but it was still frozen. Alex frowned, and decided to take it back to the house to show his mother. He steps inside, his mother was cooking some soup in the kitchen, and it smelled great. Alex walks into the kitchen, the frozen little bird in his palms. He tugs at his mother's shirt to get her attention, and asks her why the bird isn't flying. His mother looks down at him and smiles, kneeling down a bit to get to his level. “Oh sweetie,” she starts, “The birdie is asleep. But it's going to be asleep for a long time.” she softly says, not wanting to upset the boy. She pets his hair gently, seeing that he looks quite sad. “Don't worry Al, we can leave the birdie in the backyard. His family members will find him, and they'll have a happy reunion.” she says, and she can see Alex smile. She smiles back and gently caresses Alex's cheek with her thumb. “See? Now go put the birdie back where you found it.” she ends as she turns back to pot of soup she was making. Alex nods happily and puts the bird back in the corner of the backyard.
When Alex comes back the next day, he goes back to his backyard. He remembers the little bird and smiles, going to check if it's family had found it. Sadly, when he walked towards the corner of the fence of his backyard, he saw a red liquid mixed with the powdery snow. He panicked and searched for the bird, which was unfortunately found by a fox, and looked mauled. Alex pets the bird's head, but it was clear it wasn't responding. He sobbed quietly, not wanting to be too loud and worry his parents and Jeff. So he wiped his tears, and went back inside. He looked devastated that an innocent, small animal could have such an end.
(this mightt be a metaphor for Alex's death… but it's up to the interpretation of the reader :)
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thank you for reading! 🖤
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cryptictwaddle · 1 year
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they’re talking shit about you
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jermashugefatass · 2 years
Low effort post I made while absolutely blasted
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evanhabit-fanboy · 4 months
As an emh fan I think Alex and Jeff are super underrated as characters and story's.
and I'm gonna talk a bit about why
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[Side note; I am a fairly new emh fan, however I am aware of the allegations against Jeff. I am in no way supporting him or his actions, I am talking purely about the character and not the actor]
To start; one of the main reasons I personally got attached to these two's storyline is because of how not center focused it was. Their family and situation was mentioned maybe three or four times throughout the series, not counting the fairmount iteration. Despite being one of the main characters backstory, and currently way of living, it was often glossed over. Which, I really liked. since it was made in the style of being just uploading recordings, it wouldn't be focused on to much, Jeff wouldn't want his and Alex's situation being widely known especially because of how fragile and unattached Alex is/was to the reality.
If you're unaware of what I'm referring to, I shall explain.
in the very beginning of the series not long after we're introduced to Alex, one of the brothers [not sure which, probably Alex] brings up their parents in a conversation, and at the time it's very easily looked over. Not long after, during a livestream, Alex and Jeff are asked to step aside after a question about the two. It is said both of their parents are dead and Jeff is taking care of Alex by himself and its a very touchy subject for the both of them.
throughout the series there's a few things Alex does to show just how messed up and unattached he is. A few of the main examples being; the episode where vinny and Jeff go to the library, when Alex is asked if he wants to go with, he says "I'll have to ask my mom" and Jeff responds with "come on Alex we don't have to do this anymore" and Vinny says some times as well. Alex leaves then returns with something to play audio, he asked the device, referring to it as "mom" if he can go, he plays a recording of their mothers voice saying something along the lines of "I don't know Alex, it's getting late" and Vinny responds saying it's 10 in the morning.
from Jeff's response we can tell this is something they both used to do [or at least encouraged], but Alex being younger, seems to not be able to let go of it. It becomes very clear Alex has attachment issues, assumed to be because of his parents deaths, throughout the series.
The other main event, being during the [I think] movie night after one of the rake attacks when they attempted to go back to notmal. Alex shows up late with a sock puppet on his hand and when asked "what is thay" by Evan, he responds "sparky" [that convo made me cry the first time I watched it]. this was after Sparkys [his dog's] death, another time showing his attachment issues.
Another thing I really like about their storyline is the fact Jeff did everything he knew how to do in order to protect Alex. Alex was the last thing Jeff had besides the other emh members, so it's only natural that he's going to try protecting Alex. Jeff's story alone is really sad to me, but it's even sadder when you put the two's story's together. telling Alex to stay away from Evan may not have been very much, but it was the only thing Jeff knew to do. you have to remember, he's only a college student trying to take care of his teenage brother after losing both of their parents, and Jeff going through the loss of Jessa, he was doing his best.
Whenever things start getting bad for Alex, the rake attacks at the beginning of the series, the nightmares before his death, ect. Alex didn't tell Jeff about it because he didn't want to make him worried. Not only is that really realistic, it also makes sense with their dynamic. Alex knew Jeff was going through a lot, and he didn't want to add onto it, so even when he was getting physically attacked, he kept it from Jeff because Jeff was depressed over Jessa going missing.
Last but certainly not least, my possible favorite moment showing the two's story, is when we see [I'm pretty sure] Vinny, recording Jeff in a car, Jeff is talking about Alex and their parents death. he's saying things along the lines of "I can't be Alex's dad" and "I can't take care of him", stressing about how he, a collage student, is going to take care of Alex, a teenager. that scene absolutely broke me when I watched it, everytime I've watched it actually. I'm aware it's from another iteration, but either way, that's how Jeff would feel, and from other scenes where either the two are mentioned, or when the two are talking, it's made clear that Jeff does feel that way [example being when vinny is talking to Evan after Alex has the sock puppet and says that he's told Jeff to take Alex to the doctor but he always just says "I need to protect him"].
that was way longer then intended it to be especially because that wasn't even everything, but yeah. that's why Jeff and Alex's story is one of my fav not so talked about storylines :3
if you read of that I really appreciate and you should follow cuz I'll probz be posting more like this <3
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Hey is Alex from EMH here?
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intestineless · 4 months
cries over the emh boyos
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snoozingrabbits · 3 months
Ugghgghhhh somone get me testosterone please PLEASEEEE I need to look like these guys
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mmorqq · 9 months
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buggee22 · 9 months
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master doodle dump of dudes being bros? they are just a little bit insane it’s ok.
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bloodjunk · 4 months
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this is ass but I made it so me and my bf have matching pfps on discord
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glowl0 · 10 days
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boinky-doinky · 5 months
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Sigh 😔
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cryptictwaddle · 2 years
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a boy and his dog
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lizihans · 2 months
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th3idi0tsquad · 8 days
some marble hornets pride art!!
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what they’re wearing:
Brian; pansexual
Jay; bisexual, demiboy
Tim; asexual, achillean, demiromantic
Alex; (on cheek) androgyne
Ross (fan oc); trans, demian, achillean
sorry i dunno the comics enough to headcanon anything lol
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habitsbf · 3 months
alright so ive already talked about this multiple times before, but ive noticed posts about this topic FINALLY spreading around more.
the sexualization in the slenderverse fandom is a huge problem, and its only getting worse as the fandom continues to grow.
i feel like people need to be reminded:
separate the character from the actor. do not stalk their socials. do not try to dm them. do not comment weird shit under their public posts.
i rarely see any slenderverse actors interact with the fandom like they used to do. thats because fans dont treat them like actual human beings. i have seen some of the actors complain about being stalked, having people pretend to be them or their significant other online, etc.
its fucking ridiculous. you know what else is ridiculous? the editors and fanartists who ignore people trying to inform them about the actors boundaries + the problem with sexualization.
there has been a LOT of that happening on tiktok lately. so please, if you use the app and stumble across a post that disrespects an actors boundaries:
do not harass them or be mean about it, please just inform them. my friend and i have both been doing this, and we either get ignored or in my case, blocked. at this point, i feel like the only possible way to get people to listen is if they get multiple comments about it.
finding the actors attractive is fine, but PLEASE just keep your sexual comments and thoughts private. the actors and other people in the fandom would appreciate it, ESPECIALLY if you are underage. that just makes it even more uncomfortable to see.
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