#all the others were kinda just for funsies just whatevers
naariel · 8 months
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Halsin, my heart 💚
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
Hello! If you’re taking headcanon requests, may I please request headcanons for what Count Dracula & Erik the Phantom would be like as husbands?
dracula and erik as husbands !
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✧ warnings — some mentions of death and possible spoilers for dracula and phantom of the opera. also like 2 sexual jokes i think
✧ additional info — i got so so excited by this request omg <3 if u wanna id rlly appreciate it if u sent me more requests for phantom of the opera and classic monsters!! also not really specific versions of them but i mainly had the book versions in mind
✧ m.list — nav.
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ೃ༄ erik destler
he wouldn’t wait to marry you
like at all
the second you show him you’re willing to be in a relationship with him and he’s sure you won’t leave him he’s already planning your wedding
of course if you wanted to take it more slowly he might be a little impatient but he’d try his best for you :)
but he’d be so happy if u were ready to get married as soon as possible
the sad thing is he’d get so stressed while trying to plan it because he’d want it to be absolutely perfect because that’s what he didn’t get with christine
and he’d try to convince you not to worry about it or help plan the wedding becaus he wants it to be a surprise for you
however he’d talk to you about what you want <3
so unfortunately he doesn’t know a lot of people 😭 so your wedding audience consists of daroga, mme giry, and maybe christine and raoul if ur lucky and manage to convince them (but they’ll be a little on edge)
and u can invite ur family if they’d be accepting of erik!
once y’all are married it’s so sweet and romantic ohmygod
he’d make u breakfast and dinner every single day, even if he’s had a particularly bad day
he just loves doing things for you
he’d also love writing even more songs and sometimes even entire operas for you or about you, you’re his muse
before he was able to take breaks from bis work to focus on you for awhile
but now you’re married he just can’t be away from you for two minutes
will sit on the floor and talk to u while u shower
or he showers with u
his love language is spontaneously twirling u around and redoing ur wedding dance in the most random places
also carrying u to ur bed if u fall asleep on him or somewhere else, before marriage he’d just let u sleep there and make sure he doesn’t wake u up
such a sweetheart <3
ೃ༄ count dracula
takes his time to marry you
but that’s only because he takes a lot of time working out when and where to propose and shit
and then probably has the wedding planned before you even say yes
which obviously you do
he’d be a little cocky abt u saying yes ngl cause he already knew u would
but the wedding itself obviously takes place at night and mainly other vampires will show up, but he won’t let them remotely near you assuming he hasn’t turned you yet
if he has then go talk to them!! there’s no risk of u dying or getting turned by someone else!!
he’d also rlly like cooking for u and shit since he canonically had to sprint around his castle to make it seem like he had butlers or whatever 😭😭
how good is fucking amazing btw
like god damn
and obviously he has a comfortable ass vampire bed that he’d let u put 60 pillows on if u want
he’d also like have a thing for ur hair no matter how short or long it is
he likes standing behind u and running his hands through it when u do literally anything for funsies
and his fingers are really pretty and long and cold so they feel nice
he also brushes it a lot esp in the mornings
he also doesn’t even look another persons way when he’s with u
and his brides are now just. draculas sisters or wtv 😭
unless u want them to be ur wives too he won’t complain
as much as he loves you there’s time where he js like. wants personal time to go kill people think
id also imagine ur very close with renfield
like draculas kinda mean to him but ur rlly nice to him <3
like for example waving at him when u see him or just going “hi renfield!!”
renfields probably the one who found u ngl
i can’t think of anything else for him mb pookie 😔 i’ll add to this later
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inkwingsinc · 29 days
Darkfluff Outtake #2: bit my gun with my black-gold gums
[ this is a drabble outtake from my ongoing darkfic, still might sneak it into the story somewhere ]
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Darkfluff Outtake #1 Link Here
Fandom: Dune
Character Focus: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Female OC (established relationship) x Female OC (handmaiden to other female OC)
Parent Fic Rating: Explicit (written by an adult, for adults)
Drabble tags: domestic "fluff", inappropriate family dynamics, "my wife and her girlfriend" kinda vibes, unedited
Word Count: 504
To combat writer's block and darkfic fatigue I write little "fluffy" scenes using the same characters to freshen things up a bit. This is an unedited barebones sample, just for funsies.
Full Story w/ Context:
Scene: Feyd-Rautha doesn't have qualms exposing himself to his (or his lady's) handmaidens
Laera was sprawled on the low lounge chair in the Na-Baron’s antechamber when he sauntered in from the bathroom, fresh from the tub and still dripping. Raya had laid her head in Laera’s lap and was enjoying Laera’s soft, idle strokes against the smooth skin of her skull; it was comforting to both women to be physically close, and with Laera’s attention still fixed on the open book propped on the chair’s arm, Raya was free to gaze up at her Mistress in lazy adoration. Her black dress spilled like silky oil around her legs, the hem hiked indecorously to her thighs and fluttering sideways to the stone floor. The fireplace behind them was unlit, and the glowglobe had been called to aid in Laera’s reading.
The cut of light made Feyd-Rautha look obscene, shadows casting in the furrows beneath carved muscle and highlighting his warrior’s body. His wet, naked warrior’s body.
Laera looked up and said with a gasp, “Absolutely not! Put something on, please,” she cried, slapping down one quick hand over Raya’s pretty black eyes. “There’s no need to offend my handmaiden.”
Raya, cheekily enjoying the claim of her Mistress’s touch, smiled a wide, black smile and wriggled happily.
Feyd-Rautha rolled to a stop before the lounge and dripped absently all over the floor. “You’d tell me how to conduct myself when in my private apartments?” he asked. His expression was hard, but the amusement in his rumbling voice gave him away. He clicked his tongue. “Rude. Little Raya would be so lucky to see my cock. Wouldn’t you, sweetling?”
“That is your niece you’re speaking too, for Great Mother’s sake,” Laera bit out. She batted away Raya’s small hand when it raised to her face, presumably to push away Laera’s hiding hand. Naughty little thing, Laera thought fondly.
Feyd-Rautha cocked his head. “Your pet bastard girl is no niece of mine. I assume your prudishness is leftover sensibilities from Caladan. They do things different there, don’t they? I bet your nighttime kisses to your brother were so boringly chaste, Lady Druegelle.”
The thought of kissing Walden with anything other than simple familial affection made Laera blanche. “Whatever Geidi Prime has done to you is poison, Feyd-Rautha. Come on—you’re a fighter, not a lover. Go put on some pants and find a blade to hold.”
His laughter was sudden and chest-deep, and Laera found herself smiling at the sound despite herself. “You’re a delight,” he purred. He moved to step closer, but Laera pointed back to the bathroom with a cocked brow.
“Have some decorum in front of Raya, seriously. She’s only a girl.”
“That is a grown woman you’re cradling in your lap, Laera.”
Laera rolled her eyes. “She’s a baby. She’s, what, a decade younger than me? Come on.”
Feyd-Rautha gave a long-suffering sigh, the sound a performative, mocking gesture. “If I put away my cock will you let me trade places with your little pet? I’ll send her to go soak and you can stroke me instead.”
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yokakaiju · 4 months
i got bored and made a tierlist based off who smokes the most weed
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justifications under cut
so like i made this cause its funny first and foremost, but i did put like somewhat actual thought into this. not much, but synapses were firing in my brain putting this together
also im not tagging everyone, ill just like pick 2 or whatevs
okay so first up is chidaruma. dude prolly invented weed ngl. you know he's smoked everyway imaginable: blunt, pipe, bong, can, apple, vape, synthesized, edible, hotbox, blower; you name it, he's done it. he's kinda over it, but he's still up there just cause like... idk he is and won't take criticism
haru is a beautiful weed smoking gf thats literally it
13's entire schedule is probably wake up, smoke, jerk off, sleep, eat, smoke, jerk off, eat, smoke, repeat. he also would probably kin jesse pinkman
ton is a bitch and smokes all the cross-eye commanders weed. like they'll save up for MONTHS to get like 5oz (one for each of them :3) and he'll be like, "woah! a bag of weed!" and smoke it ALLLLLL in like an hour. he's like a truffle pig for weed, they can try to hide it but his ass always finds it and smokes it all. he would prolly also call it za or skunk or some shit like that
ebisu isn't quite in the high 24/7 catagory, but she could be. dawg loves weed, like she is also 100% a fucking master at rolling blunts she rivals chidaruma at it. rolling blunts is like a sport for her tbh
aikawa's gotta cope dawg. like if he aint at school or currently being possed by demons his ass is smokin that shit bruh he needs a minute to chill. also he's got crazy money (kai's money but shhh) so he might as well spend it on his pookie <3 (risu)
noi may be controversial being up so high, but hear me out. weed smoking gf? i think yes B) mogs at you
asuka also has to cope, but its cause shes a blackpilled femcel (her own words i stg)
chota would smoke, but he hates the smell and doesn't want it to ruin his clothes and shit. he prolly wears like silk gowns and dances around to madonna while trippin off like 10g. he's livin the life tbh
OKAY HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT johnston. fucking johnston is only i repeat ONLY UP HERE‼️ because kasukabe gives him those little non thc thc pills people give to dogs with anxiety and agression issues to keep him calm
poor dokuga cant share with his besties so he's been condemed to eating edibles alone... also smoking/inhaling smoke makes him drool a bit so like a bit deadly for everyone around him to even try. i like, debated on putting him in never, but tetsujo prolly cooks smth up for him so he doesn't feel left out <3
natsuki is only at the top of sometimes because she probably would more if she had money. also she sucks in a blunt rotation cause her ass ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL tries to hold it in and always coughs like a mfer and taps out after like one hit
vaux just makes sense. he looks like an average 30-40smth nu metal oldhead, theres no way he DOESNT smoke at least a little. id put him in 100% but he's also a fairly responsible doctor so liek idk
kasukabe doesnt as much anymore, mostly only when he's with haru, but he still does sometimes for funsies cause he's just chiil like that :3
tetsujo doesn't thattt much cause it fucks with his already dog shit depth perception super bad, but sometimes if ton or the others dont find it he shares it with dokuga and they like yuri pose and eat edibles together or smth idk
ik kaiman is gonna be controversial being so low, but listen. 1) his ass is too focused on socerers and shit to care 2) he's dirt poor. he simply cannot afford it 3) how tf is he gonna smoke with no lips? that blunt would just get chewed to shit. like genuinely he would maybe get one singular edible if nikaido or vaux were feeling nice, but other than that its like, idk almost never for him
i would but shin in never, but ik noi is like "boss!!!! come take hits off this bong with me!! its gonna be so sick omg you HAVE to come smoke with me RN!!!!" and he'd be like "sighhhhhh... anything for my weed smoking gf ig..."
ushishimada is only so low cause i feel like he's too mothery to smoke a lot? like, he's too responsible, but not responsible enough to outright say no. also they're poor asf and ton always smokes it all
fukuyama would get his ass kicked by tanba if he found out, but ik dawgs gotta take a load off sometimes tbh
now again, controversial take but i have reasons. risu is so fucking poor. like, genuinely he is too worried about his tuition, bills, and groceries to give af about it (also cause aikawa is a bitch and makes him pay for everything cause "i forgot my wallet oopsie :3c"). now aikawa does supply him tho and he hooks him up with the primo shit ong. so at least when he does smoke he smokes that good shit (also they yuri pose as well while they smoke)
again, saji is too mommy to smoke that much weed (also another case of being too poor). bro doesn't want his clothes and needlework to smell like shit, which i respect
ai 100% would if his ass wasnt so busy with his damn self expiramentation bs. like, he wants to smoke so bad tbh, but he's like "sigh i gotta work on my plans to rebuild my body from the ground up.. maybe tomorrow" stares longingly out the window imagining how cool smoking weed is
again, kai's over here fuckin "i have to go to work" like he genuinely just doesn't care or have time. he's never even thought about it tbh, like you're tellin me this mfer has had a single thought outside of total domination in his entire existance??? HELL NAH HIS ASS DOES NOT THINK HE HAS ZERO THOUGHTS IN HIS HEAD I STG
now this may also be controversial. why isn't by beautiful coquette cottagecore angelcore babe out there rolling and smoking the fattest blunts known to man? turkey just like doesnt feel it. its not for her tbh. she tried smoking, she tried edibles. she just wasnt a fan tbh. like, she'll cook up some of the tastiest edibles you've ever had if you ask, but she just aint a fan
kirion also just doesn't feel it tbh. again, its not for her and thats alright
wow surprise surprise another controversial take. like, before you get mad just think abt it for a sec. like, she's so fucking business first and always has been that i think she would just see it as a major hinderance on her job performance, as well as the performance of her employees later down the line. now im not saying she's a narc or hardass about it, im saying she just doesn't feel it. the high she gets from people enjoying her food and making money is enough for her tbh. also she does do edibles sometimes, but mostly like when it rains in hole to make it a little less miserable and painful
en is about the same. like, he def has. he's just like, idk. he doesnt wanna. its not for him anymore. he doesn't care if anyone in the family does it, but they better not sacrifice the quality of their work for it. like if he catches you high on the job its prolly like some sort of repremanding, but off the clock he dont gaf
genuinely copy paste nikaidos shit for tanba. he's too worried about his business to even consider smoking weed
now... kawajiri is a fucking narc and a half. his ass would be like "erm ☝️🤓 well actually" and then give a big long speech about how weed is bad blah blah blah whatever no one cares dawg stop fuckin yappin. but like, he's just pissed cause no one will smoke with him or share their weed with him cause he's such a hardass
fujita is kinda weed smoking gf coded, but like ik his ass would be like "EN! EN! I SAW EBISU SMOKING A BLUNT THE SIZE OF HER OWN FOREARM AND TRYING TO SHARE IT WITH KIKURAGE!!! YOU NEED TO STOP HER RN!!!!" but hes only like this cause when he was in a blunt roation with shin, noi, and ebisu they all told him holding it in made you higher, but he ended up puking and they all laughed at him and made fun of him for it because hes a fucking idiot. so now he's an evil little narc who squeals to en when he even catches a whiff of a skunk like scent
curse is a bitch and ik his ass is like "RAAAHHHH‼️ I GOTTA GO KILL THE CROSS-EYES BOSS RAHHH‼️ I NEED TO SEEK REVENEGE FOR MY MURDER RAHHHHHH‼️" like dawg chill tf out be so real rn. he's too focused on revenge and shit to smoke and like, i think if he did smoke and kai also smoked they'd have beautiful hot sexy yaoi, thats just me tho
kikurage is literally just a dog dawg. her ass dont even know what weed is
store crow mauler is like... idk man. idk how it would smoke weed or if it even knows or cares what weed is. whatever, its kinds like a pet so whatevs
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music-orthemisery · 3 months
I’m back with actual thoughts. They’re not coherent, more rambling, but they are thoughts, so here you go!
I’ve been in the fob fandom for a while. I got into them during the hiatus, was on the very outside of fandom during srr, and joined during abap. I kinda floated in and out. This is all to say I’ve seen p2’s post hiatus interactions in various forms for years. I’ve seen people’s different theories, from they are romantically involved, to best buds, to that they are just coworkers.
maybe it’s just recency bias, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them so close or so fond of each other. They just seem to be so… loving towards each other??? Like it’s the french cabbage comment night every night. “I’ve been reduced to the words you’ve chosen for me” who says that??? “You look especially good tonight” “play us a song, love”. and patrick doesn’t roll his eyes, or make a face. what the fuck??? Like, whatever you want to theorize their relationship is, there’s so much love there.
i know not what you speak of - this is perfectly coherent to me!
first off, i don't think it's recency bias at all as i've been defining SMFS as the era where they stopped giving a fuck. i'd argue that not only p2, but also fob as a whole, are the most comfortable and having the most fun than any other time in their career. their collective presence now is SO at ease and joyful - it's truly been beautiful to witness.
more specifically to p2, i think covid really challenged them and had them come to terms with what really matters in life. there has been tangible love between them since the very beginning, but i think they are less concerned about public opinion now and more willing to show that love more explicitly.
the media circus of the 00s' - which was even more cruel and invasive than it is now (IMO) - nearly ripped fob, and p2, apart. looking at sources from back then can give you a picture of that. let me tell you, though - living through it? it was...rough to witness. i'd be shocked if any fan who was paying attention then was SURPRISED by the hiatus.
sad, yes. but surprised? no.
post-h fob was A LOT more careful with their boundaries - they were still themselves, but they were definitely more reserved, especially in how they interacted with each other. p2 were especially more careful and there was definitely a particular...narrative being pushed. they loosened up over time, but. there was a VIBE...
i think the pandemic really did punt them into - fuck it, why don't we just be/do what we want? why are we keeping ourselves in this box? as pete has said many times recently - life is short, so do everything.
(i'd also....be very curious about their label change. you don't just switch labels for funsies. just sayin.)
at the same time, i don't think that trauma from the 00s will ever leave them, so, at the end of the day, they WILL opt to be more private than not, and i don't think we ever will know the true depth of their relationship.
i will end by saying that i REALLY struggle with the "just coworkers/patrick just puts up with pete/patrick is annoyed by pete/patrick,joe,andy put up with pete for the paycheck/etc." narratives that i see float around. i could go on a whole rant on that alone, but i'll keep it focused to this -
if p2 don't actually have the deep relationship they say they do, why do they keep saying it? why is the term "soulmate" being used in 2024? why are they still pushing the narrative about this if it isn't true? they could've left that in the dust YEARS ago. their fame does NOT count on that. fans are often blinded by the fact that this is a HUGE band and the majority of people who make them successful know NOTHING about their band dynamics. they don't need to engage in this "fan service" to be successful at this point, and it's certainly nothing p2 would agree to now after what they went through pre-h.
anon, this is probably more than what you were looking for, but all i'm saying is that your thoughts here are TOTALLY valid and please send more <3
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
IDK if it’s a hot take but I actually like Asmodeus as a softie (albeit still flawed - he is a demon). Even in original myths he’s more of a trickster and protector than adversary.
That said, he really did just become the Millie to Fizz’s Moxxie and THAT pisses me off! Like he just kinda exists to comfort Fizz, who adopted Moxxie’s personality out of nowhere.
There are some really great Fizzarozzie fanworks I enjoy way more than canon, not because it’s toxic or anything, but because it was loving but also fun. There are good canon moments (I actually thought the breakfast and workshop scenes in Oops were really well-done) but a lot of it isn’t fun anymore (especially everything in the Mammon - Crooked makes me want to die) because we know what’s going to happen with them - bland heteronormative MoxMil Part 2.
Again I don’t think they have to be super toxic or mean or anything, they should just be like, for lack of better comparison … Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets. Love roasting the shit out of people for funsies, but generally aren’t malicious unless you piss them off, and are ride or die for each other. Cuddly but also horny at the same time. Not a literal Disney movie Mary Sue Lore Olympus fanfic.
Oh no no me too! But what I like is the idea that he had to work to get there, he seems like he’s had a lot of therapy himself, including some rage issues, which fit into his lore, that he’s overcome. And a masculine character like him showing vulnerability and overcoming aggression to reach softness instead, but eventually to everyone, not just fizz. Is a good message. Him being protective, but also possessive, is an interesting layer to explore. But they won’t. -_-
Yeah toxic or mean isn’t quite right…but cheeky is. Cheeky and audacious, they need to be fun and yknow, actually queer? Actually a queer friendly pair who create an lgbt and kink safe space. Honestly though? Viv creating what is essentially a queer and kink bar, and having them all be hostile to an m/f vanilla monogamous couple, is so…stereotypy. (I know MnM are both bi but here me out) that’s like how monogamous straight people who’ve never left straight conservative spaces, think that lgbt spaces are like.
Not a sub fem princess and a masc dom daddy -_- be fr. Sorry but making them heteronormative isn’t what was subversive, it was the tenderness in between the lust. That’s just gone now if you’re trying to sell that they’re in reality, barely kinky and that he coddles him. And personally I think making Ozzie solely in charge of managing fizz’s disability is what killed it for me. It’s no longer “fizz and oz are partners” it’s “fizz is so weak that he literally wouldn’t last five minutes alive without Asmodeus”
Also? Fans saying that Fizz can never leave Asmodeus because he can just never let anybody else see his disabled body or ever be able to manage his disabilities without Asmodeus and only Asmodeus? Yeah. That’s. ableism. And codependency. He should be with him because he wants to be, not because he has to be.
Oh my god. They’re literally those two, they even sit up in the same theatre area together. Man people are going to actually kill me for this but I ship them as platonic best friends who work at the same job and are flirty as the job requires but see other people. Idk I feel like it’s more fun, like you said.
Crooked was nice but at the same time, i did the fangirl squeals. But….for whatever reason, I was pretty happy when Blitz burst in and, literally, broke it up. I didn’t even ship blitzfizz yet but that scene awoke something in me then I rewatched Oops and saw the letter and flower that I didn’t see the first time, then went back and saw Blitzs jealous faces and jealous behaviour and——
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Pictured—literally me piecing it all together
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valeriefauxnom · 2 months
Dev's (C)Leo Biases,
A Comprehensive History of How Leonidas Became Nearly Everyone's Object of Thirst
So, among the Dragalia Lost team, it was rather well known that they admitted to a strong Cleo bias.
It's pretty easy to see, in anything from Cleo's early spate of alts, like Dragonyule and Summer in quick succession, to the utterly random unique outfits they flaunted in ch.9 that you can just tell they drew for funsies but really liked them and wanted to put them in the game despite it serving no real purpose...
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The dev team just really, really loved Cleo and drawing her. But after they apparently used up their Cleo allowance to make Gala Cleo probably the single strongest character in the game at the time, they cooled it down a bit.
However, as much as they were apparently thirsting over Cleo, I would joke that somewhere along the way, some part of the dev team, feeling desperate now that the yearly Cleo Allowance was running dry as they prepared to release Gala Cleo, decided to find a new fixation to quench their addiction.
And since Cleo was off-limits, they turned to the next best thing: crossing out the C in Cleo to find their newest substitute Dev Thirst character.
That's right, we're talking about the one and only Leonidas.
Leonidas had kinda just melded into the background with the rest of the siblings at this point to my observations. Sure, he was a campaign antagonist. People weren't particularly clamoring for him in particular over the other siblings, though. Honestly, I'd wager Emile was more popular at this stage, even in a 'love to hate' sense, just because we'd already seen him so much.
But then, it started. Whether it was art like this being posted on their twitter just a few scant months before G!Cleo's debut...
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...They just seemed to have a certain edge in artworks featuring Mr. Curry in a way to make one squint and tilt your head sideways.
For instance:
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It's one of those cases where you just kinda get a feeling the artist(s) found x attractive in a way that simultaneously still can give you a moment of self-doubt if that's not just you projecting because there's no blatantly obvious signs, you know? Whether it's something about the posing, or angles, whatever it is, I got this air increasingly whenever they put out any Leonidas art.
Thankfully, they decided to put me out of my misery and just flat out make what's likely the single most suggestive wyrmprint (or honestly art piece in general since Dragalia was thankfully very very very tame) starring none other than, you guessed it, Leonidas.
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(Secret Cygames/Nintendo conversation, probably: "As you can see, it's vitally important that we draw this character in a speedo with sparkles around him." Nintendo: "...I'll allow it. This time.")
Even if he puts on some more clothes in the refined version, we're still back to that air I mentioned, as the shot focuses almost entirely on him instead of the wildly popular Chelle or his pet panther (which, yes, seemed to be an actual pet of his):
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Even the Ilia-damned funny chibi comics got in on this thirst train as it went on and made quite possibly the raunchiest joke in the entire 400+ comic run featuring Leonidas, even if the exact same joke didn't make the translation overseas, however they tried. You can see a brief breakdown of that in THIS post.
Not content to restrict it to art and comics, Leonidas also dropped this line that is permanently engraved into my mind with just how shocking it was to see anything of this caliber in Dragalia, in his baby brother's story to boot!
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At this point, I could no longer deny it: the devs and artists had collectively acquired a new fixation to satiate their once insatiable Cleo appetite in the form of Mr. Currymeister. (Don't worry about Emile there, he's just drowning, he does that all the time in waist-high water)
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And this attitude even extends to in-universe, too! People increasingly fawned over the first prince, who very much was filling in the role of 'this prince you know vs. his hotter and more competent elder brother', as virtually represented by my expert skills in Microsoft Paint artistry as such:
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Naturally, there was only so much time before the people IRL could succumb to Leonidas Fever (and no, this time we're not talking about all the people who were so devoted to this dude to effectively set themselves into a fatal, firey, steroid-filled death!) at this unrelenting onslaught.
It was hard not to see comments such as these that started pouring in (and yes, all of these were just about Leonidas exclusively):
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(I'll attribute the misspelling to being overcome with Leonidas Fever, a grave illness indeed!)
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(Another serious symptom: the decline of any self-preservation instinct around Leonidas, who is indeed Very Dangerous and Will Kill You!)
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Ahem. You get the picture. Thus concludes the slow, insidious buildup from just another sibling for Euden to probably commit a whoopsie-daisy fratricide in the future to one of the fandom's favorite menaces, all carefully plotted-out by the collective efforts of devs who were the first to succumb to the sickness...Right?
This concludes my professional historical report on this very serious issue that I suspect lingers to this day. The Fever has but been put into remission; it has not faded yet.
So a long time ago I commented that some of the royal family seemed to have pointier teeth than normal, which I speculated because they deliberated giving a bit more 'draconic' traits to define dragonblood, and I didn't realize how pervasive this was until I saw Emile's model there. Look at his fang!
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...How did I forget the weapon skin of Leo's gun is additionally named "Royal Dominator"?
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fruit-sauce · 11 months
My swag and totally normal q!BBH headcanons
I need to talk about my thoughts and headcanons about q!BBH, ESPECIALLY after the lore drops of him being like. a manifestation of c!bbh as well as the fact he “arrived” in 9600 BCE??? I need to say my thoughts- NOW. (also for the fact i wanna draw these out, some of them feel kinda specific and/or complicated)
warning, its a lot:
First and foremost, he’s the Grim Reaper. That’s just a canon fact, but! I still like to remember the name “The Saints of Games” and input that into his lore. 
Basically, he started off as angel, just like q!Philza, but (after some deals and not so good things) he turned into a demon. Design wise, he can go between looking like an angel, demon, or just a guy, but that’s mostly for funsies for me lol
As a demon, he quickly became high ranking, eventually working under the goddess of death herself as “the grim reaper.” this is where he meets phil, since now they’re technically co-workers.
He used to only care for guiding spirits and souls in the underworld, but soon discovered that something was wrong. Souls were going missing, sometimes going past him multiple times. This caused him to venture to the overworld (And cause whatever he did in 9600 BCE???)
The cause of his problems was Foolish! :D Seeing as foolish is a literal totem, I like the idea of him being some type of god/demi god that causes rebirth/keep people from dying/etc. This starts their rivalry that we still see now.
As a general, not every iteration of BBH, Phil, Forever, etc. is the same, they all come from different universes and timelines, but can come together and retain the memories as they move forward. This idea came from the fact qBBH wants “a skeppy” not even his skeppy, just A skeppy. Skeppy is not a deity, so, in every universe, he has to meet bbh over and over again, there are infinite skeppys, but only 1 bbh, and bbh knows that. There is a Skeppy in the QSMP universe that’s been with bbh for years now and has some remembrance of other timelines, the “main” skeppy, if you will (mostly eggpire stuff cause i love the eggpire (something i’ll, idk, make a comic about or something one day))
On the island itself, there’s something up with it that, when they woke up on the trains, BBH, Foolish, and Phil were simply drained of their abilities and magic. They still had some, but no where near enough to leave the island or contact anyone. That being said, BBH gets his energy from souls, something he doesn’t like to do with living beings. He also just naturally takes energy from people, so he plays the bit of the grim reaper that wants people to stay hydrated and takes care of all the eggs because if everyone is happy and healthy, he doesn’t have to worry about accidentally killing them!
There are some that resist him tho: Foolish and Phil, obviously, but also Dapper, Cheyenne, and Leo! The eggs seem to take in the dna of their parents somewhat so these 3 also get that pass... Also Missa, Slime, and Rubius..
Speaking of Rubius, BBH and him I feel like HAVE to have some backstory, they’ve totally met before, both are literally angels/demons. 
Back to Foolish, as much as they poke at one another, they do trust each other a lot, when they were in that dungeon where Foolish almost died, in my head, BBH was basically pulling Foolish out of the way of the Vindicators, digging his claws into Foolish, who then used his totem body to keep BBH from dying (when BBH spent 2 totems trying to pick him up) the third totem was a normal totem tho, him saying “You’re making me eat totems” was literal, he held it in his mouth and broke thru it to use it....
that’s not how they’re supposed to be use i just think it’d look cool...
... I need to make an animatic about that...
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rusty--rose · 8 months
thinking about rusty rose (+ black rose by association) soooo headcanons/assorted thoughts time. mostly centered around rusty i just like her
rusty she/it (it/its is out of reclamation + for funsies) black they/she . i dont make the rules i just enforce them
rusty used to be a regular little girl and was horrifically altered into a killing machine. the only organic part of her body left is a bit of its face. if youve ever discussed her with me you know i believe this wholeheartedly despite knowing the rating of the show would definitely keep them from touching on this.
the eye thats behind a cage is like. used for receiving signals and ui and other stuff. but most importantly its pretty much whats keeping its brain going and keeping it from processing what happened to her body. because if she did itd freak out
... i wonder what would happen if someone on the crew pointed it out lol.
something something phantom pains and traumatic memories hitting so bad that she shuts down (literally or mentally? thats for you to decide) for a few days! yaaaaayyy how fun!
i think the no place crew doesnt trust her fully with the obvious exception of black rose . they kinda just let her do whatever. it doesnt process this cause shes too focused on steering the ship and keeping it functioning (at least in the time between dread leaving and the new yoke invasion, which is probably a while if were taking weird time shit into account).
speaking of that. it doesn't sleep! she does that all night! the others have shown concern for this but it insists shes fine.
ok maybe im thinking more about her fully shutting down for a few days now . what about it. i should make a separate post about this but thats not how i operate
itd probably be after blackrose finally says something. i imagine she kinda feels that something is wrong deep down but pushes it back because she doesnt understand that stuff! theyre just a pirate girl! but one day she ends up waking up in the ungodly hours of the morning and goes to check up on rusty, poking her cheek to get her attention, and it just hits. thats skin! rusty is a friend! theyve always known that, but she never really thought about the whole robot thing too hard. and they end up asking about it. it doesnt go well, see above.
sails fixes her its okay :] like its not a perfect job but shes ok . sorry that was a long tangent
anyway YAYY HAPPIER STUFF UHM. i dont think it has a good singing voice. its very flat. not that the crew cares (once they properly warm up to each other at least)
the whole crew is family to me . rusty doesnt know the concept but it makes it feel warm. she thinks somethings wrong the first time it starts feeling like that
im a supporter of the flicky NOT being her power source theory (if it ends up being that you can ignore this part) so . sometimes she lets it out. its the crews parrot :]
idk this post is getting messy. im very sleepy ill just hit post now
also i made this ↓ feel free to use it
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trensu · 2 years
How about a Magic is Real au with a dash of cursed item dubcon thrown in? I feel like there should be more of this type of au in the fandom. Y'know, for funsies.
Okay yeah, Steve probably shouldn't have touched the cursed object. Like, it's practically in the name, right? And Steve might not be genius-smart like nearly everyone in his friend group but he's not an idiot. He's got common sense. He's the one that grabs Dustin by the collar or steps in front of Nancy when they get into their heads to run some genius plan without taking into account that, like him, they're frail mortal humans.
Which is why he touched the cursed object himself--a handwritten poem on some thick paper that's yellowed with age--because if he hadn't, they both would have gone for it. He saw them start to reach out because they're both too stubbornly curious for their own good. He figured if the object was actually cursed, it's better that he carry the curse and have the genius-level smart people on the job of figuring out how to break it rather than them being cursed and benched for it. It's sensible! Of course none of them listen to him. But he's feeling fine so really, what does it matter?
"Okay, hand it over," Dustin says after Steve didn't display any negative effects.
"Nope! Not happening, Henderson," he responds cheerfully. Dustin tries to protest but Nancy cuts him off.
"No one else is touching the thing until it's been put in the neutralization circle. Just because Steve hasn't had a visible reaction to it doesn't mean something didn't happen."
"Look at the bright side," Robin tells the still grumbling Dustin. "We get to visit your favorite dragon master!"
"Dungeon," Dustin says exasperatedly. "Eddie's a dungeon master."
Steve and Robin roll their eyes simultaneously. "Whatever."
So they trek over to Eddie's place. Nancy and Dustin trade off questioning Steve the whole time.
"What does it say?" Dustin asks.
"I don't know, it's just some poem? No name on it. Looks kinda...sappy," Steve shrugs. "Do you want me to read it to you?"
"Better not," Nancy shakes her head. "It might be a spell that activates by voice. How does it feel?"
"...like paper. It feels like old paper."
"No weird sensations? Is it lighter or heavier than you'd expect? Does it look odd when you read from it?"
"No, Nance, it literally just feels and looks like some old-timey English homework."
"And you're still not feeling weird?" Robin asks, because she's his platonic soulmate who cares about him doesn't get wrapped up in every new puzzle that shows up like Dustin and Nancy.
"Still feeling fine. Seriously, I'm starting to think the rumors were just, y'know, rumors." He tucks the supposedly cursed paper into his jacket pocket, ignoring Nancy and Dustin's indignant protests.
They finally arrive at Eddie's place. Eddie opens the door with his usual mischievous grin.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company today, my lords and ladies?" he asks with a lazy half-bow.
"Eddie! We need to use your neutralization circle," Dustin starts to explain.
Steve should probably try to pay attention but he can't because Eddie is here. Eddie is here and taking up all his focus, and if Steve doesn't kiss him right now he might die. Steve moves without a second thought, shoving Dustin to the side to get right into Eddie's space. Eddie's bambi eyes widen (fuck he's beautiful, how is he so beautiful) and tries to take a half step back and hey, that's not allowed.
"Whoa there, big boy, what--"
Steve doesn't know what he was about to ask because he's pulled Eddie close and nipped at his lips. Eddie yelps in surprise, and Steve takes advantage to deepen the kiss The shocked whimper that escapes Eddie's throat thrills Steve. Eddie starts to relax into his arms and all Steve can think is yes, yes, this is what he wants. Distantly he hears someone squawk in shock, followed by other similar exclamations from other people that really really don't matter right now because Eddie is in his arms and Eddie wants him and he needs Eddie to take him to bed right now.
Eddie tears his mouth away from Steve and wait no, why's he doing that, oh, hang on Steve can work with this. Steve presses wet kisses along Eddie's jawline.
"S-Steve," Eddie gasps, and doesn't that just sound delicious? But it would be even better if Eddie would just scrape his teeth against Steve's neck. Huh. That's a...what do you call it? Dilemma? Yeah, a dilemma. How can he get Eddie to cover him in love bites and talk to him in that voice at the same time. He pulls back for just a moment to ask Eddie what he would rather do, because Steve is down for whatever Eddie wants, and in that moment the worst possible thing happens.
Someone else's hands grab the back of his shirt and yank him back while Eddie takes the chance to also shove him away?? Why is he shoving Steve away?
"What the fuck," Eddie says, sounding slightly hysterical. "What the fuck just happened?"
Did Steve upset him? Oh god, what did Steve do wrong? He knows Eddie wants him so he must've screwed up big time if Eddie's pushing him away now. Steve has to fix it, he has to.
He tries to get back to Eddie but the hands on him tighten their grip and Steve nearly growls in frustration.
"Steve what are you doing?!" Nancy asks, voice high pitched and grating and Steve feels a flare of annoyance because wasn't it obvious?
"I was kissing Eddie," Steve bites out.
"Why?!" Dustin screeches.
"Because I'm good at it and I want him to fuck me," Steve snaps. Because, again, this should be obvious and they are getting in his way.
Dustin slams his hands over his ears, screeching again. "NOPE, NO, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THIS."
Underneath the screeching, Steve hears Eddie giggle. When he looks over to where Eddie's plastered himself on the opposite wall (and damn, why hasn't Eddie shoved him up against the wall yet? He can't think of anything better than having Eddie manhandle him), he sees that while Eddie is giggling, he doesn't look exactly happy about it. He looks skittish, which is the opposite of what he's supposed to look like. He's supposed to look like he wants to eat Steve up with a spoon. Steve tries to smile at him anyway because he loves Eddie's laugh and he hates seeing Eddie distressed. For some reason, Steve's smile makes Eddie look more distressed.
"Uh," Robin clears her throat. "So, um, is this something new? Because, I'm kind of insulted you didn't tell me you were dating, Steve. We're supposed to tell each other these things!"
"We're not, we're so not. I have no idea what's happening right now" Eddie interjects and Steve feels his heart splinter a bit. Alright, Eddie might technically be right in that they haven't actually done or said anything about dating or making out or doing dirty dirty things to each other before but that doesn't matter because he knows Eddie wants him and he needs Eddie.
"Eddie," Steve says, "Eddie it's fine, I just want...why are you so far away?" Steve takes a lurching step towards him.
Suddenly, Nancy's hands move from where they'd been gripped into his shirt and puts him in a chokehold. "Nance," Steve rasps. "What? Let go."
"I think we've found the curse, Steve, so no, I'm not letting go," Nancy says firmly.
"Curse?" Eddie asks, looking straight at Nancy and not sparing Steve even a glance, what the fuck. Steve struggles against Nancy's hold but she doesn't budge an inch.
"We were following up a rumor about a cursed object and we found a handwritten poem--"
"--that the dingus of course just had to grab--"
Well that was rude. Steve's gotta find himself a better platonic soulmate. But that's a problem for later, right now he has to figure out how to coax Eddie back.
"He said he was fine though," Dustin whines. "He was acting completely normal!!"
"We were coming over to use your neutralization circle so we could investigate the item safely. And yes, Steve was behaving normally before we got here," Nancy continues to explain. God, why did these people have to talk so much? Can't they see they're wasting their time?
"I am fine, I don't know why you all are acting like this," Steve complains and tries to wriggle out of Nancy's grip again.
"Why we're acting like this?" Dustin splutters.
"We're not the ones acting weird, idiot," Robin says.
"You're keeping me from Eddie," Steve says as an explanation. "Nancy let me go!"
"Yeah, that's not--this is not normal behavior for you, Steve-o," Eddie says, and he might as well have stabbed Steve in the heart. How could Eddie not know how much Steve needed him?
"Eddie," Steve whimpers. He needs to fix this immediately. "Don't say that, Eddie. I'm sorry, whatever I did, I'm sorry okay? Tell Nance to let me go and I'll make it up to you. Just give me a chance. I'll make you feel really good, Eddie, I promise. You want me on my knees don't you? I can do that! You can even pull on my hair."
Eddie makes a strangled sound. Nancy on the other hand makes a disgusted noise that was almost inaudible under another of Dustin's screeches. Robin starts to babble something about getting the paper into the circle yesterday.
Steve really doesn't understand why everyone is freaking out.
(one additional bit to the au)
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fabdante · 2 months
For the DMC reboot:
This might work better before they took down Mundus, and of course the twins would have to know one another better for this to actually work, but:
Dante switching places with Vergil for a day or two because Reasons and being shocked and probably more than a little envious of the sheer contrast. Not even just in how much more money Vergil has than him (tho Dante IS jealous of that; Vergil shows Dante how much he makes and how much Vergil has in his bank account and Dante's brain just kinda stops working for a few seconds, trying to process how big the numbers are), but in how people treat Dante-as-Vergil, compared to how they treat Dante-as-himself. Because yeah, some of it is down to the way Dante acts when he's being himself, and Dante knows this (he just doesn't really know how to be anything different/better, or if its even worth the effort- or if he'll even live long enough for it to matter)... but that's not ALL it is.
The money and status Vergil has helps, that's true, but even just. Being able to walk into a fucking room, say what (you're pretending) your name is, and not have demons or demon collaborators drag you into Limbo or have people otherwise hate and fear you as some monster, and/or treat you like they can tell you're "worthless gutter trash" just by looking at you is... Something. It sure is something.
Idk. I just think it'd be a fun concept to play around with. Especially if Vergil made himself look like Dante and spent the day (or week- however long this takes) running around fighting demons and dodging demon collaborators and probably living in shitty hotels or sleeping on the streets (if he really had to), too, just to really sell whatever ruse they're trying to pull here.
Hopefully this would bring the twins closer together, but I could see it causing problems between the two, too. Which hopefully they could work out, but still. Idk, I just think it'd be Neat.
Side note: They'd probably have to switch swords to make it REALLY convincing, so that could be fun too.
I do think the idea of the twins swapping would be interesting and possibly quite silly!! And it'd give them insight to each others lives!
However I don't know how convincing they'd be asdfghjk they are identical twins in the reboot as far but Kat would 100 percent figure this out immediately upon seeing one of them, which in itself is also very funny asdfghjkl like, beyond the fact Vergil in the reboot is just so insanely pale and Dante is not, it'd take so much work for them to get each others mannerisms down and they might be able to fool others at the Order but definitely not Kat. I can see her walking in on Dante pretending to be Vergil and just immediately like 'ok, where is Vergil, what are you two doing?' to which Dante is going to try and salvage this and fail spectacularly because Kat is not buying his Vergil act, especially now that he's talking asdfghjk I love this concept. I tend to imagine they all didn't leave the Order much at the Dante stage of the plan, but they'd definitely be more convincing around strangers then in the Order.
Flip side of this is also I can see Dante suggesting this for funsies and Vergil just absolutely declining, he does not want to live in Dante's life asdfghjk he is not built to be around dirt he will cry.
If he were to take him up on it though and had to live parts of Dante's life, I definitely think he'd be woefully ill prepared for that. Which might bring him a little more understanding as to why Dante is the way he is, but I do think it might further Dante's resentment towards Vergil because he is definitely just very jealous of how easy Vergil's life has been this whole time.
I also propose a funny alternative: which is Dante wandering around the Order pretending to be Vergil while Vergil is unaware as part snooping mission (he's trying to figure out information on the Order and his brother and Kat and if he can trust any of this) and part just for funsies to see what happens. Some of the newer members are buying it, none of the older ones are, he went on a caper to steal Vergil's clothes from his closet and everything, he acquired a wig, eventually Kat and Vergil catch wind of this and it ends with Dante, in full Vergil cosplay, in Vergil's office while Kat and Vergil are just like ???
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
Omg the amount of people who used to love Toga as a cute yandere waifu they could occasionally ship with Deku and enjoy in sexualised (but totes not gay!!!) fanart who are hating her now that she actually has a genuine shot to be with another girl… Also how is she more problematic now that we know she isn’t actually a bloodthirsty serial killer and has really only killed in self defense than when we all believed she just murdered people for funsies? Any anti Toga people want to explain That one to me?
Yeah it’s absolutely baffling the claims I’m seeing bro idfk what awoke in people after these chapters.
Tiktok is kinda being its normal stupid self, not even trying to think about the characters at all in any sort of way outside of “izu//ocha being canon”
Tumblr is tumblr. That’s all I’m gonna say about that.
Twitter is the interesting mixed bunch. People coming out of everywhere, in this fandom or not, watching with VERY curious eyes as to whether this was actually gonna happen or not. Those people can have wild opinions from “this is never gonna happen it’s a shonen get over yourselves” and “omg are you guys gonna have your own yuri on ice moment?” I also happened to go into an mha discord server when 393’s leaks came out, and it was mostly people complaining that horikoshi is trying “so hard” to make toga sympathetic. People who just hate toga bc she’s toga pulling the dumbest claims out their asses. It’s interesting how, every time there’s a gay chapter, there seems to be a loud minority that likes to make fun of it, talk down on a certain character (toga or bakugou), make claims that it’s not gay before anyone even SAYS ITS GAY.
All of my friends who aren’t really into mha all that much were also celebratory with me when these leaks came out. (Except zay and lends so sillay we’ve been having a party)
I think it’s less about anything to do with her being into blood or whatever other bullshit they keep on trying to claim, and probably (most definitely) about the fact that a queer woman isn’t suffering. She isn’t “getting the consequences she deserves” or whatever. What they’re ACTUALLY mad about is that it’s not a queer tragedy. Imo at least.
There’s always exceptions but damn, the second a character is unconventionally relatable instead of so evil you can’t even comprehend it happening irl, you suddenly hate a characters flaws! Wow! It’s almost like they’re made to be flaws!
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Elenora [@gentleralts] (she/her)
It's an ambiguous time period between 2007 and 2009, and a youth is sitting at their family computer. An online friend on a forum they frequented introduces them to a little website called tektek. This site had all the avatar building assets from Gaia Online (not the forum i frequented back in that day by the way) without having to own any of the items, providing an easy-ish way to show off your RP characters, or to just build stuff for funsies. This youth would not go on to make an actual Gaia Online account until 2017, having learned that tektek has been long shut down and Gaia had instituted a similar sort of avatar building function on their own website. It's just not the same ):
Elenora came about from playing around with what was available in tektek and making up lore for her and the world around her in my head. By this point in time I was kind of starting to feel The Shame™ around my creative interests and never saved whatever I built of the characters I made for this world and rarely drew them out. I even have a specific memory of tracing over one of those How to Draw Anime books to make Elenora and her sister and then throwing the drawing away in the shitty transparent plastic trashcan I had in my bedroom. However, since I recreated Elenora so many times in tektek I still remember what most of her base items were like a decade and a half later.
In Elenora's world, everybody is born with a specific power which is shown by the color of their eyes, hair, and the magic marks on their body. It was mainly elemental stuff like controlling fire or water or electricity or whatever, but a specific one I remember that wasn't an elemental thing was the ability to communicate with animals and get them to do what you want them to if you were powerful enough. Most people had one power type but it was still possible to be born with two powers, usually manifesting in a separate hair and eye color. The amount of magic marks on someone's body correlates to how much potential power they have, and once in a lifetime there's one person of each power born with all the marks, similar in the concept to the Avatar from AtLA but they're all separate girls that are born at the same time and the ones from the last generation don't die right when the next generation is born.
Elenora was born with full black marks, which gives illusion powers and control over shadows. However, she lives in an authoritarian society where those with black mark powers must be killed. She was born alongside a twin sister in a home birth, and their parents kept Elenora's birth a secret until she was able to use her illusion powers to disguise her marks. Things were all fine and dandy with Elenora honing her powers in secret until one day their house got raided and her sister sacrificed herself, claiming she was the one disguising herself to hide black marks instead. This sets Elenora off on a journey along with the ghost of her sister to find all the other girls with full marks and have adventures and overthrow her kingdom's government or something. One specific adventure plot I remember involved them running into a necromancer doing shit in the graveyard where her twin sister is buried, and her ghost merging with her zombie body brings her back to life. Unfortunately, I don't remember anything about what kind of personality she might have had besides "guilt over dead sister."
A teenage girl with pale skin, pointed ears, black eyes, and black swirling marks on her body. She has long black hair tied back into a single braid, and wispy bangs. She wears a cream colored blouse. She is accompanied by the ghost of her twin sister, who has chin-length silvery-blue hair and red eyes
Darktuft [@spiri-phone9] (It/its)
Darktuft is some cat who was the mentor of my old warriorsona Ariespaw, it's pretty cool, I still kinda like Darktuft. It was a generally fun-loving, silly guy. It was also from a clan I made up (I think it was named NightClan? I forgot lol).
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cerealmonster15 · 4 months
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ok. a few years ago like in 2021 or something my friend and made some twst ship fankids and then i kept making more. three of them are hers i think so i will specify the, but i drew this specific stupid little map to keep track of whatevers going on here. no real plot or anything just concepts that i wanted to make a chart for. a multiverse i guess. dont worry about it dont think to hard about it. also the names were just based off the ship names for funsies lol they werent like fully developed or anything oK ANYWAY a brief explanation of each kid under the cut!
so it started with jamil/azul/idia actually. the other guys just kept spawning later lol uhh lemme see what i can remember.
and i had a second image where i'd drawn arrows on top of who is full siblings vs half siblings vs cousins but it was too tangled and also i forgot a bunch of arrows anyway so fsdlkjfjdskl i just left it out so if i sound like im referencing a forbidden second image and forgot to edit out that talk just. that's why lol.
ummm so i believe azeal, azidia, and treya-da were the ones my friend came up with, and i made everyone else lol. we did a little art of them early on but i dont wanna go find or post those 🤸‍♀️ umm also some of them are girls, we just ignore the fact that nrc is an all boy school cuz who give a shit. anyway heres what i remember:
jazzy-zu: she/her, first one i made i think, jamil/azul child. takes more after jamil in terms of athleticism- actually wait i remember we had a stats web chart somewhere too but i dont remember where that is and i dont feel like looking for it lol but i think jazzy was like, high energy and sporty, and has purple hair like azul [deeper purple maybe idr] and tan skin like jamil. i think shes a lil less academic maybe. more of a jock. her overblot i think was a snake hair ponytail + red eyes + fangs + tentacles bc shes also a half mermaid in general. she was maybe more of a prankster schemer and was my fave of the ones i made lol. i debated savanaclaw or scarabia for her but tbh thinking about it now i think savanaclaw is the way to go.
azeal [my friend's character]: he/him, the other azul/jamil kid. i think he was more azul energy and kinda posh lol. less athletic but maybe did fencing? i think the thing with him and jazzy-zu was he didnt like team sports like she does lol. he's in pomefiore. he maybe wanted world domination but i dont really remember. also an octomerman i think
jammi-dia: he/him, jamil/idia's kid. he's got more of a punk aesthetic and is into robotics i think? i remember drawing him with one of those custom furbys so i think he had more of a creative side. i think he was more intellectual and less athletic. i dont remember if he skateboards or if im making that up lol [there were more stats besides athletic and intelectual i just forget what they were lmao. social was probably another. i think generally none of these kids were very good at social skills tho]. he's in ignihyde so yea i guess he was the robotics boy. he maybe also had world domination plans but i also dont remember skdjfljdskl it was him and/or azeal.
Azidia [my friend's character]: she/her, an idia/azul kid. i dont remember as much about her, but i think she was a schemer. she's in ignihyde. was SHE the world domination character?? i swear there was at least one. possibly multiple. octomermaid.
idizu: he/him, i think he was the youngest of the ones currently mentioned so like first year age? i forget how old the others were but they're all within the first thru third year range. idizu was way more jittery like azul and into his robotics as well; i think he was kind of like a sidekick sometimes for either jammi-dia or azeal but i forgot which one lol. idk why i debated his dorm of ignihyde vs octavinelle bc i just think of ignihyde for him. octomerman. i think he was tiny and had like bright pinkish purple hair.
mallow: she/her, cater/idia kid. lol. i think this was the last one i made. i believe she/her. i cant remember why i drew her with pointy ears, hence the question mark 🤔 lol i dont think i developed her much bc she came much later but i had reopened the chart bc i was like WHY DONT I HAVE A CATER/IDIA KID IN THERE, but i forgot most of what i said about her. her name is a reference to marshmallows but dont worry about it, it's a very specific convo train between my friend and me that is cater/idia related but i just dont have time to get into it!!! anyway i think she was kinda like. not very social. a lot like idia but i dont remember what her caterisms were. SAD. i guess i put her in ignihyde.
KJ: i think he/him? kj bc it sounds like cayjay and he's the cater/jade kid lol. freak behavior. gets in your space and interrogates you very bluntly. kind of intimidating i think but maybe that was just cuz hes weird. i guess i went with octavinelle, thats where the shady ones go... i think i drew him once in merman form specifically as a wolf eel bc theyre bright orange, but actually just now i googled and the fangtooth moray is decently orange as well, jade is a moray, and cater described his own tooth as a fang tooth so maybe im overwriting the canon lol.
trey-daa [friend's character]: she/her, the trey/jade kid. was actually one of the first few made as well and was the only one that broke out of the azul/jamil/idia containment for a while until i thiiiink either kj or catie spawned. she's an eel mermaid and i think she had the combined energy of jade's smiling threats and trey's genuine care, so she was like Unsettling Levels of Hello Beloved Sibling And/Or Cousin Do You Need Me To Poison Your Enemies For You or something like that lol. heartslabyul apparently!
catie: she/her, trey/cater kid. like the only other human besides jammi-dia and mallow lol bc everyone else on this chart is HALF FISH!!! she was calmer than most of them. normiecore. she i think has a baking youtube channel to channel her parents hobbies. i think i defaulted to putting her in heartslabyul but i CANNOT REMEMBER why i have that potential octavinelle in there??? i drew her and kj hanging out once. she's friendly and probably the nicest of the group without hidden schemes lol.
tomaya: i do not remember the pronouns of this child. maybe she? idk. riddle/floyd kid made i think just bc my friend and i were like the popular tweel ships are trey/jade and floyd/riddle so we gotta have the cousin duo. i think tomaya's thing was that she(?) was like, polar opposite to her parents. floyd and riddle are kinda both really intense people so tomaya was more sleepy and reeeaaally chill. it took me a minute to remember why bc i first remembered one of the only times i drew tomaya was like, yawning and holding a pillow, and i was sitting here like "huh silvers not on this chart so why- OH YEAH to be an ironic different vibe lol". i dont know why we picked heartslabyul for her.
THAT'S IT but also. if i had space perhaps i would now add a riddle/azul kid. maybe even a jamil/riddle kid. get more riddle in here he's only got one!!! but if you leave me alone with characters too long i WILL find seven thousand combos to pair them in fjklsdjfkljKLJFKDLGJ ok anyway. um. spirals. maybe next time will be my caterella chart ok bye!!!!
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Hihi!! Could you do Josiah with a s/o that gets jealous easily/is kinda possessive?
Josiah x GN! Reader Who's Possessive
♡ Josiah isn't much of a jealous person himself, actually. He's a pretty chill dude- even if he felt such a way, you probably wouldn't be able to tell unless he directly told you. That being said, he doesn't necessarily understand your own possessive feelings
♡ Say, a new co-worker walks in, completely normal & fine. You normally don't give a shit about new recruits unless you were forced to be their tour guide or something like that. However, they immediately found themselves gravitating toward Josiah's cubicle for whatever strange reason. And you know what? Fine. It's whatever.
♡ But when you had noticed them lingering around for about an HOUR OR SO, things became a little weird for you. After all, don't they have work to do? Sure, they're new, but they should be occupied with something else or at the very least be prohibited from annoying WORKING (well...) employees.
♡ Casually making your way toward your boyfriend's cubicle, your tone of voice was a little more aggressive than usual. Accompanied by your usage of words, it was apparent to anyone smart that you were pissed. Which was how you figured out your new recruit was as oblivious as a rock. Yipee.
♡ Leaning yourself against the side of the booth, you wait for the new person to notice your presence. A minute went by and they were still so rapt in talking to your clearly uninterested boyfriend. He wasn't even saying anything back, how can you force a conversation for this long?
♡ "Hey, what's up," Attempting to smile, the only thing you could manage was a sly smirk. They looked up with a startled expression before their eyebrows curled downward, a look of pure annoyance written all over their face. "Hi." Yet their tone sounded so sweet with their sour face. "Jo, do you know this person?" Why did they give him a nickname... they just met him?
♡ "I think I do, pretty well actually," Josiah smiled your way, easing the tension between you and the new colleague. He was clearly uncomfortable with the recruit being in his face and way too talkative, giving him nicknames he's never asked for on top of other stupid things.
♡ "Oh we're dating, sorry, what's your name?" A part of you was genuinely curious while the other part was satisfied that you made it clear Josiah was off the market, given their sudden interest in the man. They quickly gave you their name, and made an excuse to leave after an hour of loitering around Josiah's cubicle.
♡ "Dude, that was weird, how much did they bother you?" You lean down to Josiah's sitting height and giggled, making sure the newbie was out of hearing range. "I didn't even do anything and they just... came over here? I guess. It was OK at first but it got annoying really fast." Josiah kept his neutral expression.
♡ "People need to know what boundaries are." You sigh, Josiah giving you an agreeing nod. At least your jealousy took you somewhere good, you saved Josiah from having his ear talked off. An achievement in your book. "Just don't be so uptight about things." He calmly reassured you, knowing you were a little tense the entire time.
♡ You let out a chuckle, flicking Josiah's hat up for funsies and returning to your cubicle to finish work for the day. That didn't stop you from thinking about the newbie, though. Oh well. Josiah wasn't even remotely interested and it'd be like that until the end of time, though that probably won't stop you from being a lil' possessive over him. And Josiah would never understand that.
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gemwolfz · 10 months
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tonight i drew many of my friends old fantrolls as keronians. for funsies. i think theyre epic actually. more info under the cut because i always like reminiscing on these sillies
nadede - xandre lerant
nijuju - capris twenty
makuku - arhtus makuse
rezozo - xethyk silent
kigogo - runner akigei
viruru - glithe viruse
kiruru RSRM and ZKRM - their names were still corruptions of zekrom and reshiram like from pokemon but i totally forget what they were exactly
should i infodump with their normal names or keronian names. since im aiming at the frog followers i guess i might as well use the keronian names. however i am going to mention troll romance quadrants and not fucking elaborate iykyk.
also note that this all comes from when we were like 13
nijuju's bandaged arm is burned beyond repair due to makuku attacking him. why? because long before that nijuju had (accidentally? cant recall really.) gouged makuku's eye out, resulting in that gnarly scar on his face. in a more "hallmark movies but for trolls" world perhaps they would be kismeses. but no. they just hate eachother.
nijuju and nadede are moirails btw. they used to be a Moirallegiance-Or-Whatever-Its-Called Polycule but um. the other troll died. badly. don't remember what happened exactly but yeah they died badly
nadede and kigogo are boyfriends yayayaaay :3 the stories behind kigogo's scars are not nearly as dramatic. kigogo is simply a daredevil. he's also gay yippee
yea rezozo is floating! he can just do that he has weird powers just for fun. also his eyes are closed all the time and if they open he will enter a murderous rampage. the only known victim of this is his wife who he misses very much. Anyway he's really silly and moirails with makuku. also he was synthesized out of xellos and rezo from slayers (hence the keronian name i gave him) and my friend thinks thats kinda lame now but i respect him for it tbh
makuku also has magic powers they come from that amulet to the left of him. it has the blessing/curse of his ancestor (who killed people with a big sword for funsies)
viruru is very alphyscore. she created those two kiruru, who in the original lore are a blackblood and a whiteblood, which are not blood colors trolls are supposed to have so theyre Heavily Mutated. some real unethical stuff happening but it's ok its fine
uhh anything else? ...no i dont think so. its past midnight bye
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