#also hello new anon
teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
Braint rot- rather than having a diary for your feelings imagine Chrollo finding a journal: that all about his Yandere behavior: from the start all the way to the present where he reads about the behaviors you have written down on him. (Like a Yandere psycho book) i imagine he finds it amusing seeing that you been watching him this closely and writing things down or pointing out certain behaviors.
- moonie anon
I imagine it would be more like a log of red flags in the handsome stranger you recently got acquainted with. There are very explicit and detailed descriptions of your not so very normal encounters with the man, but what catches Chrollo's eye the most is the fact that you wrote down every single one of them. You had even noted down the irregularities in his behaviour leading up to him kidnapping you. It's flattering
It shows how attentive you are even if it isn't obvious and shows just how much you thought about him. If nothing else, it's amusing because despite your awareness that something isn't right, you still ended up this way. How ironic
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lab1rynth · 1 year
don't wanna say that 'm jealous of anyone who has your attention but-
─ 🍒
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Hey hey hey may 31th anon! How's 2024 going? ☆ヾ(*´▽`)ノ This year I have for you a leaked Sherlock season 5 image. Thinking of you!! And everyone!!
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yakny · 5 months
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sollucets · 5 months
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cherry magic episode twelve x iu - dwlrma (이지금)
@userdramas 2023 secret santa for @iuhotel ✨
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aka-indulgence · 5 months
hi hi hello ur probably not gonna see this but I just wanted to point out that you and llamagodess knowing is actually so crazy to me, like I know it shouldn’t be because both of you guys are fanfic writers in the same circle, but it’s just that I have been following the both of you for such a long time and loved all the content that the both of you have made over the years, and when I found out you two know each other I was so overjoyed ! two icons in the same community, both amazing and they know each other. crazy.
anyways I hope you’re having a good day, merry late xmas and new year 💗💗
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Hehe, yeh! I know the coolest gal in the world 😎
(merry late holidaymas!)
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mtsodie · 2 years
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eye colors
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journey-to-the-attic · 7 months
So, IK from the Monster Hunter world is a hunter, right?
What if instead of a hunter, IK was a rider?
Just a bit of an explanation here, riders are a group of people who show in both Monster Hunter Stories games, which are a sort of spin-off series from the main games. In these games, you play as a rider who doesn't just hunt monsters, but hunts alongside monsters.
Riders get monsters, or as they're referred to in game, monsties (which the first game said was short for monster bestie), by using something called a kinship stone to hatch them from eggs and bond with them.
How do they get these eggs? They sneak into monster dens and just take one. That also includes fighting the parent if necessary.
If this Devildom was the same as hunter IK (monsters originated from the Devildom and were so dangerous they got banished), I think the reactions to this IK would be shock, curiosity, and something akin to horror without being horror, especially if one of her monsties arrived with her.
(It would be even better if her kinship stone could somehow summon any monsties she has at will, even to the Devildom)
imagine you are diavolo, crown prince of the devildom! you have grown up on tales of your predecessors' exploits, the sacrifices made and the centuries spent fighting off these monsters to make sure demonkind need not live in constant fear of being eaten or worse.
you summon a human to join in your new exchange program. she is half your height and the tiniest fraction of your age. and she has one. like, just with her. it eats from her hand and has a bow tied around one of its twisted horns. she tells you its name is madame, because "she's a very fancy lady."
you think this human may be the scariest person you've ever met.
for real though, i imagine this would be on par with meeting someone in real life who's like... domesticated the black death somehow, everyone is equal parts terrified and impressed
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eldenphil · 2 months
ELLOO sorry I just came across one of your posts from a few months ago, and one of the tags was something along the lines of Phil making a deal of not thinking of himself as a man? or somethings fdnxndjsk andd I just wanted to know if I misunderstood that or has Phil actually mentioned something about not considering himself a man and/or just not caring either way cause I think I do remember Dan saying that he doesn't really care what pronouns someone uses to refer to him? I think?? and that whole stereo where he talked about wanting to try more feminine clothing (and later on sister Daniel and that catboy merch one happening whichh I was ecstatic to see him finally dabbling in smthn that he'd mentioned wanting to try but not relevant to this ask I guess😭) BUT I only remember Phil questioning if his own lack or interest in feminine cut clothing and stuff was because of societal norms, and saying maybe one day he'd try nail polish I think?? I don't remember him mentioning any gender stuff so I was just wondering if I missed something😭😭 has he mentioned anything in any of the other stereos orr maybe a video? :0 thank youu<3 and I apologize for the very long ask dsjdjzjs
hi beloved!! i love this ask don't even worry about the length <<333
i couldn't find the post you're referring to bc i don't tag SHIT but i'm probs talking about the moment in Dan and Phil react to Every PINOF 1 at like 3:56 where dan asks "Would you say that you are a man now?" and phil goes "NO!", which still makes me go head in hands when i think about it. i think jam @freckliedan has some goooood thoughts on their blog abt philgender i'll probs rb some after answering this :,)
thinking about phangender makes me genuinely so happy, there is something so sweet in seeing people you've been following since you were a kid navigate the same things u are (ie. being gnc/queer) and being joyful about it (esp in their 30s. god)
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dual-fantasy · 4 months
Me, suddenly jolting up with angst potential: What if the reason for Chase's "Pizza Amnesia" is because, due to a lack of his parents actually feeding him enough, came across some leftover pizza late at night in a search for food and wound up consuming all that was left because he was basically starving and now whenever he has pizza he's slightly reminded of that night
Also me: Why must I do my favorites like this?
why would you do this to me. holy shit. foaming at the mouth over this. his parents would always order pizza BC they didn't like to cook and he would always go into the fridge at midnight and eat the leftovers so he gets insane over it because it reminds him of that. actually you're a genius this is sooooo everything to me. please keep doing your favourites like this keep ruining their lives in the best way possible you're so good at it
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sickficideas · 9 months
ok hi hello! Sick Skk Hc. Hear me out- TW// vomit, alcohol stuff
So, a big hc in the bsd is that chuuya likes wine. So he gets drunk, they call Dazai to come pick him up. Dazais ok walking distance so he just walks, he scoops him up, chuuya absolutely shit faced drunk and half asleep. Dazai carries him and begins taking him home to chuuyas house. Chuuyas mostly asleep but the shaking and the alcohol makes him feel pretty sick so he ends up puking over dazais shoulder. It sobers him up a bit so he’s really embarrassed snd thinks he’s gonna stop him or something but Dazai (bros into it. Come on. Look at him.) just pulls him close patting his back reassuring him it’s ok and he doesn’t mind. ANYWAY. Thought about that through my entire college lectures- so- do with it as you will. I love your work btw ❤️, have a good day! :3 -Ray
(thank you so much you're very kind😭😭💖) this is fantastic anon I think drunk/hungover chuuya is so perfect and i totally think it makes him puke every time he overdoes it even just a little. he's lucky dazai doesn't mind at all lol (he def likes seeing him all sweaty and out of it). chuuya getting worked up over it as he starts sobering up and dazai reassuring him is so sweet 😭😭 i think he'd take good care of him💔 lay with him in bed and rub his tummy to help him feel better even though he said hours ago he's leaving to go home, and he'll stay in the morning when hes hungover too 💔
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bipherpol · 22 days
In regards to the Nico siblings AU, have you heard the theory that Robin's father is Monkey D. Dragon? I ask only because the mental image of Lucci slowly realizing that Luffy is their half-brother is hilarious.
Like, there's definitely joy because he's not the only younger sibling anymore, but also LUFFY is their younger brother. This is alarming and confusing and Jabra will laugh himself sick.
i had not heard that theory but that is hilarious. lucci would be absolutely horrified at finding out he's related to luffy. like, yay he's not the youngest, but... luffy. lucci strongly considers asking to be adopted by someone else rather than be related to luffy.
(and garp. imagine looking at garp and realizing he's your grandfather.)
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httpiastri · 27 days
Falling asleep on Pepe while he’s streaming!!!
?!?! how dare you?!?!!!!!!!!!!! ruined my night (=fixed it)
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Hello may 31th anon! Look at that, another year behind us and a new one to come. Have a nice day! ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
#may 31th anon#hello friends!! (。’▽’。)♡ how are you!! I missed you so much!#I'm sorry that once again i have not been posting but I did that thing again where I got scared of posting#I do not know why but it is the same with physical paper diarys#I have 3 diarys and they all have 1 entry#I think one just says 'I am ten'#what have you been up to!! did you do something fun? is it summer too where you live? c:#my tumblr messages seem to be broken! I'm sorry if you wrote something :C it just says 'no new messages' despite also saying new messages#not a lot has happened here! I got a tomato plant and then I got very invested into the tomato plant and I have eaten three tomatos so far (#my roses are also doing well!! I just got a new yellow rose and since she got here she only made orange flowers#I do not know the meaning of that#but I am very thankful! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡ I love it when things are orange!!#I've been trying to buy an orange shirt for the past 2 weeks but they always sell out before I get to them#I'm also thinking about buying a jean jacket#I have not worn a jean jacket for at least 15 years because one time in 7th grade  tthe girl behind me said#that I was wearing a cool jean jacket and I just assumed that this was bullying for no actual reason#but maybe she just thought that it was an acutal cool jean jacket#we'll soon have out 10 year school reunion#maybe I should ask her#is anyone else going to a secret Sherlock phase again#I just want to see that silly little hat again#would sherlock holmes wear a jean jacket#have a nice day everyone!!#see you soon hopefully!!#♡^▽^♡
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ereborne · 2 months
Favorite heist books?
I'm realizing now that I haven't read any of the pure crime fiction books which would be the literary equivalent of the heist movies I love so much, maybe because of my inability to gracefully handle the stress of true thrillers (as I was just saying to sunkentowers). I have read a few especially quality fantasy/sci-fi heists, though! In very loosely most-to-least-strongly-recommended order:
The Palace Job by Patrick Weekes (first of the Rogues of the Republic series. it was a challenge for me to pick a favorite of them, but I think probably this is the one. very funny, very clever, love the characters)
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (intense and with especially good characters. the sequel Crooked Kingdom is also good but not quite as heist-y)
River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey (hippo-cowboy alternate history! explosive hippo river heist! it does have a sequel but I haven't ever read it)
The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner (my favorite of the Queen's Thief series, though they're all good in their own ways. the main character is sort of in a constant state of con and/or heist behavior)
Artemis by Andy Weir (standalone sci-fi heist! how odd that this is the only standalone novel in my list)
The Heist by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg (romantic comedy suspense thing! first in the Fox and O'Hare series, and the only one I've read)
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer (easily the best of the series by the same name, and honestly the only one I'd really recommend reading. clever worldbuilding and writing, and the twist is lovely)
Skin Game by Jim Butcher (part of the Dresden Files series and it was such a surprise to me when I found out this one--fifteenth in the series!--was going to break with format and be so heist-centered. I don't think it works as a standalone and I wouldn't necessarily recommend the series as a whole, certainly not if what you're looking for is crime capers, but I enjoyed it so so much and couldn't leave it off)
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spiderwebd · 2 months
one of these days your going to come back from dumb idiot babyjail after you went to war and just describe your experiences and then say nah that's too sad so you just say hello phighting community im back from war with no context and everyone thinks your joking but you arent you just got back from a fierce battle then you reblog phighting stuff again and everything is right with the world (theres a horse as well) (he talks) (his name is mr ed)
im gonna what
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