#also i hope that microphone is right. i have been on the google lol
wxlfstxrx · 4 years
sorry i’m shamelessly taking advantage of you offering to write them, but o’knutzy on a road trip! where are they going? who’s driving? what snacks did they pack? do they tease whoever’s driving? lol how often do they pull over
HELLO. god, finally. i’m so sorry this took so long. also it turned into 5.7k words of O’Knutzy being O’Knutzy. hope you like this :) major props to @siriuslyqueer and @shinymooncolor for the help as always <3 characters by @lumosinlove!
Finn and Logan are showing Leo photos of their Harvard days one night as they’re cuddling in bed together, when Leo casually mentions how he sometimes wishes he had gone to college first before joining the league. 
“Growing up, I didn’t have many friends from school. I mostly kept to my family instead. Honestly though, if I had gone to college, I probably would’ve enjoyed my time there,” He says wistfully.
He doesn’t notice Finn and Logan glancing at each other, smiling knowingly. 
The next morning, the two boys drag Leo out of bed bright and early, bouncing up and down excitedly.
“What the—”
“ROAD TRIP, BABY,” They yell into his ear, and the next thirty minutes are a flurry of washing up and packing essentials for the long drive. Leo’s confused as hell but he’s still half asleep and refuses to deal with the hyperactive boys until he’s gotten his coffee from the cafe across from their apartment.
Once they’re eventually settled into Finn's car, with their respective cups of coffee and some bagels to munch on, Leo asks where they’re going as Finn starts the car and turns out onto the main road. The freckled redhead reaches a hand over to boop Leo on the nose, who swats his hand away playfully. 
“It’s a secret,” He winks. Leo settles back into the passenger seat resignedly, knowing better than to question their spontaneous decisions.
A couple seconds after, Logan leans forward, over the centre console, and plugs his phone in. He scrolls through his Spotify for a bit, before a familiar song starts blasting through the car speakers. 
“What the hell, Lo,” Finn frowns at Logan through the rearview mirror. “Isn’t it a bit too early for this?”
Logan narrows his eyes and wags a finger at him, opening his mouth to say something, but bursts into song instead. 
Leo looks at Finn, confused, and Finn just shoots him an amused look. 
“He loves singing to High School Musical on long drives,” He laughs, nodding his head to the beat anyway. Leo just stares between the two of them, looking highly intrigued. “Have you never been on a road trip before, Peanut?” 
Finn cocks his head to the side, looking at him curiously as Leo turns back to the front, shrugging in embarrassment. “Only with family. It was very different from this.” 
“Well,” Finn grins, drawing out the syllable. “You’re with us now. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
At that moment, Logan grabs Leo’s shoulders from behind and shakes him. “What about us? What about everything we’ve been through?”
Leo laughs in surprise, and Logan pouts. “C’mon, Peanut, you’re supposed to sing along!”
He twists in his seat slightly, and grabs his phone as a microphone. “And what about meeeeeee?”
Logan laughs loudly, closing his fingers around Leo’s wrist and pulling the phone towards his mouth. “What am I supposed to dooooooooooooooo?”
“I gotta leave, but I’ll miss you,” The three of them sing at the top of their lungs, and dissolve into laughter.
They sing a few more songs after that, taking turns to scream the lyrics within the confined space of the car. Eventually, they settle into a comfortable silence when they’re all out of breath and thirsty, and Leo takes a sip of his coffee. “What do you guys normally do on road trips?”
Finn and Logan share a glance through the rearview mirror, and Logan shrugs. “Depends on where we’re going, and how long we’re going for, really. Seeing as we have training tomorrow, we don’t really have a choice this time, but sometimes we’d plan these in advance and book a room if we have to stop over somewhere. They’re usually fun, unless you’re with the wrong crowd.”
He grimaces, and so does Finn, and Leo wonders what memory they’ve dug up. He wants to ask them, but Logan continues rambling about past road trips that he’s been on, some with Finn and some without. The boys let him talk, and eventually they pull up at a gas station when Finn realises that he’s running low on petrol.
“Bathroom, anyone?” Finn asks as he hooks the car up to the nozzle to pump in more petrol. They shake their heads but Leo requests to swap seats with Logan.
“Need more leg space,” He smirks teasingly at Logan, who growls and charges at him, headbutting his chest with full force, eliciting a loud oof from the blonde boy. Finn rolls his eyes fondly and Leo laughs, digging his fingers into Logan’s sides and making him squirm and yell.
“No, Harzy, help me, help mmph—” Logan tries his best to escape Leo’s clutches to no avail, and his knees buckle as he collapses with laughter. Leo holds him up and throws an arm around his shoulders, and Logan leans heavily against his side, gasping.
“All right, all right,” Finn gestures for them to climb back into the car. “Let’s go, if we wanna make it there by lunch we gotta leave now.”
Leo sighs in contentment as he settles into the backseat, sitting sideways so he can stretch his lanky legs across the seat.
“Fucking show off,” Logan grumbles under his breath, and Leo smirks.
“Jealous much?”
Logan huffs and turns back to the front, crossing his arms.
Finn sighs exaggeratedly and cranks up the music, to which Logan starts singing again. He’s a ball of energy, high from the caffeine and he’s bouncing so hard in his seat that Finn has to place one hand on his thigh to remind him that he’s in the passenger seat of a moving vehicle. 
“Lo, honey, please.”
Leo stifles a laugh and leans further back into his seat. He watches the cars speed by them on the highway, and he watches the two boys up front alternating between singing and talking, and he feels his heart thundering in his chest. He doesn’t think he’ll ever stop feeling amazed and in awe of the fact that the two of them are his to love.
He lets the world pass them by, losing himself in the moment and soaking in the realness of it all.
Eventually, they exit the highway, and Leo looks out of the window, trying to decipher their location. He guesses he could just check Google Maps, honestly, but he likes the mystery of it all too.
“Lunch?” Leo sits back up and leans forward, between the two boys. He’s starving; the bagel he had earlier in the morning had barely been enough and of everything they could’ve forgotten to pack, they forgot the snacks. His stomach has been rumbling for a good hour or so.
Finn and Logan grin at each other.
“The usual?”
“Oh, he’ll love it.”
Leo’s brows raise. “The usual? Seems like you’ve been here bef—”
Realisation dawns on him.
read more on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25018075
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wickednerdery · 5 years
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Title: Hoarfrost Hel: Channeled Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Thor & Professor X (& Mutant!OCs) Rating: Teen Summary: “That is extraordinary.” Notes: This is the second part of what’s shaping up to be a legit trilogy (the first is FrostBitten) - the master list is here. The story on whole is gonna be very dark, this piece itself - which picks up after the last - is actually tame aside from Thor angst moments and a bit of cursing. Still, for consistency and length, it gets a “Read More”.
“This Professor Xavier is a sorcerer?” Thor bellows from the back of the motorcycle.
Lynk’s chuckle echoes in his helmet. “Mutant telepath, among other things. And you don’t have to yell, there’re microphones in the helmets.”
“That is extraordin-!” Thor stops as they roll through a large gate. “Forgive me. That is extraordinary.” He looks to a placard - Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters - and then reasserts grip around Lynk’s waist as she speeds past blurs of young people, fresh lawns, and on up to a large building Thor could only quantify as a castle. “This is where you live?”
“I have my own place, but a few hundred other mutants do.” Lynk pulls helmet off, gaze dropping to Thor’s hands, then up and back to his face. “You can get off the bike now.”
Thor hops off, removing helmet to reveal grin. “Sorry, fair Lynk.”
Mouth opens to correct him, but Lynk decides it’s the nicest way she’s been addressed so lets it go. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the professor.”
The god follows closely, but keeps eyes moving through halls and open rooms from sheer curiosity. There were many who looked as the typical Midgardian did, but others had skin like that of a Jotun or wings similar to the horses of the Valkyrie. He couldn’t help but pause a few times, requiring Lynk to go back and grab him.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Thor,” Charles smiles as the god looks from his explorations of the study to him. “I understand you’re having some troubles with your memory.”
“I am on a quest to find...something...something of great importance...but I...forget what.”
Lynk frowns slightly, they’d only just discussed the topic before entering. “Tony and I think it’s Loki. You know, his brother?”
“Yes, I’m aware.” He’d placed the whole team on standby in case things went sideways for The Avengers; thankfully they were not needed. “Thor, would you mind coming over, taking a seat, so we can better get acquainted.” So that he might have the god’s focus enough to determine what’s going on in his mind.
Thor plops into a high-backed chair as Charles maneuvers to set himself face-to-face with the other man, creating a sense of intimacy as a therapist might.
“Now I’d like you to relax and try to think of the last things you remember before you came to see Mr Stark.”
“Very well.” Thor isn’t quite ready to close his eyes to anything, but lounges back and lets his thoughts go to the start of the day...
The scenes come in fractals, with pieces missing: ...Thor hovering over smashed rock, bowl in hand...him running into the palace, calling for his mother...his equally frantic return to the rubble.... In each scene parts blur or blacken and, only too soon after, Thor’s memory moves onto something else. Too often Thor’s mind wants to change the topic and, when Professor X goes farther back, he witnesses the same thing happening...even memories of Thor’s childhood are changing, fracturing. No doubt the specific targets are those memories involving Loki...
“Thor?” Professor X fades the connection to prevent jarring the god and damaging his fragile recall any more. “I’d like to invite a colleague of mine to assist, would that be all right?”
“You found nothing?” Concern paints Thor’s face.
“On the contrary, I found quite a lot...” he smiles encouragingly. “I can tell you it’s a targeted form of magic that’s effecting your memory, which is why Mr Stark and Lynk found nothing physically wrong with you. I can also tell you that it’s quite powerful, a near living thing.”
Thor’s face falls completely...there are only two people he can recall who are capable of such a thing and his mother would never.
“However, I believe we can find ways around and through it long enough to discover what your task is and how best to begin it.”
“You do?” The god is not terribly hopeful; the urge in him to find the thing, to...protect it?...is ever growing just as his memory of what it might be ever-fading.
Professor X smiles more. “Yes, I merely need a new lens through which to better focus my findings.”
As if on cue a man steps into the room; friendly smile, dark curly hair, and remarkably kind eyes. “You called for me Professor?” His smile greets everyone, is returned by everyone, then widens at the god before him. “Thor Odinson, what an honor.”
Thor gives a cursory smile, his heart not in it. They’re wasting time and the more that passes the more he forgets. No, that’s not quite right. He’d not forgetting more things, he’s forgetting something very specific all the more...and it’s something he doesn’t wish to forget. It’s something he wants desperately to remember.
Ash closes the door behind him, heads over through a dreary fog of stress and sadness from their guest. “Please don’t be discouraged, Mr Odinson, just keep that spark of hope alive and we’ll do everything we can to help you.”
Professor X smiles at Thor’s surprise. “Some of Ash’s abilities are somewhat related to my own, only his focus is on emotions.”
A string of Thor’s own electrical energy comes from Ash’s hand as he extends it to Thor; it connects the mutant and the god briefly before and after they shake hands. “How did you do that?” Thor’s so fascinated he’s now forgotten why he’s come at all. “Do you seize my powers from me?”
“Just replicating,” Ash clarifies as he sits in the last high-back chair available.
Lynk speaks up from the couch, head buried in work on her helmet. “Ash can use anyone’s natural born powers. He doesn’t even try, just links into your emotions and, poof, he’s using your powers.”
“But I am not a mutant, I am a god.” Surely that must make a difference. “My powers come from my hammer.”
“Doesn’t seem like it,” Lynk notes.
“Can you also lift my hammer...Ash?” It was the only name the man had been given.
Ash smiles. “No, probably not. As I understand it your hammer is imbued with magical powers...I’m not a magician and highly doubt I’d be considered worthy to lift it.”
“This is great and all,” Lynk cuts in once more, “But we need to help your brother, Loki, remember?”
“Yes, forgive me,” Thor smiles. “What is needed now, Professor?”
“Same as before, Thor, only this time concentrate on your feelings. About the day, about what you’ve forgotten.”
This time Thor does close his eyes. This time he lets his heart guide him through his memories...and Ash piggybacks on the resulting emotions while using Professor X’s telepathy to try and make sense of it all. It is still jumbled, still missing hunks, but with the knowledge those sections relate to Loki he can find a thread to follow: deep love and concern. Chasing the emotions he scrambles to put Thor’s mind together, slip around and through the magic trying to erase the man’s brother.
While Thor remains seemingly blissful, Ash begins to strain. Clouds roll in, thunder rumbles its threat. He closes eyes and clenches teeth in effort to handle surges of fear and rage...memories that can only be qualified as traumatic. Cracks of lightning ride along skin as a sudden, caustic, burn hits the back of his neck. He hisses, the electricity jumps from him to Thor, making a circuit between them.
“Fuck...” Lynk jumps up, back. She knows both Thor and Ash are fine, but if a stray bolt’s let out she doesn’t want to be anywhere near it.
Charles rolls back as a precaution; slips into Ash’s mind in attempts to stabilize and better direct him. He manages to get Ash to focus in on a recent argument between Thor and his father, the desperation and anguish that comes from it. Together they pick up on the name Loptr, which their own minds are able to understand as a reference to Loki.
The electricity seems to fade in time with the thunder and clouds, settles back into both Thor and Ash with no affect to either.
Ash’s eyes tear in mirror to Thor’s, hands fist as the god’s do. “...Your father sold your brother into slavery?” Their faces share the horror.
And now we’ve all met Ash, yay! Kinda dig that Odin’s own words are what trip his spell up; Thor can remember “Loptr” so, if nothing else, he knows that’s who he’s supposed to find..sorta anyway, lol! Also, low-blow using Frigga to lure Thor from Loki...you’re the worst, Odin. (Didn’t really expect Lynk and Ash to reveal to Thor his power comes from within and not, you know, from his hammer, but oh well.) ...Next piece I should be back to Loki!
(Gifs found on Google, then combined by me)
Tagged: @chibiyanai @wadeyouwitch @creedslove @lady-crowned-with-stars @moonfaery @annievvv7  @ladyfluff @holykryptonitekitten @lokilvrr @janebrownnie @lokis-little-kitten @alexakeyloveloki @theangelsfightwithdevils @the-blue-tiefling @lokis-lady-death @dangertoozmanykids101 @prometheasmother @vethrvolnir @wintertink @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes  @drakonwild @starscreamloki @judas-nipples @hiddles-rose  @the-lady-witchitery @galaxies-inside-my-head @jackheart180 @lukeevansandjdmobession @endlessstairway @lanabanana-86 @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981 @lovekrystina @madoka73 @lokikingofasgardslover713 @partiallyinthecloset @ultrarebelheart  @gravitational-anomaly @manip-loki @my-world-of-imagines @lowcarbgem …Think that’s everyone from FrostBitten, if you want on or off, just lemme know! (Strike-throughs are those Tumblr refuses to tag properly)
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Bitcoin Code Review
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Cryptocurrencies, the newest fad to take trading by storm. Are you ready to take advantage of this golden opportunity too? Can you get rich with Bitcoin? Sure, by investing at the right time and the right amount, anyone could. Cryptocurrencies are getting more and more popular and are most likely the future when it comes to transactions of all varieties. Today, we will take a deeper look at the Bitcoin Code system (also called Bitcoin Code Ltd) that is advertised as something that will secure your financials. Are your alarms going off? Well, you are not the only one but let’s take a closer look!
Great News! We have found a Robot that will make you so much richer in less than 30 working days! Show me the Robot!.
Bitcoin Code Review
The Bitcoin Code – How it Looks Like Is there a secret formula, a secret strategy, a secret code that’s gonna make us easy money? The answer is yes. Apparently, this guy “Steve McKay” has discovered a Bitcoin ATM machine… yeah, that’s the story. End of world hunger is near – hurray!!! Oh no, what’s that… it’s LIMITED! Only to 25 people. Bla bla bla… This sounds so familiar. The story and the lies I mean. Again with the secret formula, the genius, fast and easy money and it’s limited to only x people!
Here is the best part, this has nothing to do with Bitcoin, nor secret formulas. The “secret” is pretty straightforward actually. You will deposit 250 with a garbage broker which gives that 250 to these scammers behind the Bitcoin Code Ltd. And the story ends there, there are no 13K per day for you, not even 1.3 dollars or cents.
As you can judge by looking at the image above, we can trade currencies or any assets just like a regular Binary Options broker. Where is the Bitcoin part? Am I depositing in Bitcoin? NOPE. Will I be trading Bitcoin? NOPE. Then why the hell is this called Bitcoin Code? Never mind, let’s instead take a closer look at those results, I smell photoshop.
The Bitcoin Code Ltd – Is It A Scam? Those results look good. Too good if you ask me. Let’s look closer… hmm. Notice anything? Don’t you? Well, look closer damn it! There, the strike price is giving a losing trade in one place but the strike price is also giving a winning trade on another trade! Oh photoshop, you are good but you can’t help greedy scammers from making editing errors.
Either both should show 0.000 or both should show a winning amount. Why? Cause in both cases, the entry, and the expiry were the same! #PhotoshopMistakes.
Anyone who has ever traded knows that a broker either will count a strike as a win a loss or a tie. Well, most brokers count it as a tie and give your investment back. Some count is a loss. But you can’t have it BOTH WAYS. Hence the editing mistake in that fake image above! Busted. Before I forget, here is another big warning sign: their terms and conditions, support and policy links/tabs are not working. They are also fake!
But there is more! Don’t let me make my case with just one error… NO, let me show you MORE!
Hahaha! Rachel Smallay is one of their members? Who could have guessed… oh sorry, I got carried away. The first female on the left, Caroline Essen is actually Rachel. She is a New Zealand television reporter! And she comes with her own funny story of calling people fat with the microphone on. LOL! At least she is not a scam artist. So they took her picture off of Google and added her involuntarily as a member of their scam service. I bet she would love to report this story on her channel. You know, just to shift focus from her own bad mouthing. Haha, maybe I should email her this! “The Okane and Rachel Scoop” – likely we will win a Pulitzer Prize? Or is it just for the US journalists =(?
Moving on, how about that gentleman to the right, with the glasses, Charles Millington? Turns out he is Michael Dines and a realtor. Sigh, so much nonsense here! Hold on, I need to make a phone call…
*bleep bleep bleep… phone is dialing*
Sarah: Hello this is Sarah at the Bullshit Store how may I help you Today? Okane: Hey dear, I would like to know if you have a shipment of bullshit stories to send me? Sarah: Oh, I am sorry sir. We are freshly out of stock here at the Bullshit store! We just shipped all of our bullshit to the Bitcoin Code. Okane: I suspected that was the case! Sarah: I can, however, promise that we will have fresh bullshit stories every week for new binary options robot scams – so tune in on Monday! Okane: Wonderful, will it involve a Genius, a secret code, limited spots, and easy money? Sarah: Hahah, oh yes why of course sir! And fake testimonials and images too, don’t forget about the fake images!
I would continue pointing out more fake stuff on this Bitcoin Code scam site but honestly, I just ate and my stomach is starting to cramp from all this bullshit. My doctor recommends only a tiny dosage of bullshit per day and it is getting exceeded here by far.
Alright alright, I do a couple more! Ready?
Bitcoin Testimonials: Yes, FAKE Again! Look at these happy people, looking fancy and all in their boats and bikinis… FAKE! This image is stolen from some boat stereo sales site and it has nothing to do with Crypto or CFD robot trading. No, those people are not happy Bitcoin millionaires! They are just happy getting paid for their photoshoot.
Their Testimonials Are Fake, Ours Are Not I love seeing people share their experiences and getting involved in the comments section because that way, others will avoid getting scammed. Maybe you don’t feel like reading a whole review that’s 1000 words long and you just want to read a few words written by someone who used the thing. Like this comment below:
Bitcoin Code Hellen Complaint
Hellen is straight to the point here: Rip-off! Believe us Hellen, many times we would like to simply say “It’s a Scam so stay away!” but often times people need a bit of convincing and of course, they need to understand why we believe a certain robot to be a scam. That’s why we need more than one word.
Bitcoin Code Ronald Complaint
Bitcoin Code has been out for a while now and most people know it’s a proven scam but a year or more ago, this wasn’t the case and people still hoped it could work. Ronald’s comment above shows he’s done the right thing: research before investing money. Thanks for believing us Ronald, and you’re welcome at the same time.
Bitcoin Code Complaint by Paul
You lost 7000 GBP but got most of it back thanks to a nice lady with a nice voice who knows refund codes for banks, called “reason codes”. Huh what? There’s no such thing and I smell some BS here. Just be warned there are TONS of scam recovery services who claim to get your money back if you’ve been scammed. 99% of them don’t work and you will end up losing more money. Be warned and read Recovery Services – The Real Story if you want to know more!
1 note · View note
louquis · 7 years
24K ‘Still With 24U′ Concert in Bucharest, Romania (Fan Account)
I've been a Kpop fan since 2011 and this is my first concert experience with 24K in Romania. First I have to say that I didn't know much about the group, I knew that they had some great songs but I didn't know the names of all members and even though I had a VIP ticket. The venue wasn't easy to find because Google Maps led me to a location 500m away from the concert hall and I spend about an hour desperately running the street up and down thinking that I would miss the concert because I couldn't find the number of the house. I finally made it 30minutes before the start of the show. There were booths that sold posters (signed ones for 30lei aka 5,50Euro, unsigned ones for 5lei, about one Euro – surprisingly low) and other goods and I brought an unsigned poster, relieved that apparently in the end I still got a way to get something signed. I waited for a few minutes and the doors to the concert hall opened about 18:45, 15minutes before the concert. The weird thing was, no one checked for my ticket. I could have been coming without a ticket and would have had no trouble getting in or even standing right in front of the stage.
Then the concert started. First of all, I don't know what I've been expecting, but they all had insanely good proportions.  They weren't that tall (I was in the sixth row so I can't say for sure but I thought they looked all in the 170-179 range, leaning more towards 170) but their faces were really small in comparation to the rest of their bodies and their shoulder-hips ratio was perfect, especially the visual one (though they were all on the smaller/lither-framed side). I wondered how their agency found so many guys with really good proportions though they were so small. They were slim but didn't look skin-and-bones. The most fitting description would be that they had model-esque builds only without model-esque tallness.
I didn't recognize the first song but the second one was Oasis, my favorite B-side track. The standout was Cory. At the beginning of the concert the girl next to me asked me who my bias was and I said Cory, thinking that he'd be the one I was most likely to recognize. Cue to the concert start and I find myself thinking that two of them look like Cory and I won't be able to put a name to the face of any of the boys. The next moment their visuals hit me hard and I'm already swooning. For those of you who haven't seen a Kpop group live yet, the synchronisation and the quickness/fluidity of the  dance moves (at least in this case) are absolutely mesmerizing in the first minutes. Looks way more impressive live than on screen.
The first talking segment is the introduction and the crowd is cheering super-hard whenever a member speaks up. During, I think, Kisu's turn, Cory asked us why we were shouting after he (Kisu) was speaking since he was pretty sure that we don't know Korean. Then we shut up whenever the other members talked.
Hui said he hoped the snow would substide once the concert was finished. When Hongseob was beginning his speech, someone shouted 'I love you' to which he replied 'I love you too'. Two members started with 'Buna Seara', the Romanian greeting
I'm a person who hates body rolls and overly sexual dance moves in boy groups but halfway through the concert I started noticing that I was choking whenever Cory rolled his hips (and he did it often). HOLY LORD JESUS that guy is a born performer. I googled 'facts about 24K' to get knowledge about the group and somewhere I read that Cory was the worst dancer of the group. BITCH FIGHT ME! That body rolls were a gift send from heaven and overall, he seemed like he was the most into the choreography. This doesn't mean that he was the best dancer (I don't know shit about dancing but he didn't have any solo dance parts), but his dancing during everything revolving hip movement came off as a tad more aggressive/exaggerated than the others. During one slower and less choreographed song he was the only one to mildly hip thrust during the chorus. He just came across as born for the stage, like he was absolutely into it and wanted the crowd to be into it, too. He was always moving and comparatively often at the center. I then knew I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
After some more dancing they have a segment where they split into tree teams and dance the chorus of Bingo together. When Hui, Kisu and Hongseob (?) search for a participant from their left side of the stage, they ask the crowd who of them thinks that they are the prettiest in this room. Selected is a boy and one of the members Kisu spend the next segment talking about his beauty. At one point he even goes down on one knee in front of him and raises his hands as if in a proposal!!!1! Turned out there is another girl on team right side who's far the better dancer though so Hui oop Hongseob (80% sure it was him) goes to the right side in an attempt to change teams and Hui ? pretends that they don't take them back. Cory then grounds him into the corner of the room with 'Stay!'.
After that came the subunit stages. First was Cory, Kisu, the visual guy and somebody else singing a midtempo song which I personally found pleasant but generic. Then there was the hip hop stage which was OMG ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS because there was Cory and someone else (probably someone who's name starts with J) and there was rapping, good rapping and the beat was good too and I became so pumped! It was something aggressive and Cory's expressions were to die for, and I thought perhaps I actually died and I didn't know it yet. At the end I was turning to the girl next to me who asked for my bias at the beginning because I couldn't contain my emotions and shouted 'Oh my god I love him! I absolutely love him!'
Then there was the dancing, it was 1 vs 1, and a third member was holding a sign with 'round 1' written on it. Changsun and another member were doing some awesome dancing/fighting moves and I would have been absolutely thrilled if the hip hop stage hadn't been right before it. Afterwards another member danced solo and was then joined by the both of them as kind of back up dancers.
I'm not sure whether it was after these stages but there was also a segment where they said they'll be now playing songs that everyone knows from other artists. Well, first song starts playing and I don't know it – and it also doesn't look like anyone around me does. The chorus was entirely English (I think), I could barely make out the verses. Second song was 'bang bang bang' but it takes me till the chorus to realize it's not fxxk it.
After the solos they had another talking segment where they brought a Romanian flag on stage. Fans (?) had apparently written '24K Romania' with sharpie on it and it turned out that the writing was wrong (when read from left to right, the colours blue and red from the flag were on the wrong sides, when the flag was correct, the writing wasn't). Cory seemed visibly bothered/concerned by it and mentioned something about 'not wanting to cause misunderstandings'. I think he was actually ranting for a bit. At a later point in the concert he also told a member who didn't 'get it' to turn the flag around so that it showed the 'true' color order. It kind of felt like he was worried about a witch hunt. We also made a photo with a big heart pose together.
After that talking segment 'Superfly' was played. Another one of my favorite moments of the concert was the unison shouting of 'YANANANAH!” and 'I said follow me!' in/before the chorus. The choreography was super fly (forgive the bad pun). I was super pumped up, the people around me too and the group was dancing crazily.
After a couple more songs they said that this one would be the last (I went to other concerts and I loved that they didn't announce 'okay, five songs left' 'four songs left' every couple of minutes. Everyone was saying their goodbyes and I don't know, I somehow got really emotional. First one was Changsun.
Cory was the fourth one, he said that he was actually supposed to go last and that it would probably confuse The Visual One that he's speaking now but he wanted to say that the whole tour and everything was just possible because of us, the fans (AWWWW!). I know that every group is supposed to say that and all but the way he said it I just found it incredibly touching. I was really anxious about showing up to the meet and greet without an album but at this point I was just like fxxk it, I'm definitely going and I tell them that this here made me become a fan.
During this segment Hongseob was sniffling often. His behaviour was playful and he didn't look like crying but he frequently scrunched up his nose. It was kind of adorable.
Kisu held his microphone in front of his face like a moustache. When it was Hui's turn, he said something along the lines that he hadn't high expectations for Romania (LOL) but he was proved wrong and absolutely liked it here. Two things that stood out for him were a Romanian dish called Sarmale [cue cheering crowd – I personally hope he ate those with vita de via (green ones), since they are even so much more better than the usual ones] and a flashmob that happened that morning. Someone (I forgot who, either Kisu or Jeunguk) also said 'I will now talk in Romanian' and said a whole sentence, I couldn't make out what though. Anyway, I'm super happy that he tried!
They performed their last song and went off stage. The crowd then started chanting '24K! 24K!' and after a few minutes they came back! They performed two more songs and it was absolutely crazy. Cory's expressions drove me insane.
Someone (dark brown hair but shorter than The Visual One), took a water bottle and dowsed the contents over his head. He started shaking it and droplets flew into the crowd. It was glorious. He did it for a second time and that time water droplets actually HIT MY FACE! I was in row six and I absolutely didn't expected it! I died for a second time. Non. Nichts. Nada. Finish. There was only a shell of my former self left. I don't think the encore were title songs, I recognized the second one as a popular b-side. After performing they went backstage and the concert was over for real.
Now to each member:
Cory's English was really good to understand, even as someone who has difficulties understanding spoken foreign languages. He was basically the MC of the concert and he did his job so well, it was absolutely amazing. I loved his angry expressions at songs like 'Still 24K' and his hip hop stage. His voice is very pleasant to listen to SO ABSOLUTELY SEXY OMG and I felt he always tried his best to hype the crowd. He often dipped his head back and let me tell you, he has a reallllly sexy neck and adams apple, I absolutely loved it. He also wore the most eye make up, I’m not sure but sometimes it looked slightly as if he was cross-eyed. I didn’t care though, I absolutely loved him. I think he’s the most talented, his singing and rapping was the bomb and he actually had a lot of parts compared to the little screen time he’s getting in MVs.
He had at the first talking segment a tissue which he would use to pat his forehead carefully with. In the second talking segment he didn't have a tissue and motioned one of the assistants behind the scenes to come on stage hastily and give him a tissue which he also used to wipe off sweat from his forehead and neck. There were a few times when he looked into my direction and I thought that he was really staring at me (i cheered really hard so I don’t think it’s impossible. when they chose a person for bingo it seemed that he was staring right at me for about two seconds and I thought I die and my heart ached in my chest). Hui also seemed to look once directly at me.
Kisu has a really high voice and often stood on the right side and between two others. I remember him having very big eyes and lots of black eye shadow. He did a few antics with the mic. His face looked rounder than on the pictures I’ve googled after the concert and I also think now that he’s terrible at talking selfies because he looked much better in real life.
Changsun was literally ALWAYS SMILING. Like what did you eat to be so happy??? His eyes just scrunched up and tbh my cheeks hurt just looking at him. He was one of the tallest and had chubbier cheeks than on pictures. He also stood a lot at the far left of the stage so I didn’t saw a lot of him.
Hui is the person that voice I love­ in the 24K songs belonged to! He is the smallest and I didn't see him much in the center. But I think he was absolutely adorable when he talked (the snow, sarmale - he mentioned specific things about Romania and it made me swoon) and my favorite talker after Cory. The blue of his hair really suited him.
The visual was the tallest member with the tannest skin and hands down, the most handsome face. Like ugh, his face was nearly perfect. He seems to be the official visual, too, since he was often the center and has the first part in Still 24K (I looked it up and it turns out to be Jinhong!) But the search results really don't show his handsomeness at all. Seriously, he more tanned, has GODLY proportions like how can a person like this exist and his face was so GODDAMN handsome, I’d believe you right away if you told me that he was the nation’s heartrob or the nation’s son-in-law. He was part of the vocal line. In the beginning songs I thought that he'd become my favorite but then came Cory's hip thrusting and expression and everything and he was demoted. Still love him, though.
There was one member with a weird parted haircut and at the end of the concert his face seemed the most glistening with sweat. Google search now told me it was Jeunguk. In the beginning I thought his hair wasn’t suiting him but by the end it was falling in his eyes and looked good, especially while he was dancing. I’m not 100% sure but I think he was the one with the water bottle? He is the only one who fits that description/mental image in my mind. If he was then: that guy was absolutely getting freaky on the end and shaking like crazy. I was in the freaking sixth row and still getting hit by the water droplets that came from his hair. CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW MUCH HE WAS SHAKING HIS HEAD? It was as if he was possessed and he managed to tear away my eyes from Cory. Hongseob was another one of my favorites! He sometimes seemed a bit fidgety while the others were talking. I’m also pretty sure he was the one that abandoned his team after the guy couldn’t dance Bingo. He was also smiling a lot and I was sure that he was the maknae just by looking at him because he really seemed younger than the others. He was adorable! He was the most tanned one after Jinhong and also has a really long neck.
The boys had real mics (the big ones) and were singing live with a backing track, I think.
The fans were okay-mannered. A lot of them had really fashionable, distinctive styles (hair, make up and clothes). I was right at the middle gangway and of course the fans from the worse seats gathered there instead of staying in their seats. When I entered the concert hall, someone actually had put their clothes on my seat but removed them once I entered. The girl in front of me had a light stick (they were gigantic and looked like they belong to a Star Wars cosplay) but she didn't wave it. At one point a girl that stood in the pathway sat down/leaned on my seat where I had my poster and jacket. I grabbed my things and she quickly stood up. Overall, they were very loud but most people kept their hands down, even during the more hard hitting songs.
After the encore the concert hall cleared pretty quickly. I was excited to meet the group so I went to the staff in the front. When about 2/3 of the fans were out, I saw two  totally in red dressed paramedics coming from the exit doors, used the side entrace to the stage and went backstage. First I thought that a fan might have fainted because there was a group of fans talking animatedly to the backstage people but it turned out that they just wanted signed posters (I think there had been an issue).
First no one really noticed me, then a man told me to go to a staff member at the side of the stage who was discussing with two fans, one of them sobbing. I went there and found out that meeting the group wasn't possible anymore! NO ONE told me that – not the woman on the telephone who called me twice to check my ticket purchase, it wasn't written on the site where I bought the tickets and it certainly wasn't written on my ticket either!
We pleaded for a photo but the woman said no, they are all sweaty right now. Another man said they couldn't let us enter because we couldn't prove that we haven't been backstage yet (mind you, one girl was crying - and even if that's the case, THEY had the responsibility to check that every VIP only goes backstage only once, they could have a list with the seats that were backstage already or write something on the tickets, of course we can't prove we haven't been backstage). She offered us that we could get letters written from them and I said yes euthusiastically (the other girls also agreed).
Now comes a kind of serious and speculative part because I think one of the 24K members had perhaps some kind of serious health issue after the concert. The staff assistant asked us for our favorites, the first one said Jinhong. The second one named another member, I couldn't hear the name but the woman said that he's not available so the fan had to change her pick (she then named Jinhong, too). I picked Cory and in that moment I was really anxious about him being the unavailable one but it turns out that he was okay! She asked us for our names and we wrote them down on her mobile, then I and the sobbing girl gave them out posters for them to sign, too. She went backstage and we waited.
She came back with two posters for us and Din-A4 papers with our names and an autograph of our biases. I thanked her and went outside while other fans approached her about their issues (I think there were more VIPs that weren't aware they had to come before the concert). In front of the concert hall was another crying fans and several fans complaining in Romanian. It was a bummer that the concert ended that way.
On my way home (same street as the venue) I saw an ambulance coming from the direction of the concert venue though the lights were turned off. When I came home I checked the posters and every member signed them so I was curious why that one girl couldn't get a mention from her bias but he could still mysteriously sign two posters? I don't know if any of them really got sick or if they were just too tired to sign posters but something didn't add up. To be honest, I think they exchanged the posters with two pre-signed ones. I was concerned because everyone knows how overworked idols are and the thought of me enjoying their performance when they might have not is a bit disheartening. I hope the members get the rest they deserve once they go back to Korea.
tldr: Overall, great concert. I was surprised because it exceeded my expectations. Fell in love with Cory but there were misunderstandings with the VIP seats. Edit: here are some photos
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