#also if he's living at the hotel
personal head canons about lucifer lets GO
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idk I feel like compiling personal head canons about him that are canon to me until proven wrong by season 2 LETS GO
All powerful seraphim angel can't be harmed by anything other than those higher ranking than him? This means he can't get poisoned either right? If he can't get poisoned then he also can't get drunk. Like at all. I wanna see an episode where he just outdrinks every person there, surprising everyone cuz he so smol
this also means that meds don't work on him either. Poor dude
he and Charlie used to play "trapeze" when she was younger, aka that thing they did together in "More than Anything" cuz clearly she knew what he was going to do, she's been to that pocket dimension before, she's done it a million times
He made Lulu World for Charlie. Not just out of love but like, maybe also cuz he felt bad his depression was making him such a bad parent and he wanted to create of monument of his love for her. The fact that everyone else can go there too is just eh
Cuz of my dissociation headcanon for him (the one that the worse his depression got, the harder that it was for him to hear full conversations with his brain bleeping out large chunks of the sentences) Him agreeing to exterminations was entirely an accident
because of his meeting with heaven where he accidentally allowed for exterminations went so horribly because of his mental health, he developed anxiety about meeting with them at all, or just meetings in general. What if he agrees to something else that's terrible?? (He sent Charlie in to meet with Adam right RIGHT, IM NOT READING TOO MUCH INTO THIS I KNOW ITS CUZ HE WAS SCARED OF MEETING WITH HEAVEN AND ACCIDENTALLY MAKING ANOTHER BAD DECISION I KNOW ITS THIS)
part of the reason he was so hesitant to get charlie a meeting with heaven, wasn't just that he was scared for her, but because he was scared of talking to heaven again cuz of that anxiety ^
He knows he's been flubbing his words in addition to missing what people are saying, and he's over compensating hard
As an angel, his default is a Lover. He loved humanity. He loves his wife. He loves his daughter. He will do ANYTHING for the ones he loves, anything. *grabs you by your shirt* ANYTHING like pretty sure it's to an extremely unhealthy degree
I think maybe a huge part of his depression is justly because he's a lover at heart, and he's been living for thousands of years surrounded by the worst of humanity which shattered his ability to love them as he once did. It's not just disappointment and betrayal, it's a loss of a huge part of your identity. So now there's just this great big hole there that's he's desperately trying to fill in with things to love but uhhh his love for charlie and for ducks isn't enough, and he's trying to overcompensate SO HARD
(this one might actually be canon) because he's a lover, this means he's not naturally a violent person. It takes SO MUCH poking and prodding to get him to actually outright attack someone. Niffty literally scaled him like a tree and he just :\ Alastor was pushing all the buttons and Lucifer just toyed around with him for the most part (granted, Mimzy came in right when Alastor was about to get humbled HARD). Lucifer didn't even raise a finger against Adam until he stupidly tried attacking Charlie literally right in front of him
Maybe it's the shitty mental health and thousands of years of suppression, maybe it's cuz hell changed him, but he really enjoyed going ham on Adam. I think it was cathartic as hell for him. He probably had a lot of pent up emotions that he was just wailing out onto Adam
Lilith once tasked Lucifer of keeping an eye on young Charlie while she went out, and he thought it was totally an okay thing to teach an 8 year old how to summon fireworks. Lilith tells him to stick to the trapeze game...
Lucifer and Sera have an intense history and know each other very well. Neither of them like each other
I can't explain it but, Lucifer and Emily have never met, and while this is more of an Emily headcanon, she cannot recognize him on sight. If they ever were to meet, he'd assume she knows who he is, and she doesn't and he'd have to introduce himself and she'd be so HYPE instead of scared and full of questions for him. He'd probably like her
tops men, bottoms with women, granted it seems so far his preference is for women (but I enjoy all the lucifer ships, ngl)
Keekee used to be his pet and he gave her to Charlie when she asked for the "family building" (the hotel)
pretty sure he never wanted to be king, it's just something he got saddled with
shoot I was rereading and I had one more I wanted to put in here but I forgot like .5 seconds after I thought of it. Oh well this list is plenty long anyways
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yfere · 4 months
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Not Alastor making sure to first point at Husk with a warning expression before turning back to Charlie for his welcome home. This guy REALLY doesn't want Husk to say shit huh.
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And Husk is obviously annoyed as hell (or judgmental? resigned? what is this expression exactly) but he joins the group hug anyway. Never change, Husk.
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cirooka · 4 months
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shhhh they had a long day...
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neopuppy · 4 months
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I love this silly little dude
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mothmanavenue · 10 months
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i just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home
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nychthemeron-rants · 4 months
Ok, so IDK how canon the ages we have for when the Hazbin crew died is, but it has been giving me massive fucking brainrot.
But not only that, but also the match up of their ages and the eras in which they died.
There was a point in time where Alastor, Angel Dust, and Husk were all alive at the same time.
Assuming "mid-30's" means 35, it means that since Angel died in 1947, he was born in 1912.
Husk dying at 75 in the 70's means he was born in the 1900's or maybe even the late 1890's.
Alastor being in his 40's when he died in 1933 means he was born in the 1890's (roughly)
So from 1912 (ish), to 1933 all 3 were alive at the same time.
At the time of Alastor's death: Alastor was in his 40's, Husk was in his mid 30's to maybe early 40's, and Angel (or rather Anthony as we know his human name) was about 21.
Also all 3 experienced the great depression. Husk and Angel experienced WW2. Theres a chance they both fought in the fucking war!
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One thing I love about the amazing story telling in Hazbin Hotel are the little hints dropped along the way is the impact they can make later on.
Like in episode 4 when Husker reveals to Angel that he used to be an Overlord, but gambled his soul away and is now indebted to Alastor.
It makes a previously funny scene in the pilot hit that much harder, when Alastor forcibly pulls him to the hotel.
Husker straight up asks "You think I'm some kind of fucking clown?!"
To which Alastor says "Maybe."
That single passing little interaction that was followed by a laugh track, in my opinion, says so much on how Alastor views him now that we understand more of their past.
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mephoj · 4 days
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late night chat
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#meeple.png#inanimate insanity#inanimate insanity invitational#ii oj#ii mephone4#ii mephoj#not inherently shippy but it is based on the weird gay little version of iii in my head#anyway i think they should've had some kind of summer romance in iii that changes their view on their lives forever#and leaves them haunted by eachother in a way that neither will want to address but it sticks with them#oj is Stuck in his shitty hotel job and kind of caged himself into that the more he insists its Just the way it is and hes fine with it#while mephone has simply gotten used to running away and hiding as much as he can#neither are good coping mechanisms but the kind of experience and perspective they have could be exactly what they need to hear#oj needs to Fucking Quit while mephone needs to let himself find community and let others know him#so he doesn't feel like he Has to run or he Has to do it alone#oj has connections albeit some messier than others#and hes a bit of a bitch but definitely more liked than mephone#and mephone has the If It Sucks Hit The Bricks mentality and the bluntness to get that through to oj#oj also has the perspective of being a s1 vet which means he has a very different view on mephone than others might#and that could do some good in getting through to mephone how his host behavior can negatively affect the contestants involved#mephone views oj as more equal to him as theyre business partners. hes very friendly to him (even if one sided.) he might just listen#sorry if this rant is redundant btw im not reading back any of this HAHA
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prince-liest · 2 months
The way you write Alastor sometimes comes across as very agender to me and idk if you do that on purpose but I love it
I do, actually! He strikes me as the kind of person who is invested in the performance of masculinity and being a gentleman because it's a part of the way he wants the world to see him, and I don't think he would be very tolerant of people trying to emasculate him in any way because that is an insult with heavy connotations, especially during the time he's from. At the same time, though, I feel like if he'd been assigned female at birth, he would see the presentation of his femininity (and anybody questioning it) exactly the same way.
I write him as seeing gender as a role performance that has important traditional social values, but not ones that are inherently related to who he is as a person. Basically, he's a demon and a monster first, and everything else... I'd say "second," but frankly he barely tolerates people seeing the humanity in him at all.
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castielsprostate · 10 months
supernatural if it had been a sitcom. oh what we could've had
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hauntedhotel · 2 years
Finally got around to a re-listen of TMA and with the benefit of hindsight Jon’s initial hostility towards Martin is so ridiculous! In the very first episode he says he doesn’t even count Martin as an assistant as he's "unlikely to contribute anything but delays" but based on what? They barely know each other at this point so is his entire vendetta against Martin - to the point where Jon idly wishes for him to get chopped up by Angela the jigsaw witch - just because of The Dog Incident?
There's no way Martin is so terrible at his job that Jon could have valid criticism of his work that early on, and Martin came down to the Archives from the library, he’s probably the only person down there with the vaguest idea of what archivists are supposed to be doing! He's been working at the institute for 10 years or so and no one other than their mind-reading, eldritch horror boss ever twigged that he wasn't qualified, so there's no way he wasn't at least capable.
And if Jon does already think he's useless, it's probably because he's acting as though he's still in research and Martin is actually doing something adjacent to archiving.
Martin gets the transfer and he's kind of nervous cause a new boss means someone else to potentially be scrutinising his CV but he figures - it's archiving, it's cataloguing and filing and documenting, it's not so different from what he’s been doing in the library for a decade, he can handle this. It's only when he meets Jonathan "wtf is an archivist?" Sims and hears "okay so Tim is sleeping with the lead police officer on this murder case and Sasha has already hacked the guys home and office computers, I need you to harass this witness to make sure they don't want to refute their statement" that he thinks he might be in over his head.
It really only gives you three possible options:
1. He really is determined to never get over The Dog Incident.
2. He actually recognises that Martin seems to know a fair bit about archiving and is so afraid that at least two, possibly three of his assistants might actually be better qualified for the job than him that he’s lashing out.
3. He took one look at Martin and thought, "I've got a jam-packed schedule of stapling priceless documents, bitching about statement-givers on tape and running away from the spiders in my office, I cannot afford to get distracted by that guy's cute face and big sad eyes" and immediately did everything possible to push him away.
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lazysunjade · 5 months
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J A N U A R Y | 01
"happy birthday, Puppy."
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doshi-sukiru · 3 months
After seeing Lucifer posts constantly, I have decided.
I too will make drawings.
and so, I made a bunch of random drawings without any context other than PURE, SHEER BOREDOM! (iykyk)
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Also more fancier Lucifer pictures because let's be real he's a king he needs to look hot-
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So uh, how we feeling about this?
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lokisflame · 3 months
I CAN'T believe there is no amnesia radioapple fic.
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sweetlullabyebye · 23 days
Just realized that there are not one, there are not two, there are THREE scenes of Moonjo peeking at Jongwoo
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theoscout · 2 months
After a lot of thought, I believe that the swap aus with Adam and Lute taking the place of Charlie and Vaggie are a lot more interesting than the original Hazbin Hotel. Imagine Adam, the original person, being forced to see all of his descendents being slaughtered again and again and again, and being told there is nothing that he can do. Imagine how he must have sat in hell in complete guilt and self hatred to see his descendants suffer for something that he had a hand in causing. The exterminations were what finally made him stand up and say no to the years of oppression that he's endured, to raise a middle finger to the rulers that doomed him, and ensure a better future for his children.
Imagine Charlie being the cheerful, sweet, "innocent" face of countless exterminations, perfectly covering the bloody reality of what's actually going on. The daughter of an apathetic king who's arguably far more violent and dangerous than he is, her youth promising that she will be even more dangerous in the future if she isn't stopped.
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