#also the cat is being Extra Squeaky tonight
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Day 189, and all that's left now is her scars! Also, can you tell that I made adjustments to Excited and Disgusted? I'm still less than thrilled with Disgusted in general, but I'm also kind of #done fucking with it. She looks more Concerned than Disgusted, but whatever.
So, since we're basically done, I'm calling it now! Results are in!!! Top five expressions on this sheet are (drumroll, please):
Feel free to disagree with me, though :P
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Apple Of My Pie (5) — Jin
A Small Town Swoons story Chapter 5.
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader (nicknamed Buttercup)
Wordcount: 3.8k
Genre: non-idol!AU, Baker/Café owner!Seokjin, University student!reader Flatmates!AU, Friends To Lovers; angst, very little fluff
Rating: suggested 18+
Trigger Warnings: swearing, slight anxiety, verbal fight, generic allusions to sex.
A/N: Hello my cupcakes! Welcome to the Small Town Swoon Universe! 🥰✨
In this episode: As Jin and Grace grow more intimate, Buttercup realises she needs a way out of her situation, and Namjoon and Jeongguk offer her just that. However, as the events develop, she understands that her decision needs to be even more drastic. Jeongguk teaches Seokjin a very tough lesson — maybe the  toughest of them all.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Swearing. Allusions to sex; accidental overhearing. Seokjin is kind of a jerk, Jeongguk is very angry at him. Verbal fight. Buttercup feels slightly anxious/panics at the thought of going back to the apartment.
Remember to vote for next prompt (check the link in my bio) and in case you need it, here’s my masterlist 💜
If you’d like some company, here is the music companion (Spotify only, sorry 😔)
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 (7/7)
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There were things you never thought you would have to do, things that made you realise the absurdity of your position, the complete stupidity of the circumstances.
Real people don’t need to handle this. Real people live banal lives, date, fall in love, break up. Or get married, have kids, grow up and grow old together.
Real people aren’t awake at four am because their crush’s date is mewling from the opposite side of the apartment.
You didn’t want to ask yourself questions.
You wanted to sleep and possibly wake up cold. That is, dead.
She mewled. Of course, not actually cat sounds but rather that kind of small, shy squeals that usually mean “I’m shy but I love whatever this person is doing”.
You didn’t allow yourself to dig into that.
You just turned to the other side and pressed the spare pillow against your head, trying to mute the sounds — and maybe mute your thoughts in the process.
Maybe accidentally suffocate yourself.
It was ridiculous.
This had happened about a month ago, with reversed roles — you being the squealer and Seokjin being the unfortunate listener.
You wondered whether he had felt just like you were feeling at that moment.
You thought about wearing your headphones and blasting some music. You thought about rushing out of the apartment and smashing the door on your way out.
You knew you had no one to call, no one who could rescue you at four am on a winter night, sheltering you from the shards of your heart precipitating and stabbing your guts.
Maybe you were allucinating. Maybe it was the sound of your pulse getting too loud because you didn’t trust yourself breathing without emitting a sob.
No, it was the headboard. There was no other way to explain the thumping.
You turned and grabbed your phone, sending a hopeless shout in the void. Just a text to the one most likely to answer, even though the chances were pretty thin.
Are you awake? Perhaps?
The thumping subdued.
Your vision blurred as you stared and stared, occasionally tapping the screen and praying for a miracle.
You thought you had fallen asleep, trapped in a nightmare, when a small bubble appeared.
On the hunt. We’re just back from Mulbreigh field. I guess you’re home?”
You shook yourself up and got moving, not even caring to keep quiet. The thumping had resumed, and so had the mewling.
At Ginger’s in five.
You did exit the apartment in a few minutes, grabbing just the bare necessities, and closing the door quietly.
By now you were familiar with nightly runaways.
And you were also familiar with the trio headed toward you.
“Buttercup, is that you?” A calm, familiar voice asked.
“Yeah, it’s us. We have just one field left.” He said. “We’re hoping to get the last one in time for the meteor shower.”
You raised your eyebrows. “There’s a meteor shower tonight?”
The other man at Namjoon’s side was a vet from a city nearby, who occasionally helped him track new wild animals that inhabited the area. “Yes. At around five am. It will be barely visible, but it will be there. Nice to see you, Buttercup.”
“Hello Marcus, always a pleasure.” You said kindly, still shaking your head at the nickname. Shortly after, you noticed the third man greeting you. “Hi Buttercup!”
“Hello Guk!” You said. “How many did you find?”
“We found three owls and got them chipped and registered. And we found a new fox, just out of Mulbreigh. We’re going to track him or her soon, hopefully. No wolves, fortunately.”
You smiled. “That’s good news!” You said enthusiastically, thinking about how the farmer would have menaced those. The four of you walked toward the last location, taking a long path stretching north. 
“We’re hoping to find deers, honestly. Remember when we found that doe, last year? Apparently she found a way to remove her tracker and we’re hoping we can keep her monitored, just in case she has more fawns this year.” Marcus explained, at which you nodded in interest. 
Staying focused allowed you to remove some thoughts from your mind, but at the same time you kept yourself out of their way, letting the experts work, following them from a distance as they combed the field and placed pheromones signals around the area, hoping to attract the doe to the trees near the field, where it was easier to find her traces and where it was potentially easier to catch her.
“There’s no point going on here,” commented Marcus. “We can only wait. It might take weeks.”
Namjoon huffed and nodded. “Oh, there!” He said, pointing up. A white sign resembling a scratch slashed the horizon in the west, Jeongguk whipping his head in the direction, his pretty eyes widening in wonder as he saw one more shooting star zoom through the sky lighting up at dawn in such delicate shades, from rose to periwinkle to deep royal blue.
For a moment you stared at the sky, feeling its immensity, peace and beauty heal you slowly and steadily. How could such tiny human matters affect its infinity? You let your eyes drown in the greatness of everything, with the snowcaps rimmed in gold in the distance, and the meteors becoming invisible as the sky finally became too bright.
“Guk, Buttercup, why don’t you head home while me and Marcus drive back at the cabin and finish up the paperwork?” Namjoon suggested, by now extremely used to his routine.
Jeongguk looked intermittently at you and Namjoon, adorably confused before he nodded.
“Okay.” He agreed.
You smiled timidly before thanking him, the two of you starting your walk back to town. It was a thirty minute trek, at worst, but you were both fast walkers and in twenty-five you reached his small house. Bibby, his large, scary dog — who of course is a sweetheart, just like his owner — welcomed both of you, the oversized puppy throwing himself at you and barking just once before Jeongguk shushed him.
“How come you joined us?” Jeongguk asked, uncapping his orange juice bottle and pouring a glass, offering you some while you shook your head and declined politely.
You crossed your arms, your stance becoming defensive. You fidgeted and tried to speak, starting a couple times before stopping and starting again, trying to build an actual sentence.
Jeongguk looked at you and waited patiently. He was familiar with the blabbering, stuttering and reformulating.
“Okay. Don’t say this to Yoongi, but… Yeah, he took Grace home last night— That is, he brought her to the apartment and they… Slept together?” You said, your voice so squeaky by the time you said the final word.
“And by ‘sleeping’ you mean everything but, right?” Jeongguk asked tactfully.
You nodded and looked at the floor, busying yourself petting Bibby.
“I’m so sorry, Buttercup.” He said, coming close to you and caressing your back soothingly.
You didn’t have the energies to cry. You probably would, in a while, after waking up.
“You need some sleep, don’t you, Buttercup?” Jeongguk asked, patting your head.
Again you replied wordlessly, moving your head in approval.
“Bibby is a great nap buddy, and I can get the futon ready and let you sleep there.” He reassured you, already fluffing up the pillows and grabbing an extra blanket.
“I’d like to sleep on the sofa, please?” You said, sitting down and removing your shoes, Bibby immediately getting interested in your wiggling toes.
“Oh, you’d like that?” He asked in surprise, “try it first, I can still get the futon ready if you don’t like this old guy.” He joked about the piece of furniture.
You laid on your side, wiggling a little as you found the right position. “Can do.” You said with a barely-there smile. “Thank you, Guk.”
“It’s okay.” He said, throwing the blanket on top of you. “This one is just for guests. I washed it last weekend, don’t worry.” He reassured you.
Knowing Jeongguk, you didn’t even mind. He is a neat freak and a tattoo artist: cleanliness means everything to him. “Can I seriously keep Bibby?” You asked, soft eyed.
He beamed and nodded. “He only sleeps on the sofa.” He said proudly and, as if following his owner’s praise, Bibby climbed on the cushions, curling up in the space before you and laying his head on your arm, using it as a pillow.
You giggled and scratched the spot behind his ear.
“Ask me if you need anything.” Jeongguk murmured. “I’ll leave my door open, just in case you need help or something.” He commented sweetly, closing the blinds to the several windows before walking to the kitchen and coming back to you, placing a bottle of water close to you.
He noticed Bibby was already asleep and he caressed the dog’s head before whispering “sleep tight”.
You heard him leave the room. You closed your eyes, feeling Bibby’s lungs inflate and deflate regularly, his heartbeat strong, his short fur velvety and relaxing under your fingertips.
You fell asleep like a baby.
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Waking up meant a lot of things happening altogether.
Realising Bibby was in your arms.
Realising you were on Jeongguk’s sofa.
Realising you were heartbroken and that the idea of going back home nauseated you so deeply you couldn’t even remotely consider it.
Jeongguk greeted you from the kitchen. “You’re up, Buttercup!” He cheered, while Bibby turned around and placed his big head under your chin, shading his eyes. He always marvelled you with his curious manners. “It’s midday, would you like brunch?”
You sniffed the air. Bacon and eggs.
“Yes, please.”
Bibby seemed to follow your lead, sniffing the air and running to his owner, acting way faster than you.
“Okay, what do we wanna do?” Jeongguk  asked once you were both seated at the kitchen table.
You ate some food, chewing quietly as you thought. You took your time.
“Honestly, I don't feel like going home, I guess.” You said, staring at your dish. You felt a bit lost.
“We can hang out. Watch TV, meet the guys, do anything you want.” Jeongguk said.
“I was thinking of… No, it's okay, I should go home.”
“But you don't want to.” Jeongguk opposed.
“No, but I don't want to go back later tonight and find myself dreading sleeping in my room.” You said. You couldn't explain the emptiness in your stomach as you thought of the room.
“You know you can stay here as long as you want, right? I have a spare room. We can put the futon there.” He said touching your hand.
That small sentence felt like the water threatening to drown you was slowly lowering.
“I don't want to abuse your kindness.” You admitted shyly, softly.
“I am your friend. It is my duty to help you” He reassured you.
You mulled over your various possibilities. “Okay. But I'd like to go home and grab some stuff. Maybe they're not around.” You considered, looking at Jeongguk doubtfully.
“It's okay. We can go together.”
You exhaled in relief.
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Standing in front of the apartment door, you took a deep breath, Jeongguk rubbing his hand between your shoulder blades, over your jacket.
You could already hear them laughing and chatting.
You slipped the keys into the lock and opened the door.
“I'll wait here, yes?” Jeongguk reassured you.
You nodded and went in, walking to your room hesitantly, only to be completely overwhelmed by the sight in the kitchen.
Jin was standing behind Grace, helping her prepare his special avocado sandwich, an elaborate mug topped with whipped cream and crushed almonds waiting beside her while the breakfast table was filled with any kind of breakfast and brunch food one could only dream of.
However, what truly unsettled you was Grace, wearing an oversized shirt — Jin's — bare-legged, with Granny's thick handmade socks covering her feet and calves.
Seokjin said something in her ear and she giggled cutely, throwing her head back and leaning into his shoulder.
They ignored you completely, caught in their happy bubble, while you hid slightly.
You refused to hold on, rushing back to the front door.
Jeongguk spoke softly. “Where's your stuff?”
You shook your head.
“I'm coming with you.” He said, placing his hand on the small of your back and leading you inside, closing the door noisily.
“Hello, we're here.” He called loudly, bringing the two of you to the kitchen.
Seokjin's eyes zeroed in to the place the man's voice had come from, spotting you instead.
So this is it, he thought.
He. Grace.
You. Jeongguk.
His jaw contracted.
“Buttercup came by to grab some things. It won't take long, will it, sweets?”
You widened your eyes at him and shook your head. “Yes, sure.”
You almost ran to your bedroom, picking up the most basic stuff to spend a night out and to head off to lessons the following morning.
In the bathroom, you collected your toothbrush and beauty products before returning to the kitchen, your bag ready.
“Good to go, sweets?” He questioned, looking at you with his expressive, gleeful eyes.
You nodded and gave him the tiniest of smiles. “Let's go.”
Jeongguk turned towards Jin and Grace. “Have a nice afternoon, goodbye!” He greeted, letting you wave at the two before dragging you out, not before offering Seokjin a smug grin and winking.
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Wearing that mask took a toll on him. He hated what Seokjin had done to you through the years, acting like a protective older brother without being one. He hated that the man kept you emotionally busy and never let you out of his influence. Most of your past relationships had dramatically been brought to an end by Seokjin's asphyxiating presence, by the incapability of your partners to rival with your best friend.
He had ruined you for everyone else, and Jeongguk couldn't find any words to define how cruel that was.
“Are you doing okay, Buttercup?” He asked.
You smiled a bit coldly.
“I'm sorry you had to see that.” He opened the door and let you in, Bibby welcoming the both of you.
“It's okay. They've been dating for more than a month now. He's been by himself for a long time–”
“But he had you!” Jeongguk objected as he took off his jacket.
Your mouth stretched sadly. “Not like that.”
Jeongguk scrunched his nose in disappointment. “Okay. You know I’ve had the biggest crush over you. And we know that by now it’s just water under the bridge. And maybe I never told you but it was so easy to get over you — no offence — since to me, actually to all of us, you and Jin have always belonged to each other. It’s canon. Anyone else would be wrong for the two of you. Obviously.”
You completely ignored Jeongguk’s mention of those old feelings. You already knew; it was all water under the bridge — just like he said — and the two had discussed it years ago. Instead, you focused on the belonging part. “He has Grace now. They’ve been dating for what? Six weeks?”
“He’s been in love with you for four years!” Jeongguk said, slightly upset.
“Well, apparently he didn’t do a great job of showing that! And it doesn’t matter now. He has Grace.” You repeated.
“The two of you are so stupidly dumb, I need to call Yoongi.” Jeongguk said, absolutely frustrated.
Silence lingered heavy in the room, like a thick fog. “Don’t call Yoongi, please.” You said, sitting on the sofa and curling up in a ball. “He’ll scold me and then snap at Jin and then Spice will kill all of us for stressing him and interrupting their kinky Sunday afternoon.”
Jeongguk startled and put down the phone. “Kinky Sunday afternoon? Is that a thing?”
“With Spice, anything is a thing, especially if it means alone time with Yoongi.” You explained, scratching your nose and hugging Bibby as he got on the sofa.
“Okay. Let’s think about happier, less traumatising things. Do you wanna watch some TV? I have some Disney DVDs from when Namjoon comes over. No Bambi and Dumbo because those make him cry.” Jeongguk said, exposing his friend shamelessly. “And I don’t want to pay for Disney plus, Yoongi would disown me and I would never tattoo him anymore and I don’t want that.”
You giggled, completely endeared. “Do you think you have Tangled?”
“Oh, yes!” Jeongguk checked the case and placed the CD in his PlayStation. “Namjoon loves Pascal. The chameleon.” Jeongguk gushed, sitting on the sofa, switching on a small lamp. “Oh, would you like some popcorn?” He asked, ever friendly and welcoming.
You smirked before nodding.
Pausing the film, he dashed to the kitchen, getting a bag into the microwave and coming back five minutes later with a large bowl, the whole room smelling of salted butter.
You hummed in approval and settled down, Bibby miraculously uninterested in the snack. He restarted the film and your mind got completely absorbed by that.
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Seokjin was confused.
He had accompanied Grace home, and now he sat in an empty room — an empty house —, looking at the opposite end of the table, where you weren’t sitting.
Did you sleep with Jeongguk for revenge?
Did you maybe talk to him and he made his move and you said ‘why not’, just like you had with that dude almost a month ago?
Maybe you liked him. Maybe you had always liked him and the two of you had confessed — he had a different gleam in his eyes and he had called you ‘sweetie’ or some other dumb nickname like that.
He should have confessed. He should have stopped hiding his head in his ass and should have grown a pair and told you, Buttercup, I’m so far gone that I’d be ready to serve you for the rest of my life, hell, I’d even donate you my sperm if your husband was infertile and you wanted kids. I’d even give up a kidney, fuck, I’d give up my heart too for you.
He was a dumb, stupid fucker.
He wrote you a text.
I’m sorry about fucking Grace, please come home.
Please come home. We need to talk. I’m in love with you.
Don’t fuck Jeongguk, you can fuck me instead, please.
He realised he always wrote ‘please’, and the more he went on, the more he needed to add.
He tried to stop overthinking everything and focused on the actual reality of it all.
He stared at your empty seat again.
Are you coming home for dinner?
The silence felt eternal.
That must be how space rovers feel, he thought, thinking about that tiny robot that wandered over the surface of Mars all alone.
He felt like the whole apartment couldn’t possibly be home anymore.
He shook his head, telling himself he was being melodramatic. After five minutes, he decided to call you. You always answered texts about food! You knew how much it meant to him eating together!
With renewed tenacity, he found your contact at the very top of the list, three A’s added before your name to make sure it always stayed on top of the list.
And he called you.
The beeping sound of the call ringing went on for ages. He swore he could feel his hair grow and his skin wither.
He waited maybe for a bit less than a minute, his mind already knowing that you were upset with him, that you were making him wait and grovel. You were trying to get on his nerves. Most definitely.
The ringing stopped.
“What is it?”
It was Jeongguk.
“Is she with you?” Seokjin asked, cold as ice.
“Yes. Of course.”
“When is she coming home?” Jin asked dryly. He felt ready for a fight.
“When she wants to.” Jeongguk replied equally dryly.
“Give her the phone.”
Jeongguk breathed heavily. He didn’t want to pass the phone to you. Seokjin had no right claiming you like that, using that voice, acting so mean when he was the one at fault. “She’s sleeping.” It was true. You were really sleeping; you had completely crashed at the end of the cartoon, with Bibby keeping you warm and covering you in affection, never leaving your side. After all, some dogs have a sense of smell so fine that they can sniff at their owner’s skin and perceive the hormones making their human happy or sad.
Seokjin waited, trying to calm himself down. It didn’t work. “I bet you’re gloating. You finally have her, don’t you? You must be feeling so smug.”
Jeongguk stretched his neck, keeping his composure. “I don’t have her, okay? She came to me and I gave her space. I gave her somewhere safe—”
“Our home is safe.” Jin growled. “Here is safe.”
“With you breaking her heart by banging that girl you don’t love?”
“She also banged a man she didn’t give a shit about.”
Jeongguk raised his eyebrows. “Did you bang Grace for revenge, then?”
“No. God, I’ve been alone for years, can’t I have one good thing?” Seokjin almost screamed, his frustration spilling over.
“Maybe she banged him to get over you. Maybe she did that because she’s tired of being alone, too.” Jeongguk explained, his tone glacial. His anger was scary — it didn’t explode or break. It froze everything it touched. “You hurt her. The moment you chose Grace, and with every date you went on. When you went to her on Valentine’s, when you banged her the other night. And there’s a difference. The dude she banged? That was just sex. But you and Grace? There are feelings there. That’s the part she can’t stand. This morning, when she saw the two of you in the kitchen? You broke her heart, Jin. She was broken—”
“But you fixed that, didn’t you, sweetie?” He teased, sarcastic and poisonous.
“Stop talking about my feelings for her.” Jeongguk chastised him. “Unlike you, I told her. I told her I had had a crush for her. I told her three years ago and I also told her that my feelings died down once I realised how she looked at you and how you looked at her. And we’re friends, we’re cool. I would never be able to look at her like anything more than a sister.”
Seokjin shut his mouth. He felt horrible. Maybe because he was horrible. He needed your sparkly laugh and your soothing touch. To talk things out about last night. Make everything right again. “Please, convince her to come home.”
Jeongguk tutted. “I won’t. She’ll come if she wants to. At her own time.”
“Jeongguk...” Seokjin begged.
“You both need to move on from this toxic bond. And there’s no way other than separating. Physically first, and emotionally second.” Jeongguk reasoned, repeating something he and Yoongi had discussed a thousand times.
“She is my friend.”
“You’re not hers, though. You are the person she loves, and the person hurting her. She deserves a real chance, away from you.” Jeongguk rubbed the crown of his head. “I have to go. Goodnight.”
He hung up.
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 (7/7)
41 notes · View notes
localkatshelter · 4 years
Okame’s Underbelly: Anticipation |1st|
(Shinso x OC)
Katsumi's POV (localvillageidiot#0870) and Shinso's POV (hecker#8339)
 Two people with a common passion meet unexpectedly during one of Shinso's lowest moments. He'd like to forget it ever happened but Katsumi has her own reasons for not letting it go. Through push and pull, they struggle to understand one another, regardless they can't keep away from each other.
| How long have I been staring at myself in the fucking mirror? My eyes look so dead...but don’t they always. I realized the extra lifelessness wasn’t due to my overall apathy or shitty eyeliner; it was due to them being red and puffy. That’s no good. I hurriedly searched through the cabinet for my eye drops. They were usually used for another purpose, but today, they’ll be used to disguise the fact that I had been crying. |
(Katsumi's POV)
My head fell forward for the millionth time as I struggled to stay awake for the last five minutes of my summer remedial science lab. Why does science have to be so boring? This fucking professor always lectures for the full three hours too. How could someone possibly have this much to say about chlorophyll? All I could do was watch the clock tick by until, finally, the class was dismissed. I gathered my things as quickly as possible and headed towards my dorm building. Throwing my things onto the kitchen table, I immediately started to strip and headed towards the bathroom. The silver lining in having to come to campus in the summer for my remedial class? Getting to move in early and having the whole suite to myself. I showered quickly and put on my typical Friday night attire: some broken-in mom jeans that I embroidered and had a friend paint on paired with a comfortable faded band t-shirt I had stolen from a partner I had long forgotten the name of, tucked and held in place with some old belt I fished out of a Good Will bin a few years ago. I hummed as I put on some clear lipgloss and touched up my hair. Perfect. I made sure to set out some dinner for my fat cat who was hiding somewhere in my bedroom, likely in my sheets. For a supposed emotional support animal, I never saw much of her unless she was in the mood to cuddle, which was usually at night.
“Harley, I’m going out. I’ll be back.” I called out.
She meowed from the bed in response. I grabbed my things from the table and tossed them into my bedroom before popping my headphones in and heading out the door. I was on my way to the only place that made my summer Fridays bearable: The Squeaky Wheelhouse.
After a short while, I walked up to a dark and disheveled, yet oddly charming, building. This was my hidden gem, the highlight of my college career, a place where artists gathered to share their work and critique the world around them without fear. Friday nights were open mic nights for spoken word poetry, which I didn’t think I would like until I heard Okame perform. Their words about the plights of the world of heroism and comic book celebrities brought to life really resonated with me. Most of their pieces were critiques on how heroes navigate their jobs and how they are treated by the government, the people, and each other. I admired the way they captured the duality of appreciating heroes for what they are while also not feeling a need to bow to them as if they were gods. It felt so real to me, especially because around the same time I first heard their work, I had started my photojournalism blog on a similar topic. It was really just a love project at first. I would take pictures of heroes in the heat of battle and use them to show how human they really are. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it was me or my quirk that had the idea first. My hyperempathology quirk sometimes had a mind of its own. It was always dragging me into situations that I had no business being in. I always ended up manipulating someone's emotions to make them feel better, which had positive and negative results. On the one hand, I was glad that I could make someone feel better. On the other hand, it made me feel like shit because not only did I manipulate someone’s emotions without permission; I also absorbed the negative emotions I had alleviated. In a strange sense, the blog was my own way of alleviating myself of what I had alleviated. I had never expected it to take off either, but there I was, a month later, still taking pictures of heroes in their most desperate and vulnerable state in an effort to humanize them. I kept at it because, well, they are people after all. They aren’t gods, they have emotions, but the way the media and the government build a hero’s image doesn’t allow for much expression. It’s unfair to them; it's as if they aren't allowed to be people anymore. I had always thought I was alone in that, but apparently, I’m not. My blog has a pretty decent following now, which I am super proud of. Although I’m pretty sure that a lot of people in the hero community despise or at least dislike me for basically being renegade paparazzi.
Oh well. No one knows it’s me who runs the blog. The closest anyone has ever gotten was when someone traced my IP address back to the college campus, but Kyoto University has upwards of 22,000 students enrolled. There’s no way someone would be able to find me out as long as I don’t use my personal electronics to post. Okame had also become a popular performer at the Wheelhouse and had a sort of residency time slot on Friday nights. It was weird, but I was proud of them too. I felt like we were similar, almost connected by our mutual views and creative outlets. On top of that, they used a pseudonym and a ghost performer just like I used a pen name and hid my IP address for my work. All of the aligning characteristics made me think we would get along if we ever met, but that’ll probably never happen.
I walked into the building, waving to the Friday night staff that I had gotten to know over the summer. I took a seat on a comfortable looking armchair near the back corner of the main room that had a decent view of the small performance stage. I opened up a book that I brought with me to read until the performances started. I ordered a large mint tea and settled in, anticipating Okame’s latest insight.
(Shinso's POV)
I had bitten my lips raw at this point. There’s no way it’s actually over. We’ve broken up so many times before, and we’ve always managed to hash it out. But this time felt different. She wasn’t returning my texts with curt responses. She wasn’t posting about me subliminally on her social media to piss me off. She didn’t show up at my house with the gifts I had given her and dramatically throw them at me. No angry voicemails. No tears. No nothing. The strangest part was that her last text wished me well, even though I ended it this time around. All of it almost felt like a real goodbye. But still, there’s no way.
I had to talk to her tonight to make sure. Throughout our whole relationship, despite our arguing, we never missed a Friday at The Squeaky Wheelhouse. That was our way to ease the stress from the strife of the week prior. No matter how mad we were, we would still begrudgingly sit together and enjoy the show. By the end of the night, we would always manage to soften towards each other once again. Even if my piece of the week was bitterly aimed at her, she still respected me enough to put my voice out there and perform it for me. That’s what I loved about her. She knew attention made me squeamish and vulnerability was definitely not my favorite pastime. I shared the document that contained today's piece with her. It was an apology. She could barely squeeze those out of me normally, so she had to know I was deadly serious this time around. I tried not to envision her reaction or dwell on whether or not she would even accept my apology because it made me so anxious that I wanted to jump out of my skin.
How long have I been staring at myself in the fucking mirror? My eyes look so dead...but don’t they always. I realized the extra lifelessness wasn’t due to my overall apathy or shitty eyeliner; it was due to them being red and puffy. That’s no good. I hurriedly searched through the cabinet for my eyedrops. They were usually used for another purpose, but today, they’ll be used to disguise the fact that I had been crying. Save those tears for later, Shinso. She’s seen me cry even less than she’s heard me apologize. Numbness was the best blanket I’ve ever had. But tonight, I’ll avoid covering myself up. I need to show her that I care because I’m known to fucking suck at it. After I applied the drops, I roughly ran my fingers through my torturously messy violet mane, exhaling heavily. I tried to dress up a little this Friday. I know it’s trivial, but I want to be my best for her tonight. My outfit was made up of my typical dark colors, but I dressed it up with a black jean jacket, chelsea boots, and a few bulky rings that she gifted me but were too cumbersome to actually wear. What makes them even more annoying is that I’ve been fiddling with them all evening to distract myself, and let me tell you, it’s not working. I have another hour until I have to leave; I need a better distraction.
I plopped myself down on my bed with my laptop and clicked on my “The Underbelly'' bookmark. I always loved the irony of this blog served as an escape but also as a merciless glimpse into reality for me. My leg bounced as the page loaded—no new posts. Shit...well, it has only been a couple of days. I thoroughly looked forward to the new content because the author and I are eerily like-minded as far as hero ideology. Sometimes I felt as if I wrote a few of the entries myself. They’re the only person that I felt connected to on a philosophical level, and finally having that was comforting, to say the least. It was a bit taboo to criticize heroes so harshly because it was easy to be labeled as ungrateful. I’ve personally always felt like a great way to show appreciation is to continuously try to improve a system that everyone relies on. I guess people just don’t like to make sense. Hero work is honestly one of the few things I actually cared about, and to see people be so dismissive really pissed me off. Then again, people don’t really know I feel this way. I try not to let people get into my head too much. That’s why I created my Okame persona. I wanted to get my views out there without making it about myself at all. I felt it didn’t really hold true to the purpose of my message, with the whole not making hero’s these god-like figureheads simply for doing what’s right. That and...I hate when people look at me for more than a few seconds. My searing glare usually fixed that right quick. Quickly getting over the minor disappointment, I closed my laptop. Well, I didn’t have another alternative distraction, so I decided to say fuck it and head to the kitchen for some liquid courage.
I downed about two shots of rum. I was taking the bus there anyway, so it’s not like it mattered. I checked my watch, 30 more minutes. I wracked my brain for something to alleviate the unbearable anticipation as I blankly stared at the bottle of rum. Oh! I could pick up her favorite soju. It’s super strong, so we usually reserve it for a day where we don’t plan to do shit else but enjoy each other's company. But I feel like if we’re gonna hash all the bullshit out, we might need to be generously buzzed. Liquor store it is. I adjusted my collar before I headed out the door.
I decided on four bottles of the grapefruit soju because she really likes tart flavors. She always made fun of me for liking the sweeter sojus, but I’ll let her think she has the better taste tonight. The drinks were hidden away in a plastic bag tucked under my feet. I tried to settle in my seat towards the back as I checked my watch again for the fifteenth time. It was now 5 minutes after the starting time. Guess both the show and my girlfriend(?) are running late. My hands automatically began scratching at the already chipped polish on my nails. She’s been uncharacteristically calm during this fight; I wonder if she’ll stay that way once she sees me.
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kitkat2cats · 4 years
2017 – 2018
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  On 12 October 2017 Dear Elgar, I think you are too young to realise that humans are not as well adapted as we felines. They do not seem to have our ability to just let go and curl up and sleep. They mainly seem to sleep when it is dark. Poor things, I think it’s because their eyes are not as good as ours.You must be aware that if you want her to go on serving you let her have a good night’s sleep. I speak from experience. Purrs from Quintus.
13 Oct 2017 ​Dea-purr Quintus she says I is to say thank you for your email even though I felt you were tellings mes offs. Iz gets excited when zshe turns overs in bedz – I think she mights swant zto tickle my belly so I goes ands nuzzles her, somesztimes she pulls my next sto herz which makes me purrrrrrrrrrrrr lotz, butz Iz sdnont understands whys shes cross wiv me & like today at lightening ups inz the zskys wiv birdies teaszings mees she putz me out of her room nd shutsz door on me. I is cryings & puts my paws (thayz be bigg paws I haz *purrrrrrrrrr*) ins gapz under doors but she ignores me. I waz veryz sad nd I cryyd. I is confoozd I just brought her a prezant of birdzy nd she pickd meez up nd putz me outz de door! I  brought zit backs again but now shez stopped me comings in. Meow, 😦 I donts understands) Mew mew meow, moarghomew Elgar xx
On 13 October 2017 Dear Elgar, I was not trying to tell you off, more just trying to make you understand that humans are rather unlike us. I’m sorry yours was so misunderstanding of you. It is hard I know. For  some reason mine get narky when I get on the table. They don’t seem to realise it seems natural to me. They will spray me with water. Can’t understand why. Purrrrs and a nose rub, from Quintus.
25th Nov 2017 Dear Elgar, I hope your human is feeling a bit better. My human has thought of her lots, she has told me about her. I understand you are bigger than me. How is that for you are still not much more than a kitten?Though you do seem quite adventurous, and an expert at hunting. They do not always seem to appreciate this. They do seem to have some funny ideas, mine seem to get cross when I get on the table. It is such a good place to see will is going on, and I can even see out of the window if I face that way. She sometimes sprays me with water which I think is unnecessary, unkind. Funny things humans. Purrrrrrs to you and my aunty Muffin, and Arya, Quintus 
Dearapurrr Quintus I iz understanding yous – this one had a shock last nights (purr purr purr miaowwwwwwwwwww!! So funny) I had posted a toad through the slightly blocked cat flap (I has got Muffin to type – much faster & I am licking her ears) but my hooman didn’t know until she came to lock up last night. She was squealing (I don’t think it was with delight though 😦  ) as she had to pick it up & put it out of the flap – I was watching & it kepts leaping all over the place she got it onto the cat flap door but as she tried to put it out it jumped at her – she said some words I don’t hear very often – Muffs sez it’s shwairing – it took hooman over 5 mins to get toady out the hole! I waz giggling inside so much I fellz over n my legs were in the air!
Poor you being shqirted wiv water – not nice ats all! My hooman makes a noise like a snake which I knows is bad so I always try to gets as flats as possibles as snakes are naszty thhngs . sometimes I has to run away, but so far no sprayz wiz water. I got my hooman up today at 8am (so she sez) its waz urlier az dem birdiez wer teasing me so muches.
I is off to getz more birdz I thinks – I don’ts knows waz the problemz iz about it coming ins the house to be eats – after all my others foods are INDOORS – silly hooman! Purrs n no fleas (I don’t like havings that stuff on my neck but the bittings has stopped so I gez its a goods things reeelys) Speaks soon Elgar xx *purrrrrr*
On 27 Nov 2017
Miaowy greetings Uncle Quintus 
I is finally able to get my paws on hooman’s computery thing. Thank you for your writings. My hooman has been very poorly mother says & I am supposed to be keeping her warm, buts this is difficults at times as she moves me off, or says “Feet” – I knows I is meant to sits on her feet as they get cold (I never has cold feets have you?) but they are bony & she wriggles so I need to pounce, then she gets cross with me.
I sometimes worry about this thing of my hooman getting cross. Yesterday she smacked my nose! I was not happy at all with this, and the only reason was I was trying to clean out her breakfast bowl before she had finished – I don’t think I was unreasonable as she had taken HOURS to eat it…
Last night Aunty Muffin boxed my ears – I was just supporting her in keeping our hooman warm, I can’t help it if I am a bit bigger than Aunty Muffin – she needs to let ME have some room so I can be comfy shouldn’t she?
Hooman have me a deep groom this morning – she has taken her time over it! I like them every other day – but at least I has had one now. I stretched out for her, but something happened & I forgots – I puts my teeth & claws into my hooman. She put the furminator away & left the bedroom where we was. I got lonely & I still wanted my belly tickled! Such unreasonable behaviour from her at the moment.
She is also very smelly now, & has a REALLY noisy thing that she uses which makes her look like a dragon smoking (I has heard of these mystical creatures – I would like to grow up & be a dragon I think, does you know how I grows up to be a dragon?) she also coughs really loudly at times – so much so I have fallen off her legs – how is I supposed to do my “job” as foot warmer if she kicks me off?
I is in a mess here I thinks. nothing is going the way it should be. I is not worshipped – although my hooman does get me excellent food I suppose. So far she hasn’t sprayed me with the wet stuff deliberately – how bad is your hooman!?! That’s such an insult (unless you wanted some water – we does not have a table as far as I knows.
Right I has better sends this to yous before she comes back from the little room. Aunty Muffin is now sitting where I WANT TO SIT. It is just NOT FAIR! I is the biggest, bestest & only boy cat – surely they should treats me the bests? I is still only a baby in age.
I found a small squeaky thing outside – but it had a pointed nose – my hooman says its a shrew – & that it wouldn’t make good eatings – she knows about stuff like that so I left it on the mat in the kitchen for her. She didn’t say thank you. it’s all too confoosing for me.
Am I at the worst home ever?
sadly love Elgar xXx
28th Nove 2017 Purrrs Elgar, That was a good piece you sent. I will try to answer your questions First I don’t think your home is bad. There are many worse I understand, where you are not fed well and can be shut out when you want to go in. Humans are funny strange animals. They do odd things like getting wet all over in a thing called a bath, but seem to be almost afraid of rain. I don’t like rain much myself but it is natural.
My human tortured me the other day and said it was for my own good. First I was wound up in a towel, and held by the other human in my house, but I got free, cos I’m strong, but it was no use for the door and window was shut so they got me again. So undignified, I think I deserve more respect. Some fur was cut on my neck and some horrible stinging stuff put on. I got out as soon as the window was opened after I had given her a killing look, and almost decided not to go back but I got hungry.
I am training her, I just look at the food in my dish  but I will only eat it if she adds some of my treats, this way I get a few extra, which is good. She says I will get too fat and already looking fatter. It’s only my winter fur is thick, I don’t have to put on funny clothes and she puts on on lots if it is cold then SHE is fat. I guess your human is in a funny mood because she is not well. I would not leave until she is better, if she is still odd then you could visit me, I hope things improve soon. Purrrs , Quintus 
On 29 November 2017 Dear Elgar,Your message was very kind, but really my humans are not really that bad, and I am still training them. I have always plenty of dry food available, and water to drink, though I prefer the water that is outside. I too get treats every evening, and have trained her to give me extra sometimes.
I don’t usually sleep on my humans bed, but do sometimes. I prefer to be where I can roam as she keeps her door shut at night. At the moment my favourite place is a chair half way up the stairs. I can keep an eye on what is happening, though this cold weather makes me sleepy. Today I only went out for short times.
I have not heard about this dreadful monster but maybe I will stay in, especially she says it will be freezing tonight. Even with my thick fur I can not like that much cold. I am glad your human is a bit better.  I think you are all looking after her very nicely. Just remember not to wake her up.  Many purrrrrs to you, Quintus.
2nd December 2017 Dear Elgar, You send very good letters. Thanks. Presents are things that you give or receive. The food you sent me was a present, sometimes to make things complicated it is called a gift. Humans seem to like having different words for the same thing. Very odd. I still have a little of your special food for it is given to r almost like a great, though more than a great. It sounds fun that you search for yours. Mine are put in a special little dish. The special ones for cleaning my teeth are put there too, but at a different time. Yes, it is too cold.  I usually go out lots, but I suppose staying on my chair much of the time. I think I will go out and do, but come in again very soon. I am intrigued , what is a furminator? I think you must be cleaver to hold it. I have you are kind to warm your humans bed, but I guess it is a comfortable place for you too. My human has a cold but she thinks it is almost better, so maybe she will see you on Monday. Purrrr from Quintus, and to Aunty. Muffin and your mother too.
6th December 2017 Purrs Elgar, I am sorry your human is unhappy. I hope she is feeling better today. I nudged my human and she weighed me. She says I am 12lbs, but our scales are not as good as yours. We will try again. My last letter was a bit funny. Maybe the cold does not suit me! I know I have been indoors much more than usual. Fresh air is good for my thinking. (But not too cold).I hope Aunty Muffin is more happy . I s she sick too or just worried about your human. My human says yours has got pneumonia. Perhaps it’s called that because it makes them feel moany. Is yours moany or just sad? Please give Aunty Muffin a nose rub from me, and of course to you. Lots of purrs, Quintus
Oooh Elgar, what do you think of this white stuff they call snow? When I was a kitten I liked to play in it, but this morning I only stayed out briefly, It is still snowing and the trees look as if they are dressed in white, though I am going to curl up on my chair soon. A time called Christmas will be here soon I think. Maybe you will get a present then. I was given a funny mouse like thing but it was not alive, but it had a wonderful scent, which made me play with it as if it was alive. The humans have more things but I liked the paper and ribbon best, and there can be a useful box. They do odd things like put a tree inside and then hang things on it. I thought these were for playing with, but my human says NO! She  was very cross when I tried to claim the . (But that was when I was a kitten). I still play with the hanging things when there is no-one there, though usually they shut the door. I don’t think you should try to climb the indoor tree if you have one as I think you would be too heavy for it. I look forward to hearing your you. Purrrrrrs to Aunty Muffin and your mother, and a nose rub to you. Quintus.
10th December 2017 Dear Uncle Quintus Thank yous got your letter. It is very cold outside isn’t it? Mother, Aunty Muffin & I stayed with our hooman for a Very long time – she didn’t go to sleep very early – not su/purrre why, but she’s kept us all up until about birdie time – but I waz on her lap downstairs whilst she was awake so I go so many cuddles that I ignored the birds & we all slept in until this afternoon. Hooman is cross with herself for not sleeping at what she thinks are the right times to sleep – I don’t understand this as any time is a good time for 40winks! I has been better behaved & have been rewarded for it – so until it becomes boring I will carry on – last night I was chasing treats all around her bedroom! The girls were boring on the bed eating their pile so delicately! Pooh girls are silly! I think it is much more fun to chase my bits of treats – sometimes I miss a bit & find it later!
Hooman wants to know how much of my special food you have left? She said something about presents – which I am confused about a bit – but I think you will get some for your present. I tried to help her do some drawing yesterday – but it seems my paws are just a bit too wide to hold a pencil – I can hold the furminator and it remove some loose fur around my face – I is very clever to do this – neither of the girls can do it! I’m off upstairs to preheat the bed – hee hee what she doesn’t see she can’t worry about! miaory purrs  – Keep Warm Elgar XXX
Dear Elgar,
I think you are too young to realise that humans are not as well adapted as we felines. They do not seem to have our ability to just let go and curl up and sleep. They mainly seem to sleep when it is dark. Poor things, I think it’s because their eyes are not as good as ours.
You must be aware that if you want her to go on serving you let her have a good night’s sleep.
I speak from experience.
Purrs from Quintus
These are letters from Quintus son of Tinto, sister of Muffin. Q is the 5th kit in her litter. He chose to reply to a kitten called Elgar(son of Arya) who was very confused about Humans (hoomans). Their letters span several years 2017 - 2018 On 12 October 2017 Dear Elgar, I think you are too young to realise that humans are not as well adapted as we felines.
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coffeecomicsgalore · 4 years
For the Love of a Chat
Chapter 4 – Thief
Chat Noir, the ever-excited kitty that he was, positioned himself in front of Marinette as they sat comfortably on her bed. She chuckled as she watched him waggle from the excitement.
After the akuma attack, Chat kept to his promise and had come by her balcony, enveloping her in a hug when he saw that she was safe and sound. It also delighted him further when he noticed that along with a small smile on her face, she was no longer exhausted from crying. When Marinette asked him why he was in such a good mood, he jumped from one foot to the other with his claws clasped together against his chest, the only thing he said was, “I have the best surprise for you.”
Marinette, not wanting to give away what she already knew, tilted her head and furrowed her brows, twisting her lips into a pleasant smile. “Fine, kitty. But let’s go to my room first. It’s a little chilly tonight.”
So, there they were, sitting on Marinette’s bed while Chat tried his best (and failing) to hold in his excitement.
“So, what is this surprise you wanted to show me?” Marinette inquired.  
“Well.... do you want to do something fun? You know, let out some of that frustrated steam from your terrible day?”
She feigned confusion. “What do you have in mind?”
Chat finally stopped fidgeting and held out his hand. “Marinette, this is the miraculous of the mouse. Usually there’s this really cool speech that Ladybug likes to give, but because there’s no akuma and we are doing this for fun, with a bit of structured patrol mixed in, I’m just going to say be nice, have fun, and make sure I get this back or Ladybug will have my tail.”
Marinette bit her lip as she tried to hold back a laugh. “So, is this your version of a cat giving his human a mouse?”
Chat dropped his jaw in disbelief. “Did you... did you just make a joke?”
“Well, you did tell me that my name was on your tag. Doesn’t that usually mean I’m your human? If that’s the case, it looks like your presenting me with a gift? Kind of like a cat giving his owner a mouse.”
“I can’t believe this.” He said, exasperated. “That’s it. I’m taking it back. This was a bad idea.”
Marinette scrunched her nose as she teased him. “You’re just mad that I stole your joke before you had a chance to say it.”
He scoffed, but then shrunk as he looked back at her, his disgruntled features wrinkling his mask. “You’re mean.”
Marinette couldn’t keep her straight face any longer as she tumbled into a fit of giggles. Chat crossed his arms and looked away from her. A humph left his lips.
“Alright, alright. Stop pouting.”  
“Fine. But only because I really want to play a game while we work.”
“Oh yeah? And what game are you thinking of, kitty?”
A mischievous gleam flashed across his eyes. “Want to play a game of Cat and Mouse?
Marinette narrowed her eyes as she thought it over. An impish grin crossed her lips. “Well, I guess then I need to take this, now don’t I?
Marinette grabbed the miraculous and said her hello to Mullo. She had informed the kwami their plan earlier that evening, ensuring that the mouse wouldn’t blow Marinette’s identity accidentally.
“Oh, hello Marinette!” The little kwami smiled brightly as she played along. “It’s nice to see you again! Ladybug informed me that you won’t be using me to help with an akuma, but she has also requested that you change your outfit due to the compromise. To do that, all you need to do is imagine it in your mind. When you are ready, use the transformation phrase and we can go!”
When Marinette felt she was ready, she carefully placed the necklace on her neck, smiling a ‘thank you’ to chat without words.  
“Mullo? Get squeaky!” A pink glow surrounded her and Chat averted his eyes from the bright light.
“Woah.” Chat said when she turned into Multimouse. “I don’t get see transformations happen in front of me very often. The last time I did it was with Chloe and that was years ago.”
Marinette had to hold the urge to scoff at the girl’s name. Instead she looked down to inspect her new outfit. She replaced the gray, black, and pink skin tight suit that she had once worn with a gray top into an ombre pinkish white skirt dress that had white trim down the seams of the outfit. Her sleeves were also gray until it reached her forearms, where it turned into white gloves. She stuck with black leggings that had an ombre affect until it reached her white shoes. Her hair was now a deep black in color but was put up in it its signature space buns, with braids going from the nape of her neck up to the bun itself to create an extra formal look. She still used the jump rope as a tail, finishing the look as it was tied to her waist.
“Ready to go, Mousinette?”
“Let’s go.”
Chat Noir and Multimouse danced along the rooftops in a friendly game of chase. The chaser (the cat) would choose a spot across the city and the chasee (the mouse) would run across the rooftops until they made it to the spot. If the cat captured the mouse before they reached the spot, then they would claim another spot and the game would start again. But if the mouse won the round, they would switch and would become the cat.
Since the game started, Multimouse had a lead on wins, her score being 6 to Chat’s 3.
“It’s supposed to be cat catching the mouse, not a mouse catching the cat!” Chat Noir said, panting as he leaned against a chimney.
“Sorry, Chat, but a mouse has to be fast to avoid being captured.” She giggled. “Want to try again?”
For the umpteenth time tonight, Chat scrunched his face in displeasure as he grabbed his baton to check the time.  
“You’re going to ruin your pretty face with wrinkles if you keep doing that.” She teased.  
Chat smiled brightly. “You think I’m pretty?”
She rolled her eyes. “I said your face is pretty. Now are you up for another round? I’d like to beat you a few more times before we try out patrol.”
Chat Noir narrowed his eyes while a dimpled, lopsided smile gave her a glimpse of his pearly white teeth. He pushed himself off the wall and then sauntered up to her until he was a few centimeters apart, giving him the chance to run his fingers up her arm. She looked up at him, her eyes glossy in wonder as she looked deep into his emerald hues. She could feel her heart race a bit, but she knew it wasn’t due to the constant running of their game.  
She swallowed thickly as his fingers ended at her chin, lifting it and holding her gaze to his ever so carefully. With a low and sultry tone, he looked into her eyes and whispered, “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes look in the moonlight?”  
She tried to speak but was too enamored to move.
He looked down to her lips as he licked his own. “Did you know that by me saying this I can do one thing that you might not expect?”
“Wha- what’s that?” She stuttered. She looked down to his lips and then back to his eyes as he slowly moved in closer, removing his hand from her face and placing both on the curves above her hips.
“This!” He cackled, grabbing onto the rope and spinning her away from him causing him to pull it off of her in one swift motion. When the dizziness subsided, she eyed the rooftops to find out where the cat had gone. As soon as she spotted him, she yelled.
“You come back here with my tail, you thief!”
With a hearty laugh, Chat Noir bolted off onto the next rooftop, the jump rope flapping in the wind behind him. “You have to come catch me first, Mousy!”
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jeonsduck · 5 years
Everything Is Not What It Seems
A/N: First up for the Holidaze project is Haechan for Halloween! Yeah I know Halloween already passed but we’re doing it anyway!
Warnings: mentions of blood, demons, and witchcraft
“Haechan, sure you don’t want to come to the Halloween party with us? We could do matching outfits.” you tried again. 
Haechan had been your  boyfriend for a long time, and your best friend for even longer. You grew up on the same block, rode the same bus to school, and had even ended up at the same college together. And after all those years of friendship, you hadn’t spent a single holiday with Haechan. Sometimes on Easter or something he would come over and spend some time with your family, but things like Halloween and Christmas he always spent with his family, and only his family. Family was a bit of a loose term, because he was technically being raised by his two older cousins, Taeyong and Ten. Yeah it was weird, but what was weirder was the fact that you’d known Ten and Taeyong for nearly twenty years, and they never seemed to age a single day. Maybe they just had really good skincare routines or something.
This year you had kind of been hoping that after moving away to college (even though you were only in the next town over) that maybe Haechan would leave those traditions behind and you’d start spending the holidays together, but that didn’t seem to be the case. 
“Ten and Taeyong are expecting me to come home, you know how they are. Besides, isn’t it a bit late to get a costume?” he explained.
“Well then why don’t I come home with you?” you offered and Haechan shook his head vehemently.
“No, they’ll freak out if I bring someone over, especially you.” he said. 
“Hey, I have family back home too. Just drop me off at my place, I’ll visit my family, hand candy out to trick or treaters, see my pets. I could use a break from campus.” 
Haechan smiled at that and knocked his head against yours affectionately.
“Yeah that sounds great. We can go get breakfast Sunday morning before we head back.” 
“It’s a date.” You declared and Haechan chuckled before planting a quick kiss on your lips.
“I got class, but I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning around 10.” he says before walking off to hs lecture. 
You sigh, you had really been hoping to spend Halloween with your boyfriend this year. Oh well. You take out your phone to text Mark and tell him and the others that neither you nor Haechan will be attending his frat’s Halloween party. 
From: Marketh
He’s still going back home? What do Ten and Taeyong have that we don’t?
From: You
His allowance. I wonder what they do over there, because they don’t give out candy for trick or treaters.
From: Marketh
Maybe they’re super religious? 
From: You
You’re the one that went to 12 years of vacation Bible school, not Haechan. Besides, have you met Ten and Tae? They’re superstitious, sure but not religious. 
From: Marketh
You got me there.
From: Marketh
Lol, why don’t you sneak over tomorrow night and see what they’re doing?
From: You
Isn’t that like, stalking?
From: Marketh
….maybe, but it's for educational purposes so it’s ok.
You roll your eyes and put your phone away without replying. Maybe a little peek wouldn’t be too bad? Just to see what’s going on. 
It’s  8:00 PM, you’re dressed like a cat burglar, and Haechan’s house is two lots away. It’s time to set your plan into action. Do you feel silly? Yes. Are you expecting to be caught? Also yes. But not before making an absolute fool of yourself trying to squeeze through the barely open window to Haechan’s bedroom. At least he still leaves it unlocked, even though you’re well past the days of sneaking into each other’s houses in the dead of night. Or in the process of passing, considering your current position. This would have been way easier without the salt piled up outside the window sill. You’d found it very weird, but brushed it off (quite literally) and continued with your object. Find out what Haechan and his cousins do on Halloween. 
The first thing you notice is that all the lights in the house are off. Maybe a horror movie marathon? But Taeyong is a certified wuss so that’s unlikely. You continue to creep through the house slowly, trying to avoid all the squeaky spots in the house. 
You finally see the others when you get to the living room. All of the furniture is moved out of the way, and the rug rolled out of the way. Tons of white candles cover nearly every surface, giving you enough flickering light to see what’s happening despite all the lights being off. There’s a large pentagram drawn on the living room floor is what smells overwhelmingly like blood. At each point of the star there’s another large white candle, illuminating the objects around the pentagram. Some herbs, some crystals and stones. A very sharp and ancient looking knife. 
Ten, Taeyong, and Haecha are all there, hands clasped around the pentagram and chanting in a mysterious language you don’t recognize. 
Their eyes are rolled back in their heads so you can only see the whites of them. Then the wind picks up in the room, like a small tornado is suddenly raging through the living room only. And Haechan is kind of just, levitating, as are a few random objects around him. One of which is a necklace with a glowing purple stone in the pendant. The whole room looks like a scene from a very weird and you’ve just about reached your limit with weird things happening when you feel… something behind you. You’re not sure what exactly, like a dark presence or just something wrong breathing down your neck. 
You jump, spinning around to see a black shadow towering over you. It’s not quite human, but it’s not inhuman either, seemingly shifting between multiple forms before your eyes.  
“Thanks for leaving the door open.” it says, flashing sharp teeth dripping what could either be tar or blood on the floor. 
“How did it get through the barrier?” 
When Ten and Haechan speak its overlapping and distorted, like you’re listening to twelve of them speak underwater. The shadow moves, like a glitch in reality at the same time Haechan pulls out another terrifying looking dagger. His eyes are still white and now glowing, as are his cousins’. It seems your brain can’t take anymore surprises and confusion, because you black out. 
The next thing you know, you’re waking up on Haechan’s couch with your head in his lap. When you blink your eyes open he sighs in relief, and flicks you on the forehead. 
“You idiot, why did you have to sneak in tonight of all nights?” he scolds.
You huff and sit up, though you regret it immediately when your head spins. 
“Here, drink up.” Taeyong says, shuffling in from the kitchen.
He offers you a steaming mug of a liquid you can’t identify, and you squint at him suspiciously.
“Nightshade tea.” Haechan deadpans, flicking you on the forehead again.
“It’s apple cider.” Taeyong corrects. 
“I’m not gonna start levitating too right?” you ask, but you accept the mug anyway.
“No, you’re not. Now drink the apple juice.” Haechan says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
You take a small sip of the apple cider, and sure enough, it’s just spicy apple juice with a bit of an alcoholic kick. Good, you need a drink after what you just witnessed.
“So, what you guys are witches or something?” you ask, not expecting Ten’s answer.
“Survey says… yes! Good one, got it right on the first try.” he calls, coming back into the living room with some herbs on fire in his hand.
“I drove everything out, smudged the house, and re-established the barrier. We should be good now. Next time, don’t break the circle, kid.” Ten says, collapsing into his arm chair. 
“What circle?” you asked, confused.
“The two pounds of salt on Haechan’s window sill. We need extra protection on Samhain, that’s when the real baddies come out to play. Like the little visitor we had.” Ten explained, accepting a mug from Taeyong as well.
“So wait, you are witches? And what’s the Samhain? Also, was that blood on your floor earlier?” you asked. 
Your head was already hurting again.
“I’m going to sleep. Haechan, you’re dating them, you can explain everything. Goodnight.” Ten sighed, walking away to his bedroom.
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.” Taeyong said, also shuffling out of the room.
You turned to Haechan, motioning for him to explain. He sighed, leaning his head back against the couch. After gathering his thoughts for a moment he sat back up taking your hands in his. 
“Yes, we are witches. We always have been. Samhain is basically Halloween, the divider between the living realm and the afterlife is really weak on today, so we have to put extra protections on the house to make sure spirits and demons don’t get in. And yes, that was blood on the blood, but in our defense, it’s pig’s blood and we got it from the local butcher.” 
You sat there for a moment, soaking in the information. You’d known Haechan for years, hell he was your boyfriend. You’d never even suspected there was something like this going on. Yeah, Taeyong had a rather impressive spice cabinet and Ten’s room was kind of covered in weird drawings but it was Ten and Taeyong, so it’d be weirder if they didn’t.
“Do you guys do, bad things? To people? Like do you curse people.” you ventured. 
Haechan sighed and shrugged.
“Sometimes. You know how petty Ten can get. Hell, he cursed Johnny last week for calling him short. Taeyong doesn’t like to, but he does occasionally. It’s not as bad as you think. Most curses are just annoyances. It’s not like we sick demon on people or something.” he continued and you nodded along.
“So what about you? Who have you cursed?” You pushed and Haechan laughed.
“Mostly Mark. Anytime he lost something semi-important it was probably my fault. And that guy Trevor from middle school who used to bully you.” he confessed.
You giggled at the mention of the last name, recalling the boy.
“Didn’t he end up pissing himself during standardized testing? Was that you?” you asked, and Haechan nodded, snickering behind his hand.
“Oh, my god that was you!” you realized and Haechan nodded.
“I felt kind of bad about it, but he deserved it.” 
“What about me? Have you ever used magic on me?” you asked and Haechan smiled.
“Oh plenty. Luck charms, protection wards, sigils of safety.” he said waving his hand in dismissal, “remember that time you fell out of a tree and miraculously didn’t break anything? That was all me.” he boasted.
“And here I was thinking I just had outrageously strong bones.” you giggled.
Haechan laughed at that as well. Good. You weren’t too shaken or scared to laugh. This was going way better than he’d hoped.
“What about love spells? Have you ever used a love spell on anyone?” you asked. 
Your voice sounded light, but Haechan could hear the underlying question. Had he ever used a love spell on you? Was your relationship fabricated?
“Y/N, magic can do a lot of things. But there’s a lot of things it can’t do. And make up love like ours is one thing it can’t do. Love spells are…. Pretty terrifying to say the least. The side effects they can have are dangerous and can be permanent. We don’t need something like that. What we have is real.” he explained. 
You nodded, sighing out a breath of relief you didn’t even know you were holding. 
“Oh, before I forget. I want you to wear this, and please, don’t ever take it off. I can put the pendant into a bracelet or something if you prefer, but you have to always wear it. I was going to tell you about the witch thing and give you this tomorrow over breakfast, but you never were very patient.”
Haechan fishes something out of his pocket, holding it up in the light. It’s the necklace from earlier. It’s a simple piece of jewelry, amethyst pendant on a silver chain. It’s the necklace that was glowing earlier. You stare at it in the light, holding your hand out for Haechan to hand it to you.
“What is it?”
“A protection amulet. Witches tend to attract magic, whether it’s good or bad. This will keep you safe from anything with malicious intent, whether it be a demon or another witch.” he says.
“There are other witches?” you ask, shocked. 
Of course there would be others, but you had been so busy digesting the info Haechan was giving you that you hadn’t even thought about it.
“I think that’s enough witch talk for tonight. We can continue tomorrow over some blueberry waffles from our favorite diner, don’t you think?” Haechan says, standing up and stretching.
 He holds a hand out to you which you accept, and he leads you back to his room. You still have some of your old clothes in his dresser, which he gives you to sleep in. He doesn’t bother flicking the lights off manually, just waving his hand and the room goes dark.
Haechan chuckles at your admiration of his powers.
“Hey, can you read my palm?”
“My face?”
“What about my chakras?”
“What about we go to sleep?” 
You huff, rollIng over so your back is to Haechan. He rolls his eyes at your little tantrum, draping an arm over your waist.
“I’ll do a tarot reading for you in the morning, now go to sleep.” 
From: Marketh
So??? Read 7:39 AM
From: Marketh
What’d you find out? Read 8:12 AM
From: Marketh 
Hello? Read 9:07 AM
From: Marketh
Y/N? Read 9:48 AM
From: Marketh
Have you seen my econ textbook? Read 11:35 AM
18 notes · View notes
cruzrogue · 5 years
F’M Smoak Part II
#Fictober19 @fictober-event
for fanfiction:
Prompt number: Prompt 31 “Scared, me?”
Fandom (AU if applicable): #arrow fanfiction #olicity
Warnings/Tags:  Fluff (friendship)
Thomas Merlyn/ Felicity Smoak/Oliver Queen
Summary: Continuation from F’M Smoak Prompt number: 5  “I might just kiss you.”
Notes: Halloween Bash and Felicity takes the stage. F’M Smoak is has an appearance at Verdant for a one time performance.
I want to thank @fictober-event​ this was a blast! Thank you!
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​F’M Smoak Part II on A03
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Verdant has been gearing up for the Halloween Bash. Tommy loves this holiday. He revels in being someone different and watching people be more enticed to party with as the added bounce to their normal festivities. Having a club, he can decorate as he sees fit keeping of course within a budget. He needs the club to turn a profit. Choosing the orange and black theme. Plenty of pumpkins and black cats, spiders, crows with the usual skulls, witch’s hats, and a few more Halloween décor choices.
He is excited that Felicity is helping him with a few designs. Using this to cover why they are spending loads of time together lately. He excitedly got her aboard to be one of the main event singers. She even deciding to write an extra song or two. That means he hired a local garage band to work with her. It has been so cool to see her walk in and meet the band members. Her squeaky-clean image throwing the grunge band for a loop.
Tommy moving some crates around. “Yea?”
“Why is Felicity’s name on some of these foam things?”
Tommy looks at the designs that will be used for the bash and he just shrugs, he promised Felicity that Oliver wouldn’t find out about this. The man is set to go on a trip with his mom and sister to visit a family member and won’t be here for this particular event. It’s the reason Felicity signed on to do her comeback for one night.
“What makes you think those have anything to do with Felicity?”
“Tommy? It’s her name. I may be dense at times but I know Felicity’s initials.”
“Of course, you do, you probably know all sorts of little facts about her.” Oliver gives him a dead stare. “What? You probably do and I’m not taking back that comment.”
“Felicity’s been helping me with designs maybe she took a break and did her name…” He won’t say she hasn’t helped him. She’s been busy practicing with her band. He admits she’s even better than he remembers.
Oliver goes to where the large cutouts that say ‘F’M Smoak’ are and counts a few. “There is about half a dozen here.”
Tommy just waves his hand, “Maybe it’s a prank I’ve set up and don’t need your disapproving overprotective tendencies when it comes to her.” He can see Oliver’s demeanor change as the man is super protective. “You’ll be away anyhow and…”
“No, I won’t.”
“No. You won’t, what?”
“My aunt is coming here to Starling so change of plans.”
“Oh. Does Felicity know?”
“No. Why should she? What are you planning Merlyn?”
“Whoa, you only call me by my last name when your peeved with me. Are you jealous?” Oh, yea the boy is jealous he can practically see the fume come from the man’s nostrils.
“No. You still haven’t answered the question.”
“There is nothing to tell.” Tommy goes back to moving crates. “If you are going to stand there like a stalk you can help me out here.”
“There is something going on.” Oliver does move to help move some crates. “Since you and Laurel are off the table…”
“I’m not seeing Felicity. You don’t have to worry.”
Tommy puts his hand up as he makes a growly sound. “I wouldn’t go behind your back and you can shove this denial shtick with me.”
“Tommy, I’m sorry. It’s just everyone expects… you know what forget it. Let’s just get these crates moved.”
“Okay, I get it now. At first, I didn’t. I admit I acted like I did but I really didn’t. For that I am also sorry.” Oliver with one of the last crates that need moving looks at Tommy confused. “The laurel bit, the trying to act like 5-years never happened, a few little things. Like acting like everything is okay when it’s not.”
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s start by me telling you. Felicity is a great catch. You know. I know it. Someday the man who is lucky to have her will know it.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because you should hear it out loud, maybe even hear this over and over that she is thee catch. I also think you should not start anything with her until you figure your shit out.”
“Then why tell me this?”
“Oliver! It an incentive.” Tommy shakes his head. “We aren’t those dickheads of our youth anymore. I know I want more. And you know damn well you do to.”
“It’s complicated.”
“When is it not? Life is full of crappy situations but it also has these moments. Ollie don’t be so afraid to live.”
“It’s more not wanting to see her hurt.”
“You know that is a copout, right?”
“Hey, I didn’t know I was going to lose my best friend five-years ago. Not once during my grief did, I wish our history stopped existing.”
“What’s your point?”
“That no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. If there is a chance that you can make her happy than it’s worth the gamble.” He can see Oliver just begin to think things over. “Just figure your shit out first!”
“I wish it was that easy.”
“Yea well join the club. If things were that easy, we’d all be happily in love.”
Oliver takes a breath but he asks one more time because the thought came back, “Are you going to tell me the truth about those foam pieces?”
“Nope.” Tommy moves around the bar. “If I were you, I would stop by Verdant tonight.”
Oliver looks around the club. It actually looks really good and that cauldron front center to the stage he wonders how that’s going to look when everything is in motion. “You need any help setting up?”
“Nope, the crew will be here soon. All the last-minute touches will be handled. You go hang out with Auntie Beatrice.”
“Fine. I’ll see you later.”
Tommy wants to tell the man not to text or call Felicity that his plans have changed. Now that Oliver has left, he can place the pamphlets that holds the main attraction the reason the place is going to be packed. F’M Smoak is preforming tonight and her music sample is available online. With his panache of adding some videos taken of her college hey days it brought buzz thank goodness Oliver is so not into trends.
“Tommy! Tommy!” Felicity scrambling around the crewmembers that are putting the last bites of the pieces for tonight bash. “Tommy? Where are you?”
“Hey there superstar.”
“Oliver, hasn’t left. He’s still in Starling.”
“I know.”
“You know. Yea he told me not that long ago.” She’s fidgeting. “I can’t. I just can’t perform.”
“Why not? You sound amazing.” Tommy makes a gesture of rocking it. “Are you scared of a few people rocking it to your music?”
“Scared, me?” Felicity continues, “I… I didn’t think Oliver would be here. He says he’ll be passing by. I just can’t…”
“Yes. Yes, you can. Girl you are amazing. You’ll be in disguise. The music will speak for itself.”
“I can’t believe I’m going to do this.”
“Felici-ty, think of this as something years in the making. You know the club owners and you’ve got the voice.”
“Fine, I know your right.”
“Good, because I know you got this. Go get yourself transformed and become this amazing F’M Smoak I know you are.”
He watches her leave and is glad she listening. Taking a look at the amazing setup that Verdant has done he can’t wait to open the doors in less than an hour. If Oliver comes, he hopes seeing what he is dubbing Ollie’s girl up on stage will shake the man unto his core.
As Tommy gets his crew ready. He goes through the drill. Making sure his people work safe yet keep an eye out for any disorderly clients. People having fun and remembering a good night is all he wants. As the time dwindles down, he calls out, “All right people show time. You all have this. Let’s make this Halloween Bash be the talk of town. Best service, great atmosphere and one hell of a night of musical performers.” Here his crew cheer on everyone is ready. Doors open and the costumed guests start to fill in.  
The music begins to play as the bar fills up. Tommy goes and checks on his musical guests, Thanking them all personally again. He notices he can’t find his number one girl. A little worried until her voice calls to him and he gets a good look at Felicity.
“Nah, wow you look amazing.” He gives her another look over. “I love the Goth you, not that the blonde you isn’t spunky.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment I think.”
He just chuckles, “Well I can’t wait to your set.” He can visually see her take a moment. She looks nervous. “Hey, you can so do this. F’M Smoak can. Knock them out of their boots.”
As her time comes, she goes up on stage. She’s glad that the lighting keeps her from truly focusing on any person. This way she can just sing to the crowd and not see any familiar faces, one especially.
Tommy is amazed as he watches her first set. He is singing along until he gets jabbed in the side and smirks to see Oliver make his presence known. The man is taking in the foam signs as his eyes fall on the singer. Tommy can pinpoint the moment Ollie recognizes Felicity and wow he doesn’t know which show to watch because Oliver is entranced and it’s like watching a movie as the most stoic man is showing so many different sentiments. From surprise all the way to lust.
Felicity words capturing the audience as her voice rocks the club.
“I'm kicking all the doors down I swear I'm gonna pull you out 'Cause your demons have been screamin' loud Na na-na-na na Throw me up against the wall There's nothin' that could scare me now Na na-na-na na”
She does a few more known songs and when she’s down the roar of the crowd clapping has her take a bow and then she moves to go back stage. Oliver is already moving quick. Tommy trailing behind he does not want to miss this.
Taking an offered water bottle Felicity chugs it. She is so glad this is over. She doesn’t know if Oliver caught her performance. Its freaking her out. She has no idea what he’d say or do and he’s only ever seen her be his tech girl.
His soft voice, she never noticed him sneaking up on her. She’s afraid to turn and see. As he calls out to her again, she tightens her closed eyes. She’s afraid of the disappointment she’ll see. He comes around to face her and she finally gazes at him. His blue eyes mesmerizing.
“I didn’t know but you were amazing.”
She’s stunned. Though his brightening smile gets her to smile.
Tommy watching this two fools dance around each other is sickening. “Well yea, you’ve always known she’s amazing.”
Oliver gives his best friend a dire look. Tommy just shrugs. These two aren’t going to move faster than a glacier so he goes back to front to watch the next act.
“You think I did good?”
“I do.” He’s really rattled by her look. He’s really digging it. “You also rock this getup.”
“Its something of a vintage. I first met Tommy wearing this.”
“Wait? What?”
“During some of my college days I may have also dabbled with music.”
“And you met Tommy than?”
“He was unreal and a perfect gentleman as he took a nice shiner to the face.”
Oliver is flabbergasted and actually recalls Tommy telling him about the black eye and his friend shrugging it off saying “The angelic voice was worth it.”
“The angelic voice.”
“That is what he called you. This is what you’ve been doing all these weeks?” She nods. “I thought you and Tommy were getting chummy.”
“You did?”
“I almost wanted to give him another shiner to the face.”
“You won’t?”
He smirks, “F’M Smoak, I guess will never know.”
“Oliver, I’d like to get out of this ridiculous outfit.” She already grabbing a bag as she heading to where the foundry is. “I also have some…”
“Felicity?” he stops her.
“You mentioned its only Halloween that you’ll where a mask. I was hoping to prolong the moment. Would you honor me with a drink at the bar?”
“Oliver, I would love to but there will be fans out there and…”
“And for a night, allow yourself to be the star, I promise to look out for you.” Getting really close to her as he whispers. “Tommy told be about the stalker.” He can see her processing that info but just nods as she takes his arm and the walk back.
The crowd loved her. For the rest of that night Oliver made sure she felt safe as she mingled with the fans. He enjoyed seeing her so out of the element for the quiet IT girl she has always portrayed to him. His girl is truly amazing and he promises himself that he won’t waste another second and ask her out soon. Though tonight F’M Smoak is in the house as Tommy gets her to do an encore.
This concludes the 31 days of Fictober!
Thank you!!!
song inspired:
Notes: https://genius.com/Valerie-broussard-deeper-lyrics
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she-is-tim · 5 years
I love hating you | Elu enemies to lovers AU | Ch.9
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Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 8
Lucas is an angry, closeted and frustrated gay teenager, while Eliott is the handsome, smart and popular guy in school. They hate each other… but not forever.
My life is better with you in it
Lucas came home from the grocery store with Manon, finding Eliott playing video games with Mika on the couch. He smiled and put down the bags in the kitchen for the girl to take care of it, joining them. Both guys were so into the game that they didn’t noticed him arriving. He just used his chance to just glance at them lovingly. Eliott seemed so carefree, playing around with his idiot flatmate. He even laughed, looking years younger than he actually was. Lucas leant against the wall, then he cleared his throat, bringing the boys attention to him. 
“Hey guys.” he said softly, looking at his boyfriend lovingly. 
Eliott immediately put down his controller, leaving the game to get up and walk to Lucas, bright smile appearing on his face. He totally ignored the whining Mika was doing because he just left him play alone. He was wearing a bordeaux shirt that belonged to Lucas and grey sweatpants. All that looked lovely on him and made Lucas feel like a beloved boyfriend.
“Hey” he said happily, standing just a feet apart from the other.
“I can see that you’re having fun.” the short boy said on a soft voice.
“Yes, but I still missed you.” Eliott said, putting his hands on Lucas’ face now, kissing him slowly. “How was the shopping?” 
“We got everything we needed.” he shrugged, shooting heart eyes towards his beloved tall boy. “She said we can use her room tonight, since she will be sleeping at Emma’s place.” he said smirking, Eliott’s face lit up in a second.
“Oh really?” he asked excitedly. 
“Yeah, but I had to promise that we will use my bedsheet and not hers.” Lucas chuckled and wrapped his arms around Eliott’s waist. 
“I can deal with that.” he said, rubbing his nose to Lucas’ happily. “Also Lucille will leave tomorrow afternoon, so we can finally go to my place to have more privacy.” he added smirking, licking the boy’s bottom lip seductively. Lucas made a squeaky noise and felt the heat crawling up on his face. 
“Oh, really?” 
“Jesus, guys. You’re making me so sick!” Mika said suddenly, bursting out their happy little bubble with his rudeness. “You two are the cheesiest, most disgustingly romantic couple I’ve ever seen.” he said, making a weird face which made Lucas roll his eyes at him. 
“Shut up, Mika. You are the one showing naked guys on Grindr to your flatmates every saturday.” he said with just a handfull of salt in his voice. 
“There’s no need to be so mean to each other.” Eliott said softly, looking at Mika and then at his boyfriend, caressing his cheeks with his thumbs. “We will take over Manon’s room once she left.” he looked into those bright blue eyes and smiled fondly. Lucas felt like he’s melting into Eliott’s arms, it was still so unbelieveable to have a boyfriend like him. 
“We could go out, it’s still early.” he suggested suddenly. “The boys just texted me that they are at the park, we could meet up with them.” 
“You want me to meet your friends?” Eliott raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Lucas sighed. It was already tuesday afternoon and so far he haven’t had the chance to get the boys and Eliott to meet. This was the last week before their spring break, so the teachers were extra pushy with tests, essays and other stuff. All of them were just busy studying all afternoon and in the small school breaks too. 
“Yeah, they have been begging to me to bring you there with me. I think it’s a great opportunity.” he explained. Not like his friends didn’t know Eliott, but this was still different. He needs to introduce him to his friends as his boyfriend, which was a bit scary, but also exciting. 
“If you really want that, then let’s go.” the tall boy said with a bright smile, kissing Lucas passionately, rubbing his thumbs on his soft cheeks. The short one chuckled between two kisses, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend happily.
The park was quiet, considering it was a weekday afternoon, but there were still some kids, couples and people with dogs around. The boys were chilling on a blanket close to the water, around them drinks and opened books. Lucas smiled softly when he saw them, keeping his arm around Eliott who now buried his face into Lucas’ hair. He had to giggle at his boyfriend’s shyness, it was so unusual, but really sweet of him. Since they were together, Lucas got to know the many layers of his personality. He wasn’t as perfect as he always tried to seem like, he could mess up things, say stupid stuff, be speechless and shy. It just made his feelings even stronger. 
When they got closer, Lucas cleared his throat, getting the attention of his friends. Basile looked at them surprised, while Arthur and Yann seemed to be excited to finally have them around. Lucas haven’t really met them since friday either, being too occupied with studying and spending time with Eliott. He smirked at his friends. 
“Hey guys!” he waved. “I guess you guys know Eliott.” he said nodding at the boy next to him. 
“Yeah, of course.” Arthur said, shaking himself out of the shock. 
“Well, Eliott, these are my friends. Arthur, Basile and Yann.” he introduced his friends proudly. “Boy, this is my boyfriend, Eliott.” he said with a wide, bright smirk on his face. 
The boys jumped up fast, surrounding them while laughing and clapping. Lucas blushed a little, enjoying the support of his awesome friends. He was a bit surprised when Yann pulled him out of Eliott’s hands into a bone-crashing hug. He squeaked and then started laughing, hugging his friend back happily. 
“I thought that you will never introduce him to us.” Basile said suddenly. “I mean... we were so damn curious. Did you guys bang in the common...” he started, but let out a groan as Arthur hit him in the stomach with his elbow. “What?” he pouted, wrapping his arms around himself.
“You are being inappropriate.” the blond boy said with a piercing look on his face. 
“Well, I have to disappoint you. We did not.” Eliott said with sudden confidence and a cheeky smile on his face. Lucas eyes shot wide, looking at him in disbelief.
“Are you serious?” he said still shocked and he leant back into Eliott’s arms from Yann’s. “You are unbelievable.” 
“I can’t be honest with your friends?” he asked smiling, kissing the boy on the cheeks. “We had a good time in the common room, but it wouldn’t be a good idea to get naked with all those paint...” he continued his embarrassing story, earning a slap on his mouth from Lucas, keeping his hand there. 
“I think you’ve said enough, Eliott.” he gasped, face red as a tomato. His friends laughed at that.
“I like your boyfriend, Lucas.” Basile said smiling. Lucas could feel Eliott’s cocky smile forming under his palm and jumped when he suddenly licked his hand. The boy pulled back his hand and wiped it in his jeans. 
“Oh, fuck you! Was that necessary?” He complained, looking at the tall boy, while his friends laughed even more.
“It was fairplay.” he winked and pulled him close to give him a kiss on his lips. Arthur smiled brightly, like a proud mother, Basile was obviously jealous, while Yann just seemed happy for his best friend. 
After talking to the boys for almost an hour, they decided to head back home and let them continue studying. On their way Eliott stopped by a bakery, buying croissants for both of them. Lucas smiled softly, enjoying the kindness of his handsome boyfriend. It was nice to have someone that cared for him so much, and he wanted to do the same for Eliott.
When they entered the flat, Manon was just about to go. She kissed the boys on the cheek and left with a bag in her hand. The boys smiled at each other, taking their shoes off and headed to the girl’s room now. Lucas was grateful when he saw that she already changed the sheets, so they could just lay down and enjoy each other’s company. 
The boys were making out for hours, slowly taking off their clothes in the process. First their pants landed on the room floor, then Eliott threw away first Lucas’ shirt and then his own. They were laying in each others arms now, exhausted, lips swollen and red from all the kissing, only wearing their underwears. Lucas rested his head on Eliott’s chest, fingers running up and down on the boy’s stomach. 
“You know what I was thinking?” he asked suddenly, looking up at his boyfriend.
“I can do a lot of things, but reading your mind is sadly not one of them.” he answered with a soft smile, stroking Lucas’ hair gently.
“You jerk.” the short boy chuckled and kissed his chest softly. “There is this thing... Whenever I make a choice I feel that another Lucas in another parallel universe made a different one, maybe the better choice. And there are infinite versions of me out there living different lifes, or even the same as mine just with a small difference.” he mumbled, tracing circles on Eliott’s chest. “There might be a Lucas who lives in a different country, being happy with his own Eliott and going to a fancy college. Maybe there is a Lucas that is still apart from his Eliott, turning to weed as a way of comfort...”
“That sounds a bit sad.” Eliott said, playing with his boyfriend’s hair. “So every Lucas has his own Eliott?” he asked, sounding really interested in the topic, which made Lucas really happy.
“Yeah, there is probably Lucas No.94 who is totally in love with is instagram famous Eliott No.94, or there’s a Lucas No.345 who grew up with his Eliott No.345 having the chance to slowly fall in love with him. Lucas No.265 got into an embarrassing situation which got him into a fake relationship with Eliott No.265 and so on.” he said in a dreamy voice, running his fingers up and down on the small tattoo above Eliott’s heart. 
“I’m sure every Eliott out there is the luckiest bastard for having their own Lucas.” he said smiling, giving a small kiss on Lucas’ head. “You are a real catch.” 
“I am not.” Lucas laughed. “You are just stupid enough to choose someone like me.” 
“Then I like being stupid.” Eliott replied and gave him another kiss on the head. “If that means I can be with your in every single universe.”
“Stop saying smooth things like that.” he mumbled, burying his face into his boyfriend’s neck now. Eliott chuckled, wrapping his arms around the boy, squeezing him gently.
“I can’t stop. I want you to know how I feel.” he whispered softly. 
“Can I ask something?”
“Go for it.” 
“Is there a story behind this tattoo?” he asked, stroking over the beautiful letters on Eliott’s chest. It catched his eyes before to, but he was too shy to ask about it back then. But now they were a couple and they were honest with each other, so he felt like he could ask about things like this.
“Oh yeah, the Life tattoo.” Eliott smiled softly, but there was a little sadness in his voice. “I got that one not much after my girlfriend left me.” he started which made Lucas to pull back a little and look at him, focusing his eyes on his boyfriend. “Her name was Sophie, we were together for almost three years. She was beautiful, kind and we loved each other so much... but things started to happen. Sometimes I got sad for no particular reason, sometimes I felt like a horny teenager from an american movie...” he sighed now, focusing his eyes on Lucas’ hair, running his fingers through it several times. “When I was 15 they diagnosed me with bipolarity... It was a huge shock, both for me and my family. I didn’t dare to tell anyone first, not knowing what to expect. Sofiane knew that something was wrong and he kept asking me until I told him. He and Idriss were really supportive and encouraged me to talk to Sophie. I felt like if they accepted me the way I am, then why would it be different with my beloved girlfriend.” his voice was really bitter now, letting the short boy know that things weren’t exactly smooth. “When I told her and explained what this all means... she yelled at me. She said that I was deceiving her, that she didn’t wanted to live her life with a crazy boyfriend that is depressed one day and excited the other day. She threw at me her necklance I gave her for our three year anniversary and left.”
“Okay, that is really rude.” Lucas said, because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “That girl clearly didn’t know what she missed out on.” he said with a soft smile, kissing Eliott’s nose, which finally made the boy smile.
“At least I got the opportunity to change schools and meet you.” he shrugged and placed his hand on Lucas’ cheek, caressing it softly. “I was depressed for weeks, not leaving my room, crying my eyes out. My parents, Lucille, Sofiane and Idriss were really worried. Then I got better all of the sudden, which made them suspicious. I could feel their eyes on me in every moment. My sister followed me basically everywhere. It was really annoying. I was feeling better, I decided to do something with my life and I started with designing this tattoo. I got some money after taking the necklance to a pawnshop and I sneaked out one night, going to this shady place downtown. They were asking a bit too much for such a small tattoo, but since it was late and I really wanted it, I agreed on the payment.” he explained with a little smirk. “My family was shocked when they saw it, my mom almost fainted, but I was proud of it.” 
“Does it symbolize something?” he asked curiously.
“It does.” Eliott nodded. “I means that Life is a lie. I feel like that is the truth, that lying is something that will always be part of our lifes, that sometimes we have to lie to live a good life... there’s a lot of meaning to it.” he explained and kissed Lucas on the lips slowly, but passionately. They broke apart after long minutes, the short boy looking at his boyfriend with a dumb smile on his face.
“I know it’s a stupid thing to say, but I am really glad that girl left you. Otherwise we wouldn’t be here, laying in each others arms, talking about our parallel selves.” he said softly, stroking his face before planing a kiss on his soft lips. Eliott chuckled and pulled him closer, kissing him deeply.
“I totally agree. My life is better with you in it.” he said smiling and kissed Lucas again, this time being a bit more demanding and wild than before. The boy wrapped his arms around Eliott happily, pressing their body together as he gave in to the kiss.
Wednesday was chaos, the girls hanging on Lucas all day, hoping to see him with Eliott, but the boy was really busy trying to catch up on all the classes he missed the last weeks. Then they just dragged him to the common room to play some stupid board game. He had no choice but agree on it. Of course they couldn’t stop asking questions about his relationship with Eliott, especially not after what he posted on instagram.
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Daphné and Alexia went crazy, asking questions nonstop as they played, confusing everyone, because they had no idea who comes next or who is supposed to move their piece. After 30 minutes of suffering, Lucas got annoyed and got up from the table, walking to the couch and laying down on it. He looked for his phone, checking his messages. There was one from Eliott, some from the gang and one from Sofiane. 
srodulv I can’t walk you home today, cause I gotta go to the station with my sister, but see you tomorrow morning 
lucallemant Take care, and I hope your sister isn’t mad at me
srodulv She is always mad, don’t take it on yourself
lucallemant I gotta meet her at some point, though
srodulv Just let me take my time with it
lucallemant Sure thing 
He sighed, looking at the ceiling. He wouldn’t be seeing his boyfriend until tomorrow. It was already painful not spending time with him, but this just made him feel so damn miserable. It felt so wrong not being with Eliott, not hugging him or holding his hand. He shook his head and decided to check his other messages. The boys were just talking about studying and upcoming tests, so he ignored that.
sofalaoui How’s it going, Lucas? You wanna hang out with me and Idriss today? 
lucallemant Are you serious?
sofalaoui Yeah, why not?  Eliott will be busy studying and taking care of Lucille
lucallemant Okay, meet at the Youth Center? 
sofalaoui In an hour?
lucallemant You got it
He smiled just a little, at least he will have something to distract himself with. He already liked Eliott’s friends, but it made him extra happy that they actually wanted to hang out with him. And not just Sofiane, but Idriss too. He glanced at the girls who now tried to play some sort of card game, while Imane was reading a book quietly. His eyes wandered off to the new mural he and Eliott created. He couldn’t believe that they had something to remember them how much they mean to each other. Not just a message, a bracelet or a picture, but a whole fucking wall painted by them. Lucas could see the memories again as he stared at the mural. Eliott’s soft lips on his, their touches, the paint fight and just everything. They were standing there, being open with each other. 
His afternoon with the boys was a complete blast. He knew that Sofiane was a sunshine, but he had a lot of fun with Idriss. They were mostly teasing and roasting each other, making Sofiane turning into the serious mother sometimes. Of course the favorite joke was always Lucas’ height, which he felt was an unfair topic, considering that Idriss was basically a giant. Although he was acting grumpy and salty, he really had a lot of fun. They posted a shit ton of videos in their insta stories. Idriss recorded Lucas sitting on the swing, Sofiane pushing him laughing. Then Sofiane made a video of Lucas hanging on Idriss’ back, yelling “Go, my horse!” at least 10 times. Lucas mostly posted the two boys running around in the kids park, doing silly shit, while he laughed his ass off in the background. 
They also made selfies together. Lucas posted one with the boys, but he was covering Idriss’ face with his hands. He laughed when the boy saw it and started complaining, posting a selfie with him and Sofiane where only Lucas’ hair was visible. The boy got grumpy at that and started to argue with Idriss, but of course Sofiane, as the good mother he was calmed them down within moments. When it got later, they grabbed some food and Idriss took them home with his car. 
In the morning, he was packing stuff to his locker, getting ready for his classes when he suddenly felt long arms sliding around his torso and a warm body pressing to his back. He smiled happily, leaning to Eliott’s chest and glancing up at his beautiful boyfriend. He was ready for their usual morning kiss, but the tall boy seemed to be grumpy. Lucas turned around in his arms and put his hands on his face softly.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked worryingly.
“You were together with Sofiane and Idriss yesterday.” he said, eyes looking darker than ever. Lucas tilted his head, hand still resting on the other’s face.
“Yeah, what’s the problem with that?” he asked, not understanding Eliott’s grumpiness.
“I don’t like it.” he said seriously, which made Lucas feel a tiny bit angry, raising his eyebrows in question.
“You don’t like it that I hang out with your friends?” his tone was maybe a bit too salty, because Eliott’s face flinched, but he couldn’t let himself be treated like this. 
“I don’t like all that stuff you put up on instagram.” he said honestly, looking into the boy’s eyes. “You barely post anything about us, but you are okay to have videos where you ride Idriss’ back?” he asked, voice being sharp and angry. “But I guess you weren’t thinking about my feelings when you did all that.”
Lucas wanted to be mad and yell at Eliott that he didn’t belong to him, that he had all rights to post whatever and with whoever he wanted on his own instagram, but seeing his boyfriend’s upset face kept his mouth shut. He let out a deep sigh, pulling Eliott’s head down until their foreheads were touching, looking into those dark, stormy eyes.
“I am sorry, Eliott. I never meant to hurt your feelings. I just had a good time with the boys... I mean, have you seen my old posts on insta? I never think before putting something out there.” he said softly, even smiling a little, which seemed to calm down his boyfriend. Eliott closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and rubbed his nose to Lucas’. 
“I’m sorry too... I shouldn’t lash out on you like this...”
“Hey, it’s okay.” he said softly, giving him a gentle peck on the lips. “You are sweet when you’re jealous.” he said smirking.
“I don’t know why, but I get jealous easily when it comes to you...” he mumbled, looking into the other’s eyes. “I guess I’m too afraid to lose you.”
“You are not going to lose me, okay?” he said, rubbing his cheeks with his thumbs, smiling softly. “You are worrying too much.”
“Guess you had no idea what you’re getting yourself into when you agreed on being my boyfriend.” he said, a soft smile starting to form on his lips. Lucas chuckled and bit his bottom lip, then kissing him passionately, cupping his face in his hands still.
“I knew exactly what I have to deal with.” he said smirking when they broke apart. “And I regret nothing.” he added, stroking Eliott’s wet lips with his thumb. 
The tall boy seemed to be calmed down now, mouth slightly open, like he’s ready for the next kiss, eyes looking cloudy. Lucas had to admit that he was super hot when he got angry, but this soft, lovestruck expression on his face was just so soft and lovely, he felt extra lucky on this fine thrusday morning. Having a boyfriend like Eliott was a blessing. 
“You know, Idriss told me that there will be a party on this saturday... he said that Imane and the girls will be coming and he asked if me and the boys wanna join.” he said softly, studying the expressions on the boy’s face, but he seemed to be okay for now, he even smiled a little.
“You wanna go?” 
“I will be going if you come with me.” Lucas answered seriously.
“That is not answer to my question.” he raised his eyebrows. “Do you wanna go or not?” 
“I think it could be fun.” he shrugged and kissed the corner of Eliott’s mouth. “I wanna dance and drink with you. Showing everyone that I have a beautiful boyfriend.” his words seemed to cheer up Eliott completely, because now his eyes were sparkling, toothy smile appearing on his face.
“In that case we are going.” he said happily and pulled Lucas closer to kiss him wildly. They completely forget that they were on the school hallway, it was just the two of them in their happy little bubble, until the ringing of the bell pulled them back to reality. They broke apart, looking at each other sadly and grabbed their bags. Eliott walked Lucas to his classroom, giving him a few kisses before he went for his own class too.
The party was loud, crowded. This was a big party in an actual bar. The bey were really impressed as they entered the place, music thumping in their ears, drumming on their chests. Eliott pulled his boyfriend closer, making sure to protect him from all the people that were dancing around them. Yann, Basile and Arthur got excited, looking for some booze immediately. Lucas followed them, while still leaning into the protecting arms of his boyfriend. He liked and hated this at the same time. It was nice to finally go out and have some fun after this stressful week, but he hated that the bar was so damn full. 
When they got to order some drinks, the gang asked for beer, just like Lucas, while Eliott went for a zero coke. They talked about this before leaving, the tall boy wanted to let his sweet boyfriend to have a good night, so he agreed to stay sober, while Lucas can drink as much as he wanted. He was a bit surprised by the idea, but then realized that Eliott probably liked to avoid getting drunk because of his illness. 
After everyone had a bottle in hand they settled at a table in a quieter corner. Eliott sat down first, pulling Lucas on his lap, who gladly took his place, smirking proudly. He enjoyed his boyfriend’s arms wrapping around him, feeling his breath on the nape of his neck. His friends smirked at them, but had nothing to comment on it, they all just started drinking. Of course Basile couldn’t shut up for too long and he started to talk about how he’s definitely going to get a girl for himself tonight. Arthur, like the good friend he was obviously supported him, giving him some advice and saying positive stuff between two gulps of his beer. 
At some point Yann disappeared with a really pretty brunette girl, probably Chloé, the one he was dating with. Then Basile got some confidence from the three bottles of beer he chugged up and decided to get himself in action, Arthur following him like a mother chicken. There was just the two of us. Lucas felt a bit dizzy, considering he also drank a few bottles of alcohol by now. He turned aroun on Eliott’s lap to face his boyfriend, who seemed to really enjoy the situation. He still haven’t drink his first bottle of coke, because his hands were always occupied with touching Lucas. 
“You look beautiful today.” he whispered, filling the space between their faces with the smell of beer. Eliott smiled softly, keeping his hands on his waist, pulling him a little closer. Lucas already had his knees resting on the bench next to Eliott’s thighs, but now he got a little excited as their crotches got so close. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck. 
“You are beautiful too, my dear.” Eliott said softly, his thumbs slowly sliding under Lucas’ shirt to caress his bare skin under it. The short boy shivered and his face got a little red shade on it after that. 
“I just wanna go home with you and kiss all night.” he mumbled, leaning his forehead on Eliott’s shoulder, taking deep breaths.
“We can’t, you promised Idriss and Sofiane to come, and I want you to have fun with all of our friends.” the tall boy said softly, stroking his boyfriend’s back now, only one hand wandering under the soft material of the shirt. 
Lucas let out a disappointed sigh and started to shower Eliott’s neck with kisses. He had no shame thanks to the amount of alcohol in his body. His lips wandered up and down, licking his boyfriend’s earlobe, his jawline and even sucking soft mark on his skin. Eliott shivered, grabbing the boy’s waist tighter, fingers gripping into the warm skin under the shirt. He obviously enjoyed the attention of his tipsy boyfriend, but he gently pulled back Lucas’ head by grabbing his hair softly. The boy had a dazzled look on his face, eyes opened wide, pupils so big that his eyes almost looked black. Eliott couldn’t believe that such beauty could exist on this world, but it was right in front of his eyes.
“Stop this, before I do something we both regret later.” he mumbled, voice a bit deep thanks to all the tension he was feeling after those kisses. 
“Maybe we should just let it flow.” Lucas muttered, head still held back by Eliott, but he didn’t mind it. Even his hair pulling was as gentle as possible. “Let future Lucas and Eliott deal with the consequences.” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows seductively. His boyfriend let out a soft giggle, stroking the back of his head now. 
“Don’t you think Lucas No.683 and Eliott No.837 are already making out shamelessly on this party?” he asked smirking. Lucas for some reason found it really pleasing how his boyfriend used his parallel universe theory so casualy. Like he already believed the same. 
“I think Lucas No.483 had already dragged his Eliott home and now they are probably laying in bed together... naked.” he whispered the last word, making the tall boy under him shiver. He smirked victoriously. 
“You clearly have no shame right now, huh?” Eliott laughed, playing with his boy’s hair. 
“Around you? Never.” he smirked and was ready to lean in for a kiss when Idriss and Sofiane appeared next to them.
“Look at this! The party barely started and they are almost having sex.” Idriss said smirking, poking Sofiane’s side with his elbow.
“You guys have no chill for sure.” the boy said smiling and hopped down across the couple, putting his glass of orange juice on the table. His friend joins him too, taking a sip of his beer. Lucas makes an unpleasant noise now, turning around in Eliott’s lap, not even planning to leave that comfortable place. His boyfriend smirks, wrapping his arms around him, fingers gently stroking his stomach through the thin shirt. 
“How are you guys?” Eliott asked casually, resting his head on his boy’s shoulder. 
“We are fine.” Idriss said. “Met the girls before coming here with them.” he smirked. “They are really cute.”
“Imane was actually asking about you two, and I told her that you will be here.” Sofiane added with his angelic smile. 
“Yeah, I still haven’t had time to introduce Eliott to the girls.” Lucas mumbled and let himself relaxed in his boyfriend’s arms. “I mean, they obviously know him, but...”
“You gotta introduce him as your boyfriend.” Sofiane nodded with a soft smile. “I get it. You guys like to rub it into others face, huh?” he said with a cheeky smile, earning a middle finger from Eliott.
“I deserve to show off. Have you seen this boy? He’s gorgeous.” he said proudly, kissing Lucas’ cheek happily, which made the boy let out a cute chuckle. 
“I am the lucky one here.” the short boy said, reaching for a full bottle of beer and taking a sip of it. 
“You sure that you wanna drink more?” Eliott asked concerned.
“Oh, come on, Eli! It’s saturday night and you are not his father.” Idriss said, smirking widely. “Let the boy have some fun tonight.” 
“He can have fun without getting wasted.” he shot back with a disapproving look on his face, tightening his hold around Lucas. The boy chuckled, planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek.
“Don’t fight with your friends. I’m a big boy, I know when to stop drinking.” he giggled and took another sip from his beer.
He clearly didn’t know when to stop. Hours went by and Lucas just kept drinking and drinking, until he was just a giggly mess. Eliott didn’t leave him alone all night, being afraid that either he trips in his own feet, getting himself hurt or that he will get into the arms of some perverted asshole, who would use this beautiful, drunk boy for his own pleasure. He couldn’t let that happen. They met a couple times with the boys again, Basile letting them know that he was hooking up with a girl, barely able to speak, since he was almost drunker than Lucas. Yann seemed to be just a bit tipsy, introducing his girlfriend, Chloé to the others. The girl was cute, pretty face, long brown hair and big eyes, she seemed to be happy with Yann, so Eliott obviously congratulated. Arthur seemed to be the most sober of the gang, holding a beer in his hand, but walking steadily, making sure that Basile doesn’t fall. 
Eliott had some troubles with his drunk boyfriend, considering that he kept falling into his arms, laughing and kissing his neck, trying to make him horny. Of course the tall boy felt shivers going through his body with every kiss he got, but his sober brain kept reminding him that he has the responsibility to take Lucas home safe and sound. Also the crowd, the mass of people and the loud music started to get on his nerves, so when he found Sofiane and Imane, he kindly asked them to look out for his boyfriend while he went to the bathroom. 
He washed his face, trying to normalize his breathing. Even if he wasn’t drinking or smoking, his head still felt dizzy. He haven’t took his meds since they got back together with Lucas, because he was feeling okay, but it was probably a stupid idea. He couldn’t help it, he hated that he had to live on meds to be like everyone else, to control his mental illness. It took him a few minutes to calm down. He splashed cold water on his face once again before walking back to the others, fairly remembering where he left his boyfriend. 
When he got there, he was shocked. Lucas was hanging on Sofiane, making smooch sounds with his lips, while Imane tried to pull him away. His friend seemed to feel really uncomfortable in the situation, especially when he saw that Eliott came back. His apologetic expression reassured the tall boy that all of this was because his stupid boyfriend was completely wasted. He walked to them, gently grabbing Lucas’ shoulder. The boy looked at him, his blue eyes cloudy, his pink lips slightly parted. 
“Maybe this was enough for tonight.” Eliott said calmly, trying to keep his jealous self back for now. Lucas eyes opened widely as he noticed who he was facing with and he shamelessly pressed his full body on Eliott’s.
“Eliott!” he screamed happily, wrapping his arms around his neck. “Where were you?!” he asked, pouting like an adorable puppy. Eliott couldn’t help, but smile softly, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist.
“I’m here now. Let’s go home.” he said softly, kissing the boy’s forehead gently. Lucas chuckled and buried his face into his neck.
“Okay, take me home, please.”
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I think drunk Lucas is a good way to end this fanfiction. I kinda enjoy making some insta posts and put them into the fanfiction, not to steal ideas from our beloved choupi of course, but it’s easier to use them to end a chapter or just to put it in for fun. I hope you guys liked this fluffly, sexy chapter, enjoy it while you can, cause angst is in the air. *wink wink*
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ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
Phan Cam: Graduation of Destiny
NOTE: In Japan, the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, is going around. Now keep in mind that this takes place in a fictional version of the world where things are a little different, but some real-world problems do happen here. So please forgive us if this brings up any hurtful subjects.
WARNING: This post is also a bit long.
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>Shujin Academy. Hard to believe that it was closed off not too long ago because of a viral outbreak. But they managed to reopen in time for the graduation ceremony.
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Finally, after such a long time, it’s here!
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I’m surprised that you managed to make it, Ryuji.
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Shut it, cat! It’s bad enough this graduation sucked.
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I know. Our Horizon friends, Makoto, and his friends were supposed to be here to watch us graduate, but they couldn’t because of this outbreak.
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It couldn’t be helped. Unless they have a thorough examination, there’s not much anyone can do.
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Just be glad you were on that heist at the time. I’ve never seen so many surgical masks in my life.
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Thank goodness Kuchisake-onna chose to stay in her room at the apartments the whole time.
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That’s good to hear, I guess.
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Pretty much. Though, I would have thought this would be a good opportunity for her to hide so easily.
Crow: That’s why she’s staying home.
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By the way, Yusuke, why aren’t you in your uniform?
Fox: Because of COVID-19, we had our ceremony early. I would have invited you, but the principal insisted on a small ceremony with only a few people, just staff, students, and some of our relatives.
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I can’t believe this had to happen.
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I’m sorry, you two.
Fox: But if it makes you feel any better, Hifumi chan’s mother recorded the whole thing.
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She posted it online...
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And you weren’t kidding about the masks.
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Well, I’m sure as long as everyone had a good time, things should have been fine. Including remembering to cover their mouth when they cough and wash their hands.
Fox: Pretty much.
Panther: And to make it better, they decided it’s okay to reopen Disneyland Destinyland. But they also said that just case, the park will be closing early for the next couple of weeks. I just hope we can make the most of it there.
Oracle: And they’ll add extra security to make sure things are safe. They even got the Danger Rangers and their human counterparts, the Rescue Heroes, helping out.
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That’s right. We even featured it on the talk show.
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I saw it, too. This is even reached the legal system as some neighbors started accusing neighbors of being infected, which I find ridiculous.
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Well, things have calmed down now, so it should be safe to go to Destinyland now.
Joker: Yeah, Mom, Dad, and my godparents are already waiting for us there. Let’s head back to our homes and change.
>We all agreed and separate for now. Me, Fox, Oracle, and Boss go to Boss’s car. It was a little cramped since before coming here, Boss went to Fox’s dorm and helped him pack the rest of his things to be taken to the cafe.
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>My room in Leblanc. I help Fox unpack the rest of his things and I change into my street clothes.
Fox: All done.
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I know. I still can’t believe this is happening. We’re finally living together.
Fox: That’s right. No more one night a week. From now on, we’re together always.
Joker: Yes. Actually, I have something for you.
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(Art by Don’t Die, Lloyd.)
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It’s so wonderful, Ren. Actually, I have something for you, too.
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(This was part of a comic.) 
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I love it, Yusuke... And I love you.
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(SURPRISE KISS! Please don’t flag. This image was found somewhere online.)
>He returns the gesture... This is the happiest of our lives.
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Hoo boy.
Joker: (finishing up) How long have you been watching?
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If you two are done, me and Futaba are ready. They still letting the trains be used, so you better get in gear Or would you rather stay and get more closer?
Joker: (smiling) We have a motorcycle, you know. But we don’t want to keep the others waiting.
>We head down.
Boss: Romantic relationships sure have changed.
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>Tokyo Destinyland in Maihama. We came here to celebrate our graduation at Panther’s idea.
NOTE: Still not a good artist. Pretend the sprites have surgical masks.
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You know, I thought you were supposed to come come to Destinyland the night before graduation.
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Well, that’s what was suppose to happen, but because of the coronavirus, we had to change our plans.
Noir: Well, we still managed to get here.
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There they are!
>Not too far from us are my parents, Jonny and Arual (we changed it to hide her identity), my uncles, Vincent, Orlando, and Toby, my aunts, Rin and Erica, and Panther’s parents, Katherine and Mr. Takamaki. Also with them were our friends from Kyoto, Zenkichi Hasegawa, aka Wolf, and his daughter, Akane.
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About time you guys got here. We were actually thinking of going on without you guys.
Boss: Yeah well, any traffic problems you’ve got, direct it to the coronavirus.
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Don’t even mention it. Just getting to here was hell.
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Aw, lay off the kid. She’s just sayin’ it as it is. Kinda makes us wish we had Arual and Ren’s alien immunity.
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(sorry about the dress) It’s not always the answer. There are some diseases even we’re not immune to.
Joker: That’s true.
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So, where do we start? We only have a few hours before the park closes.
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I know! I’ve always wanted to ride the Haunted Mansion Manor.
Queen: (shivering) That place gets a little... Intense at night. How about just a relaxing Jungle Rain Forest Cruise?
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That ride just goes on and on. What about a fast-paced ride, like the Pirates of the Caribbean Canary Islands or Big Thunder Lightning Mountain?
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Big Lightning. Definitely Big Lightning. But I also wouldn’t mind Splash Mountain Hill.
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How about Star Tours Adventures?
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We already live in space, though.
Rin: From a reality perspective. I wonder what a fictional version is like.
Mona: (confused) Pretty much the same thing.
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I’d suggest the Mad Crazy Tea Pary, but I’m afraid that would spread germs even more. Or just make us puke.
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Well, that’s too bad, I loved that ride. Then again, I agree with Toby and Ryuji. I vote Big Lightning.
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That sounds excellent, honey... (whisper) My poor stomach.
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(also whispering) Mine, too.
Joker: You two can sit out if you want. No one’s forcing you.
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Thank you.
Boss: I’ll sit this one out, too. I don’t think my old heart can take that much intenseness.
Wolf: Me, too.
>We go on Big Lightning Mountain.
>After that...
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I so wanna go again!
Jonny: I’d (groans) rather not.
Mona: (a little dizzy) That, and we won’t have enough time.
Noir: I really want to do, Erica chan’s thing. We never got a chance to ride the Haunted Manor the last time. Now’s our chance.
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Noir: It’s alright if you don’t want to ride, Mako chan.
Queen: No, it’s fine. I should be fine if I’m with everyone... And you.
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I know. Just trust me.
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Thank you.
Toby: (confused) Are they...
Erica: (not happy) It’s not polite to stare.
>The Haunted Manor. When we arrived, we spot Danger Ranger and fellow Phantom Thief, Street, arguing with a couple of Rescue Heroes.
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Come on, you guys, I’m totally not scared of the Haunted Manor.
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And this comin’ from the man who believes in Gargantua.
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I wouldn’t doubt the kid just yet.
Young Rescue Hero: See? Even the talking polar bear agrees.
.Southern Rescue Hero: Even talkin’ animals can be wrong sometimes.
Skull: Yo, Burble san!
Street: Hey, you guys!
Southern Rescue Hero: Friends of yours?
Street: They helped us with some stuff. We’re friends now. What bring you guys here tonight?
Queen: We’re celebrating our friends’ graduation. How are things with you?
Street: I just wish an epidemic wasn’t the reason we came here. By the way, these guys are Rescue Heroes.
Oracle: The younger guy is Rocky Canyon and the cowboy is Jack Hammer.
Jack Hammer: So you know about us, huh?
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You’d be surprised by what people like me know.
Street: (shuttering a bit) I guess the term, Internet Safety, means nothing to you.
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Not in the slightest.
Erica: So what were you guys just talking about?
Rocky Canyon: Just remembering my first visit to the Haunted Manor.
Jack Hammer: (laughing a bit) Yeah, I heard you wet your pants.
Rocky Canyon: (upset) I already told you, someone just spilled soda on me! Seriously, don’t they know they’re not suppose to take stuff like that on rides?
Mona: (whisper with a wink) Like how you’re not suppose to bring animals on.
Rocky Canyon: And now I’m trying to convince these guys that I’m not scared of the Haunted Manor.
Jack Hammer: I dunno, you were shakin’ like a sunbather in winter when Billy told us to watch this part of the park.
Rocky Canyon: I was excited, that’s all. I’ve only been to the Destiny Resorts in California and Flordia. This is the first time I’m visiting one of their overseas resorts.
Jack Hammer: (disbelieving) Yeah, keep tellin’ yerself that.
Rocky Canyon: (still upset) Fine, you don’t believe me? It’s just about time for our break. Let’s go in right now and I’ll show you how brave I am.
Jack Hammer: Alright, we’ll see.
Jonny: (smiling) This ought to be good.
Vincent: (a bit nervous) Yeah, I guess.
Rin: It’s okay, I’ll be right by you.
>One ghostly adventure later.
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(shaking a bit) Haru, you have some weird interests.
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But you have to admit, that was exciting.
Erica: You bet. I think the Seance Room was my favorite. What about you, Toby?
Toby: I thought the song in the Graveyard was a bit catchy.
Mr. Takamaki: I actually liked the Library. It actually sounded like the stories in them were coming alive.
Rocky: (shaking only a little and we think we can be on first name basis) See? I told you I wasn’t scared.
Jack: (also shaking the same thing with Rocky) Yeah, I guess.
Street: (smiling a bit) I thought it was great. I should remember to tell Squeaky and Kitty about this.
Fox: And what about-
>He stopped and looked down at my leg... which Queen was hugging.
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The ride’s over now.
Haru: It wasn’t that scary.
Queen: (getting back up) R- Right. I just didn’t expect those ghosts in the mirror.
Rocky: Anyway, we just rode it, now to get back to work.
Street: Yeah, I have to check in with the others and see how they’re doing on their end.
>With that, they return to their posts.
Wolf: We still have some time left. Why not get something to eat while we can?
Boss: I suppose we could. But remember to wash up before that. And try not to sit too close to each other. And we wash up again after.
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>After a quick bite, we decide to ride a couple more rides, grab some souvenirs, and take a picture before going home. Uncle Vincent insisted we go to “it’s a small tiny world”.
>After that...
Orlando: (groaning)  How did we let you talk us into that?
Vincent: I just thought we could use a change of pace.
Katherine: (sarcastic) Sure, because being in a long ride cooped up together won’t get us sick.
Rin: I’m sure we’ll be fine... I hope.
>Both Toby and Mr. Takamaki both make a small cough.
Rin: Are you two alright?
Toby: We’ll be fine. But I think me and Mr. T will sit out of the next ride.
Katherine: Okay. So, any ideas?
Violet: I really want to ride Space Galatic Mountain.
Panther: Oh, I’ve actually wanted to ride that. Let’s go.
>One super fast ride later.
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Totally worth it!
Katherine: (smiling) Like mother, like daughter.
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(dizzy) No kidding.
Mona: (also a bit dizzy) But you have to admit, it was something. You made the best choice, Lady Ann.
Katherine: (a bit confused) You know, you sure seem to like being around our daughter. Is he your boyfriend, Ann?
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I’d rather not answer, Mom.
Erica: Seriously, Toby, are you sure you’re alright? You feel a little hot.
Toby: I don’t know. (cough) I know I was coughing earlier when we got here. You don’t think...
Mr. Takamaki: Hope not... (cough, cough) I think I might be, too.
Admin: Luckily, one of the shops nearby has an on-the-spot check-up station. We can go there and get souvenirs.
>We all agree.
>At the shop, we see Danger Ranger Gabriela with three Rescue  Heroes examining a child with his mother.
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It looks like you have nothing to fear. You’re all healthy.
Boy’s mother: (relieved) Thank goodness. I was afraid he would have it.
Boy: Does this mean I have to go to school tomorrow?
Boy’s mother: School’s already out for spring break. I think you’ll be fine for sleeping in.
Medical Rescue Hero: But if anything comes up, be sure to get to the hospital.
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It just shows that sometimes being healthy can lead to being safe.
>With that, the boy and his mother leave.
Oracle: “Being healthy can lead to being safe”?
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Guess you Danger Rangers ran out of cool things to say.
Gabriela: Well, we had a lot of people coming in. It’s nice to see you guys again.
Joker: Same here.
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Hey, you’re that group Jack and Rocky told us about.
Queen: Yes, they told us about you as well. Wendy Waters, Jake Justice, and Matt Medic, am I correct?
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Yeah, that’s us.
Gabriela: So what brings you guys here? Came to do some shopping? Or maybe you need an examination?
Wolf: Both. Most of us already got tested and we turned up negative. But young Toby and Mr. Takamaki could definitely use an exam.
Matt Medic: Alright then, come this way.
>With that, Toby and Panther's father follow Matt Medic to be checked while we stay behind to shop. I notice Jake Justice doesn’t look happy.
Joker: Is something the matter?
Wendy Waters: A friend of his lives here in Japan. He hasn’t seen him since he got here.
Jake Justice: I’m just worried. I don’t want to think he or his mom might be infected. I just wish I could be sure.
Oracle: If you like, I could help you find him.
Jake Justice: You can do that?
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Don’t underestimate her.
Jake Justice: Well, okay.
Oracle: (taking out her phone) So, what’s his name?
Jake Justice: It’s Yuuchi. Yuuchi Jiyu.
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Yuuchi Jiyu?
Jake Justice: You know him?
Skull: He’s an idol, like me.
Fox: And he and a member of his Unit are students at my school. Or was now that he’s graduated the same day I did.
Jake Justice: That’s actually great.
Oracle: I even read on his Twitter Chipper account that he’s actually here to do a show.
Jake Justice: (worried) Seriously?
Fox: He even announced it at the ceremony.
Skull: It was the head of his Unit’s idea. He thought it would be good to raise everyone’s morale in these times.
Wendy Waters: Couldn’t they do it on a live video feed?
Skull: Then they wouldn’t be able to use the Dream FES System. Besides, the head of his Unit said they are not going to do it from a safe place like cowards. Yochi and the others agree.
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And KUROFUNE and I kinda agree with ‘em, too. And so does DearDream.
Jake Justice: I see he’s living up to his name. Brave One.
Mona: (grinning) I guess Ryuji’s Japanese isn’t the only one questionable at best.
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Shut it, cat!
Oracle: Anyway, they’re just going to do a couple of songs and that’s it. If you hurry now, you should be able to talk to him before the show starts.
Jake Justice: Can I?
Wendy Waters: Well, I guess you are due for a break now. But you’ll have to explain to Billy later.
Gabriela: And don’t forget to bring your mask with you.
Panther: You guys go without us.
Noir: Why? What’s wrong?
Erica: Toby and Ann’s dad both tested positive for the coronavirus.
Matt Medic: Fortunately, we found it just in time before the symptoms could get worse. Just a week or so in the hospital and they should be fine.
Katherine: Me, Ann, and Erica are going with them. This is what we get for listening to Vincent. I told him that ride was a bad idea.
Vincent: (a bit frustrated) It was a mistake, I get it.
Matt Medic: I’m sure this would have happened anyway. It was out of anyone's control.
Toby: He’s right. I haven't been feeling right since we got here. (cough, cough)
Mr. Takamaki: Just relax, hun. (cough) Though, I wish you could stay, Ann. This was supposed to be your grad night. Heck coming here (cough, cough) was your idea.
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I know, but I’d rather make sure you and Mom are fine.
Katherine: Thank you, Ann.
Mona: I’ll go with you, Lady Ann. I don’t want you to go through this alone.
Panther: Thanks, Mona. But I don’t think it would make sense for you to get caught up in this. You should stay here with the others. I’ll let you guys know if anything comes up.
Mona: I see. I hope things turn out well, Lady Ann. I’d kiss your hand, but I have to keep my mask on.
>With that, Panther, Katherine (still curious about her daughter's relationship with Mona), Mr. Takamaki, Toby, and Erica leave to wait for the ambulance.
Mona: I hope things will be alright.
Joker: I’m sure they will.
Mona: Thanks for that, Joker. Here, I was going to give this to Panther, but I guess I can give it to you.
>Mona give me a Mickey Mouse Rusty Rabbit Watch*.
(*The other admin doesn’t know who the official mascot of Destinyland is.)
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Thanks, Mona.
>A little later, were in front of the castle were a stage had been set up. Security guards and other Rescue Heroes were there to keep the crowd in control to avoid spreading the virus. Skull and Jake manage to get us backstage. There, we met up with the Idol Unit, StarRescue. (Names have been changed.) First, there’s the brave-hearted leader, Shinrin Senshi, the bookish Matsu Oka, and the slightly muscular and justice-believing Yuuchi Jiyu.
Skull: Yo, Yuuchi san!
Yuuchi: Ryuji san?
Skull: I got a surprise for you.
Yuuchi: Yeah?
Jake: (smiling) Yeah.
Yuuchi: (excited) Jake Justice sama!
Jake: You could just call me Jake. And yes, it’s me. It’s been a while. I can’t believe how much you grew. To think, not too long ago, you were just a little kid with his stuff monkey.
Yuuchi: A lot can happen over the years.
Shinrin: See? I knew Yuuchi was telling the truth.
Oka: (groans) Fine. I owe you both an apology for not believing you.
Jake: You doubted I was friends with your friend?
Yuuchi: Oka’s not exactly our friend. He’s only with us because we needed a good lyricist.
Fox: It’s true. Oka goes to my school and I’m told he’s at the top of his poetry class.
Oka: I joined to better that skill. Unlike the other two.
Shinrin: Me and Yuuchi have a common interest. You guys. The Rescue Heroes.
Shinrin: Of course, I mostly like Billy Blazes. Yuuchi kun is your fan.
Yuuchi: That’s right, Jake san... Which is going to make tonight very hard for me.
Jake: What do you mean?
Yuuchi: I was going to announce this after we finished our song, but I think you guys should hear it first.
Shinrin: What’s wrong?
Yuuchi: This... will be my last concert. After this, I’m going to the police academy.
Shinrin:(shocked) What? No. I know I’m the leader, but you’ve always been like our frontman. The guy everyone loves to see the most. You can’t quit now.
Yuuchi: I know. But I made a promise. On that day when the bullet train almost took mine and my mother’s lives, I made a promise to join the Rescue Heroes when I got older. I became an idol so I can earn enough money to pay for training. Now, I have the money and I’ve graduated high school. Time to make good on that promise.
Oka: It’s true. It’s all he’s been talking about since last April. Kind of annoying, actually.
Shinrin: But Yuuchi kun, I was going to retire from the idol business. Even if it’s just for a little while. With my mom in the hospital with the coronavirus and my dad drinking himself silly over it, my grandpa can’t run the bookstore by himself. He needs help. Besides, if you leave, I’ll be stuck with Oka and he and I don’t have that much in common.
Oka: That’s right. I’m not crazy about you Rescue Heroes as these two are. Besides, in terms of hero teams (adjusting his glasses a bit, we would have thought he was Kyoya Ootori had it not been for purple highlights) I prefer the Avengers. Especially Hawkeye. Seriously, that guy's way too underappreciated. The guys may not have superpowers, but he’s done a lot for the world. I was even there when he lived in Japan as Ronin.
Jake: True. We’ll never be as great the Avengers. We don’t have high tech suits or a Vibranium shield, a magic hammer (though Jack says his is magic), or even a Hulk (though we were very close to having one). But we do have skilled archers as you put it. Though not as skilled as Hawkeye. Still, we do good, too. Heck, there were times when we even worked with the Avengers.
Oka: Yeah, I know about that.
Yuuchi: Look, I know it seems hard, but I made a promise. So, please let me do this. And if things don’t work out, I’ll come back. Is that alright with you?
Shinrin: ... Alright. I trust you. I know you need this.
Oka: Well, I guess that means it’ll just be me. StarRescue is officially on hiatus.
Skull: Ya know, I just got in third place at Dream FES last year. I’m a True Idol and can start my own Unit. If ya like, you can join mine. I’m even thinkin’ about havin’ the Okamotos join in.
Oka: ... I’ll think about it. Thank you.
Jake: You’re just following your passion, Yuuchi. I’m happy about that. I’m also happy to see that you are holding to another passion. Especially for your friends.
Shinrin: Technically, I’m Yuuchi’s only friend in the Unit, but ya know.
Jake: Still, I’m glad to see that you refuse to give up on your passions. I’m also glad to see that you won’t let something like the coronavirus get in the way of doing what you love. Just remember to take precautions to make sure you don’t catch it or spread it. Like our motto goes...
Yuuchi: (smiling) Think like a Rescue Hero. Think safe.
Stagehand: Hey, it’s almost time. Good luck out there. Those people are getting restless despite there only being a few there.
Shinrin: We’ll be fine.
Yuuchi: Let’s do this one last time. Together.
>Even Oka couldn’t help but smile.
Shinrin: Then here we go!
>With that, they go out on stage. We diced to go into the fairly large crowd to support them.
Shinrin: This pandemic won’t stop us from living our dreams. Don’t let the same thing happen to you.
Oka: We can brave this terror when we unite our hearts.
Yuuchi: With the Rescue Heroes, the Danger Rangers, and even the Phantom Thieves on our side, we can overcome this together.
StarRescue: Now, let us conquer this Scenario!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Yuuchi: Your cheers will get us through.
Catch Your Cheers! 
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Shinrin: I’m pumped up for your love!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Oka: Nothing can stop us from doing this.
Catch Your Cheers!
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StarRescue: Together, your cheers will shine!
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One-Day Policeman Series! Complete!
>StarRescue performs the KUROFUNE song, Scenario.
>After the song...
Crow: After hearing Ryuji talk about the Okamoto Twins, I just remembered. Ren, may I have a word with you?
Joker: Sure.
>We go to the nearest bathroom to talk privately.
Joker: What is it?
Crow: As you know, I couldn’t join you in the Amity Park heist.
Joker: Yes, you were on a case at the time. I guess this is about that.
Crow: Yes. And...
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I believe it has something to do with the San Campion heist.
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I suppose Futaba told you about the experiment.
Crow: She has. She said that something or someone came to Earth from the planet Eternia.
Joker: And?
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I found that someone.
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Are you sure?
Crow: Well, he was dressed oddly when me, Makoto, and Haru found him. And he had a real sword with him. Though, something seemed unusual about it.
Joker: What do you mean?
Crow: After examining it, it seems to be radiating some kind of energy. And it gets even stronger when he’s near it. Like... Like it needs to be with him. And it’s probably a good thing we did give it back to him. For a while, he started showing symptoms of the virus, but the moment we gave it to him, they were just gone like he just went through a quick recovery.
Joker: I see...
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You think they can reproduce that energy to cure everyone?
Crow: They tried. But they got an anonymous message advising against it. And they listened. Probably a good thing. I could tell that kind of energy seems far too dangerous to use. So all we can do is hope they find a better way. But enough of that, we’re talking about Adam.
Joker: Adam? Is that his name?
Crow: It’s all he remembers. When we found him, he couldn’t remember who was or where he came from. He only remembers that his name is Adam. We couldn’t find any information on him, so he has to be from somewhere... out of this world.
Joker: Have you told anyone. Peter? Harry?
Crow: I did, but when the coronavirus hit Japan, they couldn’t do anything. They couldn’t even come here.
Joker: I see.
Crow: Still, we should at least try to learn what we can. So, I was wondering if you could come with me to talk to him further.
Joker: I suppose I can. Though, I don’t think going into a hospital might be a good idea right now.
Crow: He’s not there. After the outbreak was reported, they let him go to make room for patients. Fortunately, a colleague of mine offered to let Adam stay at his house. Since he says he’s always on a case, it should be fine for him to stay there. I’ll send you the address and you can come when you have the chance. Fair warning though, it’s in Beika. Think you can make such a long journey?
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I’ll see what I can do.
>With that, and after washing our hands, we rejoin the others. Apparently, we missed the last song. But still, it was one heck of a night. So, we all went home for the night with the memories of what happened.
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