#ana buddy system
frenchiefried · 1 year
The lord somehow protected me and Vegas and I’m just thankful lmao.
Real talk tho to my ed friends/Ana/whatever:
Las Vegas was really fun for everyone. No one was pressured to eat. Lots of walking to be done. I can’t wait to weigh myself to see what my results are from this experience.:
COOL TIPS FOR LAS VEGAS ED/ANA BUDDY SYSTEM(and honestly good advice for anyone who needs to use the bathroom a lot and need a lot of water)
Las Vegas has a lot of bathrooms which is very nice. People are nice to show you/point to the proper place.
Omg LAS AGUAS FRESCAS UWU: ok if you want a non-alcoholic drink I recommend ordering something called “an agua fresca”, they sell them in cans at convinience/pharmacy stores. They sell them in the mall. Just look around.
AVOID OLD VEGAS LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!! Here is a screenshot I took of the area. It’s ok to walk through and enjoy the pretty lights and loud music. That area is circled in red so show of the general area to be cautious in(and don’t buy drinks there omg they suck i swear just wait till your next place). The area I circled in Green are like some safe child friendly areas. Like that one donut shop near mc Donald’s and some place called “The container store”(if you ask the consierge they’ll be able to point you to the proper place!)
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Owo legit tho thank god I was with my family the whole trip we went to some wild places and I’m.
Lessons learned: use the buddy system in Las Vegas ALLLLL THE TIEM!!! safety in numbers uwu.
Also u can’t stop hyping up Omega Mart located at “area 15”. It’s pricey but my goodness worth the $200 for 5 people.(and children can have fun toooo!)
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r0secoloredboys · 1 month
re-intro!! (pls reblog to help me find my old mutuals)
wassup, i'm ari <3
previously @rxsecoloredboys (got t worded :c)
they/them, system of 3
ed + sh + vent blog!
SW 55, CW 48, GW 45, UGW 40
i post my low-cal mealsp0
i like pjsk, sanrio, alien stage, milgram, lsrfm, gidle, skz, vcha, paramore and green day <3
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hippolotamus · 3 months
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Happy (incredibly belated) Birthday to mi amor, @disasterbuckdiaz 💙 thank you for your patience
honey, when you call my name | 12.6k | E (Buddie)
“I was at the bar, Buck.” Eddie’s voice is quieter now, dripping with uncertainty. “I walked in- and I saw the team. Then I saw you. At the pool table. Kissing someone.” Eddie inhales sharply and it feels like the air is being ripped directly from Buck. “And when I saw that I- I had to leave.”
The words play back in Buck’s mind in slow motion as he tries to piece them together. None of it makes any kind of rational sense. Eddie was there? He saw Buck and then had to–
“Did you have sex with her?” Eddie blurts out. 
That is not at all what Buck was expecting. Ever since Shannon died there’s been an unspoken rule between them. A silent pact to never inquire about or interfere with the other’s romantic life. And sure, Buck broke that with Ana, but only because Eddie was having panic attacks. What else was he supposed to do? This is completely different in every way. Because his best friend, man he’s hopelessly in love with, and star of every filthy fantasy, wants to know if anything more happened with a stranger at a bar.
The implication clicks, allowing something bright and hopeful to flicker to life in his chest. A wish Buck never dared let himself believe would be fulfilled. “Would it matter if I did?” 
Buck doesn’t miss the way Eddie’s nostrils flare slightly before he attempts to cover it with a mask of indifference. How he seems to be struggling not to look away again. 
“It’s not like it’s really my business anyway.” Eddie shrugs and begins picking at the label on his drink with his thumbnail. 
The flickering ember of hope draws from Eddie’s reaction, daring to glow the tiniest bit brighter. “I didn’t, you know. Do anything with her, I mean.”
Eddie pauses his fidgeting, just long enough for Buck to notice before starting again. The casual silence that had been there before is anything but now. It feels weightier, the ease replaced with tension and doubt, and Buck starts to wonder if he’s completely misinterpreted the situation.
“Did you want to?”
“No!” If this is going where Buck hopes it’s going he wants to be as clear as he can. He quickly adds, “Not with her.”  
Eddie jerks his head up, staring at Buck with equal parts curiosity and disbelief. It pins him in place, leaving him helpless to do anything but stare back. He doesn’t risk moving, his breathing rapid and shallow, too afraid of severing this potential new thread weaving its way into their well established connection. Another anchor point in their root system, twining them together.
“And if it had been someone else?” Eddie asks.
Not that Buck is the most effective communicator, but he kinda wishes Eddie would just say what he means already. However, he supposes, two can play at that game. “I guess it would depend on who’s asking.”
Eddie hums, shifting to set his bottle down on the counter. It lands with a semi-hollow clink and a gentle slosh as he maintains his hold, tapping one finger on the neck. As if he’s contemplating, trying to sort out a complicated equation. He briefly squeezes his eyelids shut tight, pinching his lips together, something warring within him. With a loud exhale through his nose, his body finally relaxes again and releases his grip, letting both hands rest at his sides. 
There’s something else, too, when Eddie faces forward again. A new aura of confidence rolling off of him in waves. It’s vaguely reminiscent of a different night in this kitchen when their roles were reversed and Eddie stood down, unyielding to whatever the fuck Buck thought he was doing. 
Not now though. 
Now he looks intently at Buck. He sees him. He sees him in a way that makes Buck feel stripped down and exposed. A raw vulnerability that intensifies as Eddie steps towards him, his boots echoing with each heel strike. Another and another until he’s standing in Buck’s space, effectively caging him in. 
Eddie takes the beer from his hand, placing it off to the side. It seems like a hallucination, some sort of wild fever dream. But then Eddie’s fingers are tucked under Buck’s chin, his thumb sweeping across Buck’s bottom lip and making him shiver. Christ it feels so fucking real. Please let it be.  
This close, Buck can make out flecks of green interspersed with warm golden browns. He can smell the oud and lavender cologne Sophia gave him two Christmases ago. Eddie swears up and down it’s not really his style, but Buck knows better. He only had to be tortured by it every time Eddie came home from a date. Maybe it can be his now. A scent from his person. A type of claim letting everyone know he belongs to Eddie. Even if it’s just this one time. 
“And what if I’m asking?” Eddie inquires, low and husky in a way Buck’s never heard from his best friend before.
“Are you?” Buck responds, barely above a whisper.
read the whole thing here
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laylawatermelon · 1 month
Please please read this and give it some love but I had an inkling of this feeling but never mentioned it cause I thought it was absurd.
Basically its a tweet of a reddit post (inception ik) basically of how Tim is basically rewriting the characters back to the way they were.
More below 👇🏾
Everyone's been mentioning how the characters have been more in character and the actors are happy and that makes sense.
He's been making them more in character than they ever were.
And with the Buddie situation (yes not everything is about them but i am a buddie fan who happened to find and grow to love this show because of it) it makes the most sense.
Now that Oliver mentioned the love story and everyone assumed it was the shooting and being in live it made the most sense.
Who else was he going to be falling in love woth at the time? It surely wasn't Taylor. Their romantic relationship was always doomed to fail and it was a great friendship they had (ehhh sideye for Bobby situation and Jonah eventually) that lasted if they weren't too persnally involved in each others lives.
She'd have been a perfect friend for him to gossip about the drama at the 118 (not work cause you know she'd make a story). That relationship wasn't going to work. He's too honest and she's too opportunisic.
If it hadn't been Jonah it'd be something else and he'd feel the same sense of betrayal (also Buck kissing Lucy was betrayal but that also felt a lil like assult cause she got him reallllly drunk and if the roles were reversed people wouldn't be that enthusiastic about it).
The only other love story that's been written logically as a will they won't they tragic and emotionally complex story is Buck and Eddie's.
Season 2 he replaced his love intrest! Like come on!
But in all seriousness, the Ana breakup and ll the vague dollow your heart is basically being rehashed.
I remember someone mentioning that Marisol is just another Ana (whoever you are if you see this send me hit I'll put it in here) and that's actually true.
Yay Marisol no last name haters your time has arrived cause it's official she's done!
There's no worry because we're getting a conclusion on the fact that was supposed to happen years ago.
She's not a permanent structure.
This storyline can go two ways.
One Buddie confirmed season 8.
Or two, Eddie realizes what his family could look like and its a single parent home with a support system from work (and Buck but we're gonna just gloss over that for now).
Meta linked above I just talked about Eddie and its coming to fruition (hire me abc im getting better at screenwriting!).
For the first one it's juicy storytelling.
For the other it makes sense as development for Eddie becoming comfortable with himself apart from his identity as a husband/widower, son, Catholic, and father.
He'll learn to bebhimself which he hadn't had the opportunity to do as he had fell into adulthood with his kid and then added on having a child with a disability that needs a lot of monetary support he ended up losing the chance to figure out who he is without all of that.
Even if it's not romantic (😔) it's great for him to realize he doesn't really need to be with anyone or fulfill a role he's not ready or willing to fill due to duty.
He can just be a father and work it iut that way.
Chris only wants his dad happy and I sense he knows his dad isn't happy at times or even worse he's not happy but is pretending so that his dad can be happy as he feels he has to give him that space/approval.
Chris is getting a storyline and he's always been observant so he'll most likely either explode in his feelings and tell his dad or tell him in a misunderstanding (he is getting to be a moody teen after all it's not going to be an adult reaction).
He's been close to death, heard his dad lose it and loat his mom. He's more mature than people give him credit for but the story hadn't included him much recently so we'll just have to see.
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dollett3 · 16 days
I wish I could turn back time and scrolled a little bit longer on tumblr before I binged. There's something in particular making me feel horrible about this hinge. Maybe the fact that I haven't bunged in such a long time? I know that I won't fail again tomorrow. I have a great support system here on tumblr<33
@ok--15 @skinnybombshell best ana buddies ever
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johanna-swann · 4 months
I'm apart of the 911/Buddie Fandom, and I'm embarrassed. I agree with you. It's insufferable. I WANT them canon so bad 🙏🏽 but how they treat the actors/actresses on/off the show is misrepresented and demanding. It's nasty. Just reading the fics alone, these characters are completely OOC. It's like the characters are misunderstood. The grooming, homophobia, infantizing, religious guilt, abandonment issues, commitment issues, repression... completely over the top irrational. I know it makes a "good story" to them, but when they firmly state that "Eddie IS Gay! And NEVER would've been with Shannon if he didn't feel forced to sleep with her because IF he wasn't religious he wouldn't've felt like he HAD to be with a woman and marry her when she got pregnant, because his parents ARE homophobes!" ... 🥴 (Mkay, like he wasn't all up in that when she came back 😂 and willing to do it again) You guys will choose the most nonsense reason to hate or forgive someone on the show and run with it. I'm not saying I like all the storylines, but I'm not a writer, so who am I to cry about it. Oliver and Ryan are the writers either. Whether they like the ship or not, it's not up to them. And WE are going to ruin it for everyone just like we did with SPN. Greed is still greed no matter where it comes from.
There are just a lot of really melodramatic tropes which always paint Buck and Eddie as the poor helpless victims of every situation. I personally don't like it, but these tropes are wildly popular in this fandom for some reason. 👀
On ao3 they're rather easy to avoid thanks to the tagging system and you know, don't like don't read, but avoiding them completely seems impossible.
Sometimes the tropes are handled really well though, too. Just last night I read this fic where Buck kept putting himself in danger, possibly to impress Natalia, but it was always framed as a Buck issue, not once was the blame actually put on her.
There's plenty of gay Eddie fanfiction that treats Shannon's and Ana's roles in his story very respectfully and that doesn't paint Eddie's parents as the worst catholics to ever homophobe.
But yeah, a good chunk of 911 fanfiction seems to exist for character bashing only and more often than not it hits Buck and Eddie's respective love interests.
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selfcestmovies · 5 months
Masterlist Updated 4.11.2024
Trying to update this as much as I can! (flagging * below for outtakes and *** below for extended scenes)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Natasha Romanoff - Wild Things (w/ Wanda Maximoff) [***] - Wild Things (alternate) - Black Widow: C'est La Vie - The Shape of You (w/ Wanda Maximoff) - Black Widow: Red on Red [*] - Black Widow: Red on Red (alternate) - Black Widow: Love, Natasha - Black Widow: Love, Natasha (alternate) - Reveries (w/ Wanda Maximoff) - Black Widow: No Return - Black Widow: No Return (alternate) - Island Getaway (w/ Wanda Maximoff) - Double Agent - Double Agent (alternate) - Breaking Protocol (x Reader) - Black Widow: Grounded Wanda Maximoff - Twice Baked (w/ Natasha Romanoff) [***] - Wild Things (w/ Natasha Romanoff) [***] - The Shape of You (w/ Natasha Romanoff) - Scarlet Witch: Simulacrum - Scarlet Witch: Pairadise [*] - Reveries (w/ Natasha Romanoff) - Seeing Double - Loving, Wanda - Island Getaway (w/ Natasha Romanoff) - Trifecta [*] - Wanda Maximoff: Mirror Mirror Kate Bishop - Lessons in Mimicry (w/ Yelena Belova) - Kate Bishop: Buddy System [***] - Kate Bishop: Solo Time - Kate Bishop: Solo Time (alternate) - Kate Bishop: Party of One - Kate Bishop: Narcissus - Kate Bishop: Deuces [full fic] (w/ Yelena Belova) - Black Widow: Arm Candy [full fic] [***] (w/ Yelena Belova) Yelena Belova - Black Widow: Self Care - Lessons in Mimicry (w/ Kate Bishop) - Black Widow: Room of Mirrors - Kate Bishop: Deuces [full fic] (w/ Kate Bishop) - Black Widow: Arm Candy [full fic] [***] (w/ Kate Bishop) Carol Danvers - Captain Marvel in Duplicus [***] - Captain Marvel in Duplicus (alternate) - Wingwoman [full fic] Daisy Johnson - Quake: Déjà - Agents of SHIELD: LMD Trial Run [***] Others - Agatha Harkness in Clonecraft - Loki x Reader in The Magic of Vanity [*]
Other Fandoms
Game of Thrones - Dual of the Dragon [*] - Queens in the North Other Marvel - Across the Gwen-Verse [***] - Across the Gwen-Verse (alternate) - X-Men: Emma Frost [*] - Rogue: Intimate Harry Potter - Lily Evans in Marauders: Lessons in Polyjuice - Hermione Granger in Turning Time Star Wars - Rey Skywalker: Temptation DC - Supergirl in When Kara Met Kara - Supergirl in Reflections - Supergirl in The Trouble with Double [with alt] - Lena Luthor in Double Duty [*] - Harley Quinn in Harley, Baby - Starring Daisy Ridley as Triplicate Girl Disney - Frozen III [*] - Moana 2 Doctor Who - The Clara Recursion Nintendo - Metroid: Echoes Pitch Perfect - Beca in Sync Netflix - Vanessa Hudgens stars in The Princess Switch 4 - Sabrina in Doppel Date - Avatar: Warrior of Kyoshi Riverdale - Veronica Lodge: Cheer Squad
Original Stories
- Ana de Armas stars in A Very Merry Christmas Threesome - Shailene Woodley stars in A Perfect Match - Hailee Steinfeld stars in Brace
Would They Fuck? - Carol Danvers - Wanda Maximoff - Natasha Romanoff - Hermione Granger
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Book Review: Twisted Love by Ana Huang
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When I think of picking up a romance book, I always pray to the book gods that the book will make me swoon. Did ‘Twisted Love’ deliver? Yes, it did! This novel had all the tropes I wanted in a romance novel. Brother’s best friend? Check. Interracial relationship? Yes! Even the ‘I hate everyone but you’ trope? YES, YES, YES! While I can’t say I’ve never read a romance story like this before, there were multiple things that made the book refreshing and quite interesting for a young, romance enthusiast like me.
The book follows our Female Main Character (FMC), Ava Chen, who is quite literally a ball of sunshine. She went through a very traumatic experience in her childhood that made her develop a phobia of water. Her brother, Josh, takes it upon himself to protect Ava at all times but faces a block when he has to go to Costa Rica for medical training. Which leads to our brooding and cold Male Main Character (MMC), Alex Volkov, to somehow be roped into doing the babysitting for Josh, as he’s Josh’s best friend and most trusted buddy. Alex is someone who is most definitely not the guy Ava thinks he is, as he has his own past that has led him to seek revenge as his main goal. However, with him suddenly being in close quarters with Ava, and constantly looking after her, their relationship slowly starts to blur. Although they can’t stand each other at the beginning, due to Ava’s childish and bright personality, Alex’s protective nature doesn’t let him take his eyes off her. After a truce, Ava’s behaviour starts to melt Alex’s icy heart, while he helps her get over her phobia of water. 
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The slow burn in the book may seem a little bit frustrating at first, but the explosion of tension makes all the waiting satisfying. Their completely opposite personalities make their dynamic very explosive and fluttering. At first, I was under the impression that Alex was an overbearing and bossy character, and I wasn’t really sure if I wanted him to end up with Ava. But as the story went along, I could understand from his point of view and was absolutely floored when we could see how much he loved Ava. Just like his passionate need for revenge, it translated onto his feelings for Ava (and in bed *wink*), which brought the book to a whole new level. Ava, on the other hand, who seemed very innocent at first, somehow learns to see things from a more realistic POV from Alex. This makes their relationship very cute once they actually start dating, and it amplifies the story.
Another aspect of the book that I liked was Ava’s relationship with her three best friends. The girls met each other when they attending the same university and they ended up being roommates. We’re introduced first to Jules, a redhead who is known for her fiery personality, amazing body and her pretty face, Bridget, a blonde who is quite literally the princess of a kingdom called Eldorra, and Stella, an introverted social media influencer with a passion for fashion. Despite coming from different backgrounds and having different personalities, their friendship has lasted even after their college days. Ava’s friends are her ultimate support system and they are one of the largest factors of Ava and Alex ending up together. Besides, author Ana Huang has mentioned that all the girls will be getting their own book, which makes me so excited to get into! 
All in all, this book was fast-paced and was very a cute and heart-fluttering read, which made me very happy as it fulfilled my romantic heart. Now, I’m very excited about the next book, which is about Bridget! Based on the crumbs we got from this book, I’m quite curious as to how they’re gonna develop her story with Rhys, her bodyguard. A forbidden romance between a princess and her bodyguard? TAKE MY MONEY, ANA HUANG!
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
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oblivionsgrace · 3 months
ok before s7 starts airing I'm gonna put my final predictions here for eddie and buck's storylines for my own reference hehe. tbh, I know there's a lot that's been teased but I feel like it's likely that there's also a lot that HASN'T been teased at allll and will be a surprise. But here is my prediction is my middle ground between caution and clownery lolol. i DO believe in Bi!Buck, so I think he's gonna clash heads w/ Tommy that's gonna lead to him going on a date w/ Tommy and/or other men?? and cue sexuality realizations!! Buck then goes out on a date(s) either with Tommy or other mystery men and Eddie sees him on said dates. Buck has not been ready to tell anyone yet really but eddie confronts him about why he wouldn't tell him and they initially have some tension (tbh i would looooove some good buddie angst). But ultimately Buck comes out to him as bi and Eddie is very supportive and they have some lovely SoftTM and VulnerableTM conversations about it (lmao).
Concurrently, Eddie is trying to make his relationship with Marisol work while freaking out about Chris and girls. I'm guessing Marisol meets abuela or tia?? I think Eddie is actually trying to figure out if he likes Marisol for who she is or bc he thinks she could be a good mom to Chris. Ultimately tbh I have less specific predictions for Eddie! It's seems like he's going to be more light and airy and humorous this season. I think it's fully possible that Eddie ends the season dating Marisol, bc I feel like the show probably doesn't want to make her an Ana 2.0 so something has to be different! My guess is that Buck and Eddie are just going to have waaaay more screen time together this season and be way more intertwined in each others' plotlines than the last 2 seasons, and so ultimately this will re-kindle the feeling for the average viewer that they love each other, are best friends, and a major part of each others' support system.
I am leaning towards there being no acknowledgment of explicit romantic feelings between Buck and Eddie this season. IF what I said above happens, I think it obvs would set things up verry well for canon buddie. I know that many people have stated that since s7 is a re-launch, Tim could decide to either distance himself from buddie or lean into it. tbh it's not clear to me yet if all of this buddie screen time will be to move away from the possibility of canon buddie or move towards it....I feel like it could be done both ways! IFFFFF there was any specific acknowledgement of feelings this season, I think it'll come from Eddie struggling with sometimes not feeling great about Buck dating men/Tommy, and him trying to figure out why, and realizing it's jealousy. That would be my dreammmm ok but I don't feel confident enough to put that in the books as an official prediction haha.
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matan4il · 2 years
Who's been on my mind alot lately is Carla. The official Buckley Diaz godmother. She witnessed what Buck is like when smitten and how he throws himself all in to helping. Yes originally we had Maddie cheerlead a bit but then her story became Chim and Buck. She's not exactly fluent in Buddie. But Carla is and it started with Buck how Buck loves.
Then you have her having observeing and counciling Eddie. Probably to a great extent also Christopher. Seen Eddie try and have a broken heart over Shannon. Seen Buck and Eddie co parent. She has been there in a defacto maternal role all along. Probably heard the missing pieces of Buddie material driving Chris home from school.
So then FF to the end of 4 and her cautious advice to Eddie is follow your heart not Christopher's. It's kind of weird advice. Why would anyone who is witnessing a very solid perfectly OK relationship give that kind of advice you know?? She more then anyone knows the importance of a support system in any family but especially one with special needs. Unless you know there is another option and it's screaming in your face every day but the 2 idiots in love are like best platonic buddies forever lol..
But honestly think about it for a moment. If you were having lunch with a bestie who's a single parent and they are like here's a perfectly lovely person who checks all the boxes. Would you realistically be like yeah, but you know??????
Hi Nonnie!
Oh def this! I mean, I wouldn't discount Maddie, I think she's still team Buddie, she's just distracted by her own love life, and also possibly a bit discouraged by how oblivious her brother is. But give her the chance, I'm sure she'll jump right back into that ring! ;)
But yes, I agree with you so much. I mean, we all know how awkward Eddie was around Ana, but that's because 911 allows us to see into their more intimate moments together, when the "flirting" is just so off, it's unreal. Carla, we assume, is not stalking them and has not been there to see such moments. On the surface, Ana is great, everything is great, so why in the world would Carla suspect Eddie's not following his heart? There is nothing in canon, in terms of the scenes where we've seen Carla together with Eddie and Ana, to explain why she would think something's off. So she MUST know something more than what we've been shown. And she is meant to be smart and insightful, so it would only make sense that if even Bobby is eyeing Buddie suspiciously from his corner of the screen in scenes they have together...
Thank you so much, Nonnie! I can't wait for the day Carla brings out the champagne to celebrate that, "I knew it!" xoxox
(If you're looking for my ask replies, here is my ask tag! xoxox)
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lil-lamb-cubby · 1 year
𖥸 abdl/cgl/ddlg/mdlb or variants
𑁍 any sort of nsfw/18+ account
𖥸 racist/ableist/homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic
𑁍 heavy gore, or horror accounts
𖥸 (pro/supporting) p3dos / z0os / "maps"
𑁍 non traumagenic / tulpa /endo systems
𖥸 vent accounts / accounts that flood with vents often
𑁍 bullies / support bullying
𖥸 pro ana / pro ED / bodyshaming
𑁍 any content you wouldn't show small kiddos!
𖥸 blank accounts
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About Me:
♡ you can call me lamb, cubby, or most other petnames! i would let you know if i wasn't comfy with one
♡ i use he/him pronouns, and sometimes may post comfy posts for my dysphoria!
♡ i use this account as a safe space for my regression, since i struggle with slipping often
♡ I'm always open to making new buddies, though i'm not the greatest at texting always! i'm forgetful, not ignoring you,i promise ;v;
♡ i use regression to be able to process feelings easier, and feel comfy with things! i regress to ages 1-3, and i also slip into a partial petspace! usually that's puppy, bear cub, lamb, or smaller things like bunnies!
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My posts will {mostly} be:
𖥸 softcore / pastelcore
𑁍 stuffed animals / regression gear
𖥸 sleepycore / babycore
or other cute things i find along the way!
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Reminders To:
➳ be kind
➳ respect boundaries
➳ try to be understanding
➳ take your meds!
➳ drink water, and eat food!
➳ be sure to rest
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Dm Rules:
˚ʚ i don't mind what age you are, so long as you are completely sfw!
˚ʚ i am a minor, so please be mindful of that.
˚ʚ if there's something we disagree on, we can Talk about it, but please don't be hostile!!
˚ʚ be gentle please! this account is my safe space<33
˚ʚ feel free to send me posts you like, so long as they're sfw and safe!!
˚ʚ i'm open to having other friends who are refressors/carers/flips, or supporters! don't be scared to message me ^×^
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Have a nice day, and remember i love you
૮˶´ ﻌ `˶ა
./づ~ ♡
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woozis-boy · 2 years
~About Me~
hiii!! You can call me Cub or Honeybear!! This is my side blog dedicated to my age regression!!
Bio Age: 26!
Little age: 2-6, but usually around 4!
Pronouns: he/him!! 🥰
Extras: I'm a part of a System!! dunno if i age slide or if cub/honeybear is another alter but it makes me happy so i dunno if i care to figure it out :) also autistic and got adhd!!
CGs: No one IRL, but a couple of my alters try to take care of me from a distance! I'm also pretty sure i have introject fragments of some of the members of kpop group Seventeen that take care of me too :) or at least i daydream about it a lot! sometimes it changes but usually/right now it's Shua (appa), Woozi hyung (hoonie or eomma or gom/bear hyung), Hoshi hyung (horangi hyung), Jeonghan (eomma or hannie hyung), and sometimes DK (kyeomie) and Seungkwan (kwannie)!!
Buddies (Stuffies): Sinfonia (my bunny), Cinnamoroll (From Build a Bear), and I'm gonna get a tiger one day that I wanna call Hoshi or Soonyoung~ I also got a tiger blankie i like lots
Things Little Me Loves: reading (both kids books and Agere fics (as long as they're sfw!! and mostly various Kpop groups rn)), KPop, my Little playlist, my pacis, blocks, legos, coloring and learning Korean, TIGERS (they remind me of hoshi hyung 💕)
Little Me's Favorite Shows: Bluey!!!, Zoboomafoo, Bear in the Big Blue House, Little Bear, Winnie the Pooh, Blue's Clues!
DNI: NSFW/ABDL/DDLG, Terfs, Swerfs, racists, anti-agere, ableism, LGBT-Phobia, Pro-ana, Pro-ed, selfharm/suicide stuff, anti-kpop
Thank you for reading!!! Happy Tiny Times 🥰💕
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Eddie/Buddie 516 Meta - Part 2
This is a 3-part meta series about Eddie in May Day with the juicy Buddie content all woven into it. Yeah, this whole thing got away from me in terms of length so my bad.
Part 1
Part 2 - you are here
Part 3
CAS System: “It Takes Your Breath Away”
The CAS is *repeatedly* noted to take one’s breath away. That phrase is commonly used for instant attraction to a person, which Josh demonstrates in the ep when he and Carson meet. Getting the breath knocked out of you is also alluded to and is a common phrase in a fight or other conflict. Josh is both attracted to Carson AND afraid that Carson is not supposed to be there. Eddie is in conflict with himself too, like Josh. He has feelings and things that need saying (to Buck!) but he can’t or won’t say them. There is Buck-related trauma AND so many other friggin Buck feelings for Eddie to eventually communicate/deal with head-on but he’s not there yet.
This is highlighted by Terry who messes with the control interface for the CAS and is promptly incapacitated. The communications guy is down for the count! Eddie is getting better so he is the one to find Terry and resuscitate him. That Terry rescue seemed symbolic of the fact that Eddie has to choose to communicate more clearly, fully understand the fire/trauma alerts that he’s getting, and heed them appropriately rather than trying to just stop them. But the overall communications upgrade still hasn’t happened because Metro Dispatch is on fire! Eddie’s not ready to talk, probably because he hasn’t fully formed his feelings and the necessary words quite yet. He’s still healing and working through stuff that’s a higher priority and/or less deeply buried in his emotion boxes.
In the midst of all of this, Eddie’s breath has been taken away (romantic) and knocked out of him (internal conflict) by his emerging feelings for Buck during this trauma recovery and sexuality discovery process. Fingers crossed.
Necessary Wiring Upgrade
It’s interesting that there’s not actually anything wrong with the CAS system itself. It’s the faulty wiring in the old building and the fact that Carson is upgrading said wiring that’s sending up alerts! That makes sense with the Eddie of it all. Fire suppression (putting out fires) is symbolic of dealing with trauma in a way and Eddie is neck-deep in that process. And Buck is an integral part of it. More than either of them knows or is willing to admit. Buck is helping to alter Eddie’s trauma-made wiring. Eddie likes control and does things a certain way because the feeling of being in charge of one’s life is vital in general, especially when one is riddled with trauma. Eddie’s entire relationship with Buck has been one long healing process, where Buck is a big clean agent for Eddie’s trauma processing and rewiring! 
Buck & Rewiring Eddie
When Buck helped Eddie find a Health Aid for Chris before he even knew them very well in Stuck. When Buck listened to his fears about Shannon in Merry Ex-Mas. When Buck saved Chris in the tsunami arc. When Buck apologized TWICE for abandoning them in Monsters and Fallout. When Buck loved and cared his way into Eddie’s will in Eddie Begins. When Buck took care of Chris after the shooting in Survivors. When Buck self-depreciated his way into Eddie telling him about the will in Survivors. When Buck told Eddie the truth about devaluing himself and staying in a loveless relationship with Ana in Desperate Times. When Buck took a blow to the head for Chris and was willing to take a bullet for Eddie in the hostage situation in Brawl in Cell Block 911. When Buck listened to Eddie’s ongoing fears about not doing fatherhood right in Wrapped in Red. When Buck begged Eddie not to pretend with him in Outside Looking In. When Buck burst into the room in Fear-o-phobia. When Buck took care of Chris while he went to therapy in Dumb Luck. When Buck took care of Eddie by helping him rediscover meaning in his vocation in Dumb Luck. Eddie feels SOMETHING about all of the above and we don’t yet have much clarity in the story about what exactly that is!! We have educated guesses but nothing certain. Buck has always been the electrician all up in Eddie’s server room and electrical vault rewiring ish! And now Eddie is starting to get alerts about it! Metro Dispatch/Eddie is on fire because the alerts are being misunderstood and/or mismanaged. Eddie has to listen to the alerts from the fire suppression/trauma management system. He and Buck share a metric ton of trauma, but Eddie is afraid of what will surface within him if/when he deals with it.
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crmsnbutterfly · 1 year
Hey. If one of my followers here wants to talk or be active buddies we can. To be a absolutely transparent, I'm a 30 year old female who has been friends with Mia since 12 and Ana as well since 19. I'm not at my lowest weight and I want to get there. Im tired of not doing things for myself. If you want a conversation buddy or a support system or cheerleader please let me know.
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fruitydiaz · 2 years
absolutely wild that christopher has always functioned, in part, as eddie’s entire world and heart that he’s extremely cautious with and protective of, that he’s very hesitant to trust his romantic partners with. and yet he gave buck full access in season 2
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 3 years
okay but that surfing gifset is so goddamn cute... any thoughts on a sweet buddie + christopher ocean outing??
Hey anon! I was inspired by gorgeous fanvideos on YouTube to sit down and write another prompt since by wbo wip is currently stalled due to writer’s block. And I found your prompt here! It was exactly he vibe I was looking to write atm, so thank you again for sending! 
Content warning: Ana and Taylor are in this fic, but as friends. They are not dating buddie
The Other Two Halves of My Heart
“So, a skateboard was a hard no, but surfing is a yes?” Ana remarked to Eddie from her spot next to him on the sand, a teasing twinkle in her eye. 
Eddie smiled, eyes not moving from the two distant figures revolving in each other’s orbit as they slowly wove their way toward them through the water. “Buck said he’d find a way. And he did.” The look on his face was impossibly fond.
“He does that.” Taylor observed from Ana’s other side with a smile. She was sitting on her own towel, wearing the world’s largest sun hat and an emerald green bathing suit that did wonders for her figure and offset her firey red hair. 
The last date Eddie and Ana had gone on before breaking up had been a double date with Buck and Taylor--though Buck and Taylor had attended as friends--and the two sharp and accomplished women had glomped onto each other almost as soon as their eyes met. It began the first of many Friend Double Dates between the four, with Christopher coming along as the world’s best fifth wheel--including today’s outing to the beach.
That first double date had changed a lot between the four. In addition to Eddie and Ana deciding to be just friends, Ana and Taylor had exchanged phone numbers and had started messaging back and forth almost as soon as the party had stepped out of the restaurant. In each other the women found fast companionship, someone else who understood what it was like to aim for the stars instead of building a family in your twenties. Taylor loved Ana’s gentle approach, her patience, and her wise council that came as an advantage of being a few years older than Taylor. Ana loved Taylor’s wit, her sharp eye, and the way she wasn’t afraid to say what she was thinking. Late nights of red wine, tacos, and reruns of Project Runway had solidified a strong, supportive friendship that they were both quickly forgetting how to live without.
They had also taken to talking about the two beautiful men who had brought them together. Comparing just a few notes brought Ana and Taylor into complete agreement:
Eddie and Buck were downright stupid for each other. 
It was the way Eddie ordered a meal that Buck enjoyed and split plates with him so Buck wouldn’t have to decide between two of his favorite entrees at the Chinese place they’d all eaten at last weekend. It was in the way Buck showed up without question on the tail end of a 48 hour shift to take care of Christopher and Eddie when Eddie caught a bad cold a few weeks ago. (He’d called Taylor in a panic, asking her if she could run to the pharmacy for a few items. Taylor had asked Ana to step in since she was busy covering a story downtown.) 
And it was here, in the way Eddie looked at Buck like Buck hung the moon and all the stars, in the way Buck had sat Eddie down in a comfortable spot in the sand (”God knows you don’t need the extra tan, you’re gorgeous, but relax for a minute while us professionals do the surfing, ‘kay?”) and pulled Christopher and their surfboards toward the water for some fun.
Ana and Taylor exchanged glances, then Ana nodded and Taylor whipped out her phone to get a shot of Buck and Christopher hitting the waves with Eddie in the foreground looking utterly whipped. It would be hard to get all three in the photo and camera angles were definitely Taylor’s expertise.
Taylor had barely gotten the shot in when Eddie rose suddenly. “Do you mind if I...?” He gestured vaguely toward the beach where the sounds of Buck’s rich laughter and Christopher’s sunny giggles reached them on the wind.
“You go right ahead, Edmundo.” Ana said with a chuckle.
Eddie was already walking, but he nodded distractedly and picked up his pace, feet bearing through the sand to reach where his heart was already standing. 
“Dad! Dad, did you see that?! That wave was huge!” Christopher yelled excitedly as Eddie approached. Next to Chris, Buck chuckled. After almost an hour on the water, Chris was starting to tire, and was holding onto Buck for support.
“You killed it, Chris! Man, I’ve gotten rusty since my time in Peru, you were basically holding us together there.”
Christopher laughed again and leaned harder into Buck, throwing an arm around his waist where he could reach. “You were okay, kid.”
This set off Buck, who started to giggle as well, wiping his wet hair out of his eyes. Eddie could only stand in front of the two and watch. He couldn’t completely parse out what he was feeling, but he was full of it, and it was warm and soft, but also deep and intense and--
“Eddie, you alright?” Suddenly Buck was right in front of him. He reached out and laid a hand gently on Eddie’s forehead. “You look kind of out of it. Too much sun?”
“No.” Eddie’s voice wobbled, and he cleared his throat. “No, I’m--I’m good. Hell, I’m great.” He suddenly couldn’t keep the smile off his face, felt light and drunk with it. “You guys are staying hydrated, right?” He raised his own hand to Buck, but somehow it found it’s way to the side of Buck’s face, cupping his damp cheek. Buck’s smile widened and he leaned into it with a happy sigh as Eddie’s thumb stroked softly over the light stubble that had grown over the course of the day. 
“Yeah, we’re good.” Buck’s smile grew shy and he ducked his head down, focusing on Chris. “Hey, buddy, what say you take a quick break and I try to get your dad out there, huh? Show him how the professionals do it?”
Chris’ eyes lit up and a mischevous smile spread slowly over his face. “You want to try, Dad?”
“Yes.” Eddie knew it was a sucker’s game, letting Buck get him on a board, but at that moment, he didn’t care. He only knew that here was where he felt complete, where that full-of-warmth feeling stayed. They could’ve asked him to follow them into an undertow and he would’ve gone.
Buck held out a hand to him, the shy smile now edged with happiness. And Eddie took it. 
“When they finally get a clue, they’re going to thank us for documenting all their most romantic moments for them.” Ana observed as she pulled out a container of fruit and lifted a piece of cantaloupe to Taylor’s mouth. 
Taylor chuckled around the fruit, hands busy holding up her phone camera just so. “They’d better. I don’t usually document shit for free.” She snapped a few more shots of Buck and Eddie falling all over each other in the surf before putting her phone down and turning toward Ana. “Now that we have some time to ourselves, tell me more about that incompetent substitute teacher you dealt with on Friday?” 
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