#anakin believed obiwan was the perfect jedi and also not
ghostgraveyard · 1 year
I feel like I need to clarify. I like the whole “The Jedi code is like an itch; their compassion leaves a trail.” thing but more as a ‘values that the best and most true Jedi hold’ and that sort of futile idealism people believe applies to the jedi as a whole.
But I hate when people take that line and use it as a reason to discount people arguing against the Jedi.
Like you need to see the difference between ideals and values vs action.
I love that u love ur jedi and what they stand for, but i need you to understand that the jedi actually SUCK and thats okay (for you to like them in spite of such). Stop trying to convince people of their goodness bc for sure, some of them are good, but that doesnt make them representative.
The jedi fell bc they were a working part of a corrupt system and u literally can’t take their responsibility for that away just bc u wunna hold their hand and giggle. Root for them but dont talk to anyone amidst your delusion where the meow meow jedi can do no wrong. Do you understand?
“Their compassion leaves a trail…its like an itch” and I would see so many people use it like “See? The jedi are peak perfection and good!” and im like, “No! They arent! Anakin’s entire origin story is a prime example as to why!”
This was unironically canon:
Anakin: tries to literally do the most for one ounce of approval
Obiwan: 😐 your desire for praise will be your undoing.
Anakin: 😦
Can you not see he is DESPERATE for something he’s done to be recognised. His inner child is begging to be seen. His outer child is doing its best to be worthy of it and every time he thinks “this is it, this time—“ he’s basically smited.
Anakin knows love and affection through the eyes of a slave. Blunt honesty and proof through care and being there (action) and staying through thick and thin. He doesn’t need you to burn down a planet because that’s HIS love language, thats how HE shows he cares, not how he needs others to show it.
Because he feels he’s not good enough—burning down a planet, in his mind, shows the people he cares for that he would do anything for them of it’s in his power to do so, and that he really means it when he says he loves them. Grand gestures are how HE shows love because he feels like anything else is as inadequate as he is
Being abandoned and never told he’s loved and cared for is a big reason his affections and attachments turn obsessive. He’s never been given anything concrete, he’s never shown that people care in a way he can understand. They think “I said hi to him and spoke up for him and trained him and gave him camaraderie—thats proof I love him” and think Anakin can properly differentiate it between duty and not.
He thinks, “my master is my master but he only cares for the Jedi and I can’t live without him but he could without me bc I’m a burden and will never be good enough or perfect like Obi-wan” bc Obi-wan isn’t honest with himself or Anakin, and you can see this etched into the very lines of his story no matter where you look.
He doesn’t say “i love you” to Anakin’s face until he’s literally chopped Anakin’s limbs off and left him to die on Mustafar, and even then it’s ambiguous. Anakin understands there is SOME sort of affection between him and Obi-wan that goes both ways but in the end, he never feels like he can truly tell Obi-wan anything without being shunned, misunderstood, or lectured, when all he needs is someone to talk to and hold close without fearing theyll leave him behind when he disappoints them.
One of the only people to ever outright tell Anakin what they feel was his mom, and she ended up dead bc Anakin was told he was being irrational about her and his visions of her death; and the fact that his mother was one of the only people to ever tell him she loved him and was proud, and that she was one of the only people who would never turn her back on him when he wasnt perfect (bc she thought he was perfect anyway. Her love for anakin was unconditional whereas everyone elses’ seemed to be very obviously conditional) and that terrified him bc following her death, the only other person left was Padmé, in their very unhealthy, very suspicious, co-dependant romance.
But even then, since she was the ONLY ONE he knew for sure how they felt, he was terrified something would happen to her and that she would leave him too—be it through death or finding someone to replace him (visions + irrationally believing she and Obi-wan were having an affair). He was obsessive and possessive and I honestly can’t blame him, especially from a psychological standpoint—and even more especially, from a child psychology standpoint. He was never given a reason or a chance to nurture any secure attachment style, especially when faced with the first 10 years of his life as a slave? Yikes.
He was obsessed with his relationships because he never had anything else to hold on to (from his perspective), and do you know who took gleeful advantage of that? Palpatine.
Anakin only wanted to be good enough, to make people proud, to give them a reason to tell him they love him. And maybe the one person he wanted to lure in the most was Obi-wan, who viciously shunned him for that, even when he would sparsely give anakin the praise he wanted so desperately
Anakin said, “I beat you! I won!” All giddy and self-assured after a spar with Obi-wan and instead of allowing that feeling of accomplishment, of the desire to make his master proud, Obi-wan just looked at him and said with shame, “Your need for praise will be your undoing,” and in the end, he wasn’t wrong. It was a self fulfilling prophecy.
Because in the end. The only person left who told Anakin he was proud was fucking slimy Palpatine, the dark lord of the goddamn sith.
Unfortunately, a lot of explicitly pro-jedi/jedi apologist fandom participants like to “interpret” the Jedi code themselves. They make these incredibly long-winded, well thought-out posts explaining the meaning and how it works in practice and how the jedi embody this—BUT they never actually consider or address the literal canon aspects. Things we actually see with our eyes: the novelisations, the games, the shows, the movies.
You’d think, therefore they must be, right? Wrong. You say this is what the Jedi are like and while that’s beautifully wonderful and I wish you were right—that’s literally not what happens. Literally not what they’re like at all. It’s actively part of the plot.
I think your interpretations of the code are great but you act like that’s the reality we’re actually living in. You act like that’s what the shows tell you, rather than just what you want to believe based on your own interpretation of the code itself (ignoring lack of congruency we sometimes see in the shows or movies).
My point is, you can love the jedi while acknowledging their VERY obvious flaws. The flaws that destroy them, corrupt them, misguide them, make them terrible people. The flaws that cannot be retconned by one writer saying “its an itch” while pretending Anakin’s “Anakin Skywalker is dead. I killed him” makes up for the horrible things Old Hermit Kenobi does with luke.
So yeah.
Lets at least be real when we’re loving who we love.
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merrysithmas · 1 year
What do you think of Obi-Wan and Satine's relationship? I read somewhere that it's legitimately canon that Obi-wan loved her and would leave the jedi order for her if she asked but... i have a little trouble believing that. Yes, I think he cared about her but I think the only person he would leave the order for would be Anakin, no one else. Anakin is the one who shakes the world on Obi-wan's feet but also the one who gives balance to him, he is his other half, the only certainty he has in the midst of so many wars and chaos, I think Anakin wouldn't even need to ask for him to leave the jedi order, Obi-wan would simply leave for him if he had to. What do you think?
Canonically Obi and Satine did have great affection for each other! She tells him she will always love him, and he admits that had she asked him, he would have left the Order for her - but the thing is, based on who Satine was (a noble, incredible woman) she would have NEVER EVER EVER EVER asked that of him. EVER!
That is the difference between Satine and Anakin! Satine has such high and strict principles, was such a strong and admirable leader for the Mandalorians, that she would have NEVER asked Obi-wan to betray HIS "creed" aka his Jedi Oath, just as she knew she would NEVER betray her principles of pacifism in the face of Mandalorian war culture.
They were in fact a perfect match - so perfect that could never actually be together! Lol! They are foils to Anakin/Padme in the sense that their sense of responsibility was SO HIGH they could never touch a relationship - whereas Padme and Anakin had 0 sense of responsibility and were totally selfish. They destroyed a system where Obiwan and Satine's resistance upheld it. Metaphors.
So anyway, all of this is to say that Anakin was actually better for Obi-wan as a person. Anakin is the one that taught Obi-wan he can bend the rules of the Order. Anakin taught Obi-wan it's okay to criticize those in power. Anakin taught Obi-wan it's OKAY to be a little selfish. And on the other hand Obi-wan impressed qualities of restraint and nobility into Anakin (things that eventually helped him overcome Vader and save Luke).
In canon, Obi-wan DID leave the Order for Anakin - albeit in a way he could have never predicted. But I honestly believe if Anakin had come clean to Obi-wan he would have left on his own accord - eventually. Because at that point, Anakin (and Ahsoka) was what was of value to him not the Order.
Even in the end Satine and Obiwan had great respect for one another - but their affection was ultimately borne of shared restraint and principles. Things that inhibited any exploration of possibilities and stayed in the realm of high mutual respect.
Anakin is the opposite of Satine - his very presence and personality encourages Obi-wan to challenge his prinicples and beliefs and analyze where they comes from, why he holds them, and if they are truly just.
It's worth noting that Obi-wan never tells Satine he loved her - but he does say so to Anakin.
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kittimau · 2 years
Ok ok ok I love your answers to headcanon-y asks so what about an au where anakin & padme are bffs but because anakin often sneaks out at night to visit her Obi-wan is worried they’re in a relationship (it wouldn’t be obikin without misunderstanding!) Anyway one evening padme cajoles anakin into letting her put make up on him- just some mascara, blush, lipgloss (anakin finds himself strangely into it???) but in the middle anakin gets an urgent comm from Obiwan that they’re being sent offworld
immediately to deal with a diplomatic incident... ofc anakin forgets to remove the makeup before rushing to the temple hangar... Obi wan, staring at his padawan, trying to figure out why he looks different: 🧐😧😳 Anakin, oblivious, pouting and blinking big long lashed eyes at him: yes, master? Is something wrong, master? Master? 🥺🥺🥺
I burst into laughter reading this and scared my cat 🤣 sorry, Precious. My bad.
Yet another thing I wish I could draw, because it would be adorable!
First off, I love the idea of angsty and jealous Obi-Wan noticing Anakin sneaking out and visiting Padmé. Of course, he wouldn't realize it's jealousy he's feeling—not at first—so he'd explain it away, rationalize the feeling to himself.
He's just worried about his friend. What if the senator breaks his heart? And what about his future, his oath? There's a traitorous little voice that nags at the back of his mind, whispering, if Anakin leaves the Order, he's also leaving you. He tells himself it doesn't matter anyway, because he is a Jedi, and regardless of whatever decision Anakin makes, he will have to let him go.
It's with this mindset that he calls Anakin back to his duties. Reluctant, because the part of him that believes Anakin might be better off, that wants him to seek happiness wherever he finds it, feels bad for depriving him of the rare and fleeting moments he gets with Padmé. But he's also relieved, because yes, perhaps there is also a part of him that covets Anakin's time and attention and wants him to choose the Order, to choose him. The latter is a menace, however, so he elects to ignore it.
Obi-Wan is standing in the hangar brooding over all of this when Anakin finally runs in, disheveled and a little breathless. His mind immediately flashes through a dozen scenarios that would cause his former padawan to be in such a state, bringing a hint of color to his own cheeks as well as a spike of irritation he can't quite suppress. So he says, maybe with a little more snark than strictly necessary, “So good of you to join us,” and is about to storm off toward the ship when Anakin grabs his arm.
“Master, are you alright?”
Obi-Wan sighs and turns back to Anakin, another retort at the tip of his tongue, and that's when he notices the thin line of kohl ringing Anakin’s eyes. The rouge staining his already-flushed cheeks a darker shade. The crimson of his lips. And his mind just... Blanks.
Anakin is beautiful on a normal day. One must be blind not to see it, and even Jedi are not immune to such aesthetic perfection. But the way the makeup highlights his features—sculpts his cheekbones and sharp jaw, emphasizes his pretty pout and the dark, full lashes surrounding those brilliant, emotive eyes—leaves him utterly speechless. Gaping like a landed fish.
It's embarrassing, really.
To make matters worse, Anakin is growing obviously concerned. He prods at their bond, and when he doesn't receive an answer, begins checking Obi-Wan's body over for injuries, and Obi-Wan has never missed his robes so keenly than in that moment because suddenly he doesn't know what to do with his hands and would very much like to hide them in his sleeves.
It takes a hard slap on the back from a grinning Cody as he passes the duo by to finally snap him out of it.
Obi-Wan returns that knowing smirk with a glare and hustles onto the ship, Anakin trailing at his heels, still nagging him with, “What’s wrong? Has something happened?” and, “Obi-Wan, are you hurt?” until, reaching the limits of his patience, Obi-Wan drags Anakin into his quarters, marches him over to the ’fresher, and tells him to look at himself.
Realization slowly dawns on Anakin’s face, his worry shifting to horror. “I-I can explain—”
“By all means, Anakin”—Obi-Wan chuckles, smirk hidden behind his hand—“please enlighten me. Were you planning on distracting the Separatists, or seducing them?”
Though it's petty of him and he shouldn't relish Anakin's awkwardness so much, this teasing is common for them and the familiarity eases the strain upon his yearning heart somewhat.
Anakin scowls and meets the eyes of his reflection as a series of emotions flicker across his face. Eventually, his expression settles on curious, which is always dangerous when it comes to Anakin. Obi-Wan stifles a groan and tenses, internally preparing himself for more of Anakin’s relentless pestering.
It’s uncomfortably clear just how little room there is for two grown men in the tiny ’fresher when, at length, Anakin turns to face him—and how he manages to be taller yet still look up through those long lashes is surely one of the galaxy's greatest mysteries—and now Obi-Wan is really beginning to regret all of his life choices.
Then, so close Obi-Wan feels the heat of his breath like a caress, Anakin murmurs, “Not the Separatists, no.”
Later, on the bridge...
“Excuse me, sir?”
Lost in his thoughts, it takes a moment for Obi-Wan to realize he's being addressed. “Apologies, Captain. You were saying?”
Mouth twitching like he's holding back a smile, Rex says, “You've got a little something...” and points to a red, lip-shaped stain on Obi-Wan's collar.
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marunalu · 9 months
Hola Maru!! Quería preguntarte si podrías recomendarme páginas o blogs como este que hablan de teorías, solo que de Star wars, tus blogs favoritos de star wars, sobre todo los que enfocan a relación de Vader y Luke. Recién ví las pelis y me encantaron, pero a diferencia de bnha no se buscar muy bien los blogs de Star wars, y me gustaría encontrar blogs como este que me divierten con sus teorías, pero más enfocados a Star Wars. Muchas gracias, espero no molestarte!!
Oh dont worry, you dont bother me at all. Honestly I dont follow any star wars blogs myself, I just visit certain star wars tags from time to time. I think if you want to find specific stuff that focuses on luke and vader, you need to search in the darth vader or luke skywalker tag and if you like a post just check out the blog and look if its what your looking for. I also post vader and luke centric stuff from time to time. Actually I plan to focus on lukes and vaders relationship in the comics very soon. I would actually recommend the star wars and darth vader comics from 2015 and 2020 to you, they are for the most time pretty good only the art sucks quite often. The star wars and darth vader comics 2015 happen before "the empire strikes back". The 2015 star wars comics focus for the most part on lukes journey to become a jedi and while vader doesnt show up all the time, he still plays a big part in them and is trying to find luke. Its also in these comics that he finds out that luke is his son and becomes obssessed with him. The darth vader 2015 comics focus completly on vader and his journey how he became supreme commander of the imperial navy between "a new hope" and "the empire strikes back". The events in these comics happen at the same time then the star wars comics. We see the moment how vader finds out about luke from his pov and how he tries to find out more about him and catch him. So while luke himself doesnt really show up in the darth vader comics, he is still constantly on vaders mind and his main focus/motivation. The star wars 2020 and darth vader 2020 comics are still going on and happen AFTER "the empire strikes back". You can read all of them online.
I will include your other ask if I now any good vader/luke fanfictions. There are TONS of very good fanfictions who focus on these two on "archive on our own", just google for "vader luke fanfictions" and it should be the first thing that shows up. I espicially like DragonflyonBreak, SilverDaye and Sparklight works, but believe me there are so much more really great fanfictions who focus on father and son. Just start at the last page and work yourself to the first one 😉
I dont know if you have watched them yet, but I also recommend to you to watch the prequel trilogy, espicially if you want to understand anakins journey how and WHY he bacame darth vader, because thats really important and since lukes and leias mother padme is mentioned in most vader and luke fanfictions and also the darth vader comics its important to know her character. A lot of people say the prequels are terrible, but personally I really like them. They are not perfect and there are a few things I think were stupid, but for the most part I really enjoyed them. If you liked yoda and obiwan in the original trilogy too, you will get tons of them in the prequels.
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sirikenobi12 · 3 years
Ok this became a whole damn book but please consider bearing with me lol.
I love Anakin Skywalker. He is possibly my favorite character in any story ever, I even relate to him a lot as someone who as bpd. People can make fun and use terms like "stanakin" and "uwukin" mockingly if they want - I AM a stanakin and I'm never gonna be ashamed of wholeheartedly loving my favorite characters. I don't always vibe with the greater Jedi fandom because of their condescending attitude towards Anakin fans - come on people, get excited about your faves and let people get excited about theirs! But I do love the Jedi themselves, all of them. The order, the council, the whole culture.
As an Anakin fan I think it kind of does his story a disservice to view the Jedi as hating him. Are there times when people in his life could have responded better to him? Yeah! No one is perfect. They could have been warmer in TPM and Yoda's advice in ROTS could have been better, and Anakin could have communicated more as an adult. But they undeniably cared about him and he about them. TCW gives us so much wonderful canon content to go on, but even if you look at just the movies though you can see that his relationship with the Jedi is mostly one of respect. Anakin doesn't always agree with the council, but he still respects them and looks up to them. The council recognizes that Anakin is reckless and emotional, but they also recognize that he's a skilled Jedi and general and they give him real responsibility because they trust he can handle it.
The only time not trusting him is ever discussed is in regards to Palpatine, who is he is close friends with. They can trust him as a person and still know it's best to not trust him in regards to this specific mission because it's too personal.
They didn't make him a Jedi Knight and give him a major responsibility as a leader in a galactic war because they hated him and didn't trust him. And this is still just the movies!
In TCW we see him using their first names and they let him which indicates closeness not formality, we see Anakin and Yoda banter and tease each other, we see freaking Mace Windu and Anakin banter! In one of my favorite early arcs of the show, the Holocron Heist/Children of the Force arc, we see Anakin meditating with Yoda, Mace, and ObiWan to find the children. Not another master or member of the council, but Anakin. Same for when Mace, ObiWan, and Anakin use a Jedi mind trick in unison shortly after that. They trust him for all of these things. They give him a padawan because they believe he's ready for it and that he and Ahsoka can learn from each other. Training another Jedi is a huge responsibility and one of the biggest indicators of how capable they view him. They compliment how Ahsoka grows under Anakin's teachings all the time.
Anakin loved being a Jedi and he loved the other Jedi. They loved him too. The problem was that he had so much rage and pain and trauma - and yeah, I think the Jedi could have helped more but I also know that to get help you have to open yourself which he couldn't do - and that Palpatine took advantage of it at every opportunity. He manipulated Anakin's insecurity and fears about not belonging or being good enough. He flat out lied to Anakin about the council multiple times (for example telling him they were furious about his rescue mission of Plo Koon when we literally saw that they were not). Palpatine fostered a resentment and divide between them that otherwise would not have been there.
I don't know if Anakin would have remained a Jedi or left to be with Padme openly, but without Palpatine's influence everything would have been different. Without Anakin Palpatine still would have had his plan for destroying the Jedi, but without Palpatine manipulations pushing him off the edge I don't think Anakin would have fallen.
Anakin is still responsible for the choices he made, terrible choices that destroyed himself and everything he ever loved. The Jedi were part of what he loved.
That's why he's such a tragic and wonderful character. He was a hero and a victim and villain. Diminishing his relationship with the Jedi, as a Jedi himself, diminishes that story.
I agree with your point, absolutely (I do disagree on a couple of your examples, but not the point you were trying to make so I'll leave them alone).
I think fandom as a whole could be better to one another, I know for myself I never even ever remotely thought of separating Anakin from the Jedi, I always thought the tragedy of his story was that they were a team/family - it wasn't until I started getting attacked by rabid Anakin fans on ANY post that I labeled as "pro Jedi" (even if Anakin wasn't a part of the post).
I think both sides are becoming needlessly defensive against the other. I do feel like I'm a broken record, but even though I'm pro Jedi Council I still love Anakin Skywalker (it is possible to love both) - he's an amazing character. He's also an amazing Jedi and friend and that's what makes his fall so tragic!! If he killed the Jedi simply because the Jedi were "mean" to him and he never really loved them, well that just robs Anakin of his redemption arc. I 100% agree with you on that point. I feel like SW fandom has bought into this Jedi were bad narrative based on a couple of terrible YouTube videos who did it just for clicks and it's really sad. It's like somehow Palpatine has driven a wedge between fans of Anakin and fans of the Jedi, when we all should be on the same team. We all need to remember:
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Mr Kenobi if I may ask a very basic question. why do you love obiwan? I know everyone loves obiwan but I would like to hear your bigbrain thoughts on the bitchy english man (or the link to a post if you've already talked about it in detail??)
I really like Obi-Wan because his most pivotal appearances in canon happen right before the dying of a world order - first of the Empire in the OT and then of the Republic in the PT/tCW. He is positioned as someone whose views are rapidly becoming outdated, but not necessarily in a reactionary way. He is overly idealistic, beholden to a view of the world that no longer (and perhaps never did) exist. He also “dies” in each of these appearances - in the OT he quite literally dies, and in the PT he sheds his name and becomes Ben. And crucially in tCW, the last we see of him is as a hologram that fades away from Ahsoka’s view, in a way that I think is intentionally evocative of a ghost.
I think Obi-Wan is someone who represents one of the core themes Lucas keeps coming back to in his work on Star Wars, which is the myth of a perfect meritocratic liberal democracy. He is a man who is lauded as one of (if not the) finest Jedi in the Order because of his expertise, ability and intelligence; he is the man who trained and educated the Chosen One; he is the level head which all turn to in times of crisis. Obi-Wan is the embodiment of those liberal values - that of an expert whose impressive resume was won through hard work and toil, who is procedural in the way he operates and who believes in the righteousness of institutions.
And he is, also, representative of the fatal flaw of all those things. The accolades he won for being the first Jedi to kill a Sith was done so by killing Maul in an incredibly dishonourable way; he is adept at lying and bending rules to get what he wants, because he knows the institutions he serves function on that exact kind of technical rule-bending; the man he trained became the key instrument of the Republic’s destruction; and his expertise and knowledge have an audience of zero, because his punishment was to live alone in the desert with only himself.
Obi-Wan is helpful in that he can instruct and teach, but his students crucially do not inherit his worldview because it is unequipped to diagnose the problems of the world; for Anakin, he turned to fascism, and for Luke, he turned to the rebellion/revolution (absolutely not equating the two - Anakin is wrong and Luke is right, but they both find Obi-Wan’s understanding of reality insufficient and shirk his ideological prescriptions, which seems to terminally piss him off).
I criticise the PT for a lot of things, but I think the only way they work is with Obi-Wan, not just as a literal character in the movies but as the embodiment of its core thesis statement. He is an institution unto himself, whose greatest enemy in life was Maul, a man specifically committed to an aggressive, individualistic nihilism and the destruction of meaning altogether. Obi-Wan’s role in the mythology of Star Wars is to be nobly incorrect - that is why he’s so tragic. He loses everyone and everything, but it is because he is ultimately wrong about the world and how he views it. He doesn’t anticipate Anakin’s fall in time (and therefore the Republic’s), and even if he did, the ideological tools at his disposal are insufficient to stop it. He serves institutions whose flaws necessarily make them vulnerable to the exact downfall they eventually succumbed to, and the only way he knows how to do good in the world is to further serve those institutions (also not saying that this fall was deserved because of this failing, or that Obi-Wan could have stopped the Republic and the Order falling regardless of his views, but rather that he is representative of their failings vis a vis combating existential threats to the established way of things).
So I love Obi-Wan precisely because he is wrong. He’s wrong in a way that is deeply sympathetic and idealistic and familiar, but he is still, ultimately, wrong.
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tvpeongsstuff · 3 years
If It Ain’t Broke
I started reading Star Wars fanfiction in January of this year and fell in love with fixit fanfiction especially the time travel fixit fanfiction. And, now I want to write a Star Wars time travel fixit fic about Palpatine travelling back to the past after Vader kills him in episode 6.
It’s called If It Ain’t Broke 
Vader throws Palpatine into the reactor in the Return of the Jedi but instead of Palpatine somehow surving he travels back into the past and wakes up at the beginning of the clone wa
He comes to two big conclusions - a) His plan was near perfect only spoiled at the last moment by Luke therefore Vader cannot be allowed to have children and b) his plan would have been absolutely flawless if Obiwan hadn’t crippled Vader so Obiwan’s gotta go
He has three years though...but wait, can he improve upon near perfection? Maybe he can do it in 2 years or 1 year. He knows all the people he has to keep alive, all the people he has to threaten and all the people he has to kill. He’s basically already done a test run.
He knows which senators he has to kill, which senators he has to crush, and which senators are so corrupt that if they had any force sensitivity, he’d have recruited them. To the kill list, of senators he’s already killed in his rise to emperor, he can add people like Bail Organa, Padme Amidala, Mon Mothma etc. You know the rebel leaders. Amidala he looks forward too since he didn’t get to watch her die last time and he’s got to plan it out and make twice as soulbreaking for his pet Vader. I really do not think Palpatine regards Vader as even vaguely human. It could be that as a psychopath he doesn’t regard any body outside of himself as human but I have a theory that it’s because Vader was a slave.
Palpatine is meticulous and has multiple back up plans. He’s organized and hardworking. But, he’s also arrogant. He thinks the Jedi are naive which is the same as stupid in his books. He never stopped flaunting his evil plans in the original timeline. The only reason he wasn’t immediately found out and killed or arrested was because senators a) had no way of recognizing the Sith in their midst, and b) were mostly self absorbed, petty, and corrupt even before he rose to power, the Jedi didn’t hang out at the Senate, and he spent a lot of time manipulating children. He didn’t really have to hide his evil in the beginning of the Clone Wars as he was sending the Jedi off on missions to be killed and nobody else could sense him. Plus, by the clone wars era the force in Coruscant was muddled from all the general evil.
All this leads to Palpatine upping the ante and being even more obvious, evil, and creepy. He no longer even tries for subtlety. He really believes that it would be a wasted effort. Time and Vader’s company have convinced him that all the Jedi were fools easily led to the slaughter. He still intends the slaughter though. Maybe make it even more twisted than loved ones shooting you in the back and/or hunting you down like dogs.
He starts messing up immediately
Palpatine has been an evil sith lord emperor for over 20 years. His every whim has been catered too. He doesn’t know how to talk to regular unoppressed people. Also, even if he wasn’t a powerful force using megalomaniac, he’s still a racist (specist??) who had all the non human races enslaved and discriminated against as part of his ruling policies. Now he has to talk to his secretaries in his kind old man persona, pretend not t be sickened by Mas Amedda, play nice with the various senators, talk to clones, smile at aides, not murder people who annoy him, clean the blood out of his own robes, ask the Jedi to do stuff, hide his disdain and hatred from Yoda Mace Windu and the rest of the Jedi masters, play loving father to Anakin. He thinks he’s hitting all the right marks but he isn’t.
He accidentally uses the force in front of some lowly underling because he hasn’t had to hide his use of the force for years. He kills the underling. It’s no big deal. Who cares? People care! There is an investigation opened by the space police and the senate clones. He keeps using the force and killing the witnesses. People start to talk to one another, Suspicion falls on his office
He decides to streamline the wars and cut out some of the more waste of time battles. Without the unending tedium of the wars, the Jedi don’t fray as badly. He keeps what he considers to be the exciting battles but they are the ones that cause people to bond and do ridiculous things for their loved ones. It ends up strengthening the relationship between Anakin and Obiwan
He knows Dooku is going to be dead shortly so he makes him do horrible things that will cement his empire. Dooku also hasn’t had 3 years of war wearing him down and he is not an idiot. He realizes that Sidious has no use for him beyond a scary tale to threaten the core and cannon fodder. Dooku come up with a good backup plan and decides to betray Sidious sooner rather than later.
He starts killing the people on his list. He hires assassins he’s worked with before that he knows gets the job done - he hires one guy too soon he hasn’t perfected his sure fire killing method so the mark lives, the other lady succeeds but gets caught and he has to kill her before she gives him up, a third guy also succeeds but gets murdered by the senate clones before he could escape, another assassin turns down the job he’s on the vacation (in the original timeline he started working for palpatine after his vacation ended. Palpatine came to him too soon), yet another assassin who usually succeeds fails and ends up dead (that one hurt because this assassin could shapeshift and was his go to assassin for decades). 
Not to mention that so many people dying in so short a time raises questions. 
He also starts hiring assassins to kill Obiwan. It starts driving Anakin crazy. He wants to stay near Obiwan to protect him. Anakin still tells his good friend the Chancellor everything this leads to some rage flare ups that he can’t control in Anakin’s presence...which then leads to some force flare ups in front of other people....which leads to more dead people. More suspicion falls on his office (not from Anakin. Maybe Anakin starts to suggest that Palpatine retires, the job seems hard, palpatine shouldn’t have to deal with idiots)
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padawanlost · 4 years
I'm sorry but your yoda and sentence quote from ice and fire....eye-opening even I knew before that yoda sucks. but, like the fact that yoda's last order as jedi leader and leaders of war is give the hard to another even when obiwan warned that he cant and himself go for (emotionally) easy one...gods yoda sucks. also this made me think about his influence on anakin and obiwan(I'm romantic I know and like happy aus but I always thought that with less problems they would be not just good - which1/
2/ they were during war, with many problems, but good. take away at least have of problems, like this green frog's influence and have them meet under different circumstances and/or later than canon. or make them both go to therapist but I digress). also it also makes me think about obiwan and quigon and yoda's role in their relationship, which in both canon is huge and just how much yoda let down both anakin and obiwan, in different ways. anyway fantastic edit makes me think stuffTM thank you!!
The problem with Yoda is that is advice is superficial. So much of what he says and tries to pass as wisdom is not applicable to anyone’s daily life and, more often than not causes, only make things worse.
Yoda told the Council to not accept Anakin. If they had obeyed him, Palpatine would’ve become an even bigger influence in Anakin’s life which would make the Jedi and the Republic situation later much, much worse.
Yoda told Obi-wan not to be Anakin’s friend. If Obi-wan had obeyed him, the famous friendship we all love wouldn’t have existed and neither would so much of Anakin and Obi-wan’s success in the clone wars. They only started working together when they embraced each other as friends and equals, someone Yoda was totally against. 
Yoda told Anakin the solution to his fears was simply to accept mortality. Completely unrealistic advice, no matter how emotionally healthy we are accepting the sudden loss of a loved one is never as easy as something telling us to ‘forget about it’. In Anakin’s case, Yoda knew he was dealing with someone known from being deeply attached to people and emotionally unstable. Being the older, more mature and experienced teacher, Yoda had a duty to help Anakin beyond probably quick platitudes. 
Yoda ordered Obi-wan to kill Anakin because he believed he could handle Palpatine alone. Not only Palpatine kicked his ass, this plan made the Jedi Order weaker, consolidated Palpatine’s dominance over the galaxy and let to the birth of Darth Vader by pushing Anakin further into the dark side and Palpatine’s control. 
Yoda manipulated Luke into trying to kill his own father, causing him great emotional pain. If Luke had listen to Yoda, he would’ve fallen to the dark side or he wouldn’t have been able to rescue his father from the dark. 
It wasn’t Yoda’s wisdom that save the galaxy, it was Luke’s compassion. That’s why Luke Skywalker, not Yoda, is the greatest jedi ever. because, unlike his predecessor, Luke actually acted with real compassion and wisdom.
“Mace nodded silently. One did not argue with Master Yoda; in the Jedi Temple, this was learned in infancy. No Jedi ever forgot it.”  Shatterpoint by Matthew Stover
That’s why the biggest problem with the Jedi Order is Yoda. The Jedi weren’t evil but they spent almost 900 years being taught to worship a man as flawed as they were. I’m not saying Yoda is evil either but everyone inability to admit he wasn’t perfect put the Order in very vulnerable position. A position the sith spent years exploring, to the point it ended in tragedy.
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Taking Care of Prequel Trio Headcanons
Request: "Re watched the prequels and yeah bad idea I always want Revenge of the sith to end differently but no my heart is always broken Anakin get some sleep for the sake of all of us,anyway head canons to how the prequels trio would react to their alien superhuman s/o just like yeah no you are done and just tossing them on her shoulder and flying off in any stressful situation,no thank you you leave my human alone,we are going to eat and sleep,humans need sleep Anakin/Padme/Obiwan!"
Changed the prompt slightly but I hope you enjoy!
Anakin is not about to give up his blind heroism, even if he loves you
You can try and fight him on this, but he’s very very determined when he wants to be
And he always wants to be
You either have to literally drag him to bed or bribe him
Usually with kisses or cuddling
Sometimes it’s not hard to convince him because he’s literally falling asleep trying to work
Sometimes you have full-blown arguments over his duties as a Jedi and General
He tries not to get frustrated but there’s just so much pressure on him as the Chosen One that every second spent not working feels like a waste
When you first try to convince him to rest and take breaks, he ignores you or sneaks around you to work anyway
This results in more arguments
But finally you can’t take it anymore and you have a huge fight
He explains his stresses to you and you won’t back down on the point that it’s unhealthy to work as much as he does
At the end of the fight, both of you stand there and stare at each other, at last at an understanding
From then on, you are more sympathetic towards him, even as you try and remind him to take better care of himself
Anakin is also more open to listening to you and knows that you care about him above all else
He starts to realize that he’s running himself into the ground and at least tries to compromise on resting when you can
It’s not always perfect, but both of you try your best and that’s what makes it all the better
Obi-wan has a great deal of responsibilities and does not have the time for luxuries like 8 hours of sleep every night, thank you very much
He knows, logically, that he needs breaks sometimes, and that he needs more sleep but sometimes other things just feel too important
He won’t let you reduce yourself to begging or convincing
All it takes is a firm “no” and that’s always the end of the discussion
So instead, you decided to stay up with him
He appreciates your company
But you’re unfortunately just a stubborn as him
So even though he hopes you’ll nod off and he can put you to bed so he can keep going, you never do
He’ll ask if you’ll go to bed, that it’s ridiculous for you to stay up, and you respond with a smile and the same firm “no” that he gives you
It’s as exhausting mentally as it is physically, but also very endearing to each other
This is how he gives in most of the time until it becomes routine for the two of you to go to bed together
You also start to show him the benefit of a quick break once in a while
Because he’s so busy, he can go hours or even days without seeing you or talking to you
So when the two of you can, you spend a few minutes giving each other a mental break and talking about smaller-scale things and trying to make each other smile
He loves you for it, and all he wants to do is make you happy
Which, he learns, often includes his good health being maintained
Padmé never had a career where she could run on pure spite or adrenaline alone
Or a moment where she wasn’t surrounded by people to remind her to take care of herself
Yet somehow, you take that responsibility above and beyond
You quickly find that action is the best approach. She’ll say no if you ask if she needs anything, but she’ll never refuse anything you’ve already done for her
Bringing her food on particularly long days in the Senate is a favorite because you can take care of her as well as see each other
A break plus food is always an excellent combination when trying to deal with politicians all day long
Padmé can’t help but to smile whenever you arrive, especially when unannounced
She believes that displays of love are the best thing in the galaxy
But when she can’t seem to get a break and starts to prepare herself for a sleepless night or an uninterrupted stretch of work, you know that you can’t divert her attention for more than 20 minutes
On those days, you just bring her caf every once in a while and keep her office supplied with fresh food
You also try to help with whatever she’s facing if you can
You quickly become an expert on last-minute research and negations
Sometimes you also dabble in bill writing
It’s hard work but there’s no stopping Senator Amidala when she wants to make change
Supporting her in those moments makes you incredibly proud
She loves you all the more for it. You undeniably make a great team
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inkognito97 · 7 years
Ok in the sith family au does obiwan keep the tooka as a pet and what's its name?
Silently crying, Obi-Wan sat on his bed, with his legs crossed before him and the dead, truly dead body of Prancer, his pet resting in his lap. A shuddering breath escaped the ginger haired teenager and for a moment, his eyes blazed golden in rage. He had hated that boy since the day his father had brought him here. 
Obi-Wan sniffed and tried once again, to reanimate the dead Tooka once again. His mother had told him that the reanimation spell only worked ones… but he still had to try. Another wave of fresh tears escaped the teenager. He desperately wished his mother was here. She would know what to do… she wouldn’t have forgotten his birthday. But she was not here, she and Grandpa Yan were currently on a mission, retrieving something.
Gentle, Obi-Wan levitated the dead Tooka to the ground, where it remained without moving, just gone… dead. And such a pointless death, just because Anakin had been jealous, because he did not have a pet. Another wave of rage hit the young Sith and he fought to keep it down, he did not want to get his father’s attention. Then again, he would not get it anyway. No, Anakin Skywalker was the center of the long haired Sith’s attention, ever since he had brought the former slave with him from Tatooine. Obi-Wan wondered what his mother would have said to that, but she had already been gone at this point. 
For days it had gone like this. Anakin was getting all the attention and Qui-Gon had not even taken him to the animal market, like he had promised him weeks ago. It should have been his birthday present, a ‘real’ pet, meaning, a pet that was not dead. But perhaps it was for the better, otherwise would Anakin just kill it too in a fit of jealousy. And Qui-Gon had actually defended him, he had believed the tears face - that had obviously been a lie and complete fake - and said that it had been a mere accident. And he had said that Obi-Wan should not act like a little child, the Tooka had been dead long ago anyway. Needless to say, Obi-Wan had gone to his room and had not left ever since. 
The young Sith clenched his fists tightly on his lap and he was shaking. The dark side around him bubbled, but it was not fueling his anger, it was trying to comfort him. It helped, but just a little bit. It was more than he had gotten from his ‘father’, but was Qui-Gon still his father? Obi-Wan was not sure about it. It kind of felt like he had been replaced with a better model and it left him wondering if the older man had just picked him up all those years ago, because he had looked promising. And now that he had found Bratakin - that was Obi-Wan’s nickname for the unwanted intruder - who seemed even more promising, Qui-Gon had taken him in and forgotten about his first son.
Obi-Wan was surprised that he tasted blood, but then he realized that he had bitten his bottom lip. He spit it out, not caring that he had most likely ruined the carpet. It was not like anybody care. His mother would care, but again, she was not there.
Once again his eyes flashed golden, but this time, they stayed this way. Obi-Wan have had enough. He hated Anakin Skywalker, the feeling was mutual, from the very beginning. He had tried to be nice and understanding and all he had received from the blonde slave - that was all he would ever be in the ginger haired teenager’s eyes - was anger, hatred and jealousy. No more, Obi-Wan decided then and there.
He raised his right hand and made a few signs in the air. A green shimmering symbol appeared in the air. It was a simple triangle, whose tip was pointing upwards. It was the symbol for fire.* Not a moment later, the dead body caught flames. As if in trance, Obi-Wan watched how the greenish flames he had created with his Sith magic, consumed the dead Tooka until nothing remained, not even ash or the fire itself. He nodded to himself.
Then, the young Sith slid down from the bed and pulled a couple of bags from under it. It was either him or Bratakin and since his ‘father’ had already decided that Anakin was more important, Obi-Wan would go. With the use of the Force, he was directing a few possessions, mostly clothes, but also a few other things, into the bags. He would not stay in the same place that was home to Anakin Skywalker, only over his dead body. He may not be sure where he should go… though a few possibilities sprung to his mind.
Serenno was out, his Grandpa may be living there, but his mother or her husband would just come and get him then. With his uncle Cad was not possible either. He had to find the bounty hunter first and it was undoubtedly one of the addresses his mother would check first. She would most likely check with his uncle Hondo too, so Obi-Wan could not become a pirate either.
The teenager hummed in thought and watched how his clothes folded themselves and arranged themselves in the bag. He could always travel to Dathomir. Perhaps the Mother would even teach him a few new tricks. The Force swirled darkly around him and Obi-Wan knew, that he had found his way.
A firm knock startled the young Sith. A moment later the door opened and Qui-Gon stood in the threshold. It was typical for him to enter without waiting to be invited. Midnight blues eyes blinked in surprise. “What in the the name of Force are you doing?”
The lie came easily to his mind, “Just sorting through a few old things.”
The long haired man nodded. “Perfect, you can give what you don’t need, to Anakin.” Obi-Wan gritted his teeth and was glad that his back was turned towards the older man.
“Of course,” he said. He was going to burn everything that he would leave. Bratakin would NOT get anything more from him. He had already taken his only friends - Obi-Wan’s parents did not allow him to go out much, since the Jedi were a constant threat - he had taken his home and his family.
“Good. Dinner is ready.”
“I am not hungry,” was the automatic reply. It sounded very mechanic.
“Suit yourself.” The teenager listened how the door to his room was closed again. 
He had to sit down for a moment, but did not let go of the Force. His father had ALWAYS dragged him to dinner, unless he was sick, then he had made an exception sometimes. 
“He probably things I am still cross because of Prancer,” Obi-Wan mumbled to himself. “He is right, but I am not going anywhere near that bastard.” That and he truly was not hungry. After having to burn the body of his friend, his appetite had evaporated as well. Also, it would give him time to plot his escape. Though he suspected he could simply march out of the door when Qui-Gon was asleep and then take a transport of the planet. The older Sith would not notice anyway, perhaps around midday he would, but then Obi-Wan would be long gone. He let himself fall onto his mattress and looked at his ceiling. He should meditate. So Obi-Wan continued to stare at nothing in particular and he let the dark side flow through him.
He should have expected the boy to come sooner or later, but he didn’t. So the ginger haired teenager was surprised when the door to his room was opened a second time and with a loud bang. It had hit the wall.
He glared angrily at the arrogant boy, who stepped inside.
“I heard you’ve got something for me,” the blonde sneered and there was something in the brat’s eyes that Obi-Wan did not like.
“Get out of my room,” were Anakin clever, he would have noticed that the teenager’s voice was just a bit too calm and collected.
Anakin snorted, “So what is it?” His eyes turned to one of the lightsabers that still rested on Obi-Wan’s desk, the blonde’s intention was clear.
“Touch one and you find yourself in need of a new hand,” Obi-Wan threatened. He would not allow that damn thief to touch his lightsabers. The still new and shiny one, had been a birthday present from Yan. At least he had not forgotten Obi-Wan’s birthday. The other one, was the first that the teenager had ever made. He was still using it, though he wondered if he should switch to the new one or learn how to use two.
Out of instinct, the ginger haired Sith had called the weapons to his hand and not a moment too soon. Otherwise, Anakin would have undoubtedly taken one.
“Get. Out. Of. My. Room.” The older male repeated, in a dangerous tone.
“Or what?” challenged the intruder. “Are you going to hurt me? I will run to Dad then and I know he will believe me. What would happen to you then?” There was an ugly smirk on his features. 
That was it, Obi-Wan stood up from his bed and came dangerously close to the blonde. There was a flicker of uncertainty in the younger male’s eyes. “Who said that you were able to run, when I am finished with you?”
“I… I tell Dad.” His voice was quivering, he was obviously not used to Obi-Wan fighting back. But the teenager had have enough. He would cover and submit anymore, he would fight.
“Don’t tempt me,” he warned. Anakin audible swallowed, his eyes wide in fear and his body shaking. “Now, get out.” 
The blonde turned tail and vanished. Obi-Wan did not care, if he told Qui-Gon. He would leave this night, that was clear. He would go to Dathomir, become the greatest Sith in history, or at least a better one than Bratakin, and then he would kill the blonde. He would take his revenge, Anakin will die, by his hand…
Obi-Wan silently gazed out of the window into the endlessness of the galaxy. Stars were rapidly flying by, but that was to be expected, they were travelling in hyperspace after all. A bit more than half the way, was already behind him and by the time Qui-Gon MIGHT notice that he was missing, he would have reached his goal. Obi-Wan nodded. This was the path the Force send him on, he would not disappoint it…
*For those who are wondering, I am describing an alchemical rune. ^^
Also, decided to bring the plot a little further…
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