#anakin landing on top of obi-wan with his face buried in his chest
sukugo · 2 years
anakin hates being tall bc it means he’s not at “accidentally burying his face in obi-wan’s chest” height
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faexfilms · 8 months
What You See in the Shadows pt 1
Summary: After Anakin comes to you for comfort in the middle of the night, you find yourself in an awkward situation when you wake up next to him the next morning. And now, he’s committed to taking you for everything he’s ever wanted from you…
Warning: Fingering, degradation, etc.
Word Count: 3.7k
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You turned over in your sleep, shifting comfortably on top of your bed as warmth seeped into your skin from the sun shining through your windows. Your eyebrows furrowing when orange filtered into the darkness behind your eyelids. Taking you away from your peaceful dreams and into reality.
It was another minute until your eyes opened, glaring at the incessant sun gleaming in from the window adjacent to you. Cursing at it as the sunlight streamed across your face and into your half lidded eyes that begged for another moment of sleep.
It was then when you felt another presence next to you. A small disturbance in the force that usually surrounded the early mornings in your room hiding away before Obi-Wan came to get you for training. A very familiar disturbance.
Another small curse escaped your lips when you saw Anakin's sleeping form right next to you, startling you.
It was late last night when he had walked through your door completely silent, shuffling his feet across your floor. Making his way over to you as you sat in bed, completely avoiding the question in your eyes and the slight uneasiness you felt by the random intrusion. Only focusing on your face as he sat beside you.
You could see the defeated look on his features. How dejected and absolutely tired he seemed. His hair was in a disarray as if he had been raking his fingers through it over and over, thoughts running rampant through his own mind.
It was then when you noticed the single tear sliding down his cheek.
You never were one for comforting others. Showing emotions and helping others deal with their own struggles was never something you excelled in no matter how much you would try to ease others pain so seeing Anakin in such a way made you freeze.
He had never been open like this with you, had never cried or sought guidance about his sorrows. Never did he seek comfort for the weight on his soldiers weighing him down.
It was only a single minute but that time felt like endless hours. Frozen in place. The air struggling to leave your lungs as you stared at your friend, a brave Jedi knight, a man who had been there for you and saved you more times than you could ever begin to recount. A man that does anything and everything to protect and shield those who he loves from harm And most of all,  one that you cared so incredibly for finally letting his guard down in front of you. Letting the cracks of the 'chosen one' shine their light onto you. His visage of which could only be described as someone incredibly lost, buried deep within the current of their own sorrows. Every weight toppling down on them. That feeling of unabashed helplessness. Begging for any ounce of anything else.
His pleading eyes looked in your direction but you could tell his mind was completely somewhere else. In a faraway land that he couldn't help but grasp, feelings that he couldn't shake refusing to leave him. His eyes watered more, unshed tears wavering and overflowing. Threatening to spill down his cheeks.
Anakin looked like he was almost trying not to break apart in front of you. Barley hanging onto his sense of self, his pride, his whole semblance of how he was taught by the council to feel and cope. The very Jedi inside of him crumbling to bits.
It didn't take a fool to see the shame coming off of him in waves. With every second you sat frozen in front of him, he looked more and more hopeless.
A struggled gasp escaped his throat as more tears slid down his face and you were making your way over to him in an instant. Grasping your trembling hands around his body. Your own tears threatening to spill as you held him close to your chest.
You had never seen him this way. Felt him so shaken, so separated within your hands. Hands that held tightly around him unwilling to let him go. You could only hope to ease the pain. You could only hope for the warmth of your body to his own shell of a person would be enough for him to know he wasn't alone. He would never be.
He made a small sound as he wrapped his own hands around you. Holding onto you for dear life. Finally letting his worries crumble away and allowing himself a moment to breathe. To finally feel you holding him in a way he had wished from you for so long. To feel the closeness between both of you in a way you both hadn't before.
It wasn't long before his eyes fluttered open.
His deep blue eyes settled on your own as his body layed almost unmoving, the steady rise and fall of his chest being the only indication that he was still with you. Still close to you, breathing. Alive. Anything that reminded you he was here and that he was real. That last night was more than a figment of your imagination.
You guys had been instant friends since Obi-wan and him stumbled upon you on one of their missions. Tearing you away from a path of vengeance on a lower being who had taken someone dear to you. Giving you a new path to follow. One as a Jedi, another padawan for Master Kenobi. One who submitted themselves to the rules the council abade them to follow. Drilled all the very same lessons and teachings about certain emotions leading you down a path to the dark side. No anger. No fear. Compassion. Aiding and abiding orders. No attachments.
It wasn't exactly surprising that you found it hard to obey that rule.
The more you trained under Obi-wan Kenobi, the closer you got to Anakin Skywalker. In the time you spent with the both of them you could feel yourself slowly teetering off that edge.
The times you spent poking fun at both your Jedi master and his other young padawan. Laughing as Anakin's face changed and swayed as you teased him. Cackling together when Obi-wan could do nothing more than scold his young padawans who had now became Knights for failing to hold themselves together and poking fun at their superior. Smiling when you caught your Jedi master hiding that smile of his.
The times you spent speaking with him in the temple gardens as you both fed your fingers through the grass. Swapping stories of childhood memories, of regrets and mistakes, laughs and dreams you both held dear to our heart. His on Tatooine and yours on a faraway planet. Much too far for you to call home.
It was hard not to feel that magnetic pull to him. Like a moth to a flame it drew you closer, beckoning for you to follow. The force channeling its will through the both of you. The electricity that thrummed under your skin when you and Anakin found your way in close quarters. Seated on the ship, fighting side by side on a mission, trying your very hardest to beat him in combat(though neither of you wish to confirm who was the true winner when you found yourself inches from his body. Waves of heat flowing from you. Heat radiating between the two of you. Almost unbearable)
It wasn't the Jedi way
All of that feeding into delusions of intimacy was wrong. Imagining the what ifs and what coulds of every instance in which we were left alone. Unsupervised. How it would finally feel...
It wasn't the Jedi way
How many times you had to keep ingraining that into your too stubborn head.
Yet here you were.
A silence had drifted over the both of you. Eyes staring, drilling into one another. No one moving to make any small difference.
Initially his presence had spooked you...
It took a few seconds for the previous night to replay within your mind. You didn't know what to expect then and now there was no difference.
Anakin looked nothing of the the man who had stormed his way into your room late last night. The other looked broken. Lost. A whole storm brewing behind silent eyes yet this one was anything but. There was a certain calm that enveloped his body. A buzz that thrummed in the air around him and into you. A newfound focus and calamity. It was nothing  you knew to describe.
The sun billowed around his unruly dark curls through the blinds, shadowing parts of his face from total view but you could still see him. His bright eyes still focused on you. Sensing you...Reading you. Taking you in.
The light hung high over his head, sprouting farther up the walls, traveling and branching out from whence it came. Brightness overtaking the outline of his form.
He almost looked like an angel.
You guys were inches apart, your bodies intertwined in your wide bedspread you must have pulled over the both of you half-asleep not even remembering he was there.
You guys were never this close like this. Never.
You could feel your cheeks warm at the realization and embarrassment of the entire situation. You didn't even know what he was thinking. Why he hadn't backed away or why he hadn't made more space between the two of you. Why he kept staring at you like that...
It was another half a minute before he shifted, his head easing backwards a ways. A small curl making its way into his eyes before he moved again, pushing it from his vision. Angling his neck differently so he could get a better look at you. Almost inching a little bit closer to you.
You moved your head on the pillow, looking back at him. Trying to figure out what sort of game he was playing if it was any game at all.
His eyes traveled across your face, taking in your features in a way you had never seen him do. Outlining the lines of your eyes, following the curve of your nose. Glancing at your lips. Putting you together in his mind like the pieces of a puzzle. A small smile at the corner of his lips.
"You're so...beautiful..." He whispered
A part of you was screaming warning signs within your mind. Telling yourself to get up, to inch away. That this isn't a game you should play. But another part of you needed to wait it out. Begged and pleaded for one more second this close to him. For one more second in which you could imagine yourself finally closing the gap between you two.
His eyes looked down at your lips briefly before he brought his flesh hand up to the side of your face, brushing your cheek softly. His gaze not leaving you. His touch sending shivers down your spine. The emotions in his eyes as he stared over at you made your stomach turn. You could feel the biological yearnings of your human body trying to take over but you were a Jedi. You knew better.
You sat up in bed, his hand leaving your cheek as your hair caressed your shoulders. Your body now on full alert, thoughts running rampant in your mind.
His body followed yours as he sat in your bed as a well before you.
"Anakin..." You warned softly, telling him not to go further. A part of you was so confused. He had never acted this way before. Been so domineering in the way he was with you, had he sought out such physical affection. But right now, there was no question of the way you felt for him. The way you know you shouldn't feel. The burning pit in the bottom of your stomach set aflame by just his eyes on yours. This closeness with him....You already felt as if you were losing your mind.
His eyes didn't change at your hesitancy, his hand making it way back against your skin. The warmth of his fingertips brushing your cheek making your body ease slightly back from him. His eyes fixated on your full lips as his thumb brushed your chin gently. Just grazing your bottom lip experimentally before he pulled it down with the pad of his thumb. Watching as your pretty mouth parted at his touch. Only moments passing before he brought his lips to yours, not being able to hold himself back any longer. Even with his fingers on your face, his thumb against your lip. His eyes focused on you, yourself being so in the moment, you gasp as he finally closes the distance between you. Gasping at the feel of his soft lips against your own, the fire burning through your body at his very touch. How he ignited it so easily...
He kissed you like you were oxygen. Like he was swallowing you whole, tasting every part of you. As if you were the only thing he needed to live. There was such a passion to him. Such a need for you that drove you insane. That erupted goosebumps against your skin like no other. You couldn't bring yourself to fight it anymore.
You kissed him back eagerly, tasting his lips against yours. Feeling as his tongue brushed your bottom lip, begging from more. His hands clinging to your body, pulling you into him. Needing you closer. Desperately needing to feel you.
His fingers caressed the bare skin of your back through your Jedi robes, undoing them with such ease. Feeling your bare skin. Imagining what it felt like against his. Finally having you after so long.
This was like a dream.
Like those instances you couldn't stop yourself from thinking of when you lied awake in bed at night. Except it was real...
His hands ripped away your Jedi robes as your fingers removed his vest. Your lips still on his as you guys moved at a speed that seemed too fast to even be real. The passion overtaking you as his hands caressed the bare skin of your back as he pulled you onto him. The heat of his hands melding with the heat of your own body as you didn't let your lips part. Needing the taste of him, committing it to your memory. Telling yourself you would never be without it now, knowing that you couldn't be.
Now that you had him, you couldn't let him go. Months, if not even years of fantasies and longing glances finally bringing yourself to this moment. Your hands longing to feel the warmth of his skin, his beautiful lips against your own. And now you had finally touched heaven.
Felt it against your lips, a fire burning between both of you as you messily discarded of each others clothes. Rushing fingers undoing whatever fabric they could as Anakin's fingers wrapped around your bare waist. Creeping up your back to undo your bra as your fingers settled against his neck. Brushing the warm skin softly before your fingers made their way into the hair at the nape of his neck. Gasping softly as you rocked down against him. A struggled breath escaping his lips as his hard cock rubbed against your heat through his slacks, feeling you even through the material between your bodies. Wanting you even more.
You didn't know if you could even take it anymore. Your heated eyes trained on Ani's as you lifted your hips slightly, his hands digging into your hips as he looked down at your heat. His fingers playing with the band of your underwear, his eyes focused on what he wanted the most. Playing with the idea of sinking his lips against your needy cunt. Tasting your juices on his lips. Burying himself so far into you, his hips meeting your own. Images flashed within your own mind from his, a small satisfied look on his face as he did that on purpose. Your hands pulled his pants off enough you looked back up again. The lewd images that Anakin played in your mind making your throat burn as you looked at him. Breathless and surprised that he could even be this way. Your lips parted slightly as his eyes trained on yours as his fingers ghosted over your slit through your underwear. Your eyes fluttering as he pushed his thumb against your bud through the material , emitting a soft moan from you.
"Already so needy for me..." He taunted with a little smirk on his face. His pupils blown wide as he stared at you. His fingers teasing you a little more as he chuckled softly and stared into your eyes. Watching your face as he touched you, knowing just how right he was, feeling him where you wanted him the most but still so desperate for more.
He pushed your underwear aside as he covered his fingers in your slick. Touching your bare cunt for only a moment before he plunged two fingers into you, making you moan in surprise at the sudden intrusion. Feeling his fingers scissor inside of you as he stretched you out for him. Your spongy walls pulling him needily, his eyes falling to where he entered you. His dick twitching at just imaging that around him, desperate to feel you. To cover himself in your sweet little juices.
"You need me to fill you up, don't you baby? Need my cock in your pretty little hole?" He asked softly, his seductive eyes trained on you as your hips involuntarily rocked slowly against his fingers. Your breathing increasing as he moved his digits inside of you slowly. Another soft moan falling from your lips. You couldn't handle this...He was being so lewd, so seductive in the way he was with you. Pulling you apart with his fingers. Using your body for his own pleasure in the way that made you almost like putty in his hands. He wanted to see you tremble against him, he wanted to make you feel slightly humiliated when he played with you. Masterful in making you fall apart before you barely got started.
His fingers massaged that deep spongy spot inside of you before he pushed his fingers into you again, settling a slow pace as he watched your face. Smirking softly as you let out struggled breaths at the pleasure coursing through your body. Him hitting that spot inside of you that made you absolutely desperate. "Ani..."
You begged, your eyebrows creasing slightly as he arched his fingers inside of you, pushing into you further. His thumb ghosting of your clit as he penetrated you.
"Say please" He smiled teasingly as he looked down at you. His eyes half-lidded as he fixated on your body, your lips. His focus on making you feel everything he did to you. You didn't understand the effect you had on him. How he so desperately needed this, needed you all the time. You could see it now..., how long Anakin had wanted you. Thought of you like this. Imagined your thighs settled around his hips as he thrusted his hard cock in his hand imagining it was your pretty little pussy when it all got too much. How much he cared for you. He wasn't going to let you go now...
His fingers continued his assault on you, feeling you clench around him as he circled your clit with his thumb, continuing to enter you. You could feel yourself already close, the impending euphoria hanging over your head as he pleasured you more and more. Making you fall apart into a moaning mess. "Anakin, please..."
He smiled as he knew what you were begging for but he continued moving his fingers inside of you, settling a brutal pace as looked down at him inside of you. Your juices against his fingers as his tongue settled against his bottom lip. Begging to just taste you, to feel your pussy against his lips. But he knew what he wanted right in this moment first, and that was for you to come against his hand.
Your eyes clenched shut as he brought his lips to your neck, feathering light kisses before biting your soft skin. Easing the little bruises with his tongue as you were breathless against him. Feeling yourself clench around him again and he moved relentlessly into you. Yourself tensing slightly as you couldn't hold it back anymore, feeling yourself succumb to the waves of pleasure that washed over you, a euphoric haze clouding your body as you moaned his name.
He loved the way you already looked fucked out as you came down from the high. The way your hair messily caressed the sides of your face, falling down your bare shoulders. Almost all of your skin on display for him as you looked into his eyes, relaxing against his body. His arm wrapping around your waist as he held you to him, his other hand gently caressing the side of your warm cheek as he looked at you deeply. Pulling your lips to his as a reward for being so good for him. His soft lips breathing in your own in a gentle kiss.
Out of all of this, that's what took away your breath more.
All of the emotions behind the gentle kiss, the love he shared with you as his lips met your own. The need he had for you...How relieved he was to finally have you in his arms.
It made you more emotional than you wanted to admit. Being wanted that way was something you never thought you could have, nor was it something you had ever really began to imagine. Such a drive to love you, to be with you was almost inconceivable to you...Yet it was there. And the man you wanted more than life itself had it for you...
His eyes traveled your face as your lips parted, his hand still caressing your cheek softly as he looked down at you. His heated eyes traveled your body as a smirk formed at the corner of his pink lips.
"You don't really think this is over, do you?"
(I’ll post part 2 later on, it’s already finished)
This work is also cross posted on Ao3
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dracowars · 3 years
frostbitten | anakin skywalker
pairing: anakin x jedi!reader
word count: 3,2k
summary: where anakin and y/n find themselves in a situation that forces them to confess their true feelings
a/n: another anakin one shot, i hope you like it!
warnings: angst, claustrophobia
universe: star wars
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 “Anakin, you and Y/N continue to the north. Ahsoka and I take on the more southern areas. As soon as you notice something suspicious, let me know immediately via your comlinks”, Obi-Wan explains the plan to you in a loud voice in order to talk over the loud and angry snowstorm roaring around you. Nodding, you put on the fur-trimmed hood of your snowsuit and follow Anakin back to your Freeco bikes that you parked there shortly before to do a briefing with Obi-Wan.
You feel like you have been in the vast expanse of snow on Hoth all day long as you are fighting your way through its blizzards in search of a secret base of the Separatists. The Republic was able to locate plans of the Separatists, which show a base on this cold ice planet. Unfortunately, it does not show where said base is located and now it is up to you to find its concrete location.
“Stay close to me. Who knows what might awaits us out here”, Anakin orders while getting his bike ready to go. Holding your hands in front of your face to prevent the heavy snow from obscuring your view, you stomp through the deep snow to your vehicle and sit inside. You wait until Anakin does the same and then follow him through the desolated ice desert of the uninhabitable planet. Due to the snowstorm, you can only see a few meters ahead, which makes this whole mission a lot more difficult.
After driving through the endless snow for several minutes, a white mountain comes into view in front of you and Anakin gives you a hand sign, signalizing you to stop. Bringing your bike to a stop and opening the cockpit, Anakin is already by your side to help you out with an outstretched hand.
“What is this?”, you ask in amazement after thanking him, taking a few difficult steps towards the icy mountain, something that seems like a cave in the thick layer of ice finally coming into view.
“I do not know”, Anakin sighs and pulls a portable scanner out of his coat to scan the area. “But I think we will find out any moment.”
As you continue to walk towards the snow-covered mountain with heavy steps, however, you miss a small hole in the deep snow and your foot gets stuck in it. You can only manage to escape with Anakin’s help, but from now on he suddenly keeps a secure hold on your arm to not let it happen again, his gentle touch giving you butterflies in your stomach that you try to keep under control
Like you do with all of the feelings, deep down inside of you, that you have for this man.
“Did I not tell you to stay close to me?”, he reprimands you briefly but does not loosen his grip as you walk through the entrance into the small cave. The whistling of the blowing snowstorm outside becomes quieter, and you take a look around, taking off your hood, which was covering a little bit of your view. Freeing your snowsuit of snow, your gaze wanders through the cold cave.
“No signs of the Separatists yet?”, you ask when Anakin’s scanner still does not provide you with any information about what is hidden in this mysterious ice cave.
“Does not seem like it, but we should be careful. I have a really bad feeling about this”, Anakin says, concentrating while going further into the cave. You follow close behind him and the further you go, the colder it suddenly gets again, the blizzard outside raging even louder than before, the wind bouncing off the solid walls, creating a sinister echo.
“Look at this. These corridors do not look like they were created by nature, do they?”, Anakin mentions, who has let go of you in the meantime, only leaving a warm feeling on the spot where he touched you. You look around the corridor with interest and gently place your hands against the glittering walls of ice. With your eyes closed and with the use of the Force, you try to find some clue when you suddenly perceive a crack. And another one. And another.
“Do. Not. Move”, Anakin says in a hushed voice.
Not moving a single muscle in your body, you look at him. He is standing very close to you but keeps his look at the ground under your feet, which no longer looks as stable as it did before. Fine cracks in the ground emanate from your feet and spread through the entire corridor. Holding your breath, you try your best to hold still.
As soon as the simple mention of his name leaves your lips, a much louder crack disturbs the silence and suddenly the ground beneath you collapses. Screaming, you helplessly fall into the depths, but Anakin manages to pull you to him while falling down. With a loud thud, you land on solid ground, accompanied with a huge layer of ice and snow, and roll a few meters across the ground until you finally come to a stop. You are lying on top of Anakin, who is still tightly pressing you against his body to protect you.
With your head and entire upper body on his chest, you can feel his racing heartbeat. Groaning in pain, he grabs his head and you too need a moment to cope with the heavy shock you just went through.
“Are you- Are you hurt?”, he asks you worriedly while trying to sit up in pain, automatically pulling you with him.
“No, I do not think so. And you?”, you answer his question and scan his body to find any possible injuries. Anakin shakes his head, snow, that was caught in his brown locks, flying through the air. As he is just about to say something, already opening his mouth, his breath suddenly gets caught in his throat as he looks around. You follow his gaze and only now do you notice that you are in a large hangar several meters below the ground.
“What the-?”, Anakin speaks up again, getting up from the ground before pulling you back onto your shaky legs as well. There are numerous deactivated spaceships around you, as well as all kinds of battle droids. However, you do not get to look around more closely when you hear another crack above you and shortly afterwards further layers of snow fall on you. Anakin blocks the snow from you with his body, his arms slung around you, covering your head, after pulling you close to him.
“It is far too dangerous here. Come on”, he mentions and without letting you reply, he quickly pulls you away from the holes in the ceiling and under the thicker walls of ice, which appear more stable, right where the battle droids are.
“That is almost an entire army in here”, you whisper to Anakin, fearing that the droids might hear you and then activate themselves. “The plans were actually correct. There is indeed a secret Separatist military base down here!”
“But it seems to be abandoned, don’t you think?”, Anakin notices as he takes a closer look at one of the battle droids, examining the enemy of which you have already destroyed countless on the battlefield. “The Separatists have much newer technology in their droids than these have.”
Feeling very uncomfortable about how close he is to those droids, you grab his arm and pull him back.
“Great, we found the base now, so let us find an exit and get out of here, Anakin. I do not think we should stay here any longer than we have to, please”, you admit, and Anakin senses the fear that surrounds you, which is probably the reason why he agrees. Looking across the hall, you are on a lookout for a possible way out of this cave.
“There is a door over there”, Anakin points out and you sneak there with careful steps, past the deactivated droidekas and command droids. When you press the buttons on the door, it jerks briefly, creating an unbearable high-pitched squeak, but then stops, not moving any further after that.
“Great”, Anakin rolls his eyes before taking out his lightsaber, ramming it into the door before slicing a way out for you both through the heavy resistant door. You quickly do the same and start cutting through the door with your own lightsaber as well. When your hands touch at the top all of a sudden, you quickly pull your hands away. Anakin uses the Force to pull the cut-out part out of the door and set it aside.
Forcing yourself through the hole, you find yourself in another corridor that does not look much different than the one through whose floor you broke earlier, which is why you feel uncomfortable again. You carefully move and when you arrive at an intersection, Anakin grabs your hand to stop you. One of the paths is blocked, which is why you are forced to take the other one.
“This is a pure minefield. Everything in here is collapsing”, he explains as you continue to cautiously move through the underground passages, glued together as to not lose each other.
“Maybe that is why they left everything behind”, you mutter. “And we walked right into the trap.”
“What use would that have for them?”, Anakin questions when he tries to activate his commlink again. However, you both seem to be so deep under the ground that you no longer have any connection, and therefore have absolutely no chance of contacting the outside world.
“I do not know, maybe that they successfully kill two Jedi with it”, you respond snappily, which is why he looks at you with a frown. “What? It is true.”
“If you keep on thinking this negatively, then yes, they will probably really kill us”, he replies with an annoyed undertone in his voice.
“Oh sorry. I did not choose to be here either”, you roll your eyes at him, but when he does not reply and just walks on, you follow him quickly, too scared to walk around alone. Shortly before you reach him again, you are forced to stop because of the cracking of the ice above you. Anakin notices it as well and when in the next moment the ceiling threatens to break down directly down on you, he reaches you just in time and throws himself on top of you.
Together you fall on the cold solid ground, Anakin’s body acting like a protective shield over you as you two are buried under huge parts of the ceiling. The noises around you do not stop at all while new masses of snow come down every second and finally lock you in on both sides.
Even when the echoing noises subside, you do not move an inch, but you can feel your hearts beating quickly against each other. Your breathing is irregular and it feels like masses are pressing on your body, crushing you beneath them. Your vision has gone completely white due to the snow, making it very hard for you to breathe with the snow everywhere. Slowly and weakly pressing your hand against the thick layer of snow above you, squeezing your eyes shut in order to transmit all of your remaining strength into the Force, it eventually floats away as you create a safe bubble around you before sliding it aside and let go of it. The forces affecting your body disappear in an instant and you take in a very deep breath, desperately gasping for air.
“A-Anakin?”, you stutter out, your body aching. He does not answer, and your vision suddenly blurs before everything around you turns pitch-black.
When you gain back your consciousness at some point, you feel an incredible cold surrounding you, but nothing has changed. Anakin’s lifeless body is still on top of you, also ice cold. Adrenaline rushing through your veins, you push yourself up with him and quickly lay him down on his back.
“Anakin? Anakin, do you hear me?”, you ask frightened and firmly shake his motionless body. Quickly, you press your cheek against his chest and sigh of relief when you hear his very weak but steady heartbeat. His body is freezing, and you do not hesitate to take off your gloves and put your hands against his cheeks, hoping that your own body heat will warm him up at least a little bit.
“Come on, wake up. Don’t do this to me”, you silently beg him and keep trying to warm his cold body up, shaking him over and over again. Because of the extreme cold, you are not able to feel the tip of your fingers anymore after some time and your teeth are chattering, but you do not give into the cold. You are a Jedi, you can’t give up and you won’t, concentrating on the tiny bit of warmth that is still within you.
“If you do not wake up now, I will never be able to tell you how I feel about you!”, you yell at him and, as if on cue, he suddenly stirs awake, coughing while gasping for air. Startled, you stare at him for a few seconds before bending over him again.
“Do you hear me, Anakin?”, you ask again and he frowns when hearing your soft voice.
“Y/N?”, he breathes out softly and his eyelids slowly flutter open.
“Yes. I am here”, you confirm. He looks at you exhaustedly before sitting up with your help, groaning in pain. His body is visibly trembling from the cold, his lips discolored bluish, almost all the life vanished from his face.
“Why is it so damn cold?”, he stutters and wraps his hands around his body until he notices that you have taken off your gloves. “Are you crazy?! Put these on again!”
“I warmed you up”, you explain when he puts the gloves in your hands and you put them back on over your freezing cold hands. “We are trapped, Anakin. We can’t get out of here. Obi-Wan will never find us and we will freeze to death.”
“Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy, okay? We will make it out of here, I promise”, Anakin replies immediately, taking your face between his hands, forcing you to look into his beautiful eyes, preventing you from having a panic attack. “I promise I will get us out of here.”
Holding back the cold tears that have formed in your eyes, you nod and break the intense eye contact. You rub your arms with trembling hands, not making you feel warmer at all, maybe even turning it colder.
“Come here”, Anakin finally orders and spreads his arms to invite you in. You look at him puzzled, not knowing what he is suggesting. Interpreting that he only wants to comfort you, you refuse.
“N-No, it is okay. I am fine-“
“Body heat is our only chance”, he interrupts you and ruthlessly pulls you into his arms all of a sudden. He presses you close to his body, warming you up right away whether it be for his body heat or your burning cheeks due to the sudden proximity to him. Leaning your head on his shoulder, sitting against the wall with your back, your bodies are pressed close together.
“Why did you do that?”, you ask him out of nowhere as he takes your hands between his to warm them up as well. Because of the cold, your breath is visible in the air.
“Why did I do what?”
“Save me.”
“I can’t just let the snow bury you. I would never forgive myself.”
“You would sacrifice your own life.. for me?”, you ask incredulously and look at him, his eyes switching back and forth between your sparkling ones.
“Yes”, he answers briefly and suddenly something in his expression changes before he turns to you completely, his grip around your hands tightening even more. “I want you to listen to me. If we should really never get out of here, then I want you- I need you to know something.”
“A-Anakin?”, you stutter out and your pulse skyrockets, hoping that his words suggest exactly what you wanted to hear so badly for years now.
“I know we have our problems and I know that we are forbidden to, but.. Every time I see you, I get so nervous and do not even know what to say. My heart beats so much faster at the sight of you and I.. I admire you in so many ways”, Anakin confesses and looks deep into your glistening eyes, his hand gently removing the powdery snow from your hair. “I have to think of you every single day, you are always on my mind. I can’t concentrate when you are around and I-I had to admit this before it was too late.”
Speechless, you look at him, tears of joy shooting into your eyes.
“You do not have to say anything, you do not have to return the feeling either”, Anakin quickly continues when he does not get any reaction from you. Only when a gentle smile forms on your exhausted face does he stop rambling.
“You would not believe me when I told you how badly I wanted to hear these words out of your mouth”, you softly giggle, your lungs breathing in the cold air causing you to cough weakly. “I feel just like you, Anakin. I feel the same way when you are around.”
“Y-You- Really?”
“Yes, and before we die, I want you to know this. Anakin, I am deeply, truly in love with you. I have always been”, you cough, and your eyes feel heavier by each second as the cold slowly gets the best of you.
“I love you”, Anakin says in a shaky voice. Gently leaning forward towards you, he puts his lips on yours in a kiss that you both have longingly hoped for all this time. Your first and probably last kiss before none of you can longer withstand the extreme cold and your bodies shut down.
With your heads leaning against each other, breathing so slow that it is already dangerously close on the edge of fading and your skin color as white as corpses, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka find you only minutes later.
When you slowly gain back your consciousness a little later and open your eyes slightly, blinded by an uncomfortably bright light, you need a moment to remember what happened and why you just woke up with an oxygen mask covering your mouth and nose. Before the panic can set in, however, you feel a slight pressure, barely noticeable, on your hand and you turn your head to the side carefully, only to see that Anakin is lying next to you on a stretcher, his eyes full of exhaustion as he gently smiles at you, too weak to keep his eyes open. You gently squeeze his hand and return his reassuring smile and before you know it, the exhaustion overtakes you again as well and you drift off peacefully, thinking about the only person who has ever meant something to you.
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billowypantss · 3 years
i just want drunk obi wan!!!
Obi-Wan, drunk off his ass in a bar and seeing Anakin walk in and his face lights up: “ANAKIN!!” (to the rest of the bar, his voice full of joy) “Anakin’s here, everyone!!”
Of course, no one cares. Anakin, rolling his eyes: “Yeah, it’s me, old man. It’s time to get you home”
“Anakin’s here,” he repeats, smiling dazedly at him and stumbling forward.
Anakin just sighs and walks over, slinging an arm around his former master’s waist to steady him. To his surprise, Obi-Wan leans into the touch and relaxes.
Okay... he must be really drunk.
They stumble out of the bar together, Obi-Wan sending off muted waves of happy in the force. It’s strange.
“Anakin, Anakin, Anakin,” he mumbles into Anakin’s chest.
“Yes, Obi-Wan?” Anakin asks, smiling despite himself.
Immediately, Obi-Wan trips and Anakin catches him, letting out a grunt. At the noise, Obi-Wan looks up, his glassy eyes widening in surprise.
“Anakin! You’re here!” he says, overjoyed once again at his discovery. Anakin has to laugh.
“Okay, you’ve definitely had enough to drink,” he replies, shooting Obi-Wan an amused look.
Obi-Wan nods, almost to himself, “Best friend. Best friend in the world.”
Anakin snorts softly. “Oh, yeah? Who’s that? Windu?”
Even in his inebriated state, Obi-Wan still manages to correct him, “Master Windu,” he says emphatically, almost falling down again.
Anakin let out another grunt as he caught him. Force, this would be easier if Obi-Wan wasn’t so heavy. But after a few minutes of struggle, with Obi-Wan even going limp at one point and then laughing hysterically when they landed in a heap on top of each other in the middle of the street, they were back on their merry little way.
“Not Mace. Nope, nope, nope,” Obi-Wan says suddenly, and Anakin has to mentally rewind the conversation in his head to figure out what he’s talking about.
“I thought you guys were pretty close,” he says, only half-expecting a coherent answer from the man beside him.
Anakin felt more than saw Obi-Wan shrug.
“He’s my friend. But he’s not my BEST friend.”
Anakin thought for a moment.
“What about Vos? Didn’t you grow up together?”
Obi-Wan laughed. “Quinlan?” he says, tipping forward a little bit, “Nooo.”
Anakin was surprised. He had thought Obi-Wan was very close with them. He couldn’t think of anyone else, besides maybe Dex? Or Cody? But that would be too depressing.
“Oh,” he finally said.
“Duh.” Obi-Wan said, sighing again and burying his face in Anakin’s shoulder, causing him to shift again. He mumbled something that Anakin couldn’t hear.
“What was that, old man?”
Obi-Wan lifted his head briefly, giving Anakin a lopsided smile.
“Smells good,” he said, his words staring to slur a little more, “Smells like Anakin.”
Anakin laughed a little. “Glad I don’t smell bad, Master.”
Obi-Wan’s head lolled back onto his shoulder, and as if he hadn’t heard him, just mumbled a soft, “Smells like home.”
Which made Anakin blink. This was quite the night for his master. He was pretty sure it was just the alcohol talking—Obi-Wan didn’t talk like this. He didn’t say things... didn’t feel things like that.
“We’re almost back to the Temple, if that’s what you mean,” he said instead, swallowing a lump in his throat.
“No!” Obi-Wan suddenly said, straightening and trying to push himself away from Anakin, “Don’t wanna go there.”
Anakin frowned. “Obi-Wan, we have to get you to bed.”
Obi-Wan was shaking his head vehemently, “I don’t want to go. Not alone.”
Anakin crinkled his nose. “You won’t be alone,” he said, grabbing Obi-Wan’s arm tighter even as he tried to rip it away, “The temple’s full of Jedi, and me and Ahsoka are right next door.”
At this, Obi-Wan’s face crumbled. “But I’ll be in my apartment,” he said, quietly, “Alone. And I cant—they come in my dreams and I can’t—I’m so tired.”
Anakin was worried. He had never seen his Master like this—on the verge of tears, admitting vulnerability, and staring at him like Anakin held his heart in his hands.
“I—What do you want me to do, Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked, desperation clouding his voice. He immediately wanted to take it back—his master was clearly the one who needed help right now, his comfort, his reassurance. He was drunk out of his mind. But even when it was Anakin trying to do the comforting, he still had to seek out the advice of the man who needed it from him.
Obi-Wan suddenly sunk to the ground, slipping from Anakin’s fingers.
“I don’t know,” he said, “I don’t know.”
Anakin sat down next to him, not sure what to do.
“I think I’m broken.”
Anakin whipped around. “Obi-Wan, you are not broken!”
Obi-Wan laughed a watery laugh, and Anakin, to his horror, saw his eyes glistening with tears and suddenly looking a lot more sober than he had a second earlier.
Oh, sithspit.
“I’m so tired, Anakin,” he said, his voice soft, “So, so tired.”
that’s all lol
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a-dorin · 3 years
goodnight kisses
pairing: anakin skywalker x jedi!reader
word count: 824
warnings: mentions of battle, mentions of violence, flirting, tooth-rotting fluff, anakin being a cheeky little shit like always (but we love him for that)
a/n: i don’t really have much to say about this other than this was a spontaneous piece for my girl @anakinswhore ! congrats on 2k babes, ily <3
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“and what do you think you’re doing here?”
he cocks a brow, tilting his head ever so slightly, “what do you mean?”
“didn’t you just get back from your mission? shouldn’t you be resting? are you hurt at all? was obi-wan too harsh on you? you need to sleep, and i’m not letting you stay very long. do you need me to fetch you anything? dress any wounds?” the flurry of questions tumble from your lips, earning a cool, flowy, chuckle in response. 
“you need to relax, sweets. i came to see you.”
your heart swells at the last word, the way it sounded so tender and affectionate as it filled your ears. swathed in darkness, you barely make out his figure as he strolls towards the bed, warm rays of light seeping into the room underneath the crack of the door. 
“i should probably turn on the light,” you murmur, swinging your legs to the edge of the mattress. 
anakin lingers for a moment, slipping off his dusty boots before nearly diving into the mattress, letting out an exaggerated sigh. 
“your bed feels so much nicer than mine.”
“obi-wan probably made sure you got the worst one possible,” you snort, flicking a switch. 
“only gives me an excuse to sleep with you every night.”
shifting around, you roll your eyes at the sight of him. 
he’s still dressed as if he was charging headfirst into battle, singed and torn robes draped across his frame. there are a few tatters on his left shoulder, lips falling into a frown as you notice more, the fabric hanging by a thread in some spots. his trousers were fine, just a few patches of dirt and soot. 
his hair was a disheveled mess, strands poking out in all directions. his face is buried in your pillow, arms at his sides. his shoulders are slumped, and for a moment, you can’t help but notice the traces of exhaustion. the wear and tear of constant battle. 
“ani,” you clear your throat, “how bad was it?”
“not bad,” the words are muffled, “wish you were there with me.”
“just for you to show off? i don’t think so,” a giggle bubbles up, and you notice the apples of his cheeks poking out through the pillow, lifting into a cheeky grin.
he rolls over, propping his head up with his hand, “you know, if you were there with me, we’d win every time.”
“you’re just saying that,” you scoff, settling into the covers, “get off the blanket would you? i’m getting cold.”
“anything for you,” anakin coos, sitting up momentarily so you could lift the blanket. 
in a split second, he’s under the covers, arms wrapping around your waist. you feel his chin connect with the top of your head, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beginning to sync with yours. 
your lashes flutter, and you can’t help but melt into his chest. 
“i missed you,” his words are nearly a whisper, barely audible, “couldn’t stop thinking about you out there.”
“even while you were slicing droids in half?”
“even while i was fighting some weird bald lady.”
“weird bald lady?” you echo, notes of laughter lacing your voice, “anakin, don’t you mean asajj ventress?”
“yeah, her,” he affirms, “i couldn’t remember her name. she was fiery. flirted with obi-wan. i think she made him blush.”
“oh anakin,” you muse, snuggling closer to him, “do you want to change out of your clothes before you fall asleep?” 
“no,” the answer was firm, “i’m fine right here.”
“are you sure?”
“like i said,” lips graze your temple, “i’m fine right here. i don’t want to move.”
“i had a feeling you’d come by.”
“i always do, don’t i?” he teases, placing tender kisses along your brow, trailing to your forehead, “i needed to see you. i needed to sleep by your side tonight.”
exhaling, you feel exhaustion creep in, starting to take a hold, “i have a feeling you just wanted some kisses too.” 
“more than anything,” he murmurs, “i wanted to hold you in my arms too.”
“don’t you do that every night?” sleep has your words slurred, another chuckle ringing through the space. 
“yes. i kiss you goodnight and hold you close. but you know what?”
“what, ani?” one more minute till you were deep in slumber. 
“i’ll never get tired of those goodnight kisses and nights like these. the second we landed i was on my way to your quarters, eager to see that smile on your beautiful face. now, get some rest. i’ll be here in the morning to tell you all about the mission,” the sincerity in his tone sends bliss rippling through you, only sending your heart all aflutter. 
“i love you, ani.” you feel his smile broaden, probably into that gorgeous, bright, grin of his. 
“and i love you, angel. with every goodnight kiss and every morning i get to wake up by your side.” 
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x-childish-x · 3 years
hello, i noticed there’s been a growth of obi wan requests on your page. if you don’t mind, may i also request an obi wan x reader fanfic (preferably a female reader)? my idea is that the reader is related to qui gon, maybe a niece of his that he looks after since her parents passed. after qui gon’s death, reader decides to become a jedi and she and obi wan grow closer over the years, and finally confess their love for each other after they both become masters?
Long Time Coming
Pairing: Obi-Wan x fem!reader
Fandom: Star Wars
Warnings: ansgt?, fluff, mentions to multiple character deaths, mentions of a funeral
Word Count: 2,417
A/N: This is quite long! I'm sorry if that's not something you like! Firstly, thank you for the request and support! I appreciate it so much and feedback is always more than welcome and appreciated!! This request was super unique and I had a fun time writing it despite feeling the need to absolutely perfect it, lol. Anyways, I really hope this is what you wanted and that you enjoy it!
P.S. I am out of surgery and now starting recovery. Everything’s gone well so far, but I probably won’t be posting much. Check my page for a form to send in some questions for me to answer!!
Summary: Obi-Wan's been trying to catch your attention for years and after your uncle Qui-Gon Jinn's death, you find comfort in Obi-Wan like never before.
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(gif not mine!)
"(Y/n), we're making another stop. We don't have enough fuel to make it back to Coruscant. We're landing on Tattooine," Your uncle, Qui-Gon, spoke softly through the holopad.
"I found the planet," Obi-Wan beamed at you, hoping this fact would impress you.
You smiled widely, nodding to Obi-Wan, "Keep this old man out of trouble for me, won't you Obi-Wan?"
The young boy nodded vigorously as your uncle rolled his eyes, "You're getting quite old yourself (y/n). I urge you to rethink your choice of not becoming a Jedi before you're using a cane."
"We could train together!" Obi-Wan cheered, his eyes glinting with hope as he looked up at his master, "I would do well at bringing her up to speed!"
There seemed to be something that happened off the holopad that you couldn't see. Both men turned their heads before looking back at you with nearly identical looks of remorse.
"We're landing soon. I must leave," Qui-Gon frowned, "Stay out of trouble. I'll return soon."
Over the next few days, Obi-Wan and your uncle did their best to keep in contact with you. Though it wasn't much, barely once a day, it was still something, and that very much made you smile. Each call was a relief because they were both alive. They were okay. They would be home soon. 
"A boy?" You questioned Obi-Wan.
"Yes, his name is Anakin Skywalker," He frowned slightly before leaning more towards his holopad, whispering, "I'm beginning to think Qui-Gon likes him better than me."
"Nonsense!" You laughed, "Qui-Gon loves you! It's impossible to not love you!"
Immediately realizing what you said, your cheeks flushed with heat, Obi-Wan's reaction mocking yours. You missed Obi-Wan, he was your best friend after all, and it wasn't often that Qui-Gon and he left on such long missions. 
"There was this thing," Obi-Wan spoke up, "He wielded a red lightsaber."
"That doesn't sound good," You frowned, wishing Obi-Wan was more than just a hologram before you.
He nodded before his attention was stolen off-screen, and he huffed, "I have to go. We'll be home soon!"
"What is this about you being attacked!" You yelped, jogging up to Qui-Gon.
He smiled at your concern, "I am fine. He escaped. We believe he's a sith, that they've returned. The good news is the boy we found will be my new Padawan."
"I don't care about the boy," You hissed, glaring up at your uncle, "I care about you being safe, about not losing you!"
Unexpectedly, Qui-Gon pulled you into his chest. Tears welled in your eyes at the action he so rarely did, your arms wrapping as tight as they could around his torso. You felt a kiss pressed to the top of your head and immediately squeezed tighter, tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Please... I can't lose you too, Uncle."
Qui-Gon winced at your words, knowing how dangerous it was to form attachments, yet it'd been impossible with you. From the moment you'd come under his care, you'd immediately bonded. There was no way you wouldn't have formed an attachment with him and he with you.
You'd showed up on his doorstep fourteen years ago when you were only nine. You had clutched your stuffed bantha to your chest with tears running down your cheeks, mumbling all about how 'mommy and daddy were gone' and 'I need you, uncle Qui-Gon'. His heart immediately shattered. The passing of his brother had reached him a few hours before your arrival, and the nanny behind you gave the older man a soft smile before nudging you forward.
You bounded forward, slamming into Qui-Gon's legs with a loud sob that had the older man lifting you into his arms instantly. You'd been destroyed by the sudden and mysterious loss of your parents. You sought comfort in your uncle Qui-Gon and his young Padawan. You'd spent years denying the chance to become a Jedi, afraid you were too imbalanced in your emotions.
You pulled back from Qui-Gon, allowing him to wipe your tears before he kissed your head once more. He moved, walking over to Obi-Wan, and you watched as the two talked before separating. Obi-Wan walked towards you, but your eyes locked on a small boy behind him who stood next to what looked like an R2 droid.
"We're leaving again," Obi-Wan sighed, frowning at your slightly red cheeks and glassy eyes.
You nodded, biting your lip before finally locking eyes with Obi-Wan, "Please take care of him... I have a terrible feeling Obi-Wan."
"I will," Obi-Wan smiled, gently reaching out and allowing you to place your hands in his before pulling you closer, "I'll make sure he stays out of trouble. He has a new Padawan to train, after all. But besides that..." Obi-Wan's voice dropped, his gaze growing softer as he squeezed your hands, "You know I'd do anything for you."
You nodded, listening as Qui-Gon ordered Obi-Wan to head to the ship, and with one last playful goodbye, you watched him leave, followed soon by everyone else. You stood on the pad, watching as the ship rose and left, the terrible feeling in your stomach growing with each second.
Nobody called you. For the next few days, nobody called you, and it only worsened the terrible feeling, making you nauseous as you waited patiently for the ship to arrive. You'd been told briefly by Yoda that they were returning, yet the pain on his face confirmed your thoughts. Something was wrong, and you weren't sure what, but you'd felt the pain and dread that filled you yesterday, and now Yoda was looking at you with remorse as he watched you waiting from his tower.
You couldn't maintain your focus as the ship landed, frozen still as you waited. You watched each person that exited, waiting for the two familiar faces you wanted to see so badly. Obi-Wan descended the ramp, his eyes lifting from the ground to lock with yours. Instantly tears filled your eyes, a hand flying to your mouth as Obi-Wan rushed to you.
You collapsed into Obi-Wan's chest without a second thought, throwing your arms around him as sobs racked through your body. He attempted calming you, one arm wrapped tightly around your waist and the other stroking your hair. Obi-Wan panicked slightly, feeling immediately it was all his fault. Your pain was his fault. If he'd just been slightly faster he could've saved his master, your uncle.
"Please... Obi-Wan... tell me no," You cried, burying your head into his chest as his grip tightened.
"It was a sith, the same who attacked him previously," Obi-Wan whispered, not caring about the looks anyone gave you, "I killed him. I killed the sith right after. I... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't faster."
Nobody could remove you from Obi-Wan's side, not even Yoda, who was forced to allow you to sit in while he spoke to Obi-Wan about Anakin. You were distraught and terrified at the idea of seeing your uncle's body later. Obi-Wan comforted you, an arm around you the entire day until the ceremony rolled around.
You'd separated from Obi-Wan briefly, and when you returned to Qui-Gon's funeral, Yoda himself almost cried. You stood over Qui-Gon's body, a hand gently brushing his cheek, your mother's Jedi robe caressing your body. Just for a second, Yoda believed he was seeing your mother's spirit. You looked so identical, and the soft click of Yoda's cane startled you, forcing you away from your uncle's body.
"Determination within you, I sense. Made a decision, you have," Yoda hummed, coming to your side.
You nodded curtly, your gaze on Qui-Gon, "I wish to become a Jedi, Master Yoda."
"Agree to your request, the council does. My Padawan, you will be," Yoda nodded, not needing to speak to any other members to know there would be no defiance. 
Yoda retreated to the back, watching your reaction as people filtered in, most not catching your attention until Obi-Wan walked in. You seemed to escape his gaze for a few moments, certainly because of the robe, before he rushed to your side. Yoda knew this was a potential problem, the connection the two of you held, but that was a problem for the future.
The future seemed to bring many problems for you. Your days quickly molded into becoming nothing but training. You barely spent time sleeping. Both you and Master Yoda determined to bring you up to speed. Despite everyone in the council loving your decision to become a Jedi (especially Obi-Wan), they had all disagreed with the idea of you becoming a Jedi-Knight within five short years. 
However, Yoda insisted you were ready, and you passed the trials with such ease it'd seemed like you'd been training for years. Which of course, lead to many Jedi accusing you of training illegally under Qui-Gon. But it wasn't anything like that. Yoda and Obi-Wan were amazing when it came to training you. They were patient and worked with you consistently, over and over. You knew there was no way you would've become a Jedi-Knight had you not had their help.
"So?" Obi-Wan asked when you returned to your shared apartment, "Did you pass?"
Slowly, you lifted the hair on your right side to reveal that your Padawan braid was no more. He smiled widely, leaping up and pulling you into his chest. You smiled back, squeezing Obi-Wan as he spun you around gently. 
You still weren't used to everything. Obi-Wan and you had decided to get an apartment together after Qui-Gon's passing, insisting that living together helped your coping. Of course, it was a two-bedroom, and you stayed in separate rooms, and just Obi-Wan's presence truly did help you.
Once Obi-Wan sat you down and pulled back, a huge smile on his face as you stared up at him. A moment passed as you struggled to get a grip on your thoughts. You gulped, eyes flicking around the room as you kept your hands linked at the back of Obi-Wan's growing hair. You liked it longer. You felt it suited him, not that you didn't like it short.
"Obi-Wan?" Your voice was small, fragile in the air as the slightly older boy stared at you.
"Do you think he's proud of me?" 
Obi-Wan's heart melted at the worry in your eyes, the worry that your uncle wouldn't be proud of you after everything you'd done. His hands drifted from your waist and up to cup your cheeks, pulling your face just slightly closer as he leaned down. He wanted nothing more than to wipe your ever-growing tears, but that could wait. The most important thing for Obi-Wan right now was to make sure you understood that there was no possible way for Qui-Gon to be even the slightest bit disappointed in you.
"(Y/n), I have not a single doubt that he's proud of you. He was before he passed, and I'm sure he's proud now," Obi-Wan reassured you, his smile growing as you nodded, "I know Master Qui-Gon wishes he was here with us, to see you become a Jedi Knight, but regardless he is incredibly proud."
You giggled softly, leaning forward just the slightest bit, so your nose touched Obi-Wan's, "I just worry sometimes, that maybe I'm not doing enough," You paused, gasping a quiet breath when Obi-Wan nudged your nose with his again, "Thank you Obi-Wan... I... I couldn't have done any of this without you. I'd be lost, truly."
Your gaze flicked down to your connected noses and back up to Obi-Wan's blue eyes. Yet, it felt like it was the first time you ever looked at Obi-Wan. You felt like you were a small kid again, peeking out from under your uncle's robe to see two big blue eyes looking at you with a huge smile. Blue eyes and a smile that promised to be your best friend, promised to stay by your side... 'as a loyal Jedi should'. And now, as you stared into those same eyes, you felt the urge to be so much more than what he promised.
You tilted your head up, mushing your lips against Obi-Wan's and leading the kiss as he froze in shock. Was he dreaming again? Was he about to wake up alone in his bed once more? The squeeze you gave to the back of his neck told him otherwise... that this most definitely wasn't a dream. Suddenly, he was dropping his hands from your cheeks, looping them around your waist and pulling you flush against him as he took control of the kiss.
It became a dance of lips and tongue, mumbling in an attempt to convey all the years of unsaid feelings even though no real words were being formed. It felt perfect. It felt like the force was exploding through the two of you, screaming that nothing could've been more right. There was no thought of the Jedi Code, no thought of the possibility of losing your titles. The only thought being formed was how not only your lips but your mind and soul seemed to connect at that moment together.
"I... that... we..."
"I've wanted to do that for so long," You laughed breathlessly, cutting off Obi-Wan.
He smiled, nodding in agreement as he placed a kiss on your forehead, "I adore you so much (y/n). I always have."
You mocked Obi-Wan's actions, nodding your confirmation as he placed another kiss closer to your temple now. It felt perfect. The life force flowing around the two of you was bursting with light, harmonious, and balanced perfectly. There was no need for words. You could feel one another projecting all the unsaid emotions. You were one, and suddenly a large smile broke onto your face as Obi-Wan continued to press light kisses all over your face.
You weren't worried about the possibility of losing your title. You didn't care what the Jedi Code had to say, and you certainly didn't care what the council thought. You felt complete, whole. And it was the first time you'd felt that way since losing your parents. You'd deal with the consequences later, when they made themselves truly known on their own accord and when it was time for Obi-Wan and you to make a decision.
"Do you think he's still proud of me?" 
Obi-Wan chuckled, kissing your nose before pulling back, "I think he'd want to kill me."
"It was a long time coming," You teased, making Obi-Wan nod.
"That, it was."
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boonki · 3 years
“It’s freezing. Come here.” from the prompt list please~!
okay same thing as the other one, i know you asked this like five billion years ago, but life has been A Lot recently so i’m sorry this is late!! but here you are. 
this one features anakin being a little shit, while also Hopelessly Pining~ 
enjoy, my dear!! ❤️
(also, all the science in this? fictional. would a space heater be picked up by scanners? would they be able to exist without life systems on? idk bro, just avert your eyes for the sake of the plot)
Ilum, despite its significance for the Jedi Order, is a horrible planet. Anakin shivers in the small space of the command room, his bedroll and blankets doing very little to keep him safe from the cold seeping in through every crack in the ship. Beside him, Obi-wan sits cross legged on his own bedroll, rubbing his hands together, buried under layers and layers of material. A large thermos of tea sits in front of him, shut tightly to keep the heat in; it has to last through Ilum’s long, thirty six hour night. 
Rumors of Separatist forces stealing bits of kyber from the crystal cave had snaked their way back to the council, which had been received with profound distress; the cave is sacred to the Jedi, not to mention a large component in making weapons. Anakin, nor the council, doesn’t think Separatists are making lightsabers, but the fact is, he doesn’t know. No one knows why they would be here. 
Thus, Obi-wan and Anakin, The Team, had been sent to investigate. 
Investigating looks a lot more like parking outside the entrance of the cave and sitting inside of a cold, nondescript shuttle with the engine and life support systems turned off, to ensure no scanners or droids would pick them up. The only light in the shuttle streams in through the transperisteel viewport from Ilum’s two moons, casting most of the command room into shadows. At least they had brought plenty of blankets, warm clothing, and a small radiant heater that had been charged prior to landing. 
Anakin notices Obi-wan shaking, his many layers and fur-lined jacket doing nothing to hide the tremors. His fingertips are pale around the thermos when he pushes the lid off, bringing it to his hooded face to let the steam waft up into his chin. He takes a small sip and closes his eyes, focusing on the warmth flooding his chest. He looks miserable, and Anakin feels helpless in making it better, cheering his old master up. He knows it isn’t his responsibility, and that Obi-wan is more than capable of taking care of himself. 
Still, he wants to do something. 
They’ve been sitting in silence for the better part of the night, having run out of conversation hours ago. When Anakin speaks, his voice is scratchy, like he had just woken up. 
“Hey, it’s freezing, c’mere,” he motions for Obi-wan to scoot closer to him. 
Obi-wan’s eyes blink open slowly, full of caution and distrust. “I don’t know what you’re planning, but absolutely not.” 
Anakin scoffs. “I’m not planning anything, just get over here.” 
“Anakin I practically raised you, I know when you’re up to something.” Obi-wan is still holding the thermos to his chin, huddled into himself. He closes his eyes again, and if Anakin didn’t know any better, it would look like he’s meditating. He does, however, know better.
“Just, get over here, will you?” Anakin makes an exasperated noise and pat pats the space next to him. “Let me warm your hands up.” 
Obi-wan sighs, as if the universe had cursed him with such a nuisance of a padawan, and peels his eyes open again. He pushes the lid of the thermos closed, disgruntled, and scooches closer to Anakin, pulling his nest of blankets with him. He begins to hold his hands out, but pauses, eyeing Anakin intently for any hint of mischievousness, and finding none, offers them to him fully. 
Too easy, Anakin thinks.
He grins like an imp and darts his hands out to grab Obi-wan’s wrists, pulling Obi-wan’s hands up his shirt and into his armpits, where he squishes them into place and fortifies his grasp, prepared for Obi-wan’s initial recoil. 
Obi-wan flinches, and screws his face up in disgust, trying to tug backwards. “Anakin, don’t be vile, let me go.” But Anakin is giggling like a schoolboy, clenching his arms down on Obi-wan’s hands, his grip on Obi-wan’s wrists impossible to break out of. 
“No, I’m warming your hands up.” Anakin teases, and takes in Obi-wan’s outraged expression, his murderous glower a stark contrast to the fluffy pile of blankets that hang off him, and can’t help the bubble of affection that expands in his chest. He used to love pranking his master, used to love setting up harmless traps to gain a reaction out of Obi-wan Kenobi, the perfect Jedi. It’s been years since he’s had the chance to laugh like this. 
Then a corner of Obi-wan’s mouth tugs back in a devious grin, and the bubble of affection pops, leaving only pure dread. Anakin immediately regrets his little stunt. 
Obi-wan manages to squirm a little in his hold, rotating his hands enough so that his fingers can poke into Anakin’s armpits, tickling him. Anakin vaults backwards, but Obi-wan stays with him, tongue poking out in between his teeth, a full smile on his face. 
“No, stop-” Anakin is suffocating with laughter, trying, and failing, to shove Obi-wan off. 
Obi-wan shoves him back and hooks a leg over his stomach, straddling him. “But, dear padawan, my hands aren’t warm yet.” He’s snickering, all of his blankets pushed to the side in the tousle. Anakin’s shirt is pushed up to his chest as he lays on his back, exposing his skin to the cold. 
Anakin knows he’s making obscene noises as Obi-wan tickles him, aborted laughs and high pitched yelps, and a string of incoherent no, stop, please, get off is bubbling out of his mouth before he can even think about it. Obi-wan’s eyes are alight above him, twinkling, full of glee. 
After what feels like years, Obi-wan relents, coming to rest his hands on the broad plain of Anakin’s chest. They’re both heaving air, breathless from all the play fighting and laughing. “And here I thought you were actually going to be nice to me, for once.” Obi-wan leans down towards his face, cocking an eyebrow at him. 
Anakin lets his head thump onto the ground, exposing his neck, and rests his hands on Obi-wan’s. “I’m always nice to you, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Shoving my hands into your armpits is you being nice, then?” Obi-wan snorts, and his eyebrow somehow hitches further up on his forehead. “If only that were true, darling.” 
Despite the cold, Anakin feels himself reddening at the pet name, and his rather compromised position underneath Obi-wan. Their faces are only about a foot away, which feels like inches to Anakin. If he propped an elbow up, he would be close enough to close the gap and kiss him. 
Sensing the sudden shift in energy, Obi-wan stiffens, as if suddenly aware that he’s straddling Anakin’s bare stomach, alone, in a dim and freezing ship. He clears his throat and awkwardly climbs off Anakin, gathering the mess of blankets left in the wake of their skirmish. In a better light, Anakin would’ve been able to see the blush burning away at Obi-wan’s ears, practically melting them.
Anakin sits up, yanking his shirt back down. “Do you want to-”
“We should-” They speak at the same time, and Obi-wan stops, gesturing at Anakin. “You first.” 
“No, you go.” Anakin can’t quite look him in the eye, and he focuses instead of wrapping himself in his blanket again. 
Obi-wan makes an exasperated noise in the back of his throat. “Anakin.” 
“Maybe, we should, I mean only if you want to,” Anakin fiddles with the corner of the fabric, “huddle for warmth?” It feels as ridiculous as it sounds, and Anakin regrets it as soon as he’s said it. 
“Oh, so you can maneuver my face into your smelly armpit?” Obi-wan jests, his tone laced with mirth, and he reaches for his thermos, always finding calm within his tea. 
“Hey!” Anakin’s mouth drops open. “I don’t smell.”
Obi-wan’s eyebrows jump once as he pops the lid off and takes a sip, shrugging. “Maybe not to you, my dear.” 
Anakin, offended, pulls his knees to chest, resting his head on his kneecaps. “I was being serious,” he mumbles into the material of his pants. He’s freezing from being subjected to the cold air for so long, all of his body heated lingering in the air around them. “What were you going to say?” he asks. 
Obi-wan makes a hm? noise as he lays down on his bedroll, and then says, “Oh, right. I was going to say we should try and get some sleep.” 
Anakin half heartedly nods his head best he can against his legs. A shiver tears through him, and he hunches into himself, wishing they could turn the ship’s heaters on. As fun as their shenanigans had been, it left them both significantly colder than before. He reaches out to see if the radiant heater will go any higher. It won’t. 
“Anakin,” Obi-wan says, softly. “Come here.” 
Anakin is dubious. “Why?” 
“You’re right. Body heat is probably our best option right now, given the circumstances.” Obi-wan unwraps his blankets and begins unzipping his thick jacket, holding the space open for Anakin. “Here, before I get cold.” 
Anakin’s heart stutters in his chest. 
He crawls over to Obi-wan’s bedroll and sheds his jacket, tucking himself into Obi-wan so that his back is flush with Obi-wan’s chest, Obi-wan’s breath hot on his ear. As Obi-wan snakes a cold hand to rest on his chest, Anakin pulls his jacket on backwards so that his arms stay warm, and spreads the blankets out on top of them evenly, best he can. 
He feels...at home in Obi-wan’s arms, he thinks, and mentally kicks himself. Obi-wan is only doing this because of the impending frostbite if they don’t. 
Silence settles over the pair, only the sounds of their slow breathing to keep them company. 
“Do I really smell, master?” Anakin whispers into the dark. 
Obi-wan snorts into his neck. “Always, dear one.” He pats Anakin’s chest to console him. 
Anakin turns in place, lifting his arms above Obi-wan’s head, shoving his face into his armpit. “How about now?” 
Needless to say, they sleep on separate bedrolls. 
Anakin shivers with regret the rest of the night.
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stardust-kenobi · 4 years
A Close Call
Request from @asaucecoveredsomething - “If your requests are still open, would you do one with Obi-Wan and/or Anakin and the reader just being absolutely all over each other after a mission that went poorly? Just them being so thankful that they have one another, so they have some very passionate sex?”
I went with Anakin on this because I miss writing for him and haven’t in a while💕 I really liked this idea. Thank you for requesting it!
word count: 1.8k
warnings: soft Anakin fluff, smut, mention of reader almost dying?
gif credit: @soka-tano
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“I’m sorry I scared you, Anakin” you spat harshly at him, angry that he was treating you like a child.
“You should’ve waited for me, you knew you couldn’t take them all alone” he yelled back at you. The two of you were sent together on a mission to investigate a droid factory, but your intended stealth was unsuccessful. You were overrun with droids, and sure, you should’ve waited for his assistance, but you wanted to wipe them out yourself.
“I-I thought” you tried to begin.
“You thought? You thought what? That you’d get yourself killed and leave me here without you? Is that what you thought, y/n?” His anger that previously trailed his words transitioned to sorrow as thoughts of losing you flooded his brain. “I can’t...I can’t lose you”. His voice broke and he dropped his head to the floor so that you couldn’t see the tears forming in his eyelids. This was a state you’d never seen him in.
“Hey, Anakin, it’s okay. I'm here, and I’m alive, and I’m safe, and I’m with you.” Your palm brushed his cheek that was wet with only a single tear. You wiped away his worries and pulled his chin to look at you.
“I love you, y/n” he softly mumbles.
“I love you too” you flash a comforting smile to him. You pull him into your body and wrap your arms around him. He released a sigh of relief as if to exhale his built up concern and stress into your grip. You stood there, holding him with his head rested on top of your head. You two were alone and the air was quiet on the ship. You could hear his heart beating against you.
“Kiss me” he pleaded delicately as he pulled away from your hold on him. He never had to ask you twice. You reached your lips up to his, moving achingly slow so that you could be gentle with him in this moment. Your lips danced together so passionately. You pulled away slowly and meet his sad eyes.
“A close call like that just reminds me how badly I need you in my life...and how hopeless I’d be without you” he said so quietly it was almost a whisper.
“You’ll never have to miss me, Anakin” you reassured his worrisome thoughts. “I will always be with you. I will be more careful next time, I promise you”. He grinned at your sentiment and grabbed your face, pulling it into him and pressing your foreheads together. He pushed his lips into yours again and applied more pressure than before. His subtly trembling hand wrapped itself behind your head, your lips remained interlocked.
His other hand travelled from your face down toward the curve above your hip. Your body moved slightly into him as you craved his touch. There was a change in his breathing when he felt you moved against him.
“I want you” he breathed. Anakin now had a firm grip on your waist.
“Right now? Here?” You questioned through your intermittent kissing. He nodded. “Don’t you want to wait until we land?”
“No, I don’t. I want you right now, y/n. Please. I need to feel you”. He politely and so desperately demanded. Rather than verbal affirmation, you hooked your finger under his tunic and lifted the material over his tense muscles. This left his chest bare, lit only by the colored lights on the panel of the ships controls and the stars’ illumination shining into the cockpit.
His slid your coat off and pulled your tank top straps down your shoulders and below your chest, revealing your breasts to him. He moaned deeply at the sight of them and wrapped his lips around your nipples, one after the other. His tongue swirled gracefully around your peaks.
He then unbuttoned your pants eagerly and slid them down to your thighs, but didn’t pull them any further than that. He was impatient in the heat of that current moment, and his desire for you was evident. He parted your standing legs slightly apart.
While you resumed passionately making out with him, Anakin brought his fingers to your aching core that was already wet from the spontaneity of the situation, and began to rub your clit. You released a moan into his mouth that earned a sensual groan from him as well.
“I need you, Anakin” you whimpered.
“I know baby” he whispered into your ear after breaking the connection between your lips.
Suddenly, as if on command, he pushed two fingers inside of you and pumped them slowly. You whined, unashamed, knowing no one would hear you in the silence of your shared company. His warm breath released itself onto your neck while he continued to fuck you with his fingers.
“Anakin” you breathed through your moans. You could see from the look on his face that he was absorbing the sounds of your pleasure and the feeling of your wetness on his digits.
“Does that feel good, y/n?” He inquired.
“Yes, baby, keep going” you begged.
He returned his mouth to yours again and pressed his tongue between your lips. He continued to curl his fingers in and out of you, causing you to release sweet moans into his mouth.
“I need all of you, Anakin” you pleaded, hinting that you wanted more than his fingers could provide. He smirked at your indirect request and gently removed his digits from your pussy. He swiftly pulled down your pants, that were still clinging to your knees, and removed them completely, throwing them onto the floor.
You brought your hands to his pants and fumbled with the clasp on his belt. He helped you pull his trousers down just enough to expose his erect cock. Effortlessly, Anakin lifts you by grabbing under your thighs, and wrapped your legs around his waist. You placed your arms around his neck. His cock was achingly close to your entrance in this new position. He fully supported the weight of your body against the wall of the ship, which was unexpected, but you loved it.
Without breaking any eye contact, he grinded his hips into yours and filled you completely. You whimpered loudly at the feeling of being filled by him. He was delicate with his movements, careful to be gentle and passionate. His eyes stared deeply into yours, watching you be pleasured by him.
“Oh my god” you breathlessly moan.
“You feel amazing, y/n, fuck” he sounded so sweet as he rested his head back onto your shoulder.
“Anakin, I love you” you expressed.
“I love you too, y/n, so fucking much” he responded through his breathing. His thrusts were slow but deep, and felt more passionate than any previous time that you two had ever had sex.
Anakin’s hands moved from supporting your thighs to your ass, giving him more leverage to move you up and down onto him. He did all the work, mostly because it was impossible for you to do so. The veins in his arm muscles popping out and the sweat that formed on his skin was so sexy to you while he put all his strength and effort into making you feel good. He stretched you out further with every motion of his hips, every thrust was complete ecstasy for both of you.
“You look so beautiful” he whispered in between his thrusting. Your open mouth transformed to a sweet smile.
Anakin grinded and curled his hips harder and faster. His moans grew to be more choppy. You could sense he was close to cumming, and you were close too.
“Ani... I'm going to cum” you whimpered. He brought his fingers to your clit to help you reach your climax quicker. His fingers adding to the sensation of him fucking you sent you over the edge.
“Cum for me, baby” he encouraged your pleasure. At the sound of his words you fell apart around him. He pumped into you rhythmically while your walls tightened on his cock. Your heightened moans filled the empty air and your pleasure washed over you like waves.
“Oh yes, Anakin, don't stop” you begged through your intense breathing. You rode out of your high before Anakin’s sounds clearly indicated he was about to cum as well.
“Y/n...” he called your name
“Cum inside me, Anakin” you instructed. He looked at you as if to say are you sure and your sensual look gave him the approval.
A loud, gruff groan, that was followed by a growl escaped his lips while he released himself inside of you. His grip on your ass tightened and he buried his face deep into your neck again. Profanities crept out of his mouth when he came down from his high. You both breathed heavily in sync, your bodies were as close to one another as was physically possible.
A tender peck was placed atop your head. Anakin removed himself from inside you slowly, not wanting to hurt you. He helped you get redressed and then he did the same for himself.
“That was amazing, Ani” you giggled.
“Yeah?” He half way asked and half way agreed. You slid down the wall and sat, legs crossed, on the floor. Anakin joined you.
“How much longer until we are home?” You wondered.
“I’m not sure...hopefully not for a while. I want more time alone with you” he said while snuggling up next to you onto the cold metal floor.
“You can always have alone time with me, Anakin” you stated obviously.
“Yeah, but here, just out in orbit...in the stars...it feels truly alone” he sounded content. Like nothing could ruin this moment between you two.
“That’s true. I never thought about it like that” you agreed.
You two sat in silence for a while, catching your breath, and admiring the beauty of the stars out ahead of you and the nothingness that proceeded it. The only sounds you could hear was Anakin’s heart beating and the low sounds of the ship’s engines running.
“Y/n” he called for your attention, even though he already had it.
“Yes? What is it?”
“You are the most precious thing I have ever loved in my entire life” he lovingly expressed.
The words he said warmed your heart and made you uncontrollably smile ear to ear. You couldn’t form the words to respond, so you instead tilted your head to rest on his shoulder, acknowledging his kind words.
“I will never let anyone, or anything, ever hurt you” he assured you. The concerned tone he held in his words earlier had returned.
“I know. Anakin, I trust you with my life” you promised him. He looked down at you and grinned, a type of smile you didn’t see often.
“How did I get so lucky to be able to call you mine?” Anakin softly whispered.
You still didn’t know when you’d be arriving home, but you didn’t care. In that moment you’re only concern was soaking in the intimacy of the time you were sharing with Anakin and the sudden realization that he was all you ever wanted in life.
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hoedameronsworld · 3 years
The Beginning Of A New Chapter
Pairing: Obi-wan x reader
Word count: 5.9k
A/n: and here it is. Part two of ‘The End Of An Era. I’m so glad that you guys enjoyed my first story and thank you all so much for supporting me. I wasn’t planning on making a part three but I have a brief idea for another part of you guys want another part. Just let me know. Enjoy 😊
Summary: Sequel to ‘The End Of An Era’. You have now left the Jedi order and have begun setting up a life for yourself, while Obi-wan prepares to leave the order himself. You have agreed to keep the identity of the father secret until Obi leaves, however an incident with Padme and Anakin leaves you no choice but to reveal the truth.
Part one can be found here 
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Obi-wan had never thought himself as the protective sort. Jedi weren’t allowed any personal belongings, so he had never had any reason to be protective over something. And then he met you. It was the battle of Geonosis and you had been asked to leave your mission in the outer-rim in order to aid the rest of the Jedi.
Obi-wan doesn’t know how to describe it exactly, but when he saw you, a short distance away from him, moving from one enemy to another, he just felt this surge of protectiveness rise within him. There was just some sort of … softness about you. Like you shouldn’t belong anywhere near the sight of battle and bloodshed.
And then you were using the force to propel yourself up into the air, flipping over him and landing easily behind him. He spun on the spot to watch as you slashed through one of the bug like creatures. And then you were looking at him, some of your hair falling into your face, your breathing harsh as you tried to catch your breath.
“Stay focused, or you will get yourself killed” was all you had said before you had disappeared back into the battle. Obi-wan was quick to realise that despite your appearance and the softness you had radiated, you had just saved his life and then told him off for being distracted. Of course you didn’t need any protection. You were a Jedi. You had trained your entire life to get to where you were, just as he had. You could protect yourself just fine.
Even after you had left the Jedi order to begin your life as a mother, Obi-wan knew that you could handle yourself perfectly fine. However, as your stomach grew to make room for your baby, the surge of protectiveness he had first felt had started to reawaken. A protectiveness for the small life form that you were holding. Because while you could protect yourself, your baby could not. And although it had not been born yet, Obi-wan already knew he would lay his life down for his child.
So, as you grew closer and closer to your due date, Obi-wan showed more signs of protectiveness. From not allowing you to leave your new apartment unless you had someone with you - to double checking that the door was locked each night.
Even now as you lay between his legs, your back pressed against his chest, Obi-wan has a hand rested securely over your stomach as he reads to you.
Obi-wan had long ago zoned out from what was going on in the book. Although he continued to read it aloud to you, he was too caught up in the comforting weight of you against his chest, of the way your breath softly fanned over his neck. He glanced down at you and felt like his heart was melting at the sight of you fast asleep. The sight of your head buried into the crook of his neck, your eyelashes softly brushing your cheeks, your lips slightly parted as you breathed. He smiled lovingly down at your form as he closed the book and placed it on the ground next to the couch.
“Maker, I love you so much, my darling” Obi-wan whispers gently, despite knowing you won’t be able to hear it. Sometimes he is just filled with so much love and adoration for you, he just can’t help but to blurt it out into the world.
You, of course, do not respond, however he feels a small kick against where his hand lay on your stomach.
“And I love you too, my little one” he whispers down at your stomach. The baby settles again at the sound of his voice.
Obi-wan looks across the small living room towards the clock. It’s getting late and he has to be up early in the morning in order to leave for a mission.
Obi-wan had still yet to leave the Jedi order. After you had told the news to him, he was ready to go in front of the council and leave right then. But he had listened to you as you reminded him that he was an incredible Jedi and that the war would be lost without him. He, however, wanted to be there for you and the baby, not on the other side of the galaxy missing the chance to watch his kid grow up. So, the two of you had come to a compromise. Obi-wan would remain at the Jedi temple until the baby was born. You rented out a small apartment in Coruscant that was near the temple. Not a single person was allowed to know the identity of the father until after he had left. Once the baby was born, the two of you planned to find a peaceful planet to settle down on.
Obi-wan carefully shuffled underneath you until he was in a position where he could pick you up. He carried you into the bedroom and lay you down onto the soft bed. You didn’t stir once. Obi-wan walked around to his side of the bed and as he climbed in, he heard the quiet murmur of your voice.
“Yes, my love?”
“M’back hurts” you slurred.
“I’ll massage it for you, okay love?” He whispered.
“Thank you.” Your voice was so soft and quiet that Obi-wan almost missed it, but even if he had, he would have known that it was there.
He slides his warm hands under your baggy pyjama top and begins rubbing soothing circles over your lower back, where he knows it hurts the most. He hears your content sigh as you begin to drift back to sleep and he leans forward to place a kiss to the back of your head. He continues to rub your back until he too drifts off to sleep.
It was early. Too early. The sun had yet to rise, yet you were already up. Although, you were still in your pyjamas. Obi-wan needed to leave your apartment early in order to return to the temple before he left for his mission. You had awoken early so that you could share a small breakfast with him before he left. The two of you now stood by the front door as you said your goodbyes.
“I will just be a day or two, my love. When I return I will speak to the council about my leave with a few days to spare before our little ones arrival” Obi-wan spoke.
You just nod. To be honest, you didn’t like the idea of him leaving you when you were so close to your due date, your baby scheduled to be due in about a week and a half. It wasn’t like he was going far, just escorting a senator to the other side of the planet and he wouldn’t be gone for long. But, after this he would officially be giving up his life’s work of being a Jedi to start a life and family with you.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?” He asks you softly. You look up at him.
“It’s nothing, Obi. I just feel slightly uncomfortable with you leaving so close to the baby’s arrival” you admit to him.
“I know darling. Perhaps you should spend the day with someone, that way you won’t feel so alone. I know Anakin has today off. It would be good for you to catch up with him again” Obi-wan suggests. You just hum in thought. He studies your face for a moment before he leans down and places a sweet, loving kiss on your lips. You melt under his touch and quickly return the gesture.
“I love you” you mumble against his lips. He just hums and gives you another soft kiss.
“I love you so much” he responds once the kiss is broken. You take a step back and smile up at him.
“Be careful.”
“For you? Always.” With one last smile, he slips out of your apartment.
You continue to stare blankly at the closed door in which he just left through. Sucking in a deep breath, you told yourself to calm down. Should you desperately need Obi-wan for something, he would only be a few hours away.
You return to your room and get dressed for the day before you reach for your comm to speak with Anakin.
“Ah, Y/n. To what do I owe this pleasure?” Anakin greets you as his image appears in front of you. You smile broadly at your friend.
“I thought it would be nice to spend some time with one of my favourite Jedi. Do you have any plans today?” You ask him. Although you know that it is his day off, Anakin was always up to something. He can never just sit still and relax.
“I am about to leave the temple in order to drop something off to Padme. I believe your apartment is on the way, if you would like me to pick you up. It would be nice to spend some time with both you and Padme” Anakin suggests.
You had never been very close with Padme, only knowing her because Anakin and Obi-wan were friends with her, however she was always very kind and respectful, and you enjoyed her company.
“That sounds nice. Will Obi-wan be joining us?” You ask, despite already knowing the answer. It helped keep your relationship a secret if it seemed like you now saw Obi-wan as little as you saw Anakin.
“Unfortunately not. He has to leave for a mission and won’t be returning for a few days.”
“Very well. It will just be the three of us.”
“Four if you count Anakin Jr.” A large smirk grew on Anakin’s face as he said this. Although you rolled your eyes, you couldn’t help but smile.
“For the last time, Anakin, I am not naming my baby after you” you say with a laugh.
“We’ll see” is Anakin’s reply before he disappears and the call is over.
You sat on a couch in Padme’s apartment, Anakin beside you and Padme on the seat in across from you.
“Padme, how are you going with trying to convince the senate to stop the production of clones?” You question, turning slightly in your seat to face her. She looks down at her hands for a moment before she responds.
“Not well. Many people are worried that it could lead to the separatists winning the war. I understand this fear, but if we keep manufacturing clones and the separatists keep making new droids, the war will never end” she says sadly.
“It is difficult. We can not have this war lasting several years yet we also cannot do something that could potentially aid the separatists in winning,” you place your hand gently on her shoulder. “I do not envy you politicians. You face difficult decisions everyday in order to better the galaxy.”
“Well you Jedi are no different. I have been apart of enough of your battles to know that things can go wrong very quickly. You have to make quick decisions on the spot, all while you know that there are lives on the line.”
“Sometimes it all just comes down to knowing when to fight and when to give up. We have to do what we can in order to protect as many people as possible” Anakin speaks up. As Anakin is speaking, you feel a small cramping pain in your stomach, however when you rotate to face Anakin, the pain disappears.
You smile at him.
“I suspect those are Obi-wan’s words” you say with a knowing smirk.
“And what makes you think that?” Anakin challenges, raising an eyebrow as he does so.
“Because I do not think you completely understand the term ‘give up’” you say with a chuckle.
“Yes, very funny” Anakin says with an eye roll. The three of you laugh and you take a moment to appreciate this moment.
Ever since the war had begun, moments like this - fun, relaxing, peaceful, happy moments - have been far and few and you have grown to cherish these moments, no matter how small they were.
Even now that you weren’t a Jedi, you still felt that these happy moments were strained. Even when you were with Obi-wan and everything is quiet and calm, there is always the over-arching sense of sadness and disaster that came with war. You felt that this is mostly because you aren’t going to be there to help put an end to this fight. You know that no matter where you and Obi-wan go, this feeling is going to follow you around until the end of the war.
The feeling came again. A small, barely there cramp that was gone in a matter of seconds.
“I have arranged for lunch to be brought to us. Shall we move to the table?” Padme spoke up once the laughter died down.
As the three of you ate, Anakin spoke of the recent mission him and Ahsoka had been on and how he had almost been trampled by a group of animals on the planet they had been on. Padme spoke of a meeting she has coming up with a fellow senator before the conversation turned to you and your pregnancy.
“Surely you can tell us now. Your almost due” Anakin tried to convince you to tell them who the father was. He would find out in a day or two anyway when Obi-wan returned. You just smiled and shook your head at his attempt.
“Nope. I’m not telling you yet” you said.
“Is there a reason why you won’t tell us? Or is it just to keep us all in suspense?”
“There is a reason, Anakin. However, to tell you this reason would be giving it away” you explain to him. Suddenly, Anakin’s face lights up.
“Is he a Jedi?” Anakin asks. You don’t respond straight away, just staring at him blankly. Honestly, sometimes it was easy to forget just how smart Anakin is. Padme places a hand on Anakin’s arm.
“Leave her be. They have their reasons for keeping it a secret. We can respect that and wait a week and a half for the baby to be born” Padme said. Anakin let out a childish huff but relented.
“What about baby names?” Padme asks. A particularly stronger cramp squeezes your stomach and you wince slightly. You place a hand on your stomach and wait for it to pass.
“Sorry, pregnancy pains” you explain once the pain passes. “I don’t know the gender. I have a few name ideas but I just figure that when I see the baby I will know what to name them.” Anakin stares at you for a moment before he speaks.
“Y/n…” he places a hand on your arm. “Is… does the father… want to be apart of the child’s life?”
You can’t hide the shocked expression on your face.
“What?” Is the only word you can find. You’re confused and shocked. What made Anakin come to this conclusion? Anakin and Padme share a look and you realise that this is something they had already discussed in private. Obi-wan had never mentioned this to you so you guess this is something they had kept between the two of them. “Anakin? Padme?” You ask them.
“It’s just… you keeping their identity a secret for the entirety of the pregnancy most likely means that he isn’t telling anyone he is a father, not even his own friends and family. Which is what some people do when they find out about an unwanted pregnancy” Padme tries to explain.
“And Jedi aren’t allowed to form any attachments and you’ve always been a sort of stickler for the rules. So we thought it might have been a one-night thing that led to this. And if this is the case, it would be likely for the father to have no interest in the baby” Anakin adds. You just continue to stare at them, eyes wide, mouth open in your confused and shocked stare.
“You also, when you talk about the baby or the pregnancy, only ever refer to yourself, not anyone else. Like before, you said ‘I don’t know the gender’ not ‘we don’t know the gender’ which could mean that you have already accepted that you will be facing this alone” Padme continues.
“We want you to know that you won’t be alone through this. Padme and I are more than happy to help out anyway we can. And I know that Ahsoka is really eager to meet the baby. And Obi-wan is your best friend, he will be by your side through anything” Anakin says soothingly.
“I… what?…” you stammer, trying to find the right words. They had out so much thought and effort into this theory, and had surprisingly found some strong reasons why this might be the case. You thought about what Anakin just said. About him and Padme happy to help out. About Ahsoka eagerly awaiting to meet your baby. About Obi-wan being by your side through anything.
Suddenly you felt angry and offended.
Because you already knew that Obi-wan would stay with you through anything. When it came to telling Obi-wan about the baby, you never felt the need to worry about him being upset or angry about the news. Because you knew that even if he was completely opposed to having kids, he would stay with you throughout it all. The thought of anyone thinking of Obi-wan as the type of person to leave you stranded and alone with a baby struck a nerve within you. Even though, neither of them could possibly know that it was Obi-wan they were talking about. That if they knew who the father was, they wouldn’t even be having these thoughts or this conversation.
“Of course the father wants the baby! Why would you even suggest that! If the father had left, do you not think I would tell you guys? There is a legitimate reason as to why his identity must remain a secret, one that you will understand when the time comes. I have been going against the order for over a year now to have a relationship with this man and although this pregnancy was an accident, we still remain in a happy, loving relationship. The only reason why I say ‘I’ instead of ‘we’ is because I have just grown so used to trying to hide the fathers identity for so long that it has just become habit. Are you satisfied?” You snap rudely at them. You glare at them for a moment before you abruptly stand from your chair, it scrapping across the floor harshly, and leaving the table. Your aim was to make it to Padme’s room or perhaps the bathroom, somewhere where you could just sit and calm your thoughts. However you only made it to the couch when you stopped, bracing yourself in the back of it as your water broke.
You were now laying on Padme’s bed. After your water had broken, Padme had instructed Anakin to call for a medical droid while she took you to her room and swapped your clothes for a clean dress of hers. Both Padme and Anakin sat side by side on the bed next to where you lay. Padme was taking note on the time between each contraction and Anakin was providing you with a hand to squeeze during particularly painful contractions. At the moment they weren’t too bad. You knew they would get worse as time went on. For the moment though, the three of you were just waiting for the medical droid to arrive.
“I’m sorry about your apartment, Padme” you said. She just smiled at you.
“Better it happened here with me and Anakin here rather than at your home by yourself” she said. You had to agree. You would be a lot more panicky if you were alone at the moment. You were surprised you were even this calm, yet the situation hadn’t quite sunk in for you just yet.
“Y/n… we know you’ve been wanting to keep this a secret, but you should really call the father. He will want to be here” Padme speaks up cautiously. You look at her and then at Anakin. She was right. You know Obi-wan would be devastated if he wasn’t here by your side when the baby was born. You nod in understanding.
“Of course” you say, moving to sit up slightly. Anakin places a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“Perhaps Padme or myself should talk to him. You need to rest” he says gently.
“No. I’ve got to tell him. You can meet him when he arrives” you say. Anakin looks down at you. By the look on his face he doesn’t think it’s a good idea but Padme speaks up.
“It’s ok Anakin. Let her talk to him. Just call us back in when you’re ready” she says. You nod and Anakin reluctantly hands you the comm before they exit the room. You take in a shaky breath and start the call.
While it hadn’t completely sunk in for you, the news hit Obi-wan like a x-wing straight to the chest.
He had just arrived at the hotel he would be staying at for the night. The senator he had been escorting had already reached their destination and had met with their security. The switch with time zones played with his head so he had decided he would spend the night on this side of Coruscant before returning home the next day. He had just placed his bag on the end of the small bed when he heard the beeping of his comm. He answered immediately and worry washed over him when he saw you in a bed.
“Obi, are you alone? I need you to come back. As quickly as you can” you said.
“What’s happened? What’s wrong?” He questioned, grabbing his bag again.
“The baby’s coming” you state simply. He can’t believe how calm you sound and look.
“You’re not alone, are you?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I’m at Padme’s apartment with her and Anakin. A medical droid is on the way.”
“I might be a few hours, but I’ll be the soon” he said.
“Obi,” you say before he can leave. “I haven’t told them yet.”
“That’s ok. We can tell them when I arrive. I love you.” He hangs up, ready to rush out of the room and to start making his way back to you, however, his knees buckle underneath him and he sinks down onto the bed.
It’s happening. It’s finally happening. Obi-wan is finally going to be a father. He is filled with joy at knowing that in a few hours he is going to have a beautiful child with you by his side. But he is also filled with a nervous energy. He didn’t know how to be a parent. He can’t even remember his own parents. How is he supposed to raise a child without having had anyone to set an example and show him the way? He supposes that Qui-gon was a sort of father figure to him. And hadn’t Anakin once told him that he was like a father for him. Although he helped raise Anakin, in a way, that was about training a padawan. Now he is living and caring for his own.
He grabs his bag again and rushes out of the hotel. While he is nervous and unsure, what he does know is that you need him at the moment, so he will be there.
Anakin had begun to lose track of time. If anyone had asked how long it had been since you had called the father, he would not have been able to answer the question. He knew that the medical droid had showed up sometime after you had made the call. And sometime after that Ahsoka had come looking for him and had decided to stay with your group.
Anakin was surprised, originally, with how calm you seemed to be, but as the time passed and you got closer, you started to openly express your pain and fears. He noticed quickly that your most common worry was that whoever the father was would not make it here in time.
Currently Anakin was sat an the chair beside where you lay his hand held tightly in yours as you cried out in pain. Ahsoka and Padme were standing behind him, no longer sitting in the bed to give you your space.
Anakin had always looked up to you. Not only because you were one of his closest friends but because you were an amazing Jedi. He had always admired the steady control you had both when using the force and when in battle.
So Anakin was surprised when you reached out unintentionally with the force and accidentally shattered the vase that was on the bed side table. Anakin could hardly believe that you had lost your control and began to understand just how much pain you must be in. As your pain began to ease you spoke.
“S-sorry Padme” you groaned.
“No apology needed” Padme responded.
“Ani… need more ice chips” you panted to him. Anakin nodded and pulled his now red hand out of your slackened grip. He picked up the cup and saw that it was empty.
“I shall get a droid to fetch some more” he explained before standing and leaving the bedroom. He opened the door and was surprised to see Obi-wan on the other side, looking frantic and panicky.
“Obi-wan? What are you doing here?” Anakin spoke in his shock.
“Y/n called. Of course I’m going to be here for her” Obi-wan explained as if it were completely obvious. And while it would be completely obvious to anyone else, it was unlike Obi-wan.
Obi-wan followed the Jedi code right down to the last T. The code said that attachments are forbidden, so the friendship their group had constructed had been towing the line. But the fact that Obi-wan had abandoned his mission in order to return here was just so unlike himself.
“But your mission-“ Anakin began but Obi-wan interrupted him.
“It’s done. I was planning on staying the night but I came back early,” he spoke quickly, “is she in here?”
“The bedroom.” Before Anakin had even finished speaking Obi-wan had pushed past him and rushed into the bedroom and out of Anakin’s sight. Anakin stared after him for a moment in confusion before he remembered the task at hand and went to find a droid.
When Anakin returns, ice chips in hand, Obi-wan has taken his spot by the bed, your hand now squeezing his. Anakin doesn’t know how to describe the look Obi-wan is giving you. His face is written with multiple emotions. He sees concern and worry, love and adoration, fear and questions. Obi-wan is expressing all his emotions and yet, Anakin has no idea what he is feeling. Anakin hands you the cup and you gratefully take it from him.
As your face scrunches up in pain, Obi-wan leans closer onto you.
“Shh, just breathe” Obi-wan says softly to you. “Just take a nice deep breath. Now let it go. Keep going. You’re doing very well.” Anakin stands by Padme and Ahsoka. Ahsoka looks up at him with a face of slight horror.
“I’m never having kids” she declares. Padme laughs at this.
“I need everyone out now please” the medical droid speaks up. Anakin nods and leads Ahsoka and Padme out of the room. The door closes behind them and they make themselves comfortable in the sitting room. Anakin looks around.
“Wait but Obi-wan is still in there” he points out. Padme sits beside him.
“He’s her best friend and the father hasn’t shown up. You can’t expect her to go through this alone” she says gently. Anakin doesn’t respond, just furrows his brow in thought.
Obi-wan was the perfect person when it came to soothing you. Without you needing to tell him, he seemed to know exactly when he needed to be close and when he needed to give you space. He knew what to say and when to say it. He knew when he should gently touch you and when to keep to himself. All without you needing to instruct him.
It wasn’t long until you were slumping back into the pillows behind you, the soft cry of your child’s first breaths filling the room. Obi-wan remained at your side, however he could not take his eyes off of your baby.
“It’s a boy” Obi-wan whispered softly. You were tired and exhausted and just about to pass out, but you couldn’t help but smile. Smile at the beautiful baby boy that was your son, and smile at the look of absolute wonder on Obi-wan’s face.
You squeeze his hand gently, not in pain, but as a gesture of thanks. This seems to bring his attention back down to you. He gives you a bright, beautiful, loving smile. You tiredly return the gesture. The droid excuses himself to clean your son. Your son. Such a wonderful yet weird thought. You are officially a parent.
“You did so well. Thank you, love” Obi-wan murmurs, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“Thank you? Why you thanking me? Last I checked, you’re the reason why I was pregnant in the first place” you whisper, trying to stay awake. Obi-wan chuckles.
“I believe it was a joint effort, darling.”
The droid returned and carefully handed you your baby.
“I shall return in the morning with a transport to take you to the hospital for routine check ups. For now, I will give you two some space with your son. Would you like me to inform your guests that they may enter?” The droid asks. Obi-wan looks at you.
“It’s up to you. If your too tired they can wait” he says.
“No, let them in. Even if it’s just for a few minutes” you say, staring down at the small baby in your arms. “Thank you,” you say to the droid as it leaves. You spend another moment just admiring your son, and you can feel obi-wan doing the same from beside you.
“You have any name ideas?” At that moment Anakin walked into the room, followed closely by Padme and Ahsoka.
“How ‘bout naming him Anakin” Anakin suggests. You give him a tired but bright smile. I’m not naming my son after you Anakin” you respond with a laugh.
“Name him after Obi-wan then” Anakin says. Obi-wan makes a face.
“I’m not naming my son after myself” Obi-wan comments naturally.
Each reaction is priceless. Padme snorts. Actually snorts and she hides her laughter behind her hand. Ahsoka’s eyes widen but she quickly recovers and begins laughing at Anakin’s reaction.
Poor Anakin has gone into shock it appears. His mouth has dropped open and his eyes are wide. As he tries to process this news, his mouth opens and close like a fish’s, trying to form words yet failing spectacularly.
You can’t help but giggle a little at his reaction and even Obi-wan chuckles a bit. Now that they have been told, Obi-wan sits next to on the bed, wrapping his arm over your shoulder and pulling you down to lean against his chest. He carefully runs his hand over his sons head, seeming as if he is almost afraid the boy will break if Obi-wan isn’t as gentle as possible.
“But… how- Obi-wan wouldn’t …” Anakin manages to splitter out. He doesn’t finish his sentence, seeming to have ran out of words.
“I have to admit, it took me a long time before I gave into my feelings, but when I did I worked hard not to let them impact my choices as a Jedi” Obi-wan says. You try, and fail, to stifle a yawn. The exhaustion of giving birth taking its toll on you. Obi-wan places a kiss on the top of your head and for a moment you feel a slight panic at him doing the gesture in front of people. You guess it will take a while for you to get used to the relationship no longer having to be hidden.
“You need some rest, my dear” he says.
“Mmm, so do you” you mumble, closing your eyes.
Padme places her hand in Anakin’s shoulder and guides him out of the room while telling him we can discuss it more tomorrow. Ahsoka goes to follow them but she pauses at the door.
“If I may suggest a name, I believe he looks like an Oliver” she says. You open you eyes and look down at the baby in your arms.
“I like that,” you shift your gaze to look up at Obi-wan. “What do you think?”
“Our little Oliver” he says, confirming the name choice. Ahsoka smiles and bows her head before closing the door softly behind her. Obi-wan moves from beside you, taking Oliver out of your arms so he can hold his son for the first time. You shuffle around until your lying down in a comfortable position. Obi-wan just remains standing next to the bed, staring in wonder at the sleeping Oliver.
“Obi” you mumble weakly, sleep already beginning to take you. “You need to sleep as well.” You close your eyes and listen to the sound of Obi-wan walking around the room. You feel him lay Oliver beside you before he climbs into the bed himself. You grab his hand once he has settled.
“Get some sleep Obi. Maker knows when we will get a full nights rest again” you say. He chuckles but doesn’t say anything in return. Although you are barely conscious, you force yourself to remain awake. Obi-wan’s force signature is projecting nervousness and you can tell he is debating something with himself.
“Obi? What’s wrong?”
There’s a pause.
“Nothing dear. Get some sleep.”
“I’m not sleeping until you tell me.”
You can’t find the strength to open your eyes so you lay in the silence as you wait for him to find the right words.
“It’s just… somewhere in all this, we skipped a very important step…” he begins but trails off again.
“And that is?”
“I can’t yet completely call you mine” he says somewhat hesitantly. Your confused, but you don’t say anything, waiting for him to explain himself.
“What I mean by that… is… I would… I would like to be able to call you my wife.” With each word he says his voice gets quieter and softer with nerves. You finally find the strength to open your eyes. You find his brilliant blue gaze already on you.
“Are you proposing to me, Obi-wan Kenobi?”
“I guess I am, Y/n Y/l/n” he says, sounding slightly more confident. You carefully tilt your head towards his, making sure not to knock Oliver and place your lips on his.
The kiss is soft and warm and loving, and filled with all the possibilities of the future for your new family. When you break apart, you keep your head where it is, softly brushing Obi-wan’s.
“It would be an honour to call you my husband” you say softly. Obi-wan smiles.
You drift off to sleep with a smile on your face, your son lying next to you, and your hand entwined with your-husband-to-be’s.
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certifiedskywalker · 4 years
So Long - Anakin Skywalker
sweettacoghosthero said: Can you do Anakin x shy reader please ? AN: I’m not sure ‘shy’ comes across, I hope it does.
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“You’re pulling at your robes.”
You let your hands fall still at your sides. “Sorry, Senator.”
“There’s no need to apologize. What has you so worried?”
A sudden gust of wind, stirred up by a traffic lane above, ruffled your hair and robes. The light sensation distracted you for a moment, grounded you in the present space rather than the thoughts swirling in your brain. Sadly, this brief peace did not last long. In the distance, the Jedi Temple loomed, growing closer and closer with each passing second. 
“Nothing, Senator.” You turned your head to meet Padme’s gaze. “Nothing outside the usual. Your safety, for instance.”
“Well, we are headed to the most secure place in the galaxy.” Padme was beaming and, for a moment, you were convinced that she what she said was the truth. “When was the last time you visited the Jedi Temple?”
The question stung your heart as the last time came to mind. “Too long.”
“I’m sure you were missed,” Padme rested a hand on your shoulder and leaned towards you. “Anakin would always ask after you, your health, your status.” 
Blood rushed to your cheeks and you left the urge to curl in on yourself at the mention of the Skywalker. He had been a Padawan, same as yourself, when you left. Had it been a year since you had last laid eyes on him? Longer? The twisting in your gut told you that it had not been long enough. Your feelings still ruled you.
“I-I,” you swallowed and looked away from the woman sitting at your side. “The Jedi forbid such interests, if I am to understand what you’re implying.”
Padme gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze and sighed quietly. “You understand it well, but yet I find myself confused by the Jedi more and more with each passing cycle. If compassion is an unconditional love, why do you so deny it?”
You had neither the heart or courage to answer the Senator’s quiry. There was no ignoring the strange hypocrisy of the Jedi Order. Many within its ranks were blinded by the war. Your own Master had been and he had paid for it with his life. There was still so much for you to learn. You had yet to adhere to discipline, part of your heart were weak to feelings.
No, not feelings. Your heart was weak to something, someone, else entirely.
A gust of wind whipped against the skin of your cheek and pulled your from your thoughts. Coruscant’s traffic left little time or peace to think. Silently, you thanked the Maker. 
“We’ve arrived at the Jedi Temple, Senator Amidala.” 
The speeder driver’s voice carried in the wind and back to were you and Padme were seated. Before you could believe your eyes, the familiar spires of the Temple were towering, nearly, right above you. As the speeder landed, the twisting in your gut tightened. Nerves threatened to swallow you whole, pull you deep into the dark, inky wells of memory.
As you stepped on the platform, you forced yourself to take a breath. 
How strange it felt, to step on these grounds without your Master. It was as if you were adrift, lost in some planet’s large sea. Your Master was no longer there to ground you, calm you, or pull you to shore. Now, you hoped the Force would guide you until you washed up on your own. Perhaps the Council would sense your wariness and assign you to a new Master.
Then you thought of Anakin. He would not be a Padawan much longer. One of the last times you had seen him was on the sands of Geonosis. So much had happened since that first battle. You shivered at the thought.
“Are you alright, Y/N?”
“Yes,” you said softly, not trusting your own voice. “It’s been a long time.” When you looked back at Padme she was smiling tenderly, sweetly in the way you supposed a mother might smile at a startled child. 
“The Council will be happy to see you and have you report.” You nodded and tried not to dwell on how you would be forced to detail the demise of your Master. As you and Padme began walking along the landing platform, she continued. “And what I said before, I do hope I was not too forward. I found it charming that Anakin would-”
“Senator Amidala, are you not concerned for your own safety? I fear my Padawan’s risky habits have rubbed off on you.”
In turn, you and Padme looked up. Master Obi Wan Kenobi stood a mere few feet away, arms crossed over his chest and robes whipping slightly in the wind. If you didn’t know he held the humble status of a Jedi Master, you would have thought him to be some regal king. As you and the Senator approached, Kenobi’s smile lessened.
“Master Kenobi,” you dipped your head.
“Y/N,” he frowned, “I was sorry to hear of Master Bulq. He would be proud to see you standing here today. We have Senator Amidala and her diplomacy to thank for that.”
“Thank you, Master.” You looked back to Padme and dipped your head. 
She smiled softly in return. “No thanks necessary.”
Through his beard, you saw the Master give you a slight smile; the kind of smile that reminded you that there was a war on. The kind of smile that told you that there are other things to worry about and dwell on. There is no time to mourn. Instead, you, trailed by Padme, followed after Obi Wan. The entrance to the Temple loomed, gates you had last passed through with your own Master. 
Strangely, when inside, your thoughts drifted far from your Master. You were struck with how still the Temple was.
“Most are away on missions in the Outer Rim,” Master Kenobi explained, sensing your curiosity. “Anakin and I came back when we caught news of your survival.”
“Anakin is...is here?” You could feel the air leave your lungs in a rush. 
“I know,” Obi Wan sighed, “it’s hard to tell because everything is in one piece.”
You nodded, unable to speak for fear you might expose too much. At your side, you felt Padme, her warm hand brushing gently against your arm. She was good at giving comfort; she would make a great mother. Her hand fell as you walked, but you could still feel her support. 
Though, that support ended when you reached the Council Room doors. Obi Wan turned, eyed you then the Senator.
“I’ll wait outside,” Padme said, before Master Kenobi could even ask her to. When you met the Jedi Master’s eyes, you could see that there was worry in them. Or perhaps it was your own dread reflected there, strong and clear. 
“They will ask you questions, about what happened, about Master Bulq. If there is ever a time you need a break-”
“I am not the padawan you last saw,” you said, feeling a sudden wash of bravery. For a moment, you could feel your shyness melting away. You had a duty, a last mission to complete.
“You’re right. Nothing is the same now.”
With that, the doors to the Council’s gathering room opened and you followed Obi Wan inside. Through the Force, you could feel a sudden rush of emotion. Anakin was nearby.
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As you recounted the details of your mission to the Council, you could feel Anakin outside. Between questions, you could feel his eagerness from beyond the door. It made it hard to focus. The courage you had felt walking in was wearing down as Anakin’s pacing grew more and more bothersome. The Force was particular with its connections. 
When the Master began to meditate on what you told them, you kept your eyes glued to the floor. You had managed not to fumble yet, even with Anakin outside. Just a little longer. 
“Feel that Trial enough, this mission was,” Master Yoda hummed. 
Your head shot up at the mention of the Trials. “What-What do you mean, Master?”
“Losing one’s Master is never easy,” Windu said, “and I do believe we shall grant you the rank of Knight. That is, if the rest of the Council is in agreement.”
A hum seemed to run through the room. Some nodded their heads, others raised extraneous appendages but it was decided. You were to walk out of the Council chambers a Jedi Knight. At the thought, your shyness returned.
The sound of a thundering heart filled your ears. It could have been your own as you fell back into your shyness. Yet, something was foregin about it. The beat was strong, familiar, but not yours. 
“Remove your Padawan beads you may,” Master Yoda stood from his seat, drawing your full attention to him. “Funeral we will have, for Master Bulq, burn the beads then you can.”
Silently, you dipped your head and let the Council’s meeting come to a close without another word. Instead, you listened, waited, and when the last of the Masters gave you their independent condolences, you allowed yourself to breathe. You stood still in the center of the room as the other Jedi trailed out of the room. After a moment, you felt a few pairs of eyes on you as intense as the heart beat still ringing in your ears. 
“I’ll be a moment, Master Kenobi, Master Yoda.”
“Take all the time you need, Y/N.”
You heard the door open and shut quickly behind the Masters. Reaching up, your gently unfastened your Padawan beads. Cool, the string sat in your hand so light it was as if it didn’t hold any memories at all. You closed your eyes to remember.
Though, before you could settle with your thoughts, you heard the metallic sliding once more. Concerned, you looked up. Instead of any Jedi Master rushing in to push you onto a new mission or a sanitary droid ready to clean, you saw Anakin Skywalker. 
The door shut behind him, the slight movement stirring his dark cloaks. He was taller, his hair longer from when you last saw him years ago. Suddenly, you melted back into a fumbling, shy Padawan facing the top of your class. Anakin on the other hand, smiled. 
“An-Anakin,” your mouth suddenly went dry. The overwhelming urge to look away from him, distract yourself somehow was nearly debilitating. Yet, you couldn’t. The heart beat you could hear was yours, strong and fearful. What would giving in mean when you had already come so far? The Jedi were not suppose to want more. 
“You’re back.”
“I am,” you said softly. 
You didn’t know what to do with your hands. In an attempt to bury your nerves, your fingers gripped and squeezed your Padawan beads. With the slight motion, Anakin’s eyes shifted. His mouth opened a bit and he took a step forward.
“I knew that...you’re a Knight. Congratulations, Y/N.”
”So are you,” you noted, putting on a brave, small smile.
“I am...it’s been a while.”
You nodded silently, no flinching when Anakin’s eyes met yours once more. Steady the heart beat in your ears began to quicken. Every fiber of your being screamed to rush over to him, hug him tight, and let everything go that you had been holding in. You wanted to. 
Yet, every teaching Master Bulq ran through your head; told you to stay still. Told you that this was not the Jedi way no matter how much you longed for it to be. Anakin, however, did not care for the teachings of dead Masters; some things never change. He rushed towards you, arms open and ready. At first, you tensed up in his embrace.
“I’ve missed you.”
And with that, every ounce of shyness, every doubt and teaching faded in your mind. It was only your heart. “I missed you too. I didn’t think I would see you again until the war ended.”
Anakin pulled away from you then, just enough so that he could look down at you. How tall he had grown, how strong. You could feel it, wrapped in his arms. 
“Still you, still beautiful,” a gloved hand came up, thumb tracing your cheek. Heat flooded your body and you had to tear your eyes away. “Hey, no.”
“Anakin,” you said his name like a warning, the same why your Master Bulq had.
“I asked after you everyday, Padme must be sick of me. I couldn’t stand that they sent you away and I...I was helpless. You were gone so long.”
“It was for the Republic and we were children. We have to follow orders.”
“The Jedi are not soldiers,” Anakin pressed. He was still holding you though, despite his rising frustration. “We are better, we can be more.”
“It is not the Jedi way to want more,” you whispered. Anakin’s arms fell from your frame then and you could not dare to meet his gaze. His gloved hand still held your face, the smooth leather tickling your skin. Still, you did not look up at him. 
“I have wanted you,” he murmured, “all this time. I never stopped thinking of you, how quiet you are, how...gentle.” 
When you finally lifted your eyes, Anakin smiled. The hammering of your heart in your chest dulled. It was as if you were looking into a new world full of possibilities, of something more. How tempting it was but how stuck you were.
“Please,” Anakin took step back towards you. “Tell me that you feel it too. My heart it, it aches. Don’t keep me in this pain.” Now both of his hands reached up to your face, pulling you ever-so close. You turned your head away but Anakin lifted your eyes back to his. “I don’t want to be without you.”
“Anakin...we, it’s been so long.”
“Then have your feelings changed?” His voice fell, deepened, laden with worry. “Tell, please, Y/N.”
You squeezed your eyes shut and your hands closed around your Padawan beads. The teachings of your Master stil swirled about your head but Anakin’s hands were grounding. Everything was confusing and all you could hear was your breathing, your heart beat. You were alive, here, and only you could make this choice.
“No.” You opened your eyes and met Anakin’s eyes. His boyish smile returned and suddenly he was leaning forward. Some part of you surprised yourself as you leaned forward too. Your lips met his in the middle and your hands rested against his chest.
In the moment, you did not hear the soft clattering of the beads against the floor. You were only focused on Anakin and his power to make everything else melt away. 
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auroralwriting · 4 years
Game for One
Request: anakin skywalker using the force in dirty ways on female reader, maybe a senator? i so need this in my life 😔👉👈
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Senator! Reader
Type: slight smut and fluff
A/n: I added Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Han Solo to my requests list! So let’s hear some story prompts for them!! Send in requests :)
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You had gotten yourself all dolled up in a pretty little press, one that resembled the ones Padmé Amidala wore (which made sense seeing as this was Padmé’s dress that she let you borrow). Being a senator means you have to look your best, so you put on some perfume and a little splash of makeup to top it off. Your hair was slightly curled at the bottom to look more professional than just a regular hairstyle.
Today was one of the days you got to see your boyfriend, Anakin Skywalker. Since you were a senator on a different planet than him, it was rare you got to spend time with him. Somehow, you convinced your counsel at home to let you have a few days off, spending some time in Coruscant. They hesitantly agreed, but asked if you would go to the Galactic Senate meeting for them to listen in and report back later. You agreed, just happy you could see Anakin.
It seemed the transport you were in was trying to make you go slow. Your foot tapped the ground rather harshly as you stood up and went to the cockpit. “Can this thing go any faster? I have a meeting to get too.” you asked as kindly as you could, but you knew you sounded annoyed.
“Yes ma’am, we’ll go to full speed. Sorry for the inconvenience.” the pilot said.
“Nonsense, thank you for being so flexible.” you replied as you went back to your seat.
Ten more minutes passed and you had landed, already being escorted through the bustling streets of Coruscant to the senate building. The moment you stepped in, you saw senators from all over walking around.
Quickly, you spotted your friend, Padmé. “Oh, Padmé! How lovely to see you.” you cried as the two of you embraced in a small hug.
“You as well, Y/n! Is- isn’t that my dress?” she smirked as you laughed.
“Of course it is. It’s the best one I had in my closet. Your clothes are always divine.” you smiled.
Padmé put a hand over her heart. “Why thank you!” she leaned in closer to your ear. “Anakin’s here.”
Your heart fluttered at her words. She knew of you two being together. She’d seen the two of you kissing for a brief second and begged for the details. You both knew she wouldn’t tell a soul.
“He is?” you asked quietly.
Padmé nodded excitedly. “He’s here with Obi-Wan and the Chancellor. I guess someone made a threat to him, they’re protecting him for the day.” Padmé explained as you nodded.
“Makes sense. He is, after all, the Chancellor of the busiest planet there is.” you giggled lightly. “Do you know where they are?” you asked.
Padmé’s eyes looked to the left of you. You looked to see Anakin walking with the Chancellor and Obi-Wan. Being such a dear, Padmé called them over.
“Master Kenobi , Master Skywalker! How nice to see you. Chancellor, I heard about the threats. I hope you’re well.” Padmé said as the two of you approached them.
“Of course.” the Chancellor replied. “Senator L/n, what a pleasure to see you here today. I thought you would’ve stayed on your planet longer.”
You shook your head. “Oh, my counsel can’t keep me locked up there for too long! My visits to Coruscant are always a joy, so much that I get a few days off to be here.” you said, mainly to Anakin. You saw his eyes light up out of the corner of your eyes. “Master Skywalker, Kenobi. It’s good to see you both.”
“It’s good to see you too, Senator.” Obi-Wan replied. “It’s been far too long since we last saw you.”
“You look nice, Senator L/n.” Anakin complimented. That had always been his way of saying you looked absolutely beautiful.
You slightly bowed your head in thanks. “Thank you, Master Skywalker. But, in all honestly, thank Padmé. After all, this is her wonderful gown.” you said in a lightly teasing voice, nudging Padmé with your elbow.
“You always seem to pull off my clothes better than I do, Y/n.” she said with a sweet smile. A small bell chimed, meaning the meeting would begin soon. “Well, we must take off. It’s been wonderful to catch up. Hope to see you soon!” Padmé said as the two of you took off the other way.
Somehow, you had managed to squeeze Anakin’s hip lightly. You turned your head to see him with a hungry look in his eyes, yet a teasing and loving one. It was a look you’d seen only once before when you’d been in a slave outfit, but Anakin seemed to hide his feelings well then. You assumed the separation of the two of you had gotten to him just as much as you.
Padmé and you took seats in pods next to one another. You were alone in yours, seeing as no Jedi or guards had came with you. As the meeting started, you tried to pay attention. But whoever was speaking had such a monotone voice. It was so boring!
From across the room, Anakin could sense your boredom, and also your desire for his touch. You’d always been an easy one to read for him. He decided to give you a little bit of fun, knowing you’d be angry with him later.
As you leaned on your hand, eyes beginning to close shut, you felt a tingling sensation by your core. You jumped slightly at the feeling. It pushed on your core as you held in a whimper. You knew this was Anakin’s doing, but you refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing you squirm.
The feeling didn’t let up, in fact, it went upward to that little bundle of nerves Anakin loved. Your breathing increased as you refused to move. You pretended like nothing was happening, you just tried to listen to the monotone voice once more.
Anakin realized the game you were trying to play, so he decided to really step up his game. At this point, he paid no attention to anything around him. He knew that if anything were to happen, Obi-Wan had it under control until he snapped out of his lust.
You were doing just fine until you felt that tingle, which was now a more solid feeling, move into your core. You bit your bottom lip softly, suppressing a moan. Anakin isn’t going to hear the end of this later. You could feel the feeling stretching your walls and pumping in and out of your core. At this point, you where overwhelmed with the feeling of the Force digging into you. Quickly, you stood up a little and smoothed your dress, acting as is there were a crease. As you sat down, the feeling had passed and you looked around the room.
Finding Anakin’s eyes, you sent him a small glare as he licked his lips in reply. You rolled your eyes as you felt a small graze over your knuckles. Softly, you touched them. Anakin was clearly in a touchy mood.
After the senate meeting, you went to Anakin’s apartment. You knew which one was his, you’d been there before. You knocked lightly as you walked in. Looking around the living room, you didn’t see Anakin anywhere. You shut the door behind you and slipped off your heels. You walked to the small little balcony and watched the sun set around the city, listening to the noises of speeders and technology all around.
“Two beautiful sights all in one, I’m a lucky guy.”
You turned around and smiled when you saw your boyfriend leaning on the wall, a smile forming on his face. “Hi.” you smiled, already giddy inside.
“I missed you.” Anakin said, stepping into the light of the sunset. Maker did he look like a god.
“I missed you so much more.” you replied, walking into Anakin’s open arms. Burying your face in is chest, you smelled his sweet cologne as he rubbed your back. “Also, I hate you.”
Anakin laughed. “That little stunt I pulled?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“That little stunt could have gotten us exposed, Anakin.” you replied, pulling back. “If anyone finds out, you could get expelled. I could get expelled from the senate.”
“Princess, you know I wouldn’t let that happen.” Anakin pointed out. “We’ve done good so far.”
You let out a small growl mixed with a huff as Anakin laughed. You knew he was right. “You’re going to make up for it.” you drawled in a low voice, looking down to Anakin’s already hard member.
“Am I?” he taunted, but knowing he would end up being the dominant one. That’s always the way it ended up. “Or am I going to make you so pleased that you can’t walk tomorrow?” he continued, looking down to you with a coy smile.
Your lips collided with a lust, one that was untameable. Anakin was clearly excited; he wrapped his arms under your thighs and held you up to him as he walked inside the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. He only broke the kiss when he threw you down on the bed lightly.
Quickly, the both of you undressed as he pounced on top of you, his lips shining with moisture.
Anakin didn’t lie, either. You sure couldn’t walk the next morning.
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sunflowersturn · 4 years
Cloak and Armor
You’ve been waiting on Obi-Wan to come home for a long time.
3007 words, warning for babbys first smut
People who (probably) want to be tagged: @karasong @killerqueenofalderaan @kaminobiwan @labyrinth-runner @afogocado
The days always seemed longer when Obi-Wan was out on a mission, no matter the time of year on Coruscant. You tried your hardest to fill them, to keep yourself constructive and busy, but at the end of the night when you were alone in your bed you couldn’t help feeling cold and lonely. It was only natural, when you found one of his (many) spare cloaks accidentally tucked behind a couch cushion, that you would start wearing it around your apartment.
It still smelled a little like him; like the incense he used to help his meditation and the tea he would never admit he preferred and just the ever so slight hint of ozone from the use of his lightsaber at some point in the past. You liked to curl yourself in it after a hard day of work and tuck your face into the fabric, closing your eyes and imagining it was his arms around you instead of the heavy wool. Sometimes it helped and sometimes it didn’t, but the times it did you often found yourself drifting off to sleep still wrapped in the folds.
Tonight was one of those nights. A hard day, a long week, days blurring together until you felt as though they were one, long, agonizing headache. You made yourself some tea (his favorite, of course) and sat yourself down to watch some holos with his heavy cloak wrapped around your shoulders. You drifted off within minutes, and woke to the sound of heavy knocking on your door hours later.
You were bleary as you stumbled your way over, and didn’t bother to look at the security screen before you were unlocking the door. If you had, you might not have been so shocked to see that it was Obi-Wan leaning on the door frame and giving you a weary smile.
“I hope that you’ve been a bit more careful than that while I’ve been away, darling,” he said, looking and sounding about as exhausted as you’d felt. But there was still a light in his eyes as he looked at you.
You made a strangled sound, unable to form proper words, and threw yourself at him hard enough to make him grunt at the impact as his arms wrapped around you. He chuckled and walked you back inside your apartment so he could kick the door closed behind him and bury his face in your hair.
It wasn’t until the door clicked shut that you realized he felt a lot more...rigid than usual, and you lifted your head to see that he was still wearing his armor. He hadn’t even bothered to change out of it after his debriefing, you realized, and your heart warmed at the thought.
“Couldn’t wait to get over here to see me?” you asked, trying to sound teasing but coming off a bit breathless as you looked up in his eyes.
He grinned, slowly, and lifted a gloved hand to push hair out of your eyes. Your skin tingled at the unfamiliar sensation of the smooth leather and you leaned into the soft touch. “It took every ounce of my energy to shield my thoughts of you from the blasted council. If I stopped to shower or change I wouldn’t have been able to make it.” He quirked a brow at you. “Does it bother you?”
“N-no!” Your cheeks flushed when you realized how vehement that denial sounded and of course he immediately picked up on it. His eyes were already dark but now they were glinting as he backed you up further still, out of the entrance hall and into your apartment proper.
“I see now,” he said. His voice was soft and low, belying that look in his eyes, and that damned smile was still spreading across his face, growing darker and more devious by the moment. You were suddenly conscious of every thought flying through your head, knowing that he could pick up on any one of them at any given time through the Force. “You like it, is that right? You like seeing me like this. Knowing that I absolutely couldn’t help myself and I just had to be here as soon as I possibly could.”
Your face was bright red and you couldn’t even bring yourself to shake your head, because you knew that he’d plucked all of it straight from the source. You put your hands on his duraplast arm guards, sliding them slowly up the slick, cool surface, and swallowed deeply.
“Well, after being cold and alone for almost a month, a girl likes to feel special,” you said, and thankfully your voice didn’t shake. When you glanced up at his face you could see that there was only a thin ring of blue-green iris around his pupils and you grunted a bit when your back hit the wall that separated the den from your kitchen.
He chose not to speak, dipping his head down to kiss you instead and the force of his affection was absolutely searing. You moaned, shocking yourself with how loud it was despite being muffled by his mouth, and parted your lips immediately for his tongue. Your hands slid the rest of the way up his arms, fingers catching where the plates of his armor overlapped, until you could reach his hair to clutch at the strands. He must have showered at some point on the way back from his mission, because it was still soft and silky as it ever was between your fingers, and you realized that he must have planned to do this at least that far in advance.
Obi-Wan finally managed to pull his mouth away and panted into the space between you, leaning his forehead against yours. “Once we completed our mission objective, all I could think about was getting back here to you… I almost thought about leaving Anakin to debrief alone, but that would have been a bit much for the council to swallow.”
You shook your head and leaned up to kiss him again, fumbling when you reached for the lapels of his robe and found the lower edge of his chest plate instead. You didn’t care about the council politics, didn’t care how long it had taken him to get here. He made a soft, agreeable sound against your lips and braced a hand against the wall behind you as he started to move the other from around your waist to reach for your own clothes.
“Ah, what…?” he said as he pulled back from you, ignoring your whine of disappointment. His brow was furrowed with confusion as he looked at you and it appeared to take him a moment to realize what he was looking at. “...is that my cloak?”
You looked down at yourself. The sleeves hung down several inches past your hands when you allowed your arms down, and it definitely dragged the floor when you didn’t pick up the hem. You looked back up at him with an expression caught between sheepish and amused.
“It’s definitely not mine,” you said, and if it were possible you could swear you saw his eyes darken even further.
Your breath caught in your chest as he pressed himself against you, chest plate digging lightly into your front, and you let out a soft, helpless sound against his lips as he leaned down to kiss you again. His arms were reaching down, hooking under your thighs, and before you could fully process what was going on he had lifted you up, back sliding against the wall, so he could pin you between it and his body. You moaned deeply into is mouth as you reached for his arm, finding the gap between his arm guards to give him a squeeze of appreciation.
Do you know how maddening that thought is?
You gasped against his mouth when you heard his voice in your head and you moaned deeply once again, feeling your head spin as his tongue slid against yours and he pressed himself even closer.
The idea of you wandering around this apartment in my clothes, darling, drives me absolutely wild. He projected the words into your head with the Force, voice echoing and intense, filling your mind with that crisp Coruscanti accent you adored. Did you wrap yourself in it after a shower so you could smell like me? Did you curl up with it at night when I wasn’t here to hold you? Did you touch yourself and imagine I was here to help you…?
Yes, you thought, knowing he would pick up on it. Yes, you had. Yes, you’d clung to it at night in leiu of his warm body laying beside you. Yes, you’d wrapped yourself in his scent and touched yourself while you dreamed of his hands and his lips and his tongue. Yes, you’d done all of those things.
He groaned against you and his grip on your thighs tightened possessively. Obviously the thought of you wearing his cloak fed into something that he hadn’t realized he liked so much. Your sleeping shorts left most of your legs exposed, and you could feel that soft leather sliding against your skin. That, too, seemed to awaken something in you that you hadn’t known you needed before. You squirmed a bit, whining as you tried to find the right angle, and managed to hook your legs around his waist before you pulled your mouth away from his for air.
“Obi,” you said, tone plaintive and desperate. It was mostly natural, only played up just the slightest bit because you knew he loved to hear you pleading. You kissed his jaw, along the line of it and up underneath, with soft and quick pecks between pleas. “Please, Obi, I can’t wait any longer. I missed you so much. Please…”
Rather than responding with words, you felt a sudden spike of emotion from him through the Force, full of desire and possessiveness and an ache that was just as great as yours. You moaned out loud, tucking your face into the crook of his neck as the feeling washed over you and ebbed away again.
“Hold on, lovely,” he murmured in your ear, and you tightened your grip on him as he pulled you away from the wall and moved quickly to your bedroom, closing the door behind him with a push through the Force so it closed with a quiet snap.
It was dark in your room aside from the light coming in from the city outside, and it took a moment for your eyes to adjust—not that you noticed much, as you were busy trying to kiss Obi-Wan’s neck around the high collar of his chest plate. He was much too graceful to stumble into the bed, but it was a bit of a rough landing and you grunted as his weight came to rest on top of you. He started to try to stand, but you still had your legs wrapped around his waist and you gave him the pleading eyes once more, knowing he could see you better than you could see him.
“I can’t wait, Obi, please,” you said, hoping he picked up on your silent request.
You couldn’t see his expression very clearly, but you did see the flash of his white teeth in the dark as he smiled. He leaned down to kiss you again, only lingering for a moment on your mouth before he started to move. His beard tickled a bit as he moved down your jaw and to the vein in your neck and you whined, canting your hips up into his. You were surprised that he wasn’t wearing armored trousers underneath the robes but it hardly mattered when you could finally, finally feel exactly how much he wanted you pressing right up against your core. You let out a broken moan as he hissed against the skin of your neck.
“Patience,” he said, voice stern and close in your ear, but you knew he didn’t really mean it because he was pressing down into you, too. You shook your head and whimpered again, bucking up against him to spur him on and listening as he choked out, “Maker…”
He lifted his hands to your thighs again, this time encouraging you to let him go so he could lean up off you and help you out of your clothes. When you started to pull your arms from the sleeves of his robe, he silently shook his head at you, and you just barely caught the motion in the dark. Your heart beat unsteadily in your chest as you stopped. He pulled down your sleep shorts and your underwear underneath and you heard him suck in a breath. You squirmed, rolling your hips back and forth, and he said something in a language you didn’t recognize at first—until you realized it must be Mando’a. Had his troops been teaching him to curse in their native language?
The question was driven from your mind when you heard him attending to himself, undoing the simple closure of his trousers in the dark. Normally you would have offered to help, but you hadn’t bothered to turn on the lights and you would only be getting in the way. Your mouth still watered as you pictured what he was doing. Pulling himself out of his underwear, allowing those trousers to fall down from around his hips. You had a very clear image in your mind and you moaned and fidgeted again, earning yourself a gloved hand on one thigh, squeezing you in warning.
Finally, he was settling above you. Finally, you could feel the blunt head of his cock leaning against your entrance. Finally, finally, finally, he was sliding home and your eyes rolled back in your head as you stretched around him. At first it was almost uncomfortable, as you’d only had your own company for so long, but it didn’t take long for you to relax and you let out a throaty moan, reaching up blindly to find him in the dark. Your fingers skittered across cold duraplast, unable to find purchase until you found the gap between spaulder and chest plate and you latched on tightly as he bottomed out inside you with a groan of his own.
“Fuck,” he breathed out, and you pulled him down to you again, needing to have his mouth against yours. He hummed as he allowed your tongue past his lips and you could actually feel yourself tearing up when he drew his hips back, irrationally emotional at even the idea of him pulling out of you, until he snapped them back and filled you up again and you saw stars.
His pace was brutal, but it was exactly what you wanted. Quick, dirty, and rough. You’d been on your own for too long, gently easing yourself through orgasms just to pass the time in the evenings that would have normally been spent with him. Tears were building in your eyes still and you kept your grip on him tight and close, as though you were afraid to let him get too far away from you, and your fingertips stung with the effort of keeping your grip on his armor. His hands were still on your hips but almost as soon as you thought about it you could feel that soft leather glove traveling up your body, under your shirt and to your breast. He gave you a rough squeeze and you cried out into his mouth.
After a moment you could feel him shifting above you again, though he didn’t break his pace, and his hand was under your thigh, encouraging you to lift it up higher, spread yourself wider. You caught his meaning without needing an explanation and pulled up your other leg. He groaned deep in his throat as the motions pulled you tighter around him, and you couldn’t help the tiny scream that ripped out of your chest when you realized the new angle was making him hit that spot that made you see stars in other galaxies.
“O-Obi, I’m—fuck, I’m—” you started, and he knew without you needing to finish. You had thought it impossible before, but he picked up the pace once again and you let out a squeal each time he drove himself home. Those tears were stinging and welling up fast. “Are—are you—?”
He may have nodded in the dark and forgotten you couldn’t see him, because it took a moment for him to answer with a breathless. “Y-yes, darling, yes.” Just hearing him sounding so rough was enough to have you fluttering, but then he reached down and pressed his thumb into your clit and that was enough to send you over the edge. Your vision went white and everything else in the universe outside of the two of you just completely disappeared. Tears slid down your cheeks and you let out a ragged sound not unlike a sob as you came, and you could feel Obi-Wan joining you shortly after, prolonging your own as the feeling of his hot cum sent yet more waves of pleasure tingling up your spine.
It took a moment for you to realize that he had stopped moving, and he was hovering over you and panting breathlessly. You let your legs down and wordlessly held up your arms for him, smiling when you heard him chuckle and felt him lay down, partially on top of you, and wrap his arms around you once more. You were sure you made quite the picture, tangled together with him in his armor and you in his cloak.
“I’m going to need to get changed,” he said softly into the space between you, and you hummed. “I’ve tried to sleep in this before, it’s not fun.”
“So get up and get changed,” you said, and you didn’t remove your arms. After a long moment of no movement, you smiled to yourself and pressed a kiss to the first part of him you could reach.
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
Qui-Gon Jinn x reader (7) ...ft giant time skip (also official apologies to Darrus Jeht, you did not deserve this but Anakin is my baby)
“Ah, Anakin Skywalker,” Palpatine identified him, coldly, stalking towards the young teenager. “The Jedi’s little pity project. You didn’t think any of them actually cared for you, did you? The Code might be gone in writing, but we all know they still adhere to it. In fact, I hear your precious Master Kenobi is especially strict on it.” Anakin shrank away from him, fear and anger fighting for dominance inside him. He couldn’t hit his way out of this one without damaging the Jedi’s position. “Chancellor Palpatine,” you interjected, stepping into the room and closing the door firmly behind you. “I’m going to have to ask you to step away from my son and apologise.” Palpatine stiffened, turning to you. “Senator (L/N), what a pleasant surprise,” he sneered, glaring at you through a smirk. “I wasn’t aware he was your son. I thought love was against the Code at the time.” “He is my son in all but blood, Sheev,” you responded, tightly, crossing the room to stand between him and Anakin. “And if you wish to lay a hand on him it will be over my dead body.” You paused, and inclined your head politely, grasping Anakin’s hand firmly behind you. “I will see you on the Senate floor, Chancellor.” You tugged Anakin with you as you left, the door slamming shut behind you and echoing through the empty hallways. “Are you alright? Did he hurt you?” you asked, immediately turning to face Anakin, checking him over for any sign of injury. “I’m sorry I left you alone with him. I didn’t think he’d be so obviously violent. Are you ok?” Anakin was staring at you, blankly, opening his mouth to speak and then closing it again. He ultimately settled on: “You probably shouldn’t have threatened him.” Earning a wry smile. “I probably shouldn’t have done a lot of things in my life, Ani.” You led him down the hallway and out into the open air of Coruscant. “Defending you is not something I will ever regret.” You settled into silence again as you made your way back towards the Jedi Temple. “Did you mean it?” he asked, eventually. “I meant every word I said in there,” you responded, evenly, smiling gently at him. “There will always be people who want to tear you apart from the people you love, disillusion you to the things you want to believe in. Sheev Palpatine just so happens to be one of those people. But no matter what he, or anyone else tells you, Anakin, you can always trust in this truth: I love you. So do Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.” You paused, and let the emotional moment pass. “And I’m hearing rumours that so too does Senator Amidala.” He blushed bright red.
“So, quick question, anyone else just a little, tiny, incy-wincy bit, hugely concerned about the fact that Jeht has literally been missing for a month?” you asked, looking around the council room. “I mean, he’s one of the most skilled warriors among us and he just...disappears? Am I the only one who finds that a bit suspicious?” “What do you propose we do?” Windu asked, and you could hear the helplessness behind his challenge. Jeht had been a favourite of his – never his Padawan, but close enough. “We cannot afford to send out a search party.” Alarms trilled through the air before you could answer, and Anakin burst in. “The 501st is attacking,” he explained, urgently. “Our own 501st?” Tiin asked, frowning. “Under Master Jeht,” Anakin answered, tersely. You were the first to stand. “Anakin, take Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and the other Padawans and evacuate the younglings.” you instructed, firmly. “You can get to Dorin easily from here. Rendez-vous with survivors at the last Temple of the Dorin Jedi there, but leave no later than 1200 tomorrow for Dantooine, even if no one shows up.” He hesitated, but eventually nodded, racing back out again. “For battle prepare yourselves,” Yoda instructed, filling the silence left behind. “Knows us our enemy does.” You all nodded, filing hurriedly out of the room to face the incoming army. You stopped, turning back to Qui-Gon, who was wheeling himself out of the chambers. “You should accompany the younglings,” you suggested, firmly. “They might be our future but they must learn to be first.” He looked like he wanted to protest, for a moment. “Please, Qui-Gon. Don’t make me lose you.” “As long as you don’t make me lose you,” he answered, eventually, his voice heavy. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” you replied, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. “I love you. And make sure the others know I love them too.” You watched him go, herding a group of younglings down the hall as he went.
“Bacca, you are an incredibly tall, fluffy angel,” you informed the Wookie, sprinting after him with Yoda and Mace Windu beside you.  “And you get yourself into too much trouble,” Chewbacca answered, disapprovingly.  “I’ve told myself this for years,” you agreed, ducking another blaster shot. “Still haven’t done anything about it. Probably should.” You came into sight of the ship, and the three Jedi turned to face the oncoming clones once again. “Can you get the ship running?” You requested, opening your lightsaber to reveal light purple blades. Chewbacca made a noise of agreement and started towards the ship again as you held off the approaching clones. Eventually, the clones dropped back a little, revealing Jeht, shrouded in black robes, emerging from among them. “Darrus,” Windu breathed, and your heart broke for him. “Master Windu,” Jeht sneered back, “Got another lesson for me?” “Darrus, please,” Windu asked, his voice trembling. “Don’t do this.” “You know, in some cultures, in their final lesson, a student graduates by killing his mentor.” He unsheathed his blades. “I’ve waited a long time to graduate.” He swung at Windu, who blocked, but didn’t counter.  “Not even going to take a swing, Master?” Jeht mocked, as Windu blocked his strike again. “Surely if I’m not good enough to even take as Padawan, I’m not worth wasting your life on.” You saw Mace’s block falter as Jeht spoke, Yoda stepping in to block his old friend from the attack. “Mace, get back to the ship,” you insisted, as Yoda countered Jeht’s next strike. “You can’t fight him.” He caught your eye, and you offered him a gentle smile, closing your hand tightly on his shoulder. “It is not your fault. People can be impossible to understand, let alone predict. You did your best for the boy, and we will not ask you to fight him. You will be more use getting the ship running.” He nodded, eventually, dropping his head. You handed him the small pack of supplies you’d managed to scavenge from the falling Temple, and he ran for the ship.
“Always running away,” Jeht called after him, firing at him with his blaster. Yoda jumped, blocking the shot in mid-air, leaving you standing between the Grand Master and Jeht. “And you,” the turned Master cast a contemptuous gaze over you, “Too weak to even stay away from the Order that broke your heart. You’re still protecting them, after all the pain they caused you.” “Broke it and mended it,” you countered, lunging in to snatch the blaster from his hand. He growled, throwing his lightsaber forward, but you caught his dark violet blade with your lighter one, and shoved him back. You heard the engine of the ship start up in the background, and Jeht moved to signal the clones to start firing at it. “No! One on one,” you demanded, cutting him off mid-command. “No clones, no assistance. You and me.”  He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, looking you up and down. “You think you can defeat me, Senator?” he scoffed, turning back to face me.  “You going to prove I can’t, Jeht?” you bit back, smirking, despite the pounding of your heart in your ears. He smirked. “As you wish.” He swung at you, instantly, but you blocked it, shoving his blade back hard enough to send him stumbling, and you followed, slicing up to knock his sword-hand again as he recovered, knocking the lightsaber from his hand. You pressed your blade against his neck, panting. “You think you can defeat me, Jeht?” you mimicked his words back to him, as you kicked his lightsaber away behind you. He smiled, and you almost dodged the songsteel sword before it hit your ribs, leaving it glancing sharply across your stomach.
“Clever,” you admitted, stepping back to circle him, feeling the blood beginning to drip from your new wound. “Songsteel. Resistant to lightsaber strikes.”  “You cannot truly have expected a weapons specialist to carry only one weapon,” he leered, lunging in once again. You batted his sword away, countering with a blow of your own that earned you nothing more than a swift strike across your right shoulder.  “I like to hope,” you answered, through the searing pain. “But no.” He stepped forward again, and this time you ducked under his strike, launching yourself into him. The unexpected move threw him back into the dirt, and you landed on top of him, lightsaber buried in his chest. “Clones,” he hissed, and the army behind him hoisted their blasters as he choked for breath. “Oh fuck you,” you snarled, slicing the blaster aimed at your head in half and bolting, following Yoda across the short distance to the ship as Chewbacca readied it for take off. Once you were at light speed, he reappeared, pulling out a medkit to start patching you up. “You get in way too much trouble,” he complained, pouring antiseptic over your wound.  “I fucking know,” you groaned against the stinging.
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a-dorin · 4 years
fall apart
pairing: anakin skywalker x jedi!reader
word count: .420k
warnings: angst, mentions of battle, tears 
prompt: “‘If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.’ for Anakin Skywalker?”
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not my gif 
a breeze rolled through coruscant as the shuttle landed, your breath hitching in your throat. tugging on your robes, you smoothed them out, your palms clamming up. anxiety coursed through your veins, eyes watering from the intense air flow. 
one by one, the clone troopers filed out of the shuttle, bandages wrapped around their skulls, blood seeping through the gauze. several had slings wrapped around their shoulders, tenderly holding their broken arms against their chests. 
despair painted their features, eyes darkened with sorrow, lips etched into frowns. your heart thudded against your rib-cage, adrenaline replacing the anxiety. you had no need to ask the outcome of the mission. their pained expressions answered all of the questions ringing through your mind. 
the mission was a failure. 
as captain rex departed from the shuttle, you murmured a brief greeting, earning a curt nod. yet, a familiar mess of sandy blonde waves caught your eye. swallowing thickly, you straightened up, careful to remain poised as general obi-wan kenobi passed by. 
“well good evening to you,” his voice, so beautiful and delicate, filled your ears. 
“oh anakin,” you choked back a sob, aching to reach out, to grasp his face, “i missed you.”
“i missed you,” his crystal blue depths shone, “maker, you’re more beautiful than i could have ever imagined.”
“anakin, are you all right?”
“if you don’t hug me right now, i think i might fall apart,” anakin’s lips quivered, his shoulders slumping. 
wrapping your arms around his frame, you buried your head in his chest, anakin nearly collapsing underneath your touch. he rested his head on top of yours, pressing light kisses all over your forehead and temple. the action brought comfort over you, warmth seeping into your chest. 
the embrace was loving, delicate and tender. 
it was exactly what anakin needed, his heart nearly bursting. maker, was he so worn. so weary. so desperate. he ached to stay in your arms, to feel your heart beat in sync with his, to relish in your sweet scent.  
the jedi would fight one million battles as long as it meant coming home to you. after all, you were his home. his safe haven. the one person in the galaxy that he loved most. the gorgeous grin that painted your features when you noticed him was enough for him. your smile was breathtaking, always leaving anakin stunned, weak in the knees. 
as long as anakin had you to come back to, he would be content. 
maker, were you everything he needed. 
you were all he needed.
tagged:  @arsonistvoyager @nik-barinova @starflyer-104 @charbokbok @theonethatdoesnthavedisneyplus @witchy-goth-unicorn @alwayshappysith @splittothebone  @everythinggeeky @taetaeyeontae @splittothebone
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aniseandspearmint · 7 years
So with all that Naruto you reblogged I thought - mentor swap, Naruto gets Obi Wan and Anakin gets Kakashi, how do you think that would go?
Hmmmm, let’s see... Let’s put this in the context of a fusion, with the Naruto verse characters transposed into star wars.
First, some background, setting the stage if you will.
Jedi Knight Kakashi Hatake is the son of retired Knight Sakumo Hatake, and I’m thinking their story is just as tragic this time around. Sakumo went into the diplomatic corps after he met Kakashi’s mother, and was eventually ‘responsible’ for inciting major genocidal war on some planet because of a misread situation and it was either hand his diplomatic team over to be executed or start a war. The story was leaked to the press, and he was branded a galactic pariah overnight. Cue terrible Naruto canon running it’s course.
Kakashi, having no living family, is taken into the creche and our little genius vows to be the perfect jedi, and follow all the rules and never leave the order like his father did, because clearly that was a bad choice for his father (because Kakashi is not Kakashi without his crippling father issues).
I’m thinking he’s a year or two older than Obi-wan, but maybe in the same clan? IDK how that works actually. My memory of the Apprentice books is like 18 years old, lols. Say it works that way, anyway. They know each other.
But while Obi-wan is solidly in the middle top of his class, Kakashi _soars_ above the rest. The the teachers can’t keep up with him, and by the time the youngling is nine he’s already taking classes meant for children five or six years older.
It’s a relief when Sentinel Knight Minato Namikaze bumps into the kid in a hall one day and a padawan bond snaps into place like lightning. 
Kakashi grows up under the care of a alternately fluffheaded and terrifyingly intelligent Knight, who cheerfully pulls him into trouble and teaches him that sometimes the rules need to be knocked out and shoved out an airlock (and that his father made the only choice a Jedi could, plight of the many over the few be damned. War would have happened no matter the choice he made).
Kakashi and Knight Namikaze spend most of their time trolling the rim for pirates and slavers, often joined by Master Healer Tsunade and her Padawan Rin Nohara (she likes to keep her hand in the fight despite being next in line for Temple Healing Master) and by Sentinel Knight Kushina Uzumaki (a Noorian woman with long fiery red hair and violet and orange-red striped eyes) and her Padawan Obito.
The Padawans figure out pretty quickly that there's Something Going On between Minato and Kushina, and almost as quickly determine that they’re *gasp* married. It takes Obito and Rin sitting on Kakashi for a while to defeat his kneejerk impulse to tattle to the temple, but they manage to talk him out of it.
((“Master Tsunade clearly knows,” Rin argues, “And if she knows, so do Master Orochimaru and Master Jiraiya, and they haven’t told yet so it’s okay, dammit Kakashi, stop squirming! Ow, why are your elbows so pointy?!?!”))
Then there’s a massive natural disaster on a little no name border planet, and their team is the closest available help for the endangered research station there. Rocks fall, mud slides, and Obito never makes it off planet. (of course, that’s only what they think happened) Kakashi is injured, and receives an experimental bionic eye from the locals (it’s not as cool as the sharingan, I know, but I’m at a loss as to how to fit creepy magic eyes into SW).
Kushina is heartbroken, and, after a very long conversation with Minato, takes a leave of absence from the Order. She sets herself up in one of the small satellite temples on Coruscant, far from the main temple, and spends a lot of time in the salle doing moving meditation.
Then Master Orochimaru Falls, and Tsunade leaves the order. Rin is transferred to another Knight, this one greener than grass. A few months later, Rin and the Knight are brought back to the temple for their pyres. A stupid misjudged situation, and Kakashi is suddenly alone. (Note: Hey, at least he doesn’t have to deal with being the one to put a hand through her chest this time?)
Minato, dealing with a grieving Padawan and grieving himself, sticks closer to the temple for a while, taking few off planet missions. He also spends a lot of his spare time dropping in to visit his wife friend Kushina.
It’s really not a surprise when Kushina gets pregnant a year or so later, is it?
Fast forward a little, and a mysterious attack on the satellite temple the night Kushina was due to give birth ends with not only Minato and Kushina dead, but nearly every living person at that temple. Kakashi is left holding their son.
Naruto is accepted into the creche with no fuss, though he is haloed in scandal, because his parents broke the code.
Kakashi wavers. He’s not quite old enough to go through his trial, but he can’t bare the thought of calling another Knight ‘Master’. But then, an offer comes from Master Drallig, and he takes it gratefully, vanishing into the faceless ranks of the Temple Guard for a time. (I’m pulling on a headcanon here, that says the Temple Guard still maintain identities outside of their jobs, and can and do retire after a while, because that kind of existence is not permanently maintainable for sentient minds. Otherwise, hey look, Jedi ANBU!)
Time marches on, and years pass. Kakashi buries himself in his job to the exclusion of nearly everything else, copes by adopting bits of friends personality traits, gets pounced on regularly by this crazy Guardian named Gai, and tries to find his footing without all the people he loves.
Meanwhile, there are assholes everywhere, and as it happens, the current creche master is such a person. A bastion of upholding the code, they see Naruto as a giant stain on the face of the order, conceived and born out of breaking the code as he was. They treat Naruto badly. Not badly enough to get called on it mind you, the child is never outright harmed, but neglected compared to the other younglings, yes.
And children take their cues from the adults around them. This version of Naruto is perhaps not as mistreated as his ninja world counterpart, but he grows up just as lonely. Still, he’s not called Sunshine Child for nothing! He’s still Naruto. Still unfailingly optimistic and bright.
But with the creche master convinced that such a child does not deserve to be a knight, he grows up ever so slightly sabotaged. He’s awful at traditional meditation (get’s it from his mother) and he doesn’t do well sitting in front of a screen in a classroom for hours a day.
The year he turns twelve, another child is brought into the temple. Naruto feels him the second their ship touches down on the landing pad outside, though he doesn’t know what he’s feeling, not yet. Class isn’t even an afterthought. He’s got to find out what that whirlpool in the force is!
At this point, Naruto is an expert at dancing around the temple surveillance, and in no time at all he’s face to face with a younger boy in strange roughly spun clothing, sitting outside the council chamber doors.
And Naruto being Naruto, he immediately beams at the boy, and rattles off a greeting, and launches into questions.
((”Hi! I’m Initiate Naruto Uzumaki! Who’re you? Your so bright! Have you come to be trained? You look a little old, but I’ve heard that Knight Vos was like, eleven when he got searched and brought to the temple, and you don’t look that old, so you should be fine!”))
Hearing about a child even older than him getting to be Jedi student soothes several fears that had been gathering in the back of Anakin’s mind, just a little, and soon enough he and Naruto are cheerfully chattering at one another, trading stories (Anakin gets a glimpse of what temple life is going to be like from a child close to his age, and Naruto hears quite a lot about podracers and a very nice girl named Padme)
So when Qui-gon and Obi-wan sweep out of the Council chambers, Qui-gon heading off to find a change of clothes, Obi-wan steps to the side and heads for where they left Anakin, to tell him the council wishes to see him now. He rounds the corner and stops bemusedly watching for a moment as Anakin gestures expansively in the middle of a story about the race he won, an older blond, human looking, boy in initiate robes exclaiming excitedly.
((”That’s amazing, Ani! Podracing’s illegal on Coruscant, so I’ve never seen it except for a couple clips on the holonet, but we’ve got swoopbikes! Those go really fast too, and you can catch some really cool races down in level 78!” Naruto enthuses. Before he can invite Ani to come the next time he sneaks out to see one, a soft ‘ahem’ interrupts him.
Whirling around, both boys cringe just a little at the senior Padawan eying them.
“The council is ready to see you, Anakin.” he shooes the boy towards the large doors, watches to see him go in, then turns to the initiate inching away in a not very sneaky manner.
“Odd, Initiate, I was under the impression that swoopbike races were as illegal as podraces here?” He asks dryly, eyeing the boy up and down, cataloging the child’s appearance from the sun bright hair to in the marks on his cheeks and the blue and orange striped eyes.
A Noorian then. Obi-wan is suddenly fiercely reminded of Tahl. Caught up in the thought as he is, plus his Master’s words a few moments ago in the Council chambers, he doesn’t notice the way the force seems to pause for a moment, like a canine pricking its ears at a new and interesting sound.
“Er, well. Um-” Naruto tries, only for the Padawan to shake his head and wave him off.
“Go on, I know for a fact you should be in class right now. I imagine you’ll get enough trouble from your teachers.” He makes another shooing motion.
Naruto doesn’t have to be told twice! He’s gone in a flash, vanishing around the corner.
And unnoticed by both, the force churns a little and spins in his wake, tendrils reaching out to both Obi-wan and Naruto almost thoughtfully, if a powerful omnipresent energy could be described as thoughtful.))
The council visit goes slightly better for this Anakin. Talking with Naruto, meeting a child only a little older than him, talking and laughing together, and hearing that he’s hardly the only child to be brought to the temple past the perfect age settles him.
The council is still not all together pleased by him, and their own fears do still color their interactions with him, but not to the degree they might have. Instead of an outright refusal to train him, there is a different choice made.
((”Deliberate, the council must.” The old tiny master chirps. Then he taps a few lines into the arm of his seat, and a moment later the doors reopen to admit Qui-gon and Obi-wan. He repeats the words for their benefit, and continues.  “Into your care the boy is placed, Master Qui-gon for now. And return to Naboo, you and Padawan Kenobi must. But not alone, you will go. Another Knight the council will send.”
Anakin listens to this, a bit confused. But, well, a maybe is better than a no, he supposes.
“Who?” Master Qui-gon asks, brow furrowing as he tries to remember who is in the temple and not on the injured list or already assigned.
“Knight Kakashi Hatake has just returned from a long term mission.” Mace speaks up, long fingers gracefully dancing across the arm of his own chair, doubtlessly informing the knight of his sudden, new orders. “We believe his skill set will be much help on this mission.
Qui-gon and Obi-wan trade a look. ‘Just returned from a long term mission’ might as well be code for a reassigned Temple Guard or Shadow, they both know. And Obi-wan remembers that name, image of a small boy with sleepy dark eyes and coarse silver hair spring to the forefront of his mind.
“Meet you tomorrow, at the transport, Knight Hatake will.”))
Kakashi has just been summarily booted out of the Temple Guard meanwhile. Twelve years is about six years longer than most humans go in the guard, full stop, no breaks.
He might be a little confused and indignant about this. It seems a fact of life that Kakashi is a poorly socialized, bad at personing person in every world he exists in. This one is no exception.
He’s just trying to find his feet and figure out what exactly regualr Knights are supposed to do, when his personal com pings, and he is informed that he’s to be on the transport pad bright and early tomorrow, as extra support for a Master Qui-gon Jinn and senior Padawan Obi-wan Kenobi.
((Kakashi eyes the missive like it’s going to sprout a virus and eat his PC any second now. Then he tilts his head back a little, thoughtfully.
Kenobi, Kenobi, where does he know that name from? 
A reedy human youngling with coppery red hair and defiant blue eyes swims up from the depths of his memory. Wait, shouldn’t Obi-wan be twenty-five by now? What in the sith hells is he still doing as a padawan? Most humans got knighted around twenty or twenty-two. 
Kakashi had been marked down as passing his trials at nineteen.
Well, he supposed he’d find out tomorrow.
Picking himself up off the couch he ambled towards the bedroom he rarely actually used and idly threw several of the new robes he’d been issued in a travel sack.))
Kakashi is awkward around Anakin, at first. He’s not really interacted much with kids, in his defense! The Temple Guard really isn’t supposed to interact with anyone. They just, well, guard?
Anakin is fascinated though. Qui-gon is busy for most of the trip to Naboo, in conference with the Queen, and Anakin get’s the feeling that Obi-wan doesn't like him very much, so that leaves Kakashi to talk to, and ask all the questions he couldn’t ask Naruto or Qui-gon about.
Slowly, when the kid doesn’t immediately quiz him on his soft squishy tragic past, but just wants to know what kind of things a he’s going to need to learn to catch up, Kakashi relaxes. He even has a laugh startled out of him when the kid viciously mutters a nasty string of Huttese upon learning he’ll have to take a whole slew of aptitude tests and won’t be allowed to fly any kind of ship before twelve, and then only supervised.
((Kakashi can be forgiven for not noticing the way the force swirls idly around the two of them, rather like a cat eyeing up a new toy. He’s never been the most gifted at sensing the force, especially after his family after Master Minato and Kushina had died. 
Anakin feels it, but Anakin always feels the force. It’s like air, always there for him. Someday he’ll be trained to narrow his senses enough to pick out fine detail in the force, but for now sensing nuance is beyond him. 
So neither one feel the weight of consideration upon them, the questing brushes along their souls.))
Sadly, for all that Kakashi’s presence on the mission does save many lives, Qui-gon Jinn’s life is not among them. He stands with Obi-wan behind a humming energy wall, helpless to stop the sith from impaling the Master.
He and Obi-wan, together, take down Maul. Obi-wan bisects him, Kakashi takes his head off. Both are present for Qui-gon’s last words, his plea for Obi-wan to train Anakin.
Naboo is freed, Qui-gon is dead. Anakin saved the day in space, and Kakashi and Obi-wan fought and killed a sith. A real, live sith.
In the ensuing havoc, Kakashi gets swept up in routing trade federation lackeys and it’s not until the council representatives show up that he sees Anakin again.
He and Obi-wan have just come from meeting Yoda, giving their verbal reports, and Kakashi backing up Obi-wan when he pleads/demands to be given Anakin as a Padawan.
Anakin is waiting just outside the door, having been told by Obi-wan to wait.
He looks up as they come out, his eyes meet Kakashi’s one uncovered eye and the force comes down on them like a pouncing Pittin. A durasteel force bond snaps into place faster than they can blink, to the shock of all involved.
Everyone just kind of stares for a moment in silence before Kakashi mutters several choice curses he’d picked up from Anakin on the trip to Naboo.
The force wills what it wills. 
Knight Kakashi Hatake will train Anakin Skywalker.
Force help them both.
((Obi-wan is Knighted, and set adrift.
This... Well, Obi-wan is an odd mix of pleased and guilty for being pleased, and sad, because he couldn’t even do the last thing his father Master asked of him. Logically he knows that this has nothing to do with him, the force willed it and all that, but emotionally, he feels like a failure.
So, while Kakashi and Anakin slowly orbit one another and find some kind of balance with each other, Obi-wan fields comm calls from concerned friends (none of whom are in the Temple right now) and slowly packs up his and Qui-gon’s rooms. He can’t stay in them. Rooms of that size are reserved for Master/Padawan sets. He’s been politely informed he has two weeks to pack up and what his new room assignment is.
It hurts. Far far more than he ever would have thought to give all of the temple issued clothing and gear back to the quartermaster, and carefully pack away all of the collected detritus of his masters life.
A paper book of pressed flowers and leaves from his master’s own Padawan days. Holo upon holo of moments in his life stored on a half dozen image displays. 
A collection of blue pebbles in a line before the window in Qui-gon’s room, arranged from pale sky blue to a glittering blue black.
In the bedside drawer Obi-wan finds a handful of flimsy notes scrawled in Tahls spidery hand and he just- he needs to get some air.
And so he goes wandering. He has the vague thought of heading for the gardens, but no, his mind is elsewhere as he walks, and when he rouses himself from his thoughts, he finds himself outside one of the the initiate level salles.
And, well, he’s here now he supposes, so he goes in.
There’s a class in progress, older initiates by first glance, all spinning and weaving in pairs, movements fine and controlled as benefits students of an age to be chosen as Padawans.
A head of bright yellow catches his eyes, and he watches as the boy he saw talking to Anakin (force, had it only been seven days ago?) spins away, grinning widely, from the too telegraphed swing of the Zabraki girl he’s paired with.
And he feels the force prod at him, just a little.
Frowning to himself, he skirts the Salle and comes up beside the instructor, a towering Ithorian fmale.
“The Noorian boy, with the blond hair. Who is he?” He asks in an undertone, not wanting to draw more attention than he already had by wandering in during paired katas.
The Ithorian Jedi blinks large eyes placidly down at him for a moment, taking in his still shorn hair but lack of Padawan braid no doubt, before responding.
“Half Noorian. Naruto Uzumaki.” He rumbles.
“He’s very good. He moves quite well for a boy his age.” Obi-wan offers. Naruto certainly moved better than he did at twelve. At that age he’d started random growth spurts, and it always seemed that his body was never quite the size he was used to.
The Ithorian rumbled in agreement. “Yes. The child moves well. Very gifted in the martial ways. Pity.”
Obi-wan blinks in surprise. “Pity? Why pity? If he moves this well at so young an age, surely he’ll only improve.”
“Moving is about the only thing he does well. He’s bottom of his class in everything else. No Knight has expressed any interest, and with grades like that... Well, Agricorps, or Exploricorps perhaps. But not Knighthood.”
There is another, sharper prod from the force, and just like it’s happening right now, he can see Qui-gon walking away from him, taste the bitter disappointment of crushed hopes and dreams.
The force helpfully prods him again.
‘Oh Hell.’ He thinks, finally catching on. He has a sudden suspicion why he’s there. And, if he’s reading the currents eddying around him right, and the tendrils unfurling towards the half Noorian boy, he doesn’t actually have much of a choice in the matter.
There’s an almost smug thrum from the force.
Well, at least he’ll get to stay in his and Qui-gon’s rooms now? And... Naruto is such a bright shimmer in the force, like sunlight dancing across an ocean. He can’t help but think such a bright spirit would be welcome now.))
SO, Obi-wan caught on to his little force bond match up, unlike Kakashi. After glumly saying goodbye to any idea of peace and quiet (he does recall Naruto cheerfully talking about swoopbike races after all) he goes over after the kids are done with katas and taps Naruto on the shoulder. 
Naruto turns around and BAM. Instant Padawan bond.
Naruto is ecstatic. Obi-wan is mostly tired. Cautiously happy, but tired.
The council is convened, and there is much arguing, oh I mean discussing, of what two instantly forming force bonds within days of each other could mean, but the force isn’t talking. 
In a rare bout of wisdom and insight, the council decides that since Kakashi is only just come back from his ‘long term mission’ and doesn’t quite have the hang of being a normal (hah!) Jedi yet, and Obi-wan has only just been Knighted and is now saddled with a Padawan, the two of them should become a team.
Anakin and Naruto are far more excited about this that Obi-wan or Kakashi, as you can probably guess. Instant brothers and bffs.
Anakin grows up with a friend this time. Someone who is not an adult and is willing to help him catch up on the things he needs to know, even if Naruto doesn’t really like sitting still and paying attention to learning modules, and someone to show him all the ways to sneak out of the temple (there are a lot, unsurprisingly, mostly on the lower levels)
Naruto gets a bestie who doesn’t care one whit about who his parents were and how they broke the code. Someone who’s nearly as curious as he is, and willing to move with him instead of trying to get him to slow down. It’s amazing.
Eventually Naruto and Anakin befriend several other Padawans around their age. A Togruta girl named Sakura, and a human boy named Sasuke. Because Naruto is still a friend making dynamo once he gets going.
In this verse, Anakin tells his master when he and Padme secretly get married, because he’s heard Minato and Kushina’s story, and knows Kakashi won’t tell the council. Naruto and Obi-wan also get told, because they’re family, no matter how Obi-wan never says it.
When the war comes, Kakashi becomes a general in his own right, leading his own portion of the clone army. it doesn’t sit well with him, this army that was made in the jedi’s name by some unknown, and he’s quietly running his own investigation into things on the side. 
Does he find out who’s really running things and about the ticking time bombs in the clones heads? I have no idea, but I hope so. 
 My steams kinda running out here bc it’s like 4AM here and this got so freaking long omg *facepalm* I meant this to be a quick what if/reply but i started typing and just could not stop. So here, have 4,000 odd words about a hypothetical Star Wars/Naruto fusion!
Other things that spun through my mind while I was working this out;
- Kakashi has a prototype special bionic eye instead of a whirly magic eye in this verse. He still needs to keep it covered, since the record function automatically activates when exposed to light.
- Once Kakashi and Obi-wan loosen up around each other the snark starts flying. OMG the snark. We’re talking epic levels of snark.
- Kakashi and Obi-wan fall into bed together at least three times, but ultimately decided to keep things purely platonic. They just don’t work as lovers. 
- They find out they’ve both had relationships with Quinlan and Siri. 
- Naruto and Anakin give Kakashi a plush canine every year on his birthday. (My way of working in the ninken pack)
- Kakashi knows really weird people. See: Knight Gai Maito, Jedi Shadow Anko Mitarashi, and other former temple guards ‘other people on the same long term mission’ Knight Genma Shiranui, Knight Raido Namiashi, etc.
- Kakashi get’s along pretty well with Padme. He can respect a woman who managed to rule a planet, become a senator, and still remain such a kick ass and take names kind of girl.
- Kakashi adores Ahsoka and thought it was freaking hilarious when she was sneakily assigned to Anakin.
- Naruto gets assigned a Padawan around the same time, but I don’t know who it should be. Konohamaru maybe? IDK that would be pretty funny.
- Obito eventually shows up as one of Palpatine’s apprentices. That revelation goes just as badly as you can imagine.
- Orochimaru (I’m picturing him as half Echani, half something unknown) swans in and out as a big bad, just like in canon. He probably teams up with Jenna Zan Arbor a couple times because they’re the same kind of crazy.
- Akatsuki may or may not be a thing with deep cover Shadow Itachi Uchiha working undercover (no massacre happened in this verse).
- Tsunade eventually rejoins the order and takes over the Medical Corps. She might find out about the chips in the clones heads, come to think about it. She seems like the kind of person who’d want to know just what the kriffing hell those things actually do. Control aggression her ass.
- Tsunade’s first Padawan, Shizune, is Sakura’s Master, but Sakura spends just as much time learning from Tsunade.
- Jiraiya is a Zeltron in this verse. He still writes porn under a pseudonym, which Kakashi reads. He still wrote a novel about a protagonist named Naruto, but this time about a brave Jedi Knight.
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