#they’re in the middle of battle and they are thrown across the room by their opponent
sukugo · 2 years
anakin hates being tall bc it means he’s not at “accidentally burying his face in obi-wan’s chest” height
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twicethetrouble · 2 years
ANOTHER ROTTMNT AU that I probably won't write
Turtles are Lou Jitsu/Big Mama's kids before turtle mutation
- b/c why the hell not
 (Everything under the cut b/c apparently this is a long one)
- Basically Big Mama decides she'd rather have Lou join the battle nexus willingly than as a captive. (She likes the thing they have going on and would rather it not end anytime soon.)
- she introduced him to the Battle Nexus.
- After the shock wares off, he's fascinated by it. (The movies were great but he was getting bored.)
- Lou joins the Battle Nexus willingly and the two stay in a relationship (not married, just together.) (Some talk about how he's her pet champion but those that talk too loud end up disappearing.)
- As a result of their continued relationship, they end up having kids. 4 boys (the middle 2 being twins, of course)
(I can't decide if they have the same names or not so we'll skip that for now.)
- Now, a quick note for this AU. Part of the reason Yokai stopped interacting with humans was b/c whenever a hybrid was produced, they tended to be more human than Yokai. (Even more if a cloaking broach is involved. It throws in extra genetic variables so the offspring can end up inheriting traits from that as well.)
- The boys are no exception. They look human except for a few... oddities.
- Raph has the fluffy mint colored hair and red eyes of Big Mama's spider form. (Not fully red eyes.) He's also exceptionally strong, having once thrown a temper tantrum that resulted in throwing his entire crib across the room. He also likes to pick up his brothers and bodily carry them for no reason. Much to his parents panic upon finding the baby just missing.
- Leo is the oldest twin (by 2 minutes). He and Donny look the most human (with Lou's black hair and dark eyes) the only odditys being from the lavender purple spots on their skin they got from Big Mama's human form (think Leo's marks except more organic looking). (Tho they seemed to both start developing extra, spider like limbs by the time they're 1). Leo likes to follow around Big Mama whenever he can, often sitting on her lap during meeting and trying to mimic her facial expressions.
- Donny is the youngest twin. Again, mostly human looking. His purple spots are different then Leo (again his turtle markings but different, tho he does also have one over his right eye as well.) He is very frustrated about not having extra limbs like Big Mama. He is constantly wearing a spider themed backpack with little bouncy spider limbs as a result and will scream whenever it's removed.
- Mikey is the baby (obviously). He has Big Mama's human form hair and eyes, tho if u lift up his hair and there's 4 spider eyes on his forehead that he hasn't figured out how to open yet.
mutation day
- On mutation day, Raph is 2, the twins are a little over 1, and Mikey is 3 months.
- Draxum sends his gargoyles to grab Lou like originally planned.
- Huggins and Muggins arrive at the room, finding only the 4 boys asleep in their beds (Lou is currently arguing with Big Mama in another room about wanting to stop fighting for the boy’s sake.)
- Huggins and Muggins thinks one of the boys is Lou so, not knowing which it would be, grab all four.
- Draxum sees the four and realizes they’re Lou’s kids (but he’s not paying attention to gossip so he doesn’t realize they’re half yokai) and decides starting with a young human base might be more beneficial than an animal base.
- He has them each interact with the turtles he was going to mutate before mutating the children instead.
- Lou shows up just in time to see his boys mutated into turtles.
- Draxum is woefully unprepared for the fury Lou fights him with. He destroys the lab and steals his sons back, getting covered in mutagen as he does.
- He’s back in the NYC before he realizes that his boys are alright, just turtles, and that he’s now mutated into a rat-man.
- (Also that the mutation has overrode their yokai dna so they no longer have those traits)
- He can’t go back to Big Mama like this. He certainly can’t fight in the Nexus like this and she made it exceptionally clear that’s the only reason why she keeps him around (a lie but he doesn’t realize that)
- so he stays in the human world, eventually finding a decent place to hide in the sewers and raises his sons alone.
- he doesn’t talk about before they were mutated, keeping the only human(ish) picture he has of them hidden deep in the do-not-touch cabinet.
- If they assume they’ve always been turtles then, well, he doesn’t correct them. It was probably for the best anyways.
post mutation
-The boys were so young, they don’t really remember a before.
-Mikey definitely doesn’t.
- Leo doesn’t really either. His only memory being sitting on someone’s lap as they sat behind a big desk and made faces at weird men, but he assumes it’s just an old dream he can’t quite shake.
- Donny knows there was..something. He knows they used to look different (but not exactly how) and has a foggy memory of being caught pulling apart a new toy and a women praising him for being so smart. (he still is very much frustrated by lack of extra limbs, hence his spider limb battle shell, which was probably the first non-standard battle shell he designed.)
- Raph, without a doubt, remembers the most. He remembers they had a mom and how pops looked different back then. He remembers being chased by an owl man after escaping his  watch. But he also remembers how mutation day felt, and is forever grateful his brothers do not.
- series doesn’t really change much
- Big Mama never knew her boys got mutated (instead thinking Lou had taken them and left after their fight) so 13 years later, when 4 turtle mutants start causing trouble for her, she is exceptionally confused as to why she immediately thinks of her lost boys.
A strong one in red, carrying his brothers without thought
A clever one in blue, who seems to see right through her tricks like his mind works just like hers.
A smart purple one with fake spider limbs.
And an smiling orange one who trust his brothers without fault.
- She tries to keep them at the hotel to figure out why, but Blue is too clever for that.
- It’s not until she meets Lou/Splinter again does she put the puzzle pieces together.
- She doesn’t quite believe it until Blue cons her in her own game.
-after that, i’m not sure what would happen. maybe she would sit back and watch them from afar? Maybe she would continue her plans for a weird “they’re my kids, i know they can handle the challenge” sort of way? Either way she knows now. And she’s not going to be able to pretend that she doesn’t.
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mylordshesacactus · 1 year
The Treaty Puzzle
I’m INSANELY proud of the puzzle I constructed for this final chamber.
See, it’s intended as a continuity-of-civilization chamber--it’s a massive latticework of illusion spells triggered by a central mechanism that, when activated, does what I flippantly described as “Congrats, you unlocked the cutscene”. It’s a historical record.
As such it’s designed to be found (though not without testing its finders--if you can make it through the challenges, if you care enough to try, then you’ve earned the right to be burdened with this knowledge if you want it. Otherwise....what’s the point? What’s the point in causing a panic, if the finders can’t do anything to fight back?). But more than that, it’s intended to...teach.
I’m copying it over here both because I want to savor this moment, and because other people might want to borrow some ideas for their campaigns!
The chamber they enter is a circular tower, white stone carved with vines, with light cantrips in the walls and ceiling. In contrast to the dark and oppressive mini-dungeon leading up to it, this chamber gives off the illusion of a warm, sunlit room. It’s comfortable and safe, and that’s not a trick.
Inside the room are four statues, loosely scattered around the area, and a large gilded clockwork contraption made of six concentric rings. These interlocking rings are covered in etchings, runes, leylines and other symbols, none of which line up or mean anything--they have to be rotated into place, but can’t be moved yet. Each ring also has a line of writing on it in various languages, with the Common print of the outermost ring simply reading ‘TRAITOR’. Translated, the inscriptions are as follows:
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[id:1: Common print: TRAITOR 2: Infernal: “If you can’t stay alert, either be quick or be dead.”   3: Halfling shorthand: “Oh, you’ll figure it out.” 4: Draconic runes: “You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.” 5: Orcish script: “You’d be surprised what gentleness can do.” 6: Elven: “A gift given freely.”]
Each ring has a large keyhole; the only exception is the outermost ring, which is fixed in place. The rings are made of iron, but gilded.
The statues around the room are made of dull stone, placed on white marble plinths with gold nameplates. Somewhere on each of the statues is an iron rod, eight inches long and about an inch in diameter, that serves as a key. The party, by now, recognizes the names.
These are the lost heroes who died in the Rending--the rest of the party. The more nasty-minded of the party immediately suspect the truth. These are not statues--and this goes far beyond typical petrification. This is a curse laid out of spite by the queen of the Fae. Nothing short of a Wish can reverse it.
They’re level nine. They move on.
They meet the party through these frozen snapshots, one by one:
Ylla Taleryn | A half-elven woman with a severe acid or burn injury that takes up the entire left side of her face and continues down her neck and shoulder under the robes of a cleric. The regrowth of hair, and the way the acid damage doesn’t map to damage to her clothes, suggest this was an old injury at the time she was petrified--probably at least a decade, something she’s lived with. She’s crumpled on one knee; her hair is pulled back in a battle-damaged ponytail, and her left arm is pressed tight to her side as if in pain. However, she looks up with a warm, tired smile and reaches out, as if silently requesting help getting to her feet.
Tusk Ushnar & Russet | A slim half-orc in ranger leathers, with a squirrel perched on his shoulder. He wears an easy grin, glancing up and off to the side, and is frozen in the middle of unstringing an absolutely massive longbow.
Adiron Stormflower | A male dragonborn with jagged, ridged horns. He wears panpipes on his belt and a bardic lute slung across his back. His cloak is thrown rakishly around his shoulders, so badly damaged it’s nearly shredded, but he’s wearing a wide smile as he presses his forehead together with the halfling in his arms, eyes closed.
Errol Shorthand | A halfling rogue in close-fitting leathers and a hooded cowl, held in the arms of a dragonborn bard. Daggers litter his person—three on his belt, one in a quick-release wrist trigger, one in a boot sheath. A rapier, snapped in two, hangs from his belt. Both of his hands rest on either side of the dragonborn’s face. They wear matching wedding rings.
And finally, the woman our archivist wizard Audie would know was the leader of this doomed party fifty years ago:
Rochelle Willowfeather | A tiefling, wearing no armor but rather simple monk’s robes. She stands with her weight on one leg, leaning against a quarterstaff, ankles idly crossed. One arm is in a sling. There is a small cluster of Aarakocra feathers tied to one end of the staff, and she wears a small locket carved with the image of two entwined hippogriffs. Her body language is relaxed, but she’s frozen in the act of turning her head, eyes sharp and wary as if scanning for something.
Our Aarakocra paladin recognizes the locket immediately--it’s a marriage token her people often exchange between queer interracial couples. Gryphons will preferentially attack horses if given the chance, and an old folk belief once held (much like people who think chipmunks are baby squirrels) that a hippogriff was the offspring of a gryphon and a horse--therefore, a hippogriff is a very, very traditional symbol of love that transcends society’s old hatreds. Two hippogriffs entwined is unconditional love twice over.
Each key is acquired differently, as well. Ylla’s key--a gift given freely--is just that. There’s no test, no challenge to overcome. It rests in her outstretched palm and you don’t have to earn it. To get Tusk’s key, you have to FAIL a DC 12 STR check. Trying to touch Adiron’s key triggers a magic hand that is immune to all forms of damage and will interpose itself to prevent you from taking the key--but will dissipate if you give it a handshake. Rochelle’s key requires a DC 17 DEX check in order to whip it out of its mechanism before the internal lock has time to catch. Errol’s is a gag gift--his nameplate pulls out to reveal a puzzle box with a DC 20 INT or Thieves’ Tools barrier to solve......but no penalty if you just smash it. There’s a note enclosed within that you’ll only see if you break the box--a handwritten scrap of paper that reads “Errol would have thought that was funny.”
Naturally, each key maps to the ring written in the individual’s native tongue, and allows the ring to be rotated into place. Once that happens, the writing glows, reverts to Common script, and fades into nothing but the party member’s first initial.
When they’ve all locked into place, the arcane matrix in the room activates, flaring several dozen Greater Illusion spells and other assorted low-level illusory magic at once--the illusory black box, hidden under the city and made entirely of iron, inaccessible to the fae, protected by a dungeon to ensure no one stumbled across it by accident--a trap to ensure they were adventurers looking for trouble and motivated enough to keep going. An aboleth--an extraplanar abomination like the ones he fought himself. An antimagic field--so they understood what it really meant, to have to fight for your life without magic, to suddenly feel that helpless. 
And if you get through that, and then learn who his family was and solve their puzzles, you’ve earned the right to try to do what they did. You’ve earned the right to know exactly what happened on the final day of the City of Song.
The treaty chamber is intended to confess, to explain, to record, but more than anything...it’s a desperate attempt to make whoever finds it understand.
Not just “this is what I did”, but “this is why”. This is what I faced, what I went through. This is what I lost. This is how desperate I was. 
These are the people I was willing to risk the world to save.
This is how everything went wrong.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 8 months
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Summary: Written for AI-less Whumptober 2023 Day 13. A (Trans!)Hiccup Left Berk AU. Technically set during RttE. Hiccup has been captured and the Dragon Riders attempt to free him. It doesn’t go as planned.
Warning: Near Drowning
Rating: Teen and Up
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Fishlegs, Astrid, Snotlout, Hookfang, Meatlug, Dagur, Ryker
Pairing: Minor Dagcup (mentioned)
Words: 2 393
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Flood, Crushed
Whumpee: Hiccup
Author’s Notes: Just like I said, Day 13 for on the 15th. :) I had a lot of fun writing this one.
Just a mere few months after defeating the Red Death for Berk, the Dragon Master and his Night Fury already needed the Dragon’s Riders to honor the deal that was made.
A new faction has shown its ugly face in the Barbaric Archipelago. Hiccup’s dragons have been disappearing, someone is stealing them for nefarious reasons.
It took some figuring out, but eventually, he and Toothless found out about the Hunters and engaged them in combat. Dagur was amongst them and he is still very, very salty about Berk’s alliance with dragons.
It was, after all, dragons who stole Berk’s heir and she’s still missing. Their fathers had almost arranged a marriage between them to strengthen the alliance between the Hooligans and the Berserkers in the face of the Dragon Scourge. Dagur had been very fond of the idea.
This wasn’t Hiccup’s only encounter with Dagur, who blames him for her disappearance, and he was very helpful to Ryker in taking him down.
Fortunately, unlike last time, he wasn’t alone.
Hiccup’s wrists are tied behind his back, Ryker has forced him to sit on a chair in the middle of this otherwise empty room. Besides the three of them and the chair, there’s only a chest and he’s suspicious of what might be in it.
He tests his restraints. They’re tight, the rope digging into his skin. They don’t leave much room to fight the two men before him. Ryker’s face is quite unreadable, but Dagur’s spews an entire rant of hateful words. He holds a knife, thumb rubbing across the sharp side of the blade.
“So,” the latter starts in a hiss. “Are you ready to talk?”
“That depends on what you’re about to say next,” Hiccup responds. Anxiety makes his heart race, but so far, he manages to keep a brave face. His wrists pull at their bonds.
“It’s not about what we have to say, it’s about what you have to say,” Dagur remarks. The blade cuts his thumb, but he doesn’t appear to notice.
“Like what you have to say about the location of the Dragon Eye,” finally, Ryker breaks his silence. Hiccup’s eyes narrow. Why do they think he would know anything about that?
“Tell us what you know. Quick.”
The ship rocks from a blast to its side. Hiccup, Ryker, and Dagur are all thrown to the floor, the first of the three still restrained. Though at least he loses the chair.
“No! Not this time!” A deranged scream leaves Dagur, a fist slamming on the ground. He was so close to finding out what this monster had done to his beloved.
Every single time the Dragon Master slips out of his grasp.
“I told you,” Hiccup states, face down on the ship’s floor. “I’m not alone anymore.”
The Gods know how much he and Toothless struggled, despite having countless dragons on their side.
Ryker snarls before he rises and rushes out of the room. This will be his introduction to the Dragon Riders and what an unpleasant surprise it will be for him.
Another blast rings out, but not to their ship. The sounds of battle wage above them.
Instead of following Ryker out, Dagur grabs Hiccup by his tunic, his armor already gone. They were about to interrogate him when his unexpected rescue party came from the skies.
“I’m not leaving here empty handed. You will tell me what happened to her!” he yells in his face. She vanishes and suddenly there’s this dragon conqueror about? That can’t be a coincidence.
“Nothing happ-” Hiccup is cut off when a forehead strikes him in the nose. His answer isn’t a new one, which is why Dagur won’t let him finish. He can’t fight back, his hands are tied behind his back.
“Tell me!”
Another blast hits their ship, throwing them again.
“These stupid… You and I are not done yet! Stay here!” Dagur orders him before he leaves, choosing to take care of their Dragon Rider problem before he can get back to interrogating him in peace.
And also choosing to lock the door behind him.
Despite this, Hiccup breathes a sigh of relief. He can handle some rope and a locked door. It takes some struggling, but he’s flexible enough to get his roped hands in front of him again. It’s his first win of the day.
Until the next blast creates a hole in the ship right next to him, throwing him to the other side of the room. He hits it with force. Black dots his vision as unconsciousness wants to creep in, his body aches, and his ears ring.
Salty sea water floods into the room.
“Oh Gods,” he moans in pain, balled fists on his forehead.
The ship creaks dangerously and debris from the layer above him falls through the floor right on top of him. The air is knocked out of his lungs, his weak knee as well as a couple of ribs crack under the weight. It takes him much too long to find the ability to breathe again and when it does, it comes with a whole new wave of hurt. And he can barely get more than an ounce of air in his lungs. It feels like he’s slowly being suffocated.
He grunts, trying to move any of the debris off him, but not even the smaller pieces will move. It doesn’t help that he has barely any strength. The crushing feeling in his ribs and lungs isn’t just slowly stealing his life away, but his strength as well.
“Tooth… Toothless!” Wheezes leave him, but he can barely hear himself. “Bud!”
He tries again, still nothing. His lungs feel like they’re about to burst, the black spots in his vision return.
And then his hair feels wet. The ship is slanting as it takes on water, the room is quickly filling up and the sea is reaching for him.
“No… No…” In a wheezy panic, he tries once again to get free, but his energy is sapped quickly. He turns his head away from the flood, desperately gasping for air unattainable for him.
“Tooth… less!” If his heart beats any faster, it may cease to beat at all. He can feel both it and his lungs fight against his broken ribs and the weight on top of it all.
He’s barely breaching the surface at that point. The next gasp for air is met with a gulp of water, coughing it out does nothing but make him inhale more. His lungs burn. A last ditch attempt at freeing himself from this crushing weight on top of him does nothing.
The reality that he may very well die crashes onto him like a wild wave and his every instinct screams at him to preserve his life, but he’s trapped and completely helpless.
The room continues to fill up.
The locked door is blasted open.
As his vision darkens, Hiccup barely sees the hands reaching for him.
Hiccup claws himself back out of the depths of unconsciousness and finds that he can breathe. That he can breathe, that he is wet, freezing cold, and in terrible, terrible pain.
“Oh, I think he’s waking up!” Fishlegs’ voice vaguely registers in his brain. He’s the one holding him in their arms as they make their escape from the Hunter ships. They’ve found Hiccup, Toothless, and the dragons that were held captive down below. The battle itself was chaotic and violent, but somehow they managed to escape with all of their lives intact.
“How is he? Hiccup?!” From on top of Toothless’ back, Astrid tries to catch a glimpse of him. Snotlout and Hookfang try to do the same thing on Meatlug’s other side.
Hiccup’s eyes flutter open and closed, he’s not all there yet. Looking down at their friend, Fishlegs carefully adjusts his grip. Hiccup is still wheezing dangerously in his arms. They managed to pull him out of the water just in time- he was sputtering and coughing violently, vomiting on the way out- but it was obvious that he had been very close to drowning and they might still lose him because of it.
They urgently needed to get him back to Dragon’s Edge, his base of operations. It’s closer than Berk and will give them a chance to take a look at him properly. The heat of battle doesn’t give such luxuries.
“Hey Fishface, didn’t Astrid ask you a question?!” Snotlout shouts at him.
“He’s in a bad state, Astrid. A really bad state,” Fishlegs finally responds. Nevermind the near-drowning, they haven’t even the faintest idea of what his other injuries might be.
The dragons beneath them tense up, Meatlug whines sadly. Toothless does a good job of keeping a levelhead, but Astrid swears she can see the panic in his eyes.
“He’ll make it,” Astrid states, placing a comforting hand on the Night Fury’s head. Just months ago, he survived a battle with the biggest dragon in Berkian history and then the loss of a leg. This won’t kill him either.
Fishlegs looks back down at Hiccup, who’s once again knocked out cold in his arms. He hopes desperately that she’s right. They all do.
On Dragon’s Edge, Hiccup outright refused treatment of any kind.
It made for a startling twist of events, but in an effort to keep him from hurting himself trying to stay out of their reach, they respect his wishes.
“This is so stupid!” Snotlout hisses. “He could die without help!”
He had voted to just forgo Hiccup’s autonomy if it meant saving his life, but Astrid and Fishlegs disagreed.
“And he could die trying to fight us, our hands are tied, Snotlout,” Astrid hisses back. Any of those ribs could move out of place and puncture a lung.
All the Dragon Riders are forced to stand outside of their leader’s hut and hope that he changes his mind soon. Fishlegs is especially nervous. Hiccup had practically struggled out of his grip the second he was conscious enough to do it. He hates not being able to help him, he knows how unstable Hiccup’s condition is right now. Any second now, it could get even worse.
Inside the hut, Hiccup suffers as he tries to take care of his injuries himself.
His left knee didn’t break, but it did dislocate. And though it somehow got reset at the same time, it is still awfully swollen and completely useless. He can’t move around to find his medical supplies, Toothless has to grab them for him. Luckily, he doesn’t have to go very far.
In the meantime, Hiccup tries to remove his tunic while flat on his floor. If he wants to take a look at his wounds, he needs a better look at himself, which he can only do if he undresses. Which he can’t do. His ribs scream from the act of breathing, let alone from trying to get out of his tunic.
“Toothless… knife,” he wheezes and then suppresses a cough, a battle that he loses. He moans in pain and Toothless whimpers, licking his cheek. It’s agony for him to see his Rider in so much pain. He has never been this injured before.
“Can’t cry… can’t cry.” If he starts sobbing now, he won’t only be unable to stop, but it’ll be a nightmare on his aching body.
Toothless hands him a knife with his gums, which he takes. He brings the blade painstakingly to the bottom of his tunic, planning on cutting through the seams in an effort to make his tunic easier to move.
He tries to get through the first few stitches.
Then he tries again.
And again.
The strength needed is just too much.
Dropping the knife, Hiccup has been stripped of energy he didn’t even have in the first place. Toothless whines in distress, he can almost feel the pain he’s in.
He heads over to the door, planning on getting the other humans to help.
“Willow… bark,” Hiccup wheezes. Maybe if he has a nice tea made of willow bark, the pain will numb enough to allow him to treat himself.
Toothless purrs, then licks his forehead in reassurance before he pads over to the door, pulling on the lever to let the others in. Just as he hoped, the Berkian humans are still waiting on the other side. Their heads turn to him immediately and then look past him to see Hiccup lying on the floor, struggling to breathe properly.
They need no invitation to hurry inside. Fishlegs and Astrid are the first to drop to their knees at either side of him.
“No,” he wheezes. “I’m… fine.”
“No, you’re not,” Astrid argues softly and gently rolls him onto his back. It hurts him, but it needs to be done.
Next she grabs the hem of his tunic, wanting to pull it up to look at his chest, but he stops her by taking her hands. “No one… looks.”
“Look, we really don’t care that you’re scrawny,” Snotlout states.
“I don’t care… what you… think…” what my problem is,’ but he doesn’t get to say that. “No… looks… touch.”
“Hiccup, you’re killing yourself!” Fishlegs exclaims.
Toothless whines again, nuzzling his forehead. Apart from when Hiccup was about to lose his leg, they’ve never seen him like this.
“Willow,” is the single word he manages past his lips. He doesn’t need their help in treating his injuries, just in making it possible for him to treat himself.
“You know… it might not work?” Astrid says. “Are you really risking everything on the slight chance that willow bark infused tea will help numb your pain enough to help yourself?”
There’s trouble in his expression as he thinks it over, but he gives her no response.
Astrid is immediately frustrated. She wants to help, they all want to help. Hiccup has done more for Berk than they can ever repay and he won’t even let them take care of him when even his dragons are helpless.
The four of them stand outside the hut, desperate for their original trainer to make it.
Hiccup must be looking at their faces as well, because suddenly, and slowly, the hem of his tunic inches upwards. His hands are on his pectorals, where his tunic bunches up. He won’t go any further.
Deciding to tread lightly, Fishlegs gets to work.
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berenwrites · 11 months
Beyond the Battle - Chapter 32 - Stranger Things - Steddie
Beyond the Battle­: Action & Consequence
Click here for All Posted Chapters
Summary: Steve hits things with a bat or gets hit depending on who you ask. He definitely does not have anything to do with the psychic stuff. That is El’s domain. However, as Vecna is defeated, the rules change.
Pairing: steddie (Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson)
Other Relationships: Steve & Robin, Steve & Dustin, Eddie & Dustin
Rating: Teen
A/N: Multi-chapter story, updated regularly. Honestly not sure how many chapters it will have yet because it's still a bit hand wavy in the middle, but definitely more than 12. Thank you to my beta for find my mistakes and to all those who read/like/reblog.💖 Follow #st:beyond-the-battle for updates.
Also on AO3
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Chapter 32.    Is It Finally Over?
El and Will were clearly exhausted, huddled together on one of the couches, barely awake as Owens’ people dealt with the clear up. Joyce had fed them candy bars already, but that clearly hadn’t helped with the fatigue. Steve wasn’t much better, but there was no way in hell he was letting on while the government were still in his home. He hadn’t trusted them before, now he wanted them gone as soon as possible.
“You better make sure that madman is thrown in the deepest darkest hole,” Hopper growled at Owens, “because if I ever meet him, I am putting a bullet between his eyes.”
“The Colonel will not be bothering you again. He has overstepped his authority and will be dealt with accordingly,” Owens promised. “We should really get everyone checked out.”
The man was mostly looking at Will and El and every protective instinct in Steve fired. Luckily, he wasn’t the only one as both Hopper and Joyce stepped between Owens and their children.
“We’ve got it covered,” Hopper said in a tone that was somewhere around absolute zero.
“They have both been through a great deal of stress,” Owens pointed out. “After what happened to El during the Starcourt incident I am only concerned for their…”
“Doctor Owens,” Steve watched his mom step in, “a moment of your time, outside.”
She pointed towards the front door. The flicker of anxiety across the man’s face was something to behold and Steve didn’t even feel guilty for enjoying it.
“She’ll kill us all,” he heard a voice snarl from the direction of the pool room.
He turned, just in time to see Colonel Sullivan stagger into the living room holding a gun. There was blood dripping down the man’s face from a cut above his eyebrow and his uniform was torn, as if he had been in a nasty fight. His face was also twisted with rage.
Steve was shocked when Owens stepped between the colonel and El and Will. He had his arms up in a placating gesture.
“Jack,” Owens said in a calm even voice, “it’s over. Put the gun down and we can talk about this.”
“You’re putting the world in danger,” Sullivan snarled.
“No, Jack,” Owens said, placating, “Eleven was never the danger. She destroyed Henry Creel, One, he was always the danger. He was the killer.”
“They’re all killers,” Sullivan said, “and she’s infected another one.”
“That’s not how it works, Jack,” Owens replied. “It’s not an infection…”
“Traitor,” Sullivan snarled.
The shot was devastatingly loud, and Owens stepped backwards looking shocked, stumbling as blood bloomed from the side of his head. Steve reacted without thinking, hand shooting out as Sullivan focused back on El. The gun fired a second time, but the bullet lodged harmlessly in the ceiling as Steve ripped it from the man’s hand. It flew through the air, smacking into his palm.
Sullivan had about a second to look scared, before Eddie leapt over the couch with preternatural speed, taking him down with a snarl. The colonel didn’t stand a chance when faced with a very angry vampire.
Steve had no time to celebrate, however, as the world lurched. He fell to his knees, stomach twisting. The gun was very much bigger than a ball bearing and he had moved it a great deal further. His system made him pay. It was only through sheer force of will he didn’t puke messily all over his mother’s plush rug. Deep shuddering breaths were about all he was capable of.
“Oh shit,” Robin said, on her knees beside him almost instantly.
Her hand on his back was about the only thing not spinning.
“Steve!” El’s desperate cry had him looking up, trying to focus.
There was two of everything, moving alarmingly, but he could make out El leaning over the fallen Owens. He could feel her panic through the remnants of the connection they had yet to completely let go. He could also sense what she could.
“Get me over there,” he forced out through gritted teeth.
“Steve, you can’t,” Robin tried to tell him.
“He’s dying,” he insisted, doing his best to lurch to his feet on his own.
“Fuck. Steve this is bad,” Robin said, but moved to help him anyway.
He fell back to his knees next to Owens, dropping the gun that was still in his hand. The man’s eyes were open and glassy, the thread of his life almost gone where the bullet had passed right through his temple. Steve knew his tanks were almost empty, but he had to try. Owens had put himself between a bullet and El, that deserved at least a chance and had moved the man from reluctant ally to friend in his head.
Reaching out, he placed his hands either side of Owens’ face and he pushed. He let the real world go and he smashed through that invisible barrier with everything he had left. What he found was devastation where the bullet had ripped through Owens’ brain. As his instincts fired, he did the same as he had done for Nancy, holding the man to the flicker of life that remained, as he began to put everything back together.
The voice of warning in his mind was silenced by his overwhelming need. Any limit he had found before was rediscovered and passed as he did what he had to do. The deeper he went, the more unacceptable failure became. There was no halfway with this, it was all or nothing. It was as if his power had a mind of its own and it was in control now. It flooded through Owens’ body, healing all it touched as Steve gave everything he had left.
He was so close to the edge, the energy in his mind’s eye grey and almost transparent. There was still much to do, but he had nothing left. That’s when he felt them, El and Will. His core flared as they shared their own power with him. They had little left either, the food they had consumed barely refuelling them at all, but it was more than he did now, and he could not stop. He could not let Owens go, he had to follow it to the end.
There was no lurching awakening this time, not a gentle one either. Eventually everything simply went black.
He was warm, comfortable and someone was running their fingers through his hair. For a while Steve let himself enjoy it. Eventually, however, he began to wake up properly. He realised he was lying on one of the couches in the living room, curled on his side, covered in a blanket, with his head pillowed on someone’s lap. Someone familiar, but his brain was in no state to work out who. There was also something uncomfortable about the back of his left hand.
His thoughts were a bit slow to begin with, so he lay there with his eyes slightly open, just waiting for the restart of his brain to finish. It was Dustin who noticed he was no longer asleep, because of course it was.
“Steve,” Dustin asked, much quieter than normal, “are you awake?”
“Kinda trying to figure that out,” he replied and was pleased it made sense even if it was rather slurred.
Dustin gave him a grin.
“Hey, Dingus,” Robin said, hence identifying who he had been sleeping on, “how are you feeling.”
He did her the service of actually thinking about that for a few moments. Not that doing so made anything clearer.
“Fuzzy,” he replied eventually, as he searched him brain for some sort of explanation.
His thoughts were like molasses.
“What happened?” he asked, because he couldn’t remember how he had ended up where he was.
“You were a self-sacrificial idiot,” Robin said, but kept on running her fingers through his hair, so he was pretty sure she wasn’t that mad at him.
He tried hard to recall what had happened.
“Don’t remember,” he admitted.
“You pulled off a miracle.”
That was Eddie’s voice, but it was coming from somewhere behind and to his left and he couldn’t summon up the energy to move.
“Owens,” Robin said, and it all came flooding back.
His nice quiet brain was suddenly very full of nightmare images. Sullivan, the gun, Owens, it all flashed through his head.
“Woah, it’s okay, sssh,” Robin’s voice cut through his sudden panic, and he realised the desperate whine he could hear was coming from him.
Eddie appeared in front of him, crouching right down so they were almost nose to nose, one hand gently touching the side of his face, the other holding something up.
“It’s over,” Eddie said, firmly and calmly, “just breathe for us, sweetheart.”
He did his best, but it was hard as the overwhelming memories flashed through his head. He couldn’t put things in the little box at the back of his mind to think about later as it all hit him at the same time. Eddie was still talking to him, so was Robin, but it was hard to focus.
“Steve, darling, you need to breathe.”
His mother’s voice broke through the confusing panic. He took a huge shuddering breath as basic familial instinct kicked in. Pushing through the mess in his head, he forced himself to open his eyes where he hadn’t even really been aware he had closed them. His mom was crouching in front of him right next to Eddie. He reached out, needing to confirm what his eyes were seeing.
He was not expecting his mother to shy away from his touch.
“Mom?” he gasped out, even as his mother looked utterly torn.
“I’m sorry, darling,” his mom said quickly, “I can’t let you touch me. After you passed out, you reacted very badly to anyone touching you that you hadn’t healed before,” she told him before he could panic again.
“We think you couldn’t shut down your healing, so you were trying to heal everyone of everything with nothing left in the tank,” Eddie added, “but your instincts recognised you didn’t need to with those of us you already fixed.”
“It’s why you’re still on the couch and not somewhere more comfortable,” Robin told him, still gently playing with his hair. “We didn’t want to risk moving you far.”
“El and Will?” he asked, because he definitely remembered what they had done at the end.
“Sleeping soundly in mine and your father’s room,” his mom told him.
“Doctor Owens?” was his next question.
“Perfectly healthy and very grateful,” said a familiar voice from somewhere to the left.
Owens was standing there, blood on his collar and in his hair, but otherwise whole. Steve wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry as he completely failed to process that properly. Rather than react at all he let his gaze drop down to the hand he had tried to reach out to his mother with. It was only then he noticed there was something taped to the back of it.
“Glucose solution,” Robin said as he frowned at it, following the tube to a bag Eddie was holding.
At least that made sense. Not a lot else did. The panic attack, no matter how brief had robbed him of whatever energy he had recouped.
“Tired,” he mumbled.
“Go back to sleep, darling,” his mom told him with a small smile. “I’ll make sure everyone is fine for you until you wake up.”
His mom knew him so well. Letting his eyes fall closed, he felt the real-world slip away, but far more gently this time. He dreamed of a warm day out by the lake, lying in the sun and relaxing, watching the water ripple, with Robin and Eddie by his side. He thought everyone else might have been there too, but he couldn’t see them, just sensing that they were around. It was peaceful.
End of Chapter 32
Chapter 33
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salamifuposey · 2 years
Lemonade - Chapter 9 - Maravi, The First
Chapter 9 - Maravi, The First
In a wide room with a black velvet piano in the middle, comes a single young faceless butler man.
His footsteps could be heard across the room, all while he made its way there, echoing through his path.
As he approached the piano, he sat in its bench and readied himself for a play.
He stretched his fingers and relaxed his hands, making his gloves comfortable.
Hoping to provide a wonderful night, his heart only eager to play the melody that comes from it.
He instinctively hovers his fingers over the keys, hesitating only but a little.
He was thinking of a melody that could help provide some ambient to the mansion, as the mirrors reflected his image. Alas, he was only one of the many faceless butlers Susanna had in her mansion.
His heart filled with grief, he remembers the harshness of the world.
Everything felt like the world was against him, only but having his piano as his only friend.
Feeling mournful most often, he still remembered that the world keeps going without him.
So he thought, "if I were ever to make the most of my living."
"... Let it be to follow my own passion, no matter how blind it may be."
As even the most faceless of person would be characterized by their own fire and passion, with their own set goals and much like anyone else, is as much human as anyone else. If the world kept going, then why can't he?
As he finally sets his resolve, he pursues his dreams, letting only those who care about him stop him, if ever to bring him back to reality and enjoy the time with those around him, while sharing his gift.
"Do I do it for money?" He asked.
"Do I do it for my own pride?"
"Do I do it, perhaps to finally get the attention I seek?"
He paused and considered about it.
"... I do it because it flows in my veins."
"... It's like a image or a song stuck replaying, going over and over, not wanting to stop."
"... How foolish would it be wanting to share that image or song to the world out there!"
"... But it sure is tempting, even if people might judge it."
"... Why, people might even get shocked or even think of as inappropriate!"
"... But to see their reactions, regardless of fear!..."
"... That is the thrill I truly seek."
"... To be able to share... And embrace my very being... And letting people know who I am..."
"... And how far I'm willing to go and become!..."
"... To share the experience!... They truly seek!..."
The faceless man then embraces his passion and begins playing his piano.
His emotions burned effervescently as he played through those keys, while sharing a shocking melody.
The setting then changes once more.
As we find ourselves witnessing Susanna's breaking point, as she longes and stares towards her villains, who defied her mansion and dared to make such insinuations, readying her fan and ready for attack.
"... I did not kill my husband!" Susanna then uttered those words, as they echoed through the living room she was once comfortably sitting in, while drinking her tea.
"... If you wish to have a battle, then so be it."
"... But I won't do it elsewhere but my ballroom!"
The faceless butlers then caught Lemmy and Adven off guard, as thunder struck outside from a downpour.
"Hey - What are you!-"
As she made its way towards the ballroom, the butlers then forcefully clutched and dragged them to this division of this house, not wanting any chaotic mess elsewhere.
"Let me go!" Adven was trying to punch and kick her little feet, but the butler had a extraordinary strength.
"Adv!" The butler responsible for Lemmy also didn't seem to want to let him go.
As they're about to face their fate, Susanna comes inside the ballroom of her mansion, Lemmy and his friend thrown inside it while the butlers locked the door, hoping they don't get out of the mansion.
"Augh!" Lemmy yelped after falling towards the floor.
"... What the hell?!" Adven wanted to get back at those butlers.
Susanna's footsteps then were all that could be heard while they stood in the floor, trying to get up.
As she readies her fan.
"So, you wish to have a fight?" Susanna interrogated them further while waving the fan towards her, about to make a comeback.
"Then so be it!"
"You shall pay with your shed blood!"
As Lemmy and Adven presences her in the middle of the reflective ballroom, they then soon witness the level of her threat, as she posed once more as a martial artist, eager to hang their heads.
"... Are you crazy?! What are you, some kind of freak?!" Lemmy then exclaimed with anger, venting his frustration over her going berserk.
"It's because of you we even got in this situation!" Adven then scolded him. "There's no point in crying over it now! Whatever this gal wants, she wants us dead!" Adven wasn't shy of sharing Susanna's true intents.
Susanna then leaps and tries to hit Adven with her fan, to which Lemmy noticed something off about it, something that stood out the most to him.
"Adven, get away!" Lemmy pleaded. "That's no ordinary fan!"
"Nice of you to have noticed!" Susanna then makes another leap for it, as she tries to agress Adven, hoping for a hit with it, Adven barely dodging this one as well.
The fan seemed to actually be razor blade, as he noticed the fan slowly snipping at Adven's hair tips and slashing through the air, hoping to land a hit. Adven's heart almost skipped a beat.
"... Hnngh!"
"... Hey, Lady!" Lemmy then shouted. "Leave her out of this! It's me you want! I'm the one who started this whole mess!" Lemmy then tried to scold her, not wanting Adven to have anything to do with it.
"... Oh? And you're only just now putting yourself out there?" Susanna then teased.
"... How polite!... To the point it's sickening!"
She then made her way towards Lemmy, as she kept slashing towards his torso, hoping to cut him in half and striking him down, her agility being that of a bee hummingbird, nimble enough to not get striked.
As he kept dodging, he tried to make of her movements, trying to read into her pattern.
"... She's fast! Way too fast!" Lemmy couldn't help but feel pressured by her agility, as she kept coming towards him, keeping her distance every so often to breath and strike whenever off guard.
"... She's like a mouse! I can't get back at her! If only there was a way to predict where she'd go next!..." Lemmy didn't know how to predict it.
As Lemmy tried to study her movements and she kept dodging back and forth, it was almost as if she was teleporting, making dashes even the human eye can't see or witness as she leapt, dodging his attacks.
Lemmy then realized the bell on her waist, ringing every so often as she moved.
"... Her bell!... Maybe, perhaps!..."
As Lemmy readied his Deep Reshon, he tried to go for a fight. He leaped back towards her in the nick of time and at the exact time that bell rang, only to regret it immediately at that instance.
"... Aghh!" He then covered his ears, due to its ringing.
Lemmy then recoiled back in confusion, getting off guard just a bit.
"Getting distracted?!" Susanna made for another leap and strike, Lemmy barely having dodged in time, getting confused by the bell and the ringing.
"... What happened?..." Lemmy wasn't sure of what was going on, he thought he actually had it. "I approached that thing and it just kept ringing!... It's so loud!..."
"... Looks like you also caught eye of my cute little bell!..." She shared about it nonchalantly.
"... Too bad you can't approach me as long as it's ringing!"
"... The heck?!" Lemmy then got blown, almost suffering another strike.
As he kept dodging and even countering her fan with his Deep Reshon, she then started mocking his face.
"What's the matter?" Susanna then noticed his hesitance.
"... Afraid of putting a fight?!" She then countered and sent Lemmy off with the strength of her fan, hoping he'd keep his distance and almost ready to counter him whenever he'd lower his guard.
"... Hah!... Hah!..."
"Lemmy!" Adven then cheered for him, keeping her distance. "You can't just hit her whenever her bell rings! You've got to predict where she'll move next and then strike her during her dash!"
"I know that!" Lemmy then exclaimed. "But if only there was a way to tell that!..."
"... Wait!" Lemmy then remembered something crucial. "That's it!"
"If her bell always rings whenever she makes a stop, then!..."
Then Lemmy leapt and rushed towards Susanna, finally making a hit to her torso and her dress, slashing part of it and leaving a slight scar on her side, during her dash, leaving her off guard.
"... I just gotta go for offbeat!"
"Hah!" Susanna then feels that pain and immediately tries to counter Lemmy with her fan, throwing him off and sending him far away from her reach. "... Hnngh!"
"... Gotcha!" Lemmy then smirked, finally having calmed her spirits, hoping this would put a stop in her career and her blind fury that kept her moving against him.
"... Hah..."
As Susanna clutched to her very fan and made a slight stop, she decides to make a little pause.
"... Are you finally going to put a stop to this?" Lemmy didn't seem to want to fight her further, as he didn't want to harm the mayor of this city. "If we don't stop now, somebody's about to get hurt!"
But unfortunately, things didn't seem to be over just yet.
"... Hnnghh...."
"... Hnnghrghhh..."
"... Hnnggaaaarghhh!..."
Susanna didn't even seem like herself, as she held on to her slashed waist.
"... You actually hit me?..." Susanna even felt rather surprised, as she never had anyone read her movements like that before, feeling like she had lost her practice.
"... Ugh..."
As she stared at her wound, her eyes suddenly seemed red, as her hand trembled.
"... Hnngh!..."
"... You!..."
Susanna then shouted from her heart, her eyes sparking different intents, this time murderous, her voice echoing and trembling all over the ballroom, as she changes positions.
"... Hnnaaargh!" She clenched her teeth in rage. "... I don't even care if she gets framed for it!"
"This time, I'll MURDER ALL OF YOU!"
Susanna then shouted all of a sudden, not making any sense.
"... What's wrong with you?!" Lemmy was blown over her reaction. "What are you even saying?!"
Her form then changed from a calm blue to a mysterious aura circling all around her.
Susanna then makes a leap against Lemmy, her graciousness now gone, as she agressively punches Lemmy in a fist of rage, her speed having caught him off guard and her red eyes having scared him.
"... Ack!" Lemmy then flies against a wall of the ballroom and slide down from it, landing on the floor, Susanna slowly approaching and then coming to a stop next to him.
"... This time, I'll FINISH ALL OF YOU!"
But just as she was about to land her fist, Adven tries to make her stop.
"... Stop! STOP!" Adven pleaded from her heart.
"Let him go!" She cried tearfully.
"Let my FRIEND GO!"
Adven cried out and let her tears go by.
"...!" Susanna did only but a growl as she tried to make sense of the chipmunk, that word resonating with her.
"Please, just let him go!" She pleaded. "We'll leave! Just please, let him live!"
As Adven was fighting for her friend, Lemmy was overwhelmingly tired from all those events, as he leaned forward, feeling everything from that hit, wondering how he even got such a friend to begin with.
"... Adv..."
As Susanna seemed like she made a pause, she then forcefully tries to push Adven to keep her distance.
"... Please..." Adven couldn't help but cry out.
"... We're sorry..."
As Susanna now stared at a knocked out Lemmy right in front of her face, she then felt very conflicted for some reason, almost as if she was unconscious of her actions.
"... You..."
"... You just don't get it!" Susanna then cried out.
"... She didn't kill her husband!"
"... I DID!" Susanna then cried out, Adven not even understanding what was going on.
"... W-what?..." Adven wasn't even sure of what she was saying.
"... Please don't put the blame in her..."
"... I was the one that killed her husband!..."
"... Just because she didn't want to fight back!..."
"... And she kept being abused by him!..."
It was almost as if a whole different entity was speaking for her, the red eyes standing out.
"... I killed him with her own hands..."
"... She doesn't remember anything because every time I possess her, her memories get unconscious!..."
"... She had nothing to do with this..."
The entity inside the woman then cried out, feeling hopeless for ever having put her in such a situation.
"... The only thing she did was ever get involved with such a man!..."
"... And even then, she wasn't guilty of any of it!..."
"... Seeing her getting beaten..."
"... That took my heart..."
"... I still remember when we got to be friends!..."
"... She was standing in her backyard, crying for some reason..."
"... I didn't even knew what she was crying about!... Only that I wanted to be her friend!..."
The entity inside Susanna then gets silent.
"... We're all lonely deep down..."
"... I was lonely..."
"... And I just wanted to help her out..."
"... I just..."
"... Grabbed and reached out a knife... Right after possessing her, since I was already inside her body..."
"... Since then, things have never been the same... People started blaming her!"
"... But for what?!"
"... For trying to defend from her own husband?!"
The entity felt solemn for Susanna's story.
".. She isn't even from this dimension... She just got in here some day, she even told me everything about it..." The entity spoke of how Susanna had opened to this entity. "She was so scared of everything... and then she met what seemed to be such a wonderful man in this city..."
"... I wish things had gotten way better for her than it did."
Lemmy and Adven then remained silent, having heard such a tale, wondering if it was even real or not.
"... I don't expect you to believe me or anything." The entity didn't expect such things.
"... But at the very least, believe her." The entity just wanted Susanna to be safe. "Believe in my friend."
"... All she was was a victim here..." The entity then blamed themselves for it.
"... A victim of me just trying to help..."
"... I'll give you your time." The entity spoke inside of Susanna. "In the meantime, I really got to make up for my friend, by saying that we don't need to hurt you or anything."
"... I'm sure you've heard and I know what you're thinking... That girl did indeed come here for help." The entity then admitted. "Because she was given a task and she was told to tell to two of us. Susanna simply said she never saw her because her memory didn't recollect her. I was the one in her possession, thus the lack of memory." The entity wanted to make sure the lack of recollecting wasn't just a coincidence.
"... Two of you?" Adven then tried to heal Lemmy, who was barely by his ropes.
"... There's more of us out there." The entity admitted. "One of us is down straight villainous and doesn't really care about anything, other than his rebelliousness. I hear he's hanging out with a delinquent so be careful for that." The entity admitted such a fault.
"I guess we can't help it, we just make friends with who we see fit, even if it means them having bad influences in us..." The entity told about their situation, mourning her lost friend.
"... The other one's missing. And the other is inside a princess." She mourned not seeing her friend often.
"Be careful of the delinquent - that's the one you want to avoid. But most of all, we're your clue to finding out the girls' whereabouts." The entity boldly stated.
"... I assume she's heading out for Brightburn Tower." The entity in Susanna's body then claimed. "Exactly for what, I can't tell... But I assume my friend merely wanted to help out."
"... He must be really trying to hide out his secret. Maybe to get your girlfriend there."
Lemmy then held on to his sides, hoping for answers.
"... Your friend?..." He exhaled, trying to rest.
"... Vonderv, I mean." The entity revealed his name. "The name's Maravi. I'm the First."
"... Wait, but that means..." Adven then stood in shock.
"... Yeah, I'm one of the Four." The entity admitted. "He just so happens to be the Fourth. The Second's the rebellious one and the Third is with royalty, albeit we're distant."
"... You're one of the Guardians..." Adven couldn't even believe her feats.
"... Yeah, yeah... No big deal about it." The entity wanted to make none of it.
"... Anyways, I assume he gave that girl the other half, while he's keeping the other one safe. Which makes sense, because we're keeping it safe." The entity wasn't sure whether to share from who.
"... Anyway, better to get back on track. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience..." Maravi then spoke, hoping to bring Susanna back to a room and saying everything that just happened.
"... That's... That's okay..." Lemmy excused them. "I'm the one with a big mouth..."
"... Heheh!" Maravi then laughed while being Susanna. "No, it's not! I'm sorry for having hurt you."
"... Hopefully you can forgive me and my friend." Maravi was hoping to be friends with them.
"... So..." Lemmy then questioned.
"... What's the thing about you wanting to become friends?..."
"... Oh." Maravi then spoiled. "It's mostly more about contracts. We just like sharing a bond while keeping people safe. We form a bond with that person to keep them safe, while providing everything we have for them."
"... In return, we are kept as a secret. Kind of like a second personality, if you will..."
"... Is that... Why that pig guy wanted me to be his friend?..." Lemmy then wondered all about it.
"... Yeah! That's mostly about it!..." Maravi didn't want Lemmy to think Vonderv was malevolent or anything. "We just happen to wander on this earth, hoping to find a friend as a host."
"... It's definitely not easy, what with us not wanting to get with everyone!..."
"... I guess he just took a liking towards you..." Maravi then felt like Lemmy remembered her from someone.
"... Yeah..." Lemmy then wondered how much of a friend Vonderv would become.
"... Also, is that why he didn't want to come to this place?" Lemmy then remembered his hesitance.
"... Yeah, it's been a while!" Maravi then stated. "I guess he didn't want to bother me... or want any sort of misinterpretation... He's just like that, that big ol' fool..."
"One more thing..." Lemmy then asked.
"... What ARE you?..."
Maravi got surprised by those words as silence was made.
"... We're children!"
"... Deceased children actually."
Lemmy's eyes then widened as he stood in shock.
"... Yep! Just children!" Maravi didn't seem like that was a big deal. "We had already died a long time ago... Despite our appearance, we indeed have matured mind-wise. So we're no longer children and more adults. One thing's for certain, is that our pig-like appearance is consistent."
"... We were picked from the Afterlife." Maravi then shared their procedure. "God picks us out, long after our sudden death. He only happens to pick those who had a unfortunate end early in life."
"... Okay, I think that's enough entity exploring for now!..." Lemmy then told Adven hoping to get on with it.
"Yeah... Heheh... Besides, we don't want to stall you further." Adven then hoped to help Lemmy with his treatment while Maravi and Susanna talked it out to be on their way out.
"... Then, by all means." Maravi then smiled, as she was hoping to make her friend understand.
Afterwards, Lemmy and Adven were just about to make their leave, as Susanna was back to being herself, Maravi now being in her unconsciousness, keeping her safe from harm in her mansion.
"I'm just happy you got to understand things... And most of all, I'm sorry about what I said about your husband..." Lemmy then said he was sorry to Susanna, who had just catch up to the story. "
"... It's okay." Susanna made sure not to worry him. "If anything, I'm the one who should be sorry... And I wish you nothing but the best for your quest."
"I assume Maravi told you about everything, all while my memories were unconscious." Susanna felt rather troubled she couldn't keep up to things because of her minor inconvenience.
"She did and I'm glad she did." Lemmy admitted. "I feel really sorry about you and your husband... If only I had known..." He felt remorseful over such words.
"Don't be." Susanna only wanted them to be safe. "I was the one who didn't fight back. And my husband didn't treat me well. Maravi only did what she could. She didn't know any better."
"If I had put a stop to it any sooner, I'd-" She looked mournful, sad over not having done more earlier.
"... But I digress. He's gone now and there's nothing I can do about it. Only but wish for the best and go forward, while keeping the city safe, which is what he left me with."
"... It's a hard task and the whole town's a mess..."
"... But hopefully, I can make myself hear." She merely wanted the safekeeping of the citizens.
"... Even if it means with a iron fist. I can't handle seeing the children like this, hidden, while their parents trash and cause such things. I wish nothing but the best for them and to get them proper education."
"The city means a lot to you, doesn't it?" Lemmy wondered her affinity to it.
"I guess... After falling into this dimension from a hole in a tree, I guess I got fond of it, even if as years have gone by, the citizens decided to fight back because of their mayor..."
"... You really got quite a story there, ain't it?" Lemmy then laughed with her.
"A little bit!" Susanna then giggled. "But such is life - constantly throwing you curve balls at it." She lamented a little about her life, but kept going on.
"... Guess you got to make the most of it, even in the hardest of times."
"... A step at a time, right?" Lemmy then wanted to make sure she had his support.
"... Yeah..."
"... One step at a time..."
"... Very well then." Susanna then ends.
"... Then I bid you..."
"... Adieu!..."
"Yeah..." Lemmy then felt sad over not getting to know her sooner and more from her, as he felt like he had to carry on with his task, as he bid farewell to Susanna and her butler friends, alongside with Adven.
"... Bye!"
As Susanna and her butlers waved back towards them, Lemmy and his friend, Adven then keep on to their search, hoping to find more hints about the rest of the Four and Naddy's whereabouts.
But just as about they were about to make their leave from Glass City, a familiar figure then awaits.
It was Vonderv waiting for them outside, almost as if nothing had happened and they just happened to be acquaintances. "Where you've been?! Did everything go well?!"
"... You!" Lemmy then approached this fat hog.
"... How come you didn't tell me about this Guardian thing?!" Lemmy then scolded Vonderv and his very being. "More importantly, why didn't you stop us or left us go inside that mansion?!" Lemmy was infuriated.
"Oh..." Vonderv then felt very solemn.
"... I guess I just wanted Maravi to handle things!" He seemed like he could trust Maravi more than everyone. "She's a real peach, even if a bit overprotective..."
"Overprotective is a understatement!" Lemmy scolded him even further. "We were almost dead because of you! Didn't you know about her?!" Lemmy didn't want to take more of this any further.
"... Nope!" Vonderv then just smiled, crossing his arms behind his head.
"... I don't know everything about Maravi and her friend. It's not in me to find out everything about her. I'm sure she has her reasons." Vonderv then admitted being distanced from her comrade.
"... Hnngrrghhh!" Lemmy just felt almost like snapping.
"... Ugh!"
"... Just... come on with us." Lemmy then asked for his help.
"... Huh?!" Vonderv then felt quite surprised about his reaction.
"... Really?!"
"... You really mean it?!" Vonderv then felt rather thrilled he had his companionship.
"... Of course I mean it, we need your help!" Lemmy then felt troubled he even had to carry him back. "Besides, you know where to head more than anyone, since you know where my girlfriend went!"
"Oh - yeah, that, hahah..." Vonderv then just giggled and smirked with his smile with a gap on his teeth.
"... I forgot about that, heheh." Vonderv then just kept on teasing him.
"... Well, where to next?" Lemmy then asked Adven, hoping for more clue searching.
"Well, I-" But as soon as Adven was about to unroll her map, Vonderv grabbed upon it and decided to help while trying to make the most of her map.
"... Well, now we have to get riiiight here!" Vonderv then pinpoints the next location.
"... Hey! That's my map!" Adven shouted as she stood from her little feet.
"... Huh?" Lemmy then wondered about his next location.
"... Mystic Underground?" Lemmy felt even more troubled than ever before.
"Well, if you want to find your girlfriend, I'm sure that's where she was headed, since you can't reach Brightburn Tower without crossing to the other side of the underground!"
"... You think she might have bumped into someone?" Lemmy was fearful of her ever getting hurt in such a situation. "Hopefully she doesn't get hurt..."
"Don't worry about it! I gave her a heavy cloak, to be sure no one can tell her apart from anyone else!" Vonderv didn't want her to be susceptible of any danger, especially after him knowing what's out there.
"... Although now I'm kind of frightened, knowing of the consequences..." Vonderv then got slightly squeamish for some reason, hoping he wasn't foreshadowing anything.
"What do you mean?" Lemmy wondered about this even further.
"Ergh..." Vonderv then simply stared back at Lemmy, wondering where he really came from.
"... Nothing about it." He simply shut his mouth for good, dodging his sight.
"... What do you mean?! If my girlfriend is out there somewhere in danger, you should tell me everything about it!" Lemmy then ranted to Vonderv, wondering what he had got Naddy into.
"... It's nothing, I'm sure of it!" Vonderv kept dodging the question.
"... Besides, the chances of that are very low!..."
"... That and it would unfit him..." Vonderv then hummed to himself. "Darn, I wasn't expecting things to turn out this way... But at the same time, I gotta wonder about this girl..."
"... But enough about that! Let's go get this hot chick!" Vonderv then cheered.
"Yeah! I- wait, did you just called my girl a hot chick?" Lemmy then squinted at him.
"... I'll call her what she is, hot chick!" Vonderv didn't want to go back his own words.
"Also, you and me? Gotta keep things a secret. No telling anyone about how I'm a Guardian, deal?" Vonderv wanted to make sure his secret wasn't spilled.
Lemmy then groans, as he and Adven now follow on a entirely different path, now escorted by one of the Guardians, Vonderv, after a feud and truce with Maravi on a quest to find his still lost girlfriend, hoping to get back home with her, as they made their way towards Mystic Underground, the city of cockroaches and lady bugs, where Hector seemingly had just left from, while searching for Lemmy.
Meanwhile, Hector was on a different path with Jayt, as he and Jayt wandered across the land, searching for Lemmy in vain, hoping to find some answers and some clue.
Both him and Jayt were walking tired around these lands, Jayt's feet hurting as he walked.
"... Ugh! We've been searching around everywhere!" Jayt complained about his feet endlessly. "There's no sign of him in sight!"
"Where in the world is Lemmy?!" He exclaimed, trying to search him haplessly.
"... Yeah, this is kind of getting hopeless..." Hector felt like he was about to lose all hope.
"Did you even ask some questions on the place you've been? Anyone, anything?! You can't just hurry and go in haste, you've got to at least have some answers before you research!" Jayt felt like this wasn't going anywhere, thinking Hector jumped far too much into action.
"Hey, give me a break, I just landed in this place! I barely even know anyone here..." Hector couldn't help but feel like he did Lemmy wrong by not asking anyone about it, feeling rather dumb that he didn't.
"If only we've had some help..." Hector then mused to himself.
"Do you even know anything about his girlfriend? Didn't you even run against her?" Jayt wondered, thinking where in the world his girlfriend could be located as well.
"... Uhh." Hector then paused for a bit, never having even considered his girlfriend.
"... You forgot about that, didn't you?" Jayt then scolded him by his ears.
".... Uhh, no I didn't! Because I only just found out Lemmy has a girlfriend!" Hector then admitted he only heard about it recently.
"... Of which... I didn't know about." Hector then profusely sweated.
"... Huh, didn't catch up about that, did'ja?" Jayt then wondered about his fate.
"... Of course I have! Lemmy just told me some while back!" Hector admitted that being the truth told to him, which he slightly forgot about.
"... I just..."
"... Guess he didn't have it in him to tell it to me..." Hector then felt a bit off the loop regarding that, feeling sad Lemmy didn't tell him anything about it.
"... Well, one thing's for certain, we've got to get Lemmy back and this girl as well!" Jayt then remembered also Dayley, although that was far from his concerns, hoping he didn't have to cross his paths with him.
"... I barely know her, all I know is she's some skittish lass that got involved with him from some burglary thing from a bank he was handling with and since then, they got hitched." Jay tried to explain their backstory. "That's all I know of. She's a real Betty Boop."
"... Huh..." Hector then stood in surprise.
"... Does..."
"... Does Lemmy care about this chick?" Hector then wondered his involvement with her.
"Only that he talks about her all the time!" Jayt still remembers his calls with her. "Calling her snookums and silly stuff like that! Guess that's what a girlfriend does to ya!"
"... Huh..." Hector felt a bit bummed out.
"... Anyway, I think I see a bar!" Jayt then pointed out to the horizon, where he could see a place they could hit. "If we stand around there long enough, we might get some hints!"
"... How are you so sure?" Hector then wondered how he's so intuitive about these things.
"... People talk about things all the time! They can't help getting a bit antsy while constantly yapping about things. If we stick around and be all ears, I'm sure even something might help!"
"I'm in the forensics!... I always gotta be alert for something!... Always searching for crime scenes and everything made me a bit experient, even if only little... Footprints, fingerprints, evidence, searching for people, stuff like that..."
"... If we're lucky, even find someone we can ask about Lemmy. Gotta always make sure."
"... Heh, thanks, Jayt." Hector then thanked. "I didn't think you'd be this useful."
"No problem! That's the least I can do so we can find the Miss's son! Besides, you've gone and helped me so why not?" Jayt felt like he owed to Hector after everything he's done.
"... Heheh..." Hector simply laughed and joshed long.
After a while, they entered this pub, hoping they'd learn about anything or any possible clue.
They sat for a while, hoping someone would answer them.
"... You up for grabs?" Hector asked, wondering if he didn't want anything to eat.
"... With what money?" Jayt wondered. "Remember, we've got nothing to pay with!..."
"Oh yeah, forgot about that..." Hector then stayed put, wondering if they'd hear anything.
After a while, Jayt seemed to be hearing his surroundings, paying attention to any possible clue that might help. In the middle of all the chattering, he came across such words such as something called Brightburn Tower and its whereabouts or even its intent.
"... Huh, that's interesting." Jayt wondered about such location.
"... You ever hear about anything called Brightburn Tower?" Jayt then asked, hoping if he had an answer to give.
"Huh..." Hector then tried to reminisce as hard as he could.
"... Oh yeah! Now that I remember, I remember a cloaked figure that I crossed with that asked for directions!" Hector then remembered the cloaked person that asked him directions for the Mystic Underground.
"... They said they wanted to go to the Brightburn Tower! To get a wish or something like that!"
"A wish?" Jay was even more puzzled than before. "But from what I hear, it's a tower about Gods and their creation?" Jay didn't even know what the people were talking about, only that it was ushered.
"Yeah, they said they were in a hurry and that person really rushed into that place!" Hector didn't know what was the cloaked figure's intents. "I wonder if they're okay..."
"... That was Lemmy's girlfriend, wasn't it?" Jayt then connected the dots.
"... Dang it." Hector then admitted his own mistake.
"... That's okay, there wasn't a way of you knowing. Besides, we don't know that for sure." Jayt merely jumped to conclusions. "But to get a wish that far... I think she'd have what it takes to go there."
"Given she's such a alley cat..." Jayt wondered just how far Naddy was willing to go to get her wish of getting Lemmy back so she could get back home with him.
"... Dang, I didn't think..." Hector didn't even think she'd go that far.
"... Hmm, maybe..." Jayt then pondered something.
"... You have any picture of Lemmy?" Jayt then was hoping Hector could provide it.
"... Yeah, sure." He then took a picture of Lemmy from his sack, wondering if it'd be any help.
"... Hold on just a bit..." Jayt then lifted himself off from his seat with the photo on his hand.
Jayt then addressed one of the customers, wondering if they could help him with anything. He was particularly asking to a table where most of the clients looked resembling that of a dog or more specifically, a bulldog-like looking species.
"... Excuse me, I'm just with my friend here and I was just hoping to ask if you ever seen this face around here somewhere?" Jayt then asked to one of the costumers lunching in the table.
The customers could do nothing but stare at each other with a cold stare in their faces until one of them broke the silence, hoping they could help.
"... We don't know anything about that person, but that guy over there might help." The dog-like person then helped by saying it while pointing to the bartender. "... I don't know much about anything about that guy, but I keep hearing he already had his encounters with Yamiel before in his life."
"Yamiel? Who's Yamiel?" Hector then came and came to Jayt's side.
The dog-like creatures merely stared at each other, thinking if this was some kind of joke.
"... Go talk to him. He'll help." The dog refused to say anything any further.
"Huh..." Hector made none of it, but found it suspiciously upsetting.
Hector and Jayt then addressed the bartender, who kept going around doing his services, delivering his orders, only tending to his bar and doing his job giving his drinks.
"... Hey, bartender, keeper thing..." Hector then tried to present him the photo of Lemmy.
"... See anything like this?" He then questioned him even further, wondering if they could help.
"... Oh, I'll check up to you in a sec-"
"... YAARGH!"
The bartender then fell as he recoiled frightened.
"Hey, what's the matter?! We're just searching for my friend here!" Hector then interrogated him further, wondering what was that all about, since he jumped all scared.
"... Oh! I thought that was!... Oh, never mind!..."
He then took a closer second look at Lemmy's pictures, wondering if he ever ran across him.
"... Yes, now that I think about it!..."
"... I think I saw that guy, along with a little chipmunk and a big pig-like thing!" The bartender then remembered that he saw them by the corner of his eye, hoping that would help.
"Looks like our friend here isn't all alone either." Jayt then assumed these were all friends of his who tried to help him with his quest.
"... I think they were heading towards Mystic Underground!" The bartender then told. "Although it wouldn't cross me to think why they would go there of all places! That place is swarming with ladybugs and cockroaches from what I know!" The bartender admitted hearing that as baseless rumors.
"I just got from there!" Hector was a bit miffed he had to backtrack all that.
"Not to mention the high risk of summoning Yamiel there... To even think..."
The bartender then shut his mouth, hoping not to say any more words.
"So, who's this Yamiel being you're talking about here?" Hector then pondered about its existence. "Know anything about it? Or are you just one of those freaks pretending to have seen it?" Hector merely doubted the old man.
The bartender then sighs as he tries to gain up the courage to even talk about it.
"... Yamiel is the God of Death itself on this world. You do not want to cross paths with him!" The bartender was even freaked about saying anything. "He reaps the souls of those he seeks. He's like Death!"
"Death?" Jayt then felt a bit scared of who this could be.
"Yeah and worst part is - he has claws that look like scythes!" The bartender was absolutely petrified he was even mentioning this. "His appearance is otherworldly and not from this world!"
"Hm, not anything like those depictions of Death you usually see on comic books." Jayt wondered, reminding himself of old tropes like a skeleton with large robes holding a scythe.
"Please be careful!" The bartender didn't even want anything to happen to them. "If he even hears about this, he'll reap off my head! I'm still way too young to die!"
"Looks like we might have to hit the road once more." Jayt then pondered the idea of following Lemmy and his friends back to the Mystic Underground, hoping to catch them in time.
"Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it." Hector then thanked the bartender properly.
"... And sorry for the scare!"
As they waved back at the bartender, all he could do was blink even remembering or talking about such a thing.
After a talk with the people of this pub, Hector and Jayt then go outside once more, heading back towards Mystic Underground yet again, which would be a new sight to Jayt.
"I don't get it." Jayt then pondered. "How can Lemmy just find so many friends and just be in hitch with them venturing around these plains?" Jayt was surprised Lemmy could even make so many friends on his way.
"Maybe he told them he's searching around for his girlfriend." Hector merely assumed. "And now they're just following him or they're showing him where he's headed.
"... Perhaps, but-"
Jayt then carelessly plummets into the ground, because he was looking back without staring at the ground too much, having tripped on one of its rocks.
"Oof!" He then falls on his hands, barely having hit the ground.
"Hey, Jayt! You alright?!" Hector got slightly scared a bit, thinking he might have gotten hurt.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm just-"
"... Uh."
"... Uhh..."
Jayt for some reason was in a cold sweat, having realized and in dread of something he felt.
"... I'm..."
"... I'm fine!"
He realized he had just twisted his ankle.
"Oh! Alright, are you sure?" Hector wanted to make sure he wasn't pulling a prank. "Don't wanna see you get hurt!" Hector wanted to make sure everything was alright.
Jayt then tried to stand on his feet slowly, hoping he wouldn't fall again.
"... Ahh!" Jayt then felt a jolt of pain, as he was about to fall on his front.
Hector then rushed to him and caught him just in time, holding on to him while keeping him standing, holding on with his arm.
"What the hell, Jayt, what just happened?" He wondered what was going on.
"... I-I think I twisted my ankle or something."
"... What the heck?! Just from that fall?!" Even Hector was surprised such a thing could happen from such a fall.
"... I think it's from one of my old fractures..."
Jayt then tried standing up, but his feet sending a jolt of pain even letting it rest on the floor.
"... I-I think I need some help, can you help me here?..."
"Oh, oh, sure!"
As Jayt stayed by his side, Hector then picked him up to carry him on his arms, while he trembled, slightly scared, hoping he wouldn't fall.
"... There we go!" Hector then affirmed, while Jayt rests in his arms.
"... You mind any of this?" Hector wondered if he wasn't letting him embarrassed by carrying him around.
"... N-no." Jayt merely stayed put, not having anything to say about this.
"Then off we go!"
Hector then made his way towards the Mystic Underground, all while carrying his axe blade on his back and his friend on front, hoping to march on and find Lemmy on his path.
As Jayt got carried, he couldn't help but feeling like a burden, feeling quite embarrassed by it.
"Man, I gotta tell ya, you barely weigh anything!" Hector bragged about his strength. "Which is surprising, given you've been hitting the hospitals enough to have that muffin! You're just like a feather!"
"..." Jayt didn't really feel like saying anything, as he felt quite shy over it.
"... I didn't even think you'd be that fragile... That Dayley guy sure did a number on you... It makes me feel bad about you..." Hector then felt solemn about Jayt being so frail. "I didn't even think you had it this bad!... Kinda makes me feel sad knowing you've been through much..."
"But I know you've been a warrior!... And you'll make through this! I promise, buddy!"
As Hector walked down his path towards Mystic underground, Jayt couldn't help but his only sight being carried from his arms, as he stared to Hector from his arms and around from his side.
As Hector was making his way, he was mildly distracted with his surroundings, hoping not to fall along with Jayt and hoping they'd come across a place to rest so his ankle would heal.
Searching around helpless, Jayt's eyes looked everywhere, as it didn't seem like there was anyone in sight. He was still very afraid they'd get tackled by some thing or frightened by it.
While Hector kept on his search, he finally glances the Mystic Underground at his sight.
"Hey, we made it!" Hector celebrated. "Looks like we've got a place to crash!-"
Before he knew it, Jayt surprised him with a peck.
"... Eh?"
"... Ehhhhhhh???!"
On his cheek, no less.
"... What the hell, Jayt, you don't just do that!" Hector felt highly embarrassed about it. "Giving me a peck in the cheek like that, what were you even thinking?!-"
He then stared at his friend, slightly flustered.
And saying nothing.
"... Eh..." Hector then stuttered.
".... D-d-d-didn't you say you liked women?! What happened to all that?!" Hector then continuously rambled about stuff he used to remember about Jayt and how he even slightly mocked him because of it.
Jayt merely stood quiet with his hand resting in his chest.
"... I do."
"... I guess I'm just not used to this."
Hector's face then flushed red, as he stormed inside the underground hoping to finally put his friend down, in a incredible rush, running towards the entrance.
"... H-h-hey! You're going too fast! Slow down! Ahh!"
As Jayt held onto Hector's frame tight due to being scared of going at such a speed, Hector's face blushed even further, a thousand consecutive shotguns firing at his heart.
To be continued?
The setting then changes.
Of a otherworldly world, seemingly appearing to be a alternate hidden world inside this dimension, incapable of being reached.
Of a dark place haunted by a creature with a non-human form.
Very few knew its whereabouts or how it even looked like, as it clawed right through its ornaments and its possessions, these being very futile to it, merely only but collections.
Its claws grew like scythes. Its feet protruded these as well.
And its shape quite a sight, its arms stretching for as long as it wishes, its wings protruding from its back ominously.
Bonds were something this creature was not used to, as it haunted through each persons' night, haunting their dreams and even their nightmares, as their tail coiled. And yet, it always seemed like it suggested something more.
It reaps and it takes, knowing only one thing to take.
Obsessed by energy and those who contain it, taking only those who are ripe.
Ill intents do not cross this being's mind, as its job is merely to collect.
Many people have cursed it, even though it particularly doesn't go after anyone, only but those who's time has come - waiting patiently until the time is just right.
A lot of its offspring created by His very image, catching those who wander about.
Only a thing echoed through its mind, of something that caught His eye.
For those who have fallen victim.
Are now haunted throughout their lives, gaining this being's yearn with no end in sight, until they get exhausted and until they have no energy left, until they get the one thing they desire and yearn.
Their life energy.
A endless job and a exhausting position - the creature never let Himself get revealed to anyone, only but to those who once faced Death. Rumors has it some come to the God of Death himself for mercy or to get their wicked twisted desires fulfilled, knowing the creature's species all too well.
For some, such a thought is even tempting, to get to summon the God of Death itself.
Vonderv, the Fourth, tried to make a contract with him, but to no avail, as he perhaps hoped to achieve to gain the God of Death's power and energy, all without success, only being but mere acquaintances.
In Its head, only one thing ran through its head.
To reap those who's time has come and those who object, not wanting to face Death itself.
Bearing its fangs, the creature then whispered.
"... Godfighter..."
To be continued
0 notes
centretrust · 2 years
Soul nomad and the world eaters ps2 iso
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Soul nomad and the world eaters ps2 iso series#
Positioning within squads is an important factor because each unit has a different attack depending on whether you place it in the front, middle, or rear rows, and units in the rear row are less likely to be hit by physical attacks. As you progress throughout the game, more than 25 unit types are unlocked, each of which has unique attacks and is weak or strong against other unit types. The units that you form squads with in rooms are as varied as you may have come to expect from earlier Nippon Ichi games. Generally, you're only short one lock from eliminating this problem entirely, but there are a couple of times in the game when you've got two or more unlocked rooms. It's possible to lock specific rooms you're already finished with so they're left alone, but you are only given a limited number of locks. To further complicate things, you can't change individual rooms but must rather change every room simultaneously. So late in the game when you want to have a specific room with nine open slots, it becomes nigh impossible to pull it out of the hat without a huge time investment and a lot of luck. Rooms can be changed at will, though the system for doing this can be incredibly frustrating at times-they are randomly generated, and each room has a randomly generated number of positions. Each room can be further customized with your own decors for up to a total of four per room. Each room has a built-in bonus called a decor, which can do anything from increasing defense by a percentage to turning the squad into a walking time bomb that explodes after three turns. Throughout the course of the game, the number of rooms you can have at any given time, the number of positions that can be open in each room, and the number of room types you have available to choose from steadily increase. Each squad is associated with a room, which is a 3x3 grid that serves as its home and has a limited number of positions available in which to place units. The source of much of the game's customizability lies in creating each of these squads and tweaking them for maximum efficiency. Wait, squads? Yes, much like the aforementioned Ogre Battle, Soul Nomad features squad-based combat rather than individual unit brawls. If you can get over his genocidal tendencies, Gig is actually a pretty likable guy. Each square is associated with a terrain type that can affect your squads by providing attack bonuses and movement penalties. In Soul Nomad, you battle across a large outdoor map that is subdivided into the usual grid-based layout, something that makes each battle seem much more vast and epic than the smaller, more localized combat in many other similar games. One of the first things you will notice is that in combat, the isometric perspective so often associated with the strategy RPG genre is gone and replaced with a flat 2D, top-down view. The end result is a strategy RPG that manages to correct most of the issues present in its precursors, features an original battle system, and is still jam-packed with irreverent fun. While it certainly does not lack the depth and complexity of the Disgaea titles, Disgaea this is not.
Soul nomad and the world eaters ps2 iso series#
Unlike its predecessors, Soul Nomad plays out much more like a mash-up of Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen and the Fire Emblem series with that traditional Nippon Ichi flair thrown in for good measure. Such is the plot of Soul Nomad & the World Eaters, the latest strategy role-playing game to come from Nippon Ichi Software. The power of a god is now within your grasp, but Gig and his desire to bring about the end of everything is ever present. Ironically, only Gig's power is great enough to destroy them, and so his soul-previously sealed within an onyx blade-is fused with your own. Two hundred years after Master of Death Gig's near-destruction of the world, his three monstrous world eaters are poised to reawaken and continue their rampage.
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0 notes
hotwings0203 · 3 years
Guys I’m having another Bakugo brainrot
Tw: bullying, noncon, nonconsensual peeping, manipulation
Remember that one episode of MHA where the class goes to the sauna and M*neta tries to check da girls out over the wall?
Imagine the same scenario, but years later when they’re all older
The class wanted a reunion, just to relax and blow off some steam
You’re with the girls, and you all lay back in the hot water reminiscing about the older days when everyone was still getting the hang of their own quirks
Mina brings up this exact same scene but years ago.
“Ohmigosh, do you guys remember the last time we came in our first year here and Mineta totally tried to get a peek at us?”
“Ugh, I hope Iida is keeping a good hold on him right now,” Ochacko giggles, kicking her feet up to rest on a rock
You hum in agreement, tilting your head back to rest against the wooden wall separating you and the boys.
As it was, Uraraka was almost spot on with her hopes. Except, Iida and Tokoyami were out getting refreshments for the rest of the boys, leaving the remaining group to their own plot.
Which was lead by Mineta, of course, who had the brilliant idea to spy on the girls, just like they almost did years back.
“Guys, come on, please they’re right there!” He practically salivates, wildly gesturing to the tall wooden wall in front of them.
Most of them shift uncomfortably and groan about him being a creep as usual, but the rest stay silent.
Mineta takes their lack of outright refusal as fuel to keep blabbering.
“Look, we almost got away with it back then-“
“-You mean you got away with it, we didn’t do shit. And you didn’t exactly get off scot-free, Kota completely demolished your attempts and you landed ass down on Four-Eyes’ face,” Bakugo drawls, leaning his head backwards and looking up at the obsidian sky. The boys laugh, remembering the ridiculous event.
The night is cool, the stars littering the inky atmosphere take the pressure off of Bakugo’s lungs. For weeks now they’ve been training like dogs, battling each other and even minor villains for extra practice of their quirks. This trip was supposed to be a leisure getaway, not a free porno.
But the grape-headed perv is insistent, scoffing and waving the blond’s quip off like some annoying fly.
“You know, there’s something in it for you too, Bakugo. I’ve seen the way you look at Y/N.”
This causes a murmur and a couple of light beers towards the blond, who in turn snarls and ignites his hand to quell the commotion. All of them had an inkling that Katsuki Bakugo had finally set his sights on some poor girl, and that was you. It was such a rare sight to see his face flush slightly when you walked past him, the way he stuttered over his words a bit when you two would be conversing amongst the same group, and best of all, when they would see how he would excuse himself to the bathroom or locker room occasionally when your hero suit would tear in certain places after battles.
“Shut the fuck up 3’2, unlike you I don’t need to ogle at those brain dead bimbos.”
“Oh? I didn’t realize you thought of Y/N as a ‘brain dead bimbo’, Bakugo, I’ll be sure to let her know how you feel” Mineta grinned maliciously, and the boys ‘oooo’ed at the jab.
Bakugo’s voice caught in his throat.
“You wouldn’t,” he growled, rising slightly out of the water.
“I already know you’ll kill me afterwards, but I’m prepared for the repercussions if you don’t help...cooperate here,” Grapehead inspected a cuticle and feigned a yawn.
“Come on Bakugo, it’s not like it’s gonna hurt anyone! Well keep this to ourselves,” Denki chimed in a little too eagerly.
“Yeah, I mean, we’re only asking for your and everyone’s support so that we can focus better on training y’know? A little fun never killed anyone.” Sero threw his arm over Kirishima’s shoulder, who blushed at the whole ordeal but kept silent all the while.
Katsuki looked around. Slowly, others were starting to really listen in and look interested at the outcome of Mineta’s plan. Surely a little peeping wouldn’t be too bad would it? And plus, it was only a one time thing.
Shoto was faring the same way as Kirishima, quiet and maybe embarrassed at what they were planning on doing, but no outright refusal. Even Deku had a weird longing glint in his eye, the same kind he would get when he used to fawn over All Might.
He thought about it for a minute more, a chance to see you, naked, honest, and pure, splashing around with your friends as you let your femininity dangle as it pleased.
“Do whatever the hell you want. I’m not taking blame if the bird and glasses come back, though.”
Hushed cheers and excited murmurs erupt from around the spring, and they huddle together to form a plan.
A couple minutes later, the boys were grouping around the wooden panels. Todoroki had burned a hole into the soft wood, and sero had used his transparent tape to cover it up so that the girls couldn’t see it from their side.
And there they were, completely bare, hair flowing, curves showing, voices mature and high pitched giggles emanating from around the water and bank.
Bakugo seeks you out immediately after the hole is made, shoving his way through the crowded bodies much to the amusement of others. But he doesn’t care, all he wants at the moment is to see you in your most honest element.
He doesn’t have to look long, because you’re right there, you’re right in front of them, only a few meters away. Your back is facing them, but the sight of your smooth, naked back and the round curve of your ass squishing against the rocks underneath you is enough to make Bakugo’s cock bob painfully above the water. It’s not too hard to hide his erection since the boys’s attention is elsewhere at the moment.
Your hair is open, and he wants nothing more than to feel it in his hands, run his fingers though your scalp and pull so hard that your neck is snapped back, he wants to know what kind of noises you’ll make for him, would you sound shrill and high pitched or would you wail and bellow for him to let go?
They can hear the girls talking amongst themselves, the hole in the wall makes their voices more audible and clear.
“Quit playing coy, Jirou, we know you’ve got your eye on someone,” Hagakure’s body is nowhere to be found as usual, but her chipper voice rings out from the middle of the hot spring.
Jirou is a few feet away from where you sit, her body also being shown for everyone to see. Bakugo glances at Kaminari to confirm his suspicion, but gags and quickly looks away when he gets an eyeful of his friends’ erect cock.
Not that Bakugo himself has room to talk, though.
“I mean, not really, it’s not a big deal.” The ravenette shifts and hides her head from the rest of girls’ cooing.
“Uh huh, sure. You’re not fooling anyone Kiyoka, I’ve seen the way you look at Denki. You two can’t keep your eyes off each other, it’s cute,” you purr, and Bakugo holds himself back from shoving the other guys out of the way just so that he can hear your voice the best.
Squeals and sounds of splashing fill the air, and Sero and Kirishima whisper excitedly and clap their red-faced friend on the back. Denki can’t keep the 50K watt smile off his face, and even Bakugo grunts and knocks shoulders with him, letting him know that he was happy for the human charger.
But then Jirou claps back with her own snarky observation, and the boys fall hush at the new revelation.
“Alright, you wanna talk about ogling Y/N? Then tell me, how’s Deku doing?”
“Or Bakugo, too,” Mina adds slyly, and now all the girls’ attention, as well as the boys’, is on you.
Bakugo felt like he had whiplash. He would’ve been elated, on Cloud 9 even to hear that maybe you had something for him too, had shitty Deku’s name not have been thrown in there too.
And he looks around wildly for the green haired freak, the freckles dusted across the expanse of his face even more prominent from the deep blush quickly forming, his scarred hands holding the sides of his face shaking in awe and gleeful shock.
But the rest of the boys aren’t as oblivious to how Bakugo seethes at his rival’s joy, from the way the water gets hotter from his quirk sparking underneath the rippling waves. Kirishima scoots closer to his friend and gently lays a hand on his shoulder as if to say, calm down, man. Not right now.
And so the hothead leaves it for the time being, opting to hear your response.
“I-it’s really nothing, they’re both just good classmates like the rest of the guys,” and although your back is turned to them, it doesn’t take a genius to know that you’re embarrassed too, your leg skittishly bouncing in front of you is making your ass jiggle from the back, much to the delight of the salivating boys.
Bakugo wants to spill blood when he suddenly realizes your body is being shown for the rest of these dogs to see
The girls start teasing you, your splutters being drowned out by their playful accusations.
“Come on L/N, whose cuter?”
“Dont act all coy now, I know how nervous you get when you’re all close to Bakugo. I mean I don’t blame you, have you seen his muscles? He could crush someone’s head with those things!”
“Yeah, but have you seen the way she giggles when Deku starts his mumbling tangents? That’s a classic crush right there.”
Bakugo is getting desperate to hear your answer now, some of the boys have left, feeling like they had their full of excitement for the night. They saw some tits and ass, heard some gossip, end of story.
The only ones remaining were Bakugo and his gang, as well as IcyHot and Shitty Deku.
Shitty Deku, who seemed equally eager to hear your response.
It pissed him off that he wasn’t getting the message to fuck off, even after all the growling and death stares he was receiving from his childhood friend.
But he guesses after a lifetime of dealing with it, it doesn’t scare Deku as much as it does anymore.
Maybe he’ll have to amp it up, later
“W-well I mean both of them have their own respective...flaws and strengths I guess..sometimes Deku can be kinda hard to talk to ‘cuz he’s so shy, but Bakugo can be a real jerk at times, too.”
You trail off, and Bakugo scoffs to himself. Him? Flaws? Those two words didn’t go well in one sentence together, but nonetheless he continues to listen. He wouldn’t refute the notion of him being an asshole, he wasnt that delusional.
“And yeah, I mean Bakugo definitely intimidates me sometimes with how aggressive he can be, but Deku is definitely getting up there in terms of physical prowess. But in terms of who I like, I’d have to say-“
“Midoriya! Bakugo! What are you two doing over there?”
Iidas voice booms across the water, and all 6 of the boys jump back, startled at the intrusion.
“No, wait-“ Bakugo hisses, clawing his way towards the hole to hear the rest of what you had to say, but Sero and Todoroki shove him back and patch the hole up with fire and tape, shutting off your confession.
Deku waves his arms around wildly, stammering some excuse of dropping his towel in the spot where they all were sheepishly gathered. They eventually waded their way over to where Tokoyami had set the drinks down, but the blond was shaking with hot rage despite the cool refreshment that was shoved into his hand by a wary Kirishima.
“Don’t sweat it dude, it’s not like her and Midoriya are gonna da-“
“Finish that sentence and I’ll blast both your and his head off,” he glowers at the redhead, shorting a dark look to where an all-too-happy Deku was chatting with Todoroki, as if they hadn’t been drooling over their naked classmates merely a couple minutes ago.
Kirishima backs off with raised hands in surrender, leaving Katsuki to mull over the situation by himself.
You couldn’t seriously be interested in that green haired freak, right? I mean he could barely talk to a girl without tripping over his own damn tongue, for fucks sake.
Not that he was any better himself. He failed to acknowledge the times where you had merely asked him for an extra pencil, when he snapped at you for being such a fuckin’ dumbass that you couldn’t even remember to bring your own shit. He had done that out of pure impulse, but he regretted it the moment he saw your face fall, his heart clenching at the sight
He’d have to show you that he was the better option, regardless of if you wanted it or not.
And so when they had all gotten out of the water and gotten ready for food, Bakugo already knew what he had to do.
You were all eating outside in the camp pavilion, each at their own separate tables. He was sitting with the boys, all of them joking around and throwing food at each other while he was staring you down.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off you. How could you expect him to, after he had seen half of you bare already? It was sinful almost, the way you were completely in the dark about what he had seen and heard, while he himself was fantasizing about what you looked like and felt like on the front.
So when Deku came by your table, no doubt also having the same conversation of the springs in mind, wanting to get closer to you, Bakugo felt his sanity snap.
The fork he held in his hand started melting in his ignited hand, steam curling from his palm. He watched as the green-eyed fuck made successful shitty attempts to make you laugh, his eyes trained on where you gently laid a hand on his shoulder after something he said that made you throw your head back and howl with glee.
“Hey man, your fork-!” Kaminari yelped, pointing at the disfigured mess of metal in his friend’s steaming hand.
“Huh?” Bakugo was pulled out of his irate daze, and he quickly dropped the fork when he saw what he unconsciously did.
They all looked at him for an uneasy minute after noticing the expression on his face, no doubt understanding he was furious about being compared to Deku once again in front of you.
“Look, Bakugo, don’t really take what Y/N said to heart. We don’t know who she actually likes, and Midoriya’s just her friend...” but Sero trails off hesitantly after glancing in your direction, seeing Deku’s dreamy expression as your hand still continues to rest on his shoulder.
“Just let her come to you, yeah? You don’t wanna force anything on her, that’ll make her really uncomfortable-“
-“Shut the fuck up Shitty Hair, and mind your own damn business,” Bakugo interjects, abruptly unscrewing his drink and standing up, unable to lose you to some broccoli- headed bug-eyed fuck.
He stiffly walks across the pavilion to where you two sit, and feigns a swig from his bottle. Your focus is still on Deku, so you don’t notice him approach until he comes up behind you two and ‘trip’s, falling forward and strategically spilling the liquid all over Deku’s back and your front.
You squeal as your blouse is drenched, and Deku shoots up from his seat to grab some napkins while searching for the perpetrator.
“What the- Kacchan?”
Bewildered, you look at the two while dabbing the wet splotches on your shirt, Mina and Tsu jumping into action to help you.
The boys exchange a weird look, and although Bakugo gave his version of an apology, he doesn’t look very sorry. In fact, if you saw it right he looked almost...smug? With a bit of anger?
Deku wasn’t any easier to understand either. His voice was lilted as usual while he grabbed napkins, but his gaze never left his childhood friends’ and his eyes weren’t exactly the big doe-eyes you had grown fond of.
They were darkened, and narrowed as they bored into Bakugo’s eyes. Neither one of them was looking away from each other, and there was a weird tension in the air that everyone could sense.
But you couldn’t focus on that right now, you had to go and wash up.
“I gotta change and maybe take a shower, I can feel it sticking to my skin,” you scrunch your nose in disgust and tell Mina as you stand to leave. Deku offers to walk you, but you wave him off kindly.
As you pass by Bakugo, you can feel his eyes rove up and down your body, very obviously staring at the way your white shirt clings to your chest from the liquid, sending chills up your spine.
But he doesn’t come after you, not yet.
It’s only after everyone has finished up from their dinner and headed off to bed almost 20 minutes later that the showers finally, finally warm up enough for you to dip a hesitant toe in.
Curse the old pipes.
He watches you from the dark, the only light you’re provided with is the dim emergency light from the rusty bulb, the camp counselors having been shut the facility’s lights off merely a half hour ago. But you were stubborn in waiting for the water to warm up so you were left alone in the showers, shifting uncomfortably in your sticky wet clothes.
And then miraculously you get up for the umpteenth time to check the temperature of the water, and it’s finally deemed appropriate for you when you sigh in relief and start taking your shoes off.
He hides in the door partition, his cock hardening slowly as he thinks of you alone with just him and his mercy. You were going to pay for almost breaking his heart and prancing around with stupid fucking Deku instead.
But asides from his rage, he still liked you, a lot. He wanted you to want him as much as he wanted you, so he decided to try and attempt to make your first time with him as gentle and as special as he could in the dirty cabin showers.
Bakugo waits with bated breath for the right moment, and the second your hands grip the end of your shirt to pull it up, he slowly emerges from the dark.
“You know, I’m glad you came here alone, at night. It’s almost like you wanted this.”
You jump violently at the low voice coming from seemingly nowhere, and you wildly look around for the source until you see him...coming at you slow from the inky abyss of the room, like a predator stalking his prey.
His figure seems to loom even larger than he actually is, the shadows of his tall body bouncing off the walls and grazing over the top of your head. He seems to be in no rush, taking his time with his hands in his pockets, eyes flashing dangerously at you as he stalks forward until he’s backed you up against the deteriorating wall, chest to chest with you.
“W-what the hell, Bakugo,” you stammer nervously. “This is the girls room, you can’t be here-“
And the hand you raise to push him away is caught in his calloused ones, your other wrist is quickly seized as well and slammed above your head. You cry out in pain and try kicking out, but he wedges a bulky knee in between your thigh and shoves his face mere millimeters away from yours, a mean leer adorning his normally-attractive face.
“What, I can’t be here? And here I was thinking that you almost liked me. But oh, I forgot, Deku’s your favorite, right?” The grip on your wrist tigthens and his leg flexes from in between your thighs.
You squirm and sob, about to ask what the hell he was talking about-
Oh no.
He sees the understanding pass over your face, and he laughs cruelly at the horror that comes with it.
“You heard me? How?”
“Not just heard. I saw you, too.”
He lets his eyes drop from your neck, to your chest, and then to the juncture between your legs which was being massaged by his knee.
Tears well up in your eyes as you realize he was watching you this entire evening in the springs. How he got away with it, you didn’t want to even know.
“I saw your hair open for the first time, and not in that stupid hairdo you always do for school.”
He trails his hand softly up the sides of your body and up your neck until he reaches his big hand into your scalp. You whimper and gasp as he laces his fingers through your locks, seeming to caress you but then harshly yanking your head back so you had no choice but to look at him head on.
“I saw your ass pressed up against the rocks, and I wished it was up against my cock instead.”
He removes his hand from your hair and snakes it down to your bottom, kneading and slapping it lightly. You writhe even harder now, too scared to make a noise in case he hurts you even worse, just wanting him to get the hell off of you.
“But I didn’t see the front of you. I imagined what you would look like with tears streaming down your face while I was stuffing you full of me”
He plays with the edge of your shirt, a dark look in his eye as he plays with you. You try to budge your hands but to now avail, only serving in annoying him and shoving his knee up further into your crotch. The pressure on your clit is immense, and your legs start shaking as you’re forced to be suspended almost midair on his knee.
“Take this off,” he says softly, the rasp catching in his voice.
“Bakugo, please. You don’t have to do this, I swear I won’t tell anyone-“
“You think I’m worried about if you’ll tell anyone? Hah! I already know you won’t, wanna know why?”
He leans in, inhaling the scent of your hair and grazing his nose along the side of your neck. You force yourself to breath in and out, feeling an impending heart attack.
“‘Cause if you do, I’ll make sure to fuck you in front of everyone, especially on Deku’s broken body.”
And then you can’t stop them, the tears fall from your body shaking in pure fear at his threat.
You knew he wouldn’t actually do something like that, but hearing it snarled in your ear so softly made you believe it all the same, the power he held while you were fucked, literally and metaphorically.
“Now I’m not gonna ask you again. Take this shit off before I burn it, bitch.”
You don’t want to piss him off further, so with trembling hands you lift the edge of your sticky uniform and start to pull it off, but he stops you with a frustrated grunt.
“Slowly. I wanna savor this while no ones here.”
You bite your lip and suppress a scream as you do what he says.
And oh, does he ever savor it. The shirt clings deliciously to your breasts, and he licks his lips as it ruffles up and over your head. Your skin is perspiring from the humid air, a sheen of sweat lightly decorating your collarbones. Bakugo can’t hold himself back any longer, and you yelp when he comes at you suddenly.
He lunges at your face and pins your arms down by your side again as his lips mesh against yours, his kiss filled with clacking teeth and a thrashing tongue against your lips. The knee you’re straddling is bouncing lightly up and down, jostling you on it and causing your cunt to pulsate with heat.
You let out a distressed moan, and he swallows it greedily, using the advantage of your open mouth to delve deeper into your wet cavern. You open bleary eyes and flinch when you find his already wide open, staring back into unforgiving vermillion orbs.
He pulls back slightly, panting. “I bet Deku didn’t get this kind of treatment, huh? It’s all for me right?”
You don’t know if he’s genuinely asking you or just being insane, so you don’t answer him. Fortunately and unfortunately for you, he doesn’t care for your response, rather more focusing on dragging you by your neck towards the hot showers.
You slip and stumble as he shoves you in a stall, gaining your balance only too late when he turns and locks the door.
“Look, I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, just forget you saw or heard anything at the springs, it was just girl talk, stupid stuff that didn’t mean anything-“
“-even if it didn’t mean anything to you I’ll make sure you believe what you’ll feel after I fuck you senseless.”
And with that, he tugs off his clothes and licks his lips at the sight of you cowering against the wall, naked and oh so vulnerable.
He slowly shifts towards you, pressing his body flush against your trembling one. You can feel the outline of his erection on your thigh, and you swallow at how big it is.
“I don’t wanna have to close your mouth or restrain you when I’m balls deep in that tight cunt. So don’t do anything stupid and this’ll be a whole lot easier for you.”
He reaches a hand down and lightly strokes your labia, relishing in how you whimper and jerk against him, but don’t dare try to stop his hand.
Smart girl
Another hand finds its way to your tits, tugging and pulling at your hardened nipples. You gasp and arch into his touch, slowly coming undone from his ministrations. He humps against your leg like a teenage kid, grunting while he does so.
His mouth is attacking yours once again, but now you’re too tired from the constant surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins to even move your head. You just let him play with your body, your heart, your soul.
“I think the princess is wet enough for me now,” he leers at you when he pulls his fingers away, scissoring his digits to show the strings of wetness he pulled from your pussy.
You squeal and grab onto his chiseled arms as he suddenly hikes his hands underneath your upper thighs and picks you up, forcing your legs to wrap around his middle for support.
He slams you against the wall, the water cascading down your head is making your hair stick to your face, and in a strange and sudden show of intimacy Bakugo softly moves your locks away from your eyes. Your gazes lock, yours desperate and tear filled while his scarlet hues show no signs of mercy, but rather a strange predatory hunger.
Your arms scrabble behind his head and on his shoulders for balance as he slowly sinks you down on his length. You hiss and throw your head back at the sensation of being filled, and he eats it up.
He watches the way your mouth opens, your eyes widen, as every sinful sound your body can make escapes you.
As if he needed more of an ego boost
You wail as the last inches are sucked into your dripping hole, and he lets out a mean breathy laugh.
“Fuck, you really were ready huh? I should’ve taken you weeks ago, little slut.”
Your brows furrow and you try to turn your face away but he snatches your chin in a hardened grip.
“Uh-uh, none of that shit. You were doing so well, don’t turn away from me now.”
He slowly starts to roll his hips minutely into yours, not exactly thrusting but enough movement to make your cunt flutter and throb.
“What do you want me to say? You got what you wanted!” You whisper to him, more tears falling down freely down your cheeks.
He can’t help himself, he groans and surges forward to lick the salty rivers up, gripping your ass tightly when you flinch.
“Tell me you love me. Tell me how much you want me, how much better I am than that green-haired bastard and I won’t shove it up your ass.”
You can feel his abdomen clench and shake from the effort he’s making not to completely batter your cervix so you give in quickly, afraid of what he’s like when his thin strands of self restraint snap.
“I...I love you Bakugo. I really want y-ooh!”
The last bit of your sentence is choked off as he lifts you up all the way to his tip and slams your hips down his length. You gasp and weave your hands through his hair for support, your legs violently shaking at the pain.
He grunts and starts really giving it to you, setting a fast pace as he bounces you on his cock. Your head is bobbing around, you’re fairly certain there’s drool coming down your lips but you can’t find it in you to care as he fucks you into oblivion.
After a couple of more painful thrusts he pushes you against the wall and removes your hands from his hair, holding them above your head against the wall. You’re trapped with your upper half plastered against the dingy tile while your lower half is wrapped his dick.
Your cunt swallowing him down is the only leverage you have, so your whole body weight presses down on his shaft. He moans loudly at the pressure on his tip, your gooey hot walls clamping around him from every angle and you yourself can’t help it when your eyes roll back at the sensation.
He rocks his hips up, and up you go as well, whining and clawing at the wall behind you, desperately grappling onto your sanity as well. Your tits bounce with each thrust, and his glinting eyes take perverse joy in their obscene movements.
Bakugo starts moving in earnst now, deeming the slow strokes enough prep for you. He batters your womb, reaching places not even your fingers could access, making you go cross eyed.
He sees this and snickers at your pathetic state.
“Fuck yeah you little whore. You’re gonna learn no one else can satisfy this slutty pussy like I can.”
You give him nothing but a choked gasp in response. You head moves like a bobblehead, you can’t even see clearly from the water cascading into your eyes. He’s just a towering blob of ashy blond hair and large muscles.
His hips start stuttering in their rhythm, drawing to a close from his contrasting pounding minutes earlier. Your nails rake over his forearms, holding on for dear life as he pants and groans into your ear like an animal. His dick spasms inside you for a second or two, and then Bakugo suddenly holds you tight against him, wet bodies pressed against each other as he cums.
He lets out a loud moan as you whine into his shoulder at the sensation of his hot seed filling you up. You’re held against his heaving chest for a moment of two, the both of you catching your breath until he slowly backs up and lets you slip to the ground.
It’s suddenly very quiet, the sound of the shower is drowned out by the ringing in your head. You’re shaking, shock overcoming your abused body as you refuse to look at him.
But he won’t have any of that. He steps forward, and you flinch yet again, scrambling backwards to put very necessary space between him and you.
“You got what you wanted. Please leave, I won’t say anything to anyone.” You breath out shakily.
He’s silent for a moment before you hear him chuckle. His low chuckles grow louder and more derisive, he’s booming with sinister laughter and you snap your head up in horror at him.
“You think this is done?”
He crouches to your level suddenly, elbows on his knees as he cocks his head at you, eyeing your naked body that he so recently claimed as his. His gaze travels down to where his cum seeps from between your legs, and you quickly cross your limbs over to prevent him from seeing the lewd sight.
“You’re mine now, Y/N. I already told you, you’re not gonna be talking to Deku, or any other guy apart from me. You think they’ll even want you when they find out how you loved being fucked in the dirty showers? Everyone’s gonna call you a slut, nothing else.”
“No, that’s not true you-“
He crawls to you, and it’s so mesmerizingly terrifying to see a man of his build crawl to you like some deranged humanoid that you shut up, words caught in your throat.
“Shut the fuck up.” He says softly. “You’re my bitch now, and you’ll do whatever the fuck I say, when I say it.”
Bakugo might’ve felt a little bad to see the girl he liked so scared of him all because of his doing, but the way you trembled and crossed your legs like the stupid, helpless little girl that you were erased every hesitancy from his mind.
He grabbed your cheeks and smushed them together, paying no mind to the pleas and whimpers you let out in retaliation.
Licking a long stripe up your neck, you shivered when he growled, “now clean up and be outside in 10 minutes, you’re sleeping in my bunk tonight. The guys are all asleep so we’ll just take an empty room in the cabin.”
He released you and stood back up, grabbing a towel for himself along the way. Drying his hair off, his back was turned to you as he started picking his clothes up too.
You just sat there in a daze, wondering what the hell just happened.
“Oh, and Y/N?” He was dressed, and he was at the door now.
“If you think about doing anything stupid or take longer than 10 minutes, I’ll come back in and get you personally. And I’ll make sure that we stay here for the rest of the night, just in case you like your little time alone that I’m giving you too much.”
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rawmeknockout · 3 years
human caught in the middle of a battle on the ship and their glasses got destroyed. everything is blurry and bodies are being thrown and is that u drift? ohhhhno that’s nOt drift someone hElp they’re coming this way???! who comes to the rescue? ur pick!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i cant decide so uh lets go with a few in this scenario
He would rather take a bullet than watch you get squished. Vaults and catapults himself across the room to scoop you up and hero you away. Maybe after this stunt you'll agree to go on a date with him? After he sets you down you mistake him for Atomizer and wander off.
He's the closest to you and it's his duty as co-captain to make sure everyone makes it out safely. Is too busy focusing on not squishing you in his hand to pay any attention to what's going on around him. Not that it matters, the guy could get shot with a bazooka and his plot armor would deflect it. You're trying to wriggle out of his hand the whole time. Not because you think he's the enemy, but because he's Megatron and you would rather just be trampled.
Let's out the most ungodly screech to startle the enemy mechs around him, then he's hurtling your way. You are too stunned to even run away, so gently clasped in his claw before you know it. Okay, maybe not gently. He sort of dislocates your arm. But you're alive! You recognize him because you would know that horrible bird shriek anywhere.
Beats mechs away from you and acts as your personal bodyguard while you search for your specs. She's the only one who is normal about this. It takes you a little while to find your crushed glasses, but there's already a sizable pile of beaten mechs when you're done. She's already pretty formidable with her wrench, but when she's protecting you she's downright vicious. Queen behavior.
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i love your metas! I just discovered them today and have spent all afternoon reading them. I have two part ask, if that's okay. Firstly, do you think a sensible version of bella could survive if she recognised early on that keeping on Edward's good side was her only survival option? and secondly, on the flip side, just how unhinged do you think bella could be before edward rejected her?
Ooh, both interesting questions, anon. Let's do this.
Sane Bella and the Yandere Simulator
Last time, on The Carnivorous Muffin's ridiculous blog, we covered what would happen to a sensible Bella who realizes the Cullens are not fluffy bunnies she should take home.
The long and short, Edward eats her.
Edward's romantic interest in Bella, the thing that has him fighting his own baser nature to keep her alive, is dependent on a few things.
One of those is Bella's interest in turn.
In time, if Bella truly was not interested in him, he would eat her. Alice tells us there's only two paths for Bella: death or vampire. Leaving her and walking away is never a true option for Edward.
So, Sane Bella loses Yandere Simulator because she doesn't realize the key aspect of Yandere Simulator: You Never Say No to Yandere.
However, you point out something interesting here, that this is a sensible Bella.
Sensible people do not immediately think they're playing Yandere Simulator. You don't run across people like Edward often, there aren't many of him, and while there are red flags early in Twilight Edward did a pretty good job of making them not particularly visible.
By the time we hit Eclipse he's pretty much thrown pretending to be nice and sane out the window. Luckily for Bella, that doesn't appear to bother her as much as it should.
Bella thinking "if I don't play along with this inhuman whack job he'll eat me", is paranoid lunacy. It is not the first conclusion a reasonable person would jump to.
That it happens to be the right conclusion is irrelevant.
But alright, I'll play ball.
Paranoid Bella and the Yandere Simulator
Bella is utterly paranoid and wearing her tin foil hat when she enters Forks. She remembers Biology very well and when Edward comes back and pretends to be nice she gives him a strained smile and thinks, "This motherfucker will eat me the moment my back is turned."
Bella considers travelling back to Florida, but that would be leading Edward to her mother, more it would be very easy to find Bella if he truly wished to.
Florida isn't an option.
Bella tries to keep her distance from Edward, hard when he sits next to her in Biology, but he seems willing to ignore her. Bella calms down a little, maybe this will work out.
Bella is nearly crushed by a van, desperately pretends she definitely did not see Edward fold that van like a pretzel. Nope, no siree Bob, Bella is concussed! She then stays awake all night in terror and OH GOD HE'S CLIMBING THROUGH HER WINDOW! HE'S GOING TO EAT HER IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT! HE KNOWS THAT SHE KNOWS!
Bella pretends to sleep, horrified, and Edward stays there all night. Staring.
(Edward, meanwhile, is realizing he's in love.)
Bella enters school a nervous wreck, waiting for that fateful Biology class and... Edward is studiously ignoring her. He doesn't even say hello.
Bella would be relieved, except he keeps sneaking into her bedroom at night, staring. Bella gets no sleep for weeks.
Then the blood testing happens and suddenly Edward is talking to her. He tells her they shouldn't be friends and he doesn't want to be friends, GREAT, EDWARD, THAT'S GREAT. But then it's very clear that he's after something, and Bella's spidey senses are tingling.
Edward doesn't want to be friends.
Oh, oh shit.
Suddenly, Edward sneaking into her room at night takes on a whole, new, sinister twist. First he'll rape her, then he'll eat her (or who knows, maybe vice versa, Bella certainly doesn't want to find out).
Bella is driven home by Edward (he insists) and enters the house to wheeze into a paper bag.
She thinks over her options.
Edward can crush cars, Bella trips over asphalt. Even if she wasn't Bella, there's no way she could outfight him even if she wanted to.
Edward was very concerned when he suspected that she knew, he likely still suspects and Bella's not a very good liar. Bella doesn't want to find out what happens to her if Edward realizes she really does know.
Edward appears to have a romantic interest in her. Does Bella really have the option of saying no?
Bella, still wheezing in her bag, comes to what seems like an inevitable decision. She must humor Edward at all costs. For the sake of her family, of her own life, she must play into his romantic overtures. Bella can't act but now, her life depends on it.
Well, Bella still can't act, but luckily for her Edward doesn't care.
Edward just thinks Bella's very jumpy, a little nervous and shy, and just plain weird (given he thinks Bella's just plain weird in canon this is not too far from normal events).
So Bella gets to live in terror for things like the meadow, where Edward talks about how easy it would be to eat her, how he contemplated murdering Biology in cold blood to eat her in the most efficient manner, how he loathed her for daring to smell delicious, how Alice warned him there was a good chance of him eating Bella in the meadow today, all while pressing his cheek against her hammering heartbeat.
Edward invites Bella to the house. These creepy, man eating, people all meet her with smiles. Edward has composed her a lullaby. One of them, Alice, tells Bella they're going to be best friends.
In other words, somehow, all of Twilight still happens because Bella is terrified of saying no.
At least, until Volterra. Given Bella's being hunted by Victoria, even had Bella not gone cliff diving eventually Alice would see her eaten and then black out as the wolves chased off Victoria instead.
Bella spends New Moon having a great time. Mostly. The Cullens are finally gone, she's free, she spends weeks on edge thinking they might come back.
Just when she starts to relax, fucking Laurent shows up and learns Victoria's trying to kill her. Because of Edward, because of course, it's always about Edward. WHY ARE VAMPIRES ALWAYS TRYING TO KILL HER?!
Regardless, Alice shows up and goes, "Bella, my god, you're alive!" And Bella dies inside. Alice Cullen is back. Oh no.
Bella pretends she's thrilled to see her. Alice, her best friend, her favorite demon. Hurray. Alice fills Bella in on the New Moon scoop, Bella pretends to be very invested. Then Alice gets the vision.
Edward has decided to commit suicide via the Volturi.
Bella has no problem with this, unfortunately, she realizes that Alice clearly has a problem with this. Alice fully expects Bella to run off to Italy to save Fucking Edward.
Once again, Bella isn't sure she's allowed to say no.
Bella runs to Italy, finds herself saving Edward's life, and then she's brought before the Volturi where she might very well be executed because Edward Cullen happened to involve her in this mess.
Bella snaps. She's crying, she just can't take it anymore, and she finally loses her shit at Edward. SHE NEVER LOVED HIM! HE IS SCARY AND WON'T LEAVE HER ALONE! IF THEY'RE GOING TO KILL HER JUST DO IT NOW BECAUSE SHE CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE.
Aro watches Bella's mental breakdown in utter amazement. Naturally, while Marcus suspected something was funky with those two, Aro did not see this coming from Edward's perspective.
Aro offers Bella her out, it is unfortunately death or vampire, but vampire is very much an option and Aro will offer Bella sanctuary in the Volturi.
Bella takes that offer and runs with it.
Edward is devastated and blindsided.
Somehow, neither he nor Alice saw this one coming.
But to answer your question: Paranoid Bella survives Yandere Simulator By Defecting to the Volturi
How Unhinged Does Bella Have to Be For Edward to Dump Her?
He won't.
Remember, Edward in canon thinks there's something legitimately wrong with Bella. She doesn't think like normal people, she always makes the least rational choice, and he can't hear her thoughts.
Edward doesn't think Bella's gifted just that she's... different. (Bella, hilariously, immediately picks up that Edward's calling her a freak. Edward backtracks hard on that one.)
Bella's decisions also become increasingly ridiculous as the series goes on.
She stabs herself in the middle of a battle, she insists on having sex with him while human, she consorts with shapeshifters (to Edward this is lunacy), she picked up motorcycle riding, she threw herself off a cliff, she ran from his sweet protection to the reservation, she believes he doesn't love her, and she doesn't want to get married.
I imagine Edward thinks there isn't anywhere left for Bella to go. She's left the planet, unhinged is her middle name.
But none of that matters.
I already linked the Edward/Bella post I always link near the top so I'll just recap. For Edward, it's all about the blood, the silence, and the projection.
An unhinged Bella is still a delicious and silent Bella. He can still pretend she's Carlisle.
Even if Bella became addicted to cocaine, and ruined that sweet scent, it wouldn't tarnish her memory. He'd nurse her back to health, then eat her so she never relapses.
That's the trouble with Edward/Bella, it's not about Bella, not at all. You could replace her with sweet smelling cardboard and Edward would not notice a difference.
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MC’s half Demon, and they look AWFULLY familiar...
‘Kay guys, I got a different kind of stupid Headcanon to throw at you. Get ready!
Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Part 2.5 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
*ahem* picture if you will, it’s the day the exchange program is set to start. The student council (nix Mr. Kill All Humans, Weeb-supreme, and our Scummy Sweetheart) have assembled to welcome the new human student. All is going according to schedule, the portal opens up at eight am sharp, they hear the pitiful screams of the selected human who was not given a heads up about the whole thing, and the poor little human falls straight onto the marble floor.
There’s something a tad... off about this human don’t you think? After they’ve peeled their sorry ass off the floor they observed the assembled student council with an air of sophistication and self importance that no one expected. Their posture was perfect, their eyes sharp and calculating... they bared a striking resemblance to-
“Lucifer,” Diavolo looked to his right hand man, then back to the human. “The human kind of looks like you!”
And out popped four pitch black wings from the human’s back and two small horns out of the sides of their head, one horn was a bit bigger than the other. They even still had some of their down feathers! How cute!
((Content warning: Swearing (I have a potty mouth, forgive me), but that’s it.))
So, the MC is Lucifer’s kid! Of course Mr. Prideypants immediately tries to recall exactly what little romp in the human world uh... spawned this half-human half-demon child of his. Good thing MC’s got the other parent on speed-dial.
“Please note, MC,” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose upon hearing Asmo take even more pictures of his newly discovered hellspawn. “I was not aware of your existence, if I was I’d-”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not upset.”
Lucifer blinked a few times in surprise. “P...pardon? You aren’t upset?”
“No, my parent told me that my father was a high ranking demon, and they bare no ill will against you. Though, I am looking forward to this whole... exchange program thing.”
Oh wow, that was easier than Lucifer thought. Damn. Well, he was a father... (let’s be real, he’s been parenting his brothers for thousands of years, and a good chunk of you sinners call him daddy)
MC is probably the most protected student at RAD, despite the fact that they have no visible security detail whatsoever. They didn’t want to be seen as... weak and pathetic.
Something about this human just... set the lesser demons on edge. Any talk of eating them was stamped out on the first day when they walked by. It’s like Lucifer himself was staring at them, daring the demons to try and bother the human. MC’s powerful presence kept them protected and feared.
...at least until dear uncle Asmo decided to do their hair one morning. All those ribbons may have looked adorable but they kind of ruined the intimidation factor.
MC loved to mess with the other students, keeping their lineage a secret for the first little while just made it so much funnier when the other demons tried to scramble out of MC’s way without looking like they were running from the ‘weak little human exchange student’.
Oh wow, what a sadist. Like father like child
Flying lessons are a must. Poor MC isn’t terribly good at controlling their wings, and their horns are still growing in so when they pop into their demon form the first thing they get is a sore skull. Ow... it sucks that Lucifer isn’t outwardly very sympathetic.
“Ow!” MC crashed face first into the grass in the backyard of the House of Lamentation. “Father! My wings are cramping! Can’t we practice this tomorrow?”
The sight of seeing his dear child crash face first into the ground had lost its hilarity after the first three times. Lucifer slowly lowered himself to the ground and crossed his arms as he stood over his incredibly grass-stained kid.
“MC, we’ve been ‘practicing this tomorrow’ for the past month. If you want to learn to fly you’re going to have to actually manage to stay in the air for more than three minutes.”
MC shot Lucifer a withering glare that only preteens were capable of, Lucifer matched it with his own much more sophisticated glare.
“You’ve been flying for over a thousand years! Don’t you have any tips that can actually help other than ‘don’t panic, you’ll look ridiculous’?”
Lucifer dragged a gloved hand down his face and looked around, the two were alone as far as he could see.
“MC,” Lucifer began. “When I was a young angel, I needed to learn how to fly with someone else.”
MC perked up. “Who?”
“Michael. The smug bastard picked up flying quicker than I did.”
“What’d you do?!”
Lucifer smiled at his child’s intense investment. “I practiced flying every day for five extra hours until I could do everything that Michael could do, just better.”
MC’s starry eyed interest died almost instantly upon hearing about the extra five hours of practice. “Humph, I bet I could outfly younger you and Michael with only two hours of practice a day.”
“Really now?”
“Yes! Watch!” MC shook off their wings and took off in a running start before shakily making it into the air. Their form was decent enough, and they weren’t shaking as much as the previous attempts. “SEE?!”
“Yes MC,” Lucifer smiled. “I can see.”
You know what else Lucifer could see? MC crashing right into a tree.
Okay... maybe they could halt practice a little early and order a treat from Madame Scream’s. A little sugar to refuel is needed when the end goal is crushing a mutual rival beneath their heels. Just some good old fashioned father/child bonding time!
MC has a smaller seat right next to Lucifer’s seat in the Assembly Hall. I will not compromise on this one.
For all your fluff needs, I give you: Lucifer teaching MC how to play the piano. He has a proud little smile on his face when his kid finally starts getting it. That’s all. Enjoy the image.
That one Uncle who gives you Alcohol at Family Gatherings (Mammon)
Yeah, when Mammon burst in late to the party and whining about everyone’s spamming him with texts to haul his scummy ass to the Assembly Hall, the last thing he expected was to see a mini-Lucifer.
“What the fuck am I lookin’ at?!”
The glare the two Lucifers gave the poor Avatar of Greed was enough to make him want to turn tail (uh, wing) and book it down the hall.
“Mammon, this is MC. They’re my child.”
“...whaaaa..?” Mammon looked between the two, same glare, same intimidating aura, same annoyingly good posture.
Mammon scratched the back of his neck and looked over at his older brother. “Do I uh... still gotta babysit em’ if they’re not human?”
“The lake of Cocytus will melt the day I let you babysit without supervision.” Lucifer grumbled.
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
Despite Lucifer’s initial denial, Mammon and MC ended up spending a lot of time hanging out when Lucifer was busy with paperwork. Of course Mammon’s first thought was ‘how do I profit off this situation?’
MC is now Mammon’s designated babysitter after they caught him picking up their feathers that had fallen off with the intention of painting them white and claiming they were Lucifer’s from back in the Celestial Realm.
Mammon does end up spoiling MC a little. Just a smidge. They’re the kid of his totally not his favourite brother after all! How could he not? Whether or not these gifts are obtained legally or are legal at all is subject to scrutiny.
“Mammon, I can’t drink this!” MC placed the bottle of Demonus back on the counter of the kitchen.
“Why not? That’s a bottle of the good stuff! We gotta celebrate you gettin’ an A on that test somehow!”
“I’m underage! Incredibly underage. I’m not legally allowed to drink.”
Mammon wordlessly plopped a silly straw into the bottle. “...does that help?”
“No.” MC then inclined their head to the bottle. “And I don’t want to get hung from the ceiling, that bottle was in my father’s study yesterday, I’m above theft.”
“How old are you s’posed to be anyway? Never mind... uh...” Mammon wracked his brain for something else he could do for MC that didn’t cost anything (don’t judge him, the poor bastard was flat broke!). “I could... teach you to drive!”
“Yeah! Drivin’ is awesome! We can take my car!”
The bills for the damages done to the car and the Devildom were mailed to Lucifer the next day, and MC and Mammon got to keep each other company as they hung from the ceiling. Ah well! At least MC wasn’t upside down!
Mammon wasn’t that good of a flight teacher either, he also crashed into a tree (the same tree MC crashed into, actually) when he was cheering for MC. They were finally able to do a loopdy loop! He was proud and distracted! Okay?! Lucifer! Stop smirkin’ at him! It’s not that funny!
At least the vantage point from the tree was decent and the branches didn’t scratch him up too badly. Oh hey... that person walking by was wearing a very nice watch... he’d be right back-
That Uncle That is Always Absent From Family Gatherings and When He is Present He Leaves Early (Levi)
He missed everything. That is not an exaggeration. He was in the middle of an online raid battle and couldn’t look at his phone! No Lucifer he can’t pause an online game! That’s not how it works!
Okay, the human exchange student is half demon? WOAH! THAT’S JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME- W A I T. THE LITTLE NORMIE IS LUCIFER’S KID?!
Okie doke, he was fully convinced that MC just had to be an anime protagonist.
They binged every series that Levi compared them to. Sure MC might have missed a few assignments because of late night anime binges, but they were too good for this school crap anyway, right?
Nope. Lucifer put a ban on the two watching anime until both their grades improved. Surviving that hell brought the two together.
The sound of a pencil case being haphazardly thrown across the room made Levi peek out of his bed-tub. If his figurines got knocked over so HELP HIM-
“This is stupid!!I shouldn’t have to catch up with this!” MC crossed their arms and gave their Demonology textbook their best disapproving glare.
Lucifer Lite (tm) was having a hell of a time trying to claw through their missed work, and Levi sympathized, he really did, it’s just... he was playing Animal Crossing-
Levi paused the game to placate his anime-buddy when their wings popped out and he feared for his rare merch’s safety.
“H-hey, MC? Do you need help?” Levi’s offer was met with a bone chilling glare that lived rent free in his nightmares ever since. He had pulled a Mammon and forgotten he was talking to Lucifer’s child. Lucifer’s allergy to help must have passed down to MC.
“No! I don’t! It’s just... dumb!” MC hissed, she turned and looked over at the fish tank. “Right Henry 2.0?”
Henry 2.0 did not respond.
“MC, you need to finish your homework or we can’t watch anything together,” Levi sighed, he had finished his work over an hour earlier. He had mastered the art of all night anime binges and managing to do most of his work in the fifteen minutes between the time he woke up and the time school was supposed to begin. “We haven’t even binged all of volume 4 of TSL yet!”
“Mmm...” MC grumbled. “Fine...”
MC picked up their pencil case and began continued their work. Levi breathed a sigh of relief and went back to Animal Crossing.
The tiny normie did in fact finish their work, only after they caved and asked Levi for help. Swore him to secrecy, they did... very intimidating, they were.
Just saying, he most definitely sent that one Keanu Reeves meme with big Keanu and little Keanu but with Lucifer and MC to the wrong group chat. Poor bastard.
Flying lessons? No. Levi hadn’t flown since his time in the Celestial Realm, he had no advice to give other than: “Flap your wings!”
MC didn’t get to finish that thought, they lost their balance and fell right into RAD’s fountain. Ah well, Levi had a head start on running for his life that he squandered by laughing at MC. RIP.
The Uncle/brother/whatever the fuck that Starts a Fight With Your Dad at the Family Reunion. (Satan)
Oh... another Lucifer? Eugh. Gross.
Satan gave the kid a wide berth when they first met. Everything the kid said or did ticked him off. “Tsk. Look at MC. Making an omelette. So annoying.” “Oh wow, MC vacuumed? Roll out the red carpet, we need to celebrate their existence!” “Look at them. Breathing. Disgusting.”
MC’s pride wouldn’t ever let them admit it but... they knew Satan didn’t like them, and it hurt their feelings.
“Shhhh,” Satan whispered into his backpack.
“Meow.” The backpack replied.
“I said shhhhh.”
The backpack did not reply after that, which was a good thing considering the little princet of the HOL was nearby.
“Satan?” They asked. “Who are you talking to?”
Satan coldly brushed past them as he made his way to his room. “No one you need to concern yourself with.”
When the little calico kitten was safe in his room, Satan quickly realized a mistake in his foolproof ‘sneak a cat into the house’ plan. He didn’t have any toys for the kitten, and he didn’t want his books getting scratched...
It was alright, he’d just rush out to the a store that sold cat things and rush back! Five minute trip tops!
Well when Satan got back the cat was no longer in the room. Oh dear. He discreetly tore apart the house looking for the poor little thing until he ended up finding it in the library, happily chasing around a loose feather being held up by MC.
“Oh, hello Satan.” MC chirped as the kitten batted it’s adorable little paws at the feather.
“My... my door was closed. Did you let the cat out?”
MC shrugged. “I heard meowing.”
Satan ran a hand through his hair and grumbled. Stupid smaller Lucifer. Stupid original Lucifer. Everyone sucked.
“Let me guess, you’re going to run to Lucifer and tell him all about the meowing and the rule breaking.”
MC shook their head and glared at Satan. “Of course not. I’ve already gotten way too attached to this little guy anyway. We’re co-parenting this kitten like mature adults.”
With some coaxing, Satan did sit down and play with the kitten, maybe MC wasn’t... so terrible.
The two watch Unsolved Mysteries together, that’s their show. “This guy did it.” “Satan, we’re two minutes into the episode-” “Trust me.”
Thirty minutes later.
“He did it.” “See MC, what’d I tell you?”
Lucifer did find out about the cat, but with enough pleading, MC and Satan managed to warm up the cold spot in Lucifer’s chest where his heart should have been. The cat’s name is Detective Toe Beans (or just Bean).
Satan can’t fly, he has a tail, but he did read up on wing anatomy and how flight actually works in demons, his advice would be good in theory, but it’s full of so much technical jargon that MC can’t understand it.
At least MC didn’t crash into something, they barrel rolled through one of the HOL’s windows. Good thing it was the window to their room. The broken arm still hurt like hell.
The Best Dressed Bitch Who Brings The Booze to The Reunion. (Asmo)
Lucifer’s kid was SO CUTE! A thousand pictures commemorating that adorable moment needed to be taken! Wait- Lucifer- GIVE BACK THE PHONE-
Asmo, surprise surprise, absolutely adores little MC! So cute! So small! He was just so excited to announce to all his Devilgram followers that Lucifer was finally a certified DILF.
That post disappeared five minutes after it was made but the damage had already been done.
Asmo made sure MC looked their best at all times, if they needed help talking to anyone? Asmo’s got their back!
Sure, maybe he’s a little pushy, but pushy’s a good thing sometimes, right?
“No, these shoes wouldn’t fit you...”
“No, not these ones either...”
Asmo squeaked and jumped upwards, Geez Louise... little MC’s voice could sure be scary when they wanted it to be...
“I don’t need any fancy new shoes.” MC huffed, sitting up straighter in one of the chairs in Asmo’s room. “I thought this was supposed to be a sleepover.”
“Hmmm...” Asmo pouted. “Makeovers are an essential part of sleepovers... what’d you do with your human friends up in the human world that could possibly be better than a make-over?!”
MC began to list things off. “Ordered junk food, talked about people we hated, watched movies,”
“Greasy food is so bad for your skin...” Asmo cringed and shook his head violently. “But I’m totally down to watch a movie and bitch about people I hate!”
“Ah yes, human sleepovers, a tradition I never quite had the chance to enjoy.” Solomon said from Asmo’s bed. “Who are we bitching about?”
“Remind me what Solomon is doing here.” MC muttered as they sat down in front of Asmo’s TV.
“Because, I wanted to hang out with my two favourite humans.” Asmo cooed, reaching over and trying to pinch MC’s cheek, which they awkwardly dodged.
“Can we watch The Exorcist?” Solomon asked, propping his head up with his hands.
“Ew, no.” Asmo made a face at him. “That scene with the vomit? Hell NO.”
“Mm.” MC mumbled. Asmo turned to look at them.
“MC? Are you doing okay? You don’t look like you’re having any fun...”
“I’m fine.” MC grumbled.
Asmo pursed his lips, as much as it made his little narcissistic heart break, he nudged MC. “Why don’t you pick the movie, sweetie. I’m sure Solomon and I will like anything you pick!”
MC noticeably brightened. “Let’s watch Scream!”
The strangled noise that came from Asmo was... concerning, but to his credit, The Avatar of Lust held his tongue about his distaste for the movie, and the three slumber-party goers had quite the lovely time.
After the movie ended, MC went back to their room, sure it was a sleepover but their bed was right down the hall.
Good for Asmo and Solomon. Horny fuckers. We stan.
Asmo just claps and tries to cheer MC on when it comes to their flying lessons. (The idea that Asmo came up with to wear his cheerleader costume from the previous Halloween was immediately shot down by Lucifer)
“You’re doing wonderful, MC- WATCH OUT FOR THE POWER LINE!”
MC didn’t hit the power line, but Asmo’s scream of terror caused them to fall butt-first into a dumpster. Their injured tailbone served as a tragic memory of the incident.
Oh well, good thing Asmo had nice smelling soap to give that could mask dumpster-stink.
The Uncle that eats everything and tells you to eat your veggies while you angrily pick at your broccoli at the kid’s table. (Beel)
Lucifer... has a kid?! Beel choked on the cheetos he had snuck into the Assembly Hall when the kid’s wings popped out.
Oh wow, that’s nice :) maybe they can eat together. Belphie would probably like them.
Wait what is the gender neutral term for Niece or Nephew?
...Nibling? Uh... let’s not say that around Beel. We don’t need him to get hungrier and begin associating MC with nibbling on things.
The Underground Tomb incident probably went a little differently, but after all that nonsense, the two are closer than two peas in a pod!
Mmm... peas...
“Beel?” MC stepped into the Avatar of Gluttony’s room.
“Hi MC.” Beel was doing push-ups in the middle of the room, on the ground right beneath his head was a massive bowl of spaghetti that he bit into every time he completed a push-up. “Can you come stand on my back? I need the extra weight.”
“On your back?” MC padded closer. “Are you sure? It’s not going to hurt?”
“No, it’ll be okay.” Beel assured them. “Belphie and I did this all the time. Except Belphie is normally asleep.”
MC tentatively stepped onto Beel’s back. It was a balancing act to say the least, they eventually gave up on standing and ended up sitting cross legged between Beel’s shoulder blades.
“You did this with Belphegor?” MC asked.
“Yeah,” Beel sighed. “He was always too tired to exercise, but he’d let me bench press him sometimes...”
MC frowned and hugged their knees to their chest. Knowing full well that Beel’s twin wasn’t in the human world like Lucifer said was absolutely ripping them apart from the inside. Guilt felt just as rotten as their pride did when they were being belittled...
“Maybe you’ll see him again sometime soon.” MC whispered. “Maybe my father’ll come to his senses and let him come back down to the Devildom.”
Beel paused his push-ups for a brief moment, then nodded and went back to his eating exercising combo. “I hope so. He’ll like you, MC. I’m sure of it.”
MC nodded. “I... hope so.”
Beel’s a pretty decent flight teacher, but his wings are just so different from MC’s that it renders any tips he had next to useless.
“MC, maybe your wings aren’t flapping fast enough.”
“Beel, I appreciate the thought, but I’m not a hummingbird. Or a fly. I don’t need to flap my wings a million times a minute to stay afloat.”
Ah well, MC tried to take some of Beel’s advice, but their lower right wing cramped up and they ended up flying in circles until Beel was able to catch them. Ah well, better than the dumpster incident the previous week.
The Uncle That Passes Out in The Basement and You’re Not Allowed to Wake Him Up Even Though All Your Toys and Video Games Are Down There. He Also Picks a Fight With Your Dad’s New S/O Before He Passes Out. (Belphie)
Sitting in the attic was quite a drag, and this supposedly weak little human was quite the annoyance to try and call out to. It took a lot longer than expected, but when he heard little footsteps coming towards his prison, Belphegor nearly jumped with joy.
Oh... it... looked like Lucifer. Smelled like Lucifer. Stood like Lucifer. Quacked like Lucifer. Or... trilled..? Whatever sound a peacock made, this brat sounded an awful lot like Lucifer.
A... half-demon. Hmph. Belphie honestly thought Lucifer had actual standards. Not anymore, he guessed.
(Man I could fill a whole-ass fic with the Belphie betrayal thing, but for now let’s skip to post attic nonsense)
Okay so maybe MC wasn’t disgusting. They made a good nap buddy. It was cute when their wings came out when they were sleeping sometimes. Well... it was cute when they didn’t hit him in the face and make him wake up with his mouth full of feathers.
What Beel said had been true, Belphie made a good substitute when weights weren’t available, but Beel didn’t want MC to feel left out, so Belphie and MC ended up sitting on his back while he did push ups. MC once got bored and started playing Go Fish with Belphie on Beel’s back while he exercised.
Yes. MC is still a member of the Formerly-Anti-Lucifer League.
“Are you sure he’s not going to be too mad at us?” MC asked for the dozenth time that day. Detective Toe Beans was wrapped around their neck like a scarf (he had gotten so big!!!) while MC nervously sat in one of the Library chairs.
“Positive.” Belphie said with a toothy grin. “Besides, he’s like putty when it comes to you. Just give him your best puppy eyes and we’re not guilty on all charges.”
Putty..? Really..? Lucifer..? How strict was he before MC got there... they wondered.
“Sh! He’s coming!” Satan stuck his nose into a random book, it was the Oxford English Dictionary... and it was upside down.
Belphie pretended to pass out and MC decided that the best course of action was to stare deeply into their cat’s eyes. Yeah... that looked casual and not weird.
“Satan, MC, Belphie.” Lucifer nodded to the three of them as he walked towards the entrance to his study.
“Afternoon, father.”
Belphie let out a cartoonishly loud fake snore that nearly caused both MC and Satan to break cover and start laughing.
Side note, Bean had adorable widdle eyes! That cute little face was just to die for-
“You three..!”
Belphie, Satan, and MC peeked their heads into Lucifer’s study, their handiwork was perfect. Everything was covered in red post it notes. Perfectly not harmful, but SO inconvenient!
“You’re all cleaning this up or so help me-”
“GO!” Belphie and Satan each grabbed one of MC’s arms (Satan also grabbed Bean) and sprinted out of the House of Lamentation. Maybe they’d move back there in twenty years... they hoped that Solomon and The Angels would let them crash at Purgatory Hall...
Belphie had used up his physical energy supply for the next four years. He passed out the moment they stepped into sanctuary. Time for a nap...
Flight practice? Ha. Belphie’s napping. Though, he was suspiciously awake and filming whenever MC did something stupid.
“Try not to suck so bad.”
“I’m already there. Hell is every second I’m stuck here watching you fail.”
Well... MC mastered the dive bomb that day. Lucifer bought them a cake.
Bonus! Your Dad’s New Husband! That Has Managed to Somehow Make Everyone Hate Him Despite the Fact That He’s A Cinnamon Roll. (Diavolo)
A mini Lucifer? A mini Lucifer!
Diavolo dotes on MC like he’d dote on his own kid. MC wants a crown? They’re getting a crown! A damn nice one too! MC wants a title? Here! MC is now... idk Ruler of the area between Majolish and Hell’s Kitchen.
Poor Uncle Mammon’s got some financial insecurity, he’s still the cool uncle... right?!
He is very much that ‘how do you do fellow kids?’ Meme.
He tries to do stereotypical ‘dad’ things but he’s not very good at them. Once he tried to host a barbecue...
Barbatos saved the day, but Mammon’s hair was still singed, Solomon’s cooking still gave Beel food poisoning (SOLOMON EATS TOXIC WASTE I SWEAR-), Luke still got hit in the face with a frisbee, and Simeon got an unhealthy dose of DAD NERVES and got so stressed everyone was almost blinded by the holy light he suddenly started blasting. We do not mention the water guns.
(Seriously whose bright idea was it to give Belphie and Satan water guns while they were in Lucifer’s presence?)
Praise Barbie. He’s too good for them.
“Um...” MC awkwardly held up the baseball, trying to look at it from all angles like it was a completely alien object. “Lord Diavolo... are you sure you want to play catch?”
Diavolo clapped his hands and bounced on the balls of his feet. “Yes! It’s a thing human fathers do with their children, correct? We must make up for lost time between you and Lucifer, right?”
Lucifer massaged his temples and nodded. “If you two would like to play catch...” Lucifer grimaced. “I will too.”
“Okay! MC, throw the ball to Lucifer!” Diavolo instructed.
Lucifer half heartedly held up his baseball glove as MC tossed him the ball. He caught it, and looked over at Diavolo, who was applauding like he just witnessed the greatest feat in sports history.
“Okay! Throw it to me!” Diavolo waved his glove in the air, Lucifer rolled his eyes and smiled. He threw the ball at Diavolo with... a lot of force. Enough force to probably dent steel... Diavolo caught it like it was nothing.
MC suddenly feared for their safety.
“Okay MC, catch!”
Diavolo threw the ball with enough force to break the god damn sound barrier. Well, maybe that was an exaggeration, but the ball sailed way over MC’s head and crashed right through a window.
“Oh my...” Diavolo put a hand on his hip and surveyed the damage to the window. “This isn’t so bad, I believe in human world TV shows this happens quite often. Look! The glass broke in a perfect circle!”
“Yay... property damage...” MC murmured.
Lucifer sighed and pulled out his DDD. “I’ll phone someone to replace the win-”
“Lucifer no! Now according to human world customs we must,” Diavolo took a deep breath, rushed forward, grabbed both Lucifer and MC’s hands and started sprinting away from the Demon Lord’s Castle. “RUN FOR IT!”
“Di- Diavolo!” Lucifer gasped.
“Who are we running from?! That’s your castle!” MC squeaked.
“I don’t know! Just run! That’s what the human TV show says to do!”
Weirdly enough, Diavolo was the best flight instructor. MC’s ability to fly increased tenfold after Diavolo found out that MC was learning to fly.
“You’re doing amazing MC! That was a perfect turn!”
“Thanks Lord Diavolo, I’m surprised I haven’t crashed into anyone or fallen yet!”
“Well, I highly doubt you’ll be crashing into anyone anymore, your flying is practically perfect now!”
Mammon proceeded to fly past them holding what looked like Lucifer’s wallet.
“Oh... I wonder what he’s doing. Look, MC! It’s Lucifer! Hello Lucifer dea-”
Lucifer ended up colliding with the two of them and sending them all crashing to the floor.
That was the last time MC fell during flying practice.
(We currently have a Go Fund Me set up for Mammon to get the funds necessary to flee the Devildom after that incident. Please donate to save- oh shit hi Lucifer-)
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
Life of Death
You’re gonna need tissues for this one folks! A huge thank you to @addictedtodinosaurs for allowing me to write this wonderful headcannon! Hope you guys enjoy!
Warning: Angst. Whole lot of angst 
It hasn’t even been a day since Alcina’s world collapsed. Ethan Winters managed to flee Castle Dimitrescu with his life and topple the hierarchy Mother Miranda worked so hard to achieve. Everyone is gone; Angie, Moreau's house, Mother Miranda, even her baby brother Karl. They never stood a chance after the fall of the great Mother Miranda. Without her protection, they were left helpless. Of course, Ethan only saw them all as monsters; filthy bloodthirsty creatures that needed to be slain. That’s all anyone ever saw them as. They’re different so that must mean they’re wrong. They’re abnormally different from anything I’d ever seen so that automatically means they’re evil.
But they’re still a family. Lucky for Alcina, she never let herself depend on anyone other than herself. Well, except for her daughters.
She was wandering around the ruins of the castle in search of them. They were nowhere to be found since Ethan escaped. It was a grueling task but obviously, one that needed to be done. They need their mother’s tender love and care to nurse them back to health.
Cassandra was the first to be found. Naturally, she was found within the comfort of her basement. Where else would that silly girl be hiding? Just like Daniela, her bleeding seemed to have majorly stopped on its own. So all that was left for Alcina to do was bathe her and bandage her wounds. Alcina carried her upstairs to her bedroom slowly and carefully to not make her feel any sicker to her stomach. From there she bathed her and wrapped whatever wounds she had in delicate cloth before putting her to rest in her bed. Alcina tousled her wet hair before leaving in search of the rest of her brood.
Daniela was the easiest to find. She was left lying face down in the parlor soaked in a pool of her own blood. Her body was riddled with bullet holes to the point where her abdomen resembled Swiss Cheese. Alcina was quick to scoop her up and bring her upstairs to tend to her wounds. Until she got Daniela in the bath she used the ends of her dress to put pressure on her abdomen. Just like Cassandra, her bleeding seemed to have majorly stopped on its own. So all that was left for Alcina to do was bathe her and bandage her wounds.
Picking each individual bullet out of her body was an uphill battle, but Alcina was the eventual victor. Even better, she managed to not disturb her youngest’s slumber as she patched her up. Daniela was now free to rest as much as she needed in the sanctuary of her mother’s bed.
“What a mess we’re left with, hm? Don’t you worry about a thing my little Tasmanian Devil, Mother’s here now. I’ll protect you.”
The girls remained motionless as Alcina tucked Daniela in next to her sister.
Alcina watched as her little bundles of joy rested comfortably under the warm blankets and plush pillows. They look so sweet and at peace. It was rare for the matriarch to see them like this, but it always brought a smile to her face.
“You just rest now, my lovelies. I’m going to go find your sister so she can rest easy as well.” Alcina bends down and kisses each daughter on the forehead. “I’ll be right back.”
It took a few hours of searching to find her eldest daughter. Doing countless laps around the castle finally brought Alcina to explore the labyrinth of hidden passageways. There were a few times when said passageways brought her right back up to her bedroom. She wasn’t complaining too much though. Every time it happened she simply checked on her girls and reminded them how much she loves them.
Bela was by far the hardest to find. The sounds of scurrying behind a row of bookcases alerted Alcina to her presence. Following a single passageway eventually led Alcina to find the blonde buried from the chest down in rubble. The tunnel had collapsed from then on.
Alcina made quick work of removing the rock and rubble from her daughter's body. Rats fled back into their holes as she did so. The eldest Dimitrescu never moved even an inch. It took a while, but Alcina did manage to get her out in one piece. She whispered promises of a warm bath and offered to deep clean the dirt and dust out of her hair.
Bela couldn’t respond but Alcina knew she heard her. She could still sense her. She could sense all of them. They’re just weak, that’s all. They need as much rest as they can get.
It’s late evening by the time all three girls are bathed and tucked into bed. They were dressed in clean clothes and had their bandages changed again before Alcina crawled carefully into bed with them. She made sure to be extra careful when nudging them out of the way so she was in the middle; Bela on one side and Cassandra and Daniela on the other. Her arms wrapped around them all snugly.
It reminds Alcina of all the times the girls would burst into her room when they were little during a thunderstorm. All four of them would cuddle up just like this under the covers and either sing to them or read them a story.
“Tomorrow is a new day, my loves. We will start anew and we’ll be stronger than ever. I hope you sleep peacefully.”
The next morning comes slowly for Alcina. It’s quiet for once as the girls aren’t awake to cause mischief. Aching in her back and arms keeps her from stretching out. She smiled when she feels the girls are still snuggled up close to her.
“Good morning my darlings,” she says with a yawn. “How are we feeling today?”
Alcina kisses each daughter on the cheek and chooses not to notice how much more pale they were this morning. And certainly doesn’t recognize how stiff they were. She simply chalks it up to sleeping uncomfortably. After all, even she woke up with an aching back. Her arms wrapped around them must have really bothered them.
“It’s alright, girls. Take all the time you need to recover. You’ve been through quite the ordeal and need as much rest as you can get. I understand that. Mommy will be waiting for you right here to wake up. I’ll be the first thing you see when you open your bleary little eyes.”
The family lounged for the better half of the morning. Alcina takes her time stroking the hair of each of her girls’ hair and whispers words of comfort to them. “You’re so brave, my loves. And so strong; stronger than Mommy could ever hope to be.”
She notices a rather putrid smell coming from Daniela. One not caused by uncleanliness or a rotten meal, but something else entirely. Her immediate response is to change her bandages again, but can’t help but notice how pale Daniela had become overnight. Her lips were turning a shade of blue and the rest of her skin looked sickly. So did Cassandra and Daniela. Perhaps this is worse than simply recovering from injuries? Maybe....maybe they really were-
Alcina shook her head. They’ll wake up. Of course, they’ll wake up! They just need to rest extra long before they can really start to recover. So what if they get worse before they get better? At the end of the day, all that matters is that they do wake up. Then it’s smooth sailing from there.
The silence is suffocating. She feels the chill in her blood, coldness bringing the synapses of her brain to a standstill. Part of it is a pain, but one Alcina can endure. One she has to endure; for the sake of her daughters.
While she waited, Alcina called for a maid, the only one left, to fetch some documents from her private study that needed her attention.
They didn’t actually need her attention, of course. With the demise of Mother Miranda, the document's importance was nullified. But Alcina Dimitrescu is not the type of person to just sit around and do nothing. Especially when there are so many important things to do.
As soon as the maid steps into the room she understands what’s happening. She went through something strikingly similar when she had her miscarriage some years ago. Reality is a cruel plane of existence. Especially when you lose someone you loved suffering it with. It’s plain to see that her mistress is grieving her losses and she doesn’t have the heart to break whatever fantasies Lady Dimitrescu has built-in her head.
Instead, she chooses to play along. Delusional or not this was still Lady Dimitrescu, the woman will kill her if she tells her anything other than what she wants to hear. She gives a kind smile and curtsy to her Mistress and simply dies as she’s asked.
“Shall I fetch you some wine, My Lady?”
Alcina thought about it for a moment. It has been over 24 hours since she last fed and she was certainly craving sustenance. But ultimately decides against it in favor of her daughters.
“No. Keep what we have left safe for when my daughters wake. They’ll need their strength more than I’ll need mine.”
The maid waits a minute before trying again. She looks over at the girls still laying in bed. It’s obvious they are no longer there. She could smell the evidence of that from across the room.
“Very well, Lady Dimitrescu. I could send up a platter of-“
“Enough,” Alcina shouts but quickly catches herself from continuing. The girls don’t need to be disturbed by such a trivial matter. “Go make yourself useful and clean my daughters’ rooms. They’ll want them spotless when they wake up.”
The maid simply bows her head. “Of course, my Lady. Please forgive me.”
The next two weeks went on like this before the maid had enough. She wanted to help her mistress, she truly did, but there was nothing left for her here anymore. The last scraps of human food were officially gone and there was no reason to trek down to the village and come all the way back when she could just as easily take up residence down there. It was a gut-wrenching decision but it had to be done. She tried her best for Lady Dimitrescu and that’s all that mattered.
She slipped away in the dead of night. Normally the Lady would have any escapees hunted down and dragged back up to the castle only to be thrown in the basement. But there was no one to do that anymore. Heisenberg and his pack of lycans had perished long ago, even before the Lady’s daughters, and the Lady was too drained of emotions to care. Too weak to chase after her.
Alcina’s daughters are her everything. Every day she lived for them. She lived because of them.
Alcina took great pride in her tall stature. She is the image of beauty and elegance. The only real flaw in her design is its role in hunting down prey. You’d have to be blind or stupid to not see her coming after you. Even with her much larger strides, she wouldn’t be able to keep up. And Alcina Dimitrescu does not run. Prey is not worth running for.
So she depends on her daughters to hunt for her. They’re much more suited for the job; so young, and clever, and agile. They are her cubs and her, their lioness, too old to keep up with the hunting party.
Alcina looks at her girls and sees them as they truly are; dead. Lifeless corpses. Their bodies are decaying and cold. She has been changing the bed sheets every morning to keep away the maggots but failed to stop all of them. The smell of death is noxious even with all the windows open because Bela said she wanted to feel the crisp winter breeze.
“My girls,” Alcina sobs. “What have I done to you?”
She collapses at their bedside and finally allows herself to break down.
But looking up at them she still feels them. She can still feel their arms wrap around her shoulders as she cries. The smell of paint is still on Cassandra’s cloak and Daniela was sitting on the floor right next to her. The short ends of red hair tickled Alcina’s cheek. If they were truly gone, how is it she can still feel Bela kiss the top of her head and wrap her arms around her neck in an embrace?
“I never should have done this. How can I be so selfish? I never should have turned you to suffer as I have.” A new wave of tears blurred her vision. “What kind of mother am I?”
She knows she doesn’t have long now. How can she bring herself to care? Everyone she ever cared about was already gone. What’s the point of trying to survive without her dearest family, especially when she’s so close to being reunited. Alcina wiggles her way back under the covers and pulls her daughters close once more. She’s crying in earnest now, happy that her pain is almost over. Even now she can see her daughters playing together, maybe even with Uncle Karl somewhere in the far off distance.
A smile spreads to Alcina’s lips as she closes her eyes and simply waits for her turn to join in on the fun.
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“family holiday” (pt. 1) (chilumi fic)
Lumine finally arrives in Snezhnaya and takes Childe’s offer of visiting his home (mansion). 
(some domestic fluff uwu) 
lots of ppl have been asking for more and i love that! tysm for the encouragement and support <3 sorry this took so long to upload, i am trying very hard for all you lovelies ;__; 
also this is being split into two parts bc it is a bit longer than my other fics...but i swear im writing part 2 as fast as i can!! i just wanted to post this now so i wouldn’t keep you lovelies waiting <3
[Fic Masterlist]
“family holiday” (pt 1)
“Lumineeeeee!” Teucer shouted as she walked through the door of Childe’s home. He tackled her into a hug. 
“Well hello to you too, Teucer,” Lumine greeted back. Just as energetic as I remembered… 
“Hey! Paimon’s here too!” Paimon crossed her arms. 
Teucer broke his hug and waved energetically at Paimon. “Hi, Lumine’s toy!”
Paimon’s jaw dropped, ready to go on a rant, but Teucer already turned his attention away. 
“Big brother!” he cheered, tackling Childe into a hug as well. 
“Teucer!” Childe said enthusiastically, picking him up and slinging the little boy over his shoulder before swinging him around. Teucer erupted into gleeful giggles. 
“Big brother? Is that you?” a soft voice called. Coming down the grand stairs was a little girl who looked exactly like Childe and Teucer, her long brown hair tied in a half-up crown braid, her large blue eyes like innocent doe eyes. She looked about eight. Behind her, another sibling came trudging down the stairs, scowling, his hair appearing more ginger than the rest of the family; his face had a splattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks, more prominent than Teucer’s. He was a bit older, around 11. 
Childe set Teucer down, and smiled. “Tonia,” he greeted her, gentler. He got down on one knee, and Tonia ran down the steps—her white dress flowing behind her—and jumped into his open arms. 
“It’s been too long!” she said, her voice muffled by Childe’s shoulder. 
He laughed. “It certainly has, princess.” He looked to the last sibling still standing by the stairs. “Come on, Anthon. Come here.”
Anthon let out an exasperate huff, but still made his way to his older brother, and joined Tonia in their embrace. “We don’t have to make such a big deal out of this,” he grumbled, though his arms tightening around his brother betrayed his attitude. 
“Looks like we’ve been sidelined,” Paimon muttered. 
Lumine tilted her head. “It’s kind of nice to see though…” 
Anthon’s eyes flickered to her. “Who are you?”
Tonia broke from the hug, ducking under Childe’s arms to look at Lumine, while still gripping tightly to his jacket. 
Teucer bounced over to the traveler, and placed his hands proudly on his hips. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Lumine!”
Tonia gasped and skipped over to her, her eyes bright. “Lumine?! Like from the letters?” Teucer nodded enthusiastically. 
Childe stood and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yup, the one and only. This is her first time in Snezhnaya, so everyone be on your best behavior.” He gave Anthon a look, to which Anthon crossed his arms. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Tonia and Anthon,” Lumine said. “Your brothers have told me a lot about you two.”
Tonia smiled shyly and peered at Lumine’s face. “Woooow,” she whispered in wonderment. “You really are just as pretty as he said!” 
Lumine felt a shock to her system. Childe told them I was pretty?
Childe let out a nervous laugh, quickly scooping Tonia off the ground and ruffling her hair. “Very funny, Tonia! Why don’t we decide on dinner plans, hmm?” 
Paimon, after grumbling in the corner about being ignored, perked straight up. “Food?”
“Let’s celebrate brother and Lumine coming home! We should go to the bestest restaurant in the city!” Teucer suggested. 
“You don’t want to eat brother’s cooking?” Tonia asked, a bit of sadness tinged in her voice. 
“I think that’s a great idea, Teucer,” Childe said. He patted Tonia’s head. “How about we eat dinner at the restaurant, then we can come home and I’ll make you your favorite cake?” 
“Yay!” Tonia cheered, jumping from Childe’s arms, and joining Teucer in celebration. 
“Anthon? What would you like to do?” Childe asked. 
He shrugged. “Whatever sounds good to me.” 
“Then it’s settled! Let’s all go get ready then, okay?” Childe said. The children all ran up the stairs, and soon the foyer was quiet once more. The Harbinger let out a heavy sigh. 
“Whew! They’re a handful!” Paimon said. 
Lumine nodded. “How do they even survive while you’re away?”
Childe chuckled. “Year round I have a dedicated staff of servants and maids to look after them and the house.” (Mansion, Lumine thought.) “I gave them the weekend off while I’m back.”
“You can handle all three of them?” Lumine asked. 
“Oh? You don’t think I’m capable?” 
“I just can’t imagine you as a child raising type,” she said, recalling their various battles together. How bloodthirsty he could get. 
“The battlefield is different,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. He glanced at the stairs. “I’ve been raising my siblings since we were little.” 
No parents? She thought of her and Aether. On their own for as long as she could remember, having to explore and learn alone. Except she and Aether were twins; she never had to look after a younger sibling—let alone three. 
“Ready!” Teucer announced, bouncing down the stairs. 
Childe crossed his arms. “Just your hat? Where are your gloves? Coat? Boots?” 
Teucer giggled. “Oops! I forgot!” He raced back up the stairs. 
“And you?” he asked, turning to Lumine. “You don’t look ready either.”
“I was okay on the journey here,” she answered. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
He shook his head. “It’s almost dark now. Snezhnayan nights are freezing, even more so during this time.”
“Ahh...well...we didn’t really pack...anything…,” Paimon said sheepishly. 
��Paimon I expected, but you, Lumine?” 
The traveler crossed her arms. “I’ve been a bit busy.” 
He scoffed. “Right, right. Well, we can’t have you freezing to death in the street. I’m sure there’s extra coats around here,” he said, heading up the stairs. “Come with me.”
“Oooo, Lumine, they’re probably super expensive and fluffy! Let’s go!” Paimon said, flying after Childe. Lumine rolled her eyes and followed. 
The three passed by the children’s rooms, all clothes being thrown around and excited chatter, before coming to a large door at the end of the hall. Childe’s room. He opened the door and they entered. 
It was a grand room—octangular in shape with huge windows and a tall ceiling—large, spacious, and empty save for a large bed, standing wardrobe, and side tables. There was a fine film of dusting covering all the surfaces, and the bed looked like it hadn’t been slept in for a long time. The colors were sparse, only grays, whites, blacks, and the occasional red accent. 
Childe opened the doors to the wardrobe, revealing an assortment of heavy winter coats. He pulled one out and held it out for Lumine. “I think this coat is a little older—probably the smallest one I have.” 
She put it on, the sleeves running a bit long to her fingertips, the feathered hood obscuring her face up to her nose. Childe laughed, and she stuck her tongue out at him after pulling the hood down. Despite it being old, she could still pick up a faint scent of Childe: a smell remnant of ocean waves and sandy beaches. Unexpectedly pleasant...
“If that’s too big, she can have one of my coats!” Tonia said from the doorway.  
“That is very nice of you to offer, Tonia,” Childe said. “But I think your coats might be too small.”
“Oh,” she said. “Well, we’re all ready now, brother!”
The family—plus Lumine and Paimon—gathered back in the foyer with everyone bundled in their coats, hats, and gloves. And then they were on the way to the restaurant. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Lumine, look!” Teucer said, pointing at a large pond. “There are so many fishes!”
They were waiting to be seated in the restaurant lobby. A large, grandiose building, with marbled floors, vaulted ceilings, and gold furniture. There was a large pond in the middle—a miniature waterfall flowed into it. 
Too extravagant, Lumine thought. And I thought Liyue was expensive...
“Do you think we could take some fish home to eat?” Paimon asked, peering into the pond. 
Lumine gave her a deadpan expression. “Go ahead. I’ve always wanted to see how Snezhnayans deal out punishment.”
“On second thought, nevermind…”
Tonia pulled on Childe’s jacket. “Can we go to the toy store after this?”
“Toy store! Toy store! Toy store!” Teucer chanted. 
“Yes, yes, of course,” Childe said. The two children cheered. 
“They’re always so loud,” Anthon grumbled from his seat next to Lumine. 
“They’re just excited your brother is back,” Lumine said. “Aren’t you excited also?”
“I guess…” He looked at her. “Why are you here anyways?”
How do I explain that I’m on a quest to find my brother after we were banished from our journeys by an unknown god? “I want to meet all the gods of Teyvat.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, right. That’s impossible.”
“Actually I’ve been quite successful,” she told him. “I’ve already met a few.”
“Really?” His brows were furrowed. “What’re they like?”
Venti: drunk. Zhongli: broke. “They’re...interesting. Very powerful.”
Childe walked over to them. “Is he bothering you?” he asked Lumine. 
“She was just telling me she’s met some of the gods of Teyvat. Is that true?” he asked, scrutinizing. 
“Very much so. She’s quite strong, so don’t get on her bad side.” He gave Anthon a wink. 
“Strong enough to beat you, brother?” 
“Of course,” Lumine said, standing up. “I’ve beat your brother before.” 
“Paimon can confirm that! We kicked his butt!” 
For the first time, Anthon’s eyes seemed to light up. “You did? How?”
Childe chuckled through gritted teeth, disguised as a strained smile. “Now, now, Anthon; you seem like you want me to be beaten.”
Anthon frowned. “No, I didn’t mean that.”
“Sir? Your table is ready,” a waiter said, approaching the family. 
As Childe went to wrangle up the younger kids, Lumine stayed behind and tapped on Anthon’s shoulder. 
“Hey,” she whispered. “Why do you want to beat your brother so bad?”
Anthon shook his head. “You guys have it wrong. I don’t want to beat my brother…” His pale face flushed a bit red. “I just...I want to be stronger than him. So he doesn’t have to work so hard to protect us…” He stopped and watched his siblings sit around the table in the distance. “He shouldn’t be the only one protecting us. I can see it’s really hard work for just him. I want to be strong enough to protect him, Tonia, and Teucer also.”
Lumine’s heart warmed at Anthon’s love for his family. She missed Aether a little more. “I’ll help you.” She put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I know what it’s like, wanting to protect a sibling.” She then gave him a teasing smile. “Plus, I’ve already beaten your brother, right?” 
“Right!” He had a little smile as well. “And he’s the strongest person I know! Well...I guess that person would be you now, right?”
Tonia came marching up to the two. “Come onnnnn, let’s go eat!” She grabbed both Lumine and Anthon’s hands and dragged them to the table. 
Afterwards, the family enjoyed an exquisite meal, and were all stuffed full of expensive foods and cheerful laughter. (The children were amazed at how much both Lumine and Paimon could scarf down.) 
The children, very quickly after finishing their meal, practically teleported to the toy store. As the children ran through the store, Lumine and Childe took the moment of rest, silently watching over them. (Paimon had retreated back into her world to recover from the feast.)
“I don’t know how you do it,” Lumine said. “I had a hard enough time with just Teucer in Liyue.”
“It’s not easy,” Childe confessed. He looked at his siblings softly. “But when I see them smiling and happy...despite everything bad in the world? I think it’s all worth it.”
How nice… His love for his family definitely matched her love for Aether. Something we have in common. She found herself enjoying this time with Childe, and his family, more enjoyable than any time she had been adventuring. It was almost like...she was...back home…
Soon enough, everyone was lined up, toys all selected and ready for purchase. Teucer tiredly tugged on Lumine’s coat, then silently held his hands up. At first, Lumine blinked, not understanding. 
“Teucer, just ask her to pick you up,” Anthon said. 
“That’s okay,” she said, pulling Teucer up off the ground—now understanding—and placing him on her hip. I think this is how you carry a kid? She didn’t have much experience with kids, save for the few she had met while in Teyvat. And those kids are far from normal... She let out a little sigh of relief when Teucer relaxed, laying his head on her shoulder. 
“Are you tired too, Tonia?” Childe asked. She shook her head, tightening her grip on his hand, clutching a doll in the other. Teucer was hugging a hilichurl stuffed animal, and Anthon held an action figure of a Lawachurl.
Upon reaching the toy seller, the old woman at the counter smiled at Childe and Lumine. “You two have such beautiful children,” she said. 
Lumine almost dropped Teucer. What?! 
“Though I have to say, they do take after their father quite a bit,” she remarked. “A shame, seeing as the mother is so beautiful.” 
Before Lumine could explain, Childe spoke. “Yes, what a shame indeed—I completely agree,” he said while smiling. 
[part two]
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
Study buddy - Choso
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Where oh where can I find a Choso-nii to help me with my studies? Where oh wherefore art thou? Femme reader, 2.1k words
Content warnings: incest, that’s it
“I don’t get it!” You whined loudly to yourself, almost to the point of tears as you sit at the dining table, frustration mounting the longer you stare at the screen of your laptop. There’s too many assignments that you need to finish, too many tests you need to study for - it’s all too much.
“What’s wrong?” As you throw your head into your hands, Choso comes around the corner, having heard your small shout. Looking over the table, swamped with textbooks and stacks of papers, his heart breaks a little for you.
“Go away, Choso-nii.” With your forehead pressed against the table, you don’t have the heart to sit up and look at your older brother.
“Not until you look at me, tell me what’s going on.” Smoothing a large hand across your back, he tried to nudge you to turn to him.
“You wouldn’t get it.” He’d never attended university, having gotten a job as soon as he could to help support the family. It wasn’t like you doubted his intellect, but this issue was out of his range.
He pushed and he pulled, but try as he might Choso couldn’t get you to look at him. He could see the angry scribbles on your notebook pages and the way your breathing was slightly laboured as if you were holding back tears. He didn’t want to push you too hard but he didn’t want you to wallow.
“Get up.” He was wrapping his arms around your middle before you could fully comprehend what it is he wanted, and soon you were forced out of your chair and sat back down onto his lap.
“Lemme go.” Your head still hung low, hands covering your face so you wouldn’t have to look at him and his pitying expression. Choso shook his head, resting his own forehead against your shoulder and squeezing you.
“Is it school? Do you want to take a break?”
“No.” You replied immediately, shrugging his head off and grabbing your pencil again. “I can’t, I have a lot to do.” Forcing yourself to scribble down some more words, you ignored the silence and the sigh that followed from Choso.
“But you’re upset, why don’t you-”
“Just stay out of it!” You snapped, clearly not in the mood to be coddled. Choso wasn’t used to you snapping at him like this and it showed in the shocked raise of his brows.
“Baby girl calm down.” Although he said it softly, there was an underlying edge to his tone. Choso shifted you on his lap, drawing you further up his legs and securing you more tightly in his arms.
“M’not a baby.” You mumbled back, instantly regretting how you spoke to him. All Choso ever did was try and help you, try and make your life just a bit easier; it wasn’t fair to him for you to act this way.
“You’re my baby.” Giving you a kiss on the back of your neck, Choso settled his chin on your shoulder. “Now, are you going to take a break?” He expected it when you shook your head no. “Will you let me help you then?”
“I don’t know, nii-chan...this kind of stuff might be too hard for you.” Handing him one of the pages of homework you had, you bit your lip as he read over it. Choso didn’t exactly have the best track record with schooling, often skipping classes to pick up odd jobs or just to sleep the day away.
“We can work on it together.” Putting it back on the table, Choso plucked the pencil out of your hands and started scribbling down what he thought was the right answer.
“Choso-nii, wait! Not like that!”
“Hm, no?” Cracking a smile, he began to tickle your sides as you snatched the pencil back. “Then how should I do it? Like this?”
“S-stop!” You shouted, giggles forcibly rising from your chest. Desperately trying to grab his fingers and hold them away from your sides, you had no choice but to laugh and squirm helplessly.
After a few minutes he relented, handing you back the pencil and letting you catch your breath. A soft smile stayed on his face as he noticed your mood had improved just from him tickling you, the hard crease in your brow and the frown tugging at your lips were gone now.
“Tell me what you’re working on here.” Gesturing toward your laptop, he saw an abundance of open tabs and a slideshow that was barely started.
“That’s one of my finals, I have to make a presentation.” Slumping against Choso’s chest, you huffed indignantly. Humming to himself, Choso clicked through a few of the tabs. He wasn’t familiar with the subject you were presenting on at all, but surely he could help a little bit?
“Let's work on this one first then, it seems to be giving you the most trouble.”
“They’re all giving me trouble.” Pushing your face into the side of his neck, you didn’t try to stop Choso from tidying up your workspace, tucking papers away into folders and pushing unneeded textbooks away.
Just having the table clear of all the daunting assignments was enough to make a slight weight lift off your shoulders. With no visual clutter, things in your mind slowly started to calm down. From your position leant against Choso, you explained the presentation as simply as possible. He flipped through more tabs as you spoke, reading and falling silent except for a few hums.
“I bet we could get a rough draft done by tonight.” He murmured.
“You think so?” His words gave you a little hope, and the reassuring hug he gave your middle even more.
“With a little sister as smart as you? I know so.” Pressing a kiss to the top of your head, he nodded confidently. He smiled when you smiled at the compliment, taking a hand and rubbing up and down your arm. “Let’s get started.”
As the two of you began to work, both diligently reading over the material, Choso’s hands started to wander. Both arms slid from around your waist, one going to rest around your hips as the other settled just under the hem of your shirt.
“What do you think about putting that quote here?” He whispered, pointing to the screen briefly before putting his hand back, letting his fingers creep up a little under your shirt.
“I could try it.” Unaffected by his hand, you typed away on the keyboard. As you breathed, Choso’s hand pushed up under your shirt entirely, hot palm resting on your stomach. Your hands faltered for a moment, but you didn’t say anything.
Silently typing, you tried to ignore Choso’s hand now fully resting just below your breasts. His hand was stopped by the bra you had on, but not for long. Pressing a kiss onto your cheek, he fully tugged down your bra.
“Nii-chan…” A whining protest was on the tip of your tongue, fingers beginning to curl around his wrist and pull his hand away.
“Sshh, don’t worry about what I’m doing. Focus on your work.” Gently twisting your nipple between his fingers, Choso flicked his chin toward the screen. Biting your lip and nodding your head, you did as he said. He was being nice enough to help you with your homework, it was only fair to let him have this.
Lightly massaging your breast, Choso still managed to be helpful and give critiques, aptly splitting his focus between fondling your chest and helping build the presentation. With soft fingers, he worked both nipples to full hardness and watched as they pebbled and peaked under the fabric of your shirt.
“Choso-nii, here too.” Spreading your legs for him, Choso lets you pull his hand from your shirt and down to your bottoms, past the waistband and over your panties. There’s a good amount of slick built up between your legs, seeping into the fabric of your panties and marking them with a large wet patch.
With his other hand taking the spot on your breast, Choso pushes his hand into your panties. Your legs are thrown open wide for him, body completely relaxed against his as you let him do whatever he wants.
Tapping your clit with his middle finger, Choso chuckles under his breath at the reflexive twitches in your legs. He can’t help but do it a few more times until you let out a whine and wiggle your hips for him.
Circling the swollen bud with the tip of his finger, the high moan that leaves your throat is music to his ears and when he presses down on it more firmly, your thighs immediately snap shut on his hand.
“Excited?” Choso teases in your ear, watching as you shamefully reopen your legs. Rubbing your clit with two fingers now, he can feel your hole clenching around nothing. With how much of your juices are on his fingers, it’s easy for them to slip down and press against it.
Steadily pumping his fingers in and out, Choso worked his fingers down to the knuckle, resting his palm snugly against your pelvis and grazing your clit. You’d fully given up on even pretending to still be working, fully laying on Choso as your hands gripped his sleeves.
Drawing his fingers out, Choso began to slowly thrust his fingers in and out, a soft clapping sound of his palm hitting you beginning to sound throughout the room.
“Shit, Choso!” You gasp loudly when his thumb finds your clit, rubbing it in tandem with the motion of his fingers. Your thighs threaten to close in on his hand again, quivering on his lap and fighting to stay open.
Soon your hips are bucking up to meet his fingers, quiet pants falling from your mouth and landing on the side of his face. Clutching your breast tightly in his hand, Choso grinds his thumb on your clit, getting a wave of endorphins himself just from hearing you moan.
You quickly lose the battle of trying to keep your legs spread, nearly fully clamping down on his hand and rendering it immobile. Choso doesn’t mind though, he welcomes whatever reactions you have to him and his touch. All he wants to do is make his little sister happy.
“Are you going to cum?” Swallowing thickly around the words, he breaks out into a silly grin when you nod drunkenly. His wrist and hand are starting to cramp up and the muscles in his arm are beginning to burn, but Choso refuses to slow down even a fraction.
“N-nii-chan, please!” Screwing your eyes closed, you arch your back hard, breath coming out shorter and shorter as your orgasm approaches. It’s unclear to both of you what you’re asking for, but you both know it’s not to stop.
“That’s it baby girl, cum nice and hard for me.” Kissing any part of your face he can reach, Choso’s hand doesn’t stop when you let out a loud moan and your cunt spasms around him. He certainly doesn’t stop as your feet stamp against the floor, the pleasure overwashing your senses almost too much for you to handle. He almost can’t bring himself to stop when your body goes slack and you whine at him to stop, the pleasure turning into pain.
Slipping his hand from your bottoms, Choso stares at his fingers covered in your sticky release. There’s thin strands that spread and break when he pulls apart his fingers and the heady musk that comes from them tastes just as good as it smells.
Slowly fixing your clothes and straightening your back, you fully turn over your shoulder to Choso and kiss him as he pulls his fingers out of his mouth. You can smell and taste a hint of yourself on his lips, his tongue just barely darting out to swipe at yours.
“I think that was a good break, don’t you?” Choso whispers as he breaks the kiss, giving you a quick kiss on the nose before fully pulling away. He takes a mental picture of the blissed out look on your face and the way an easy, dopey smile spreads on your face.
“Yeah.” Nodding, you lean forward and kiss him on the cheek. “Thanks, nii-chan.”
“You’re welcome, baby.” Helping you readjust your position on his lap, Choso feels his heart swell at knowing he helped you relax, made you feel nice and happy as any good caring older brother should. Pulling your laptop closer, Choso reopened the presentation and skimmed the last few words you’d written. “Now, let’s get back to work, alright?”
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
A Not-So-Bad Deal
{ Childe x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } Babysitting Childe has its ups and downs. Series Masterlist
{ Warnings } Swearing, Injury, Physical Intimacy, Mild Spice, PDA, Not Beta Read, Barely Proof Read.
{ Notes } Reader is implied to have commitment issues. Accidental flirting, because intentional flirting is awkward and hard. Didn't explicitly state what each breakfast item was, but they're based on popular Russian breakfast foods. Ahah, not me setting myself up for yet another part?? Masterlist
{ Word Count } 2,955
The sentiment of spending Childe's recovery with him being a simple endeavor was quickly thrown into the garbage when you were awakened before the sun had even begun to peek over the horizon to the sound of what you were sure was a break-in. Rolling out of the bed with your sword materializing in your hand was done entirely on instinct, you were still too groggy to have any proper thought. Stealthily exiting the room, you made your way to the source of the noise, the kitchen.
Needless to say, you were more than annoyed to find that the 'break in' was actually a familiar Harbinger making breakfast, tearing apart the kitchen in the process. Your sword dematerialized as you brought a hand up to massage your temples to ward off a headache. Childe was humming cheerily in the middle of the mess of ingredients and cookware, some of which you were certain had not been necessary to whatever it was he was making. There was no way that many bowls were necessary for any recipe.
The Snezhnayan flashed a bright grin when he saw you, but the gesture did nothing to ease the scowl that had settled onto your features. That didn't seem to dampen his mood in the least, he merrily continued preparing what appeared to be enough food to feed a lot more people than were currently occupying his apartment. Was he expecting a lot of company this morning?
"I thought we made a deal that involved you resting and not cooking enough to feed a small army at ass in the morning," you remarked, the sarcasm laid on thick enough to be dripping from each word. Much to your frustration, this only made him laugh as he turned the stove on.
"Well, I usually wake up early but this morning I had nothing to do since someone broke my bones. So, I decided to make a nice breakfast for my guest to enjoy with me," he responded with faux innocence, though there was laughter in his voice that easily gave him away. His words were still effective in making you feel a little guilty, so you wordlessly brought the dishes you were fairly certain he was done with to the sink and began washing them.
The two of you fell into a comfortable quiet after that, you were busy cleaning a mountain of dishes and Childe's focus was on frying a few eggs and cutting up a bowl of strawberries. You were mindful to stay out of the way as Childe cooked and he made an effort to set the cookware he was finished with beside the sink for you. The rhythm you two had quickly settled into felt startlingly domestic, something you reminded yourself not to like, and certainly not to get used to.
"Maybe I did make a little too much," the Harbinger muses somewhat sheepishly as he looks at the table he had just finished setting. It was without a doubt too much food for only two people, the table at risk of collapsing under the weight of it all. You could only nod in agreement.
"Your guard might appreciate a plate," you offered, as though one more person would make much of a difference against the mountain of food. You had to admit, everything did look delicious. The table was laid out with fried eggs, some porridge, a few sandwiches with sausage on them, what appeared to you to be some kind of crêpes, pancakes of some sort, the bowl of cut strawberries, and a kettle of tea. It would be no trouble finding people willing to eat the excess food.
"I suppose my subordinates deserve a nice breakfast," the redhead sighs dramatically, "They're lucky they have such a nice boss."
"Mhm, and if you ever fall out with the Fatui you could certainly find a job as a cook," you reply after sampling a forkful of his work. Living in Liyue had you more accustomed to chopsticks, but it was evident after going through Childe's kitchen that he did not own a pair. As a witness to his attempts at using them, you weren't very surprised by this finding. A fork was easy enough to figure out, anyway.
"I'm glad you like it," the redhead responds with a grin, quickly busying himself with his own plate. As he eats, he begins to talk about having similar breakfasts with his family in Snezhnaya. This turns into him recounting learning how to make these dishes with his mother and you quietly listen along, making the occasional comment and smiling fondly at his memories and the way he became more animated as he spoke about his family.
The sun had emerged by the time each of you had eaten what you could, and you cleared the plates while Childe ordered his guard to distribute the remaining food to his subordinates stationed in Liyue. You were halfway through cleaning the dishes when the Snezhnayan waltzed into the kitchen, leaning against the counter. He contented himself with watching, not bothering to even offer his assistance.
"I was thinking we should do something. I've been cooped up for too long. Maybe a casual hike up Mt. Aozang?" he suggested, causing you to pause in your ministrations and glance back at him with a raised brow. No hike up Mt. Aozang would be a casual one considering the terrain and potential enemies of the area.
"It's been less than a full day," you pointed out, "And, hm, what was it? Oh yeah, and you have a few broken ribs."
"What are a few broken ribs to a Fatui Harbinger?"
"It's a no, Childe," you firmly insisted, causing him to groan and mumble about you being a 'spoil sport'. It was easy enough to ignore him as you finished up with your small chore.
"I'm using your shower," you informed him once you turned away from the sink. He only hummed in response, still pouting against the counter. It was all you could do to not roll your eyes at his childish behavior.
"What am I even supposed to do for six weeks if I can't go out and fight things?" he whined, and this time you did roll your eyes.
"Well, maybe you can still improve your fighting," you mused, "Have you ever tried working on your strategy? Because that could definitely use some improvement."
The Harbinger huffed indignantly at your words, taking the mature route and sticking his tongue out at you as you left the kitchen to take a shower. He could pout to himself in the kitchen while you had a relaxing shower.
The apartment's bathroom was on the smaller side, but it was still easily workable and didn't feel at all cramped. You had brought with you your own toiletries, but that didn't stop you from poking around Childe's well-organized things out of curiosity. There wasn't anything of particular interest so you decided to just get cleaned up and figure out what to do for the day.
Leaving the bathroom wrapped in a towel and feeling refreshed, you made your way to the guest room to pull out something to wear for the day. You decided on something comfortable, it didn't seem like you'd be going out today anyways and if you did you could always change into something more suitable. After getting dressed and taking care of a few more things, you left the guest room in search of Childe.
It was a simple task finding the Harbinger, he was seated at the table flipping through the pages of a book. You were more than surprised to see it was a book on battle strategy, although you noted it was one focused on group tactics to be used in war organization. You supposed it shouldn't have been any great shock to find he had such books, considering his position as a Fatui Harbinger who was known for his knack for combat. But to actually find him taking your advice was not something you had expected.
"Finally done with your shower?" Childe asked, looking up from his reading, "Good, you were stinky."
His tone made it clear he was joking, and you gasped in mock offense. You both laughed at this, his cerulean eyes shining with amusement. You weren't sure you'd ever seen eyes more beautiful than his.
"Anyways, I was thinking we should go for a walk around the harbor and have a late lunch a Wanmin. Then we can just wander looking for stuff to do, or we could go out to that one boat. Or maybe Zhongli will be at the market and invite us for tea," Childe suggested, setting the book down on the table. You raised your brows at his 'plan'.
"It's been a long time since I've had any time off and I don't know what to do," he justified, crossing his arms over his chest. You only shook your head, smiling softly at his pout.
"Alright, I wouldn't mind a walk around the harbor, at least. Lunch at Wanmin sounds good too. We'll see what happens afterward," you conceded, watching his expression immediately brighten. Just a walk shouldn't be too strenuous, so you weren't terribly worried about his bones. Plus, you wouldn't be able to keep him in bed all day and this was a much better alternative to him going out and finding a fight.
"Let me just get changed into something more presentable."
It wasn't long before you were walking along the docks of the harbor with Childe. You were hand in hand with him, the redhead had grabbed your hand early on, intertwining your fingers with a cheeky grin. You didn't resist when he did this, comfortable with showing the small amount of affection even in public.
Looking out across the calm waters of the harbor, you couldn't help but think it matched the blue of the Harbinger's eyes. While he had an excellent poker face when necessary, Childe's eyes were often very expressive, allowing an easy read of his mood at a glance. Smiling fondly at the thought, you squeezed his hand gently before moving on.
The rest of the day progressed just as pleasantly, both you and Childe enjoying the sights of Liyue before getting lunch at Wanmin as he'd planned. After eating, you browsed the various stalls of Liyue's busy market, admiring the vast array of goods on display.
As the Snezhnayan had earlier predicted, you did meet Zhongli at the market and he did invite you two for tea. You wondered if he had planned it with Childe, but the polite man seemed entirely surprised to have encountered the both of you.
Tea with Zhongli turned out to be quite a lengthy endeavor, and you were rather exhausted by the end of it. He had recounted the history of Liyue well into the evening, in a way that reminded you of a professor during a lecture. It was Childe who was finally able to excuse the both of you, after several hours of education on the historic importance of Silk Flowers.
"Well, I did make a promise that I would rest, so I'm afraid we must be going."
"Ah, yes. It is always good to keep your promises," Zhongli agreed sagely, his words carrying a strange gravity. With polite goodbyes, you left with Childe to return to his apartment. The walk back was through darkness thanks to the hour, but the streets of Liyue were lit and there was still plenty of activity.
It was no surprise that both you and Childe were ready for bed by the time you made it through the door. He mumbled out a mostly unintelligible apology for how long tea with Zhongli had lasted before kissing the top of your forehead and disappearing into his room.
You stood in the hallways shocked by the affectionate gesture for a few seconds before deciding it would be best to just go to bed and forget about it. Surely the action was purely the result of exhaustion.
This time when you woke up the sun had already risen. Silently, you thanked Morax for not having to wake up to Childe's noisy breakfast-making. Even if his cooking was really good, without sleep you'd eventually become rather cranky, to put it lightly.
Exiting the spare bedroom, you found the Harbinger sprawled out on the couch looking through a stack of papers. You assumed it was Fatui business, something which you wanted nothing to do with at the moment. Maybe at another time, you would be interested in their secrets, but as of right now, they weren't really your problem.
"How are you feeling? In any pain?" you asked casually, making your way to the kitchen to retrieve some ice. Regardless of his answer, it was still advised to ice his side regularly.
"Mm, I'm fine. Took some of the medication earlier," he replied, most of his focus still on the documents in his hands. You briefly wondered how often it was that the Eleventh Harbinger did paperwork as opposed to fieldwork. You would have assumed he had a secretary or something for this kind of thing, though you supposed it made some sense for him to do it if he wasn't out in the field.
Leaving the kitchen with another makeshift icepack, you noticed he had set the papers down on the coffee table and draped an arm over his eyes. You raised a brow at this but didn't say anything as you placed the icepack on his side and sat on the couch where there was space beside his legs.
"I don't think I can last six weeks like this. I'm already dying of boredom," he confessed, raising his arm to see your response.
"I'm not sure I can last six weeks either," you replied snarkily. It seemed lost on him as he nodded in agreement before furrowing his brows and scowling at you. Realization.
"Hey, wait! What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, sitting up quickly and wincing at the resulting pain. You picked up the icepack that had slid down and pressed it against his side until one of his hands came up to hold it in place.
"It means I think sometimes you're a bit much," you laughed in response, ruffling his hair and causing his scowl to deepen. He swatted your hand away from his hair using his free hand, and you only smiled in amusement.
"I'll have you know I'm a fucking delight and you adore me," he asserted, staring you dead in the eyes with a challenging look. Now that he was closer, your eyes were drawn to the light smattering of freckles that crossed his nose and dusted both cheeks. From a distance, they weren't really visible, but now you could clearly see them.
"Mhm," you agreed absently, bringing a hand up to lightly cradle his jaw, swiping your thumb slowly across his cheek. It was only when he started leaning in that it dawned on you exactly what you were doing and how intimate it seemed. By the time his lips were pressed against yours, heat had risen to your cheeks and you were certain your face was a brilliant shade of scarlet. Luckily his eyes were closed so he couldn't see you in such a state, but you had a feeling he was able to feel the heat radiating off your cheeks.
Despite your flirtations having been unintentional, you didn't push Childe away. Instead, you wrapped your arms loosely around his shoulders and fell into the slow rhythm he had set. You heard the soft thump of something being tossed onto the coffee table, but you were distracted from that when his hands found your sides and he pulled you into his lap.
A soft breath left you when his lips moved down to your neck to place gentle kisses there. The featherlight touch had goosebumps raising across your skin and you were almost embarrassed by your body's reactions.
"Alright, maybe six weeks won't be too bad," Childe murmured against your neck and you could feel his smile. It made your heart flutter, you weren't sure you liked that.
"Oh, what made you change your mind?" you asked innocently, a hint of laughter in your voice.
"Mm, I wonder." His lips began trailing back up your neck and over your jaw until he sealed them over yours again. The drag of his tongue across your bottom lip had you opening your mouth for him without a thought. In response, he pulled you closer to him, one hand reaching up to tangle in your hair.
When he finally pulled away, he smirked at your flushed appearance and the fact you were a bit breathless. The way he looked at you made butterflies flutter in your stomach and when his ocean eyes dropped to gaze at your lips you felt the overwhelming urge to flee.
"I need to go. I want to get you some proper icepacks from Baizhu and I should probably do some grocery shopping for you," you blurted, standing up. His arms fell easily away from you, but he looked up at you with a surprised and what you thought might be a slightly hurt expression.
"Um, okay," was all he could say as you retreated to the guest room to get dressed in something more appropriate for going out in public. Changing didn't take very long and you made sure to bring Mora along as you fled the apartment with barely so much as a 'goodbye'. Childe was still sitting stunned on the couch as you breezed out the door.
Running away was always a good way to deal with your problems.
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amiedala · 3 years
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CHAPTER 4: An Open Wound
RATING: Explicit (18+ ONLY!!!)
WARNINGS: sexual content, canon-compliant violence, graphic descriptions of violence, mentions of past abuse/trauma
SUMMARY:  “I don’t expect you to follow what I say. I’m not a dictator, and I have no interest in becoming one. But if a single one of you brings danger to this planet you claim to love to hurt me or my wife,” Din continues, and the way his lips shape around the word wife makes something warm and wet unhinge in Nova, “there will be no place in this galaxy where you can hide from me.”
If you're a newcomer, my fic "Something More" is the first installment of this story! <3
AUTHOR’S NOTE: hello my loves and happy Something Deeper Saturday! this chapter is truly a whirlwind, it's hard and sweet and intense and simple all at once. there are very graphic descriptions of violence and death in the one (in the form of Force visions, no one's actually dying, I PROMISE!!!), so please be aware that there is potentially triggering material in what you're about to read. it mentions past abuse and dives pretty deep into current violence, so please just read with caution! i hope you enjoy this journey—i certainly did writing it! more notes at the end!!! <3
Mandalore isn’t a ghost town.
Not how Nova originally thought, anyway. The throne room is filled with wary, armored people. Some are the guards that usually stand watch outside, through the giant palace doors. Nova recognizes Koska Reeves and Axe Woves from the brief, charged encounters she’s had with each of them. Bo-Katan is there, of course, regal and pristine, her shoulders pushed back, her red hair impeccable. There are a handful of villagers that Nova’s seen in passing, but besides the few faces she recognizes, most of the people gathered in the throne room have been hidden somewhere on Mandalore, away from this strange Capitol, away from the everyday. Half of them are without armor, without impressive beskar helmets to hide their wary expressions. Bo-Katan’s icy, measured gaze is clearly a popular currency on Mandalore, because every single person in this room looks skeptical at best and enraged at worst. Nova keeps her eyes on Din, who’s decided to stand at the helm of the dais instead of taking a seat on the beskar throne, watching his every movement to ensure he’s safe up there, and that he stays unharmed.
“I want...to be your leader,” Din says, his voice quiet but earnest. He sounds like he’s incredulous at his own words, like he’s reading off a script he’s never seen before. But there’s power hidden underneath whatever’s scaring him, an undercurrent that Nova knows is unfettered, genuine passion. “I wasn’t raised in the way of Mandalore. Not in the ways that you were—”
“Clearly,” Koska whispers, and the Mnadalorians standing closest to her proximity offer uncharacteristic smiles and snorts. Nova steps forward, but Bo-Katan raises her sharp hand at her side, and they immediately fall silent.
Din looks back at Nova, and for the first time, she can see the fear in his eyes. She nods, encouragingly, even though she has absolutely no clue what point he’s trying to make. Every time she closes her eyes, even if it’s only for a heartbeat, she sees the strange, young hologram of her face, with the word MURDER, MURDER, MURDER flashing back at her, a ceaseless and terrible pattern. Nervously, she shifts her weight from one foot to the other, realizing that she’s the only person in this room who isn’t outfitted in Mandalorian regalia. Her black shirt has remnants of dust on the sleeves from the amphitheater. Her pants saw their best days weeks ago. Her shawl, the only proof that she wears any sort of allegiance to the throne, Mandalorian blue and regal, is thrown haphazardly over her rounded shoulders. The boots on her feet are older than her relationship with Din, picked up planets and planets ago, somewhere sunny and warm and an entire lifetime away. When Din’s panicked brown eyes find hers again, Nova smiles, taking a half-step forward, trying to portray anything other than her own frenzied state, the hammering heartbeat that could likely be heard outside of the palace.
“I didn’t ask for this,” Din finally continues, turning back to the crowd. Even from this angle, with most of his face obscured, Nova knows how hard it is for him to stand here, in front of dozens of people, without his helmet, how many rules he thinks he’s breaking, how this must feel like agony. He reaches for the Darksaber hanging on his belt, and when it ignites, every single face in the room is on Din, on that horrific, captivating blade of electricity and death. “I won this in battle. Twice. Both were accidents,” He inhales heavily, studying the flickering, wicked blade. “But they still happened. I wasn’t born on Mandalore. I wasn’t raised here, either. I’ve given some of you this speech before, when I first took the throne.” He exhales through his nose, and Nova wets her dry lips. Her throat feels like the middle of the day on Tatooine, parched and treacherous. “I...I am not a Mandalorian in the way that you’re Mandalorians.” Nova chances another half-step forward, letting the captive, tensioned room blur in her vision as she just focuses on Din. There’s a tremor in his voice, something alive and unsteady, something she only notices because she’s spent over a year studying every inch of him, memorizing Din right down to his bloodstream. “I follow a Creed that you don’t. I’ve spent most of my life trying...trying to be a good soldier, a true Mandalorian. I know I’m not the leader you wanted. I’m not even sure if I’m the leader I wanted. But I’m the one we’ve got, at least for right now. And—” Din exhales sharply, his breath strained, and Nova knows he’s suppressing a sigh, “I swear, I will try my best to do right by this planet. But—but I’m not only the reigning Mand’alor. I’m—”
“Right,” Axe interjects, but there's no malice in his tone. Nova stiffens, crossing her arms over her chest, staring over at him. But he doesn’t look threatening. His smile seems genuine, like he;s just attempting to get Din to lighten up. “And a bounty hunter. A damn good one, at that. He’s caught me twice.”
“Three times,” Nova corrects, and her eyes go wide when she realizes that everyone’s attention is now on her. “But,” she continues, rather nervously, trying to square back her shoulders in a shoddy imitation of Bo-Katan to not display that nervousness, “Din hasn’t been just a bounty hunter in a long time.”
Din sheathes the Darksaber, and instead turns his outstretched hand to Nova. Heart pounding, she slides her hand into his large, gloved one, trying not to show the massive tremble in her fingers. Quietly, he reaches for the Skywaker lightsaber hanging from her belt, and when Nova hesitates, he lets her hand close over the grip instead. Bo-Katan moves forward, so quickly Nova doesn’t even notice, and when she ignites the crisp, illuminated blue blade, half of the people gathered in the throne room draw a weapon. Nova’s expecting Bo-Katan to do the same, but she raises one impeccable eyebrow and turns back towards the room.
“Stop,” she says, and immediately, the majority of the room lowers whatever weapon of choice they’re gripping. Nova manages a tiny, stuttered breath. “She’s not going to hurt us.”
“She,” a voice says from the back of the room, “is wanted by multiple parties. Contacts all over the galaxy will pay a pretty price for Andromeda Maluev, you know. I accepted the cult member as Mand’alor. I accepted you standing down from the throne, Bo-Katan. I will not accept harboring a criminal,” he continues, voice as icy as Hoth, “and a Jedi, at that.”
Din moves forward, all tension, all rage, but Bo-Katan holds up that same, steady hand, and the man making his way across the foreground halts in the same beat that Din does. Nova pulls her own lightsaber back, pocketing it, pulling the shawl higher over her shoulders, trying to unclench her jaw before all of her teeth break off in her mouth. She’s tired. So tired. Exhausted, slogging through this conversation, her heartbeat accelerating, stars shooting out behind her eyes. And still, this time, when she closes them, all she sees is MURDER, MURDER, MURDER.
“Her name,” Bo-Katan returns, measured and cool, “is Novalise Djarin. And yes, she is wanted by both the scum that still survived after the Empire’s demise, and a middleman somewhere in between which we cannot identify yet. Yes, she is a Jedi, or at least is certainly heading in that way. Yes, I stood down from the title. But that wasn’t because I was weak, or because I wanted them on the throne.”
“Nova,” Bo-Katan interjects, “I’ve got this.” She steps off the lowest stair on the dias, posture perfect, right arm curled around her distinctive helmet. Everything in her screams royalty, regality. Behind her eyes is a fire so much stronger than the ice in her voice. “I didn’t want this. Neither did you. But Din won the Darksaber, fair and square. And Mandalore isn’t what it used to be. None of us are, either. We’re good at surviving, but we’re even better at fighting. And I believe,” she says, pointedly, glancing over at Din, who’s still coiled in an attack position, “that was the point our Mand’alor was getting to. So let him finish. With your mouths closed.”
The man who spoke, wizened but grizzled, exhales angrily through his nose, but his mouth stays clamped shut. Bo-Katan stands at attention, nodding back at Din.
“War is coming,” Din continues stiffly, and half of the people crowded around the room roll their eyes or mutter under their breath.
“War is always coming,” another woman enunciates, “it’s what the galaxy knows best.”
“War is coming,” Din repeats, and Nova has to force herself to unfurl her palms. Before she can even try to jump to his aid, though, he walks down the steps and presses his flat palm against the holotable. Reflected in the glittering dome above them is thousands of pixels of blue light. Nova’s juvenile mugshot is up there for the entire room to see, but so are statistics from every mission they’ve engaged in, anything even remotely related to the Order. Hundreds of faces swarm the screen, all with interwoven lines connecting them to other profiles and rotating planets. There, at the center of the screen, is the First Order’s name in menacing, large letters. Underneath are the silhouettes of Luke, Nova, and Grogu. When Din opens his mouth this time, his words are vivid and clear. “I know that Mandalore has been razed and sieged. I know that in your eyes, I’m not one of you. I know that none of you signed up for another battle. But I also know that fighting,” Din says, his voice weary, but his dark eyebrow raised, “is what’s in our blood. All of us.”
“I won’t follow a ruler who isn’t a true Mandalorian,” the same man finally continues. He steps towards them, and his face is angry and ghastly in the flickering blue light. His rage is barely concealed, and Nova’s hand flies unconsciously to the lightsaber hanging from her belt. “And I certainly won’t protect a Jedi who doesn’t belong here.”
“Well, then,” Nova says, and she’s so bone-dead tired that she doesn’t realize she’s the one who’s speaking until the second word is out of her mouth, “good thing I can protect myself.” She chances a glance at Din, who could very easily be aggravated at her stoking the fire. The only thing written across his face, though, is pride. Nova’s eyes flicker over to Bo-Katan, who is somehow, unbelievably, wearing the same exact expression.
Din slams his fist down on the holotable, sending all of the blue light back into the atmosphere it came from. The low light of the war room is returned to its usual state, but no one speaks. “I don’t expect you to follow what I say. I’m not a dictator, and I have no interest in becoming one. But if a single one of you brings danger to this planet you claim to love to hurt me or my wife,” Din continues, and the way his lips shape around the word wife makes something warm and wet unhinge in Nova, “there will be no place in this galaxy where you can hide from me.”
Still, no one moves.
“Mand’alor,” Bo-Katan snaps, icily, all of her usual vigor and venom back in her voice, and it’s like she’s given an order no one can deny. Half of the Mandalorians nod in wary agreement, and the other half keep their low mumbles close to their chests, all of them shuffling out of the throne room, presumably to disperse outside. When the heavy door closes shut, with only the three of them remaining, Bo-Katan turns back to Nova. Din is already climbing the steps back up the dais where the menacing beskar throne sits to retrieve his fallen helmet. When he pulls it back over his handsome face, it’s like closing an open wound.
Nova looks at Bo-Katan, who doesn’t look nearly as threatening in this low light. Her hair is slightly ruffled, and the hard set of her jaw is tense, electric. “Bo-Katan,” Nova whispers, and her gaze snaps impeccably back to Nova’s. “Thank you,” Nova continues, earnest, “for defending me. Defending us. You didn’t have to do that.”
“I did,” Bo-Katan counters, but there’s the ghost of a small smile on her beautiful, cold face. “They were wrong, and they needed to hear that. See? I’m not always a total bitch.”
The word—so commonplace, so foreign—sounds absolutely ludicrous coming out of her mouth that it makes Nova laugh out loud. The sound is both musical and jarring, and the tension held in Bo-Katan’s shoulders evaporates, even if it’s only momentarily.
“Noted,” Nova says, smiling. Maker and all the stars above, she’s exhausted. Bo-Katan glances back at Din, armored and impenetrable, and then back at Nova.
“You need sleep,” Bo-Katan allows, pulling her own helmet back over her head. “Both of you. I’ll stay down here and monitor any incoming correspondence. I’m too wired to go to bed anytime soon.”
“You don’t have to—”
“I do,” Bo-Katan interrupts, and her usual edge is back in her tone. “And I will. Go.” She raises that commanding arm again, and Nova’s too exhausted to resist. She wants to take a shower and wash the last few days off of her, and then sleep for three more. Her scar hurts. Her shoulders ache. Her head feels impossibly heavy. Silently, she lets Din lead her over to the heavy double doors, her ears buzzing with fatigue, but before they step into the hall, Nova hears her name chase her across the war room. In tandem, she and Din turn, watching Bo-Katan ignite the blue holotable. There’s something unreadable about her, even under the helmet. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Bo-Katan says, finally, and the heaviness of her words is louder than the doors when they close on her impenetrable face.
Steam from the shower fills the entire fresher. It’s wet and hot, the humidity seeping deep into Nova’s skin, burrowing under the residual ache from the last few days, nestling between her cold bones from the chill back on Ahch-To, the frigidity back on Hoth. Din joins her once he wrestles off the rest of the armor, and before Nova can explain she wants him, but it’s impossible right now with how exhausted she is, how she can barely keep her eyes open, Din wordlessly lathers up his hands with her favorite, clean-smelling soap, gently raking the suds through her hair.
Nova sighs in the silence, letting her shoulders hunch over, her body weight alleviated by sagging against the warm shower walls and by the soft grip Din has on her arms, making sure she stays upward. For what feels like years, they stand together under the warm running water, reveling in the steam, the heat, without either of them needing to say anything. Din wraps Nova’s long hair up in the freshly washed towel, while she dries off the residual runoff down her arms, her thighs.
The room is cool and dark in the blue twilight, that same fog and haze sinking over the horizon. Wherever the rest of the Mandalorians went, they’ve all but disappeared off the face of the planet. Everything is an eerie kind of quiet, no bugs, no animals, no clamor, nothing that signifies any kind of sentient life outside of the castle. Most nights, that kind of awful silence makes Nova wired, like it permeates even into her dreams, but not here, not now. She has what feels like years’ worth of sleep to catch up on, and the second that Din pulls back the fluffy, silk comforter on their giant bed, Nova steps out of the towel and into the soft cocoon. Din’s barely even settled up behind her before she drifts off somewhere peaceful, somewhere that’s not here.
She sleeps. For hours, maybe days, Nova sleeps. It’s dreamless and empty, warm and safe. Usually, nightmares flicker and flash through her mind, her legs sprinting away from whatever menace or threat is chasing her, but not tonight. Nothing wakes Nova up, not the strange quiet, not Din tossing next to her, not the immeasurable weight of saving the galaxy on her shoulders. She sleeps, uninterrupted and powerfully, swaddled up under the light blue blankets that are somehow keeping all the bad things away.
In the end, it’s not a nightmare that startles her away, nor is it Din’s unshaven face pressing into the crook of her neck. It’s the sleepy, quiet beeping of her commlink, which has somehow been removed from its usual place on her wrist and is buried under the extra pillows that stand sentinel over their bed when neither Nova or Din is there.
Din, at this very moment, is also nowhere to be found, and Nova rakes a hand through her hair, tries and fails to suppress a yawn, and digs through the array of pillows on the floor until she can see the bright, red light. “Hello?” she asks, her voice still off somewhere in dreamland, and she rubs sleep from her eyes as she collapses down on the bed, body still stuck in sleep.
“Hey,” Nova hears, and it’s halfway through another yawn before she realizes it’s Cara calling. “Listen, I’d love to actually catch up, but—”
“You have news?” Nova asks, suddenly wide awake. She smooths the comforter out under her hand, crossing one of her legs underneath the other. Outside, the sky is dark.
“I have news,” Cara confirms, grimly. “I know Wedge called you to Hoth a week or so ago because there was a prison break somewhere outside of my jurisdiction.”
Nova nods before she remembers Cara can’t see her. “Yeah,” she adds, belatedly. “Yeah, but no one seemed suspicious or in league with the Order, and it was a holding cell full of minor offenders, so it was kind of a dead end.”
“Well, it was,” Cara sighs, “until it wasn’t. We were right, kind of, because no one who escaped was linked to the First Order. But the night after that prison break happened, your photo with your old name and manufactured crimes popped up as a hit from the Guild.”
Nova’s heart sinks. Something suffocating is blocking her airway, and she tries to swallow past the feeling before she can exhale. “What does that mean?” she manages, barely, hand fluttering around her necklace, pressing into the embossed star.
“Someone’s setting you up,” Cara continues, and her voice is gentler than Nova’s ever heard it. “Someone who likely knows you or Din, knows how to get under your skin. The reason why this is so dangerous is because whoever did it knows exactly what they’re doing. I’ve tried, and Karga has tried, but we can’t even identify where the hit originated from, let alone who put it out. We’re not going to stop looking, but it’s going to be hard to figure out who did it. And because the warrant is for you alive or dead…” Cara trails off, the silence buzzing and dangerous.
Nova closes her eyes before she fills in the blanks. “I’m going to be in danger anywhere I go.”
“Listen,” Cara tries, but it’s too late. Nova’s still exhausted, she’s in pain, she has no idea where Din went, and all she wants to do is to bury her face in Grogu’s head and smell his sweet, reassuring baby smell. Her heart aches. “Novalise, I’m not going to let them get to you. You have some of the strongest forces in the galaxy who’ve got your back.”
“Yeah,” Nova whispers, “and I appreciate that, Cara, I do, so much, but—but Mandalore isn’t exactly a safe haven, either. The planet knows I can use the Force, and besides that, most of the people Din’s supposed to be ruling hate our guts. I’m not scared of being left to defend myself, because it’s kind of what I’ve learned to be best at. But with what you’re telling me, there’s not a single safe place left in the galaxy for me right now.”
Cara’s silence is deafening. Nova’s heart sinks just a little bit deeper, swimming around somewhere in her stomach. “It’s not forever,” she says, but her voice is a little too glum to be anywhere near reassuring.
“I’m so tired,” Nova admits, feeling tears bubbling up at the corners of her eyes. “And I can’t rest, because that’s when someone can get me. I mean—what would you do, if you were me, Cara?”
Nova can hear Cara moving, a soft rustle underneath the comm. When she speaks again, her voice is low and clear, like she’s telling a secret that only Nova can hear. “I would do what we both know you’re going to do. You’re the rebel girl, remember?” She pauses. “So rebel.”
Nova watches as the comm clicks off, everything in her body electric, a live wire. Before she can bolt to Kicker, or try to find where Din’s hidden in the chambers of the palace, or call Wedge and tell him she’s coming back to Hoth, the door opens, and Din walks in.
“Hi,” Nova breathes, suddenly very aware she’s not wearing any clothes, which is completely ridiculous, because Din has seen, ravaged, and worshipped every inch of it. “Where were you?”
She watches as Din crosses over the floor, the low light of the day catching on his armor. He sighs, moving closer to Nova until he’s standing in between her open legs. Halfheartedly, he hooks his fingers under the rim of the helmet, but gives up completely the second Nova’s hands reach to pull it off instead. Underneath, his mustache isn’t manicured, his hair has been weighed down by the metal, and he looks about as exhausted as she feels.
“Ruling,” Din says, tiredly, and there’s a flint to it Nova hardly hears. He lets out a small scoff in the silence, and she reaches out the smooth palm of her right hand for his cheek to nestle against. “Trying to get the people of this planet to recognize I’m not here to destroy it, or that you—we’re not the enemy.” He catches his slip almost as quickly as it comes out of his mouth, but still, Nova’s heart sinks deep down in her chest again. “I didn’t—look, Nova, I’m not blaming you—”
“It’s okay,” she whispers, even though they both know it’s not. For a second, Din just stares at her, and then he presses his forehead against hers. The warmth his skin gives off is almost enough to make her forget about where they are, about the people that refuse to see her as an ally, about having to save the galaxy from forces that want her dead or for their own malicious intent. “They’ll come around,” she offers, her voice barely there, and Din shakes his head, his hair rustling against Nova’s forehead.
“What if they don’t?” Din asks, and by the weight in his voice, it’s clear he’s not just talking about Mandalore accepting her as the Mand’alor’s riduur, as an ally, as on their side, but about the infiltrated Guild that’s out to kill her, and the First Order that’s out for worse.
Nova’s quiet for a long time, just listening to him breathe, trying to map both of their heartbeats, yearning for the constellations hiding above the hazy Mandalore sky. “What if we can’t do it?” she whispers, her mouth hollow, her head aching. “Any of this? What if we can’t pull this off, Din?” She doesn’t point out the specifics, the weight of planets hanging over both of their heads. They both know what she means. The silence is horrible, but Nova keeps her eyes closed, just like she used to, predicting every move Din will make in the dark.
“Then we don’t,” Din breathes back, and Nova’s about to resist, tears springing back to life in her eyes, and then Din’s mouth is on hers and nothing else matters. She lets him sprawl her back on the bed, the smooth satin coaxing and cool under her skin. Stars are burning out behind her eyes, the same celestial imprints that flood through hyperspace, something more, something deeper, something beyond this planet, this moment, this darkness. When Din’s mouth leaves Nova’s, her eyes stay shut, and his lips trail down to her ear. “I’d give everything else up but you.”
They both know he’s lying—Din’s heart is too big, Nova’s purpose is too bright—but neither of them say it out loud. Nova keeps his words in the hollow of her mouth, something shiny and devastating, a supernova or a pearl.
Din kisses Nova like he’s never had her before, low and desperate. It’s an echo of what happened in the amphitheater just hours ago, but it’s sustained, huge, warm. His mouth is made to devour, and if he’s whispering anything to feel the silence, Nova can’t hear it. She’s focused on where his kisses are trailing, desperate and hot and everything she didn’t know she needed. It’s freezing in here, but he’s so warm, his body heat louder than the cold.
“Kiss me,” Din whispers, his voice rough, a plea. One of his hands comes up and braces against Nova’s chin, not an order, but a question. She reaches towards his neck, trying to pull him down, to anchor their bodies together. It’s dark in their room. Without the stars shining above, it’s even darker.
She’s so tired. Still, even after all that rest, it’s like the exhaustion has permeated Nova straight down to her bones. She shudders and sighs as Din moves down her naked body, his lips planting kisses that she doesn’t know she needs until he’s already there. It’s easy and devastating and wonderful and crushing all at once. When Nova tries to return the favor, Din gently pushes her down, mumbling something about taking care of her.
It’s sweet. So sweet, even, that she’s on the verge of tears. Nova would do anything to stay here forever, to feel her husband’s lips on her bare skin, washing away all of the horror, the trauma, the darkness. She doesn’t open her eyes, even though she wants to. Din’s spent so much time without his helmet to appear like one of the people that call themselves Mandalorians, and she wants to give him back every single second of the time that prying eyes stole away.
Before long, Nova’s already close—her orgasm bubbling up quietly, without fanfare, without dramatics, just because Din knows exactly how to make her body sing—and when she taps at his arm to let him know, his mouth unlatches from the small hickies he’s leaving on the terrain of her bare stomach, and moves in between her thighs.
Effortlessly, he hold her legs up, hooking both of them around his shoulders so that his tongue can stay anchored in place. Nova moans, a quiet, radiant thing, and Din’s tongue finds exactly where she needs it to go. It pulses there, on the sweetest of spots, over and over again until she’s finished.
Breathless, she claws at his pants again, but Din shakes his head, his mouth dropping to her forehead as he pulls her into bed. “Rest, Nova,” he whispers, his voice faraway, a deep rumble. He pulls her in against his body, warm and soothing, and both of them are out before their heads hit their pillow.
Din’s asleep next to her, his slow, even breaths barely anything even in all the silence. Nova wants to fall back to sleep, but she knows she can’t. Her heartbeat is running itself rampant, and she’s a tangle of wants and needs, everything pulled in opposite directions. As quietly as she can, she slides herself out from the protective warmth of Din’s arms and the comforter, gently placing her feet on the floor. Even in the cool darkness of the night, her wardrobe, sleek but huge, has nothing but clothes in the same shades of Mandalorian blue, of beskar silver, but right now, Novalise doesn’t want to be a Mandalorian. She doesn’t want to be royalty, doesn’t want to be a figurehead. She doesn’t exactly want to be a Rebel either, because both titles mean the ultimate fate of the Outer Rim and beyond in her hands, so she settles for somewhere in between.
When she’s all dressed—black monochrome right down to her scuffed boots, in a weak imitation of the Luke Skywalker style—she braids the top half of her hair back, sleek and functional, and chooses a shawl buried at the back of her closet, underneath all of the Mandalorian haze of clothing. It’s a stormy grey that shimmers with the silver her husband wears when the fabric catches the light. If you pay close enough attention to the shawl, small, intentional stitches of rust and orange are woven into the fabric, hidden, furious, tiny flames.
Not exactly Mandalorian, but not entirely Rebel, either. And when Nova looks at herself in the mirror, studying the way her eyes flash with all that fire she was so certain was gone a few minutes ago, she sees herself right down to the quick, the high wire in between—she looks something like a Jedi.
So she pulls the Skywalker family lightsaber out of the hook on her door and pulls it to her belt loop, watching as the metal sways and dances in the low light. The weapon seems ancient, like something from another world. Something holy, even though she knows Luke Skywalker is a man and not a myth.
When she closes the bedroom door behind her, Din doesn’t even move. Usually, Nova’s the loud and clumsy one, worlds more obnoxious than Din’s practiced quiet, but she’s grown into her stealth over the last few weeks, especially living here, in a palace that has more rooms than the planet does people. It’s strange and eerie here at night, down the sprawling marble stairs, and she takes the first corridor she can find, just trying to walk off some of the pressure, to put her head back on her shoulders.
It’s lit only by candlelight, an archaic, flickering warmth, so in contrast to the rest of the steel and metal that Mandalore is made up of. It’s like she’s stepped into something that’s been around for years, even though she knows that it’s not possible. Mandalore was sieged, usurped, sieged again, razed and brought to the ground, destroyed. The planet’s atmosphere is mostly ash and haze, all that leftover war from years ago. But this part of the palace looks older, like a tomb that somehow survived.
It’s too creepy, Nova decides, even though the curious part of her is itching to explore it. She wants to pore through every aspect of it, try to find remnants of lost Mandalore, like her father used to unearth texts, like her mother used to excavate history. Before the war, before the Alliance was necessary, before all this death and darkness. When Nova comes out the other end of the corridor, she’s right next to the intimidating double doors of the war room, the holiest place Mandalore has. She pulls her shawl a little closer to her body, trying to retain the warmth she left back upstairs, trying to hold onto a memory more than anything tangible.
Nova isn’t intending to slip into the war room, let alone walk towards the sprawling dais that holds the beskar throne, but she does. It’s still quiet, so quiet, and the dark is coaxing her closer, pulling her up the steps, something beyond a simple want or need. She has the sneaking suspicion that she’s not supposed to be in here, not this late, not without Din, not when she has no legal or physical right to this place, but when she sits down on the throne, something deeper echoes out from within her chest.
It feels like a hymn and a battle cry. Before she has a second to adjust, to rationalize anything, everything becomes starry and disconnected. It’s been so long since she had a Force vision this immediate, this intense, and it hurls her through the proverbial hyperspace, everything dropping away.
It takes three steps forward in this strange, terrifying liminal space before Nova can even identify what’s scaring her. It’s the same kind of evil she felt way back on Takodana, before she was married to the ruler of a planet, before she even knew it was her destiny to be both Rebel and Jedi. There’s a mask she doesn’t recognize, twisted and devious. Behind its menacing, blank expression is something horrifying. Looking into the visor, it’s like her own soul is being fractured into pieces.
It’s humanoid until it’s not. The figure wearing the mask of destruction is tall, easily a foot taller than she is, horrible and menacing. But when the lightsaber they’re using ignites, it’s scarier than the vision of the person at all. It’s awful. It looks like it was forged out of lava, menacing red, the blade flickering and hissing in a way that’s somehow even more terrifying than the stark contrast of the Darksaber’s blade. Nova gasps, the light too bright, too sudden, and she can feel the residual thud on the floor, even in the vision. She knows when she comes out of it, she’ll be hurt, but the blade is getting closer. It looks like a giant rapier, a sword made only for evil things. At the hilt, spraying out in both directions, the blade extends. When the figure in the mask swings, it’s without remorse, so quick, so terrible.
But Nova’s not the target. She rolls away, out of the strike zone, and then she hears Luke Skywalker’s voice cutting through the darkness. She turns, and suddenly she’s not in the horror of the vision, anymore. She doesn’t know where she is. The ground looks icy, like Hoth, but there’s red powder spit everywhere, vomited across giant salt deposits. It’s so bright that her hand comes up in front of her eyes, and when she lowers it, Luke is gone. She’s gone, too. She turns around, hair whipping in the furious wind, trying to find where her name is being cried, and she trips over a mound on the salty ground, and when she falls to her knees, it’s a person, newly slain. The blood is so red, redder than the powder, redder than the evil lightsaber. It drowns through the lines on her hands, slips through her long fingers. She screams, trying to back up from the body, and then she realizes it’s Bo-Katan, gurgling through the slit in her throat, and when Nova tries desperately, in vain, to buffer the blood spilled, Luke Skywalker calls her name again.
But it’s not Luke. It is him—for a second, for the tiniest fraction of a moment—but then it’s not. His lightsaber floods with red, cancelling out the green light. The hallway flickers, once, twice, and then Darth Vader is charging towards her, and all Nova can hear is her blood pounding frantically in her ears and his heavy breathing through his mask, the sound that used to fill all of her nightmares. She’s slamming on the door at the other end of the hallway, and when it opens, the only person standing there isn’t a person at all, but a small alien baby all of two feet tall, green and adorable, and Nova drops her body around her son, protective and sobbing, curling every single inch of her around his tiny little frame, trying to shield him from Vader’s wrath, but when she cries, the vision changes again.
She can feel the motion sickness bubbling up in her stomach, horrible and nauseating. When Nova lands, she doesn’t open her eyes. She’s seen more than enough. Even right now, in the middle of her Force vision, all she wants to do is go back to sleep. She can feel the ache she slept away burrowing right back into her bones. Her scar is pulsing, enraged and angry. The headache she spent the last two and a half weeks fighting off is back, radiating straight down to behind her left eye. It’s all too much, and she can’t look. She doesn’t want to see anything else.
“Novalise,” she hears again, and the only reason she opens her eyes this time is because it’s her mother speaking. Her mother, who only ever called her Andromeda. Her mother, who spent half her life in the stars. Her mother, long dead. Her mother, who never got to know this version of her daughter, this Jedi-in-training, royal Rebel Girl that just desperately needs a hug from her mom.
“Mom,” she cries, and it’s so white. Everything here is antiseptic and deafening. It doesn’t even look like a planet, or even a room, or anything at all. She’s not even sure if there’s a floor, but Nova starts running like she’s never ran before in her life. Her breath is ragged and coming out in bursts. The jiggle in her chest and thighs burn under her speed, but she doesn’t care. She’s racing towards her mother, towards open arms, towards everything she’s been cheated out of for the last ten years.
It lasts for a second. Just a second. The figure is Piper Maluev, her skin dark and radiant, her hair down to her waist. Her lips are wide open and welcoming, her eyes crinkled at the seams. She’s tall and radiant and strong, and she’s everything Nova’s missed for nearly half her life.
And then it isn’t Piper. It’s not Luke, either, or Darth Vader, or whoever the dark, terrible, masked figure was. It’s not her usual nightmare transformation of Jacterr Calican. It’s not Bo-Katan, convulsing and dying. It’s Din. Just for a moment, a tiny fraction of relief, and then it’s not Din, either.
It’s a woman Nova’s never seen before, and her hand is clamped firmly around Nova’s windpipe. Like it’s nothing, she pulls her right off the disappearing floor and choking the life out of her. Her eyes are light but so terrifyingly menacing, her hair is a mess of a dark blonde. She’s pale and awful and her face is gleeful as she pulls the life out of Nova, a sucking, open wound.
She can’t talk. She doesn’t even want to plead for her life. If she’s this close to death anyway, and she just saw her mother, Nova figures there’s a pretty damn good chance that both of her parents are just over the other side. The woman is so happy to be killing Nova off, she doesn’t want to fight it. When her grip recedes, just for a half a second, Nova chokes out a confession that makes everything else grind to a halt.
It’s four words. Barely anything. Tears are streaming down her cheeks when her lips finally open. “I want my mom.”
Then she’s being dropped onto the floor, which very much exists now, and the light room filled with nothingness curls away, receding like it’s being burned. It’s dark in here, the tiled floor slippery and treacherous. In the background, there’s a makeshift trophy made from what looks like bones. Nova’s gasping for air, fighting back with a newfound vigor, kicking her legs helplessly to try and get some leverage on this woman who wants her dead, when, suddenly, she’s at eye level with her.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she seethes, a terrifying smile still spread across her horrible, beautiful face. “When I find you, you’re going to be begging for your life instead of your death.”
“Who—who are you?” Nova manages, through agony. Her shoulders hurt. Her headache feels like it’s trying to split her jaw in half. Her scar feels like it’s being reopened. Everything is torture, and she can’t even breathe.
“You’ll see,” the woman whispers, and her voice is so deadly that Nova internally corrects every time she’s ever called Bo-Katan venomous. Bo-Katan Kryze is a flower. One of the iridescent, gorgeous ones, that lined all the brush on Yavin, the ones Nova’s spent years pressing into the pages of every journal she’s ever owned. She’s kind and lovely and Nova’s very best friend, and when she gets out of this alive, Nova’s going to tell Bo-Katan that. “I’m going to enjoy killing you, Andromeda.”
Nova heaves one giant breath into her lungs, trying to muster up anything that she can, even if it’s just more air. “I—” she starts, and the woman smiles again, loaded and dangerous. “I—I already did that, you miserable bitch,” Nova manages, and when she’s slammed into the awful floor, it’s worth it. There’s some kind of desperation behind the woman’s eyes, now and when her hand finds Nova’s throat again, she spits in her face.
And then she’s out of it. Hurtled out of it, actually, like a dying starfighter in the middle of space. She gasps and heaves on the floor, and as her sight comes back, her breathing does, too. Her head is still killing her. Her shoulders feel like they’re trying to carry the entire weight of Mandalore. Her scar is awful, white-hot and painful to the touch. Somewhere, distantly, her knees hurt like she’s fallen to them, and when she gains back her sense of sight and the feeling of her life being choked out of her body subsides, Nova realizes she has fallen to them. She’s fallen a lot, actually, down multiple steps leading to the floor from the raised platform where she was once sitting in the beskar throne. Nova shudders, inhaling through a terrible wheeze, curling her legs up close to her chest, trying to shake off the absolute shitshow that just hurtled her through the most traumatic Force vision she’s ever had.
“You,” comes a booming, rueful voice, and when Nova’s eyes flutter open, she’s expecting it to be the malicious, purple-haired woman from her vision. Her eyes take a second to adjust, her left one throbbing from the horrid ache pulsing behind it, and when she finally locates the source, it’s the miserable man from the gathering earlier.
“Can I help you?” Nova asks, her voice shooting up at the end, on the verge of tears.
“You aren’t supposed to be up there,” he spits, and Nova squints up at the throne she’d just fallen from.
“I know,” she whispers, dully. She presses a shaking hand to the ache behind her eye, trying to shut out this conversation like she wishes she’d ignored the vision. She tries to stand up, but her knees are too bruised to sustain pulling her to her feet, so she just slumps back against the step she’s on, trying to muster all the strength she has in her exhausted body to not break down. “I’m sorry,” Nova tacks on, the words barely there. “I—I wasn’t intending to sit here, or even come in the room, it just—”
“Happened,” he finishes, oddly calm. His voice sounds closer. Much closer. Nova opens her right eye, and he’s only at the bottom of the staircase. There’s something so wretched and dangerous about the energy he’s giving off, and she wants to run, but she’s in no position to even stand, let alone fight him off, so she just sits there, curling her knees into her chest, pulling her shawl as tight as she can against her upper body. “You’re an abomination.”
A laugh, the traitorous thing, bubbles up inside Nova’s throat. It’s not funny. It’s not. It’s pathetic, and likely racially motivated, but she can’t help herself. Her ribs ache, like they got banged up in her distant fall down these sharp, steep marble steps. “That, surprisingly, is not the first time I’ve been called an abomination in my life.”
“Do you know what the Jedi did to our people, little girl?” He’s angry. Nova can hear it in his voice. And normally, it would scare her, trigger her fight or flight reflex, keep her moving, but after her paranormal face-off with two of the scariest figures she’s ever seen, this one isn’t really that high up on our list. “I do. You were eradicated for good reason. You scorched our planet down to nothing, and now you and your cult leader husband come back here and try to take over? Not on my watch.”
Nova can feel him getting closer. He’s so much bigger than she is, up close, tall and buff, menacing and taut. She weakly pulls her hand away from her eye, trying to at the very least give him her full attention, but she’s so fucking tired. It’s in her bones, at this point. She doesn’t want to be royalty. She doesn’t want to be a Rebel. And, in contrast to what the man in front of her is screaming, she doesn’t want to be a Jedi.
She wants to be the Novalise she was on Naator, with nothing but domesticity and yellow leaves and pink skies. She wants to be the protector she was out there in hyperspace. And, for the first time in ten years, she wants to be Andromeda Maluev, fifteen and gleeful, running around Yavin knowing the stars were her destiny and that evil could always be defeated.
“I don’t even want to be here,” Nova whispers, finally, and it’s like something inside her breaks.
“Good,” the man spits, “then we’re in agreement.” And then his hands are yanking away the hood of her shawl and tangling in her braided hair. Nova’s scream gets cut off as she’s thrown down the rest of the stairs, like her body’s giving up. She chokes out something horrible, fighting to get to her bruised, banged up knees, sore from the fall, aching from the blissful time riding Din’s face less than an hour ago, but she can’t summon the strength. Somewhere, she knows Luke Skywalker is yelling at her to use the Force, but Nova’s had enough force today to last a lifetime. When she’s kicked in the stomach, brutal and awful, she just curls in on herself, hoping her death isn’t a slow one. He startles towards her again, ripping her shawl off of her body, clawing at the meat of her upper arm, and something snaps inside of her. If she’s going to die, really die, it’s not because she succumbed to the injuries this rabid Mandalorian is giving her to try and put the blame on her shoulders. She survived Moff Gideon. She survived Din and Grogu leaving her. She survived her parents dying. And she survived the abuse of Jacterr Calican’s awful hands. Novalise can survive this.
When her lightsaber roars to life in her hands, it’s not only Nova swinging. She can feel the weight of what it being the Skywalker family lightsaber, of Luke and Leia before her, of his father before him, of all the generations yet to come to wield this weapon, this holy sword, this impossible thing. It takes all of her energy, a brilliant beam of blue light, and then she falls to the floor, knowing that even if this is where it ends, that she fought back.
Everything next comes in flashes. It’s in these tiny fractals like what happened when the Crest had died right over Dagobah and crashed to the surface. She sees a blade ignite, and in between the rhythm of her fading in and out of consciousness, Nova thinks she’s just watching herself fight the man back. Suddenly, he drops to the floor, his body nothing but dead weight, and she wants to scream, but she’s back out. It’s horrible and deafening. She’s being scooped up, she can feel that. She’s crying. She’s definitely crying. There are voices, loud ones. When she has enough strength to open her eyes again, Din is slamming his gloved fist against the airlock on Kicker, his voice frantic. She can’t make out what he’s saying, though, and another face appears above her. Din gently transfers Nova’s limp body into someone else’s arms, and when Nova looks up, it’s Bo-Katan, her face so panicked it’s almost impossible to recognize who it is.
“Nova, you gotta stay awake,” Bo-Katan whispers, her palm slapping softly at Nova’s cheek. “C’mon, I mean it. If you die here on this planet you hate, I will haunt you in the afterlife. I swear, you have to stay awake.”
“I don’t—” Nova starts, and Bo-Katan shakes her head.
“You literally should not be talking,” Bo-Katan says, her eyesight dipping to Nova’s neck. Her eyes widen for a second and then her smooth fingers ghost over the outline. Nova coughs at her light touch, and she realizes that the marks from the vision she had of being choked within an inch of her life are here, that they followed her back out of the vision and into this moment. “Nova, no, shut up, I’m serious—”
“I don’t—don’t hate Mandalore,” she manages, her voice sounding like shards of glass, and Bo-Katan offers her a hasty, worried smile.
“You do,” Bo-Katan argues, but her voice is so gentle. “But don’t worry, princess, we’re getting you the hell off of it. No complaints now that you’re off Mandalore, you got it? The second you got here, I knew both of you wanted to leave.”
Din’s at her side again, and Bo-Katan kneels down, gently placing Nova in her familiar tangle of blankets and pillows. Nova’s eyes close again, and when they slide back open, Bo-Katan is standing, trading worried glances and hushed tones with Din.
Nova’s head hurts. So bad. It’s splitting down the middle of her skull, actually, but all she can do is press a hand over her eye and try to block out the familiar low light of the ship that smells more like home than this entire planet ever had.
“Listen, about what I told you back on Hoth—”
“It’s fine,” Din cuts her off, and his next few words are warbled. “I get it. Your allegiance is to Mandalore, not to us.”
Nova can’t hear Bo-Katan’s answer. In fact, she’s not even sure if there’s even words being spoken, because the next time she looks up, Bo-Katan is just staring down at her, incredibly concerned, such an obvious change from her usually stoic expression. Nova’s whole body feels like it’s on fire. She’s exhausted. Bo-Katan kneels down again, just for a split second, to pull the loose end of Nova’s shawl over the rest of her folded body. Nova wants to cry.
“Flower,” she garbles, nonsensically. She’s trying to tell Bo-Katan that she’s sorry for all the animosity, that she trusts her, and more than that, she likes her. It doesn't make a single lick of sense to anyone outside of Nova’s head, but Bo-Katan offers a tiny smile anyway.
“Here,” Din says, stiffly, holding out the sheathed blade of the Darksaber to Bo-Katan. Nova’s eyes flutter closed, just for a beat, and when they open back up, Bo-Katan is pushing the weapon back into Din’s grip.
“It’s not mine,” she insists. “Besides, you’re not getting out of it that easy. You’ll be back.”
“Take care of her,” Bo-Katan interrupts. Nova blacks out again until they’re up in hyperspace. Din’s body is shielding her from the cold, his limbs draped all over the places that hurt the least. When she opens her eyes, they’re floating through the cosmos, and all her eyes can see is sweet, sweet stardust.
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