#and 2. i like have a draft message of like. asking him to hang out JJDJDJDNDNDM
churipu · 4 months
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featuring. gojo satoru, sukuna ryomen, itadori yuuji, toji fushiguro x reader
warnings. cursing, college! au, toji being a single father during his second term of uni (i searched that most japanese college uses 2 terms or trimester system / 3 terms, 1 term of uni in japan is around 15 weeks apparently) -> please tell me if i get this wrong.
note. omg, for the anons who have sent in requests to me, i apologize if these came out before your requests did, i'm trying to empty out my drafts :( but pls note that i am not ignoring your requests at all, it will be written, i promise <;33
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when he finds himself checking his phone countless of times, waiting for your message
i promise you, you both started out as work partners in one of your lectures. the two of you were complete strangers to each other — he doesn't know you, and you don't know him. but, either way, the two of you had to get to know each other because this was a crucial grade to pass this lecture.
gojo never thought about having feelings towards you, his work partner. he thought to himself, he'd just get this work done, pass this lecture, and never see you again.
but fate is a funny thing.
the way you made him feel like he wasn't just special because of his face, but his heart too. whereas most people in campus would consider him the pretty boy who could go head-to-head with the hottest celebrities — they just think of him as a pretty boy. and gojo would just go along with them, he gets used to it.
but you? you didn't consider him special at all. although, you did make him feel special the way other people can't.
gojo deep down, knows he was fucked up the moment he finds himself checking his phone to see if you'd reply to his messages, and when you do, he gets so happy. gojo was never a fast responder to everyone — because he practically receives the same kind of messages, "gojo hang out with us", "gojo go out with me", "gojo i like you".
but with you? he won't waste a second at all. even if sometimes you didn't reply as fast as he does, because you are a busy person in campus. you'll work on that after you both started dating, i promise.
when you stood up for him when nobody would.
sukuna, how do i say this? not everyone is fond of him, people are scared of him — they talk shit behind his back, and don't dare to approach him. people dreaded when they have to be in the same group with him, despite the fact that he actually works; they still think he's a bad person.
"you guys are talking shit to a person who's in our group, if you want to say something to him, have the balls to say it to his face. and while he's here, why don't you tell him about it?" you tell the two people who were sitting beside you, who had been talking in whispers about how they were unlucky to be grouped up with sukuna.
and sukuna? he could honestly care less, he'd gotten used to those kind of things anyway. but when you actually stood up for him, he could only look at you with an amused smile.
he's definitely curious about you after that day — he has pride. and he'd never admit that he's actually pretty thankful that you, the first person to stand up for him, actually did what you did. because now people are a little terrified of being told off by you.
sukuna finally sucks it up at the end of the semester and tries to talk to you. yes, it took him the whole semester to talk to you, asking you for your number, and then thanking you for what you did because nobody has ever done that before to him.
when you went all out to tutor him so he'd pass his lectures, teaching him patiently when he doesn't understand something.
yuuji hates studying. and when his lecturer asked you to tutor him, he feels extremely bad for you — he feels that he'd just going to waste your time tutoring him, when he knows that he's going to fail this one subject.
but when you reassured him, and encouraged him. saying that you will do anything to teach him so that he could pass, he gets a little emotional at the thought. you both were just mere classmates, and he barely knows you, vice versa.
when he doesn't understand a topic, he gets so frustrated at himself for not being able to understand it. but you, you were very patient with the male, reassuring him that you had the time to teach him over so that he will be able to understand the said topic.
and when he does finally understand, he gets so happy. he started looking forwards to your tutoring sessions, and like everyone said: if you enjoy something, it passes by quickly. and it's true, yuuji feels like time went by in a flash, and the exams soon started.
he passed with flying colors, he makes sure that you know about his grades — and points out that without you, he wouldn't be able to pass. yuuji, gets a little upset when he realizes that if the exams are over, you had no more tutoring sessions with him; which meant no more conversations.
so he has to ask you out right then, he didn't want to just return as mere classmates. he wanted to be more than that.
when you didn't care about his shitty reputation of being a single father while still being on the second term of uni.
being a single parent is hard enough. not to mention, in university. not married, with a baby itself gets a lot of unwanted (negative) attention — toji, who once failed to get a babysitter on a weekday, and so he had to bring his eight month old son to class.
his son—megumi— was a calm baby, thankfully. the young one didn't cry or babble during lectures, and he just slept through it. toji was a little relieved to say the least, but ever since people find out about him being a single father to an eight month old baby, a lot of assumptions and words have gone around.
toji hated group works, especially when he has to pick the group himself. people didn't want a single father to be in their group, they assumed that the male would focus on his baby and ends up deserting the group work.
so when that particular day where he has to bring megumi to campus, strapped on a baby carrier on his chest. his lecturer just had to give out a partner work, and to add the cherry on top; the lecturer left the class to choose their own partner. so the male sat on his place, a pencil in between his nose and upper lip as he puckered them lightly — hearing his classmates choosing each other.
he figured that he could just do this and get the grade himself, solo. but when you came up and slipped into the seat next to him, he was of course surprised.
you asked him if he would like to partner up with you for this work, and after a few seconds, he accepted your offer.
toji knew it was getting bad when you didn't care about what people say about you getting close to him. just by choosing him for this work made your reputation falter a bit, and he was honestly ready for you to back out of the partner work.
but you didn't, and he knew it's bad for him, his feelings, and his heart.
the way you treated him and megumi like they're both normal (which they are normal humans), and the way you always make him feel included makes his heart race. sometimes, when he fails to look for a babysitter when you both are working for this project, you tell him he didn't have to since megumi is a calm baby.
he finds himself in awe when baby megumi plays with you during both of your little meet ups outside of class to do the project. he's in love.
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sc0tters · 9 months
What’s Best For You | Adam Fantilli
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summary: with the draft hanging over Adam’s head and the view of you getting on with another man brings the end of your relationship, but what happens when you two see each other again?
request: yes/no
warnings: none
prompt: “if you leave don’t come back.”
word count: 2.21k
authors note: I wasn’t planning on writing this one but Adam got the hatty yesterday and I figured we should celebrate him. This isn’t like my normal writing as I got the whole idea for the prompt at like 2 in the morning and just went with it. If you want to see more from the 500 celly you can do so here!
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The topic of the draft hung over you both like a bad smell that you couldn’t shake.
Each time one of you brought it up the other would change the subject usually muttering on about how “fate would take its course” or “it’s out of our control so let’s not worry.” But tonight Adam seemed like he was on a mission.
You two had left a party early after Adam saw JJ flirting with you. Now the Fantilli boy wasn’t jealous, he knew you would never cross that line with another man because you loved Adam.
But there was something about that image that he couldn’t stop thinking about. From the way the blonde laughed at your jokes or how your eyes lit up when you saw him.
At first Adam thought you were just friends who had a few classes together, yet that was exactly how you met Adam.
And after nights of staying up wondering what he was meant to do about leaving you, it seemed that tonight he finally had his answer “why are you saying this?” You asked pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration.
Adam had tried to explain it to you for the fifth time but you still refused to hear his message “I can’t love you the way some guys here can if I’m on the west coast.” Adam sighed as he was predicted to go second to the Ducks all the way in Anaheim.
Whilst the boy loved you with all of his heart, to the point where you were the only thing his mind thought of when he woke up and when he went to sleep. Adam came to the conclusion that evening, that it wasn’t fair to expect you to do that long distance relationship.
Tears formed in your eyes “that’s meant to be something I decide, not you Adam!” Your voice broke as you finally realised what was going on here.
Adam was about to break up with you.
It felt like a slap in the face, the man you loved more than you ever thought you could love anyone was telling you that the last six months was all for nothing.
As much as he wanted to hug you and kiss those tears away the hockey player knew that he couldn’t, instead he had to watch them roll down your cheeks “I should go y/n.” Adam’s words had your feet dragging your body towards him.
There was no baby, darling, love, princess that fell from his lips. No, now you were simply just y/n the name you had your entire life now felt bland and boring.
You shook your head “tell me you love me.” You mumbled feeling the sadness replaced by this sense of hurt “tell me that this is all just a dream and that when I wake up you’ll be by my side.” As sobs got stuck in your throat you cut yourself off “I can’t lose you Adam.” You cried finally letting go as his silence seemed to serve as the stark reminder of the reality that was hitting you with the same strength as the cold Michigan winter air when you walk outside in the morning.
The boy shook his head “it’s for the best,” he repeated cupping your cheeks with his hands as he titled your head up so that he could kiss your forehead.
A tear from his eyes landed on your hair soaking the soft strands as his hands dropped to his sides “goodbye sweets,” Adam forced the words from his lips digging his nails into his palms as he stared at you for one final time.
Acting like he didn’t have your face memorised, each scar, each spot, each dimple, he could pinpoint them all. But this time he just wanted to see you, even if it had to be with tears streaming down your face.
As you watched Adam turn around and head back to your dorm door, the pain you were feeling morphed into anger. You were angry at how easily he was willing to give up on you two without giving you a proper reason why, how he made you feel like the only girl in the world to only go and pull the plug on it all when you least expected it. What pissed you off the most was that he had all of these opportunities to break up with you and decided that the last party of the school year was the best option “if you leave now, you better not come back.” The warning in your tone came through as Adam stopped in his tracks.
Not a single coherent thought went through his brain as all he wanted to do was turn around and kiss you whilst he told you just how stupid he was. But instead Adam simply shook his head before he walked out of your room leaving you confused, drunk and upset.
That was two months ago and Adam wanted to call you every minute of every day but he didn’t. Every time he did something he only wanted to tell you about it, but he couldn’t.
Not even you were posting things from your families lake house with none other that JJ McCarthy.
Adam knew that your lake houses were at the same lake literally two minutes away from each other because the day you learnt about it you went and told Adam all about it.
A giggle left your lips as JJ placed his hand on your shoulder “I’ve got to get to practice,” he groaned seeing the clock on the dining hall wall.
You nodded sending him a smile “I’ll see you later J,” you waved watching him nod “bye y/n.” JJ sent you a salute before he walked off.
Adam was quick to walk over to you when he realised you were now alone “what was all that about baby?” He asked leaning down to peck your lips.
Again Adam wasn’t jealous, he felt like you could be friends with anyone that your heart could dream of. But the way JJ looked at you was what made his skin crawl “JJ lives down the road from the lake house in the summer!” You explained locking your hand with his as you began walking back the boys table.
“Funny that right?” You added totally unaware of how Adam was.
To him it had to take an idiot to see that JJ liked you, and part of Adam couldn’t even blame JJ for it, you were a total catch that any guy would be lucky to get.
You stared at the picture of Adam and Luca in their suits that the older Fantilli had uploaded to his close friends story “look we don’t have to watch this if you don’t want to.” JJ sighed seeing you frown.
The draft was one thing you always watched with your grandad who now wasn’t here, so as much as you didn’t want to see Adam you weren’t doing this for him “no I’m good.” You forced a smile onto your lips.
JJ decided to not question you further as he let the volume of the tv go louder as you two watched the third pick. The boy suggested that you only started watching then to avoid seeing Adam “the Columbus Blue Jackets are proud to announce from the University of Michigan Adam Fantilli!” Your eyes went wide seeing your ex get up “what about Anaheim?” You croaked feeling yourself grow sick.
Before the boy had the chance to check on you your body pushed off the couch as you ran to the bathroom.
It had been over eight months since you had been into the Yost and the place you grew to love in your freshman year now felt foreign “if you want to leave let me know.” You felt guilty with how good JJ had been to you since the school year started.
The boy had been good to you as he always made sure you were okay. Whether it was being your company at a party or simply just checking in on you, JJ had grown to hold a special place in your heart but that didn’t make you feel any sense of comfort.
Truth was that you longed for Adam, your roommate had to go as far as delete Adam’s number from your phone after you tried calling him drunk one evening.
You sent JJ a nod as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders giving you a comforting squeeze “he isn’t here anyways.” You pointed out assuming that Adam was with his team celebrating the win against the Redwings in Detroit.
But of course the universe had to prove you wrong as the jumbotron picked up your conversation with JJ flashing your faces on the big screen. You let out a laugh pointing at it “you okay Adam?” Julia asked her son seeing the frown on his face.
Adam nodded forcing a smile on his face “she looks happy,” he shrugged trying to ignore the painful feeling that shot through his chest.
The games end came fast as the wolverines shut out Minnesota. You wanted to drag JJ out of there as you heard the rumours that Adam was there but the football star seemed to have other plans as he forced the excuse that Dylan had something for the boy.
You practically hid behind him as you didn’t know what you were going to do if you saw Adam, your brain couldn’t decide if you preferred the idea of hugging him or cursing him for putting you through the pain that he had done so.
But before you could think about it any further JJ dropped a bombshell on you “I’m going to give you guys a moment.” He mumbled moving to the side so you could lock eyes with Adam and Luca who seemed to be having a similar conversation.
Before you knew it Adam was awkwardly stood in front of you “hey,” you mumbled shoving your hands into the Michigan hoodie to hat was undeniably something you stole from Adam all those months ago.
The Fantilli boy just took the moment to stare at you and your feature as he took in how beautiful you looked “hi.” The hockey player smiled fiddling with the watch on his wrist.
It irritated you how Adam didn’t seem to feel the pain you felt, you had concealer caked beneath your eyes to avoid revealing your dark circles from that lack of sleep “how is your boyfriend?” That comment only aggravated you further as you furrowed your eyebrows.
“JJ is just my friend you dickhead.” You spat causing the boy’s eyes to go wide.
He had to say that he was surprised to hear that you were still single as that little part of him selfishly hoped that you were still in love with him “some of us find it harder to move on when we get dumped out of the blue than others.” You knew it was low but you sent the blow anyways as you had seen all of the rumours and all of the TikTok’s about Adam’s new lovers as he was seen as the dream boy of Columbus.
Adam let out a laugh causing you to cross your arms “this isn’t funny Adam.” You grumbled frowning as your now upset look was clearly highlighted.
Just like how he used to Adam cupped your cheeks forcing you to look at him “all those girls try and I can’t seem to shut up about you.” Adam’s confession had your eyebrows raising in surprise.
In all honesty you truly thought that he broke up with you so he could pursue other things when he left, or at least that was how you liked to think about it because it was easier to try to hate him for leaving you.
Your lips formed a pout “really?” It weirdly warmed your heart to hear that news. Adam nodded as he smiled “thought it was for the best ending it but the truth is I’m still crazy about you.” Adam mumbled tucking your hair behind your ear.
If anyone could see how you were feeling on the inside they’d call you pathetic as you were grinning from ear to ear “I’m sorry for leaving you baby.” Adam sighed wrapping his arms around you as he pulled you into a hug.
You let his familiar cologne invade your nostrils as you melted into his arms “I just want you back.” Most people would have been ashamed to be that open with the guy that dumped them, but for you this was simply just what your heart needed to be brought to ease after all of those late nights crying yourself to sleep.
Adams hands went back to your chin tilting your head up to see his face eyes “you never lost me.” With those words he brought his lips down to yours.
As you felt your body grow warm at that familiar feeling of his lips on yours, you both knew that your were right back where you needed to be. With him in your arms and you in his even if it was under the lights of the Yost arena, you were both home.
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writingnocturne · 11 months
A Simple Request
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This is my contribution to @zelinkcommunity's Zelink Week 2023! Day Three: Letters
Look below the break to read! Be sure to check out everyone else's work, as well! They did great!
{ For this week, I will be posting a little peek at art/writing for memories in Call of the Forgotten, a TotK rewrite I am working on (there will obviously be direct and indirect spoilers for TotK). These memories will be posted out of order and are subject to change. They follow the Ancient Hero and Princess during the time of the First Great Calamity. }
Memory ?? – A Simple Request
"Naboris, revered Sage of Lighting and hero of the Gerudo– …Is that too much? Too little?" Princess Zelda leans over a desk, where she tirelessly has spent her morning writing drafts upon drafts of letters. "...I really am sorry, Link, we've been here all day." She glances at the boy sitting on the other side. He looks entirely spaced out, his hair loosely hanging over his bored expression. "But how am I supposed to send for them? I'm not my father. I am not the one they pledged their loyalty to… Yet I have so much to ask of them. Oh, I can't keep going back and forth on this forever! Link, please look over this for me!" Zelda shoves the parchment over to him.
( Word Count – 489 )
Link blinks, snapping out of it as the overwhelming array of symbols meets his gaze. A wave of a foreign feeling rams into him in an abruptly harsh fashion. His eyes go wide and his face becomes as red as his hair. Confused silence suffocates the both of them; but somehow this silence has a different air on either side of the desk. The princess tilts her head, eventually deciding to break it.
"...Link? If you don't want to read it, you don't have to–" She pauses, again, as Link anxiously makes eye contact with her. It's as if someone has shone a light right in his face! What is with that look? He's entirely distressed! Zelda reaches for the parchment. "...Oh, these diplomatic matters must be completely out of place compared to what you're used to. I shouldn't have asked, it must be too much."
"...princess–" He finally pipes up, but all he can force out is a murmur of her name. "I… want to help, but I–"
"What?" Zelda narrows her eyes. She has hardly ever seen Link so… shy. He is usually sturdy and focused, that is for sure. The princess returns her eyes to the writing, then Link. It is then that it comes to her. "Oh my– You don't know how to… No one ever taught you to read?" Her companion confirms this with a defeated nod of his head, but there is so little of a motion that she could have missed it entirely. "I suppose that makes sense… You know, perhaps I need to clear my head some, myself." She exchanges her struggling attempts of messages for a blank roll. "Would you like me to teach you? It will take more than one lesson, of course… but I could start with teaching you the characters."
There is a moment of hesitation from Link. He stares towards Zelda again, yet this time his eyes don't fear embarrassment. She seems fully serious. After considering his options, he briefly nods in affirmation. It may be worth not making a fool of himself at a later date.
"Alright." The princess gives a subtle but genuine, gentle smile. "Let's start somewhere simple."
Thank you for reading! Check out the first concept doodles of them here! Obviously, this is all very incomplete; but most is planned out thoroughly! If you have questions, just ask!
Art Info: (Check my art blog @nocturnalfandomartist!)
Program: Ibis Paint X
Time Elapsed: 2 hours, 57 minutes
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 10 months
ongoing arc thing: Mall Santas Save The World aka Holiday Semi-Hiatus (plural server post link) (some day i will actually improve this post) (i have it in drafts even)
mod info:
age 27 / she/her pronouns / autism/adhd/anxiety And More™
RP blogs followed from this account
non-RP blogs followed from @demifiendcruithne
jack frost sideblog: @unidentified-flying-heeho
boundaries: apply to all legion members + sideblogs
if sending IC hate that could be taken as OOC, please put an OOC note saying it's IC
flirting/suggestiveness OK but pre-warning that relationships/other situations won't be happening with other OCs. i allow it because it's Funny (especially if i don't understand it either lol)
magic anons/pelipper mail Encouraged, but i have a firewall IC to block things i don't want to deal with / delay things i currently can't
while i'll generally be low-stakes, i'm happy to participate in higher-stakes things in a support role, just ask :) this will most likely be in hacking skills (or reverse demon summoning for worlds that are ok with that)
Super Temporary Links to the pokeirl plural server post (ooc post) (ic post)
low(-mid?)-stakes RP with an outsider's view of rotomblr. the Legion's world is vaguely based on SMT Devil Survivor 2 mechanically, and historically there was a japanese empire instead of a roman empire so england has more japanese influences, notably using yen (and macca when demons are involved)
the Legion is an ever-shifting group of people moving in and out of one apartment due to capitalism being a heck. Known Residents of the Legion: Human: Blackthorn Legion - she/her, ace/aro - the primary poster, accountholder, the one actually renting the apartment the Legion live in. has a bad habit of revealing that she knows people's history if they're in a game she played. snarky but has a soft spot. slightly a wanted hacker but don't worry about that. yes her surname is Legion she changed it to heck with genji overwatch. her sibling/good twin is Literally madeline celeste (no her last name is not celeste) Simon - he/him, masc-leaning bi - the butt monkey castlevania stan. came up with the legion name. Blackthorn's most tolerable apartmentmate. often the voice of reason except when it comes to wall chicken. has a boring horsesona and is salty about it. TWC - any pronouns - joined as The Wiggles Cultist (<(:0)OOoo>) but changes what the initials stand for pretty often. or basically every post at this point. They Speak In All Capitalised Words Legion Resident - any other human resident.
Non-Human: Aeros - pronouns unknown - air elemental who is generally either trapped in a vacuum cleaner or chasing people (aka simon) around. Aeros' location is unknown after being sent to pokemart manglement and released somewhere Bonk - they/he - a Beldum who true to their name can and will headbonk people as a main form of communication. trained service mon :) Nickit - he/him - a Nickit slightly longer than average, who is white with black accents and green markings on their face. (art source) naive and nods off a lot, can talk to humans, name currently unknown. has gmax meowth/furret/(hisuian?) zorua ancestry (source | longcat trace) Dr. Slushy - he/him - a Jack Frost. he's in the pokeworld now but he may still send messages through here for convenience Ghost - a ghost who's basically hanging out here possessing random people. name and pronouns vary based on host body
Associates: free to ask about, may not appear much Angy - weird stripey floating dude who gave Blackthorn the base for the MVSP. knows Something about world administration. Pixie of Amala - the Uberpixie who helped Demi-fiend (aka Sir Not Currently Appearing In This Universe He's Just Vibing)
any posts without a --blackthorn or whoever don't have who posted them defined; either it doesn't matter or i forgor. assume blackthorn but may get retconned any brackets like (simon: something) are a cut-in from someone else. ooc is marked with // or ooc: or both
The MVRS.py: stands for 'MultiVersal Reverse Summoning', pronounced 'movers'. Blackthorn's method of accessing rotumblr, which she's hacked to Try and send items through. it isn't the most reliable - anything she sends with it may get... altered at receiver's will. it's a py file because python my beloved
IC: Blackthorn and Simon
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//drawn by @yewwantstobattle &lt;;3 /platonic
Blackthorn Legion - 27 - she/her (gender sucks. i just use what i'm used to) - autism/adhd/fibromyalgia - ace/aro - picrews
i live in an apartment with like 20-30 other people. any stupid comments it's probably them. or the demon internet cafe i've basically set up at this point my place is basically just. for people to come get back on their feet. why is capitalism making /me/ the best option.
if you're reading this i probably freaked you out by knowing something i 'shouldn't'. see, my universe turned a bunch of events from other worlds into games and other media, so i know more history of your world than i do mine. so that's fun
yes my surname is legally* legion. yes i changed it to heck with someone *in the sense that it's what the authorities/most wanted list etc. know me by. birth identity doesn't exist any more and civilian identity is under the radar
Simon. bi (masc-leaning) he/him. too old to have a boring horsesona are you kidding me--- picrews i guess.
okay it's basically out at this point - hecker - YES i used to have a crush on blackthorn that is Not why i am here we are still friends and honestly i prefer guys these days anyway.
i somehow get the feeling that angy is trolling me. doesn't he have anything better to do?
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love2write2626 · 2 years
Untitled Tom Cruise Story??
Ok so I’m very unsure about this story. The idea hit me about 45 minutes ago and I just started writing. I think it has potential... but I would like some other opinions. I don’t have any ideas for a title yet... so if anyone does just comment below. This is just the rough draft to chapter 1, so if the story continues, there may or may not be changes made.
Chapter 1
Tom’s P.O.V
“Please welcome my next guest, my very good friend Mr. Tom Cruise!” James said, as I walked onto the stage. I looked at the crowd, Waving and giving everyone a bright smile as I walked over to James. “Welcome back Tom” he said giving me a hug
“Thank You for having me” I said as I sat down on the couch, The crowd continued to cheer, I started laughing and looked over at James
“How come I don’t get this kind of cheer, when I walk out on stage?” James replied jokingly “This my show” he said laughing
“You all should be nicer he has the power to kick you out of here” I said to the audience, and of course everyone started laughing.
“So, Tom how have you been? I haven’t seen you since… the wedding? Yes, I believe it was the wedding”
“You are correct. The last time I saw you was 5 months ago at my wedding” I said with a smile
“How are things? How’s Y/N?” I smiled brightly. It brings me joy talking about her
“Everything is great, Y/N and I are very happy”
“I’m very happy for you, and I must say your wedding was absolutely beautiful”
“Thank You, I am so happy you were able to make it, it was an absolutely perfect night”
“I, must say Y/N looked gorgeous” I smiled
“She always does” I said with a smile. All the women in the audience said “Awww”
“So, tonight… this is a little different, so tonight you are not here to promote a movie, or anything, You are actually here to talk about some rumors that have been going around”
“Yes… and usually… usually I ignore all the white noise, it doesn’t bother me… until it involves people I love, and care about deeply”
“For those of you who don’t know, the rumors going around is that Y/N is the reason that Katie and Tom got divorced”
“Yes, and based on the timing, and how fast everything happened we expected that to happen… but it’s getting out of hand now. People have sent her letters, she has had to delete all social media… because people are sending her hate messages calling her ‘Home Wrecker’ and… and some things I can’t say on television. I chuckled
“So what is it, that you want everyone to know?” James asked
“I have known Y/N since high school. We went to high school together. She is one year younger than me, and we became friends when we literally bumped into each other in the hallway. When I became famous, she became my personal assistant because that is what she is good at. She is good when it comes to schedules, organization skills, typing, phone calls… she’s just great at that.”
“It’s true, I’ve emailed her before and I will literally go to get up from my desk, and she will have responded within a few seconds” James said laughing
“Anyway another important thing you should know, is Katie and Y/N are friends… best friends honestly. They are always hanging out”
“Wasn’t Katie, Y/N’s Maid of Honor?”
“Yes she was” I said “Katie and I had been separated for 2 years before we officially got divorced… and when It came down to getting an actual divorce there was no yelling, not horrible things said. We talked about how, we will always love each other… but we both know we were never in love, and the only reason we got married was because she got pregnant with Suri”
“You don’t hate each other right?”
“No, not at all. There was nothing bad about our marriage… we just weren’t happy. I mean look now I am so wonderfully happy, I got the girl I always dreamed of being with, Katie is with a great guy… no I won’t say who. He’s really cool, and I have no objections with him being around my daughter.
“The rumors really started because of how fast you got married”
“Yeah, that’s the crazy thing. I’ve known Y/N since she was 17, we know each other like the back of our hands. We didn’t have to date because we have known each other for 21 years, and have been madly in love for that long. So there was no reason to wait.
“Well some people say you need to live with their future spouse before getting married”
“She has lived with me, since she became my assistant. Before the real fame hit, in between all the girlfriends I had, getting married, and having a child. My morning has started the same for all these years. Y/N and I up at 6:30 drinking coffee and just talking. Talking about our life, what we dreamed about the night before… I mean I know everything about her and she knows everything about me.
“Well I will say that’s a beautiful story” I smiled, out from the crowd we heard
“I mean, we still have time… if Tom wants to tell the story” I smiled
“I would love nothing more”
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hana-the-ghostieee · 5 months
alrighty ruikasa nation! hii
uhm so in the footnotes of my i think it was Yoru Magai??? translation i said i was drafting an mv for my che che check 1 2 ruikasa cover idea concept thing. this is the thing i was drafting.
so without further ado. iiiiii preseeeeeeeent.
(under the cut cuz i'm a selectively considerate person yw mobile users)
Che-Che-Check, 1! 2! by 和田たけあき ft. Kamishiro Rui & Tenma Tsukasa
2DMV (Fan 2DMV i guess)
first of all. assume it's in a similar, but colored, style to the Chururira Chururira Daddadda 5-year anniversary self-cover's MV. okay let's do this!
[intro with epic guitar riffs] (チェッチェッチェックワンツー)
nothing much, just the title (+ credits)
[verse 1] (ねえ、先生、君の低い声が大好きね~)
<vocal: Tsukasa Tenma>
- switch between camera and tsukasa pov -
wxs hangeth outes. on the rooftop i guess. through most of the lines it's at camera pov but at the end of the lines, it's at tsukasa's pov and he's just. down. down BAD. for example, kossori tori tameteta no is just wxs talking. and then mp3 is tsukasa turning his head slowly to rui, realizing he may be falling hard for him.
[pre-chorus 1] (僕おかしくなっちゃった…)
<vocal: Tsukasa Tenma>
here he goes about flailing and squeeing over his crush/future husband boyfriend before hand-stitching a platypus plush. clearly that's a very good way to confess. insert shots of him hand-stitching a platypus plushy here. totally didn't steal this (honestly freaking amazing) idea from the best fanfic known to manz ever. it's called Kusanagi Nene's Guide to Matchmaking: For Dummies by mintgreyashes on ao3 please go check it out :333. okay okay and then at the line 「私への愛を囁く先生.mp3」 he sits on the carpet on the floor of his room, raising a slightly derpy platypus plushy with band-aided fingers
[chorus 1] (ずっと。ずっと!聞いてたいよ!)
<vocals: Tsukasa Tenma, + Rui Kamishiro at the end>
4 flashes of Rui (cute/sPiCy gacha cards???) syncing to the NOUNAI MOUSOU and KINDANSHOUJO (+ kira kira sparklies and effects) then a flustered blushing Tsukasa for the rest of the chorus, from SIMULATION! cuz Saki enters his room and asks what he's doing and who he's crushing so hard on. "your squealing could be heard downstairs, what the hell is going on--" she then sees the platypus plush. she evil smiles >:3c "*evil grin* hmm, i think i have a hunch on who you like" "*nervous sweating* UHH I DON'T LIKE ANYONE, WHAT DO YOU MEAN" "...it's him isn't it." "(HOW DID YOU--) *sigh* yep. it's rui." "HA. SO MY SUSPICIONS WERE CORRECT. *basically jumping down the stairs* I HAVE TO GO TELL MY FRIENDS THIS" "hey, be carefu-- WAIT WHAAA" and then for the Che-Che-Check part he puts up his index finger and you know. one. referencing the original mv. at the end he has one one pointing to his head and one one pointing to the camera, kind of like his one-star card
[verse 2] (ねえ、先生、あの子が大嫌いだよ!)
<vocal: Rui Kamishiro>
- switch to camera and rui's pov -
following the break where emu says goobaiii tsukasa finds himself talking to another person and rui? he's J E A L O U S. |||(ò.ó)þ. if you don't get the little kaomoji it's supposed to be angry peep sneaking around a wall. insert shots of him being jealous here. he groans for a bit/sighs and then sends a message to emu and nene individually to meet him at his house.
[pre-chorus 2] (君が僕を放っといて大丈夫思った?)
<vocal: Rui Kamishiro>
cut to later at rui's house w/ emu and nene. they're all hanging out in his bedroom, rui admits to them that he has a major crush on tsukasa and they help him find what to say.
[chorus 2] (ああ、救命病棟24時運ばれちゃう前に、君の温もりな声が聞こえたい!)
<vocals: Rui Kamishiro, + Tsukasa Tenma at the end>
a copy-ish of chorus 1. except here rui does the two, closer to the original mv and instead of being interrogated by a younger sister, he writes down his confession of love. kira kira sparkly tsukasa syncs to HINKOU HOUSEI, and then a flat on stomach, girlypop legs, confession drafting rui from SON BAKARI! onwards. emu and nene are in the back, being asked to see whether tsukasa would like whatever he said. making it seem more ✨rOmAnTiC✨ i guess, then helping him record whatever he wrote. idk i wouldn't know what having a crush on a real person is like (i have had uhm. experience with fictional characters. yuichiro kumada TwT) everyone at my school is either disgusting, a friend or a background character
[guitar solo]
<no vocals>
akin to the Chururira Chururira Daddadda reference in the official mv, we have a Chururira reference here too, with the tables and confetti on the floor featuring a guitar-broom playing rui in an empty classroom i guess
[sequence before final chorus] (だから悪事を働くの… 昼休み放送室に忍び込んであの音が再生!)
<vocals: Tsukasa Tenma, Rui Kamishiro>
wwc going around, sneaking into the broadcast room during break and then plug in!!! the phone to play the sound thingy. finger hovers over something_something_<3.mp3 (star_confession_of_love.mp3 is under that)
[last chorus] ("ああ、くっそ!みんな、耳を塞いでよ!!!" - 類くん、たしか)
<vocals: both Tsukasa and Rui. at the end they do individual che che checks but at the VERY end they do the same lines again>
out plays the silly random noises. and then they get caught. but Rui forgot his phone. which was on autoplay. so he manages to end up confessing his love to him OVER THE SCHOOL INTERCOMS. cut to the che che check. this time tsukasa does the two and rui does the one and at the end they pose together or smthng, clearly in love >:D
[outro with epic guitar riffs]
(flash of verr embarass rui. head in hands. sleeves covering his face. wishing he would just disappear.)
(flash of tsukasa going over to him)
(flash of tsukasa comforting rui and rui's just. why are you comforting me. and tsukasa? he goes "because--")
credits (me for concept?? 👉👈)
(tsukasa turns rui's face to him all rizzy (sorry i couldn't find a better word) and then. they KIIIIIIIIIIIIITH. キーーーーーース。ON THE LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPSSSS and miku and the rest of wxs and vs are there in the back, flailing about)
ooh omg what if it pans to Mizuki recording everything and posting it online. nah that'd be stalking
(did i copy paste this from my notes app? yes)
yesh das all iii am done speaking. i also made like a color-coded lyric thing in the nonexistent possibility someone actually wants to cover it but i ain't posting it now cuz well. this post is long already. this is enough text. this isn't the color of the sky. haveee a niceee daaaaay
(and here are the translations of the Japanese text thingies i put next to the headers! in order: "Che-Che-Check One Two" "Hey, teacher, I really love your deep voice~" "I've gone crazy..." "Always. Always! I want to listen to it!" "Hey, teacher, I really hate that kid!" "Did you really think I'd be okay if you left me alone?" "Ah, before I go to the 24-hour emergency room, I want to listen to your warm voice!" "That's why I'll do something bad... in lunch break, I'll go to the broadcast room and play that sound!" ""Ah, shoot! Everyone, cover your ears!" - Rui, probably")
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dontsaypetertingle · 2 years
AHH I'M SO GLAD YOU WRITE FOR TASM NOW okok what if the reader has to go away for a few days and Peter can't come with cause he needs to stay in New York for Spider-Man business. He keeps bugging you about phone sex and you finally do it? aj;df ja;wifj wef it's been so long since I requested -🥦
Miss Your face
The way that I've had a phone sex fic just sitting in my drafts and then u request this.... I need to bring back emoji anons for this reason.
A/N: This can be interpreted for any Spider-Man! I kinda wrote this in my mental image of Andrew's Peter Parker but there's very little external plot so you can imagine it how you please!
Word count: 2.5k (Part 2 coming soon)
Pairings: TASM!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Summary: When you have to go out of town for work Peter gets lonely and a bit needy. An innocent call home to check on him becomes a lot more intense than originally planned.
Warnings: (NSFW! 18+) MINORS DNI, soooo much dirty talk, pet names (Angel, Dove, Baby, Bunny, Pretty girl ect.), Peter is referred to as daddy twice, mutual masterbation. Dom!Peter giving orders. (Casual drinking and slightly tipsy characters??)
Your shoulders slumped and you let a heavy sigh escape you as the hotel room door shut behind you. You truly loved your co-workers, but an entire week with them was a bit too much. At least corporate got you all semi-nice rooms. All you really cared about at the moment was the queen bed on the far end of the room.
You quickly kicked your heels off at the door and your work clothes went on the floor beside it. Left in only panties and a bra, you step to your bag in the chair next to your bed. You dug Peter's shirt out from the bottom and slipped it over you. Not only was it comfy and smelled like heaven, but it was also funny as hell. A little bit after Peter told you his secret you saw a man on the street selling Spider-Man t-shirts. You bought it and gave it to him as a funny little gift.
Finally in some comfy clothes, you flopped on the bed like a starfish. You loved Peter, but he was a total bed hog. Having a queen bed all to yourself was incredibly satisfying. After taking it all in you checked your phone for the time. You were exhausted and it was only seven o'clock. You unlocked the screen to see a message from Peter.
'Hey baby, just checking in. Totally bored tonight. Went swinging for a bit, but it's quiet out. Miss you.'
You smiled at your phone. Peter was the kinda guy who needs to tell you every detail of his day before bed. The text was short, but you could tell by the 'totally bored' that he was looking for some attention. You decided to call him up.
"Hey, baby!" He answered before the second ring.
"Hey, Peter." You smiled.
"Can you video call me? I miss your face."
"Yeah, hang on." You rolled over on your tummy and propped your phone on the nightstand next to the bed. You hung up and called back on a video call.
"There she is!" He smiled at the sight of you upon answering. Peter was sat on the couch in your living room. He sat his phone up on the coffee table in front of him. All he had on was a pair of grey sweatpants that hung low so his boxers peeked out of the top. Totally not up to anything. He was sat back on the couch with his knees apart so you could see everything through the thin fabric. Your table wasn't much taller than your couch so his phone was angled up towards him between his legs while he slightly looked down at it.
You knew exactly what he was doing. He'd asked for it a million times, but you'd never had a good opportunity until now. You played innocent and continued to lay on your belly facing the camera. Your feet were in the air behind you casually swaying.
"Hey, Pete." You smiled. "Full warning, I have a little bit of tequila in my system from the hotel bar and I'm not responsible for anything I say."
He moved his right hand into view of the camera to show you a beer he was sipping on. You cursed his camera quality for not being sharper as he took his final sip from the bottle. His jawline was on perfect display as he turned his head up, his pink lips rubbing together when he pulled it away. "Yeah I'm done with patrol tonight so I figured a beer wouldn't hurt." He set the empty bottle on the table behind his phone.
Sitting back up he observed you on his screen. "Are you wearing that shirt you bought me from that street vendor? You know, I've been looking for that thing."
Now was your time to really start up your innocent act. You sat up on the bed with your legs in the 'w' position."Yeah, I took it with me so I had something to get cozy in." You grabbed the collar of the shirt and pulled it up to your nose, exposing your panties and the lower part of your belly. "Plus, it smells like you."
You could hear Peter take in a sharp breath. "Did you remember to lock the door, Dove? Wanna make sure you're safe. Wish I could be there."
That nickname made you swoon, he knew it did. You were so entranced by his low voice that you almost didn't realize you had in fact forgotten to lock the door.
"Oh shit, yeah hang on let me go do that." You got off the bed slowly, making sure Peter got a good look at your ass when you got up. You locked the door and then came back to the bed. You slowly crawled up, again, giving him a nice view of your ass as you did so.
You heard a little impatient groan coming from the phone.
"You okay Petey?" You smiled cutely as you returned to your seated position with your legs in a 'w'. Something you knew turned him on. He'd always ask you to tuck your legs in like that when you rode him. Made things easier for him when he wanted to take control.
He let out another sigh. "Take off that shirt."
You blushed and looked at your phone innocently as you grabbed the hem. "You want me to take off my shirt?"
"No, bunny. I want you to take off my shirt. Now."
Shudders went down your back from his stern voice. With your hands still grabbing the hem of the shirt, you very slowly snaked it over your torso, revealing you in your bra and panties. Your cheeks were stained a pale red from the slight embarrassment and tequila.
A sly smile crept on his face as you so quickly followed his command. You noticed a bulge forming beneath his sweatpants. His eyes were glued to the phone. "Good girl. Don't be so shy bunny, you look so pretty." He reassured.
The back of your hand came to your face to soothe your burning cheeks.
"Uh-uh." He protested. "Dove, look at me. Let me see your face."
Reluctantly you moved your hand and looked at Peter. You rested your palms one on each thigh.
"There's my girl. Are those the panties you bought for my birthday? Let me get a better look."
You scooted yourself closer to the phone so you took up the entire screen.
"Good girl. Such a pretty body. Why don't you touch it, angel?"
You let out a flustered sigh. He knows how wet you can get when he speaks so sweetly to you. Pet names turned you into a puddle. He wanted you to be a mess on display for him.
You kept your hands on your thighs and lightly massaged them. Your right hand lifted and gently grazed your belly. Every touch of your fingertips on yourself made you ache.
"Like this?" You asked looking into the camera with doe eyes.
You heard a quiet "Fuck" escape Peter's lips under his breath. "Just like that baby."
Your left hand shifted closer to your inner thigh while your right continued further up to cup your right breast over your bra. You lightly massaged and let out a small breathy moan.
Peter's right hand rested on top of his crotch, you could tell he was rubbing himself just a little.
"Fuck sweetheart" he started "Go ahead and take that off."
You freed up both your hands and reached behind your back to pull open the clasp. You let your bra slowly fall down your shoulders and arms before you laid it on the bed next to you. You were left only in soaking panties, your chest bare and exposed to him. You resumed where you were. Left hand massaging inside your thighs, dangerously close to your aching core. Your right hand gently massaged your exposed right breast, taking a moment to gently play with your nipple between your fingers. Your left hand migrated up so you were playing with both tits. Eagerly massaging and playing with your nipples. You let out a high-pitched moan and huffed his name "Peter."
Peter was now palming himself through his pants very obviously. "Keep going, bunny." He cooed.
You continued to massage your breasts, making sure to put on a good show. Pressing them together accentuating your cleavage, giving your nipples a gentle tug as you whined his name again. You were getting needy and started to wiggle your hips to relieve the pressure building up between your legs.
"What's the matter, baby?" He chuckled watching your figure twist, aching for relief.
"W-wanna t- need to..." Your voice trailed off in a combination of shyness and neediness.
"C'mon angel use your words."
"C-can I touch myself?"
A grin spread across his face and his hand dipped below the elastic band in his pants. "Only good girls get that. Are you a good girl?"
The way he spoke to you only made you wetter. You could feel yourself soaking up the blanket below you.
"Yes sir, I've been a very good girl. Haven't touched myself the whole time I've been gone."
Your response was obviously a good one because Peter's hand-picked up pace under his sweatpants. "Such a good girl. Go ahead, Dove."
You immediately slipped your dominant hand under your panties and ran a finger up your slit, coating it in your arousal. You used your slick fingers to rub your aching clit. A begging whimper tumbled from your lips as you finally broke the tension between your aching thighs.
Peter removed his hand from himself and slid his bottoms down to the middle of his thighs. His length bobbed up and rested on his stomach before meeting his right hand again.
"Fuck, Princess. Get those panties off let me see what you're doing."
You quickly obeyed, sliding your panties down your thighs and off your legs you were now sitting with your legs open, propped up on the bed with your non-dominant hand. You returned to your aching core, sliding two fingers up your slit and spreading it with your fingers. Peters whimpers and moans as he tugged on himself only made things more intense.
"Jesus, Angel. That's perfect. Tell me all about it."
Peter loved making you vocal while you were a flustered mess. His favorite was pounding into you in missionary and making you talk. 'What's the matter, baby?' 'You gonna be able to take it?' 'Tell me how good it feels baby.'
You propped yourself up on pillows to free up your other hand. The two fingers that were running up and down your slit were now slowly pushing inside you. You made sure to inch it in, giving Peter a front seat view of just how wet he could make you. After a moment you began to pump your fingers in and out. "F-feels so good. Wish I could feel you, Peter." You tried your best, but you could barely get out a word.
"Look at you." He mummed between moans. "N-not even there and you're soaking wet moaning my name. M'gonna ruin you when you get home tomorrow."
Your thighs clenched together over your hand as you listened to his words. You had barely started this and he had you thinking about tomorrow night.
Peter abruptly stopped stroking himself. "No, no, no baby. that's not how this works. Open your legs and show me that pretty pussy."
You whined at the loss of pressure as you slowly opened up your legs. Just enough so he could get a good look.
"Hm-mh not good enough. Wider Bunny. Let me see everything."
His demands had you dripping and you did as you were told.
"That's perfect, good girl. Fuck, you look so good dripping for me like that when you're all alone. Keep going. I wanna see you use both hands."
You eagerly brought your left hand to your clit, slowly circling as your right resumed pumping into you. Your walls tightened as you continued to pick up speed and fingerfuck yourself for him. Your thighs were slick and all Peter could think about was stuffing his head between them and lapping you up.
"Ugh, Y/N. Talk to me, Angel." He pressed again for you to be vocal. His grip on his cock tightened as he watched you.
"It's so good." You whined breathlessly as you kept your pace. "Wish it was your cock in me, daddy." You moaned.
Peter's dick twitched as he discovered his new favorite nickname you've given him.
Your speed increased until you couldn't take it anymore. Your walls tightened as you curled your fingers inside yourself. It was so intense even your thighs were throbbing. "Peter I- I think I-." You let out an ungodly moan. The person in the room next to yours surely heard.
"You're gonna what, baby?" He teased, about to reach release himself.
"I'm gonna- oh god can I please cum daddy?"
Your words melted him into the couch and started fucking his hand faster.
"Go ahead and come, Angel. I wanna hear my name."
Your legs shook and your toes curled as you were finally allowed to release, you continued working your fingers as your head fell back and a pornographic moan slipped from your lips. You sputtered out a slew of curse words along with the occasional "Peter".
Peter came just after you. You heard him through the phone as his head fell back. "Oh shit, y/n. Oh fuck, Bunny. Baby, you're so beautiful."
You laid back against the pillows catching your breath. When your release finally ended you took a few breaths before slowly removing your fingers from yourself. Your knees were weak and shaky.
"Damn." Peter huffed picking his head up and catching his breath. He wiped the sweat from his brow and took some final glances at you. "Okay baby I gotta uh, I gotta go clean up. Holy fuck though, I wasn't kidding. Don't wear any panties when you come home. It's over as soon as you walk in that door."
Should I do part 2? Like, when y/n is coming home to Peter the next day?
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moneymasnn · 2 years
The baby sitter and the brother| Mason Mount
Part 1: Part 2 will contain a follow on smut.
Tumblr media
Request: Hey , can you do one where y/ n is summer’s babysitter, and one day she comes to babysit her and mason comes to see jaz ,but obviously he doesn’t find her ( it’s the first time y/n and mason saw each other ) and summer asks if he can stay a little bit with them, there are a lot of sexual tension between them and when summer is asleep they make out ( maybe add a smut ) . I really like what you write and I hope you can do this one 💙
Notes: This is a repost since the first one got taken down, so ive placed the smut into a second part where you can read here thank you for all the love, I love every single one of you more than anything, thank you for all the kind messages too! They honestly make me cry lol. But my reqs are open rn if you want to request anything, I do have a long list of drafts so don't expect anything to be written really quickly, but I try. Anyways... enjoy the fic xox
Warnings: None, mild swearing maybe?
"There's some snacks in the fridge, no ice cream after 8pm and when she's asleep the parental lock pin for the tv is just 1234." Said Jazs husband smiled at you, Sam. They were putting their coats on getting ready to leave for a weekend date night.
You and Jaz had been friends for years, her and your older sister, steph being best friends, you grew up with Jaz as practically like a second older sister. But now she was married with a baby, and you knew she was stressed so you offered to babysit Summer while she and Sam had their first date night in what seemed like a couple years.
"Dont worry about us, you two go have fun!" You smiled as you waved off Jaz, who was fiddling around.
"Oh y/n, there's wine in the fridge, just help yourself!" whispered Jaz as Sam was calling for her to put her heels on.
Once they were finally almost out the door you felt a little tug at your joggers, looking down to see a smiley summer who was making grabby hands at you. You picked her up, taking her hand in yours as you waved goodbye to Jaz and Sam.
"Say bye to mummy and daddy Summer." Summer mumbled a few goodbyes as Jaz gave her loads of sloppy kisses before Sam finally managed to get her out of the door.
"Okay, what's first?" You say to a smirking summer, who had apparently made a list of things for you both to do that night.
The first thing on her list, that she asked Jaz to write for her, was she wanted you to braid her hair to look like Rapunzel's, which was fun, until she asked to do yours.
Which is how you ended up in the state you were currently in, your hair was in complete knots, filled with her sparkly butterfly clips hanging down in your face as well as the flour smudges that were all down your top from what was next on Summers list, cookies.
Summer sat on the little kitchen stool, eating all of the chocolate chips out of the packet while you were trying to get all of the ingredients right. Then there was a knock at the door that startled you a bit. Summer was taking no notice of you since she was too busy devouring all of the chocolate, so you quickly left the kitchen to answer the front door.
"Don't touch anything while I quickly answer the door, okay sunny?" You tried to brush off some of the flour on your top as your hand wrapped around the handle of the door. You didn't think much of the knock, thinking maybe it was a neighbor or something, but it was... great...Mason. Jazs brother.
"I- oh, Hello." Mason said with a smirk when he noticed it wasn't his sister at the door. He put his phone in his jumper pocket as he examined all of the butterfly clips in your hair and the flour spread out on your top. You mentally cringed as you saw him eye up your awful state, his eyebrows raised as he lightly poked the instead of his cheek with his tongue. 
"Jaz isn't home. I'm babysitting." You slightly smiled at him, feeling the rather awkward tension between the two of you..
"Your hair looks nice." Mason quickly says, clearly trying to suppress a laugh as he raised his eyebrows again, giving you one of his signiture stupid little cockly smirks.
"Thank you, I can give you the name of my hair stylist if you'd like, she's very good." You say with an attitude, flashing him a sarcastic smile making him giggle a little .
"I'll have to hold you to that." He smirked, he had that stupid face on, his stupid little cocky face. 
Mason was attractive, you couldn't deny that, but the only woman he hadn't managed to get around happened to be you. He liked that you were too stubborn to give in to his little fuck boy flirting tactics, but for some reason that never stopped him from trying. There had been multiple occasions where mason had ‘tried’ to seduce you. For example family holidays or even your sister's wedding last year, the wedding in which he had brought a date too. 
But Mason was never in a rush when it came to you, he knew it would happen eventually, but he was perfectly okay with waiting for it to happen on its own. He didn't want to force it with you. But just because he felt like this doesn't mean you have to know.
"You can come in, were making cookies." You raised your eyebrows as mason had no time for space and just barged through the door, squishing you against the wall.
You could feel his breath on your face while he placed his hands on the wall, taking his shoes off with his other hand. You knew what he was doing, and you weren't going to play into his weird extremely tempting game. You were here to babysit his niece, not fuck the uncle.
When you stepped back into the kitchen you watched Summers' eyes practically light up as she saw uncle walk into the room.
"Uncle Masey!" She screamed as she jumped up on the chair to jump in his arms.
You watched as he grabbed her out of the chair, spinning her in the air as she yelled out of joy, clearly loving being In the arms of her uncle.
He then sat her down on the counter top as he peered over your shoulder, once again having no regard for your personal space as he read the ingredients list you had up on your phone.
You turned your head to look at him, furring your brows as he just smiled and looked down at Summer, who had gone back to eating all of the chocolate chips.
"Can Uncle masey stay y/n/n?" Summer asked you, with her cute little voice and that pout, you couldn't say no.
"If he wants too." You smile at her before turning your attention back to your phone.
"I wouldn't miss out on eating all of your cookies would I?" Mason smiled as he ruffled her hair slightly, trying to to damage the near plait you had put in her hair.
"Masey! Don't touch my hair, Y/n/n did it." She pouted at him as she slapped his hand as hard as she could, and for a three year old you would be quite shocked at her abilities.
"Ouch." Mason searched with a small voice crack as he pulled back his hand.
He slightly admired her hair, it was really pretty and neat, Mason smiled as he turned to you, who was getting the dough out for Summer to make shapes out of her cookies.
Mason then sat up at the table and helped make a few of the cookie shapes. Overall the time wasn't too bad, Mason hadn’t made one inappropriate comment and summer was clearly getting tired, meaning she wouldn't play you up to go to sleep tonight.
After a while summer ran off to the front room to play with her toys while the cookies were in the oven, so you started to clean up when Mason came up behind you at the sink.
"I'll help." He shrugged, as he bumped his hip into yours for you to move over so he could help you wash the dirty dishes.
"I'll clean, you dry?" He turned to look at you with a smirk, your noses practically touching with how close to you he was.
You both stood in silence as Mason mumbled the odd "here" to pass you something for you to dry, you didn't make much mess so you cleaned up pretty quickly.
You then retreated to the sofa, as summer made her demands of what movie she wanted to watch. 
She ended up picking some Disney film, but first you took her upstairs and got her changed into her pjs while Mason got the cookies out of the oven.
When you got back down the stairs Mason had put some blankets out and put the warm cookies on a plate on the coffee table. Summer jumped in his arms as she wrapped the blanket around her.
"Can we all cuddle?" She said as she made grabby hands for you to sit on her other side, so that's how you ended spending your Saturday night, making a sandwich between the child you were babysitting and her uncle. Mason's arm was draped over the sofa, the tips of his fingers just about grazing your shoulder as you felt yourself melt at the slight contact.
Summer fell asleep during the film with a melted cookie in her hand, you both giggled at the toddler before you picked her up, taking her upstairs to put to bed.
"I can carry her up for you." Mason said, as he shot up on the sofa.
"She's fine, she's not heavy." You smiled as you walked past him, slightly confused, you didn't want to pass her over in case she woke up anyway.
"Well i'll help you up the stairs, in case you slip." Mason shrugged as you once again furred your brows.
"Okay?" You slightly giggled confused at his actions, but you shrugged him off walking up the staircase.
Once you got up the stairs you placed a soft kiss on Summer's head and tucked her under her covers. She was half asleep and mumbling a few things to you while Mason stood in the doorway, admiring how patient you were with her.
"Night sunny." You whisper as you pull the door to an almost close and stand in the hallway with Mason, who had a wide smile on his face.
"What time are Jazz and Sam back?" He quizzed you as you brushed past him, both making your way down the stairs.
"In the morning." you mumbled.
"In the morning?" Mason said, taken back slightly, realizing you were about to spend the night alone with him.
You nod at him as you make way to the kitchen, but Mason beats you to it as he grabs the bottle of wine from the fridge.
"Want one?" He says with a smirk, raising his eyebrows.
"Are you trying to seduce me by getting me drunk on the job, Mount?" You said, crossing your arms with a smirk.
You watched Mason's smile drop as he was clearly nervous. "I- I what? Ha no, I didn't mean it like-"
"Mason, I'm joking." you giggle at him as you grab two glasses from the cupboard. Mason awkwardly smiles at you as you notice the pink tint in his cheeks, do you make him nervous?
You watched mason disappear back into the front room with the bottle in hand, you peered down at the two small glasses in you hand, tonight, was going to be a weird night...
part 2 (contains smut)
part 3
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hobivore · 3 years
i have been thirsting for joon a stupid amount recently so.....subby joon + 101....hehehe
I’ve had this idea in my drafts for a while and your request fitted perfectly, so thank you for finally making me write it Mai! Hope you enjoy 💗
↠ pairing: knj x reader (f) ↠ genre: smut ↠ rating: explicit (18+) ↠ words: 1.7k oops ↠ prompt: “I guess I’ll just get off all by myself.” ↠ warnings: telephone sex, masturbation, dirty talk, degradation, mention of choking, she’s kinda toying with him but he likes it, Namjoon in sweatpants because that should come with a warning, Joon’s subby and mostly very whipped and also a bit of a horny overthinking idiot (affectionate), also he’s a big dude… yes everywhere *winkwonk*
© madseok Do not repost, translate or use my stories without my permission.
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One moment Namjoon is staring at the green phone icon, closing the app and re-opening it five times with twitching fingers, the other moment your sweet voice is purring in his ear.
He nearly drops his phone in his lap.
Soft chatter buzzes in the background on the other side of the line. A door shuts and the click-clack of your heels echoes through the small speaker.
He looks at the clock and groans. 3:18 pm on a Thursday. Of course you’re at work.
It should take him less than 50 minutes to reach the airport by bike—he’s not going to risk subway traffic right before rush hour—and get on a plane to another continent. Change his name and disappear forever.
“Are you okay, baby?”
Has he said anything yet? God, is he going to be one of those guys who calls a girl, breathes heavily into the phone like a creep, then hangs up?
“Hi,” he croaks, flinching at his uncharacteristically high voice.
“It’s been a while.”
You’re right. It’s been 2 months and 4 days to be precise, but he doesn’t tell you he’s been counting the days. That’d be weird.
So he nods.
You stay silent and he rubs a hand over his face—of course you can’t hear him nodding. Get yourself together, Namjoon.
“I thought you’d never call me back.” There’s a wicked lilt in your voice and his stomach twists.
“Sorry.” He says. “I—I meant to call you sooner.”
He’d left your house with your number and it’d taken him all his willpower to stop himself from calling you that same day. He wasn’t a horny teenager anymore. He wasn’t desperate.
But then the days passed and the doubt started trickling in. Did you really want him to call you?
Maybe you’d regretted the night and given him your number out of pity. It had probably been a mistake, one of those nights you’d recall years after with your girlfriends. Sitting in a bar, tight black dress hugging every curve and a glass of wine in your hand as you talk about his stupid big dick and your friends erupt in laughter around you.
Or you had deleted his number from your phone and forgotten about his existence.
Namjoon wasn’t sure which situation was worse.
After 5 days, you’d called. He’d panicked and pressed the red icon—immediately shooting you a lame text message, ‘sorry, busy. will call you back later’.
He never called.
“Did you miss me?”
He swallows thickly. This morning I woke up with the outline of your body still imprinted on my eyelids.
“Yes,” he says, his tongue feeling too large for his mouth.
“I’m glad you called.” Your voice sounds honest and saccharine and it drips off his skin like honey.
Despite the whizzing aircon, Namjoon suddenly feels sticky and feverishly hot in his hoodie and sweatpants. “Where are you?” he asks, ignoring the fluttering inside his chest.
“I’m at work.“ You cut off his apology. “Don’t worry, you’re more fun than my colleague. He’s been nagging about his ex all day. I could use a break.”
Namjoon laughs. “Park? I remember you talking about him.”
He can practically hear your eyeroll over the phone. “The one and only. This is his other ex. Wait—” you’re moving again, “—I’ll hide in the toilet, he won’t come looking for me there.”
When you speak next, your voice echoes off the walls.
“You know, Joonie, I’ve missed you too.” Something clicks softly. You must’ve closed the toilet lid, sitting down on top of it, phone cradled against your ear. “I called you and you left me hanging like that.”
There’s an amused edge to your words that makes his chest tighten and his dick stir in his pants.
“So why call me now?”
His throat feels parched, and he looks around his room—no water. He gets up but stops himself before he’s out of his seat; Yoongi might be home, and he doesn’t feel like running into his roommate right now. Not when said roommate was the one who introduced you to him and kept telling him to man up and call you.
Namjoon fucked up and he owes you a proper apology. Not a stumbling mess.
“I wanted to hear your voice,” comes out instead.
To hear your voice, to see how your nose crinkles when you laugh, to fuck you senseless.
“Shit—I apologise.” He clears his throat. “For not calling sooner. I really am sorry.”
You laugh, a light, melodic sound. “It’s okay. I knew you’d call.”
The certainty in your voice makes his ears burn. Of course you knew he couldn’t stay away. Not after he’d felt your thighs clamped around his head, his tongue buried deep inside your pussy.
Not after he’d watched your face contort in pleasure while you bounced on his cock.
“So,” you continue, “you just wanted to hear my voice?”
Even separated by half a city and unable to see his face, you can see right through him.
His dick is tenting his pants and the blood is pounding in his ears. He ought to control himself better.
“Are you at home?” Your voice drops dangerously low and Namjoon knows he’s a lost cause the moment he lays his phone on the desk and puts you on speaker.
“I am.”
“You’re hard right now, aren’t you, Joonie?” You tut. “Calling me after such a long time. Getting hard at the sound of my voice. How pathetic.”
A small, wet patch darkens the grey fabric of his sweats.
“Or are you touching yourself already?”
“I—no!” He is quick to reply, voice rising. He wouldn’t dare. His head spins, and this is a lot, but he’s not that kind of person. The kind of person who’d jerk off to a woman without her permission.
“But you want to.”
Namjoon closes his eyes and lets out a shaky breath. “Please.”
“O, Joonie,” he hears your earrings clatter against your phone as you shake your head, “what should I do with you?”
He knows better than to answer a rhetorical question. You sound like you know exactly what to do with him.
“I want you to touch yourself. Picture it’s me.”
Namjoon’s breath hitches in his throat and he hooks his sweats under his balls, grabbing his cock in one hand.
It’s nothing like your soft skin stroking him, the small kitten-licks of your tongue teasing his tip, the wet heat of your walls surrounding him.
His hand is rough, with his long fingers and broad palm. He'd never paid much attention to his hands until you'd pointed them out.
So fucking big, you'd moaned when you’d showed him how to tighten one around your throat, your heartbeat hammering underneath the tips of his fingers.
It had taken him all his self-control not to come right then, on the spot.
He spits in his palm and starts moving his hand with slow strokes, toes curling inside his socks.
“Do you wish it was my pussy instead, baby?” Your voice sounds distant yet mellifluous through the device and he moans, tightening his grip.
Namjoon tells his students there are no stupid questions. That’s a lie.
There’s an absurd amount of them whizzing around his head right now. Why did your pussy taste so sweet? Is it possible for a person to suffocate between someone’s tits? Does Namjoon really want to die by boobs or is he just horny? (Knowing himself, there’s a 98% chance it’s the latter). What would his parents say if that happened? Would his university put up a picture of him on the bulletin board to mock him? Would he make the newspaper? Hopefully they don’t misspell his name.
He’s sure professor Choi would at least attend his funeral and thank him for his help. He’s been saving the old bastard a lot of time grading those dull papers.
No offence to the students.
“Answer me.”
He jerks in his seat. “Yes,” he grits out between clenched teeth. “Wish it was your pussy. Wish I could fuck you right now—” he whimpers, thumb pressing under the head of his cock, head lolling against the back of his chair.
“Poor boy,” you chuckle, and the sound goes straight to his core. “So desperate to waste your cum—you’re gonna spill it all over yourself instead of filling me up. What a shame.”
Your breathing sounds stable and even, and he doesn’t think you’re touching yourself. It makes his cock throb even harder.
He can picture you sitting on the toilet lid in your work clothes, leaning back against the wall. Fiddling with a loose thread on the hem of your shirt while he’s panting on the other side of the line. Murmuring filth in his ears with that lovely voice of yours—
He should probably hurry up before Park starts looking for you.
Picking up his speed, he lets out a low grunt and his eyes slip shut.
He can see you now, spread out before him on your bed, naked and waiting. He can feel you under his hands and taste you on his tongue. Your scent is intoxicating, soft moans falling from your lips as he pushes inside you.
“Faster.” You strike a sharp slap across his cheek with the flat of your hand—
Namjoon opens his eyes and his gaze lands on the bonsai on his desk. Its tiny red flowers look like they’re taunting him.
Don't judge me. You've seen worse than this.
There’s a ringing in his ears and he gasps at a particularly harsh flick of his wrist.
“Are you gonna come for me? Already?” You sound disappointed and his balls tighten.
You tsk. “You’re hopeless, Joon.”
He is. He’s hopeless, and his vision shatters, body hunching over as he comes all over his hand and chest.
Stroking himself slowly, he tries to regain his breathing. A part of his mind vaguely registers your voice on the other end of the line.
“What about you?” He pants, wincing at his sticky sweater.
“I guess I’ll just get off all by myself,” you chuckle. “Unless you want to come over tonight?”
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cheesybadgers · 3 years
Narcos Fic: Old Habits Die Hard (Chap. 10)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24
Read on AO3
Pairing: Javier Peña x Horacio Carrillo
Words: 6,007
Summary: Set loosely (and I mean loosely as there is some significant canon divergence) during Our Man in Madrid and The Good, the Bad, and the Dead, Search Bloc begin to make inroads, but at what cost? Javier’s and Horacio’s unwavering trust in each other has unexpected consequences and the penny finally drops for Steve.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY. Canon-typical violence, non-graphic description of a gunshot wound/being shot, brief smut but nothing explicit, discussions of sexuality and unintentionally coming out, angst, smoking, swearing. 
Notes: Well, this took an absolute age to edit for a variety of reasons, so I’m not even going to guess at when chapter 11 will be ready 😂 Most of the first draft is done though at least. Also, I know it may not look like it given the way this chapter ends, but I promise this is still a fix-it fic 😉 Thanks to anyone still reading, commenting, liking/kudosing etc.! 
Whilst obviously I do not own Narcos or its characters, please do not copy, re-post, or plagiarize this fic in any capacity on this or other platforms. If you wish to create any fan works inspired by it, please provide a credit or send me a message if in doubt.
Chapter 10: A Leap Of Faith
When you’d been in Colombia for as long as Javier and were more at home than most in areas saturated with grey, you were bound to forge unlikely alliances. Which was why it should have been a shock to no one when a tip-off from Don Berna of all people fell into his lap. A tip-off that gave him the location of the Moncadas’ largest cocaine lab, no less.
With help from the DEA, Search Bloc raided the lab and captured its employees – including a well-known sicario named Gato – in the process.
Once back at Carlos Holguín, Gato and his accomplice were transferred to a helicopter waiting to take them to Bogotá for questioning.
“Are you coming?” Horacio asked both agents, although his eyes honed in on Javier.
Javier shook his head with a knowing look at the “Happy now?” expression Horacio carried.
“Yeah, I’m in,” Steve replied at the same time, undeterred by Javier’s refusal.
In fact, Javier was damn sure it was quite the opposite. An air of tension had lingered between them ever since the night he drove off and left Steve hanging. No more words were spoken on the subject, but sometimes silence made the loudest sound.
The way Javier and Horacio had avoided Steve’s questions of late almost felt cruel, even if it was necessary. So, giving Steve a wide berth for now and letting him go with Horacio alone was the wisest option as far as Javier was concerned. Despite not being sure any gesture other than the truth would be enough to satisfy Steve’s curiosity by this stage.
Horacio was glad of the noise from the chopper once they were in the air, although he could feel Murphy’s gaze on him as he questioned Gato.
Holding Gato’s arms behind his back, Horacio pushed him towards the edge of the open hatch. “It’s a long way down if you can’t give us anything, Gato.”
“I’m not telling you shit, you son of a bitch!” Gato yelled back over the hum of the airflow. Although there was a distinct crack in his voice for all his bravado.
“Are you sure you don’t want to re-think that?” Horacio tried again, this time dangling the sicario’s head over the precipice as his grip on Gato’s arms tightened at his back.
“Fuck you!” came Gato’s reply through gritted teeth, grimacing at the increased force.
Horacio expertly pinned Gato to the floor with one arm, his other reaching into his back pocket to retrieve a flick knife. He released the blade before scoring it along the nape of Gato’s neck and across his cheek, denting but not breaking the skin. “Last chance, asshole,” he breathed against his ear as he jabbed the cool metal under his chin, teetering on the very brink of drawing blood.
Gato let out a shrill scream followed by a series of desperate pleas. “Alright, alright, alright! Please! I’ll talk!”
Horacio didn’t believe he would when it came to it. But he also figured Gato and his silent friend would get themselves killed by Pablo’s men if they did. Or, they’d be left to rot in jail if they kept their mouths shut. Either way, they’d be off the streets of Medellín and would no longer be his problem.
It wasn’t that his disdain towards these low lives had subsided since his return. But he was tired of carrying the responsibility for them. He wasn’t so much sparing them but rather himself by leaving their fates in someone else’s hands. They were cannon fodder, who Escobar didn’t give the time of day, so why should Horacio? It wasn’t as though most of them had anything significant to confess anyway. It had taken Javier’s C.I. to get them the lab locations, after all.
Once they had landed in Bogotá and Horacio had transferred the two men into custody, he was faced with the awkward prospect of travelling back to Medellín with Murphy. This time without the much-needed distraction of a sicario or two to threaten.
Murphy had been suspiciously quiet for the vast majority of the journey to Bogotá but had studied Horacio intently from the safety of his seat. Horacio sensed he was under forensic examination from the moment they’d taken off. To the extent that he tried to keep his mind as blank as possible just in case Murphy could read that as well.
Horacio avoided making eye contact, preferring to stare out the hatch of the chopper instead. But it only got him so far.
Steve leaned forwards in his seat, elbows resting on his knees and hands clasped together. “So, were you on your best behaviour for my benefit, or did Javi put you up to it? I bet it was Javi, wasn’t it?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You. Some might say you’ve lost your touch, Carrillo.”
Horacio fought down the temptation to wipe the arrogant smirk off Murphy’s face, settling for a stern glare instead. “A bunch of kids and a couple of sicarios who were never gonna get us close to Pablo? Why break a butterfly on a wheel, Murphy?”
“Pretty sure that’s never stopped you before,” Steve scoffed. “I guess Madrid really did soften you up, huh?” He couldn’t resist a self-satisfied chuckle at his own jibe as he leaned back again and folded his arms.
Horacio merely rolled his eyes and muttered several lesser-known expletives in Spanish loud enough for Murphy to hear but apparently not understand. 
He was vaguely aware of Murphy shouting “What?!” but pretended he hadn’t heard and resisted the urge to clarify it wasn’t Madrid per se that had softened him up.
Search Bloc continued to chip away at Escobar’s business in a string of raids, seizing or burning large quantities of coke and cash as they went. And taking down any sicarios who got in their way. Horacio may have curtailed some of his more extreme methods, but this was still a war. If someone aimed fire at him or his men, there was no moral dilemma to agonise over.
As news of the lab sieges spread, it wasn’t long before Escobar made his next move against Horacio, this time with the assistance of Valeria Vélez. A story ran on her news programme about the night Search Bloc apprehended the spotters. The boy Horacio caught on the rooftops had gone on record to allege Horacio murdered one of the spotters in cold blood and in full view of the others. An unnamed DEA agent was also reported to have been at the scene.
All it had taken was a slight twist of the truth. One simultaneously so close to what did happen and what could have happened. What almost happened. A fact Horacio was all too aware of. And one that only exacerbated the gnawing guilt that had settled in his gut since that night.
To add insult to injury, soon after the report aired, he received a phone call from one of his superiors. The higher-ups seemed to believe his version of events, much to their annoyance. If it had been their decision rather than Gaviria’s, Horacio would never have been reinstated in the first place. So, naturally, they couldn’t resist an opportunity to remind him of the consequences the last time he overstepped. Or that their reputations would be on the line if the President of all people came asking questions. And that there were other candidates they had in mind for the job if Horacio wasn’t up to the task. Never mind all the payoffs they had let fly under the radar year after year. So long as they kept their noses and uniforms clean, that’s all that mattered, apparently.
After the frustrations of his phone call, Horacio was glad to blow off steam with yet another raid. And with Javier back at base afterwards. Since the night in the alleyway – or rather the conversations that followed it – they had fallen into a risky routine of dispelling any leftover adrenaline in the darkest and most deserted parts of the school. Giving in to a primal need to be as close as possible to each other after the thrill of the chase hadn’t hit the spot. Because nothing could compare to this.
It was always frantic and to the point, saving their more indulgent moments for the rare occasions when they managed to sneak back to Horacio’s apartment. Horacio’s seniority meant no one questioned his whereabouts. And it wouldn’t have taken a genius to hazard a guess where Javier might have slipped off to in the middle of the night.
This time they had wound up in an abandoned classroom, hidden by shadows but for sporadic streaks of moonlight catching on their combined silhouette. Javier’s palms were splayed across the wall, steadying his balance and grounding him whilst Horacio’s hips slammed into his own. Unleashing every ounce of pent-up energy with each controlled movement. Relentless and rough, yet somehow still tender in a way that only two people who knew each other inside out could be in such circumstances.
Their ragged breaths and muffled grunts filled the room as they hurtled over the edge almost in tandem. Horacio’s teeth sunk into the smooth flesh of Javier’s shoulder as the sweet relief of his release crashed over him. For those blissful few seconds, the tension was gone, and his mind was quiet.
Spent and out of breath, they zipped themselves up and sank to the floor, leaning back on the wall they’d just fucked against.
“Maybe your bosses should phone you more often,” Javier teased, holding out the cigarette he’d lit in his post-coital haze.
Horacio leaned closer to accept it, his lips brushing over the shell of Javier’s ear in the process. “I don’t need an excuse to do that with you.”
Javier chuckled and tilted his head, chasing the tingling rush spreading across his hypersensitive skin. “I should hope not.”
Splintered pale light filtered through the blinds, highlighting the glistening sheen of their afterglows and their playful smirks. And the way Horacio’s smile soon faded. “Has anyone said anything to you yet?”
“Messina asked a few questions, but nothing I couldn’t handle.” To say Messina was less than impressed by the news story was an understatement. Although more because it was probably giving her an administrative headache than anything else.
“I’m sorry if I’ve caused you more problems.”
“If it hadn’t been this, Escobar would’ve tried something else, and you know it.”
Horacio hummed in agreement and took a long drag on their shared smoke. He couldn’t argue with that or the unspoken fact that Escobar wouldn’t stop at this, either. The news story hadn’t gained the intended traction and would likely blow over. But then what? It was a tame move by Pablo’s standards, and there was no way this was the end of it. He couldn’t say for sure what was coming next, but he was already bracing himself for the impact.
After Search Bloc’s flurry of raids, all was quiet for a good week or so until Centra Spike intercepted several calls involving a known sicario, Edgar Prisco.
The transmissions led to a successful op on a pool hall in Manrique, which took out another of the Moncadas’ labs and three of the Prisco brothers.
It didn’t go without a hitch, though, when Steve disappeared by himself into the comunas on the tail of one of the surviving siblings, Ricardo.
Following a frantic few minutes after hearing gunfire over the radio, Javier tracked his partner down, who miraculously was still alive and well despite his best efforts not to be. Whilst things between them had been more strained than usual, Javier obviously didn’t wish any harm to come to Steve. No matter how much of a pain in the ass he was sometimes.
“The fuck were you thinking?” Javier threw at him as soon as he’d pulled the car door shut.
“I was this fuckin’ close, Javi,” Steve replied, gesturing with his hand whilst trying to catch his breath.
Javier scoffed without looking at his partner as he navigated the car back to safer territory. “To getting what’s left of your brain blown out? Yeah, you probably were.”
“Oh, come on, I’m fine. I wasn’t even hit. But let’s not tell Connie about this when she gets here.”
“When does she get here?”
“Tomorrow. Well, to Bogotá at least. Hoping to go visit over the weekend, assuming Messina won’t have my balls for it. Or Crosby. Sounds like he’s on the warpath.”
“How d’you mean?”
“Apparently, the suits are getting jumpy about us working so closely with Search Bloc after that news story. Messina’s been holding ‘em off, but for how much longer, who knows?”
“And you know this how exactly?”
“The meeting this afternoon. Y’know, I don’t think those are supposed to be optional. Where were you anyway?”
“I was…busy.” Not entirely untrue. It was supposed to be a quick visit to Horacio’s office but descended into desperate mouthing and groping with his back shoved against the wall between the door and the corner of the room. An apparent blind spot should anyone chance a glance through the glass.
“Convenient,” Steve replied with a wry smile. He let a natural lull in their conversation fall before pressing further. “You sure nothin’ happened that night?”
“Fuck’s sake, Steve, not this again. You don’t actually believe that bullshit, do you?” Heat flooded Javier’s cheeks at Steve’s topic swerve, his shackles instantly raised.
“No, ‘course not! I’m fully fuckin’ aware of what Escobar’s capable of, and lying is the least of it. It’s just, don’t you think Carrillo seems…different these days?”
“Different? How so?” Javier tried to keep his tone casual this time but had no idea if he’d succeeded as all he could hear was his own heart pounding in his chest.
“I dunno, less ruthless, I guess.”
Javier gulped and would have been amazed if Steve hadn’t heard it too. “Probably wants to keep his job this time,” he eventually offered, although his words stuck like sawdust in the back of his throat.
“Hmm maybe.”
Much to Javier’s relief, the subject was dropped, and the rest of the journey back to base was quiet, even if their minds weren’t.
Steve’s doubts over how long Messina could hold Crosby at arm’s length rang true in the following days when the DEA was told in no uncertain terms that they weren’t to leave base. An instruction that went out the window after Javier received an unexpected call from Gabriela of all people. She didn’t elaborate on the phone, but the urgency in her voice indicated it must be something serious for her to call him at work.
When he arrived at her apartment, it took him a while to notice the young brunette woman sitting on the bed. Her back was hunched, and her head hung low as though she was trying to make herself appear smaller. It was body language he came across often in his line of work. Especially amongst those who were in so deep, he was their last resort.
“She’s a friend of a friend. Please just hear her out, Javi. She’s in trouble,” Gabriela confirmed in response to Javier’s quizzical look. “Maritza, this is Javier.”
Javier looked between the two women, scrubbing his hand back and forth across his upper lip. He was caught between his reluctance to get involved and the fact he had said Gabriela could call him if she ever needed anything. She was only doing as he’d said she could, which was why he sat down in a chair next to the bed and lit up a cigarette. “Who are you in trouble with, Maritza?”
“La Quica.” There was no need for Maritza to elaborate, given the history La Quica had with the DEA. With Steve in particular.
“La Quica? You know him?”
“He wants to kill me.”
Javier did his best to bite back the laugh bubbling in his chest, sensing this might be a waste of his time. “I think you’ll find you’re in good company there. Why does he want to kill you?”
“Because I can tell you where Pablo Escobar is.”
On second thoughts, now she had his attention. “And how are you gonna do that?”
“I know exactly where and when he’ll be tomorrow.”
Javier didn’t waste any time heading back to base with Maritza’s story, including the detail she was childhood friends with Escobar’s chauffeur, Limón. She had served as a cover in the back seat of Limón’s taxi whilst he drove Escobar around Medellín in the trunk. So that’s how the fucker had been getting about town unnoticed.
“And this Maritza girl just came to you with this?” Steve queried once Javier and Horacio had joined him and Trujillo.
“Yeah, erm, well, through a friend.”
“A friend?” Trujillo gently mocked with a sceptical brow.
“Fuck off, it wasn’t like that,” Javier snorted, hoping his sudden discomfort wasn’t detectable beneath the friendly banter. “It was strictly business.” Despite the fact he was responding to Trujillo, his eyes fell heavily on Horacio.
Horacio got the message, although soon averted his gaze at the unshakeable feeling they were being watched. “I just need to know whether you trust the information, that’s all.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
There was little certainty to be found in their day-to-day lives, but each other’s word was an unwavering constant. In so many ways, it was illogical and a blind leap of faith. But Horacio had made up his mind as soon as Javier spoke.
“Okay then. When Maritza gives us Pablo’s location, I want Centra Spike up in the air to confirm.”
Javier returned to his desk, waiting with bated breath for his phone to ring. The longer he stared into space with a neglected cigarette burning between his thumb and forefinger, the more his mind spiralled.
This could be it after all these years. After everything they’d been through. After everything they’d lost – and gained. It was almost too surreal to believe after so many near-misses. But in a few hours’ time, it could all be over, and they’d finally be free. To do what, Javier had no fucking clue, though.
He and Horacio hadn’t exactly got to discussing life after Escobar yet. Part of that was fear of tempting fate as much as anything else. Sometimes even just thinking such thoughts was akin to jinxing themselves, so talk of the future had remained the elephant in the room whilst Pablo was still around. But if they pulled this off, they could start to look ahead for the first time. If being the operative word. He couldn’t let himself get carried away at this stage. Anything could happen, and that wasn’t being pessimistic; it was a sobering fact.
He couldn’t say how long he’d been sitting lost in his head when his phone rang. “Peña.”
“9th Street, 98-3.”
“Okay. Got it.”
Javier took the address straight to Centra Spike before stopping by Horacio’s office.
Horacio stood with his back to the door, his attention focused on the wall of awards above him. Even with this limited view, Javier could see how tightly drawn every muscle in his body was. From the rigid hold of his spine to the way his fists clenched at his sides. Not surprising for a man carrying the weight and expectations of his country on his bruised and weary shoulders.
Familiar arms slotted around Horacio from behind, large palms enveloping his waist. Strong, steady and anchoring. They were the still waters to the turbulent riptide surging through his veins, threatening to break him apart from the inside out.
Javier nuzzled himself against Horacio’s shoulder, placing the barest trace of kisses along his neck. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
Those whispered words of comfort dripped into Horacio’s ear like warm panela, and he reflexively leaned into Javier with a deep exhale as their fingers entwined across his stomach. Even though this had to be a fleeting moment of calm amid the chaos of war, he could already feel his heart rate beginning to level out. Home.
By the time Centra Spike obtained the recordings they were waiting for, Messina had arrived from Bogotá. She was soon crammed into a meeting room with Javier, Steve, Horacio, Jacoby and a tape player.
A deathly silence fell over the room as Jacoby pressed play on the tape. Tensions ramped up higher when it initially was too distorted to decipher. But after some minor tweaks, there was no mistaking whose voice it was.
“We have to move now,” Horacio stated.
However, before Javier and Steve could take more than a step, Messina made her presence known. “You two are staying here.”
Javier shook his head, unable to comprehend what he was hearing. “No, you gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“If Crosby finds out you went on another raid, we all get a ticket home.”
“Crosby doesn’t have to know shit!” Steve interjected, his temper already fraying at the edges.
Messina was unaffected by their objections, not even rising from her seat. It was clear her mind was already made up, and she wasn’t going to be persuaded otherwise. “I’m sorry, but my hands are tied. It’s not negotiable.”
Javier and Steve seethed in silence and shared a look of absolute incredulity. At being mollycoddled like children. At being denied what they had worked towards for fucking years. At being little more than cogs in the machine of American bureaucracy and public relations.
Horacio had kept quiet up until now. There was no point trying to interfere with gringo politics. It was fruitless enough trying to reason with his own government, let alone Uncle Sam. But he wrestled with whether he’d want to even if he could. Whilst he understood the injustice and everything Javier had given to his job, there was no getting around the fact this was going to be a dangerous mission. He’d never voice it, and he hated how selfish it was, but frankly, the decision made the load on his shoulders a hell of a lot lighter.
“We’ll be in radio contact,” he settled for in the end, his gaze landing squarely on Javier. It wasn’t much, but it was all he had.
Once Horacio had left the room, Javier paced like a caged tiger, hands twitching and his jaw in danger of shattering if he clenched it any tighter. Heated conversations continued around him between Messina and Steve, whose anger was less restrained than his own.
No fucking way was this how it was going down. After everything. They wouldn’t even have this intel if it weren’t for him. He couldn’t let Horacio go out there without him. The countless times they’d fought side-by-side, and now this could be the final showdown, Horacio would have to do it without him. All because of red tape that cared more about the reputation of U.S. officials than it ever had done about the people of Colombia. No, he couldn’t let this go. He had to do something.
Steve and Messina were still at loggerheads whilst Jacoby had excused himself to make a fresh pot of coffee – or possibly something stronger. This was his best chance if he was quick about it, so without a backward glance, Javier let himself out of the room.
By some miracle, it seemed as though Javier had escaped undetected, but as he neared the end of the corridor, he was halted by a voice behind him.
“I hope he’s fuckin’ worth it.”
Those six small words hit Javier like a freight train. Whilst he was frozen to the spot, it allowed Steve to catch up in no time with long, purposeful strides.
 “Steve, I—what are you—?”
“Oh, come on, Javi. I’m not fuckin’ stupid.”
The echo of Steve’s voice was distant and faint despite its proximity, but Javier’s pulse roared in his ears and galloped in his chest. A vice-like grip had taken hold of his lungs, squeezing each breath of oxygen out of him as if it was his last. No amount of deflection or playing dumb could help him now. The game was up, and there was no way out.
Undeterred by Javier’s ongoing silence, Steve continued where he’d left off. “I didn’t think you were either but guess I was wrong. Him of all people, Javi?!”
Steve was much too close, in all respects. It was suffocating, and without realising what he was doing, Javier grabbed Steve by the collar and pushed him against the wall. “You don’t know the first fucking thing about him!” he hissed out of the side of his mouth.
They stared each other down, breathing hard and neither showing signs of conceding. “Maybe not, but I know you. I know you’ll always follow him and damn the fuckin’ consequences.”
“And you wouldn’t do the same for Connie?” 
Javier hadn’t meant to say that. He should have asked how Steve knew. That was the logical train of thought right now. Along with why it seemed Steve’s main issue with this revelation was Javier’s taste in men rather than his interest in them in general. It wasn’t as though he didn’t want answers to these questions, but an entirely different one tumbled out instead.
Steve was on the cusp of retaliating for Javier bringing Connie into this. But he paused with a complicated expression that Javier couldn’t quite decipher. There was confusion, followed by a slight softening of his features that morphed into something else Javier couldn’t put his finger on. But it made him let go of Steve’s shirt and back away.
“I’m not gonna change your mind.” Steve wasn’t asking or attempting to reignite their argument; he was stating a fact. A realisation that he finally understood everything for what it really was. For what it always had been.
Javier didn’t say a word but looked Steve in the eye and firmly shook his head.
“Shit, Javi.” Steve looked back at the meeting room, then ahead towards the swing doors to the main entrance. “Come on, we haven’t got much time.”
“What? Steve – wait – you know what this means?”
“Of course, I fuckin’ know! But isn’t that why we’re here? This could finally be it, Javi. If we catch Pablo tonight, we’ll be going home anyway, right?”
Javier’s hand cradled the base of his neck and rubbed along the band of tense muscles at the apex of his shoulder. “You sure?” He had to be certain just in case the shit did hit the fan afterwards.
“Look, I – I get it – about the other times – now I know – but you ain’t icing me outta this one, Javi. No fuckin’ way.”
Steve was right. Javier had no right to deny his partner this. This wasn’t about him and Horacio. This was their job and their mission. The whole reason they were even in Colombia in the first place. Steve deserved to see it through as much as he did. “Okay, fine. Let’s go.”
They made a break for the front entrance, although it was deserted when they arrived.
“We’ll take my Jeep,” Steve said, fumbling with the set of keys in his pocket whilst they hurried across the parking lot. “They won’t have got far.”
It wasn’t long before they had sped out of Carlos Holguín, hot on the tail of Search Bloc and closer than they’d ever been to putting a bullet in Escobar once and for all.
It was nightfall by the time their convoy left base. Passing street lights popped against the ebony of Horacio’s irises, giving them a fierce wolfish glow. The swooping knot in the pit of his stomach was starting to give way to laser-sharp focus, strategies and tactics. This was where his years of training and experience kicked in. When he had to leave Horacio to one side and embody Colonel Carrillo. When he and his men might end Escobar’s stranglehold on Colombia and finally stop the bleeding.
“We’re on San Juan,” Trujillo confirmed over the radio after they’d travelled in silence for a short while.
“Copy that,” came Steve’s reply. “And we’re approximately 5 minutes behind you, maybe less.”
Trujillo’s head darted round to Horacio in the back seat. “What the hell?! I thought you said they weren’t coming, Colonel?”
Before Horacio had a chance to answer, another voice crackled through the airwaves. “Slight change of plan. I’ll explain later, but let’s get this motherfucker first.”
The knot in Horacio’s stomach re-emerged, pulling and twisting until he feared he was going to vomit. This wasn’t supposed to happen, yet he wasn’t surprised it had. Murphy’s warning was spot-on. Panic rose in his chest at the memory of his dream, even though the rational side of him knew that’s all it was. But still, how could he not fret?
He signalled to Trujillo to pass him the radio. “Keep safe,” was all he said in the end. A standard well-wish to anyone else, but he hoped Javier remembered those were the words he’d used the day Diana Turbay died. A day that still haunted Horacio, but he’d never forgotten the warmth of Javier’s voice.
“You too,” came Javier’s immediate reply. And Horacio needn’t have worried, because of course, Javier remembered.
“Murphy, you’re buying the drinks tonight,” Trujillo joked after Horacio handed back the radio.
“Only if you pick us up some cigars on the way, you cheap bastards.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal.”
No sooner had the words left Trujillo’s mouth than a blinding flash of heat and rush of compressed air consumed them as they came to an abrupt standstill.
It took several seconds for it to register in Horacio’s brain that a car parked to the side of the road had exploded, raining fire and debris down on their convoy. Whilst he tried to gain his bearings and survey the damage, two large trucks pulled up at either end of the street, blocking their way out behind and ahead.
The apartment block on one side of the road was now alive with activity. Several floors up, the windows flew open in unison to reveal a team of men armed to the hilt.
“It’s an ambush!” Trujillo shouted over the radio, although a shower of bullets was already hailing down on them.
The glass next to Horacio shattered, spraying jagged shards over him as he ducked down in his seat.
“Reverse!” he yelled but looked up to see their driver, a young recruit named Rodriguez, was lifeless over the steering wheel.
“Colonel, we need to move!” Trujillo cried over the thunderous and relentless gunfire that had already punctured their tyres and blown out several windows.
Horacio glanced over his shoulder at the carnage of the other CNP vehicles. “My men, I can’t leave them.”
“With all due respect, Colonel, you’re not gonna be much use to them if we stay here. Peña and Murphy will have called for backup. We can’t do much ‘til they arrive.”
Javier. He and Murphy were a few minutes behind them, and there was no way they wouldn’t attempt to intervene, with or without backup. If the roles were reversed, nothing on this earth would stop Horacio from diving in headfirst if he thought Javier’s life was in danger.
Horacio tried to regain focus and steady his breathing amid the chaos thrust upon them out of nowhere. There was no room for panicking or making a wrong move.
The vehicles had thankfully been restocked with supplies that morning. Horacio just needed to be able to reach behind the back seats into the trunk to access them.
He made his move, bullets still flying around them and the tirade only pausing whilst their attackers reloaded.
His hand fell upon several stun grenades, which he hoisted up and divvied up between them. Ideally, he would have grabbed a lot more, but the gunfire had resumed.
“On my cue, follow me. Stay low to the ground at all times, clear?”
“Yes, Colonel.”
Horacio managed to slide across the seats to the side furthest from the apartment block. He opened the door as slowly as he could before lowering himself to the floor.
Trujillo made his way from the front to the back of the car and copied Horacio’s movements.
They caught their breath whilst Horacio communicated his plan to Trujillo in a series of well-rehearsed hand signals. This was far from their first shootout, not to mention the countless training drills Horacio had insisted his men run through. Trujillo had never been more thankful for serving under a Colonel who didn’t care if it was pouring down with rain. Or if your unit had stayed up drinking into the early hours celebrating a successful raid. They were put through their paces no matter what.
When the time was right, they launched the grenades behind them and ahead in the path of the truck. Flares of flashing lights and bangs erupted as the canisters hit the ground. It wasn’t enough to harm any potential survivors in the vehicles behind them. But it was enough to throw the snipers off their stride.
During the enforced ceasefire, they made a break for it. Through the haze of acrid smog, Horacio faintly discerned a gap between the wall and the truck. All they had to do was keep going, one step in front of the other. That was until his body jerked forwards as though he was winded, a searing burn radiating across his right shoulder.
Prickling heat branched down his arm, splintering electric shocks like forked lightning striking a tree. It wasn’t his first run-in with a bullet, although those had been superficial wounds. Whilst he was no medical expert, something told him he wasn’t so lucky this time.
“Colonel! Are you alright?”
The discombobulating part of it was Horacio knew that he wasn’t, but adrenaline masked the pain. A fact he needed to take advantage of whilst he was still conscious and could stand. “I don’t know, but we’ve got to keep moving,” he rasped.
Trujillo flung his arm around Horacio’s left side, alarmed by how little resistance his Colonel put up as Trujillo bore his entire weight.
It was only then that Horacio clocked the smear of blood above Trujillo’s eye. “Your head.” His breathing was more laboured as he spoke, and his vision was blurrier than even a minute ago.
“It’s just a scratch, Colonel. We’re nearly there now. Stay with me!” Their movement was hampered by Horacio’s rapidly deteriorating condition, as Trujillo was all but carrying him along.
Horacio was alert enough to make out the screech of brakes ahead, more shouting and gunfire, a familiar presence appearing at his other side.
A loud whooshing noise filled his ears like his head had been plunged underwater. Nothing around him had any solid form. His body was floating and weightless, but his limbs were heavy, stiff and dragging him under. Down, down, down he fell into an impenetrable blackness. An icy darkness he’d never known. Darker than night, darker than any deed he’d committed and darker than the deep crimson currently saturating his uniform sleeve.
He lay at the bottom of a chasm staring up at what appeared to be an endless murky sky, but faint traces of fireflies blinked in the distance. As they drew nearer, they were more like reflections on the water. Or rather a delicate light dancing across precious metal. Precious in every sense of the word.
Memories swirled around him and were accompanied by two voices he recognised even though he couldn’t name them. The second voice brought about a fond warmth. Reliable, loyal, old before its time and wiser beyond its years. The first voice, however, wasn’t so much a warmth but a blazing heat. Passionate, enduring and grounding. Home.
The combination of the two kept him conscious long enough to be hoisted up off the ground into the waiting car. But then followed a cry of pain nearby that wasn’t his own, and all fell dark once more.
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eijiroukiriot · 2 years
I read your fic with tomokiri and bakucammie, and while it was really sad, I can't help but feel in my guts that that marriage is gonna bomb in 2 years top. Even setting down my kiribaku glasses, no way this won't end in a divorce down the line. And if Baku Is there to heal kiri's broken heart, well...
first of all, i'm sorry for letting this sit in my inbox for so long, and also just ty for reading and sending your thoughts on it, it's so indulgent to talk abt your own fics but getting ASKS discussing your fics is a whole different level. so thank you!
SECONDLY, one thing i remember about the writing of that fic (this fic!) is that for the longest time i had no idea who kirishima's love interest was gonna be. i think there's a lot of good dynamics kirishima could fit into, but looking at the way things turn out for kirishima and bkg in this fic i...couldn't see him choosing anyone over bkg that he would've met at the same time. so that ruled out everyone from class a, and then i was trying out various class b boys because it's not like the love interest really appears in the fic...and then kirishima's backstory episode aired and people were talking left and right about tomokiri and i realized oh! there's someone that kirishima's already linked to that he wouldn't have been getting to know at the same time he was getting to know bkg. but when it comes down to it that...means there is VERY little importance. placed on the fact that it's tomo that he's in love with . i know i went back and sprinkled some stuff in there but this made me think abt how even the drafting process of that fic wasn't convinced that they really belonged together
THIRDLY, i know i've talked plenty of times about how one of my favorite krbk concepts is bitter 20-something-year-old krbk who fell out after graduation and don't even want to look at each other at the class reunion, which is pretty similar to that fic anyway, but for the brief period of time that i entertained the thought of a longfic on that plot, i definitely imagined kirishima would be with tomo and i very clearly pictured a scene near the end of the fic (once krbk have reconciled and are starting to...feel the things they used to feel again) where tomo sadly explains to him like "i always sorta knew that it'd be him, if it could be anyone." which honestly puts kirishima totally in the "you're the asshole" box here, all of which is to say i think you're 100% on the money. i live for the drama so i always sort of imagined that that fic and the phone conversation was krbk's last real time thinking about what they could've been, but my official authors' statement a couple years later is that either: 1) bakugou is going to speak now the wedding, 2) kirishima is going to "ross says rachel's name" the wedding, or, 3) that marriage is gonna bomb in 2 years tops and if baku is there to heal kiri's broken heart, WELL....
fourth and final point - on the topic of tomo, a while ago i found this doujin on pixiv - it's actually really impressively long but it's all about imagining tomo's side of the story as he watches kirishima grow up, admiring him all the way, thinking they're gonna be together forever...only to see him go to UA and completely reinvent himself and, still hang out with their old friends, obviously, but with all these stories of the cool new friends he's made...bkg doesn't appear (and is barely mentioned) so it's not about krbk or any complications there and i know this won't mean much to people who don't speak japanese (i might honestly translate it if it weren't so long) but it takes a really interestingly dark look into how tomo might deal with all that. he gets really cold while everyone's cheering kirishima on and he starts messaging him about how dangerous UA is and how he should come back, and then there's this sequence where he imagines what it'd be like if kirishima DID go back to normal school and dyed his hair back and lived a plain, normal live side-by-side with tomo, up to the two of them marry women and starting families...that whole sequence has this very dark undertone leading up to an older, normal guy kirishima crying in regret as his family dies crushed under a collapsed building. it's really interesting as a character study for a guy with a sparse handful of lines in canon, but also just an interesting take on kirishima's life as a whole - i know i've also talked before about how maybe kirishima wouldn't look down on himself so much if he wasn't surrounded by friends constantly saying "don't go to hero school, stop TRYING to be a hero, you'll never be good at it. you and me, we're normal guys who'll never amount to anything." and it's interesting just how much this doujin explores how that external force is both bad for kirishima and bad for tomo, and how maintaining that status quo isn't helping either of them etc...this whole time i was just thinking abt how, like you're saying, tomokiri would be a relationship doomed to fail but now i'm thinking about how isn't it nice? that krbk is so built on the two of them meeting at just the right time to lift each other up so much. i guess the conclusion to all of this is krbk good
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You Weren’t My Mission: Ch. 1
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Chapter One – A Second Encounter
TW: alcohol, implied violence
Note: Hello! All chapters will have warnings at the beginning of their content and possible triggers. If you find that I miss any triggers, please let me know and I will add them to the chapter warnings as soon as possible. Thank you! <3
Series masterpost
Also available on Wattpad and AO3
His eyes were fixed on yours, gaze intense despite the physical distance between you. If the sight of his metal hand hadn’t confirmed that it was him, then his face solidified it. You’d seen this exact glare in your nightmares for years now. Although nearly a decade had passed since the last time you saw him, you had never been able to shake the memory. It was him, and you were sure of it. ・:*:・゚☆
Your thumb swept around the surface your glass, collecting the droplets of condensation that had begun building up. With one final swig you downed the remainder of your gin and tonic, eyeing the entryway on the lookout for any newcomers.
“You all done for the night, y/n?” Vincent wandered over, dish towel in hand, to collect your glass that was now only filled with ice and a slice of lime. He knew your routine by now — you only ever came by for a single drink after work, people-watching as you unwound before heading home to your quiet apartment. While you hadn’t ever told him that last part, he figured that if you had somewhere urgent to be that you wouldn’t be here every night, although he’d never ask.
“I’ll have another, actually,” you declared, voice unsteady as you weren’t sure in your choice. Typically you’d have one drink and leave, occasionally staying around a bit longer to sip on some water if you really didn’t want to go home that night. But the week had been long and it was only Wednesday; you wanted — no, needed that second drink.
“Sure ‘bout that?”
“Yea, I’m gonna hang around a bit longer tonight.” Vincent’s eyebrows raised as he did a slight nod, reaching below the counter for a new glass, to which you let out a playful scoff. “Don’t act so surprised,” you teased, “I mix it up sometimes.” While you rarely talked, you and Vincent had become more comfortable with your banter over the past year or so. Even the most guarded of patrons like you couldn’t avoid small talk with the bartender — especially not if you were a regular.
As you waited for your drink you scanned your surroundings, looking to see if anybody new had come in for a drink. Weeknights tended to be slower, but there were a few couples and groups of friends scattered throughout the room. You and a man no younger than 50 were the only ones seated at the bar, him closer to the entrance while you sat furthest away at the seat you knew had the best view of the place. Almost every night you were in this exact spot, sipping slowly on whatever drink you’d ordered, checking your phone for the occasional text message or work email, and people-watching. It was pretty rare for you to spend more than an hour there in one evening, but tonight it had been nearly an hour and here you were ordering a second drink.
You jumped when Vincent placed the new glass in front of you, your mind focused on the other people scattered throughout the room. He let out a light chuckle as he turned around, walking towards the other side of the bar; he was pretty used to your skittishness by now. Hand wrapped around your new drink, you brought your focus back to your surroundings. A couple seated at a small table to your right engaged in small talk, exchanging pleasantries in-between awkward sips of their drinks. Definitely a first date, you thought. A burst of laughter from a booth further away caught your attention, where a group of men in suits sat meeting for a drink after work. Aside from that, there was little commotion in the bar tonight. While commotion made for fun people-watching, you preferred the gentle hum of casual conversations on slower nights, the occasional clinking of glasses from Vincent’s cleaning or a new table being served.
Realizing a few minutes had passed, you grabbed for your drink and took a sip, eyes skirting over the rim of the glass as you spotted movement in the entryway.
Suddenly, you wished you hadn’t ordered that second drink.
A tall figure entered the bar, shoulders swaying with each step. When he came to a stop you finally took him in, eyes scanning over the black leather jacket that spanned his broad frame and running down to his hands. Dressed in all black, the flesh tone of his hand stood out. Which made the metallic black of his left hand all the more apparent, confirming what you had hoped was just another instance of unnecessary panic.
The brooding figure wasn’t foreign to you.
Your eyes glossed over as you remembered the last time you’d seen him all those years ago. While the nightmares weren’t as frequent and you were able to go days at a time without thinking about it, you were still able to vividly remember the moment. The way his eyes had met yours, menacing and unforgiving as you held back a wail of pain from the pressure of debris pressing on, or into, your torso. The fear that ripped through you when you registered the M4A1 in his tight grip, barrel pointed in your direction. The way you laid there, shaking and ears ringing, wishing that he, whoever he was, would keep moving past you, that he would leave you be. He had done just that, only pausing for a moment to assess your helpless position before lowering the barrel of his gun and trudging onward in his search for his true target.
So many times since then you thought you’d seen him again, only to sigh with relief when you saw the two flesh hands of whoever had startled you.
But this wasn’t one of those moments, and the sight of his metal hand confirmed it. It wasn’t silver like the one in your memory, but there were only so many guys out there with bionic left arms.
You came out of your trance to find that his eyes were fixed on yours, gaze intense despite the physical distance between you. If the sight of his metal hand hadn’t confirmed that it was him, then his face solidified it. You’d seen this exact glare in your nightmares for years now. Although nearly a decade had passed since the last time you saw him, you had never been able to shake the memory. It was him, and you were sure of it.
With a slight roll of his shoulders and a subtle nod, he dropped his gaze to the floor and began his slow descent towards the bar.
The sip of gin and tonic you had taken still sat on your tongue as you finally lowered the glass, letting the liquid slide down your throat and feeling the tingling sensation travel down to your chest. Your breath was shallow as your hands started to shake, to which you began fidgeting with the closest thing in front of you — the paper napkin that had been under your glass. As you ran your fingers along its corners and kept your eyes glued to the bar top, you felt his presence near yours, confirmed by the sound of heavy footsteps that approached.
The scent of fresh balsam and a bit of mint flooded your senses as you noticed him standing to your side, giving you a moment to take in his presence before sliding into the seat to your right. Having kept your eyes trained on the napkin at your fingertips, you subtly glanced over, noting the metal arm that was closest to you. It’s really him, you confirmed. Instead of a reflective silver like the arm you remembered, this one was much darker, a black metal with hints of gold in between the plates. You couldn’t see further up than his wrist, the rest of his arm concealed by the jacket.
It took everything in you to refrain from bouncing your leg against your barstool. Maybe if I stay as still as possible, you thought to yourself, I’ll make it out of here alive. You had no clue what he wanted and it terrified you.
The desire to fidget became all the more intense as you felt him shifting his upper body to face you while in his seat. Your breath hitched when his flesh hand came into view, extended for a greeting in your direction. He let out a low sigh as you shifted your gaze slightly, glancing at his hand before sheepishly making eye contact with the man who had once both threatened and spared your life. You watched as he slightly parted his lips, allowing for a gentle smile to form at the corner of his lips.
“Long time, no see, Miss y/n. I’m James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, and you’re a part of my efforts to make amends.”
Next Chapter (Chapter 2 – Making Amends)
A/N: Thank you for reading the first chapter of this story! I'm currently drafting up what will come next, but am in the end of a semester so it may be a few days until I have something ready to publish. This is my first longer work and I'm looking forward to the journey. Stay tuned for updates, and please let me know if you have any comments or questions!
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darkmulti · 3 years
Nainaaaa these days i cannot stop thinking about mafia boss taehyung having an unhealthy obsession with you, bribing you with gifts, stalking you, and just always having his way with you whenever he has the chance even if it means following you to a restroom and screwing you there asjdhjskalxm 😭😭😭 ಥ‿ಥ
This was a anonymous ask but my stupid ass accidentally posted it instead of saving it to my drafts so I had to delete it.
-> sorry for any mistakes
You knew that Taehyung had a big crush on you
He asked you every day but you denied and said that you’re not interested in dating yet
He made you promise that you’ll date him first when you’re ready
After that promise, you guys continued to be good friends
He was deeply in love with you
He would buy you gifts everyday, pay for your meal, text you and call you multiple times in a day
Even though you guys weren’t in a relationship, it sure seemed like it
Taehyung was loaded with money
He wasn’t buying you cheap gifts
He was buying you luxurious brands
He would try to bribe you to date him but you weren’t like that
Which made Taehyung fall in love with you more
You were sweet, cute, innocent and not a gold digger
He thought about making you his sugar baby
Taehyung knew you were struggling financially
You had work right after school so you can pay your bills
You’re usually exhausted by the end of each day and fall behind on school work
You’re probably wondering how Taehyung knows all this
That’s because he watches you all day and night
He spams you with messages
Visits you at work and home to make sure no other boy has came over
He has put cameras in your apartment, in your work place, in your locker and in the main classes you attend so he can watch you
One day he asked you to hang out with him
This was the day he was going to ask you to be his sugar baby
He had a two back up plans just in case you say no
1. He’ll kidnap you
2. Blackmail you with all the camera footage
He’s a yandere🤷‍♀️ it’s his job
You were wearing a short skirt and crop top which turned Taehyung on to the maxxxxx
He was somewhat angry as well because all these people can see your beautiful, smooth skin
If only it was covered in his marks so every knew you were taken
You guys went to a carnival until you had to use the washroom so you excuse yourself
Taehyung watched you go inside the restroom but soon gathered some confidence and followed you
His boner was visible
It was painful keeping it packed up
It was throbbing and twitching
He needed to release
You opened the door of the bathroom stall but someone quickly pushed you back in
You looked up and saw Taehyung
“Taehyung, what’re you doing here?”
“I need your help.”
He placed your hand on his bulge and your eyes widen
“You caused this, you fix it.”
He turned you around and pulled your skirt up
He pulled your panties down and released his throbbing cock
“Ready baby?”
You nodded as he held onto your waist and pushed himself in
You whimper softly, turning him on even more
He couldn’t resist the urge of pounding the hell out of you
His long fingers made its way into your mouth
You moan softly around it and roll your eyes back
The skin slapping was so loud, it was obvious that someone was fucking
But neither of you cared
You were needy as hell and Taehyung had been waiting for this moment for years
“You love it when I fuck your little cunt, right?”
You nodded and clenched around him, showing him how much you love it
Taehyung groaned when you clenched around him
He pulled you up against his chest and started nibbling on your ear
“You wanna be daddy’s babygirl now? Daddy has already seen all of you. No more hiding from him. You’re all his now.”
“I’m all daddy’s.” Moan out, not being able to control yourself anymore.
“That’s my good princess.”
Sorry for any mistakes. I’m half asleep again. ALSO DADDY TAETAE😩🥵
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failedintsave · 2 years
Skwistok for the ask meme please 🦅🎸🐇
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@little-murmaider a lot of these answers are going to be the same as yours, because we're both very smart and correct 🤝 I'm just going to elaborate on them differently and I'm a bit long winded so I'm also going to throw it all under a cut
[OTP ask meme]
Which one of them sexts like a straight white boy?
So I think this probably depends since I don't see either of them spending much effort on this and Toki probably devolves into knock knock jokes (knock knock, who ams dere, Toki, Toki who, *dick pic*, 6/10, 😡) but I have a smutfic rotting away in my drafts that kicks off with drunk Skwisgaar basically sending a 'u up?' text while Toki is out with Abigail:
Nothing screamed 'pay attention to me!' like a string of eggplant emoji followed by sending his location. Toki turned his phone screen side down and ignored the buzzing vibrations of incoming messages until Abigail excused herself to the restroom, finally deigning to reply once he was alone.
SS: When u coming hoommee
TW: Oh you want to hang out with me now? Sorry I having a real good time out with Abigail right now, sucks for you
SS: But I'm lonely
TW: Am you lonely or horny
SS: I can be 2 thing
Toki chuckled, that definitely meant horny.
I'll finish it one of these days. Probably.
Which one cried during a fucking Disney movie?
Ok prefacing this with the fact that we're not gonna talk about Bruno Encanto because I will cry. Toki prefers the princess movies and loves to sing along, he gets more wrapped up in the magic and the color and less into the emotional beats, not a big crier in these cases. Skwisgaar tends to get trembly lipped over the animal-centric films. Lion King hit hard, in no small part due to the score. Fox and the Hound...I feel like that's enough said. Bambi also left him in a bit of a weird headspace he couldn't quite identify but still needed to be held after.
Not Disney, but they also never made it all the way through Homeward Bound as Skwisgaar was inconsolable over Shadow in the mud pit and couldn't continue. He's an emotional guy!
Neither of them can handle Don Bluth.
Who put a goddamn fork in the microwave?
Toki thought he should stir the lunchables halfway through heating and forgot to take the fork out. Skwisgaar prefers food reheated in the oven to prevent mushiness and has ruined many a plastic storage container.
Who does the silly hands-over-the-eyes “Guess who” thing?
100% Toki. He doesn't even try to disguise his voice, it takes all his willpower not to break down into giggles. Sometimes Skwisgaar will play along and make silly guesses, other times he'll say something to tease Toki back.
Who had that embarrassing reality TV marathon?
If Wicked Tuna is on the TV they are both powerless to change the channel, and neither of them understands why, but Toki loses his mind over the core samples. Once they break free of their television hypnosis they almost always have to go for sushi. Nathan tried to convert them to Deadliest Catch but it didn't take.
Who puts their cold hands/feet on their partner?
Skwisgaar, but Toki really doesn't mind. He runs hot naturally so Skwisgaar tucking his feet under Toki's legs on the couch or slipping his icy hands under his shirt actually feels kinda nice after the initial shock. What more can you ask for in a relationship than symbiotic thermoregulation?
Who laughs more during sex?
Toki, he laughs any time there's a weird noise or a position isn't quite working because Someone has Unnaturally Gangly Limbs, plus he's fairly ticklish once he gets into a goofy mindset. It's also a 50/50 chance that if Skwisgaar starts talking dirty Toki is either Very Into It or cannot take it seriously at all.
Little Spoon Skwisgaar is just a fact. It makes him feel safe and cared for and wanted in a way that other types of physical contact just don't quite reach, and Toki is a hugger so he likes to wrap him up tight and feel him relax into the embrace. Bonus because from this position Toki has easy access to kiss the nape of Skwisgaar's neck, which is one of the spots that makes him completely melt.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ heavy ✦
this chapter pairing; snakehybrid!woozi&bunnyhybrid!dino x reader
genre&warnings; Snake Eyes!AU, threesome, dom!jihoon, oral(fem receiving), fingering, creampies, cum eating/cum sharing, breeding kink, dirty talk, but also a bit of crack lbr, jihoon and chan being little shits 😩😭.
notes; you don’t have to have read Snake Eyes to read this! It’s not part of the main plot! 💕🐍 also the--☠️ draft for this was literally from 2013 and I literally ran it through the hot setting on the washing machine and put it in the dryer 3 times to get it to what it is today ☠️ Also!!! the final chapter of Monster Mash!!! omg!!! I can’t believe it’s done AND to end it with a Snake Eyes au chapter!! 😭😩 Enjoy!! Have a great rest of the weekend!!! I love u!! Happy Halloween!! 🎃👻 💕
word count; ~4300
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
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it’s heavy;
heavy how i want you so bad
heavy when it hits me so fast;
heavy and it’s driving me mad
that i’m never gonna give you up!
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“OH MY FUCK--GOD!” A shrill voice cuts through the nearly empty living room; three forms huddled together on the sofa as the horror movie continued on the tv screen.
“Are you serious right now, Jihoon? Nothing even happened yet and you screamed!!” You tease.
You’d come to learn that Jihoon quite actually hated horror films.
And apparently so did Chan.
Your eyes scan over Jihoon’s frame squished into your side as his own eyes leave the tv for the 60th time that night; his grip on your waist tightening as he digs his face into your shoulder. “I can’t do it, I’m trying to look at the corner of the screen but I just know something’s going to pop out, I just know it, I--”
“Hyung, she’s right you know, nothing’s even--FUCK WHAT WAS THAT!?” Chan jolts at the screen, his own arms tangling with Jihoon’s around your waist in fear as the demon in the movie re-emerges from a dark closet.
You sigh, wondering why Minghao and the others hadn’t replied to any of your calls and messages; leaving you alone with Jihoon and Chan on this dark and rainy Halloween night. And you loved Jihoon with your whole heart and taking care of cute Chan was always fun but everyone being missing and unreachable seemed a little peculiar. 
Even to you.
“You guys, it’s not even real. Look, c’mon, nobody is going to pop out of the closet later. I’m sure Mingyu would kill whatever came crawling out of the closet Jihoon and Chan, do you even have a closet for demons to come out of?” You tried to lighten the mood and reassure them as you pry their clammy fingers from your midsection.
They simultaneously shoot you a glare, crossing their arms as you separate yourself from their bodies.
“I really don’t get how you two are so easily scared by these horrible movies!”
Chan pouts, “Well hybrids exist so surely demons do too!” You shoot him a dumbfounded look, “That literally has zero correlation.” 
“Whatever, I’m gonna grab more popcorn and I’ll be back.” Jihoon grumbles; eyes avoiding the screen as he scurries off to the kitchen.
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The horror movie continues to play, small whimpers and screams coming from both of the boys on either of your sides.
You still don’t understand why they thought watching a horror movie on a rainy night was a good idea but they were determined to finish it by this point. And you, on the other hand, were getting bored. Horror movies weren’t that bad for you and you slept perfectly fine afterwards so you weren’t worried.
Unfortunately for Jihoon and Chan, that was not the case.
Jihoon had cocooned himself into a blanket with only his eyes peeking out and Chan had stolen one of the sofa pillows and had used it to hide behind when a scary scene was taking place. Biting your lip, you turn to each of them, watching as their eyes stay glued to the TV.
“Hey, if you two are so scared, why don’t we just turn the movie off. You’ll regret it if you can’t sleep later… And Minghao might kick my ass if he knows I let this happen to Chan.” You offer. Jihoon clears his throat, agreeing that maybe it was a bad idea to continue while Chan already started to reach for the remote tucked under the mass of snacks nearby.
As soon as he hits the power button, a bolt of lightning flashes outside causing the power to suddenly blow.
“Fuck! The demon’s here, I knew it, it’s because we watched the movie! We’re done, oh god, I haven’t even lived that long and Minghao hasn’t even taken me to a theme park yet and I--”, Chan cries, throwing the remote control haphazardly across the room as he tugs his fluffy ears down in panic. He immediately turns to you, burying his head into the crook of your neck as he continues to ramble incoherently against your skin.
On your other side, Jihoon has gone completely silent as one of his hands searched the dark for one of yours; his eyes completely closed in fear of seeing something in the dark that he didn’t want to see. You attempted to wrap an arm around each of them as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, their forms drawing even closer and molding to your body.
“I’m not gonna lie, I’m shocked that you two are so scared of the dark right now.”
The only real light coming in was from whatever little bit of moonlight was visible through the clouds as you stared at the blobs glued on your sides. “Let’s be fair here. We just watched a horror film where things lurked in the dark, can you cut us some slack!?” Jihoon scream-whispers as Chan nods against your shoulder, “Jihoon-hyung’s right, I’m not normally scared of the dark!”
You pat him on the head, running your fingers through his hair as he leans into your touch.
Jihoon unwraps from your hold a few moments later, his eyes adjusting to the dark against his will as he clears his throat.
“We--Maybe we just need a distraction, that’s all… I’m sure the power will come back on soon, or maybe one of the others will come see if we’re ok. We just… We need to find something to do or else our minds will wander.” He suggests. You nod in the dark, raising an eyebrow, “Like, a game or something?” Jihoon hums back an agreement. The three of you sit in silence trying to think of anything to play but nothing comes to mind.
“I can’t think of anything, Jihoon.”
Chan sighs, raising his head from your shoulder. “We could play that one game, y’know, ‘are you nervous?’ I heard Minghao-hyung talking about it! All we do is touch or do things to each other until someone chickens out! It could be anything!” You could hear a smile in his voice that almost made you smile until you heard Jihoon scoff.
“That sounds like fun until something grabs you and it’s not me or her, Chan.” Jihoon deadpanned.
You can only grimace knowing that comment went straight to Chan’s head. “Why on god’s green earth would you say that, hyung!?” An exasperated noise leaves Chan’s mouth as he lets go of you, arms flailing off of the sofa before he gasps and balls up again. “Oh my god, what if something grabbed me just now, would you have done anything to save me?” You had no idea who that question was directed to but you replied with a simple “yes”.
“Are we going to play or what? The more I sit here, the more I start seeing demons in the kitchen over there, to be honest.” Jihoon was getting restless, his fingers gripping your shirt. “We don’t have anything to do anyway, we need to get our minds off this power outage, and the potential demon. I think Chan especially needs it, he seems to be losing it more than I am.”
You can only nod in agreement; after all, what could go wrong. “Should I start then?”
It’s silent for a beat before Chan speaks up. “I’ll do it!”
Even in the dark, you can see Chan sitting up on his knees as you turn to face him slightly. He pushes your shoulder, causing you to crash into Jihoon; your back to Jihoon’s chest as his legs open wider to accommodate your figure. It’s a little uncomfortable on the sofa, but Jihoon doesn’t seem to mind. “Are you nervous?” You can almost hear the smirk in Chan’s voice and although you were confused with the shift in the atmosphere and maybe a tiny bit concerned at where this was leading, you didn’t voice it.
“Not at all, Channie. Should I go next?”
Jihoon and Chan both make noises of agreement as you considered your options. You really didn’t know what to do, so you simply placed your palm down onto Jihoon’s sweatpant clad thigh and squeezed. A garbled noise leaves his lips and you can hear the stutter in his breath. “Jihoonie, are you nervous?” He’s silent for a little too long before he replies with a slightly breathless ‘no' and asks if it was his turn.
You nod, feeling his arms come around your waist as he rests his head in the crook of your neck; lips lightly trailing up behind your left ear as he whispers a simple “nervous yet?” before kissing the shell of your ear.
You had to admit, this was getting a little too hot too fast and you weren’t sure if this was the nature of the game but you weren’t mad about it.
“Um, n-no…”
Chan takes the lead, lips easing into a wide smile. “I’ll go next!” His fingers rests on your bare thighs, slightly prying your legs open as he makes space for himself between them; careful to avoid grabbing onto Jihoon’s legs.
By nature, you clamp your legs shut, trapping Chan’s hands in between as you yelp. “Hold on, wait, wait, wait, what is going on here!?” Your face burns red in the dark, almost glad the power was out so that they couldn’t see even though you already know Jihoon can feel the way your body warms up.
Neither of them knew how to answer, so you sat in silence; only your steady breaths heard as you sat between Jihoon’s legs with Chan’s hands trapped between your still clamped legs. 
Chan clears his throat as he attempts to pull back his hands from between your legs. “I--um, uh, it--it was Jihoon-hyung’s idea! He told me to tell Minghao-hyung I was sleeping over and to not check in! And then he called Mingyu and told them to not check in either!”
“What!? Me!? Don’t you dare pin this on me, brat! We planned this together!”
Your mouth hangs open in shock, eyes threatening to fall out of your skull as they continue to argue. “I didn’t wanna do it! I told hyung it wouldn’t work! I told him we should’ve done it differently!” Chan cries; tossing his head back dramatically.
“Okay, both of you shut up! Jihoon, what is going on!?”
The snake hybrid groans from behind you, arms still locked tight around your waist. “Listen… I--It wasn’t supposed to go like this, okay? We were gonna finish the movie and then ask you if--if you wanted to, y’know, play with both of us. And don’t try to deny it, I know you think Chan is cute. I just wanted to treat you to something nice.”
Chan wiggles his fingers, still trapped in between your thighs. “But then it got all spooky instead and the power went out...” The bunny hybrid mumbles.
You could feel your body heating up at the thought of being between Jihoon and Chan. And in truth, you’d thought about it maybe once, but it was a fleeting thought that’d left your mind just as quickly as it’d entered.
“I--I mean, uh, I mean, I’m okay with this b-but Jihoon, are you really okay with this? You don’t have to--”
“I’m fine with this, too.” Jihoon cut in, his arms squeezing your waist tighter.
A thankful sigh escapes Chan’s lips as he chuckles, “Thank god. I’m not gonna lie, I’m already a little hard....” You can see his face clearly now that your eyes completely adjusted to the dark.
“We literally haven’t even done anything yet.”
“Shut up, hyung!”
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“Ngh… C--Chan…”
Your fingers tangle into his hair, careful of his ears as he dips his tongue into your entrance. Jihoon continues to nuzzle at your neck, appreciating your warmth as the younger hybrid works your body up for the both of them.
“She likes it when you use your fingers, y’know. And if you curl them just right, it makes her feel really, really good.” Jihoon guides. His lips ease into a lazy smirk when Chan listens eagerly and brings his fingers to your folds; using your wetness to coat them before he positions his index and middle fingers at your entrance. “Can she take two at once?” Chan asks, voice almost eerily innocent to which Jihoon chuckles under his breath - the action making you shiver at how easily the two of them seemed to get along so well in this situation.
“Of course, she can. She’s always so good about taking my cock. I bet I could slide right into her tight ‘lil pussy right now. Couldn’t I, baby?”
You nod shakily as your eyes flutter shut at the feeling of Chan’s fingers sinking into you slowly. He curls them almost immediately and you mewl and squirm as Jihoon’s grip on you tightens. “Oh, she’s so tight around my fingers already, hyung~” Chan murmurs. He thrusts his fingers into your hot cunt, tongue on your clit when he finds that you seem to like that best.
“Hmm~ Look at your favorite bunny hybrid trying to please you. Fingers knuckle deep while he teases your clit with his tongue. Are you gonna cum for him?” You let out a choked noise at Jihoon’s words and your fingers lock tighter into Chan’s hair when he taps your g-spot, wiggling his fingers inside of you to stretch you out.
“Oh, g-god, yes!”
Chan sucks your clit between his lips and Jihoon has to hold you down tighter as you try to grind against Chan’s face.
Jihoon’s fingers start to roam and squeeze you through your shirt; delicate fingers pinching your nipples as you mewl at the sensations they were making you feel. It was one thing to have Jihoon’s hands all over you but now that Chan was added to the mix, you found yourself getting addicted to the excitement that flooded your senses.
“A-ah, Chan…” The sound of you softly calling his name has him immediately pulling off of you, lips glistening with your wetness when he peers up at you through the dark.
“Hyung, am I allowed to fuck her?” Chan questions quietly. The snake hybrid bites the inside of his cheek.
His possessive nature screamed no, but the other part of him already felt his cock throbbing at the thought of you getting fucked by someone else and getting filled with so much cum from the both of them that it’d be spilling out of you.
Jihoon’s throat feels dry at the thought alone.
“Yes. Fuck her tight ‘lil cunt and fill her up with cum. We’ll breed her so fuckin’ good she’ll be begging us both for more.” Chan giggles innocently; a complete contrast to the way his eyes burn with unadulterated lust when he leans in close to your face.
“Ah~ Minghao-hyung always complains about me rutting against the pillows. Says my libido is too high, but I just can’t help it~ Finally, I get to fuck your tight cunt and I get to cum inside you and fill you up with my cum instead of just using my hand and making a mess on the sheets!” He grins.
Christ, Chan was really oblivious to the way his words affected you.
“Ngh, please, one of you j-just fuck me already~” You whine.
Jihoon’s fingers tug on your shirt, helping you lift it off of you as you’re finally completely bare to them both. His fingers immediately go back to teasing your chest as Chan sits up proper between your legs, pushing his sweats and underwear down. “Hyung, are you sure this is a one time only thing?”
You mewl as Jihoon pinches your nipples hard; nails digging into his clothed thighs in return. “We’ll talk about it later, Chan.” He replies easily.
Chan wraps a firm hand around his cock, moaning as he spreads the precum all down his shaft. “Mmh, I really need to fuck you now.” He mutters.
“D-do it…” Whimpering, you try to spread your legs a little more given the small space. “Mmh, m-maybe taking it to the bedroom, ah, might’ve been a better i-idea.”You mutter.
 Chan pouts, trying to get comfortable as he rubs the head of his cock through your folds, tapping your clit as you cry out in pleasure. “No, what if something grabbed one of us on the way there?” He retorts.
Jihoon laughs under his breath, eyes focused on the way your chest rises and falls in anticipation.
Chan lets out a shaky moan as he sinks his cock into your tight warmth, brows furrowing when he can already tell that he won’t be able to hold himself back. “Ah, you’re so--so tight…” He whines. His cock was a little shorter than Jihoon’s but just as thick to stretch you out to your liking.
He gives you a second to adjust before he skillfully draws his hips back and slams his cock into you. “Fu---fuck, she feels so good, I--I don’t think I can h-hold back…” His hands are on your thighs keeping your spread; biting into his bottom lip. “Ngh, please--please tell me I can fuck y-you harder!”
Jihoon smiles, snaking a hand down to your clit as he starts to roll the nub between his fingers slowly. It makes your pussy clench down harder onto Chan who lets out a choked whine at the feeling of your walls clamping down onto him in a vice grip. “Well, baby? What do you want? Tell your cute ‘lil bunny.”
Chan’s cock curves into your g-spot perfectly and with Jihoon’s fingertips teasing your clit, your head already starts to feel fuzzy. “Mmh… ah, y-yeah, fuck me h-harder, Chan… I wanna feel y-you...”
He whispers quiet thank you��s into the dark; hips slamming into you as Jihoon keeps you locked in his hold. Soft whines and moans spill from Chan’s lips and for a moment, it makes you wonder if he always sounded like this when he was alone and rutting against his pillow.
And almost as if Jihoon can read your mind, his sultry, lust filled eyes watch Chan’s cock fucking into you as he whispers, “How’s she feel, Chan? Better than rubbing your cock against the sheets? Or how about your hand?” The younger hybrid whines, cock throbbing as he already feels himself close to an orgasm.
“She---She, hah, feels so w-warm and wet… S-Shit, I’m going to think a-about this whenever I, ah, need to g-get off…” He licks his dry lips, committing to memory how your pussy felt around him. “It’s n-not gonna be the s-same when I’m alone…”
“Enjoy it while you can, bunny~” Jihoon teases. He takes his fingers off of your clit, nipping at the shell of your ear. “As for you, don’t cum, baby.” You nod shakily, realizing that at least that much was still only reserved for Jihoon.
Instead, Jihoon continues to provokes Chan, soft giggles on his lips when he sees the bunny hybrid struggling to stave off his orgasm. “Ah, hurry and fill her up with your cum~ I bet it’s been so long since you’ve cum, huh? You probably have a lot ready just to breed her tight little cunt too.”
His own words prove to do damage to himself when he feels his cock throbbing in his sweats; he really needed Chan to hurry up. And Chan doesn’t fare any better himself; airy whines and groans filling the air as he feels his abdomen tightening the more Jihoon continues to speak.
“Fu--fuck, I’m--I’m cumming!” Chan cries, hips pistoning into you at a breakneck speed as he fucks his cum deeper and deeper into you. Your body jerks between them both, choked whines of your own mixing with his as you do your best to not cum either which proves hard when Jihoon starts to coax you too.
“Mm, bet it feels nice and warm, huh, baby? Hot cum filling up your ‘lil cunt, waiting for me to cum inside you too so you’re full of both of us.”
“Jihoon…” You whisper, hips moving against Chan’s as he rides out the remnants of his orgasm. You can already feel the cum sliding out of you from around Chan’s cock and your mind turns to putty at the thought of Jihoon still fucking you and making you cum.
“Alright, bunny, time for you to move.” Chan nods slowly in return, thrusting into you one more time as the two of you share a moan. “Okay, okay, move!” Jihoon grumbles.
He realized it’d take days if not weeks to get Chan’s smell off of you. 
Not that it was a problem. He always had ideas in store to make it easier.
Chan slides his cock from inside of you, watching as the cum drips down onto the sofa in large globs. He licks his lips, already itching to get his hands back onto you as he starts to move back.
Jihoon slowly unwraps his arms from around you and moves to switch places with Chan who tugs his own sweatpants back up. “Can I take a shower after this?” He asks quietly.
The snake hybrid exhales harshly through his nose as he replaces Chan between your legs, pushing his sweats and underwear down in one swift motion. “We’ll all go shower after this, now hold her still.” Chan nods, ears flopping atop his head; satisfied for now.
He wraps his arms around your midsection much like Jihoon had done, chin nuzzled into the crook of your neck as he watches Jihoon running his cock through the mix of your wetness and Chan’s cum. “Mmm, hyung’s gonna make sure our cum stays inside your hot cunt~ ‘Cause you need to be bred, y’know? Ah, Jihoon-hyung’s so lucky~ He gets to breed your pretty pussy whenever he wants~”
Jihoon’s jaw clenches tight, a hand placed firm on your thigh as he uses Chan’s cum as lubrication when he eases his cock into you. “Fuck, you’re so wet!” He growls; already starting a quick pace as he chases his high.
He’d waited long enough.
“Ah, you’re so warm too, you feel so good, baby…” Jihoon pauses, licking his lips as his eyes meet yours in the darkness. “And all mine, right?” He thrusts into you particularly hard for emphasis; almost daring you to say anything different.
“G-god, yes, yes! I’m y-yours, ah!” Chan slithers a hand down your torso, fingertips on your sticky and swollen clit as he starts to pinch and roll the nub between his fingertips. You clench around Jihoon; overwhelmed with the urge to cum as they both stimulate your body.
“Why don’t you cum for Jihoon-hyung, hmm? Cum around his cock and milk him for all he’s got~” You mewl at Chan’s words, toes curling as you and Jihoon both feel each other close to the edge. Jihoon’s cock curves into you perfectly and hits all of the right spots inside of you that have you bucking your hips to match his thrusts.
It only takes a few more thrusts before you feel the tension in your body threatening to snap at any second.
“Jihoon, I---”
“I know, baby. S’okay. Cum with me.” His voice is breathy and raw as he, too, feels his cock throbbing inside your tight heat.
Chan and Jihoon work in tandem as your rushed cries of Jihoon’s name start to roll off of your tongue and his thrusts become erratic; groans on his own lips as the two of you cum at the same time. Jihoon doesn’t stop his quick pace either, instead, doubling it as he fucks his and Chan’s cum further into your pussy.
“Shit, that’s right, hyung. Breed her fuckin’ cunt.” Growling, Chan pinches your clit as you let out a high pitched whine.
“J--Jihoon, please, please, pl--please b-breed me! Get m-me full of your c-cum!” You cry; delirium mildly settling in as his hot cum paints your walls and spills out of you from around his cock.
“Ngh, that’s---that’s right, baby. Beg me to fill you up, hah, just like you like it.” Jihoon starts to slow down his thrusts just as Chan starts to ease his fingers off of your clit and you sob quietly at the bliss that continues to wash over your body.
Your chest rises and falls in deep breaths as the remnants of your orgasm start to ebb off and you immediately slump against Chan’s warm chest as the tiredness starts to overtake you. “Fuh--fuck, ‘m so full o-of cum…” You whine.
The two hybrids can only groan in unison.
Jihoon starts to slide his cock out of you; licking his lips when he sees how much cum spills from your spent pussy. “Ah, such a waste.” He comments.
“Wait, wait!” Chan catches your attention and Jihoon’s when he starts to move from behind you. Jihoon shoots the bunny hybrid a confused look when he ushers for Jihoon to move again. “Just trust me, hyung.”
They switch places one last time as you rest against Jihoon’s clothed chest, eyes focusing on Chan who kneels in between your legs.
“Hey, can I kiss her?”
You blush as Jihoon narrows his eyes at the other male. “Only one time. Make it good.”
Chan smirks as he immediately dives headfirst in between your thighs; lapping up the cum that spills out of you and onto the sofa. You latch your fingers into his hair by reflex, sharp cries on your lips from the oversensitivity as Chan collects the mixed cum on his tongue.
Jihoon has to admit, he’s a little impressed.
Once Chan deems it enough, he holds the cum in his mouth as he pulls away from your cunt and your hands fall from his hair.
You watch through hazy eyes as he stops when he’s face to face with you; smiling at you angelically. He leans in, lips pressed firm against your own as you moan into the kiss. And once your lips part, Chan’s quick to push the cum into your mouth; a little dripping down your chin at the messy way his tongue pushes it in. 
He pulls away once all of the salty substance is out of his mouth; a trail of saliva and cum connecting your lips as Jihoon whistles in amazement.
“Wow, can’t say I saw that one coming.”
Your cheeks flush and Jihoon enjoys the warmth that radiates from you in between their bodies. 
Chan smiles at you innocently again; reverting back to his sweet bunny-like nature.
“Can we find some candles and go shower now, please?”
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camilliar · 3 years
recs for someone new to omgcp
[February 2021.]
Reading, or not reading, OMGCP fics has come up in a couple of conversations I’ve had recently with artists newish to the fandom (ie. @jovishark; @decafffff), who are making OMGCP art (!!!) but haven’t started exploring fic -- but maybe want to? Which of course reminded me that I’ve never bothered to make an actual, concrete recs list for this fandom. So, I mean. Here is one.
The approach is, what do I think about when I think about OMGCP fanfic? What comes to mind, what stands out to me? I have excluded some very popular fics. Some of these I just don’t think are very good, and others I do think are good, and/or I enjoy them, but I don’t see why you’d need me, specifically, to recommend them. I am thinking of a story like maybe i’m waking up, which I discuss below because I link to a podfic of it. It has a lot of merits, to be sure, but it’s the second-most-read fic in this fandom by hits, and it’s got thousands of comments, and it’s by an author whose work is relatively widely praised and circulated. I am not sure what telling you more about this fic will add to the conversation; if you want to find and read it, you inevitably will. I’m happy to, say, answer asks about these kinds of fics, or talk more generally about them via DM or whatever. Feel free.
Also, I don’t think there’s a point to pretending to be objective about fanfic; this list has a perspective and that perspective is mine. In this fandom I largely read stories that navigate the tension around Jack, Bitty, and Parse, in various permutations. This is not to say that I’ve never read fic about the frogs, or that I have no interest at all in other pairings, but I am by no means an expert on Dex/Nursey and can really only speak to the one fic about them that sticks out to me because it goes beyond being merely Dex/Nursey and does something else. This is just to say that I am sure there are great and interesting fics about other things and ideas--but I’m not the person to hear about those from.
Likewise, I’m not super interested in stories that really reproduce that which is already in OMGCP. I like Zimbits--albeit maybe not in the ways or for the reasons most fans would--but I do not really need to see endless iterations of the same story about them falling in love and being cute together. I don’t think these stories are bad or they shouldn’t exist or that they have no merit by default. Still, I don’t need fanfic to give me more OMGCP. I need fanfic to complicate, to comment on, and to transform OMGCP. Many people don’t work like this! Totally okay! But I can’t rec you fics that do that.
What I have noticed, however, is that over time there appears to have been a shift in how people do write fic for this fandom. (Other than, you know, increases and decreases in activity pending the status of the comic, pairings going in and out of vogue, and so on.) Early on, say during Y1 and Y2, the comic was about the group of friends having a cool time at college together; about whether the burgeoning attraction between Jack and Bitty would manifest and, if so, how; and, especially, Jack’s past coming into fuller view for Bitty and how it would have to be dealt with in order for a relationship between them to work. YMMV on how great the comic executed there, but as Y3 went on these themes increasingly disappeared from the story. I think this means a lot of fic written over 2015-2016 or 2017 has one kind of tone, and was written mostly around these questions; after that, it feels like a new crop of writers and a new crop of ideas started circulating, that is, either embracing Jack and Bitty’s canon relationship and accepting its relative straightforwardness in text--or deconstructing it, imagining what readers aren’t seeing, or how problems not dealt with in the comic would manifest later. People who have read my fic know which of these I’m mainly interested in exploring.
All of which is to say, looking at what I’m reccing here, when the fics were posted or when I first read them probably has a lot to do with why they stick out to me so much. Because there’s no real culture of fanfic criticism--and I mean that in the positivist sense of broad evaluation not explicitly for fault and merit but rather, for context--I think it’s really hard to keep this in mind. But I’m obnoxious and I can’t just be easy about things.
Fic recs
In alphabetical order, somewhat unsorted; if a stand-alone fic has a summary I’ve included it, but in other cases I’ve recced a couple of conceptually related fics or series, which I’ve tried to just describe or explain as opposed to copying the summary off AO3.
There are so many more fanfics I think are great and worth reading! In an ideal world I’d come back and add more later, or create a secondary list that’s more along the lines of “if you like this, read these,” or whatever. But, being realistic, this is a starter kit. I’m open to talking about fanfic.
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7-0-2 by Idday; Friends in Low Places and Sorry for the Blood in Your Mouth; I Wish it was Mine by blue_rocket_frost | I’m not sure it would be correct to say that I don’t like Parse/Tater, or that I’m not interested in Parse/Tater. I’m not interested in Patater a priori; I think it could be interesting, with teeth. These fics stick out to me when I think about this pairing, because they feel different. Accusations of a preference for just linking any two white men who happen to be hanging around have validity, but because of what hockey is and how it works and who’s hanging around it, it’s not exactly a leap to imagine what kind of gritty spark the friction between two closeted NHL players would create. A little violence in your sex? A little sex in your violence.
A Sight Worth Seeing by sadtomato | A four-fic Jack/Bitty/Shitty/Lardo explicit BDSM series. Either you want that or you don’t. It’s nothing hardcore, and not properly a four-way, really; more properly a kind of voyeuristic round-robin. There’s a more open and egalitarian view of sex here than I really get from the characters in the back end of the comic. It’s an expansive, propulsive view of sex and relationships that’s really nice to see. I love Lardo's detached coolness, and Bitty as a smooth operator; if you’re looking for some kind of Dom/sub dynamics world, this really isn’t it, but it’s a lively exploration into the sexual dynamics in a group of friends that’s super close to the good-times vibe you get from Haus scenes in the first couple years of extras.
call me son (one more time) by Summerfrost, Verbyna, and blithelybonny | This is a series, incomplete, and you will love it or be massively put off by it. I mean that as a compliment. I love it. The premise is, Bob Zimmermann and Kent Parson have been having sex since Kent was, like, 19. Everyone in this story has been chewed up: by themselves, by each other, by hockey. Plainly, this is a pretty bleak view of what OMGCP, as a story, is supposedly offering. If you want fic that is dark and glamorous, treading the toxic melange of substance abuse, sex-as-sublimation, and so much money you can’t possibly throw all of it away without trying, this series has that sick-inducing shimmer to it. But, again, its strength is its examination of Kent Parson, textually and meta-textually, as someone to be projected onto. Bob, Alicia, Jack, and Bitty all impute certain feelings of their own onto him, displacing their own issues to a character who’s centralized in every fic but defies neat or total comprehension. Some critiques I’ve read of this series feel it’s too dark, and I’ve also seen it argued on FFA that an overwhelming amount of praise heaped onto these stories has made it tough for other writers to make headway in writing Bob/Kent fic. But I’m also not sure you could engage with Bob/Kent fic without going down this road at some point? I’m sure there are ways to scale it back, but ultimately it’s a story about how hockey’s violent, homophobic, old-guard gatekeeping has continued to set the terms for a younger and ostensibly less toxic culture. I fully embrace PWP fics that tread on the power dynamic without fully excavating it, but buried within any PWP is the fact that a 53-year-old man is ensnaring a 19-year-old, no matter how much the latter is, realistically, into it, and legally empowered to consent. Not to mention the dynamics of it being a 53-year-old man who is the father of the 19-year-old’s ex-boyfriend, and a 53-year-old man who is an eminence grise in the field the 19-year-old is trying to make a career in  The sexual element--the vaguely incestuous nature of it--is making textual the subtext of how hockey works, actually: objectification of teenage bodies as older men’s capital.
Coach Z by thistidalwave | Just before the 2009 NHL Entry Draft, tp prospect Jack Zimmermann overdoses on his anxiety medication and is admitted to rehab. His future turns from a clear-cut road to the top into an uncertain path filled with therapy appointments, ignored text messages, a group of boys who aren't there to teach him a lesson about himself, and, of course, hockey. | I keep reccing this fic because it has 360 comments on AO3 but nobody, as far as I can tell, has ever read it; it never appears on rec lists. This isn’t the kind of fanfic I usually go in for, but I can’t help being charmed by it. This is a character study in the truest sense, a kind of Mighty Ducks-but-better view on what Jack’s time coaching peewee hockey might have been like. I have no interest in kids and my own aesthetic is maybe a little darker than this, but I admire this story because it injects vibrancy into a period of Jack’s life that OMGCP has left largely unexplored, and so has the fandom. We know nothing about what made Jack want to go to college, nothing about how he spent his days in between juniors and Samwell. It posits a very sympathetic and patient Jack/Parse dynamic, showcasing the exact kind of ragged teenage push-and-pull that would have led to the circumstances we see in Parse I-III. The outside perspective Jack needs is largely present in an OFC who’s not a love interest. Super unique, somehow both engrossing and low-key.
#dirtbags by angularmomentum | A series that is a Kent Parson/Claude Giroux fuckfest with feelings. I’ve long suspected that Parse is popular in part because he is the character who most easily elides OMGCP with the actual NHL, or rather, NHL fandom; I think he made it appealing to write OMGCP fics where the NHL is a factor. Case in point, this series, which is basically “what if Kent Parson was a real hockey player and therefore part of NHL RPS”? I have only read some NHL RPS, so I’m not the person to assess accuracy, but what I do know is superstar IRL hockey players take turns here as the caricature fanfic versions of themselves, and since Kent Parson is already that, it’s great how seamlessly he integrates into their social fabric. Rambunctious energy peppered with regret and loss, but ultimately this series is farcical, and it doesn’t take its sentimental ending too seriously--which, good.
fated to pretend by nighimpossible | 5 Jack/Kent fics that Ransom and Holster dramatically reenact for the Haus + the truth. | As a fic format, 5+1 doesn’t usually work for me, but this one isn’t just front-loaded with five too-knowing vignettes; it then wraps up by using its +1 better than you might expect. Sometimes I talk about economy of fic, and this one exemplifies it. A zero-waste fic.
go ahead and move along by originally | "Leave, Parse," Jack says. Again. Or: Kent finds himself stuck in a time loop. | Kent Parson is trapped in a Groundhog Day scenario on the day of Epikegster. I’m sure you can imagine, just from that, what happens. And yet I think this fic is super entertaining, reserving some key surprises. What this story is doing is something a lot, and perhaps even the majority, of great Jack/Parse fic wants to do: digging into the question of just why this can’t work in comic canon. Most often this is approached from the past, by writing teenage Jack/Parse deep-dives that examine their lives mid-juniors, or by writing AUs where enough circumstances are shifted that it does work, or via future fics that posit enough growth has happened, and enough things have changed. But this fic makes Parse live the same bad day again and again, testing multiple theories about just how dependent on circumstance and incident real life actually is. Another day, another tone, 10 minutes sooner, not at all--you just can’t know why it didn’t work until you exhaust every possible variable. I worry that this rec has sucked the life out of the story, though--it’s so fun!
I Saw a Life and Strange Lovers by @bluegrasshole | Most AUs in this fandom seem to retell the story in a new setting or with some big detail change, following OMGCP’s rhythm beat-for-beat. I think of this as, “It’s the plot of Check, Please, but” -- they’re doing high school football? They’re acrobats? They’re a/b/o? They’re in a DIY punk band? And so on. These two stories are not that! They’re both 1950s AUs, each deeply felt, and yet hugely different from each other. I Saw a Life is about displacement and fragmentation, two sides of a similar but incongruent social critique; Strange Lovers is a finely wrought social drama about coal mining in Nova Scotia in the 1950s, centered around historical events. I suppose a theme on this rec list is something like, “I don’t even like this, but” -- yes, okay, I don’t even like Dex/Nursey, but--! This fic is so overwhelmingly complete, the AU laid out so carefully that the story breathes with all the background details informing the writing that aren’t actually, in the story; you just know they’re below the surface. (With the exception of one investigation of Jack’s character in a short, separate fic.) I Saw a Life, meanwhile, really tests the limits of the notion that Jack and Bitty are soulmates--not by calling it into question but by asking, rather innovatively, how the setting and place of the comic itself activates that.
Les Hivers de mon enfance by staranise | What do you do when hockey is the language of prayer for your soul, and also the toxic thing that almost killed you? 2009: Jack Zimmermann takes a mental health year. God knows he needs it. | Here’s a fic by someone who’s no longer around so much, but she felt ubiquitous in 2016-2019 OMGCP fandom. Before any of that, though, she wrote this one lovely fic about Jack’s pre-Samwell recovery. The author is Canadian and really irritated by hockey culture, and I think this fic benefits greatly because she is clear-eyed about Jack’s being caught in an exploitative system; it’s hockey he’s in recovery for, in a way. There’s an epistolary element that works for me, too. I read this early on in my time in OMGCP fandom and it really stuck with me.
Lysistrata? I Hardly Know Her! (by which I mean everything) by @tomatowrites | It feels somehow like cheating to recommend OMGCP fanfics by my OMGCP BFF with whom I make an OMGCP podcast where we talk about OMGCP. You know the fics I really want to rec, like truly the ones that speak to some kind of shared depravity, are the ones where Jack is miserably mpreg for the second time and accidentally lets his kid see Kent Parson’s Long John Silver’s shrimp scampi promo spot, which obviously would get twisted into a self-hating three-way. How many times do I have to rec this fic? As many as I need to, is my feeling. If you don’t know, Long John Silver’s is an American fast-food chain that sells, like, fried pollock sandwiches; it is nautical-themed; I have never eaten there; I don’t know where there is one; I don’t eat fried fish. (Shrimp, on the other hand?) All of which is to say that it takes a real genius to investigate a premise that far out. And while a lot of people almost certainly will start reading this humanity’s depths-themed sex scene and back the fuck out, readers with refined taste will note that Kent, the point-of-view character, is right there with you, despairing that he can’t help himself. And so long as you’re in that story collection, honestly, you’ll love petite gems like Jack is transmasc, Jack and Shitty play hockey in 18th-century England, and oh, right, he’s from Georgia. Tomato holds the distinction of being probably the gamest author I know in this fandom, just really like fearless in her pursuit of any range of concept she’s pushed to. (I can push her to?) See, for example, a sublime bandom AU; Bitty is cancelled for buying a maybe-unethically exported Roman fragment of a youth’s torso; or, god, the masterwork that is this future fic series where Jack keeps relapsing and Bitty exiles him to their guesthouse. Do I think you need to read a fic where Bitty is snide about the teen prostitute whose baby they’re adopting? Yes, I mean, he would be snide, don’t tell me he wouldn’t. I could go on, but my main thing here is, if I have to pick just one, I’m going to pick this Lysistrata fic. The premise, literally, is that Bitty reads the Lysistrata and it gives him ideas. Like most of Tomato’s OMGCP fic, it’s a stripping away of the comic’s polite fiction that Jack and Bitty could possibly attain the ideal it reaches in the comic without some kind of messy, efflusive breakdown. Life is like that, you see! Tricky. Like a lot of people, although it’s tough to say precisely how many, I have always intuited that maybe Bitty is kind of a natural top? But obviously when you meet him, as a literal virgin, it’s hard to see how he’d go from zero to self-actualization so neatly. This fic floats a theory, and it has a fun little side plot for Whiskey, something I never thought about or needed before Tomato built it out herein. In conclusion, BONUS: Dex’s gay lobster novel.
only fools rush in and the light of all lights by decinq | This person wrote of the nature of the wound, one of the early, formative Jack/Bitty fics that was oft-recced when I was getting into the fandom in 2016. It forms part of a larger series that deals deeply with how Jack has been shaped by his struggles (? I hate this word) with homophobia and his own mental health. It’s a picture of the character as you might have imagined him much earlier in the comic’s run. The formatting is atrocious and he author’s flair is what Tomato would call “AO3 house style.” It’s a voice that works great for her writing. I think it’s at its best in these shorter fics; the former is about Parse and Shitty stumbling into a relationship almost accidentally; the latter, an eerie PBJ vampire fic. I had begun writing a fic where Parse is a vampire early on in this fandom, only to read this and immediately quit, because you only need one, and this one’s all I need. The Parse/Shitty rare pair fic shares its exuberance with hockey RPS when it’s good: here’s how fun it can be when you’re young, rich, and jocular. And I don’t even like accidental marriage AUs, they’re usually boring, so that says a lot. By all means, read the wound fic; read the entire series. But these are highly unusual.
OVERDOSE and Oomph and a little spin-o-rama by jedusaur | None of these are long, or plotty, and they’re all a little experimental. OVERDOSE is an AU set in a world where you know how you’ll die, but no details; Oomph, a little fic where Jack hears hockey pucks talking to him. This is the kind of stuff I used to think I’d find in fandom forever, coming out of Lotrips lurking in the 2000s: short, zany bursts of energy that surprise and delight. a little spin-o-rama peers at Kent’s character through the grim reality of being the hypertalented superstar stuck on a dead-last team. All three are sparse and stylish in a way that’s really smart, practically economical.
Sowing Season by @agrossunderstatement | Parse and Zimms, Zimms and Parse. Kent Parson's life, from the Q, through his early years with the Aces, to Jack's senior year. Canon divergent. A story of love, loss, moving on, regressing, hockey, and found families of all kinds. | Effectively a novel, digging into Kent’s personal history, mostly concerning his life in juniors but expanding into his present, overlapping with the plot of OMGCP. I think there is room enough for endless speculations on what went down pre-canon; this one offers a fuller life for Kent than nearly any others, digging into him as a whole person rather than as a satellite to Jack or the plot of the comic. Which isn’t to say that the Kent/Jack stuff isn’t dealt with here; it explicitly is. But the fact of Kent Parson’s life, if we can begin to imagine it beyond mere text, would exist before, after, and alongside Jack; he gets to juniors without Jack, presumably, and he is the captain of a hockey team without Jack, and Pinkerton lays the foundation of Parse’s character within a junior hockey that Jack also inhabits, more so that Parse existing for Jack, so to speak. And I’m not implying this latter tactic is wrong; I have certainly employed it, and others have employed it to great impact and effect. But, still, the title of this series tells you what you ought to know: Kent and his story are the potentiality of OMGCP, up to a point; seeds being planted. Young hockey players, similarly. The question implied there is, what will be reaped? And the answer to the latter, in a sense, that reaping is a sort of violence. Which makes this series sound pretty heavy, but it’s not -- more like, realistic.
(tell everyone) you were a good wife by @queerofcups | The biggest problem with pretending that he doesn’t know that Kent Parson is fucking his husband is that Jack can’t tell Kent how grateful he is. | The ne plus ultra of PBJ triangulation; I’ve been squealing to the writer about how good it is since August, begging for behind-the-scenes insights, and I’d only do that if I really meant it. The precarious social fabric stretched across these three chapters is fraying before the reader’s eyes. The details are delicious, and I don’t want to spoil them, but they sing in chorus with the plot. My favorite OMGCP fics, honestly, remove the romance narrative guardrails that keep things in the comic itself humming along. I think Dann’s take is to ask who in this comic has power and what they would end up doing with it. (Or not doing, from another angle.) At one point, early on in its telling, OMGCP looked like it was going to be a story dealing with the compounded traumas of hockey’s discontents. Then, of course, it wasn’t. This is a fic that steps back and asks what the fallout of that oversight would be. But that’s just the moldering core of this fanfic; it’s actually embroidered, like I said, with glittering detail. The color of the suit Bitty wears to his wedding is burned into my brain. The gray manicure of a woman Jack knows. The ingredients in a cake. This is one of those fics I still haven’t reviewed because the thought of stacking everything I could say about it into mere AO3 comments is inadequate.
when you’re ready by megancrtr | The Aces’ director of communications gets the call at 3:13 a.m. Jack Zimmermann has withdrawn from the draft. | “What happened at the draft” is so mythological it gets asked in the comic proper, and I’ve never counted how many fics attempt to answer this question--from Kent’s point of view, even--but it’s gotta be, oh, hundreds. This story replays the situation from the perspective of an Aces staffer who just wants to do her job, and gets at the jarring discordance between the plot of OMGCP in its quest for social justice and the business of actual hockey. Important context is that this story was written around the time the comic was playing out the end of Y3 and start of Y4, and Bitty pointedly asked Jack the question, “why can’t we?” This story reframes the question as literal, rather than rhetorical. A sterling example of fanfic being a gloss on its source.
BONUS, podfics
hockeyed up | There are many things on Jack's mind. Namely: hockey, hockey, Bitty, hockey, anxiety, hockey, hockey, anxiety, Bitty, hockey, hockey, anxiety, and hockey. | A fic read aloud by its French-Canadian author. Also a relatively early OMGCP fanfic; composed while the first semester of Y2 was posting, the story suggests a version of OMGCP that was in some ways more and in other ways less complex than what it would turn into not long after. The real power of this podfic, however, is that it’s read by the writer, so you can hear the intended emphasis in every line. Also, because she’s French-Canadian, Sophie’s intonation is what I picture when I read or write dialogue for Jack.
maybe i’m waking up | It’s almost funny. All he ever wanted was to play hockey, to play in the NHL, to win the Cup. This—Samwell, the team, the Haus—was supposed to be just a detour, but now it feels more like a destination he failed to realize he’s already reached.(Or: Jack signs with the Falconers, graduates, and leaves. It's the hardest thing he's ever done. What comes after is even harder.) | Don’t get too excited; this isn’t finished. A podfic of probably the best-known, most-recced fic in OMGCP fandom. Striking for its use of metatext woven into the story, this is one of several early longform Jack/Bitty fics that posits that maybe Jack has a lot more development to undergo before he can really, truly, be okay--or be okay enough to be with Bitty? To be honest, this story strikes me now as too long, but the parts in it that work are effective beyond that which fanfic demands. Meanwhile, this audio version only covers six chapters, but it’s so slick, so well-realized, so true to the story. Podfic as art.
my own dear friends | Ever since the day he met Jack Zimmermann, Shitty has seen it as his solemn duty to aggressively love him. (He just didn't know how aggressive the love Jack needed would be.) | There’s previous little Jack/Shitty in this fandom and a lot less quality BDSM,
the city’s ours until the fall | Kent has been, historically, good at this—forgetting about things until suddenly he doesn’t, and then it’s like the scar has never been there in the first place, just the wound. (Or: Kent Parson lets himself be happy, after all this time.) | I’ve never read this fic and I never will. I cannot imagine how, no matter how good it is, it could compare to the version that lives in my head, with Kent’s voice so totally realized. Vocal fry and pathos, a languid energy that I still think about when I think about Parse.
the model home | It’s going to be better, and that’s great, but sometimes Jack thinks, why can’t it be good right now? | j/k j/k, this is a self-reminder to finally one day review this.
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