#and Mirabel sees dolores as her favorite cousin
justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
Unpopular Encanto headcanons, go!
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honeybeebytheseaa · 4 months
My Grandkid HC’s
Lesbian. I’m sorry I just can’t see her being into guys it just doesn’t work in my brain.
Also trans of the gender (mtf)
Since she’s dropped her perfect persona, Isabela has been pulling pranks, ESPECIALLY on known little shit head Camilo. He doesn’t know whether to be proud or extremely annoyed.
Can’t cook or bake she’ll set the kitchen aflame
Always walks barefoot on the grass
Has names for most of her plants, especially the cacti
Doesn’t really involve herself in farmers work unless there is an emergency.
Developed a skill for gardening without her gift, and continues to do so even once she’s gotten it back. There’s something special about watching plants grow over time.
She still makes bouquets for events, but they’ve lost their conservative look for something more ‘Isabela’
Unlike most of her family she doesn’t mind bugs (unless they are in her room)
Very high pain tolerance. Likely due to smiling all day and cacti thorns.
She still likes pastel colors but they aren’t high on her list of favorite colors, so she opts for darker colors when choosing cloths.
She used to bite people as a kid
Has conflicting feelings on animals because on one hand yeah they are cute on the other she has to shoo them away from eating her plants every other week
Has a large man eating plant named ‘Rosita’
Sometimes she’ll take whatever is in Mirabel’s hand, put it on a high shelf she cannot reach, and walk away.
Can actually be scarier then Luisa believe it or not
SNORES SO LOUDLY the only person who can handle it is her gf
Not big on physical affection and often uses gift giving as her way of showing love (platonically and romantically)
Incredible musician who could basically play any instrument you hand her
She sings lullabies to the younger family members
Personally I imagine her as the only straight grandkid but obvi she is supportive of lgbtq+ since half her family is apart of it
She wouldn’t come out of her room when she first got her gift, but her parents and a very supportive Isabela eventually coaxed her out
She has headphones painted red and gold by Mirabel
autism (vine boom sound effect)
As much as she loves Isabela and appreciates all of Luisa’s hardwork; out of her cousins her and Mira get along the best.
Speaking of that Isabela and Dolores’s relationship, much like Camilo and Mirabel’s, soured as the pressure to uphold the family name increased. Before the magic disappeared they basically ignored each other, but began to reconcile during the rebuild and became close again.
Her room is sound proof (I know people say otherwise idc she needs a BREAK) but during the night she’ll sometimes open her window since it’s much quieter
I do believe she has SOME control over her gift, and in order to hear very far she has to hold a hand against her ear. When she isn’t, things are amplified but not unbearable. She’s kinda just gotten used to it.
Dolores love language is, unsurprisingly, words of affirmation.
If she gets stressed and doesn’t have access to her headphones, she’ll listen for the nearest family members voice (Ex: her fathers laugh, her mothers ranting, Camilo’s jokes, Antonio communicating with his animals)
Gets in on Isabela’s pranks now and again. She is mostly polite but has a devious side, especially with her cousins and siblings.
I still adhere to the concept Luisa has some sort of ‘calm’ room. Wether it be an amusement park or a sauna she deserves to have somewhere to destress
Has a pile of stuffed animals, each with different names
She actually does enjoy doing chores and being active, but struggles to find a stopping point and not overwork herself
She’s more then just brawn, and was always a sharp academic when she was in school
Women enjoyer women enjoyer
VERY physically affectionate she’s giving everyone hugs and crushing their bones
Her and Camilo get along very well after Casita’s rebuild. She likes his energy and ability to let loose, and Camilo respects all the work she does around the Encanto. They mesh well.
When she first got her gift she accidentally broke her dads hand
Her father used to teach her piano, though she sorta fell out of it the older she got. Since casita’s rebuild she’s picked it back up as a hobby.
A big animal person, second to Antonio. She likes patting the donkeys on the head if she gets the chance
Has a hard time sitting down to eat because she’s always getting ready to move
If you give her anything she’ll begin sobbing and thanking you (birthdays and Christmas are rough)
She puts the younger kids if air jail if she has to
She originally struggled to control her gift, and that made her scared to touch anyone in fear she’d hurt them. But Pepa helped Luisa find ways to control the strength as she had to learn with her weather
After she lost her gift she kept trying to move the church as a force of habit
Reads a lot of fantasy novels
Helps Antonio wrangle his animals
(This will be more brief as I have a whole post of HC’s for this mf)
Gay and trans can’t change my mind
Despite always being hungry he cannot stomach fish. Some other seafoods are fine but the smell of fish makes him ill.
Won’t say this out loud: he is kinda legitimately afraid of Isabela ever since he’s become the target of her pranks. No one knows true fear until you realize you are caught in a Isabela prank.
Camilo’s love language is a lot of things, but quality time is high up on his list as he likes living in the moment.
Is a very good artist but gets embarrassed when people try to look at his work
Despite being a stick he is surprisingly strong.
Him and Mirabel used to be close but sort lost that connection the older they got, and even began to fight and butt heads. I like to think they do eventually become close, but it takes a lot of conversation and time.
adhd and autism (vine boom sound effect)
used to bite people as a kid
He likes reading plays and will space out for hours thinking how something translates on a stage
Sometimes he stands in front of a mirror and goes ‘why why why why why why why w
The silly!!!
Like Isabela: gift giving is her way of showing affection. She loves hand crafting gifts.
This is depressing but when she didn’t get her gift she drew a door on her wall hoping the magic would make it real
Once no one would wake up so she poured water on Camilo’s head and he screamed so loud it woke everyone else up
Mirabel looks extremely innocent but will literally try to stab anyone who bothers her with her sewing needle
She used to write simple picture books for Antonio when they roomed together
She DEF got her own room during the rebuild. Like imagine saving the miracle and your family is just like “anyway go back to the baby room lol” they wouldn’t do that to her
Bisexual icon love to see it
Has zero rizz I’m sorry queen but like she’s a girl failure by heart
Is a bit of old woman and can’t stay up too late without getting tired but in turn wakes up extremely early.
Not the best academic but obviously still very smart.
She’s an empath so if you begin crying she’ll start crying too she can’t help it
Is blinder than a bat if you take her glasses away she cannot see SHIT
Don’t have too much on him since he is still a baby but I have a few!
His favorite animal is the jaguar! Hence the plushie and his closeness to Parce
He likes matching animals to people, and even has a few animals named after his family.
Animals often tend to just kinda… follow him. If he goes for a walk he might came back with some new friends.
I do think he’s a vegetarian. Maybe not a vegan but eating meat is not easy for him.
He doesn’t always go to his parents if he has nightmares, and will rotate between Dolores, Mirabel, and Camilo.
Kicks in his sleep
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
No cure (Julieta x Reader)
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for nonie, hope you like it
“Mom? Please answer me…I’m sorry. I didn’t want this to happen”
“Julieta, please…we need you, you can’t leave Bruno and I alone”
“Mija, your family misses you, your daughters need you, don’t leave us”
She could hear the voices in her room, she could feel her sister’s rain on her, her daughters hugging her, she could see the blurry form of her mother in front of her and her niece crying some steps behind. But that didn’t matter to her. They all knew why she was in that state. They knew it was their fault.
"I can't go on like this anymore" you had written "I love you, but I can't keep living in fear of not waking up again. I'm sorry"
And the rest of your letter had been erased due to her tears. The edges of it were torn and wrinkled, from the strength with which she clung to that piece of paper every night, as if her life depended on it, as if she could pull you out of the ink. It was painful, but it was the last thing that was left of you.
There were too many things she would regret for the rest of her life, no matter how short or how long that was, but allowing her daughters to cross so many lines with you, letting things get out of hand and not protecting you when she had to, was by far what weighed the most on her.
It came as no surprise to anyone that Isabela was cold and sharp with you, of her three daughters, she was the one who had been most mad at her when she divorced Agustín and the first to yell at her when she announced that she was dating someone else.
Julieta had tried to be understanding and patient with her, waiting for her daughter to have time to process everything, something you did too, which is why you hadn't introduced yourself to the family until much later. You wanted to respect her daughters, something that none of the three wanted to do with you.
Surprisingly, Luisa was always the nicest to you. She wasn't really close to you, but she would at least smile at you a bit and talk to you politely, though she never really let you get close to her. Mirabel wasn't rude either, but it was terribly obvious that she didn't want you there either.
She was always cold with you, she didn't answer you when you spoke to her, she left the room as soon as you entered and her characteristic friendly smile was never directed towards you. She never said it out loud, but both you and her mother knew that she shared the same thought as her older sister: get out of here.
And then there was Isabela.
From the first moment you set foot in Casita, the young woman made it her mission to make your life a hell. She was always making comments about your appearance, your body, your usefulness (which was none in her opinion), something that Julieta knew were your worst insecurities. She was always rude when she talked to you, she took every opportunity she got to remind you that you didn't belong in the family, that you would never be worthy of her mother.
Your girlfriend was always trying to calm things down, to reassure you that it was just a phase, that she loved you, that she wanted you by her side, and that her daughters would soon accept you, but she knew that every time you left the dining room without even touching your food, a part of you withered away. There came a time when she could no longer lie to herself.
The rest of the family wasn't helping either. Camilo played cruel pranks on you just to make Mirabel smile and even sweet Antonio looked down on you, if only to imitate his favorite cousin, and you also lost your voice. Dolores was always listening to you, of everything you did or said, so that Isabela could have more ammunition against you, there was no secret of yours that the two girls did not know, which left you vulnerable, paranoid and unable to really express anything for fear that it would be used against you. Little by little you stopped talking, even with her. The only times the healer would hear your voice was in the safety of night, in her room, where her niece couldn't hear you.
Julieta had tried to talk to the six children, but none had quit on their mission to torture you. She tried with Pepa and Felix, but her sister just shrugged and told her that she knew what she was getting into when she separated from her husband. Her brother-in-law had simply agreed with her sister, as always.
Mom didn't do anything either. She hadn't even wanted to accept you into the family, so she didn't care what her grandchildren did with you, the sooner you left and let her daughter "fix things" with Agustín, the better (no, she didn't care that said daughter had told her that there was nothing to fix, that everything was over between her and her ex-husband).
The only person who tried to make you feel welcome besides her was Bruno, and that didn't even count because the only reason he had to be nice to you was a vision he had. Julieta didn't want to know what was on the green tablet, the only thing that mattered to her was that before that, her brother hadn't wanted anything to do with you either. She was really alone in this. She started to be afraid you’d leave her because all her “family” was doing, but you always put a smile on your precious face and said you could hold yourself together for a little more.
And then the stupid Belladonna thing happened. 
You already knew that you would never receive a beautiful flower from Isabela, and it was not uncommon for the occasional thorn to appear in your shoes (you had gotten used to checking them before putting them on for that very reason), but she never thought that the cruelty of her daughter could go so far.
She must have been suspicious when her eldest daughter had smiled sweetly at you, when she had spoken to you tenderly and offered a cup of tea she had never made. She could see in your eyes that you were just as confused and a little scared, but it was the first time that Isabela didn't insult you when talking to you, and you didn't want to ruin a possible peace agreement by rejecting it.
So you took it and thanked her with a soft smile that had warmed even her heart. For a moment, the older woman allowed herself to let down her guard and hope that things would get better. Silly of her, she forgot that she was the only daughter who could poison you.
You took a small sip, your mind torn between hoping that things would really get better, and fearing that it was just another joke. Perhaps you were expecting a spicy or salty touch, or some other alteration, but in reality it was sweet... too sweet.
Alerts went off in you, but as the girl looked at you with hopeful eyes, you just smiled and finished your cup. Juliet saw everything a few steps behind you, her heart softened and beating with love and hope. It seemed the beginning of something new, of a better relationship with her daughters... then the nightmare began.
A few minutes later you clung to the kitchen counter as if your life depended on it, you were dizzy and disoriented, your hands were sweaty and she could see that your pupils were dilated. Your face turned red, you couldn't seem to breathe, and he barely had time to catch you before you collapsed.
Camilo and Mirabel leaned out and gave Isabela a high five, which she told the healer that you had been the victim of another prank, but for some reason, this seemed too serious. Dolores confirmed this when she ran in a few seconds later, her eyes wide and her face full of guilt.
Her niece was terrified and her voice cracked as she screamed that your heart rate was too fast, and that this was not part of the plan. Juliet barely had to hear the word "belladonna" before she gasped and raced against the clock.
She had picked you up and carried you to the bathroom, Casita seemed to be on her side for once and helped her up the stairs quickly, while she blocked out the screams of the family behind her. She managed to make you vomit and as soon as you breathed well again, she put an arepa in your mouth to prevent the poisoning from advancing. She acted fast and managed to get you completely to safety, but fear and mistrust were firmly imprinted on you.
You heard your girlfriend fighting with her eldest daughter, who didn't seem even the least bit sorry for what she had done to you, despite the seriousness of the situation, and the banter didn't stop after that. It was then that, despite how much you loved Juliet, you had to make a decision, and barely a week after that, you disappeared in the middle of the night, leaving only a note behind you.
Julieta had cried even before she finished reading it, and her screams had woken everyone in the house, not just Dolores. At first her mother tried to get closer to her, but was greeted with a shoving and the most angry look she had ever seen in her life. Her anger was directed especially at her eldest granddaughter.
"It's not that bad, mom" Isabela said rolling her eyes.
"You were there, weren't you? And I didn't even give him much belladonna, just a little-"
"ENOUGH!" Julieta had yelled, taking everyone by surprise "I'm sick of all this, I'm tired of all of you. She didn't do anything, she was never rude, she never raised her voice to anyone and you treated her like dirt"
"Why?” she asked with a voice so broken that Alma wanted to cry “I have never done anything against this family. I was always your perfect golden doll, I never said no, I even married a man I didn’t want to because YOU thought it was the best for me. Was I a bad daughter?”
“No, mija, that’s-”
“Then why? Why couldn’t I be happy? Why couldn’t you all support me the only time I choose myself?” 
The Madrigals didn’t know what to say, and Julieta’s daughters were divided between the shock of knowing their mother didn't want to marry their father in the first place and seeing the woman the three of them looked up to breaking in front of them like a scared little girl.
“I know you never liked Y/N” she interrupted her sister “but I do, Pepa, I really do”
“Mom, I didn’t-”
“You don’t talk to me, Isabela” she growled “not tonight. You’re the one who treated her the worst, you tried to kill her for god’s sake! What if I hadn’t been there? Have you thought about it?”
The girl tried not to cry but her mother’s words were cutting her like sharp knives. Maybe because Julieta had never spoken to her like that before, maybe it was the deep disappointment in her eyes…or maybe, it was because she knew she was right. You could have died for what she did.
“But that doesn’t matter” the healer whispered “you got what you wanted. What ALL of you wanted. She’s gone…congratulations”
“You didn’t want her to be part of the family” she cut her sister “now I wish I wasn’t either”
And with that, she had closed her room’s door on everyone’s faces, leaving all the family shocked, scared and feeling terribly guilty. They knew they couldn’t do anything at the moment, and Isabela and Dolores were crying, they just hoped things would get better the next day.
But the next day had turned into a week, and then a month. Julieta never spoke to any of them again, she didn’t smile, didn’t laugh, she didn’t even look at them. She just did her shores and locked herself in her room. Her eyes were red, her skin lost the healthy glow it once had, her hair was a mess, she lost weight and didn’t have that friendly and motherly shape anymore. She became a ghost.
And what scared them the most was that, by the third month after you left, the glow on her door faded. It reminded them of Bruno’s door before he came back. Pepa had cried and begged for her sister to forgive them all, Alma regretted every single choice she made about her daughter’s life without her consent, Dolores and Isabela were about to lose their sanity. Everyone missed Julieta, but none could do anything to bring her back. She was dying in front of them”
“Julieta, please…please” Pepa begged again
“There’s no use” Bruno sighed, making everyone look at him “we did this”
“Tío Bruno?” Mirabel asked as he showed them the vision he had 
“She’s not coming back” he whispered “there’s no cure for a broken heart”
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Oh. My. Gosh. Can we get more of the Body Swap AU? I gotta know who else is swapped. My guess so far, Mirabel is Antonio and Julieta is Alma because I like the idea of everyone swapping and we all know Alma likes to pretend everything is fine so obviously she'd pretend to be whoever she body swapped with. A fun idea would be if everyone was swapped based on their favorite person, Luisa's favorite is Mirabel, Mirabel's favorite is Antonio, and Alma favoring Julieta isn't surprising at all. In that case, Pepa and Julieta would be their husbands, Bruno would be Pepa (wedding fiasco aside I like to think they are quite close due to both having less than ideal gifts), Agustin would be Luisa, Felix would be Dolores, Isabela would be Alma, Dolores would be Isabela, Camilo would be Bruno, and Antonio would be Camilo. Oh the chaos that would ensue, imagine, Dolores finally getting out of Isabela's shadow by getting to BE Isabela, and poor Mariano would be so confused why his ex that admitted she never loved him is now giving him goo goo eyes, Felix deciding to be an overprotective dad and testing Mariano by doing weird things as Dolores to see if he'll still love her, Isabela getting shoved into the leader position and trying to maintain her sanity and keep the town from falling apart, Camilo being the most dramatic creepy prophet he can be while Bruno cringes in the background with a cloud over his head, poor Agustin being ten times as clumsy due to his new size, Mirabel relishing in the fact that she has a gift and absolutely using Antonio's cuteness to her advantage, Pepa finally being free to express her emotions without her gift, her and Julieta taking turns staring at the mirror because dang are their husbands good looking, Alma taking over Julieta's job as healer and experiencing first hand all the work her daughter does and all the stupid and minor injuries people go to her stand for. The possibilities are endless.
Sure, why not? Let’s make this a full AU!
Yes, everyone (minus the husbands as they aren’t linked to the miracle) is swapped but I’m afraid your guesses are mostly wrong. But the favourite idea is fairly right.
Luisa obviously being Mirabel, both favourite sister and person in the family.
Mirabel woke up as Dolores (her favourite cousin), in bed with Mariano, and as you can imagine, completely freaked out. Probably burst her eardrums. So that’s what she’s been to up to while Luisa does whatever she’s doing.
Bruno is Antonio (his favourite of the nieces and nephews). He was very spooked. He had his suspicions, but Luisa showing up confirmed that something had definitely happened, seeing how she clearly wasn’t Mirabel and addressed him as Antonio.
Alma is Bruno (her favourite child) and is going to have a day in his shoes. She’s going to throw hands with some rude townspeople later who still treat Bruno like a bad person.
Dolores is Julieta (her favourite of the aunt/uncles), who has realised but because of her love for being right, is just going along with it. Can’t risk being wrong. She also woke from the sound of “Antonio” crying.
Camilo is Pepa (his favourite person). He initially thinks this will be breeze and isn’t as worried/scared as the others, but slowly comes to the realisation that his mother isn’t treated with the same respect he gives her by everyone else.
Isabela, plot twist, is Luisa. She’s a little embarrassed by it and claims she is only Luisa because Luisa got to be Mirabel. In actuality, she’s very pleased. Think of all the chaos she could cause—
Pepa is Isabela (her favourite niece). She will also be throwing hands later at rude-ass men who can’t accept the fact that Isabela is a lesbian.
Antonio is Camilo (his favourite sibling and babysitter). You did get that one right! He doesn’t really have much angst going on, he just has a fun day as his older brother and enjoys getting to be grown up for a bit.
And lastly, Julieta is Alma. She does try to pretend that everything is fine. She proves to not be the best matriarch, she does more mothering of the council than actually leading the town.
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call-to-the-wyatt · 1 year
Encanto Headcanon- Dating Camilo would include... (Camilo Madrigal x GN! Reader)
Hey everyone!! Today I decided to write an Encanto Headcanon about dating Camilo. This is fully based on what I know about the Madrigals and what I imagine dating Camilo would be like. I obviously got some inspiration from other writers, but no one specific.
Anyways, enjoy! -Bar
Dating Camilo Madrigal would include... part 1 (before the movie)
~ You guys met at Luisa’s last birthday, and you looked breathtaking.
~ Camilo couldn’t get himself to go talking to you, so he just adored you from afar as long as he wasn’t focused on Antonio.
~ You saw the cute curly boy around your age playing with Antonio and couldn’t help your smile. It was just too cute!
~ You blushed, hard, when he looked up and met your gaze; you looked away already, so you couldn’t see, but his cheeks turned red, too.
~ “Hey, Mirabel, who’s this?” You asked her and pointed to Camilo.
~ She had a mischievous smile as she told you it’s her cousin, Camilo. What was she palnning?
~ Later that night, Camilo heard from Mirabel you asked about him.
~ “Y\N? Is this the person who was dancing here earlier with Y\F\M (your fav Madrigal except for Camilo)?” -”Yep. They’re right there, go talk to them”
~ You were very surprised when Camilo was tripping to where you set. His face were red and his hair and clothes were messy from the dancing, but you still found him very attractive.
~ Camilo was still stunned by you, but he managed to say a few complete sentences. You were so nice and easy to talk to, his shyness faded away, and you two had a long, enthralling conversation.
~ And of course, once his flirty self came back, he used the countless amount of pickup lines he knew on you.
~ “You know who you’re reminding me of? My next S\O”
~ “Do you believe in love at first tight or I should walk by again?”
~ “I don’t like your last name. You should change it to Madrigal”
~ (and so on...)
~ As you two kept talking and laughing, Camilo couldn’t help falling for you harder and harder.
~ By the end of the night, he knew for sure he’s in love. But he didn’t know if you felt the same, and it made him nervous and anxious.
~ He went to talk to Dolores about it, and ended up getting advices from her and all of his cousins, who had a sleepover.
~ Eventually, they helped him planning how to ask you out, not knowing you just waited for him to do it.
~ Long story short, he asked you out, you said yes, and now he was supposed to take you on your first date.
~ He found the perfect glade and asked Isabela to find out what’s your favorite flower (Isabela: *rolling her eyes* I already know what’s their favorite flower) and grow it all over te place, but leave a space big enough to do picnics or just hang out for a while.
~ Isabela agreed, and the next day everything was ready.
~ Mirabel decorated Camilo’s ruana and your favorite y\f\c\p (your favorite clothing piece- skirt, pants, shirt, etc), Isabela made them a crown of Y\F\F (your favorite flower), Luisa brought a basket full of Julieta’s best foods and desserts and Dolores prepared you to the meeting with the Madrigals- especially Abuela and Pepa.
~ Pepa was excited, of course, when Camilo said you two are going on a date, and Felix made sure she doesn’t rain all over you; but it was hard, considering how excited he also was to see his son going on a date.
~ Everyone were so happy to see Camilo’s smile when he looked at you, and they were excited to know the person Camilo fell in love with.
~ After everyone (and their gifts) were introduced, Camilo took you away. He loved his family, but he knew they would stay there forever if he won’t take you on your date.
~ You started walking in the forest until you found the glare- well, Camilo was walking, you had a blindfold while Luisa carried you after him so it’ll be a surprise. (You weren’t too happy about it, but you were really curious about where he takes you now).
~ When Camilo took off your blindfold, you gasped at the breathtaking sight- thousands of y\f\fs in all of the colors possible were growing at the glare in circles, leaving a little space of emerald-green grass. It was beautiful, amazing, nothing like anything you imagined or seen- and you chose to show your gratefulness by kissing Camilo on the cheek. You were both blushing when you whispered “thanks, Cami”, but you got yourselves out of it quickly and started settle on the grass.
~ Apearantly Julieta packed them everything they needed: food, water, a picnic blanket and pillows- “for the time sitting down starts to hurt”, as the notes sticked to the pillows said.
~ They were having a great time, and just before the dark they packed their things in the basket again and started walking back, still laughing and talking.
~ Camilo walked y\n to their house, kissing them on the cheek for goodbye and made sure they went in and their parents were there to take them to bed, and onlt then went back to Casita. When he told his parents about it, they hugged him and told him how proud they are of him and the gentleman he grew up to be.
~ After the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th date, Camilo finally asked Y\N to be his s\o. You, of course, said yes, and his family couldn’t be happier... literally: Pepa made rainbows everywhere; Isabela was going around town spreading flowers of any kind, color and shape; Julieta didn’t stop making desserts to heal the town; Luisa was so excited she always used too much power to lift everything (and caused several accidents that way); Dolores squeaked whenever she heard one of you talking about the other; Antonio always let you play with his animals; Mirabel made you a new y\f\c\p; Agustin and Felix told you it’s okay to be an outsider who has no gift and they can join the club once they marry Camilo (which made you turn red like a tomato); and Abuela just smiled as she watched you- she saw the same love she and Pedro had, this teenager made her first male grandson happy and that gave her peace- even though she thought they weren’t good enough for Camilo.
~ But as Camilo started dated Y\N, Isabela decided to have her revenge at him for all the years of teasing her.
~ Every time Y\N came to Casita, Isabela would stand at the door, sing “CAMILO, YOUR S\O’S HERE” as loud as she can and create a flower statue of you, laughing.
~ You didn’t understand why is makes Isabela laugh and Camilo get so mad he turned into her and moked her, but after Isabela explained you what happened you found that funny too.
It’s been FOREVER since I posted here. My next thing will probably be part 4 of CLUELESS cuz I’m very nice
Anyways ily and hope you’ll enjoy!
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spooky-spextre-arts · 6 months
Mirabel's Skirt Symbols (UPDATED HC)
Since a few years have passed since the full reconstruction of Casita and continuing mend of the family's relationship, I'd like to think a now slightly older Mirabel's skirt embroidery reflects on the progress made since then.
Abuela Alma & Abuelo Pedro | Two Caterpillars (Dos Oruguitas)
Instead of a single candle representing her Abuela Alma, Mirabel's new symbol design would probably be of two caterpillars w/ love hearts. (Bonus points if the hearts represent the colors of the OG triplets.) ❤️🐛 💙🧡💚
Julieta & Agustín | Bowl w/ Bees 🥣🐝💙
For Julieta, Mirabel would probably make a small bowl w/ a tiny bee on it, and two blue hearts rising from the top. Both would represent Mirabel's parents and their love.
Pepa & Felix | Rainbow/Sleet & Umbrella ☔🌈
Mirabel's Tiá & Tio would be proudly represented by an embroidery of a rainbow jutting upwards from an orange umbrella. Sleet and rain symbols could be near the rainbow too. (She's proud of her Tiá! No matter what kind of weather she has.)
Bruno | Rat wearing green ruana/drama masks 🐀💚��
Bruno's embroidery would likely be of a silly rat(s) wearing a green ruana and/or drama masks. OR or - maybe just the rats wearing green ruanas w/ the hood up/bucket on their head, all really depends on what Bruno's preferred vibe is.
Isabela | Cactus w/ blue/purple flowers 🌵💠
To help represent the stronger bond with her older sisters, Mirabel likely surprised Isabela w/ an embroidered symbol of a green cactus - but with a big dark blue flower at the top, bigger purple one in the middle, and light blue one at the bottom. All three flowers proudly represent the bond between the three cool-colored sisters.
Luisa | Donkeycorn! 🦄💜
For Luisa, Mirabel's skirt symbol would now be of her sister's favorite animal: the playful Donkeycorn! I'd like to think it would be in a proud and powerful stance, representing the unconditional love and both the physical and emotional strength of her older sister.
Dolores | Red Bow/Ribbon w/ Musical Notes 🎀🎶
Maybe in the time during reconstruction, there was a moment where Dolores freely showed the community her melodic singing voice. Mirabel wanted to help remember that moment w/ her cousin's iconic red ribbon, accompanied with little music/poetry notes.
Camilo | Mischievous Chameleon w/ Plate of Arepas 🦎🧡🫓
I like to think despite being older and probably expected to act more their ages, both Mirabel and Camilo never lost their mischievous sparks in the family. Mirabel's skirt symbol for her cousin represents this w/ none other than a mischievous chameleon in front of a LARGE plate of arepas.
Antonio | Jaguar & Big/Little Toucans
For her littlest cousin and partner in crime, Mirabel made, in her eyes, one of the best designs of them all. This being a mighty jaguar face like the first symbol, but with one big toucan and little toucan atop its head (representing the brotherly-sisterly bond they have. 🧡💙
Mirabel | Accordion with a Pink butterfly
I wanted to save the best for last. For the miracle herself, I'd like to see think Mirabel would make a symbol of her talents, being an accordion w/ a symbol of a pink butterfly in the middle.
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gamerbearmira · 9 months
The Magical Group AU has once again taken over my brain, so I decided to give everyone magical girl/boy names, these names were all given to them by the townspeople
Isabella: Guardiana de la Selva- Jungle Guardian. At first, she was actually called Guardiana de la Flor, Flower Guardian, but once she started experimenting with her powers in battle, people quickly realized she could do a lot more than flowers and was a LOT more powerful than they first thought, I like to imagine Isabella is the secret powerhouse of the team, so she was renamed, she got her new name after they fought a particularly strong enemy and she ended up defeating it by growing massive jungle trees all around it to form a cage
Dolores: Guardiana de la Melodía- Melody Guardian. Dolores got her name from the sound her weapon makes, I imagine as her boomerang flies through the air, it makes a high-pitched sound akin to a whistle, the different ways she throws her boomerang makes the sound a different pitch, so when she's fighting it almost sounds like she's playing a song, the sound also doesn't hurt the ears of any bystanders, but it does hurt the ears of the enemies they face
Luisa: Guardiana de la Fortaleza- Strength Guardian. Her name comes from not only her physical strength, but also her ability to buff the other's abilities, the townspeople see it as her lending her strength to her teammates, being the support or "strength" of the team
Camilo: Guardián de la Espejismo- Mirage Guardian. His ability to disorient and confuse is interpreted as illusions and mirages by the townspeople, so his name is fairly obvious, they also considered calling him Guardián de la Embaucador, Trickster Guardian, but due to the negative connotation of the term trickster, mirage is what ended up sticking
Mirabel: Guardiana de la Mariposa- Butterfly Guardian. Another obvious one, her outfit has butterfly imagery, though Guardiana de la Curación, Healing Guardian, was also considered, butterfly ended up sticking due to the golden butterfly being the symbol of the Miracle, and Mirabel, with her purifying power, is considered the leader of the Miracle Guardians by the townspeople, weather or not she actually assumes that role in the team dynamic remains to be seen
Antonio:Guardián de la Salvaje- Wild Guardian. Antonio got this name not only due to his ability to summon animals, but also due to his somewhat wild, fun loving, and rambunctious nature, when you're a three year old with magic powers that fight monsters alongside your siblings and cousins, you tend to be a little overzealous,
Some of the townspeople actually theorize Isabella and Antonio are siblings due to their similar nature-themed powers, though that is only one of many theories the town has about the potential relations of the group, some theorize they are cousins of the Madrigals, and others theorize they are beings made entirely from the miracle, the favorite theory among the townspeople is that they are six siblings who fled to the Encanto together after a group of raiders, similar to the ones who attacked Alma's old home, killed their family, the miracle provided entrance to the scared children and offered them their powers so they may keep each other safe from harm and now use their powers to protect the Encanto as a thank you for saving them (somehow no one has come up with the idea that the group might actually be the grandkids themselves, either by magic or ignorance)
REAL THOUGH. SO TRUE. Honestly I love hearing your (and others) ideas whenever an AU over here gets on your mind. I think it’s so fun 🌚 (MAMI SAREUREUREU‼️‼️‼️)
I. Love all the names <333 I do agree with Isabela being the powerhouse; while Luisa is essentially the backbone, Isabela can charge and take head on enemies, kinda doing knock bacK?? AND YES. Dolores weapon pretty much works like that <33 basically the more force she puts behind it, the more she alters the sound barrier (when in super forms, she can break the sound barrier). Luisa def makes sense. I mean duh. But yeah, she’s kinda like Mercy 😭
Camilo, I’m glad the villagers went with mirage, I think that’s so rad. Camilo likes it at least 🤧 Mirabel, she does step into the leader position, but only after a major battle where she was the only one with a plan and was able to pull of the max purification (with the others help obvi). Antonio, yeah, that one makes sense. Lil bro is much more open when he’s fighting with the others 🤞🏾
First time they transformed they were so confused. And then they had to fight. Luisa learned she could buff from a distance, and since Antonio couldn’t summon a weapon yet, she took it upon herself to watch him and make sure he didn’t get bodied 🚴‍♀️💨
I spent too much on this. Like an embarrassing amount of time. And it didn’t even turn out how I wanted 💀
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Towns people having theories is so fun. I love that idea <333 Like. They just don’t connect the dots 💀 they don’t realize mostly out of ignorance, but the more they know about the Madrigals, the more magic is placed on them. Like the other Madrigals themselves? 100% don’t know their identities because of magic. Without it, they would have most definitely realized 😭
Out of any of the theories, I would say the most popular is the favorite one of them being fro:Alma’s home town and they protecting the Encanto. People have definitely tried to ask them about it, but they were never successful. So in came the rumors and theories. Another question that gets a lot of talk is where in the world do they come from when they fight, and where do they go when they’re done. Cause no one has seen them.
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If ur still willing when you have time for an Encanto prompt- you’ve done Pepa and and Julieta, what about Bruno being cornered on who his favorite is? Or the ensuing chaos after he tells them😂
Chaos for all!
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“What do you gremlins want?” Bruno asked flatly. He didn’t even look up from feeding the rats their breakfast.
Mirabel grinned at him sheepishly anyway. She and her sisters, as well as their cousins, were crowded in his doorway.
“We have a question,” she said, trying to sound persuasive and wheedling.
“I’m not playing this favourites game,” Bruno said, turning to face them with his arms crossed. “I’ve told you before I don’t have favourites.”
“See, you say that,” Camilo said, stroking his chin like a pantomime villain. “But you just winked at Dolores and Mirabel.”
“And you promised I could be your favourite,” Antonio added. He was using his puppy-eyes full force and Mirabel had to resist the urge to scoop him up into a cuddle. He was so cute it should be illegal.
Bruno wasn’t stupid; he avoided the power of the puppy-eyes by staring up at the ceiling instead.
“Nope,” he said. Mirabel could see his resolve weakening. “I don’t have favourites.”
Dolores raised her eyebrows, smirking. It was Mirabel’s biggest clue that her tio was lying: he totally had a favourite.
That favourite had better be Mirabel.
But there was no way Bruno would admit to having favourites in front of an audience. He’d be terrified of hurting anyone’s feelings and he knew all too well what it was like to not be the favourite. Not that Tio Bruno ever left anyone out or played obvious favourites, but he always got upset at the idea of any of them feeling left out.
So, as Bruno shooed them all from his room, Mirabel made a new plan.
She cornered him after dinner with Dolores and Antonio.
“We’re your favourites, right?” she demanded.
“Dios mio!” Bruno yelped, jerking away as they cut off his path to the stairs. “Can’t you harass Félix and Agustín?”
“We will be,” Dolores said. Bruno didn’t look very reassured.
It was time to break out the big guns. Mirabel picked Antonio up and he turned the full power of his pout onto Bruno. Bruno’s whole expression immediately softened.
“Are we your favourites?” Antonio asked in his sweetest voice. “You’re my favourite.”
They had him. Bruno let out a quiet “Aw,” and happily took Antonio from Mirabel’s arms, cradling him gently.
Bruno looked around the courtyard. No one else was in sight.
“Okay,” he sighed. “You three are my favourites. But for the love of God, do not tell anyone I said that!”
Mirabel punched the air in victory. Dolores had a smug smile on her face and Antonio gave a happy squeal as he hugged Bruno tighter.
“No promises,” Mirabel said cheerfully. “I need to lord this over Camilo!”
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dearest-painter · 1 year
Yandere madrigal family x reader? They invite the reader over and are going to kidnap them. But the reader realises and trys to leave, but get kidnaped anyway. I'm sorry if this made you uncomfortable.
Imma make it a bit softer but I can do it! Been a long time since I’ve done encanto also sorry for the long wait! Been busy with school!
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior,unhealthy relationship,abusive relationship,abusive relationship,kidnapping…kinda?(look I write for softer Yanderes so you’ll understand soon),flashing words for the gif, Stockholm Syndrome, DO NOT SUPPORT ANY OF THIS! I AM WRITING THIS FIR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES!
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You don’t remember how you became apart of the Madrigal family or how you got here but all you knew was that you were apart of the Madrigal family even if you didn’t have powers. The village people acted iffy with you as if you weren’t always there but they tried to act like you’ve always been here. You never asked as it would upset your family. Your father was Bruno so maybe thats why they act iffy with you. You don’t really remember anything int fact,you don’t remember your birthday or family time. Everyone said it was because you hit your head to hard which is believable.
You and Mirabel share the nursery as rooms are made for a specific persons gift but sometimes you’ll be in Antonio’s room. Going downstairs with Mirabel hand and hand you waved at casita and abuelo,you don’t remember much stories of abuelo but Alma speaks highly of him. “Morning papi” “morning my little rat” It was a nickname as you also love the rats thus gaining the nickname little rat. You helped set the table like every day expect you just stared outside,you’ve been outside many time but for some reason you want to go beyond the hills,it’s possible because you’ve done it once with your cousins but you want to go alone. “Y/N,you okay?” “Hm? Yes sorry just zoned out” Dolores nodded her head.
She’s married Mariano and he treats you like your his own child,you two are inseparable makes Bruno jealous of the fact someone else is acting like your dad when HE’S YOUR DAD! “Morning little sun!” You hugged Mariano,he made the nickname little sun out of boredom and it just stuck with you. Bruno hated how close you two were as he was your father after he saved you from your old home. Dolores just smiled seeing her two favorite people interact. Everyone was happy that you were happy after you finally forgot about your old family,but that does not matter now as your with your real family now!
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yellowcry · 3 months
Too tight, it suffocates me
Why doesn't Abuelo trust her? She's not a child. She can take care of herself.
[Swap au]
Why didn't Abuelo trust her? This question was often popping out in Mirabel's mind.
Abuelo was cooing over her even before her failed ceremony. In a sense, it was part of his personality. Keeping everyone safe. Not to Isabela's extent of course. Maybe it was normal, Mirabel couldn't really tell. She had no contact with people outside of the family. In the best case, she would see the cousins from her papa's family side. And that's about it. As a child, Mirabel didn't pay attention to this. Surely, Grandpa just wanted to protect her, that's what he was always saying.
Not getting a gift just made it worse. Initially, Mirabel didn't understand what was going on fully, just that Abuelo focused so much attention on her that it was scary. Mirabel wasn't allowed to stay alone. Camilo was sitting in her room often, watching over her as over a helpless infant. When her cousin wasn't around, Abuelo would be here instead. But her favorite was definitely her dad. He knew what it felt like to trip over or get a bruise by accident.
Abuelo actually seemed to be extremely crazy over the injuries. Even despite the magic healing. Going as far as getting Mirabel to stay in bed for a few days after she got a wooden splinter. It was strange. And Mirabel had no idea if it was normal or not. Again, she knew almost nobody outside of her family. This isolation made her unsure if this was normal or not
Still, she wished to be able to do things on her own, without feeling gazes pressing into her forehead all the time.
Her only access to how other people lived was in books that Papa read to her. Sometimes, Mirabel would take one or two in a secret too. She was always really careful to avoid cutting her finger with the edge of the page.
Camilo grew annoyed. They had a good relationship in the beginning, he even seemed thrilled about this. But as years passed, he started to be more harsh, trying to leave as fast as possible after coming up with the most ridiculous excuses. Not like Mirabel could blame him in this account. It wouldn't be nice to watch over your cousin all the time. She wouldn't be surprised by this growing hole between them both. Besides, if Camilo wasn't here, it meant some time for Mirabel and only for her. A little bit of privacy she craved so much. So she would give Camilo more and more excuses to go somewhere else and stay alone. And Abuelo couldn't assign anyone else to babysit her twenty-four by seven. Papa and Tío Felix had to help the other girls if they wanted to get into town. Luisa was always busy with her endless workouts. And Abuelo himself was taking care of the whole village.
She didn't tell anyone when she started to embroider. Bribbing Dolores to sneak out and buy a set for it was easy.. Her cousin was one of the little people who dared to go outside. With her hearing, she was able to make sure Abuelo wasn't nearby and that she would return if he started to look for her in Casita. This was a secret between the two of them. Sometimes wondered if she could decorate her clothes. Show off herself if she didn't have a gift. And in a sense having her own embodiment on her clothes felt right. But she knew that Abuelo would get crazy if he found out. This was so dangerous! Mirabel could prick her finger with a needle or...she wasn't sure what else could happen.
She didn't know what was so scary about a small injury if she could get healed in less than a minute. This just... Made no sense. It wasn't normal, was it?
This thought made her guts twitch. It was bad to think this way. But parents in the books she read had never wrapped their kids so tight.
She just wanted some freedom.
"Abuelo doesn't trust me."
This realization came to her at night, Abuelo didn't act like this with Camilo or Luisa. Hell, even Antonio who had just turned five had won more trust than Mirabel. What had she done that Abuelo believes he can't rely on her? She wanted to be free, not to feel like she was chained, unable to care for herself. Because this felt like Mirabel was suffocating. Covered in a thick shell from an outside world. Was it fair? She wanted to be able to do... anything! This frustrated her so much that she couldn't help it. She wanted to have time for herself like Isabela did or to deserve his reliance like Luisa.
Cracks were still in her mind. What was happening with Casita? Antonio's party almost got canceled because of it. Mirabel felt so guilty, she almost ruined Antonio's party.
This lay on her heart with a heavy feeling, a guilt tightening around her chest. But as much as she wanted for her primito to have an amazing evening, she was concerned. It was something unexplainable. Something more than she could explain.
Sneaking out to see the candle was probably a stupid idea. Mirabel couldn't help it.
"Oh, Alma..." Mirabel felt her heart stopping. She had never heard Abulo talking so emotionally. He was usually cold, determined no matter what. "What do I do now? Our home... It's falling apart." Her breathing caught in her throat. Mirabel wanted to run into Abuelo's room and hug him, taking this pain away, instead, she squeezed herself against the wall stronger, as her grandfather kept with his personal talk "Is there a danger surrounding us? If anything bad's about to happen..." His gaze was focused somewhere far away, far beyond the mountains that surrounded them "Open my eyes. We can't lose anybody else."
It was heartbreaking. Poor Abuelo...
But what if he was right? Maybe there was something more to those cracks. There was a reason why they would show up. What if they were in danger and nobody knew it?
If Mirabel helped to fix everything, maybe she would prove that she's strong enough to take care of herself. Maybe she would make Abuelo realize that he doesn't have to hold her so tight.
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nproduction626 · 5 months
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As the party got started up again, Dolores was having a good time temporarily forgetting about what Mirabel said about the miracle earlier, looking around she sees Mariano starring at Isabela all lovey dovey the way that she wants him to look at herself with. Needing to get outside since everything is getting too much for her to handle. Dolores leaves Antonio’s room into Casita and starts concentrating on listening to Mirabel’s heartbeat so that they can relax together.
She hears no heart of her prima, impossible Dolores thought as she continues to try to find Mirabel all she hears is wild life and the river water flowing. Scared that she can’t hear her cousins heart beat anymore, Dolores bursts into the party and starts shouting that something has happened to Mirabel. Not wanting Alma to take control of the situation she blurts out that she can no longer hear her primas heart beating anymore and can’t locate Mirabel, that gets everyone’s attention and sobered up.
Alma knowing that this is serious has Dolores lead them around the village trying to find her, when they got to the bridge all they could find was the embroidered butterfly on the bridge looking like it got ran over. Dolores feeling that it’s her fault for not paying attention to Mirabel when the 15yr old was alone, starts crying what is she supposed to do with her gift that’s supposed to help the village but she couldn’t help her family. It’s like Bruno all over again, instead of hiding in the walls of Casita Mirabel is missing and gone with no heartbeat to search for.
The party ended early that night as everyone went back into their homes knowing that early in the morning is when they are going to search for the missing Madrigal.
As everyone went to sleep Antonio sneaks out of his bedroom and into the nursery and starts crying into Mirabel’s pillow devastated that his favorite prima disappeared and starts crying harder about how if he didn’t get a gift then Mirabel would have still been here safe and sound, as he falls asleep clutching the embroidered butterfly from her shirt. Antonios’ last thoughts are before exhaustion forcing him to fall asleep are: “I no longer want to celebrate my birthday anymore in the future.”
@anxious-twisted-vampire @adrianasunderworld @marrondrawsalot @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @yukii0nna
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beggars-opera · 1 year
Encanto Big Bang Preview
A very fanfic-filled Christmas Eve and Hanukkah to all who celebrate! I’m so excited to see all the stories coming out of the @encantobigbang. My artist, the incredibly talented @cloudy-encanto, has been creating a mind-bogglingly detailed animated sequence from this fic, so I won’t spoil that. But here is a sneak peak of another vignette preceding it...
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Her mother startled, as if she had forgotten that Dolores was still there.
“Did you say something, Lola? I was so far away just then. What do you need?”
Dolores lowered her chin into her cup, looking up at her mother through her eyelashes and pouting. “Nothing. I just wish there was something I could do to help. Will Mirabel be ok?”
A flicker of anguish crossed Mamá’s face.  The low rumble of thunder sounded beyond as she hesitated for a moment. “I think so, chiquita. We’ll get through it together, yes? The best thing that you can do now is let her know that she’s still the same Mirabel to us. I know she’s only little, but I think she would appreciate playtime with her favorite big cousin.”
Dolores tried her best to manage a smile. “I think I can do that. Maybe coloring would help?”
Mamá smiled back. “I think she’d love that. See? You’re such a big help already.”
The pain, however, didn’t leave her eyes. Overhead, the clouds remained, and tension hung thick in the air as Dolores and her mother sat staring at each other uneasily, unspeaking.
Sensing Dolores’s continued discomfort, Mamá glanced above her head and finally noticed the drizzle. “OH! My poor bebé, am I hurting your ears? I’m so sorry - shoo, SHOO!” She made exaggerated waving motions with her arms, a rictus smile still plastered on her face. The clouds drifted slowly into the courtyard, where they hung just outside the door, as if looking back into the kitchen in mute expectation.
“I didn’t mean to make so much noise. There’s just a lot on my mind recently. With Mirabel and…everything else. I’ll try harder.” Her eyes drifted to the mural on the wall, with all the family neatly arranged by generation. Dolores turned to look as well, even though she could picture it perfectly in her head. There was a picture of her there, along with Papá, her aunts and uncles and cousins, and one name she didn’t dare utter anymore.
Dolores looked up at the hovering clouds, then back to the mural wall. Beyond, the now ever-present sound of shuffling and muttering had stopped, a distinct vacuum of sound consistent with a panicked, held breath. Beneath it all though, pattered the staccato of betrayal: a single heartbeat, light and fast.
Terrified of being heard and exposed.
Don’t say a word, it seemed to say. It’s better this way. Please. Please.
It took every bit of Dolores’s energy to block out the sound, her head pounding with the effort. She took another sip of her hot chocolate, placed the cup back down on the saucer with a clink, and kept her gaze straight ahead.
“It’s ok, Mamá. I understand.”
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nicnacsnonsense · 2 years
I love that when Mirabel is trying to question Dolores to see if she’s heard anything about what’s happening to the miracle, Mirabel tries to butter her up by referring to her as her “favorite cousin out of all of her older cousins.” That comment is already hilarious on the face of it, because it’s like, Mirabel, babe, you only have two older cousins; you’re saying you like Dolores better than literally one other person. But then it gets elevated to the next level with the reveal that “Dolores” is actually a shape-shifted Camilo, aka the one person in the entire world Mirabel has just said she likes Dolores better than.
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For @female-hercules, based on the prompt: “Mirabel and Isabela bicker over which of them is Luisa’s favorite sister. Since she's the favorite sister of both of them but they think that there can be only one; which makes them ask her…”
Twisted this a little to avoid the ending being really obvious and overdone. Here you go, hope you enjoy!
Comments are always appreciated.
All’s Fair In Love and Favouritism
“That’s not the point. History exists so we can take lesson from it, Isabela. See, in 1509—”
Whatever Mirabel was going to say was completely cut off by Isabela tossing carnation petals her way. Though Isabela’s usual target was someone’s mouth, she always aimed for Mirabel’s clothes. The girl would then spend several minutes picking each individual petal out of the embroidery, which brought an abrupt end to the would-be history lesson.
Isabela nodded, fully satisfied with herself.
Camilo snickered at the exchange, his mouth full of papaya, quickly swallowing as he caught sight of Dolores suddenly appearing through the doorway. The same way she always does when she hears something interesting and just can’t help but get involved.
“What are they arguing about?” She whispered.
“Favourite siblings or something like that. It sounds more like a school lesson than anything else though.”
As if she was the one with enhanced hearing, Mirabel turned away from her sister and instead to where Dolores had entered the room. To her credit, she had gotten quick with removing those petals.
“I am not arguing,” Mirabel said calmly. “I am merely trying to politely explain to Isabela that favouritism is wrong and should not be encouraged.”
“And I’m telling you how little I care.” Isabela grumbled into her hand.
“And they’ve been doing this for almost an hour. I had to refill my bowl twice, just to keep watching,” Camilo explained.
Mirabel sighed. “I didn’t want to get involved, Dolores, but someone needed to tell Isabela how she was wrong and you weren’t here.”
“Then actually have a fucking argument with me!” Isabela screeched. “I don’t want a history lesson on how favouritism affected the royal siblings of France in 13-whatever! That means nothing to me!”
Dolores shook her head, taking a seat beside the significantly calmer of her two cousins.
Admittedly, this was not a regular occurrence.
Isabela trying to start an argument? Oh no, that was common in La Casa Madrigal: she liked causing drama. But Mirabel getting involved? Not so much. The younger typically resigned to not voicing an opinion unless if it was something she knew tons about or cared deeply for - or could turn into a free history lesson.
Mirabel had retreated back to her book for the time being, while Camilo had offered Isabela his bowl of papayas as an invitation to calm down.
“Which one of your sisters do you like more then?” Dolores asked Isabela pointedly.
“Neither. I hate them both equally.” Isabela replied. Dolores raised an eyebrow.
“Luisa’s her favourite,” Camilo piped up. “She just doesn’t wanna admit it.”
“No! She was the favourite.” Isabela corrected. “But she threatened to kill my corpse flower this morning, so now she’s back on the loser side with Señorita Sabelotodo.”
“I see… and Mirabel, who is your favourite?” Dolores questioned.
“I no longer want to be part of this discussion.” Came the tiny reply from behind the pages. Then with a sigh, she gives in. “I love both my sisters - they are their own unique individuals, who should not be compared to one another because we simply share parentage. Regardless, favouritism should not be encouraged. It negatively impacts the—”
“Yeah, thank you, sis,” Isabela said, cutting her younger sister off. She turned back to Dolores. “See what I have to deal with? It’s like living with a school teacher!”
Dolores rubbed her temple, holding a hand out to stop Isabela from ranting. “Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. You don’t have a favourite currently and Mirabel is against favouritism so she doesn’t have one, then what on Earth are you two arguing about?”
“Nothing at the minute because—”
“Yes, yes, Mirabel has no backbone. I know, Isa. So what were you discussing? If it’s right to have favourite siblings?”
“And it is!” Isabela yelled, just as Mirabel said, “It is not acceptable.”
With a huff, Isabela relented. “Back me up on this, primita. You have a favourite, right? Though you have way better options than I do. Who is your favourite brother?”
“Eh… That’s fair.”
“HEY!” Camilo exclaimed.
“This is what I mean,” Mirabel muttered. “It negatively—”
“Nobody asked you, textbook.” Camilo snapped, before turning his attention back to the older two.
The peaceful atmosphere of the morning had definitely been broken now.
Camilo was throwing wild accusations and insults at Dolores, who kept her hands firmly over her ears. While Isabela persisted in a new point of how annoying younger siblings were.
“Just get over it, Camilo, you’re not my favourite sibling. Why is that so surprising to you? All you do is find new ways to aggravate me.” Dolores said, eventually getting a word in edge ways. Then, clamping a hand over Isabela’s mouth for a moment, added, “And you aren’t right either. There’s nothing wrong with younger siblings.”
“Well, I know there’s nothing wrong with all younger siblings, but my sisters are the worst. I can’t pick one as a favourite because they are both so annoying. Lucky that they get to pick me as the favourite.” Isabela grumbled.
“You think you are the favourite sister of her?”
“Don’t be stupid, primita. Obviously I am—”
Isabela faltered for a moment. Dolores was grinning at her, that same mischievous smirk that complimented Camilo and Antonio when they were pranking people, but with all the not-so-subtle smugness of their mother.
Even Camilo had gone quiet, hiding his mouth behind his hands.
“I don’t have favourites for anything, except fabric and books. Nobody should have favourite people,” Mirabel answered, when Isabela turned expectantly to her.
She couldn’t argue with that, as a child Mirabel’s answer to which of her older sisters she preferred was always a claim of simply not having a favourite or liking them both equally. Even when Isabela was such a bitch to her in the past. Not that she could argue with Mirabel point blank.
So if Dolores hadn’t meant Mirabel…
When there was no reply from the next room, Isabela simply got up.
“This will be fun,” Dolores muttered, sharing a glance with Camilo, who snickered.
Mirabel gave an exasperated sigh. She hastily put her book down, sprinting after her sister. “Isa, Mama has told you countless times, you are not to be in the kitchen when Luisa is cooking. You cannot go in.”
“I can and will. I’m the eldest, I can do whatever I want.” Isabela retorted.
“The order of our birthdays is hardly an excuse for you to break the rules. Couldn’t you, just this one time, do the right thing? It’s just that.. maybe this is a not-so great idea and you shouldn’t bother Luisa with unnecessary questions. Why don’t we take a walk? It is a nice day—”
Isabela stopped walking, allowing the younger to catch up.
“Just spit it out, Mirabel.”
“Favouritism is wrong and can have consequences for both parties,” Mirabel eventually said. Realising where this was going, Isabela started walking again. “Wait, Isa! I promise I won’t use examples from history this time.”
Begrudgingly, Isabela took a step back, but didn’t turn back around. Mirabel took it as permission to continue.
“We are evidence of the consequences of favouritism, no? From Abuela? And that hurt us. Therefore, I think that…” she paused to take a deep breath, “It would be for the best if you let this go before things get out of hand.”
The older hummed, seemingly considering the idea. “You’re not wrong… but you aren’t great in an argument, so I’m not totally convinced. Besides, I’m competitive and now I need to prove Dolores wrong, so…” She continued walking into the kitchen.
Just as she expected, Luisa was still in the kitchen trying out some new recipe of brazo de reina that Tío Félix had insisted she try. The others had been watching earlier and even offered to help, but… Luisa tends to get insanely aggressive in the kitchen. It’s safer to wait until she’s finished cooking than to engage in conversation.
But this can’t wait. Besides, she can take Luisa.
“Luisa, my very dear hermana, how goes the new recipe?” Isabela asked.
Luisa snarled, not looking up from the bowl. “Leave before I break your arm like a rose stem.”
“Always fun chatting to you while you cook,” Isabela commented. Casita cleared a space for her on the counter and she hopped up to be closer to her sister. “I have a question.”
“Should you leave Colombia? Yes, brilliant idea. I’ll help clear out your cacti.”
“Come on, I haven’t even touched the bowl this time!”
Nobody had forgotten when Luisa was making cholado a couple of months ago and Isabela dared to touch the outside of the bowl to see how her sister would react. They were both banned from the kitchen for the next week by their mother.
The younger didn’t give a response. Just an annoyed grunt.
Taking the silence as tolerance, Isabela said, “It won’t take long. I just need your answer to prove Dolores wrong and then I’ll go.”
“You have a minute. What is it?” Luisa inquired, looking up at her sister for the first time since she entered the kitchen.
“Who is your favourite sis—”
Isabela choked on her words.
“Y-you didn’t even let me finish,” she mumbled.
“Don’t need to hear it,” Luisa shrugged. “It’s a stupid question, I don’t really hide it. Honestly, for someone who claims to be such a know-it-all and doesn’t know that… anyways, have fun proving Dolores wrong. Now, get the hell out of my kitchen.”
“I can’t.”
“Because you proved her right.”
Luisa froze. Unblinking. Then, of all the possible reactions in the world, burst into hysterical laughter. “Wait, you thought you were my favourite sister? That’s hilarious, Bela!”
As Luisa kept laughing and teasing, Isabela’s mind was still processing. However, that small petty part of her didn’t just want to walk away without having the last laugh.
She was the eldest sister. She was the one in charge. And she really wasn’t going to have Luisa treat her like this. And she couldn’t really go back to Dolores with nothing to show for herself - Dolores won’t let her live it down.
If only there was someone who would tell Luisa off for playing favourites and not picking Isabela, instead picking that little, doe-eyed owl—
Without another word, Isabela dropped off the counter and left the kitchen. Luisa’s cackling still echoing along the corridors. She was promptly greeted with Camilo and Dolores’ giggling when she returned the room, but she tried her best to look unaffected.
“Oh no, what have you done? It’s only been two minutes since you went into the kitchen.” Mirabel paled, lowering her book.
Isabela shook her head. “Not me this time. Luisa. She has done the most awful thing.”
“Oh God, is Casita broken?”
“What? No, Casita’s not broken, it’s okay,” Isabela said, taking Mirabel’s hand into her own. And then as dramatically as she could, she continued, “Luisa was just telling me about her favourite sisters. And how she thought Queen thingy of wherever was totally right to have favourites and ruin her children’s futures, setting them on the path of war. All because Hercules once said favouritism was good or something… I stopped listening, it was so unbearable.”
Any anxious thoughts left Mirabel instantly.
“I told her she shouldn’t take moral advice from Greek mythology,” Mirabel complained.
She retracted her hand and was instantly on her feet, gracefully storming towards the kitchen. Isabela smiled as she passed her cousins, gleefully following Mirabel out.
Now, if Isabela needed any proof that Luisa had a favourite, her reaction to Mirabel entering the kitchen was proof enough.
“Hermanita, come here, I haven’t seen you all day!” Luisa set down the bowl, holding out open arms. “Why don’t you come and read in here? I can clear a space for you and you could read to me while I finish up. Then we could have the first slice.”
Yeah, no. That was a completely different person to the one who had greeted Isabela less than five minutes ago.
“Oh, and why are you back here?” Luisa then asked, catching Isabela’s wide eyes.
Isabela waved her off. “No reason. Just act like I’m not even here.”
“I was going to do that anyways,” Luisa said. She turned her focus back to Mirabel, who was now on the other side of the counter and eying the mess in disgust. “Would you like a strawberry, Mirabel? I have got a few spare.”
“No, thank you. I need to talk to you.”
Luisa nodded. “Go on. I’m listening.”
“I…” Mirabel took a breath. “I think it is completely unacceptable for anyone to have favourite people, especially in terms of children and siblings. And, well, Isabela told me you have a favourite sister—”
“Yes, you.”
“Yes, me. Regardless, it can negatively…” Mirabel trailed off.
Isabela who had been sat, holding back laughter, waiting for just the right moment to let it out, turned around. Mirabel’s expression was unreadable, as though her impressively big brain had lost its train of thought and she couldn’t quite remember what exactly it was she was here for.
“Me?” Mirabel whispered, though Isabela was too far to hear.
Luisa nodded, seemingly just as unsure of where this was going as Isabela.
There was nothing for a moment.
Then a single tear rolled down Mirabel’s cheek. “I have never been anyone’s favourite anything before.”
Mirabel slowly broke down, crying a mix of both sadness and happiness. Luisa practically tore the dirty apron off herself, so that she could hug Mirabel without the latter getting worried about flour in her embroidery.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute,” Isabela exclaimed. “I get made to sit through a history lesson because I have a favourite sister, but Luisa just gets a pass? That is not fair! That is biased! That is favouritism! That is…” Casita might as well have smacked Isabela in the face with her door. “No. Fucking. Way. Luisa is your favourite.”
It felt like forever before someone spoke again.
Realistically, it couldn't have been that long because Mirabel was very quickly back peddling. “Only by a little, like a needle-sized difference. It doesn’t even count,” she hiccuped.
“What do you expect, Bela? You treated her like dirt under your foot for the past fifteen years.” Luisa scoffed, clearly enjoying this. “I’d be concerned if she didn’t naturally have a bias to me.”
Isabela couldn’t really argue with that.
“Fine,” she said, slipping off the counter. “We do this again in fifteen years, and then we’ll see who’s the favourite of who.”
“Deal!” Luisa grinned.
“Or maybe we could just enjoy each other’s company without playing favourites and getting competitive?” Mirabel said, but the other two weren’t paying attention.
When Isabela finally returned to the room, she expected a very smug Dolores and Camilo waiting. However, for better or worse, there was no sign of Camilo and Dolores was flicking through Mirabel’s book curiously.
“Where’s Camilo?” Isabela asked.
“He left to ask Antonio and our parents about their favourite siblings,” Dolores replied. Then she tilted her head, “Mama, Tía Julieta and Tío Bruno aren’t taking it well.”
She groaned, flopping down beside her cousin. “I guess you heard what happened?”
“I always do.”
“Ugh… I told you. Younger siblings are just the worst. I hate all of them. They are all just pests.”
“You better not mean that.”
“Why?” She spat.
Dolores scoffed. “Because, for some reason that I will never understand or forgive, God decided that you should be twenty-four days older than me.”
“Wait,” Isabela said. “You think you’re my favourite sister?”
“I consider you to be mine. You and Mirabel never limited the discussion to biological siblings only.”
Isabela sat baffled for a moment. Why hadn’t she thought of that? She was touched by the sentiment and it was true - their relationship had been on a downward spiral because of the whole Mariano thing, but time had naturally healed it. And now, they were as close as they were before either had siblings, they had just never said it out loud before.
She pulled Dolores into a hug, which Dolores gratefully returned.
“You’re mine too,” Isabela smiled. Then added, mischievously, “Now, how should we go about proving we’ve got a better sister bond than Luisa and Mirabel?”
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andtheyweresiblings · 2 years
I always like the idea of the unexpected happening. Everyone always has these MiraBruno stories where a great deal of the conflict is centered around people assuming Bruno must have groomed Mirabel or forced her in some way to be with him, but I find the opposite more gripping; what if most of the family saw it as Mirabel taking advantage of her socially inept, mentally unwell, feeble old uncle, maybe claiming she had ulterior motives for pursuing him (such as using him for his gift).
Take it a step further, how would those who blamed Bruno clash with those who blamed Mirabel? Who would side with who? Does it tear marriages apart? Pit siblings against each other? And if there are those who would support Mirabel and Bruno, would this family feud keep them silent?
Oh, very interesting! This is not a scenario I have ever considered. I guess I haven't viewed Bruno as overly vulnerable, and I really like to put him through more emotional torment than Mirabel. But this could work.
Because you're right. His isolation does make him emotionally vulnerable. He could easily fall into the category of being manipulated by the first person who gives him positive attention and care. And Mirabel still doesn't have a tangible gift, so I could see some family members making the argument that she is manipulating him so then she can have power over a gift.
I know I'm basically just rewording what you said here, but I think I need to really think about this before bringing anything new to this idea.
But, okay; this is interesting. Who would blame who? Off the top of my head, I think Alma might lean towards blaming Mirabel. After all, Mirabel not getting a gift is what caused Bruno to leave in the first place, and she later brought the house crashing down.
I could see Pepa also leaning towards blaming Mirabel. I have a headcanon that Bruno and Pepa were close as children. She goes in to hug him first at the end, and she's the one besides Alma who shows the most vitriol towards him when he is estranged. As they say, hate isn't the opposite of love. Even when he is estranged, she still feels a strong emotional connection to him, even if it is negative.
And Bruno is technically her younger brother. She might recall how emotionally vulnerable he was as a child. She might see how emotionally vulnerable he is now and feel some guilt over that. Yes. I'm more and more convinced that if anyone would be blaming Mirabel, it would be Pepa.
I'm not sure where Felix would land in all this. I think he'd want to back Pepa, but I also think this would be pretty conflicting for him.
I'd think Julieta and Augustin would blame Bruno. After all, Mirabel is their daughter. So that would create an interesting dynamic. The triplets would be completely splintered in this scenario. But you did bring up marriages...and I think Julieta could be pretty torn up about this. Hm. I think you could convince me either way on this one.
I'm having a harder time sorting out the grandchildren.
I'm still rather attached to my headcanon that Camilo doesn't trust Bruno and therefore would be on the side of "Bruno is a groomer." But that is totally a headcanon that isn't overly based in canon, so it can really go either way.
I still think Dolores is a neutral party in this. She would probably have the most objective view of their relationship, given her gift.
As usual, I don't have a ton of thoughts regarding Antonio. He's just too young in the film for me to have a clear indicator of which way he'd go. Though, Mirabel is his favorite cousin, so that might be worth something.
That leaves Luisa and Isabela. This is where I'm at a complete loss. I think that after all they went through in the movie ("It's a dream when we work as a team"), they'd probably blame Bruno more than anything.
But you could probably make the argument that Isabela is at least a little suspicious of Mirabel's motives. Given their interactions pre-"What Else Can I Do?" AH! I don't know. It physically pains me to even say that, but it is definitely an argument you could make.
As for Luisa, I love Luisa, and I want her to be on Mirabel's side. She's so protective over Mirabel in "Surface Pressure." I personally can't see her not taking Mirabel's side. And because I have such a soft spot for Luisa, I think I see her as one of the first people to be, at least secretly, supportive of Mirabel and Bruno. But I'm undecided on that part.
Plus, I think I'm open-minded enough that like Julieta, you could probably convince me either way for Isabela and/or Luisa.
Hmm. This is scenario introduces so many variables. I'm really going to have to think about this.
I am VERY interested to hear what your thoughts on the topic, if you are willing to share!
Very cool ask. Thank you!
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miramilocamimira · 8 months
Hiding Spots
(Part of a Butterfly and a Cub)
Sorry it’s kinda Mirabel & fam instead of just Mira and Tonito)
Another 5 + 1
Mirabel knew she was supposed to go to bed but she couldn’t. Not yet. Isabela had gotten scolded for making the wrong bouquet.
She wanted to make sure her sister was okay.
She gasps and whispers to casita. She knows something that always makes her feel better!
Once Mirabel found the perfect gift for her sister, she went up to the elder’s room. She opened the door to see nothing.
Well, slightly untrue as there were tons of flowers but no sister in sight. Mirabel walked around and called out for Isabela when she heard some soft sobs. Looking around she saw a bunch of plants and vines wrapped around a portion of the room.
“Isabela?” She called again. “I… I have a gift for you.”
“Go away!”
“Please? Isa?”
Mirabel hears some rustling and sees the vines move and her sisters angry, tear streaked face.
“I SAID-!” Mirabel holds up the gift.
Isabela blinks as she notices the pin and a couple of flowers in her sister’s hands.
“They’re inter- inner… they switch!” Mirabel says.
Afterwards her sister starts crying again, pin in hand and Mirabel hugs her. She tells her sister that she thought it was amazing and that mistakes happen. Mirabel knows. After Abuela says Mirabel makes lots of mistakes.
Isabela looks like she wants to say something but Mirabel hugs her again and tells her to sleep well.
As the years pass, Mirabel notices how even though it’s the pink one, Isabela still wears the hairpin.
Camilo, despite everything was her best friend. She know him better than she knows herself. That’s why when she sees he doesn’t eat the arepas at dinner, his favorite, she knows something is wrong.
They may not be four and spend everyday together anymore but she goes to where he’s hiding.
Camilo loves the sky. His mom makes it change and he adores it. Loves all weather.
When she gets there he clings. He talks about how his body changes and it feels wrong and how it’s not him. How nobody needs him anymore.
She tells him he’s wrong. How she needs him, how no matter what he looks like she will always need him.
Later she makes him a ruana with chameleons embroidered on it. She leaves a note at his door.
‘Even though a chameleon can shift and hide, it’s still a chameleon.’
Dolores had run off into the woods. Mirabel doesn’t know what she heard but knows it wasn’t good. She follows and they sit in silence.
Sometimes it’s good to be quiet.
She leaves some earmuffs she made at her cousin’s door that night.
Luisa was harder to find but at least one spot Mirabel could reliably find her at is the kitchen. Where she’ll see her mom already comforting her sister.
Once she knows it’ll be fine she goes to make another outfit to fit her sister whose so strong and beautiful that she doesn’t understand why others don’t see it too.
She hand it to her sister with a big hug and tells her she’s beautiful.
Antonio had long since made a habit of hiding under her bed. It’s why when she hears people can’t find him she goes to her room. She opens her drawer.
“This present will self destruct in three…”
Mirabel sits where no one in the house could see her. Always hidden and safe.
She failed to make them proud today. And that’s okay. She’ll cry tonight and stare at the stars she wishes so desperately to shine like. Eventually Casita will urge her to go to bed and she will.
Tomorrow is a new day. A new chance to make her family proud.
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