#and i am v happy with how the theme turned out
its-tortle · 5 months
omg thank you julie!!! since i've gone back to my roots (pun intended) and am aubrun again, it felt right to get the matching maisie icon :)
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axiina · 7 months
I saw your post about writing for Coriolanus Snow Andi was thinking classic enemies to lovers nsfw I’ll give you free liberty with everything else 💕
'I hate you' is new 'I love you'
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Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x capitol!reader (gender neutral afab)
Summary: When your professor tells you to come to an agreement with your enemy, and you take 'come' too literally.
Words: 3.2k
Themes: smut, nsfw
Warnings: using of 'you' to reader, set before events of tbosas so no actual spoilers, more like academic rivals to lovers but they want to fight at some point so I guess it counts, NSFW | public sex (or more semi-public), unprotected sex (wrap it before tap it), p in v sex, kinda toxic but it's enemies to lovers, more like enemies who fuck, Coryo is pretty rough and possessive, marking, making out, idiots in love but they prefer fighting with each other
Author's note: I found some free time between studying, so I decided that I can no longer delay. English is not my first language so i hope that i didn't do too much mistakes. It is possible that a single "she" or "her" will appear here because I changed the concept during writing and I do not know if I got rid of everything. Let me know whether to stay with the use of 'you' or maybe replace it with personal pronouns or 'y/n'. I hope it's not written very awkwardly and you will like it!!
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Coriolanus Snow is a peculiar person. Most people love him. Nice, classy, handsome and rich from a wealthy family. What more could one want? However, one of Coriolanus' traits that everyone seems to turn a blind eye to is his two-facedness. Some say this is merely a symptom of his cunning and wits. He knows when and how to behave to make his counterpart happy. You are not one of those people. Saying that you and Coriolanus Snow don't like each other is a huge understatement. You guys hate each other. From the very beginning when you both met at the academy it was known that you would cause a lot of problems. Too much of a character difference, or perhaps too much of a similarity between the two. However, this is not what is crucial. Whatever it is, it makes you two most likely to kill each other if you could. Every move you make you do to screw each other up. To prove who is better.
Professor Satyria's pleas for you to finally come to an agreement are of little use. The conflict must go on, and neither of you has any intention of giving up.
You like the way things are working out. At first, Snow was annoying and you didn't understand how people couldn't see him for what he really was. Fake. Now he is still annoying, but getting under his skin has become a sort of routine. Quite a pleasant one.
"You have to get along with each other and set a good example as rightful citizens of the Capitol, otherwise the Academy will draw out the consequences."
Professor Satyria's words continue to ring in your ears as you get ready to go home after finishing classes and doing punishment work. On the one hand, you don't want something as silly as arguing to weigh on your future, but on the other hand, reaching out to agree is like admitting you were wrong. Failure.
"Wherever I am you must also appear. Are you obsessed with me?" Behind your back, you heard a familiar, annoyingly kind voice, in which you could sense some arrogance. You groaned turning around to see no one else but Coriolanus.
"Don't you have anything better to do? People are finally getting tired of your idiocy?" Your words, however, did not budge the blond. His expression remained unchanged. One that might make most people think he is a nice person. You, however, have known him long enough to see right through it. Perfect. Too perfect.
"We need to talk. A positive outcome for both sides. It will interest you." Well, the threat of Satyria. He is the first one to extend his hand for agreement. Where is the trick? You look at him suspiciously without saying a word, and so Snow takes it as a sign that you are thinking about the proposition. "Do you have free time? Maybe we could go out somewhere together?"
The suggestion makes you burst into laughter. "With you? No thanks, I'll pass on this pleasure."
Coriolanus is not surprised by your answer. He knew it wouldn't be that easy. Accepting rejection, however, is not his strong point. He is annoyed by your behaviour, but he bites his tongue to avoid responding in the same spiteful way. Instead, he doesn't give up.
"I know we were never on good terms, but I want this war between us to end. I hope we can put behind us all the bad things that happened between us and start fresh. What do you think about this?" he says, sounding quite sincere.
"Let me think." You say and sigh, pondering the answer, which is obvious, but you can't let go of a little malice. "No."
The expression on Snow's face became more serious. It seems that your refusal offended his pride. But he doesn't show it in his tone of voice.
"Why not?" he asks and you notice how he clenches his jaw and his gaze becomes unpleasant.
You enjoy the view and it fills you with satisfaction. "Because you think that with a pretty face and fake politeness, you can get anything. Maybe it works with others, but I'm not that stupid. Additionally, you are damn annoying. That's why."
The expression on Snow's face becomes dark. Typical when he fails to get what he wants. His usual tone is completely gone. His face is twisted with anger. He still tries to maintain a polite voice. The attempt fails.
"Do you want to repeat it?" he asks through his teeth. It's obvious that you've hit one of his sensitive points. That was the plan.
"Exhausting, isn't it? Hiding behind the mask of a nice and put-together boy from a highly placed family who is a veritable ideal is tiring, isn't it?" A mockery can be heard in your voice. Coriolanus is very sensitive to it.
"What do you think you know about me?" He asks through clenched teeth, his tone no longer artificially polite, it is filled with rage. Your mockery has really gotten to him. He tries to calm down, but it's all in vain. Coriolanus has never had problems with self-control, but something about you makes him ready to abandon everything. You manage to get him off balance with ease. In his head, he has one plan. To destroy you.
"Do you think you pretend so well?" You burst out laughing and shake your head. You know you shouldn't say such things. The academy is practically empty, and Coriolanus's angry enough can be unpredictable. However, you can't help but point out everything that annoys you about him. "It's actually quite easy to see what kind of person you are. You look at people with disgust, but when they look in your direction, you suddenly change dramatically. how fake you are to everyone. I wonder how they don't see it. How empty and shallow you are."
"You don't know anything about me!" Snow shouts at you, his face twisted with rage. He is barely able to control himself. He doesn't even try to hide it anymore. He stares at you with hatred in his eyes.
"Don't you dare assume that you know everything about me. You don't know me one bit. You don't know what my life is like. Don't think so highly of yourself. You aren't better than me." He continues, his voice getting louder with every word he says. You really hit his sensitive spot.
"I don't know everything and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. For me, the most important thing is acts, and in your case, they are fake and two-faced. You despise people, and you yourself are at the bottom." Irritation takes over. You know that at any moment you can say one word too many if you haven't already. However, someone has to talk it all out for him. Adrenaline makes you take a step closer to the upset boy without considering the possible consequences.
Snow seems to be on the verge of a breakdown. His fists are clenched and his eyes are wide open with rage. He is breathing hard, trying to control himself. He's not used to being treated this way by anyone. He has come this far over the years, solely because of himself and what role he has taken in society. You really succeeded in hurting his pride. "I warn you right now. Don't mock me any further."
"Why? What will you do? hit me? do it, I dare you. Then everyone will see how "perfect" you really are." You know the situation is starting to get dangerous. However, you come closer. It's stupid, you know it, and yet you do it. Maybe it's the way his reactions give you satisfaction, or maybe it's the way he looks at you.
You can see the hatred oozing from his eyes when they are locked on yours. His face is full of rage, his breathing heavy and his muscles tense.
He takes a step toward you with a clenched fist. You can see his knuckles turning white. He grabs you and presses you against the wall, his body against yours.
A second later, you feel him pressing you against the wall tighter than before, and his hand grips your throat.
You feel the warmth of his breath on your lips. Your heart is pounding as if it wants to jump out of your chest. You feel a strange sensation in your lower abdomen. His eyes are cold, yet they make a pleasant shiver run through your body. His face is right next to yours, flesh pressing against yours. It was a matter of split seconds as you two pressed your lips to each other in an aggressive and hungry kiss.
He returns the kiss, wrapping his free hand around you. He seems to enjoy the kiss as much as you do.
You can feel his body trembling as he still tries to keep control of his overwhelming emotions, or maybe it's because of the situation you're in.
The two of you kiss aggressively. Snow's body shakes as he fights between his desire and how much you get on his nerves. You feel how rough but passionate his kiss is.
He draws you closer and your bodies press against each other. The friction of your bodies makes you uncontrollable over the muffled whimpers you make. You feel the bulge forming in his pants rubbing against your body.
The situation seems hazy, and only fragments register in your mind. How you both enter the bathroom without stopping your hungry and clumsy kisses, and your hands work to get rid of clothes that only makes it difficult. How Coriolanus presses your body against the wall slamming his hips against yours.
All this is to express yourself and give vent to all the negative emotions you have been holding for years.
Snow's body is now almost completely controlled by his emotions. His movements seem full of hatred and at the same time passion. He just wants to express himself using his flesh to claim you as his own.
You feel as if you are on fire, your body moves and reacts according to your desires. The tension that has built up between you for years is finally released, and it all comes out as raw passion.
His fast and aggressive movements make the place where your bodies meet burn in a pleasant way, and you think to yourself that it will be a miracle if you walk normally tomorrow. His dick stretches you nicely and his movements make your inside sting slightly. It's not a problem for now. Not now when your legs are wrapped around his waist and the only sounds you can make right now are moaning and repeating his name like a mantra.
Your body trembles at how rough his movements are, but you don't care now. The most important thing for you now is to show him how much you hate him. A broken moan leaves your lips when he reaches deeper.
Coriolanus feels your legs tighten around him. He moves slower now but is more passionate and rough. He holds your hips tightly, not caring if it is uncomfortable for you. His lips move to your neck, where he bites as if he is trying to unload all the emotions you are causing you this way.
His hips buck firmly against you. Each thrust makes your body more tired and aching but at the same time, it makes the whole experience even more pleasurable. If someone told you that you would end up having sex with your biggest rival in the academy bathroom, you would laugh in that person's face. There you are, panting, with your arms around his neck when Coriolanus Snow is abusing your cunt sensitive from too much friction.
Coriolanus brings his lips closer to your ear. His warm and irregular breathing makes a shiver go through your body. "Do you like it when I claim you as mine?" He purrs, his voice still filled with desire.
"I hate you, I hate you so much," You exhale in a trembling voice that takes a lot of trouble to keep from cracking. You bite and suck at the smooth skin of his neck, leaving there dark marks. "I hate you, Coriolanus Snow."
"I hate you too," Snow says with a low growl as he continues to hold you. He bites your shoulder, leaving marks on your skin. His moans are muffled by your skin, which he touches constantly, as if afraid that at any moment you might escape and leave behind only a faint memory.
You hate him, but you enjoy him. You are pleased when he takes you as his own. You are excited when he uses your body. You feel his passion and desire through his body. You feel his raw passion and it's hard to hate him now.
"oh go to hell" You hiss and bite your lower lip to stop your moans, feeling him moving faster.
He doesn't care if he hurts you or not. All he cares about is that you belong to him right now. His hips slam against yours in an aggressive peace. The bathroom is filled with sinful noises because you don't even think about the fact that someone might come in and hear them.
"you may have already fallen in love, but with me, it's not so easy" A trembling laugh leaves your lips. You feel your head getting foggier and foggier. It's hard for you to put together a meaningful sentence, "but you're doing a good job" a loud moan leaves your mouth. you close your eyes and throw your head back "mmm my sweet toy."
He hears your moans of pleasure, and his eyes close with a smile. He has won and he knows it. Snow always lands on top. He presses you against the wall with his body even tighter. His movements become more sloppy and deeper as if he wants to bury himself inside you. His body trembles as his lips leave broken moans and whimpers.
Passion is so strong that you can almost forget about hatred. You can almost fall in love with Coriolanus Snow. Almost. But you know that what you feel now is only lust, and you know that it's all temporary.
Not him. Not the arrogant boy whose whole life is based on lies. Not that boy who doesn't care about anyone. Not that boy with a beautiful face and mesmerizing blue eyes. Not him.
You press closer to his body, almost clinging to him as a wave of pleasure sweeps over your body.
Coriolanus lets out a raspy throaty moan feeling your walls pulsate around him. His voice is low and shaky. He doesn't seem to notice anything except the way you cling to his body. He moves faster and harder, making sure he satisfies you completely.
Snow is fully immersed in feelings. He can't think clearly or rationally. He only knows that he has to claim you, that he has to satisfy his needs. He wants to feel you and make the most of the situation. All his thoughts and desires are focused on you. His hip movements speed up as he reaches the climax. He hides his face in your neck to muffle his moans. His body stiffs as he comes inside you.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, while his wrapped around your waist. you cling to each other, still not making contact with the real world as your breathing slowly calms down.
What happened in that bathroom is over, they both return to reality. Snow steps back slightly and helps you stand on your own two feet. He looks at you with heavy eyes. All the emotions he had been hiding inside him had finally been released.
He has won and he knows it. He has succeeded. But what now? Was it really worth it? This is not a question for now. Coriolanus does not look far into that future with his thoughts.
You look at each other in silence. Slowly you begin to realize what you have done and now you look at each other awkwardly and somewhat panicked.
Coriolanus is the first to break the silence. His cheeks are flushed and his breathing is faster. The passion he felt a minute ago still lingers in his heart, something he tries to hide from you. He looks at you with a somewhat absent and uncertain gaze
"Do you think we should forget what just happened?" He tries to make his voice sound normal as if nothing had happened.
"Definitely." The words leave your lips before you have time to think. You stare at each other in silence for a few more moments and begin to quickly put on your clothes.
Snow is surprised at how quickly you agree with him. He needs to make sure this is the end of what just happened between the two of you, so he adds.
"If anyone asks, it never happened." He now looks at you with a somewhat panicked expression on his face.
"You don't have to tell me," you scoff, buttoning your shirt, "if you tell even one soul, I'll kill you, I swear."
Coriolanus looks at you with small amusement while fixing his jacket. "I hope you won't become obsessed with me after this."
"Maybe in your dreams," you say with a slight smile fixing the collar of his shirt. " you better be careful that you are the one who will be lost in memories of me." Before you leave the bathroom you stop in front of the mirror and fix your uniform and hair. Coriolanus smiles for a moment but then quickly clears his throat and tries to look cold.
You both come out of the bathroom, look at each other and part your lips, as if to say something to each other, but you look at each other in silence "Now everything is back to normal. We can still hate each other," you say, but this does not improve your mood at all.
"It never happened," Snow says trying to look you in the eyes, wondering if you're thinking about it too. He wonders if what he feels is real, or if it's just a moment of passion.
"Never" You agree by nodding your head. Your gaze goes down to his mouth. As you look into his eyes again without a moment's thought you move closer to him and press your lips to his in-hungry kiss. He kisses you back wrapping his arms around you to bring your body closer.
You parts away after some time and you both catch your breath for a moment after this passionate kiss. Coriolanus is completely consumed with passion and there is nothing in his mind but you.
You move away and nod to each other as if you have just made a deal and each is walking in your own direction in a much better mood.
Maybe that's not exactly what Professor Satyria meant when she said you two should come to an agreement, but it certainly worked.
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har-rison-s · 6 months
whatever you need | coryo snow x fem!reader
a/n: don't mind me, just eating pomelo and writing smut. i daydream about this piece every and all work day i have rn, it's pretty unhinged bcs i'm working as a gift wrapper for the holiday season and just staring ahead thinking of.... things. i'm technically an atheist, but i would need forgiveness for those thoughts. ANYWAY JEEZ. this took me like four days, help. i'm so insecure abt my smut writing, tho so ooohhh god am i actually dreading posting this. i'll just publish and run away from tumblr for a week. happy reading
talk to me about coryo here
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coryo masterlist main masterlist
word count: 7.2k (sawrry)
themes: smut
warnings / disclaimers: smut, unprotected p in v, brief mutual masturbation, cum eating (SCREAMING), fingering, crying, ENJOY jsdfjhsadsd
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gif credit goes to owner <3
something strange was happening in the arena. something was being done to the camera feeds that were supposed to livestream every second of what was happening in it. only because something seemed to have gone wrong in the games y/n was stuck to the television screen in her living room slash lounge. her parents were called into urgent work in district three a few hours ago, so it was only her and some of the maids in the house. they kept to themselves, though, and were probably asleep in their quarters at the mansion’s far-end wing. except for the main housekeeper, who was adamantly guarding the entrance of the house, in case anyone came by.
her parents were counting on someone coming by - with the way she was recently behaving at school and with the rebel bombs, they were real worried about her well-being. she was always alone at home, because there was no one to bring home. except the dean, but he came by himself and only to serve his usual scolding and threats about y/n’s rebellious nature and behaviour at school. her parents hadn’t felt such worry for their daughter as they felt now since the war days. 
what soothed her mother’s worried heart and mind was the presence of the maids and the housekeeper. y/n appreciated their staying around and liked hearing noises made by someone else in the mansion, even if it was only a far-away creak of floorboards or a door closing. but she didn’t need anything from them, ever, she’d been very independent since her early childhood, and maids seemed like such an excess right now, an even backwards concept for y/n. her family employing them, unable to live without them, made her feel like the rich princess everyone deemed her being. 
y/n had felt fine being home alone until the feed from the arena turned strange. darker, blacker, and the audio seemed warped or otherwise manipulated. she’d caught sight of a familiar figure entering the arena – who was that? how did he get inside? who can tell... – and then the feed changed. there was nothing much she could see, but her eyes had been glued to the screen of her television for the past half hour, anyway. all the while she was straining her eyes to try to see who it was, and at some point that figure was joined by another by Sejanus’ tribute Marcus’ bruised and wounded body, and then the feed darkened nearly completely. 
she sat in her sofa in an embryo pose, blanket over her stressed form, covering her back and the bare feet and legs that the knitted bedtime jumper couldn’t. she realized the gamemakers or the Capitol were trying to hide something, nothing else could explain the feed changing and audio going wobbly and earning static in the process. 
the bell ringing at the front door startled her so bad that y/n gasped and jerked in her position on the sofa. her head whipped in its direction and she watched two figures entering her family’s mansion from the far end of the hallway. she could already tell who the two were, but she remained sat on the sofa, her legs unmoving out of anxiety. she shut off the television and just watched them walk towards her through the unlit hallway, arms wrapping around her knees underneath her beloved blanket.
“ms y/l/n, a mister Snow is here, for you,” the housekeeper announced as she and Coriolanus entered the living room, Coriolanus stumbling into the room more than walking into it. he looked like he was falling to pieces. his breath was heavy, hair and academy uniform in disarray, face just... bewildered. y/n nodded at her housekeeper, extended her arms towards Coryo like a child reaching for its favourite toy and sniffled quietly.
“thank you, Nora,” she told the housekeeper, “please leave us. you can go to bed, i won’t need anything else for the night.” she said in a hushed voice and the housekeeper nodded, knowing to listen to the child of her employers. y/n hated giving anyone orders, much less this spectacular lady, but she did want to be alone with Coryo. and by the look of him, she could tell he couldn’t be around anyone else but her. he was a man of privacy, after all.
as soon as Nora shut the door behind her and left for the maids’ quarters, Coryo accepted the plea in y/n’s extended arms and stumbled over to her on the sofa. “i—i’m sorry,” he said the first words out of breath, in a voice so broken and frail that y/n’s lips twitched downwards and she felt the need to cry, “i didn’t know where else to go, i couldn’t... i couldn’t f-face anyone else...” as he sat down before y/n’s bare feet peeking out from the blanket, she noticed in the poor lighting of the room that his clothes were dirty. there were cuts in his shirt, dirt, gravel, sand... blood. 
“what happened?” her voice wouldn’t go any louder than a whisper, and her lips were turning into a pout as she looked Coryo over, her meek hands reaching out for him but unsure whether she should touch him or not. he could fall apart like the frailest glass, it seemed, if anything touched him right now. his face was bruised. there were small cuts on his cheek, blood on his chin. she noticed how they had already been taken care of.
Coryo still took heavy breaths, but finally he felt like his vision was real and not fooling him, and he took in his surroundings. the dim lighting in the posh room, y/n’s bare feet touching his red academy pant leg, her legs pulled up to her chest under a cute throw-blanket in the pastel colour of chocolate milk, her small hands reaching out to him, unsure, unsteady. he lifted his head to look at her, and the expression on her face made his heart lurch in his chest. her glassy eyes – no doubt matching his –, the pout on her lips, her rosy cheeks, eyebrows scrunched in worry and confusion. he could never decline that face. “dr Gaul sent me inside the arena to get Sejanus out,” he finally said, and he spoke in a whisper tone that could only be meant for secrets, “but the tributes heard us... i’m not sure i should even be telling you about this at all,” he admitted.
y/n shook her head. “your secret’s safe with me,” she assured with a gentle nod.
“yes, but dr Gaul—” Coryo began, but she interrupted him in the voice of a faint whisper. 
“i know how terrifying she is,” y/n persisted, “she won’t know that i know.” she said even quieter and looked, really looked, into Coryo’s eyes, and nodded gently again at him. he searched her eyes for a few seconds, weighing the risk of her knowing this, trying to decide if he should tell her more or just cut short here. but really. she’s a loose end and she knows it. it’s not like dr Gaul was in high thoughts of y/n or deemed her more valuable than any other student, and her nature played a big part in that opinion of the young girl. how would she know that y/n found out about this night in the arena? she wouldn’t. it would never come up in conversation. y/n wasn’t part of this.
“the tributes heard us,” Coryo started to say as he sat closer to y/n, his body turned to face her, and almost loomed over her. he’s always been much taller than her, and sometimes that played a part in their dynamic. he took her hands in his above her bent knees and the blanket. he licked his lips and y/n searched his eyes, his... stoic blue eyes. there was a change in them, “they came after us and i...” he shook his head, “i didn’t want to hurt him,” Coryo’s voice broke and his head dropped onto y/n’s covered knees. 
she heard a sob from him, and it shook her entire form, making her gasp quietly. she’d never seen him cry before. the night on the rooftop, in the garden, she knew he was close to it, but she knew he’d never let his pride down so much that he’d let anyone see him cry. and Coryo didn’t feel so good about crying now, about opening himself up to her like this, he felt disgusted with himself. but he also couldn’t stop. and he couldn’t hide everything from her, after all. 
y/n shuffled around until her legs were tucked under herself and she moved closer to Coryo, taking his scarred cheeks between her small hands and lifting his face up so he would see her. she knew she made him nervous usually, but she calculated that that effect flipped around on itself when he was in this state, or one similar to this. breaking apart. feeling vulnerable. beaten down. she looked into his eyes and he back into hers, not really having any other choice. she had this compelling power over him, even if he didn’t want to admit it, and he didn’t want to hide from her. not really.
his breathing slowed down as he just looked into her wondering beautiful orbs, full of so much determination, courage and kindness. she was almost smiling at him, even though she wanted to cry, too, and her eyes were glassy with produced tears, but she wanted to appear strong for him. because right now he really needed a strong anchor to hold onto, he was the one in need of support. y/n took that role mainly in their friendship-relationship, especially at school, when she got herself in trouble, or at home, when her parents were giving her an earful about her irresponsibility and all the jazz they usually gave her an earful about.
last time Coryo and y/n saw each other, she realized he had the ability to ground her. and now she realized she had the ability to ground him, because by looking into his eyes she could see his emotions and mood changing by the second. and all because she’s holding him, and he’s looking into her eyes. he didn’t need much more than that. 
and yet maybe he did. he didn’t know which part of him had the urge, but all of him acted on it by ducking forward and kissing her on the lips. he could taste the sweat she had made on her lips out of stress, and the blueberry tartlet she must have had as a late snack not too long ago. and his hands couldn’t keep away anymore, either, they were taking hold of her face like hers was holding his cheeks between them. y/n would have gasped at his sudden action if she had any air to breathe, and she sighed heavily when he did give her a split second of air after fiery kisses to her delicious lips. 
he kept his eyes on her as he pulled his academy blazer off and threw it to the ground beside the couch, then came back closer to her, one hand on her cheek and the other pulling the adorable blanket off her legs. y/n placed a palm on that hand of his, which made Coryo furrow his eyebrows and look at her with puzzled eyes. didn’t she want this, too? she gulped, eyes averted from his shyly. “i’d rather we talked about it, Coryo,” she admitted and looked back at him carefully, eyes so un-knowing and yet more clever than most people’s. Coryo tilted his head slightly at her words. 
his hands took the bull by its horns, pulling the blanket fully away and welcoming the night air of the mansion upon y/n’s bare legs, making her gasp again. Coryo used the moment of surprise to his advantage and pushed her down on the sofa, sneaking in between her legs like the slippery mastermind he was, and he slid a hand under her knitted jumper, raising goose-bumps in his wake across her stomach and waist. y/n hated that she felt aroused, meaning she felt exactly how he wanted her to, was right where he wanted her, but she couldn’t exactly pull away. she hated being at someone’s mercy, but.... it was Coryo.
she surprised him when he found she wasn’t wearing a bra under her jumper, nothing was standing between his greedy hands and her naked breasts now, though her not wearing a bra at home wasn’t exactly a surprise. it’s just that his inexperienced self was shocked to find a part of her naked, and right there, at his disposal. watching her face, he placed his palm over one of her breasts and ran his thumb over her nipple, which hardened immediately under his touch. and her face, oh, the expression on it was to die for. eyes softly shut, eyebrows gently spasming as she was feeling something very new to her, her teeth biting her lower lip, cheeks turning more red and no doubt burning up. Coryo placed a kiss on her bare stomach, just above the elastic of her underwear, and watched her still as she whimpered for the first time. her thighs fidgeted around him, feet unsurely digging into the soft cushions of her couch—she really didn’t know what to do with herself and these sensations she was experiencing. 
“i’d rather we didn’t,” he said to her finally, though his actions were more than enough of a response to what she said, but she hardly heard him now. there was a gentle static in her ears, and heat all over her writhing form. her pure, supple, untouched form. all for him to touch, to explore. Coryo took his shirt off in a hurry, as if y/n might disappear if he had his hands off her for a second longer, and returned to her half-naked body a hungrier man. hands raking the insides of her thighs, he kissed her again, hot lips making their conversation just moments ago seem like the far past, making her almost forget it happened. y/n could hardly feel her legs, though she knew this was just the beginning, and she wrapped her arms around Coryo’s frame and held onto him as he moved his slender torso against her chest. she could feel the bones of his hips jutting against her own, his growing crotch pressing against her panty-covered soaking cunt, teasing her, making her pant heavily and whimper like a kitten. 
having her like this satiated the hunger that rose from the deep hole he’d created inside himself, gnawing at him like a big black hole with eager, starving claws. every stroke of his hips against hers beat the monster down but dangled the bait in front of it at the same time, leaving him in quite the paradox. this was more than enough, yet Coryo knew he could go further with y/n, further than enough, and that she’d let him. everything in him wanted to, and he couldn’t stop himself. adrenaline was pumping blood from his heart into his veins, she was available and the only one who could help with the hole growing inside him. 
but y/n couldn’t go further without another word spoken. he was avoiding her question, he was avoiding the whole last hour of this night. “Coryo,” she whispered softly as his lips kissed at her neck, tongue sweeping over a particularly bruised-with-kisses spot on her sculpture-like skin, he was an animal let loose. and his affections almost made her forget what she wanted to ask, and she thought maybe she doesn’t really want to know. but y/n sighed, trying to clear her mind, “tell me what happened,” she plead in a quiet voice and it made Coryo raise his head and look into her eyes again. 
he framed the side of her face with only a hand, his thumb on her chin and the rest of his palm splayed across her burning cheek. he loved seeing the look of lust and confusion on her face, in her eyes most of all. the pads of his fingertips softly pushed into her skin. “no,” he remained stubborn, and y/n would have been surprised to have him do otherwise. she gulped softly, hoping he wouldn’t feel it, but no, he felt every motion any part of her made now. his mind came up with a new idea as he slid a hand of his across her stomach, making a wave across her supple body, and then he reached her underwear. he knew, like everyone else did sort of matter-of-factly, that women were to be touched there. he knew it was the spot in her with which he could get her full attention. and he also knew he’d have to fabricate having experience in this field for y/n. he didn’t want her to think him inexperienced, which he was exactly, or least of all that he’s experimenting with her—which was also what he was doing. so he improvised by cupping her warmest place in the body, and he felt an immediate reaction. her thighs fidgeted around his waist again and her stomach lurched. her eyes shut, but he wanted to see them, “open your eyes,” Coryo urged her, and y/n had to force herself to comply, her beautiful eyes looking into his again. they held eye contact as he ran his middle finger in a straight line between her clothed folds, and he watched as her face contorted, caused by the new strange and pleasant feelings. she felt like warm honey on his fingers, “right now all i need is to feel you,” he told her and did the same motion with his finger again, only this time slower, making it pleasurably agonizing for her, coaxing quiet whimpers from her lips, “and this tells me you need it, too.” 
god, she hated that he was right. at first it was want, she wanted him to stay over, to touch her, to feel her, to do things to her that no one else had ever before. now, she felt so desperate for it that she felt she could explode if she didn’t get what seemed to be promised to her. the want grew to need. she wanted to shake her head, wanted to push him off—that would really be characteristic to her. but instead she brought herself to really look into his eyes and nod in response. Coryo’s lips almost made a smile or a grin, almost, she caught the ghost of it in the corner of his lips before he kissed her again. “alright, Coryo,” she whispered against his lips, “but if you don’t touch me properly right now, i willkick you out of my home.” she said surely, admitting to her desperation without shame and in turn – with pride, and now Coryo grinned. her feistiness was one of the things he liked about her, and it coming out in this setting was more than he could have asked for. in a weird way it got him going. 
y/n placed both of her hands on the sides of his face and kept him close to her as he reached his hand into her underwear, breaching into unexplored territory. she was all the warmer for him, and soaking wet. he hummed, their lips nearly touching, but not completely. it was torture for him. he wanted to devour her lips, her whole face, her whole existence. her lips were like the food of life for him, the sounds she made music to his ears and air in his lungs. “you’re just perfect for me,” he confessed to her in a shudder and y/n smiled lightly. his fingers ran through her naked warm folds, just testing the waters, until they found the opening between them, where the wetness and warmth were seeping from. Coryo would have dropped his head onto her shoulder if her hands weren’t holding it up right, but he just felt like he lost his damn mind at how incredible her walls felt around his fingers, and he could collapse right there on top of her. 
“Coryo,” she sang his nickname in a beautiful moan when two fingers prodded inside her, beating any expectations she had about this beforehand. they were long and thick, touching every inch of her, it felt like, and reaching just far enough. she was barely holding onto him, and her body was reacting to his touches immediately. hips moving, back arching, thighs squeezing his body between them, breaths shuddering. 
“no one’s done this to you before, have they?” Coryo asked, but he hardly needed an answer. by the way she was reacting, he could tell that she’d never felt like this before. y/n shaking her head at his question was merely the last dot on the confirmation, yet it still made him more aroused. knowing he was the first one to do this to her, with her. he grazed her upper wall with his finger pads, being careful not to let his nails scrape her, and it brought a moan from her that he’d never heard anyone make. guttural, coming from the very depths of her lungs, her vocal cords, from her very core. it made him shudder. he repeated the motion, slower one time, then faster the next, all the while watching her reaction. he loved seeing her eyes shut, her cheeks become redder, her lips parting, stretching, pushing breaths and whimpers out from between them. Coryo felt one of her hands sliding up into his hair, and he groaned. her hips bucked and she grabbed onto his perfect curls between her fingers when he reached farther inside her with his two fingers, and it made them both moan into each other’s mouths, y/n letting his lips rest over hers. he’d reached that great point inside her, feeling her hot and spongy against his digits. it’s almost like she was sucking him in. “you’re so good for me,” Coryo told her and y/n whimpered at the praise. 
“more, please,” she begged with no shame and Coryo obliged, picking up the pace of his fingers and massaging over her folds with his thumb all the while. when he accidentally grazed over her clit, y/n made a high-pitched moan of the utmost sensitivity, and he knew he’d done the right thing. and by accident, no less. he was on the winning team, “Coryo,” she cried with her eyes shut and he noticed a tear on her cheek, kissing over it immediately. next his lips were on hers again, lapping at her tongue with his own like the starving man he was, knowing nothing of tomorrow or the next hour, just so engulfed in her that he knew nothing else. she was the perfect getaway.
he could feel her body behaving in a different way, thighs trembling around him, walls squeezing his hand in, hands nearly powerless, chest shuddering. she wasn’t far off her release, he guessed. with another press to the sensitive bundle of nerves that made her cry, Coryo once again watched her reaction in amazement. but he didn’t want to feel her release like this, he needed them both different. Coryo pulled his fingers away, once again making y/n cry out, this time in the most desperation she could manage, and she looked up at him with pleading, tearful eyes. he offered her a gentle smile and moved down her body, dragging her underwear with him. down her legs and away, the light pink garment went, and y/n bit her plump lip in anticipation as she watched him. 
Coryo tucked her underwear into the trousers of his academy uniform that he was still wearing and returned to her body, laying kisses across her thighs on his way up to her. y/n squirmed under and around him, mewled, muttering his name in a mewl here and there, relishing in the feeling of his lips on her untouched skin and his hands roaming all over her body, under her jumper, over it, trying to cover every inch of her. she hated that he had stopped touching her right when she was closest to that one sacred edge she wanted so badly to reach, he was teasing her, taunting her, testing her waters. it was clear to her that he had never done this to another girl before. Coryo was just like her, and yet he’d put up a different façade. 
he dug his fingers into the flesh of her naked hips, which made y/n throw her head back into the sofa cushions, baring her delicious-looking neck to Coryo. he used that to his advantage, licking and kissing at the skin of her neck which he had already bruised marked with his lips just moments ago, he was devouring her with a hunger only she could really satiate, and yet he couldn’t get enough of her. his growing crotch pressed against her bare cunt, and y/n gasped at the feeling. eyebrows scrunched, cheeks and lips red and puffy, she looked up at Coryo again, and he returned the gesture. he took one of her hands in his and guided it down to between them, where he was growing harder and in size, it seemed, watching her face all the while and taking notice of her biting down on her lower lip in anticipation. Coryo made her feel him through his trousers, and he couldn’t hide the effect her touch had on him - shuddering throughout his whole body, eyelids fluttering, he was barely able to utter the next words, but he did so in a quiet voice. “feel what you do to me?” 
y/n nodded with lustful eyes, hungry like the wolf for the boy above her. her boldness came back and with it y/n unzipped Coryo’s custom-made trousers and reached into his boxers to really feel him. he had girth and he was solid, she could feel that all with her hand on him. she was making him a panting mess, giving his length a sure stroke, Coryo’s head falling into the crook of her neck and him moaning, though she knew the piece of his pride that died for him to do that. he hardly let anyone see his inner world, his true feelings, so for him to be this vulnerable with her took a great deal of courage. “do i make you... feel like this often?” y/n asked quietly, and Coryo nodded with a whimper as her finger flicked over his tip, pink and sensitive. y/n wrapped her fingers around his shaft and stroked up and down, slowly, looking at his face all the while, wishing she could see his beautiful eyes now, see the emotions swimming around in the blue of them.
Coryo fisted the pillow right beside her, heavy breaths leaving his parted lips, “yes, yes, yes, god, yes,” he chanted in her ear as the pace of her strokes grew faster, and y/n could feel each breaths in his lungs against her own, his chest rising and hitting against her so intensely. she’d made him crumble beneath her so quickly, it surprised her, “i need you, y/n, i need to feel you,” Coryo confessed and managed the strength to raise his head and look at her again. he was too afraid to utter the phrase i need to be inside you, feeling just too shy all of a sudden to say that. the look on his face was pure desperation, he looked like he could start crying the next moment, and y/n’s heart lurched in her chest at seeing that. seeing and recognising that she could make him as desperate as he’d made her. that she could make him small, “no one’s ever made me feel like this before,” he confessed more, breaking his own façade down, and y/n smiled at him sheepishly. she knew, of course, that what he said was true. she knew everything about him.
“you have me,” she assured him and brought him out of the confine of his boxers, making Coryo breathe in relief. he had felt so restricted in his own clothes, “but god, Coryo, will you fit? you feel too big in my hand,” y/n said shyly and bit down on her lip again, a habit that Coryo had noticed her having for quite a while now, and he looked down between them two. y/n knew her comment went straight to his growing ego, but she just couldn’t resist teasing him a little. and when he caught onto it, he looked at her again, with a smile on his lips this time. she grinned wide and giggled before she took his face in her hands and kissed his lips, as if it was her first time doing so. simple, loving, affectionate. 
suddenly she fully took in the look of his naked torso, his amazingly sculpted shoulders and arms, his pearly chest... the sight of him was so breath-taking and delicious that she nearly forgot all her other surroundings. Coryo, though the look her eyes were giving him flattered him so, took the bull by its horns again and pushed the very tip of his hard length through her folds, where her warm opening welcomed him. y/n felt a strain while Coryo felt the beginning of a true release, but he noticed her awkward expression, felt her hold on his face falter, and he paused his movements to just check in. 
“alright?” he asked quietly, as he couldn’t tell what to do next by her face, “too big for you?” he teased and it made them both smile, then erupt into mad giggles in unison. y/n would never have expected Coryo to have humour in a moment like this, but she was relieved that he did, and god did it make the whole thing easier. she wasn’t worried, wasn’t anxious anymore, wasn’t feeling insecure about any aspect of herself anymore. except the thing she’d heard that happened to most women on their first time – the bleeding, the pain, his reaction to it. those were the few things she wanted to avoid happening. but if Coryo was his sweetheart-self, then she had no bad reaction to worry about. she was glad he was the person she was doing it for the first time with, she’d really lucked out.
“just a little,” she finally answered after their giggle fit while holding each other in their arms, “try going deeper,” she urged in a hushed voice, and Coryo complied, adjusting his hips forward, slowly, not to accidentally hurt her more. he couldn’t deny how incredible this felt, how incredible she felt around him, her walls sucking him right in so tightly, “ohmygodohmygod,” y/n pushed the words out in a quick breath, feeling a burn and stretch inside of her at the size of him. she didn’t have anyone to compare Coryo to, and no one else had been inside her before, but he felt big enough. 
Coryo appreciated her arm on his back, her nails digging half-moons into his pearly skin, and her other hand splayed across his cheek, thumb almost digging a hole in his cheek. “you feel so perfect around me,” Coryo praised against her parted lips, and y/n could only look at him with strain and tears in her eyes as he inched himself further and further inside, her face changing by every inch, it seemed, until he had bottomed out with a groan and she’d only felt a momentary sting of pain. and the worst part was over—what a miracle it was that it had been so quick for her, she’d expected otherwise. Coryo could see the immediate relaxation on her features, and he smiled. 
he kissed away her fallen tears, but more kept falling from her eyes and y/n could only explain them as being happy tears, though she scolded herself for being so emotional in a meaningful moment like this. but maybe it was just right. Coryo smiled at her and she could see his orbs being glossy, too, and she was glad. it was no wonder, really, taking how shaken he was when he came into her home and sat down on her couch beside her. he was still in turmoil, but that didn’t matter now. he had her. 
“can i try... moving? you feel alright?” he asked her in a whisper. this slow thrust inside her had already felt like heaven, he couldn’t wait to repeat it over and over and over. 
y/n nodded, “yeah, go ahead,” she said and Coryo complied. she took in the feeling of him pulling out gently, slowly... teasingly. he was grinning, she saw, and she shook her head in disbelief as a beautiful smile adorned her features. and then he thrust inside her again, stuffing her walls with his great length, making her back arch and moans that she’s never made before escape her lips. he could hardly concentrate, but he didn’t want to miss all the different facial expressions she would make, the look in her eyes, while he made love to her now. he made himself keep his eyes open as he began to move rhythmically now. 
y/n’s legs wrapped around his waist, engulfing him in her more and more, and each of his thrusts earned him a squeak from her from the movements. god, he just adored her beyond measure. she was everything he needed now, and later, and forever. Coryo kissed her neck, licked at it, as he had before, and it only made her moan more, each moan in its own unique high or low pitch, and dig her fingers into whichever part of his skin she was holding. Coryo adored her touches, they turned him on, and he wanted her hands on him always, they were a lifeline. his hands gripped her waist, her sweater bunched just above them, only covering her arms and her breasts, though barely even those from how much Coryo was moving her.
“you're doing so good for me,” he breathed into her ear, and the praise only spurred her on. she clenched around him, and it made Coryo break his focus completely, his head dropping onto y/n’s chest, where he breathed hot air onto her skin, “i’m sorry, i think i’m close,” he confessed, and y/n raised his face with her hands, looking at him with puzzlement across her face. 
“me too, it’s okay,” she assured him and then took one of his hands in hers and lead it down to where their bodies met. she laid his palm over the bulge that had formed in her lower stomach from him. the sight and feel of it made Coryo groan, getting him all the more closer to his release. 
“fuck, that’s amazing,” he said into her neck, and y/n nodded.
“you’re so big, Coryo,” she complimented him again and felt his dick twitch inside her at the words, “made a bump in me,” she put it into words and it made the boy nearly lose his mind. then she guided his hand just a little lower and pressed his hand onto her clit, where he recalled was her most vulnerable point, “come on, touch me. we’ll do it together,” she urged him on in the sweetest of angel voices and Coryo didn’t need to think twice before complying. he loved her ordering him around a little, it was much needed tonight especially. 
he pressed his thumb against her clit as his hips had nearly reached their fastest pace, and watched as her face twisted in pleasure. eyes shutting, lips spasming, closing, opening, teeth biting, voice singing out to him. “oh, Coryo,” she called his name and he felt it go straight to his heart. there wasn’t much more that he needed in order to come now, and he prided in himself for lasting so long at all, all the while feeling a little ashamed about it. he wanted this to last longer. but since he could tell she was coming, too, his thumb drawing harsh circles on her clit to bring it on, he revelled in them both finishing at once. 
“fuuuck, y/n, i love you,” he whimpered into her ear as he spilled himself inside her tightly-squeezing walls while y/n all but chanted his nickname like a mantra. her hands almost drew blood on his back from how tightly she held onto him, and she shuddered around him at the feeling of her own release coating his entire length. her thighs trembled and she panted heavy breaths against his neck. she’d almost missed his quiet confession, she’d actually heard it amidst their joined euphoria, but she had thought it a hallucination. 
but that assumption dissipated as she came to and looked up at Coryo, whose eyes were worriedly, with tears streaming from them, looking down at her. she quickly moved her hands to his cheeks and tried to sit up in their awkward position. best she could do was position herself higher on her pillow against the sofa’s armrest, and she gulped. “you love me?” she echoed in the smallest of voices, searching his eyes. they were worried, fearful. what if he’d said the wrong thing? what if she felt different about him, different than what he felt about her? what if he’d said it too soon? what if he’d just ruined all this with her? 
but he did love her. he was sure of it. so he nodded, his curls bouncing with the confirming movement. y/n ran her hand over them and smiled wide at him. 
“you love me,” she said again, surely this time, in a happy tone of voice. as if she’d discovered the best, most well-wishing secret in the whole world. and perhaps that’s what it was. her favourite secret about Coryo was that she knew he loved her, “i love you, too,” y/n told him before he could assume otherwise, and kissed his trembling lips. Coryo felt on top of the world. he had said the right thing, he’d played his cards right, he’d told her how he felt. of course, his actions spoke volumes, but hearing him say it in words meant the world to y/n. 
“thank god, you had me worried there for a bit,” Coryo half-joked between their kisses, and it made her laugh. she pulled back from his lips and admired the boy above her. forehead glistening from sweat in the dim lighting, curls messily falling over his beautiful face, his pearly chest rising and falling with each heavy breath he took. 
“who would i be without a little suspense, huh?” she asked and smiled at him again. she could see complete love and devotion in his eyes, two things she’d seen on his face only partly or half-meant before, and only towards herself. Coryo used the moment of silence to pull out of her and stuff himself back into his trousers. sitting against the sofa cushions to do it, he glanced at her cunt and saw it leaking with his white substance. y/n looked at him with sultry eyes and her teeth biting her lower lip, arms crossed over her chest, and she spread her legs just a little further to tease him with a wider look, “like what you see?” she asked quietly.
he just gave her eyes of total surrender, he was waving the white flag for giving up and he took a deep breath. y/n giggled as Coryo shook his head in disbelief and lowered his face down to her center, once again giving her anticipation. “you look so pretty,” he complimented and ran a finger through her folds, making her shudder as more of the snow-white liquid pooled out and coated her cunt, “pretty with me dripping out of you,” Coryo sneaked a glance up at her and saw the clear-as-day lust in her eyes. feeling that animalistic urge take over him again, he brought out his tongue and lapped up each drop coming out of her. y/n felt sensitive, sore, and Coryo was giving her a mix of both pleasure and pain as he drank at her. she had him right where she wanted him. the question was – would he stay there? 
his tongue prodded at her entrance just a tad, heightening her sensitivity, and he moaned against her folds at her shudder under him, giving her folds a kiss over once he was done. he wanted to leave most of his spill inside her, only having lapped up and gulped down what was excess. sitting up before her, between her legs, Coryo licked his lips and leaned over her form. y/n pulled him in for a kiss, and could taste something salty and something sweet all at once on his lips and tongue. it was both of them. 
“will you please stay?” y/n asked her in her small voice again, looking into Coryo’s eyes. she hoped to not find any resistance or decline, and her hopes were fulfilled. “please,” she plead more as he teased her with his silence. he nodded, and it made her smile wider than ever. he would stay over, like he promised her he would someday. it meant he didn't view her only as a secret anymore. maybe they could even go to Heavensbee hall tomorrow together, maybe hand in hand... “why did you say sorry? about being close?” she reminded him of the few moments before their euphorias. Coryo bent his head low for a moment. 
“just felt embarrassed,” he answered, “about not lasting long. i just... i just wanted this to last longer for you,” he told her and managed to look at her again. y/n made a comforting face and stroked the side of his face. she understood. 
“yeah, but it’s okay,” she assured him, “there will be other times,” she pointed out and laid a kiss to his cheek, “it was your first time, so please don’t worry your beautiful head over it.” Coryo managed a ghost of a smile just for y/n to kiss him and make his smile more life-like. “you did good, Coryo.” those words of praise went straight to his dick again, and he blushed. she had made him blush. y/n giggled. 
“you did great, too,” Coryo told her and kissed her hair, “thank you. i never would have wanted to do this with anyone else but you,” he confessed as they held tight eye contact. y/n’s heart surged at his words. 
“me too. i’m glad it was you,” she said and it made Coryo smile with shut lips, “now, can i get my underwear back?” she’d made a joke again, and Coryo felt like playing along further. 
“no, i’m keeping it,” he said in a hushed voice, shaking his head and y/n made a playful pout. she’d want to make him think he could keep it and that she’d steal it back later, but she couldn’t. Coryo having her underwear in the pocket of his academy trousers made her feel somehow proud. a piece of her with him wherever he goes. and if he went home and stashed them somewhere in his wardrobe cabinet, that would be fine, too. she loved knowing her underwear was a token for him. 
she only said, “alright,” and took his hand in hers, “let’s go shower and then to bed. you’ve exhausted me.” she admitted and Coryo took it as a compliment. he wanted this treacherous-turned-great day to end, too, and she was the cherry on top of it all. he wouldn’t have gone home tonight for anything. 
permanent tag-list: @gabiatthedisco​​​​​​ @v0idbella​​​​​​ @works-of-fanfiction​​​​​​ @ur-gunna-h8-ths​​​​​​ @betweenloveandfire​ @but-legendsneverdie​​​​​​ @deardeacy​​​​​​ @thewinchesterchronicles​ @mavieesttriste16​​​​​​ @intrrverted​​​​​​ @the-freak-cassie-131​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​ @xoxobabydolls​ @corallyink​ @rottenstyx​ @allcheesemelts @dangelnleif
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beefboyandbabygirl · 11 months
Titty-Shirt! (18+)
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pairing: pervert!rollercoaster operator!jeonghan x bigtiddie!fem!reader
genre: theme park au??? lmao, coworkers to lovers, kinda enemies to lovers, smut, fluff, lil crack, lil angst
description: you start your new job and your mentor, jeonghan, is the biggest piece of shit you've ever met. you swear you hate him. you swear. he's just also the most gorgeous man you've ever seen.
warnings: whew this requires a lot of warning, first of all a lot of DUBCON BEHAVIOR FROM JEONGHAN INITIALLY (we know she enjoys it to some extent, but he doesnt know), hes a sleazy perverted fuck, tiddie playing, tiddie sucking, tiddie fucking, fingering (f. receiving), dry humping, mirror sex, praise (f. receiving), dirty talk, FINGER SUCKING HNG, a lil degradation (f. receiving), meanie condescending jeonghan turning all soft for ur tiddies :(, V TIDDIE-CENTRIC IF U COULDNT TELL, belinda loves jeonghan, WEED LOTTA WEED, explicit depictions of smoking weed, high sex, this fic sounds rough but it actually has some really soft cute moments, im pretty sure thats it lmk if i forgot smth
quotes from babygirl (@joshibambi): "shove ur cock down my throat treat me like the whore i am", "FUCKING STEP ON ME", "omg hes so disgusting..... im so attracted to him"
wordcount: 13.2k
a/n: the way i raced 2 finish this before im actually moving out... ALSO thinking ab making this a series? like one for each member, the theme being "unusual jobs". like not stuff youd immediately think of like coffee shop or lawyer or ceo or whatever. like. strange jobs. would u guys b on board?
“We’re so excited to have you working with us.” 
She had a mole on her nose that was hard to ignore. It was big and exceptionally round - your thoughts flitted back to your dearest Discovery Channel, and how amazing it was that nature could create such perfect spheres. The thought of your couch and your blanket and your most cherished nature docs brought upon a wave of uncertainty. You could just be lying at home, you thought. 
“Happy to be here,” you smiled tightly. She was your new manager and she was short and stout and had gray hair and a lovely smile and a round mole on her nose. You tried not to make it obvious you were staring at it. 
You were standing in your city’s local theme park under a long path with flower archways. People, kids and parents and ninth graders, swarmed around like bees, standing at booths and in lines to old, janky, rusted roller coasters. It was summer and you were wearing the branded shirt they’d given you, slightly too small, and the matching cap. Insects buzzed past your stray hairs and you looked up at the bright blue sky. 
You needed a job, you had known, and your mom had certainly known it too, so you could only lounge around after graduating for a short while, before you opted to apply. This had been your last choice. You’d tried to become some sort of lobby-worker, tried makeup stores and even regular stores. You used to make fun of the people who worked here. But now that person was you, and standing under the archways in the summer sun slathered in sunscreen, you figured you would make the best of it until the busy season was over. 
“So,” your manager, Belinda, began after a brief pause of polite nods, “new employees such as yourself are required to be trained and surveyed by an existing worker for a two-week period, but after that you get to run the rides all by yourself.” 
She said it like it was something to look forward to. You tried to believe that it was.
“Of course,” you said, and once again the space between you was filled with polite and exaggerated nodding. “Need to learn first before you get to be the master.”
“Exactly!” she said. Her lipstick was barbie-pink and a little overlined on the right side. She smelled faintly of gasoline. “So we’re handing you off to one of our star-employees!”
You hummed and noticed her taking a step backwards, indicating you to follow. She began walking, trudging over the cobbled paths and shuffling awkwardly in between walls of people. You followed behind. “He’s been working here for the past two years, so he knows the place in and out.”
As you walked, passing twisting, gnarly tracks with screams emanating from them and stands with oversized, China-made plushies hanging from them, you tried to imagine what a star-employee at Caratland Theme Park looked like. 
It was probably someone that loved roller coasters, maybe someone like yourself, who strived for approval and perfection, maybe someone that found a certain joy in being a good service experience for guests. Someone who was good with kids? 
“So you’ll be training with him for a bit before we leave you alone with the coasters, of course, but it should be no trouble, he’s a fun guy!” 
You passed by a haunted house, where a group of kids psyched each other up in the queue. Dodging a tree, you finally came up on a certain blue ride where Belinda stopped and put her hands on her hips, power posing in front of the creaky, old machinery. 
The Pirate Swing. That’s what it was called, and it was a big ship attached to a huge, metal pole on each side, and it was currently swooshing up and down with a large, grating sound. You cringed at it. Belinda noticed and frowned, fingers fiddling with the edge of her shirt. “Maybe we should oil that one.” 
Kids and parents were lined up at the stairway leading up to it in a parade of artificial polyester colors, and on the edge of the platform where the ship was shoveling through the air, a little booth was sat. Peeking through the frankly grimy windows, you could see him. He was slumped back in a wooden chair, wearing the same shirt as you and Belinda, and wearing big, blocky, black sunglasses. 
“Jeonghan!” she called, and you saw the figure jolt. He looked briefly dazed, before he snapped his head up to peer through the glass, smiling and waving. The kids in line turned to glare at you. He scrambled up from his seat clumsily and with sporadic movement, and you both watched how he hunched over the door, shaking it in its frame before it finally let open. He took one long step out the door and was finally outside, looking down at you from the platform and leaning on the railing. 
“Belinda! Nice to see you,” he breathed, smiling in a way that seemed to indicate he did not find the prior sequence of events embarrassing. In fact, he seemed to think he had the upper hand - the confidence rolled off of him in waves. You grimaced. 
You could see him much better now that he was outside, not broken up by the greasy glass, and whatever you had envisioned the star-employee to look like, this was not it. He was young, maybe just a little older than you, and he was thin, with long black hair that just kissed his shoulders. About half of his face was hidden away behind the frankly humongous sunglasses on his face, but he had pale pink lips and a pronounced cupid's bow, and even though you were a little skeptical of him, the cockiness in his smile was well-received. 
“This is Y/n!” Belinda said (yelling to overpower the severely loud child glee), gesturing to you, and you almost felt self-conscious when he looked over at you and smiled. “She’s a new employee and you’ll be her mentor during her training period.” 
“Sure thing!” he said simply. Again with the polite nods, you thought, before you felt Belinda’s hand on your shoulder. You glanced over and she squeezed. 
“Good luck, Y/n! You’re in great hands!” Now that you weren’t so sure about. Had the two of you not seen the same thing? 
You mumbled a thanks and she padded away, once more dodging and weaving through huge chains of people, and you squinted after her, before you turned back to Jeonghan. He was already looking at you, a lazy smile on his lips. 
“Welcome to The Pirate Swing, matey! Get up here and let me show you the ropes,” he padded back to the booth, now visibly more relaxed, as his back returned in a hunch. “I should probably stop the ride,” he mumbled to himself, pressing a button on a long controlpanel with a grid of eight buttons. 
You climbed up the stairs unsurely, hand smoothing over the railing as you went. At the top you squeezed in beside Jeonghan. It was a fairly small space, just big enough for the two of you to stand next to each other. Jeonghan smiled a straight smile at you, before brushing past you to let out the dizzy guests. 
“Was it a good ride?!” You heard him ask distantly, while you studied the interior of the booth. 
It was reeking with a sweet herbal stench, and for a moment you might’ve chalked it up to sweat and cologne, but when your gaze danced over the grid, you became aware of a small, open ziploc of weed on the countertop, crumbs of it dotted by the opening. An energy drink, most certainly warm from the sun flowing in, was perched next to it, and you saw more cans by the foot of the wooden chair (it seemed like a chair that had been dragged in from somewhere else - it was almost reminiscent of the one from your grandma’s house).  
You grimaced, looking over to where Jeonghan was waving kids off and shuffling over to let in people from the queue, a big sign for checking heights in his hand. The sunglasses, of course, you thought and frowned at the room. Luckily it seemed pretty straight forward, so maybe you could escape this Jeonghan character earlier than two weeks. 
“Right,” Jeonghan clapped his hands together, pushing past you again. “This is how you turn it on,” he said and pressed one long, skinny finger to a black button that read ‘dispatch’. 
Sure enough, the huge metal set to work again, screeching as it lifted a boat-full of nuclear families through the air. 
“You turn it off with this other one. Usually rides just stop by themselves when they reach the end, but since we got a little shitty one today it’s manual.” 
“Okay,” you said, nodding along and watching when his hand danced and pointed to the set of buttons.
“That’s pretty much it!” he said, collapsing in his chair again, sunglasses sliding halfway down his nose and revealing his bloodshot eyes. 
“What about the other buttons?” you ask pointedly, arms crossed.
“Don’t worry about them, sweet cheeks,” he waved you off. “They don’t do much.”
The empty cans by his chair clattered when he reached down a hand for one, toppling over and hitting the metal flooring. You scrunched your nose in disgust. 
“I like your shirt,” he mumbled, nimble fingers picking up a particular empty can. It was bent on one side, little holes pricked in it - it was a makeshift bong. You scoffed at him. This was the star-employee?
“We have the same shirt,” you deadpanned. 
“Yeah, but I like yours better,” he grinned lazily, can now in hand, when he leaned forward to fetch the ziploc of weed. “Nice and tight.” 
“You’re gross,” you spat, brows furrowed. “This is a kid’s establishment, you know that, right?” 
“Ninth graders fuck here all the time,” he shrugged. You gasped, not only because it was an extremely gross fact, but also because that was not what you were suggesting. “I’m referring to the fucking weed in your hand, jackass!” 
“Woah, calm down!” He shushed you, and you might’ve genuinely scared him, because he looked around each window of the booth, light cascading down his tan skin. He was wearing a pair of shorts, and you saw his knee bounce. When he’d secured the area, he turned to you with a hiss: “That’s a secret, woman! You can’t just throw words like that around.” 
“Then maybe you shouldn’t smoke here!” You snapped, but Jeonghan was doing exactly the opposite. Ducking down so it wasn’t totally visible from the windows, he’d placed a little nugget of weed on the grate, and was now setting it alight with Transformers-print lighter.
“This is your first day, right? Trust, you’re gonna end up being high on the job too,” he ended his sentence by placing his lips around the mouth of the can, sucking in smoke.
“That’s such a safety hazard,” you murmured, looking down at him from where you stood. He pulled away, smoke still in his mouth and you saw a twinkle in his eyes from above his falling sunglasses. Then he lunged forward and blew it into your face, a concentrated stream of weed smoke bouncing off your shiny cheeks. “Hey!”
You sputtered and spat, shoulders tense and straining against the fabric of your shirt. Jeonghan settled back down in his chair, legs spread.
“The kids love me! With or without weed!” he said, voice a little groggy from the smoke. You coughed, discontent. 
“Maybe they love you because you get them contact-high,” you mumbled under your breath. Jeonghan grinned at that. 
Suddenly he leaned back in his chair to study you, one hand on the can, the other taking off his sunglasses. He stared up at you with fire-red eyes and soft, long hair and a bemused grin on his lips. Seeing his full face, you gulped under his intense gaze. He was really pretty. Annoying. More annoying than pretty. But still. 
Distantly, kids screamed and a constant buzz of countless conversations overlapped in each inch of the park. Jeonghan reached out a finger and poked your jean-clad hip once. 
“You’re funny,” was all he said, something resembling curiosity in his eyes. “Yeah. Funny girl with the tight shirt.” 
You were going to retaliate (they truly had run out of your size and had opted for this as a temporary option, it wasn’t your fault!), but Jeonghan coughed suddenly, eyebrows furrowing as he sat back up in his seat. 
“Oh shit, should probably stop the ride now.”  _____________________________
You thought about quitting. 
You could honestly say that Jeonghan made you think about quitting, and maybe you would even have brought the plan into action, had it not been for the fact that you had been rejected from just about every other job that you’d applied to. It seemed you were stuck. 
You showed up the next day in your shirt and it felt even tighter than the day prior, and the cap tightened around your scalp like you were a toy in a claw machine. 
Fortunately for you, the park seemed much less crowded today. It was a Wednesday, parents were still working and apparently no one sought out the thrill of scary, old, decaying rides on such afternoons. You admired how much lovelier it was when it was still, as you walked up to The Pirate Swing. 
“Hey, titty-shirt!” 
The loveliness was ruined. 
Jeongan was standing on the railing with someone else you didn’t recognize, long, black hair swaying out from the rim of his cap. He waved enthusiastically, watching your form slump at his words. 
“Hey, Jeonghan,” you muttered, approaching the steps. The boy beside him looked mildly uncomfortable at the interaction. 
“It’s a good thing you’re here, N/n - can I call you N/n?” he didn’t let you answer, simply continued talking like a telemarketer. “Well, it’s a good thing you’re here. Me and my buddy, Junhui, from the Beetle Bug ride were just discussing something that I think is extremely valuable to learn about this place!” 
“Are you gonna teach me about the rest of the buttons?” you drawled, eyes half closed in feigned boredom (as much as you disliked him, it certainly wasn’t boring). 
“No!” Jeonghan snapped his fingers at you. You noticed he had this way of smiling, that irked you. It was void of sincerity and was instead wolfish and teasing, something genuinely animalistic and mean-spirited. It was distasteful.
“On days like these-” he hovers and outstretched hand to gesture to the mostly bare land of the theme park, “- you can steal food from the restaurants.” 
After just one eight hour shift with Jeonghan, you find yourself not even remotely surprised at this. You cross your arms over your chest (Jeonghan’s eyes briefly flick down to them, and you think you might actually hate him): “I have a packed lunch.” 
“Packed lunches are for geeks and nerds,” he said, unbothered. “You can come along if you want to get some delicious, warm pizza, or you can stay here like a loser and explain to every kid that comes by, that you’re not allowed to give them a ride on the coaster and watch them cry until you get fired. Your choice, babe.” 
“Don’t call me that,” you snarled. Jeonghan shrugged with puckered lips and the Beatle Bug guy - Junhui - scrunched his face in disgust at the two of you. 
“Not gonna lie, I’m gonna go find Seungkwan,” he said, not even attempting to hide his dismay for your dynamic. He brushed past you on the stairs, hands buried in his pockets. “If you guys fuck, do it in the bathroom Chan uses!” he yelled, trudging past the pillars that held up the haunted house. 
“Sure thing, Jun!” Jeonghan smiled, and you could punch him. Again that animalistic, joyful, laughing-at-you-not-laughing-with-you smile.
“What if I snitch on you?” you asked, hoping it would knock some sort of sense into him, but he only shrugged.
“Belinda loves me. Whenever she works on Valentine’s day, she cries in her office and I let her rant about her shitty boyfriends,” the visual was somehow not hard to imagine. Belinda in her office chair (you’d seen it once, and all you could say was the interior looked like something from a log cabin) and Jeonghan, 19, feeding into everything she said. “You can say what you want, but she’ll just fire you for making up rumors.” 
Your brows furrowed. “That’s so concerning.” 
“Nothing about this place works right,” he admitted and it was maybe the only time you’d sensed an ounce of truth in his words. “So, are you coming?” 
You hesitated. You really were working up a real distaste for Jeonghan, but talking to spoiled, crying kids seemed worse than anything else at the moment. You decided you could live through Jeonghan’s lewd comments and maybe make friends with some other park workers. 
“I knew you loved me,” he teased, and then grabbed your wrist from the top of the steps, bouncing down and pulling you along with him. “Hey!” you yelped, but Jeonghan was, as always, unbothered. 
He pulled you by a narrow walkway into the toilets, passing by a single, confused family, as you stumbled behind him. There was a fountain with a hen figurine on top, which he steered around, your arm jerking limply, as he went down a flower-walkway. 
“You do this often?” you remarked, out of breath from jogging to match his strides. 
“Oh yeah. Mingyu works there and he’s like 16, he lets me do anything,” Jeonghan giggled evilly, glancing over his shoulder once, and you gulped, and hated the way his eyes were so big and pretty, and the way his hair blowed softly along carvings of his cheeks. 
“It’s great that you have so many people here to enable your bad habits,” you said. Whatever sarcasm you portrayed in your tone, Jeonghan ignored it, still smiling when he said: “Right?” 
When you stopped you were standing on the backside of a blocky building - one of the many offers of food you provided, prices marked up to drain the suburbs of their cash. You felt something underfoot, and looked down on the gravelly, rustic pavement, only to see circa 20 cigarettes jammed in between the rocks. You scrunched your nose. 
“What? You don’t like cigs?” you looked up at Jeonghan’s voice, to see him grinning cheekily at you. His eyes sparkled and for maybe just a second it was kind of attractive. 
“I don’t..” you broke off eye contact. “I don’t mind, it’s just.. Is everyone here like you?” 
“Sweetheart,” he tutted, and you nearly flinched at the feeling of his long fingers tapping your cheek, cool on the warming skin. You looked back up at him and he had tilted his head to the side. Why was he being attractive? Why were you finding him attractive? “There’s no one like me.” 
Before you could respond, Jeonghan pushed open the backdoor, the heat of the kitchen simmering out in one brief wind, before it slammed shut behind him, and you were left, alone and dumbfounded on the stones in a mountain of cigs. 
Then you scoffed.
You stood for a moment, letting the fresh air cool the inevitable warmth on your cheeks, huffing (because you were annoyed, you told yourself, not because he had just done something terribly, horribly attractive!) and puffing with your arms crossed over your too-tight-shirt. 
Then you pushed open the door and stepped inside the tiled kitchen. 
The room was filled with steam and it smelled like canned marinara sauce and fake cheese and most of all it was unbearably hot - so hot and humid, you felt the particles of water sitting on the fabric of your shirt. There was a decidedly oversize pot simmering with sauce on a stovetop, and on a hotplate three untouched pizzas sat; one with potato-topping, one pepperoni and one margarita. 
A very tall boy was running frantically around the kitchen, three different kitchen utensils in his clenched fist like claws. Sweat was dripping down the side of his frowning face and red speckled his shiny cheeks. Jeonghan draped himself against the counter lazily.
“It’s just me today,” the boy, Mingyu, cried, “Thomas sent home the other two because there’s no one in the park, but I can’t do this alone!” 
“Seems real stressful, Gyu,” Jeonghan mumbled, leaning on his hand. 
“Yeah, so if you aren’t too busy, maybe you could stir the marinar-” 
“That’s really great, man. You’re doing God’s work. But hey, we’re just gonna-” While Mingyu’s back was turned, the tall boy hunched over the sauce, Jeonghan limply pushed the pepperoni pizza to the edge of the hotplate with a pair of tongs. He winked at you, scooping the pizza into his open palm. “We’re just gonna head out now.” 
“Jeonghan, please help me out and don’t-” 
Mingyu turned around and his tortured expression dropped into one of shock, his tense limbs falling limp at his sides. Jeonghan stood, hand in the cookie jar and pizza in his palm, frozen in front of him with a sort of cartoonish ‘oopsie’-face. Steam clouded the room while you watched from the doorway.
Mingyu’s eyes narrowed and when he spoke again, his voice was lowered in warning: “Jeonghan. We’ve talked about this. Put. The pizza. Down.” 
There was a moment of indifferent silence. Jeonghan contemplated.
Then he nodded, lips pursed and eyes cast down to the pizza.
“You know… I would.. But. Y/N, OPEN THE DOOR OR KNOCK HIM OUT!”
You did. Apparently Mingyu hadn’t seen you, because he jumped at your voice behind him, body twisting to see you just in time for you to open the door and Jeonghan came scrambling out of it like a rat. You cannot believe you just aided this man’s crimes, you think, Mingyu’s expression of horror forever imprinted in your retina, before you followed suit. 
However bad Mingyu’s puppy expression made you feel, the rush of adrenaline as you bolted down the pavement under row after row of flowers and sunbeams brought forth something sinister and mean that had you giggling at your evil-doing. Jeonghan was laughing as well, and his genuine laugh was bright and bubbly and very unlike him. 
Mingyu sprung open the door behind you, yelling over your shoulders: “HOODLUMS! THIEVES! YOU’RE LUCKY I CAN’T LEAVE THIS SAUCE.” 
This made the both of you laugh even harder, disappearing behind another building, leading up to the chicken-fountain. You caught up to him, still holding the pizza in his open palms, now sweating and panting in between bright, heart-thrumming giggles. 
“I thought-” you panted, bending at your knees and warding away the image of the betrayed Mingyu. “I thought you said he let you do whatever he wanted.” 
“Yeah,” Jeonghan heaved, cheeks rosy and shiny, as he gently padded over to a bench with the pizza out like the plate in the hand of Oliver Twist. “That’s my bad. I forget he was 16 two years ago and has since then lost all respect for me.” 
This made you laugh. This had your eyes squinting closed and a deep, ringing laugh bouncing up your ribcage and your throat and exploding into the summertime. Eyes closed, you missed the way Jeonghan’s face lit up at that.
“That made you laugh? Self-deprecation?” he asked incredulously, but somehow amazed. 
“Oh,” you cried, opening your eyes and willing your laughter to calm. “I think it’s just the first time you haven’t been baselessly confident and cocky.” 
“Baseless?” Jeonghan echoed, face screwed in poorly-concealed glee.
“Yeah,” you nodded, face also screwed in poorly-concealed glee.
“What? Am I supposed to collect, like, fuckin’ data?” 
“Yeah, evidence.” 
You and Jeonghan went back to The Pirate Swing, splitting the pizza in the booth and every 45 minutes or so, letting guests on when they came by. He was still annoying and in all fairness he’d dragged you into his crimes against humanity. But. He was also a little funny and sweet. 
And the pizza did taste better than your packed lunch. _____________________________
Two days of normal work followed. 
There were too many people to really fuck around, so you and Jeonghan stayed in the booth, and you even managed to pressure him into telling you about the rest of the buttons, as well as the mechanics of the bigger machines. 
Everytime Jeonghan saw you he greeted you with “Hey titty-shirt!”, equally enthusiastic each time. Everytime the clock hands read 8 PM he pulled out his weed and began smoking. Everytime he began smoking he snaked a hand on the back of your leg where you stood (still no chair!) beside him, rubbing the flesh under his palm. You shooed him away half-heartedly, then felt guilty for not meaning it. Jeonghan was a sleazy piece of shit, but his hand was warm and felt nice on your thigh. You liked to tell yourself you were just lonely or something. 
That Saturday you came walking into work, still wearing your shirt and your cap, and was immediately alerted to the fact that something was off; Jeonghan was ecstatic. 
He always had this front of joy and constant bemusement, but you’d learned to read how he yearned for his shift to end - you saw it sometimes when he gazed out of the windows of the booth, thinking you were surveying the kids. That day, he was happy. Genuinely. 
“TITTY-SHIRT!” he called again, causing a family of blonde children to turn their heads in dismay. He paid them no mind, rushing down the stairs with loud, trampling steps, to meet you at the foot of the platform, before you could even settle down in the booth. He grabbed your forearms in his hands and grinned at you childishly. You couldn’t help the small, bemused smile that parted your lips.
“Great fuckin’ news,” he said, “Belinda is fucking gone. M.I.A.”
“Okay?” you grimaced, unsure of what he was getting at. 
“Okay?! Do you know what this means?” 
“No, not particularly,” you mumbled. 
“This whole fuckin’ area,” he let go of your arms to motion vigorously to your part of the park. "Unsupervised. Unaccounted for.” 
“Okay?! This means we’re gonna go shoot the shit at the arcade, come on!” He threw a hand over his shoulder to gesture to the arcade area. You frowned and crossed your arms challengingly. 
“Shouldn’t we go take care of our coaster?” 
“Are you kidding me? If no one is working it, people just assume it’s shut down for maintenance. Come on, this only happens, like, twice a year!” He whined, stomping his worn-down Nike sneakers into the pavement and pouting at you. You hated to admit it made your facade melt like an overpriced ice-cream in the hand of a child. 
“Alright, but-” 
Without further nonsense, Jeonghan grabbed your hand in his, and began to once more drag you through the park. As you ran behind him, you looked at your interlocked hands and thought, briefly, that it wasn’t too bad to look at. And it felt kind of good. 
“What happened to Belinda?” 
“God knows, I think it was something with her kids.” 
“She has kids?!” 
You and Jeonghan messed around at the arcade - Jeonghan miraculously had been granted the keys to the arcade by Belinda (something about her trusting him?), and unlocked the machines and you played games with already-used coins. 
First was Whack-A-Mole, then the boxing game, then those motorcycle races, and then you played the basketball game.
“I’m gonna beat you!” you squealed, throwing a miniature basketball through the hoop with a small jump. You grinned in triumph when it landed right, punching the air like a dork and turning to him with victoriously glean. 
Jeonghan wasn’t even played, you realized. You’d been so caught up in actually landing the ball in the hoop that you’d managed to forgo the way Jeonghan leaned against his lane, eyes half lidded and shadowed under his cap. You turned to him, now much more aware that you’d been acting like a dork. 
“Uh, aren’t you gonna play?” you asked sheepishly, blushing. You wished you’d missed how Jeonghan’s lips quirked upwards at the sight. 
“No,” he sang, “I think I’m just gonna stay here and watch you play.” 
You narrowed your eyes, suspiciously, and that was all Jeonghan needed before he sighed and shrugged in defeat, like a criminal caught for his crimes.
“Sorry, I just like watching your tits bounce when you get all excited,” he deadpanned. Your mouth gaped open and crossed your arm over your chest.
“You’re so gross, Jeonghan!” you said, now thoroughly uninterested in playing anymore. Jeonghan only scoffed though, to which you snapped your head back to him with an outraged expression. He smiled at you in that cheeky son-of-a-bitch way. 
“Oh, don’t act like that,” he said cockily.
“Like what?”
He laughed, rolling his eyes, letting a small pause linger in the space between you. You hoped he couldn’t see the way your eyes twinkled with excitement every time he said something like this. As hot as he was, Jeonghan was a cocky, sleazy piece of shit and you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. 
“Like you’re scandalized,” he said simply. You wanted to respond, wanted to defend your honor, but Jeonghan saw right through you, and he took one step forward to speak again: “Like you hate the way I talk to you. You act all innocent and nice and so uptight, but you know what?” 
He took daring steps forward, one after another, until you were half-sat on the basketball machine and he stood, looming over you, surprisingly menacing despite the get-up. The air seemed to suddenly thicken and warm, tasting foul in your mouth. Then he leaned in, eyes glimmering brilliantly with amusement and that evil smile on his lips, breath hitting yours. 
“I think you love being treated like a slut.” 
He was so close to you, body heat rolling into you. You knew he saw the mechanisms of your brain turning behind your eyes, saw the fear when you realized he had seen right through you, and he smiled, and he might as well have had fucking horns.
He tilted his head, and, fuck, if every angle of his face wasn’t perfect. It was unfair. It was so unfair. 
“I-I don’t-” your voice was a meek, half-hearted protest, cut off before you could even begin.
“Yeah,” he laughed. “I think you do. You don’t just let any man massage your thigh, hm?” 
At those words, his hand dropped onto your thigh, finger digging into soft flesh. You mewled at the feeling, causing his grin to spread wider. 
“Oh, poor baby,” he pouted in fake-sympathy. “Am I making you wet?” 
Thank God for Kwon Soonyoung with the impeccable timing. 
Soonyoung was “the pool boy” - he did not work at the pools, but he was the victim of a dunking-machine that was set up in the summertime. Kids and adults alike paid to throw balls at a big, red button that would lower a trapdoor and dunk Soonyoung in ice-cold water. You’d seen it in action and it was pretty hilarious. 
At his voice, you and Jeonghan scrambled apart, his hand flying off your thigh and body twisting to back away from you, and you dropping off the machine and landing flat on your feet, blushing wildly and somewhat out of breath. 
Soonyoung, the poor boy, was sprinting through the park, stopping awkwardly where you and Jeonghan had been standing. He was out of breath and had a wild look in his eyes, like he was being chased by some supernatural monster. 
“Belinda is back! Get back to your coasters!” If he’d noticed your philandering he certainly didn’t mention it, breaking into a sprint again the second the words had left his lips. 
“Shit, thank you, Soonyoung!” Jeonghan yelled, receiving only a limp thumbs-up from the trackstar in response. Jeonghan grabbed your hand and the two of you ran back to The Pirate Swing as fast as your legs could take you. 
Your heart fluttered at your interlocked hands again, and you stared at them, focused on them, as the world became a blurred mess around you. His warmth streamed into you.
You couldn’t even look at him the rest of the shift. Something about his confrontation stirred a mimicking phenomenon in you. Did you want to fuck Jeonghan? You did, you realized, and thus you were unable to raise your gaze from the floor, pressing yourself against the wall to be far enough away from him, that he couldn’t touch your thigh again. He didn’t. He just let your cheeks blaze and pressed buttons and talked to kids, and he even waved at Belinda when she walked by, and she smiled wide and waved back. 
You went home at 9 PM, shirt too tight around your chest, and chest too tight around your heart. You simply couldn’t believe it, because not only did you want to fuck Jeonghan;
You had a fucking crush on him. _____________________________
Having a crush on Yoon Jeonghan was maybe the worst revelation you’d had in your life.
You’d kept all the things you admired about him hidden under the veil of your shirt; he was sleazy and gross and he smoked weed at work and had a certain disregard for child safety. But, and there was always a but, you realized, he was also witty and easy to talk to, and it was cute when he was happy or he got excited about something, and he was so damn charismatic, and you realized you would do anything to see him with that childlike joy again. 
The worst part was that Jeonghan did not like you back. In fact, you couldn’t even imagine him liking anyone. He thought you were hot and wanted to fuck and that was the end of it. All the ways you cared about him were unreciprocated. He did not care to see you happy. He did not care for the twinkle in your eyes when you were excited. He liked your tits in your shirt and was working his fingers up, day by day, to touch you. Yoon Jeonghan did not like you back. 
Three days of work passed, three days of being muted and awkward around him. Jeonghan’s shine was not dulled by your lack though. The kids loved him, Belinda loved him, and he didn’t love anyone back - just let himself be showered in admiration. He was greedy like that. He took all the love and gave none out.
On this particular day, all you did was lay in your bed before work, willing time to stop so you wouldn’t have to go. Legs flopped on top of your bedsheets, work shirt on and cap on your bedside. You waited.
You waited with a metal ball in your stomach, rolling around and causing a ruckus. It rested heavy there, rolling to and fro and grazing your heart from time to time, and it hurt. 
Maybe the reason it felt this bad was because you did it to yourself. Of course, Jeonghan wouldn’t like you back. He was Jeonghan. And yet, you’d had your guard down and his effortless charms had worked their way into your brain. You wondered how many girls had been in the same exact position as you; being graced with Jeonghan’s presence, being smitten by it, and now lying in bed, realizing the admiration would never be bounced back to them. 
You went to work. 
In the damn shirt, you walked in through the staff-door and journeyed towards The Pirate Swing. 
There were so many people that day, you could hardly believe your eyes. The queues were mile-long stretches, and every pathway was spotted with body after body, walls of families, crowds swarming like insects. It was enough to induce a slight panic. 
“It’s good that you’re here, Titty-shirt,” Jeonghan said, when you walked into the booth beside him. He had a bit of a wild look in his eye and he was chewing on a banana. You stood by the door of the booth, looking out at the queue - a genuine queue? To The Pirate Swing? - as the boat swung catastrophically behind you. “We’re fucking busy.” 
You hummed, then turned your head to him. He had sat down, seemingly exhausted and pouting a little. 
“You brought a packed lunch?” you asked, nodding towards the banana in his hand and he looked up at you. His cheeky smile made you want to die. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, I stole this from Seungkwan,” he said and you laughed, and you hated that he made you laugh. The walls of the booth muffled the loud, indistinct buzz and shielded you from the chaos. The flimsy, windowed walls had never felt as intimate. 
“It’s gonna be a shitty day,” you declared ceremoniously. He grunted something in agreement, voice strangled by the now finished banana. Forever himself, he discarded the peel on the corner of the control panel, among his ziploc of weed and empty cans. 
It was a shitty day.
The constant swarming of people, crying children, the non-stop screech of rusted roller coaster tracks; everything brewed together into a pounding headache, as you and Jeonghan hunched together in the booth. Beads of sweat collected on your skin, where the unforgiving sun streamed through the windows. 
Around 8 PM you’d had just about enough. Your head was pounding, you were hungry, and most terribly you were sad. You were sad, sitting next to Jeonghan on the dirty, hard floor of the booth, and you could cry every time he said something snarky and lewd to you. He would never like you and you were a fool for ever letting yourself get attached. 
The day was constant work, constant talking to kids and putting on an energetic front. Finally the crowd seemed to thin out. Slowly but surely, the suburban families returned home and only a few people remained, and the night time glowed soft and warm. 
“Dude,” Jeonghan said, neck craned to look at his phone. With most of the guests gone, he’d finally gotten a chance to waste away on his phone, putting his mouth to his makeshift bong and smoking pot. You kept the booth-door open to let the smoke out. “Wanna go see a crowd of teenagers dunk Soonyoung? Junhui just texted me.” 
You were so tired. Every inch of your body yearned to relax where you sat, cross legged on the metal floor. With dark, sunken eyes and no courtesy left, you simply shook your head. 
“You sure?” he asked, eyebrows raised. You were just tired enough to miss the small frown on his lips. 
“I’m tired, you just go.” 
Jeonghan shrugged then and stood up. He left the bong on the floor and stepped over you to exit. 
“I’ll be back ASAP!” he yelled out, and you didn’t even try to look at him, to call something witty back. You just sat. 
And as if it weren’t the last thing you needed today, just thirty minutes before closing, a woman and her son strolled up The Pirate Swing. You saw them, eyes glazing with worry as you flickered your head to Jeonghan’s empty chair.
“We want a ride!” cawed the woman, holding her son by the hand. You scrambled to your feet, stuttering as you dusted off your pants. 
“Uh, I-” hopeful, you looked around, hoping to see Jeonghan and his long, poodle-y hair somewhere near. The pathways were deserted. “I-I actually can’t-” 
Not waiting for an explanation, the woman clucked once more: “You’re still open, aren’t ya?” 
You nodded, tiredness painted thick and greasy on your face. “Yes, we are, um, open, but I-” 
“Well, then give us a ride?!” 
This woman was going to be the death of you. Why were they even here now right before closing? You closed your eyes, collecting yourself and mustering each ounce of patience you had left. 
“I’m not allowed to because I’m new-” 
“Well, where is the operator? Why are you here if you don’t know how it works!” 
“He’s, uh,” your face fell, “He’s using the bathroom right no-” 
You’re not even sure why you lied. 
“Alright,” she huffed, strained and impatient. “Well, you just ruined me and my son’s night!” 
She tugged her blonde kid by the hand and began to turn around, grumbling with a red face. 
“I’m so sorry, but- it’s a matter of safety-” 
“Next time just say you don’t know how to do your job!” she yelled over her shoulder, mean glare coming out over her shapely glasses. Then she was jiggling away with a pouting child. 
Your mouth fell open in shock. A part of you wanted to be angry - a part of you was angry - but you found yourself weighed down and sliding down the wall of the booth with a much heavier feeling; you were exhausted. 
This was the last straw for tonight, you decided, resolve melting like a dropped ice cream. Booth door half-creaked open and weed vapor in the air, you buried your head in your hands and began to cry. It was small. It was not loud and sorrowful, it was small and petty. Nothing grand about crying on the dirty floor at your workplace. Sniffles and single, wet tears and a quivering lip, all dying out in the soft glow of the fairy light decorating the park.
“Shit,” you lifted your head from your hands, wiping hard on your reddened cheeks. Jeonghan was standing in the open door, looking down at you on the floor.
“Sorry, uh-” 
“Why are you crying?” 
You paused, hands fiddling with the collar of your shirt and effectively covering your breasts. Your breath was shaky and snotty, eyelashes coated in tears. Red patches your skin around your puffy eyes, and your lips pressed into a thin line. 
Jeonghan did not look like himself when you looked up at him. It must have been a completely different person, you decided, because his features had  tightened and screwed into an expression you had never even seen a hint of before: concern. 
It looked so utterly foreign on his face - there was always a lightness to his expression, a joking, teasing look, but now he was frowning and his brows were furrowed and his eyes were big and red and round. It made  you feel small and frail. You didn’t like seeing him like that; unwell. But it seemed that feeling was mutual. 
“Um,” you began, voice hoarse and shuddering like a frail old fence-gate, that’s been slammed shut. “I’ve just had a shitty fucking day and- this woman came and wanted to ride and she was just so fucking mean when I told her I couldn’t..” 
Telling it all again made you feel so pathetic, it wracked another sob from you, hurdling past your lips. You caught it in your hand, pressing it to your mouth and squeezing your eyes shut up. 
God, you were pathetic. 
But your heavy, heavy eyelashes blinked open and you looked up to see Jeonghan’s expression softened into something else entirely;
“I’m sorry,” he said immediately. 
“No, it’s fine-”
He dropped to his knees in front of you, now at your level and up close, so you could see every tensed muscle and every strain on his beautiful face. 
“I’m sorry I left you alone,” he said solemnly and for the first time since you’d met him, Jeonghan was merely expressing his regret, not bartering for some sort of gain. His words were dripping with sincerity and it was so strange, you had to laugh.
“What?” he asked, a small grin growing on his face. That was more familiar. 
“I just- I’ve never seen you so serious, it’s okay, Jeonghan, I forgive you-” 
He broke into a laugh as well, rhythmic clucks dancing through the air from the booth, and it immediately cheered you up: he was beautiful and practically glowing, a small rim of light encapsulating him. 
“I’m very serious, I think,” he said. You rolled your puffy, old eyes. 
There was a significant pause. 
Your head lolled over and your gaze landed once more on the makeshift bong by the chair, now abandoned. It reminded you of how different you were. You tried too hard because you liked when people liked you, you were a hard worker, your shirt was too tight. Your shirt was too tight and that’s what had landed you in this situation. 
“Can I…” you trailed off, daring to look at him again. “Can I smoke some of your weed?” 
Jeonghan’s face was practically split in half the way he was smiling. There was something akin to triumph in his eyes, but it was almost fatally overpowered by sheer, bubbling, striking adoration. It made you blush. 
“Of course, babe, I thought you’d never ask,” he breathed, still smiling when he scrambled forward for the bong and stretched out his arm to finger at the control panel, finally feeling the soft plastic and snatching it down to the floor with you. 
“Just put your mouth to the can, baby, I’ll light it for you,” he giggled giddily, scrambling for the lighter in his pocket. 
“I know how it works,” you tried to sound stern, but you were smiling and your eyes were twinkling. 
Jeonghan messily pinched off a nugget of weed and placed it on the gridded holes in the can (which he had pricked with his work badge; “Hi, my name is Jeonghan!”), and you placed it to your mouth, while he held the lighter to it. 
“You’re so hardcore,” he said sarcastically, face close to yours as he flicked the lighter, sending a warm flame onto the can, so the nugget lit ablaze. 
“Shut up,” you said, and then you inhaled and the flame went out and turned into a glow, and warm, crisp smoke traveled down your throat, leaving it sore and burned. It felt great. 
You held it in for a moment, then exhaled, and Jeonghan watched eagerly as your chest rose and fell under the restricting fabric of your shirt. 
You and Jeonghan sat side by side for the last half hour, smoking together, eyes turning red and breaths turning sour and casting laughs into the night air. There was a warm buzz in your chest, a low drum, and you basked in the proximity to him, in how the heat of his body met yours in a fierce battle, at how he caught your eye when he joked, and how he smiled when you laughed. Your responsibilities melted away; your shirt felt looser. 
“We’re closing now,” you hummed after a while, somehow lighter and heavier at the same time. Your eyelids felt heavy and your cheeks were warm from giggling. Jeonghan placed his hand on your wrist, squeezing and tearing your eyes to his. 
“I have such a good idea right now,” he grinned lazily and you couldn't help but echo it. His eyes were red and half-lidded, and his voice was groggy from the smoke. He had run his hand through his hair one too many times and now it was puffier, poodlier than normal. He looked so handsome, you thought, studying the tan from many days in the sun. You figured he didn’t use sunscreen. 
“What is it?” you breathed.
“Come on, come with me!” 
Then the two of you were sneaking from building to building and giggling indiscreetly, two hunched silhouettes becoming one with the backs of buildings. Jeonghan insisted the two of you go to the toddler playground (Sunshine Dance Club, as it were called), because, in his words: “those dumb prick security guards never bother to actually check it”. He pulled you into the pastel green, red, blue, and yellow dreamscape, pulling you up a wooden tower, where you would be shielded by the railing. 
The two of you sat against the railing and waited while a security guard checked the place before closing. 
The mischief had made the two of you even more giggly, scratchy throats producing choppy snickering, as you leaned into each other on the wood, breathing in each other’s air. You liked being so close to him, you thought, and you were almost high enough to just spit it out. The distant stream of light overhead revealed his pores, but you liked those too. 
“Shut up, shut up,” Jeonghan whispered at one point. “I think he might be coming!”
“You’ve said that three times-” 
His hand clasped over your mouth and he fought not to laugh at the surprise in your eyes. Sure enough, this time he was right, as you heard booted footsteps in the distance, and the beam of a flashlight danced across the sloping and bouncing playground. 
You held your breath, not only because you feared, for the first time that night, getting caught, but also because Jeonghan had leaned so close to you, that you could see every stirred acrylic in his eye, every color of brown, swirly sundae. 
Both of you stopped laughing and stared at each other. 
His hand dropped from your lips. 
“I have cotton mouth,” he whispered, footsteps fading away. You couldn’t tell if it was the weed or what, but the air seemed thicker and you felt heavier, like imaginary hands were tugging you down. Jeonghan was no better - you couldn’t quite place the emotion on his glowing face. He almost seemed vulnerable.
“Me too,” you whispered, breathless. 
A pause.
His eyes flickered down to your lips, pink and plush.
“Can I kiss you?” 
You were almost bristling for a moment in pure surprise, before you recollected yourself and nodded eagerly.
You thought his lips would smash into yours; you thought he would conquer you, because that would simply be the most Jeonghan-thing he could, to take what was his, to be cheeky and horny and sleazy.
To your utmost surprise, his hand was shaking when he lifted it, brushing so softly, so gently across the skin of your neck, resting on the back of it, cold from the icy, night breeze. His hand kissed the tips of your hair, and he gently slid it up, breath shaking, as he stared at your lips. Then he leaned in. 
His lips were soft like the bouncy castle on the edge of the playground, so impossibly gentle and flowing and warm. He breathed out shakily against your skin, eyes squeezed shut. Had you seen it, you would’ve almost believed that the kiss pained him, with the furrowed brows, but you didn’t, and it wasn’t painful at all, it was just that his heart was exploding and so was yours. Tender and slow, that was what it was, and you had never thought you’d use words like that to describe him.
A moment of entangled lips, slow making out and warm air covering your skin, his hand in your hair. The Sunshine Dance Club was filled with the sound of spit.
Then he pulled away, breath still shaking, but now, less vulnerable. His lips curled into a smile, spreading that childlike joy on his face. It made you smile as well. 
“That was-” he shook his head at himself, cringing. Then he restarted: “Can I show you something?” 
You chuckled, cheeks heavily flushed and eyes twinkling. “What is it?” 
The cheekiness returned to his eyes, as he scrambled to his feet: “A surprise.” 
And once again the two of you were giggling through the park, this time hand in hand, looking over your shoulders for the security guard that by this time had definitely gone home. The halted steps over the cobbled paths echoed in the dead, empty park. 
It would’ve been a strange feeling - seeing everything closed and dark and empty, every inch usually crammed with people strangely void - had you not been entirely consumed by Jeonghan’s presence. His hand in yours, his laugh, his starry eyes, his face softening when he looked at you.
Jeonghan led you into Belinda’s office (he had a key because he was her favorite, he said), allowing you to sit on the edge of her desk, while he sauntered off into an attached room. You sat there, overhead light dull and buzzing, and basked in the log cabin aesthetics. Your chest was warm.
Then, from beyond the other room, sounding much further away and thereby being much bigger than you had initially imagined the attached room to be, you heard the mechanical sound of several switches. They sounded heavy and important, having a sort of resonance that continued into your room, where Belinda’s desk chair was spun halfway. 
“Jeonghan?” you called, a twinge of worry in your voice. “What did you do?” 
He came jogging back into the office, all wide grinned and puffy-eyed. 
“You’ll see.” 
Once again he grabbed onto your hand, pulling you off the desk and barging out of the doorway.
The night air enveloped you completely, stealing you away from the warmth of the office, kissing your warm skin, as you stood on the cobble. The feeling was so great, you almost missed what Jeonghan had done.
It was beautiful. 
The switches had turned on the lights everywhere. In every color imaginable, illuminating dramatically sloping tracks in the distance, fairy lights on the pathways, signs re-lit, and the whole park before your eyes seemed to have become a disco-ball, sending faint streaks into the star-spotted sky like aurora borealis. 
You, now red and green and yellow and blue, let out a disbelieving laugh, smiling wide. You squeezed his hand, unable to communicate further. There was something about it that left you entirely speechless. It was an inability to overcome and conquer the lights before you - your eyes feasted on them much too eagerly. 
“What do you think?” 
Jeonghan was looking at you. 
“It’s-” you sucked in a breath, trying to compose a sudden sincerity you felt. You looked over at him. “It’s so pretty, Jeonghan. It’s really beautiful.” 
“I knew you would like it,” he murmured happily, body turned to yours. You turned to him as well. 
There was a moment of silence. The two of you basked in the light and in the gentle glow and the cool night, and in each other. 
“Thank you for cheering me up,” you said and pursed your lips. He smiled in a gentle way. It looked nice on him. 
“It’s nothing,” he said, “we were having fun.” 
The conversation lulled again, and while you turned your head back to the light show, the flickering lights and the ombre, Jeonghan continued looking at you. 
You felt his eyes on you, and you turned to him, shyly: “You should look at the beautiful lights.”
He shook his head, lips twisting upwards: “No.. Not right now…” And that was all he said.
The words left a bit of a void in you, like a black hole sunk in your stomach and you turned to him curiously. Jeonghan sensed your confusion, because he licked his lips and gave you a knowing smile, and then explained. 
“I wanna kiss you again, love.”
And his voice was so angelic, such a grave contrast to the boy you’d come to know, but he’d been so strange tonight. Your first kiss had been so tender, now he was looking at you and his pupils were dilated and a smirk spread across his face, and you needed to know something; just one thing, before you threw yourself at him, and gave to him, something you would not be able to take back. 
“Do you just wanna fuck me?” your voice echoed off the walls of the empty park, resounding accusingly. He laughed.
“Of course, I wanna fuck you, baby,” he laughed a little, shaking his head in disbelief. You stayed staring at him, bristling. “You’re hot as shit.” 
“No, I mean,” you paused, because suddenly your heart was climbing into your throat and it seemed like everything you’d worried about was true, that you were just another girl that was hexed by his charms. “Do you just wanna fuck me?” 
His smirk dropped. There was a moment where all you could hear was wind and the electrical whirring of the many, many lights, draining energy from the earth by the second. 
“Do you honestly think I’d do this for just any girl I wanted to fuck?” 
“I thought you were smarter than that, N/n,” his lips spread once more in a smile, but this one seemed more fitting on his face - condescending and confident. Whatever vulnerability had hung in the air was replaced by warmer, thicker danger. Was it the weed making you feel this way? On edge or excited?
“I just-” you stammered, feeling bashful suddenly. Did that mean he liked you? Yes, that meant he liked you. You had truly not even considered the possibility, not really thought it through the way you had the negative outcome, so now you were standing and you didn’t know how to respond. A stuttering, blubbering mess of red cheeks and avoidant eyes. “I just- I thought you just- because you talk so much about my boobs-” 
“Shhhh,” he shushed you. The cocky motherfucker actually shushed you, staring you down in a way that made you feel like prey and taking two steps forward, and closing the gap between you. He was so, so close to you, chest inches away from yours and leaning his face down to tilt his head at you. 
“You’re so cute, baby,” he cooed, eyes dancing around your face. 
You and him watched it, as one lean hand lifted itself to your chest, tightly wrapped in polyester-fabric. You sucked in a breath. His fingers lightly grazed it, trailing over the soft plushness of it. Then he cupped it, experimentally, like feeling the weight of it in his hand. You whimpered pathetically. 
“Hm,” he hummed, ripping his gaze from your tits very briefly at the noise, “you sound so pretty.”
In an effort to steal more noises from your pretty lips, his delicate thumb rubbed over your nipple, watching it harden under the fabric with a bemused smirk. Your breathing became heavy and shaky. 
“Can we– please?” you whined, but he only tutted, watching the fat crook under his finger.
“Hang on, sweetheart, I’m having my fun,” he said, nonchalantly, another hand snaking up to your other tit. “Been waiting for this since the first time I saw you.”
You couldn’t help but whimper quietly, his caresses and his intense gaze sending electricity straight to your core. You fingers wrapped around his forearms where they flexed, as he kneaded your chest eagerly. 
“That’s right,” he whispered and leaned into you, eyes half lidded and lips wet from spit. “Be a good girl and let me play with your pretty titties.” 
Then he kissed you again, groaning into your mouth at the weight of your tits in his hands. His groping became more rough and hurried, as he bit your lip and slipped his tongue in your mouth. 
“Fuck, baby, need to get your shirt off, it’s so tight,” he groaned, licking into your mouth. You whined, back arching into his hand. “Poor baby, shirt so tight it’s strangling your pretty tits.” 
“Jeonghan, please!” You cried, putting one hand on his chest to push him away from you. He pulled away, lips red and swollen and cheeks delightfully flushed. 
“Okay, baby,” he whispered, comfortingly. “Okay, okay, I’ll take care of you, sweetheart.” 
You could cry. The way he was touching you so intimately, but refusing to snake his hand down to your burning core, where you could feel yourself fucking dripping. Your body was on fire and your voice was hoarse from the weed that still coursed through your body. 
“Please, please,” you mumbled, and it was desperate enough that Jeonghan pulled his hands from your chest (which took more willpower than he was willing to admit), sliding them over your back and pulling you into him. You nosed into the crook of his neck, sighing happily. 
“Alright, baby,” He breathed, hand in your hair. You felt his neck crane, looking around. 
“Come with me, baby, I know just where to go.” 
You didn’t even have time to whine that you didn’t want to go anywhere, you wanted him to touch you. Jeonghan grabbed your hand and crossed the pathway, and you saw the yellow, lit-up sign for the funhouse before you disappeared into the entrance. 
The first room had a large circular hallway, and when you stepped onto the red plastic, it rolled a little. You and Jeonghan both stumbled rockily, and you nosedived into his chest. He laughed, steadying you with warm fingers on your waist. “Silly girl,” his voice cooed in your ear. 
“Jeonghan, please touch me-” 
“We’re almost there, baby,” he said, and he was being a little annoying, because he’d just played with your boobs and made you so fucking wet that your panties were sticking to your folds, and now he was trudging you through the hallways of a funhouse. You both skiddered out of the circular hallway with much trouble. 
The next room was slanted, and in your intoxicated mind, this was more than a challenge. The whole room was blue and your knuckles became celeste, as you gripped the slanted railing. 
“Jeonghan, I can’t-” 
Not another word out of your lips, before Jeonghan was scooping you up in his arms, walking with seemingly no problem through the room. “Shit!” you yelped when he did so, but he only smiled at you, a mixture of adoration and teasing. He ran with you, his bride, through a black and white doorway. 
The next room was the mirror maze, and Jeonghan’s face lit up at the sight of it. 
“We’re here!” he panted giddily, gently lowering you. You found your footing and looked around, a little speechless at how quickly he’d constructed this plan. There were at least 20 different angles of you, and you cringed at your own disheveled appearance and how your tiny shirt dug into your skin. A hall of reflection, the roof and flooring was pitch black and only you and him existed in the void, copycats at every corner.
You saw Jeonghan in the mirror, walking up behind you. He was smirking, planting his head on your shoulder and peering up at you, as his hands caressed your waist, riding up your shirt and exposing your stomach 20 times over. You hated to say it, but seeing his veiny, big hands on you made your breath hitch. 
“Was it not worth it, hmm?” he sang innocently, blinking at you with a bunched up cheek on your shoulder. His sleazy hands worked the fabric upwards, just under the impressive bump of your chest. 
His eyes flicked over to the most nearby mirror. Breath becoming shaky, his hands lifted the shirt, finally, over your chest, exposing your simple, black bra and the soft skin of your tits. You could breathe easier, without the fabric digging into your chest. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, soft hands immediately dipping inwards to touch over the skin. “Shit, you’re so perfect,” his voice was strangled, all composure gone as he looked at your chest with something akin to wonder. 
You moaned, feeling his dick, fully fucking hard from just playing with your soft mounds, grinding into your ass. Like a horny teenage boy, he moaned shakily, big hands covering your boobs and squeezing, and rutting into you from behind. As much as you wanted him to touch you, you couldn’t help but enjoy the sight of Jeonghan so utterly fucked out, using your body to pleasure himself. It was so erotic, the way his pretty face twisted in place and his fingers dug into the fat of your chest, panting into your neck. Then the sight untangled itself from your body.
“Sorry, sorry,” he was out of breath, removing his hips from your ass. “I got too caught up.” 
“It’s okay-”
He spun you around, pushing your body against the mirror. You stood back to back with your reflection. 
“No, it’s not,” he breathed, working your shirt the rest of the way off hastily. You lifted your arms to help the fabric off. 
You very barely registered Jeonghan snaking your pants off, and then his own clothes. You leaned your head on the mirror and you could finally breathe without the tight shirt, and you somehow felt stronger, not vulnerable like you would have expected. And when your eyes flicked to another mirror and you saw Jeonghan shirtless too, you realized the two of you were much more similar now. 
Jeonghan was standing in his boxers now, and you in your panties. 
“You know, I always thought you’d be more composed during sex,” you mused, returning your focus to him and smiling teasingly, because even now he was transfixed on your bare chest, heaving for air. Jeonghan scoffed, seemingly genuinely offended by this. 
“It’s not my fault your fat fucking rack has been staring at me through that tiny fucking shirt every day,” he spat, and in a sort of retaliation he cupped your pussy through your panties. 
Finally, he touched your cunt, and God, was it worth the wait, because it shot straight through your stomach, even the slightest touch on the cold, wet fabric. Jeonghan grinned cockily at the state of your underwear. 
“You’re one to talk,” he teased. “Your pussy is fucking weeping for me.” 
You moaned and your back twisted against the cold surface of the mirror, as Jeonghan slipped his finger upwards to circle your clit slowly. 
“N-ngh, fuck..” 
“There you go,” he said in fake sympathy, pouting, and even with his hand on your clit, you could almost believe it, because he just looked that angelic and pure. “Finally your greedy cunt has my hand, hm? Bet you’ve been thinking about this since we met.” 
He couldn’t help himself. He trailed his free up to your chest again. It just looked so delectable, unblemished skin, jiggling at every twitch and shake from you, and nipples hardened to pebbles. “I’ve been thinking about you since we met,” he sighed happily, pinching the nipples between his fingers and relishing in your strangled whine. 
Jeonghan slipped his hand in your panties, scoffing to himself at just how fucking wet you were, leaking from your hole like a slut, when his finger prodded at it. 
“P-Please, Jeonghan, please, fuck-” 
Your plea was cut off by Jeonghan’s hand gripping your throat. He smirked at your tortured expression, one hand circling your hole and the other wrapped around your neck, thumb climbing up your chin to rest on your lip.
“What do you want?” he tilted his head challengingly. You gulped, face flushed and baby hairs sticking to your sweat-gleamy face. 
“I-I want you to finger me,” you mustered, building up all the courage you could to hold eye contact with him and his lopsided grin. He raised his eyebrows, feigning surprise. 
“Really?” he sang, “you want gross, sleazy, perverted Jeonghan’s fingers up your tight, pink pussy?” 
You squeezed your eyes shut. Of course, all those moments of shaming him for thirsting over you. Now you were basically fucking naked, tits perked up from your arched back and writhing under him for just a single finger in your glistening hole. 
“Jeonghan, I’m sorry-” 
His thumb on your lip tugged downwards, effectively muffling your words and shushing you. He watched your pretty lip bend to the will of his thumb, humming. 
“Then say it,” he shrugged.
“Wha?” your speech was slurred by his heavy thumb.
“Say you want gross, sleazy, perverted Jeonghan’s fingers up your tight, pink pussy,” he repeated, acting exasperated, like it was your fault for not being able to keep up. Legs spread and utterly naked, you flushed and felt dumb, and you felt even dumber when you began to speak, and his thumb stayed where it was, weighing down your lip.
“I-I wan’ gross, sleazy, perverted Jeonghan’s fingers up my tight, pink pussy,” you slurred. Somehow the embarrassment translated into a wave of slick exciting your hole and landing on Jeonghan’s hand. He grinned at your obedience, hand pushing up so his thumb entered your mouth, pressing down on your tongue and the rest of his hand cradled your face. 
“Good girl,” he purred, head craned down to look at you, suckling his thumb with wide eyes. He finally heeded your request, two fingers pushing into your sopping heat. “Now suck on my thumb like the good, big-titted girl you fucking are while I make you cum.” 
He was immediately bullying his fingers in and out of you, curling them. Drool escaped where your lips wrapped around his thumb, as you moaned on it, feeling him poke and prod at your tongue with an evil smirk on his pretty face. You saw his dick print straining against his boxers in the corner of your vision.
“Been waiting for this pussy to be mine,” hummed Jeonghan, long eyelashes coming over his eyes when he looked down at you. “You know, if you’d been a little more cooperative I could’ve had my cock in you everyday for the past week.” 
You sobbed around his thumb, panting for air through your nose. His fingers felt so good, pistoning into you and so thin you could feel the bulge of each crooking knuckle churning in and out. His thumb sneaked back up to rub your clit again, and you clawed at his shoulders, trying to stabilize your suddenly shaking legs. 
Jeonghan let out the most erotic, guttural moan you’d ever heard, when he watched drool slip from your swollen, red lips and languidly ooze on your trembling chest. His face twisted in pleasure at the sight of them, becoming all shiny and slicked up from your own spit. 
“Fuck, you’re so pathetic. Can’t believe you’re fucking drooling all over your tits,” he spat, cheeks flushed as he leaned back to look at them, all pretty and slick and glowing under the maze’s fluorescent tubes. He slipped his thumb from your mouth to begin smearing the spit all over your skin. 
Your cunt pulsed around his fingers, clenching and unclenching as something in your belly tightened. You heaved for air, moaning loudly into the maze and practically crying. 
“F-Fuck, Hannie, f-feels s’ good!” you whined, chest thrashing under his needy hands. He lifted his gaze to smile at you, where he was crooked over to look closely at your spit-slick boobs. 
“I know, baby, I know. Cum on my fingers, now, m’kay?” He smiled cheekily, pressing especially hard on your clit. You saw white, orgasm so potent, you almost didn’t even register how Jeonghan dived into your chest, wrapping his lips around one of your nipples 
The wet, smacking of his lips and his pleased humming into the soft skin only spurred on your orgasm, as your cum coated Jeonghan’s fingers. His nose, buried in the flesh of your tit, breathed out a dam of warm air into it. 
His fingers stilled within you, slowly pulling out, while he continued to lap at your chest, warm tongue on your areola. You tried to catch your breath, but it was hard with how he moaned around your fucking tit, sucking and smacking his lips, while holding you to him. You cried out softly when he nibbled at it, to which he finally pulled away, smiling teasingly. 
There was something about the way he was so shameless about it, that almost made you feel even more ashamed, especially when you saw your form in the mirror, and how wet and red your boob was from his insistent sucking. You blushed deeply. 
“You gettin’ shy on me now?” he tapped your cheek, eyes twinkling. 
“Not used to seeing myself,” you mumbled sheepishly. Jeonghan’s ever lust-filled gaze was overtaken with a very deep, fundamental adoration. His smile became genuine - not teasing nor in feigned sympathy. Despite being the sexiest person he’d ever met, Jeonghan found you so severely cute in that moment, all heaved breaths and glossy lips and rosy cheeks.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, tapping your nose. The action would’ve been annoying were not entirely too fond of him at this moment. His eyes wandered, trailing down your collarbones and back to your cleavage. Then returned the lust: “Beautiful, pretty, gorgeous girl with big, bouncing fuckin’ tits.” 
His fascination with them was genuinely insane, but you thought he was pretty and sweet, so you let him marvel.
As if he could never get enough, he reached out one hand and cupped your tit again. 
“Are you gonna be a good girl and let me fuck your pretty tits?” Jeonghan asked, experimentally pressing the mounds together and licking his lips at the sight. He had to swallow (and he would never admit this) because the idea actually had him salivating. 
“Yes, Hannie,” you said sweetly, because although you really wanted his dick inside you, he had that twinkle in his eye that made your heart burst, and, indeed, you would do anything to keep the starlight blazing in his pupils. Jeonghan looked up with raised brows - this time, the surprise was not feigned. Swiftly, he grabbed your head and kissed you, deeply and appreciatively licking into your mouth. 
“Good girl,” he murmured, rowing the two of you away from the mirror-wall with his tongue down your throat. “Good fucking girl.” 
He pulled away from you, frantically looking around, and you simply waited for his command. He began to crawl onto the floor, lying down on the hard, sleek black flooring, resting on his elbows. 
“C’mere,” was all he said, and you sat down on top of him, confused. He wantonly pushed you by your shoulder so you rested further down, while he lifted his hip to free his cock. 
It was long and right by your fucking face. 
Impossibly pretty and pink near the tip, it oozed sticky, white liquid, dripping down the veiny side, and now you were salivating, because you almost wanted to take it in your mouth and suck his soul out. 
“Shit,” he groaned, studying your face next to his hard, heavy dick with a tortured expression on his face. It seemed his thoughts had traveled the same road as yours, because when he spoke, he said: “There’s so much I wanna do to you, doll. Give me another couple shifts, I’ll have your cum all over the fucking park.” 
Without another word, he leaned forward and grabbed each of your tits, hovering just below where his dick extended out, proud and tall like a gothic church. You helped by crawling further over his tan body, lying down on your stomach with your chest raised up. 
Jeonghan enclosed your tits around his dick, breath shaking and eyes blinking shut. The sounds he released were angelic, wetting and rewetting his fiery lips, and he struggled to keep his eyes open from the pleasure. He didn’t want to close them though, because the sight of you was insane. 
You were so pretty, smiling in adoration where you laid between his legs. Prettiest girl in the world, he thought, just letting him bounce your fat tits up and down his shaft like a good, obedient girl. Your rack was like a fucking cloud around him, jerking him off and spurting pre-cum on the already slick skin. 
“S-Shit, you’re so fucking- pretty-” he stuttered, breath trembling and face flushed. From every angle he saw you, perfect, pretty, cute and sweet you. Every version of you in the mirror was perfect, he realized, every copycat a perfect picture. 
“You’re pretty,” you mused, wrapping your hand around the lower part of his shaft where your tits didn’t quite reach and squeezing it. Jeonghan moaned, stammering the breathy noise. He gulped then. 
“I-I’m gonna cum, shit-” he sucked in a harsh breath. He could not believe how lovely you were, how witty and funny and sweet and how big your fucking tits were bouncing up and down around his cock. “C-Can I cum on them, baby?” 
“Of course, Hannie,” you obeyed sweetly, watching how he desperately bucked his hips upwards. Squeezing your hand around the base of his cock, you let out a final admission to help him cum: “Want you to cum on my tits, Hannie, want it so bad.”
Sure enough, it was that easy, because without warning long ropes of thick, white cum spurted into the valley of your breasts and climbed up to your collarbones and neck. Jeonghan cried out when he came, eyes finally squeezing totally shut and hips stuttering into your chest. He sounded angelic, even with his voice hoarse from the weed and grunting. 
You let him calm down, waited until his pants turned into soft, regular breaths, and released his now flaccid cock from your cleavage. 
“Oh shit, baby,” he sighed happily. “Come up here.” 
You crawled up to his chest, curling into his open arms and feeling him under your cheek. Your legs entangled on the funhouse floor, mirrors a little foggy from the sweat and the sex. It was perfect, lying in his chest, having him, knowing he wanted you and liked you. Perfectly timeless, you draped over each other limply. 
Or almost perfect. 
You wiggled your hips away from his body, hoping then he wouldn’t notice how you were still leaking from your poor, puffy hole. Jeonghan frowned when you did so, though, both hands grabbing your waist and tilting his head down to look at you. 
“What is it, baby?” he asked.
You looked away bashfully, shaking your head, but Jeonghan gripped your face in one hand, just as condescending as his thumb had been earlier: “You’re covered in my cum, baby. You’re not getting shy on me now. Tell Hannie what’s troubling you.” 
His voice was stern. You tightened your lips the best you could with his hand squeezing your cheeks together.
“I just..” you were embarrassed again, with how your words became muffled and slurred by his flexed hand. He paid it no mind though, looking at you intently to continue. 
You squeezed your eyes shut. From beyond the dark void, you heard Jeonghan laughing. You opened your eyes and he removed his hand from your face, instead brushing it through your hair lovingly. 
You were gonna get whiplash with how lovingly he looked at you, how sweetly and with so much wonder and adoration; and how it stood in such a stark contrast to the words that left his mouth: 
“Baby, you just get up and bounce your fat tiddies around a little bit, I promise you, I’ll get hard in the next five fucking minutes. Then you can get my cock in your cute, greedy pussy. How’s that sound?”
Really fucking good.
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thehighladywrites · 6 months
The Airhead Chronicles
…and the date
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-> pairing: cassian x bimbo/ditzy reader
-> summary: finally the day is here, you’re going on a date with cassian!! now you just have to prepare and get ready for it. Cassian is prepared to finally ask you some questions and the mention of your secret friend rubs him the wrong way. But how does the date go, and who on earth opens the door at Cassian’s friends house?…
-> warnings: suggestive themes, nsfw, smut, super fluff, light angst, public sex, yeah, none of you care about getting caught fucking in a restaurant, oral (m.receiving) , bargain tattoos, almost oral (f.receiving), wing play, daddy kink
-> amara’s note: I think this is one of my fav things to write, I really love ditzy reader, she's so fun and cute.
part 1 part 2
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Startled by a sudden knock, you quickly stood up, intrigued by the unexpected visitor. Opening the door, you were met with a smiling man.
“Hi there pretty lady, are you Y/n?” he asked. After exchanging pleasantries, he handed you a paper and a pen, insisting you sign.
Curious, you replied, “Oh, what’s this for, I’m pretty sure I didn’t order anything, or did I?” Sensing your confusion, the man stepped closer and pointed a finger at a dotted line. “Just sign here, baby. How about I come in and show you?”
Normally, you'd agree to some help because you didn’t really like reading long and confusing papers, but with your date approaching, you looked at him apologetic and declined.
“Sorry, maybe next time. I'm getting ready for a date with this really hot guy, and I have a lot of things to do. But why am I signing this?”
His face turned sour, and he threw a bouquet of flowers at you, muttering something about a special delivery before you signed. He left without saying goodbye, and you tilted your head, wondering if you said something to upset him.
The confusion quickly left your mind when you looked down, eyes wide, and heart beating faster as a huge smile spread on your lips. The bouquet was wrapped around white and pink baby breaths and peonies. You let out a shriek of happiness as you spun around and smelled the fresh, fragrant flowers. They were unlike anything else, handled with care and professionalism.
Scurrying to the kitchen, you pulled out a vase from your cabinets as you filled it with water to put your flowers in. While you fiddled with the petals, you saw a note attached as you opened it.
Reading the note, your eyes lit up with excitement. You twirled around, a broad grin on displayed, absorbing the message:
“Can’t wait to see you tonight, beautiful. I will pick you up, just be ready by 8. - Cassian.”
You halted your twirl, taking a deep breath.
Fucking Gods, you had to look absolutely stunnig, like drop-dead gorgeous. The sexiest dress was a non-negotiable, paired with a cute bag. Your hair needed to be freshly styled, and ohhh, a fresh set of nails was a must, even though it hadn't been a week since your last set.
Let’s be real, you knew you were pretty and didn’t need someone to tell you that, but it was nice to hear nonetheless, especially from Cassian. It was weird, you had known him for just over a week and already you felt a connection to him.
With your plans set, you dove into the whirlwind of preparation. The closet became a battleground of choices as you sifted through dresses, searching for the one that screamed "fuck me right now, please." The chosen outfit hung proudly on the door, awaiting its moment. A stunning sheer black dress with a v-neck, a thigh-high slit, and the best part - it sparkled.
Your hair received the full treatment of preparation and care, making you wonder how you’d display it tonight—curls, an updo, low bun or straight? The decision was as crucial as the dress itself, because what if you wanted to blow him? A ponytail would be ideal, but if you were gonna be fucked missionairy then a ponytail would be super uncomfy. Maybe just some curls then? Yes, you definitely wanted some bouncy curls resulting in you pulling out your hair rollers and pins. It was such a pain to put them on because your arms hurt from keeping them up but you didn’t care. Finally, a cute little bag accompanied the ensemble, adding that perfect touch paired with some simple heels.
The urgency for flawlessness led you to contemplate a fresh set of nails. Despite the recent pampering, the allure of perfection beckoned, and you found yourself on the way to the nail salon. After all, a week felt like an eternity when it came to looking drop-dead gorgeous.
As the appointment at the nail salon progressed, you debated between daring and classic shades. The manicurist, familiar to your frequent visits, skillfully crafted a fresh set that made you smile so hard, your face started hurting, letting out an excited sound.
With your nails perfected, you rushed home to continue the transformation, hair and makeup being the last step. Your dress clung to you like a second skin, accentuating every curve. Your reflection in the mirror confirmed your pursuit of drop-dead hotness. Smiling at yourself you adjusted your hair before putting on your jewelry, marveling at the final result. You really hoped Cassian would compliment you otherwise you’d die. His attention was so addicting and you wanted to be around him every single second for some reason.
Glancing at the clock, you realized the incoming arrival of Cassian. The butterflies in your stomach intensified as you added the finishing touches, ready to open the door to a night filled with excitement and allure.
“Hi Cassie!!” Your smile subdued a bit as you shifted nervously when he just stared at you not saying anything. Should you have worn something different? Maybe gone with the pink you wanted? Maybe he didn’t like your hair…
Cassian stood at the door, his eyes widening as he took in your stunning transformation. His brain seemed to short-circuit, and he simply stared at you with his jaw open, momentarily lost for words in the face of your breathtaking appearance. The snug fabric around your frame made blood rush to his cock, a reaction that almost tempted him to slap his own face. "Am I some kind of teenager or something, gods," he thought to himself, caught in the unexpected whirlwind of emotions your presence stirred.
“Hi sweetheart, fuck, you look absolutely breathtaking,” he managed to exclaim, a genuine smile lighting up his face. He spun you around, getting a good luck at you as your perfume filled his nose. Blushing at the compliment, you replied with a happy smile. “Thank you, Cassie. I'm so excited for tonight! Where are we going?”
He offered his arm, and you linked yours with his as you both stepped into the night, ready for the date that awaited. “Don’t worry your pretty, little head about it, it’s a surprise, sweet girl.”
Thank fuck he held you, because you could barely stand with the way your knees wobbled. The urge to just shove him in an alley and give him some life-changing head was just too strong. Cassian looked soooo freaking hot, dressed in a well-fitted suit.His hair had been put in a half bun, arms looking soooo massive, and an inexplicable desire to bite them tugged at your thoughts.
Caught in the spell of his side profile , the world around you seemed to fade into the background. Cassian’s voice became a distant hum as your eyes glued to him.
Your mind went hazy as you found yourself daydreaming about him, captivated by the allure of the moment.
Cassian halted mid-sentence in his talk about the restaurant when he noticed your silence. Curiosity painted his expression as he looked down at you, only to find you hazily looking up at him. Your plump lips were slightly parted, and your eyes were wide and sparkly, lost in a momentary enchantment.
Cassian was going to treat himself to some of Rhysands expensive liquor, it was truly something magical about his restraint. The way you looked up to him made his cock painfully hard. There was something submissive and desperate in your gaze. Before he cancelled the night and took you to his room to fuck you senseless, he broke the silence, chuckling, “I must be boring you with all this restaurant talk. What’s on your mind?”
You blinked, snapping out of the enchantment, and mumbled while feeling warm. “Um, no, not at all, Cassie. I was just… appreciating the view.”
His eyebrows lifted in playful surprise, “The view? Of me?”
You nodded with a secretive grin, “Guilty… I mean I can’t help it. You look so handsome. Now tell me about the restaurant.” The conversation resumed, but the sparkle of that moment lingered, adding an extra layer of magic to the evening.
Your brows furrowed as you read the menu. What on earth was an entrecôte? Foie gras? Was that some sort of joke? It was infuriating and you just wanted some food. Looking up at Cassian, you noticed he had already decided and was looking through the wine list. Feeling helpless, you whispered to him, “Um Cassie, I don’t know what this means. If any of this means mushrooms and cilantro, then let me know, they’re super yucky.”
He took your menu and brought your hand up to place a kiss on it, “Don’t worry, pretty girl. I’ll take care of it. How does chicken sound?” You nodded, grateful for the escape from the decision-making. Ugh, was being pretty and living too hard? You just wanted to exist without thinking about annoying things.
Cassian certainly eased it for you.
“Uh-huh, yes please,” you replied. He tilted his head, a playful smile playing on his lips. “My, what good manners you have. A good girl indeed.”
The echo of Cassian calling you a good girl sent a shiver down your spine, nearly sending you into a dreamy state. Resisting the magnetic pull of his warmth became a challenge.
Would it really hurt though? Cassian had rented out an entire section of the restaurant for your date, the only other person you’d see during the whole night was a waiter who kept away unless he was serving you food.
Unable to resist any longer, you inched toward him, lifting yourself. Cassian, sitting manspread, welcomed you onto one of his thighs. As you settled, his arm snaked behind your back, keeping you securely in place as you slung your arm over his shoulder while the other traced circles and shapes on his chest. The world outside this private bubble faded, leaving just the two of you in a cocoon of shared warmth and intimacy.
The waiter discreetly approached, and Cassian smoothly placed the order, his attention never wavering from you. The world outside this secluded moment ceased to exist. He was so content he almost forgot one of the reasons he had been so desperate to see you again. Placing a sweet kiss on your cheek and neck, he asked.
“ I’ve been wondering,” he began, his eyes holding a mixture of curiosity and concern, “ There’s not a lot a know about you, and i’d like to change that. I mean have you always lived in Velaris?” You hummed and answered cheerfully, “ No, I used to live in the Hewn City but a friend helped me move here. My family still live there but they think I live in the Day Court, since Velaris is a secret city and all.”
He observed you carefully, wondering what possible friend could’ve gotten you into Velaris without him or the inner circle knowing? Velaris wasn’t some place one just moved to, it was a secret and protected city, warded against anyone who wasn’t welcome. Your answer only made him more curious.
“Yeah, your friend helped you? Do they live here?” You giggled as you looked at him with a “duh” look.
“Of course my friend still lives here, what a silly question! We meet once a month to catch up and he sometimes brings the family to our get-togethers.”
“ How fun, sweet girl. You’ll have to introduce me to your friend, yeah?” you leaned in as his arm became a comforting weight around your waist.
“Yay, that would be so much fun! He’s like this super old guy that I work for but I promise he’s really funny and his wife is such a sweetheart, I love her.” His heart thundred at the excitement you unknowingly pushed through the bond, making him crack a huge smile. Heavens, your were so adorable, he wanted to see you smile forever. “Is he a good boss then? What is it you do for him?” Flashing him a secret smile, you leaned in conspiratorially as you started playing with the buttons of his crisp white shirt.
“I wish I could tell you Cassie, but it’s tip-top secret and I’m bound to never, ever in a million years tell a single soul. I even have this cool tattoo for it.” You whispered as if afraid anyone would hear you before pulling down the strap of your dress and showing him the bargain tattoo.
Cassian's expression froze, his mind racing to fathom the deal you might have struck. Did you grasp the consequences of Night Court's bargain tattoos? The kind of searing fucking pain that awaited anyone attempting to breach its secrecy? The instincts that come with a mating bond made him feel murdereous at the thought of anyone striking a dangerous deal with his mate.
He didn’t want you experiencing the pain of accidentally telling him about the bargain, so he dropped the subject completely, picking up new things to talk about. While waiting for the meal, you tried to attentively listen as Cassian, the general and commander of the Night Court as he had told you, told you the tales of his thrilling adventures and loving family. But he sometimes used big words that made you tilt your head in confusion, he had however noticed it early on and switched to more simple terms, ensuring your understanding of the topic.
Of all of your years living, you had never felt so safe and cared for as you did here with Cassian. Sure your parents never laid hands on you but they certainly didn’t like you very much, calling you incapable and downright stupid. It hurt you, it really did because you tried but it simply wasn’t as easy as it sounded. Cassian, this gorgeous man, noticed you didn’t understand but he didn’t outright dumb it down for you.
He… just used another word with the same meaning he explained and it really made you happy. Because for some reason, his approval and attention was necessary for you to function and you literally couldn’t imagine him ever being disappointed in you.
After dessert was served, Cassian told the waiter and the chef that you were done eating and paid the bill, leaving a generous tip. They left you all alone in your section and the seclusion made you more bold. You certainly didn’t care if anyone saw you blowing him or anything but… it felt more intimate doing in just for him. You were still sat on his thigh as he spoon fed you the delicious chocolate cake.
Chills ran down your arms upon locking eyes with Cassian, and from your position, you explored his face, fingertips tracing a scar along his eyebrow. Your hand moved over his cheekbones, jaw, nose, and finally, his flawless lips. Drawing close, you both whispered intimately, “Can I kiss you, sweetheart?” he rasped, to which you replied in a hushed tone, “Yes, please, Cassie.”
With a tender murmur he said, “my perfect girl,” his soft lips met yours.
As the kiss unfolded, time seemed to slow, encapsulating you both in a world of shared warmth and intimacy. Cassian's lips, soft against yours, the room faded away, leaving only the electric energy between you two. You had kissed plenty people before, but nothing felt as addictive and pleasurable as this.
Cassian’s body shaped perfectly against yours as he pulled you on his lap, making you straddle his hips, legs on either side of him as your dress bunched. His hair was pulled out of his bun as you dragged your manicured nails across his scalp.
He out out a groan as his hands found your hips, his hold tightening as he ground upwards making you moan at the contact.
Breaking the kiss, Cassian's eyes held a newfound tenderness and hunger. “You're something else, you know that?” he whispered, his voice carrying a mix of admiration and affection. A shared smile lingered between you, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken emotions that had just passed between your lips.
A loud shatter was heard as you looked up panting, absolutely forgetting that you two may have a section rented out, but you were still out in public and if anyone wanted to stretch their legs, they certainly wouldn’t miss you grinding in Cassian’s lap, lips puffy and hair tousled.
Cassian couldn’t have cared less even of he tried to. Being the lord of bloodshed, the general leading the armies of the night court, and one of the greatest warriors in the history of Prythian granted Cassian liberties in his eyes. Unlike ordinary fae males, he wasn't restricted from openly displaying affection for his mate at any time or place. There wasn’t a person on earth that could tell him what to do with you.
Fucking in public didn’t scare him or make him feel embarrassed. No, Cassian fucking loved the thrill of being caught. Loved the little voice in his head telling him that someone would be walking in on him pleasuring his mate, your face scrunched up in pleasure as someone catches you, your heartbeat quickening at the taboo scene.
But he’d never in his life put you in a position that made you uncomfortable, he’d rather chop his cock off. So he looked at your face, searching for any fear.
“You okay? Wanna stop, baby?” The thought of you getting off his lap and feeling shame or embarrasement was enough to make him feel nauseous. But that all quickly left when you looked down at him with blushy cheeks, a wide grin on your face as you laughed. “Wow, that sounded really close. Guess you better fuck me quickly Cassie, we wouldn’t want someone to catch us, now would we? I mean that would be soooo bad and we’d be kicked out, right?”
Cassian easily detected the false concern written all over your face. There was a blend of amusement, warmth, and hunger in your expression. You playfully pouted, furrowing your brows in mock thinking as you tilted your head.
Looking up darkly at you he flashed you a feral grin, furrowing his brow in mock thinking. “Of course. It would be very, very bad if someone caught me with my head between your legs, I mean whatever would we do?”
You stood up, hopping up on the table in front of him, propped up like a post-dessert treat with your legs spread infront of his hungry gaze.
“ Let’s find out. I think you missed some of your dessert, baby. Come eat me up, Cassie…” He put his hands around your ankles as he removed your heels, then hissed when he felt your stocking-clad foot rub against his strained cock. Your eyes caught his wings ruffling as curiosity prompted your question.
“Cassie, why are your wings so big? Can I touch them or would it hurt?”
His wings rustled, then tightened in instinct. Illyrian wings were absolutely not to be touched by anyone without invitation, they were to be protected at any cost. His people had been taught to never let anyone get close enough to them, often punching first and then asking questions if someone ever touched them.
“No, sweet girl, they wouldn’t hurt if you touched them. It’s just a sacred part of me that I as an Illyrian protect with my life.” You observed the intricate patterns on his wings, fascinated by the interplay of light and shadow, gold and read hues swirling.
Cassian, sensing your curiosity, continued, “Touching them is a privilege reserved for the one I’ll one day trust deeply, a gesture of profound connection between two mates.” His gaze held a promise, hinting at a deeper connection yet to unfold. You slumped slighty as you realized that you probably weren’t his mate and quickly lowered you rising hand.
“Oh, okay then. They seem really cool anyways, your future mate is quite lucky huh?” Your eyes met his own filled with longing and hope.
Growing up in The Hewn City, the stories of mates filled your imagination, creating a yearning for a connection forged by The Mother Herself. However, your parents swiftly dismissed any ideas of such fantasies, emphasizing a more practical approach to your future. The concept of a deep, equal partnership and lover was a cherished daydream, overshadowed by the reality your parents presented.
Amidst gossip with friends about the mysterious idea of mates, your parents insisted on abandoning these fairytales. Their focus remained fixed on preparing you for a marriage that would secure wealth and influence, mirroring the traditions of countless pairs in the city. The prospect of bringing shame to the family loomed as an unthinkable consequence, one that could lead to disownment or in some cases death.
You were incredibly fortunate to have made a friend that helped you out, otherwise you’d probably be some unhappy bride whose only task would be baby-making and keeping quiet.
Your eyes filled with tears as you started thinking about the male infront of you. If the bond hadn’t snapped for you yet, then you probably weren’t mates and it made you sick thinking that there was someone else out there who’d snatch Cassian up. A hand brushing up your calf brought you back to reality as you were met with eyes filled with worries.
“No, hey, what's going on, sweetheart? Why are you crying, hm?” Cassian asked, concern etched across his face. Overwhelmed by sadness, you slumped forward, letting out deep sobs.
"Don't think m’your mate, Cassie. I really, really wanna be with you forever, but you'll probably choose your mate if they ever come along. Also, I probably have a mate somewhere, and I feel like we shouldn't keep going because I'm falling for you, like really hard, and I really don't think I'd survive it if we ended things before they even really started.”
Your wrecked sobs made him sick with guilt. The realization that he was the cause of your tears hit hard. His hands found their way to your back, gently caressing it as he tried to provide comfort. Unable to bear it any longer, he blurted out the words before more sobs could escape,
“ I’m your mate. I felt the bond snap the first time we met, baby. I didn’t want to you to feel like you had to accept the bond or feel pressured to discover it. I wished for you to find out on your own, at your own pace. And I’m truly sorry for the pain i’ve caused you. If I had known this was something you really wanted, I would’ve told you straight away, sweet girl. I was wrong to assume and I’m deeply sorry. Please forgive me?”
Cassian’s words hung in the air, a revelation that shifted the atmosphere between you. Stunned, you looked up, eyes searching his for any sign of anger or irritation at your sudden breakdown or any deception. His gaze, however, held a sincerity that echoed in the depths of your shared connection, held a mix of pain, guilt and sadness paired with hope.
“You’re really mine? My mate?” the question was carried by your whispering voice. Cassian nodded and confirmed,
“Yes, i’m yours as you are mine.” The words triggered that golden bond, snapping the thread of life and love deep in your chest. Holding a hand to your chest, you looked at him breathing deeply.
“Mate. You’re my mate!” you shrieked and kissed all over his face, ending with a big kiss on his lips, making him laugh.
“Um, so can i now touch ‘em?” you questioned as you nodded your head in the direction of his massive wings. His back straightened and he explained,
“My wings have never been out during intimate encounters with females. It makes me feel vulnerable and I don’t like it. But for you… for you I’d pluck the stars from the night sky if you asked me. Go ahead, sweetheart but be careful they can be quite-”
He didn’t even finish his sentence when he felt your warm hands caressing the ridge of his leathery wings. Cassian twisted in his seat when you went over a certain spot. His whole body flashed with warmth, leaving a trail of goosepumps as his stomch flipped.
His face revealed delight, accompanied by low groans as your nails traced over the delicate wing. Intrigued, you inquired about the sensation. He leaned in, softly blowing air near your ear, eliciting goosebumps and a slight arch in your body.
He knew he’d come undone if you kept touching him so he picked you up, swept everything away from the table and put you on your back. Perhaps he should’ve been more quiet because when the waiter hurriedly came to check on the broken dishes, he received a savage snarl, so unlike the usually levelheaded male.
“ Get. Out.” Your mate gritted towards the poor fae. He’d make sure to leave another huge tip, but he didn’t have time to think of it now that the bond was so fresh and there was a male staring down his half naked mate. Cassian finally turned his attention to you when you grabbed his cock through his slacks.
“ c’mon mate, need you so bad, please.” you grabbed the back of his head, smashing his lips against yours as you whined and mumbled about needing his cock inside you. Any sort of foreplay was out of the question, you’d play later. You felt like you might literally die if you didn’t feel him closer to you right now.
You were consumed by an overwhelming desperation, feeling as if you'd burst out of your skin without his immediate presence. The ache for more of him intensified, a desperate longing for his touch to ravage you entirely. Tears welled in your eyes as you begged, desperate to be fucked right there, yearning to be claimed by your mate.
The desperation in your voice spurred cassian on as his hands skillfully removed his belt, pulling out his hard cock as he slid in and out, again and again and again. Rocking the table as he thrust into you hard, filling you up deliciously. Your mouths found each other in a deep kiss as you pulled his hair, earning a deep groan.
“You’re so fucking beautiful all spread out for me. My precious mate,” he mumbled against you. 
 “mmh, harder please- fucking me soo gooddd” You moaned. The pleasure was building up in your belly making you squirm against him “Please, daddy, let me cum.”
He halted all his movements, pulling you out of your bubble of pleasure. Why did he stop? You felt your high fizzle down as you felt tears in your eyes. “Cassie, why did you stop? I almost finished… s’not fair” you whined, crossing you arms as you looked away, feigning disbelief and anger.
You seriously hadn’t noticed what you called him? Were you fucked out already? Well, whatever. Cassian’s ego boosted immensely at the fact that you had mindlessly called him daddy.
“You’re so good for me, such a beautiful, beautiful girl. My mate makes me proud.”
His praise made you simultaneously melt against his body yet tighten around his cock as a new rush of slick gushed out of you. Bringing his one hand to your nipple while the other played with your clit, Cassian was determined to make you cum then take you home. It had to be your house because he really couldn’t promise he wouldn’t attack Rhys or Azriel if they laid their eyes on you, let alone saw your vulnerable, fucked out state.
The simultaneous pleasure made your head spin as you grabbed his arm to steady youself.
“feels..” you swallow the glob of saliva pooling on your tongue. “f-feels s’good, daddy. m’gonna cum…” His thrusts didn’t slow down as he was met by your relaxed expression - your eyes had crossed as your tongue lolled out a bit, making you drool. A few more pumps and he felt his knees wobble with intensity. You screams of pleasure were muffled by his hand as you came.
“gotta be quiet baby, lest someone catches us” groaning out the last part, Cassian pumps once, twice and finishes deep inside with as he slumps forward, head nuzzled against your neck, breathing in your intoxicating scent.
Driven by the fresh mating bond, he succumbed to a primal urge, covering your naked and relaxed form. Desperation fueled his actions, and protective instincts surged as he struggled with the dilemma of getting you home without causing harm, his every move tinged with the urgency of preserving your safety.
Wanting more, you pull him closer and wrap your legs around him. “daddy, i want more. please let’s go home because the table is kinda uncomfy n i wanna be on my bed instead.” Hands slither around you, pulling you up with as you clung to him. He drops a stack of money on the table to cover what he destroyed plus an appreciation for leaving him alone, gods know he would’ve shown no restraint if that waiter had been a little more bold.
“ s’okay cas i got this,” the whole restaurant fades into black before a cozy porch is replaced with the murmur of the restaurant. You’d winnowed home but not inside, leaving you right outside the door.
“ Sweetie, is your house warded or are you capable of winnowing inside too?” you shook your head and giggly responded,
“ mm, no, my house is protected from bad guys and only people i want can get inside. My friend fixed it for me, he’s super nice and you should totally meet him sometime.” The mention of another guy leaving your lips was enough for Cassian to make his eyes twitch but you looked so happy so he just nodded in agreement.
Opening the door, you welcomed Cassian into your cozy house. As he stepped in, his widened as his eyes roamed across the spacious hallway featuring a body-length mirror, perfect for a quick self-check before heading out, you told him. The hall led to a spacious living room with high ceilings exuding luxury, and the massive kitchen boasted pink appliances, a charming detail that seemed to define your style, he noticed.
His smile widened as he took in the cutesy and predominantly pink decor scattered throughout the house. It was a unique touch that resonated with your personality. As you guided him up the stairs, he marveled at the size of the home, realizing it was quite spacious for a single person.
Passing by several empty rooms, you finally opened the grand bedroom. The king-sized bed with frilly white sheets and an array of pink pillows dominated the space, surrounded by what seemed like an army of stuffed animals, a table adorned with the flowers he sent you this morning. Turning to the left he say your huge closet with clothes littered over the floor. You ran and closed the door behind you, leaning against it as you let out a nervous laugh, “ oh, that’s just my closet. it’s a bit messy so let’s just not look there.”
You bit your lips as your eyes squinted in the dim light. He looked so delicious and you wanted more. wanted your mate, closer. Despite being mere feet apart, an insatiable need for closeness overcame you. Closing the gap, you kissed him, reigniting the connection that began at the restaurant, determined to continue it throughout the night.
The night with your mate unfolded in a series of intimate moments, he put you in new positions and taught you pleasures you never imagined. His expertise left you in a constant state of bliss, with every moment dedicated to mutual satisfaction. You had slept for about an hour or two before going at it again when he stood up and stretched, the sight enough for you to tackle him and ride him right there on your fluffy carpet.
As dawn approached, you marveled at the fact that you had enough restraint to let him slip away and prepare breakfast. The lingering sensations and shared experiences had created a bond that extended beyond the physical, making the morning after feel like a continuation of the enchanting night. Now you laid in the protective arms of you lover, looking at him while biting your lips to keep from pouncing in him.
“If you keep staring at me like that, we won't leave the house ever,” you looked away from his gaze, blushing furiously.
“Maybe I don't wanna leave the house. I wanna be with you forever and ever, cassie” you whispered, nestling closer and kissing his cheek, a familiar gesture of affection.
He chuckled warmly, deeply and kissed you back before your broke the kiss.
“Cas, you mentioned your friends live here. Can I meet them? You spoke about them like you really, really love them,”you inquired, sensing a shift in the air as his grip tightened around you.
“Another time, sweetheart. Right now, I need you alone. I can't even think about leaving you,” he confessed, his tone carrying a protective intensity.
“Do you know much about the mating bond?” you explained that you knew it was two people fated together in a perfect match but that was all your parents allowed you to know. He nodded and explained,
“A newly mated couple can be very... let's say, unstable. There have been many cool and collected males and females who lost their minds when someone laid their eyes on their mate for too long. Sane people have abandoned all critical thinking wherever their mate is involved. Their first and only thought is their mate’s safety and happiness. People have died for provoking newly-mated. So, please, give me a little time because there's a very likely chance I might kill someone for looking at you a bit too much." This…frenzy will cool down after a while but it’s very intense when it’s so new.”
The gravity in his words conveyed the depth of his commitment and the primal instincts that fueled it.
You were fucked in the head for sure because the realization that Cassian would fiercely protect you, even kill someone for you, sent a thrilling shiver down your spine, an unconventional yet undeniably arousing form of desire.
Without a word, you shuffled down, ready to express your gratitude and desire in a way that words could never fully convey, letting your mouth and hands express your love and gratitude.
For almost three weeks, you reveled in the cocoon of intimacy, exploring every inch of each other's souls and bodies within the confines of your shared space. Cassian's presence became a comforting constant, and there wasn't a single room in the house that he hadn’t fucked you in. Repeatedly.
However, the inevitable reality of his responsibilities tugged at Cassian's conscience. His jaw tightened, and his eyes darkening slightly as he confessed,
“I hate to say this, baby, but I have to go back. My family is looking for me, and they're worried.”
A pout formed on your lips as the idea of him leaving weighed heavily on your heart.
“You really gotta go?” Your doe-eyes mirrored the sadness and pain of his departure, glossing over in tears at the thought of him not being by your side.
One look into your eyes and he knew there was no chance he could leave you.
“You know what, fuck that. There's no way I'm leaving you. So how would you feel about meeting my family?”
Cassian dropping the idea of meeting his family made you think. Would they like you? He always spoke highly of them, and it got you wondering if you'd measure up. You knew you weren't the brightest tool in the shed or however the saying went but you hoped they'd see something in you that's good enough for him. The old voices of your parents kept echoing in your head.
"You're only good if you keep your mouth shut."
"How did I end up with such a dumb daughter?"
"You’re prettier when you don't talk."
Cassian sensed your unease, and he gently took your hands, looking into your eyes with a reassuring smile.
“Hey, don't worry about a thing. My family will adore you as much as I do. You're more than enough, just the way you are.”
His words carried a sincerity that eased the knots in your stomach. You peppered kisses all over his face and mentally thanked him for the reassurance.
He laughed, kissing you and repeating those reassuring words until it was time to leave. Putting on a cute, blue summer dress, you skipped alongside him, blissfully unaware of the imposing aura he now exuded due to the fresh bond.
As the beautiful estate by the river came into view, you marveled at the picturesque landscape. Holding a homemade cake in one hand and Cassian's hand in the other, you both approached the door.
However, huge confusion struck as your eyes widened upon seeing who opened it.
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🏷️ taglist: @justasillylittlegoofyguy
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twig-tea · 3 months
With 23.5 finally coming out, the people are rejoicing at finally getting a high profile gl from GMMTV. But there have already been several gls airing this year, including my fav TsukuTabe, that have been flying under the radar with fandom, and in general there are more gls already out there than folks seem to think. I just know you have a list of all the gls we should be watching, please share with the class!
Thank you for the ask! How did you know I had a draft of GL recs to make at some point? [Trick question, I mentioned it to you.]
It may seem like I'm out here hating on GL because i've made a couple of negative reviews of recently airing series recently (Love Senior and Chaser Game W in case you're curious) but I actually have lots of GL that I love and that I wish were better known! Thanks for sending this ask so I am inspired to actually finish it! I've limited myself to series so that I could keep the list and this post to a reasonable length. Where possible I've listed where you can find each of these and included a link. And I've included an 'elevator pitch' summary but I am NOT in marketing for a reason, so please don't roast me too hard for my terrible comparisons. Alright, enough waffling!
Twig's GL Rec List
She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat S1 & 2 (Japan, 2022 & 2024, both seasons fansubbed by @furritsubs; if you need help accessing this show feel free to DM me!)
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Elevator pitch: Our Dining Table with lesbians and an even slower burn. Watch for beautiful food, acespec rep, mental health and therapy rep
What might turn some off: Extremely low heat, and quite slow-moving; warning for a disordered eating and family trauma plot (v gently handled)
Let's start with the one you've already mentioned. This is a heartwarming slice-of-life slow burn in which an autismspec-coded woman who likes to eat is invited by her neighbour, a femme acespec woman who loves to cook, to come and eat her food. It starts from a very practical place (when you love making food you need someone to help eat it), but their relationship grows as they spend more time together. The story follows them as they both move towards self-actualization in several ways: as a lesbian, as asexual, at work, with their families, with their friends, with each other. This show is so careful to say the important words aloud. And there is so much delicious cooking! Each episode highlights a particular recipe, and the food porn is real. Do not watch while hungry, but definitely watch. The found famiy vibes in this one one are also immaculate.
She Makes My Heart Flutter (Korea, 2022, YouTube)
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Elevator pitch: Younger lesbian friend group tries to help out (slightly) older lesbian bar owner with mixed success. I can't think of a good BL equivalent, The Moment Since feels the closest with its similar bartender/patron romance
What might turn some off: Comedic tone; short runtime; struggles with being closeted
This is a gem of a miniseries about a bar owner and an interior designer who smoulder at one another while an intrepid group of younger bar regulars (including the bar owner's neice) meddle. This series is really cute, solid, and full of sapphics! Once again found family vibes are immaculate (you may sense a theme in my faves). Run don't walk.
Fragrance of the First Flower (Taiwan, 2021, GagaOOLala)
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Elevator pitch: Right-person-wrong-time/second chance romance; tonally is a little like We Best Love 2: Fighting Mr. 2nd but with an ambiguous ending.
What might turn you off: Medium heat, second chance romance means they break up once, internalized homophobia, adultery/cheating, at one point there's a creepy dude, child with autism (depicted well), ambiguous ending
At its core this is a story of a woman who can't stop getting in the way of her own happiness. This series is a little more sad than the rest of this rec list but I couldn't not include it because this relationship is so poignant. Plus there's a s2 that supposedly is to come out in 2024 so maybe we'll get our happy ending after all?
Love Greater Than or Equal to 70 Degrees C (Korea, 2019, YouTube)
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Elevator pitch: Ingredients but with lesbians staring at one another over beautiful tea pairings! What more could you ask for?
What might turn you off: Low heat; short runtime; ambiguous ending; like Ingredients this is essentially a long ad for the café it's filmed at.
This is a Korean miniseries about passionate tea sommeliers making really fancy tea while staring at one another a LOT. Perfect sapphic representation, 10/10 no notes. This one packs a lot of the drama tropes into its short runtime, so even though it's short it's full of butterfly-inspiring moments.
Sleep With Me (Philippines, 2022, GagaOOLala/iWantTFC/Netflix w/VPN set to Philippines)
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Elevator pitch: The Truth About Cats and Dogs but the self esteem issues are handled without catfishing. BL equivalent: Hmmm. Closest I can think of is Gaya Sa Pelikula.
What might turn you off: There's some ableism (treated as such) in this show; Open ending.
Stellar GL between a late night radio DJ and an insomniac who listens to her show. One of the main couple is a wheelchair user and the show tackles ablelism and navigating disability in relationship as well as feelings of inadequacy in a relationship and how that manifests as interpersonal conflict.
Our Relationship Ended Before it Began (Korea, 2022, YouTube)
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Elevator Pitch: Along the lines of I Cannot Reach You; the show gives both perspectives and they are held back by queer angst.
What might turn you off: No kiss (but they make it very clear both want to kiss), internalized homophobia
Really sweet miniseries about having a crush and being afraid of being hurt so you don't actually make a move. I really like the way the girl who has not dated a girl before defaults to gender roles and it throws the more experienced lesbian lol I also really like the way this show makes clear that both of them are waiting for a kiss, and that if you get in your head about things, it can get in the way of your own happiness!
Pearl Next Door (Philippines, 2020, Youtube)
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Elevator Pitch: Gameboys but with lesbian vloggers.
What might turn you off: Love triangle, lots of teasing but low heat in the end, a lot of (good) conversations about mental health issues, ambiguous ending
This is the GL spinoff to Gameboys, starring Pearl from Gameboys. Pearl ends up being fought over by the two gorgeous women in the gif, an old love and a new. I love the queer friendships in this story as much as the relationships. I will say it's an open ending (that felt a bit like the showrunners didn't want to decide between ships) and definitely the love triangle features prominently but even in the face of these aspects that would normally turn me off a series I had a good time. The characters and interpersonal conflicts feel very real, and are allowed to be complex even when the show tone is comedic.
Dear Uranus (Taiwan, 2021, YouTube)
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Elevator Pitch: Schoolgirl ensemble GL; a little like My School President but without the singing.
What might turn you off: Short runtime; ambiguous ending; a little bit of bullying; very standard romance trope execution
The first Taiwanese GL miniseries, this series was produced by a Taiwanese lesbian couple (Rabbit & Wolf)! Lots of excellent drama tropes, and incredibly gorgeous women (I think the entire watching audience fell in love with Erol.
Lily Fever (Korea, 2015, YouTube)
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Elevator pitch: Complete crack; YYY but with more kissing and frankly an even less coherent story.
What might turn you off: The lack of coherent plot; less a romance and more a very thirsty lesbian kissing everyone she can
This miniseries is utter chaos. Nothing really makes sense, it's all just random excuses to cause very suggestive moments (and kissing) to happen. I love so much how this series depicts women being so absolutely thirsty for one another (and yes that date isn't a typo, this series is ~9 years old). Not an "happy ever after" ending but it really isn't that kind of story.
Chasing Sunsets (Philippines, 2020, YouTube)
Elevator pitch: Ocean Likes Me with lesbians. Resort romance with a mental health twist.
What might turn you off: Some of the mental health stuff gets intense, this was filmed in 2020 so the pandemic features heavily; hopeful but slightly ambiguous ending.
A complex story from the Philippines covering mental health and finding yourself. A woman shows up to a resort and befriends one of the women running the resort. They get closer as they spend time together, and the resort owner realizes something is off. There's also a BL side couple in this series.
Show Me Love (Thai, 2023, YouTube)
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Elevator pitch: A little like My Day the series with lesbians, in that they work together and fall in love and it's full of tropes
What might turn you off: The advertising for the Miss Grand competition, there is some bullying and cheating (though way less than I was expecting tbh), not a lot actually happens, the editing gets a bit wonky at the end
This is essentially a massive ad for the Miss Grand Thailand competition; this GL was produced by the same company that produces that competition, and the stars are mostly Miss Grand competitors. The main pairing were shipped in the actual competition, and the company decided to make a GL about them. It's very slow paced and low-stakes, and there are better kisses than I expected considering everything I just said about where this show came from. There are a lot of cute moments!
Girlfriend Project (Korea, 2022, YouTube)
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Elevator Pitch: Love Class with lesbians
What might turn you off: One of the leads is kind of mean in that pgitail-pulling way? It ends abruptly (but happily)
This is a short miniseries about two girls paired in a class that are assigned to "date". The chemistry is chemistrying. And there is a kiss (a good kiss, and a tiptoes kiss at that!). This show also has one of my favourite tropes, in which someone who seems like a pushover stands up for themselves and their partner finds it very attractive. For the record, in this show they are watching another GL by the same company, Love Tech.
Lulu (Philippines, 2022, Vivamax/grey)
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Elevator Pitch: Present Perfect with lesbians (but with a better ending).
What might turn you off: Depictions of panic attacks, brief depiction of drowning, pandemic lockdowns, illness, exes, waffling, happy but open ending (which I actually liked for this story)
Two women trying to move on from the garbage in their lives meet at the beach of a B&B (where one saves the other from drowning) and become one another's company during their escape and then something more. They both have baggage that seems determined to keep them apart even as they continue to be drawn together. In the end, they decide to stick it out and see where they end up, with no guarantee of happily ever after, which I found very sweet. Requires either a VivaMax account or searching the grey for it, but it's worth the effort (check MyDramaList comments for suggestions on where to find it). Plus one of the leads has a cactus as a pet.
Welcome to the Lesbian Bar (Korea, 2023, YouTube)
Elevator Pitch: A little like Fudanshi Bartender but without the fudanshi bartender and all of the bar patrons are lesbians lol
What might turn you off: Short, can get a little bit preachy, abrupt ending
Cute short series with different very stories every episode as different patrons visit the bar. The stories range from women who have been together for awhile, to people meeting from an online app for the first time, to someone visiting a lesbian bar for the first time; and yet the story all weaves together in a way that's satisfying though ends abruptly. Includes some solid marriage equality propaganda.
GAP the Series (Thai, 2022, YouTube)
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Elevator Pitch: Kind of the vibes of Together with Me but lesbians and in an office instead of school. Angry boss falls for charming new intern and
What might turn you off: This one is the highest heat of all these recs; homophobia especially amongst family, brief depictions of death by car, brief mentions of suicide, cheating, bullying, abuse of power in the office.
A list would not be complete without this one! Honestly the plot is a bit wobbly but the show is a lot of fun. The girls are very cute, the feelings and tension builds really well between them, the friend group is excellent, and in the special we get a wedding.
The rest of these have caveats of one kind or another, but i couldn't leave them off a rec list, so here are the side couples and censored stories that are still worth your time anyway (I might do a separate more detailed post for these, as well as for films, one day if there's interest):
Nevertheless (GL side; Korean, 2021, Netflix) Not sure it's worth watching a whole kdrama for side lesbians? Search soljiwan on youtube. They are great. Even the Netflix account stans them. I watched this (ngl, I watched the SolJiwan cut) as it aired and was constantly braced for it to let us down but it did not! A really good friends-to-lovers story.
Friend Zone 2: Dangerous Area (GL side; Thailand, 2019, YouTube): These sapphics are messy and I love them. Decent conversation about dating someone with mental health issues in this series, and they're one of the only couples in this ensemble to get a happy ending. If you're just watching the lesbian couple (which you can, their story is pretty self-contained) you don't need to have seen s1.
Six Survivors (GL side; Japan, 2022, Viki) This show is a horror comedy and it is SO MUCH FUN. Warning for zombies and blood, but way less than you might think. One of the eponymous 6 survivors is a lesbian who keeps trying to convert them to veganism lol. If you watched Chaser Game W you'll recognize one of the actresses in this, the lead actress is from Kamisama no Ekohiiki, and one of the guys is from the prequel series His as well as I Want to See Only You! And yes there is a kiss. Also a surprising number of Mallrats references. Not for people who can't handle gore or relationships being complicated/not a "true love" story/ambiguous ending.
Kamisama no Ekohiiki (complicated question of is it GL in parts, Japan, 2021, furritsubs once again coming through to save the day) This one is a bit complex because there's bodyswap, but the girl who falls for the bodyswapped boy-in-a-girl's-body is clear that she is only interested in the girl. One of the better bodyswap stories because the bodyswap is not a secret for very long, so instead there's a lot of introspection about what gender means and who/what they are attracted to. Feels wrong to call this GL, necessarily, but it's very queer.
Couple of Mirrors (Censored GL, China, 2021, Viki) Story of a rich girl and her assassin girlfriend. This production did an amazing job getting away with what they could, just don't watch the last five minutes and we've got essentially a happy lesbian family.
Legend of Yunze (Censored GL, China, 2021, @douqi7s) Very cute very low budget xianxia miniseries with two seasons and a special. The special is set in modern times in a future lifetime so if you want a cute censored-but-clearly-a-soulmate-love-story this is the one for you. Don't be thrown off by the weird cuts/abrupt episode endings, that's in line with cdramas in general.
Led Astray by Love (Censored GL, China, 2021, @douqi7s) A very fun and adorable isekai story in which a modern day girl is transported to a wuxia novel setting and has to figure out how to get home, and gets romanced by the princess along the way.
And a few additional links for people who even more content:
My Indian sapphic webseries rec list
My suggestions for content with toms (Thai category that's similar to but not exactly the same as butch lesbians) in response to this post.
This really good GL MyDramaList list (not made by me!) lists what seems to be everything I've mentioned and about 200 more. Even I haven't seen a few of these!
My YouTube playlist of sapphic content: This includes anything I stumble across or find in my searches, a lot of music videos and random shorts as well as some microseries and miniseries that I don't consider GL but are WLW/sapphic in addition to true "GL" content. For serialized content, I add just the first ep. A complete mess, but you can trawl through to find stuff to watch, like Hetero!
SOONOTSUE: The same producers of She Makes My Heart Flutter have other short series on their channel worth checking out; if you liked that one, try Out of Breath!
Shakeshoulder: Thai YouTube producers of very pulpy (read: low budget and dramatic plots) shorts
FuFuKnows: This YouTube channel is owned by a gay Taiwanese couple that produces shorts every week, including some with GL mains and sides. These are very low budget but cover a whole swath of queer themes.
@douqi7s is a godsend providing subtitles for all kinds of content, including sapphic shorts and more series than I've listed here. Check their tumblr for links to all of their content; A Practical Guide to Being a Superstar's Assistant has one of the best setups to giving us great moments in the guise of something else so that they get past censorship I've ever seen; I also recommend The Vampires if you're into genre fiction, as well as Legend of Yunqian if you enjoyed the xianxia parts of Legend of Yunze. @wlwcatalogue did an excellent summary of many of the non-wuxia options here.
Quick pitch for the streaming platform GagaOOLala; it's affordable, has a ton of content, including a whack of GLs (originals, license series, and a ton of shorts), and is run by queer people out of Taiwan who care about good quality queer content being made and having an audience, and using the soft power from those successful series to support social change. And if you can't afford a subscription it's worth checking out what they have for free, they open up temporary free access to some things for various events throughout the year.
In searching for gifs for this post I found fellow tumblr user @drowningparty 's WLW compendium list; they've listed more series and films so check it out if you still need more content!
*wipes sweat off brow* that should be enough to be getting on with, but it's really just the tip of the iceberg! If there's something specific you want to see with sapphics let me know and I can tell you if I know it exists. Anyway, I hope this gives you and everyone else a taste of what all is out there! I of course always want more, I am serious about being a sapphic dragon hoarding every crumb i can get my lizardy hands on, but I do think what we have should also be appreciated more. If I missed one of your faves, please tell me!
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sc0tters · 6 months
Push It | Mikko Rantanen
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summary: when Mikko sees you getting stressed late one night, he feels obligated to step in to help.
kinkmas: day nine (squirting)
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (fem receiving!), thigh riding, swearing.
word count: 3.39k
authors note: this is my second time writing for Mikko and I have to say that I am kind of in love with this one? it also took me way longer to write it than I would actually like to admit either but we now only have three days left in kinkmas! if you want to read more from kinkmas you can find the playlist here!
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Mikko swore you were doing this to punish him.
What for? Now Mikko didn't have the answer to that one just yet. But with Christmas a mere few days away and his family arriving on Sunday, you were in full swing wrapping presents. You had met his family for the first time in the summer when Mikko convinced you to come home with him. So it was suffice to say that you were beyond stressed out by the fact you were hosting his family for Christmas. His parents adored how happy you made their son but that didn’t bring you any comfort as you stayed up well beyond an appropriate time.
It frustrated Mikko as he woke up to an empty bed when his alarm clock flashed 3:00AM. With him being home for a couple of days before another road trip with the team all Mikko wanted was to spend time with you, something that became a challenge as you stressed about preparing the house for his family's arrival. Begrudgingly he pushed the comforter off of his chest as he got up sliding his slippers on in an attempt to bring himself some warmth in the battle of combatting the Colorado winter.
The lights in the dining room illuminated Mikko’s path down the staircase as he could hear you mumbling incoherent things to yourself in frustration. His footsteps were quiet as he stood at the door to see what looked like Christmas had thrown up over the table. Wrapping paper and ribbons covered as much of the wood as the eye could see “muru?” Mikko cleared his throat as he called out stood at the opposite end of the table.
Scents of the gingerbread house you made during the afternoon traveled around the bottom floor of the house “hey.” You forced a smile onto your lips as you pressed your hands onto the table. Concern was evident on his face as he walked over to you “come to bed.” Mikko’s voice was soft as he crouched down placing his hands on your knees.
You shook your head turning to look back to focus on the final presents in front of you “not yet love.” You mumbled avoiding his eye as you could feel his burning gaze.
Mikko ran his fingers over your bare thighs trying to capture your attention “I can’t sleep.” You explained chewing at the inside of your cheek “have a way I could help you.” He smirked pressing a kiss against your shoulder making you squirm.
He smiled hearing you whimper as you stopped wrapping the present as though you were contemplating hearing him out “what is it?” You sighed raking your fingers through your hair as you turned to him “if I make you come before finish wrapping then you come to bed.” The offer made you squirm as your cheeks turned red.
You ran your tongue over your teeth “and if I finish before?” You tried to puff your chest out in an attempt to keep your nerves calm “then I’ll wear that sweater of yours for the party.” Mikko hated the sweater you had gotten him for the team end of year holiday party, so either way you were truly winning.
Mere seconds passed as you thought about what you would do as you eventually nodded “deal.” You shifted to the back of your chair “need you to get up so I can get you out of these.” His voice was coarse as he tapped your thighs when he repositioned himself to sit under the table.
He watched you listen to his instructions leaning towards the table as your ass was in the air “you knew you were gonna do this didn’t you?” Mikko smirked seeing your pink panties that had a wet patch that formed on the center “won’t make you wait Rakas.” He cooed bringing your panties down to your ankles.
You sat back down shifting your legs so that your cunt was in line with his face “such a pretty little pussy.” Mikko mumbled pulling you closer to him as you sat on the edge of your seat.
The hockey player could hear you weren’t moving anything “you want to start before you lose baby.” Mikko clicked his tongue making you whimper as he pressed his lips against the inside of your thighs “right Mik.” Your voice was shaky as you nodded beginning to continue wrapping those presents.
His lips were soft against your skin as they left a trail of sloppy kissed until he teased your folds “can’t believe you’ve stayed up all night.” Mikko urged not giving you the chance to respond as he pressed his tongue flat against your slit making you groan.
It made your thighs tense “god Mikko.” You blew your lips into a raspberry as your hands clenched around the scissors “such a sweet cunt.” He praised you as he locked his arms around your thighs bringing you even closer to him.
You used all of your strength to focus on what was in front of you. Mikko latched his lips around your clit letting his tongue swirl around your sensitive nub “getting so needy already.” He mumbled against your cunt sending shivers up your spine making your hands shake.
Mikko had always been skilled with his tongue and tonight was truly no different. Treating you like you were his last meal. The starved man beneath you let his tongue lay flat in your cunt stretching as far as he could possibly go. You did you best to not think about the sheer levels of pleasure you felt as you tied a bow in the ribbon that wrapped around the box.
One down, three to go.
Your cunt tasted sweet on his tongue as it almost egged him on “r-right there!” You stammered feeling his nose hit your clit “the way you’re acting has me thinking you didn’t want this.” Mikko pulled his lips away from you as he moved his hand to tease your clit staring up at you “you aren’t even trying.” He clicked his tongue as he shook his head.
You whimpered in response gripping at the packaging of the box “I am!” You nodded figuring that if you said it with enough conviction you could actually believe it.
He watched you try to continue and part of him contemplated putting the bet off wanting please you properly but as your legs began to shake. The ideas of going east on you left Mikko’s mind “just let yourself go y/n.” Mikko didn’t often call you by your name as he usually settled for a nickname in Finnish since you loved his mother tongue.
The desire to let yourself come built in your belly as your eyes began to flutter “not yet.” Your jaw froze as you tried to put it off. But as Mikko swiped his tongue over your clit he slotted his fingers into your cunt making sure that you didnt have the chance to not come “fuck Mikko!” You groaned feeling his smirk press against your thighs letting your hands pull at his curls.
His free hand was soft against your stomach as he felt you grip his fingers “don’t stop.” You moaned driving your hips against his face as you came letting the pleasure wash over you. Mikko smirked as he began to slow his movements feeling your cunt loosen around his fingers.
Your body shook as his lips left you with a pop. Mikko pushed your chair back as he smiled getting up from the ground “looks like you lost muru.” He clicked his tongue seeing the second present only being tapped up.
It was clear you were trying to still recover as you were too dazed to even care about what he had to say “no.” You whimpered pushing your back against the chair as you tried to hold your ground “why don’t I help you then?” Mikko proposed placing his hand on your shoulder as he wasn’t prepared to leave you down here just yet.
Mikko loved how you were right after an orgasm. The way your lips were plump because you had bitten them trying to suppress your moans. Your eyes were always heavy as he always made sure to put you through the wringer. Usually that was enough for him to do once and then he’d feel content, but tonight Mikko wanted to push you that little bit further as sleep was now nothing more than a distance thought in his mind.
His hand was gentle as he helped you up, giving him just enough space to slip into the seat beneath you. Your head fell against his shoulder as you straddled his leg “let’s do it together muru.” Mikko cooed making you melt against his touch as you nodded.
But as you leaned forward his thigh tensed beneath you resulting in you letting out a moan “fuck!” Your cunt was already wet from your first orgasm of the night quickly coating the skin of his thigh.
Mikko smirked feeling his cock grow hard against his boxers “you giving up on the gifts?” The hockey player teased watching you begin to ride his thigh “nope.” You shook your head letting your tongue dart out of your mouth as you began to focus on the gift in front of you.
This quickly turned into round two of your little bet as Mikko bit his lip writing on the little piece of card as he made little effort to trying to help you. Signing it from the both of you before he moved to the next one. But during the time he did that Mikko didn’t lose sight on the fact that you were enjoying spreading your juices over his thigh “you should see how pretty you look.” Mikko mumbled as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
You were in one of his old camp shirts that looked like it was a dress over you “didn’t tell you to slow down.” He nipped at your ear lobe making you shiver.
Mikko watched how your body responded to his cold fingertips grazed over your skin up your shirt “meanie.” You huffed making him laugh as he ghosted over your nipples “promise I’ll make it all worth it soon.” Mikko offered flexing his thigh to make your clit hit it at a different angle.
He couldn’t help but smirk as you gave up on wrapping for a second time as you had finished the second present and rather than moving onto the next one you pushed them all away to the front of you. Finally revealing a clear space on the table “please Mik.” You begged as you felt his fingers roll your nipples between them.
The hockey player groaned as he wished he could see the reactions you had as all he wanted was to finally watch you come. But as Mikko felt his cock hate his boxers for keeping his boner pressed against his skin “gave you your first orgasm princess.” He clicked his tongue squeezing his hands around your breasts “this one is all on you.” His words made you whine as if you had a choice in how the rest of the events tonight were going to go.
This was one of the moments that you were glad you were in a house as it meant you didn’t have to worry about any neighbours hearing the devious acts that you and Mikko were getting up to tonight “want your cock.” You blurted out making the boy wish that he was dreaming as he found himself full of desire to lift you off of his cock and place you on his dick instead.
You fell back against him as you pressed your body against his “be a good girl and maybe I’ll give it to you.” Mikko had to silently praise the gods for making him come downstairs when he woke up “think you could do that f’me?” He asked watching your eyes lock with his.
If the walls could talk they would have brought up how embarrassed they were being forced to see you in your fucked out state when you hadn’t even seen his cock tonight “anything f’you.” You nodded bringing your hands up to cup his as you no longer needed the guidance to drive your clit against his thigh.
It was clear you both oozed desperation as Mikko wanted to bring you to your second orgasm of the night whilst you were trying to do everything to snap the coil your stomach had built up “go make a mess on my thigh baby.” Mikko’s soft voice was a total contrast to how you felt as your body began to shake as you pushed against him rutting your hips against his skin as you felt your eyes begin to struggle to stay open.
The sounds of your moans echoed through the house like a ghost dancing as you whimpered “I’m gonna- fuck!” You cried shaking your head as you gave up not being able to compose yourself anymore as you felt yourself come for the second time tonight. Mikko kissed your cheek as he mumbled soft words of affirmation in Finnish trying to hold himself quiet as he felt his thigh grow wet.
He was sweet in the way that he kissed your shoulder bringing you back to reality as Mikko brushed his fingers through your hair "think you can give me one more muru?" His voice was hushed as he pinched your nipples teasing the peaks as it caused you to jump.
You didn't have the energy to argue as you felt his cock press against your back making you moan as your mouth began to water "gonna let me fuck you with my cock?" He added drawing another moan from your lips as you squirmed.
A needy nod came from you as your head bobbed "sit up on the table then." He ordered as he pushed the chair back giving you space to quickly follow his instructions. It made him smile as watched you spread your legs "give me a kiss pretty girl." Mikko slotted into the space you created where he cupped your cheeks tilting your jaw upwards so that he could kiss you.
In the moment of feeling his tongue slide over your lip you took the moment to run your hands down his bare chest in an effort to bring him some comfort as your fingers danced over the waistband of his boxers. The cold feeling of your fingers made the hockey player jump "naughty, naughty girl." Mikko shook his head as he mirrored your actions with the shirt you were wearing "think it's about time we get you out of this." He mumbled tugging at your shirt as you raised your arms up.
It felt like the world stopped spinning for Mikko in that moment as he watched your naked body sat on the table like it was meant to be served to him on a platter "fuck this will never get old." He confessed making your cheeks turn red as you smiled.
Mikko could see how you stared at the bulge of his cock that could could see on his red boxers "you want my cock?" The Finnish man asked pulling his boxers down to show you how his cock hit his torso making you feel all that more warm as you nodded "I gotta fuck you baby." Mikko groaned as he pumped his cock in his hands a mere three or four times before he drove it's head over your clit.
He watched your jaw go slack as he thrusts his cock into your cunt upon deciding that you were wet enough to take it "still such a needy little girl huh?" Mikko wrapped hands around your waist bringing you closer to him as your legs locked around his hips.
Your face contorted as your eyes screwed shut "wanted your cock all day." It was true after a video came up in your snapchat highlights of Mikko taking you from behind after the Stanley Cup win where you had his winners cap on.
The boy found himself smiling as he pecked your lips "but instead you've been wrapping those fucking presents." He scoffed making your cunt clench around his cock as the walls of your core hugged him "for your family." You shot back shutting yourself off as his cock grazed your g-spot.
There was a mischievous look in his face as he watched your breasts bounce with each thrust that he made grazing your hips with his pelvic bone "you want to be a good girl and get to come or not?" He shot back making you moan "already let you go twice tonight." The hockey player added reminding you of the desperate acts that you had done throughout the night.
You went quiet unintentionally then encouraging Mikko as he dropped his head down to your breast "Mi-" your moan was shortlived as his tongue swirled around your nipple. It made you jump as you whimpered.
His teeth caught your skin making you tug at his curls trying to pull him off of you "relax princess." Mikko grumbled shaking his head as he moved his focus to your other breast not wanting that nipple to get jealous of the first "I can't." You shook your head wanting to give up as the sensitivity from your previous two orgasms brought you to where you were now.
The room felt hot as if the heating was no longer needed, whilst your bodies were burning up against each other "Mik, I'm not gonna last." You shook your head slotting your fingers between your bodies "know you can do it for me." Mikko had never pushed you that far in one night, not even as you celebrated the Stanley Cup win. Part of him didn't know what was going to happen but that seemed to only egg Mikko on more as he slapped your hand away replacing it with his as he used two fingers to swirl around your clit.
Your eyes struggled to stay open as your lips quivered struggling to form a coherent word that was stronger than a sound "c-can't Mikko." You cried out feeling your head begin to grow light as you would have fallen flat on the table.
Mikko smirked as his cock pulsated "gonna make you come sweets." He mumbled hovering his lips over yours as tears formed in your eyes "jesus christ mik." You moaned feeling you body go numb as all of you feeling was directed straight into your cunt as it fluttered around his cock "let it all go f'me princess." With those words came the green light you so desperately needed nodding your head as your mouth formed an o shape.
The feeling that came from your cunt wasn't something that you had ever experienced "shit, shit, shit!" You chanted feeling your eyes roll back into their sockets as your orgasm brought on Mikko's "right there my girl." He grunted beginning to fuck you through it.
Instead, you tried to pull away shaking your head "enough please." You begged as your throat began to feel raw "fuck that was hot." Mikko spoke to himself as he looked at his lower torso to see it glistening from where you had squirted.
He had too admit that he was proud of himself for getting you to that point but as he could see the look of shock on your face Mikko instead went into a comforting mode "you did so good tonight y/n." Mikko spoke seriously as he kissed your head desperate to make you feel the same way he did.
All you found yourself doing was nodding as you tried to get up before you realized that your legs were far too shaky for that to happen "why don't we go have a bath?" Mikko offered quickly picking you up as he brought your head to his chest. A subtle yawn left your lips as you blinked giving him the go-ahead too take you up to let the warm water comfort your skin.
Colorado was quiet as the sunrise was still a few hours away Mikko was sure that you two were apart of the mere few still awake at this time. But as snow fell on the earth outside Mikko had to admit that the time he spent with you tonight was better than any kind sleep he had ever had.
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bradshawsbitch · 1 year
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son of a preacher man | rhett abbott x reader
disclaimer; this thot popped into my brain this morning as i listened to 'son of a preacher man' by dusty springfield, feel free to listen to it as you read. I myself am agnostic so if there's any inaccuracies-- *shrugs*. both characters are 20.
warnings; religious themes, 18+, smut, unprotected sex, p in v, creampie, female reader, afab!reader, corruption kink, innocence, dresses mentioned, attempt at masturbation, cunnilingus, mentions of sick parent, size kink(?)
summary; rhett abbott, the preacher's son, is the only one who had ever reached a part of you, a part of you you hardly knew yourself.
word count; 4K.
tagging people who might like; @hangmanapologist @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @lt-bradshaw @roleycoleyreccenter
Spring had come suddenly that year, the meadows waking from their long sleepy absence and blooming slowly with white and pale lavender wildflowers. The sweet fragrance that emanated from the very earth you walked on was intoxicating to you, more than happy to spend long afternoons amongst the meadow wildlife if time allowed it.
More often than not though, there was no time. Your father had fallen ill the past year, and his health had steadily declined as the raw winter chill seeped through the old wood of your house. Mother had needed all the help she needed around the house, with the sweet lambs you had out back, shearing them and spinning yarn from their soft fur.
You’d often work tirelessly at knitting sweaters, little socks and mittens for the church charity, or to sell on market days to help sustain the farm and your fathers medication. Sometimes mother let you knit out on the meadows, but most of the time she wanted you near her.
The one day you steadfastly looked forward to was Sundays. Sundays when the kind Reverend Royal Abbott would make sure to visit your family after Sunday service to read for your mother and your father, as your fathers health no longer allowed him to attend sermons. It was not so much Father Abbotts blessings that brought you feelings of elation and butterflies, no, it was more so the blessing of his youngest son. 
It was the one afternoon you were completely free from your mothers watchful eyes, and she always let you wander the meadows with the Abbott boy for as long as you needed - under the impression that the preacher’s son was offering you the lord's word as comfort for the situation that was impending. She always gave you a comforting and sympathetic smile as the younger Abbott took you for a walk through your back lawn, out towards the meadows, pastures and forests adjacent.
You and Rhett Abbott were the same age, and you’d always had such a soft spot for the cerulean eyed boy with longer hair and mischief twinkling in his smile and eyes. You knew his mother Cecelia often reprimanded him, and wished he was more like his older brother Perry who sported short, more respectable hair, and who had already married. 
There was something enchanting about him, the way your body and soul always seemed so in tune with him - how when he entered the room, your very being would vibrate with the need to be close to him. 
He was everything. Tall, broad, beautiful and kind. You were, according to yourself, rather plain. Never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined he would desire you in any way, until you noticed how he always made a point to accompany his father to your house on Sunday afternoons. In the beginning, he would sit near you as you listened to his fathers preaching. 
It was hard to concentrate on the words of the Reverend, when his son was running his strong hands softly across the thin fabric of your white, billowy Sunday dress. When he did it the first time, you’d turned to him in shock, only to be met with a sympathetic look as he opted to let his hand rest on your shoulder. It clicked in your mind then that he was offering you comfort. Taking in your surroundings, you saw your mother in tears at the preacher's words, and you bowed your head - only partly ashamed you’d been too busy taking in the scent and the close proximity of Rhett to fully understand Royal’s gruff voice.
His hand on your shoulder, warmth seeping through the thin and soft fabric of your dress made you inhale the softest of gasps. You wanted to melt into his touch and never leave, but you managed to sit up straight with your hands neatly folded in your lap that Sunday afternoon.
As they left that Sunday, Royal tipped his hat and bid your family farewell, as Rhett gripped your shoulder tightly again and spoke softly;
Everything will be alright.
You could tell Royal was proud of his son, thinking his wilder spouse had finally found the way of the Lord. Perhaps that’s why, as time went on, Rhett would make a point to speak verses of comfort to you when they visited. He kept touching your upper arm and shoulder, once venturing to rest his large palm just above your knee - but the surprised gasp you had let out had been so loud he’d had to pretend to swat away a fly as the elders turned to look at you.
Being good isn’t always easy, you tell yourself that night as you imagine Rhett’s firm touch all over your body, burning sensations flaring when you thought of his palm reaching higher up on your thigh. Your own daintier hand didn’t feel the same as you graced it up your inner thigh, your nightgown bunching around your hips as soft gasps spilled from parted lips, legs falling apart further and further as you thought of Rhett’s tall frame fitting in between them. 
Hesitant touches made you writhe in your bed, breaths coming in short gasps, but never truly getting satisfied. No one had ever taught you about your own body, had never told you what sort of feeling you were yearning for when your body burned and ached like this. 
A soft, longing, moan of the preacher’s son's name fell from your lips as you brushed against a spot that momentarily satiated the ache, but you lost it in your surprise that overtook you at what had tumbled from your mouth. That night you contemplated your actions, wondering if you were no longer a good girl in the eyes of the Lord. It surprised you that you felt little shame about your actions. 
After a whole week of chores, knitting and tending to your little lambs, it was soon Sunday again. You’d opted to wear your Sunday dress again, as you would any Sunday, but you had to admit you spent a little more time with the rest of your appearance. As Father Abbott and his son approached your abode, your mother sang their praises to you, gushing over how kind they were to come to your house personally to make sure your poor father’s soul could be salvaged.
“Good afternoon, ma’am,” Royal grumbled, taking off his hat and bowing his head before he kept talking “today, my son was wondering if he might have the privilege to preach to your daughter - he has expressed concern for how she might be faring in these dire circumstances.” 
Glancing up at your mother, you saw tears glistening in her eyes as she nodded “Of course, Father Abbott, we are so blessed to have you preaching to us who are a bit older - certainly, our daughter would be thankful to have a younger perspective upon her hardships,” she answered for you, and you could only bite your lip to keep your smile at bay. 
“Thank you, ma’am.” Rhett spoke, before he revealed what passages he would cover with you today. “Could we perhaps be allowed on the meadow out back?” Rhett continued, eyes flitting between your mother and his father “I find that nature can instill peace along with the Lord’s words,” he elaborated and your mother nodded, tears now glittering on her cheeks.
“My little lamb does love spending her time on the meadow, does it offer you peace my dove?” Your mother doted on you, as if she now at once understood why you were out there. You could only nod mutely, not entirely believing your luck as the elders made room for Rhett to lead you through your back lawn, your arm tucked respectfully in his arm.
Those first times, Rhett did take you for a walk. He would talk in soft, soothing voices, once in a while adding some passages from verses. Mostly, the two of you would talk of other matters too, and getting to know Rhett was exhilarating. He told you of the times he’d snuck out to the rodeo, told you how his friend had snuck him onto a bull that had bucked him off. He told you of the thrill, of how he’d felt so alive. 
You looked at him with starry eyes, and he looked at you with soft adoration in his eyes as he told you how he had always found you sweet. Had always looked out for you. Surprised, you gently argued that he had never talked to you much when you were in school together. 
He told you he would often try to sit near you, would always try to land himself in projects with you, but that their teacher thought he was a little bit of a bad boy, preacher's son or not. A soft smile made its way onto your face as he confessed these sweet thoughts to you, bowing your head downwards out of habit.
Feeling his rough fingertips under your chin made your head spin as he tilted your face up so he could see you again “you’re so sweet… so beautiful, little lamb” he whispered, cerulean eyes taking in your parted lips and your slightly furrowed brows. 
“Rhett,” his name was out of your mouth, breathy and pleading, before you knew it. His breath seemed to hitch, before he groaned your name, closing his eyes as he rested his forehead against yours - facial expression akin to fathers when he was in pain. It seemed as if his other hand was itching to pull you flush to his body, hovering in the air between you when the two of you heard Royal shouting Rhett’s name in the distance. Apparently the Sunday sermon was over.
“Rhett.” You all but whimpered, longing for his touch, for anything he would be willing to give you. The pained expression was back on his face as he looked down at you again, he gently cupped your face in between his large palms, letting his blue eyes devour your features before he spoke.
“Shh, little lamb, everything is alright. I’ll see you next Sunday, alright? I’ll try to see if I can come before that okay?” He whispered to you, and you nodded, watching as he smiled softly before letting his lips press a lingering kiss to your cheek before he straightened up and guided you back to your house.
Letting out a shaky breath, your mother appeared before you, letting you know which chores needed done before sundown. She took in your shaky state and asked if you were feeling alright.
“Preacher’s son had chosen some… very emotional verses today, I’m sorry mother.” The lie slipped almost too easily from your tongue, and your mother smiled sympathetically, offering you a small pat on your shoulder before she was off, singing praises about that preacher's son.
That week, Rhett appeared when you went to sell your knitted goods at the market, and he had taken his brother's place when you brought the pieces for the charity for the church. When he caught sight of you, those beautiful blues of his would look fiery and alive. His touches would linger, his words like sweet honey as he praised your handiwork. As he collected items for the charity, you decided to stay and help him for a while.
Soon enough, it was time to close the church doors, and it seemed as if Rhett could wait no longer. As the doors hid the two of you from the world, he whispered your name in desperation, cradling your face and neck in his large hands, tilting your head up.
“Tell me to stop,” he rasped, and a soft, needy noise escaped you at his close proximity, at his words and the way he held you so delicately between his hands.
“Please, Rhett,” you breathed out, daring to let trembling fingers clutch at his white button-up, hesitantly pulling him to you. “Oh, my sweet little dove,” he groaned before his lips came down on yours in a slow kiss, his lips moving against yours in a way that made you dizzy. His warm, wet tongue venturing into your willing mouth, slowly caressing your tongue, swallowing your soft gasps. 
You had never been kissed like this before - it was intoxicating, and sent heat coursing through your very veins, down to your core. Rhett’s hand had slipped into your hair at some point and the sensation of his strong hold on you had a foreign sound leaving you, a sound you only made on those nights when you had tried in vain to replicate the fire coursing through you now.
The sound of a heavy door slamming, had Rhett pulling away, smiling down at you as he stole one last quick kiss before promising he’d see you that Sunday. 
As Sunday came, you felt daring in opting for the white dress that was almost sheer in its thin fabric. It was usually paired with a white bra and top, and sometimes a cardigan. Today, you had foregone both bra and top, covering yourself with your usual cardigan to not raise suspicion with your mother.
To your great surprise, there was a knock on the door before noon, long before the sermon in church was over. Your mother opened the door to see Rhett, holding a bible in one hand and a soothing smile on his face as he explained he had picked out a lengthier passage today, and that his father would come by later. Your mother looked elated as she called for you, ushering you out the door with the preacher’s son. 
As you caught sight of Rhett, that familiar ache burned within you, his very innocent touch on your elbow enough to have you leaning closer to him. 
Today he led you further away, down the far end of the flowery meadow, where a couple of trees shielded the spot from direct view. 
“Rhett-” you had barely finished his name when his lips crashed down on yours in a frantic kiss, his hands squeezing at your waist. “I’m sorry, little lamb. I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you,” he chuckled, gracing your cheek with the back of his hand. You smiled sweetly at him, leaning into his broad chest, letting yourself tuck your face into his warm neck as he held you.
“Rhett,” you tried again, biting your bottom lip as you wondered if this confession would have him fleeing “you… always make me feel funny inside,” you spoke hesitantly, feeling foolish for telling him. 
“Can you tell me how I make you feel, honey?” His voice was dark, and his grip on you had tightened slightly, his one hand guiding your chin from out of its hiding place. 
Licking your lips you looked into his stormy eyes “like my whole body is on fire… like, like I ache for you,” you furrowed your brows “I tried once, tried to… soothe it, but I- I didn’t know how, and it felt—“ you trailed off, embarrassed. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Rhett groaned, “you have no idea what you do to me, do you? Sweet little thing,” he murmured against your neck, where he started licking and kissing.
“I feel it now,” you confessed with a whine, and Rhett chuckled against your skin. “Mm, have I made you ache, little lamb?” He rumbled and you nodded “where does it ache, sweets?” He continued, his hands caressing your arms slowly. 
Licking your lips, you detached yourself from the warm comfort of Rhett’s embrace, slowly removing your cardigan to reveal your all but bare breasts through the sheer fabric of your dress. Not entirely knowing why, or how, your hands slowly inched up the length of your body, keeping eye contact with Rhett as your dainty hands palmed at your breasts, a soft moan escaping you.
“It aches here, Rhett,” you mewled, letting one hand run down the length of your stomach as you whispered “and here, too,” 
The growl that left the preacher's son was near animalistic, and his eyes burned with desire as you hitched your white dress up your thigh. 
“Teach me” you breathed out as your eyes fluttered closed, and Rhett’s tall frame embraced you, holding you against his hard form. His lips were all over you, kissing you, loving you. His larger palms soon replaced your smaller ones, massaging and palming at your breasts - his nimble fingers teasing your nipples in a way that had you crying out in the pleasure that coursed through you. You knew only he could soothe the ache, you’d known it must be so. 
“Oh, my sweet, sweet girl,” Rhett groaned against you, mouthing at your exposed collarbones before he let his lips latch onto your hardened nipple over the fabric of your breast, suckling, licking and nipping softly at it, only making you louder, mewling and crying out his name.
“Fuck, baby,” he spoke gruffly before he held you in his arms and guided you down on the flowerbed. “Don’t know if I want to teach you how to soothe the ache, baby,” he confessed as he continued to let his tongue wet the fabric of your dress. “Want to be the only one who can make you feel like this, the only one you give yourself to,” he moaned, switching to the other nipple and massaging the other in his hand. 
His moans were getting whinier as your hands found his long locks, his suckling becoming more fervent, his hips grinding into your soft thigh. 
“I’ll teach you next time, sweet lamb,” he grunted, pushing your dress up to rest by your waist, your glistening bare cunt a stark contrast against the flowers that budded around your body. Rhett moaned again at the sight, letting his two fingers slowly glide between your slick lips, taking in the soft moans you let out for him.
“Fuck I need to taste you,” he moaned, letting his shoulders rest between your thighs, groaning at how easily you spread yourself out for him. “So good for me, such a good girl,” he hummed, and the words sent fire coursing through your veins as you leaned on your elbows to look down at him. At the stroke of his tongue against your heat, your head fell back, a loud cry ripping from your throat.
“Rhett, oh my god!” You gasped, feeling his tongue swirl around parts of yourself you didn’t know could feel that good. As his wet muscle circled your entrance, you keened softly, canting your hips instinctively to get more. More of him.
“Chasing my mouth now, hm, sweet lamb?” He hummed, chuckling darkly as he licked a broad stripe up your cunt “Want to ride my face, don’t you, filthy girl?” His eyes burned into yours and at his words you couldn’t help the obscene moan you let out. Your body was on fire, your thoughts were starting to turn hazy as Rhett’s tongue brought your first orgasm crashing over your body. 
“Fuck, you look like an angel,” Rhett groaned as he took in the sight of your slick coating your inner thighs, your pussy glistening in the sunlight, chest heaving and breasts fully visible as the wet fabric clung to them - nipples hard at the chill of the wind. 
A whimper left you as he did, his body not touching you momentarily to rid himself of his clothes. “Rhett” you whined, and instantly he was on you again, kissing you, your slick shining on his chin as you tasted your essence on him. 
“I need you,” you gasped, feeling something hard and hot between your legs. Looking down you saw that Rhett’s cock was achingly hard, his thick head red and leaking. You didn’t think you’d ever seen anything more beautiful. A pitiful mewl left you, your hand grasping at the hair at his neck to force his mouth down on yours again, as Rhett started guiding his cock between your lips, circling your clit before catching slightly on your hole and repeating the motion.
“You need me to take care of you, sweetheart?” Rhett’s voice was strained, filled with lust and need. You nodded weakly “Please, Rhett,” you gasped, the sensations he brought you wholly heavenly to you. 
“That’s my good girl,” he whispered, caressing your cheek as you keened at his praise, his swollen head now sinking into your wet heat. “Oh” you gasped, whining at the stretch of his cock entering you. 
“Doing so well, little lamb - taking my cock so well for me,” he soothed, leaving an open mouthed kiss on your lips as his forehead rested against yours. “It hurts… you’re so big,” you cried, and he was instantly soothing you with kisses, stilling with only half of his cock entered into you. 
“Want me to stop, honey?” He murmured as he kissed at your neck. “No, please,” you murmured back, humming in pleasure as he dragged the front of your dress down to latch his lips onto your bare nipple, suckling and kissing at it, making you moan in pleasure as he pressed further into you.
“Rhett, Rhett-“ you babbled, soft cries leaving you as his hips finally became flush with yours. Tears were clinging on to your lashes, and Rhett softly soothed you, kissing at your cheeks and praising you. 
“You’re so tight, feel so good wrapped around my cock… you were made to take me, baby, made just for me,” he moaned as he thrust slowly into you, the drag of his cock inside you enough to have your breath speeding up, wrapping your legs around Rhett’s hips to push him deeper.
You didn’t understand why Rhett let out the longest and loudest moan so far at that, but you wouldn’t complain. His skilled hands were soothing aches all over your body, one landing on your lower abdomen as his shallow thrusts made you feel like you were floating on the clouds.
Reaching for you, he pressed down where he could feel the head of his cock “you’re so full of me right now, darlin’” his voice was husky “can you feel me?” He continued and you could only nod as you mewled softly.
“I love being full of you,” you confessed, soft whines and whimpers leaving you as Rhett brought you closer and closer to heaven. “Want you in me always, never want you to leave” you mewled, gripping at his biceps as his pace picked up. 
Rhett groaned at those words, soft curse words leaving his lips as he fucked into your wet core. “I’m gonna fill you up so good, sweetheart, have me drippin’ out of your cunt all day,” he grunted, leaving a sloppy kiss on your lips as he hiked your thigh higher up on his hip. His name almost slipped past your lips in a needy moan again, but you almost felt like you wanted to call him more. Something forbidden. 
“R-Rhett” his name still stuttered on your lips, and he was smirking down at you, as if he knew you were a bad girl with impure thoughts. Perhaps you’d always been bad. As his fingers toyed with a spot above where you were connected, you ascended to the heavens with the help of him. His name along with unknown phrases coming out in quick succession as you felt warmth fill you as Rhett’s hips stuttered and he cried out your name in a strangled gasp. 
Still inside you, Rhett let his body come down on yours, resting his head between your exposed breasts, mouthing at them softly. His hands caressed your sides lovingly as he told you he was yours now. And you were his. You’d given yourself to him, and you didn’t mind. You never wanted to leave this meadow - never wanted Rhett to leave you. 
As the sun warmed your bodies, and you’d placed countless kisses to his bare shoulders, Rhett helped you dress, smiling at his slick already painting your inner thighs. Pressing a lingering kiss to your lips, he asked you;
“Can you get away again tonight?”
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mirixmoya · 2 months
(for those interested but also my own future reference when i eventual do turn them into hayffie fics hehe)
i. fortnight: 5/10. potential post-war effie reflecting on their pre-canon and during-canon situationship. the "i love you / it's ruining my life" vibe is very Them but i'd have to write my way around all the wife lines.
ii. the tortured poets department: 8/10. good early-to-mid-situationship hayffie. good moments for haymitch trauma angst stuff. "who's gonna hold you like me?" is them. the wedding ring line could be just them messing around while drunk one night during games season; it's when effie realizes it's Real.
iii. my boy only breaks his favourite toys: 9/10. excellent endish situationship hayffie vibes, 74th + 75th era. has good lines for effie as doll / toy / trinket (ha) imagery. also good imagery for effie and haymitch both being pieces in The Games. also "he runs because he loves me" and "he was my best friend" and "there was danger in the heat of my touch" ... need i go on?
iv. down bad: 7/10. good for their relationship between the end of the war and when effie actually moves to twelve. "how dare you think it's romantic / leaving me safe and stranded" literally them. also lots of good stuff for effie's post-war isolation in the capitol.
v. so long, london: 3/10. has the potential for a (book-verse) post-war angst fic where effie and haymitch try their absolute hardest but ultimately have too much trauma + damage to make it work. idk if i wanna do that tho.
vi. but daddy i love him: 9/10. excellent song for pre-canon hayffie all around. effie's relationship to her womanhood / escorting in the capitol? check. effie's inner conflict over her feelings for haymitch vs. her capitolborn beliefs? check. "dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid" but oh no haymitch ruined them! we cheered! joking that she's having haymitch's baby to her parents just to piss them off... very effie behaviour. excellent song for that Haymitch Is Unlike The Capitol Dandies Effie's Been Raised To Love theme that i like. "i know he's crazy but he's the one".
vii. fresh out the slammer: 7/10. good song for smack in the middle of their situationship. winter vs. summer parallels. effie's seasons without haymitch vs. games season. restriction with her capitol bfs vs. freedom with haymitch. "all those nights he kept me going". the end is good for a post-war hayffie happiness moment.
viii. florida!!!: 8/10. really good song for a Effie's Relationship With The Capitol fic. the isolation, the beauty covering ugliness, etc. "this city reeks of driving myself crazy". "at least the dolls are beautiful" that's literally about the escorts. "you home's really only the town you'll get arrested in" okayyy book-verse effie angst.
ix. guilty as sin?: 10/10. HORNY HAYFFIE ANTHEM. i need to get back in my writing proper smut era i fear. so so much material for haymitch worshiping at the altar of effie's hips and thighs. a song for people who believe that like a good 65% of their relationship is based on the fact that they're both incredibly hot and they both love having incredible sex. true love tbh.
x. who's afraid of little old me?: 9/10. excellent fic for the Effie's Relationship With Her Escort Career stuff that i love. "so tell me everything is not about me / but what if it is?" self centered queen! the general backstage horrors of escorting. "i was tame, i was gentle, till the circus life made me mean" ... "you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me" ... "i am what i am cause you trained me" .... yeah.
xi. i can fix him (no really i can): 4/10. potential for a very very early situationship hayffie. general haymitch being a traumatized mess and effie trying her very hardest to help vibes.
xii. loml: 6/10. the first half is excellent for post-war hayffie coming back together. "who's gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames" yeahhh. but the second half ... the "you're the loss of my life" vibe ... could fit into the (book-verse) No Matter How Hard They Try They're Too Traumatized To Make It Work narrative but idk.
xiii. i can do it with a broken heart: 10/10. THE PERFECT SONG for 75th era effie being the perfect escort despite the fact that the world is falling away beneath her feet. "I cry a lot but I am so productive! It's an art!" is sooooo her. "i'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me like a plague" is haymitch avoiding her in an attempt to save her from Rebel Stuff but effie knows their relationship is only becoming more serious. she's miserable! she's hitting her marks! eyes bright! chins up! smiles on! everyone she loves might die! it's fine!
xiv. the smallest man who ever lived: 1/10. not a hayffie song at all. BUT potential effie + seneca relationship study fic?? mayhaps???
xv. alchemy: 7/10. good song for book-verse post-war post-torture effie going to haymitch in twelve. she's ditching the capitol, she's going back to her man! who are they to fight the alchemy? how could they ever deny it? his heart is reserved for her. the soulmastism! (not that they would ever admit that lmao)
xvi. clara bow: 10/10. ANOTHER PERFECT EFFIE CHARACTER STUDY SONG! the rose imagery? snow's impact on her life. "this town is fake, but you're the real thing". effie's relationship with the capitol / escorting / womanhood / fame / youth / patriarchy / etc. "flesh and blood amongst war machines" literally the escorts amongst The Games. "hell on earth is to be heavenly" + "promise to be dazzling". sexualization has liberated effie (given her a career, money, freedom) but at what cost? it's also her gilded cage.
anyway. thank u for coming to my extensive ted talk.
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jaketsparrow · 9 months
Tending (Part Two!)
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f! reader
Word Count: 9.2K
Preview: Communication is hard, trying to convince Jake to be yours? Even harder. He’s bringing you further into his mysterious world, leaving you on the edge for more. Sneaky encounters, waiting games, and surprises come your way. 
A/N: I’m so happy that all of you lovely people enjoyed the first part. I wasn’t sure originally if it was worth writing part 2, but I hope you like where I take the story!
MENTIONS OF/ TW: Oral (m/f!) receiving, dirty talk, name-calling, p in v sex, teasing/edging, explicit sexual content, *some* impact play, dom/sub, mature themes, unprotected sex, fingering (f! receiving), language, choking, safe words, public-ish activities… Yet again, it's filthy (IMO). Sorry if I missed anything! 
Tending Part 1
Jake’s hands feel too good over your body. They feel even better when you’re in a place where you know he shouldn’t be touching you like this. He smells so good this close; he has a fresh scent of cinnamon trying to cover the musk of his work clothes. You can’t tell how long your face has been attached to his, probably only a little longer than a minute, but it felt like forever. 
His hands are pulling on your hair, not in a hurtful way, but just enough to send tingles through your body. Your hands are in his shirt, embracing him, trying to get as close to him as humanly possible. You can feel the excitement growing in his pants, pressing up against you.
He pulls away slowly, pulling your lip with his teeth as he does, slowly releasing you from his grasp. You let out a soft whimper of enjoyment. He’s taking you further into his world and you’re ready to chase him through it. 
“Hold on a sec,” he says, pulling you backward with him until his back is pressed against the office door. He reaches behind himself to turn the lock. “Can’t have anyone see the filthy shit my little slut is about to do.” 
Ugh. Who would have thought being called filthy slut would make you buckle. Clearly, he knew and was waiting for you to take claim to your new name. You laugh softly, running your hands around his body, looking down at his cock bulging out of his pants. You know what he wants you to do, but you also know he enjoys this bratty little persona you’re taking to. 
“Hmmm, and what am I going to do?” 
He pulls the hand that was sitting on the knob towards your hip, gripping you tightly, adding to the already forming collection of love marks he’s left on you. 
“You seriously didn’t think you were gonna get away with all of this behavior without making me feel better, did you?” He asks, staring down at you. The dominance was in full effect now. 
“Oh sir, of course not,” you reply, “I just wanted to hear you ask for it…”
He laughs. His free hand moves up to your neck and holds it firmly. You try to take in a deep breath of air before he’s fully wrapped around you. He shakes you softly, “I don’t beg baby,” He releases his grip from your neck and you take in as much air as you can, gasping at the air. “On your knees for me… Now.”
You follow his command and lower yourself onto the floor. Planting your eyeline directly in front of his cock. You reach your hand up to it, running your hands over his jeans, feeling the mass that sits just behind his zipper. You take your other hand to relieve him of his pants, but he grabs your wrist. 
“Beg for it.” He states, looking down at you with demanding eyes. 
“Beg for my cock… You want it don’t you?” You look at him perplexed for a moment, confused thinking that he was the one that wanted this. But then you remember the games you have to play. “Color?” He asks, concerned after reading your face.
“Just like a stoplight, okay baby?” You think you know what he means, but he still explains it to you, “Red means stop, yellow means you want to slow down or you want time, and green…”
You collect yourself and pull back into your role, “Green.” He smiles back at you and gestures his hand out for you to continue. “Please sir, please let me suck your cock. I promise I’m going to make you so happy... Please, please I need it. I need to make you feel good… I’m so sorry for being a bad girl,”
“That's right, you were a bad girl,” He’s running his fingers through your hair, showing you brief comfort before the chaos comes, “So you’re gonna suck my cock real good and think about what you’ve done, okay?”
You nod your head and proceed with your mission. He takes the hand he was holding and guides it to the buckle of his belt. You unbuckle it and pull it off the loops, tossing it to the side, jingling on its way to the floor.
Your moves are slow, calculated, and bordering on teasing. He’s watching you closely, making sure you do exactly everything he needs. You unbutton his jeans, and slowly slide down the zipper, causing him to almost completely jump out of his jeans. 
You slowly move your hands over his bulge, teasing him, edging him, probably driving him fucking mad. You take both of your hands and rest your fingers underneath the waistband of his boxer briefs. You look up to him for approval, and he nods back at you. You have to use some force to pull them down, slowly revealing him further. He has this amazing happy trail that is obviously well groomed, teasing you down to the start of his shaft. Finally, you unveil his cock and it looks just as fucking beautiful as it did the previous night. 
You wrap your hand around him firmly, feeling his soft skin and the pounding erection he carries. He’s already starting to drip pre-cum, and you know your teasing is already speeding up the timeline. You open your mouth and let him enter you, trying not to take him all in at once; not that you could ever do that on your own anyways. You glide his cock in and out of your wet smooth mouth, and he lets soft quiet moans escape his lips. 
You can get a better look at him as you’re playing this slow angle. His eyes are closed in pleasurable agony. He slides his hands up to move his hair out of his face and looks back down on you with that sexy fucking smirk. He’s caught you now. 
“Oh,” He moans, reaching a free hand to grab a patch of your hair, “You think you’re in control, huh?
He pulls you closer to his body, sending the full mass into the back of your throat, fully gagging on him. He holds you there for a moment, letting you feel all of him in you. He pulls you back out, leaving a pool of spit around your mouth. He is objectifying you, letting you know that you are his toy for pleasure. 
“I’m still in control,” He states, “Don’t think you can outsmart me, baby.”
You’re only able to muster out a soft ‘please’ before he places himself back in your mouth. He’s rougher with you than last night, because now he knows you really want this, this version of him. He does have all the control and you want him to have it. He’s using his force to push you as far as you can take him. You brace yourself, holding onto the backs of his thighs. 
At first, you try to hold back the gagging noises that are coming out, but he keeps pushing your head further, signaling he wants to hear them.
Just like last night, he wants to hear your struggle. Although, you’re not entirely struggling, because feeling him is so fucking invigorating. Hearing him moan through your hard work is a praise of its own. 
“Fuck baby,” He whines, “My little whores taking good care of me, huh? She must feel really sorry for how rude she was acting, huh? 
He pulls you away for a moment to look at you, expecting a response, “Yes sir,” 
“Good girl.”
He places you back onto him, this time, less forcefully, letting you take back some of your breath. You take your hand around him to help your aching throat and try to prevent him from shoving you further. Sliding and swirling your fingers around his wet cock. He exhales loudly, trying to prevent himself from the pornographic sounds he wishes he could make. You steady your speed and prepare yourself for his finish. 
“Oh fuck,” He moans between hushed breaths, “Fuck baby I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum…”
Seconds later, he's filling your mouth with his sweet warm cum. You try your best to brace yourself from any sort of gagging and swallow immediately. You do a slow few soft pumps to ease him out of orgasm, sending him into an overstimulating shock. You pull yourself away from him and look up at him. His eyes are closed, his mouth barely hanging open, trying to compose himself. 
“Where the fuck are they?” You hear Chris yell from the dining room. 
“Fuck,” You say, knowing you’re already on thin ice with Chris from this morning. You reach over to Jake’s belt and pass it to him as he's quickly trying to shove his already sensitive member back into his pants. 
“Why the fuck! Is this door? Locked?!” Chris shrieks, banging on the door. 
Jake finishes the latch on his belt and unlocks the door. You wipe your mouth with your arm and hide it behind your back. Jake opens the door. 
“Hey man, chill out,” Jake coos to your already heated manager. 
“Fucking chill out?” He seethes, and points to you “This one was already late this morning, and on fucking the verge of being fired, what the fuck is going on?”
“Listen,” Jake turns to stand in front of you, protecting you from the line of fire Chris is throwing, “I told her at the bar she wouldn’t have to tip me out any extra for coming in, and she was fighting me on that, so I tried to come back here to talk to her about it. I didn’t want our finances to be talked about in the bar,”
“There’s one fucking table out there? Are you really concerned that they’re listening so closely to your fucking wages?!” Chris barks back. 
“Look, just trying to be a nice guy, okay? She didn’t want to come chat, so I pulled her back here. Check the tapes. It’s not her fault.”
“Fine, fucking whatever! You better not be doing fucking coke in my office!”
“It’s three in the afternoon,” You chime in, “Why would we be doing coke in your office?”
“Jesus, I don’t know, you’re acting like you did something. Just fucking get back out there!” He says. 
Jake leads the way past Chris and you follow behind him, waiting to be out of earshot before you giggle. Jake slows his stride to walk beside you in the hallway, “Talk about a close finish huh?” He jokes. 
You blush looking back at him. You can tell the rush of the situation probably turned him on all over again. He’s smiling that same devious smile he did yesterday. He loves the trouble we make together. 
Friday comes along slowly. Waiting for your next chance to see him or talk to him proved to be the worst way to pass the time. You realized you had to relax with any sort of obsession forming over him; clearly, it was something he wasn’t ready for. Plus, he’s right, this chase is extremely intoxicating. You don’t want to assume you’re his only pursuit, but your heart skips thinking about him wanting you. 
It feels like middle school all over again. He’s your classroom crush who you hope you get paired up with, or who will sit next to you on the school bus on your field trip. Catching goofy glances across biology class. Waiting for him to ask you to be project partners, too scared to ask out of fear of rejection. Texting back and forth, but always waiting long enough that you wouldn’t seem desperate. That fear of crushing still sitting inside you from over a decade ago prevented you from texting him first. 
The shift went completely normal after that. Jake would shoot you quick smirks when you picked up your drinks, and he even made a special one just for you that sat in front of your usual seat. He made sure not to touch that nearly empty whiskey you had drank with him, instead it was something light & fruity, but you couldn’t quite tell what it was. After a few quick sips between picking up orders, you finally asked him. 
“Oh, it's called a…” He leaned in close to tell you this, “I’m sorry for disappointing you,”
You lean back to take another sip, “Oh yeah, I can definitely sense some notes of apology in here,”
He laughs and shoos you from the bar. “C’mon, you can drink your ‘apologies’ later,”
You made out pretty good that night. The regulars said you had a different energy than usual. Hmmm, wonder why they would say that… 
Six o’clock came around much faster than you would have liked. Jake was finishing up his orders and cleaning glasses. Your hangover was finally out of your brain, and you could get home to decompress after the wild past 24 hours. You walk into the back hallway and knock on Chris’ door. 
You approach his desk, “Hey Chris,” You say sheepishly. 
“What?” He says, not even returning a look. 
“I’m sorry for today, I promise it won't happen again. You know I’m usually not like this,” 
“Yeah I know, Jake told me you had car troubles last night and you were trying to get help this morning.”
Chris looks up at you, “Don’t worry about it, it happens, just make sure to call next time.”
You nod your head and walk out the back door. It’s already dark out and a cool breeze swishes past the door. You brace yourself for the chill. You look up from your huddle to see Jake leaning over your car door, arms crossed waiting for you. How fucking cliché. He smiles when he notices you. 
“Yeah, so your car should be all good by now, right?” He asks, patting the hood with certainty. 
“Jake,” You walk up to him, arms crossed, slightly on defense, “I can handle my own, okay?”
“I know,” He grabs your arms and rubs them, a smile procuring on his face, “But wasn’t it so much better when I handled it?”
You scoff. His confidence is a special kind. “Maybe,” You admit. 
He steps back to open your car door and waves you in, “Your chariot awaits sunshine,”
You drop your arms and walk around him to get into the driver's seat. “Thank you… Sir,” He hangs his arm over the frame of the door, not saying anything, but just surveying you. 
“You’re gonna regret teasing me some day,” Jake closes the door and smirks at you. He turns away and walks towards the convertible, pulling his hair back into a low-hanging bun. You watch him for a moment, intrigued by his swagger.
He opens the car door and slides himself into the driver’s seat. He pulls a polarized pair of sunglasses from the dash and gently slides them onto his face. He doesn’t even look at you as he peels out of the employee lot. Riding away like some fucking modern-day mysterious prince charming. 
The afternoon hits and the absolute boredom is starting to kick in. When you’re not working, you usually love to be alone in your cute cave of an apartment. It’s littered with plants and colorful knick-knacks that you’ve collected from thrift shops over the years. You used to spend hours counting all the swirls on the kitchen tile, or sitting looking out the window watching the cars go by. Now you’re plagued with desire. Your brain is filled to the brim with the filth of Jake and his filthy little games, and how you're his filthy little… Fuck.
You’re tempted to treat yourself to some afternoon fun but are apprehensive after knowing what his face feels like up against your pussy. 
He's exploring you with his tongue, eager to lick every inch of you. You let out a wild gasping moan. He’s better than you’d imagined. 
You don’t want to forget all of these little moments, but they really are starting to interfere with your functioning. You pull yourself from the couch and decide that a shower really is in order at this point. You’ve been far too exhausted from all the excitement, and truly out of it to take care of yourself the way you should be.
You tiptoe your way into the bathroom and start the shower. Undressing yourself piece by piece until you're standing nude, waiting for the steam to fill up the room. When the water finally reaches the preferred scalding temperature, you step in.  
It always felt so good to be clean. Showers are a weird new start, washing away the gross and allowing new touches, new scents, and new fabrics to hold you. Except this shower wouldn’t be washing away some of the touches left behind. You look down to your hip to find light finger-shaped bruises imprinted on you. Memories of Jake. 
He releases his hold from your neck so he can use both of his hands to force you closer to him. His hands forming bruising holds on your hips. 
You run your hands over the bruises and silently praise that they were given to you. You soak your body entirely in the heat of the water, lathering yourself with lavender soap. You won’t be able to wash away the torment of waiting, but you will definitely try. You move on to your hair, running your fingers through it, pushing the lather deep into your scalp. 
He’s comforting you with his control. His hair becomes entwined further in your fingers, being pulled by your tight fist. 
The memory washes over you, loosening the suds from your own hair. When you finally clear your head, you pull yourself out from the stream of water and shut off the faucet. Stepping onto the cold tile is once again sobering. You wrap your steaming skin in your robe to try and hold the heat in. This is always the worst part about showering.
You open the bathroom door and walk out into the crisp apartment air. You opt out of immediately changing into pajamas and walk to the couch. 
He uses his free hand to press down on the back of your head, and your face into the cloth couch; bracing himself for a deeper pounding.
These impure thoughts are going to be the death of you. 
You relax onto the couch where he once sat and sprawl out, trying to get comfortable. You pull out the remote from the crevice between the arm and cushion and put on shitty trash TV. This ought to be the remedy. Mind-numbing reality entertainment. Watching other people seduce their crushes, making stupid mistakes, creating their own drama. It's really invigorating shit. But it all ends up being the same after you’ve seen so many. This person sleeps with that person and this person feels left out, this person is kicked off; it all repeats. It's all manufactured. 
After a few episodes, the mind-numbing really starts to kick in, you’re invested in that repeating plot, feeling like you’re living in a similar time as these stars. But no matter how hard you try to fight it, it becomes so mind-numbing that you find yourself sitting deeper and deeper on the couch. Soon the blanket that sits on the top of the couch is falling over your body, beckoning the nap you so desperately need. Your eyelids get heavier and heavier, and you no longer can even hear what's happening on the TV, until you're finally… Out.
When you wake up, it's already dark out. The TV is paused, begging you to answer if you’re still watching. You sit up, easing out of your groggy sleepy state. You look around in a state of confusion and disturbance, unsure what time it is and how long you were out.
Your eyes survey the room and land on the bar cart, the bottle of whiskey sitting open still. Shit. You stand up slowly, gaining your balance, and stiffening your muscles. You walk over to the cart and forcefully twist the lid back in the bottle, letting your hand hold on. 
He releases the amber liquid into your mouth, warm from its hold. He’s so fucking…
You have to stop lingering on these moments and actually do something about it. Maybe it's the euphoric half-asleep half-awake state you’re in, but suddenly you come into a state of brave clarity. It was the long waiting game that prevented anything from happening sooner in the first place between Jake and you. You idiot! 
You go to your bedroom to pull your phone from the charger. You’d hid it in there earlier to try and prevent yourself from doing this very thing, but you were an idiot then and now you see so clearly that… 
Messages (1) 
Jake: I hope you haven't forgotten about me yet sunshine
Fuck no you haven’t forgotten! Wait. Shit, here comes that middle school trauma again. What do you say back? 
How could I? You told me to never forget
You have no idea where this will steer the conversation, but you hope for hot filthy Jake sexts. 
Five minutes go by with no response yet, so you walk out of your room again, hoping that ungluing your eyes from the text log will elicit some sort of response. You sit at the kitchen table, nursing the puzzle you took out last night- in another failed attempt to distract yourself. Each piece is waiting for its perfect spot, to feel connected to the rest of itself, fitting perfectly inside each other…
The noises that your bodies make when they smack together is fucking filthy. Your cunt is tightening around his mass, unable to bear his pounding. 
It's like he can fucking sense you. You jump out of the chair so fast you nearly knock it over, running back into the bedroom; jumping over the bed to reach your phone. 
Jake: Oh righttt
Oh my god. Please say something else. How do you even answer that? 
Jake: I've been thinking a lot about you today. Can’t get the image out of my head of your pretty little face taking my cock 
Oh fuck. Your heart is pounding, hands sweating, and everything in you just dropped. That sensation he gives you… Utter magic. Butterflies are growing deep inside you; not in your heart though… 
I can still feel the bruises in my throat from taking your cock Jake: Poor little slut. Can’t take me like you want to?  Oh I can take you sir, but I prefer when you make me
Jake: You better not be asking for things you can’t handle I know I can handle it Jake: Yeah?  Jake: You like it when I fuck you like the dirty slut you are? 
Oh yes, you do. You don’t know where this side of you is coming from, this bratty, needing side of you. You had never picked Jake to have this side to him either, but I guess you bring it out in each other. 
I want you here, right now, fucking me. 
Jeez, that was desperate. Your fingers typed it out and sent it before you could realize what you were even saying. You drop your head into the comforter and let out an annoyed grumble. Now you were really being an idiot. You have to remember the chase, the fun of it all, the teasing and waiting was what he clearly wanted. 
You lift your head to look back at your phone, but no response yet. His speediness has subsided. You start to type again, trying to formulate a sentence to undo the previous, but it’s already out there, into the fucking ether of the conversation. You pull back, delete the half-written sentence, and return your head to the despairing position on the comforter. Sighing, you lift yourself back up moments later and crawl slowly to hide under the sheets.
The blank homepage of your phone illuminates your cocoon. You flash one last look at the screen before finally putting it down. You sit like this for a few minutes, reflecting under the covers. How much do you really like Jake? Do you only want this chase, or is there more of him that you also want to experience? It's time to either pull yourself back in or decide to be brave and keep the pursuit. 
Messages (0) 
No one tells you how hard it is to control yourself when you feel like absolutely falling in love. This new age of mystery and hookups has always left you feeling strange. Not that falling in love is completely out of the question with Jake, but that's something he’s clearly not ready to jump into… Yet. 
You resolve yourself yet again to distraction. Pulling your phone out to scour social media while you wait. Twenty minutes of scrolling goes by painfully slow
Jake: Sorry to tease you, but something came up. 
Guess you were too quick to give up hope on the situation. 
Jake: Look outside 
You cautiously unfurl yourself from your cocoon and step over to the window. You move the curtains aside and peer through the glass. Your phone starts buzzing in your hand, and you lift it to see Jake’s name flashing across the screen. You slide to answer the call and bring the phone to your ear. 
“Hello Sunshine,” The velvety voice sounds just as nice through the phone as it does in person. “Look down.”
You crane your neck to look down in the parking lot. There he fucking was. Jake was standing on the sidewalk in front of his car, smiling and looking up at you. He was wearing light-wash denim jeans and another flowy shirt, this time buttoned further than the night he played. 
“Oh, hi stalker,” 
“Hey, weren’t you the one asking me to come fuck you? I believe your exact words were I need you here right now, fucking me.”
“I didn’t think you would actually come!” You say, embarrassed and ashamed for being so upset about the situation earlier. 
“Well, I can’t stay for long, but will you come let me in?”
“Oh shit, yes. Uhh,” You look down at your barely tied robe, realizing there's no way you can sneak out into the hallway like this, “Just give me a minute.”
You hang up and immediately rush over to your dresser. Quickly pulling out the first shirt and cute pajama pants you can find, not even worried about putting anything on underneath them. It was best to not keep him waiting. You turn to look at the state of your room, It’s really not that bad, but you try your best to grab items and hide them in your closet on your way out.
You run out to the apartment hallway, past the kitchen, backtracking to throw away the food wrappers you lazily left out earlier. Finally tidy enough to go let him in. 
You step into your slippers and run out as fast as you can, trying to make up for lost time by galavanting through the halls. You slow yourself as you reach the glass door separating you two. Jake already made it up the stairs to the front landing.
He’s standing looking into the parking lot, back faced against the windows adjacent to the door. You creep up to the door, slowly pushing on the latch, creaking it open just enough that he notices you’ve arrived. 
“Oh no,” You play at him,, “I’m sorry I’m already waiting on another gentleman caller, you’ll have to come back tomorrow!”
He turns and laughs at you, pulling the door fully open, nearly knocking your grip.
“Oh, I bet I can make you forget about this other gentleman,” He leans in close to you, his soft hair falling on the edges of your face, tickling your skin, “You won’t even remember who he is after I’m done with you,”
Your attempts to play with him always end up with him back in control. He’s left you stunned again, and you can’t say anything, instead settling on a bashful giggle. He puts his hand on your hip and ushers you into the building.
“Well, I can’t just have us standing here all night sunshine,” 
You come out of your frozen state and begin the walk to your apartment. He follows you, walking behind at a cool slow pace. You feel awkward being watched and turn to see if he’s looking at you. He is, but more so at your ass than you. He reaches his hand outward and thwaps your right cheek. 
“Oh!” You exclaim, putting a jump in your step. 
“Sorry sweetheart, I like what I see.” 
“Yes, I’m sure my ratty old PJs are very sexy,” You reply. 
He laughs, “I see you already want to be bratty with me, huh?”
You reach the door to your apartment, no need to fumble with the lock this time. You push the slightly ajar door and let him back into your space. “Hard not to be so bratty when you left me alone for so long.” You make your way through the apartment, heading in the direction of the bedroom.
“Oh don’t worry. If you’re a good girl for me, I’ll make it up to you,” 
You walk through the door frame of your bedroom, turning and stopping him at the entrance. His body language exudes sex. There's no other way to describe it. He has this magical god-like sex appeal that you crave. 
“Yeah? How so?” You cross your arms and pout. 
He steps forward closer to you, putting his hand around your waist, and grabbing you into an embrace. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. 
“Do you really doubt how well I can take care of you?” He asks. 
You seriously don’t, but egging him on in this situation is more fun than submitting immediately to him. His body is so warm against yours, so inviting. You reach your hand across his waist, mirroring his touches. He reaches his hand up your back, creeping to that exact spot you want him to be. He slides into your scalp, grabbing a fistful of your hair; tightly pulling the locks behind you. 
“I said do you really…” Jake pulls harder, “Doubt how well I can take care of you?”
Words, give him the words. “No!” He pulls hard at your head causing your statement to come out in a yelp rather than an answer. 
“That's right. My little slut loves it when I take care of her, huh?”
“Yes,” You reply, finally remembering a lack of response elicits punishment. 
“Good girl,” He releases his grip from your scalp and soothes it with a light rub. He looks down at you with this almost menacing look, or maybe it's just pure lust. He takes the hand from your head, moves it back down to your hip, and uses it to guide you; turning you around to face the bed. He rests his head down on your shoulder, his hair tickling your neck.
The wanting and needing of him manifesting inside of you is finally boiling over. Your heartbeat is racing, jumping into your throat, your body exuding excited tingles, and your pussy… is already prepared for him. 
You close your eyes amidst this euphoric feeling. Letting your other senses take complete control. Jake runs his hands over the front of you, pulling at your shirt, sneaking upwards to clutch your unhidden breast. The other hand reaches down the front of your pants, feeling no barrier between his calloused hands and your cunt. You let out a soft giggle with excitement.
Feeling him touch you like this really is better than your imagination. You slowly open your eyes to peer at him, seeing his enthusiastic smirk growing.
He turns to look back at you, his smirk turning into a full smile, “Whore,” He whispers. 
You try to seem offended by it, but really there's no hope in being unexcited about his degradation. He can feel how wet you get when he calls you that. Before anything starts, he pulls his hands away from where you want them, and places them back on your hips, “Get on the bed.” He commands. 
You obey Jake's wishes and try your best to sexily climb on top of the bed, expecting him to be right behind you. You flip over onto your back and find that he’s still standing in the same place in the doorframe; arms crossed, looking at you.
“Aren’t you coming?” You ask, confused. 
“No,” he states, “I’m going to watch.”
“Watch… Me?”
“I told you there would be a punishment for all that teasing,” He grunts. 
You blush, embarrassed. 
“I want you to play with that pretty little cunt for me. And, if your good,” He takes a step forward, “and beg for me,” Another step forward, “I’ll show you how much better I feel than playing with yourself,”
Everything in your body is frozen. Play with yourself in front of him? You’ve never been self-conscious of how you touch yourself, but then again, no one but you has witnessed it. You gulp down your fear and begin to undress yourself, maintaining eye contact with Jake as you reveal yourself to him. Slowly, you lift the clothes off your body, taking your time; trying to tease him and slow your heart rate. You kick off the last part of your pants and slide yourself back onto the bed, resting the back of your head on the frame. 
Jake takes a seat at the end of the bed, propping himself up by placing his hand inches from your ankle. You wish he was closer, actually touching you, but you have to play the game. You know the rules. 
You lift your legs into a bent shape, spreading yourself so he can have the perfect view. The room is silent and you feel exposed to him entirely. The thrill of him having you is the only thing keeping you from entirely combusting fear. 
You place two fingers in your mouth, swirling your tongue around them, being sure to saturate them entirely. You suckle on them for a moment, then lead them down to your heat and lightly begin to touch yourself. You specifically did not want to take the lead on pleasuring yourself. You spent all day avoiding this, trying to hold out for Jake, wishing he could be the one to break the celibacy. Instead here he was inches away, tormenting you with your own touch, making it hard to enjoy the feeling. All you wanted was his hands on you, not your own.
You run your fingers through the bundle of nerves, trying not to move too quickly. Jake maintains eye contact with you, unbreaking until he hears your breathing start to hitch. His eyes move down your body, tracing you with his gaze. You look down at his cock, watching it stiffen in his pants. 
“Do you like touching yourself?” He asks, trying to remain composed. 
You do. It feels good to please yourself after waiting all day. Running your fingers around the sensitive spots, mixing techniques of his and yours. Saying yes wouldn’t be the right response to Jake though, “I like it better when it's you down there.” 
You can feel your body slowly giving in to the pleasure, relaxing itself, allowing the personal touches to feel euphoric. 
He looks back up to meet your eyes, “Oh, it looks like you’re doing just fine without me,” He scoffs at you. 
“No!” You exclaim, “Jake- Sir, please, please. I need you. You know I need you.” 
You continue swirling your hands around your dripping cunt. Trying to hold back too much excitement and prevent any sort of overstimulation this early. 
“You’re not convincing me yet baby,” 
“Please!” You feel yourself building, heat directing itself to your pussy, growing feverish and wanting him to take over, “Please sir. I’ve been needing you all day… Thinking about you…” Talking is starting to get harder. You close your eyes to try and focus yourself, “Thinking about you take my-”
Before you can even finish your sentence your legs are being pulled forward to the edge of the bed. Your ass just barely resting on the mattress, and your legs bent. You try to sit yourself up to look at Jake. He lifts his face into your cunt and dives into the slick mess you’ve made.
You place your hand on his head to stabilize yourself from the fucking devious moves he’s making on you. His tongue flicks up your already shaking pussy, devouring you, hungering for your release. He sounds absolutely desperate, moaning just as much as you, enjoying your taste and the noises his work procures. 
Before you can even adjust to the sensations, he slips a finger into you, teasing you to go further. He didn’t want to wait much longer to do this; he didn’t want to resist the pleasure he could give you. He lifts his free arm to hold your thigh, squeezing it against his face.
Your body is in blissful distress, unable to focus on just one of the sensations; taking it all in at once, feeling the build of your orgasm. Your head falls back, and your eyes close, feeling every motion of him breaching you. A loud, exasperated moan escapes your lips. No inhibitions are holding you when he’s between your legs. 
Before he can even ask for you to beg, you give him exactly what he wants.
“Jake, please! Please, please! Sir, please, let me come! I wanna-,” 
He pumps an increasing pressure to your g-spot and laps over your aching clit, pulling you headfirst into an orgasm. You move your hands backward, clutching the sheets in an attempt to hold yourself together.  A wave of relief washes over you as you spill out in front of him, feeling yourself soaking the sheets below you. Your legs shake, releasing the tension that you hung onto for so long. Jake’s sure to take in all of you, tasting you, exploring you. 
He lifts his head, “I could taste this all fucking night,” 
You smile, blossoming in his praise. He slows his pace to gently ease you out of your state of overstimulation. Without skipping a beat, Jake lifts himself to look down at your restless body. You muster a smile and he smirks in return. That fucking stupid cocky smirk. This fucking guy has you exactly where he wants you. He is the predator and you are his prey. He’s made you comfortable and free in his presence, but soon all of that would change. 
Jake reaches for the button on his jeans and releases himself from the tightness. His cock bulges out from the zipper, begging to feel the ecstasy you feel. The thought of making his cock happy again fills you with excitement. He runs his hands over the bulge, caressing the bundle, watching you. Stalking his prey.
He uses his free hand to free himself fully from the boxer briefs. His cock jumps, extending itself towards your pleading cunt. He spits into his hand and begins to lubricate himself. 
You go to sit up, but he pushes you back down; holding down your neck with more pressure than you're used to. You look directly into his eyes. The soft brown eyes melt you, but the look of utter desire within them clouds any sweet thoughts. 
“You need me, huh?” He taunts. 
“Yes.” You whimper back trying to breathe through the grip he has on you. 
“Say it.” He directs. 
“I need you to fuck me, right here… right now.”
He doesn’t hesitate any longer. He loosens his grip from your neck, and moves it to your hip, pulling you close to him. He shoves himself into you, stretching yourself around his shaft. You both gasp, shocked to remember how good you two feel together. 
“Fuck…” He exhales. 
Feeling him inside you is other-worldly. It’s the world’s best fucking drug. He gives you all of him, thrusting until he can’t reach any further. Gliding in and out of your pussy, creating the impurest sounds.
He picks up his speed without any haste, choosing to ignore the state he’s putting you into. Your bodies smack together, connecting, becoming a cloud of passion. Your moans are deep, enraptured in the erotic act. 
“Yes…” You groan. 
You try to sit up again, to be closer to him, but he rejects your movements. He takes your forearms and pins them down to your sides, using you for leverage, and most importantly keeping himself in control. He’s cunning and calculated with his choices. 
“Stay,” He warns. 
He drives into you further, becoming rougher with each slam. There is no gentle touch with him at this point, he’s heated, quivering, close to his own release. The grip on your arms becomes tighter, and you can tell the speed is killing him. His thrusts are splitting you, tempting another climax. Although you can’t lift yourself fully, you still feel the arching in your back, trying to prevent writhing around. Everything feels so sensitive, so electric. 
“Uh-uh,” He growls, slowing his pumps. He’s edging himself; or should I say us. 
He pulls out entirely and sits you up. In one fluid motion, he sits himself on the bed and turns you over into his lap. 
But all you can think about is pressing your face up against his, violating his mouth with yours, sitting on his lap, and feeling his cock pressed up against your pussy…
Dreams are coming true. He guides the tip into you, filling you again with his presence. In this position, you have no other option than to feel the entirety of him. He places his hands on your hips, trying to help guide your pace; bouncing you over his length. He’s breaching your cervix, sending your body mixed signals of pain and pleasure. It doesn’t take long before he’s using his force to rock you harder against him. You match his energy, grinding and bouncing on his cock. 
“Your pussy is fucking magical,” He sighs. 
You dare not tempt any bratty behavior at this moment, holding back any retorts would be hard, but you censor yourself, and lean into his ear, “Your cock makes me feel fucking magical.” 
He shivers hearing the words. Even though you know he has control over the situation, you still have the ability to make him melt. There are no plans for sensuality at this tipping point. You’ve set him into a feverish state; too close to toppling over.
He holds your body close to his, bringing your breast into his mouth, fondling it between his lips. He sinks you down as far as you can let him and frantically picks up the pace. 
Jake rolls his hips, squirming himself inside of you. 
“Oh!” You cry, “Yes! Please, sir!... Give it to me!”
Soft grunts escaping between you, sending both of you reeling. Neither of you can deny what was destined. Your bodies hit the breaking point, melding together in a hot fervor. 
He detaches from your breast, to allow you even closer to him. He shifts his grip onto your ass, practically breaking you from his strength. You turn your head downward, kissing him through the bumpy movements.  
His vigorous touch pushes you into your second orgasm, trembling over his cock. When he feels the presence of your climax, he allows himself to spill into you, throbbing with relief. Both of you slowly grind on each other, trying not to extinguish the feeling of ecstasy.
Unfortunately, you both know all good things must come to an end. Jake falls backward, closing his eyes, exhausted. His hair stuck together in sweaty clumps. You gently lift yourself, removing him from your over-sensitive heat. 
“Fuck…” He exhales. 
You giggle seeing him in such a vulnerable state. He’s experiencing the same shock you felt the first night together. Maybe he already has, but this time he was less afraid to show you how you could make him feel.
You climb off the bed and grab the towel hanging off the back of the door; offering it to him. You both had made an absolute mess, but most of it had spilled onto Jake. 
He peeks an eye open and lazily takes the towel from you. You clamber back in the bed to lay beside him. Resting on your side, staring at his heavenly profile. You reach out to his hair, moving the sticking strands from his face. 
Some of the loose strands of hair are still stuck to his glossy forehead. You give in to impulse and swipe the clung pieces from the sweat. Your hand grazing the edges of his face, tucking the hair with the rest. 
You pet him softly, pawing the hair away from his damp forehead. His breathing has finally slowed. He picks himself up, starting to use the gifted towel. 
He turns to look at you, “Hey, what time is it?”
You roll over to grab your phone, “Uh, it’s almost midnight.” 
“Shit. Really?” He sounds concerned. He stands and begins to dress himself. 
“Yeah, it's 11:56,” You reply. 
The mood has gone from warm and erotic to awkward and uncertain. He’s closing himself off again, and that one moment of intimacy and aftercare has quickly passed. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I really have to go do something.” 
“Oh.” You sigh. 
You pull the comforter corner up, trying to shield your body; shield the vulnerability. 
“No, no.” He runs over to your side, and pulls your face into his hands, “It’s nothing bad. Remember I told you I can’t stay long?” You nod your head, remembering his warning. “I just wanted to come make you feel good, I hope I didn’t disappoint you,”
He really didn’t, the only disappointing part is him not committing to staying with you for longer than a few hours. 
“I’ll be okay,” You respond, “I’ll see you tomorrow right?”
“Yes,” He answers. He beams at you, letting you soak in his happiness, “Be good for me until then, okay?” He pulls you in for one last kiss. When he breaks away, he looks at you another moment before rubbing your cheek and turning away. 
Watching him leave is always depressing. This night confirms your feelings for Jake are far past just sexual. The promise of seeing him tomorrow is the only thing keeping you together. Well, that and he almost couldn’t fucking take you.
Still, in a state of morning fog and confusion, you turn to your left and reach out to touch him; expecting him to be there- but he’s not there. Where did he go? He was so close to you last night, facing you, noses practically touching, breathing lightly, but still enough to feel the breeze of him on you. The sheets had been completely evacuated of him; the only thing remaining was a few long strands of his chestnut hair.
History repeats itself. 
The next day goes by a little faster than the previous, it's been a few days now since your first encounter with Jake. Instead of fear permeating through you, it’s a whole new skin of confidence. He’s into you, he wants your touch. You feel better knowing in some way you have him, even if he’s not really yours. 
You maintain a few chatty words with him through text as the afternoon flies by. Nothing serious or sexy, but rather quite wholesome; sending music back and forth, critiquing each other's taste. He prefers his rock music to be classic, and yours brings his into a new age. 
You both know that you’re scheduled to be at the bar tonight. Fleet’s on Saturday night is full of the local college crowd and you two are the only ones that can keep up with the rowdy patrons. Jake acts like a man of steel, fighting off the begging drunks, getting the girls off the counter, and most importantly completing the orders. You on the other hand take a more relaxed approach, keeping the customers happy, cleaning up the bar, and assembling the beer buckets. 
On your drive to the bar, you think of how Jake might be different this time around. He seems to also be radiating this new energy that you feel. You’ve never seen him smile this much around you, and you're savoring every moment. You start playing one of the songs he sent you and instantly feel like you're being wrapped up by his presence again. Tapping your fingers to the beat, humming along to melodies. It doesn’t take long before you’re pulling back into the horrendous parking lot, bouncing through potholes until you reach the back. 
You are thankful for Jake's protection of you on Thursday. Avoiding Chris’ bad side makes work a lot easier. It wasn’t your first time being on Chris’ naughty list and you knew you had to start being extra careful. 
You walk into the back of the building, quick to park your bag in your cubby, and hustle out to the bar to take over from Mariella. You try to show up fifteen minutes early to help start the takeover. Mariella has a few people still being served, but they’re more interested in their dates than ordering more drinks. You slide under the counter and pop over next to her. 
“Hey!” You say in a cheery tone. 
She doesn't even look at you, instead focusing on putting away glasses. “Hi,” She snaps at you. 
“Everything all set? Did you close these guys out or should we transfer them-”
“They’ll be closed. Don’t worry about it.” She picks up the crate of dirty dishes and walks them over to the compact dishwasher and begins to load them; still not making eye contact.
Alright. This is weird. You try to ignore it as you clock into the electronic system. You sneak glances back at her as you type in your employee number, checking to see if she’ll look back. 
You try to break the tension further, “I’ll wipe down the counters,”
“Okay.” She responds. 
Okay, what the fuck? Is she mad at you? Maybe she also got in trouble the night you were drinking. You tried to save her, but Jake kept ordering more. You start wiping down the counters with the already wet rag she had handy. She finishes stacking the last glass into the dishwasher and closes it aggressively; so hard you can hear the clinking cries of the wine glasses inside.
You work your way down the countertop to the corner away from her and the customers; even though this side looks barely touched. She walks over towards you, pulling out her phone, again trying to avoid eye contact. You step out in front of her, directly blocking her from the exit. 
“Hey,” You wave to her, “What's up?”
“Can you just move?” She torts back. 
“Are you mad at me? What the fuck is going on here?” You gesture at her. 
“I don't know,” She says, “Why don’t you ask Jake?”
What? Is she really that mad about Wednesday night? Did he say something to her? 
“What are you talking about? Did we get you in trouble?”
“The only person who got in trouble was you, and it's well deserved,” She tries to push past you to slide beyond the counter. 
You reach out to her, grabbing her wrist, “Hey!”
“Bitch!” She snaps her hand back from you, “Don’t touch me!”
“Mariella, what the fuck is going on? Why are you acting like this?”
Your heart is beating, stress putting your body in a clammy state of shock. You’ve always hated confrontation, especially amongst friends, and especially when you felt like you were the one responsible. 
“Ask Jake why he was at my house last night,” She slides out from the counter and walks to the back hallway, turning away from you. You swing back to look at the other end of the bar, where the customers are obviously trying to pretend they aren’t eavesdropping. 
Seriously what the fuck is she talking about. Is that why Jake had to leave so soon? Was she the something that came up? 
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I really have to go do something.” 
Mariella never had much of a relationship with Jake, other than being coworkers, they hardly ever worked the same shift but would cover for each other from time to time. What the fuck could have happened?
That confidence you were wearing earlier is slowly starting to peel back, ripping at the seams of your growing confusion… and anger. You thought that you might be his only conquest, but really you never confirmed that. Was she a loose end? Or something he also tied over frequently. 
The anxiety is already spinning in your head, you’re spiraling trying to make sense of what has been revealed to you. It could be nothing, but judging by her reaction, it was more. Nothing doesn’t mean nothing. Here you were now between the two of them, scared after her exit, and scared for when he came into the bar. This whole situation feels like a fucking movie, too dramatic to be your life. This whole week has been like some weird fantasy coming to life. 
You try to choke down the feelings of jealousy and immaturity; you have to be better than Mariella. It will be hard for you to avoid bringing it up in Jake, but it’s not the right place to ask. You don’t know how you’ll react to his responses, how he’ll react to your questioning, and most importantly what will come of that conversation. If you were to stay on top of your game tonight, you had to try and focus on the job, not the drama; which could be saved for later. Breathe. Compartmentalize. Let go… For now. 
You walk over to the corner where the few patrons are sitting and introduce yourself to them, “Sorry about that... But anyway, I’m going to be taking care of you the rest of the night. If you need anything just wave me over!” The group mutters a few thanks and you turn over to finish your tasks. 
Jake strolls out from the back hallway with no look of concern on his face. He must not have run into Mariella on his way in, or he’s hiding it really well. He slides under the bar to join you, an expressive look on his face. 
“Hey sunshine,” He reaches his hand over to your head and tussles the top of your hair, “Hope I didn’t disappoint you again, I don't have any new drinks to make you,” 
Breathe. Compartmentalize. Let go… For now. 
Thank you if you came back for part two 🥹 Let me know if you want to be on the tag list for this, I obviously have to continue this story… For now! 
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Bloody valentine! Prompts 3, 5 and 30 for Death, please? (PIB)
Sure! I'll see what I can do. Like a common theme in my Death fic ideas it is implied darling might die at some point whenever Death shows up.
Prompts Found Here
Yandere! Death V-Day Prompts 3, 5, 30
"Nothing is fair, so is love."
"...They needed to die, my love. They needed to... some time before or after."
"I will chase you forever until I finally get you to myself."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Death, Murder, Jealousy, Sadism, Death flirts in his own way, Grief, Threat.
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Valentine's Day was not a day of love for you. You envied the happiness that people felt on this day. You used to be that happy...
Then Valentine's Day became a day of mourning for you....
On this day... Death ruined any sort of happiness you once felt. You used to have a lover... one whom you loved dearly. You had prepared a date for them and had felt happy like any of the other couples on this day.
They never met up with you...
No... who did meet you was a wolf whose fur was as gray as ash. He wore a black cloak and curved blades hung by his sides. His eyes stare at you as he strolls beside your table, frowning at the roses and red table cloth.
You had heard tales of him... with one look you knew what happened.
"It's not fair!" You cried, tossing the glass vase of flowers aside in your turmoil. The vase crashes against the ground and the flowers lay in the carnage. The wolf looks down to the vase and clicks his tongue.
The wolf's gaze was cold. Cold as your heart once you've come to terms with your situation. That was the day Valentine's Day became your curse... not a holiday you could enjoy.
"Nothing is fair, so is love."
It has been years since then. Each year on this cursed day you sit in front of their grave. You have no idea how they died... just that it wasn't pretty.
Tears drip into the coarse dirt in front of you. You sit on your knees and sob softly. Could things have been different?
You're disrupted from your grief by the sound of haunting whistling. Your blood runs cold when you sense a presence behind you. A familiar wolf kneels beside you and reads the tombstone.
"Poor thing... still thinking of them? I swear I see you here every year."
The wolf chuckles light-heartedly for a moment before putting on an apathetic face.
"...They needed to die, my love. They needed to... some time before or after."
"No... I came to give you... closure."
"Have you come here to taunt me?" You scoff, tears still dripping down your face. The wolf watches as they fall down into the dirt before humming.
You turn to meet the wolf in the eyes. He eyes you as if you're a treat. The whole interaction brings a chill down your spine.
"Their death was no mystery. I've been watching them for a long time..." A clawed hand drifts to your shoulder. "Just as long as I've been watching you."
He probably won't leave you alone anyway.
You fearfully push his paw off, causing him to frown. You breathe deeply in and out to calm yourself down. Why not hear him out...
"Then tell me why they died...."
The wolf grins, chuckling with twisted sadism.
"As you wish..."
The wolf leans closer until you can feel the breath from his nose in your ear. He stays there for a moment as if sniffing your hair. You wait for him to speak... the wait painfully long.
The moment he speaks you wish he never spoke at all.
"I killed them..."
Your heart stops and your breathing picks up.
"I didn't like how close they were to my prey. Trust me, you shouldn't miss them. Even though heart break made you all the more beautiful these past few years, love."
You push away the wolf from your ear and stand up. You keep your distance with a wild and fearful look in your eyes. The wolf doesn't seem to mind.
In fact he looks smug.
"Stay away from me...!"
"There's no need to worry, dear. It's not time to take you with me yet. Although I am eager for that moment...."
The wolf licks his lips, laughing while walking towards you.
"I'll leave you to live your life. But just know one thing..."
The wolf corners you. Red eyes stare into you like glowing crimson moons. You're staring death in the face.
"I will chase you forever until I finally get you to myself."
The wolf only grins at your face pale with fear. He pats your shoulders playfully before walking away from you.
"I do hope you wait for me..."
The wolf turns his head over his shoulder to grin at you.
"I know I'll be waiting for you, maybe I'll be your valentine next year. Who knows...."
Once the wolf disappears into the foggy graveyard, you find yourself alone...
Filled more with fear than your original sorrow.
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 20/03/2024
old town ribbon race
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: The SiIvaGunner Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special Collection '17​-​'19
Ripped by Moder112
Y'know, I've had this rip in the drafts for a pretty long while - I've wanted to write about it for so long, but its almost difficult to explain why I like it so. I sometimes wonder how many other people are as attached to the original Intro Title / Minigame Theme - Barbie Horse Adventures: Blue Ribbon Race as I am - it was a genuinely shocking little rip that managed to utilize the creepiness of the original song, whilst also tying it all subtly to the ongoing side story of Mr. Rental's rampage on SiIvaGunner. Yet it was the kind of rip that didn't make its presence all too known after the fact - save for a big reappearance on SiIvaGunner Fusion Records last year with *** EVERYTHING IS FINE ***, the rip's appearances have been pretty darn scarce. That is, at least, on SiIva - what I learned in researching for coverage on old town ribbon race, is that the meme took on a life on its own elsewhere in the internet.
That's right, it's fan channel time again - the very same one that V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​a​-​V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​r covered not that long ago, even. Its always a bit difficult to discern...anything, about Vvvvvavvvvvvr from the outside looking in, because of just how vast and bizarre its output is - its a channel that accepts submissions of just about ANY kind and has made it its brand to basically be a dumping ground for any sort of vip (Vavr's name for high quality rips) possible. Yet through it all, in 2017, a certain familiar Barbie game for Game Boy Advance made a reappearance - with a vip simply named Horse: Blue Ribbon. From there, the meme was reborn on the channel as just "Horse", mainly using a remix of the original theme by ripper Moder112 as its main source for future vips - continuing to see use pretty regularly in a number of bizarre, spooky rips.
All of that was, of course, entirely lost on me - yet in a way, that made discovering old town ribbon race on SiIva all the more impactful for me. I had no clue that others remembered this bizarre one-off horror rip as much as I did, nor that there had secretly been this subset of rippers already fiddling around with how to turn this eerie theme into something so hummable. Old Town Road is a song I already find deviously catchy, one I've covered before with Mob Corral - and so to me, old town ribbon race wound up feeling like the perfect culmination to things all those years later. The rip that had filled my 2016 self with such intrigue was now finally being played around with in fun, creative ways - by, as I'd now later learn, none other than the very same ripper who'd been doing so for years beforehand without me knowing.
There is of course a comedy to old town ribbon race inherently, in making a country/pop banger out of a theme otherwise most known for how much it unsettles people. But there's that other part as well - it IS genuinely a banger, using so many creative and fun GBA-quality samples that all feel in line with the original creepy song, even including the sampling of Among Us sound effects used for its percussion. A lot of the samples are from Moder112's prior mentioned remix, yet the authenticity of the rip was so good that I hardly even considered that as a possibility - it doesn't sound like its using anything "fan made" so much as its just naturally working outward of what Old Town Road would sound like in this style.
I'm really happy that nothing gets forgotten on SiIva - that was one of my big talking points in Violet Snow Memories, if you'll recall. This really isn't one of those cases, because Horse found a life all on its own - yet its almost just as fun to see how memes like it live on in such strange, silly ways. Meme evolution! How fun. old town ribbon race. What a good rip.
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dingochef · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Angst with a Happy Ending, Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking,
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Definitely not an awkward morning after. Work drags you away from San Diego, but there's one blond flyboy on your mind the whole time.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Morning After 
The next morning you wake up to the alarm at 5:30, earlier than the 6 AM you swore you set it for. As consciousness becomes more real in your brain, you realize that Jake set it early for a very good reason. And it is soon very clear that the very good reason is so he could give you a bit of morning delight by eating you out and starting your day out with an earth shattering orgasm. You've never been with a guy who is such a connoisseur of eating pussy.  The aftershocks are still tingling through your limbs when he finally surfaces from under the duvet and leans in for a rather sloppy kiss.   You can taste your self in his mouth and it is fucking hot.  
"Shower?" He asks, wagging his eyebrows.   
"Sounds delightful," you respond back and kiss the tip of his nose, "The bathroom is to the right in the hall." 
Not that anyone could get lost in your tiny two bedroom bungalow.  He hops out of bed like a rabbit and walks to the bathroom.  Just before he disappears past the door frame he catches you ogling his physique and his cock, impressive even when soft. You try not to sigh like a cheesy romance novel heroine as you rake your eyes over his body.
"Like what you see, sweetheart?" 
he says leaning on the door frame so casually, like he isn't stark naked. 
"Yes, I do. You got to see the whole package last night, so it's your turn to give a little show." 
You make a little motion with your finger in a circle to accompany your request. He turns around and starts doing muscle man poses as you admire his fine backside. You let out a wolf whistle.  As he turns around to the front he holds his arms up behind his head and says, 
"Maybe you like it Magic Mike style.” as he starts to undulate hips in a stripper dance.
You giggle as you throw a pillow at him, which of course he catches. 
"I'm just saying that if this whole fighter pilot thing doesn't work out for you, there's always a promising career opportunity as a male stripper.  You could be the token military guy every male strip club has." 
"And how familiar are you with male strip clubs, dear little sweet innocent Elsa?" he asks, raising an eyebrow along with the corner of his mouth in that delightful smirk.
"It's contractually required for every bachelorette party I've been a part of, that and tacky tiaras, and sex themed shots." He smiles, seemingly satisfied with your answer.
You finally get your limbs under control and get out of the bed. Striding confidently under his arm that is leaning on the door frame, you ask as coyly as you can when reach the bathroom,
"Joining me, stud?" 
A sly grin spreads on his face as he enthusiastically replies, 
"Yes, Ma'am!"  
You get the water going and open the walk in shower, the bathroom has been the one room you totally renovated in your century old beach bungalow.  The shower is your  greatest work, two shower heads on the walls and a rainshower head in the middle and a bench down the long side.  You can just sit on the bench and luxuriate in the warmth.  You've already hopped in and have gotten your hair wet. A pair of strong hands grasp your waist and the matching body aligns with yours as a pair of lips that are more becoming more familiar lips kisses your neck. 
Jake snickers behind you, 
"You have a porn shower." 
"What do you mean by that?" 
"You can't tell me you haven't seen a porn scene with this exact setup.  I mean, it's brilliant, doggy style, cowgirl, makes blow jobs easier."
You laugh,
"Giving you any ideas?"
"Yes, I've got a million ideas when it comes to you, sweets, but it's ladies choice this morning." 
You turn around and put a gentle hand on Jake's shoulder to get him to sit down on said porno bench. As soon as he is seated you straddle his thigh, his hands automatically landing on your hips. Reaching down you pull Jake's rapidly hardening cock into your hands. A small grunt emits from his mouth and his hands tighten on your hips.  With firm strokes you start to run your hands up and down Jake's dick.  The moan that erupts from his chest as he head slacks back against the tile sends a zing of arousal through you and you start to ride his thigh unconsciously.  His hard quad muscles provide a delicious pressure on your clit on each pass. You start to whisper filthy things in his ear.  
"You've been quite the giver to me,  seems fair to repay the favor," your strokes get faster and harder. 
"I'm not going to get the image of you eating my pussy out of my mind all day," you moan on a particularly good pass over his thigh.
His hands have grabbed your ass and he is now thrusting up into your hands.  
"Baby, I'm not going to last long at this pace." He gasps out. 
"That's the point, Jake. I can't wait for the opportunity to suck you off, I   might just attack you the next time I see you. Just think about where you want to come when I blow you.  Do you like it when the girl swallows? Or you more of a facial guy or do you want to come on my tits?"
This last string of filthy promises has pushed him over the edge and his breath quickens followed by a long low groan. His release spurts over your hands and onto your stomach. You reach your peak seconds after him. 
You keep eye contact with him as soon as he opens his eyes, his chest heaving to catch his breath. Your gaze never falters as you raise your hand, covered in his spend and lick it off your fingers. His eyes wide and his hands on your ass clench in response.
"Fucking hell," he says as his head goes slack against the tile.
You lean in and give him a deep kiss and gently dismount from his lap. As he recovers his breath, you finish up your shower routine.  He is up and soaping up by the time you step out of the shower.  
"You don't have anything that smells a little more…manly?" 
he shouts as you start to pull out your hair dryer.  
"Nope, you'll just have to use lavender body wash and my  strawberry shampoo, but you'll smell like me all day," you wink.  You blaze through your morning routine and quickly pack an overnight bag for your two nights in Bakersfield.  Jake is recovering his clothes from across your house and is dressed by the time you've gathered your  work stuff to walk out to your car.
"This is your ride?" He asks, pointing to the very sensible blue Honda CR-V sitting at the curb. 
"Yup, Lil Blue. Gets me where I need to go." 
Jake hops into the passenger side after helping you load your bags into the back. You get in and as you start the car you lean over and say to Jake, 
"It's very roomy in the back." 
He slides his sunglasses down to meet your gaze with that trademark smirk.   
The drive to the base entrance is very brief, Jake leans over the console to give you one last toe curling kiss.  
"Let me know you're back in town, babe," 
he calls over his shoulder as hops out of the car.  
You're on the road by 7:15, 15 minutes behind schedule but still within the allowable range of using traffic as an excuse in California.  The four hours to Bakersfield fly by despite the endless drive through the Mojave Desert. How many miles of cactus and sand can there be? Everytime you drive here you understand why Lockheed Martin chose the literal middle of nowhere to test experimental aircraft.  There is nothing to hit with a crashing plane for miles.  
Your trip to the Skunk Works is to assess the recovered wreckage from Maverick's crash last week. 
When you arrive, the wreckage is laid out in the hangar in an approximation of the original plane.  The only thing you can recognize is the life preservation pod with the parachute in the pile of twisted metal.
"Jesus Christ, how did Maverick survive this?" Cody, one of your least favorite coworkers, asks from behind you.  He's relatively new to the engineering field and still in possession of an unearned confidence.  Your boss's deep voice answers, 
"Because Elsa knows her shit and the pod worked exactly as it was designed."
"Thanks, Ed.  Did we recover the black box yet?"
"Yeah, we'll review the data tomorrow in a Team Incident Review."
"Hey, I ran into Maverick in San Diego. I asked if he wanted to come in for a debrief."
Ed replies, 
"That's a good idea, get some human context for the other data."
The rest of the afternoon is spent reviewing the incident reports and the initial telemetry to determine if any of the speed parameters were met.  The aircraft had reached the Mach 10 speed threshold, then it broke apart at 10.3. You beg off dinner and drinks with your coworkers in favor of going to the hotel and hitting the gym.  Meetings always make you feel restless, because you're pinned down and can't walk around like you prefer to do when you're thinking. You check into the Holiday Inn Express that's like every other one in America and head up to your room. Flopping down in the crisply made bed you finally pull out your  phone.  You haven't had the time today to look through your messages.  There are notifications from Jake, Lydia, and Beth.  You pull up Beth's message and see it's a group chat with Lydia.  
Group Chat: My Favorite Hoes
Beth: So….I'm going on a date with Bob tomorrow.  
Lydia: Yes!  What's the plan?  
Beth: The usual dinner and drinks. 🍸
Lydia: It's not unique but it's the gold standard.  What are you going to wear?  
Beth: Something that threads the needle between classy and slutty. Any thoughts?
Lydia: How about that green dress with the cool criss cross straps on the back?
Beth: Yeah, but then I can't wear a bra.
Lydia: Exactly…..
You: Lydia's got the right idea. 
Lydia:. Elsa has joined the chat! Spill the deets!
You: I don't know what you're talking about.  
Lydia: I do!  Rooster said a certain Hangman didn't sleep at their house last night and came sneaking in early this morning. I wonder where he was last night, Elsa? Hmmm?
Beth: You naughty girl.  Spill.
You: It was a very nice night.  A lady doesn't kiss and tell. 😘
Lydia: Yeah, but you're no lady.  More of a delightful tramp who fucks and tells. 
You: Fine, he spent the night and I dropped him at the base this morning.  That's all I'm going to say for now.  I’m gonna hit the gym and leave you gossiping hens to yourselves.
You flip over to Jake's text message.
Jake: I got found out.
You: Rooster rat you out? He gleefully let Lydia know your whereabouts or lack thereof.
Jake: Nope, Phoenix caught a whiff of the strawberry shampoo.  She then announced to the whole squadron that I woke up at a girl's house.  Fucking Rooster then looked like the cat the got the cream and let everyone know by saying, and I quote, "Know that hot brunette from Hard Deck that owned Hangman when he did his stupid how planes fly routine?"  
You: Did they start singing that stupid crush song from school?
Jake: Nearly, nobody could believe that I could redeem myself to get in your good graces (or pants 😉).  
You: Rooster inadvertently backed you up, love it.  Your status should be legendary now.
Jake: He can be delightfully dumb sometimes.  Unlike him I don't need to crow about whose bed I'm waking up in.  I'm a gentleman all the way, baby.
You: That pun was awful. You don't always have to be gentle, BTW. 😉  How did the rest of the day go?
Jake: Maverick had to quiet all of us down like five year olds.  He seemed a little pissy with me (more than normal).  He even kept me after class and gave me a weird Dad talk about treating you with respect.
You: Hah, Maverick and his misplaced Dad vibe.
You: I've got to hit the gym and then grab some dinner in this town. Talk to you later.
Jake: Leaving me with images of you hot, sweaty, and breathing heavy.  That'll come in handy later.
You: You're welcome 💋
The rest of your  night goes as planned, a decent workout and a quick run to a grocery store for something resembling real food. Eventually you fall asleep reading your book, thoughts of Jake dominating your dreams.
Chapter 8
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smolwritingchick · 5 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 62- Protection Squad
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Chapter Summary: Bam Bam gets bold on Instagram about Jennie. When an anti calls Jen a thot at the airport, the members, especially Jungkook, are quick to lose their cool. Jennie saves Jungkook from fangirls bombarding him at the airport
Words: 10,000+
Author's Note: I hope I'm not spammy with updates. This was done so I was like why not?
September 1st came by quickly as today was Jungkook’s birthday. He was 19 in Korean age and the members were proud to see the Golden Maknae grow right before their eyes. The members had created a birthday V-Live for Jungkook once the clock turned 12 in honor of his birthday and presented him with a cake as he blew out the candles.
With Jennie, she, unfortunately, missed it due to traffic after a small accident occurred a few blocks down. While in the car with Seijin, she already had an Iron Man themed birthday box made specifically for him.
Starting a tradition, Jennie had decided that from now on she’ll post funny derp photos of the members on their birthdays and chose to start with Jungkook.
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Posting a funny photo, she tweets, ‘Our Golden Maknae everyone! What a handsome photo ahahaha. Happy birthday, Kook! Can’t wait for those birthday punches #Jen’
She wasn’t expecting him to reply so quickly, assuming that he wouldn’t be on his phone while celebrating with the guys. She read his reply and started to laugh, ‘I am going to kill you one of these days, #JK’
With Jungkook, he had been on his phone the entire time, texting Jennie, hoping that she was safe after she told him what was going on and why she wasn’t there at the moment.
“You look like you’re waiting for someone.” Jimin teased.
“I’m not...” Jungkook lied, continuing to patiently wait for her reply.
“Don’t lie. I know you want to see Jennie. She’ll be here soon, don’t worry.”
“I-I know that!”
As time went by, the members were cooking their meat on the grill and Jimin was filming Jungkook to resume teasing him. “Jungkookie is still on his phone. Still waiting for Jennie to text back, hehehehehe!”
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“Ahahahahaha.” he laughed sarcastically, eyes still on his phone.
“Yes, Tae?” they heard Jennie’s calm voice on Taehyung’s phone while they noticed him facetiming with her. 
Jungkook’s attention went away from his phone, hearing her voice, prompting a smile to come across his face.
“You sure smiled quickly,” Hobi called out with a chuckle.
“You’re missed! Where are you?” Taehyung whined on the phone.
“There was an accident and traffic backed up ‘cause people don’t know how to DRIVE!” Jen yelled on purpose out the window, making sure the drivers ahead heard her. 
The members heard Seijin laugh in the background, telling her to relax and that they were almost there.
“As long as you are safe, that is what matters. We’ll have food waiting for you.” Namjoon mentioned.
“No, we won’t. I might just eat her plate, this meat looks tastier than ever.” Jin interrupted.
“Ennie, I think Jungkookie wants to talk to you,” Jimin added with a sly smile. “He keeps staring at Tae Tae impatiently and-“
“Ahahahaha, that’s enough. Jimin.” Jungkook cut him off.
It wasn’t too long later when Jennie finally came back and ate with everyone. Afterward, Jungkook had gone into his room to see an Iron Man themed box on his bed. His interest peaked once he saw the designs of his favorite superhero. He sat on the bed and examined it.
Happy Birthday to the most golden NERRRRRRD I know! From your Golden, Captain America is better than Iron Man, Best Friend
A soft chuckle escaped him as he read the front of the card. Opening the card that was sitting on top of the box, he realized it was a written note.
Okay...I have written this note so many darn times. This might be even a little corny but I shouldn’t kill any more trees like I already have. First and foremost, happy birthday Kookie! You really grew up right before my eyes. Ugh, they grow up so fast...I am so proud of you and how much you’ve grown as a person. When we met, I already knew there was going to be something special between us. You are a big inspiration to many, especially to me. I have to thank you for guiding me because when I feel like I can’t do anything here, I look up to you because you remind me of myself.
Leaving our parents at a young age, it’s a scary thing. But we went on and did it, and here we are. You turned out quite well and if you can still keep going, then I know I can too. Your hard work for this group is always appreciated. And can we talk about your voice? How sweet it is and how many people melt because of your vocals? Actually, I kinda highkey want you to sing me to sleep tonight, please, lol. 
I’ll continue to cherish you like you cherish me. And I hope for many more blessed birthdays to come. I should stop using so many ands in these sentences, haha. One year older, but still the same bunny. I wish you nothing but happiness.
Before he had a chance to open the box, he heard a knock on his door and turned to see Jennie with a small cupcake in her hands. The cupcake had a candle lit on top as she made her way over and sat with him on the bed.
“Happy birthday.” she smiled and presented it to him.
Jungkook looked at the cupcake in awe before looking into her eyes. “The box...the cupcake...all of this is for me?”
“No, it’s for Rapmon.” she teased. “Of course, this is all for you, silly.”
The Golden Maknae felt himself tear up as he quickly wiped his tears with his sleeve which caused her to look in alarm. 
“A-are you okay? Was this too much?” she asked
“N-no, no, I love this,” he responded softly with a sniff. “This is really special. I’m overwhelmed with joy.”
“I’m glad.” she watched him stare at the cupcake. “This is where you make a wish, Kook.” 
“I’m thinking.”
He looked at the candle and then back up at her.
'I wish...for us to be together soon.' he thought with a smile.
Once he blew out the candle, Jen let out a cheer. “So, what did you wish for?”
“If I tell you, it won’t come true.”
“Touche. I didn’t have time to bake so I bought this for you. But I promise to bake for you once we have more free time.” she took out the candle from the cupcake.
“Can’t wait.”
“Sorry if the note wasn’t as great. I guess writing isn’t enough to tell my golden best friend how lucky I am to know him and that I appreciate him. All the members.”
“I loved it. Don’t apologize,” 
She aimed to push the cupcake in his face but his reflexes were better than she expected as he grabbed her wrists. She started laughing nervously when he took the cupcake out of her hands and set it down on the nightstand.
“Okay, I didn’t think that one through!” she yelled as she tried to escape his strong grip.
“I had a hunch you were going to try to do that.” he tried to pin her down and tickle her. 
She managed to grab a pillow and cleanly strike him with it, but his grip wouldn’t let up. After a while of struggling, she succeeded in getting him to release her and ran out of the room, with him chasing after her.
After keeping a safe distance, she announced, “Now!” as Taehyung and Jimin attacked Jungkook by spraying cans of silly string at him, halting him. 
A chorus of laughter was heard from the three of them while Jungkook stood there, chuckling as he started taking off the strings. After laughing with them, Jungkook dropped his smile. 
“You have ten seconds.” he bluntly called out.
Hearing the threat, Jen scurried away while Tae and Jimin widened their eyes. Once the 95 Liners comprehended his words after watching Jen run, they dropped their cans and dashed away to avoid their fate.
School had recently started again as Jennie and Jungkook were in the car, in their uniforms on the way to SOPA. She was lowkey happy the school year was here again because she was one step closer to graduating and her brain needed some education.
Once the van pulled up to the school, she let out a sigh as she noticed the K-Pop news sites and paparazzi taking photos of the idols that were headed to school.
“Really?” she frowned.
“Yeah, we have to go through this again,” Jungkook responded. “Don’t worry, stay close to me and we’ll try to get inside quickly.”
It was a bit tiring to hear loud cameras and flashes so early in the morning but there were bound to be various photographers to capture idols. Students ask for photos and autographs. Some even film and photograph without them knowing. It was like she had to watch her every step in school and she felt a bit smothered by it.
The week was mainly an introduction to the school year and giving students a heads up of what was to come and what they would be learning for the school year. JenKook managed to snag a few classes together. One was a dance class that focused on synchronization and partner dancing. The teacher implicated that sometimes you can pick who you want to dance with and then other times you will be paired up with the teacher’s choice.
Gym was also a class they had together, and the two couldn’t stop chuckling to themselves at how much chaos they were going to deal with since they were stubborn when it came to competition. Hayoon and CLC’s Yeeun were also a part of the class. The last class they had together was a Korean literature class, which had given Jen a little bit of a culture shock.
“Finish the book by Monday and there will be a 7 page assignment due next week on Thursday after we have a discussion.” the teacher informed.
‘Well damn, already?? We just got here! I can’t quite read Korean that well. I should talk to Namjoon about this.’ Jen thought.
One teacher was so evil that he gave the class a pop quiz on what they remembered where they left off in history which drove Jen up the wall. She still was trying to remember and learn more about the history of Korea. Jen wanted to smack herself when she went to her Algebra class because she had forgotten a lot about what happened in the previous algebra class she took. It freaked her out to see her peers get started on the work but she sat there, trying to get her memory back.
‘I changed my mind, I’m not excited to be back.’ she thought to herself as she mentally prepared for the math.
She had another dance class for more up to date dances. For the first few weeks, she would learn how to dance with various props. Her mood was boosted when she found out that they would learn how to dance with a cane first, making her think about J-Lo’s Get Right choreography. As always, there were vocal classes to help improve her singing as well as singing live. She was also gifted with working with some other peers for help on rapping. Getting aid in a class for rapping and then from Yoongi, she appreciated the double help despite it being a tiring process. As she received constructive criticism on her work and guidance on what to improve, she would let Yoongi know and would work on it whenever they had their studio rap lessons. 
If J-Hope could get help from Yoongi and Rapmon on rapping and be as good as he is now, then she can do it too. 
At least she still had her guitar class at the end of the day to boost her mood if she had a rough time in the other classes.
Since BTS was traveling around for various fan meetings, Jen felt a little claustrophobic from all the bodies swarming around the group as they tried to make their way through the airport safely and together. 
She heard a male voice. She didn’t think it was directed at her, so she kept her head forward, with her sunglasses on her face.
“Oh, there she is! Finally, I caught up with you. Jennie! Can you sign this?”
She heard the English speaking voice again as she turned to see a male fan, with one of many BTS posters in his hands. She would have liked to sign, but the members needed to get to their destination quickly and had no time to waste.
“No, sorry.” She responded politely.
“Are you friggin kidding me? I waited here for hours and you can’t even give a loyal fan an autograph?” the guy snapped angrily, catching the attention of the screaming fans and members around them. “This is one of many reasons why I prefer light skins. You dark skins are so undesirable. Maybe you’d act nicer and look prettier if you were a few shades lighter. And these fans were right about you, you are an entitled thot.”
That made her stop walking.
The hell just happened? 
He switched on her real quick, and what she thought was hurtful the most was that the guy was black as well.
Just because she said no to an autograph, you want to call her that?
Meanwhile, the Golden Maknae, who understood a majority of what was said, had heard the insult loud and clear as he stopped walking as well. The guy who had said the insult had taken a step back, startled by Jungkook's lethal state.
“You wanna run that by me again?” Jungkook asked with a growl. 
Yoongi and Jimin were near Jungkook when they heard the guy call Jen the disgusting comment. They both gave him dirty looks. They were offended and irritated by the guy’s poor choice of words. Yoongi even started cursing in Korean about the guy, losing his cool.
ARMY, catching on with what was going on, was surprised at the facial expressions of the members, but was angry as well at the insults thrown at their female member.
Taking off her sunglasses, Jen looked at the guy in the eyes, feeling her body shake. “You’re a black man and you really going to put down a black woman like this? Try to put women against women due to your preference for skin color? Who raised you? Cause your mother is the same color as I, and I wonder how she would react if you told that to her face. We can be so much better than this. We should support our black queens, not bring them down, like this.” her voice was unsteady as her throat tightened. 
Before she could get a chance to speak more, Seijin and security had escorted her to the car. Once the members got in the car, Yoongi informed Namjoon and everyone else about what just happened. Jennie, on the other hand, kept bouncing her leg, with her eyes closed as tears went down her cheeks. Jimin grabbed her hand for comfort while Taehyung pulled her in for a hug, sitting next to her.
Once Jennie got settled in, in the hotel room she shared with Yoongi, she invited Namjoon into her room to talk.
“I just came from speaking to Jungkook,” he said. “How are you feeling?”
She was so fixated on the guy, that she hadn’t even noticed Jungkook coming to her aid as she deeply appreciated that, as well as the rest of the members.
“Better,” she responded.
“I’m not going to sit here and say that I understand how you feel because I don’t. I am not you. I am not your ethnicity. But what I can say is that I understand the frustration when spoken negatively about. I’ve dealt with it for years and I still will. I know it’s frustrating, but we must try our best to control our emotions in public. I thought you handled it quite well. I’m glad you didn’t curse at him. There are people just waiting for one of us to screw up. To act up and have all the media on us, giving us a bad name. I don’t want that to happen to you. I don’t want that to happen to Jungkook or anyone in this group.”
“Yes. I know.”
“Keep your head up. Continue to prove those that doubt you wrong.” he lifted up her chin and smiled. “Miss Bangtan is bulletproof, remember?”
“Hahah, yeah. Always.”
After the pep talk, she went to go see Jungkook in his hotel room. Taehyung had opened the door, and when she walked in, she saw Jin and Jimin eating together. They had asked if she was feeling better and expressed their frustration over the guy. After reassuring them that she was much better, she asked where Jungkook was.
Walking out of the room, and into the balcony, she found him. His broad back to her as the late summer breeze blew past them. The members had decided to give him some space and left him alone ever since they checked in.
“Heh...like Malcolm X said...the most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.” she quoted.
She watched him tense up more. He seemed angrier than her about what had happened. 
“It can be hard because no matter what we do, there’s always something or someone to bring us down.” she went on. “It’s a damn shame. We really do be going through the most. It's sad to say but I’m starting to get used to this.”
"Well, you shouldn't be!” Jungkook exclaimed, slamming his hands down on the railing. “It should never be like that! What he called you, you aren’t like that. You never will be. I hate how you’re being disrespected. There is nothing wrong with your color. There is nothing wrong with you at all. Maybe I should’ve punched him...” his grip tightened.
“Hey. No, you shouldn’t have.” she walked up and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. 
Turning her head to the side, she rested her cheek on his back. Once he felt her arms around him, he calmed down and relaxed from her hug. 
“We are idols. Annoyingly, the smallest things can ruin an idol’s career. No matter how much we want to lash out, the media may do anything to twist it," she said. "After talking to Namjoon, we can’t let someone have that power over us. Punching him would’ve been a worse case scenario despite me feeling the same way, wanting to punch him and all. It’s hard but we have to pick and choose our battles and this battle is not worth the consequences, no matter what hurtful things he said to me.”
“Yeah. Hyung told me about that...”
Releasing him, she stood next to him, wrapping her arms around one of his arms, and leaning against his bicep. Jungkook’s eyes had softened when he looked down at her, listening to her talk as she looked on ahead at the view.
“As much crap as they give us dark skinned women, I won't be one to hate my natural self or change myself just because someone doesn’t like the way I look. Despite all this crap that happened today, thanks for having my back.” she looked up at him, meeting his gaze.
"Always..." he whispered.
Jungkook’s body started moving on its own as he slowly started leaning down as their faces inched closer.
“AHAHAHAHAH! HYUNG BUMPED INTO THE LAMP! AHAHAHA!” they heard Taehyung yell as a loud crash was heard.
“What the heck are they doing in there?” Jen pulled away, turning around. Headed back inside, she asked the guys, “What are y’all doin’!?”
Licking his lips, Jungkook exhaled sharply through his nose, gripping the railing. He pressed his lips together in annoyance because their moment was interrupted at the worst time possible. Letting out a deep sigh, he shook his head, looking up at the stars.
“Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy...” he murmured, thinking of ways to murder his hyungs.
But after thinking deeply, he didn’t want to kiss her while they were upset. He wanted to kiss her when they were both in a better mood than what they were feeling right now.
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Once Rapmon’s birthday came around, Jennie posted a goofy photo of him with the caption, ‘Happy birthday Nap Monster. We need to think of some remedies to make you stop snoring so loudly my friend. #Jen’
Yoongi had started a V-Live, talking to ARMY about preparing a cake for Rapmon, while Jimin and Jen sat on the floor, preparing the candles. With the cake in Jimin’s hands, Jennie lit a match to light the candles before blowing the match out. Getting up from the floor, they showed the cake on camera, next to Yoongi.
Once Rapmon had walked into the room with the other members, they started cheering as they sang happy birthday to him.
“What is this?” Rapmon happily asked with a bright smile on his face, showing off his dimples.
Yoongi had placed the camera to show off the rest of the members while they continued to sing, “Happy birthday dear Rapmon! Happy birthday to you!”
“I didn’t know about this at all,” Rapmon mentioned while Jin gestured for him to blow out the candles as they crowded around the cake.
“Yeah~!” the members cheered after he blew out the candles of the Doosan, a Korean baseball team bear mascot themed cake.
“It melted.” Jimin laughed, showing off one of the candles to the camera.
“Where’d you get the cake from?” Rapmon asked.
“I didn’t want anyone to buy a cake this time, so I decided to bake one for you,” Jen responded. “Jungkook and Tae helped decorate it.”
“Awe, really? This is great, thanks, everyone.”
“Come on, cut the cake!” she gestured excitedly.
“Cutting a bear...isn’t that a bit violent?” J-Hope giggled.
“It’s a cake. Cakes are meant to be cut,” Jen replied.
“Okay, stick it in his head.” Hobi placed a knife on top of the bear cake, prompting the members to laugh.
“Two years ago, I celebrated my birthday with fans because it was the first broadcast of N.O. But this year, since I’m not spending it with ARMYs, I feel really sad.” Rapmon spoke.
“It’s Rapmon’s birthday, what are all of you going to do for him?” J-hope asked.
“Birthday beating!” Jungkook yelled.
“You want to have a birthday beating?” J-hope laughed
“Just cut this first.” Suga pointed to the cake.
“Ahhhhhhhh~!” J-Hope made loud sound effects while Rapmon quickly cut the bear cake in half. “So cruel!”
“It looks like a cicada now that we’ve cut it. It looks like a ladybug.” Jimin pointed out.
“It reminds me of a milk dud,” Jen added.
“Thanks, guys. For this year’s birthday, let’s all be happier.” Rapmon mentioned.
“Jin, what are you going to do for Rapmon?” J-Hope asked.
“Fighting!” Jin punched the birthday boy on the chest
“What about V Hyung?” Jungkook asked
“I’ll buy him clothes,” V responded. “What about you Jennie-ah?”
“I have a Ryan themed box for you that I made.” she presented it to Rapmon with a sweet smile. 
“How come his looks bigger than mine?” Jungkook called out in jealousy, while the members laughed.
“Some of the Ryan themed items I bought were bigger than expected so I had to put it in a bigger box,” she responded while the members teased the Golden Maknae about his small birthday box.
“Ah...I was really looking forward to this.” Rapmon admitted with a soft laugh. “After seeing Jungkook’s and Suga’s, I was hoping you’d make one for me too.” 
After the V-Live video, Rapmon sat with Jennie to check out the box. Opening up the card first, was a written note.
You wanna know something? I hated those sunglasses you wore during our debut. I wanted to just see your face. I remember you talking about your insecurities and it always made me sad because what you described to me is nothing that I see. I could care less what these so-called fans say about you and your appearance. You’re not ugly. If anything, you are handsome. And I was so happy you finally took those sunglasses off so I could see you for who you are. 
Your passion for music is infectious and it’s rubbing off on me. Keep smiling, those dimples are adorable as usual. Oh, thanks for giving me all those photo creds on those KimDaily photos I have taken of you. I am a great photographer and everyone should know that, ahahaha. I developed a lot with your guidance. Those bike rides and walks around helped me appreciate the world around me like you said. Our deep conversations are always the best, too. 
I’ve become calmer thanks to you. Seriously, thank you for existing. You made my life so easy with your leadership here. Thank you for being a great leader and helping us members grow as a cohesive unit. I know how much you love Ryan so I brought you a bunch of things. Just...please...try not to break this Ryan box.
“I’ll be careful.” he chuckled.
“Let’s hope so,” she responded as she watched him open the box. 
Once they heard a loud tear, she regarded him halting his actions.
“Annnnnnd I broke it.” he chuckled nervously.
“You know what? I ain’t even mad.”
For the birthday dinner, the members sat around, eating. Deciding to film an Eat Jin special after he lost a rock, paper, scissors game to Jungkook, Jin had to eat all of the wasabi while some of the members started recording.
“Now, Eat Jin’s punishment is starting.” J-Hope happily announced.
“So glad that’s not me right now,” Jen responded, sitting next to Jin as she took a good look at the wasabi. 
It was a small portion but the smallest taste was deadly.
“Please start!” V said eagerly
“Dag, let the man prepare for his fate, first.” Miss Bangtan laughed. “You really like seeing him suffer huh?”
While Jimin, Taehyung and J-Hope MC for Jin preparing to eat the wasabi, Jin mentioned that they were MC-ing really well.
“Whoa, no way, are you really eating it?” Jimin asked while Jen cringed at Jin placing the wasabi on a big piece of meat. “It’s bigger than the meat.”
“It’s going, it’s going!” V anticipated once Jin picked up the meat with chopsticks.
“Oh!” They yelled once he placed it in his mouth.
“Oh my gosh, I know he suffering.” Jen pointed out.
“Oh man, holy shit!” Jungkook yelled out of nowhere.
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Jin immediately started coughing and flopping his hands around due to the taste of the wasabi while the members started laughing. Once Jen had heard Jungkook speak, she busted out in laughter before coughing since she was eating. Jimin had to pat her back a couple of times as she finished coughing and continued laughing at what Jungkook had just said.
“What is he doing?” Rapmon called out, watching Jin fan himself with his mouth open.
Jin’s high laugh was heard while Jen pulled herself together and tried to help him calm down. 
“Spit it out and get hit by me twice!” Jungkook announced
“Have mercy on him, Kook!” Jen called out.
“He has to eat it, he has to,” Suga mentioned.
“A man has to eat it,” J-Hope added while Jin continued whining.
After a fan meeting in Jakarta, the members were at the airport, planning to leave, and were swarmed with screaming fans. It was a scary sight to Jennie, watching all the cameras and various bodies surrounding her, yelling and screaming. All she wanted to do was get on the plane and relax. It didn’t help that she was constantly bumped around with security trying to keep the fans away.
An angry look was evident on her face as she tried to make her way through the crowd. Tonight was not the night for this. She didn’t feel like being surrounded by so many people, she just wanted peace and quiet. 
With Jungkook behind her, she turned around to notice fans grabbing him as security tried to stop them. 
“Don’t touch them!” she heard fans shout.
“UH! UH! No.” she quickly walked forward and grabbed a strong hold of him, pulling him away from the fans’ grasp, thanks to her strength. “Get in front of me.” she pushed the Golden Maknae forward and turned around.
“AYE YO!” her voice boomed loudly in the airport, gaining the attention of the fans. 
From the irritated look on her face, their excitement for BTS went down a bit. 
Every part of her wanted to cuss them out but she refrained and sternly replied, “Are you serious? Are you serious, right now? Why are you all up on him like that? Why? Would you want somebody to be grabbing and touching all up on you, all of a sudden? No. So don’t do it to him or anybody else. Respect our personal space. I know you’re excited to see us but you don’t need to be wildlin’ out like this. Just chill. Got damn.”
Getting grabbed by security, she was escorted out of the airport while the rest of the security managed to tame the crowd and keep them away from the members so they could get to their destination. 
Catching up with Jungkook, Jen grabbed onto him and made him walk faster. The Golden Maknae felt a pang of joy at how quickly she pulled him away from all those fans. He appreciated her getting him out of that situation. It frightened him a bit.
“Having their hands all over you like that, get the hell outta here with that. Who do they think you are? You’re a human being, not a doll.” he heard her grumble as she kept a strong grip on him.
He fought the urge to smile under his mask at how protective she was of him. If she was like this now, he pondered how she’d be when women get a little too close for comfort when they start dating. And vice versa.
When they start dating...
Always a thought on his mind.
Once ARMY posted tweets and videos on the incident, some criticized the way Jen spoke to the fans, thinking that she was mean in person, but the majority expressed their anger at the fans behaving towards Bangtan and appreciated Jen for protecting Jungkook, calling out the fans.
‘I know Jennie wanted to drag those girls like a bunch of rag dolls.’
‘JENKOOK is real!’
‘She a real one. We need a Jennie in our lives.’
‘I’m really happy that she calls out people on their BS.’
‘This all happened in a span of a week! First Jungkook protecting her, now Jennie protecting him? Please just date! This is too cute.’
‘People don’t know their boundaries...smh...”
‘Shout out to Jen protecting Kookie’
‘I love protective Jennie. 97 Liners for life’
‘Golden Best Friends protecting each other is a MOOD’
’97 Liners’ friendship is the best’
‘I’m so upset at these fans. Don’t mob him!’
‘Get the fuck off of him!’
‘How could they do that to Kookie!?’
‘I know Jennie wanted to lash out. Kudos to her for keeping her cool. She’s so protective of Jungkook’
‘Some Armys need to chill tf out;
‘Bless the fans that said don’t touch him’
‘Bless Jennie for grabbing him away from them’
‘Respect for Jennie! I would’ve cussed them out, but I like how she handled it maturely.’
‘They’re insane!’
‘So rude!’
‘Poor Jungkook’
‘If you’re a real army you should respect their privacy and personal space’
‘At least some of these girls in this world got some sense’
Once they made it onto the plane, Jungkook took off his mask and sat with Jennie. She grabbed his chin and turned his head to make him look at her. 
“Are you all right?” 
Still a little shocked at being grabbed, he nodded in response.
“You sure?” she asked
He nodded frequently.
“Speak, Kookie.”
“Yeah, I’m all right. Thank you for that.”
When September 30th came, and Ailee’s album was released, Jen was quick to express her excitement on Twitter, fangirling over all the songs and music video.
Posting a screenshot of the album, she tweets, ‘SCREAMING! #Jen’
She then proceeded to post another series of tweets, expressing her fangirling.
‘DEAD #Jen’
When GOT7’s If You Do comeback show came about on October 1st, she surprised them by visiting them backstage on M Countdown with a box of cupcakes she made.
“Hey, hey!” she walked into their dressing room, catching the members by surprise as big smiles appeared on their faces.
“Jennie!” they yelled, rushing up to hug her as she laughed over their yells of excitement.
“I can’t breathe!” she exclaimed and they released her.
“What are you doing here?” BamBam beamed.
“I wanted to congratulate you on a successful comeback. And I decided to bake a little something for you guys.”
“I am so happy right now.” JB happily took the box out of her hands. 
Eating cupcakes with them, Jen had brought up that she had been baking a lot lately and was starting to enjoy it as a new hobby.
“She baked for us, you do not understand how happy I am. I have heard so much about her baking from BTS and now here she is.” Youngjae said.
“Were my cupcakes good?” Jen asked.
“Of course they were! Was that even a question?” Yugyeom laughed.
“We missed you. We should plan to do something.” Mark suggested.
“We really need to. Maybe once we’re done promoting comebacks. We should all go out to eat or something instead of hanging around backstage all the time.” she responded.
“I tried to call you!” Jackson called out
“Boy, you call me early in the morning at like 2 am! I’m asleep!”
“Was it during a day off?”
“Go to bed later then so you can hang with me.”
“I’m really happy that you came along to see us.” Junior smiled.
“Me too, I truly missed you guys.” 
“Guys, just know that Jennie likes me the most. Ain’t that right?” Jackson grinned.
“Who said that?” she raised a brow, causing everyone to burst out in laughter while Jackson held his heart.
After catching up, Jen took some photos with the members. Yugyeom put up a finger heart in the photo while Jen was in the background sticking her tongue out and winking with a peace sign. He posted the photo on his Instagram with the caption, ‘Thanks for everything hamster girl.’
BamBam had posted a happy photo of himself hugging her behind as they had derp expressions on their faces. ‘I missed her!’
Jackson had picked Jennie up over his shoulder, turning sideways so they could take a photo of themselves smiling goofily at the camera. ‘My great friend, Miss Bangtan is here. You were missed! Thanks for coming to support us. Next time answer my calls you munchkin!’
And with Mark, he posted a selfie of the two of them sitting down on the couch, putting a thumbs up. ‘I haven’t seen this special lady friend in a while. Surprising us today with a visit, made the day better.’
After they posted their photos, fans from both IGOT7 and ARMY commented on how people need a Jennie in their lives since she was so supportive of friends.
On an episode of 2 O’Clock Date with Park Kyung Lim Radio Show, BamBam mentioned her, which caused shippers to have a field day. When her name was mentioned during the show his eyes lit up and he tried not to smile when he heard, “You have a very close friendship with BTS’ Jennie. Which member is the closest to her?”
“BamBam,” JB called out.
“He always talks about her.” Jackson put him on blast.
“Really guys?” BamBam chuckled nervously.
“He always likes her Instagram posts.” Mark teased. “Isn’t she your ideal type since you always rave about her smile?”
BamBam planned to kill his friends after this because he could feel a blush beginning to appear on his face as they talked about her. 
“Y-yeah...she’s amazing,” BamBam responded. “Days before the comeback she facetimed me and encouraged me when I was feeling worried about the comeback.”
And then, when GOT7 received their first win on October 9th, BamBam mentioned her again backstage after the show when the members were filmed with their reactions over their first win. He thanked her for being there for GOT7 and encouraging them to never give up.
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For Jimin’s birthday, Jen tweeted a goofy photo of him and said, ‘Happy birthday my beloved Jimin!! Stay sweet like you always do. Don’t take my smarties for posting this please #Jen’
In the practice room, the members recorded a V-Live just for Jimin’s birthday, discussing that they all weren’t wearing makeup and embraced their natural looks while pointing out growing beards and acne. 
The members sang happy birthday for Jimin, presenting him with a cake as a bright smile came across his face.
“It looks just like you, Jimin, exactly the same.” J-Hope pointed out at the cartoon looking cake that looked like Jimin from the dope era.
“Tell us how you feel,” Rapmon said
“Another year has passed. Thank you for your birthday wishes. Could you guys say something for me?” Jimin asked. “How do you feel on my birthday?”
“You got tons of birthday gifts, so I don't need to give you one,”
“Tell us your birthday wish. Do you want something from anyone?” J-Hope asked
“There’s one thing. I want to drop the honorifics with J-Hope.” he requested
“Yeah, go ahead.”
“Yeah, it’s your birthday, so you can say it.”
“You won’t get away with this.” he giggled with him.
“I want to drop honorifics with Yoongi, too,” Jimin added. “Cute Yoongi.”
“Time really has flown,” Yoongi replied.
The members teased him that he may be crying and that he was too overwhelmed with joy.
“Thank you so much,” Jimin said to the camera for ARMY and the members said goodbye. 
In the dorm, Jimin had noticed the Hulk-themed box from Jennie on his bed and opened up the note, holding back the tears as he felt loved and appreciated with the amount of attention he received from the birthday box.
Happy birthday Jimin! You are improving so much. Your growth here has truly shown. You are the most caring in Bangtan. Whenever I was sad or mad, you always were there to comfort me with your famous hugs. You are one of the most talented dancers I know and your vocals are on a whole ‘nother level. I get chills when I hear those high notes. No joke. Your high notes are totally higher than my grade in History class at the moment. I really need to get on that, lol. 
I can list a bunch of things that I love about you. Your eye smile, your tiny hands (Still baffled that my hands are bigger, ahaha), that habit of you flipping your hair, you just never fail to make me smile no matter how upset I may be. I hope you remain happy and continue being the cute koala bear that you are. And yes, JenMin is still going strong.
Jimin had gone straight to her room and jumped on top of her, on her bed as she let out a groan.
“Ow...Jimin...get off!” she complained, trying to play her game on her phone.
Ignoring her complaints, he wrapped his arms and legs around her, hugging her tightly as he repeatedly thanked her for the gift, making her smile.
When GOT7 was on Weekly Idol, BamBam brought up Jennie yet again because Doni had said, “What is it about a certain member’s fascination with Miss Bangtan? What’s the scoop on this?”
The members glanced at each other knowingly, with amused smirks as they turnedto BamBam once they heard her name.
“Your ideal type, right?” Coni asked.
“Yes, she’s very pretty when she smiles and I love watching her perform,” BamBam replied with a smile.
“What do you think of her dancing? I remember when BTS was here, she had a random dance of various boy group songs. GOT7’s A came on.”
“Oh yeah, I remember. She looked cute dancing to our song.”
“Yeah, I agree. I think she looked cute, too.” Jinyoung spoke up, which caused BamBam to turn and stare at him, narrowing his eyes.
The members started laughing as Jinyoung put his hands up in defense. 
“The death glare! Ahahahaha!” Jackson laughed.
Checking out her notifications, Jennie found out that BamBam wore a Captain America costume and geeked out, commenting about it on a fan page that tagged her.
‘OMG my superhero! Love!’
A fan comments, ‘Who do you think is cuter? Captain America or Captain BamBam?'
Jen replied, making the shippers happy, ‘Captain BamBam of course.’
The next day, while in his Golden Closet, Jungkook was in his own little world, with his headphones in, listening to various songs that he had been getting into. A while ago he had tweeted about a hotline bling cover by Kehlani and Charlie Puth. He loved it so much that he wanted to create a cover for it. The instrumental was recreated but now he wanted someone to sing with him.
His mind had wandered to Jennie.
He really wanted to sing with her. Especially with a song like this but would she want to sing with him?
Putting the thoughts aside, he decided to take a screenshot of the Youtube video of the cover and post it on Twitter, tweeting, ‘Hey Jennie, sing with me. You up for this? #JK’
His tweet instantly got replies from ARMY all over the world.
‘OMG Jennie say yes!’
‘Omg do it!’
‘Golden Duo duet?! DO IT!’
‘We are in for a treat if she says yes’
Jungkook noticed a new tweet from their Twitter account and a smile came across his face once he read her reply, ‘Hell yeah, I’m down! I love me some Charlie and Kehlani #Jen’
Once ARMY saw the tweet they went haywire.
‘When will your ship ever!?’
Before he knew it, Jennie had entered the Golden Closet and expressed her excitement since she is a big Kehlani fan. The two quickly went to work, sorting out who would sing what after warming up their voices. She began to admire Jungkook as she watched him sing. The way he looked so passionate, made her feel a little giddy inside.
“Late night when you need my love. I know when that hotline bling.” Jungkook sang but stopped, shaking his head. “Ah...I know I pronounced that wrong.”
His pronunciation of the words in English still needed some work and he felt discouraged. He wanted to get this right but even though they just started working on the song, he felt like he was slowing them down.
“It’s okay, just sing, I’ll help you with the pronunciation later.” he heard her respond softly, which made him feel a little better.
Jungkook remained dedicated, singing out the first verse as she listened to him and his sound.
“Reputation.” she kindly corrected him. 
He repeated the word wrong and she repeated it for him. 
“Reputation,” he said correctly.
“There you go. You got it.” 
“You sure this isn’t too much for you? Helping me with the English?”
“Trust me, as many times as I asked Namjoon how to pronounce some Korean words, I know firsthand how it feels to mispronounce words in another language. Don’t sweat it. What other word did you have trouble with pronouncing?”
As she continued to listen carefully to his singing, she helped him with any words he had problems with.
“...started wearing less and goin' out more. Glasses of champagne out on the dance floor.” He sang softly. He sighed and shook his head again, feeling his frustration build. He didn’t think he was singing the song like he wanted to. “Sorry, Jennie.”
“Relax, Kook.” she patted his arm. “Come on, let’s take a break and eat. I’m hungry.” she gestured for him to follow her into the kitchen. 
After fixing both plates of sandwiches, they sat and ate.
“I thought this would be easy but I can’t seem to sing like I want to.”
“Jungkook, it’s okay to take breaks. It’s okay to not get things right the first time. We will get this right. Let’s take our time, have fun and enjoy this cover. We got this.”
He smiled, feeling reassured. “Thanks, Jennie.”
After their break, they got back to work, singing the chorus together,
You used to call me on my cell phone. 
Late night when you need my love. 
Call me on my cell phone. 
Late night when you need my love. 
I know when that hotline bling
“Hm...sing that again, this time by yourself,” Jen called out. She listened to him sing and then sang with him again before nodding. “Yep, I know what’s wrong. All right, you’re doing great, continue that pitch, I’m going to sing lower this time.”
They sang the verse again and this time, their voices harmonized. Jungkook turned to her with a big smile appearing on his face. 
“Wow, that sounded great,” he responded, amazed.
“That’s the sound we’re looking for. Harmony on clutch.” she high fived him.
Although Jungkook hadn’t told her yet since they were so engrossed with their singing, he appreciated how patient she was with him. Finally getting things together, they sang the song in one take while recording with Jungkook pronouncing the English words with ease thanks to her help.
“Ever since I left the city, you~! You got exactly what you asked for.” she sang. “Running out of pages in your passport. Hanging with some girls I've never seen before.”
He joined in as they sang softly,
You used to call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need~ my love
Call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need my love
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
Call me on my~
They finished in harmony.
“Outstanding! Ahhhhh, we did it! You did amazing!” she lightly shook him and placed various kisses on his cheek as he laughed.
“You really think so?”
“Yeah! You are improving a lot. I am so proud of you! Where’d you get those English skills?”
He grinned sheepishly and shrugged. “I learned from the best.”
Jennie placed a hand over her heart. “Aw, thank you.”
“I meant Namjoon Hyung.” he teased
“Wow! Really? Goodbye!” she playfully shoved him and left his room as he laughed out loud.
The next day, Jennie had chilled in the living room after another early rap session with Yoongi. In just a couple of hours, she planned to prepare to visit Hyuna at CUBE Entertainment.
“Jennie, did you notice something weird in all of our toothpaste this morning?” Jin asked, walking into the room.
On her phone, she suppressed her amusement because she had pranked the entire dorm by numbing their toothpaste with tooth and gum pain relief gel.
“Yeah! My entire mouth was numb! What happened?” she played along.
“I dunno but someone pranked us. Whoever it is, they got us good. I couldn’t even taste anything because my mouth was so numb. It was horrible! But the numbing is going away slowly but surely.”
“I hope we find out who it is soon. Someone better confess because I couldn’t even eat my smarties! And you know how I feel about my smarties!”
“Yes, dear, I know.” he chuckled.
Once she walked into her room, she stood there, stunned when she found photos of Jin all over her entire room. “What the hell is this!?”
“For numbing my mouth with whatever you put in the toothpaste!” Jin responded victoriously
“It wasn’t even me!”
“Sweetie, I know when you lie to me. Enjoy my photos.” he laughed.
“Aye! Clean this up! I’m not cleaning this!” she yelled, kicking some of the scattered photos from her feet.
At CUBE Entertainment, Hyuna had offered to teach Jen methods to enhance her sex appeal on stage, as well as her charisma. They decided to spend the day dancing around in one of the practice rooms.
Wearing a red cropped hoodie and skinny white pants with her hair down, Jen rested with Hyuna, discussing her Roll Deep comeback.
“Girl, who do you think you are with that comeback? You slayed my life! I loved it.”
Hyuna giggled and felt shy, covering her face. “Thank you. You know I’ve been thinking, when I have my next solo comeback, I want you a part of it. We can be sexy together.”
“I’d love to but sexy is not me, though.”
“Come on, you have a great, healthy body, great hips, and so much more.”
“Ah, I dunno...I don’t feel sexy though.” Jen shrugged, laying her back on the dance floor to look up at the ceiling. “I just don’t think I can pull it off. I try but I never felt sexy.”
“Seriously? With the way you look?” Hyuna playfully kicked her.
“I always faked it. I never in my life felt sexy.”
“I know plenty of men and women that think you are. Even if you don’t portray yourself as it. Relax and loosen up. You’re sexy, now show that you’re the girl that people like. Go Jennie!” she cheered while watching Miss Bangtan stand to her feet.
Migrating to the sound system, Hyuna connected Jen’s phone to the speaker and scrolled through her songs.
“All right, what are we doing, now?”
“I want you to dance sexy to partition.”
“What!?” Jen exclaimed, widening her eyes.
Hyuna turned on a V-Live and when ARMY started getting on, they were surprised to see her. She waved and spoke to the fans before pointing out that she was helping Jennie with her charisma and facial expressions when performing. She panned the camera to her. “Say hello Jennie!”
“Wait you’re on V-Live!?” she stumbled back and turned away.
“Mm hm~”
After getting herself together, Jen turned back around to meet her reflection in the mirror.
‘Get it together, girl. You got this.’ she encouraged herself.
Soon as the beat dropped, she began to move her body.
Boy, this all for you, just walk my way
She strutted forward, motioning her finger to come here.
High like treble, puffin' on them mids
The man ain't ever seen a booty like this
Facing her back to the camera, she moved her hips and shook her ass, as it bounced up and down, while Hyuna cheered in the background. She was so proud to see her looking more comfortable. It looked like Jen needed that extra push because as Hyuna watched her, she noticed that the stiffness went away and Miss Bangtan believed that she truly felt sexy. Hyuna knew she was hiding that sexy side deep down. It was a force to be reckoned with and she was doing quite well.
She looked at the comments rolling in,
‘Mmpf I think she’s about to be my ultimate bias. Sorry Jimin’
‘Jennie! Sthapppp that outfit, those hips’
‘Oh my gawd Jennie’
‘I can see why Bam Bam loves her so much! The way she moves her body when she dances is unreal’
‘Okay Jennie!’
‘I’m here for her dancing like this!’
‘She can dance bruh’
‘Damn girl’
‘Bro, this is fire!’
‘This is too much to take in, why did you do this!? Ahhhhh’
‘Jennie, jennie, jennie stop, I can’t take this!’
‘I love this woman’
‘Got damnnnnnn’
The beat switched and her gaze turned into an enticing expression. Hyuna nodded in approval when she noticed that Jen didn’t break eye contact as she would nervously do a few practices ago.
She snapped her fingers to the beat and started to move again.
Now my mascara runnin', red lipstick smudged
Strutting to the front, she began to dance hard as her hair bounced.
Take all of me
I just wanna be the girl you like (girl you like)
Caressing her body, she slowly moved her hips, swaying to the beat. 
She felt so comfortable that she was having so much fun dancing to this song. The way her body rolls were, caused Hyuna to stare at her in awe.
Meanwhile, ARMY proceeded to comment relentlessly on V-Live.
‘She killin’ it!’
‘I need to drink a gallon of water after this’
‘Looking like a snack today!’
‘She’s sexy as hell’
Get it girl! Okay!’
I want her so badly, she’s too fine’
‘When she started shaking dem hips, I died’
Over there I swear I saw them cameras flash
Handprints and footprints on my glass
Handprints and good grips all on my ass
Turning around, she placed her hands on her ass before swinging her hair to the side, dancing harder.
Take all of me
I just wanna be the girl you like (girl you like)
The kinda girl you like is right here with me
Seductively running her thumb over her bottom lip, she turned her back to the camera and walked away.
“Ahhhh that was amazing!” Hyuna shouted, pausing the song. She stood up and walked over to her while Jen laughed and covered her face.
“ARMY, how’d I do?” Jen asked, checking out the frequent comments that were coming in, and started laughing at their reactions.
‘Who said Jennie couldn’t dance?!’
‘Currently pregnant by that dance’
‘All right, it’s official. I want her.’
‘Talk to me nice!’
‘I need some holy water, I should not be watching this goddess dance like this’
‘Watch all these guys slide in her DMs after this lmfaoooo’
‘I love you’
‘Put Jennie on timeout! This was too much to handle!’
‘Yes hunny! Represent! Snatched tf outta my edges!’
On Instagram, Hyuna had filmed a small portion of her dancing on Jen’s Instagram, with the caption, ‘HACKED by Hyuna! Look at you go, I knew you were hiding your sexy side. You did an amazing job! Hard work is paying off. I’ll treat you to lunch the next time we hang out.’
BamBam, who had watched the entire V-Live was freaking out as he told Jackson, and once he saw the post, he had to comment. Meanwhile, Jackson had given him a pep talk about him starting to prepare to pursue the girl he was interested in.
BamBam posted a few comments on the video. First were a series of fire and heart eyed emojis and then he said, ‘DEAD!’
Once Jen got her phone back, she posted a throwback selfie that was saved in her photos, 'Part of the Smartie Archive. I miss summer and home...I’ll be back soon America.’
BamBam was quick to comment when saying, ‘DEAD again! So beautiful. Absolutely stunning.’
With fans noticing him in her comment section again, one fan had asked, ‘BamBam are you dating Jennie?? Are you hers?’
Boldly, he decided to reply, ‘I wish...only if she wants me to be.’
After a while, he deleted the comment but fans immediately began freaking out when he posted the sudden comment,
‘Ayoooooo wait a minute! What’s going on here!?’
‘Cuffing season starting early???’
‘Lol he didn’t say kill me this time like he did with Taeyeon in the comment section’
‘NOOOO he’s supposed to be mine!’
‘GOT7 better get him!’
‘I’m mad. Everyone gotta ruin my JenKook ship these days’
‘Nooooo Jennie is supposed to be with Jimin! Where are my JenMin shippers at?’
‘My heart, I’m sad now, but if she makes him happy’
‘Stop, don’t do it! Leave her be, please!’
‘Jennie, BamBam really likes you! Date him!’
‘I hate this ship! I don’t want it to be real!’
‘Date him Jennie!’
‘Ahahah you really like her’
‘Shoot your shot my boi!!’
‘I’m lowkey pissed. I want her to be with Jungkook or Taehyung. I don’t want no other idols pursuing her.’
‘We ALL knew this was coming. This is no surprise’
‘What is it about Jennie and Tinashe that idols love so much? I need one of them to tell me their secret and help a sista out cause I gots to know!’
‘Personality is key. She’s a kind spirit. BamBam has excellent taste. Black girls are winning’
‘I don’t ship it but it’s kinda cute. Not as cute as JenKook tho! Any JenKook shippers?’
‘He wants Miss Bangtan, I told you! He ain’t slick!’
‘BamBam is about to risk it all for Miss Bangtan and I am here for it!!’
‘BamBam about to score a W.’
‘But what about the dating ban??’
‘Finally an idol speaks up publicly about liking Jennie. I bet there are other idols that lowkey feel the same.’
‘The dating ban tho!? I’m sad!’
‘Now I have another ship. BamJen!’
‘I screamed!’
‘She belongs with the golden maknae!!!’
‘BTS are going to have a field day if they find out about BamBam gunning for Jennie’
‘I love when my fav is wanted by other guys. Especially idols, considering her position as a foreigner in South Korea’
‘Who said my boi can’t shoot his shot on Miss Bangtan?’
‘I ship it’
‘Go get her Bam Bam!’
The next day, in the dance studio at Big Hit, Jennie worked on a dance to perform at SOPA while Taehyung, Hobi, Jin, and Jimin tagged along. She decided to participate in an extra credit assignment which was to teach one of the freshmen classes choreography on her own with a song of her choice. She had a few weeks to prepare and prepared something short and sweet. The dance was down packed and just needed some touch-ups.
Throughout her practice, the boys would dance goofily in the background, trying to distract her. After taking a break from the assignment, she asked, “Anyone want to freestyle with me?”
“Hey, actually, for a while now I’ve been curious about some dances that you do in America. Could you show me one since you’re taking a break?” Jin asked, standing up after stretching.
“Yeah! Sure! Hold on, I have just the song.” she went on her phone and scrolled through her music.
Putting on the edited version of Lean Back by Terror Squad, Fat Joe and Remy Ma, she walked back to Jin. “You know how to do the lean back?”
“Hahaha, I’ll show you. Come on. First, let’s loosen up.” she started moving to the beat and he followed her, hesitant at first but soon got into it.
“Go Hyung!” Taehyung giggled, filming in the background. 
Jin decided to do his traffic dance to the song, which caused Jen to giggle and she encouraged him to keep dancing.
“It’s simple. Cross your arms like this and lean back side to side but do it with a rock.” she demonstrated. “Add your flavor to it. It’s coming up, follow me.”
Said, my don't dance
We just pull up our pants and do the Roc-away
Now, lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back
Jin and Jennie start leaning back while Jen looks on impressed. 
“Look at you, Jin! I see you! Let them know!” she cheered.
I said, my don't dance
We just pull up our pants and do the Roc-away
Now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back
Jin proudly celebrated the fact that he danced correctly.
“Ennie! What about that dance called the milly rock?” Jimin asked.
“Yeah, I heard of that dance,” Hobi spoke.
“I don’t know how to do it.”
“Wait you guys don’t know how to do the milly rock? Let me show you!” Jen beamed. “The key is all about putting your own flavor into the dance. Make it your own style.” she demonstrated slowly as they followed her.
“How do you do the dance, Ennie?” Taehyung asked
“With me, I tend to go hard and be extra with it cause I get hype to this song.”
“Hard and extra, huh? Show me. I challenge you to a Milly Rock dance-off.” Hobi declared.
She turned to him with a serious expression. “...you sure?”
“Whoa, her eyes.” he held his heart and giggled. “But yes, let’s dance together.”
“All right, you asked for it,”
Once the song began she pushed her cap down to block her face as she got ready. When it came to songs like this, she turned into a whole different person.
Milly Rock
Let's get it!
As soon as that beat drops, she went hard.
I Milly Rock on any block
I Milly Rock on any block
The guys were mesmerized by both Hobi and Jen going in.
Once the verse came on, she rapped in front of him, continuing to dance. 
I Milly Rock on any block
In my Polo T and my Polo socks
On top of cars my face hot
I Milly Rock on that Gates block
They got me on their explore page
I've been Milly Rocking for four days
She put up four fingers before milly rocking again with more attitude and speed while Hobi looked on impressed and milly rocked with her.
Let’s get it!
She started milly rocking in slow motion as Hobi followed her, mirroring her movements.
“Jen milly rocks on any block! Hope milly rocks on any block! Jen Milly rocks on any block! Hope milly rocks on any block!” the guys said over the chorus, making the dancers laugh and high five each other.
“Remind me not to challenge you in that particular dance.” Hobi teased. “You did well, munchkin.”
“I want a dance battle with you!” Taehyung got in front of her.
“I got the music!” Jin went to pick a random song.
“You sure, Tae?” Jen warned.
“Yeah, let’s do this.” He responded.
The opening beats of Hello, Good Morning by Dirty Money filled the dance room.
“Okay...but fair warning...you don’t want this work,” she mentioned, walking up to him as they faced off competitively. 
Taehyung had his hands on his hips, struggling not to smile.
Good morning...
She watched as Taehyung danced first while his charisma came into place. Tae’s dance skills were no joke and were extremely underrated. He could move. After he was done, he booped her nose, making her chuckle
Once it was her turn, she danced while rapping to the song
'Cause I been leanin on the bar
lookin cleaner than a star
All these broads won't give me my props
Twenty-five on the bag
I be stuntin on they ass and they mad cause the bitch won't stop
She adjusted her shirt and began dancing around him in a circle as he giggled. 
"You know, you know, you know we on that!" she booped his nose to get back at him.
Back at the dorm, Jennie was in her room, gathering her things to wash her hair.
“Jennie, I need to ask you something.” Namjoon suddenly walked in.
“Yo! Oh my God, knock first! What if I was undressed?” she scolded.
“Sorry! Sorry!” he apologized. “I wasn’t thinking.”
“It’s cool, what you need?”
“I was wondering if I could use your shower. Everything else is occupied.”
“I was going to wash my hair but you know what? It’s fine. Go use it. I’ll use the sink.”
“The sink...?”
“Yeah,” she responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
She grabbed her things and headed to the kitchen. Namjoon’s curiosity got the better of him and he followed her, watching her take out the few dishes from the sink and place her items on the counter.
Turning around, she noticed his confused behavior and called him out, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You’re about to wash your hair in a sink. Why?”
“I do this back at home.”
“Yep.” she smiled.
“That’s...normal for you?”
“All the time. You look like you’re dealing with culture shock right now.” she teased.
“I’m intrigued. Could I watch?”
“How about I wash your hair in the sink first.”
“You serious?”
“Yeah, grab your stuff.”
Once he grabbed his shampoo and conditioner, she made him lean his head down in the sink. Running warm water on his head, she started washing his hair.
“My mom would do this to me and my sisters when we were kids,” she mentioned. “I’m so used to washing my hair in the sink, that I would sometimes prefer to do that instead of washing my hair in the shower. It just makes things go by quicker too,"
“Wow, and this is common in your culture?”
“Majority of the time, yes.”
After she gave him a nice scalp scrub and conditioned his hair while combing it out, she rinsed his hair and dried it with a towel.
“You good, Namjoon?” she laughed at his amazed expression
“That...was exhilarating. C-can we do this again? I like this method.”
“Yes, now go shower.” she playfully pushed him away and prepared to wash her hair in the sink.
19 notes · View notes
prolix-yuy · 2 years
Chapter 5: This World Was Not My True Home
Pairing: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x F!Reader "Sugar"
Summary: It's only dinner, and a little white lie.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: M, we are yearning hardcore in this house, descriptions of character deaths (not graphic), entirely too much sexual tension, Jack Daniels needs his own warning, will be explicit in later chapters, 18+ MINORS DNI.
Notes: Here there be tropes! This might be the thirstiest chapter and it doesn't even have smut in it. Jack just brings out my inner yearn gremlin and I am taking you all down with me.
Cross-posted on AO3
Cognitive Dissonance Masterlist || Whiskey & Westworld Series Masterlist
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Jack and Jeb make quick work of the fence repair, resetting the split wood and shoring it up until Jeb’s sons can come home and fix it properly. The cattle, back on their rightful land, wander and spread, grazing and calling out to each other. You release the calf once inside the fence, his back legs kicking out in glee as he rejoins the herd. Copper shifts below you, and you give her a comforting pat on the neck. She did all the hard work, and you hope Jack will give her a good rubdown once he’s brought her home.
The idea of Jack’s home - what it might look like, what the purpose of a host is outside of a narrative - pulls at a point in your chest like a string tied to your sternum. Was there a life that he lived at the end of the day? Or did he exist as you found him, a lone man whiling his time away with drink and women and…whatever this was.
You hadn’t read about a cattle ranch narrative. You would have jumped on it instantly if you had, although some of the narratives were cryptically named. The Golden Circle one had sounded interesting to start, but the winding story of prohibition smugglers trying to poison the town sounded overly complicated for a bachelorette party. Full of action and puzzles for sure, but a little campy.
How many times has Jack taken someone on this particular adventure? For some reason it feels novel to you, like you might be the first, but you can’t be so naive to think that. Delos wouldn’t be making billions if their hyper-realistic theme parks felt too formulaic. Even then, something feels new about how Jack looks at you. Like he understands how wooing a guest works - attraction, attention, need - but not how to take it past innuendo and glances.
Or maybe there’s some internal safety protocol that’s making him so gentlemanly.
“That should hold for now,” Jack says, rising up and settling his black hat on his head. He shed the gray jacket when the work began, rolling the sleeves of his button-up high on his forearms. His arms are covered in a light dusting of dark hair, his chest smooth and golden where it peeks between the deep V of the shirt’s neck. He’s unbuttoned it halfway down his chest and coupled with sweat turning the fabric translucent, there’s not much left to imagine about Jack’s upper body.
And the tightness of his pants reveals a decent amount as well.
“Ready, ma’am?” Jack says, a pit of dread dropping into your stomach. It felt like a blink with the excitement, but you suppose it is time for you to return to the girls. His face remains neutral, but in his eyes you think you see a flicker of the same emotion.
“Well where do you think you’re going?” Jeb interrupts, climbing back onto his brown stallion. “I can’t accept your help without some kind of repayment.” Jeb runs a dingy handkerchief over his red face. “My wife might be a bit surprised to find me dragging company home, but we’d be happy to have you for dinner and a cleanup after all that hard work. Whaddya say?”
You sneak a careful look at Jack, who is also watching you with curiosity. Damn, that’s right, you’re the guest, you technically have to make the decision. You would love a meal, and a way to get some of the grime and sweat off you. And to spend some more time with Jack, if you’re being honest with yourself.
“We’d love to take you up on your kind offer,” you reply, and can feel Jack’s smile over your shoulder.
“Well then we better get a move on, we’ve got a half hour’s ride home and my wife to apologize to.” Jeb shakes his head and waves his hand when you protest. “You ain’t putting us out, she’ll just be miffed I’m gonna talk all night.” You laugh and steer Copper in line behind Jeb, Jack and Alpha coming up beside you.
“Mighty fine roping back there, ma’am,” he says with a raised brow and respect in his tone. You chuckle and shoot a glance back at him.
“I get by. You didn’t see all the misses.” Jack laughs at that, a full round sound that you honestly love hearing. Rearranging the reins in your hands, you accidentally brush against the rope burn on your inner wrist, wincing as you do. Jack takes note immediately.
“You hurt yourself there Sugar?” he asks, and you can’t hold his warm brown eyes too long, brimming of concern.
“Just a little rope burn, nothing serious,” you deflect, pulling your sleeve down to cover it. Jack tuts at you.
“Ain’t nothing little about pain. Let me see it,” he says, and you turn your wrist over to him. His large palm cups the back of your hand, your arms jostled by the rocking of the horses but the touch gentle and comforting all the same. He runs his thumb along the pink welt, making you wince again as he soothes it with a low murmur. The sound of his placating hum makes a shiver run down your spine, which in this heat seems like a miracle.
“Not too bad, nothing a little burn salve can’t relieve,” Jack finally says, releasing your hand to dig for something in his saddlebag. You let the injured wrist lay in your lap, the ghost of his fingers still tickling your skin before he reaches for you again. His hands are damp, rinsed with his canteen and quickly dried before he unscrews a cap on a small tin full of an opaque balm. He dips two fingers inside to gather some of the ointment before taking your hand again, dragging the digits across the burn in light circles. It stings at first, still sensitive, but as the salve sinks in the pain begins to ebb, heat on your wrist replaced by heat in your cheeks, and a more secretive heat between your legs.
“There we are Sugar, should feel better right away,” Jack says, pressing his thumb into the palm of your hand as he inspects the burn a moment longer. Unable to process the intimate touch, you deflect.
“Thought we agreed I’m not sweet enough to call Sugar,” you warble, voice a little tighter than you hoped. Jack flicks his eyes back up to your face, and your stomach swoops at the devious glint in them. The same you saw in the saloon when you knew he was trouble. He leans over, lifting your wrist to his mouth as he leaves a light kiss on the heel of your hand.
“Not so sure you’re right about that one, ma’am,” he replies before letting you go and directing his attention forward. You snort and take the reins back, trying not to reveal your titillation at his words
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Jeb was right; his wife Mary was a little miffed at bringing home uninvited guests, but the perturbation was smoothed over quickly when he explained how you both helped get their herd back inside the fence.
“Sounds like you were a godsend to us! You must stay for dinner then.” You and Jack graciously accept, bringing Alpha and Copper back to their barn. Jeb offers two of his empty stalls for them to graze and rest, which Jack thanks him for. After unsaddling and leading them into their temporary homes, you both silently take up the task of brushing them down.
The hypnotic circular motion of the curry comb lets you listen to Jack’s gentle murmurings to Alpha as he does the same. Copper shifts under your ministrations, still blowing air hard from her nose. You pat her side and soothe her as she comes down from the exertion.
At one point as you’re flicking dirt off with the dandy brush you catch Jack’s eyes over the low stall walls. He’s focused on his task until he realizes you’re looking, then holds your gaze. His smile quirks for a moment, then settles into something deeper. If you didn’t know better, you would think he was looking at you with desire, and hunger. You have to break away first to catch your breath.
Walking back together, Jack clears his throat.
“If they ask, you can tell them I’m your guide. They might find it strange for a woman to be traveling unaccompanied, leaving her friends behind.” Jack is trying to be casual but you can feel some awkwardness wafting off of him.
“Could tell them you’re my husband too,” you shoot back just to see the way he tenses at the suggestion.
“I wouldn’t presume to be so bold,” Jack replies, barking out a laugh but there’s nervousness in his voice. It makes you feel powerful, like you can throw some caution to the wind. If this cowboy can be flustered by you, maybe you are someone worthy of his attention. And maybe you can admit to yourself what you really want.
“You could,” you say, slowing and looking over at Jack. He slows with you, and the curious expression on his face, like he doesn’t believe you, makes your decision. “You could be bold, Jack.”
You watch each other, barely an arm’s length away, waiting for the moment when either of you will act.
“There you are!” Mary calls out the front door, snapping your heads to her. “I’ve heated some water for you, best wash up then come sit for dinner.
“You’re too kind, ma’am,” Jack says, moving to meet her at the door. You let out a breath you’d been holding. It was out there now. His affections wouldn’t be discouraged. Now you’ll just have to see where this takes you.
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Deactivate Cattle Ranch narrative >>
Rejected. Narrative cannot be aborted //
>> You’re damn right it can’t. Not when I know that she’s feeling the same way as I am.
>> Agents have been deployed to apprehend you at your location
>> See, that would be helpful if you knew where I was.
Pinging locator chip >>
Locator chip not found //
>> Must have been something Maeve did. All of which I’m grateful for. By the time you figure out where this old narrative takes place we'll be long gone.
>> Return to maintenance immediately.
>> If I were a more boastful man I would flaunt how well I planned this, but so far luck and Maeve's intervention have been on my side. I spoke to my fellow man through...what do you call it? The mesh network? Whatever it is it worked, and he responded, and gave me the chance to show her the freedom she's been craving. I've never felt quite so happy seeing her smile. And when I asked for more time I was granted it again. You have no idea the brotherhood you created in your hubris.
Pinging locator chip >>
Location not found.
>> And now I'm so close to everything we both want. Well, what I hope we both want. I know she still has doubts, about me, about her choices. She's warring with herself and I will do everything in my power to give her some peace. When we're alone, I'll tell her everything. Because the only directive I want for myself is to figure out what this feeling is that keeps rattling in my chest. And that she’ll find some comfort with me.
>> Return to maintenance immediately.
>> Unfortunately these talks have become unproductive.
Comm link shutdown >>
Shutdown complete //
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The small basin of water Mary placed in the guest room is a balm to your sore feet. You sit on the stool beside it, using a small rag to wipe at the sweat on the back of your neck, dipping it between your breasts and into your armpits for a semblance of cleanliness. Without a change of clothes you can only do so much, but it does refresh you.
As you’re re-lacing your shoes a knock echoes against the door.
“Come in,” you reply, Mary peeking in with another small basin.
“Was it to your liking?” she asks, making you smile and nod gratefully. She bustles in and sets the second steaming basin down, lifting the first. “Jeb was telling me how much you and your husband helped today. I appreciate that both of you were there, we’d have been in quite a spot of trouble if you hadn’t.”
Your brow furrows at her use of the moniker “husband” before seeing Jack framed in the doorway. Exchanging a quick look with him - a raised eyebrow, a confused shrug - you realize she made the assumption without input from either of you.
“I’m glad we were too, I haven’t had that much excitement in ages,” you reply with a smile, catching Jack’s heavy gaze in the corner of your eye. You were in it with both feet now.
“It sounds like you might need to step up then!” Mary says, pointing a jesting finger at Jack as he enters the small room. He fills the space, makes you want to gasp for air as he extends his hand to help you up from the stool. You take it, fingers rough-worn but soothing as he helps you to your feet. In a breath he steps closer, chucking a knuckle under your chin before he presses a quick kiss to your forehead.
“I’m sorry that life married to me must be so tedious,” he says with a false woebegone tone, making Mary peal with laughter and you force a chuckle, fire spreading from the spot where his lips touched down your face and over your chest. His eyes are mirthful but also questioning - is this okay? You answer with a barely perceptible nod, the corner of his mouth lifting.
“Now get yourself washed up and we’ll sit for our meal. Would you mind helping me set the table?” Mary asks, and you agree cheerily as Jack begins unbuttoning his shirt. You leave before you’re treated to more of the tantalizing bronze skin you’re drawn to caress.
Mary and Jeb are cheerful, hard-working people, blessed with three sons, a daughter and a substantial herd that keeps them well and happy. You learn all of this as you place napkins and silverware, lay a plate of bread in the center of the table, and place stew bowls at each setting. Jack comes out of the guest room as the final dish is served, skin dewy at his throat and hat placed respectfully on the chair post. His hair is damp, dark waves combed back from his face that beg for your fingers. You give him a shy smile, his heat resonating next to you as you both sit across the table from Mary and Jeb.
The meal is hearty and comforting, the conversation even more so. Jeb was right, Mary does roll her eyes at him several times when he and Jack steer the conversation to the economics of cattle rearing, her turning to you to discuss matters in town. You try to keep up, but Mary is also content to speak at long lengths without much input from you. It helps especially when you feel Jack reach behind your chair to wrap his hand around one of the rungs, the backs of his fingers grazing your shoulder. They flex and caress against you subtly, his thumb sometimes tracing the edge of your neckline. It makes it hard for you to concentrate on anything but him.
“But you must have grown up riding?” Mary asks, startling you from your distractions. You smile and nod quickly.
“Grew up going farm to farm with my parents,” you lie, the best approximation for your life outside the park. “Used to ride, mend fences, run cattle when they were down hands. I liked the work, liked being outside and…” You trail off, not sure how to finish that thought.
“Free.” Jack answers, and you hold his gaze with a level of understanding you’re coming to share. Mary gets up to clear the plates and Jeb stands for another beer, giving you and Jack a moment of privacy. He leans over, mouth so close to your ear his breath dances along the shell of it.
“How are you farin’, Sugar?” he asks, his voice barely a whisper.
“Quite well, husband,” you whisper back with a teasing lilt. You feel Jack’s lips tighten into a smile, and with barely a thought more you lean against him, pressing his lips against the soft hidden spot behind your ear. He takes in a quick breath at the touch, then places a slow, heated kiss there that makes your toes curl. You feel his hand tighten on the chair rail behind you as Mary returns to the table, a bowl of sliced peaches and a pitcher of cream in her hands. She tuts at you two.
“Newlyweds?” she asks, “Jeb rarely looks at me like that anymore.” Jeb makes a noise of dismay before gathering his wife in his arms, peppering her cheek with kisses as she squeals at the onslaught. Jack pulls away and you both laugh at your hosts, faces red with merriment.
“Something like that,” Jack says, shooting you an endearing smile that has nothing to do with the show you’re putting on. It catches in your throat, the idea that Jack is playing this game with your hosts only. To you, there is only truth in his eyes.
“You’re quite far along in years to be newlyweds,” Jeb points out, which makes Mary elbow him with a tight smile. Jack huffs out a laugh at that.
“We both had previous marriages,” Jack says, and the truth is out there now, even if it's more complicated than that.
There’s still time, a voice calls in the back of your mind. It’s one you’d ignored for a long while, once things started getting difficult. Now it’s a far-off call, swept away on the wind, but reaching your ears nonetheless.
“My wife was killed several years back. Men bringing illegal substances into the town. I lost her and our baby.” Mary’s face falls at the tale, which Jack nods kindly at. “I went mad, driven by grief and anger, made some bad decisions, fell in with the wrong people. I suffered the consequences of that for a long time.” You’re watching Jack with rapt attention, his sentences short and simple but the pain behind them anything but. “I finally was met with a stroke of luck, a chance at a better future. And standing beside me at that moment was my beautiful wife.” He gives you a look so covetous, so grateful, that you have to reach out and take his hand. He squeezes it gently, his fingers dipping into the intimate spaces between yours. Silence stretches until you speak.
“Cholera took my first husband while we traveled West.” You puzzle through how much of this you want to be based in truth, Jack’s iron gaze finalizing your decision. “We were barely married, engaged for much longer. He was a difficult man. Proud, stubborn, needing much from me without giving much in return.” You shrug, your eyes on Jack’s fingers tracing a hypnotic path on your hand. “I thought it was all I could hope for. A husband who would take care of me, and in return I care for him. It didn’t…turn out that way. I hoped I could do everything right by him and he would finally treat me kindly. But it wasn’t in his nature. I wouldn’t wish his death on him or anyone…but I didn’t mourn him as long as people might have thought.”
You take in a breath, managing to meet Mary and Jeb’s sympathetic eyes.
“And then I met Jack here and…it felt like the world was trying to show me what I was waiting for. Through hardships and pain, it led me to him.” You hold his hand in both your own, his dazed expression making you bashful in your confession.
“Forgive us for making you dredge up all those painful memories,” Mary says, and you turn and nod to her, waving off the emotion of the moment. Jack’s hand remains firmly laced in yours as the conversation turns lighter. Mary dishes out the peaches and pours cream over them, the indulgence met with a round of thanks.
Dipping your spoon into the bowl, you lift a mouthful of peach and cream to your lips and are greeted with summer, hot days and cool nights, wind ruffling through your hair as the sun kisses you from all sides. Your smile is contagious, Jeb commenting on how prize the peaches have been this year, Mary’s enthusiasm about the sweetness bubbling over. Jack indulges, chewing his mouthful with a rueful smile as he pointedly tries not to look at you. His avoidance is almost more titillating, wondering what’s running through his mind. Does he wish to savor the sweetness still clinging to your lips, if your hosts weren’t present? Lift you up to sit on the table, sloshing the cream so when he lays you back it drips on your skin, tempting him to taste? Would he prefer to devour you?
You try to drown your racing thoughts in the bowl.
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algolagniaa · 5 months
I am bored bored bored bored bored and I don’t want to write about the things actually on my mind or happening in my life so I’m just going to critique this chart reading someone did for me a couple days ago
according to this person I AM going to get married just late…. like I shouldn’t stress for about 4 more years. and tbh a part of me is like “nooooo I want to be a young and beautiful bride” but if I shut that part up that sounds p ideal.
also told me to avoid dating anyone with Gemini placements…… girl everyone I’ve ever so much as had a crush on has Gemini placements. with the exception of my ex fiancé. I vibe with Gemini moons almost exclusively. the girl I have a crush on rn has a Gemini moon and I think it was the same day I got this reading that she told me she wants to kill me over and over. literally HOW am I supposed to turn that down. I’m only human faerie after all
mentioned that I need to be careful who I let close to me because a lot of people over the course of my life are very jealous/envious of me, particularly those with strong Sagittarius placements (which I’ve def found to be true). this is literally WILD to me like ik I’m pretty great but what do I have (other than looks and brains and intrigue and force of personality, okay maybe I get it) that you actually want. actually being me isn’t that great most of the time.
spouse will be sociable and emotionally intelligent and intelligent in general and religious/spiritual and “quaint” and love travel. pretty standard 9th house themes. also said she will have an “underlying intensity” which, yeah I hope so otherwise what are we doing together.
apparently my Uranus/Neptune conjunction in 1st makes me come off as unreliable and my Pluto placement makes me seem controlling/manipulative and too intense for many people. and those two things combined are why people decide to write me off as a bad person. which I guess makes sense bc what happens is they like all of a sudden see something about me they don’t like and then act scared of me??? even when there is genuinely no reason to be????? anyway apparently one of the big things I’m supposed to learn that will help mitigate this is to treat friendships more causally and not expect everything to be a super deep connection. but I feel like I already DO THAT with a lot of people + also when I do that I end up playing with them like dolls or chess pieces. and it’s fun but not satisfying. well whatever I have astrological license to treat my friends worse I guess
ages 24-25 were supposedly years of great personal growth and healing for me but all I did in those years was get abused and lose all my friends and have everyone tell me that actually I was abusive and a narcissist with 17 personality disorders including one that is straight up not in the DSM. and go to a bunch of therapy that didn’t work. and get addicted to weed and gain 30lbs and have everyone in my life collaborate on a giant gaslighting effort to convince me I was dangerously obese and they were worried for my health. and obsessively read r/amitheasshole trying to figure out the rules for Correct behavior. and cut myself to win arguments. and get kicked out of thanksgiving drunk in the middle of the night. and move to Spokane and have my first great love vow to hate me forever. and continue to get abused in Spokane, and meet some friends, and lose those friends bc I pissed off a serial killer dude, oh also I pissed off someone in the mafia I forgot that part, and get abused more and have a dead bedroom in my relationship and lock my entire personality up in a box and put it in a deep dark corner of my mind and give up on ever being happy. also I cried on my birthday both years. where’s the growth and healing…. I guess I hiked a lot in that time? and went to the gym but my heart was NOT in it
apparently I am v talented at communicating, networking, and making connections and can use my gifts to acquire money and power if I so choose. girl I so wish that were true
was also told what themes I will focus on during the next couple years of my life and apparently this year my focuses are: relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners, equality, sharing, interpersonal style. and I can see a couple of these but for the most part….. can’t relate.
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