#and i told her that i believe these people SAY that they arent gay but theres no way they were actually converted its not possible
crabussy · 2 years
you guys would not believe the convo I just had with some of the sys (sunny, circe, moon, phoebe, francis, martin and jon)
we were in the living room of headspace discussing what stuff we should do while on holiday and a fucking. disembodied brain??? floats into the middle of the room??? and just hovers there and we're all freaked the fuck out and it just. becomes a full nervous system and them it has muscles and skin and clothes and boom. it was phoebe. WHAT THE FUCK. WHY WOULD SHE. WHAT. WHY.
turns out she was just having fun fucking with the dream-physics of headspace. later in the convo she was suddenly an autism creature after a brief confetti explosion and then she turned her hair into hatsune miku's hair. wtf is wrong with this girl. also british people (jon and martin) joined the convo and started being GAY IN FRONT OF ALL OF US. GROSS (it was cute actually)
#it was a good convo!!! today is a good day in the system ((: everyones getting along for once and things arent as fuzzy as usual :D#jon and martin were being GAY. moon was just Sitting There. phoebe butted in a lot but its ok we love her#circe is actually much wilder than I thought??? I'm not too close with her but I assumed she wasn't that silly but turns out shes bonkers#I underestimated your clownery circe. im sorry#also I get!! really nervous talking about this on main! because I've had really scary rubbish encounters with fakeclaimers in the past etc#so I kinda feel anxious when talking about the positive parts of being part of a system#because everyone on r/fakedisordercringe believes that plurality is a traumatic nightmare 100% of the time )):#its hard!! its REALLY difficult and sucky being a system.#of course it is we're 24 people sharing one body and 23 of us can't even be acknowledged#etc etc. it sucks its a disorder#BUT its also just an alternate way of existing as a human!! we have fun we make friends we make fun of each other and have good times.#mostly.#WOW. RANT. OOPS. but I just want to say that I want to share my experiences as part of a nutty crew of morons... a ragtag band of misfits..#I want to show you guys the positives. try and destigmatise this bitch!!!!! the negatives are there too and I will talk about them sometime#but for now. this was a really fun convo and I wanted to share it#robin shut up challenge#not gonna tag this as anything because I don't want anons telling me I'm making stuff up.#please trust me I've been told that dozens of times you really don't need to tell me#my professional psychiatrist/therapist believes I am a system. you are a stranger on the internet who has never met me. please refrain from#sending anons fakeclaiming#WOW I AM NERVOUS TODAY BOYS#dont be surprised if this post disappears
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neofelis----nebulosa · 9 months
KInda having some issues with something my friend said last night and i want to move past it but cant stop thinking about it
#so basically my friend who ive had since freshman year of hs said something on the phone that really doesnt sit right with me#shes gotten into christianity and she didnt grow up christian but she met some christian friends who have kind of gotten her into it#and she talks about it a lot#i dont know much about the actual church itself but it seems to me like theyre sort of pressuring her into it and dare i say...#...indoctrinating her#like i dont get it she was never particularly religious but now shes getting all serious about this stuff and how she doesnt want to go...#...to hell and wants to get baptized and all that stuff#shes also alluded to this churchs interpretation of scripture as not lgbt friendly#from what shes said it very much gives love the sinner hate the sin vibes#and the issue at hand here is that they believe that conversion is possible and necessary in order to live a life free of sin or something#at least this is what i get from what shes told me#and she was telling me about how people get baptized and say they arent gay anymore and i just said i dont believe that for a second#and she said well its true#and i told her that i believe these people SAY that they arent gay but theres no way they were actually converted its not possible#and explained basically that people can lie about their sexuality and often do out of pressure to perform heterosexuality#but tbh i was kinda thrown off so i dont think i was particularly well spoken in explaining and the examples i gave from my own life didnt.#...really illustrate what i was trying to say and i didnt do a great job of making that connection between my examples and the point i was.#...trying to prove#tbh i didnt think much of it at the time i just kind of moved on but today i cant stop thinking about it#its so frustrating to me how she just takes things at face value and doesnt think to look below the surface#ive been waiting for this whole christianity thing to run its course with her and at one point it seemed like she was done with it but...#...shes gone right back#and now shes telling my about considering becoming baptized and stuff#and how her parents dont approve and all that stuff#and im just like i feel like shes being lost to conservative christian ideology#even though she doesnt seem to recognize it as such#but like idk what to even say or how to confront her#she doesnt even know my sexuality and i dont want to out myself in explaining why these things from the church are harmful to me as her...#...friend#she knows im not straight i came out to her as asexual back in high school
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antiv3nom · 2 months
asuka ask game? pick your favorite one
ok so i do enjoy asuka guiltygear but i have been thinking REALLY hard about asuka tekken as of late so we're talking about her today
also this took me WAY too long to post i apologize but it Is out here so yaaaay
favorite thing about them:
ok so legally i have to mention asuka's tekken 8 design because motherfucker WHAT were they thinking with that one. what the fuck was the inspiration. but i love it so much i cannot lie
other than that, i really enjoy her rivalry with lili and how moderately insane that bit has gotten, and i like how they've kept her a character who is a) defensively focused in her gameplay even among the generally aggressive play of t8, and b) has a generally down-to-earth feel to her despite. Everything. happening in tekken
least favorite thing about them:
so i was actually talking to a friend about this recently and she explained my feelings really well, its like. asuka feels like the protagonist of another story that isnt being told.
it feels like she has so much stuff that COULD be a really interesting plot focus for her but it just. hasnt been? like everything between her and feng COULD be so neat but its just been sort of...by the wayside for the past few games in favor of keeping up with the mishimas (new sitcom there btw)
favorite line:
asuka's quotes are fun but most arent super noteworthy unfortunately? its mostly pretty standard fare for fighting game open and win quotes unforch :( i will say though, i do really enjoy this win line in t8 from her:
It's not good to fight all the time. Well, see ya!
bc like. girl. what do you think youre out here doing rn. girl please
(note: i dont speak japanese so i couldnt say anything towards this, but i wonder if asuka speaks with a kansai accent/dialect in game? her being from osaka and all, itd be a cool little addition)
omg actually ive seen stuff between leo and asuka that's been fun before i really enjoy that, iirc theyre not super close in the main canon but i wanna say in the non-canon webcomic theyre friends? i think thats right? either way its a fun concept
fellas is it gay to buy your rival's dojo and fill it entirely with roses to get their attention? certainly not. certainly.
i do wish we saw some amount more narrative tension between them since most of it has sort of dissolved by t8 but i do think theyre really cute and as mentioned before i really do enjoy their whole bit its awesome
i do not think i have been around long enough to see another pairing for asuka, let alone one i dislike, so i cannot answer this question LMAO
random headcanon:
spun my mental wheel of headcanon topics and it wouldnt stop spinning for like half an hour unfortunately so im just telling you that i think asuka would play baiken or may in strive
unpopular opinion:
i still havent been here long enough to know whats unpopular regarding her :,) although i think in terms of gameplay i think she's cooler than most people believe, though i do agree that her current iteraiton in t8 isnt very strong within the meta unforch :(
song i associate with them:
i can nigh on guarantee that it's because ive been listening to this song while thinking about her really hard recently but absolute zero by natori (banger btw go watch the music video it goes unbelievably hard), i think the lyrics arent entirely unfitting though!!!
favorite picture of them:
i really like this profile art option for her, the posing is fun and the textures on the clothing are really impressive
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and then also i have to mention her preset 3 outfit which i LOVE SO SO MUCH
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(apologies as i cant find a better example pic and do not feel like opening t8 at 2 in the morning on this day)
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pinkandpurple360 · 7 months
Mammon-Craves-Hugs Anon (Thanks for the name.)
The sins are such fascinating characters. I’m hoping Sinsmas lives up to its name. I would kill for the sins just hanging together like it’s Smiling Friends because nothing is funnier than jacked up creatures doing mundane tasks. (An episode like this t-shirt would be worth my savings: https://sharkrobot(.)com/products/sinful-holiday)
I’m not sure what I would enjoy more. Mammon doubling down and deteriorating into the ultimate state of pathetic billionaire manbaby or trying become a better person and the entire experience for him is like being dragged across broken glass. Whatever route, I want him to be so true to his ugly feelings the rawness makes everyone uncomfortable to the point where you almost pity him but then you don’t because of the extent of his sins.
Mammon is a very cathartic character because he’s so expressive in his depravity. He’s everything wrong with parents trying to live through their children, bosses trying to pretend to be family to exploit people, capitalism in general all while being very funny. S2E07 feels so good because he gets flipped off, spat on, and defied. But it’s not enough for me. I want to wring every last drop of that out of him. In the kind of way someone might want to squeeze a cute animal to death.
Ironically Umineko has plot-relevant sexism (commentary on social conservatism and its effects on women) and much more complex female characters. I’m sorry I keep bringing this game up its themes are so relevant to Mammon and some of your complaints I can’t help myself. I basically want him to have a Umineko type breakdown. (I really do love him and think he’s wonderful I promise.)
You have expressed the Mammon experience so well. A chewtoy you dont want to throw away but also love to step on. I truly believe he’ll be petty as f*ck around the other sins and he makes everyone pissed off, the best he’ll do is “all I did was exploit him a little bit :( I don’t understand. Cmon guys” Oh man 😭 Bee going rabid and attacking him like a chew toy I need it. I NEED an episode of fun, no melodrama, no crying and self pity, evil bastards being evil and hilarious and not being excused by a sad story. Even satirise the sad story trope with Mammon saying “when I was a young boy…I missed a 50% discount on tuna cause I was a day late…I’ve never told anyone that story WHY ARENT YOU CRYING??”
I really need pathetic millionaire man baby Mammon personally. Not everyone has to grow as a character or have a sad story, right now he’s perfectly written and I don’t need that to change. Not at least for a loooong time.
Id like to see Bee again and have her just be a little bit more evil, and recast by another similar VA with a stronger voice not a celeb or broadway actor we need professional voice actors. I hate to think she hates mammon because their besties dynamic could be so funny. The only female sin so far has had less than ten goddamn minutes of screen time while Ozzie has had three episodes, and Mammon has had a ton already with him being the first foreshadowed sin and his own entire special. Her design is just too excessive, all the tiny details are insane and a nightmare to animate she needs to lessen it a little. Id give her a completely blank red dress and lose the molten hair even though I do find it quite pretty.
It’s up to you to decide which character is which I like to think poor Fizz is probably Pim or Mammon and the sister Amy is Bee and Tex 😭 oh I hope they recast Tex too because Bee’s brother(?) and boyfriend having the same voice is a bit weird
I’m very interested in your Umineko comparisons I haven’t heard of it before but it’s helping me understand quite a bit.
Tex and Fizz interactions. The most goth heterosexual man and the most camp gay man trying to communicate. That is all.
I just want the series to be funny again :(
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lorillee · 2 months
3, 6, 14, 16. i want to see blood
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3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i have to say the last one i talked about srsly takes the cake but another one i always think of is one person who was complaining about sabo from one piece's existence and was like .wait actually hold on i just remmebred there was this really annoying ace fan i saw let me see if i can dig up me complaining about it ACTUALLY WAIT NO NEVERMIND I JUST REMEMBERED A THIRD REALLY BAD ONE PIECE TAKE. sorry idk if you know one piece thats fine im goign to complain about ti anyways. for my remaining 5 one piece followers i will srsly never forget this one person who was genuinely ocmplaining about the end of whole cake island and OMG NOOOOO SORRY I WAS GOING BACK TO FIND THE POST AND I FOUND THIS ALSO
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like im sorry youve srsly gotta be so crazy stupid to be making this kind of post DID YOU READ THE STORY WITH YOUR EYES OPEN....... "if any of you bothered to ask or care about me and my trauma" <- op forgot wci existed. EXCEPT SHE DIDNT BECAUSE SHE JUST HATES WCI APPARENTLY?!?@?!@??@$?#$?!?? BECAUSE ACCORDING TO HER THE STRAW HATS JUST DIDNT CARE ABOUT HIM no actually just reading this post over again im getting angry
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1) youre stupid youre seriously stupid they were never going to let him stay with big mom as you would know if you read the comic with your eyes open and he literally told them its fine ill be fine let me handle it not to even mention that robin and usopps situations were like completely different 2) DID YOU READ THE SCENE. DID YOU READ THE SCENE. DID YOU READ THE SCENE WITH YOUR EYES OPEN. NO WORDS. FLABBERGASTED. 3) youve gotta be kidding me sanji also refers to them as his family as an identifier 4) did you read the comic with your eyes open. do you remember the context in which any of this was taking place. did you forget chiffons existence? 5) DID YOU READ THE SCENE WITH YOUR EYES OPEN. DID YOU READ THE SCENE WITH YOUR EYES OPEN 6) ill give you this one at least 7) "none of that for sanji" DID YOU READ WHOLE CAKE ISLAND. DID YOU READ WHOLE CAKE ISLAND THE ARC. DID YOU READ IT. BECAUSE IM REALLY NOT SURE YOU DID
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
well my first move in any fandom is always to block every single ship tag for my favorite character with the exception of maybe like 1 or 2 but for the brief stint that i did not. ok because i havent actually seen any obikk shippers outside of scrolling on japanese twitter i just know theyre out there and rampant but the irukk shippers via the "posts like this" tab on the righthand side of the screen have assaulted my poor eyes with FAR too much maskless kakashi so for naruto fandom in my personal experience theyre sitting at number 1. also the ship just annoys me on principle because i KNOWWWWWWWWWW i know the kind of people who like this ship even though its srsly the most boring thing to ever exist ever and i cant believe im saying anything mildly positive about this stupid awful ship but at least obito and kakashi have a relationship. if you make it romantic it sucks and youre ruining it but at least its something thats not worlds most bland generic found family fluff like irukk so BORINGGGGGGGGG ITS SOOOOOO BORRINGGGGGGGGG and you know exactly the people who are like "omg..... my soft uwu gay beans.... KYAAAA!!!!!" eat this up. of course not to say that the obito/kakashi people arent the exact same im sure they completely erase their canon dynamic to make it this as well but since i havent been subjected to it and god willing i never will be i cant speak of it
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i srsly spent way too long trawling the naruto fanfiction archives and came to the conclusion IM SO SRS SICK OF TIME TRAVEL FICS THIS SUCKSSSSSS NONE OF YOU GUYS ARE DOING ANYHTING INTERESTING WITH ITTTTTTTTT I DONT CAAAAAAAAARE I SO DONT CAAAAAAAAAAAREEEEEEEEEEE. and also just rampant wild mischaracterization everywhere its so bad its so bad like theres this really bizarre situation the naruto fandom has where people are just so so so so so bad at understanding these characters i see so much random nonsense and im like HE WOULDNT SAY THAT SHE WOULDNT DO THAT THIS WOULDNT HAPPENNNNNNNNNNNN GUUUUYSSSSSSSSSSSSS. WHY IS THIS NONSENSE GETTING POPULAR WHO WANTS THIS..........
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
soooooooooo soo many things but one thing that immediately jumps to mind is madara and hashirama and tobirama like i like hashirama and tobirama but not enough to actaulyl think about them and im always so shocked and surprised that people srsly like really love these guys. like for most popular things even if i wildly disagree (cough cough obito cough cough) i can see why people like them because it falls in line with the pattern of fanon behavior but hashirama and tobirama and madara im like SRSLY WHY DO YOU GUYS CARE SO MUCH.... idk maybe theres a filler arc or soemthing ill have to sit through whenever i get back to plowing away at the naruto shippuden filler. maybe one day ill post highlights of my review google doc
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night-dark-woods · 2 years
YESSS another person out there who reads Mara Sov as autistic!
YES YES YES hope its ok i answer this publically if not not ill delete it as an ask and just post it BUT she is sooooo very much autistic to me like. i love her sooooo much and thats a huge huge part of it ESPECIALLY bc she gets to be SO delightfully complex and morally gray and a deeply sympathetic character who still is a bit of a horrible person sometimes which just ISNT something we GET a lot as autistic ppl like. augh!!! mara sov was constructed in a lab for me to care about.
anyway im not citing stuff bc im on mobile and copypasting to the tumblr app is Hell but i have fully read the marasenna like 4 times in the last 2 months so this is going to be rambly as all hell but:
-talk about fucking black and white morality. going back to earth is the Right Thing To Do and she will absolutely condemn* her entire colony ship to mortality for that.
-her conviction that she knows secrets and things no one else knows, that she is always in control in a way others arent, and her Need for that to be true, and her sense of herself as separate/better/other/above the rest and having a connection to a deeper knowledge. i feel like theory of mind gets tossed around as a dsm checkbox without people like. fully understanding the nuances of it.
-relatedly her... mercenary? approach to the social interactions and relationships she has (and her utter panic and confusion when she cannot use her models that she has, eg sjur). like she may not be able to Feel what other people feel but she can certainly pattern-match and manipulate.
-her absolutely oversized eldest daughter & gifted kid syndrome taken to absolutely absurd extremes (thanks osana and alis li!) bc of what authority figures told her to be true about herself at 19. (one of the times she had to dramatically readjust her model of How Social Interactions Work- the concept that how she is perceived is Her Responsibility which she immediately internalizes as Law). ALSO osana saying that mara never wanted to be her daughter like. ok we get it ur kid is strange and acts "older than her age" and is more self-possessed than a child her age should be except when shes not.
-god just. honestly everything about how shes written. idr if u have read seth dickinson's published books (the traitor baru cormorant) but baru from those books is SO SO SO similar like. ruthless in that the ends justify absolutely any means, self-centered, brilliant with a massive blindspot where it comes to emotions, manipulative bc she relies on a carefully constructed understanding of how social interactions work, most importantly disastrously world-shatteringly gay.
also i feel like part of it is that a lot of the traits and things that make me read mara as autistic are like... internal experience traits that arent easily recognizable by allistic ppl bc they dont Have a recognizably autistic-specific external manifestation and instead come off as like. being a bitch or selfish or stuck up or cold or Whatever. but are like immediately viscerally recognizable if u experience things the same way.
maybe at some point ill make an Actual Post abt mara sov, the travelers most autistic creature. but so much of it is Unexplainable Vibes. if u kno u kno. also thank u for sending this ask and giving me a chance to talk abt mara i love her SO much.
*i dont believe immortality is inherently good, so i dont think it was condemning is like, the right word, but in context of how characters see it.
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
I think it can be tricky because even if most gaylors believe in the possibility she may be other than straight, not all of them behave that way or speculate about her life even. People just don't want or care enough to realize this but the truth is that there are awful, obsessive people as in any other fandom and among straight swifties as well, not just gaylors. So when I see posts going around calling out gaylors about something gross an specific group of people did, or saying they're all disgusting pieces of shit that should choke or die, I can't help being offended as a gay fan who likes to queer code her lyrics so I can apply them to my life, without speculating about her sexuality. And that's how many normal gaylors can be offended and take it as homophobic. I just think we should all be a little bit more careful about the words we use and not generalize because the line can be so thin and confused and become really serious (like a couple of days ago, when a 14 year old popped into someone's ask saying that they've been told to kill themselves just because of wishing Taylor was gay and identifying themselves as a gaylor, for example)
i agree that language can be really tricky, especially when it's about something that doesnt really have 1 single definition and can be something as innocent as just simply being someones sexual identity or as problematic as speculating about a strangers. this is the reason i specified in my post saying 'those gaylors' (as in the ones bothering maya) and not just in general, simply because it can mean different things to different people.
and i also agree that gaylors (the speculating kinds) arent the only bad part of the fandom. any fan that theorizes on taylors personal life are invasive and cross boundaries. the fans who went to taylors old house on cornelia street when the news of the break up broke, that's weird and invasive. the fans who swore they were already married with children are crossing boundaries. we as a fandom need to learn to just enjoy her music and once she releases a song it is no longer solely connected to her personal life.
like you said, your story is yours and you listen to her songs through a queer lens, because that you. that belongs to you and you have every right to see it through you're own view. what's crossing the line forcing that view onto someone who didnt ask for it, which is taylor. people who speculate on her sexuality are taking their personal life and projecting it onto her, an nonconsenting party, when it's not hers. it's theirs. and the exact same thing can be said about straight fans, they can listen to the exact same song and see it through their own lens, as they should. but instead some decide to only see it through the lens of the theorized personal life of taylors they have just completely fictionalized based on other songs. like how fans are theorizing taylor picking the surprise songs on tour based on how she feels about joe now, every comment under her performance of 'you're not sorry' was like 'omggg shes so mad what did joe do??' like that is none of our business. she is literally just singing a song of hers.
like she herself as said before, once a song is released it is no longer hers. it's ours. so why are people forcing her onto the meaning when she herself said she doesnt want that. make it your own without her being involved in any way.
i've said this before but this fandom needs to grow up and stop analyzing gossip and pretending to know anything about taylors life behind the curtain and start relating to songs the healthy way, which is applying it to their own life and their life alone.
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butch-bakugo · 1 year
Thats it, im talking about the perisexist aka intersexphobic side of terfs that needs to be addressed more often.
Like terfs fucking hate drag and call anyone, trans or cis, male or female, participating in it "sexual perverts" for wanting to expose children to it but claim you'll die a thousand deaths for gnc women? Bs. Drag is just gender nonconformity on fuckin steroids and it's not inherently sexual. Like why is a woman in a suit only ok to you if she walks around stateing that she is a woman but not ok if she dosent? Like yall are so trigger happy, you shoot at cis butch lesbians with short blue hair who arent actively talking about womanhood and vaginas and accuse her of being an evil tranny whose either a traitor to her fellow woman or a "tim" trying to identify as woman and making a mockery of gnc women.
Yall are so caught up on fuckin genitalia that you dont see the numerous poc cultures, non-christian religions, gnc people and intersex people you drown in your wake who were never aginest feminism but are too "trans-similar" for you to chill tf out. Ive had people tell me im "obviously a non-passing trans woman" just because im intersex with a beard.
Every single time ive addressed intersex people who can not, no matter how much you try, be sorted into male or female, ive been told we dont matter. Intersex people DO MATTER. Your not helping anyone but perisex, hormonally stable cis white women. Hormonally intersex afabs arnt gonna fucking want you, your telling them they dont matter. Physically intersex people raised as women arnt gonna want you, your telling them they dont fucking matter. Hyperandrogonious cis women dont want shit to do with you because your already accusing her of "clearly being a trans woman" because she can naturally grow a beard. The only femininity and women who benefit from terf shit are cis white gc perisex women.
Im not gonna throw away my native culture's gender variance for some white terf just because most white cultures are patriarchal. Im not gonna throw out my genderfluid religious practices for some catholic raised "anti-theist" terf who is one sentence away from saying islamophobic and anti-Semitic slurs just because she believes all muslims and jewish people are sexist and follow the sexist portions of their holy text.
I mean fuck, ive seen terfs advocate for hormonally intersex women to TAKE ESTROGEN so they look less "male" and act less "male". Ive seen them advocate for intersex (mostly afab) babies with intersex genitalia to go through Fgm, a thing they VEHEMENTLY hate just so shes more "female" and can fit their boxes better. Ive seen them say that testosterone makes you inherently violent and angry without dareing to see the actual fucking medical evidence that thats entirely untrue. Ive seen them adovocate for putting 10 year old sons of female rape victims out of shelters because "hes a man at that point" and "other women's safety comes first".... Over a hypothetical and soon to be hypothermic 10 year old boy. Some of them fully and shamelessly base their ideology around genuinely killing all men and male fetuses like... Fuck dude. I think you might need some therapy. Like i get feeling that way, im a victim of many men in my life and if i could choose a world where i can only interact with everyone but cis men, id choose it but im not advocating for the complete genocide of an entire group of people.
The way they talk about trans people smells all to familiar to any group thats gone through genocide and governmental oppression. Its similar to gay people, disabled people, women, poc, non-christians, everyone can see abit of the bigotry in their argument they see in their own oppressors and that should be a real big flashing sign that maybe terfism... Isnt the way to go. When i explain to people that radical feminism can be trans inclusive and its simply and active and deeper form of feminism, i get laughed at by both sides but its true. Tirfs do exist and they include trans and intersex and nonbinary people of all kinds and yes, that includes amabs and many progressives today would fall under that label. But heres the thing, modern day and previous forms of feminism in america have always benefited white cishet women. Susan b fucking anthony supported slavery and did not advocate for black women to be able to vote. Anti-gender variance ignores many poc cultures rich and accepting histories of transgenderism, nonbinarism and intersexuality. So many "pinnicles of feminism" that terfs hold up were racist or homophobic or anti-Semitic. Trans, nonbinary and intersex people are just white cis feminism's shiny new chew toy and they will get bored and pick a new target maybe 10 years from now. Probably disabled people.
I understand the anger many terfs carry but sympathy isnt needed here. Many of them actively ignore actual fact and relative understanding towards anything that questions their veiws and they are HAPPY to uplift racists and anti-semites and homophobes(See jk rowling) as long as their anti-trans messages are still singing. Someone who partners with the enemy to hurt others despite the enemy also supporting the things they supposedly advocate againest has no loyalty or shame. They are happy as long as they have a platform. Terfs would go on fox fucking news watching tucker carlson chuckle under his breath at their feminism and "pro-same sex attraction" ideology as long as they get that soundbite of a feminist not supporting trans pple to make all feminists, trans people and gay pple look fucking stupid.
Jk rowling isnt your fucking friend. Shes a mirror held up to YOUR community. One ive heard echos of sedmients made from outside it being ignored. Your litterally femcels. Ive seen terfs get upset at the ableism and racism within their own community thats upheld by white neurotypical women get utterly ignored. I have so many screenshots of white terfs saying the n word its not even funny yet when a tranny like me shows you evidence of the underlying racism in anti-trans/nonbinary rhetoric, you claim that theirs poc terfs. Ive seen white terfs call me a teepee n****r because i said native american people respected all genders and werent inherently patriarchal. Ive seen white terfs advocate for full on ETHNIC FUCKING CLEANSING of certain poc cultures because they had some patriarchal portions. BRUH. If your scrambling to find some crumb in your community to excuse its actions and cover up the evil everyone already pointed out, you should do some introspection into what your supporting.
Terfs dont even see the humanity in trans people or intersex people. Quoting a jewish youtuber talking about oppression he faced after trump endorsed the nazis in south carolina and said that jewish people and nazis should come to a compromise "when one side will never be happy unless their opposition is completely erraticated, there is no compromise. They simply wont stop until they are all dead or 'rehabilitated'. There is no conversation, there is only the eradication of the victims or the offending group.". Terfs are advocating for trans genocide and detranstion of those who remain. They shrink our numbers to deny us humanity and when they arnt celebrating the high trans suicide statistic, they are minimising it. They are no different from holocaust deniers, they just dont have as much support and the more of their own stances they are willing to let go of to take advantage of their shared opinions with alt-right and fascist platforms, the more their feminist and gay rights mask slip off to reveal the racist, antisemitic and hate filled rot underneath.
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menalez · 1 year
idk which ex ur talking about in that "insane things my ex has done" but i relate bcuz i am currently in a relationship with a gendie who has started saying recently that my aversion to male genitalia is incredibly transphobic even though she knows i have been sexually assaulted many times by men (and am and always have been a lesbian lol) (also sorry if this is inappropriate but i feel like i have no one else to confide in.)
im not sure where i talked about her but i can tell from what u said which ex i was talking about lool its my 1st gf and i never rly talked fully about this bc my ex has since transitioned (only socially tho afaik) & continued to be questionable as fuck in various ways and went from friendly w me to shit talking me bc how dare i share my opinions on my blog which she decided to keep regularly checking for years after our break up despite her having a gf and us hardly ever talking (partially bc of me bc frankly in hindsight i was far too forgiving n despite that she demonised me at the end of our relationship n was weird in various moments after we remained friends)
but she was (& is) also a gendie, which is fine bc when we were together she wasnt like irrational about it. she was the one who told me that SRS doesnt work the way i thought it did, like the genitals didnt magically change and there arent like no differences like i thought, instead she said the differences were obvious. but near the end of our relationship she insisted to me that the way to fix her issues was to make our relationship an open relationship, said that my body made her insecure about her own body n she should sleep w people with a similar body to gain confidence in it. prior to that i was not for an open relationship at all but those comments made me feel like saying no would make me selfish and that if thats what she needs to accept herself then fine yanno. then ofc not soon after she starts e-dating this trans woman who is an abusive creep & rapist (like not even exaggerating here. but ofc those accusations were dismissed for a while bc the trans woman called the woman who came out about the abuse a terf n ppl believed that until trans women also began to call this out). i was like um hows dating someone with a diff body than u and even a diff sex going to make u feel better about ur body when thats the entire reason for the open relationship? never rly got a proper answer but whatever i let it be. then that trans woman wanted to be in a throuple with us basically like wanted to get with me and my ex and would openly fantasise about me to my ex. my ex said "oh she wouldnt be into that, shes not into penises" and the trans woman was like omg why.. :( and my ex was like oh shes penis-repulsed etc and the trans woman was like aw how sad i hope she gets help for that!! n my ex agreed. then my ex told me about this n i was like... what the fuck? it took me a bit but after a few days i was like hey this comment really pissed me off wtf do u mean gets help for that.. and my ex was saying that i should seek therapy to stop being penis-repulsed and should see trans women as women and be open to trans women in a romantic & sexual way basically and i was clearly upset by that n i was like. ur telling me to seek conversion therapy. n she was like nooo and i was like what so u mean some kind of exposure therapy against the "phobia" of penises? and she was like yeah just like that! n i said... thats literally a form of conversion therapy that was done in the past to other gay ppl.. exposing gay ppl to the opposite sex's genitals to try to change their feelings towards it is literally a conversion therapy tactic.
anyways my ex n i ultimately broke up bc it turned out the open relationship was meant to be one-sided somehow and her doing things was ok but if i did things it made me a cheater somehow and my comfort was repeatedly disregarded, i didnt like that trans woman at all at that point n my ex would still keep dating them n it was just all too many bad things at once so i was like fuck it im done w this. ultimately my ex realised that this trans woman is indeed an abuser and i also realised the my 2nd gf who i got with soon after i broke up w my ex is also an abuser. but then when my ex began to transition she started to show more of that homophobia she showed during our relationship like saying the f-slur (calling ppl that) and saying its ok bc "im a bisexual man" which was just.........erm... anyways in the end our last form of communication was her getting her friends to gang up on me for ~ruining the fun~ of a game of among us and then she talked shit about me to one of my close friends (been friends for 14 years) who she never even met and was like ~omg shes so problematic im sorry i just cant handle it anymore~ ......
anyways i feel u lmao. its not inappropriate dont worry and im sorry u went thru that too bc its painful to love someone as they are and yet they basically tell u that ur lesbianism means something is wrong w u bc ur truly not into males at all. honestly i think its best for u to end it asap instead of making the mistake i did, nothing good came out of it for me and i shouldve left for good at the first red flag which was my ex's compulsive lying about serious issues like rape & fgm, or immediately ended it when she was saying that i should go thru conversion therapy otherwise im transphobic
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