#and i was already wanting to try a longer fic for this next bind
incognetomisquito · 5 months
*watches 27 dresses*
*immediately starts planning next fanfic bind*
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rdiowx · 9 months
okay I finished the Gideon smut fic, went with a lighter amount of kink than I usually write. basically bdsm and knife play and a bit of puppy play
"Y'know I just knew you'd look wonderful like this, my pet~" Gideon was towering over you, staring down at your form on the bed. His hair was tied up in a small pony tail and he had switched his glasses out for his contacts (when asked why he responded with "I don't want to miss a second if they fall off").
And here you were, laying on his cheesy heart shaped bed. You were bound up, rope wrapping from your thighs to your chest, a rubber bone shaped bit gag was placed in your mouth to keep you from biting. Your arms were tied in a bind behind your back and your legs were tied open and up against your chest.
"And all it took was me calling you a good boy a couple of times" He gently reached up to caress your cheek, hooking his finger under the strap of the gag and pulling slightly. "I'm so glad you like this gag by the way, got it specially made for you in your favorite color." He looked just away from your eyes, not making eye contact like you were something not worthy of it.
This entire scene was making you hard, you wanted him to move onto whatever he was going to do next but you knew he would take his damn sweet time looking at you. Wiggling a little bit seemed to get his attention though, closing your eyes and muffled whining at the same time.
"What, is my puppy impatient? I thought we had worked on that skill the other day during training. Do I need to revise that lesson again?" He asked in a tone that was very obviously teasing, he knew how long that lesson had taken you and how much you hated it. In response you quickly shook your head no, not wanting another repeat of it.
"Good, now be still like I trained you to be." He voice had taken on a stern tone, not too harsh but warning at the same time. "Besides, I'm not making you wait much longer."
Suddenly you hear the sound of a bottle opening. You knew exactly which one. In just a few moments you felt a finger at your hole, just barely teasing as Gideon smirked at you. "Deep breath, puppy." He quickly jabbed the finger into you, not giving you any time to adjust before he started to work the second one in. "Be good and take it."
Once he fully has three fingers seated inside you he starts to stretch you more, opening you up for him. He just barely grazes your sweet spot making your eyes roll back as your try to buck your hips. He does this a few more times before deeming you ready and pulling his fingers out.
A bit of drool runs down the side of your chin as he finally takes himself out of his pants. He was still fully dressed but at least you could see his cock. Just as you were about to whine for him to put in it he shoves himself inside of your hole. Somehow he still hadn't stretched you out quite enough, your hole burning a bit as it tried to accommodate his cock.
You whined as he pressed kisses on your neck, starting to mark you up. "I can't believe I've already gotten you so worked up and I'm not even close to being finished with you." A noise escaped your throat when you heard the sound of a pocket knife being opened. Of course you had discussed this but it still sent butterflies to your stomach.
Slowly he started to carve his name into your chest, not a place that was easily visible but if you were looking for it you could find it. When he was finished he pulled his hips back a bit to look at you in full. "Maybe I should call myself an artist, since I make such beautiful works of art out of you." and as he finished his sentence he quickly thrust all the way back into you, making you squeal.
You weren't prepared for him to set a brutal pace after this, hitting your g-spot over and over. Little noises were coming from your throat, muffled by the gag but still loud enough to hear over the sound of him thrusting into you.
A few minutes later you felt your orgasm crash over you suddenly, white streaks covering your stomach. "Awe you came? How adorable, but don't think that this means I'm done. We go until I'm finished."
- 🐕
Running around and screamjng
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perpetualexistence · 5 months
Sea Monster AU: A Deal with an Eel
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I'm so very proud of the name of this part. Rhyming gives me too much joy. As do memes.
Anyways, we're cooking with petrol now fellas. Once more I told myself I'd mostly copy and paste a paragraph I already have, and then I went ahead and elaborated on it. Whoops. On the plus side, if I do make this into a fic I'll have a lot of the heavy lifting cut out for me.
There's no scene with dialogue in this one, but boy howdy is there trauma. This is where it starts to get messy and gorey, so read at your own risk. I don't go into too much detail (saving that for the fic), but still. If you want to avoid the worst of it, you can stop reading where it says 'From there? A bloodbath.' and pick up again at 'Noah doesn't do so well for the first few days after that.'
TW: Gore mention, Alejandro being a manipulative ass, Cannibalism (Don't know if it really counts since it's a merfolk eating humans, but I'll just put that there just in case)
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Noah's in quite a bind since his former best friend is now threatening to murdering him for the sake of reputation. He's never been one for words that aren't sarcastic quips, and those are probably going to get him killed faster right now. Alejandro's always been the one who was better with words. Can't exactly ask him for advice right now.
From what he knows about Alejandro, Noah can piece together that the eel likes power over others and acclaim. And apparently eating people. Whatever he's going to offer, he's going to have to make himself useful for a long period of time. Noah doesn't want Alejandro to just decide it's no longer worth it to keep him alive.
He also know there's no way he can just let Alejandro do whatever he wants in Lake Wawanawkwa. For as much as he hates his hometown, he doesn't want any of the people in it to die. Not to mention having people 'mysteriously disappear' around his hometown would probably be bad for business and serve as the final nail in the coffin for the town.
It's just his luck that Alejandro found his way to Noah's hometown first. This seriously couldn't have happened to the Big City instead?! It's got plenty more people to lose. Definitely more who deserve it. Or literally any other town that surrounds Lake Wawanakwa. The lake's the size one of the Great Lakes. It borders the US and Canada so it's got plenty of manned cargo ships and dumb asshole tourists. Noah wouldn't be surprised if Alejandro chose it for that reason.
Noah might have just found two problems that solve each other.
It's cruel. He's surely going to have nightmares trying to live with himself. But it will quell Alejandro's appetite, preserve the few people Noah actually cares about, and buy him enough time to figure out how to take Alejandro down permanently.
Noah tells Alejandro that if he keeps Noah around, then he'll will help Alejandro hunt.
Noah can hack into shipping routes to find ships that are going to be isolated. Check for when news about 'mysterious disappearances' starts getting more public. Use social media to find out when any touristy assholes with their big yachts are coming to one of the nearby towns for a visit. Sure, Alejandro could settle for just the waters around his town first. They'd be easy pickings with no one taking notice until most of the town was gone. But if Alejandro really wants to make a name for himself? Start with mysterious disappearances of ships in deeper waters first, and then work your way up towards the bigger towns. More challenging prey, but much more of them. Besides, Alejandro loves a challenge, right?
Noah's sick to his stomach. Alejandro just blinks at the sheer cojones of this small human that he can feel is trying not to shake like a leaf. And he beams because this is going to be a marvelous partnership.
Alejandro's not happy that he'll be forced to let Noah go for this first meal so that Noah can actually find a good ship for him using his computer. He does remind Noah that until then, Alejandro won't really have a choice but to hunt on his own. And that his new size require quite an amount of energy to maintain. And if Noah tries to use this time to set up a trap? Well, even if Noah could find something that would hurt him, Alejandro would make certain that he's not the only one who loses.
Now, off Noah goes. Alejandro knows he's got a lot to think about now. Oh, and he does expect Noah to come back again tomorrow for their regularly scheduled reading time. Alejandro's simply enthralled by the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy, and must know how it evolves!
Noah's thrown back at how Alejandro can just flip his mood around so fast. And Alejandro insists that the deal is just business. The friendship is for pleasure, and he sees no reason to stop it so long as they make sure business is always handled first. Leaving a very confused Noah to process what he's just done.
Cut to a short timeskip where Noah finds a decent sized ship he's willing to sacrifice to Alejandro. He tells Alejandro all the details, to which Alejandro thanks him. Noah's ready to turn tail and not face what he's just done when a large hand suddenly cuts off his path. Alejandro insists that Noah has to come with him. He needs to make sure Noah hasn't just created a trap for him. Besides, it'll be fun. He even got a small boat for Noah so that he can push Noah along to the hunt.
Noah wants to know where Alejandro got the boat. Alejandro wants to know if he really wants the answer to that question. Noah decides he probably doesn't need to know.
Noah knows that he has no choice, so he reluctantly gets on the boat when the time comes. Alejandro pushes the boat from under the water so that Noah can go faster that the boat could go on its own. He's so eager that he's letting out 'little' shocks in the surrounding water. So Noah's not going to be jumping out of that boat to flee even if he was stupid enough to try.
Once they're close enough to spot the ship, Alejandro leaves Noah close enough to see what's happening on the ship, but not close enough to put him in any danger. Alejandro swims under the water and Noah watches as electricity suddenly courses through the ship. Alejandro's just fried all the systems, making communications to other ships impossible.
From there? A bloodbath.
There's shouts of alarm from the crew at the electricity that just coursed through the ship. Quickly turned into fear when Alejandro emerges from the water. They beg for the sake of their families, pray to whatever god(s) they worship. Alejandro does not hold back. He grabs and squeezes sailors to death, dropping their bodies so he can move onto the next one. He tears them apart, bites them in half, swallows them whole, throws them into a wall to watch them splatter. He switches between kills as fast as he goes through sailors. It's almost wasteful if the point is to eat enough to be content for a while.
That's what clues Noah in to the fact that this isn't just a hunt. It's a performance for Noah's benefit. Because Alejandro is constantly looking back to make sure Noah's still watching (as if Noah could tear his eyes away from the sight). Alejandro's testing Noah's resolve. This isn't a test that he can afford to fail. He forces himself to keep watching.
When Alejandro is done feasting, he makes sure to sink the ship to hide the evidence of what he's done. He makes his way back to a Noah who absolutely fails to hide his fear this time around. It was one thing to stand up to Alejandro when what he said was just a threat. It's a much different story after seeing exactly what he's capable of.
Alejandro apologizes for pushing Noah so hard so fast. He promises that he'd never do the same to Noah so long as he keeps up his end of the deal. He reaches his finger close and gently uses a knuckle to brush aside some of Noah's wet hair. He gently nuzzles that knuckle against Noah's cheek, taking care not to get any blood on him. Alejandro promises Noah won't even have to find another meal for a week or two. He won't even need to come the next time around if he doesn't want to.
Noah's more than happy to take him up on that offer and just head home. To which Alejandro cleans himself of any unsightly gore, and takes Noah back.
Noah doesn't do so well for the first few days after that.
He's definitely avoiding the cove, and he's avoiding his family too. The biggest thing eating at him is the guilt that there's a very good chance the people Alejandro ate didn't actually have it coming. He just made assumptions based on who they worked for. Even if he never has to witness it again, he still knows innocents COULD be on board. This is all his fault and is the problem he made for himself. It's his responsibility to do something about this. So during his spiraling and attempting to find some way to salvage this, he comes up with a new idea.
Noah drags himself back to his spot. Alejandro's clearly been waiting for him and perks up when he spots him. Before Alejandro can say anything, Noah lays down some new terms. He's going to keep going to the hunts. BUT. He wants to be able to get on the ship before Alejandro starts slaughtering. He can use the boat to fake being a castaway or a stupid tourist who didn't put enough fuel in his boat. Anything to get whoever's on the ship to let Noah on without raising suspicion. Whether he's faking being hurt or being in trouble, he'll use that to try to determine the kind of people they are. If he manages to find someone who doesn't deserve to die, then Alejandro spares them.
Alejandro stops Noah right there. Because Alejandro likes Noah, but he can't just let Noah dictate exactly who does or doesn't get to die. No one gets to control Alejandro like that.
Noah points out that any survivors could just be used to spread stories around. If Alejandro plays his cards right, he could be viewed as a vigilante rather than a monster. It might lead to fewer people attacking him in retaliation.
Besides, Noah calls him out for doing the hunt like that for his benefit. He knows Alejandro likes an audience. So if he wants to keep Noah as a willing audience, and as anything even remotely resembling a friend, he'll agree to the new terms. Otherwise Noah will only come by to give him targets and that's it. All business, no pleasure.
Alejandro really doesn't like the fact that Noah's figured him out like this. That display should have completely cowed Noah into submission to any demands Alejandro makes in the future. Because he definitely had plans to consume more ships than Noah was for now 'allowing' to while still keeping his companionship. On the one hand, he admires Noah's intelligence. On the other hand, it means that getting Noah to do exactly what he wants is harder. Still, Alejandro agrees to these new terms. He'll get Noah completely under his thumb one way or another.
The deal has been struck. Now it's time for the routine to begin.
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brain-amoeba · 1 year
KEEP COOKING if you do those darker scenarios i think sniper has the most appeal with how he’s already so good at juggling scary and chill
god bless you anon because im in the trenches for sniper too so this is EVERYTHING (my fig of him is watching over me as i type this--)
ill just drop some general hcs and ideas going from mild to more suggestive/darker as theygo on so bear with me
*revvs up the deep fryer*
obviously, if your one job and talent is to be a ruthless assassin and you are surrounded by eight (8) other deranged men, you'd probably end up a little off your rocker, too...especially when it came to the aspect of women, dating, and sex in general. EVEN more so, being cooped up all alone in a shooting blind almost all hours and in his camper, this would make him one of the scarier types--the detached yet depraved (honestly and deprived too) type. it's an interesting dichotomy, being that he's so intimidating, aloof, and in general jaded to the violence or gravity of his own thoughts/actions/desires, yet in practice while acting on those impulses, he loses his edge--fumbling with your exposed body while in restraints, like an inexperienced teenager.
you wonder to yourself, "why on earth would a sniper wish to interrogate me? they spend their time in the backlines, what would motivate one to do this?" and ill tell ya what, my dear reader, the fact that such a beautiful specimen such as yourself has been tied up, scared, and basically left free for the taking, he uses his cool demeanor to convince the other mercs why his interrogation tactics will fruit the most effective results.
interrogation starts off the opposite from what you'd expect--he's calmly asking your name, age, what you were doing the day you were brought to the base, as if trying to establish a false sense of security. your survival instincts and critical thinking lead you to believe so, and are hesitant to give in. but damn, if it's not the way he looks at you, half-lidded through tinted shades, it's that alluring voice, its charming Aussie accent like music to your ears--you slowly let your guard down--and that's when the hunter goes in for his prey.
don't expect him to be gentle, either. carelessly using his machete to cut your bindings off when he simply can't bear to limit his access to your body any longer, while lacerating your delicate skin in the process. he might even accidentally smear your own blood around and paint your skin as he grips you-- letting one hand roam freely as the other holds the now blood-stained machete to your skin, as if daring you to scream for help or even protest. what happens next is between you and Mundy, and from now own, he's got himself his own little toy to keep him entertained between headshots up in the nest.
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missmungoe · 9 months
I was wondering is the fic about kid luffy sleeping in the bar and shanks carrying him upstairs in AO3? I mean it probably is not because I have already re-read most of them.
If it is not I think it would be great for download and easy access.
And I have stressful times right now, have lots of exams and work. I have to take my mind out of them a little. Soooo can I ask kindly are there any snippet that you can share? I mean I think I already memorized most of them especially Andromea 😄 WHİCH WAS JUST EPİC. Buggy and my girl Makino what a duo.
And finally thank you for all your amazing stories.💙
Hi! I haven't posted that fic to AO3 (yet) because it's a scene from a longer one-shot. I know it's been a WIP for ages and that I could just post the scene and be done with it, but I also really want to finish this fic, so once I have, I'll post it on AO3 ;)
And I'm so sorry to hear you're having a stressful time! I'm not sure this snippet will make it any less stressful, but here's a sneak peek of my next update, which believe it or not is Bind Me to the Tide - aka, the Soulmate AU I started and then didn't touch for three years (oops). But hey, better late than never!
She ran.
The darkened cottages disappeared as she hurtled past them, half-stumbling in her desperation, her skirt gripped between her hands and her breaths gasping. She didn’t even know where she was going, knew only that she had to run, even as she felt the tug where she’d cut her finger, like an invisible tether, drawing her back towards the bar, and the captain she'd left there.
The look in his eyes was burned into her mind, the moment of recognition she'd feared ever since he'd walked through her doors. Or maybe it was in her soul she felt it, a brand carved as deep as the scars on his face, and a knowledge just as cruel: that there was no running from the truth, or from him, now that he knew what she was.
She ran so hard she tasted blood, her breaths sobbing as she stumbled through the dark, the village behind her as the forest opened up ahead. It was almost too dark to see, nothing but the moon to guide her, the star-strewn sky weighing heavily over the fields where the windmills waited, their sails silent in the still air.
An idea seized her, and before she could second-guess it she’d climbed the fence, nearly falling in her hurry and scraping her palms on the rough planks, too panicked to remember that he’d be able to feel it, but she wasn’t thinking as she ran through the tall grass, her boots slipping in the soft soil as she scrambled for the door to the windmill.
The darkened interior greeted her, the round chamber lit by the shaft of moonlight piercing the mill’s only window. A stack of crates leaned against the far wall, and a ladder climbed up to the level above. As a child, it had been everything from a castle to a pirate ship, climbing the ladder with her imaginary sword, or a book tucked under her arm; had been whatever her imagination had needed it to be at any given moment.
Now Makino needed it to be a hiding place, although it wasn't chores or a scolding she was hiding from, a little girl's worries, back when she'd known no greater fear than her mother's disapproval.
Huddling behind the crates, her knees drawn up to her chest, she tried to be quiet, but even with her brow pressed to her knees, she couldn’t stifle her shivering breaths. Her heart was beating so loud it hurt, and she wondered, terrified, if he could feel that, too.
But even if he felt it, the bond only bound them through their pain; as far as Makino knew, it couldn’t tell him where she was.
Maybe he wouldn’t think to look for her here, if he thought she'd try to lose him in the forest. Maybe he’d even think she’d fled to Goa, and search for her there. If she could just stay hidden long enough, then maybe…
But even thinking it, she couldn’t forget his eyes when he'd looked at her and known, a recognition so vivid she still felt it, like the dull throbbing in her fingertip. And she knew then, in the quiet depths of her soul, that there was no escaping her fate, or the bond. That she could run and hide all she wanted, but that there was no way he would leave her port now that he knew.
No, there was only one thing that would grant her freedom now, the only thing that could sever a soul-bond. Even bound by the Fates’ will, there was one choice she was still free to make, even if it would be her last.
The door to the windmill creaked open, and her breath seized as her eyes flew up.
The pale moon outlined the tall figure in the doorway, his cloak draping from his wide shoulders, as though he'd dragged the night with him. He wasn’t wearing his straw hat, although with the moon behind him, Makino couldn’t see his face, but then she didn’t need to, a hundred nightmares resurfacing, the shadowed figure in her dreams replaced with his features as she knew them now, the high, regal brow and the chiselled jaw, and his breathtaking features warped with the wide, gleeful grin that had been carved into her memory.
Stepping across the threshold, the moonlight illuminated his scars, and she felt the phantom pulse in her own, and Shanks had barely taken a step inside when she moved, snatching the corkscrew she kept at her belt, the polished handle gripped between her white-knuckled fingers and the sharpened tip pressed to the soft underside of her throat where her pulse leaped wildly, her voice lashing from her, sharper than Makino had ever heard it.
“Don’t come any closer!”
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the-mechanica · 3 months
This past year has really been the first time in the 20 years that I've been writing fanfic that I've worried about my existence being entirely wiped off the face of the internet. Btw the attack on Ao3 last year, the enshittification of Twt and Tumblr, and the threat of KOSA and the proliferation of AI, it really truly does feel like fascists are trying to cut marginalized folks and creatives off from each other and potential work. Leaving nothing but homogenized christofascist sludge in their wake. That being said, I'm not leaving tumblr. I know the Apex community here is small, but it's also the only place I've been able to carve out a space in fandom at all. I have always been a punk, defined by my insistence on anticonsumerism, and my existence as a queer trans trauma survivor and swer. I understand if other people want to leave, but I've been on tumblr longer than any other social media platform at this point. I may have not been Mech, but I've been here, and I've been writing and posting fic on archive since 2017. Admittedly, I don't post much art here, and I'm darkly sure that my fic has been scraped already otherwise (have fun with all those 'demonio's and 'girlie's in there). However I will be trying to nightshade anything original I post going forward. I am thoroughly against AI, and I will personally mail fanfic out from a PO box if I have to. Back in the old days, me and my friends would print out fic and staple it in a corner to pass around at lunch (so it looked like schoolwork). That being said, I am also aware of the weird book binding etsy shit and want to spell out: NEVER PAY TO HAVE MY WORK BOUND, IF YOU WANT IT BOUND, ASK ME AND YOU MIGHT GET IT FOR FREE. NEVER PAY ANYTHING FOR FANFIC. Anyway, all of this to say that while I am on Bluesky and will possibly start a Cohost, I will be trying to maintain this blog. I only have it queued for the next month at any given moment anyway. If you are still here, thank you.
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cophene · 1 day
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018 | soccer ball brothers.
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pairing : jojolion x gn reader summary : the heir to an limitless fortune goes on a vacation to morioh to find their true love. seems easy enough; only, if that they're unable to find their love, they'll lose not just their fortune, but their life. notes : multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 2.4k+
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★ . . . Y/N, WAIT.” JOSUKE TRIED TO stop you but you were already stalking forward, bone dice clenched hard enough in your fist to hurt. The twin restraining Karera looked up at you, his face placid.
“I said to let her go,” you yelled. “The hell do you think you’re doing?”
“She owes us.” From behind you and Josuke, the other soccer twin emerged. You looked between the two of them. Ponytail, you decided—trying to tell the two of them apart—and the one holding Karera was Piercing.
You didn’t even want to know what Karera had gotten herself into this time. “I can pay you, whatever it is,” you said. “Just let her go.”
“It’s not that simple,” Piercing said. “Unfortunately, this isn’t something that can be paid for in money.”
What were the odds that these two were Stand users, you wondered? 
“Alright then,” you said. “If it can’t be paid for in money, what about a favour?”
“Y/N,” Josuke said tightly.
“Don’t give them anything!” Karera shrieked, managing to pull Piercing’s hand from her mouth. “I’ve got this under control! Just get out of here.”
You stepped forward, extending your hand and the bone dice. “If you roll under seven, you let Karera go. If you roll over that, I’ll do whatever you want.”
The brothers eyed the dice in your hand and then each other, probably thrown by the fact that you wanted them to roll lower numbers. 
“Why the hell would we do that?” Ponytail sneered. He stepped forward to grab Josuke’s arm but he shrugged him off with a glare.
“Don’t touch me.”
“I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that you’re Stand users,” you said, forcing calm into your voice that you didn’t feel. “I happen to have a Stand myself. By laying out my terms before you roll the dice, I bind myself and you to them. Depending on what you roll, I will be bound to my agreement. My Stand will kill me unless I do whatever you want, should you roll higher than seven.”
Karera was struggling to break free from Ponytail. He tightened his grip on her, making her cry out. 
“Then if we roll lower than seven, we’ll also die?” Piercing said. He was on your other side, his voice menacing in your ear.
You lifted your chin. “Only if you don’t let Karera go.”
The brothers exchanged glances. 
“You’re L/N Y/N, aren’t you?” Piercing said, and your heart almost stopped. “The one who’s been going around with their endless fortune?”
“What a coincidence that you also happen to be a Stand user,” Ponytail said. All at once, he shoved Karera aside. In the same moment, Piercing decked you across the face.
Josuke shouted your name and a beat later, you heard the breath get knocked out of him as one of the twins slammed their fist into his stomach.
“You stay out of this,” Ponytail growled. “Get that bitch out of here.”
Karera barely managed to catch Josuke as he staggered back. Meanwhile, Piercing had dragged you to the car and was grinding your face against the hood. 
“Give me the dice.”
Through gritted teeth, you released the dice into his hand. You weren’t worried. Dancing’s Done would protect you. There was no way in hell either of the brothers would roll above a seven.
But then you realized. The terms you’d laid down were null. Karera was no longer being restrained by Ponytail. That had never happened before—a part of the agreement being done before the dice were rolled. What would that mean for you exactly? If either of the brothers rolled below a seven, your Stand would have nothing to hold over them.
Shit! You struggled, but Piercing was holding you down fast. You should have started running as soon as he’d let Karera go.
“Either you stay where you are or you get the fuck out of here!” one of the twins barked behind you. “Or do you want to see what happens when we use our Stands?”
You were torn between wanting Josuke and Karera to get away and needing their help. If these twins happened to have stronger Stands than the three of you, you were fucked.
If only your Stand wasn’t so damn finicky. You could only indirectly control it through the bone dice, and even then, it wasn’t like you decided how it would inflict punishment. Without an agreement and without your dice, you might as well not have a Stand at all.
Piercing shook your bone dice in his fist. Every clink! clink! set your teeth on edge. He opened his fist over the hood of the car and your dice rolled once, twice, before settling.
One pip on each die. That was hardly surprising.
“What a fucking joke,” Piercing growled. You tried to shove Ponytail off of you but he slammed you into the side of the car and you crumpled. You heard two plinks as your dice fell on the ground nearby, and you managed to scoop them into your pocket before Piercing yanked you back roughly.
“Let me go,” you rasped. It was too much to hope that Dancing’s Done would do anything to either of the brothers. No limbs or fingers fell off as Piercing opened the fuel tank door and began unscrewing the gas cap.
He wasn’t going to make you drink gasoline, was he? You had never felt particularly threatened because of your family’s fortune, but you now wondered if that was only because no one knew about it. It was entirely possible that someone in your family could be kidnapped and held for ransom—indefinitely.
With one hand inside the gas tank and the other gripping your arm, you watched, horrified, as the arm restraining you loosened and then began to flow like water. In a matter of moments, you were drenched with it, and before you could understand what was happening, his brother was bringing a lighter to your face.
 You screamed as your body burst into flame. Piercing and Ponytail stood back, watching impassively as agonizing heat seared your skin. Just as it started to become too much, you heard Josuke shout, “Soft and Wet!”
You barely had a chance to look at his Stand before you were enveloped in a swarm of bubbles. They extinguished the flames with hisses of steam, and impossibly, they seemed to take the heat and pain from your body with them.
For a second, you couldn’t breathe. Your hands slammed onto the pavement as you heaved for breath, your mind whirling. No burns, you thought, staring at your hands. I’m okay. How am I okay?
You hadn’t taken Josuke for the boxing type, but he delivered a swiftly precise punch to Piercing’s face, knocking his head back. A bubble welled up in his cheek before it ruptured with a burst of blood.
Karera was nowhere near as elegant, rushing at Piercing like an Amazonian warrior and bringing her knee up into his groin. It got the job done though, because as he stumbled off, she and Josuke pulled you to your feet and you all hauled ass.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Josuke asked. He kept glancing over his shoulder. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
“You were literally on fire!” Karera screeched. “How are you still alive?!”
“Hell if I know,” you coughed. “It was Josuke’s Stand. It probably took away the pain and burning too.”
“Crazy bastards,” Karera spat. “The hell is wrong with them? Burning a person alive?”
“He turned his hand into gasoline.” You shuddered just remembering the sensation. “I’ve never seen a Stand like that.”
“Is everyone in Morioh just running around with a Stand or what?” Karera asked Josuke.
His face darkened. “There are people here who aren’t quite . . . normal. You don’t have to look far to find people willing to hurt you.”
“Oh, but that goes for anywhere,” Karera said. “I’m just wondering if burning people alive is a Morioh specialty or something.”
“I’m the one who should be indignant,” you muttered. “Why the hell were those two soccer bozos going after you anyway?”
“I was trying to make a quick buck. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”
Josuke raised an eyebrow. 
Karera stuck out her tongue at him. “My Stand can make hair grow on things. Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“That sounds worse than what I was thinking, actually.”
“Can we stop for a second?” you blurted out. “I just—I need a breather.”
Gingerly, Karera and Josuke lowered you onto the stoop of a nearby apartment building. You took in a deep breath and didn’t release it until you felt the coldness of your dice in your hand.
Clink! Clink! Clink!
“What happened with your Stand back there?” Karera said, plopping down beside you. “Shouldn’t those guys’ limbs have been falling off? They rolled a two, didn’t they?”
“I set out a bad agreement,” you said. “They had already released you so there was nothing for my Stand to compel them to do.”
“You have no way of controlling what your Stand does outside of the dice?” asked Josuke.
“Nope. It’s kind of like a remote-controlled Stand, I guess. And these dice aren’t Stands themselves, I don’t think. Non-users can see them, obviously, and there have been a few times when I’ve left them behind. If I lost these dice or damaged them somehow, I’d be out of a Stand.”
There had been one time when you’d forgotten your dice in a hotel in Naples. It had seemed like a no-brainer to just pick up another pair of dice and use that instead. You had learned the hard way that only your bone dice could be used to activate your Stand. You genuinely couldn’t remember where your dice had come from. They had always been a part of you and now, taking them with you was just second nature.
“You should be more careful,” Josuke said, frowning down at his shoes. “You don’t know the kind of people who might go after you if they know you have a fortune that never runs out.”
“Yeah, I know,” you said. You didn’t say that you might not have a fortune for much longer. Your birthday was two weeks from now. Only fourteen more days to find your true love.
You jolted then. “Wait, Josuke, what are you still doing here? You should be getting back to the fruit parlour! Aren’t you still on break?”
Josuke shrugged. “I’m way over my break now. I’ll go back and let Norisuke-san know that I’m taking the day off.”
Guilt pricked at your chest. “But why?”
“Because I don’t trust either of you enough to leave you alone right now. And you still haven’t tried beef tongue pickled in miso and that I can’t leave that be.”
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No matter how many times Karera insisted otherwise, she could not hold her alcohol. You knew after her second round of sake that there were only two ways the night would end: with Karera hollering love ballads at the top of her lungs and then emptying her guts on the street, or passed out and dead to the world. She was currently snoring against your shoulder, so you decided to count that as a win.
After what had happened with Yasuho, you weren’t too keen on drinking. You and Josuke were currently nursing flat glasses of soda, talking about nothing as the staff began to clean the restaurant up for the night. You were glad that the beef tongue had been every good as Josuke promised, warm and hearty and thoroughly delicious. You weren’t sure if meals cooked by a French chef and then served by an army of staff could be considered home-cooked, but throughout the whole meal you had been nostalgic for something homey.
“How did you and Karera meet?” Josuke asked, hiding a smile as Karera let out a particularly loud snore. 
“I don’t remember, to be honest. She must have been over for a school project or something. I caught her trying to steal one of our house decorations and that was that.”
“She knows about your fortune but she never makes you use it for her,” Josuke said, and you were surprised by the observation.
“She’s stubborn like that. I think she hates owing people anything.” You would always appreciate that about Karera, though. She saw you first, not your money. Your money was your business. And though you didn’t say it out loud, you thought Josuke might be the same way. He had quietly paid the bill tonight by himself, pretending to leave for the restroom. It didn’t seem to matter that you had an infinite amount of money. If Josuke had the means to do something for you, he would.
You felt a pang in your chest.
“Your birthday is coming up in two weeks,” Josuke said in a low voice. “Are you—have you had any luck?”
“Not that I know of,” you sighed. “My mom wants me to meet with her this weekend. If I don’t have anyone to introduce to her by then, she’s locking me out from the family fortune.”
Josuke sucked in a breath. “Isn’t that being too harsh? You’re trying your hardest. Your mother should be able to see that.”
“She’s scared. She doesn’t want to lose it all.”
My fortune. My family. My life.
 “I think you should meet with Yasuho again,” Josuke said suddenly. He blushed slightly when you looked at him. “She’s an amazing person. I think it’d be worth it to get to know her better.”
You hadn’t thought about Yasuho in a while. Of course you’d like to see her again but you were starting to wonder if it wasn’t too late already.
It was hard not to lose hope. You could only be so optimistic.
A rush of impulsiveness overwhelmed you then, and for a second, you wanted to tell Josuke everything. 
“If I don’t find my true love, I’ll die. I’ll lose my fortune and my life, Josuke. I’m terrified and I don’t know what to do.”
The words balled together into a lump in your throat. The brand on the back of your hand pulsed, darker now than you had ever seen.
“There has to be some way out of this,” Josuke said, reading something in your face. “We’ll figure this out. True love can’t be the only way to go about this.”
You smiled, murmured something in agreement. But there was only one thing you could think as you and Josuke left the restaurant, Karera hanging blearily on your arm. Josuke called you a cab to the villa and you waved goodbye, trying to keep his smile in your mind’s eye.
If there was a different way we would have found it already. 
We would have found it already.
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bi-naesala · 8 months
That fucking speedo…
(Written for @kinktober2023 day 16: Double Penetration in One Hole | Gags | Public)
Trans Akihiko, Public Sex, Top Shinjiro, Bottom Akihiko, Speedos, Rough Sex
It was supposed to be a fun day at the beach, but here Shinjiro is, being driven crazy by Akihiko and his stupid choice in swimwear.
(AO3 link)
(Fic under the cut)
Shinjiro’s going to fucking explode.
“Come to the beach,” they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said. “It’ll do you good to stand in the sun once in a while,” they said.
Well, he’s experiencing none of these supposed good effects at the moment. If anything, he feels like he’s going to explode, though, he supposes, that’s not exactly the beach’s fault, but of a certain idiot who thinks speedos are a perfectly fine swimsuit to wear…
A sigh escapes his lips, as he shakes his head. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think Aki’s doing it on purpose, but no, he simply has no self-awareness, especially when it comes to his body and the effect it might have on people.
Shinjiro supposes it’s also his fault, because he could’ve said something about it, but when Aki started to rant about water resistance and how better he’ll be able to swim with that thing on, looking so proud of himself, he didn’t have the heart to contradict him.
He figured he’d be able to spend a whole day out without being bothered by a stupid swimsuit too much. He’s not a kid after all: he has some self-control.
Boy, was he wrong…
He feels bad about it: they’re supposed to have a small, but relaxing vacation, and here he is, salivating for Akihiko like he’s a piece of meat, one that he wouldn’t mind taking a bite of…
No, bad Shinjiro! You’re supposed to try to resist the allure, not giving in!
How can he do that, however, when Aki’s just so… so…
Oh, he’s finally decided to join Shinjiro back under the umbrella, after staying who knows how long in the water – Shinjiro’s certainly not keeping track, not when his mind is in an entirely different place.
As he watches Akihiko slowly making his way back to him, he can’t help but to notice a small, fleeting detail: his speedo has slightly ridden up, uncovering a bite mark that Shinjiro had left the night prior – he hadn’t thought about where they were supposed to go, the next day, nor what Aki was supposed to be wearing.
It’s only a moment, before Akihiko readjusts it, but the damage has been already done: Shinjiro won’t be able to remove that image from his head. Nope, it’s permanently stuck in his brain now.
That’s not all, because of course it’s not: the shirt he’s wearing – he wasn’t going to bind at the fucking beach – thanks to the water, has gotten stuck to his body, leaving nothing to the imagination. It doesn’t help that, of all the shirts he could’ve chosen to wear, he picked a white one.
Oh, he can see his…
“Shinji? Something’s wrong?”
Akihiko was extremely happy for having convinced Shinji to come to the beach, at least until now: see, since they’ve arrived, he’s been acting very weird.
For one, he hasn’t moved from his place under the umbrella at all, though Akihiko wasn’t really expecting anything different, but also… He’s too stiff, like when there’s a problem that needs addressing but he doesn’t want to do that.
It could be that Shinjiro’s being a grumpy pants as usual, or maybe he’s regretting coming here altogether?
It’s hard to tell, so Akihiko does the one thing he does when he’s not able to get a read on Shinjiro: he asks directly.
Shinjiro remains silent for longer than Akihiko thought he would’ve, which only makes him worry more: something’s truly wrong, isn’t it?
“Um… I need to talk to you.”
“Aren’t we talking already?” Akihiko asks. At this point, Shinjiro should cut to the chase, instead of running around in circles like this; what does he need to stall for?
“I meant ‘alone’,” Shinji says then, looking around in a way that Akihiko can only describe as self-conscious, but what would he be self-conscious about?
Akihiko can hear Junpei, in the distance, calling for him; he must be missing his swimming partner. He quickly glances at him, only to turn his head back to Shinji; if there’s something he needs, then that takes precedence. Junpei will have to wait.
“Sure, let’s go.”
Inside the changing cabin it’s extremely hot, though Akihiko’s not sure this is the only reason why he’s having a hard time breathing, not when Shinji’s pushing so deep inside of him that he can almost feel his cock up in his lungs.
“You have no fucking idea…” Shinjiro growls, burying himself inside Akihiko time and time again with no restraints. “You and your stupid fucking speedo. Drivin’ me crazy and shit…”
“Wha—” Akihiko tries to ask, but a particularly sharp thrust has him covering his mouth to muffle the noises that would otherwise give them away.
Is his swimsuit what this is all about, then? If Shinji hadn’t said anything, he would’ve never guessed…
Another cry that he has to cover up is thorn away from him when Shinjiro roughly palms at his chest, feeling his nipples poke through the shirt and mercilessly pinching them with his fingers, making Akihiko arch his back, pressing his body further against the other.
He never thought of his swimsuit as anything particularly seductive – it’s simply the most fitting for swimming – so of course he’s surprised by Shinji’s reaction to it, though to tell the truth, if the result of this “accident” is him dripping on the cabin’s floor while Shinjiro pounds him like a madman, well, he can’t say he minds.
When Shinjiro was leading him away, he would’ve never guessed it was for this. Well, he was starting to suspect something was up when he took him to the changing cabins, but he was given no time to voice his thoughts, not when Shinjiro shoved him inside one and started kissing him, hands groping him everywhere.
Of course, as always, Akihiko melted immediately, holding onto Shinjiro and keeping him close.
When he turned him around and bent him over, he gasped, only to be shushed.
“Sssh… We don’t want to get caught, don’t we?”
Akihiko shook his head. Yeah, no, they wanted to avoid that.
He couldn’t see it, but he could hear Shinjiro’s smirk.
“Good boy.”
After that, Shinjiro simply pushed his speedo aside, just enough to expose Akihiko’s cunt – he didn’t even bother to let him take it off – and then pushed the head of his cock inside him, without even a bit of preparation.
It hurt a bit, but by now Akihiko’s gotten used to it – after all, it wouldn’t be the first time Shinji goes rough with him.
Shinjiro isn’t pulling any punches, at all. It makes Akihiko want to scream, but he can’t allow something like that to happen.
Weirdly enough, for once the one who can’t keep his mouth shut is Shinjiro, however.
“Fuck… Yeah… Like that…” he moans when Akihiko starts to push back against him. “So good for me…”
He stops tormenting his nipples in favor of grasping at his chest entirely, squeezing it in a way that makes the other arch his back. It’s overwhelming, but in the best of ways.
“That’s it… So hot…”
He’s so close! So, so close!
“You have no idea what you’re doing to me, Aki,” Shinjiro continues. “Fuck, you’re so… ngh!”
Akihiko’s eyes widen at the feeling of Shinjiro coming inside of him, moaning as he gets his fill. That’s enough to tip him over the edge as well, as he clenches desperately around Shinjiro’s cock, as if he could squeeze everything out of him that way.
For a moment, they remain like that, unmoving.
Shinjiro lowers his arms to Akihiko’s waist, holding him in a hug and burying his face against his shoulder as he catches his breath.
If he wasn’t holding him, Akihiko would’ve fallen to the ground; his legs are trembling, and it’s now that he’s hit by the realization that he’ll have to make it back to the others in these conditions. Oh, they’re going to know immediately something’s happened!
Shinjiro pulls away, and Akihiko whines. He looks down on the floor, and notices how visibly dirty it’s got, between his fluids and Shinjiro’s semen, which is leaking out of him now – he can feel it trickling down his legs.
What should they do now?
Should they try to clean this up? And with what? Would his shirt do the trick? Maybe: it would be white on white, so the stains shouldn’t be too visible.
Still, how should they deal with, well, everything else? Go in the water and let… “everything” disperse in the ocean? Are they even allowed to do that? Would it be bad for the environment?
His train of thought is quite rudely interrupted by Shinjiro, who flicks him on the back of his head.
“You’re thinking too much,” he chastises him. He must’ve sensed what’s going on inside his head.
“Fuck off,” Akihiko tells him, because Shinji isn’t the only one who can curse like a sailor, though there isn’t any real bite in his voice – he’s too tired to get mad.
He turns around, then, to face Shinjiro, readjusting his swimsuit.
“You feel better, now?” he asks, noticing how much more relaxed he looks – there’s no trace of the tension he carried before.
“Oh… Yeah, yeah, I guess,” the other replies, scratching the back of his neck. Oh, now he looks flustered. “I’m… I might’ve gone overboard, sorry.”
Akihiko raises an eyebrow at him; usually he’s never this apologetic.
“It’s fine. You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to.”
At that, a smile forms on Shinjiro’s lips. “Oh, I know.”
Akihiko can feel himself starting to blush. That was uncalled for!
Before he can retort, Shinjiro reaches for his hand.
“C’mon, let’s go. We’re going to be boiled alive if we stay here,” he says, and well, Akihiko’s inclined to agree: it is very hot in there. Of course, however, Shinjiro’s couldn’t finish that sentence without a jab towards him. “I’ll princess carry you if you can’t walk.”
“Ah. Ah. Funny,” Akihiko deadpans, even though, to tell the truth, he wouldn’t mind it that much… No! His pride forbids him to accept that.
“How about going on a swim, just you and me? We can rejoin with the others later.”
Oh, yeah, that sounds good. To tell the truth, Akihiko wasn’t really ready to go back to the others so soon. Like this, he can be alone with Shinji for another while.
Even if he doesn’t really think he has enough energy to go swimming again, he feels like they can still get to enjoy themselves in the water. Maybe they could also get some ice cream, while they’re at it – and he’ll make Shinji pay for it too.
He smiles, squeezing Shinjiro’s hand.
“Yeah, sounds fun.”
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kinetic-elaboration · 5 months
December 31: The New Year
New Year’s Eve. Doesn’t really feel like it. I don’t want to spend too much time really thinking about the transition to a new year or what have you… it makes me feel nervous and anxious. I’m in that part of my vacation where I can’t enjoy my vacation much because I can only think of it ending. And then going back home and returning to daily life… Well. But it is the last day of the year so I’m going to talk a little about 2024.
First, I have some general life resolutions. The first isn’t really a New Year’s resolution so much as it is my usual post-vacation resolution, except this time coming off of a longer break and with some more resolve. I want to get myself together. I want to stop living the way I’ve been living. It hasn’t made me happy. I want to push myself to do things, to go to sleep earlier, to eat better, to keep a better schedule. I want to feel steadier and more in control. I want to get my literal house in order (my apartment) because I think I deserve a better environment than the one I’ve given myself. And I’ve been on vacation long enough that all of this seems plausible. No big deal!
My regular New Year’s resolution is that I want to expand my creativity this year and make more things. I want to try some more ambitious knitting projects. I want to re-learn how to sew. I want to learn how to bind books. I want to hold things I’ve created with my own hands.
Finally, I have some… plans, ideas for writing next year. I definitely didn’t do most of what I intended for 2023 in 2023. A big part of that is the Time Loop coming up and taking over my life. For 2024 as a whole, I don’t have specific goals or ideas. I have some immediate plans, and we’ll see what happens after that. I do think it would be a good idea for me to significantly lower the number of ideas on my wip list, or in some way redefine the list, not by writing All the Things (simply not possible) but by culling ideas that are not actually of interest or plausible. But, on the other hand, why does it matter if I have a long list of ideas? No harm in that.
So, my writing plan for the coming…unknown period of time:
Finish the Time Loop: I still have 4 more scenes of the draft left. This is such a taunting number! But getting them done is going to remain my first priority. I will also prioritize editing the remaining three unposted chapters. I am not going to post Ch3 until the draft is finished but otherwise, I’ll be posting as soon as I can edit.
Jasper/Monty fic: This is an old one from 2017. Last year I figured out mostly how I want to finish it. I think I can do it in 3 scenes. It’s going to take some prep work (re-reading everything, fixing up the outline) but in terms of writing it’s not the biggest project and that’s why I want to get it over with. I like what I have already written and I want to share it, and that’s my motivation for writing it.
Bellamy/Miller Road Trip: I planned this random fic out to 7 (7!!!) chapters, a ridiculous proposition. But planning it has been quite fun and I want to try my hand at actually writing it. My idea is to write just the first chapter, then take a break for another project. Obviously this is a project so niche it has an audience of one, so I’d like it to be… fun? Over the top of it wants to be? We’ll see.
Southern Gothic AU: I know I need to take this more seriously and put it in a higher priority if I want to finish and post it for Halloween 2024. I know. It’s… scary. But yeah I should be working on this as well.
Free writes and writing exercises: I have July Break Bingo prompts I’m still pulling from and I’ll be starting K/S Bingo in January. We’ll, uh, see how that goes.
So, yeah! The truth is there is a lot of stuff on my WIP list that excites me and a lot of newer ideas percolating and just… a lot. I sure do like writing (hypothetically). My only real-real goal about it this upcoming year is have fun and enjoy what I’m doing. There are no end goals here; there’s no finish line. I just… would like to feel a little better, that’s all.
In many ways, this was a tough one, I’m not going to lie! I’m looking forward positively to 2024!
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writeformesinpie · 3 years
Pulling The Thread
Niragi x Fem!Reader
Word Count - 7.3k
Genre - Smut & Dubcon
Summary -
On a quest to save your friend, you find yourself playing a dangerous game of chance with a man you've come to know as a monster. Three options, three outcomes; no matter your choice, you'll end the night victorious... if you can trust the man holding all the cards.
A very in-character Niragi x Reader smut fic to fill the gap before the next season arrives~
Warnings -
18+ and PLEASE heed these warnings:
Dubcon - it’s the implication.
Violence, swearing, blood, smut. Knifeplay and gunplay.
All the warnings - it's intense.
A/N -
Respect and love yourself enough to want better in real life - It’s just a fantasy, it’s not real so don’t get your panties in a bunch ... or do ;)
Drama Masterlist
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  “I can’t leave, they won’t let me. No one says no to Niragi.”
  The words twist around inside your head on an endless repeat. 'No one says no to Niragi.' Who the hell is Niragi?
  It isn’t long before you find out.
  How could you be so stupid? You are meant to be helping your friend leave this shithole, not get taken in yourself.
  You had one job: just get in, get intel and get out.
  They had seen you sneaking around one of their sites and called it into upper management and now you were on your way to the boss. Two burly men in the front seat, a bag over your head and your hands tied together with zip ties. It felt like something out of a movie, not real life.
  Struggling against the zip tie binding your arms in your lap, you strain to look around the car. Think. Think! It’s hard to see anything since it is already so dark, let alone with this black material over your eyes, but it is soft and it is almost see-through, enough to see a tiny amount anyway.
  Rubbing up against the leather seats in the darkness of the night ride to whatever hell you have found yourself stuck within, you turn and squint outside. The streets are empty, vehicles passing rare and quickly becoming less frequent the longer you sit here doing nothing.
  Panic is dancing inside your brain as you try to figure out how to get yourself out of this situation. You take three deep breaths. You know this. You know how to get out of these. It’s not hard. You remember this.
  First you turn your wrists and attempt to shimmy your thumbs out. The pain is almost unbearable. The struggling from earlier has made this option mute - the zip ties were already too tight and all that struggling earlier only made them tighter.
  Instead of cursing yourself out, you think about the next step. You don’t have a pin and as much as you try, your fingernails are not able to connect to the lock bar of the zip tie so it looks like it’s time for your final option: you have to break the ties.
  This isn't going to be pretty.
  You need a distraction and lucky for you, the men in the front both smoke. The ashtray is between them. If the smell alone didn’t point you in the direction of it, the tips of the lit cigarettes moving back and forth sure did. You clasp the zip tie between your teeth and pull until it squeezes the blood completely out of your hands. You don’t have long until you lose feeling.
  There is a line of trees to your left. You don’t know what’s within them but it can’t be any worse than what you are being led to.
  “How much longer do you plan to keep me in this smoke infested car?” Your question gets a chuckle but no response. “Can you at least put the windows down? I’m dying back here.”
  “Do you think I care?”
  “You might not, but I do,” you answer before slamming your foot into the middle compartment. The ash splashes across the dash and covers the two men, fluttering like smog in the car.
  “Fuck!” One of the men screams. “Pull over!”
  While he pats at his crotch - having dropped the lit cigarette in the confusion - you take the chaotic moment to raise your hands, the lock of the tie between your wrists, and slam it down into your hip. The pain sears through your left side but you do it again and again and on the fifth try the zip tie breaks in half.
  You are free.
  Once the driver pulls over, you rip off the black fabric and open the door. You are off, running full speed into the trees, not daring to look behind you while clenching your hands several times to get feeling back in your fingers. You don’t hear footsteps but you do hear the car doors slamming faintly under the crunch of branches and dry leaves.
  “Come back here you crazy bitch!”
  Now further in the woods than you would like, you look back over your shoulder. You don’t want to die wandering around aimlessly in the wilderness. When you look back, light shines dimly amongst the low-hanging branches. You can’t stop. You have to keep going.
  Picking up your pace, you delve further within and it’s not long before the shouts turn down to whispers. You have outrun them. You have also outrun the cover of trees. You can hear something getting louder the more you run. Music? It has constant bass.
  The thinning of what you had thought was a mighty forest scares you a little less as a large house comes into view. You take a couple deep breaths and make a dash towards it hoping someone is home.
  Banging on the front door yields no response, even with light shining out from almost every window. Frowning, you walk around to the side door and try your luck there. Nothing. You hear the sound of music, it’s close, and maybe the people who live here are over there. It can't hurt to check.
  “You need something little miss?” You turn to address the voice that came from behind you.
  “No,” you say, starting to edge back the way you came. “I must have gotten turned around.”
  “Well, you’re here now. Why don’t you stay?”
  “Ah.” You risk a look over your shoulder. The kidnappers are balled over by the opening in the trees. They have not seen you yet but if you don’t get out of here quickly, they will. “I am meeting a friend.”
  “I can be your friend.”
  “I’m not interested,” you say, deciding to take the stern approach. This guy is tall and full of muscles. You don’t think you can fight him, and even if you could outrun those legs, you can’t outrun the handgun he is spinning around on his finger.
  “Hold her!”
  Fuck. They’ve seen you.
  “You’re popular.” He smirks before you slam your palm into his nose, blood rains down his face as you sidestep his grasp, ignoring the profanities that spill after.
  Now that your retreat is blocked, you sprint around the small pool and run through the open gate behind the house before barreling face first into a mass of flesh. You're on the ground before you can comprehend that you almost knocked yourself out on someone’s chest. Looking up you see a scarred face.
  “You lost little lady?”
  “Yeah, looks like I’ve come the wrong way.”
  “That’s for sure,” he says, pulling you up by the collar of your shirt. “You must be the slippery eel from the guesthouse.”
  “Guesthouse?” Turning your head, you look back at the large house you just escaped from.
  “Yeah, let’s take you up to the main house.” He doesn’t bother to put you back down, throwing you over his shoulder instead.
  Several men and women gather around, most with visible weapons, as you are carted off like a child who tried to run away from home. The ride is bumpy - he doesn’t care how you feel, your hips bouncing off his chest with every step. The group that formed look on with anticipation, whispering and laughing as you are carried along.
  “Here you are,” he says before plonking you back on the ground. When you look up at him in confusion and he just turns your head towards the white stairs that lead up to what you assume is some kind of museum. Surely this is not the house he was talking about.
  “What is this?”
  “Go on. They are waiting for you.” He nudges you with his gun. You don’t resist. It’s pointless now. You, in your ultimate wisdom, have ended up where you were being brought to by those stupid men. You walked right up to the place and handed yourself over.
  The massive building looms over you, taunting you with your impending doom. Why did you think this was a good idea? Why must you always get yourself involved? Loud shouts can be heard over the music that must be playing behind this monstrosity of a house. At least someone sounds like they are having fun.
  Walking inside, each step yearns for the previous. The marble floors lead to more stairs in the middle of the entryway. A woman motions for you to follow, her long black hair all you can see as she leads you down corridor after corridor until you have forgotten how many turns it would take to get back. Are they trying to confuse you? The music that seemed so loud outside is almost a whisper now.
  Right when you are pondering if you could take her by surprise she turns, her gun pointed at your chest.
  “In there.” She points the gun at the door to your left. “Don’t try anything stupid.”
  “What’s in there.”
  “A beast with a temper,” she says, a smile reaching the edge of her lips as she unlocks the door. “Don’t make him angry and we might meet again.”
  Squaring your shoulders, you open the door and walk inside. It opens to a small entryway, blocking your view of the room. Your head snaps back as the door shuts behind you. You try to turn the doorknob a few times but it doesn’t budge.
  “It’s locked.” A rich voice from the other end of the room says. “There’s no escape.”
  You’ve done it this time. You really are so stupid sometimes. You close your eyes for a few moments before taking the few steps past the small wall that opens up into the room.
  The light is dim but bright enough. It’s a bedroom but it looks more like a hotel room, not someone’s personal room. There’s a luxurious round bed with a canopy, a side table on either side, an old fashioned, fancy looking red chair and a matching couch chair with a black table in-between.
  “Who are you?” Your eyes land on a man lounging on the couch, riffle in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other.
  “Sit down. I’m just taking a break. You want one?” He nods toward the small collection of beer bottles chilling in ice next to his boots which he has kicked up on the table. He is leaning back with slight interest in his eyes.
  “I’m glad one of us is comfortable.” The words are out of your mouth before you can stop them.
  He looks at you for what feels like minutes before a smile creeps across his face. “Grab a beer. I won’t ask again.”
  You hesitate for a moment before grabbing a bottle, ignoring his invitation to sit next to him and ease into the plush red chair opposite. The quirk of his brow is quick before he slides the bottle opener across the table. Silver metal gleams in the dim light. Piercings. He has two that you can see, two thick studs on his left brow and one on his nose. They stand out. Then again everything stands out about the man before you, from his unusual patterned shirt to the way he holds himself. He oozes confidence and something more sinister.
  He’s dangerous.
  “Aren’t you going to drink?”
  “If I must.” You can’t help yourself, you have to get in a quip. You could hit yourself. Instead you raise the beer to your lips. It’s strong. Where is it from? More importantly, why isn’t he saying anything? Doesn’t he want to know why you had been spying on his operation? Isn’t he interested in what you want and if not, why are you still alive?
  The silence draws out as you take turns sipping on the nauseating beverage. His eyes flick across your body and you feel exposed, shifting back and forth in the chair, somehow feeling scantily dressed in your simple jeans and tank top.
  You’re on your second beer when he finally asks, “Why are you here?”
  “Excuse me?” Before you even get the words out he is by your side, gun positioned up against your skull, grinding it into your flesh.
  “Did I stutter?”
  “Your goons brought me here.”
  “Clever. Why did my ‘goons’ have to bring you here?”
  “I am looking for a friend.”
  The gun turns against your temple and you let out a cry of surprise. “And which friend would that be?”
  You tell him and the gun loosens. Slightly. “The new meat?”
  “Is that what you call her?” You feel a shiver down your spine as his breath falls upon your neck. Resisting the urge to run, you continue, “She wants to leave and I’m trying to help her.”
  “Leave?” He laughs. “She can’t leave.”
  “Why?” You turn around. He is upright now, looking over you with a smirk on his face, gun swung over his shoulder. “You don’t need her. She’s probably just dead weight anyway.”
  “Dead weight?” He laughs again, this time his mouth opens wide enough for you to catch a glimmer of silver within. “She could be.”
  “Don’t hurt her!”
  “What do I get if I let your little friend leave? What am I getting for being so amenable?” That look doesn’t leave room for interpretation but if it did, the flick of his tongue doesn’t leave much to the imagination. His response doesn’t surprise you - you have been collecting information about his organization for a few days and it aligns with the kind of person people think he is. What surprises you is the images your mind conjures up once you see that tongue piercing.
  The things you want him to do to you leave you feeling disgusted in yourself. He’s a cold-blooded murderer. This is not what you want. This is not okay. Yet now that it snuck in there, it’s taking all your energy to push it back out.
  “A life for a life?”
  “I’ll let her go if you give yourself to me,” he whispers this against your ear before sucking on your earlobe. The warmth from his mouth and the chill of the metal piercing causes your eyes to flutter closed for a moment.
  “Is that my only option?”
  “You think there’s another?”
  “What if we play for it?” This gets his attention. He pulls back and looks down at you with suspicion in his eyes. “We could play a game.”
  “Do you have a pack of cards?”
  His tongue slides across his lips as a grin spreads across his face. “A card game?”
  “No,” he says, pulling out a deck from his back pocket, as if he had been waiting for this moment. Although you knew he would. Niragi likes to play. “Let’s try a game of chance.”
  “Are you worried? Don’t want to be defeated by a woman?”
  The chuckle is light. In the soft light his eyes are black. He swings around the chair and pins you down with his thighs, not bothering to be gentle. You exclaim from the force of his full weight. “You think you can take me? Can you handle every inch?”
  His eyes dance as one of his hands clasps your throat and the other slides up your shirt. The sensation sends electricity through your body but all you can concentrate on is the single strand of hair that sweeps down on the left side of his face. His obsidian hair is slicked back into a half bun near the top of his head and although there is more hair roaming free behind him, that strand is the only one touching his face.
  As you struggle to breathe, a warmth starts to build between your legs and you can’t resist the urge to touch his eye piercing a moment longer. When you do, that ethereal strand brushes up against the back of your hand and before you know it, your hand is lost to the back of his head as you pull him into a kiss. Your tongue lashes out, demanding more. The smooth feeling of the small ball of steel combining with the rougher feel of his tongue occupies your mind, leaving you without space for a single other thought.
  Moaning in frustration as much as pleasure, you push back against him. This man is a murderer. He is a thief. He is a liar. He is worse. You cannot get carried away with the devil, no matter how attractive he is.
  “Fine. A game of chance,” you pant the words while looking away, worried if you see him again you will lose all self control.
  Danger. Alarms ring in your head as he stares down at you. Why are you in this situation? Before you have time to ponder it, that beautiful strand of hair is brushing against your face as his tongue zigzags up from your neck to your forehead.
  “A game of chance then.” His cock is firm, crowding his black pants. A glint of laughter flutters across his eyes. “And if I win, you will do what you’re told.”
  “What do you mean?”
  “I’ll even give you the advantage. 75 percent chance of winning.” At your dubious look, he continues, “Just don’t pick a diamond card and you win. Simple, right?”
  “And if I do pick a diamond card?”
  “Well,” he says with a smile, the metal ball gliding along his lips. “Then you stay here with me.”
  “But if I win you let her go?”
  “Should I sweeten the pot?” His tongue is back at your neck, his breath warm. “Not that you can really say no. But as an act of charity, I’ll help you out. You can leave right now and lose nothing, but you won’t get your friend back. You can also try your luck and pull any suit except for a diamond and you both walk away.”
  His hand tangles in your hair, pulling your neck back as he looks down at you, a sly smile on his lips, his tongue swirling before you in an act that defies gravity.
  “Or you pull a diamond. I’ll let her go even if you pick up a diamond but you are stuck here for as long as I want you. And you’ll do whatever-” his eyes glance from your lips to your collarbone, continuing to linger on each part of your body with a burning hunger that was starting to mirror your own “-I tell you to do.”
  The odds are in your favour but the risks, the risks may not be worth it. Could you really forfeit your life for the safety of your friend? Would she want this of you?
  “What? Still scared to lose?” That dancing tongue is out and you wish he wasn’t so close. You can’t think when he’s grinding his cock up against your pelvis.
  “Why are you doing this?”
  “It’s what we do, no? Don’t lie and try and tell me that you don’t want me. You’re craving this as much as I am,” he says, crushing a finger against your lips before you are able to correct him. “Sexual desire is a part of who we are. Don’t deny it. There is no losing here for you. No matter the option and no matter the outcome - you win.”
  You know this isn’t true but he’s rocking his hips and blood is rushing to your ears and maybe it’s messing with your brain because you want to give in. You want to feel the power those hips can provide. You want to get lost in the pleasure he is offering.
  “Give me the deck.”
  You resist the urge to wipe that smug look off his face as he pulls the cards back out from his back pocket. He spreads them out with one hand and you grab one from the middle and flip it over in haste but instantly wish you hadn't.
  The Queen of Diamonds.
  “Best two out of three?” You ask hopefully.
  “Double or nothing?”
  You pull out another card.
  The three of diamonds.
  “How is that possible?”
  The smirk widens until it splits open into a laugh. “Looks like you belong to me now.” His tongue is close enough to taste the salt on your cheek, you grab another card as he turns to put them back into his pocket.
  Seven of diamonds.
  “You bastard,” you say, pushing hard against him you lunge towards the cards, pulling them out. On your hands and knees, you flip the scattered cards up. All diamonds. “You lying, cheating bastard.”
  “I don’t remember you putting any rules into play,” he says, pulling you up off the floor. “I won. Now I’m going to collect what’s mine.”
  Before you have a chance to fight back, you are swung over his right shoulder. On his left is the rifle that never strays too far.
  You are flung on the bed hard enough to bounce. His body is on yours before you’re able to bounce a second time, quickly going to work. His hands are aggressive.
  “I’m so glad you came along,” he practically purrs into your ear. “It was starting to get dull around here.”
  “This isn’t fair,” you say, attempting to push against his weight that doesn't budge. He’s stronger than he looks and right now he looks crazy. His eyes are feral and his hands are pinning your wrists to your sides.
  “Life isn’t fair.”
  “Can’t we try a different game?”
  “Why? You already lost. Twice.”
  His lips possess yours with unadulterated wanting, his teeth grazing on your tongue. He’s trying to end the conversation and it’s working. You lean back against the bed, letting yourself relax, the tension you were holding sinking into the mattress alongside your body. Your arms wrap around his back pulling him closer as heat ignites within your core. Your legs betray you as well, wrapping around his waist as your mouth greedily asks for more.
  More. It’s not enough. You need him and you need him now.
  “Stop,” you groan the words against his teeth. “You are such a dick.”
  “Even so, you can’t keep your hands off me. Tell me what you want me to do and maybe I’ll play nice and give it to you.” His voice is sandpaper and ice, dipping into your core and refusing to leave. It rebounds inside your chest with each word.
  “I hate you.”
  “The words you’ll want to remember are ‘Fuck me daddy.’ When you say them, I will give you what you want.”
  Glaring up at him, you try again to push him away. You can’t stand to look at that sneering face a moment longer but it’s like pushing cement. He’s not letting you go.
  “You can also use my name at any time. Ni-ra-gi.”
  Trying instead to shimmy out from under him, you get a little further but end up wedged between his chest and the bed.
  “I won’t control myself from here on out so don’t ask me to go easy on you.”
  As you pound your fists against his back, he pulls you back up to the pillow by your neck. Shock and pain mix together as you cough, tears springing to your eyes. His lopsided grin somehow emphasizes his wild stare, the whites of his eyes showing as his deranged look turns into a soft laugh.
  “Oh, and I don’t believe in safe words.”
  Your wrists are pinned above your head, his tongue waltzing across your neck before delving deep within your ear. Your toes flex tightly within your shoes as he nibbles your earlobe. Twisting against him, you turn your head and regret it almost instantly as a searing pain follows. He hasn’t let go of your ear, his teeth digging in deep. You confirm he broke skin when you turn back. He’s licking your blood from his lips.
  He snickers at your cry of pain. “Resist me more. I too like to play rough.”
  An arm reaches underneath you, grabbing your hip while another grabs your shoulder. There's rapid movement and a spinning motion and what feels like too many hands (how can he only have two?) until you are face down on the bed. The heat from his body warms yours. His tongue runs down the back of your neck. You try to turn back around but he pushes you into the pillow. Pain shoots up your arm as he pulls your wrist to the headboard.   Click.
  Lifting your head, the silver of the cuff that traps you gleams in delight. The handcuffs are dangling, giving you enough room to move a couple of inches but not enough for your arm to rest on the bed.
  “But you know what I like more than playing rough?” He pulls you back to look at him by your hair. Ignoring your cry of pain, he continues, “I like teaching my new whore about her place in the world.”
  “I’m not- I’m not your whore.”
  “But you will be. By the end of the night you'll be begging me for more, princess.”
  Before you can respond, he’s tracing his fingers down your back, snaking his hand under your hips and unbuttoning your pants. Your leg kicks out at the contact of skin on skin and your free arm strikes back behind you.
  “Do you want me to tie down every limb?” His breath is lava against your flushed ear. “Or should I chop them off altogether. You won’t be able to fight back then.”
  “You’re crazy.”
  “Then you better do everything I say. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
  His fingers rub against your tender skin over the thin fabric of your silk panties separating you from his direct touch. His cock is hard against your ass as he sucks on your ear.
  “I’m going to turn you around.” You barely catch the words through the buzzing throbs echoing inside your head. “Be a good girl and you won’t get hurt.”
  The movement is gentle as he turns you. Your free hand landing across his face is not and although it stings, you do it again. When he doesn’t react, you attempt a third time but this one is intercepted. His large hand holds your wrist, turning it until you wail out from the crushing pressure.
  “I thought I told you to be a good girl?”
  He slips off the bed for a moment before returning with his rifle, which he holds out toward you, and a long silver knife. His tongue slides across the blade, the clinking of metal on metal the only sound in the room. You swallow hard but refuse to cry, instead titling your head up with a hint of defiance. If this is the way you go, then you won’t go out in tears. He places the knife on the table, lifting the rifle high into view.
  “This is like an extension of myself. Treat it well and it’ll treat you well.” Confused, you raise an eyebrow. What is he up to? “Open your mouth.”
  “Are you serious?”
  “Open your mouth, princess.”
  Wondering if he can hear the pounding in your ears, you look up into the eyes of a beast and know there is no way out of this. You open your mouth. A bead of sweat flies down the side of your face and nestles into your cleavage, finding comfort you cannot.
  “Come on. Wider than that.”
  The trembling of your hands betray you as you try to scoot back, forced to stop once the headboard blocks you from going any further.
  “I’ll be good. I promise.”
  “Consider it a test run. Don’t be shy. Pretend it’s me,” he says, pushing the gun towards you again. Glaring up at him, you open your mouth and tense as the cold metal is forced into your mouth. “That’s it. Now impress me.”
  Tears burn your eyelids as he forces the gun into your mouth, catching the sides of your gums and clinking against your teeth. The closeness of his finger to the trigger fills that deep emptiness within with dread. That smile never leaves his face, even when his tongue leaves his mouth.
  “You can do better than that.”
  “Please stop it,” you mumble over the metal. “Niragi. Please, Niragi.”
  “Ah.” The only thing you can concentrate on is his white teeth as he takes the gun out of your mouth. “So you’ll be a good girl now?”
  You nod, tears streaming down your face. When he doesn’t move you say, “Yes. I’ll be good. I promise.”
  He tosses the gun back over to the couch, his hands roaming over your body.
  “Good. Now take off your clothes,” he says, leaning back against his elbow at the bottom of the bed. “I’ll be watching. Impress me.”
  “If you turn me on,” he says, licking his lips, “I’ll let your friend go free.”
  “What? But you said even if I didn't win you would let her go!”
  “It’s my game. My rules.”
  “You are literal scum.”
  “I’ll even let you see her leave from the window up here.” He points to the wide window adorned by heavy velvet curtains. Holding up three fingers, he says, “Scouts honour.”
  “As if I can trust you.”
  “What do you have to lose?”
  “If I give you a strip tease and get you off, you promise to let her go in front of me and not hurt her? You promise not to harm her ever?”
  “I promise.”
  “And not order anyone else to hurt her either."
  “See, now you’re catching on,” he says with a wide grin, clapping his hands. “My blood's starting to boil already.”
  You’re not sure if that is a good thing. “So, it’s a deal then?”
  “Yes, Princess," he sighs, swinging his wrist around. “Shall we begin?”
  “Can you uncuff me?”
  He hesitates for a moment before pulling the key from his front pocket. He unlocks the cuff, leaving it dangling on the bedpost. You let out a short sigh of relief.
  “Can we move this chair over to the corner?” Before waiting for an answer you jump off the bed and grab the chair, your eyes passing over the gun briefly. It’s too far away. He is too close, having gotten up with you.
  Pushing the chair into place you motion for him to sit. He raises an eyebrow but sits down. You glance over to the bedside table but the knife is gone. When you look back, his eyes have a mischievous glint as he plays with the knife you had placed great hope in.
  “It feels like we are playing two very different games right now.”
  “Just making sure everything is in place.” Don’t make him angry. “I want to impress you Niragi.”
  He likes it when you call his name. He would like it better if you called him daddy, but you will never do that.
  “Then impress me.”
  Turning your back to him, your movements are slow. The sounds of the party below are faint, only the softest whisper coming from the window, but the bass is far-reaching, enough for you to feel and sway to.
  It must entice.
  It must excite.
  It must be thrilling enough for this monster to let your friend leave. You’ve come this far, you can’t let this opportunity go to waste and as it stands, you don’t have any other options.
  You flow back and forth touching yourself. Slow. Tentative. Your eyes lock on his. Before long you are feeling it, you’re vibing with the beat and damn if he isn’t taking up the whole room from that single chair. His essence lingers everywhere in this room along with his smell. Raw. It’s intoxicating.
  You unbutton your shirt. That bone structure. Next the collar and sleeve slip off your shoulders. That eyebrow piercing. Your white shirt is on the floor. That single strand of hair that doesn’t like to be told what to do. Your fingertips caress your hips, hinting at what’s beneath before you untie the buttons of your jeans one by one. The way that tongue is never ending and never wants to stop dancing. Your pants fall to the floor with the help of your quivering hands. The dark voice that plays on the side of deep and smooth but also rough like gravel.
  The moment you take a step towards him, your legs tangle together and you land face first into his lap.
  Huh. Lost in touching yourself while looking at him you forgot to take off your shoes.
  “That’s one way to get a man’s attention.” Heat rushes to your face as you try to pull yourself up. His hand is on the back of your head. “I like you where you are. Continue undressing from down there.”
  Continue? But you're already in your underwear. You slip out of your shoes and tug at your socks before leaving your denim jeans behind you. Turning back, you freeze.
  His eyes burn down into yours, his lips pursed slightly as he taps the wooden armrest with his fingers. He’s bored. Deciding on something drastic, you stand. Hovering over him to make sure you have his full attention as you crawl into his lap, your eyes never leaving his.
  It’s a mistake and you realize it as soon as you’re sitting on top of him. You are wet. You’re getting off on this. You want to hate yourself but that pesky strand of hair has your attention again and you twirl it around your fingers. Blood, heat or God only knows what is circling within your stomach and spreading out throughout your limbs. Your eyes wander down to his lips. Feeling a pull you can’t resist, your mouth kisses along the left side of his face, the corner of his mouth, the silver ball on his nose, his left eyelid and finally his eyebrow. Here’s where you pause, your mouth delighting in the feel of the two metal balls as you massage the piercing with your tongue.
  As if by some kind of divine intervention, there is a knock at the door. He smirks.
  “Should I kill them for interrupting?”
  “Shouldn’t you be concentrating on releasing my friend?”
  “You think that turned me on?”
  “I know it did.”
  His smile is tight as he gets up, letting you fall to the ground as he does so. “Stay.” He grabs the gun before he rounds the corner and leaves your line of vision.
  The words are soft but you’re pretty sure there is more than one person on the other side of that door. Not worth risking. Also he has all the weapons. How far can you get? But also, how far do you want to? There is some kind of magnetic force that binds you to this villainous fiend, like an ancient thread that ties you down, leaving you unable to escape once he captures you with that Medusa stare.
  The door clicks. The lock turns. Within a few breaths, he is standing at the opening, looking at you still on the floor.
  “Good girl.” He leans the rifle against the wall while you glare, starting to get up. “Uh-uh. I think we were about to get to the good bit.”
  “Where’s my friend?”
  “How boring.” He strides over to you, pulling you up by your hair while dragging you to the window. “Let’s look, shall we?”
  Pulling the curtains open enough to fit you both within, he pushes you against the window. You gasp as the cold glass kisses your skin. There’s no one down there.
  “You promised.”
  “So impatient,” he whispers, cupping a breast with one hand and shoving the other one down your lace thong. His fingers find your heat in a swift movement, working your clit like an instrument he’s known his whole life.
  “I’m done waiting.” He licks the side of your face Leaning back into him, you try to resist the urge to let him take you right there.
  “Please,” you say, your eyes widening as the top of your friend's head comes into view below you. She is being led out by two men with guns. “I don’t want her to see me like this.”
  “Does it really matter?” The words, soft and firm, send a jolt up your back as he continues to work his magic in your underwear. “You’re never going to see her again anyway.”
  “You belong to me. I don’t want my things wandering off.”
  The men with the guns point up to the window. You squirm but he holds you tight. Even from this distance you can see the shock on her face before she turns and flees.
  “Running away like a scared deer. And after all the effort you went to help her escape, she didn’t even wave.”
  Tears spring to your eyes. You are alone with this madman and no one is coming to save you.
  “Shh,” he says, licking the tears from your cheeks. “You’re right. You do know how to turn me on.”
  His hand not currently writing an essay on your clit unties your bra as his teeth dig into your neck. You whimper from the pain… and the pleasure. Your nipples perk up against the cool glass.
  “You’re so wet. I want to eat you up,” he coos in your ear, leading you back to the bed, only pulling his hand free from your underwear to slap your ass. “Nice. You remember the words? I’m about to make you beg.”
  The words?
  Sprawled out on the bed, he spreads your thighs open with a grip tight enough to bruise. Not bothering to waste time, your thong is lost to the floor and his lips are on your lips. Humming softly to the vibration of your pulse as it throbs tightly against his mouth, his tongue flicks against your pussy, ready to devour you at any moment.
  And devour you he does, his hands caressing your thighs and ass as he laps up your juices.
  Throwing your head back, your hands clench desperately in search of something to hold on to, settling on the sheets that are so smooth and cool against your damp skin. The sensation of the cold metal on your warm pussy has you teeming with desire. Your moan is involuntary but loud. You can’t keep it in. His teeth graze your clit and your toes clamp down, thighs wrapping around him as they threaten to crush him if he dares to stop.
  You can’t see his lips but by the look in his eyes, you know he is smirking. The smug bastard.
  His eyes. They hold yours with an intensity you haven’t felt before. While he watches you watch him, his lips and tongue continue to suck and lap at your nub while he slides a finger into your warmth. You want to close your eyes in ecstasy but his eyes have a strange power over you, forcing you not to look away. Panting, your hands entwine in his hair as he adds another finger.
  You’re close; the intoxicating dizzying feeling of your world starting to splinter as heat rushes through your every fiber overcomes you. You can’t hear anything but the sound of your own staggered breath. Fire pools in your belly and you arch your back, ready to explode.
  Instead of exploding, however, your vision starts to fade. Your body twitches like a downed power line. You let out a sob as your body releases all that built up tension. Your hands loosen and your legs unwind. Taking a moment to look at you, his hands glide over your body before the suction and the thrusting of his fingers continue.
  He doesn’t listen, nibbling on your sensitive clit before he parts your slick lips and begins to flick his tongue again. Damn that piercing. The way it dances across your soft flesh, the cold metal making you melt.
  “Please,” you moan, throwing your head back, covering your face with your hand, biting your palm. “Fuck. I- please.”
  He’s grinning. Smug. A smirk? You can’t think. You want him inside you. It’s too much but it’s not enough. What was it? You push against him but he doesn’t budge, throwing your legs over his shoulders so he can get in closer. His tongue now delves within.
  “Please. Niragi.”
  The words. What were the words? You can’t breathe and you want to bite everything. Your teeth are chattering and your body won’t stop sputtering. Clamping down on your palm, you try to regain some control.
  His tongue is swirling, diving deep inside you. Your hand flies down to Niragi and you dig your fingernails deep into his shoulders. You can’t take it. You need him now.
  “Fuck me, daddy,” you whisper.
  “Hmm, what was that?” The vibrations of his words send up shocks, electricity raging through your body.
  “Fuck me, Niragi!” A little more determined. When he doesn’t stop the words come out as a growl. “Please daddy. Fuck me. Fuck me now!”
  He’s up and flipping your body over before you have a moment to catch your breath, the sound of his zipper can be heard right before his cock slides into your sopping pussy with ease.
  “Since you asked so nicely, Princess.”
  Sweat trickles down the curve of your spine as he pulls your hair back with force, his tongue dabbing at yours like he’s at the club; it’s hungry but you're thirsty and it just isn’t enough. The harder he pumps his thick cock into you, the more you sound like a broken record playing only one beat over and over. “Yes. Yes. Fuck. More. Yes. Oh. My. God. Yes.”
  He slides in and out, his dick hitting the back of your vagina hard. He’s growling. Or is it you who’s growling? The pants are getting louder. The room is vibrating. The moans combine and you are one. The slapping of skin on skin. It’s intoxicating.
  The room is spinning and then so are you as he tosses you on your back, your ankles flung over his shoulders so he can go deeper.
  You didn’t realize it was possible. Bright white spots crowd your vision and your teeth are insatiable. You bite his shoulder and the carnal groan that exits his lips sends pulsing heat from your face to your pussy and you dig in harder. He’s made you into a wanton animal.
  Your nails rake along his back so that he too can feel the fire that’s been ignited within you. You want him to feel it. You need him to see the creature he’s created.
  The room is rocking violently as the storm that is your second orgasm sparks from within, the pleasure sinful. It feels as if time has slowed, each shocking wave that passes over you erupting from within. Just when you think it may never stop, the jumpy feeling that plagues your legs finally calms down.
  You look up at him and lick your lips. Then you realize he hasn’t come yet. How did he get you off that much without coming himself? He grins before claiming your mouth, his tongue dangerous and ravenous.
  He’s not stopping. He buries his cock inside you again, the friction that could very well burn you both alive numbing and overstimulating your swollen clit. You toss your head back and forth against the pillow in what you are certain looks like something out of The Exorcist, especially when combined with the animalistic sounds coming from a part of you you didn’t know existed.
  “I’m going to fuck you so hard you can’t think of anyone else. We won’t stop fucking you until I’m ingrained on your soul. You’ll never recover,” his husky voice barely reaches your ears over the sound of your desperate heart. His lips are perfect - you want to chew on them like candy. And those eyes, they hold the promise of more to come. “Now who do you belong to?”
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this content! If you did, please consider liking, commenting, reblogging and/or following, and check out my masterlist for similar content. Have a great day!
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eat0crow · 4 years
I’ve been seeing an increasingly large amount of people get into fic binding lately, which is fucking amazing! I love each and every one of you guerilla publishers! With the history of fandom takedowns, purges, and the bull shit legislation corporations try and start every few years, it’s so good that fics are being given permanency. 
I’ve noticed that fic binders seem to be focused on longer fics, ones in the 50k onward range, which makes sense and is great because these fics absolutely deserve to be put into print! But, the thing is, my favorite fics have almost always been short one-shots, and no one seems to be talking about binding them.
So! I’m gonna show you how to bind short one-shots.
A couple of things before we get started, the method I’m going to show you is called saddle stitching, it works best for works between 5-20k. This method is affordable, utilizing things you most likely have already, and lasts years. (I have booklets that are literally a decade old and still holding strong.)
For longer works Coptic binding is my personal favorite, it’s not only affordable but also produces some beautiful spines. (Video talks about different types of string, but shows off some gorgeous spine work). If you have a little more money to spend on a project, I recommend hardcover binding. I don’t like perfect binding and while Japanese style binding is pretty it’s a nightmare on your margins.
 @armoredsuperheavy​ has an amazing list and perfect tutorial that has everything you need to know about bookbinding and typesetting . The tutorial goes into in-depth detail on exactly what you need to do every step of the way. The only thing I do differently when printing one-shots is that I only have one signature so I  print everything as one booklet. This orders the pages for you.
The most important thing you have to remember is to select flip on the short edge.
Also, add page numbers, trust me when I say it makes everything a world easier.
What I use:
Body text: Garamond 10.5
Meta information: Garamond 8
No gutter
A 1 inch top and bottom margin, and a .7 inch margin on both the inside and outside (Note: If your work is closer to 20k you’re going to need to account for page creep, so I recommend adjusting your outside margin to .9 and your inside margin to .5, this will even out when you cut)
What you’re going to need: 
Mircosoft word—Sorry, I know everyone uses google docs now, but you’re going to need Word in order to print this as a booklet. If you have Adobe Indesign you can use that too, but it’s more expensive.
Card stock or craft paper—Anything 75lbs or more.
Embroidery Floss and Needle. Super cheap compared—and if you have beeswax on hand—the exact same as bookbinding string.
Craft Knife
Nail file 
Index cards
(Washi tape is an extra to add decoration and protect the string, though, if you really want to reinforce the spine duct tape is amazing.)
Okay! Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get started.
What you’re going to do is carefully fold your card stock and pages in half, ends flush together, running the edge of your ruler or bone folder, if you have one, over the crease. You’re then you’re going to start placing your pages inside the cover. To minimize page creep, each time you add a page, first push it in place with the needle, then go back over the crease with your ruler or bone folder. It should look like this when done—
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You’re going to prep your booklet for sewing next.
What you’re going to do first is open the booklet up, make sure everything lines up as close to perfect as you can, then fold the index cards over the side of the book, to prevent the pages from creasing due to the clips. Then clip them in place to prevent wiggling and make the hole punching easier. Do this to all four sides.
Traditional saddle stitching uses three holes, and you can too, but I like to use seven because it maintains better tension. For my hole guide, I measure 1 and 1/4th of an inch up to my first hole—this leaves me about 1 and 1/4th of an inch between the bottom of my page and the seventh hole. From the first hole, everyone after that is measured 1 inch apart.
After you’ve measured everything, it’s time to jam the thumbtack through the marks you’ve made. The pages have a tendency to move as you do this, so it’s vitally important that all four sides are being held in place with those clips. (If you have an awl, cool beans, they work better.)
For the love of God do not put the crease between your thighs when you start hole punching. I know it’s easier, but learn from my dumbassery and don’t do it bitch!
You should have something like this—
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Now it’s time to sew. Which, because I’m weird and love hand stitching, is my favorite part.
I use one strand of floss, folded over for a double-stranded effect. I find this works best because each hole is gone through twice, leaving a four-ply binding. When measuring how much string to use, my rule is double the length of the spine, triple if you’re feeling unsure.
Now traditionally you’re going to start from the inside outward, leaving your tail within the book. I like to leave my tail on the outward spine because I cover it with washi tape. What you’re going to do now, is go in through your 4th hole(Leave around two inches for a tail, more if this is your first time), out through 5, back in through 6, like this—
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When you get to seven you're going to follow the same pattern until you get to hole 1, where you will turn and sew toward the middle. When you get to hole 3 for the second time, you’re going to double knot the tail to your string and cut off the ends.
A note about tension, it’s important that you maintain even tension throughout each hole, this takes practice, but it gets loads easier the more times you do it. You want your string to be tight, with just enough give to make closing the book easy. If you have too much tension, over time the strings will wear through the pages. Too little and the pages will move around inside the binding.
Essentially your sewing pattern will be: in 4, out 5, in 6, out 7, in 6, out 5, knot the end, in 4, out 3, in 2, out 1, in 2, out 3, knot.
It should look like this when done—
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Now you might notice this along the edge of your book—
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That’s page creep. Some people leave it, I cut it away. This is the biggest pain in the ass of the entire process, and I have yet to get a perfectly clean edge any time I’ve done. The only way to get that clean edge is with a guillotine, but I don’t have one, so this is where the craft knife comes in. (If you don’t have one, you can use a box cutter, provided the blade is fresh.)
What you’re going to do now is place your ruler along the edge of the paper you’re going to cut away. Pro-tip, I recommend cutting 1/16th of an inch into the card stock, 1/8th of an inch into the entire edge of the book so that each of your pages have the same starting point, like this—
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Becuase my hands shake really bad when I apply tension to them, I stick my book under a sheet of glass, hold it down with a big old book, and use my body weight to keep everything in place.
It’s important that you go slow, cut page by page, and apply even tension from the top of the book down to the bottom.
Now if you’ve done this and still get these little fly aways—
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Join the club! Fortunately, they’re really easy to get rid of and smooth out, just use your nail file to sand out the edge.
And that’s it! Congratulations, you’ve bound your very first book!! If you want to hide the spine add your tape, but if not, you’re done, my friend!
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gretavanqueefs · 2 years
The Bet
parings: jake x woman!reader
summary: who will win this bet?
word count: 2,336
warnings: 18+ only! ,explicit sexual content, teasing, choking, unprotected sex
This is my first fan fic so go easy on me lol, wrote this for my insta followers follow me there @gretavanqueefs
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You and jake have always had a way in pushing each others limits. One thing you hadn’t tried yet was seeing how long you two could go without touching each other more than platonically. Both of your love languages are undeniably touch. You loved teasing him and wanted to see him beg. Almost positive you could last far longer than him...or can you?
Its been about a week since you binded the bet with him. He has been anything but patient already asking if he could have a time out.
 “So you are admitting you aren’t up for the challenge?” you ask, pointing your index finger to his chest. 
“No,” he huffs “obviously I was just kidding.” leaning back into the bedframe crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Mhm, okay sure.” you say crawling into bed next to him.
“It’s just that I have a show tomorrow and I don’t wanna be distracted is all.” he admits.
“Aww I distract you, that’s cute.” you say laying your head on his chest. 
“Oh just you wait baby, tomorrow you’ll be the one begging me.” he says cockily while stroking your hair. 
“Yes sir,” you say reaching over him to turn off the lamp “whatever you say.” You know it drives him crazy when you call him sir, so you threw that one in just for fun.
“Just you wait honey.” he says closing his eyes. 
You awake to the sound of the shower running. You get out of bed and walk to the bathroom door. Cracking it slightly you can hear grunts through the water hitting the tile. You peak in and see him standing there, teeth gritted, one hand bracing the shower wall in front of him, the other stroking up and down his dick. He throws his head back, jaw slack he lets out the most desperate noise you have ever heard him make.
 Part of you feels bad that you cant be in there to help in out but another part of you cant stop watching from a distance imagining how bad he must want his hand to be you. As he finishes he lets his head hang in front of him, his wet hair hanging in front of his face, his back muscles clenched. You try and collect yourself.
You take a step back and go distract yourself by making a pot of coffee. You pour yourself a cup, taking a sip out of it as Jake walks out the bedroom door with a towel around his waist. Water droplets still on his chest he runs a hand through his soaked hair. You cant help but stare as he walks past you taking off his towel, completely naked he throws it into a laundry bin.  “Oh coffee, thanks.” he says snatching your cup out of your hand and taking it back into the bedroom.
You couldn’t get your mouth to close, let alone protest him walking away. Ok so this is what he meant by ‘Just you wait.’ “Well two can play at this game Jakey.” you mumble to yourself.
Jakes getting ready to leave for soundcheck while you are trying to conjure up an outfit that you know will drive him wild. 
“Okay baby I gotta go, I’ll be looking for you in the pit.” he says as you hug him goodbye and go in for a kiss when you feel his finger rest on your lips. “uh uh uh no kisses allowed, your rules, remember.” he coos at you rubbing his thumb across your lower lip. He walks out the door leaving you standing there red faced and flustered. 
After doing your hair and smoking out some black eye shadow on your lids- Jake compliments your eyes every time you do this- you go to your closet. You pick up an unworn set that you honestly forgot about. It is a pair of black faux leather pants and a matching halter top. You try it on for the first time and are stunned with how well it extenuates your figure. 
You make it to the venue and get situated in the pit next to Danny’s girlfriend. “Hey I love your outfit, you look so hot” she says eyeing you up and down. “Jake might forget a riff or two when he sees you.” 
“That’s what I'm counting on.” you say as the intro tape starts playing. “What?!” she yells over the fans screaming. “Oh its nothing.” you reply 
You hear Danny’s rhythmic pounding of the drums and Sam’s melodic playing of the keys. Then Jake runs onto stage with a strum loud enough to cause an earthquake. He’s wearing his simple uniform of black jeans, Chelsea boots and an unbuttoned shirt, but the extra confidence hes wearing has you weak in the knees. 
He makes dead eye contact with you all night. They are on the last song and for his solo he runs right in front of you, so close that he could hit you in the face with his guitar. He goes harder than you’ve ever seen him play, his head banging back, his hair sticking to his face with sweat. Its taking everything in you not to pull him off stage and have him right there.
The show is over and you practically run to the dressing room to see him. You knock on the door a little too harder than necessary. Your face goes red when you realize Josh is the one opening the door. “Hey y/n everything okay?” he asks letting out a laugh. “ye- yeah Josh I’m fine, thank you.” you say trying to compose yourself. You see Jake sitting on the couch, he pats the spot next to him, gesturing for you to sit next to him. 
You walk over to go to sit down when he wraps his arms around your waist causing you to fall into his lap. He and Sam are having after show banter when he starts rubbing circles on your thigh with his thumb. This contact after having so little for a week is enough to send shivers down your spine. He then starts rhythmically bouncing the leg youre sitting on. This friction against your core causes you to let out a whine, which you then poorly suppressed as a cough. “You alright y/n?” Sam asks pausing his conversation. “Yeah, are you alright y/n?” Jake asks with an undertone of mischief. He new what he was doing.
“No- yeah i’m all good.” you force out. “Okay well me, Danny, and Josh are gonna go get drinks did you guys want to come?” Sam asks. “No!” you answer too quickly “I mean i’m just sooo tired. How about you Jake we didn’t really sleep well last night did we?” you say glaring at him.
“Uh yea i’ll catch you guys tomorrow.” he says. “Okay man see ya!” Sam says closing the door behind him. 
You flip around and straddle him, grabbing both side of his face slamming into him with a kiss. You start to travel down his jawline when he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls you back so you can make eye contact “Slow down baby” he says “we never called off the bet.”
“Okay jake you win i don’t care, i just need you right now, please.” you plead.
“Although you are cute when you beg, you’re not getting off that easily.” he whispers, his lips trailing along your neck. He moves down your chest leaving bites on your cleavage. This causes you to yelp and weave your fingers through his hair. He laughs darkly at the noises you make.
He yanks your top off, throwing it god knows where. His calloused fingers trail down from your neck to your breasts. Cupping the left one peppering it with kisses, he then puts your nipple between his teeth biting down with enough force to make you gasp. He soothes it with a painfully slow lick, while looking up at you. Desperate for some relief you grind yourself against his hips. You feel he’s already hard which gets you instantly wet.
“Needy are we?” he says giving your thighs a squeeze. “Mhm” is all you can muster up, trying to move your hips faster. “These off, now.” he commands toying with the waistband of your pants. You stand up off him and peel your pants off letting them drop. He flips you around and pulls you onto his lap so your back is flush with his chest. He starts caressing your thighs inching closer to your core but never getting too close. You get impatient so you grab his hand and place it on your underwear. He trails his hand down over your opening and feels the soaked fabric.
“Mmm babys so wet for me.” he coos, the feeling of his breath on your ear makes you shiver. “You like what you saw this morning?” he says catching you off guard. “Uh um-”you think back to him in the shower, gritting his teeth hand gripping the wall, other stroking his cock. “You knew i was watching you?” you gasp as your face becomes flushed. “Mhm, i wanted you too see how much you were making me suffer.” he says trailing his hand to your throat. “Now I want you to see you touch yourself.” He says giving your throat a little squeeze.
“But i-i want you.” you strain out. “Did i fucking stutter?” he says taking his hand from your throat and lightly slapping your clit. You let out a yelp, throwing your hand over his.
You start rubbing and gain speed. “Slow down baby, what’s the rush?” he says guiding your hand at a slower agonizing pace.
Your hips buck up trying to find more stimulation. “I love watching you squirm.” He says putting his hands on your inner thighs pushing you down. “Okay you can put a finger in, baby.” he says guiding your fingers in your underwear to graze your opening. You slide your middle finger in and start pumping.
“More, please?” you wine. “Okay one more.” he allows. You then add your ring finger. It’s some relief but nothing compared to what his fingers can do to you. You let out a frustrated moan.
“Aww poor baby i bet you wish those were my fingers.” He whispers in your ear while stroking your inner thigh. “Mhm.” you mumble. “What’s the magic word pretty girl?” he coos. “Please.” you say. “Please- what?” he retorts. “Please- put your fingers in me.” you choke out. “Mm i don’t know…” he says running his fingers over your entrance. “Please Jake- please i need” you get cut off when he pulls your panties to the side slams two fingers into you.
You let out a gasp, well more of a squeak as he shows no mercy pumping in and out. He then transitions to the come here motion inside you, methodically hitting your spot with every movement. “Oh my god!” you let out squeezing his thigh throwing and your head back over his shoulder. “No one does it like me baby?” he asks reaching his free hand to cup your chin. “Yes-oh fuck yes!” you practically scream.
You feel yourself getting closer and closer, your legs start to twitch. He notices and pulls his hand out. A strained whine falls out of you. “Shhh baby we’re only getting started.” he says putting his fingers in your mouth. He pulls them out with a ‘pop’ sound. “Good girl.” he whispers in your ear.
He yanks your panties down and off your legs letting them fall. He then picks you up and lays you on the couch. He rips his shirt off and unbuckles his pants, pulling them down far enough for his fully erect dick to spring out.
He slides it up and down your slit causing a pornographic sound to fall from your lips. He lets out a huffy laugh. He slips the tip in then back out again trailing it back up to your clit. You get frustrated and reach for his dick trying to put it in.
He then grabs both of your wrists with one hand pining them above your head. “You were being such a good girl for me what happened.” he says just inches from your face. “I’m sorry, please i need it now.” You say in an almost embarrassingly desperate voice.
“Don’t be sorry baby” he says stroking your cheek. “Just use your words for me.” He then pushes his length into you, causing you to let out a guttural moan. “Aww that a girl” he says with another stroke.
He picks up one of your legs and throws it over his shoulder getting enough leverage to hit all the right places. Letting go of your wrists he grips your hips with force you know is going to leave bruises tomorrow and shows no mercy. You let out a string of choppy moans with each pound.
“Your gonna make me me- i’m gonna” you cry out. He then rests his elbows on either side of your head, with his face just inches from yours he says “Let it all go, baby” his strokes become deeper and you can feel yourself clenching around him, legs shaking. “That’s my pretty girl come on my dick for me.” he says planting a sloppy kiss on your forehead.
Having you finish while he’s in you is enough to bring him along too. His strokes become less rhythmic and his hips buck. His mouth falls open and he makes dead eye contact with you as he becomes undone. He lets out a pattern of grunts and moans while he finishes in you. As he’s coming down he gives you a messy kiss tracing his tongue along yours and continuing it down your neck.
He picks you up so you are laying on his chest on the leather couch. “I won that bet.” he says while brushing your hair out of your face. “yeah yeah whatever.” you huff.
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we-are-so-close · 3 years
Promised Life
Yandere!Illumi x female reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: 18+; Minors do not interact, Angst, smut, yandere behavior, noncon, dubcon, implied death, kidnapping, forced marriage, oral (female receiving), vaginal sex, breeding (please let me know if I forgot something)
Author's Note: This is pretty dark. And very smut heavy. And the longest fic I've written so far. Very nervous about it.
The sound of cries from the baby monitor woke you and your husband.
“Aw, he’s been doing a lot better about sleeping through the night,” your husband’s groggy voice whispered in your ear.
“I know. I’ll go check on him,” you said as you tried to rub the sleep from your eyes.
“Love you, babe,” your husband kissed you on the back of your head.
“Yeah, yeah. I love you, too...Butt,” you teased as you threw on your nightgown.
You slowly crept into the baby’s room to see him standing up in his crib.
“Hey, buddy,” you cooed as you turned on one of the lights next to the rocking chair. As soon as he saw you, he started jumping up and down, hanging on to the side of the crib.
“What are you doing, silly boy? It’s time for bed,” you picked him up and kissed his sweet little head. You cradled him; his head in the crook of one of your elbows with your other arm supporting his back side. You rocked him back and forth, his eyes getting heavier and heavier as the time passed. Eventually, he was asleep in your arms. You placed a soft kiss on his head before carefully laying him back into his crib.
“Good night, my precious boy,” you whispered.
As soon as you turned the light off, a cold chill shot down your spine. It caused you to freeze right in place. You hadn’t felt this aura in years. You haven’t felt this since…
“No!” You gasped. You felt as though you were in a clouded haze. You couldn’t think clearly, your breathing started to quicken. As much as you tried to move, you couldn’t. The aura you felt before is getting stronger, thicker. It’s too hard for you to breathe. Dizziness takes over and you collapse to the ground. The last thing you saw before you faded out of consciousness was your child’s sweet sleeping face.
Your eyes slowly opened. Darkness. Darkness was all you could see. And pain was all you could feel. Your head felt as if it was being split open. You tried to move your arms to lift yourself up, but you weren’t able to move. You opened your mouth to scream, but nothing more than a murmur came out. Your chest began to rise and fall rapidly. A wave of nausea washed over you.
“No,” was all you could muster as the tears started to fall and the sobs began to choke you.
A shadow moved closer to you.
“Awake already?” a familiar yet cold voice asked. “I shouldn’t be surprised though, you are just as strong now as you were when you left me five years ago. Although, I was sure that you would have realized the poison that was slipped into your evening tea .”
“We...I-I didn’t…,” you struggled to get the words out. Your brain couldn’t begin to process where to start.
He took a seat next you on the bed where you laid. He began to rub your head.
“Shh, it’s okay. I forgive you for lying. And for running away. Now that you’ve come back to me, we can be a family...” He leaned in close to your ear and whispered, “...like you promised.”
Five years ago, you and Illumi had been engaged. You were in love with him and you were excited to start a family. However, there had been some complications. Before marrying into the Zoldyck family, tests had to be run. You passed all of them with ease. All of them except one. The doctors told you that all of their tests had come to the same conclusion: infertile. Your heart shattered. You fled the manor before you could even face Illumi with this information, the shame you felt was too overwhelming.
You moved as far away as you could and tried to make yourself disappear. You had wanted to live the rest of your life wallowing in your own self-pity. The previous life you had dreamed of was not going to happen. You had accepted that. And you thought Illumi accepted it, too. He didn’t come for you like you thought he might. In your mind, he had given up on you and you had put that part of your life behind you.
You weren’t expecting to fall in love with another man so quickly, get married so quickly, own a house together so quickly, and you most certainly were not expecting to get pregnant and have a beautiful baby boy so quickly. Everything you had ever wanted happened so quickly, and you had forgotten about the life you had once promised to someone else.
“Illu-Illumi. I-Where…” you breathed in hard. His face hovered just over yours.
“You’re home, ______,” he stated with a smile. “And here in a few hours, we will finally become man and wife.”
“But..but,” you squeaked out.
“I know how happy this must make you. But you can tell me when we exchange our vows. For now, I will leave you to gather your strength and get ready. Until then, my love.” He kissed your temple and walked away.
The head pain mixed with your attempts to speak and the gravity of this situation was too much for you. Exhaustion overtook you. The next time you opened your eyes, the room was bustling with servants. You could hear the quiet whispers from them upon seeing you wake up. A butler appeared in front of you. A familiar face. She was one of the butler’s that was originally assigned to you when you first planned on staying in the manor.
“______, it’s so nice to finally have you back. Now, sit up.”
“What?” you asked, still slightly confused.
“Oh, for goodness sake, let me help you.” She grabbed your arm and yanked you up. Upon standing, you could see that they had already changed you into a wedding dress. It was lace. Long-sleeved and backless. The dress of your dreams. You had once discussed with Illumi what your dress might look like.
“Master Illumi had this made just for you. The least you could do is stand upright.”
The poison you consumed was still taking its course through your body. Your head hurt slightly less and you were able to move, but you still needed support to stand.
The wedding itself was quite short. Illumi stood next to you for support, arm wrapped around your waist. The vows you spoke were ones that Illumi had written for you. And you knew better than to refuse to speak. Having your own free will was more important than words that meant nothing to you. You were well acquainted with his nen abilities. You saw how it affected the unfortunate souls that were on the other end of his attacks.
After you both took your turns saying the vows, you were pronounced husband and wife. He gave you a peck on the lips and then turned you to face everyone. Everyone clapped and you felt immense sadness. The tears in your eyes threatened to break the surface. Illumi enveloped you in his embrace. Your face was resting against his chest as the two of you danced slowly. You now had enough strength to speak in short sentences, so you tried to reason with this man.
“Illumi, this marriage isn’t binding. I’m already married. I-I have a family now,” you muttered in hopes that it would somehow change his mind.
“It’s already been taken care of, ______. There’s no need to bring it up again.”
A whimper escaped your lips. He pulled you away from his chest to look you in the eyes.
“Hm, I think it’s time we wrap this up. What do you say?” He wasn’t really looking for an answer from you. His mind was made up. After the song had ended, he announced to everyone that you were not feeling well and that both of you were turning in for the night. He carried you bridal style to his chambers.
He laid you on the bed and began undressing himself.
“When I found out why you left, I was more hurt than anything else. We could have figured something out, ______,” he stared stoically at the wall. “I was going to come find you, but I had some important family business come up. It took a little longer than expected, but I never forgot about you. And you did a decent job of hiding yourself. I only found you last year. And by then, you were married and with child. I wanted to take you back, right then and there. But I weighed my options and decided I would watch.”
A terrifying thought to realize that he’s been watching you for a year. Even more terrifying was that you hadn’t noticed.
“I grew angrier by the day just watching you live your silly little life. I wanted to just kill you all. But then I saw the bond you formed with that child. The way you cared for it was….endearing. It helped me to reaffirm why I wanted you as a partner all along.” He was completely undressed and now his focus was on you. “So, I watched you some more. I watched your interactions with the child and decided that now was the time to bring you back to where you belong.”
He ripped your dress, exposing your breasts and underwear. You moved your arms to cover yourself, but it was futile. He was much stronger than you, even if you weren’t poisoned. With one hand, he was able to wrangle your wrists together and pin them above your hand. The other hand was moving across your body, giving you goosebumps. His touch was surprisingly soft and warm for someone so cold and uncaring.
He caressed your breast and pinched your nipple, eliciting a response from you. He put the other nipple in his mouth and teased you with his tongue. He sucked on it and could feel you trying not to squirm underneath him. He released it with a loud POP! sound, echoing in the room. You tried to bury your face in your arm so you wouldn’t have to look at him. But he grabbed your face and turned your head toward him.
“If you were able to conceive a child with a non-nen user, then you can conceive a child with me. We will do this everyday until you are with child.”
A look of terror on your face was ignored by your new husband as he ripped your underwear off. He let go of your wrists so that he could better face your entrance. He spread your legs and began working quickly. He started circling your clit with his tongue. He’d use the tip of his tongue for the quick little circles, but then he’d switch it up and use the pad of his tongue to lick from your folds to your bud. He was sucking you when he inserted a finger. A gasp escaped from your lips and you could feel him smile.
He came up to face you, finger still moving in and out.
“You know, the one good thing from watching another man fuck you is that I learned what you like and what get’s you off.”
Once again, you were ashamed and tried to hide your face again.
“Remove your hands or I’ll move them for you.”
And once again, you were reminded of how you would rather do things of your own free will instead of having them done for you. You obliged and he went back down on you.
He continued to lap at your clit while inserting another finger. You were trying your best to push all of this out of your head, to not make a noise. But his fingers were moving against the spongy part of your wall. The friction from his fingers and the movement of his tongue was enough to bring you to your climax. Your walls tightened and fluttered around him while your juices flowed down his hand
“Good girl.”
He removed his fingers and brought them to your lips.
Again, you obliged and took his fingers in your mouth. You sucked and licked, cleaning yourself off of him. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and his lips met yours. He kissed you with such intensity. It took you by surprise. The passion he was displaying was certainly unexpected.
His cock soon began to fill the empty feeling in your cunt. When you gasped, he forced his tongue into your mouth. Back and forth, back and forth, the girth stretched your walls. It was pleasurable, though you did not want to admit it.
He bit your bottom lip before he drew away. “______, you’re so tight. But you accept me so eagerly. We were made for each other.”
He slowly pushed his way further into you. When he bottomed out, you moaned.
“Illu, too much,” you cried.
“But you’re doing so well. You will get used to it.”
Illumi stared in your eyes as he slowly pumped in and out. You wanted to look away or close your eyes, but you simply couldn’t. His fingers were intertwined in your hair, his face hovering above yours.
“Illumi…” you whispered. His lips got caught up in yours once more.
He pulled his torsos away from yours and pushed your legs to your chest. You didn’t think he could go any deeper, but this position proved you wrong. Each thrust hitting your cervix, causing more pain than pleasure. You hadn’t realized that your hands had moved to act as a buffer between his thighs and your legs. Habit, you supposed.
“______,” he spoke forcefully. You realized your mistake.
“’m...sor...ry…” your speech was broken from the continuous thrusting. Your hands moved above your head. He threw your legs over his shoulders and leaned in closer to you. His pacing was becoming faster. You could see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He was getting close. The thought of him cumming in you made your core burn. One of his hands began rubbing your sensitive bud. The stimulation was too much and you were creaming around his cock as you moaned out his name. Your walls fluttering around his cock was enough for him to reach his climax. Rope after rope of his seed filled your greedy hole. He was panting, something you can’t remember seeing before.
Your hand cupped his face. “I love you,” fell out of your mouth. Your eyes grew wide and a deep red crept across your cheeks. He smiled down at you.
“I know, my love.”
The two of you stayed still for a moment, except for his hips that continued to softly move against you. When he finally pulled out, a small whimper escaped your lips. He kissed your forehead.
Illumi carefully flipped you onto your side and spooned you. A strong arm caged your body against his, hand resting on your stomach. He kissed the back of your head.
“______, you fought the good fight. But you will not be able to overcome it. When you wake up tomorrow, all the pain of your previous life will be gone. Not even a distant memory. You will never have to relive those moments ever again. From now on, it will just be you, me, and the family that we create. Now it’s time to sleep, my love. You’ve had a busy day.”
Tears started trickling down your face. Your eyes grew heavy with sleep. It was indeed a busy day. Sadness overcame you, but you couldn't be sure why. You had just married the love of your life.
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trash-writings · 3 years
Good Boy
Dom!Fem!Reader x Fem!Mahito
Another commission! If you're interested in commissioning me, please send me a dm.
Info: Mahito transforms his body so he has breasts and a vagina. He still uses he/him and I kept it that way for the fic.
Warnings: Overstimulation, dacryphilia, face sitting, bondage, spanking, sex toys (crop and vibrator), some degradation, mommy kink, dom!reader, femdom, (let me know if I missed any).
You knew his games all too well, even if he believed you didn’t. Mahito got off on fucking with you, in any meaning of the phrase, but he particularly enjoyed the way you reacted when he took a more feminine form. He even made his eyelashes grow a bit longer, giving him a full bright-eyed effect to really make you weak.
However, you knew this was all just to watch you crumble. After watching him strut around in the short dress he loved all too much and knew you did as well, you finally look at him fully. Laying your phone down on the table beside your bed, you give him your attention.
“What exactly are you up to?
Your voice makes him perk up like a puppy begging for its owner's attention. It’s adorable, the way his eyes gloss over and light up every time you speak to him.
“Nothing, nothing at all, Mommyyyy” he drags out they, making you smile.
“Mommy doesn’t like when you lie to her,” you tell him. “And I always know when you’re lying.”
He giggled, looking away and straddling your lap. “But Mommy, I just want to show you how much I love you.” He grinds against your bare thigh, and you feel he’s not wearing underwear. He coats your thigh as you let him have his fun for a moment, whimpering every time you flex your thigh under his cunt.
“Do you think you’re really going to get away with this?” You ask him while tilting your head and grabbing his hips and stilling his body.
“Get away with what?” Feigning innocence s is cute, usually allowing you to let go and let him have his fun. Especially in this form, even if he only takes it when he wants to overpower you and make you softer for him than normal.
You push him off of you, flipping his body onto the bed, and pinning him below you. He smiles up at you, and you can’t help but smile back. You raise your hand and slap his pretty face, a clean smack echoing in your bedroom.
He moans, like usual, enjoying every bit of pain you give him. “Mommy!” His whining turns you on, every time that sweet word passes his lips.
“Are you going to behave?” You trail your hand down his cheek, neck, and then caress his breasts roughly. “Or am I going to have to teach you a lesson?”
“What if I want a mix of both?” He tilts his head smiling and you laugh.
You pinch his nipple through his dress, and he moans. “That’s not a very clear answer baby. So, are you going to be a good or bad boy?”
“I’ll be good, Mommy! I’ll be so good!”
“That’s what I like to hear,” you kiss him after.
Your tongue slips in his mouth, he moans leaning up trying to take more of you. His tongue fights against yours and you slip your fingers under his dress, finding he completely forgoes wearing a bra.
“Fucking whore,” you scold slipping the loose dress up off of his body and he laughs.
“You know you like it,” you slap him again and another moan leaving his body and stirring your desire further.
You flick your tongue over his right nipple, his back arched off the bed and his head falling to the side while he moans. He’s always so loud it’s nearly disgusting, anyone less sadistic would hate the filth that passes those pretty lips of his. Slipping your arm under his arched back you pull him closer to you. Mommy leaves his lips more times than you can count, filling your ears while you tease his nipples, and he begs for more.
“You want more?” You unlatch from his left nipple and hover over him. “You’re so greedy, it’s pitiful.”
He frowns, and you laugh pushing yourself off the bed and to your knees. Looking down at him, he squirms beneath you. Your glare is enough to make him uncomfortable and ready to submit. However, you notice he’s trying harder tonight to keep his composure. He really thinks having a pussy tonight will give him some control over you.
It’s cute.
It makes you want to ruin him even more.
“Stay there, and don’t you dare move an inch.” You point at him and he nods, a large smile forming on his face.
You grab a segment of black rope to bind his hands, your favorite pink vibrator, and a ball gag… just in case. While you love hearing him, sometimes it’s fun to listen to his muted whimpers while you wreck him. However, you’ve never used it on him while he’s been in this form. You grab your crop, just in case he acts up and you want to bruise his inner thighs.
Realizing you’ve never actually dominated when he’s taken the shape of a woman, fuels this. You’ve always let him take over. Not today, you decide that’s over for now. No wonder he was so confident and giddy. You grab another length of rope, thinking he’d look better restrained but also harnessed around his breasts.
“Stay still, alright?” You tell him and he nods.
Dropping the items on the bed and sitting him up to face away from you as you begin to work. You start by lacing the rope around his chest and between his breasts, carefully tying knots and connecting the rope to create crisscrosses across his skin. After securing the rope you pull his biceps back and help him cross his arms behind him. This tie is easier, so you’re quicker at restraining his arms and connecting them to the rope on his back.
Checking one last time to ensure it’s not too tight, you then push him forward and his face hits the bed, his ass up in the air for you. You slap it once, and he yelps out louder than necessary.
“Do you want to be gagged?” You ask, irritated.
“No, no! I’ll be quiet.”
“Good boy,” you rib his cheek once more and squeeze the soft skin teasingly.
Turning the vibrator on its lowest setting you lightly press it to his clit, holding it still while he whimpers against the bedding. He squeezes his thighs together as you tease your middle and forefinger around his hole.
“You’re so wet,” you state before slipping your middle finger in and curling it inside of him.
“Mm,” he mumbles, legs starting to shake. “More, please Mommy!”
“Do you think you really deserve more?” You pump your finger inside of him, pressing against his spongy center and watching his eyes roll back into his head. “I don’t think you do, yet…”
Instead of answering you press the button on the end of the vibrator to turn it up a setting, pressing it harder against his clit. He groans loudly, biting on the bed cover he’s crumpled up by squirming so much. Clenching around your fingers, he starts moaning louder. He looks so pretty like this, you think. However, the sadist in you isn’t satisfied with this. Having Mahito a moaning mess below you is satisfying, but not enough to quench your desire.
“Maybe if you cum, I’ll give you another finger.” You hum, leaning down and whispering in his ear. “Is that what you want, my slutty boy?”
“Yes! Mommy, I want it so bad! Please!”
“Cum then,” you switch up the vibrator another setting. “Cum for Mommy.”
He clenches around your finger as you speak, his body shaking, and mouth open wide. You smile at the sight of drool on the bed below him. His body relaxes as his orgasm ends and he opens his eyes. They’re glossy, desperately looking for you to praise him. He’s slowly slipping into his subspace, waiting for your permission.
“You did so good, baby boy. I’m so proud of you.” You rub his thighs after pulling the vibrator away from his puffy clit. “Think you can give me some more tonight?”
He nods not saying anything, his head moving up and down quickly.
“Use your words,” you command.
“Yes! I can do it!” He’s already regaining strength in his muscles and sitting up more for you.
“Good boy,” you praise again, Mahito’s lips pursed up into a silly grin. “Now, can you sit up for me and then bend over the bed?”
He nods, pushing himself up and slinging his legs over the bed. Rolling onto his stomach, you smile. He looks so good like this, completely exposed to you, and willing to do anything you ask. Surprisingly, Mahito has always been the perfect sub for you. Bratty enough to keep it entertaining, but well behaved and disciplined to always do what you ask of him.
Your fingertips run down his back, tracing over his arms, and back down to his ass. Reaching over you grab the black crop he loves, replacing your fingers with it as you tease his skin. He sighs softly as it passes over his ass.
“Oh, did you want me to hit you?” Your eyebrow arches and you smile.
The way he shyly looks up at you confirms it. Of course, he did want you to hit him with it. A loud crack against his ass fills the silence in the room and his cries. One after the next until he’s whimpering and breathless.
“Silly boy,” you coo. “You weren’t even bad, but you just love that so much I decided to give into you. Now you owe me. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mommy.” He opens his eyes, and you laugh.
You can’t help it. He looks too pretty now, bound in pretty black rope and tears threatening to spill over. You drop the crop on the bed and grab the vibrator again, turning it on the highest setting and forcing it hard against this clit.
He mewls like an animal in heat. It’s disgusting and raw. Everything you love about his reactions. You love it enough to let it go this time. But if he keeps up, you’re going to have to use the ball gag and set up a hand signal for him if anything becomes too much for him.
Slipping your middle and forefinger into his needy hole, he lets out another long whine. Thrusting them inside of him and curling your fingertips, he begins to shake. He starts begging incoherently, and you’re not sure if it’s because he wants to cum or if he wants more. Choosing the latter, you slip a third finger inside his clenching cunt, his whines boarding sobs now.
“Mommy! Gotta cum! Please, please, let me cum!”
“Go ahead,” you chuckle. “But I won’t be stopping anytime soon.”
He cries now, letting the tears slip past his eyes and onto his cheeks. He cums, cunt clenching around your fingers while you fuck him through it. His whimpering does down, but his steady stream of tears continues to fall to the mattress from his now pink cheeks.
Mahito whines, a loud high-pitched sound ripping from his throat when you keep fingerfucking him. He’s shaking harder now, and you’re glad you asked him to bend over the bed. He wouldn’t be able to hold himself up through a third orgasm.
“You can give me one more, can’t you? Just one more.”
He nods, shaking his head erratically on the bed. “ Yes,” he mutters, “I can do it.” His voice is breathless, shaking with each word while he fights to answer you.
“I know you can baby, so make me proud!” You kiss the skin on his back while your fingers continue to work your fingers and the vibrator on him. “You’re so good for me today. Makes me so proud!”
You know he does well with encouragement, especially whenever you are overstimulating him. Despite how much you want to degrade him, you know it’s better to keep the energy up until he finishes again. You press the vibrator up against his clit while you twist your fingers inside of him and start pumping them in harder.
“Mommy! ‘Gonna… cum!” He cries out and his body goes weak as his third orgasms crash through his body. His moans are quieter now, breathier and more exhausted.
“Good boy,” you slowly pull your fingers out from him and rub his ass.
Turning the vibrator off and tossing it on the bed, you then untie his arm retrains and massages his strained muscles to help him relax as he comes down. Wiping his tears away you kiss his cheek and help him relax onto the bed. He’s always quick to recover and go back to his normal childish and ridiculous personality. You don’t say anything, waiting for him to decide when he’s ready to continue.
“Okay,” he tells you and smiles. “What do I owe you?”
You laugh sitting up and slipping your clothes off. “I’m gonna sit on your face for as long as I want, got it?”
He eagerly shakes his head and reaches for you. “Please!”
“You’re such a fucking whore. Desperate to taste me, hmm?”
You sit over his face, and his tongue shoots out of his mouth quicker than you were expecting. He laps over your wet folds before his lips and tongue work on your clit. You lean your head against the headboard of your bed, breathing hard while you let him decide how to please you. Each time his tongue slips inside of you and his nose brushes your clit; you want to scream.
It feels too good.
“Mahito, fuck” you groan while you roll your hips once and he squeezes your ass. “I didn’t say you could touch me,” you smack his hands away and rill your hips again.
He mumbles something that sounds like an apology before laying his arms at his sides, hands balled into fists. He’s greedy and wants to touch you, but this is supposed to be a pseudo-punishment for wanting more pleasure than you were ready to give. You have to keep reminding yourself of that as you ride his face.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you breathe in and out as your orgasm approaches and Mahito’s tongue shoots back up into you, your hips rolling and your clit catching his nose again.
Closing your eyes and holding his head still you ride out your orgasm on his face, breathy moans and curses falling from your lips. Slowing down, you still your movements completely and his tongue leaves your sopping cunt. Hands pushing you down to where you’re sitting on his chest.
“Mahito,” you say slowly, and he looks up, face shining with your release.
“Do you really think I’m finished?”
His eyes widen and a full smile fills his face. “No. I’m sorry Mommy! Let me give you another one, please, I promise I’ll be a good boy. I’ll even use my fingers if you want!”
You laugh rolling your eyes and pushing his face under you. “I guess it wouldn’t be too awful if you used your fingers too.”
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
Hi, how are you? Your blog is amazing and your recommendations have already allowed me to read wonderful stories, so thank you so much! I wonder if you could suggest me any cherik fics of them as detectives? I remember reading one a long time ago, but unfortunately I don't know the name and even less the synopsis. Thank you in advance for your help.
Thank you so much @remember5novemberv for your kind words. I'm so sorry this took me so long but I hope you enjoy this list. There are some excellent detective AUs in this fandom so you're in for a treat.
Cherik Detective AUs
Their Mouths Always Lie – keire_ke
Summary: Charles adheres to most police protocols like they are a personal code of conduct. Erik gets things done and over with, for better or worse. Raven knows what she's doing, most of the time. The serial killer kills, regardless. Police AU.
Guilty by Association – Reagan
Summary: While investigating the homicide of a John Doe who he suspects might've been murdered while working the streets as a prostitute, Detective Erik Lehnsherr finds an unexpected ally in a hooker named Charles who seems as determined as he to solve the case. As they become more deeply involved both with the case and each other, there's just one thing that Charles neglects to mention -- that he's really an investigative journalist, one quickly convinced that what they're dealing with is more than simple murder. cop!Erik, fake-hooker-slash-reporter!Charles, Modern AU.
Incy Wincy Spider – Tawabids
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a renowned homicide detective, with his husband Charles at home and his partner on the job, Moira MacTaggert. When a twisted serial killer starts targeting mutants, Erik and Moira are the perfect team for the job, especially since Erik himself is the mutant poster-boy of an NYPD trying to improve their image.
But what they don't yet know is that the serial killer is an old soul out of Erik's past, and his next move is to pull Charles into his web.
The Theory of Partnership Dynamics – Pangea
Summary: “Detective Lehnsherr, how wonderful to see you out on the job!” The fed in the front greets him as they draw nearer. He’s shorter than the other two by a full head, and he’s beaming at Lehnsherr as if completely undeterred by Lehnsherr’s paint-peeling scowl.
“What do the feds want?” Lehnsherr asks bluntly.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” the fed answers cheerfully. Then his gaze lands on Alex, and, impossibly, his grin gets even brighter. “Did you get a new partner?"
“No,” Lehnsherr says through his teeth while at the same time Alex says, “Yes.”
Charles’ Killer – luchia
Summary: When detective Charles Xavier finds himself hunting down a vendetta-driven serial killer, it doesn't take long for him to realize he's in over his head. It only takes a little longer for him to realize his killer is, too.
Demoted – JayPendragon
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a detective-specialist with the NYPD Mutant Tactical Unit, ready to help out where his skills are needed. Or he would be, if he and his partner hadn’t been demoted. For the next four months, he is patrolling the Lenox Hill precinct with Azazel – if he doesn’t die of boredom first.
One night they are called in to investigate a potential case of domestic violence, yet the tenant assures them he is both alone and unharmed. However, there is something about this Charles Xavier that compels Erik to follow up.
Watching the Detectives – Clocks
Summary: Detectives Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are good friends and colleagues. However, when they go undercover at a Christmas party to nab a prime suspect, Erik keeps reminding himself to stay professional and ignore feelings of unexpected jealousy.
Oh, Sinnerman (Where you gonna run to?) – TintagelCastle (orphan–account)
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is one of the best homicide detectives in New York. From small time stabbings to high end mob hits, Erik (and his equally scary partner Logan) makes sure all the bad guys get caught, searching for the final clue to nail his mother's killer. As a string of murders draws the net ever tighter on Erik's life's work, he needs to catch the nightmare of his past whilst continuing to be the darling of the Force...
And so what if he's completely in love with the British guy on Forensics? Who's he ever going to tell?
Wrap up my bones – waifornight
Summary: Damaged detective Erik Lehnsherr is grimly searching for a serial killer whose victims all have extraordinary gifts. But without any clues or leads he and his partner Logan are in the dark. Until Charles Xavier, abducted by the killer, escapes. Together Erik and Charles must confront something far darker than either of them had ever imagined.
Alternate Universe loosely based off the crime movie Kiss the Girls.
I’ll see your heart (and I’ll race you mine) – sirona
Summary: For Kriminalhauptkommissar Erik Lehnsherr, this case will change everything.
Paralyzer – Yahtzee
Summary: In 1965, Erik Lehnsherr has infiltrated the NYPD for his own purposes -- but his powers make him a brilliant detective. Yet that's not why FBI agent Charles Xavier has sought him out. It's because the mysterious killer they're both trying to find is murdering people like them: other mutants.
Their search for a madman binds them together. Their inner demons may tear them apart. But the greatest danger comes when the killer they're looking for looks back.
Wrap up my bones – waifornight
Summary: Damaged detective Erik Lehnsherr is grimly searching for a serial killer whose victims all have extraordinary gifts. But without any clues or leads he and his partner Logan are in the dark. Until Charles Xavier, abducted by the killer, escapes. Together Erik and Charles must confront something far darker than either of them had ever imagined.
Alternate Universe loosely based off the crime movie Kiss the Girls.
The Long Bright Dark – lachatblanche
Summary: Ten years ago Detectives Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr closed the case on a grotesque series of murders that continue to haunt them even in the present day. When they are pulled in for questioning a decade later, they finally have confirmation of something that they have both suspected for a very long time - that there is unfinished business for them to take care of and that the case they thought they had closed so very long ago is in reality still all too open.
A True Detective AU.
Finding North – ClarkeStetler, Goosenik
Summary: Charles and Erik are (loosely) friends with benefits. They don't share personal details, last names, or anything concrete about their lives. This is ruined rather spectacularly when Charles gets recruited by the Mutant Apprehension Division of the FBI. Surprised is a bit of an understatement for their reaction to finding themselves partnered up and sent out on cases with the team.
Closer (to God) – dsrobertson
Summary: Se7en/The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo AU-ish.
Political journalist and editor, Erik Lehnsherr, has just lost £150,000 in a libel case against businessman, Kurt Marko. Down on his luck and in need of money, Erik is approached by the Metropolitan Police’s Detective Inspector Charles Xavier. Well-known for his investigative journalism, Erik is asked to help in the search for a serial killer in return for £200,000 if the killer is caught.
Wrapped up in murder, religion, and sex, Erik gets more than he bargained for.
Homo Sacer – unveiled
Summary: In a not too distant future, Detective Erik Lehnsherr meets Charles Xavier: street magician, former academician, and telepath.
One Good Day – troll_under_the_bridge
Summary: One case which is going to turn Charles' world upside down, while he struggles to pacify his boss, investigate murders and come to terms with the mess his life has become.
Playing With Fire – professor
Summary: Charles is a detective determined to catch a serial killer.
If the serial killer doesn't catch him first.
Hold on or let go – aesc, pearl_o
Summary: Teenage telepath Charles Xavier takes a job as a consultant, working with prickly police detective Erik Lehnsherr. Charles is used to being on his own and taking care of himself; he has no reason to think that his relationship with this stern, icy man is going to change any of that. (Also known as: Tough Little Baby Telepath.)
MCIS: First Case – Pookaseraph
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr considers himself a great MCIS agent, and he puts up with a lot from his boss - Moira MacTaggart - in the name of solving crimes against mutants, but he's not so sure about this new empath, Charles Xavier. Their first case together will test Erik's patience, but doubtless be the beginning of a brilliant friendship.
MCIS: Fathers, Sons, and Brothers – Pookaseraph
Summary: Alex Summers has a single case that he has obsessed about ever since coming to MCIS two years ago: Su-M-94-0708-0034, the murder of Christopher and Katherine Summers, and the presumed kidnapping and possible murder of Scott Summers. Very little evidence was found at the time, but hopefully a new team - and new leads - can shed light on the case that left Alex an orphan.
When the Crazies come to town – Chinchillaatthedisc0
Summary: Erik is a surly detective with zero people skills who has just been assigned the murder case of Kurt Marko. Prime suspect? Charles xavier. Who's no where to be found.
My old man is a bad man – faerie_ground
Summary: Sebastian Shaw dies at two am in the morning with a dagger embedded in his forehead. Detective Erik Lehnsherr is on the case, and the number one suspect is the recently widowed Dr Charles Xavier, Sebastian Shaw's husband.
Deep Cover – Subtilior
Summary: Omegas in heat? The perfect whores. Sebastian Shaw? The bastard who kidnaps them for his Hellfire Club. Erik Lehnsherr? A hard-boiled detective who's been on the Hellfire case for months. The catastrophe that unfolds when he goes in on retrieval and finds Charles Xavier still writhing in a Hellfire bed? .... Deep Cover.
A Murder of Ravens – AbandonedWorld
Summary:Charles Xavier is wrongfully accused. Erik Lehnsherr is a top-notch homicide Lieutenant who stumbles upon the case of a lifetime: a serial killer targeting mutants–and only mutants. Charles bides his incarceration waiting on a miracle, reciting Poe's timeless gem in effort to retain his sanity...
Note: Unfinished
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here4theheartbreak · 3 years
Morning Tangles (2Min)
AO3 Link Here!
Tumblr media
Relationships: Minho x Taemin Genre: smut Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~3.7k
Tags: smut, PWP, dirty talk, overstimulation, bondage, light D/s, Bottom Dominant, Teasing, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Ruined Orgasms, Multiple Orgasms, Coming Untouched, Prostate Massage/Milking, Begging, Sex Toys, Established Relationship, idolverse, top Minho, bottom Taemin
Summary: Taemin loves taking Minho to new heights and pushing new limits. Will this finally be one step too far?
A/N: Fourth Kinktober fic, day 6: overstimulation and bondage; also! my first true SHINee fic - please love it ^_^
Minho knew he was in trouble the first time Taemin walked into his life. Gangly and awkward, they were all weird looking teenagers, despite what the media would say. But they all grew up, and Taemin especially… That man grew up well. And with that growth, Minho’s crush progressed from schoolyard pigtail pulling to something far more intense. As adults, they fell into this phase of their relationship almost as natural as breathing. They’d always been close. So even closer seemed to make sense. 
And even closer, and more intense – because everything Taemin did, he did with an intensity that very few could appreciate. Taemin could get him to do damn near anything too; one crook of the finger he was very firmly wound around, and Minho would melt for his beautiful lover. Which, in hindsight, is exactly how Minho ended up in this situation. 
The silky smooth strips of fabric were just sturdy enough to keep Minho’s legs entirely still, one tied to each corner of the footboard. His arms were stretched up, lying on the pillow, and bound with soft leather cuffs, one pair on each hand – the other loop hooked around the headboard. He had some wiggle room, about two inches of movement on either side, but it was most certainly not enough. Taemin had commanded him to strip naked, and braced his hips up with a pillow, a worrying sign given his lover’s propensity for adventurous sex. 
“I wanted to blindfold you,” Taemin said as he finished securing the cuffs. 
“I would have been very upset,” Minho whispered, lifting his head up to try and graze Taemin’s hand with his lips. “I prefer seeing you.”
Taemin smiled brightly, his cheeks pushing up in a way that made him look ever so innocent. “Flirting will get you nowhere,” he purred, stroking one finger down Minho’s cheek.
“You’re still clothed,” Minho complained as Taemin walked away, heading over to the dresser.
“I don’t need to be naked yet. Don’t worry – I’ll get there.”
“What are you going to do?” Minho asked. Taemin came back around, holding a bottle of lube. He smiled and crawled on the bed between Minho’s thighs, straddling one leg. Minho could already feel himself hardening further; Taemin had such a response from him so easily, it would have been irritating if he didn’t find it so sexy.
“I’m going to make you come,” Taemin said casually, as if he was discussing the weather. He plunked the lube bottle down next to Minho’s hip and slid his smooth palms up his thighs. “I love your muscles,” he admitted. “Especially when they get all tense right before you come.”
“Well… Keep touching me, and you’ll get to see it,” Minho teased, smirking. He met Taemin’s gaze, a dangerous glint in his eyes. 
Minho loved it. Taemin was always more sexually adventurous than he would be on his own, and he was always learning new tricks to make their bedroom life so fun. Taemin had taught Minho things about his body that he’d never have imagined, and shown him ways to enjoy sex and pleasure that were entirely new. Sometimes, Minho felt like Taemin knew his body better than he did; and he was always eager to see what new heights he’d be taken to. Taemin opened the lube, drizzling some over his fingers. He rubbed gently on Minho’s hole, meeting his gaze. “Relax.”
Minho nodded, trying to will his body to relax. Anal play was surprisingly new for him, even after all these years, but so far, he’d loved everything they’d tried. Maybe this was just something new. 
Taemin slid one finger in, gently massaging his tight rim to get it to loosen. Minho let his eyes drift shut, focusing on the soothing rub of Taemin’s other hand over his balls and thigh, and the gentle, teasing tug each time he crooked his finger. 
It wasn’t too long before he slipped a second in, and Minho sighed contentedly. A bit more of a stretch, but they had done this before; Taemin’s fingers were long and slender and moved ever so perfectly inside him. He brushed against his prostate and he jumped, laughing breathlessly.
Taemin remained silent, sucking his bottom lip as he worked his fingers inside Minho. He began to stroked and prod his prostate repeatedly, ignoring his gasps and whimpers for the most part – save for a smirk that could only be described as devilish when their gazes met. 
Minho flexed against the cuffs on his wrists, shifting to try and escape the pressure building deep in his groin. 
“Taemin—” He strained. 
“Something wrong?”
“No—Just… I need more,” Minho asked softly.
“I’ll give you everything you need,” Taemin said. He set his other hand on Minho’s stomach shifting his fingers to scrape the sensitive skin there. He continued to rub his fingers against his prostate, the pressure building more and more. 
Minho squirmed and jumped, every nerve in his body seeming to awaken the longer he laid there. He wanted to crawl out of his skin, the arousal becoming overstimulating within minutes. But still Taemin continued, steady and rhythmic nudges, pushing ever so gently, one hand firm and warm on his stomach to keep him from jerking his hips too far way and forcing him out. 
Minho’s cock was painfully hard, twitching and jerking on his belly with the stimulation. He could feel precome dribbling out of his tip, streaking when he twitched and cooling on his skin.
“Please—“ He finally panted.
“Please what?” Taemin teased, his grin wide. 
“Touch me. I’m so close, I feel on fire.”
“I am touching you.” Taemin prodded his spot to emphasize. Minho’s toes curled, jerking against the binding holding his legs to the bed. His cock throbbed, drizzling more precome onto his heaving stomach. 
“You know what I mean!” He cried, struggling against the cuffs. “Touch my cock. Please, just a little,” he begged.
“I don’t need to.” Taemin blew a burst of cool air over his tip and shifted, working his fingers into Minho’s ass a little quicker. 
“If you’d stop fighting it, you’d already be coming,” Taemin said. “Close your eyes. Focus on the feelings and let it happen.”
Minho whined. He watched Taemin a moment more, hating how gorgeous he was… And how Minho knew he’d do anything for him.
He let his eyes slip shut, relaxing against the bed.
“That’s it,” Taemin coaxed. “Keep breathing, slow and steady, feel it all.” 
Minho drew in a breath through his nose, out through his mouth. He gasped when his cock jerked, sensitivity seeming to increase without his sight to rely on.
“Keep breathing,” Taemin said firmly. 
Minho grimaced, struggling to obey. His hips jerked of their own volition, pleasure rolling over his nerves like waves of water hitting him. His cock ached from base to tip, balls drawn impossibly tight, ready to release. He just couldn’t get there. Each nudge of Taemin’s long, slender fingers against his prostate felt his balls tighten, like it was a crank pulling them more and more. He needed to come or he was going to explode. 
God, exploding… Minho’s mind wandered. What he wouldn’t give to sink into Taemin’s warm mouth and explode. The sight of his lips and chin covered in sticky come, the glimmer in his eyes as he sucked his tip, knowing how crazy it drove him— 
Minho screamed. He’d never screamed during sex before. His cock throbbed, jumping visibly on his stomach before come began to pour out of it, puddling on his belly as his body shuddered and jerked. 
“Good boy,” Taemin cooed, still stroking his prostate. The strokes now seemed to trigger an additional dribble of come, another jolt of orgasmic pleasure lighting up every nerve in his body. 
Minho opened his eyes, struggling to swallow the lump in his throat as he shuddered through the longest orgasm he’d ever experienced. 
His cock was still rigid on his belly, a ruddy red tip surrounded by his release. 
Taemin pulled his fingers out slowly. “That was so sexy,” he purred. He slid up, kissing Minho gently. 
“Untie me,” Minho breathed, nudging his nose. “Lemme fuck you.”
“I’m not done with you yet,” Taemin said with a giggle. He hopped off the bed and went over to his dresser, digging in the top drawer.
He returned in just a moment with a long, device. It looked a bit like a curved, bumpy T.
“A prostate massager,” Taemin answered.
“Oh God—“
“Don’t sound so scared,” he giggled. He lubed up the toy and slid it into Minho’s ass, hitting a button that caused a low vibration.
Minho jerked hard in surprise, his cock throbbing.
“I can’t - not again,” he begged.
“Yes you can. The second one feels even better.”
“It’d feel better if I was inside you,” Minho gasped, his body shuddering involuntarily as the massager nudged his prostate. 
“Aw, so sweet.” Taemin leaned over, ghosting his fingertips down Minho’s chest. He stopped just short of his cock, but caught some of his previous orgasm’s release. With a devilish smirk, he brought his hand to his mouth, licking the come from the tips of his fingers.
Minho’s eyes rolled back and he groaned, mouth open. “Tease—“ He whined, flopping his head onto the pillow.
“Want me to take your mind off things?” Taemin offered, stroking Minho’s sides. 
“How? You’ve got this thing up my ah—“ He jerked hard, his balls tightening. He could feel another orgasm edging up on him, the steady ache in his groin begging for something more. 
“I bet I can.” Taemin rose and went over to the desk. He grabbed his phone and flipped through it for a few moments. Music filled the air, some heavy, thumping beat that had Minho’s heart pounding. Taemin began to dance to the music, his movements lazy and erotic. Hands everywhere, sliding over his body in the way Minho’s itched to do, his hips swinging and thrusting. He slowly stripped his shirt off and each inch of skin he revealed only served to close Minho’s throat that much more.
He writhed against his bindings, begging softly for Taemin to put his mouth on him, ride him, even just touch him. Taemin ignored his pleas, his eyes closed as he moved to the music. Minho knew how easily he could get lost in rhythm, spending hours dancing to whatever was playing. But he wasn’t lost right now. No, Taemin knew exactly where he was and exactly what he was doing.
Minho cried out, his cock jumping. He felt like he was coming, his muscles contracting and releasing as if in an orgasm. He shuddered, sobbing brokenly. The waves of pleasure were bordering on painful, following the vibrations of the toy inside him. Each time he clenched involuntarily it nudged against his prostate once more, sending another wave through his body. He looked down, watching his cock twitch. It seemed to grow a bit and flex before it began to spill dribbles of thick, white come. Tears blurred his vision and he shuddered once more.
“Taemin— Please,” he sobbed brokenly. He could barely feel the release, his entire body at a low level of orgasmic pleasure far too intense for him to handle. 
Taemin giggled, wiggling out of his jeans. His cock was standing erect, jutting out the front of his boxers obscenely. “You’re so cute when you whine.”
Minho opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off with an involuntary cry as his cock jerked, hips jumping in response to the toy rubbing his prostate. 
“Aw, baby,” Taemin teased. He went forward. Minho jutted his hips toward him, his cock bouncing on his stomach. Despite still dribbling come, he remained as hard as ever, and each brush of his cock even on his own stomach sent shocks through his nerves. 
Taemin ignored his desperate cock completely, sliding the toy out of his ass instead. He slid his hands up his thighs, pointedly avoiding his cock. 
Minho sobbed, begging under his breath. He knew he was making very little sense but he needed something. His balls and cock ached, the pleasure coursing through him was becoming painful - yet he was still enjoying it? Taemin officially broke him. He yanked on the cuffs. 
“Please!” He cried, his voice breaking.
“Please what?” Taemin teased. He leaned back, straddling Minho’s quivering thigh and pulled his cock from his boxers. He pushed it down, rubbing over Minho’s thigh and rutting gently. He moaned happily, biting his bottom lip.
“I need to— C… I don’t know what I need,” Minho admitted, blinking to clear his vision. 
“Do you need to come again?” Taemin asked, sliding his hand down. He swirled his finger around Minho’s hole.
“No!” Minho groaned, dropping his head when Taemin’s finger stilled. “I— I mean yes, but… The other way. By touching me. I— I need to be inside you,” he panted.
“Aw, but you look so pretty when you come untouched. The way your cock twitches, and throbs..” He groaned, grinding down on Minho’s thigh.
“I promise it’ll twitch and throb inside you too,” Minho pleaded, trying to reason with him.
“Just one more,” Taemin said. 
Minho growled, baring his teeth. He bucked as much as he could, trying to show his dislike of that idea, but Taemin only giggled, slapping his other thigh. 
“So aggressive… Make sure you save some of that aggression for me…” He leaned forward, nipping Minho’s earlobe. “After you come again for me… If you’re good… Maybe I’ll untie you and let you fuck me.” 
Minho’s eyes rolled back, his mouth falling open as he breathed shakily. Taemin’s voice was dripping with lust, the sound and mental image alone nearly enough to make Minho come then and there.
“Promise?” Taemin prodded. 
“To be a good boy and come for me again.”
Minho grimaced and nodded. “Kiss me…” He breathed. 
Taemin allowed him that much, moving enough to capture his mouth in a deep, needy kiss that was more tongue and teeth than lips. Minho chased his mouth as he pulled away, his eyelids growing heavy. 
Taemin slid down, settling between his thighs. He slid his hands down Minho’s stomach and legs, then up. Minho tensed, waiting for the disappointment when he skipped that most sensitive spot. He nearly shouted when Taemin’s fingers curled around his aching cock. He moaned happily, his hips arching.
“Touch me, please — Yes— Please—“ he begged nonsensically, humping Taemin’s hand. He knew he likely looked pathetic, but couldn’t help it. Taemin let him go and Minho opened his eyes, watching him grab the lube. He drizzled it over Minho’s cock in excess before grabbing his cock. The strokes were hard and rough, tip to base and back up, bordering on painful. The slide of the lube was almost too much for Minho to enjoy, but he was so desperate to be touched it didn’t matter. He moaned wantonly, hips jerking and thighs squeezing as he begged for more. Taemin’s other hand was playing with his balls, squeezing and tickling, tugging. He looped his fingers around the top of them and tugged down, making Minho hiss.
“Just let it happen,” Taemin said, speaking just loud enough to be heard over the sloppy, wet handjob. 
Minho obeyed, writhing under his touches. He began to make soft, happy noises, whimpers and grunts as he neared his orgasm. So close, finally - just what he needed— right there—
Taemin let go of his cock and balls.
Minho shouted, sobbing. His cock dribbled come down his aching length, no spurts, no delightful throb of his balls. His orgasm, right on the edge, faded away once more, ruined. He slammed his head back on the pillow with a frustrated scream, yanking hard enough at the cuffs holding his arms that the bed creaked. 
Taemin laughed brightly. “Good!” He said.
“You’re so mean,” Minho snarled, his voice taking on a whining quality. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because it’s hot when you beg,” Minho said simply. “And I like watching you come. Plus… Now when I fuck you, you’re gonna make it so good, and your orgasm is gonna be mind blowing. I promise it’s worth it.” 
Minho groaned, screwing his eyes shut. “I can’t come again.”
“Yes you can, there’s plenty of come left in you. Now be good and watch, or I’ll ruin another one.”
Minho opened his eyes. He watched Taemin shuck his boxers and toss them aside. He straddled his hips and ran his hand through the gobs of come on Minho’s belly. Meeting his gaze, he brought his hand back, and Minho could hear the slick, wet sounds of him fingering himself. He moaned weakly, eyes drifting down. He could see some of his own release dribbling down Taemin’s thigh, giving him the look of already being ruined without ever being penetrated. He didn’t give Minho long to stare, quickly grabbing his come and lube covered cock and sliding it into his tight ass. Minho swore he went cross eyed for a second. He moaned loud, arching up. Taemin’s hole was perfect. Warm and tight, a squeeze and a pressure that was just right.
“Fuck - I’m gonna come already,” he whined. 
“Don’t you dare.” Taemin smirked, settling fully onto his cock and giving a little bounce that had Minho’s toes curling. “If you try to come before me, I’ll ruin it again.”
“Please, don’t—“ Minho panted.
“Then make me come first… Then you can fill my ass, just like I know you want.”
Minho nodded. He began to work his hips up, trying to pump into Taemin. Taemin leaned back, his cock jutting obscenely from between his legs. He began to ride Minho, moaning and whining as he did. He slid his hands down his chest, pinching his nipples and gently kneading his balls.
Minho groaned, clenching his hands into fists. He desperately wanted to hold him, touch his smooth skin and guide him onto his cock over and over.
“Please,” Taemin whined, moving faster. “I’m already so close…” He looked down, meeting Minho’s gaze. “Watching you come and beg for me was so hot… Fuck, I almost came in my boxers a few times.”
Minho moaned his name softly, arching his hips to help him drive deeper. Taemin’s moans raised in volume , his riding becoming less rhythmic as it increased speed once more. 
“Fuck, Minho, please— Can I come on your cock?” He whined, running his fingers through his own hair. 
Minho chuckled breathlessly. “Maybe you should ruin your own orgasm,” he teased.
Taemin opened his eyes, smirking. “Next time.” He leaned over, his breath hot on Minho’s cheek. “Next time I’ll tie you up and make you watch me ruin my orgasms over and over, until I can’t come another drop. Then I’ll let you put it in my ass and fuck me. Watch me beg for you to come, moan and scream while I come one last time on your cock.”
Minho and Taemin both moaned at that. Minho nuzzled his neck. “Come for me, baby,” he panted. “Come on my cock, I know you want to.”
Taemin made a small huffing noise and sat up. He braced his hands on Minho’s hips and began to ride him hard, fucking himself down on Minho’s aching cock over and over. His orgasm almost seemed to take him by surprise. He slammed down on Minho’s lap and shuddered, his cock spilling ropes of come onto Minho’s stomach.
“Oh fuck, keep riding me,” Minho pleaded as Taemin’s ass squeezed like a vise around his cock. Taemin obeyed, moaning and whining softly. He began to stroke his still spurting cock, the ropes going a bit further up Minho’s chest.
Minho’s eyes shut on their own volition and he bucked up, earning a delighted shout from Taemin. His cock began to spurt, balls throbbing painfully hard as a full orgasm washed over him. Every muscle in his body clenched and released in sync with his spurts of come, and his vision and hearing began to fade. He could hear shouting; it took him a moment to realize it was him. 
His orgasm lasted impossibly long, and faded ever so slowly. Even as his balls relaxed, feeling entirely empty and sore, little waves of pleasure tickled through his body, raising goosebumps and making him shiver and grin like a fool. Taemin pulled off his softening cock with a happy little sigh, and reached up to undo his wrist binding.
Minho rubbed his wrists gently to get some circulation back, his arms feeling heavy. 
“Cuddle me,” he whined, his eyes shut. 
“Now who’s needy?” Taemin teased. He grabbed a package of wet cleaning wipes and wiped Minho down, then himself, before undoing the ties around his legs. Before Minho could open his mouth to complain again, Taemin curled against him on the bed, throwing one leg over his thighs. “How was it?”
“I didn’t push you too far?”
Minho chuckled. “Not too far. But definitely to new limits. I didn’t know I could come like that.”
Taemin grinned. “I’ve wanted to try it. I can do it to myself, I like ruining my own…” He chuckled softly. “I didn’t know if I could make someone else do it.”
“You certainly succeeded. Thank you.”
“Why are you thanking me?” Taemin smacked his chest playfully. “I’m not some escort.”
Minho smirked. “You’d be far too expensive for me if you were… I’m thanking you for being with me, I guess… For choosing me. You could have anyone.”
“I don’t want anyone. I want you.”
“And that’s why I’m thanking you. I’m really lucky.”
Taemin grinned and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you are. Order us dinner?” He asked, reaching over and grabbing Minho’s phone. He held it up, making his best pouty face.
Minho sighed deeply and rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “You’re insufferable.”
“I’m tired.”
“Says the guy who just made me come a million times.”
“Only four,” Taemin argued. “I mean, if you’d rather me get dinner myself…” He moved to stand. Minho grabbed his wrist, pulling him back down. 
“Don’t you dare. I’ll order. What do you want?” 
Taemin’s grin was broad, knowing he’d won. “I’ll let you pick. You know what I like.”
Minho nodded, scrolling through his phone to place the order as Taemin snuggled back up to his side. Their relationship may not have been the most conventional but certainly was as far from boring as they could be, and Minho wouldn’t change it for anything. 
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