#and im Very Tired
monster-slxt · 6 months
Vampires you say? I happen to be a vampire connoisseur, some little things that have been on the brain lately - A vampire that can't stop themselves from sinking their fangs into your neck while they rail you into next week - Alternatively, a vampire who can stop themselves from biting you, they just don't. They whisper "hold still" in your ear and then bite you as hard as they can - Being a free use fuck toy/bloodbag for a covenant of vampires. They of course have to be careful not to drain you too much before your body has time to replace its blood volume, but they drink form you till your weak and unable to struggle, and then they spend all night using you like a fleshlight. They are creatures of the night afterall, they sleep all day and then have plenty of energy to use up at night. - Being a servant sent as a sacrifice to a vampire ruler, you presume you are meant to be a meal but instead they stuff your holes full of cum and you're made to join the group of other 'sacrifices' all of which are also filled to the brim
God these are all so good. Let's see if I can't combine them into something fun<3
"Really, they'll make a wonderful... servant! Very healthy, this one." It was all I could do not to shudder at my soon to be ex-employers words, offering me up as a lamb to the slaughter. The man, mysterious with sharp eyes, carefully took me in but said nothing. Instinctively I knew he wanted to watch my boss squirm.
Everyone knew the truth. Our town was practically run by a group of vampires. No one ever said it outright, but we all knew. You kept your head down, didn't get close to new comers who wouldn't last long, and everything was fine.
But everything was not fine. My boss had gotten himself into a spot of trouble. He never told me the details but it must be pretty fucking bad if he's desperate enough to offer me up on a silver platter. To call attention to himself.
"I think you might just have a deal." The monster, the head vampire if the whispers were correct, finally spoke up, "get out of my sight. You, come with me."
And just like that, i belonged to the vampire coven.
The first night had been utterly terrifying. Instead of being ripped into like I expected, the leader showed me around their manor and introduced me to the coven. Of course they fed from me that first night, but nothing more. Four mouthes latching onto me, sharp fangs piercing deep into my neck. Something about their bites left me uncomfortably warm and light headed, and I'm quickly shown to a room to recover.
Over the next few weeks my postion as blood bag is made painfully clear. All four of them are nipping at me every chance they get, and getting progressively handsier as time goes on. I get to learn their personality and preferences through these feedings.
The youngest is wild and impulsive- biting deep and harsh and almost having to be pried off of me by the others, lost in their hunger. They're the most handsy too, ice cold fingers slipping under my clothes feel far too good in my loopy post-feeding state. Another realm they need to be reigned in, no matter how hot and bothered feeding the vampires, the leader never allows anything further than heavy petting. It's honestly starting to drive me a bit insane.
The sweetest vampire has platinum blonde hair and likes to coddle me, cooing about how sweet I am and petting me while drinking my blood. They always make sure I end up somewhere soft and comfortable in the end. I think they must be getting off on taking care of me when blood loss makes me dizzy and frail.
It's still preferable to the second in command. They're outright cruel. Biting the deepest, holding me down and mocking my inability to fight back against supernatural strength. They like the hunt, following me in the shadows only to pounce when i least expect it- leaving me jumpy and paranoid.
I still don't know if I prefer them to the leader though. The leader treats me like food, nothing more. Just a pretty thing to sit on his lap and quench his thirst. He hasn't said a word to me since that first horrible night.
And so here I am, sitting on his lap as the others watch him feed from me. It's clear whatever aphrodisiac properties vampire venom have are getting to me- im hot and barely suppressing the urge to moan and grind against his thigh.
"Look, it's broken in enough isn't it? Poor things desperate." The leader detaches from my neck at that, cold eyes taking in my desperate form.
"You know, I think you're right." He says, leaning in close and nipping my ear. "I think it's finally time we showed our new pet some proper hospitality."
In an instant the others closed in, their freezing hands roaming every inch of my body. The chill felt heavenly against the heat of my own body. I was too lost in blood loss and vampire venom to have any idea what was happening, not that it would have mattered against the four of them.
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merlyn-bane · 11 days
small (art) update
just wanted to give everyone a head's up that this month's clone pin-up calendar page is probably gonna be a little late,,,,,ive had the big sleepy lately and to be honest i haven't felt as inspired for this one which isn't helping. also i am absolutely still planning to work on the three clone art prompts i have remaining, hoping to get to those soon. ✌🏽✌🏽
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eeveekitti · 6 days
closing pricon requests for the night cause it is stressing me out how many rain world ones i have to do!! ill get as many as i can done but We Will See lol
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semiotomatics · 6 months
sucks that 5 months into this process im still just as mentally ill as when i started
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salad-storm · 11 months
I can already tell nimona is gonna be settling deep into my brain because it just. Checks all the boxes. But also the "I just want people to accept me for who I am and to be able to love myself" line between mp100/nimona is so thin its like yeah. The autistic psychic child is followed by the trans shape-shifting child.
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Why is every call I get nowadays just more bad news? Every time the phone rings I hope it's a telemarketer.
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Being sick has triggered the worst CFS flare-up I've had all year
Ha ha get it because it's only 8 days into the year
But really, I'm having a very bad time
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ellearts · 9 months
September 1 clocks in and I'm sick again :<<
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nycteres · 11 months
I want to relax again. i want to be able to take a small vacation again. i want to be able to sit down and write again. i want people to stop calling me up for what feels like solely selfish desires. i want my family to stop being annoying. i want to have money in my savings account again. i want capitalism to die. i want grow long teeth and bite everyone.
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jasperygrace · 1 year
Happy Storyteller Saturday!
If you had to choose who your favorite character is from all of your works, who would it be? Why?
As a writer, what are the kinds of things that you find most easy to write about, and what are the things you avoid (+ Is there anything you'd like to improve)?
Let's say your main cast of characters find themselves trapped in a life-threatening situation. How would each one of them react? Who would be the most selfish and who would likely be the most selfless?
Hi there! This is my first STS, so I'm very excited ^-^ Also I'm writing this at 3am so I apologize if I sound a little incoherent.
1. My favorite character... oh god that's so hard to choose.
I'm gonna say that Orias has to be my favorite character. He's changed the most since I first came up with the concept. And I think his story is a really important one to tell alongside Vincent's.
2. Story through dialogue is my strong suit. I just really like writing dialogue.
As for my weak point, it has to be action sequences. Writing a fight scene? Good luck, because I struggle.
3. Vinnie: He's gonna try to get himself out of the situation as quickly as possible. If other people's lives are in danger, he going to try to help them to the best of his ability.
Orias: He would fight to survive, but only for himself or ones close to him. If something bad happens to some close to him, he will freeze up.
Briar: Girl will fight tooth and nail. This can be self destructive if left to her own devices.
Reese: He's a trained knight, so his first instinct is to assess the safety of others. This includes making sure his liege is safe, then making sure others are safe from the the threat. He will only address a threat if its absolutely neccessary.
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life-of-kalos · 1 year
Tumblr media
Sorry im so late to answer these but life has been busy lmao
Ahhhh whomever had sent these kind messages you have my heart 🥺❤️ I'm so touched that you think so highly of me and my art! My goal is to have others fall in love with my characters and their stories so it fills me with joy to know you guys are fond of them. I look forward to the future of this blog as well!
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paroxsysdraw · 1 year
Hi! I saw a post on Pinterest that went "a tutorial on how to make ur digital art look like it's been chewed on", I clicked the link and came to ur account but I can't find it ;-; would it be ok if u sent the link for it I really wanna learn ;-; ♡
Also like ur art♡
people stop posting my shit on other websites challenge. also i deleted the post because i got hate crimed about it .
thank you though. best luck bestie i youre on your own
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thebahwrites · 2 years
Also to the people who replied to my posts/Anon who sent me stuff, I promise I'll get to it later/tomorrow ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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youngadultmachine · 4 days
j'ai après lire petit peu mon livre j'après manque écrire 😔
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hazbin-hater · 1 month
the racism, bigotry, etc should genuinely be talked about (here, as everywhere) to constantly fight against the systems in place. the thing is, the seriousness of that conversation comes from the seriousness of racism/bigotry in all places, not that the show is anything to take seriously within itself.
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