#and of course coming back to one of my biggest fandom pet peeves which is viewing characters exclusively as People
bandtrees · 1 year
ONE: ok guys here’s an arc about mob, in his growth as a person, being confronted with an ideology he’s unfamiliar with, and he has to learn from it but also understand why it’s unhealthy and bad to properly grow from it and choose kindness in the end, albeit in a more nuanced way than before, and this will make mob more able to confront later problems in the season that can’t be solved with mere kindness and require a deep understanding of loneliness and solitude, something he hasn’t had much room to speak on until now. To express mob being shown this villain’s ideology we have a sequence where we see how mogami views the world and by extension how he sees mob, by putting mob in the kind of sad fucked up world he thinks exists, but mob will overcome it with the knowledge that in the real world he has people he cares about and that even the people who make the world bad sometimes can change and nobody is a static evil and kindness and courage when you’re going through hardship goes a long way. despite the darkness this is ultimately a very uplifting experience for him and a show that life is always more than its darkest moments, and also how picking yourself up instead of wallowing in your own suffering and trauma is hard but a very courageous act and what makes mob stronger than mogami
mp100 fans with tunnel vision: Oh so mob was tortured for six months and is sad? He’s literally so sad and traumatized and nobody is talking about this?
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1. When are you usually online?
Mostly weekends. I’m too braindead after work to try to put out anything worthwhile. I’ll lurk here and there during the week. But I’m mainly most active during the weekends. 
2. What verses are you involved in?
none. All of my OC’s are in their own verse. I’ve never had good luck with interacting with ready made fandoms. Not for lack of trying. Just....I suppose I wasn’t what they were looking for. 
What is your biggest RP pet peeve?
Not giving me anything to go off of. Be it a one liner , ( I really can’t do those), or multiple paragraphs. If I finish reading it and have no idea what even just happened or have no feel for the other muse, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do and be genuine in my response. And it makes it hard to want to continue.  Lack of communication. It just causes all kinds of problems and assumptions and hurt feelings.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses? 
It depends on which of my muses I’m using. Some of them are drawn to light, easy going muses. Others are drawn to those who need to be saved. From whatever; themselves, a situation, life. While others yet...are drawn to all the wrong things. The dark. The mysterious. The dangerous. They crave to know what lies in the shadows, regardless of how terrifying the outcome could be. Curiosity, is their greatest downfall.   
5. Are there reoccurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?
Mmmm......I suppose my reoccurring theme would be immersion. I like to create stories and worlds where you forget it’s not real. Where you feel like you’re the one in whatever scenario is happening. You can taste the bitter and sweet in the chai iced latte. You can feel the crunch of dead leaves beneath your boots. Feel the sharp prick of a paper cut and the warmth of the blood as it seeps onto your finger.  Writing is all about escape right? I want to create that escape. 
6. What are your favourite RP trends?
I don’t keep up with them enough to even know what the current trend is. 
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone? I totallllly suck at plotting. Yeah I can come up with ideas. But for me, if we talk about it, I already know what’s going to happen. There’s no mystery. No intrigue. I already know what’s coming. And that kills any interest for me. I’m a ‘wing it’ style writer. I like to just throw out a starter or ask that could create something. Roll off of whatever reply I get. I tend to reply in the moments right after reading the reply I received. it’s freshest in my mind, so that whatever my muse says or does after is natural and not rehearsed. If I try to reply to something over a span of time, the original idea gets muddled. I have to read and reread the reply , losing important details because the effect of the first read has passed. 
8. How do you feel about duplicates?
Seeing as all my muses are OC’s, I’ll shank someone who tries to duplicate my kids. 
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying?
Geeeeez. Like I can remember that far back lol. I remember back when there was yahoo chat groups. I’d write on there. An OC of course, because I knew I couldn’t bring a Canon the justice their original creator gave them. I suppose....since I was 15? I think that’s when I realized there were other people I could write with and didn’t laugh at me for some of the wild ideas I came up with. 
10. Is there a muse or verse you could write in, but haven’t?
Muse- no . I’m completely a-ok with not writing any canon muses. I wouldn’t be able to stay true to who they were supposed to be. My imagination would change them too much. 
Verse: ....I don’t really have a specific verse I just haaaave to interact with. Though the darker the verse the more interest I have in it. I suppose I’ve just had too much fluff 100% of the time. I need nitty gritty. ugly. No holds barred. There’s not a lot like that out there. At least...I haven’t been able to find them. 
tagged by- @s-talking , @chronicparagon
tagging: anyone who wants to do this. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
Have you ever skipped class before? Sometimes in college I did. I always checked beforehand what was going on that day and did whatever assignments still. If needed I would ask someone for notes.  Are you a regular school skipper? No, I didn’t make a habit of it. There were just times when I wasn’t feeling up to going for whatever reason. What I didn’t understand was the people who like only showed up for the exams.  Do you want a different cell phone, besides your own? Nah.  Do you have any Pay-per-View channels? Are those still a thing? Do you tend to apologize first? Yeah. I’m quick to blame myself for everything.  What is your most favorite school subject? I always enjoyed English throughout school and my clinical psych course in college. 
Who, in your life, makes you feel discouraged? Just myself. My family is very encouraging and supportive, it’s me that gets in my own way. 
Do you attend church regularly or follow a certain religion? Yes.  Which store do you buy most of your clothes from? Hot Topic and Boxlunch.  Are you the kind of person who always looks for sales? I do like a good sale.  When was the last time you went bowling? It’s been over a decade now.  Do you ever suspect your significant other of lying to you? I’m single.  Are you expected to help fix Thanksgiving dinner? No, but I like doing the appetizers, so I always do those.  Is there anything bothering you right now? Of course. There always is.  Would you like to talk to someone about it? No. Do you live by any major bodies of water? Yeah.  Do you know the difference between latitude and longitude? I do.  Do you tend to make the first move in a relationship? No, I’m not one to make the first moves.  What color are your bedroom walls painted? White.  What is your favorite item in your bedroom? All my things, hence why I have and keep them. Like all my giraffe stuffed animals, my other stuffed animals/plushies, collectible things from the various fandoms I’m apart of, etc.  If you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be? Right now all I want is to get better and go home.  Do you ever watch children's movies and shows? Yes. If so, which movie or show is your favorite? I still enjoy the shows I watched on Disney growing up like Lizzie McGuire, That’s So Raven, Suite Life of Zach and Cody, Hannah Montana, Proud Family, Recess, and Winnie the Pooh. I also still like to watch Disney movies and the Disney Channel movies I grew up with. Old Nickelodeon shows such as Rugrats, Doug, and Hey Arnold as well. Earlier this year I watched Little Bear and Arthur. I still watch Full House, Boy Meets World, Step by Step, and Family Matters. I’m all about nostalgia and miss being a kid, so I find watching those old shows comforting.  Do you spend a lot of time with family? Yes. 
What is one of your biggest pet peeves? One is eating sounds. I also can’t stand being told to “calm down” or “chill out.”  Have you ever contemplated suicide? Yes. What a question to just throw in amongst these questions all casual like.  Do you spend a lot of time with your family members? Yes, you asked this already.  When was the last time you had your favorite food? I had one of them back in late May. It’s been so long since I’ve had actual food D: How many times have you been to Disney World, if any? Zero. I’ve been to Disneyland a few times, though.  Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? No. Does your birth name mean anything in another language or sense? I don’t know.  What is your favorite pair of shoes? My black and white Adidas.  What holiday is coming up next? Halloween.  How many times a day would you say you go to the bathroom? Uh, it varies.  Do you spend more time watching television or on the internet? Online for sure. Although, while here in the hospital since the TV in my hospital room isn’t a smart TV  I often have two windows side by side, one being a show I’m watching via one of the streaming services and the other is Tumblr. I have the TV in my hospital room as well, but it’s usually just on low volume or muted.  Do you have a Tumblr? Apparently.  If so, how often are you on it? All the time.  Do you get offended if people use your quotes? No one is quoting me. Not sure what they would be quoting me on.  Would you say you're a completely original person? No. Is anyone? Have you ever been really obsessed with a fictional character? Many. I get really into shows I like.  What was the best birthday you've ever had? Hmm. I’ve enjoyed most of my birthdays. I really like when I’m able to take a trip somewhere. This year’s birthday was just depressing since it was spent in the hospital. When did you last go to the dentist? It’s been awhile... Do you trust your best friend? Yes. Do you tan easily or not so much? If I spend a few hours outdoors, which I only ever do when I’m able to go to the beach, I get a little tan.  Would you say you have a great sense of style, or not so much? It’s good for me, I like it.  What is your favorite desert? My favorite desserts are milkshakes, ice cream, cheesecake, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, donuts.  When, if at all, do you plan on having children? I don’t want to have kids.  Does it bother you when people type in all caps? Yeah. It’s like, WHY ARE YOU YELLING? Have you ever been on a train? No. Why did you last cry? Health related issues.  Did the person who hurt you last, apologize to you for what they did? No. What is your original hair color? Dark brown.  Do you think you have a good singing voice, personally? No, I know I don’t.  What have you been stereotyped as before? Uhhh. Have you ever been called a good kisser? No. Have you ever tried sleeping on a futon? Yeah, I’ve had one.  What is your favorite fruit? Favorite vegetable? Bananas/spinach, broccoli, potatoes, green onions.  Would you say you're more outgoing than kept to yourself? No, definitely not.  What time did you wake up this morning and why? Around 9am.  Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? No. Do you believe there's a reason for everything that happens? I do.  When was the last time you hugged someone you barely knew? I don’t hug people I don’t know.  Would you rather it be snowy or sunshine? I wish it snowed here.  Have you ever been to a waterpark? No. What color are the pants you're now wearing? I’m still wearing a hospital gown like I’ve mentioned many times cause this question comes up a lot for some reason.   Do you ever cry for no apparent reason? It feels like it sometimes.  Spell your name without using the letter 'a:' Stephnie.  Would you rather wear a jacket or a hoodie? Hoodie.  Describe the person you like / love in one word: I don’t have romantic feelings for anyone currently.  Have you ever been accused of being on drugs when you weren't? No. Do you have a more quiet or loud voice? Quiet.  Do you enjoy drinking from juiceboxes? I do.  Do you enjoy creative writing? I used to when I was younger.  If so, what things do you like writing about the most? -- What is your favorite television channel? My TV is typically on like The Hallmark Channel, TVLand, UpTV, or MTV.   Do you enjoy traveling? I do.  Do you think some movies ruin songs by having them on the soundtrack? I don’t think i’ve felt that way before.  What is your favorite color lollipop? I’m not into lollipops.  Have you been to at least five states so far? No, only three.  Do you prefer sneakers or heels? I only wear sneakers.  Do you sometimes miss the traditions from your childhood? I miss my childhood in general.  Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? Nah.  If you had to choose, would you rather lose your sight or hearing? Neither, thanks.  Favorite drink? Coffee, soda, Starbucks Doubleshot energy drinks, milkshakes, YooHoo.  Do you plan on moving out any time soon? No. Have you made a lot of mistakes in life? I sure have. :/ Do you let any of your animals sleep in the bed with you at night? No, she has her own couch to sleep on.  What is your biggest fear in life? Never getting better/getting worse.  Do you try on clothes before you buy them? No.  What do you think is the best smell in the world? I have many favorite scents, but I don’t feel like listing them right now. I have recently in a survey, though.  Do you own any windchimes? No. Do you find it difficult to adjust in social situations? It depends. Have you ever been arrested? No. Do you tend to eat a lot of candy? No. I’m craving some right now, though.  How many candles are in your house as of now? Zero. 
Have you ever been known for something extremely negative? I don’t think so. Have you ever went shopping on Black Friday? I do mine online and it works out perfectly fine. I don’t want to go out and deal with the craziness.  What is your favorite holiday and why? Christmas, just everything about it.  Do you chew a lot of bubblegum? No, I don’t chew any bubblegum.  Do you sleep with any stuffed animals? I have a few on my bed.  When was the last time you got a shot? I don’t recall, but I’ve had my blood drawn numerous times since being in the hospital.  Would you say you have a high tolerance for pain or not so much? Not anymore.  Can you play any instruments? No. If so, what are those instruments? -- Would you say you've made a lot of people proud? I certainly don’t feel I have. I feel like a huge disappointment and failure.  Do you think your laugh is annoying? It’s whatever.  What is something you're looking for in the next week or so? Nothing.  Have you ever been in a relationship with someone for over a year? Joseph and I had our complicated thing for 3 years... that’s the closet thing I have.  Do you have any diseases? No, but I have a lot of health issues right now.  Does it make you happy to receive Christmas cards in the mail? I don’t receive any, but it would be nice. Would you rather watch movies or listen to music? Depends on my mood. Do you know how to fix a full-course meal? Pfft, no. I’m not a cook at all.  Do you have to wear uniforms for anything? No. Do you like sleeping with the ceiling fan on? Yes.  Have you seen the Harry Potter films? I’ve seen ‘em all.  Have you read the books? No. What color are your best friend's eyes? Brown.  Is there any smell that reminds you of something else from your past? Yes, of course.  Have you ever been into a car accident? No, thankfuly.  How many Sharpies do you own? A few.
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ectonurites · 3 years
I hate when people act like Cassandra is invincible tbh, I feel like it’s a disservice to her character. It flattens her, puts her on a pedestal. Make no mistake, Cassandra is definitely the most skilled fighter in the Batfam, one of the best in the world, but that doesn’t make her unbeatable and I hate when fandom interprets it that way. Also when people attribute skills to her that she doesn’t have, or don’t understand what her abilities are. She’s not omniscient, she’s not a computer, she’s not a human mood ring. She interprets body language. She can only interpret the things she recognizes, and she can’t derive what the source of the feeling is just out of thin air. She’s strong and she’s capable but she nowhere near infallible. She’s not untouchable
That's one thing today especially (on twitter more than here) where I've seen some people getting mad about Duke being a pretty equal match for her in the preview for his secret files story while they're sparring... but that makes perfect sense!
Duke's a meta, and one aspect of his powers precognition! Which helps him out in fights similarly to (but possibly even more effectively than because it's genuinely seeing the future) how Cass' skills with body language let her predict someone's movements. Now that he's been training with her and the Outsiders for a while, OF COURSE they'd be able to go up against one another with pretty comparable skill!
Cass in general while she is pretty established as 'one of the most skilled hand-to-hand fighters in the DCU'... that is among normal human hand-to-hand fighters. She does not have that same upper hand with Metas, whose powers can be unpredictable and can definitely overpower her! That has been shown... like more than once? It's not a wild concept. Like yes she is good enough that some government people thought she was a meta, and she can probably still hold her ground against a lot of metas perfectly fine, but she's absolutely not untouchable the way some people act like she is.
Also just... she's human! Her emotions can get in the way, she can be distracted, she can have moments where she's not at her best. Perfect Angel Cass is just one of my biggest pet peeves in the fandom honestly, Cass wants to be perfect, she's a perfectionist, but treating her like she actually is perfect at everything is such a flattening of her character.
Her desire to be perfect and save everyone is something that can and will bite her in the ass! It's one of her character flaws that makes her interesting. Remember how she literally would rather die to be perfect for a year rather than live life 'mediocre'
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(Batgirl (2000) #9)
That's not a healthy or good thing, but a character having that mindset? That is INTERESTING!
And later in Rebirth era even though that Cass isn't... quite the same, I do like what Kate points out about her, that she tries to fight other people's battles for them because she knows she has the skill to back it up, but that overextending herself can come back around to cause problems for her.
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(Detective Comics (2016) #941)
But yeah Cass has limits, she's incredibly good there is no denying that and nobody should try to, but she's a human with limits.
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austajunk · 3 years
(Heyo, I hope you don't mind me sharing my thoughts in your inbox. I just think you're cool and have good opinions, so here I am.)
OK, so I love Komahinanami as an OT3. As friends, or romantically, or whatever. I just love them a lot.
What I reeeeally don't like about it, though, is (some of) the fans' portrayal of it. For some people, it's never Komahinanami as a three-way relationship, with them all caring for and loving each other equally.
It's either Komahina with Chiaki just "added on", or it's Hinanami with Nagito just "added on", or it's Komahina + Hinanami with no interaction between Nagito and Chiaki at all.
(Like... where's the Komanami love?)
And if they do interact, then it's almost always negative. Chiaki's made out to be the girl who Nagito hates more than anything else, the girl who gets in the way of Komahina. And Nagito's made out to be this jealous, possessive asshole who is disgusted by Chiaki and only cares about Hajime. Which is just 1) not true to the characters at all, and 2) really confusing to me, because I don't know where it comes from other than just projection.
People do realise that Nagito never showed one single hint of either hatred towards Chiaki or posessiveness towards Hajime, right? I don't know where this whole "Nagito hates Chiaki, is jealous of her, and wanted to kill her for the sake of Hajime" thing comes from. Maybe it's just some fans' projection, but... it's just not canon, and it's not part of Nagito's character at all.
And Hajime isn't the only person who Nagito is capable of caring about or developing a positive relationship with. Let him have friends and people he cares about other than Hajime, even if you only ship Komahina.
Bottom line: I love Nagito, Chiaki and Hajime, I love fan works where they interact, and I love it when they're actually in character, and not made totally OOC to satisfy fans' bad character interpretations and hatred of female characters.
(Sorry again about the inbox rant - just wanted to share my thoughts!)
Hooo boi. Hoooo boi. Oh anon, you just tackled one of my biggest pet peeves of this fandom right to its core. Also thanks for saying I’m cool. :3
Firstly, the denial of the Komanami side of KomaHinaNami, but honestly… that I could deal with. This is why I focus on a lot of the KomaNami side of things on my blog but I don’t mind so much the “Hajime has two hands” side of this ship because usually from what I’ve seen, people have Chiaki be Nagito’s best friend or wing lady with Hajime and he appreciates and adores her and confides in her about Hajime and shares Hajime with her and all three are happy. Like.. in a way, that’s still ultra pippity poppity cute!
But yeah, the KomaHina fans who like to portray Chiaki as just the girl who is in the way of their relationship, as if Nagito hates or is jealous of Chiaki… no, just no. It has never once been like that! Before he really got to know Hajime, Chiaki was the only person who accepted and tried to understand Nagito. She was kind to him and he seemed to appreciate her in turn, insisting that her being their class rep made her their biggest light of Hope. He even pleads with her not to take on Junko, that he knew they were no chance against them but believes in Chiaki anyways and is devastated to the point of breaking down and sobbing at her death. Of course, he twists things and beseeches Chiaki’s name, insisting that she can lift them up with her death… but only because he’s coping. In his own world in the Neo World Program, she is missing because the memory of her (and Hajime) hurt him so much that he had to block it out. His desire to see her along with the rest of the class brings her back to them as an AI that leads them all back to the right path.
As for the idea that Nagito is jealous of Chiaki… I think they get that from one scene in DR2 where Chiaki says she’s gonna go find Fuyuhiko in Chapter 2 to question him. She leaves and Hajime is irked about being left alone with Nagito, to which Nagito is like “Oh I’m sorry! You wanted her to stay?!” Honestly… people seem to ignore that before Chiaki left, Nagito expressed concern about her questioning Fuyuhiko and told her to not let him “get rough” with her. So… Nagito clearly cares. Out of everyone (including Hajime) in the main storyline, Nagito openly praises Chiaki and her talents the most. He will also politely oblige her and be quiet when she asks while he does not for anyone else. Also the thing is… Nagito is pretty protective of Chiaki. In Chapter 4, when Chiaki gets overwhelmed by Nagito being clingy, she runs away from him only for him to appear behind her five minutes later and urging her to remember that she could get hurt on her own and that she shouldn’t have run off.
More to the point, let’s pretend Chiaki and Nagito were like… rivals for Hajime’s affection like Chisa and Juzo were. That they directly mirror them (they don’t as much as we think). Even Juzo and Chisa loved and appreciated each other platonically. They were incredibly important to each other in this show while being in love with the same person. In the mangas furthermore, we have these scenes (So tell me, tell me to my face that Chiaki is the girl that Nagito somehow hates, that he never cared for her beyond a romantic rival. Just tell me. And yes yes I know the mangas are secondary canon, but when like two or three of them show all these moments of Chiaki and Nagito supporting each other, come the fuck on. I stand by that it enriches our current canon.):
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Here are my thoughts and opinions on the first season of Loki.
First of all, if you have not re-watched this season I highly recommend it. It’s only 6hrs, pick a day, get some snacks, binge the whole thing especially if you weren’t a big fan of it the first time around because re-watching it I noticed some things that I hadn’t before but I also found myself liking some things that I hadn’t the first time around. Which is why I recommend re-watching it, cause maybe it’ll be the same for y’all and you’ll find some new things to love, and end up enjoying some things you hadn’t before. It’s really a different experience to watch the whole thing together than when you watch week to week which makes sense cause MCU shows are meant to be movie-esque.
Now, I’ve spoken pretty positively about this show almost on the daily so let’s switch it up and start with the negatives aka the things that I personally didn’t like because while I enjoyed a lot of this show there are things I wasn’t a fan of and things that did irk me a lot; the first thing is very much a pet peeve: the title sequence, I’ve mentioned it before in passing but it reminds me too much of Gravity Falls and Bill Cipher, I gave it 6 episodes, 12 if you count the re-watches, and I just don’t like it at all, I get what they were going for but I don’t think it fits the show and I’m hoping they change it for s2.
But that’s a small thing, I can deal with that, the two (technically three) big things I didn’t like - and I think this is why episode 1 is my least favorite and to me the weakest of the season - is the way the show completely ignores Odin’s abuse and the effect that had on Loki, and the way he’s written in the first three episodes. I will go into detail.
I have no shame in admitting that I am pretty forgiving when it comes to this show and its flaws but the one thing I cannot forgive is how it not only ignores Odin’s abusive behavior but tries to paint him as a loving father and like Loki was the one in the wrong using the most insulting way possible which is that scene in Ragnarok where Odin tells his sons he loves them as if an ‘I love you’ undid years of abuse and bad parenting; it shouldn’t surprise me that they did this because the mcu does have a history and a pattern of being abuse apologists like portraying Thanos killing Gamora to get the soul stone as him loving her, or completely ignoring the horrible father that Howard Stark was. But it still really pisses me off that this show in which a big theme is exploring Loki psychologically and emotionally doesn’t even make mention of what a horrible father Odin was! And it tries to make it seem that just because Loki heard his father say a version of him that he loves him, that Loki suddenly thinks of him as a loving parent (referring to that line in episode 5 where he’s talking to Sylvie and says he has betrayed everyone who has loved him and mentions his asshole of a father instead of his mother!). I didn’t need them to go into details about this, but I did want them to call abuse abuse, and acknowledge Odin was a bad father. To me this is the biggest sin so far of this series. It doesn’t surprise me but it does disappoint me.
Connected to this, and in episode 1 we stay, is the “psychological exploration” of this character. I know after episode 1 a lot of fans were all “omg Loki finally got some therapy 😭” and then there’s me in the corner, shaking my head and saying no he didn’t, not at all, not even close. There was no therapy. And there was zero character exploration. I like Mobius but he is no Linda Martin.
All that happened was Loki being shown the consequences of his actions and being directly asked multiple times if he likes hurting people which of course he doesn’t, that’s not therapy at no point did Loki’s trauma get addressed, at no point did Loki get walked through that stuff or asked why he is how he is or what happened to change him from someone who was just mischievous to someone who caused harm.
Sorry to burst y’alls bubble but Loki did not get therapy in episode 1. Change Mobius lines about how Loki is just meant to cause pain and suffering and death for “imagined slights” and you’d have pretty much the same as every other MCU movie. At most what he got was an intervention to help him realize he didn’t want to be a bad person. Intervention and therapy are not the same thing.
And again, not surprised. If the mcu doesn’t properly explore their main, multiple movie having characters trauma and issues why were we expecting them to do it with Loki? Gotta keep those expectations in check. And in part I understand that the writers had a limited amount of time and they wanted to jump right into things but if they were gonna have only one episode with an emphasis on this they could have done a much better job while still jumping into the main story and moving on to character growth. To me this is the second biggest sin. And why episode 1 is ultimately my least favorite.
Last but not least, and something I can be more lenient and forgiving about but I still don’t like is the way Loki was written in the first three episodes. The way he was written was more comical to the point of borderline clown-ish sometimes which doesn’t match his personality at all, and don’t get me wrong there are times when it works but for the most part it just comes across as weird, like the writers were trying too hard to be funny and lighthearted at some points and it just doesn’t work, it ends up with him being a joke.
I’ll use a scene that I absolutely adore as a small example: Loki singing in episode 3. It’s one of my favorite scenes of the season, absolutely live for it, it lives in my head rent free in the VIP section but it’s a very flawed scene because Loki would never. Getting drunk on a mission is what Thor would do, not Loki, that is Thor through and through so as much as I love that scene, it is a flawed, ooc Loki scene.
The good thing is the show does improve in how it writes him in the last three eps, they stop trying so hard with the comedy, he’s more serious, more badass, he still has funny moments for example his reaction to Alligator Loki was hilarious but it’s more natural and fitting. So hopefully, in season 2 it will be the same writing team, and there will be more consistency and he’ll be written less comically and more badass.
Moving on to the positives, there are a lot of things I thoroughly enjoyed, starting with having Loki back on my screen and the center of attention- my baby, my darling, my love 💚 I’m so glad that he (and Tom!) is finally getting the attention, and love, and praise, and recognition that he has been deserving of all these years!
It gave me some of my favorite Loki scenes like I mentioned Loki singing it may be a flawed scene but I loved it nonetheless, it had some really cool fight scenes especially towards the end, it gave Loki a friend! A real friend! My baby is all grown up! 😭💚
The cinematography was beautiful, like you can say a lot about this show but you cannot deny that visually it is stunning and the directing was amazing. The soundtrack was pretty good too, I mean c’mon, ‘I need a Hero’? Iconic.
This show gave us Alligator Loki! How can one not love that! It kick started what looks to be the coolest aspect of Phase 4, it gave us bi, genderfluid Loki (which also brought out some of the ugliest sides of this fandom but this ain’t the time or place for that conversation 🙃), it gave me a new favorite character in Sylvie absolutely love her 💛
It gave me hope that the sun will shine again on Thor and Loki! That they’ll cross paths once again at some point and be reunited! And when they are, we better get that hug!
It gave me my new OTP in the form of Loki x Sylvie, they have great chemistry, and they’re super cute together, and they’re so good for one another and I just love them so much; I know it’s a “controversial” ship but I hope they stick to it and we get more of them in s2 because they are the best couple Marvel has ever given us they are passionate and cute and angsty, and they have the foundation for the most epic love story.
In conclusion, was Loki season 1 perfect? Was it everything I wanted? Nope. But ultimately, it gave me more that I enjoyed than not- also, I can tell this was something that was done with a lot of love and joy and effort put into it which as someone who has loved a show where the writer’s room noticeably didn’t give a rat’s ass, I can appreciate a lot.
Overall I’m very happy with the first season; I love this show, flaws and all, and I can’t wait for s2!
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pompompurin1028 · 3 years
4, 5, 10, 23, 24, 25, 34,35, 36, 37,39, 43, 44 — sending u the same asks i sent rai cuz i wanna know what goes on in my faves minds 😌🤝 feel free to skip some tho ik its a lot LOL 😭❤️
No worries at all! This made me really happy🥺❤ And I am one of your faves?😭❤ I'll try my best to answer them all hehe
4. Link your three favorite fics right now
Just so you know they’re all about Dazai because I’m biased and he’s my favourite
Limerence in it’s Purest Form (genre: angst to fluff) This is literally one of my favourite fics that I’ve read before I actually started posted on this blog, it is so beautiful, and it made my heart ache at the same time I just- 
Dépaysement (genre: angst) Another fic I read before I started posting on my blog and it absolutely stuck to me. It hurt me so bad but at the same time I think this is something Dazai would absolutely do which only saddens me even more, but it’s also so beautifully potraying Dazai’s character
Kind to the Lovers (genre: fluff) Jess’ writing is always absolutely beautiful, but this is one that I adore, I might be biased since I requested this one. But it absolutely made my heart flutter, and everything about it is so poetic, I could just clench my heart reading through it
There are of course many other fics that I enjoy, but these three are probably my favourites as of this moment
Putting a read more here because this is going to be long, since I also have a horrible tendency to overwrite haha I’m so sorry😂😅
Fic writer ask game
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
I think my biggest fanfic pet peeve is that a character is not in character if that makes sense? It just doesn’t feel right to me, and I would say yes, it does have an effect, not really on whether I read something, but more of if I like it or not. That’s why I do try very hard to make sure that when I write I do my absolute best to make sure that if I do write a character that they’re as in character to the best of my ability.
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Dazai haha. He’s my favourite and my comfort character at this moment, so I tend to read a lot about him. But I also read others such as Chuuya and Akutagawa as well
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Hurt/comfort fics. I write a lot of them because I enjoy exploring different emotions, but at the same time I always want a happy or just a hopeful ending for my characters because that is what they deserve, especially in BSD. I especially enjoy exploring Dazai’s emotions in my fics and have the reader help him with getting a revelation and understanding, as it genuinely makes me really happy and I feel like gives a great sense of positivity and hope
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
I can’t exactly think of something off the top of my head at this moment, but I don’t think I’ll write smut as it makes me uncomfortable
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
I would actually say that I put quite a bit of myself into my writing, though of course most the feelings I write in the fics are not my own, as I write mostly from Dazai’s POV. But they are quite personal to me, as I would try to imagine myself in that scenario to write them, and I would also put feelings from my experiences into them if applicable. But if I had to choose one fic that is most personal to me it is this one
As for my reader’s image, I am honestly not really sure haha. I do hope they think me well! Though judging by the way friends whom I’m comfortable enough to show my writing to, they think it’s beautiful, deep yet still feels like me, they enjoyed my play on perspectives, and I can only hope my readers on here feel the same🥰
35. How much has writing fic changed your life?
I think it changed quite a bit! I’ve always loved writing since I was really young, and writing fics actually encouraged me to pursue in this passion and actually get down to write haha
36. Are there any fics or fandoms you’re embarrassed to have written or been part of?
No not really, also I’ve only written for one other fandom than BSD and I am embarrassed about it haha, not for being a part of it but for what I’ve written because looking back my writing style is so bad😭
37. Give an update on your current WIP - if you don’t have one, give a sneak peek to a title or idea that you have and would like to write.
I’m literally working on a fic at this moment👀It’s still in progress but it’s coming along?
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39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I like my writing style as of this moment haha, I do like the expressions that I use and I pride myself in that!
43. Talk about a positive experience with fanfiction or the fanfiction community that you will always remember
Honestly just meeting new people and friends! It is always lovely to me that we can meet people from all over the world because of a common interest!
44. Rant about something writing related
Starting a fic is so difficult for me at least. I always want my opening sentence to be a nice hook but at times it can prove to be quite difficult😥
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lampmeeting · 4 years
got roundaboutly tagged by @agaricales​ :D thank youuuu! hope you don’t mind that i stole your little idea to draw myself and my shitty hair hahah :3 i almost never draw myself so this was a nice reason
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Questions to get to know you a little better:
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise? Kelly’s my actual name, but I also go by Murphy and I have zero preference which you use (also shortened versions of either like Kel or Murph are also lovely) :D and it makes me giggle when people call me Lamp hehe
2. When is your birthday? Nov. 5th!
3. Where do you live? Austin, Texas
4. Three things I am doing right now? Fixing to watch Hannibal, drinking root beer, being kept company by my tiny kitty Lib
5. Four fandoms that have piqued my interest: Well, Metalocalypse of course. Hannibal is a new one I’m dipping my toe into. Don’t think I’ll do any art or fic, but I’ve been loving what I’ve seen and read so far. Detroit: Become Human was a huge one for me and I still love checking in on the fandom from time to time and getting nostalgic. Also tonight’s news activated my Mass Effect lust. Give to me all the hot aliens.
6. How has the pandemic been treating you? Uhhhhhhh yeah not great. 8)
7. Song(s) I can’t stop listening to: “Rule of Nines” by Spiritbox, her VOICE!!!!
8. Recommend a movie: Darren Aronofsky‘s The Fountain, this movie just Speaks to me like nothing else ever really has. I remember leaving the theatre feeling like I had been irreparably changed, and one of the friends I was with was like “well that was fucking stupid” and I was like hmmm :) really now :) and then like the next month we weren’t friends anymore kjgkdfgf funny how that happened
9. How old are you? 35... stick a fork in me, I’m done ;0;
10. School, university, occupation? Um none of the above? lmao covid took my job, know anyone who’s hiring at-home receptionists? dkfgdk I keep thinking I could go back to retail but we’re not in dire enough straits for that yet.
11. Do you prefer heat or cold? Cold usually but it depends. I like feeling warm but I HATE feeling hot and it’s a fine line.
12. Name one fact others may not know about you? Actually I think probably quite a few people know this, but I suck really bad at coming up with random facts about myself - I’m a wrestling nerd. Fucking love wrestling. I’ve been to dozens of shows, Raw, Smackdown, NXT, Ring of Honor a handful of times, and a few local shows because my brother’s old high school friend is a local indie wrestler. My favorite guy in the business right now is Hangman Adam Page (and yes, it’s partially because he’s fucking gorgeous)
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13. Are you shy? Depends. There’s a lot of things I’m totally fine with doing and it can fool people into thinking I’m almost extroverted, but then like phone calls and knocks on the door literally break me out in a sweat and make my hands shake, and if I hang out with people I need like a week to recover, so... lmao
14. Preferred pronouns: she/her
15. Biggest pet peeves: this is an IRL thing, but I have some audio processing shit going on, and then on top of that I fucked up my hearing in my right ear a bit at a Devin Townsend show a few years back (worth it? yes) and sometimes people’s voices can sound muddled if there’s other noises happening too. So it MAKES ME REAL MAD when people who KNOW THIS ABOUT ME will just go “no never mind it’s not important” when I ask them to repeat themselves.
16. What is your favorite "dere" type? Had to look some up and oh noooooo it’s a toss-up :O
The Hinedere (ひねデレ) type refers to characters who have cynical world views, are cold-hearted, and highly arrogant. However, deep down they have a soft side that may reveal itself after their love interest breaks through. (SOUND FAMILIAR LMAO)
The Byoukidere (病気デレ) type refers to a character who is kind and gentle at heart but has a serious illness. They might be confined to a hospital bed, or just simply weak and frail. (OH NO.... ;0;)
17. Rate your life 1-10? maybe a 6? 6.5?
18. What is your main blog? @gatsbygal​ it runs on a queue right now when i remember to fill it (I’m here too often to remember it hahah, but yeah if you wanna go look thru all my old bad art go right ahead)
19. List all your side blogs and what they’re for: ABSOLUTELY NOT LMAO i will admit to having a victor zsasz-related sideblog, a blog about a long-time fic i was writing where i’d answer reader’s questions and stuff, but uhhhhhh i have a few others that get to stay secret
20. Is there anything people should know before becoming friends with you? I’ve had people tell me I seemed intimidating at first and this has to be a problem with how I present myself online because people I know IRL consider me somewhere between a cupcake and an overcooked noodle :O maybe I say too many fuckworks and use too many exclamation marks or something haahha but I swear I’m not even remotely cool
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cntrspll · 3 years
this is a love letter to my own fic
hi hello hey, this is an essay about my own fic and the feelings i have about it. fic can be found here.
i am going to try so hard to keep this organized but i don’t know how well that will work soooo let’s go!
on the fic overall:
i just... like magnus. i think he is a fan fave for a reason, but i think there’s a lot of missing discussion of his post-canon situation and the development thereafter. when i finished listening to balance for the first time (in february-ish this year, i think?), i remember being super frustrated with where parts of the fandom had landed their focus. this isn’t an uncommon fandom thing, and i totally get where it comes from. some characters are just super relatable and a lot of fun to write about and have like absolute piles of stuff to unpack, so it’s totally fair that some characters get more focus than others, but where i felt that some of my faves got a lot of fandom focus, others... didn’t.
so this fic was in part an attempt to rectify that, because i wasn’t finding the unpacking of magnus and his emotional / mental state that i wanted. that being said, there are a couple fics that i did draw a little bit of inspiration from, the biggest probably being patterns of migration by goodnicepeople. the depiction of magnus as this big strong dude who also has these quiet vulnerabilities that he doesn’t like admitting to people is like, in part just really accurate to canon, but also something that i really wanted to see explored more, and i didn’t find a whole lot of other fics that fit that, so in part i just wanted to set out to put a little more into that.
also, like, i work in food service, and we are in a pandemic, and i moved in the middle of this year and i started hrt this year and have been dealing with the fallout of coming out and just kind of everything, and this fic was a really good way of just like, distracting myself from everything and sitting down for a little every day and thinking about something else and not so much about everything that was happening around me. so there is a good part of this fic that is just like, me coping with everything and trying to reorient myself a little. and it worked pretty well for that!
on process:
ok first things first, this was never meant to be 133k long. when i first sat down to write this, it was going to be a handful of snapshots set across [undetermined amount of time here] of magnus dealing with isolation and insomnia, and it was only meant to be like, maybe a 20k oneshot? that obviously did not happen. i think my original estimate once i accepted that this was gonna be multichaptered was like 60-70k, but then the chapters started getting longer with each one i finished, and then i wanted to add in an interlude, and then i decided i needed an epilogue, and here we are.
i’ll talk about this in other sections too, but as i wrote, i just kept finding more and more things that i wanted to talk about. i was also in the process of relistening to balance i was writing, and i kept running into little things that happened over the course of the show that i was like... oh shit! and that would inspire another scene or an interaction i wanted to write or something i wanted to focus more on, and the whole thing just kept getting more and more and bigger and bigger.
i’ve said it like 50 thousand times now, but i have never written anything this long before. i tried really hard to be regimented about the way i did it, because from the beginning i knew this was going to be an emotional journey for me to write, but i knew that if i let it slide for a week or so then i would never finish it. so to get through it, i wrote almost every day for a minimum of an hour. the process that i’ve found works best for me when i’m writing is using word sprints, putting on some music, and then forcing myself to tune out of social media and everything else for 25 minutes. i try to do between 750-1k words in that time period, then the site gives you a five minute break, during which i usually check twitter or fact check if i need to, and then i go back in and do another sprint. this works really well for me because i wasn’t trying to hit a specific word goal in any given day, just like... trying to sit down and write. i also tried not to guilt myself too much if i missed a day, or if i only did one sprint instead of two, or anything like that, and that’s kind of what helped me get through the whole monster without instantly dropping it as soon as i had another idea.
on mental health and recovery:
so one of my big personal pet peeves in fiction is the idea that trauma recovery is like, a one time single event deal. like, someone has this big horrible thing happen to them or they have some pressing mental health issue and then someone else walks in and they have one conversation and bam, everything is fine. i was exposed to a lot of [fan]fiction when i was younger that kind of supported this kind of narrative, and i get that there is a certain sort of wish fulfillment thing to that, but it also sucks, being an adult and having Problems(TM) and knowing that it absolutely does not work like that.
so when i set out to write a fic about trauma and mental illness and recovery, i felt kind of a responsibility to not fall into that trap and write it like, okay and then magnus and taako talk about it and taako’s like hey dude you’re depressed but it’s okay and then magnus doesn’t have nightmares anymore. also, because this is taz and the canon of like, historical accuracy is complete bullshit, i can put therapists and psychiatry and psychiatric medications in my fic and no one can tell me i’m wrong and it doesn’t exist. elevators exist, so i can make ssris and anti anxiety pills exist.
but also, magnus as a character is not going to jump into that right away. it is canon fact that he doesn’t like accepting or asking for help with stuff like this, and yes there are a couple big moments where he does, but like i bring up a couple times in the fic, mental health struggles are a big jump from like, a physical fight using swords and axes and shit. and this i think is really accurate to a lot of people’s struggles with mental illness, just taking that first step and admitting that you don’t feel okay, and that you need someone’s help to deal with it. that’s super super scary even to admit to like, your closest friends.
so that’s why magnus kind of shies away a number of times from some of the conversations that people try to start with him about mental health. taako and carey and lucretia and pretty much everyone else approach him at some point about opening up about this stuff, but he pulls away because admitting that kind of vulnerability to someone else is super scary, even if you’ve maybe admitted it to yourself already.
i also wanted to make sure that at the end of the fic, he wasn’t magically better. this is something else that i think people kind of forget, like... trauma and the problems that it causes don’t go away just because of therapy and medication. those things help, they help you reform the ways you think about yourself and about the world, but they don’t change the struggles you’ve been through or the sometimes biological problems that are causing whatever issue you’re having. and i remember reading a lot of fic when i was a kid where someone would be depressed, and then they’d fall in love and get magic dick or something and then they’d never be sad again, which... isn’t great.
but at the same time, i didn’t want it to end on this note like, oh everything is still bad even though he worked so hard to open up and get help, because that sucks, too. so it was really important to me that the fic end on a hopeful note, like, magnus isn’t cured. he still has bad days and bad weeks and sometimes he is just as low as he was before, but he also has like, normal days, which is something that i think you kind of forget can even exist when you’re depressed, or when you’re dealing with any mental illness. but like, i really wanted it to be obvious that things did get better and even if he’s still coping with it and it’s not going away, he’s okay. he’s gonna be all right.
on an unreliable narrator:
this kind of plays into some of the mental health stuff, but one thing that i love about taz that i really wanted to play into with this fic is the idea of limited perspective. griffin does some really cool fucking things with this, specifically in relation to the ipre and the big reveal in the last lunar interlude, with the idea of like... a character can only know the things that they know. like, magnus knows that there is a picture of him depicted as a red robe, and barry knows that they’re all red robes, and taako knows that they found the umbra staff next to a red robed skeleton and that the umbrella spelled out lup at one point, but none of them necessarily know all the things that the other person knew, and none of them know all the things that lucretia knows or that fisher knows or junior knows, etc etc.
unfortunately, just because the pace of the story picks up so much in that last lunar interlude, there isn’t a whole lot of space to explore that like, disconnect between all these facts that they each have as individuals. and given the perspective of mental health and the way that plays into your perceptions of yourself and your perceptions of other people’s perceptions, i really wanted to delve into like… magnus’s misunderstandings.
this is not a strictly straightforward unreliable narrator situation, but i did bring in some elements of that. i really wanted to explore the disconnect between how magnus sees and how everyone else sees him and his issues. there are also a couple moments where he flat out completely misinterprets their intentions, which unfortunately i didn’t delve into as much as i wanted to so they ended up mostly being fun easter eggs for, uh… me? i guess?
one of those moments is the scene in ch 4 where barry and magnus are sitting in the kitchen and barry starts to ask magnus something. magnus assumes it’s going to be about his mental health, and that this is barry stepping up as representative for everyone else to talk to him about it, but it’s really meant to be a precursor to their conversation in ch 6 where they talk about barry and lup and marriage and proposals.
magnus gets a little perspective on this later, i think in ch 7(?) where he’s thinking about how maybe their lives don’t completely revolve around him and he’s missing some of their perspective. but like, they all have their own shit going on, and they all love him and they’re worried about him, but also, barry is thinking about lup. lup is thinking about taako. taako is thinking about lucretia. lucretia is thinking about davenport, and davenport is thinking about his own issues, and so on and so on and they’re not all just like… waiting to pounce on magnus the second he shows weakness.
a lot of that plays into the hypervigilance of ptsd, too. magnus is very aware of any perceived threat, and he sometimes treats the people around him as threats, when all they’re doing in reality is thinking like, man i wish he didn’t live out here by himself all the time.
on a more meta note, i also have a tendency to make every character i write just like, a super good judge of character. i don’t think magnus is that, and i really wanted to lean into that. magnus does not read intention super well, even when that intention is genuinely good.
on the ipre and their relationships:
so i… really don’t write gen fic a lot. even when i do, it is almost always tinged with a little bit of background shipping, and there is some of that in this, but whereas in most fandoms i end up being a multishipper, for some reason with taz i’ve ended up pretty much only caring about the canon ships (sorry…). that being said, the platonic relationships in taz (and especially in balance) are some of the most compelling and important fictional relationships that i’ve ever encountered. like, they are just really well fucking done.
this being the magnus love letter that it is, i really wanted to focus on magnus’s distinct relationships with every member of the ipre crew. i don’t know how obvious this is in the actual narrative, but with the exception of the interlude and the epilogue, the story is broken down into one chapter for each member of the starblaster crew (in order, magnus, taako, merle, davenport, barry, lucretia, lup). i did this specifically because it was really important to me that i dive into all of them and their particular issues. i didn’t quite get the deep dive with merle or davenport that i would’ve liked to, but hopefully in the future i’ll get more time to explore that.
anyway, in case it isn’t obvious, lup is probably my favorite fictional character literally ever in any media created by anyone in the history of time. i say this only because a lot of this fic was set up to build to the conversation between her and magnus in ch 8 out on the mountain where he finally opens up for the first time. there are some really incredible unexplored parallels and relationships in taz (unexplored mainly because like, where would it even fit in canon), and while some of them are super self indulgent (ie, lup and mags, barry and mags), i really really really wanted to dig into those a little more. things like the conversation where taako is talking about everyone brushing over his trauma to rush to forgive lucretia, or lucretia talking about trying to learn to love writing again and recognize happy moments, davenport almost admitting that he’s not completely sure about stepping back into the family in his former role… i could write an entire fic on any of these, really.
but ultimately, this being a magnus fic, i tried to filter those conversations through a perspective of two things: first, how does this affect magnus and his mental health journey, and second, what can magnus do to help this. those scenes where magnus is trying to help someone with something and they’re like, backhandedly helping him are some of my favorite interactions in the fic.
the other thing i really really really wanted to explore that i never see enough of in fic is magnus and carey’s relationship. carey is canonically magnus’s best friend, and yet in fic i feel like she gets pushed to the side a little in favor of the starblaster crew. which i get, they’ve got a hundred and ten years of shared trauma, but also, travis flat out states that carey is magnus’s best friend, so… i mean, there is also a little bit of self indulgence here, because i am also a man who is exclusively best friends with lesbians, but you know.
that being said, i really wanted to emphasize that relationship in particular, which is why carey doesn’t have her own dedicated chapter and instead kind of slides in and out of each one and slowly helps magnus along the way. her personality i also feel is like, the exact kind of thing that magnus needs to push him into accepting / asking for help and moving towards recovery.
on real life parallels:
ok, i swear to god i did not intend to make this a holiday fic posted during the holidays. i started writing this in june, and again, it was only meant to be like 20k and not necessarily entirely set during candlenights. that kind of happened, anyway? candlenights just seemed like the best vessel to get all these characters whose post-canon situations i wanted to explore into the same room, and i finished the first draft around mid october and i wanted to give myself plenty of time for editing, so it honestly just ended up coincidentally aligning with the holidays. go figure.
that being said, isolation ended up featuring pretty heavily in this fic. that i think is to be expected to a certain degree given the nature of mental health and recovery and blah blah blah, but i probably unintentionally ended up leaning into it a little more because like… this year. and the holidays tend to be a time that a lot of us feel really isolated, and this year especially, but one of the big things for me this year is that like, all of my friends live out of state. the closest one to me is still a good 2-3 hour plane ride, which i am absolutely not risking. i had like a hundred plans to go see people and do things this year, and those obviously got cancelled.
probably the biggest one of those things was seeing a friend who i have kind of started a new years tradition of seeing, but we ended up calling that off out of safety considerations, of course. and it sucks! it’s not fun! i also moved out this year and i have my own place and in june i was really hoping that things would be okay by now and i could have all my friends come in from out of town for new years and that didn’t happen. and i wasn’t intending for this fic to be a kind of wish fulfillment of like, here’s my new place post-[saving the universe / coming out and becoming a real person], let me show my found family around my hometown and let’s make new holiday traditions together now that we’re no longer [fighting the apocalypse / literal children] and everything will be fun and happy and good, but that is kind of what happened anyway. [insert joke here that goes like “do you project your real world problems and mental health issues onto fictional characters or are you normal?”]
but yeah, magnus’s mental health struggles did kind of accidentally become a little bit of a pandemic / quarantine life parallel. i did not mean for that to happen, but it did help me tease out a little bit of what it is that i feel like i’m missing and what i want in the future when things are better, and i hope it helped some other people figure that stuff out too, maybe?
and in conclusion:
i said this a little bit in the final notes in the fic, but i am so so so grateful and emotional over the comments i’ve gotten from some of you. i’ve said it already, but this was such an emotional rollercoaster for me to write. i put a decent amount of my own mental health issues into the stuff i wrote into magnus, and it was genuinely therapeutic and like… super helpful and important. it was also a big struggle, and there were some scenes i came out of feeling incredibly drained and like i needed to not write for a week.
so that being said, those of you who have commented things about how this fic helped you deal with your own emotional turmoil or helped put something in perspective for you, i am genuinely so happy to hear that i’ve impacted you in that way like, at all. that is so incredible to me, and not necessarily what i set out to do, but it means so much to hear someone say that and also to know that someone felt comfortable sharing that with a stranger on the internet. thank you so so so much.
again, this fic means so much to me. the fact that it’s impacted even a handful of people in that way is absolutely amazing. some of the things you guys have said have had me seriously choked up. i am so glad that anyone even took the time to read all 133k of this, let alone that it affected people like that.
i don’t know if i’ll be writing more about magnus in this universe. i would love to! but i’m also super happy with where i’ve left his story. i have plans to explore the calen thing in the future, but only kind of tangentially in a side mention and not fully, so who knows? there is more though, a lot with taako and kravitz and lup and barry and hopefully one day i will find the motivation somewhere in me to flesh out everyone else’s situations a little more, too. who knows!
anyway, i just want to say thanks again to everyone for reading, and even more so if you are reading this dumb essay. you’re super cool.
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ljandersen · 3 years
2, 5, 17, 20, & 35 for the fic writer asks!
Thank you for all the fun questions!!!  These always get me thinking.  So fun.  By the way, I still love your cat picture icon so much.  He looks like he wants a good pet.  Anyway . . . This is from the Fic Writer Ask Game 
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
This is really variable.  I’d say the biggest determiner is where I’m at in the writing process on my long fic.  The first draft is creatively demanding.  It requires creative intensity and long chunks of alone time.  I’m not posting it at that point, so it’s all at my own pace.  No pressure. I get a lot more fanfic reading done, because I just don’t have the creative energy or environment/situation to invest in writing my first draft.  Instead that time goes to reading.  During the first draft, I’m probably about a 50/50 split between writing and reading.
When I’m in the editing stage, I write more than I read.  I’m posting now, which gives me the added pressure of having a deadline.  Most significantly, though, I can work on editing during periods I previously couldn’t with the first draft -- like after work or when my husband’s doing a loud project or if I only have a small window of time.  Those were periods, I would choose to read fic, because I didn’t have the energy for creativity.  But since editing requires less creativity, I can use that time now for editing.  
For almost a year I’ve been focused exclusively on editing, which means I’ve focused more on writing (editing) than reading fic.  I still do plenty of reading, of course.  It feels good supporting other writers in the community.  But I do use most of my time to keep on editing. 
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
OOC and character bashing are a big nope for me.  This is especially bothersome where they occur together, a character presented as OOC to be bashed. 
I also don’t like unhealthy relationship dynamics portrayed as romantic or hot.  For instance, a character being jealousy, possessive, domineering, and controlling.  I don’t like choking, punishing, or any physical aggressiveness in intimacy occurring without obvious mutual consent, where both partners feel safe, respected, and desire the encounter in the ways its happening.  This is in the context of it being condoned or romanticized by the story (vs. the sense a story considers it wrong or having the POV of an unreliable narrator you’re meant to disagree with).  I actually stumble upon this quite a bit in the fShenko fandom, and it’s not for me.   
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
I’m like everyone else, I think.  I check it a lot.  Probably way more than I should.  It’s influenced a lot by what I’m posting.  With one-shots I’ll let myself check more often.  But with a long-fic update, it’s important to curb the impulse.  
For a one shot, new kudos flood in.  Refreshing the screen is rewarding, because you have a good chance of discovering you have a new kudos or even a comment.  The repeated checking is positively reinforced.  I also invest less effort into a one-shot.  The stakes are lower.  For me, one-shots have high instant reward with that flood of stats and low-risk for disappointment with the lower effort investment.  For that reason, I let myself check more often with a one-shot.  Checking generally leads to more positive feelings and adds to the fun.       
With a long fic, you don’t see an uptick of kudos necessarily.  If you’ve been posting for a while, you may go several updates without a new kudos.  Hits are kind of irrelevant.  I don’t know what they mean.  That leaves comments as the only significant factor to check.  A comment on my long fic means a lot to me, more than stats on a one-shot.  I’ve invest a lot.  Refreshing the screen becomes a low-reaping high-reward situation. I feel like emotions are more up and down.  Disappointment is a greater risk and constant checking becomes maladaptive.  For that reason, I make a conscious effort to not check as often with a long fic update.  
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
I enjoy writing the first draft, and I enjoy interacting with people after I post it.  Enjoying the first draft applies to both fanfiction and original writing.  I think the posting part is where fanfiction really shines, because there’s overlapping interest and interaction within a community.  
There’s an idea that the last stage of art is to be experienced.  I think that’s true.  Dedicating yourself to writing a story is wonderful.  It’s an accomplishment.  For me, the project doesn’t have closure or feel fully gratificating until it’s read.  It could be even one person IRL, but that part of sharing it and hearing back is meaningful. I think that makes posting my favorite part of the writing process specific to fanfiction. 
35. How much has writing fic changed your life?
Writing fic let me feel like I was accomplishing something.  I’d become disillusioned with work.  My investment and skill didn’t matter at work, and I needed an area in my life where I could work toward something and feel accomplished.  Fanfic isn’t a big achievement, I suppose, but I’ve developed my writing skills.  I had never let anyone read my writing before, and it was an accomplishment in itself finding the confidence to share my story for a reader.  I’ve also met friends through fanfiction, which has added to the experience in such a positive way.  There have been a lot of changes for the positive.  
I would say one change to the negative is that people IRL don’t take my writing seriously anymore.  It’s kind of bizarre to me that as an amateur writing original work, which never gets finished and is never shared, my hobby was regarded as more worthwhile than now with writing fanfiction, even though my stories now do get completed and are actually read by others.  That’s been the only negative.  
On any account, the change has by far mostly been to the positive.  The support and comments people have given me, especially on Burning Barriers and Sideways, has given me a lot of gratification and confidence in my writing.  
Thank you for the ask!!!
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st4rdust-machiine · 3 years
Thanks to @thebittervampire for tagging me in this get to know meme a few days ago💙
rules: answer the questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better
➵ when is your birthday: November 23rd
➵ where do you live: SEA
➵ three things you are doing right now: Eating leftover birthday cake(from my sister), listening to some music, contemplating about playing a game later in the evening but ultimately won’t in the end(most likely)
➵ four fandoms that have piqued your interest: I guess the most recent one is RE, about 1-2 months ago. Which btw, never thought I’ll be interested in RE ever but look where we’re at (edit: my mind went over "4" so the others are dishonored, bloodborne, ff7)
➵ how has the pandemic been treating you: I know this has been a time of much stress and pressure for a lot of people, but for me, having to isolate from the rest of the world has actually given me some peace of mind. I think I’ve mentioned this before in some tags but there’s this part of a routine in my life that always gave me terrible anxiety and stress and now I don’t have to go through that bc of the pandemic
➵ a song you can’t stop listening to right now: 10-20-40 (it’s been on nonstop for the past week)
➵ recommend a movie: Can’t think of one
➵ how old are you: Currently 20 (born in ‘00)
➵ school, university, occupation, other: I used to study in some creative multimedia firm, but I discontinued with them like 4-5 months ago. Not so much bc of the pandemic, but other particular complications. I’m definitely open to starting art education again sometime when it’s suitable. As for profession I’m currently honing my art skills so I can be confident enough to open comms(I definitely will one day). 3d art is another thing I want to add to my list of expertise
➵  do you prefer heat or cold: Please freeze me to death
➵ name one fact others may not know about you: Back when I was younger, EVERYTHING used to scare me. Not just horror related stuff, but even just slightly surreal themes in cartoons and pictures get to me. Now I love horror, macabre, surrealism, etc and actively seek out media and art with these themes. 
➵ are you shy: I have pretty bad social anxiety. I definitely come off as shy/aloof to most people
➵ pronouns: She/her
➵ biggest pet peeves: Changing plans at the last minute, and little misunderstandings that make someone think I’m being irresponsible or guilty in that situation(when I wasn’t)
➵ what’s your favourite “dere” type: Not my thing
➵ rate your life from 1 to 10 (1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be): If I judge how it is right in this moment, probably a 6
➵ what’s your main blog: Right here
➵ list your sideblogs and what they’re used for: I do have a private sideblog I use to save and organize fandom stuff I would later rb to here. Like some kind of bookmark page
➵ is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends: Basically what thebittervampire and elluvians said and on top of that I tend to overthink how to reply so that also contributes to prolonged silence. Plus with said social anxiety, it’s hard to bring myself to start convos even when I really want to (I’m trying to get over that though)
uhhh I tag @lordansketil @thornheartless @grandinventor @asoeiki (if you guys want to of course!) and anyone who stumbles upon this and want to give it a go.
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sunbellylou · 4 years
ask for writers !!
thank you @tomlinvelvetfics​ for tagging me! and thank you @soldouthaz for making this tag!
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted: i’ve been writing for years now, i started with het (ew!) 1d fics in portuguese back in 2011, it was actually those little imagines we used to write, don’t know if anyone remembers hehe. i posted them on a facebook page i was part of and i remember the first thingy i wrote was something with niall, but i really don’t remember any details (but was probably bad as heck since i was 11).
my first larry fic i probably wrote around 2012 when i found out the gay fanfics world haha, i don’t remember what it was or anything tbh, in my head i always wrote and posted gay fanfic.
my first fanfic in english was a little one shot (like 400 words honestly), it was a translation of a previous work i wrote portuguese. i posted it a year and a half ago and it’s called playground love (please don’t look).
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?:  i usually write from harry’s pov because i love love l o v e describing louis and how angelic he is, so usually i tend to see louis as this ethereal ish character, cause it’s usually about harry falling in love with him. so whether i like it or no, i tend to be closer to harry’s characters in my fics, i always like to put a bit of myself on him and make the character real, you know?
3. where do you often find inspiration?: honestly? anything! i’ve written fics inspired by tumblr posts, tweets, pictures, songs, movies, things that happened in my real life, books. i literally wrote a pwp because i couldn’t stop thinking about leather pants (go read my robin hood au).
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?: in the beginning it was really helping me, i’d stay up till 4am everyday just writing like crazy, but then i got into the worst writer’s block and didn’t write shit for months. (and of course right when i started getting new ideas, i started working so i have no free time).
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence? always listen to music, all the time. i can’t do anything without music. mostly because my brain is a mess and music helps me concentrate. i usually go for some chill songs, some indie pop and stuff.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?: oh my god, when i’m writing and two or more paragraphs start with the same word, one after the other. it drives me crazy!!!! and sometimes i spend hours looking for ways to word differently the sentences, just so i don’t have two paragraphs starting with “the”.
also when my paragraphs are two (or one) lines long, i can’t! it has to have three or more lines.
7. describe your ideal writing setup: at the dining table, in the middle of the night, with some soft music playing in the background and some popcorn with me!
8. favorite time of day to write?: well, just said it hehe i like writing at night.
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?: woah, that’s tough because i literally write any genres! i really love writing fantasy and horror stuff, but i feel like it’s not really well accepted in the fandom? (spec horror). and when people like it, they only read from bigger authors so i usually keep myself from writing those. aaand tbh i probably already wrote most of fic genres out there, so there isn’t much left to try.
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it?  i’m writer’s block bitch and i do not know how to overcome her
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult? outlining tbh, i usually don’t (and it comes back to kick me in the ass). i always have too many ideas at the same time and can’t stick to one, so outlining and finding the right plot is really hard.
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable): lately i haven’t really had the chance to come up with ocs, but when i wrote original books (not fanfics and stuff), i usually started with the gender and one outstanding personality trait and went from there.
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word?  i love the words ethereal and breeze, omg you’ll find them A LOT on my fics. and my least favorite word is growl.
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?: i think i describe the vibez in the scene really well, it’s my favorite thing to do. and i need to work more on building my sentences, because theyre always supermessy.
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?:  definitely the fic i’m working on right now! i’m putting so much work on the world building since it’s a fantasy fic, so i’m planning every little detail about it. i hope other people like it too when they read it !!
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?: comic sans, 12pt, single spaced. don’t come at me.
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?: because english isn’t my first language, i always change like ‘th’ for ‘d’ (because it has a similar sound in portuguese), so catch me typing ‘de’ instead of ‘the’ or ‘dey’ instead of ‘they’.
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?: i didn’t understand the question so i’m pretending i never read it hehe
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?: my favorite to write is probably,,, love/adoration, like harry looking at louis like he’s the whole world and thinking about how amazing he is? i love it.
and the most difficult is probably anger, i find it really hard to write like fights and stuff like that because usually i make the characters sound more sad than angry.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?: i never thought about that but,,, i hope they start finding joy in small things that happen in their day. that’s something i use a lot in my fics and i think it’s very important to bring it to real life. like enjoy that late night tea, showering in the morning, spending a summer day in the house, cleaning, etc.
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?: i think the best advice is one i got from someone i no longer talk to, they told me this when i first started writing in english and it is to stop trying to write fancy or like native english speakers, because it’s much better to write simple sentences that i’m confident about than write sentences with words i barely know how to use.
and the worst advice is TO OUTLINE! i know i should maybe i dont know but leave me alone, i hate outlining bye
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?:  ok so,,, it’s a book i wrote like three years ago with original characters. it’s called great evil and i wrote it in portuguese. it’s full of violence and acid humor, about a very evil and sarcastic demon and an angry hunter. (one day i’ll translate that book and turn it into a larry fic)
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?: chronologically. always
24. how do you handle criticism?: really bad. please be careful with what words you use. i’m already really hard on myself when it comes to my writing, so sometimes someone says something and (it might be dramatic but) i feel my world crumbling and i want to stop writing right away.
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?:  just,,, do it. there’s no right or wrong way to do it. there’s no such thing as too much or too little, bad or good plots. every idea is a good idea. write it for yourself, write something you like. go ahead and just do it. there’s always someone out there who will enjoy your work, no matter what.
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?: any comments make my day tbh, if you comment on my fic i’ll be forever grateful and will be smiling like a fool the whole day. honestly, even a “omg i loved it” comment can make my day.
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?: the one i’m writing 100%, please i want to live in a fantasy world. i wanna live in the water kingdom and have faerie louis as my king please.
and i’d like to befriend louis from my fic kiss me in your chevrolet, he’s a sweetheart and i must protecc.
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?: anything! i rarely get asks so anything is good hehe
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?: it’s such a big part of my life, i spent all my teenage years writing and it really is what built my personality. it helped me being more creative with all aspects of my life and take life lightly, enjoy little things and moments. 
30. why do you write?: i just love having ideas and putting out there, playing with words and finding new ways to describe daily things.
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote:
The path through the dense forest, covered in slippery rocks and burning trees is already difficult enough, but it becomes ten times worse when you’re being pestered by small, demonic creatures. 
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about:
i’m honestly only working on one fic right now and i’m super duper excited about it
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of:
"I mean, I still don't plan on watching Star Wars, so…" 
The boy groans playfully, throwing his head back and Louis' eyes are suddenly really interested in the column of the guy's throat. 
"Americans really have no culture." He shoulders Louis slightly, warmth spreading through Louis' dainty shoulder and making him trip to the side lightly. With a faux outraged scoff, Louis waves a dismissing hand. 
“What do British people know about culture? All you do is drink tea and talk about the weather all day,” Louis teases with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Also, Star Wars is American, just so you know.” He rolled his eyes playfully, feeling surprisingly comfortable in his presence.
Skater Boy sighs comically, shaking his head, his wavy locks falling gracefully on the sides of his face and Louis can’t stop thinking about how soft his hair must be. 
“You got me there.”
not posted but i kinda like it (i’m not really good with dialogues, so it was really hard to find one lmao)
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s): I will do only those that are already published:
best first lines are from a halloween fic i never finished: 
Louis’ blue eyes snap open. His heart pounds fast inside his rib cage, making something as easy as breathing almost impossible. Sweat drenches his body and he feels like drowning. He feels too awake and wary as his breathing calms down, as well as his grips on the sheets under him loosen.
best last lines are from my 2019 BLFF there’s more than one place to call home: 
Their life was utter chaos, and they were definitely complete opposites, and sometimes Harry wished Louis would just shut the hell up, but at the same time, Harry wouldn’t change a single thing about his life, because he had Louis, and that was all that mattered to him. 
5a. link the last fic you read: it was the devil's in the details by @raspberryoatss​
6a. link the last work you published: you could take a lick (but it’s too cold to bite me)
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable): cinnamons
8a. someone that inspires you: louis hehe 
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year: tbh i don’t read a lot of fics, but there’s this work a friend of mine wrote. it was in portuguese and she ended up deleting it but it’s amazing.
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag! @bottomlwt @raspberryoatss 
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pynkhues · 4 years
5, 9, 18, 24! for the writer asks!
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Yeah! I have a few fanfic pet peeves, haha. 
I’m always a little reluctant to talk about them publicly to be honest, because I do think I’ve upset people in the past when I’ve brought them up, which is, of course, the last thing I ever want to do. Fanfic is fun, after all! And as long as the person who wrote it enjoyed themselves, that’s all that matters. 
That said, I will say that I think my biggest turn-off as a reader is when I feel like parts of Beth character or personality are erased to make her fit a certain narrative, or to make her an easier body to be projected onto. That’s not me saying that she has to be a suburban-mother-of-four-with-a-penchant-for-crime in every fic – of course she doesn’t! – but there are ways to maintain parts of her personality while still remoulding her to fit different settings, ages or circumstances. We’re so lucky in this fandom to have so many people who do this wonderfully too – we’re spoiled for choice! – I think it might just make the fics which don’t more noticeable to me. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
Ah! So many! I think the three I think about the most at the moment though are @querenaxx @septiembur and @hereliesbethboland! All three I think write with real charm and invitation, I love it! 
18. Do you have a WIP that you keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably a lie?
As much as it pains me to say it, yes. I don’t think I ever actually will finish As If They Knew, which sort of sucks, because I do have a second chapter mostly written. I started it just before 2.01 aired, and given we’re now two seasons beyond that point, I just...don’t feel that inspired by it anymore.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
Y’know what? I don’t think there’s any trope that falls into that category for me. There are certainly tropes that aren’t for me, but I really do like to embrace the idea of ‘Good for you! Not for me’ when it comes to storytelling generally, because so much of it really is subjective. 
If I had to give one though, it’s probably alpha/bega/omega fic, which lucky for me, we don’t really have in this fandom, haha. 
If people do write it though, I hope others enjoy it! :-)
Fic writer ask game
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surviiived · 4 years
If you don’t agree to these rules and don’t want to follow me back—and if I have already followed you—please just HARD block me. It’ll help keep my dash cleaner, as well as make sure in my forgetfulness I won’t follow you again. Don’t worry, I won’t be upset lol. Thank you so much for looking at my rules!! 🖤🖤
Basic Rules:
-SEMI SELECTIVE AND MUTUALS ONLY.  This is for my own safety and feeling of security. If you want to roleplay with me, follow me. I will do the same for you if I’m willing to interact.
-OCS, AUS, AND ALL OTHER CHARACTERS WELCOME. I don’t care who your muse is. I’m all for OCs, crossovers, AUs, anything!! Just know I’m a bit more selective towards fandoms I don’t know about lol
-NO ONE-LINERS. I need some more interest in our thread from your end so I don’t lose muse as well. One-liners are fine for crack threads, but nowhere else. I’m fine with single to multiparagraph, and that’s how I will be writing.
-NO GODMODDING. I cannot express this enough. It’s my biggest pet peeve. Just don’t, or I’ll end the rp immediately.
-PLEASE USE CORRECT GRAMMAR. I’m a bit of a grammar freak, so seriously. At least try. However, If English isn’t your first language, I COMPLETELY understand.
-MULTIVERSE, MULTISHIP. Every thread is a different verse, every ship a different verse. Simple.
-DONT REBLOG THINGS FROM ME. Honestly, guys this just gets on my nerves. It’s a bit irrational...but also irritating because when I check my phone and see a notification from a mutual, I get excited because I think it’s a reply! But then I realize you just reblogged that meme/musing/whatever. Please, only reblog threads from me and everything else from the source. This includes memes, musings, pictures, and promos. Also, pls don’t reblog my PSAs, if you agree with them let me know so I can post it to my rp memes blog, which I would LOVE for you to reblog it from!!
-REBLOGGING ASKS AND TRIMMING THREADS. I’m not as strict as a lot of people over this, but some mutuals of mine are so please trim your threads when you reply to me. If you are in a situation where you can’t, that’s perfectly fine. However, thanks to this new Tumblr update I cannot trim asks because I don’t have xKit. So I ask for you to trim them for me, and if you can’t either then I’ll figure something out. Also with asks, I’m fine with you reblogging an ask to continue it. I will turn it into a separate thread for my friends’ sake.
-UNFOLLOWS. There’s a low chance I will unfollow someone, and the only reasons I can think of are spreading drama, being inactive for over a month without a hiatus, something else that annoys me, or too many OOC posts. The latter is why I am hesitant to follow back personal blogs who roleplay on said blog, but it’s not impossible. I won’t follow personal blogs from side blogs, but if you let me know you are a side blog I will gladly follow where you roleplay.
-DONT INVOLVE ME IN DRAMA. I hate drama. I’m the type of person who wants absolutely nothing to do with it. If I ask about what’s going on, then you’re welcome to tell me, but other than that, don’t talk to me about it. I won’t take sides. I won’t tell other people what’s going on. I’ll only act like nothing’s happening.
-SPOILERS. This is kinda hard with an Identity V blog... I don’t really anticipate there being any spoilers on this blog?? But if a new diary entry comes out or a deduction for a new character, sure, I’ll tag it for a couple of weeks.
-REQUESTING MUSES. If you don’t request a specific character in an ask or a starter call, I won’t write it. I just don’t have the time to go to you and ask which character you want, nor try to guess what you were thinking when you sent something in or liked a starter call. So I just won’t respond to whatever it is. This is the case when requesting one of my muses or picking one of your muses, if you’re a multi like me. Sorry..!!
Romance Rules:
-NO SMUT. I can’t stress this enough. It’s not that I’m a minor (which I’m not), it’s that it makes me uncomfortable. You will never see smut on this blog. I’m fine with heavy make out scenes, but when the clothes start to come off is where I request a fade to black.
-I LOVE TO WRITE ROMANCE THREADS. I’m a pretty big hopeless romantic, as that’s where most of my muse is generated from. I may want to add a ship to our thread at some point, but will never force it.
-REFUSALS. NO pedofilia, NO incest, NO rape, or ANYTHING nasty like that. I understand that sometimes in writing dark situations occur, as some of these things are in my muses’ backstory. So, if you write any of those things, I’m not going to block you. However, if you request to do any of that stuff with me, I’ll say no. Press the issue, I’ll hard block you. I shouldn’t have to hear you request it the first time, as it’s right here in my rules and that means you didn’t read them. But I’ll go easy until you cross a line.
-THERE MUST BE CHEMISTRY. Don’t bother trying to make a ship work that just won’t click, it’s a waste of time. But I’m more than willing to try things and see how they work..!!
-PLEASE RESPECT MY MUSES’ SEXUALITIES. You can tell a muse’s sexuality by what it says on their about. Most are bi/pan, but a few may be different.
Rules and things about me:
-I HAVE LOTS OF WRITING EXPERIENCE. I’ve been writing since I was maybe even seven years old, played games where I pretended to be a character irl since I was five, and have been actually roleplaying for approximately 7 years now. I’ve been roleplaying on Tumblr for three years. I really love writing, you know?
-WARNING, I WRITE GORE. I tend to go into detail about pain, suffering, death, and just very demented topics. That’s just a warning. If you have a problem with that, you may not want to follow me…
-TAGGING. Gore, murder, suicide, and other dark and triggering things will be tagged, but swearing will not. I swear far too much for me to remember to tag it. Also, I don’t post NSFW images or threads on this blog, so don’t worry about that, but I will tag asks and memes that can be perceived as nsfw. I tag things like this (using death as an example): “tw: death”. If you have any triggers, PLEASE let me know so I can tag them. There’s always a chance I might forget about something, and if I do please tell me. I’ll make sure not to forget a second time. Also, I ask you all tag vomit mentions, even if it’s just written, and ESPECIALLY TAG VISUALS OF THROW UP!!!! That is my ONLY trigger. Thank you.
-RESPONDING TIME. I’m a college student, high school student, and I work, so my responding time isn’t what it used to be lol. Please don’t pressure me over that..!! I also post most threads via queue unless I just need to send it out ASAP. I won’t bother you if it takes a little while to reply. We all have lives outside of Tumblr!!
-I’M NOT GOING TO SEND IN PASSWORDS. It just adds to my anxiety, and I don’t like that. That’s why I don’t ever ask someone to send a password in and just ask that they like my rules post! Just know I will always read someone’s rules before interacting.
-I’M ALWAYS HERE IF YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO. Honestly, I want to help! If something’s wrong and you want to tell me about it, I’m all ears. I hate being upset or depressed myself, so I like to try to make others feel better. It helps with my own sadness.
That’s all for right now..! Happy roleplaying~!!
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Hello! My name’s Kiki. There isn’t really much to say about me, except that I love to roleplay!! That and write, of course. And draw. And sing. So I guess I love a lot of stuff lol. Also, I am diagnosed with ADD (attention-deficit disorder), so please bear with me..!! One last thing, I’m 18 as of November 2020. 
If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m right here and always accepting PMs!!
My main account is twx-sid3d, but I’m rarely ever on there so here is the best place to contact me. I also have a multiverse oc sideblog @hxlf-bred​ that’s connected to my multi, @nycttophilic.
Thanks for reading! Have a nice day~!
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absynthe--minded · 4 years
(1/2) I've looked through LOTR Appendix B for anything contradicting UTs account of the Silvan population and movements and I can't find anything. I also don't see in the Appx. B when Galadriel came to rule Lorien? Can you help me out please? Also, for a non-UT source for how Sindarin displaced Silvan, Appx F 'Of Elves,' note#1
(2/2) ALSO ALSO, totally agree with you that the Sindar are not the 'less problematic elves uwu' that the fandom generally treats them to be! When I rb'd the other version, grouping the Sindar and Noldor together, I interpreted it as "groups who speak primarily sindarin," and not as "both of them are equally to blame" which is my bad, you're right to be upset about that.
(3/3) ALSO ALSO ALSO, we can agree that Galadriel did not have a son or found lothlorien
So I can totally 100% cop to the fact that I was Heated when discussing Sindarin/Silvan relations, and there are a lot of reasons for that. I promise I wasn’t really angry, just very enthusiastic, lol
It mostly comes down to the fact that I dislike the tendency to treat the Sindar as less bad than the Noldor when I headcanon them both as equally bad in different ways. I also dislike the argument that the Noldor had a hand in the colonization of Lothlórien/that Galadriel was an active colonizer of the silvan elves and this is undisputed Canon. To me, a more accurate explanation is that in a pretty pivotal draft of the story, she was the one who founded it and was thusly responsible for the decline of Silvan culture/language but that this is explicitly counter to the account in The Tale of Years that Tolkien himself approved of and sent to the publisher. (I’ve seen this idea floating around fandom without the additional information that clarifies that more than one version exists, and it’s often used to contrast her against Oropher, The Good Guy, who totally didn’t do anything bad ever in his life. This is frankly one of my biggest pet peeves, as Oropher’s occupation of Greenwood and establishment of himself as King and subsequent treatment of the silvan elves in the Last Alliance bothers me way more than any other action taken against the silvan elves in the entirety of the Legendarium. But that’s my personal opinion and of course others have different takes on the text.)
The problem I have with Unfinished Tales and specifically The History of Galadriel and Celeborn is that since its explanations of who founded Lothlórien, and when, and why, are all incorrect when compared to LotR, that renders basically everything dealing with Lothlórien in this section to be... well, Fraught. How can we say for certain that the accounts it gives are completely accurate, etc.? Of Elves is a much better source imo, since again it comes back to “well Tolkien himself sent this to the publisher”, and I hadn’t read it recently enough to be sure of what it discussed so thank you for clarifying!
For me, it’s less of a dispute that these things happened, because they did and they do constitute canonical imperialism of some kind, and more that I get annoyed with the assumption that the Noldor had to be involved. By the Second Age, and especially by the time that Silvan displacement was well underway, the Noldor really weren’t present enough in regional politics for this to be connected to them. Ost-in-Edhil as a cultural center and Lindon as a capital are pretty removed from Lothlórien (and OiE had pretty clear aims that were distinct from any sort of ambition to rule and expand) and extremely removed from Greenwood, and neither of those realms aimed to be particularly inclusive of the Noldor other than Galadriel. The question of her ethnicity and identity is frustrating because I think that she definitely did assimilate and it was to a degree that led her to reject her family names and perhaps claim ‘Galadriel’ as a cilmessë? But that’s a matter of debate for another post.
Anyway thank you for your response! I hope this makes some degree of sense.
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remuswriting · 4 years
So, I’ve decided to write up this post about my pet peeves even though literally no one asked.  This focuses on a lot of things but the majority of it speaks about male readers.  I’ve noticed the majority of people who write male reader are cishet girls and while it’s great that more male reader content is being made, the content is not always the best when it comes to accuracy.  These are all things I’ve noticed as a gay man and I feel like should be addressed and fixed.
Something to keep in mind is that I say gay man throughout this but you can put in any sexuality or gender (besides cishet) in there that makes more sense for you.  Obviously mlm doesn’t mean gay men but gay relationship because man loves man.  Just wanted to put that disclaimer out there.
Submissive Reader
Okay, so the reader being submissive is totally cool and everything but not when it’s literally every single male reader post out there.  Now, submissive in this case isn’t just sexually but ‘personality’ as well. The media depicts a lot of gay men as very feminine and over the top or incredibly soft, which everyone says is submissive.  This idea feeds into heteronormativity, which means “denoting or relating to a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation.” You could also just say that it’s forcing straight roles onto lgbt people, even though they’re not straight.
The reader doesn’t need to be all soft spoken and uwu just because you want the Haikyuu guy to be the dominant one in the relationship.  Personality doesn’t go with what you’re like in bed because why would it be?  Do girls always act like the way you’re writing submissive male readers just because they ‘bottom?’  No, they don’t.  It’s very aggravating to read because it literally discredits every guy who doesn’t act or dress that way and may ‘bottom.’  I know gay guys who literally just wear ratty t-shirts, cargo shorts, and sandals they bought three years ago and drink beer like no one’s business. They’re still gay submissive men who are being looked over because people want to use heteronormativity when it shouldn’t be.
  Over Sexualization + Fetishism
This is not always the case but I’m going to mention it.  A lot of cishet women read or watch yaoi and find it so incredibly hot and then become obsessed with mlm relationships.  If that is your reasoning for writing male reader, then don’t. It’s already disgusting enough that me being in a relationship with another man has gotten me messages asking who tops and who bottoms and what the sex is like.  It’s really easy to see who sees mlm relationships as yaoi and fetishizes it and who sees mlm relationships as relationships between two men.  There are blogs who are ran by gay men and them posting nsfw things dealing with mlm is completely different than a woman doing so. We are not your fetish.
Also, the over sexualization of gay men is when you’re always thinking about mlm couples having sex and you have to make everything sexual is starting to become more and more prevalent in any fandom and real life, which is disgusting and ridiculous. When a mlm couple goes to the store to get groceries, don’t find some way to make it where they’re going to have rough sex when they get home.  Let them buy their fucking groceries and have a fluffy moment.  You ruin the quality of the writing when making everything sexual.
If you write smut, then make them use lube and a condom.  Spit hurts so fucking bad, an asshole isn’t like a vagina that self-lubricates, so use lube.  I’m literally just saying that I don’t know any gay men that would rather have spit be used to prep instead of lube.  Also, I know you all think it’s so hot for guys to come in each other, but it’s so unsanitary.  Of course, if they’re each other’s firsts, it’s not as disgusting (still disgusting) but if they’re not each other firsts; have them wear condoms.  They should be getting tested after every sexual partner to make sure they’re not getting any STDs.  There are some STDs that literally never go away and they need to wear a condom any time they have sex or else they could infect that other person.  Yes, I know that you’re writing where they’ve never had sex with anyone before but let’s be real with some of your prompts.  Majority of men have sex in college and when they got to bars, so it’s not unlikely for them to not be a virgin.
  Sexualizing Minors
I know everyone has an opinion on this, so here’s mine; don’t.  I don’t give two shits if it’s fictional, you are still sexualizing minors. I don’t understand why you are all so dead set on only writing them in high school when there is literally a whole time skip to use.  According to Japanese law, you become an adult when you’re 20, which means that high school guys should not have any smut written for them.
None of the Haikyuu boys were even thinking about sex in high school.  The fandom has made some of them sex gods when they were all volleyball losers who only thought about school and volleyball.  It’s confirmed Kuroo was in college prep classes and he also forced Kenma to be on the volleyball team.  He only thinks about school and volleyball, sorry guys. Ushijima is literally only volleyball and it is so funny you guys think he’s all sexual.  The guy is too stupid to realize common things about earth and it’s gravity, do you really think he’s going to be all ‘daddy’ with anyone?
Another thing is how I don’t see the appeal for anyone to have sex in the gym or club room or in public due to the number of germs there are.  This goes back to people over sexualizing mlm relationships but there’s no need to have so many public sex things written about high schoolers. Instead of doing all that weird shit, write for the Haikyuu guys when they’re 20+ and do like college AUs (my favorite) or just follow the time skip.  I promise you, it’s not that hard when there’s a whole Haikyuu wiki page just about the timeline that breaks everything down into years and months.
Buckle your seatbelts boys because this is going to be a long one.
I notice in nearly everything I read is that you guys Americanize it.  Sure, you don’t know Japanese culture, so you write what you know. This is really annoying though because you’re taking away from the culture Haikyuu comes from.  If you want to make it like it’s in the United States, then make it an alternate universe instead of doing whatever you’re doing.
I have been writing Haikyuu fanfiction for years and have done plenty of research when it comes to Japanese culture from Googling things to intense reading to taking notes from what I notice in different animes.  One thing I’ve been working on for awhile focuses on Hinata, who is a trans guy. There are a lot of people who would just make it as American as possible but I’ve been researching about how Japan is with the lgbt community.  Just because I want to write a character to be something doesn’t mean I’m going to Americanize it.  Let me share what I’ve read.
Gay marriage isn’t really a thing in Japan.  Two prefectures have it but it literally means about nothing when it comes to the government.  If they just want to get married because they really love each other, then that may work for them but they will not be seen as married to the government.  It is still taboo for people to be gay in Japan, so no one really screams it from the rooftops that they’re gay and dating someone of the same gender.  Transgender people are just now getting places to go to get hormone replacement therapy and if I remember correctly, it’s maybe a handful of places but at least one for sure.  LGBT things in Japan are not the same as they are in the United States, so don’t write it like it is.  I’ve been told I’m writing it that way to create angst when in reality it’s because that’s how it is over there.
I’m going to come off as rude here but how the fuck are you guys writing their schools wrong?  They don’t go to different classrooms each period; they literally stay in one class all day and the teachers change for each period.  This is one of my biggest pet peeves because why do you have to Americanize this thing when it’s literally clear as day something that doesn’t happen over in Japan. Here are some things about Japanese schools.
They start at 8:45am and end at 3:15pm.  Schools in Japan go from Monday to Friday but used to be Monday through Saturday. There are three terms: April to July, September to December, and then finally January to March.  Each term gets a report card and finals.  Classes are 40 minutes long with 10 minute breaks in between to do whatever as long as you’re back in your seat before the next class. Elementary and middle schools always had some type of field trip, so if you could always have reader meet one of the boys on the field trip because maybe both of their schools went to the same place.
It’s not that hard to look this stuff up.  To look all of that up, it took maybe 30 minutes because I was checking different sources to try to fact check somethings.  I’m just one for accuracy and it drives me nuts when someone doesn’t put in the same effort I did into making things as accurate as possible.
I’ve already discussed school setting, so let’s go into some settings that are typically written incorrectly.  This is usually because people don’t have actual experience with that environment.
I can’t find just a whole lot all about university in Japan but I’ve found some, so I’ll share what I’ve found.  University students take fashion seriously because they’ve been forced to wear uniforms for the last six years.  In the United States, we value comfort over fashion and I’ll admit I’ve gone to lecture in pajamas before and not cared because it was an 8am class but it’s not like that in Japan.  Everyone tries to look as good as possible because they finally can.
Dorms are not like they are in the United States.  My living situation right now is more like theirs than the U.S. aka I live in an apartment by myself (I need a roommate though because rent is so fucking expensive). About every student lives in an apartment and there are no dorms unless you are a foreign exchange student and you’re still technically in an apartment but you have a roommate you didn’t pick. Characters can live in the same apartment complex if you want them to but Kenma literally lived in a house in his second year of university if you want to have that accuracy.
They don’t change their major once they start college.  As much as I could see some of them constantly changing their majors, you just don’t do that in Japan.  It’s a pretty weird concept because my mother changed her major six times before she stuck with nursing and I know a guy that has been at a two year college for five years because he keeps changing his major.  They decide what they want to do because they start university and have to hope they’re going to like it.
I read an article from someone who went to university in Japan and the entrance exams to universities are apparently the hardest part about university there.  You don’t have to really work much to pass classes in Japan because all you need to do is show up to get the units for the course.  Some classes don’t even require attendance, you just have to write a report by the end of the semester.  This is so different than university in the United States where you are literally drowning in homework every single day and debate on dropping out constantly.
As someone who has multiple family members who worked in hospitals, which made me be in hospitals constantly as a child, and had a lot of medical issues, it is the most annoying thing to see people write hospital wrong.  There is so much information online that you can look up as well as just asking people you know who have been in hospitals as either patients, visitors, or employees.  This is going to based off of American hospitals because I was having a difficult time finding things about
In regular hospitals, you cannot leave the floor without anyone knowing.  There is literally no way to break out of there without someone knowing. This applies to at night too because there are always nurses there at the nurses station because they have to check up on patients and give medication as well as help people go to the bathroom.  Doctors don’t stay at night because their shift is during the day.  You may not have the same nurse twice while in the hospital because they work 12 hour shifts.  I don’t know if this is the same system as in Japan but nurses don’t work every single day if they work in a hospital, they do have days off where other nurses will take their shifts.  In the United States, some hospitals have four 12 hour shift days in a row and then three free days.  Nurses change patients a lot because of the people taking that shift or they have to go work on a different floor.
You are required to eat, even if it’s through an IV.  Also, you always have an IV in your arm if you are admitted to the hospital because it’s just how it is.  Typically regular hospitals aren’t all that pretty and I’ve been to like dozens for multiple things, but psychiatric hospitals usually have the prettiest grounds. That’s just a random thing that I’ve observed in my 21 years of going to hospitals.
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