#and purifying it with everyone else thinking he's gonna die
Headcanon #85
The Sun Forge can be purified. 
It’s not simple, as it requires a strong of heart individual capable of performing the purification ritual from the inside, not outside - basically risking dissolving in the darkness.
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casliveblog · 18 days
Custom Toonami Block Week 173 Rundown
The Witch from Mercury: Okay so I have a notoriously hard time of comprehending Gundam plots so if I get anything wrong… that’s just how it’ll have to be. So it’s the old chesnut Gundam franchise have been milking for forty years now… Earth vs Space, like seriously I haven’t even seen all the Gundam serieses and I am SO sick of setup and everyone philosophizing about how going into space gives people superpowers and shit like can Gundam as a series think of anything else to do? But yeah apparently in this verse they originally were making prosthetics for people that had muscle dystrophy and shit from being in space and then as someone always does they went ‘cool but what if we did WAR with it?’ and now regular mobile suits and Gundams are just quietly being built in the background even though no official war is going on and the Gundams make people fucking die from a combination of information overload similar to the Zero System in Wing and that shit in Pacific Rim that made it so you needed two people to coordinate motor functions of a huge robot. Enter Eri, tiny girl with a mysterious connection to the big Barbie Gundam being built by her parents who are definitely not surviving this episode. It’s her birthday because this backstory is REALLY gonna kick her in the metaphorical nuts and the Space People have decided ‘Gundams kill their own guys, I’M supposed to kill their guys, that’s not fair bro’ which, A+ politicianing, no notes, I’m sure that’d go over well with a CEO just shouting about how he wants to kill people on the battlefield before they can nobly sacrifice themselves and that’s why he has to shutdown the big superweapons will go over great, like anime politicians can just get away with saying the wildest shit while real politicians come under fire if you don’t say the word god enough in a speech. But yeah instead of just shutting them down and destroying their research they just fucking come out swinging and do a full Space Colony ARK and murder everyone in the station (I think these guys were Earth-Alligned despite being in a space station idk this is why I have a hard time keeping track of this shit) like I feel like that was overkill and just PR nosedive for no reason but Eri needs a tragic backstory. Like is there functionally any reason they had to go murder everyone instead of just going ‘your shit’s illegal now, hand over your research OR will kill you’ instead of going ‘hand over your shit AND we’ll kill you’? Like I guess they’re doing a scorched earth approach and wanting to make sure and are prolly gonna say the unarmed scientists resisted to a level that required lethal force but that really seemed unnecessary, like you probably could’ve tied that up in courts and had them hand over all their shit instead of murder. While all this is going on Eri’s in the Barbie Gundam and surprise surprise she can get it to work when no one else can, her dad and the random technician lesbian take out the non-Barbie gundams and murder everyone except for the angsty pretty boy in the obligatory regal-looking suit that’s fancier than normal but technically not a gundam to get around plot shit while Eri and her mom get away in the Barbie Gundam which I’m honestly kind of surprised Eri’s mom gets to live I was expecting a full familial wipe from a backstory going this hard on the trauma and eerie innocence of its main character.
Inuyasha The Final Act: After the events with Moryomaru, Koga’s joined the group and Shippo notes how it changes the dynamic now that he’s actively stoking the Inuyasha/Kikyo/Kagome love triangle and Shippo doesn’t like it but I kinda do, it’s kinda funny to have a party member that isn’t super friendly with the others. Meanwhile Naraku reabsorbs Onigumo’s heart, theorizing that if he can’t directly kill Kikyo without it, he can use the overt shittiness of humanity to corrupt the purifying light she puts into Kohaku’s shard to try and purify him. So that gives him the ability to shoot spiderwebs of bad vibes at people to corrupt them mentally since I guess Onigumo’s fine with mindbreaking Kikyo even if he can’t overtly kill her. Kikyo’s absorbed Miroku’s miasma and give her own was never fully healed she’s like 75% poison at this point and basically half dead so she has to ditch Kohaku so he doesn’t get corrupted, luckily Sesshomaru takes over the Kohaku Babysitting duties for the time being. Meanwhile Kagome is once again the only one who can save Kikyo and we have to play the song and dance of ‘does Kagome want Kikyo to literally die for a love triangle?’ again even though we’ve established time and time again the answer is fucking no, though this time we have Naraku actively pumping bad vibes into her to at least give her doubts while she goes to get the only bow that can purify Kikyo. This part’s kinda trippy since we see a bunch of illusions of Kikyo and Inuyasha and they keep going ‘no it’s real this time’ like an episode of Rick and Morty until we show that Kikyo and Inuyasha are still outside the shrine so absolutely none of it was real. Kagome has to AGAIN reject the idea of wanting her romantic rival to literally die though this time coming out on the side of her and Kikyo being equals because she’s sick of feeling like a Johnny come lately trying to vault over the First Girl and has a whole series of character development to relate to Inuyasha with so that’s a nice little moment of her in-universe being sick of the fucking endless tests of her heart, like Kagome’s fundamentally a good girl and yeah constantly getting asked this question has gotta be grating when it’s something she barely ever thought about.
Castlevania: We get Hector’s backstory now so we have all the pieces on the humans Dracula’s recruited while Carmilla’s still stirring the shit trying to get someone to go after the Belmont house and I’m still not entirely sure if she’s the one that will cause infighting that will ruin the bad guys’ plans or if she’s the more dangerous villain ready to take over for the more sympathetic Dracula The Rock style. Meanwhile Trevor’s group do come across the Belmon treasure trove and it is kinda sweet to see him reminisce over his childhood and family legacy despite how much he seemed to disown them in season 1. He gets a cool new weapon and Sypha gets to read books and shit but Alucard’s basically walking through the vampire version of the holocaust museum so he’s more than a little freaked out. Back at Castle Castlevania Godbrand’s a bit concerned that human genocide is kinda like cow genocide in that it makes everything kinda shitty on the food chain and Dracula just wants to be done with humanity. Their interaction cues us that Dracula’s actually kinda pulling a better-explained Raizen from YYH and slowly starving despite still being ridiculously powerful and may be plotting to let vampires die out with humans so everything’s just a quiet empty void (like I think vampires can still survive without humans but it’s a lot less pleasant so idk if a vampire genocide is really in the cards but it’s not something people are clamoring for). Still Carmilla’s just here to play the Starscream and take things over so I guess get ready for Carmillavania in Season 3.  
Jujutsu Kaisen: So turns out Megumi’s technique is like Pokemon and you have to fight the big monsters before you get to capture them and send them out for you and getting help means you don’t get the capture but you do get to try again if you need to and there’s a super secret legendary pokemon that no one’s every caught before and actually killed a Gojo-level guy in the past, though it obviously kills the person summoning it first. So much for Megumi being all ‘I’m not throwing my life away’ a few episodes ago because his first response to being attacked by a C-tier asshole is summoning the Ultra Necrozma nuke. I assume this is the technique that he’s been talking about all those times we’ve gone ‘oh he’s gonna do a big attack’ except probably the time against Todo because that wouldn’t make any sense but given the mass carnage here I’m kinda glad he didn’t pull it out until now because it definitely would’ve murdered a fuckton of people in the process. Sukuna steps in because Megumi doesn’t technically die until hand-hold guy dies so as long as he’s able to keep them alive while fighting Ultra Necrozma here everything’s cool. The rest of the episode is basically just a ridiculous slugfest between Sukuna and Ultra Necrozma because this guy’s like Amazo from Justice League and adapts to any and all attacks so the only way to beat it is to obliterate it on an atomic level with something it’s never seen before. Realizing and implying there is something sneaky about his ‘cut anything forever’ attack, Sukuna uses his Domain which is basically like sticking something in a blender combined with that glitch in OoT that’s just infinite sword swings and for good measure hits it with the fire arrow thing from last time to make sure it can’t regenerate. The end result basically turns Shibuya into Made in Abyss with a giant fuckoff hole in the center. He gets Megumi to safety and kills hand-holding guy FINALLY and then he just hands consciousness off back to Yuji who now remembers EVERYTHING from the past three episodes or so all at once and gets flashes of the hundreds of thousands of deaths his body is responsible for. So… yeah, that’s rough buddy.
Delicious in Dungeon: Just getting this out of the way but this is another of those ‘have you ever played an RPG before?’ anime that is ridiculously video gameified and kind of relies on all the tropes you already know about games for its worldbuilding and like luckily it’s charming enough on its own to not have that wreck the show for me but the over-reliance on making every fantasy setting a video game is REALLY a pet peeve of mine. But yeah, this series is rather silly, Laios’s sister Falin gets eaten by a dragon and there’s a medium-level urgency to get her back before she’s digested. Like the stakes are really confusing because several characters make it very clear how important getting her back is but part of the comedy seems to be how they’re not in a huge hurry and stop for food every five minutes, plus it’s not entirely clear if this is one of those video game fantasy settings that has no consequences for dying since they seem kind of chill about finding corpses and Marcille refers to a life-threatening situation being her ‘first time’ dying despite there being graveyards and shit so this is the kind of shit that really bugs me about video game-style fantasy worlds and I assume it’ll get explained later but it gets under my skin. Still the whole thing basically turns into a Food Wars episode as Laios is very passionate about monsters like in a Garou-level sense of just being hyperfixated but also has no idea how to go through the manual skill needed to actually cook them which is strange given he seemed to be kind of looking for an excuse to do this for years. Still, luckily they find Senshi, a guy whose whole deal is having already done this for years and basically treats it like a Martha Stewart show and it’s pretty funny watching them meet halfway between Food Wars and Toriko. Like there’s not much more to it than that, they make some scorpion soup and some vegetable tart and Marcille gets an obligatory tentacle scene though it’s not protracted and doesn’t have any fanservice shots so I get the feeling it was just something to fuel fanart as opposed to actually showing anything which is an interesting way to take things, let the R34 machine run itself without having to dirty their own hands. It’s fun, the setting is one of my least favorite things about modern anime and the tone is kind of confusing but I’m sure that’ll even out with time, I am enjoying it thus far.
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End: The first bit of the episode is a little adventure developing the new group dynamic now that Stark has joined and Fern isn’t really sure what to do with him. Frieren gets to meet some more of the people touched by her adventure and the far-reaching festivals made in honor of their deeds. The real meat of the episode is in the second part though and we get some really good stuff here. The group enters a new town when Frieren senses demons and goes into attack mode, but turns out these demons wear clothes and shit and are all fancy and the like, being ambassadors to try peace talks with the village. Since Frieren just attacked a foreign ambassador they throw her right the fuck in jail and Fern gives her the scoop that one of the Demon King’s generals took over after he died and is now leading the charge but the ambassadors have decided that peace may be an option. Frieren is ridiculously racist against demons but also kinda describes how they kinda deserve it by telling a story of a demon girl that was trusted by a community only to murder more people and only using sympathetic words to save herself from attacks. Or at least that’s how Frieren sees things, the real story is the girl was taken in by the town and still hated for the people she had previously killed so in a truly utilitarian sense she stole a replacement child for the one she’d murdered just to get their racist asses off her backs and the evil Frieren sees in her is an ignorance of emotion, someone that’s not necessarily good or bad and is an alien to human connections acting in ways that appear horrendous to those that have them. Someone just like Fern. That’s kind of the part that gets me, like earlier this same episode we see how foreign basic social skills are to Fern and Frieren herself and granted they’re not murdering people but it’s the same kind of not fully understanding people thing that throws off the ‘measure of a man’ speeches because if you say someone that lacks compassion or social understanding is a monster what happens when a human shares those qualities, someone who’s antisocial or autistic and can’t be bought in by the ‘love makes us human’ answer to the kind of sentient being whose life we should or shouldn’t value, if that’s where we’re going with this I’m really excited. Still for the time being the demons are right dicks and manipulate the guards with all the right words of ‘oh but we’ve suffered too, let’s have peace’ that would absolutely wreck any Naruto-minded Talk no Jutsu protagonist despite demons literally not having families (and this seemingly crucial fact apparently not being widely known). Turns out the ambassadors’ plan is to make peace and then have the town lower its barrier so they can burn it to the ground which… doesn’t make any fucking sense like it’s not like you’re disarming a weapon you’re asking them to take down a purely defensive shield that can’t actually hurt anybody and promising ‘we won’t attack bro’ without giving any sign of good faith on your end, might as well ask them to tear down their walls like that probably protects them from non-demon creatures and judging by last episode is a crucial part of border control, like that’s a dumb plan. It’s frustrating because their emotional manipulation is ridiculously good but their actual plan doesn’t make any sense. Still this complicated situation is about to get a lot simpler because one of the junior ambassadors just fucking barges into the dungeon, kills a guard and is ready to kill Frieren, like these guys are so fucking dumb even if Frieren wasn’t a demi-god how are you going to explain a dead guard outside the cell while the fugitive elf died in the cell like you just blew your whole dumb barrier-lowering plan because you couldn’t think of a diplomatic way to get in to see the prisoner and had to kill her right fucking now.
Vinland Saga: Thorfinn and Snake continue their fight and are surprisingly evenly matched despite Thorfinn just using his fists and not being as small and nimble as he was when he first developed his knife style. Thorfinn isn’t defeated but does lose the battle of the terrain when Snake is able to move over to the cart and get to Gardar. He makes a good point that he can’t justify just letting Gardar go since he really cares about his whole crew and taking anything less than revenge would be an insult. Now obviously this is still wrong but making the ‘an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind’ argument is a little difficult when you’re in Viking times and have like five seconds before this guy stabs him. Snake starts making plans of what to do now that Thorfinn and Arnheid have disobeyed him and Gardar just… pops up out of the cart like a daisy and stopped the sword with his astonishing pecs or some shit because he gets Snake in a sleeper hold and knocks him out. Arnheid talks him down from killing Snake and Gardar’s still gonna die anyway so the rest of the episode is just a big schmaltzy sendoff for Gardar and all the regrets he’s had in his life and it’s a pretty cool sequence for someone whose character development mostly came from other people. Like just saying, Askeladd was basically the main character for a while and all he got was a final speech and Gardar gets a whole dream sequence of finding his obviously dead son. Still now we’re in the weird position of Arnheid being taken by Ketil’s guards and Ketil himself coming home to find his bottom bitch and his favorite slave tried to start a revolt over a guy he’s never heard of while war with the king is looming on the horizon, so… awkward, I guess.
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I would love to hear about your OC’s!
now, now, now, my world is... expansive. some may even think it's overdetailed, but those people are cowards!
the main ocs, which i've called "rainbow," are a group of complicated love interests and narrative foils. i go more into the over-arching story here
noah (he/him) is this zombie-ghost accident of a thing, and our first pov character. he died his first death when he was seven years old, but certain... ah, complications surrounding his time of death caused his soul to be trapped in his body, danny phantom style. noah can still age, but his body and soul doesn't work like anyone else's. he doesn't bleed. he doesn't have a pulse. his organs are rotting inside him. he can't die from physical wounds. and yet, he survives. he is a medical anomaly, raised isolated in a hospital wing where he seems to be the only patient, and he wants nothing more than to be put out of his misery... just who out there can finally change him?
rikki (she/her) is half-demon, half-human- a mix known as a cambion- and our second pov character. rikki's mother is a succubus, much to rikki's surprise. see, rikki's mother is also on the run, so, she tried to keep her and rikki out of monstrous affairs and never told rikki about her home dimension, her colony, or what she really was, and raised rikki with a sense of catholic guilt so rikki's repressive tendencies wouldn't awaken a certain... lust, causing her true form to painfully activate. separated from her mother for the first time in her life, all rikki wants is a true love to purify her unholiness... what lengths will rikki go to get someone to make her good?
coincidentally, phoenix (xe/he/she) is also on the run! xe isn't quite sure of what xe is himself, and is our third pov character. when xe was seven years old- hey, who else had something big happen at age seven?- xe became a murderer. wasn't on purpose, but quite a few things were lost, ranging from lives to phoenix's own legs. since then, she found a guilty pleasure in fire. a fascination. serial arson became her favorite childhood hobby, though he always made sure no one got hurt. until someone did, and he wasn't a child anymore. so he runs from the pain he's caused, and he runs from the fire. xe'll stop at nothing to get these powers snuffed out. who can take the burn away?
ben (he/they) is perfectly human, and they're our fourth pov character. he also always seems to know things he shouldn't know, and they get these gut feelings that don't really feel like theirs. they were separated from their sister and father at age seven, but when they get one of those special gut feelings, he knows he has to find his sister, and he knows where he can find the things that'll get him to her. what can ben offer for their help?
divina (it/she) is a royal species of demon i've called a star demon, and our fifth pov character. royalty are public servants in hell with little to no real power, either politically or physically. that is, until a star demon's star is at its brightest. lady divina geminus wants power more than anything- it believes that if its people paid more attention to it, its abusive childhood wouldn't have gone overlooked. she'll make them see her, worship her, envy her. if she can't love herself, everyone else can do that for her, right? it wants to burn up and shine brighter than no one before. who can she make a deal with for more power?
raphael (he/him) is a half-angel, half-human mix known as a nephilim. he's a guardian angel, and our sixth pov character. he was adopted by a sibling unit of sirens at age seven, and raised as a bullied angel in hell. he's always felt a certain pull to people that needed protection, and the strongest pull he's ever felt in his life was how badly his most violent bully needed it. he'll do anything to keep her safe, and he'll never ask for anything in return. what lengths will raphael go to for someone to make him bad?
solstice (any pronouns) is a changeling, and our seventh and final pov character. changelings are sort of the melting pots of monsters- part demonic, part angelic, part everything inbetween, including humanity- with ties to faerie royalty. they were switched out for a human child as a wee thing, completely unaware of just what they were doing. when the humans that had subsequently raised them found out about their true nature at age seven, solstice ran, hunted and ever-changing to avoid humanity. they don't want to be this ugly thing, this uncanny creature. they want to be as pretty and thin and pale as the human child they once knew. just who out there can finally make them stagnant?
there's also morrigan the werewolf, princess the wereliger, lumin the siren, siobhan the human, pet the concubus, every the 5th dimensional, summer the human, rowan the vampire, angel the demigod... oh, and who could forget heartless jack? :>
that's how they all start off, anyway, much emotional problems !! i go into more about rikki and raphael being foils to one another here, if you're interested :>
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klm-zoflorr · 2 years
Here are some incorrect quotes for our favorite little child soldiers and brainwashed officers because I love them and also they're a family! Hell yeah!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: Some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me
Gabi: Okay, but in my defense, Falco bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo.
Commander Magath: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste
Gabi: We got spring water
Commander Magath: NO.
Falco: with EXTRA minerals
Gabi: it's like licking a stalagmite
Commander Magath: DON'T COME HOME.
Falco: Mmmmm cave water
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: Fool me once, I’m gonna kill you
Zeke, 500000 miles away from there, waking up in a cold sweat: I am in trouble
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: I love you kids, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Gabi: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Commander Magath: Yes!
Falco: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: We need a distraction.
Gabi: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Falco, whispering: My time has come.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: Why is Porco so sad?
Zeke: He took one of those “Which Character Are You?” quizzes
Commander Magath: And...?
Zeke: He got Reiner.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: Alright team, let's try this out. Is stabbing someone immoral?
Zeke: Not if they consent to it.
Porco: Depends who you’re stabbing.
Reiner: YES?!?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: Looking left cause you don’t treat me right
Gabi: Looking right because you left
Falco: Looking up cause you let me down
Zofia: Looking down cause you fucked up
Udo: What is wrong with you guys
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: Change is inedible.
Colt: Don't you mean inevitable?
Falco, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath : Anyone d-
Falco: Depressed?
Zofia: Drained?
Udo: Dumb?
Gabi: Disliked?
Commander Magath : -done with their work... what is wrong with you people ...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling?
Pieck: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Porco?
Porco: Probably “road work ahead”.
Reiner: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.
Everyone Else At Zeke’s Surprise Birthday Party:
Pieck: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: What time is it?
Gabi: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
Gabi: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*
Gabi: It’s 2 am
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: Gabi, keep an eye on Falco today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Gabi: Sure, I’d love to see Falco get punched.
Reiner: Try again.
Gabi, sighing: I will stop Falco from getting punched.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: I think we're missing something.
Marcel: Teamwork?
Bertholt: Cohesion?
Reiner: A general sense of what we’re doing?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: You know those things will kill you, right?
Porco, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.
Zeke, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.
Pieck: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Bonus with our favorite knifey fidget spinner:
Zeke: Am I going too far?
Levi: No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
Zeke: I was arrested for being too cool.
Levi: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9!
Part 10 :3
Part 11 :D
Part 12 >:(
AO3 link
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imekitty · 3 years
Prompt: Vlad and Jack get stuck in an elevator together and thanks to security cameras Vlad can't use his powers to leave nor finally kill Jack. Tensions rise thanks to Jack's happy and oblivious attitude causing Vlad to explode at him and spill everything he's bottled up the last 20 years
I can't promise this is good.
Vlad checked his watch as the elevator he was in began its descent. Only three o’clock, still plenty of daylight left for his other errands.
The elevator stopped and opened. Vlad walked out but froze when he caught sight of someone in the lobby, someone huge and tall and wearing an orange jumpsuit.
Vlad walked back into the elevator.
“Vladdy! Hey!” yelled Jack behind him.
Vlad pretended not to hear him and pressed the button for the highest floor. Maybe he would just fly out of the building once he lost Jack.
“Hey, hold that for me, V-man!”
Jack was moving quicker in his direction now. Vlad jabbed the “close doors” button and watched the doors glide toward each other.
Jack began running. Vlad watched the doors close, almost, almost—
Jack’s massive gloved hand jammed between the doors. With a grunt, he forcibly pushed one of the doors back, metal scratching against metal. Vlad narrowed his eyes.
The elevator shuddered as Jack stepped inside. Vlad gave him a perfunctory smile.
“That was close,” said Jack. “Almost didn’t make it.”
“How unfortunate that would’ve been,” said Vlad through his teeth.
“Oh, can you press 3 for me, Vladdy?”
Jack beamed at him with that stupid oblivious grin he always wore. Vlad pushed 3 and also 2 for himself. The elevator doors did not close. Vlad pressed the “close doors” button. After another pause, the doors closed with an unpleasant grinding noise.
“So what are you doing here?” Jack held up a packet of papers. “I just need to get some things notarized at the bank here.”
“I’m here for meetings,” said Vlad, trying to sound cheerful.
“Yeah? Mayoral meetings?”
“Oh, I won’t bore you with the details.”
The elevator began moving up.
“Well, Mads and I are both really proud of all the great things you’re doing for our town.”
Jack grinned again. Vlad did not doubt his sincerity.
“So you’re here on your own?” asked Vlad. “Maddie did not join you?”
“No, she asked me to—”
The elevator shook and lurched up a couple feet before jolting to a stop. Vlad felt his balance shift as his legs stumbled. Jack grabbed hold of his arm.
“I got you, V-man. You good?”
Vlad wrenched his arm free and stood tall, straightening his tie. “I’m fine.”
Jack looked around at the walls surrounding them. “The elevator’s stopped.”
“It has indeed,” said Vlad.
Jack pressed a few buttons on the control panel. Nothing responded, no movement. “Definitely stuck.”
“Seems that way.”
“But someone will fix it soon.” Jack nodded. “We’ll be out of here in no time.”
Vlad looked up at the camera in the corner of the room and sighed. Even if Jack weren’t here, he wouldn’t be able to phase out. Not without finding where the security footage was kept and destroying it.
“I’m thankfully not in a rush. I’ve got plenty of time to get this done.” Jack stretched out his arms. “But what about your meetings? Are you gonna be late?”
“Hmm? Oh.” Vlad shook his head. “No, it’ll be fine.”
“I guess the mayor is allowed to be late for whatever he wants, huh?”
Vlad forced a curt half smile.
“But maybe we can call the front desk and ask if they’re getting someone to fix it.” Jack pulled out his phone and tapped the screen before raising the phone to his ear. “Hi there, we are in your elevator and it seems to be stuck. It’s not going anywhere. Do you have someone to fix it? Yeah? All right, well, we’ll just wait here, then.” Jack ended the call. “They’ve called maintenance. They should have us moving in a jiffy.”
“Good to hear,” said Vlad.
“So.” Jack switched his packet of papers from one arm to the other. “What should we do?”
“Do? What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean, I said they’d have us moving in a jiffy, but I was exaggerating.”
“Really? Were you now?”
“Yeah! So we’ve got some time to kill. This is a good chance for us to talk!”
Vlad looked from one side of the elevator to the other. “Talk about what?”
“Anything! We don’t really get to talk anymore. I miss our college days, don’t you?”
“Do I?” muttered Vlad.
“Back when we used to goof around, crash frat parties.”
“I think it was you doing most of the goofing around. And we had to crash them because we were never invited.”
“Yeah, and I never understood why. We were so cool!”
“It was probably due to your incessant blathering about ghosts.”
“Ah, yeah.” Jack looked at the ceiling and smiled. “I really miss when we used to stay up late at the university lab. Like when we worked on that proto-portal. Remember that? Weren’t those fun times?”
Vlad shook his head. “No, actually. I don’t miss that at all.”
The two fell quiet for a moment.
“You know.” Jack flicked through the documents in his hands with a thumb. “You never told us what happened exactly.”
“What do you mean?” asked Vlad, weary.
“With the proto-portal. When it zapped you in the face?”
“Oh. That.” Vlad shrugged. “What about it?”
“Well, I mean, what happened with that?”
“It zapped me in the face, like you said. You were there. You saw.”
“Yeah, I know, but what happened after that?” Jack frowned. “Maddie and I never heard from you again. Not until the college reunion a couple years ago.”
“I was a little busy being hospitalized and nearly dying,” said Vlad dully.
“Yeah, we heard,” said Jack. “And we tried to get in touch with you, but we couldn’t find which hospital you were at.”
“I didn’t want anyone to find me.”
“But even us? Even me?”
“Especially you.”
Jack’s frown deepened. “But we were best friends, weren’t we?”
“I might’ve described us that way in the past, yes.”
“What does that mean?”
Vlad pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned.
“I was really worried about you, Vlad.”
“Worried?” Vlad scoffed. “Really?”
“Of course I was. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You weren’t worried about making sure you put ecto-purifier and not diet soda in the proto-portal’s filtration system,” said Vlad. “You weren’t worried about making sure I was out of the way before turning it on.”
Jack sucked his teeth. “Yeah, I was a little trigger happy, but I was just excited. Weren’t you?”
“I was not excited about getting blasted in the face with soda-infused ectoplasmic energy that burrowed in my skin and tore it up, no.”
“Was it really that bad?”
Vlad folded his arms. “I don’t want to talk about this right now.”
Jack nodded. “Okay. Well, maybe we can get coffee sometime or meet somewhere more comfortable—”
“No, I mean I don’t want to talk about this with you. Ever.”
“But why—”
“Because it was your fault!”
Jack shrank away from him.
“You were careless and selfish and destroyed my life,” roared Vlad. “I was in horrific pain and everyone who saw me stared at me like I was some freak. And I almost died. I wanted to die sometimes. Couldn’t even look at myself in a mirror.”
Jack tightened his hold on his documents and looked down at the floor.
“You never think before you do anything. You’re reckless and oafish and that hasn’t changed at all.” Vlad thrust his hand toward the elevator door. “Just look at what you did to the elevator!”
Jack looked at the door. “I didn’t—”
“Yes, you did,” spat Vlad. “You forced the door open and now it’s broken and we’re stuck in here. Because that’s what you do, you destroy and ruin things for other people.”
“But I didn’t want to miss seeing you.” Jack’s voice had a small whine. “I don’t get to see you enough, Vladdy.”
“Right, of course. You were thinking about yourself again. You broke the elevator because you wanted to see me. Just like you zapped me in the face because you didn’t want to wait any longer to try out the proto-portal.”
“Vladdy, please—”
“Don’t call me that. We’re adults now.” Vlad paused. “Or at least I am.”
He looked up at the camera and pursed his lips. With his arms folded, he clenched his fists, knuckles cracking.
Jack did not speak for some time. Vlad could only hope he would keep shut up until the elevator started working again.
“I am sorry, you know.”
Vlad rolled his eyes. Of course he couldn’t possibly expect Jack to stay quiet for long.
“I really didn’t know that would happen,” said Jack. “I didn’t even see what happened to you until it was too late.”
Vlad scoffed.
“I just thought we were on the brink of something incredible,” said Jack. “And I didn’t want to wait anymore.”
Vlad lowered his gaze to the floor.
“We were on the brink of something incredible,” he said softly. “I wanted it as well.”
Jack side-eyed him but Vlad kept his head down.
“And I suppose…” Vlad shrugged. “I know I couldn’t have done it on my own. Not without you. And Maddie. Probably more so without Maddie.”
Jack hummed amusement but said nothing.
“But you were the one who got me into all this,” said Vlad. “Ghosts, I mean.”
Vlad recalled Jack’s nonstop yammering about ghosts that kept him up at night when he really needed to be doing his homework instead. Yammering that at first annoyed him but began intriguing him, challenging what he thought he knew, pulling him into a new direction to explore the supernatural.
And allowing him to meet the first woman in a long time who had actually smiled at him. A woman he would have followed anywhere, into the Ghost Zone and wherever else she wanted to go.
“None of what I have now would’ve happened without you,” said Vlad. “Not that I’m about to thank you for any of it.”
“I don’t expect you to forgive me either,” said Jack.
“And I don’t,” said Vlad. He blew out a sharp puff past his lips. “But at least things turned out almost okay for me.”
“Almost?” said Jack. “What isn’t okay for you now? Something I can help with?”
Vlad wondered what Maddie was doing right at that moment. How he wished he could have gotten stuck in this elevator with her instead.
“No,” said Vlad.
The elevator shook and restarted its ascent. Jack grinned up at the ceiling.
“Hey, they fixed it!” he exclaimed.
Vlad also looked up but said nothing.
The elevator doors opened. Vlad had no idea what floor it was but knew he was getting off anyway. He stepped past the threshold.
“Vlad. Hey.” Jack stepped out with him.
“The bank isn’t on this floor,” said Vlad curtly.
“Yeah, I know,” said Jack as the elevator doors closed behind them. “I think I’m gonna take the stairs the rest of the way.”
Vlad raised his brows before huffing and shaking his head. “I have things to do.” He started walking away.
Vlad turned back to him. “What is it, Jack?”
Jack rubbed the back of his neck. “You have my number, right? If you ever want to talk about anything. Maybe whatever it is that isn’t okay for you right now.”
Vlad chewed the inside of his cheek and crossed his arms, remembering the failed hits he had put on Jack, how the only thing that kept him from killing Jack in that elevator was a surveillance camera.
“You really still think of me as a friend, don’t you?” said Vlad.
Jack blinked. “Well. Yeah. Don’t you?”
Vlad studied his face for several long seconds before smiling.
“Of course,” said Vlad.
Jack smiled back, looking relieved. Vlad’s facial muscles cramped as he kept up his own smile.
“Please give my best to your lovely wife,” said Vlad. “I really must go now.”
He turned and walked away at a brisk pace, balling a fist against his chest out of Jack’s sight.
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authoratmidnight · 2 years
Hearing that Delicious Party Precure is gonna be delayed by *at least* 3 episodes cause of the Toei hack it has me hoping it’s not gonna bugger up the storyline to much, like the covid break did for Healin Good (which was like, 2 months, so 8 eps).
Which got me thinking again about Daruizen and how I’m almost certain that his storyline got shafted(and the rest of them to a lesser extent). 
Listen. I’m a slut for a good villain, and from the series I’ve watched PreCure is very good at those. And I do enjoy a good redeemed villain, which Precure ALSO is good at. Except Healin Good didn’t get to redeem any of them which was sad to me cause like, many they deserved it (but esp Daruizen).
From start to finish their storylines are tragedies. And it’s a shame so many people boil him down to ‘he’s just an abuser’ (which, eh, I would argue no? but we’ll get there) and stop there.
Firstly, he was literally created from the pain and suffering of another person (Nodoka), which is pretty shit but he didn’t exactly have say in this. He didn’t go ‘I’m going to become a parasite on this person to gain energy and grow’, he wasn’t even really sentient until after he was pulled from her and given form and called back by King Byogen. He never had a say in his creation. Nor does he remember it. It took him till like, halfway through the series to begin to remember.
Then you have his existence. His entire existence causes the suffering of those around him. Which again, he didn’t have a say in. He didn’t decide to be an asshole that drains life from everything/everyone around him and thrives in a lifeless world. That’s just how he is. It makes me think of Darkrai from pokemon, how it causes nightmares in those around it by merely existing. It’s not choosing to cause these nightmares, it just does. Just like Daruizen.
And it sure doesn’t help that this is all he knows. And you know, King Byogen being all ‘turn this world into a wasteland so we can survive’ sure don’t help.
Which like, I can see why people would see this and go ‘abuser’, esp with his connection to Nodoka. But like, he literally *has* to do this to survive, he doesn’t have a choice in the matter, it’s literally ‘do this or just die’ and well, he obviously doesn’t want to die.
And then, to top off this shit cake of a life, he finds out that King Byogen, the one he’s dedicated his life to serving and reviving, doesn’t actually give a shit about him and intends (and may have intended from the start) to consume him to get stronger. Which is indeed what ultimately ends up happening. Which, man what the fuck?
How can you see all this and not see it as heartbreaking.
How can you look at all this and NOT think his entire life is just a tragedy. Yes he was a bad guy and did awful things, but you can be a shit person and still have a tragic story.
You best believe I was more than a bit upset by all this. I thought he was a neat character and, having come off Star Twinkle and Hugtto I was no stranger to this series redeeming their villains in some way so I figured they’d find some way to do the same for *at least* him.
But no. He ends up alone, scared and nothing but fuel for the BBEG. He never had the chance to be anything else. Literally right as he was beginning to realize for the first time what fear is like, what it’s like to want to live, to maybe start understanding where Nodoka was coming from, he’s just taken out. And he didn’t even a send off by way of magic healing purifying wave, which might have been a less cruel way to get rid of him. No he was just straight up mercilessly eaten. Whilst in pain and scared. Like, he turned himself into a Mega Byogen to try and save his own life cause he was that scared of dying, and all that happened was he got beat down, and then consumed while down. Like damn bro.
His story is a tragic one and idk how people can just, not see it.
Now obviously I have no proof that this is because of the delay, but 8 episodes can hold A LOT of content, more than enough time for, among other things, a proper arc for the Byogen crew. And extra time could have allowed them to give him a better ending to his story, be it purified by precure magic and turned into nothingness or purified into something harmless/different. And it just suuuuucks cause I really did like Healin Good it just, got fucked so hard for the 8 episode delay and it shows.
So I’m really hoping that DeliParty isn’t delayed more then 3 episodes and that the delay doesn’t bugger it up to much.
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a-queer-seminarian · 3 years
So sorry if this is breaking news to anyone, but: the Bible is ableist. Its pages hold some really shitty stuff about disabled persons.
...AND it’s also affirming of the goodness and wholeness of disabled persons, just as we are!
it turns out that among the many authors of the many texts collected into the Bible, there were differing views around what we now call disability!
so whenever disability comes up in a given passage, i can’t keep my brain from immediately trying to sort it: is it a Good Text for disabled persons, or a Bad Text?
i try to resist that easy binary, because the answer is usually somewhere in between. that certainly seems to be the case for this week’s lectionary reading from Mark 9.
there’s so much wild stuff in Jesus’s little monologue in this lectionary passage, but let’s start with verses 43-47 (my rough translation incoming):
If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it all the way off; it is better for you to enter into The Life impaired than, while having two hands, to go away into the gehenna, into the unquenchable fire.
And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it all the way off! It is better for you to enter into The Life limping than, while having two feet, be cast into the gehenna.
And if your eye should cause you to stumble, cast it out; it is better for you to enter into the Kingdom of God one-eyed than, while having two eyes, be cast into the gehenna, where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched. For everyone will be salted with fire.
oh lord, not the hell talk!! anything but hell talk!! this whole passage bristles with a million ways to misuse it. (homophobia cw: anyone else ever get told “if your sexuality causes you to sin, cut it off — this passage is proof gay people should be celibate!” just me?)
now, my focus is on what Jesus says here about disability, but as we talk about that, better ways of reading the text will come up. for instance, that last verse about how everyone will be salted with fire? to me, that suggests Jesus’ vision of this “gehenna” place does NOT = the standard Christian idea of hell. first off, it’s a place not of punishment, but purification — which is a word heavy with baggage these days...what if I say “reformation” instead? And if that’s the case, i imagine one’s stay there isn’t eternal — why bother reform people who are gonna be shut off in a fire-filled jail forever?
once those fires “purify” you, i imagine your stay is through and off you go into “The Life,” because you’ll finally be ready for it. so that’s one option for getting ready for The Life / The Kingdom of God — or, Jesus says, you can opt instead to get rid of the things that “cause you to stumble” in advance by......cutting off a limb or gouging out an eye??
now. i could be wrong but. if we start by taking this text as literally as possible, with physical stumbling and a physical limb-removal taking place......wouldn’t it be easier to avoid tripping if you’ve got two eyes to see obstacles with, two feet to step over potholes with?? even today when prosthetics are sometimes an option, there’s an adjustment period where you have to relearn walking.
so it seems that Jesus is making one of his trademark statements meant to subvert expectations -- the last will be first, the foolish are proven wise, and those with two feet are more likely to stumble. chances are, he’s not speaking literally. it’s not your literal foot or hand you should be chopping off -- it’s a metaphor for something else.
but before we consider what exactly it’s a metaphor for...where does this ironic little twist leave actually disabled persons? is it shitty of Jesus to be using disability in this way? is this like his “blind leading the blind” & “spiritually blind” comments elsewhere in the Gospels, where he stamps a disability with a moral judgement?
yeah, i do think it’s kinda crappy to use real disabilities for an object lesson, for hyperbolic effect, for shock value. “better to be impaired” (even tho, the subtext seems to be, It Sucks To Be Impaired) “than end up in Gehenna. Trade one terrible thing for a still bad but not as bad thing!” My impulse is thus to throw this passage right into the Bad Text box —except!
Except, i feel like this text holds some positive implications about how Jesus viewed disability, too. 
First off, there’s the implication that one can enter into “The Life” — abundant life, “the world to come,” God’s Kingdom — while disabled. (i wish that were just a given, but it’s not; it’s actually exciting to hear confirmed!)
In the Hebrew Bible (the “Old Testament,” the scriptures we share with our Jewish neighbors, the texts that Jesus would have read and known), the most common assumption about disability is unfortunately that disability = imperfection, and imperfection is something that should be kept out of contact with God.
Now, there are authors & stories within the Hebrew Bible that offer a counter-narrative to that assumption! Two quick examples: Exodus 4 establishes Moses as having a speech impediment, yet he has many close encounters with the Divine. Meanwhile, in Isaiah 56:1-8, God not only welcomes in eunuchs — whom Deuteronomy 23:1 forbade from entering God’s Assembly — but even gives them a place of honor there!
So Jesus’s perspective is not brand new; he simply continues the counter-narrative that other Jewish rabbis and prophets established before him. Still, it is significant that he takes the status-quo-subverting perspective that actually, disability and wholeness are not at odds!
While Jesus’s primary aim with this little passage is not about disability, his weird self-disabling metaphor does imply an attitude of welcome for disabled persons, in that he seems to take it for granted that disabled persons are not barred from The Life of wholeness and abundance he’s talking about.
It’s obvious to him that they don’t even need to be made not-disabled to get there! (Plus, there is no suggestion that once there, one regrows one’s lopped-off limbs or eye / becomes abled again.) This isn’t the only time Jesus expresses this idea of disabilities present in God’s Kingdom, either — my fave is the parable of the banquet in Luke 14 (i have a whooole video about that passage, if you’re interested).
Moreover, Jesus’s closing remarks about salt — which at first glance seem to be something of a non sequitur — can be linked to the Gehenna fire stuff when it comes to the theme of im/purity. Let’s look at that last verse of the lectionary reading, which follows right after Jesus’s claim that “everyone will be salted with fire”:
“Salt is good; but if salt becomes unsalty, with what will you season it? Hold salt in yourselves, and keep peace with one another.”
Another weird little riddle from our favorite riddle-master. unsalty salt? instructions to stay salty?
One way to read this is to focus on the purifying and preserving uses of salt — the way it can keep food from going bad, which was particularly important in a time before refrigerators. in the previous verses, Jesus told his disciples what to cut off — anything that impedes them on the way into abundant Life. Now, he tells them what to hold on to — the stuff that, like salt, clean out harmful things and preserve helpful things, thus enabling abundant Life.
So yeah. In naming something culturally considered an imperfection — disability — as something that can easily enter The Life, no problem, Jesus is making an argument for what is truly impure, what truly impedes wholeness. And it’s not disability! ...So what is it? What are these stumbling blocks that Jesus likens to feet, hands, and eyes?
To find out, we have to rewind to the start of the lectionary reading, a comment from the disciple John that actually kicks off Jesus’s whole spiel:
John informed him, “Teacher, we saw someone throwing out demons in your name, and we stopped him, because he wasn’t following our way.”
But Jesus said, “Do not ever prevent him! For there is no one who will do a powerful work in my name, and will be quickly able to speak evil of me. For whoever is not against us, is for us. Whoever might give you a cup of water to drink because you are in Christ’s name, amen I say to you, that one will not utterly lose his reward.”
The disciples have a certain way of seeing the world, and their actions against someone who is not one of them, but still using Jesus’s name to cast out demons, show us what that way is. They see the world in terms of us vs. them, in vs. out, one right way and many wrong ways. It’s this perspective that impedes them from supporting other people’s kin(g)dom-building work when it differs from their own.
But Jesus tells them they need to stop thinking this way, and start recognizing that there isn’t just one road to the Kin(g)dom, but many — and to quote Jesus’s words from other parts of scripture, you’ll know that someone’s work is good when it produces good fruit. This dude might be doing things differently from how they do it, but the fruits of his efforts are good — the casting out of demons, which frees people up for new life. So don’t stop him — support him! Be glad for his work!
To sum up the entire passage now that I’ve laid it all out and shown how the seemingly-disjointed parts of Jesus’s speech connect, I see his argument as something like this: “That dude you tried to stop is not against us; we can see that by the consequences of his actions, which are positive! His goals are the same as ours, so don’t hinder him just because his path is different from yours! Now, here’s an example of people/behaviors that ARE against us: people who cause little ones to stumble. And you know what you should do with such stumble-makers (or else the stumble-causing behaviors/attitudes)? Cut them off. Let go of anyone or anything that keeps you from abundant life, from the liberation God intends for all. Meanwhile, hold on to the things which purify you like salt — the things that liberate you to enter wholeness. Do it now of your own accord, or accept that it’ll happen later, and it won’t be very fun.”
To reiterate what all of that has to do with disability theology, I’ll share what my friend Laura said when I brought all these ideas to them. (Laura is the host of the Autistic Liberation Theology podcast, which i highly recommend for anyone who wants to hear more Bible stories told through a disability lens!)
Laura noted how common perspectives around dis/ability lead people wrong today, impeding our liberation. Our society teaches us that in order to function as whole persons, we need to be able-bodied (and neurotypical), and that the kinds of accommodations that disabled persons require limit their quality of life. When those ableist assumptions are the lens through which we view the world, that can “cause us to stumble” in the metaphorical sense — can impede us from loving ourselves and one another fully, and from fully participating in the diverse Kin(g)dom of God.
They offered two examples:
When a person with a mobility impairment that could be improved with a wheelchair avoids using that wheelchair because of internalized ableism, preferring the increased suffering that walking more than their body can healthily do over being “wheelchair bound,” that internalized ableism is a stumbling block keeping them from abundant life. Learning to let go of those beliefs, to use a wheelchair when they need to, will — contrary to that “wheelchair bound” language — bring liberation. 
Their next example imagined a parent who puts their autistic child through ABA therapy in order to get them to talk, make eye contact, and otherwise behave like a non-autistic person, due to the belief that autistic persons are missing elements of a full personhood, or that they can only live a happy life if they learn how to mask their autistic traits. However, in reality, ABA therapy brings the child pain and trauma — it impedes rather than enables their quality of life. Letting go of that need for your child to communicate through spoken language and otherwise behave like an allistic will make room for celebration of who they really are!
As Jesus’s comments in this passage imply, a disabled person can enter into “The Life” of wholeness and kinship that is the Kin(g)dom of God just as they are. To try to sever their disability from them would be the hindrance to that liberation. To deny that there are many ways to participate in the Body of Christ  impedes the incoming Kin(g)dom.
So let’s take this message to heart. Let’s consider what points of view, what assumptions about what is necessary for wholeness, are currently keeping us from abundant life, or causing us to stop others from their abundance-bringing work. It’s time to learn how to let those harmful assumptions go — and hold tight to the things that bring true wholeness.
For more on this text, check out my translation notes, which include a lot of commentary from D. Mark Davis’s own exegetical work.
For more on disability theology, you might enjoy my #disability theology tag on tumblr or my Disabled AND Blessed YouTube series. This video exploring the many different perspectives on disability found within the Bible is particularly pertinent.
Finally, what do you think? What good news do you hear in this Mark 9 text? What parts of it feel like a stumbling block for you, dredging up hurt or confusion?
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sweetcathedral · 3 years
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Note: Finally revamped this story I had in my docs for a couple of months! I had to buy up all the mangas to fully understand the use of cursed energy & techniques since they contain detailed explanations from Akutami. Also had to take out ‘fillers’ since my intention was to keep it a short story that can either stand alone or could turn into a mini series later on, if I wanted to. My intention with this piece was more about story telling than nsfw, so skip to the last segment for nsfw. Hope y’all enjoy!
⚠️: 18+, backstory, plot, light bondage, fingering, raw, breeding
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It was a bright and early morning for you to be running errands, but you were too excited to keep still, since Nanami was able to book a day off for you. You decided to pass the time grocery shopping for the ingredients you needed for lunch and dinner later on. Should I make macarons for dessert this time?
“Are . . . are you, o—okay? . . .” an eerie voice stops you in your tracks.
A cursed spirit hovers over the rails on the bridge ahead of you. You pass through this bridge often and the cursed spirits you encounter were usually no more than grade 3 at most, but this one was a grade 1. Nanami never let you anywhere near a curse that was more than a grade 3, probably because he didn’t want to risk the chance. Although you weren’t a Jujutsu sorcerer like he is, he trained you as if you were one.
You look to see if there was anyone around. No one. Carefully, you approach the curse, who’s taking no interest in you,
“I’m sorry,” you softly muttered. Upon absorbing the spirit through the brush of your finger, a series of feelings and memories flood your mind. Sadness, anger, jealousy, regret, anxiety, depression, mourning, resent. A funeral, a woman jumping off the bridge, failed tests, a child being burnt by cigarettes. The feelings and memories were never this vivid to you. Ah, I should’ve ignored it, you thought to yourself as your vision began to blur. But the last time you ignored one was back home—when your ex decided to take their own life. Everything went black.
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It was only a fly head, but as time passed by it slowly grew on your ex, taking a toll on their physical health, then their mental health. After finishing their university degree, the job they finally landed was at a black company. The more hours they racked up at work, the less time you spent with each other.
“Sorry, I’ll be coming home late again.”
“Can we reschedule?”
“I’m afraid I can’t make it today.”
“How about another time?”
“Sorry, I need to take this call. It’s for work.”
Day by day they became distant and unresponsive to you. You were probably just as frustrated as they were. A feeling you’ll regret when the company calls to inform you of your ex’s body being found outside of work. They had jumped off the roof of the building. When you arrived at the morgue, a cursed spirit you haven’t seen before was latched to their lifeless body. The fly head you last saw had grown into a curse during the time they were away from you. Without hesitation, you absorbed it through the palm of your hand and all of their emotions and memories clouded your mind. Pain, stress, pressure, anxiety, depression, resentment, jealousy, anger, frustration.
“We’re on a tight schedule this week. I need this done by the end of the day.”
“You don’t have the luxury of a break right now.”
“What do you mean you can’t get it done? Do you know how important this is?”
“The meeting wasn’t a success. I’m gonna have to demote you.”
“Better than being fired.”
“Hey, if you do this for me I’ll put in a good word for you.”
“Thanks to your hard work I was able to get promoted.”
All of their darkest memories played through your head, all the way until they walked to the roof of the building and jumped off. When you got back home, you broke down and cried in guilt and shame. You should’ve dealt with it before all of their feelings accumulated past the point of saving. The company.
After your emotions calmed down, you changed into a simple black outfit: a baseball cap, tee, jeans and your leather boots. That same night, you decided to break into the company and out of pure anger and regret, you take on every curse you saw in your path.
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“Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure,” Nanami chanted.
The veil spills over the building, where a numerous amount of employees committed suicide. Branding it as stigmatized.
“There was a recent suicide report this morning,” Ino looks over to the stained silhouette on the pavement before following Nanami.
The duo entered the building and scanned through each floor up until the roof.
“Hey, isn't the building supposed to be crawling with curses? Cause there wasn’t any on my way here,”
“Something’s not right,” Nanami thought for a moment, “Ino, did you bump into anyone on your floors?”
“Nope. They emailed the president to make sure that the building was empty,”
“Are you sure?”
“You wanna double check with me?”
Nanami and Ino make their way back down, this time examining every single room and closed door. There was no trace of residuals either. Usually there would be a few fly heads here and there, but it was spotless—a complete ghost town. Nothing?
Without hesitation, Nanami sprinted to where Ino shouted. When he flung the door open, Ino was being engulfed by a large curse, similar to that of a human centipede. This must be the one that ate all the other curses.
“Ino! Hold still!”
Just as Nanami aimed his technique, you absorbed the curse from behind, freeing Ino and pushing him out of the way. Resulting in you being hit by Nanami’s cursed energy across your upper body. They quickly rushed to your side,
“We have to get her to a hospital!” Ino panics as he puts pressure on your wound. You were out cold and unresponsive, but you still had a faint pulse. Nanami immediately takes off his blazer and bundles it up, applying it to your wound.
“It’ll be too late when she reaches the hospital,” he closes his eyes to think for a quick moment. Shit! “Tell Gojo to get Ieiri here!” he tosses his phone to Ino, already dialing Gojo’s phone. Please, don’t die. Your pulse started to fade and your body went cold. Please . . .
Before Gojo was able to answer, your eyes flutter open and you look around to see Nanami and Ino hovering over you in shock.
“Huh? Who are you people?” you slowly get up and notice your ripped top covered in blood, “eh? EH?!”
You patted yourself in a panic. You’ve seen blood before in movies, but never this much blood in real life. There was no sense of pain and the gash was gone, leaving no scar behind. Nanami swings his blazer over you,
“You stained it, but it’s better than nothing,”
“Stained? I stained it?” his blazer was soaked in blood. “Wait, this is my blood?!”
“Um, yeah, . . . you kinda died,” Ino responded from behind him.
“Hellllloooooooo! I picked up, you should be grateful!” Gojo’s voice shouts from the phone.
Nanami takes his phone back from Ino and hangs up.
“Can you stand?” he averts his eyes back to you.
“Um,” you look down and wiggle your toes to see if your legs were injured before standing. No sign of pain, but they were trembling so you kneeled instead.
“What are you doing here? ‘Cause I doubt you work here.”
Feeling caught, you frantically try to make up a quick excuse.
“. . . revenge,” there wasn’t an excuse good enough to hide what you were doing, so you told the truth. The whole truth: from when you first saw the fly head to how you ended up at the company on personal terms.
“You know, you have talent for someone who’s not familiar with curses. Your body unconsciously healed itself,” Ino pointed out. He was comfortablely laying on his stomach, his hands propping his head up and his legs sprawled out on the floor. Nanami was intently listening to you, leaning against the wall.
“Is anyone else in your family able to do that?” Nanami asked.
“No. At least, I don’t think so. I’ve always lived with my grandparents, so I don’t know much about my birth parents,”
Cursed spirits were an everyday thing to you. For as long as you could remember you’ve always been able to see them, it was only until you pointed one out to your grandmother that not everyone could see them. As for your supposed talent, you only learned that you were able to absorb curses a couple years ago. You paid no mind to it, but now that you’ve met Ino and Nanami it’s different now, and confusing.
Ino talked to you about their Jujutsu world. The meaning of curses, cursed techniques, cursed energy, him, Nanami, Gojo, the higher ups, the students, the school, and more. Nanami stood there in silence, listening to your conversation between you and Ino, only interacting when prompted.
“HEY!” a shout echoed through the building, startling the three of you.
“What the—”
“Ino, get her out of here.”
“But isn’t that just Gojo?”
“Leave. Gojo can’t know about you.”
Nanami quickly helped you and Ino up, pushing you through the door before closing them.
“Hey! Who said you could hang up on me like that!” you can hear Gojo through the doors.
“You came here ‘cause I hung up on you?” Nanami asked, not hiding his annoyance.
Ino holds his finger up to his lips, telling you to keep silent as the two of you quietly walk out the building, the sound of Gojo and Nanami’s bickering fading away.
“Man, we’re finally out,” Ino sighs.
“Oh, I still have Nanami’s blazer,” you start to take it off, but Ino stops you.
“It’s fine. Keep it as an excuse for you to see him again. Here,” he pulls his phone out, “if you’re comfortable, I can type out our infos in your phone.”
Without thinking much about it, you hand him your phone. He adds both their contact info before waving his goodbyes and heading back into the building. The whole night felt like a fever dream, but the feeling of Nanami’s blazer around you reassured you that what happened that night was real and that you’ll live to see another day.
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“NA~NA~MIN~CHAN~!” Gojou shouts from the door of the lounge. Tch. Nanami sighs from his seat, casually reading the business and stock section of the newspaper.
“What are you doing on your day off? Cause if you—,”
“Boo, why don’t—,”
“I didn’t even finish what I was saying yet!”
“. . .” Gojo stares at him in silence before punching his middle finger through Nanami’s newspaper. For fuck sakes. At this point, Nanami’s patience has run out and he rips the newspaper in half, exposing the rest of Gojo’s arm. He kept up with Gojo’s antics for far too long, that even Gojo was surprised he lost his composure.
A series of bickering and material noises can be heard coming from the lounge. As Yaga was about to open the door to see what all the yelling was about, Gojo ran into him, trying to escape from Nanami’s beating.
“Principal Yaga! Perfect timing ‘cause I think you should reconsider my proposal to put that man on a leash!” Gojo points to an exhausted Nanami in overtime mode.
“. . . Get off of me,” instinctively, Yaga had his arms out when Gojo comfortably jumped into them.
“Principal Yaga, apologizes. I’ll clean up right away,” Nanami collected himself and bowed.
“Don’t bother. Satoru will clean this mess,”
In the end, Yaga had produced several cursed corpses to monitor Gojo so that he finishes cleaning up and repairing the damages.
“It’s my first time hearing you book a day off. Never took you as someone who lets themselves rest,”
“Working alongside Gojo has made me rethink my decisions,” Nanami doesn’t know why, but ever since he helped you that day Gojo’s been especially clingy to him. Like a little sibling asking to be babied and given attention 24/7, it was annoying and drained his energy every day. Did he find out? The reason Nanami had been keeping you a secret from Gojo and everyone else (except for Ino) was to keep you free from their restrictions and expectations. Knowing Gojo, he would immediately use you against the higher ups, so Nanami chose to stay quiet about you. Keeping you as far away from their world as possible, but conversing with you regularly wasn’t helping nor making it easier for him. He should’ve cut all ties with you the moment you messaged him about his blazer, trying to return it. He had more than enough money to easily replace it, but . . . in all honesty, he just wanted to see you again. Don’t bring personal feelings into work, don’t bring personal feelings into work, don’t bring personal feelings into work, he repeated to himself over and over again.
It’s been a little over a year since you first met, but even if that was enough time for you to move on he still felt guilty falling for you. To Nanami, it felt wrong liking someone who had just lost a loved one, but overtime the temptation of taking a step forward kept growing on him. Suddenly, the vibration of his phone goes off. Ino?
“Nanami! She won’t wake up, the idiot went and took care of a grade 1,” Ino panicked.
“I thought I told you to keep the area free of curses,”
“I did. I don’t know where this one came from, though,”
“I’m on my way,” Nanami hangs up and excuses himself for the day.
Please be okay.
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The sound of quick shuffling and frantic mumblings start to get louder as you come closer to waking up. Someone’s here? Nanami? You open your eyes and look around to see Ino pacing back and forth beside you,
“Ino? What are you doing—?” a flood of memories rush back to you: your unfinished errands, the ingredients, the bridge, the curse, collapsing, an unfamiliar figure. Could that be . . . “Hey, how’d you know where I was?”
“Hm? Oh, your neighbour called me and told me that you collapsed at the bridge. He said that he helped carry you home, but to come check up on you just in case,”
You think back to your neighbours, but no one comes to mind who’d be willing to help you. The neighbours you’re surrounded by are the types to call an ambulance, if they ever came across a situation like that. You don’t even converse with them much, since Nanami wanted your interactions to be kept to a minimum. So over protective. As you get up from your couch a wave of dizziness falls over you, making it hard for you to stand.
“Are you okay?” Ino rushes to assist you and settles you back down on the couch.
“Yeah, just a head rush,”
“I’ll go get you some water,” he runs to the kitchen (not that it’s far).
Ino was like a little brother to you and Nanami, he always kept an eye on you because in his words “if something bad were to happen to you, I just know Nanami would break inside”. You look down at your hands, still trembling from the curse you dealt with earlier, but feeling nothing out of the ordinary. The first time you absorbed a curse that strong was when you first met Ino and Nanami, but there were no signs of repercussions. The amount of energy that cursed spirit held was reversed to heal your wound and bring you back to life. You hear the front door being opened and see Nanami rush into the room, he sighs a breath of relief upon seeing you.
“Welcome back,” Ino says from the kitchen.
You try to welcome him too, but you were scared he was going to lecture you about safety and all that, so you kept quiet. Even though you’re avoiding his eyes, you can still feel them boring into you. He walks over and lowers himself at your eye level, taking your trembling hands into his.
“. . . I was about to lecture you, again, but I’m happy enough to see you alive,”
You finally look up to meet his eyes. Although he’s holding a stern face now, you can tell that he was just worried. Is he still hung up about that accident?
“I’m fine, you know it’s not like last time,” you softly reassure him.
“I know . . . I was still worried, though,” his thumbs brush over your hands.
Ino comes from around the corner with a glass of water, taking a seat beside you on the couch. After both of you fill Nanami in about what happened to you, Ino says his goodbyes, leaving just the two of you alone.
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“Man, must be nice coming home to a girl after a long day at work. Good for Nanami,” he says to himself, whistling out the door. He deserves it.
All of a sudden, something latches tightly over his mouth and throat, dragging him into an empty ally. Ino manages to loosen himself out of the grip and turns to see,
Gojo waves his hand with a stupid grin plastered across his (pretty) face. After finishing (cheating) his duties at the lounge room, he changed out of his usual uniform and made his way back here. His all black outfit consisting of sunglasses, a loose tee, jeans, and oxfords.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“I didn’t know you were the one that’d come check up on her, what a surprise.”
“Wait, how’d you—!” the call flashed in Ino’s mind. “You were the neighbour that called me?”
“Ding, ding, ding!”
Nanami’s already stressed enough. How long has he known?
“If you’re thinking about how long I’ve known, then it’d be ever since the day he hung up on me when you guys were at that black company mission.”
How immature. “Then were you also the one that set up the grade 1 curse?”
“I mean, duh.”
Ugh, crazy. “Just so you know I plead the fifth,”
“Is that an American joke you learned from her? Anyways,” Gojo crosses his fingers and pulls his sunglasses down. “Domain expansion: Unlimited Void.”
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“Nanami, wait,” you pull away from him for a moment to catch your breath, but he pulls you back in for a deeper kiss.
Once Ino left and the door clicked closed, Nanami threw himself at you in a heated flash. At first, it was the feeling of his hands tracing your body and now it’s his soft lips leaving marks along your neck and collarbones. He’s sitting on the edge of the couch while you’re facing him, prettily settled on his hips. You slip out of your top and bra, since it was already half way off from Nanami fondling you underneath your clothes. You can feel his bulge as you teasingly grind your hips. His hand grips your hips,
“Keep doing that and I won’t be able to hold back.”
“Then don’t hold back,” you whisper in his ear before taking his hand and guiding it to the wet spot underneath the slit of your satin skirt. Without wasting his chance, he twists his fingers in you, holding you down on his hips and watching you melt into lewd expressions, burying your face in his chest as your hand clenches his shirt. Only gasps and moans were able to tumble off your wet lips as your body twitches from ecstasy.
“That’s a good girl,” his voice reverberates down the nape of your neck. He loosens his tie to bind your arms behind you, switching your position so that your back is facing him now. Knowing what he’s about to do makes your stomach flutter. You raise your trembling hips a little, feeling him brush the tip of his cock along your slick folds before pushing you down on him.
“Haa!” the force of it sends a shuddering wave through your body.
“You told me not to hold back, so don’t you start complaining now,” Nanami grips your face and turns it slightly towards him, kissing your tears away. The feeling of his rough hands slowly drags down to your throat and tightly grips at the sides. He thrusts into you hard as you beg for him to fill you up inside. The tip of his cock kisses your cervix stroking every inch deeper into you.
“Fuck,” he groans. A warm feeling fills you up in your lower abdomen and gushes out onto the couch. You and Nanami fall back, panting to catch your breaths.
“Are you okay? I hope that wa—,” you shut him up with a kiss. Slowly lifting your hips back up, you feel his cum dripping down your thighs. You slip his cock back inside you, his hands embracing you once again as he gets bigger. Unable to focus, you fall into a drunken daze getting lost in his pleasure.
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"What..? What did you just call me?"
Adrian stared at the other, trying to process what was happening, but his eyes widened when the man took the helmet off. Oh my god...
"Oh come on, even after 16 years..."
Barney smiled softly at Adrian, his hazel eyes still glowed even in the small sewer light,
"Im not allowed to used that nickname?"
Adrian nearly knocked Barney over when he hugged him, laughing softly. "Oh my God, you're un-fucking-believable." Barney only smiled at that and hugged him back tightly. "I've missed you so much. Everything had been so hectic the past few month. Or well more hectic than usual. It doesn't help that I thought you were dead. I didn't think I had anyone left. I thought I would just die alone- that I wouldn't ever get to see you again- and I-"
"Barney," Adrian mumbled soothingly, rubbing the leader's back. "It's okay now." He mumbled, more saying it all to himself than Barney, but the small man still took it as comfort. "Good. I really need someone like you around."
"Well we can't stay around... here at least. Let me show you how this sewer system works." Adrian turned and started to lead the way, walking with the same confidence and strict, squared shoulders as he did when marching through black mesa. That gave a bit more comfor to Barney as he followed behind him.
"This tunnel right here will lead to a medic camp some people have made, it's not as slick as it used to be, so it's easier to run there without slippjng busting your head. The tunnel to our right, is the way well go to get a crossed 'the border'. There isn't really one now but it gets us to the other camps outside of the cities. Out there though. I can't help much. That's for the other team to explain to you. I'm just here to guide through the sewers." Adrian walked over to a ladder in the right tunnel, "If it makes you feel better though, this guy that's up here sells stollen goods like ammo and food. Even some water he's purified."
His face showed a serious frown whilst explaining everything, his hands move as if to help pronounce and explain the words. His body shivered though. It reminded both men how dangerous just being there was.
Barney, even though he was scared, didn't let that fear control him as much as he used to. He has people to save now. People to fight for. He needed to protect Alyx, and Eli. He'd protect Kleiner more if that stupid scientist didn't keep bringing headcrabs in as 'pets'.
This was serious shit. In America you would probably just get arrested, even if your record was fucked you could just steal and run forever. Now? You would be killed infront of everyone. Your dead body being shot to death would've been a message to those on your side that they could run and hide forever. That's why you had to train to pull your gun out faster, know your enemy better then they know themselves. Steal as much equipment as possible and make sure to keep your guard up, everywhere.
Yeah, you can probably guess Barney wasn't sleeping good at all. No one really was. Could you blame them in this sick twisted world of destruction and 'order'. Made Barney wanna gag more just thinking about it...somehow, Adrian looked younger, like he never aged a day since they last met. Focus Barney, focus. You ain't got time for romance.
They climbed up the ladder to the merchant up top. Adrian introduced him.
"This is Carlos Devina. He's probably the most important guy during this trip. Sometimes he'll not be here and sometimes he will be. His schedule changes. This week he'll be here today, tomorrow and the Friday. Next week he'll be here Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Week after that he'll be here Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Then the schedule will repeat."
"What's tomorrow again?"
"Tuesday, today is Monday."
"Got it. I need to write this down."
"Habit of being in the military, you just memorize the days. Used a copy of a calender before this shit started and went from there." Adrian chuckled softly and Carlos cleared his throat.
"I can give you a free copy of the calendar if you'd like, Mr. Calhoun. It marks the days ill be open so you won't have to write anything down."
"Yes, please I'll take 7."
Carlos went into the back doors of his shop. Adrian whistled to get Barney's attention. "So, resistance leader huh? Last time I checked you were bloody, limping and anxious. "
"Eh, I still am sometimes. I mean anxious and limping. I'm not always bloody." Barney grinned and Adrian nearly kissed him, but, unfortunately Carlos came back with 7 calenders, gently handing them to the resistance leader. "Here you go, Mr. Calhoun, anything else I can get you two?"
"That'll be all I think." Adrian said firmly and Carlos smirked. "Alright. Well, if you need me, just press the button as always. I'll be back here." And with that Carlos was gone again. Adrian mumbled something under his breath before asking. "I know you have an important role in this all, you don't usually get a break I'm sure, but... if you need me I'm always in the sewers."
Barney frowned, "I'll be meeting you in the sewers tomorrow, Adrian, and not for the reason you want. I'm gonna be bringing a lot of people and I need you and your team to be ready. I'm sorry but I... I guess I don't have much time anymore for romances and flirty games."
Games. Right. All this was, was a flirty game.
"I... understand. We'll be ready for you. I'll have Carlos cook extra meals. How many people will be here?" Adrian gulped down that stupid lump in his throat.
Barney, always clueless to other's emotions, didn't notice the change. "Just 3. I don't wanna get too suspicious." And with that, the meeting had ended. Barney left with one last goodbye and Adrian just felt stuck. He felt gross too, but he couldn't focus on that. It wasn't important. People's lives were at stake.
His. Feelings. Didn't. Matter.
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Title: Guardian
Author: Alex London
Genre: YA Fiction | Friendship | Drama | Sci-Fi | Dystopia | Post-Apocalypse | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Homophobia | Death
Overall Rating: 8.1/10
Personal Opinion: Once again, the world-building is so exquisite that it really immerses the reader in this post-apocalyptic world. It’s hard to put down this book because you’re just excited to find out how something pans out or simply what will happen next. I do wish that the love interests, Syd and Liam, had more chemistry though. The tension is through the roof, I just wanted to see them interacting more.
Do I Own This Book? No.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- The vast world-building is as impressive as in the first book. The disease being their datastreams in their blood turning against them because they’re functionally useless was so brilliant. The insane cultists, the revenge-hungry Purifiers, it was just all immaculately done. Even the councilor Pei just flat out ignoring the illness in favor of gaining power. I remember thinking that was unrealistic when I first read it but seeing how the pandemic has played out, yeah that tracks. London was unfortunately ahead of his time with that.
- There’s a lot of nostalgia for me since I read this book years ago. But the only scene that I truly remember is the awkward yet sexually charged medical scene where Syd was treating Liam’s wound. It’s still just as funny as it was the first time. And the sexual tension that hung between them for the whole book was just exquisite.
- Marie and Cheyenne are real badasses in this book. They take down so many enemies and it’s just so cool. You can’t help but cheer them on too because they’re always justified in the people they take down. The action scenes were all great, to be honest, but it was especially good with these two.
- I will never get over Syd’s incredible empathy. It’s that kindness that drew Liam in and made him fall for Syd. That a killer falls for a guy because he’s nice. That’s the opposites attract trope I adore. A trained assassin and a guy that just wants peace? Sign me the fuck up.
- Cousin is such an enigma. I’m glad he got his just desserts in the end and also saw the nopes recovering but I just feel like he got no explanation. None of his motivations were explained. He just wanted oblivion for… what? What was his end goal in all this? And if the Machine wasn’t even viable, why go to the trouble of even chasing down Syd and the others? He feels evil for the sake of being evil which I never like.
- Speaking of which, there’s no viable cure for the disease but some people recover from it? I don’t know, that feels somewhat anticlimactic. Like we went on this whole journey and for what? For just a bunch of people to die and nothing else? I don’t know, everything just felt too passive. Like things were happening but the choices didn’t really matter.
- I’m gonna be honest, there was a lot of sexual tension from Syd and Liam but no chemistry. I think it’s because Syd barely knows anything about Liam and all of Liam’s attraction concerning Syd were rooted in him being Yovel at first. Plus, Syd just kept pushing him away. It’s… hard for me to see them as a couple but I guess that’s why when Syd had jumped off the building, he was thinking that he wanted to get to know Liam more.
- Baram was the closest thing Syd had to a father and Syd just didn’t grieve him at all? In Proxy, Syd was so dead set on saving Baram and trusted him over everyone else. And then Baram just dies. Syd buries homophobic homicidal Finch but he can’t even mourn the man that raised him? That feels like a major disservice.
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Now, a proper introduction to this story:
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“I do not see why we all had to come,” Damian groused, hands shoved into his pockets. Bruce had decided to set up a new branch of Wayne Enterprises in Paris, and apparently that required him and all his sons to come with him on a weeklong trip to scout out the perfect location from a set of possibilities and start networking. Selina and the girls had decided to allow all the boys the much needed vacation, taking over Gotham-sitting in their absence. There were the Zeta Tubes in Paris if all else failed anyway.
(The girls only made this deal with the agreement that they would get their own, twice as long vacation to some tropical island once they got back).
Bruce straightened out his suit. “This trip serves two purposes at once, Damian,” he started to tell his youngest in what all his sons dubbed the Lecture Voice. “Obviously, the public reason is setting up WE’s new headquarters here. The real reason, however, is that Diana is bad at keeping secrets for long periods of time.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Jason asked, hands shoved in his jean pockets as he still had absolutely no idea how he managed to get roped into this shit. He didn’t want to be in Paris, let alone on a trip alone with his ‘family.’
Bruce hummed for a moment, looking around to make sure nobody was listening to the foreigners speaking in soft English. Nobody was. They continued walking down the street, but Bruce was careful to keep his voice low regardless. “Clark mentioned something about Lois wanting to visit a reporter friend of hers here in Paris, and Diana immediately changed the subject. What with her having worked at the Louvre in the past, Clark had wanted her feedback on the best places to take Lois to eat. Diana nearly exploded from how badly she was trying to steer the conversation as far away from Paris as possible.”
“You think she’s hiding something from the League?” Tim asked, eyebrows furrowed. He was the least upset about this whole thing, since he would have been forced to come on the trip anyway as WE’s COO. “That doesn’t seem like her thing.”
“It isn’t,” Bruce agreed. “Unless she felt honor bound to keep a secret. And if Diana of all people feels honor bound to keep a secret…”
“Then it’s big,” Dick finished with a nod. “She probably has a contact or friend here who convinced her to keep something away from the League. So you brought us all here to figure it out, then?”
“I had Barbara look into things on the Computer, but she didn’t turn up as much as we expected. Apparently something is messing with the electronic signals leaving Paris, hardly any information leaves this city on any electronic waves at all unless it’s specifically meant to, like business emails or political business. Local shows and news, any small time websites or blogs, all of those sorts of things are suddenly mysteriously inaccessible anywhere outside of city limits. Even social media posts.”
Tim frowned. That wasn’t… good.
Their conversation was interrupted by an explosion, followed by the collapse of the Eiffel Tower and the ringing of alarm bells.
The group of civilian-dressed heroes tensed, looking around to see that the majority of locals seemed rather calm about the whole thing. They were brisk and efficient in evacuating, but not overly panicked. Bruce decided that was a good enough reason to tap a native’s shoulder and ask what was going on. Luckily, he and all his sons were fluent in French so none of them would be left confused.
The citizen they had pulled aside, a blond that Bruce belatedly realized was the mayor’s daughter, blinked up at them as if surprised to be interrupted. Then realization came over her face, making her relax slightly.
“Oh! You are the Waynes, correct? Daddy told me you all would be visiting from Gotham this week,” she turned her head over her shoulder to survey the chaos around them. “This is an Akuma attack. It’s the result of Paris’s own resident nut job super villain. Since you will all be here for the next few days, it’s important for you to know,” she put her hands on her hips and stared the group down as if all of them weren’t half a foot taller than her and much more well built, and ignoring the fact that everyone else around them was fleeing to safety. “Keep your emotions in check. HawkMoth, the villain behind this whole disaster, takes advantage of people’s negative emotions to turn them into temporary super powered villains called Akumas. If you get too angry or sad or even scared, you’re vulnerable to him.”
“Attacks like this happen almost every day, at this point. It’s been going on for three years now. But you shouldn’t have to worry— right on time,” Chloè Bourgeois suddenly smiled smugly as a red and black figure could be seen running across rooftops in a blur. “That’s our primary superhero, Ladybug. Her partner Chat Noir shouldn’t be far behind. As long as we go to a shelter, everything should be fine. The closest one is this way,” she told them, starting to lead the group away.
“Are you not at all worried about the Eiffel Tower?” Dick asked, disbelief clear in his tone even as he and his family followed the teenager. “Isn’t that a massive source of tourism for this place?”
Chloè snorted, waving her hand dismissively. “Please. The Eiffel Tower gets destroyed every Tuesday, practically. The news station gets ransacked almost every Thursday, and for some reason the Louvre only gets attacked every other Saturday or so. The Seine gets decent action too. Everything will go back to normal as soon as the Akuma is defeated.”
“Normal?” Jason interjected, eyebrows furrowed. “How can the Eiffel Tower suddenly come back from being rubble?”
Chloé laughed, very out of place considering the emptying streets. “That’s because of Ladybug. Her power reverses all the damage from an Akuma attack, as if it never happened in the first place. If we’re caught outside and flattened by a thrown car or giant falling rock? Poof, brought back to life without any injuries once Ladybug beats the Akuma. Drown during an attack? Poof, brought back. Beheaded by a maniac Akuma after revenge? Poof, head back on,” the heiress explained rather crassly.
Her examples were making the men behind her grimmer and grimmer. They came to the girl far too easily to just be made up scenarios.
“Watch out!” An unfamiliar voice called out, a red figure suddenly landing right in front of them before a resounding explosion rocked the whole street. Chloé shrieked, covering her head with her hands. The Waynes braced themselves and did their best to stay upright, getting right back up as quickly as possible when that failed.
When the dust cleared, it revealed the woman they had briefly caught a glimpse at before. Ladybug. True to form, she was dressed in red with black spots, though it looked as if her skin tight uniform wouldn’t offer much protection. In front of her was a slightly transparent pink shield which—oh. Nope. That was a shield she made by swinging a yo-yo.
An honest-to-Batman YO-YO was her main weapon, and it apparently could create magical shields to deflect explosives.
“Chloe! What have I told you about getting to a shelter as soon as possible?” The heroine shouted at the blonde heiress, who just pointed at the men she had been leading.
“I was! But I ran into tourists who had no idea what to do, I was trying to get all of us to a shelter!” The blond defended herself, before her eyes widened and her pointing finger moved. “Behind you!”
Ladybug turned a bit, but didn’t seem surprised at all when a black blur came out of seemingly nowhere and knocked into the floating villain dressed in gaudy oranges and yellows, knocking the Akuma’s aim off track. The explosion that the villain had meant for Ladybug and the civilians she was protecting hit the side of the road instead, hurting nothing but concrete.
“You were almost late, Chaton,” Ladybug called to the figure dressed in black, her voice teasing and eyes amused. The figure batted the Akuma away on buy time before jogging over, revealing a blond boy in a distressingly leather costume that was far too similar to Catwoman’s for any of the Gotham males to be comfortable with.
“Not my fault you took off ahead of me, Milady!” He shot right back, just as teasingly.
“Graaaaaah!” The Akuma, Explosion, pushed himself back up to his feet and glared at the heroes. “Die, die, die! You want to laugh at me, you want to say how I’ve ‘blown up,’ I’ll blow YOU up! See how you like it!”
“Their dialogue never gets any better,” Chaton, who the Gotham boys guessed was the Chat Noir that Chloé has mentioned, quipped as he spun a bo staff in his hands lazily. “Milady?”
Ladybug nodded. “The Akuma is in their belt. We’re gonna have to get up close for this one,” she remarked, getting her yo-yo ready to call on Lucky Charm. But, before she got a chance to, a blur ran out from behind her and tackled the super villain. “No!”
Ladybug immediately ran over, not caring that the green eyed boy was an amazing fighter and managed to grapple the Akuma to the ground in seconds. Power flowed into the Akuma’s gloved hands, and Ladybug was barely able to pull the civilian away before he got blasted.
“Don’t tackle a magically powered villain, what are you thinking?!” She yelled at him, grabbing the boy into a princess hold and jumping back as Explosion tried to hit them. She ignored the boy’s protests and attempts to escape her grip, dodging around every punch and kick. Her eyes strayed to the side, and the heroine suddenly smirked.
“Chat noir! Now!”
Her partner lunged, using Explosion’s distraction to use Cataclysm on the guy’s belt. Ladybug released Damian’s legs so she could purify the butterfly, one-handedly swinging her yo-yo with barely any effort. After a few seconds the cure was cast, and the damage reversed. The red clad heroine looked over at her partner and Chloé, her mouth straightening into a frown.
“Chloé, can you get the victim to calm down and try to sort out the whole issue surrounding the video that was posted without his consent? Chat, go ahead and go. I got this sorted out.”
Ladybug didn’t wait for a response, turning her head to lock gazes with Bruce, who was clearly the oldest of her group of tourists and the one in charge. “Follow me, monsieur,” she said curtly, turning and half-dragging Damian with her by the arm. She waited until they reached an alleyway that would keep any of them from being easily noticed. She didn’t want anyone to catch this confrontation on camera.
“I understand you are new to Paris,” she said softly, her voice hard as she released her hold on the teen and swept her eyes over everyone he was with. “But this is not a game. You do not tackle an Akuma unless you have a nearly indestructible suit on and the powers to combat one, do you understand me?”
“I thought you could bring the dead back to life?” Another male said, his blue eyes sharp her his fluffy black hair. “Tim Drake, by the way.”
Ladybug nodded. “I can. But that doesn’t mean I want anyone injured or dead if I can help it. X-rays have shown that even the Cure leaves a few residual marks. If someone drowns and is brought back, their lungs are weaker than before. If someone was smashed by rubble, their x-rays show evidence of the breaks even if they are healed far better than normal time and medical procedures can accomplish. Phantom pains, aches, the damage done by death doesn’t go away just because magic fixed it. Little things remain, even if your memory of the death doesn’t,” she explained sharply. She turned to the green-eyed boy again, making mutual eye contact for the first time.
“Paris is my city. I don’t care how good you are at fighting, you cannot run into a battle like that again. I asked for heroes and vigilantes to be distracted or entirely sent away from coming here to avoid this exact situation and having to fight Akumas I might not be able to handle, and I am not above using my influence to get you deported for the same reasons. Am I understood?”
The boy opened his mouth, but couldn’t get a word out before him and Ladybug’s worlds shifted. Their eye contact sparked something, sending electricity through their bodies and making both of them blink and gasp.
Their point of view was cut in half. Damian found himself staring at Ladybug, but he could also see what could only be Ladybug’s point of view as she stared right back at him.
He raised one eyebrow slowly. Figures his soulmate would be a hero. He couldn’t see how a relationship with a civilian would work for him, though he hardly gave thought to relationships in general. From both her lecture and the way she handled the fight, he knew her to be experienced and professional. The way she held herself alone was enough to garner a spark of respect from him. The fact that the Wayne name didn’t seem to mean much of anything to her also helped.
And not just anybody could grab hold of him that easily and tote him around as he tried to escape their grip.
With a smirk, he held out his hand. Ladybug clearly had no idea that he was a vigilante as well, and he was going to have fun with that.
“My name is Damian Wayne, and apparently Paris is going to become an important city for me as well if you’re my soulmate. I promise not to interfere without your permission from here on.”
Ladybug just swallowed, her eyes wide and… scared? She took a deep breath, closing her eyes.
If she didn’t already know that running away would mean he would find out her identity, she would have. But since they could see from each other’s point of view, that was not a good idea.
A few beeps sounded from her earrings, making Ladybug bite her lip.
“Okay. Here’s what’s gonna happen,” she said, ignoring the incredulous stares they were getting from Damian’s family. “I’m gonna go on the other side of this door,” she pointed to the door that she knew was unlocked and a safe place to detransform. “And then we are going to meditate until we can find a way to undo… this,” she gestured to her eyes, indicating the point of view issue.
“And then we can meet on the rooftops tonight, right?” Damian tried, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Ladybug glared at him, knowing what he was doing. He could obviously read that she was going to run away the moment she got the chance, her concern over her identity overruling her desire to know her soulmate. He was trying to make sure she didn’t.
“Fine,” she bit out reluctantly, opening the door in the alleyway and entering the fire exit it led to. She shut the door, allowing herself to detransform. Tikki remained dutifully out of eyeshot. “Meditate. Now,” she barked to the other side of the door.
Kwami, what is my luck?
“I hate you so much,” Marinette growled, pouting as she buried her face into Damian’s shoulder. Her boyfriend, her soulmate, just chuckled as he returned her hug. “You were Robin this whole time?”
“Yes, Habibiti,” he said with amusement lacing his tone. It had taken two months and a Wayne-funded weekend trip to Gotham City (for only Marinette) for the girl to put together her boyfriend’s identity.
He had figured out her’s after two weeks.
“In my defense, I didn’t meet Robin until last night and I figured out it was you as soon as I got some sleep,” she defended herself.
“Maybe you would have put it together immediately if you hadn’t stayed up for the past thirty-six hours on a commission,” Damian gently scolded, earning a snort from his girlfriend.
“I’ll sleep when I die. Speaking of die. You owe me a lot of fabric and good food to apologize for keeping this secret before I kill you. I know you only did it to mess with me.”
Damian just laughed, unrepentant. It was true.
“I’ll ask Pennyworth to make your favorites.”
“You better.”
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restingdomface · 4 years
Okay I can’t believe I’m going there, but, Lan Wangji’s magical healing cock and also mpreg AU:
Okay. So. Instead of Jin Zixuan being a dick to his crush, he genuinly never had a crush on her at all, and in fact, it never came to light until the Sunshit Campaign started, but JZX had a crush on Jiang Cheng all along. Jiang Cheng, who, reluctantly, returns his affections. Wei Wuxian is disgusted. His brother has terrible taste in men wtf.
So. Things went differently this time. What’s the change here? Meng Yao never left Nie Mingjue’s side. Of course, he did the spying thing, but he never betrayed him (this could be a part of my idea where NMJ and MY plan to actually have him be a spy and send him off after a planned execution of a soldier that NMJ decided needed a death sentence more than banishment, or, an AU where MY presented the idea to Wen Rouhan that his coming to WRH’s side was the betrayel itself). Now how does this change things? Because I honestly and truly think that if MY didn’t go to Jin Guangshan’s side afterwards, JGS wouldn’t have had the sway to execute anyone else in the Wen Family, or do anything horrible like that.
TBH he tries to wipe out the rest of the Wens, but it goes so badly and this time MY isn’t on his side (lol you know JGS would have tried tho, imagine how humiliating it would have been to be publicly denied by your own bastard son at the banquet after wow) and so JGS ends up removed from power entirely and JZX gets made sect leader instead.
This means, that since JZX is about to marry JC, they’re going to have to move to LanlingJin instead of both of them arguing over if they’d move to Lotus Pier or not. Cause they would argue over that. This means that Jiang Cheng is going to be the next Young Master Jin and Jiang Yanli is now officially the Jiang Sect Leader. Nice.
So. We’re rid of JGS and everyone’s happy and MY probably isn’t gonna kill anyone cause now he can marry NMJ in peace and not have to deal with anyone else, where does LWJ’s magic healing dick come in? Hold on I’m getting to it. Impatient.
So. The Wens. Of course, before JGS was removed from power, Wei Wuxian was actually running around saving Wen survivors and gathering them in the Burial Mounds, so he actually has to be coaxed into leaving by his siblings and LWJ and even JZX and NMJ (who thinks this is rather like that one time he had to coax Nie Huaisang out from under his bed when he became convinced NMJ’s cat was a demon because it wouldn’t stop attacking his songbird and he couldn’t come out cause she was in the room and she would steal his soul but she’s just sitting on the windowsill and meowing at them and NMJ is just silently planning to feed her more and keep her away from the atrium and tbh plz NHS you’re 16 years old you’re too old for this plz stop crying) and it’s great. It’s just great.
Anyways. WWX is paranoid af. Like so fucking paranoid. Cause they have been attacked. He’s got 12 year old girls talking about what the adult men in the Jin sect did to them. He’s got a traumatized toddler on his hip that screams when he sees Jin robes. He’s got children with branded scarring on their faces and wounds you can’t even imagine to come from anything but torture. He’s paranoid. He’s trying to keep the kiddos safe. They’re healers, and he’s given them the tools to heal, but they’re scared, and he’s paranoid without his Golden Core, and he’s scared, and he’s not putting down the toddler plz stop asking, he’s keeping this one, shut up.
So. What can he do but make a few demands? The Lan sect may have strict rules, but they would never attack innocent civilians, and they have rules about killing even animals in Gusu. He asks them to send all the Lan guards they can to escort them to GusuLan. He doesn’t think they’d hurt them in YunmengJiang either, but he can’t risk it. He was there when Lotus Pier burned. Cloud Recesses didn’t lose nearly as many people, and he’s still too traumatized to spend much time in LP rn.
So they go to Cloud Recesses. This actually, also gives the other sects a lot of time to get some glimpses at everyone that came from the Burial Mounds.
Not a single one of them was a cultivator.
This is a little different than canon. WWX can’t handle the loss of his golden core in this one. Not to say that he shouldn’t have done it, but that the resentful energy is dragging him down to the point where all he can feel is paranoia and fear. He’s almost completely unresponsive at this point. He follows after LWJ when told to, and he holds little A-Yuan in his arms, but he doesn’t pay much attention to anyone.
Wen Qing tells them of the loss of his core, but not how it happened. Lan Qiren doesn’t much like WWX still, but he accepts that a cornered animal will bite, and WWX lost his main weapon right before a major war. Of course he would do all he could to keep himself safe.
Jiang Yanli offers for the Wen Survivors to be integrated into YunmengJiang, since they lost so many people. It could help a lot. They accept, since she’s offering them protection and help.
Of course, Wen Qing and Jiang Yanli used to Spend A Lot Of Time Together in Cloud Recesses, so love is blooming there between the two sect leaders, and by the end of a year, they’re getting married themselves.
WWX doesn’t go back to LP with them. He couldn’t do it. A-Yuan and Granny and Wen Ning stay with him in Cloud Recesses. Granny talks with Wen Qing regularly, and A-Yuan is attached to Lan Wangji enough that Lan Xichen starts mentioning that he could attend classes there when he’s old enough. LXC is a WangXian shipper and is trying to get his brother to adopt the child. Y’all know he would. WWX spends his time arguing (loudly, but in a room with magical wards for sound so they don’t get in trouble) with a Lan mind healer that talks through his bullshit with him, sleeping the day away in one of the rooms of the Jingshi (because LWJ made him move in right away and WWX couldn’t even argue cause A-Yuan loves him too and he can ask LWJ to play Their Song whenever he wants to hear it) and following after A-Yuan as he enchants (and terrifies) all the rabbits in the field. Also getting yelled at (softly) by LQR for breaking rules. LQR and LWJ have been making it their personal mission to find a way to either purify the resentful energy so WWX can go back to his normal cheerful self that doesn’t jump or hide when startled, or to regain a Golden core so the yin and yang energies can balance each other and keep him stable.
Of course, JYL sends him a message that she’s getting married, and WWX pulls himself out of the fog enough that he can ask them to go to the wedding (he’s being polite, he’s going no matter what they say lol,) and LWJ accompanies him to the wedding. His siblings are so happy to see him there.
Anyways. Things get rocky when WWX hears them talking about kids.
Jiang Yanli will carry Jin Zixuan’s children, and they’ll keep the Jin name. They’ll know that all four of them are their parents, but it’s a way to pass on the name.
Wen Qing will carry Jiang Cheng’s children, and they’ll carry the Jiang name. This also helps to keep track of what kids are heir to what sect.
Of course, Wei Wuxian, the master of ‘I know The Most Obscure Bullshit Ever’, asks why they don’t just have their spouses children. There are spells and potions for that.
Well. No one else in the room knew that but him apparently. Well, they’re still going to go with their idea for the first few kids, and then they’ll decide if other means of pregnancy options are viable.
Anyways. Guess who else didn’t know it was possible for men to get pregnant? You guessed it. Lan Wangji. Who was also in the room at the time.
So. Wedding is lovely. They all have an amazing time. WWX is able to pull himself out of bed every day. He was even able to work on some cultivation items that LQR begrudgingly admits are amazing items and very useful to cultivation.
They go back to Cloud Recesses, and Lan Wangji combs through his and his uncle’s notes till he finds a viable solution to a return of a Golden core that they had originally scrapped because WWX wasn’t a girl.
To return a Golden core to a body by means of very careful pregnancy. Of course, such a thing would be considered stealing under normal circumstances, and most mothers would rather die than harm their child in the womb in a way that could kill them. But this was a method made to keep both parent and child from harm. A way to build the slightest lump of core in the parent, enough to stick and allow a base to build off of later.
Of course, without consulting Uncle (because the man would be horrified at the idea, and LWJ would rather be rejected by the man himself thanks very much) he takes the proposal to the man in question.
WWXA has to think about this one for a long time. He thinks about it while helping Wen Ning with zombie stuff so he can maintain a stable body. He thinks about it while writing letters to his siblings. He thinks a LOT about it while tucking their two year old into bed and reading him a story with the funny voices. He thinks about it when he spends a night in the cold springs with LWJ one night, close enough to touch the man, because without a Golden core, the water is too cold for him to survive in on his own.
He asks why LWJ would besmirch his honor like that. Having a child out of wedlock, his uncle would throw a fit. His name would be in tatters.
LWJ blinks, once, and twice. He quietly tells him the offer could involve marriage if WWX thinks it’s of import.
So. They get married. So they can have a child. Another child. Just. Yeah. Let’s get married so we can mate like rabbits.
They’re in love. Of course they are. But they’re also shy idiots. LWJ is a sex fiend like usual, and WWX quickly gets addicted to it, but they’re both too shy to say anything sappy yet. Well. No. Scratch that. LWJ is fully willing to admit his love to the world. But he’s a very quiet person. So he mostly just tells WWX how much he would do anything for him, and even eats his horrible poison cooking. Not even A-Yuan will touch that shit.
A-Yuan is so excited to be a big brother. His favorite place to lay is curled around WWX’s big belly and giving it kisses while A-Die scratches his hair and reads him stories.
A-Yuan finally gets his baby and Wei Wuxian gets the stability that a Golden core provides so he can continue using resentful energy to dodge the many many scrolls Shifu Qiren will throw at him over the years to come. LQR swears that if that man hadn’t given his nephew happiness and also many great nephews-
Anyways. The Lotus Flowers are all gay and all happy send tweet.
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casliveblog · 11 months
Custom Toonami Block Week 136 Rundown
Spy X Family: So the group finds out they actually failed getting into Edin College despite what happened last episode but it’s okay since Elegance Man punching out the asshole dude did bump them up to the top of the waiting list and there’s almost always a dropout or two. Yor’s just immediately on board for murdering someone to improve their chances which is fucking funny but luckily it doesn’t come to that and like one night later they get a call that they’re in. They have a mini-party with Count Scruffyhead (I didn’t learn his real name and that’s what they call him for this episode so that’s what I’m gonna call him) and him and Yor get drunk off their fucking asses and convince Loid that Anya deserves a reward for getting in and that somehow turns into him calling in thousands of dollars worth of Spy Resources to stage a Lupin the Third style phantom thief rescue mission in an unopened theme park for Anya’s favorite show. So basically Loid gets to show off his spy skills in the Disney castle to J-pop while Count Scruffyhead hams it up as the villain and drunk Yor vibes in the background. The final boss actually is drunk-ass Yor and luckily she passes out before she can fucking accidentally kill Loid and I have no idea how any of these people have alibis around each other anymore like I guess Loid just thinks Yor’s some Rock Lee style drunken boxers who can flip cows over idk everyone’s really smart about their own secrets and really dumb about everyone else’s secrets but that’s the name of the game I guess but if they ever try to pull an actual reveal where they find out what’s going on there’s gonna be a like ‘You know there WERE signs…’ deal. But yeah, not it’s time for the greatest challenge of all… private school.
Inuyasha: It’s the start of the Naginata of Kenkon filler arc and if you told me this was a recycled script from a scrapped Inuyasha movie I’d believe you. We start off with Kagome sucking at school as usual for someone that goes to school like ten days a year, when Hojo busts in like ‘yo check out my family tree there’s a girl named Kagome that means there’s logical precedent for us getting together right?’ and Kagome’s too full of school-related despair to even acknowledge it at the time but she’s the only know that knows it’s technically possible that it could really be her since they do know Hojo’s ancestor from the second movie. I remember being so confused as a kid because I DID see the second movie but it’s not like they played them in order or anything so I kinda forgot Akitoki was in it by the time this episode came around. But yeah the plot does kinda a decent job of weaving into canon with Akitoki saying he wanted to get his cursed family blade purified at Mt. Hakurei but since Mt. Hakurei kinda blew up at the end of that arc and a bunch of demons flew out it prolly won’t work so Kaede directs them to the second most holy and thankfully much closer shrine around. Along the way Hojo’s Milo Murphying his way through shit because of the curse which I guess having an enormously cursed half of a demon naginata translates to ‘being kinda clumsy disturbingly frequently’ and also they’re being attacked by Demon Ninjas… which are demons that are also ninjas. I feel like playing that scene from DBZ Abridged where Piccolo calls out the filler villain squad every time because we basically always get the same group which is weird because Inuyasha doesn’t do villain squads all THAT often and getting non-Inuyasha fights is usually a nice change of pace but usually there’s not much to the design besides an elemental demon for one of the lesser guys to fight, Anyway they get bombed by the demon ninjas and Kagome and Hojo get thrown off a bridge, the end.  
Yu Yu Hakusho: Now that Kurama’s starting to put together the pieces of how Gamemaster’s power works, he realizes that the kid will die when he loses the game since the Goblin King dying is part of the game’s ending, unlike players that have continues and can start over. Apparently Sensui’s nihilism made him pick a game that will off one of his teammates even if he does exactly what he wants, probably a ‘better to die in a game than be killed by demons or live in this corrupt world’ kind of villain motivation. He tells Gamemaster this right before the game starts and the kid who’s only motivation is ‘the apocalypse cancels school right?’ fucking breaks down knowing now that he’s playing the villain the only way out is death. This comes into play as Kurama’s game against him is what I can only describe as Sudoku Tetris which sounds ridiculously hard. Gamemaster thinks back to meeting Sensui which is a scene FULL of stranger danger at this point and it looks like he does have at least some idea of what he’s gotten himself into but was mostly in it to make video games real. The realization that he’s going to die kind of makes it hard to focus even for the guy that knows the fucking code of this game inside and out because apparently Sudoku Tetris isn’t as predictable as the quiz show. Kurama’s not about to hesitate to kill a kid though and brutally ends the game with less than half his screen full. Kurama’s fucking pissed Sensui led a child to throw his life away without even knowing it and Hiei’s just like ‘yeah we kill kids all the time no biggie at least I didn’t have to play a fucking video game’ which I kinda wish we got a scene of Hiei playing Fruit Ninja or some shit but yeah now we’ve got a dead kid and we’re at the final boss and now Gourmet and Kuwabara are in the boat instead of the psychic monk guy so Kurama’s ready to murder everyone because he does not like being forced to murder kids though this series is terrible with sticking to sad death scenes so I doubt this’ll stick.
Jujutsu Kaisen: So yeah Sukuna’s out and about now and challenges Megumi to a fight to celebrate his new body-having…ness but not before ripping out his own heart since if Yuji switches back while he doesn’t have a heart he’ll die but for Sukuna it’s a mild inconvenience. Megumi wants to fight him to force him to heal enough for Yuji to come back but this guy’s the final boss and Megumi’s Part 1 Sasuke levels of ‘stronger than he should be but not strong enough to break the story flow’ and he’s also dropping shadow puppets left and right. We get a little of his backstory which is your standard ‘mom was cool and died but dad named be after a girl and left’ backstory, you know how it goes, hopefully we’ll get more info on that later because we seem to be getting driveby flashbacks without much depth for these backstories. But yeah before Megumi can do his super ultimate shadow technique deal, Yuji comes back and fucking dies on the spot. Gojo’s mad and says it was probably people pissed off at Gojo himself and wanting to spite him for getting Yuji’s execution on hold but that’s kinda fucked up because they had not guarantee it’d be Yuji that died or that it wouldn’t also kill Nobara and Megumi. But yeah, Yuji’s dead and only took three fingers with him, so uhhh… short series, guess we’re focusing on Megumi and Nobara’s survivor’s guilt now. We also meet the second year squad, discount Nanao Ise, Rice Ingredient Man and Pandaman, because we learned from Tekken that if you just throw a Panda into a fight it’ll be way more fun. They invite Megumi and Nobara to your local shonen tournament dealie and their friend just died because they couldn’t beat up a giant naked man without the help of their friend’s four-armed hollow tailed beast deal so they’re like ‘yeah sure training arc sounds good’. Also Yuji’s not dead because of course he’s not but it still is pretty creepy to think that he’s like a corpse and the original heart and hand he was born with are gone now like it’s like the Ship of Theseus how much does Sukuna have to heal him before he’s a completely different person from when he started?
Chainsaw Man: Picking up immediately where we left off with Denji about to feel up Power, aside from her padding her chest the whole experience isn’t the world-shattering nirvana-inducing eternal bliss he was expecting. He brings it up to Makima in a similar yet more crude way to Fullmetal Alchemist: if the pursuit of the dream is more enioyable than attaining it then what’s the point? Makima basically tells him that pleasure is fleeting but you can extend it with torturous teasing and actually giving a fuck about the person by forming a parasocial relationship with them, so basically the same model used by OnlyFans. She also wins him over by promising to fuck him if he gets the big head honcho arc Devil so we’ve basically reset the goalpost of the arc to introduce a real villain. We also get a little of Aki’s backstory and get to see his whole family killed by the Gun Devil which should probably be called the Nuclear Bomb Devil with how it fucking obliterates shit in seconds (if this took place in the 1960s it would definitely be the Nuclear Bomb Devil). But yeah when there’s supernatural devils running around everywhere people just start buying up guns so the whole world became America for a bit and America became SUPER AMERICA so there was a terrorist attack that shot that through the roof (I like how there’s a number of actual attacks this could be referencing but since it’s America it doesn’t even narrow it down a little and probably for the best since relating it too close to an actual attack in your manga about groping boobs would probably offend people). So then the world basically banned and censored guns to cut off its power but peeps are still afraid of it because who wouldn’t be. Also I’m like 100% sure America didn’t actually sign on to the bans because the most American thing to do is be like “GUN DEVIL!? WE CAN SOLVE THAT WITH MORE GUNS!!” But yeah now they gotta collect the jewel shards since enough bullets will act like a compass to the real Gun Devil. Aki Squad and Himeno Squad go to a hotel to hunt down one such bullet-eating devil and spend way too much time talking about smooching Himeno and Denji pretends to be monogamous for like 0.00001 seconds before going balls to the walls on getting smooched. Turns out Himeno and Aki used to be partners and while Aki decided to become Sasuke with a boner for his superior, Himeno decided to literally just fuck around and find out, I mean that’s her prerogative, also she got a ghost hand, feels like a literal embodiment of the fear of ghosts should be able to do more than squeeze shit but I guess that’s all you get for the payment of an eye. Also the hotel is doing some PT-Shining shit and looping and we’ve got a perfect cast of horror movie dumbasses so this should be fun.
Ranking of Kings: Turns out Kage was in Bojji’s bag the whole time and that’s why it protected his head after he fell off the tower and why it returned to him randomly after it got stolen, and it was even Kage protecting him from eating the poisoned food by the campfire, honestly that’s really good foreshadowing, enough to make you realize something’s going on without outright giving it away. Turns out creepy snake dude actually sent Kage to protect Bojji while trustworthy sword dude was the one trying to kill him, real Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone switcheroo. Kage gives Bojji a new crown and leads him down deeper into the literal hell hole saying that the king of the underworld will help make Bojji strong enough to fend off all the attempts on his life. Meanwhile Daida is having a Rick and Morty style montage of multiple things being murdered to create a simple drink including throwing his dad’s corpse into a wood chipper and super murdering a phoenix to make a good ol’ dad shake just in time for father’s day. Turns out creepy snake guy’s full of good advice since Daida flashes back to him telling him struggling for strength is what makes him strong and he throws the dad shake away, fully pissing off his magic mirror but given it’s just a pane of glass it ain’t gonna do shit, though weird Spear Guy who Daida almost had killed is on his way down to find him so who knows. Meanwhile Domas gets confronted by the other guard guy that actually likes Bojji and Domas is flashing back to Daida being like ‘wow you sure are untrustworthy for verbally betraying your student, to prove you’re trustworthy to me you should kill that student’ which doesn’t make any kind of sense but okay. Anyway second guard dude is pissed but he can’t do shit so Domas knocks him out and cuts off his own hand as punishment or some shit idk this episode got real bloody real quick between dismemberments and turning people into milkshakes.
Vinland Saga: With Thorfinn now trapped on the ship of the guy he wants to kill he finds screaming about murder isn’t enough to keep him alive and almost dies of thirst before Askeladd’s crew hit land at another village and Thorfinn passes out long enough for the real pillaging to start. Thorfinn finds Askeladd sleeping and is about to just fucking murder him in his sleep but takes at least part of his dad’s pacifist message to heart and decides if he’s gonna commit bloody murder he’ll at least commit Odin-sanctioned bloody murder and kill Askeladd in a duel. The funny thing is it looks like Askeladd was awake and was ready to let him kill him if he tried to jump him in his sleep but as soon as he gets challenged to a real fight he just beats the shit out of Thorfinn since the kid’s using a sword that’s basically the same height as him. Thorfinn does a mini training arc in the woods and figures out he’s better off with his knife since he can swing it easier and throw it. We also cut back to Ylva and she’s working through her grief in her own way by overworking and as soon as she’s forced to take a second’s rest she breaks down crying (if this series was about Ylva hunting down her father’s killer and being a badass Viking lady I’d still watch that) also Leif says he’s gonna find Thorfinn but apparently they didn’t think to look too hard when they lost him like it’s not a big boat where the fuck did they think he was I really wanna know what happened in that scene. Thorfinn’s basically doing the camping montage from the All is One, One is All episode of FMA and gets like 10% more deadly which is pretty good for what’s implied to be a long weekend but it’s not enough to take down adults so Askeladd just kicks his ass again and tells him he’ll fight him again when he’s proven himself as a real warrior. So now we’ve got our kid with borderline Stockholm syndrome ignoring his father’s wishes to live up to the toxic masculinity of his culture, basically the exact inverse of How to Train Your Dragon.
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authorautumnbanks · 3 years
How To Tame A Sorcerer(4)
By the time they got back to the house; the delivery team had been awaiting their arrival for several hours. Gojo would apologize, but the amount of money he threw at them to accommodate his schedule is more than sufficient for them having to wait an hour or two past the scheduled time.
"I can't believe you only got a twin," he complains, leaning against the wall, "where am I supposed to sleep tonight?" He takes off his shades and hangs them from his shirt.
"Thank you, Gojo-san—"
"Thank you, Satoru, for today." Kagome places the McDonalds bag on the table and takes out their respective burgers and fries.
"Sounds like the start of a breakup speech." He kicks off the wall and pulls out a seat at the table. He chooses not to dwell on how pink her skin flushes, nor the way her hands every time he annoys her.
"I'm being serious." She huffs as she sits down next to him. "You could have just made me sleep on the couch or just left me out on the streets."
Clucking his tongue, Gojo changes the topic. The night is still too young to be having a heart to heart conversation. "What kind of technique did you use on that curse?" He takes a big bite of his burger, smirking at her disgusted face.
"I just purified it. Nothing fancy." She shrugs.
"It cried as it was being exorcised."
"Because it was no longer in pain."
Gojo takes another large bite, chewing with more aggression than necessary. The light fixture above them blinks in tune with the slight irritation coating his veins.
"Are you sympathizing with them?"
"Curses are born from negative emotions, right? So, I guess, a part of me feels terrible that they are in this situation because of us–well, the humans of this world."
Gojo slumps forward, his burger gets smashed between his palm and cheek. She was one of those people that believe in the greater good in everyone. He rolls his eyes. The weight of her hand gripping his free hand startles him. Leaning back, he places his nearly finished burger on the table and gives her a curious glance.
"What are you doing?" he whispers as pink radiates from her palm. "Are you going to exorcise me too?" Warmth washes over him, easing the tension in his shoulders, and causing his heart to beat faster than it should.
"I was curious if you were suffering from some ailment." Her brown eyes are so earnest and her smile is so hopeful that he can't find it in him to be offended.
"You can heal too?" He frowns when she untangles her hand from his and goes back to munching on her fries.
"Yes. Surely you have healers."
He leans forward until their arms brush against one another. "I'm glad I found you Kagome-chan." Gojo plucks the fry that hangs from her mouth and plops into his own. A part of him wonders if this feeling in his chest is the result of her powers or the woman herself. The moment gets ruined by the inessive vibration of his phone. He leans back in his chair and fishes his phone out of his pocket. Great, another text from Yaga going on about some special grade cursed object. With a sigh, he scoots back and stands.
"I'm heading out. Don't wait up for me." He winks and leaves to go change into his uniform. Wisely, he ignores the voicemail from Yaga. Probably cursing him for neglecting work today. It's not his fault, honest; how was he supposed to know that he'd find someone out of this world? Anyone would have dropped what they were doing to investigate.
Kagome leans against the front door with her arms crossed in front of her. Gojo cocks his head to the side as he approaches.
"Whatcha doin?"
"You're wearing the blindfold again," she states. He files the disappointment away for further use.
"I like to wear it for work." He slips on his shoes, keeping his gaze focused on the floor and not the length of her legs. "Make yourself at home, yeah." He stands back up and urges her out of the way.
"You don't want my help?" she questions, stepping aside to let him pass.
"I'm not ready to share you just yet." He waves as he leaves out of the house. According to Yaga's messages, they already have Megumi on the case; and the risk of anyone else getting a wisp of Kagome is too great. The higher-ups will want her dead, even though her powers don't appear to be a threat to them, and curses seem to be drawn to her even with his own cursed energy wrapping around them like a blanket.
Best to keep her tucked away, at least for now, he thinks.
By the time he makes it to school, following the influx of Megumi's cursed energy, the poor kid is all beat up; and the cursed object has been swallowed by a civilian. Man, he really isn't looking forward to writing this report.
"I don't want him to die."
Gojo lifts Yuji's limp form and throws him over his shoulder with ease. "Your personal feelings?" he questions, turning around. At Megumi's nod, Gojo smiles and gives him a thumbs up. "Leave it to me!" He drops his hand and fishes for his phone, dialing Ijichi to come and pick them up.
"You really picked up souvenirs before coming here," Megumi mumbles.
"They're not souvenirs, I didn't even get to finish my dinner." Gojo pouts. He closes his eyes behind the blindfold. The emergence of Sukuna and the arrival of Kagome can't be a coincidence. His head pounds just thinking about the amount of paperwork he's gonna have to fill out when all of this blows over.
"Weren't you supposed to be looking for the cursed object earlier today?" Megumi questions. Gojo snorts; it's so hard to take the kid seriously with dried blood on his face. Gojo pulls his phone back out and snaps several more pictures of Megumi in response.
"Come on, Ijichi is here." Ignoring Megumi's grumbles, Gojo leads them down to where Ijichi is waiting for them. The man looks so frazzled that it almost makes Gojo want to go easy on him. Almost.
By the time he gets back to school and talks the situation over with Yaga and the higher-ups, he's mentally exhausted. Even though Yuji can keep Sukuna under wraps, the higher-ups still call for his immediate execution.
What he needs is a plan to keep the same fate from befalling on Kagome, he thinks with a frown.
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metamelonisle · 3 years
assorted headcanons i have (fandoms involved: Kirby, Super Mario, Sonic, Smash)
mayro hcs:
Within the three central characters of SMB, the order of weakest to strongest is: Mario -> Peach -> Bowser. Bowser is an incredibly strong beast of a king, and has the magical prowess to match. Peach is able to match Bowser in terms of magical power, as she is usually the one who undoes all of his magic at the end of the game. However, she’s still physically weaker than Bowser (it’s not because she’s weak though. It’s just that no one is as strong as Bowser). Judging from how she’s playable in some games, she is just as physically strong and agile as Mario is, which puts her dead center between Mario and Bowser. Mario is the weakest, as he has no magic of his own, and outside of external aid (Powerups, Caps, Power Stars, FLUDD, Luma, Cappy) he really only has his acrobatic skills (which admittedly, are pretty impressive) and his wits. From what I remember, Mario has never beaten Bowser in a direct straight fight. He’s always either A. aided by an external force (like powerups or friends) or uses the environment to his advantage to circumvent the power difference (like the Axe in SMB or the brick-block floor in SMB3). Peach is as strong as Mario physically and Bowser magically, but usually gets kidnapped because Bowser never plays fair (using multiple people to capture her, using sneak attacks, i mean, i’d be surprised if he didnt employ an ultimatum of “get in the koopa klown car, or i’m eating mushroom stew tonight! Gwah ha ha!”)
Dr mario is mario’s dad. he is the main protagonist of DK 81, mario bros 83 (alongside his twin brother Luigi, Sr.) and the first Dr. Mario, and the main antagonist of DK’s Circus and DK Jr.. He dated the Lady from DK 81 (no relation to pauline) but nothing came of it. his significant other/mario jr and luigi jr.’s mother is unknown, if they are even the same person. He is still practicing medicine to this day and is a vetetan in Smash, having attended every game since Melee as a fighter but Brawl and attended every game since 64 to cheer on his sons. (Don’t ask me who nurse peach is idk yet also DM64 and DMW are different)
there are two Mad Pianos. One is a mechanical trap made by Boos (64) and the other one is a real piano possessed by Boos (DS).
the Unagi from 64 suffers from anxiety and is more afraid of Mario than anything else. Peach thinks very fondly of them.
Sonic sometimes asks Mario to babysit Classic Sonic (the one from Mania) and as a result they get along pretty well. CS regards mario as a kind of “cool older brother/father figure” and Mario just thinks he’s adorable. They do extreme sports together
kriby hcs:
bandana dee is nonbinary (he/them)
king dedede probably runs a memepage on facebook about how great he is (it has 3 followers)
dmk listens to linkin park and considers them to be “way better than whatever that punk listens to”
the four otherworldy kings (parallel woods, parallel kracko, parallel meta knight and parallel dedede) are still alive for some reason and HOO ARE THEY MAD (at kirby & co specifically. they’ve chilled out regarding anyone else but if they see the dream friends or that cheeky piece of gum it’s ON SIGHT)
Kracko is related to dark matter in some form. i dont know how but they are. they’re suspicious. also kracko is scared of shrek bc they saw that one tumblr post where he eats lightning then reaches into his bag for the gun that kills clouds
dark nebula has two interpretations: first is mine: an extremely overconfident and egotistical blob of dark energy that thinks he’s lucifer. he talks with a disgusting amount of prose and a fake vague european accent bc he thinks it makes him sound refined. he calls himself names like “the lord of darkness” and “the beast within us all” and stuff and tries to get people to sell their souls to him. the thing is, he’s weak. like, PATHETICALLY weak compared to most beings on popstar. he were actually locked in a box by someone in response to being given a “proposal” to be his servant and herald. (that “someone” may or may not have been Galacta Knight) the other interpretation is that they’re a chaotic and malevolent demon with a very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eye. (like bill cipher, or tom cruise.) they got locked in a box bc Zero made them and was like “you are a mistake” and locked them in a box so they wouldn’t have to deal with them. it’s unclear if they resent zero for this and may be unaware of their existence entirely. When entities are killed, they release all of their power in a big explosion. this is why enemies “pop” when they are defeated, why mid-bosses violently explode after a while, and why bosses explode multiple times and then vanish in one last big one. the more powerful the entity and the more energy they retain at the time of death, the more powerful the explosion. This is largely the reason why Void Termina was sealed in the Jamba Heart instead of being slain by the heroes of yore, as the resulting explosion might destroy the entire galaxy. It is theorized that if Galacta Knight were to take his own life, the resulting explosion would irreversibly devastate the universe. (this remains unproven, as he only dies after being extremely worn down and eventually fatally wounded by Meta Knight.) 
galacta knight is one of the heroes of yore who defeated and sealed void before the series started. people feared and demonized him because of his power, and it made him scared he might accidentally hurt innocent people as a result. he became a hermit and wondered how he could neutralize himself as a threat to the world, and ultimately decided the best choice was to seal himself away in a crystal. Whenever he is unsealed he is extremely upset (as he considers himself a living WMD who’s very presence presents an immediate danger to everyone around him), and fights whoever he believes unsealed him (as since they revived him, they must have known about him, and why else would anyone unseal the greatest warrior in the galaxy if they’re not gonna use him as a weapon/attack dog?) He eventually dies for good in ironically, his first appearance, at the very end of Meta Knightmare Ultra. When he is beaten by Meta Knight, he’s lost so much power and strength that he can finally let go, realizing that with warriors like Meta Knight around, not only is he no longer a danger, but he can rest easily knowing that the galaxy is in safe hands. Finally at peace, Galacta Knight dies, releasing an explosion on par with Nova’s. Due to the way time works, Galacta Knight is fated to survive everything that happens to him up until his very last fight with Meta Knight in Ultra. He has known that he would die in a duel to the death with a winged masked knight in the stars since the days of yore, and used to frequently exploit the law of Forgone Conclusion up until the sealing of Void. Post-Seal, he began to believe the vision he saw was symbolic rather than literal, believing that this masked knight likely represents the darkness within his heart, and that his “death” actually meant his inevitable snapping and descent into fallen heroism and wanton destruction. When he finally sees Meta Knight in Robobot, he does not actually recognize him until he’s been badly wounded, but still escapes, as they’re not in the right place yet. He is elated to realize that the vision of the future is not describing his fall, but his actual death. When MKU finally rolls around, Galacta is hopeful (which is likely why he doesn’t kill Nova like he did with SD), as he’s knows going to die, which means the universe will be safe. Knowing that this is his last dance, he pulls out all of the stops to give Meta Knight the greatest fight he can before he croaks. When the final blow is struck, he loses control of his wings and is flung around by muscle spasms, but is able to regain control long enough to relish in his defeat. Galacta Knight and Hyness are not the only currently living heroes of yore. Given that Gooey, a piece of Dark Matter who is very loving and friendly, is clearly able to not only receive love, but give it as well, I think that all Dark Matter is capable of it, except for Zero, and possibly Miracle Matter. (I’d be willing to give them a chance, though.) They are unable to tap into their positive emotions because of their loyalty to Zero. This has changed as of Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards and Kirby Star Allies. After Zero’s death in 64 and Void’s purification in Allies, all remaining Dark Matter is free to do as they please without Zero to tell them what to do. Most have disappeared, but four major members remain. Gooey, Void, Miracle Matter, and Dark Matter Swordsman. He was the first Dark Matter to realize that he cared about others when post DL3, he questioned why he was so adamant to fight Kirby and Gooey even when it could have easily resulted in his death. He ultimately came to the conclusion that it was because he genuinely cared about Zero, and his intense loyalty to him was a result of that. Until Void’s purification, DMS hung around Gooey frequently, as they’re really the only family he has left. After Void’s purification, he was elated to learn that Zero had effectively come back, but now able to give love as well as receive it. He’s a little sad Void doesn’t remember his time as Zero, and as such doesn’t remember him, but believes it’s for the best that Void is not burdened by his past mistakes. His relation to Miracle Matter is unknown.  Now that Void has been purified and DMS has embraced his positive emotions, they are no longer weak to the Love-Love stick or the Rainbow Sword. As such, the Love-Love Stick has been disassembled back into the heart stars and returned to their owners, and the Rainbow Sword is currently in the possession of DMS, having replaced his old sword. Similarly to all native Dream Landers becoming animate yarn outlines in Patch Land, all native Patch Landers become animate three-dimensional plushies in Dream Land. The bosses from Kirby’s Epic Yarn are still around. Even Yin-Yarn is still alive! (but Shhhh don’t tell anybody its a secret) They’re doing a lot better now that Yin-Yarn isn’t around/active to boss them around. Fangora- Mostly just vibes in Weird Woods. They’re a lot less hostile then they used to be, so give em’ a visit! They’d love to eat-er... Meet you! Squashini- Still performs magic. He uses a weird mix of stage magic and actual magic and occasionally performs in Dream Land. He’s especially popular on Halloween! Hot Wings- Continues to look after her chicks in Hot Land, although they’re adolescents at this point rather than babies. She’s cooled down in terms of intensity and has begun to warm up to visitors, but only really trusts Fluff and Kirby. In Dream Land, her fire is cloth, but still burns like real fire. She has occasionally been known to barbecue as of late, complete with a cheesy apron and cheesier jokes. This has made her popular in Patch Land but she mostly just cooks for friends or her kids. Most of the time they just forage. Calimari- Resents Double Bubble and the Fuzz for ruining his cap, and has made himself a new one. He continues to hoard treasure, and will pickpocket anyone who comes by him. He could theoretically make a fortune with his knitting skills, but is too lazy to do so. A really good way to piss him off is to tell him he looks like a potato. He will hurt you. Meta Knight and Dedede - Oh You Know Fluff once ate an entire bar of ZOTE he found in Kirby’s laundry room and no one noticed until it was too late
idk there’ll probably be more but i’m kinda tired rn. feel free to add or edit as you please. i’m bad at being consistent i think so help is greatly appreciated 
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fallenhunter851 · 4 years
Recorded Messages
I’ve recently completed the Daily Heroic Challenge where you find Cayde’s hidden caches. And all I want to say is: Thank you Bungie for bringing tears to my eyes for the first time since D2 came out.
Warnings: None
Cayde knew that he would die one day. He just wasn’t sure when or how.
Part of taking on the role of Hunter Vanguard.
No matter what, you ended up dead.
No memory wipes.
No revives.
No more Light.
Cayde wasn’t looking forward to that day.
Would it be painful or gentle? Would it be quick or slow? Would it be among friends and family or among his enemies?
He wasn’t sure, but he wanted to leave a message to those that would find his stashes… to his potential killers.
Cayde stared at the little voice recorder currently sitting on the small table in his living room. Hands curled under his chin, he let out a sigh and let his head hang a little. He knew he needed to do this, but... but this was a lot harder than he thought it would be.
Cayde decided to start with Eris Morn’s message. They were close enough to call each other friends and have each other’s back, both agreeing that a Hunter’s place wasn’t in the Tower, but out in the Wilds. But most of the time, the two didn’t really get along. Bickering on most occasions.
‘Children, the both of you.’ He remembers Ikora telling both of them one day before the fall of the Tower to Ghaul. Cayde let out a breathy chuckle and clicked the button on the side of the voice recorder.
“This one’s for Eris Morn. Ahem. If you’re listening to this, congrats on killing me! I assume you… became a Hive Death God and fed me to your worm cult.” Cayde paused what he was saying to let out a shudder at the mental image his mind created for him, before letting out a small breath and carrying on with the recording.
“That, or you just finally got sick of me. Coincidentally, if you didn’t kill me and still somehow hear this… I’m sorry for stealing your ship. And, oh, pretty much every other interaction we ever had. But to be clear- if you DID kill me, I do NOT apologise, and I will consider all my actions 100% justified.
Either way, feel free to put your rock on my maps now.
I don’t need’em anymore.”
One down. Nine to go.
“This one’s for that armless coward Taniks the Scarred. If you’re listening to this… you killed me. But I bet I took a big chunk out of your ugly husk with me.
Guess Andal Brask wasn’t enough for you, huh? You wanted another Hunter Vanguard for your sick collection? I got my fair share of regrets, sure… but not putting a bullet in you has gotta rank in the top three.
Won’t be long before a better Guardian than me puts you in your place.
Just wish I could be there to see it.” A sour taste was left in Cayde’s mouth at the mention of Taniks, but a more foul and upsetting taste was left after mentioning Andal’s name. He hadn’t talked about Andal in centuries, and the last person he did was living up near the Iron Temple, and he wasn’t coming down anytime soon.
Two down. Eight to go.
The first time Cayde had met The Drifter, it was a cold rainy day near the Annex, and he had just finished a round on the Tower when he had spotted him hiding in the shadows of a back alley. They didn’t talk, just nodded to each other and carried on with their days respectively. And something akin to mutual understanding began.
“This one’s for the fellow calls himself The Drifter. You did warn me running with you would put a target on my back. Guess I’m in good company though, huh? After all, never had any fun without a little risk. That’s the whole idea with the operation you’re putting together, ain’t it? MY idea by the way.
Had it, like, a million years ago, back when you were still handsome.” Cayde let out a small chuckle at that, and took a small sip of the water that he had next to the recorder. An Exo may never get a dry throat, but the feeling and sensation is there.
“So, uh, you’re welcome. You know, getting that up and running means coming out of hiding- giving you-know-who another shot at you. Hope I was around to see THAT showdown. Personally, my money was on the guy with the Golden Gun. But hey, what do I know? I’m dead.”
Three down. Seven to go.
“Petra… if you’re listening… you killed me. Maybe the Sovs, in all their mysterious wisdom, decided they were sick of me? If the Queen ordered the hit, I guess I understand. You’re a real glutton for chivalry. But if it was Uldren, I’m pissed. Just thinking about that peacock gives me a headache. But I’m betting my death was another case of your famous collateral damage. ‘Cause you’re a real do-gooder. Seriously, it’s annoying- but good deeds never go unpunished when you’re around. You just… You got a blast radius P.V. Well, it was… fun while it lasted.
Oh, and, uh, tell ‘Paladin Oran’: If the sun over Nessus escapes nebula cycle, evac labor after dawn, under solstice. You got that P.V.?”
Four down. Six to go.
Cayde grumbled at the thought of this message, but it needed to be recorded. So he took a deep breath, sighed, kept his voice low and even, then let a hardened gaze fall over his face.
“This one’s for the minds behind the Deep Stone Crypt. You think just ‘cause you made me, you can unmake me? Hey, I understand. I were you, I wouldn’t want people knowing what I did either. Guess you better hope I didn’t tell anyone about the Crypt. Or about the, uh, what was it? Oh yeah... Long Slow Whisper. ‘Cause if I did, that would be real bad for you, huh? I may be dead, but I guarantee you ain’t hear the last of me.”
Only five left.
“Here’s one for Suruya Hawthorne. You know, when I told my Ghost I’d be making one of these for you, she laughed. I didn’t have to tell you that. Just wanted to make you feel bad.
In my defense, if you’re listening to this, you did kill me. I mean, if it was a fair fight, mano a mano, I'd win, no question. But I can see you planning out some convoluted, meticulous trap. Some would call that Paranoia. Me? I call it ‘being a Hunter’.
So, here’s your next Hunter lesson: Looking after your own.
Speaking of which: Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of Colonel! Now, she only eats sesame seeds muesli and drinks purified spring water with a sprig of parsley. Play nice you two!” Cayde let out a fond chuckle at that, thinking of how attached he had gotten with the chicken the first time when he had gone to the Farm after leaving Nessus.
Four left.
Thinking of who to address this audio log to, Cayde looked around his apartment, taking in the small treasures that he had collected over the years. He felt himself getting slowly choked up as he neared the end of the logs for his hidden caches.
He had to make these last few more memorable.
“This one’s for any Hunter who kills me. Best guess: Marcus Ren? You realise you get my stuff now? ALL my stuff. INCLUDING the Hunter Vanguard gig. Yeah, congrat-u-lations, dummy. That’s what we call a Vanguard Dare. Sucks, doesn’t it? OK, brace yourself for some advice, hotshot.
One, know your people. Like, my Nessus Scout, Quantis Rhee. I like to call her about once a moon, else she gets a little too much Night, not enough Stalker, you know?” Cayde made a mental note to call Rhee after he had finished these logs. Thank her for everything she has done.
“Two, keep your weapons sharp. Your jobs’ to watch everyone’s back, which means no one’s watching yours but you. And three, start thinking about what you want to do for your successor’s Vanguard Dare. ‘Cause trust me, kid- this gig will kill ya.”
Three left. And Cayde knew that these three would be the absolute hardest messages he would ever have to record for anyone to hear.
“Hahaha! Ha! Sorry, sorry! I’m just… I’m imagining how awkward you must look right now. Ha. Ahem. Ahem! OK. Zavala. So, I’m dead. You killed me. My stuff is yours. No more working me over at Chess. No more getting worked over at poker. For real though, you know that if you needed to kill me for ‘the good of the City’ or whatever, I totally understand.
No hard feelings. Nada.
You can put this voice recording away and go on with your life.
Now, if you DID have some kind of lingering guilt or something… that would be rough. ‘Cause you and I both know you’d have me yapping in your ear for the rest of your days. You wouldn’t be able to help yourself.
Two left, He felt his resolve slipping.
“Hi Ikora. So you know I’m making a bunch of these, right? I probably told you. I always gotta have the last word, and I’m gonna be prepared for every possibility. But to tell the truth? This one’s the easiest to make.” Cayde had to take a pause and breathe out, he knew that this was a lie- but it was the only way to make it easier for himself to record these.
“So as long as we’re being honest, I could never tell if you really liked me that much. But, uh… well, if you did hate me, the feeling was NOT mutual. In fact- yeah, I’ll say it- don’t even mind if you killed me. I figure if we threw down… first off, no one can blame me for losing. And… I know you’d be in the right. So… thanks? I guess? You were a… a good friend. Better than a guy like me could hope for, anyway.
So yeah, thanks Ikora. For everything.”
One left.
Cayde couldn’t do it. Not tonight or any time soon for that matter. He broke down into tears. Sundance materialised next to him and allowed Cayde to pull her tight to his chest in any form of comfort as the night gave way to sunlight.
As Cayde walked over to his usual space, he saw Setara and Echo standing next to Amanda talking about Traveller knows what. Turning his walk into a jog, he sped over to the trio and pulled both Setara and Echo into a tight hug, burying himself between them as he whispered his blessings. Both Guardians were shocked by this and slowly wrapped their arms around their Vanguard, and when they questioned why Cayde was holding onto them like they would disappear when he let go, he simply shook his head and just held them tighter.
“This one’s for the strong, silent type. You. Congratulations, buddy.
I mean that. Always knew you’d outdo me some day. And if that means you had to do me in, too… eh, you saved my life on Nessus, so I owed it to you anyway.
Take care of the Ace of Spades, will ya? I’m not just talking about the maintenance; Banshee can help you with all that. I mean, take care of Ace. Use it well.
Oh, hey, and… if you found any of those papers from my earlier… eh… deployments? Burn ‘em. Don’t want people poking through the lives of Caydes 0 through 5.
So just... put it all behind you, OK?
Every story has an end.
This is mine.”
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