#and she like 'yeah i remember the cat he kicked died' and im like what
weirdcat1213 · 1 year
TRIMAX VOLUME ONE LETS GOOOOOO ....i didnt remember this was just 6 chapters...wow
chap 1:
-1st act of god you say...huh
-yeah who could believe that...thats insane....jaja
-ik this was written in the 90s but i still dont like eriks saying that, like wth man lina is right
-hey lina :3 missed you
-....i like the new glasses...
-"lina cover your eyes :]" oh :c
-"oh is eriks again" :c
-"stop. some legend that is" ow :c
-this is all just so sad cuz he rea;;y wanted to retire but he cant :c hes vash the stampede
-ww laughing at fake vash is the best xd
-also thats funny cuz yeah vash COULD shoot you in a matter of seconds but thats not what his name means and i really like that :3
chap 2:
-aw lina :c
-imagine going to the store and finding the silliest/most depressed wet cat in the universe ready for adoption
-ok but how did you (from the perspective of a stranger) figure that knives was a name? knives comes from knife, so if a random person read "knives" wouldn't they think about the utensil first?????
-vash: how do you know so much about this evil entity that is my brother?
ww: hehe, please
-ily lina theyre talking bs
-...im not ready for stampede eriks i will evaporate
chap 3:
-go get your vacation queen ily
-keele i will yeet you into the sun
-im never not going to be so fucking mad at HOW EASY THAT WAS BECAUSE THIS BASTARD MENTIONED MERYL LIKE IK YOU MISS YOUR DEAR FRIEND BUT OMG it just makes me sad
-wolfwood :3
-i like that :3 meryl just cant be an office person anymore when shes discover more of her world and people like vash. even if she almost died a lot of times, those were also the times when she was alive.
chap 4:
-ok but that panel with mostly shade is scary
-i also want to lift my whole self with my arm :D (she said even though just walking places makes him tired)
-ok but if he trained like that for 150 years no wonder he's the only pro gunman ever
-i like his face on that panel, he's amazed and proud that one of his siblings survived for that long
-vash knows why is it always like that and he understands it but god he wishes so hard for it to just fucking stop and it breaks my little heart
-hes literally just an anime girl saying "hi-mi-tsu :3" (im so sorry i will never say that again but I'm right)
-he remembers people and names after so many fucking years
-also those children probably have never met him but vash gives so much ragdoll energy that they went with it (ok never mind maybe they did but you get the idea)
-cmon brad :c why are you so mean to him :c
-all of this just backs up the SA interpretation and although it hurts my feelings....damn its just good writing. like not knowing what your own body can do and people taking advantage of that...makes me fucking sick (in a good and bad way i truly don't know how to explain it)
-noooooooooooooooooooooo :c every time someone calls/vash calls himself a monster this user loses 5 years of their life :D
-wolfwood sir your projection will make me want to eat my own arm
-"run away run away ">:b" i love him so much
chap 5:
-the chapters cant keep starting with flashbacks I'm gonna start WEEPING
-is geranium tea a thing? maybe vash would like geranium tea
-how dare you, my vash the stampede would never side with the cops, he's acab i know that in my heart
-THAT ONE PANEL MY BELOVED (the onle about looking without his eyes)
-hes so fucking done
-yey conflict time :3 boi oh boi
chap 6:
-oh the title placement on this one :3
-i dont think he will (or that he is) fine after all of this but sure
-such a loud chapter and vash is so quiet
-and again, there all judging, expecting to see what will vash do
-"what do you know about my pain" brb I'm gonna EAT SOME GLASS REAL QUICK
-its like....its like why, why make me suffer like this. its not even heavy stuff its just that everything hurts. his impulse and desire to help everyone, his reason why, how others see him while he tries and sometimes win while other times fails. it all hurts in a weird way.
-...legato why are you inside a fridge (i kinda forgot lol)
WHAT A VOLUME i need to lay down
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elle-chat · 2 years
#just found out that my cat fritz who unexplainably died when i was 9(in my arms after being sick and weak for days)#actually died because my dad kicked him across the apartment#i literally cannot with him(why am i just finding this out now)#i knew he kicked the cats cause i saw him do it to our other cat snowball(which i had thought resulted in us leaving)#like he is always telling me that 'your mom said i was kicking the cats but they lay on your feet if you get up you them'#i always wondered why he keeps trying to convince me when im the one who saw it(him kicking snowball)#mom and i were talking today and all these years i thought when we mentioned him kicking a cat i thought we were talking about the same one#and she like 'yeah i remember the cat he kicked died' and im like what#it was snowball tho? we had to give away him and leo when we left and fritz is the one who died#(fritz who died in my arms and was sick for days and would only eat cause i was crying who would sleep on my pillow and wheeze and wheeze)#wtf how come i nevwr knew this he was my little baby i thought he was just sick and we couldn't afford a vet#i honestly thought my opinion of him could drop no lower#i wish we were never forced to come back(i was against it but the other option was we would be taken away from our mom)#phew okay we have been vague planning another final leave for years and now that ill have a higher paying job we might be able to afford it#longest timeline jan 2024 or feb 2023 if everything goes perfectly phew phew okay okay got protect my little baby cats wtf he killed fritz
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mde1011 · 3 years
when i got into the dsmp i started a note and wrote down any quotes or moments i thought were funny, and im bored at 3 am so enjoy some of them
how is being arrested real? just walk away!!!”
⁃ “once an american always an american. go...go protests masks...or something”
⁃ “...yEAH BUT DID YOU HAVE WAP” “what’s...whats wap?” “...WORSHIP AND PRAYER”
⁃ “i’m naked” “...no you’re not” “i can be...”
⁃ “uhhhh i’m in a high stress situation....i deal with these poorly”
⁃ “i should go first i’m naked”
⁃ “what are you going to do?” “i...have no idea i think i’m gonna start out by punching a tree”
⁃ “tOmmy...did i just hear you say shit ass looking mofo?”
⁃ “i aM gOinG to gEt nAkeD to iNtiMidAtE HiM”
- “...i want freedom !” “you want BALLS.”
⁃ “...down the line. yeah that’s where we discover the art of cannibalism” “oh it’s an art?” “it’s an art”
⁃ “oh there’s some logs here. wonder what they’re saying to me. uh huh. uh huh. oh yeah that’s very racist” “tommy you gotta burn those logs.” “burn ‘em before they spread their racism to other logs”
⁃ “are you pooing?” “*whisper* i’m charging up-““ “he’s ejaculating on the tent.” “he’s WHAT?”
⁃ “he’s sPEEDING. LOOK HOW FAST HES GOING” “i’ve taken so many drugs. someone tell badboyhalo”
⁃ “we should make a pact. and that pact is, uh, we make a book...and in that book...we declare that saying ‘muffin’ is a, is a slur”
⁃ “i was thinking what if one day your bladder just,,,,stopped working.....AGGGFFFFF i was tHINKING ABOUT THAT THE OTHER DAY IVE GOT TO PREPARE IVE GOT YO PREPARE thisiswhydiapersaintthatbad”
⁃ <sapnap> i think i was ordered to um
<tommyinnit> boobed
<sapnap> kill you
<tommyinnit> boobs
<sapnap> if this happens
<tommyinnit> think about boobs man
<sapnap> tsk tsk tommy
<tommyinnit> iM DISGRUNTLED
⁃ “why is this deadman so good at making drugs”
⁃ “i just learnt that a girl hero is called a heroine and it freaked me out”
⁃ “memento memento me-“ “that’s actually the worst word i know so you can’t keep saying that” “oh, really.....? have you ever heard the term ‘racist’?”
⁃ “the person who invented the phrase ‘be yourself’ hadn’t met you!”
⁃ “you seem like the type of guy whose dad would throw him overboard as a joke but he would just drown”
⁃ “shout out to dream for twerking!”
⁃ “let’s talk......let’s talk about sex” “wonderful. what do you think about sex, lazarbeam?” “i ain’t saying SHIT in front of a sixteen year old”
⁃ “what the- i think i’m seeing things” “....tommy i told you not to drink the sea water” “well i DID drink the sea water because it TOLD ME TO”
⁃ “it’s like the movie when that guy gets stranded on an island and has sex with a coconut” “whAT?? dream- dream, you vastly misinterpreted this” “it one hundred percent does”
⁃ “oh mastICATE.....isn’t that when a fish turns inside out?”
⁃ “what are some bad words YOU know, clay?” “i don’t-“ “what about ‘terrorist’?”
⁃ “my mind has to be on the same frequency as jesus when he walked on water”
⁃ “you wanna know why i was late?” “no i really do-“ “i was having a MASSIVE poo. really just a HUGE poo”
⁃ “i love america. mmmmm patriotism
⁃ “please stop taking the cock”
⁃ “two four six eight who do we appreciate? not the government let’s gooooooo”
⁃ “yeahhhhh bitch i stab- i don’t stab women-“ “woooooooah tommy you stab women?” “heyyyy sapnap”
⁃ “do you know what happens whne you reach the top of the ladder? there’s only one place to go.” “.....side to side😨” “down.” “...i really thought you were gonna say side to side🥺”
⁃ “one last time.” “just like in hamilton😓”
⁃ “you don’t know how many times i’ve mistaken trees for hot women”
⁃ “ i don’t feel better i just destroyed penis”
⁃ “i’ve never seen a snail with bad morals”
⁃ “awwwwwwww😢 i’m doin’ drugs🤧 just like the good ol’ days😓” “.....define the ‘good old days’” “back when i did drugs”
⁃ “have you ever fought a baby? i have and it was trivially easy to defeat, phil.”
⁃ “the only other i egg i know about was the one i learnt about in school....not allowed to say which one....”
⁃ “did you know one of my new years resolutions is to be more like 2010 justin bieber?”
⁃ “apparently cats don’t lay eggs”
⁃ “thinking about trees- if i saw a tree with a beard mmmmmm...holy shit id hit it”
⁃ “we’re in hell dude. science doesn’t matter here”
⁃ “i cant die i cant die i’m GOD”
⁃ “hey pig your letter is the same as pussy, hmm?”
⁃ “are we cool are we COOL guys? CRYSTAL COOL like CRYSTAL METH”
⁃ “he- he’s crying because - because i killed his mother isn’t that right? mother dearest mother deadest mother gonest”
⁃ “bro ive been drinking since i was six and let me tell you...it’s not good to be drinking that young. led to some poor life decisions when i was 8” “what did you do” “i cant say” “...who did you hurt” “....only myself”
⁃ “je suis” “ay i know what that mean you prick” “what does it mean” “it means you’re racist dickhead”
⁃ “i’d never poo in the presence of a women- which is why i’m scared to get a girlfriend i think i’d just explode”
⁃ “biff tannen is one of my idols”
⁃ “black widow died and i thought ‘wow it should’ve been the man’ because he’s a man”
⁃ “there’s a character called captain america and i think he’s stupid”
⁃ “sam....what’s the longest you’ve ever wiped your arse? for me it’s 48 minutes”
⁃ “why are you standing in the shitter?” “....that’s a SINK” “uhhh welllll” “hAVE YOU SHAT IN THE SINK?????”
⁃ “you’re like a living ghost” “...i think that’s called a human, tubbo”
⁃ “maybe i accidentally kill ranboo and we just never see him again *laughs* ay? and then i go ‘april foooools!!!’ and then i kill their child. i kill him”
⁃ “you built a penis” “it’s a PENIS OF SAFETY”
⁃ “i saw the penis of safety and i pressed mouse button four my friend”
⁃ “the penis on the other side of the river is larger” “ive heard that before....”
⁃ “you’ve turned the penis into a wall” “a wall of safety is better than a penis of safety” “i think the penis was better”
⁃ “if you wanna make a penis i know where we can make a penis and i know how big we can make it”
⁃ “i don’t conceptualize death but i think i just saw it!”
⁃ “yeah i- yeah i know i’m- my first impression on eret was making him read a shrek fan fiction so- i’m not one for first impressions”
⁃ “i-i’m scared for him- i’m scared OF him. yknow the first thing he did when he saw me was imMEDIATELY strip down then jump off then immediately die?”
⁃ “where are you?” “getting stabbed, one second”
⁃ “you’ve seen the joker?” “yea-“ “i resonate a lot with that man” “...oH. oh. that’s- that’s not-“
⁃ “he bURNT DOWN MY HOUSE” “out of LOVE”
⁃ “ohhhh my god stop making me play with the neighbor kid” “o-okay if you don’t go play with him i’m kicking you out of the house-“ “wHAT THE FUCK???”
⁃ “there’s a STRIP CLUB” “oh yeah for wood!” “are you into strippers?” “i mean all it does is make the wood look different so....yeah it doesn’t really do much”
⁃ “no no we have categories, we have the poo-saster- you might have to take a shower after-“ “no, no i’m gonna stop you right there”
⁃ “as i was saying you can have a 1-to-3 wiper, that’s an A-tier poo, my friend”
⁃ “i want you to eat your sock”
⁃ “you know i’m a child- i’m a minor” “sO AM I DICKHEAD”
⁃ “everyone is calling you dresus” “yeah i am”
⁃ “ayyyy ayyyy los DROGAS LOS DROGAS” “no no big q- she’s thirteen- how does this happen with every 13 year old girl you meet?”
⁃ “my poo has muscles like i do”
⁃ “i cant hear the words among us without crying they’ll say there are aliens among us and in the back youll just hear me *choking noises*”
⁃ “tubbo...tubbo is like...tubbo is like mary” “.....did you just call me the Virgin Mary?”
⁃ “i’m just saying, have you ever seen me and jesus in the same room?”
⁃ “do you smoke sam” “all the time”
⁃ “i thought you were talking about the- the speeeeed drug”
⁃ “have you ever sold drugs to kids sam?” “......no”
⁃ “we can’t let the girlboss rule because she will gatekeepe my feelings” “that would not be good”
⁃ “you have obviously taken part in scientology-“ “i have not-“ “you’ve donated to tom cruises cult shit”
⁃ “....am i worse than david dobrik?” “are- are we worse than david dobrik?” “oh- oh god”
⁃ “he has broke one of the rules of the hit best seller ‘the bible’- this kind of looks like a cock”
⁃ “well i’ve moved now, KING”
⁃ “what is an angsty teen and am i one? because when i USED to hang out with my friends they use the word angst a lot”
⁃ “yeah yeah yeah i bench”
⁃ “sam i think i’m angsty i think i’m an angsty tik tok teen looking for a community to help me out”
⁃ “i don’t think you’ve followed the train of logic all the way-“ “there’s a TRAIN INVOLVED????????”
⁃ “i’m like the orange fucker from that animated rom com”
⁃ “i’m under the influence of big cock”
⁃ “it’s meeee big cock man”
⁃ “i cant look away” “sam please use your twitter alt for this” “he’s horny on maaaainnnnn” “and what’s wrong with that?” “.......”
⁃ “i’m gonna call you ‘cockity’ big cock” “sHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UP-“
⁃ “at least this guy doesn’t have a cock-“ “itS NOT A COCK” “horny on main jesus-“
⁃ “is that a cock” “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
⁃ “.....i wanna see the inside of it again do a split”
⁃ “okay sam-“ “tommy that guy wants your cock-“ “no- no he doesn’t sam”
⁃ “sam, sam and i need you to hear this....dont. act. up.” “i don’t act up-“ “you were acting up-“ “i-“ “you were caught in 8k.” “but- but we both agree it’s not a tie-“
⁃ “please don’t tell me to kill cockity i am overwhelmed”
⁃ “why is there an anus in my tie?”
⁃ “what are the legal implications of this?” “...i mean besides hell you’re good”
⁃ “whatre the legal implications?” “i mean usually that’s a no-no but today, today it’s fine” “yeahhh lets go murder his family”
⁃ “i’d be an antivax landlord”
⁃ “jesus never does drugs” “well- well you turned water into wine king and wine is alcohol”
⁃ “can you put on pants i can’t- i cant stop looking at it- sorry tommy i know you said-“ “yeah sam i know you tried-“
⁃ “you know i fuck with satan”
⁃ “i’m sorry jesus lucifer is just such a good man-“ “oh you- hold me BACK FROM THIS FUCKER HOLD ME BACK ILL SEND HIM TO HELL YOU LIKE HELL-“
⁃ “are you jesus or just a man who grew a beard and put on a suit?”
⁃ “even the guy with his cock out is telling you to stop-“ “oh jesus, and i mean jesus-“ “shUT THE FUCK UP MAN”
⁃ “the best best way to slander him is to stop his offspring; we need to kick him the balls.....no? not a good....? alright us four each take a ball-“
⁃ “......why did jesus give him four scrotums man🙁🙁”
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ssamie · 3 years
eleven. “get your girl!”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide
masterlist.     suicide freak!
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"was our sleepover fun, kenma-kun?" she chirped
"no. your place had suicidal traps and schemes littered all around" kenma sighed
she laughed at him as he continued to put on his shoes. kenma was forced to stay with her last night as per her request. and, of course, true to her word, they had loads of fun.
"it wasn't that bad" she pouted playfully
"there was a toaster in your bathtub, so i couldn't take a proper bath. and the only 'food' you have is a bottle of muriatic acid and candy" kenma deadpanned
"hey, i offered to feed you a full course meal!" she defended
"y-your body does not count!" kenma argued back. a faint pink hue was sploched on his cheeks as he refused to look at her.
"well whatever, let's go meet the others before we head out" she said. as the pair made their way to the agency's office, atsushi was already there along with kunikida. kenji was sleeping while ranpo was just munching on his snacks, like usual.
"good morning!" she chirped out in a la-di-da tone
"good morning, y/n-san" atsushi greeted back with a warm smile
"goomorwing" ranpo mumbled back, though it was muffled by the snacks in his mouth
"hehe, kunikida-kun~" she cooed out "were gonna head out now, kunikida-kun! we're borrowing your wallet for some pancakes on the way~"
kunikida clicked his tounge and stood up from his chair. he stomped over to her and snatched the wallet that somehow made its way into her hands. "no way in hell, you bandage-squandering-machine!" kunikida exclaimed
kenma simply stretched his arm out for her to fall onto as she dramatically screamed and stumbled back  "agh!" she exclaimed as she recoiled into an unamused kenma's chest
"n-nice nickname there, kunikida-kun" she let out a strained laugh "that stung... just a little"
"tch, if you got so much time wandering around then you might as well write a report about your capture by the port mafia" kunikida said
she chuckled lowly and spun around, only to be found sporting a serious and aloof expression "atsushi-kun." she called out
"yes?" atsushi perked up, his dual-toned eyes sparkling with determination
"write the report for me." she commanded in a serious tone
"hah?" atsushi huffed out
"well then, kenma-kun and i will be going! bye-bye~" she cooed as she waved them goodbye. kenma waved at them as they stepped out of the agency's office.
"oi! you better be back here after school, brat!" kunikida shouted. though his words were faint since they were already running off.
"well then, ready for school kenma?" she cooed
"no, i just wanna relax" kenma grumbled
"wasn't last night enough relaxation, pudding?" she mused with a sly smirk
"no, it wasn't" kenma shuddered "i told you i wasn't down to have ˢᵉˣ and yet-"
"oh, look at that! isn't that chuuya~" she cut him off with a playful grin "it seems he's not alone, akutagawa-kun is looking real tall compared to him" she hummed
by now kenma was just confused, frustrated and lowkey scared. "literally what?" he muttered "akutagawa..?" kenma muttered. "wait- isn't that the port mafia guy in the news?!" he whisper shouted
"he's still coughing up his lung like its no one's business" she chuckled as she waved her hand around "that boy really needs to invest in an inhaler or something.. or maybe some water will do.." she muttered to herself
kenma chose to ignore her as he simply tugged her arm and ran away towards the station. they scurried away all while trying not to be seen by the two men. "are you crazy?! weren't those the guys that took you?" kenma whisper shouted
"i remember you mentioning an akutagawa last night" he sighed "and not to mention that chuuya guy was there too."
"they're harmless" she reassured with a smile
"they're in the port mafia." kenma deadpanned "actually, can we please discuss the fact that you're affiliated with the mafia-"
"no." she said with a smile
"anyways, we should go.. nekomata-san said something about cleaning out the gym lockers"
kenma gaped at her as she started walking further, leaving him behind. all while sporting that goofy grin, acting as if she didn't just come across two mafiosos.
"fine, whatever.."
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"what happened to you yesterday , y/n-senpai?" lev asked with a small smile
"oh nothing, lev" she chuckled dismissively "i just had a psychic tell me that if i jumped into the river near the village, my death would be guaranteed." she hummed out with a nod “so i decided to try it out" she grinned
"woah!! so did it work?" lev asked back
"lev you fucking idiot" yaku sighed
kuroo watched them and laughed along, leaving lev to fend for himself as yaku kicked his back. kuroo nudged kenma with his elbow, smirking suggestively as he wiggles his brows
"what kuroo." kenma sighed "soo.. how'd it go with your lady? hm?" kuroo grinned teasingly
kenma flushed a bright pink and buried his face into the collars of his jacket, so only his eyes could be seen. "i-it was.. yeah-" he stammered
"oya oya~ what's this supposed to mean?" kuroo sneered
"it means kenma here is a real treat in be-" she was cut off as kenma slapped her with the mop "no!" kenma shrieked flusteredly "were going away now!" was the only thing he said before dragging the girl into the lockerooms
"WHAT THE HELLSNKAKAJA" the team laughed and hollered as kuroo burst out into his hyena cackle
"wow kenma! you could've killed me with that mop" she laughed "do it again!"
"stop teasing him guys, he'll get mad" kai sweatdropped as he tried to ease the team down
"yeah...so how's it feel to be one-upped by your best friend, mr.chemistry nerd?" yaku sneered as he held in his laughs
kuroo immediately stopped laughing as he sent yaku an unamused glare "HAH?! SHUT UP YOU GENETIC ANOMALY!" kuroo yelled at him
completely ignoring their loud voices, kenma and y/n arrived in the lockeroom and proceeded with the cleaning "i can't believe that just happened" kenma shook his head disappointingly
she chuckled and patted his back as they started cleaning out the lockers. "aww, don't be so down kenma-kun" she cooed
"i'll help you clean the lockers if that makes you feel better" she said as she hugged him from behind
"stop hugging me" kenma hissed at her "and that doesn't make me feel better because it's your job in the first place"
"anyways, look at lev's locker!" she said with an innocent whistle as she opened the locker.
"oya oya" she mumbled "lev is truly adorable.. but kind of.. strange, per say"
"what is it?" kenma asked. she snickered and pulled out an ungodly amount of cat food packed in tupperwares.
"what the hell." kenma sweat dropped "does he eat that or something?" kenma muttered while scrunching up his face
"i'd hope not, but let's leave this here" she chuckled "any ways.. how about checking out my locker?" she suggested with a smile as she skipped over to the locker in the furthest row
"aren't you curious to see what's in my locker, kenma-kun?" she cooed tauntingly
kenma sighed but followed her anyways "sure. part of me is, part of me isn't" he said
"here we go.." she paused dramatically as she pulled on the handle "tada!" she exclaimed as she slammed it open, presenting him a noose tied to a piece of wood which was stuck at the top.
"what the hell?!" kenma shrieked
"its a y/n-style suicide corner locker!" she announced excitedly
"i thought so, but that's creepy!" kenma exclaimed "not even the lockers are suicide-free"
"why?" kenma grumbled
"well you see, it's actually very convenient" she said "tip it over once you're done, and it instantly turns into a coffin!" she giggled menicingly
kenma sighed as he eyed her locker and her awfully enthusiastic grin. "please don't try to sell it to me like some time-saving product" he said
she then huffed out a breath of air and slyly smirked as she pushed the locker close "geez, im getting bored.. aren't you, kenma?" she said with an exaggerated sigh
"you show off your locker and now you're content?!" kenma scoffed in disbelief
she grinned mischievously and skipped away "why don't we ditch this place and go have some ramen?" she proposed
"we just got here like two hours ago" kenma said "and im pretty sure nekomata-san won't let us go just like that"
"aw, cmon! come with me, kenma-kun~ i wanna eat with you~" she whined out
"fine, fine" kenma groaned "just cover for me if i end up getting scolded"
"of course!" she beamed at him. she then threw away the unused cleaning supplies, confidently striding out the door, leaving the locker room as dirty as it was before
"oya oya~ did you have fun in there?" kuroo asked teasingly
"yup!" she replied "in fact, we had so much fun that we decided to expand our dopamine-inducing activities all the way into the ramen shop downtown!"
the team sweat dropped as she started shamelessly marching off to the gym's exit, dragging along kenma, who now had his nose buried in his game
"wait, y/n-san" nekomata stopped her. she froze mid step and slowly turned back around, sending the coach a nervous smile "yes?" she asked
"before you go, we need to discuss a few things for future tournaments" nekomata said "were gonna need some new tactics, so maybe you can suggest something?" he said
"hmm, i'll do some research later on" she hummed out
"but we're gonna be playing against fukurodani and nohebi then right?" shibayama chimed in "oooh~ i've never heard of this 'nohebi' you speak of" she cooed out in amusement
"i would've guessed" kuroo said "daisho's face would be enough to kill you, it's crazy!" he chuckled
y/n's eyes glimmered as she shook kenma's shoulders excitedly "seriously?!"
"no, and that was supposed to be a bad thing" kuroo chuckled, a fond smile resting on his lips as he watched her deflate at his words
"oh, i've got it!" she piped up "i know what we should do!" she smirked up at the team, her eyes basically sparkling as she looked at them as if she held all the answers in the world.
"let's just give up and die" she exclaimed
nekoma looked at her with blank smiles, nodding along as her confident smile never leaves her lips "let's not do that" nekomata butted in "instead, we need to practice more"
"so kenma, y/n.. since you two are going out anyways, go ahead and buy the team some snacks when you return"
while nodding enthusiastically, she practically bolted out of the gym, dragging kenma along by his collar like a cat
"y/n, let go of me" kenma grumbled as he struggled to play his game
she simply ignored him and took one of his hands anyway. she intertwined their fingers while she swings their arms back and forth
"i lost" kenma sighed in defeat as he pocketed his phone he looked down at their hands and smiled, letting her swing their arms around like a child while she sings some strange 'suicide song'
"are you sure you're supposed to be wandering around after what happened to you?" kenma asked "i mean, i didn't believe you at first about the mafia thing, but obviously you weren't lying.."
she chuckled and shook her head "oh please" she sneered "what do you expect is gonna happen? you really think they'd approach me in broad daylight-"
she cut herself off as she saw chuuya and akutagawa walking towards their direction
"nevermind. they are indeed approaching me in broad daylight"
kenma didn't react much, but his hand squeezed hers tighter and he ducked his head down in a way of hiding himself. y/n glanced worriedly at him before meeting eyes with chuuya
"kenma, is running from mafiosos perhaps listed in your bucket list?" she asked playfully
"no.. why-"
"well then cross that shit off because we're gonna need to run"
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"i wanna go back" kenma panted out "all this running isn't good for my teenager body" he whined
"we ran like three blocks, kenma" she laughed softly
"thats too much" he pouted
they finally arrived at their initial destination, the ramen shop which they planned to eat at. "im so tired" kenma muttered as he rested his head on the table. while, across from him, y/n was sat, playing with the ends of his faux blond hair while she waits for their food to arrive
"ma'am, sir, here's your food!" the waitress announced as she stands before them, holding a tray of two ramens
"thank you, belladonna~" y/n cooed at her, making the girl giggle
"damn. didn't know girls like her were your type" kenma commented as he loudly slurps at his noodles. he narrowed his eyes at her, grumbling to himself while y/n unbotherdly eats her food
"well, i like all women kenma-kun" she said "but she, especially, looked like someone to agree on a double suicide"
"what about men." he asked
"it depends" she shrugged "for example, you would probably never say yes to a double suicide proposal.."
"but i bear with it because you're cute <3"
"oh okay."
a wave of comfortable silence washed over them as they continued eating, with y/n blurting out jokes here and then
"kenma-kun.." she suddenly piped up, her tone was guarded, almost as if she was on edge "yes..?" kenma answered back hesitantly
"it seems there's something inevitable in my agenda" she sighed
"huh? what is it?" kenma asked worriedly
she then stood up and smiled sheepishly at him "i gotta go to the bathroom!" she exclaimed. kenma deadpanned, though he sighed in relief as he watched her make her way to the comfort room
just as he was about to pull out his phone, somebody had cleared their throat. well, it was more like coughing for half a minute straight, but let's not get into that.
"so it's you." akutagawa muttered in a low tone
"um.. can i help you.." kenma muttered back nervously
he gulped as he fiddled with his twitching hands. it was no mistaking that the man dressed in all black was akutagawa himself. he's made quite a name for himself after appearing in quite a few news articles and headlines.
"i don't get what y/n-san sees in you" akutagawa scoffed
kenma furrowed his brows but didn't say anything back. his glare alone was enough to leave him shaking in displeasure and anxiety. kenma could feel akutagawa's hatred, anger, and jealousy practically eating at him.
"tch. first that wretched tiger, and now you. as far as my respect goes for her, this is just sad." akutagawa said with a scowl "her standards in subordinates and companions have gone down the drain." akutagawa sighed
kenma took in a breath of air and opened his mouth to speak. "um.. are you-"
"dont speak to me, you pest" akutagawa snarled at him "your existence is not only a disgrace to society, but your presence around me is displeasing and disgusts me to the core."
kenma didn't speak after that. why would he? this actual criminal just called him a pest and a disgrace, after all.
in all honesty, all kenma could think about was:
'what is with that vocabulary?'
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"oh my, couldn't you tell this was the ladies bathroom?" she chuckled as she made eye contact with chuuya through the mirror "or were you too short to see the sign?" she teased
chuuya scoffed and locked the bathroom doors, making sure no one was inside and that no one could enter.
"what do you want, chuuya?" she asked, her bubbly smile dropping as she leaned back against the sink
"isn't it obvious?" chuuya replied
"no not really" she shrugged, laughing under her breath as she eyes him suggestively "is it because you wanna make out? go for a quickie? or-"
"SHUT UP! as if i'd wanna do that with you!" chuuya yelled at her
"oh please, you act as if i'd want to as well" she scoffed "the only thing i actually like about you is maybe your taste in shoes" she hummed
chuuya blinked dumbfoundedly at her words, as he looked down to inspect his shoes. "you think?" he muttered quietly
"just kidding, ofcourse" she sneered
"you-!" chuuya yelled in aggravation as he went in to kick her head, but sadly missed as she ducked down
"give it up" she sighed "just tell me what you want and let's leave each other be" she said
chuuya clicked his tongue and pulled out a back envelope sealed with wax. "boss wants to give you this." he said, handing her the envelope "said something about claiming back your place as executive"
she smiled in amusement as she inspected the paper. "is that so.." she trailed off. she turned around to turn the tap on, letting the water run as she placed the envelope under it, letting it soak and slowly break away.
"well, tell mori-san that i appreciate the welcoming invitation, but i'd have to say no" she said
chuuya's eye twitched at her answer, feeling himself feel dissatisfied and angered. "tch, what the hell, asshole?" chuuya exclaimed as he grabbed her by the collar of her nekoma uniform
"oya? is something wrong, chuuya?" she asked calmly
"why won't you come back?! you're gonna waste your damn life rotting away in that agency!" he exclaimed with gritted teeth "you'll have everything back in the mafia! why won't you come back!"
"we can be partners again!"
she didn't answer, but simply stood still, letting him crumple her shirt in his balled fists as he let out ragged breaths. the sound of the still running water filled the air.
she sighed and pried his hands off of her, turning around to turn off the faucet before facing him once again. "i joined the agency in accordance to a dear friend's advice." she said "i was told i'd find a my reason to keep living, and more so the path to clear my mind of evil and good."
"being with you again would most definitely be wonderful"
chuuya looked up at her, his throat drying up as he watched her take off a small golden star pin from her school tie. he didn't stop her as she started placing it on his coat. nor did he stop her when she placed a small kiss on the back of his hand.
"but maybe in another life, we could be partners once more" she chuckled
"that pin suits you" she said "it matches with your hair. keep it on, alright?"
it was all she said before walking off, opening the door and closing it behind her, leaving him alone with the faint sounds of dripping water. chuuya looked in the mirror, fiddling with the pin with his hands.
"tch. another life, my ass" he scowled, wiping off the tears that brimmed his eyes
"why the hell do i have to wait that long?"
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as she stepped out of the comfort room, she walked back to the table she and kenma were sitting at, only to find him literally itching to run off. as kenma made eye contact with her, he immediately grabbed her arm and pulled her out the door
"woah woah! calm your horses, pudding" she chuckled "what's wrong?"
"what's wrong is the fact that akutagawa came up to me and literally started degrading and insulting me???" he exclaimed
"what?" she asked with furrowed brows
"he was badmouthing me with really deep words and insults! like, i didn't even know what some of the words meant.." kenma grumbled "im so glad he left after like five minutes"
"also, what took you so long?" kenma asked her "i got caught up in a conversation with an old friend, that's all" she answered nonchalantly
"right.." kenma nodded, though he wasn't convinced. he took notice of her crinkled shirt and collar, as well as the lone pin that she always wears, which was now missing.
"y/n? can we just go back please?" kenma pleaded
"of course, kenma" she said with a smile "im sorry you had to deal with akutagawa-kun"
"its fine.. i just wanna go back" he said in a dismissive tone
the walk back to nekoma was quiet. they had stopped by a nearby gas station for some snacks to give to the boys, but other than that, no one really talked.
"im gonna ask kuroo something" kenma said before he walked off
she simply nodded with a raised brow as she watched the pudding head march up to his best friend
"y/n-senpai!" inouka called for her. shaking her head, she disregarded kenma and rushed over to the first years.
"kuroo, i need advice." kenma blurted out "oya oya? what kind of advice?" kuroo asked back
"the y/n kind" kenma groaned
"we went out to eat but at some point she went to the bathroom.." kenma started
"i asked her why she took so long, and she told me she talked to a friend. but im pretty sure it's that chuuya person"
kuroo crossed his arms as he looked at his friend questioningly "what makes you say that?" he asked
"we ran into him for a quick moment, then i saw the guy with him at the ramen shop" kenma answered vaguely
"well.. i dunno much about what happened but.." kuroo trailed off "i think theres really only one thing you could do" the bedhead captain said
"and that is?"
"confess your feelings, duh!" kuroo whisper shouted
"i-i don't have feelings for her!" kenma whisper shouted back
"you did not just say that, oh my fucking god" kuroo groaned out in aggravation "you're literally asking me for love advice because you got jealous over an old acquaintance of hers" kuroo deadpanned
"i never said i was jealous.." kenma muttered sheepishly "you don't need to say it, i could already tell" kuroo laughed at him "but seriously, kenma.." kuroo mused, a huge grin creeping up onto his lips as he slapped his hand on kenma's back
"go get your girl!"
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
For a writing prompt, Indruck post apocalyptic au (preferably everyone is human?) Indrid is infected by some sort of alien parasite, and the only way they can save him is to cut it out of him without anesthesia? Feel free to be as graphic as you want, but if it’s too whumpy for you, no pressure to write it! Thanks as always!
Here you go! It’s mid-level graphic: if it were a movie, you wouldn’t be seeing guts everywhere, but you would see the wounds. Also, content warning for body horror, namely the kind where a fungus takes over your body, and referenced suicide (no suicide actually occurs, don’t worry)
He should have seen it coming.
The tell-tale dampness and smell in the air, like battery acid and rotten milk, the fact that he’d made it the whole trip without seeing any Mycilioptera (that was, according to Joseph, the scientific term for the for the cat-sized, skittering alien creatures looking for someone to sting).
The creature was on him with a droning, high whine, scratching his face, smearing stinging mucus across his eyes and mouth. He made a rookie error, following his instinct to rip off the the substance dulling his senses, rather than feel sweep his arms over his body, locate the creature, and hurl it as far away as he could.
When the stinger hit his stomach, he screamed. The noise was useless; this quadrant of the city was abandoned months ago. He collapsed to the ground, clutching his sides as the pain seeps through them. His eyes cleared enough that he forced his fingers to work, grip the handle of his hatchet, and cleave it with a crunch.
Now, clutching the steering wheel of the Winnebago (in this world you do not need a fast car; you need something with thick sides and room for supplies and friends), he knows there are only two ways this can go.
If he is lucky, the parasite will be slow acting enough and he will stay lucid enough to reach the ranch in time for someone to remove it.
If he is unlucky, he will run out of time, and the parasite will take control of his body, manipulate him zombie-like to an advantageous location, and burst from his chest, mouth, and eyes in milky-white stalks, sending spores into the air, which will either grow in to adults or be inhaled by any other humans in a two mile radius, subjecting them to a prolonged version of Indrid’s fate.
He leans on the gas pedal, hurtling down the empty backroad. They found an abandoned, un-pilfered gas station and filled all the vehicles, with some left over for scouting and supply runs. And, if it came to it, an escape.
From the passenger seat, his backpack meows. A familiar black and brown head pokes out, the ratty collar still reading “Winnie.” Winnie, the reason he ran into that abandoned parking garage during a salvage mission in the first place.
Because she’s Duck’s cat, the one he thought he’d never see again after she fled out the door when the city evacuated. And Indrid loves Duck Newton more than anything in the world.
They’d been friends before everything went to hell, inching towards a confession of deeper feeling and Indrid still remembers the way his heart felt when he spotted Duck at the evac staging shelter. He hadn't even opened his mouth when Duck was hugging him, holding him tight and saying he was so fucking glad he was okay.
When three, then five, then ten infected humans burst in the evac center, Duck had Indrid’s hand they were running before almost anyone else knew what was happening, bandanas over their mouths because Josephs last message before the cell towers were overloaded was to keep their noses and mouths covered.
They made it, against all odds, out into the countryside, Thacker’s Quonset hut and Mama’s farmhouse as safe as they’d hoped. The others trickled in one by one or two by two; sometimes bringing other survivors with them. Other survivors found them later, though the humans they saw became fewer and fewer with each day.
Mama took in everyone who wasn’t infected, while Joseph, Dani, Duck and Thacker operated and sewed up the infected who could be saved (if removed before it takes over the host, the parasite will die when exposed to air). Those who could not were given choices; most chose a swift death, especially when they learned that dying before the parasites emerged would kill the alien inside them.
And every night, Indrid and Duck shared a small bed, clinging to each other and telling jokes or stories until they could sleep. Two months in, Duck kissed him in the dark and Indrid kissed back, and when Duck asked if it was only the end of the world driving Indrid’s affection, Indrid shook his head
“I’ve wanted this for awhile. And I don’t know what’s coming. All I know is I want to be with you when it does.”
At the front of the Winnebago Indrid wipes his eyes; what a foolish thing to say. He doesn’t want Duck here for this, that’s for damn sure, and yet he drives towards him anyway,
He’s feverish, sweat running down his face and arms shaking, and while his veins are still blue, he can see the parasite rippling under his skin; it’s not wasting any time.
He’s not going to make it. And if he tries, he’ll put all his friends in danger
There’s no choice but to pull to the side of the road a few miles from the farm and step from the trailer, leaving the door ajar so Winnie can escape into the wild. He’s crying all the while, breath coming in shaky gasps; just because he’s doing the right thing doesn’t mean he isn’t miserable and terrified.
Indrid pulls out his pistol. He won’t be an incubator, he won’t spread this, he won’t help the things that took so much of his world from him.
He won’t ever see Duck again.
He sobs, once, then wretches as the fever grows and his vision goes spotty. He has to do this, even though every time he looks at the weapon his whole body shakes with fear.
Duck’s voice, just audible over the thrum of an engine. Then tires screech into view, Aubrey piloting a jeep. Duck jumps to the ground before she’s even stopped.
“‘Drid, don’t you fuckin dare-”
“Nono, stay back!” He scrambles on his hands and heels, slamming into the side of the trailer, “I got stung, I already have a fever, I can feel it moving-”
Duck drops to his knees, lifting Indrid’s glasses.
“Your eyes are still brown. It ain’t too late.”
“But the veins near the wound are going white” Joseph stands behind Duck, “we won’t be able to get him back in time.”
“Th-that’s why I pulled over, I, I can’t get the rest of you infected, please, please just go-”
“You got the field kit?”
Aubrey tosses it to Duck.
“We can still save you, sugar. And I’m sure as hell gonna fuckin try.”
Duck and Joseph haul him to his feet and carry him inside, laying him on his back on the table. Aubrey follows him, sitting down on one bench and taking his hand.
“We got no anesthetic, so this is gonna hurt like a motherfucker, but you can do it. Okay?”
Indrid nods weakly.
“We’re gonna get you through this. You’re” fear flickers across Duck’s face, “you’re gonna be okay.”
Aubrey braces Indrid’s upper body, Joseph his lower, as Duck cleans around the puncture in his stomach and sterilizes his tools. Aubrey holds up a hand,
“We need something for your mouth, right?”
“Good call” Duck retrieves a wooden spoon from a drawer, setting it between Indrid’s teeth.
“Okay” Duck takes a deep breath, meets Indrids eyes, “okay. I’m gonna start cuttin. Ready?”
Indrid just manages a thumbs up.
It hurts, because a blade cutting into your skin will always hurt. And because it hurts Indrid screams.
“That’s good” Joseph is trying to sound reassuring, but even he looks worried, “scream if you need to, research suggests it helps with the pain.”
“It’s not too deep, thank fuckin christ.”
Indrid stares at the ceiling and yells when Duck widens the incision.
“Almost can see ‘im. Yeah, there, he’s startin to shrivel already from the air.”
Relief mingles with the pain in his tears. Aubrey pets his head, “you’re gonna be okay, see?”
“C’mere you, you fuckin monster, you fuckin think you can take him from me” Duck hisses, then says gruffly, “Joe, need you to hold it open, go wash your hands.”
Once Joe is in position, there’s a horrible, wet sound as Duck places his hand inside.
Searing, blinding pain as he pulls the parasite free, Indrid’s blood running down Duck’s arms. He bites the wooden handle and it cracks. The creature wrinkles and dies in Duck’s hands and he hurls it outside.
“Shit, shit you’re bleeding a lot. Okay, fuck, okay, that was the hard part, this is just stitches. Just stitches.”
Indrid whimpers, clinging to Aubrey’s hand and scraping his nails against the formica table. Duck hits too deep on a stitch and Indrid winces and cries as his boyfriend curses.
“Here, Duck, trade with me.” Joe holds out his hand and Duck passes him the needle. The shorter man settles by Indrid, taking his other hand. He’s still bloodstained, and Indrid can feel him shaking, but he brings Indrid’s knuckles to his mouth and kisses his knuckles again and again.
“I’m here, darlin, I’m here, I got you, it’s almost over.”
Indrid focuses on his voice, pretends they’re in bed together, counts the kisses on his hand and wrist while the pain fades to the background. Dimly, around kiss number thirty-five, he hears Joseph sigh in relief.
Indrid curls up under the covers, clothes sticking to him with sweat and his stomach throbbing with pain.
“Easy, sugar, easy” Duck sits up from a makeshift bed on the floor, “here, lemme get you some painkillers.” He comes back with a glass of water and two white pills. Indrid swallows them, lets Duck help him from his shirt and wipe the sweat away with a cloth.
“How did you know to come look for me?”
“Just had a feelin. I kept lookin out at the road, saw the ‘Bago weavin, goin a million miles an hour, and just knew somethin was wrong.”
“Thank you. For coming for me.”
“I always will. Thanks for not deckin me or kickin me while I was workin on you.”
“Duck you saved my life, kicking would be rather rude.”
It’s a weak goof, but Duck smiles and kisses him.
“Oh, uh, here, someone else wants to say thanks.”
“Mraoow?” Winnie stares at him from Duck’s arms.
“We scared her burstin into the trailer. Poked her head out right after you passed out. So you, uh, missed me bawlin like a baby seein her again.”
“Awwww” Indrid rests his head on Duck’s shoulder, ruffling Winnie’s fluff.
“I mean, that and it hit me how close I came to losin you. Poor Aubrey was tryin to comfort me in the Jeep while Joe drove you back here in the ’Bago.”
Indrid strokes his cheek. He understands; the thought of never seeing Duck again was the worst thing to happen to him all day, sting included.
“Come to bed?”
“You sure? Might not be too comfortable.”
“I want to be held by you. I want to remember we’re both still here.”
Duck joins him under the blanket, Winnie curling up on their feet.
“Yeah, yeah we are. And I love you so goddamn much.”
“I love you too. And I promise to cut a parasite out of you if the need arises.”
“God I fuckin hope not.”
“Me too. There were...fewer of them this time. I think they may be dwindling.”
“Fingers crossed. But even if we got a long ways to go towards rebuildin a world, I still got you, and you still got me. And that’s worth a whole hell of a lot.”
Indrid kisses him, inhaling the smell of clean skin and scratching his cheek against Duck’s stubble.
“You’re right, my love. It is.”
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1967sydger · 3 years
I present you the pink floyd universe
alright alright this is gonna be weird to explain but oh well
so basically i had the genius idea to make a pink floyd universe, yknow  with characters and shit. Let me explain the main premise. this takes place from 1967 to 1983 and its basically 6 main characters working in a record shop called turntable dream. Every album is considered one year (besides the wall which i count as 2 years because that bitch is one and a half hours long) and every song with a “name” in it is a character. Let me like elaborate the main characters are called Emily, Julia, Alan, Pink (not a song but hes like the main character in the wall), Matilda and Eugene. I’ll leave a playlist with all the characters songs at the end of this post!
Character descriptions:
Alan: Alan is a 27 year old depressed man. He lives by himself and constantly talks to himself (mainly sarcastically) and often seems to talk to his cat. His little brother Eugene lives an apartment next to him so technically Alan is never alone. Eugene likes putting acid in his older brothers tea so Alan occasionally trips out on psychedelics. He hates working at the record store and constantly dreads every day of his existence. Hes a loveless loser and hes okay with that. (oh yeah he also has a huge crush on Julia) 
Pink: literally just the wall. Pink is like the hopeless romantic and constantly talks about how his girlfriend never talks to him and how much he hates love and all that. Pink also partially lives by himself, since his girlfriend is never home, and he finds comfort in depressing Russian doomer music. He enjoys working at the record store mainly because of Matilda, who’s their manager. He also loves making weird gifts for all his friends (stuff like necklaces and weird paintings). Hes also like besties with Alan and they just take walks at 4 am together.
Eugene: Hes 5 years younger than his older brother and is the definition of “pain in the ass”. He constantly pulls pranks on his coworkers and older brother and he always gets away with it because “I’m just a widdle boy uwu”. He has a girlfriend who likes putting make up on him and dressing him up. His work ethic is as non existent as his financial stability, he just sits behind the counter reading newspaper and looking at pictures of David Bowie. Hes also mildly psychotic.
Emily:  Emily is like, borderline sociopathic. Her mum never paid much attention to her while her older brother, pink, got all the fame and attention he wanted. She always heard him talk about wanting to be a rockstar so she started doing the same but people kept telling her "girls cant be rockstars". She hates pinks guts and tried to kill him at least three times. When Matilda put her in charge of the record store for a month Emily finally had the power that she longed for such a long time. She usually yells at pink or Eugene and likes to kick Alan in the shins. The only person that shes nice to is Julia, and well occasionally Matilda or Alan. Shes meds that make her a stoic emotionless shell of a human. Pink tries stopping Emily with her antics but he gives up and joins her sometimes.
Matilda: so Matilda is their manager. Shes a 40 year old widowed woman, her son and husband both died in a tragic car accident and she constantly visits them at the graveyard. She loves children dearly, but she cant have any (due to her age and her mentality of "i still love my son and husband"). Matilda calls Alan and pink "her boys" and always makes them tea. Every time pink isn't feeling well she comes over with home made food and some fun crossword puzzles which pink doesn't like but he enjoys Matilda company. She also watches out for Alan and always tries to find him a nice young lady or maybe a young lad to date, Alan of course appreciates the help and always tries to be nice. Of course Matilda also loves "her girls" and sometimes does their make up or goes shopping with them. Or maybe they bake together. The record store belonged to her husband so she always tries to keep it running and tries her best to make every customer happy.
Julia: literal gold. Shes that cheery person who constantly talks about butterflies. She adores hats and big bead necklaces, she is like your stereotypical 60s hippie. She loves playing around with make up and her and Alan usually take walks through the park which end up in them chasing each other and laughing while lying in the grass. She considers Emily like her little sister and constantly tries to teach her that "no Emily you cant just command people around, that makes you Hitler" and oh yeah she has an Irish accent.
So thats all the characters, im probably going to add some more since this is still a work in progress. Also as soon as i can i’ll try posting my drawings of what they would look like. Im also going to start writing all the stories soon!!
heres the playlist: (i also might add specific playlists for every character)
also i didnt add a song for pink mainly because its just t h e w  a l l.
Remember this is still a work in progress but i really hope some of you enjoy it so far!
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krazyyy · 4 years
OC Interview
Thought I would give this a shot, im tagging @vaniri​ and @cootschapel​ but of course u dont have to lol.
Just as a sidenote, Theo hadn't confessed his love to Sylvia yet.
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Name: Theo Elliot
Are you single: Uh, yeah... Are you happy: Yeah, I suppose so. Are you angry: Nah, dont got a reason ta be. Are your parents still married: Nah, my Pa died a while ago when I was about 19. Aint too sure what happened ta my Ma though...
Nine Facts
Birthplace: Just outside Strawberry. Hair color: Dark Brown Eye color: Hazel Birth date: Dont uh exactly remember it... (He is 29 tho) Mood: Bit tired from workin' but I'm doin' alright. Gender: Male Summer or winter: Think I prefer the Summer, I like bein' outside. Morning or afternoon: Afternoon, its bout the time I leave work so its nice ta relax afterwards.
Eight things about your love life
Are you in love: Uh... I aint sure... Do you believe in love at first sight: Sometimes... Who ended your last relationship: She did. Have you ever broken someones heart: Nah. Are you afraid of commitment: Nah, not at all. Have you hugged someone in the last week: Yeah, my uh good friend Sylvia... Have you ever had a secret admirer: Dont think so... Have you ever broken your own heart: Yeah...
Six Choices
Love or Lust: Love. Cats or Dogs: Cats, just cause I got this cat whose been followin' me around a lot and sometimes she comes over and hangs out 'round my cabin. Decided ta name her Maria. A few Best friends or Regular Friends: Uh both. Wild night out or romantic night in: *A heavy blush colors his cheeks* Uh, I would have ta say a romantic night... Day or night: Day, I enjoy bein' out in the sun tendin' ta the house or just widdlin'.
Five Have You Evers
Been caught sneaking out: Nah, aint somethin' I felt I needed ta do when I was young. Fallen Down/Up the Stairs: Think so. Wanted someone/something so badly it hurt: Yeah... Wanted to disappear: Nah.
Four preferences
Smile or eyes: A kind smile. Shorter or taller: Aint really got a preference there. Intelligence or Attraction: Both. Do you and your family get along: Uh, well when my Pa was alive we got on alright but he was always kinda distant from me... but I remember gettin' along the best with my Ma, she always used ta make me laugh a lot when I was upset. I really do miss her, hope I can see her again one day... Would you say you have a messed up life: Don't think so. Have you ever ran away from home: Nah. Have you ever got kicked out: Been kicked out of a saloon, but thats only cause I was drunk. Aint too proud of what happened though...
Do you secretly hate one of your friends: Not at all. Do you consider all of your friends good friends: Yeah, been with me through thick n' thin. Who is your best friend: Uh Sylvia. Who knows everything about you: Sylvia does, only person I ever tell anythin' to.
Sylvia will be up next :)
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Bio! Dad Strange Part 9
Jason returns, may be a 2 parter to cover tim getting kidnapped and the aftermath. Will let you know at the end. We are getting to Marinette dealing with Ladybugging soon.
Marinette wasnt sure what to think this year. She met The Barry Allen last year. She also figured out 2 heroes pre-flash revelation and two more after—in her defense Hero Stalker’s old theory on The first Robin did Batman in. it is not her fault 5 founding members have the multiple-persona game of a booger.
She was also Tetch (Mad Hatter. Doesnt deserve the name) and Mr. J’s, Jerimah’s, last victim before they died. Then some idiots revived Jerimah. She hates his cult a lot, okay.
Everyone was on high alert and trying to keep her inside. The thing is, she hates being inside. She’s inside for designing, sure. Research? She’ll live.
But 24/7 inside time?
Never a good combo with her.
Rose’s plants may be snitches, but they seemed to agree on the over coddling. She’s ten, can break phones by tapping them, and is defiantely more off her stickers than on at the moment.
The one on her was uring her into some alleyway. If she was reading the movement pattern right, a gang fight.
Lovely, she usually did these with some sort of supervision but they were all being rude and she needed time outside.
She checked her belt, a few pairs of ball weights tied together with one chain each to make bolas clipped to back. She has a taser in hand, and a few rubber bullet loaded gun on one hip and a stun gun her size in the other. She had a packet of zipties and rope up each sleeve. Easy to giftwrap and humiliate bad people, like Batman does.
She blinked once when she saw—new player? In a bright red full face helmet that looks horrible. And he’s holding that gun make all wrong to max out usage. Ugh, amatuers.
Some part of her groaned about a potential run-in with Batman and his new Robin—she was pissed about Tim not telling her still—and decided this was as good an anger management as any. New vigilante, maybe the sirens would help him find a team.
She snuck up behind a few members, quick to grab the guns and move them out of reach. No need to give anyone playing possum an easy out, right—she saw a mix of her people in with the gang. She needed to teip this guy up before he hurt the RKC street kids and honoraries tangled up in this.
“Hey helmet, if you’re gonna shoot them you’re holding the gun wrong.”
Helmet turned to see her. She didnt grab her usual harley-knock off outfit for helping today. She wanted to be Pixie Pop for a bit. And if the Rogues forgot that she’s Pixie well, better for her, right? Pixie just wore her hair like Tinkerbell and wore a bit of green.
The guy he was aiming at made to run.
Marinette grabbed a makeshift bolas and threw it at his knees. She recognized him from one of the RKC hit lists—human trafficker. He fell with them wrapped around tight and defiantely injured bith his knees with how the weights hit him.
“I, Pixie Pop?” Weird, no one had seen her as Pixie in two years. How’d he know it was her?
“Yeah. Havent been around much lately.” She threw another bola at another guy. “You new?”
“Talk after i kill these guys.”
Marinette rolled her eyes, because really?
She threw a knife to screw his aim into non-lethal on one guy. “Kick their ass first, some RKC are in here.”
Helmet oddly did as she said, switching from guns to—is that. A. Sword?
She twisted to punch the guy sneaking up on her. Helmet threw a sword and landed it in his shoulder.
“Holy shot you’re really here this time.”
“Did you get hit with feargas as a baby or something?” Her partner being prone to dellusions and good with weapons was a bad thing.
“Just came back from the dead is all.”
marinette hit the guy going for helmet with her stun gun.
“That’ll do it!”
Helmet turned to one of the guys, gun at the ready. She had a feeling Helmet needed a lot of help, or else one of Rose’s agents would be down.
“If you know about pixies, you should know she got an upgrade to having some trust dust.”
Marinette walked over to the guy, letting her tracker plant take a look. The flower bloomed and he got a face full of ‘filter-less pollen’ that’s as close to a truth serum as Rose could make. After all, people can turn sides.
“Truth pollen?” Helmet was staring at her closely.
“Yep.” Marinette turned to her victim. “Are you helping the traffickers?”
“Does infiltration and killing them count as helping?”
Helmet stared at them then.
“Which team?”
“HKT ma’am. How did you get rose to give you one of those?”
“Think for a minute who she gives these to.”
“Comanding officers of the the RKC reconn and interigation but there’s only 15 and i met them all when i joined in the fall.”
“Im the summer help when theyre not puppy gaurding. Now, i have to do zipties on the traffickers, think you can help?”
“I lost coordination from the pollen.”
“Of course you did.”
Marinette turned to see Helmet staring at her. Like she should be dead, not the new revival guy.
“Good enough.”
“I thought only Poison Ivy could do things like that.”
“I have a badass team, well, when they aren’t going overboard. One week kidnapped and suddenly im made of glass.”
“Pixie you are what, ten?”
“So? Two of my best friends went missing becuase no one stepped up, one of them resurfaced as an idiot a year later but still.”
Helmet stopped then. “Two?”
“Hero stalker went after our big brother vanished.. he came back as an idiot.”
Helmet paused. “Hey, you check the others and i’ll help you drop off the good ones at a doctor or something.”
“Zipties are at the ready. Mind doing your share?”
Helmet did as she asked, working with her until all was squared away.
“Okay, my tracker gave off a signal to the RKC to gather our guys here, and—why are bleeding?”
Helmet looked up at her then. “I am?”
“... you’re coming with me since i dont know if you need a transfusion, but i know a guy who can help.”
“I’m driving.”
“On what?”
Marinette let him walk her to it, and she got on first. He ‘drove’ them while the plant told her when to turn. They ended up at her dad’s clinic as ‘Mr. Smith’. He was so grounding her.
“Smith, i need help,” she tried.
Her dad came out and paled when he saw her carrying Helmet. Before he passed out he let her take it off. “Red hoodie... oh god he said he was revived.”
Her father worked out the blood bags while she checked the wound, bullet still in there. She got it out with tweezers. No major damage to the muscles and shit. How many scars did he have? Pre or post revival?
When he came to she turned to her father and said one thing.
“So this is my new brother. Dont try to get out of it, he kept me alive when i was comstantly pixie, and you said if he was in a bad place then you’d take him in, no questions asked.”
Strange sighed, nodded, and went back to fixing Helmet up.
The next day he was forced moved into an extra room by hers. Somehow there was already clothes his size and style in it.
“Im determined and my honorary aunt is a cat burglar.”
Helmet hugged her.
“So for the documents, what do you want to go by?”
Helmet said he didnt want it to be obvious, given who he was before.
“Its not like you were robin.”
“I was.”
“.... i know two robins now, pre-robining. What is my life?”
“ you are ten, calm down. And you knew dick?”
“Met him as Nightwing, not very friendly. But uh, remember hero stalker?”
“The idiot who followed me and B?”
“Yeah, so funny thing, it was a thing that he wanted to be Robin when you went off from Gotham, and then he somehow managed to convince bats to take him on.”
“That Child is Robin.”
“Will be another hero soon if he knows what’s good for him—he’s too easy to make.”
“Wait, you know who he is-is or—”
“I know 5 secret identities and want to lodge a formal complaint about heroes having no secret identity game.”
“Youre ten. I refuse to let you deal with legal things.”
“But illegal is still on the table?”
“I am a vigilante, of course it is.”
“Good, so can we tlak about how dumb Supes secret id is? I photoshoped glasses on as a joke and looked at my file and knew.”
“Wait have they found you yet?”
“No? I dont think so. Not the mom and step dad or father one yet.”
“But its.”
“I know, but i can keep multiple secret identities. They cant handle one. What is this bull they drop in my lap? No masks for two of them, and the three with cant even manage a basic gait switch?”
“I am so glad you noticed too.”
“Also we need to intervene with Hero Stalker.”
“Does your father know-know or...”
“Knows i know, but knows im not telling even in death.”
“Fair. So, heads up i am going to yell at the JL after killing B for impact.”
“How about beating him up instead and kidnapping Hero Stalker? Bats is fine just needs an adult working with him.”
“Maybe. If my mind wasnt so fucked i’d send the Dick a text or something about this, but i think he hates me so that probably wouldnt work.”
“We have planning time, that’s what my house arrest is good for. Now name.”
“... i want to go by Jay.”
“James work?”
“James “Jay” Smith then. And we are fixing your vilagante outfit.”
“What’s wrong with it.”
“Your helmet has a nose. And the who this is shit for discreet armour. I’ll get a rant in fifteen on armor history from a fashion obsessed friend and make something for you using that, ok?”
“Do i have a choice?”
“I am your little sister offically. resistance is futile.”
So the long awaited return of Red Hoodie/Red Hood/Jason Todd.
For refrence (as age is weird here) Jason looks 14/15 here, but due to dead years is technically 18
Tim is 12
Marinette is 10
Dick is 20something.
Bruce is 30something
Heads up, this will be a two parter for this summer. As i love the next part but need sleep.
@ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @emeraldpuffguide @dast218 @weird-pale-blonde-person @mystery-5-5
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thefinalkey16 · 4 years
KH3 Re:Mind spoilers/Reactions
So Xemnas gave the order?? To find the box?? But why??
So did Xigbar actually lose the box? YOU HAD ONE JOB
Oh we’re starting HERE HUH
I forgot how pretty the graphics are
Why is Riku so pretty???
Nomura really went “this DLC is about SOKAI and I’m gonna make sure you KNOW IT.”
Nomura really cares about his ship and I appreciate it so much
I love the music in this game so much
Why does MOM adopt smol children lol
It bothers me that MOM has no actual face behind the hood. It’s like Ansem’s original form
So Xehanort is where Xemnas’s confusion of the heart comes from lol
I’m sorry, Xehanort is more powerful than darkness?
I’m sorry MOM is too scared to take off the coat???
MOM is a psychology teacher who gets exasperated by his dumb students
A lost..Master?
Well we know where Xehanort got the hands behind the back walk from
I’m 100% sure that MOM told him his name was “Noneya,” and it took a few decades before he realized what he actually said
I’m sorry they have holograms??
Did they actually call him Riku Replica lol
Wait they were actually nobodies
“Why we have assembled here,” because Xemnas and Sora destroyed your sick castle
Poor Terra got possessed TWICE?
Demyx! You get Demyx!
I’m sorry 20??
No. I
Oh so they don’t actually remember Xion
Does.. does Xigbar remember Xion?
Wow they got Vexen just to get his daughter in their gang. How rude
Xehanort fell asleep while they chatted I’m cackling
Crazy old man
Now when do I get to save Kairi? :3c
“Back so soon?”=you died again?? You’re lame
Chirithy is a mood
Sora you watched your GF get shattered
Oh so that’s why Sora dies
Oh my god he’s Sailor Pluto
Lose powers? He’s done that so many times 😂
Getting banned from one world? He had a phone and friends with gummi ships lol
NOOO VEN That still hurts to watch
Wow he’s a ghosty ghost
Oh I love Ven’s heart station so much
Wow Vanitas really said that Ven is Baby
Also wow Vanitas is protecting Ven’s heart and I love that
I beat him by using Meow Wow. meow wow is best boy
Oh no oh no it’s this pet
Gotta love Big Bro Lea
I forgot they call him Axel
It’s Donald’s Safrifice ;-;
Donald Really channeled his inner Molly Weasley and said “Not my son you WITCH.”
Also aw Sora got to see what Donald did for the first time
Poor Aqua ;-; this is the moment where everyone hates her for
Also aww she trusts Kairi to protect them
We love Big Sis Aqua
I’m literally screaming and I scared my grandma
Oh my god She lost Kairi and she immediately went to Sora cause she knew she’d be safe there ;-;
Namine’s Really here bringing everyone together
Agsisgsjdg I forgot Terra can do the keyblade whip thing lol
AND the cannon
Wow they’re really fighting in the sky
Anyone else getting Star Wars vibes
I still hate Terra’s pants
Imagine your heart crushing your body. Like really
Wow Sora you’re so cocky
I forgot that Marluxia is an Ouran Host Club character
Wait, that Mickey finisher was new, wasn’t it?
Okay but I still have no idea what Xemnas did to Luxord
Cards: *Appear*
Sora: PTSD from watching his friends get destroyed from the cards in the manga
Mickey: *is captured*
Sora: PTSD intensifies
I’m really happy that we get to replay all of the Organization battles, they’re so much fun!
I’m so soft for Replinami ;-;
He loves her so much, and all he wants is for her to be safe and happy ;-;
Ven: we aren’t the same. You’re Edgy. I’m Baby
Aqua when Sora appears: TWO Baby’s :0
“If I’m a traitor, then Kairi’s the trump card.” LEA DRINKS RESPECT KAIRI JUICE
Aww Kairi’s so confused. She doesn’t see how she could be a trump card ;-;
Ohhh Isa’s jealous.
Jealousy mode has been activated in Isa
“Yup” Kairi really just wants this over with so she can go home 😂
The way Kairi’s face lights up at seeing Sora gives me life.
Wow Xemnas was really hurt by Axel’s betrayal. Frankly? I’m shocked.
Xemnas does NOT drink Respect Xion juice
Lea cares about the small girls he adopted as his little sisters
Wow Nomura really got tired of people dissing Kairi so he amped her up with cool stuff
“Oh? Tired of Kairi not doing anything?” Heres her literally overpowering Xemnas and him having to restrain her with a stop spell and magic to stop her
Oh and in case you think she’s weak? Here’s the same thing for Sora too.
God I love Nomura
Oh my god she’s in so much pain because of the darkness
I can not believe i was forced to relive watching Kairi die
I love Donald and Goofy so much ;-;
They aren’t gonna leave their son alone
Also wow Xehanort was just staring there forever
Getting KH1 vibes with this
“The heartless that is radiating light” how is that possible??
Okay but this is such a good parallel to the first game, with him saving Kairi ;-;
Except for the fact that HEARTLESS SORA DIDNT GET BEAT UP
Okay so her heart is a thassala shell. Will we have to collect the pieces to make her wayfinder?
Oh my god I see the thing at the top of the screen. We totally are making her wayfinder ;-;
Okay so I love the puzzles they have here
I’m sorry you hid her heart? What are you, five?
What do you MEAN almost out of time?!
Oh no not these guys again
So many keyholes
Oh my god Lea is so overwhelmed lol
Okay so for the team ups, I love how all of them were mix and matched from the trio’s
I loved Terra and Riku, the Master and apprentice
I loved Ven, Roxas, and I can’t remember who else was in it. “Thanks Roxas.” “Youre welcome. You’re not too bad yourself.” THAT WAS ADORABLE
Xion, Aqua and Mickey being mages and protecting everyone
Aqua and Lea, him trying to talk and Aqua telling him to shut up and focus
We now present: Kingdom Hearts 3: connect he dots
Connect. Connect the dots. Get it?
“I can do this.” YES YOU CAN
I’m sorry you think I want to play as Sora? After waiting my whole life to play Kairi? HA
Seven wishes saved me in that fight
Now we just need Rikai and Sorikai and it’ll be complete ^^
“I was trying to give you some privacy” awwww
Chirithy has my soul and I love it
Every scene with Chirithy adds 7 years to my life
Afsjsgsajg Sora DONT PUSH THE CAT
Aaand he’s gone and I’m crying again
Oh my god Riku and Terra being bro’s are my favorite thing
Wait what are they gonna do
OH they’re going to search for Sora!
“The Twilight Town gang” ITS OFFICIAL
They’re searching her heart?
Riku’s been all ALONE
Battalion oh my god lol
I’m mad about Kairi being asleep for a year though
Wow. A video game inside of a video game
I spent the rest of the day failing the Data battles and making funny Data Greeting pictures. Hopefully I’ll be better st the battles tomorrow!
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multiphandomunnies · 5 years
kill this love | introduction
genre: angst authors note: welcome to my intro for my new series! in this part you're just supposed to meet the characters. if this gets good feedback ill work on the first proper part. twice haunted house au is almost ready to post,,im just scared to disappoint yall with how anti-climatic it is. i feel like yall really like the twice series but im not doing it justice  trigger warning: mentions of abuse and details of death admin: mirae
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“My distant grandfather was once a famous and skillful detective,” Donghyun said while placing the old and dusty box of files on your clean desk. You blinked at the sight of thousands of dust particles falling onto your desk and photos. “Jo Donghyuk was his name, he was involved with the supposed murderers of 7 girls” he added proudly. 
“Oh really? I'm the first detective in my family,” you replied while casting a quick glance at him. Donghyun could talk for hours if you had said the wrong thing, it took you a while to learn how to make him stop but after months of working with him, you knew the secret. 
He rolled his eyes at your statement “Good for you, kid. Just do me a favor and go through these files and find something to do,” he said, grabbing a stack of files from the box and slapping them on your desk. You stared at them in awe, body filling with curiosity.
 The station you worked at was extremely dead and barely any crime happened in your small town. As a result, your boss decided to make you look through some relatively recent cold cases. The first file you opened was only 10 years old. 
“Kim Jisoo, Age 28,” you read as you stared at the first page. Looking at her ID photo you were amazing with how stunning she looked. Her looks were so youthful and ethereal. It was like she was a goddess and if you were to see her on the streets you would have been certain that she was a model. Jisoo was found dead in a lake with her shirt off. 
At first glance, it would have seemed that it was an accidental drawing. The scene was littered with empty beer cans and various alcohol bottles and her blood alcohol content was extremely high. The officers working the case came to the conclusion that she had too much to drink and tried to go swimming, somehow hitting her head in the process and knocking out in the water, causing her to drown. 
However, that didn't explain the bruises on her wrists and previous extreme trauma on her elbow. You felt sick while reading the file, the police didn't even try to solve her murder. They rarely brought any suspects in for questioning, the only person they brought in was her boyfriend who was out of the country at the time. Not once did they listen to the families pleas to relook into her death. 
“Another case where the justice system failed them,” you sadly sighed while turning the page of her file. “Jisoo had so much going for her, she had just begun an internship at a graphic design company that she had been wanting to get into for years. She was a hard worker and she never once drank that much, she had a goal in mind and wouldn't let anything get in her way,” her close friend testified to the police station. “It's like they didn't even try or care enough when this poor girl was clearly murdered,” you thought to yourself, eyes darting around the small station almost warily as you took in everything. 
It was only 10 years ago that she was killed, the station had barely changed in that time as Donghyun always told you “The only thing different about this station from 20 years ago is that you're here,” you recalled the time at lunch that he spent the whole time talking about the worn out building rather than eating the dinner his lovely wife made for you both. You peered around the corner of the building to catch a glance of the older man cheering quietly as he watched a soccer game on his computer. 
Hands reaching out you closed her file and decide to open the next one, Jennie Kim. “Jennie Kim, age 30, a South Korean native who was raised in New Zealand,” just like Jisoo, Jennie was stunningly gorgeous. Her cat-like eyes pulled you in a trance, it was like you could feel her near you like she was encouraging you to go on. You felt yourself be pulled in as you opened her file and read through it. A CEO of a new fashion company, Jennie worked hard for her career. Jennie was another girl who was betrayed by the justice system. She was found at the bottom of her apartments stairwell, neck broken and body resting in a pool of blood. Judging by her high heels and the empty alcohol bottles police just assumed she fell down the stairs.
 It was tragic, really, but there wasn't anything they could really do about it. For Jennie, they didn't even bother to investigate it as a murder. Tears welled up in your eyes, your chest felt like someone was pushing on it heavily. Hurriedly you closed the file and open up the next one, hoping to be able to calm down some more. 
“Rose Park, 32, Australian beauty,” you read, heart feeling even heavier. Rose was fresh out of a toxic relationship, rumors had it that her boyfriend could be abusive but they were never proven true. She died in a car accident one stormy night after a bad night with her boyfriend. A hit and run that left her body rot in the mud, bugs crawling all over her making it hard for police to pull basic DNA testing. Obviously, the police looked into her boyfriend but there was nothing against him, he complied with everything they said and even offered to do a lie detector test. His alibi was proven true as his friend admitted that he came over to his place after the fight and they went for a couple of drinks. The police were still technically looking into the case but they hadn't found anything yet and just like the other 2, they had given up.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could've sworn you saw a girl wave at you. Whipping your head in the direction you began to blink rapidly and rub at your eyes, trying to figure out why your mind was playing such a cruel trick on you. There was definitely a girl next to you, as you remembered what you had just seen a chill ran down your spine. It was getting late, the sudden desire to go home filled every ounce of your body. Looking back at the file of the poor girl you wiped a tear and hurriedly closed it to grab the last file. Opening it you were filled with dread once more. 
“Lalisa Manoban, 34, Thailand native.” Lisa was a dance instructor for one of the biggest dance studios in town, her life was finally going the way she wanted as she was newly engaged to her boyfriend of 2 years. Her murder investigation was still going on. She was found dead in her apartment, the door kicked down and the rooms trashed. At first glance, it looked like a robbery gone wrong as her engagement ring and all the jewelry that she owned where not to be found. Her fiance was investigated at first but he was at work at the time of her murder so they had no choice but to let him go. As you stared at her file, hatred for the corrupt system growing, you couldn't help but notice one thing.
 The 4 girls were killed exactly 2 years apart, if there really was a serial killer on the loose then the pattern shows that they would strike again this year. You closed all the files with a heavy weight on your shoulders, in that moment you decide you wanted to help their families. 
“Donghyun! I'd like to investigate these cases, please,” you said while rushing to him and placing the files on his desk. He jumped at the sudden action, spilling her ramen on his chest. “Huh,, yeah sure go ahead,” he barely pared you a glance as he cleaned his shirt. For once you were happy with the lack of order in the station, most places wouldn't have let you touch the files but Donghyun just didn't care. “Hey kid, let's call it a day, yeah?” he asked, finally giving you a glance. 
You nodded your head and clutched the files tighter. You would go to bed tonight and started on the investigation into their murder tomorrow, a fresh day. Grabbing your phone you sent a quick text to your boyfriend “Hey babe,,Im getting off work now and Ill be home soon!” 
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fearfilledvirgil · 6 years
Ivity and Anx: part sixteen
Summary: should i even still do chapter summaries? does anyone read them? do they make a difference? should i just put the whole work summary instead just in case someone comes across one of the parts but not the first one so they have an idea what is happening? help??
Warnings: Blood, surgical stitching, subtext abuse, past death mentions (mother and aunt), swearing, needles/fear of needles, 
Word count: 5127
Parings: Slowburn Prinxiety
A/N: *stares at the latter chapters we’ve already written* i dont know why it took me this long to post this chapter. im sorry (taglist under cut)
taglist: @rileyfirstname @verymuchanidiot @definentlynotjustanotherlemon @silversmith-91 @kanejandkruge @sander-fander-sides @lovecrazyjennybear @the-incedible-sulk @hexdream18243 @crows-with-hats @monikastec @definenormalifyoucan @i-am-absolute-fandom-trash @applecannibal @cats-with-blogs @bubblycricket @witchcraft--and--wizardry @bunnyartie @quietlypondering @elusivefalsehoods @hghrules @royallyanxious @quietwords-loudthoughts @squishynonbinarytwink @sortablue @illogical-anxieties @savingshae @a-fander-named-skittles @thelowlysatsuma @ughthatsprettygay @im-so-infinitesimal @certifiedtrashxx @karmels-stuff @sanders-sides-trash-blog @musicqueen1239 @the-average-loner @nicological1 @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @surleytemple @nervous-collection @asapmy @super-magical-wizard @arandompasserby 
Warmth. That was the first thing that Virgil recognized when he slowly started to wake. It was all around him, more so than usual. It was comfort that had the smell of safe, and of pine. The second thing that registered in Virgil’s head was pain. Pain, and a lot of it. His eyes broke open wide, panic ebbing into him for a moment as he forgot where he was. When he saw the guitar on the floor, the same place as last night, everything came rushing back.
The pain was still annoyingly present. Virgil shifted, but wasn’t able to get far. Roman was curled up next to him, their legs intertwined and his arm thrown over his torso. He always slept better in Logan’s bed, so his brain probably assumed that he was cuddling with Logan. But his unconscious mind was incorrect, and now Virgil was mortified.
Virgil tried to shift again to relive some of the pain of his arm, but Roman shifted as well. He pulled Virgil tighter to him, which made the younger blush more. He was lucky that Roman was there, though, because he was the only thing preventing him from rolling onto his left side, where he usually slept. Virgil bit his lip to keep from wincing as the sleeping boy accidentally bumped where the large cut was. He needed to be quiet and still so that he didn’t wake Roman.
Roman felt the body he was curled up against shift and slowly started to wake up. He was not fully awake yet when he mumbled a soft, “Morning Pat.” Once he opened his eyes a couple moments later, and saw the blood stained gauze, he remembered the events of the previous night. Roman jerked himself into an upright position faster than Virgil thought was possible. “Fuck, Virge. You’re still bleeding,” he went to touch the bloody bandage, only for Virgil to wince away. “Okay, yeah, you need to go to the hospital.”
He quickly pushed himself from the bed, pulling Virgil up with him. Completely ignoring the fact that both of them are in their pjs, Roman dragged Virgil with him to the front door to pull on their shoes. All Roman could think of is that Virgil was lucky he hadn’t bled out yet, and that he needed to be taken to the hospital to be properly patched up before he did. Roman mentally kicked himself for not throwing the boy over his shoulder last night and making him go then and there. I’m such a fool. Roman thought as he pulled on his Adidas. I should’ve known better than to think something that deep could be held together with some bandaids. Patton and Logan would’ve known better. Stupid. That was absolutely stupid.
“Before you say anything, you can kick my ass after you get better. I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you to the hospital. I am not kidding right now. This is really serious, Virgil. You need to be patched up better than I ever could do.” Roman said more down to the ground than to Virgil, considering that he was sitting and still tying his shoes.
“I’m…” Virgil started before trailing off, sitting down next to Roman. “I’m okay. I’ll just have to stitch it myself. I’m okay.” He wrapped his arms around himself, using that position to hold onto the wound. He looked almost afraid, highly sheepish, and so very uncomfortable.
“Why do you keep insisting to not go to the hospital? You clearly need to, Virgil James Sanders!” Roman used Virgil’s full name, trying to get some sense into the younger. He only knew that his middle name was James because he told him as Anxiety.
Virgil froze more than he already was. Roman had used his full name. Which meant that Roman was getting really upset at him because he wasn’t being cooperative. It’s not like Virgil wanted to start a fight, but the memories and fears haunted him. The few times Virgil ever went to a hospital were not pleasant.
Roman felt bad for the way the younger boy tensed up, but he didn’t want to let him win. This was not something that Roman could just ignore. “It’s important that you get this looked at. You could die from this! Do you not understand that?”
“I-I understand that.” Virgil managed to stutter out as he began to shake slightly, clearly on the verge of a panic attack.
Despite his own panic, Roman felt something twist in his stomach. “Hey. Talk to me.”
Virgil shook his head in a refusal to say anything more, not wanting to make Roman angrier than he already was. He knew that if he opened his mouth he’d start panicking, and that was not something he could do on top of everything else right now. He had to focus on his breathing and keeping quiet so he didn’t upset Roman further.
“Virgil, please?” When he still didn’t get an answer from Virgil, he tried a different tactic. “Anxiety,” He said, his voice softer than it had been before. “Look at me a minute,” Once Virgil looked at him, fear very clear in his eyes, Roman continued. “I’m sorry that my worrying is pushing you to panic. That was never, never, my intention. Why don’t we focus our breathing for right now and after we both calm down we can talk about why you’re so scared. Okay?”
Shakingly Virgil nodded. “Oh-Okay.”
“Good. So together. In for four.”
The two fell into the well known rhythm easily. Roman kept counting and doing the breathing while Virgil matched his breaths to Roman’s. After several minutes, Virgil looked less like a terrified kitten. He was still on edge, ready to bolt, but didn’t look like he’d break down anymore.
“Better?” Roman asked, offering a hand out for Virgil to take if he needed it.
Virgil nodded. “Yeah.” He didn’t take Roman’s hand, but he did scoot a little closer to him on the bench.
“That’s, that’s good. Now something about hospitals scares you, really scares you. Would you tell me why? I just want to understand and help you. If it’s something besides,” Roman looked up exasperated as he thought of a bad example. “‘They’re white and that clashes with my aesthetic’ I’ll try and find an alternative. But it… it scares me knowing that you’re still bleeding that badly.”
Virgil looked down for a few minutes before answering. “I’ve only been in a hospital twice. Neither time was a good experience,” Roman waited, expecting there to be more to the story. Virgil breathed deeply before continuing, “My mom was in one before she died. I remember going in one and being so hopeful every time because she had told me that hospitals made people better. And every time I left I remembered being heart broken.”
Something inside Roman cracked at what he had just heard. He just imagined young Virgil walking into a hospital, eyes and heart full of hope that his mother was getting better, only for that to be ripped apart every time he left. Roman would hate going to those places too if something that bad ever happened to him.
“Virge…. I’m sorry.”
He just shrugged. “You didn't know.”
“Let me make a phone call. We have a friend who’s a doctor. I can see if they’ll come here and stitch you up.”
“There’s no way I can afford a doctor who makes house calls.”
“I’ll take care of it,” He noticed Virgil looking at him in a confused way. “Don’t give me that look; it’s not charity. It’s me wanting to help a friend. I may be famous but I still have a soul.”
“Sometimes,” Virgil rolled his eyes, turning his head away from Roman. “Sometimes I forget my only two friends are rich. You throw money around like nobody’s business.”
“Hey!” Roman jokingly put his hand against his chest in mock-hurt. “I don’t throw money around. This is serious and,” he paused to kick off his shoes and stand. “Your dad is probably hiding your money from you.”
“My what?” Virgil got very confused very quickly, standing as well.
“Well… I know that when a parent dies, most if not all of their saved money goes to the kid. And, depending on what their job was, the company may give their remaining salary to the kid too.” Roman shoved his hands in his pajama pockets and began walking back to his room. He had a somber look on his face.
“And you now this for a fact how?” Virgil asked as he followed. Roman shrugged, eyeing Virgil’s arm for a second.
“My aunt died when I was a teenager. My cousin went through it so I know some stuff.” His voice was filled with so many emotions at once that it was hard to differentiate between them. Virgil was taken aback. Roman seemed to have been hit hard by the death too, but was also remembering the happy moments with her.
“I’m-I’m sorry. Were… you two close?” Virgil decided on as they entered the forest themed bedroom. Roman sat on the bed before running his hand through his hair. The younger settled himself on the floor.
“It’s okay…. And yeah, we were. She was a Disney Princess at Disneyland. She was the one who gave me the nickname Princey, actually, and called me her little Princey all the time. I spent a lot of time with her and my cousin Rem when my mom was in rehab.” At one point during his explanation, Roman had laid down on the bed. Since he was sitting on it before he laid back, his legs were still dangling off the end.
“She sounds important to you.” Virgil leaded his head back against the bed, but spoke mostly through his teeth. The pain was getting hard to handle at this point.
“Shit, right. Hand me my phone, Anx.” Roman simultaneously moved his right hand to cover his eyes and his left hand out to Virgil.
The prior looked around for a second before finding the phone on the floor somewhat next to the guitar. He reached over to pick it up, huffing in a bit of pain at the stretch. He grabbed it, retreated back to his prior spot, and deposited it in Roman’s hand.
“Thank you, my dark and stormy knight. I’m going to make a quick call now.” Roman said as he held the phone up in the air above his face. The hand covering it was long gone by now, instead helping holding the phone.
“Right, okay.” Virgil blandly responded as another round of pain stung up and down his arm. The panic he was feeling earlier overrode the pain, but now that was gone, he had free range to feel it. It was just amazing.
“Hey!” Roman said happily into the phone after a few seconds. “I need to call in a little favor, my friend.”
Virgil looked away from the boy on the bed, opting instead to stare at the floor. He didn’t want to intrude anyway on the conversation, even though it soon would be about him. A sinking feeling settled itself in the bottom of his stomach. He hated when people talked about him behind his back, considering they could be saying literally anything. Because of this fear, Virgil kept one ear open.
“Yeah! But my friend got himself into trouble, but he’s got a deathly fear of hospitals. Just think smol-Roman in second grade, ya know?” Roman paused, waiting for a response, before he began laughing lightly. “Yeah yeah. That would be amazing.... Nah it’s not that big but it’s concerning.” Virgil could tell that Roman had a smile on his face due to the tone of his voice.
“What can I do to help slow the bleeding while you get here?” Roman listened for a few minutes. “Alright. Thanks Joan. I owe you big for this.” He waited for his friend’s response. Once he got the answer he gave an over dramatic sigh. “For the twenty fifth zillionth time I can’t get you backstage passes to them. So what’s your next favor?” Virgil tried not to laugh at just how weird Roman can be with his friends.
“I can do that. See you soon.” Roman hung up the phone and looked at Virgil. “It’ll take them about 10 minutes to get here. In the time being they said to give you some pain meds and put some pressure on your wound. So let’s get that taken care of,” He pushed himself back into a sitting position before standing up. Virgil scrambled to follow suit. “Why don’t you wait in the dining room while I grab the meds for you. If you want you can remove the gauze and hold some new stuff against it.”
Roman didn’t wait for Virgil to reply before he walked into the bathroom to pick up some meds. Virgil made his way back into the kitchen and carefully removed the dirty gauze from his arm. He hissed in pain from the tape and the occasional bandage adhesive pulling against his skin. When all of the stuff was cleared from his arm he grabbed some wet paper towels and went to clean the blood from his arm.
“Here, Virgil.” Virgil jumped, not hearing Roman walk up behind him. He spun around and looked at him scared until he registered who it was.
“Don’t sneak up on people!”
“Sorry. I thought you heard me coming down the hall,” He offered a couple pills to Virgil. “Joan said that Advil was the best for right now. I’ll get you a glass of water if you want.”
Virgil took both pills and swallowed them down dry. “Not worth the bother.” He went back to cleaning his injury and putting pressure on it to try and stop it the bleeding. His anxiety was kicking in slightly at the thought of any of his blood getting onto anything fancy or expensive so he kept close to the sink.
Despite wanting to make Virgil feel at home, Roman knew that the younger boy would probably need some time to feel that way. So instead of pressuring him to sit down, Roman prepared some gauze for Joan. The two boys stayed in silence until the doorbell broke it. Virgil jumped again slightly at the sudden noise while the older boy answered the door.
“Hello, Romano.”
“Hey, Joan. Thanks for coming,” He held the door open for the dark haired person. They walked in and for a moment, they looked around. “Virgil’s in the dining room.”
Roman lead Joan to where Virgil was, and upon seeing the new person, they said, “Hello there.”
“Virgil, this is my friend Joan. They’re an awesome doctor who will help patch you up.”
“Why don’t we sit down? It makes it easier on both of us. I get fucking tired of standing up all day,” Joan took a seat in one of the chairs, pulled on gloves and set up their equipment. After a moment’s hesitation, Virgil sat down next to them. “So let’s take a look at your arm.”
Reluctantly Virgil moved the towel allowing Joan to see. When they made a hiss of pain at the look of the injury, he quickly said, “It’s not as bad as I’ve had.”
“Then you are one fucking unlucky person if this isn’t that bad,” Gently they poked the wound to gauge the deepness of it. Without saying anything else, Joan began to sterilize the wound. Afterwards, they threaded a needle before pulling out a small vial. “So I am going to give you a local anesthetic shot-”
“Nope!” Virgil interrupted Joan, shooting up from the chair from seeing the vial and hearing that there’d be a shot. “I’ll just bleed out. Not gonna do this. Nope.”
“Virgil-” Roman tried to calm his friend down.
“Nope. Sorry to waste your time, Joan, but this is not happening.”
“Virgil, if it’s the shot I don’t have to do it. It’ll just hurt like a son of a bitch.” Joan put away the vial. “If you get too bad, Roman can knock you out.” They teased their friend.
“Hey don’t drag me into this!” He sounded offended.
“But, Roman, you owe me remember?” The twinkle in their eye was clear to Virgil. “I mean this is just such a huge favor.”
“I think I’d rather figure out how to get you backstage tickets to Hamilton. I’d have my ass kicked less.”
Virgil smiled a little sadly at the easy way the two people could tease and laugh. He could do that somewhat with Logan but not a lot of the sarcasm jokes registered. He was so engrossed in the banter between the people in front of him he didn’t really feel the needle as Joan started to sew him up. Vaguely Virgil realized that Joan also started in the middle of his injury.
“Hey. Why do you start in the middle?”
“Because it’s easier to do the stitching in smaller sections. If I start in the middle and work my way out I have a fixed stopping point. Besides that I’m not sure why. It could be that it helps pull the skin closed so some of the other ones don’t hurt as much. I never retained a lot of the reasoning behind why things are done.”
“Oh.” Virgil focuses on breathing through some of the pain.
“Roman could you get me some more damp cloths?” Joan asked.
Roman does so and helped Joan clean off the blood. Virgil hated the helpless feeling he had. One thing he hated more than almost anything was not doing something and having to be babied.
“We’re almost done. Thanks for not slapping me from the pain. I really don’t want another fucking black eye..” Joan commented as they continue to stitch Virgil up.
Virgil’s eyes widen. “You’ve gotten slapped before, too?”
“Slapped, kicked once. Punched. You’d be amazed how people react when they’re in pain. You’re being really calm. Unlike this big fucking baby here.” They jerk their thumb at Roman who looks at them feigning offense. “I think he’d cry for like an hour over a paper cut.”
“I’ll have you know I got a paper cut and only cried for twenty minutes.”
Both Virgil and Joan groan. “Really dude? Spongebob reference?” Virgil couldn’t believe that the famous person in front of him had watched such a dumb show.
“It’s a classic, Charlie Frown.” Roman argued, crossing his arms on faux hurt.
“There’s no point in arguing with Roman over what is and isn’t a classic. You surely know how hard headed he can be.” Joan shared a knowing smile with Virgil as they were finishing up the stitches.
“I think statues are less hard headed.” Virgil agreed, thankful for the banter to distract him from the pain as the needle went in and out of his skin.
“You two are ganging up on me! This isn’t fair.” Roman whined with a pout.
Joan chuckled before they taped some gauze over the stitches. “You have to be careful with these. Don’t let them get wet for at least a couple days. And even after that you shouldn’t soak them. So no swimming or baths. The amount of times I’ve seen stitches fucked up because of some stupid shit like that is un-fucking-believable.” They began to pack up the medical things, not before taking off the blue blood-covered gloves on their hands.
“Fine by me. I am not fond of either option,” Virgil shook the hand Joan extended to him before settling it on the place of his elbow where the gauze wasn’t touching. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’m going to give you my business card. Call in about three weeks and I’ll take them out. Or if you find you need some help keeping this big lug in line you can call me sooner.” Joan smiled, eyes darting to the patch up job they just did. They stood, Virgil following suit shortly after.
“I don’t think I’ll be around him enough for that but… thanks.” Virgil managed a small smile again. He took the little orange card they offered that matched the beanie Joan was wearing and placed it in his pocket.
“Just stay in state or someshit so I don’t have to fly across the world to get to you, alright?” Joan asked mostly kidding, but there was an underlying tone of seriousness.
“I’ll be fine.” Virgil supplied before being cut off of any other thought processes by Roman.
“He’s not going anywhere, actually,” Roman proclaimed, which made Virgil’s eyebrow skyrocket into his hairline. What was this dude talking about?? “Well, mostly. You should stay here a little longer so I can help you redress it and… check up on the healing process.” Roman’s hand flew to the back of his neck almost as quick as Virgil’s eyebrow rose. He couldn’t keep eye contact with Virgil so he opted for looking at the ground as his hand rubbed his neck.
“You two really need to sort the shit that’s going on between you?” Joan pointed to the two of them while picking up their medical bag. “The tension can be cut with a fucking knife in here,” They quipped, moving to the door. They turned their head to each of the boys when they said, “But anyways! Call me, get me tickets, and both of you, just… yeah. Bye!” And just like that, they were gone.
“Well, they certainly are a handful.” Virgil let out a huff of a laugh, his smile twitching upward. He opened his mouth to say something else, but his stomach rumbled in hunger. He looked down at it sheepishly, blush rising on his cheeks.
“I take it you’re hungry?” Roman asked as he began to move from the dining room into the kitchen.
“If you show me ingredients and shit, I can make pancakes? From scratch too. Or an omelette, if you prefer.” Virgil asked his own question, trailing behind Roman.
The kitchen, to put it lightly, was fucking huge. The ceiling was high with a crystal chandelier over the side where the room trailed into the living room. The cabinets were a light creme, which complimented the dark grey granite countertops nicely. The floor was a dark red hardwood that somehow managed to pull everything together. Virgil didn’t know much about home decorating or interior design, but this was beautiful.
“You don’t have to cook anything for me-” Roman started to say, only to be cut off by a glare by Virgil.
“I got stitches for you. I may not have gone to the ER but I did, and that is me holding my end of the deal. So. You’ve gotta have breakfast. So ha,” The young man smirked before opening the large stainless steel fridge with his good hand to survey what ingredients he would be working with. Upon seeing eggs, cheese, green bell peppers, ham, and bacon, he settled on omelettes. “Do you like bacon in your omelettes?”
Shell shocked, Roman didn’t know what to say. He fumbled with opening and closing his mouth for a few seconds, prompted on to say something by a gesture of his arm. He settled on closing his mouth and shaking his head no. This was apparently enough confirmation for the determined man with stitches in one arm, as he started to grab what he needed out of the fridge, minus bacon.
Virgil took pride in knowing that he was able to get the boisterous man to be at a loss for words. What surprised him, however, was he felt more pride at this moment then he did when Logan was at a loss. Before he got distracted with that train of thought he grabbed a kitchen knife and looked for a moment for the cutting boards. Without saying a word, Roman grabbed one for him and offered it.
“Thanks,” Virgil took the board and got to cutting up the peppers. “Would you grate some cheese for me?”
“Yeah. Sure,” Roman got out the block of cheese and grabbed the grater before moving to stand next to Virgil. “Just onto a plate or where?”
“A plate’s fine.”
Both men work silently, the only sound being the preparing of the ingredients. Roman  was surprised by how well the two of them seem to be in sync. Despite the annoyance at Virgil remembering what was said last night, he was glad that they seemed to be working through things alright. They could still help each other out of any funks they found themselves in.
Roman was jerked out of his thoughts when he realized that Virgil had said something. “I’m sorry. What?”
The younger boy gave an over dramatic sigh. “I said where do you keep your spatulas?”
“Second drawer to the left.”
Virgil grabbed a silicone one and poured the first bit of egg into the hot pan, working on making Roman’s first. With what could only be a lot of practice Virgil flipped the omelette without breaking in. His heart swelled with pride when he saw the clear astonishment on the other’s face.
“You’re not the only one that’s full of surprises Princey.” He flipped it again before putting some cheese on top.
“Okay now you’re just showing off.”
“Maybe. You’ll never know,” He plated it when it was ready. “There you are. And omelette fit for a Prince.”
“Ha. Ha,” Roman took it and grabbed a fork. His stomach did a flip. He didn’t really want to eat it but he knew he had to keep his side of the deal. Plus he could practically feel the other’s eyes watching him. “It looks good.”
“I’m glad you think so. But you won’t know if it tastes good ‘till you try it.”
“Ya know you suck right?”
“Hey, don’t blame me for what you said. I’m just making you keep your end of the deal mister. I can always go take a bath and soak the stitches,” Virgil thought he heard something along the lines of ‘son of a bitch’ but he wasn’t entirely sure. He put his his food onto the plate and sat next to Roman. “I’m not going to poison you.”
Roman sighed and cut off a small bite. He ate it and forced himself to swallow it. It tasted pretty good actually but it didn’t cut through the bile he could feel in this throat. Taking a deep breath, he ate another bite.
Virgil watched Roman discreetly. Years of walking with a hood over his head had allowed him to move his eyes in a way most people won’t notice. He was glad that Roman’s eating but he can see how much effort it took. As long as he eats half and doesn’t go and purge it out I’ll take it as a win. It’d be easier to work him up into more than forcing him to eat a lot now. His stomach has got to get used to it again.
Unsure why, Virgil found himself saying, “You’re doing great, Creativity.”
Roman looked up in shock at the praise that came from the man’s mouth. Based on the blush going across Virgil’s face it was not something he meant to say out loud. The reinforcement of someone he cared so much about was enough to push the bile taste back some. It was still there but not as strong.
“Thank you, Anxiety.” Roman replied, his voice just above a whisper.
The two continue to eat in silence for several minutes. Roman stopped just before he finished half of his food. While Virgil wished he’d take a couple more bites he could tell on the other’s face that was not going to happen.
“Did you like it?” He sheepishly asked.
“I did. It was good. How did you learn to cook so well?”
“My mother taught me. When she was sick I’d cook for her. I mean they were never five star meals, but she always liked them. Especially my grilled ham and cheese,” Virgil smiled at the memory, though it was a little sad. “I can make it for you later if you want.”
“You know you don’t have to cook for me every meal right?”
“Would you eat otherwise?” The fact the other didn’t answer was an answer enough. “While I’m here I’m going to cook for you. I mean you were the one who said I should stay right?”
“Why do you insist on using my words against me?”
“Because you open your mouth. Want to say anything else to give me some more ammo?”
Roman shook his head and picked up his plate, putting the leftovers into a tupperware container. “You’re clothes should be clean,” He said, attempting to avoid to give Virgil more ammo.
“Thanks, I guess.” Virgil stood to clean the dishes while Roman slipped away to grab his stuff from the dryer. His arms were elbow deep in suds when the other man returned.
“Umm…. the blood wouldn’t come out of your shirt. I got it out of your jeans though. So I grabbed one of my shirts. It’s not black but it’s gray. We can go thrift shopping for you later if you want some darker colors.” Roman rubbed his arm awkwardly. “I put them in the bathroom if you wanna change or anything.”
Instead of being offended at the thought of Roman spending more money on him Virgil decided to tease him. “Thrift shopping? You know what that is?” He laughed at the offended noises the other one made as he put the last item up to dry, strategically moving so that Roman couldn’t see the undersides of his arms. “Thanks. I’m gonna change. Your pants are too baggy for me.” He dried his hands before leaving the kitchen.
He somewhat knew where he was going, but it still took a good minute to find the bathroom that Roman was talking about. Once there, Virgil did his best to change into what Roman had supplied him with. Upon snooping around for a few seconds, Virgil found some deodorant, an unopened toothbrush, and toothpaste. He used both things to his advantage, and stole the hairbrush for a few seconds. He had no clue whose hygiene things he was using, but he tried not to care.
Roman, on the other hand, sat in a chair and thought about the strange person who was in his house. His thoughts, however, were cut off when he heard the doorbell ring throughout the home. Groaning, he stood to go to see who it was. Shock ran through him when he saw the person standing at his door.
next part
okay. so. if you’ve read these past few parts, you’ll know that at the end i do a shout out. who to? why, the lovely @lovecrazyjennybear! in the last one i said i’d try again to articulate how amazing jen is, so i shall. let me put this into prospective: by this chapter, it is no longer proper to call her my beta reader. she’s a mother fluffing co-writer by this point! and i couldn’t ask for a better co-writer, because she is so amazing. i love her writing style, and it matches mine pretty closely so its really hard to tell whose writing. she has so many amazing ideas and is just.,, such a great source of encoragement and modivation. when my Artistic side hits rock bottom, her Roman can swoop in and help write, then Artistic can take over when he’s down. its a great system, and that’s not even mentioning when both of us are writing on the doc at the same time. its amazing, shes amazing, and i love her
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douxreviews · 5 years
American Gods - ‘Git Gone’ Review
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"That was vulgar. I’m a vulgar woman. Anger and grief have… have really just made me vulgar."
American Gods gives us the Gospel According to Laura, and answers a few questions to boot.
OK, it's cheating just a little bit to end two episodes in a row with the exact same cliffhanger, but wow, what a trip it was getting there the second time around.
So, at the end of the previous episode, Shadow enters his motel room to find his recently deceased wife, Laura, sitting on his bed waiting for him. Expectations, then, were that we'd pick up at that same point and get to see their inevitable confrontation over the whole 'died while orally servicing his best friend' situation. But 'Git Gone' takes a different path, and instead goes back to before the show even began and tells the whole thing again, but this time from Laura's perspective.
This is by no means the first show to do an episode dedicated to re-staging things we've already seen, but from the perspective of one of the other characters, but there's a reason that shows like to do it, and it's not just the cost savings of re-using existing sets. The primary virtue of this setup is that it allows you to fill in a lot of character information, while revealing information about events you've already seen that we didn't know at the time. Case in point, we've already heard the phone conversation between Shadow and Laura in 'The Bone Orchard'. but now we know that she literally had his best friend naked on their bed while she was talking to him. That changes how we feel about Laura during that conversation a lot.
So, let's talk about Laura.
For the first three episodes, Laura has essentially been a woman in the refrigerator. It's an insidious trope, which can be boiled down to the idea that stories tend to treat female characters as someone to kill so that the important character, i.e. the man, can be properly motivated to do whatever the story needs him to do. It's a pleasant relief then to find out that, no, Laura has been having a fairly eventful story of her own, and her untimely death was only the middle part of it.
The thing that 'Git Gone' makes clear about Laura is that she is fundamentally self-destructive. The very first decision we see her make is to attempt suicide in her covered hot tub by breathing in the titular bug spray, and that appears to have been brought on by nothing more than the casino she's working at telling her that she can't shuffle the cards by hand anymore, but she likes shuffling cards so she's super sad about it. She's clearly smart and perceptive; it takes her all of three seconds to understand the con that Shadow is trying to pull at her blackjack table. She's also basically kind, since her response to his con is to point out the casino's security measures and what they'll do to him when he's caught, then takes his bet and tells him to finish his drink and go home while he can. But when Shadow approaches her afterward and tries to ask her out in a reasonably polite fashion she's not interested. She only becomes interested in him once he starts getting stalker-ishly creepy. The same is true of their sex scene. She's bored out of her mind when he's being a courteous lover, and slaps him full in the face for no other reason than to see what he'll do. That's just not a safe thing to do to a guy you just picked up after he attempted to rob your casino, and whom you know absolutely nothing about. Which is why she does it.
The sequence of scenes where we see Shadow grow happier and happier while she grows sadder and sadder tell us everything we need to know about Laura. She likes Shadow, but he's nice. And when Laura has something nice in her life, Laura is immediately compelled to destroy that thing. That's why she suggests the casino heist that gets Shadow sent to prison. That's why she starts sleeping with Robbie while Shadow's away. Note the way that Laura only slept with Robbie the second time because he had accepted her statement that they shouldn't. Note also how she was clearly just as bored during her sex with Robbie as she had been that first night with Shadow. It was never about the sex, it was about inviting things into her life that would cause as much damage as possible. When Audrey mentions that she wishes Robbie looked at her the way Shadow looks at Laura, you can feel how little Laura values it. How much she needs to destroy it, in order to prove to herself that she doesn't deserve it. Honestly, season one doesn't give us much in terms of Laura's early background information, and the book gives even less, but note that Laura's mother appears to be at their wedding and her father isn't. I suspect there's a lot of interesting backstory there, and I hope we get more of it in the future. People this self destructive don't just happen for no reason.
And hey, we mentioned Audrey a moment ago. Audrey, and I'll make no bones about this whatsoever, is my absolute favorite character in the show, despite only being in two episodes of the first season. The scene between Audrey and Laura in Audrey's bathroom is absolutely the centerpiece of this episode. That scene works on every conceivable level. It's simultaneously hysterically funny, heartbreakingly sad, and the weirdest thing you're likely to see on television. And it all comes down to the fact that both Betty Gilpin as Audrey and Emily Browning as Laura play the absolute emotional truth of the moment, despite the fact that the moment is a zombie with diarrhea on the toilet in front of the woman whose husband she died while blowing. Oh, and she stopped by to borrow craft supplies. The whole thing is basically, what if The Walking Dead was a production of the Hallmark Channel, and those two actresses make it work. Audrey is confronted with the woman she thought was her best friend but was sleeping with her husband. Who died while betraying her. When Audrey speaks the line 'I found out my husband was cheating on me and dead in the same sentence' you absolutely feel how much pain she's in, and it feels real. Despite the zombie diarrhea and the craft supplies, it feels like genuine emotional damage that she has no idea how to work through. It's amazing.
Then Audrey gets her craft supplies, sews her friend's arm back on for her, and drives her where she needs to go. Because she has no idea how else to respond to the situation. And if anyone is capable of getting through the following exchange without falling in love a little with Audrey, then that person has no soul. As Audrey is sewing her dead friend's arm back on and discussing the way that friend slept with her husband:
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Laura: "I feel terrible about it." Audrey: "Oh, F*ck your feelings."
Laura: "Is this your first time trying to rob a casino?" Shadow: "A casino? Yeah." Laura: "Well, you’re really not very good at it."
Shadow: "All l know is there’s more than I know."
Laura: "There’s no farm upstate for old dogs."
Laura: "I have a perfect plan. You will never get caught." Cut to Jail Laura: "How did you get caught?"
Laura: "I lived my life. Good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather."
Audrey: "…Laura?" Laura: "Hey Audrey." Audrey:
Laura: "Audrey. Audrey. Don’t call the police." Audrey: "Get out of my house, you zombie whore!"
Ibis: "Don’t move. You’re still tacky."
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Bits and Pieces:
-- Nice fake-out at the beginning with the Egyptian theme casino. The casino's name was 'The 26th Dynasty' Apparently that was the last Egyptian dynasty before they were invaded by the Persians. I don't know if that's at all important, but information is always nice.
-- Mrs. Fadil's post-death scene with Anubis last week served the important function of letting us understand what was happening to Laura this week. It's a little weird that Laura would be the province of an Egyptian death god though. They hand waved it last week with Mrs. Fadil remembering the old stories, but all we get here is that Laura is Anubis' concern because of the manner of her passing. That seems like a curiously specific thing for an Egyptian god to care about. Maybe she had to sign a release when she started working at the casino or something.
-- The hot tub is a visual metaphor for nothingness and oblivion. Watch the episode with that in mind and it opens up a world of interesting interpretations.
-- Do people leave their TVs on for the cats while they're out? It made total sense that it was the death of Dummy the cat, who Laura claimed to not even like, that drove her completely off the rails and into the affair with Robbie.
-- I'm not sure why, but the Egyptian eyes on Laura's work uniform bow tie really freaked me out. Like, to an irrational degree.
Tumblr media
-- Laura's dialogue, 'When you die, you rot,' is shown over the images of her and Shadow's wedding. That was a nice directorial touch.
-- I liked the visual cue of Shadow leaving his wedding ring on the statue of the Eifel Tower when he went to the gym. That's a real thing, I take off mine myself to work out.
-- Three episodes later, we find out that it was Laura who killed all of Technical Boy's henchmen and saved Shadow from the lynching. Wow, zombie Laura is apparently quite strong. And can kick you in the balls so hard your entire spinal column flies out the top of your head, which was a funny sight gag.
-- Mr. Jacquel, a.k.a. Anubis, told Laura that after this was all over he would complete his task and send her to oblivion. So now Laura has a matching doom over her head to go with Shadow's promise to let Czernobog smash his head in when it's all over.
-- I'd have liked to have known what happened to Audrey after she and Laura encountered Jacquel and Ibis. I assume she just dropped Laura off and went back home, but it would have been nice to see it.
-- Absent entirely this week - Wednesday, Mad Sweeney, Bilquis, Media, Technical Boy, Czernobog, The Zorya sisters, and Mr. World.
A great episode that gave us a lot of character work and some intriguing answers, but at the expense of paying off the previous episode's cliffhanger.
Three and a half out of four hot tubs.
Mikey Heinrich is, among other things, a freelance writer, volunteer firefighter, and roughly 78% water.
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theshapeshifter100 · 5 years
Guess What? I‘m Not a Robot Ch40
Summary: Everyone can finally chill, take stock, talk to family. Then there’s a knock at the door.
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of injury and being shot. One (?) f-bomb.
Word Count: 1,745
09.45AM Friday 12th November 2038
She unlocked the door and let the boys in. It felt weird to back. The whole world had changed since she and Paul had left, and yet the apartment was still the same as they’d left it.
“Alright,” Megan set about introducing the place to Oscar. “Bathroom’s there, kitchen there. That door there is my bedroom and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t go in there.”
As she did this Paul went to check the taps and lights. The lights flickered on dimly but the tap made a horrible gurgling sound with no water appearing.
“We’re on generator power. Great,” Megan sighed. “We’ll just have to deal with it.”
She turned her attention to the landline phone and sighed, seeing that it was blinking with several messages. She went over to play them over one by one.
“Megan,” it was her mother. “Things sound like they’re getting pretty dangerous in Detroit. Stay safe okay? Call me back.”
The next one was also from her mom, and the next, and the next. Each one becoming more and more hysterical.
The second to last one was from her brother, saying that he’d picked up movement in his college with Android Allies and was hoping to keep protesting and harbouring androids as best he could.
The final one was actually from the Beckwiths.
“Megan dear, we hope you get this. We made it to my sister’s and Anita is safe. Don’t you worry. You and Paul take care of each other now. Okay? Stay safe.”
With a long sigh and a bit of preparation as the boys puttered around in the background, Megan called her parents.
“Megan Violet Carroll!” her mom screamed down the phone, making her pull the receiver away from her ear. “Do you have any idea how worried we’ve been?!”
“I can probably guess,” Megan spoke before she thought, and quickly realised that now was not the time for a smart answer.
“We’ve been worried sick! Especially with all the phones down. What the hell were you thinking, protesting illegally?! I never thought you’d be one to break the law! We’re booking a flight for you to come home right now!”
Megan felt sick, but did something that she felt like she needed to. “You don’t need to do that.”
“Yes I do. And I know airports make you anxious sweetheart but we’ll put that in the extra requirements and we can have someone meet you.”
“No. You really don’t have to. I, I don’t want you to.”
“Megan? What are you saying?”
“I’m staying in Detroit.”
“No you most certainly are not! The entire city’s a warzone! Buildings destroyed, people fleeing in terror-”
Megan interrupted her mother for the first time in many years. “Well I’m looking out of the window right now and not a single building has been damaged and people are leaving in an orderly fashion.”
“What about these androids-?!”
“They haven’t hurt anyone. Not a single human life was lost in this entire revolution. Detroit is safe.”
“Young lady, in case you haven’t realised there’s an evacuation order!”
“I’ve broken one law. I’m happy breaking another. See you later mom.”
“Megan! Don’t you dare-!”
Megan hung up the phone and took a deep breath to steady herself. Her stomach roiled in protest and she felt her legs wobble, but overall, she was okay.
Before her mom could call her back, she called her brother.
“Hey James,” she said after he’d picked up.
“Hi Megs, still in Detroit?”
“Yep, still on campus?”
“Just about. I hid under the bed when security came round. They don’t know I’m here.”
“Cool, I’m guessing mom demanded that you come home?”
“Oh yeah. I shut her down though. You?”
“Same here. She was not happy. How’s AA your end?”
“Pretty good. Some guys had to go home but most of us are still here. What about you? I saw you on the news.”
“Yeah. Most of us are still here. Alex was arrested. I don’t know what we’re going to do about that,” the pain killers had worn off about an hour ago, and she shifted her shoulder uncomfortably, wincing audibly.
“You okay?” James asked and Megan couldn’t bring herself to lie.
“Had a run in with the military for the protest and harbouring an illegal android. I, I got shot.”
“What?! Shouldn’t you be in hospital?!”
“What hospital? They’re all closed,” Megan rebuked. “One of the guys knows first aid and can sew. I’m stitched up pretty nicely.”
“Good, that’s good. Don’t do anything too reckless, okay?”
“You’re telling me not to be reckless?”
“Well, given what you’ve just told me...”
“True true,” Megan agreed. “How are you doing anyway?”
“Me? I’m fine. Not shot anyway.”
“I mean, mentally. Are you okay? I know this might not be a good time to talk, but...”
“...it’s okay. I’ve got other things to focus on. I’ll figure it out when everything dies down okay?”
“James,” Megan warned, feeling big sister mode kicking in.
“I’m fine. College was a bit of a shock, that was all. I’m fine.”
“Alright,” Megan sighed, not believing him but too tired to push. “I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Sure. Love you.”
“Love you too.” Megan hung up, that phone having been a lot better than with her mom. Final call was to the Beckwiths. It went to voicemail, so Megan left a message.
“Hey, just letting you know that I’m okay. Me and Paul are okay and I’m glad to hear Anita’s good. Hope you three stay safe. Don’t worry about calling back. I have a feeling that things might get a bit busy. Bye.”
Megan hung up and turned to face the rest of the apartment. Paul had moved some of his stuff from the couch so that Oscar could sit down, and the android was now pottering around the kitchen.
“Paul, what are you doing?” Megan asked.
“Making breakfast,” he replied, checking bread, bacon and eggs. They seemed to satisfy him and he got to work.
“Need help?” Megan asked, already knowing the answer.
“How about you read a book?” Paul suggested. “I’ll ask Oscar if I need help.”
Megan sighed, nodded and did as he suggested, sitting in her desk chair. It felt so good to sit there again.
There was silence for a while before Oscar broke it.
“So, now what?” he asked. “We’re just going to hole out here?”
“For the time being,” Paul replied as bacon sizzled. “We will need to do a supply run sooner or later, and deal with Alex. We should have gotten Lieutenant Anderson’s phone number, then we could have gotten him to get them out.”
“Hindsight is 20/20,” Megan commented, nose deep in her book.
Oscar shifted uncomfortably. He wanted to do something, but all he could think of was watching tv, and they were on limited power.
“Oscar,” Paul started, sensing his restlessness. “I would suggest calling your parents.”
Oscar nodded, and got up to do just that.
The whole thing was very calm, very domestic. Almost a complete contrast to the last few days. If you ignored the hand guns the boys had placed on the coffee table.
Morning soon past into afternoon, and everyone was startled by a knock at the door.
2PM Friday 12th November 2038
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at each other. Paul grabbed and cocked a gun before approaching the door and looking through the fish eye hole.
“Lieutenant Anderson?” he opened the door to reveal the titular detective.
“Finally!” he stated. “I was starting to wonder if you were even in.”
“What are you doing here?” Paul asked, angling himself so that he couldn’t see into the apartment. Or the gun he was holding.
“Thought ya might want to know about your friend. They got released today, on account of bigger fish to fry.”
“Okay, thank you for that information,” Paul responded. “It seems like you went to an awful lot of trouble for this detective.”
“Yeah, ya got me. That ain’t the only reason I’m here,” Anderson rocked back and forth on his heels. “Mind if I come in? It’s freezing in this corridor.”
Paul looked his shoulder at Megan, who nodded reluctantly. He stepped back to let in the detective.
”Damn tiny place you got here,” he commented, Paul closing the door behind him.
“It was designed for one person,” Megan’s snark was there, but was muted in the presence of a near stranger.
“I can tell,” Anderson continued to rock on his heels. “Anyway, you guys seem to be the main pro android group in the city right now, huh?”
“I, guess,” Oscar responded with a shrug. “No one else seems to be organised.”
“Exactly, and ya say this Alex is yer leader?”
“More or less,” Paul responded cautiously, wondering where this was going.
“Look, I know Connor, and I know he’s gotten in good with the deviants, so I figured that I could talk to ‘im and see if we could set up a meeting between your guys and Markus.”
Megan made a noise that sounded like a cat coughing up a hair ball, and Oscar’s mouth fell open.
“Are you certain about this detective?” Paul asked, the only one able to regain his cognitive faculties.
“Not really, but I can try. Besides, it would be good for them to meet pro android folks who aren’t politicians. Plus, you can be with other androids if ya want,” he aimed that last part at Paul, who narrowed his eyes.
“I’m not sure that I do.”
“Eh, whatever,” Anderson shrugged. “You do you. I’m just putting the offer out there. I didn’t get a chance to tell yer friend, and you’re the only other guys I know.”
“We will pass it on,” Paul assured.
“Great! Er, here’s my phone number, just in case,” since Paul was closest he handed it to him, and Paul copied down Megan’s landline and cell phone number.
“Alright,” Anderson made his way back towards the door. “I’ll, er, be in touch.”
“Thank you Lieutenant,” Paul responded, since no one else seemed to feel like talking.
“Call me Hank. This is unofficial after all,” the detective attempted a smile, and seemed to fall a little flat. “Be seein’ ya,” with that he left.
A few seconds after the door fell shut Megan stared at Paul.
“...Did that just happen?”
“Yes. I do believe that it did.”
Well, I guess Hank showed up sooner than I remembered.
I'm admittedly not too fond of where the story goes from here. It seems like a natural continuation to me, but it feels, I don't know, too convenient. At the same time, I don't know how to make it better without dragging it out, so I've left it as is. Other Options Flowchart
(Megan) Be blunt. Be sincere. Be sarcastic to her mother's worries.
(Megan) Be firm. Be hesitant. Be rude with her mother.
(Megan) Lie to James about the injury
(Megan) Press James about his mental health.
(Paul) Leave the gun.
Tags! @nightmarejim @nightmarejim
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dylanobrienisbatman · 6 years
oh heyyyy can i please have pirate mechanic and 22?? I'M SO EXCITED
…in a rush of adrenaline.
Raven wasn’t one to be afraid of anything, ever. She was a zero g mechanic, a literal ASTRONAUT, who had been to OUTER SPACE in nothing more than a space suit, for fucks sake. She’d been sky diving, bungee jumping, zip lining, she used to go bouldering off the sides of mountains for fun before she got hurt and her leg wouldn’t let her. She was an adrenaline junkie, to put it mildly, but the one thing she never, ever did, was ride a motorcycle. Everything else, every other insane crazy thing she did, there was a modicum of safety to it. In space, everyone was trained to know exactly what to do, and everything was tested to perfection before she went. Sure it was dangerous, but it was all SCIENCE. She wasn’t afraid of science. Sky diving and bungee jumping and zip lining were SAFE, they had to be for people to be able to pay to do it as excursions. Normal average people could go bungee jumping on vacation. Bouldering was a little risky, but she never went high enough that she could have DIED from the fall, maybe gotten pretty hurt, but she went with friends, and knew the safety rules. Motorcycles though? There was nothing safe about that. In a fast car, you had some kind of buffer, some level of protection from seatbelts and airbags, but on a motorcycle you had nothing. You were out in the open, strapped to nothing, a helmet and some leather if you were smart, flying down the road. When she saw motorcycles weaving in and out of cars on the freeway, she scoffed, and hoped she wouldn’t see them being scraped off the road with a shovel later. She assumed no smart person would ever put themselves in that kind of danger.
And then she met Ezekiel Shaw.
Zeke used to be an Air Force Pilot, and then he was a scientist for NASA. He worked on the crafts on the ground that she worked on in space, and was damn good at it, though she’d never tell him that. He was brilliant, the first person she ever met who could match wits with her day in, day out. And Zeke Shaw rode his Harley into work. Every. Single. Day.
She scolded him for it when they first met, spouting statistics about deaths by motorcycle at him from memory, but he just smirked, waved her off, called her a “fraidy-cat” (yes, he used that exact phrase. He wasn’t catholic anymore, but he had been raised that way, and never swore, ever), and tugged his helmet on, roaring away out of the parking lot while she climbed into her car.
Her relationship with Zeke was a complex one. On the one hand, he was her friend, a great friend, a confidant who she bounced ideas off of and worked well with, her equal in brains and wit. On the other hand, he was delicious to look at and Raven wanted to jump his bones. This combination made the fact that he rode that stupid motorcycle very troubling to her, and it took a toll on her mental state. She got in the habit of calling him around the time she knew he’d be home every day, under the guise of wanting to talk about work or some new theory she was studying, but really she was just checking to make sure he made it home every day, alive. She always offered to swing by and pick him up when they would make plans, even though it was well out of her way, because the idea of him getting on that bike to come see her and then becoming road burn in the process made her sick to her stomach, but he always turned her down, and always showed up in one piece.
They had known each other about a year and 3 months, when the universe conspired against her.
She had called Zeke to see if he wanted to come into work with her on a Sunday and help her run a simulation she had been tossing around, and he lept at the chance, like always. He had been helping her write the simulation, and plan the program for almost two months, and she knew he’d want to see it through. It was pouring rain, so she offered him a ride, as always, and he turned her down, as always, showing up to work at the same time as she did even though she knew he lived an extra 15 minutes further away. They spent the whole Sunday in the lab, downing espresso shots from the bosses machine in her office and running and re-running the simulation, ordering thai takeout while they tried to get it perfect. It was late, almost 9pm, when they finally called it a day, and headed out the door, walked into the parking lot, and Raven realised she had left her lights on all day long. She tried to start her car twice, but she knew she would need a jump and there was no one around , the lab was almost 10 miles from town. She thought about calling a tow, but calling a tow for a jump seemed stupid, there would be people at the office tomorrow who could give her a jump, and she was halfway through trying to price out an Uber when Zeke shoved a helmet in front of her face.
“Come on Reyes, you’re really gonna pay for an Uber when I can just take you home myself?”
“No way. No way in hell am i getting on that deathtrap.” She kept typing in her address.
“You’ll have to get one back in the morning too, and you know its like… 30 bucks both ways. Thats $60 you could avoid by just strapping on this helmet and letting me take you home.”
“No way!! I dont care how much it costs, im so not doing that.”
“Look. I know you think its unsafe, but the rain stopped at like noon, the roads are bone dry, and I promise ill go slow.” He had this twinkle in his eye that was very distracting, and the sight of him holding that helmet, leaning against the hood of her car, was doing funny things to her stomach. She glared at him.
“Do you kn-“
“do you know how many people die on those things every day?” He raised his voice a bit, to a squeaky annoying pitch, and had to jump away when she smacked at him.
“The only reason you got away is because im a cripple.” She snarked, and he laughed. “Yeah sure, blame the leg.” He said, dancing a little further away, and then coming in close, holding the helmet out. “You can pay for that Uber if you want, but I promise, I wont let anything happen to you.” She eyed him, and the bike, wary.
“Come on Reyes, you ride up into space on a ship i work on.” His voice was all teasing, but there was something else dancing behind his eyes. “Don’t you trust me, Raven?”
He barely ever used her first name, but his sincerity was like a gut punch. He was standing really close now, just enough space for the helmet between them. Finally, she took a deep breath, shut her eyes, and grabbed the helmet in both hands.
“If we die on this damn bike, I’m going to spend our entire afterlife beating your ass.” She said, pulling it down over her head, walking over to the bike.
He sat down on the front, popping the kick stand and sliding forward enough for her to fit. He pulled out a small metal bar that had been hidden in the bike, on her right side. She knew she looked shocked, and even though he couldn’t see it through the helmet, he knew anyway.
“I was always hoping i’d get you on this thing, so i added a place for you to put your leg, since i know you can’t keep it bent for so long.” She couldn’t see his face either, and she thought maybe that was a good thing. She slid onto the bike, behind him, and propped her leg up on the stand, wrapping her arms around his solid middle.
“Remember. If we die. Perpetual ghost world ass kicking.” She called, as the bike roared to life, vibrating underneath her. He laughed, nodding, and they took off.
The speed of it was unreal, the wind whipping all her clothes and the hair that was coming out of the bottom of her helmet, and she held on tighter as the sped up. He zipped down the roads, taking every turn with ease, and even though she knew he had to be going slower than he normally did, her heart rate was a million beats a minute and she could feel her adrenaline rushing through her body. She squeezed him again, and he took one hand off the bike for a second to squeeze her forearm, to reassure her. She kept her head on his shoulder, and somehow keeping her eyes open was better than closed, so she just watched as the trees zipped by, and headlights from other cars came in and out of view. The longer they rode, the more comfortable she got, and soon it was just a rush of adrenaline, and she could feel herself loosening up, smiling, until she finally sat back a little, keeping herself still firmly around his waist, and whooped into the night air. He turned his head, and she couldn’t see his face but she knew he was laughing at her, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. The ride took about 20 minutes, and when they pulled into her complex parking lot, her heart rate wouldn’t quit. He popped the kick stand on his bike, and they pulled off their helmets. He got off first, and helped her off, and maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the blood rushing through her ears, or maybe it was just him, close and tall and grinning ear to ear, but something came over her.
“See, Reyes, told you you wo-“
She cut him off with her lips, throwing her arms around his neck, running her fingers over his scalp and pulling him down to her, kissing him hard. He was frozen in shock for a second, but then he responded with ferocity. He opened his mouth to her, letting her tongue slide across his teeth, and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her into the air and spinning her around. When he set her back on solid ground, and they broke the kiss, she tucked her face into his chest, holding him close.
“If you say I told you so, I’ll never kiss you again.” She muttered into his chest.
“Does that mean if i DON’T say it, you will kiss me again?” The hopeful tilt to his voice got her to look up, and his eyes were bright, a smile threatening to break his cheeks. She leaned up, pressing a kiss into his cheek.
“So I’ll definitely need that ride in the morning.” She whispered, into his ear, close and intentionally low.
“Yeah,” he said, failing at nonchalant, “what time should i swing by.”
She smirked up at him, taking him by the hand, leading him towards the door of her building.
“I’d say just whenever we wake up is good.” He tugged her back in for a kiss, quick and easy. The adrenaline was still rushing in her ears as she tugged him into her apartment, towards her room, but she wasn’t sure it was from the motorcycle anymore.
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daylighteclipsed · 6 years
I read The Adventure Begins novel and I have a lot to say. This list is pretty long, so most of it is under the cut:
The Amulet is like a countdown clock, so a Trollhunter knows if they’re going to die soon.
Kanjigar, Blinky, and Aaarrrgghh are best friends and went on adventures together.
cool in theory but contradicts canon since Kanjigar believes “a Trollhunter works alone.” That’s why he and Jim clash.
But the past adventure they talk about is clever omg the frightened human pilots thought the goblins were Gremlins 
“[Kanjigar] moved closer, wanting to share the pride he felt for Draal...until he remembered the Amulet that occupied the space between his heart and his son.”
This line is so powerful. I now want to kick Merlin’s ass for Jim and Kanjigar.
Kanjigar praying Merlin not choose his son as the next Trollhunter seconds before he dies is so powerful too. I’m literally going to kick Merlin’s ass.
Jim has scars on his fingertips from all the times in the past he messed up using his Santoku knife.
“Kids, don’t try this at home, Jim thought. Unless your mom works crazy long hours and you’ve gotten sick of eating PB and J alone every night.”
All I can see is young tiny Jim sitting at this vacant kitchen table in a big empty house munching on a sandwich all by himself...And years later he’s eating better meals, but he’s still alone. i’m going to cry.
but i refuse to believe Jim never invites Toby over for dinner! refuse
who gave Jim a sword, why does he have a sword, give the boy a knife, let him fight with knives
Jim shits on his gpa and claims he’s not good at school but he’s taking AP history so...I'm thinking he’s just one of those kids that thinks a B or C is terrible
Plus I can’t see Barbara letting Jim get away with bad grades. Or Jim letting himself get away with bad grades when his mom works so hard to provide for them. He’s shown to be a hard worker in canon.
Jim has an anxiety disorder. Before he even becomes the Trollhunter. IDC if its not explicitly stated as such; every page is Jim worrying and wishing he would stop worrying and overthinking and feeling like he’s running out of time and it hinders his ability to concentrate or exist in the moment. Jim himself describes this as the norm too, like its an “all the time” thing, constant and persistent. and he feels so relieved in the very brief moments his head is free of “anxious thoughts.” Like there are so many examples. If I were to list them all this post would be very very long.
But I think its clever how the author weaves Jim’s pre-established anxiety, that feeling of running out of time, into the Amulet constantly ticking like a clock. And I guess if Kanjigar’s anything to go by, it is a countdown clock for how long Jim has left to live.
It brings a new meaning to Steve taunting Jim with the “tick-tock” gesture too.
Toby uses baby wipes to wipe his sweat away.
Toby unabashedly flirts with the ladies, even flashing the cheesy finger guns.
Jim’s such a soft loser he can recognize the flower Claire’s perfume smells like: Gardenias. 
Jim first saw Claire at one of her mom’s fundraisers at the hospital and started crushing when she requested the DJ play Papa Skull and rocked out on the dance floor all by herself.
My daughter is brave and true.
Likewise Claire started crushing on Jim when she noticed him dancing with his mom.
My son is loyal and caring.
These moments are character defining. In a sense, they fell for each other’s souls. (Claire’s a Gryffindor, Jim’s a Hufflepuff. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.)
Toby and Jim are bullied pretty regularly. Toby “had been the victim of numerous practical jokes during his childhood”. Steve gave Toby a wedgie a week before when the book takes place. And when Jim realizes what he’s done by standing up to Steve, he’s literally nauseous imagining the beating he’s going to get.
Jim’s not worried about dying, so much as how his death would affect his mom. This comes up twice.The second time its the final push he needs to fight back against Bular.
“Master Jim, you are now responsible for the protection of two worlds, human and Troll alike. If you don’t bring balance to the force keep the balance, evil trolls like Bular will come into yours and wreak havoc.”
“Toby knew that panicked look on Jim’s face all too well.” Did I mention Jim has anxiety
“Jim...looked around the pleasant neighborhood. All around him, families sat down together for dinner, parents helped kids with homework, and teens texted and gamed with one another. But not Jim. That kind of normal life clearly wasn’t meant for him.” I'm so emo
“I SURVIVED BULAR AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS STUPID AMULET” Someone please draw Jim wearing this as a t-shirt.
Blinky knows how Wi-Fi works and that humans like to send each other “adorable pictures of cats.”
“Thank you, Merlin, thought Kanjigar. Thank you for hearing my wish and sparing my son so that he may live a life free of your demands.” im going to KICK MERLIN’S ASS. SQUARE UP OLD MAN
“Over the centuries Kanjigar had seen full-grown trolls, some triple his size, cower in fear when the Amulet chose them. And yet here was this human child who somehow managed to withstand the Amulet’s burden--and still keep going.” listen I'm fucking crying i love Jim so much
Basically this book has a lot of good lines and moments and headcanons (unless the book’s been confirmed canon, idk?) but yeah I’m glad I read it.
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rogue-snorunt · 6 years
Why I made a ko-fi
I got an anon who said that if I'm going to ask the public for money, than I need to explain why and it better be good. Which. Subtlety kind of rude but I get it. I'd want to know the story too and while I did give the explanation already in my first post about it, because I broke my own link with my incredible stupidity, I took it down.
reposted the link to my Kofi that hopefully works now but did leave out the explanation because I feel bad involving others in my problems and I don't want people to hear em and feel guilted into anything.
So here it is: the full obnoxiously long saga of the series of unfortunate events that had led me to making the Kofi from start to finish describing my 2017-2018 life presently.
It all started back in January of last year..
The cafe in which I work.. Worked? Work.. closes every January for cleaning for anywhere between 2wks and a month and in the time they encourage us to apply early and collect unemployment. This would be my first and last ever time doing this.
Why close? Mainly because my bakery is an old fashion French bakery where our lawyer city boy rich owner went to France and liked some countrymans brick oven so much he dropped I think it was a million or so to not only buy the oven, but to actually bring said oven to America brick by fucking brick.
And to clean this wood fed oven the size of a living room, you need AT LEAST 2-3 wks to let it cool down enough for some poor scrawny guy to climb in through the tiny wood stuffing hole and excerise all that soot. Plus deep cleaning a detached two story bakery; the kitchen and cafe itself..
Anyway back to the plot:
So on Jan 1st,2017 I applied and by Jan 14th2017, the place temp closed for cleaning.
I had saved 900$ for this because I'd be okay for the month.. $200/month for rent; $50 for phone, $35 for gas, $130 for groceries for me (who has strict diet of lactose and gluten free diet because I WILL die if I eat gluten because my organs swell; attack themselves and try and shut down. Rip™ my diet gets fucking hella expensive. Bread alone is &4-$5 bucks) $300 monthly student loan etc..
Well: not a week in our gas heater said fuck you. So to help repair, there went -$400 bucks. A WEEK IN. Than my grandmas car died, -$250 a week later. Fuck me gently.
Than the fateful blizzard night of Jan 31st 2017 that would be the catalyst of unfortunate bullshit leading today.. at 4:35 on my friend was bringing me home after a fun weekend, as I do not have a car, and he wanted to make sure I got home safe before the super storm hit. The cafe was reopening Feb 10th.
I was later informed that at around 4:56, my friend hit black ice and we °360 hard into a tree. I only remember seeing it about to happen and worrying about my glasses about to break, then nothing. Then looking at my blurry hand and even with my one good but still kind of blind eye, I saw that it was black; blue and I couldn't move it. Then I guess I said "well shit" and went to sleep.
I had broken not only my glasses trying to protect them, the fucking irony.. but my metacarpals; my nose, inhaled the chemical death from the airbag and recieved mild chemic Burns to face and throat. My smol rib cage was punched by the airbag so hard it got bullied out of place and was now compressing my lungs and a severe concussion.
My friend luckily being a 6' ft some man was set far away from air bag and being the impact was more my side, had only bad bruising to the limbs but okay. His truck now an accordion.
The doctor only looked at my hand and ignored my concussion, as I had an in the ambulance and was apparently making stupid nonsense jokes. So they assumed I was fine I guess.
I had to call in to my job and sadly tell them the news I would not be able to work for maybe a few months.
A month later while home and coming down the stairs, I suddenly could not breathe and got light-headed. Not good when you on stairs. I ended up refuckin up my metas and now add broken tail bone to the list.
My return to work just went from hopeful 3-4 months to 6. I was not financially equipped for this
But wait rogue! The unemployment!
Ah yes. The fucking thing that would fuck me harder then the airbag and stairs combined.. You see:
I had asked everyone I knew that had ever collected unemployment before what to do and even the girl who did the disability thing: for I was unable to work; disability would not kick in until at least a month. I got bills men, life don't stop cause bad shit you know?
Everyone told me, collect unemployment until Disability kicked in. Then stop. Okay.. these 6 people would know best right? Dingdong: unfortunate event #3 so far:
By the time disability kicked in I had collected $700 caps. Nice! Right? Well my honest naive ass thought how you cancelled unemployment was to tell em to cease and why. So I did.I explained what happened. This proved to be the biggest mistake of my pathetic life and installed the lesson of "don't be honest with big brother." They said "oh no you got injured? Well guess what fucko. You now have to pay back the $700, or else and guess what, we adding an bonus fuck you of $200 ."
I'm not able to work; disability only gave$100 some and I got friends and family I am in debt to for helping during these shenanigans.
Then unfortunate events #4-#9 took place. my aunt died.
I had to be hospitalized for pancreatitis; kidney stones and infections a few times, sometimes for all em at once.
Then my dog prostate cancer became apparent and despite the medicine and surgery every thing that could hell, he had to leave us for the rainbow bridge.
Than my grandma's car died again.
Then my stepmother died.
Grandma had to get surgery for her knees and began to complain of occasional blindness and migraines.
Went back to work early because you guys do what you gotta do man, only it's 7 months later and in a couple more, the fucking Cafe is going to close again.
By the time it did, I had been using every paycheck to catch up on bills; pay back the my friends and family lent, paying the late bills from my dog and car repairs, back owed payment and feedback to the student loan. and just as I had started seeing the light at the tunnel.. we closed and I wasn't prepared.
Unemployment have nothing but the middle finger.
It'll be fine.. I can handle a month. It'll suck but-
During the time I was laid off this year I spent my time as follows:
Joined Tumblr and began to meme to counter that bi-polar depression and made some friends, looking at you @m-is-for-mungo 😘💞💞
A man grabbed my hand that didn't heal right and squeezed it so hard he fucked the bone. Had to go back to p.t. Hand once again fucking useless and I had posted about this way back, if you dig in my archive, you'll find the posts.
Applied for a state job at our prison with my friend whose already there, as kitchen worker
Got the surgery that I could no longer put off as it was too fix the anatomical problem contributing factor to my organs rioting like they do, but thankfully since it was considered life threatening, my insurance covered it.
Finally deal with death of my dog; and my family. Then my dad having a stroke and other family stuff.
Got that pesky rogue ribcage displacement taken care of
Fell down the fucking stairs again.
Adopted a special needs cat.
Became once again a financial burden and the moment I could, filled the still laid off time by trying to help my friend at their restaurant as much as possible.
Got the "we want you asap BUT thanks to state Bullshit like budget stuff.. We have to wait for the actual state to say yes" call from the prison call.
My uncle was discovered to cancer but by the time it was found, he had a week left. Then he died.
Got my shit broken by the scorned ex of our roommate
And then got the fucking letter from unemployment mildly threatening me to pay up.
But you said you didn't have a car in January 31st but then you do now??
After the car event, my friend told me to seek comp because I did get fucked up and being a baker who broke their hands, shit ain't good.. I did not want to because it was my friend, it wasn't their fault and if I had had my own car or just during go there in the first place this wouldn't have happened. Reluctantly after much badgering, I did.I did not get anything however until a year and half half later. and yeah, I’ll tell you how much seeing how Im being brutally honest: $10,000.
I immediately bought a $4000 car so I would never again be a burden and every single car I’ve ever owned have been $100+ garbage death traps I got from shady people and for once in my fucking life I wanted a car that wouldnt break down or try to kill me a week later; helped my grandma buy a car that wouldn't fail her, bought her a new fridge because hers died and paid some of her bills she got behind on. My friend had fallen behind on their bills as well and I owe everything I am and still being alive to these people.
You bet my stupid ass, I used almost every dime to help them. And id fucking do it again because: homies help homies.. And when your Nana whose been both mom; dad and nana to you and is the reason you weren't place in foster care needs you.. You fucking help her no matter what.I did have enough to pay the student loan for last month and this month. I got a new track phone because mine broke, bought a pair of shoes because I've only ever had my loafers and the soles fell off finally and I brought groceries. I have enough to pay rent and I am now tapped out.
My only debt is this $900 fuck you from the government and my $15000k student loan.
And now y'all caught up on the fucking disaster that is my life.
I'm sorry for this sobstory of me crying about my problems but i.. I really do not like asking for help.i hate asking for help. I hate that I have to ask for money because I've been in desperate shitty situations my whole damn life and managed to somehow scrape by but for the first time, I'm in a situation that I can't fix alone. And I fucking hate it and that I have to admit it. but I need help .
This is why I made the Kofi
A kofi that is absolutely only for and will only be used, to pay that $900. I promise you that even if I become homeless, I am going to pay that goddamn bill before anything else. Because I helped everyone with their debt and they are all good now, we all squared and now it's my turn to be okay glib-dimit
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