#and that i can connect w my art in a way that i never have before ??
lemongogo · 9 months
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< 2023 trgnz
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pixelatedraindrops · 11 days
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Yuma Month: Day 31: Post Game
…for the sake of the world’s happiness.
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moe-broey · 2 years
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bixiaoshi · 1 year
i love literature and i love finding connections between works and i love analyzing the literary work and i love speculating about why the author did smth and i love analyzing the characters and their interactions and i love making connections between works that have nothing to do with each other
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bby-deerling · 7 months
I’m so glad you will write for Sanji!!
Can i please request a Sanji x reader in the whole cake arc where before that Sanji and reader would flirt and have this connection making reader think their relationship would go further but suddenly Sanji decides to ignore them making reader sad and one day he just say goodbye to the strawhats because he will marry pudding breaking reader’s heart (like tons of angst)
Thankfully luffy didn’t believe Sanji and forms a plan to rescue Sanji, so when Sanji and reader are together Sanji confess to reader that he did it to protect them and he was scared this would become his life instead of staying forever with reader?
Sorry if its too much and too especifica dear amazing writer, its okay if you don’t want to write it. I just need a Sanji angst to fluff
I’m also happy the message made you happy, it’s true! The way you write its amazing! Glad you decided to write, post it here and for my tumblr to put you in my page!
Have a nice day!
thank you so much for the request! <3 i made a few lil tweaks, but i hope you still enjoy it!
crazy (sanji x reader) angst w/a happy ending, hurt/comfort, wci spoilers. wc 1.2k
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He was back.
He was back, and to everyone else it was like nothing had even happened—even Nami had forgiven him with relative ease.  The whole crew was acting as if the events of the last week and some change were a complete dream, and he never left.
As if he hadn’t been about to marry someone else.
You were a complete fool, thinking you could capture the heart of a man who constantly flitted from one woman to the next.  No stranger to the art of seduction, he threw himself at almost any woman that crossed his path, and on rare occasions, had gotten lucky when the occasional girl on an island would throw him a bone, but he had done so much to try to assure you his affections for you were genuine. 
Neither of you had confessed your true feelings for each other outright other than Sanji's dramatic professions that you would be a fool to take seriously; prior to his departure, you had been trapped in a delicate dance back and forth with each other that had slowly bloomed into something that felt more serious—at least it did to you.  It seemed so silly looking back on it—despite the way that he had toned down his flirtations with other women in order to convince you to fall for him, you should have known it was a matter of time until he went back to his natural habits.  The teasing touches, comfortable silence while doing dishes, and long, emotional talks over a late-night cigarette could only have kept him captivated for so long before moving along to someone else.
Despite the massive headache and heartache the cook was causing, you couldn’t even call him on it right now; after him having been through so much with his biological family, it would be nothing short of cruel to attack him over his wandering eye.  Still, you couldn’t help but hurt tremendously as he served drinks to you and Nami, mask of a smile on his face, without so much as a conversation with you about what had transpired, much less where the two of you stood with each other.  In fact, he seemed to be avoiding you, slipping into the kitchen if he saw you flagging him down on the deck, and contrived some reason to leave if you entered his workspace.
As you suck on your straw deep in thought, refreshing taste of pineapple juice running down your throat, you decide to follow him back into the kitchen.  You could stand him losing interest, but him avoiding anything but basic pleasantries with you was too much for you to handle.
“Ah, hello there, dear!” he says when you enter the kitchen, refusing to meet your eyes and instead feigning interest in a recipe book on the counter.  “I was just about to check on Chopper and Luffy, did you need something?”
Another thinly veiled excuse.  He steals a glance at you, and tenses when he sees you’re not buying it.
“Sanji, you’ve been avoiding me.” you say, voice wavering.  You had intended it to come out far firmer, but your emotions were already getting the best of you before the conversation had even started.
He swallows hard, and turns to look at you.  The silence pounds in your ears at he carefully chooses his words.
“I think we should have this conversation somewhere more private.” he says, sending chills down your spine.  Unable to respond verbally, you nod and follow him to the aquarium bar, which was thankfully empty.  He closes and locks the door, and stands behind the bar across from you; the tabletop separating you felt wider than the ocean you were sailing on.  Despite him being the one to pull you away to talk, he finds it difficult to speak.
“So.  I’ve been avoiding you.” he says, cringing with guilt at vocalizing his intentions.  You remain silent, waiting to hear him out, and the pain in your stare breaks his heart.
“I’ve been avoiding you because I’m no good for you.” he says, staring downward and unable to bear your gaze any longer.  You still don’t speak, forcing him to keep spilling his heart out, an activity that had felt effortless before, and like knives on his tongue now.
“What kind of man leaves the woman he loves to marry someone else?” he asks, hands shaking.
“The kind that wants to protect his friends.” you say, gingerly reaching out to lay your palm on top of his.  He instinctively laces his fingers with yours, and the familiar touch pulls at his heartstrings.
“I did do it to protect you all, you know that, right dear?” he says, almost as if he was trying to convince himself that his betrayal was worth all of the pain it had caused.
“I know, Sanji.” you say, trying in vain to swallow the lump forming in your throat.  “And you were brave for doing it.”
“Not when I’ve hurt you like this—” he insists, tears pricking in his visible eye and grip on your hand tightening.
“Sanji, what’s hurting me is you avoiding me.” you say, interrupting him, and with a firmness to your voice that makes him twitch.  “What’s hurting me is you refusing to even talk to me and acting like everything we had was a dream and leaving me wondering if you ever truly cared about me at all.”  Even though it needed to be said, you immediately feel guilt for saying it as his head falls into his arm and chokes back sobs.
“Of course I care, darling,” he chokes out, “I’m trying to let you go because I care.  I don’t deserve you.  I didn’t deserve you then, and I don’t deserve you now.” he insists, words muffled by his sleeve.  You run your thumb across his hand in an attempt to comfort him, but it only seems to make him more distressed.  His reaction finally gets you to break, and now both of you were sobbing messes.
“Sanji, please don’t let me go.” you plead between gasps for air.  “I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you.  I should have come to you sooner to comfort you instead of letting you try to distance yourself from me.  I should have known better.”
Your gazes meet, red and watery from tears.  Desperately, you search his face for any sign of what his next words will be, but he stays as silent as you had been minutes before.  Just as he had done, you take a shaky breath and decide to continue.
“I love you, Sanji.  I love you with the constancy of the sun rising and the moon falling.  I love you unconditionally.  All I ask is that if you feel the same way, you stay by my side.”
Something changes in the glint of his eye as he’s suddenly stirred to life.  Normally he is the one for poetic, drawn out confessions of love, but you’ve rendered him speechless as he lets go of your hand and slides over the top of the bar—in any moment less dramatic than this you would have laughed—and stands in front of you, spinning you around in your stool to face him.
“I love you, dear.  On this day and every day, and all the days to come, I love you.” he whispers, softly caressing your face before leaning in to seal his confession with a kiss.  It starts out chaste, but quickly turns into something messy, emotional, and passionate.
“Do you have any idea how scared I was?  That I would never get to see your radiant face again and tell you how I felt?” he rasps.
“So was I, Sanji,” you whisper back,  “but I’m so glad I told you now.
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mysteryshoptls · 9 months
SSR Jamil Viper - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Jamil: As a supporter of the Land of Dawning National Museum of Art's 100th Anniversary Celebration, I've made sure to look into every single exhibit.
Jamil: If I recall, the next exhibit over should have a painting of the Sorcerer of the Sands on display…
???: That's a good look he's got there. Makes sense, though, this captures the moment he got his hands on that Very Rare mat he'd been searching a long time for, so.
Jamil: Idia-senpai, is that you over there…?
Idia: EEK! O-O-Oh, it's Jamil-shi. Don't just suddenly start talking to me like that…
Jamil: My apologies. I didn't expect you to be this startled just by calling out to you.
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Jamil: At any rate, this painting is spectacular… It's overwhelming to see the real thing in person like this.
Jamil: He overcame countless ordeals and finally obtained the magic lamp that he had been continuously seeking for many years…
Jamil: This painting perfectly depicts the legendary tale of the Sorcerer of the Sands.
Idia: …He continuously searched for just one thing for countless years, huh. I think I can sympathize with him.
Jamil: Sympathize?
Idia: Ah, no, uh… I just meant that there was something that I wanted to have, no matter how hard I'd have to struggle to get it, is all…
Jamil: Something you wanted to have, no matter how hard you'd have to struggle for it, hm…
Idia: Th-The way you reacted there… W-Was there something that you wanted, Jamil-shi?
Jamil: Yes, I suppose I want…
Idia: HUH!?!
Idia: N-Never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth, sounds like something a middle schooler would say…
Jamil: I was just trying to mimic a quote that comes from the legends of the Sorcerer of the Sands, but… Looks like you didn't catch the reference.
Idia: Ah, so it was a joke… For a second there I thought we were similar, soz…
Jamil: No, there's no need for you to apologize… We were talking about things we want, right?
Jamil: There are many things I want, but… I suppose my current priority is networking.
Idia: Siiigh, so that's what you went with.
Idia: Still feel like I could relate better with you when you said you wanted "the power to command the universe"…
Jamil: In order to fulfill my deepest desires, I need useful…
Jamil: …I mean, helpful people with whom I can solidify and further my relationships with.
Jamil: After all, they say that the Sorcerer of the Sands also received assistance from many people in order to obtain that magic lamp.
Jamil: That is why I want to network and make human connections, so that I will never miss out on my deepest desires.
Idia: Yeah, I can get wanting to get your hands on a rare item as much as the next guy, but…
Idia: Leaving it to other people means they could end up betraying you. And it'd already be impossible to set up those human relations from the get-go.
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Idia: But hey, since the Sorcerer of the Sands held the spirit of deliberation…
Idia: Maybe he was able to work with others the same way you think through things, Jamil-shi. IDK.
Jamil: If there were any similarities in the way the Sorcerer of the Sands and I thought, then I would consider that a high honor.
Jamil: In most legends, he is described as a man who was prepared for any possible circumstance that could arise.
Jamil: That is, in both the country's affairs, and his personal affairs.
Jamil: In order to become someone as great as he was, I will continue to improve myself with care.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Jamil: This is a painting of a bird. It seems what's depicted here is the hornbill that served the royal King of Beasts family for generations…
Idia: U-Uh-huh… Looks like it's spouting something of all smug-like.
Jamil: Perhaps he's advising the royal family on something… Or no, maybe he's just lecturing.
Jamil: From what I understand, in addition to being the king's chamberlain, he was also the prince's chaperone as well.
Idia: For him to lecture someone he serves like that, he's either got guts or is unafraid of anything…
Jamil: Well, if the prince was the type to do his own thing, or act without thinking, dragging other people around him into his messes…
Jamil: I think I also would have a few frank words to say to him.
Idia: Jamil-shi, doesn't it seem like you're bringing your own feelings into this?
Jamil: …You must be imagining it.
Jamil: Now that I think of it… I heard that this hornbill was once asked by the King of Beasts to sing lullabies.
Idia: H-He asked his stern chamberlain for lullabies… Sounds like the King of Beasts' courage knew no bounds.
Jamil: Perhaps he got along well with the King of Beasts, let alone the prince.
Idia: My vote is that he'd have him sing lullabies in retaliation for nagging him day in and day out.
Jamil: Haha, that's possible too.
Jamil: But even so… Lullabies, huh. I remember my sister used to pester me for them all the time way back when, too.
Idia: U-Uh-huh… What another lovely memory for you.
Jamil: I don't know what you may be imagining, Idia-senpai… But it absolutely isn't a lovely memory at all.
Idia: Eh, r-really?
Jamil: Yes. Even though I tried my utmost to sing her a lullaby to help her sleep…
Idia: She wouldn't sleep at all?
Jamil: That'd still be a cuter outcome than what would happen.
Jamil: She'd furrow her brow at me and say YOU'RE TERRIBLE AT THIS!
Idia: Gaha! Out of the mouths of babes, as they say!!
Idia: Oh, but you were part of the NRC Tribe, right?
Idia: So that should mean that your singing was good enough to be chosen by that Vil Schoenheit, right?
Jamil: Well, sure… Ever since my sister first made fun of me, I've practiced a lot. I thought I improved enough that I could sing in front of people without embarrassing myself.
Jamil: My sister was also watching the live broadcast of the VDC, so I said to her, "Guess you can't make fun of me for being terrible at singing anymore"…
Jamil: And she responded with, "What are you even talking about?"
Idia: So she didn't even remember she said all that!? H-Heehee… Jamil-shi, that sucks!
Jamil: Right, I felt like an idiot for overthinking it for years.
Jamil: Well, I guess all's end that ends well, since all that practice means that my grades in music class don't suffer.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Idia: Ooh, the painting we can see over there is of the Thorn Fairy. It looks like she's in a bit of a pinch surrounded by a ton of soldiers.
Jamil: Yes but look at her expression. Although there are so many weapons pointed at her, she fears nothing.
Idia: More like the soldiers are the ones who're scared of her. But, how did this situation happen, in the first place?
Jamil: They say that the Thorn Fairy held magical power so great that everyone prostrated themselves before her. That is why she is legendary.
Jamil: However, humans often fear those who have unfathomable power…
Jamil: So I'm sure there were some humans who would attempt to point their weapons at her in this fashion. Foolish, is all I can call them.
Idia: Uh-huuuh, I see. If it were a video game, I can understand getting all excited trying to figure out a way out of throng of people, but…
Idia: If I ever got surrounded by so many people IRL, I'd faint immediately.
Jamil: I'm sure you're just overexaggerating about the faint…
Idia: Overexaggerating!? J-Jamil-shi, are you saying that you could go up against a large group of people like that and stay composed?
Jamil: Hm, I would… I would come back another day and request to speak one-on-one with the king who commands those soldiers.
Jamil: Well, that's assuming that they are a king who is willing to have a rational discussion.
Idia: Oh, so you wouldn't be able to handle them like the Thorn Fairy would…
Jamil: Well, isn't she considered one of the Great Seven because she can accomplish things that ordinary people cannot?
Jamil: Not only does she harness great power, but she is also very big-hearted. If it were me, I would probably have retaliated against them.
Idia: Oh, yeah? What kind of revenge would you come up with? Make 'em stub their toe on a desk corner or something?
Jamil: Heh, perhaps.
Idia: Oh, that look in his eyes means he's definitely plotting something…
Idia: I-I just remembered something urgent I need to do, so I'll leave you to it!
[Idia runs away]
Jamil: Something urgent? What else could he possibly have to do here? As supporters we're just here to enjoy the art museum.
Jamil: Well, no matter. I was just thinking I'd like to look at the exhibits quietly without anyone else bothering me.
Jamil: "What kind of revenge would I come up with?"… Hm.
Jamil: Well, if it were me…
Jamil: I would make them feel abject humiliation in every possible way so they could never walk the earth with dignity ever again.
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Requested by @bibi-cha.
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cherryskyies · 1 year
What your favorite slasher says about you — part two
includes: og michael myers, bo sinclair, vincent sinclair
this is just the start of my slasher writing. so far, they are winning on the poll, so what better way to start than to finish old pieces?
please bare w me, my writing is a smidge rusty ok 😔
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Og Michael Myers
I can't explain it well, but he is the equivalent of that inner cold feeling when you were at your lowest. You can still remember it in memories and it's a comfort you can't let go. It's giving major attachment issues, even to things that ruined you. Letting go of your past is like letting go of yourself — you can't do it.
You weren't listened to growing up either, and maybe even now you still aren't. Advice was given, especially when you didn't want it. You're desperate to have someone just listen.
Alone time is a must in your life, you can't have someone all up in your business 24/7. 
Probably a water sign with an air moon. Or a Taurus who never had stability.
Rough sex is a must. I mean, it's Michael. Rough is the only way you'll get it and you like it like that. Also, it's giving blood & knife play vibes.
Very independent. You'd rather die than have to depend on another person for necessities. 
Bo Sinclair
It's giving possible substance abuse or alcoholism. I mean, you only drink Monday-Sunday?? What's the harm in that?
You crave possession in a relationship. Maybe you never felt special, so it's a must to have a partner willing to kill for you and show you off.
Bondage is definitely an interest of yours. You might be into forced submission and definitely into being covered in marks. 
It's also giving daddy issues. Something about an older man calling you baby and sweetheart sends you into overdrive. You want him to provide and you want him to make most of the decisions while you sit pretty.
You've never experienced a stable relationship either, especially with men, so you don't care that he'd be toxic. You only care that he's there and not likely to leave. 
Probably an earth sign or neglected fire sign.
Vincent Sinclair
Either an only child or the ignored one — maybe both.
Body worship is a must. Nothing more attractive than a man that makes you feel special, loved, and seen.
You don't care about money or expensive dates and trips. You'd be happy with a picnic and spending alone time together, because to you it means more than anything money could buy. 
Definitely insecure yourself, so you're drawn to those with obvious flaws; not that you think he's flawed, but it gives a deeper understanding.
Actions mean more than words. You've likely been let down by those who have said they would do something, but never did. 
Soft, meaningful sex is your style. If you can't feel an emotional connection or you don't feel loved during, then you aren't happy and begin to feel insecure in the relationship. 
You enjoy peace and tranquility. Maybe you're an artist or it simply fascinates you due to the complexity and millions of meanings. Do you stay up and think about the past and it's art, wondering what was going through their minds and what they had witnessed to create it?
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xiaonyc · 2 months
Defining my boundaries w social media
I am a creative person. I have always liked to create, but sharing it is something new to me. Building community is something new to me. Theres a lot I am trying to wrap my head around as I enter this new realm. To make it a little simpler, i want to organize my thoughts a bit:
ᯓ★ Why share?
˖ ࣪⭑ contribution: I want to experience things deeply, I want to contribute something positive to this world in my lifetime
˖ ࣪⭑ self-expression: i am a unique being brought to this world for a reason, i may not know it exactly, but i will cherish the journey to learn about myself and express it in the truest way i can
˖ ࣪⭑ belonging: as humans, as a gemini/pisces, i desire meaningful connection and a sense of belonging. aligning myself with positive vibrations and feeling reciprocated is very important to me.
ᯓ★ What holds me back?
୨୧ ‧ Self-doubt: i fear criticism, i fear judgement. But I will overcome these fears because I know that i am here for a reason. The top priority is my own happiness. As long as i act with sincerity and self-love, everything will be ok.
୨୧ ‧ Self-hate: the core of my issues comes from this. Pushing myself to fatigue to accomplish "things" because if i don't i can't love myself. This is coming to an end NOW. I put my health and self-nourishment first, so that everything I create and share will be to nourish and heal myself. If it does not, I will take a step back.
ᯓ★ What can I do?
⋆˙⟡♡ Trust my intuition: feel more, inspiration is divine. Sometimes it comes and sometimes it takes a vacation, either way, i will feel when the time is right.
⋆˙⟡♡ Be bold: don't overthink, since I am a divine being, the words i type and art i create is from a source beyond me... I can't put it into a box with my monkey mind thinking and over-thinking. I will not hold back my expression.
⋆˙⟡♡ Choose: I always have a choice. I can choose to write something and never share it. It may stay a draft forever and that is ok. I will listen to my heart.
⋆˙⟡♡ Be myself: I am not here to say the "right" thing, or agree with a hive mind mentality. I am here to express my truth which I will do with sincerity and with a positive constructive mentality. I will change, possibly upset people, or say something others don't agree with, but I know that if I speak with sincerity and with heart, that is enough.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Hello! Merry Chirtmas ! İ just love your blog and can't stop thinking about it ! So, how would tadc react to a female kid reader ? That little girl is cheerful elegant little lady and wear nice Pink dress with bows! She comforted Gangle by saying "don't be sad ! İ love you !" And put some sticker on her mask ! Oh and saying i love you to them before leaving. When Jax is doing something bad she says "Don't be mean! you silly rabbit!"
Caine, Gangle, Zooble, Pomni w/ sweet!kid!reader (platonic)
doing these characters since the wheel chose it (ominously) not sure how much i'll write today but i got a little more in the inbox compared to these past few days so i plan on working that down
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basically treats you like his own kid but hes never been a dad before so hes still learning; torn between him being over protective of you or thinking you're indestructible (which... technically you are as long as youre in the digital world). i think he finds your sweetness adorable, though if theres someone in the circus being mean to you (surprisingly i dont think jax would be too mean. a little bit of a butt? yeah but its not much different than an older brother picking on their younger sibling) i think he would pipe up and not shut up until you get an apology. starts watching IHAs more now that you're here, both to see how youre doing but also to make sure its not too crazy for you.. cant help but let the big scary monster/trial pass when you run up to it being nice. literally just snaps the thing out of existence/away/wherever. loves seeing the look of triumph on your face afterwards
nice towards you and probably over time keeps a closer eye on you but in the beginning i think its more like. you following her like a duckling since shes busy trying to find an exit. honestly i think pomni would have a hard time when it sinks in that theres a little kid here in the circus. how did you get here? when did you get here? i think thats what would prompt her in trying to connect with you, thus you gain another guardian figure! sticking true my idea of pomni being uneasy around kids because they can be gross and have no filter and be unpredictable i think at first she would be a little... tense around you, but overtime becomes more comfortable when she realizes youre not like that. definitely going to take a while, though.. shrugs
definitely finds you sweet, lets you hang around in her room and mess with her art supplies. probably cries harder when you try to make her feel better after jax does something, usually something that leaves her with a broken comedy mask. i dont think she would let you confront jax about it, though... she appreciates the sentiment but shes not about to make it look like she sent a little kid to defend her, thats only going to give jax even more ammo even if you stood up for her on your own. sometimes lets you put stickers on her mask or glitter... ponders.. i think she reads stories to you too, every night
i think ive already said this before but zooble gives off such older sibling energy, and i cant really explain it other than its just the personality and looks... but i guess that doesnt explain much. shrugs. sweet younger sibling, cool but indifferent older sibling. or at least you think theyre cool. and you tell them every chance you guy. i think they would just give a weird "thaaanks.." the first few times before fully leaning into the older sibling role. dont get me wrong like before they wouldnt just leave you wandering around alone during an IHA, hell i dont think they would there wasnt one going on.. but they wouldnt go out of their way to hang out with you.. but eventually they just kind of keep a closer eye on you. check in on you. ask what youre up to. theyre not attached to you by the hip but theyre definitely present in your life as a role model. tries to make you be less nice, gives you the talk that not everyone is nice and sometimes some people fake being nice in order to get what they want. but in kid terms, obviously... well not little kid terms i still think zooble would be blunt but they wouldnt be harsh
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jnnul · 10 months
nct dream in college
a/n: my third fucking time posting this istg this is why i quit the first time tumblr let me post things in peace
word count: 2.6k
tags: idk the frattiest boys in town doing what college dudes do, just fluff, hinting at insecurity + fear for the future, and a couple mentions of ppl not following their dreams for practicality sake but what can u do tw: mentions of drinking & underage drinking, mentions of sex but no graphics
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Originally posted by choi-soobin
gif creds: @choi-soobin​
finance bro w a music minor
i’m so sorry to all of the ppl who hc him as a nerdy music kid who just always thinks abt music
but that boy is a finance bro thru and thru and i will die on that hill
he’s in a frat but he’s honestly rlly shitty abt act going to the non-party frat stuff
and even the parties, he rlly only goes to bc he dj’s every single time
ppl get annoyed sometimes bc mark always tries to slip in some of his stuff into the mix but it’s honestly so good that he gets away w it
his homies make fun of him for it but he sits in the first three rows bc a) he’s fucking blind and b) he act rlly likes finance
like he enjoys the idea of finance + what he could do w it in the future
even if he doesn’t necessarily like business calc
goes to church on sundays (if he’s not hungover) and will be so respectful abt it that he convinces some of his non-christian friends to go to
mark has a good rep on campus for being an all around pretty chill dude
everyone’s also half convinced that he’s a plug
swears up and down that he doesn’t smoke but ppl have videos of him puffin like it’s his side hustle
it is
kinda sticks to his own friend group bc he’s a little shy
but when he’s drunk (when someone wrestles him out of his little dj booth to do shots w them)
he knows everyone and their mother all of a sudden
kinda cute when he’s drunk cause he’s rlly lovey
ppl kinda like like him as that cute guy in their class but he never rlly goes out of his way to pursue anyone so anyone who’s interested has to be the one who chases
isn’t clueless but is oblivious until one day you’re basically sitting on his lap during lecture and he’s like 😟🤨🧐😏
the day he gets cuffed tho literally no one can pull him apart from his girl
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Originally posted by rainbowrenjun
gif creds: @rainbowrenjun​
so...this might be controversial
but i think renjun would be a international relations major, not an art major
i feel like he’s a practical guy and he likes art but not enough to pursue it as a livelihood yannowhatimean
isn’t that well connected on campus bc he keeps his friend circle very exclusive but literally everybody and their mother knows him
kinda has a reputation for being a little cliquey but he gets away w it bc he’s just genuinely a decent guy who’s on the more private side
you will never catch him drunk
like he def won’t be sober at parties but you’re never gonna see him stumbling around
the type of guy to keep an eye on a girl’s cup if she leaves it somewhere, even if no one asks him to
also volunteers on the weekends at a local shelter for ppl of different nationalities
a private guy tho. ppl rlly don’t get to know or understand him unless they’re part of his friend group
which is nearly impossible to join
just kinda cruisin’ thru life bc he’s unproblematic and just rlly wants to get a degree and dip
gets the some of the best grades out of his friends (jeno is the only one who does better and jaemin make a close second) but donghyuck insists it’s bc renjun’s major isn’t a real major
chenle threatens to send the video of donghyuck and renjun slipping on their asses and falling into the pool as renjun tried to fight donghyuck to every single person that renjun even considers seeing romantically
probably dates once a year, eventually falls out of attraction and then swears off dating
until donghyuck gets on his ass abt not having sex and then renjun’s competitive streak gets activated
during which he speed dates for like three weeks before finding someone and then trying to date them
isn’t very emotionally invested in his romantic relationships
except for one of them, and ever since they told renjun off, he was unseperable from them
renjun may or may not have a masochist streak it’s still unclear
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Originally posted by poppypeachy
gif creds: @jaemtens​
a physics and education double major
he didn’t really know what he wanted to go into so he was undeclared for the longest time until he took a physics gen ed and ever since then, he’s been super into physics
only added education as his second major after he ta’d for physics 1 and for the first time, could actually see himself in that career
gets the most shit for being in a frat and simultaneously being the biggest fucking nerd but he just thinks its funny
isn’t super smart (like he’s not a genius or anything) but he works rlly hard for his grades so even tho his friends (donghyuck) make fun of him, everyone is inspired by his work ethic
until it’s the weekend
and then it’s like he’s another person altogether
he’s downing shots like there’s no tomorrow and if jeno lee attends a party by himself, then he’s leaving with at least one person
on a particularly daring occasion, he was seen leaving with three
people are convinced that jeno has a twin brother bc of how bold, lively, and undeniably charismatic he gets when he lets go of his inhibitions
jeno just smiles a sweet smile and redirects the conversation
a very much go with a flow type of guy
he’s down for pretty much anything as long as he makes it home in time to study for the next day
spontaneous camping trip? sure. smoke a blunt? sure. join a threesome w one of his best friends and his girlfriend? sure.
he just didn’t take a lot of things too seriously (besides his academics and whether or not his dick got wet)
and that was why a lot of ppl liked him
he was also a rlly easy person to talk to
everyone knew that the first half of his office hours were for actual physics and stuff and the second half was just for chilling w him
which is how he met his s/o, actually
they used to come for office hours every single time jeno held them and would stay the whole time; it was only two weeks later when jeno accidentally saw their test scores (straight 90s without the curve) that he realized that maybe, he was in the clear to make a move
after the semester is over ofc
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Originally posted by donghyuckkies
gif creds: @donghyuckkies​
a poli sci major with a minor (or as he likes to call it, a concentration) in criminal justice
will not let you forget that he’s in a frat
no one has the heart to tell him that he almost got kicked out of the frat 3 times but they keep him around bc he’s just a good guy overall
plus he brings the most girls to parties so it’s rlly not all that bad
the dude who’s surprisingly quiet and intellectual, but only when you catch him on his own
when he’s with his friends, he acts completely differently, even if he turns around and mouths “i’m sorry” while no one is looking
probably runs a club like devil’s advocate club but it’s just a silly club that uses university money to buy snacks, chill, and talk about controversial opinions
lowkey the guy to go to if you need something or need something done because the man knows everyone
and everyone knows him
will make fun of you for studying, and might even steal your textbook, but sends you a quizlet with last year’s answers bc that’s just the type of person he is
does not study. will not study. would rather listen to music w mark or party w jeno.
still has pretty decent grades bc he’s charming and persuasive and what is political science besides the art of professional bullshitting
once you get close to him, he becomes one of the best ppl for advice
will not let you go after the sneaky link turned situationship
mostly bc he knows exactly what said situationship is rlly up to behind the scenes (i’m telling you, the fbi wishes that had him; he knows everyone’s business)
will die before he tells anyone but probs runs one of those confession pages
partly how he gets all of his info from
thinks it’ll ruin his street cred if he tells ppl he’s secretly playing cupid and that’s why he’s always messing w seemingly random combos of ppl
until one day, a confession comes in for him
def one of those boys who ‘reforms’ after he meets his s/o but is a loving menace nonetheless
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Originally posted by jae-min
gif creds: @jae-min​ 
microbiology major on the pre-med track with a minor in visual art
has tried dropping the pre-med track at least 4 times but absolutely will not bc he gets too much fomo
also wants a job. with guaranteed 401k compensation and benefits. so.
is one of the less toxic pre-med kids but only because he’s so close to dropping out that he just can’t seem to take or give a shit anymore
lives in a perpetual state of caffeine high bc he will be damned if jeno gets better grades than him
lowkey, i feel like he’s one of those guys who only goes to parties to find ppl to fuck
like he doesn’t rlly like to drink or smoke (although he will take the occasional eddie)
but mans is stressed from the constant personality clash (within himself) so he literally jackhammers his stress away
too crude? sorry.
was once upon a time in every single club known to mankind
dropped out of almost all of them when he made the friends he wanted to make
somehow always ends up having to pay when everyone goes out
doesn’t tell anyone that he always loses on purpose (unless it’s to chenle) bc he knows that college is tough and not everyone has the same financial freedom as he does
exclusively studies at the school library bc he doesn’t rlly spend time w his friends outside of his main friend group unless its while he’s studying or at a party
although he’s not rlly studying bc he probably already got the notes and answers from the people who took the class a semester earlier than him
but again, he’s got a competitive streak about his grades so studies anyway
which is where he meets his s/o bc they’re always sitting in the same spot, looking stressed as fuck as they study
one time, jaemin and the other person are the only two ppl left studying post 3 am during hell week and he offers to buy them coffee
studies w his lovely s/o from then onwards and offers to bite donghyuck whenever he tries to disturb them <3
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Originally posted by istjun
gif creds: @istjun​
marketing major i’m so sorry
he’s just such a finance bro + business major but he hates finance so he goes into marketing instead
school is a fucking joke to him
he’ll try hard enough to get by in his classes (and bc just being around poor stressed out jisung gives him motivation to study) but no more and no less than that
the first one to call it quits when they’re all studying together but renjun practically tapes him to a chair
also surprisingly intuitive and good at marketing so even if he barely tries, professors love him and somehow make him pass anyway
knows every international kid on campus bc he gets what it’s like and makes an effort to make them feel more at home
gets invited to every party that the international kids throw and never looks at a frat ever again
they go so fucking hard at those parties that chenle, THE business major, gets tired and has to turn in pre-2 am to avoid alcohol poisoning
doesn’t get home until 7 pm the next day bc a) he’s hungover and b) they love him so much and force him to stay so he just bums at their place until he’s good to go
will make fun of you and your bad decisions (even if they aren’t that bad) but will protect you at every turn if anyone else tries to say smth
will fucking go to bat for ppl he doesn’t even know that well bc chenle hates mean ppl
is on the intramural basketball team w a couple other guys
is very popular on the team bc he always knows the best restaurants and has been known to pay when he knows someone’s a tight spot
is very lowkey abt his wealth bc ppl like to take advantage of it so the ppl he does choose to help out are also very lowkey abt it
the type of dude to spot you like $50 and won’t ask you abt it
but ppl always pay him back whenever they can bc they know he’s helping a lot of ppl in rough situations, even if he’s very hush hush abt it
is the reason why jisung joins a frat and singlehandedly boosts his rizz by a decameter
probably has a childhood sweetheart that lives at home so he doesn’t partake in the romance scene on campus at all
is in love with them and will boast abt being taken
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Originally posted by fool4nct
gif creds: @fool4nct​
a dance major
impractical? maybe. but the world’s going to shit anyway so might as well do what you want, right?
that’s what chenle says to jisung the day that he’s applying to his top school
is literally the student that the school begs to have join
offered every single scholarship under the sun to have him join bc such raw talent is rare nowadays and he’s just stuck like 😟😟😟
bc he had no idea that he would get in, much less have them like him so much
but for all his talent, he’s always fucking stressed abt something
sometimes it’ll be about a choreo and other times it’ll be abt the fact that he’s almost 98% sure he won’t get a job after college but his friends always get him out of his head
has abt 6 friends on campus (total) and it’s bc of chenle
so after freshman year, he decides to get out of his shell a little bit
and jisung park is the MAN to be around when he does
he’s charismatic, tall, an amazing performer, and really, just such a suave guy that straight men kinda have that weird jealousy where he’s so cool ppl wanna be friends w him and also hate him
still gets insecure abt his skills or his future but has ppl around him who love him and help him out of it every time
i’m ngl i think that he singlehandedly makes the dance team tryout numbers go from 12 - 15 ppl to 50 - 60 ppl
dance is his entire life and when he’s not rizzing up ppl (or honestly, getting rizzed up by them; he can’t flirt for shit when he rlly wants to) he’s on the dance floor
donghyuck has had to physically rip him off the floor to get dinner after a particularly rough night
even his fave dance teacher revoked his after class dance room privileges bc ppl got worried abt how much time he spent in there
decides to take a break when he realizes just how empty his days are w/o dance
gets into music production and has worked w mark more than once under pseudonyms
won’t say anything but listens to what everyone says abt the song when mark plays it at a party
still working on himself so a s/o isn’t rlly in the picture but ppl are not mad abt it bc he’s a good time with or w/o commitment
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bigdumbbambieyes · 9 months
so, i've been inspired by @intothedysphoria and wanted to write my own little positivity post for the people that i've connected with through this fandom!! 🤍
to start off, @intothedysphoria, thank you so much for being the shining light that you are in this fandom. it can be a dark place at times and your efforts towards being a positive person (even when it's hard for you) is truly admirable!
my bub, my best friend, @hephaestn!! I'll never forget the day I decided to DM you and be the annoying little shit that I am and our friendship was born!! you bring me so much joy on a daily basis and I know I can count on you to cheer me up when I need it, be a rational voice when I'm being a mean girl kfkjng and being such a talented writer that makes me feel the most incredible things!
god's funniest little clown @martianclown, you are my circus peanut and i adore you and our conversations so much! you are incredibly talented at what you do and you deserve only the best in life, thank you for allowing me to be your friend!
my sweet @akioukun, you are like the sun with the way I can turn to you and you immediately warm me and make me smile. your talent and musing are unmatched and you are such a delight, I admire you greatly and appreciate you sm!
the best co-captain around, @thatgirlwithasquid, thank you for always being you and for giving me the best cunningway content I could ever ask for, you have inspired me in so many ways and I appreciate your friendship w me!
my fellow Canadian, @chrisbitchtree, thank you for being the world's best beta reader and such an amazing person, I appreciate you more than you know! your writing is so sweet and I admire it and you so much, you've put a smile on my face when I've needed it!
@starkstruck27 you have sent me numerous asks saying the sweetest things, you continue to make my day whenever you do - you are so incredibly sweet and I appreciate you so much!
my hilarious moot @harringroveera, you have made me laugh with your memes time and time again, and you've inspired some of my writing with them, too!! I can always count on you to put a smile on my face, so I thank you so much for that.
the equally hilarious @shieldofiron, your memes and posts have delighted me for a very long time and I really appreciate you for that - I also deeply admire how you write such quality fics so quickly, I am truly in awe of you and your talent. I also must personally thank you for getting me into munver lol!
@dragonflylady77, you have always been so supportive of me from the beginning and I must thank you a million times over! you always have something nice to say about everyone and I truly believe that without you, this community wouldn't be the same.
the talented @adelacreations, you are such a generous and passionate person, I admire you and your art and your writing!! your creativity is also something I very much admire, please keep being your lovely self!
@spaceofentropy thank you for always saying such kind things about my writing, you are so lovely and I adore you so much!! I still remember that time I was feeling really down and you cheered me up, I hold that moment close to my heart.
hi @discodeviant you are so incredibly talented and I still adore the prom ficlet you wrote for me all those weeks (months?) ago!! your writing is beautiful and I admire it and you sm, thank you for sharing it with us all!
@weird-an I continue to be in awe of your writing and I remember being 'new' to the fandom last year and just...having my jaw be on the floor every time I read one of your ficlets! I admire you greatly and hope that you continue to write forever and ever!
sweet @grey-sides, I know we don't talk much but when we do, I always enjoy it! your writing is phenomenal and I remember you were one of the first writers I came across when I really became active in the fandom last year! I adore you and your writing, please never stop making what makes you happy!
@femmebilly, hi honey, I miss you!! You are one of the first friends I made in this fandom and I still have such a soft spot for you! You've always been so supportive of me and everyone in this fandom and without you, it would be a darker place. Thank you for being my lovely friend.
@deedoop you will forever and always make me laugh with your posts and I've told you this many times but I simply MUST tell you again, lovely!! give Billy's jar a kiss for me and take one for yourself, too! thank you for being such an amazing person!
my darling @valsyngur, my Steve!! this must be so random for you lol but I just wanted to tell you that I really adore you very much and what we're creating together, and I admire the art you create! you are such a sweetheart and I'm glad to call you my friend!
the sweetest @applewillowstone, thank you for inviting me to your server and for being so kind! you are incredibly talented in so many ways and I am in awe of you!! thank you for sharing your talent with us!
@destroya2005, you have picked me up with your words far too many times and I am in debt to you because of it (in the best way)! you are too sweet and you are so loving, thank you so much for being you!
@passivenovember, whenever you reblog one of my posts, you ALWAYS make me laugh and it's such a small thing but it truly makes my day! Your writing is also incredible and I just wanted to appreciate you in this post!
the lovely @oopsiedaisiesbaby, your writing is amazing and I love our mutual love for Lana!! you always leave the most lovely comments on my fics and posts and I appreciate you so, so much!
@ratbastardbilly, hello, I don't believe we've ever spoken but I just need you to know that your art holds a special place in my heart! you are so incredibly talented and I admire you greatly!
my sweet @simplydes, I am so happy that we've become friends!! You are so insanely talented and I love that I can just message you with whatever crazy little musing or hc I have about our boys and you return that energy! Your art is some of the most lovely I've ever seen and speaks to me on another level, thank you so much for sharing it with us!
my newest friend @hellfirefucker, you are such a little gremlin and I adore you so!! Your talent is so clear and you only get better and better with each piece! Thank you for picking me, choosing me, loving me (lol), I admire your talent and you always make me laugh whenever we chat!! thank you thank you so much!
@robthegoodfellow thank you for being such a delight to talk to!! I will forever fondly remember our Yellowjackets discussions after every ep nkjfgnj I can't wait for S3 so we can do it all again! Thank you for being such a lovely person!
@ihni, your art and writing is some of the first I'd seen when I first started posting hg and I want to thank you for continuously putting a smile on my face with it!! you are very lovely and I admire you!
@wickedlydevious, you took me in like a stray kitten once and have been lovely ever since!! lol I know we don't speak much but when we do, you are always so lovely!! thank you for making my fandom experience so much better!
there are also dozens upon dozens of artists and writers and just people that are so amazing and have impacted me in the best of ways so I will tag them here! Please know that I adore what you create and am in constant awe of you (in fact, maybe a little intimidated 😳) @thediktatortot, @metalscoops, @wrecked-fuse, @billyharringson, @callieb, @dreaminginpencil, @kallisto-k, @makeadealwithdean, @whenyouwishuponastar7, @suspiciouslackofclowns, @aggressiveviking, @writer-in-theory, @lilkiwiboi42, @billysbuttcheeks (idk why it won't let me tag you!), @lemonhitsu, @saberghatz, @thewaywardkees
I also want to give a heartfelt thank you to every single person who has either liked or reblogged my posts or took the time to say something nice to me or my writing because I am just a girl who is writing about what makes her happy and if my writing makes you feel even just a little spark of something, I know I've done good!! Thank you thank you thank you!!
Bambi 🤍
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hellonerf · 3 months
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suicide is discouraged in the workplace
im not even gonna try to be coherent here. this is not an analysis post i am braindead. if i was a better artist makima wouldve been my muse when i was deep into chainsawman. actuallt she kind of was but i pussyed out
OK everyone here can subconsciously understand this connection. dont get too hung up on makima's strong motherhood theme and i just thought about what if ame was motherly and i couldn't kill myself right aftee thinking that as i have no means to it. that was a joke its late and im just me. i decided i wasnt a fan of motherly ame though so all suicidal thoughts erased. i am really chill now
old makima fanart i drew that im trying not to rip my hairs out over thinking about it with ame. also dont worry if this makes tou find my mainblog or main accounts whatever
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actually theyre really different in many ways now that im looking at these. ame is so much of a son and makima is so much of a mother its like oppsoite spectrums. but thay makes the commonalities fun actuallt. i keep thinking about the movies and makima hating bad movies. ame is not an art kid by any means does he even care of the beauty of the world? i doubt it. but he likes bad movies and he likes cheap entertainment so who knows... they'd disagree on that. well i think makima's opinion on that was pretty extreme so i think most would disagree with her really
i could imagine ame going "Chainsawman. Doesn't spit." and smoking for the first time to look cool like in movies only to pathetically cough. thats their common trait... artifice... humans... but in a way that loops back to being Really Human i guess. holds a kind of arrogance and hubris that is so associated with humanity. it cant be anything else. ame should kill himself i think he should get moments of clarity and awareness and want to kill himself rqlly bad
both concepts of control. awesome. SUICIDE IS NOT ENDORSED IN THE WRKPLACE. ame goes to protestant church once or twice and sleeps because hes useless. makima is baptised and goes to local catholic churches not the cathedrals she supports the local christians.FUCK i just remembered the country mouse city mouse thing. ame is a liar and hates everything and loves everything and never feels content. i like to imagine him as a country mouse so fucking bad i want him to chill out one day and go to those middle of nowheres i know exist in america(can i shove cana in here and get away with it). why are they in the city if they are country mice? because..... you know..... you understand..... another w for eternal unhappiness (refer to title of this post)(suicide is discouraged in the workplace)
they are evil bosses i am the employee and when i ask for a break they gaze at me with a vacant stare and smile and i know in my heart they are viewing me like i am beneath them. i get scared and run away but truth is they didnt hear my request. they do not register individual people
if they met they would know immediately and viceversa. because everyone knows subconsciously because lying is futile and everything melts away. ame:i know a toxic boymom when i see one... okay im kidding makima is a toxic boymom if u push the chainsawman in ur head 🙂 ame as a kind of control devil works inmy head. i really believe ame was a polite child but demanding in many ways. sincerely wanting.
ame:gun devil i'll give you one year of the lifespans of the american people. in exchange i want you to kill makima—that is... the control devil (i never got around to drawing this)(ame and gun devil can you imagine)
or:gun devil i'll give you one year of the lifespans of the american people. in exchange i want you to kill alfred f jones—that is... the united states of america (paradox)
throughout all this i wanted to cite the best makima artist in the world ever but i'd feel bad if they wouldn't want to be associated with evil hetalia america blog. also i want to be normal and not cringe at being cringe just becayse i think makima was a thunderstrike of genius that i shouldn't taint. ame is a more flexible character to me for obvious reasons. this is how i'd shove ame into makima's role. but u couldn't put makima as ame. only one way. im okay with that. concept idea consensus words fear control blablabla u get the point i hate using words dont care sleepy now
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angst w happy ending/fluff + fake dating + “was any of this even real” with stewy PLEASE 🙏 honestly i will take ANYTHING stewy but i feel like this fits him…
Play Pretend.
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44. "Was any of this even real?" + h. Fake dating + 4. "Marry me."
Author's Note - this is a drabble written as part of my 500 Followers Celebration!! find that post here if you're interested. this is a part of my campaign to become your favourite stewy writer x
Pairing - Stewy Hosseini x Female Reader
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - cursing
Word Count - 810
Masterlist. 500 Follower Celebration Masterlist.
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You never meant for it to go this far. Neither of you did.
Stewy had cruised into your bar one night, and you'd hit it off. Several whiskeys later, he's making you an offer you can't refuse.
He proposed that you be his girlfriend for any and all events that he had to attend with a date. In return, he promised to help connect you with some important people in the art world. You'll have a gallery of your own in no time, he'd said.
That was 8 months ago.
At first, it was fun. He'd send a fancy gown to your apartment, request that you be wearing it by 8pm sharp. He'd pick you up in a shiny car, and keep you on his arm all night. It was like you were living in a whole different world. You enjoyed it.
But the more you two pretended, the realer it became. You spent hours laughing, teasing each other, talking the nights away. You got to know each other, bared pieces of your soul. Now, it's bordering on something more.
You've fallen head over heels in love with him, and he sees you as a fake date.
You're stupid, and you know it. You should have known from the moment you met him that his charm would wear you down. That beaming smile, the grey streak in his hair, the way his hands were always warm. You'd fallen hard, and there was no going back.
You're panicking. You're scrambling around, looking for the eject button. You know if you keep going, you'll reach a point of no return. So, you do the only thing you can think of. You cut it off.
Can't do tonight, you'd texted. No explanation, no apology. You felt guilty, of course you did - you know he needed someone at the gala with him. But you were trying to protect yourself.
You'd expected him to reply fuck you then! and be done with it. But when has Stewy Hosseini ever been predictable? Instead, he's banging on the door of your apartment so hard you're worried he's going to break it down.
"Sweetheart, what the fuck is going on? Open this door before I kick it down!"
"Don't kick it," you yell back. "You'll ruin those Louboutins I know you're wearing."
"Open. The. Door."
"Aren't you supposed to be at the gala by now?"
You know it isn't exactly mature to be yelling through the door at each other, but it feels easier, somehow.
"Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Just tell me what I did and I'll fix it!"
That's your breaking point. You swing open the door to be met with Stewy in a navy blue suit, dressed up to the nines.
"You can't fix it," you murmur.
"Let me try," he begs, moving closer to you.
"Look, Stewy. Thank you, for everything, really. But I'm done. I can't do it anymore."
You sound so sure of yourself. His heart shatters so hard, he wonders if you hear it break.
"Was any of this even real?" he whispers, looking at you intently.
"... What?"
"Was any of this even real? I mean, I know it wasn't at the start, but I thought... I just... Nevermind."
"What did you think?" you ask gently. He isn't making sense, and it's putting you on edge. He's usually so assured.
"I thought - I thought this was something. I know you were my fake girlfriend, but I thought you were at least my real friend."
"I am your friend," you reassure, wrapping your arms around his middle instinctively. "That's why I can't do this anymore. Because we're friends. It's not fair."
You're holding onto each other for dear life. You both think this is the last time you'll get to do this.
"I thought you loved me," he whispers into the top of your head. "How stupid was I?"
You pull away to cradle his face in your hands, looking at him carefully.
"What did you say?"
"No, Stewy. Say it again. Please."
"I said, I thought you loved me. Guess it was all just pretend," he laughs dryly, no real humour in it.
"Oh my god," you chuckle. "We're so stupid."
"Speak for yourself," he mutters.
"I do love you," you laugh. "I thought you didn't love me. I thought you were just pretending."
"I don't think I was ever pretending."
With that, you lunge at him, smashing your lips to his. He tastes like peppermint and smells like his woody cologne and it's everything you've ever dreamed. He pulls back to wrap his arms around you, spinning you around the living room.
"You know, I think we should just skip the rest. What's the logical next step? Marriage? You wanna marry me?"
"Easy there, Casanova," you tease. "Take me on a real date first."
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offshore-brinicle · 22 days
see now i'm wondering if his ring ID is the kind of person yi sang could have become if he didn't join limbus company. like he internalizes the thinking pattern of "i'm a fool and not worth a damn and everything i do only hurts people" and expresses that self-loathing via his art. eats drywall
OK SO. I TOOK SOME TIME TO ANSWER THIS ONE BECAUSE I WAS TRYING TO GET HIM FOR MYSELF. I don't even really play the game anymore and keep up with the story via YouTube but. Y'know just to prove a point basically and Virtual Yi Sang Collectionism while I find myself with too much free time again so you might have gotten to see it by yourself by now but. Still.
Actually looking into this with his story and all of his dialogue they really did just give him an actual Bad End ID like Nclair, Ahabmael and G Corp Gregor (with some variation of Erlking joining eventually? but I have no idea how that will work taking in count the plot aspect) since Spicebush Yi Sang doesn't really Qualify as one of those and is even framed as being empowering in a way for him taking in count its release was timed so it could be used in the Farmwatch fight instead of waiting for the end of the Season like the others. I believed that W Corp Yi Sang was this spiritually; since it depicts him at his lowest point imaginable following on the track he was on already and the themes of Canto IV perfectly though not related to it, but now Ring Yi Sang has shown us a much more connected, and much darker potential path for him. So I'll take this post as my chance to analyze this:
In regards to his self-loathing it's very interesting that he actually seems to feel a sense of pride not seen in any of his other IDs, talking about "what he deserves" and disregarding everything that doesn't cause him a reaction. He now uses creation itself as a way to fill the emptiness inside of him, while in the main story, Yi Sang's resolution was that his impulse to create was his way of connecting with others.
You can see that in these lines, where he has completely disregarded everything about life and other people, pretty much all of his dialogue revolves around wanting to create and he has only interest in what can inspire him, to the point he nonchalantly kills civilians for failing to make him feel that way.
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I feel like this is even expressed in the Sins for this ID compared to base Yi Sang, the set-up is the exact same; S1 Gloom and S3 Sloth. However, the one that changes is S2. Regular Yi Sang has S2 Envy while Ring Yi Sang has S2 Lust. Added this to Ring Yi Sang's passives even being fueled by Lust as well while base Yi Sang's are fueled by Gloom. I take this as a representation that he has taken this Lust, an obsessive desire, as being what will drive him forward throwing away all the self-loathing and regret, with many of his lines calling the past meaningless.
Now I'll tackle his story and do a rundown on it while giving my observation, as it ellaborates into this and what his mindset is (and frankly, it's utterly fantastic). First of all, we get a unique, dissonant track that so far seems to have never been used in any other instance in the game to my knowledge.
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Yi Sang's approach to his scientist position is very...unique, because he does so as an artist rather than more proper scientific people like for example Faust, Dongrang, Aseah and Gubo. People who simply want practical application and results, means to an end. Dongbaek seems to be the only person who shares this approach he has which is why their bond is treated as unique compared to the other League of Nine members. At his core, what fascinated Yi Sang so much about technology and sciences was simply the euphoria of discovery itself, finding new things. Which is tackled immediately when Ring Yi Sang's story begins as I am showing here.
With science, you never truly "create" anything, you go through right and wrong answers until finding something that works or causes some effect, he even says so himself in Canto IV. And he goes on to criticize his prior fascination with technology with this particular aspect in mind. Even more shockingly is that he calls the League of Nine's conferences a "waste of time" now, each of their creations predictable which could tie into him being a one-of-a-kind genius, which is also somewhat tackled in Dongrang's observation log. To him, everything else his friends made was child's play.
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So instead, he looks towards what made him so fascinated with The Mirror in the first place, echoing this particular point he makes during his log for Dongbaek, both of them are driven to reach something abstract and inconcievable and ended up using technology as their path to that vague destination that can only be described in poetry.
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And finally, he completely foresakes his past at the League. He even he believes he finally has his wings but calls them fabricated, and there is something obviously wrong with the entire thing on multiple levels. They are fabricated wings because he was guided to this conclusion by the hand of another, rather than the introspection throughout IV. His chapter title is "The Unchanging", and it's the only chapter where the trait assigned in the title to the focus Sinner is a positive; him staying true to himself and his ideals was the key, but he needed to actually move past his apathy and actually grasp them, but here he has completely changed beyond recognition. Turned arrogant, callous and utterly irrational, discarding all of his self-loathing by divorciating himself from the self that he hates, yet the Sloth—the apathy remains, instead of moving past it, fighting it back with his Lust in an endless cycle of dopamin chases while growing numb to everything else and even destroying it if it fails to satisfy that Lust so that it will, as shown as he kills failing students to take delight in their shock and agony.
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But at the same time it frames that portrait of the League in his background art a completely different meaning. It is most likely that this portrait is a mockery of all of them, regarding the past and the life he lived until now including his past self with the same condescencion he does examinees that fail to impress him. Specially when you take in count how his own face is much more well-painted than the childish erratic strokes he assigns to the other, making them look ridiculous. But at the same time, Yeonsim is there under them, but flipped to its underside, he still held onto it but as far as we know it might be completely broken and only keeps it as part of his insulting work going by another of his idle chatter lines.
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This dark inversion of Yi Sang's journey even before Limbus and Canto IV is also emphasized by Pointillism in particular being chosen as the subject for this ID, this was first pointed out by this Korean Twitter user (and fellow irl Yi Sang enjoyer going by the layout) in the original announcement for this ID:
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Of course, this theme compliments Yi Sang's resolution in IV pretty well. He loved the League and grew to love Limbus because they were his resting place. I can't find any translation of Jochunjeommyo however, so I can only rely on summaries and posts put through machine translation. But from what I can summarize, the story is about an artist who can't find a place to breathe and simply exist due to the materialistic, capitalistic nature of the city he finds himself in, which fits pretty neatly with Yi Sang's story as a whole.
I'd also like to point out how a less overtly unhinged variation of this kind of development is shown in his Dieci ID story (which I wanted to make a post on for a while because it really feels like it was preliminary to this and not enough people talk about how messed up Dieci Yi Sang actually is) and how he comes to adopt a mentality just like Ryoshu's, with her already being linked to The Fingers and knowing about their workings personally to the point she might have been affiliated at some point though we cannot confirm, however I will instead link to this post by my friend on the topic since they already did a dissection on how Yi Sang and Ryoshu act as ideological foils and they pretty much said it better than I could: https://www.tumblr.com/ishcliff/743271628518129664/so-any-thoughts-of-well-the-blade-lineage-itself?source=share
So that's all I've got for now! Honestly I am so over the moon with this ID and the potential implications going forward as you can imagine.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Deity Disconnect Got You Down?
Disclaimer: This is a more personal post and involves a bit of UPG.
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I didn't start witchcraft by doing deity work, in fact, I just started actively working with deities in the last two years! Before that, the only experience I've had with a god was the Christian God, but even then I only interacted with him* in the way that I was taught to: You pray to him but he probably won't respond. I was even told when I asked why God doesn't answer me, "That's just not how God works"...
This is no slight towards Christian witches, as I know they interact with the Christian God differently than non-witchy Christians and I would never claim to know their relationships with him.
However, due to this upbringing, I didn't know how to interact with deities. I had to unlearn what I had been taught about interacting with a god.
One of the things I had to unlearn is that, unlike how I was taught growing up, many deities aren't always going to be there to talk to you, they're a lot more human-like than we think. They aren't like how the Christian God is said to be: always there, always watching. w
I got scared when the interactions with my deities started to wane/ I wasn't feeling them or hearing from them as often and I started to worry that they'd abandoned me. That's not true! As with any relationship, there are times when you can't always be with someone, it's totally normal to go days, weeks, and even months without hearing from your deities. That doesn't mean that you've been left behind!!
So if you're feeling disconnected from your deities here are some things to keep in mind:
Just because they aren't always around doesn't mean they aren't always there for you.
Call them when you need them if you don't feel like they're around at the moment. Gods are used to being called to by humans, it won't offend them.
They may not show up right away sometimes. They are feeling, thinking beings, they have their own will and generally act accordingly to said will.
Deities are allowed to step back. If they feel the need to take a break from your relationship, or simply not interact with you as much, then that's just fine!
It's not always a reflection of you, your character, or your craft. Sometimes they just want to take a break and that's perfectly fine!
Sometimes, the problem is that we are too busy and we put our relationships with our deities on the back burner. In this case, most of the time, in my experience, they understand and if they need to reach out to you they will find a way.
If you feel like you've been disconnected from your deities and would like to take some actions to reconnect, here are some ideas:
Read up on their mythology. Even if you've read it all before, give yourself a bit of a refresher!
Do some divination. I use tarot but you can use whichever form works best for you. Use tsk the deity what you can do to reconnect with them.
Talk to them. Even if you feel like they aren't around, just talk to them. Tell them how you feel, how your day went, and tell them you want to reconnect. You can also write to them.
Give them an offering. Since this post is focused on reconnecting with deities, you probably already know which offerings your patrons prefer. So give them an offering and let them know you're thinking of them!
Do something that makes you feel more connected to that deity. This could be going on a walk, making a certain food item, creating art, playing a movie, and so on. Just do something that makes you feel closer to them.
All in all, everyone's experiences with Deities and Deity work is going to be unique to the person, as with any relationship in life. Do what works best for you, this is just a post to help remind people that deity work isn't always having your life fully devoted to a deity. Most of us aren't able to put that much of our time or energy into deity work. If you can and want to, that's perfectly okay, too!
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petarabbit2 · 4 months
Realistic Deuce Spade + Headcanons
Deuce Spade + Realistic artwork done with Art Breeder and edited in Clip Art Studio:
Ready to meet the goodest boy? I am. (always)
Sidenote: When headcanoning Deuce and all my other characters I take both factual and some of my personal thoughts/beliefs of the character to construct my headcanons.
Back to my rendition, I didn't give deuce any flaws necessarily (moles, acne, freckles, etc.) since I can not picture deuce with bad skin and he just seems like he tries to keep himself tidy and neat after being accepted into NRC. (Even if he did have a bit, after his change in behaviour he would try to fix it to again look more tidy and put together).
However, it's not shown in the art since it's not to that level of detail but he has a couple of past holes in his ears from piercings and he has a reverse tramp stamp above his yk yk from his rebellious days. How’d he got it without being of age? Idk really but probs a fake ID or something. Anyways it's just a simple design I chose from pinterest which i'll draw him with someday but it's basically just a spikey sorta design?? Idk how to describe it.
I also made this deuce half asian, Japanese to be precise, as I have seen a lot of people headcanon it, plus it makes sense to the extent that a sign of rebellion in Japanese households is dying hair which deuce mentions he did back in middle school.
For his features, Deuce has hooded eyes, a bit thinner and higher eyebrows, a straight nose that is upturned at the end, sorta longer eyelashes and an upside down triangle face shape, most of this is taken from his character model but taking some liberties to make the cast more diverse in terms of appearance.
For his body its a trapezoid shape so wider shoulders and a smaller waist, however he has pretty muscular legs (from track and field) and I’m caking my boy up 🫡. He has just regular size hands and feet but slightly longer fingers.
Aw yes, another slight british accent, sorry not sorry 🤭 – used to use heavy slang but stopped after getting accepted into NRC but it slips out here and there.
Without & With Face Makeup:
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Personality and backstory headcanons + a bit of character analysis:
Deuce, like Ace, is one of the first characters/friends we meet in the game, he is presumed to be a very sensible and hardworking student (which he does try very hard to be) but always ends up getting himself into trouble. We later learn of his past as a delinquent which we can connect to his still aggressive nature towards hostile people who threaten him or his friends. I haven't seen much extreme mischaracterisation of Deuce personally because he's an extremely hard character to mischarcterise as the game is very straight forward with his presentation and past.
But diving deeper into his character we can discover why he's the way he is. Its cannon that his parents are split with his father completely out of the picture, and we never hear of a grandfather (maybe due to another divorce or death) so he grew up around all women which in theory is great for a boy since they learn all about how exactly to care for them but can also be straining.
Even if Deuce loved his mother and vice versa, he still would have wanted a father figure, which could be why he became a delinquent. Obviously the other delinquents were either kids of his age or a bit older which were the only ones in his eyes that could maybe fill in that role as a father figure. I know it's canon he became a delinquent because of his slow learning, feeling the need to just not try at all but subconsciously, it could have meant more to him.
When he heard his mother on the phone crying about if she's raising him wrong, if she’s a bad mother, etc. it made Deuce realise what he's been doing, that he's been taking the easy way out of things. Even though he probably didn't (and still to this day) realise he was hanging around the older delinquents because he saw them as potential father figures. (help my boy plsssssssss)
We all already know Deuce is a big mama's boy, not the sharpest tool in the shed and can have a bit of a temper when provoked, I believe Deuce is also emotionally aware of his friends. Women are known to be the more emotionally aware and supportive gender stereotype, and with Deuce only being around them he must've found his foreground (we using the big english essay words) on being able to see when someone is upset and/or mad at him or something. Even though he may be able to see it he might be a bit awkward with the comfort as again, he's still an awkward teen. 
With deep conversations, he will try his absolute best to understand and will ask questions to further his knowledge on the topic even though he might not completely get it. He would never try to avoid or show immediate distaste for these conversations because he feels he really gets to know the type of person you are based on them (Ace learn something from Deuce). 
Deuce appreciates quality time with friends alot, and especially appreciates people he knows are there for him as well as those who he knows he could tell anything to and would never be judged. He probably had to fake things about his childhood and personality to his old delinquent friends and never really realised it until he got real supportive friends like Ace, Grim and Yuu.
My editor/assistant cause I can’t grammar or spell to save my life: @cyb3rpnnk 
However you are permitied to use my headcanoing as your own for art or stories or whatever, just not my realistic rendition.
Also if you want realistic dating headcanons with the cast please leave a comment and I might do it! Btw if I do, these headcanons will be based on my normal headcanons of the characters.
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