#and then im gonna FINALLY play the quarry!!!
leviiackrman · 6 months
Me: I wanna be productive so bad! I wanna finish my drawings!!
Illness: how about barf up a lung?
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urfavbooblover · 2 years
Alright soo im not good with requesting but could you do headcanons or one shot with ever you prefer with kaitlyn ka x non male reader Maybe something like they confess in truth or dare and it's just really sweet and stuff and also it's alright if you don't do it no pressure of course! I hope you doing amazing byee:)
Hey! Thanks for the request!! I was already planning on writing for Kaitlyn, so it’s really nice someone finally requested something for her and I hope you enjoy reading :))
Truth or Dare || Kaitlyn Ka x female/non-male reader
Warnings: just fluff
(remind me if I missed any)
- The quarry: masterlist link -
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Y/N’s pov:
It’s the last day at the Hacketts Summer Camp for us supervisors today, so we all decided to hang out at the Bonfire.
I sat next to Dylan, due to us having a great friendship. He’s like a best friend already, I’ll surely miss being around him.
He’s also the only one knowing about my crush on Kaitlyn. He is always trying to encourage me to tell her, but I just don’t wanna make a fool out of myself by confessing, I mean there’s no way she likes me back.
As we were enjoying ourselves, sitting around the fire, just talking about random stuff, with stolen drinks from Chris Hackett and some nice snacks, Dylan suddenly spoke up.
“Okay! New idea! Party game! Let’s play some Truth or Dare!”
Everyone sighted, obviously not being really convinced, but Dylan just chose the excuse of us maybe not seeing each other again, so we eventually gave in.
He started to explain his game rules, of his own style of playing, before we started with him picking his first victim.
He turned to Kaitlyn, with a smirk across his face. I gave him a glare, already knowing what he’s up to. “You’re making me question our friendship right now.”, I whispered jokingly to him.
“You’ll thank me later.”, he whispered back.
“So… Kaitlyn. Truth or Dare?”
“You know what. I’m gonna be no coward tonight, I’m picking Dare.”, she said, after thinking about it for a bit.
“Well then, I dare you to kiss someone of your choice in this group!”
A frown formed on my face, mentally trying to prepare for the next moment. He’s really so sure, that she also likes me, so of course he thinks she’s gonna pick me, but I doubt that, it’ll just hurt, seeing her kiss someone else, that is not me.
“Are you for real?”, she complained, regretting her decision now. “Go on! There’s no turning back now!”, Dylan exclaimed, with a laugh he couldn’t hold in.
She didn’t even look around, she immediately got up, making her way over to a specific person. And that person is seriously me.
My eyes widened and I got more nervous with every step step she walked towards me. She stopped right in front of me, as I looked up at her.
“Do you mind?”, she asked. Her voice low and full of flirt, as she hold her hand out for me take.
So I grabbed it, while she pulled me up. We were so close, I didn’t even get to process the situation, cause of her connecting our lips without hesitation.
I kissed back passionately, cupping her face gently. Her hands rested on my waist, soft lips moving against mine without a break.
We didn’t stop, till we got interrupted by loud coughing. Right… the others are also still there. The kiss let me forget about everything else.
“You guys are really cute, but I think you should continue this somewhere else.”, Emma said, a proud smile plastered on her face. Does she somehow know I like Kaitlyn or what?
And just like that, we moved back to sit on the tree trunks, continuing to play a little more. After our really tensioned kiss, it was kind of awkward. Well just for me…
The rest of them didn’t think much of it, but what about her? She constantly glanced at me, her expression not being able to read.
But she picked out of all people here, me. Maybe I should really shoot my shot before we leave.
After a while we stopped playing and everyone started walking back to the lodge. I followed after them, but was stopped, due to someone grabbing my arm.
I turned around, my eyes meeting Kaitlyn’s. She slowly let go of my arm, before starting to speak up.
“Y/N, we need to talk.”
I exhaled loudly, nodding my head. I know exactly what she means.
“You’re probably wondering why I picked you out of everyone. But the answer is I wouldn’t just choose someone random, the kiss really meant something to me.”
I looked down at the ground, taking a moment to process the words that just escaped her mouth. “Kate… are you trying to tell me something?”
She sighed, taking my hands in hers. “Well, I wanted to tell you for a long time, but I was too much of a coward for it. The thing is… I like you Y/N. A lot actually.”
I pulled her closer with our connected hands, so our lips were only a few millimeters apart. “I wish you would’ve told me before we would have to leave so soon. Man, I like you too Kate.”
“I know, I know. But you could’ve done the same.”, she chuckled, as she couldn’t hide her genuine and bright smile.
She suddenly placed a kiss on my cheek and then teasingly next to my mouth. I didn’t even think about it, I just pressed my lips on her own.
I felt her body stiffen, as I grabbed her by her sides, pushing herself against me.
The kiss was demanding and forceful, sliding my tongue against her lip to draw it between her teeth, treasuring the small moan it coaxed from her.
I soon wrapped my arms around her, gliding them down her back, when we pulled away from each other to catch our breath.
She pressed her forehead against mine, her breathing heavy. I let out a proud chuckle, from getting her all flustered.
Kaitlyn’s cheeks only turned rosier and she quickly let go off me to hide her face in her hands. “You’re making me look so embarrassing!”, she exclaimed in a muffle.
“You look cute! There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”, I said, removing her hands, when I immediately was greeted by her beautiful eyes, getting lost in them once again.
“Y/N? You okay?”
“Huh? Oh! Yeah.”, I answered, acting like I didn’t just completely zoomed out. Now I am the one who’s embarrassed.
My attention went back to her, afraid of her serious expression. She didn’t say anything for a while. It was dead silent.
“Is there something bothering you?”, I asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
“No, it’s just…”, she shook her head, fiddling nervous with her fingers. “Does this mean I’m your girlfriend now?”
I stared in shock for a second, before clearing my throat. “Do you really think we wouldn’t be together after confessing to each other of what?”, I sarcastically spoke, with a smile starting to form on my face.
“I just wanted to be sure!”, she defended herself, not being able to keep her laughter in.
I decided to go in for a big hug, shutting us both up. “I’m glad you’re finally mine.”, I whispered, placing a kiss on her head.
“Me too.”
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grabmyboner · 2 years
With the made up fic thing Im thinking something like......
Only in the darkness, will I admit out loud I want him
Probably stupid 😭 Harringrove ofc
Holy shit that’s such a good title. ok so let me some how do this justice.
They’re both on the basketball team and for away games they have to room together because of god giving them matching last names. The first few times are normal, they take turns showering, jumping in bed and slowly falling asleep in the dark. Then one game, Billy plays like shit because one of his eyes is swollen shut. Everyone’s hanging shit on him for it, but he’s not fighting back like he usually would. He’s quiet when they get back to the room late that night, Steve feels like something’s gotta give the second they walk in there.
“So, we’re just not gonna talk about it?” He asks. And then Billy is on him fast as lightning. He pushes him up against the door, and Steve can smell the locker room soap on his skin.
“What’re you want to hear, Harrington? That my old man did it to me, huh? That what you want to hear?”
Any fight Steve has in his body leaves him. Billy sees the change in his eyes and let’s go of him. He takes a few steps back still staring at Steve and shakes his head. “I don’t need your pity.”
“You should tell Hopper.”
Billy snorts and walks backwards till his legs hit the bed and he sits down. “Police getting involved is how I ended up in shithole Hawkins in the first fucking place.”
It’s still dark in the room, the only light coming from the street lamp outside.
Steve doesn’t know what to say to that, so he very slowly walks closer to Billy and takes a seat next to him on the bed. After a minute of silence Billy just, let’s loose everything. Tells Steve what happened in California, how Max caught him doing something he shouldn’t have and off handily mentioned it to Neil and that night Neil beat the absolute shit out of him, so badly he had to go to the hospital. Cops interviewed him at the hospital and the second Neil saw them in Billy’s room, Billy knew he was fucked. Wasn’t even 3 days later Neil made them pack everything up and drive however many miles to Hawkins, Indiana.
Some time during Billy’s confession they both laid back in the bed, shoulder to shoulder staring up at the ceiling.
“I just gotta wait a few months and I’ll be 18 and hopefully have some money saved and then I can leave. Get in my car and fucking go.”
And Steve would turn his head and stare at the swollen profile of Billy’s face and realise a few too many things in that one moment.
After that they become somewhat friends. Not in the let’s hang out sort of way but in the, when we room together it’s not a total nightmare kind of way. They talk at night when they room together, till one of them falls asleep eventually. Sometimes they even run into each other at the quarry at night and get caught talking shit till the sunrises and they’re one pack of cigarettes deep.
Months later, they’ve roomed together for the last game of the season and they’re sitting on the same bed sharing a joint and it’s dark and quiet and Steve turns just as Billy does and they’re a hair from each other’s face.
“I want…” Billy starts to say and he doesn’t get to finish because Steve’s lips press so so softly against his own, just for a second.
Steve stares at him as he pulls away and Billy stares back and finally finishes his sentence, letting to words hang between them in the darkness of their room. “I want you.”
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
I love Until Dawn but unfortunately I only like The Quarry.
gonna put spoilers incase ya yet to see the game, I suggest it. It’s a good watch but the ending is a tad-bit unfavorable. Shoulda stuck with the police interview, not a fucking length boring podcast...
Straight up, I absolutely enjoyed trying to understand the meanings of the Tarot Cards, I loved trying to imagine what would’ve happened had ya done this rather then that ya’know? What if they grabbed the fireworks? What if they went down this way rather then that way.
I had such a fun time piecing together the story and the clues.
But man, mystery and solving things aside, the lack of character exposure and development leaves a foul taste in my mouth.
Let’s start this off by talkin bout Nick.
From the play-through I watched(Jack’s) Nick was more or less dropped after the pool shit-show(maybe half way threw the game?) like, he explodes and then dips. We see him locked up on the Hacketts basement but what happened to him after the power goes out?
I get that you can’t really have us play him, he’s the enemy now but I just don’t feel like we really got the chance to play or interact with him. He was more or less incapacitated after his attack so there’s that too.
Just feels like Nick didn’t get awhile lotta time and attention given to him and he reminds me of Matt form Until Dawn. I get that he was essentially a Plus one being Emily’s BF but that man got like no screen time. He also reminds me of Jessica, home girl was asleep for like the majority of the game lmao.
Second off, Kaitlyn. She was also severely underused in my humbled opinion.
The way the game presented her, she just seem so full of potential, the way she put Jacob and Nick in the ground with her marksmen(?) skill's, how she often took charge of the situation, the fact that this girl jumped form a hanging car and landed back first on tires and proceeded to get up like nothing happened ?
They were playing her up to be the final girl and yet? She was just kinda there with Dylan against Caleb.
She’s like Sam tbh. Both feel like the final girls, both very bad assed and both reconfirm my *half hand flip*
Third off- ✨Ryan✨
He’s got to be my favorite but man, it just felt like there was something else to him, sorta like Josh.
He just felt like he knew what was going on or at the very least knew something that the others weren’t aware of. Considering how close he was to Chris, I wouldn’t have been shocked if he clued Ryan into the situation. Not outright tell him bout the werewolf’s but maybe that there’s creatures around here.
But who knows, maybe this is my over-critical mind thinkin that everything is sus and mistaking an awkward boy for something that he’s not. Also Him and Dylan ftw
Fourth- Emma. I don’t like her
No. Nope. Nuh. Not for me.
I just, no, She’s kinda manipulative and I don’t vibe with that. I get that Jacob is still in love with her and wants to stay with her and she doesn’t want to stay together. I can respect that, long-distant relationships aren’t for everyone so good on her for voicing her reasons. 
But there is absolutely no fucking need to string that boy on for that long, to keep flip-floppin and givin him hope. That's just not it girl. 
Also low-key thought that Emma and Abi were gonna be a item :P
Sixth of all Dylan is a fuckin king omg.
This man, i swear to god. He’s actual pretty damn smart and brave for telling Ryan to chop his hand off and being aware that there's an infection spreading when Nick is bite.  
He’s good “comedic relief”, quite funny and I like how he vibes with Ryan and  Kaitlyn. Gives off Chris vibes. 
I thinks he’s neat. 
Seventh goes to or girl Ash- I mean Abi. 
Lack of time and attention tbh. sounds/acts like Ashley. 
Kinda disappointed. 
Eight is Mister “needs to snap outta his fucking trance” Himbo Jacob.
He’s the jock(cough cough Mike cough cough) and just radiates himbo energy. 
Jacob, please im begging you, get over Emma. You’ll be better off I swear!!
Now on to various other rambles- 
Travis Hackett is Flame-thorough guy, could say the whole fam is but we all know how that fairs. 
I was also gonna cry my eyes out if Max died and Laura is pretty the final girl too. 
Also, don’t lie to me-the werewolf’s are just reskinned Wendigos. I get that they didn’t want to stick the whole fuzzy-wuzzy furry werewolf’s but surely, just surely, they could’ve made them just a bit more werewolf looking?
They all looked slimy and smooth, bit of fur here would’ve done some good at making it look more mangy and viscous. I get that they are all covered in blood and gore but, they just look like slimy Wendigos. 
I’m sure y’all could’ve guessed my stance on the end-credit scene but I’m sO DISAPPOINTEDIN THE LACK OF A GROUP REUNION. AH, there should've been tears shed for lost friends or tons of hugs and happy/awkward/flirty convos bout the whole damn night. but no, no, we got a podcast.
I get that it’s ties into the start with Ryan and the whatnot but we were robbed i tell you, ROBBED!!!
I’d give this like a 6.5 outta 10 tbh. It did keep me interested, loved all the clues and details despite some being super obvious(Dog boy...), Thought that Eliza was a good “replacement” for the totems and i enjoyed her but thought that her stroy kinda fell flat. You’d think she’d come out and like terrorize ya for your actions but no, she just threatens you. 
Honestly thought that Mama Hackett was gonna play a bigger role but i was so shocked when Jack blasted her face off lmao. Good realism tho, got the chance to shoot someone why not take it? why wait. 
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bloomvalyria · 2 years
alright I’m finally coming off a 3 day migraine and I’m watching jacksepticeye’s play through of the quarry and Im about to see the creature for the first time and I swear to god it better be what I think it is or I’m gonna be PISSED
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asanjou · 9 months
gorenja final thoughts
goranger doesnt really have a plot to speak of and it's not really made to be watched all at once so ive been watching it ten episodes at a time in between other seasons, which i think worked out for me
i do like goranger i love how camp it is and i love dated special effects im sitting here clapping and cheering every time theres a plastic toy in a far away shot or a clip is obviously reversed for the sake of a stunt and i LOVE big explosions so i had a good time
i think it really hits its stride around episode 35 or so because at that point i feel like it starts to really lean into the silliness of the whole premise. like if youre a special ops unit in bright rainbow color coded uniforms exploding a guy with a sandwich for a head with a football why not have the football turn into a car midair. what do you have to lose. at that point i think the fight scenes got a lot more fun too because they start doing more combination attacks though i dont think they keep doing that for a super long time
actually across the whole run you can kind of feel them figuring out what the show is meant to be as they go along and trying stuff out which is fun watching as someone whos watched modern sentai because you do get to see where certain tropes originated. which is something i liked about playing old fire emblem games too and i guess would be true of anything with this kind of "same format-different story" series. like it doesnt have the character interactions or the depth of story you would expect from a modern entry but i like seeing how things started out and seeing how and why they change
story wise tbh theres a lot of standalone episode plots i really liked and then a lot that are just kind of rehashing the same things. theres about 20 different episodes where the plot is "the gorangers have to escort a scientist in a car. the black cross attack the car and the scientist dies and the black cross steal the macguffin. and now they fight in a quarry to get the macguffin back" which isnt the most compelling but im fine as long as a car explodes. on the flip side of that though there's like five "peggy gets tormented by ghosts and demons" episodes and i loved it every single time. peggy in particular gets a lot of good episodes where shes the focus. i dont know if this is objective or if shes just my favourite character
theres a good amount of different spy-infiltration plots that are pretty good. showa shows not being afraid to kill 30-40 unnamed scientists every episode keeps the tension high even though you know theyre never going to actually kill any of the gorangers (with one notable exception). this is going to sound sarcastic but i think gorangers lack of adherance to like. normal story logic helps too. im pretty good at predicting where plots are going but i can never really tell because they dont give you the same hints a better written show would. which in this case i dont mind at all cuz its fun to turn your brain off for a bit and just be a kid in front of a tv wondering how the heroes are gonna get outta this one
tl;dr goranger is a kids show written in the 70s if you like modern sentai character and story writing it doesnt have that but if you like explosions and campy special effects you'll have fun with it. if youre interested at all but cba watching 84 episodes send me an ask and ill put together a short list of episodes i liked for you
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
throwback tuesday. until dawn anon is hereeee. how have you been? good i hope! not here to request just to drop some lovely incorrect quotes for until dawn due to the new the quarry trailer!
reader: and here we see a wild emily in her natural habitat
*cuts to em beating the shit out of a racist girl*
reader: we stan a take no shit queen
mike: now, i’d HYPOTHETICALLY i did a BAD thing-
reader: i don’t want to know! i really don’t want to know!
chris: makes one of us; spill it
*super smash bros tournament*
jessica: is it weird i would fuck the wii fitness trainer
mike/sam/matt/em; YES-
josh/reader/ash/chris: thank god someone had the balls to finally say the truth
reader; it’s so embarrassing that i don’t have a date to the prom
*everyone*: wait, we could of asked you?
*reader, holding hands with sam*
ash: ok listen, not saying we should re enact clue-
reader, immediately: can i be the dead body
matt: i was gonna say can i be mustard but are you ok?
*playing uno*
*mike stacks onto 3 plus 4’s with another, making reader pick up 12 cards*
reader: this is the reason why you’re single and you’re failing chemistry
mike: ok that feels like a personal attack
*the girls + reader shopping*
reader: no way i could ever where this, everything is hanging out and it’s way to small!
the girls: show us immediately, for um research purposes
*random guys comes up to the gang on the road*
random guy: for one dollar name a man you’d slap in the face right now!
reader, without missing a beat: michael monroe!
*rotates and bitch slaps him immediately*
reader: it looks like it’s gonna rain
josh: hey let me check the weather app-
mike: baby im no weather man but you can expect a couple inches tonight
reader: and what makes you think in any of the multi verses that i would go home with you under any circumstances?
And yeah that trailer SENT ME - I legit can't wait for the game it's theme and everything are right up my alley! And thank you so much for the incorrect quotes, amazing as ever and made me start my day of laughing so I can't thank you enough!
Love you with all my heart and hope we can fan over The Quarry together when it comes out too!
~ Vy 💌
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cockasinthebird · 4 years
ahhh grats on the milestone!! also holy shit youve got 500 prompts stored away somewhere??? im gonna go with my favourite number combo..... 317 👀 im super excited to see what you come up with!! 💖 -bbsitterpng
@babysitterpng  Thank you so much!!! And yes, 500 goddamn prompts, all carefully curated, only the best for my beloved mutuals and followers!!
I got SO ELATED when I saw that you sent me a mystery prompt request!!!! ❤️💕 I would have finished it yesterday, but I got uhhh distracted 😏😏😏
317. “I think you’ll be happy to know I’m not wearing any underwear.”
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again and again and again; I knew exactly what I wanted to write for this immediately, and while I worry the exposition seems too rushed, I am very satisfied with the rest, all near 4k words!
So please, enjoy~
Today has been a long day that started when the sun had barely found its place in the sky.
Neil was beating at his bedroom door, asking why it’s locked, threatening to kick it down, demanding that Billy get up right now to mow the lawn, just to complain about what a shitty job he did after, shouting about how he has to do everything himself.
Billy would beat his pillows, lift weights till his muscles hurt, and smoke like a chimney, all to alleviate stress in one way or another.
At 12 Max was leaving to go play DnD with her little loser friends, ready to skate her way over there, but Billy needed to get out of the house, have a valid excuse, and it doesn’t get better than “watching out for his little sister.”
They’re on good terms now, after they had gotten in an intense fight and she screamed at him to just leave her and her friends alone, and after not spending every waking hour hating and antagonizing her, she’s not as annoying anymore, and Billy thinks that perhaps his anger was the issue here, not her being a little shit.
That realisation helped him a lot in general. It’s around that time he “apologised” to Harrington the best he could, but when Steve was nice and understanding of his issues, it only made him angry again. Billy doesn’t believe he deserves to be forgiven so easily, no, Harrington should have hit him, defended himself, gotten pissed and told Billy to fuck off.
Instead they wound up at Benny’s diner, sharing a giant plate of fries and a milkshake each.
“My treat,” Steve insisted.
And that’s when old issues resurfaced; the same exact issues that meant they had to leave California. The same exact issues that brought Billy’s wrath upon this pretty boy. The same exact issues that led one thing to another, and now Billy knows the route from his house to the Harrington Mansion like the back of his hand; could drive it with his eyes closed now.
But he doesn’t want to seem needy or clingy. Doesn’t want to be what he is - the way he is.
So after dropping Max off at the Wheeler’s house, the fiery redhead even going as far as to offer him a bit of a smile, he didn’t go home. Didn’t drive to Steve’s house either no matter how much he wanted to.
Don’t be needy, don’t be clingy. You’ll see him later.
So for four hours he drove around town, smoked by the quarry, got admired at a gas station when he refilled, passed Steve’s street far too many times, went to the empty pool that’s closed for the year and sat with his feet over the edge and smoked some more, restlessly kicking the tiling. Over the course of this time he checked his watch at least a billion times.
When it was finally 4pm, he drove to pick up his sister and El - the gang having managed to convince both Steve and Billy to take them to the movies to watch the last screening of The Neverending Story, which doesn’t exactly sound like something he wants to watch, but knowing Steve will be there, he agreed all too readily.
And as he pulls back up to the Wheeler’s again, he sees the brown BMW, Steve leaning against the door as he waits for the boys to pile into his car. Billy’s heart is beating like a painful drum in his aching chest, and when Steve sees him sitting and waiting for the girls, he smiles at him and waves.
Billy is as always astounded and breathless by the way Steve smiles, the way Steve looks at him now, like he’s happy to see him. He can’t smile back, he wants to, but his face feels dull and incapacitated. He wants to just kick open his car door, stomp up to Steve and fucking kiss him. Instead he simply waves back.
Then Max breaks the trance as she pulls open the door and crawls in to sit in the back with El.
“What the hell took you guys so long, I’m starving,” Billy complains as he looks over his shoulder at them.
Max is smart and doesn’t answer, and Billy is smart and doesn’t ask again. No he remains quiet as they follow the beemer, Max and El laughing loud and joyous behind him like girls their age do, talking about shit he doesn’t care for, just focuses on the car in front as they drive to Benny’s diner for early dinner before going to wolf down popcorn at the cinema.
The gang is eager and excited, like kids should be, running to the diner as they talk all too frantically about whatever it is kids talk about, Billy is really not paying attention, when Steve is right there.
“Find a booth where we can all sit!” Steve shouts after them, and Billy’s not sure if they heard him at all. “Hey Hargrove, got a smoke?” his voice kinder and friendly, too friendly, as he addresses Billy.
Steve leans against the hood of the camaro, smiling all too wide. He’s dressed in high waisted jeans and a red crop top that shows just enough of a midriff for it to be too much for Billy.
He takes up a spot next to Steve, just far away enough for it to not be suspicious, but absolutely too far away for it to not be enough, yet even from here he can smell the floral soap and honey shampoo. Can’t help but think of how soft Steve’s skin is, how silky his hair is, all newly washed and clean of him. Wonders if the purple hickeys are still visible across his chest, up his thighs.
Even though Steve is trying his best to meet Billy’s gaze, he refuses to look at him just in case it would be too obvious what he’s thinking about, as he unwraps a fresh pack of Marlboro and offers one up.
When Billy ignites his lighter and reaches forth, Steve touches his hand, holds it steady as he leans in to bring his cigarette to the flame. There’s a burning sensation where his pale, soft hand connects them, and when Steve dares rub Billy’s wrist with his fingers, there’s a pain shooting through his heart, a sharp wanting for more. No, a need for more. He’s caught staring at those pretty, pink lips when Steve pulls away and exhales a cloud.
“What’s wrong?” he asks with a wry smile, clearly aware.
“You know damn well ‘what’s wrong’,” Billy snaps a bit harsher than intended as he continues to force himself to look away.
Thankfully Steve takes it well and huffs a laugh filled with smoke.
They end up in silence after that; the comfortable kind that comes from being at peace together, easy and relaxed and pleasant, one where they don’t need words because there’s no longer any doubt between them. Perhaps that’s what love is, as cheesy and gross as that may be, Billy ponders. To be able to just exist together without it being awkward or stilted. Perhaps he’s fallen a bit in love with his ex-rival. Or perhaps he’s just in love with how he feels when he’s with Steve, both physical and not.
It isn’t till Steve finishes his cigarette, drops it on the asphalt and stomps it out, that he speaks,
“Oh, I almost forgot, I wanted to tell you something.” He’s smiling like the cat that got the cream, licking his lips a bit too slowly as he goes to whisper in Billy’s ear, “I think you’ll be happy to know I’m not wearing any underwear.”
Billy’s heart skips several beats at that, before then going too fast - rapidly pumping blood through him, and there’s a certain rush of it going straight to his dick. He stares too long into those deep, dark eyes, mischievous and satisfied with the response as Billy short circuits.
Steve shrugs and tips his head to the side a bit, acting all innocent and oblivious, lips drawn tight in a smile that goes from ear to ear. He opens his mouth and takes a long inhale, insinuating that he’s about to say something, then simply turns around, hands in his pockets as he walks towards the diner.
Leaving Billy behind, baffled, astonished, dumbfounded.
The next two hours feels like days.
They sit in the diner, Billy and Steve across from one another.
The kids are still as energetic as before, their voices a jumble of words and phrases and retellings of DnD from today’s session. Steve chews on his straw as he tries to follow along with whatever they’re talking about, laughing when they laugh, nodding on occasions. Whenever he looks over at Billy, blue eyes flee to stare out the window instead, finding great interest in the pattern of how one street light flickers.
Before the movie starts, they go to let out water by the urinals of the cinema, Billy standing right next to Steve, having hoped to catch a glimpse, see if he’s telling the truth, the urge near irresistible to just take a quick look, but the other men around them might not take too kindly to something like that.
And during the movie they sit together at the end of the row.
Steve, Billy, Max, El, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas.
He didn’t care for the movie before, only going along as a sign of friendliness and to have an excuse to not be home, but now. Now he’s almost hating having to sit here, next to Steve, shoulders nearly touching, shoes pressed together on the dark floor, only an armrest between them.
For the first twenty arduous minutes, Steve doesn’t do anything, doesn’t say anything, showing no sign of registering how near they are, just watches the movie in silence with a smile, while Billy is sat next to him, burning up despite his shirt being unbuttoned as always, mind racing with thoughts and images of Steve Steve Steve.
So distracted by all of that, that he nearly jumps when Steve touches his hand. Same softness and tenderness from earlier on the parking lot, the way Steve always touches him with just a hint of hesitance when they’re not completely alone.
But the cinema is dark, the kids are entranced, and there’s barely a handful of people besides them, so maybe it’s safe enough.
Billy raises his fingers into the touch, thinking that Steve wants to hold hands, intertwine them, any of that stupid romantic shit that he loves and Billy pretends to only barely tolerate, but the touch moves past that, a feather across the back of his hand, up to gently and carefully grab him by the wrist.
At that, Billy finally looks down, keeps facing the big screen but pays acute attention to what Steve is doing, where he’s leading his hand, placing it on his knee, Billy’s fingers in between spread legs. He continues to guide the hand further up, towards the heat of where his thighs meet, effectively sending Billy’s heart rate sky high.
When he finally turns his head, he finds Steve staring right back, a small and restrained smile, and in that moment, Billy feels like he can read Steve’s thoughts, knows exactly what’s on his mind, never doubts it for a second, and is proved right when Steve stands up and climbs over the seat to walk along the empty row behind them.
Billy whips around to Max, and hisses out, “We’re going for a smoke, don’t fucking go anywhere.”
“Yeah yeah,” she groans all indifferent and waves him away, eyes big and caught in the movie.
The bathroom at the Hawk is as clean as it ever gets, and perhaps not too shockingly, empty. Movies are running and people are seated.
Steve stands looking at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair, not that it looks any different to Billy now than before.
He takes heavy steps towards the brunette, announcing himself and catches Steve’s eyes in the mirror, watching as Billy approaches and steps behind him. Billy leans in to run his nose up Steve’s neck, inhaling deeply and humming out pleasantly, blinking slowly as he keeps pressing his face into the crook there, not quite kissing yet.
Eyes dart back to the mirror where heavenly blue meets chocolate brown, a feverish intensity there as Steve stares back. Gently, but with no hesitation, Billy snakes his arms around Steve’s waist, past the belt and up to touch where skin shows between jeans and the top.
When there’s no ‘stop’, he keeps going, curls his fingers around the red fabric and lifts up, exposing Steve’s chest to the both of them in the mirror. Bitten and marked, purple and red, Billy eyes his masterwork with an appreciative gaze, and with one hand keeping the shirt away, he moves the other up to graze his fingers across each little bruise his lips left just two days ago.
Steve hums a bit, erotic and turned on, and if more were to happen now, it wouldn’t be the first time they’d found their way together in public. And perhaps that thought strikes Steve just as it does Billy, for he pushes back into him, rubbing his soft ass against where he finds a slight bulge already.
“Fuck, Stevie…” Billy huffs and breathes against Steve’s neck, eyes closed as he relishes in the slow friction, kissing sloppy and half-minded against pale skin. “You really wanna do this here? Where the kids could just walk in any moment?”
“I would have maybe pushed you into a stall first,” Steve laughs, a slight stutter to it. “But I was thinking your car? The movie is like two hours, we could find an alley, park there, let me ride your cock?”
A growl escapes by the enchantment of those words, and Billy bites into Steve’s neck, earning him an illicit little hiss and smirk.
“How am I supposed to say no when you put it like that?”
Neither of them feel particularly bad for just abandoning the gang like that, but they’ll be quick, hidden in this alleyway, not too far away from the theatre, a bit of fun while the others gawk and gape at the magic of movies.
But it’s hard to be remorseful, when Steve is moaning like this, Billy two fingers deep in him in the driver's seat of the camaro.
Steve didn't lie about going commando today; told Billy, “When I found out you were tagging along, I hoped I’d get to have you alone like this.”
It took Steve less than two seconds to start getting undressed when Billy turned off the engine, whereafter he crawled right onto his lap, hard and bottomless, knees over Billy’s shoulders, feet locked behind the headrest, back against the steering wheel. 
“Ah-h, mmh, fuck, Billy-” he whines, hands placed firm on Billy’s legs for support as he lifts and angles his ass to allow Billy access with lubed up fingers.
His other hand squeezes Steve’s leaking prick, using the precum to slick up the flesh, keeping him hard and crying like that. His own lonesome cock aches where it lies full against his stomach; the button down having been opened completely to avoid staining it, and giving Steve something to admire.
“Billy, please, just- oh- just fuck me already!” Steve’s voice pitched high with lust and impatience, brows drawn together, his arms shaking underneath his own weight.
“Just don’t wanna hurt you, baby,” Billy purrs.
He watches with great interest as he pumps two fingers in and out of Steve’s wet hole, making a scissoring motion to stretch him properly.
“Mmh, we don’t exactly have time for that, and I need you so bad,” Steve says with the sweetest, most alluring tone he can.
And God if that doesn’t go straight to Billy’s twitching dick.
“You sure?” He wants to double check anyways.
“Yes- yes! Just- get a condom, I don’t wanna ruin my favourite pants.”
Billy chuckles lightly at that thought as he leans to reach for the glovebox, absolutely turned on by the idea of Steve walking around brimming with him, his cum dripping out and running down his thighs. Perhaps another time.
The condom rolls on with ease, Billy having become quite the expert with one through time, but he has been getting a lot of practice lately what with Steve and his more adventurous side, and wearing a rubber when fucking in public makes for an easy and quick cleanup. He gives himself a few good strokes to lube up good and nice, ensuring that Steve gets a smooth ride as he aligns himself with the hole that flutters eagerly to suck him in.
Greedy, starved, zealous, Steve sits himself on that veiny dick, ass fully flush with Billy’s hips, breathlessly gasping and cursing around his name, “Fuck Billy…”
“Mmmh,” Billy hums and licks his lips, staring down with adoration at how he’s buried deep inside of Steve’s ass, tight with lack of preparation, but- “You feel so good baby, taking my cock so well.”
He brings his hands to grab Steve by the hips and guide him in a circular motion, muscles clenching around him that can only be described as beautiful, eliciting groans and causing him to dig in his nails.
Steve’s panting, bangs sticking to his forehead from sweat, the windows fogged up, telling anyone that would walk by exactly what was going on, and when he lifts up to fuck himself on Billy’s fat erection, they shake the entire car with his fervor; each time he sinks down he moans more; moans with less and less self control.
“Take off your shirt, pretty boy,” Billy drawls out and swipes his tongue across shiny and sharp teeth. “Wanna see you.”
It’s a hurried motion that takes less than three seconds for Steve to yank off the crop top and grab on to Billy’s knees again, refusing to wait even one moment in the haze of his neediness. 
Billy, however, faced with marks of his own making, takes time to appreciate how perfectly purple suits Steve’s pale skin, blooming across his pecs, his tits, near nipples that strut now, begging to be touched. And who is he not to oblige. Hands travel up from hips, past the waist, to Steve’s chest - the brunette seemingly lost in chasing his own high, that he doesn’t notice where Billy is going till he presses hard against the sensitive buds.
“A-ah! Fuck, Billy!” And he throws his head back.
Steve’s entire body tenses at that, each muscle flexing and twitching, contracting around Billy’s steely cock, and he can’t help himself but to thrust into the clenching hole, the rim taking a chokehold on the base of his prick. Steve has to bring up a hand against the roof of the car to keep himself from hitting his head, while also giving him the ideal leverage to push down hard, bodies colliding, skin slapping together in a lascivious and erotic rhythm.
“God, you’re such a little slut for my cock, huh baby?” Billy growls like a ravenous wolf as he pounds into Steve, forcing out every little cry and moan, telling him that he’s hitting just the right spot.
“Billy- Billy, ah-a, fuck- fuck-” Steve whimpers and looks down to watch one hand on his hip that pulls him down, another rubbing hard against his nipple. 
“Yeah, harrh, listen to yourself,” and Billy pauses to listen to how Steve mewls, revelling in the fact that he’s the cause of that. “So loud and lewd, baby, calling out my name like that.”
He’s a confident guy, Keg King and lady killer, and while shit like emotions and feelings stuns him, this brings him alive, lust coiling in his gut, burning hot and white, ramping up to a fever pitch as he fucks with wild abandon into Steve’s wet cunt.
Billy hasn’t bothered masturbating in a good while, no, he saves all of that pent up energy for Steve, to fill him up; desire blinding him to anyone else but his princess.
“Mmhnn- ahh, fuck, Stevie, can’t wait to get you alone tonight,” he says, voice fucked out and perverted, Steve looking at him as he speaks, “Drop off all the little shits and then fuck you into your mattress till you’re a mess, pump you full of my cum.”
Steve’s eyes screws shut tight, mouth wide open as he moans, “Yes, oh God, Billy-”
“Yeah? You want that?”
“Yes! Please! Fuck-” He nods the best he can, hair bouncing.
“You’re such a good little whore for me, princess, so needy for my cock.”
“Billy- Billy please,” Steve croons, all pathetic and close.
“Anything,” Billy responds with fast devotion, a promise that he gladly lives up to, knowing well what it is Steve is begging for, wants to hear him say it anyways.
“Touch me, please, ah-h- I’m so so close, fuck…”
Billy grins wide, so self satisfied it’s nearly disgusting, and he closes his fingers firm around Steve’s slick erection; he gets so fucking wet, leaking profusely, swears it only happens when he’s with Billy like this.
“Just like that, yes! Oh fuck, I’m- ah-”
“Yeah, cum for me baby, wanna watch you- show me what I do to you.”
Billy jerks him off quick and crude, knows how Steve likes it, how he needs it; loves being manhandled, talks about that whenever he’s with Billy he feels small and light.
And Steve cums with a loud and unadulterated moan, stilling his entire body in a tense pose as Billy fucks him fast; slamming quickly against his prostate, hand milking him good till he’s emptied out on his own chest.
It is a glorious thing to watch, a masterpiece of performance only for him, a grand show for a one man audience that Billy gets to relive again and again and again. Steve’s jaw drops as he continues to cry out like he’s a goddamn porn star, overstimulated and loving it.
Billy’s own orgasm is far less showy; a few shallow, brutish thrusts, grunting through gritted teeth, he shoves Steve down onto him hard as his hips stutter through completion, waves of impossible heat pouring out and leaving him a puddle of bliss and euphoria.
Time is lost to them, as they sit like that; Steve’s one leg having fallen between the seats as he went limp with exhaustion, still firmly planted in Billy’s lap, who’s soft and complacent and fucking tired, both of them breathing heavy.
“We should… we should go back…” Steve mumbles with closed eyes.
Billy’s watching the way Steve’s cum slowly slips down his chest, running over his abs and nearing his pubic hair.
“Do we have to?” he eventually manages to ask.
And Steve chuckles at that, the vibrations through his body clenching around Billy’s spent cock and he can’t help the sore “ooh”s and “ahh”s as he tries to pull away from it.
“Sadly we do. Can’t have the kids walk home alone in the dark, besides…” Steve grinds his ass onto Billy’s lap, making him wince in not quite pain, not quite pleasure, but definitely too much. “Think you promised to… fuck me into my mattress?”
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steebersss · 4 years
listen you say boba fett thigh riding im gonna go fucking feral!!! foaming at the mouth!! i'm on some grr grr bark bark type shit!!! if you wrote a drabble i would DIE (no pressure tho do what u want😅 you're awesome 💛)
Rating: Explicit 
Pairing: Boba Fett/Reader
Word count: 1.2k 
Warnings: SMUT, thigh riding, choking, breath-play, dubcon (it’s really all consensual and wanted but you are a bounty so), use of nongendered body parts/language, no use of Y/N
A/N:  I’m crying at “grr grr bark bark type shit” tfjskdf, also sorry this is 1291923 years late
He was just sitting there. 
That’s all he was fucking doing- sitting slack-legged, thighs spread, in the pilot’s seat, currently occupied with a glitchy hologram. And here he was, minding his goddamned business, unaware – or uncaring- why his bounty was suddenly silent, while you watched the way his sinewy muscles jumped with every movement, the way his tactical pants stretched so deliciously over his thigh as he slapped the malfunctioning console. 
The ship rumbled around you with the quiet din of hyperspace, stream of passing starlight lighting the cockpit in a cool, blue hue, but that did nothing to hide the way your face flushed red, creeping up your ears and down your neck.  
You watched him struggle, for a moment, eager to hear his snuffed grunts of frustration, but your eyes fell back to his fucking lap, and gods, you wished you could perch yourself up on it, just feel the solid meat of his thigh pressed right up against your- 
 “Can I help you?” 
 You blustered, caught peeping and he knew. Fett was turned away from you, still, as his fists stayed buried in the jungle of wires under the main communications console- but you knew he had some insane sense of awareness that ratted out your perverse staring. Your voice caught high in your throat when his hands brushed dangerously close to an exposed wire, one you knew would hurt, if not straight up kill him- an excellent bounty hunter, he was, but an engineer he was not. And despite the fact you knew his death would mean you lived, you still needed someone to pilot your ass down to a safe planet.
“No,” You whispered, jumping in your seat as a spark flew angrily from the mangled console, and you rose, finally, unable to withstand watching just how boorishly he tore at the poor thing. “But I can help you with-“ 
The world spun and you felt the air quite forcibly leave your lungs, back colliding heavily with the floor beneath you, thoughts rattling in your skull uselessly as you desperately tried to understand what just happened. It wasn’t until you felt the hand around your throat, a solid thigh between yours, immobilizing you that your lame brain finally caught up. 
Oh, that’s right. It probably wasn’t the best idea to just jump up behind an experienced bounty hunter- of whom you were the bounty. You gasped for air, smaller, bound hands clawing at his gloved ones, cursing your love of mechanics and your soft heart. 
“Don’t move.” He snarled, and oh, you squeezed your thighs around his involuntarily, core clenching at the sound of his breathless voice, adorned beautifully with his thick accent and an undercurrent of frustration. Your head swam with the lack of oxygen, your sex greedily rerouting what little blood-flow you had left to fuel your inappropriate arousal. 
His grip softened, somewhat, when he felt you squirm, when he heard your gasps. Slowly, predatorily, his helmet tipped down, the dark cross of his visor landing square to observe the way you pressed yourself against his thigh, hips twitching, and whether it was from the lack of air or pleasure, he didn’t care. 
“You can help me?” Fett jammed his thigh closer to you, helmet trained on the curve of your crotch meeting the meat of his leg, and you choked, face flushing with embarrassment and need. “I doubt it.” 
 At your pathetic inhale, the bounty hunter chuckled darkly, and fuck, the sound should send fear to your hopeless brain, but instead your body betrayed you, blush creeping down your neck to settle sweetly across your collarbones. Your tunic, as if in the conspiracy against you, laid just a touch open, baring a blushing shoulder to the man above you. His grip loosened, just enough to free your constricted airway, and you gulped down great gasps of air, vision blurred. 
The rush of oxygen, adrenaline, and pleasure pushed a breathy, low moan from your lips. 
“I asked you a question, quarry.” He growled, low, dangerous, and you nodded, inhaling sharply when he shifted his thigh, grinding against you. It felt as delicious as it had looked earlier, the pressure blossoming to liquid pleasure, heat racing through your core with every insistent nudge and you couldn’t help but moan earnestly, now, planting your feet onto the floor for leverage. Fett growled at that, animalistic and vulgar, free hand pawing at your tunic to reveal the soft curves of your chest. 
“F-fuck-“ You whimpered, hips bucking on their own against his thigh, your underwear a right mess with the evidence of your building arousal. “Please-“
 His thumb brushed against your nipple, coarse and gritty from the worn gloves, though fuck if you cared, fuck if it didn’t feel amazing. Electric pleasure ran up your spine, goosebumps chasing after it on your skin and you keened, hips rolling- seeking more. It didn’t matter anymore that he captured you, that you were being shipped off to certain doom, all you cared about was tending to your mounting orgasm, shaking thighs clamping tight around the bounty hunter’s. 
“What makes you think you can ask for anything?” He spat, though the bite to his tone was gone, replaced with the airy breathlessness you’ve heard before and knew as arousal. You whimpered again, a quiet, heartbreaking sound and you felt him still, felt the thumb on your nipple still, and watched as he took a ragged breath in, hand around your neck shifting up. 
You, with the last shred of your self-preservation positively disintegrated, pushed your hips up, your own thigh brushing his codpiece, eyes locked onto his visor as you gasped, “Because I know you want it, too.” 
The choking pressure was back, harder than before, and your eyes rolled back into your skull, moans shamelessly spilling from you like the wet from your core. Fuck, you were so, so, so close, burning bright just from grinding yourself against his thigh with his hand pinning you down by your throat, squeezing the air and orgasm out of you. His hands rooted under your tunic, gripping your chest, your sides, grasping every soft part of you like he’d never felt before. That did it- the heady pawing so desperate like you- and you keened, high and stuttering as you came, fingers clenching helplessly around the exposed skin of his wrist, legs tense and taut unlike the absolute release you were feeling. 
Your mind was pleasantly blank, thighs trembling and splayed wide, the seam of your pants where your legs met hips dark and damp with the proof of your orgasm. Dimly, you felt his hand slack around your- undoubtedly bruised- neck and heard his ragged breath from under the helmet, before he stood, adjusting his gauntlets. 
Fuck it, you thought, remaining boneless on the floor, watching him return to the broken console like he didn’t just make you cum half of your brain out your ears. A sharp jolt and a stifled grunt from him pulled a quiet laugh out of you. He turned to face you, soundless, though you could feel his glare, his bristly pout. 
“You know, I was a radar tech. But I guess you don’t need my help.” 
He sighed.
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feralmunson · 5 years
Soooo, I just watched It Chapter 2 and I decided to come back to my It blog 🎈🎈
I liked how, after they put on the shower caps, Richie starts talking shit bout them and Eddie quickly takes off his lmao
I loved the hammock scene, how Eddie demands Richie to move the fuck out of it and Richie, being the gay little shit he is, doesn’t move forcing Eddie to climb on pushing him and shoving his glasses with his foot while ranting lmao I loved it, and that hammock was a perfectly good excuse for them to be close to each other so yeah, if I were Richie I would’ve done the same to be close to my crush
Richie’s pep talk to Eddie after he said he was too scared,,,, I need a Richie in my life :(
“next time we’re picking “scary””
“next time!!!?!!?”
And, thanks to @buckley-robln, I realized the meaning of the “very scary” door, it being a closet and simbolizing our boys’ fear of coming out, wow I’m sad 
And then how Eddie stabs Pennywise and proudly goes to tell Richie, and then suddenly Pennybitch stabs Eddie,,,, I knew he was gonna die and still I was surprised and cried like a baby :((
Then when Eddie says he has to tell him something, and Richie looks at him hoping he would say something important... then Eddie making a “your mom” joke and Richie just laugh, his laugh being one of the last sounds Eddie hears...
But what made it worse was Richie’s denial and the other loser’s trying to console him oh my god it really had me crying
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It was just too real, I mean, like that small touch of hands that causes you lots of emotions that somehow scare you because you don’t know what the hell is going on with you, that fear that comes with the uncertainty of what will happen if anyone knew, bitch I felt that
When they show him carving the “R” a small part of me hoped it was an “E” next to the “+” but I didn’t wanna get my hopes up cause you know how we gays rarely get any representation on the big screen, so at the end when they show him re-carving the E I completely lost it and cried, plus Stan’s letter, it was just to much for me :((
Richie’s character has me speechless, like I feel I kind of empathize a lot with him and I just want to hold him tight and tell him everything’s gonna be alright :(
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That scene when Bowers stabs my homeboy Eddie I wasn’t sure if it was real or what the f u c k was going on, and then how Eddie, like the badass he is, takes out the knife and stabs him back lol and how he slowly walks out of the bathroom 😂
How he was paralyzed by fear when the Stan/spider thing was attacking Richie and how Bill yells at him and how he tells him to don’t be mad, that he got really scared, my poor baby
Also, the scene at the basement of the pharmacy was v important I mean, my poor Eds was desperately trying to save his mom while being surrounded by thing that scared him, and then how he manages to weaken the leper, finding the answer to how to end Pennywise, yes Eddie! 👏🏼👏🏼
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I loved their relationship I mean I didn’t ship them before but now w o w they’re so cute with each other I’m,,,
I liked how, even after everyone had gone, Bill stayed there with Mike and listened to him and everything
And when they pressed their foreheads together after ending that 🤡 bitch !! c u t e
And at the end omg when they’re talking on the phone and Mike makes a pause and says “I love you”, and then Bill says “I love you too”... I know it was like in a platonic way but I just- 💖❤️💞😘👏🏼
(I couldn’t find a gif of them both, sorry 😔)
The guilt he feels for Georgie’s death 😭
That moment where adult Bill sees his younger self telling him everything was his fault, and that his little brother’s death was his fault just because he pretended to be sick just cause didn’t want to go out and play with him... I can only imagine the amount of guilt he was experiencing
But then when he faces him and finally realizes it wasn’t his fault and “kills” his young version, putting an end to that feeling of guilt... Good for him 👏🏼
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It must’ve been really difficult to get the courage to call everyone and ask them to go to Derry, knowing that it meant danger
And all the research he did, all the effort he put on the investigation to end Pennywise, all for the greater good, wow, he deserves everything good in the world 💖
Even though I didn’t like how he kept some information from the others >:(
But it’s ok, I love him, it was for the greater good
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I really liked how Ben recognized her immediately, so sweet
When they’re talking at the hotel and Bev says she thinks it was Bill who wrote the poem and everything and I was just like “Girl, no!! Open you’re eyes, boo!!! He’s literally sitting there next to you!!!!”
Then when they put their totems inside the thingy, Ben’s words broke my heart, my poor baby :(
And how Bev says she should’ve held on to that memory (talking bout the letter) 
Then when they’re both fighting their fears and suddenly Ben starts calling her and then she hears him and they both yell each other’s names and she finally kicks the door open and saves him, wow, powerful 🔥👏🏼
And when she finally realizes it was Ben the whole time ajsnjkadhs it was a short, beautiful moment <3
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He was Just. So. Sweet. I mean, one could’ve thought he would’ve change because of how his life changed and how successful he was now, but he was still the sweet lovely boy with the biggest crush in Beverly Marsh 😭💖
He was just so pure and good
I love his relationship with Beverly
That scene when he was being practically buried alive gave me a n x i e t y, and how Pennywise told him he was gonna die alone and all that shit I was so ANGRY at that bitchass clown
Also when he tricks him into believing that Bev was calling him ugly stuff and being mean to him absolutely broke my heart but he was smart enough to know she would never say anything like that to him, but still, I hate seeing him sad cause he deserves the world 😤
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She was such a badass wow I love her
She could punch me and I’d thank her
That scene when her father blames her for what her mother did and yells at her and all of that was v scary, my poor girl how could she live with him 😖
Also the scene at the bathroom with the blood, it surely was incredibly overwhelming listening to everyone who ever hurt her saying all that shit, but then I loved how when she hears Ben she gets enough strength to get the fuck out of there and save her boy!! we love a queen!!!!!
I’m so glad she finally found someone who loves her and treats her as she d e s e r v e s.
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Oh boy, how I missed him :((((
Even if we just saw him for little bits, I liked how happy he seemed at the beginning, with his puzzle of birds and all
Then the ~scene~ was absolutely heartbreaking I mean how he gets in the tub, and then they showed us a memory and then... :(
Then his speech at his bar mitzvah!!!! so powerful!!! (And Richie clapping lol) 👏🏼👏🏼
And the letter!!!! Patty sending the letter to the losers meant to much! I cried the whole time while they read the letter, it was a beautiful way to end the movie
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Also, all of the scenes where they showed us happy Losers being a bunch of kids with nothing to worry about, bitch I cherished each one of those. Like when they were at the club house, and at the photo booth... good times, man ❤️
It was a good movie, I laughed, I cried, I got scared on several ocassions, and I can’t wait to go and see it again 
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lenademonn · 3 years
All This Time - 3
*Summary: Elena used to be closed off and composed, always in  control of her feelings and actions. She knew how to survive long before  world ended and didn’t need anyone to keep her alive. Because  attachments are liability, make you weak especially in this new world  where dead are walking and living are more dangerous than before.
A slow burn Daryl Dixon x OC; from season 1 forward, ongoing. Angst, Violence, strong language, sarcastic humour and more.
Warnings: Swearing, some anger managment issues.
Chapter 3
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Day 45 The next day was quiet; the silence between Daryl and me uncomfortable. He woke me up a few hours before dusk, which meant that he took the long shift, nothing new in this aspect. He laid down without saying anything after waking me up, and I spend the next few hours watching the area and thinking about our conversation from before. Daryl woke up before I even had a chance to shake him awake. So lack of sleep, that's another thing I can add to my list of what I know about Daryl Dixon. We quickly packed what little we had and started trekking through woods, following the tracks we noticed yesterday. Finding them wasn't that hard, especially not for a brown-haired man. What turned out to be a challenge was picking up a fresh trail. We walked around for good three hours before Daryl crouched down to touch a set of hoof prints when I followed his action I could tell that those tracks were fresher than the one we found previously. Next to me, the man looked around the forest ground and pointed the way he thought we had to go. It took us another hour to finally find the animal, we spotted it standing in the middle of a small clearing, nibbling on grass. Daryl stopped and rose his clenched fist, signaling for me to stay still. I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly took an arrow out of my quiver, and lined it up on my bow and stretched the string. Steading my breathing and not taking my eyes out of our game, I was waiting for Dixon's directions. He also prepped his weapon and was watching the animal intensely. "Three, two, one," His whisper was barely hearable, and once he said 'one', we both released our arrows. His bolt hit the deer in its side while mine pierced its belly. Animal yelped in pain and took off instantly, its steps uneasy. "C'mon!" After hearing Daryl's voice, I moved quickly jogging after the animal, to not lose it in the woods again. I was pretty sure that I nicked some significant organs, and even though it didn't go down, it should bleed out soon enough; in that case, we didn't want to lose sight of it and allow geeks a free lunch. We followed the trace of blood left on the ground and leaves for some time when we heard a piercing scream, and I realized how close to the quarry we actually were. It sounded like one of the women or even one of the kids. Oh God, I hope it's not Carl or Sophia and that it's nothing. I quickly looked at Daryl. "That's coming from the camp, hurry up Dixon," Before he could react, I jogged in the direction we heard screaming. It didn't take us long to approach the edge of the camp. Daryl moved in front of me at some point, shoving me behind him when we heard concoction just in front of us. Advancing slowly, we finally emerged into a clearing, and I could see familiar faces of Shane, T-dog, Dale, and others. They all were pointing some sort of weapon in our direction.
"We surrender?" I joked while Shane put his gun down, mumbling under his nose. Dixon, on the other hand... well, he was pissed. And I wasn't surprised when I realized that on the ground just in front of us was a headless geek and half-eaten deer. Our fucking deer, the same we were tracking since yesterday. "Son of a bitch" Brown-haired man moved from in front me, around the bushes towards the deer. "That's mah deer!" His accent deepening signaling how angry he actually was. "Look at it, all gnawed on by this filthy, disease-bearing, motherless, poxy bastard." With each word, he gave a sharp kick to the geeks' side, letting his aggression go somewhere else than people in front of us. "Calm down, son. That's not helping," Oh Dale. Why would you say it to Dixon? Do you have a death wish? "What do you know, old man. Why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to 'On Golden Pond'. I've been trackin' this deer for miles." He pointed a finger in Dale's general direction and moved on to retrieve his bolt. I coughed as a reminder that I'm still here. "We. We tracked that deer for miles, Dixon!" Saying that I finally made my way to the dead animal and crouched down to get my arrow. "And by the looks of it out of our shots, mine was more deadly, so technically this deer is mine, you asshole!" I quickly stood up and wiped the blood off my arrow with my rug, then I put it back into the quiver and made my way back to the camp. On my way out, I made sure to push Daryl out of my way with my shoulder. Who the hell does he think he is? We've been hunting together for months now, and yes, of course, I may not be as skilled as he is, but for fuck sake, I am not terrible. Ignoring the men, I patted Amy and Andrea on the shoulder while walking past them. "Good that you back safe" I gave them a small smile and made my way towards the camp to find Lori. She stood next to the RV with Carol and a few other women. When she saw me she smiled, but I could tell it was strained, and I started to have a bad feeling. I approached them and took the zip bags with meat out of my backpack, watching people in front of me carefully. "That's all the meat we got, it should be enough for a few days. We got a deer as well, but fucking geek gnawed on it before we could get to it." I passed the bags to Lori and Carol, as they were the best cooks out of us, trust me you don't want me to cook you dinner unless you're willing to be ill after eating it. "Thanks, Elena, it means a lot. Listen--" Lori started playing with her fingers, after putting the meat bags on a small foldable table next to the RV's door. So there was something wrong. "There isn't a good way of saying it. Merle was left behind on that run, and we know that Daryl will be so angry, and he is really unpredictable in that state. Can you try to calm him down when the guys gonna tell him?" She sputtered, and for a second there a thought I misunderstood what she said. Merle left behind. What does it even mean? Before I could ask any more questions, I could hear Daryl shouting for his brother, and I felt so bad for him. And angry with everyone who went for that run, how could you leave someone behind?! I mean yeah, sure Merle Dixon is a colossal dick and dumbass, but that's not the reason to just-- "Merle, get yur ass out here. We got us some squirrel." He smirked in my direction when he noticed me looking at him "Yes, I said 'we', women. Merle!" I really hoped that my face didn't show any emotions because that was just heartbreaking. And I was also slightly concerned for whoever will deliver the news to him. "Daryl, slow up a bit. I need to talk to you." Shane was the one to speak, and behind him, I could see the rest of men with a new face in between them.
"Hey, Amy, who's that guy behind Shane?" I asked the blonde woman who was now standing next to me on my right.
"You won't believe it. That's Lori's husband." The fuck? I looked at browned haired women and then at the new guy and tried to hide my surprised face. This is going to be interesting. Making a mental note to ask Lori all about that, I focused on the conversation in front of me.
"There was a problem in Atlanta" Shane touched his face for a second, showing how uncomfortable he was saying it and then moved his hands to rest on his hips. Daryl looked around and hold my gaze for a second before he took a few steps.
"He dead?"
"We're not sure." After that, Daryl moved towards Shane, his voice getting louder.
"He either is or he ain't."
"No easy way to say this so I'll just say it." I could see this new guy move forward, and towards Daryl, he wasn't looking directly at him at all.
"Who are you?"
"Rick Grimes"
"Rick Grimes, ya got something ya want to tell me?" Oh, I could tell that Daryl is starting to lose his patience. Yeah, I know, he doesn't have a lot of it in the first place.
"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. He's still there" When this Rick guy answered, I found myself moving forward too, annoyed at what he was saying. What stopped me was Daryl and his face full of tears when he turned around away from the new guy. He glanced at me for a second before wiping his eyes and then clenched his jaw, turning back to Rick.
"Let me process this. So, ya handcuffed mah brother to a roof, and ya left 'im there?"
"Yeah," Answer was short, and I could hear the shame in the new guy's voice, then with anger on his face, Daryl threw a string of squirrels we caught this morning at Rick Grimes and was ready to beat the shit out of the guy. That was until Shane literally tackled younger Dixon to the ground. Shane quickly stood up while brown-haired men was still lying on the ground, but I could see him reaching for his hunting knife, which was secured on his belt.
"Daryl -" I was cut off by T-Dog, who dropped the logs he was collecting.
"Hey, watch out for the knife!" At this same moment, Daryl got up and swang his arm at Rick, who dodged it. That didn't stop younger Dixon, he moved again, aiming at the men in front of him, but Rick managed to avoid it again and get a hold of Daryl's wrist pushing it away from both of them. Shane sneaked behind Daryl and put him in a headlock. With that, Dixon was shoved to the ground, with Shane's arm still around his neck. In the meantime, Rick pried the knife and dropped on the ground away from the fight.
"You'd best let me go!" Daryl was still struggling and trying to get away.
"Nah, I think it's better if I don't" I rolled my eyes and finally made my way towards the three of them.
"Shane, let him go!" Using my stern 'work' voice, it usually worked well with criminals and kids, mainly with kids.
"Daryl stop struggling, please. Just calm down for a second so we can get a full story out of them." I crouched in front of him and looked into his blue eyes, now full of tears and rage, his chest rising quickly and his fists clenched, one by his side and the other around Shane's arm, trying to ease the hold. He looked at me for a while and nodded, making me smile just a little.
"Shane, let him go! You know I can handle him if necessary." Both of them looked at me now, one unsure of what to do and the other with a look of pain in his eyes, even though it disappeared very quickly. Shane finally let him go, so I took the opportunity to turn toward this Rick guy and T-Dog.
"Great, now can someone tell us what the fuck happened in Atlanta, and how could you leave a man behind?" I put my hands on my hips, face blank, but my eyebrows rose slightly.
"What I did was not on a whim, Ma'am. His brother does not work and play well with others. He beat T-Dog and was shooting from the rooftop, attracting more and more walkers to our location." Daryl and I exchanged a look, he was biting his lower lip, a clear sign of anxiety. Yeah, unfortunately, what this man was saying was sounding precisely like Merle Dixon.
"It's not Rick's fault." That came from T-dog, "I had a key. I dropped it." Now my face was for sure, showing surprise and confusion, but it was Daryl who voiced what I was thinking.
"You couldn't pick it up?"
"I dropped it down the drain" I run my hand over my face trying to compose myself, while Daryl just scoffed in disbelief.
"If it's supposed to make me feel better, it don't." He finally stood up and tried to walk away from the group—T-Dog's voice stopping him in his tracks.
"Maybe this will. I chained the door to the roof so the geeks couldn't get at him with a padlock." I looked up at them, confused.
"Are you saying that Merle is alive?" I asked in a low voice.
"You fucking idiots. Don't you think that's the kind of information you should start with?!" I nearly shouted in Shane's face, seeing as he was the one to start all this show.
"Hell with all y'all. Just tell me where he is so that I can go get him."
"He'll show you." Lori's voice was calm, but when I turned around to face her, she was anything but. Oh, I see how it is. The first day back and the Grimes family already got problems.
"Yeah, I'm going back."
As I was getting ready in my tent, I tried to not listen to what else people got to say about all that. I re-checked if my knives were secure and put my short sleeve blue flannel shirt over the reins. I checked if my Glock is fully loaded and put it in the holster on my right side. I put some water and granola bars in small backpack Glenn found in Atlanta some time ago.
I took my machete and made my way to the track I knew we gonna be taking. I could see Glenn already sitting in the driver's seat while Daryl was pacing the truck's back. I walked past Rick and T-Dog and put my machete down on the floor of the vehicle. I pushed myself up on my arms and got into the back of the truck, making Daryl stop his pacing.
He looked at me, his blue eyes narrowing "What the hell ya doing here, women?"
I just looked at him calmly and picked up my weapon "What does it look like I'm doing, Dixon? Did you really think that I would let you go without me?" He just scoffed and mumbled under his nose, something about a stupid woman.
"Hey! Don't go breaking my records now! We went all 15 days without you calling me stupid." At that comment, I could see his lips twitch just a little, and then he made his way to the seats at the front of the car and used his foot to pressed a horn.
"Hurry up, y'all!" Rick and T-Dog made their way towards us, the new guy was wearing a sheriffs uniform, I guess he was a cop just like Shane, before all this.
"Ma'am, I don't think it's safe for you to go with us. The city is completely overrun, and it might be dangerous." I let a small laugh escape my lips, the others following my steps, except Daryl, of course. That guy doesn't laugh.
"Rick, this is Elena, we were telling you about her last night." Glenn introduced me, and it got me really interested in what they were telling him about me.
"SSA Elena James, not that it matters anymore. Trust me, I had my experience with the dead already, and yet I'm still here alive." I spun my machete in a circle, careful to not nick Daryl with a blade. After that, we finally were ready to go, Rick taking the passenger side at the front, T-Dog climbing up to sit with younger Dixon and me.
The journey to Atlanta was uneventful, except few snarky comments from Daryl. Glenn finally parked the car, and we all jumped out, making our way to a chained fence, to go through it. The first time I saw the city after that day on a highway and boy let me tell you it was horrible.
The streets were abandoned except for a few geeks - or walkers, as Rick calls them. I could see abandoned cars and here and there we passed burned down buildings, seeing what napalm actually did to Atlanta and how deserted it looked.
It's kind of image you'd only see in a movie, laughing and asking your friends what would you do if apocalypse, of any kind, would hit. And now we fucking living it and it's scary to think about because it seems like humanity lost and what was left of us was in the minority.
"Merle! We ain't even having this conversation." Daryl's gravelly voice pulled me out of my thoughts. It seems as he and Officer Friendly were having a go at each other. Again.
"We are. You know the geography, it's your call" That last part was intended for Glenn, who, in fact, like I mentioned before, is a walking map of Atlanta.
"Merle's closest. The guns would mean doubling back. Merle first." I was so happy when Glenn said it. I didn't know if I could stop Daryl if he'd decide to punch Rick, or I should say I wasn't sure if I was willing to do so. I was pissed too, you don't leave people behind like that, it doesn't matter how fucking annoying they are.
We jogged through the streets for about five minutes before making it to the convenience store they left Merle in. I heard a low growl behind me and T, so I quickly spun on my heel and rose my blade into dead men's eye. He was wearing a suit, now shredded in many places, his stomach ripped open and once-white shirt now deep red and brown from all the blood.
As quickly as I sunk my machete in, I pulled it out, pushing caracas to the ground, making the rest of my group look at me. I gave a quick smile in their direction before advancing to the front, following Daryl through a ransacked shop. He gestured for me to take a right, while he went to the left and we both slowly and quietly moved forward, I heard the swish of Daryl's crossbow and then sound of a body going down. When I rounded the corner, I was met with an arrow pointed straight between my eyes. I used my left hand to gently push it down cocking my eyebrow a little.
"Come on, Dixon, you would be super sad if you'd kill me. Who would make you laugh and complement that sexy body of yours if I'd be gone?" He just rolled his eyes and scowled at me before going in the direction we should be going. I looked at Rick, and he had a weird expression on his face. Like a combination of disbelieve, amusement, and resentment all at this same time.
"Don't worry, Rick," T-Dog said, chuckling. "That's just the relationship they have, she pushes his buttons, and he tries not to kill her."
I sent a sweet smile in their direction and moved after Daryl. We finally made our way up the stairs to where the roof door was. When on the top, Daryl made space for T-Dog to use bolt cutters on a padlock and then kicked the door rushing first to get his brother. We all followed him through a platform to a pipe where Merle supposed to be. Yeah, supposed to be...
"No! No!" Daryl's cries broke me a little, he was pacing, and tears rolled down his face. The handcuffs were still attached to the pipe blood all over them, on the floor bloodied handsaw and... a hand.
Impatient prick cut off his own hand. Fuck.
Next Chapter
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fangirl-inthe-us · 5 years
Querencia Pt. 2
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Gif not mine
Summary:  Pregnant and alone, you stumble upon a man in the middle of a quarry. You save him from a walker. It all happens fast, but you are in labor and the man you just saved claims to know someone who can help. Will you accept his help or turn the other way?
Querencia - (n.) A place where one’s strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self.
Author’s Note:  Yay! Part two! I’m not too sure about this part. This could be because I’ve read it so many time that I’ve become numb to it. Creative criticism is welcomed. Also, if any of you know how to make my dialogue less awkward, I’d appreciate it! Without further ado, here is part two!
Warnings: Swearing, violence, blood, my grammar.
Word Count: 5.4k
Series parts: Part 1, Part 2, 
The Doc, who I had learned was named Hershel, had ordered me to bed rest for a whole twenty-four hours. He said that it was to monitor how the mother and the baby were doing. Fortunately, I had some company to entertain me.
Beth had been by my side for most of the day. She had been tasked with taking care of Edmund. Throughout the day she and I had gotten well acquainted with each other. I found out that she was seventeen. Also, she used to babysit.
I told her how I had gone to college to become a teacher. I mentioned that I ended up dropping out because I didn’t have enough money. Beth told me that before the world ended, she hadn’t fully decided whether she wanted to go or not. Then I told her about how I met Derek and how he died. She had squeezed my shoulder.
“Do ya miss him?” Beth suddenly let out.
“Yes. He was my first love, but I’ve had some time and I’m over it.”
“What do ya mean?” Beth’s lifted her eyes to meet mine. She had her brows furrowed and a small frown on her lips.
“I was out there, alone, for a long time. The time let me think and as the days passed, I came to terms with his death. It also made me think about how I would die. I always figured it’d be in childbirth, but thanks to Daryl, not only do I get to live, but my child does too.” A small smile formed on my lips.
I watched as Beth slipped into her mind. There was a long pause as she thought over something. Suddenly, she came out of her thoughts.
“I don’t know what I’d do if my boyfriend were to die.”
I frowned. What could she mean? It’s been a while since the world ended and communication has been down just as long. How could she possibly know if her boyfriend was alive?
“How do you know if he’s alive?”
She giggled a little, “He’s here on the farm. It was the third day after the world ended and he came rushing into the farm. I was overjoyed to see that he was still alive. He had come to the farm to see if I was too.”
“That makes a lot more sense.” After a moment we both started to giggle. Man, it felt good to have a lighthearted moment again.
After our talk, Beth eventually had to go to sleep. Edmund had been put to bed sometime during our talk. With goodnights exchanged, Beth was out the door heading to her room.
 It was the next morning. I got up and walked to the old crib Edmund was in laying in. Hershel was kind enough to lend me the crib they had used for Beth. I picked up my son and sat down in the chair next to it. I began feeding Edmund.
 Suddenly Beth appeared. “Daddy said that you’re able to go outside now,” Beth announced as she leaned on the door frame.
“Okay, thanks, Beth.” The girl walked off and I focused on the task at hand.
After Edmund was full, I had burped him. Soon after, I got both of us dressed. Someone yesterday must have gone out and grabbed a few baby clothes. Since there was a box full of clothes.
There were several onesies and each of them had their own pattern. I soon found my favorite, as I pulled out one with little pirate ships spread across the fabric. Along with the onesies, there were a few t-shirts and baby jeans for when Edmund got older. I was surprised that someone had thought that far in advance.
I made my way out with Edmund in my arms. The door shut behind me and I surveyed the area outside. When my eyes landed on the camp, I noticed that it was further from where I thought it was.
Examining further, Daryl’s group had built their camp around a small fire pit. The fire pit had several chairs around it and behind the chairs were everyone’s tents.
I noticed quickly that Daryl was nowhere to be seen. I knew that Hershel had let Daryl go back to his tent last night. There was a commotion that happened which had woken up Edmund who was sleeping in my arms.
“I heard that you had quite the adventure a couple days ago,” A woman with a short hair approached me.
“Anyone still alive has had an adventure. I, fortunately, made a few choices which led to a good situation,”
“I guess so. I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name’s Carol.”
“Nice to meet you, my name’s (Y/N).” I flashed her a smile, “This little one is Edmund.” I walked closer to the woman to show her the little munchkin.
“Well, hello there Edmund,” Carol turns her attention back to me, “He’s adorable.”
“Thanks,” A smile found its way to my lips.
“I have a little girl,” her lips from a frown for a moment and tears welled in her eyes, “I’m sorry. It’s just that, she’s all alone out there. She got chased by those things.”
My eyes softened. “If I’m not mistaken, Daryl was out there looking for her when I found him.”
“Yes, he’s been dead set on finding my little girl. I have been very appreciative of him. He keeps the hope up.”
“I can tell you that he is dedicated. Even while he was bringing me here, he always looked like he was watching for something. Now I know what. Y’all are lucky to have someone like that.”
“I know. Everyone here has been supportive and always looking for an opportunity to look for her. I just hope that we’ll find her soon. It’s already been a while and I worry.”
“As mother should,” I gave her a soft look. Carol smiled and nodded. “Do you happen to know where I can find Daryl? I wanted to thank him for what he did for me.”
“He’s out there by the crumbled wall,” Carol pointed toward the line of trees.
My eyes moved in the direction that Carol was pointing. As I examined the area, I found a demolished wall. Beside the wall were a fairly sized tent and a small fire pit. While examining the area, I watched as the woman who shot Daryl walked away from his tent.
“Isn’t that the woman who shot Daryl?” I turned to Carol.
“Yes, she must be apologizing to him. She felt awful after she found out she shot the man. Her name is Andrea just so you know. That way you don’t have to go around calling her as ‘the woman who shot Daryl’.” Carol gave me a small smirk.
“Andrea, okay. Well, I think that I’m gonna go visit Daryl. I haven’t had the chance to thank him for saving me and my baby. I’ll talk to you later.” I waved at the woman beside me and she waved back. With that, I walked toward Daryl’s small camp.
I looked down at Edmund, he was being jostled around, yet he still found a way to sleep. His little head was laying on my chest with his fists balled around the neck of my shirt. Tearing up, I realize Edmund wouldn’t have been a thing in my life if Daryl didn’t come into my life.
Once I reached Daryl’s tent, I tapped on the thin door. There was a shuffle. I waited for some sort of acknowledgment. When there was nothing, I spoke up.
“Can I come in?”
I attempted to unzip the tent. It wasn’t something easily done since I only had one hand. As I struggled, I’m pretty sure I heard a little snort from the other side of the door. Finally, I got the door opened and I made a quiet gasp.
Daryl was splayed out with his shirt opened. A few buttons were undone which exposed some of his chest. This made an odd sensation grow in my belly. Feeling a warmness spread across my cheeks, I hoped that Daryl figured that it was from the heat.
“Ya just gonna stand there and gawk?”
“Sorry, sorry. I was just making sure you were okay. I saw what you looked like after you were shot. It didn’t look good, Daryl.”
“‘m fine. The bullet jus’ grazed me. How’s the little tyke?” Daryl tried changing the subject.
“Well, it took an hour and a half but the little guy is as healthy as can be.  Beth has been helpin’ me take care of the little guy. He’s got himself a pair of lungs.” I smiled as Daryl chuckled at that.
“’s a boy? Ya, name ‘im?”
“Yeah.” My smile broadened, “Daryl, meet Edmund Joseph (Y/L/N).” I sat Eddie down beside Daryl. Edmund looked up at Daryl’s face as he cooed.
“Nice ta meet ya, Lil’ Risk-taker. The name’s, Daryl Dixon,” I made a look. Daryl saw it, “He took a risk deciding to come out at the time he did. Put his mama through a lot.”
There was a little squeal as Eddie examined the ground beneath him. Daryl and you both moved your gaze to him. A few quiet minutes passed. Both of you watched Edmund for a little while. I let my eyes migrate to the man in front of me.
The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and his eyes were trained on the baby as he played. There was a warmth to Daryl I hadn’t seen before. Yet, from the way that Beth talked about him, he didn’t seem like the type of guy to spread the love. Daryl must have a soft spot for kids.
“’m thinkin’ ‘bout goin’ back out there soon.” I automatically wanted to oppose the idea, “I’m assumin’ they told ya about Carol’s lil’ girl’.”
“Carol actually told me. Besides that, how can you even want to move around? You just got shot.”
“I have to find her. She’s out there alone. I found her doll. If I jus’ had one more day, I’d have that girl back here ‘n no time!”
“Daryl, calm down. I get that you want to be out there as soon as possible, but you must think rationally. You’re hurt. You need to take a break. I could maybe take someone out to where we were and look in that area-”
“No. You got Lil’ Risk-taker to take care of. You can’t go riskin’ ya life out there. I already feel better and I know the area now. I will be fine moving around.”
“Just because I have Edmund doesn’t mean that I’m going to stay back and watch as y’all risk your lives. I want to contribute to the group.”
“An’ Ya can do that here! Lil’ Risk-Taker don’t need ta lose his momma right after he’s born. Bein’ a kid without ya parents is hard an’ he don’t need that.” As Daryl was talking I couldn’t help but think that he was talking from experience. The thought jerked my heart.
“What would I do then? I don’t even know if y’all want me to stay.” Daryl tried to interrupt, but I kept talking, “I know you guys don’t know me and some of your members look a little territorial-”
“Would ya shut up?” Daryl glared up at me, “Yer a part of the group now. Carol an’ the Grene girls have been talkin’ like ya one of us. I sure as hell ain’t lettin’ ya leave. I’d drag yer ass back here myself. People need groups to survive now an’ now that ya have a baby, ya need us more than ever. So ya ain’t leaving. If ya want to start helping, ya can do it without riskin’ ya life. ‘m sure Carol could use the help and there’s much ta do here at the farm. Maybe you n’ I can go scoutn’ or lookin’ for the girl later.”
I was running my fingers over the floor of the tent as Daryl ranted. When he mentioned about me being a part of the group, I looked up, surprised. I didn’t know   What, Carol or anybody else really thought of me. All I knew was there were a few weird looks I got from some of the members. Especially from the man who carried me to the Greene house.
I was also surprised he admitted to going out looking for the girl. I would’ve gone out without his permission, but the fact that he’d want me to go with him was somethin’ else.
“Okay, Lil’ Risk-taker and I are here to stay.” Daryl lit up when I called Edmund by his nickname. “And I’ll take ya up on the offer to go looking for Sophia with you.”
It became oddly quiet. I gazed down toward Edmund. There he was with his arms tucked under him, asleep. Eddie’s mouth was slightly open and his little chest rose and fell every time he took a breath.
“Alright, seeing how he’s ready for nap time, I’ll leave you to get some sleep for yourself.”
“I’m fine. Jus’ waiting for this damn wound to heal up so I can go look for Sophia again.”
“Don’t do anything stupid. I can’t lose the only person who tolerates my presence.” Daryl rolled his eyes as I stood up.
I leaned down to carefully picked up Edmund. Carefully, I stepped out of the tent. Closing the flap behind me, I examined the sight in front of me. Patricia, Beth, and her boyfriend were standing by a truck while talking amongst themselves. At the other end of the camp, a woman and two men were talking heatedly to a kid. I didn’t see where Carol was, so I decided I’d put Edmund in his crib and then go see what was going on.
I slipped into the room that I’ve been using for the past couple of nights. I laid Edmund down. The little guy was out cold, so he didn’t really notice when he left my arms. His eyes were closed and his mouth was still open. The fuzz he had for hair was sticking up in all directions. My heart filled with unconditional love.
Once Edmund was tucked in, I closed the door behind me and walked out towards the camp. As I approached Beth, the woman and two men from before were walking toward us. I looked at Beth with a confused look. She just waved it off.
“Alright, looks like we have someone else joining us.” The man nudged his head towards me. He was standing with his hand on his hips and a smile on his face.
“Um… What exactly are we doing?” I asked.
“We’re going out for shooting lessons. You wanna join?” The man next to the one from before spoke up. I instantly recognize this man as the one who carried me into the Greene’s house.
“I guess I can. Is Carol coming? I’m gonna need someone to look over Edmund.”
“I think she is but I’m pretty sure Dale won't mind looking over your little one.” The first man reasoned.
“Okay, I’ll talk to him before we go,” Suddenly, I blurt out, “I’m sorry! I haven’t introduced myself. I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” I waved at the new group.
“I’m Rick Grimes. This is my wife Lori and that is my partner Shane Walsh.” Rick motioned to the two people beside him. Then the kid from before appeared. “And this is my son Carl. Carl, this is (Y/N).” The kid waved.
“Nice to finally meet y’all. It’s been a while since I had people to talk to. So, sorry if I’m a little awkward.” My shoulders lifted and my lips formed into a small smile.
“How long were you out there alone?” Everyone looked like they were genuinely interested to hear my answer.
“Uh, I don’t know. The only person who was with me was my boyfriend. But he died a month after the world ended.”
“You poor thing! you were alone for most of it!” Lori was looking at me with her brows knitted. Suddenly, she was walking to where I stood and was wrapping her arms around me. “I can’t imagine being out there, alone for that long. How did you do it? Especially while pregnant?”
There was something in Lori’s eyes. It was like she wasn’t just asking out of curiosity, but almost for herself. There was obviously something going on there. I’d have to ask Carol or Daryl if they knew anything about it.
“I just survived.  I found whatever I could and kept walking. I lived all the way back in Iowa. So, I got pretty far. Though honestly, until Daryl came, I thought that I would die while in childbirth.” There were a few pitying looks aimed in my direction.
“Well, we're glad you made it. And your welcome to stay here with us. Nowadays, you need other people to live.” Rick motioned with his hands as he talked.
“Daryl told me the same thing. And I have decided that I’m staying,” I chuckled a little, “Daryl even said he’d drag me back if I attempted to leave.” Everyone chuckled at the thought.
After that talk, Rick went over the plan with me. It sounded like stuff I had already learned on my own, but I figured that the practice wasn’t a bad idea. Plus, it might be a little different since I’m not nine months pregnant anymore.
Before we went off, I introduced my self to Dale and asked if he would watch over Edmund for me.  I didn’t want to assume that he would watch over him.
“Hey, Dale right?”
“Yes, ma'am. You’re (Y/N)?”, He must have seen the confusion written on my face as he reassured me, “I talked to Daryl and he told the group about how you two met. Pretty interesting story if ya ask me.”
“Oh, yeah. He would have been walkers lunch had I not walked in when I did.” Dale nodded his head, “I was wondering, Rick wants me to go with the group to the shooting range-”
“I’ll watch over the little one. He’ll be safe here.” I was surprised by his sudden comment.
“Thank you. I know y’all don’t know me much, but I appreciate everything that you’ve done, and what you are doing for me and my son.”
“It’s no problem. Babies are cute and it beats havin’ to sit in the sun all day.” I smiled at the older man.
I left Dale to do what he was doing before and walked toward the others. Everyone except Rick and Shane was ready. The two men were fussing over a bag of guns. One would pull a gun out and the other would put it back in. They would argue a little more and the process would repeat itself. I giggled as I reached Carol’s side.
“Do you have any idea what they’re doing?” I whispered in Carol’s ear.
“They’re trying to decide which guns to take with us. It’s hilarious to watch.” I giggled at Carol’s last comment. She turned to look at me. “How was the talk with Daryl?”
“It went fine. He got to see Edmund for the first time. It’s funny, he even gave Eddie a nickname, Lil’ Risk-Taker,” Carol snorted, “What? I think it’s cute.” I eyed Carol. She was smirking.
“Looks like there are a few more things you think are cute coming from that man,” I felt my cheeks heat up.
“Oh, shut up! Things aren’t that way between us! We just met.” I hurriedly tried to explain myself.
“I was just teasing. I didn’t imply anything but your reaction did give away a few things.” I just rolled my eyes. Keeping my mouth shut was probably the best idea at that moment.
“Hey, do you know anything that’s going on with Lori? I know I don’t really know her, but she seemed a bit off.”
“Not that I know of. Now that you mention it, she has been a little weird, but it’s probably just emotions. She’s only had her husband back for a month or two.” I just nodded. That would make a little sense.
“Alright, I think we’re ready to go,” Rick spoke up as he stopped in front of the group. He beckoned us to move towards the cars. Walking towards the cars, I noticed that Shane already at the cars with the bag of guns slung over his back.
Carol, Beth, and Patricia followed me into a car. In the car next to us, Shane and Andrea rode together while behind us, Rick, Lori, Carl, and Beth’s boyfriend rode in another car.
 We had stopped and Rick and Shane told us that we’d be walking the rest of the way. Thankfully, it didn’t take too long. The area we stopped at was a wide opening in the forest. There was a fence that happened to be connected to a neighbor of the Greene’s.
I watched as Shane and Rick set up our targets. The targets were just cans set on the fence posts. We all moved closer to the area. When Rick was ready, he went over the basics.
“Alright, This here is the safety. You’re gonna want ta switch it if any of you want to even begin to shoot. Now, from there it sounds pretty easy, but is probably one of the hardest things you encounter when tryin’ ta shoot.” As Rick talked, Shane was nodding beside him.
“I remember when I was shootin’ for the firs’ time and it took a lot out of me. I was a stubborn son of a bitch and I was there practicin’ for what felt like days. I would wake up and go practicing. My advisors had to drag me out of the range, just to get me to finish my other responsibilities.” Shane was here, talking, but he was somewhere far away in his head.
  “I remember you almost knocked someone out tryin’ to stop them. You were so determined then. Not that you aren’t now. It’s just the situation is different.” Rick was smiling at his partner as he recollected his memories.
  “I got in so much trouble. I dragged you into everything too.” Shane had a smile on his face until he looked at Lori.
  I watched as the smile on Shane’s face fell. Lori and Shane didn’t vocalize anything, but there was something in their eyes. Yep, there was definitely something going on between those two.
  Soon, the men started handing out guns to everyone. When they got to me, they both smirked. Shane started to riffle through the gun bag. The looks they gave me, it was like they were the hunters and I was the prey.
  “We saw that you were carrying a shotgun with you when you came to us. We figured you wouldn’t need any beginners training. So we’re gonna let you give this a try.” When Rick had finished talking, Shane walked up to me holding what looked like a hunting rifle.
  “Oh my. I don’t know… The only things I’ve shot with are a handgun and my shotgun. You really sure about this?”
  “We’re sure. From what we gathered from Daryl, you know how to carry something of this size. Plus, We’ll be there to help ya out if ya need it.”
  “Okay, I guess I’ll try it out. One question. If I get good enough, can I join the watch list? I’d be nice to contribute.”
  “Sure, I’m pretty sure once Shane has taught you that you’d be more than fit to join.” Rick looked at his best friend and smiled.
  “Cool. Now, is there anything, besides basic knowledge, that I need to know before firing this thing?” I glanced toward the men while raising the rifle.
  “You fired a shotgun, right?” I nodded, “Then you’re good. This bad boy is gonna have a lighter kick than your shotgun. And I’m pretty sure ya know how to aim down ya sights. You’re good.”
  “Alright, so Where am I going and what am I aiming for?” With that question, Rick motioned for Shane to take me to where I’d be shooting from.
  “Now, you gonna want to aim for that branch all the way over there. I made sure to put a can on top of it. Can ya see it?”
  Getting into position, I looked into my scope. Sure enough, there was the can. “I see the can. Do ya want me to go ahead and fire?”
  “Yep. Just aline the scope with the can and squeeze the trigger.” I followed Shane’s instructions.
  As I squeezed the trigger, the bullet went zipping through the clearing. Looking back into the scope, I found that I missed he can. There was the tiniest hole stuck into the branch just below the can. The can stood proudly on top of the brach. It was like it was mocking me. I’ll show you can.
  “Not bad. Okay, now pull back the bolt to reload.”
  I followed Shane’s instructions again and got back into my position. I took a big breath in. While I breathed out, I squeezed the trigger and sent another bullet flying. As soon as the bullet was shot, I was looking in the scope. I watch just in time to see the can fly off the branch and hit the ground.
  I move back and jumped up and down is excitement. I was whooping as well. When I looked at everybody else, I saw they were cheering along. Without thinking, I pulled Shane into an elated hug. When I pulled back I blushed and apologized.
  “No problem girlie. It’s an exciting moment for you.” Shane flashed a smile at me. I gave him a smile back and headed to talk to Carol who looked like she wanted to squeeze the life out of me.
    We were riding back to the farm. I was pretty pleased with what I had accomplished. Shane said that if we had a few more practices, then I could be put on the watch list. I’d officially have a job. He also said that he and Rick would introduce Their scavenging friend to me.
  I was squished in between Carol and Carl this time. I expected the car ride to be a quiet one, but I was mistaken.
  “I’m so bored! Why did we have to go out so far?” Carl was sitting to my right with a scrunched up face.
  “Because. We don’t want the noise to attract any walkers and draw them to the camp.” Rick was eyeing Carl from the rear-view mirror.
  “Is there any way we can get home any quicker? Or a way to make the time go by quicker?”
  Rick was about to speak, but before he could, I voiced my opinion. “Of course there is!” Rick looked at me confused. “Gimme something that starts with the letter A.”
  Carl thought for a second. “Can it be an animal?” He asked looking up at me.
  “Sure,” I answered back with a shrug.
  “Okay, how about an armadillo?”
  “Awesome! So, I’m going to the Zoo-”
  “Oh! I know this game!” Carl’s face brightened up.
  “Sweet! Do you wanna start or do you want me to?”
“I’ll go since I chose the animal.”
“I’m going to the Zoo and I’m bringing an armadillo.”
We got through the entire alphabet. By the time we had reached Z, all the adults were tired of our voices and wanted to get home as soon as possible. We reached the house with a happy Carl and an annoyed group of adults. I was content because I made Carl happy. I did this all the time with the children I worked with. That was when I was in my college education class.
    When I clambered out of the vehicle, Shane was by my side and Rick was walking over here with an Asian man beside him. He was slightly shorter than Rick. There was a baseball cap on his head which made him look a lot younger.
  “(Y/N), meet Glenn.” I smiled and held out my hand for him to shake.
  “Hi, nice to meet you” I watched as Glenn shook my hand. Once he let go, I let my hand fall.
  “Nice to meet you too. I hear you’re a good scavenger, me too.” He smiled, “It’s nice to have someone else. I’m always the one to be asked to go out. At least this time we can take turns risking our lives. Not that you should with the baby and all.”
  I chuckled as Glenn rambled. He scratched the back of his head. While Glenn and I were talking, Rick and Shane must have walked off because neither of them were with us.
  “Don’t sweat it. I’m not just gonna sit around and do nothing because I’m a mom now. I want to help you guys out and if it’s going out there to scavenge, then that’s what I’ll do. Plus, I got pretty good at it back when it was just me. I know how not to get killed.” Glenn relaxed once I finished talking.
  As we talked, someone eventually called for Glenn and we went our separate ways. It was at this time I decided that I should go check on Edward and then thank Dale, once more for his kindness.
  I entered the room where I left Eddie and I found that he was awake. His attention seemed to be drawn by a little mobile hanging above his crib. I frowned. I didn’t remember it being there before I left.
  Upon closer inspection, I recognized a few things attached to it. There was a little wooden arrow, a bow, and a few feathers. They were all tied to a metal band which hung from the ceiling. Looking at the embellishments, I knew that it must’ve come from Daryl. As it spun, I notice a small block of wood that had something carved into it. It was the nickname Daryl gave Eddie. Lil’ Risk-Taker.
    It was the next morning and I was sitting with the camp. Eddie was sitting on my lap. He was as happy as could be as he looked around him 
  I was handed a plate of eggs and some meat by Carol. I smiled at her and she gave me a smile back. I dug into my food and happily chewed my fluffy eggs. The texture wasn't like normal eggs, but hey, it’s the zombie apocalypse. What can you expect?
  Suddenly, Daryl sat next to me. He had a bit of a struggle as he tried to avoid opening his stitches. Also, he had one less hand because he was carrying a plate of food. I quickly placed my plate on the group to help him.
  “Here let me help.” I took his plate as he eased himself into the fold up chair.
  “Thanks.” Daryl took his plate from me.
  “No problem. You’ve got stitches. It’s the least I could do.” The only response I got was a grunt.
  With that, I examined the camp. I haven’t been out here much so I was looking at everyone’s living situations. There were tents everywhere and clothesline hanging from the trees. There were a few chairs surrounding the fire which Carol was currently cooking breakfast.
  I noticed that each family had grouped together. Or Rick, Lori, and Carl were all together. Shane was standing next to them, Andrea was sharpening her knife, and Dale stood at the edge of the camp. I noticed that T-Dog was beside Carol, helping her cook. Glenn was gazing at Maggie who was standing on her porch.
  When I looked at Maggie, I saw that she was shaking her head at Glenn. What was that all about? When I looked back at Glenn, I saw he had stopped googling at Maggie and had is eyes on Dale. Dale was nodding his head. Did everyone know something I didn’t?
  I was going to ask Daryl if he knew anything, but before I could, Glenn shot up and moved to stand in front of the camp.
  “Uh… Um. Guys. So,” There was a long pause and Glenn looked around nervously. “The barn’s full of walkers.”
Tags: @jodiereedus22
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geirskogull · 4 years
Steel Reign - Chapter 1: Urth’s Font
tldr gonna be a short series based around Danica and Odin since Urths Font ate five hours of my life once and This is how im getting back at it
Archive Link
Rating: M
Count: 1.7 k
Leaves crunched under heavy, almost metallic, hooves. A sentry, high among the branches, snaps to attention, her white knuckled grip upon her spear tightening. Eyes narrowed, was this just another deer, wandering into the Font? Or some vain adventure not unlike herself seeking death and glory in equal measure? Or was this her target, her quarry, her hunt?
She held her breath, scanning the forest floor. Thinking back to the warm, dry rooms of the waking sand and the events that lead here this deep in the forest, alone save for the occasional squirrel climbing among the branches, curious what exactly the person shaped statue was doing in the trees.
“Pray, Lady Voss, art thee truly sure thee wish to go alone?” Urianger had asked her, not long after the two of them had finished parsing Lieutenant Scarlet’s urgent letter. Detailing the resurcents of the “Dark Divinity” Odin. The Primal so shrouded in myth, it was only fitting that he chose the Black Shroud as his hunting ground.
“What choice do we have?”  She had asked back. “The others are busy with equally as important business, and It’s not like I don’t know how to call for backup.”  Her voice had been sure, when in truth she had been far from the picture of confidence. Primals were group endeavors. Always the lot of them on the field together, not unlike the Company of Heroes. Or what was the group she’d been learning about recently? The Zodiac Braves? The Danica Voss of the present shook the thought from her head and focused back upon the sounds of the shroud.
It mattered not how she came to this situation, only that she was in it. Nestled among the trees, stalking the woods for sightings of the Dark Divinity with full intent to engage and hopefully dispatch him. At least temporarily.
In all honesty, she had very little faith O-App-Pesi’s plan to rid the woods of him forever was going to work. Especially with how little they knew about him. They knew not his origin. They knew not how he got his powers. They knew not who believed in him (though she had a theory on that one.) How were they sure that by killing him here that he’d stay dead? What made this place so special.
If the Padjal hadn’t been so adamant she immediately set out on her hunt, she’d have demanded she be given time to double check his research. She would have laughed, in another situation, even long after she had left the thaumaturges guild, it still had its claws in her in someway.
The forest was silent.
Dead silent.
She could hear herself breath if she focused hard enough. A smirk played at the edge of her lips, fools confidence. The time for waiting was over. The time for action was now.
Entering the clearing, she could see him. Armored from head to toe, atop a fiendish looking steed clad in the same black metal. The Master of the Hunt, perhaps about to be hunted. She watched him for a spell, barely breathing, committing every single movement - even those as simple as a roll of the primals neck - to memory. She found, over time, those same questions peaking into her minds eye, not as distractions, but as useful leads. How could she fight an enemy she did not truly know.
The Horsemen lead his beast towards the center of the clearing, and seemed to stall. Sheathing his sword unexpectedly and merely tilting his helm up in the rain. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he was just a wandering knight of parts unknown, pausing to let the rain ease the stiffness in his old bones.
But he was a primal. An Unknown, perhaps even unknowable primal.
She, spear in hand, jumped from her perch in the trees to the wet grass of the clearing.
She would find out which it was. Knowable. Unknowable. God. Man.
Odin slowly looked down from the sky, following her path from the trees with obscured eyes. When she did not charge forward, he turned his horse to face her. Sleipnir she believed he was called, closer up he looked almost more voidsent than horse. Fiery red eyes, hair more akin to large feathers than a proper mane. She tore her eyes from the beast back to its rider, whose hand rested patiently upon his sword.
“Doth thou think yourself a worthy foe? Mortal before me.”
His voice echoed in the woods, the only sound for miles if she had to guess. His very presence breeding dread into the forest animals. She could feel that primal urge to flee into the night while she still potentially had a chance. Yet she stood firm. Yet she answered.
“I can’t speak for my “worth”” she started, her voice not betraying her shaken core. . “But I can speak for my curiosity. And if such a thing leads us to clash, so be it then ey?” She removed her spear tip from the ground, and began pacing around the primal. Far enough away she could retreat into the cloud tops if he advanced, close enough that she could watch him like a hungry animal.
If Odin could have, he would have smiled. Worthy prey indeed.
“Speak then, what is your query. Tis’ best to die without questions.” He kept his hand firm on the hilt of his blade. Helm tracking her movement, Sleipnir baying impatient. Part of her was disappointed that it need come to blows, another was surprised she saw any other outcome. She stopped her pacing, holding the primal at spear point.
“Who are you?”
The question rang out into the empty air, and the world itself seemed to come to a standstill. For the first time in their entire encounter thus far, Odin looked away. Odin faltered. With a smile on her face, she did not wait for his answer. Sailing through the skies with dragonfire in her veins, A hunter versus a hunter.
“Every Primal has a Story.” She spoke once more, diving backwards when his shield repelled her initial blow. Landing on her feet initially, she rolled to the side to avoid his mounts angry hooves.
“An Origin” Her strike rang true off the armor of the primal, a burst of aether signified. Yet one blow would not be enough. The primal drew his sword.
“Someone who believes.” She could not roll away, jump away, from his next series of blows. Thrown backwards by the force of Zantetsuken’s blows, all she could do was struggle to recover her footing. The blood trickling down her arm a sign of his own victory.
She stumbled back to her feet, taking a more defensive stance as the primal once again took note of her. The sword, she realized now, was beautiful. A massive curved blade of black metal that seemed almost to glow in the dark shroud.
“So tell me,” She began, as Odin advanced forward, fast. Realistically, he had the advantage on speed, but she had it on height. Jumping towards the edge of the clearing every time he grew close.
“Who are you, who believes in you?”
Those final words muttered, Odin once again faltered. His grip upon his blade less sure, less controlled. Yet, that made him no less Dangerous. What replaced the knights confidence was a feral rage as the Primal screamed at her.
Screamed at her and charged.
And thus, the fight began in earnest.
But thankfully, she was not upon her back foot. Charging as he did, Voss dodged the fell blade with precision and skill, looking for any gap in the black plate that might prove fatal. Rips? No the chest plate was solid. Knees? No the joints were welded with a masters hand. Helm? She couldn’t see his face beyond his...
Eyes, she’d aim for his eyes.
Jumping back, she landed hard upon the ground. The blood pooling at her feet proof of her mortality, proof of her humanity. Proof of where the primals blade had hit its mark. Her breath was coming heavy, apparently, in her search for weaknesses, she hadn’t realized the extent of her damage.
She would not stop now, not with an end so well in sight.
One for either of them. Perhaps even both of them.
The Primal raised his sword, high into the sky. Where it sparkled and gleamed with unholy intent. The Dragoons spear was held much the same, save her eyes were closed. The lights however, that congealed around both were different, antagonistic. Where one was a swirl of black and purple light, choking at her even then, the other was a brilliant blue. Taking the form of a Dragons head, as she leapt high into the sky. Hoping to find her mark.
Praying to find her mark.
When she once more opened her eyes, she was alone in the clearing, and her spear dug heavily into the ground as  a cloud of aether quickly dissipated into the cool night air around her. Victorious.
Dropping the weapon, she let out a mighty cry, and it was as if all the forest cheered with her. Alive once more. Oh they would never believe this. She couldn’t wait to tell them all. The Scions. Haurchefant. Hells, maybe she’d even track down Estinien’s grumpy ass and tell him too.
She fell upon her butt, laying back upon the ground, and let out a content giggle. Gazing through the leaves to the quickly clearing night sky. At least until she heard the wet clatter of another blade than her own hitting the ground.
Jumping defensively, half expecting the primal to be lying in wait with some kind of fell trap, she was greeted by the sight of his blade. Strange, she thought, should have gone away with him.
Then again, most of the primals she’d faced before then hadn’t used weapons. Claws, fists, talons, but no weapons. Perhaps those stayed? Relaxing her pose, she remained curious. Strapping her spear to her back she approached the fallen sword, so much smaller now that the primal that held it was dead.
Should bring this in for study, her tired mind urged her, Urianger would probably have a field day. It glowed still, brighter now under the night sky. It was so beautiful. Waiting for its owner to return.
If only she hadn’t reached out, and taken it.
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chokefriends · 5 years
Pit-town Strays Ch.1
Kidlaw softness and redneck shenanigans in a northern mining town. Everything's fucked but whatever.
Rated T, no warnings, or just general warnings for setting-specific social ills and violence (racist cops, shitty parents, etc). Someone ordered wholesome kidlaw family feels? well HERE.
[Ch. 1] - Ch. 2 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 5
Read on Ao3 too, I’m Ossicle
“What the hell are you going to Pit-town for?” Bellamy chewed at Law with his mouth open, a smarmy sneer on his pasty face.
“None of your business.” Law scowled, turning his eyes away from his brother’s ground-up breakfast. He shoved a random pile of coursework into his backpack.
“Well I know what kids like you go up there to do. Everybody knows.” Bellamy drawled on, like he knew shit about anything besides scamming beer and shooting bottles at the quarry.
“Don’t make assumptions, idiot. I’m just babysitting.”
“It’s called a job? You should try it,” Law suggested primly. “Feet.”
Bellamy lifted his feet off Law’s pile of textbooks. “Why, though? You got that big scholarship, I seen the letter when it came in.”
Law frowned at him. “How did you…”
“Well it was just there, so I read it. Why don’t you move out, if you got all that money? You hate it here so much.”
Law waved this matter aside. “I owe that money to someone. Give me the volvo keys.”
Bellamy didn’t move his stupid stumpy self from the ancient recliner—prized spot in the basement space the three brothers shared. “No, I need it, I’m meeting up with some guys later to go down to the quarry. Dad said I could.”
“Bellamy, I need it to get to town. Just gimme the keys.”
“Well I need it to pick up little ladies! You can hitch, right?”
Law didn’t bother arguing. He sighed through his nose and slid his feet into his severely ratty sneakers before heading out into the yard.
“Don't tell Dad where I am or I'll tell him about your girlfriend!” Law called on his way out.
“Obviously,” Bellamy muttered.
The ancient volvo wasn’t feeling cooperative today, or Law was having a lapse or something because he couldn’t fucking hotwire it. He slammed his fist on the dash and took out his phone. It was an oddly summery fall day—not too cold to walk or bike—but his shoes were getting thin in the soles, and Law didn't like asking his dad for little stuff like that. Didn't wanna be such a burden all the time.
He scrolled through his messages and sent a couple off to see about a ride. But Robin (who'd suggested the job) was teaching, and Baby (sweet, bitter Baby) was already in the sauce.
BB: i cn still come tho? you real stuck?? big bro awwwww im sry
You: Nono dont go driving if youre partying it up, Ill hitch a ride I guess
BB: Where?
You: Just into town
BB: Where in town??????
You: The Pit.
You: or whatever.
BB: LAWWW NOOOOOOOOooo jus kidding lol no judgement here
BB: id sell it on weekends too if i were pretty liek U
You: I’m not selling my ass!!!
BB: Lol
BB: sure
BB: why else ndn boi hangs w miner trash? Shady.
You: Lots of reasons, including a babysitting job. Don’t make assumptions.
BB: “babysitting”” “””job”””’
You: Yes.
BB: God ur sheltered
BB: shltered bebe in u nice rich house
BB: don get picked up there, pit-town piggies love ndn bebes
Law pocketed his phone with an eyeroll and started walking down toward the highway.
Once he’d found a ride and gotten dropped off, it was a twenty minute walk from the highway to the Pit. Law ended up climbing over the bare, rocky hill behind the truck stop, cuz his phone’s map had the place all wrong. On top of the hill, he could see the Pit in all its glory laid out before him.
Pit-town was the weird little enclave where the town’s mine workers were housed, in tar paper houses as outdated as the mine itself. The tangled machinery of the refinery loomed just beyond the houses, and above all that, the smokestacks. White smoke drifted from their peaks, as high above him as the clouds. Nothing except low bush berries grew around here—it was like an outpost on the moon.
Law went down into the village. Men with tattooed arms watched him from pickup trucks, and women smoking in lawn chairs whispered. Half-feral dogs barked and circled.
“Ya lost, hun?” one busty woman called from her front step as he passed, and her friends chuckled.
“No…” he mumbled back, and hurried on as they all laughed.
He was flustered and out of breath by the time he got to the address, on the other fucking side of the whole village. The house was like the rest: a single-storey bungalow on a small plot of land with a car port full of dead appliances. There was a little pink bike lying on the front step, and a short dog chain attached to a pole in the middle of the bare yard. A deep trail had been trod in a circle around the pole but there was no dog in sight. Law went up and knocked lightly.
He stood there for a few minutes, feeling the neighborhood eyes on his back, before trying again. He knocked a little louder. “Hey, um. Hello?”
A harsh voice called, “YEAH IT’S OPEN.”
Law tried the door. “No it’s not?” he called back.
“...No, definitely not open,” Law assured him after trying every kick-turn combination.
“...What??” Law was almost offended.
Obviously Law could break into stuff, because his shitty little brothers thought it was hilarious to lock him out of the house all the time. And because their father thought it was prudent to keep things like Law’s ID in a secure location. Law didn’t think that skill set was a great way to start this ‘job’ thing, though… He looked around at the prying eyes across the street and they flitted back behind their blinds. He sighed.
The lock was just one of the doorknob ones, and the jamb didn’t have a guard on it so it was easy to get a credit card in there. The door swung open and Law stepped into a cluttered hallway.
“In here!” the big voice called from down the hall.
“I here!” a little voice added.
Law navigated his way carefully, stepping over baskets of laundry, unreturned empties, and sealed up moving boxes. Something obnoxious was playing on tinny speakers in another room. He rounded the corner into a sweltering little kitchen that seemed like the only clear spot in the house.
There was a very tall redhead with a face full of piercings sitting at the kitchen table in his boxers, and a much smaller redhead in a frilly blue bathing suit beside him. They were painting their toenails black, with their feet up on the table.
The bigger redhead seemed really shocked to see Law. He almost toppled backward on his chair. “H-hi! Uh! You’re Native.”
Law blinked. “Yeah. Um. You’re naked.”
“I’m Nami!” announced the little girl.
The guy was pretty much naked, by Law’s standards. Also kind of jacked… Law could feel his face heating up and was glad that it didn’t really show on him. The man sitting there in his boxers was pale as a fucking ghost, though, and so his sudden flush was super obvious. He rushed to recover from that intro.
“I don’t mean like, ‘oh, you’re Native.’ Well, obviously you are, heh, but I don’t mind or anything!"
“Yeah, uh.” Law nodded helpfully. “I don’t mind either, that you’re… naked.”
“Kidd is a naked...” Nami sang to herself.
“I'm not even,” Kidd protested. “I'm just hot as hell. Aren't you hot?”
“Am I??” Law was completely lost.
“Not—! I mean, yeah, but you're in a hoodie? Aren't you sweltering?” Kidd clarified.
“Oooh. No, not really. I like to keep covered up,” Law explained, picking at a fraying sleeve. He supposed it was weird to be wearing jeans and a hoodie in this weather, but no weirder than wearing Crocs in public, like people here seemed into doing.
Kidd was distracted by Nami painting patterns on her feet with the nail polish. “Fuck, Nami, stop, we just paint the nails. It’s messy, see? MESSY.” He took the tiny girl and sat her on the counter instead, then went about cleaning up the table. “Sorry about the door. Can’t go anywhere with wet toenails, it smears like hell.”
Law nodded harder and went to help him. “It’s cool, I know how to break into stuff. I mean I don’t usually! But your door was easy. Not that I’ll do it again!”
“Not a problem… uh, Kidd. I’m Kidd. Hi.” The guy finally got his head together and extended a hand. His fingernails were painted black too. He had a really firm grip.
“Law,” Law replied in relief.
“And this is my sister Nami,” Kidd jabbed a thumb at the toddler perched precariously on the counter. “She’s a fucking psychopath.”
Nami ignored them, sticking towels into the toaster instead.
“You have a dog too? I saw the chain outside.” Law wondered.
“No, Dad took the dog with him. And the fuckin car…”
“Your parents are both working?” Law asked, and immediately regretted it. God, he really was sheltered.
Kidd blushed again and started stacking dishes.
Law rushed to clarify. “Or, ‘parent'? I only got one too—a dad. I'm adopted though, and my birth parents are both passed, so.”
Kidd was wiping off each dish absently under the running water, not really cleaning anything. “We got a dad and mom, they’re just… not around right now. So it’s just us! Which is better, believe me.” He growled the last bit under his breath.
“Oh, got it.”
“Anyway. I didn't wanna ask someone to come all the way here to watch Nami, but that bitch down the street won’t take her anymore because of lice or property damage or something, and I got an interview today. I’ll prolly find another illegal daycare somewhere around here if I do get this job, though, heh.”
“Yeah don’t worry about it.” Law tried not to seem squeamish at the mention of lice.
“If they do take me I’ll be starting right away, so I might be out til pretty late,” Kidd warned him. “I’ll pay you for however long you’re here for though.”
“Sounds good. You gonna work at the mine?”
This seemed like another sensitive issue. Kidd looked away and muttered, “No… you gotta be 21, and take all these courses and stuff. And anyway, like HELL will I end up in the fuckin pit,” he finished with unexpected heat.
Law was saved from having to come up with a response by Nami blowing up the toaster outlet. The kitchen appliances all blinked out.
“FUCK! Again…” Kidd rushed to pick her up and sit her back on the table as a loud dryer beep sounded from the bathroom. “And fuck, there’s my pants. Listen, can you grab a fuse from the drawer there and stick it in? I actually REALLY gotta go, like right now.”
“Yeah of course!” Law watched the strange redhead duck through the kitchen door and pick his way down the obstacle course hall to another door.
He pulled his eyes away from the muscled back and onto the little girl, who was… eating nail polish.
“You!” Law scolded her, and put her in a chair. He grabbed the few towels that weren’t burnt, and tied her to the aluminum frame. “Okay, eat cheez-its while I fix this.”
Law had got the new fuse screwed into the panel and the nail polish off Nami’s face by the time Kidd came back, dressed in clothes that didn’t seem like interview clothes to Law: heavy duck pants and steel-toed boots. He grabbed a duffel bag that was sitting on a box stack, shouldered it and then stood looking at Law.
“Uh,” Kidd was blushing again. It was kind of amazing to see this tough blacklung brat acting so unsure. “If I come back really late maybe I could bring something? To eat? And we could eat it here?”
“Yeah, that'd be good.” Law shrugged like he didn't mind either way.
“KFC?” Kidd suggested.
“Oh I don't like breaded stuff. Fries are good, though.”
“I'm trying not to eat MSG actually…”
Kidd tried to think. “So what do you eat?”
“Mostly sushi.”
“I didn't know there was any sushi places in this shit town,” Kidd admitted.
“At the college there's one. Uh, but whatever you bring is fine, don't worry about it!” Law reassured him.
“Okay. Well, see ya.” Kidd made his way outside, yelling at some hovering dogs to git!, then started swearing. “Aw fuck, Nami's FUCKING bike…”
“You trip on it?” Law poked his head outside.
“No,” Kidd was looking at an empty front walk. “Fuckin kids took off with it again. I'll just go punch their dad in the throat later, not a big deal.”
“Holy,” Law commented mildly.
He watched Kidd pull a frankenstein-ian motorcycle out of a side door and roar away on it. Then he looked around to see if anyone had caught him looking. He was just sending a good glare at the prying eyes across the street when he remembered that he was babysitting. He returned to the kitchen where Nami was sitting once again on top of the table, drawing circles in a nail polish puddle with one finger.
“Your brother is an entire entrée,” Law informed her.
She didn't reply, intent on her craft. But she objected when he tried to pick her up. “Nooo!”
“No?” he put her down.
She glared at him, a tiny girl of no more than four, ginger hair in little pigtails and her frilly blue bathing suit spotted with nail polish.
“I'm Law,” he sat down so he was at her level, and introduced himself. “Lawww.”
“Law...” She appraised him solemnly for another moment and then seemed to deem him acceptable. “I’m being a witch,” she confided in a whisper.
“A witch?”
Law sat back in the chair with a laugh. “My girl! Let's talk!”
Law had the kitchen scrubbed to his own exacting standards in short order, having secured Nami firmly to a chair (with duct tape and towels this time).
She was starting to nod into her cheezits by the time he'd finished, and Law figured it was nap time. He went to review the rooms along the hallway, looking for a baby room. He couldn't figure out the logic of the place, though. There was a largeish bedroom, which seemed to be the source of the stale smoke smell, mostly taken up by a tacky king bed and Seinfeld DVDs. It clearly hadn't been used in forever. He closed that door. Then there was a smaller room that might've once been a child's room, decorated with glow in the dark stars on the ceiling and complex Lego structures piled in one corner. It was stacked floor to ceiling with file boxes and covered in dust too. Another small room seemed to be Kidd's hideout, though the bed was just a box spring covered in laundry and books. There was a guitar and practice amp, and a desk piled with half-dissected old laptops. Law resisted the urge to snoop, and closed the door.
He went back down to the other end of the hall, past the front door, where the narrow corridor opened into a small living room space. A couch and a single mattress were neatly made up into beds, in front of a large TV that seemed like the only new thing in the house.
“I want a Kidd nap.” Nami had somehow gotten out of the duct tape high chair and was at Law's side, rubbing her eyes.
“Okay? In the big bed?”
“You're silly,” she accused. She went to lie down on the couch, pulling a fuzzy blanket over herself.
Law went to sit next to her. He gestured down at the mattress on the floor, with its orange and blue comforter and many fuzzy cushions. “Is that your bed? Don't you wanna nap there?”
“No,” she explained patiently, eyes already closed.
“Right, obviously.”
He watched her shuffle and sigh her way to sleep.
“I could've had a sister,” he murmured, partly to her and partly to himself. “I mean, I do have a biological sister, but I didn't grow up with her. I think it would've been nice, though…”
Nami was already asleep when he looked over again. Easy! Law totally had this babysitting thing in hand. He pulled his stats assignment out of his bag, and got down to the real work.
Nami turned out to be a pretty chill baby, as well as being an utter terror. She mostly ignored Law, preferring to go about her little play tasks uninterrupted, with the TV playing in the background. “Being a witch,” she explained whenever Law asked what she was doing.
“Keep it up,” he encouraged her, turning back to his own work.
He quickly learned, though, to keep an ear out for silence, because she was probably blowing shit up. Law found her building a fire in the oven, then making what he was pretty sure was mustard gas in the toilet.
“How’d you do that??” He took the bleach from her and she threw a mild fit before toddling off to the next game.
By the time Kidd returned, Law was just sitting in a kitchen chair with his stats assignment disregarded in front of him, watching the four-year-old expertly jimmy the makeshift lock he'd put on the knife drawer.
“More twist on the lever,” an amused Law recommended.
“So this one's being a psychopath huh,” Kidd entered and threw his duffel bag on the table.
Law corrected him.“Um, she's a witch and a prodigy? She made several deadly potions with cleaning supplies today."
“Oh jesus now there's two of you.”
“One more and we got a coven.”
“Great. Nami, it's like 11, why ain't your ass in bed?” Kidd growled at his sister, who ignored him.
“She went down for a couple hours, but kept getting up when she heard a car go by. And I couldn't get any pajamas on her,” Law reported.
“Yeah she won't take the bathing suit off unless I bribe her. She's big into being a ‘mermaid’ this month, on top of being a witch.”
Nami had gotten the knife drawer open and was feeling around in it with one chubby hand.
Kidd scooped her up. “No knives.”
“A knife!!!”
Law shook his head and smiled. Child after his own heart. “What's she want a knife for?”
“She's been trying to slash my tires lately, so probably that. It's usually pretty funny to watch, but yeah, not at bedtime. Eh, Nami?”
Nami stopped and stared at the chocolate coin Kidd was holding up. She grabbed it and wiggled out of his arms. They followed her to the living room where she was stashing her prize under the couch.
“Holy, she's got a hoard,” Law gave a low whistle at the cache of foil coins and random shiny things.
“Yeah I think she's more dragon than mermaid,” Kidd commented.
Nami lay down in her floor bed, where she could see the glittering pile.
“I got food, if you wanna…?” Kidd nodded back toward the kitchen.
“Is she good here?”
“Yeah she pretty much puts herself to sleep, just leave WrestleMania on for her. She likes the noise.”
They went back to the kitchen, and Kidd turned on a thing Law had thought was a smashed toaster oven reconstructed with safety pins, but which turned out to be a radio. Kidd gestured to a bag on the table, and Law unpacked it while the redhead fiddled with the receiver. It mostly seemed to be picking up country music and static.
“Can almost get that alt rock station with this thing,” he muttered, “probably just needs another coat hanger.”
“You went and got sushi??” Law pulled out several little plastic containers.
Kidd’s back was to him but Law could see his neck and ears going red. He kept fiddling with the dials. “Yeah, whatever.”
“From all the way at the college?”
“Yeah. Whatever.”
“...I think that radio is using you as an antenna,” Law observed, changing the topic.
Kidd snorted and let go of the screwdriver-dial, and the radio went to mostly static. “Faboo. Maybe it wants a piercing too.”
His face had returned to a normal color under all that metal, and he joined Law at the table. Law offered him the dragon roll and took the sashimi plate.
The chopsticks were an obstacle.
“Do you stab it?” Kidd glared at the sushi and the two little sticks.
“No, look at my hand: hold one like a pencil, and the other one loosely—”
“I stab it.”
“Don’t stab it, hey, you’ll ruin the integrity of the roll shape!”
“Hm,” Kidd chewed his mangled piece. “Tastes like salad.”
“Here.” Law scooted over a chair. He took the chopsticks out of Kidd’s fist and rearranged them. Kidd’s hands were large and rough to the touch, and the scent of sweat and gas clung to his clothes. The sudden impression of body heat and machinery smacked Law right in the back of the brain.
“I’m gonna say this is finger food,” Kidd decided.
“Yeah,” Law agreed automatically.
“Yeah, fuck this. Want a beer?”
Law hated beer. “Yeah. I mean, whatever.”
Law sat and nursed the beer with determination, trying to pay attention to Kidd's animated take on government surveillance vans and Nicolas Cage. His brain was getting fuzzy really fast, though. He was such a fuckin lightweight.
“He’s not an actual human person, is all I’m saying. You seen his face tryna do face stuff?” Kidd argued, crunching his second beer can and tossing it in the bin across the room. "Nother beer? Hey, you’re not even done that one.”
“Tastes like bread,” Law noted distractedly.
“I guess. You don’t like Bud?”
“I liked the first movie,” Law hiccuped.
Kidd laughed like a fucking hooligan, and Law had to laugh too. Normally loud laughs grated on Law's ears, but he decided he liked this one. It wasn't mocking or cold; just big.
Kidd shook his head with a final chuckle and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Me too. Sooo uh, what you studying at the college?”
“General science right now, thinking I'll go into the pre-med stream,” Law answered right away. “Or maybe something more research, less clinical… uh. Or you know, like. Whatever.”
Kidd actually seemed interested. “Yeah that sounds awesome. I always wanted to go into engineering, but pure research would be cool… You um. Doing some math, there?” He looked over at Law's assignment, abandoned on the table.
“Stats. The bane of my existence. Don't stare at it too long, it'll put the bleed on your brain.”
“...you're stuck, huh?” Kidd glanced over again.
“No.” Law sniffed. “I'm considering it from many angles.”
“Okay, man.”
“Oh, like you know anything about sample sizes and shit.”
Kidd shrugged, but the line in his forehead deepened. He cracked another tallboy.
Law gripped his own beer can in the uncomfortable silence that followed, and then downed the rest all at once.
“Nother,” he wiped his mouth and Kidd raised an eyebrow but passed him a fresh one.
“Git it in ya.”
“Mhm.” Law took a deep swig and almost fucking barfed. “Sooo… you make that bike yourself huh?”
“...yeah,” Kidd's face lost the put-out look and split into a grin. “Or whatever, I just added some stuff and changed other stuff… actually, it's…”
That got another good long ramble out of the redhead, full of startling laughter and crass parallels with female body parts. Law wondered idly if Kidd was actually familiar with any female body parts, or whether this was just how people in Pit-town talked.
“Hm?” Law sat up straight, realizing that Kidd had asked him something. His brain was definitely all swimmy now.
“Or I can give you a lift back now. It's a long way to the Rez.”
“I'm not from the Rez, I live down the highway. I can just hitch my way back, it's not a big deal." Law looked at his phone—after midnight.
Kidd was giving Law a look, like he wanted to say something about that, but then grunted and downed his beer instead. “Here, for today,” he said, taking an envelope out of his pocket and pushing a few folded bills into Law's hand.
“If you're free tomorrow I'll be working again at noon. And like I said, you can stay here tonight if the trip out is—”
“Oh!” Law felt his face heating up again. “No, I gotta get home. My dad's gonna kill me as it is. I'll come back tomorrow, though, okay?”
“Okay! Or, whatever, good.”
“Yeah.” Law stood and started stuffing things back into his backpack. “Okay see ya tomorrow.”
Kidd gave him a flippant salute and cracked another beer.
Pulling on his sneakers at the door, Law felt a little tug at his pant leg.
“Law, you are going to go?” Nami worried.
“Yup, gotta go home.”
“Law, you won't be here if you go,” she started snuffling.
Law picked her up and put her back in her bed. “I'll come back tomorrow. Okay?”
“No.” She hid under the blanket and kept snuffling.
He hesitated. “I have to go.”
“She’ll get over it in a minute,” Kidd told him from the doorway, leaning backlit against the frame with crossed arms. “It's better not to draw it out.”
Law looked at the little lump among the cushions and shrugged. He stood to go.
The redhead chewed at his tongue piercing and watched him. “Okay, I don't wanna be weird about this, but like. It's the Pit. And you're... You know?”
Law wasn't getting it. “I'm...?”
“C'mon, you stick out. And it's really late, and it's just past check day, and… it'd really just be faster if I gave you a ride.”
Oh, fucking chivalry or whatever.
“So I'll put my hood up,” Law dismissed this.
“It’s the Pit, though,” Kidd said again.
“... See you tomorrow.” Law left without drawing it out any further.
Law got halfway through the village before someone pulled up next to him, apparently to offer him further unwanted courtesies.
“Looking for a place to stay?” the man offered.
“Just heading home,” Law deflected.
This didn't seem to be the answer the guy wanted, and he followed Law in his pickup at very close range, until they got to the village limits and the end of the street lights. Law gripped his phone in his pocket. He heard the truck door slam just as he went to detour off the road between two houses.
Law tried not to back away as the guy advanced. “I'll call the police.”
“I am the police,” the man pointed to the badge on his belt.
"And you're trespassing."
Law held onto his phone, a harsh roaring steadily growing in his ears. The smart thing would be to play dumb and helpless so he wouldn't fucking get shot, and just hope someone came by… but the man went to grab him and he panicked just as the roar peaked. Law snapped the fist holding his phone into the man's temple, and it made a loud crunch. A couple more frantic strikes sent the pig down in a confused pile of limbs.
Well he'd fucking done it now. Maybe he could run before—
“Oohhh shit, haha,” someone commented.
Law glared over at Kidd, who was sitting there on his noisy rat bike, peering at the man on the ground.
“Hi?” Law crossed his arms.
Kidd scratched his neck. “Saw him drive past after you left, and figured… yeah. I was just gonna come and like, bam! Do a drive-by with a crowbar. But that Rocky shit was actually way cooler, haha. Is that a brass knuckles phone ring?”
“Yeah…” Kidd considered the lump on the ground. “Kay, well. Can I drive you home now?”
“...” Law really, stubbornly wanted to refuse.
“Just so you can see how Marlene here rides,” Kidd patted the motorcycle. “Did I tell you I built her?”
Law's tension cracked and an incredulous laugh bubbled out. “Yeah. You told me. She's a beauty.” Kidd passed him the helmet and Law slid into place behind him.
“She’s a rubber-tit, chain-smoking old blacklung biddy, fuck yeah she's a beauty. You can ride her all day and night, she don't get tired.”
Law had been wondering how he'd get all the way home like this without popping a boner, but that mental image cleared it up.
“Uh,” Law gave the unconscious cop a guilty glance, “should we get this guy somewhere…?”
“Oh, I'll just call his wife to come get him, I guess,” Kidd snorted at the pathetic pile and took out his phone.
“You know him?”
“Everyone knows everyone here… hold on a sec. Hey, Mrs. Kyle? Yeah I just seen Kevin going off tryna fight that goose again.”
“Fuckin what??” Law snickered.
“Yeah, Cobb Road. Looked like he'd taken a good one on the head already. I dunno who taught that thing to make a fist. Yeah, anyway. Yeah, bye.” Kidd hung up, nodding to himself like that was it.
“No one's gonna believe that shit,” Law objected.
“Oh the goose? That's real, the thing's a monster. I think they should just shoot it but there's a pool on who'll defeat it in hand-to-hand combat.”
“...okay. Sure.”
“It's the Pit,” Kidd explained again.
Kidd tied a bandana onto his face as a windguard, and they pulled out of the village and onto the highway. It was fall but the air was warm and smelled like tar. Law held onto Kidd's waist and directed him by patting his arm and pointing. The smokestacks receded behind them, though the tar smell lingered on through the treeless landscape. Eventually Law signaled for them to stop.
Kidd pulled off the highway and stopped just under the lone streetlight at the turnoff. He looked around. “This is just a carpool lot. I might as well take you all the way home, right?”
“Nah, my Dad's already gonna be pissed that I'm out this late. If I ride up on a bike smelling like booze… yeah.” Law passed him the helmet and dismounted. “It's not far from here, I'm good now.”
Kidd was still processing the first part. “Aren't you in uni? You still have a curfew?”
Law shrugged. “He's strict. He just worries. Though, yeah, he's nowhere near as protective about my fuckin brothers so—”
At that exact moment Law's brain registered the whine of a familiar car, and he had to grip his bag to keep from bolting. He relaxed slightly when he saw it was just the Volvo.
“Hey Lawnboy,” Bellamy chuckled, leaning an elbow out the window.
“Hiii Law,” a gawky, sharp-eyed girl chirped from the passenger seat.
“Monet, my dream girl,” Law flirted mildly, leaning on the door frame. Monet giggled and Bellamy scowled.
“That your ~boyfriend~?” the blond troll mocked, jabbing a thumb at Kidd, who tensed and sneered.
“Yeah,” Law shot back.
There was a pause.
“Really???” Monet scrambled to get a good look at them both. Bellamy's face went slack with shock.
Kidd stuffed his head into the safety of his helmet.
“What're you doing?” Law questioned the helmeted Kidd.
“He's shy!” Monet squealed. “Ahhhh you guys are perfect!”
“Are you blushing?” Law tried to flip up the mirrored visor and Kidd held on stubbornly, shaking his head.
“Law, bring him to Hawk's place with us, I'll make youse guys’ drinks!! I got sourpuss and peach schnapps!”
“They're not coming to Hawk's,” Bellamy told her sullenly.
“Shut up Bellamy. Law, you guys coming?”
Law demurred. “Gotta work tomorrow, Monet-fique. Nother time.”
“See you at home, Bellyache,” Law dismissed his pouting brother, who scowled.
“‘Babysitting’, huh. I'm telling Dad you're hoeing it up in the Pit,” Bellamy threatened.
Monet punched him in the shoulder. “Oh my god Bellamy no you're not. Later, Law! Byyye, strong silent boyfriend!”
Bellamy took his cue and screeched away.
Law turned back to Kidd, who was still hiding under his helmet. “Sorry. That was my brother. It just seemed like the best way to get him to leave.”
Kidd gave a slight shrug.
“So. See you tomorrow?” Law shouldered his bag.
Kidd nodded.
“Thanks for the ride. And for dinner and stuff…”
“Yeah it's whatever,” came Kidd's muffled voice.
“Oh yeah I mean, whatever.” Law started off down the road.
“Uh…! Thank you too, for… coming...” Kidd called after him a few steps later.
Law stopped and looked back awkwardly.
“...And for being chill about Nami's issues, and the house, and dealing with that creeping fucker… You don't have to come back after that crap. And if all this is gonna get you in trouble with your dad anyway,” Kidd offered in a nervous jumble, as Law wandered back over and stood there, feeling suddenly sad.
Law had had his share of sweet goodbye kisses under this streetlight, when he'd been a little younger and a little less worried about everything. He kinda really wanted another like that right now… But Kidd was holding onto the helmet on his head like a life preserver. And a kiss seemed like such a shallow, wrong-headed kind of assurance to offer against all ‘that crap.’
Law leaned in, and bonked his forehead lightly against the glossy helmet instead.
“Well, pick me up tomorrow, at the highway. So I don't gotta risk crossing the goose,” Law shrugged too, like it really was all just whatever.
He couldn't see Kidd's face but he could see his heaviness lift.
“You got it, Cap.”
The scruffy redhead leaned into his bike and the road, and became a fading engine roar in the dark. Law walked home slowly.
8 notes · View notes
avosettas · 5 years
unless mom wants to do anything today i think im just gonna shower, practice piano, and play slime rancher. gonna buy the overgrowth bc i already have the docks. and i guess i'll fuck around with the ranch exchange and explore a little more? i finally got to the indigo quarry last night
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jkjelly-sea · 6 years
worth it ♡ lee felix
Tumblr media
genre: fluff, comedy (?)
group: stray kids
rewind!au: 1980s
word count: 1708
warnings: swearing, making out it’s light but yk
a/n: okay okay so i thought A LOT about IT wrote this (the movie it) so ig this would be like an IT!au + so the members kinda act like the characters + when you read kinda just picture it taking place at the quarry from the movie ♡ ♡ + what their town looked like also i used this ♡ ♡ to help me write this but took out the nsfw part of it okay im done bye bye
“Do a flip!!”
“No, you fucking idiot I’ll break my neck!”
It was summertime, your favorite, you and your friends were down at the quarry not too far from your houses. You always went here, whether anyone was with you or you were just by yourself. It’s sorta like an escape— a safe haven.
Han Jisung, a good kid, really— good in school and has good manners, just dared Lee Felix to do a flip off the cliff into the water; Lee Minho—he’s a sweetie, too, just acts like a dick, then just called him a pussy. That’s just the normal, Minho likes picking with everyone. And then there’s Felix...
He’s your friend, just like the others, but maybe you’re closer. He took you to that one school dance that you didn’t want to go to but your parents forced you to anyways. He said he would make it better, which he did— he brought your jeans and one of his hoodies (your favorite of his) so you could get out of that fucking dress, then you snuck out and went to a diner nearby. Afterward he walked you home.
"Sooooo um...did you have fun,” he asked you when you reached the block before yours. You dragged out a “mmhm” as you finished the milkshake he brought you from the diner. When you got to your block, it was really late, so you thought it would be better to come in the house through your bedroom window; your parents were used to you coming home late and going straight to bed, but it was a little past midnight— they thought you were already in bed alssep hours ago. Before Felix helped you up the window, he gave you a present. A kiss. Which was really awkward and unexpected, but it was good. Flustered, you went to open your mouth and say something but Felix shushed you and rushed you into the house, saying about how it’s “so late” and other things like “your parents are gonna fucking kill me, just go inside already!” He laughed a little as he spoke, trying to hide the fact that he was flustered too, and you swore that his laugh was the best sound on earth. So from now on, you’ve known he likes you. And you started to like him, too.
But still just friends.
“Why won’t you do a flip, Felix~?” you teased, while you sat back against the huge rock on the cliff, toying with the dials on the radio.
“Do you want me to die?!”
“She might,” Jisung said, sarcastically. Felix shot him a look that told him ‘shut the fuck up’.
“I think it would be pretty impressive, ya know?” You teased him farther, causing his face to turn a bright red (and you were sure it wasn’t the sun, this kid brought two and a half bottles of sunscreen).
“Ugh, all of you shut up,” Minho said suddenly, while he flipped through the pages of his book.
But then you got an idea, a dumb one. A really fucking dumb one.
“Yo, watch out! Let me do it!”
You got up from the rocks and ran over to the edge of the cliff to Felix. You lightly hit his chest twice and told him “Watch this”. You honestly weren’t afraid of doing it; you took gymnastics for like a month when you were 12 so you’re actually a professional.
You took a few steps back and ran up to the very end of the cliff and jumped off. You managed a successful flip but completely fucked up on the landing. There were rocks on the quarry floor that aren’t a problem if you land the flips correctly. But you didn’t; you hit your left forearm on one of the bigger rocks and broke it.
So then the next day...
You were just leaving the house to go down to a “super secret hiding place” that you and Felix would go to every now and then. Like, when you needed to get away from everything and everyone and you needed someone to talk to (and most of the times cry on) so you wouldn’t do something you regretted. But, honestly, this place was not hidden, just no one knew you went here. It was just around the corner from the abandoned movie theater that comes closer and closer to crashing into a pile of ash when you flick it; under a huge oak tree in the empty field by the river. He told you to come here because apparently “I have to talk to you. It’s super important. Just please meet me there, alright, Y/n?” Hearing him say that made your heart skip beats because you still liked him and so many thoughts were running through your mind but you let it slide. Or at least you tried to.
“Y/n!” Felix smiled like a kid when he saw you, which made you laugh.
“Why are you so happy to see me?” He wiped the smile off his face when you said this.
“I-I’m not! Actually, I’m really mad at you.”
“Is this is what you brought me here for?”
“Well, I mean...Hey, shut up! Look, I’m mad at you!” He tried to keep his laughter in and put on an act that he was actually mad but he’s really bad at it.
“What’d I do?”
“Was a broken arm really worth it, though?”
“Yes, it was!” You laughed. “You were so impressed!”
“I was not!”
“You still are, don't lie!”
“I am not! I was very worried...I still am, ya know!”
“Oh, that’s cute,” you hid the fact that you were so flustered by smartass remarks because you were good at acting, Felix wasn’t. He motioned with his hand for you to come closer.
“I was worried about you, you asshole...like, you coulda really hurt yourself...” He actually looked sad now. He grabbed your broken arm and played with the limp fingers that hung out from the cast. Then he knocked on your cast softly to see how hard it was which made you mumble a quiet “Ow”, he stopped and said "Sorry” really sweetly. He went back to playing with your fingers instead.
It was too quiet and you felt your heart pounding like crazy. You swore he could hear. Nothing but the gentle sound of water moving and warm wind blowing through your ears. And then he held both your hands in each of his— well he held your right hand and the fingers of your left (the cast was way bigger than you expected it would be). Your heart felt like it could either explode or jump out of your chest, whichever happens first.
“Sigh...” Felix sighed (to break the silence most likely). You looked up at him, the sun was now setting behind him so you had to squint your eyes a bit. But you could see how beautiful the sun made his skin look, and how perfectly it shined on his freckles and made his eyes sparkle. How absolutely ethereal he looked was not helping you from going into cardiac arrest, right now.
“Y/n~,” he said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked up to him again, still squinting.
He leaned in closer to you and kissed you...only this time it was way better than the first. He was the first to break the kiss. His smile was so bright you still had to squint your eyes even though now his head was blocking the sun.
“Was that okay?” Felix asked shyly.
Then he kissed you again. But this time so much more. It was more passionate and love-filled as if he’d been waiting years to do it (which he probably has). Like when you finally get the candy bar you wanted and you try to savor it but you can’t wait any longer and devour the entire thing in a second. He was basically trying to eat you. Felix pulled back for a second and looked you in the eyes before going back in for more kisses, and this time he slipped his tongue in during the kiss and your first instinct was to do the same to him.
You didn’t try to but...By this time his hands were in your waist (high up from your ass so things didn’t get any weirder than they already were) and the feelings were too overwhelming and the hot air made you feel all weird and...a small moan slipped out. Felix immediately broke the kiss with this huge ass smile on his face.
“Oh wow,” he giggled. “I think that’s the first time I ever heard you moan...”
Your eyes widen and your lips parted in shock and you felt like exploding again. He looked back over at you with a smirk on.
“...It was like a fucking melody.”
“Nope nope nope. The power of Christ compels you Satan.”
“I am not Satan!” He laughed.
“You had me, then you lost me.” You started walking away backwards while smiling at him. “You fucked this up for yourself, Lee Felix.”
You ran after you and actually chased you for a good three seconds but he’s faster than you so you got caught easily. He wrapped his arms around you from the back, lifted you, and spun you around while you laughed in happiness but at the same time screamed “Put me down!” He listened after a while and let go of you.
“Y/n will you be my girlfriend?”
“Huh?” was the first thing that came out of your mouth but then you realized that this is actually happening. “Y-yes. Yes! YESYESYES!!!” After screaming so much you ran into his arms for the biggest hug. Which resulting in Felix lifting you up again.
“Felix!” He dropped you almost instantly. You stumbled backward but Felix caught you before you could fall. You shared one last kiss before Felix thought it was time to take you home. So he walked you home and...well honestly the last kiss was the one he gave you just under your bedroom window (you’ve gotten so used to the window, the front door doesn’t even exist anymore). This kiss was in the same place as before, but better.
a/n: yayyy im soft. 🙃
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