#and then my pots makes my chronic sinusitis bad
zuuriell · 7 months
man oh man you gotta love when your life is so chill,
and then one thing leads u into a flareup of one of ur conditions,
which in turn also leads u to flare up another one of ur conditions..
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binunus · 3 years
my tylenol when i’m in pain | moon bin
a/n when I got this request, the title of it literally came to me instantly so if you want some cute mood music while reading, listen to lemonade by jeremy passion sksksksk, 
thank you to the cutie who requested this !! I hope your migraines feel better love ❤️ you’re cranking up binnie on my bias list 👀
{request: i get really bad chronic migraines sometimes and I was wondering if you could write something where bin takes care of his s/o when they're not feeling well. if you're okay with that :)}
genre: the fluffiest
word count: 2.2k ________________________________________________
Your POV
It was absolutely beautiful outside. The previous night’s snowfall left a pristine blanket of white on the street. You looked outside your window to see several kids making snowmen or engaging in snowball fights.
Ahh the innocent ideal of the youth.
You wished you could go outside and join in on the winter festivities without any care in the world, but alas being a working adult crushed those wishes any day. And it didn’t help that you felt like complete shit right now. 
For the past week and a half, you were working nonstop on a project that had a heavy deadline submission which ended yesterday. You barely completed it on time, sacrificing your well-loved sleep and meals to have a presentable end product. 
If you were back in high school or college, your stamina could have easily bounced back from the lack of sleep and nutrition, but your body couldn’t handle the neglect right now—and the cold weather only catalyzed your impending sickness.
Trudging back to bed, you winced as you tried to make yourself comfortable under the covers, muscles aching with every movement. You were at least thankful that your boss granted everyone an off-day today because of the snow, giving you one less thing to worry about in your list of priorities.
Faintly, you heard the jingle of keys from your front door, a tinge of excitement filling you at your guest.
“In my room.”
“Shit, you sound so weak.” Your boyfriend frowned as he entered your bedroom, removing his hat and coat and placing it on the table by your desk. He walked over to where you were laying, leaning down for a kiss when you ducked under the covers, “Binnie, I don’t wanna get you sick.”
He let out a chuckle, removing the blanket from covering your face and stealing a kiss anyway. You scrunched your nose up, “If you get sick, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“I’ll take my chances, baby.” Bin said with a smile, taking a seat at the side of your bed. He softly caressed your hair, “Hmm, how are you feeling?”
“A bit better now that you’re here,” You said trying to sound positive, “but if you’re asking me physically? Terrible.”
“Have you eaten?? What about a shower? Taking one helps a lot, and it makes you feel clean.” Bin nagged, thumb rubbing your cheek. You pouted, lightly shaking your head, “I’m not hungry, and it hurts too much when I move. Maybe later Binnie, my head really hurts right now and I just wanna close my eyes.”
He nodded, immediately standing up to go over to the other side of the bed. Bin crawled into bed next to you, arm hooking under your shoulder as you turned to hug his waist, snuggling as close to him as you could get. He kissed your forehead sweetly, humming a little song as you started to get comfortable, his chest as your pillow. Rubbing your arm gently as he sang, it took you only a couple minutes before your breathing evened out, the pounding of your head dulling as sleep overtook you.
Bin nuzzled his nose in your hair, your scent giving him a fluttery feeling in the base of his stomach. A little nap with you was too good to pass at the moment. Just fifteen minutes, Bin thought as he closed his eyes, feeling his body relax against yours.
After a little while, Bin found himself stirring awake, much to his dismay because he loved his sleep. Blinking the drowsiness away, he glanced at you to see that you were still deeply in slumber, soft snores coming out of your mouth. He smiled unable to stop himself from pressing a kiss to your cheek. He almost felt bad untangling himself from your hold at the risk of waking you up.
Carefully, he got up and out of bed, making sure that you were still tucked in before heading to the kitchen, closing the door quietly as he left. Bin let out a huge yawn as he washed his hands in the kitchen sink, getting ready to prep some ingredients for the soup he was about to make. 
Bin played some music on his phone as he cooked, loud enough to give him entertainment, but at a volume so that it wouldn’t disturb you. He was pretty proud of himself after finishing the chicken soup, plating the bowl nicely on one of your bedside trays with some medicine and a glass of water. Bin even cleaned up the pots he used for cooking, knowing that it was better for him to wash it now while he still had the motivation. And there was no way that he would let you lift a finger while he was here taking care of you.
After washing his hands again, Bin went back into your bedroom, tray in hand. He set it down briefly on your table to wake you up, tapping your shoulder. “y/n? Wake up baby.” 
You groaned, eyes still closed as you turned in your bed, back facing your boyfriend. “5 more minutes.”
“Baby, the soup’s gonna get cold. C’mon, you have to eat even a little bit.” He reasoned, pulling the blanket so that your upper half was exposed. You nodded drowsily, struggling as you tried to sit up. Bin smiled, propping some pillows up for you to sit against. “I made chicken soup, after you eat take some medicine okay?”
“Okay,” You nodded slowly with your eyes closed, moving your hair to the back as Bin brought the tray over. Your headache wasn’t as strong as before, but your body still felt like it was throbbing a little, hopefully eating and the medicine would help cure you a bit. 
“Do you want me to feed you?” Bin teased, half jokingly but also you knew he would if you really asked him to. Again, you nodded opening your mouth obediently. Grinning, he took a spoonful of broth, making sure to blow on it so that it wouldn’t be too hot before feeding you. “You’re so cute, y/n. You really are my baby, hm?”
“Mm I’m sick,” You said finally opening your eyes, sleep still heavy on your lids. You weren’t really disagreeing with him though. “That’s really good Binnie, I can feel my sinuses clearing up a little.”
“I made it with love,” He said cutely, leaning over to kiss you quickly on the lips. You let out an amused chuckle, letting his greasy comment slide as you opened your mouth for more. 
The two of you conversed easily as he fed you, catching you up on the latest drama at his work and with his friends. Although Bin made the soup for you, you made sure that he filled his hunger a little bit too, making him finish the rest of the bowl when you felt full. He praised you like a child when you took your medicine and finished the glass of water, it was a bit endearing if you were honest. “Do you need anything right now? How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay baby, thank you.” You said getting comfortable again under the covers. “Cuddle??”
“I’ll just put this away and then I’m all yours.” Bin nodded with a smile, going to the kitchen once more. After a couple minutes, he returned with a towel and a bowl of water.
“I thought we were gonna cuddle?” You pouted looking at him. Laughing, he dipped the towel in the bowl and wrung out the water, bringing it to you and placing it on your forehead. “We are baby, let me just try and bring your fever down a bit, your skin’s burning.”
You nodded, your body basically dead weight as he helped you sit up again, cooling your skin with the damp towel. You hummed in satisfaction, the cold cloth a nice comparison to your hot skin. “We might as well have just taken a bath.”
“Do you want to?” He asked rubbing the towel around your back. “Bath and then cuddle after?”
“Mhm,” You said removing the blanket and getting up, Bin holding your waist as you two walked to the bathroom. He told you to wait a minute as he turned on the water, checking the temperature as it filled up the bathtub. After deeming that the water was at a good amount, Bin started to strip himself of his clothing, stepping into the tub soon after. “Do you want my help, baby?”
“In your dreams,” You quipped removing your shirt. “Keep your hormones at bay, Binnie, my sick body won’t allow it.”
Your boyfriend chuckled, grabbing his phone from the counter and playing some music. “You know sex can help with removing sickness, y/n?”
“Uh huh, ask me that question again tomorrow and we’ll see how I respond.” You said getting in the tub and nestling between his legs. You shivered a little as your skin made contact with the water, leaning back against Bin’s chest for warmth. He grinned, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulled you close, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You relaxed in the cage of Bin’s arms, resting your head against his chest as he began to sing along to the song that was playing on his phone, rubbing the belly softly under the water. The two of you sat like that for a while, you cooling down in silence, content with listening to Bin’s voice. 
“Sit up for a second baby, let me wash your hair.” He said, lifting his arms from your body and reaching for your shampoo. He squeezed a generous amount onto his hand, first massaging it into your hair before using the leftover for his own. It was a bit of a struggle to wash away all the suds, the size of your bathtub barely enough to fit both you and Bin comfortably, but you somehow made it work. After deciding that dunking you both under water to rinse off the shampoo clearly wasn’t the right idea, Bin grabbed the shower head and opted for that instead, giggles coming from the both of you.
“Ah Binnie!” You whined as he started to tickle your sides, your boyfriend laughing as he drenched your head with water. “I’m cleansing you of your sickness, baby!”
That cycle repeated again, this time with conditioner, and by the time the two of you were done with your bath-turned-shower, the floor surrounding the tub was wet from all the splashes and Bin’s use of the detachable shower head. 
You shivered, arms hugging your body as Bin grabbed two towels, drying himself off first before doing the same to you. “I could have dried myself, baby.”
“I’m here taking care of you, and that includes drying you.” He shook his head. You chuckled, unsure of his logic but let him do as he pleased anyway. Bin smiled, eyes formed into crescent moons as he dried your hair, gently shaking the towel all over your head. Laughing, you went on your tiptoes, arms locking around his neck as you kissed him. He made a sound of contentment, moving his lips in tune with yours as his hands dropped down to your waist, leaving the towel on the top of your head. 
After a minute or so, you pulled away, a giggle leaving you as you saw Bin’s pout. You pecked his lips again briefly, before grabbing the towel and drying your hair again. Bin made sure to thoroughly dry the floor before the two of you went back to your bedroom. He changed into some shorts that he left at your place, deciding to forego a shirt since he usually chose not to sleep with one anyway. You, on the other hand, slipped on Bin’s shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, climbing immediately in bed after your hair was decently dry. 
He came to join you after getting another glass of water, encouraging you to drink it all before he cuddled you, knowing that the two of you were going to end up napping again. You finished the glass with ease, placing it on your bedside table, and turning to your boyfriend. He smiled, wrapping his arms around you again as the two of you laid down, finding yourselves in the same position as when he first came over earlier. “How are you feeling now, baby?”
“Honestly? Better.” You said, lips brushing against his clavicle. The medicine kicked in by now, but you were sure that Bin also had a lot to do with your slow recovery. “You’re all the medicine I need, baby.”
He let out a high-pitched cackle, squeezing your body a little tighter as he kissed your forehead. “If I get sick, will you be my medicine?”
“Of course,” You grinned, the tips of your fingers lazily drawing figures on his abdomen. “I love you Binnie, thank you for taking care of me.”
“I’ll always take care of you, y/n.” He said softly, taking in your scent as he closed his eyes. “I love you too.”
You drifted off to sleep listening to his breathing, a deep slumber overtaking you. By the next morning, you woke up feeling loads better, your temperature now at a normal level and your headache mostly gone. You turned your head to see Bin still sleeping, a smile on your face as you craned your neck to kiss his cheek. You sighed, relaxing yourself in his hold before closing your eyes again, sleeping for a little longer wouldn’t hurt. Especially if Bin was by your side.
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natural remedies for asthma
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Omega‑3 fatty acids
Some alternative treatment options and their associated risks and benefits include:
Garlic. Garlic has been used as a natural remedy to manage many diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease, because of its anti-inflammatory properties. ...
Ginger. ...
Echinacea and Licorice Root. ...
Turmeric. ...
Honey. ...
May 24, 2011
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Natural Remedy Options for Asthma Treatment - Asthma Center - Everyday ...
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Poorly treated asthma may get worse with age. However, taking regular controller medication as prescribed by your doctor can prevent your asthma from getting worse and help to preserve your lung function. ... Not necessarily, however asthma is often more severe if it starts at an older age.
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Asthma FAQs | Asthma Society of Ireland
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Cold, dry air is a common asthma trigger and can cause bad flare-ups. That's especially true for people who play winter sports and have exercise-induced asthma. ... Wet weather encourages mold growth, and wind can blow mold and pollen through the air.
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Home Treatments
Use a humidifier or vaporizer.
Take long showers or breathe in steam from a pot of warm (but not too hot) water.
Drink lots of fluids. ...
Use a nasal saline spray. ...
Try a Neti pot, nasal irrigator, or bulb syringe. ...
Place a warm, wet towel on your face. ...
Prop yourself up. ...
Avoid chlorinated pools.
Jan 17, 2018
https://www.webmd.com › allergies
How to Treat Nasal Congestion and Sinus Pressure - WebMD
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How do you cough up mucus stuck in your chest?
Steam. Keeping the air moist can loosen mucus and reduce congestion and coughing. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommend using a cool-mist humidifier or steam vaporizer. People with difficulty sleeping may wish to use a humidifier at night.Apr 19, 2018
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
How to get rid of mucus in the chest: 8 natural home remedies
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What foods heal lungs?
Foods for keeping your lungs healthy
Water. Water is essential for healthy lungs. ...
Fatty Fish. Fish high in fat is an excellent choice of food for healthy lungs as they contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which are linked with lung health.
Apples. Apples are the food for adults who want healthy lungs. ...
Apricots. ...
Broccoli. ...
Poultry. ...
Walnuts. ...
More items...•Jan 16, 2013
https://www.powerbreathe.com › blog
Foods for keeping your lungs healthy - eat a healthy diet ...
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Taking the following actions can help to eliminate excess mucus and phlegm:
Keeping the air moist. ...
Drinking plenty of fluids. ...
Applying a warm, wet washcloth to the face. ...
Keeping the head elevated. ...
Not suppressing a cough. ...
Discreetly getting rid of phlegm. ...
Using a saline nasal spray or rinse. ...
Gargling with salt water.
More items...•Mar 7, 2018
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
20 effective ways to get rid of phlegm and mucus
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Hot weather
Mostly we think of asthma symptoms being worse in the winter. But hot summer weather can trigger asthma symptoms for some people too. The causes are not clear but two possible reasons are: Breathing in hot air can cause the airways to narrow, leading to coughing and shortness of breath.
https://www.asthma.org.uk › triggers
Weather as an asthma trigger | Asthma UK
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How can I drain my sinuses naturally?
Warm and cold compresses. Rotating warm and cold compresses on your sinuses should also help. Lay back with a warm compress draped across your nose, cheeks, and forehead for three minutes. Remove the warm compress and replace it with a cold compress for 30 seconds.
https://www.healthline.com › cold-flu
5 Home Remedies for Sinus Drainage - Healthline
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Treatments for chronic sinusitis include:
Nasal corticosteroids. ...
Saline nasal irrigation, with nasal sprays or solutions, reduces drainage and rinses away irritants and allergies.
Oral or injected corticosteroids. ...
Aspirin desensitization treatment, if you have reactions to aspirin that cause sinusitis.
Jun 1, 2019
https://www.mayoclinic.org › drc-2...
Chronic sinusitis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
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The bladder 2 (BL2) pressure points are located between the bridge of your nose and the inner side of your upper eyelid. To relieve pressure in your sinuses and around your eyes, try this: Using both hands, place your index fingers above the bridge of your nose.Sep 20, 2019
https://www.healthline.com › health
9 Pressure Points for Sinus Issues - Healthline
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Give yourself a sinus relief massage: You can use your fingers to gently massage your sinuses to get nasal congestion relief. For example, place your index fingers on both sides of your nose where the nose and cheek meet (with one finger on each side), and apply moderate pressure for 2 to 3 minutes.
https://vicks.com › en-us › treatments
How to Relieve Sinus and Nasal Congestion | Vicks - Vicks
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21-May-2019 · Is there a natural cure for asthma? Not really, but there are some all- natural remedies and techniques you can try at ...
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Make an Asthma Action Plan
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Natural Remedies for Asthma: Garlic, Yoga, and More - Healthline
28-Mar-2019 · Here are 13 complementary therapies you can try for your asthma. Dietary changes. Although there's no specific diet for ...
You visited this page on 10/2/20.
Buteyko Breathing Technique
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8 Home Remedies for Asthma - International Pain Foundation
03-Sep-2018 · Asthma is a chronic condition which inflames or blocks the airways of the lungs and thus causes difficulty in breathing.
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Natural Remedies and Techniques for Asthma Symptoms - Verywell Health
14-Nov-2019 · Learn about the different types of natural remedies for asthma, including diet, acupuncture, yoga, herbs, and more.
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If you slip up...
Here’s my master list of how to take care of yourself after a b/p, stay strong my lovelies!
1. Physical Damage Control
Teeth -
It's usually a warning sign to have bad teeth as someone less than seventy years old. It's a 'classic' symptom of bulimia and I've heard a lot of (rookies) swear by brushing their teeth. DON'T FUCKIN DO IT MAN. I used to b/p anywhere between three to ten times a day at my worst, but I always kept a handy supply of TUMS or antacids on me. Your teeth become weakened when you b/p in the first place, so the abrasiveness of toothbrush bristles tends to wear down on your enamel. I never brushed my teeth after I would purge, and I've been b/p'ing on and off for about four years now. Like I said - ten times a day at the worst. I went to the dentist last month and they said that my teeth were like, perfect. It was actually shocking. Thank god for chemistry I suppose.
So how does it work? Well, the calcium carbonate (the main ingredient of TUMS) neutralizes the hydrochloric acid (stomach acid) on our teeth like it would in our stomach. It's basically a high school chemistry equation.
CaCO3+ HCl -> CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O.
The symptoms you'll get (after an antacid) is basically just burping up the CO2 lol. It's much more preferable to tooth decay, might I say. OH and if you don't have any antacids on you, baking soda works in the same way. Just put a teaspoon of baking soda into water, swish it around your mouth, and spit it out. It doesn't taste great, but you could probably mix it with a little alcohol-free toothpaste so it tastes more minty. I highly recommend against swallowing baking soda because it will most likely irritate your stomach and make you even more nauseous, and not in an emetic way. (Ana butterflies don't get any stupid ideas it's not gonna work like you think). Swallowing baking soda just makes you kind of uncomfortable, really.
Y'all need to floss too. I sound like I've got a major stick up my ass, because who actually flosses flossing is for old people and l0zers fuck that shit. Nope. Flossing once before you go to bed helps your teeth against yellowing, in my experience. I wouldn’t recommend flossing post-purge as your gums tend to be much more sensitive. ‘Cuz who’s trynna get gingivitis yeah no one.
Sinuses -
​Remember that time you (regrettably) b/p’d on rice? And you felt that rice grain up there and took a napkin and blew fuckin snot rice into your napkin, like the sexy beast you are?
Yeah I remember that too.
It’s pretty apparent that stomach acid anywhere besides your stomach is a recipe for havoc. The stomach acid eats away at the mucous membranes in your nose, leading to constant sniffling, loss of smell, and chronic sinus infections. Even if you don't feel irritation in your nose immediately following a b/p, the acid can still lead to damage.
So how do you remedy this?
From my experience, the Neti-Pot saline rinse is the best bet. You can use the one that looks like a tea kettle or the one that's a squeezy bottle - both do the same thing. I have the squeezy bottle and it's really simple to use. You add water up to the fill line
Tumblr media
And then you pour the saline packet into the bottle and mix thoroughly (just shake the bottle). Be sure to use FILTERED DRINKING WATER because tap water often contains heavy metals like copper or iron, which isn't good for your nose. Then put the plastic bottle with the saline-water solution into the microwave for approximately 35 seconds, and be careful to make sure it isn't too hot. Make sure it's just slightly warm and then screw the cap on tightly. Lean over a sink and gently squeeze the bottle into one nostril until the water comes out the other. Don't worry, it doesn't provoke the dreaded “oh god there's water in my nose I feel like I'm drowning” feeling. Your sinuses are connected and because the water is warm (like body temperature) it won't come as a shock to your body. Repeat the process on both nostrils until the bottle is done.
I've had actual chunks of food come out of my nose before, and I'm like, “shit, that would have just been hangin out in my nose the entire time?” So it's really important for preventing sinus infections or acid damage to the nasal cavity.
​Electrolyte Imbalances -
​If I had a dollar for the amount of times I've seen THAT PICTURE of the dead bulimic girl I would be richer than Donald Trump. Yeah, she died from gastric rupture blah blah blah but I always see blogs referencing that picture with the danger of heart failure and death in bulimics.
Despite how frequently I used to purge, I'm not dead yet! Hurray I guess! I used to get serious heart palpitations after a long day of purging, but I could mitigate some of those side effects with proper hydration and electrolyte drinks.
I ain't talkin no purple Gatorade shit either. Gatorade isn't as hydrating as one would think. It's made for athletes who are working out and sweating, and releasing salt through their skin. Gatorade replenishes the sodium and sugar, but if you're not working out/sweating a lot, the extra sodium could cause water retention *panics* The best option for electrolyte-replenishing is coconut water, in my opinion. It's naturally high in potassium, which is the principle electrolyte lost by vomiting. Pedialyte takes a close second for hydration because it's designed to replenish electrolytes, like if you have the flu or something. You can buy Pedialyte over the counter at most (American) pharmacies.
Electrolytes are important in muscle contraction, which includes the heart. This is why many bulimics die from heart attacks
Of course, the best way to get potassium is through potassium-rich foods. Some examples:
Acorn squash
Sweet potato
Wild-caught salmon
Dried apricots
Coconut water
White beans
Source: Dr. Axe
Y'all also gotta be mindful of your magnesium too. Magnesium is lost (most notably) through diarrhea and thus laxative abuse. Here's how to remember the electrolytes:
Potassium is lost through Purging and Magnesium is lost by taking Mega Shits.
I'm laughing bahahah but I shouldn't be because the magnesium thing is no joke.
2. Psychological Damage Control
The Post Purge Freakout-
​Quit playin. You know what I’m talkin’ about, that anxiety like fuck fuck fuck what did I just do I’m a worthless human I deserve to-
These thoughts seem real, like ground-breaking realizations that affirm your worthlessness and desire to continue hurting yourself with ED behaviors. Diffusing these thoughts feels like the hardest thing to do in the moment, of course, but self-care is one of the most important factors in preventing another episode. I’m not trying to be some over-simplifying, self-righteous therapist who thinks that mindfulness is the only way out ‘it’s all about positive self talk, honey!’ Nah fam, anyone who’s dealt with the vicious cycle of bulimia knows it’s not that fuckin’ easy, and so I’m not trying to sugarcoat the fact that post-b/p self-care can be really goddamn difficult.
The best post-b/p self care I’ve implemented is putting on cozy pajamas (if you’re at home) and just taking a five minute break from what you’re doing to listen to music, draw/write, or go on a short walk. Let yourself feel comfy and secure, like being wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket. Give yourself just five minutes to collect your feelings, and realize that a past slip-up can’t determine the future. Because that’s all it is - in the past. What’s in the past is done, and no amount of hateful self talk or self-injury will change that. But what you do in the present is what matters. Think about it as a fork in the road -
“Okay, so I just binged and purged, I have urges to hurt myself or compensate for what I just did, but what will happen if I don’t do either of those things?”
You might panic. You might cry. Let the tears come, if you are in a safe place where you feel you can do so. We know that the day might have sucked, but time stops for no one. The next thing you know, it’s the next morning. The sun is shining through your window, you are alive and your body is resilient. BOI IT’S A NEW FUCKIN DAY! YESTERDAY WAS A CAN OF SHIT, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, TODAY DOESN’T HAVE TO BE. The important thing is that you lived through those horrible feelings, and you’ll remember that. You’re stronger, more resilient, and persistent than you think. You don’t even have to be in recovery to apply this. That’s not what I’m getting at. If you’re pursuing a goal, whether it be eating at regular intervals or meeting a certain calorie limit, there are going to be times you might mess up. And good god, it is absolutely okay.
Imagine yourself going to bed the next night, realizing that you had your first binge free, purge free day since you could remember. Knowing that you fought your urge to b/p will help you remember that next time, “hey, I’m stronger than my urges.”
I guess what I’m emphasizing here is self-forgiveness. I know a lot of people’s ED’s are driven by self-hatred and you’re all such beautiful human beings who deserve to love yourself as others love you. Wow. That got really deep real fast. But hey, I’ve been through it all.
Yo. I'm gonna add more to this, but only if people are interested in my ED-related writing. I'm actually working on a blog right now but I figured I might as well post some stuff here for feedback. PLEASE comment I would love to hear from you guys. 'Do I write like a sappy self-help book'? 'Is it relatable and/or helpful?' Let me know in a comment or DM what you're feelin about it. Sending hugs!
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thebibliosphere · 7 years
Hey mom, do you have any tips for dealing with sinus pressure and the related face/headaches? I have allergies, and I also tend to get pressure in my face whenever I get a cold or flu or stress or if the wind is blowing or there are stars in the sky, just basically always. Short of decapitation, I've got no idea how to handle this chronic nonsense.
Considering I just sneezed and went temporarily blind from the pressure build up in my skull, same. I suffer from severe chronic rhinitis as well as a pretty much permanent case of sinusitis they can’t cure, we found it when they did a CT scan for my dental exam and my dentist went “omg your sinuses!”. Which is always what you want to hear when your head is trapped in a rotating dome of uranium.
I’m generally in pain 90% of the time from the pressure this causes. So I feel you on the whole face headache thing
Not a lot of things help me I’m afraid, but steam facial baths have given me some relief when the pressure is caused by sinusitis (and sometimes allergies, but mostly the sinuses) Some people will swear blind that dropping eucalyptus oil in the water helps but honestly all that does is make my eyes water and most of the menthol solutions you can buy pre-blended don’t actually help you breathe more easily, it just makes your airways think they’re not inflamed (due to the numbing agents menthol possesses) so all you get is a feeling of relief, which is why things like those vicks inhalers are bullshit. 
The majority of the time it’s heat + steam that actually helps the most.
 You can also, if you have the facilities just steam up your bathroom, which is what my parents do for my brother (who has asthma and CF) when he has a bad cold, if sitting with your head craned over a bowl of boiling water is not feasible for you.
Things like sudafed can also offer temporary relief, but my doctor hates it with a passion because of what it can do to your blood pressure. Depending on where you are in the world, you’re not even getting the real sudafed otc because it’s been used to cut meth, so you wind up needing a prescription for the real stuff which again is only for temporary relief and not recommended for prolonged use.
If it’s more caused from allergies, my allergist recommended a nasal spray called Flonase which you can buy otc. You could also try a saline spray.
I’m actually supposed to start using a neti pot on the regular as per his instructions, but I’m really phobic of things going up my nose (bad childhood memory) so I’ve yet to do it, so who knows, it may be the cure for all my ailments. Just always make sure you don’t use plain tap water. Boil it first to kill anything that regular filtration might not have taken care of. Then let it cool. I’d like to say “obviously” but according to my friend who is an ER nurse it is apparently not so obvious. You can buy little kits with saline packets in them too.
You might also want to make sure you’re getting enough fluids, especially if you take an antihistmaine on the regular, like I do. They actually dry out the mucous membrane too well if you’re on them for prolonged periods of time (mine have actually started to affect my menstrual cycle, so that’s a thing) and can start to make the problem worse, so making sure you’ve got enough fluid intake can be really beneficial. If I’m having a particularly bad day I’ll drink hot lemon water rather than cold. It might not be as refreshing feeling, especially in the summer, but it helps my airways not hate me quite as much.
You may also want to look into an air purifier (the $40 ones work just as well as the $200 ones provided you keep them clean) and keep it running 24/7 in the room where you spend the most time. If you’ve got central air, maybe check and see the last time the vents were cleaned, as that can hugely impact your quality of air. If you do have central air and you are the one in control of it, make sure you change the filter on the duct one a month. Don’t bother with the expensive filters. The $2 cheap pleated ones work just as well as the $30+ one, just make sure you change it out every month. We recently had our house air ducts cleaned and my dust allergy is a lot better.
Also check the rest of your environment, is it clean or dusty? Are you at risk from mold spores? Does outside pollution make it worse? I love my vogmask, it’s made cleaning so much easier to deal with, not to mention helping to protect me from the pollen that wants me dead (fuck you too birch trees).
A humidifier might also be beneficial for you too, but again, don’t add anything into the water, I see so many posts saying things like “just add a few drops of XYZ into your humidifier to clarify the air” and I always want to scream because not only are you potentially wrecking the machine, but also quite possibly irritating your nose/lungs more because it’s one more thing for your body to try and deal with processing. So again, plain water is fine.
If I’ve suggested things you’ve already tried to little or no avail, then I offer you my sympathy and solidarity. Cause fuck this shit.
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adnangeri · 5 years
Awesome This Miraculous Mixture Cures Many Diseases! Must Try ..
Cinnamon honey is a miraculous natural remedy with a single word. From cancer to weight loss, heart disease to cholesterol, from colds to skin infections,
Cinnamon honey is a miraculous natural remedy with a single word. From cancer to weight loss, heart disease, cholesterol, colds, skin infections, tooth pain, infertility, such as the disease can not cure ..
The Miracle of Cinnamon and Honey
Pharmaceutical companies will not like to disseminate this information because cinnamon honey is healthier and more effective than most drugs when used regularly.
The mixture of honey and cinnamon is known to cure many diseases. Not to mention a side effect. Although it is sugary, it does not harm even diabetes patients when taken in the right amount.
According to research by Western scientists:
Losing weight:
Honey and cinnamon are very beneficial for health when taken separately. The combination of these nutrients with water can lead to miraculous results for people who want to lose weight. When combined with this amazing dual diet program that accelerates metabolism, the result can be truly incredible and can be lost up to 3 pounds a week.
If you too, – If you say I want to lose weight, – Or if I say I lost weight on a diet, but I stopped losing weight for a while. – If you say I don't want to get my weight back, – Or if you say I can't diet but don't want to gain more weight, You can add this great pair to your diet list,
How to apply this cure:
1. Recipe Materials: 1 stick cinnamon 1 teaspoon of honey 1 glass of water Preparation: 1 cup of water and stick cinnamon is taken to the pot and start to boil. After boiling, the bottom is reduced and boiled for another 2-3 minutes. This boiling mixture is taken into a glass and allowed to warm. After cooling, add honey and drink. This mixture is made twice a day. It is applied 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before bedtime.
* 1 stick cinnamon can be used in preparation of morning and evening cure.
2. Recipe
Materials: ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder 1 teaspoon of honey 1 glass of water
1 cup of water and powdered cinnamon is taken to the pot and began to boil. After boiling, the bottom is reduced and boiled for another 2-3 minutes. This boiling mixture is filtered and taken into a glass and allowed to warm. After cooling, add honey and drink. This mixture is made twice a day. It is applied 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before bedtime.
Note: This mixture should be made 5 days a week and 2 days should be suspended.
Sore Irritation and Sore Throat ::
Cinnamon honey is said to heal sore throat and eradicate the throat ulcer. When a sore throat or tickle, eat a spoonful of honey. Repeat every 3 hours until the pain in your throat ceases.
Those who suffer from frequent or severe colds can take one spoon of warm honey quarter scoop of cinnamon once for three days. This treatment can cure most chronic coughs and colds, and cleanse the sinuses.
Two tablespoons of honey and three tablespoons of cinnamon powder 450 grams of tea cholesterol patients were given to the blood cholesterol content decreased by 10% within two hours. When taken three times a day, even chronic cholesterol can be treated. Daily eaten honey reduces cholesterol complaints.
Long life:
Tea prepared with honey and cinnamon powder reduces the effects of advanced age when drinking regularly. To make tea, use four tablespoons of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon and three cups of boiled water. 3-4 times a day for 1/4 cup. Keeps skin fresh & soft & prevents aging
Heart diseases:
Mix honey with cinnamon and eat toast for breakfast. It lowers cholesterol and possibly prevents heart attack. Regular consumption of cinnamon honey strengthens heartbeats. As we get older, arteries and veins lose their elasticity and become clogged. Cinnamon honey revives the veins.
Patients with arthritis can prepare a useful drink by placing two tablespoons of honey and a spoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of hot water. Even chronic arthritis patients may heal if they are drunk daily. In a study conducted at the University of Copenhagen, 200 patients before breakfast with a spoonful of honey teaspoons of cinnamon and doctors treated 73 patients completely recovered from the pain, within a month, almost all patients who can not move because of pain began to walk without pain.
Urinary Tract Infection:
Two tablespoons of powdered cinnamon with a tablespoon of honey for adding to warm water. Kills germs in the urinary tract. Who would have known?
Immune system:
Daily consumption of cinnamon honey strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and virus attacks. Regular consumption of honey strengthens white blood cells and increases resistance to bacterial and viral diseases.
Digestive Difficulty:
Two tablespoons of honey sprinkled with cinnamon powder before eating food prevents acidity and even the heaviest meals can be digested.
A Spanish scientist has proved that a natural component of baldach kills the flu germ and saves the patient from the flu.
Mix three tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Spread your acne before going to bed and wash the next day with warm water. If it is applied every day for two weeks, it will remove the pimples.
Skin Infections:
Applying an equal amount of honey and cinnamon to the affected areas improves eczema, fungus and all kinds of skin infections.
Research in Japan and Australia has shown that stomach and bone cancer can be successfully treated. Patients suffering from these types of cancer should take a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon for three months.
Recent research shows that sugar in honey helps the body gain strength. Elderly people who consume honey and cinnamon powder are more fit and flexible.
Body brushing increases in a week when you brush your teeth daily and take it at 15.00 in the afternoon.
Bad breath:
South Americans gargle with a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon in the morning, so their breath smells good all day long.
Research in India and Japan shows that cinnamon honey prevents the gases formed in the stomach.
First, boil a glass of water, put cinnamon in hot water and allow to infuse and cool. Do not put honey in boiling water. Hot water kills enzymes in honey. When the water reaches room temperature, add twice as much honey as cinnamon. Bedtime for half of the glass and leave the other half in the morning.
Hearing loss:
Taking honey-cinnamon duo on a daily basis in the evening can eliminate hearing loss.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2HREp9D via IFTTT
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Do you have any pets? What kind? My roomies have a 1-year-old German Shepherd.  
What are their names? That is… if you have any? His name is Donovan, and he is a sweetheart.
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? I don’t recall ever believing in him.  For a while I pretended, though, just to make the adults happy.
Dragons or unicorns? Why can’t I have both?
Do you wish vampires existed? Only if I can be one.
What is your favorite book of all time? There are too many that I love.  I can’t pick just one.
At the moment what is your favorite song? The Wanting Comes in Waves, and The Queen’s Rebuke, from The Decemberists’ Hazards of Love.  (See?  Never just one.  But holy shit, the Queen’s voice would turn me gay even if I weren’t halfway there already!)
Do you ever click on those lame adversisments? Nah.
Have you ever been pantsed? No, and heaven help anyone who tried.
Do you sing in front of people you don’t know very well? How about dance? Not generally.  I’ve done both before, but the singing is particularly difficult.  I’d kind of like to get to the point that I could, being as I can carry a tune rather well, when I don’t feel like the bottom’s dropped out of me.
Have you ever sang/spoke/preformed in front of people on a stage? I was in a class play, a couple of times.
What do you think about the old Micheal Jackson? What do you think about him now? He was both talented and troubled.  
Do you keep up with pop culture? Not especially, but I have enough friends who do to still have a general idea of what’s going on.
What is your favorite magazine? I don’t have one.
Would you rather slit your wrists than read Cosmo? This is a stupid question. 
Did you ever like barbies? Do you currently like barbies? I had a few, and I did play with them a lot.  Tropical Miko was my favorite.  Currently indifferent to them, though I’ll confess to having bought three or four of those Monster High dolls, in recent years, just because I know I would’ve LOVED getting to play with them as a kid.
What is your biggest pet peeve? Willful ignorance, people who use social justice as an excuse to bully others, and authority figures who don’t use their power right.
What turns you off in the opposite sex? The ways our society conditions them to be.
What kind of gum do you chew most often? Your favorite flavor? I don’t often enough to really have a favorite flavor.
Do you keep everything in the universe in your bag/purse? Quite a bit, actually, yeah, for it not being a very big purse.
What’s one word that you have to say about miss Britney Spears? vo_ov
What’s your favorite hit song right now? I don’t know what’s a hit and what’s not.  I just know what I like.  I guess I Feel it Still is a hit?  I like that one.
What was the last thing you ate? A turkey sammich.
How is your self esteem? Could be better, could be worse.
Do you ever ask random questions to see people’s reactions? Once in a great while, if I’m really bored.
Do you like to people watch? Sure.
Are you a very patient type of person? Patient... ish?  It seems like the older I am, the less patient I get.
What’s your favorite element? (fire, water, air) Always been a watery sort, not that that would surprise anyone who’d been paying attention.
Do you have a Zwinky? IMVU? I don’t even know what the fuck those are...
When you were younger didn’t you just love Pokemon? Nah, that was a little after my time.  I played one of the games, once, and it was fun enough, but I’m nowhere near as into it as a lot of people are.
Have you ever been to a wild party? My step-sister’s latest birthday was the wildest one I’ve been to.  But there were fireworks, drinking, naked dancing, and I learned how to throw a hatchet (and that I’m better at it while tipsy), so overall I think it still counts.
Are you cold or hot right now? Kind of in the middle.
Do you wish you were albino? P...robably not, given the medical issues that tend to come with it, irl, but I’ll admit they can be pretty to look at, and I may or may not have a weird little crush on the albino twins in The Greatest Showman... >_>
Have you ever met anyone who was albino? No.
How many friends do you have on Myspace? Nobody is on Myspace, any more, my sweet.  Go back to bed, you had a bad dream.
Do you like long car rides? They can be relaxing, especially if I’m not driving.
Are you one of those people who get car sick? No, I used to read in the car all the time.
Have you ever gotten sea sick? No, I’ve only really been out in the open water like, once.  I would like to try a cruse, sometime, though.
Would you ever join the military? Noooope.
What is your dream job? World-traveling writer and ambassador to Faerie.
Do you ever want to get married? Have kids? If so how many kids do you want? Been married, didn’t like it, but not against trying again if I ran across the right person for it.  Never ever ever want kids.
What age is the right age to get married? And have kids? Enh, it’s probably different for different people, since maturity and age are not mutually exclusive.  However, I feel like it’s probably inadvisable in a general kind of way to do it before 25.  I feel like, in a lot of ways, your life doesn’t really become your own until after you leave school, and  I feel like everyone should have at least a little bit of that, before throwing themselves into anything else that’s going to eat up more years and years of their lives.
Do you think pot should be legalized? Yes.  I don’t smoke it, myself.  It’d probably wreak havoc with my sinuses, if I did.  But, I know a lot of people who do, and it helps them with things like depression and chronic pain and such.
Since so many people do it, is pot even cool anymore? I never particularly thought of it as cool.
Are you an organized person? A clean person? Clean, but not organized.
What kind of bodywash do you use? Lavender honey creme.
Do you put on a robe when it’s cold? Sure.  I have a fuzzy one for after the shower, and a kimono I picked up at Epcot for when I feel like Lounging Dramatically.
How about slippers? Big monster-feet slippers, and smol fox footie-slippers.
What is your favorite thing to sleep in? The nude.
Are you in love? Have you ever been in love before? No, and I wouldn’t say so.  There were a couple of times, when I was younger, where I thought I was, but no...
Can you multi-task? Sorta-kinda.
How fast does butt hair grow? Oh, now you’re just reaching... 
Are your parents still together? They divorced when I was about five.
0 notes
phillipcole · 6 years
Post-AGT Appearance 935: The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon July 16
Believe it or not, some people would object to Colbert’s interview and others would be concerned about my health.  My agent would release a statement stating that my own ailments were not serious.  Since I would not be associated with a word of it the few shows that would quote it do not qualify as an additional appearance.  Her name is Avonelle would drop to 20th last week.  My agent would however quickly arrange an appearance that would cover my health questions and update other matters for the largest possible audience.  The Tonight Show would move some guests around and get me the last 2 segments.  That would allow me to sing a silly song unrelated to politics after a rambling interview.
Fallon: Welcome back.  Our final guest tonight is a talented performer, writer, comedian, actor, singer, just the most diverse entertainer around these days.  Welcome to our show Phil Cole.
(I come out to Her name is Avonelle.)
Fallon: Hi.
PBC: Thank you.
Fallon: Well, that song is going well, right?
PBC: just took a step backwards.  Get out there and buy it this week folks.  I have to get this to the top 10 or I’ll never sing with Beyonce again.
Fallon: Seriously?
PBC: No, there’s no hope of that even if this goes triple adamantium.
Fallon: Triple adamantium?  I don’t think I’ve heard that eterm.
PBC: Wolverine has adamantium in him and keeps coming back from the dead, so that would mean it drops out of the top 40 then bounces back to first twice without remixing.
Fallon: Sounds impossible.
PBC: Yes, so this is my odds of working with Beyonce again.  That makes this a collector’s item.  Buy it up folks.
Fallon: Alright, enough commercials.  How are you?  That’s been a controversial issue lately.
PBC: Not too bad.  I have some medical issues, chronic ones (coughs) like sinusitis and (farts) sometimes gastritis. (farts).
Fallon: Uhhh.
PBC:  Yes, those are nagging problems.  My associate
Fallon: Alter-ego.
PBC: If you prefer, Phillip has Trumpitis, so he’s not going to be too healthy for the foreseeable future. 
Fallon: And do you Phil, suffer from that?
PBC: Not much more than the rest of us.
Fallon: You’ve sworn off political humor for the present.  However you are working for the Libertarian Party.
PBC: Serious recruiting, trying to make a valid third party.  They really have to start winning elections not just being a third name, equivalent of neutral.
Fallon: So what does the Libertarian Party have to offer?
PBC: The party combines the Democratic laissez-faire attitude about victimless crimes.
Fallon: Pot, prostitution, that sort of thing.
PBC: Right, with the Republican ideal of limited government.
Fallon: You want to eliminate OSHA, EPA and so forth.
PBC: That may be the ideal goal of Libertarians, but guess what?  These changes don’t come when you elect one Libertarian Congressman or even 100, so let’s elect 100 this year and see if we can get the big parties to address those issues.
Fallon: Wow!  You’ve got some supporters for that.  You’re going to be singing after the break.  What’s the song about?
PBC: Well, one of my problems recently has been regarding John Lennon.  So tonight I use his famous tune for yet another, hopefully harmless message.
Fallon: About what?
PBC: A famous, lovely comedienne from the early days of television: Imogene Coca.
Fallon: So instead of Imagine, Imogene.
PBC: Yes.
Fallon: Stay tuned everyone, for Phil Cole’s new song: Imogene.
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