#and then this guy started getting chatty right. so he was all 'you come here (to the park) often right? ive seen you with your bike a lot'
megumi-fm · 26 days
#okay random story time i don't know why im narrating this or how i even stumbled upon this memory rn#but i generally do sad vents in the tags and for a change this is a funny one#so back in highschool (i say highschool but i mean junior college) i used to visit this park near my house a lot#i was an sg kid back then and the thing about parks there is that they're kinda beach-parks and they have the best cycling/running tracks#they're also really massive parks so i used to go often. sometimes bicycling. other times walking. yeah. the park was like my sanctuary#anyway. there are quite a few bike rental areas in the park and there was a cute lil shop next to this one particular rental place#and they sold like biscuits and water and icecreams and stuff and i went there a lot#and on one particular day i went there and there was this guy around my age part timing at that shop#now again this might be culture specific bc i dont see it in india but part timing in uni/pre-uni is pretty common is sg#a lot of shops and restaurants employ teenagers to twenty something ppl for part time jobs... anyway im just adding context#point is that i had walked to the park with my mum that day and she told me to go buy a couple icecreams so i went to the shop#and i saw this guy around my age and like. not to be a simp but this dude was so pretty?#like he saw someone had come to the counter so he looked up and shot a smile and i thought i got slapped by sunlight#i could spend the next several lines going on about his pretty tan skin and his glowing raven eyes but this is pathetic enough so ill stop#anyway he saw me and smiled really wide (customer service smile- i thought to myself) and i smiled back and asked for icecreams or whatever#and then this guy started getting chatty right. so he was all 'you come here (to the park) often right? ive seen you with your bike a lot'#see now. the problem with me is that i always think im bothering people. this poor dude was attempting to make conversation#and i was replying with one word answers#and i wasn't even realizing that he didnt want that. bc he kept asking more questions and i. kept. shutting them down.#then when he gave me the icecream he was all 'are you here alone? icecream alone is no fun... i could keep you company if you want..?'#which. he was being really cute about right. but because im so fucking dense i was all 'oh no i came with my mom actually'#and he went 'aw man' in this really cute but faux sad way which i didnt understand at the time and i left and then#after three full fucking days. i realized this man was tryna hit on me?#and then i went to the park like a week later and he was gone. poof. i even thought of asking the uncle in charge of that place#then i got too embarrassed and chickened out#yeah so turns out my neurodivergence neutralizes any sort of rizz that comes my way#i could've been chilling with a cute boyf rn but no😩 this is my destiny#megumi in the tags
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talkdutchtome · 7 months
Two lines - Max Verstappen
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pairing . . . max verstappen x reader )
genre . . . slight angst, fluff )
summary . . . a one night stand with the formula one world champion ends with an expected pregnancy, can the two of you figure out how to co-parent for the sake of the new life on the way )
requested?. . . based on this request )
warning . . . mentions of sex, one night stand, pregnancy, medical emergency, eclampsia, emergency c-section )
word count . . . 8.8k words )
a/n . . .this is without a doubt the longest and most in-depth piece of work i've done for this blog, i've worked so so hard on this so i hope you all love it. any and all feedback is welcome and encouraged; let me know what you think )
Two lines. Two lines is all it took to completely turn your life upside down. This morning you were feeling positive, life was going well. You had just got a promotion at your job; you were on the back of a great second date with a really lovely guy, you had plans to go out with your girls to celebrate. Life was good. But now, sat on a toilet in a cramped grocery store bathroom, you could almost see all of that goodness and light evaporate into thin air. Now the only thing that was positive was the pregnancy test that sat in the palms of your hands. You did want kids, but not like this. You wanted kids when you were settled down, married with a house and a dog. That was the plan; the plan that you had in your head since you were 11 years old. Grow up, climb the career ladder, meet the love of your life, get married, buy a house- then and only then have kids. Nowhere in that plan did it state have a one-night stand with a Formula One driver in a club bathroom and get pregnant, yet here you are. Two lines.  
Four weeks ago, your best friend Mia dragged you to a Formula One race. Neither of you particularly cared for the sport however she had just started dating Charles Leclerc and he had asked her to come and see him race, so she decided that you needed to come with her for support. After the race she also insisted you come with them to the nightclub for the same reason. Things were going fine, Charles was nice, his friends seemed okay. However, things took a turn when she and Charles disappeared halfway through the night leaving you alone with none other than Max Verstappen. It was awkward to say the least. He didn’t seem happy or in a particularly chatty mood so you both did what any reasonable adult would do in that situation- get black out drunk. One drink turned to two drinks, which turned to three and then four. Eventually, the mixed spirits in your system lead to the pair of you getting closer and closer together until the tension was unbearable and you ended up hiding away in the private bathroom with him. No contact details were exchanged by either of you, why would there be, it was a one-time thing - you were never going to see each other again, right?  
You hadn’t really thought about that night again until now. Mia and Charles’ relationship eventually fizzled out as quickly as it had started and your brief time in the world of Formula One had ended. Your focus was on Tom, the guy you were dating now. Fuck. Tom. How in the world are you supposed to tell a guy you have been on two dates with that you were pregnant? What were you meant to say at work? Thanks so much for the promotion, see you in a year? You were well and truly fucked. Should you tell Max? You wouldn’t even know how to contact him without going through Mia and that was not an option. You never told her that you even slept with him, you can’t just drop the fact that you’re pregnant with her ex-boyfriend’s best friend's baby. To put it plainly, you had no idea what the hell you were going to do.  
Four weeks later and you were slowly making your way through telling everyone who needed to be told, apart from the most important of course; you still hadn’t figured out how to tell Max. Telling your work was first, there wasn’t any issues there and it gave you a false sense of security, thinking that maybe everything would be okay. However, telling Tom did not go as well. After learning that the girl he had been casually dating had fallen pregnant, he essentially sprinted away from the situation, and you, as fast as he could. Then it was time to tell Mia, who for some reason found it hilarious; or at least until she realized that it meant she would have to contact Charles so you could tell Max. Your parents were upset at first but quickly warmed to the idea of being grandparents. As time went on, the dread you felt lessened and lessened and was replaced with excitement. You nicknamed the baby Little Bump and spoke to it every night. Even if this wasn’t what you planned, it was going to be okay. It was you and your Little Bump against the world.  
Even though you were content with raising the baby by yourself, the people in your life didn’t seem to agree. Your parents, who didn’t know who the father was, endlessly asked you about him and if he knew and if he wanted anything to do with it. Mia, however, who did know it was Max, held the position that Max had the right to know what was going on. It’s not like you didn’t agree with her, you did. But the fear of his reaction prevented you from being able to tell him. If he reacted badly and told you to go away and never come back, what were you supposed to do in 10 years' time when your child started asking why they didn’t have a dad. You couldn’t exactly tell that poor kid that he wanted nothing to do with us but if you tune into Sky Sports on a Sunday you might catch a glimpse of him.  
So, you didn’t tell him. You go through the motions of pregnancy without him. Morning sickness, scans and checkups. You were happy with your choice; you’d both be okay without him. But that all changed the second you felt your little bump kicking. The feeling of movement in your stomach made everything so much more real. No longer was the baby just a concept, but a real human being growing inside of you. It dawned on you then, that even if you were perfectly capable of raising Little Bump by yourself, this little baby was a privilege; and it was a privilege that Max should have the opportunity to have too.
You needed to tell him, that was decided. The next part was figuring out how. Luckily for you, a quick google search told you that the next Formula One race was in a city not too far out from where you lived. So, you go to the city you know he’s going to be in, Mia insists on coming with you, both for emotional support but also to make sure both you and Little Bump stay safe.  
The first issue to tackle when arriving is convincing Mia to call Charles. She never told you what happened between the two of them but whatever it was it was clearly not a clean break. The second obstacle was convincing Charles to actually give Mia Max’s number. Apparently phoning up your ex to ask for one of their best friend’s phone numbers isn’t really socially acceptable. However, after much persuasion he eventually gave it up; so now you were in the same city as him and you had his number. All that was left was to tell him. You typed up a message telling him everything; before swiftly deleting it and writing it again, and then again, and then again. The cycle went on for hours; you just didn’t know how to tell someone that you hardly knew that they were going to be a father. Eventually, you settled on sending a message simply asking him to meet you.  
You- Hi Max, It’s Y/N. We met the other week through Mia and Charles. I’m in town, could we meet? There’s something I need to talk to you about?  
Max- Oh hi yes Y/N I remember. I’m sorry I’m really busy with the race so I don’t have time for anything  
You- It is really quite important. Please. 
Max- Okay fine. Come to the track, I’ll put your name on the guest list, and I can give you 5 minutes before qualifying starts. 
The nerves were becoming unbearable now. You had thought about turning around and running away multiple times on the drive to see Max, but you preserved; not for yourself but for Little Bump who deserved a chance of having a dad. Arriving at the track, you did as he said and told the security that you were on the guest list, and they let you through without too much issue. The urge to run away became stronger the closer you got to actually talking to him, you just had a feeling that things were not going to end well but against your better judgement you sent a quick text message to Max informing him you were waiting for him in catering.  
The second you caught sight of him coming towards him you could have sworn Little Bump started kicking, affirming to you that you were making the right decision. This baby deserved a dad, and you couldn’t be the person who stood in the way of that.  
“Hey Y/N I’m in a bit of a rush. What was you needed?” He asked the second he got close enough to you for you to hear him. This was it. Now or never. You were going to tell him.  
“Max I’m-” you begin to speak before you are promptly cut off by a sudden surge of nausea. With one hand clamped to your mouth desperately trying not to embarrass yourself and vomit everywhere, you ran to the nearest bathroom, leaving a stunned Max Verstappen in your wake, wondering what the hell happened.  
After a sufficient time in the bathroom, you gingerly returned back to the catering area, expecting Max to be long gone; but to your surprise he was sat at the table you had just left, his face painted with worry. You couldn’t even imagine what he was thinking, a random one-night stand gets your number, demands to see you and then runs away to be sick; you couldn’t look more unstable if you tried. Despite this, however, Max had waited.  
“Are you okay Y/N? What just happened?” he asked  
“Oh yeah, I’m fine that’s nothing to worry about, it’s like this every morning.” The words left your mouth before you realized that maybe you shouldn’t have said that. The worry on Max’s face only increases with your comment. You can see he’s trying to find the words to ask you what the hell is going on and you’re aware that he needs to be getting ready for qualifying like now, so you bite the bullet and just come out with it.  
“Max I’m pregnant” you say before closing your eyes, not wanting to even see his reaction. You’re expecting shouting, frantic questions or denial; instead, you are met with silence. When your eyes open you are met with Max stood there white as a sheet looking like he was desperately trying not to pass out.  
“I know this is a bit of a shock, but I haven’t... with anyone else so it’s definitely-” you go to assure him that you’re sure that the baby is his but are interrupted by a women walk up and stand in between the both of you.  
“Hey baby I was looking for you everywhere” the woman spoke before wrapping her arms around Max and pulling Max into a hug. If Max looked like he was going to pass out before, he looked like he was about to drop down dead now.  
“Hey Beth, I just came down for a coffee and bumped into Y/N, she’s Charles’ friend.” Max said, barely able to get the words out. The women, Beth, turned to look at you for the first time.  
“Hi I’m Beth; Max’s girlfriend.” Beth said as she stuck her hand out for you to shake and you felt the feeling of nausea come back- Max having a girlfriend would make this whole situation a lot more complicated. You forced a smile and shook her hand, trying desperately not to need to be sick again. 
“Oh Hi, yeah I’m Charles friend.” That’s a lie, you hadn’t spent more than a few hours with Charles in your life and he spent the majority of them with his tongue down Mia’s throat. 
“How long have you been together?”  
“2 years.” Beth’s words made your heart drop. Two years? There’s no way you could have heard that right. You look to Max for clarification that you misheard Beth, but he had his eyes closed, trying desperately to wish away this conversation. 
“Beth, you go on I’ll just grab my coffee and come and catch up with you.” Max finally spoke up after a while of silence and even though Beth didn’t seem to like that idea very much, she did as he said and walked away. Once Max was sure she was out of earshot he began speaking again.  
“Look I really can’t do this here. Text me the address of your hotel and I’ll come around tonight.” he told you before walking away. Maybe that was a positive thing, you thought to yourself, at least he wants to talk about it and not just pretend he didn’t hear you and move on.  
You had been pacing around your hotel room since you arrived back after speaking to Max at the track, deeply regretting ever coming and telling him. With Max having a girlfriend there is almost no chance that he would want to be a part of your and Little Bump’s life, especially if he did cheat on his girlfriend with you like you assumed. The thought made you sick, you had been cheated on before and it killed you and to think that you played a part in her pain drove you insane. You were infuriated at Max; so, when he knocked on your door that night you were prepared to tear him a new one. But when he walked on the room in silence, looking like a man who had lost all hope, the anger you felt seemed to slip away.  
“Are you sure?” he asked after a few moments of awkward silence between the two of you. His voice seemed so much weaker than you remembered it all those months ago, he didn’t look like a confident two-time world champion like he did when the two of you got in this mess, he looked small and frail.  
“Yeah, Max, I’m sure. But I understand why you wouldn’t be able to just take my word for it so when Little Bump is born, I’m happy to do a paternity test” 
“Little Bump?” 
“Yeah, I haven’t found out the gender yet so that’s what I’ve been calling it.” You could have sworn you saw the smallest smile creep onto his face. 
“Max, Beth said you had been together for two years, is that true?” You asked him and if there was a smile on his face before, there definitely wasn’t now. 
“It is but we broke up for a bit, during the- well you know” he spoke, and you could feel your heart rate start to calm down. This situation isn’t good by any means but at least you weren’t involved in an affair.  
“Look Max, I don’t expect anything from you. If you want me to go now I will, and you’ll never see me again. I don’t want money from you or anything like that. All I wanted was to give you a chance to be in Little Bump’s life.” You told him and braced yourself for him to confirm that he did indeed want you to leave and never come back. 
“No. I do want to- I don’t really know what this is or how to do it but if I’m going to have a kid, I’m going to be there for it.” His words made you smile, even if this situation was messy and uncomfortable; it would all be worth it if you could give Little Bump a dad it would all be worth it. 
“Okay well I’ve got a scan next week, you can come to that if you’d like?” you asked him, expecting him to say no, to tell you that he would be too busy but instead he surprised you. 
“Yeah, I’ll be there” 
Every day from that night in your hotel room to the day of the scan Max had texted you, checking up on you and Little Bump. Truly the last thing you had expected was that he would not only want to be a part of the baby’s life, but he seemed to actually care. Maybe this would all be okay, the two of you could co-parent and Little Bump would grow up with two parents who loved it. When the day of the scan came around, Max informed you that he would be picking you up early and taking you to lunch before your appointment to ‘get to know each other’. This made you more nervous that you cared to admit, the time you had spent with Max prior to this was short-lived and not filled with very much talking, hence why you were in this situation, so you really had no idea what kind of person he was or if the two of you would even get on., he could be an absolute arsehole for all you knew. But after only 30 minutes of spending time with him you realized that he was one of the sweetest people you had ever met 
“So, how’s Beth?” you asked him once you were at the restaurant, curious to know if she had been made aware of the situation yet. 
“She’s okay. I told her” Max said, his eyes fixed on his food in front of him, not daring to look up. 
“Oh, how did that go?”  
“It was pretty rough at first, she was really upset. But I think we’re going to make it work” He looked up at you this time and his eyes bore into you. The feeling of a lump in your throat made itself known but you swallowed it down; it’s not like you were jealous or anything but you were aware of how complicated this situation was going to be, and it would be made even more complicated with another person involved.  
“That’s good then” you told him, forcing a smile, not wanting Max to catch on to your worries. Even if you did have reservations on how this whole situation would play out, so far Max had been nothing but helpful and co-operative, so you knew you owed it to him to give him the benefit of the doubt.  
“So, I was thinking, we need to come up with some sort of plan as to how this is going to work” Max told you, looking very nervous.  
“I grew up only living with my dad, and that meant I didn’t get to see my mum much at all and that was really hard. I didn’t really have a relationship with her until I was an adult, and the last thing I want is for the baby to have to go through that. I don’t want to have to wait 20 years to have a relationship with Little Bump” his voice dropped to a whisper for the last sentence, and you could see the pain in his eyes, this was clearly something that had been playing on his mind. Truthfully, you had no idea how this would work; Max lived in a different country to you, and he travelled so much for work, so it certainly wasn’t going to be easy. But looking into his worried eyes, you couldn’t help but want to assure him that everything would be okay. Across the table, Max sat with a haunted look in his eyes, his vulnerability on full display. You could sense the weight of his past trauma casting shadows over his usually confident exterior. As he picked at his food, his hands shook slightly, betraying the turmoil within. Max's voice, usually steady and assured, now carried a quiver that hinted at the lingering scars of childhood. You watched as he spoke, his words faltering at times, like a wounded child trying to find his way in a world that had once been unkind. With each sentence, it became evident that Max's past still clung to him, a heavy burden he struggled to bear. All you wanted to do was to reach across the table and hold him, to let him know that he doesn’t have to pretend to be strong. 
“I can’t tell you what is going to happen Max, but I can promise you that we will make it work. Our baby will have two parents” the smile Max gave you in response to your words made your heart melt, and you couldn’t help feeling like things were going to work out.  
“Okay Mum and Dad are we ready to see the baby?” The nurse asks you after placing the cold gel on your exposed stomach, ready to get the ultrasound going. As you both sat in the dimly lit ultrasound room, Max's eyes were fixed on the monitor, and his fingers trembled slightly as he held your hand. It was the first time he had witnessed the miracle of your growing baby, and the emotions that welled up inside him were impossible to contain. He tried his best to hide it, but a tear welled up at the corner of his eye, threatening to escape. The nurse moved the wand across your belly, and the image of your tiny, squirming baby filled the screen. Max's breath caught as he saw those delicate features, the tiny heart beating steadily. You could see the awe and love in his eyes, the way his lips curved into a soft smile that he couldn't suppress. Though he tried not to show it, his voice was tinged with emotion as he whispered, "That's our baby, Y/N." It was a moment of profound connection, and Max's unspoken feelings filled the room with a warmth that was as undeniable as the love you both felt for the new life growing within you. 
Max couldn't shake the overwhelming emotions that had swelled up during the ultrasound. As you both walked out of the clinic, he stopped and took your hand, his eyes still filled with that deep, newfound love for the life growing inside you. 
"Y/N," he began, his voice gentle and earnest, "I want you to move in with me. I want to be there for you and Little Bump, every step of the way. I want to take care of you both." You hesitated, your mind racing with practical concerns. You hardly knew Max, and he wanted you to move country and live with him. Even if you wanted to you couldn’t afford it, you’d have to leave your job which would mean no maternity pay. Plus, Max had a girlfriend, you couldn’t imagine her being too thrilled about her boyfriend moving in with another woman. 
“Max, that’s sweet but it’s not possible. What about my job? What about Beth?” You asked, trying to make him see that this wasn’t rational, it wouldn’t work, but still Max's gaze remained unwavering. 
"We'll figure it all out, Y/N. Beth will be okay with it, she will understand why this needs to happen. Please don’t worry about any of it, I want you to focus on your health and the baby's well-being. And as for your job, well, none of that matters. I can take care of us financially. I want to be there for my child, for you. Please, Y/N, say you'll move in with me."  
Tears welled up in your eyes, not just from the pregnancy hormones but from the overwhelming love and support Max was offering. Maybe this was crazy, you thought to yourself, there's no way this would work; but when you looked into his eyes, you could see his sincerity, he really meant every word  
So, against your better judgement, you nodded, a heartfelt smile breaking through. "Okay, Max. I trust you. Let's do this together."  
The move happened quickly; Max was eager to make sure that he could look after you as much as he could. Your job wasn’t too happy at you for quitting so soon after receiving a promotion, your mum and dad thought you were completely insane. Until now you refused to tell them who the dad was, now all of a sudden not only is the Formula One world champion the dad but you’re also moving to Monaco to live with him. Although if you thought telling your parents was hard, telling Max’s was even worse. Meeting Jos Verstappen was an experience that you would never forget. Before you left Mia informed you that Jos was known for being very overbearing and having a very short temper; however, nothing she could have said would have prepared you for what was to come. It started with Max telling Jos multiple times to speak English rather than Dutch, so you weren’t just sat there witnessing the whole situation go down without any idea what they were saying. Then Jos became angry at Max for making such a horrible mistake, after that he became angry at you, alleging that you had planned this to trap Max and steal his money. Throughout the whole ordeal, Max was able to stay calm, gently telling his dad that he was happy and excited to be a father, however when Jos started on you Max’s patience was gone immediately. Telling his father that you weren’t like that and the two of you were happy and were going to raise this baby whether he liked it or not. You couldn’t help but notice that even when Max was clearly very angry at his father, he never once raised his voice or lost his temper, instead choosing to calmly explain the situation to him and let him know how it was going to go down. This, to you, was extremely reassuring, you were still getting to know Max and the person who he was; and every day he proved himself to be a good person, somebody who would be a great dad. 
When you arrived at Max's apartment, you were taken aback by the thoughtfulness he had poured into preparing a room just for you. The soft hues of pastel blue and warm beige on the walls exuded a calming atmosphere, and a vase of fresh flowers sat on the bedside table. A plush blanket adorned the bed, and there was a selection of your favorite books on the shelf. He had clearly spoken to Mia to get this all prepared 
"Max, this is incredible," you said, feeling deeply touched by his effort. "I never expected you to do all this." He smiled warmly and gestured toward a door at the end of the hallway.  
"And this," he said, leading you to another room, "I thought it could be the nursery, but I wanted you to have a say in how we decorate it. I didn't want to presume anything." 
Tears welled up in your eyes again, this time from the sheer care and consideration he had put into making you feel comfortable. Max was doing everything he could to ensure you and the baby felt at home. 
"Max, you're amazing," you whispered, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug.  
"Thank you for being so thoughtful and caring." He held you close, his embrace filled with love and reassurance.  
"Y/N, I just want you and our baby to be happy here. Anything you need, just let me know." As you settled into your new home, you couldn't help but feel incredibly grateful for the man who was putting in a genuine effort to make you as comfortable as possible. 
The first few days of living with Max had gone surprisingly smoothly, a peaceful coexistence that allowed you both to settle comfortably into your new life together. However, when Beth caught wind of the new arrangement, her arrival was swift and unexpected. You retreated to your bedroom to give them space, though overhearing the ensuing argument left you feeling uneasy. From your bedroom, you couldn't help but overhear the escalating argument between Max and Beth. Their voices carried the weight of frustration and anger as Beth expressed her displeasure about you living with Max. 
"I just don't understand why you need to do this, Max," Beth said, her voice trembling with frustration. "I get that you want to be a part of the baby's life, but why does Y/N have to be part of ours?" 
Max's response came, softer but firm, "Beth, I want to give our child the family life I never had. That means being there for Y/N and the baby."  
Beth's anger didn't abate, and she retorted, "But what about us? What about our plans and our future?" 
Max took a deep breath, his voice filled with resolve. "Right now, Y/N and the baby are my priority. I thought you'd understand." 
As the argument reached a fever pitch, Beth eventually stormed out of the apartment, the door slamming shut behind her. You couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as you realized that your presence was causing tension in Max's relationship, even though he had been nothing but caring and supportive toward you. 
Max, after a moment of silence, knocked on your bedroom door gently and entered. He looked tired but determined. 
"Y/N, I'm sorry you had to hear that," he said, his eyes filled with regret. "But please understand, you and the baby mean the world to me right now. I want to do right by both of you." 
You nodded, your own heart heavy with the knowledge that your presence was complicating Max's life. "I appreciate everything you're doing for us, Max." 
He gave you a reassuring smile, reaching out to hold your hand. "We'll get through this together, Y/N. You and Little Bump are my family now, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you both have everything you need." 
As you looked into his eyes, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unwavering support and love Max was offering, even if it meant navigating rocky waters in his personal life. 
Later in the evening, there was a gentle knock on your bedroom door, and when you opened it, Max stood there with a somewhat downcast expression. “Do you want to do something, watch a movie or something maybe?” He asked, his voice much weaker than usual. You could tell that the earlier argument with Beth was still weighing on his mind. Although you were tired and had been ready to turn in for the night, you couldn't resist the opportunity to lift his spirits. 
Seeing the need for a distraction, you smiled warmly at Max and said, "Of course, Max, I'd love to watch a movie with you." Your willingness to spend time with him despite your fatigue was a silent gesture of support, and it brought a grateful smile to his face. 
Together, you made your way to the living room, choosing a film that promised both entertainment and distraction and settled into the cozy living room to share another memorable moment. The screen flickered to life, and as the movie started, you both found yourselves lost in the world of the film. 
Laughter filled the room as you traded jokes and amusing commentary throughout the movie, creating an atmosphere of joy and connection. Max seemed to have a way of making you laugh, and his infectious humor was a delightful addition to the evening. 
As the movie continued, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and contentment sitting beside him. It was as if the worries and complications of life had momentarily melted away, leaving behind only the warmth of his presence. As the movie rolled on, the comfort of Max's presence began to take hold. The long day had left you weary, and you couldn't help but stifle a yawn. Max, ever attuned to your needs, glanced at you and seemed to understand. Wordlessly, he patted his lap, inviting you to lay your head there. With a grateful nod, you shifted closer, resting your head gently against his thigh. The soft fabric of his jeans felt warm and comforting against your cheek. As the movie's plot unfolded, Max's fingers, now tender and caring, began to play with your hair. The gentle strokes sent a cascade of shivers down your spine, and an unexpected sensation of butterflies fluttered in your stomach. 
It was at that moment, as Max's fingers continued their soothing dance, that you began to question the nature of your feelings for him. Were they merely the result of his kindness and care during this challenging time, or was there something more profound at play? Trepidation crept in as you wondered if your feelings for Max were more than just those of a friend. You felt a pang of guilt, he was still with Beth after all. Uncertainty swirled within you as you mustered the courage to speak up. 
"Max," you began hesitantly, "I hope I didn't cause any more trouble between you and Beth." 
Max, who had been lost in thought, looked down at you, his eyes filled with understanding. He let out a sigh and replied, "It's probably over, Y/N. To be honest, it was never great anyway, which is why we took a break – you know when we-." 
You offered an apologetic look, feeling torn between sympathy and concern for your growing feelings. "I'm sorry, Max. I didn't mean to complicate things." 
Max's gaze softened, and he reassured you, "Don't worry about it, Y/N. The relationship wasn't very good, even before the break. You're not to blame." 
As the movie played on, your head still nestled in his lap and his fingers continuing their gentle caress, you couldn't help but contemplate the complexity of your emotions. With a sense of unease and curiosity, you wondered if Max was becoming more than just a friend to you. 
As the weeks turned into months, you couldn't shake the awkwardness that had crept in since you'd started to acknowledge your newfound feelings for Max. Your friendship with him meant the world to you, and you were determined not to jeopardize it. With the baby on the way, you knew you had to prioritize the stability and happiness of your growing family. So, you began to give yourself a bit of space from Max. You kept yourself busy with prenatal classes, doctor's appointments, and preparing for the arrival of your baby. The distraction of these tasks allowed you to maintain a semblance of normalcy in your life, even as your emotions remained tumultuous beneath the surface. 
Max was away often for work and training anyway so that provided a convenient buffer and you could tell yourself that the physical distance was for the best, that it helped you maintain control over your feelings. However, as the due date rapidly approached and the Formula One season ended, he was home more often. It became increasingly challenging to avoid him, especially when he was eager to be a part of your pregnancy journey and offer his support. 
Despite the swirling emotions within you, you couldn't deny that you still cherished his presence in your life. You wrestled with the guilt of harboring feelings for a man who was going above and beyond to look after you and Little Bump, but you also knew that the priority was providing your baby with a loving and stable environment. Balancing these conflicting emotions was a delicate dance, and as you found yourself spending more time with Max in preparation for the baby's arrival, the challenge of keeping your feelings in check grew more daunting with each passing day. 
With your due date beginning to approach, the need to get the nursery ready became ever present so you decided to take on the task of building the flat packed crib that had been sitting in it’s box for the past few weeks. The crib's pieces lay strewn about, and you were carefully studying the instruction manual when Max entered the room. Seeing you hunched over the crib parts, Max immediately expressed his concern, his voice filled with care. "Y/N, you really should be resting right now. Let me handle this for you. You've been working so hard, and I don't want you to overexert yourself." 
You appreciated Max's thoughtfulness, but you were determined to see this task through on your own. "Max, I want to do this. I need to know that I can handle things as a mum." 
Max respected your determination but didn't want to see you pushing yourself too hard. After a brief back-and-forth, a compromise was reached. You both decided to tackle the crib assembly together, enabling you to feel like you were able to complete the task but also allowing Max to watch over you and ensure you and Little Bump were safe.  
As the crib slowly started to take shape, you couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment at the thought of your baby soon resting in it. Max, however, was unusually quiet. His brow furrowed with a deep concern that had been lurking in the corners of his mind. You could sense that something was troubling him, and as you worked together to piece the crib together, you decided to broach the topic gently. 
"Max, is everything alright?" you asked, your voice filled with care. 
He sighed, setting down a wooden panel for a moment, and looked at you with a mixture of vulnerability and doubt. “I don’t know, I guess I’m just worried. I see the way you talk to your stomach, I know you’re going to be such a good mum to our Little Bump. I just don’t know if I’m going to be a good dad. I know how bad having a shit dad can fuck someone up, I just want more for my kid.” 
Your heart ached for Max as you recognized the fear that had been gnawing at him. You set aside your own concerns and walked over to him, wrapping your arms around him in a comforting hug. "Max, the fact that you're so concerned about being a good dad proves that you're already on the right path. You care deeply, and that's the most important thing. We'll learn and grow together as parents, just like we've navigated everything else in our lives. You'll be an amazing dad because you want the best for our baby." Max held you close, his arms encircling you in a tight embrace. Being so close to him maybe wasn’t the best idea, but you could see how much he needed it.  
Despite your ever-growing feelings for Max, you kept it to yourself, doing everything you could to ignore the way that you felt about the man you were now preparing to be parents with. Your due date was only weeks away when you started to feel like you were going crazy, so you did what every woman does when she’s dealing with unrequited love, you bore out your entire heart to your best friend whilst eating ice cream by the metric tonne.  
“I just don’t know what to do Mia” you told your best friend over the phone one afternoon when Max was out getting supplies to finish decorating the nursery. 
“I think you just need to tell him, be completely honest” her words made you sigh. 
“Oh yeah so I just go up to him ‘hey Max I know we’re about to be parents and you’ve so kindly let me live in your house but I’m not happy just co-parenting with you, I love you and want to be with you, like a real family” You ranted to Mia but her response to you was cut off by a familiar voice laced with a Dutch accent speaking up. 
“What?” Your neck snapped up violently at the sound of his voice, Max stood in the doorway of your bedroom his face painted with a look of shock. 
Max's voice, tinged with both surprise and hurt, hung in the air, a heavy silence following his unexpected entrance into the conversation. You turned slowly, the phone clutched in your trembling hand, your eyes meeting his, wide with shock. The room seemed to shrink, and the air grew thick with tension as you realized he had overheard every word. His brows furrowed deeply, and he set the supplies he had been carrying onto the nearby table.  
"You... love me?" he asked, his voice shaky as if grappling with the revelation. You nodded, your eyes now glistening with unshed tears, unable to speak. Max took a step closer, his eyes filled with a mixture of emotions, but the one that seemed to dominate was fear. "And you've been keeping this from me... all this time?" 
You swallowed hard, your throat dry. "I was scared," you whispered, finally finding your voice. "I didn't want to jeopardize what we have, the baby, our plans. I thought if I kept it to myself, things would be easier." 
Max ran a hand through his hair, clearly conflicted. "Easier? Do you think keeping something like this a secret is easier?" 
His frustration was apparent, you could hear it as his voice gradually became louder and angrier and you couldn't blame him. You had betrayed his trust, and he had a right to be upset. 
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you fought to hold them back. "I didn't know how you'd react, Max. I didn't want to push you away, especially not now when we should be focusing on preparing for the baby." 
"I understand, but I can't believe you kept something like this from me, especially at a time like this." His voice was laced with frustration, he brought his hand up to his head, running his fingers through his hair 
You nodded; your heart heavy with the intensity of his emotions. "I know, Max. I'm sorry; I should've been honest with you." 
Max's frustration was apparent as he walked towards the door. "I need some space to think, and I don't know what this means for us right now." 
With those words, he left the house, and you were left standing there, engulfed in a sea of turmoil. Panic took hold of you as you realized the enormity of what had just transpired. You had pushed Max away, and now you feared it might be too late to salvage your relationship. 
In the wake of Max's departure, the silence in the house became oppressive. Anxiety and self-doubt swirled in your mind, and you couldn't bear to stay there any longer. The urge to seek refuge with your parents, where you could find solace and guidance, became irresistible. 
In a manic rush, you hurriedly packed a bag with essentials, your heart racing with every passing second. Tears streamed down your face as you considered the drastic step you were about to take. With trembling hands, you purchased a last-minute plane ticket back to your hometown. 
The minutes felt like an eternity, but you were finally on your way to the airport. You left a hurried note for Max, explaining your need to be with family during this turbulent time. With your heart in your throat, you headed to the airport, driven by a frantic need to escape the chaos you had unleashed. 
The plane took off, carrying you away from the life you had built with Max, and the turbulence within you mirrored the journey. The fear of losing Max and the desperation for a fresh start with your parents guided you on this unexpected and tumultuous path. 
Max returned home the next day, his heart heavy with concern and regret. The house felt emptier than ever, and the silence only intensified his panic. He rushed to find his phone, fingers trembling as he tried to dial your number. But to his dismay, there was no answer on the other end. He left a voicemail, pleading for you to call him back as soon as you could. 
In his frantic state, Max's mind raced to find a solution. He knew he needed to find you, to make things right. He decided to call Charles, hoping he might have some insight or connection to your whereabouts. 
"Charles," Max said, his voice tight with anxiety, "I need your help. I can't reach Y/N. She's left, and I don't know where she's gone. Do you have Mia's number?" 
Charles, understanding the urgency in Max's tone, reluctantly provided Mia's number. Max immediately dialed it and hoped that Mia might have some answers. Mia answered after a few rings, and Max wasted no time 
"Mia, it's Max. I can't get through to Y/N. Do you know where she is? I need to talk to her." 
Mia's voice held a hint of worry as well. "I haven't heard from her since yesterday either, Max. She seemed really upset when you left. Let me give you her family's number; maybe they know something." 
Max was grateful for Mia's help as she provided him with your family's contact information. He dialed the number, his heart pounding in his chest. After a few rings, someone on the other end finally picked up. 
"Hello?" a voice answered. 
Max didn't waste any time. "Hi, this is Max. I'm looking for Y/N. She left a note saying she was going to see her family, but I haven't heard from her since. Is she with you?" 
There was a moment of confusion on the other end, followed by a sense of concern. "Max, I'm sorry, but we haven't heard anything about Y/N planning to visit us. Are you sure she's on her way here?" 
Max's panic deepened as he realized you hadn't reached your family, and he had no idea where you were. "I... I don't know. I'm really worried about her. If you hear from her, please let her know I'm looking for her and that I want to talk." 
Max hung up the phone, his mind filled with anxiety. He was determined to find you and make things right, but at that moment, he felt utterly lost without any leads to follow. 
As Max anxiously paced around the house, his worst fears were consuming him. He kept checking his phone, desperately hoping for a call or message from you. Every moment felt like an eternity, and the silence was deafening.  
Then, suddenly, his phone rang. It was your mum. Max's heart pounded in his chest as he answered the call, his voice trembling as he spoke, "Hello?" 
Your mum's voice was filled with worry and fear. "Max, it's Y/N’s mum. We just got a call from the hospital. She passed out at the airport, the staff found her and phoned an ambulance. We don't have many details yet, but we're on our way there now." 
Max's world seemed to spin as he struggled to process the shocking news. "Is she okay? What happened? The baby?" he stammered. 
Your mum's voice cracked with emotion as she replied, "We don't know, Max. They didn't tell us much over the phone. We're on our way to the hospital to find out." 
Max hung up the call, his hands shaking. Panic and fear gripped him as he realized the severity of the situation. He couldn't waste another moment. He immediately dialed his private jet service to book a flight to the hospital as soon as possible, not caring about the cost or inconvenience. All that mattered was getting to you and Little Bump 
Within minutes, the arrangements were made, and Max was on his way to the airport, his mind filled with a whirlwind of worry and thoughts of you. Time was of the essence, and he could only hope and pray that he would find you safe and sound at the hospital. 
Max's heart was racing as he landed and rushed to the hospital your mum had mentioned. Fear and uncertainty gnawed at him as he sprinted through the sterile hospital corridors, the tension in the air growing with each step. He finally found your room, where your parents were anxiously waiting just outside. 
Breathing heavily, Max approached them, his voice shaking as he spoke, "What happened? Is she okay?" 
Your mum stepped forward; her eyes red-rimmed from worry. "Max, she had a seizure, she had eclampsia, they needed to perform an emergency c-section" 
Max's heart seemed to stop for a moment, but he needed to know more. "Is she... Is the baby okay?" 
Your dad stepped in, his expression a mix of relief and concern. "Both Y/N and the baby are okay, Max. They're in recovery now." 
Max barely let them finish their explanation before he rushed into your room. There you were, sitting in a hospital bed, clearly still groggy from the medications they had administered. 
Max's eyes filled with tears as he approached you, his voice choked with emotion. "I was so scared, Y/N. Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" 
You blinked at him, your vision still hazy. "Max? What... happened?" 
He took your hand gently, his thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped his eye. "You had a seizure, but you and the baby are okay. That's all that matters." 
Max's relief was palpable, and he couldn't stop himself from reaching out to touch your face, his love and concern pouring forth. In that moment, nothing else in the world mattered but the fact that you and the Little Bump. 
  Max approached the bassinet where the baby lay, his heart pounding with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. With great care, he gently lifted the small, fragile form into his arms. As he cradled the tiny bundle close to his chest, a sense of wonder washed over him. 
He peered down at the baby's face, her features so delicate and new. The room seemed to fade away as he focused entirely on this precious, little life he now held in his arms. Max's eyes glistened with tears of joy and awe, his heart overflowing with emotions he had never experienced before. 
Every detail of the baby's face captivated him – her button nose, her rosebud lips, and her wisps of soft hair. He marveled at her innocence and vulnerability, realizing that he was now responsible for this tiny, perfect soul. 
With quivering lips, Max whispered softly, "You're a girl." The realization of this new chapter in his life, the responsibility of being a father to a daughter, filled him with a profound sense of purpose and love. 
He held her close, feeling her small chest rise and fall with each gentle breath. The bond he shared with his newborn daughter was a miracle that left him in awe. In that intimate moment, Max understood the beauty and fragility of life, and he couldn't help but smile, knowing that he was ready to embrace the journey of parenthood with all the love and dedication he could muster. 
Max held his precious daughter close, her small form cradled in his arms. He gazed down at her, the overwhelming love he felt for her and for you filling his heart. With a tenderness that could only come from a father's love, he whispered, "I love you, [Your Name]. I love our baby, and I'm so excited to start this new chapter of our lives together as a family, a real family." 
He could see that you were still fairly out of it, but he couldn't help but share his feelings in this moment. As he watched the baby's peaceful slumber, he asked, "What should we name her?" 
You fought against sleep, your eyelids heavy, but you managed to murmur, "Sophie." 
Max's eyes widened with surprise and joy. "Sophie? Like my mum?" 
With a weak but loving smile, you nodded. "Yeah, our daughter, Sophie Verstappen." 
Max's heart swelled with pride and love as he looked at his newborn daughter, Sophie. In that moment, as you drifted into slumber, he felt a profound sense of gratitude for the family he was building with you, a family that now included the beautiful Sophie Verstappen. 
Max's heart swelled with pride and love as he looked at his newborn daughter, Sophie. In that moment, as you drifted into slumber, he felt a profound sense of gratitude for the family he was building with you, a family that now included the beautiful Sophie Verstappen.  
As you drifted off to sleep, with Max sat beside you cradling your new-born daughter in his arms, you couldn't help but reflect on how your life had transformed for the better. It was a change that had been set into motion by just two lines on a pregnancy test. Two lines and your life was completely and irrevocably changed, and you couldn’t be happier. 
@sebastiansstanswhore @ironmaiden1313 @itsjustkhaos
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mtchacffinz · 1 year
to be loved for you
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prompt!!! Dan Heng never dealt with jealousy. He learns bitterly that sometimes, he can't deal with it rationally!
content!!! SFW, gn! reader, fluff, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, first kiss, clingy! Dan Heng
note!!! I love him too much. So far, all he's been getting from me is fluff 💔 frankly, i cant muster any freaky-freaky stuff with this man 🤔 got anything? my asks are open 🩷
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To be someone who relied on relations by circumstance, you would always cherish each and every one of those who cross your path. May they be old and wise, or young and restless— Greeting them with the brightest smile, they'd always find themselves enamoured by your energy. Maybe this is why you attract so many people? Dan Heng was aware of that. He never spoke up about it, though. After all, he was one of the many who was caught bulls eye with each strum of his heart.
He knew you were capable of fending off threats yourself. He knew you were somebody who could defend someone from harms way.. and he especially knew just how gentle and kind you treat everybody.
Oh, what is he doing? Sulking all by himself in the archives. Dan Heng's thoughts ran rampant the past minutes. This happens when he's alone or sitting idly by. The poor man's thoughts catch up to him leaving him disgruntled. The thing is, you could always see it in his face.
You've been out and about for a while. He misses you, you know. Not that he would admit! Dan Heng's stubborn, just like that. He's definitely not mulling over how you're attention has been elsewhere, either. He doesn't mind. You have the freedom to do what you want! Just leave him sulking here in the archives unattended, it's okay.
The teal eyed prince clicks his tongue. That chatty, flirty, touchy writer. At first, Dan Heng thought that he was quite a man. The writer guy was nice and respectful with a golden gaze for things that were held high. That said, the Author quickly took interest in you.
He was never one to be possessive. Why should he? You're not even in a relationship. But sometimes, as soon as the guys hands find their way towards yours, intertwining in a clasp, something in him dims. Suddenly, his eyes can't leave your figure. It was your smile again, and Dan Heng's not at the receiving end of it.
You're not on the express today, either. A shame. Seriously, that guys been hogging you all week! What's up with that? Don't even get him started on "(Y/n), my muse. Accompany me today?" bullcrap! It's nothing but a sappy excuse to get into your pants so bad! Seriously, the absurdity. Dan Heng shakes off the thoughts before they continue. Did you know? Just by his gaze alone, someone could freeze in their place— like daggers against their back.
"Hmm? Mr. Ferr, are you okay?"
"It's nothing, my sweet, I strangely caught a shiver in my spine.." the author, Ferr, replied calmly.
"Okay. So about your first draft.."
Draft this, draft that, can't he got an editor instead?!
Irk marks basically float up his head just thinking about what they're talking about right now. Can you blame him? He's been neglected.
Dan Heng slaps himself, hard.
Woah. He's getting way ahead of himself. Him? Neglected? In what way? Again, it's not like you're both in a relationship. It's not like he's entitled to your affection in any way. Dan Heng really needs to calm down. Lately, all he's been doing is updating the archives. He's also learned of what you will be traveling for next, and added data with a note addressed to you as well. His calloused hands were flipping through various pages all day, pulling apart scrolls and wiping away holograms.
His thoughts become strangely quiet. His presence was like frost.. constant. A little chilly. He starts to fiddle with his fingers, his gloves, and his nails.
He really misses you a lot.
Can you come back soon?
Dan Heng sighs. He stands up with his impeccable posture as usual. Those arms held scrolls and books, and puts them back where he got them from. At this point, he's zoned out. He exits the Archives, strolling near the parlor car. Light footsteps echo throughout the space with Dan Heng taking in the air of tranquility within the express; It seemed like everyone had their own agenda today.
Well, except for one.
"Dan Heng," Himeko's sweet, gentle voice called out for him. The boy turned towards her, a little surprised. She smiles, and beckons him to sit with her. Her silky locks framing perfectly on her face, she put a stray strand behind her ear. "Come, I have coffee to share."
Dan Heng was indeed in dire need of indulgence. Without hesitation, he walked over to the red head and sat down. He forgot how comfortable the sofa was.. his nerves began to relax. Himeko starts to pour the hot beverages into elegant coffee cups, befitting if her style. It was comfortable silence, the stars glistened into glass windows— reflecting the beauty of life. Himeko seems to have noticed his aloof vibe, joining him to stare at the stars. Opening her lips, Himeko starts.
"You've been busy for a while."
"Being an archivist is a lot of work, huh?"
"I have."
"It's fine." The gentle lady can't help but chuckle. He's so dry. This only confirms her hypothesis. That daunting look on his figure may intimidate some, but not Miss Himeko. Never Miss Himeko. She doesn't want to expose her hidden agenda now, but she just can't wait to run her mouth. After all, Dan Heng's been down the weather and it's very obvious as to why.
"(Y/n) wanted me to prepare these for you. Enjoy them." She takes a sip. His expression softened. Dan Heng can't help but think bitterly. It'd be lovely if they were her to prepare these herself, but the teal eyed prince quickly take back the thought.
"I'm thankful.. but why? Is there an occasion? I don't seem to recall any." He speaks in a cautious manner. The woman only sighs, a palm on her cheek.
"Be honest with me, Dan Heng." Her tone quickly changed. Now her eyes are staring into his. Like it was rummaging through his soul. Dan Heng's feet were cold. He couldn't contest her gaze, so he averts his eyes. Himeko frowns at this, but she doesn't seem to mind.
"Your eyes betray you greatly."
He was a little taken aback. His eyes? He was never expressive. He was sure he'd been called at least poker faced and stoic before.. Dan Heng's brows narrowed. "I beg your pardon?"
Himeko only chuckles, dismissing her last claim. "I'll tell you what. They'll be here soon.. and they're going to leave just as quickly." She adds the last statement with dramatic disdain before the elegant lady takes a sip once again. Dan Heng's stomach drop. Ah.. he's lost the appetite to even finish his mug. Himeko continues. "Ferr is taking them to a space station for one of his projects. Given the current circumstances, they have no reason to refuse."
His face scrunched in annoyance upon hearing the name again. Mr. Ferr this, Mr. Ferr that! He's getting sick of him. Taking (Y/n) on a space ship? How long will that take? Is it some sort of rendevous? A date?
..will you come back?
"i don't think that decision befalls to us. (Y/n) is capable of making decisions.."
"I don't want them to go."
"..on their own because— wait, what?"
Himeko chuckles dryly. "I don't want (Y/n) to go, you know? It's selfish thought, I know. But, it's good to be selfish once and a while now, right?"
That was a half baked lie. First of all, Himeko fully supports what (Y/n) wants. But Ferr.. isn't exactly known for his patience. Himeko knows full well as soon as (Y/n) steps in the spaceship— he'd pull something like a proposal! A profession, a deal! She's not stupid, Himeko is far from dense. The Scientist knows that the Author has a huge thing for you, and it shows. And knowing Dan Heng? He'd just nod along albeit against it. She can't just stand here and let them distance each other! Himeko's seen it.. that prying gaze of a distraught, pining lover.. the watchful eyes of a lovestruck persona. The only way to get a stubborn man to act, is through tremendous pressure!
Dan Heng's lips pursed.
"And you want me to.."
"You don't have to, really."
"But.. if it will benefit them, should we encourage it? After all, they're energetic and knows their way with words. There must be some sort of good reasoning behind his invitation."
"I don't know. Do you want them to go?"
"I.." Dan Heng couldn't finish his sentence. He couldn't form a response at all. Does he want you to go? If you would enjoy yourself, he'd love to allow it.. If you'd return with a smile on your face, tell him all about what happened, he'd love to receive you with utmost sincere..
Even if it took atleast a hundred years for you to return to him.
...Hundred years his ass! You will not spend a hundred years with that man!
"If (Y/n) wants to, I personally don't see why not." Dan Heng's thoughts actively contrasted his responses. A stubborn man.. Himeko sighs, an apologetic smile on her lips. Finally backing away, the lovely lady puts down her mug and sits straight.
"It's okay to be honest. After all, they.. wish for something."
Dan Heng replies quickly in a heart beat. "I will be honest, then. I want their wish fulfilled."
"Then you better greet them in tip-top shape." Himeko winks saying this, standing up to excuse herself. Dan Heng tilts his head in this, not quite sure if what the she's implying. Himeko only had that knowing smirk on her pristine face. The lady excuses herself promptly, leaving Dan Heng all by himself. The man is once again left alone with his thoughts, except this time, he has new material to work with.
"Great..." He huffs bitterly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just.. splendid." God, his head hurts. He's tired and he's drowsy. At this point, he doesn't find anything of urgency at the moment— only thinking about grasping that sudden warmth the sofa beneath him exerts. Dan Heng would like to find peace of mind at least once in a while. Both that in mind, his eyes find their way to the Parlor ceiling, half lidded and tired.
Slowly, his breathing calms down.. and slowly, his eyes drift closed, consciousness slipping away from his grasp.
Slowly.. the darkness embraced him, and his body rested in slumber.
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You stand a little surprised.
After all, Dan Heng was casually sitting upright— his eyes closed. Is he napping? Is he okay? You're not sure, and you're concerned. Frankly, you were supposed to be here for him— feeling that he deserves at least an apology that you haven't been getting back to his messages in a while. But looking at the sight.. he looks like he's accompanied at the moment.
Such a hard working guard. The guard of the express, the unmatched Archivist of the Nameless.. the one who would always hold your heart gently. You swore if he blew air on your figure, you'd crumble immediately. The only one who'd sway your heart. That's how much power he holds, his whole fingers wrapped around your being with an invisible string keeping you binded to him.
You curb a grin. Strolling near your quarters, you pick up something warm. A blanket. You envelop his stature in a comfortable tuck, pausing for a moment to take in the melancholic state Dan Heng's exhibiting. The handsome prince's eyes fluttered closed, lips slightly apart. If he's sitting upright sleeping, then he must be atleast tired enough to sleep but still be on his feet.
But he doesn't know that, he doesn't need to.
"Ah.." was all Dan Heng could muster. You look back at him in a awe, but quickly recovered. You didn't remove his hands on your wrist, you held onto them instead. The archivists eyes softened, his brows relaxing. You attempt to give him a smile, defusing the tension.
Your sightseeing was cut short when Dan Heng started to stir, his eyes fluttering open. It was for a short moment, the first those greyish teal eyes found their way towards yours.. and the way they slightly widened upon meeting gazes with you, Dan Heng's slender, warm fingers slowly snuck their way toward your wrist; apprehending their movements further. Dan Heng held onto you like you were unreal, like you were unbelievable. Oh, he looks stricken. He looks.. almost as surprised as you. Dan Heng doesn't say anything yet, the blanket that was once on him fell off just a little while ago.
"Hey. Sorry. It looks like I woke you up.." You offer an apologetic smile. He quickly shakes his head at this, responding to you in haste.
"No.. no. Don't apologize."
"I have a lot of apologizing to do."
"No, you.." before he could finish, he cuts himself off. Why must he be so accepting? He keeps brushing his feelings aside, and before he knows it, he utters something he doesn't even mean. No, he's not okay. No, it's not fine. You upset him greatly. He couldn't focus on anything because you weren't answering his messages. Your phone was unreachable.
You had Dan Heng worried sick. What if something happened to you? You reckless, Trusting, thick skulled—
"Everything good?"
Your voice immediately snaps him out of his thoughts. Dan Heng let's out a small breath, his hands still clutching yours. He was still sitting down, and you were towering over him. God.. just by your gaze alone, he's already so full. If you could just stay with him a little longer, he feels like this churning in his stomach would go away soon. He wants you so bad, he needs you so bad.. he doesn't want you to let go anytime soon.
To your surprise, Dan Heng himself removed his hold on you. His movements were slow and languid, like a flow of water within the rivers. Moving in chorus, mellifluous.. elegantly. You can't take your eyes off him at all. Dan Heng clung to your waist. His warm body enveloped your lower half, nuzzling deep into your stomach. You let out a surprised yelp.
Suddenly, your face is hot. Your stomach was dancing with abundant butterflies, and you don't know where to put your hands. As if the archivist could read your mind, his hands led yours into his head, fingers entangling itself into those dark locks. They were so soft.. so warm and lovely. Your hands run through his hair gently— cherishing just how close he is to you at this moment. What's up with him? He seems to be a little more laid back.
Dan Heng shifts in his place. That's when he finally looks up at you. His arms around you, eyes looking directly at yours. You could see his expression.. eyes soft. Gentle. A slight pout— face flushed. It looks like he wants to say something, and it's still processing in that pretty head of his.
Dan Heng's hold on you tightens, you didn't fail to notice. He wants to be selfish for once. Let him be selfish for once. Just once. With a small breath and a soft tone, he finally utters.
"Don't go."
It was getting harder and harder to calm your heart down, and that didn't get any better.
Your heart immediately melts, and your knees almost gave out. What? Go where? Has the rumours already spread? Whatever it was, it's not happening. Especially if he asked you, it's already set in stone. "I won't. Not anywhere." You respond tenderly. Dan Heng's eyes lit up. You swore his fingers even twitched just a little bit. A little more after, his face suddenly scrunched. The archivists' frame was decorated with blazing hues of red. Whatever he's thinking seems to strain him so. Not even bothering to give you time to further analyze, he stands up from his seat, arms still around you. This time, you have no idea what'll he do. Dan Heng's eyes averted yours, hesitantly taking a step closer. My.. your palms are starting to sweat. This is the effect of anticipation.
When he pulled back from you, Dan Heng quickly analyzed your expression to see even a tinge of displeasure. Now you.. face decorated with the hue of peony, looked awe struck. Absolutely enchanted.. bewildered, blown. Gathering your nerves to work back up again, your eyes slowly trailed back to his nervous ones: awaiting your reaction.
"..You can hit me after this." Dan Heng suddenly says, making you tilt your head in confusion. So carefully, he cupped your cheeks. Whatever that was you were going to say was caught in your throat. There was a bubbling feeling in your chest, waiting to pop open; and as soon as his lips brushed past yours, it popped so beautifully vibrant it blinded your vision for but a moment. As your eyes fluttered closed and his eyes half lidded, he greedily drank the sight of you from his eyes.
Dan Heng's eyes widened once you grabbed his collar— smashing your lips back to his. The kiss you've given him burned with fervor, impatient, like you've been yearning for more. You were starved of his lips— like a lone hawk hunting for aeons.
Now that the opportunity presented itself, might as well make the most of it.
The archivist had a hard time keeping up with you, keeping the both of you straight by holding the small of your back. Your arms were in Dan Heng's chest— eagerly taking him in yours. By the time you both ran out of air, you were standing in amidst the parlor car— with the stars accompanying the moment being the sole witness. You could hear Dan Heng's heartbeat whilst you rest your head on his chest. Clutching his jacket, it was tempting to go for another one again.
There was silence. A lot of words hung out in the air. The first to cut through the already light air around you was you.
"For how long?"
Dan Heng breathed heavily, burying his nose into your hair. He thinks about it for a long time before finally answering.
"Quite a while."
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i went a little overboard sorry! (⁠●⁠´⁠⌓⁠`⁠●⁠) edited it a lil bit
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Joe Rantz X Ulbrickson!Reader
Summary: When Joe Rantz meets his coach's daughter. He develops a crush...
Warning: 18+/ blowjob/ Swearing/ Mean Joyce (she's a sweetheart, but in this, she's annoying)/ historical sexism/ use of Y/n/
Word count: 1.6k
A/n: Guys! I just watched The boys in the Boat and I'm in love with Joe Rantz. Thanks for the request! Hope you enjoy❤️
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The first training for the new rowing team. Al Ulbrickson, his daughter and other people made their way to the dock. ‘’Honey, can you go upstairs? The boys need their maximum focus, it’s their first training and I don’t want them to be distracted by you.’’ Her father asked. Normally, she would’ve complained, saying it wasn’t fair. But her father was already stressed, so she nodded and went upstairs, to watch the training while she did her homework. She was studying to be a teacher, even though it wasn’t her first choice, she wanted to help design the boats, but engineering wasn’t an option for woman. ‘’Distracting, yeah, my outfit is distracting, its like a million degrees outside, try wearing a blouse!’’ she whispered, complaining about her father. She also wore pants, just like her mother. She liked skirts, but pants were better. She pulled her things out of her bag and started to work.
He was exhausted and his body hurt. The other guys on the team went away, but when he saw a light upstairs, he decided to let his curiosity win. She heard footsteps coming up, but when a man that was not her dad opened the door, she was surprised. But she recognized him, he was in class with her. ‘’Oh, sorry I thought the room was empty. ‘’ He said. ‘’Hey you’re Joe Rantz, right?’’ she asked. He looked at her, he thought that she was beautiful, and really cool for wearing pants. ‘’Yeah, but I’m sorry I don’t remember your name.’’ he said, shyly. ‘’Don’t worry, I’m Y/n’’ she extended her hand. They shook hands. His were rough, it showed that his body was tired. ‘’Rough day?’’ she asked. ‘’Yeah, what are you doing up here alone?’’ he asked. ‘’Uh, my dad is, uh, the coach’’ she mumbled. ‘’And he didn’t want me to be by the dock, he was scared that I would distract the boys.’’ She was nervous, but for no reason at all. He was really handsome, and it intimidated her, usually, she didn’t have trouble speaking with boys. But that blonde boy was making it hard to look at him in the eyes. ‘’Well, he’s right, you’re really pretty, and I would’ve been distracted.’’ He flirted. She blushed and bit her bottom lip. Just when she was going to say something, her dad comes in the office. ‘’Y/n let’s – Joe, what are you doing here?’’ he asks. ‘’Nothing coach, I, uh, I thought someone let one of the lights open, so I came to check’’ he stutters. ‘’It’s okay, dad, he and I have a class together, I know him’’ Y/n came to his rescue. ‘’Alright, go home, get some rest. Come on Y/n, I’ll bring you back to your dorm.’’ He spoke. She decided to stay on campus, she wanted her parents to have the house for themselves and she wanted the hole experience.
Weeks passed since they first met, they kept talking and they sat next to each other in class. But now, he couldn’t be fins, today was the first race and coach wanted them to be there early. Joe was at the library, when he was about to leave, a girl he went to school with stopped him. ‘’You’re Joe Rantz, I remember you, you had a huge crush on me in 4th grade’’ Joyce rambled. Joe wanted nothing more than leave, to avoid being late, but Joyce was holding him. Y/n was running in the halls to try and find the missing blonde, when she ran past the library, she finally found him, with Joyce. She entered the room, sweating from the running she just did. ‘’Finally, Joe!’’ she said, walking up to him. Joyce stared at her, judging her. ‘’Joe, we have to go, you’re almost late.’’ She panted. ‘’Hi, I’m Joyce! And this is Joe, but he’s nervous right now, so he’s not very chatty’’ she said. Y/n wanted to roll her eyes, but she managed to put a fake smile on her lips. ‘’Nice to meet you, and I know who he is. Come on’’ he was packing his stuff as Joyce walked away. ‘’By the way, did you ever lose that crush?’’ she teased as she left the room. Joe wanted to explain that she was just a friend, and an annoying fan. ‘’Y/n – ‘’ she cut him off. ‘’I don’t care, explain later, you have to go!’’ she rushed him.
He'd just won the race! He felt so happy! He’d work so hard to get there, and now he just won his first race. She felt so happy! Her dad’s team just won! They were gonna have a party to celebrate. She decided to leave to go and get ready, she had the perfect dress for the occasion. It was a baby blue long dress with small puffy short sleeves. It was simple, but really pretty, she let her long hair down and putted white heels on. 2 hours later, she stepped inside the reception room, with the loud music. She didn’t see Joe, but he saw her. The second she stepped in the room, he spotted her. Joyce was becoming a problem, not wanting to leave him. ‘’Joyce, you’re really great, but please I need space.’’ He said, trying not to sound mean. The second she left him, Joe almost ran to Y/n. She saw him walking towards her, Joyce was not with him, so she smiled. ‘’Hi!’’ he said. She had to lean in to reach his ear do they could hear the other. ‘’Hi, congratulations on the win!’’ she said. He had trouble hearing her. After they tried to yell in the other’s ear, the decided to go somewhere quiet. They went to her dorm room, she was on the first floor, the only room there. Being the Coach’s daughter had its privileges. When she shut the door, they were both standing up. ‘’Look, Y/n about earlier. – ‘’ he begun. ‘’Joe, it’s okay, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. You’re an adult, you do what you want, with who you want, as long as it doesn’t affect the team, your okay’’ she said, hiding the pain in her voice. She didn’t want him to be with Joyce. She developed a crush on him over the past weeks. He did too, he thought she was amazing, and so smart. ‘’Y/n, I don’t care about Joyce. And I don’t have a crush on her, I have a crush on you!’’ he confessed, his confession wasn’t supposed to be heard. She blushed and smile. ‘’I, uh, I’m sorry I – ‘’ she cut him off by quickly kissing him. She kissed him before her brain starts to panic. When they broke the kiss, he was red, so was she. ‘’I have a crush on you too, Joe’’ she admitted. She saw that he was not believing what just happened, so she pulled him by the tie and kissed him again. ‘’You deserve a reward for your win today’’ she whispered.
He wasn’t a virgin, but he wasn’t the most experienced person on earth. When she said those words, he thought he was going to faint. ‘’I know your stiff, and we don’t want to make it worse, sit down’’ she said, pointing her bed. He didn’t know what she was going to do, but when she straddled his lap to kiss him, he knew that she was in charge. ‘’You’re okay with this?’’ she asked him. He nodded and kissed her again. ‘’You trust me?’’ he nodded again. She felt him get hard underneath her, so when she dropped to her knees, she took his pants with her. He never got sucked before, the guys on the team said it was amazing, he was about to find out. She spat on his dick, before taking him in her mouth. He was big, but she’d done it before, so she didn’t gag. She started to bob her head at a medium pace, not wanting to torture him, but not making him cum too fast. ‘’Holy shit’’ he moaned as his hand found her hair. He felt really good, he was so excited. He just won a race, and the girl he has a crush on, feels the same thing, and is currently sucking him off. He was in heaven. She felt him jerk his hips a little, after all, he didn’t do it for a long time. And he had roommates, it was hard to jerk off. She took him further down her throat, making him moan again. ‘’Y/n, oh my, this is a-a-amazing. Shit’’ his brain was starting to malfunction. She felt him twitch in her mouth, she moaned on his dick. The vibration from the sound she just made drove him crazy. ‘’ I’m gonna cum, shit Y/n, I’m gonna – ‘’ his sentence was cut short by his orgasm. His sperm went down her throat as she swallowed. He was feeling euphoric. She got up, wiping her mouth. She smiled at him, seeing how beautiful he was.
‘’Thank you, it was amazing.’’ He praised her. She blushed and looked at him while he laid down in her bed. She went to lay next to him. ‘’I’m really proud of you, Joe Rantz’’ she whispered. ‘’And I really like you, Y/n Ulbrickson’’ he said, kissing the top of her head. ‘’When you win in Berlin, would you let me wear the gold medal?’’ she asked him. ‘’Of course I will, so does that mean you’re my girlfriend now?’’ he asked. ‘’Do you want me to be your girlfriend?’’ she asked, joy in her voice. ‘’I would love for you to be my girlfriend’’ he replied. ‘’Then yes, I’m your girlfriend, Joe.’’
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assortedgoods123 · 29 days
Severus Snape x chatty!reader Soulmate AU
Writers block with stardew valley stuff so im trying something totally different to shake the cobwebs loose
do ppl still need to say they dont fuck with jkr or is it a given at this point? (genuine question)
*this reader has titties and gender neutral pronouns*
Walking quickly, your eyes are glued to your phone as you round the corner of a street in London. You are already running late for a meeting but you absolutely refuse to deal with your coworker's bullshit without something caffeinated in your hands.
Just as you are about to look up and find the entrance to the cafe you frequent, you slam into something. You squeak out a nervous gasp when you realize it wasn't a lamp post, but a person.
"Ohmygosh I am so so so sorry!" You say, frantically digging in your bag for your horde of cocktail napkins. Your eyes flit nervously over the stranger, realizing you're both covered in his drink order. Dabbing at his torso with your little napkins, his silence makes you about a thousand times more anxious.
"I really am so so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, it's totally my fault." You stammer out, glancing at up at his face while you pat pat pat his chest with your napkins.
Your poor little heart, already beating like a hummingbird in your chest, leaps into your throat at the sight of the hottest fucking guy you've ever seen in your life. The kind of hottie you would chase down the street to throw yourself at. You've done very embarrassing things to get a chance to know people who are far less good-looking than this man in front of you now. And because you were too preoccupied with your phone, you're almost certain you won't be walking away with his number.
And he's frozen, staring at you with a weird look on his face. Definitely the worst first impression you could have possibly made.
Never one for fits of grace, you frown and say, "People as attractive as you should come with an escape lever." You throw the soggy napkins in the trash nearby and add, "I hate embarrassing myself in front of hot people."
Still not getting a response, you turn and look up at him. "You gonna say anything handsome?"
Severus Snape has never been rendered this speechless in his entire life.
The day the courts ruled him not guilty enough for Azkaban was certainly shocking, but even that paled in comparison to what he was experiencing now.
He was leaving his favorite coffee shop when he bumped into a muggle. People are clumsy, it happens. But then, instead of apologizing and running away from the tall scary man, they started talking to him. The sweetest, softest voice Severus had ever heard, telling him he's... hot. Attractive. Handsome.
Every single time anyone has ever shown interest in him in public, Severus has immediately and viciously shut them down. Far better to come across as an asshole upfront than to be humiliated and heartbroken later.
But now, he had this sweet little muggle running their warm hands all over his chest in a matter of seconds. Before he could snarl at them to back off, he looked down and, well.
What was already a very low-cut top was now soaked with tea, becoming slightly translucent. Half of Severus was now laser-focused on the stretch of the damp fabric over your tits, while the other half was screaming at him to get a hold of himself.
You asked him a question, he realizes. Jerking his head around to face you properly, he blurts out, "Huh?"
Oh he's doomed, he thinks.
You gasp and grab his arm, "Oh no I'm already so late I need to go right now but listen, here's a bit of money to buy yourself a new drink it's the least I can do I'm so so sorry for running into you and dashing away but I really am late it was nice to meet you bye!"
Hustling away, you sigh and hope you run into him again. Such a shame you couldn't stay and flirt longer. Checking your watch, you growl and break into a jog. Fuck this day, you think.
"Fuck this day" Severus mutters, before heading down an alley to dissipate home. Just like him to meet someone who actually thinks he's attractive only for them to be so late they have to literally run.
It was only a fraction of a moment, but Severus knows it'll be the thing keeping him from falling down a pit of despair some nights.
Hating himself as he does it, he sniffs the money you handed him. It smells like your perfume. He sets it aside on his dresser.
Pathetic virgin, he thinks.
Later that night, however, he wakes with a gasp. "Idiot idiot idiot!" He snarls, yanking the covers away from himself. "You were so focused on them you forgot to check your soul mark" He glowers at himself in the mirror before lifting his tongue. There, on the underside, is a swirl unique to him and his soulmate.
His heart skips a beat when he sees it glitter in the dingy bathroom lighting. It's activated. And the only people he spoke to yesterday were you and the exhausted-looking barista.
He thinks of the look on your face when you saw him, how you pouted so cutely when you threw the napkins away. The way your clothes stretched over your body.
I've gone mad, he thinks, as he throws on some clothes and dissipates to an alley in London.
I am literally insane, you think.
You've been sitting on a bench outside the coffee shop you almost went in yesterday for about half an hour now. It's too early for anyone else to be up and about yet, it's about 3 in the morning. You woke up last night realizing you didn't check your soul mark after meeting that stupidly hot guy. Sure enough, it was activated.
You twist your fingers anxiously, hoping and hoping that he will show up eventually. You'll be so sad if it's not him.
Suddenly, you hear an odd noise in a nearby alley. Nervously, you run your hands along your pepper spray.
Turning your head to look, you see him. Disheveled and breathing heavy, he locks eyes with you and storms over.
Feeling slightly lightheaded, you rush towards him and lift your tongue up so he can see. Tears of happiness and overwhelm run down your face when he nods and shows you his activated mark.
"Can I...?" You open your arms, asking for a hug.
Hesitating, he steps into your embrace, standing like a stiff board while you sniffle into his shirt and squeeze him tight.
You have a good feeling about this.
(not sure how to end it so ill call it here 🤗)
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Eyeless Jack x angel!reader
Prize request 1/5 for @blackflask ! I hope you enjoy!!
Notes: Reader is GN! More of a "reader and jack meet and slowly grow closer" rather than "heres how they romance" post! I've never watched trolls but the dynamic in my head for reader and Jack here reminds me of poppy and branch
CW: None
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Well it all started when you LOUDLY and quite ungracefully smashed through the poor mans roof and slammed into the ground
To save yourself from the embarrassment, you try to scramble out through the front door only to find it had already been locked for the night; you... were caught, quickly..
For one reason or another you're not immediately snuffed out due to trespassing onto his property; maybe it was because your wings were sprawled out on display, clearly showing that you weren't.. well, human
I like to imagine it's because he already has to deal with the fact he needs to take other human lives to survive, taking yours when he gets no sustenance or resource out of it just feels... worse
Jacks original plan was to patch you up and then have you leave immediately. The only real reason you werent instantly kicked out was due to your injuries, you couldnt really.. go anywhere
Jack is quiet, so hes not going to speak much when hes bandaging you- a problem if you happen to be a chatty person, you'll only really be met with short responses
He doesnt answer any questions you ask about him, he doesn't even give you his name on that first night
His original plan doesnt end up working, though, because you keep coming right back with things. Food, gifts, things like that. When he keeps rejecting them you turn to just.. following him around when he leaves his cabin, you insist that you want to pay him back
He tells you that you don't need to
And you dont take that as a cue to leave
Initially he wants his peace back but over time he starts to get used to your company
You guys start talking when he goes out to make sure the traps he set around are still.. functional and to see if they've caught something yet
You eventually learn his name, and he learns yours. You mostly talk about yourself, and your past and where you came from
It would take a while longer for Jack to tell you about himself, but he does open up to general conversation before that!
Hs finds you sitting on his porch waiting for him and he finally invites you inside.. now that you're not running off of pain and adrenaline you can see how run down the cabin was on the inside
You offer to help fix things, and he doesn't stop you after you keep insisting
And you add your personal touch, and unofficially you move in with him.. and suddenly things aren't so bad for either of you!
He doesnt even realize it when he starts seeking you out first, just to be around you.. its.. sweet
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constesplanetarium · 8 months
꧁•⊹٭𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘.٭⊹•꧂
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☼⚠︎ Male! Yandere Ghosts/Spirit Harem x GN! AFAB! Reader (Part 2)
Darkness rating ) 5/10: “Need a bandaid?”
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
part 1 is here!
WE ARE BACK W THE GHOST BOYS!!!! you get to meet the other two this time ;)
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
General Yandere shenanigans (possessiveness, jealousy, aggression towards other guys, etc.), blood, violence, kidnapping.
Word count: Around 4.2k
A quick turn of your heel and you're off the way you came, almost tumbling down onto the carpet a couple of times. The spirit's laughter rings above you as you glance up, a bunch of small, blob-like figures in the air. They’re all grinning as you take a right, down another long corridor. You can feel the adrenaline pumping in your veins as you turn down another hallway, slowing down once you notice that the candles aren’t lit here. You reach for your flash-
Oh yeah. You left your backpack in the sewing room. You grumble and squint your eyes in the darkness, trying to let your eyes adjust quickly. Who the hell was the figure anyway? It didn’t look like Oliver or Austin. You lean against a wall and start to think to yourself.
Is there really any point in trying to escape from the courtyard anymore? Maybe you should break a window or something.
… With what fucking tools are you gonna break that window with? Maybe you can grab a candle holder or a hard book. But there’s still the broken glass issue.
Maybe it’s time to wave the white flag? Should you go find this Edmund yourself? None of these spirits have been hostile, nor have they tried to kill you.
Once you open your eyes, the pitch darkness meets you again, but it’s a bit clearer to see now. You take a glance to your left, then your right, and just start to wander aimlessly. The moonlight shining through the windows guides your way as you peer at every little door you see. This mansion is as big as a castle, isn’t it? Should you try calling Edmund’s name?
After a few minutes, you’re still walking, seeing the occasional servant spirit here and there. You can hear some giggles and cheers as you pass by, and at this point you’re just waving and smiling at the spirits. They’re surprisingly very sweet… Though, you did try to ask a few of them where Edmund was, and all they did was laugh and float away.
Then you take a sharp turn, and you jump at the sight of a familiar face. Not one you’ve talked with before, but one you’ve seen in the portraits. It looks like he’s looking around for something.
You look around for a place to hide and observe, but there's nothing you can use to hide in the hallway. He turns your way quickly, and you see some recognition in his eyes, but he scowls soon after.
“Oh, it’s you.” The guy grumbles and fists his hands in his pockets. His suit is similar to Olivers, but more tattered and ragged. Certain buttons are loose or missing altogether, and some of the frills on his sleeves are ripped. His caramel-like skin matches well with his messy, dark brown hair, and the red and gold of his tattered suit. “You’re the visitor, aren’t you?” A quick nod from you is all he needs for his mood to shift. His shoulders ease up and his eyes soften, a sigh leaving his mouth. “There’s no point in being too rough with you, I guess. Edmund would have my head if I did that.” So this is Dalton?
“That’s right.” he says, fidgeting with a loose button on his suit. “You must be looking for Edmund at this point.” It looks like he’s trying to hold back a chuckle, with the way he’s smiling. “Have you given up on leaving on your own accord?” You heave a long, tired sigh, but admit defeat with a slow nod, and his smile grows wider. “What a shame, but it’s less work for me. Come now.” At least he’s straight to the point, unlike the other two.
He isn’t very chatty, just walking aside you in silence as your footsteps are muffled by the carpet. You wish you could ask him questions about the mansion, but he probably wouldn’t answer you.
“Why’d you come here?” Ah, there’s a suspicious tone there. He’s trying to dig for info. You blabber out the same excuse that you gave Oliver, and he raises a brow.
“Oh really? Just curiosity?” He scoffs. “Now do you realize how stupid you are for coming here? After dealing with those two idiots, aren’t you-” A flash of embarrassment shows up on his features, but he shakes his head lightly and lets out a sigh. “Nevermind.”
Ugh. What’s his deal? You frown at the light insult he threw your way, and he registers your irritation. “I, erm…” He shakes his head again, and doesn’t say anything else. So no apology?
The very least he can do is answer a question you have.
“Possession? I’m sorry?” You explain to him what you felt during the time, but make sure not to go too into detail. Some things are better left private. You watch his face shift more and more into discontent. His breathing becomes heavy as he scowls. “It wasn’t a full possession by the way you’re explaining it. Only partial.” So a sort of half-possession? What the hell? “During a possession like that, it just lets you… Feel the person you're possessing.” So Alex wanted to touch you? Huh.
“Stop talking about him.” He snaps at you, and you flinch at his sudden outburst. “I don’t want to hear his fucking name come out your mouth. I don’t want to hear about him touching you, both him and Oliver, it’s disgusting.” What the fuck? “Treating the new visitor in that way, they can’t even go a day without satisfying their urges. They’re disgusting.” Giggles and soft shrieks ring above you as you look up, a bunch of spirits hearing him gossip about the other two. Once you catch them, they all start to laugh and vanish quickly. It looks like Dalton’s more angry at them being there than you, but he holds himself back from saying anything else.
Alright, never ask Dalton any questions. That’s a good mental note.
Both of you are silent again for the next few seconds, until he points to a double door on your right. You walk up and tug on the handle, but it doesn’t budge. His soft chuckling rings in your head as grabs the opposite handle, a small click signaling to you that it's open as he pulls on it.
You peer inside to be met with a dark and gloomy, yet beautiful study. The moonlight illuminates the room enough for you to see decently well. Books are strewn all over the place, and papers as well. There’s the regular sofa and chair, with a small table set in the middle. Around the right corner, there’s a desk and a couple of quills that seem unused. This mansion has a lot of studies, huh? You wonder how many people really lived here in the mansion.
Until, y’know, the haunting.
“You didn’t get to spend a lot of time with either of them, right?” Once you walk into the room and agree, a small smile creeps onto his face, but he covers it with his hand, grunting a bit. “Mm, okay.” A small, shaky sigh leaves him as he sits down. “We won’t be distracted then.” Relief velvets his voice as he takes a seat and leans back on the sofa. Ah, so he was planning something after all. You smirk and take a seat next to him, asking him just that.
“Well, it’s not like you have anything better to do.” He says. “Both of them just wasted your time anyway. They had ample time to take you to Edmund, yet they didn’t.” He clenches his fist and utters a small curse. “It’s only fair that I get my turn.” He whispers, and you can’t help but feel your life may potentially be in danger now.
But do you care?
“So what? Are you playing with their hearts or something?” He takes a glance at you to see your reaction, and you shake your head in a refusal. “Even if you were, it’s likely they wouldn’t be able to tell for a while. They’re idiots.” Your eyes can't help but analyze his demeanor, noticing every twitch and shake of his hands is kind of interesting. Does he hate them that much?
His hands ease at your question, and he stares at you with sincerity. “I, ah,” His fingers clasp together, and he rubs his left thumb on his right, an uneasy look in his eyes. “I consider hate to be a… Strong word.” It looks like he’s uncomfortable.
Best not to push.
With a small shake of your head, you reach over to rub his thigh comfortingly, but your hand phases right through, and you start to shiver. It’s still confusing how sometimes you can touch them and other times you can’t. Dalton grabs your wrist and raises your hand up a little, setting it back on his thigh. You can never get over that cold feeling all of them have.
“I don’t need your pity, but thank you.” He murmurs, rubbing your hand slowly. “It’s not a sensitive topic by any means, it’s just a bit… Embarrassing, I suppose.” Dalton smiles at you, with a certain softness in his eyes. “I’ll tell you more about it later.”
Hey, this small talk isn’t so bad. You can feel your nerves to relax, taking the chance to sink into the soft sofa, and he looks over at you.
“I’m better than Alex and Oliver, aren’t I?” He says. You tilt your head a bit at the sudden question. Is he trying to make himself look better? He notices your confusion and his smile grows wider. “Oh, it’s nothing.”
Nothing, huh?
He bites his lip as you stare at him, shuffling around in place. You can’t see well, but you can see him enough to the point where you watch his chest rise up and down faster. “Don’t look at me like that. Please.” He grasps his left hand in his right, rubbing his palm with his thumb. “It’ll be hard to hold myself back.”
After a couple of seconds, it doesn’t take him long to fold at all, as he scoots closer yo you, caressing your cheek. “You would make a beautiful painting.” Dalton speaks quietly, like he’s afraid someone will hear him. “You’re like a flower.” Strangely, that's a cute compliment coming from him. You smile up at him and embrace him, feeling his cold aura and body around you. Lord, it’s like you're hugging a snowman.
Might as well embrace these boys at this point.
His cold tongue slips against yours as he kisses you, breaking the kiss to nibble desperately at your bottom lip. “Let me just be with you a little longer before I take you to Edmund. I won’t do that possession thing that they did. I’m better than those two, aren’t I?” It’s debatable. You’re not sure if you would really care at this point. “Right?” Plus, he’s really damn cold… “You smell so nice, you taste so good, I can’t…” Dalton groans as you rub your hand against his crotch, moving it up and down to gain some friction.
His hips buck slowly against your hand, savoring every feeling as he moans softly in your ear. “You’re so warm, oh…” A stupid grin spreads on your face as you look up at him. He looks so euphoric, it’s pretty funny.
Also pretty damn hot.
Dalton jumps as both of you turn your heads to the bookshelf on the side of the room. A bunch of books had just fallen and hit the ground with a loud thud.
“What the hell…” He whines as you move your hand from his crotch, and you glance up at the ceiling instinctively.
It looks like you both had some voyeurs.
“You damn…” Dalton hisses and climbs off of you, standing up. “None of you can give me a moment's peace, huh?!” Dalton yells angrily at the spirits above you two, fits of shrieks and laughter filling the room. All the spirits vanish at once, leaving you and Dalton in an embarrassing silence.
Damn spirits, cockblocking you.
“Ugh.” He clicks his tongue and looks back at you, clearly displeased. “... Let me take you to Edmund now, yes?”
Unfortunately, yes.
“There you are, darling!” Oliver’s voice rings out as you feel his chill body push against yours once he pulls you into a tight bear hug. “I thought I told you to wait in the library? What’re you doing with-” He glares at Dalton. “Him?”
“I found them wandering the hallway after you did such a terrible job of taking care of them, Oliver.” Dalton snaps at him. Both of them glare at each other, until Alex has to break the ice.
“Let the visitor go, Ollie. Edmund needs to see them.” Alex grumbles and Oliver hesitantly lets you go, glaring at both men as he stands by your side. You finally get a look at the man in the middle of the room, seated in a large chair behind a desk. There are so many studies here, huh?
“I finally get to meet you, visitor. I’ve been waiting quite some time, you know?” A calm, cheerful voice rings out from him, and he gives you a bright smile.
He has medium length black hair, alongside an odd monocle as he waves over to you with a white gloved hand, covering his tan skin. His black suit is more fancy than Oliver’s and Daltons combined, covered in gold and silver engravings all over, tied up nicely together with a black rose pin right above his heart. There’s some light stubble on his face, and you can automatically tell he’s a bit older than everyone else in the room. Perhaps around late twenties to early thirties before his death day?
“Please, sit.” He points to the chair across from him, and you can hear Oliver and Dalton behind you as you take a seat. Edmund peers up at the two, “Excuse me, I’d like to speak with the visitor alone, please.” His smile widens as you hear the light groans of annoyance of Oliver, and a small click of the tongue from Dalton. You take a small glance at Alex to see his face shift into one of annoyance, “Oh.” But he looks down at you and flashes you a quick smile before taking his leave.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” Oliver rubs your shoulder before taking his leave as well, and Dalton just nods at you before following Oliver out.
“Good riddance, am I right?” Edmund chuckles as the door shuts loudly behind them all, making you jump. “I’m only kidding.” A loud lock of the knob makes you feel a bit uneasy. If this is the big boss of them all, who knows what he could do? “Please don't be frightened. I’d just rather not be interrupted while conversing with you.” You bite the inside of your lip and wait for him to speak some more.
“I didn’t even get to introduce myself. It seems that everyone else has done that job for me, but I’d prefer to do it properly.” He rises up from his seat, bending over the table as he reaches his hand out. “I’m Edmund, as you know. Edmund Castiello.” You take his hand, surprised at how warm it is compared to the other men. Is it because of his gloves? He brings it up to his lips, kissing the back of your palm gently. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, visitor.” He takes his seat again, interlacing his fingers and placing them under his chin, his elbows resting on the table. “I do hope none of them gave you too much trouble?”
You wish.
“Ah,” Edmund laughs and claps his hands together. “They all got too excited that you’re here, I presume? They’ve always been a rowdy bunch. Please excuse their behavior. I’ll chastise all of them for it later.” You shake your head and stammer out an excuse for all of them. Rowdy, sure. But it wasn’t like you had a bad time with each of them…
“Are you sure?” He frowns. “Treating a guest with such…” He pauses, fidgeting with his gloves. “Rude, and not to mention inappropriate behavior isn’t tolerated here.” You laugh it off with a smile, and his shoulders seem to ease up from your laughter. “Very well.”
Oh. Speaking of all of them, shouldn’t you mention the possession?
“Possessing? But only partially?” He sighs and fidgets with a lock of his hair. “Ah, yes. Our way of connecting with humans and creatures alike.”
“We just call it partial possession,” he starts. “It’s nothing too extravagant. It just allows us spirits to be able to really touch the person we’re possessing. If it were a full possession, we would just take control over your whole body in general.” He drags a gloved finger down the desk slowly. “We can control your actions to some extent, but if you really do fight it, it can be broken easily.” He sighs. “It looks like Oliver hit you harder than Alex. He has always been a bit more aggressive and eccentric.”
… Oliver? He possessed you?
“Oh? You… You don’t remember?” A frown spreads onto his face, followed by a short sigh and a small face palm. “It was your first time being possessed, of course you don’t remember.” The air around you two suddenly becomes thick, and you shuffle into your seat uncomfortably. “He had told me about it, but I had no idea you didn’t-” He clenches his fist, and takes a heavy breath in and out in an attempt to calm himself. “I’ll punish him for that later.” He whispers, returning his gaze back to you. “I’m sorry. Please, continue.”
It’s not like you were really fighting the possession though, so…?
“When you saw the lights flicker, it distracted your mind from the situation at hand. That’s why it broke the possession. Since it was your…” He clears his throat. “First time, I can only assume it was because Oliver can’t properly possess yet. In Alexander’s case, I guess your urge to leave overpowered the fact that you wanted to ride his cock.” Your face warms up as you break eye contact with Edmund. You can hear him softly tapping on his desk, and you feel him bare a hole in your head with just his gaze. He doesn’t seem pleased.
“It’s natural to feel that way towards someone you find attractive.” He says softly, in a sort of sweet tone that makes you start to melt in your seat. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, beloved.” He tries to smile, but you can tell he’s still bothered by your attraction to Alex. “Back to the topic of Possession, yes? Let me demonstrate.”
Oh? Of course, he wants his turn, too. Are you going to keep being passed around like this?
… Eh. You don’t really care.
“Now, see how when I touch you, it feels warmer?” He rises up and bends over the table, almost knocking over a small bottle of ink you didn’t see at first. He sets a gloved hand on your heart, and then he drags his finger down from your shoulder to your chest, and you sigh in content. God, that feels good. “Hmm.” He pushes his seat back with his foot, and it bumps into the bookshelf behind it with a loud bang. This doesn't seem to phase him as he comes up to your side and cups your cheek, forcing you to look at him. “Are you not scared, beloved?”
Considering the fact that this is your fourth time at things, no.
“How odd.” Your reaction, or lack thereof, doesn’t seem to deter him as he leans in close, kissing you on your forehead. Your eyes widen at the unexpected gesture. Your forehead instead of your lips?
“I can wait my turn. For the right moment.” His small smile breaks into a grin, pleased at your reaction as the warmness fades from your body. He leans against his desk and lets out a sigh. “Though, it is difficult to hold myself back… Do you feel the same way?”
You give him a small smile, and he fixes his gloves around the wrist. “Well then, it’s time to…” He seems lost in thought for a moment, but he turns his gaze back to you with a familiar smile. “Reconcile with the group, yes? I wish I didn’t have to cut this short so early, but it’s quite urgent.”
“Darling!” Oliver waves happily as you step into the main exit hall. It looks like he was waiting for you eagerly at the entrance, similar to a puppy, while Alex was standing off to the side, looking around as he mindlessly pet Pochi’s head. Dalton was leaning against the wall, fidgeting with the buttons on his suit again. There are another two statues on the outside of the door, the same creatures you couldn’t comprehend last time, but now as you get a better look at it, it might be a sort of feline. Just by peering out the window beside the door, you can tell it's the courtyard. There are several flower beds outside, and maybe even a greenhouse, but that's all you can really see from here.
“Welcome back.” Dalton hums and stops leaning on the wall, making his way over to you. Oliver does the same.
“Hello.” And so does Alex in the middle. They’re even more intimidating once you bunch them up and let them get as close to you as they are right now.
“Give the visitor space, will you?” Edmund says behind you, setting a hand on your shoulder as he shoos away the other boys with a motion of his hand. They all grumble incoherently and take a step back.
“I do hope you had a nice time today.” He rubs your shoulder and swivels around so he’s standing in front of you.
Finally getting a good look at all of them together, you tilt your head a bit. They all look like a pretty good unit together. A team. Maybe a family?
You find yourself filled with a soft, warm feeling as you brush the thought off. It’s just you piecing things in your head that aren’t real.
From what you’ve seen so far, these boys literally hate each other. Except for Edmund.
Welp, it was fun while it lasted. Time to go home.
“Home?” Alex tilts his head, and Pochi’s head seems to bob to the side as well. “What do you mean?”
Of course.
That’s what Edmund meant when he said he can “wait his turn”.
As soon as you stepped into the mansion, you were bound here.
“Did you think you were leaving?” Dalton says, looking at you with a sort of pity. Something inside you wanted to hold onto that hope, but…
“Oh, poor, poor beloved. I’m sorry for not telling you.” Edmund cooes and holds the sides of your head lovingly, running his freezing fingers through your hair. Everything feels so much colder. It hurts a little, like it’s pricking into your skin. “It’s okay, it’s only for a little while. We all just love you here so much, in such a short amount of time. You’re a very interesting person, see,” He leans in close, whispering against your lips with a shaky breath. “Let us continue watching you.”
There’s a sudden ringing in your head, to the point where you can feel a small trickle of blood pour out. Your eyes roll back in the back of your head as you aggressively cough out spurts of blood, all of it spilling out onto the carpet, staining it with a dark crimson. You can’t see what’s around you anymore. Your vision is so blurry. Everything hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts
“We’ll be here when you wake up, beloved.” It hurts. “Alex, watch over them.”
Your body is so weak you can’t even protest, and you fall into a cold grasp of a familiar blonde-headed man. All he does is smile down at you as your world fades to black.
part 3 is here!
ミ★ 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴. ★彡
sorry for not posting in a week, i got hit w a mean burnout. had to make this part a little shorter so i could get it out
ill prolly work on the 3rd part in a bit
PS. it’s olivers part, you spend the day w him :]
its in the order you met them, so next its alex, then dalton, and then edmund <3
ngl, im really in love with these characters already. i think after this series is done i might drop the yandere aspect and flesh them out as real oc’s of mine w deeper lore <3
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beskarandblasters · 1 year
No One Else
Din Djarin x F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Din Djarin Masterlist
Summary: Din’s next bounty takes him to Sorgan. The two of you are running low on food and other supplies so Din heads back to the village he and Grogu visited where he runs into a familiar face.
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: canon divergent (long live the Razor Crest), reader is able-bodied, takes place when Grogu is with Luke, italics indicate your thoughts, jealousy, angst, cursing, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, Din’s probably a little ooc in this but it’s fine, no use of y/n
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This planet is so beautiful, you think to yourself. 
Sorgan is a lush, forested swamp planet. It’s green and full of nature. It’s so untouched by civilization, too. Not that you mind, it means more time with Din, no one around to bother you. It’s not like that, though. You two started as a business relationship. You, a mechanic for the Razor Crest and he, a talented bounty hunter. Although, now you could call yourself friends. But it did take a while for you two to get there. He’s a professional after all. But for you that friendship has now turned into a one sided crush. 
Not the time to dwell on my pathetic crush for him. 
Din is hauling a bounty back to the Crest now. You’re walking ahead of him; his idea.
“That way you’re always in my sight.”
You force yourself to ignore how that made your heart flutter and cheeks heat up. 
It took him a bit longer than normal to find this bounty, too. Since this planet is so lush with nature and sparsely populated. Again, not that you mind. But it means that you two are out of food, since the job took longer than expected. It’s not the end of the world. Din could probably hunt something for you guys out here in the abundant wilderness. Or you could just tough it out until you get back to Nevarro. Really, it’s not a big deal. 
As you continue your trek you start to see the outline of the Crest amongst the trees. 
“There’s the Crest!” you shout over your shoulder. 
You arrive at the Crest and Din lowers the exit ramp. He heads inside to carbon-freeze the bounty. 
You follow him in, “So I was thinking about the food situation and-”
“No need. I know exactly what to do. There’s a small village not too far from here.”
“Oh, okay. Have you been there before?”
“Yes, I spent a few weeks there right after I got Grogu. We stayed with a nice widow.”
A nice widow? Whatever she sounds like an older lady anyway. 
Stop it. Stop thinking like that. He isn’t even yours and besides that was long before he met you. It might’ve not even been that serious. She could’ve just been a friend.
“Does that sound good?” he asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.  
“Sure, sounds nice,” you reply, putting on a smile to try to hide your slight jealousy.
“Great. After I take care of him we can head that way.”
You nod and decide to head back outside. You take in the nature around you and breathe, trying to calm yourself. 
Why am I even getting jealous? I don’t know this lady. And it’s not like Din is one for physical attachments anyway. 
You hear Din come down the ramp behind you.
“Ready?” he asks. 
“Yes, sir,” you say back, giving him a playful salute. 
“Stay in front of me again this time. I’ll direct you.”
You nod and he points where to start walking. He was right, it wasn't that far of a journey. The walk this time is more silent than normal, though. It’s not like you two were super chatty anyway and the silence between you two is normally comfortable silence. This time it wasn’t. It was a thick, tension filled silence. Maybe it’s because he’s just trying to focus on where he’s going. 
Or maybe it’s because he can���t wait to see that woman again…
“What’s her name?” you ask, your thoughts suddenly vocalizing themselves. 
He takes a moment to answer.
Not a great sign. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked? But if we’re going to meet her anyway I don’t get why her name would be off limits…
“Omera,” he says plainly. 
You don’t really know what to say back so you just continue to let him direct you, trudging through the thick forest. You reach the village soon enough. It’s a cute little farming village, not super crowded. It looks like they farm krill, judging from the ponds surrounding the village. The people here live in circular huts and there are children playing together in the center of the village. It’s hard to believe Din spent a few weeks here, though. It doesn’t really seem like his scene. 
As you two enter the village everyone stops and stares, of course. You’re used to that, though. Din turns heads wherever he goes. The children playing stop what they’re doing and run over to you guys. 
“It’s the Mandalorian!!!”
“He’s back!!!”
“Does he have the baby with him!?!?”
More people start to look over now that there’s commotion. And now all of a sudden you’re surrounded. A woman with long dark hair emerges from the crowd and heads right over to Din, smiling at him. She’s beautiful, of course.
Oh Maker please don’t be her. 
“You’re back,” she says, the smile still not fading from her face.
“I am. My friend and I stopped on your planet for a job. It took us a little longer than expected and we’re out of food,” he explains.
Well, at least he referred to me as a friend and not just his mechanic. 
“Of course! You’re always welcome here anytime,” she says, reaching out and resting her hand on the side of his arm.
She still hasn’t acknowledged you.
“This is my friend by the way,” he replies, turning towards you. 
The smile finally fades. “Nice to meet you.” 
She probably didn’t mean that. 
“I’m Omera,” she says curtly.
You tell her your name and thank her for welcoming you into the village. She says nothing and turns to take Din by the arm, leading the way. The crowd around you dissipates. You’re left to follow them, like a lost massiff.
She leads the way back to her hut where all three of you enter. 
“I can cook us something. And we can leave you alone here to eat, of course. Oh and I have some spotchka as well.” 
You notice that when she speaks she’s only looking at Din. 
“Thank you. How is your daughter doing?”
“She’s quite well. I’m sure she’ll be here shortly now that you’re here. And how is the child? I was hoping you would’ve brought him with you.”
“I’ve returned him to his own kind. He’s doing good.” 
You listen to them continue to talk as she cooks, feeling like a third wheel. After a short time, the food is ready and she puts it into four bowls. She grabs cups for spotchka, too. 
“Well, now that the food’s ready we’ll leave you to it,” she says, handing you your bowl and cup, never really looking you in the eye.
“Thank you again, Omera. We really appreciate it.”
She leads you outside of the hut and you turn back and look at Din before exiting. Around the back side of the hut you two sit down to eat before being joined by her daughter.
“This is my daughter, Winta,” Omera says, still not looking directly at you.
“Nice to meet you!” Winta says, cheerfully.
You smile and tell her your name before returning to eat. 
After enough silence you say, “I know he thanked you already, but I wanted to thank you myself, Omera. It’s really delicious.”
She nods, still not looking at you. 
“How do you know the Mandalorian?” she asks, glancing at you for the first time.
Ha. She doesn’t know his name.
“We work together. I travel with him as a mechanic for his ship.”
“So you’re more like business partners?”
“I wouldn’t say just business partners. We’re friends, too.”
Her mouth forms into a flat line. She didn’t like that answer. 
After what feels like forever, Din joins you outside. 
“Did you enjoy your meal, Mando?” she asks looking up at him, the smile creeping back on to her face.
“I did. It was very good. Thank you.”
“Of course. Anything for you,” she replies, rising from the ground with the dishes in her hand. You and Winta stand up, too.
“I’ll clean up and be right back,” Omera says.
She walks around to the front of the hut and goes inside, leaving you, Din and Winta outside. The three of you walk to the front of the hut as well and Winta asks,
“Where’s the baby?”
“He’s with his own kind and he’s in training.”
“Oh… is it like a school?”
“Yeah, something like that. But don’t worry. He’s happy.”
For a man covered in metal and weapons, he’s surprisingly good with children. It warms your heart. 
Omera returns from inside the hut and joins the three of you.
“So, how long willl you be here for?” she asks, looking up at him, eyes widening. 
“I’m afraid not that long. We have to return back to Nevarro to complete our job.”
“Ah, I see. Well you’re always welcome here any time and however long you need. After what you did for the village, we are forever in your debt.”
“What happened?” you ask, unaware of this part of their history together.
“Mando here saved our village from a group of raiders a while back. He taught us how to defend ourselves. Without him we wouldn’t be living here anymore. And with that, we are forever in his debt.”
“I can’t take all the credit. Cara was a big help, too.”
Oh great another woman to worry about. Whatever, at least that one’s not here right now.
“You’re too humble. But please, won’t you stay at least one night?”
“I suppose one night wouldn’t hurt. We did have a long day.”
Your mouth falls open, in complete disbelief at what he’s saying right now. 
Maybe he misses his time here. Maybe he’s thinking he made the wrong decision leaving here in the first place.
“Of course. You must be so tired. Let me take care of you.”
“Thank you. You’re too generous.”
She grabs his arm again and leads him back to her hut, leaving you to follow behind them again. It’s basically painful to watch them at this point. 
“Actually…” you start, both of them turning around to face you.
“I think I’m just going to head back to the Crest. I’m not feeling too good,” you lie. Really you just wanted to go feel sorry for yourself in peace.
“Are you sure?” Din says, concern laced in his voice.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you reply, a little too quickly.
“Well, let me at least walk you back,”
“It’s fine. You don’t have to.”
“I really don’t mind-” he starts.
“She said she’s fine,” Omera cuts in, a smirk plastering her face.
“Yes it’s fine really, you two go on ahead,” you say looking at the ground, tears stinging your eyes.
Before either one of them could say anything else, you turn around and start walking out of the village. You don’t look back at them, continuing to stride through the outskirts of the village and into the forest. You don’t stop once as you power walk back to the Crest, just wanting to be alone already. You lower the exit ramp and drag yourself inside. The tears begin to flow and they don’t stop. You close the ramp and sit down, placing your head in your hands. The sadness and anger swells in your chest. 
After letting yourself have your meltdown, you hop in the refresher and take time to calm down in there. When you’re done you have a glass of water. You’re not as hysterical as you were before but your heart still hurts and there’s still a pit in your stomach. You go up to the cockpit and sit, watching the sunset and thinking to yourself.
Maybe he’ll change his mind. Maybe he’ll realize how much he missed her. Maybe he’ll come back here and tell me he’s decided to stay, only leaving to drop me off back on Nevarro and he’ll come back here and live out his days with her. Maybe he’ll reunite with Grogu and they’ll be a happy family. Something he doesn’t see with me because all I am is a business partner, a coworker.
The sun is set now and the sky is filled with beautiful stars. At least there’s one nice thing about this planet since there’s not a lot of light pollution the sky is clear. Although now whenever you think of Sorgan instead of thinking about its beauty you’ll think about Omera and Din and how happy they must be together. 
You hear the exit ramp to the Crest being lowered and the familiar sound of Din’s footsteps. You don’t turn to look at him.
“I thought you were spending the night,” you say sullenly.
“I was worried about you,” he says, coming up to the cockpit and sitting down, spinning his chair to face you.
“Don’t be.”
“Are you okay? You seemed off this afternoon.”
You hit him with the classic, “I’m fine.”
“You say you’re fine but I know that’s not true. Come on. Talk to me. What’s on your mind?”
You hesitate for a moment. 
“...It’s dumb.”
“I’m sure it’s not. You can tell me anything.”
“This is going to sound so stupid but I was really jealous today in the village.”
“Of what?”
“...You and Omera.”
“Why? You and I aren’t together.”
Tears sting your eyes again. He doesn’t feel the same way.
Let’s just get this over with.
And the word vomit just spills out, “I know. I know we aren’t together. But that’s the thing; I wish we were. And I’m sorry if I made things weird for you now because I know we’re technically business partners so I get it if you want to drop me off back on Nevarro and look for a new mechanic or even stay here with Omera because the chemistry between you two is undeniable. I just couldn’t bear to be a third wheel anymore. It was too much for me to watch.”
You sigh, feeling a little relieved that this is finally off of your chest. But he’s silent and that can’t be a good sign. 
“Come with me.”
“Just come with me,” he says, grabbing your hand. 
He leads you out of the cockpit and out of the crest into the forest. It’s just the two of you underneath the stars. He’s standing beside you, your hand still is his. His helmet is tilted up at the sky. You’re both silent for a moment before he speaks. 
“She tried to remove my helmet,” he says, turning to face you now, his hand still holding yours.
“When I was staying there for a few weeks. One day when I was telling her that I think Grogu should stay with her and the other children, she looked up at me and asked me to stay with her in the village. She tried to remove my helmet. But then she was stopped when a member of the guild tried to shoot Grogu from the forest. After that I decided it was best for him to be with me and I left.”
You don’t say anything. You’re shocked that he’s telling you this but you don’t know why he is either. 
“You see, I don’t think she respected that I have a creed,” he continues. 
“Well clearly if she tried to remove your helmet,” you say, a tinge of annoyance in your voice. Why is he telling you all of this?
“I think she saw it as a limitation, something that was keeping her from getting what she wanted… but with you I feel like I can be myself around you, with my creed and all. And you wouldn’t have known that about Omera. Maybe I should’ve told you about it before so you wouldn’t have gotten upset,” he says. There’s a softness in his voice. 
“The reason why I’m telling you all of this is to reassure you. I know I haven’t been very expressive with how I feel but… I want you, cyar’ika. And maybe it’s wrong of me to only admit this after how upset you got. But maybe I just needed to hear that you had feelings for me first.”
Well, that was kind of messed up of him but he’s being so sincere right now that you can’t stop your heart from melting. 
“But earlier today it looked like you were into her too…”
“I wasn’t trying to come off that way. I was just trying to be polite. Trust me. I want no one else but you, cyar’ika.”
“Is that Mando’a?”
“Yes… it means sweetheart.”
Your heart flutters. The toxic part of your brain almost wishes Omera was here right now to see this; to see how Din only wants you and no one else. 
“If you’re still unsure maybe I could show you how I feel about you instead of telling you.”
Oh?? What does that mean?
“Is it okay if I cover your eyes?” he asks.
“Y-yes. Go ahead.”
He takes a step towards you and places a gloved hand over your eyes. You hear a low hissing sound. And the sound of breathing, unmodulated breathing.
His helmet is off. Holy shit. Holy shit. It’s happening. 
And then it happens. He kisses you and it’s all you ever hoped it would be. You feel his facial hair against your face. You take in his scent. It’s just all so perfect. 
“Can I touch you?”
“Of course, mesh’la.”
“Another Mando’a word?”
“It means beautiful,” he says softly. 
It really can’t get any better than this.
Your hands caress each side of his face, trying to map it out. You could stay like this forever. The kiss is getting more and more passionate. You press your tongue against his lips to gain access to his mouth, which he gives you. But then he pulls back for a moment.
Shit. I fucked up. 
“Did I do something wrong?” you ask meekly. 
He gives you a quick kiss and smiles against your lips.
“No, cyar‘ika. But if we’re going to continue this further, I think I should put the helmet back on.”
“What do you mean?”
He pulls back and puts his helmet back on. You can hear the hiss and his modulated breathing. You open your eyes and look up at his visor. He steps forward again and places his hand at the waistband of your pants, tugging it lightly. The helmet dips toward your left ear and he says, 
“Do you get what I mean now?” his voice dipping to a lower register.
Oh. It’s happening.
“Y-yes,” you squeak out.
“Is this okay?”
“Of course. But what if someone sees us?”
“You and I both know that no one’s around here and besides… who cares if someone sees?”
You nod and his hand dips down your pants and he cups your warm sex, rubbing small circles around your clit. You lean into him and close your eyes, already in absolute bliss. His pace picks up, as does your breathing. You’re already at the brink of orgasm when he says, “Are you going to cum like this for me, cyar’ika?”
That practically sends you over the edge. Your legs wobble a little bit and he places a strong arm around your back to keep you up, chuckling a little. 
“That’s it, mesh’la. Ride it out for me.”
You finish riding out your orgasm against his hand. You look up at him and smile.
“Lay down on the ramp for me.”
You nod and do as you're told. You lay down against the ramp, the cool metal pressing against your back. Din grabs the waistband of your pants and slides them now. His fingers reach your core again and he slides two of them in. His fingers pumping in and out and then making a “come here” motion. Your breathing picks up even more than it did before and you close your eyes. 
“Look at me,” he says.
You open your eyes to see the T shaped visor burning into you. You wonder what his expression is under there. His pace picks up and you feel yourself getting wetter, closer to completion. He senses this and presses even more against your G spot. You soak his glove completely. As you cum, you look at him, straight into the visor, falling in love even more as you do. 
“Good girl,” he says, with that darker register again. “Are you ready for more?”
“Yes I am,” you reply, blissed out once again. 
He pulls his hard cock out of his pants and it’s huge because of course it is. He lubricates himself with your wetness from his glove. You spread your legs open and he aligns himself with your entrance. It takes you a second to get used to how big he is. He’s basically splitting you apart, but in a good way.
“Let me know when you’re ready for me to move, cyar’ika.”
You nod and keep breathing, getting more adjusted to him.
“I’m ready,” you say. 
He starts thrusting in and out of you. And it’s better than you ever could’ve possibly imagined. You close your eyes again out of reflexes and he says,
“Please, mesh’la, look at me. I want to look you in the eyes as you cum on my cock.”
“Y-yes, Din. ” you moan.
One of his hands comes up to caress your face. You look up at him and take it all in. His helmet looking down at you and the beautiful, star filled sky above the two of you. It’s all so perfect and something you’ll never ever forget. 
He places your legs on his shoulders, the beskar touching the back of your legs. For some reason that sensation only adds to your arousal. And so does the new angle from this position. His thrusts are picking up now and his cock is hitting the perfect spot inside of you. You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. You reach out your hand and caress the side of his helmet, where his cheek would be and breath out,
“I’m so close, Din.”
“Give it to me, mesh’la.”
And with that you’re orgasming. All of your muscles contract, sending tingly sensations all over your body. You feel yourself fluttering around Din’s cock and your vision goes blurry for a moment. This sent Din to the edge too because he asks,
“Where do you want me to finish, cyar’ika?”
Blissed out and coming down from immense pleasure, you reply, “Inside me, I don’t care.”
And he does. His warm spend paints your insides. You can’t believe that this is happening to you right now. Din Djarin is fucking you on the forest planet Sorgan underneath a blanket of stars and he’s filling you up with his cum. 
He stays inside you for a moment and you ask,
“Is something wrong?”
“I just wanted to take a good look at you like this, underneath me and full of my cum.”
After another moment he slowly pulls out of you and collapses next to you on the ramp. You look over at him and he sighs,
“Do you believe me now, cyar’ika? That I want you and no one else?” he says, reaching out and brushing your hair behind your ear. 
You smile and say, “How could I not after that?”
You lay your head on his chest and he wraps his arm around you, his hand coming up to stroke your hair, as you two admire the stars above. It can’t get any better than this. 
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End note: This is my first time writing anything NSFW so I hope you all enjoyed it!! Of course let me know what you think and let me know anything you’d like to see next from me.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 8 months
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Okay, I NEED to work on Kinktober, but I also NEED to work on this, so were gonna do a warm up, 'kay cool? 'Kay cool!
You always knew when there was something wrong with the woods. The trees told you when something was amiss. And as you made your early morning walk through the woods, the forest was clear: Something was very wrong.
You assumed it was because of the bloody battle from the night before. It took place just outside of the treeline, a battle between the warring kingdoms. You honestly didn't know all of the details, nor did you care. You lived outside of their drama for a reason.
You found yourself making your way to the battle field, pulled by some unseen force to check out the scene. It was about as bad as you expected, a gruesome field where the two sides didn't even have the decency to bury their dead. You took a deep breath, and started to gather flowers.
You weren't strong enough to bury so many people, but you did have a heart. So you adorned the bodies with flowers and blessings as you thanked them for their bravery and wished them a peaceful eternity.
The sun was at it's peak, the afternoon coming and warming the land as you made your way to the final corpse. You began to place the wild chrysanthemums around the dead, only to feel your own ghost jump out of your skin when he groaned.
"Holy shit, you're alive?!" You gasped as the body man groaned, aggressively brushing the flowers away.
"Barely." He grumbled, failing to sit up and coughing up a lung. You quickly turned him over, observing his bloodied armor. There in the space between armor, was a deep and gory gash right into his side.
"Oh that looks really bad." You mumbled as you assess his damage.
"You don't say?" He snapped, and suddenly you felt way less inclined to help. But sadly, you're humanity got the better of you, and you knew you had to help him.
"Can you walk?"
"Do you think I'd still be laid up in this fucking field if I could?"
"Yeah, okay that's fair. That's...Oh boy." You took a deep breath, rolling your shoulders as you got ready for the task at hand. Your cabin wasn't far from here, you just needed to get him there. Okay, feet shoulder width apart, keep your neck and back straight, left with your knees and-
"HOLY SHIT- Are you made out of metal?!" You gasped as you struggled to lift him.
"No, but I'm covered in it!" The man snapped, struggling to roll away from you, "What the hell are you doing anyway?!"
"I'm trying to take you home!"
"You could buy me a drink first." This guy was getting more and more annoying by the minuet.
"You're very chatty for a dead man, you know that?" You snapped.
"Probably because I'm not dead!" He snapped back. "I'm just mostly dead. Big difference."
"Look, If you just come with me I can help you. I'm a-...a cleric."
"A cleric?" He asked suspiciously. He didn't fight you this time as you tried to lift him up, instead working with you to get him semi-mobile. "For which god?"
"One of the godly ones." You (poorly) bluffed as you walked him to your cabin, struggling to support his body weight but managing none the less.
"I've heard better lies from dead men." The knight scoffed.
"Keep this up and you'll be a dead man." Ether due to your threat being just that effective- or all the searing pain he was in, he didn't talk much after that. The only other sound he made was a groan as you got him home and moved his arm to take off his armor.
You worked quick, brewing together a balm to help with the infection. You spread it over the injury before carefully sewing him up, and then forcing him to eat a goodberry for good measure.
He slept after that. Peacefully in your spare bed. Every once in a while you would check his pulse to make sure he was still of this world, and he would stir slightly but never enough to fully wake. He was up just in time for a late dinner.
"What's you're name witch?" He asked as he sat across from you, more playing with his stew than actually eating it. You felt your face catch fire as he asked that.
"What?! I told you, I'm a cleric, why on earth would you call me a wi-" He cut you off by pointing at your alter. Oh. Yeah, that would give it away, huh? You sighed as you told him your name. He nodded, rolling it around in his head.
"Pretty name." He finally said.
"And what's yours?" You asked.
"Sir Ryomen Sukuna of the-"
"Yeah, I don't need your full title. Just Ryomen was fine."
He licked his teeth as he took you in. It wasn't often he found someone willing to go tit for tat with him like this. Most people just shrink in front of him. He liked that change of pace. He might just keep you around.
"Right, I'm reporting you for witchcraft in the morning for the disrespect."
"You do that and I'm taking my sutures back!" you warned.
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rkistars · 4 months
lolz random draft
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title | love and hate
genre | enemies to lovers, highschool romance??
warnings | one curse word, kissing,someone walking in, let me know if theres more!
playing 🎧 renegade by aaryan shah
————————————————— 💭
nishimura riki. the most infuriating and annoying man in your life.he always bothered you and got you in trouble. you hate him and his handsome face. and right now, he keeps bothering you during class.
“oh my god nishimura! leave me alone I'm trying to focus here!”
“I don't want to.” with a devilish smirk on his stupid face.
“you know what? I'm gonna report you!”
“teache-!” as riki quickly put his hand on your face, the teacher snaps his head annoyed.
“both of you, detention!!”
great. just what you needed! trapped in a classroom with Nishimura riki for an hour!
————————————————— 💭
as your final class ends and everyone starts leaving, you scoff while glaring at riki. That jerk.
“you guys better behave. I'm coming back in 20 minutes”
when the teacher leaves, riki noticed your gaze and smirks while shifting towards you.
“can't stop staring love?”
“I hate you nishimura.”
“that hurts my feelings love.” while mockingly putting his hand on his chest.
“why are you so annoying all the time!”
“It's cuz you're cute when your mad.”
“your like obsessed with me or something!” rolling your eyes.
“maybe I am.” Riki walking towards you.
“ha! as if”
“you want me to prove it?”
“yeah! I’d love to see you try” giving the male a challenging grin.
As riki’s gaze darkens, he puts a finger under your chin while his other hand rests on your desk.
“your so fucking chatty. you make me feel some type of way.”
you getting caught off guard, he smashes his lips to yours filled with hatred and eagerness.
stupidly, you felt yourself kissing back and wrapping your arms around his neck.
you can’t deny you want him too.
as you both make the kiss deeper, you both jump hearing the door open.
“I knew it!! but no kissing in detention!” the teacher yells but with a proud expression.
as you two giggle, you grab your bag and give him a peck.
“Bye, riki.”
maybe he isn’t that bad?
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     ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.Wet dreams.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Todoroki Shoto
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Based off the song Wet Dreamz by J. Cole.
(Guys do I drop this after a 2 year hiatus or no )
。。。 Though it was the second day of school already, there had already been talk of a new student—most likely gossip overheard from the U.A. staff. Typically a new student wasn’t of much appeal, this was a huge school after all, even though it was prestigious, but what made the U.A. students so chatty about this new student was the fact that she was a foreigner. There had only even been three American students in the long history of U.A. high school, so getting a transfer was not only impressive, due to the fact that she wasn’t required to participate in the entrance exams, and also exciting.
The bell chimed for second blocks end, and next for the students of class 3.A., was the drowse inducing subject. Math. The teachers filtered out in order to teach their proper subject, after all just because this was a hero school didn’t mean that they were excused from engaging in normal, more uneventful subjects. Todoroki sat with perfect posture in the back of the room, awaiting the teachers entrance. His ears perked up when he heard Midoriya speak of the new girl who might’ve been making her first entrance today, though he didn’t quite care for a new student, it honestly had nothing to do with him, he hadn’t found a need for more friends, Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, and Floppy felt plentiful.
The door slid open, the chattering of the class going still. In walked Cemento, but it wasn’t just him, it was also the new girl, and now that he has seen her with his own eyes, he could understand what the excitement was for. She had mesmerizing, smooth skin, she was delicate looking, with the such pretty eyes, they put his heterochromia ones to shame. Along with her pretty eyes and gorgeous figure her hair was long, around 30 inches, and red just like his left side, Todoroki couldn’t care less if it was real or not. He was sure his mouth was keenly open, but he knew he wasn’t alone, even the girls in the class were shocked at her appearance.
Cemento guided her to the front of the large classroom, in front of the expensive smart board that wasn’t yet displaying geometry problems, thankfully.
Cemento was preparing to give her the go ahead to start speaking but she already took that initiative for herself.
“Hi everyone it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you all! I’m … and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you,” she beamed.
Sure she was already beautiful but todoroki could feel fire coming out his right side when she smiled revealing a straight line of pretty, white teeth. His multicolored eyes glanced around his classroom, and even the notorious Bakugou was in awe, a sight he has never yet seen.
“It is an absolute honor to have you here … ! Your Japanese is impressive!” Iida stood up moving his arm in the odd robotic like motions, but todoroki doubted anyone missed the telltale pink blush flushed across his pale face.
… bowed in response, traditional Japanese etiquette that she had obviously studied along with the language.
His eyes followed her long legs as she walked to the only empty seat in the room. Right next to him.
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talkdutchtome · 8 months
Two lines - Max Verstappen Teaser
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pairing . . . max verstappen x reader )
genre . . . slight angst, fluff )
summary . . . a one night stand with the formula one world champion ends with an expected pregnancy, can the two of you figure out how to co-parent for the sake of the new life on the way )
requested?. . . based on this request )
warning . . . mentions of sex, one night stand, pregnancy )
word count . . . tbd words )
a/n . . .i've been working on this for soo long and it's finally coming together so i thought i'd share a little teaser in honour of our new three time world champion!!! )
Two lines. Two lines is all it took to completely turn your life upside down. This morning you were feeling positive, life was going well. You had just got a promotion at your job; you were on the back of a great second date with a really lovely guy, you had plans to go out with your girls to celebrate. Life was good. But now, sat on a toilet in a cramped grocery store bathroom, you could almost see all of that goodness and light evaporate into thin air. Now the only thing that was positive was the pregnancy test that sat in the palms of your hands. You did want kids, but not like this. You wanted kids when you were settled down, married with a house and a dog. That was the plan; the plan that you had in your head since you were 11 years old. Grow up, climb the career ladder, meet the love of your life, get married, buy a house- then and only then have kids. Nowhere in that plan did it state have a one-night stand with a Formula One driver in a club bathroom and get pregnant, yet here you are. Two lines.  
Four weeks ago, your best friend Mia dragged you to a Formula One race. Neither of you particularly cared for the sport however she had just started dating Charles Leclerc and he had asked her to come and see him race, so she decided that you needed to come with her for support. After the race she also insisted you come with them to the nightclub for the same reason. Things were going fine, Charles was nice, his friends seemed okay. However, things took a turn when she and Charles disappeared halfway through the night leaving you alone with none other than Max Verstappen. It was awkward to say the least. He didn’t seem happy or in a particularly chatty mood so you both did what any reasonable adult would do in that situation- get black out drunk. One drink turned to two drinks, which turned to three and then four. Eventually, the mixed spirits in your system lead to the pair of you getting closer and closer together until the tension was unbearable and you ended up hiding away in the private bathroom with him. No contact details were exchanged by either of you, why would there be, it was a one-time thing - you were never going to see each other again, right?  
You hadn’t really thought about that night again until now. Mia and Charles’ relationship eventually fizzled out as quickly as it had started and your brief time in the world of Formula One had ended. Your focus was on Tom, the guy you were dating now. Fuck. Tom. How in the world are you supposed to tell a guy you have been on two dates with that you were pregnant? What were you meant to say at work? Thanks so much for the promotion, see you in a year? You were well and truly fucked. Should you tell Max? You wouldn’t even know how to contact him without going through Mia and that was not an option. You never told her that you even slept with him, you can’t just drop the fact that you’re pregnant with her ex-boyfriend’s best friend's baby. To put it plainly, you had no idea what the hell you were going to do.  
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
Dream's a software developer (I could see either as an architect for that large-scale view mentality or as the Senior level dev that keeps getting asked to move into management type positions and just straight up refuses because he's been doing code happily for the past fifteen years and doesn't plan on changing that now).
He enjoys his job enough. He likes computers and code. It functions exactly as told (for better or worse) and appreciates the straightforwardness of it all. He's a bit insufferable to work with, but if you have an issue, he'll readily help (just be prepares for critiques on your code in the process).
Hob works at the same company as Dream, but as a front-end dev. The work he does for his day job is kinda boring. All standard corporate style web design. No fancy scripts or fun colors. But in his spare time, he weaves Javascript and CSS like a wizard and creates magical, animated scenes across the page. Would it be easier to just make a video and play it on the page instead? Sure, but where's the fun in that?
Dream and Hob get paired together on a small side project for work. Hob does the front-end work, Dream does the back-end. They get on each other's nerves at first, until Dream spots Hob tinkering with his personal code on their lunch break and is honestly a bit in awe. He's found code beautiful in its own right (the way one appreciates a well-oiled machine) but he's never seen it wielded in such a fashion before. This is the moment he falls just a little bit (read: a lotta bit) in love with Hob. He was already starting to fall for that endless charm and wit of his anyways.
The company hits the first quarter of the New Year and with it come layoffs. Hob gets fired along with some other devs from Dream's same team (a younger pair of devs: Matthew and Jessamy). A fellow named Will comes along to help Dream finish the project in Hob's stead and Dream hates every moment of it. He misses Hob, more than he ever thought he would.
So, in an impulsive rush of anger and longing, he quits the company because how dare it toss someone as good as Hob Gadling out the door without a thought? He's halfway to the café he and Hob had started frequenting together when he realizes that he's just thrown away a career fifteen years in the making. But when he finally gets to the café and sees Hob tapping away on his laptop, he knows he's made the right choice.
Dream slides into the seat across from him and proposes that they build something wonderful together. So they create a small business of their own. They become a freelance web dev team (and steal Jessamy and Matthew as well) and with their skills combined, they take off. It's not huge, but for their size, they're incredibly popular. And Dream's certain he's never enjoyed his work more than when he's working beside Hob.
Later on, Hob proposes to Dream via a custom website with the most beautiful web animations he's ever seen before. And of course, he says yes.
(If you're curious about what inspired this, here's the website: http://www.species-in-pieces.com)
This is such a good concept for a story!!! I really really love aus where Dream and Hob are coworkers. Dream being the grumpy, awkward guy who hides behind his coffee mug while Hob is the popular, chatty one who tries to get Dream involved in fun office activities or socialising after work - it makes so much sense to me.
And Dream quitting his long-term dream job because he's mad that genuinely talented people have been laid off? I love it. Dream just has this inate appreciation for hard work and good art, and that's exactly what Hob (and Jessamy and Matthew) do. How dare the stupid company not understand that they're firing people who deserve to thrive and grow in an environment which actually appreciates them? Everyone is shocked that Dream has quit (not only that, he sends around an email to everyone in the company from the ceo all the way down to the work experience guy, outlining exactly why he quit) because he seemed to be the type to play by the rules and never leave his comfort zone. Apparently, Hob has really helped him bloom into a much more confident person, able to express his principles and strive for better.
And Hob isn't surprised, because he always knew that Dream had the courage, talent and ambition to strike out on his own. Maybe he just needed a bit of love and understanding. Which Hob is only too happy to provide.
Their work together sometimes involves long hours and stress, but Dream wouldn't ever want to go back to the slightly soulless corporation where he used to be. Even if he's tired and a little frustrated by Hob’s disorganised workspace, Dream is perfectly content. There's nothing better than curling up in Hob’s lap while he taps away on a line of code. Plus, he has a great time building their wedding website. Hob got to propose, so Dream gets to celebrate their upcoming marriage with his own expression of love through code. The theme colours are, of course, black and red <3
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hoedamn-eron · 1 year
he found the box of condoms - part 3 (finale)
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You and Leto have to deal with the aftermath of your relationship.
Warnings: Age gap, but it is appropriate/legal. Mentions of drinking but it's isn't specified to be alcohol (but it's implied). An awful lot of dialogue. Some swearing. Angsty but happy ending. I have never seen nor read Dune (yet), so there may be some inaccuracies (Duke and Paul being OOC, stuff like that), but it's Modern!AU anyway. Slightly proof-read, as per usual. Word count: 3,025 GN!Reader, no use of Y/N.
FINALLY, I have this posted! Not some of my best work, but I was so aware that I hadn't updated this for 4 months!
Part 2
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You wished you had declined your parent’s invitation to their barbeque.
It had been a terrible week. You had started your new job, but the person you were taking over from must have left the company with spite since they left everything in such a mess, that you technically couldn’t ‘start’ your job until everything was put right again. And there was a snooty woman (Harriet, in sales) on your office floor who had already decided you weren’t worth her time, and she seemed to have her fingers stuck in a lot of pies.
You’re dating life was a joke too. You’d been on a few dates here and there, from your adventures in the worlds of Tinder, and Bumble, but nothing went past the first date. They were all either looking for different things or just general walking red flags. The only ‘successful’ dates you had had were with your neighbour, Tom, who was a really nice guy, who treated you really well, and put an effort into your dates, but you had let him down massively by being too hooked on Leto Atreides. Now you can barely look at him when you happen to pass each other in the hallway of your building.
Speaking of your living arrangements, your apartment wasn’t working out like you thought it would. When you moved in five months ago, you weren’t prepared (or warned about) the excessively noisy neighbours, and the terrible water pressure, and the fact that your apartment was just freezing constantly. You’d already been on your landlord’s case, but he didn’t seem to care in the slightest, not now he’d had your security deposit and months’ worth of rent. You were on the verge of asking your parents if you could move back in until you could afford and better place.
And to top off your already terrible week, Leto was here.
You hadn’t seen him since he broke up with you six months ago, after you told your parents and Paul (who hadn’t talked to you since) of your relationship. It had been a hard time for you, obviously, practically seeing him every day since he lived next door to your parents. Of course, you didn’t expect your parents to stop talking to him, he was their friend before he was your partner (even though your dad had given him the cold shoulder for a while); but they could have given you some warning that he was going to be here.
“I’m sorry,” your mother said after pulling you aside to ‘help with the salad’, away from earshot of the other guests.
You were already shaking your head at her, giving her a tight smile. “It’s fine.”
It wasn’t, but you weren’t going to tell your mother who she can and can’t have in her own house.
“Your father must’ve invited him – “
“Really, it’s fine,” you say, placing your hand on her shoulder. “I’m gonna grab a drink.”
You really needed one.
Your mother soon went back to mingling and you hung around by the kitchen door, regretting your decision to come to the barbeque more and more. Everyone just seemed so chatty and happy, and like they currently had no problems happening in their lives. These people weren’t struggling to get hot water or being shunned in work by their new co-workers.
They most certainly weren’t in the same space as their ex-partners, still hopelessly in love with them. You did feel slightly pathetic, still pining over Leto the way you were, especially when he’d made it perfectly clear that it would be in everyone’s best interests that you separated.
“We shouldn’t see each other anymore.”
You had the feeling that was what was coming when he had said ‘We need to talk’. Nothing good every came from ‘we need to talk.’ But it didn’t stop you physically feeling your heart break in two, your body suddenly feeling like it would collapse.
Leto’s shoulders slumped as he looked at you with, annoyingly, sympathy. “That came out – “
“No, it’s fine,” you breathed, lightly shaking your head. “I get it.”
But it wasn’t fine, and you didn’t get it. You didn’t understand why you two would need to end what you had, just because Paul had thrown a hissy fit. But at the end of the day, you knew – deep down - Leto would choose Paul over you any day; he was his son, his flesh and blood. They’d both been through a lot since Jessica died. Leto would want the easiest life for Paul, and this wasn’t a part of it.
“I’m sorry,” Leto whispered, looking at you with those deep brown eyes, that you always thought held the stars. “I’m so sorry. It’s just you’re young, you don’t want to be with someone like me, an old man. And Paul is…I’m sorry.”
You shook your head at him again, disagreeing with everything he was saying. You both go silent before a wobbly smile makes its way on to your face. “We can always stay friends.”
Leto stared at you for a moment before giving a single nod. “We can.”
You almost roll your eyes at the memory, trying hard to ignore the pang in your chest. You hadn’t even remotely stayed friends. You wanted far away from him as humanly possible after that night. You were pissed off for a while, blaming Paul and wanting to wring his neck, but eventually you accepted that was just how life was going to go. Sometimes things work out how you want, and sometimes they don’t.
No matter how much you had wanted it.
You take a large sip of your drink, almost coughing at the burn down your throat. You truly didn’t want to be here. Maybe you could give your parents a discreet goodbye a quietly sneak out. Surely no-one would notice, only your parents had greeted you. Leto hadn’t even noticed you were here. You take a quick glance around your parents sunroom, your eyes landing on the God of a man himself.
He always looked so effortlessly good looking. He’d grown his beard out a little and God dammit, if salt and pepper wasn’t his colour. His white polo really brought out his golden tan, evident he’d been working in his garden with the nice weather you’d had the last few weeks. He didn’t look like his life was falling apart; obviously, Leto was a perfect human being. Nothing ever went wrong with Leto Atreides.
You sigh as you finish your drink, throwing your head back and looking back at Leto, before jumping out of your skin.
He was looking right at you, an unreadable look on his face.
You avert your gaze quickly, going to take another drink before realising it was already gone. Good, an excuse to disappear and avoid Leto’s coffee brown gaze. You make your way into the kitchen, intending to raid your parents appropriately named ‘drinks fridge’ for a good five or ten minutes. You weren’t ready to face him, even 6 months of being apart. It still hurt.
Once you had refilled your drink, you turn only to nearly drop your drink in shock. Leto had followed you into the kitchen.
Oh God, you’re cornered, there was no escaping him now.
Why, why, did he have to have a voice that melted you from the inside out? It wasn’t fair. And you hadn’t heard him since you moved out, it shouldn’t make you feel like this.
“Hi,” you greet back. You curse yourself as the slight wobble in your voice, but you hope he didn’t notice.
He probably did, but he won’t say anything, because he’s just that nice of a person. He’s even looking at you like he’s causing you such an inconvenience talking to you.
“How are you?”
How were you going to answer that? Would you be honest and tell him that you were the unhappiest you’d been in a while, or would you lie? You could tell him that you were living your best life, that everything was absolutely fine with you, that you hadn’t had a few unsuccessful pity dates with your neighbour across the hall, because all you could think about was the Adonis of a man stood in front of you.
You’re taking too long to answer. The call of your name causes you to blink at him with a quick, “I’m fine.”
Leto nodded, an awkward silence filling the air. You look down at the drink in your hand, swirling it around the glass, biting your lip. You wanted to leave. What were you supposed to talk about? How miserable your life was? How he’s probably living his best single life with all the people falling at his feet?
“Your mom mentioned you’d…that you’d met someone.”
You couldn’t help the snort of a laugh that came out of you. Straight to the point. You shook your head as you look back up at Leto, a confused look on his face. “I wouldn’t say mine and my neighbour’s dates were something to write home about, pretty sure we’re not going to go out again.”
“So you’re not seeing anyone?”
“So I can take you out then?”
You freeze, looking at him with wide eyes. What did he just say? “Pardon me?”
“I’ve been…completely miserable,” he said, huffing a laugh as he shook his head. “The past six months have been rough.”
The nerve! He broke up with you. He decided to end your relationship for Paul’s feelings, which you understood, really you did, but that didn’t mean you were going to just drop everything and crawl back into his arms. He’d ignored you for six months until today. As much as you were pining for Leto when you first spotted him, you couldn’t help but feel put out and pissed off.
Unnerved by your silence, Leto cleared his throat. “I spoke to Paul – “
“That makes one of us,” you mutter.
“He’s mentioned that he misses you and wants to make things right between us all.”
“He could have reached out himself instead of making you come and speak to me,” you mutter. “It’s awkward enough as it is.”
“He didn’t make me – “ Leto huffed, his shoulders slumping. “I’m trying here.”
“I just thought that my feelings meant just as much as Paul’s do.”
Leto sighed your name, closing his eyes in frustration.
“No, I get it,” you say, nodding at him. “As long as Paul’s feelings aren’t hurt.”
Leto looked back at you. “He’s my son – “
“And as I said, I get that, but he was also my friend. And he was a prick.”
“I know, I’m sorry, but you have to understand – “
“I do.”
You both stare at each other.
After a few moments, Leto shook his head at you. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” you counter. “We broke up. That was it. The relationship was evidently too much, so we decided to end it. And now you’re coming up to me, assuming you can take me out, like nothing happened?”
You knew you were being unfair. You had agreed to break it off too, but you had been having a bad week and you weren’t prepared for him to be at your parent’s house after feeling sorry for yourself. And for him to just approach you the way he did and throw his feelings back at you?
You wanted the floor to open you up and swallow you whole.
You found yourself suddenly laughing in disbelief, averting your gaze to look around the kitchen, mainly so you didn’t have to look at his heart-breaking expression, and so he didn’t see the overwhelmed tears in your eyes. “I really didn’t need this today.”
Leto didn’t say anything as you ranted to him, your stress and anger from the past few weeks coming out of you.
“Ever since we broke up, I feel like my life just fell apart. I lost Paul, and you, and my apartment that looked great on paper absolutely sucks and my landlord knows it but doesn’t bother to fix anything. My new job isn’t what I thought it would be and I have already rubbed somebody the wrong way, and I can’t seem to hold down a date with a decent guy, because all I can think about is you!”
You hadn’t realised Leto had made his way to you until he pulled you into his arms. You hadn’t realised you were crying until he was shushing you and whispering apologies in your ear, keeping you to his chest and he lightly swayed you. He was always so warm and welcoming, and always left you wanting to stay in his arms eternally.
You find yourself trapped in a wave of conflicting emotions. As the memories of the time you had spent with Leto flood back, you feel a mix of joy, pain, and longing at being held by him again, even if it was in the middle of a breakdown. Your heart feels heavy with the weight of regret, as you reminiscence on the times you had together and the things left unsaid when you broke up, how it was so sudden when you felt like your relationship had just started.
You don’t know how long you both stood embracing in the kitchen for, but you were vaguely aware of Leto waving your mother away, probably checking to see where you’d both gotten to. You heard your father call to the guests that he was going to start grilling, so you took that as your queue to get out of the kitchen. You pulled away from Leto, wiping at your eyes and avoiding looking at him.
You’d embarrassed yourself enough.
He watched you silently pull yourself back together before you finally look up at him, giving him a shaky smile. “Sorry about that.”
Leto was already shaking his head. “You don’t need to apologise. Ever.”
You take a few more deep breaths, finally calming down. “Did you mean what you said?”
Leto looked at you with a raised brow, before countering back. “Did you?”
Well, yes you did. You know you constantly think about Leto. He’s never far from your mind, you’re always wondering how he was doing since you moved out of your parent’s place, wondering if he ever got back into the dating pool, or if Paul had forgiven him (evidently, he did). Leto was the love of your life, even if you both chose to separate. And despite this, he was giving you the choice to get back together.
You eventually nod at him. “I did. I think about you all the time.”
Leto gave a small laugh of disbelief. “Then what are we both doing?”
You shook your head at him. “I don’t know. Everything was happening so fast, I didn’t…”
Leto gives you a small smile. “I understand.”
“I didn’t want us to break up. I didn’t want to be alone, without you, but you looked like you were doing so well without me and I was practically a pathetic, blubbering mess.”
“I’m sorry I made you feel that way.”
“I’m glad you were as miserable as I am,” you say jokingly, giving a small laugh.
The change in Leto is instant. His shoulders relax, and he starts giving you that small smile that he used to give you when you were having your long talks on dates. It was the smile that warmed your insides and made you feel gooey, like a teenager going to prom with the most popular person in school.
He stuck his hand out to you. “Shall we start again? I’m Leto, it’s nice to meet you.”
You snort but humour him, grasping at his hand as you introduce yourself.
“I just noticed you across the room and I have to say, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
“You’re so cheesy.”
“I remember you used to like me being cheesy.”
You feel your cheeks warm as you gave him a light shove. “We just met, Leto, I don’t know what you mean.”
Leto smiled at you. “Want me to ask you out again?”
You couldn’t help but sigh dreamily at him. Your heart beats hard against your chest as you nodded at him.
“Can I take you out sometime?”
Your breathing quickens, and you still felt like you were melting against that smile of his. This was it. This was your opportunity to be with Leto again, to be happy again. You wouldn’t need to sneak around and you could be a real life couple.
But you didn’t want to risk being hurt again. What if the same problems arose, that Paul wasn’t okay with it after a while, or your parents? Would Leto break it off again? Would he think it was too much again and end things? You were still an adult and could make decisions for yourself; something that others seemed to forget last time.
But you could handle it. You loved him, and you were sure he loved you. And you could be together again.
You nod at Leto. “Yes. I would love to go out with you.”
Leto grinned. “Are you free on Saturday?”
“I am.”
“I’ll pick you up at seven on Saturday then.”
Before you could reply, Leto leans forward, his lips meeting yours. You melt against him, your eyes closing as you revel in the familiarity of their kiss. The way his lips fit perfectly against yours after so long, like coming home after a long journey. You wrap your arms around each other tightly, deepening the kiss, savouring every moment as if you’d never been apart.
As the kiss comes to an end, you both pull away, gazing into each other's eyes, feeling the love and longing that has been building inside you for so long.
“I’ll hide the condoms better next time.”
You let out a laugh before slipping your hand into his, leading him back out to the party. You choose to ignore the smirk your parents were giving each other as you join them.
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Tagged - @m0nster-fvcker, @justanotherkpopstanlol, @eonnyx, @secre-flower, @shaggzthatsnottheworm
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luveline · 2 years
shy reader who starts working with rockstar!remus and thinks he’s super grumpy and mean, but eventually he reveals that he’s a huge softie and is really sweet to her. maybe she gets the impression bc she sees him arguing with someone or gets told something. thanks so much for all your amazing writing!
tw implied slut shaming ♡ rockstar!remus x shy!fem!reader | 1k words
Remus is technically your boss. You don't expect him to treat you any differently than that – a boss employee relationship suits you fine. It actually suits you perfectly. If he'd been chatty like James or overly flirtatious like Sirius you may not have survived this long on tour, but you have.  
Sirius' assistant Mabel had told you on your first day that Remus can be quite short with others. And over time you've found she's right. He doesn't say more than he needs to, he doesn't adopt any beguiling tones. Short, though, might be the wrong word for it. He's quiet. 
You try not to label him too harshly. After all, you barely talk. If people were calling you grumpy because of that alone you'd feel a great sense of injustice.
You wipe your damp cheeks. Maybe being called grumpy might be kinder. Grumpy you can own. Grumpy is something you can actively change. 
"Are you okay?" Remus asks, shocking you out of your thoughts. 
You sniff and stand as quickly as you can, stiff from sitting outside in the cold for so long. You don't look at him as you say, "I'm okay." 
"Are you sure?" 
You chance a glance at his face, unreadable as always. "Yeah." 
"What's upset you?" he asks seriously. 
The wind whips at your clothes and bites at your fingers. You tense them up into balls. With no jacket to hide them in they might as well be made of ice. 
Remus is similarly underdressed for the weather. Different cities, different climates. You miss the South American half of the tour dearly. 
"We should go inside," he says into the silence. 
You don't want to go in yet. "I'm gonna stay out here." 
"It's too cold." 
You nibble the inside of your bottom lip and try to fight another embarrassing wave of tears. "I don't want to go back to my bus, yet." 
He nods, eyes very obviously on the tear dribbling weakly down your cheek. "Okay. Okay, but we can't stay out here. Come on."
He nods his head towards the right where the band's bus, bigger and shinier than anyone else's, sits parked. You follow him up the steps and into the small front where there's a sort of L-shaped sofa around a square table covered in laptops and paper and drinks. You've been in here before, though usually there's another Marauder causing havoc. Remus opens his arm toward the table and you take it as a cue to sit as he disappears into the bedroom area down the way. He returns with a thin quilt and passes it over. Obviously his, it smells exactly like him, woodsmoke and sandalwood and that hint of fruity jasmine. 
You try not to breathe it in too deeply as you pull it over your lap, frigid hands hiding beneath it. "Thank you." 
"If somebody's done something to you, you can tell me." 
"Maybe I'm homesick," you try. 
"Are you homesick?" 
He sits beside you. Not close but closer than you thought he would've. If he wanted to, he could wrap his arm around your shoulder. 
"Are you feeling warmer?" he asks after a minute. 
"Yeah. Thank you. You didn't have to-" 
"Of course I did. You're my favourite assistant." 
You laugh, startled. "I bet you say that to all of your assistants." And he must have a few. You only handle his on tour expenses and comfort. He barely ever needs you.
"Only the very pretty ones." He tilts his head to the side. "Are you okay?" 
His caring tone is sobering. You nod slowly and then with more enthusiasm. "Yeah, I-" You shock yourself when you realise how much you want to just tell him what had happened, and when he smiles at you to keep going, you do. "One of the, uh, one of the tech guys. I got in the way and he- he asked me why I couldn't be more useful. 'N obviously uh, I'm your- I'm usually with you, and it looks… well, they think we're sleeping together. And one of the girls said I have plenty use." Your voice wobbles.
"One of the girls on your bus, you mean?" he asks gently. 
"Yeah. That's why I didn't want to go in." 
"You don't have to go in. I can't get them to put you on a different bus, if you like." 
You shake your head. It's a silly thing to be upset about. So what if everyone things you're having sex with a rockstar, right? And you don't really care about that. Sex is sex. But, the animosity that she'd said it with. 
"I guess- I mean, I thought she liked me," you say weakly. 
"More fool her if she doesn't. You're lovely." 
You laugh wetly. "What?" 
"I said you're lovely. You're sweet. You've never heard that?" he asks. 
You turn your face to him and smile shyly. "No, I've never heard that." 
He raises his eyebrows and rolls his eyes before huffing a breath out of the corner of his mouth. "Well, that's a crime." 
You don't know what to say. You think maybe he's knocked himself unsteady as well, because he reaches over your lap to grab a heavy looking laptop and pull it open in front of you. "I got that movie you like. The one about the aliens." 
"A Dark Line?" 
"I didn't know you liked-" 
"I don't. Or, I mean, I didn't. But you were so excited to see it when we were in Brazil, I thought it must be worth watching." 
The DVD he got is dubbed in Portuguese. You have to sit very close to read the subtitles, and his arm is a heat against yours. When he laughs you can feel it in your chest. 
You sneak a glance at him out of the corner of your eye. His smile is the farthest thing from grumpy, at least in your opinion. 
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mack-devereaux · 1 year
Vince Dunn
Authors note: Vince is my comfort player. I love him. So it’s only fitting that I write about him in a comfort fic. No clue on word count. Pictures are from Pinterest. I think the only trigger is like 3 curse words? And a little bit of angst, just a tiny bit.
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Isn’t it strange? There are so many people out there who secretly love someone. And yet there are so many people who have no idea that someone secretly loves them.
Vince was new to Seattle. He had just gotten traded, he knew it was coming, but yet he wasn’t prepared for how much of a difference it would be. In St. Louis he had his friends. But here, he was so new he didn’t have friends yet and with his family in Canada he was struggling trying to settle in. He just wanted someone to talk to and hang out with. His floor in his apartment complex was very quiet, as far as he knew there were only two tenants, him and a very very quiet person, as far as the other rooms, they were used for storage. He never saw his neighbor nor had he heard them when they came and went. Until today that is, he was texting on his phone while walking down the hallway when all of a sudden something, or someone, smacked right into his chest.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention I—“ the cute blonde stopped speaking immediately when she looked at him “wow your eyes are really pretty.” Vince grinned. Kinda taken aback by the chatty girl. “Oh I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I’m sorry, I’ll pay more attention next time” the girl stuttered.
“It’s really not a big deal. I’m Vince” he stuck out his hand. The girl took his hand and she swore electricity shot up her arm. “Y/n” she smiled dropping her hand and reaching for her apartment keys.
“Well for the record y/n you have very beautiful eyes as well” he added with a wink and a panty dropping smile. He felt an odd sense of calm and peace when they touched hands. “Do you flirt with all your neighbors Dunner?” She asked.
“Wait how do you—“ his eyebrows pinched together, she knew who he was.
“I work for the Kraken sometimes. I’m one of the extra medics they call in when you guys get too crazy out there. It’s my job to know who you guys are. But you should get going before you’re late to training” she leaned into her doorway of her apartment.
“Shit, yea. Well I guess I will see you around then, don’t be a stranger. You can come hang out anytime, I’m only a door away” he smiled and started to walk down the hall to go to the gym. Looking back over his shoulder he noticed her watching him “you too Vince”.
*a few weeks later*
Y/n was sitting on her couch alone, only because Vince was out of town on a roadie. She didn’t realize how much she had gotten used to his presence until he was gone. Literally. He was constantly in her apartment, and if he wasn’t at her place she was at his. At this point they were the equivalent to roommates. Vince tried to convince himself it was because he felt calm and peace around her, not that he had a massive crush on her. He made the mistake of telling his friend Sam about her and he hasn’t heard the end of it.
Y/n wasn’t mad about constantly having the cute hockey player in her apartment over the last few weeks, however she did wish he gave some heads up when he came over though. There’s been many times he just barged in when she was looking like a mess or had just crawled out of bed with her hair everywhere. He claimed it was a cute look for her but she was still mortified. He was like sex on legs, he constantly looked amazing. Between his dark curls and his bright green eyes she knew she was fucked. Plus his constant flirting and the need for physical touch was not helping her case. She quickly picked up that physical touch was how he needed reassurance. He always mentioned how she kept him grounded and not in his head, she took that as a huge compliment, he didn’t seem like the type to let people in very easily.
Her phone vibrated on the table, bringing her out of her trance she had fallen into, she reached out and saw a text from Vince.
From Dunner 😈:
Hey babygirl, you able to talk?
Babygirl, the name he called her when it was just them, she loved it. It often became Babe around his friends and teammates. But she wasn’t mad about that nickname either. She hit the call button and waited for him to answer.
“Someone’s impatient” she rolled her eyes when he answered.
“You’re the one who texted me, I figured it would be a waste of time by texting you, just to have you call me” y/n explained.
“That’s fair. What are you up to?” He said, he sounded tired.
“Laying on my couch” y/n said.
“Sexy, what are you wearing” he smiled.
“Vince” she rolled her eyes “don’t make it weird.”
He laughed “come on babygirl live a little, I know you’re wearing my shirt.”
Glancing down she scoffed “no I’m not” yes she was, “How was your game” she quickly changed subjects.
“I knew it” he grinned biting his lip. He loved when she wore his clothes. “It was good, did you watch?”
“I always do” she sighed “when do you come back?”
“I knew you missed me” he chirped.
“Quit teasing me or I will hang up” she pouted. Messing with the hem of the worn out shirt.
“No you won’t, you miss me too much. But I’ll be back in a few days babe” he yawned.
“I’m gonna fall asleep soon” she said also yawning.
“You should stay up, I wanna keep flirting with you” he whined.
“You’re ridiculous” she laughed.
“You never flirt back, it’s boring” he said.
“Umm yes I do, you’re just super attractive and it makes me nervous to flirt with you too much, I never know when you’re being serious” she laughed.
“I’m always serious babe” he said, after a note of silence on her end he added “get some sleep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow yeah?”
“Yeah, goodnight Vince.”
As y/n hung up he looked at his lock screen photo of them. They were out at a club with the team, she was in a dark blue dress and he was wearing a black t shirt and dark jeans. She was sitting on his lap with his arm around her back and they were taking selfies. He had just touched her exposed shoulder with his cold beer bottle when she jumped. Then he snapped a photo of them mid laugh. It was his favorite picture of them. For as much as he teased her about her missing him, he was certain he missed her way more. Being away from her was weird. Especially since they had only met a short while ago. He’s never clicked with someone this quick before. He didn’t know what to make of it. His friend Sam had tried giving him advice on asking her out but he wasn’t sure how she felt about the situation. A text came through bringing him back to reality.
From Babygirl 🥵:
Goodnight 💕
To Babygirl 🥵:
Goodnight babe
We looked at each other just a little too long to be just friends.
*a few weeks later*
Y/n was adding some final touches to her makeup before she heard her door unlock.
“I’m coming!“ she shouted as she grabbed a hair tie to throw on her wrist. She walked out into the living room seeing Vince drop his duffel bag by the door, he was wearing a dark game day suit and his curls were styled perfectly. It’s a shame that hair will be covered by a helmet soon. Damn he looked good.
“You ready?” He asked.
“Yeah, just let me grab a few things,” she grabbed her purse and her water bottle. She was going to the game tonight because they were playing the Canucks, the Kraken tend to get a little rough with each other when they played teams close to them. Mainly because the crowd was always intense and got the energy going in the arena. So naturally Vince had convinced her to carpool with him, with games like this he always got a little hotheaded. Just having y/n around him seemed to keep him calm. Which he would need after tonight’s match up with their Canadian neighbors. She was his first friend here, and somehow between the late night talks and flirting he had fallen for her. Even some of the teammates had noticed how he kept her close to him, literally and figuratively. Little did he know that she had fallen for him too. How could she not. The two of them just fit so perfectly together. The drive to the game was filled with flirty banter and small talk.
The game was a bloodbath. Penalties were called left and right. Players were coming off the ice like crazy with cuts and bloody noses and injuries constantly. It was a good thing they called in backup, which they definitely utilized. She was right behind the players bench watching everyone with such intensity, even the other team. The end of the second period was nearing, she couldn’t wait for the team to have an intermission to cool down. The energy in the arena was out of this world. She had been to plenty of games before, but none had been this intense.
Then it happened, gloves came off and it was a blur of blue and white wrestling on the ice, punches and insults thrown around like nothing. She forgot how to breathe once she realized it was Vince who was fighting. As a medic she was used to blood, especially at the hockey games, it never bothered her but it was different seeing Vince bloody. She wasn’t sure how long they had been fighting. After what felt like a lifetime the refs finally ripped the players apart. Vince immediately going towards the bench, he was yelling. The teams physician pulling him to the side and down the tunnel checking for any major injuries. They had moved so fast it didn’t register to y/n that they were halfway to the locker room already.
“No, I want y/n! Please!“ Vince shouted. Y/n snapping out of her frozen stance she followed the physician down the tunnel and into the locker room where she heard him shouting. As she turned the corner she immediately went for gloves and gauze. Throwing her hair up in a bun the physician was explaining what she needed to do, he had his hands full with this game, she was happy to help but still in shock that Vince was the one she was tending to. “No concussion, but we need the cut on his lip and cheek cleaned up and check his teeth for any other bleeding. He’ll return for the 3rd period. When you’re done with him send him where the rest of the team is. Oh and check his shoulder too, he took a nasty hit.”
“Yep. Got it” she said as she was washing her hands and putting gloves on to look at his face. As she stepped in front of Vince she grabbed his face gently making him look at her, still in shock over what she had witnessed. Yes she knew hockey was a violent sport. Yes she knew there were lots of injuries. But seeing Vince get hurt and in a fight was something she wasn’t prepared for. He was breathing hard, still pissed off about the call and the fight. But as soon as y/n was in front of him he felt better. She was explaining what she was doing, and asking permission to clean him up. He wasn’t listening, he knew she had to do that for her job. He leaned forward and just hugged her waist, leaning his head into her side, not saying anything. His breathing still heavy but starting to even out.
“Vince, I need to clean that cut,” y/n sighed.
“Y/n please. I need to calm down. Just—Please.” He was wound up, he tried to keep his voice level, not wanting her to hear him yell. So she let him, his sweat and probably blood going on her shirt. She just stood there and rubbed his back, well she tried to rub his back. It was hard with all the pads and gear on. After about 5 minutes of him just hugging her he finally pulled away. She didn’t say anything, she just looked at him, he nodded to her and she started looking at his injuries. He never looked away from her face. He notices the grey swirls in her eyes, she was holding back tears, the long black lashes, the freckles lightly dotting across her nose.
The cuts weren’t bad, and his shoulder was fine. Relief flooded her, when she was done she took her gloves off and threw everything away, “Vince, are you ok” she said looking at him. He was already looking at her.
“I’m ok” he breathed out “thank you baby girl.” He stood up and kissed her on the forehead, letting his lips stay there for a second longer than he should have, and walked to where the rest of his team was. She let out a huge sigh and sat down. After a minute she walked back to the bench for the last period.
The game ended in overtime with the Kraken winning. Y/n was charting and filling out paperwork when the team was finishing up post game interviews and showers. Vince walked around the corner to meet y/n by the team parking, and they walked together to his car. Once in the car Vince’s hand soon found its way to y/ns thigh, still needing some sort of comfort from her, she set her hand on top of his and intertwined their fingers. They said nothing the entire way home. Not even as he grabbed her hand and walked past her door straight to his apartment. It was rare that he was this quiet after games. They always fell so easy into conversations, but she didn’t dare speak first this time. She sat on the couch as he went into his room to change. After a few minutes he came out and handed her one of his old shirts, she walked to the bathroom to change. She grinned once she saw it was her favorite shirt of his, a very worn out hockey shirt from when he played for the Icedogs in his OHL days. It fell to her mid thigh, which was fine, she normally wore boy short underwear so she wasn’t super uncomfortable in just the shirt.
As she walked out of the bathroom she saw him in the kitchen. His sweatpants hanging low on his hips. She could see the tension in his back muscles still. She walked up to him and just hugged him from behind, even though he towered over her. He turned around and lifted her up to where she was sitting on the counter and his hands were on either side of her legs. They stared at each other for a minute. Y/n reached out to brush his curls off his forehead. He leaned into her touch and as she went to grab the side of his face he grabbed her hand a kissed the back of it.
“Y/n. I am sorry for what happened earlier.”
“Vince, I’ve seen you fight before it’s not a big deal, I just panicked for a second when I saw that you were the one hurt, and with everyone screaming that loud in there I just shut down.“
“ No, let me finish please.” He sighed, “it’s not that. I—fuck. He made a comment about you and it set me off. Y/n you give me a sense of calm that I’ve never had before. I’m pretty hotheaded and get worked up pretty easy out there. You’re the only thing that can calm me down, and that terrifies me. Every time I’m around you I just feel peace, and comfort. I’m not sure how to explain it, and I know it sounds dumb but I just need you to stay with me.”
“Vince I’m not leaving, you make me feel the same. I’m not sure when it happened for me either but everything is easy with you. I don’t want it to stop” Y/n said.
“Can we go to bed then? Just relax for the night?” Vince looked at her.
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