#and then we proceeded to get VISUALS
astrhae · 1 year
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“I didn’t know you were paying attention,” murmured Wylan. Jesper grinned. “I was paying attention.”
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engeorged · 8 months
In Good Hands?
Author's note: This is my attempt to write a ghost story, inspired by some of the amazing artwork out there featuring ghost hands. Also, I can't find a way to naturally explain what Yann looks like in the story, but as I'm writing to him, I'm picturing him as something akin to John Krasinski. Very tall and unconventionally handsome but with a killer bod underneath his scruffy clothes. Hope that helps?
Day One
As part of my dissertation on paranormal activity in domestic properties I’ve searched the internet and found the most haunted airbnb that I could find. This is my diary to document my experiences whilst I live here for 3 months. It might be helpful at this stage to list some of the reported sightings that I have come across so far. Then that might give us some helpful data, post study 
1) Several reports of items moved around the house. Mostly furniture and food items found in unusual places
2) Numerous accounts of noises and banging, often around meal times
3) Sightings of ‘ghost hands’ in several places on the property. These are mainly visual sightings with a few vague physical encounters. Interestingly all the people who encountered the hands touching them didn’t want to elaborate. 
4) One person reported feeling uncomfortable when undressing, as if they were being watched
An unusual observation is that so far, all witnesses are male. Normally, the majority of spectral anomalies that are reported are from female witnesses so this is something to ponder as we go forward.
I have set up my equipment around the house with several cameras and heat detectors. I will endeavour to report on a daily basis
Day Two 
Nothing so far. I did wake up in the night to a banging but then discovered a cat had gotten into the property and wanted letting out.
Day Three. 
Again, no actual sightings and no recorded 'feelings' around the house. There have been none of the sensors going off and no recordings on the equipment. The only unusual thing so far was two pizza deliveries to the house that I didn’t actually order. I expect that to be the neighbourhood kids having a laugh. They were paid for though?
Day Four
I’m not sure how to report this but in the spirit of scientific advancement I will forgo my own embarrassment. 
After eating two large pizzas yesterday I woke up in the night needing to go to the bathroom to relieve myself. Stumbling through the house naked in the dark I found the toilet and proceeded to use the facility. The light wasn’t working and so I used the light on my phone to find the paper. I was a little sleepy and disoriented but in hindsight I think someone, or something, handed me the paper. It wasn’t hanging on the wall  anyway and I think it was actually held out for me. I didn’t really notice this at the time but as I was wiping myself clean I stood up to flush and felt a hand grab my left ass cheek and squeeze it firmly. 
I’m not ashamed to say that I ran pretty quickly from the bathroom. It wasn’t till I got to my room that I thought to check the cameras. I was now fully awake and checked everything but with no luck. The camera facing the bathroom was also powered down. I think I need to get the batteries checked. 
Once I calmed down I recorded my findings and headed back to sleep. A promising start
Day Five
It's been an interesting day. Pizzas have been arriving pretty much every hour alongside grocery orders. None of which I’m ordering. I’m starting to wonder whether they are more than just pranks. There is a phone in the house and when I pressed the redial button it connected me to the same pizza place. They were pretty busy and refused to give out order details for data protection purposes, but they guy did ask if I was having some sort of party. 
I’ve been grazing on the pizzas all day. (An important piece of data for later) It was later on in the evening when I was setting up some more equipment and I hadn’t quite realised how much pizza I’d eaten until I felt my belt digging into my lower belly. I’m pretty naturally toned and so it was noticeable. (I’m recording this factually for the study but please understand that’s not a brag)
As I stood up I realised how bloated my stomach was and so I stretched and went to take my belt off. When my hand went to my belt it brushed past another hand also holding my belt. I slowly moved my hands away and looked down. A fairly large male hand was resting on the belt buckle. As I watched, it undid the buckle for me and slid the belt out of the loops and landed on the floor. The hand reached back round, undid my button and then moved up to my lower abdomen where it rested on my belly for a few seconds before dissipating into the air. I physically felt the hand on my skin and it was cool but felt very corporeal.
No more encounters that day.
Day Six
Despite my efforts I have had no more encounters today and no more pizza orders. 
Day Seven
For the sake of the research I endeavoured to repeat day five’s conditions. I had stashed the pizza in the fridge and so tried to eat the same amount I ate on that day. The results were the same and my stomach was yet again visibly distended. I waited for a while in the same room with my belt dowe up and no further encounters. After an hour I decided to call it a night and head off to bed. I was a little surprised to find several pizza boxes in my bed when I got there. There was no sign of the hand and I hadn’t heard any movement. I placed the pizza on the floor and got ready for bed. Still no sightings. I set up an extra camera to track any activity and turned the lights off. Almost immediately I felt rapid movement in the bed and turned the light back on to find all the pizza boxes back on my bed. 
I moved them back to the floor and turned the lights off and yet again they arrived back in my bed. This repeated four more times until the final time when not only did the pizza end up in my bed but one slice found its way into my mouth. I turned the lights back on and found the hand resting on the pizza slice. I took a bite and began to swallow. The hand then waited patiently for me to chew and swallow and then proceeded to feed me the rest of the slice. It paused briefly in the air before yet again dissipating. 
I am left wondering if this apparition is trying to feed me up? I felt no malice towards me and no sense of anger or unrest. Perhaps I need to allow it to do what it wants and see where we get?
Day Eight
Throughout the day, the hand appeared to me several times. Usually during meal times and when I have been in any state of undress. It made no attempt to feed me but did bring me sauces and a few times put additional food on my plate. The hand has not shown up on the cameras but you can definitely see the objects it’s moving. I’m not sure if that will be enough proof though as it does look like I’ve edited it myself. One thing of note is that It tried to help me clean myself in the shower and if I’m being completely objective it actually just sort of felt me up. It was as if it was pretending to help but in actual fact was touching my ass and stomach area. Its touch was gentle but inquisitive? I felt as though I was being explored by something benevolent. 
Day Nine
More of the same today. The hand is getting bolder. Touching me more and bringing me more food throughout the day. I’ve been eating as much of it as I can to appease it but honestly it’s a lot of food. I’m struggling to eat it all. After dinner I was pretty much maxed out and crashed on a sofa. I left my belt to see if the hand would undo it for me and lo and behold it did. This time after undoing my belt and top button it slid up my shirt underneath and began to massage my belly for me. I have to say, for the record, that it was actually very pleasant. I can usually eat a lot but I’d lost track of how much I’d had that day and my normally flat stomach had quite a curve to it. The massage lasted for a good 20 mins and I think I had actually nodded off. 
I awoke with a start to find the hand was joined by a second. The left hand, also male. I wasn’t surprised to see both of them had food. I opened my mouth to see what would happen and the sandwich the right hand was holding was pushed in straight away. It was a little firmer than last time and more insistent but I obediently chewed and swallowed. I think the massage actually helped and I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I was a little hungry!
The left hand brought me a hotdog and began alternating offerings. Not long after, both the sandwich, and hotdog were gone. I waited to see what would happen next. The right hand continued to rub my distended stomach and the left hand appeared with a large pitcher of beer. I would guess maybe four pints worth. I was a little taken aback but the jug lurched towards me and pressed to my lips. I didn’t really have a choice but to swallow as the liquid began to flow. I kept swallowing whilst the other hand continued to massage my expanding stomach. I settled into a pace with no let up from the hand pouring the beer. I was beginning to feel totally maxed again as the foamy beer kept coming. I tried to move the hand but it wasn’t budging. I had no choice but to swallow until the beer was gone. The pitcher fell to the floor and the second hand joined its twin in massaging my bloated stomach. They had at this point pulled my shirt up revealing my distended gut. They were firm but gentle and I can’t lie, it felt really good. As I lay there I couldn’t help but feel safe. Like I was in good hands (if you’ll pardon the pun)
The attention lasted for a good half hour and again, in the interests of recording all the detail, I think they actually got rid of all my gas. The beer and food combo made me belch a lot and the hands seemed to be getting them up. Even giving my stomach a little tap after a good burp. And then just like that they were gone. Leaving me like a beached tourist after a buffet.
I have several questions around the intentions of the hands and why they are so set on feeding me? Is this something that others have experienced? There was no mention of this in the reports I have. Maybe I should contact some of the people who have stayed here and ask some specific questions. I’ll have to word them carefully?
I will have to do this in the morning as I can’t quite think straight whilst I’m this full. 
Day Ten
After the events of the previous evening I slept in until midday. I wasn’t disturbed in the night but I awoke to the smell of coffee and pastries. Heading downstairs I discovered a set table with the hands poised on the back of the chair. After sitting down I attempted to eat the offering but the right hand gently held me back whilst the left proceeded to feed me the croissants. I didn’t think I could be hungry after last night but I managed to eat everything I was given. The hands then disappeared. 
Throughout the day at regular intervals they would appear and continue where they left off. A brunch of poached eggs and avocado, lunchtime sandwiches. Afternoon tea and a main meal of steak and chips. The meals they present are hearty and as the day wore on I struggled more and more with the portions. The hands remain gentle yet firm, I haven’t resisted them yet but I’m not sure what would happen if I did. For now I will oblige as what I am recording is unprecedented in this field. I am yet to capture them on film but I am seeing interesting readings in the infrared spectrum. I need to keep tweaking but I wonder if this data will help me modify a camera to get some footage. 
Heading to bed I half expected more food but as I lay on my bed, my distended belly loudly digesting my feast, the hands appeared one final time to explore my body. The previous encounters had been purely massages of my abdomen or a cheeky squeeze of my ass, but this time the hands started there but quickly covered the rest of my body over. I’m not sure if they are turning into a sexual encounter or not. They have not touched any private areas but the intention of the massage definitely felt more intrusive. I have to admit that I was beginning to feel quite aroused during the whole experience. 
Day Eleven
More of the same today. The hands fed me an even larger breakfast of pancakes, brunch, lunch and two afternoon meals. I wasn’t sure my stomach could take any more when I discovered my evening meal. I walked into the kitchen to find the dining table was filled with what looked like a meal for four! A whole roast chicken dinner was laid out on the table with all the trimmings. I felt a little sick just looking at it. My gut was still packed full from the whole day's feeding sessions. I hesitated at the door, wondering what to do when the hands appeared behind me and gently pushed me forward toward the banquet. They weren’t aggressive but I definitely didn’t have a choice but to move. When I reached the chair the hands pushed down on my shoulders and indicated to me to sit. They set about unbuttoning my shirt and removing my belt, which I allowed. The left hand began to massage my stomach, which I also allowed. (They are very good at massaging my stomach when it feels super stuffed and full). I decided to resist slightly to see what would happen. I spoke to the hands to tell them politely that I wasn’t really hungry this evening after all the food they had already given me. This didn’t deter them in any way as the right hand pulled off a chicken leg and brought it to my mouth. I shook my head and politely declined. The leg stayed in front of my face. We waited for a little while in a bit of a standoff. It was even more unexpected then, that the left hand then reached round to my side and began tickling me. It was so out of the blue that I opened my mouth to laugh out loud. At that point the chicken leg made it straight into my mouth. I bit off a mouthful and laughed, I submitted to their feeding yet again. This time the hands were much more persistent and felt even more attentive. As I ate, they paused to give more belly rubs, and would move me when I slouched or needed to belch. At one point they even tipped my forward and rubbed my back to help me belch which also made me laugh. 
I was so busy trying to keep track of what they were doing that I didn’t notice I had eaten the whole meal. The moment of realisation was as I saw the hands withdraw and I saw all the plates were empty. I looked down at my stomach and saw how distended I was. It was as if I had swallowed half a basketball. In fact that’s inaccurate. It felt more like half a bowling ball. 
The hands seemed very happy with what they had accomplished and did a small clap as I tentatively gave my own stomach a quick explore. The fullness at that point hit me and I felt incredibly uncomfortable. I tried to stand up but they stopped me. I began to protest but soon found my mouth full with beer. The pitcher from the previous evening had been brought back out and they were pouring it down my throat. I had no choice but to swallow or choke but the pressure of the beer in my stomach was increasingly difficult to handle. I tried to push it out of the way but the hands kept on pouring. As the pitcher was finished I coughed and sputtered and pushed one more time and the now empty glass jug flew across the room and shattered against the wall. The hands immediately began to make me stand and I began to worry that they were angry but I was yet to feel that from them. They helped me get to my room and almost laid me down on the bed. 
As I lay there they began to undress me. Pulling my trousers down and taking my already open shirt off my back. I lay there bloated and aching only in my underwear and socks. The hands began again exploring my tightly packed abdomen. Tracing the curve of its distended rise and gently massaging some of the aches out. I closed my eyes and let them continue. At some point I must have drifted off to sleep but when I awoke the following morning I was in the same position but totally naked. My stomach had gone down some from the previous evening but I was still pretty distended. 
From a scientific viewpoint I am incredibly excited about the results I’m getting. An encounter like this has never been fully documented. I feel like Davies exploring the Antarctic for the first time. This will be groundbreaking research into the paranormal and may even get me a full residential post. 
But from a human perspective I am totally baffled as to what is happening. Ghost hands have taken a shine to me and are regularly and consistently stuffing me full of food and giving me sensual massages. What the actual fuck is going on. And I’m being totally honest with myself, they are actually starting to feel really good? I'm finding myself looking forward to encounters with the hands. I sense they are intrigued by me and that they are also enjoying this as much as I am. There seems no mal-intent and nothing malignant about what’s happening. From a purely detached perspective, I need to understand if my feelings are mine or if the hands have some sort of supernatural ability to manipulate my emotions. I have to admit, it all feels very real though. 
Day Fifteen
As I write this, I’m finding it incredibly hard to sit upright, I'm so full. After the enjoyable but intense feeding session on day eleven I have been subjected to something a little more intriguing and a little more sinister. 
The hands didn’t really bother me at all for the whole day on day eleven. The occasional appearance where they would just touch me but no food and nothing sustained. I was beginning to wonder if they were done with me. As dusk approached I was busy setting up some equipment in the kitchen, as I was starting to wonder where the food was coming from and I wanted to see if they were actually cooking it themselves when the light all went off suddenly. I found my phone and turned on the torch and tried to find my way to the  fuse box. As I stumbled in the darkness down into the cellar I felt the now familiar hands on the base of my back, guiding me down. They clearly wanted me to go somewhere and they were pushing me a little harder than I was expecting.
When I reached the cellar I found lights already on. The fuses obviously hadn’t blown, but the hands had done something else. I could smell food in the air and instantly felt my saliva glands begin to water. As I turned the corner I saw they had set a lazy-boy in the middle of the floor and there were two tables full of food laid out. And when I say full of food I mean a full banquet for a few dozen people. A whole thanksgiving meal was laid out including a whole turkey and hams and pies aplenty. I felt strangely worried and also very hungry. Guided by the hands I sat in the chair and waited to see what would happen. I suddenly remembered that I had not set up cameras there yet and went to stand to go get some, but the hands came thumping down on my shoulders, forcing me to sit. They were not keen on me leaving. This also didn’t feel as playful as before and I felt a little nervous that there was no way I would be able to eat all this food? (How wrong I was)
The hands began removing my t-shirt, which was something they had done before. Unbuckling my belt was next as they pulled my trousers off, folding them neatly and placing them amusingly to the side. They began to explore my body gently but firmly. As they did so I began to see that I’d put on a little timber in the past few weeks. My normally flat stomach was a little more puffy than usual. It had been blown out and bloated for a few days and it was only now that I hadn't eaten for a few hours that I could see its newly acquired pounds. The hands had definitely noticed as they both mainly stayed around that area, clearly enjoying themselves.
I lay there (enjoying the attention if I’m honest) until abruptly they stopped and I felt the hands lifting up my arms above my head. This was new and I should probably have been more suspicious of this than I was. I wasn’t aware of what they were doing until I heard a click and looked up to see they had placed handcuffs on my wrists which were attached to a rope tied to the ceiling. As I struggled to free myself, I heard two more clicks as my ankles were also cuffed to the bottom of the lazy boy. I wasn’t stretched out but there was no way I was going anywhere and that’s when the food started coming and let me tell you it did not stop.
I completely lost track of time down there, suffice to say the hands were determined to get every last mouthful of food into me. They would take it in turns pushing fistfuls of pie and meat and roasted vegetables into my mouth. I wouldn’t say they were increasingly aggressive, but they were very insistent. At the beginning, I would be given a bite of something and allowed to chew and swallow but the next bite would come straight away. The pressure in my stomach would increase and increase until I thought I would burst and then they would pause, returning to the belly rubs and massages. I would eventually fall asleep only to be woken a few hours later for the next round of feeding. More and more food pushed into my mouth until I couldn't take any more. This pattern continued for what I now know was 3 days. That’s how long it took me to eat the whole banquet. And I tell you that every last mouthful was fed to me. Not a crumb was wasted. 
I am now fully aware that I was under some sort of supernatural influence here. My stomach is way bigger than humanly possible. It's gone from a basketball size when full to to a pregnant looking beer gut. Perfectly round and tight and engorged. There is no physical way a person would be able to eat the amount of food they have packed in me, even at the rate they fed me over the past few days. Also, at no point did I attempt to spit the food out or refuse, I simply gave in and let them stuff me. 
I will at some point try to document exactly what I ate and how it happened but for now this is all I can manage. If I think of how much food is currently inside me I begin to feel quite nauseous. If I can manage to get to my feet, my belly now starts straight under my ribs and sticks out at least a foot before curving underneath my belly button and tapering in at my v line. It's as tight as a drum and warm to the touch and as I breathe only my chest goes in and out. I don't think I have ever seen anything like this.
In addition, I should note that the massages became a lot more personal in nature. Again for science I admit that as my stomach was filled, so too were other parts of my anatomy. A state of arousal which the hands most definitely noticed. As they massaged my food baby they also began to massage other engorged parts of my body. To climax. Being totally frank, these have been the most intense orgasms I have ever experienced in my life. The climax started as normal but as it built it spread up the bottom of my distended stomach giving me a whole body experience like nothing I have experienced. It seems that a supernaturally full abdomen is capable of a belly wide orgasm. I need to ask one of my female friends if that’s what a female orgasm feels like. 
I am beginning to feel like I need to leave the house at this point. The experiment has already brought me a huge amount of data and I’m worried if I stay I will end up even larger. I am worried to think what they are going to try and pack in me next. I should have weighed myself before the past experience but alas I only have my memory of my weight beforehand. I can’t imagine how my body will digest this amount of food and what will happen to my already bloated stomach after the next day or so. 
As I wrote that last sentence the hands have come back. They are currently resting on my belly shelf and I feel they are pretty pleased with themselves. I’m going to see what happens next but for now I’m turning off my laptop. 
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entity9silvergen · 4 months
What if Ingo was an opera singer?
I work at a performing arts center but I'm not really a music guy so I usually just mentally clock out and do fic planning during shows, and submas has been my hyperfixation for most of my time at this job which means I'm basically just thinking about putting Ingo in situations the entire time.
I saw an opera a couple of weeks ago that sparked some ideas for a fic I've been working on. Inspirational stuff. Today though I saw another opera and it had a few different people singing, including some men which I've never heard before, and I thought hey Ingo's a loud boy and proceeded to spent the rest of the time thinking about that.
Fanonically, Ingo's voice is a big part of his character. He's loud where Emmet is not and he's often more comfortable speaking than Emmet is. What if we just took that to a whole 'nother level? I love that Ingo and Emmet both battle and run the subway together but I also like them having lives separate from each other.
I can see Ingo standing atop Mount Coronet and just singing. Absolutely just belting and his voice just ringing across the land. Maybe Meli hears it from afar and bullies him into singing at a clan get together.
Back in Unova, Emmet was never one for music but since Ingo disappeared, he's gone to every opera performance in Nimbassa. Elesa's been trying to get him to stop because it upsets him but Emmet keeps going.
I don't think I'd write this but I like the visual of Ingo signing on the mountain and Emmet watching a show from the audience and a time-space distortion just yoinking Ingo from Hisui and putting Ingo on the stage, only Ingo doesn't notice so everyone is just silently freaking the fuck out while Ingo just keeps singing.
If I do anything with this idea in any way, I'll reblog this post with a link.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
Costume Meta 7x02
We are short on the costumes to look at this week as we continue this multi episode arc, so this meta is going to be a pretty short one! I’ve had a pretty busy weekend, so things have worked out for me and its also the reason why I'm only posting this on a Tuesday evening!!!!
There are a few things to point out before I get to the main costumes - we have more bright pink in play here - on the Mom in the car that got hit by the drunk driver. I still have no idea what its trying to tell us a this point, but I have my eyes peeled for more bright pink to appear in the next couple of episodes and see if I can unravel its use.
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On the non costume front, on the ship - its a yellow cable that leads to the bomb that ensures communication cannot be restored to the ship when nit explodes - the fact the communications engineer also dies, just re-emphaises the point. Communication is a key theme in this episode.
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Back to costumes an in the same vein as the cable, we see Captain O’s deputy in his yellow rain coat when she gives the abandon ship order, and the yellow wire is prominent on the radio when she tells him to do so. He is now the one responsible for communicating her order to the rest of the ship and getting everyone onto the life boats. This is good and effective communication and we see the results of it as we are shown the ship being evacuated. 
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Hen and Karen are the only ones we get in a new costume this week.
Lets start with Karen - its an interesting choice - we have her in this navy blue shirt and trousers combo with a brown belt. the top has blue and green Richelieu (cutwork) design on the sleeves and the trousers are also decorated with Richelieu. There are two things at play with this costume choice - the almost entirely navy outfit places her in the same category as Chim, Buck and Eddie. this is very very intentional - Karen mirroring/paralleling them places her in the same position they hold - Karen is meant to be there to show that Hens thought process is flawed and as an outsider to proceedings thats really important for the audience - we need to see that Hen isn't this flawless captain that we've been shown up to this point. The other thing it's designed to do is maintain Hen as separate from everyone else. This visual device helps the script re-enforce things so that when she is then spurred into trying to get hold of Bobby and Athena we are focused on her because of her 'otherness' visually she stands out and we obviously need her to to help drive the narrative forward.
The other thing with Karens costume is the green and blue Richelieu which creates this visual representation of storm clouds swirling and moving in - a subtle reference, not only to Hen's currently cloudy viewpoint on things, but also to the impending storm brewing out in the ocean around the cruise ship. I really love it when they can drop subtle hints like this in set and costuming!
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THen we have Hen!
Putting her into her white tee, jeans, green sneakers and this printed silk jacket, and not showing her changing out of her uniform into said outfit while the rest of the firearm are still in uniform helps to separate her from the ‘three Judases’ its a really loud and obvious visual way of separating her from the not only the three boys, but also from the firehouse as a whole. The way the scene is set up helps with this as well -she is on the same side of the bench and room as Chim, Buck and Eddie, until they question her version of events (Eddie is the one to actually ask the question and he is the one dressed differently to Chim and Buck - this isn't about putting him in opposition to them, more just visually signalling that he's the one to ask the important question that we as viewers should be ready for) and then she moves away from them and becomes visually in opposition to them. Its the perfect example of costume, set and direction working in perfect harmony to tell the story visually - we don't actually need to hear whats been said, we can tell it all from the way its shown to us visually.
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Hens jacket is a fascinating choice - it plays into a couple of themes we’ve seen in action over the two episodes we’ve had thus far. I did write a little bit about it when we got the first stills of it (which I now cannot find - stupid tumblr search!) but essentially it is a jacket that has various places around California - the golden gate bridge, the redwood trees in Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, etc. as well as the victorian style rose pattern running along the cuffs and edges of the jacket.
The pink roses are a really lovely touch - and one I picked up on specifically because Hen is not a flowery kind of person, so seeing them on her means they are important. Pink roses are generally considered to signify a strong friendship or family bond - something that is ultimately at the heart of matters - the fire family are just that - a family and they might have argument's etc, but they still love each other as a family and will go all out to be there for each other. Its a low key piece of
then we have all that water - do we even need to talk about its meaning?!! Its a literal visual play on the entire them of this arc - water! We all know that water is a really key theme that 911 uses a lot in its storytelling, whether thats big water based events such at the Tsunami or this cruise ship disaster, or smaller low key water theming such as the rain being present at so many of the disasters we see. I'm interested that we now have it appearing on Hen - because it hasn't really been connected to her in many of her personal story arcs (by this I mean arcs such as her deciding and training to be a doctor, Henren's journey through parenthood, the ambulance crash or even Karens lab blowing up last season) so its interesting that we're now seeing her pulled into the water theming in a visual way like this. It is also a play on the two aspects of this episode - there is the loud water theming of the Cruise ship, but there is also the fact Hen has landed in hot water/ deep water.
Hen is also wearing her 'H' necklace, not her 'K' one. This is important because her necklaces tend to be a visual indicator of what her arc is about - the 'H' is worn when it's about her specifically and not her marriage/ family, which is when we tend to see the 'K' heart pendant being worn.
Thats all from me this week! Thank you as always for reading and I hope you enjoyed the shortness of this post - I doubt many of the others will be this short 😂
Tagged peeps below!
@theladyyavilee @mistmarauder @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @mandzuking17 @spotsandsocks @loveyou2thecore @rogerzsteven @wanderingwomanwondering @oneawkwardcookie @leothil @copyninjabuckley @shammers86 @crazyfangirlallert @missmagooglie @katyobsesses @radiation-run @gayandbifiremenofmine @bi-moonlight @crazyaboutotps @princesschez75 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @sherlocking-out-loud @evanbuckleysarms @satashiiwrites
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thelureking · 1 year
I had this idea to make a list of all the games I played in 2022, half as a recommendation list, and half because I struggle to remember when I played what. I have a really bad time ranking stuff, so I'll just list them chronologically (or, as chronologically as I can remember).
Note: Sometimes I dont have a lot to say about a game, but that doesnt mean I didn't like it or that it isn't good.
So, with that being said:
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1) Our Life: Beginnings and Always
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This game has put visual novels on another level entirely. How must I go on knowing that I will never be treated like royalty by any other game like this did. Our Life tells the story of your friendship and/or romance with Cove Holden, your new neighbor. This Visual Novel remembers an insane amount of stuff you choose, and it can put you in the state of mentioning something you did as a kid that you completely forgot about. I actually really liked how you can go the entire game as just friends, or choose when your character develops romantic feelings. I cannot overstate how well made this entire thing is. Can't wait to play the DLCs and for the sequel to be released.
Absolute recommend.
2) Iron Lung
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If you have a computer, you can play it. It is not an option.
Claustrophobic above all, this game captures the pure dread of the unknown, building tension and atmosphere as you travel through this unknown planet's red sea. Highly recommended.
3) An Outcry
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Amazing game that I don't see enough people talking about. The first game that made me actually physically ill while playing an alternative route. I don't know what hit me the most, the subject matter or the type of person I played in that route, a person I know exists and maybe I've met, a person I hope I never become. I knew what the game was specifically referencing, but I found it good that it was able to trigger that response on someone who lives in an entirely different place, with different historical events, but with enough similarities that made the feeling of dread and disgust that much real. Its message is clear and loud as it should be, and one that I think maybe now more than ever needs to be heard. I cannot recommend this game enough.
4) Stillwater
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Now this is a Visual Novel that I really liked and would have loved for it to be longer, but I love it as it is. It left me wanting more about the world and its characters, and I think that's a good thing. It feels unfair that this is the one I typed the least about, knowing how much I liked it. It's really worth the read/play.
5) The Caribbean Sail
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Have you ever wanted to be a sailor or a pirate? Have you ever wanted to grab a ship, sail into unknown destinations, encounter supernatural phenomenons and watch as your fellow crew members die of disentry five seconds after leaving your first port? Because if so, I have the perfect game for you. It's inspired by the Oregon Trail game, and that's literally what the gameplay is like, except on the sea. Which was enough of a selling point for me.
6) Carrion
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My child, it has every disease. Loved the concept when I saw the trailer, forgot I can actually buy games now, and then proceeded to do that. Being able to live my fantasies of being a flesh creature that destroys and eats everything in its path was a delight. The creature is my child and I love it very much.
We need more games that let you play as the monster, I'm serious.
7) The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
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This game is both my beloved and the thorn on my side. Who would have thought that in a game like this you would proceed to suffer through life? I said to myself as if I hadn't known what I was getting into. You'll experience loss, you'll struggle to make a name for yourself, your family will fall apart, and you may never kiss your best friend Tommas who gave you a totally platonic ring to commemorate your friendship because the game doesn't want you to.
Or you'll have a different experience than me on my first playthrough.
You follow the titular Sir Brante from the moment of his birth to his last breath, exploring the world he lives in, full of injustices that at times made me go "I do not care about the lots, give me a fucking gun so I can take you to the fucking Twins". There are many branches regarding life paths, the fate of your family and that of the entire city you live in. But don't worry about it now, keep looking at those toy soldiers at the store as a little kid, I'm sure nothing will happen in the future.
8) Princess Maker 2 Refine
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And apparently I didn't get enough of walking a kid through life.
Who looks at a game about raising a little girl by managing her monthly schedule and balancing her stats, health and money and says "yes, this is the game I'll play to destress"?
I do that. Don't ask why.
I have only reached two endings, in one my beautiful daughter became the royal painter, her art held as the most beautiful and inspiring in the entire world. In another, my girl made a name for herself by exploring the lands surrounding the kingdom, so fast on her feet nobody could even scratch her; she married a dragon prince and became the teacher of her own fighting school.
And even with all of that, her goddess mother was not happy.
So yes, this is the "divorced dad who got custody" experience.
9) Planescape: Torment
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What can change the nature of a man? That is a question posed by one Ravel Puzzlewell, night hag of the Gray Wastes. It is one of the many questions that this game asks, intertwined by the many philosophies it presents. Planescape Torment does not stick to one question, it asks many, and it lets you answer.
It is a beautifully written game, one of the best I have ever read. There is one moment that I do not wish to spoil, but it still sticks to my head months after I experienced it. As a writer, I found myself fascinated by how a certain event was told, all because of the way it was presented.
It feels like an injustice to not talk in length about Planescape: Torment, but I seriously don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't played it yet. A blind experience is fully worth it. All you need to know is that this is the game that made me post for the first time here, two dumb memes for myself and one short analysis that sometimes reminds me that yes, people can interact with it. Shameless link to it here
10) Growing my Grandpa!
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If I had to describe this game without saying too much, I would say it's "heartwarming horror". Two words that don't usually go together, but that they perfectly fit here. The story is, like the title says, about growing your grandpa, more like helping a girl grow her grandpa, but still. Strangely sweet and unnerving, I was tense the entire time, and even when I had to replay it to get the second ending (this was entirely my fault, since I could have gotten it way easier) that tension never left.
11) FAITH: The Unholy Trinity
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I don't remember how I found out about this game, but I remember waiting patiently for it to get a steam release so I could buy it and play its three chapters all together. The day finally came, and all that waiting was worth it.
The gameplay is simple, yet the developers found a way to have me both crying in fear and frothing by the mouth out of anger every time I saw the game over screen (affectionately). In terms of difficulty, I would say the game is easy until it isn't, looking at you Chapter 2 and 3 Final Bosses, you bastards. Then again, I saw people say they struggled in places I didn't, so I would say it depends on the player.
The story is so interesting and it's still marinating in my brain please I need people to talk about how the prologue of chapter 2 and the one note in chapter 3 relate please. The cutscenes are also so well done, and I had to restrain myself from using one as a second picture because I didn't want to spoil any of them.
All in all, a must play, fully recommend it.
And remember:
12) Inmortal Mantis
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This is a tricky one. On one hand, the game starts off by basically spelling out every action you have to do, and suddenly it goes full on "fuck around and find out" mode. On the other, the game implements some interesting mechanics that I would love to see developed on a longer game, but I am not going to put the length against it while knowing how hard it is to make a game. And maybe being short plays in its favor.
13) Who's Lila?
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This game is my King in Yellow. I cannot stop thinking about it. I finished it with all endings and achievements in a day, and it wont leave me alone. It is always there, forever crawling at the back of my head, stretching itself over my brain and weaving my thoughts into a spiral as easily as a spider weaves its thread. It made itself a home in my mind and I won't kick it out any time soon. I played it because the concept of controlling a character's face in place of a dialogue wheel was interesting, and the story and the way it's presented (hand in hand with the gameplay) lured me deeper and deeper. I cannot even describe it without giving it the praise it deserves. It takes full advantage of its medium. Playing this game is an experience that I can't recommend enough, and I'm surprised it hasn't gotten the recognition it deserves.
14) Someone stole MY LUNCH!
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This visual novel is pure fun. The humor is so good I found myself reading the entire thing out loud while wheezing. I actually found out recently that it's made by the same people that made Stillwater, which, looking at it now I should have known. It's good and I'm not still over not seeing that one joke coming; well played.
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... INSIDE A BAG OF MILK is a short visual novel about a girl going to the grocery to buy milk, and the challenge this seemingly small action can be. It is your responsibility to help her through this.
The steam page description perfectly summarizes it: "This is an artistic manipulation with word and form, only then - a game."
Reblog with more games
Or, you can jump to the 2023 list!
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sugawhaaa · 5 months
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☆--------------PERVER PT.2
☆---------------------------phone call
A/N:: remember when I said that I thought my gf was mad at me? Well she wasn't BUT she did break up with me 2 days ago....so....
TAGS:: @main-character0
It had been three days since the incident happened with Baji and Chifuyu and since then they haven't been at school. That was until today in science. A group project had been assigned and you were partnered with Baji and Chifuyu. Of course Chifuyu tried to do some work on the project but Baji wouldn't let him. Drawing smiley faces and weird doodles.
"Baji, do you think you could help a bit maybe?" Chifuyu sighed as he wrote down some notes. You were planning the poster and drawing sections in your own little world. "We're going to have to work on this after school but I'm afraid my house won't work," Chifuyu spoke in the loud room. You thought for a moment and remembered what Baji had said "That Chifuyu’s parents aren't present in his life!"
"We can go to my house," Baji chimned in. "My moms super chill and my dad is out of the country right now so it'll be nice, quiet, and calm," He smiled as he reassured Chifuyu.
"Does that work for you?" Chifuyu asked you. You nodded.
"It'll probably be fine but I'll text my mom just yo be sure," you pulled out your phone and texted your mom. She replied to you a little while later and told you to be safe but other than that you were free to go. Baji and Chifuyu told you to meet them by the picnic table out back.
After school you met up with the two of them and you walked with them to Bajis house. You felt a little awkward but the other two didn't seem to mind you being there at all and proceeded to include you in their antics. You eventually arrived at Bajis house and you all had some peyoung together before getting started on the project. It ended up being extremely fun, you started getting a warm fuzzy feeling of happiness when around them. Midway through working Baji got a call. Before answering he showed it to Chifuyu and Chifuyu nodded. Baji answered the phone.
"Yo," he said into the mic. There was muffled talking over the other end. "Right now?" He spoke again. "Shit, alright well I got Chifuyu with me right now. We'll be over as soon as possible," Baji said in a serious tone. Chifuyu patted Bajis back with a big smirk.
"Let's go,"
"What!?" Baji and Chifuyu said they'd be kicking you out and you could walk home. You said your goodbyes and they walked off but you didn't. You were going to follow them. Not all the way to wherever they were going and you wouldn't be a creep about it, it was just suspicious. And you were curious. Nothing serious. You watched them for a while and they went back inside the house. Shortly after they came out in Tokyo manji gangs outfits and Baji had no glasses on and his hair down. He looked like a whole man. He turned to your general direction with a frown, his sharp cat-like eyes cutting through the evening air.
"What's up?" Chifuyu asked as he put his hands in his pockets.
"Nothing, just thought I heard a bike," he said in a raspy and deep voice. Very different from his nerd tone. They were so different in every way imaginable, voice, visuals, attitude, aura everything. Worst of all, they were wearing TOMAN outfits. Toman. You started to second guess following them but you checked your watch to see it was 5:33 and you told your mom you'd be home by 6 to 6:30 so why not follow them. Chifuyu started walking to the right before realizing Baji wasn't following.
"Aye, what about our bikes?" Chifuyu spoke sternly.
"The fights near us, it'll take us at most 15 minutes," Baji said as he walked steadily down the sidewalk. You followed behind them not too closely before feeling something grab your hair and a hand go over your mouth. You tried to scream but nothing came out. Everything went black.
When you awoke you were in a dim lit room tied to a chair, the stench of cigarettes and weed burned your nose. A man with long hair sat on a table, another with a buzz cut leaned against the wall on the opposite side with a baseball bat. The long haired one glanced at you before turning to the other man.
"She's awake," he said with a tilt of his head. The one with the bat looked at you before standing up.
"Why did we even kidnap her in the damn first place," he growled as he grabbed the head of the chair and pulled you close. Fear coursed through your body. You were kidnapped and you still didn't know why or what they were gonna do to you.
"She was suspicious and an easy target," the other man explained as he stood next to the other. They argued for a while about what to do with you and what the best option was. That was until the one with a bat commented.
"Why don't we pleasure ourselves with her? She looks young so she's probably a virgin," your jaw dropped and you shook your head intensely as if they would listen. 
"That would mean we'd have to untie her," the other rolls his eyes and puts his hand on his hip. "And what if you get her pregnant?" 
The other shook his head and put his hand on his friend's shoulder. 
"Trust me this isn't my first go at this. She won't need to be untied, they don't fight as much when they're tied," he stated as he started undoing his belt. The other rolled his eyes but still watched. The man then took off his pants and went to take off your skirt. You fought back but you weren't strong enough for two men. It was only when they got your panties off you started seriously panicking. Tears streamed down your face when a loud thud was heard at the door. The man in front of you grumbled and told the other guy to answer the door. The man's hands touched your bare skin and you jumped away from his hands. He slapped you hard at your "disobedience" 
The door was kicked to the floor with Baji standing behind it with his foot up, chifuyu behind him, and two other blond men. You yelled in joy but they couldn't hear you over the tape. The man in front of you joined the other to start fighting but Baji and one of the other blond boys fought back. Chifuyu attended to you.
"Y/N! Why are you here, what happened?" He said as he bent down to your level and untied you. After freeing your arms he undid the tape on your lips, red marks on your face from the tape. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around your waist to cover your exposed body. He stroked your face comfortingly. "It's okay, we're here now, shhh," he said as he hugged you in his arms as you sobbed. You looked up at the room through your watery eyes to see the men responsible on the floor covered in blood. Baji looked down at you with a stern frown before instantly softening.
"Oh my god Y/N? What the Hell are you doing here!?" He sounded angry at you and you flinched before he bent down to you as well. 
"When I found her they had taken off her clothes and had her tied to a chair. I can only assume they had planned to do the worst to her," Chifuyu informed Baji as he continued to hold you. Baji scoffed.
"Those motherfuckers are gonna get it!" Baji stood up and stomped on one of their heads. "We're you going to rape this woman!?" He yelled at them. "ANSWER ME!" He yelled even louder.
"Y-yes! I was! Now please leave us alone!" The man on the floor cried and Baji frowned.
"You think you can just run off after pulling some shit like that!?" Baji lifted the man and proceeded to punch him continuously against the wall. "She is an innocent young woman that you stumbled upon and thought you could just use!? Huh!? You fucking punk. You never ever hit a woman! She could be your sister or your ex or your own God damn mother but you never raise a damn hand at her ever again alright!?" Baji said as he beat him to near death. One of the blond guys you didn't know held back his arm.
"Listen I know what he did was unforgivable but…let him go," he spoke softly.
"I should snap his dick. That'd teach him a lesson!" Baji clenched his fists together.
"Then you would be no better than the man himself. He almost violated your friend's body and you almost violated his. If you overstepped his boundaries you would be doing worse than what he did to your friend," he explained. He was right. Baji set the man down and looked back at you, his face covered in blood. 
"Are you okay?" He asked softly. Back to his normal school voice.
"I'll be okay," you blush and cover yourself. 
"Friend of yours?" One of the blond men put his arm around Baji.
"Yeah we know her from school,"  said as he helped you up on your feet. "And she must've disobeyed us and followed us anyways," Chifuyu frowned at you. You looked away and sighed. "Remember what I told you at the picnic tables?" He said softly you worried thinking he was talking about hitting a girl. You flinched. "No, the other thing," he chuckled. You thought for a minute. "Me and Baji are involved in some shit that could end you up really hurt or even dead," Chifuyu hugged you. "Please stay out of this from now on okay? We shouldn't have lied to you for so long,"  shook his head before looking at you again. Your eyes are still leaking. "Here,"  took out a piece of paper. "Draken you gotta pen?" He asked one of the blonde boys.
"Why the Hell would I bring a pen around with me?" He raised one brow. Next thing you know he threw a pen at Chifuyu, right for the head. Chifuyu grabbed it with reflexes faster than lightning.
"So you could've caught all of those…" you thought to yourself. Whenever Baji threw things at him at school he just let it happen but really he's faster than lightning, you could hardly follow the pen that's how fast it moved. "You could've caught that pen that Baji threw at me!" You called him out as he wrote on the piece of paper. 
"Guilty~" he chuckled before handing you the paper. "This is Baji and mine phone numbers. Call us when you're home and safe alright? Call us at any time if you're in some shit alright?" 
You nodded and took the paper. You pulled out your phone and entered in the numbers. "My house is on the way to yours so would you want me to walk you?" He asked. You nodded and said goodbye to Baji and…friends before walking off with Chifuyu. "I'm sorry," he said out of the blue.
"For what?!" You looked surprised.
"For what happened to you…one of us should've walked you home or we should've told you what we were doing!" He sighed and grabbed his hair tightly. The thought of him being able to help you but not doing it was like nails on a chalkboard to him.
"It's okay, I was being dumb!" You tried to explain to him. He pulled you into a hug again. 
"No. It's my fault and that's the end of it okay." He said sternly and he held you.
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readychilledwine · 3 months
we want the juicy details on your sexual awakening
It's not that juicy. It's actually fairly sad, but someone else may be at this point and need to hear it.
Warning - questionable consent, technically a form of sex work, total power exchange, abusive relationships, mental health issues, learning to adapt, and becoming a survivor instead of a victim.
I was a really really good kid and teen. Like I addressed, I got my kicks from fanfiction. I dated once in high school, and it never went further than kissing (which caused my first break up and broken heart). My first "What is happening to my body," came from watching The Mummy, and it wasn't something I could discuss with anyone besides my older brother who did the best he could to try to talk to me about safe sex.
I moved away from my parents in 2014 and went to a college about 4 hours away. Aka- close enough to mom and dad to drive home once every couple months, not close enough for them to randomly show up. I was an art major focusing on art history and visual design, and that required me to take a life drawing class.
Tender 18 year old Liz, a starving college student working two jobs, ended up catching the eye of one of the male models, and we started talking a lot. I found out after a month of him taking me on dates, surprising me with gifts, and him staying up with me when I'd be lonely because I didn't live on campus have friends, that he was married and him and his wife were looking for a girlfriend for him since she had a boyfriend on the side. I don't regret this choice because it shaped who I am today, but I stupidly agreed to go into it without having set my own boundaries and limits.
He had rules for me. Rules I can recite clearly to this day: he dresses me, I do not make financial choices without him, I am to tell him where I was at all times and leave my tracker on, he decides what I eat and when, no drinking, no smoking, and no other partners. If I listened, he would pay my tuition, books, help with rent, etc. At the time, I did not realize that I was entering a total power exchange dynamic, and he knew that.
Those starter rules evolved into more... sex based rules, and after 3 months, I ended up losing my virginity to him after he told me refusing was breaking his rules, and if I broke his rules, my allowance was cut off, and I really needed help with rent, friends. I am not proud of that decision, but that decision was made.
I stayed in this relationship with him hanging financial security and my own naivety over my head for close to 10 months. My dad is a law enforcement officer, and he is the one who noticed the change in my personality and looks.
I had waist length dark brown hair. I came home blonde with my hair cut to my lower neck. I stopped wearing Converse and Vans and started wearing heels and sandles more. I would get really anxious and upset if I wasn't near my phone or could not find it to meet my required check-ins. I cried. Alot. Yelling made me actually panic. My dad made me sit down with a female investigator and answer questions about everything.
When she was done and confirmed to him what was happening, he then proceeded to get my brothers, a uHaul, and my apartment keys and move me back home. He had my phone bill at that point, so he blocked the couple, her boyfriend, and their friends that I had the displeasure of meeting and ensured I never heard from them again.
Cohearsed consent is not consent. The second I started therapy and realized that, I spiraled. The weight of everything set in, and I realized I had been a victim of sexual assault. I began to cope by being hypersexual. Within a year, I'd had sex with close to 30 people trying to reclaim my body and, in turn, endangering myself until I met my ex fiancé.
When I met him, things changed significantly. He was a stepping stone in my healing and helped me find religion and value in myself beyond my body. Ironically, my healing and finding the wrong religion (catholics don't seem to be a fan of spirituality) is what led to our engagement being called off. I was 21 when we stopped seeing each other.
I slowed down at that point signicantly and cut off all sex. I was done with it and decided never again. I could please me better than anyone else could anyways. Then, I met baby daddy, and we started as strictly friends with benefits. He is the safest dom I've ever had, the kindest man I've ever met, and from the bat, he understood me more than I understood me. He saw me for me and cared for me despite the damaged goods.
He triggered the true awakening. We took sex between us slow, exploring things gently, talking about what I wanted to try and keeping track of what I liked, what he liked, and meeting in a happy middle. He indulged my want to explore with other women and just sat and watched. Then, when we felt I was ready, he introduced me to the swinging/bdsm lifestyle, and it helped me process the remaining bits of trauma I had with him beside me every step of the way. He helped shape me sexually into who I needed to be to heal and then who I deserved to be sexually for me.
I don't know at what point FwB turned into us living together and telling each other how much the other means to us almost daily, but now we're here, cuddling on couch, exhausted from taking care of our daughter, and discussing which one of us gets the last chocolate peanut butter overnight oats packet and *whispers* marriage.
Him and Sophia are the happy ending 18 year old Liz thought she was losing when she was desperate to pay rent. He helped me heal, learn who I was in terms of sex, and gave me the safest place to land.
One might say I'm pretty attached to him forever now 🤣
Ps - let me tell ya, missionary isn't boring when it's with someone who thinks you're the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, pregnancy stretch marks, and all. 💕
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minggukieology · 1 year
Happy FACE era and happy Jikook days to all!
I promise I'll write a few in depth reflections on the latest Jikook interactions and also will address 편지 in another post but I just wanted to get a few things off my chest so I wanted to post this first. (Sorry, this post will mostly include my reflections and no profound analysis so if you're not interested in my ramblings, you can skip this one)
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*inserts these pics to catch your attention lol*
I guess I'll start off by this: I did make the conscious decision to lay off the petiness a few months ago though I can't help but think these few days (even weeks) happened for the sake of all the hateful trolls who have been making rounds even on here revelling in the fact both Jimin and Jungkook were mostly off-grid and Kook spotted having a social life, which somehow automatically discounted any possibility of him keeping in touch with/seeing anyone else for some reason.... but anyways... for the sake of keeping my karma clean let's move on.
Being an ARMY with a special fondness for 3J and Jikook I have to say my life is pretty easy, I just lay back and enjoy as their appearances happen and let things unfold without having to get angry or hateful. Mostly because my love for them doesn't hinge upon a never-ending need for validation for what has been a constant for the past 10+ years. And I hope by communicating and trying to explain more closely to you how especially Jimin and Jungkook interact, trying to help you bridge the language gap, I really hope you feel this sense of calmness as well. There is never anything to question, to fuss or argue about. (Not to stray too much off topic, but rest assured I deeply value and appreciate each and one of your replies and messages, despite the fact I am notoriously bad at replying to them 🫣)
Watching Jimin and Jungkook interact always feels like home, like you have been granted an insight into a familiar scene, with people that are so close they can't help but joke around or poke at each other yet at the same time can't hold back on their appreciation and softness for each other. (If you need a visual representation just take any moment Jimin talks about/with Jungkook and automatically gets all giggly and soft and Jungkook's last live where you could see the little goofball laughing at ex. the teasing scenes but at the same time couldn't hold back his starry eyed expression 🥹)
I have to admit though, I myself got proven wrong when I confidently posted about how they are both missing ARMY based on the Weverse interactions and then proceeded watching Jungkook turn on a live barely interacting with the comments (even remarking on the fact he isn't checking them yet people keep writing lol) just to watch over 1hr of Jimin content and admit to have been staying on top of all his promo releases...To then read Jimin's reply in which he left no room for debate. 국민 정말 미안해ㅠㅠㅠ
So what have we learned over the past few days?
Jimin and Jungkook are fine, in fact better than fine, and not seeing them in public proves absolutely jack sh*t (reverting back to a bit of my pettiness here)
Jungkook was involved with the album more than we could have ever imagined. (can't wait to talk more about 편지, I have to say not many songs have ever touched me as much as this one, for various reasons...)
Jungkook visited Jimin's rehearsal (and was really interested in watching him record for a music show too 🥺) and was also for that reason so confidently announcing that something "amazing beyond words" was coming before the teaser for Set me free pt. 2 dropped
As expected Jimin's latest schedules are recording/company-home-eat-sleep and repeat so he has barely any time left and Jungkook misses him a lot :(
Jungkook is as supportive and admiring of his hyung as ever- his words not mine (still a huge Serendipity stan though 🤭)
And once again highlighting: their communication feels very warm, friendly and familiar, there is no sign of them not knowing about each other or being distant
This was all I just had to write down before my head started spinning, I will be back with more of my nerdy language analysis posts, thanks for reading if you decided to! 😊
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yan-snowcave · 1 month
I played with my friends the Visual Novel "Perfect Love" and here are some of the jokes/stuff we said while playing it that I wanna Archive. Also be warned that this will contain spoilers for the games endings! If you havent yet played the game I would highly recommend playing it, you can find the link to the game on the Offical Blog.of the VN!
Pre Milo; [Literally does anything]
Friend 1; Snow @ Milo (the cuteness agression is so real)
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M-Milo; [Brands himself]
Me; Thats not a branding my dude just burned through so many layers of skin, we need to go the hospital! How will we explain THAT to Doctor?!
Friends; [Laughing]
Friend 1; He needs some milk~
Friend 2; I dont think milk can help this time 😔
Desmon; [Gets M-Milo to ignore us]
Me: I will throw you into the Cannibalism soup short king! <- (Has not yet seen the Cannibalism ending & didnt know there was one during this playthrough)
[Marriage Milo ending]
Me; I'm taking all the eyes in the Divorce.
Friend 1; Instead of loosing the kids he's loosing the eyes
Me; Milo after the divorce be like [Bad Winnie Pooh voice] "They took my fucking eye."
[Cue Friends and Me laughing]
A few seconds later; Wait the eye still functions?! He connected the eye nerves?!?!
Friends; Maybe?
Me; Damn...Nevermind, divorce canceled I'm keeping the free healthcare!
Me @ Wall Ending Milo's CG; He looks like someone who would watch an Alpha Male podcasts
Friend 2; Oh god, yeah he would
Me; Or maybe start one in the basement
Friend 1; Another reason for a divorce
Me: Oh he blew up the school
Friend 2 zoning back in; HE WHAT?!
Ryan when for the 9th time the same gods torture him with the ending scene;
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Any M-Milo scene that features a nickname ruined the dramatic atmosphere because we gave him (and us apparently) the nickname "Babyguurl" which we then proceeded to stretch the "guurl" part whenever it was said in the game
It lead to the point that M-Milo was just screaming Babyguurl so long I almost had a coughing fit
Me : Lets go with a nickname is my language, Schätzchen sound good :3
Also me; [Procedes to butcher it everytime V-Milo says it because he wouldn't know German while my friends laughed in the background]
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nota1eks · 7 months
If/when they create a phm movie, what changes (if any) would you like to see them make to the story?
Jesus that’s a hard question…wow…! In a perfect world, they’d change nothing. It’d be a TV show with lots of room to portray everything. But we don’t live in a perfect world. I, therefore, want to keep as much of the original book as possible. My only immediate want is that it might be cool for them to use “they” for Rocky instead of “he”. Maybe some toning down of the Crazy Russians stereotyping, though if they do it right, that can be great. Nothing else comes to mind that I want changed -- it's a very good book.
But with that out of the way, let's talk about stuff that will very likely be cut. Because I think that's very interesting...
I think, as with Pathfinder getting fried and the dust storm in the Martian (2015) (wherein, both times, a huge plot event in the movie was gotten rid of for time purposes, with little impact on the overall plot, but a devastating-ish loss to the dedicated novel-enjoyers), some stuff will get cut out. Let's go one by one through the timeline of events:
The flashbacks will be there. Maybe not in flashback form (maybe they come before the rest like in the Martian...though those aren't flashbacks it's just backstory), but nonetheless there. Not everything will be there, though. Stratt barging in on Grace's class will be there; him doing the first experiments on astrophage will likely be there; meeting the crew will be there along with some of him training them so as to explain how he learned so much about being an astronaut; the explosion at Baikonur and the proceeding chaos will be there, trailer meetings included; but I think that'd be roughly it. They'll add some; they'll take away a lot. No Steve Hatch; no Lamai; probably very little Lokken (which is very sad); no frenchscientistwhosenameicantrememberimnotevenarealphm fanomllllll, either. They'll have their stories be explained via Grace talking to Rocky. Lots will be explained via Grace talking to Rocky.
Now, they'll have to have Grace waking up and seeing his dead crewmates. They'll have to have Ryan Gosling wandering about this spaceship scratching his head. That's a big part of the story. But I think after a certain point, after enough clues are gathered together, they'll infodump on us. It will be done well, of course, I mean just look at who's making the movie, but it wil lhaev to be like that. Maybe the nannybot will give him information. Maybe there will be a "Here to save Earth from imminent apocalypse? Click here ->" type of thing, but it won't be Grace turning to the camera and saying "Hey guys! I'm here at Tau Ceti to save Earth from astrophage! There's this weird ship out there. Keep you updated! Like and subscribe!"; nor will it be a voiceover. I had a Media Arts teacher in school and he told us that, more than anything, we were to avoid having to use voice-overs to explain out movies. At all costs. So I doubt they'll use that here -- maybe later, though. More talking-head with visuals than voiceover explaining the story.
Now. With Grace meeting Rocky there will either be nothing cut or everything cut: Maybe Rocky wil have a Magic Language Machine. Maybe Grace has a Magic Language Machine. Maybe they do everything how they did it in the book. Either way, it'll have to likely be one or the other. I'm very excited to see how they do Rocky's voice. An adaptation of the Audible Audiobook's version would be ideal, as I and many others think. There aren't many other good options... With the rest, I'm genuinely not sure. I can see them going both ways with this: cutting everything and rewriting it or keeping it pretty book-accurate. By any measure, they won't cut it all out. That'd be stupid.
With the in between between the Blip-A-Hail Mary disconnection and them arriving at Adrian, much will be cut out. It'll be rewritten. For better or for worse. Since it's just that theoretical, I'm not sure what changes I'd even want to see. Maybe some more back story on Rocky's crewmates? On Adrian (the eridian)? I mean Grace asking Rocky about Adrian would be a great opportunity to get some backstory in, btu the movie will already be so chock-full of it that I don't know if they'll be able to fit it in amongst everything else.
The Adrian Incident will likely still be very, very similar. It's the emotional peak of the movie. Rocky will nearly die. I will watch my friends weep, crying about how I should have warned them, and I will tell them they should have read the book. With Grace trying to save Rocky...eeh...it might be there; it might not. Flip of the dice with the landscape of the table being what the rest of the plot looks like, if that makes sense.
Now......The Great Taumeoba Escape. It's a lot like Pathfinder and the Dust Storm. It's just not all that relevant! SO MUCH is happening in the book at this point that -- I don't think -- they would be able to fit this in, even with a TV show with half a dozen hours to show the story in. I'd much rather lose this than lose backstory or silly goofy Rocky details.
The journey back, though, along with the breeding of Taumeoba was so boring it was cut out in the book. No way they'll have it in the movie. Probably even more will be cut out. Maybe one single Eureka! scene where Grace and Rocky drink vodka and wear crystals, respectively, but no more.
Now...The Great Taumeoba Escape 2: Radiation Exposure Boogaloo will NOT be cut out. Lest I stomp out of that movie theatre shouting insults at the directors etc. I kid, but not by a lot. They have to have this in order for Grace to turn around. I also bet they'll delay Grace learning he was a coward until here. It'd work so well there, yeah!? So he does his little thing, then turns around. From here, I think everything will be to-the-book. But let's talk about the ending.
Grace being a teacher is fundamental to the story. He can't not be, or the book/movie just won't work. Now, in The Martian (2015) they changed the ending. But that's not big, really. Mark becomes a recluse who gets looped back into being an astronaut training people who will then work on Artemis versus him being a teacher -- there's not that big of a plotline difference there. And we can pretend that in the interim he was a recluse. BUT IF THEY DON'T MAKE GRACE A TEACHER I SWEAR TO GOD--! calm. be calm. Anyways, him teaching again is a huge end for his character arc. And Rocky wil come in, no doubt, and tell Grace Earth's back to normal. Sending him back off to Earth just doesn't work, plot-wise or logic-wise.
Here's my last want: Earth. I want to see Earth back in shape. I want to see Stratt looking happy in her jail cell, etc.
Christ, I just wrote a lot. Um. I hope that answers your question...? And if it doesn't, feel free to ask me! I can -- and gladly will -- talk about this book all the livelong day!
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elliebyrrdwrites · 21 days
The Heist
This story is too much fun to write.
“What,” Seamus began as he pulled up several screens of security footage. “Do we do about Pansy?”
“What do we do about Astoria?” Ginny set down a tray of sandwiches she brought from the kitchen. Turkey and swiss cheese with mustard and tomato, cut into little triangles and divested of its crust.
Draco lifted one up and took a bite from a corner and leaned back in his chair behind the desk.
Currently on the screens Seamus had set up was several visuals of the interior of Flamel’s home including the atrium, a parlor he apparently spent much time in, and his bedroom. The bedroom camera was placed by Draco and Theo last night during the gala.
Currently, Flamel wasn’t in the house, as he was at lunch with Zabini.
“What did she threaten you with?” Harry asked Draco as he settled onto the sofa with a sandwich.
Granger was avoiding the conversation, flipping through a book. Ignoring the longing looks from Theo and the provoking ones from Draco.
“She wants my ring.”
“What ring?” Theo asked, pulling his gaze from Granger.
“The one I would have given her, had I married her.”
“Why does she want that ring?” Teddy grabbed a second triangular sandwich and proceeded to stuff the entire thing into his mouth.
“It’s quite expensive.” Draco shrugged. “And if I give it to her, she would show up on the family Tapestry.”
“But you wouldn’t be marrying her.” Harry said it slowly. “Right?”
“Sliding that Malfoy ring onto a witches hand is as good as marrying her. It would bind her to me and my family.”
Granger’s eyes snapped up from the book in her lap.
“Why would she want to do that? It’s been ages since you two ended.” Ginny glanced over at Granger.
Draco shrugged and tossed the last bit of sandwich into his mouth and chewed, considering her question.
“She just wants access to the vaults.” Theo scowled and Draco nodded in confirmation.
“It would humiliate me, in her eyes.” He added. “My name has been burned off of the Malfoy tapestry. But hers wouldn’t be,”
“How would that work? Isn’t blood required for those sort of binding contracts?” Granger asked, finally unable to hold her tongue.
“It is. The ring will not go on without either of our blood being spilled.” He grinned at the absurdity of the situation. The entire thing was archaic and worked like a curse on both participants.
“How do you intend to take care of all this?” She glanced down to her lap.
“I intend to employee the work of a highly regarded Curse Breaker.” He dug his fingers into the pocket of his pants and pulled the ring he had retrieved from his home late last night.
When she looked up at him, he smiled.
Everyone looked at the ring he held up. It was a platinum ring with a large pure Columbian emerald and a diamond on either side.
Ginny gasped. “Holy crap. That thing must be worth hundreds of galleons!”
Draco sniffed and set it down on his desk. “It is.”
Granger stared at the ring like it might bite her. “You want me to break the wards on it.”
“It’s more like a curse.” He smiled and flicked his wand toward the platter of sandwiches, summoning a second serving.
She nodded slowly, scrutinizing the ring from where she sat. Which was not her usual spot on the edge of his desk. It was in a chair that was nestled into the corner of the room.
Theo stood near the bookcase, eyeing her.
“Okay, so let’s say Hermione breaks the curse on the ring, then what?” Harry asked, also staring at the ring like it might bite.
“Then I’ll give it to Astoria. It wont bind her to me once the curse is broken. She can do with the ring, what she wants.”
“But it’s a family heirloom!” Ginny screeched. “What happens when you find a witch you want to marry?”
Draco looked to his own little thief as she looked up at him. He smiled gently and shrugged. “I’ll get her something better.”
Theo huffed out a laugh, his eyes suddenly brightening as they shot between Draco and Granger.
Draco tucked away that reaction as he turned to Seamus. “The trick is understanding Pansy’s roll in Flamel’s life and his estate.”
Seamus nodded and tapped a few keys. One of the screens changed views of the house. There was an image of the pool and several lounge chairs set up around it. On the farthest chair from the camera, laid Pansy.
Dressed in a two piece, she soaked up the rays of the sun, her face shaded with the aide of a large floppy hat.
He noticed Granger sneak a peak at Theo, who was frowning up at the screen.
“She looks comfy.” Ginny drawled, rolling her eyes.
“Wouldn’t expect anything less from Princess Pansy.” Seamus snorted.
“God, I always hated her. She wanted to sell Harry out to old Vordy. Remember that?” She nodded to Granger.
Granger sniffed and shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
Theo wasn’t staring at the screen anymore. He was watching Granger with a renewed sense of vigor.
“We create an alibi.” Harry suddenly said. Draco tilted his head and gestured for him to go on.
“We need you, Theo and Hermione to be seen by her on the day of the heist.”
Everyone nodded, following along.
“We need three decoys that not only Pansy will see but Astoria, too. She’s onto us, right?”
“She is.”
“We need three extra people to Polyjuice as you lot, and that can be where you give Tori the wand.” He shrugged. “Or the Polyjuiced version of you, that is.”
Draco leaned back in his chair and nodded slowly. He ran a hand along his jaw, scratching thoughtfully.”
“How are we going to get those two girls in the same place? Don’t they hate each other?” Theo asked.
“There’s a reunion coming up.” Granger said. “Hogwarts throws a reunion for all alums every summer.” She nodded to Harry. “We got our invites weeks ago.”
“Should I be offended that I never received one?” Theo mused. He looked at Draco. “Did you receive one?”
Draco shook his head but was frowning at the logistics for the idea Harry suggested. “Sure, that’s fine but who would we use as our decoys?”
Ginny cleared her throat. “I have a few ideas.” She raised her hand and smiled over at Theo.
“You mean more Weasleys.” He leveled her with a look of discontent.
She nodded. “George and Charlie would definitely do it. And, uh,” She cleared her throat and looked at her husband. He grimaced as he nodded. “Ron would.”
Theo closed his eyes and too a deep breath. Upon exhaling, his eyes opened. “You’re fucking kidding me, right?”
Granger snorted, abruptly, from the corner of the room. Everyone’s attention turned to her. She looked ready to burst with laughter but she pressed a hand over her mouth and shook her head. Clearing her throat, she held up another hand. “Sorry. No, it’s just.” She giggled but stopped herself with a sigh. “We’re dealing with Pansy and Astoria and now Ron?”
Draco found himself grinning at her.
“But we’re not really going to use him, are we?” Theo demanded. The corner of his lip twitched, fighting against a smile. Whether it was for the situation, or the sound of Granger’s laughter, Draco wasn’t sure.
“I don’t know who else we can trust.” Harry shrugged, agreeing with his wife.
“Well, I don’t want a Weasley polyjuicing into me, seeing my bits and pieces.” Theo sniffed.
“Ron can be me, he’s already seen all of my bits and pieces.” Granger offered, causing Harry and Ginny to grimace. Teddy gagged and put a decorative throw pillow over his face.
Draco smiled blandly at her while Theo blanched.
“Maybe Ginny can be Hermione.” Seamus offered.
“And have one of my brothers be me and chance seeing my bits and pieces?!”
Granger snorted again and threw her hands over her face.
“I can be you.” Harry offered.
“Then who would be you?” Theo asked.
“Ron.” Harry answered. “We’ve already seen each other naked.” He shrugged. “We shared a dorm for six years, a tent for another and regularly take showers in the same locker room at work.”
“Why,” Draco began. “Are we assuming that the polyjuiced versions of ourselves will see our bits and pieces?”
Theo looked at Draco like had had gone bonkers. “I imagine one may need to take a wee at some point. He’d be using an exact replica of my wand, if you know what I mean.”
“Everyone knows what you mean.” Seamus said as he and Teddy unraveled into laughter.
Harry lowered his head into a hand and sighed loudly.
But Ginny was undeterred. “George and Charlie can be you two.” She said it with finality. Like they had all agreed that this was the route that they would indeed take.
Draco considered, as he reached for another sandwich with his wand, that is most likely was decidedly so. He needed to clear these hurtles before they managed to set a date on hitting their actual target.
“Well,” Ginny stood and nodded to her husband. “We have a dinner to plan.”
“What dinner?” Harry lifted his head from his hand and eyed his wife.
“For my brothers. We have to wine and dine them, as you know, in order to get them to listen to us.”
Harry shrugged and stood with his wife.
“Wait, so that’s it? It’s decided? We’re actually going to use the Weasleys?”
Draco shrugged as he watched the Potters wave goodbye.
Seamus stood and stretched. “I’ve got a date.” He checked his watch. “You got this, right?” He said to Draco, nodding to the screens on display.
“What do you mean, you’ve got a date? You mean that muggle woman from the museum?” Teddy sat up straight.
Seamus nodded and made his way across the study. “Yeah, her names Charlotte.” He grinned as he said her name.
“You look serious.” Teddy observed with a raised brow.
“I am. We are.” Seamus waved and left them behind.
Teddy looked around at the room. Observed Granger, once again, flipping through the book in her lap. Eyed Theo and Draco and stood, clearing his throat. “I have a witch to visit.”
“Weasley?” Theo asked.
Granger smiled at Teddy. “You mean Victoire?”
“Yeah. I owled her this morning and asked her to meet me at Florean Fortescue's.”
“Good call, cousin.” Draco raised his sandwich in a salute before taking a bite.
“And you three clearly have some things to talk about so,” Teddy added with a pointed look at Draco and Theo before he waved goodbye and left Granger with her two thieves.
Draco dusted his fingers off and eyed Theo.
She sighed and closed her book. She quickly stood from the chair and sent the book sailing back into its spot on the shelf. “I have to go, too.”
“Where are you going?” Theo pushed away from the bookcase. “You can’t leave.”
“I can and I am.” She glanced over to Draco. “I’ll look at the ring when I get back.”
“Granger, don’t shut down.” Theo was hot on her heels as she strode for the door.
“I’m not. I have a meeting.”
“With who?”
Draco watched the confrontation with little amusement.
“None of your business.” She didn’t turn to look at him as she swept from the room.
Theo froze at the door and angrily shoved his hands into his hair with a growl.
“Why do you think she’s so upset?” Draco asked, dusting off his fingers.
“Because she is a woman of dignity.” he shrugged and the added, “She doesn’t want to end up alone?”
Draco nodded toward the screen, where Pansy was still lounging beside the pool. “Do you think she knows what kind of wizard Flamel is?”
Theo shook his head. “I don't know how I'd feel if she did.”
“I suppose we’ll find out.”
Zabini waltzed into the study but stopped when he beheld the two wizards. “Where’s Granger?”
Theo rolled his eyes and settled onto his perch on the desk.
“She’s busy.” Draco replied and nodded to Zabini. “How did the lunch go?”
“It was...educational.” He paused. “Eventful.”
“Flamel is a scoundrel?” Theo surmised.
“Indeed,” Blaise settled into a chair. “So it was your guys’ intention to get me invited to a sex party?”
Draco chuckled while Theo replied, “Yes. When is it?”
“It’s on Friday. I can’t go. That Hogwarts Alum thing is the same day.”
Draco’s eyes flicked to Theo as he scoffed. “You got an invite?”
“Of course. I get one every year.”
“Well, now I know it’s personal.” Theo muttered.
“You’re gonna have to go to Flamel’s sex party.” Draco said, plainly.
Zabini shook his head. “That sounds incredibly uncomfortable. Why would I do that?”
“Because you promised Granger your full cooperation.” Draco reminded him, thankful for Granger’s carefully worded ultimatum.
“Plus,” Theo grinned. “We’ll be there.”
“You two?” Zabini laughed.
“Yes, and Granger.”
Zabini narrowed his eyes in on Draco, considering. “What is the end game here?”
“We keep Flamel distracted. Well,” Draco paused. “You keep Flamel distracted.”
“Where will you lot be? You interested in purchasing sex workers?”
“No,” Draco plucked the ring from his desk and palmed it. “We’re going to be part of the entertainment.”
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
Request: could you maybe do an angst fic for eddie? idk just some fighting because he’s jealous. but honestly everything will be great, i love your writing
Summary: Eddie can't stand how close Y/n and Steve have become, mainly because he knows he can't compete with the latter. Not knowing how to handle himself, Eddie pours his heart out in the most inappropriate moment.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Genre: angst
Requested by: anon
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @comfort-reads
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, blood, wounds
A/N: this is way longer than I expected. I love how I exclusively get angsty requests. Good to know everyone's aware of my incapability to write anything happy lmaoooo. Anyway, thanks for the request lovely anon, enjoy<3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Woah... Woah woah— wait! Hold up!" I frowned at the compass, my hand raising in order to give a visual aid to my order.
Robin and Eddie didn't miss a beat before halting their oars, turning around to check on me. Nancy and Steve were already peaking at the gadget over my shoulders, as confused as I was.
"It's... Here?" Nancy questioned, more than declared, shifting her position to lean out of the boat, staring into the darkness of Lover's Lake.
"Can't be." Steve shook his head in the negative, scooting closer from behind in order to take the compass from my hand.
"No, actually, it could." my upper body rotated to meet Steve's eyes, my fingernail tapping on the edge of the boat. "Underwater. Eddie?" I'm called out, switching both my attention and my line of vision toy long haired friend. "Where did Patrick..." My question died in my throat at the sight of the boy's eyes digging holes into Steve. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything's great, Y/n. I'm having the time of my life." He quipped, briefly meeting my eyes, just to look away as soon as I parted my lips. "Patrick died here, if that's what your question." he killed two birds with one stone, taking the chance to both reply to my unasked inquiry and to refrain my response to his comment.
"So" Robin cleared her throat, eyes rapidly shifting from my form to Eddie's, to Steve's and then to Nancy's. "It's underwater, right? Right" she pointed animatedly below us. "Here."
"Has to be." Nancy's absentminded attitude switched fast as lightning right as I felt movement behind me. "Steve, what are you doing?"
"Someone's gotta go down there. Check this thing out." I looked over my shoulder to see the boy taking off his shoes and socks.
"No." I denied, reaching out to hold him down by his forearm, stopping him from standing up. "Why's it always gotta be you?"
"Well, unless any of you can top being Hawkins High swim team co-captain—"
"Was I not the other co-captain, Harrington?" My whine earned me a groan from Steve.
"Yeah, but you're not a certified lifeguard, are you?" The boy reasoned, lightly slapping my hand away from his arm.
I resigned myself, sharing a concerned look with Nancy, and proceeded to abandon the thwart in order to give them both some space cramped boat, which left me kneeling in front of both Robin and Eddie. The younger girl took a sudden interest in the walkie as soon as I searched for the metalhead's face.
"How are you holding up?" He shrugged, his hands turning fidgety with his rings while he so obviously refused to meet my gaze, or even communicate with me.
I knew it wasn't the time to confront him about the attitude —we had other priorities, and pressing him into talking to me around people he barely trusted would be fruitless—; yet, it had been an ongoing problem since we found him in back that shack, getting worse and worse.
I sighed in defeat, pursing my lips in a tight line before going back to my previous place; this time, only Nancy sat by my side, eyes glued on her wristwatch while we waited for Steve to return.
"How long?" Robin's words broke an ominous silence that could have lasted anything from twenty seconds to two hours.
"Closing in on a minute." Wheeler finally peeled her eyes from the damn watch, looking around with visible worry.
"Okay, that's it." We three turned in shock to Y/n, ever the impatient one, who was already discarding her shoes.
"Woah— nonononono." My heart stammered against my chest, hands in the air, prompting Y/n to stay sat, something she obviously didn't do.
"'nonononono' what?" She spat, getting rid of her jacket. "You want him to drown?"
"Y/n. stay in the fucking boat." Though I attempted to sound assertive, it most likely came off as a plea.
A frown darkened her gaze, her movements coming to a halt for a millisecond. "Nance?" She called, not averting her sorry eyes from me.
"One minute and twenty seconds." The girl announcement cued a deafening silence, charged with anticipation.
Y/n's sweater landed on my lap, making me shoot up to take a firm grasp of her wrist, and earning a wave of complaints from the girls in the boat due to the wobbling caused by my impromptu movements.
"Guys, stop!"
"Eddie sit down!"
"Let go of my wrist!"
"I'm not letting you jump in there!"
A loud splash at my right tore a collective shriek out of us four, immediately ceasing the ruckus.
"What's going on in here?" A breathless Harrington found himself hanging on the side of the boat after a couple of strokes, curious eyes observing both Y/n and me, quickly putting two and two together. "Sit down, Jesus Christ." The fact that Y/n complied when Steve asked her to do what I had just requested from her seconds ago only fueled my resentment towards the pair. "I found it." He announced, taking the hand Y/n was offering him. "It's pretty damn big."
His last word was followed by a yank, strong enough to momentarily pull Harrington's head and Y/n's hand and forearm underwater.
Once he resurfaced, we all shared a panic-stricken look.
"The hell was that..." I muttered, fearing the possibility of my words disturbing whatever was below us.
Nancy shook Y/n's shoulder I'm distress, snapping her out of her paralyzed state. "C'monshitc'mon." The y/h/c girl took a firmer hold of Steve's forearm, planting her foot on the gunwale in order to use her whole body to pull him up.
Horrible decision, really.
They were there and...
They weren't there anymore.
And oh, how I would wish to say I didn't think twice before throwing myself into the cold, unwelcoming water of Lover's Lake to save the girl I held so close to my heart, but I didn't.
I froze, a string of unintelligible curses dripping from my lips, hands on my head while Nancy Wheeler dove in headfirst, closely followed by Robin.
"—Y/n! For fuck's sake—" I found myself gasping for the intake of foul air in a world that didn't look like ours, a hand clad in chunky rings forcing me to sit up. "There you go." Eddie's voice sounded somewhat distant, yet my eyes caught him knelt right by my side. "You fucking idiot."
"Shut up." Eddie's frightened eyes shifted from my frame to something behind me, right before my back was met with yet another pair of hands.
"C'mon, dummy." Robin spoke, helping Eddie pull me up.
"Where's Steve?" I took an startled look around, not missing how Eddie's hand quickly slipped away from my arm at the mention of my friend. I tried to ignore the muttered bitter words that accompanied the lack of touch.
"Steve's fine, though he may have..." Robin confirmed, sneaking an apprehensive look at Eddie. "... Rabies. Anyways, gotta run!"
"You sure you can walk?" Even his tone annoyed me. "You hit your head pretty hard. You may have a concession."
"Conc—" Y/n's snort made me peek over my shoulder with yearn and jealousy. She, Steve and Nancy sat under the rock. "Steve, it's a concussion." Her hand landed on his shoulder and I had to look away. "I swear I'm fine." Ahead of me, Robin watched with knowing eyes, the same she gave Wheeler.
God, did that suck.
Soon enough, we were advancing through the woods, Nancy leading the march with Robin trailing after her; not so far behind, Y/n ambled, taking in her surroundings as if we were in a field trip.
Maybe she did have a concussion.
I should check on her, I thought, before Steve can do so. I trotted towards the girl, who, as soon as she caught a glimpse of me, gave me a half smile.
"Hey, uh," I rubbed my hands together, eyes fixed on the ground in order to avoid those creepy vines. "You okay?"
She hummed affirmatively, "got a couple of scratches and my head hurts, but could be worse." I nodded, feeling her y/e/c irises scrutinizing me. "You?"
"Good— yeah, I'm good." Fuck, it was so difficult to communicate with her these days, and the nasty feeling that corroded my insides and fed my insecurities whenever Harrington got a bit too close to her didn't help one bit either.
Flashes of all the small moments I had seen them share those past few days hit me like a ton of bricks. Since when were they so close? And when had Steve 'the hair' Harrington turned out to be a good guy? And why the hell would Y/n put herself in danger for him?
Worst thing was, a part of me knew he would have done the same for her.
"I'm sorry I didn't throw myself into that damn lake without missing a heartbeat, okay?"
My heart stammered, eyes opening wide as I fought the urge to freeze. The words had come out in a passive-agressive grumble I couldn't manage to stop from spilling out. I didn't need to raise my gaze from the dirt to know that Y/n looked at me like I had grown two heads.
"No one expected you to dive in." Deep down, I knew she had the best intentions by saying that; she was trying to make me feel better about quite literally forsaking her earlier, but the wording...
"Yeah, 'cause why would anyone expect me to do something heroic, right?" Shut up shut up shut up, I internally yelled at myself; not only did I not listen, but also started to raise my voice "Leave that for King Steve, am I right?"
"woah— okay, enough."
Y/n had been patient for the time they had spent on me. She was understanding of my situation, but I was out of line, and she could only take so much.
"Everything good there?" Steve had most likely caught on the conversation; he was just a few feet behind.
"Peachy." Y/n deadpanned. When I finally met her gaze, I regretted every word that I had just vomited. "Where's this even coming from?"
Terrified of being confronted by Y/n, I attempted what I had found out I did best; run away.
Her hand got a firm hold of my leather jacket's sleeve before I could go far. "Don't you dare."
"You were sooo ready to dive in for him." Please stop talking, please stop talking.
"I'd have jumped for any of you." Her brows were knitted and her jaw clenched, and I knew I was on the wrong but why did she have to look at me as if I was making things up? "Steve just happened to be in the fucking water, y'know, since he volunteered to do the dangerous shit."
" 'since he volunteered to do the dangerous shit.' " I bitterly mocked her words, yanking my arm away from her grasp, and wishing for the foreign ground to swallow me.
"Can you stop with whatever's going on?"
"Nothing's going on."
She threw her hands in the air, overcompensating for my uncharacteristic lack of dramatism "you're being annoying now."
"If I'm so annoying, why don't you go talk to Harrington?" I tried to hide my pain with a scornful visage.
For better or for worse, she was having none of it.
"Fuck you!" She sped up the pace, walking backwards in order to face me. "I almost got beaten up, saw a person die," she enumerated with her fingers, attracting the attention of the remaining three people with us, "had to run for my life— have you seen me run, Eddie?" She scoffed. "Got dragged into a DIFFERENT." Clap "FUCKING." Clap "DIMENSION!" Clap. "through the dirtiest lake and nearly DIED! so EXCUSE ME if I decide to skip this bullshit argument you're trying to drag me into." She shook her head in disappointment, turning her heel. "Hey Robin, Nance! hold up!"
Could this be any worse?
"Trouble in paradise?" I felt a wave of shame washing over me at Steve's cautious tone.
"You and Y/n."
"What about me and Y/n?"
Steve quirked an eyebrow at my pretended nonchalant demeanor. "Listen man," he briefly motioned at Y/n, walking crestfallen between the two girls.
From that perspective, we could see the gashes on her back from those weird bats.
"You know where she should be?" I could only deny with my head, spinning my rings. "Italy."
Holy shit.
My brain would never understand how school could make English such a boring subject. I knew I'd be good at it otherwise, but it was so. Fucking. Boring.
"Eddie, focus." Y/n's whisper, appropriately loud for the library, did little to snap me out of my lethargy. It did remind me, though, that I was not alone in the calvary that turned out to be an English study session.
"I'd kill to travel the world." My whine made Y/n stared at me dumbfounded. "What's your dream destination?"
"... What?" The girl was not quite used to my random changes of topic, yet, she never told me off for distracting her and myself.
"Dream destination." I repeated with an excited smile. "Which place you'd sell your soul to visit?"
"Hmmm" she mused, gnawing the cap of her pen. "Probably Italy, but I doubt I'll ever have enough money to go."
"But your place popped up in the news, and bam! Henderson calls me." Steve pretended to pick up an imaginary phone, imitating Dustin's voice. "'A college girl named Y/n's asking about Eddie. What do I do?' and I thought, damn." He stopped me by placing the back of his hand in front of me. "She gave that up to help you."
"Well, now I just feel even shittier." I mumbled, distractedly kicking a rock. "Not only do I get you guys in trouble, I also screw up her dream trip." I stole a glance at Y/n through my lashes, only to find her already peeking at me. "She's gonna hate me forever."
"I think you're way off on that one, man." I silently questioned the boy walking besides me. "You're pretty much the only person she talks about. She was so pissed about being out of Hawkins during the summer." There was a moment of silence before Steve spoke the his last sentence related to the topic. "I don't know were or how you two left things off. I don't know if you ever dated or anything but..."
"Not really."
I shut my eyes, leaning back against the ugly paperwall covering Nicole's home. I hadn't been invited to a ton of big houses, but it just took a couple to realize that rich people had the most horrendous paperwalls.
The music was so loud that we could hear it even from the third floor —supposedly off limits—which wouldn't be all that annoying any other time, but now it was muffling Y/n's laugh.
"What's wrong?" I could hear her smile every without opening my eyes and turning my head to her frame.
"Music's too loud."
"Too loud?" I peeked at her through my opened eyelid. She was leaning forward, her hands on her back, planted on the wall, much like her foot. Her gaze was focused on me, sporting a disbelieving half smile. "You're a disgrace to metalheads."
I took my hands to my heart with a pained look constricting my gaze. "Ouch! You're a mean," I shook my head, "mean," slowly shifting to face her, my shoulder never leaving the wall. "mean woman, Y/l/n."
"You hurt my feelings, Munson." She joked, mimicking my moves in order to meet my eyes. We stayed like that for an instant before Y/n detached herself from her resting place, taking my hand in hers. "Let's go for a walk."
"And leave your graduation party?"
She shrugged, careless, "honestly," Y/n took a step closer, her fingertips traveling up to tuck behind my ear a couple of rebel locks. "I'm over high school parties."
"Look at you, being all mature and shit." She scoffed, averting her gaze. "I should be graduating with you."
"Next year, you'll see." Her hand gave me a reassuring squeeze.
"Hey." I swung our hands, snapping her attention back to me. "Don't forget about me once you go to college, okay?"
"Pfffttt." She increased the swinging in response, staring into my soul with her mesmerizing eyes. "How could anyone forget about you? In any case," without letting go of my hand, she crouched to grab her red cup from the floor. "you don't forget about me."
"Dunno," I looked up, pretending to ponder my words. "you're pretty forgettable." Her palm came in contact with my chest, pushing me back playfully and leaving me praying to whatever was out there that she hadn't noticed how hard my heart was pounding due to our proximity.
"Y'know what?" She returned her drink to the floor. "If you want," Y/n took a firm hold of my leather jacket's flaps "I can give you something to remember me." I gulped, my mildly intoxicated body not opposing to her hold as she dragged me to the further corner from the stairs that led to the actual party. "Just if you want." She whispered, coming to a stop once she dimmed we had enough privacy.
"Are you going to, like, kiss me? 'cause" I managed to sputter with a nervous laughter, not quite understanding how my legs hadn't given out yet. "I-I might pass out if you do."
"In that case, I won't." She tsked her tongue, letting go of my jacket with pursed lips. "Can't have you hitting your head or something."
The girl took a step back with a devilish smirk; I barely registered my following movements, only catching the amusement crossing her face before our lips met in a drunk, lazy kiss.
"Consider giving it a shot, then." Steve genuinely suggested, giving me a pat on the back before jogging to reach the girls.
Before I even registered it, we were at the Wheeler's house, waiting for Nancy to find a proper way to communicate with Dustin. As I was scanning the place, I didn't realize Y/n had approached me, by Robin's request.
"That was really cool." Her voice was soft and low, but still managed to make me jolt away from the curtains. "Sorry— the Morse code thing, I mean."
"About damn time I made myself useful." I tried to laugh my own self deprecating comment off; unfortunately, it put up a frown on Y/n's face. Clearing my throat, I attempted to redirect our interaction, vaguely motioning at her form. "You should, uh... Check your back."
Her eyes squinted in confusion, endearment tugging up the corner of her lips. "A bit difficult, isn't it?"
"I'll check it for you. Let's—" I looked over her shoulder, mildly raising my voice. "Hey, Wheeler! Can we borrow your room for a moment?"
The younger senior gave me a side eye, but nodded nonetheless. I cued Y/n to head to Nancy's room with a light bow, which she did, thanking the brunette on her way out.
Once we found ourselves out of sight and nosey ears, the girl before me cleared her throat. "Are you actually gonna check it out?" She removed the plushie from the mattress and plopped down on top of it. "Or was it an excuse to talk privately about whatever's going on with you?"
"Both?" I shut the room's door behind me wandering around to find any piece of fabric mildly clean. "We didn't really have time to check yo— woah!"
"What?" Y/n shrugged at my shaken reaction, her shirt hanging loosely on her arms as if she had just pulled it over her head, which she probably did. "You wanna check it or not?"
If I hadn't known any better, I would have said her cheeks had acquired a dark shade of pink.
"I— no, yeah— yeah." After somehow managing to prevent my eyes from roaming her upper body, I circled the bed, reluctantly reaching for the bandana tucked in my back pocket. "It's... Not so bad." I declared, kneeling on the mattress right behind her.
"Duh," she puffed. "I didn't even notice."
"Yeah, 'cause you were fucking unconscious."
"Dumbass." I muttered under my breath, ever so carefully scrubbing the dry blood from around the gashes with the patterned kerchief. "I thought you were, y'know," glancing over her shoulder, she raised her brows expectant. "Dead."
"I would be," she confessed, turning back around with a wince due to an incautious swipe of the bandana over her wound. "Had it not been for you."
"For them." I corrected. "I could've jumped earlier, and I didn't."
"To be fair," Y/n tilted her head to the side in a thoughtful manner. "You didn't have a solid reason to jump."
"You're a very solid reason to jump into— actually, you're a very solid reason to do anything." I felt my heart miss a beat at my own quiet words while I waited timorous for Y/n's reply.
"Am I?" Her tone was unsure and gloomy. "I've been feeling very shitty lately. Can't remember the last time I did something right." She threw a leg over the bed in order to make eye contact with me, the bottom part of her face hidden behind her arm, resting atop her bent knee. "Specially when it comes to you."
Finding myself at a loss of words, I could only, put down the bandana and avert my gaze from hers.
"Truth is, I've been avoiding you since my graduation 'cause I'm— well— stupid." She let out a rueful laugh. Y/n most likely noticed I was about to reassure her; not a single word had come out of my mouth when she stopped me. "Eddie, don't. I may be a coward, but I'm not gonna make up a crappy excuse for giving you the cold shoulder after..."
"Harrington said you'd be in Italy right now." My irises raised to hers, examining her every move at my statement.
"He gotta button his lip." She pinched her nose.
"Why didn't you leave?"
"Because I love you." The statement knocked any sign of jealousy out of me, leaving me in a state of absolute panic instead; in fact, my head was buzzing so loud that I didn't even realize Y/n seemed to be going through the same emotions, pink once more staining her face. "Y'know, like, you're my— my friend, and you were in danger."
Her friend.
Why did that hurt?
"Do you like Steve?" The question escaped my mind, but Y/n wasn't shocked by it; on the contrary, I could see the gears of her head turning until they clicked.
"Is that what all of this is about?" She put her shirt back on with a wince. "You're being a pain in the ass because you're jealous of Steve?"
"I'm not jealous." She gave me the look, making me groan out of frustration, shooting up from the bed in a sudden movement that startled both of us. "Can you blame me? Really? You two are all over each other, and he's cool, and rich, and brave, and apparently a fucking good dude?!" I took my hands to the back of my head, trying in vain to keep my emotions at bay as I paced the room. "And you know what? He WOULD'VE jumped into that musty lake after you!" Y/n raised to her feet, circling the bed with her mouth open. "I'm not a interdimensional hero!"
"Actually, I'm the furthest thing from that— from him!" My monologue faltered at the gentle wrapping of Y/n's hand around my wrist, her eyes staring at me with sympathy. "S-So cut me some slack for getting... a bit jealous of Steve fucking Harrington being as close to you as I used to be."
A series of rushed knocks on the door brought us back to reality— more like to this alternate reality.
"C'mon lovebirds," Robin pushed the door open, Steve and Nancy peeking over the blonde's shoulder. "We gotta bike to Eddie's trailer."
"We'll fill you in on the way, c'mon!"
I cursed under my breath; at that point, I had decided to just do as they told me and not question it. Y/n had come to the same conclusion, so out we went, trailing after the three people.
"Wait," I stopped Y/n, who walked before me, and, after taking off my leather jacket, I draped it over her shoulders for her to slip her arms into it. "So you don't get cold."
She muttered a quick 'thanks' that sentenced the conversation to an abrupt end; just as I attempted to walk past her, though, her hand attached to my now bare forearm. "Eddie?"
"What is it?"
"I like Steve, just not like... that." She made sure I understood, putting an exaggerated emphasis on the last word. "My type's not really interdimensional hero. It's more like, uh..." she squinted her eyes, suppressing a smile. "Misunderstood nerd mistakenly framed for murder."
It was my turn to blush, mouth in agape. All this months thinking that one kiss was a product of careless flirting and cheap beer, when, hopefully, it was something more.
"So please drop the attitude, alright?" She added, leaping to plant a quick kiss on my cheek, right by the corner of my mouth. "C'mon, lover boy."
As ridiculous as it might sound, in the horrible situation we five had found ourselves into, Y/n's lips brushing my cheek was all I needed to feel reassured, and her fingers intertwined with mines, all I needed to feel safe.
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fellominaarcher · 1 year
Got Married; Yoo Jimin, Karina Aespa
3. Cheesecake & Proposal
approx.word counts: 3.5k words
Let Me Know - Jimmy Brown
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It was the first day of shooting for the reboot of We Got Married, and an SM employee was doing Karina's makeup.
The crew had decided to hold the "initial" gathering in a park with some sort of cafe-like environment.
"Wah, so pretty!" Karina grinned as her makeup artist praised her dearly.
The girl immediately chuckled. "Thank you!" she exclaimed in the sweetest voice possible.
She opened the camera app and found the ideal angle for a selfie.
Giselle entered the room and exclaimed, "Woah woah Jimin, so gorgeous!" when she saw her best friend.
Karina put her phone down and gave Giselle a pretend death glare while attempting to conceal her smile.
"Are you okay?" the rapper inquired, fiddling with the leader's hair.
The leader sighed and nodded while they were both looking into the mirror.
Giselle gave her shoulder a pat. "Trust me, you'll be alright," the girl told her.
Jimin simply smiled in response to her member's assurances and the other girls were waiting for her outside.
They are, in fact, speaking with some DayDream members.
Everyone seems to have arrived on the set and started getting ready after a short while.
Karina had neatly styled hair and was dressed in a long white shirt with cream flare pants.
Her hair was decorated with flowers of a sort to make the girl appear more attractive.
All of the cafe's employees were standing by to assist customers and collect their orders, as Karina was instructed to find a seat there.
Winter encouraged the older girl by saying, "Come on, don't be nervous!" loud enough for Karina to hear.
To help the unnie feel more at ease, Ningning was singing a few operatic tunes.
"YOU SLAY GIRL!" You probably already know who this is.
Everyone was in a frenzy, running all over, and wild things were happening.
"Okay everyone, get set!"
"We're going to roll in three,"
They were yelled at by the director, who also had cameramen waiting.
"1!" was the call for the take.
The crew cued her to enter while Y/N's walking legs were initially filmed for the dramatic entrance, after which the camera proceeded to capture the cafe's backdrop and slowly Karina's glamorous visual was filmed.
To improve the aesthetics of the entire show's filming, she ordered an ice blended chocolate.
When Y/N entered the cafe, she pushed the doorbell, causing it to ring.
To be fair, she was nervous as well but she tried her best not to fart or randomly passed out from the anxiety.
Just kidding about the farting part.
She was instructed by the crew to be herself and approach Karina in her own way.
Her gaze was scanning the cafe and she noticed the figure of an Aespa member.
Karina was facing the opposite way as she approached, so she said hello as soon as she sat down at the table.
"Oh hello" she greeted, bowing down because she was a fellow idol in this show.
Everyone laughed, and Y/N immediately wanted to commit suicide.
Karina stood up and greeted the 'wife' in the manner of an idol.
When Aespa's girls saw both of them doing it, they wanted to facepalm.
The maknae sighed as she uttered, "Oh my gosh, Jimin unnie," because she was pretty well done.
They both sat down. "Wah, I didn't expect it to be you," Karina said awkwardly, laughing.
Looking down, Y/N smiled. "Me neither, this is very unexpected" she acknowledged in a low voice.
Jimin swallowed and cleared her throat. "The awkwardness is so obvious," the older girl observed.
With a very straightforward expression.
Nearly everyone laughed. "Oh, today's weather is quite pleasant." Y/N blurted out in an effort to clear the air.
"Order your drink" Karina said in a regular tone.
Y/N raised an eyebrow; it was by far the nicest way Karina spoke to her.
The vocalist nodded. "What did you get for yourself?" she inquired, trying to break the awkward silence.
However, on the other hand...
Ningning remarked, "If awkwardness were persons, Y/N and Jimin unnie are them." Well, said in a mocking manner.
The two others sighed. All they could do was that.
Returning to the first meeting.
"I got myself an ice blended choco, I recommend you get a strawberry smoothie," the older girl recommended after they looked over the menu.
Y/N nodded, "Well, that seems good as well, I'll take that," she agreed.
She arched her brows and motioned for the server to take their orders by raising her hand.
Their interaction appears to have slightly improved.
"Why not have a snack as well?" The visual suggested the dessert section of the menu.
The DayDream vocalist hummed, her gaze fixated on the menu and she closed it and handed it to the server.
"OK, let's get a..." she was about to say.
They both said, "Cheesecake," at the same time.
Their eyes grew wide. "What a coincidence," remarked Y/N as they laughed.
Karina laughed, and it was a genuine laugh.
The Aespa leader nodded "Yes, please get us a cheesecake," the girl said, smiling at the server.
They had a little laugh together; perhaps things are going well?
Talking for a short while in the cafe, with a few edits and retakes. The two were effectively conversing with one another.
One of Y/N's members commented, "Not terribly awkward as previously," as they approached Aespa.
All the girls agreed, and Giselle opined, "I think it'd be hectic for these two." nodding firmly.
They were discussing their ideas as well as their expectations regarding these two.
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Karina smirked and tapped her fingers on the keyboards as she read that.
She gave a devilish grin after she sent it.
Oh yes, the nasty sarcasm from Karina, but it's also disguised as a bit of compliments.
Y/N left the text on read, and Karina's phone started ringing, with Y/N's name on the screen calling the phone.
The other girls snapped their head to the music, which they recognised as the Naevis calling portion from Next Level.
Everyone sang in unison. Everyone laughed at the reference they made, "Naevis, calling ey."
Including the leader as well.
She took the phone in hand. She gave a frigid "Hmm" in reply.
Karina tensed up in confusion while the other end of the call remained silent.
"If you're not gonna say anything, I'm going to end the call" she stated sternly.
Y/N draws a deep breath. "I have nothing to say, I'm just teasing," the girl admitted.
Karina sighed and rolled her eyes. "OK, that's it, I'm going to sleep," she groaned as she hung up the phone.
She then turned to face the wall, slightly irritated, as the tired Karina slowly drifted off to sleep.
They're just waiting for the evening to come so they can buy rings and propose.
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In the shopping mall...
Literally everyone in the mall was focused on the WGM shooting, especially the fans who had just so happened to see them.
They were warned not to record or take pictures of the play since it would ruin the fun.
Due to the filming, Swarovski store is currently packed, because they made the decision to purchase the rings there.
The second take has begun. "Now the two of you will talk and carefully select the rings," the director instructed.
A camera pans at them, and a cameraman follows them.
The members of their respective groups were observing the program pre-recording in a van via a few screens.
"It's crazy that we're picking rings and then dresses," Karina remarked.
Y/N laughed, "I have no idea, this is my first wedding," she admitted, smiling as the staff promoted some rings to them.
The designs of the rings and other jewels inside somehow managed to captivate them both.
"Honestly, I can't wait for the entire thing," Karina said, revealing her true feelings.
Y/N nodded and said, "I'm nervous," which was exactly how she felt.
As soon as their hands brushed against each other, Karina quickly clutched her hand to her chest and her eyes widened while Y/N only gave Karina side eyes.
The camera clearly captured the fact that they both became frightened as a result.
They ultimately decided on the ideal ring after over 30 minutes had passed.
The Swarovski employees were getting ready to package the rings and deliver them to the Y/N's management.
Jang Y/N must also propose to Karina in her own unique way, which requires some creativity.
The filming has been cut, and they are simply waiting for another hour while the team at the location of the proposal was getting ready for the final shoot of the day.
Finally, some of the people dissolved, making the area a little bit lighter.
Y/N and Karina remained in the ring section while the younger one pretended to cough.
That piqued the girl's interest. "The ring, I didn't just get it for the show, Jimin" While no one is around, she uses Karina's true name.
"Hrm?" Jimin hummed perplexedly.
She sighed. "I anticipate a positive outcome from everything" Y/N carefully answered.
"What are you saying, Y/N?" the older girl queried as she scrunched up her face and tilted her head.
"Let's keep talking even after the show is over," she declared flatly.
Karina exhaled and nodded slowly as her eyes were scanning the area.
She gave a sweet smile. "I understand where you're coming from, and I hope we can get there," she replied to the girl.
To be honest, both of them understood the show's contract, which stated that they were not allowed to date after the show ended because it was for entertainment and fan service.
Although the deal was ludicrous, it is what it is.
With the guarantee, Y/N nodded, grinned, and exited the place for the conclusion of the first episode.
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Proposal night
They changed into new clothes, gave themselves a quick refresh, and the idols reapplied their makeup.
As her members were conversing with her, Y/N was just getting her hair done and was staring into the mirror.
They were conversing about many topics, primarily Karina.
Nothing to worry about, nothing negative, simply their overall thoughts on the girl.
"How are you feeling? Daydream's leader, Dajeong, enquired.
She put her hand on Y/N's shoulder as they both turned to face the mirror.
Y/N exhaled deeply. "What do you mean, unnie?" asked the younger.
Dajeong rolled her eyes, "You know what I mean," she groaned, before giving Y/N a mocking smirk.
In response, Y/N hummed while raising her shoulders to imply that she is unsure.
She attempted to exhale, but nothing came out. She then gave the leader a toothless smile.
Dajeong shook her head "Don't be nervous; you can do it," Dajeong comforted the girl, patting her on the back.
The DayDream leader left just as they were about to roll on and get really busy.
Y/N reflected on what her leader had said, looked in the mirror, and realised she had to face whatever this show had in store for her.
A crew member entered the dressing room, gripped the door knob, and peered inside. "Jang Y/N, get ready!" she exclaimed, before exiting the room.
Everyone hurried outside for the upcoming shoot, and Y/N nodded as she rose from her chair.
After a few minutes, Jimin was in the middle of the shooting location, which was located in a park.
The location of the proposal was not far from where she is now.
Her team was examining everything, including her hair and makeup, as well as the microphone that was fastened to her shirt.
She was dressed in something that showcased her exceptionally good body and perfect-fitting white colour.
The sun was about to set, and Y/N had planned to propose to her when the sun went down.
Once more, Ningning yelled, "YOHOO, UNNIE YOU CAN DO IT!" in support of her.
Although what was going to happen wasn't their leader getting engaged for real, the girls were hopping up and down because they were so excited for her.
When Y/N and Karina arrived at the filming location, they briefly locked eyes but did not speak.
"Everyone get ready!" the director's assistant yelled out.
"In just a moment."
"Cameraman B, please pan the camera towards the sunset scene and record the couple backside as soon as I said roll!" He spoke loudly to give this cameraman instructions.
The cameraman nodded as he approached the location to capture the sky.
"In 1, 2, 3!" he yelled.
"Action!" yelled the director.
The camera panned to the fractionally orangish red, some passing birds, and the gentle breeze.
The couple's stroll along the park's trail was captured on camera.
A second camera records the couple's features as they grinned brightly and honestly.
"How is your day going so far?" Y/N asked the girl out of the blue.
She flashed a lovely smile. "So far, so good; how about yours?" As she looked into Y/N's eyes, the older girl responded.
Although they were almost the same height, Y/N was slightly taller than Jimin.
"It's also good."
The atmosphere was neither too tight nor too awkward to be in.
As Minjeong observed, She remarked, "Giselle unnie, I think they're going a little better this time, look at that," referring to their laidback energy.
Giselle smirked at them. "Don't you think they look a little too good together?" she posed the question.
The maknaes slooooowly turned their heads in reaction to the sound, showing only shock.
My Beauty - Gim Dong Hyuk
The two exchanged a few words as Jimin leaned on the mini bridge rails, "This is comforting," she admitted.
They were both dressed in all white, with white buttoned shirts and white pants.
Their attire gives the impression that heaven is directly above their heads.
Y/N nodded and said, "Yeah, it is, and I feel relaxed." She was looking up at the sky.
Jimin also noticed this and swiftly focused on the orangish red.
"Don't you think the sunset is a little too beautiful right now?" She questioned the soon-to-be wife.
"Yes, that's right" Y/N replied in a whisper since she couldn't take her eyes off Jimin.
Jimin observed something about the park's appearance as they continued to make their way down the walkway.
Some of the trees appeared to have strings of fairy lights draped from their branches.
Which Y/N and her team members decorated themselves.
Rose and lilac petals in a variety of colours may be seen on the walk-down route.
When they arrive at a circle space with a heart-shaped pattern of flower petals on the ground.
The Aespa members were completely surprised as Jimin covered her mouth with both hands.
With a timid smile, Y/N slightly extended her arm to demonstrate all of this.
As she didn't particularly like the girl, she wasn't expecting this kind of proposal from her.
She was moved and touched by this gesture, and as a result, her eyes widened and she began to cry a little.
Y/N had to smile because she simply couldn't help it.
She moved closer to the woman she was ready to ask to marry her and declare her love.
With the grandeur of the 5:37 PM sky, this is literally the perfect way to propose marriage.
At this time, the sky becomes a shade of purple and orange, birds fly back to their nests, and the stars become apparent.
A beautiful, romantic piano piece playing in the background illuminated the fairy lights, making everything better.
In all honesty, everything was very uncomplicated.
Y/N said, "Your hand," and Jimin reciprocated by extending her own hand.
Their hands were clasped together as Y/N moved slowly towards her.
This is insane, but it must be done. "I know, this seems absurd, but it is what it is," she eventually opened her proposal.
"I can't believe I was chosen to propose you, even though I'd give anything to have you propose to me for this show because of how nervous I'd be."
Karina was in utter awe as she stared into the girl's face and couldn't believe how beautiful she looked.
Y/N raised her shoulders, "But the show chose me to do it, so I did whatever I thought was right," Y/N said with a relaxed expression.
Everyone on the set, especially the idols' members, felt as anxious as they did.
It felt precariously close to a cliff.
Everyone was amazed at how peaceful Jang Y/N appeared to be at this moment as she exhaled and laughed.
Her heart was about to burst inside her, and death was her only option right now.
Jimin gave her a radiant smile as her heart hammered inside her chest.
Y/N pulled a ring from her pocket and handed it to her.
"Will you marry me, Yoo Jimin?" Finally, Y/N proposed to the older girl.
Because Jimin had become speechless, she excitedly nodded her head with a smile she couldn't contain.
She let go of their hands and unintentionally gave Y/N a bear embrace.
As Y/N's arms around the girl's waist, her hands encircled her neck.
She whispered "Yes!" in response.
They received a wave of applause from everyone on the set, along with cheering and even shouting.
The smoothness of the proposal had the Aespa girls in a frenzy; they were high.
The park is going to turn a little dark, but the shoot isn't finished yet.
This was suggested by a crew member. "Now kiss!" she exclaimed.
The eyes of Minjeong expanded "Oh my God, what's going to happen?" She began to fear for her leader.
Ningning gripped Ningning firmly while asking, "Will they do it?" only a curiosity.
The couple was startled by it and swiftly distanced themselves from one another as things became awkward once more.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
"Yah, kiss!"
Someone yelled, "SEAL IT," in a strong voice that seemed to ship this.
The director vigorously nodded his head in agreement. "Come on, let's do another take!" he exclaimed.
Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes. "This is so unfortunate, isn't it?" she said to the girl, who rolled her eyes as well.
They were facing one other and standing close to each other as they prepared to close the distance.
Another take was made in order to capture a video of them kissing, and their group members grabbed their phones to document this incredible moment.
Jimin wanted to break the arm of the person who had offered the kiss and was cursing them.
She gazed at her "fiance's" lips, then at her eyes, then back to her lips.
Y/N moved her face closer to Jimin's, her eyes settled on Jimin's lips.
Their lips were nearly in proximity, and Jimin's eyelids were almost closed as well.
Her heart was beating a little faster, and Y/N wanted to kiss her, but not right now.
Ningning began repeatedly hitting Minjeong; the shock and the fanaticism were thick in the air.
The expectations are a bit excessive.
Y/N decided to peck the girl on her nose which made Jimin open her eyes and stare at Y/N in disbelief.
She took Jimin's hand and slid the ring she had selected for her out of her pocket, and Jimin did the exact same thing.
"Marry me, alright?" Y/N asked, she simply smiled in response to her request to the girl, and Jimin nodded.
After that, she turned away because the take had concluded just a few seconds after they had filmed everyone's reaction.
The expectation, on the other hand.
Y/N smiled as she observed the stars, which were now all visible in the now-darkened blue sky.
She was simply anxious and totally shocked.
Jimin, meantime, felt as like she was about to pass out as her heart was actually about to explode out of her chest.
"Damn, you've got a quick heart," she said as she put a palm to her chest.
A heart of an athlete.
Just kidding.
She is now considering what else might inevitably occur between this proposal and whatever follows.
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louisupdates · 10 months
Louis Tomlinson Gives Rockstar Performance At Forest Hills Stadium
August 03, 2023 | BY KYLE STEVENS
Photos Courtesy of Kyle Stevens
Fans at Forest Hills Stadium couldn’t help themselves when they got the opportunity to get up close and personal with singer and heartthrob Louis Tomlinson on Saturday, July 29. Andrew Cushin and Giant Rooks opened for Tomlinson with dynamic performances that set the tone for the rest of the evening.
The former One Direction star created quite the stir when he took the stage in Queens for the last stop on the current leg of his ‘Faith In The Future World Tour.’ Tomlinson made a grand entrance rocking a black tank top and stunner shades after the rain came drizzling down right before he was about to go on. Luckily, the weather cleared up just in time and the English songwriter proceeded to sing hits from his latest solo album that dropped back on November 11 last year.
Performing “High in California,” “She is a Beauty We Are World Class,” and “Out of My System,” Tomlinson had his passionate fan base holler and shriek throughout his entire set. Tomlinson’s magnetic energy made the atmosphere so sweltering that he had to pause in the middle of “All This Time” to help a fan who needed assistance in the crowd.
Staying true to his roots by not forgetting where he came from, Tomlinson also performed 1D megahits “Night Changes” and “Where Do Broken Hearts Go.” He also paid homage to English rock band Arctic Monkeys by singing the moody “505.” (The Arctic Monkeys will also roll through the area on September 8 and 9 for a highly anticipated tour of their own.)
Stacked Sandwich Shop (68-60 Austin St, Queens, NY 11375) made sure to keep the hungry stadium crowd properly nourished throughout the evening with delicious, jumbo-size Philly Cheesesteaks that had to be seen to be believed. Owner Danny Azzo was on hand with new menu items to feed into the excitement that Louis created.
“We recently introduced Mozzarella Sticks and Fries. It’s a hit,” Azzo said in an interview with the Queens Gazette. “We don’t do that in the shop because we traditionally make sandwiches, but that’s been really good for us, as is the cheesesteak. Our usual popular items include the Turkey Sandwiches.”
Before the night wrapped up, fans who were lucky enough to be near the barricade got the rare opportunity to touch their charismatic idol during the song “Silver Tongues.” Always a gentleman, Tomlinson happily greeted his supporters with a wide smile. Attendees in the front row lost control and proceeded to tear away at Tomlinson’s tank top in a frenzied scene that was reminiscent of the peak of Beatlemania during the 1960s.
Tomlinson proudly soaked up the moment like only a true rockstar could, and performed the rest of his concert shirtless. Unsurprisingly, fans in Queens were quite content with that particular parting visual. The “Bigger Than Me” singer will pick up his tour again on August 29 when he goes overseas to play at Barclays Arena in Hamburg, Germany. Tickets are on sale now for those who want to take an adventurous, fly away holiday.
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Louis Tomlinson wrapped up the current leg of his tour at Forest Hills Stadium on Saturday. The singer was seen wearing a black tank top and sunglasses.
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Tomlinson made the crowd light up with delight whenever he was near the mic.The English dreamboat soaked in the unforgettable Queens atmosphere.
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cjsarchive · 2 months
nothing specific, just would love some fluff from the boys :)
I ended up getting super indulgent when writing this:3. Hope you enjoy!
Another Day-Incubi x Reader
After eating breakfast with the incubi, I began simply walking around the house, trying to pass time as they all separated to their own endeavors. I stopped walking when I heard some music playing as I walked past one of the rooms. I peered inside to see Erik in his room that he shared with James. He was playing a portable piano. He had a furrowed brow as he continually hit one note over and over. I gently knocked on the door.
He looked up at me and smiled, “Oh! Hello, princess. Come in.”
“Hey, Erik,” I said as I walked towards him, “What are you working on?”
“Ah, I'm just working on a song I recently came up with. I am however having a bit of trouble unfortunately.”
“Oh? How so?”
“I’m struggling to continue the song.” He sighed looking back down at the keys.
I thought for a moment, “Well, I don’t know much about the piano, but maybe I could try to help a bit? If that’s okay with you.”
Erik let out a gentle smile, “As generous as always, Princess.” He scooted over to make some space for me on the chair he was sitting on and I sat down beside him.
“Can I hear what you have so far?”
Erik nodded and began to play his piece. It was very calming. My eyes slowly fell closed and I focused on the music. That was until he suddenly hit a sour note and the song ended. He groaned.
“I don’t know how to continue from that part. I can’t get inspiration for it.”
“Well what gave you inspiration for the rest of the song?”
Erik chuckled, “When we all watched the sunset together the other day. That truly was beautiful.” Erik thought for a moment, “Can you tell me about a time in your life you thought was beautiful?”
“Yeah, sure.” I proceeded to tell him about one of the most beautiful moments of my life. I tried to go into as much detail as possible, hoping that will truly help him get the feel of it. Erik took some time to really visualize my words before he tried playing again. The note that was once sour flowed seamlessly. Erik was able to come up with a few more notes for his song as I watched. It was amazing to see him in his element like this.
Once Erik was finished, he smiled brightly, “Thank you, Princess. What would I do without you?” He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckles, “You truly are inspiring.”
I smiled, “You’re the artist, Erik. You’re the one that’s inspiring.”
I left Erik alone to finish his song in private. As I left his room, Matthew was walking past carrying a load of snacks.
“Oh, hey!” He smiled at me.
“Hey, Matthew. What are you about to do?”
“I was gonna go find something new to watch on tv. You wanna watch tv with me?”
“Awesome!” He smiled his goofy grin at me, “Come on.” I followed Matthew to his and Damien’s room. We settled down onto Matthew’s bed and he laid out the snacks before looking to me, “You can have whatever you want! I don’t mind.”
I giggled slightly, “Thank you,” I said before taking some snacks for myself. “So, what were you thinking about watching?”
“Hmm, I don’t know. Nothing too serious. Are there any shows you recommend?” Matthew handed me the tv remote.
“Hm, I don’t really know either.” We both chuckled before I turned on the tv and started scrolling through channels. I stopped scrolling when I came across a channel playing Family Feud, “Have you seen this show?”
“Nope. What is it?”
“It’s a game show. The host is super funny. Definitely makes the show a whole lot better.”
“Let’s watch it then!” He smiled. I smiled in return and clicked play on the tv. We didn’t expect to get so into the show so quickly. We watched for at least a couple hours laughing at the host, the contestants, and ourselves as we tried to guess some of the answers as well. We both weren’t particularly good at guessing, which made everything even funnier. We were eventually interrupted by a knock on the door. Matthew told them to come in and in came James,
“Hello,” He greeted, “Lunch is ready whenever you’re ready to eat.”
“Alright, thanks, James!” I said as he gave us a warm smile and left the room. I turned back to Matthew, “Should we continue this another time?”
“For sure! This was so fun! It’s always awesome hanging out with you!” He beamed a bright smile at me.
I couldn’t help the slight blush that appeared on my face, “Thank you! That makes me so happy to hear.” I smiled back at him.
“It’s the truth!” I giggled and thanked him again before we both went down to eat lunch.
After lunch, I entered the living room to see Sam playing a shooter game on the big screen. He seemed focused on his game, so I simply sat down beside him on the couch and watched.
“Whaddup, doofus,” He said simply, not taking his eyes off the screen.
“Hey,” I said in return. We went back to sitting in silence as he finished this round.
“Damnit!” He cursed as he lost.
“What’s the objective of this game?”
“Get chests and take out other players.”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah, pretty simple. You wanna join in?”
“Yeah. There’s a multiplayer mode.”
“Alright, I’ll play!” Sam passed me the second controller. I found the multiplayer mode and chose my weapon. Sam quickly gave me the rundown of the game and controls before we started our first match. I quickly realized it was not ‘pretty simple.’ I definitely was nowhere near as good as Sam was, it was almost embarrassing.
“Sam, where did you go?!” I exclaimed.
“I ran off already! Why didn’t you follow me?!”
“I got distracted, sorry!” He laughed at me as I quickly tried to catch up to him.
“Where are you?! I don’t know where I'm going! Ugh!” I shouted again as Sam guffawed at my frustration. I jokingly hit him on the shoulder.
“Alright, alright. Do you see that building in front of you?” He pointed at the screen, “I’m in there. Go there.”
“Okay, I’m going.” As I was headed towards the building, I was suddenly shot at and my character fell down and died. Sam didn’t even try to hold down his laughter.
“You got some terrible fucking spatial awareness, doofus!”
“Shut up,” I started to laugh as well. We continued playing for a while. Well, it was more of me dying repeatedly while Sam practically howled in laughter at me. I managed to kill myself with my own grenade at one point.
“Sam! Help! People are shooting at me!”
“Just shoot back, doofus!” But it was too late because I was already dead again. The round ended and I fell back on the couch in defeat.
“That was humiliating,” I joked. Sam fell back with me and reached over to ruffle my hair.
“Don’t worry about it. Hell, you’re way better at other things.” I smiled at his statement.
“Heh, no problem.” We simply just laid there for a while, enjoying being in each other’s presence.
“I did have fun, believe it or not,” I sighed contently.
“I did too,” Sam reached and playfully nipped at my cheek, “You’re really cool, doofus.”
“Heh, you’re cool too, Sam.”
Some time after playing video games with Sam, I went to get myself a snack from the kitchen. I found Damien in there, also fixing him something to eat.
“Hello,” He smiled as he greeted me.
“Hey, Damien. What are you making?”
“Just a sandwich,” He had the cheese, meat, and condiments out, “I just need the bread.” He went to the pantry and took a look around before slightly raising a brow, “I think we might be out of bread.”
“Already?” I had just bought some bread last week. Then I remembered that lately Matthew’s been obsessed with bread and butter. That would explain it. Damien chuckled.
“It’s fine. I’ll just make something else,” He said as he began putting the ingredients away..
“I can run and get some bread from the store real quick. You wanna come with?”
“Are you sure? Heh, I don’t need bread right this moment.”
“I know. I kinda wanna get out the house right now though. Besides, Matthew will probably be happy to have more bread as well.”
Damien giggled, “Very true. Alright, I’ll come with you.” We both quickly slipped on some sweaters and shoes and went out to my car. I drove us to the nearby corner store and we picked up some bread, along with some other stuff we needed while we were there. On our way back home, the sun was beginning to set, turning the sky beautiful shades of pink, orange and yellow. “Woah,” Damien looked out the window, “So beautiful. I’ll never get tired of sunsets.” I smiled at him. Seeing his amazement for something so seemingly minimal and common put a warm feeling in my heart. Damien blushed slightly and smiled back at me. I pulled into a park and parked the car.
“Come on, let’s get out and watch the sunset.”
Damien nodded to me before we both got out of the car and into the park. He found a bench facing the sunset and sat down, I guess I tend to forget how magical sunsets can be. They’re so common, It had gotten to the point I stopped really thinking about them. The boys definitely helped bring that magic back.
“Hey, can I see your phone for a moment?” Damien asked.
“Yeah sure,” I handed over my phone, not thinking about it too much, kinda lost in my thoughts at the sunset. I suddenly heard the sound of a picture being taken. I looked over at Damien to see he just took a photo of me.
“Sorry,” He gave a sheepish smile, “You just look so pretty in the glow of the sunset. See?” He showed me the photo he took. I was sure I was blushing right now. I chuckled, “Thanks for the compliment. And that’s a good picture of me, hehe.” I got the urge to take a photo of him as well. He smiled and handed me my phone back. I ended up taking quite a few photos.
“You’re so handsome,” I grinned.
He blushed, “Hehe, thank you!” We took some more photos, some together, as we continued to watch the sun set further into the sky. “Thanks for bringing me out with you. You are so amazing. We should do this more often!”
“Yeah, for sure!”
He chuckled, “We should probably head back. Dinner should be done soon.” Damien stood up off the bench and offered a hand to me to help me stand as well.
After dinner, I saw James going out to the garden. I followed him out, wondering what he could be doing out there at this time, “James?”
He turned to look at me, “Oh, hello, Miss.”
“Hey, whatcha doing?”
“Ah, I was about to start reading a novel I recently found.”
“Oh? What’s it about?”
James perked up a bit, noticeably excited to share his book with me, “It’s a mystery thriller. Someone was killed in a friend group of young adults, so they are trying to find the imposter in their group.”
“Ooh, that sounds interesting! Why read outside though?”
“I love the atmosphere of being in the garden. It’s very calming and, in my opinion, makes the perfect environment to read in.”
“That actually sounds really nice.”
“Indeed,” He chucked. James thought for a moment. “Miss, would you perhaps want to read this with me? I believe I saw another copy of this book in the library.”
“Yeah, why not?”
He smiled, “Wonderful.”
With our own copy of the book each, we sat down next to each other and began to read. Because of his ability, he was a fast reader. Especially fast in comparison to my slower pace. I noticed him catch himself and slow down, trying to accommodate me. I tried to quicken my pace.
“You don’t have to rush to catch up to me, Miss. I don’t mind rereading a few pages. I want you to enjoy the book to its fullest as well.”
I simply smiled, “As sweet as ever.” He merely chucked. We read about a quarter of the way into the book together, pointing out moments that stood out to us and annotating, hoping to solve the mystery in the book. I always loved having discussions with James. He always brought a great perspective to everything. Soon enough, I found myself yawning.
“I think this is a good place to wrap up,” James said softly, “You need your rest, Miss.”
“Can’t argue with that.” I took a moment to simply sit and wallow in the night breeze, “You’re right. Reading out here at night does make for a great atmosphere.”
“I’m glad you enjoy it as well, Miss. Though I must say, your presence made the experience much better.” I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. We both sat for a while, admiring the night sky.
After, we both headed back in the house and up the stairs.
“Goodnight, James.”
“Goodnight, Miss. Have sweet dreams,” He smiled before we both seperated to our rooms.
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sabrinahawthorne · 2 months
The Forever Game, pt 2: What Gets to Be a Forever Game?
referencing this post
Let's talk about what counts as a Forever Game, shall we? Considering it's a term I saw once on a post I can no longer find and proceeded to formalize with Proper Noun Caps, it certainly can't prove to be a reductive taxonomy, can it?
As I mentioned in part 1, I think of Forever Games as being a type of game on its own - something with a certain approach to character design & progression, which is built with some assumption of long-term play. After all, I don't usually suggest Mage: The Awakening as a one-shot game.
This conception clearly isn't universal - a number of respondents brought up the fact that just about any game can be the one a table comes back to as their baseline, so long as they like it enough. And that's absolutely true - For the end user, any game can serve any purpose. Unfortunately, and with respect to the people who brought it up, this observation just isn't very useful for our purposes.
It's absolutely true that any game can be someone's forever game. But that's a feature of tabletop games as a medium - the fact is, at the end of the day all games take place inside our heads. This is why people use D&D 5th edition as a murder mystery game, or a tabletop-visual-novel; they understand that the fundamental mechanism of this art form is the limitless power of imagination, and are comfortable using the same rules framework every time to build whatever narrative they like, regardless of whether or not better-tailored alternatives exist.
If we want to get on the same page about Forever Games, we need to look at something concrete - like on-paper design of games themselves. That in mind, let me put forth some qualities that a Forever Game might have:
Almost certainly a trad game. While games like Wanderhome exist, the vast majority of titles I'd list as forever game candidates have a GM and probably use at least two denominations of dice.
A multi-faceted character framework. In other words, a race/class system is better suited for a Forever Game than simple Playbooks, generally speaking. This is for replayability's sake. Some folks play wizards all the time, every time - but if you've just spent five years as Slagnarr the Axinator, it might be nice to start over as a healer for the next go round.
A customizable progression track. The more a game allows you to make a capital-B-Build, the better. This is part & parcel with the above point, re: replayability, but it serves another purpose - embodying your character concept. Imagination is well and good, but there's something special about having a class feature that supports the way you want to play your character. It makes them feel more real.
At least one game mode that involves intricate mechanical interactions. The classic version of this is a grid combat system - but a crunchy exploration system or involved crafting mechanic are also good examples of this. The more rich and interesting a game's... well, game elements are, the better the game will hold up over time. Note that I don't say complex, but rich. There's a reason GURPS light is more popular than the full ruleset. Games tend to last longer when they give more of the table something to be doing at any given time, minimizing dead zones in play.
Little in the way of social mechanics. Hear me out on this - for a lot of tables, the ability to get together with friends, put on a mask, and goof off without fear of social repercussion is a huge draw. Having to do the same kinds of rules reference for politicking that you use for mosnter slaying doesn't facilitate the fantasy; it hinders freedom of play. You want the chance to fail your Will save because it creates interesting drama. The idea that you might be punished for shamelessly flirting with the King while his consort is Right There ruins the fun. A table's forever game is going to be something that lets them play casually. I don't think this is a controversial opinion; the idea of a "beer and pretzels" game is older than I am, and anyone who's been in a long-term game with friends knows how loosey-goosey things can get. I think that facilitating jokes has a solid correlation to facilitating coming back to the game.
This isn't really working towards anything. Really, I just wanted to take the opportunity of my own vagueness to elaborate a bit on what exactly I mean when I say "forever game," so if I decide to keep poking the hornet's nest, we can at least agree on whether I'm using a stick or a branch.
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